v,,!.*** 1 * goal 00, i' ■’ \yEST YIRQINIA, ,*D,icrcs«f land, known as the “Pox jjdtajoiiilngoonnUos, West Virgin!», •a* s upheaval, ’ ’ *ui Utklngin p»«*f tlio . book to the stock of this Oompany. ‘rtiTOtOSK on MONDAY, Mtii.liist. Tli* „j MO d op to that timofor the public t* jj il'.’.j n ,imber of the shares at *4 por shirs, ’ill Th» s“t>.‘oftpttun prioslsatnlowsr If' &; te selling for in th* imniodiato vicinity, ;1 ' I fur Ihe sots Purpose of furnishing an with Geological Boport, eaa be OOOPEK GRAFF, tOHABTa’ EXOHAWOE, *9. Ol£ COM PAST icooo.ooo, ; i sm m'aob stujute a* *s pkb „,otios fsicjs *» so pee sh abb. •• • A SOHKUTO C AW __r otrn a over font 1 Siiaaro miles of tsrri 'Vuirdiiy » valuable product*! Intarostln *“! '"iiiwJs are now opened, and subscriptions ■l' " S received at ths-Oomnsnr's offlpe. WASHINUTOH # BUILDISaa, Sontk 1,1 i mist tie ofll'« o' •I:“ a PBH.I P H BKTOB k. 00,, 305 WaLSBT Strok. WM. JB. SMITH, Tiosoarer. ~, M. P . Sron-tary. ■- deB 6t,. • ICE OF VETERAN BOUNTY rinfIUMMUtSION, No. 7 (ioldsttilth’s H&U, PhUadrtphla.—Be-enllsted Veterans, ' OOHMITTM. ’ 1 , • ’SDBBB,Cbalr'n. JOS ATHABT BULLOCK, ,QEO. VY. SIMQ# aiSO* COMPANY nog WAtHOP threat. FsiLADitiVßiAi SoYember 28,1864, uietlsi of the Btookhelders of “ The Be iiJisca Contrary of Philadelphia, ’' and the Thirteen Dire store, toaerve for the eoaolyg , held at the omaeofthe Company, on SCOff 'oibbr i9th, r~ - " iLNUT STREET?' Philadbiphta* Deo. 6, 1864. r j of Directors of ** Toe Reliance Insurance 4 Philadelphia, ** h*re THIS PAY declared AND A HAE»I? PBfi CENT. ■ P « months, payable to ;be Stockholders or on demand, free of taxes. THOMAS CLHir' JS» —_. ... Philadelphia, Bee. fi« 1851. dors have THlft BA t dociareda Dividend of r.jjT. to 8 ookaoiderB of record* payafcleoa tulfth instant. Books WfißNS- Sislaat. G. "W, WT till V. w - * , i,. iIT Street.—The Board of Directors hare -cbred a Dividend of T VO PER GBST., for the month of November, parable on ■ibe i‘2th lust. • wc ks close on the 9th and reopen on the 12th _ J, M, WEST, Secretary. i;a, Pbc, 5, 1861 ' deg«flt* IIVIIHEND NOTICK-ROCK OIL VPAHT OF FDNNSVj.VASIA, 409 WAjC # Philadelphia, Deo 2, ISM. ad of Directors have this dap declared a dlvi* *i)PER CBHT. (twenty cents par share) t fres I, rmaWeoi and after MOJN DAT. the lJth Transfer Books wilj, close on TUB3BAV, lib, stS o'clock P. M., and open on the 12th. JOHN P. GBAFP, -.rotary and Troasarer. NOTICE.—OFFICE OF COMPANY, 534 WALNUT ■ a So. 20, Philadelphia., Dec. 4,1864. itc of Directors of this Company have this i-ed a Dividend of TWO (2) PER CENT on •i Savck payable at their Office on, and after Mi, !be lfXh instant, free of State taxes. •31‘fer Books will close on the sth, at S F. M., oa the 10th instant. P. W WILTBANK, Secretary. WUDEIPHUi AND READING IItKOAD GOMPAHY, Qfflca Ho. 037 Sootll buses. _ _____ . Philadelphia, November SO, 1864. D KOTIGB.—Tha transfer books of this fill be closed on TEUBSDaY, December IS, ted: on TUESDAY. JAJSOARYIO, 1865. -J of FIFTEEN PER GENT, on thecommon wirtock, clear of National and State taxes, declared, payable In common stock,oa the 31st :nexi. on all stocks standing on the books of ij, at the dose of business on the 15th prox. its whose names are registered on the New (' will he paid at the Farmers* Loan and fpasy. S, BBAf ID. wis, corner ol streets, December 6. 1864. - Tlorty-tfmd Annual Meeting of the Aesoda foilowiaK named gentlemen were elected offl ’ea awn tor _,PRSBDBNT, SAMUEL E. FEBEIEB. _ 7ICB PHBSIDBK'Ee'. HD D. WOOD, J. FISHER LEAKING. TBBABURBRI No 404: CHEBTNUT Street COaaHBPONDING BEOEETAUr, h. MONTGOMERY BOND. BSCORDIHQ BBOBBTARY* JOHN H. ATWOOD, MASAGERB, . Thomas A« Badd, Charles Rhoads, Richard Wood, _ _ Charles 8 Whits, M, D.» E. B. Wood, James Bayard, Joseph a: Clay* Alfred M. Colliae, Charles W. Onfhman, Philip 0. Garrett. ioxnas.SYans are the only lleet fa ad a for the Assoeia- JOER H ATWOOD, Recording Secretary. jCoates, ‘.itlrnsr, .'j'slen, ss Puma* ;:Ci Coffin, SjaOrne, Ciaghora, n- Watteofi, :.a. Dulles, lubarst* $ C. Cooper and -'..iraihorized to (SIHIY STATEMENT OP THE H»tt HATIONAL BA.NJK OB PHIttADSIi i'iiANKFOBP, Die 6,1881. si«cott»ts *178.614 88 loans.. ........466,000 00-*6SB,6M 88 t Notes 80s 1. 107 883® ......... ............ 220.000 00 847,411 96 ss 16,035 19— 5303,447 15 afio, 000.00 '.boßank thieyifthday of Decemlior,lSs4, W. H. StHAWfI, Caahier. *.'335 • street, second story* to hearth* report of a ' iriK inUd on the 8d nit- A full meetaifi» 1 * business of importance will be laid be &/&ay. . < SAMUIL WEIGHT, Chairman* {TOBOUEVH STOBAGE COB*. iyi OF PHILiDBLFHIi..—The sntawriptioil MHisopan at the office of the Company, t£T Street, asd at the Booms of the Phila ’•s, °* Trade, 505 CHESTNUT Street, tmtU •tb subscribed lor. subscriptions or iustalmenta irUl Hair checks payable to tbe order of F. B. “■H, Treasurer. ' poaMthlf pbshsti,- j,,.™?®under- ln-Chlef,' la aaaouaeiajr that ,',s CODOH tu been, by tbs -WarTtepart ifo from the commend of tbe Department of iVJOi, and ordered to aervice In the field, V to express the regret which lie feels at the ■ w the relatione which hare existed, daring 1 !l lkteen months, between that omser ana •tlhontlse, and to eav that the promptltide, " vigor, and integrity with which General iitnee fulfilled au Me d atlas la this Depart- him to the highest esteem and re ■ tltliens of Pennsylvania have learned to : ®tt, and will be gratified to hear of that new ehlob, la aetiro service, his skill, spirit, •? cannot fall to add to his already? high •-» a patriot aad soldior. .. tonmandor-la-Olilef deems It a proper sab tyatnletton that the coto maud o'tbe Depart* upon Major General OADWAIiADJsB. a S* l owa State, and an officer of taigb integrity “y character, and by whom, the people earn ,} Mi« service will be wisely aad vigorously r'*. 9. CffuriK, Governor and Commander- . in..— ***- iAL OEA'i _*jfore ft#JiK SOCIBTT will be delivered brMO 11, , at the HALL Of THBUNIVBB ‘aCESDAI EVBHIHO, Dee. B,at 8 o’clock. >f be obtained from the JAltfiTOK, at the «e?.»* Citt, —. o. i Hot ». —— . *ko not ion than two years' . lv *. ¥®» honorably discharged and de >G£oE t> ? bl . t , melltB “ BOBBEQHB or ASSIST tho United States army Corps now tIS Jl Washington, .are Inyitsl to forward S| ™'. testimonials, and evidence of ser- Conors wtthontdola^ ■--tL Jinrgeon-Ceneral. OF THE MAWITFACTE- OOHPAHT. Ho. 414 itt»i „ PHH4DBIPHIA, Dooemhor 1,-ISM. i of the Stockholders or 1 \The 'ttU’i iSfuranoe Company of the State of hOItWA b * held, at the office of the Com i K 4 !'the dd day of January, MM, be iriC r !»f 4 and eo’olock F. H.,whenan t(l for the year MBS will bo held «»Uh the Charter anSß^-Utg^ ' Seeratary. ,&«BUCAH UfTOIDIBLEB.- ’ ! i6 ? ! haying claims against the Club, WWstS^* ll Sf 1860 or ISM, will present ““•at immediately to J. W. W' — and*ob* ''Tempiruace’’’ on Hi.’ ‘nCOaCBET HAU,. A few .eats ««'y application at MAS- Street- Tickets will also ba 'MTV.i.I . “* oTenlnea or the Lecture*. 0 hectare at eight. de7 2t WISH TO POT “SDtlni if P«pr«Benlativeß, and who an SJHj‘Sn. isOgnntleß allowed by the city J to S? lnto tbe Military aer- MOHDAI next, 12th Inst., morally, paxsoit, & go., '.itnte Brokers, AkE “*■ 17KB .. J,i<:f mQbsZZ\;z~ - Trustee is now 'ttsvinMWffl&nMr* V 4 y*bSTJT Sts . Phlli , 'lilSH'Aee aJj"' a *» WAtSUfr Street. * ‘ ' v i days snrvoye, it le expected will deT-it ■jay xhx V9V DRAKE PETROLBUM OOM'Y OP PHILADELPHIA., CAFITAI.... 100*000 SHARES „ ( ....,pAK, HO, *50.000 CASH WORKING CAPITAL. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, #8.50. OFFICERS. PRESIDENT, T. HASKINS DU HUT, President of the Catawissa Railroad Company. VICE PRESIDENT, THOMAS D. WATTSON, Of tha B atdwsre 11m of Truitt ft 00., No. tig Hartal St. TREASURER, SAMUEL WORE, Of Work, MeCouoh, ft Co., Bankers, So. 3SB. Third St. DIRECTORS, T, HASKINB -DO FVY, - THOMAS D. WATTBON, E. S. RICHARDS,*! of Germantown,' WM. D. BHERRERD, Insurants Agent. GEORGE pr- WAY, of late Dry Goods dm of J. T. Way ft C*., A. W. LEISENRING, Cashier Maach Chunk Bank, EDWARD SHIPPER, Esq, ' • The property of tha Drake Petroleum Company oou-- alstt of tiro tracts of land, one of two hundred and fifty seven acres and one of two hundred and sixty, five acres, making In all five hundred an'd twelya aores, in fee, on the,Caldwell Branch of 0.11 Creek. - The property hag been critically examined by a Com mittee appointed for that purpose, and the territory pro nounced, In their judgment, to be folly equal to thatqu Oil Creek, along wliloh the largest oU wells ever dis covered have been found. . The lands resemble those on Oil Creek in every partl enlar,' and it is believed, from the large number of Oil Springs in close proximity, that valuable wells will be opened on both these tracts. The management have already secured several en gines, and engaged a competent Superintendent, with a view to Immediate and energetic-development. Alargeportlon of,these tracts is bottom, and admira bly adapted for boring. 1 Several Companies are o’ganlzed on lands immediate ly adjoining this territory, among whleh are the Briggs and Crescent Oil Companies of Philadelphia. In presenting the Drake Petroleum Company to the pnblie, the Directors ask that their scheme should be examined, and subscriptions made to the Stock infull faith as to its present and prospective value. T. HASKINS DU PHY, President. THOMAS D. WATTSON, Vice President. SAMUEL WORK, Treasurer. SubsciiptiimswilUta received at the Battlclng Homs at •WORK, McCOTJCH~ & 00., Ho. 3D SOUTH THIRD STREET. jgjjgp” THJE PBKSIDBXI PETROLEUM COMPANY, FBKSIDBNT, VENANGO CO., FA. OROASIZEI) UNDBB TBS LAWS 09 PBKNSTLrAKIA. ' > -OFFIOBBS: President—AMOßT £DWARDS, Esq,, Haw York. « Treasurer—L. H. SIMPSON, Esq., New Tort. Secretary-J. EDWIN CON ANT, Beq., New York. JOHN M. CLAPP, Esq., General Resident Superin tendent. opnnsei—Messrs. PLATT, GBBABD, & BUCKLEY, New York. . DIRECTORS: AMORT EDWARDS, Bsq., New York. EBEN B. CROOKES, Esq., ofOrockef ft Warren,New York- FLETCHER WESTRAY, Esq., of Weatray, Gibbs, ft Hardcsstlo, New York. J, M, CLAPP, Esq., President. Venango countr, Fa. L. H. SIMPSON, Esq., of L. H.-Simpson ft Co., New York. Its Lands form Its CAPITAL STOCK, $5,000,000! In Shares of $25 each, par value. Subscription price SA per Share, being in full payment ■for a $lO Share. Ho further call or assessment lobe made. HO,OOO SHARES, or *lOO,OOO RESERVED FOR WORKING CAPITAL. j Parties subscribing in this Company will recet/ae an equal amount of stock in two other companies ad joining without further charge \ . ' 1 The Lands- of these Companies are Ideated on the Allegheny river, and on Hemlock. Porcupine, and Mc- Creaereek a, MAKING AN GIL- BORINGTBR BITO ST OFOYBRTEN AND A HALF MILES IN EXTENT. TheweUs on the adjoining property, known asfchs celebrated “Beldiick *’ wella, and “Pitnole Greek” wells* axe famous for their immense supply of oil. The wells on this property are being sunk with great vigor* and promise large supplies of oil. To the capitalist and to partias of limited means un »u*paae«d Indncemeni&are offered. Persons Inventing in thia Company get $6 stock and the above BONUS for each $1 invested* without farther call or assessment. Subscription books,.maps, and all-other infonnatidn can be obtained at the office of the Subscription Agents* L. H. SIMPSON & GO.. - - 64 CEDAR Street, NEW* YORK. Mo Sub.ciiption# taken for lies tbanONiS HUNDRED OOLLAKB. ■ del - Ini MTISBIIKG iHD BOSTON PK WOP TBOLEUM COMPANY. . CAPITAL, 3400, BOO—FAB, *9 PEB BHABB. SUBSCRIMIOH FBICE, *».80 PBRBHAKE. JOB POLL-PAID STOCK ADD DO BDBTHBB AS BEbSMEHTS. The property'or this Cpmwny oonrieUtof the follow ing valuable PBS SIMPLE Tercltory.exlehstve lease holds, FRODCCIHG WELLS, wellengping down and nearly finished: ~~ 80. 1. About 60 (fifty) Acresym Chew Tree Bun in PEE SIMPLE, boreable land Sufficient to gink PI STY WELLS. Tills Territory i» oppositethe Dalsell Petro leum Company (Hayes’Parm), ouOil Creek, bounded in pari bythe celebrated Story Farm, Ac.- Ac. ■ Ho. 2. Lease perpetual (aSyears)on Wa»h.MeCllln toek Oil creek—SK. acres, all flat, very valuable, Sow- Powell, about SO barrels per day, oA Wash. McClintock Farm. The Company owns the WHOLE Working interest in (hit well, en gine, tanks. An', to. ■ ‘ ' _ - „ _ . Ho. 4.- “ California Well, STo.I, on Oil Greek, down 600 feet, aU ready to re-tabs. Tils well haafloWedlSO b Ho Well, Ho, 2, on Oil Greek.down perpetual (89 years) on 2Kaores' Oil Creek, all flat, containing the above wells, with flftesn horee englns.-ranis, derricks, engine houses, Ao. Ho." 7. Lease perpetual (59, yeans) on 214 acres Oil. Greek, all-flat; end fn one well oownAM feet, one anar-* wobk^ • " I IHfl CAKTAL. 1 .. Books for oniaiHAi subscription are now open at bur offleefor a few day&only; when dosed, the slock to be placed on the regular Boston and Philadelphia Stock Boards as a Bolt* ran dividend-paying, on, pno- BUCiBd OOHPAnr, when It Is expected .the shares wHI largely advance. All further Information,, with pros pectuses, can be obtained of. the undersigned, The small capital of this Company, withtjm/actuil large interests, must make it a favorite as & TO«nt. H» B. ItAXuHi 14 Faiquba* Buildings* WALtfUT, below THird, Philadelphia Ageocy. iBOHAED & MAttEE?, 58 BBAVBR Street, Bew Yorklgeacy. SPBNCER YILA St CO. .Bankers, Beaton Agency. nolMftt ■OAFFHIS AST® COLORADO ■OP (torn MINING COMPANY ■ e nr P w% s |« »°.ooo >■££*£sSfiHMfcwpwK Thoms* A. Scott, Jamesß. Magee. U, b. Eneass, Jdlis W. Ealli Wm.'B. Freeman, T, 0. Hsßovwib do, - Eobt P.Kin* Johnßrady. T do. JohnM. Slier, W. W, Wylie, Lancaster. WD.SU™ Bemetary and Treasurer; < OBce of tli. Company, No. 4R3 WALNUT Street— E Au?hanticat*a kpecimoM have boen procured. from •orne'of th»Comp«ny’«lode>, anihaye been awayed, by PfofeMors Booth and Oarwttwlth thembztivatay.i Inr respite. Subscription lists bar. been openei artto Office of ue Oomo&BT and at the Treasurer’* Offltf (In- U*S Bwnuafc Nfc427 CHESTNUT Street, Farmer*’ Building. To originalsubscribers, S 3. CO per share, lor a limited number ox shares. - Circular*, pamphlet*, or information can be Obtained at the Office, ol the Company after the 17th. in*t. - -** Q«iwmM.Wt , THIIiISDAYr DECEMBER 8, 1864: | KV TMHK PHILADELPHIA PETROLEUM COMPANY. ORGANISED ONDHK THE LAWS OF NEW YOKE’. TRUSTEES FRANCIS A. PALHBB, President Broadway Bank, Now York. ~ ' . NAPRAH ex-President United States Telf«taph Company, New York. . ALBERT H. NICOLAY, of Albert H. Nioolay A Co., Brokers and'Ancttoneere, OS William street. New York. EUGENE J. JACKSON, of Polhemna A Jackson. Banker, end Brokers, 48 Exchange Plane, "Sew York. EDMUND a BTFDMAN, Secretary New York Pa trolenni Stock Board, and Broker, No. SO Broad street. New York. ANDREW MBHAFFEY, Philadelphia. ■ FRANCIS A. GODWIN, Philadelphia. ROBERT OLARKS ON, of Clarkson & Co.,’ Bankere, IS! South Third street, Philadelphia. 17AMES U. CLARKE, Oil City, PennsylTania. * . OFFICERS. President—ii.miiiT H. _Nrcon.iT, Now York. Vico Prceideot—AhdrkwMhhafpkt, Philadelphia. Treasurer—A. v. Stobt, President Shoe andLeatHer ••lank, New York.- ? . ■ v : Secretary—Ecnond o. SrnnvAir,, - Counsel —WlnniAM H. Ant non, New York. Aei, C. Ecus, New York Bankers—Shob akb Lhathbs Bahs, New York. ChAssaoir & Co., Philadelphia. '' OFFICES OF THE COHPAHY. I Ho. S« WILLrAM Street, Haw York. . He. 181 SouthTHIED Street, Philadelphia. Capital Stooit : 360,000 SaABEa AT THB NOMINAL PAR 07 $S BACH—SOB6CWIP- TIOK FRICB *3 FES SHIRE. Stack subject to so further assessment 260,000 durea to bo so!4 .In payment for the laada, leaseholds, and producing iaterdHte of the Compear. The remaining ' ' ■ j 500, otto SHARKS, OR $lOO,OOO, RE3EKTKD FOB WORKING* CAPITAL, The Hew Y ork and Philadelphia Petroleum Com pany has teen organised with tke greatest owe by-ei perienced capitalists of the two cities,: whoso names are united in its own. It will he managed , - , BXCWJSIVBIT FOB, THE IKTBBKBTS OF ITB STOCKHOLDERS He pains have been spared to placet on agsnnlneand sabstantlal footing. Most valuable and extensive tracts of,Oil and Oral land have been secured nr pis, and leasehold pnontronra interests in the heart of the Ve nango County (Pa. > Oil region. .Attention ds Invited to the following schedule of the Company’s tOoperty, in; eluding fbb simple territory, leaseholds, prodvoiku wblls, and wells in/v&rious stages of cdmpletion: No. I.—SO acresof bottom land in. fee, on the Alls* iheny river, having a 'water-frontage of nearly one mile. New 10-horse poorer engine and fixtures. Two wells sunk to thedepthof 300 feet and already filled with oil. Boom for 40 more wells. No. 2 —920 acres of rich oil land in fee. lying nearly opposite the above, having a mile of water-frontage on Prather and Bennett Buns. Well supplied with timber. No. 3.—Lease interest on the famous “Widow Me . Clintock Farm. ’ 5 Oil Greek. One well down and test ing; another jnst ready to tube* a third just started; Two first-claws engines. Pabing, tools, fixtures, team, wagons, Ac. No. 4 —Same interest in lease .on, the well-known ‘ * Hamilton MoClintock Farm, ” Oil Creek; One well now being tested; already yieldinglS barrels daily, and rapidly increasing.^. Others going down, Two new en gines, with fixtures'Complete^ No. 5.—1*12 of two leases on the Clapp Farm, new the great Williams and Stanton 100-barrel wells. 1 On this property is-“ Sherman Well, No, 2,” now down fiOP feet.,Engine, &c., Ac. Boom for more wells. . jTo. 6.—1-16 of the fee in 66 Acres of Goal Land, ad* joining the Cranberry Goal Company’s beds. This pro perty is of the utmost value to our operations, supply ing ns with coal at all seasons,- and when the-works of other companies are found to be idle for want of fuel: From these estates the Trustees are assured of their ability to declare LARGE AND. REGULAR MONTHLY DIVIDENDS, and'of the speedy appreciation of the shares to a MARKET VALUE FAR ABOVE THE. SUB SCRIPTION PRICE. ' , The INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE sent’fromNew York and Philadelphia, whose favorable report is. printed with the prospectus, speak in unlimited terms of the Company’s property and prospects. Books for ORIGINAL SUBSCRIPTION will he opened on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER Y, at the offices of the Company, snd at the New York, Philadelphia, andßostonbanSdng-houses named below* Prospectuses, maps, and detailed information at either snbsoiiption office. _ ’ ‘ . The public are a* sured that*-whetherfor investment or speculation, no better.security than these shares eau' be obtained. j i : SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS. BROAD WATBANK, oorneref PARK PLACE, New. Ye*k. POLHEMUB & JACKSON, 43 EXCHANGE PLACE, New York. ; ALBERT H.NICOLAY & CO., 53 WALL Street, New York.- 7 . . CLARKSON & CO., 131 South THIRD Street. Phi- , ■/..= ■- de7 6t, MULLEN, WARD, & MOWER, Bankers, Boston. rar commohwealth oil co. las* ojv h aweemoe bob ancY, fa, CAPITAL STOCK ........*300,000, DIVIDED INTO 80,000 SCARES. PAB VALUE s*.so. Working Capital Reserved for -Developments, $15,C00. President, , Treasurer, , . Secretary, ” * E WIAfWS. BAMUEL R HILT, DAVID B. HILT. MBHotoeb: , . JOH^McDO‘WELLJk. , I .SW®Y, SAMUEL H. HILT, - * L IBAAO- BASSE, * : % . WILLIAM MEfiSEB. . Subscriptions for a llmlted'iiumberof shares will now d>e recejyed nt tbe Office of the Compiny, - - Nes Sis chbstnut bteekT. Tie lands of- this Cemp&ny are located on Slippery , Bock - Creek, in county. One C-Wdl is’sunk'Kf feet, aUd-Oll’lias already been ob tained in Wantlties which are highly encouraging to'the Corporators that-a flow will soon be realized of a permanency sufficient, to pay handsomely on thWin-. vestment: Samples of the Oil may be seen at the Office' of the Company. ; , . de6-6t ! |3gp SEW TOBH AND LIVEBPOOL PETEOLEUM COMP ANT. OAPIT-AI. STOCK, $1,000,000. 100,000 BHABES AT $lO BIGHT Subscription Price $5 per Share. . . LANDS TIELDINO LARGELY. omoBBs: HON. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, President. , WM. T. PHIPPS, Vice President t BOBBBT BASSETT, Secretary. Books are open for subscription at tbe office of the Com ’ pany, No. M Bmpire Bnildlng, yiBKOADWAT, N. T. - The lands of tbe Company are situated in the heart of she Oil Region, and include portions of those well mown localities, “the SfcKlhehy Yarm, the two Me— : • dllntock Farms, 1 * and other proved and trainable work ■ng territories, inclining over Two Thousand acres ol “’he best OU Territories along OU Creek and in West nowunder process ofmccessfol development, C ud oil'ls already and largely produced from ‘ ayeral wells upon them... oc3o-d&W3m ' Address the Company, *'P. 0. Box 5388, ” New York jsa- BINNING SPRING AN® BGBLE ES? FARM OIL COMPANY. CAPITAL, *400,000. A 000 Shares, par valneJlO WorkingCmitfd.sffl,OM. ONLY A LIMITBD NUMBKB;OK bHABES TO BE „ SOLD AT PAB VALUE, $lO.- _ . Refer to Jacob R. Ebr, of Harrisburg; A. B. Long ■ ker, of Eorriatowns and J. H. Jonos. of Pittsborv; or -A the Office of the Company, No. SSOB South FOUBTH. :£ree£, where all Teq.nire4 Duormation can be oblaineoi. This Company is organized entirely and solely for ibe Purpose of engattnc fn the legitimate- btisiness of pro* taemg Oil* ana developing the fee simple property nelongtng, to the Oompany, the management of the ame hafing been entrnßted to genttemen of known bn sinese enterprise and skill, who will bring to the ac .< mpjisbment of the object their united energy and bn iness industry. We are satisfied in believing and as* mint our Stockholders that It will yield largely.to . hem, and render the stock a sale and prodoettveinvest ment. ~ ' ' ' " " deS- 0t OFFICE OF THE MANDAN MIN* l» IHG COMPANY, No. 3J84 WALNUT Street. PHILIPBLPHIAf Nov. 26,1064. Notice is hereby given that all stock of the Mandan dining Company, on -which instalments, arOdae and mpald, have been declared forfeited, and will be solfl *tPnbiic Auction, on THUBBDAY, December 29,1884, *t 12 o 4 clock noon, at the Office of the Secretary of the Oompany, according to the Charter and By-laws, unless D&id on or before that day. . By order of thv Directors. -no2B-tde29 : ,B, A. HQOFES, Treasurer, JHbolmeb grqvbr. • / ENAMEIIED SSATE MANTEL WABEBOOMS, TABLE TOPS, &0.. &c., No. 033 Cliestnxit street, PHILADELPHIA. |HE CBIsBB R A T E D •* ANGELE ” BID GLOVES, NEW AND ELEGANT CUT. A. RUBCH & GO., IMPORTERS, 349 Broadway. New Yorlc. ' ■ Br, beimer’S life-size photo • GRAPHS in Oil Coloiß m enperb specimen, of por'taitnre Remember, as tbe hnltniysaonronon tha crowd will be great. Go early. 684 ARCH St. -It* WANAMfI-BKH * BROW* v THE HOXiTDAYS. ' JJOLID A ¥ PRESENTS. No. 813 CHESTNUT STREET, Bess leave to Inform his esteemed customers that hit present stookof FANCY GOODS AND TOYS Surpasses that of any former Importation. Having se lected with care every article himself, he can 1 v say there is no similar establishment in the country hat oan compare with hie. As to prions, getting his geodsfre m the flrst manufacturers and artists in Europe, those 'dealers who bay from the importers here to 'sell again' ean certainly not compete with him. Of the following goods he keeps so.large a variety, and in snch entirely new styles, as no other store in this city can offer; LADIES* WORK BOXES. JEWELRY, ODOR, AND GLOVE BOXES. NECESSARIB FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. WRITING DESKS, DRESSING CASES. PANS, PARIS GILT AND. BRONZE GOODS. PARIAN WARE, BOHEMIAN GLASS.' . * VASES, OF FINEST ANTIQUE AND MODERN. CUTLERY, FINEST ENGLISH WALKING CANES., CRICKET AND ARCHERY IMPLEMENTS. FANCY LEATHER GOODS., LADIES’ BAGS - OYBB TWENTY DIFFERENT KINDS. * CABAS, POCKET BOOKS. CIGAR CASKS. PURSES AfP PORTHONNAISS. GAMES OF ALL KINDS CHESS,'‘iJOMINOBS, LOTTOBS. ; CBIBBAGB.COUNTERS, CHESS, AND'BACKGAM MON BOARDS.- • BAGATELLE AND TIVOLI. ' ; ' , IN TOtrs.-ThlsDepartmenti»complete,ineyery v»* riety known, with many novel things never bafore.im - . ported. Do]l«, the very large variety of every kind known, kept in this heftaty and taeti-. fnl dresaing anything.knowttliere and InEjiropo. This is no idle,boast. Ladies should ealt and see them. - d(7-tdsS4if • ' ■ <■ -■ ISSUHAWCB. IP E INSURANCE AT HOME. THE PEM llßfiril I,IFE Df. Ho. 9£l CHESTNUT STREET. ASSETS, *1,921,989.71. *_*. * .til.-. .1 ‘ ■ -..-I ’. ' .• ? -I*. This is, a .purely .Mutual Company-all the surplus being returned to the payers of the premlamfrihe are rasa haa'been 46 per coot., and .will probably be in' creased hdreefter. • V ; i : • '* ; ' Policies issued prior to January Ist win participate la the Januarydivision of surplus. * ■ Insurance may 1 be made on the various plans, vli: * 1 Apupai Life Bate. ” “ Tea Aaimal Payments, f * Bn« •riownaents, terminating at certain lie, f * or ‘‘ JSfet Cash . Premiums may be paid "annually, semi'annually, or qnarteriy.in CASH. orone-MalfinCash andlone-kalf in Bote, with interest in advance. f i Botes participate in - •j; ; at'the office. JAMB 6 TRAQOAXEi President. BAMITEL E. fcTOKES, Tice President. ”0* W. HO^ ■' SeoreUry.‘ . deS-thetaSfc: THBURE TOUR LIFE A ' HJ‘®o*. 8. E. Cor. Walniitand JFottrthtStsi, PBiuoimii - It la a HOME COMPAST, and prodts divided annu ally, Urns aiding the assured to par fiitnre premium*. Last dividend 60 per cent. BOARD OP TBTOTBSS, Alexander Whilldin, J.Ediar Thomson, Eon. James Pollock, Hon Joe. Allison, . Albert 0. Roberts, . Henry K. Bennett, ' -- BamnelT. Bodlne, , Philip s. Mingle, ; :Geo. 11 agent,, John Aikman, ■Win. J. Howard, _ . Isaac Haalehnrst, - Saxnnel Work. , ■ ALESTAHOER WHILIiDm, President. • • SAMUEL WORE,: Tice'President: •-■ - • no!8 gall; JKO. ;8. WILSOa, Seo’y Mid Treasurer, OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE MD- coHPjJbr. .... -v. „ Philadei.l'HlA, Novemlaer 9,1864, The following etatement of the affairs of the Com pany is published incdnformitywith a provision of its charter: _ Premiums received -from Woven* ber 1,188 S, to October 8L1864: , On Marine and Inland Ef5k5...*..5424,047 90 . OaFirefiiskfl. ..A...*.**; 138,067 18 - 583,706 06 i piemltuna-ottPdlielea not marked off, IToTemßer 1,1868* .v« Fxemituas marked' off as earned from .November 1, 1863t_to Oe». tober l t 1864 1 Oil Marine and Inland Sisks On Ftre-Sißke^-...... «*. Interest during same period, sal- Tates, 4te* 1.08*66, Expenses, &s., dnrlng the year, aaaboYs; _ Marine and Inland- Navigation ........ '314,91 el . , Pile B2 - Re~l»saranast''«*«.,»*»»•••••« 43,649 28 Ageney Charges., 19,064 98 AdYeTnfeingvTriiitinif.&c........ 8,68913 *Taxes—U. 8. Tax on Premimaa, Policy, Stamps, Ae., 11,88027 Expenses, Salaries, Beat* 14,089 00 * TUs Is exclusive of the amount reserved f< on Dividends and Profits.. . - ABSKPS OT-THE COMPACT. ITOV. 1,1864" 5100,00 a United States Fire percent. Loan. . 1871.... . M ...*.»w«« M ~.^~». v sUXM)aoOo' 111,000 .United States 6 percent Loan; 2881* 118,216-00 76.000 United fetatek e per cent. LOan/^aDs. * 75,662 50 100,000 .Stated of Pennsylvania £ pec cent.: . _ 93,666 00 64,000 State of PeimsylTaidfl “6 per cent ■ ‘ t Loan«-~~-.*.~vv~..~.*.—~.~*-. 65,840 00 123,060 Philadelphia City 0 per cent Loan. . 122,520 67 30,000 Pennsylvania Railroad let’Mortgage . _ _-' ffper cenkßohda..*.;*.'-^*—.*.—• 22,000’00 CO.OOOFeimsylvania Railroad 2d Mortgage ' • ' Q per cent* Bond*..A. ~53,250 00 16,000 300 Shares Gas ,4 Company*/ principal and Inteiest ruaranteed hy the . city of Phil*- •„ • 15,30000 6,600 190 Shares Stock "Pennsylvania Kail ; road Company.A..' 9,100 00 6,000 . . - Bailroad Company*. r .'3,06000 60,000 United States Treasury Certificates oflndebtedness v./fru. *.**♦. .«*♦*- 48,426 00. 80,000 State of Tennessee Sper cent Loan.. 32,000 00 * 1z8,700-LoanB on-Bond and Mortgage, amply • *• • • , , f - secured.*..**..-..-..*«*:.«*....**** 138,700 00 MSS,26O Par. C05t,#841,100;60 SfarlUtTalma.«B67,o7 87 86,000 00 Bills reteiVablefor insurances made., • *■*;*• 118»3S0 42 Balances dueatAfen^es— premiums on Ma rine Policies, accrued interestrand other - • debts due the C0mpany..28,793 34 Scrip and Stock or sundry Insurance and • • • . other Companies, $4269, estimated value.. 2,220 00 Cash on deposit with united States Government subject to ten days’ Cash on deposit, in Banks*-***.***, 68,564 93 Cash in drawer, ~~~~~.-t~.~~~~ 687 86 * —— 268,632 49 • v PsinAPMJpHiA, November 9. 1864. 'The Board of Directors hare this day declared a CASH DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT, on the CAPI TAL; STOCK, and SIX PEE CENT, interest on the SCRIP of-ihe Company,-payable on and after the Ist December proximo, free of National atfd State taxes. : They hare also declared a BCBIP DIVIDEND of FORTtPER CENT, on the BABNED PEEMIUMStor the y (Mending October 31, 1864, certificates for which, will be-iesned to the parties entitled to the same, on and after the.-lat December proximo, free of National and. State taxeß * - '** *.* * They have ordered, also, that the SCRIP .CEBTIpI-; CATiS ON PROFITS of the Company, fqr theryear 186 u, be-redeemed in CASH, at the office of the Com pany. dn and after Uftlst December ail into* rest theVeon to cease on that day.' , ’ " JQF* Wo certificate of profits s3s. JBifi. the Act of Incorporation, "no certificate shall fefts*< tin less claimed within two years after the declaration qfths dividend whereofit is evidence. ’ * DIRECTORS. _ ' ; - Thomas C. Hand, Samuel XStokes, JohnfC. Darla, J. F. Feniston, . Edmund A, Bonder, Henry Sloan, TheophilusPauldlnr, William G.-Boulton, Johnß Penrose/ Edward Darlington, • , James Traquair, •- H Jonesßrooke, Ben>yC. Dallett, Jr., ' JacobP. Jones, James C. Hand, James B. McFarland,. William C. Ludwig, Joshua P. Byre, Joseph H. Seal, Spencer McUraine, _ George G. Lelper, . John B. Semple. Plttsburi, Hugh Craig, A. B., Berger, Pittsburg, Robert Burton, • ‘ - / THOMAS O. HARD, President. . JOHNC. DATIS, Vita President. Hfiirar LTiJßirajr, Secretary. nolS-lmlf FINANCLiJU $l-000 UNION BANK NOTES, 1,000 paid ontby DBEXEL ft Co., Deo 6,'lBSfrj will lie exchanged by them, the payment of same being stopped. • * • deS-2t OHAstas nnoaT.l urax. Brasov, n -OHARLBB EMORY & CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Iffo. l&jSoutli Third Street, FHILAM&FHIA. All kinds of uneurrent funds and Cold and Silrer bought and sold, mid Collections made* . Particular attention given to the purchase and sale of Government, other Stocks and Loans on commission. * nol6-6m JJARPEB, DTJRNBY, & CO., Xt^SL3N”IiOEXRtS» STOCK AJSD EXCHANGE BROKERS. Fvrtlenl&r attention paid to purchase rad sale of Oil Btoeka.' " : B 5 BOTJTH.TjaiBD STREET. ' , ♦ Bsysnxxoßa—Drexel ACo , Philadelphia; J. B. Aha- Hu, Fresldent Sopthwaih Banfc, novlB-8m ■ WHBBBAB, THE AUDITOB GENE- Yt EAL, ae required by the 11th Section of the Act entitled “An Act to enable the Banks of this Common wealth to become Associations for the purpose of Bank in grader the laws Of the United States. ” passed on the SSa day of August. A. D: 3804, has certified to me that “THIS COHSOMDATIOH BABK OF PHILADEL PHIA 11 hae furnished satisfactory evidence to him thatall.the requirement!, of said Act hare been ootn- Sed with by the said Bank, rad that it has besoms an sociationior the purpose of Banking under the laws °Vdo, this notice thereof to he pub lished, lnaecordancd with'the provisions of the said 11th gectloHof the said act, rad do declare that the Charter of Eld Bank, by the terms of said not, lsdeem ed and taken to be hereupon surreudered, subject to the provisions of the Ist Section of said Act. r . rromT — - A. u. v uiiTirf, Governor of Pennsylvania. Executive Chambeb, Hak&isbubq, Nbv. 29,1864 del-lSt m rtABTBS DE YIBITE EXECUTED finished in fine style at 8.-P. REIVER’S, 694 ARCH Street. Our desire is-td ? serve w>i our patrons. They will please come early.. - H* QBEA.T OEWTR&X. O>HI&a HQUSB, 797,177 60 418,264 73 120,666 78 836,82148 76,632 88 m&MU 884,081 78 128,883 80 ir Taxes ,201,664 02 RET AH. DRY GOODS. I7YEB & LANDBLL, FOURTH AND pt ABCH STBEETS. EIRE & LANDELL, jWBjH AND AEOH STREETS, ABE OFFER®*O AT FAIB FEICBB JttST SUCH OOODB ASWOBID MAKE TESY ACCEPTABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CHRISTMAS SHAWLS. CHRISTMAS SILKS. CHRISTMAS' SOARPSw CHRISTMAS HDKP& CHRISTMAS GLOVEp. CHRISTMAS CHINTZES. CHRISTMAS DELAINES. ORISTMAS BLANKETS. CHRISTMAS PIANQG,OVERS. HOi MELODkON COVERS; de3-BtnthtdeSl ‘ ■ ! J.T M- HAPULEIGH!, ; . JOS CHEBTSIT BTESEET, - WILL OPEN TUESDAY* BECEUBER IRK, ’ A'N#w Department, running tkroigk the oenttaof kla Store, 80 feetin length,ti>;b«knownas THE CHEAP DEPARTMENT, Y WhiohTfilfba defined tKeexhlbitien { > ud oale-of * FABRICS, , ../lE* ~i • 1 . r ' r l> * SEDUCED TO OHE-HALB .THE PEIOJg.BMB AT THE Blanßnita of the sealoh. j. M, H. fcw inside arrangement* tA-farnleh to hit edatomere from .' ' fr . . ENGLISH IiOEXFIOB AlfD FROM , ” iA%% / • -Tolbe’ sold tiiSoeh Ihis olwmel 'without reserve ■ » t' f c during"*'; TP® season. det-fr-hthatati C ». ... - , - ■DARiOAINSj' CLOSING OUT ! %AR JOOAJBSH ' • *'W : • STO ? K DEBSS m)ODS, . of every variety. snttafcle fori • holidltpelsehts. Handsome-Silks aWow orioes; • Silks of all kinds at low ttrices. Plain Mortnoei anftPnpltißj' . • ElOH? PJXIfiTjOPLINS and Dress Goods of all KHffds sHotr prices. < * BBOCHB AND WOOLBN SHAWLS. Linen Hdkf* Lace-Coll^iST^. Frehchahd Cambric LaeeWaUs. • • > -\ 'B. STEEL & SON, 518 If os. Tl 3 andvTl&Borth TgJfTH Street. .'WfDC-HBMMBtfSLINBN HAND, n KERCH’ E?S,t6 «enfcs.;X -Wide hemmed linen handkerchiefs and 1 tucV; 69 ots. -Wide hemmed linen hancHteruhfiifs aad 2 tucks, 75cts. wide hemmed linen beudfcetchieb*:and.3 tucks, 88 cts. Wide bote»edimenb^dkerohie?sanA&tncko > ,si. Wide hemmed 1 awn wffh embroide ry above the l at 80 cents; are good style.'nicely woikaflhuibob.> half their value, making the sam&ehow as IMSNtt the price. Wideilmmed hi»^^etrfef^v? E sfcb. 1 tuck, 40 cents. «; Narrow With. 2 tueks«66 cinta. BarrowhemmexEhsajptQrihsefsw;**3, tucks,63 cents. Wide'' h e mmeffhsnufceicfciefe, vfTfcb 1 tuck, edged W?th zed, 63 centA rHStose notice the four lots are not sold for pure lined, hamatethe same appearance at a much lower price? * s>x' -\. - r Sheer SI» 88, 44, 50, 63, 76, and $l, The speotaThttentroiSSw the ladies is invited to this item of * freer linen h andS erchtefs, really offered at about one’half afctbis time. ‘Zt >»'*'* ■ •• ' • ; ’> Embroidered linffli An unusually large assortment, thirptv at auction >cMefi y, £obd sold very much befiw u regularprices. f .. Gentlemen’s colored*. jßkdered Junen hanakereniefs, the balance of a very, large lot of las? year’s purchase. WjlV toßtinne to eelltbtein at cent* for the fttmroaching.hdlid ayfcalprOßMn 1 8 Lace and Embroi* dery Btorg, Street. I^. pffIOIGE SHADES OP Ipwpifs. -v,. . . Kl ® eiW!k Cnß'Wßlf.BT^^i ! ft BBOTHBB / wAL«fciV ,*• x . .. ,\&i • ' Present* gvohtfoi traction* aptfioducements in variety ftßd pricSto Gifts. Having purchased. Ujpyj|,ifee late:auction sales,;r we ate prepared to * ?'• : MEKISOBB, i .. - POPLINS.* ' - Pii FieS® gBJEHfrssELINB DE LAINES, BICH PLAI*, PIWBBP, W» BLACK SILKS, LlOHfy&tfpfcLA VBLVOTS, ; BBtSpBB&flG SHAWLS, BLAHKET SHAWLS! LADIES’ CLOAKS, my.*- ' , yEL.VET iBAjtevOI.O'rHS, * ISsIIbBBLqIhS, Se„ &C.Y 880.1 *5O, *ss#, tmjEfo'-Storik fcapOND'Ptreet,. : ‘ v move Willow. T •©••'• AT 50, mM&tO CENTfc• t#< ” . 450, 45*. and «4lfortii BECOifS'street, RKOCHE '■> ' ' . CURWIBMn'ODD *lfT & BRO.V , . 450, 453, rad SECOND StMet, : Jy 1 above. Willow. 'DLANKETStBiiykkETSI, JD ■.: • > BLANKETS I BRIGHT BO«aB;BLANKETB, . Of all sizes, Fradm,'and makes, wMeh make an acoeptaMebi o^wnrn^ra^TAbso., ‘ 450‘, 45», rad 43*N«lh SEGQ ND Street, de7-3t • - : . t above Willow. |^Kw' I sKiaai , 3c.^o»- 1804. A NSW AND alutfilfftENTlON IHh ” ' HOOf-SKnRfS,' THE DUPLEX ELLI|foA l<}R: DOUM-E* STEEL j, i. a j. 0. west, STBBBT, «S3f: Y^BK)| Are the owners of the exclusive manufac turers of this* wfeCLi.™ J. W. J&ABLEt>6 ’ PATENTED DUPLEX STEEL SPRING TMb Invention (or two) Elliptic Steel'Springs, ingratiouslwwßraed 'tightly and firmly together, eagetoedge, mumAWLe- toughest, flexible, and durable enabling the OjM>arer. in consequence and fiexi bilHyv ‘U plac«< and f
ofw«tting n the Duplex BUiptic Spring Skirt'for a single daw, will never afterward willingly dispense with the ask of them.. They are the best quality ih'every part. amg l %tjar the lightest, most durable, comfortable, andorondmfc&l skirt made. .Her* chants will be supplied aakabove, aad ladies in first-class retail stores in'tmfo city and throughout the different States. *- Iff* Inquire for the * DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SPRING: SKIRT. TREADLE’S’B DUPLEX ELLIPTIC .14 BKIBT; * ■ Very flexlbloi foldod eaall, when In use to ooonpy a ; f ooa CHESTNUT Streat. TRRADLBY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC D BKIET—The gjeatast lmproveinent wa have ever soon In LADIES’ BBIBTB, andauarUolo of SUPBRIOREXCELLKNCB. CURWBN STODDART &.880., 450, 452, and4s4N* SECOND St, ab. Willow* ; nolSrlm- T ' I ' . ■ * coo HOOP SKIRTS. fiOQ ‘‘OURqOWN- MAKE.” - - The moat rad'hest Quality rad at,lea In the.tfaiket,,wholefire-rad retaU, at mran factory, . -• Together with th?'*^nlw*iSllßLß SKIRT,” just out, the moat pliable; Roup Skirt In the market, eQual to toe 44 Duplex Ellptlc,” and at much lower prices. Also, Constantly in receipt of -full lines of low-priced Eastem-made Slonsfkidpadde'd andrivited—ls spnngSi 8C cents; 20 springs, $1: 25 springs, SLI6; 80 springs, w m . t,hqf k lns. “T ’EMAIL,HE PARIS” IS NOT A JLJ paint; paste, bui a most deliciotia preparation that giveirboth the color and texture of-po fiSd ivory to tbe skin. EUGENE JOUIN, No, fil TENTH Street, beloWChestnut. « T rBB PARIS» OAN; BE AJ used by aJI ladies in the privacy of the toilette., It removes *ai and Toughness, and ,its purifying effect on tbe skin -calls forth, freshness, color, and beauty. B. JQUIN t Bp. 11l TENTH Street. «:* t ’Email m Paris ” quickly . and effectually removes those unsightly black worm specks which detract so much from the beauty of the sblxuß. JOUIN, Nd' 111 TENTH Street ’BIMB* # j>E PARIS” IS ES Xj PECIAL& ehdorrea byMad’lle Vestvall, Lu cUle Western, Mrs D A P. Bowers, and many ladies in private life, whose com mandatory letters, for obvioaa reasons, cannot .be.published. • E. JOUIN* U 1 SOUTH TENTH Street. V Officers and soldiers whose complexions have become, tanned orbronzed bv the exposure Incident to.a camp life, will find the i • ‘Small ’ ’ invaluable. .. Orders by *znail. should be addressed# JARED & BENE. General lmportere, Philadelphia. de3-smwtf WEST VIRGINIA AND OHIO. Oil YY BBQION —A new and complete POCKET MAP «f tbe oU region U the above localitiM. comprising an area of forty miles around Marietta. L Fo g ' a.7-3.* ‘ ; No 8» Jonth'SIXTH Street^ rafjrgH-" CUMMINGS & JENNYB, GRAND, SaUABE. nf f^^AGE- UPRIGHT No. TOSK. Smh instrument ioaTrantedJive Koarff. At wholesale and retail 26 per cent, leas than the gam. class Plano elsewhere. ' 1 . > Dealers will do well to examine our Uustmmsnta- JSSf Send for* catelogue. ~ E s £. COB, SESTK AND S6ARSET STBB&T3* ■■ ' ' ‘ ■ ' HEW PCBLICITIOHB. TWO CAPITAL NEW BOOKB FOR -A YOUTH. THE WAR OF THE REVOUTIO't, BY JACOB ABBOTT, Author of the “ Hollo Books, ’ ’ *■ Kollo’s Tour in Eu rope," to., So. One Tol,, ISmo, beautifully Illustrated, With designs by Chapin. Prise, $l. This Is the 7th toI. of 11 Abbott's Series of Americas Histories * ’ for youth. Each volume Iscorapleto In Itself, and the whole series forms at once the most instructive and entertaining history of Oils country that, has oyer been written. Jacob Abbott's name is a sufficient gna rantee of their excellence. The series embraces, *' Ado risrinal Anurtea," " The Discovery II> BOOK' BOYS ANX) OHOJg , I HA l S'iti lOf IHS’ HISTORY OF THE REBELLION. ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED! PRICE $1.90. For sale by all booksellers. WALKER, WISE, & CT©., PUBLISHERS, BOSTON. COMPBEHENBIYH HISTORY OP THE REBELLION, For Ameriean Y outh. DO YOUR CHILDREN OWE THAYER'S > YOUTH’S HISTORY OF THS v . REBELLION ? IXnot, why not get It for thorn? it is quite as interesting: as any book of adventure you* could get for them* and a great deal more instructive. Being written in a very pure and interesting style, comprehension, it will Cultivate in them While young a taste for history and more substantial reading than they aie apt to acquire by reading merely storybooks. l3 ' . The name-of William Iff. Thayer on a book for the young Is a sufficient guarantee of Itsinterest and merit, without fUTtherendorsemeut,. He wrote “Pioneer Boy,” of which tmnty-'seven thousand copies have been eold. THS PBICB OP THE HISTORY IS $1 50. It is for sale by every Bookseller in the country, or will be sent by mail on receipt of $1.60 to any address, by - ■ WALKER,'WISE, & OCX; PUBLISHERS, BOSTON MASS. NOTICE. —Agents and Canvassers wanted in evbrx TOWN TO SELL THIS WORE. Ag THE HOLIDAYS ARE AP PBOACHINQ, IMMENSE QUANTITIES CAN 'S# SOLD. - TERMS VBRX LXDBRAL. de2 fmw3t IS NOW READY. THE NEW BOOK BY MISS MoKEBYKR. One volume. 22m0. The high chjfracter of the previous writings of the authoress of ‘■j’foodeliff” have procured for /hera deserved popularity, wbioh the present volume r will fnlly >austaln._ The storyia fresh and vigorously Written j'bnd will' commend itself to all classes of readeis. , NEW EDITIONS, ALSO, EDITH’S MINISTRY, SUNSHINE, TBE FLOUNCED ROBB. ' LINDSAY & BLAEISTON, Publishers. SB5 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. L. 4 B. will supply all the New Books of this Season at low prices, ana •* Woodcliff”can be procured at any of the Bookstores. • * • deB A PPLETON’S 'NEW- AMERIGAK ■** CYCLOPEDIA. —This valuable Li Drary of Univer sal Information is well deceiving of a place in every in .teUigent household in the land. It is recommended by able reviewers as' the best Cymopedia for popular use ever published.' Below are the names of a few of our • brominent citizens who have taken this work: . lit. Rev. Wm. B: Stevens, Rev. Franklin Moore* ’ . Rev. Dr. Horisrty, . Rev. Wm. H. Furness, Rev. Richard Newton, - Rev. Thomas J. Shepherd, EH K. Price, Esq., John C. Cressou, Esq,, Geo. If. Stuart, Esq.. A. J. Drexel, Esq., David Paul Brown, Esq., Jay Coqke, Esq., % Charles Gibbons, Esqf, Josiah Randall, Esq., -K. J. Esq., George Northrop, Eaq^ F. J. Dretri Esq.', . - . F. Carroll Brewster, Esq., ' Alexander Fullerton,Eeq., 8. M. Felton, Esq. , John Hanna, Esq., John Rice, Esq;, JohnFaßon* Esq;; A. J. Bncknor, Esq.. ;j. Edgar Thomson; Esq., D. C. McCammon, JBsq., • Thomas A. Scott,_Esq., „ Col;'William B. Thomas, Jf hn L, Buzby, Bsq.« CharlesH. Huirhead,Btq., Charles Macaleater, Esq., William Weightman,Esq,, .Andnearly one housand others. The Cyclopedia is now complete in sixteen large vo lumes, in six different styles of bindings. Samples may be seem and orders reeeived, at tbe Agency for this city and State, No. 33 South SIXTH Street, above Chest nut. second story. de7-6t JAMES K. SIMON, Agent. MIBS McKBEVEB’S NEW BOOK, JWL HOW READY, WOODTI I?Fe By HARRIET JB. McKEEVBR, author of “BdHVe Ministry,” *‘Sunshine, ’* “TheFlouncedßobe, ’ * &c., &0., in one volume, 12mo. _ A .ALSO, HEW EDITIONS OF EDITH’S MINISTRY. 1 volume. 12mo, SUNSHINE; or Kate Vinton J6mo. „ THE FLOUNCED ROBB, and What It Coats, By the same author. LINDSAY & BLhKISTON, Publishers, Ho, 35 South SIXTH Street. A BHMEAD & EVANS, Lb. (Successors to W. P. Hazard). Ho »ai CHESTNUT Surest, HAT! JUST UEOBIVEB BAYARD TAYLOR'S HEW BOOK—JOHH GOD FREY'S FORTUNES. Belatedbyhimself. AStoryof American Life. . ' THE SEES; or. Common Planes Refreshed. By Letch Hunt. 2-cois. Beautifully printed and bound. - r CORBEL ATIOHAHD CONSEKVATIOH OF FORCES. By*Grove, Farraday, Liebig, and others. - EPOCH'ARDEN. Bleg&ntly illustrated. LIFE" OF GENERAL WINFIELD HANCOCK. Second Edition ready Monday, December 6th. ' ■- LOOKING TOWARD SUNSET. By L. HariA Child. Elegantly printed on tinted paper. . A HEW ATMOSPHERE. Another new Book by OaU Hamilton, author of .* ‘ Conntry Llying. ”&o. . THE QUEEN OP TOE COUNTY. By the anthor of “Margaret and her Bridesmaids “ ■ ’ . MEHIY ALE’S HISTORY OF THE ROMANS. 6vols. How ready. HYMNS OP THE AGES. Third series.. „ UNDER THE BAH (LeMaudit). ATaleof the Nin e BOYS’ BOOK OF BFOBTS AND 9AMEB. With7ooEngraytngs. ’ LYRA ANGLIC AHA; or, A Hymnal of Sacred Poetry. Btogantly printed on tinted paper, red edges. STANDARD WORKS and books of alfidndß in every variety of binding, placed on long counters running the folWengthof onr store, where they can be examined carefully andleiiurely. - We invite their inspection be fore the usual holiday rash of purchasers. de3 /VLD FBANKLIN ALMANAC FOB '-f 1865.—Among other features of the present num ber‘will be ' ■ _ ♦ A CHRONICLE OP THE GREAT REBELLION, continued from the Old Franklin Almanac for 1864, containing a fall and correct digested record of the events of the war, Solitary, Naval, and Political, from October 16th, 1863, to November I.lB64,ewifch accounts of Battles* Sieges, Raids, Sea fights, and all the opera tions of the war. . , The United States Army List. Major Generals and Brigadiers, Regulars and Volunteers, up to November **The Rebel Army List, Lieutenant Generals, Major Generals, and Brigadiers to same date. • Losses in battle and by death of Union offiere to No- Losses of officers in the Rebel Army to same date. „ > The Rebel Government, Rebel Congress, Debt, , £ fan digest of the United States Stamp regulations. A full digest of the United States License legojations. Governments of the world to November 1,1864. Governors of the States and Territories, Union and Rebel, to November 1,1564. Hierarchy of the Soman Catholic Church to Novem j|isltuvs*of the Protestant Episcopal Church to ,No- T Bishops of the Miihodist Episoopal Chnrch.to Novem ‘fflgOueeneof the world to November 1, 1881 Reigning Kings of the world to November 1,1555. Beirs apparent to European end other Empires ami Monarchies. Besides other Miscellaneous matter. Astronomies! In* formation. Calendars, etc., ete , the whole comprising a valuable manual for ÜBe and reference throughout. the ieM ' PRICE, TWENTY CENTS. PER COPT. Copies matted (post-paid) on receipted the price. For sale at all periodical depots . A. WHICH. Publisher. : d<6-3t 505 CHBBTHPT ST., Phila. OTHE GREAT WAR BOOK—TBB A ABTOBIOGRAPHT OP SJS SCOTT. 2 vols.. 12mo. Illustrated with two steel-plate Ukenesses ef the General, tabeh at differaut asw. HEW BOOK,by the autimrof “Wide, Wide World,” “Melbourne House.” Sripl*.,limo ELIAN A, being the hitaerlo uncollected writings of Oharles Lamb. i2mo. THE JOHH GATSBKIBS, by JacobAbhatt. 4 vole., IBmo. . com aining Work for Winter, Work forSprinrr Work for Summer!- Work fer Autumn. GOD’S WAT OP HOLINESS,, by Horatio* Bonar, °'LIFE AHD LETTERS OP DAVID CdT SODDDER, Missionary In Southern India, by Horaeo E. Bcndder. Itajo. THE CHURCH AND THE ration of the Rebellion againet tlSwavemment olthe •United States, and the agency of the Cimrch, North t&d Bonthi in relation thmeco.. By B. L. Stanton* U> D. sale by WILLIAM S. * ALFRED MARTIEH. noM 800 CHESTNUT etreet. TASTEFIJIt iSTO^JjaSTAKTIAJ, WATTS. A GENTS WANTED FOR THE NURSE •**- AND SPY, one of the most interesting and excDJng books ever pab'tsbed, embracing the ba'cent-nre*- pf a Wcman in ths Union armyaa Nurse, fccout. and St y. Givieg a most vivid inner picture of the war. Roinroed and disabled officers and soldiers nclg-lm* 800 rHSRTimT P» . Pbitudo'ctllu. Pa. T3OOK- KEEPER—WANTED. A COM gSjtSjJoaS. keoocr. Apply to SHEPPaRB, VAN HART.IMQEff, & IBRIPON, d°"-tf H" lOflSt CHgkTYHYßtro'.t nOAL YARD.—WAKTED, A CEN a Aa RAX ‘ Ij T. I®®** 4 , well HtUd-nt> Coal Yard. Adores?, with fall particular?, “Cash,” de7-St» Pre** [SALESMAN WANTED—IN A WHOLE **-' ssie Hat Slaaufactory; one acquainted w.tb wool«- sale&nd retail Fetters in Pennsvlvaci* and wwarn States. Address 80a;}458, Philadelphia P. O. de6-Bt* THU DRY GOOE 8 AND JOBBING ARB COMMISSION TRADE.—A YOUNG MAN who has had ?evet> ye&TB* experience in the jobbing business wishes to make an engagement about January t; can influence a large city ana* country trade. Address “A. Frew office ,„... , ; deB-3t* WANTED-BY THE FIRST OF JA , , BfUABY next, an ACCOUNTANT comiratent'to take ebajge of the books and cash, of a Jobbing House. Address ** Box 565, ’ ’ Po>fc Office, in handwriting of ap plicant, stating age and salary expected; also, what experience hie has had. . H* WANTED-A FIRSTIRATE ORGAN „ ;i - IfT for an Episcopal Ohuroh in this city; also, A2Bw.3sri# competent Soprano and Tenor Singer for AiWa * S "Ijr A NTS D—IN A- JOBBING DRY .IT Qood* Houic, afe,g?tp»riiacai BSTEY CI.BRK. Addrefas, in appUcnnt’E'KSain*.: “ BntryClerk,” this; office. „ . -Sfok&'i WANTED- BY A ' JHMW gy. a siJfaaUon eUher as tal^^wßUißobk-' keeper, Assistant. Bpokkmgft Clerk* or in anr ca pacity where he could make himself useful and ba services. Beat referencM'gtven. ad dress tJ. BKLLINGB, Press Office, or.apply 390 South .FIFTH Street. deS-St* 'WANTED—A SITUATION BY A "<* youngmau as Bar Keeper, or Grocery Clerk; has bad some experience in both. From the country; with good reference. Address “H. Foster,** GirardHousv tnia week. • , <■ dfeB^2t* AS BOOK " KEEPER. Good reference .given. Address “j. S.Bbx mi Post Office. , de7-3t* WANTED—A YOUTH TO LEARN 1 * * the Wholesale Hosiery and Variety Business l AddrefSvU handwriting of applicant, stating age, resin denee. &c., ** Franklin, w* Press office. de7-4t*' WANTED—ON OR BEFORE THE; " " last of December, by a gentleman, wife, and S rownrdangbter, Boarding,the year ronne paid.. Address, for one week, Box So. 1026 PhilagelpliiA P. O de« 8« WANTED—PERSONS TO CANVASS * ’ ■ this City for Insurance.' Those competent for the work will ce gnara.toed a liberal compensation. Apply to WH. W. Aitßff, Ho. 40* WALK ITT Street, second floor. - de6-3t WANTED—JAN. Ist, IN A WHOLE * * sale Cloth House, a first-class SALESMAN to sell country trad e. Address, with real name and refe rences, Bex No; Ills P. O. de6-Bt* ' TXT ANTED—IN A WHOLESALE AND Tv Retail doth Store, a Young Han as Salesman; also, a Book-keeper A person who speaks German preferred. Applications will be treated .confiden tially., Address, with real name, “M. C.»” Press office.. . de6-6t* WANTED—A LAD IK AN OFFICE; r » one who writes a good band and baa a taste for mechanical draw ing preferred. Address Box 1290, Phi ladelpMa P, 0, - doB-Bt* WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN OF * I some business experience, and undoubted refer ences as to character and: capacity, a SITUATION, by the fir.t of January. Address “W. H. 8.,” Box 6, Post Office. de6-3t* WANTED—IN A DRY-GOODS JOB ▼ u ‘BING BOUSE, .an experienced SALESMAN, able to control a general cash trade. Address * * Job frera,” atthlsoffice. ded-6fc* WANTED—AN ACTIVE BUSINESS . t i MAN, in a Wholesale 3>rng House, by the let of .January, for in and out-door duties One acquainted with the. business. Also, a Young Man as Assistant Bookkeeper; must be a good penman, .and of business experience. Address, with references, “Industry.” office of this paper. , - de3-6t* WANTED—A SITUATION AS BOOK- T.Y KEEPER. Best city reference for ability and integrity given. Address ” Bookkeeper, ” Press Office. nc3o-IOt» WANTED, AGENTS.—AGENTB IN *. every County, at ,70 a month, expanse, paid, to Introduce j&'teen new and tise/ul articles, the best sell ing ever offered. For particular*, address OTIS T. CARRY, BIBOBFOBD, MAIffB. ec26-d&W3m ttap. A MONTH—WANTED AGENTS everywhere to introduce the new SHAW A CLARK SIXTEEN HOLLAR FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE; the only low price Machine in the country which is Ueensea bj Grover A Baker, Wheeler A Wilson, Bowe, Singer A Co., and Bacheldor. Salary and expenses, or large commissiozis allowed All other Machines nowirold mr less than forty dollars each are infi inyemenis, and the seller and user liable. lUms trated circulars mvX/ree, Address SHAW A CLARK. noie-d*w3m : BIDBBFORD, Maine FOE BALE AHD TO LET. TO LET— A VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND. The Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Storie* of the MARBLE STORE, Ho. 595 MARKET Street, extending through to COMMERCE STREET. Apply to ROBERT R. LEVICK, nolS-stnth-tf No. 403 MARKET Street. f? 0» SALE-OIL CREEK. TERRI TOBY.—A free or royalty interest on one of the most valuable tracts of OIL LAND, on OIL CREEK. VE NANGO COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA It lies at the junction of OIL CHEEK AND CHERRY RUN, and covers about 100 acres of around, upon which, are numerous LEASES, with over SIXTY WELLS thereon, eitaer [producing, or in progress and nearly finished. The LESSEES are daily beginning other wells on sites yft unoccupied, as there is room, for ONE HUNDRED additional wells. Thoee in n&e'are both PLOWING AND PUMPING WELLS, one of which.has flowed 1, 000 BARBELS PER DAY. The working interest of one of the new wells sold last week among the operatives themselves at the rate of POR THE WELD, and THREE ACRES, reserved by the original owner for his residence, sold also at the rale of s7£u.ooo. Such an opportunity, it is believed, fas not been re cently offered, and would make a producing basis of ench value as to afford an immense capital Apply to C- B. DONGAN, ’'lo c k.'«mprial I ,s fonts % taSS,®”* nhH I ®* '“‘“din* »Pair,of sornt •&$ *¥ in irtSKS* “ l **‘w* ALSO, - A large collection of desirable n*wat»d carriages, wagons, Ac., withw-itlttiie*iie wuiSS. mence. Iffo postponement onaccoxint of tbs of 60 Bleighs 17th. December. . ALF££B £ BmLK'VJtm, Auctioneer, AMUSEMENTS "KTEW CHBSTNUtf-ST THBATRK. GBOVER & BH?fiN Lessees & Kuum£ TBtJBSDAT .Itnore: IteeSbS£ ”^ **2ss™“® HonßßB uSealStTUled 1 ' 11 * '“S** lo ** l ««»«* JgBRIE . BROWN; JEf-SIB BROWN JSSsIK BKOWn’- JgSSIB BROWN*. JESSIE BROWN- ' JESSIE BROWS*: THE RELIEF OF LUCKNOW . JHE RELIEF OF LUCKNOW: Which will Be presented at an IMHENBK OUTLAY, WITH Bswr AND BEAUTIFUL SCENEBT. by Eichabd Bbitb; • CORRECT AND COSTLY WARDROBE; Sfaunfacturedprigißally far this piece, under the Ijumi' -State Bopenlaioßof Dion. BoocrciirLT, when first m. WAEEACK'STHfIATRg. NEWFORK, i.wlth several »«i»loij8 by Mrs Rickbs and assUtubE S - . SPLENDID ANP SPIRITED rendered by birofkld and the Grand Orchestra* 1 b. MBCjr. AN IO A1,,8 F ?KCTS, EJ Jogpa Htbahan and Thob. Blackwood; “Ope«ie»and AcceHeoriesby Jno. Dahky and Assistants}' DISTRIBUTION OF. CHARACTERS} FYrni'ftSS DISTEIBUTIOIf OF CHARACTERS fwf£££^«? T “itTMßimoer of charactbsC TfRAA E EPF IE GERKON, *fr. ONE HDNDRED PERSONS appear in activc conflict upon the stags at the same time, forming «. Tablesn or snob Thrilling, Powerful Effect ae to tvakn the interest and hold the attention ofEvery Beholder .. The entertainment .will conclude wit ft. for the thirA tttod 111 ' lllea ' trl! ’ a °° mic Dranla . in tire hots, ea- MIOAWBER; mioawbbs _Or, WAITING FOESOMETHING TO TURN TO Wilkins Hieawber, Esq (his great character) Bawid Grot wood Copperfield Uriah Heap. ...Mr Waiter renar OTOER CHARACTERS BY THE COHplny ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Doc. iftth FIRST MATINEE OF JESSIE BROWN 1 FIRST MATINEE OF JESSIE BROWN deT ALNUT-STREET THEATRE. LUCILLE WESTERN AS GEStEA. LUCILLE WESTERN AS GEHEaT EAST NI'HT _■ i, EASf RIGBT Of 'J; W. Wsllack’s Thrilling and Beautiful Hap- - GEMBA, THE HEBREW MOTHER. ' GBBEA, THE MBBBW MOTHER. THURSDAY, EAST LYNNE IHGHT. SeatAOßaybe secured from 8 A If. tillSP. *. Box Price open, from 9 till 3 Curtain flees at Bfc M HS - JOHN DREW’S KKW AROB AJX STREET THEATRE 22 OVERFLOWING. , SECOND. WEAK OF J. S. CLARK* TOYIIGHT (Wedneeday). December77ust. ' '• THETICKET-OF-LKAVB MAN." aid ‘'MY NEIGHBOR’S WIFE.’* CLARKE as “Bob BRIaRLY. >■ X I! ? 0 I HI BROWN." FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF J. S. CL CURE FUND HALL. THE FIRST GRAND CONCERT OF THE HANNXI ATTD HAYDN SOCIKTT WItL TAKE PLACE ON Thursday Evening, Bee. 8, ISM,’ On which.- occasion the OBASD OBATOBIO of THE SEVEN SLEEPERS WILL BE I PERFORMED BY THE EETTTKK STEBTfOTH OF THE SOCIETY, ASSISTED BY THE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. -«The whole under the direction of CARL SENT2L To com men coat 8 o’clock. Subscriptions will he received at J. B. Gould’*. Seventh and Chestnut streets, price $3, for the season! admittint three persons to each Concert. Single Tickets 50cent* ..7 be Board iff Managers take this method to announce that there will be given thfs season three first-class con* certs—one of wMch will be an entire new Oratorio, never performed in Philadelphia before, for which «rs£ clasf- professional-talent will be engaged Single Tickets for sale at all the Music Stores, or ofiha Board of Managers? del-thatuwthSl LJ.REAT NATIONAL CIRCUS.—STAR j/ INGAGEiIENT.' Wahmt street above 'Right!* Directress; Mrs Charles Warren, formerly Mtbßu Biee. Th el argest company in the world A star ea* gsgement having seen made with the Immense SFfeola •lroupe, these great artists will appear this eveniiuraadE every evening during the weef. Young STicolo, aumrftf performer on the li-Esdhelle perileuse t or firing tr»- pere, is regarded hy all critics as the child-wonder. The Talleen Brothers and W. Bochelle, the great Monkey, with Herr Iftcalo, constitute the troupe. Th*. Denzer Brothers. Baton Stone, Tom King, G. Batch* elor, Messrs. Mnrray and B otehinson, Chas. Sherwood, and Family, will also appear in many beautifal scenes. The Trained Dogswill Also appear. Glo wn, Ur. Stickney, Jr Come early* ana get seats at sight Com mence at 7*40. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday aftaav noons. Commence at 2%. Admission, first tier, fiOc. s second tier, 25c.; private boxes, $3 and $6, as to six* and location.. „ . T7XHIBITION OF WORKS OF ART. „ SS I F THEBENBHT OFTHE CHRISTIAN COM* ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS.’ An EHhibUion of a Mvato Y!oll«ttra of Work. W Art, in FainUcgs. Sculpture, Water Color, and other Drawings, Entravinat, Ac., is now open at the Foam nlvania Academy orFine Arts, No. 1035 CHBSTSHK Btrf ot. from 9A.M.to 10 P, M-, for the Benefit of the Christian Comnusaion. ' Admission 25 cts.; Reason Tickets 50 eta. ao2S»««m» A BBEMBBY BUILDING, TENTH “- aad CHESTNUT Streata. *- _ SIGNOR BLITZ. The Great NECROMANCER and VENTRILOQUIST. Performances Eyery Evening at 7X o’clock. an* EXTBAORDIB ARYPOWBBB OP VBNTRLLOQUIffIt producing astoniahisaejfecfcs of the human voice, waA the LEARNED CANi&KY BIRDS’ ENTERTAINMEIrC Admission 26 cents jChildren IS cents; Reserved Seatft -60 cents. • imir CANFOBD’S NEW OPERA HOUSE. RACE Street, below Third. OPBN r FOR THE SEASON. • SAMUELS. SANFORD Proprietor and Manama SANFORD’S OPERA TBOOPE. ~~ The largest and best Minstrel Company in existence. Samord appear? in Etongs, Dances,’and hlsßurieagagft- Doors open quarter to 7: commence quarter to ft. Admission 26 cents; Orchestra 60cents; BoxesSS, ft and $3. aolfrlm CHEST MT-8T R E E T OPERA HOUSE CLOSED FOR ONE WEEK, ' For Altering and<>Snlarsemeut of the HALL. Will open , MONDAY EVENING, December 12. i fpaUSANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC cents. Six Tickets, #l, to be had at Gou’d’s, Andra’A. and Meyer’s Music Steves, and at the EtalL noT-tf CH»9 I 8 T BE J BhC TED,- Thii admirable picture r the greatest production of> the painter West, is now on exhibition at the AO AORKB OF FINE ASm 3035 CHESTNUT Street, tonbe. with the entire collection olthe Institution, ftdmmsnsi twenty-five cento no!4-lm* npH* Academy of fine arts, a CHBBTHUT Street, above Tenth, Im OFKM DAILY, for vteitore, from 9 A. M toBP. M. jeOI BOABDINfi. TJOAED.—A LARGE SECOND-STORY., BACK BOOM, eoßumtnleatia* with a bath-room,. together with Board, may be obtained at 269 Sonta POT’H Street. noIS-tf _ _ _ _ , . FANCY FURS. RADIES’ FANCY FURS. j'Oßqy. FAXtxhEM., So. TiS ARCH Street, above Seventh Strmt, AthiaoldeitabUehedeten. t ' IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER,, ANQt DEALER IN FANCY FURS ’ yon LADIES AMP CBTT.TiREH. Ha vista nowin store a vary large and beantifal a»*o»b-' most, of ail the different kinds andanaUtte* JOB LADIBS’ AND CHIfiDBKN’K WSB. 1 •ciuKa oall from thoea iewant. Bomemher the name raid nnmbea. JOHTf FABKHtA, TIS ABCH Stmt, abOTe Seventh. I have no saxtner i,r eonneotion with any other stew lnthlecity. , -- oc3-«mlf J[ADIRB’ FANCY FURS. JOHN A. S2AMBAOH. IMPOBTBJ, AND MANUPACTUBZB OF taAYXJXFJS* maAJNCTY XTDJb&SI, TO, SEaAEOH STRSST, ' BBLOW. NINTH. Anet oyened.ajjggeandhandafime.toekof yj)iEß s chuiDkbn’s FMjDf nnsa OfsvfiQ/ dflsatiption, and in the newest and most ap proved styles* at the ' c_ LOWEST CASH PRICES, osl-tr dhsSm FURS. W>4 . A. L4f. 1. WOMKATH, CC2SBOBB TO THB LATB GEO. F. WOV&Um,% No. 415 Arch Street, saw now own * FULL. ASSOBTMMT OF LADLES’ FANCY FUBS, Vo which they Invito the attention of buyers, osao-aa ' > WHITTEN AND YEBBAL D& SGBXPTIONS of Character, - yU' lent, with AI)VICfi on Business, BeAltii,> Idas*" Za tion, Belf-improvemeni, MaDagement anaTnun c ao^oif#f^ | oeU-tnfhetoU Mo aboylibeaAn*. 1864.