THE PEESS.-PHH.ADEEgHIX THUBgIMY, LB6KMBKK S, 1864. I « qn 7T THE- WAR • ™ K crrY JV A 3fca 4A Atf fl abler patriot than lie. In 1861, Judge the soundingAttonUo, where Its never-oeaslng lilt VV Hill scmkthetmE. * ~“ M * ‘ and then mT r raws ana mar fags.) everybody, oa meeting hi* nelghbor.would ask, ST F* Stl FI,ZJ 2j a Rpren wiis influential in defeating the B ™H S sweepfrom Chesapeake to Paasamaquoddy- smut mb rag. - ifob addithotaj. “Have you seenherl" alladlng to either the Ohl- II v (Jw nSitvnolicy theL“ssiontateof the “ “ ~ CALIFORNIA. emancipation IN MARYLAND. nee. junk then in their warmer to Jenny Lind, O ** utra ? P ..7a .. .... prise, and energy and diligence have built no and jir«?Ef@3. elated of muslo, rendered by an orchestra of over one b M be en to see the “ Oniphant,” and the reply lu- I. the on REGIONS —Special Beport to The Prem the people. To Judge SPEED, and men Of we an EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS PROPOSED. . D 7’*£ Jn » Sacramento saUed to- ffinse* dfcates that every ptbor man Counts big on stemk by —a Visit to the New El Dorado—The Wealth.* Nor* lik fl anirit. Kentuckv owes her osnane from ing from sea to sea, spreading over an entire oontl- day for Panama, carrying a small number of pas- addresj , the thousands. It may be all right, but we know western Pennsylyanla—Thr m Tears of Enterprise and * -Jr-.™ to draw r Into nnm re ma ?> ro ' d ind ’ lBtr !® B „ ?? d ' ——— sengers and *765,184 In gold. Of this only *180.741 The sneakers Wk varied views of ttehubj eat, and one Investment In whlot there Is no doubt-that Is Induetry-Pennsylvaala finds her bamie rooks richer the conspiracy 10 drag her Into open re- that Hoe sig Headquarters Six Miles from Nashville* la for New York, tte remainder of the amount pictured in glowing colors the rapid strides the i n a new suit of firshclass Slotting at Charles then Ormua or Ind—Familiar Life in Western Virginia belhon.' His appomtment is a benefit and : to not alone Win being consigned to England and Panama- people have taken ln-the last fcur years on the great stokos : & co.’s one price, under tte Continental. » tt&sassxss&xsti ..action t, o» co» w »a SuSSHESSms 1 - - 0. ™~ S"V*’ M«»°f w o, St»««SSfWiS, , 'affiSSSSrK rnMCUJ. Oil coraiaciu,. •11. BhaSAYINa. Soldiers Playing Ten pine In ably 1 and faithfhlly performed. E°-r a l® *5? .union Force*. »BTHOIT. . sohobner ana , Bobert Pmall, Who brought ...... .... °nx , 'POBTBT.-“Theß!rd ofß»tUe”-‘*ASonfffor Judge BpKED is about fifty years of age. wo?efleo”t on ? aU that'^r^d 1 tth! (wd' odd yesterday matted tile is of our Tare *'.Kie ‘ Bplgrammatlet on Picket”— \ —— . v™ P cause to be proud add iiTmpwarp nil TlTff BUUPI 1! IVUAII TWint m SHU oltvwas beinv nro-artlreo hvrnhni n was ‘deafening:. The Star Spangled Banner was sixteen per cent, sinee Monday morning. The up war, “Smoking Hymn”—“Not OrudginglT, or,of Sebes- Mermvt of the Secretary of the Treasury.' eon DEFEaT Ur IILE RKuliLo IllSxß TfllT FLICB. elng organised by rebel refugees In Oa- sung by D. B. Bowser, tte whole audience joining movement commenced oa the announcement ofKr. Mtvr <> , . steport 01 tne secretary OI me ixceeurj. recording our names among the names of tttose nada. In tte chorus. Loyal and palriotloresolutions were Elevens. InCongTeis, that he would mtrodnee_a bill to IV. “TBEj BOY THAT WOfftD’NT GBOW’’-An . Mr. FbssENDBN, in his report, has giveu jqy. e iLFfl: —— In oonsetinenoe of tte receipt of this Information offered by Sergeant .Major Green,-and adopted with prevent the jmfttara and Bale of gold. The balleof the Original Novelette, byaeorge St.yne-Continued a thorough and intelligible report Of t,lie cst dttemice thatever brokefrom’tbo lips of this TEN HEB&L OENEItAIN LOST AT THE BATTLE OP the civil and military authorities are making every K«?~ t ,n entllUa,aßm ' At a lat « hour tko m3ot - market were evidently delighted at the measure, for V. EDITORIALS. -The President's Message—The, or any people t FKANKUJf preparation to receive the raiders, mg aaiouraeu. their, speculations met with greater success yesterday Battle Of pranklin—The Pennsylvania Hospital—The condition Or tne national nnanceß, aim HB The Seoretarv of the Commonwealth was Intro* a . Col. HIU, military commander, in anote to Mayor AKHEST OF .COTJNTEIIPEITBBS. than they have in the same period of time for.raany Supreme Court of the United States—Our Friends in candor is not its least value. Indus'intro- duced and presented the returns of the eleotlon, 10- > Barker, reoemmends, that: Immediate'mbahures be Officer Flnlef, of the Reserve Corps, arrested two weeks. That thepremium did not go higher wee owing * dmltory remarks, the Secretary admits'tha Three River Steamers Recaptured from the Rehols taken tt organise and arm tho fo? mnS message OF ME plesident. difficulties that sUll confront the Govern- S' lw nf tb.e ifternoGn, it was VIII. SKWBFBOM WASHINGTON.— Opaatn* ment t while Ills whole report famishes II! Jenfcs, Oharlea ]&:, Bunk, Robert Parke, Wm. TUOCATCUCn DAirt au ne -J lep&jtoLiL enrolled andotherw)tiveand Throraua Baltimore, which was Immediately pronoanoed a towfl that th« blUwaa defeated, sold Immediately Prooeedlxgsof Oongreßß—Llrtof tbeMombarß—Silmon tliat thft rfiamiTAPa nf tiro Taylor, J- A. Hlestand, R. H. Ooryoll f E HallcJay, THREATENED RAID ON Tn«Bsnp«R ™ Yg °- r ?? 8 oounterfolt by the person td’wbom it was slran. fell, thoogli not eafflrttfitly t - ■ ■■■ ■ ■ . : and went out. * They proceeded farther up inConsrees of hills to regulate the price of coin* Past them. The Bepublic has' now a debt of ononwrzaT ox^o, mt wo ToncJTw", h ShermafvA hundredand fortymillions six .AH- the emotore answered to their names ex “ T “ Broljro asspC™ one of the Vermont raidlrewasTcard reSttt the mIS On tto F pereo "of "m he Qrehamfvme P SC-Afrair- near Elttmcad-BrUlianl four hua- „ tfOT(M i ft preamb i e and resolution, re- srrtrATion uwoHAira™ . ldenca wa! offw6d sh * wln » that ’wcS?! Tbigener.l stock market was steady- -Government Said bvGenewl Gregg— Capture of Stoay Creak Station dred and eighty-nine dollars and forty cents, clunk the fact that Mr-Wlstar was in Europe and —Kollfu,— the defendant belonged to the Confederate servloe, ay . P < ... ,ve a hearing to cootinae in faver, and prices are moving upward, andDu«l-sMilis-Histoiy of our K atonal Cavalry. the annual interest of which is, in round nominating John B Clark in his stead „ which defence urged by his counsel THE TAX ON TOBACOO The 1681 loan sold at ,17, an advance of I the new 8 numbers, hinety-o,ne miliions. The re- »fr. John B Clark was unanimously elected In Hi,Al> onv»»i s°SS 3K XU-nNAKOIAL ANHCOMMEROUL and a quarter millions, while the daily re- and Vico President of the TJnlted States, bybaUot, Site a separate corps b£ - at 162-do change, llltts SehnylklU *V.XlswXytr.- Thus we are running indebt at the rate of an T d ifr nUand Pen was annc.nted a. b.arsr ~rnlly working man Its details, wlth.«ry = tho Will bs allowed when dubs are formed. Singlecopies, one million and three-quarters, daily, a Of- tte packages, of votes ’and eartifloates, directed Proßffttof equalling the expectations of those who ]ttr. Stevens’ Bill Against Gold Gambling Tabled, rooms. 702 Walnut stroetoiMufrfiay. Mr. McJowen little doing in. the oU stocks. A sale of Maple Shade put «j In wrappers, ready for maffinl. may be obtainsd - h h M nartainlv have neriona have se long eberlsbed this their ravorite project. “*S » »«. pref ent«d some fine specimens of oarrom.rdbedSi w.s at SBK. an advance of Son last sales. Bfc “t the counter. Price «ve rents. Mye senous w 01 the Uni WdlnttWßhsnMe General Weltsel commands the Corps d’AfrUue, tls planetnesr Bridesburg. Nomtottons’for officers Nittolaa was a better. Walnut Island was less aeHve. ■ fc ' consideration. The only-way to reduce ?? n P Hnn Si while tte Ist, id, and 3d Divisions are marshaled by WASHirraTOK, Deo T ™* de . The deotion wIU be held at the next. Curtin sold down to l«fst tte olose. Of pauengsr Chief Justice Chase. this rate IS hy the imposition Of newtaxes,, oftho^XnlMd 1 Generals Payne, Blmey, and Heokman Itwas MEETING OP THE SUPREME COURT ' Ug Adj d railroad stocks there were sales reported ofThtr- Aweekagowe pointed out the various by which the daily receipts, abcoraing This afternoon six of tJL “jSSEL the Th.e hM J^^ A STS?««Ut h« distinguished men Who had filled the high to Mr. FESSENDEN’S estimate, mriy he liver the cerUhcates directed to the president or the would have had command In this corps, but it trnlted States Supreme Court, all how present In been oompleted, and the basins are now filled with 'Green and Coatees es.ww, asked for Second and Thirds office of Chief Justice of the United States, raised to two millions. The system United States Senate at Washington, D. 0., to the ' **!?* •• • - the elty, not reprettnUng a guorum or the court, ' Nater. for Fifth and Sixth; 48 for Tenth and Eleventh, tbo two first were aUDointed bv of •taxarioi he recommends wmW Fostmester gof the seat of Government of this The foot about this eyafilsatlon m,de the usual IbSial call upon the President Tha CONCBBT. and 26 for Girard College. Bank shares art rather Of these, the two Urßt were appointea oy ot taxation ne recommends wm pro- state is that the rebels seemed to kno'w just when lt'went The Interview was brief, and of a vary W,M.I ..a Sabbath-sohool of the Tabernacle Baptist firmer, witteales of CNirmsntown Bank at 72i«» was General WASHINGTON, the third by Mr. duce an internal revenue of three hua- A unanimous voto of thanks was tendered to the lDto effeot ' »»7 before yesterday tte necessary pleasant character ta tK bid for Farmers’ and Mettanie.-, old stock; S 3 (or Me- Adams, and the fourth by General JACK- dred millions yearly. Yet, even with, the presiding officer of the Oolloge, and, also to the se- mOT e“® ntsto J f “ dB<, » rr y ln N®“‘ t hapN>jeot began, Chief Jnstioe Ohasb,-not yet having taken the Eighteenth. The children of the achooltm’l be the S S ON-the administration of the two last additional revenues from customs and other ®re«AHes. ' to know of ®fflce and entered upon his dntles, was not for City; «for Consolidatiou. and si tor Union; m was menang during the consulate Ot BONA- culated ttat the mcrease dunng the year messengers to Washington, PhUadslphla, and Har- ft« e 7. B mok“^^Ywkles’’^lut Ms now nudLreod The Republican Stators hold .canons this morn „ . , The of gold were as foUows: PABTB, and ending in the midst of our endntgjune 30, 1865, Will he $482,873,188. risburg be appropriated to the Sanitary Commla Sat^lhbywTb^^ffloltttl?USmST. tog to arrange the standing committees These will great period fruitful of grea These figures are. not alarming. On the sl ®”* ■ ■ ■ • presence. This determination was no doubt quick- «i"atoh®“lT ® 8 they were during tte last session a m » B toan imy ->ua. M... i .ae< ' events affecting the whole civilized world, contrary, we are surprised that so candid !JSioSd ™ ite'"''" 1 ened by the reflection that onr ooiored troops are “ Senator ear iy part ionlar attentionofdhLlers Is revested to The three first of these great men had been an exhibition of the situalionas Mr. Fes- j hew toj® electoral oolluok similarly supplied with weapons and because the fiance With the valuable and desirable assortment of British, Ift employed abroad in diplomatic capacities', SESbEN has made should be so encou- • AxBAKT,Deo. I —The electors assembled at the ™mon anytorms which he might feeWUsmuol'to the Committee on Naval Affairs and the Navy De-' Ge ™ ll ! | s never exhibited such toe promise of srieSsa/ ** re * R- O. Walbom & Co., Nos. 5 and 7 North sixth ggs 'g-gg** ff f| ggg I'gK; S 2 times, when a change bad taken place in the restoration of the currency; but he |fl ' „ “ II 111” SS the Government, by which the meat prin- has done wisely in leaving this matter to D. w. woods..—. -mm Thaiaeus 8ank5.. 1.W«23 CENEBAL cbant« ARMY. obhjbstuis or. bleot mom Evbbt Dbsckiption ox PortmAß hats, for uooo erisrin*' nas aoow sawpSl l if u ciples of freedom weje ignored, and Congress. It is not a %ork to be accom- sffi?|3SC:::::::®g| A xlag ,°x^; WI “ . m, Morgan, of £7, desire to present tte mro S.SSS §S slavery, regarded by our Bevolutionary plisbed in a year, and as yet no plausible strett o?a tote newS^ HDigi «•« ~ «» ~ ia> fathers as a foul blot on our escutcheon, plan has been suggested by any financier {unkiu—i'.irSle w2 0! j:&55V.7.7.2®9M Deo. 5.—A flag of truce appeared yesterday,la front £gK.^ffi , y^ !^’i*®JS^-»WB?ta. :g s g M*L« aj tended to at .this establishment. J .BB,Deo. 7, was made the corner stone Of our republi- of the country. Mere t legislation cannot J-W. Blanchard—.msw W. M0utg0mery....275,900 of the 2d-division of the 2d Corps,bearing do- andqmlifiei to judeeinrelatioatoall tteproMsdiugs Branuv nimre V,, nn,TMi« Itn. v> t w. Q, „ . , „1- , - ~ ... soattbkikg VOTE. - snatch addresEed to General Gregg, Humphreys. «oimectoa with toe election after they snail have bairn Holiday BOOKS XOR Chbistmas.—At T. B. 6 , Krofter. lican edifice. Slavery affected the legisla- -do it, but that the restoration of the cur- .in the vote given In the returns below, that of Mr. "and Foster. The flag was brought by aeaZtn. ai of this So v ““/ttsif Peterson & Brothers, No. 308 Ohesftrat street, will . wSi,, -tion Of Congress, took active possession Of rency will be greatly aided by the decided ®?P t , ?* n ® d S® issf **** companled by a first, second, and third lieutenants, pittees a.e i.ppointed. that the mSm&tti be referred be found on ®® f „ t b« most extensive and varied as- 0 ’ the executive branch, and, after corrupting increase of revenue by taxation, which is B>ld a sergeant, all staff officers. The despatches that the TOP9 rs just ® f books ever offered for sale In re uacfioOl'] all the State courts of the South, made its the principal object of Mr. Fessenden’s * Tito'ttiieetton is rich, varied, oholoe, and many > [l ‘appearance on the Supreme bench, over- policy, is not to be doubted. The more with Mr. MuH’s name lnoluded; and many of these returned • . " t — a r —are very costly, and others so splendidly bound that p. is down throwing the whole Territorial policy of we tax, the less we borrow; the smaller msora ™ , PicketfWog is stiE kept up in the vicinity of 7Z they needs must he seen to he appreciated. » «;;; the Government from the ordinance of our debt, the sounder our credit and pros- It is also weU to observe that the scattering vote \ Fort Sedgwick, (better known as Fort HeU,) but suSmitteci. r memthat auCmttoafaSlbe « nea t iSrat™nt S, ~ 1787 to the date of the Dred Scott deei- parity. >. . to the Senate op- M sion. It so perverted the judicial mind A a , boys.and girls of larger growth the-eoUeotlon that the great truth solemnly proclaimed xEUMBKhTAJIIA hLEtTOBAI; UOLIiEuS. g; f •ffl'"::;:;:; 15 o. MfoS“?“::;:::; l his tent, situated ahaif mile in the rear of ourtlne adiommrt. ; ' lalmmense. fgj 1 ® in the immortal Declaration Of Indepen- ———- mi... n B^? 8- " } OwmalHea occur there almost dally. HOPSE OF JREPBESENTATIVEB. The assortmmt of fine books megantfrlHusfaated. emu, dence, “that all men are created equal,” ‘ E.'H.’aiHtoy:::::: .J' / anfmwrttS 1 whatever the“enemy m9emim€m w “*• ANn-wwotATHW Uo t° t “ select. P PMtsf ta Sittytos ofModtag- ecocau -was ty a solemn judgment of thehighest ThefoHowSlhe T votobv O JoSs asnoitedbv pietexf whatever, and particularly, agSust tl Annuals of all sizes and prlee-ln fact, any thing you “Map. tribunal vestiicted, in its universal, self- the on S «banging newspapers, and tte men along thedthe ™7 want In the book line can be had at Peterson’s. ~ w evident application to all men. to men the highest vote In the several oountloa of thecoma have orderstoahoot any pass at very low prices. stoMowe With-White faces. This universal truth, menweaith. The Unionmajorlty- ttus obtained is outside tte pickets. _W D &q(fßßGa* m io, as. applied to all men, had been declared fete war ih TFifjfKSSEE. * t 8 rJaiuh* in the twelfth century, by the then head the kbbbls extiujinching oppositb kaskvillb— , of the'‘Christian Church: “Cum autem captubb ox a spy—pbopositiow ox gbsebal omnes liberos natura ereasset, nullus cou- hood—mubxbebsbobo depended. ' ditiohe natune fuit subditus servituti,” which has been rendered by the historian of the United' States, ■ “ Nature having made no all men have an •equal right to liberty.” The. same eminent writer, in speaking of the Declaration, says: “The bill of rights Which it promulgates, is of rights that are older than human institutions, and spring from the eternal justice that is anterior to the State." “ The heart of Jefferson in writing the Declaration, and of Congress In adopting it, beat for all humanity; the assertion of right was made for the entire world of mankind, and all coining genera tions, without any exception whatever, for the proposition which admits of exceptions can never be self-evident. As it was put forth in. the name of the ascendant people of that time, it was sure to make the cir cuit of the world, passing everywhere, through the despotic countries of Europe ; and the astonished nations, as they read that all men are created equal, started out of their lethargy like those who have been exiles from childhood, when they suddenly hear the dimly-remembered accents of their mother-tongue. ’ ’ The criminal folly of the slaveholders has realized the vision of our Revolutionary fathers, and the present .ge neration will hail the day when the foot of a slave cannot touch the free soil of our free Republic. ■ The acts of Congress in re lation to slavery in the District of Colum bia and the Territories, the proclamations of the President and the amendment to the Constitution, will effect this desirable object, which makes us not only theoretically but practically the freest Government in the world. We have, first the people, second the executive and legislative branches, and now the judiciary, all in favor of this great movement. The President has, with great sagacity, selected as the chief of the judi cial branch Salmon P. Chase, an able law yer 'and pure patriot, who has been Go vernor of Ohio, a member for many years •of the Senate of the United States, and who, as Secretary of the Treasury, had a world-wide reputation as a skilful finan cier, equalled only by that of his renowned predecessor Alexander Hamilton. He was one of that small hut potent phalanx in the Senate .who for so many weary ses sions fought the great battle of freedom, which has at last terminated in a glorious victory. Upon the greatest question of this generation Chief Justice Chase is a pledged man. Two other measures equally important in putting down the rebellion are the draft and the legal-tender acts. The constitutionality of the first has been sustained by the Supreme Court of Penn sylvania, and of the second by the Court of ■' Appeals of New "York, both of which de cisions we are morally certain Chief Justice ■ Chabe approves. The New Attorney General. The record of Hon. James'S SFebd, Of Kentucky, recently appointed Attorney General of tie United States, shows his fitness for an office so honorable and influ ential. Judge Speed is not only a lawyer of eminence, but, though little of a politi cian, has long been distinguished among the eminent men of I his own State As early :as 1849 he was a leader of the small party Which endeavored to make Kentucky a free State. Sihee then he has been devoted to the practice of his profession. , The sin cerity of his anti-slavery opinions isphowh by his voluntary emancipation of his own slaves jibojoj.three years ago. Long before the war beganie understood the plot of the Secessionists,and devoted his influence to its ■exposure and defeat, and during the re. Habbibbijkg, Deo. 7. —The Electoral College of tbis State ootvened today, In the Senate Chamber, and was "called to order by Hon. J.P. Penney, of Allegheny county, who nominated Morton MoMl chael, Esq., of Philadelphia, as president. John Bammeisly, W. W. Hays, and John A. Small, were appointed secretaries. Rev, Mr. Jack son opened the proceedings with prayer. , Mr. MoWtchael, on assuming the chair, made the following remarks: We have'met to-day, gentlemen of the Electoral College, for the performance of an augnst duty. Under all cironmstances, the determination, by a great Commonwealth, of questions affeoting Its largest Interests, Is of grave Importance, and Ur Is especially so when the result of that determination may Involve Its very existence. Recently oar State, In common with her loyal sister States, has been called upon to meet this very emergency—to solve by her action political problems alike awful In their immediate influence and their remoter conse quences, and It is to give praeUoal efficacy to what she has done in the premises that we have been de puted by our fellow-citizens. I am sure that each of you feels, as I do, the magnitude ofthe trust re posed in us. It Is no exaggeration to assert , that no people were ever before called upon to pronoonee upon Issues so vast and vital to themselves, and so world wide and all-embracing m their relations to others, as those which were presented to the people of the United States on the Bth of last November. The present destiny of the model republic of the earth, the future destiny of millions now living in distant regions, and millions yet to be bora in the coming ages, weye then to be decided. Who shall complain If we boast that never was a public opinion formed more thoughtfully and wisely, or a public award proclaimed more resolutely and calmly 1 The spec tacle of that memorable .day was, indeed, full of moral sublimity. In the midst of an unparalleled excitement, after all that was mean and sordid and mercenary in out frail human natures had been constantly solicited, and when evil passions had been their fiercest extremity, men quietly repaired to the Tolls, and there, without tnmiut or tnrbulenco, settled questions which had for months, vea, for years, intensely agitated all minds and bosoms; and, by their violent disturbance, shaken onr civil and social fabrics to their very oentres. .1 say settled, gentlemen, because from that day’s decision there can be no appeal. It was no hasty, impulsive, or unconsidered conclusion, bat a sober, solemn, and deliberate judgment. All the issues had been fairly made up; all the pleadings care fully prepared; all the evidence thoroughly exa mined ; all the arguments closely canvassed. In' the broad blaze of thelntellectual noonuf the nine teenth century, while every olvilized nation looked on with earnest attention, bbfore the majestic tri bunal of a self-governing people, the imposing trial was had whether freedom, humanity, and pro gress should he our onward guides to the future, or whether, resulting the exploded forms of a cor rupt and lmbeclle past, and consenting to he again, marshalled by the debased apostles of effete and cruel institutions, we should relapse Into barbarism. Let God be praised that thetrlbuual was equal to the mighty work assigned to It, for never was ver dict moie complete, deserved, and emphatic than that which was then rendered. I do not propose to reopen the controversy which, so far as the great mass ofthe American people are concerned, was thus Anally closed. As a prelimi nary, however, to the votes we shall directly cast, It may not he amiss briefly to state the significance which, Us I understand it, the citizens of Pennsyl vania, In whose-behalf we are to speak, attach to the record we are about to make.’ Thatreoord is intended to show: ’ That, as the Southern rebellion was commenced, and has been continued, utterly without justifica tion, the war It has compelled us to wage must be prosecuted, at whatever cost,.until the treason has been wholly subdued, and the flagrant traitors sig nally punished; . That-the Union, in support of which the loyal portion of the American people arc contending, is, In the highest sense, a National Union, and can never be sundered upon any assumption of States rights, or upon any pretext of States wrongs: That, as slavery, through its baleful agencies, S revoked, promoted, and now sustains the rebel on, and from its very essence cannot coexist with republican generament, therefore the peace for which we are struggling, as well as the future honor, dignity, and safety of the nation, demand Its total extirpation: That, as moans to tbls end, not less than for rea sons more Instant and urgent, the proclamations and other measures of emancipation adopted by the National Administration, whether through Its olril or its military instrumentalities, have been just and necessary, and that to remove all further difficulty the National Constitution should be so amended as to prohibit involuntary servitude, except for crime, on all soli now occupied by any of the United States, and In all territory now belonging to or henceforth to be acquired by them. There can be no doubt, I think, that these pro positions were sanctioned mid accepted by the people of this Commonwealth at the recent elec tion. There can be no doubt, I am confident, that their suffrages on that occasion were meant to testify their gratitude, respect, and esteem for the good and faithful Magistrate whom they have a second time aided In calling to preside over the nation. I believe that nowhere, not even in his own cherished Illinois, where he has been so long known and loved, Is there entertained for Mr. Lincoln a warmer or more affectionate attachment than that whloK we Pennsylvanians feel. His honesty, Ms tenderness, his benevolence, his ge niality, have won onr kindliest regard for his personal 'character, while his sagacity, his fore- Bight, "his steadiness of purpose, his remarkable aptitude for business, his large somprehonslon of affairs, bis uncomplaining endurance of labors such as few besides bimseir have been called to undergo, and hisunwearyingpatience under trials which none besides bimself could have borne with equanimity, have secured onr strongest admiration for his quali ties as a statesman and his capacity as a ruler. 'Having faith alike in his skin and his integrity, wherever he has offered to lead we have been eon *?£L to J ollow - adTa hcioß as he advanced, pausing when he paused—and events have vindicated our reumioe. Weighed In the balanoeof an enlightened patriotism, he has pot been found wanting by a single scruple; measured by the standard of emi nent public service, ho rises to the loftiest height and presents the finest proportions. . At this yerr kour, gentlemen, in all the pmts of tbls. Immense Republic, except In those wbiohareez* clul.adby.thefoliy,and wickedness of their own in habitants-fat this very hour, by the shores or the fan off Facifio; on the western slopes of the Rooky Mountains; beside the waters of the magnifleent* Mississippi, and the Boaroely less magnificent Mis soni!; along the margins of onr Illimitable lakes; Comities* U. B Counties. B. B. idarDS**~~ a. 2,612 9*016 Lancaster 14,469 8,451 Allegheny .*.*21*619 12,414 Lawrence. 3,408 1,880 Airastrong.... 3,626 3,241 Lebanon-..... 8,780 2,779 Beaver 3*237 2,304 Lehigh 3,908 6,920 8edf0rd.,,.... 2,333 2,762 Luzerne 7,645 10,046 £?*£s... 6,H0 13,266 Lyecmmg 3,f31 4,207 B]air.a«e-.... 3,292 2,680 McKean 767 652 Bradford...... 6,£95 3,007 4,220 8,669 8uck5*........ 6,483 7,886 Mifflin ....1,643 1,716 8ut1er......... 3,476 2,947 Monroe-...-.. 685 2,698 Cfmfrda ...... 2,244 3,036 Montgomery.- 6,872 7,943 Cameron.....* 235 232 M0nt0ur...... 1,180 1,496 Carbon 1,721 2,261 Sotthia’n..... 3,726 6,94* Centre 2,H7 8,399 Morfchum’d... 2,915 8,608 Chester 3,446 6,987 Perry 2,406 2,446 Clarion 1,780 2,f83 Philadelphia. 65,791 44,0*3 Clearfield 1,606- 2,801 Pike. 260 1,180 Clinton... 1,666 2,135 Potter 1.890 . 680 1,9i4 3,367 Schuylkill.... 7,851 9,640 Crawford..... 6,441 4,528 Somerset.."•••» 2,788 1,719 Cumberland.. 3,604. Snyder 1,879 1,368 Dauphin..s,s44 4,220 Sullivan 889 670 Delaware..... 3,664 2,141 Susquehanna. 4,203 2,959 Elk 348 885 Ti0ga.......... 4,673 1,684 Erie...... 4-... 6,911 3,722 Union. 1.946 1,852 Fajette.—•» • 3.221 4,15(8 Venango - 8,819 8,841 Franklin 3,862 3,821 Warren ,2,841 1,006 Fulton 694 906 Washington 4,951 4,579 Forest,,,.-.-*- 85 .62 Wayne*.2,274 2,989 Greene. 1,688 3,076 Westmoreland 4,650 5,977 Huntingdon-' - 8,321 2,477 Wyoming...., 1,387 1,482 Indiana 4,320 2,379 York ...A,568 8,500 Jefferson 1,823 1,868 “ .Juniata..—-• 1,437 1,763 Total 296,389 276.308 SBW YOBK CITY. CBpeclal Correspondence of The Frees. I New Yoke, Deo. 7,1864. THE INCEBASE OX cm I'M In this city has been of so marked a character as to extelte the attention even of the authorities. Re corder Hofltoan, in his charge to the Grand Jury on Monday, alluded to the unpromising fact, and stated that one hundred and thirty men are now In prlEon awaiting Indictment or trial. Baring the past month the record of metropolitan erlmo has been simply hideous. All manner of Infamy,, all grades of brutality—in short, the whole gamut of wickedness seems to have been ran through per sistently, "Villainy thrumming especially upon the murder string. To the eases which come before the public must be added those the records of which lie only In the offices of referees, and never meet the public eye save In the merest allusions. Intermi nable divorce cases, Involving the vilest turpitude, are heard by the score In dingy Wall-street and William-street officeß, and yet of these the Grand Jurießare In blissful Ignorance- Belt remarked, also, that scandal was never so rife and society never so thoroughly polluted by. social sins. It would appear as though we have indeed fallen upon evil days when the evil portions-grow strictly domi nant, “ and will not down.” The United States Grand Jury have Indioted Isaac Henderson, late navy agent, lor alleged mal versations while holding that position. Mr. Hen derson’s friends stm appear to be confident of his vindication" when the case shall be snbmltted-for trial. Mr. Henderson. Is likewise defendant In a civil suit for $128,800.66, brought by Joseph L. Savage, a Government contractor, the same gen tleman upon whose representations Mr. Henderson was deprived of his . office and arrested upon the above charges. Judge JRussell, In view of the recent mania for 1 robbery and assault, has publicly declared his In tention to visit upon every offender convicted before him of robbery with dangerous weapons the fullest penalty of the law. A short time ago he sentenced one of the rasoals to Imprisonment for twenty years and six months. , Judge Cardozo has denied the motion for the re moval of the case of General Butler to the United States oonrts. * "'pbop, gold Win smith - Is at present the guest of the Hon. Historian Ban croft. He will sail for Europe on the 14th of this month, lh the steamer China, He was announced to reaif a “History of the University of Oxford” last night before the Historical Society. [By Telegraph.] ." MAILS FOB BHBBHAIt’S Alt MY, The steamer Fulton sails to-morrow under sealed orders, with a heavy mall for Sherman’s army, prim, cipally accumulated at Nashville since the move ment commenced. The steamer Monterey will take theregular Fort Royal mall to-morrow. THE STSAUBK BBEHBN. The steamer Bremen has been repaired, and will sail for Europe on Saturday. SHIPMENT. OF SPECIE. The steamer Washington, for Havre, to-day took $160,000 in specie, and the Asia, for Liverpool from Boston, took *25,000. THE EVENING STOCK BOARD. Eleven o’clock F. M.—Stocks firm. Gold, 239. New York Central, 120%; Erie, 95%; Hudson River, 116%; Reading, 136%; Michigan Central, 129%; Michigan Southern, 73% ; Illinois Central, 130; Pittsburg and Cleveland, 110%; Rook. Island and Chicago, 106%; Northwestern, 48%; Cumber land Coal, 47%; Mariposa, 36%. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Arrived, monitor Gaseo, from Boston; barks Cor nelia, Hong Itong; Lavlnla, Clow Bay; Mathllde, Bremen. _ Non-Arrival of the Steamer Canada. Halifax, Deo. 7—B o’olook F. M.—There are no. Igna of the steamship Canada, now due, with late” idvlces from Europe. " ' The Georgian at fcollingwood, Canada. Collingwood (O. W.), Deo, 7.—The steamer Qeorglan arrived here this evening. Nashville, Deo. 6.— A captain Of Forrest’s ca valry corps has teen recognized by some of his for-' mer companions, dressed In citizens’ clothing, ta Sing obserrations of our works at or near Fort Gib Jem.. Another member of the 10th Tennessee was captured while in the act of deserting- to the eliemy, The rebel cavalry have possession oftheresMenoe of Benjamin A. Brown, and are entrenching them selves on the hlli near the Hyde Ferry road. There has been heavy cannonading since four o’clock to-, day. The guns of Forts Negley and Cassin are shelling the rebel force In their front to prevent the enemy from erecting batteries, ' Two of eur men were wounded to-day by rebel sharpshooters, near the residenee of Mrs. Aoklln. The river is falling. There are now sii and a hair feet on the shoals. - . Nashville, Dec. B.—'Very little of Interest trans pired yesterday. Artillery skirmishing continued throughout the day. The daily routine was varied by the reception of a flag of truce, sent by General Hood,'which, was received by our Tickets on the Franklin pike, at about 11 A. M.' The bearer had the following letter from General Hood 1 : Headquabtbbs Dbpabtmbwt or Tswresses ■ j AHD GBOSGIA, Dr the Field, Deo. 5,1884. To the Commanding Officer United. Stales forces, Nash ville, Tennessee .- Gbbebal : I have now In my possession a large number of Federal prisoners, captured during tie recent campaign, whlchl propose to exchange with yon for an equal number, of Confederate prisoners -belonging to this army, in accordance with the car tel used by Major General Sherman and myself in the exchange of prisoners which took Mace in’Sep tember last at Jonesboro, Ga. , • Should you ageee to this proposition, an"offloer of my staff will meet any one you may designate upon the Franklin pike, between the lines of the two ar mies, to arrange the time, place, and other neces sary details Connected with this exchange. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, B. Hood, General C. S. A. To which request Gen. Thomas sent the follow ing reply: HbADQUABTEBS XtBP’T'OP THE OUITBERLAHD, . December 6. Gen. Bond, Commanding, Confederate Forces on the Franklin'Bond GBBBBAtr: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of this date, making a proposition for, the exchange of prisoners.-of the , army of the United States, now in your possession, for a like number of Confederate prisoners ing to your army In my hands. In reply I have to state that,, although I have had quite a large number iff; prisoners from your army, they have all been sent North, and are, conse quently, now beyond, my Control. , I am, therefore, unable to make the exchange proposed by you. Very respectfully, yours, etc., Geobgz H. Thojcas, ‘ Major General Commanding. All sorts of rumors prevailed in the City when the news got abroad that a flag of truce had come in. The general supposition was that Hood had de manded a surrender of the city. .Generals Milroy and Rousseau are at Murfrees boro, which Ib amply garrisoned and'defended against any rebel force which may attack It. Yesterday a body of rebels attacked block-houses Nos. 6 and 7, near Murfreesboro. They were gal lantly fought by the garrison, and soon a body of troops, sent by Milroy from Murfreesboro, arrived, who attaoked the rebels with such effect that they were driven off in confusion, leaving six guns and a number of prisoners. Matters at the front to-day are quieter than usual. No artillery that can he seen has yet been placed in position by the rebels/ Hood’s headquarters are said to be at Brentwood, six miles north of . this city, qp the Franklin pike. ; CAPTURE Of BBBEtGBHBEAtB AT THE BATTLE OF Domßvttra, Deo. 7.—A special despatch to the Journal, dated yesterday, says the rebels lost ten general, officers at the battle of Franklin, among whom were Generals Go van and Quarles, whose names were .not. previously reported. General Obeatham escaped capture only by the fleetness of hls horse. ' EBOAPTUBH OP WBBTBBH BTBAHBBS. Louisvilib, Deo. 7.—The steameisPrima Donna, Frairie State, and Magnet, which' were captured yesterday on the Cumberland river-by the rebels, were recaptured to-day by the 17. S.. gunboat Oa rondelet. 7 FORTRESS MONROE. CAPTUEK AKD DBSTBUOTIOH OP A NATIONAL BCHOONEB. Fobtkbsb Mokbob, Va., Deo. 6 —lntalUgenee reached here this afternoon'of the Capture and de-- struetlon of another schooner, and the tug “Lizzie FTeeman,"atmldnlght,lastevenlng,whileanehoredV off the mouth of the Warwick river, a little stream about seven mUes above Newport News, Va„ by a party of rebels, asserted to be a portion of the crew of the “ Florida.” The rebel party was twelve in number, under the leadership of an offioer'dreuing In the uniform of. the rebel navy. The sutler sohooher waa-first captured, the crew being surprised while in their bunks, made no resistance. The rebels then adroitly captured the Lizzie Freeman In the same manner, paroHing all the crew and passengers, among whom were Captain Lawteli, captain of the military prison in Norfolk, robbing all of them Oj the larger portion of theft clothing and valuables. BILL—THE BILL TABLED. Nr. BLAINE, of Maine, said the House yesterday re ferred to the Committee of Ways and Means the bills of the genllemmi from Penneylv*nia (Mr. Stevens) to pre vent gold and silver ooin and bullion from being paid or acceptccbfcXua.greater -value than their real current Vfcrtte, nhujQJ rreventieg any mote or bill issued by the united States from being received for a smaller sum than;is therein'specifled. He moved to reconsider the motion qf-reference.. Xa .the twenty-four hours since this bill was introduced great mischief has been done, and every day and hour this bill remained where it was'sttll greater miseh ef will result in raising the price of gold., It indicts three States of the Union, and makes every man guilty of a misdemeanor, and every clause of it commits the House to impossibilities. Gold rose yesterday 12 per cent., for no other reason than this ex traordinary bill. .MV. COa , of Ohio, did not agree with the gentleman that; this, hill put up the price ef go'd. He rather thought ihe President had Bayed the -’bull” by his message. - ■ Mr. STEVENS, of Pennsylvania. in reply to Mr. -Blaine, said the action he proposed had been exercised by the most distinguished statesmen for several ages, aqd Is at least worthy of consideration. There ought to pe some cheek putto gambling, when gold was pat .to twice and a half its value.- This conld-not be pre vented unlessby 'somelegislation in some way. It was jiitt tho legislation that England adopted daring the wart with Napoleon. He moved to lay on the table the motion to reconsider the vote by which the bill was re fened to the Committee of Ways and Means. ■ Mr. 'Steven* ’ motion was decided in the negative yeas Hi, nays 68. The vote by which the bill was referred was recon sicered—j eas 66, nays 41. ~r \ ‘, „ ^e rl i o„ a s .ff calr . I ? 8 oa the question to refer the blB-to toe Committee of Ways and Means, Mr. STEVENS moved to postpone its consideration for fen days. Mr. BLAINE moved to lay foe till on the table. This was carried—yea* 73, nays 52. YEAS. , Hale, Harding, Barrlnston. Holman. Hubbard (lowa)* Bulburd, Kalbfleisch, Keratin, Law. Le Blood, . Karcy, Mcßride, Middleton, Miller ( Pa. \ Morris (N. Y.), Morris (Ohio), * Morrison, Noble, Norton, Odell, O’Neill (OUo), N Fendleton, Perham, Pike, * Price, . .... NAYS, JUbley, ' Frank,' -Bailey, Garden!, Btxter, Grin nil I, Beaman, Hooper* . Blair, Hubbard (Conn ) Blow, Ingereoll, Boyd. Jenckes, Brandegee. Julian, Clark, A. W., Hasson, Cobb, Kelley, Col£ . Ke logs (Mich.), •Davis (Md. b Kellogg (N. Y.), Dixon, Loan, Donnelly, Longyear,' 7 Briggs, Marvin, f kiey, MeClnrg, - lot, „ » Miller (N. Y.), Moorhead, Allen, Jas. C. Alley, Allison, Ames, Ancona, Baldwin (Midi.), Baldwin (Mass.), Blaine, , Bliss, Boutwell, Brook e, ■ Broozoall. Brown (Wis.), Chenier* Coffroth, , Cox, Dawes, Dawson, Dennison, Eden, English, Einck, Gargon, Grider, Griswold, Mr.COLI, ofCalliomia, introduced a bill for the establishment of an ocean steamship mail service be tween the United States and China, A*B*jDnSG THE COHSTITUTTOK, ‘ ..Hr. J3LOAN offered a resolution, which was adopted, that the Committee on the Judiciary he instructed to inghire into the expediency of so amending sections, yticle 1, of the Constitution that representatives in Congress sbadl be apportioned among the several States which may be included within the'union according to their jespectiTe- number of qualified electors, and to report b> hill or otherwise. EXCHANGE 07 PRISONERS—MILITARY AFFAIRS. Mr. USGBKSOLL offered a resolution directing the Secretary of War to report to t! e House what obstacles have prevented an early and full exchange of prisoners of war. The resolution lies over. Mr ARNOLD introduced a bill amendatory of an act for the naturalization of soldiers so as to include sailors within its provisions. Referred to the Committee on the : Judiciary. Mr. JULIAN introduced a bill, which.was reftrred to. tLe Committee on Public Lands, providing for the sale Of mineral lands;: r Mr.HOLttAN offered a resolntio**. which was opt ed,! insiructing the, Committee on Military Affairs to m- Qufre what legislation la necessary to to sol diers who enlisted for unexpired termß but have been held for three years. . Mr. SFAUBDlJSG.istroduced a bill for the esfcahlish mefet of a navy yard at Cleveland, Ohio. Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. ?!r. COX offered & resolution, whieh lies over, call* , if compatible whh the public interest, for copies of rommunicauons not heretofore published in rtlation io the exchange of prisoners. THE ALLEGED NATAL PBAtttJB AT PHILADELPHIA, Mr. RANDALL, of Pennsylvania, offered a resolu tion providing for Aselect committee to examine into the alleged frauds at the Phil* delphia navy yard. Mr STEVIRB .said the preamble to the resolution stated as a fact.things of which the House could have sc hr owledge ; ihe refore, the preamble should be modi fied. Mr. KAUfIALL remarked he took it for granted, that when are looked op In prison some crime ilias been co ton Hied, Mr: STEYKNSmoved to lay the proposition oh the table, unless it be modified: Mr. CBaKLES O’ffKILL. ol Pennsylvania, said he was sot prepared to vote either way atthls time, and hence he hoped the resolution w odd lie over . Mr. RaEDALL, of Pennsylvania, modified his pro position ah follows: ■ ■ ■ ■ Whereas, Alleied frauds have been discovered in the Philadelphia navy ytird and arsenal; and furthermore, many perrons holding important positions therein, and heretofore supposed to be of character and honesty, have been placed in confinement for complicity; there fore, ' - , Resolved, That a committee of nine members be ap pointed to investigate said alleged frauds and any other which may be discovered, with power to send for per eonß-and papers, and it shall be the duty of said*com mittee to report to this House the result of their inquiry. Mr. KELLEY, of Pennsylvania, unsuccessfully re auested his colleague (Mr. Kandall) to indude allega tions as to otter navy y ards, so as to make a general Qhe refused to second the demand for ihe pre vious Question on the passage of the resolution—yeas C. 2 naysefi,, , - .. . .- Debate arising, the i uhjeot wont over. ■ RAISING 2_Hlt PAT OP 80LMBRS. Mr. BROOMALL. of Pennsylvania, offered a resolu tion, which was adopted, instructing the Committee on Military Affair* to munire into the expediency of dis pensing with bounties to soldiers enlisting, and raising their pay to compensate therefor. On motion of Mr. ODELL, of Wew York, the Com mittee tf Ways and Means were instructed to inauire islo the expediency of fixing anad valorem tax on ail mles of merchandise of every dercriptiou. pTh, House at half past one adjourned. "We may add that in addition to their holiday books Messrs. Peterson have a splendid assortment of Photograph Albums, of all sizes. And here it wouldnot be inappropriate to mention that Messrs* T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadel phia, Pa, publish Dickens' complete illustrated Works in twenty four different editions, bound iff' every conceivable style, from the plain paper-cavei"* volume to the gorgeous full hound calf volume. What more suitable “Holiday Present” could be given to any one .than a set of this author’s writings! We answer none. The publishers .will send their descriptive, catalogue, with prices of each style of binding, to any address, on application. We would advise our readers to buy early, mid get them cheap, and have the ohoiee of stock, Johnson’s Family Atlas.—Attention is called to the following extraots from the many tnßUmantals this work has received In this city: “Philadelphia, Nov. 29,1864. “Having examined Johnson’s Family Atlas, we have no hesitation In saying that we believe it to be the most, copious and accurate work of. the kind extant. T. S. Author, “ Oalrb Cope, “ W. P. WE3TERVELT.” “Philadelphia, Nov. 18,1864. “It is the best and cheapest work of the kind with which 1 am acquainted. Pruyn. Radford, Bice (Mass.), Rogers, Scofield, Scott, Starr, Steele or. J.), Steele (8. Y.), Stiles, Strouse, Stuart, ... Sweat, Townsend, Thomas, . Waehburne (ill), • Washburn (Mass) Webster, Wheeler, Williams, Wilson, Wood, Teaman. Thr varying temperature of the season la rapidly producing colds, coughs, and pulmonary affections of all kinds. Persons with weak lungs should now be especially earofnJl; and what may seem trifling coughs and colds onght to have immediate atten tion. The carelesß Indifference which waits for “a cold to go asit came ’’ In many cases results in lay ing the seeds of consumption. For snob neglect of one's health there Is no excuse, as Dr. D. Jayne’s Expectorant oan he readily procured, and as . the standard remedy for all coughs, colds, and pulmo nary affections, Its long-established reputation Is the guaranty of Its efificacy. Prepared only at No. 242 Chestnut street. Morrill, Myers, Leonard O’Ketll (Pa.), Orth, Kendall (Ky.), Rice (Maaa.V, Schenck, Shannon, Sloan. Emitters, Spaulding, Stevens, Upson, V»n Valkenhurg, Whaley, Wilder. . Bonn Lyons Going to England.—Lord Lyons, her Britannic Majesty’s minister, took leave of the President and Seoretary of State on Tuesday, and proouded to New Yorkta a special oar fhmished by the Government for that purpose. His health Is so seriously Impaired as to require relaxation, with the benefit of his native air. He only stopped In Phila delphia long enough to procure an elegant suit at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bookhill & Wil son, Nos. 808 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth, Bargains in Clothing, Bargains In Clothing,' Bargains in Clothing, Bargains in Clothing, - - At Granville Stokes’ Old Stand, i ' At Granville Stokes’Old Stand, At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, At Granville Stokes’ Old Stand, No. 600 Chestnut Street. No. 600 Chestnut Street. No. 600 Chestnut Street, NoJ 609 chestnut Street. “ There is Nothing Likb It,” “A Gem,” “A- Household Treasure,” “Works Hike a Charm,” “ Would Not be Without It j” such are the expres* aions used in favor of the Florence Sewing Ma chine, sold at 630 Chestnut street. de6-5t Complimentary.—“My hair is now restored to Its youthful color; I have not a gray hair left. I am satisfied that the preparation Is not a dye, but acts on the secretions. My hair coascßio fall, which is certainly an advantage to me, who was in danger ofbecomingbald.” This is the testimony of many who have used Mrs, S. A. Allen’s World’s Hair Beatorer and' Zylobalsamum, or Hair Dressing. Every druggist selis'them. dee-tuthast Ghntlbmbn’b hats—All the latest styles » Charles Oakford A Son’s, Continental Hotel. Thr “Flobbnob” does all kinds or Family Sew ng, from the heaviest Woolens to the. most delicate Mnsllns. ' deOOt Ladies’ Furs.—a large assortment of elegant goods at David H. Soils’, 622 Arch street. des-6t* Byb, ear,'amd Catarrh, Buooessfolly treata by J. Isaacs, M. D., Oculist and AurJst, 6U Pine at Brtlfloial eyes inserted. No ohargß for examination Thr “Florence” does finer and nloer work than can be done on any other inabhine, besides making four stitches with the samo;ease that others make one. " ‘ i ' deß-St PpbobAskrs may rely upon getting the best Fnr at Charles Oakford a son’s, Continental Hotel. Warranted to PLRABR.-—The “Florence” is the only perfeet Family Sewing Machine warranted to glvd entire satisfaction or money returned. des-St XiAdirs’ and Childebh’b Hats—Latest style at Chatles Oakford A Son’s, Continental Hotel. George Strok a Oo.’B. Pianos, mid Mason A Hamlin’s Cabinet Organs, for sale only by J. b. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut streets. nol6-tf Latobs’ Forb—An elegant assortment M Chari*, Oakford A Son’s, Continental Hotel. PHILADELPHIA STOCK -CHAIfGB SALr. JBEFOEE BOABDS. ltO Organic. OH IK ICO McS heny Oil 5X SOOBtadingß.™...... BS)s 500Krot2er 100 do b 5 6S| 100 Walnut Maud gu 100 do b 6 68K 100 do cash 3M to Story Farm 2K 10U do blind 8* ICOGxcat 3 % 100 VunaugoOil 1 «oEgbert ....„..bl6 4,3-18 10C0 Winfietd Uf m Hibbard «... 2K FIRST BOARD rsoousfc, 1£81...10t5.U6% 20 Germantown Bank 78 1000 d0...........85.116# 100 Reading R...*Bown 68% 600 do *...tE>.UfiX M 0 do ........s3own 68% 6500 do ..............117 .100 do 68% 880OU8 520 Bds. lots-109 *6B d 0....... 63%_ 950 d 0..... ~.-....109?£100 d0...».....*...b5 685 T 900? do 6O Sclrayl Nor 32* 1000 do 109* 60 d0......caeh-prf39 20C0 Penn K2d mtg.b5.107% 200 Walnut 151 and..... 3% ICOO do .107%30Q do 3% 4000 US 10-4080nd5.... 101 .11Peana8........10ts 67% 3000 U fl T 7-30 Boles, 100 Phi Jada & Erie R.. 30 new....10t5....09* 108McCUntock 0i1..b5 6X 6CoCaldwell. lots 6 100Densmore bS 8% 100 Maple Parm.t.,bs 2% 200McElbeny 0i1..«*b5 6% BETWEEN BOARDS. nWsflmisgYai.">« 78 | 1008eadi8gR...,.55.. $B% ICO Noble* Dela*bls.lOgflfflO ItoAtogtaJlA 105* ICO do 11% 2000SlateCottpod5s... 95# ICO do.' 10%1 lCOpiiila*Rrie..b6o. 30% 6!3tb £3§th-8t8... 26% 100 d0~~......b15. SO 100 Beading B.. 08%! SECOND 6fo US 10*40 lOQs.lo2#! 12000 U S 5-20 80nd5....109% 3000 d0.....109 400 do ..............IC® ](0 d 0........ 109 25 ram A Amboy S -162 36Pe*naB ..67% 2to AUgby & Tideont*- 1 66 AFTER' EOAKD. 38 Kentucky Bank.. .11Q3£ 100 Prefton Goal 33 100 Caldwell 6 200Den5m0re....1)30.. 83£ ioo do-. m 100 So b 5. 2 30ARD8. 5 J Girard Bank 01 100 Union Pe'ro .. 234 S Lehigh Bar 7234 200 Organic .1 12 Mechanics’ Bank. 34 I ICO Blbberd .. 234 108-Little Scbuyl R... 4454 100 Story Farm 2g 1000 U 1 6-20 80nd*...-109 M 0 Curtin IM£ ICO Fcbuyl Wav....65 S 3 100 Phil &011 Creek.. S 6to CornPlenter 734 500 Walnut Island.... 334 100 do.. ....734 100 StHloholas... «£ 6C<) d 0... b3O- 714 100 Colorado ...... 85 8 32 Pennsylvania B-. 6734 200 Egbert.......,b30. 434 Egbert- 43£,1M0U8S.2Qs. „.108« 4Covanßuren 2 1 800 8rigg5............. 5 100 fchuy) HavPref.. 39 100 Cherry Kdn..b3o. 30 2(0 Walnut Me..2dya Sit 100 Beading R..2dys. 6834 100 Dei smote 100 Hobledt-De1a...... 10K SCO _ d0.......,..b30. 8* SOOHlbberd... 25? SOO Excelsior IJ{ 500 Krotzer 2 - KOStßiciolas........ 4J4 100Tideout Sc AUegh.'l* 100 Big Tank........ b 5 234 200 Cora Planter..*.. 734 ICO Walnut Isld—blO 334 100 Phil Jt Oil Creek., IK ,STO t« T ,enue 3* 100 St Nicholas...b3o. 43S 1160 Kr0ner........h30 2 400 do-.,.- 434 500 do 21 16 200 Curtin... 1434 MO Pern more ~ -834 100 gchnyl HavPref.. 39 600 8rigg5......... 6 400 St Bicholas.. h3O. 434 250 Walnut 151d..b30. 334 100 d0.....“....7„. 100 Schl Ear Prof b 5. 39 200 13th * 15th 8..h5. 2834 200 Beading K.... Sat. C 834 100 StHicholas... 4S 400 d 0..--., 2dys. 6834 200 Little Schl E-.b30 4534 . 50 Maple Shade...... 3934 Drexci & Co. quote: ‘ United States b0nd5.1551....—............,,117 ©11714 United States Certit of Indebtedness ..9734# ss” Quartermasters’ Vouchers. .> 95 @96 olrders for Certificates of Indebtedness 2 @ 234 Gold .......„„..„„..239 #240 Sterling Exchange.......... Unsettled. Five-twenty Bonds.— ....10534#109>4 The Hew York Post of yesteiday says: &t <|gd opened at 23834.' and after’rising to 24334, closed The Joan market Is easy at 7fper cent. ,wlth fewer transactions at 6 Commercial paper ie quiet at7@9. The stock market opened with more animation than for some time part, and under large orders to buy there was a leneral advance oJ quotations. Governments are strong. Five twentiee are extremely active and bave sold as high as 110. the closinrprice being 10134® loa ? isl 3T l « ot64at 10934@10934: ten-forties atlUl3f@lol34, and certificates at 9731@97?4. Railroad shares are active and the speculative feeling la rapidly increasing. 7 . * ’ so®l SS4 0, «ol«.- liMtrBtod at Wayne Tte following quotations wore made at tke "board on some of Old active stocks, as compared with Uie prices of yesterday afternoon: -vr 11 .ms * Wed. Til Adv. Bee. Halted States 6s. lSSQ,c w “b sales at *3-5§ ? is very dull, and quoted at $5 is^scarceandin demand, with at lbs. at «28@30 KS - "~ H ?*ders are firm in their views, hut tc e transactions are in a small way only at about former rates. MessTork is quoted at s4u@42 bbl- Bacon is scarce t small sates or Bams are reported at 20@23c9 lb for plain and fancy canvassed. Green Meats are also ec f£»t£JML we hear of no sales. **. Vrli . continues dull, with small sales to notice at 191* tor Pennsylvania bblt, and 132@1f130 for West era do. ' Tl» following are the receipts of Floor sod Grain at this port to*day: Sojir ..... 1,850 bMs. Wheat—™,„. 7.000 hot •*— 3,700 bos. Oats—...., —6,100 boa. Hew Terk llarltett, Bee. p Pioue. Ac —The market for Western and StatcsFlonr ia decidedly more aclive. and onder the recent advance u exchange, and the ltmltedarrivals, prices are 20®16c ® bbl better, the inaoiry being confined chiefiy to the home trade. SPECIAL a, OTICr Gifts of Habdwabe.— .Tar With ivory, rubber, end other .; , Fniirea sad Fork*. Pooka RntvM c l ®* l Barors in cases; Boxes andCh«W S 0" ««» «S 6; Boys* Turning Lathes aniw“L T , a / lls . L Tool Bandies with miniature tools i?,? 4 ”*-,. Ladles’ Skates; Clothes-Wrle^Vp, I * 4 ®; &), Met la toe aid clothing), Carp* gl r ’ u % Spoon*. Forks, and Butter Knives Tools, Spice Boxes, Cake Bo*aJ |,“ “i«'’ Eprlng Call Bella, Nnt Cracker? aSI& Ash-Sifteis (pay for themselves in tha Plt a good variety of other Honßekeep'n* n 1 1« lery* fluid Tools, at " TWJMA3J if Cfr i *• ~ 5 **“ 1 “’ »—■ . > PEGS'. Boi/LES’ Et.KCTIUCAI, t 1886 WIMOT STEBBT, PHILADELP? W. BECKWITH, smcoawor, formerly * - U tor, invites the calls of all afflicted with a " |1 diseases of every hind, both male aa J? ! ' and Elver THreaaee, the Directive On,* and am, Kimwof Herrotisneßr, W,ahn«, ' almost invariably cured. The Elect.■ more suceessfnl in all classes of disea, trsi > practices combined.. Guarantee* 0 [ '*** 1 desired, if patients, are pronounced vices of ar.,E. BHIBD,of Hew Tartt*- ' and most experienced Electricians in th.n 9 0,1 will be continued. -Mrs. 8. A. Pur,Toy 0 “ ,16 i and varied exi>erience, will attend to th„ t lll,l mnltitnde Of references, call at the ««!.' 4,4 « letters addressed to J>r. B. W BEevo,*' l k : WALHUT Street, PhUadelnhia. Kw il3, irfMWf Gkobge Stsck & 0,1 >„ I* • PIANOS. 8 ■ i . ' .'An mason a hash*,, CABINET ORGANS 8 HAWO Over 600 each of «„ FORTES. Inotnmeiits b» T » belj Oil PIANO brMr.O.-. ondthadJSLil "8 FORTES. goMtantly Inoreasinj.*™® l4 mj TOKTEB. jj!*} .m&L ; MT, * nt “* cm& Bfe To PUBCHABB GIOTHOTo at io® auk* a selectionfrom onr stock of Ready HKXTB. We are eellin* *ood« equal r, .J, 1 and material, from Kto 60 per cent. foJS: 1 fharaed for tame rood* made to orderw rtrlea, dree. and prices o t Clothier , uti Bora*. All ow be eoitel with™! ; Mri-mtatitlW TOWKE BALL, 518KIR? E. McClain's Celebrated OIL AND QUINCE SBSD-1, yntmZ, . rtrenithan, d»rk«n. and baaotifjift 9 lalr ' sradicate dandruffs' without soiliE* l-1 11 linings* Manufactured and sold by W x ? Perfumer, ETO. -334: Kohu. oitwi ew*i * 'ffTß. —Aliberaldieconnt to wholesaled^ ONE-FKICB CLOTHING, OF tuj styles, made In the latst manner, essr«»i», SALES LOWEST SBLLIHO PSrrTKf PI AIK FIGURES. All Roods made tool®*' satisfactory. The one price mietem is. 10. All are thereby treated alike, TABLISHED OKE-PRICE CLOTHIHa Rot MARKET Street, near Sir Hr. CoiiSATB'B Hohby Soap. IU» celebrated TOlLET SOAP, Ja racked, sutd. la mad* from tbs CHOICEST aatsiinu uid EMOUjIKHT la itanatnre, PBAGBABTIi S», and BXTKBHKLY BENEFICIAL i„ r Sheaan; for oU brail Brnrelsti a adr ai iB * ta *' ' ' . h»i Bora’ CiioraoHe, Bora’ Cloth® Qtotfclag. Boys’ Clothln*. Beys’ Clothing, Boys' Boy*’ Clothing, Bays’ Clothing, Boyg’ t Boys’ Clothing, Bays' Clothing, Boys’ Cig In erery yariety, In every Tanr.-J. In every variety. In srery v»ri,ty* In OTery ysriety. In every variety At H. L. Hallowell S Son’s, . At H. I*. Hallowell A Son's, At H. B. Hallowell St Boa’s, At H. L. Hallowell St Boa’s, >3l Market street, 531 Market slnn, BS4 Market street, $3l Market steel 554 Market street, S 3! Market strsst, 531 Market street, 631 Market street STsoiAl, Hones.—We hare the Ingest Knotted stock of Bandy-made Sots’ Clothingii rat in the Isteet styles, and made Is the heet H. L. HALLO WELL & SOS, 534 MAKS' oc!8-tjithitjaI Joses, Clothing, 8. B. corner SEVENTH and Mi JONES,CLOTHING, S.Bcor, SEVENTH and JONES,CLOTHING, S.B.cor. SEVENTH and JONEB,CLOTHINO, B.E. cor. SEVENTH aid JOKES,CLOTHING, S.Ecor. SEVENTH and JONES, CLOTHING, S. B. cor. SEVENTH and JONES,CLOTHING, S.E.cor. SETBNTH and JONES, CLOTHING, B E. cor. SEVENTH and i. JONES,CLOTHING, 8. B- cor. SEVENTH and Mi JONES,CLOTHING, S.B.cor. SEVENTH and Mi JONES.CLOTHING. S.E.cor. SEVENTH and M! JONES,CLOTHING, B.E.cor. SEVENTH and Ml JONES,CLOTHING, S.X.cor. SIVESTH and Mi JONES,CLOTHING, B.E-cor. SEVENTH nndM. JONES, CLOTHING, S.B.cor. SEVENTH and M JONES, CLOTHING, S.B.cor. SEVENTH and? JONES,CLOTHING, S.E.cor. SEVENTH and -JONES,CLOTHING, S.Ecor. SEVENTH and JONES,CLOTHING, HE.cor. SEVENTH and JONES,CLOTHING, S.E.cor. SEVENTH and oclS-atnfh tf OVERCOATS FROM $l4 TO $55.’ OVEKCOAI OVEKCOiSfS SBOH *l4 to *55. OTKKCOAK »« •« II "tESCGATS PBOM *l4to $65. OTBSCOATa V BKCOATfi FBOM $l4 to *55. OTOBGO ATB. WABAMAKSR * BROWH, • OAK HALL, S. E_ comer SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Young Men’s Suits and elegant variety of d best class Clothing at SEASONABLE PRICES. Wheeleb & Wilson’s Hihhest PiiEiaa IOCK-BTITCD SKWIBG MACHIHES, THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AUD BEST. tearooms, TO* CHESTNUT Street, alsm ■ PUICE— BAGBBT.— Oa the 7fck instant, by the A. A. Betake, Dr Barrouffca Price to Miss Amanii youngest daughter of Jacob E. Hagsrt, £?q.. all of' lsdelpbia. No cards. Boylestown papers please copy. ‘i jT B t*i _ ANDREWS. ~lii Camden, R. J., on the 7th Ann t relict of thelate Richardson Andre ire. Due nos ice of the funeral wiir he given. TBMPLE.-Suddenly, on Wednesday mutual, tha Ansa, wife of Joseph 35. Temple. Due notice will be given of the funeral. , ~ W T DDIAMSOHF.~On the 6th in&taat, Isabel!, art,. ** ' wife of Kolwrt . . The relative* and friends of the family are attend the funeral* from the residence of her Ms# 93a Tasher street, on Friday, 9th instant, at 2 c JOHJ6S.—On the Sth inst, Edward T. Jones 29th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are f ‘■end the funeraU firfm the residence of m *— (X. J< ~ !O©Q ~ FOB Dj BSSSOK & SOS, MOT3BWHG STOBE, So. 918 CHESTNUT, have in store _ iTTrT(J BLACK THIBET LOHG SHAWLS Thibet Lour Shawlß. . IBtanket Loag ShaWla Do. extra size. jMournine d°* BLACK ALL-WOOL HEPS Velour Baps. - Baps, Imported, Empress Cloths. Cashmeres. Merinos*. Motuselinf-"- ... Silk Warp Cashmeres. 80.. fall 4o«Mti wm French Bombazines; English Bomoannis- Tamisea. Henrietta Cloths. BLACK TICTOEIA BKPA Turin Cloths. .Barathea, Paramattas. English Menooes. Alnaeae. Ikoliair L^itrea Queen’s Cloths. ’Orient*! Lttfdf®*. BLACK GEOS GRAIN BILES. Lyons Groff Grains. [FouUdeSoi«|- Taffetas. j Gros de Bhin&s- English Crapeß and Yells* Crape Collars and Sleeves. Moorniiyr Bordered HaudKis. Winter Gloves and Hosiery. "White and Black Sfeirticas. * " ’ -*.l Skirts- ««- SS GOODS. ■PTEB & LANDELL HaV " BiJCJBft some expensive GOODS for Presents of in trie sic value. , miand! BYBB&LABJJELLhave open** “JJ&gSJai deonand piano coven for valuable am BTBB £ tANDELL have marked dewa som nifleent Silks and Expensive Shawl** Scans, and Prints for Christmas. KSar* DIVIDE*'!*.—TIIK Dfflg BP Of the BOBLB & DELAMETEB COMPAST have this dav declared, dividend «VS BBSS CENT., }««» tax, on the 20th tost Bookacloee 9th. aid «■! *»EOBQB W. HOTTER tee BP” J\ Ow i: All subscribers to the stock of cate* of Btoek, wMebare now beioft issued. deS-gt* 3. H. TROOTMiJ, Sec. M» a mtutrac »F* THE f! RE' CITIZENS or THE FIFTEENTH W 4» he THIB cnmTßday) EVENING, at 7X o’do* at their Headquarters. „ O i C BiDGE Averm* and CO dTES Street to organize a Union Club and lt» EDWARD a ' PKXJiSTITAS'IA issnT*^ 0 , T^^?M?SV,< > rtwEESSSTLj i |i afsg^^*jp«fESSto^ TWBNtIB'PB. Streets. PMladelpMa, oaTiiu® thelfith Jnst., at4P. M SMietfft d JMTMTH •=» BULLED CITIZENS OF THE WA V sE r£‘ quested to-meet at Hie HALL. H. B. o®f- Wf andCOATBB ttieetß, TO-SIGHT at 7K ° c ‘ tual attendance is requested, as business « * li porta&ce -will be transacted. GAB* 1 * “THE BPETRG GAKDBG IHSTtTOTK. maSSSS&SSS^k^ Tickets 25 cento, at PUGH’S, SIX£E and Streets. '' --—*****l^l ■»B» SCHUTUKIH KAVIGA^Vi HOTICB is hereby riven, that tho j* the Stockholders and I*>anhold««. »?“,?£, iW T* ; Offleerstorthe snaring y<»r,wiilJbspw^J BESfB*«W»^ de3* stati tf&2 mrm™ BEAPQ,UAK're5i3»^|^' A ’' Tli® Supervisory CoxDiait'»® ,j 0 e d* 8 fh .»i^ Regimen's havl* £ resolved to ojaii** 1 SUliSatant, a 1 parsons f^^2£nttLeDi °d" re th9 cflwliii)£K wi»J* s *‘