*' r son ,VH 'f , .,„r,on h«nt. M. D., 2iflo d his so»sial -viraes will bear t-sti ‘Viiitfft'oN ct* and attritions of an act're and ‘J" «||moU blunted not bis sensibilities nor Jove of bowfrllfe. Thus, ,ifr Bitaro honest, by experience wise, ’* - • j-id the nobility of his profusions and the .‘.a of success was hU—won by industry and ,rbr. B T. USING GOODS FOR DECEM •is BB9SOK Ik SOS, ' -*j : S 0 STOKE, So. 918 CHESTNUT Street, ! ' pUCK THIBET L r >NB SH4WIS. i Shawls. | Blanket Long Shawls, "nrasize. Mourning do. [ BLACK ALL-WOOL BJEPB Hops. Imparted, , Osshmeres. Moxusehnes. ■ M meres. Do , fall doable width, English Bombazines. Henrietta Cloths. BLACK VICTORIA BJSPd. r ,■ e Baratheas :. j s English Slerinoes. ! ' Mohair Lustres, r.nba Oriental Lustres. 'pLACK GEOS GRAIN SILKS. ; i* Grains. jPoult de Soies. IGrosde Shines. Ssglish Crapos and Veils, frepe Collars and Sleeves. Mourning Bordered Handkfs. Wiaier Globes and Hosiery. White and Black Skirtings. '‘"»ra|ng ffi & LAJJDBLL Have EE iSD some expemive GOODS for Christmas of in trip sic value. , ... , s u>DBLL have opened some splendid melo ?*tno covers for valaible Ckrbtmaa Gifts, [zAUDELL have marked down some mac ' - sod Expensive Shawls, Scarfs, DaLaines irlstmss. da2 MOTION OP P. N’CAll, ESQ., iiAVIS FAOSiras TU» Day admitted tojiriej HK'rteT and. Counsellor at Law in th* District i:i Ctmit of Common Pleas of the City and tssiPHiA, Dec- 5» 1861 It* iIORTICUIiTITBAIi HAlt, s n fewest cor. BROAD and WALNOT Streets. iIHIS WANING on the “Goodrich Seedling and “Orchards, fchtir varieties and >6, Mo." 013 LHESTSOT Street, Philadelphia. Dee. o, 1861 i* hereby given that the Bounty offered by the MaieSphte will not be paid for any recruit iuto the Bernice of the United States after Jfcemher 12th, lost. . ... ' •ec ading that day Bounty will he paid as tier*' 1 * " * NOTICE.— THE OAK IUW OIL roSSPIHY OF PBNNS YL VANf A.— A , meettaic V wtoN of the Company will be bald at 113 CTBt„oa WEDNESDAY, Deo. 7th, at la Ji. HEOTOtt TYNDALL, President. ■ ... ...cornerofßß\ i'lreete* December 6.1864. j Thirty- third Annual Meeting of the Afsocia- named gentlemen w ere elected oSL \t onagers forafe64- 05: frespbst* __ SAHUBXi U. FfiRKIJfS. VJOB PRESIDENT- 0 , D, WOOD, J. WISHES LEAKING. TRBAStfRBR, __ SB WILCOX, Wo 404 CHESTNUT Street. rOKRBSrOKDINO 3ECSETABY, L. MONTGOMERY BOND. RBCORDIKO SECRETARY, JOBS H. ATWOOD. MAIfAOBRS, . _ V 1 -r-'a Coates, Thomas A. Badd, ’-'litlmer, Charles Rhoadß, •afr i&a, Richard Wood.’ _ ’-stoves. Charles 8 Worts, M, D.» Coffin, E. B. Wood, --ifii urns, James Bayard, Claghem, Joseph A. Clay, Watt son, Alfred M, Collios, •■-d Dalles, Oharles W. Cathman, -»i ! biarBt, Philip 0 Garrets. 5 G. Cooper and Thomas Evans are the only Wy authorized to collect foods for the Associa- JOHN H. ATWOOD, Becordir icretary. ATHI.T STA. •OSD HATIONAC B_ _- ------ FnAHKyORD, Deo. 6, 1881. iMsconato .....*178,814 98 . «s« Loans 468,000 QO-»628,6M9i -rtiSotea 80 988 00 * Basks . . 187 883 40 260,000 00 347 411 98 to" ‘ 16,’036 19—5363,447 16 i 260^000,00 «fthe Bank this Fifth day of DecemW, 1884. W. H. BHAWS, Cashier. ,»BK . rETRuLEUM OOn J UNDER TEE LAWS OP HEW YORK. TEDBTEES: • , . _ _ CIS A PALMEB, President Broadway Bank, ■■i ■?« BAND ALL, ex-President Batted States '.-t, Company, New York. . H. NICOLAY, at Albeit H.Hleolay 4 Co., . ild Auctioneer*. «2 Wl'llam etreet, Hear York. ~£ J JACKSON, of -Poineraas 4 Jackloa, :;td Brokers, 48 Exchaeie Place, NOw York. , «C. STrDMAH, Secretary new York Pe - ok Board, and Broker, Ho. 80 Broad atreet, §* MEHAFFEY, FMadelvkia. ‘'o A Godwin, Phtladelpnia. _ CLaRKS IN. of Clarkson 4 Co., Bankers, r; l? ir „ d street, Philadelphia. 4 & CLABKE, OU City, Pennsylvania, OFFICERS. „ , ; V J '-*UIERT H. Bicolay, Hew Tort. ~J.fid«nt-AS DREW Mbhafbey, Philadelphia. , ■. " 'T-''- Y. Stout, Prefeidwu* Shoo aad beather .I^Totk. - O. StEPHAE. _ . ' , H. AMTHOS, HOW Tort. ABAK toik. ' _ _ v " ‘-Sase asd Lbathbk Babe, Hew Tort. 5 1 Co., Philadelphia. ' , OFFICES of the oomfahy. ■; 'A WILLIAM Street, Lew York. ! ■ 1« Siiutli THIRD Street. Philadelphia, 300,000 U«n ‘\m»alpab op *5 EiOH-soatoafP- J-ON PHIOB $» PBR SHARE. ~ fxi to so further asse&ataeDfce „ , to be sold ia pa? me lit for toe lamas, Bod producing interests of the Company c SHAKES, OR-*lOO,OOO, KBSEBYBD FOK WORKING capital. '..'™ York and Philadelphia PetroleuraCore organized with ana greatest care by*x upitalieU ol .the two cities, whose names an - iSiiyELY Vh eTb fIiBESTS OP ITS STOCKHOIDEBS., tays been spared to place it on a genuine ana '■ « footing. Host valuable and ex tenet re tiaeis c: Coal land bare been seemed is ns, and r 1 “HoDicraa intebebts in the heart of the ye :«r tPa.l Oil region. Attention ta Invited to ,*:n« schedule of the Company's property. In- Siai-LP, TEBBITORT, LKA3KHOLXIS, T BOOOOIKO , i: ,4 well* in various stages of oompletton: ''*> acres of bottom lead In fee, on the Alle t'tr, bavins a water-frontage of nearly oae ~>*lo-horse power engine and fixtures. Two -t to tbe depth of 300 feet and already tiled .Hoorn for 40 more we, la, , :,7® acres of rich oU land in fee lying nearly above, having a mile of water*frontage on ‘M Baanett Boms. iWell supplied with timber, ;. p l «a«e interest on the famons “Widow Mo : “Oil Creek. One well down and teit -7,1' wet ready to tube; a third ju»t started. T. gtM engines. Pnbing, tools, hxtoree, team, interest in lease on the well-known - sl| :Cli»tock Farm, ” Oil Creek. One well itti'ited; already yieldingUbarrels dally, and » .Swing. Others going down. Two new en ; tutors* complete. H- «?„«f two leasee on tho Clapp PABK.jaear ' r-Vii . I ®' ®“d Stanton 100 bairel wells On “ eJ« 1b .'Sherman Well, No. 2,” now down 'M if “S', &o .. ho. Boom for more wails. !io» K“ f the fee In £5 Aobbs OP Coal Lahti, ad ' Coal Company’s beds. This pro »lik . “tmoat value to onr operations, enpply -11 ®il seasone, and when the Works of s E?t« are found lobe Idle lor want of fad. : [nS™.Mates tbe Trneteee areasanred of their BKGOLAB SSONTBLY a S’.Klof the speedy appreciation of the VALUBFAB ABOVE THE SOB ?d g T COMMITTIK wat from New wnfrcWtiolPbia, whose favorable report le ■■•■nSiWnMpeetns, speak in unlimited terms *’ lot be opened DEOEMBEE 7. _ . ty>h[J 71,'7 8 Company, and at the New York, fcufiW Boston banking- bouses named below. and detailed information at either ,«&?'« *i*hrsd that, whether f®r Investment “0 better security \han these shares can ‘tSIIBJSCKIPTION AGENTS. „ 41 BANK, coiner of PARK PLACE, New ; J®Bs jackson, 43 exchange place, « a. HICOLAY & CO., 9!1 WALL Street, '' Srj!t * C 0„ lstl South THIED Street, Phi ' WdOwv . df6 ofc *> AKf> f & MOWBB, BaaJwr#, Boston. . r l Btr«TSi-,v-ao. 7 Goldemttgn {tot teei’i? kUadetnhia. -Re-enlisted Veterans, JSSS® ®»S Ward Bounty, are entitled to It!*! f »Satna7 aatJ '*® T9 Dollars. Tie Commla iffitnmi, j* o ojounlne claims for tie above itSfils’ SS> do}tar} will meet on HO »DAYS. at do dock P. M , at '■&** “thi. nF A F-' wBBABI Street. Per «t», ‘Ms Bounty are requested to apply at ' c Soxaa m. ' , , o «kittbb. '■-Sftl.Olnlr'a. JONATHAN BTOtOOK, "80. W. BIMOKB. • fi'lS! — —— FOB 7., Dewmber maetlu on 1 w but,, stli o'cJwk4, u. 495-8 |3jpT OF 1 AffEEKOE OOWNTY, PA., CAPITAL 5T0CK............ ~$BOO,000, DIVIDED INTO 80.000 SHARES. PAR VALUE $8.50. Working Capital Reserved for Development*, $15,000. President, Treasurer, Secretary, A WEAVES. SAMUEL B HILT. DAVID B. HILT. B. WEAVER. I JAME 3 WATT, JOHN MoDO WELL, Jk., BFRON DANBY, SAMUEL B. HILT LIuj I BABBS. BnlacripUoM for a limited number of shares will now be received at the Office of the Company. No. 515 CHESTNUT BTBEBT. The lands of this Company are located on Slippery Bock Creek, in Lawrence county. Pennsylvania. One Well Is sunk 687 feet, and Oil' has already been ob tained in quantities which are highly encouraging to the Corporators that a flow will soon be realised of a permanency sufficient to pay handsomely on the in vestment. Samples of the Oil may be seen at the Office of the Company, dcs-6t THE PBEMDMIT —— PETROLEUM COMPANY, PRESIDENT. VENANGO CO., PA, OKBAIfIZ»D UKDEK THB. LAWS OF FBKnSTbVAHIA, OFFICERS: President—AMOßT EDWARDS, Esq., Now York. Treasurer—L. H, SIMPSON, Esq.. New York. Secretary—J. EDWIN CONANT. Beq., New York. JOHN M. CLAPP, Esq., General Resident Superin tendent. . Counsel—Messrs. PLATT,-GERARD. & BUCKLEY, Hew York. • DIRECTORS:' AMOBY EDWARDS. Esq., New York. _ ' BBEH B. CROCKER, Esq., of Crocker S Warren, New FLETCHER WESTRAY, Eeq., of Westray, Gibbs. A Hardcastte, New York. _ J M. CLAPP, Esq., President-Venangooonntv, Pa. L. H. SIMPSON, Esq., of L. H. Simpson A Co., New York. Its Lands form its CAPITAL STOCK, $5,000,000! In Shares cf $25 each, par value. , Subscription Dries $5 per Share, being in full payment far a $24 Share. No farther call or assessment to be mads- • , 80,000 SHAR|S Afc or r |loo.ooo i RESERVED FOB Parties subscribing in this Company will receive an equal amount of stock in two other companies ad joining without further charge The Lands of these Companies are located on the Allegheny river, and on Hemlock. Porcupine, aud We- Ciea creeSs, MAKING AN O!I,-BORING TERRITORY OF OVER TEN AND A HALF MILES IN EXTENT. The wells on ths adjoining property, known as the celebrated "Heldrlck ’’ wells, and “Pithola Greek” wells, are famous for their immense supply of oil. The wells on this property are being sank with great vigor, and promise large supplies of oil. To the cap taliet and to parties oflimited means un sn-passed inducements are offered. Persons investing in this Company get $5 stock and the above BONUS lor eaoh $1 invested, without farther call or assessment Subscription books, maps, and all other information can be obtained at the office el the Subscription Agents, No Sabrcilptions taken for less than ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. no3o-lm nfff VOLCANIC OIL GOAL COMPANY WEST VIRGINIA. PRINTED CIRCULARS, with the Prospectus and Geological Report of the pro perty of this Company, are now ready at our office. This Company owns over 2, COO acres of wbatis known as the best OIL TERRITORY upon the GREAT UP HEAVAL in WEST VIRGINIA, and offers large induce ments’to parlies to subscribe for the limited number of Shares offered at $4 per share, for full-paid stock, the par being $lO per share. This price per share is not above the marketable value of the lands, and' it is offered for the sole purpose of increasing the faculties for development, and wUI, beyond a reasonable doubt, prove a profitable Invest ment. COOPER & GRAFF, No. 11 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. Prm.ansr.raiA, Hot. 29,1864. |3gf° SEV YORK AN» UTEBFOOi. PETROLEUM COMPANY. CAPITAL STOCK) *1,000,000. 100,900 SHAKES AT *lO EACH. Subscription Price *6 per Stare. LANDS YIELDING LARGELY. OFFICERS: HOH. BAIOEL S. DICKINBOH, President WM. T. PHIPPS, Tice President. BOBSET BASSETT. Secretary. yL-EJST ;NTH and Books are open for subscription attheoSco oi the Com pany, Ho. 24 Empire Baildibg, T 1 BROADWAY, H. Y. The lands of the Company are situated In the.heart a) the Oil Boglon, and Include portions of those well known localities, “the McElheny Farm, the two Me- Clintoek Earns. ’ ’ and other proyed and valuable work ins territories, including over Two Thousand acres oi the best 'Oil Territories alone Oil Creek and in West Virginia, jtow under process of successful development, and oil la already regularly and largely produced frms several wells upon them. Address the Company, P. O. Box 8388, How York. ■era- PROSPECT US S 3E f of THK HOOTER & MAKSIIAIL OIL CO. OSeo, Ho. *OB South FOURTH Street, below Walnut, back room, first fioor. CAPITAL, *500,060; SHAKES,6O,OOO; FAR VALUE,SIO. The property of tbis Company ie situated on the'Alio [ ghenyßiver, and embraced witbin a distance of about { two-and-a-halfmilesfrom tbe.town of Frapkiln, Ve nango county, Penna., and upon the same side of said j W ltconsUtsofthe entire working Interest, (which is | .one-half of the Oilptoduced.Jlna Lease and Oil well 1 located on the well-known ‘'RooverFarm," celebrated 1 as among the first and most productive Oil Terntortes, f ant known as the •• HOOVER fit MARSHALL WELL. ’’ The lease le for Ten Bods square with a frontage of a I like number of rods upon the Blver. giving room for I two more wells, and has an unexpired term of twenty seven years. Tnere Is also a- first-class ten horse Engine, Tubing, Tanks, and everything neoass ary to carry onsncceisfnl operations. ~ I The Well (which is a flowing and pumping one) has 1 been numeration for three years, and, carelessly han- | died; has produced regularly from 100 to 113 bbls. per 1 week (including stoppage), at times Mowing Eighteen I Barrett per day, yielding for tho working interest of the Company about *30,000 annually. The Oil ls supe- I rior, its labrioating qualities commanding for It *3 to 1 $C per barrel more than the oil from Oil Creme. This | well, rightly handled and actively worked by the eela- j brated Patent Air Pump, leaves but little doubt of ite I being restored to its original production —from 40 to 60 I *’¥he , other property of the Company consists in a ya- I luable river tract of fifty acresiu fee simple, adjoining the extreme borough line of Franklin, with a large boring surface facing the river, and also upon the creeks that in through the tract, thereby increasing bonng surface, and enhancing greatly ite value as oil tem tory. In addition to this, it has, from its contiguity to the county town of one of tho most flourishing and ra pidly growingtowna of the State, a large surface value. iiuhe product of the wells of this region, there has ever been a remarkable.TtniforßQity, which, with the late valuable discovery of a 70- barrel well on the island opposite the M Hoover Farm,” and the discovery of large and valuable producing wells all around the Company’s property, (see extract below,} stamps the region aaoneof the most valuable oil territories. The Franklin Gitisen, in noticing the new wells recently j #U "C&Vby Dale* Morrow, on October 12, on the Cock rane Farm, two miles below Franklin, whioh yielded 240 barrels at the first forty-eight hours pumping, is considered good for 100 barrels. John Lee has a* so ob tained a flowing w«H, on the Martin Farmguat above the Hoover, and nearly opposite the Cochrauae WMch flows ovei k barrels per day. Also, Mr. Hubs, who owns a lease on the Smith Farm* who has been pump ing e baxreiß per day at 4CB feet deep, sunk his well 434 feet, and struck a well giving 40 barrels per day. Ail these strikes have been within ten days, and the pros pent of a number more in a short time. * * Inteen thousand Bhareß have been set aside by the Company for the propose of boring three more wells. This region, with Ha oil wells so celebrated for their steadiness and durability, the great numbers of large flowing and punning Welle reoently discovered, the superior quality ofthe oil as a lubricator, and thshigb nriccs always so readily obtained, with extraordinary shipping facllUles. from the welle being Wed o* the margin of the river, and only two-and-a-half miles from the railroad, unite to offer parties wishing to tn vest in oil territory safely. Inducements of the highest chai actor* , Books for subscription are now open at the omoe of the Company, Ho. 80S South FOURTH Street, below ”only*a limited number of ehares will he sold at *2.50 H—Royalties having risen to one-half the oil, the Company expect to realize largely from leasing a por tion of their tract held in fee simple „ no3o-6t T, S. PHILIPS, Treasurer. OFFICE PENH MININS COM PAST OF LAKE SDPBBIOB. 319 WALNUT given, that an instalment of One Dollar per Share on each and every Shroeof the Capita! Steel InthePenn Minin* Company of Lake Superior hss tl ie day been called by the Board of Directors of said Company, duo and payable at the Office of the Company, on or before the 18th day of December, Inst. Interest will be charged on all Instalments after the same shall have become due _ By order of the Board s^retey. PBIIiADBLPHIA, Dee. 6, 1864. dSO- tlO COTTER FARM OIL COMPANY ■HP OF PHILADELPHIA. „ „„„ „„„ CAPITAL STOCK,. -• *1,000,000 Divided into 200,000 shares at *5 per share. Subscription price $2 50 per share. . Subscription Books are opened and subscriptions to WO capital sto.k reo.lyed at the office of BBIQS & 00 > _ 305 Walnut Street, vve AflieAg of the Company* Nos. 523 and 24 WASH- goni THIBD Strwt, will be nttfised WIDBEBBiii December7th, 1141, opened ntunmvAi* " WMt p. SMITH, Treasurer. B, J. Satosos; Secretary. del ‘ 7t OIL SUBSCEIPTIONS.-BKS ■HR dosed Monday. Beserre Lists now open. To «“« nusetos «, VoHESON, H. X. cor. FOURTH »od WALStfT. Or E. BOKDA . 3SST WALNUT. del-tttf THE ahmiai. meetiso of the Hg Corooraton of BWARTHHORB COLItBQE (!n- S.. the JMetnbeta of Friends’ Educational Associa IwiSiiha held on THIRD DAT, the 6th Unstant, at O’clock P. M..at RACB-STREBT HBETIKG Upward Parrish, clerk. _ lillHinflKlH' NAVIGATION €O. 1 Deo 2, Wi. rtnmim o hereby liven, that the Annuel Meeting of 11 , J T.nnnholdete, end anSietUon of the Btookholders and nwn»o*u • the Office Offloere forthe of the CoMmt. -HO. MI waiijj next, at 11 Phia, on MONDAY, the 2d T iLQHMAN, ' Seoretary. OFFICE OF “THB IBBUBAMO* COHPAKr 01 FHIIADBfr PHU.” So 308 WAiHOT 18M. *ha annual nmJSiot §*; ?«SlwllUwh«ldat tha offloa of tlw Oompanr.on MOH Disßoross: L. H. SIMPSON & CO.. 64 CEDAR Street, NEW YORK. TH-K PRJiSS.—PHITAIJKLPHIA, TUESDAY, DECBMBEB 6, 1864: NREHINAH PITROLKI'H 410. CAPITAL, #1,900,00(1 300,000 SHARES. WORKING CAPITAL.'«3|>.OOO. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $3.50 PER SHAKE, FULL STOCK. OFFICE, Ho. 433 WALNUT STBBST, Second. Story, Back Room. Thejpropertyof the Company consists of the fallowing yalcable lease* on Oil Ure*\k and Cherrys Ban. ana which are tnly partially developed, the prodaction being nearly sixty barrels per day, equal to over 0518 PUB CEBIT FSB MONTH on the capital stock, and is increasing. Alan, a tract of *67 acres in fee simple cm Cherry Bnn. on the most valuable portion of it, suffi cient of iteelf for & company w-th twice the capital etoefc. This pioperfcy was selected for private invest ment, and not for speculation, and offers Inducements seldom met with in the many companies now organ izing: No. 1. MILLER FABK. This i* l-12free on lease of 11 acres, on which there is one well sowing over SO barrels per day. Also, 2-12 of the oil in said well, makirg in alt {M2 or X of the oil free of expense. Ho, 2. STEVENSON FARM. An undivided half part of the Barber Farm, contain ing $0 acres, situate on Oil Greek, adj oinir* Foster, and about one mile above the Noble upll. This property lies in the vicinity of some of the best oil territory on tt e Creek, and if developed* prove Immensely valuable. The othfr undivided half is owned by a Company who are preparing to work the land vigorously* and the pro duct of the oil this interest shares. * Ho. 3. BENNYHOOF FAKE. This is a lease of SK aoreß, on which is a refi nery in fall operation and fair wells are being put down. One iso mplete snd ready for testing, another nearly down, and the remainder progressing. It is a remarkable fact teat no well has been sunk on this fiat that has failed t » produce oil, and within the next sixty days doubfclfsa this interest will pay well , ft. B. Slncetbe above, information has been received thfet one well is down, ready to tube, with a very fine show; and another nearly ready to tube. - From them it is not unreasonable to expect at least 50 barrels per Nof If BUCHANAN FARM. . This is a lease of 2J4 acres, situate at the mouth of Cherry Hun, on which there is one pumping and one flowing v ell, producing to this interest 40 barrel* per day, and increasing. There is room for at least three mote wells. No. 6. A FARM OF 167 ACRES, In fee simple, on Cherry Bun, new? Plumer* three fourths of which is boring territory, being nearly all flah bottom land. On this tract it is the intention of the Company to commence, work at once, intending to sink several wells,and offer inducements to responsible pai tiesßtoleasea portion, of it. , i It is confidently expected by a judiciode and vigorous prosecution of the reveral interests* this Company will be able to pay ftom one to two per cent per month from the commencement on the entire capital stock. It ie confidently expected the Company will declare a divi dend early In January for this month, from the present production, . ■ ■ . „ Books forsubscription to the stock are open at the Of fice of the Company, j 3% WALNUT Street. de3*3t DAUPHIN ANB COLORADO GOLD MINING COMPANY* Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, CAPITAL STOCK,' $1,800,000, 200,GC0 SHARES—PAK VALUE, President—JOAN B. ANDBBSON. DIRBCTOhS. Thomas A, Scott, Jamesß. Hagee. N, B. Knees#, John W. Hall, Harrisburg. Wm S. Freeman. '-T. C. McDowettf do. Eobt. P. King, Johnßrady. do. John M. BUey, W. W. Wylie, Lancaster. Charles DeSilver. Wm. G. Shate, Colorado. B. P. SOUTHWOBTH, Becretaryand Treasurer. Office of the Company, No. 41*3 WALNUT Street- Boom No. 6. • , _ • Authenticated specimens have been procured from some of the Company ’s lodes, and. have been assayed by Prtfes&oiß Booth and Garrett with the most gratify ing results. Subscription Hstshave been opened at the Office of the Company and at the Treasurer’s Office (In ternal Revenue), No. 427 CHESTNUT Street, Farmers* and Mechanics’ Bank Building. To original subscribers, 53.60 per share, lor a limited number of shares. , • - Circulars, pamphlets, or information can be obtained at the Office of the Company after the 17th last ~ - Orerownn 14, ISfii. OCI4-3m rmtißiiKe abb bostojs p& las’ TKCLEUM OOMPAKS. , o s« o pSMpa® lt FOE IDLE-PAID STOCK ABD HO lORTHKB AS EEbSMBBTS. .. The property of thin Company consists of the follow ing: vafuabl* FEE SIMPLE Territory, extensive lease holds, PRODUCING WELLS, wells going down and nearly finished: __ ' • _ _ ho. 1- About 6 Acrsßapn. Cherry Tree Banin FEE SIMPLE, boreabie land nfficient to sink FIFTY WELLS. Tins Territory 5* opposite the Laizell Petro leum Company (Hayes' Farm), on Oil Creek, bounded In part by the celebrated Story Farm, Ac-40. Ho. 2. Lease perpetual (99 years) on Wa*h. MeClin tock Oil creek—SK acres, all flat, very valuable, flow* tng and pumping wells all around. Ho. 3. Wild Cat ” Flowing Well, about 30 barrels ptr dav, on Wash. McClintock Farm. The Company owns the WHOLE working interest in this well, en -4 “California Well, No. 1, on Oil Creek, down 600 feet, all ready to re tube. This well has lowed 160 * M Ho el | P ” California Well, Ho, 2, on Oil Creek,down nearly 600 feet * , • . Ho. 6. Lease perpetual (99 years) on 2H acres Oil Creek, all flat, containing the above wells, with fifteen- Creek, all flat, and in one well eown 400 feet, one Quar ter interest (working) In this well and lease. _ TEH THOUSAhS SBABBS RESERVED FOB WORK ING CAPITAL. Books for original subscription aTe now open at our office for a few days only; when closed the to be placed on the regular Boston and Philadelphia Stock Boards as a bona fids dividend-paying, on pro ducing compart, when it is expected the shares will largely advance. All further Information, with pros* pectuses, can be obtained of the undersigned. The rmall capital of this Company, with the actual large interests, must make it a favorite as a secrge invest ment. H, S. lilSECiii, 14 Faiquhar Buildings, WALNUT, below Third* Philadelphia Agency. LEONARD & MANLEY, 58 BEAVER Street, Hew York Agency. SPENCER VILA 4 CO., Bankers, Boston Agency. noie-iftf •ngr THK CUUKK Oil. AND MINING Raw COMPANY. CAPITAL, *500.000....•••■-••• '10Q.<)00 SHARES. PAR VALUE. FIVE DOLLARS SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, TWO DOLLARS. No further Assessment te he mjde.ae 58,000 shares have been reserved foraWorkiiig Capital. OPPICERS. PRBBIDEHT* JAMBS E. WEBB. JAMES D. 10 hC&yrJ Philadelphia. . JOHN H. GOUlfjDf Philadelphia. : JOSEPH S. CLARK, DIilI!0 f O JOHN H. GOULD, WM JENKS PELL, DAN’L HESSIL, ALFRED WILLITS, JAMBS B. WEBB, JAMBS D. SCOTT. TONIS P. CONWAY. ISAAC D. GUYER, Tie Certificates are now 1 Office, Ho. 531 CHESTS MJBMSO SPBIJitt AKB BCIILE OIL p COMPANT. o ooo _ 'sold“at'pab.”valde, $lO. Eefei'to Jacob s. Ebr, of Harrisburg; A. B. Loag ak«r, of Borriatown; ani J. H. Joae*. at Pittgmrg; ot at the fffflce of the Company* STo. SSOB South FOCF&TH Street, -where all required information can he obtained. This Company is organized entirely and solely for the Surpose of engaging in the legitimate business of prp ucing 013, ana developing the fee simple.property belonging to the Company, the management of the same having bcen-entrnsted to gentlemen of known bu siness enterprise and skill, who will bring to the ac complishment of the object their united energy and bu siness industry. •'We are satl&fled in believing and as suring our Stockholders that it *will yield largely to them, and render the stock a safe and productive invest ment, ' gw OB oix. SUBSCBIPTIOSS-THE Inc? Trustee* Mr. B. BOJBDA. is now collecting sab eorfptio**, Checks “HgH*™ ae6- 2tif H E. comer FODHTH and WALMtTT Sts. *3SB“ ihe snßscmraos BOOKS of waff tl u PITTSBURG ISIS BOSTOH PETROLEUM COMPANY will doss on WBDHESB AY, the 7th ingt. H. S. LKKGH, Treasurer, 14 Parquimr Buildings.. KS” OFFICEOI’ “THE KBHiHOE IN KS? SURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA,” So. 308 WALNUT STREET. _ _ Philadbubia, Dm. 6, 1864. The Board oi Directors of " The Kelfeiiee Insurance Ooms&ST of Philadelphia,” have THIS BAT declared i BtJfdeadtorTdKEE AND A HAW? PEE CENT, for the last six months, payable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives, on demand,.free of taxes. THOJIAb' O. hUJUIi, Secrotary. GREAT BASIN OIX COMPANY •=& DIVIDEND NOTICE, No. 2. , ' Phh.aoei.fhia. Doc. 6, ISH. The Directors hare THIS DAT declared a Dividend of TWO PEE GENT, to Siockboldere of record, par able on and after the 16th instant. Books rtoseoa WEDNES DAY* 7th Instant. <5. W. WILLIAMS, de6-10t ' Treasurer. OTFIDE OF THE ALLEHHDBHY «*? AND WALNUT BEND OIL COMPANY. NO. a»4 WALNUT Street.—The Board- or Directore-hayo this day declared a Dividend of T tfO. PEll GENT., dear of tax, for the month cf November, payable on ai on the 9th and reopenon the iath iMt * - ' J. M. WEST, Secretary. Phieahhuhia, Dec. 6,1864. * dcd-dt* IUTIDeSB SOWCE-BOCK «a «? COMPAMY OP PBN»SYbVASIA,.4B9WAL SUT Street. Philadelphia* Bee. 2. W The Board of Directors have thi* das declared a divi dend of TWO PBK CEHT. (twenty cents per share), free of State tan, payable or and after MOHD AY. the 12th inst. The Transfer Books will dose on. TUB3DAY, December «h, at 3 o'dock P. H. oj*n on tlmMth. Secretary and Treasurer, WSSr- NOTICE—OFFICK OP WaP THE MING OIL COMPANY, 534 WALNUT Street, Boom No. 20, Philadelphia, Doe. 1,1864. The Board of Directors of this Company have this day declared a Dividend of TWO 12) PER CENT, on the Capital Stock, payable at their Offlee on and after SATUKDAY. .the ldth inatant, free of State taxes. The Tranafer Booke will cloee on the 6th, at SB. M., and he opened on the loth Instant , deS-8t P. W. WILTBANK, Secretary. tST* PHtLADELPHIA AHBBBADIIfI vae eailboad company, oace No. aa? south FOBETH Street. _ ■_ . „ Philadelphia, November SO, 1861. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The-transfer hooka of this Company will he closed on TBBBBDAY, December 16, ojtri jeopflufld on T3EBDAT, JAfiUABY 10, 1865. A Dividend of FIFTEEN PEE CENT, on the common and preferred Btock, dear of National and State taxee, has Seen declared, payable in common atock.on the 81st December next, on all stocks standing on the books of the Company, at the dose of business on the 15th prox. Stockholders whoae names are reeiatered on the New York books will he paid at JtaWM’Lon* and Treat Company. S. BEADKtED, del-tf Treasurer. tjSf™ OFFICE OF THE KAJTfAS M_ IK ’ ■SS? INC COMPANY. Ho. 334 WALNDT Street. Philadelphia, Not. 26,1864. Notice ie hereby given that all stock of thb Mandau Mining Company, on which instalments are due and unpaid, have been declared forfeited, and willJbeeoia at Public Auction, on THURSDAY, December 29,1861, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Offlee of the Secretary of the Company, according to the Charter and By-laws, unless paid on or before that day. By order of the Directors. no2B*ide29 B. A. HOOPES, Treasurer. HOTICE.-BAJSK OF NORTH Waff AMERICA, Novshb*e2I,IBB4 Notice is hereby given, agreeably to section 2 of the act of the General Assembly ot the Commonweanh of Penns?lvani*, entitled “An act enabling the banks of the Commonwealth to become associations for the pur pose of banking under the laws of the United Ratos. ' approved the 22d day of August,,A. D. 1864,! Hmt the stockholders of the nAIfK OF. NORTH AMERICA, on the 14th Inst , voted to become such an association, and that its Directors have procured the authority of the owners of more than two thirds of the capital slock to make the certificate required therefor by the laws of the United States. J* HOCKLEY, n022-80t Cashier. WESTERN RANK OF PIMA WSSff DELPHIA, November 18th, 1861 _■ " _ A meetingof the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 19th day of December next, at 12 o’clock, M., to decide whether tbifl Bank shall become an association for the purpose of Banking under the laws of the United States, and whether it shall exercise the powers conferred by the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth o: Pennsylvania, entitled *‘ An Act enabling the Banks of this Commonwealth to become associations for the pur pose of banking under the laws of the United States,* 1 approved the 22d day ofAugUBt.lSW, and to take any further action that may be expedient. _ nol9-lm C. N. wEYGANDT, Cashier. OFFICE FEN N SYLVANIA BAIL* Waff BOAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, Hot. 4th, 1864. NOTICE TO SHABBHOLDEBS.—The Shareholders to this Company are notified that* underlie solution of the Board of Directors, they are entitied to waba«g»e to the Stock of the Company the amount of TEN PBS CENT, ou their respective interest, as shown by the Bookßof the Company on the 2d Inst , _ _ , . ’ Bach Shareholder entitled to a fractional part of a I share, under the terms of the Resolution, shall have the privilege of subscribing for a full share on the payment k of w& be issued at the par value of PIFTY DOLLARS per share. Accrued interest at SIX PER CENT, will be charged from Ist inst. until payment Is I m !h» Books for subscription and payment will be open on MONDAY, the 7th Inst, and wUI close onthe3ljt of December next, after which no farther snbsorlptlons will be received under this EIEm ncd-tdeSl ‘ ' Treasurer. tssar SURGEON OBNEKAX’S OFMOK, I™? Washinotoh Citr, D.C.,Nov2». 18*4. NOTICE —Medical Offlcersof not less than two year.* service, who hare been honorably dteobarged and de sire to receive appointments as SUKOEONS or ASSIST ANT BUBOBOHB Ifethe United States Army Corpsjiow taint organized at Washington, are Invited to forward Heir applications, testimonials, and evidence of ser vice, to the Surgeon General, wilh^ttdel^^j^g,' delSWiUisßt florgWt Qsaeral. mine issued. DT Street. KB» JOHK B. «OV«IH, ESU . WIMj »JB* LiViE THREE LECTURES iN O ONOBRT H ALL, AS ['if.J.UWH MONDAY EVENING, December Sin 4a autirelr a«w Lecture, entitled: “FACT AND FICTION/* - THURSDAY EVENING, December Bth, "■ "PECULIAR PEOPLE/ PRIDAT EVENING, December 9th, “TEMPERANCE.*' these will be the only Lectures by Mr. GOUGH in ibis city during the season. Tickets for each Lecture 25 cents. Reserved Seats GO cents. The sale of tickets will begin at MAETIEN’S* 606 Chestnut street, on Saturday Horning at 9- o’clock. They will also be sold at tbe Hall on the evening of each lecture. Doors open at 7 o’clock.' Lecture at 8. , , As'the demand for tickets will doubtless be great,early application will be necessary to secure seats. de2-tf THE TREASURER OF THE FUSED TO RhLISVR THE DISTRESSBD PSOPLB OP CHAMBERSBUBG has received the following amounts Bince his last report, Cct. 18, 1861: . M Amount previously received 50 Elias D. Kennedy............ IQQ 00 Cash. ~ . 6 00 Cash 3 00 P.un Mutual Life Insurance C0mpany......... 250 00 Morton P. Henry....... . 20 00 Geo. W00d...*..... 2 00 A Union ma0*............ 60 00 Mrß. 3. Tatum....lo 00 Edward L. Clark. 7.00 Valeria P. Penrose... |0 00 Benry 5harp1e55..................... .20.00 Wm, H. French 5 00 Cath. Asbmead, of Germantown..*.•••«.»»»•»*♦ . 5 00 3, W. Wbubjobb for 3. It. Caldwell A (Jo* *«*»»• 50 00 Afriend, Wilmington, De 1..... 80 00 A little b0y..........................i....*..*•»•. _ 35 Henry C. Carey 60 00 Cash 6 00 *3M2555 Any donations received during the coming week will be dulyappropriated to the relief of these distressed people of on* own Slate, and aeknowiedgedjMr-; - v E. A* faOUDAR, Treasurer.of Fond, deG-2t ' Dock-street Wharf. i 1864: On Marine and Inland 8i5k5......5424,047 90 l3 B ’BMlB 8W.T006 Premiums on Policies not marked off, BoYemberl, 1863. Premiums marked off a* earned from November 1, 1863* to Oc- . TTmJT^rtni?nnii island Biaks»»«»*» 410,284 73 " OiTFire Bisks ..«»*.• *••••• 320,556 5® -I.' 536,821 48 75,522 06 012,34414 Interest during same period, «al -ratee. &c. Losses, Expenses, &c., during the year, as above. ■ „ . Marine and Inland Navigation - Losses ..™—.... 214,281 83 Eire Losses.. ®,gBs 8g Return Premiums..™ 9B Ee-1h5urance5.™.™............. 42,849 2g Agency Charges....— 19,064 98 Advertising. Printing, &c........ 8,68918 *Tsxes—o. 8. TaxonFreminms, Policy, Stamps, Ac., Ac 11,386 » Kent, 4c™. 16,089 00 m * This is exclusive of the amount reserved f< on Dividends and Profits. - ABBOTS or THE COMP AST, MOV. 1,190. *lOO,OOO Untte|l States Kve pel ssg M 111,000 Bolted’States’ 6 percent. *Loan,lSBi. 118,215 00 76,000 United States Bper cent Lean, 6-30 a. 76,003 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per coat. ' Loan 93,606 00 64,000 State of Pennsylvania 0 per cent. ~ I*oaa* •*-♦•**-**»•••»*♦*•»*•* •♦♦■*■••**** - oOpSSO 00 M SEXTOS Z 6 per cent. Beads**■»• *»v~22,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Kallroad Ski Mortf*** __*■ 6per cent. 80nd5.*~~*.*63,850 00 15,000 300 Snares Stock Oermaatowa Gas ♦ Company, principal and interest l?lphS “£ b .T™.. C !?7. “■ I™ 16,300 00 0,600 ISO Shares Stock Pennsylvania Ball- . road Company,••••••• -*••*** 8,100 00 6,000 100 BharesStock North Pennsylvania ■ Kailxosd Company...B,o6o 00 80,000 United StateVfreasnry Certilcates of Indebtedness ~.............™, 43,435 00 30,000 Slat* of Tennessee 5 per cent. Lon.. 11,000 00 128,700 Lons on Bond and Morttare, amply - - ■ ieeor S STYLES CARTES DE VISITE are without question unexcelled. Go, to SECOND Street,above Green, early in the day: the days ere short and time limited; please note. It* OENUINE BETHLEHEM VI- BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, and HEW MAPLE SYRUP, for sal® by ROBERT DONHBLL M BOH, dal'®* 808 WALNUT Street. t ’ IE 'JAIL ORY COOPS. AJ AKOH STREETS. EIBS & LM9EIX, •FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, ABE OFFBHING AT PAIR PRICES JUST SUCH GOODS AS WOULD MAKE VERT ACCEPTABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CHRISTMAS SHAWLS. CHRISTMAS SILKS. CHRISTMAS SCARFS. CHRISTMAS HDKFS. CHRISTMAS GLOVES. CHRISTMAS CHINTZES. CHRISTMAS DELAINES. CRISTMAS BLANKETS. CHRISTMAS PIANO CO^ERSt DQ. MELODEON COVERS. d.pfl stuthtdeSl . . 1 • M. HAoITXTEIGTI, Dos caismi btbket, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6th, A Mew Department, running through the centre of hie Store, 60 feet in length, to be known M TBE CHEAP DEPARTMENT, Which will be devoted exclusively tothe exhibition DRESS FABRICS, REDUCED TO ONE-HALF THE PRICE SOLD AT THE BEGHHNIHG OF THE SEASON. J. M. H. has made arrangements to furnish to his customers from 300,000 to 330,000 yards off FRENCH AND ENGLISH purchased at a great sacrifice and from AUCTION SALES, To be sold- through this channel without reserve ' during THE HOLIDAY SEASON. deS-fr-ethetutf . SKIRT FOR 1864. A MEW AMD GREAT INVENTION & f'iii.:' HOOP SKIRTS. DUPLEX. BLLIPTIC COS DOUBLE! STEEL • : SPBiSTd. J. I. &J. O. WiST, No. or CHAMBERS STBEET, ‘ SIW 1 TOaK, Arc tie owners of tie patent and exclusive m&nufac tnrers of thie, J w . BRADLEY’S PATENTED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STEEL SPBIHG . SKIRTS. ''■This Invention consists of. Duplex (or two) EUlptlo - Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly ' together, edge to edge, malting the toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring evermed, enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bility, to plact and fold the shirt When In use as easily and with tbe same convenience as a silk or muslin dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only objec tion to hoop skirts, viz: the annoyance to the wearer as well as the publm especially in crowded assemblies, railroad cars, church, pews, or In any crowded from thedtfficolty of contracting them to occupy img a email space. -This entirely.removea the difficulty. While giving the skirt the usual full and symmetrical form* and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street,, opera, promenade, or house Jrera..,A,lady having enjoyed the. pleasure, comfort, BSSd great convenience of wearing the Duplex BHiptio dsprlng Skirt for a Bingle day, will never afterward willingly dispense with the use ef them. .They are the beet Quality 1m every part, and by far the lightest, most durable, comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above, a.nd ladies In most first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the different States. „ ' ■ ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRT. JJRADLEY’B DUPLEX ELLIPTIC folded .easUy when to use, to occupy* email space, making the moat agreeable skirt worn. 903 OHBUfIWB&t T> RADLEY’B DUPLEX ELLIPTIC D BKIKT-The greatest Improvement we hays ever * WANTED—BY FIRST OFJANUABY T* next, by a Wholesale Boot and'Shoe Honse on Market i-tieet, an efficient SALESMAN, for Pennsyl vania trade. To one who can command a g>od trade at liberal salary will be paid. Address, for- oae weak, Box Ho, 102 ft Philadelphia P O de6 8i WANTED—PERSONS TO CANVASS .J- _ this City for Insurance, Thone coufpetent tor tie wort will Vs gnaracteed & liberal C"ml»»n°atton. Arplj w WM, W. ALLEN, Ho. 40* WALH UV Street, etcoao floor. 4eB-St "WANTED—JAN. Ist, IN A WHOLE sale Cloti Honan, a first-class SA.LEIHAW to sell country trade Address, with real name and refa rcnces, Boar Ho. 1118 P. O. deß-St* WANTED-A SITUATION AS * " agent for a marnfacinrlnw company. or } n ; Lar other capacity, where busineseability and integrity ace’ reqgiwd. Address **B. 8. G., ’ ? Press office. it* WASTED—IH A. WHOLESALE AND * * Retail Cloth Store, a Young Man as Salesman; also, a Book-keeper A person who sneaks German preferred. Applications will he treated confiden ts 1/y. Address, with real name, “M. 0.,” Press office. , - des-6t* WAHTED-A LAD IJS AH OFFICE; r* one who writesra good hand and bag a taste for mechanical drawing preferred. Address Box-1295, Phi ladelphia P. O. ,• • deficit* WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN OF * * some business experience, and undoubted refer ences as to character and capacity, a SITUATION, by the firpt of January. Address “W. H. B.»” B->x 5, Post Office. detf-Sfc* WANTED—A SITUATION IN A NO v* TION HOUSE to sell on Commission; am- ac quainted with city and near country trade. Address “5 P. L.” Press office. deS-3t* WANTED— A YOUNG MAN AS Cl ERK in Heal Estate Office. One who has some knowledge of the business preferred. GEORGE N TOWNSEND * CO., des»3t 133 K South FOURTH Street WAHT&D--IH A DRY-GOODS JOB-* ” BING BOUSE, an experienced S&LB MaN, able to control s general cash trade. Address * hers,” at this office. dss-6t* WAHTED—AH ACTIVE BTISIHBSS h MAN, in a Wholesale Drug House,, by tho Ufc of January, for in and out-door duties One acquainted with the business. Also, a Young Man .as Assistant Bookkeeper; mutt be a good penman, and of business experience Address, with references, *‘laddssrv,»* office rtf this pa per. d«3*Bt* ..... 75 WANTED-IMMEDIATELY— A Young Man, competent to take charge of the books of a manufactory. Address, with reference.'Box 1123, Post Office deS-St* A MECHANICAL ENGINEER—A POSITION AS SUPERINTEN DENT OF AN OIL OR COAL MINE; would Invest in ,A WORKING OIL COMPANY. Address **K. K- K.,” Preen office. de3-3t* WANTED—A SITUATION AS BOOK »* ‘ KEEPER, Best city reference for ability and integrity given. Address “Bookkeeper,” Press Office. nmm* BOSTON.' WANTED —A SALESMAN IN A ** Wholesale Hosiery and Notion House. ‘ To one who can command a good trade a liberal salary will be paid. Address Tranhlln,” Press office. no3o^fit* WANTED, AGENTS —AGENTS IN * ¥ every County, at $7O a month, expenses paid, tc introduce neto and useful articles, the best sell ing ever offered. For particulars, address OTIS T. GARIY, BIDDEFOBD, MAINE. 0c26-d&W3m $9 Ft non TO $30,000. —A" GOOD BU- A/t/jUUU SINEWS MAN is desirous of entering into PARTNERSHIP with a pariy already established, In the BROKERAGE or any other highly respectable business For further particulars address * ‘ Capi talist,” at this office. Alt communications confidential- de6-2»* fIOR A MONTH—WANTED— NPI AGENTS everywhere to introduce the new SHAW & CLARK SIXTEEN DOLLAR FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE, the only low price Machine in the eoantry*which is licensed by Grover k Baker, wheeler & Wilson, Bowe, Singer k Co., and Bachelder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions allowed All other Machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are inftineement&r and the seller and user liable. Illus trated circulars sent free. Address SHAW & CLARK, nolfi-d&wSzn BIDDEFORD, Maine FOB SALE AM TO LET. f| TO LET— A VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND. The Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Stories of ths' No. sas MARKS! Street, extending through to Apply to ROBERT R. LEVIOK, nol9-stuth-tf . No. 403 MABKBr Street. WEST YIRGIHIA OIL LAHDS. i* 380 acres on French Creek. 800 acres on Hughes River, near railroad station. ISO acres at Sard Hill, Ritchie county. Lease and Well at Horse N*ck. All first-claps oil land, constituting an admirable se* lection for a Company. Also: 200 acres on McFarland’s Run. 243 acres on Gillaspie’s Bun. 200 acies on Goose Creek. And Several fine Leases and Wells at Burning Springs. AH these lands are well situated in the oil belt, and will be sold cheap, by _ „ S R. JON2S, li* No. 504 WALNUT Street. f\ IL TFBRITOBY FOB SALE. ” SPLENDID OIL TERRITORY, Situated on'OIL CREEK, CHERRY RUN, and ALLS GHBSY RIYER. Inquire at _ No, 633 WALNUT Street, de6 3t* Office No. J 9, second floor TpIFTY ACRES OF FIRST-CLASS OIL -A TERRITORY, situated three miles from Franklin, Venango county, Pennsylvania, and within half a mile of aflowinp weU. can be secured at amodeT&te figure by calling at the'St Charles Hotel, North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. Title indisputable. _ F, Mo AD AMS. Office hours from 9 to 3 o’clock. de6-2t* PETROLEUM LANDS.—A LARGE A number of TRACTS—in theaargregate, several hun dred thousand acies—on consignment, from proprietors residing in West Virginia. For sale on favorable terms. Apply.at No. 405 WALNUT Street, PMLada. deS-3t* . m WANTED TO RENT—A STORE -Eh on Market or Third streets: limits from Second to Sixth, and Race to Mariet. Address “R. 5.,” Box 2623 Philadelphia P. <->. de6 6t* MFOR SALE—VALUABLE BUSI NESS PROPERTY, situated on THIRD Street, near Walnut street; present rent upwards of $2,300. Apply to « STORE NO. 016 CHESTNUT Street TO RBNT, from the first of January next. Apply S. W. corner of THIRD Street and WILLING'S Alley. ds6-St» m A SMALL, RESPECTABLE, PHI- El vate, adult, loyal. Family WANTED to occupy-a HOUSE on a main street, with a Physician. Rent taken in board. Address **WeßtEnd,” JPrgggQfilce. des-2t* MFOB SALE—A THREES'! ORY Bri<» DWELLING HOUSE, 8009 CHERRY St. Price low—immediate possession. Apply at 858 Sooth TB ISP Street/second story hack. des-8t Mto rshmhe house and STORE, No. 423 South SECOND Street PoMssion given immediately. Apply to GEO. W. HALS TED, 1136 GIRARD Street. defr6t* M CHESTER COUNTY-SUPERIORJd Chester county FARM FOR 8 ALB—I7S acres of land, 10 woodland; 2K miles from Pennsylvania Rail road, Wiilistown township; fine atone mansion 14 rooms; large double- decker stone barn with overshoot and shedding. Water forced to buildings by a wheel. Carriage house, granaries, ice-house, «c. Fine orchard This Farm is among the best; will teed forty steers. JAS. R. CUMMINS* 504 WALNUT Street N B. —Call for catalogue of fating with prices. deB-3t m FOR SALE FOUR SMALL «X_ Tracts of Land on the North Pennsylvania Rail road, in Cheltenham, .between City Line and York Stations (Bve minutes’ walk from either station): all fine sites for country residences; 2 Lots on Cheltenham avenue containing about 8 seres, one close by of 4)4 acres Woodland, and one of 6 acre# east side of Rail road, on the same tract. ... , .... This property is in a fine healthy 1 oealityaud within half an hour's ride on North Fennsylysnia Batlroad cate from the city. For particulate lMUlre at 373 South TBIBU Street, aboye Spruce. . deS-6t» MA DESIRABLE COUNTRY® RESIDENCE FOR SALE.—The subscriber will -JU seU at private sale a email Farm situated in Kenmett township, Chester county, ,Pa.. within one halt mile of FairyUle Station, on . the Baltimore Central Railroad, containing about FORTY ACRES of well-improved Land, witii good'buildingss well fruited and has run ning water at.house and barn. For particular, call on .ALEXANDRIA STBBL, on the premises, or the snb sorther, No. 15 North dIGH Street. Weft Chester de3-Bt*. TAYLOR FIBRCB. m FOR SALE-A VALUABLE ® .KM FARM. iu-Balllmore county, Maryland, one J and a half miles from S.emmer’s Run Station, on the Philadelphia and.. Baltimore Railroad, and ten miles from Baltimore city, containing three hundred and fifty acres, one Hundred of which is in a good state of cultt yatlon; the balance wood land, part of which lies on Bads River and has a good landing. Over 2,000 cords of wood can be cnt. There is a good Dwelling Hon-e. Te nant House and other oat- buildings. Price *5O per acre, one-half payable on gluing possession _For. fur ther lnlorm&tion, apply to- WILLIAM.BYLKS, on the addressßossville F. 0., Baltimore^ounty, n.ERMANTO'WN LOT FOR SALE. VJT a very desirable Cottage Lot, about 200 by 180 feet, corner of JEFFERSON and UFSAL Streets, two Squares beyond the dejjftt for the new passenger rail way. Price low. termseasy. JOSEPH LEA, nolMm 188 CHESTNUT Street, X?OR BENT—THE LARGE PHOTO- nrHB UNDERSIGNED. HAVING RB- A MOVBD his BEAL ESTATE OFFICE to No. 53 TENTH Street, ooroer of Arch, has there reopened hir REGISTER, in which the pnhUe may enter their PROPERTIES FOR SALX , And is prepared to collect INTERESTS, Ground and House RENTS, in enery part of thecity. oel7-2m» WILLIAM BEDFORD. WILSON’S SKATE DEPOT, IT 409 CHESTNUT Street,. Philadelphia.. •We have just received the largest ajid most desirable BtOCk LADIES’, GENTS’, AND BOSS.’ SKA.TIS KiKft&SRg^MSaSMSS ful recreation of Skating. PHILIP WILSON & CO., 409. CHESTNUT Street. C KATE 8 AND BEATS STRAPS.— So- ay Sooth giafH Btreot- 0012-1 in QKATEB, SKATES, SKATES , BLEEPER'S IJ'A MANU- /d* CL A Am *nd SKATS STRAPS FACTORY, MABKCT ST.. drorah I tor sale at ymtj law prices, at. s A TJHJTH. : SO9 aad 511 OOMMSBOB Streq*. , MtSKgpBCTACLE STOSS. Ho. 3»0 South CTEAM AND WATER GAUGES—THE j ?I?TH “Mi&pmA. an 4 mum Mar 5 8 rtBS^ e lu^w^CT > Ito£ O “‘Sw M i promptly *» WASTS. MARBLE STORE. COMMBECE STEEBT. SKATES. AMUSEMENTS. OF MUSIC. Lereee &sd M&nmfer**** 7. FOSB^' (Al#o of the HclWar-stfB«t Tfce&tre, BlUiaore i Fori '4 KeW TleMre, Washington; and the Alexandria (Tn> Stage M*nater...,„ , SBAKSPEAF.E'R SU6LIVTE TBAGBDT. “ T w o NIGBTS^oW,T, A p6sITIYELY. (• MONDAY and iii «», ’’wOßilwftENO WN|DIMftSBSOXATHnr,, Ld&S» ic l B»*s»pearo’is Stibllme Tragedy of IKat name. EBBAB* ■■■■•••' Mr. MonoLt,Otraf«.r DoKe of Kent.,r.. • » w -H. SJarabUo. Dukeof A.tbany.» If Bokea,: Duke of Glester.-0..... -'-Oas. Warwick... Cordelia • ■—••*—•*■•■**' ■_* *•■•••*.« Miss Aftce Gray.. Mr. FOEBESt APPEARS BVBRY MONDAY. TOSS-: DAY, TBBBItDAY. and.FBIBAY BIGHTS. beats becubedsix days ia adya bob.. N* Ferrorinane* on WEDNESDAY aid SATURDAY BVEWIKGS. Shaluspeare’s cet9ljrated TragSdY. HAMLET, la 1m active preparation. . MONDAY 9TES ISO, W-ccteber 5, Therreai ShaksperinaVSrieedy of . KINGLBAK. tfhe Bel Sheet, to rths’ iw.ie of tecmff ntaees, onrn betwaan the hours of 9 and m o’eibek. Admission, W and 26 ceifte. Secured ifeAta W cents additional. FUND HALL. THE Jia ST GRAND CONCERT OB SBB HASIOI , AKD IFfITDS SOCIETT WIIXL TAKE PLACE 0N , R venlitg, Bee. .8,186 i» On vMeli occatfott. thB GBAIfF ORATORIO of THE S2Ti;N SLEEPERS WILL. BE PERFOKVWED BY THE ENTER* STRENGTH OP THE SOCIETY, 4SOTSTZB BY TBS GERMANIA O-ROHESTRA. The whole vadei the ®re4 tton of CARL SENTZ. . . i To commence at fro’cJoclf, * _ Sub* criptlons will be receft 7Q * «, J* R. Gould's. Seventh and Chestnut streets, .pv '’ ica *5. for the stasoa* admitting three persona to eaulfu oncert. Single Tickets **••* 50cents. sbe Board of Msnagers take thte method toAnu-unc* . that there-wl>l be given" this season*. three first-d ass coa certs—one of which will be am ev Ura new Oratorio* sever performed in Philadelphia belt 're,forwhichftrst claeF professional talent will breturi, s.®“*. _ Single Tickets for sale at all tfce-Kw -icftorea, or oftlm Board of Managers. . " deLthstuwthJfc XJTSW CHESTNUT-ST TH EATRB H GROVES & SINN Tie* w A M*nsgem, TOBKD4Y EVENING- Becm mbsrS. aN OVERFLOWING SCH 3SE greeted the production _ _ last * of Dion Boucicault’s thrilling Ben«a| milftarr Drama, in three acts, called jEssm browns- JESSIE BROWN;. JESSIE BR Misa ««X®i SAT- In the Last Scene of this Orend Drama- THE STORMING OF THE REDAN, OVER ONE HUNDRED PERSONS appear-fi*.actir* conflict upon the stage'at the same time, forming. Tableau of such Thrilling, Powerful Effect as to awake* the interest and hold the attention of Every Beholdec mUUonrtndewttMheexeitmgDr^ „„ • ROBERT hr AC AIR K, in which Mr. Walter Lennox, Mr. J. T. WaTd,&Cs ,>wiH. appear ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Dec: 10th,- 6IXTEESTH GRAND FAMILY MATIIfBBr when JESSIE BROWN will he given. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE * » Fotuth'Week of the Extraordinary Engagement of the charming, able, and versatile young Actress, MISS LUCILLE WESTERN, Who will appear THIB EVENING in a new,'thrilling, and beautiful Flay, in a Prologue and Four Acts, by-J. W. Wallack. Jr., entitled J GEMEA, THB HEBREW MOTHER.’ Gemea, a Hebrew Matron ..LETfeille Wester* Gemea, a Fortune Teller.. ..LuclUe Western. In rehearsal, “Geeille; or. Love and Hate.” Box Office open from 9 till 5 Curtain rises a* TMTBS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH- J.TJL STREET THEATRE BOUSES CROWDED TO OVBRFLOWINGL SBCOND WEEK OF J. S. CLARKE. TO-NIGHT (Tnesdar). Decembers, 1861. •‘THE TICKBT-OF-LBAVB MAN,” and •• MY NEIGHBOR'S WIFE.' 1 * CLARKE a* “808 BBIiRLY.” CLARKE, aa “TIMOTHY BROWN.” FBg>AY. BRNBFIT OF J. S. CLARKE. OEEAT NATIONAL CIBCUS —STAB ENGAGEMENT. Walnut street above Eighth. Directress, Mrs Charles Warren, foimerly Mrs. Dan Bice. The largest company in the world. A star en gagement having been, made with the immense Nicola 5 roupe,these great artists will appear this evening-and every evening during the week. Young Nicole,aa serial performer on the L'Eschelle perileuse, or dying tra peze, is regarded by all critics as the child-wonder. The Talleeu Brothers and W. Rochelle, the great Man Monkey, with Herr Nicolo, constitute the troupe. Tha Denzer Brothers. Eaton Stone, Tom King, G. Batch elor.Mesprs. Murray and Hutchinson, Chas. Sherwood and Family, will also appear in many beautifnPscenes. The Trained Dogs will also appear.. Clown, Mr. Sam Stickney, Jr Come early, and get seats at sight Com- - menceat 7-40. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday aftoz noons. Commence as 2M Admission, first tier, fide. 5 second tier, 25c.; private boxes, $3 and s6,>as to size and location.. A- GUARD BALLOOH A.SCEHSIOR, disconnected from the earth, will he made THIS (Tuesday ) AFTERNOON at 2 o’clock, from theeuclosure corner of FIFTEENTH and COATSS Streets, in whick several im mment gentlemenwili take passage, Must® la attendance. It DL. CARPENTER’S private • WEDNESDAY EVENING PARTIES -Subscri bers are respectfully informed that their First PASTY Aches place op WEDNESDAY EVENING. Dec. 7th, at 8 o’clock. N. B.~A few mor.Seaeon Tickets can be had of D. Ir. Carpenter, ggg ARCH Street de3 St* BUILDINGS, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7, 1864, AT Z% O’CLOCK I*. M.. FOURTH CLASSICAL MATINEE BY THE Philadelphia Classical Quintette Clnh, Messrs. GAEBTNEB, JARVIS. CROSS. PLAGE HAMM. : _ and SCHMITZ. SINGLE TICKETS-.,* ......—Cent*. Package of 25 Tickets, good at all times,.«... «.^Cf Package of 50 Tickets, good at all times —IS For sale at the Music store of J, SL Gould. *■ n026-Bmtuwtf T7XHIBITIOR OF WORKS OF AOT, J-J FOR TBE BENEFIT OF THE CHRISTIAN COM* MISSION, at the ri ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. An ExMbltibn of a Private Collection of Works, 62 Art, in Paintings, Sculpture, Water Color, and tikes Drawings. Engravings, Ac., is now open at the Penn sylvania Academy of Fine Arts, No. 1025 CHESTNUT Street, from 9A.M.to 10 P. M., for the Benefit oMk* Christian Commission. Admission 25 cts.; Season Tickets SO eta. _ nogfctjstfl ASSEMBLY BUILDING, TENTH H and CHESTNUT Street*. SIGNOR BLITZ, The Great NECROMANCER and VENTRILOQUIST. Performances Every Evening, at IX o'clock* amt WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Afternoons, at 3» m» bracing the WONDERS AND MYSTERIES OF MAGIC, EXTRAORDINARY POWERS Of VENTBIIOOTCTL producing astonishir geffects of thtf human *volca»«n4 the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS' ENTERTAIN MBITS. Admission 26 cents; Children 16 cents; Reserve A Seakf GQcents. an» STANFORD'S NEW OPERA‘H©¥BS t BAOB Street, below Third. OPEN YOB THE SEASON. SAMUEL S. SANFORD Proprietor-And **.»*«. SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE.. The largest end beat Minstrel Company in existence. Sanford appears in Songs,Dances,'and hiaßurlMqna*. Doors open quarter to 7: commence quarter to 3. Admission 36 cents; Orchestra GO cents; Boxes *6. Qd» and $3. nelS-la PHESTNTJT-STB-BB® OPERA V HOUSE CLOSED_ : FOR OBJE WEEK, For Altering and Enlargement of W monSat EVENING,. December 12; ■ * ORCHESTRA—PUBLISJ VJ bBHBARSALS every SATURDAY; at B}OABI>. —A LABGE SECONILSTQBY U BACK ROOM, conmmuicating with a haih-soonu togeihar with Board, may be obtained at 26©:Soutk. FIFTH Street, unlS-tf FEBSOIVAL. ; TBFOBMATIOS WANTS D.—TIDE A node? signed desires to lie** from the St Staples, Deputy fcheriffof M Dorado county, She Is supposed to reside in Philadelphia. M|- B*2?*** was murdered While in the dischpga ott*U\ duties. Bis effects are awaxttng.dg^^r- JAMBS B HDMBjShenff's Office. Dorado ocmuty. ual. LOST Aim FOURS*. T OST'OB MISLAID—TIES FOH£>W- Aj ing Certificates ol Stock: - at V C Boeiu go a .S»»ad7lß to tie Stow Oil Cowrit. No. 92 In the Alcorn oil {jompeny, an^ So. ®B to toe Egbert Oil Coms&oj:, Sew Certiflcatec have been awfllc/. fnT. noaS-lW ASTROLOGY! ASTROLOGY!-!■ AS- A TEOLOST!I!—IHS PMHTBIS FOKETOLDt s- JOBM| ON, B4B NartMUßVENira Street, Philadelphia. Hoarg—lQ to 12 A. M. gpA Bto9P- M. VELOCIPEDE AKB ABMY WA * eOHB folßoye, isy »»d 159 ». THtKO Bt. \ WOOD,W©OF/,WOOD.—OA.K,PINK, " and HKSSOB'r WOOD, forrale vniß-OTKBKg walm prices. BoSO-lm* AND YJBKBAL D*- WTI-t-atMlylf Ho. as fi.'TSRTH Bt. »ho.«Ob«»tmt ,—..John a weight.;