NOTICES. „n- STUCK & Co.’B PIANOS, kI aSD [I , s HJHIIirS }i- IJ 'V,SET OBOAKS. l oseli of ' I,BBO f" „;Ats h»« J> 9sn 8 ? l , d [■ i the demand in [■ ft ,f.’ jufveaßluf. L >4 e p P -iVmdCHBSTNCTSfe. I ;t vP IH I noia-tt l> " (jiOTßim, OF THB LATESI IfSlf* . ~i manner, expressly for RETAIL p ,;:: I '.', gEr.LIHO PBIOBS marked In Aiijfood* made to order warranted I,4 sEJ system is strictly adhered V' 'Uted alike. .TONBS'OLB-BS- P, : ■ CE CLOTHING HOH3E, 604 r<‘.'.isti:. * deas-iy \-7, a (ha,BIiHATED COCOANUT warranted to preserve, I hesmtifTithe hair, and entirely v-ltbcnt soiling hat or honnot- D : - r:ll ‘.T’d and sold by W. B. KoOLAHI, SIXTH Street. r jv. ■ , :' ;u nrtt to wholesale dealers, nol6lm 'ioftCT Soap. SOAP, In such nalversal d* CHOICEST materials, is MIIrD jt« nature, FKAGBANTL* SCENT BEHETICIAIi ia its action upon yJ*:j jsv all Draggists and Paacy Goodi L P ** f«2S-tttth»ly p niiOTHisrs at low prices. p l ' . Jtoefe of SBADY-HADE GAS tfoodfl equal in efcyle, fit, make, |f\> 6 .v 'o 0) per cent lower than is now Us" .made to order. We have Ml Ur' k \ r , £ of Clothing, Mens', Youths', 4 f- -mited without delay or trouble, ‘ *•'*' BKNNfiTT & CO., iiLL. 518 s MABKBT Street, r [’vvi'Hito, P V.. ~r !e r SEVENTH And MARKET 8t«. [ c B cot. SEVENTH and MARKET s cor. SEVENTH and MARKET K eor. SEVENTH and MARKET Li’':.’ c floor. SEVENTH and MARKET p;,;'ys E. cor. SEVENTH and MARKET |1 .' V,'.: 2 cor. SEVENTH and MARKET ; .- I. cor. SEVENTHand MARKET cor. SEVENTH and MARKET p'*:.-' ; K cor. SEVENTH and MARKET .; N.K.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET (•. r oor. SEVENTH and MARKET : ' 7 cor. SEVENTH and MARKET S cor. SEVENTH and MARKET ... o E. cor. SEVENTH and SIARKET ;!• : .5 cor. SEVENTH and MARKET " . B cor. SEVENTH and Market V Ecor. SEVENTH and MARKET ’ ,'1 ' • E.eor. SEVENTH and MARKET - 2. cor. SEVENTH and MARKET M Bovs’ Olothins, Boys’ ...... H«v>' Clotting, Boya’ Clothing, 8 i uya* Clothing, Boys* Ciothinr* Clotting, Boys 7 Clothing, . sy, In every variety, :y, ‘ In every variety. •/.mj:..iy# la every variety, ' t > k Ballowelldt Son's, L. Hallowell & Son’s, I.- Hallowell & Son's, o i... Eallowell h Son’s, p at 584 Market sliest, f, j, 534 Market street, 634 Market street, , jt, , 634 Market street, \ —We have the largest and heat ' 4 * •’ v.i& 2y-mede Boys' Clothing in the city, ’ ?*, and made in the best manner, r-v v)A> 4 SON, 634 MARKET Street. ' fll to $55. Overcoats, ■0 nso* «m ‘o $56. overcoats. *» t« HUE $l4 to $5B. OVERCOATS. IT mr. M 4 to $B5. . overcoats WASAMAKBB & BROWN, OAK HALL, : - . i-IXTH and MARKET Street*. : Suits and elegant variety of the ;M SEASONABLE PRICES. c, s. Wilson’s Highest Premium f E-STITCH fdWIHO MACHINES. SIMPLEST, AND BEST. •'ft'? f ?"gRTStIT Street. KatvA-nVh, M^EURX^XX. ? -WM.£TT —On Wednesday morning. No* t L bv tie Bev. Phillips Brooks, Wil t« Emily, daughter of the late John lit* my. .. . - , * kv E- oath e 23d last,, at th aresi3 mi ce i t';, by the Rev. A. DeWitt, C. M. t'.iMTlHi to Elisabeth 3?„, daughter of T. 1, . ‘Falls, N. J. **** X3XI3X}. :• i' * .£th alt., Anne H., wife of Charles fr 1 entlf l of the family are respectful* funeral, on Seventh-day, the 3d i. •: tk P. 31., from ti e residence of her .r ,: .■'• i;n iielc, New Jersey, without farther u r Vine- street wharf atlP. M,; return i . *** - il 1 10,1864, Blanche, daughter of Dr. •; ■ s.zt?. L Keod, aged 6 months * ult , Rebecca i.eos, relict of Goo. v*?.: of her age. . „ ‘ s'\V idace from her late residence, •.•.-■ct, on Saturday, December^}, -"n :m ;• ir. v\i,, Mrs. Jane M Docaa, in : : *»ds of tbe family are reapaot ■ :l«funeral, from ber late ’:>unh street, on Saturday afeet :’ 2 o'clock. . ■*** ■ ' --2 uH., 1u the 4thy«ar of blasga, t; noffioo H. and Kate A Burgm, * h nit., Mrs. Catharine R9ed»-widow ; Kee i. in the 78th year oi her age friends of the family are respectful • r’uPntng at 9 o’clock, without fur to Mount Vernon Cemetery. *** • : -ha iust., Joseph T. Bank, in the -1 'rieuds of the family ar#resp*ctfal '■ •- funeral, from his late residence* • t .1. > reel, on Thursday morning, De = • ci>'(:k *** ' 2-th instant* Joseph McMnllin, .‘l'-iuls, the'WasMnaton Lodge,ETo. -! ••• ' • Oivs t r in general, are respectfully ■ • f:r*oral, from his late residence, ; *' 'ih -trset, corner of Mount Vernon, n at Bo’elock, " i: residence. West Marlboro, Chester evening of the 29th ulfc., Joel I. :r * T eai of his age, *** V* miCE.-WASHINGTON I.ODGE, 5 1 -i i >'■ members of Washington Lodge, "T.:n in general, are respectfully invi* it.-/iasonlc Hall, OttEaTtfCT street, .*•'* ’'s’, December Ist, at 10 o’clock, to at - ..-ir :ato brother, JOaßPfl BfoHOL rasMence, northwest corner of '' ‘w’m 1 Y£E » olf Stteeta. J y. MACPHEK9QN, gecretary. ■ ■■ bj.ACX ALL-WOOL REPS. ‘ ‘ * lb Wool Empress Clotbs. Jl do Mousseline d* Laiacss, , full double width, do Tamiae. 1 do Merinoes, do Cashmeres. a • do Thibet and Long Bhauf Is* full and extra sizes, .-. , Bombasines, &c., &c ■**“**' *c SON, MOttuNIHO STORE, - No. 018 CHESTNUT street. t f WiUELL HAVE OPENED ' i’pgoodafor ' : »US PRESENTS, t awls. ... "• -uka, > - : ■ ih'ftta. ; • iiinctf. Gloves. &c. no2B-tf_ HOUGH, 8541., mu v- ■ 1 -.;:kb lkotukes next week ' .. On MONDAY. TtFfiSDAY, and •i Tbe Sate of 'Tickats will com •** (Friday) MOBSIKG. fv.r par :i furors of fco-day, and Moroiujf 16 ( ‘ I it E OH ( OMHKHCIIL X, ,1W MIES'S COMHBBCIAt COLLE'iE, , 1 »r> ct, comer of Sevtutb tvo of the Course will 1)6 delivered ‘ USER, Eea., on FRIDAY EVESiNQ, o'clock. All foimer students and lnvited. del-2t T -’ItiUkON t>FFI€B, a'ahhixotox CITF, D. Q, t JJov 29, ISM. ‘JdHtil Officernof notlesß than two years 1 rnve Ikcu honorably discharged and de ppoictieerts as sDBGEOIfS or ASSIST ’■> r the United States Army Corps now -t ti Washington, are invited to forward . testimonials, and evidence of ser k n Ueneial, without delay. J. W. BAINES, •- Surgeon General.-4 OP THE MAHEFA.CTIJ. ia»DK*jrOß COMPANY, Ho. 4X4 i;... Philadelphia, December 1.1564. filing of the Stockholders or ‘The ranee Company of the State of : be held, at the offioe of the Com 't AY - the 2d day of January, 1865, be '*ecem* •A &HI be closed on the 3th.and open T. fl. TJROTTJSR, Treasurer. AS» CHERRY BUS OIL ■ v r > 31 Ad j"umed Meeting (tha third '••V : 'a 1 Rwt Oil Company *V, V -*SXUT, Deo, 1, at o’clock, at ‘ ‘ ha * 27, JTo. JJ74 South. THIHD : - . iT . P N<>l». '^ Ga X attendance 1b requested. It* -c '’ » Adjovimj go sung r* ’ it'RiXf- of the VMIH, 6I(- ' ? ' sl TiVkS: A-'TO RU»G COMP ANT, of Boon t . % wll , 1 ! 19 MJ OB MONDAY. the ! -;*W’ flock P, M.. at No. 333 " ffii Olt. A foil meeting i» t. tjii.j. ' ’ of importance will, be laid be- •' SAUDB& WRIGHT, Oij —- _ ■ CUairman. t; 4 « i r “ s S'R*PTIOKB.-B««K;S it, Vd'iy fi s® Bßrve , Llat aowopau. To , JIMW*. cor - roUHTH and WALMOT, 0r 00l ®OKDA 387 WALHtJT. ‘ 'iWoF S^Wwawaßf. U^, 1 ? Et f D , NO - ’.-A Dividend in-' ”• lSM b tn Sh 6ol s r le’ at lUt ;,. “ thUrtl® 8 % r * rell oldarg of record,.as v. A Lfjilt d^ y V feember 16 t 1864. Bn afl nkWIPX- Treasurer, ' 81 Sliest, Heir Fork. |ggp THE PRESIDENT petroleum company. PRESIDENT, VENANGO CO. ( FA. :IHET (ANS. KHBT lANS. >ISBT (AHB. lISET SAHS. ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF rEN.V3ELVA.VIA. PMsUtent-AMORY EDWARDS, Ena , New York Treaanrer-i,. H. SIMPSON, Esti.7NowVoTfr * - JoShTnffSS 71 ? G 0 KSu7nwYork. tondMt CLAPI, &a - 06aeral Resident Snperitt- New r ¥«k7 MeSsrS ' PLATT - aBE ARI>. & BUCKLEY, EBES?B 'fTilWirsS’ I B oibbs * * t' tt* York*** ®*®®**®» «q,«» of L. H, Simpson & Co., New Its Lands form its CAPITAL STOCK, $5,000,000! In Shares of ffltbeaeh, par value. Subscription price $S pm'Share, being in full payment for a SJS Snare. No further call or assessment to be made. 80,000 tor Parties subscribing in this Company will receive an equal amount of staekintwo other companies ad joining without further charge. AvP*eLafids of these Companies are located on the Allegheny river, and on Beinlock, PorctiDina und ma. S r p ox*llfmpmA K{ NO AN OIL- °nu??J^ T£W «? i> f HALF MI ÜBS IN EXTENT. 8 « t^ 6 . adjoining property, known as the celebrated Beidnck ’’ •wells, and “Pitnole Greek” ' v Siu * *’*’?, famous for their immense supply of oil. , _,£“® *"?• ou fc £ iB Property are being sank with great Y^ or .V and Promise large supplies of oil. xo the capitalist and to parties of limited means un surpassed inducements are offered. Persons inventing in ibis Company get $5 stock and the above BONUS for each $1 Invested, without farther call or assessment. Subscription books, maps, and all other information can be obtained at the office ©' the Subscription Agents* L. H. SIMPSON* & CO., G4r CEDAR Street, NEW YORK. No Subscriptions taken for hss than ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. • , no3o-lm l»2 a BEGMENT P. V,, . „ • Nqvbmbkr 30,1864. For the information of those who cad upon me dally to know whether f intend again to enter the military service, and who also express a desire to enUst under ms, the following letter from the War Department is pnbmhed. From this .letter it would appear that the Government does ni t favor the organization of new re giments, if, indeed, it desires an increased force in the fieidr , -WM. B. THOMAS. W av. Di3pAßTMsjrr, Adjutant Orsteral’s OFFICE* _ . WASHTxatox. D. G., Nov. 26.1871. W. B. Thomas, Esq., Late Colonel 1924 Pennsylva nia Volunteers, Philadelphia, Pa .* Sm; I have respectfully to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 18th lust,, asking authority to reorganize your late regiment, or to raise a new one* by enlisting therein members of your lata command. In reply, I am directed toinfwm yon that the leanest 16 not acceded to. I am, tir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, „ TBOS. M. VINCENT, It Assistant Adjutant General. FAIE.-THE &ADXBS- OjF THE &SE7 SANXTAKY COMMITTEE OF ST. THOMAS’ CHURCH, (auxiliary to the United States Sanitary Com mission,) intend holding a Fair for the benefit of the Sick and Wounded Soldiers at CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, December 19, 1864. Donations in goods or money Will be thankfnlly re ceived by Mrs. Thos. 3. Bowers, President, 917 South street; Mis. John Chew, Y. P.,7# South Ninth itteefc; Miss Ada Hinton,'Cor. Sec’ry, 612 Locust street: Mrs. Tdob. J Dorsey. Trees., 1221 Locust street; Sirs. r. Se bastian®, G. Miller, E. Baddy, C. Christianson, L Goines, L, Galloway, Miss E Drummond, Mrs. H. Minton, and Mrs. Gibbons. Tickets 25 cents. It* COTTER FARM OIL COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL STOCK. .$*,000,000 Divided into 200, OCO shares at $5 per share. F.ubscriptioa price*s2 53perahaie. -Subscription Books are opened and subscriptions to the capital stock received at the office of PHILIP H BRICE & COT, 305 Walnut Street. eesof the Cpmpai y» Nos - 23 and WASH INGTON BUILpfNG, South THIRD Street, will be opened WhDNESJDAY, December 7th. 18-14. „ , „ WM. D. SMITH, Treasurer. & J. Harrison, Secretary. del*7t IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE CIT3ZENB OF THE FOURTH CONGRESSION AL DISTRICT. „ „ HEADQUARTERS* Broad and Spring Garden Streets, Nov. 28, 1864. TheBUAHD OF ENROLMENT of tile FOUBrtk COW* GREbSIONAL DISTRICT (comprising the Fourteenth, FHteemh, Twentieth, Iwenty-first, and Twenty-fourth Words) hereby give notice that they are now engaged in revising and correcting the Enrolment Lists of each of the wards in their District, and in this labor they in vito the co operation and assistance of all good citizens, by giving such information in their possession as may ant ut the correction and revision thereof. Any person may appear before the Board and have any name stricken from the list, if he can show, to the satisfaction of t2ie Board, that the person named is sot properly enrolled on account of Ist. Alienage. 2d. h on-re Bide nee. 3d. Overage. 4th. Permanent physical disability of such a degree as to render the person not a proper subject for enrol ment under the law and regulations* 6th Having served in the military or naval service two years during the present war and been honorably discharged. The names of allpersonsllable to military duty taking up their lesidence In a Sub-district (Ward), as well as all in the Sub-district who, frem time to time, become liable, must be added to the Enrolment Lists; and the names of persons who may have enlisted in the military or naval service* or who remove permanently from it, or whose liability terminates while in it, will be slrici en off. It is for the interest of every citizen to have stricken from the lists all names improperly enrolled, because an excels of names increases the quota called for from such sub-district; and it is equally for the interest of each person enrolled in a given sub-district to place upon the lists all persons in the sub-district liable to do military duty, because the greater the number to be drawn from, the less the chance that any particular in dividual will be drawn. Tie Board of Enrolment call especial public attention to the following: ‘♦lf a person, with intent to prevent the draft, refuses to give his true name when lawfully requested so to do oy an officer whoso legal, duty His to ascertain and en roll it, it is an obstruction of that officer la the perform ance of one of his duties in relation to the. draft. So, also* of the giving of false names with the same ille gal intent, and the offender will, in either case, be sub ject to summary arrest by the provost marshal. 3 '—Pa ragraph 28, Revised Regulations. D, M. LANE, Captain and Provost Maien&l, President oi the Board of Enrolment, n 02- 6t 4th District. A FESTIVAIi IS AID OF TEHB ORPHANS OF SOLDIERS AND SAILORS will be held at SAKSOM-STREET HALL, cm THURSDAY EVENING, December let. Doors open at SP. M. Sap per at 7 o’clock. The Band from West Philadelphia Hospital will bein' attendance Addrems by Rev Bishop RIBfPSON, Ex Governor POLLOCK- Rev* KINGSTON GODDARD. Rev. Mr. TORRENCE* Rev. E W. II UTTER, GEO. H. STUART* V. 8 Christian Commission* ED \Y. H. UKIAC,"a re leased Unit n prisoner, ana Mr. A. G CaTTELL. No tickets sold at the door. They can be obtained of Mrs J. H THORNLEY, No. 3133 GREEN Street. Donations of Cakes, Flowers and Provisions will be thankfully received at the Hall on the day of the Festi val. This (veiling Mr. UNIAO will narrate bis experiences in Libby prison. • Mrs. E HAMMETT. BlissL. CLAGHORN, Mrs. KELLY. KST RtECHAKICS’ BANK, »22&* Philadelphia, Nov, 91,1564. At as election, held this day. the following named StockWderg were elected DIHECTORS of this Bank: Joseph B. Mitchell, Edward Q. James, Be»jamin-W. Tingley, Joseph G. Mitchell, G. D. Rosengarten, David Milne, Isaac F. Baker, Wm, A Drown, EbenezerMaxcrtll, Davis Feareon, Robert Steen, „ Geo. fi. Stuart; James T. Young. Mechanics’ Bank. PHILADELPHIA, NoV. 28, 1861. At a meeting of the Board of Dir ctors of this Bank, held this day, the following Officers were re-elected: JOSEPH B MITCHELL, President. GEORGE H. STUART, Vice President. JOHN WIEGAND, Jr., Cashier. By order of the Board: * noS9-6t ~ J, WIEGAND, Jr., Cashier. _ OFFICE OF THE WAN I? AN SIN* 8® IRQ COMPANY, No. 334 WALNUT Street; Philadelphia, Not. 26,1861. NoUce is hereby given that all stock of the Mandan Mining Company, cn which instalments are due and unpaid, have been declared forfeited, and will be sold at rubric Auotlon, on THURSDAY, December 29,1561, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Office of the Secretary of the Company, according to the Charter and By-laws, unless paid on or before that day.. _ By order of the Directors, _ no2B-tde29 B. A. HOOPES, Treasurer. OFFICE OF VETERAN BOUNTY K3S7 FUND COMMISSION, No. 7 Goldsmith’s Hall, LIBRARY Street* Philadelphia.—-Re-enlisted Veterans, who did not receive any Ward Bounty, are entitled to a City Bounty of Twenty-five Dollars. The Commis sioners appointed to examine claims for the above bounty of twenty-five dollars will meet on MON DAYS, WEDNESDAYS, end FRIDAYS, atdo clockP. M , at Bo T GOLDSMITH’S HALL, LIBRARY Street. Per sona entitled to this Bounty are* requests* to apply at this Office. COMMITTEE. B.D. SAUNDERS, Chair’n. I JONATHAN BULLOCK, •HAUL J. FIELD, GEO. W. SIMONS. EDWIN GREBLE. I n024-lSt r®® CHASE GOLD COMPANY. V 3& NOTICE OF DIVIDEND NO. 2.—A Dividend of ONE PER CENT, has been declared, payable at this offic-e, November SO, 1864, to Shareholders of record, at the close of business Ibis day, November 16, 1564. WALTER E. LAWTON, Treasurer, no2S-St No. 81 JOHN Street, New York. Kgr* NOTICE.—BANK OF NORTH AMERICA, November 21.1564 Notice is hereby given, agreeably to section 2 of the act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled * 4 An act enabling the banks of tie Commonwealth to become associations for the pur pose of ranking under the laws of the United Buies, *- approved the 22d day of August. A. D. 1861, that the Stockholders of the BANK OF NORTH AMERICA, on the 14th inst., voted to become such an association, and that its Directors have procured the authority of the owners of more than two thirds of the capital slock to make the certificate required therefor by the laws of the Ual^E atea * J. HOCKLEY, n022-30t * Cashier. 1®“ McKINIEY Oil, COMPANY. 823S* NOTICE OF DIVIDENDS NOA S-AND 4-The Trustees of the McKinley Oii Company have declared & regular monthly Dividend of THREE PER CENT, rand a supplementary Dividend of TEN PER CENT., both payable at this office, November 30, to Shareholders of record, at the closeof business this day, November 14, 1864. WALTER E. LAWTON, Treasurer, no9S-gt No. 81 JOHN Street, New York. OFFICE OF 44 THE RELIANCE IBSUBANCE COMPANY OF PHILADEL PHIA, ** No 308 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. November 25.1564. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of 4 * The Re liance Insurance Company of Philadelphia," and the election of Thirteen Directors, to serve for the ensuing year, will bA held at the office of the Companv.on MON DAY, DECEMBER 19th, 1564 at 12 o'clock m! no2g-tdel9 THO. 9. C. HILL, Secretary. I®° OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, Nov. 4th, 1864. ' NOTICE TOSHAHEHOLBBBS.—Ths Shareholders la this Company are notified that, under Resolution of the Eoard'of Directors, they are entitled to subscribe to the Stock of the Company the amount of TEN PER CBNT. on their respective interest, as shown by the Books of the Company on tbe 2d in*t Each Shareholder entitled to a fractional part of a share, under the terms of the Resolution,shall have the privilege of subscribing for a full share on the payment of Fifty Dollars. This Stock will be issued at the par value of FIFTY DOLLARS per share. Accrued interest at SIX PER GANT, will be charged from Ist inst. until payment is made. The Bookgfor subscription and payment will be open on MONDAY, the 7th inst, and will close on the 31st of December next, after which no farther subscription! will he received under this Resolution, THOS. T. FIRTH, ncfr-ideSl Treasurer. WESTERN BANK OF PHILA SS& DELPHIA, November ISth, 1864. A meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be teld at tbe Banking Bouse, on MONDAY, tbe 19th day of December next, at 12 o’clock, M.» to decide whether tilt Bank shall become am association for the purpose of Basking seder fcho laws of the United States, aud whether it shall exercise the powers conferred by the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act enabling the Banks of this Commonwealth to become associations for the pur pose ol hanking under the laws of the United States," spp-oved the 22d day of August, 1E64, and to take any further action that may be expedient 3jojo, lm C. N. WEYGANDT, Caßhier. PETROLEUM STORAGE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA.—The Subscription Books will remain open at the office of the Company, 327 WALNUT Street, and at the Rooms of the Phila d*iphia Board of Trade, 505 CHESTNUT Street, until tbe stock is all subscribed for. . Persons forwardins antßcriptionsorfnstalmeata win pleapp make their cheoks. payable to tbe order of F B. HUBBELL, Eeq. , Treasurer. n036-sthtf nrsf** FEIVIVRTXVANIA BAIIROAD I3P^ BBPAKTMBaT. PEU,Aimi.PHTA, Nov. 2, 1884.-rha Board of DbOTjor* have IBIS DAT declared a seroi-fldanaldiTidradol FIVE PBR CBST. on the Capital Stock of thaCompany, clear of National and Stale taxes. payable on and after attorney for MU#ctlon rf Be had on application at the office of the Company • No. ■SIS* ““■"Sfol T. FIBTH, Treasurer. OFFICERS; DIRECTORS THE rRESS.-rJTT r,ATIET,PHIA,' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1864: - - - - . ... • * - |2gT> PKNBBOEE oil company, VENANGO COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OP PENNSYLVANIA, CAPITAL STOCK, @500,000. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHAKES AT FIVE DOL LARS A SHAKE. FULL PAID. Working Capital Reserved for Develop ment, $40,000. PRESIDENT, ALFRED HUNT* Esq, VICE PRESIDBITT, EDWARD SHIPPER, Esq. SECRETARY AND.TREASURER, THOMAS W. EVANS. DIRECTORS. Mr. ALFRED HUNT, Philadelphia, President of Hus Bethlehem Iren Works. Hr; WILLIAM G, HOUSTON, 115 South Water street, Philadelphia. Mr. EDWARD SHIFFEN, sontheast coraer of Sixth and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. Mr. THOMAS W. EVANS. 820 Chestnut street, Phila delphia. Mr. B. W. BAILEY, 818 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Mr. BILL BURGWIN, P.ttsbnrg, Pa. Mr. B. RUSH BRADFORD, New Brighton, Pa. Mr. J. L. CARNAGEAN, Allegheny City, President Corn Planter’s Oil Company. Mr. WM. O. BUGHART, Pittsburg. Pa , Secretary and Treasurer of Pittsburg and Connelsville Railroad, The Company own infee simple two hundred and fif teen acres of the best Oil territory on tbe right bants of the Allegheny rlrer, near Oil City, with one producing well, and another nearly completed, with railroad, • turnpike, and riyer aceess to the property. For particnlare see prospectus, to be found with any of the Directors, or at the office of Messrs. COOPER & GRAEFP, No. II EXCHANGE, and Mb, S. HARVEY THOMAS, No. 313 WALNUT Street, Who are authorized to sell a limited number of shares of stock. ; n029-6t VOLCANICOIL COAL COMPANY WEST VIRGINIA. PRINTED CIRCULARS, with the Prospectus and Geological Report of the pro perty of this Company, are now ready at onr office. This Company owns oyer 2,500 acres of whatis known as the best OIL TERRITORY upon the GREAT UP HEAVAL in WEST VIRGINIA, and offers large indnee meats to parties to subscribe for the limited number of Shares offered at $d per share, for full-paid stock, the par being $lO per share. TMe price per share Is not above the marketable value of tbe lands, and It Is offered for the sole purpose of Increasing tbe faculties for development, and will, beyond a reasonable donbt, prove a profitable invest ment. COOPER & GRAFF, No. 11 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. Pnn.ADBi.PHtA, Nov. 29,1864. ggp*- MEW YOHK AMD LIVKRPbOL PETROLEUM COMPANY. CAPITAL STOCK:, $1,00.0,000. 100,000 SHAKES AT $lO EACH. Subscription Price $5 per Stare. LANDS YIELDING LARGELY. officers: HON. DANIEL & DICKINSON, President WM. T. PHIPPS, Title President. ROBERT BASSETT* Secretary. Books aie open for subscription at die office of tbe Com pany, No. 24 Empire Building* 71 BROADWAY, N. Y. Tbe lands of tbe Company are situated in tbe heart of tbe Oil Region, and include portions of those well* known localities, “tbe McElheay Farm, tbe two Me- Clintock Farms, ’ 1 and other proved and valuable work ing territories, including over Two Thousand acres of tbe best Oil Territories along Oil Creek and in West Virginia, now under process of successful development, and oil is already regularly and largely produced from several wells upon them. 0c29-d&W3m Address the Company, **P. O, Box 6368.” NewTork. jggf~ BBOSPECTIJS THS EOOTOE «ft MARSHALL OIL CO, Office, Ho. »08 South FOURTH Street, below Walnut, back room* Bret floor. CAPITAL, $500,C60; SHARES,6O,OOO; PAR VALUE, $lO. The property of this Company is situated on tbe AUe ■ gbeay River,' aad embraced -wltfcm a distance of about iwc-atd-a-bjlf miles from tbe town of Franklin. Ve oanco county, Fenna., and upon tbe same aide or said river. It consists of the entire working interest, (which Is one-half of the Oii produced,} in a Lease and Oil Well located on tin? well-known “HooverFarm,’’.celebrated as among: the Sret and. most productive Oil Territories, and known as the “ HOOVER & MARSHALL WELL ’* The lease is for Ten Rods square with a frontage of a like number of rods upon tbe River, giving room for two more well®, and has an unexpired term of twenty seven yeam. Tnere is also a first-class ten horse Engine, Tubing, Tanks, and everything necessary to Cfc vry cn *ucce> sful operations. The Well (which is a flowing and pumping one) has be6i» in operation fer three years, and, carelessly han dled, has produced regularly from 109 to 112 bbls. p3r week (including stoppage), at times Flouring Eighteen Ftvvrtle per day, yielding for the working interest of ikeCotupamy about §39,(D0 annually. The Oilis supe rior, its lubricating qualities commanding for it S 3 to $6 per barrel more than the oil from Oil Creek. This well, rightly handled and actively worked by the cele brated Patent Air Pump, leaves but little doubt of its being restored to its original production—from 40 to 50 barve?ss per day. 2 he other property of tbe Company consists in a va luable river tract ol fifty acres i a fee simple, adjoining the exueme borough line of Franklin, with a large coring surface facing the river, and also upon the creeks i hat urn tbrcugli the tract, thereby in creasing boring fcurlEce, and enhancing greatly its value as oil terri tory. in addition to this, it has. from its contiguity to tie county town of one of the most flourishing and ra pidly growing towns of tho State, a large surface value. in ihe product of the wells of this region, there has ever been a remarkable uniformity, which, with the late valuabte discovery of a 70 barrel well on. the Island opposite the “ffoever Farm,” and the discovery- of large and valuable producing wells all around tbe Company’s property, (sse extract below,} stamps the region as one of tbe moat valuable oil territories. The Franklin Citizen r in noticing the sew wells recently ttiuck, says: “One by Dale A Morrow, on October 12, on the Coch rane Earn, twoxoiiea below Franklin, which yielded 240 barrels at the first forty-eight hours’ pumping, is considered good for 100 barrels. John Lee has ob tained a flowing well, on the Martin Farm, just above the Hoover, and nearly opposite the Cochrane, which flows ove? £0 barrels per day. Also, Mr. Hubs, who owns a hate-on the Smith Farm, who has been pump ing 4 barrels per day at4CB feet deep, sunk his well 424 feet, and struck a well giving 40 barrels per day. Ail these strikes have been within ten days, and tbe pros pect of a number more in a abort time. ’ ’ Fifteen thousand shares have been set aside by tbe Company for the purpose of boring three more wells This region, with its oil wells so celebrated for their steadiness and durability, the great numbers of large fiowirsr and pumping wells recently discovered, the superior quality of the oil as a lubricator, and the high prices always so readily obtained, with extraordinary shipping facilities, from ihe wells being located on the margin of the river, and only two-and-a-balf tulles from ihe raiboad, unite to offer parties wishing to in vent in oil territory safely, inducements of the highest eba actor. Books for subscription are now open at the office of the Company, ho. 208 South FOURTH Street, below Walnut. Only a limited number of shares will be sold at $2. BO per share. N. B —Royalties having risen to one-half tbe oil, the Company expect to realize largely from leasing a por tion of their tract held in fee simple no?o*6t T, S. PBILIPS. Treasurer. 13SS*- PITISBURG AMD BOSTON PE SOS' troleum company. CAPITAL, S4OO,OOO—PAR, $5 PER SHARE. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $3.50 PER SHARE. FOR FULL-PAID STOCK AfiD NO FURTHER AS SESSMENTS. The property of this Company consists of the follow ing valuable FEE SIMPLE Territory, extensive lease holds, PRODUCING WELLS, wells going down and nearly finished: No. 1. About 50 (fifty) AcreSwOn Cherry Tree Run in FEB SIMPLE, boreable land refitment to sink FIFTY WELLS. This Territory is opposite the Daizeli Petro leum Company (Bayes* Farm}, on Oil Creek, bounded in part by the celebrated Story Farm, Ac.. Ac. No. 2. Lease perpetual <99 years) on Wath. Media* tcck Oil creek— BH acres, all flat, very valuable, flow ing and pumping wells all around. Do. 3 “WiicrCat” Flowing Well, about SO barrels per dav, on Wash. McClintock Fatm. The Company owns the WHOLE working interest in-this well, en gine, tanks. &c.» &e. No. 4 “California Well, No. 1, on Oil Creek, down BCG feet, allreadyto re tube. This well has flowed 160 t Ho el 6 P Well. So, 2, on Oil Creek,down nearly fiCO feet. __ , .„„ No. 6. Lease perpetual (99 years) on 2>£ acres Oil desk, all fiat, containing the above wells, with fifteen horse engine, tanks, derricks, engine houses, &c. No. 7. Lease perpetual 09 years) on 2>5 acres Oil Creek, all flat, and in onewellcown 490 feet, one quar ter interest (working) in this well and lease. TEN THOUSAND SHARES RESERVED FOB WORE „ ING CAPITAL. Books for original subscription are now open at our office far a few days only; when closed the stock to be placed on the regular Boston and Philadelphia Stock boards as a bora pub dividend-paying, oil pro pociivG coHPAxr, when ii if. expected the shares will laigely advance. - AU further information, with pros ptetnsee, can be obtained of the undersigned. The tm&ll capital of this Company, with the actual'large interests, must make it a favorite as a secure invest ment. _ H. S. LEECH, 14 Faxquhar Buildings, WALNUT, below Third, MoIM P SiH A £r y °,y - -58 BFAYER Street, Sow York Agency. SPAMCBB VILA & CO., Banker., BolS-iftf Boston Agency. WASHIBr«»aK AM) WAISUT BEKD OIL COMPANY. capital. * sm,im ltO-CCOShares sseacli. Snbccriptlui Price ©. Ten thousand shares reserved as working capital. Office. No. 314 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. No. 1. A well on Oil Creek, now Snmping 10 barrals Fer day, and increasing No. 2. A well on Oil Creek, now over 300 feet deep, with large show of oil. Near this la the Corn Planter WeH, which is now pnmplng 800 barrels of oil per day. kii i feet deep, now ready of p^do^lSgSy 6 4ld Sllowof oili every lprospect No. 4 Ope-fifth interest in a tract of five hundred acres on the Allegheny river,* six wells, now pumping fifty barrels of oil per day: ihr&e more wells now going down: with near a mile of riverfront, ail good boring territory. ° No. 6. A half acre at Tideoute, near the Economite Wells, which are now pumping sixty barrels sl?day No. 6. Eight aoda hall acres in Walnut Bend, on the Allegheny river? immedfa’ely surrouQdieg this uro jrorty are_fineprcduring wells. This tract will be de veloped rapidly. Subscriptions are now being received, and a large por tion of tb*- stock already taken. The prospectus aud all info: n ation c»n be obtained at tbe office of the Com- PBpt. now at No 314 MARKET Street. no2B 6t KSgr VIL SUBSCRIPTIONS-RE. S» SERVED LIST. The litt having been made up the Books dosed last evening. In order that no delay shall arise in the organization of the Company, and also to give a chance to those who beietofore were unavoidably prevented taking shares, these who first enter their names on the RESERVE LIBT. now open at my office, will take the place of any of the “200 subscr ibk ra “ who unexpectedly pre vented from complying with the terms. To eo subscribe, or forfurtberparttenlars of this enter prise, address,or apply at once to DUNCAN M MITCHESON, N. B. comer FOURTH and WALNUT. PMla , soS9 6fe if Or B. BORDA, Trustee, 33T WALNUT St. ISS* DIVHIBND.-THE DIRECTORS of tbe OLM6TEAD OIL COMPANY have this day declared a Dividend of TWO PER CENT., payaf" ble, free of State-tax, on December 3d. Books close Nov. 29th, end reopen 6th December.. no*3-6t GEORGS W. HUNTER, Secretary, g- THE WEST VIRGINIA AND OHIO OIL COMPANY. CAPITAL $500,000. .100,000 SHARES OF $5 EACH WORKING CAPITAL $33,000. PRICE $3.50 PER SHARE. The property of the Company consists of Ist. a tract of 100 acres in fee simple, situated in Plaa j sent county,'WestVirginia, uponßawsoa’sßan, near the celebrated “Tack" wells. Upon tills track there 4s a new engine jast arrived, with which it is intended to prosecute the development of the property with vi gor. It is within one mile of Horse Meek, which is conceded to he in the heart of the oil territory, new 'Wellsbeing struck nearly every week, Itisßitnaled upon the great upheaval, now proven to be the best in dication of oil territory in that region. Horse Meek, Burning Spring, and the oil territory in Ohio, are all upon the upheaval. It Is a well-proven fact that it is necessary to strike a “fissure” in the rock in order to obtain a paying well, although in passing through the rock a snow of oil may be obtained. It is this fact which makes a volcanic upheaval of importance, as it ceases many fissures or breaks in the strata. 2d. Leases of 1.650 acres on Fifteen-mile Bun, Wash ington connty, Ohio, as follows: Button, 80 acres. 15 years. Boyalty 1-5 the oil. Moore, 80 do. do. do 1-6 do, Myers, 80 do. do. do I*s do, Creighton, 40 do. do. do 1-7 do. King, 120 do. do. do 1-5 do. Love, 42 do. jlo. do 1-5 do. Kitts, 360 do do. do 1-5 do. Gants, • 160 do, do. do 1-5 do. Covey, 65 do. do, do 1-5 do. Heslcp,' 800 do. do. do 1-5 do. Cnthbert, 121 do, do. do 1-5 - do. Thompson, 140 do. do. do 1-5 do. Snider, SO do. do. do 16 do. ■Weirich, 60 do. do.- do 1-5 do. ‘ On the Briton, Moore, Snider, Weirich, and Thomp son, there are engines with wells down respectively 660 feet, 250 feet, and 200 feet. On the Cnthbert there is a well down 200 feet, with engine on the ground On the Snider lease there is a Burning Spring. Subscription bocks aro open at the office of - & li. MOSS, £33 BOCK Street. KOTA I* PEVROIIVK COMPANY. V 3& CAPITAL, $500,000. 300,000 SHAREB. WORKING CAPITAL, $35,000. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $3.50 PBB SHAKIS. This Company own the following interests: The entire working interest in a lease of three (3) acres on the celebrated SMITH FARM, on Allegheny river, five miles below the lowa of Franklin. . On this jea?e is sit as ted the -HUBB S WELL, now producing thirty (30) barrels daily, half of which belongs to this Company. The derricks for two more wells are now being erected, and operations will at once be commenced. This region of the Allegheny river has been found to be highly productive; the new well lately struck on the Lee Farm is producing forty (40) barrels per day: also, the new well on Bkandejc Island is now pumping nasty (60) barrels daily , and increasing, besides other wells of twenty and thirty barrels In Che immediate vicinity. One-eighth (X) free interest ul all the oil obtained in a lease on the H. McCLINTOCK FARM, on Oil Creek, on which lease is situated two wells, pro ducing eighty barrels per day. On this lease three new wells are now being drilled and near completion , from which the Company will receive the one-eighth of the oil. The farm is well known, from the fact that the McCxjstocelville Petroleum Company own the land intdiest. The 1.6401 working interest in the following described lots on the celebrated HIDE AND EGBERT FARM, on Oil Creek. In lot No. 8» on which there is a well now being tested. In )ot No. 4. on which is situated the TURTLE WELL. In lot No. €. On this lot the ne# EGBERT WELL is note being drilled, and from the fact that it joins lot No. ?, on wlrclh. is fitnated the KEYSTONE WELL, No. IV, latelv strnck, it is expected that a large flowing well will be obtainedjm this lor. in lot Bo; 8 This lot is situated between lots 7 and 9. known as the Keystone Leases, which have proved themselves to be the of territory. On this lot 16 situated, the GETTYSBURG WELL, which is now being drilled deeper, as the tools which had been fast are removed, and from the indications a large yield is expected. In lot 80. 15, on which preparations are being made to sink a well. • In lot 80. 19. This lot is. particularly well situated, adjoining the celebrated lot 80. 23, on which is situated the new Flo wing Well COQUETTE, ' said to be producing six hundred barrel# per day% (the striking of this well advanced the Maple Shade Com* pany’s.stock from sl7to $44 per share.) Preparations will be at or ce commenced to sink a well on this lot. In lot 80. 2CLKMch u advantageouslysituatedfrom Ms proximity leases and the Jersey Well. In lot 80. nVni which is situated the celebrated JERSEY WELL. now producing about 360 barrels per day. This is one of the largest Flowing Wells on the Creek. m _ln lot 80. S 6, cn which is situated the Kepler Well. The , HYDE ABD EGBERT FARM is acknowledged to be one of the best-producing farms in the whole region. The following-remarks are taken from the financial columns of the Philadelphia Press offcov. 16,1564: ** The excitement in oil stocks Is still increasing, and the price of gome of the producing companies haß ma terially advanced. We notice the companies situated on the Hyde and Egbert Farm, which is considered one of the best on Oil Creek, having rapidly advanced within the last few days. This is--owing to some large wells having been lately struck on this property, one Sowing about a thousand barrels per day, aud one flowing two hundred barrels per day. The entire yield of this farm Is now between fifteen hundred ana two thousand barrels per day,-and some of the companies located cn the ‘Maple Shade,’ 4 Hyde Farm,* ‘Bock,* ’Egbert,’ and ‘Mineral, * have had their incomes doubled by the above new wells going down on thie farm, on one of which the largest oil crevice yet found is said to have been struck * 9 IV. One seventh (17) working interest in two acres and 18 perches on Cherry Run, on which Is situated the REED WELL, now producing some 310 barrels per day . Tills well is one of the most reliable, and has been daily increasing, and the striking of it has proved the fact that the Gberry Ron property is among the mcstreliable and productive in the oil region. V. The entire land interest in 12 acres on Cherry Bun, about three-fouzths of a mile above the Reed Well. This property is well located, being all boreable, and FIVE WELLS ABE SOW BEING DRILLED ON IT, TWO OP which abb near comfietion, and; according to the leases granted, five more wells abb to be commenced ON TEE PBOPEETr WITHIN ONE HUNDRED DATS FROM November 1,1864. This interest is expected to increase the yield of the Company to a large amount. • YI. Forty acre?, in fee simple, on Gherrv Run, above the 12 acres cwned by the Company. On the adjoining farms great activity now exists, derricks being erected axa wells drilled. Two derricks are now being erected, and the development of this property will be prosecuted vigorously. ~ The following extract is from, an editorial of the Public hedger, November 29, 1354: “ One of the mo*t remarkable features about the pre s ant oil excitement is that, while the territory known to possess oil is &o rapidly extending in area, the older settled portions, wnere most oil has been drawn off. axe daily raising in price. The price*- too, .ot-che--oil Is higher than ever, being fie veil 'dollars and a half per barrel at the well a now. Yet, all aronnd Oil Creek new areas h'ave been added of far greater extent than those before known The whole of Ghtrry Run may be said to have come into the market since the beginning of the year, and is now ccneidered the most valuable territory anywhere to be found. Wells are supposed never to fail on it. **- The Company are now receiving, from tie producing interests, fifty-four (54) barrels of oil daily, which will enable them to pay a handsome and prompt divi dend on its capital; also, an interest in eighteen wells in various stages of completion. Two on Allegheny •river, from which they will-rtcetve kali the oil ; three on hJcCi.TNTOCK Farm, from wbloh they will receive one-eighth the oil; five ox Cherry fiux, half the oil; two ox Cheery Box, all the oil; and six ox the Hyde and Egbert Farm - • . If these wells have but the usnal success, the produc tion to tb e Company will be increased to a large amount within the next ninety days Twenty*five thousand dollars will be retained in the treasury for the purpose of developing the lands of the Company. Subscriptions will be received to the above Company at Ifo. 538 WALNUT STBEET, BOOM No 7, Terms: One dollar on subscribing, aud one dollar and fifty cents on the fifteenth of December, 1864. n026-6t OFFICE HOOE ISLAND LUB. 9S& OIL COMPANY—N. E. corner THIBD and DOCK Streets, (secondstory.) At a meeting of the Board of Directors of this Com* p&ny, held this day, the following resolution was edcpted: - Resolved; That for the purpose of furnishing a work ing capital the capital stock of thiscompanybe, audit is nertby assessed One Dollar par share, twenty- five percent, of which shall be called in by the Treastuer on or before the first day of January, 1865, the remain ing seventy-five per cent to be called in at intervals of fifteen dai & between each twenty-five percent. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That in pursuance of the above resolution, an assessment of twenty-five cents on each and every share of the capital stock will be due and payable at this office on or before the first day of January, 1865; twenty-five cents per share on or before tbe 20th of January; tuenfcy- five cents per share on or before the 81st day of January, and twenty-five" cents per share on or before the 15th day of February, EDW H. FLOOD, Treasurer. Philadelphia, Nov, 28,1864. n029-6l* KOTICE.-TME BOOKS OF SUB- V 3& BCBIPTION to the Capital Stock of the MER CANTILE PETROLEUM COMPANY will be opened TO-DAY, at our office, for receiving subscriptions for a limited number of shares of said stock, -s The production of this Company Is now equal to Fifty Barrels cf Oil per day, which will enable the Company to pay large dividends immediately. For further information apply to the undersigned, for the Corporators. COuHBAN Sc BUBSBLL, - Ho. 33 North FRONT Street. November!!. 1864. • no2B-6t ra** DAUPHIS AND COLOMBO ■SE? GOLD MINI m COMPANY- Chartered by the State of Pennsylrani*. ' CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, 300,000 SHARES—PAR YALUB, sfr _ PreeideEt— JOß H B. ANDERSON. director*. James B. Mazes. John W. Hall, Harrisburz, T. C. MeDoweUt do. John Brady, . do. W. W. Wylie, Lancaster. Wm. G. Shut©, Colorado. B. P. SOUTHWORTH, fiecretaixand Treasurer. Office of the Company, No. 433 WALNUT Street- Boom No. 5. Authenticated specimens bays bees procured. from some of the Company's lodes, aad bare bees assayed by Professors Booth and Garrett with the most gratify ing results. Subscription lists have been opened at the Office of the Company and at the Treasurer’a Office (In ternal Revenue)* No, 427 CHESTNUT Street, Farmers’ and Mechanics 1 Banfc Building. To original subscribers, $3.60 per share, for a limited number of shares. Circulars, pamphlets, or information can be obtained at the Office of the Company after the 17th inst. October 14, 1864. - ■ ocl4-Sm Thomas A. Scott, N. B. Kneasa, Wm. 8. Freeman. Bobt P. King* John M. Riley, Charles BeSilver, SOUTABT. II INBEPBHDIKOE CITY GUA.EDS. B—A special Meeting of the COEPS will be held at lit the ARMORY, on FRIDAY EVENING, December **2d, 3664, at So clock. Both active and contributing members are earnestly requested to be present as business of vast importance will be transacted. \ del 2t* H. B. HEILMAN, Secretary. rp I E CELBB R A T I D “ANGBLB” KID GLOTES, HSW ABD BIESAHT CUT. A. BUSCH & CO., IMPORTERS, 340 Broadway. New Yorlc. del-lm whereas, the auditor gene , KAL, at required by the 11th Section of the Act entitled An Act to enable the Banks of this Common wealth to become Assocatinns for tbe purpose of Bank ing nr der the laws of the United States. ’* passed on the 22c day of August. A. D. 1664. has certified to me that VTB3S CONSOLIDATION BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA*'has furnished satisfactory evidence to him that all the lequiremenU of skid Act have been com plied with by the said Bank, end that it has become an Association lor the purpose of Banking under the laws of *he united States— I do, therefore, cause-this notice thereof to be pub lished, In accordance with the provisions df the said lUh Section of the said Act, and do declare that the Charter of said Bank, by the terms of said Act. is deem ed and taken to be hereupon surrendered, subject to the provisions of the Ist Section of said Act. „ AG. CCBTXN, Governor of Pennsylvania. Executive Chamber, Harrisburg, Nov. 29,1864. del-lflt TO'SPORT SMEN. •A. Will be sold on FRIDAY, Deo. 2d, at 12 o’clock, by THOS. BIRCH & SON, Auctioneers, 1110CH8ST 3>uT bireet, One first-class Westley Richard Gun, with‘case, flask, pouch, Ac, in complete order; costs4oo to import. One very ulterior French Gun, in case complete. One Hcllls & Shrath fine English Gun incase complete. 3 very fine Breech-loading Duck Gnn, No. 8 calibre, with 47o'carlridge8. t 3 Duck Guns, medium size. All willjbe sold without reserve. •. del-St* fJENtimE BETHLEHEM V-* * BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, and NEW MAPLE SYRUP, For SBle by ROBERT DONNELL & RON, 806 WALNUT Street. T)IBBASES OF THE SKIN ARE often contracted from the nee of Soap made from the grease of diseased animals; hence the unpleasant smell. WILLIAM CONWAY usee tmfc pare ingredients ia the manufacture of his Soap. Therefore itß indisputable superiority over all other &&ps for family use. ~ See.that each bar is stamped WILLIAM COSWAY’S SOAP, Dapotj 316 South SRCOHD straet. F HOLIDAY CONFECTIONS. J>ARE AND FASHIONABLE CONFECTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, IK NEAT BOXES, SUITABLE FOE PRESENTS FAMILY USB. FRESH EVERY DAY, E.LG. WHITMAN & CO.’S, del-lm HO. 318 CBESTKPT St., Mow Fourth. CENTS’ FURNISHING- GOODS. QJEgTLEMBN’B WRAPPERS. GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. JOHN C. ARRISON, Woe. 1 AND 3 HOKTH SIXTH STREET, la now offering an elegant and extensive variety of GENTLEMEN’S WRAPPERS, SCAKFS, HECK-TIES, mufflers, gloves, HANDKERCHIEFS. SffirAßLK FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. his hsnal assortment of Merino,‘‘Shaker Flannel, Silk, USDERSBIBTS ASP DRAWERS, del-tf DETAIL DRV GOODS. JpW' SSKIEfcOE' FOR 1864. A HEW AND GBEAT INVENTION Ilf HOOP SHIETS. THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC f TOE DOUBLE) J. I. & J. 0. WEST, Ko. _9T CHAMBEEB STJBEET, HEW YORK, Arer-the owners -of tliQ patent and exclusive marmfac tnre?g of tills, J, W. BE ALLEY’S PATENTED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STEEL SPRING SKIRTS, This invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever uted, enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bility* to place and fold the shirt when in use as easily and with the same convenience as a silk or muslin dress* It entirely obviates and silences the only objec tion to hoop skirts, viz; the annoyance to the wearer as well as the public* especial] y in crowded assemblies, carriages* railroad oars,church paws, or inanycrowdea place, from the difficulty of contracting them to occupy*' ing a small space. This entirely removes the difficulty, while giving the skiTt the usual full and symmetrical form, and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera* promenade* or house drees. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward Willingly dispense with the use of them. They are the best quality in every part, and by far the lightest, most durable, comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above, and ladies in most first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the States. ’ - • ' for the DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SPRING. SKIRT. "DRADLEY *S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC a> skirt, Yery flexible, folded easily when in use to occupy a small, space, making the most agreeable skirt worn. For sale by J. M. HAFLEIGff, , 908 CHESTNUT Street. • X? RADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIBT—The greatest improvement we have ever seen-in LADIES * SKIRTS. andaii article of SOTEKjd^fe«jBLLBNQK. . CURWEIT STODDAKT & BSO., 450, 453, and4s4 S. SECOND St., ab. WUIoW. nol7-lm fiOtf HOOP SKIRTS. fIOO «*OUB OWN MAKS.** . V-wO* Themost complete assortment and Jbest Quality and styles in the wholesale and retail, at manu factory, No. 638 AKOH Street, Together With the " HEW FLEXIBLE SKIET,” just out, the moat pliable Hoop Skirt in the market, equal to the * 1 Duplex EUptle, * ■ and at much lower prices. Also, constantly in receipt of full lines of low-priced Eastern- made Skirts; kid padded and rivited—ls springe, 85 cents; 20 springs, $1; 25 springs, $1.15; 30 springs, $1.25: and ffl springs, $l.OO. nol9»lm* WSf T, HOPKINS. FANCY FURS. RADIES’ FANCY FUBB. JOHN. FABEIKA, NO.TIB ARCH Stiaet,.aboTe Ss.entb Street. At bis oldeetabUSbed .tore, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS Ladies and children. Having now In .tore a -fair large Mid beantifalaßnort rnort ff/ .II ihodiffermt kin a r and nnalUiefl of FARCY PCRS'FOB lAMBS’ AND CHIU)ESH’S WEAR. I solicit a call from those in want. Remember tie name and number, - JOHIf FAEEIBA, 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh. I have so partner or connection with any other store Is tMrclty. - - ocS-Cr-iif "C’URS! FURS! FURS! . Furs cleaned from tooths, repaired, and altered to tie latest styles, at moderate prices, at No. 113 North FOURTH [Street, above Arch. n029-6t* - INSURANCE. ’RE YOUR LIFE m THE AME»ZC?A.N, . $ S.E.C6r. Walnut amTFourtli Sts,, PHILADELPHIA It !b a HOME COMPAHT* and profits divided annu ally, ihna aiding the assured to pay future premiums, Last dividend S 3 per cent. BOAED OP TBUBTSBS. Alexander WhiUdin, . J. Edtar Thomson, Hob. James Pollock, Hob. Jos. Allison, Albert 0. Roberts, Henry K. Bennett, Samuel T. Bo dine, Philip B. Mingle, Geo.Jtfugent, - John Aikman, Wjftjt?* Howard, Isaac Hazleimrat, *. v, . x >’ Samuel Work. • * i? ; ALEXANDER WHILLDIH, President. - • SAMUEL WOBX, Vice President, nolfl Spiff * JHQ. S. WILSOH, Sec’y and Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE DBLA.WABB MU- Vr.«HJAL SAFETY IKSUEAKCK COMPAHY . ' Pim,Ai)KLl’inA, November 9, ISM.' The follotpini statement of the affairs of the Com pany is poblishea ta conformity with a provision of its charter: ' Premiums received from November 1, 1853* to October 31,1564: On'Maxine and Inland Risks $424,047 90 On Bro Bisks 138,867 18 682,706 08 234,472 42 797.177 60 Piemituns os Policies sot marked' off* Bovemfcer 1,1863 ....... Premiums marked off as earned from November 1, 1663, to Oc tober 1,1664; On Marine and Inland Bisks.. On Fire Bisks-,-.... Interest during same period, sal ■vaies,.. Losses, Expenses, &c., daring the year, as above. Marine and Inland Navigation Losses.... 214,29163 Fire Losses.49.6Ss 82 Return Premium 5................. 26,304 98 Re-1nenrance5..................... 42,649 28 Agency Charges 19,064 98 Advertising, Printing, 8,689 13 *Taxes—U B. Tax on Premiums', Policy, Stamps, &c., &c......... 11,336 2? Expenses, Salaries, Sent, Aen.. 14,089 00 _ _ _ 884,061 28 228,28186 * This la exclusive of the amount reserved for Taxes on Dividends and Profits. ASSETS OP TEE COMPANY, BOV, 1,1861 $lOO,OOO United States Pive per cent. Loan, IS7I v,-,*..*™.,. $lOO,OOOOO 111,000 EnitedLStates 8 per oent. Loan, 1881- 118,215 CO , 76,000,UnitedEtates G per cent. Loan, 5-20*. 76,562 60 100,000 State* of Pennsylvania 5 per cent. Loaiu* 83,665 00 84,000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. „„ .. _ Loan* •♦.»••■* ••»»»!«•»• 65,840 00 123,060 Philadelphia Cite- 6 per cent. Loan.. 122,520 37 20,000 PennsylvaniaKailroad.lst Morig&fe . 6per cent. 8cinde..23,000 00 50,000 Pennsylvania Bailroad 2d Hortgace 6per cent. 80nd5..53,250 00 15,600 800 Shares- Stock Germantown Qm Company, principal and interest auaraatoeOy the city of Phil*- _ delphia..,.~, 15,30000 6,500 ISO Scares Stock Pennsylvania Bail - : road Company. 9,100 00 5,000100 SharesJßtoek Borth Pennsylvania _ Bailroau Company.B,oso 00 50,000 United Siatefi Treasury Certificates _ „of indebtedness 48,425 00 sO.GOO&iaie.ofTesuesßee'dpsrcent, Loan*» 22,000 00 128,700 Loans on \Bsnd and Mortgaie,amply ______ secured. ~ ~138,700 0Q $868,250 Par, Cost, $841,100.50 Market Value. $857,627 87 Beal Estate.-...—............«,*»,**» 86,000 00. Bills receivable for insurances made. 118,838 47 Balances due at Ayeaeles- on H*- - line Policies, accrued interest, and other debts due the Company. 5&,793 24 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $4,263, estimated value, • 2,229 00 Cash on deposit with united States Government subject to ten days* cal!.,»*«~*~ «....***.sloo,ooo 00 Gash on deposit, in 58,154 93 Cahln drawer PsrxADBLt'HLA* November 9. 1864.. The Board of Directors have this day declared a CASH DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT, on the GAFI TAL STOCK, and SIX PER CENT, interest on the SCRIP of the Company, payable on and after the Ist December proximo, free of National and State taxes. They have also declared a SCRIP DIVIDEND of FOETXPER CENT, en the. EARNED .PREMIUMS for the yeiSUmdisg October SI, 1864, certificates for which will be issued to the parties entitled to the same, on and after the Ist December proximo, free of National and Stale taxes. „ They have ordered, also, that the SCRIP CERTIFI CATiB OP PROFITS of the Company, for the year 1660. be redeemed in CASH, at the office of the Com pany, on and after the Ist December proximo, all inte rest thereon to cease on .that day. „ „ No certificate of profit# issued under *K. By the Act of Incorporcuton> **no certificate shall issue sun less claimed within two years after the declaration of the dividend whereof it is evidence. 3 3 DIRECTORS, SanmelE. Stokes, J. F. Peniaton, Henry Sloan, • i William-C. Boulton, Edward Darlington, H Jones Brooke, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joßhna P. Eyre, Spencer McELvaine, John B> Semple. Pittsburg, A. B. Bairn, fttteboix. ThomM O. Hand. JolmC. Darts, Edmond A. Bonder, TheophHns Fanldinl, John B Penrose, James Traqnair, Hejuy C. Ballett. Jr.. James C. Hand. William 0. Indwi*. Joseph H. Seal. - GeorgeG, Leiper, SogECraig, Bobert Barton. „ THOHAB JOHH C. Hbubt Ltlbcrs, Becretai O. •- DAVIS, YUe President. _ ry. w : noUMmtf SUSPENDERS, 4tc., D, APPLETON & GO., 413 AND 445-BROAD WAY, Publish, Dec. 1, CHRISTIAN BALLADS. • Br Bev. A. Cleveland Coxe, D. D. Illustrated with original designs, By John A. Hows. . . 1 Vol., Bvb. 235 pages. Printed on tinted paper, 1 Vol., Cloth, gUi,js& Morocco, $9. .Morocco Extra, sio. [-Extract from the Author’s Preface. 1 ** With a sincere gratitude to his Christian brethren, and to his publisher* in England and America, he de sires to acknowledge the singular and entirety unex pected success which the little book has enjoyed. It has brought him kindly greetings and pleasant letters from the most distant and from some of the most obscure portions of the earth. It has gained him some of the moßfc enviable of friendships. In foreign travel it has opened his way to colleges and to cattles; he found it on the shelves of Eton boys and in the rooms of grave Fellows of the Universities. In Ireland he-was pre sented, with a curious series of imitations of Dream land, some grave and some comical; and of Scotland and Wales he owes some of his happiest recollections to inc'dents connected with the circulation of the Bal lads in several forms. To Count Taseo, the eminent poet and patriot of Northern Italy, he is indebted for the introduction of several of them to his countrymen inspirited translations; and she Comte de Montaiem ben has unwittingly connected a stanza from one of them with a hock which will be ever memorable in the history of the French Empire.’’ , NEARLY HEADY: * I»YEA AMERICANA; or v Verses of Praise and Faith, from American Poets. Selected aad arranged fey the Eev. .George T, Elder, M. A. . TREASURY OF TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE IN NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA, EUROPE. ASIA. AND AFRICA. A Book for Young and Old. With 120 Illustrations. ■ jGk. . 11l ", COUSIN ALICE. A Memoir of Alice B. Haven. With, a Portrait. 1 voi , 12mo. IV. THE CORRELATION AND CONSERVATION OF FORCES. A Series of Expositions fey Prof. Grove,Prof. HelmbiUs, Dr. Mayer, Dr. Faraday, Prof. Leibig, and Dr.Caipenter. Wish an Introduction and brie/ Notices of tfee Chief Promoteiß of the Views. By Edward L. Yonmans. „ SMITH’S HISTORY OF THE WORLD. With Maps, &e. Vol. I, Bvo. To be published by subscription. FIGHTING THE WHALES; or. Doings and Dangers of a Fishing Cruise. With four Colored illustrations. FAST IN THE ICE; or, Adventures in the Polar Re gions. With four colored Illustrations. VIII. AWAY IN THE WILDERNESS; or, Life Among the Red Indians and Fur Traders of North" America. With four Illustrations. _ . IX. UNCLE JOBN’S FIFTH BOOK. UNCLE JOHN’S SIXTH BOOK. X. UNCLE NAT; or* The Good Time which George and Frank had Trapping, Fishing, Camming Out, Sc, By Alfifd OldfeUow- Ivol., ISmo. del-2t ■WEST PHILAD’A.—FURNISHED OB »» Unfurnished Rooms TO LET, with first-class Board. Address **o.,” Box 9*24Phila. P. 0. no2S-6t* T>OABD.—A LARGE SECOND-STORF A' BACK BOOM, communicating with a bath-room, together with Board, may fee obtained at' 369 South FIFTH Street. * nols-tf 416,254 73 .... 120,656 !5 535,821 48 INFORMATION WANTED.—THE J- undersigned deairea to hear from the sister of J. M, Staples, Depnty feheriffof El Dorado county, California. She is supposed to reside in Philadelphia. Mr. Staples was murdered while In the discharge of his official duties. His effects are awaiting delivery. - JAMES B HUME, Sheriffs Office, nolS-im Placerville, El Dorado county, Cal. 75,522 88 512,344 14 T OST OB MISLAID—THE FOLLOW -Ibg Certificates of Stock: Hob., 73 and 227. Allegheny and Pittsburg Oil Compa ny, in the name of Bush & Kurtz, and also in tha name of V. C. Bush. Nos. 286 end 70S in the Story Farm Oil Company. No. 92 in the Alcorn Oil Company, and No. 276 in the Egbert Oil Company. New Certificates have been applied for. no2B-10t* COPAETNEPHIFgd WILLIAM H. TEYIS IS THIS DAY T T associated in business with us* the style of the find remaining unchanged. COOPER & GRAFF, Stock Brokers. No. II MERCHANTS 1 EXCHANGE. Philadelphia, December 1, 1884, del-121 T\TBSOLUTION. —THE COPARTNER- A-r SHIP heretjforc'existiog between the Snbßcrlbßre. under the Atm of BENNETT, RTJCH, & CO., lathis day dissolved by mutual consent, JOS. N. RUCH retirtig. The business TtUl be settled by either nartner. ' H. K. BENNETT, - . JOS. 'N. KOCH, C. H. SIEGES. Philadelphia, Hot. 30,1364. COFAHTHEBSHIP. —The undersigned have thlsday associated'together under the Brm of H. K. BENNETT 3; CO., and trill continue the business of the late Arm of BENNETT, RUCB, SCO., at SSXTCHDKCH Alley, Where the business of the latter Arm trill he settled. H. K. BENNETT, C. H. SIEGES. Philadelphia, DeCil, 1364. ' del-St TYLSSO LTTTIOI^. —THE COPART* J-A HBRSBIP heretofore existing between the un dersigned, underthe firm of BMDLJ/ING & HARMAN, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. WM. SMULLING, J. H. HARMAN. Philadelphia, Dec. 1, 1864. The business will be continued by the undersigned at the same place, No. 580 South FOURTH Street , del-3t* J.H. HaRMAN. $1,201,554 02 Pr THE ORPHANS! COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of PETER CURRAN, deceased: The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ENOCH REX, Administrator of the estate of PETER CURRAN,dec'd, and to report dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment. • / . On W EDNESDAT,the J4tb day of December, 1864 at 3 o’clock P. M., at fria office. No. 16 South THIRD *"* iD tho Cits ' D ASHORST. Auditor November 30th, If6l. del- thstafo* TTOfiITTPIS OF EXQUISITE 4 stvle and coloring made at B F. ESTHER'S GAD DEBT". 63* ARuH Street. To bo eurelof being suited, go early, as the days arc short it* pARTES HE YIBITE, OF SUPERB V styles and tastefully finished, at BEtMER’S popu lar Gallery, SECOND Street above Green. Early visits by pafcrcns are necessary to accommodate all these short days. It* TIFBLIEE AND NATURAL POR TBAITS-B, F. BEIMBB’S admired styles life size PHOTOGRAPHS in oil colors,* As the days are short ii la advisable to go early, , It* WOOD, WOODJ7OOD.—OAK, PINE, ” and HICKOET WOOD, for sale at lowest cash fincfiA E, v, WAloUvli aoSti-lm* , VINE-STREET WHaBF. r JHE. GREAT BOOK OF THE DAT 13 GEN. SCOTT’S AUTOBIOGRAPHY!! Every One is Reading General Scott’s Autobio graphy ! I Every One is Talking about General Scott’s Auto, biography!! * It throws more light upon the oboure parts or “American History” than any book published for years. It exhibits the rampant treason of “Buchanan’s Cabinet,” and depicts the fearfnrperll in which our Government was before Mr. Lincoln was In augurated. Itglves the secret history of the dreadful straggle with treason In every part of the Government be fore it broke out into open rebellion. 2 vols. 12mo, Illustrated. Price per set, $l. Sent by mail on receipt of the price. “To review this book is impossible; every line should read, every chapter carefully considered. Oil]/ Item, Philadelphia. The history of no living American is invested with anything like the degree of interest and national pride as that given in these volumes. "—Toledo Blade “ The most interesting bio,raphy ever written In this country. ”—U. T. Express. ~ “lye rail the attention of young men to the record of the life of this great man. ’ ’—AT T. Observer. “ General Scott has made a contribution of singular to American history; a contribution it would be difficult to match,not only iaoarown, but iu any nation ’e literature.' '—Union, Brooklyn. ‘ To the labt day of its existence the country will have reason to regret that General Scott was not permitted to manage matters at the time when Secession first began to show thaHt was a vital thing. * * * Such will be S?rTfw ,0 i of . U 8 In „whose cages Scott will stand at the highest point. ’ ’—Boston Traveller. General tells his story in a manly, modest, and winning way, and every reader will he charmed with •bed’arnese of thestyle and the frankness of the an thor. —Saturday Evening Express, Boston. “No patriot ran afford to be without (hem; no stu dent of American history will be without item Press, Portland. SHELDON & COMPANY, PnbHshcrs, 385 BROADWAY, W. X. del-thstuSt JJLEGANT ILLUSTRATED GIFT BOOK. HEADY -TO-MORROW, ENOCH; ARDEN, TENNYSON'S NEW POEM, with over THIRTY BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS, by BILLINGS, A greater part of the edition is already sold, and it is too late to print any more this season. It is"said to he the most beantifnl Illustrated volume that has yet appeared. J. E. TILTON & GO., Publishers, BOSTON. BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATED GIFT BOOK, DORA- DARLING, THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT, The American Union says that it is so intensely in teresting that one cannot lay It down, after having commenced it, until the. last page to turned. Large book. PRICE ONLY $1.50. FIBST EDITION ALL BOLD. NEW EDITION BEADY TO-DAY, at all the Book stores. ' J. E. TILTON & GO., - BOSTON. Publishers. del-tMt. NEW JUV.EMLE, . THE LIFE 3SOA.T, BY E. M. BALL ANT YNE, JUST PBI3LTSHED. Elegantly illustrated, Rowing the perils of the Sailor. PRICE $1.50. Dealers can have show bills of all our Books, and special terms yon quant.ties. Small lots may he had ofihe book-jobbers at ourprices. J. E. TILTON & CO., del-ths2t BOSTON. Phbliahers. iJHE THREE SCOUTS, BY THE AUTHOR OF OUDJO’S GAVE, WILL BE PUBLISHED EARLY IN DECEMBER. - J. E. TILTON & CO., del-thstu3t ,■ BOSTON. P ELEGANT CHRISTMAS BOOK .«*“*• FOR 1865. UNCLE JOHN’S-THIRD BOOK. TOOLE JOHN’S F«UBTH BOOK. ItOABBISO, FERSOIUI. LOST ANB FOWm. LE6U. WANTS. A YOT7NU MAN FROM THE COUN TBY, who has served threeyears as an officer in the army, desires a SITUATION as Cleric or Book keeper; is a good penman, and good references given if needed. Address “B, ■w.,* 1 Press office. n03031* A GENTS WANTED FOE THE NURSE one of the most interesting and i£ 8r published, embracing the oniall ia the Union army as Horse, «X wV? nd, £jp r * Wp** * most vivid inner picture of SxSSf and disabled officers and soldiers _°°!W gow cHEgjbngigyTar^i^ff-A O^AW^n 0 ? WANTED fob desi , , RABLE Bucks-counfcy Farm Alto fnrxmll w*. *l^iiS^£^“? a “ wop ” tsr - iddres8 *‘ I f, x - TJOOMS WANTED.—NOT DATES ■“Y than the 10th of December, two commnnicaHnv uifarßiehed Booms, with beat, gas, and nee of bath* Most be located Sn a genteel neighborhood, with a good and within twenty-five minutes’ walk of Third and Chestnut streets. Address ™ IS J g IJI ~ Press Office, Philadelphia. TO CAPITALISTS,—A*MIDDLK f AGED AMERICAN GENTLEMAN of ripe expe rience, fully competent to conduct the Business, having an extensive trade under his own control, is desirous of connecting himself with some respectable parties who can funnsh the necessary capital to establish an A No. 1 WHOLESALE CL«-TfiING HOUSE. «£°J?-?, u ? lrati< * s ’ with real name, (strictly *on- J*£5 Ual,) may 1» addressed to “A. Y, M., ,f Press offlce * . . del*3t* T9 d AND Mi- CT e f« of age, to make Klmseif generally WSK't?m?Efe , h e , tW8 f in M and 2 o’clock, at 186 and 38 North FOURTH Street.. n029-tilths t* WANTED—BY THE FIRST ..OF JA y ’ NU ARY NEXT, an Accountant competent to take charge of ihrjbooks aad cash of a Jobbing House. Ad dress Box 565, Post Office, in handwriting of appli * cant, stating age and salary expected; also, what sexpe riente he has had. n in this city: capacity 800 bushels, with rec tifying as parsing attached; all in complete order; terms very favorable. Inquire at Ko. 222 Morth THIRD Street, _jno3o-st* MFOR SALE-A VALUABLE @Bk FA ESI of SCO Acres. One half cash; "balance •£— will he takeu in Oil Stocks. Also, a nine-roomed House on TWELFTH fftieefc. For particulars, address or inquire at 533 ARCH Street. del-St* m PUBLIC SALE OF REAL A Mtl ESTATE. 32 Pursuant to as order of the Orphans* Court of Mont gomery county, will he sold at Public Sale, ou the premises, on THURSDAY, the 15th'day of December, 3864, the following described REAL ESTATE late of CHARLES R WEKTZ, deceased, situate in WHITE MARSH TOWHSHIP, MONTGOMERY CODHTI. 5£ mile east of the Chestnut Hill and Bethlehem Turn pike, and midway between Bandy Run and Fort Washington stations ou the North Pennsylvania Rail road, 12& miles from Philadelphia: No. 1. A FARM*, containing 112 acres and 31 perches of land, or less, including 4 acres and 7 perches of land conveyed to the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company for the use of a railroad—about 7 acres of which is woodland, *l3 acres of meadow, with two streams of water running through, and the remainder in a high state of cultivation. The improvements con sist of a large subsisntial Slone House, with eleven rooms, stone cave and well of good water near by; a large stone Bam, wi f h hay-mows and wagon-houses attached; stone granary, barracks, &c. Also, & mile oletSßb a new double tenement stone house, a frame blacksmith shop, and well of excellent water, No. 2. A LOT containing 7 acres and 35 perches land, frosting north os the Chestnut Hill and Bathle” hem Turnpike, X mile south of Fort Washington sta tion, and adjoining the above described fa*m on the southeast. Three acres of which is woodland, and the balance rich and well cultivated. This lot has a very eligible building site os it. No. 1 presents some of the most desirable building sites in this vicinity—high, yet easy of approach, and commanding an extended and very beautiful prospect of the surrounding country—situate on Camp Hill, three miles north of Chestnut Bill, near the turnpike leading thereto, and about one-fourth of a mile from Fort Washington station, where all the trains atop, running to and from Philadelphia several times daily. Convenient to churches, schools, and stores. Persons -wishing to view the premises will please call on the family living tterepn. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock P. M. Conditions made known oa day of sals, by g WESTZi Administratrix. QPBCIAL NOTICE.—THE GOOD * s WILI» AND FIXTURES of a first class Wholesale and Retail Pry Goods Stand for sale. Location cantfal. Price §5,000. Addreta 4 * Fiulada, ** Press office, 30-8 t« A FINE COLLECTION OF MINE -M- KAL6 FOR SALE. Address C. S. BBMEtfT, Box 28, Philadelphia P 0, - n029-3t* ■OAKCT GOODS. Mantle Vases, Flower Pots, Hanging Vases. War dian Cases, Kigotonette, HyaetnUi, and Crocasl Pots, ■with, many other choice goods, imported expressly for onrown ealss. Flora, Glytie, Beatrice, Lisbee, Psyche, Bacchante, Ariadne, Cupid, Goethe, Schiller. Ws and Braekets, Ac., tie. ; S. A. HiRBISOK, 1010 QHBBTHUT Street. Sbakepeare, Scott. Milton, . Tarse, Aristo, Fetrarca, Garibaldi. • Mapoleon, Mozart, Be6tioveE, Karttd Parian Pedes) ne26-stu*htf TX>YS, TOYS AND FANCY GOODS.- Just received from Europe, a lane assortment ol Toys, of sTery description. Also, Panov Artiolas, in mat variety; MsersoSanm, Briar, and a variety of otlierPipesand Cigar Tabes, JOBS DOLL, Importer. oclS-tashstai 80, 808 MASKST. Street AVJDTXOH SAXES. Jfca. BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN AUCTK?H M sll,g B OT HORSES, CARRIAGES Sk s&tan? T morning next, at 10 o'ciMfc’c^rt. RnUaii r SIXT7 HORSES, a « neB * aad the saddle, including a fast trot* A So«rior 7 aor?ll"v dark n ™ horses. A large collection of deeirshio now _ . , * Carriages, Light Wagons, Dearborns the sale will commence 8 * *«■» wUhwhi«& Also Single aud Double Harness, Saddliw. Whips, Covers, Halters, Sec. aaoiee, Bridles, Alto, the horses, a half-blooded iij„. cow, with thr# e- quarters-blooded pairs of Cheeter county and Yorkshire pigs. a I a - * asil^ ai id the Alexandria (Ya.| Stage Manager.....*. ...XOHff B. WBIGHT. ■ THURSDAY and FRIDAY, Dec. Ist and M Meat positively tie last Two tftehts this aXn of tha great Roman Tragedy, r*TTTH STiurrmo ' co BIOiAHU»!" (Afterwards “ COEIOLAKUB”) * B ** MADAME POKISI, » . MISS ALICE SEAT . ME. FORREST J ’ MONDAY, AM .FRIDAY! A®* Scats secured six days in advance oPfSKi SSSt BOW Admiedon, 60 and 25 ceftts. Seenred Seats 60 cents additional. JpW CHEST2SFT-8T THEATRE. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS. Hov 30 and D«c. i_ * LAST West? Of the WgMy sncceEsfnl career of Dion Bouelcanlt'a thrilling SaMaHoaaljgomanM, fa Five Actß.of * Or. Under the Snow. With all its MAGNIFICENT SCiSHEBY, HOVEL MECHANICAL EFFECTS. COEBECT COSTUMES, f“i d, 9 », GEE^ T OAST OP CffAߣnTEßs“™ W fxr'p- lewis M re 4 ? o ™* ft? ttany. leantifnl and startling Tablesn* rrSLSu-' nnilg - 0 ,:OnrBe ° me Dra “*' Cm<£? _. . AVALANCHE, . Which is nightly received by * „ THE MOST ENTHUSIASTIC APPLAUSE From audiences that • ■« li4UO * g ATEB F »»• THE FBESSA^ffiffic 88 - ‘ AUhe bestowing the most lavish praise upon its produce The performance will conclude with an entirelv new farce styled,. THE FIBS BATES. . In Preparaiion. JESSIE BROWNi.OB. THE BELIEF OP LTTC.trwnw OH SATURDAY APTEKHOOH Deh W HOIr * FIFTEBHTH BRAND FAMILY MATING.' gl^^™ r PA OVBETTE will be presented in all itc WALSUT.STREET THEATRE THE ELOPEKKiT. mGH ' fS 0F EASr ’ IY ™2, <* WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGR. MISS LUCILLE WESTERN ’ anY I MA^AMK , VTNH lp ]S t r* 1 ™? I®™ 1 ®™ °! hk ? Y ISABEL dSne“cpfay*r T ’ W ' TayleM 8 Powerfrt BAST LYNNE, EAST LYNNE. OK - THE BLOPEWSNT Wfrß> |EIDA Y, BENEFIT OF LUCILLE WESTERN Bor Office open from 9 till 3. Certain rises at 7>L M R S. JOHN DBKW’S NBTW ARfYEfj STREET THEATRE. ' fi!» s e^ cs o e f d y’ras&i WEDNESDAY A s NDTU^ o AY EY B NINGS. ‘ And ‘ 1 PAUL PRY. 17 J . s vOLARKgas Jeremiah Beetle. ggW G KE^? t NATIONAiTciKCUsT ‘ WALK DT BTBEET, ABOVE EIGHTH. Directress....... —...Mrs. CSAS. WABJFXSI T (formerly Mrs. Dan Bice.) "-“JtaHS. ‘Li 8 Sf&SSK^SSMgSSS? Sn oS.?,!'?’ «’«*.K«ro and Mr. TOMKiml ®PPcar tbis in graceful and r'&vinsr acts of B is admission remain the same. First Tier sna?ti2!3 Tier, 25c. Private Boxes *1 and *S £cr£Jin~ and location Get yoar tickets daring the day Pexw at Mattineel Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, commencing at Wi o’clock. najlflt FROM POE and _ COKCBET HALL. A eC€ ffi I>e] C Ut, ‘ at 8 Qtclo <*- 'Ticteta, 25ce»i? at Puck’?, Sixth and Chestnut. Mr. H. K RICHAhDSOtf will read “The Haven.’* Annahel Lee,’’ and other productions of P ie. jr a vrill, heßideg, declaim the Quarrel Scene between Bra t®^?£s&±4rlm. J <;nj ¥S S 05BBAE« recite BokeK Cavalry Sheridan, and give selections from "fenny— £on, Longfellow, Byron, etc. y S. B. —At a late moment tt PROFESSOH COESOST, CABD. —Thf se csiehrated raadi^Snd’erßatheir ear tviththe mostobliging alacrity, in consideration of the natuie of the charity to be furthered by their performance. The proceeds are intended to reach, as * gift, the mother of Poe’s wife, Virginia, the ladT at whom he has spoken as ‘ * yon who are more than mo thernntome.” Itis>lievedthe puhli® on E : 'XHIBITION OF WORKS OF ART. amsro* y™ o ”® chbistian cox! . * v . academy of use abts. An EilnWhon of a Private Collection of Work! of .‘Sfiiss iSg. nITKDU Academy of Fine Arts, No. 103 ft CHESTSrinE CtrirtiS’comm&oa. 10 P ' Ml &rthß Boaefltoftt. Admission 25 cts.; Season Tiriretn SO ots. A ss ?E?HJ BUII,D ®Gr t E NT's and CHESTKUT Streets. RIGKOB BLITZ, me Great NECROMANCER acd^ENTRILOOITIffP. t'ejmr niacC(-8 Every Evening at 7H o'clock. «**- WEDNESPaT sgid SATDUDAT Afternoons* at 3, em bracing tie WONDERS A ND MIBTERIK3 OFMAGIO EXTRAORDINARY POWERS OF prodM:ng astoaifi!7 3 effects of the Inman voice, ani tbe LEARNED GAN ART BIRDS' ENTEBTAIEAnOTSC Admission2s cents; CM! (iron 15 cents; Reserved Seatc^ W 66))t6> SANFORD'S NEW OPERA HOTJSS, w BACK Street, below Third. C , I „, T^T „ OPES FOE THE SEASON. SAMUEL 8. f ANFORD -Procriotor andMaanw.: _ .SANFORD’S OPBEA TBODPB. Th« largest and best Minstrel Company in existenw,. Sftarord appears m Songs, Dances, 'and his Burlesque®, 1 Doors open quarter t 0.7; commence quarter to 8. admission 25 cents; Orchestra SO eenta; Boxes SS, £4; and $9, noiS-2s? pHESTNTJT-STREET OPEBAHOUgg* No. 1221 CHESTNUT Street. ALLINSON & H1NCK8N...f........ TV-rUlPuy t MORAN'S MINSTRELS r ® n *° sppesr erery evening in an elegant ETHIOPIAN ESTZBTAINiCgNT. JSSi st 8 °’ clr>rt ***&- o 'cleeijm cfatef* wblebean be aeeared fronted Tfc L. CARPENTER’S Private Subscription COTILLION PARTIES, „ „ MUSICAL FUND HALL, D.L. CAEPENTiE, teacher of dancing, Ho. ftftfc ASCH Street, respectfully informs ills friends and fch® public that he will give a course of BIX Private Pnffi. drees CotiUion Pejties. in the Musical Fund HalL ***** first. Soiree WEDNESDAY, Dec. 7, 1864, to he h«M every two we eke. Season Tickets fi>r the Course, Five Dollars, admit*' tine a gentleman and his ladles. No spirituous liquors sold in the buildings. A few more Season Tickets hadonir of D L. C&BPBNTBR, at his rooms. 7 *** No tickets sold attha door on the evening. Mr. Birgfeld and superior orchestra, with entire new music, is er gaged. nolS-stuth 6t* OERMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBMQ VA BSHEAESALS every SATURDAY, at SK o’siieS P. M.. at MUSICAL FUS D HALL. Single Ticketi/S edits-, Six Tickets, SI, to be bad at Gon d's, Andy., s. and Meyer 8 Music Stores and at the Bail. uq7-'1 0 H-RI BT BJBJ.BOTBD.- y-J This admirable pictured the greatest production Afr •thepainter West, is now on exhibiiionatthe ACADIIftX OF FINE ARTS, 1035 CHESTNUT Street, togethag with the entire collection of the Institution. twenty-five cents. noM-SSea* »fIHE ACADEMY OF FINS ARTS, A CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, la OPEN DAILY, for visitors. fromB A- M- to6P. M. ie2li WOOD, WOOD, WOOD.—OAK, PINK, n and HICKOSY WOOD, for sale at lowest c&stt YINB-STRSBT w’baK.'f. prices. „ EofO-Jm* CUMMINGS & JENNYB. n • y y Manufacturers of GEAKD, SQUARE, ABD COT CASE-UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES, _ , 726 BROADWAY. YOKE. Each instrument loan-anted Jive years. At wholesale and retail 25 per cent less than Elio rams dfife Plano elsewhere. • Dealetß will do well to examine oar instruments. ■Bg* Send for a catalogue. del-th3nr S WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE SCRIPTIONS of Character, Constitution, and sa. lent, with ADVICE on Business, Health, Bam*. Hon, Self-improTement, Management and Train, ing of CBIiBEEH, sof fal adaptaUon, , da* andexenlnr, hr .£9¥ H OAPIB, Pcrepologiat and Bookseller. Mil -tntbslyif yp- SIS B>. TBMh fit, alwta (Thutatt.' A GOOD GINGBAM UMBRELLA. A good Scotch Gingham Umbrella. A A good Silk Umbrella, A nicely finished Umbrella." Bny them of JOSEPH FDSSELL, no2B-6t % and 4 HorthFOPETH Street. MALCOLM MAONEILL’G fSaJr STOBE, Ho. 310 South FIFTH Street. boWSerac^^ BS* Glasses refitted to suit all ages, and all minnarrf repair Log carefully and promptly atteaded to. ao2&-3at