FOREIGN NOTES. s oon WAY or Pureraniw minash.—When f" Athenians Toile that fine Ray morning and found . - t rho statues of Hermes, which guarded the street Are the raarkt-plaoe, the temples, and gym- COM' . ' t" their fair e city had been mutilated during . 10 10 0 : obi, they were not more surprised than the 0,•,;e Co ncord e , l whoassed a few days ago by he he Place and perceived that t. finest of tatotary figures had been similarly outraged, h rot to the same extent. The figure which pea ' , n , r esents Lille was deprived of her nose, half her tight arra ; and the solo of her left .ipot ; and w a s Hirt of the a ff air is that thWoutrage s tmt; oo , p erpetrated during the night, but at noonday; tor V author of it did his work openly and in lye pieSenoo of several people; and tnat he mutt tore been a considerable time In doing it, for 00, nose, arm, and foot" are out off in tne neat pt- and most workmanlike manner. It appears t eal a few days ago a man was teen to climb up the beleMent Of the statue, seat himself upon its lap, and with hammer and chisel begin his operations on the nose ; that he then deliberately proceeded to the foot. The sight pre palate the arm, anti lastly sttracted some grOups of Portions ; but .when y ou asked why be was al owed to deface a public monu ment, the answer la that he was thought to be em ployed by . the "Administration " to mend the hguree, and they auppolled it was all right. It was only whoa he chanced to perform some curious an. tiro that they began to think all was not right. It m the way he was going on with his work he s old soon have reduced •Lille to a shapeless mass plot he not been interrupted by the sergens de silk, 1 0,0 arrested and took him oh to the Commissary of Nike. It is said that this dein tn. of public menu• p ons is more or loss insane, and the reason he as sip es for this act Is that the statue -resembled his pre. against whom he owed a grudge ii TAX PROPLa FOR A SanliOli —A correspon dent of the Bombay Gazette, in the Central Pro vivo, relates an incident as having occurred at neepore. which he had obtained from a highly in :stligent native gentleman of his acquaintance. He (me intelligent native) was with a great concourse p; people at a fair held near the town of Raepore, s o while sauntezing with many other strangercin e,..e fair, one of them began bargaining wilt two women of middle age for some very tine sugar-canes. I ,e man got angry and Wok up one of them, when . yse woman seized the other enu, and a struggle .en- Ned. The purchaser offered a fair price, the s eller demanded double. The crowd looked on, and a good deal of abuse of the female rotations on both sides 10 ,k place. At last a policeman came up, and culled out to the man to let izo his hold of the sugar cane. He refused , saying, Irthat when people come le the fair to aell, they should be made to sell at reasonable prices or be turned out." "I," said du informant, " t h ought the wan right, and told its polideman so, and that if he took tue part of the semen he would take the man's part, and see fair r i u - 1 , Without further ceremony, the peeler, with I.nlfe, cut the cane in two, in the middle, and (lilting to both pieces, ' There,' said he, ' you see the cause of my interference.' We looked down sad actually saw, blood running from both pieces, 3ai forming a little pool on the ground, The fact gas, the woman was a EOTOeteili of the very worst - Md, and was drawing the blood from the man trough the nano to feed the abominable devil from ni,om she derived her detestable 'powers; but for lie timely interference of the policeman he would Ave been dead In another minute, 'or he no sooner !BW the blood than he fainted: - He had hardly any blrod left in hiln, and could not walk for ten days!" niveTanions Smr.—Captain Shield, of the bark Springbok, reports the following: "July is, ;:st In latitude (by observation) 78 deg. N., longi tude (by ohronometer) 31 deg. 12 min. W'. At 1 P. M. Aided a vessel, which bore down upon us and came w ithin ',hailing distance, hovato, and showed us a blast: board with 23 'deg.min. on it, being 18 deg. ;a:. I asked him several questions, such as ''tifttat s the matter with you P 'Do you want any . thingl , 7ou leaky 1" Where from and where bound put all I could get out of him was, Captain Ido put understand what ca l say,' although, in eery plain English, ho led out several times 'Heave your ship to.' There appeared to be; :erfusion on board, and there were about erty men on deck ; and as I feared some mg was seriously wrong on board the vessel, 'Gore up in chase, but soon fulled that he could stitrip me, and had to give it up. Thought by the ;le, Sc , that she was built up the Straits of bibral ,r. While talking to him who seemed to be in Large, a woman appeared on the top gallant fore seta shouting as loudly as she could, at the same we shaking her hands towards us and wringing :eta over her head, evidently in great distress. The in in charge was about six feet in height, and lat. When 1 had hove to, he at once kept away , Jer our stern. I thought he was about heaving )airo, but his helm was put up end all sail made in remarkably short time ;, and, while doing this, the croon in oharge was observed to throw the woman . mti and drive her aft. I was "about ordering my .suds into the boats when be made sail"—Pori Elt •fitelli (Cope of Good Hope) Paper. WILLIAM TEEM, TRU Powr.—A. meeting was hold nt week iu Dundea to wind up the fund for the re er of tho widow and orphans of William Thom,. :e Incerary poet. The Rev. G. &linen presided, d Mr. Watson read a statement of the accounts, bleb stated that the subscription instituted there . March, 1648, shortly after the poet's death, :Jonnted, with bank interest, &c., to 1.346, which 14 less £lO 65., had been paid to the orphan Aghters, the widow having died two months after J: husband, according to a scheme by which the iguents were continued to each of them till they „ached sixteen years of age, which the youngest d now done. They had been under the care of :Intim, who appeared to have treated them judi !Dully and kindly, and they had turned out well •lncipled and industrious young women.—London Mies. Oct. 20. ARSENIO IN PULMONARY DMA/IR.—M. Ann oy, French consul in (Mina, in reference to the • se of arsenic by the Northern Chinese, says they Ingle it with their smoking tobacco. According missionaries who have lived a long time there, tam free from arsenic is not sold. The same wit els assured the French consul that the arsenic.. Jokers were stout fellows, with "lungs like a 'acksmith , s bellows, and as rosy as cherubs. ,, The ;Matter. of M. Montigny's statement has called eta letter from Dr. Londe, who announces that :me years ago, in the course of a. discussion at the eademy of Medicine, on the agents to be employed cure tubercular consumption, he told the as .ffibled doctors that he had found but one MIMS :I means of combating this dreadful disease, and •at means was the smoking of arsenic. The Doctor uffirms his commendation of this remedy. rBB FOUNTAIN OP VATIOLIIBII.—A letter from aIIeiCIEC states that for some days past crowds of tors have arrived there to examine the famous Antain, of which the waters have fallen lower than any former period. There emits a Maltese cross :graved on the rock, which, according to tradition, coeval with the period of the vice-legate`a govern "eat at Avignon. This cross is on a level with the ater in the basin in the dryest season. The water • Dow five feet lower, and it is becoming daily more :allow. The numerous factories which are sup led with water from the Borgne are now working dh only one-third of their force, which causes the mutfacturere serious ins. • t.) rag " FLOICIINCE" SEWING MAostrrris.—lt ought .e distinctly borne in mind that the, " Fiore= " .sing Machine, sold at No. 630 Chestnut street, ileages the widest . comparison with any other rhino in use ; that it is preferred over all others every instance where such comparison is made; .st it is the best sewing machine in the world for 'Linda of family use, and that it is the only sew g machine in existence that is sold with a guar :tee to give perfect satisfaction to the purchaser, • Ite money to be returned. 'ARCM INVOICE OB COCOA MATTINGS.—WO in• e attention to the announcement of Messrs. Mc lium x Co., No. 500" Chestnut street, of a large Ttice of Fine Cocoa Mattings, the most extensive choicest assottment in the city. BrTTIII. Ala) CIBESB.—We invite attention to Sliest assortment of Butter, Cheese, Oiler Vine. • snd Sweet Older, by the barrel or gallon, offer- W. H. SLooosto, Eastern Market Cheese Stand, Fifth street, below Idarket. TEE NEW " CONTINENTAL " HAT, brought out Wood Sz Cary, 726 Chestnut street, together with other novelties in the Hat line, aro ottraoting !tug attention. Tan Lux oP AN Ustannua.—Lending umbrel would seem to be about as unpromising a trade 'amen could go into, but it has been established . a:egular business in Paris. The shops of tobac i'lna are agencies for the loan of the articles, :ere any one caught in a shower may procure an tirella by depositing its value as security. Phi- Velphlans buy what they want, and when they ut a new suit, for instance, they go buy it at the Stone Clothing Hall of Rookhill & Wilson, 603 and 005 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Yam Taros.—A letter-writer from Atlanta " The other day some rebels were taken on lt Savannah river while duck shooting, among was a captain in the rebel army. Three of claps exchanged clothes with the prisoners, and ixosum of this disguise per etrated into the heart Savannah and returned safe. This and other cir aaances have convinced General Sherman that 11 0 men in his command capable of performing Manner of duty." This incident proves what •H Will do in appearances. We belleye that even lelel dressed in a complete suit from Charles 4.46 k Oo.'s one-price Clothing Store, under the glnental Hotel, would pass for &gentleman any- LEIO. ' lO lnA irt ChoTaira, 'lnas In Clothing, 4r.sloa In Clothing, '•Vales in Clothing, At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, %SOO Chestnut Street. 609 Chestnut Street. 5 .609 Chestnut Street. 1.609 Chestnut Street. LADrss , Poss.—A. large assortment of elegant . _ eds at David H. Solis', 622'Aroh street. itole 4t• 111 CHILDF.RN'6 , OLOTEIING. -13 0y5 5 and Girls' Over. tts, Boys' finite, Infants' Clothing, Girls' item The largest and best assortment In the 7, at M. Shoemaker & Co.'s, No. 4 North Eighth test, n015.6t* 01 et, ire let Eva, EAR, THROAT Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma, all nervousness, treated with the surest of sue .% by Dr. Von Aionelizisker, with his newly-eon tad apparatus. Office 1027 Walnut St. noll-Bt+ Era, EAR., 'AND OATAR BH, snooessfally treated J. Isaacs, M. D., Oculist and Aunt, bil Pine at. Vidal eyes Inserted. No charge for examination. ATTENTION Is invited to an advertisement in ano .t? column offering a valuable business stand to let. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. The Luken, Allegheny Mer • P Bores, Connecticut J Smith, Allentown Mauch Chunk re C M Chunk cCallum, Andenried ,Wilson, Bethlehem , Smith. New Jereer ? ,Co mfort, Meohanisabg rolth, heny City 1141nati, Allegheny City Armatrong. Ohio zit it Ironside, Idaho „ rard, Penult a seints, Blinn, Penns Iso s. tdassacb setts 4,Bonntwick, Boston !ming, Cheater co At Schrock, Chester co 8 'Pinson, Clarion D Baker, Harrisburg % r:stiatt Hess, Pittsburg ‘l:e, Cleland y, Vert nee Woods Dan ville iiicbuls, City Point I J Clark. Comm:Coat I L Carrington. Conn ' t Randall, Syracuse, NY - .wet A la, Illinois 1 4 or to AA ors 0 1 , 1- AI all ow. on to' aro The Ball a ,,, L a„bilt, Carbon co, Pa h .efer. Nuns LaYdtr, Lehighton ,h, 11 111. 1 . Penna pep'. Lehigh Co. Pa Penneba oak. Wind rg Gat) ismer. Rittereville Deck The N ard, Mt Patrick ilasylett. L Islartd Island vellonb• Quakertown pw....ran, Baltimore ~114 , Pot tevtlie chants'. B Kiernan, Penna W Master, Lanoaater Oity Henry Saxton, Carlisle .D D Saxton, Carlisle •Mrs 8 M Keifer, Carlisle ;T B Hanna, Ohio DH Beeman Easton B F May, Baltimore W H May, Baltimore B Jaime!, Cincinnati Miss B Drake, Easton Miss Kate Drake, Easton C Schwartz, Boston A Myers. brew York Itobt A Kelly. Ohio JlJessop, York, Pa John Harris, Boohester M Irvin, Clearfield M A Hanna, Cadiz, Ohio D Blakerhoff. Wisconsin , Geo L King, Wisconsin :J ' , Radian)* St wf, Allegheny Mrs W S Haven, Pittsburg I Mra M Carnegie, Pittsburg W Bartholomew. Parma I W Harrington, Michigan O W Danlevy, Merie:te, 0 I J A Grove, Barneeville, 0 Eagle. Lt M M Bradford & wt. Pa M 1.6 A 'Bradford, Scranton D &tertian. Altoona, Pa B P Sweet, Dauphin co, Pa N Frankeu field. Easton , Pa Saint Nonden, Easton, Fa D Bon den. Easton. PAnna Edw Appal, Easton . , Penna Clonal. J L Bfildon, Philada W S liftman, Canton T Lloyd, .Muatl' E Thompson, P ilada J T Baldwin, Easton The Con_ J K Moorhead Pittsburg C 61 French, Pittsburg W It Veazey, heeling .7 W Barker, Syracuse I. Gleason, Liverrool W Poland & wf, Cincinnati C N Mercer, Baltimore A M Adams, Wheeling F Ferran, Nashville • A Pointer, Naahville - F Hargis, Baltimore B Lefever. II S N Dr kl .11 Lowrie & la, Wash 111 F Lackey, Washington N gchnierin,' New York W H Feetor, New York - W D Wilson, Newark, N Si W Chipman, Boston 1 NIT L Campbell , Reading .1 A Bigler, Harrisburg Prsth, Wash, D C R R Griffith, Baltimore R It Griffith, Jr. Baltimore W 71 Ewing, Pittsburg Af Tohlman, Germany M Schmidt, Germany -D G Woodward &la.Pouna Miss 13 Stroud, Wilra, Del J Goldsmith New York _ C H Weal & la. ProV, R I Dr T E Bond, Baltimore hire Bond, -Bat ti more W Barnes. r ew York F B Barrington. Wash'tn C Yeager & wf, Pittsburg Master E Y ager, " .1 W Guthrie,. Clarion co • Miss Thompson,'Boston P H Berkan, Washington Mrs 800, Harrisburg Miss Rose, Master Ross, " W C Cattail, F Cateaux, New York B Smith & wf, N York David Davies, Boston L N Blandish, Boston Geo W Spragnegßoaton W Earl, Jr, New York W Torrey, New Jersey F B Cbelwood, New Jersey A S Sturtevant, New Yong B L honthark, New York L Canlavon, New York J M Moore, New Jersey Dr &Mrs Randolph, U 6 A. Miss Careenter % New Jersey Miss Bayard, hew Jersey Miss E Bayard,New Jersey miss Sprit,g, hew Jersey A B Dad, Now Jersey N Epinney, Lynn J W Leisure, Lynn Mr Hollis, Lynn A Brackett, Boston Mrs Layton, Dover • Miss Morris, Dover Walter Morris, Dover The R H Brubaker, Vane co W Bringhurft, Del John B Bretton, Carlisle C R Armstrong, Ohio John 11 Ziegler, Harrisburg Lt S A Hinchman Iberia Merck, Now Jersey M L Wa.libarn. Wash ,l) C J Atkins, New York . Capt Geo H Simpson. N Y Il P Bennett, Colorado • Sergi L L Parsons, Vt 1.1 P Adana, New York C B Prentice, Baltimore W ft Adams, New York G Ricker, Cinn, 0 N Kingslend, Ohio Cot Dickey .& la. Waeh,D W W Wilson , Iowa" F McGhee, Wash D C 11 B Dane, Delaware P Owens. Wash, b C Eli Brewer, Sohn) co M A Pherner. Franklin .1 JConnor, Schuy co T Boyer, Clearfield Wm C Buffington, Md J 8 Showers, Clearfield T H Wheeler, Erre. Pal Gee Pomrot, New York Li Wm Davis Pottsville 0 D Brawn', Lewisburg • S Harrison, Germantown W Theron & wf, Penns. lif Canlavoi, New York B Otto, Wiliiam4port John London, New York W S Rutherford, Barrisbrg. J Jackson, New York W F J Henry, Elkton, Md. H Jaudeon Detroit D M Howard, Elkton; John Clark, Adrian D C Woodward & la, Penne, Miss Clark, Adrian !Mies E Stroud. WG, Del • Miss Myers, Milian !A Condit & wf, New Jersey Ll 3 Ltday,.obiO • !Miss S Feud, Elkton, Md John D Lancaster MieeAdaFoard, Elkton, Md P F Cansey, Jr, Delaware Mrs B Cameron, Middletn John Latrobe, FOULS Mrs A A. Shipley, Middletn S Griffith & wf, Mercer, Pa W R March, Pena- Mrs 6 I) Young,Harriebnrg B L James, Jr, %Harlington Mrs D Fleming. Harrisburg Miss is O James, Burlington Sam! Eby, Elizabethtown .Mis , A James, Burlington H•R Tracy, Pinegrove . "Israel S Pittsburg : P Faber, Tamaqua D W Gemmill U 8 A H J Rife, Middletown Brooklyn W Mestere, W 111 McClure & la, Balt -' - ibbn M Livingston, N Y M Bronze, New York W Howard S Gable dr wf, Lancaster JasMoArdle, New York Mrs Nee ffy, New York E Judson, Jr, Felton, N Y D W ukase, hit Vernon, 0 D Kinsey, Cincinnsti R H Moore, Clearfield E R Merimen, New York D Fleming, Harriebnrg L Mariott,. New York Bally, New York J D Adams & wf. Wash L Larrgbee New York W Casey; Maryland L Loomis, New York ER Ware. New York F Stone. U S A N D Karns, West Virginia Aei Harris, Pennsylvania W D Karns, West Virginia W B Smith, Newark, N J J Jones, Pennsylvania Mrs I Adams, Wash, DC DP Bodlish, Chicago E Campbell, Jr. Pittsburg L R.Butler. Massachugette W Gates, Rockland, Pa J S Reed, Philadelphia W Simon, Newark, N J J J Pearson, Harrisburg S Hildebrand, E. Berlin J hicltreary, Middletown A Derlana, Maryland Miss McCreary, Middletn 11 Humes, Jersey Shore L C F Flanks, Now York W Mullin. Cresson, Pa B P Hanks, Hartford Master G K Mullin, Cresson M M Marphy, Hazleton J J Dull, Harrisburg The 13 I wc od,l Wllkeibarre • II Colt. Allentown • • C E Little, Fair Etayin, Vt J 0 Fillmore, Sy,racuse,NY 0 El Epoor, Michigan D W Church ;illichigan 0 0 Wileon,•Winterport,Me W T Reetninger, Penne J Biker, Lewisburg, Pa N a Felix, Reading, PA B F oouldellickory nun Mrs B Owin &da. Allent'n Nalieigh, It Wayne, Ind J R Binith, Indiana The . J A Davidson, Willi anisport B W Whitman. Norristown Pefer Snyder, Easton Howard R Belrick, Easton G W Eysel, New York J Keen, Indiana J T Emmen, 'Elkton T S Robinson Buffalo Jae Jackson,'Virginia W Stutzman, Delaware J Q Adanie,Penna A Dale, Centre co Sol K Bbereole, Penna • J A Sprankle, Altoona Mrs W Gheen, Wililamapt D .1 Lincolin, Birdsboro D C Dodd, Jr, ;Clew York C IL Jones, Tamaqua B Phillips, Ferule 13 W Angst, California W 11 Marsh, Northaropt in The Stitt L Crowl, Oxford 1' Hutchison, Oxford James Vance, Maryland W P Cochran, Perry co, Pa O B Kelley, Huntingdon co N J Palmer, ew Vont R Bowmen, Boston W Matbiot. Columbia, Pa_ R Elliott, Wilmington, Del W W Jonee &la N Y H Miller, City 'Point J D &mg, Lancaster The Co W C Whyte, 13 A W C Browne. New York L J Fritz, II B A J A Noble Jos Wood, New Jersey H C Pease, New Jersey F Hickman, Coatesville W J Morgan, Coatesville M C Pease, Wan. N J D B Merdith, W Chester Mies Harm, Cheater Co The Marl G F Saxton, Burlington Win Vankirk, Fran.kford John Risser, Lambertville A L Worthington. Trenton Mies S. Worthington, ni J Miss C Pearidn. Frencht'n Sami Craven, Bucks so • G Wilihelm, Easton W B Mettler, Easton D 31cWilltam, Washingt'n The 111 Geo W Kugler, Maryland G L Vleet _ J N Oreenwalt, Penns, Jos Blackford & wf, Penne, Chas Bosler, Che The Black Bear. X . Van Horn, X Munk (Wilson Parry Biberry EIPECL4LL NOTICES, fIT,f; GEOPIANO . STECK & CO.'S ff pip .FOR TES, AND MASON & HAELIN'S CABINET ORGANS. Over SOO of these tine ineernmente have been sold by he subscriber, and they daily increase in popularity. J. & GOULD. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. E. McCLAm's CELEBRATED COCOANUT OIL AND QUINCE SEED is warranted to preserve, strengthen, darken, and beautifylthe hair, and entirely eradicate dandruff, without soiling hat or bonnet linings. Manufactured and sold by W. B. McCLAIN, Perfumer, No. 334 North SIXTH Street. N. B. —A liberal discount to wholesale dealers. noldLm To Prawneas. Ciorfaxer at low prices, make a selection from our stock of BEADY-MADE GAR MENTS. We are selling goods equal in style, St, make, and material, from 26 to 60 per cent. lower than is now charged for same goods made to order. We have all styles, sires, and prices of Clothing. Mena', Youths'. and Boys'. AU can be suited without delay or trouble. BENNETT & CO.,' oe4.mtnthf tf TOWER HALL. 518 MARKET Street. ONE-PRIOR CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST tyles, made in the best manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST SELLING PRICES marked in PLAIN FIGURES. All goods made to orderiiarranted satisfactory. The one• price oaten is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. JONES' OLD-ES TABLISHED ONE•PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 kiA.RERT Street, near Sixth. de2B-17 PERRY & Co., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets. PERRY & CO.. CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHINg. THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY k CO.. CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING. THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING. THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY d< CO., CLOTHING, TRIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT PERRY & CO:, CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT PERRY & CO.. CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT PERRY & CO.. CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT PERRY & CO.; CLOTHING. THIRD and CHESTNUT oc14• fmw tt . OVERCOATS FROM 'VA To $55. OVERCOAT: OVERCOATS FROM $l4 to $55 OVERCOATS 111 11 44 OVERCOATS FROM $l4 to SM. OVERCOATS OVERCOATS PROM $l4 to $56. OVERCOATS. WABAMAKEII & BROWN. OAK HALL, S. B. corner — SlXTH and MARKET Streets. Sir Young Men's Snits and elegant variety of the et class Clothing at REASONABLE PRICES. W7a88L2,14 & WILSON'S HIGEtEBT LOCK-STITCH BAWIIi6 MACHINES, THE CHILPEBT, SIMPLEST, AND Essr lalearoom•. 104 OHlSTillin Street. 'above Seventh. ~„QARRIED_ LARRABBB — HOWARD. —.ln Bt. Andrew's Charch, Thursday, November 17, by the Bev: Wilbur F. Psd dock, Mr. William F. Larrabee, of Baltimore, to Miss Fanny A. Howard,. of West ()hider. Pa. • POWELL—ALLEN.-n the 16th inst., at the Korth Broad. street Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Dr. E. E. Adas. pastor: John W. Powell to Kate M., da.ugh ter of the late John Allen. all of this city. s ADAM6--DILL.-On the 17th inst. by the Ray. John Chambers, Mr Wm . R.' Adams to' Lottie E . eldest daughter of T. P. Dill, Ea. • Baltimore and Wilcoing ton papers please co .or o cards. , • WILLIAMS—JACORY. —On the 17th inat . at the Church of the Nativity, by the Rev. Robert 0. Matlack. Wellington Williams to Miss Mary Louisa Jacoby, both of this city. No cards. DIED_ M &OMR& —On the morning of the 17th inst.. 'Tames Anthony, youngest son of James and Sara a •Bachel Masnire, aged B months and 29 days. • CdORLIEff —On the morning of the 17tli inst., Jacob . W. Cornea, aged 73. • - The relatives and friends of the family are I.l6lted to tinental. 0 J Sherman, Malvin i B Legge ,r New York Henry W Gear, N Y • F la Murphy, Bordentoving J ae leArilei. Pittsburg John Mc largo, Pittsburg 3 W Patton, Pittsburg John Jones, Chicago H Duhamel. Cincinnati 0 Oskamp, Cincinnati L Oskamp, Cincinnati G W Buehler& wf, Harriabg J W Sailov & wf. St Joseph W R Wilcox, Idaho C M Wheatley - ,Phccnix f ill Oeo P Sanger Boston Christian Bors. Beaton 'Jag Sturgis, Baltimore 'J 11, Devlin, Ns w York IJ k DevJ in. Jr, New `Cork T Cunningham & la. N Y • ' H. A Bidden & la, Prov,R I 3 J Faain & wf, Wash. DO Mies Fagin, Wash, A C W ft Marsh, Penna Ospt H 8 Steele, Er 8 A I Van /1 ti tw er p , New York Miss P R Stout, New York Mrs Kelly, New York J H_ Cress, New York D Scroder, Lane tster :ILL R Woods, U 8 N Com J . P Sanford, II El N Natlin'i Adams, Boston Wm Ca , pouter, Boston \V W Warren. Boston C It McLean. Boston M F Wells. Boston .1 F Pant, Boston 0 II apnrr, Boston J C Tucker. Boston. H J . Mulford, ll York Oen S D games, Parkrabg IJ Smith, Farkorshurg,Va S Rattans. Now York Geo S Newell. Pawtucket Gee W Simonson, N York li W Atwater. Roser&' Ford W W Russell & la., Wash J R Boyd & wf. New York I II Eastman, Baltimore Richard Christ. New York Mrs V Denmead & wf Mies Denmead, Balrimore T Deamead & wf, Balt Ili Blaisdell, Haverhill Warren Kimball. Haverhill W (I Wood man. Jacksonv le P Hirdelbuth. Cincinnati a Kier.ter, New York John Baron, Ohio T D Careon..Lnaisville H C Johnson Penns • Cyrus Kitchen, Penns, J Thompson. Pennsylvania Mrs F. $ Reed. Parma Mrs J M Edmunds, Pa Mies Edmunds, Pa frard. R Johnson, Tamaqua J Reynolds, Tamaqua Copt 0 Moors„Yenna nrbewat. Pittsburg B S Chilton. :New oak J C McMahon° New York O Clark & wf. Connecticut H H Grubb. Oxford, Pa .7 Hoeie, WilkeAbarre J L Backer. Sohn) lkill J H Knight, Zanesville, 0 C Achenbaen; Bloomsburg H M Pratt, Gewlebarg W Sharp, Summit Hill, Pa erlcan. E P Tiffluir,ll I G Slack, H W*Bro her. Penna C Bunton, Wlfmonsin Miss Hutton, New York J C Marcy, Harrisburg Chag P Smith—Boston B M Close, Auburn, N Y F N Thatcher & la, Wash A G Jackson, Tennessee English. Salem, N J S W Cooke, Bell (onto Joe F Taylor, Minertiville H F Dural, Penna J H Brock, Scranton • I H Crane, Washington W R Sturges, Washington L L Dickson, Maryland John Boshoo, II S A ' James D Natrne, N Jersey Miss A F Balch, N Jersey es union. E M Kline, Lancaster J B Hahn, Harrisburg F R Cross, Crawford, Pa C Drake and son, Panne, JR 131 , 111 E y, Chester co Geo Moore, Pittsburg John Smy stir & w f, Barletta Jacob Casho, Newark, Del J B Magee lifarylend I.Aset Burg .' Witham, U S J Chisholm & wf.D a W Chisholm, Daum:mon mercial. S B Ntvin, Cht ster co .1 F Malby, New Haven H M Rowe Jr. la, New Haven Jos Murry, New York R. J Houston, Lane eo Mrs J C Jackson, Maryland T Snell, Springfield, Hasa J W Cowell, Doylestown A. H Barber, Doylestown H G Smith, Troy, .3 Y y Sheaf. Jas Begor, Lambertville E Russel, Boston T Dyer & datr, Doylestown A A Gregg, Basttetown W McDowell. Wrightst'n L Atkinson, Doylestown I R Rich & 1, Philada T S Smith & son. Enetmvle Mrs I. 01114111, N Jersey Saml Phillips, Newtown ISOM • John Tricker, Norristown J W Baker, Penns S T Thornton & ch, Illinois J Westbrook, Strondsbnrg attend the funeral, from the residence of his eon. B. Fisher Conies. No. 1717 Arch street, onleventh-day. 19th tun . at 12 o'clock M. . BURGIN —On the 17th Instant, Kate Rex, oldest daughter of George B. and Kate A. Burgin, egod S yestra. Funeral at IVA. M. on Saturday. 19th instant, front No. is Chains avenue, Germantown. DRAPES.—On Monday. Nt.v. 14th, Werner Draper, in the twenty-fifth year of his age. The funeral w bake place on Friday, the 18th inst.,_ at 10_,p'clock, from hie late residence, No. 1829 Arch street. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend. (Boston papers please cony. 1 • etne DEWITT. —On the 16th inst.. suddenly, at his re 4 -, deuce, in Germantown, Alexander Hewitt. In the 67th year of hie age, $5 W EIETBAII. —On Thursday evening, Novemberl7th, IEB4, Joseph Wheth am, In the seventy-third year of hie age. Doe notice will be given of the fanerat. RUNE —un Thursday morning. the 17th lust., Janes B: Keene, in the fifty-sevent h of his ago. Bis relatives and male friends are invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, 11571 Sttnsom street. on Monday morning the 21st Wit, at 10 o'clock Inter ment at Woodlan i e cemetery. tk. LUPIN'S BLACK ALL-WOOL REPS. Lupin's Black All• Wool Empress Clothe. Do do do Mousseline de Lainas, full double width. Do • do do Tatnise Do do do Merin oes. Do do do Cashmeres. ro do ~ do - Tlaibet and Long Shale Is, full and extra sizes. Do do Bombazines, &c., &o. BENSON & SON, MOUlt INO STORE, No. 9113 CHESTNUT Street. 0e24- tf 'PYRE LANDELL HAVE THE -&-j beet amortment of WOOLENS they have ever of FROSTED BEAVER CLOTHS. CHINCHILLA VELVET CLOTHS. BLACK TRICOT BEAVER CLOTHS. BOBBY STYLES FRENCH CASSIEZEES GOOD. HOODS FOR BOYS' CLOTHES. • . . • tar'. TREASURY "OF- THE . UNITED STATES. rail.tom.ialA. Noy. 17 . 1854 - Oenpen e for Interest due lst.of January-next on the public 'debt of the United States will be paid on pre. Een t 'Won at this office. ARCB'D IifoINTYRE, nolB-3t - . Assistant Treasnter U. S. • W 66 GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.—AS IT it] of great importance to close tit) all mat:ers re • laibig to the •'FAIR" as speedily as- possible, it has been determined to dispose of all goods remaining un sold by' public sale. All persons having goods In their possession belong ing to the " Great Contra( Fair," will please inform IMMEDIATELY either of the undersigned WILLIAM SIMUTHERS, 1021 Markel.Street. • FREDERIC GRAFF, 1337 Arch Street. 0 A. WOOD, 237 South Eighteenth Street, noIS-6t Committee. IIW . " OIL SUBSCRIPTIONS.TO secure, one or more of the remainlng'Bliaros. address or apply at once to • DUNCAN M. MITCHRSON, N. R. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Or E. BOY:DA. Trustee, 327 WALNUT htreet. WIIIG HALL. Ram:mm-240v: ii, Iftn. Whereas. It has pleased Ood to remove by death ano ther of our-fallow-members, the Bev. Levi H. Chris tian, D. D. ; therefore, be it . Resolved, That in this appointment of Divine Provi donee Whig Hall him lost one of her brightest orna ments, whose public and 'private life failed .not to do her honor. • Resolved, That wo record our gratitude to God that his life v; as eo lox g spared for his consistent work, the degree of success which attended his labors as a mini ster, and the bright and noble example he has left ns. Resolved, That the ministry has lost an earnest and zealous advocate of the truth, the Church a most .con sistent Christian. our country a true patriot and an ear nest supporter of her Union and integrity. Resolved, That we offer to hie family the assurance of our sincere sympathy with them in their sore be reamem• nt; and. for ourselves, we pray that we may have like faith and devotion 1/esti/lied. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased, and also to the Presbyteri an, Philadelphia Press, and Princeton Standard for publication. JACOBBBIBI KR K SWSOII, Pa. it B. It .D.O. - • THOMAS DOBBIL N. Y. SOLDIERS' ORPIIANS.--THE undersigned will meet the Mothers or other Rs tatting c f such doss Bute Orphans of deceased Pennsyl vania Soldiers and Sailors as reside in the city of Phi ladelphia, at the rooms of the t.TN LON BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, No. 118 South SEVENTH Street, on the 22d. 23d, 24th. rno 25th of the present mouli (No- Tusher), between the hours of 9 A. IL and 4 P M., for the purpose of hearing application- and making ar rangements for the admission of said Orphans into the Schools and Institutions provided by the State for their maintenance and education THOS. S. BIIRROWES, Superintendent Soldiers' Orphans. LANCASTER, Nov. 18,1884. nol7-8t WRE NOV AL.--THE •OFFICE OF . the COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE JAY NE 'SBUILDING. S N R 0 1 .2 T 3 9 b D e O C b K n t rreetm .ovedm etro ly accept, d by the Poet Office. novl7- Ot JOHN H. DIEHL, Collector. gerTHE MEETISO OF STOC K. • FOLDERS for the election of Directors of the "WILLOW OLEN PETROLEUM COMPANY," will be held at No. 40 north IKON? Street, on SATURDAY, mbar 19, at S o'clock P. M. nol6-40 OFF ICE OF /ETNA. M_ININC4 COMPANY, No. 324 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, October 21. 1864. ' NOTICE is hereby given that all stock of the /Etna Mining Company. on which Instalments are due and unpaid have been declared forfeited, end will be sold at public auction on MONDAY, November 21st, 1864, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the office of the Secretary of the Company, according to the Charter and By-Laws, rtn '.ess paid on or before that day. By order of the Board of Directors. B. A. HOOPES, Secretary and Treasurer. 0022 tno2l tar PENNSYLVANIA-RAY LRO AD COMPANY.—TREASURSit'S DEPARTMENT, PHILADELPHIA. Nov 2. 1864 —The Board of Ditec:ore have IBIS DAY declared a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PBR CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company. clear of National and Stale taxes, payable on and after 15th instant. Powers of attorney for collection of Dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. nob lm THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. garNOTICE.—ALL PERSONS RAVING claims against the UNION LEAGITS. or any of its Committees, will please present them to the n nder- Finked before the let of December, 1864 , at No. 12.16 CHESTICIPt.Street. JAMES L.'•CIAIGHOSN Bold. tde 1 - ' '..-• ....Treasurer. DIVIDEND.—THE' IDIREVTORS Rof the - ODLE AND .DELAMATER PETRO LEUM COMPANY have this day declared: as their Se venth Monthly Dividend, FOUR PER CENT. from the earnings of October, payable, free of State tax, on the 21st 'net. Books close 18th and reopen 21d H GEORGE W. UNTER, November 14, 1884. .[nolB-4t) Secretary. Sir 1 1 1 OTICE.—TB Br BOOKS OF' SITB. SCBIPTION to the" Capital Btock of the MER CANTILE PETROLEUM COMPANY will be opened. TO. DAY, at our office, for receiving subscriptions for a limited number of shares of said stock. Theproduction of this Company -is now 'equal to Fifty Barrels of Oil per day, which will enable the Company to pay large dividends immediately. For further information apply to the undersigned: For the Corporators. COCHRAN Sr. RUSSELL No. 22 North FRONT Street. NOVEMBER 11th, 1864. noll-12t Irw. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE McCLINTOCKVILLE PETROLEUM COMPANY, No. 41t WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA, October 29, 1864. The directors of the Company have this day declared the seventh monthly dividend of ONE PEE CENT. payable on and after TUESDAY, Nnvember 10th,1864. The transfer books will be closed November 9, at 3 o'clock P . M., and. reopened November 16. 0c.31-mwftf WM. MOONEY, Secretary. IgrOFFICE OF THE BRIGGS OIL. COMPANY, No. 117 South FOURTH. Street, NOVEMBER 9, 1164. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend or ONE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of this Company, payable on the 19th instant. The trans. fer books will be closed on the 16th inst. , at 3 o'clock,_ and be opened on the2ist. tnol9 CHARLES A. DOT. Treasurer. igr ALL PERSONS. FAVORABLE TO the establishment of a LUTHERAN CHURCH in WEST PHILADELPHIAare invited to meet at Com missioners' Hall. tl. W. corner of THIRTY-SEVENTH and MARKET Streets,lon MONDAY EVENING,. Nov. 21st. at S o'clock. nolb-fits Mnis-W" WESTERN BANS. OF PIEILtiv. DELPHIA, OCTOBER 14, 1E64. The Annual Meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Bank will be held at the BANKING HOUSE on TUES DAY, the !rat day of November next. at 12 o'clock M. And the Annual Election for DIRECTORS will be held at the BANKING HOUSE on MONDAY,the twenty-first day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. DI. od9- bon ' C.ll. WETGANDT, Cashier. PETESSEMEG AND BOSTON PE. TROLEtibt COMPANY. CAPITAL, S4OO,OOO—PAR, $5 PER SHARE. . SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.50 PER SHARE. FOR FULL-PAID STOCK AND NO FURTHER AS; BESSMENTS. property of tine .Company consists of the follow ; ins valuable FEE SIMPLE Territory, extensive leasek FRODucucc, WELLS, wells going down Mid nearly !Welled: No. I. About 50 (fifty) Acres on Cherry Tree Run in . PEE SIMPLE, - boreable land sufficient to sink FIFTY WELLS. This Territory is opposite the Dalzell Petro leum Company (Hayes' Farm), on 011 Creek, bounded in part by the celebrated Story Farm, &c.. &c. No. 2. Lease perpetual (90 years) on Wash. McClin tock Oil creek-3% acres, all flat, very valuable, flow ing and pumping wells all around. No. 3. • WTd Cat " Flowing Well, about 30 barrels per day, on Wash. McClintock Farm. The Company owns the WHOLE working interest in this well, en gine, tanks. &a., &c. - No. 4 " California Well, No.'l, on Oil Creek. down 600 feet. all ready to re tube. This well has flowed 153 barrels per day. . No 6 "California Well. No, 2, on Oil Creek,down 'hearty 600 feet. 0. Lease perpetual (99 years) on 2% acres Oil Clad", all fiat, containing the above wells, with fifteen home engine, tanks, derricks, engine houses, dm. No. 7. Lease perpetual (t 9 years) on 2% acres Oil Creek - , all flat, and in one well sown 400 feet, one quar ter interest (working) in this well and lease. TEN THOUSAND SHA ERS RESERVED FOR WORK ING CAPITAL. ' Books-for ORIGINAL subscription are now open at our office for a few days only ; when closed the stock to be Placed on the regular Boston and Philadelphia Stock Boards as a soNA - FUR : . dividend-paying, OIL PRO DUCING COMPANT, when P is expected the shares will largely advance. All further information, with pros- Psctuses, tan be obtained of the undersigned. .The ma 11 capital of this Company, with the. actual large interests, must make it a favorite as a secnre invest ment. . H. S. LEECH, • 14 Fat cob ar Buildings, WALNUT, below Third. Philadelphia Agency.: LEON ABB.& MANLEY, 56 BEAVER Street. Dew York Agency. - SPINCER VILA & CO., Banker!, nol6-ifif Boston Agency. OTICE.---CIIIZE VOLIUNTISER HOSPITAL, S. E. corner BROAD and PRISIF, Streets. • The, managers of this institution- are again, under the necessity of making an appeal to the patriot- • ism and charity of the public who have heretofore so generously sustained this institution in its efforts to alleviate the sufferings °Lour sick and wounded sol diers on their arrival in this city. Large numbers are now arriving, some direct fromlhe battleLfields, with wounds of the most distressing, na ture, requlrmg immediate attention after so long a Jour ney, while others are from the hospitals near the 'seat of war, sent to make roam for those notable to stand the fatigues of travelling. The wants of all are prompt ly attended to. such as medical and surgical treatment, by the very efficient Surgeon in charge, Dr. R. S Ken derdine and his assistants, and warm meals and com fortable lodgings by the managere of the association, some tif whom are on duty at all hours of the night. Money. Provisions and Clothing are.needed, and the friends of the suffering soldiers are earnestly solicited to 'renew their contributions. Provisions, clothing and delicacies should be sent to the Hospital, care of T. L. Gifford, Secretary of J. H. Clayton Storekeeper. - Donations of money may be sent to any of the Mana gers, or to the hospital, care of either of the aeofe gen tlemen. or the following Committee of Finance: JOHN S. WILLIAMS, No. 224 South THIRD Street. THOS. T. TAMER, Su , No. 1632 South FIFTH . St. CHAS. P. "PEROT, Southeast Corner BROAD and CHRISTIAN Streets. JOS M. CABDEZA, Baltimore Depot, BROAD and PRIME F. BAYLB, at M. Thomas 41c SOns, No. 139 South FOITRTH Street. • - nol6- tufft DIHIKARD OIL COMPANY. CAPITAL. $500,000. • 100,000 SHARES—SS Par Value. A limited number of Shares will be sold by the Com pany at $1 per share: The following is extracted from the Philadelphia-In quirer, of September 17th.1934,pri0r to the organization of "The Drinkard Oil Company:" "On almost all the streams in Greene county the lands have already been leased with a view to explo rations for Coal 011,• and on one particularly, called unkard's.the developments have been of.the most en couraging character. Tie editor of the-Waynesburg (Penna.) Me.seenper, in referring to the subiect, atter a • careful personal inspection of the region and the opera tions that are now taking place there, says: • 'We are honestly of opinion that when capital and enterprise shall have developed the lands along the creek; that locality will be found to compare in the - ex- tent of- its Oil production with the Penang° district, while in the purity, gravity, and value of the Oil, it is • acknowledged to be infinitely superior. Our convic tions on this subject are based upon actual knowledge and obseryation of both regions, and of the geological formations and surface indications. We are gratified to learn that we are not alone in 'these favorable impres.' dons and auguries. 'Scientific men and experienced and practical Oil operators concur in them, and are investing liberally of their own means, and directing the attention of capi talists to the promising character of the Dunker& country. Already several largo companies have been organized in Pittsburg and the East,: which will soon commence operations on an extensive scale. In the meantime, individual energy and local enterprise are doing much to develop that favored locality, flew der ricks spring up every few days,and the process of sink ing wells goes on in many instances without interrup-, tion night or day. , Books openfor the sae of stock at the Canting - IfOuse of t• - •i , A. H. Fit ANCISCUS at, •,z) • • - ' • 513 MARK, %(` Street. B. • "FE 0 0 F355, ' ?resident:- • Wet. 18. Hoop, Secretary.. • • THE P.RES S.-PIE IL A..DE El EA .V.lll. DAY., NOVEMBER-. 18, -18,64: gar TUE nussELLFaulta 525.000 RESERVED FOR WORKING CAPITAL The property belonging to this Company consists of One Hundred and Fifty Acres in fee simple, of valuable Lubricating Oil Land, situated on Sugar Creek, about two milts from its n milli, which empties into - French Creek. Venangocounty, Pa. This property has been selected with a view to its Valuable Location, baying its lines extendedatong and on both sides of the Creek over Three Hundred Rods, which, together with the large amount of Flat or Bot tom Land, gives it superior advantages for drilling a large number of Oil Wells. At least One Hundred Wells can be located, with ample room for Tanks, En gine Houses, and . A good Well, giving. Twenty Barrels per day, is within one-fourth of a mile above it; also, several good producing wells on tra Creek below it. The Oil obtained on this Creek is the Lubrloating.oll; which commands in price one hundred per cent, above 00 er 011 e, and is more in demand. The Company can obtain a large revenue by parties wishing to sink wells, reserving from one-fourth to• one-half of the 011 free of expense to the Company. in dependent of the revenue from their own Wells, there being . a large sufficiency of laud for both purposes. It is designed to 'give the contract to drill several , Wells in the best location at once. 7ho title to the pro- Pert.v is perfect and free of incnmbrance. Suset lion Books are now open at the office of Er . OAK BA-LL . OIL COMPANY HENRY CARSON, • wruire.m. M. GREINER, WILLIAM &NSF ACII, - JAMES C. FISHER, • J. O.'FRYER. • The lands of thiCOompany, fowl Intudied and sixty . (460) acres In fee simple, lie between Oft Creek and the aregheny River, with one prodncing,well and others now bebmbored. For particulars and prospectus, as for subscription,. *DPW to • 11 N THE CLARION RIVER OIL CO. • FAMES, OFFICE, 341 WALNUT STREET, (Second Floor.) • 'WILLIAM P: SCHELL, President. J. SIMPSON AFRICA, Secretary and Treasurer. nol7-]2t' NEW YODEL AND .LIVERPOOL OIL .COMPANY. SWAR CREEK, VENAIqGO OTINT3t,. CAPITA L.... FIFTY THOUSAND SHARES OF $5 BAUM SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.50 PER SHAM S. B. DIcOREA.RY, President. THOS. A. SCOTT, Vise President. DIRECTORS, J. B McORIABY,L J. W. VANIIOI7VEN. THOS. A. SCOTT, PRIMP FERRER, JOHN OWBR. SAMUEL P. FERREE, Sec'y and Treas. *Ol •12t OF PENNSYLVANIA, INCORPORATED NOVEMBER, -1864. OFFICERS. • • HECTbi. TYNDA:LE L .President. HENRY E. SIMPSON, Treasurer. DIREOTORS. J. 0. FRYER, 113 CHESTNUT STREET. PETROLEUM COMPANY. OAPITAL STOOK, $1,000,000. 100,000 SHARES AT $lO EACH. .SabscriPtion Price $5 per St are. LAND'S YIELDING LARGELY. OFFICERS: HON. DANIEL ' S. DICKINSON. President. WM. T. PHIPPS, Vice President. ROBERT BASSETT. Secretary: Books ate open for subscription at the office or the Com. pang, Ro. 94 RmPire Building, 71 BROADWAY, R. Y. The lands of the Company are situated .in the heart of the Oil Region, and include. portions of those well known localities, "the Moßlherry Farm, the two Mo• Clintock Farms, " and other proved and valuable work ing territories, including over Two Thousand acres of the beet pu Territories along 011 • Creek and in West Virginia, now nuder process of successful development, and oil is already regularly and largely produced from several wells upon them. ocRA-d&W3m " P. 0. Boi WU, " New York Addrees the Company; larD NUM. AND COLORADO GOLD 'MINING COMPANY • Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL 5T0C1E.41,000.000. ' • 200.000 SHARES—PAR VALUE, 86. President—JOß N B. ANDERSON. DIRECTORS. James R. Magee. ' • John W. Hall, Harrisburg. . T. C. McDowell, do. - John Brady,. do. W. W. Wylie, Lancaster. . Wm. 0. Shute. Colorado. B. P. SOUTHWORTH, Secretary and Treasurer. Office of the Company, No. 4033 WALNUT Street— Room No. 6.. Authenticated specimens have been procured from some of the Company's lodes, and have been assayed by Professors Booth and Oarratt with the most gratify ing results: Subscription lists have been opened at the Office of the Company and at the Treasurer's Office (In ternal Revenue), No. 427 CHESTNUT Street, Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank Building. To original subscribers, 83.60 per share. for a limited number of shares. Circulars, pamphlets, or information can be obtained at the Office of the Company after the 17th that. OCTOBER 14. 1864. . . . ocl4-3m Thomas A. Scott, N. R Faints% Wm. 8. Freeman. Robt. P. Ring,. John 31. Charles Dancer. Or NOTICE BANK OF GERMAN. TOWN. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. PB, 1864. Notice is hereby given, agreeably to Section 2 of the Act of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitif d" An act enabling Banks of the Com monwealth to become Associations for the purpose of g Bankin _under the laws of the United States , approv ed the 22d - der of August, A. D. 1E64,. that the Stock holders of the Bank of Germantown have this day voted to become such an Association; and that its . Directors aveb procured the authority of the owners of morethan two• thirdel of the Capital Stock to make the certificate required therefor by the.laws of the United States. CHARLES W. orro, : Cashier. _ tar' • OFFICE PENNSYLVAICIA ROAD COMPANY, •• PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 4th. Mk NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS:—The Shareholders in this Company.are notified that, under Resolution of the Board ,of Directors, they are entitled to subscribe to the Stock of - the Company ' the amount of TEN PER CENT. on their respective interest, as shown by the Books of the Company ()tithe 'entitled inet Each Shareholder entitled to a fractional-part of a share, under the terms of the Resolution, shall have the privilege of subscribing for a full share on the payment of Fifty Dollars. This Stock will be issued at the par value of FIFTY DOLLARS per share; Accrued interest at SIX PER CANT. will be charged from let inst. until payment is made. The Books for subscription and -payment will be open on MONDAY, the 7th inst , and will close on the 31st of DeceMber next, after which no further subscriptions will be received under this Resolutio n. THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. nob-tdeSl MILITARY. -REGULAR ARMY.-ARTILLERY AND INFANTRY. All the Government and Local Bounties paid. Soldiers can enlist in any Regiment that they have formerly perved Apply, at rendezvous, No. 204 DOCK Street, below Walnut. EDWIN E. SELLERS, • Captain 10th U. S Infantry, Recruiting. Officer. nOlB llt* RETAIL DRY GiOODS. NEW SKIRT FOR 11.3034.. A NEW AND GREAT INVENTION IN HOOP SHIRTS. THE DUPLEX ELL 17 .78 4, rt I DHUBLE) STEEL J: I. Al J. 0. WEST No. 97. CHAMBERS STREET, t4EW.YOItiK, Are the owners of the patent and exclusive manufac turers of this,. J. W. BRADLEY'S , . ' PATENTED • DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STEEL SPRING SKIRTS This invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel eprings,, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, mak in gthe toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever wed, enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and-deal. bility, to play. and fold the skirt when in use as easily and with the same convenience as a silk or muslin. dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only.cbjec tion to hoop skirts, viz: the annoyance to the wearer as well as the public; especially in.crowded assemblies, carriages, railroad cars, church pews,Or in any crowded place, from the difficulty of contracting them to occupy. ing a small space. This entirely removes the difficulty, while giving the skirt the usual full and symmetrical form, and is the lightest and most etyhsh and: graceful appearance for the street, opera, promenade, or house dress.:A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward Willingly dispense with the use of them. They are the best quality in every part, and by far the lightest, most durable, comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above, and ladles in most first-claes retell stores in this city and throughout the different States. IX- Inquire for the DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SPRING SIC,IRT. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC. 13KIRT, Very flexible, folded easily when in use-to occupy a small apace, making the most agreeable-skirt worn. For sale by J. It- HeFLI3IOII, 902. CHF,STAUT Street. B RADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT—The greatest Improvement we have ever seen,in ,LADIES' SKIRTS. and an article of , SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. • CCRWEN STOD•DART & BRO., 450, 452, and'4s4 N. SECOND St., -Willow. nol7-1m . HOOP 4 E.! . FPIT„B• -4 62 8 628. THE " NEW .FLEXpLE: SKIRT, " JUST OUT . . . . . The most pliable Hoop Skirt in the market, equal 'to the " Duplex Eliptic, " and at much l ower prices. For sale, wholesale and retail, at Manufactory, No. 628 ARCH Street. [nol2-601 WM. T. HOPKINS. WINTER GOODS, AT'THE LOWEST MARKET PRICK—A large assortment et long and square Shawls. French Merinoes, all colors. English Merinoes, 1); and 2 yards wide, cheap. DRESS 00008.—Detainee and Calicoes in variety. Cloths, Cassimeres, and Satinets, good and cheap. All kinds of Flannels, and in all qualities. Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, H. and Towe ' ling, at JOHN STO, • . nog No. 102 ARCH KES Street. THANKSGIVING .TURBEYS.—THE -A- Ladies of Philadelphia having arranged to the Soldiers of the Shenandoah Valley with aTFI sins- G 1.171 G DINNER, would. solicit donations of Turkeys, Chickens, and money' The poultry_can be Gentle the SOLDIERS' READING ROOM, in TWENTIETH Street, between Market and Chestnut, and contributions in money to GEOROE T. LEWIS, Treasurer, 2131 Bough FRONT btreot. I It is desirable, when practicable, for the contributors to send the poultry already cooked; bat when that is in convenient they will be cooked under the supervision of the ladles. Hotels, restaurants, bakers, private families and others having facilities [ or roasting, who are willing . to undertake the cooking, will please send their. names' to the Beading Room. Contributions should be in by . Monday at the very latest. nolB-2t TO DEALERS IN AND CONSUMERS OF CHOICE GRAPES.—We have just received di rect from SIBLEY & HOMER, Pat. in-Bay Island, Lake Erie, a large supply of the finest - CATAWBA GRAPES .that'have.,been sent to our market this season They are from the most celebrated vineyards on the Island, and both as regards flavor and size, are superior to any grown in our country. We would.invite connoisseurs to call and examine. For sale in lots to twit purchasers, by • JAMES HOMER - 45.; SON S n018 , 61 4 ' SEVENTH and NOBLE Ste. NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. WHITE CLOVER HONEY. NEW PARED PEACHES. CULTIVATED OBANBEREIEI3. am. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer In Mae Groceries. 2101-tr . Corner : ELEVENTH, and VlNE,Etreets. PISTOLS, SKATES. PHILIP WILSON & CO. 409 CLUISTNIIT keel, Manufacturers , ai i ld ne lir ci ,porter i l i o atois. Chinning anr Fishing Tackle, Canes, Powder, Snot, Wads, Caps, & A s. Onus