rrOJEl o ;i' PreaOSS „ 1:0 vA iLy (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) I`4l JOS H '0", FORNEY, 111 SOUTH FOURTH STREET T or, PAJLY PRESS, u ,sbfllberS, TEN DO4ARSPER ANNUMWEEK, paYable, 111 to TIVSYTi CENTS Pan, # l. " !Jailed to Siabsolbers out of the otty, rrier se , KEE .NEUM; SOUS DOLLARS AND F/FTE P` this MONTI:Is! Two DOLLAHs AHD TWSNTE. tv'reKTIMES MONTHS, luyarlably in adOsnoe 'ive rdered. oyerotlsoro onts Inserted at the usual rates. 011-74VEERLY PRESS, ato S u bscribers,. kiss Dow:Ans FED ANNUM, La RETAIL DRY 44()oari. 05E REDIICTION IN THE PRICES .DJEUV GOODS. Es R. CAMPBELL & CO., OMST.NUT SKEET, TIISIB ENTIRE STOCK OF PRY GOODS, CONSISTING - IN PART OF ,NOES, • - 'LINS AND REPS, - - CLAN PLAIDS, - ALPACAS AND MOHAIRS, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, SHAWLS, * GLOVES, LINENS, WHITE GOODS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, LINEN AND COTTON SHEETINGS, REFELLANTS AND CLOAKING CLOTHS, SXTR I 4OMBLY LOW BA.TES eg leave to aearire the pubic that we , have down every article in our stock, and now have power to offer RARE BARGAINS. SA.T STOCK OF 0 A. 'r rq - G S, TOE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. MOTOR PLAIDS. BASSETS, VELVETS. MIXTURES, am, &o. OSTEN , SLOURB , :INCHILL IB, 1:1COTB, chide and anatiti In the estuary. For cholas Geode, call at the CI.4OTH STOUV. WM: T. SNODGRASS, 34 . South BECOND Street, end 23 STRAWBERRY Street C: t hiEDLES 111 %WM RECEIVIIIII NOVELTIES Zit LACES, 'WHITE GOODS, • EMBROIDERIES) VEILS, iiiiNDEERCIIIEFS, In e agairit s r TIREaULCLE'IIII.I.tiIE. 1024 OHEBTIIIIT STRUT 'IGHT PLAID POPLINS. ;UST OPENED, several large lots, bought in NeW at reduced prices for cash. dot stogie•width rich Pialde. 65c. lot double width heavygay Plaid Poplins, $1.25. riots tine all•wool bright Plaide, cheap, :en lots rich wool Plaid Poplins, $1.83, $2, and 4 let doe wide French Merl:ices, n 50. e l ( ); Striped Brocade Reps, $1.26. 4lotiig - nred, striped, heavy Mohatrs, dot figured Merinoes, 411.2,6; a bargain. clot black wool Delaines, 76c; cheap. pieces Araerleen Prints and Pelalnes, COOPER & CONARD, S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. FINE ASSORTMENT OF SHAWLS tor gale below the presencent r es rices. xa tg Broths Shawls, open Brocbe Shawls, nod centres. care Broche bhawle, open.ce.ntres. care BrocheShawls,ailed centres. eh Plaid and Stripe Blanket Shawls. tare, Plaid, and Stripe Blanket Shawls, cg and square Black Thibet Shawls, 4 Mantilla. Telyete, pure salt. ceted and other Buyer Cloths. oaks ready Made, sDWI ECALL & 00., IN South SECOND Street. WRIGHT & SIDDAIAI4 Po. 119 MIRKET STREET. Metweett FRODPT and SECO2TD Streets W. WHIGNI. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, AND G.E. NERAL STOREKEEPERS Can Ind at our eetabliahment ei fall amortinent of Imported and Domestic! Drage, Pnpalar Pa t Medicines, Paints, Coal Oil, Window Maga. Proscription Vials, etc at as low Drina as Kenn. Iret•elasa anode can be cold. FINE ESSENTIAL OILS, Fur Confestioners, In full variety and of the best lit y. Cochineal, Bengal Indigo, Madder Pot Ash, Cudbear, Soda Ash, Alum, Lill of Vitriol, Annid• to, Copperas, Extract of Logwood, &c., FOR DYERS' 8 hears on hand at lowest net l:l cash ß., prices. SULPHITE OF LIME, for keeping cider sweet; a perfectly harmless PaParation, put up , with full directions for ass. Is packages containing sufficient for one barrel. Orders by mail or city wet will meet with poropt attention, or special qttotationa will be laraiihed when reQuested• WRIGHT di SIDDALLi. wanzekrat DRUG WAREHOUSB, Jo.' 119 MARKET Street, above FRONT. FLREWORKS. WORKS. e undersigned, at their FIREWORK DEPOT, 50IITH WHARVES, BELOW CHESTNUT ST e now on hand a treat variety of WORKS, pro d correctly for ExMl:alone, Including BENOOIA LIGIITS, &c They have had also prepared a number of rronc-n-LiGrirr„s, EXPRESSLY POE " NIGHT PARADES,. Which viti hcirn for several hours; and MST be *ld in the hand JOSEPH B. BUSSIER DEALERS IN FIREV701?,118 ocl•stntbknoB MILITARY GOODS. FLAGS I FLAGS !I CAMPAIGN FLAG S , BUNTING AND SILK, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION ` S WORDS. 1 : SASHES, BELT% otether with a full assortment of MILITARY GOODS. 4EVANS lIAISSAXII.4. ael4.2m fp •.- D. L. rriNG-Liay, TOBACCO AND CIGAR WARBROVSE, No• 8 NORTH THIRD STREfET, Arent for the sale of all the celebrated brands o 3 A 1 1:31Y, OBEEN, & CO., Cincinnati. `BELLE OF THE WEST, "OINOINNATIA" 4. BURNI."I3, " &a. "PINE TURKISH!" AND OTHER SMOKING TOBACCO. 4 large lot of piirne CIGARS and TOBACCO, now In itore and for sale cheap. oc26-lm WRING GLASSES. JAMES S.. EARLE & SON, KG CHESTNUT MEET, PHILA., 141 ' 6 1 1017 in store a very flne assortment of LOOKING .:GLASSES, of every character,•of the N.R117 I3EST MANUFACTURE AND LATEST STYI,HS. 0114 PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, 401 PICTURE AND pfIOTOGRAZEIPUIES" VOL. 8.--N0..86. MILE DRY GOODS JOBBERS. FALL ,1 B ' l "°c l K. I FALL, 18 4 1344 NOW IN STORE eists4. M 11•••••••• SDUND YARD & CO •-• Nes: On Chestnut And 414 Jipme Street zmrourzrs AID JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY