ipECIAt NOTICES. hai,bs on Coal Oix. j,mon(t the whales Great joy prevails, rows In the South Sea ooean: Oil from the earth They hail with mirth, ,e quite a ibodly notion, ! TEST CALL A CONTBKIIOH, So, inhale to whale Doth wag his tail, nd eaoh to each sends gristing. Inviting-all . The wliaies to call A monstrous business meeting. THISY PASS BESOLimOKS. We mlts the ships Whose whaling trips Destroyed onr institutions: ' And, therefore, we Will pees, with glee. The following resolution: AST) ABB 00KS1DBUAB1.Y HAPPY, We whale* rejoice With cheerful yolce, And shout out much thanksgiving: Petroleum oil The trade doth spoil. Which’robbed us of onr living. THE SUM OP.TUB MATTER. And towns we So longer he By whalers persecuted. , We hope they Hit ' j Go to OAK HALL, - With clothing to be suited, ■ jjgASONABLE PRICES a superb stock of bast jilting. au4 at far lower prices than people sup Special feature—young men’s cults in great va- Overcoais by tha thousand, in prices from L. real good article at $lB. Many artioles of tjnts cud vests, and youths' suits at half the I present cost, when made to order. Our stock [ worth examining by those who wish, to pur- Lod soods at the LOWEST prices. P WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HAIL, S. E. cor. SIXTH and MARKET Streets, Orest bargains In overcoats. % Autumn Leaf. I»r THE BARD OF TOWER HALL. I'rsil loaf of Autumn, dancing by. Muse in thy course, and tell 2 no why Thou, whom I late did yiew Kd tn a dross of lively green, it now so differently seen, All robed In crimson hue ?" , rales like that which ’mtdst the trees , wakened by tile Autumn breeze, Seamed from the leaf to steal. [■pan the dog-wood’s branch I played, rlieb first does, by Its changing shade. Winter's approach reveal." [)[k Frost's first touch that chills onr veins, ,-treats of this gay crimson stains; Oar healthful green Is lost. : a tQOite the contrary, mankind ViU in their own experience find, And prove it to their cost. Frr those of yon do green remain, jho, warned by Frost’s chill touoh In vain, Mili chpose to shake with cold, rtile the vsrt rooms at Tower Hall, ;r prices so extremely small, jo good warm clothing hold,” ■iyour clothing from our ready-made stock, and y secure goods canal in style, Jit, material, and ~iartfp, to any made to order, at 25 to6oper l( .?er pricea. We have a fall and completeaa at of the newest, chcicest, and most desirable ~f goods, purchased at the lowest prices of the (or cash exclusively, and sold for cash exclu tkerefore, at the lowest prices possible. All fitted at once from onr stock without delay or j TOWER HALL, No. 518 MARKET Stroet. BENNETT & 00. ■ALIDS WHOSE AILMENTS ABE: IN- jSDbyourchangeablecltmatc. ‘'DR, S WAYNE'S OMD SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY " is a never scarce.of ease and;comfort, always enabling Is breathe freely and naturally, whilst the lungs agthened and restored. 4 good appetite, complete ja, strength,- and a disposition for active exer- Mcre to follow its use ..Ills, withont exception, •t potent remedy known to the medical world for t, Bronchitis, Asthma, Blood Spitting, Nervous ;j, Weak Breast, and all Pulmonary Complaints, id cmlj by DR S WAYNE Sc SOU, No. 330 N. ! Street, Philadelphia. It Beautiful Head of Hair. fH DAItK OhOSS IxgTBAP OF THE .GhaY DeCAT, London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.' ’ Lcndou Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ” complete within itself, no other dressing or ac tiaent of any kind being necessary to seonre iwritble results, tit is not a Dye. will restore gray hair to its original color. till make it grow on bdld heads. will restore the natural secretions. will remove all dandruff and itching, till make th e hair soft, glossy, and flexible. will preserve the original color to old age, will prevent the I air from felling off, will care all diseases of the scalp. , iTf cents per bottle, or, six bottles, $4. by DR S WAYNE & SOS, - 330 North SIXTH- Street. ' mate’s Honey Soap. celebrated TOILET SOAP, in such universal de ls made from the CHOICEST materials, is MILD [OLLIBNT In its nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT |4 EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL In its action upon ii. Tor sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods l .. fe2S-taihsly... e-Price Clothing, of the Latest , mtde in the heat maimer, expressly for RETAIL LOWEST SELLING PRICES marked In FIGURES. All goods made to order warranted dory. The one-price system iB strictly adhered Hire thereby treated alike. JONES’ OLD-ES ISHBD ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 6041 IKT Street, near Sixth. de2B-ly fes, Clothing, S. E. corner SEVENTH and MARKET Ste. - CLOTHING, S.B cor SEVENTH and MARKET i.CLOTHING, S.E.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET s,CLOTH tNG, S.E. cor. SEVENTH and MARKET S,CLOTHING, B.E.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET s,CLOTHING,-S.E.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET i,CLOTHING, S. E.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET .'.CLOTHING, S. E. cor SEVENTH and MARKET s,CLOTHING, S. E. cor. SEVENTH and MARKET '.CLOTHING, 5.E.001. SEVENTH and MARKET S,CLOTHING. S.E, cor. SEVENTH and MARKET ({.CLOTHING, S.B. cor. SEVENTH and MARKET S.E.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET S.E. cor, SEVENTH and .MARKET s ' S AOTHING, S.E.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET G, S.E.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET iS,CLOiHIN3, S. E. cor. SEVENTH and MARKET “.CLOTHING, S. E. cor, SEVENTH and MARKET “.CLOTHING, S-E. cor. SEVENTH and MARKET “.CLOTHING, S.E.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET -itnth tf ' »is' Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, Boya’ lag. Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, r Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, ' Clothing, Boys’ Clothing,'Bays’ Clothing, la every variety, In every variety, In every variety, In every Variety; In every variety, In every variety. At H. L. Hallowell & Son’s, At H. L. Hallowell & Soh'b, At H, L. Hallcwell & Son’s, At H. L, Hallowell A Son’s, 5 Market street, 534 Market street, '4 Market street, 631 Market street, 6 Market street, 634 Market street, M Market street, 634 Market street. kul Notice.—We have the largest and best ■it stock of Ready-made Boy s’ Clothing in the city, athe latest styles, and made In the best manner, a- HALLOWELL * SON, 53* MARKET Street, •■•isthitf - - owers’ Throat Pastilles Cure Sore h, Hoarseness; Influenza, Bronchial Imitation, of the Voice, 20 cents BOWERS’LA- W'OEY, SIXTH and VINE. 0c23-2t tHLxs & Wilson’s Highest Premium LOCK-BTIT €H SEWING machines, ¥B& CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST. ftonu. TO4 CHESTNUT Street, afctm SeTeath, M^.E,EtXEr>. KS~BROWN,—At Chestnut Hill. October 27ih, '.••"v J. Andrews Harris, John 8. Jenks to Sidney ‘.'Waosliter ol Win. H, Brown. .. . * .■ h.O:, -HART. —On the 27th. Inst, by Friends’ Presence of Mayor Henry, Edmund rio Catharine L. Hart, both of Philadelphia. * ; ■ 3DXEXS. 1 ?, 6t ' < Thurston C. Ohallen, & SS^SS^&fi, 4 ,oa 01 Hav - James ohal - in Oak fiLEB,— Killed, atthe battle of CedarOreek. Va rineßday, October 19, 1884, Lieutenant Colonel “ Kohler, aged 64 years. '-Wives. friends; and Masonic brethren are in i'attend the funeral, from Ms late residence, -sCoates street, on Sunday afternoon, atl o’clock MatlBST.-Oh the evening of the 26th in ß t ' ™tlr Markoe, daughter of the Rev. SamuelHazle ; lathe seventh year of her age. * tLER,—On the morning of the 28th Inst,, Anna wetta, wife of the late Henry J. Boiler. e J ttl will take place from her late residence, HU Spruce street, on Monday morning, sUO .p.PTMAK. —On the 27th intt., John Hauptman, in '"Jfarofhlsage. JririWes and friends are - respectfully invited to Jtse fnnoral from his late residence, at the North rarncr of Seventeenth and Vine streets, on Sunday pS,ri 2 o’clock, without further notice. ** -ssoti —On the evening. of the 26tb Inst., Bliza of Henry B. Johnson, of Worcester.coun- S“'l’in the 28th year of her age. „ ■ ,i,V# ‘ lv ®» and friends of the family are respectful ly.,,? 0 friternri the funeral, from the residence of • t K; itt 'i aw > Mr ?- M; Johnson, 1830 Walnut Saturday morning, at in nVinnk ■ PIN’S BLACK ALL- WOOL REPS. ‘'JJia’s Black All-Wool Empress Cloths, do do MousseUnedeLaines* go do do Ta fmSadoaWBWldth r!° do do Merinoes. i{o do do Cashmeres "0 do do Thibet and Long Shan Is, . ■ full and. extra si2es/ DISCIPEEB OP CHRIST MEET TO-MORROW, at 10« A M.wna7KP. M.,eor ner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets. Preach ing by R. FAtJROT. Question in the erehlng— ‘ ‘ How toßead the Scriptures. , , It* - waro THE GABHESTS OF THE JEW RSF ISH HIGH Pi TEST -The next Sermon in this Course will bepreached at the CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY, TO-MORROW EVENING. Service at half past seven. . ■ . li* THE ROAB TO NATIONAL D"* PEACE.-A Sermonnfor the time*, TO-MOR ROW, st 7KP. M., at theHnlversallst Church. LOM BARD Street, above Fourth, by Rev. K. EDDY, Pas tor. . .. it* KST’ FLDIiR BABCOOK, OF MART* FORD, Conn , will preach in the Hall, S. W. corner Of .T tvELI TH and FiLBERT Streets. TO-MOR ROW, at IOK A. M . and at the Hall, S E. comer of NINTH and SPRING GARDEN, at 7X_ih M.; -It* ■ agNp--' - IT ILDEBR AK I) E, O K DISTIN- V* 3 GEISHED MEN IN CHURCH HISTORY.— Fourth Lecture TO MORROW EVENING, tlhurch, LOCUST and JONiPER Streets. Rev. L. L. BlilGGsl Pastor, : „ ■ ..-I . ; . r it* CENTRAL CON OREO ANON AL CHOhOH.-Eev. EDWARD Ha WES wtlfcom mccjO hill Public! labors jus pastor of this church TO- at CONCERT HALL. Divine service at 10K A. 11l and P. M. The public are cordially invited.* |3|P“ WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, SEVENTEENTH Street, above Co lumbia Episcopal service every SUNDAY MOKMNO. 10}S o’clock. TO MORROW, Rev. Dr. GOODWIN. Provost of the University. It* LECTCRE-o WHAT I SAWFBOH K®' NEW YORK TO JERUSALEM.by Rev. J. HYATT’SMITH, at Calvary Baptist Church. FIFTH Street, below Carpenter, TUESDAY E\ bMNO, Nov. Ist, at ix o 'clock. Tickets 25 cents, at the door. 0c29-3t« FIRST K E FOR WE» IHJTCM ‘CHURCH, SEVENTH and SPRING GARD EN Streets, Rev. J H. SUYDAM, Pastor.-Services at IOIi o’clock A. M., und 7Xo’clock P. M. Subjectforthe evening, “Charity.” ■■■-■ ■. It* THE MONTHLY CONCERT OF PRAYER. FOR MOTHERS will be held at the Church on SEVENTH Street, above Brown, on WED NESDAY, the 2d prox., at 3 o'clock Ladies are all tn vlted to attend. ... ; n* , j jrjgT PHILABEWHIA TRACT AND MISSION SOCIETY—The sixty* seventh meeting in behalf of this Society will he held at the Church of onr Saviour, REED Street, near Eighih, on S A BBATfI E fB. NING, 30th Inst., at 1H o’clock.. . Several addresses will be made. . . it* ISP ST. MATTHEW’S LIT THE RAN SBxr CHURCH, NEW Street, below Fourth, between Race and Vine Streets —Services bytbe Pastor, Rev. E. W. BUTTER, on TO-MORROW MORNING, commenc ing at half past 10 o’clock. Evening service com mentes at half past seven. . It K®” UNION M. E. CHURCH, FOURTH Street, below Arch.—SABBATH, October 30, Rev. ANDREW LONGACRE will preach In the Morn ing at 10K o’clock, and Rev.: A. RITTENHOOSE in the Evening at 7K o’clock. Prayerand Experience Mee ting at 6lf o’clock. It* MEDIATION OF CHRIST— y* Twsnty first Sermon of rile Series, by T. H. STOCKTON, at ELEVENTH anti WOOD Streets. BAB BATB AFTERNOON, SH o’clock Subject: ‘'Restora tion of the Jews, ” completed : Morning Sermon,'loX o’clock, by Key. Mr. HOFFMAN, it* §233* REV. DAVID HERRON, OF THE »2» LODIANA MISSION, Northern India, who has recently returned to tits country, will preach in the First Reformed Presbyterian Church, BROAD, below Spruce., on TO-MORROW (Sabbath) EVENING at o'clock. The friends of Missions are respectfully In vited to attend. Communion services in the Morning atlOH o’clock. : , it* SOLDIERS’ MEETING-ON SUN* D AY EVEN IN G, at 7)1 o’clock, (the 30 th Inst,) in’ST. MATTHEW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, EIGH TEENTH Street and GIRARD Avenue.’ .Addresses are expected from.the Rev. B. J. PaRYIN, of the Christian Coromssslon. and the Rev. PHILLIPS BROOKS. A col lection will be taken npfor the benefit of the Soldiers. The public arc invited. it* REFORMATION SERMON.-BY REQUEST FOURTH TIME REPEATED.—TO MORROW, at IX P. M., Rev. S. M. LANDIS, M. D. , will repeat his very popular sermon on “The Rock upon which the Church Split, ” at the OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Go early if you want a seat.. Seats free. A collection will be taken. It* : ROBERT HALL, Chairmin Committee. KS- ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY—A *3s* meeiin* of tills Society, for the purpose of elect ing officers to serve for the ensuing j ear, will be held on MOND AY EVENING, 31st Inst., in the CONTINEN TAL HOTEL, at IX o'clock. . . Members are requested to attend without further no tice Your obedient servant, 0e29-2t GEORGE YOUNG, Secretary. ■gar* SWKDENBOKGUN.-« SOME OF O*’ ’the Distinguishing Characteristics of the new Theology, ’ ’ will he the subject of Rev. B. F. B ARRETT’S I.ectcr* TO-MORROW EVENING, 7X o’clock, at the New Church Temple, corner of BROAD and BRANDY WINE Streets (next above Sprinj Garden street). In the MORNING. iH ini; o’clock, Ms Sermon will be on ‘ ’ The True and the Professed Followers of the Lord. ’ ’ AH interested ai e invited to attend. : it* KS* SPntmiALISH,-MISS LIZZIE Ka f„DOTEN. of Massachusetts, will Lecture at HAN SOM-STREET HALL on SUNDAY, atlOhf A. M, and 1% P. M. These will be the last Lectures of her course. Hfiss BECKWITH will lecture on SUNDAY, the 6th of N OVEMBER.: Admittance free. It* fgf” BUSINESS EDUCATION.—PRAC. TIC 4L instruction .in Book-keeping in all its branches, Penmanship, Commercial Calculations, De tecting Counterfeit Bank Notes, &c., at CHITTENDEN’S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No 637 CHESTNUT Street, corner or Seventh. Day and Evening Sessions. Students received at any tune, and instructed at such hours as may best suit their convenience. ■ oc2B-3i* •agr® WALTER WELLS WITT, CON —tinue to lecture before Lyceums, Schools, etc. Address to care of J. B. Lippincott & Co.,Phiia. oc2B-9t* KS 0 OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH ZINC COMPANY; No, 333 WA LNUT Street. Pttu,ADEr,PHIA, October 26. 1864. „ The INTEREST on FIRST and SECOBD MORTGAGE LOANS of the Lehigh Zinc Company, maturing NO VEMBER 1, 1864, will be payable at the office of the Company on and after that date. 0c27-6i - GORDON MINGES, Secretary. KB” THEHARDWARE'fRADE ASSO ta& CIATION OF PHILADELPHIA acknowledges the-receipt of the following donations in behalf of the distressed people of Chambersburg: William r. Wilstach. ..........,......$lOO 01 Myers, Kirkpatrick, A Co. 25 00 Cumberland Nail and Iron Company 25 00 Henry Tilga A Co.. ....... 20 00 Warner K1ine.......... 20 00 E, Hsll Ogden. 20 00 Stuart A Peterson... 20 0O G. W.-.HH1........ .. ;i0 00 Dnncannou Iron Company 16 00 Noblit, Brown, A N0b1it.......................... 10 00 Arny Slate ioos Miller ABrother. 10 00 Hut,email. Berry. ABacgh..... ...... 10 00 Salt, MearA Schropp 10 00 Hadden, Porter, A Booth 10 00 Parson A Davi5.......................... 5 00 P. C. Thompson 5 00 Smith A 5h0emaker............. 5 Q 0 "Gallagher A Co.. ...... 500 Milter,-Herr A 8erg5tre55er..............6 00 Morphy & Koons 5 00 A. & E Elton &C 0... 5 00 J. Anneal-,- 5 to D. S. Wlnebrenner 6 00 G. D. B. Keim 500 Eiward Richie 6 08 R.--V-. Massey, Jr..., 6 00 C, 3. Mencii A Co ....... 5 00 Miller*Elder.. 6 00 Daniel Bohler. 5 00 C. S. Thompson.. 6 00 Robert Porter ....*. 6 00 D. M. Ksrcher....- 2 50 Michael-F. Clark : 20 00 Mrs M. F. Clark 5 00 Mrs. A.........;........ 2 50 Mrs. C 1 00 Little Gill 10 Cash Sundries..... 737 00 . : - . $1,168 10 Cash Advertising .........,............,,$8 60 Cash remitted to the Hon. James-E. Black .........1,169 60 - *1,168 10 AUGUSTUS B. SHIPLEY, Secretary. Philada., Oct, 23. „ It* OIL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Subscription Books to the following weH-locatoi shd desirable tracts of land, situated In the VENANGO OIL REGION, and offering an adequate basis lor two or more com panies, are-non open. . - No. 1. - All that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land contain ing fifty acres, being and situate in Tionesta township, Venango county, and State of Pennsylvania. TMs pro perty has a large front on the Tionesta creek, and is about four miles from the Allegheny river—there is on the creek about twenty acres boring land—balance billy—a ravine runs on the north side of it. This tract lies immediatelv between two oil companies. ... No. 2. All thatcertam tract, piece, or parcel of land contain ing one hnndred and fifty acres, being and situate in Tionesta township, Venango county. This property is part of the Pearson tract, and-also has a large front on Tionesta creek. It has : a large ravine on it, and some heavy oak, hickory, and hemlock timber. There aro about thirty-five acres boring gronnd. It is also contignons so the property of an oil company how at "work. All that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land being and situate in Tionesta township, Venango county. Th s property contains fif-y acres, of which about fif teen acres ate boring ground; it fronts on the Tionesta creek, above Lacy’ b mills, and adjoins part of the pro perty tf an oil company. No. 4." : All that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land, con taining- twenty six acres, being and situate in Corji pianitr township, Venango county. It fronts on btuart’s run, and extends across to Sugar Camp run,' being not only near the forks of . these two streams, but' near the Allegheny river. It is part of the Wsdd,o tract. There are about eight acres boring ground. No. 5. . All that certain tract, piece. or parcel of land, con taining sixty acres, being and situate fronting^o n the Allegheny river, in President township, Venanao coun ty. about midway between the towns of President and Tionesta. It adjoins the Hechatborh fern, and also *aa3om$ * and is m the immediate vicinity of several oil companies. All that certain tract, pteee, or parcel of land, con taining twelveigacres, being and situate in Hickory township, Venango connty. This is part of the Sutliff tract. It fronts on Hunter s run; |g near the Allegheny about a mile and a half northwest oi the town of Tionesta. On this twelve-acre tract there are about two acreß boring ground. ' ■ # . No. 7. All that certain tract, niece, or parcel of land* con taining mu .acres, being]and situate in Ptnegroye .township,p.nangu county, fronting on and near the inoath ot a ran emptying into Hemlock creek. About six acres boring ground. On this tract Is some very heavy oak and hickory timber. . These seven estates embrace four hundred and three acres; ofwhichsay one-fourth is boring ground. As will te observed, ail these tracts/ront on the Allegheny and its tributaries. The advantages of being on navi gation where oil can be shipped direct from the well without transportation; aid where ample timber may be had on the property to feed the.engines are obvious, As the purchase of either of these tracts would require more money than the majority oJ persons have at com- S??, 1 “‘i&Dropoßed to divide them into one .hundred 6 2L°“ e each, thus affording of limited means, as well as the capitalist, an fnfns to Becure a * interest in this- truly wonder ** “ 01 »w-mktog region.' elkibnitv at^ pr ? perties v haTe been elected for their are ixßuSftiiS »5S *? ay H SQen by reference to a map, to ftd/ofn a . They are all contiguous orrnore companies on these estates, whfch wUlenlt (SI 100 onuu.vAL scbscbibeus hereto only thoumn,! dollars each, and are subject to no ro/alty! S “, mortgages whatsoever, .but -will be got with an nn questionable title, m fee simple throughout The sub scribers can then, upon this substantial and solid h»Si organize one or more companies, elect officers from among themselves, each subscriber being cauSiv eligible to the position of atfofflcer of tba company 1 Some idea of tie immense value of oil territory ina-t be gathered from the following statement: At Tidaoute the “Economits wells” have yielded about one han dr, d barrels per day for three years; the ‘ Heydrlck’ • well has within the last three years yielded about 28, COO barrels of oil,- and Is still succeesfnlly beiug worked. she Noble and Deiamiter well is pouring forth a constant stream of oil, .at the rate of 000 barrels per day, equal t0.|6,000, or over two million dollars' worth yeariy. ’the Jersey well yields about $5,000 dally. The Hyde and Egbert Farm, thirty seven acres, has been convent d into companies, representing over seven million dollars - .. . . - - The quality of oil in different localities varies Every weli-informed person knows that the oil from Tlonesta creek is considered fall, equal, if not superior, to any in the oil region. - . \ Cherry Eun, not far from some of these properties, and closely resembling them, was offered in December last for ¥BOO. Two acres of the same properties have just been sold for over s4oo,ooo—one well having been bored which yields SSO,QOQ per month, or nearly one million dollars per annum. The land interest (which is entitled to one-half the oil) in three acreß on the Tarr farm is held at $3OO, (00 ' The Columbia Company have four hundred acres in fee simple—. bat is, .free from; royalty, leases; or mort gages. Thtir stock was originally sold at $2.60 per share; It has be«a sold since at $260 par share. One gentleman, who had two thousand shares, which cost li.m So,COO, was offered $460,000 for them. Many simi lar cases might he cited.- „„„ , „ THE TEEMS wfii Jli, wp ’ ?°more than one hundred subscriptions of tn en - Hot less than one Bhare will be disposed p ?.( 8cm ' but subscribers can take one or inr c™"i S| either for themselves or for others. Five balancewHMn 6 ! p& id at the time of subscribing,, the' SSS?SyS H or more per- The Trustee taka a share; for subscription! - BoQd , Esq., will receipt fifaS/iilßulfe order all checks may be a cknowledged, T reraittaaceß by mall will be duly ply°toCbC n l nderßSedl o bywhom^h B i a i d r”'’* 1 or ftP ' ceivsd; - 6 DTia rfiPir Q £nSiT^ l 5 nH are rOf Ofitcfl N. E.:corner FOoRTaan?f‘^A?i^m S $ oc2S-SMf Hours ■ lITIOUt UNION TICKET SOB PBES OIMT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, OF ILLINOIS. FOB TICK PRESIDENT, . ANDREW JOHNSON, OF TENNESSEE. ELECiOBAL lICHEI. SENATORIAL. JIOBTOIf MoMICHAEL, Philadelphia. THOMAS CUNNINGHAM, Beaver Oonntr. . BEPBSBENTATTSnB. 1, Robert T. Bag, 13. Ellaa W. Hale, , 5. a. Morriaon Goatee, .11 Charles H. Shmer; 3. Henry Btunin, 15. John Wister, 4. William H, Kern, 16. David MoConanyhy, 6. Barton H. Jenke, 17. David W. Woode, 6. Charles M. Bonk, IS. Isaac Benton, 7. Bobert Parke, 19. John Patton, , 8. William Taylor, 20. Bamaelß. Dick, 9. John A. Hiestand, 21. Everard Blerer, 10. Bichard H. Coryell, 22. John P. Penney, , 11. Edward Haliday, 23. EbenezerMcJnnklaf IS. Chartea P, Bead, 24. John W-Blanchard. Sy order of the State Cen |3jgp= HALL OF THE CS'IOJT X.EAOUE, CHESTITUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. By invitation of tbs Union League, the foliowtug gen tlemen will address the public, OBT MONDAY EVENING, Oct. 31, AT 7 % O'CLOCK: DR. CHARLES D. MEIGS, HON. LEWIS BARKER. The Ladies are Invited to Attend. Hill, OF THE REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLES, MARKET, ABOVE TWELFTH STREET. By invitation of the Union League, the following gen tlemen will address the public, ON MONDAY EVENING, Oct. 31, AT THE Hall of the Republican Invinclbles: HON. JOHN CESSNA, HON. THEO. HASSANREK, MINISTER TO EQUADOfi The Ladieg are Invited to Attend. |ggp FUBITC MEETINGS. - ADDRESSES WILL BE MADE TO THE CITIZENS OF PHILADELPHIA, By the followlngdistinguiabed Speaker: SATURDAY EVENING, October 29,. AT THE" HAM 01 THE INIOD LEAGUE, ' '■ -; * ■/.- bt ■ 'V / Col. R. STOCKETT MATI HEWS; Of Maryland, THE LADIES ARB INVITED TO ATTEND. ' -v . ■ -- . ' ■ - 0c22 HALL OF 188 REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLES, MARKET Street, below Thirteenth. By invitation of the Club, GOV.. RICHARD YATES - -AND ■■ ■■ ■ . HON. GALUSHA A. GROW WILL ADDRESS TBE PUBLIC ON SATURDAY EVENING, October 29th, At 8 o’clock. The Ladies Invited to attend. It HEADQUARTERS REPUBLICAN ■a® INVINCIBLES.: ATTENTION, COMPANY A 1 i A Special Meeting of the Company will be held THIS EVENING, AtSo’cloek. Every member isexpected tobepunctual in hie attendance. By order of „ ' JOHN H. DBVERS, Captain.: E. H. D. Fraley, Secretary. it . KESp' THE WAY; TO UNION.—I. SO long as there must be war, it must be carried on by negro soldiers under ,white officers, and by such .seventies as are jnatifiad and called for by theun paralleled teverities used.by bar opponents.: . -‘ 2. No cessation of hostilities nor convention of the States until after a satisfactory treaty of peace is fully ratified by the Senates--.of. both belligerents. Snch.a treaty made in war .always is and would bs higher than the letter of the Constitution of either belligerent. No haughty refusal to. meet or “treat with rebels in srms’’. must be allowed to prevent such treaty-from* being made. 3. In the meantime in.all places where martial.law and military occupation .is not necessary, there .should he no interference with, tha freedom of press or speech; no military force, or political tricks at elections, nor test oath, other to support the Constitution and laws of the United .States. It is not lawful to. do evil in hope of good to come.- , 4. The treaty of peace-mast embrace first, entire abo lition, to be fairly paid for, which, by careful calcula tion, would-,cost, but. little more than one year of war. Second, recognition of the validity of our war.debt at its full value, and. if necessary, of the Confederate war debt at ten per cent. , which is its -full value rolailve to ours on a specie comparison. For be it remembered, in a reunion the South'must pay its share towards our debt, and towards onr will of freeing their slaves; so we migut.pay a share of their debt as,above, which would only cost about equal to three months of war. Third,! pledging high tariffs, high taxes, and also an export,duty.for the payment of the interest of the debt thus estimated, and for its gradual ey-tincUon. Fourth; The treaty must also revoke all obligations for citizens of oae. State to, be received with all the privileges of citizens of the several States so far as Asiatics or Afri cans are concerned, but should guarantee them freedom* fteac personal oppression. : - ;& The settlement thus indicated,.requires new issues and a,new party (as,indeed; allgpeat criseß do require), being, a digest from the good panaof both parties. 6 Inasmuch as there is no time to get up such a party before the coming election, and-as the present Congress isjargely-one-sided, the only,way to do is to electa , President of the other party, who, from' the absolute : necessity of the case, must compromise with Congress, 1 especially the. Senate, Who have 36 Republicans to only 14 Opposition. 7. General McClellan (In his letter to President Llh eoln. July 7, 1862) tays; “ The right of the Govern ment to appropriate permanently to its owp service claims to slave labor should be asserted, and the right of the ownerto compemation therefor-should be recognized. This principle might be extended, upon grounds of military necessity and security, to all the slaveefwithin a particular State, thuß working manu mjseion In, such state; and in Missouri, perhaps ia westeru Virginia also, and possibly even in Maryland, the expediency of such a measure is only a question of time. A system of policy thus constitutional and servative; and pervaded by the influences of Christi anity and freedom, wonld receive the support of almost all truly loyal men, would deepiy impress the rebel masses and all foreign nations, and it might be humbly hoped that it would commend itself to the favor of the Almighty.” . .: . ~ . - it*- MEETING OF THE DEMOCKATIC KEr (STONE CLUR, at the National Theatre, Walnut, above Eighth, "on the evening of Tuesday, October 26, 1864. - ■ ■ . The meeting was called to order by Mr. John H, Brimner;. who introduced - Mr. Luther Martin: -The latter, after a few appropriate remarks; read thefollow ing resolutions, which were unanimously adopted, amidst great applause: Resolved, Thatwhile we do not deny the right of any one to publish, subscribe for, or read neutral and inde pendent papers, we yet deem it our duty to warn the people against being deceived and misled- by articles, editorial and otherwise, appearing in the columns of the Public Ledger and Sunday Dispatch, of this city— papers professin g to be neuu al or independent, aod not political, hut which Jose no opportunity invidiously to assail the Democratic party, and cast their influence on the side of the Abolitionists. We know how to deal with open foes; it is as well we should be on onr guard as to these who seek to injure ns under the mask of Indepen dence and neutrality, Resolved, That we invite all who may have been de prived of employment for refusing to Vote the Aboli tion ticket, and all who have been or may be coerced into the voting of thatticket. or who have beenthreat ened with injury of any kind for not doing bo, by their employers or others,- to furnish us with the names of these persons.-lliat we may, on due proof of the fact, publish ihem throughout the State, and so hold them up to the scorn and contempt of all who value the right aud proper exercise cf free suffrage ... Resolved, That there is a point at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue. We respect the laws, and mean toiobey them. We respect the rights of others, and shall not interfere with them; but we want, and will have, onr own. W« warn the despits, made rich by tint unhappy war, and now using their powers to in fluence and intimidate the poor man to vote the Aboli tion, or any oilier ticket, that it ie our intention to have all such violations of the law exposed and punished by fine aod imprisonment. - Resolved, Thatwe calk the attention of our fellow riiriens to the provisions of the.6lst section of the act of 31it March, 1860, Pamphlet Laws, page 396, Bright ley,!- Purdon, page 381, section 88, so that the oppres bced, and the oppressed know where and how..to obtain redress - . . - Resolved, That no. Democrat ought to give support, nrnre?rfnt , n 0 /„f-?i1t Tlptl ' ll 4 to ;in , y pnper which, while professing neutrality or independence, is con-meted on JIV} 5 ; Principles, and ought openly to assume the ground which it craftily and snaidiuualy takes. Resolved, That these resolutions he. published in the /-tiWic Lefiper, Acre, Inquirer, and other papers, and by, handbills or otherwise. ST. gr EIGHTEENTH WAHD BOUNTY A a e6tiß ,« ® f ‘he contributors to this held 011 Thursday Evening, October 27th, In 10081 Ihe Hev. Wm. T.,Eva’s ihurch, tb of the Committee to whom was en °f ft! 'hishing the requisite number of D ‘who* l mvlr cal of the President of the United innN nniraTNsV^Sv wa ,° P'kfffiized by calling-Hon. Osh received from the citizen 5.......... 861 4.3 Cashpaid to recruits......... ...$13,370 do* ’ Cash paid for advertising, biJla, music, and other incidental expenses 677 77 :.\, V ' .14,047 77 Of this halanre there haß been invested in U.S, * BO3 68 ' Government Bonds at a cost of. Leaving a balance in the hands of the Trea-' Btirer of ••••• $9166 The report of the Committee waß adopted, and the in vestment made by the.Treatnrer approved. • On motion, the Treasurer was instructed to eiiiploy Mr.D. B. WILLIAMS to collect and receive any oat* standing unpaid subscriptions. It* DAVID DIOKEBSOU, Secretary. WANA.MLAKEB A BROWN* ' THE EREBS> EHILABELPHIA. 1 riel Committee. CAMERON. Chairntaa i>hit.a®iex,pmia ptwr office, SPECIAL "NOTlO'jS.' THE HONEY ORDER SYSTEM Will go into effect ott TUESDAY, November let. Blank applications can Be' obtained and a list of Money Order Offices that are established seen, on application at the MONEY ORDER D BPARTMEBT at this Office, enti ance at the Register Room door, where all information in relation thereto can be procured. The following are the rates of Com missions charged for Money Orders: An order not exceeding $10.... v.. 10 cents. Over $lO and not exceeding $2O. ..15 ‘V Over $2O and op to $30... ... ....20 No order issued for less than $1 and not exceeding $3O. Orders will be issued for the present between the hours of 9 A. M, and 5 P. M, C. A. WALBORN, 0C29-6t 1 |ggp*» TUB TACK PETROLEUM CO. CAPITAL ...8500,000, . : DIVIDED INTO 100,000 SHARES, $3 EACH. Subscription Price to Stock $3 Per Share. CASH WORKING CAPITAL, $2O 000. The property of this Company comprises, in leases and fee simple, about TWO HUNDRED AND .SEVEN TY-FIVE ACRES of the choicest territory in Western Virginia and Southern Ohio.- Upon this property are the two great TACK Wells, together with six other wells, being rapidly prosecuted, and with every pros pect of success. The present production of the property will pay a Dividend of TWO PER CENT, a month on the PAR VALUE of the stock, and a much larger y ield is shortly expected, ■' • ■■■- . .t-, v''.:. Ten Thousand Shares of this itock, all that remains unsold, may be had at the subscription price if applied for at the Office of _ TACK, BRO., & GO., 21? Walnut Street, Before SATURDAY ,29th inst., on which day the Books wiU bo closed. oc2S-2t* |ggp “DVR NATIONAL • CONFLICT,” By invitation of the UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN - COMMISSION, REV. BISHO? M. SIMPSON, D. D., Will deliver his Lecture on “ OUR NATIONAL CON FLICT,” in the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, on MONDAY EVENING, October .31, At a quarter to 8 o’clock. This lecture has been delivered before large audi ences in other cities, and is regarded as one of Bishop Simpson's finest efforts. Tickets 25 cents. For sale at Martien's, No. 606 Chest nut street: at Perklnplne A Higgins’, No. 66 N. Fourth street; and at the Academy on the evening of the Lec ture. . ..-V'-: 1 ' Proceeds for the benefit of Sick and Wounded Sol diers. ■ . 0c27-3t 12®“ LWCOLS ASB JOHJTSOir. A UNION MASS MEETING will be held at Col. ULLMAN’B HOTEL, in the Borough ofFhcenixvllle,. on SATURDAY EVENING,. October 29,1854. DANIEL DOOGHEETE. Esq., Hon. F. B. PENNIMAN, and’ WAYNB McVEAGH, Esq., Will address the meeting. A TORCH-LIGHT PRO CESSION of the Union Campaign CSnba of PhocnixviUe. Charlestown, Schuylkill; and Beading will come off du ring the evening, at which time there will be A GRAND DISPLAY OF FIRE-WORKS. Theßepnblican Invin cibles of Philadelphia have been invited to participate in the torch-light procession, and are expected to be present. COME ONE, COME ALL! oc2B-2t* , K®” PHn,A»H,I»HU niJXTAIi COIc K®’ LEGE—No. JOS North TENTH Street. The regular Course of Lectures In this Institution trill begin on MONDAY", October 31, at 4 o’clock F. M. The General Introductory to the regular Course'will be delivered on TUESDAY; November 1, at t 2 M:>, by Dr. THOMAS WAKDLE, professor of Mechanical Den tistry. J.-H. McQUILLEN;-Dean, 0c29-2t.* 80. Ilia AKOH Street. " @7 .r-30 ILOA.IV. . The Secretary of the Treasury gives notlee that sub • scrlptions will be received for Coupon Treasury Notes,; payable three years from August 15th, 1864, with semi annual Interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per sent, per annum-principal and interest both to be paid In lawful money. Theße notes will be convertible, at the option of the [holder, at maturity, Into six-per-cent, fold-hearing bonds, payable not less .than five nor more than twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect. They will be Issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO, and ss,ooo,and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. ’.. As the notes draw interest from August 16. persons making subscriptions subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. ; * SunsOKipiiONß will bk -EECHivED by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Fa. Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Fa. Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Fa. Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. And by all National. Banks which are depositories of public money, and ALL RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout ths country will give further information, and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS, oelB-12tif J)REXIiL & CO., NO. 84 SOUTH THIRD ST. THE NEW ■ FIVE-TWENTY LOAN, For sale in amounts to suit. ISBI Bonds, and allkinds of Government Loans, bought and sold. oclS-iOt if ~. FJ^ircY, £ADIES ? FANCY FURS. eJOHISf 'JF'A.S2.S2IR,A., No. '5lB AECH Street, above Seventh Street, At Mb old established store, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS LADIES AND CHILDREN. Having now in store a very large and beautiful assort ment of all the difibrent kinds and qualities of FANCY K.3KS FOR LADIES? AND CHILDREN'S WEAK, X solicit a call from those in want;; • Remember the name and number, JOHN FAREIRA, 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh, X have no pastner or connection with any other stare inthißcity. • ,ocl-4mif «AS- FIXTURES, &C. QORNILIUS & BAKER, . > 710 CHXSTKUT STREET, Have,£he pleasure to announce that they are now pre pared to furnish ■ A NEW STUB OF GAS FIXTURE, SUITABLE FOE DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICES, &c., WHICH CAN BS ~ LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY, ocls-lm if CLOTMS- - .ffjjKN PERSON yS j UAUITOU UUOTHIXG HOUSE, 510 MiifkET £T.,'riRST Clothing Hobse, An. Fifth. Overcoats, from-............... $lO to $35 ' Dress Frock ooats. 13 •to 28 Walking .Coa’s.l3 .to 25 'Double and SinAfc Breasted Business Backs... 7 50 to.. .25- Black Pants , 6 to H5O Fancy Cassimere Pants...... 8 to 14 ; Business Pants...... . 360 to 6 Single and -Double-Breasted :,-■■■'■ : . . Tests 150 to . 660 A general assortment of Youths’ and Boys’ Clothing. _ N. B.—A'heavy stock of goods in piece always on band. Particular attention paid to Custom- Tort—of which we guarautee sa’isfactlon, and defy competi tion ■ . . . Ik* YORK AND -LIVERPOOL petroleum: company. CAPITAL STOCK, 81,000,000. 100,000 SHARES AT $lO EACH Subscripiion Price $5 per Share. LANDS YIELDING LARGELY. OFFICERS: HON. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, President WM. T. PHIPPS, Vice President. „ ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary! Books aieopen for subscription at theofllce of tbe Com pany, Ko. 24 Empire Building, 71 BROAD WAY, H. T; The lands of the Company are situated in the heart of the Oil Region, and include portions of those well known localities, “the McEllieny.Farm, the two Mc- Clintbck Farms, ’" and other proved and valuable work ing: territories, including over Two Thousand acres of the best OB Territories along Oil Creek and in West Virginia, now under process of successful development, and oil is already regularly and largely produced from several wells upon them, 0c29-d&W3m Addrefs.the Company;':“P, O. Box 5368, ” New York. $1 nno TO $5,000.—A CLAIM HAS just been allowed for a patent which looks as if it will save, for a small cost, hundreds of thousands. For special reasons, made known at inter view, this whoIe^PATENT will he eold for less, per haps. than one twentieth of its real valne Address E DAVID, Post Office, givingreal name, time, and place of interview, on Monday, and Tuesday, It* BEAUTIFUL SPE CIMBNS OF AJ CAETES DE VISITE are made at B. F. RBIMER’S Gallery, 624 ARCH Street. All patrons of his esta blishment are certain of obtaining satisfactory pic tures. -■ ... ■ it* • TTNRIVALLED SPECIMENB OF V like-like portraits those artistic and naturally co lored life Bize PHOTOGRAPHS In oil, executed at iIEI JMEH’B Gallery. SECOND Street, above Green. It* ■DEAUTIFDL, NATURAL, AND FINE- El ly colored LIKENESSES, $1.50 only. See speoi-- mens and obtain a pleasingpicture, one of BEtMEKS greatly admired COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS,- at SECOND Street, above Green. It* ~&REAT CENTRAL CLOTHING HOUSE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 18(34, TTASBIS’ PIKI OASSIMEK^S. F.L^oru*,? 11 manufactures. : Itocli1 tocIi 1,1 irarl£ot atrtet. =■ f&^-J^ssssffisra^ *a 8b for bora 1 wear. ■, ,v Heavy Overcoatings for best cuStOM. Plata black Cloakings inflneaHalitie* wSfor d Jo?7r r i? D t oth ® rfa “°^*o»^“«* ; : Water-proof Cloakujffs of eood w«iirht Cloftklneflloths fromWtofll SO pefVard, Comprising a |r>ck Ofabont 200 oficel ’ tt « j “HIRTING FLABNELS. - Heavy 6;4 Plate colored Bhirttags, $2 35. 6-4 Salsbnrjr plain Shirting*, §2. 6-4 Salshuiy fancy Bbirttags, , sB.2o. Single-width. French Plaid Flannels. Every variety of; good Flannels'. Shaker White Flannels, 90c, $l, >l.lO, and $1.25. Gray, Bed, Winte,_and Bine, hy the yard or piece. „ , . TOWELLINGS, *b. Cheap Hnckahacks hy the yard. Cheap Diaper Towelling by the yard. Fine and low-priced Towels Turkish, Damask, Hock, and other Towels. BLANKETS Fine, good sizes Crib Blankets $26 and $lO Bed Blankets ' ’ Intermediate prices are all right. Heavy Army Blankets*siOj a bargain,- Wamsnttas,-WlUiftmsvillBs, New Tork «ais. S& er JL' 8t ; ?laBS ® a kes: also, low grades: Wide Sheetings of every good make. Heavy and fine nnbleachf d Muslins, ■ . By theyard or-piece. Prices are the lowest'. „„ . _ DRESS GOODS. SI.SO good French Merinoes. . $1 25 bright plaid d onble-width Poplins, Finest all-wool Plaids . French plaid rich'Poplins, $1.25 to $2.25. Black 0 Lftm€8 f 75 cents: a bargain. figure* French $1.50; chflap. 75-cent all wool figured Be Lainea lor children. - 40 ana 45-cent new Delaines O w ■ COOPER k CON4ED; 0c29-2t - E. corner NINTH and MARKET Sts. ■» oercMiF.R 53, 1651. POSTMASTER. TAGG & BROTHER, CORNER TENTS -r AND.PINE. open BARGAINS from auction. 1 lot heavy aU-wool bong Shawls, $5. P 1.9* Wack and white and - "black and red all-woot SMrtingPlannelg, Bl&c ' llot gents’ Merino Undershirts, $1:50; - - to® neck and long sleeves Merino Yeats, sl.7sands2 SL 25 tmi6eeo ' ® tril “ o Undervesta, 16to24inches, 62cto WMk«flk"flee'cy-Uited I Glov*is,'ffl)fe; - 1 lot (GO dozen) black and* white wool Undersleeves, JOC. ■ 4'.';' 1 lot gents’ Paris silk Scarfs, 75c, 1 lot gents’Faris Cloth Gloves, very fine, $1.25. * 3 lots ladiesinew-style fancy silk Neckties, $l. Slots ladiesi very fine Invisible Head-nets, 15c to 50c. .2 lots Bagle’Buttonsi black and colors* 60c to $1 per dozen.".' I lot Steel Dress Buttons, 12>£c; also, Gilt Buttons* 1 lot (100 dpzen) Linen Collars, different styles, 10c. , 5 lots Morocco Fort-monnaies, 20c to 50c 1 lot black and colors Patent Thread, 5c per dozen skeins. - j 1 lot children’s high colors all-wool ShawlB, sl. 75. * 4-lots gents’cotton Half-Hose, 13c, 25c, 35. and 40c, Hot Scotch high colors Balmoral Skirts, $5. * Alep, several lots monroing and fancy*Dress Goods, bonnet and trimming Ribbons, Hdkfs;Gloves, &c., fcc. 0c29 2t • "BRIGHT PLAID PO PLINS. JUST OPENED, several large lota, -bought in Hew York at reduced prices for cash. Gnu lot single- width rich -Plaids, 1 65c. fine lot double width heavy gay Plaid Poplins, $1.25. Two lots fine all-wool bright Plaids, cheap. Three lots rich wool Plaid Poplins, $l.BB, $2, and $2.25: / One lot fine wide French Merinoes, $1.50. One lot Striped Brocade Reps, $1.25. One lot figured, striped, heavy Mohairs, $1.25. One lot figured Merinoes. $1.25; a bargain, . One lot black wool Delaines, 75c: cheap. 220piecee American Prints and Delaines COOPER & CONARD, 0c29-tf & E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. fiflc, NEW FLEXIBLE SKIRT, fit) o "f?v» Just out, the most pliable Hoop Skirt”w in the market, in everyj»espect equal to the Duplex Skirt,” and at much lower prices Wholesale ana re tail at Manuiactoryj No. 628 ARCH Street, Please examine them. oc2fr6t*' : : WILLIAM T. HOPKINS. p2W:pORT FOR 1864. . A NEW AND GREAT IKVEHTIOH IH HOOP SKIRTS. THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OB DOUBLE)' STEEL v BPBIHG. . . , . 3. 1. & 3. 6. WEST, Ho. 9T CHAMBERS STREET, HEW YORK, Are the ow nars of the patent and exclusive manufat turers of this, PATENTED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STEEL SPRING „ SKIRTS. This’lnvontlon consists of Duplex (or two) Elllptls Sioel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the; toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever used,enabling tha wearer, m consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bility, to place and Ibid the skirtwhen in use as easily and, with the same convenience as silk or muslin dress. .It entirely obviates and silences the only objet tion to hoop skirts, vir:.the annoyance to the wearer as well as the public, especially in crowded assemblies, carnages, railroad cars', church pevre, or in anycrowded place, from the difficulty of contracting them tooccupy ißg a small space. This entirelykemovesthe difficulty, while giving the; skirt the usual fall and symmetrical form, and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera, promenade, or house dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt for\a single day, will never afterward willingly dispense with the use of them. They are the best quality in every part, and by far the lightest, most durable, .comfortable* ana economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above,'and ladies inmost first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the different States. Inquire for the o DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SBBING SKIRTS. ■QEADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC A* SKIRT,. . Very flexible, folded easily when. In use to occupy * small space, making the most agreeable skirt worn. For sale by J. M HAFLEIGH, " .: .. 90a CHESTNUT Street. ■ORADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC -A» SKIRT—The greatest improvement we have ever seen in LADIES’ SKIRTS, Wan article of SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE v CUBWEN STODDABTI& BKO., 450; 452, and 454 N- SECOND St., ab. Willow. selo-if2m , • ■ . - CQQ HOOP SHIRTS, ffqq _ Largest assortment; the best and vJ/wO* cheapest ia.tluteity,- manufactured si 628 AECH Street; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.- Skirts made to order, altered, and repaired i 0c27-6t* . .. WM. T. HOPKINS. •WUNG MEB WHO WISH TO AVAIL A themselves of. the. highest advantages for the ac quisition of acknowledge of any of the branches of aCom mercial education; will consult their interests hv visit ing , the QUAKER. CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, •TENTH.and CHESTNUT Streets. .: -; This institution presents many new and interesting features that distinguish it from ordinary; “ Commercial Colleges.?’ Ic-is »hat its name imports—a School of Butiness. The conrse of instruction ishaied on the ac tual representation of business transactions, and the system is now:, daily carried out in practice witB the most beneficial results. The recent improvements in the business department and in the mode' of operations add greatly to facilities that have already secured-to the institution an enviable fame and wide-spread repu tation..; ' ' . ' The patronage of the institution is the best evidence of its merits.* In less than one year it has outstripped all competition. Nearly five hundred students have been in attendance, from seventeen different States and foreign countries. We invite all interested to call and learn further par ticulars. . . Office, ground floor, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. oc2B-2tif*- pOPABTHEKBHIP. ~- WASHINGTON BUTCHER, Commission Merchant and Wholesale Dealer in Provisions and- Produce, has associated with him ia.his business his son, HESRY CLAY BUTCHER. The styleof the Arm wilbbe WASHINGTON BUTCHER & SONV 14*6 and 148 North PRONT Street. * October 24,1£64. ; - oc2l-lm* pOBARTNERSBIP NOTICE.—WEN BEKOTH {t TAYLOR, Artists and Photographsrs, have this day associated In copartnership with them Mr. J.. BESET BROWN, Artist The name of the firm-hereafter will be •„ WEfiDEROTH, TAYLOR; & BROWN; ' - The reputation of the establishment, as well for PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS as for highl. finished PAINT INGS IN OIL. OR: WATER COLORS, will be fully sustained; and the addition of another artist to the firm wiU-enable it to execute orders for fine work with leas delay than hitherto. . • The undersigned respectfully invite examination oi their specimens in all-stales of portraiture. . Particular attention paid to copying old pictures. Out. door Views of Country Seats, Sic. , taken at mo derate prices :. ; v N B. —Entrance until their new store is completed, at 816 CHESTNUT Street. WENDSROTH, TAYLOR, A BROWN, 912, 814, and 916 CHESTNUT Street. October 19,1864. "■■■C A R D . : In connection with the above announcement; tbe un dersigned desires to state to his-fri«nes who have du ring many years favored him with their kind appre ciation, that his entrance into this copartnership isin duced by the sincere conviction that, in- proper hands, Photography prdves itself an ally which art can no longer wisely neglect. He believes that, wonderful as has been its triumphs, it is destined to stUl greater achievements. • -, , - Whatever merit may hitherto have been attributed to his pencil will henceforth be employed to demon strate the correctness of this conviction. J. HENRY BROWN October 19. 1864. oe3l-12tif A- THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WRAY MINORS. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit settle, and adjust llie account of WILLIaM BROWN. Guar dian of CBARLBi, IDA, ANNIE fll . and CLARENCE A., Minor children of ALES. WRAY deceased, and to make.distribution of .the balance £n the hands of the. accountant, will meet the parties interested for the, purposes cf his appointment, on MONDAY, Novem ber 7ih, 1864, at 4 o’clock P. M ,' at No. las.Sonth, SINTH Street,(in-tho city of Philadelphia, H. E. WALLACE, . 0c29-stnthst »« - Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND 'COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA: - Estate of ALEX. WRAY, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of MARY C. WRAY and JAMES C. WRAY, Administrators of Alexander Wray, deceased, and-to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant; will meet the parties in terested, for the purposes of Jiis appointment, oh MONDAY, November 7lli, 1864 fat 4 o’clock P. M.. at No. 128 South, SIXTH street, in the cl tv of Philadel phia. . ■ „ , . . H. E WALLACE, . ocS)-stothst > . Auditor. PIRSON4L.--LADIES AND GEN TLBHEN,_Profe6sional or otherwise, having occa sion toi use the Vmce on the Rostrum or Stage, will find in MASOJi ’.S MEDICATED CANDY instantaneous relief for Hoarseness, Golds, Coughs. &o. MASON & CO-, Proprietors, No. 58 N. SIXTH St. , Phila. : 0c22-3t* . “T ’EMAIL DE PARIS” IS NOT A -UA paint, powder, or paste, but a most delicious preparation that gives both the color and texture oi polished ivory to the. skin. EUGENE JOUIN, No. 11l TENTH Street," below Chestnut' - - “T ’EMAIL DE PARIS” CAN BE ■m~J used by all ladies in the privacy of tl e toilette. It removes all tpots aad roughness, and its purifying effect on the skin calls forth freshness, color, and beauty, E, JQUIKy No. IXI TSffTH Street, below Chestnut. “T ’EMAIL DE PARIS” QUICKLY ." -Lf and effectually removes those unsightly black -worm specks which detract eo much from the beauty ol the skin. E. JODIN, No. 11l TENTH Street, below Chesttnut. ' ■ “T ’EMAIL DE PARIS” IS E 8 -LA PECIALLY endorsedljyMad’lle Vestvall, Mrs. Waller, and many ladies-in private life, whose com mendatory lettms, for obvious reasons, cannot be pub lished. E. JOTON, HI S. TENTH Street. Orders by mail should be addressed! JARED A BENE, Generallmporters, Philadelphia, oe3-mwstf PERSONAL.*-*-RED, WHITE, AND -L ' BLACK BALL JEWELRY wholesale and retail, cheapest In the city, 016 RACE Street. oc2B-2t* T F. FRUEAUFF, ATTORNEY AND D • Counsellor at Law, Hollidaysburg, Blair Co., Pa. Collections promptly attended to in Blair, Hunting don, and Cambria counties. Refers to S CLARKSON AGO. , No. 1313 Third Street: F. K. STARK, President Enterprise Insurance Co.; CHAMBERS A REGISTER, Washington Life Insurance Co ; WETHEBILL A 880., Second Street sT. A. BIDDLE it CO., Bankers. Phila delphia. oclfl-lm* S WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE SCRIPTIONS of Character, Constitution, and Ta lent, with ADVICE on Business, Health, Educa tion, SdLimprovement, Management and Train ing of CHILDREN, social adaptation, Ac., day and evening, by ; JOHN L. GAFEN, •••' Phrenologist and Bookseller, ocll-tuthalyif No. 25 S, TENTH St; above Chestnut. rtLAY—SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOR VA Potters—in stee'andfor sale by JAS. WOOLMAN, Agent, No. WILLOW Street. 0c29-3t* S. S. OOBCSIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, KKTAIL DitV GOODS. .T. W. BRADLEY’S COPARTNERSHIPS. LEGAL. PEKBOMA3L- ARCTIOII; SAtifeB. ‘ GALE OF CONDEMNED QUARTER- O MASTER'S STORES, AMBULANCES, AoT .CaiEF QUARTERMASTER *S Office, • Depot of Washington. D. C., .October 27,-18t54. . Wiii be told at Public at the Government Warehouse,; situatedonrthe square between E and'F and Twentieth and Twentv-first streets, Washington, D. C. v on FRIDA 11, 1864,' at I 0 o!clock A. M., a lot of QUARTERMASTER’S STORES, condemned as unfit for use—'viz;- v'- -• Axes, Carpenters’ Tools, Brushes, ; Bridles, Backets, Baddies, Saddle Blankets Stable Brooms, Stoves, Saws,. thovels, Picks, Pauline, Halters, Scrap Leather, Porta ble Forges, Knives, and a large lot of Scrap Iron ana Wagon Tires, &e. Will be Bold, atfootof Nioeteenthstreet, near Cheoa* P-«l kC d* Ohio-Carfalrimmediateiy after the-comple tion of tlie sale above referred to, a dumber of Ambu- Wa^ B' lerms cash, in Government funds - D. H, RUCKER" ‘BrigadierGeneralan biidbr, _ On TUESDAY, November 1,1864, 150 Cavalry Horsea. „ ;On FRlDAY,.Novemher 4, 1864, 160 Cavalry Horses. ' ' These horses have been condemned as unfit for the ca-- valry service of the army. , For road and' farming purposes many good bargains may bo had: Horses sold eingly. Sale to commence at 10 o’cldSkJ. M. Terms: Cash in United Stated-currency. / By order of the Quartermaster'General, n, _, . JAMES a; 2KIN, ,* n charge First Division’ Quartermaster Gene ral’s Office. . oc2B-6t' NEW PEBEICAVIONIS. M es. HUBDACK’S NEW BOOK. PUBLISHED THIS D LOVE AND DUTY. . BY MRS.* HUBBACK, AUTHOR OF;; THE WIFS’g SISTER, OR TH^FORBIDDEN MARRIAGE; : MAY AN!> DECEMBER, A TAtE OF WED DED JjIFE ; THE THESE MARRIAGES,” 5¥C- Price $1.60 in paper; $2 in;cloth. LOVE AND DUTT. By Mrs HirmiArK- WftMnnnr MS5 1 ■ I,2ooPompons, red worsted,-bail-shaped, 5-inches in circumference. 4, SCO Fatigue Caps (with covers), to be made of blue Cloth, indigo woof dyed. I,4GoStockB,w ' - CLASS NO, 5. 600 gross Coat Buttons (Eagle). SESQ gross Jacket Buttons (Eagle). 100 gross Vest Buttons (Eagle). 1,000 pairs Yellow Metal Crescents and Scale Straps, 160 sets Epaulet Bullion for sergeants and corporals, 1,400 sets Epaulet Bullion for privates, 75 Bed Worsted Sashes. 6, COO yards Yellow Binding, 4,C00 yards of Red Cord. 100 Swords for sergeants. 60 Swords for musicians. ■4O Brums (tenor), complete 40 Brum Slings. 160 Batter Drum Heads. - 100 Snare Drum Heads. • ICO Drum Cords. 60 sets of Drum Snares. 30 Boxwood “B 1 1 Fifes $0 pairs Drum Sticks. CLASS NO. 0. 10,000 Army Boots (infantry pattern). , CLASS NO. 7. 'I;2CO Cartridge Boxes without magasine. 1,800 Bayonet Scabbards,-with frogs attached 1,200 Percussion Cap Pouches. 1,200 Cartridge Box Belts. - 1,200 Waist Belts, 1,200 Waist Plates. ISO Sword Frogs. CLASS NO. 8. 1,200 Tin Magazines for cartridge-boxes,as per sample. CLASS NO. 9. 1,400 Knapsacks. 600 Haversacks. 600 Canteens 600 Musket Slings. CLASS NO. 10. ■ CLASS NO. 11.. For making and trimming the following articles, viz: 1 . " Watch Coats. - Uniform Coats for sergeants, corporals, musi cians,'and privates. Fatigue Coats for sergeants, corporals, mnei cians,und privates: . Woolen Pants for sergeants, corporals, musi cians, and privates. Linen Pants for sergeants, corporals, musicians, andprivates. . - -Flannel Shirts. . : Linnen Shirts. Drawers. Flannel Sacks. Bed and Bine Jackets, for boys. - Bedsacks. The above-mentioned articles must,conform, in all respects, to thesealea standard patterns in the office of the Quartermaster Marine,Corps,' Marlneißarracks, Washington, D. C. ; Assistant Quartermaster’s office, Marine Corps, 1220 SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia; and at the Marine Stations, Brooklyn, New York, and Boston, Massachusetts, where they can be examined. . And whenever the articles named,above,or anv por- ; tion of them, shall be considered as not folly conforming to samples, they will be rejected, and the contractor Will be bound to furnish others of the required kind at once, or th&Quartermaster will supply the deficiency at the expense'of the contractor. Payment will be made npon the accepted delivery of the whole quantity which may from time to time be or dered, withholding ten per cent.from the payment of account rendered under fli>t order until second order is filled, and ten per .cent, from: account , rendered nnder second order until third order is filled, and so on nntil contract is completed. Each-proposal must be accompanied by the following guarantee: . FORM OF GUARANTEE The nndersimed, ■ of —: ——yin tha State of and; in the State of — rrrr, hetehy guarantee thafiin case the;foregotng bid of —- for supplies, as above described, be accepted, he or they will, within ten days after the receipt of thauoatract at the post office named, execute the contract lor the same, with good and sufficient sureties; .and in case, the said - shall fail to enter into contract as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference between the offer of .the raid -—— and that which may be accepted. . AB, Guarantor. , C-D, Guarantor. EF, Witness. . , , . ; , 1864. I hereby certify that tbe. above-named: ————are kiown to me as men of property, and able to make good their guarantee. . G. H. To be signed by the -United States District Judge, United State sjiistfict Attorney, or Collector.: . : No proposals will be considered unless accompanied by tbe at o.ve guarantee. . Newspapers authorized to publish the above will send the paper containing the fint.insertion to the office" for examination. The bidder’s place of business, or. manufacturing establishment, must be specifically 'stated in the pro posal. . -V-' Proposals to beendorsed on the envelope, “Proposals for Supplies for Marine Corps for 1865, ’ ’ and. addressed to : - Major WM. B. SLACK, - Quartermaster Marine Corps, 0c29 s4t .. . . -- - ■ . - . ■ Washington PITTSBURG, FORT WAYNE, AND. L CHICAGO RAILWAY COMPANY. - : Office of thb Chief Engineer, . : Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 26,1844.. NOTICE FOR PROPOSALS for two stretches of an IRON BRIDGE over the Allegheny. River, atPitts burgaPa. - ' . Sealed-Proposals will'be. receivid at this office until 4 o’clock P. M. of the 15th day of November next, for an Iron Bridge, or for tw o spans, each about 155 feet in length, over a part of the Allegheny-' River, at Pitts-, burg, Pa. ' The plans and specifications for the same will be ready for examination at this office on and after the sth day of November next. JOHN B. JERVIS, . ec!9-12t Chief Engineer. LOST ANirFOUIMK SjOTICE— CERTIFICATES OF STOCK -* ’ LOST;—The undersigned having lost by. fire in Cliambersbnrg, July 30,1864,a.certificate for nine shales oi stock in the Philadelphia Bank, certificates for Penn sylvania five-per-cent. Loan of 1828, No. 442, for $4.000, and No. 1,491, for $620 33; also, certificate United States stock. No. 9,544; dated October,-1847,; 000; notice is hereby given that application wiR be made for the renewal of the above certificates, - •* 0c26 w3t MARY W. REGBS. J 08T OR STOLEN—OB THE NIGHT of the Bth inst-, four of tie folio wine Certificate!; Hos; 24,319, 23,829, 28,091, 2f.«30, 24,T»» of Phila delphia and Beading Eailroad Stock. The public an cautioned against their negotiation, as their transfer luw been stopped. A liberal reward will be paid and nc questions asked on their return to P. S. BOW LAUD, i 4-37 1 SPEIICE Street. * ocl4-lm* A UTBR’S HAIR FLUID CHANGES .-0- Gray Hair to Its original color in three days. Price $1 per "bottle. Orders punctually attended to. 53 South THIRD Street. It* fi-yr r~% BFECTA C L E S, • ■ AT■ ■ ■ • JAMES W. QUEEN * CO.’S, *e2o-2tn »»4: CHESTNUT Street. ]y[ATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, Of all kinds, to he had at JAMES W. QUEEN A CO.’S, •e26-2m 934 CHESTNUT Street, PIANOS, COTTAGE EXCEL I? BTI 'SIOR ORGANS. EARMONIDMS,andMRLO. PEONS, at MARSH’S Music Store, oc7-2m No. 110S4 CHESTNUT Street. DECKER BROS., STEOK & CO.’S OKLBBRATBD PIANOS. J. E. GOULD, SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING AMUSEMENTS. GERMAN OPERA—BIREC >A T.OE’g CAKD-v-In ■ a anouncing a second Mfwon of Grand German Opera in this city; the Director feels that a few words of /tintrodaction mar be deemed not inssp prepriate. DuitatT the seaeoh given here under t.ue lorxiK’r Direction, its was, from lus theatre in this city, ag / obserrer of its success—and the great good faTor .-!™“■ X'"idh the Opera Was received, the lteen apprecia need for the schools of Operatic performances ?2S iEK ’i^P 1 a community renowned for Its- Sff cMor S n^R?^h dl fT^ u i tlon ’ was,- he; begs to say, i^^iaKSftwsggjßajaßa , 8 this public Piscßld and doiibtltegtf entextaic a in lilwinji bseii the 1 ffufe feo patronize and eiacooragotno enterprise; and thereby fn ■a greatdegrec, in. having assisted to V pvlXtnJL 1 ? position vuie German opera in America? Sf? 0 "* 1 ®* 4 ' : - Immediately after-closing his last season, the'Directar went, Mr. Adolphßl.gfeld, foWJpelS -procure new Artiste, a wardrobe, and such operatic This has been attend ed with ii!uch difficult), and expense. .The rapidly lncreasing popularity 01 German artiste in. London, where Geimwn has baenme the Court and the very great number of German operatic enterprises utt e jrender.lt diffloeft to induce Artiste io vieit America at this tune. Indeed, the most templing .offers. Continue to he Sent here from; Bn--' rope, under .sanction' of ih e various German' Sove reigns, to the important members of the company of last 86&SOXL ■ . • ■ lhe.se, however,- tKe Director has succeeded ia re engaging without eXceptipn; aleo in engagine-aSYoral ' artists or renown m' Italian and Gorman Obera These, with the artists brought;-from Eerope WSr' Birgfeid. constitute an organization which the Director is justified’ in announcing as the'largest German Ow . ratio Company in’ the'tdorld’. Ho- hing in any Euro- 1 pean capital equals it. It admits of the presentation-of .-the: strongest operas'every night, without too great hfatigue to thebirtist and with efficient casts. _lt will be believed that sh‘orgahizfetion so large as* g this was attended with a great outlay, during a ruinous* rate of exchange, and that the'-daily expenditure is enormous. Those acquainted!with the coat of ordinary ' operatic undertakings will readily understand that no greater expenee has been assumed.in America for years, perhaps never, with reference to Opera: An advance in : the rates of admission seems a necessity. Operatic en terprises of a comparatively trifling character have ad , vanoed their rates. Theatres have advanced greatly. g?“ 9, indeed, have assumed a - price • eqaart to that hitherto demanded ai'She best Opeta houseffc Thesala : ries or artiets have, o? course,advanced: Thenecessa .riesof giving Opera in- every detail.have-increased in P r ' c °! Jearl y or quite orte hundred por cent. •t • «appreciating the fact that German Optlrhis yet in - its infancy in this country, the Director lids deternmied, • during this season, nor to-advancji tab pbloeS; ; Kreat enccess of his Eeason-'jast tonaiii*.tei fin. ■ York Academy of Music, and his-season ■ icp.roiiross at the Boston Academy, of a- the historybf Opera -in policy ho Tar is k wise-oms. curiaßd however;, necessarily be sdmewfca ,t Tho Director refers to the advertisement aieawhererfw the artists engaged, the OperastQ.be presented;''and the price of sub'Bcription, wnich commences SaTOBDA'P, October SS,- at Gould’s Music Store. .Respectfully, At XEQHABO GBOVER. Director. /THE CLASSICAL QUINTETTE CLTJBI ■,.,v 1 & B SEY Wi:I>isES DAT, at half past 3 PiM;, ' for i ASSBMBIT BDILDWGS. ' -ttsssSfTps^iSbsßgiaftaih . ..... ■ /jjT . ..... . .. MESSES. OKOSS AND JA*VIS, Forthe Season of 1854-5.' . For particulars, see circulars and subscriptionlicttC at the Btores of J. E. Gould, Lee & Walker, Andie At Co. _ y . . ... _ -. "qe&S-stf WANTS. A TOUNG LADY DESIRES A BITUA--' f , TION ae Saleslady in an Embroidery Store;* Haef had several years ’experience in the business.-: Can give- ■. good reference. Addrasa V EmbroiderFy” Press Of fiee - : .. 0c23-3fc* THE ADVERTISER HAVING RE „ tbe E.eiail Grocery BusiDeßSydeßires SOD^ e Grocery or Importing HoiKe. Address for out week, at this'office, “Gro cer - ' -• ■ - oc27*3t’ tt by a touhg mari^ed » man of good business capacity, a POSITION in a wmmercial or manufacturing establishment, either in the city or coungy. as to character;. Address* J., M PostrOiSce. 0029-6^ WANTED—A to at ;.vj : tend in. a. Photograph by a yoangLady. Address *g. C.,** Office of PkePress. oc2B-Sfc* WANTED TO BW CHEAP-A , Country BRUG STORE Address “ Brugsriet. ” ' rregg Uffice; - ; . ' . : ; oc2B fit* WANTED—UNFURNISHED COM ' ' mnnicatiug Booms; with Board, suitable for a gentleman and his wife; Address Box 2740. oo2S-St* WANTED, BY A YOUNG MAN PROM Pottsville, a SITUATION in some wholesale or retail house in this city. Best of references given. Ad dress J. S, C., *’ Mo. 718 MARKET Street,’Phila delphia,-, ■■■■ .■ ; . e oc2B-2t* -* WA ETED, : AGENTS. —A.GENTS IN » » every County, at *7O a month, expenses paid, to introduce jifteen new and useful articles, the best sell ing ever offered. ‘ For particulars-, address, with stamp, l JOHN F. LORD, BIDDEFORD, MAINE oc2S d&W3m WANTED AT $l5O PER MONTH— " ’ We want a reliable CANVASSER in av.-ry town and county. We have agents clearing *l6O per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Ad dress/ONES BROS. & CO., 600 CHESTNUT Street,- Philadelphia. - .. ocl3-lm* WANTED TO RENT,' A STORE ON " MARKET Street, between Second and Sixth Streets. Address Box 628 Post Office: oclS-stnthlZt* m WAN T E D—BETWEEN NOW -S& and the let of January, a STOKE, on Market street, between Third and Sixth. Address 80x1596P.0.0c29-6t* m WANTED TO -P UB CHA S E, A JH. hsndsoine RESIDENCE, on Arch, Chestnut, Wal nnt, or Sprnce street, west of Broad. Address “Mer chant, Box 2784 Post Office. ocffi-St* FOB SHE AIVD TO IET. 1) EAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE' BEAL ESTATE, BEAL ESTATE : . BEAL ESTATE BEAL ESTATE NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT; NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT. • FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GBaTUFTOUS DISTRIBUTION FOE GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. CONTAINS NEAR $5 000,000 WORTH. CONTAINS NBAS $3,000,000 WORTH rm C , T CONTAINS NEAE *SIOOOIOOO WORTH, h Olv SALE—Said catalogue contains a vast amount of City .Property, j Splendid Mansions, &c., within a, fowjmiles of -the city. A number of elegant Mansions in West Philadelphia, Tioga street, Eoxbo rough, and. other desirable localities. Very eligihly *r. tale, agreatmim her of first class Farms, with Mansions, at prices rang ing from $lO,OOO to *25,C00 Call or Bend vour addrels for catalogue. GEO. C. MILLER, - „„ Practical Real Estate:Operator, 0c29-2iif : . 154 North SIXTH Street. ■POR SALE.—NO PERSON IN QUEST ££ R®Ah ESTATE should fail to get. the EVEN ING TELEGRAPH of to-day: MILLER, It : : -13 d: North SIXTH Street. 17YENING TELEGRAPH OP TO FOU wish to PURCHASE REAL ESTATE. MILLER, 15* North SIXTH St. It ■REAL ESTATE—IYENING TELE ijr '.M ATOv®EAL IISTATE-EVENING TELE GRAPH.—Get it to-day, if you wish to purchase. It - MILLER, 154 North SIXTH Street. WOR SALE—TWO OLD IRREDEEMA~ ■A-. BLE GROUND .RENTS; together , $l2B per annum, admirably secured, payable half yearly, free of taxes, m lawful silver money... Price, 18 years’ purchase. Apply to S; W. THACKARA & SON, oc2B-2t* ■ SA44 South THIRD Street : MIOR SALE—THE FOLLOWING DESIRABLE DWELLINGS : .1619 Wallace street,-hew and well built, with every convenience, and superior finish; -Lot 20x180 feet; to a ■street, I mined iaie possession, 919 Morgan street, witlfi side yard. Immediate nos session. 923 Kace street, well "built, and good. .lot. Possession .SOOIJ. . South side of Arch street, west of Twentieth,four sto nes; large yard. .■■■ -South side of. Arch-ttreet, west of, Twenty- first, four stones; large sard. ■>. Bait side Broad street,'fourth house north of Jeffer son, handsome finish, deep lot. 1818 and 1520. h orth Broad street, handsome finish,, deep lot. ■ Also, many other desirable dwellings on North Broad street, Green, and.other localities. -Also, a large number of Cottages, Farms,andbuiiding lots.:: . / B. F..GLENN, * „„ „ - 123 South FOURTH Street, and 0c29-tf S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GRF.F.N - FOR SALE—POUR-STORY DWEL ."*■ ling, 1708-Kace street. $9,0C0 : ■ geat dwelling, 815 North Tenth street $6,700 Neat dwelling, 715 Brown street $6 000, ; * new dwelling, j 91.0 Coates street. Lot 20 by 120. feet to a street now.empty. $6,500 Splendid new, dwelling, south'side Wallace,-west of •Nineteenth.- Immediate possession. $6,400. y Neat four-story dwelling; Arch street, west of Twen ty-first.; $9,500. : . • • . : - * _Neafc side-yard dwelliur, Franklin street, above Poplar., SII,GO(L Immediate possession. ‘ - Besides nearly 2,00 Q other properties. Call for cata logue or-send your address. . GEORGE-C. MILLER, Practical Real Estate Operator, <*29-21 if 154,N: SIXTH Street m FOB SALE—HANDSOME FOURr st , 01 ? Residence, with all modem improvement's. In perfect order-with Immediate possession if desired. Situate on Tflfß Street, Dear Loican Square. 0c29-2t*- R. J. DOBBINS, 108 South FOURTH St. m DESIRABLE : PIRE-STREET. ■Jwr Dwelling. No. 716, 21 feet four inoh9s.frontVl3b feet aeep, tnree-storj back buildings, and all modem con veniences, for sale by A..P. & J. H MORRIS, ; yoc29-3t*. ,■ ■■■■ ;■ 916 ARCH .street.. m FOR SALE—A FINE POUR STORY -MsM Brick DWELLING, with double three-story back £,si, I SAWi..s OlltainiD S' all' conveniences, on east side. TWENTIETH Street, above Arch, opposite St Clement’s Chu S h „L t 0 A'' ' LEWIS H. REDNES,' cc2B-Bt* No. 15a South FOURTH Street. S VALUABLE : FARMS FOR. 'JHSALE; - ' . ICO Acres on the Frankford pike, three miles, from' Market street, just-ripe for Cottage lota. . : ' ■: ,100 Acres on the Bristol pike, eight miles from Market street.- 1 . \ _ 69 Acres on the Bristol: pike, fourteen miles from Phi - ladelplua, at a station on the Philadelphia and.Tree.ton, Railroad. . ..107 Acres on the (Jamden and Amboy Railroad, near- Princeton, N. J. ' IC6, Acres near Darby.. : . 100 Acres near Darby, superior buildings. ISS Acres oh the Delaware, two miles south of Bristol. 50 Acres near Pottstowu, Montgomery county. -With others in various lecalities, large and. small Also, a. very, large numberof Dslaware attdiMary lamd farms, at exceedingly low prices. B. F GLENN, oc2fl : . y 133 South FOURTH. Stro t Mto bent—the second, floor, Ko. 16 South FROKT Street, 200 feet deeu. Also, a STORE or LETITJA Street. Apply to JK-O. B< LDVS, ho. 16 South gROKT Street 0c29.6t DELAWARE COUNTY— FOR sale a .first-c’ass business Farm in, M.ABFLE ZmZ Towusbip. 133’acres of laud. * 4 one of the best, ’ ? ten miles from city. Flue Stone Mansion. 13 room*, nicely shaded, modern built,. Fine doable- decker stogie Bam, yrith extensive shedding,.spring*hotise, cArriaffe-house, bouse for farmer/ Fine orchard, fine meadow, a por* tion woodland, Crum creek laud. jas. r. craMisrs, - * »V Vi s.a* WAHUT Street. N, B,—-Call for catalogue containing prices. 0c27-3t for SALE.—SPLENDID LARG B *|BIDE-FARa BWELLING: on SEVENTH, above SPRING GARDEN Street: Lot 44 by 95 feet deep. Price, $13,000. : Immsdiata possession. MILLER, 154 North SIXTH Street. 0c27-3tif MTO LET—THE STORE NOW occupied by DE COURBET, HAMILTON, & EVANS, No. 33 South FRONT Street, Is for rent from the Ist of January next. It is twenty-three feet ifront and one hundred and eighty (ISO) feet deep, with an entrance on Letitia street. - ' . , Apply on the premises. . ' ; 0c25-6t fH FOR RENT—a NUMBER OF commodious DWELLINGS ‘on TWELFTH and THIRTEENTH- Streets and MERVINE Street, at fr om $23 to $33. per month, heaters, hot and cold water, &c. TATLOW JACKSON, 11 0c24-12t* GI4CHESTNPT-Street BOARDING. T7LIGIBLE ROOMS VACANT^AI ** HILL’S, 388 SPRUCE Street. Vim* CLARIFIED CHAM orhaal C a°b f y a ' BnPerior bytlietarrel ocM-Iltr Noa. 120, 133. anfia* LOM Balp Bt. Mi.-' BUFFALO ROBES! BUFFALO SgJ?ROBES I f—loo bales just arrived from India* «*,*!&% ukaxwr str..t AT REASONABLE PKIOE3, AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMYOFMIJSia JIOJTAED CKOTIS . GEOITEft’S GRAND O JKJ.J&.fJC j\- JV OPERA. SEASON OF TEN NIGHTS ONIX limited bj’hbg.igements to the nights an', pbrfnced, and cannot bc-emieudea; norcan any fartheP . season of Grand OperabaTgiveSiduringthe faUandwitt* ,te? in this city.) The Director regrets that eaiiagemente, embracing* all of the' prihcipal Academies ami Theatrea in the Bast 1 West, and atNew Orleans, preve'i’t the possibility of another Season or extending the pre sent one during th# .entire eomingterm of his cost facts' and the existence of the'present organization. 5 The Director takes es pedal pleasure —returning to tha fleld of thefflisf triumphs of German Opera in Awsrics —inbeingrable topresent THE LARGEST AND MOST PERFECT GRAND ! GERM,IS OPERA COMPACT m THE WORLUT Many of the loversuf German Opera in this city are - famUiar with the history of the Grand German Opera • Company since he has assumed the Direction, which. ■ has been one of uninterrupted success; and at the Academy Of Music,- New Fork, and the Academy of Music, jSiston (where the Company is still engaged), the success has .transcended anything hitherto attained by Grand-Opera in America. His espsciai envoy, Mr. ADOLPH BIBGFEBD, has parsed the spring and summer at the principal court cities of Europe, engaging-for this season BeveraX- NEW ' ABTISTS, purchasing for the.-Director A DABGE AND 1 . EXPENSIVE WABDBOBE, and OPERAS new fo tha .American stage.” . The following artists, eminent in German and Itaiiatf * C'peia, constitute GBOYER’S GIIAND GEBMM OPERA COMPAflff SEASON OP 1804-’65. •> Ilfi-Si 1 ANSCIIFT?!- . . CondactOPk : aniff MAEIE FBEBEKICI.' ' PHmaDoaaa. Blada me JOHANNA ' Prinia Donna. Mailame BBRTHA JOHANNBEJT, , ... • Prims Donna; MJUe SOPlfe-DZIDBA;' Sonbrette, from ImpeiialOpera Honae, Tiebaa. - M ile PATTLIHE CAMTBSA, PriicaSddbrette. ■ Madame EHHESTE i'A ROCHE, Seconds Donna'. ; Madame PAO&INE BEBOKB, . Seconds B'onna. - JSi SBANZ lIIMMEB, : Tenor Bohftsto; at. tbeopobb habkt.maw Terore Lyric. Sis. &lUSEPPE TAMAEO, - Tenor Lyric, Boyal Operai Milan. KABL POBMES, ThSaßranowned Baseo, his first appearance since Us re turn from Europe; : • JOSEPH HERMANNS. The celebrated BaesoPfofnndo 1 : M. ESBOBE LEHMANN,- ' Pflnro Baiitousv Soyal Opera, Berlin— first appearance ; in America. : M. HEINRICH STEINECEE, Primo Baritone. ./ JKt ANTONGRAFF, . Basso Buffo. M, i E®OtJ&RD' HA1M8R.............. ; JST. MARTIN* 2IN3HEIM. M. OTTO LEHMAN S «• ALPHONiS URCHS ...... Bari tone : Miss THERESA W00D...,.......... .Premier Dan™u“ ~ ’A'A.IVX) Selected for iho- SEASON IN PHILADELPHIA com- FiIUBT Goukso ; SC IREILEBSC2d time-in America) ..... Sodxob ' This is Gounod’s- latest Opera—has only been pre set ated in two European Opera Houses prior to its pre sentation by this Gdmpaay.' JEWESS..- .V.-;., ....Hapuvt L^BHHGHBNOT&..;...„.,........„..„„ ai te T]EKBE^:- RO BERTLB-DIAiBLE.,,. -w**..,.....Meyeruhuk DE;B FEEiSBHUTZ.,...^oVjvWEBBa MARTHA - - Vo-x Flotow .' •WI LLIAM 3*ELL> *»»• Snaanrr . and' - ■' DAME 8LANG88v.... ; .......„„.80tt1»KAir NIGHT IN GRENADA. WILL BE REPEATED. The above GRAND REPERTOIRE can only be pro • sented, in theSNTIRE- WORLD-by this Company in tha same number®! nights. The Operas are presented her* after the mo3t.thorongh.stady and rehearsals, and in each imtancehave beemprosenied once or twice before this season iaNew-Vork and-Boston. THE: OASTS-' WILL PRESENT ..KARL FORMES In his most celebrated roles, many of Which have been written expressly for him. - JOSEPH EGBEMASNS in his great specialties, la several of which heis now acknowledged to stand with out equal.. The Prime Donne, FREDIRIGf, ROTTER, and JO HANNSEN, indhelr strongest assumptions. The.Tenori, HiMMER, HABELMAN, and TAMABO, in their most effective roles. . Messrs. TAMARO and LEHMANN,and M’lie DZIUBA make their first appearance la this city. Notwithstanding an expense unprecedented in Ame rica, there will be>NO ADVANCE in PEieES OP ADMISSION. Dress Circle,. Parquet, and Parquet Circle, ONE DOLLAR. (Secured beats Fifty Cents extra.) Family Circle, FIFTY CENTS. Gallery, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. . A®- The sale of SEASON SUBSCRIPTION TICKETS ONLY will csmmence SATURDAY, October 29th, at GOULD;'S-MUSIC STOKE. The Director eaincslly hopes that the lovers of Opera will assist in geourin g a large season sale in vie w of th* v very great expense and necessary risk attending an , operatic aatgrprlse- of such magnideence. With this hope he places the price of Subscription Seats at the foil owing yery moderate rates, and offere a scheme em bracing . , :■ ' A SEAT FOR EACH NIGHT, -■ A SEAT FOR EVERY OTHER NIGHT, (alternating from either the first or the second Opera), and i ’ 4 ''. A SEAT FOR THE FIRST FIVE NIGHTS. Season Secured Seat (Ten 0pera5).,.512.68 Alternate Nights Secured Seats (Five Operas) 6 ; 25 ' First Flare Operas. 6 jss ' . Sale.for Single Opera nights will'not commence befijre THURSDAY, Nov. 3d, 1864. oc2S.-2t WTEW CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE. ■Av GROVER & SINN... --—Lessees and Managers. THIS (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON, Oct. 28fhf THE REGULAR GRAND FAMILY MATINEE. Admission to the Matinee. 30 cents, to all uarts of the bouse. Children, 25 cents. Doors open at Performance to commence at 2X, when, after Jong and; . careful, preparation, will be produced the charming story from the Arabian Nights’Entertainments, the’ ' - ' FORTY THIEVES, ’ ■ which will be produced withnew and beanlifolscenery, elegant dresser, enchanting songs, eriginah music, and ' STRONG CAST OF CHARACTERS. DlrinfctiseJJramar *' ; . THE LITTLE WEE ‘ the sir allcft in America, will be introduced, for the spe cial benefit of our LITTLE PATRONS. ” ‘ - THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING. LAST NIGHT OF MISS OLIVE LOGAN, The performance will commence with .the original Drama, by MISS OLIVE LOGAN, In Four Actsfani ' styled E V E L £ E N Eveleen Wallace.. ... ... .....MISS OLIVE LOGAN. ' To conclude with the lively Comedietta. : -THE YOUTH WHO NEVER SAW, AW OMAN. Colin-... Miss Effia.Germon. MONDAY EVENING, MRS D P,-BOWERS IN ■ EAST LYNNE. - , WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— ’ “ GRAND GALA NIGHT! GREAT DOUBLE BILL! In which will appear Mr. HeKBAN,BUCHANAN and. his taler ted and beautiful daughter, Miss VIRGINIA BUCHANAN.: THlS'(Saturday) EVENING, Oct.-29th,. , The performance will commence with tba excising , drama entitled SIX DEGREES OF CRIME. To conclude with the popular drama of. NICK OE’ THE WOODS, . Box-Office open from 9 till 3 o’clock. Curtain risesv at ?K o’clock. ■ - ~ MRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCJM , HI STREET THEATRE. POSITIVELY LAST NIGHT OF VESTVALI . TO-NIGHT (SATURDAY), THE BRIGAND. ' Allesandro Massaroni- y-f.--.....Vastvali. To conclude With THE GIPSY: FARMER: Or, JACK AND JACK’S BROTHER,' . Stuart Robson, Cardan, Griffiths, Miss Jefferson, Gra ham, and Price will appear; ■ .MONDAY, Mi. and Mrs BARNEY WILLIAMS.. STNUT-STREET- 02PERA HOUS&e' / TTKinw a r?‘s^ S sl r s' 1, Strset - ' ‘ ' ‘ ALLINSON & H1NCKEN................... Proprietor*.. MORAN ’S. MINSTRELS ' appear every evening in an elegant - . ETHIOPIAN ENT^^RAINMENT..- Doors open at 7, commencmg-at 8 o’clock jaeoied?. Admission26cente., ~ - v- . Reserved seats, which caa be eecured from. M.to .r o’clock, 50cants. ocl2-tf. •• A SSEMELY BOMBING. LaSt lßreek . HOKStAX,- October and doria* the it 8, o’clock. ,,. - - Ami »a ; finest gsMf of thp of Os^.Thott : , Tics e« s 26 cents; children 16 cents, A SSEMRLY BDH.DINGB, TENTH A ADD CHESTNUT Streets. TEMPLE OEWONBERSjSIGNOB BLITZ : EYBBY BYEHIHG. Asm - ■ WEBHESBAY AHB BATOEDAY AfcTBBKOOS& , ' Change oYEsiformanee Canstantlj-. Admission, 26 Cents. Children- IB Cants. BessiXfe^ Seats, SO cents.- ;■■■-■■■■■ ■ ■- Evening Perforaances comijyjacQ at 714. Afternoon. THE ACADEMY OF FIN E ARTE, » CHBKTKTJT Street, shove Tenth, U OPES BAIL’f tor visitors, from 9 A. S. to6P. M . • DEPARTMENT FOB (JUST{M WQgSt-. • Director, Krestzbx