..THqE2-:'CIXY:'' ’• . POMTICAt. EXTRA ASSESSMENT. On to-morrow, Thursday, andrriday, the assessors Will be In session, at the usual places, for the pur pose of plaolnKupon tho lists such names as have boon omitted. Ail citizens should see that thoy are properly assessed. THE SOIDIEBS’ VOTE, The counting of the vote of the soldiers is still continued at the office or the Frotlionotary of the Courts of Common Pleas. Yesterday the vote stood: . For the Union candidates ,2 010 For 1 he Democratic candidates ’otj Union majority ; j 3U5 About a dozen packages are yet to be opened. MII.ITAKY. COLONEL THOMAS’ REGIMENT. A meeting of military and civic friends of Col. Thomas’ Regiment assembled last evening, at the National Union Club House, to make arrangements to give the regiment a grand reception on tho re turn home. There was no business done, because it could not be ascertained when tho regiment would arrive. The meeting adjourned to assemble again at the call of the chnirman, Yesterday warrants Cor the payment Of the city bounty were issued to 30 xncn. These men were credited as follows : First ward, l4; Seventh ward, 7 : Nineteenth ward, IS. The deficiency of the citv under the last call is as follows: First ward. ~ .357 Seventh ward Nineteenth, ward MISCE 1,1,AN EOXJS. CORONER’S INQUEST—CASE OB' JOHN V. WIL ; ; : LIAMS.-' Ooronor Taylor yesterday held an Inquest In the case or John H. williams, who oame to his death from the effects of a stah infliotod at a tavern kopt by Antonio Checeghino, at the corner of Eighth and Christian streets, on Saturday,lsth lost. The evidence adduced yesterday Is contained in the tes timony of John A. Hunt, a private of the 182 d Regi ment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and is as follows : The deceased and I boarded together, at 1811 Bed ford street. Last Saturday week I wont to his bed room atll o’clock In the morning, and asked him to go out. We went out and drank four or five times. Ho drank blackberry brandy; he had the dysentery. We got to the tavern, at Eighth and Christian streets, at 3 o'clock In the afternoon. An tonio, the proprietor, was behind the bar. I called him one side and asked him to loan me a dollar. Ho said he hadn't it, and: 1 asked him to trust me for the drinks. He said he would. I had a drink, but deceased refused to drink, We were going out, when Antonio’s wife got up and suoko to him in Italian. I dldn't understand it. Mr. Williams, the deceased, thought she was talking about him, and he and Antonio had some words. Williams said he could whip any man like Antonio, and then he made a blow at Antonio across the bar. Antonio; told me to take him out. air. Williams made an other strike at Antonio, then Antonio picked up a pistol. Then Williams went toward the - door, and AntOßlo followed him with the pistol. I coaxed Antonio not to shoot. Williams then came back into the room, when Jod* Be geo, who was sitting there, got up and took hold of Williams by the collar, ; I told Joe not to cut him; I didn't see any knife, but I was afraid he might hare one; he alterwatds did pull out aknife and made two blows at Williams, and stabbed him • I saw the stab inflicted; Williams oame to me and told me he was stabbed; I told him to go to Nebin ger’s; I asked Officer Miller to arrest Begeo; he said he couldn’t do so without a warrant ; I don’t : think Williams was tight; I saw Joe run toward the back door; I saw Williams afterwards at the drugstore; he afterwards walked home. Joe Begeo, who, according to the above testimony, laflioledthe stabs, is still at largo. Several wit nesses were not present at the hearing yesterday, and the case was continued to Thursday next, at 4 o’clock. NARROW ESCAPE, Charles Herriman fell into the Delaware, at Walnut-street wharf, about two o’clock, Sunday morning. He was rescued from drowning by some Of the Harbor Police. THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Mayor Henry, j THE GIFT CONCEBT. Mayor Henry gave his decision, yesterday after noon, to the.case of the Gift Conoert enterprise. The defendant was bound over In the sum of $2,200 to answer the charges. The Mayor, In binding the case over to court, said that, In reference to the charge of violating the law prohibiting lotteries In , this State, that it Is in evidence that the defendant has opened a place of business on Chestnut street, where tickets are sold admitting to concerts. It has been shown that the buyer of a tioket Is entitled to draw from a box'suoh envelope as he may casually take hold of, and there, upon receive an article corresponding to the speci fication upon the card found in such envelope. Whilst such trai samlons may not be included under the appellation of “ a lottery,” as It is technically known, it nevertheless provides for the distribution of property by lot among others than the owners of such, property, and the lot or card; wMoh 1 deter mines the distribution of property is a device in the nature of a lottery tioket, purchased by the same price that is given ior the ticket of admission to the concert. After a careful consideration of the 523,53 d, and 51th sections of the act of Assembly of March 31, ISOO, I, entertain no doubt that this de'endant has caused to be sold devices In the nature of lottery tickets. The Mayor required $2,000 on this charge, and $2OO to answer for giving a concert without a license, • ■ ■ [Before Mr. Alderman Carter, ] •Annie Woodruff and Ellen Meyers were arraigned yesterday, on the charge of robbery. It is alleged they decoyed a young man': into Trout street (Pine alley), and-robbed him of” all the money he had, The defendants were committed to answer. [Before Mr. Alderman Baffler. ] A MAN DBBGGED, BOBBED, AND SHIPPED. Charles Stewart, the proprietor of the Crystal House,’on Almond street, was arraigned at the Cen tral Station, yesterday afternoon, on a charge, or perhapß series of charges, growing out of the follow ing ciroumstanoes, The laots of the ease are as ioliow: • Joseph Brlgga, awom—l am'a native of Meroers bmg, J?rartklin county, Pennsylvania: I arrived tn this city, from Washington, D. 0., on Friday morn ing last, at 4 o’clock j my intention was to enlist in the army j I desired to serve in the cavalry service; while I was standing near the hotel door at Walnut street wharf this man (defendant) came up to me. and we engaged in conversation: he found out my purpose j 1 told him that I wished to enlist in New Jersey, and he replied that they were not doine much In that State,' and said that he coulci have me enlisted in the cavalry Bervico in the State of PennsylvaDia; alter a little more conversation we starred in company down town, and, on the way, we took a couple of drinks; final ly we reached his house, and the defendant then asked me if X had my breakfast ;1 told him yes •he then asked me to take a drink with him, which I did rlhad on a pair of rubber pants, which he said I baa better take off and leave them at the bouse j T did so. and we started, as I supposed, to tba-enlist ing office; when we reached about two squares from the house I became entirely insensible, and did not know any thing until about three o’clock lathe af ternoon of the same day ; when I awoke from mv state of insensibility I found myself on board of a vessels I was In the hold; I asked a sailor where we were going, and be said to the West IlndleB; I asked _ what the vessel was loaded with:; lie replied . lumber j of course, I did not know how I got on board the vessel : I knew that my family’s Interest would suffer, and I made up my mind to escape from the vessel that night i I was weak and very hungry, and laid my self down in a bunk, on the larboard side, and when dark came I slipped a board under my arm, and, getting down between the bow and the bowsprit, got into the river and swam ashore; I did not know where l waß at the time; I was sfclli laboring under theaffeots-of my previous Insensibility ; I reached S P e®S f ■ KepUepen took charge of in e.when I met defendant In the morning I had lour ci five five-doliar bills in my pocket and about nve dollars In smaller ourrency; I had from $25 to $3O; when lawokein the afternoon on the vessel I had no money at all, but I found In one of my pock ets a knife and a spoon ; how they came there I do not know; I never saw them before; there was also ' a printed card In my pocket, On the cross-examination, the witness said that the last be saw of Stewart, the defendant, was about two squires from his house; the witness then be came Insensible, Uuest ion by the magistrate. “ Did Stewart pro pose in the morning that you should enlist under an assumed name and then jump the bounty 1” Answer. “Yes, sir.’’ * ■ . Clues. “ Well, what did you say I’’ *! I did go under a false name I ,|WuM not jump the bounty, as I wanted to go to the Ans. 9 *“No? Jlr° rememl)Gr s!gning an y papers!” MO»B HOBBIELE DEVELOPMENTS. Thomas Marsh testified that he and two friends went to .BllHngsport, N. J.,on Saturday afternoon* arrived there at 2 o’clock; we were on a gunning expedition -.about 7 o’clock in the evening thlaman {Mr. Briggs) approaohed the door of the house where we were thought that he was drunk ; the blood was oozing from his mouth and nose; I went to him and found he was dripping wet; he could not speak gave him some liquor and stripped his wet clothes off; in one of the pockets we found this knife and spoon (the spoon Is attached to the knife, and doubles over on the handle, also, this card (this was the business card of Oharles Stewart) ; in a little while the man recovered, and he told,the same story as he has told here; I brought Mm to the city, and he has been staying at my house ever since. William Parsons testified that he gave the man some liquor, that he was exhausted, was brought to the city, and has been staying with Mr. Marsh ever since. ■ The defendant, Charles Stewart, was bound oyer In the sum of $1,600 ball to answer at court. The same person was arrested several years since on a similar charge. ALLEGED HOTEL THIEVES. John Morgan and James Martin were arraigned at the Central Station yesterday afternoon, on the charge of robbing boarders at the American Hotel and the States Un lon Hotel. These defendants an peared at the American Hotel on Friday nltrht and on Saturday morning when Mr, Philip Vainer a hoarder, awoke, he found that his room had been entered and robbed of near $6O and a watch and chain. . Mr. Sharkley testified that the same defendants stopped at the States Union Hotel on Thursday night, and on the following morning one or the boarders ascertained that he had been robbed of about $l7 or sl9.' One of the boarders Identified one of the defend ants as stopping at his room in the States Union, and on being confronted, asked where room No. 19 was. This defendant denied ever being at the States Union Hotel j he said he came from Elmira, New York. ■■ ■ .. ■ ’ . ~M r - Carlin, of the detective force, testified as to the arrest of defendants and the recovery of a adeemed on a pawn-ticket found in the possession of one of’ tho prisoners. ■ The defend ants were committed in default of $2,500. , BOUND OVER. commHtlnean y aE T sMi? a ? c , o ° du otor, charged with betbTlerrv Tn battery on Mrs. Eliza she wMCOlored wastifm»T oat ¥ the ear because toanswer? ’ bo “H'lovor In the sum of $3OO THE COURTS. United States Circuit Court Jmlires Grter and Cnslwalader. 188 WBST OHBSTBB JBVrBKSOKIAIf HBWSPAVEB CASE AGAIN. Win; H. Hodgson vs. Wm. .Hillward, U. S.Mar shal, This is an action to recover damages alleged to have been sustained by the plaintiff by reason of the seizure of the.presses, type, paper, and other printing material used-In the publication of the newspaper known as -the- Jejj'ersonian, published at West Chester, in this state. The seizure was made n , g , uat ’ 1861 j by the- Marshal’s depu fc} ea > s*®® 8 * 8 * an( i Schuyler. l The office was ■JvL 8 ?™. f? 0 al^!, fI al ! o K es that he* was deprived of the use. of Ms property, and thereby compelled- to jmtpen d. tb e, of his paper until the llth of Oc tober, 1881, to hJs great loss and damage,- for which he now seeks to recover The authority fc 2ure, and.upon which the defendant relleß as HiV defence, J was a .warrant issued by the then it's District Attorney, , George A. Coffey, Esa whn have-lESiieii the same by direction of the Secretary of .War at Washington. ' - . Thebssewastriedberore Chief Justice Lowrie in the SupremeGourt at Nisi Pitas, ta.'February last, and was prosecuted to judgmenVbut subsequently under the provision of the act of Congress or March 3d, 1883, entitled “An act relating to habeas cor. pus oases, and for other purposes,” the record of the proceedlngsin the Nisi Prius was removed Into this court, where yesterdayJt came up for trial, de novo. The evidence offered to the coart and juf^*wa3 RECRUITING. 514 mainly that adduced upon the former trial, and at that time reduced to writing, and was closed on both sides before the court adjourned, Mr. Biddle cn y having spoken for plalntitf. The case will be hnished to-day. George W. Biddle and William B. KtotJ, EsqSj, ior the plaintiff; .lohn 0. ICnox and David Webster, Esqs., for tho defendant. District Court Haro. The 2d Jefferson Building Association of Phila delphia vs. Richard B. Antrim. Terdiot for plain tiff, by agreement, for $95. District Conrtv No. 2*-J«*!ge Stroud, i Francis Fox Armstrong. An action on a bond Terdfct for plaintiff, Alexander Wilson vs Geo. P, Whitaker.' An ac tion to recover the difference between the price, $32.50 per share, at which plaintiff-contracted to buy 47 shares of stock in the Warren Foundry and Machine Company, which defendant failed orre ihsed to deliver, and the highest price at which similar stock has since been sold, together with In terest, dividend, &o. On trial. COMMISEOIAL* The weekly statement of the Philadelphia Banks, made up yesterday, shows the following changes in the more important items as compared with the week previous: - „ , Oct. 17. Oct. 24. . Capita1..........13,832, 650 13,312,055 Dec'.’. 20,125 L0an5......v,...40,£67.864 4i, 105,615 Inc.. 237,751 Specie 3,940,311 3,663,070 Dec.. 276,671 Deposits.....:. 35,559,796 37,102,825 Ino’.. 1,643, QS9 Circulation...... 2,551,t07 : . 2,854 604 Dec.. . 27,093 §.... | ■« g as 11 |g! |||| g eg ?g§agg,? g * ; BSp 2CD . ; £ - « *2*: crl . » 3,5° i spr: fp :: : : ffg: I: : :: : : g.: ::: .- : S'; :a:g:: S: ; : : : : S': •:: : :Sr■r: : • ■ a- • : : : I: : llVlB.: ::g* I Ctf £■*. r N* . • MtOMHi £ I **■ £r* . £-* 05 } (MCpCQOOsSI!»HO*okwWMbOOW*IO 5 f SS:sSBSiSSSSS§SS^SBS§S^§ :: -i^gaSsseßssissssS' ;r-iig§iiii§§i§gi§§ii§ . .\ to , 2i?®'b^epVotoo .■ ■ M 2J Mh. m- . Jr’jr'ir'i 3 mmhhhciulS h; tc Ce o 2 ra CO- ji OS to CDtote'-j'rtf cotOCi'^a s S3li^ii gggg"gsk'°:Mvib^^Vc7i' , -3oooocio „ . Clearing. Balances H $7,478,679 76 *513,01481 JS 7,146,081 05 678,155 75 5,558.856 05 445 006.50 * 6,465,604 24 . 302,523 05 6,870,439 01 342,198 48 11 21..... • 22............. The following statement shows thi of the leading items of the hanks of periods during 1E63 and 1864: s January 6. 37,679,675 February 2....... 37,268,894 ; March .2 37,901,080 April 6 37,516,520 May 4.. 36,687,294 Jane 1....... 37,143,937 July . 6 55,936,811 August. 3 34,890,179 Septembers.'.:.'... 35,773,596 October 5....... 38,798,830 November 2 39,180,421 December 7.:....1 86,414,704 January. 2, 1864.. 35,698,808 February 1 34,346,126 March 7....... 35,913,334 April . , 4....... 37,262,820 May 2....... 39,770,436' June 6 39,723,493 July 4 40,918,009 “ 11.40,717,627 “ 18 40,733,324 “ 25....... 39,977,448 “ 31 89,277,980 August 8....... 89,142,449 i ‘f 16 39,353,341 „ " 22 39,401,423 Sept. , 5....... 40,334,268 . 10 40,355,872. " 17 42,404,388' “ 24.. 41,839,965! October 1....... 41,162,335 “ 10 40,641,371 ■ **, 17....... 40,867,864 “ 24 41,105,016' The transactions at the New York < the past week compare as follows wil vious week: Clearings for week ending October 15.....5194,830,'412 86 “ “ ‘* 21...,. 511.888,092 80 ” 15..... 16,217,843 62 22 29.808,734 08 The etock market was exceedingly dull yesterday for all descriptions of'securities Sold alone was excited," and took an upward start, commencing at 213%, and steadily advancing nntil at 4 o’clock it readied 217. The Government loans were all -very dull. There wer-i no sales of 18S1 loan reported, and the highest bid was icon. The five-twenty loan fell off 1. The new fire twenties sold at par. State fives sold to a limited ex tent at S3—no change. City sixes were quite dull, and the old sold at a fraction lower; the new were steady at ! 1C2%. Theltransactions in Companeis were ver j light. North Pennsylvania sixes sold at 36, and Chesapeake and Delaware sixes at 103—no change. In the share list we note a further decline of % in Camden and Amboy, and %in Philadelphia and Erie; Beading advanced %; Pennsylvania Bailroad, Catawissa, and Little Schuyl- ; kill were dull at last figures. The oil stocks were in active, though the transactions in most cases show an advance of quotations. Corn Planter improved %; Maple Shade %, and Denamore%; Noble and Dola mater, McClintock, and McElheny were a shade lower. In City Passenger Bailroad shares there is" very little doing. Second and Third sold at 70; 21 was bid for 'Thirteenth and Fifteenth,, and 26 for Girard College; 61 was asked for Fifth and Sixth; 60 for Tenth and Ele v- for Spruce and Pine, and 32 for Green and Coates. There is nothing doing in bank shares, but holders are firm 163 was bid for North America; 146 for Philadelphia; 68% for Farmers’ and Mechanics’, which is an advance; 29 for Mechanics’; 28% for Manu facturers’ and Mechanics’; 70 for Tradesmen’s; 50for City; 48 for Commonwealth ; ; 6?% for. Corn Exchange, and 46 for Union. Canal shares are lower. 36 was hid for Schuylkill Navigation preferred; 76 for Lehigh Navigation;, 97 for Morris Canal common, and 14% for Stuqnelianna Canal. Morris Canal sold at 87%. The following were the closing quotations for the canal, oil, and other stocks ’ , ‘ Bid. Ask. Schuyl Nav 36 .86% D0......pref.. 14% 36% Big Mount Coal.. 6 6% Nf AMiddle.... 14% 16 * Green Mount Coal 4% 6% N Carbondale.... 2 3 New Creek Coal-1 1-16 1% Feeder Dam Coal .11-16 1% Clinton C0a1..... 1 i% Butler Coal 10 14 Penn Mining;... - 20- 21 Keystone Zinc.... 2% 2% Excelsior 0i1...... 1 1. si Big Tank 1% 2% Oil Creek......... 6% 6% Maple Shade M1..16 17 McClintock Oil .6% 6% Penns Petr ! m Co- 1 s Balances *t *« 0i1.......7. 3H 4 'ißriisi OiT7.' 3« 4* Drexel & Co. quote: New United States bonds, 1881... ♦ *V...105M0106 New United States Cerfcif, of Indebtedness....943£@ 95 ; New United States 7 3-10 Notts. ...105 <&106 Quartermasters’Vonchers,. 92 ® 04 Orders for Certificates of Indebtedness ...... W/M 4 Sterling Exchange .....234 mike Piye-twenty 80nd5.... .......100 @Ml>i PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Oct 21* iron n- . BEFORE BOARDS. COO Keystone Zinc.... 2}£[ 100 Readinir R c'asli fi! 1200 Excelsior 0i1...... 134 100 200 Beading b3O 615; 100 MeClintock. ....... I« -2W_ d 061% 2800D55.205..new 55.100-« 60 Noble & De 1....... 11>j i 100 Noble & D&.7..7. uv 100 Susa Canal b3O 15 | 600 Hogs 151 and....... inSnn’r? MX. 100 MeClintock ....b.30 BA 100 Oil Creek 6* i 200 Corn Planter.. .bSO BA J 22S eadl £?"y "- l!30 es . ' 200 Bull Creek....,b3o iS 100 Corn .Planter....:. 6J£- 100 Corn Planter *8 500McE1hiny......... 6 % lOOFeeder Dam......i 1-16 600CornBanter 65; 100Read!ng..... si If eoo d0tr.........b30 0% :ioo do Ihs 600 McElbeny 630 S% owbLX The flrit'pasment of ten millions in legal tenders and ten millions in certificates of indebtedness on account of the nowforty million five-twenty loan wae made on the 20th inßt., and some parties have anticipated the next payment, due on the 31st lust., by paying in the whole amount of their subscription, in order to obtain immediate possession of their bonds and reap the bene fit of the gold interest accordingly. The "following national banks were authorized daring the week ending October 22d, most of them being con versions from State institutions. Very few new banks are now being organized: Fl?st melil location. Capital. Connecticut River ** < * •Boston, Mass 600,000 Com Exchange Phutdefei!» *“•» gOO.JOD Total capital. . . *........... Previously authorized.... Aggregate. sgg m,420 Tbe following banks have increased their capital. ‘ » First Orwell, Vermont..... SSO.(XW ".V C |?s l ooa HistFoieepsle, NewT0rk........ 100,000 lilo® ! The Treasury Department forward bonds to subscri bers immediately on the receipt of the certificates.; The amount of subscriptions to the seven-thirty loan for the week ending October 22,; wa553,327,6C0. The Hew York Post of yesterday says: Gold advanced this forenoon to 2160216 per cent Money is easy on call at 7 per cent,, twtwHiwtasdlßg w 55 , 03p B* P o § I: : P *38,912,600 !5 *2,817,055 72 0 average condition this city at various Circnl’n Deposits 4,510,750 4,562,550 4,267,626 4,339,252 4,356,324 4,357,021 4,360,745 4,187,056 4,113,162 4,227,365 4,164,804 4,155,939 {4,158,585 4,108,109 4,102,872 4,095,495 3,972,349 3,064,030| 3,955,836 3,949,105 3,945440 3,962,250 3,962,385 j 3,962,367 3,962,3131 ,3,962,1541 13,962,395 3,962,3® 3,961,342 3,960,464 3.940,436 3,940,409 3,940,341 $663,6701 4,604,115 4,181,6® 3,696,097 3,374,413 2,9®, 428 2,706,953 2,664,558 2,417,739 : 2,258,306 2,193,000 i 2,1®, 284 i 2,1®, 174 i 2,055,810 I 2,056,532 ! 2,208,492 i 2,390,092 > 2,241,885 i 2,100,926 i 2,154,258 : 2,337,651! I 2,2®,068! I 2,225,207 i 2,249,226, ' 2,231,894 I 2,214,929 i 2,222,421 > 2,454,945 i 2,524,005 ! 2,574,571 I 2,610,809 i 2,626,884 I 2,603,860 . 2,531,607 554,604’ C! 28,429,188 29,231,753 30,178,518 29,631,658 30,559,831 81,888,763 28,504,543 30,799,448 30,654,672 32,258,654 31,805,965 29,374,165 29,678,920 32,027,147 31,712,547 34,404,609 37,758,838 ,38,249,805 37,845,305 37,612,423 |36,462,271 136,031,259 36,620,668 37,234,436 36,826,674 35,860,034 84,981,041 35,039,616 35,913,425 34,838,109 34,649,193 34.968.886 35,559,766 37.102.886 Jlearing House for th those of the pre- Mineral Oil 2 2 H Keystone 0i1...... % Venango 0i1...... yg ; nr Union Petroleum. vZ "2K Seneca 0i1........ li % Organic 0i1....... Y i Howe’s Eddy Oil. 1 IV Irwin OH. i Pope Farm 0i1.... .. i Densmore 0i1..... SH S!4 McElheny Oil 6% 5% R0bart50U......... gS Hibbard 0i1....,., 1% Story Farm 0i1... 3 3% Egbert............ 2K 3 Curtin...... 3M 3% Bull Cree1c.„.,..., 4_ , SlSoble &: De 1...... i2Ji 10 do 12>S 10 d 0.............. 12% US 6-20i.cshcpoff.l0lS MOO d0.......,new.100t 6000 do new. 1002£ 500 US 10 40. bonds/.. 95% 2000 City 6s over 1670... 99}| 2000 d 0...;... ssS M 0 do...newloan.lol 400 do. .new loan. 102>£ 3000 -forth Penna 6s/.. .96* 1000 do 9B 1000 do so •56,200,000 ••••..91,811,420 ' 'S'-** U | vr- m i v i- .c =. i • - 2 . vtrU&JL- ***'&> 'v. M •' 3 K ‘. 7. . ...... : 25, 1864; tlic a«cumttUtion of balances, temporarily in the Sab- from iai*t week's pay meats on tho new loan . Tbe atcck marhnt.is also higher, particularly on New Turk Central and Western roads. The last appear to he recovering from the dullness of last woek. The bid- i d )!^rM^ U T!!„ E i¥ lri ! ed ' T! , le / a »» a lares advance on S» e ßnsw a A-tr? l is aiM * Quincy line, on rumor of an eftrjy extra divjdeid. ' 1 l n?r r l B ? t selling at from 6@7c V* : seters ; tSatr^ice 8 : 6 " 6 - s ‘ lling at : iT&MMfiSg- StaerB>S9maßat from 15®' .J Seldomridge, 87 Western Steers, selling at from 13 @l6c for common togood. . ■ " James Mctiilen, , 150. Western and Ciftster-cnnntv Steers, sellrng at from 14@16c for fair to extra 7 fo?common1o gocl “ eBrB ’ Selling “ ftom 14cftr cSoft’ofa^ 516811 StBBre * ®tfroinlt® ,cf>.5 elmedy ’ IB Wet tern Steers, selling at from 12® 16c for common to extra. . . • £-. McPiJlen, 100 Lancaster- county and Western Steers selling at from 14@16c for fair to extra. oieers, ,„i,fb a mberg, 140 Western Sieers, selling at from 10@loc for common to good.. , ~. ““iing as irom Merrick S Broi , 65 Chester-connty Steers at liiSivn'r ChTisty & Bro., 83 Western Steers, selling at from 15® ,16>Jcfor good to extra. » COWS AND CALVES. .The arrivals and sales of Cows at-Phillips’ Avenue Drove Yard, reach about 100 head this week. Prices . remain about the same as last quoted. Sorinners am at .from and Cow and Calfft Slm ll® 01d - POOT “•■•MS to weigtahd c°cn fc J^ ad S ° ld at *°mBX@loc V ft, as ■' ■ THE SHEEP MARKET. The arrivals and sales of Sheep at Phillips’ Avenue Jard are very large this week, reaching about bead. The market is dull, aud prices have do |bopt lc iil ft, with saies at 7@Bc % ft, grosl; for THE HOC MARKET. i The arrivals and sales of Hogs at the Union and Ave nue Drove Yards reach about 3.o!ohead this week The *S 1 R d sn 1 ?i, s:0 i o nn’» lld ? ricB l are s““> selling at from 60 tiie 100 its net, as to quality, 2*660 ibjeaa sold at Henry Glass' Union Drove Yard af from $lF&*B.6O the 100 i&s net; .Xara at at f he Avenue Drove Yard at from sl7® 18.60 the lColbs net, as to quality. . New York Markets, Oet. 24, Breadstuffs.— The market for State and Western Flour is quiet, and a shade firmer. : Sales 7,500 bbis at $8.60®8.65 for superfine State: $8 85 @8.95 lor extra State; SS@S. 10i for choice do; $3.50@3.75 for superfine Western r«9@9.60 for common to medium extra Western: $9 75® 10.25 for common to good ship rung brands extra round-hoop Ohio, and $10.30(311 50 for trade trends. Southern Flour is firmer; sales 600 bbis atslo 35®1l for common, and $11.16@14 for fancy and extra. Cana dian Hour is firmer ; sales 4GO bbis at $8.95@9 35 for common, and 9 40@12 for good to choice extra, live •Flour is quiet. Corn Meal is better. , . Wheat is very scarce, and l@2c better; sales 75,000 husheiswinterred. Western at $2 20, and 3,600 choice amber Michigan. ■ Eye is quiet at $1.40. Barley, is dull. Barley Malt is .quiet, ■ Oats are firmer tt 90c for Western. The Corn market is firmer; sales 14,600 bus at $1.64 for mixed Western.. Provisions.— The Pork market is firmer: sales 3 050 bbis at $59@39.50 for me55,541.75@42.60 for new do.cash and regular, closing at $l2 cash; $38@58.60 for prime, and $41.6C@42:f0r prime mess' Also, 1,0(X) bbis new mess, all November, b. 0., at 542,75. w ’ The Beefmaiiet is steady; sales 300 hbla at about P£|vious pricaa. Cut Meats are firm; sates 140 pkgs at 17@l8Xe for Shoulders, and lS@2oc for Hams The lard market is firm; sales 1, SCO bbis at 20@22c LETTER BAGS AT THH MERCHAKTS’ EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA Bark Kiccard Jr, Ltneken, 2 days from New York in ballot to Peter Wright & Sons. * 10rK > ballaf Uo“antS y i Johlsm ’ 6 days from Beaufort, in baHa&M am ’ Edwaris ’ 6 d « 8 from Boston, in cofnmeKfK 1 day fro “ Newport, Del, with flour to^Eitt’Lla"^' 1 day from Brandywine,Del, with baliisti ca e S Rol)iasol! ’ sdayBfrom Brawtree, in hsltotocsptS 1 * So ” erB ' 4daysfrom rrorid9M9 '“ mdse r to 4 cap?am ßol>l ’ iinS ’ 4daysfrom Providence, with to & HA AdmnB 6 ’ EiSley * floln slilton > MaaB > >n ballast la^lo t lu\ e i r B L a f^a f nT& S da7Sfr ° m bslfast to captain?' 8 ’ Framte - 5 daya Salem, in balfast to Smitb ’ 7 dayS from •Schr Freemason, Furman, 1 day from Indian River, Del, with grain to James L Bewley & Co. “ • ’ Tu ? a g l1 * } day-from Frankfort, ■ D lv, w T ,tb F ail i. to „ J S mfs h Bewley k Co. , r \t r deader, Kallahan, 4S hours from Alexandria, in HL 1 ? 81 *® Thomas Webster. . ’ st r S C Walker, Sherin, 24 hours from Hew York, with mdse to Wm M Baird & Co. 0 K ’ r ,^ B J. al| i JoneB, 24_hours from Hew York, with mdse to Wm M Baird & Co. EteamerAim Eliza, Richards, 24 hours from H«w York, withmdse to WP Clyde. BELOW. Bark supposed the Commerce, from New Orleans. ■ CLEARED. . ; Bark Emma Swan, (Br), Nichlason, Antwerp. Bi'ig » | Terry, Harksen, Hew Orleans. S r i*A i i b 3! All «?..Gilmore. Port Royal. § c £ r ;F Risley, Fortress Jbonroe. Schr Sailie B. Bateman, Port Royal. Schr Mecca, Small, Saugus SchrE Richardson, Tabbott, Boston l°hr F A Sawyer, Reed, Hew London. Schr C S Grove, McKee, Pert Royal, gchr Buckaloo. Bonnet;, Alexandria. Schr Sparkle. Dollas, Point Lookont. Schr Reading RR, No". «• Hickerson, do. Schr J W Vanneman, Sharp, Port Royal. lff lr T 4 ?S t Pl . ckrel lj Bodge, Washington, bt r JS Shriver, Dennis, Baltimore. If r Bristol, Chailes, Hew York, St'r M McDongai, James, New-York. , PABINET FURNITURE. MOOSE & CAMPION, , «61 South SECOKD Street, A*rVi ed , to fellow the decline in the market in the farlll tnre. Purchasers will please cal! studflysTuiiifi oup stock. ■ ■•• OC^5-6m BUFFALO ROBES 1 BUFFALO 'IpP^OBM! MOO bales Just/arrived from Indian country. Very low price. «e27-lm* wATTSOH; ♦Oa MARKET Street. pHARLEB MIDDLETON, \J IRON MERCHANT. SECOND AND WILLOW STREETS, PHII.ADKt.PHtA. Reran Iron aunhuod and for ul*. ivg-Svs' T'OYS, TOYS AND FANCY GOODS.— 4 Just received from Europe; a large assortment of Toys, of every description. Also, Fancy Articles, in treat variety ; Meerschaum, Briar, and a variety :of other. Pipes and Cigar Tubes, JOHN DOLL, Importer, oclS-tutWm So. 502 MARKET Street. QKATING—M. C. CAMPBELL’S SKA TIKO CLASSES meet • TUESDAY and FRIDAY «r t nrii?vo’r, c ?5 ler of BROAD and WALNCJT Streets. smH™ B £ A 7«^,l„ BA „ TIIHI)4y mornings corner of mi?.?/ spring GARDEN Streets, for ladies and Ffeitfw Gentlemen Wednesday Evenings at 7* nt n S^ r ‘ K Garden Streets. Ladies and Gentle rec°ffie exee?f i;e OU Jj?. or leBBOM parlor skates, will i/ewume exvert ice skatera. For circulars brma dPily 91 address as above, .1.300 bbis, — 6.100 bus. ••* 6,103 bus. ..6,600 bus. TARRANT’S EFFERVES CENT 1 SELTZER APERIENT IS THB , . ■ ■ ■ ■ v BESTEEMEDY KJJOWJf biIi O™ c OOTLAINtI, 08ICKHEADACHB,COSTIVE NESS.INDIGESTION, HEAKT-BUKN.SOUB _ _ STOMACH, SF.A-fIICKNESS, An, to. * *? r R ’ the great Chemist, say* • th^noTiSfeTulltc I itroD * lT eommB “ d it to de?c e S^Sd lt.^® I ‘? W,ay,: " leUl wlth •«*- GEORGE T. DEXTER says: “In Flatulenev HeMt-borii. CogtiveiLeßH, Sick Headache, Ac., Ac* t?J f “ 7 **** haß P™™* Indeed.# T?LECTRICAL INSTITUTE. COMB, YE AFFLICTBD. COMBI „™ 8 treatment only needs a trial tob« adopted by aU. ™“. ade I ? aI ? 3 ! »?P£>xemeßt* In the application of 8r W 8 f? el 1 11 duty bound to make ftiem pnblie We will guarantee to r cur# any ease of fever andaani in two treatments. - It has also proved very eueceaafnl inAhe cure of the following diseases: Bw FREIGHT f T » all parts of the World. ■„ : ■ ’ ’inland INSURANCE. On Good* by River, Canal, Lake, and Hand Carriage to ail parts of tbe tTniott, „ „ . ■ FIRE INSURANCE. On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, Ac. $lOO,OOO Bulled States Five per.oent. Eoan.. 'OOO no &252 nsif te f sK os l p6roen » L r oa,a ’ fi ' 2«.<»•*•• ....«•><•.« M^ r ®S* ment of diseases, at 1418 South °” end for a >w on?Br E f'«^ y f!,Ti anB or otl i Br * dossing Instruction can I 8!? 1 1? r a fall «ourse at any time after Monday? r ELBCTKICITY. > I WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC DIS--V COYERY.—-All acute and chronic diseases} {cured by special guarantee, when desired by the C {patient, at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia,} land, to case of a failure, no charge is made. Not { drugging the system with uncertain medical agents l s-[ {any unpUabant sensation. : For further informs-1 ftiom send and get a Pamphlet, which contains hnu- 1 < dreds of oertitcateßfrom some of the most reliable} {men in Philadelphia, who have been speedily and l {permanently cured after all other treatment from} {medical men had failed. Oyer twelve thousand } ; { cared in lees than dye years at 1220 WALNUT St* “ f f Electmcal Institution established five years ago < . Ellis, BUCK, President. * IBPSON, Vice President. »y. ■ ■ jalj-tf NORTH PBNNSYL (ISEaraK VANIA KAIIBOAD For BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, MAUCHCHUNK, EASTON WIIIIAMBPOKT, WILEESBABEE, Sc. FALL ARRANGEMENT. Passenger Trains leave the new Depot, THIBD Street, abort Thompson street, daily (Sunday s excepted), as follows: ■' ' At 7.30 A. M, (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, Haileton, Williamsport, . WHkes barre, So. At 3.15 P.M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, Sc. At 5.15 P., M. /or Bethlehem; Allentown, Manch Chunk, For Doylestown at 8.35 A. M., 3.30 P. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Fort Washington at 10.15 A, M. ana 11P. M. ' For Laasdale at MS P.. M,: White carsof the Second and Third-streets Bine City Passenger Bailwav run directly to the new Depot, TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. ■ Leave Bethlehem at 0.30 A. M., 12.15 M., and 5.45 P. fit. . - Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. M,, 3 P. M.; and 5.30 P. M. ■- ■ Leave Lansdale a! 6.10 AM. Leave Fort WasMngton atIO.StKA. M. and IP. M, ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 3 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A; M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4P. M. ielS- ELLIS CLARK, Agent. BEMOTAL.—THE 1 PHILADELPHIA AND ELMI BA K. 8.-LINE have removed their Ticket Office from Sixth »nii Chestnut streets to *25 CHESTNUTStreet,; mjer the Philadelphia Bank. - The only direct route for the OH Regions of Pennsyl ™ilV n w ™f P 2 ?, T A EL MrH A • BUFFALO, SUS BRIDGE, NIAGARA FALLS, and all places In the Western and Northwestern States, and the Ga naaas , . Throngh.First-class and Emigrant tickets. Passenger Trains leave depot of Philadelphia and T Ra i lroa , d ’ c .°£ ne . r THIRTEENTH and CAL LOWHILL Streets, at 8 A. M., and 3.30 P. M., daily, except Sundays. ' OHJsBTNUT"street?™ a ** 011 at the office. 425 W. VAN HORN, Ticket Agent. . f- . S. HILLES, General Agent. oc4-tf THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL St». SREiMa. WEST JERSEY STgRAILROAP LINES. • ■ , NEW ARRANGEMENT. 1 On and after MONDAY, October 10, 1864, trains will leave from WALNUT-STREET PIEK as follows: -For Capa May and all places south of Millville at 9 For MHlville, BridgetonV Salem, and all intermediate Placee-sonth of Woodbury, at 9 A M. and 3PM Gl °acester,.&c., 9 A. M., 13 M., 3, ana o Jr. M. T RETURNING. Leave Cape May at 10.30 A M. Millville at 7 A M."and3 P. M. Bridgeton at 7,15 A; M. and 3.10 P. M. Salem at 7 A. M. and 3 P. M. Wiodburj at,7 and 8.47 A. M., and 2and4.45 ' J. VAN RENSSEL AER, Superintendent. Phtlapbiphia. October 10. 1864. ■ ocB-tf EXPRESS "COMPANIES. - ADAMS EX PRESS COMPANY, Office 336 CHESTNUT Street, 'forwards Parcels, Packages,-Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and Speoieb either by its own lines ordn connection with other Express i Companies, tho Principal Towns and Cities In theUnlted Bt S*Sf- - „ E. S. SAND FORD, - General Superintendent. PROPOSALS. QFPIOE, DEPOT COMMISSARY.OF SUBSISTENCE. ' WAsiumroy. D. C , Octobor 24,1564. ™POSAISFOR:IIODE 1? A n P I , ica l ei > are invited until l st > at 12o’riock M., for furnishing the Sab* sisteuce Department with TWO THOUSAND. (3,000) BARRELS OF FLOUR. The proposals will be for what is known at this Depot quantity imB than the yriio!e. W,il b ° for any Bids must be in duplicate, and for eachgrade on sepa rate sneetB of, paper. - ■ ~ * ■■■ • . The delivery of the Flour to commence within fire days fromtlie opemnsf of the bids. and inauch gnantU tiea, daily, as the Government may direct; delivered at the iiuovernmect;warehouse in Georgetown, at the wharves or railroad Depot in Washington, 0. C, The delivery-of allFlonr awarded to be completed wUhin twenty days from the opening of the bids; Payment will be made in certificates of Indebtedness, disbnrMment 1 ’ as the Government, may have for The usual Government Inspection willbe madeinst brfore the Floor Is received, and none willbe accepted whlchis not fresh ground, and made from Wheat ground perior quality wberß “ghufactured,unless of a very iu- UMd* *' lo “ r to ' !,e deli’rored In new oak barrels, head- An oath of allegiance must accompany the bid of each liidd er wb ° has not the Oath on file m this office, and no bid will be entertained from parties who have pravlous prewhftoreToni Wd8 * ° r not Government reserves the right to reject any bid for any oSS 6 -.. **! addreBsed to the undersigned, at No, 223 G' Street endorsed >‘ *Propoealafor Plonr ,5 0c24- 7t S, C. GBEENB, Capt. and C. S,. Y> OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMABTEB, . '.^enwrATOi°M»j,Oofl7;-M6l:' are. Invited,by the undersigned until TUESDAY, November 1. 1864, at 12 o’clock M., for the immediate delivery, to thl* Department, of _ . . AMBDIiANOES—WheeIing Pattern. , Samples of which may be seen at the Government In cinnati? Ohio ’ corßer El(rlltl1 lad freeman streets, Cin vJr°s b ?v, d fi i . T .® r n d ' frB ?,g { ,? har * 0 ' at theD.s. Inspection Yard in this city, with the name of the party fnrnlsh ing distinctly marked on each Ambulance. ..Pa'ties offering. Ambulances must distinctly state in their bids the nnmherthsr propose to furnish, the price, S&t'Xt < £,l?? 1 r ery ' and maßt guarantee that the Am “?* H eTery v«W«ot.. equal to Army Standard, otherwise the proposalwillnot be considered. A guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, must accompany each bid,-guaranteeing that the bidder will snPPly the Ambulances awarded to him under Ms pro vider will, he opened on TUESDAY, November 1,1864. at twelve o clock M, , at this ; office, and bidders are re dnested-to be present. . -Awtxfo will, be made oh Wednesday, November 2d, loo*. ■ ftairftflfiSed 8 reqalred contract will be faith-' Telegrams relating to proposals will not be noticed. . Blank forms of proposals, contracts, and bonds may bo obtained at this office. J reserved** 1 * *° re, ® ct anT dB6m ed unreasonable Is Endorse' envelops “Proposal for Ambulances,” and address; . Col. Wtt ; W. McKlljh. Chief Quartermaster Cincinnati Bepot, A'-RMY SUPPLIES. CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE, N 0.502 BROADWAY, New Vorka Oct wi iaaa recoi ved at’ this office, ptll 12. o'clock Mr, on THURSDAY, the 27th instant, for furnishing by contract, at the Depot of Army ClotM ing and Equipage, in this city, ... ; Knapsacks, w •v <. . ■ Packing Boxes, ■ ' ; • - Drum Sticks, > * • Shovel Twine,v. • Sewed Bootees, No.-6, rijl weclfleations of which can ha seen at this 9%®- Bidders will state they wish to propo® o’ to fnrniaK 67 Cau flmsh a ® deliver y aU they ing boxes P3aCiS to " be ; del V ra: ®4 in army standard pack • proper guarantee must accompany all pronOsalK setting forth that if a contract is awarded to the party fw e i*u?i re or toey will at once give honag for the performance of a contract. The United States reserves the right to reject any part „,S ro B? Balß sfconldjbe endorsed Proposals for (here State the name of the article bid for), and addressed to ■ Colonel D. H. VINTON. 0c22-6t Deputy Quartermaster General U A •PROPOSALS FOB LUMBER: Chief Quartermaster's Office, B*mi) PSnwiB , . B Tf’ Washington, Oct. 17, 1861 « will be received at this OffieA S?Hvo S rv T ???M?’/ > °S® ft e l a * gemlock Scantling, 16 feet long. ‘ •' Scantlmg, 18 feet long. ’ feet Sx4 Bemlock Scantlihv 2f> fpAf ln-nit -25,000 feet 3 ? 5 Hemlock Joiet.l2 feet fong.lolllf |3>S£° S 8 ?°} H b 16 feet long. gemlock Joist, 20 feet long, i’nmf? Hemlock Joist, 24feetlong. 25,000 feet 3x7 Hemlock Joist. 14 feet long M’flOO 15 w e “ i OC I T oi - Sfc ,’ 12 feet long. ft!* 1 15 gemlockJoist, 18 feet long. S’J*® ft e ! 15 Hemlock Joisl, 12 feet long, • »eef 3xB Hemlock Joist, 24 feet long. os’i?Srift 9 ilE2 al,d^d ® em lock Joist, IBfeatlonr. lo’nnn ft!, a x e an J r JS Hemlock Joist, 20feet long. - i sMo if! 1 and , lo Hemlock Joist, 24feetlong. l’.tffl’oco best qifalUy 1 6awed < Cedar SUmrtea 1^11 *^ 8 ’ ' „ 260,000 Plastering-Laths. .. . * yy requires 66 ° f Sbi ° 8 “ s aai Laths proposed for will be reeelved:separately for each kind and verUsedTfor abOV9 specified, or for the whole amount ad i„iiw f Seeeribed tobe good merchantable pointed’oiHhe part of*"the Government “ iMpactOT ap * deleted within , Pr°pps a ls from dUloyal parties will not be con- to the United each proposition. S® bidder to fi)l the coni racd, should it be awarded him } mu st be guaranteed by two responsible guarantee** 1086 sigaia{urBS ar ® to be appended to the PO - Bt ‘.R fflce address of each bidder must be legibly written in the proposal , a sum equal to half of the amount of the con tract, signed by the contractor and both of Ms guaran sfgning ract. rB< * 9f successful 0 biddfr SS, & 11 Wds that may be deemed by , tbo Depot Quartermaster. < Prepoeale must be plainly endorsed on the envelope, Proposals for Lumber, ’' and addressed to the under signed. . D. H. RUCKEK, „io inF a^9 * ® enera l end Chief Quartermaster, ocl9-10t Denotof Washington T. : S. I ATE RIVAL, REVENUE. TTNITID. STATES INTERNAL RE COLLECTION DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA,coniprIRmir the Twelfth, Thirteenth, aud The Minual assessment for 1664, for the above-named soenff*’w^o»a°?o S nt la^9 a ta x on carriages, pleasure yachts,.billiard tables, and gold, and silver plate, and been completed letl ’ llred to tak e ont license, having .. T.rT 6 HOTTOE IS HEREBY GIVEN . nna t otofoiS e \ a i ore6al ' i ,i. wi F be received daily, by the' jsigned, between the hours of 9 A. M. andS P. M. TOipSTne hie Office, S. W. corner of JfHHD and WILLOW Streets, onandafter TUESDAY, until and Including SATURDAY, the 19th of November next ensuing. * oAiunaai, me ” ../-penalties. ■“5 Persons who fail to pav their annual taxes upon carriages, pleasure? achts, billiard tables, and gold and silver plate, on or before the aforesaid 19th day of No vemher, 1864, will incur /a penalty of ten per centum additional of the amount thereof, and he liable to costs, as provided for In the 19th Section of . the Excise Law of July lst| 1862. All persons who in like'manner shall fail to takeout* their Licenses, as required by law, ou or betore the 19th. diiy of November, 1864, will incur a penalty of.ten. per centum additional of, the amount thereof, and he sub ject to a prosecution for three times the amount of said tax, In accordance with the provisions of the 69th sec tion of the law aforesaid: . , ; . All payments are required to be made in Treasury motet, issued under authority of the United States, or in notes of hanks organized under the act to provide a na tionalcurrenoy.knownusNationalßanks;; NofurthM 1 notice will be given- . WILLIAM J WaINWRIGHT. Collector, oc!8 tnoM S. W. cor THIRD and WILLOW Sts GROCERIES. PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE ODDER AND WINE VINEGAR, MUSTARD SEED, SPICES, ko, ALL THE REQUISITES FOR PRESERVING OR PICK LING PURPOSES. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, ; Dealer in Fine Groceries, i Corner ELEVENTH and VINB Sts. jA/TACKEREL, HERRING. SHAD, Sto. ' ut'7 S t^?°u’ , 2 U - ”**?• •*>«• 1, *, and 3 Maekerel.Ute »aiht fat fish, in assorted packages. alrrin bbl ‘‘ ** W Za “ tport ‘ Fortune Bay, and Halifax Sjqoloxes Luheeijerted,and NoilHerrin*. 160 bhls new. Hess Shad.; , • - a 160 boxes Herkimer county Cheese, Ac., ‘ , 1“ 'Jo™ *a Uressins the Principals, Attleboro P. 0., Busks eo., F*. XBEABL J. OBAHAME, JASE P. GRAHAMS, ' Principal*. anSl-Sm Madame masse and m’lle. MOSIK‘B ENGLISH and FRENCH SCHOOL for romnsladtea, at Wo. 1343 SPRUCE Street, Fhllftdal thift, wili rsopen on WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER Mth. an29-2ai* ■ (IEO. W. PETTIT WILL RE-OPEN Ktadio for the reception of Poplin In the art* of DBAWIWGand PAIETING, at No. XOO North TENTH Street, on the liith of September. aTi‘.t6-2jn l ' pHEGARAY IHSTITUTE.—ENGDISH AHD FKEROH BOAKPIHO AND CAT SCHOOR fpK YOUNG LADIES (1831 and 1339 SPRDCE St., PhUadeloLia), wiil reopen on TUESDAY, September loth. Lettori to the above address will receive prompt attention. Fertonal application can be made after Aa cnst2o,lB64, to , MADAHE D’HBRVILLY, an!7-3ig FrinciDsJL f N THE ORPHANS’: COURT FOR THE X CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of PE BRY C. COPE, deceased. Notice iehereby given that the widow of said decs aeut has filed in said Court her petition, and an. ap praisement of the personal estate which she elects to re tain, under the act ot April 14, 1851, and its supple- S?^ s V aßd approve the same oh FBI DAY, Nov. 4, 1864, unless exception he filed thereto. „ „ , . THOS. DaTIMEB, oclB-tuth4t* Att’y for Eliza Cope, widow. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT . FOR -■- THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. - , Estate of JOHN SMITH, deceased; The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of HUGH; KELLY, an Adminis trator of the Estate of John Smith, deceased, and to re port distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac countant, will meet the parties Interested, for the pur poses of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, the 2d 0f ov £?;S t,r i. o’clock F. M., at his Sfphiteddphfa 3 S ° Ut!l FIFTH Street - In tke . Q ~, ~ THOMAS BEADPOED DWIGHT, Qclß-tnthsSt Auditor. TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE ® C SP?U' OJ 'PHILADELPHIA: ' 1 * PEKEE&CO. vs P. KELLY—June Term,lB6l N 0.76. a sP oi “ted by the Court to make dis °t tha fn Sd produced by the Sheriff’s sals w r't. of all that certain Jot or piece of ground, with the stables aud buildings thereon, erected* beginning on the north side of Filbert street, one huu *treßfc 8 ?u , f S e VT. BBtW F d from Eighth street- in , The city; of Philadelphia,- thence exreuQinir ; feet ten and three-quarter wj£?i%l h ! nc f eas } v « d eigbteen feet, thence north feet one and a Quarter inch, thence thence southward eighteen teet, thence westward forty-one feet, thence southward o?« b J“dred andfiftyfeet to Filbertstreetfand fflS eastward alongthe same forty-one feet to the tilann nf . to the duties of his appointment onAIONDAY, October 24th, AD. 1884. at A o’clock P)iOa\S o w,v. is ™? fl c0 ’ Ijo, 1 j 0, T 49 South FIFTH Street, ?k 1 ?i-If^ le n .and where all parties interested must make their claims, or they will be debarred from eomingla on said fund. - - D. P. BEOWN, Jr ° clg ' lot ' ■ 1 ' ' Auditor. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE OF KENNSYHYANLA 1,011 THE OSTEEN DISTRICT a A% I bas'beon filed in said Court In the name of the United States against twenty-four bales of sSSrvmo S.r-t on ’f aptured j% the F? lte S? S °? .Collaterals:negotiated, a ud Loans b°usht and sold on Comroissioa. x/ COAEi.; 1? SCHREINER, HEW COAL DE n * Street above Ninth, street. Schu^ffi SLt, v 0 ? 1681 . m , ar ket prices. Wharf Twenty-third street, below Arch street. Office 119 South FOURTH P treet - . oc2o-8m QIrNUINE EAGLE VEIN COAL, VI EQUAL IF NOT SUPEP.IOR TO LEHIGH.—A trial will secure your custom. -Eggand Stove sizes, JU.ooper to a ; Larre Nut,slo.oo. Office, 131 South FODRTH St, ah l o°vTßroJa t!lnt - P 6?, 0 !' 1418 CALLOWHILL It above Broad. [sel4-6m] ELLIS BRANSON. f) O A.L . ---.SUGAR.LOAF, BEAVER BfEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and Schuylkill; prepared ex presßly fo, Family use. Depot, N. W. corner EIGHTH “LtsS LEOW SU - Office,:Ko..Uf» South SECOND St ap&-tf r J. WALTON & CO. 1,000,000 b F J et vvihmm lum. CAROLINA FLOORING, 30,000 FEETfi-4 YELLOW-PINE FLOOBING . CEDAR SHINGLES—CSDAIt ' T nwr l, ?r ( l , i. S T T^2- S '®To¥ )CIJST POSTS. LONG HEMLOCK JOIST. CEDAK POSTS THE. UNDERSIGNED, HAVING RE OTNTwTJ?.Of !S ,k EEAI, c : ? ST if' r P OFFICE to No. 53 BFOTRTRT? 6 ?™’ SvRS? Arch. has there reopened his iiu_wiiicli tlh© public may enter their , , , FBOPERTIES FOR SALK, to ’collect INTERESTS, Ground and HonseRENTS, m every part of the city. ocl7-2m* , WILLIAM G. BEDFORD. : P B L™4 DELPHIA I °OAL EXPRESS Germantown, anltomiSjnf KJ C,ty ’ Absecom, Egg Harbor, linrr gage GOHTBTED T 0 THE bailroad AiXaitb. ocs-lm PURE PALM OIL SOAP.—THIS SOAP JtetilSltapl S ?liie a t^ S t« 4 „4b„,„„SS9- M. BLKINTON Sc SON, cl u.Street* between - Pront 4nd eeeona. above Callowfcill. ; * lag-flap r rREASURY DEPARTMENT. 1 ‘: OFFICE OF THE COMPI-KOLLEK OP THE CtoreKOT. , Washington. September 27, .1861. . b? satisfactory evideneepresented to the made to appear that the EIGHTS NATIONAL BANK OS PHILADELPHIA, In the City of Philadelphia, in the County of Philadel phia, State of Pennsylvania,' has been duly or ttjder and to the requirements of Ccngross, entitled “An Act to pro- S d Sfcaie„ b t S l SSV e t ncr ’ s e,S ar , ed by pledge of Unit- V* 1 ®! bonds, and to provide for tbe circulation and proved June 3d, 1864, and has ?}2 said Act required to hIS” n d de?said b IS” Weeing the business of .Now, therefore, I, HOGH HoCCLLOCH. Comp feihlb wltwi C K? e t cy V 5?., hereby certify tiiat the Tl'iSr., National Bank of Philadelphia, in the City of nfPmflfii i - D Jb® Ocunty of Philadelphia, and State 1 > is authorized to commence the business of Banking nnderthe Act aforesaid. „J a t9 ™mony whereof witness my. hafid and teal of officeihis twenty-seventh 1864. fSEAb. / . Comptroller of the Currency. - ■ -■ ' r..-.. oc6-60t . QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S v * OFFICE, FIRST DIVISION, Washisotoh Citt, October 1, 1864. HOBSESI HORSES 11 HORSES!!! Horses suitable for Cavalry and Artillery service will 111 01)811 - Horses via bo delivered to Captain L. Lowry Moore. a. Q. M. | aad be subjected to tie usual Government in spection before being accepted. • Price of Cayalry Horses, *175 eaeh. » Price of Artillery Horses, *lBO each. Payment will be made for six (6) and more. JAMES A. BBUT, , . Colonel First Division, Quartermaster General'* Office. G UNB « PISTOLS, SKATES. U PHILIP WILSON* CO.. Hannfaetnrers and Mpo,« HESTHDT Str “‘* Fine Gods, Pistol*. Gunning and Fishing Tackle, Canes, Powder, Shot, ,' ~. ■ . Wads, Gaps, he. manner e *^ )e ' ® e^ore^! an d Bepaired in thebest °® r ' SKATES OP ALL KINDS. « e 6-» ; ; : ' . 409 CHESTNUT Btreet. A SAFE STEAM BOILER THE JafloTtn tm! e atten tion ofHannfactarers and others is ? tea P Generator, as combining es “?J ia i^ Ta nta«ee hi safety from destructive cop t and durability, economy of fael, ® lea ginK and transportation, Sc. &of, not pos sessed by any boiler now in use; These boilers cahhe Messr? Wm T *’ n ‘J 16 extensive works of a r. lo S. s iS 9°V ® x s? entll and Hamilton streets, atS.W. Cattail’s factory, Sprucestreet, Schuyl kill, and at Gareed’s Tremont Mll. Franiford. JOS. HAF.BISON, Jit., 1 «e23-tf «T*Sonth^g«Pg!}a. OABD.-BELCBEB & CO,, PROPRIE- I 'centeal EATING HO USB, j n No,. 43rCHESTNUT Street, 1 Opposite General Post Office, Philadelphia, Fa;, rfn I ?™t of ft® Pnblic press, to their many EHJS Andfriends, their warmest thanks for the i\,s „„J;S. c „ 01 J raK^ I f eil ?,„ m , ost , generously bestowed, f+*t. p J* 0ID * 8 ® to. add still further improvements ana attractions, and use every endeavor to merit the support the business men and general puolis of Philadelphia and vicinity. - ocl7-3m WATER PIPE! DRAIN PIPE!- ni HBT OF rASH FKIOBSj For joint of 3 feet, 3 inch bore, 86 cents, > For joint of Sfeet, Slash bore, 45 centL ForjolntofSfeet, 4inchbore, 55cents.*’ • For joint of S feet, 5 inch bore, 70 sente. PorlolnlMSfeetl 8 inehkow* M iSit - • < All sixes, from 2 to IS ineh diameter. h^n^Sr«&'£?’*• «““» OW» j MTH-atnthtw MoCOLLIN A mSayo f °r the teeth and for atrengthenliig tie rams, for n™. KaTtaithe teeth from Secay, and for Spiir tSIS beautifully clean and the: breath sweet, thlr?ig-SS lleved to be the beet preparation that science and emT rlence has ever produced. Prepared only by Ip ® 1113 CHESTNUT ■el7-3m For sale by the principal drgggiati_|§ S* M?OHH a bakuP* ca^TWitSKOTSirtT now mmMm ttelr snppll,, fwaTflcoK^ inferiority of their 00, In *r«rw vl gained for: It a reputation and h&la rand in the market. To maintain mtaed to supply ti artide on for freshness and parity &>* 91 r«elTrrtl«4 feasor. of Medical Collera. 868 ■ of Fro- . , »ail»;aitß-ihn . M RS> CELEBRATBD SrA#'“F«S^i4“mn§ gsfeHsaFS®®®®s&*3s&ssi3 LE6AL, AfJCTIOV SAI.ES.<;■ ■VSA to;hk b. myeks & auotiow V Noe. J 133 and 334 MARKET Street; X/ARGE' AIKOFr BOOTS/SHOES, ;ASMT . „.„„ GS S»VT£tVEDI,'IRe'BAGS, r &C; ' A CARP* —We iayits the earlyattentlon of Porchaasra to the larg£ .and valuable assortment of Boots,'Shoes. Brogans,/Travelling Bags, &c. • embracing samples of 1»100 Package#, /ormirg a prime and fresh assortment to he peremptorily sold by catalogue on four months' credit commencing THIS tfOUKlire, at tea o’clock precisely. • ■■■■■■•■ - . • ■ LARGE PEREMPTORY SAM OF BOOTS, SHOES. J).aU(,AnSr JStc. THIS MORNING, , October2stbj atlOo'elock, willbesold, by catalogue, wishout reserve, on four months’ credit, about f,10» packages boots, shoes,: brogans.bsJmorals, gum shoes, army goods, travelling bags, &c., of city and Eaatarn manufacture, embracing a fresh and prime assortment 01 dessrabie ai tides for men, women, and children, Which will be open for examination early on the mern ingofsalo, • h sM?c¥,9S!’F 1 ' v X SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES. AND |™ & SHOIS, ARMY GOODS, TRAVELLING BASS, - HOU ICE.—lnclnded in onr large peremptory sale of rar'Vfw 8 ’ A**, 4 ? on TOESDAY MOBN IS G Oct. 25, at 10 o’clock, will be fonnd In part the fol lowing fresh goods, vis: cases men’s, hoys’, and youths’thick boots. ' —cases men’s; hoys’, and youths’ Mpand calf boots. cases men’s grain cavalry hoots caßes boys’grain and L L boots. - - cases men's, boys’, and yontis’ kip brogans. cases men’s, boys’, and youths’balmoral*. tap sole do. ■■ . cases men’s, boys’, and youths’ Congress boots, tap sole do. . cases women’s, misses*, and children’s calf, kip, goat, grain, and split, sewed, pegged, and copper nailed boots and balmorals, embracing a general assort ment of city and Eastern-made goods. Also, —cates gents’ 24-inch leg, enamelled, grain foxed, steel shod cavalry boots, gum shoes, .army goods, &c. READY-MADE CLOTHING. _ . ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, ■_ Oct. 26th; atlflo’cloek, will bo sold, by catalogue, on four months’ credit, a large assortment of fashionable city-made clothing, for gents’and boys’, wear. OF BRITISH. FRENCH, •nr. AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, we Will hold a larie sale of IForelgn and Domestic an? parAor ca«lf Salofr ’ 10 ' 0n acre^itof four months, , n. . „„ ON ’THURSDAY MORNING, r’ embracing about 1,000 packages and lots of * it, € aßu. fancy articles in woolens, woreteda, li.ne.ns, f dialers 11 cottOßß ’ to wl “ cl1 we invite the attention of of * sa me will he arranged for eat cion, with catalogues, early on the morning oi tend* wkea^ea * ers will find it to their interest to at- LARGE SALE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY r i ~. . % GOODS, included in our sale of foreign and domestic dry goods Off THURSDAY articles 1 ‘vlz^ Ul)9 fotuld ■*“ Part, the’following desirable bales all wool flannels. bales heavy brown drills, i ~ 1 5 Ethan Al len and Lancaster sheetings, cases % and 4- 4 bleached muelins. . —cases hrown and bleached Canton flannels • “* cases Hartford and Cairo denims, cases heavy corset jeans. : ’ cases colored cambrics and paper muslins. casei Manchester ginghams. cases indigo blue tickings. cases Bob Roy cloakings. ’ cases miners f plaid flannels. * cases super Kentucky jeans. , cases all-wool tweeds.., ~ • \ < cases Oneida and gold-mixed cassimeres. - - , T rr cases plain and printed satinets. ffOTICR TO CLOTHIERS—LARGE-SALK OF TAILOR ING GOODS. Also, on THURSDAY, OctobsrST; pieces Belgian broad cloths. • pieces heavy velours. pieces Caetor and President beavers. pieces Esquimaux and Moscow bearers. pieces Whitney and pilot beavers. pieces Astrachan coatings. • —pieces. Belgian tricots and seal skins. pieces silk and wool.cassimeres. - pieces Devonshire and Melton coatings, pieces dark-mixed. repeUants.- • pieces cap and cloak cloths. pieces mohair, Italians, Testings, paddings, can vas, &c. • . Also,, dress, goods,’white goods, travelling shirts, army shirts and drawers, hosiery,? cravats, ties, sewing silk, skirts, notions, &c. ; " - POSITIVES ALE OF CARPETINGS, &c. • ON SATOKDAT MORNING, October 29, at preciselj-. il o’c.ouk. will be aolii, by catalogue, onfour montM’ credit, an assortment of su perfine and line ingrain, Venetian, temp, cottage, and lag carpetings, which may ha -examined, early on the morning of sale. . .... PBBEHPTOBY SALE OF FRENCH, INDIA, GER MAN, AND BRITISH DRY g6oDB, ItC „ ON MONDAY MORNING, ' October 33, at 10 o’clock, will be said, by catalogue, on four months’ credit, about— ■; ■■■ ■• v ?oo packages and lots of French, India, German, and British dry good*. Sc . embracing a large and choice assortment of fan.v and Staple articles In silk, worsted, woolen, linen, and cotton fabrics, - N. B.—Samples of the same will beV arranged for examination with catalogues early on the morning of tend** 16 ’ Wien doaler 8 wUI find it to their interests at- PANGOAST & WABNOCK, A¥o - »40 MARKET Street. • M Oct. 26th, commencing; at 10 o’clock precisely, com prising a large ; and*- general assortment of desirable goods, to which the attention of buyers is inyifced. F«SAIE MB fO UST« gi *Kt?OB i SALE, ' VEBY: CHEAP.— avenue, Twenty-fourth ward; room#, gas. hot and cold water throughout the house, stable In rear of lot, line fruit and shade trees. * Sise of lot, 120 feet front by 179 feet dees. ■ rrice *lO,OOO, clear of incumbrance: Terms easy _ Also, Two very desirable COTTAGES, on HALEY avenue; hayeall modernist, proyements, «aeh 25feet front by 115 feet dees. Fries $3,600, each. Terms easy. Aiso, & number of desirable Honses. it from 11 »n t ssstadK* ; * B2gtf Street. $g GERMANTOWN PROPERTY— TNO ‘SL “a? 0 ? 31110 ,!* 10 ? 8 double Stone DWJBLi ■;H?ASf u . 2f Btoet wltb. an acre of ironnd attached, in a high state of cmtivation. Apply to B. McGalliA, 18 Sonth SBCOro Street. £i large and valuable pro very large and lommo- S,»»„. LOT f»d OTILDIHG, Ho. 308 CHBBBT S, aear the centre of bnslnesß, containing 60 feet on Charrv leadtoito KvfntU, e4rtw Wxamy^twiP^^ oBlllo4 ' : Apply on the premises, sel2-3m* gJ FOEGE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE •““SALE, 2% mEes south of Christiana. Lancaster ro K™i asy 1 v “lf Ra , llroa Heacli, and other Fruit and Shade Trees, in geat variety.; There are several Springs of excellent soft water on the place, so situated as to water the fields conveniently. There is also on the premises nr . ' A TAN TAHD, . x Of over 40,vats, with Beam Mouse, Currying Shop ortbo^?! 89 ’ f n< l MIU, &c., with a constant stream of the best water in the country for Tanning pur poses running through it. * pur particulars, apply to Martha V. Pratt, residing oa tlie premises, or to * D. B. BRITT, 1 Executor, Trenton, N. J. (Sale toeommenoe at 2 o’olook.) oc2o-thftun* POSB66B ' OII - Tern>s oasy - Titla good, gr FACTORY PROPERTY ANDdHk ■■“ FARM AT PRIVATE SALE.—A valuable Wa-32 iSL. Y-rL’ fluital>le.for aln 10. ■Jt nny manufacturing btisi uegs* rlyitA Farm attached, about four miles from Ken. Central a Kln™ 1 0 11 O 0^ t!l ® Philadelphia and Baltimore »sg« eB iaiS ♦ Store has been carried on .for nearly fifty years: good neighborhood.; convenient to meetings, schools, and mills: is a very desirable and pleasant location, andincludes the strongest Water Power now in the market in that section of country. - - Slf^M 116611 made for a railroad, passing tbrongh this place, to connect Wilmington with the and Baltimore Central and Pennsylvania The price Is less than it would cost to erect tie build ings and improvements. A large portion of the pur chase money may remain in the premises. • . Possession of the Mill, the power, and some of the honses can be had immediately, and of tie whole pro perty next spring., For farther particulars apply to JACOB POSEY. Wilmington, Delaware.f WATER POWER TO RENT. APPLY ” *0 PAYID CHILLAS. Newark. M -A THOMSON’S LONDON KITCH £=3B-JWKB. OE EHHOPEAN BANGK for famines, F JptE Nt" *SLZB S.* ° I s'o^Ph il ® * the mlSlturew!’ ’’ & ‘ Wiolesale «* retaU. b, CHASE, SHARPE, & THOMSON, No. 309 S. SECOND Street. ocl-sjntb6ia >S3HBbv DR- LOWENHERZ’S -»«—L-.< «EmSsS PATENT UNIYBBSjO, •vsKS*" SALYE, for the alleviation of .. ~ , . tho pains, and for tie care of diseased, inflamed, and so-called bad eyes. Also, for tbs strengthening and preservation of weak eyes to the most advanced age. Not only does the Inflammation vanish , bat the white spots, the so-called tnnicles, upon the eyes, the consequence of the inflammation, disap* P ||w?oTk. HraOEE“/° y “ 6at PriCß oc2o-lm* PHILADELPHIA—BIS Eonth FOURTH Street. fSgB, THOUSANDS OF TEETH EX 'S®B?TEACTED WITHOUT PAlN—Patent applied for. —My new invention, a Double Beversible Self.ad. jnsting Safetjr Valyed Inhaler, for administering Si. administered. Dr.C. L. MUSKS. *3I WSUCS fB® gm, DR- PINS, PRACTICAL DEN SECOND-HAND PIANOS. se»-am Warerooms. No.NAtt AROHKt.. heL Eighth DECKER BROS,, STECK & CO.’S CELEBRATED PIANOS. J. E. GOULD. SEYKNTH AND CHESTNUT. fffff! ESTEY’S COTTAGE ORGANS. Mot only USEXCELLED, hnt UNEQUALLED in purity of Tone and Power, designod especially for Chnrehot found to be oqually weHmUpted to the Parlor and Drawing Koon. For sale only-by »■ M. BEtrCB. Mo. 18 North BBYENTO tifaest. Also, » eompiete u.ortaent of the Perfett Melodeoa eonetanUy on hand, - - anl^sS? T TJCKNOW SAUCE.—THIS CKLE brated Sane* « hand 'ud for sale by EHODEB 4 WTLLTtMa inas-W MT »»» W4TSS Strlil. T?UBNEBS, BBINLSY A No. 615 CHESTNUT and 61M Mfs’g •** , SALE THIS (Tuesday) MORNING, aft) v , A CARD.—The attention of the tracts i, c!o «k our Bate this morning, Tuesday, October' t3s S6 t'i! t. o’clock, hy catalogue, onfcnr months’ciS,!,?' 8 - *: • ing a large assortment of new and desiiiw, - NOTICE TO JOBBERS AND ZSTAtUVS*- In Bale this morning— -‘0;. 50 cases /ancy and staple British dress 14 cares black mohair and pure alpae™. u5 * ALSO—Black gros de Rhine and taflotfl* i; colored lntstrims, blue, white, yeilow - '! is cit: i 3, flannels, shepherd’spiaids, Frenchmerinoe;, J* ac «r!,. damaeks, shawls, napkins, vails, and for. ’ ALSO —Aline of domestic goods for cash ’ ‘ NOTICE TO CLOTHIERS ' ? The attention of clothiers is requested to , sortroent of 29 cases black Italians and satinV ar s‘ ! «< black satinets, linings, coatings, tweeds tent thread, &c. ■ ' p*! large sale of British, german sun . RICAN GOODS, nI) Alfg. ■ THIS MORNING. oc^£ V , e , r 35*, At .-ID .o’clock,, by catalogne o» , month’s'eredit, fo Sr 600 LOTS OF FANCY AND STAPLE DRY new SALE OF 35 CASES BLACK ITALIAN . , AND SATIN DE CHINES H Gi °T4 BBe *° superb quality, black Italian ciotbs SATINETS, *sl***’ 5 eases super and heavy black satinets * * e " 3 cases fancy black satinets. 1 case 6-4 French cloakings. 10 bales heavy twilled searlet, blue, ami flannels. “ Waiu ALPACAS, COB0RG?, G AHDFAffCr BRITISH DRES* cases flue to super black alpacas and Coburg cases to super black and colored Coburgs. ; •.•“wwHay cases 6-4 fancy silk ch« ck poplins. caees 3-4 fancy silk Tartan checks. cases 6- 4 brocade figured mohairs. cases 6-4 plaid poplins. * cases 6*4 ex. fine merino Francaise, cases 6-4 fine black merinoes. 4 : 4 shepherd’s plaids. Magenta and scarlet Coburgs. DOMESTIC GOODS, FOE CASH. AJso, sheetings, shirtings, ffannels, ginghams leans, Kentucky jeans, &c. ? CASES BRITISH DRESS GOODS cases 6r 4 fine to extra fine black alpacas. * cases 6-4" ** 1 pure mohairs, cares 6-4 brocade mohairs and reps. casts 6-4 black and colored merino franchise • cases extra fine London ginghams cases large check shepherds’phtidsi, cases extra fine magenta merinoes. cases high colored silk check-poplins and rent cases silk stripe mohairs, silk check mohairs.* cases brocade mohairs, 6 4 plaid poplins, delaine*. ELMVILLE COATIffGS, RBPELLAffT CLOTHS. Pr LOTS, &c. ,ri * cases heavy ElmviHe coatings. cases 6 4 London repellant cloths. • -—caßes 6-4 coatings—pilots and hearers. ta^i ve l v Pu S ’ cioths.&c., Hnea damasks, linen, table cloths and napkins. „. , - FOBS. ... .50 lots superfine quality fara. \ INCASES BLAC™AIR TS ANDPD a EALPACA 3 .0 F 6 cares toe to extra superflne gloe.y black mohaira. a 6 S? e , r fet!'Pure alpacas. WOOL PLAIDS AffD POPELINE A SOFR 150 pieces 6 4 high colored pure laines, newest style*' *1) r , popaline a soie. 1 88 ‘ BLACK GEOS DE BHINEB AND TAFFETAS £® pieces 24a23-inch heavy black gros de rhines. ’ i? <. 24 a - 10 -, “nh heavy black taffetas, luitrinis. Wack ’ ” 0WD ’ «™.an, -and scarlst FRENCH PDSHEE LACE AND BAREGE YEILS An invoice of “ : U 3, French black pushee lace veils, batin bordered barege veils, &c. . 4 V' - VELVET R^BBOffS. An invoice of silk velvet ribbons, of extra quality. Pn B LTC SALE OF LDPIN’S CELEBRATED DRY GOODS FKENCH * GERMAN. AND BRITISH : Furness, Briiley, & Co. will sell on .fin.., FRIDAY, October 28th, 1864, ock, olir months ’ credit, the most com. dr?6B f ! tialit 7 a “d elegant stylo”f MllsT&Sd r &tn beU,g of;a “ importatiB “ of ; B. B.r-Farticulars hereafter. M THOMAS & SONS, Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street; OF STOCKS AND: REAL ESTATE, At iSfTr^ x sv?S sre> , !)Te , r n TUESDAY, at 12 o’clo*mv»» of each Property issued separate]wj2a on the Saturday previous to each sale I.OOOcatahSrSiSK pamnMetform giving full deecrl& TBVRsEay 1 SALES at the Auction Store every BtU i ltlott lrtTe!l * Private fe. LASSE BA^ ViMjABtB BEAL ESTATB AllSiffil^fl®: WALNUT froni. 1 ' DSOi I Ji SKSIDEi!f GE, Green street, 53 feet nearFairaount, and 39 acreß gro ver Delaware. Lot m%? stfc oSSS conttty - A ‘ Kohertson*.; MARKET-STREET BTORE And other |rsMta|s?armand a iots^' 0 ?e e ateJ , S»mantowS 1 ?^! h^dbilKdlftho C gTpWcpirn“ <>r5 ’ and OtW 889 * y ordOT <* : , SALE OF BOOKS FROM ALIBEARY THIS AFTERNOON. “ -October 2§th, at the auction store, valuable misfAiia MANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS PIANO Sts OTHEB H CABPBto\c BEIISBBI ' mFEEIAL?SI> At 9 o'clock,°aftL H 5i S &S N ffiperior farei tore, mirrors, fine carpets, &c,i pBri ° r famt FERCTPTOOTJIALE ON THE PREMISES, Rvn.e MORBING. 31st October, * treet, handsome residence and furniture. Full particulars ready in handbills and cateloguS rrlsnmire*Broad street, 1 H A BDSOSfE BEHBEHCE AND SUPERIOR FHKJfr- TDJRE, PIANO, MIRRORS, CARPETS. &c At m „.?&.MOKDAT-MOBHrAG. airtiit 1 ' at ??■ Broad street, above lilt?™ str . eet ' by catalogue, the superior household fur petsf&cPlaßo> nurrors > Ene velvet and ingrain car preSsely 8 iaDliBomtl residence Will be sold at 10 o’clock, S CAL o TlKoror?A¥ l^i^^ TrAßtß M3DI KPinv ¥ TSCEI -I,AHEOUS 1,1- BRARY OF THE LATE JOHN REDMAN COZE, to^? 1 ?, I?^ 49 ? man J very rare, yalnable, and la mder of VarloTl!> fanffua S eB > tB sold by .•* , ON TUESDAY. November Ist, 1364, and following days until finished commencing each day at 10 o >clock XM.a t the* tnmhooms. 139 and ldl South Fourth street. toSe. Tlie lllfrary catt ts examined three days previous PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS. ■*- SiiS MARKET and 53SS COMMERCE Streets* * POSITIYE SALE 0F CASES BOOTS AND „, t „ ON THT7ESDAY MOBNING, - xcm t . o Jiw 7, ™ o S inien^nit at 10 o’clock precisely, we Wul seH by catalogue for cash, about 1,400 cases boots, J >ro ? aD . s * balmorals, gaiters, and army goods, of ?c 0m ci l y and Fastern manufacture, to which we invite the early attention of buyers. ~ P Y' HENRY P. WOLBERT, . AUOTIONBEB ; Bfo. 303 BIABKET Street, South Side, above Second St, mSltTotef Ar ’ “ 4FaIDAY com- P SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEER, No*. -»-*« 68g CHESTNUT and 615 SANSOM Street. TSAAC; .NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, N. E. corner THIRD and SPRUCE Streets. SALE OF JOBFEITBD PLEDGES BY ORDER OF /v .. . .jfflAHAar NATHAN'S, BROKER, 'a.2SL5 1 ? MOBBlira, IToyember l, 1864, at 9K o clock A. M., consisting of gold and silver patent lever and other watches, gold, chains, finger-rings, breas.pins, .medallions, coats, pants, vests, shawls, ir & s ig? r y4»SB patterns, pistols, shoes, tools, Ac. , AU P® rso bs having goods on deposit with ff® l o ®f th of time .Trill call and redeem the same, otherwise they will he Bold on the above day. „ ABRAHAM NATHANS, Broker, oc2l-10t* , N.W.cor. SIXTH and CALLOtVHILi Sts. MACHINERY ANI? IRON. f* YAJTGHA3J MBEBIOKe. WTT.T.TAir jf. KERMOI, COUraWAR^fOTMDRY. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STUBS??. • PHILADELPHIA. JffiBBKK «& soars, „ , EIfGIHEBES AND MACHINISTS, Msnnfactnre High and Low Pressure Steam Ehiinei* for land, river, and marine service. Tanks, Iron Boats, Sc.; Cast ings of all kinds, either Iron or brass. roadlutlo^l.l°c? fS for SM Works * Forkshops, BaH prfled roM&oS aeWnerT of tia lstart “ 4 mo,t *»* fetation Machinery, *u«h «* iSS^TWf W * r? r Vacuum Pans, Opts Steam Trains, Defecators, Filtersi Pumping Engine#, 4m. Sole agents for H. Billieux’s Patent mtgar-BoilingAp «steam Hammer, and Aspln — T * Centrifugal Sugar-Draining mapulga. - . ■. . - • &ui2-tf PENN STEAM ENGINE «awa&.AMB BOII,EE WORKS.—NEAFIE Sc I,BVT, THEORETICAL EITOINEEBS, MA- FoiTNnil’H BLACKSMITHS, m 4 .years bees in successfnl operation,(and been exclusively engaged in bail ding and repairing Marina an d River Engines, hi all and low prcz anre, Iron Boiler*. Water Tanks, Propeiiora, Ac., &«. , respectfully offer iheir services to the public, as Way rally prepared to contract for engine* of all sizes, Ma nure, Biver, and Stationary; havlngseta of pattern* of . different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with antes despatch. Bvery description of pattem-makln* - made at _ tie shortest notice. High antfl-ow-pressure. Fine, Tnbnlar, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Penn sylvania charcoal iron, Forgings, of all sizes and kind*. Iron and _Brass Castings, of ml descriptions; Koll ;Turning,-Serew-Cntting, and all other work connected with the above-business. ■; : P r v,T\ ngs a ?f specifications for all work done at the establishment free of charge* and work raanttitoasi The subscribers have ample Wharf-dock roomfor re pairs Of boat s, where they can lie in. perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, fall*, to,** .fir raisin*heavy or light weight*. * •’ ““ r JpHfF.Lßyx. BEACH and PALMER Streets. * CO., STEAM EH- Iron Founders, and General ia» OA^OW. forfaotories, »l«o ronf’f/Sn' t » eated „ wl | il exlumst or direst stauai STEAM WEEKLY TO Ll ■afiHHfita VEKPOOL, tenchin* at QUEEHSTOWsr (Cork Harbor.) The Liverpool, Now York, and Phila delphia Steamship Ci mpany intend despatehinir their full -powered Clyde -built Steamships as follows-* ornr ottwashihgton. ..&attoday7 dot.». GLASGOW. -• ■ ■... SATURDAY- gw" CIW OF'MAWCHESTEK: . Kir V and every succeeding Saturday atNoon, from PlaV 441 Northßiver. ' SATES OF PASSAGB* FISST CA81N..... *lOO 00 STEKB AGE.. 03 t IS $ ' do i i 4* A?° to Hamburg.. (5 00 forwarded to Harre, Bremen, Hot ter? am, An twerp, &c.,at equally »i^ r «i9? ol cfJ ITBrp * or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, t*cwi **4o S Th£»f e ™t? m 3 V S 1 ? 001 ’ ¥°- FrotnQneen*- tteit f “ tionß, an d car rylaten t Fire Annihilator.s. Experienced Siugeons are attached to each steamer" “ i ™™ t t ifr toformationapplj in Liverpool to Wffi at4v Agent.-22 'lnJJlasgo- to ALEX. MaLCOEM. 5 St. Enoch Square;!!! Queens town to,G. & W.D.SEYMOUE & Co. timiondon to EIYES Ic MACKY 61 King William street: in Faria to JtJUES DECODE, : AB Ene Notre Dame dea Yictoireß, Place de la. DALE * 111 WALNDT N St?ee?,iMl’adflptk. 0c25-tnoia AND. PHILADgIi- Street, raihdeliaiia, and tona -Wharf. Boston.” Th 6 SteamBhip HbKKAH. r,atit a «.*■., «« Bostoa ci satnr“y, Oct 29?Tt . 8-dXONs Gapt. Matthew*, £roi*«- BosSeatlox rniladelpMa oii sameday, at 4F. M. substantial BteamuMps form a re©fcfc» ane, from each. port punctually on Saturebya. oatfinw“ls effeetea at ' 0!1 »- H!l^t5 “ TKwlam.+amk Freights taken,at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Blip Beadpte and SU of Lading rrith their goods. For freight or Passage (hatrikcflna accommodation! apply to HKHRYWINSOB & CO., mMS-tt. 33%Sonth D&UWASS Arsas*. 'Fuse.