LABOR AND VKKT ATTRACTIVE AsBORTMKNT py 1,200 Lots French and Saxony Dry Goods, I'ukb, &0., This Day,—The early and particular attention of dealers Is requested to the choice and desirable assortment of Frenoh, German, Swiss, and Saxony dry (foods, furs, &0., embracing about 1,200 lots of fancy and staple articles, including Paris merlnoes, de laines, epinglines, poplins, silks, Yelvots,-shawls, cloaks, gloves, &e., of the Importa tion of Messrs. H. Hennequln & 00., and others, to be peremptorily sold, by catalogue, on four months’ credit, oommenotng this morning, at ten o’olook precisely, to be continufeti all day without intermis sion, by John B. Myers & Go., auctioneers, Nos. 232 and 231 Market street. Auction Notion —Salk of Boors and Shoes. —We would call the attention of buyers to the large and attractive sale of I,GCO cases boots, shoes, bro .-gans, balmorals, &0., to be sold by catalogue for cash, this morning (Monday),- October 21, com mencing at 10 o'clock precisoly, by Philip Ford & Co., auctioneers, at their'store, Nos. 623 Market ,-and 522 Oommerce. •ciirsr ITEMS- ’Thb “Florence” not only combines all the de sirable qualities In a Sewing Machine, but in addi tion to those every maohine has one of Jenck's pa tent hemmers attached, enabling the operator to turn any width of hem desired; and to avoid the strain on the eyes, bent posture, close application, and fatiguing ears, more or less usual in operating Sewing Machines every “ Florence ” is furnished -with “ Barman's Self-Sewer,” which guides the work ■itself. Beside this, there other .machine whioh executes so large a range of work. It does not re quire finer thread on the under side than It does on the upper, and uses one kind of thread or silk with the greatest economy. With all these advantages its prioe is no higiisr than that of single-stitch ma chines. Every "Wren*" 'sold with a warranty, wriu^U r^“‘ redf d J n, “ a 'perfect satisfaction is given the ,Ld each maohine is kept In perfeet oru«r one year fteo of Charge. Obliging lady operators are ™ the houses of purohasers, to give instructions, when ■desired. "We conclude, therefore, that in the purchase of iSewingMaohinesthe “Florence’’ instrument,sold at 880 Chestnut street, has the first claim upon the attention of all who would display good taste and -sound judgment in making their selections. Thb most tasteful, ornate, and novel arti cle for the head that we.have seen this season is the “ Continental”. Hat of Messrs. Wood & Cary, No. 726 Chestnut street. We are glad that they are being largely introduced among ladies and misses of taste. ' Thb Stock oh Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods offered by Mr. George Grant, No. 010 Chest nut street, is tho finest in the city, and his cele brated “Prize Medal Shirts,” invented by Mr. J. F, Taggart, are unsurpassed by any others in the •world in fit, comfort, and durability, • Purchasers may rely upon getting the bBSt Furs at Charles Oakford & Son’s, Continental Hotel, .‘INTERESTING TO MANUFACTURERS, OF CLOTH UNOi—The.Ameriean Button-Hole Machine Compa ny, capital $1,000,000, office 630 Chestnut street, take pleasure in inviting attention to the merits of the button-hole machines, which are now perfected and adapted te general use, and ready ior delivery from their office. It is confidently asserted by parties who have their machines in use, that more than the entire cost of the machine can be saved in two weeks by an ordinary female operator, calculating the eost of making perfect button-holes at only ono cent each, and that they are far superior In uniformity of Stitching and finish to those made by hand, be sides possessing the advantage of.being elegantly finished on the wrong side as well as the.right. This maohine also does cording, braiding, and embroi deiing in the most elegant and beautiful manner, and can be used to advantage, not only by manu facturers of clothing, but by a. variety of other tradesmen. Call at the office or send for sample of work. ~ -■ 0C24-61 : Lambs’ and Children’s Hats—Latest stylos at Charles Oakford & Son’s, Continental Hotel. SwiBTiANA.—“ My brethren,” said Swift In a Sermon, " there are three kinds of pride, namely, of birth, of riches, of intellect. I shall not speak of the latter, none of you being liable to that abomi nable vice." It is very evident that the witty Daan had none of the patrons of the famous Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Roekhill & Wil3on, Nos. 80S and. 005 Chestnut street, above Sixth, among his audi ence. . Ladies’ Fobs— An elegant assortment at Charles Oakford & Son’s, Continental Hotel. Bargains in Clothing, Bargains In Clothing, Bargains in Clothing, Bargains In Clothing, , At Granville Stokes’ Old Stand, At Granville. Stokes’ Old Stand, At Granville Stokes’ Old Stand, At Granville Stokes’Old Stand, No. 609 Chestnut Street. No. 609 Chestnut Street. No. 609 Chestnut Street. No. 609 Chestnut Street. Gbntlbhen’s Hats—All the latest styles at •Charles Oakford & Son’s, Continental Hotel. AN EULOGY. > - Written on a. City Sidewalk, near 11 Stokes' Porches." BY A POET GRAY HIMSBLP. The State House clock proclaims the close of day, The wearied trader hastes to sip his tea j The pretty store girls homeward wend their way, And leave the streets to “ veterans,” “stars,”and me. Now from my vision speeds the fading light, And not a sound disturbs the dusty air, Save the “recruiting band” or hotel gong, "Whose supper tones but mock my frugal fare. Beneath the “ Continental,” gay and grand, The “ one-prloe” store of Stokes doth hold its court Where Clothing fine, and fashion’d to the shape, . Makes for the weH-dress’d man a first resort. Perhaps upon this spot, where “Charles Stokes’ 1 swings, ■ In former days the traveller oft did feast; Some humbler “ Continental” swung his sign Of « Entertainment here, for Man and Beast.” "Where Fame and Fashion meet, and woo and rule, I praise and write; but fame is not my lay; A verse to it would be averse to n:, While Stokes’ “ advers” are a certain pay. No further seek my merits to disclose; “One price” alike my purse and song supply; For Stokes’ “ one-price " store shall live and thrive "When those who sang Its praise forgotten lie. Go to thb Bbst.—For a thorough and practical education for business, go to Brtant, Stratton, & Bannister’s National Commercial College, Assembly Building, S. W. corner of Chestnut and Tenth streets. For a full knowledge of the art of Telegraphing, go to Bryant, Stratton, & Bannister’s Telegrayh Institute, Southeast corner of Seventh and Chestnut sts,, where you will be under the charge of an expe rienced operator and teacher, and receive all the advantages of A Regular Telegraphic Line. Excellent facilities for ladles. ocl9-wsm3t An Old Remedy and a Stoe Owe.— We ask no more of any one than to give Jayne’a -Expectorant a fair trial to prove that it will oure the various diseases for which it is recommended. It has, it will, and can cure Goughs, Golds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Bleeding of the Lungs, Whooping Cough, Oroup, and a very large majority of the most hopeless cases of Consumption, where all other remedies fail to do any good. Let the afflicted give It a trial. Prepared only at 242 Chestnut street. 0022-2 t Eye, Ear, Throat Diseases, Catarrh, Asth ma, and all Nervous Affections, treated with the utmost success by Dr. Von Moschzlsker. ■ Office, 1027 Walnut street. 0c24-at* Eye ahd Ear most successfully treated by J, Isaacs, M.D., Oculist and Aurist, fill Pinest. Artifl. ■ WHITE—GIBBONS.—Onthe22d inst., at the Church of tlis Holy. Trinity. by the Key. Phillips Brooks. Capt. George Quincy White, A Ci Sf IT. S. Army, of Cam bridge. Mass to Caroline, daughter of Charles Gib bons, of Philadelphia. * 3DXE3D. PHILIIPg —On the 22d inst., Clara Frances, daughter of Samuel B. and Anne Phillips, aged 8 yeai s and 8 months. .. . The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her parents, No. 910 North Bread street, on Monday morning at 9 o’clock, without farther notice. -* JU.6L.—On the morning of the 23d instant, JOSEPH JHEL, Sr., in the 71st year of his age. :. The relatives and friends of the family;-also the Mer centiie Lodge. No. 237, I. O, O, F,, and Apollo En campment. No S 3, aia respectfully, invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 1230 Button wood street. . [New Pork, Geneva, and Albany papers phase copy.) *** On Friday, Oct. 21st, Mrs. Josephine M. Bichardson, wife of Samuel Bowen Bich&rdsoa,and daughter of Theodore iiohorq, St. Joseph Traveller. Ben ten county, Michigan, and Chicago papers please copy. „ , ..... The relatives aDd friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence or her father, Johnston aud Green streets, Germantown, on Tnoeday, the 25tli inst. ,at 1 o'clock. Funeral to proceed to the Union .Burial Ground, Sixih and Washington streets. LELAE.-o.ti the morning of the 2ltt inst., Gustavus B. Lelar, Battery B. 2d Pennsylvania fl “VS'.£j*“teiy, boh of Capt Beury Lelar, is the ft* 9 *. The friends of the family, sad-the-membrns of hts Company in the cits’, are invited to attend the funera'. from the losidonee of father, No. 437 Lombard street, on- Monday afternoon at2o clock, without fur ther notice. —— M3* NOTICE -LAFAYETTE LODGE, No. 71, A. Y. M —The members of the Lodge and the Order generally Sit respoctfalls-invited to meet at the Hail, CHE3T NUT Sfrect, TfllS DaY,-the ,2«h inst., atah? o'clock, to siteuil the funeral of our lats Brother JAMES STEWART, Jr. Bv order of the W. M. $ OHABLSS FRISHMUTH, Secretary. J UPIN’S BLACK ALL-WOOL HEPS.. -Li Lupin's Black All Wool Empress Cloths, Do do do Mousseline da Lainas, fall double width. Do do do Tamiso Do . do • do Merinoos, ... Do do do Cashmeres Do do do , Thibet and Doug Sham Is, full and extra sizes. . Do do Bombazines. &0., &c. . BESSON & SOM. MODKMING STOR», No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. * TJURPLE-BDGE • BLACK SILKS.— X THESE ARE KKOWH to be the most durable Silks OT fILF?BLiCK SILKS-22. 21, 26, 23, SO, aid 32 laches •wide. Those are the S'IODTEST BLACK SILKS knowa to the trade. BYRE 5c LAKDELL, oclS . • : FOURTH and ARCH Streets. *<3a= TREASIfRRK’S DEPAKMEST 8=8? . HOETHERIf CEHTEAL RAILWAY COM PANT Cat.tkrt -Station - . Bat.ttmOiii?, October 2fl, 1864 . NO. S.—The President and Directors of tin* Cow-pany hav* this day declared a DIVIDEND OF TWO (2) PER. CBM. . clear of. National and State taxes, for the quarter ending September 30tli. payable to the Stockholders on the 10th of NOVEMBER next, at this office. ~ , , ■•••■,., , , ... The transfer books-will be closed from thelsfcuntii the 10th of November inclusive. .By ordar. oc24*mwflot J. S. LBIB, Treasurer. NOTICE.—Tiffin BOOKS OF SUB* lllsSS* script-ion to the Capital Stock of the “National Oil Creek O il Company' ’ are now open at the office of the subscribers. ■ Tbe properties have been selected with great cars by parties of large experience, and are situated in the On Creek district, Venango county, Pa. \For further par ticulars and prospectuses apply at our office _ . For the Corporators, GO •HRAN & 0c24-12t %% South FRONT kcreet. THE UNDERSIGNED TEBfBER their sincere thanks to the Members of the FIRE DEPARTMENT, and of the POLICE PONCE, for their services, so promptly and cheerfully rendered, at the 011 premises on the 2M last. s & rSSf“ J>IVII>EXI» KOTICE—OFFICE OF *S THE MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPAKY, 034 WALNUT'Street. Philadelphia, October 22,1854. The Board of Directors have ibis day declared a Divi dend of PODR PER CENT, on the capital stock of thie Company, payable on and after the 29th inst., at their oflice, tree of state tar . . ' The transfer books will be closed on the 25th mat., at 3 P. M. , find be opened on the 29th. - 0c24 fit* TflOd. B. SEARBE, Secretary. (JUT COMMISSIONERS’ OFFICE, ■BE? Philadelphia. October 23, 1881. NOTICE TO THE ASSESSORS OF THE CITY : OF PHILADELPHIA.—An Extra Assessment of Citizens smbiect to Personal, State, and City Tax will ha held on WEDNESDAY, the 26tls; THURSDAY, thB 27ili, and FRIDAY, the 28th of October, between tha hours of 1 o'clock"and 10 o'clock P. M.. at the usual places of holding the Extra Assessments. . 0c24-8t JAME} SHAW, Cierk. J2S- W. NABMT, A W.SLL known citizen of the Fifth Watd, and a Demo cratic politician of the same wa d. baying found the error be has fallen into, has consented to vote for ABRAHAM LINCOLN for President at tha November Election. - ■ " ■■ R EIIiIiTEENTH WAR® NATIONAL fcS? .UNION ASSOCIATION will meet at the Head onarters, corner of MARLBOROUGH and RICHMOND Streets. THIS (Monday) EVENING, at 8 o’clock. Business of importance. v THOMAS J. DUFFIELD, President. Alexasder AdAike, Sscietary. It* tGM™ I.ECTUIHS ON “THE MISSION' OHe? AND CHARACTER OF WOMAN,” by Rov RICHARD NEWTON, D. D , at CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH. FIFTH Street, below Oarpentsr, TUESDAY, October 26, at 7J4 o'clock?. M. Tickets 25 cents, at the door. .. ' 0c22-3t* Fg?” CONSOMP Ai'ION RANK, RK? .... Philadelphia, October 13,1364, An election for Directors to serve the . ensuing year, will be held at tbe Banking House on MONDAY, 21st day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. andSP.M. . JOSEPH N. PEtRSOL, ocl4- fmwtnoM Cashier. SFYS?” UNION RANK, I»HII.a.»EI.PHIA, October 20th, 1564.-. . An election for Directors will he held; at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 21st day of November next, between the hours oflO A. M and 2 P.M oc2t-fmw tno2l A General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held At the same place on TUESDAY, November 1. 1854, at 12 M. . oc2]-fmw tnol J. J. HUCKEL, Cashier. * THE 'EUREKA : OIL ■' COMPANY STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA. Cspltal, $1,000,000, divided into 100,000 Shares at $lO per share. Subscription price, $1.60 per share, being in full paj ment for a $lO share. No further call or assessment, to he nude. $26,000 cash reservsd for working capital. Office. 28 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, Philadelphia. • The District selected by this Company is .'one of great interest, and is only partially developed, but where developed the results are very gratifying. The wells at- Burning Springs and Petroleum are producing largely, while .those at Horse Neck and Campbell’s Run (where our lands are situated) Bhow that this is a great oil-pro ducing district, being in close proximity to the follow ing welis now producing largely, viz: The “Greer W ell, ” on Horse Neck, produces 100 barrels per day, and increasing. The last great well in this -neighbor hood is on R&wson’s Run, a feeder of Horae Neck, owned by Tack & Brother, of Philadelphia, and struck about three weeks ago. It iioweil about 800 barrels of oil in a single day. its average has been, perhaps, 220 barrels a day, It is a shallow well >2OO feet deep. Near this, Messrs. Taok & Brother have a well 280 feet deep, which yields from 26 to 50barrels of oil dally. The territory secured to this Company has been select ed with great care, having called to our aid parties well known in the oil regions, besides having the opinion of a celebrated geologist from our own city. Tne lands purchased by this Company lie in Wood and Pleasant counties, in west Virginia, at Horse Neck and Camp bell’s Run. five miles from the Ohio river by a good wagon road. Professor Thomas in his report says A The borings at Horse Neck have developed the fact that In this region there are six formations of oil, each of which occurs at different depths,and that it belongs to an overlying for mation of the Pennsylvania region. ” At Horse Neck we have the following: l.One-half .interact in a lease of seventeen years in a tract of one acre, subject to one-eighth royalty, on which,we have one well sunk 327 feet, with a twelve horse power engine, tank, tubes, boring utensils, he,,' and from which has hesn taken at the rate of 23 barrels of oil per day. Whenietubed will produce more. 2. Two- thirdß of a perpetual: lease on one and a half acres, situate about fifty rods from the above: on this we have one well sunk 265 feet and oil In the well 30 feet deep. The Bull Creek Oil Company own the other third interest. The indications show that by boring this well deeper It will he a flowing well. 3. Onr third tract (33 acres in fee simple) is situated on Campbell’s Sun, about one mile and a half frpm the above, andflve miles from the Ohio river. On Monday, September 6th, the great Tack Well was struck, and flowed one thousand : barrels in twenty-fonr hours. This immense well lies adjoining our properties. In conclusion of Professor Thomas' report, ha says; “The dip of therock, geological situation, and surface indications show this tract to be not at all inferior to Horse Neck. ” Books for" subscription open at the Office, 38 MER CHANTS’ EXCHANGE, and at office of S.. C. DE WALD, No. All CHESTNUT Street, second story. OC2I-4 if - "BA'BPHIB ABr» COIOB&BO K 3& GOLD MINING COMPANY. Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, 200 OCO SHARES—PAR VALUE, $5. President-JOB 2f B. ANDBKSON. DIBECTORS. James R. Magee. ' ' Johji';W.,Hall, Hairisburg. : ■ T. C; McDowell," ‘ do." John Brady, . do. W, W. Wylie, Lancaster. Wm. a. Shute." Colorado.. 8.. P. SOUTHWOBTH, __ , ■ Secretary and Treasurer. Office of the Company, No. 4»3 WALNUT Street- Boom No. 6, Authenticated specimens hare been procured from some or the Company’s lodes, and have been assayed by Professors Booth and Garrett with the most gratify ing results. Subscription lists have been opened at the Office of the Company and at the Treasurer’s Office (In ternal Bevenue), No. 427 CHESTNUT Street,•Farmers’ Gank Building.: To original subscribers, sJ.6Dper share, for a limited number of shares. ■ Circulars, pamphlets, or Information can be obtained at the Office of the Company after the 17th inst. October 14, 1864; ocl4-lm Thomas A. Scott,,. H. B : Kneass,' Wm S. Freeman,'. Bobt. P, King, John M. Kiley, Charles DeSilver, HpUnELHDA, ©CIV 2 TICE OF DIVIDEND, No. 2. Sew York, October 6.1864. The Trustees of the MeKINLEY OIL COMPANY have declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT, (out £ii* „ n i et earnings of the Company for the month of oa demand, at the office of the 8 J J PfP Street, New York, to Share m~ - OF FKOBT Btrc e tT H LPS ° IL »« Sorth “ Bs t 0 .O&SSrWSgaSj oclB-6fc JOHK H TAYLOE. Secret. »» |s®” *EI>EG»AX*HIS«,-THOSEWHi wish to become qualified aa TELEGRAPH OP*. Street, corner of Seventh Instruction is (riven on both Bound and paper instruments, by a long-experienced practical operator. The formation of a large number of new Telegraph linesi _has created a demand for oomDe tent operators more than equal to thesnpply, A sens'.' rate department has been fitted ui> for ladies, and they now have an opportunity which isnneqnalled for ac quiring a fall knowledge of the art oc2l-2t* OFFICE SWATAB& FdUIS GOAL K3sf COMPA6Y, 208 South FOURTH Street, : Philadelphia, Octobers, ISG4. Tbe Board of Directors .have'this day declared a Dividend of FITE (6) per cent out of the net earnings of the Company to the Ist October, payable on and after the Slstinst., clear of State Tax. The Ti antler Boohs will be closed from the 25th to the Slstinst. L. S FILBERT, ocSO-10 . Treasurer. »®“ WESTEBN BASK OF PHILIi< DELPHIA, OCTOBER 18, 1864. The Annual Meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Bank will-be held at the BASKING HOUSE on TUES DAY, the first day_of November next at 12 o’clock M. And the Annual Election for DIEECTO 8S will be held at the BANKING HOUSE on MO SD AY,the twenty-first day of November next, between the hours qfclO A. M. ocil tno2i : C. N. WEYGANDT. Cashier. |SS=» BASK OF S'ORTH AMEItICA, V3E? PHihACELPHTA, October 13,15d1. ' A general meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Bank will be held at the BANKING-HOUSE on. MON DAY, the 14th day of November next. At 11 o’clock A. M. , to consider and decide whether this Bank shall become an Association for the business of Banking under the laws of the United States; and shall exercise the powers conferred by the act of the Legislature of this State, entitle d “ An act enabling the banks of this Commonwealth to become associations for banking under the laws of the United State*, 1 ’ ap proved 22a August, 18G4; and to take any farther action that mav be necessary. ■ By order of the Board of Directors. < 0011-lmn .1. HOCKLEY, Cashier. NATIONAL UNION TICKET. FOB PBESIIMJSTT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. OF ILIiIHOIS, FOB TICK PRESIDEST, ANDREW JOHNSON# OF TENHESSEF, ELECTORAL TICKET. SENATORIAL. KOKTOR McMICHAEL, Philadelphia. T. CUHNINGHAH, Beaver County. REPRESENTATIYE. 1. Robert P. King, 2. G. Morrison Coates, 3. Henry Bumm, 4. William H ; Kern, 6. Barton H. denies, 5. Charles 21, Bunk, 7. Robert Parke, 8. William Taylor, 9. John A, Hieetaml, 10. Sichard H. Coryell, 11. Id ward Holliday, 12. Charles P. Bead, By order of th® St ate Cents |ggf*»',PlrißlJC MEETINGS.. ADDRESSES WILL BE MADE CITIZENS OF PHILADELPHIA* By the following distinguished Speakers, as follows ON MONDAY EVENING, October 24, MALI OF THE UNION LEAGUE, BV THE Hon. THADDEUS STEVENS, Hon. LEWIS BARKER, of Maine. TUESDAY EVENING, October 25, AT NATIONAL HAIL, MARKET Street, above TWELFTH, Eon. H. WINTER DAVIS, of Md. WEDNESDAY EVENING, October 26, HAIL OF TEE "UNION LEAGUE, Col. TAYLOR, of East Tennessee, Rev. J. "WALKER JACKEON. THURSDAY EVENING, October 27, HALL OF THE UNION LEAGUE, Hon. SALMON P. CHASE. FRIDAY EVENING, October 88, HALL 01 THE UNION LEAGUE, Hon. R. H. DANA, Jr. SATURDAY EVENING, October 89, HALL OF THE UNION LEAGUE, Col. R. STOCKETT MATTHEWS, Of Maryland. THE LADIES ARB INVITED TO ATTEND. 0c22 |ggj= HALL OF THE REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLES, MARKET STREET, BELOW: THIRTEENTH. BY INVITATION OP TEE CLUB, : HON. HANNIBAL HAMLIN, Vice President of the United States, . ' AND - MAJOR A. DEERING, Will address the,public. ON MONDAY EVENING, October 24th, at S o’clock. The .Ladies'are"invited to attend. It gggf°' MVIBESD NOTICE. \ ' Westebk XTuioif,Telegraph Compakt, TMUSPKFJI’sOFFTCEi ROCHESTER, ; N. T., Oct, 11,1864.: . A Regular Quarterly Dividend of TWO PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of this Company has been ; de clared, payable at the Office of the Company, in Rochester, H. Y, ,on the2oth day of October, instant, to the holders of Block on the SOth day of September, 1864. 0. H. PALMER. N. B. —Philadelphia Stockholders will. receive their dividends on calling at the office of f fr , H. H. SHILMNOPORD, . 0c24-ltr;No, l l3 Forrest Place, 133)4 S. BOUKTH St. IGST* i BBIGGS‘GOB» COMPANY—SiO TICE OP DIYIDiNIi, No. 6. ■ ' Nkw Yoke, October 6, 1564. A dividend of ONE PEE'CENT:: forrthe ,month of September has been declared, payable at: the office of the Company, 81 JOHN Street. New TorifienAnd after October 17th, 1864, to Shareholders of E»obrdat the close’ of bnsiness this day. WALTER E. LAWTON, ’ oc!2-12t Treasarer: COMMISSION OF THE UNITED **®; STATES AND ECUADOR. Notice is hereby given that the Commission provided for by the Convention of November 25, 1862, between the united States and Ecnador, for the mnfcual adjust ment of claims, was duly organized at the city of Guay-, aquil, on the 18th day of August last, and that the said Commission will continue in Beesion.'for the' period of twelve months from that date. • a All citizens of the United States having claims upon Ecuador are, fcierefore ; notified, to appear in person, or by and present the proofs in support of their claims to said Commission, or to file their claims and proofs with the Secretary of the Commission, “Senor Crisanto Medina,” in Guayaquil, in the Republic of Ecuador. : -;/ Claims, which shall not be presented to the Commis sion 'within the twelve months it remains in existence, will, he disregarded by hoth Governments and consi dered invalid! FBEDEBICK HASSA.KREK, Minister and Commissioner of the United States. Washington City, October 1, 1564. KSip' OFFICE SOMERSET IR»S ASI) COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, 61 CEDAB. Street, New York, September 27, 1864. N OTICE is hereby given that pursuant So a resolution of the Bourd of Directors, passed this day, an instal ment of TWENTY PEBACENT. on lhe subscription hi {he Capitad Stock of thej&O MSRSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA be and is hereby made, payable to JAMES WADSWORTH, Treasurer of said Company, on or before November Ist, 1864. APest : T. M. TYNO, ' oc3-tnol Secretary. ASf- CUM COMMISSIOSfEKS’ OFFICE, SSSB* Phii.adei.pßia, September 29, 1864. NOTICE TO THE OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE. The BOARD OF REVISION AND APPEALS will sit at the Office of the City Commissioners, No. 11 STATE HOUSE ROW, to hear Owners of Real E:tata desirous of appealing as to the Assessors’ Returns of the Valua tion of Real Estate in the City of Philadelphia for the triennial year 1865, between the honrs of 10 A/M. and lo clock P.M.,onthe following days: - Ist and 26th Wards, Monday, October 3. , 2d and 3d do. Tuesday, do. 4. ■ 4th aud' 6th do. Wednesday,do. 6. 6th and 7th do. Thursday, do. 6. . Bth and 9th' do. Friday, do. 7. r 10th and 11th do. - Monday, do 17 r ; 12th and 13th do. Tuesday, do. 18! lit o and 15th do. Wednesday, do. 19. ISn do. Thursday, do. 20. 18th and 19th do. Friday, do. 21. aod 21st do. Monday, do. 24. 22d and 23d do. Tuesday, do. 25. .go 24th and 25th. do. : Wednesday, do. 26. T,.., no ■"■'■■■■ JAMES SHAW, se3o-toc26 Clerk City Commissioners. lagf” »«»TICE._CAMUDEN ASI» AIXAN. thirteen th? CO.—The anana! election for held Be £ Te for tte ensuing year, will be Setr nn t^nm?c-nii lie !.P 01npaiiy ’ Cooper’s Cam- Of li A M tod IP Itte1 tte mt iMt - betw *2 ‘ b « ions oci2 m * ISP n ivwkP 05 ~ or ©ERMAS- J . u r w v , Oct. 20:1884 Hoticf*isliereby given, agreeably to Section 9nF Hi a A et ot General Assembly of the Commonwealth, of Penn sylvania, entithd ; 11 An act enabling Banks of the Com rnonwealth to become Associations for the nnrnoKA nf taDhioK under the laws of the United States ed tie 22d day of Aogust, a 3). ltl, thS'the 152k holders of the Bank of Germantown have this dav vntnd to become Bnch an Association; and that Its Directors h ave procured the authority of the owners of more than two-third" of the Capital Stockto make the certificate required therefor by the laws of the United States chabi,es w. otto. Cashier. yr&mX&SXR ft BBOWN, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1864. 13. Elias W. Hale, 14. Charles H. Shrlner. 16. John Water, 16. Bavid Modonaujrhy, 17. Bavid W. Wood*. 18. Isaac Benson. 18. John Patton, 20. Samuel B. Blck, 21. Everard Blerer, 22. John F- Penney, 23. Ebenerer MeJunklaJ 24. John W. Blanchard. iral Committee, IN GAMEROST; Ghalrmam. H. WHITEMAN, Seoretai 3Sgr° THB TWFJfITEVFIRS’ir AUSV&Ij ?*l SESsiorr «f tb* gkjsnd division, son'3 of TEMPERANCE OF PENNSTE-TANIA, will «winim'»' its Sessions ob WEDJSESDAy, Slctobsr 26, IBM, at IP o’clock A M , in Franklin Ha'], gIXTH Street, otioW Arch Election of officers on Wednesday evening. 0c22--3t* • JOS W. MAKTJIf. Grand Seri her §3g=“ YOHA*®} MEM €H Jtai/S’iAa' AN* SOCIATION.—The regular monthly meetingof the Assoc'atioii. will fre held in their Booths oh MOii* DAY next, October 24th, at 1% P. M , to watch ladies are respectfully invited. The Rev. 0. S. SENTER will deliver an Essay on “Temperance. ” Question for dis cussion—** Can those who conduct business in accord ance with the teachings of the Bible acquire wealth as successfully, all else being eqnal. as those who disre gard those teachings?” Th® election of officers to serve lor the next year will take place. There will be vocal and instrmnental music by an efficient choir 0c22-2t . BITSINJESS iftoeATON.J?BAC- Tit'a I, instruction in Book-keeping in all its branches, Penmanship, Commercial Calculations, De tecting Conr terfeit Bank Notes,- he. , at CRITTERDEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. '"637 'CHESTNUT ''strß6t"'eSaeir'of''Seyesrtli. Day and Evening Sessions. Students received at any time, and instructed at suck hours-as may best suit their convenience. oc22*St CWASK «OI,I> COMFAST, ■ SKS? NOTICE OF DIVIDESD’No. 1. s New Yoiur, Oct. 17, 1864, A dividend of ONE PER CENT, lor the month of September has been declared, payable at the office of ■tie Company, No. 81 JOHN i treet. New York, on and after October SI, 1861, to shareholders of record at the close of business this day. ; 0c22- 6t. WALKER E. LAWTON, Treasurer. OFFICE OP THE FBflOSf PEffßO* LEUM COMPANY, 47 South FOURTH Street. v Philadelphia, Oct. 12. 1854, The Board of Directors have this day declared a Sixth Monthly dividend of TWO PER CENT, on the capital stock,.payableot> and after thesth proximo. - ■ ' The Transfer Books wUI-be closed at 3P. M.. onßlst inst., for five days. CHARLES A; DUY,- . 0c22-7t : I President. mrSf* THE WYAJiIIOT IKIIYTMO ©O3l - PAN I OF MICHIGAN.—The first meeting of the CORPORATORS of the Wyandot Mining Company of Michigan, under its Articles of-Association, wilt be held at the office of the Winona Mining Company, Jfo. 127 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, on SATUR DAY, the 29th day of October, A. D. 1864, at 5 o’clock F.M. JAY A. HUBBELL, * B. A. HOOPES, : . Two of the Associates of said Corporation, Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 1884. oc!3 ISt rSF.ITffIE ESCAJBABA MtlVOrta C 035- PANY OF MICHIGAN.—The first meeting of the CORPORATORS of the Eseanaba Mining Company of Michigan, under its Articles of Association, willbe held at the office of the Winona Mining Company, No.- 127 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, on SATUR DAY, the 29th day of October, A. D. 1864, at 4 o’clock p. M. JAY A HUBBELL, B. A. HOOPES, - Two of the Associates of stud Corporation. Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 1864. '

y E. P. MIDDLETON, oclS-Ot* ■ ■■ ■ ■ No. 5 N. FRONT Street. GREAT CENTRAL CLOTHING HOUSE, retail dri gbods. Ic H HAHDSO ME SILK'S GKSATII BEBUCEB M PRICm Antiques rodtifced to’lsS. 6(f, ‘ ■ SWiS’s Taffetas reduced to $B. . |3 Rich Fancy Siike reduced to @5, .. . S Figured Corded Silks reduced to 75. ■Sr, Corded Silks rethifced to $3.50. Kain Silks, choice colors, *ll6O to $4.50, .“HtFancy Silks for Evening Dresses. IfCS HEAVY BLACK SlEffiSt $5 to $9. . „ ' tO ®UACK GRO DE RHINES AND TAFFETAS, $1.60 . We are-selling all our Silks af Ibwer prices than ■ the same stylwand dualities can be bought any where else in the city. . ... - ■ . FRE¥CII MKRINOES RSBFCED. ■ :: , $3 50 dualities reduced to $2.50. *3,25 “ ;■ “ $2.37.K . $2.75 “ , “ $2OO. . .. * $2.25 “ " $1.50. $2,00 . “ $1.25. FRENCH POPLINS REDUCED. : $£ Silk Popiins, hrowns and purples, reduced to $2.50. $3.25 All-wool Reps reduced to $2.25. *3 ** Empress Cloths reduced to $2. . .$2.75 “ .. $1.75. . $2.25; “ .<■ .-. *« $1.50. $1.25 FRENCH CHINTZES REDUCED TO 75cents. $1 FRENCH CHINTZES REDUCED TO 55 cents. 10,000 YARDS , NEW AMERICAN BEL,IINIS, 40.CEBITS. : These we have just received, and are all HEW. LONG AND SQUARE BLANKET SHAWLS. . WOOLEN AND BROCHE AT REDUCED PRICES. DRESS GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT VERY LOW PRISES. 1-f. STEEL 4. SON, ’ Nos 713' and 715 Xforth TENTH Street 0c24-mws3t jjEW SKIET FOR 1864, A NEW AND GREAT INVENTION IN. - HOOP SKIRTS. THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) STEEJ* .. '.SPRING. JP I. & J. O. WEST, No. 97 CHAMBERS STREET,. NEW YORK, Are the owners of the patent and exclusive manufac turers of this,. I ' J. W. BRADLEY’S PATENTED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STEEL SPRING SKIRTS. - , , This Invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic -Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever used, enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bility, to place and fold the skirt when iii use aseasily and with the same convenience as a silk or muslin dress. .It entirely obviates and silences the only objec tion to hoop skirts, viz: the annoyance to the wearer* as well as the public, especiaUy In crowded assemblies, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, or la any crowded** place, from the difficulty of contracting them to occupy ing a small space. This entirelySremovesthe difficulty, while giving the .skirt the usual fnU and symmetrical foim, and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera, promenade, or house dress. A lady having: enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of bearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day, wiH never afterward wiUingly dispense with the use of them. They are the best quality in every part, and by far the lightest, most durable, comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above, and ladies inmost first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the different States. AST Inquire for the DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRTS, •DRADLBY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, ■ . Very flexible, folded easily when In use to occupy A small space, making the most agreeable skirt worn. - For sale by * J. M HAFLEIGH, 902 CHESTNUT Street. ■DEADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT—The greatest improvement we have ever seen in LADIES’SKIRTS, and an article of SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. CURWEN STODDARTj* BSO., *5O, *52, and 454 N. SBCONB St., ab.WBIoW. , selo-if2ro. FINANCIAL. 7-30 LOAN. The Beeretary of the Treasury give* notisa that »üb scrlptions will be received for Coupon Treasury Notes, , payable three years from August 16th, 1834, with semi annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent, per annum—principal and interest both to be paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible, at the option of the holder, at maturity, into six-per-cent, gold-bearing bonds, payable hot less than five nor more than twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect. They will he issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO, and $5,000, and all subscriptions muet be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. As the notes draw interest Horn August 15, persons making subscriptions subsequent to that date tie interest accrued from date of note to date of .deposit. . Subsckimioxs men be ksoeiveu by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa, Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, Fa. And by all National Banks which are depositories of public money, and ALL RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country will give further information, and ■ aA-FFpBD’ EVERY FACILITY .TO SUBSCRIBERS. oclS-12tif pREXRL & CO., NO. 34 SOUTH THIRD ST. THE NEW FIVE-TWENTY LOAN, For sale in amounts to suit. 1881 Bonds, and allklnds of Government Loans, bought and sold. oclB-10tif QFFICE FOR THE SALE OF NATIONAL LOANS, No. 114 Soutli * Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. ' NEW U. Ss 5-20 SIX PER CENT, LOAN. The subscribers, having been the successful bidders for a portion of the now 6-20 six per cent. Gold-Bearing Loan, are-prepared to offer it on favorable terms to their customers, in large or small amounts, in Bonds of de nominations of 50s, IOOs, 500 s, and I,OOOs, BOTH EEGISTBKED AND COUPONS, The Interest commences on the let of November next, and Is payable in Gold semi-annually, on the Ist of May and November. ■ . All other Government, securities o nhand and for sale, and information given concerning investments at onr office. ’ v JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. oc!s 1m G. HUEY, BROKER, No. 54 S. THIRD Street, two doors above Chestnut. OIL STOCKS, GOLD, : BANK STOCKS, LOANS, AND ALL OTHER SECURITIES, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. UNCURRENT BANK-NOTES ■■ AND ; . EXCHANGE BOUGHT. COLLECTIONS made on all points, ocls-12t tinn non UNION PASSENGER IUU,UUU RAILWAY COMPANY’S BONDS FOR SALE - V V.. ; . „ v . _ v , The Union-Passenger Railway Company offer for sale at par one hundred thonßand dollars; of . six per cent, coupon bonds, clear of all taxes, National, State, and municipal.' These bonds are secured by a first mortgage of three hundred thousand dollars on the road and its fran chises. The trustees are Clarence F, Clark and Tho rnes A. Scott. V ' . ■■■■:. - .They are issued in sums of SSCO, and ean be had on application at the office of.Oie Company, South FOURTH Street. . WILLIAM F. KEMBLE, . -0c22-12t . Treasurer, XT C NEW 7-30 LOAN. 14 . fe. subscriptions received, and the Note* fur nished free of all charges, by GEORGE 3. BOYD, Banker, «u26-8m 18 South THIRD Street, OIL STOCKS \J BOUGHT AND SOLD ON.COMMISSION, GEORGE J. BOYD, ' 1 18 South THIRD Street. : au»-9m GAS FIXTURES, &e. QORNELIUS &. BAKER, 710 CHESTNUT, STREET, Have the pleasure to announce that’they axe now pre pared to furnish : ■ . :>■ p. £ .4y ' - ' A NEW STILE OF GAS FIXTURE, SUITABLE FOB DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICES, &c„ WHICH CAN BE . LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY. ocIB-lmif - GENTS’ FIRMSniNG GOODS. ggg ARCH STREET. §25 REMO Y A. Xs » G. A. HOFFMAN, UKSI PREMIUM SHIRT ASH WRAPPER MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING EMPORIUM, SBMOVED FROM 606 ARCH STREET . TO THE NEW STORE, 890 ARCH STREET. 895’ : lall-fimmflnv PHOTOGRAPHS.—SPLENDID LIFE A size PHOTOGRAPHS, oil colored, the .most accu rate, artistic, and natural styles of portraits made. Sse specimens at B. F, REIMEK’S Gallery, 634 ABCH Street. . it* TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING SAFES. 81l C ™Y L JJL’ S CBILLED-IRON SAFE pi{!i STILL THK MASTER OF TflE SITUATION. 1 THE ENEMY DARE SiOT ATTACK. ; BY THE. RULE, AS ESTABLISHED IN THE CODE OF HONOR; HE MUST BE PRONOUNCED “NO GENTLSMAN.'' TO THE PUBLIC. We notice In the Philadelphia Bulletin of the lOtßand llth Inst , aird other newspapers of lator date, an ami de headed “Philadelphia against the World, ” .aiid although ..without signature, its poiftpictsiiy, its false statements* and bad English clearly e&tablish its pa temity—Bayld Brans, thou art the man We understand the rule to be, as established in the code of honor, that the man who lays down the gage or makes the challenge, if taten up or accepted by his op ponent, is bound to meet him honorably and? fairly, or ever after to be pronounced no . gentleman,- and to be considered as unworthy of notice. The writer has voluntarily placed himself in just this position, and we now say that lie is entirely beneath ouy notice;- and we pronounce him ** no: gentleman 11 First. Be stated that Lillie’s Safe was neither fire nor burglar-proof. Second. He chaltenged anybody 4 to- test Evans & Watson’s S&fe wicb Lillie’s, at the same time stating how he sboarld-,open Lillie’s, as he-said, tO'Show his sincerity. Third. Be stated he could opan- anj of Lillie’s Safes in use in two hours, specifying ahUHt ber of Bank Safes, and others. We have publicly accepted all these propositions fairly and squarely own. terms, the conditions being equal as a fire-proof, one haPf more time than he asked, or than we asked to open Evans & Watson’s, besides offering to place any amount up to $5,000 as forfeiture against a like amount, as he miglt elect This is not all; we have called upon him* to test Lillie’s Safes entirely at our risk, merely to try his sincerity and honesty) m. making his statements;: but he ba l * neither come forward like an honest man’ to* prove his assertions by a test, nor has he made any re - sponse to any of our propositions Therefore, we have the right to say he is tk no gentleman" by the rale, and were it not for the false statements in the article -referred to we should now pass him by unnoticed. -This artic e says in substance Evans & Watson have received Lillie’s Cast-Iron humbug from a bank at Milford; that it bad been robbed; that it cost $500: that it was guaranteed Lillie’s best Bank Safe; and calls upon bankers and others to examine it, etc. This Safe was a No. 4 Mercantile Safe, and not a Bank Safe at all. . The cash price at : the time it was sold was $270. The Safe was sold some four years since by atravei lingagent to a man who gave his note at four months for SSOO, which note he has never paid,.and the President .now savs this man was the agent of tee bank to buy the Safe. The purchaser knew it wa& not a Bank Safe, and did as such, and the President ought to know it; for a short time before the purchase he called on the agent at Philadelphia, and was shown both Mercantile 'and Bask Safes, and was offered a regular Bank Sale, two inches thick, and much l&rger than the one pur chased, for $450, ten per xtnt. off. Now, if the bank paid, their agent $5OO, supposing it to be a Bank Safe, they.wore both duped Mi&siiilndled, while we were only swindled. As -to* the robbery, it is a fact welL •understood and admitted in Milford, that three sci entific Burglars worked on that? Safe during Safcur- 4 ay nV :a *§’ ll t and Sunday up to about 10 o’clock &• T % t 9? rißd 1 a through the door in front of the lock-(the,*only practical way to- operate on Lillie’s Safe/. A piece of the door near the lock was afterwards tried: by the best mechanic in-Milford with an upright drill; and pronounced thoroughly drill proof (this piece of the door can be seen at.2l South Seventh street). The directors and officers of the bask admitted the door to be all that iu, could be for its thickness, but the President wanted a No. 2 National Bank Safe, worth SLOSO, in exchange even for the old one, saying that David Evans had been .to Milford and: had-offered to exchange even for Evans & Watson’s Bank Safe, for which they asked about the same price, and as our agent declined to ac cept that liberal proposition, the bank took Evans & Watson’s, supposing, we presume, their security to be increased, and in this respect they are as badly duped, or more so now, than they were by their agent in the firstihstance. , As to the examination of this Safe, we join with the writer, and request ail interested in Safes to look at the h ard ness of the iron in the door that was ground through, us thickness and solidity, as compared with a door of Evans & Watson’s.Mercantile.Safe, which is sold, at about the same price, of same siie, and offered as a substitute. Next, if you will call on oar Aeent, 21 SouthSEVENTH Street; you can see Evans <& Watson’s Safe that was opened by one of the rebels at Gettysburg, '.with an old axe, by cutting-out a top panel, in less than five minutes, and robbed. Then, if yon will go to Mr. JOHN Q. WILLIAMS,: 108- South FOURTH Street, Conveyancer,, on can see Evans & Watson’s No. 7KSafe, price $240, that has just been opened by a German look smith in about twenty minutes by drilling a small hole through the door, in front of tha lock, breaking a thin .chilled-iron plate between the door and lock, and by .disarranging a small portion of the, loolf the door was opened, without powder, and in a.way entirely practi cal for a burglar. After, these examinations we think you will be fully prepared to appreciate the difference between a Safe that scientific burglars thirty hours to open, using powder at that, and a Safe that takes one man about twenty minutes to open without noise or powder. ■ . We do -not say that a hole cannot he got: through chilled iron, but we do say it is more difficult and takes longer to grind a hole through chilled iron than any other metal now in übs. We say farther, that there never has been a two-inch Bank Safe robbed made un der Lillie’s patent. At the same time we admit that the IK-inch Mercantile Safe may be ground through, giving scientific: burglars thirty to thirty-six lours to do it. We say, also, that two hours is au abundance of time to get into the best common Bank Safe made.on the principle of Evans & Watson’s, .with plates riveted to gether; that the outer and inner doors can . he dissected and taken apart in less time than that even., :' We will say further, that we will furnish a duplicate of the Safe opened at Milford, if any responsible man, who is ‘ 1 a gentleman, ’ ’ .will furnish one of Evans & Watson’s best Bank Safes now in use, e» en.the one fur nished the Milford Bank; and we will put up any re spectable snm against an equal amount.that two men •shall open the Evans : At Watson Safe sooner, and in-a ua>' practical for the burglar, than any two men can grind a hole through Lillie’s Safe in front of tb'! ioek, . which is the only practical way to openit, and this Is . only IK inches thick, while our Bank Safes have four to six inches in thickness,, including inside burglars. One word more: If the Bank oiMiltord had purchased, the Bank Safe which was offered the President for s4os' cash, the robbery would undoubtedly have been pre vented The attempt: to rob the West Philadelphia Trust Fund, which had the same, size Bank Safe, pro bably by some or all of the same parties, and the en tire failure, under, the-same favorable circumstances for the burglars, proves this most conclusively. One other fact it may be proper: to notice: The public have so much confidence m Lillie’s S&fe that even bankers have purchased the common Office Safe, and have been, in the habit of leaving it alone from Saturday to Mon day in a close office, with largb amounts, while it ; has been almost the universal custom with bankers : trust the common best Bark Safe-without a watchman,: and even with this precaution .robberies are constant. As we said in a previous article we say now. to con vince intelligent men, that 1-16 to 1-12 inch sheet iron is as good a protection against either fire or burglary as IK to 2-inch chilled iron, the writer has got a hard road to travel; and the greater his efforts the rougher he will find the road. LEWIS LILLIE 4; SON. ' M. C. SADLER. Agent, 0c22-ernth3t 21 South SEVENTH Street., - PENNSYLVANIA ; CENT R A L R AIL ROAD. PHILADELPHIA TO ’ PITTSBURG, 356 MILES, WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. THE SHORT LINE ROUTETO ALL POINTS IN THE GREAT WEST. -The Ticket Office of the PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD iB now located at the New Passer ger Depot of the Company, THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia, t PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. Philadelphia to Erie, 461 miles, without change of ears. The Shortest, Quickest, and Cheapest Route to the OIL REGIONS OF PENNSYLVANIA. THE MAIL TRAIN, at 8 A M., for Downingtown, Lancaster, Columbia, Harrisburg, Pittsburg, and all intermediate points, makes close connection at Harrisburg, with the trains of the Northern Central Railway for Snnbury, Wil liamsport, Lock Haven. ..etc., Elmira, Buffalo, Ro chester, Canandaigua Niagara Falls- [No change of cars between Philadelphia and- Lock Haven. I With the Cumberland Valley Railroad for Carlisle, Cham bersburg, and Hagerstown. . At Columbia, with the York aud Wrightsville Railway for York, Hauover, and Gettysburg. v ■ THE FIST LINE. at 11.40 A. M., for Pittsburg and the West, makes con nection at Landisville with the Reading and.Columbla Railroad for Ephrata, Litiz. and Reading. At Harris burg with, the- Cumberland Valiev and Northern Cen tral Railways for Carlisler'Millersburg, Georgetown, Selihsgrove, Sunbnry, &c. At Pittsburg with through: trains on all the diverging roads from that point. North to the Lakes, West to the Mississippi and the Missouri Riverß. and South aid Southwest to all points accessi- ■ bio by Railroad. THE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION, at 2.30. P. M., runs via Columbia, where connection is made with tbe York and Wrightsville Railroad for York, Hauover, and Gettysburg., This train stops at all intermediate points,: and reaches Harrisburg at 7.45. : ’ THE ERIE EXPRESS, at 8 P. M., runs through, without change of cars, for Sui bury, Northumberland, Lewisburg, Milton, Wat sontown. Dewart, Montgomery, Muncy, Williamsport, Henovo. Driftwood, St. Mary’s, Warren, Corry, Water ford, Erie, &c At Corry connection is made with Oil Creek Railroad for Titusville and Shaffer’s, aud with the Atlantic aid Great Western Railroad for Franklin, Meadeville, and Jamestown. This train connects at Harrisburg with the Baltimore Express for Pittsburg and all Western points. THE PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS, at 10.46 P. M., runs through, without change of cars, to Pittsburg, and there connects with alb diverging roadsnorth, south, and west. At Harrisbnrg.ciose con nection is made with the trains of the Northern Central Rail way. for Sunhury, Williamsport, lanville, Rupert, Bioomabnrg, Beech Haven,: Shickshinny, Plymouth, Kingston, Wyoming, Pittston, Scranton, Elmira, Buf falo, Rochester, Canandaigua, Niagara Falls,. etc. Sleeping cars run through with this train to Pittsburg.. A through car for Williamsport and intermediate-points is attached ,to this train, and reaches Williamsport at 7.55 A.M. ’The Philadelphia Express leaves daily- - The Erie Express leaves daily! except Saturday. All other Trains leave daily, except Sunday. ON SUNDAY: . . the cars of the Market-street Passenger Railway will leave.Bighth street at 7.15 PM, to connect with:the Erie Express, and atr 10 P M. to connect with the Phi ladelphia Express, at the Philadelphia Depot. DURING THE WEEK, except Sunday, the ears of the Market, street Passenger Railway will leave Front street every two minutes, commencing one hour previous to thB time of departure of each train, and the last car will leave thirty minutes prior to the starting time of each train from tho Phila delphia Depot. For further .information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, corner of Thirtieth and Market streets, Philadel phia. JOHN P, VANLEER, Jr. . Ticket Agent. MANN’S BAGGAGE EXPRESS. The Office of Mann’s Baggage Express is located at theS. E. cornerof ELEVENTH and M&KKEC Streets where all orders for the movement of Baggage will to-' ceive prompt-attention. An Agent of this reliable Ex press Company .will pass through each train-befo e reaching the depot, and take up checks-and deliver baggage to any part of the city.. The travelling public are assured that it is entirely responsible. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPASY will not assume any risk for. Baggage. except for Weav ing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hun dred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner,unless taken by special contract. FREIGHTS. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from sn- point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or. to any port , on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg, or to all Lake ports by steamers from Erie. . . -. The rates are at all limes as favorable as are charged by other railroad companies nQ^Q^ - , Genel ' all?r |||N t K A /w: G^lNnlh!"' General Ticket Agent. Philadelphia; - ENOCH LEWIS, - oc2l-tf General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. LEGAL. Pr THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT ;OF ,. , ' ■ - - - Whereas a libel has been filed in. said Court m the name of the United States against twenty-four bales of Sea Island cotton, captured by the United States steamer Sonoma as prize of war and brought into this District for -adjudication-now* in pursuance of this writ of monition directed, all persons who claim any light, title or interest in the said cotton, are monished and cited to appear before the said court at the city of Philadelphia, ~ on the 20ih day after the publication hereof, atllo’clockA SL, (if it be a court day, or on the next court day following,) to there allege in due form of law why the said cotton should not be ad judged‘and condemned as October 18, 1864. ■ CooM-St] ■. U. S. Marshal. TTENEY HIJDDY, v . % J-i • ..Distiller and Whnlesale'Dealer in PURE OLD BOURBON, MONONGAHELA, RYE, AND WHEAT WHISKIES, . 145 NORTH SECOND STREET, - Below Race, Phi la HENEY BUDDY, [ocl9-Sml ISAAC J. 'EVANS. CKATING—M. 0. CAMPBELHS BKA- Rj TING CLASSES meet TUESDAY mornings, corner of BROAD and WALNUT Streets. WEDNESDAY And SATURDAY mornings corner, of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, for ladies and misses only. Gentlemen Wednesday Evenings at. ,7, Eighth and Spring Garden Streets. Ladies and. Gentl emen taking one course of lessons on parlor skates, will become expert ice skaters. For circulars, terms, so., apply or address as above. ocia-nt 4Siy —Pit TUBES MOST WORTHY the considerationof alll desiringgoodlike neeses are those popular styles ,pGOTO GRAPHSmade by REIMER, at; feEOOND St., above Green. ■ ■ ■ » ’ ' It* riARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING. V/ » t gWOWIMtt BROWN'S. 11l 8 VOnRTPT Ht’ S. E, COK. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, WANTS. A Young lady, competent to teach English, French. W d jker'iaimenta iof Latin, dee res g SITUATION as visiting or resident Governess “A'ddrefi ‘‘« Clt L’ W.-*’ at this Office. 0c24-mwf 6fc« A STEADY MAN, ATTRE^ENTiEN GAGED as Btotel Porter, Wishgs.MPLOYMENT either In a Hotftl,-Club House, or on a Steamship. 1 In present place two years. £n No Objection to. go West. Apply. for one t 0 “Porter," Press O ffi ca. otsA-il A aged 17, 18 DESIROUS OP a SITUATION In-a Mercantile House or Counting JKooifl.. : ; He is .a good'pen reap, and can furnish aaexeeption abie reierertces. Salary no object. Addi:e«s .Theodore," at this otlice. 0c22-2t* A PARTNER WANTED—WITH A -'- “-CASH Capital of $3,000 The business of groat orofft and ease. Apply at Room 3SW£XCHANGE B&EKHNG. third story. sw22-2i* |?MPLOYM3SHT HOU&B, TBU , estaud most reliable, for c!sy aad country. Has always a good selection of capable persons, with good references. Amsricans, Irish', Baspißb., French, Car mans, Stotch* Welsh, and newly~Bradsa emigrants, 30 Gardeners, Farm H&ads, Coachm*ii»-Watchmen, 2j«. Cooks, .Chambermaids, Seamstresses, Laundresses, Waitresses, and general Htmeewo?k ; Servants Alao : Colored Servants. Jfos. 8©» and 803? LOCUST Street.- above Eighth. se24-lia 'T'O DRUGGISTS.—WANTED Bill -*- experienced Druggist, a SITUATION in a Whole sale Drug Stare. Idtake charge of the mausfactnring departments Address “J. E. Y.PKOCTOE’S Drag Store, NINTH ».nd LOMBARD Streets. 0c24-4t* rro CAPITALISTS.—-WANTED, BY A A mftßTifactnring firm, a capitalist to bail'd them a FACTORY, -which tkev will Tease. Firm hoM' the lot. Address 1 ‘Factory. Press offlco. 0021-3t* Want ed—in .a dry-goods Jobbing House, a YOUNG MAN. well acquaint ed with the city trade., to sell by sample. Address, three days,Woolens, ’ at this office. . .it* iWANTBB TO BUY CHE &JP— A VI COUNTRYDRUGSTORE. Address *‘Druggist,’> Jkguirer Office. , •'' oeg£-%t*: W A N T E D—YOUNG MEN.— I TELE- T.y GRAPH OPERATORS whoread by SOUND, and are INTELLIGENT and RELIABLE, are now and will be for years in greater demand than persons or any other profession. Those who desire-to perfect them selves in this most responsible and beam Ifni occupation will be fitted for it : by one of the most accomplished Ope rators in this country by apply in g at the Telegraph Office, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Only place in the world where REGULAR LIN E practice is given. Call letters from gradnates- now scattered all oven the country,; ' , It* * -WANTED BY A COM MISSI O N 1 *T House in Foreign*and Domestic I>fy Goods, al ready established, a-H&HTNKK, either active or special, ■with a cash capitaiof fifteen to twenty thousand dollars. All communications with 2eah name, addressed to ** Commissionaire, office of this-paper, will be strictly confidential. •• 0e24 mw/3t* WANTED IMMEDIATELY -Wbeel-wfiKhta, Ca,mehte‘ e, and- Coach-huilders. Apply to WILSON, CHILDS, St CO;, SECOND and LE BIGTh Avenue, and St. John and Buttonwood. oc2l-3t* WANTED AT $l5O PEE MONTH— v j We want a reliable CANVASSER in every town and qonnty. We have agents clearing $l5O per month, whicn we will prove to any doubting applicant. Ad dress JONES BROS. & CO., P. 0. Box 1423, Philadel phia. : - - ~ - - oc!3-lm* M WANTED TO RENT-A NEAT, FURNISHED HOUSE, near Germantown. Address * ‘Box 1840, ’ 'P. O. Would be purchased if snitable. 20-6t* MTO LET—A NEAT DWELLING, No. 726 North SEVENTEENTH Street, with good range and heater, hot cold, and shower-bath. Apply to - M. HINCHMAN. .Scrivener. 0e24-2t* No. 38 Sonih SEVENTH St., second story: M FOR SALE—FOUR THREE-STO „ rvßrick Dwellings, Nos. 1733, 1735, 1737, and 1739 WUOD Street, with baths, ranges. &e. Apply to M. H INCH MAN, Scrivener, 0c24-2t* No. 38 South SEVENTH St., second story. 4ps FOR RENT—A NUMBER OF JEu cominodioua DWELLINGS on TWELFTH and THIRTEENTH Streets and, MERVINE Street, at fi om $23 to $33 per month, having baths, heaters, hot and cold water, &e. TATLOW JACKSON, 0c24-12t» 6X4, CHESTNUT Street. m DILI WARE COUNTY.-FOR ■-*-SALE—-225-acre FARM in Concord, two miles from Concorfiville Stati on, Baltimore Central Railroad. Fina .stone mansion, twelve rooms; nicely shaded: fine burn,.i 100x60, uith extensive oversiioot. and shedding; water forced to buildings from a stream; three tenant-houses for workmen. This is a superior busbess farm, and will keep 75 cows. All in complete repair, Price mo derate. Photograph of buildings at - ' JAS R. CUMMINS’, 504 WALNUT Street, or Media, Delaware county, Penna, . K. B.—Call for catalogue containing prices. 0c24-St M ORPHANS’ COURT SALE—m Pursuant to an order of the Orphans’ Court "IT of Montgomery county, will he sold at public sale,: on WEIiNESDAY, November 2,1864, at 2 o'clock P; M., on the premises, situated in Upper Merion township, Montgomery connty, the one undivided half of that Valuable 'Farm, containing, seventy-five acres and forty-five perches of land, late the property of MOSR3 TODD, deceased. Said premises are situated one mile from the Railroad Station at Morgan's Corner,, and two miles from Conshohocken, on the Philadelphia and Norristown Railroad, and are bounded by lands of Joseph Parsons, Christopher Pechin, and the county line read dividing the counties of Montgomery and The improvements consist of T WO. STONE DWELL INGS, one of which is erected over-an. excellent spring of never-failing water, stone barn. The Gulf Stream runs through tie premises. The farm is divided into convenient fields, and water in every field except one. There are twenty-five acres of wood land, mostly chestirat, suitable for fencing. Alsoi a young and thriving Apple Orchard. Persons wishingto vie w the premisae Can call upon MARGARET TODD, on the premises, or upon MARK BROOKE, residing on the adjoining premises. MARGARET TODD, Ex’trix. , MARK BROOKE, Executor. -F. S. —At the same time,. the re&iaining un divided half of the above-described premises will he sold by . 0c22-swm3t* Mfor sale—four.story Dwelling, 1708 Race street, $9,000;. ' Neat dwelling, 816 North Tenth street. $6,700. Neat dwelling, 715 Brown street, $6,200, Elegant new dwelling, 191,0 Coates street; lot 20 by 120 to a street now empty, $8,500. Splendid new dwelling, Bouth side Wallace, west of Nineteenth. Immediate possession. $6,300, _ Neat dwelling, Sixth, above Vine, $5,000. . Neat four-story dwelling. Arch, west of Twenty-first, $9,600. Splendid side-yard dwelling. Seventh street, above Buttonwood street, $14,600. Immediate possession. , : Neat • side-yard dwelling, Franklin, above Poplar street, SII,COO. Immediate possession; Besides near 2,000 other properties. Call for Catalogue or send your address. GEO. C MILLER, ~ Practical Beal Estate. Operator, . 0c22-2t*i ■ .' 154 North SIXTH street. FIRST-CLASS PROPERTIES FOR E»lt SALE; 1703 Green street, 36 feet front. 1911 Green street, 36 feet front. 2206 Greet street, 22M feet, four story ; 10t45x161 2032 Green street, side yard. , 1621 Wallace street; lot 20x180 fe6t. 1622 Green street; lot 196 feet deep. 2103 Springr Garden street, with numerous others, iJso, a large number of Cottages aud Farms B, F. GLENN, 123 South rOUETH Street,and . 8. W cor. SEVENTEENTH and GBEBN. M FOE SALE—THE FOLLOWING 3 EAT DWELLINGS 1924 Mount Vernon street. 2306 and 2316 lombard street. 2004 Mount Vernon street. 2012 Mount Vernon street. - 2026 Mount Veraon street 2030 Mount Vernon street. B F. GLENN, 133 South FOURTH Street, and ,• • 0c22 if 8. W. cor. SEVENTEEN THaud GREEK. m . FOR SALE— THE ELEGANT MANSION, twelve rooms. No. 1309 S. Broad street,, with every convenience, : Apply to W. G. BEDFORD. 53 N. TENTH Street, near Arch. • 0c22-6t* TO CAPITALISTS.—FOR SALE—THE majority of interest in a MANUFACTORY doing a Cash Business on orders and contracts, .with business in advance for several months; and paying on the por tion offered from eight to ten ihousand do:iars per an numnefcprofit, and which can he-increased: To a person'with a capital of about Twelve Thousand Dollar*, wishing to engage in a pleasant business, a rare opportunity is offered, , . ' fit Motives for selling will be made known.- - Address, stating where and when an interview can be had, “8. "W, W.» 1 ’ Box 2339 Post Office, Philadel phia. ‘ : ■ : .. • : 0c24-3t* TO PHYSICIANS—TO: RENT—THE .-A Country Residence of a Physician lately deceased, situated 7 miles from the city, with an established prac tice of 15 years- For'further information inquire at 627 POPLAR Street. • 0022-2t* COPARTNERSHIPS. COPARTNERSHIP. - WASHING TON VA BUTCBEK, Commission Merchant and Wholesale Dealer in Provisions and Produce, has associated with him in his business his son, HBNKY CLAY BBTCHEK. The style of the firm will be WASHINSTOH BQPCHEK & SOU. 146 and 148 North PROMT Street. October 24, 1864. .. ' 0c24-lm* , NOTICE —WEN \j DBROTH & TAYLOS, Artists and Photographers, have this day associated in copartnership with them Hr. J. HENRY. BROWN, Artist. ...... The name of the firm hereafter will he WENDEROTH, TAYXOR, & BROWN. ; The reputation l of the establishment, as ' weil for PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS as for highly finishedPAlNT. INGS IN OIL OR WATER COLORS, will he fully sustained: and the addition of another artist to the firm tvill enable it to execute orders for fine .work with, less delay than hitherto. The undersigned, respectfully Invite examination,of their specimens in all stj les of portraiture. . ' Particular attention paid to copying old pictures. . Out- door Views'of Country. Seats, &c., taken at mo derateprices :. . i N..B —Entrance until their new store is completed, at .916 CHESTNUT Street. WENDEROTH, TAYLOR, & BROWN, 913, 914, and 916 CHESTNUT Street. . October, T9,lS6L - . , CARD . In connection with the above announcement, the un dersigned desires to state to his friends, who have du ring many y eats favored him with their kind appre ciation, that his entrance into this copartnership isin duced by the sincere conviction that, in proper hands, Photography proves itself an ally which art can no longer wisely neglect. He believes that, wonderful as has been its triumphs, it is destined to still greater achievements. Whatever merit may hitherto have been attributed to his pencil will henceforth he employed to demon strate the correctness of this conviction. J. HENRY BROWN October 19, 1864. oc2l-12t if . PERSONAL.— LADIES AND GEN- X TLEMEN; Professional or otherwise, having occa sion to nse the Voice on the Rostrum or Stage, will find in MASON’S MEDICATED CANDY instantaneous relief for Hoarseness, Colds, Coughs, &c. MASON & CO., Proprietors. No, 58 N. SIXTH St., Phila. 0c22-3t* “T’EMAIL DE PARIS” IS NOT A . paint, powder, or paste, but a most delicious preparation that gives both the color and texture oi polished , ivory to the skin. EUGENE JOUIN, No, 111 TENTH Street, below Chestnut . “T ’EMAIL DE PARIS ” CAN BE XI used by all ladies in the privacy of ti e toilette. It removes all tpots and roughness, and its purifying effect on the'skin calls forth freshness, color, and beauty. E. JODIN, No.-111-TENTH Street, below Chestnut. “T ’EMAIL DE PARIS ’’ QUICKLY and effectually removes those unsightly black worm specks which detract so much from the beauty of, the skin. E; 'JODIN, No. 11l TENTH Street, below Cheettnut. : ■ “T ’EMAIL DE PARIS” IS ES- Xj PECIALLY endorsed by Mad’lle Vestvali, Mrs. Waller, and many ladies in private life, whose com mendatory letters, for ohvions reasons, cannot he pub lished E JOBIN, 111 S. TENTH Street. Orders by mail should he, addressed, JARED S' BENE, General Importers, Philadelphia. pc3-mws tf L'tIDER. —NEW CLARIFIED CHAM- Vy PAGNK CIDER, of a superior quality, by the barrel or hogßhead, for sale by „ EMIL MATHIED. oc2l-Iltr Nos. 130,133, and 134 LOMBARD St. THE OHIO PETROLEUM COMPANY. FiX; CAPITAL, $1,000,000. ■ Composed,of-1,444 acres, on.FEDERAL CREEK, gan comity, Ohio, racindingthe whole of the celebrated Joyiaim The first three wells bored are nowpro dooing over IGO barrels per day. v 5J lfi in progress (sixteen in all), which will be completed by Ist December next ~ Income at present $6OO per day. Two «er cent, on the Capital block now on. hand for sa'es of Oil, and appli cable to dividends. - . • ■ . . First Dividend w.U.I be declared Ist December next. /With no material depreciation of oil below present prices, large dividends may be confidently lookedfor. For further information, or for P a ®pjf etB i a |l p the ofllce ol the Company, No * BROAD Street. Roams No. 11 and 12, New York. WM. A. SHREVE^ Ait.en D.-Vobce, Secretary. New Yoitir, Sept. 20,18G4. pc.l-fmw3m ax REASON ABLE prices, TZTIDES AND BARRELS- —OFFICE, D. G.: 8-300 Salted Hides}., - 41 83 Dry Hidav more Or less. A-Iso. 1,060 Sugar Hogsheads; ' SB® Pork Barrels. ■ >. BW> Floor ** - - : 135 Coffee “ 115 Whisky ■■ 126 Fish “ 115, J lnB 3ar Kegs. _ V , b ”? b s. Ac. , Sic., Ac. Terms Cash, in Treasury notes, at the time of sale. OCI9-fit G- bell Lt CnL andC. S. A U S ON SALE OP CONDEMNED, r ; - QtJAim-ritfA-iT£}i GsstgKap’s Oppios ' __ Frasr Division, Wabhinaton Crrr,«stoberi, iagy Will bo soli si PnMlc A&mon, to the highest bid**,;., ■ MIFFI-IN. PENNSYLVANIA, THURSDAY, . October 137,1884. WILMWGTOm DELAWARE, THU2SD.V?, , October2ojSBSl ___ .. YORK, PBKNSYLTaMa. TEUR&&AY, _ October 27. JSS4. - - TWO HUNDBSD CAVALRY HORSES, A? SAOSf i ■ ' PLACE. ; __ T °eaeß o r»6ca?,ijote^a<»!i;i 9l223d ss unfit fsi ti* ; siwalry ««viC9 oC th« mmy. S u 0 11? ® nd ftssu&r thuposs*, J3KH7 good bEJisfee i » b* tem. s°“ e ® ®°la .Sates to eomnaasa at 10 A. EC By order of the CSi&tterß&aster General. "* . JAMBB A. EKTJf* y^ ay yg«n&sfcer General’s MERIC AH A3A-D^MY""OF'^nJBIG t ,. . Under the menagemeait oFthe tfsw York Jetf-ella*** Association, Mo3sisay 24, 1564, -j*B. L. M. GOTTSCHALK. SIGNOR ERNES,TO MONGIARDINI. Pnmo_ Tenore from Lar Sbala, Milan, (His first appearance iil America.) MABAip HBKEIETTi BWHHEFS' - MISS- JOSEPHINE O’CONEIiL, MB. THEO.- AHKEii©; - THE GBAUD C>RCHESTRa* HOIOABDING—AT NO. 926. CHESTNUT Street. Untarnished Rooms for families without children, and famished rooms for gentlemen, with board,, atjhe most central and desirable location in ALSO, TO RENT—A large second-story front room. S 3 feet by 70 feet) suitable for Photographers and others Apply as above, No. 926 CHESTNUT St. oc2l-2t* ' HOARDING.—SEVERAL VERY DE "•M SIRABLE nnfnrnished Rboms'with, BOARD. No children:;; Apply 535 ARCH Street. It* XJOARD; WANTED.—TWO WELL -M FURNISHED communicating ROOMS wanted, with, breakfast and tea, by a gentleman, in a private family. Location west of Broad, in the neighborhood of Green street: Address, staling terms, &c., “0. F. K.,” Box 2752 Post Office. : . ; . . . 0c22-2t* XTANDSOMELY-FURNISHED LODG- KOOMS. for Gentlemen, with gas and bath. No. 904 WALNUT Street. . ... : oc2l-St* ELIGIBLE ROOMS VACANT A T J-I HILL'S. 328 SPRUCE Street. ocB-lm« T OST OR MISLAID—A PERPETUAL *- J Policy of Insurance, No. 16,077, issued by the- FIRE ASSOCIATION Oet. IS, ISSO, to. JAMES MILLI GAN, for $1,200, on property 8. E cor. of Brown an A Emery streets. Adf information thereof will be’re ceived by C, STIVER, No. 530 North THIRD Street. . oc2i mwf-lTt A CERTIFICATE (263) OF STOCK ■4A for two hundred shares in the “UNION PETRO LEUM COMPANY,” standing in the name of “NEL SON CURTISS, ’ ’ having been sent me by mail, and not having come to hand, it is believed to he LOST, and no tice is hereby given that an application has been mad* to said Company for a new Certificate. oc2l-6t J. A. WILLIAMS, Attorney. T OST OR STOLEN—OH THE NIGHT of tie Stb. inst-» four of the following Certificate*:. Bob. 24,319, 23,929, 23.093, 24.630, 24,799 of Phila delphia and Reading Railroad Stock. The public arar cautioned against their negotiation, as their tiansfer has been stopped. A liberal reward will be.paid and no questions asked on their return to P. S. HOWLAND, 437 SPRUCE Street, A LIBERAL REWARD.—LOST OB mislaid. Certificate No. SS of tie Capital Stock of the AETNA OIL COM PANT for 500 shares, in the name of BE3JAMIM P. WBISLEY, with a printed form of a Power of Attorney, endorsed, signed by Benjamin P. Wrigley. All person* are cautioned against negotia ting for the same, as the transfer thereof is forbidden, and will not he approved by said Company. Any insertion ofany name in the blank space left iw ' the Power of Attorney will be forgery. Said Certificate: can be of no use to any one, a* application has been made to the said AEtna Oil Com-- pany for a new Certificate in lieu of the one lost or mislaid.- The finder of said Certificate will be liberally re warded by leaving it at Ho. 38 South SEVERTE Street (second-story), at Office of M. HINCHMAM, Scrivener. ocl3-lm* E^OPINIIfI OUTSIDE UIIffE OF STEAMERS The Coastwise Steamship Company’s Line of first-class ' ■ Screw Steamers, E. C.; KNIGHT. JOHN GIBSON. From. Wharf, first above Race street* AT 13 O’CLOCK, NOON, And from New York, Pier 11, North river,on same days,. These new and substantial steamers were bnilt ex pressly for this route. Freight received daily,-handled in the most oarefnF manner, and delivered with the utmost despatch. For further particulars, apply to : FOR HARTFORD, CONN._ ■Eifint B^- DIRECT—Via Delaware and Karitan Canal— Second wharf above Dock street—the Phila delphia Steam Propeller Company’s steamer I'RACfK, Shropshire, master. Apply on board, or to ' WM. B. BAIRD A CO., Asrents, 132 South DELAWARE Avenue. ’ FOR ALBANY AND TROT, flllT OTiTHi VIA DELAWARE AND BARITAN CA BAL.—The barge MONTEREY, R DANVER. Master, Jb now loading at first ;wharfYelow SPRUCE Street, and will sail for the above points on WEDNESDAY, October 26th. ' ■ ■ For freight, which will be tatenon reasonable term*, apply to D h. FLANAGAN, Agent, 0e24-3t an4-Siinth DELAWARE Avenue. BOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. BAELB * SON. / *l6 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILA ay* new iB store .very fin. .wortment of Xj ook ing gl asses, of *v*ry ehsw&ster, ofth* rjffiY BEST KAJnrSAG’rtTEB AND UTSBI STf*®*.! OH. FAIBfTIHGS, ENGRAVINGS. »M FIWVRB A9TT> PHOTOGRAPH FEAWK* - TVrARSHAL’S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF ITX a writ of sale, by tbs Hon. JOHN CABWALA- Djyß, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern districtof Pennsylvania, in Ad* miralty, to me directed, will be sold at public 'ale. to. the highest and best bidder, for cash, at IIICSBNEB 8. STOSE. No 142 Nortn PBONT Street, on THUR>~ DAT, November 3a, 1864, at 12 M , Twenty ionr Bass, of Sea Island Cotton.ungmngh^ 0e24-6t U. S.MarehaiE. D. of Peansylyama TYBAF MADE TO HEAB.-t»|TR^ J-A MENTS to assie tithe bearing, at P. HADBUt A bv No run Sana TENTH Street, beiow Ohe.tnnt. »3> «* , AUCTION SAJ-JEg. o*3- toc26 SE'@OKD ®KMB TOCA.L MD- MSTRUMESfAt COCTdEET, BOARDING. X