befell Mm to take a prominent part In this fatal VIVAIOTITATi AJm nninmfDm>> iFor The Frees.-] , war. He participated In, the, Rattles of the Pe- . flniliuiiil AJID UUMMEBdAIi, «n the Death of Capt, -riieoaapeJß ll * l4 ® l ** nfesula, Fair Oaks, Wen-Ma&’Htalvern HIU, on J,, . , ..araejtJUVT*" - - -of *l»e 58tft P- V. . , 1 -'aSS? 4 at 7>„" nKV .t nkwtok nitowsi d. d. itrable-Wildirness of. Chancellorsvllle; and on, the' an “ clOßin* at a ehaKMSyif£fflMglnfß~^' • . “ v * ' i '■ ' well-fought field of Gettysburg—wherever there j> stock market was nfer^-aottwfoXoSyemSMt' tr» r«n in the face of the foe, ..was.danger’of Jghtlng'hei was bonds, though at a decline la prices, ths >Bl loan sell - JEIo fell IB tbo < tersburgy Bouth of it, north ofitj until that at the ciose.afc IOSK—a deciina of \£—and th«s 20a Wbofio parricidal hana . ? under his'dlvision, a few months ago, inwMoiih.e at n lp i u 4 tv wlf, aad the 5-239 *Waa madly lifted to overthrow ;led Ms W ’the, entrenchments'; of Rich- the 7-30 loaulOSjvfts bid, , The Union onr rathers planned. mond. ; Only.two weeks /he,got out^ iS' H- a ad ® bet * e . r * State 6s advanced. H, and ■r front of his men he fell, : sidkbedagMhstfthemmonstrancedf hls.piivgiolan.' 'f°T at 83X.' There were largei sales of new City 6s at 1 d?hls bright swo?d flashed on high,' w« ißij&wMto;*?? A , ihovn the booralnsr Sf ahof'onlcLi. * 11140 ® returned'tOihis teWawd- WV.bonds. First iaortgase Pennsylvania Batlroad And abovei the booming .of Shot and shell lay himself down-shall Tsaylo dletl'&od, In iHig ibodds sold at 109>£-a decline of X, 6s' 1S70 : BangpnthUbsttl»4ty, fo^rd^rTh y at hTca^SS^toa? ll7 ’™? 7 ® 3 ? 1 ®®® 6480 and the 6s'of'lB44: at 103;’.Greenland Coates ■ The death-shot struck him as he spoke; nf Ms l?fe was T he 4ast weefc oStreets 7s at 100. The share list continued active for • He fell as falls a noble oak t hl^iLlly^nS^^ e 4 dink ’ f s^iikl,y 5,1 '1 18 I,BlD f „ physioians. Neither afreottonnorskm^nlw^ilw'* an advance ofl; Pennsylvania Kailroad advanced 11. hlm.« He died from drtnkinK In the Sl mal^i!i l lf th 2 Si and. Little SohuylkilbK; Huntingdon His sword—his country's sword— -.owampg.-oi • Vfcgtala; iaxd Broad Top Bailroad sold at 30. The coal stocks In many a bloody field could arr«t that fatal"malady, and hemustmuf ■ we reinlietterdmand;Shainokinsoldatl2,b.iiojPres- XHad pierced the ranks of the rebel horde, to the'conciueror that conquers all. He fell touatSOi and jEfew-Tork and Middle at 16, on time. 0f... TUI the foe In terror reeled. the solace that above all things tbe canals the only sales report, d wore sales of Susqnc- - Like Moses* sacred rod, ® if 0 ®? ov “ , y^i Ban ! bo be peasanti or prince—the ’ hanna at 14>f. and Schuylkill Navigation at ffi. The - • deredMs f Go * • &oi; for as the m nlsterorood, ' MWonS,- Farmers’ and Mechanics’ ;29K for Mechanics’-; 47* for To exeouto His wrath > . fix g And calling Girard; 2SJT fer Manuraotarers’ and Mechanics* • 47* The caußßAf Jps c • ■ . '_ ; wonder that these yomig men whoMavo^bcmi 0 with - for powmonwealth; for Union.^r The oil Btooks Hedidnot bear the sword in vain. bim In all his hard' battles are e todav? were all better; Densinore advanced KiMcOlintoclc M; Tir . -■ His record Is"without a stalhi His services were Moßlbeny %•, and Dalzell X. Corn Planterwas a frac-■ . _ greatly .appreciated ho'norabl v reward od The ■ lion lower. ■ ■- . . ... v Though muse of h story . ... . crownlnghonor_of;his military oareer was probably The first payment on account of the new ioan has bad: His honored name shall tell, £ a4a * 40 bim. He ought to have returned to hts ffo perceptible effect uron the money market, bat it is How, In the moment of victory, “i™,®’:! 0 bad .already set In, but, with a y h 0 meanest rtain that the SM,DOS,'( be paid prior . Triumphantly he fell. Ms duty to be < wUhth^ U^0n 4m ’ bofelt that it was toKovCmb’erlwill be as readily met.' From this dace But who our grief shall paint, I neednotdwellonThose things - veu knew him a huUegai-tenders or Katiohal Banknotes can ba That shall see his face no more 1 as your townsman ; it don’t’ surprise you that excess: ~ ’'f'.'i--, -> .. . Friend, patriot, leader, horo, saint, onroity have come up here to do him honor. All ; Ommeretal Advertiser says has informa- i r Thv' , deiitli- , wVTn«Af-fiih«iArn- •• •••• ' • that public sympathy caa do. all tfc&t fcbe Moa from well-informed -sources at Washington that. ; -rru A JLit ■A*a*£'+ w ttopipre.. of the Gospel of Ohrlstcati do, Is done and * Seci contemplates recoaimeedmjf to„ lnongn aeath to tnee was heavenly gam, will be^jlcne to temperthis bitter cup. O-od’B wayis in ! Coßgresstheadoptionof alawauthorizlcgthe payment ’Onr loss we feel with bitter pain* t«n sea. Here is a man who has passed through . of duties in greenbacks, the motive being, by battles, yet an putting down the price of gdld;^*to expehdi- IV * unaeen band guo.rds him from every.peril. . Shells, tureaof the Government rt ! is iio»«v P r nn«« "We shall see his faoo no more: flyingaroundhim fall without injuring him; thou- y a - Oh desolated-home* * sands fall at Hs side and ten thousand at his right ttonable whether the expedient -.hate tna result, Uh, aesoiatea . . ...■...: hand, yet he comeg home to die.- Let me say that intended. The eaisimg demand, for gold for duties. Where the voices of joy were heard before, ■ it broooves us all to stand with-our loins glrdedand would of course cease, and that would tend to pntdowa But now are smitten dumb I our lamps trimmed, knowing that there is a. Oon- . the‘price of gold but for the fact that the Government r Strength of the stricken heart, queror who conquers all, and the feeblest of us may equal amount.for tha pay- In this hour of grief ba near, meat of ihterefctV Tier© wouldl’ih fact, he about the ' And that fullness of holy love impart your ' ■ "Whlob'shall dry the mourner’s tear. breasts between rebellion and ruin'and ,uSj let' me - For Thou art the widow’s God nor less here In-tho presence of these remains—ln thepre- wonld bo the buyer mftsad of the import.r. One im m,. ii > 11 “ senoe of that manly face and that mute voice which portant effect would he to reduce thedutisstotheex- Aheeatner 01 tne latherlOSS. t has so often rung out on the battle-field—let , ' tent of the; difference be! ween; the .currency and gold; oounselyouto naakeyoiir peace with God through which would'beagreatbcoutotradsahd'to'cbnsamers;’ . _ . v< tlio Wood of the. Lamb. To-day'we Should learn The condition of the banks of the three principal cim- Uhurch of ths living God! another lesson also. ,We ought to. learn to cherish mercial cities of the Unioa ls the following "Where he pledged his Christian vow, inoro fondly the beneficent institutions God has table, which shows the ssgreunttß of their last weekly AM Ms reverent fonistons invfni trod given us. something of what their mainte- . Ami *s reverent tootsteps joyful trod, nance has cost ns. The precious lives-this shed- eutements. ~. - --■■■-• ■- Thou art a mourner now. ding of blood, May God so ordor our affairs that this v 4 ■ ' : toanß; ''Specie.- -Cirolat’.n Deposits; Fhat manly form, once laid • fatal struggle maybe brought to a righteous, hono- N.F, Oct,-16 $186,357,270 20,622,032 4,051,267 i50,233,(54 -Beneath the mystic wave, rable, and lasting end. 'M’lS’lsf r Si’iv I’clHm HlB Saviour’s latest call obeyed, An Impiesaivo prayer was; then delivered by Dr. Best., Oct W ~C0,7d4,96l j,ffl,Bs7 9,962,723 24,018.662 Bows to a darker grave! - . T0ta1...... $251,960;096 29,824,280 16,616,657 209,8 ii, 542 Mourn, but with hope j that form shall rise 17,040,306 202,221,243 Bright as the sun In eastern skies. Decrease iin 10an5............. .......$179,034 Wrapt In his bloody vest, Freeh from his field of fame, They bore his corse to Its place hf rest, . With iho glory heroes claim. • His sword was on his bier, His country’s flag drooped low, The muffled drum aud the soldier’s tear, The footsteps falling slow, Tho volleyed, thunders o’er his grave— All spoke the.honors due the bravo. Bat Faith lifts up her eye To purer honors given, - Where white-robed hosts give welcome high In tho starry coasts of Heavon. « Take tliou the victor’spalm; Thy fight of faith Is o’er; (Raise to redeeming love thy psalm With us forevermore; * Enrolled among God’s chosen sons, Immortal in two worlds at once!” viti. . Brother and friend, farewell I Thy memory still Is dear, And hearts that loved thee long shall swell With sorrow’s tender tear. But in that better land, ■ Where thou hast gone before, We shall clasp with deathless love thy hand, And greet thy smile once more, Where all shall draw immortal breath Who here are faithful unto death. Landor’s Dedication to Jackson. To the Editors of the N.Y. Evening Post:' ? In your discriminating roview of the life of Wal ter Savage Bandor you mention that he dedicated “Pericles and Aspasla” to General Jackson, and that this dedication had been omitted in the Ameri can reprint;' The American publishers omitted it probably because they thought that it.would be dis taste! ul to Jackson’s opponents, and so injnre the sale of-the book in this country. On comparing the Englieh.:edition with;the reprint it will be found that this was not the only,portion omitted, but that' there isla.'long appendix, - entitled “ tetter to an Author,”,which was not reprinted for some personal reasons also. This praotice of, trimming books to suit the American market has happily been aban doncd. Ihave copied the dedication, from its interest in connection with Bandor and with Jackson, and also from the curious coincidence which the whirligig of time has wrought, in its application to the state of this country at the present time. One might sup pose ibaddressed to Abraham Blneoln. Even the allusion, to France; at the end, has ,an applica tion now, although there is an obscurity iu the Btanza which contains it, which you may be able to -enlighten. , [ltrefers to Jackson’s demand of the claims against France.—Eos. Evkkikg Post.] ■TO GENERAL ANDREW JACKCON, PRESIDENT OF TlUt UNITED STATES. Happy may be the land "Where mortals with their eyes uplifted stand, • While eloquence her thunder rolls: Happier, whereno deceptive light Bursts upon Passion’s stormy night, Guiding to rocks and shoals. Happiest of all; where man shall lay His limbs at their full length, nor 'overcast The sky above his head, but the pure ray Shines brighter oh the future than the past. Book, look-into the East afar, Befulgent western star s .And where the fane of Pallas stands, Beartffl to her glory by his hands, Thou, although nowhere else, shalt see A statesman and a ehleflike thee. How rare the sight: how grand! Behold the golden scales of justice stand Self-balanced in a mailed hand! - , Following the ealm Deliverer of Mankind, In thee again we find , This spectacle renew’d, : ; Glory alt ho" there be To leave thy country free,! Up, every son of Afrio soil! ’ Ye worn and weary, hoist the sail! For your own glebes and garners toil With easy plough and lightsomo flail: A father’s home ye never knew, A father’s home your sons shall have from you.* Enjoy your palmy groves, your cloudless days, .Your world that demons tore away. • . Book up ! look up! the flaming sword ' Hath vanisht! and behold your Paradise restored! Never was word more bold Than through thy cities ran, Bet gold be "weigh’d for gold, Bet man be weigh’d for man. Thou spakest it; and therefore Praise . Shall crown thy later as thy earlier days, . And braid more lovely this last wreath shall bind. Where purest is the heart’s atmosphere, > Atlantic ruler! there Ghall men discern at last the loftiest mind. Else, and assert thy trust! , Enforcing toJie just ; The race to whom alone _ ■ Of Europe’s sons was never known (In mart or glado) - The image" of the heavenly maid Astrrna ; she hath call’d,thee: go Eight onward, and with trenchant prow The hissing loam of Gallic faith cut thro’. Jolt 3,1558. .‘This prophecywasnever fulfilled .-OfoUhtiLandor tm his works ! It will be under Lincoln. —iEds. Evening Post. ■ THE, CITY. •OBSEQUIES OB' MAJOR GEN. D. B. BIRNEY. ' AI'I’BABANCK OS THE CITY. . Tte city yesterday had quite a mournful appear pee. AU the flags were at half mast, and the shut- Jew of a number or houses in the neighborhood of Gen. Birney’a residence, and along the line of pro- AMsionywera bowed in honor.of the funeral of Major At two o’clock, according to notice, the house was opened, and.a great rush of.citizeris and soldiers fol lowed. All were anxious to see the body of the General. Arrangements: were made by'which the .great stream of people was kepi■ in motion, and the •crowd admitted at the front door were permitted to retire through the back. „ THE CORPSE. The body of the General was dressed in fall major general’s uniform. On his breast was a cross of japonicas, and; at his feet a wreath of the same .•fragrant flowers. The coffin was Covered with black cloth and mounted with silver, On a sliver plate •on the lid was the following inscription: ■ DAVm BELL BJENEV, Major General United States Volunteers. - Kora May 29, ISIS. Died October 18, 1861, ■ „ ■■■■ KBAVB-TAKIHG. : The officers under General Blrney, his staff, and soldiers then took a last; lingering at all that of their loved general! Tte wife and family of the deceased then took leave f A h «« < ?t^iif d w b w l^'and teadar parent. -.,"JS r S nl6 *^ ad - been restored and the doors . closed, Bov. H. A. Boardman, D. D., of whose Church the deceased was a member, read a number 5 f appropriate seiections from the Scrlpturesfand . delivered the following address: ’ HESijtKKS z'oj' DE, ROAKDiIAN. There 1b scarcely any word in the human lan «uage so significant of evil as the brief monosvla le, war. It embraces almost every form of natural •evil; and almost .every type of moral evil. In its ■ghastly.train',are poverty; famine, postilenoe, ! sick ness,-wounds, death, widowhood,, and. orphanage, the black pall and: the- grave. _ Mingled with these forms of .natural" evil' are infidelity, athoism, pro „.n?,n.';ss’ liccntiouflness. and rupture of social and ■civil ties. The war in which we are eDgaggdffiag a -fTl pr^e P ll,enoe over all the wars recorded in hiß *s a war against wise and beneficent iastl* amidst general and unexampled ceatrv unu' anKm £ Bt brethren having acolnmoh an ■the atrocoect °f > S? lon . llel ' lta Ke, bound together by •uSons tils historical, and re- • ■aee the Mlmtoallty B of°wS W Wo 9 are prosecuSntr This whole city gives itself up to-day to mourn ing. The aged-ana-the young, the soldier Sd the •citizens come here to-day to testify their respOot tnr his oharaeter, , gratitude for his services, and svm. ■pathy with this stricken-household, and the right ■aousness of the struggle In which our country is en gaged. Itls right that itisso,'-Tt is meet that we should attest our sympathy on this mottrnfui occa sion with thiB ; afflicted familyiland with- the noble fj® S' who have gone to bless theland; I have said anat sorrow,:attends- war. The. .occasion, before I s e mournful evidence thereof. There: are ot „^ o y sai «l3 oi like scenes all over the 'womUio ■ bat , v U la ge is there that has not its for .their -children,-and willinot o S^! fortaa , because . they are not. In se i£'bn««»s < W let vllla ges, as well as in princo be seen the ter- TiDIQ effects of this accursed rebemmv-T fool thn> •this is not the.time ror the piacetouo fflt.O nrovlo w •of Gen. Bliney’s iifeand services Whlh three ind •a half years ago that fatal battery whs onenedfinln Fort Sumpter he; with thousands of otS At as,a oalx nponhtm. He bade adieu to alihta com aneroial pursuits, to ail his; domestic tlk'aud save ' himself up to the. service of our country Ha to withheld himself from no exposnre,‘and hasahunnßdr \ no dangers. . He has laid ah that'was dear to him , upon the altar of Ms country.. He has denied him » seif the coveted enjoyments of his home, and has •only visited it at long intervals, and then only for brief periods at a time. He gave himself entirely up to the service of our country. It will appreciate .the offering. A man of indomitable energy, saga .■pity to reM meaA&dthlngs with ajust aw&wfyp, it The coffin containing the corpse was carried by six soldiers, formerly of the 23d lteglment, which General Birney commanded as colonel. ' The following- persons were pall-bearers: fflaior General Cadwaladef.Major General Sickles, Com modore Engle,’Brigadier General Gwln, Colonel Crosman, Colonel Sides. The line of march was then taken up In the fol lowing order to Woodland’s Cemetery, where the body was,interred : , -v*. •m; Detachment of police, under direction of Chief Samuel. - •. , G. Ktiggles. Funeral eecoit, consisting of one regiment of infantry, Jour/piecds of artillery, and a sgn&dron of ’cavalry. . Gnited States marines. , 1 Officiating clergyman and clergy of Philadelphia. • ' :. Pall bearers: Hearse, with guard detailed, from First Troop of. Phila-.: 1 delpnia City Cavalry, (of which the ■ General was a member.) . Hcrse and boty servant of the General, r Family General's personal staff, and,officers who served on his staff during thewar. ; •• •,■ . Relatives and friends. , Officers and soldiers of the.23d Eegiment ■ Volunteers, (the regiment having been organized- aßd Co “ ma S b3d l Geh.i; Eirney.^as colonel.) Officers and soldiers who have terved tufder Gen Blr-- ney’s command during the" war, ‘ - • Officers of. the navy.. i, ~r _ . Officers of the'army. Franklin (Lodge, No:: 134, A Y. M., (ofwhichtlie Gene ral was a member), and other members of .... - . ihe Masonic order. „ Bar of .the city of Philadelphia , Mayor and members of the Select and Common _ . .v Councils. Union-League and'Na*ional Union Club. . Citizens ... RELIGIOUS. THE REV. A. A. WILLETS. , The numerous friends and admirers of the Roy. A. A. 'Willets.formerly of this city, now of Brook lyn, New York, will be glad to learn that he will, to-morrow, occupy the pulpit of his old church seventh and Spring Garden streets, morning ant evening. We have no doubt that this simple an nouncement will attract a large congregation. LECTURES ON THE DOCTRINES, OP SWEDEN- A series of Sunday evening lectures on the 11 Doc trines of Swedenborg” will, be commenced in the' Broad-street '-'New Jerusalem Church (corner of Brandywine) to-morrow, at ly o’clock, by Rev. B. F. Barrett, minister of the ehurch, to which 'the public are invited. CENTRAL ■ CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Rev. Edward Hawes, of Maine, will ho Installed as pastor of the Central Congregational Church, next [Tuesday evening, October 25th, at Concert HaH. Rev. I)r Kirk, of Boston, wilt preach the sermon, Rev. Drs.,Badger, Buddington, Smiley, Storrs, and othors lire expected to take part in' the services. : - , POUTKAL MILITARY UNION CLUB, A meeting or soldiers at Summit House Hospital was held.on Thursday evening; in favor of; the elec tion of Lincoln and Johnson. Dr. Buchanan, acted: as president of the meeting, and Introduced.' Oapt. Isaac Neal, who delivered an able and eloquent ad dress. Mr. Morris, of che West Philadelphia Glee Club, favored the assemblage with several patriotic songs. S. D. Mansfield, formerly of the 119 ch Regi ment E., Y.,was eleoted chief marshal' of a 1 Union club formed by the soldiers of this hospital. ' . SPEECH BY GEO. FRANCIS TRAIN. George Franois Train wHI speak to-night at' the hall of the Republican Invinclblea, Market-street, below Thirteenth, on “The Issues.of the Cam paign.” .. j. ■■■ HIUTABY. BOUNTY. Yesterday warrants Tor the-bounty-money were issued to fifty-six men, who were accredited to'the First, Seventh, and Nineteenth-wards. The quota is thus being .reduced daily, and it is probable that the drafting process will be farther postponed. aMSCEMhANEOI'S. SLIGHT FIRE. The alarm of fire about eleven o’clock yesterday morning was caused by the burning-out of a ohirn-' ney, which ignited the roof of a house situated near Lombard and Eighth streets. Damage incon siderable. - DOMESTIC MARKETS, There are but few changes in the prices of market ing since our last report,; The following table notes all the changes: Apples, per half peck.’................... 37 Beans, lima, per quart 20 Butter,per p0und....................... Go to to Cabbages, per head..................... 10 to 15 Cidervinegar, per gallon.. In Cheese, per p0und.......... Egg-plants, each............ Eggs, per d0zen............ Elan—Black, per pound.. g to 12 Dry Cod, per pound 10 ■ Halibut,per p0und..'........,.,,. 20 - . Lobster, per p0und......,., 10 Mackerel, 5a1t,each............... i0t025 Perch; per pound, 1 jij Pike, per pound..... is Kock,perpound 15 . . Shad, salt; each...............40 toso , ; Salmon, smoked, per p0und....." gq r .Herring, smoked, per bunch...... 16 to 20 Lamb—hind quarter; .2.00 t 02.30 - forequarter .........i.25t0l 50 Lard,perpound...^o to 35 Meats—cornedbeefjvper p0und;,.....*., 18 t 025 beef, dried, per p0und.......... 30 to'3s ribroast, per pound.. ...... '25 • rump steak, per pound 25 to 30 sirloin, per pound.... 30t035 soup pieces, per pound 14 to 1G _vbeer tongues, each.';';..-;;.......' T 5 to 1.25 Mutton-chops, per p0und.............. 25 fore quarter, per p0und........12X to 15 hind quarter, perpound........ 16 to 25 Onions, per half peck 50 to 60 Pork—corned,per p0und................ 25 hams, sliced, perpound..;....;;. 30t035 hams, whole, per p0und.......... 25to'2S’ . shoulders, per p0und............. 20 ■ steak, per p0und;;........;..;..'. 20 Sausages, -8010gna.............. 20 to 25 Potatoes, Irish, per half peck.......... 37 to 50 sweet; per .half peck.......... 35 to 40' Poultry—Fowls,per p0und......... 23 to 25 . -Spring Chickens, per pound;.. 26 Squashes, each.. 3to s Veal—cutlets, per pound 25 forequarter, per pound 10tol2 hind quarter,per pound.... Is shoulders,per pouna.. 10 line, per p0und........... 15 to 20' THE POLICE. [Before Mr. U. B. Commissioner Smith. J • THE (JASE OF COLONEL LEE. , .Colonel it. M-.-Lee, who has had several,hearings on the charge of obtaining, with others, certain bounty money,-had a final hearing yesterday. The commissioner said that he would hold the ease under •advisement, but hecUd not thinfe tbers was any evi dence to hold him. The commissioner, however, said he would retain his decision for a few days, [Before Mr. Alderman Beitler. 3 BOBBERY. A woman named Emma Wilson was committed yesterday on the charge of robbing a’ Jerseymari named:ffphn. T Ha i nes, hailing front Ellisburg, Cam den county, N. J. it seems that some time finoe he passed a two-doliar noteon her which proved to he a spurious one. Yesterday ho proceeded to redeem it, and it is alleged that she picked his pooket of a book containing the sum of |2O. The accused was committed to answer. ; - [Before Hr. Mayor Henry. 3 THE GIFT CONCERT. ~ Mr. Jacob Tholn, the actuary of the New York Jewellers Association, charged a few days, since wiUbsetting up a lottery by giving what is called a 8“v concert, came up for a further Investigation y esterday afternoon. The counsel for the defence submitted additional argument, after whtoh the Mayor,said hejvpuld reserve,his decision until ROBBERY IN A CAR. . e ®*® rd /-y afternoon Mr. E. C. Knight, while m a crowded passenger car, on Market street, had a ., d ' al “?»d breastpin taken from his bosom by an adroit thief. :young men got on the plat form, and some .excitement was temporarily raised by a report that two women were quarreling inside the ear. A little commotion ensued, and it was: probably at tMs time the pin was taken from the bosom of Mr. Knight. THE COURTS. United States Bistriet Court —Judge Cadwnlader. The case of M. Lee, charged with at tempting to defraud the United States by means of forged enlistment papers, whereby to obtain the Government bounty paid to recruits, was heard yes terday beiore Judge.C.adwalador, on haboas corpus. 1 After the evidence had been submitted; thejudge said there teemed to be nd'proef of on the part of the defendant, and intimated that, some tcEttmony connecting Colonel Leo with ® a tter should be adduced by Monday next, he c °hstrained to: discharge the defendant, the case untll that fiay. Charles Met Attmn if S , a ? p6ared for the relator, and: Dis «• *». Court-Judge AlliHfln held ffi Conrtof Quarter Sfemtona—judge Thoiup : Louisa'Halrie’s, a’giri of about 18 years nr „ „ ponvioted; of the larceny,or wearing appkrefaad I sum of money, the property of Mrs. Sarih with whom;she had accepted serviee as a doniMti. Sentence was deferred. • » domestic. { : Moses Bapp and" Jaa. Armstrong, convicted each of an Assault -and battery on the other, 1 were sen tenced to pay a fin e.of $5 and costs. .. Jas. Kerns and John O. Bellly were convicted oh crossbills of assault and battery,and were ftaed each $1 and costs. ; f , Jurors were discharged till'Monday, and the WVt adjourned HUty-day. SO to 35 : •’ ....I2,osobbis. Wheat..... ; 85,800 bus. Cora 2J.200 bua rBOYIsioES.—TJbo markot is very quiet, butpriefs' remain about the same .as la* t quoted; About 350 bbia . Mess Pork’’sold-at :*iC@42 bbl. Mess Beef-ranges at; from $22--,hp to $80.9 bbl for country and city-packed : eco bbls of tbe , latter Sold to the Government at ianß ■ bbil - Baton is very scarce, and the demand is II oaited, smali’sales of..Hams:ar9.inakiDg:a,t '22@2«c9 ib for plain-end fancy canyasseii: Bises,st'~@®2?HcUand , Shoulders at 21@21Kc V ib. 1 Green Meais*are aißo.yery a S a ,rce, and;there;isilttie or nothiniE daingifsmiiU isates': or tbouldera ln> tal6tare'Jreporfed at lsScH ib. cash, bard m rather nighersmall sales of bbis and tierces •I- ?, .o r A rmBr > with safes of solid-packed atS2@ S™ 1 O, Md Ohio at Ss@(sc 16. New York at h l7@ 2 lc rro “ I£@M ° * “ Egga ar « ssll ‘ n(t ' ~ Wi'AXdnring the week endn g Thnrsday, - Oct. 20,1881; . _ - - Tons. Cwt. -From Port Carbon • .19,399 (g ... “ 254 09' “ ! Schuylkill Haven 10, Increase. 6,440 47,039 . ' 83,479 PHILADELPHIASTOCKEXCHAffGB SALES, Oct, 21. CBeported by 62 Sonth Third StreetJ BEFOSfi f5O. Excelsior Oil 1 % 300 Corn Planter o.celi 6 H 1(0 do : 6 % SCO 3o 7 100 do cash oil 100 Bull Creek......... :sK 300 ‘ d o . •• b3O ''434 100 Co ion Petrol.... 2 86 -100 ICO Oil Creek......:... 5 ' FIEST J ICOH T & Middle..l.3o 1454 SOO do. b3O 15 ICO Penn Mining..b3o.2o 100 do b3O 20 .100 McElheny Oil ..... BH 30 Preston Coal 30 BO Siamdiin Cl. • .1)30 12 1 Little ScbuylE... 48 29 Beading K.60J4 2000 U S coup 6s ’81....1058 icoo d0. 100 OSS 20Bda.cpoff.W2 1(0 do .......cpoff-102- ICO .do ..op off. 102 . ' BETWEEN 6000,Eeading 6s, 1844...103 . 100 Lit Schny K....b30 48 : SCO U S S-20a. -eonp oJnOJilj SECOND BOAKD. Mining.d... llooBeading E.7...b30 613tf ;■ ?SLit Sobnylkifi E.. 45 , .100: -do.; ..b3O 6L 39 do.. 45 100* do-... ......ib3o 61 . I Sw-S.VtV« ■••••"• iL ' JUeuna E.. due bill 69K 100 Balzeir on:V.. b3O sf 2005 State 65.; „ Iff lCOMcClintoctpil.... . 6 . 1000Beading6a, ’70....1005( - ICO do.• ........ .6; 600 Green 6t Coatea7B.loo n APTKIi BOARDS. iSCO McClintock 0i1.... 6 - lOOSiisci Cana1........ mr EOO - ' do;. ;..b3O.V: ex 200‘Egbert .... if, 33Minebill Eailroad. 60 -1(0 McOlihtock;..: sfi 4S -dM Denemore.... b3O. 8* 3»id0_...... S’/, ICO- do ..... 9 lDOMoElbeny. 534 1008eading........... sok 100 .do ....■ .1*.538 10Q d0*........ b3O eorr ElOO Corn Planter. e% 600 Excelsior .$l5 KOUensmore.....,.-.. 8« 1000US5:20s,new,slOfllOO® 6OO Tarr: Homestead.. zM0U5515,,...., 10631 slßOEeading....,.,b3o. 61* 200 AUegbeny Eiver- 114 600 Corn Planter.2dya -63£ ICO Beading.;.. ....b6. 60X -lDoßensmore......b3o 9* 2COSpa Cana1....,,., 15? 100SaeaCanal 400 Egbert...-2M 100 bs&int JJ| •Heading 3OO do-......,,, &10* BV ICO do »...bl6. SIJ4 100 d0—......b1D. 6114 TO d0......,....b5. 61 100 d 0.... eSOaftlO. 6114 100: d 0.... $6O aft a). 63% . 300 :,d0.... .s3O aft 6. 612 6CO do ...blO; 6114 200 CornPlanter...,., ' 634 400 do b3O- 6114 200 Bsading.....3dys. 61j| 399- do L3O. 6134 400 . d0.....b5&int. 6154 3®.: d0.;.”-.-.-b29. 6134 300 d0...’...b6;'6i3 3® :do ... 61 100 do.....bJd!int. SIX 3® d 0... --MO. 6134 600 Cora Planter..3)s. '6x 200 do 2dya. 6i>4 lw) Dalzeil bio. 9 Drexcl;&Co. qnote: ■ Hew United States bonda, 1881......... ... —, .105541591051 f Kew United States Certif.-oi Indebtedness... 9434® 9514 New United States7:3-10 Notes. 105(1)106 Quartermasters’ Vouchers §2 ©94 « Ordersfor Certiflcaiesoflndebtedness ...... 3J4@'4 ' Sterling Exchange.-....’."3! V:V.7.V.~'" Eire-twenty 80nd5........................... 107 gjiog ! The following comparative table shows the move ments of breadstuff's in Chicago during the week ending October 16: . . < —Receipts.—-» r-Shipmants.-v r '" ;v; - - =1863..1864. 1863 1864 |W, M>1*........ 64,925 15,028 ,72,466 - 30,406 Wheat bushels 568,191 196,913 • 5471 176 291,875 Corn ...........,283,341 138,082 ' 184,650 139 725 0at5....................681,663 ,436,300 278,975 645.087 |7B-v/^ v v.v;.v.v;.v.v; 42,m 27,9® 4’,m 'C®? Barley 66,055 ; 29,479 50,650 20,400 The Tribune say*: - The signatnres of officers representing ninety-four or ninety-five.coinpanles have' been obtained to the docu ment approving or an advanced scale of fire rates, and the, board wiU meet and fix the day on which the -new latea ahall -go into effeot,! Riheteen tie companies having thus signified their wiehea.m the premises,, it now appears pretty likely d &t DeW ra4es Will be adhered to when finally Sattertb waite’s London Circular of the 7thlnst: has the following In reference to American securities: We lave but little, bu siness to record in the Londowmarket for American: securities during the past week, the de mand. for both Government siocks and railway shares haying-some'what abated; prices»'‘however, remain steady, tlie.cloßing quotations for United States five twenty bonds and Illinois and Brie shares being with out alteration fromlaet week. The Kew York Post of yesterday says; ‘ ’ ■ : There is an improved tone to the stock 'market th to againtt the price of‘gold, .which, is weak and I@lK per cent, lower. Ti e Government 5-20 s (old wwl l 3 m d f m r an ?' and other descriptions steady. The estern road_stocks are all improved, some of them as N?iV„°,n I ¥.@ 2 , pe , rcent > a »d.B« a t lo,,s :Wereinade at the: board on' some of the active stocks; ascompared with Thursday' forenoon:- • • , “ ' United,States6e, 1881,c0up....1ew w ▼. Beo. United States 6-iO coup 10715 107 if • United States 10 40 coup 94H 93H . . i United Sta’es certificates. Sijf • 947? .. jr AmericanG01d................,208X 209 E .. i Tennessee 6s - fis 66 .. f Missouri 65..61 61K .. V Pacific Mail. '. .300 301 X New York Central Railroad •• .116 X USX .. . . Bne preferred..... 104 103 k « .. Hudson Eiyer-.-. ...120K 120 2 Reading Rai1r0ad......... ISOXi 119>f l Weekly Review or the Philadelphia Markets. October 21—Evening. . The markets generally were better at the beginning of the week, owing to the advance in gold; but for the last day or two the markets have been dull and , quiet. There has been more doing in Breadstuff's, but prices are less firm. Corn and Oats have declined. ; -Bark is steady. Cotton continues very dull. Coal is unsettled; Coffee is rather firmer, and there has been more doing. Fish and Fruit are quiet: : Green Apples have advanced. The Iron market continues dull. Molasses is rather firmer. Naval Stores have advanced. Coal Oil ig un settled: and dull. There is very little doing in Provi sions, and the receipts and stocks are light, and prices steady. Seeds continue dull: ;■ Sugar As rather more ‘ active. Whisky Is very dull. Wool is rathsr firmer ■ There has been rather more-doing in Flour during the psst tbe mariket.closes dnii. Sales comprise about IS,Coobbls at 3flC@lo,2jfor : extra and bbi for extra family,'including S.OOO bbls City Mills ex tra_and extra family, on:-private terms. Tberetailera and bakere are buying at from $B.5C@lO for eUperflnO - for Bxii,a family;'ani bL@liSo®_bbl.for fancy brands, us to quality. - Eve • Flour is selling in a small way at $9 bbf.. :.Coru Meal . contitmes qntet. . 5 a Pf r ' daU * andprices are unset tled. About 40,C00 bus fair to prime red aoid at 220®230c. including white, at from !»o@26ucH,bu, according to quality. Fye is selling, in a smallway at 160 c IS bu a »d. lower,: with, saies'-of iabout 20,009 &eat iiFfin 6 ,? 0 5“ Jciiow. Oats are uaebanged. Abont 30, U.O bus have been, disposed of at Sic® bu. A' Barley Malt was-made at $2 65 fi bu " - alO oP The following are the receipts of Flour and Grain at this port during the past week: ■ THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1864. 4.3.415 01 BOARDS. 200.Hiblerd 0i1........ -J)£ 300'BrnnerOil.......bfi 114 10b SI cElheny 0i1...... 534 '6O McOlintock 0i1.... 6 sGo,Beading 8......... 60 500 ’ d 0... 1)30 60 J 4 100 do Bftk 100 do. .2 days & int 6014 300 .• do s'. 1 .. .V..-.. 510 60J4 BOARD. ICO D S 5-20 Bds. cpoff-102 100 dor. c» 0ff.102 1500 do .. .vi.. cp off . 101 k I.W. d 0..,.... .cp off. 101 5000 do .BlOflatnew.lOOK 3000 do new.lool4 JOOO ■ do. new-mu .650 State 65.. -...., ■ 93k 1000 City 6s new........102i4 1U»- d0:.....102)4 10000 d0............:102k ™ do 10214 600 do ..........., .10214 ; ' BOARDS. 8000 US S-20ssl0fiatnewl00k 60CO Penna R Ist mort ..109k | SOSchnyl Kav....... 28 ! 25 Hunt &B Top K... 30 • 4 - v-. V ■ , 1 .l r fttid prices are ratter lo wer; Anthracite is quoted at *OO @62® ton Tor the three numbers! Sooich Fig is dull at s62®6B®ton. .In. Manufactured Iron there is rather mote doing. Lead—We hear of no sales worthy of no tice! Copper—Yellow Metal ia seJing in a small- war at ?50c |n c&sfo. * is flr^r haW 5 W hhiH Ist No 1 sola at s*l3 toa* i , ax> boxes Adanantine sold at S4@ 40c ® ib for short and fall weight. COAL.—-The demand,:as we have noticed for soma time past, continues limited, and priees are unsettled; - carlo sales of Schuylkill are making at Port lihhmond * atjys@9 60® ton, deliyered.oa boW ’ J" 0 COFFEE.—There has been ratber more doing in the .way of tales, and prices'arejjetter.;,.About 700 bass Eiojsold in ldtant.£ron>-37®39c 1 ®.-fls; cash, aadl,OOobag» laibayraat3t@S9Mo, Caustic Soda at 13c, and Alum at 6K@s*c ® ib ~ Bengal Kn^h^arlalt&^f"# 1 way «@2:95, .and JbiAl'J 3 —Small lots of good Western are selling fit o?s tban .it was a few weeks since Thev are now selling at 14c,for Cows and 15cfor Steers Batch ers weights continue’atS@9c.. ' • -BAY —Baled iseeiling at s3o® ton : - " LUMBER —The receipts acil stocks are latge ansi the market is very dull, , with very little’ doing in the wav of eales. ' BiOtASSES is firmer, and holders ask an advance* 216.bb1s New Orlsaus sold by auction at 62J4®nRc li* gallon,according to quality -v - * .BAYAL STOKES.—There is very little doing in the way of sales, suV-puceß are better; Kosin i* oiioted aV IAWiS- 0 ' SPiritS *• vionsrihe , receipts areaot so iarg-as theyAavo been. Pnces.must notv foe considered nomiaal, there bainu no’ large- salra .made by-which to fixpriceh* the market la that large transactions cannot be effected Trade.-.with the city tanners is also very mo- ard< they, are now*accumulating some stock ' After the Presidential-election more activity is looked • fc-iAtTOHTBR Sole.—There is some inquiry for prime heavy .fctcck,- wMch is not'abundant. Light weights' and the poorer grades are plenty* and purcuasers. if now in the market, would foe freely met foy sellers with, .reasonable concessions. • • - SpAkish Bole, —The supply in: the market is now ia excess of ihe demand, ana. the stocks are more ami>le to niakesplecticinsfioniL - - Hemlock. boLE —The inquiry has been light, with only moderate stocks on hand. .OlLS.—Lard OU is without change; winter sella at 90, and 80. 2at $1.70$ gallon. 'Fish Oils are rathep dull! sales of.crude whale are rapoited at $L5O®l S 5. aid.winter sperm ats2 4C@2.6S Linseed Oil is in bet ter demand, .wih sales atsl.3!@l.36®gallon. Petro !enm js null and unsettled, with ’sales of crude at .36(31 quoted at s'f4?oc d la bOnd 6l@eic: ® gallon;-free ia iTkeMfowiiiii al '« ‘be. rfceipis of crude and refined CoalOilatthxsportduringthepaetvioek; - Cinde —..2,o3obarrels.. Kefintd ..............................3.1,55 barrets . PIASTER is iu demand. witb’ sales of ’soft at $5.60® 6.75 fi ton*. . SEEDS.—Clover is scarce and dull, and quoted at $7.61@9.<76® 64 His. , Timothy .has'declined,* with sales of itti husbelsut $5.26@5,50 ® bushel. Flaxseed is ssll ing ats3*lo®bushel; , * SPIRITS.—TIie demand.for foreignjs limited Baw England Rum is held .at,s2.o£®2 10*® galS. Whisky: »:4«V and unsettled;,small sales of Pennsylvaiila and - Ohio barrels are making at $1.7J@1.58 ® gallon ■ SUGAR.—There has. been ’rather, more doing during the past week,!and , prices are rather better; about 600 hhds Cuba sold at ’ SALT.tTTThe market is wltnbut change; a cargo of coarse sold on private terms. is' lf@l6Kofor city-rondered. Bud 16c® lb for country. • TOEACCO.—There is littleior nothing doing in either Leaf or manufactured, but- holders are firm in their views.'.--** ■- t. ** * . WOOL.— I The market is .rather firmer, and there is more inquiry, "wiib small sales of medium to fine fleece to notice ac9C@9sc lUb. - ’’* ellin * at 2Sc $ ealloft. : BOOTS ARD SHOfis-.—TMre .was a moderately in creased demand for goods at the close of the last week, lhebtate elections in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana being over, now gives time to some dealers ho have felt so lunch interest in-the ejection that they -eo old not leave home until that had taken place, the opportunity to do so. ; The advance in gold has also had an influence m disposing some lo purchase whohad been holding off, anticipating goods-would be lower—the season is also rapidly advancing,, and these influences combined have encouraged more tracewith both jobbers and manufac turers* IMefiy with the fonner. With manufacturers, as a general thing, trade is very quiet,aud some of them -are not manufacturing so extensively as earlier in the season: they have, in some instances 1 discharged fully :one*half of their workmen, and others, who retain the wholei number, are employing them but half the time. : Some few are keeping on theiT whole number of men, and give them : full work for the present, hoping-that alter the Presidential election there will be a more ani ma-hd market. . , DRY GOODS.~-The market is firmer, and there Is ' more activity to notice since the close of last week There is more. disposition to operate,-and some goods have advanced d@dc pard. Prinfcsare selling at go|a3s@3gc. brown sheetings at 52@55c» and drill! at yard:\ There isj also, more doingiu woolens, and prices are rather beter; cotton flahnels and ticks ; are firmer,- and selling at tair prices: . ->The Kew York; Tribune, October 21,- says: “Dry Goods ..-were higher at; the .public sales yesterday. Messrs. Haggerty & Co. had a sale of ribbons and millinery goods, the attendance was quite good, and the prices an advance of.about ten per cent ' Mfcssis. Wilmerdiug, Hoguet, &Co had a large sale of white goods, which tended, upwards say from eight to ten per cent ; the rale of handkerchiefs was unusually good.. Messrs. Wolbert, Gordon & Co, had anassortsd ealo of hosiery goods, &c ; there was a small attend ance, . and - the prices realized were only; moderate; a very attractive lif t of imported and domestic woolens and tailoring goods was not reached on the catalogue when onr report closed.". >: New York. Bfarßets, Oct. 21. , Asms are.quietatslo.7sforpots,andsil 75forpearls. * Bkeadstmps.—Tlie market for State and Western nloiu-osdnll and in favor .of the buyer; saies 7,830 bbls at gts 46©8.00 for superfine State; $B.75@S. 85for extra StatersB.9f@3 for choice do; $8.40@8 ffif for superfine Western; lft«%M-fo»r.e < Hiin»on..to7jn«cUiin l n : «xb» Western; $9.6(@9.90 for, common to: good shipping brands ixtra round-hoop/Ohio, and' $9 95@11.d8- for WiWtti Di&nds. • ana l r £? pi l?t sale » 730 l>bls at $10.30011- for common, and $11.10@14 for-fancy and' extra. Canadianjlonr is dull .and drooping; sales 400 bbis at. $8.85@9.26 for. common, and $8.30311.(50 for good to choice extra. Bye I'lour 1b quiet. Corn Meal 18 QUJSt. ’■ * ■ 1 tales 32,0C0bns at : M -|^°L¥/ l i wank £ e C i?. b , : $2.15 for winter red Western, and $2, for amber Michigan. 1 to Western. Barley is quiet; Fal ee 7,CM) bus choice Canada West at $2/ Bariev is * o«i S2,MO buahele at $2.10. Oats are lc better, ,nt tor Canada, and 83c for Western. T iie £°JSv^ rs£ a t > ts^ ;lo-bitter,.witha limited supply; tales ae,COO bus at $1.53 for. mixed Western, and $\M for Southern yellow. . . : Provisions.— The Pork markot i* lower and very quiet; Bales 2,500 541.£0@41.75 for new Mess: : caeh and regular way, S3S 50 for Prime, and . $11.50 for .Pnme.Mess .The Beef matket: is dull ana drooping; -salts 2,000 bbis at about previous prices. Cut Meats arequiet and in favor of the buyer; sales' ;B6 pkgs at 17@18Kc for Shoulders,' and lS@2oc-for : The Bard market-is steady, with a very: moderate business doing; sales 1,500 bbls at 20@22e.. Boston Boot and Shoe Market, Oct. 20, TheNloe and leather Reporter says: Bor a few weeks more, at least, we , expect to chronicle a quiet state of the hoot and shoe market. - Pries s remain firm, and there-baa been a little doing with New-England trade. A few goods have been seat West and Southwest on ordets, but the shipments this week are light, and com pare very unfavorably with those for the same period last year, as will beweenby a glance at our table of comparative shipments below: : The total shipments of boots and shoes by rail and sea for the past week have been 6,782 cases. Of this number 4,917 cases have-been sent.hy rail as follows • l>4b7 b- Nenf .lork and P ennsylvania; 904 to the Sonth ern States now in onr possession, and 2,606 to the West .l-n States, mcludiji*;l46 for California. The clearances from the custom house were 816 cases - ■ CcBAKAjroES or Boors Ann SjroEs-Compiled for the Shoe and Reidhw Reporter by daily, inspection of the manifests : Philadelphia .4CO, New Orleans 298,- and Halifax 117 cases ; total shipments 815 cases - ■ Arrival aud Sailing of Ocean steamers. TO AKBIVE. BIUPS FROM FOR pirn, New T0ri........ Southampton. New Y0rk........0ct 12 Liverpool. —New York Oct. 12 Belgian. - Liverpool., .v. Quebec. ;,,. Oct. 13 ©tyefCo*. Liverpool. ....New York .Oct. 16 Canada....... ....-Liverpool... ..Boston'. Oct -16 C. of Manchester .Liverpool New Y0rk..... .Oci- if Persia.,.... .. .Liverpool.... -New Y0rk...... .Oct, 22 TO DEPART. Hansa .New York Bremen..-,.,....0ct. 22 10wa.............New York. London..... 22 If™---" Lew York Liverpool Oct. 22 VVhfJnf®''' New : York.. 1..Liverp001.;:.....0ct. 22 Lihe rty,.......... New York.... .Havana......... Oct. 28 .er»le„;w.v;,...'Hew'*Yoii..v..M»tamo«w.'..;.'.Oet. 22 Golden 8n1e..... New York..;.. San Jnan. Nie.. .Oct 29 aSfJfifS&ii ? ‘" ; w ' ‘ -Jin'gston; Ja....Oct. 22 ‘ l ' •• 1 .>.Och- 22 Ocean Queen..,,. New York Aspi nwa11...... Oct 23 -Liverpool .Oct. 2S S™*Y New York.;... Liverpool;...... Oct. 26 Bnropa. .Boston Liverp001......, Oct: 26 Yazoo. ...... New Y0rk..... Havana.... ™,. Oct 26 City of Wash n,,New York-i.'-;.Liverpool:.;. ...Oct. 23 ®ETXE*'BACHS'; .. At IHB MEKOHAHTa’BXOHASOEi philadbuphia. Toy.. Liverpool, soon H0k0r.i*,..,,,,, Barbados; soon :lSi SfeS?®xo C#l1 ® M,O: ’" i '* Barbadoi.soon tiarli Psyche I Weaver.. -Rio Janeiro, soon i«A^£2“ 6 Y i BOAKD °* TSADE ISSiA. or the Mount. . ..MABISE INTELLIGENCE. POBTOEramit«i,Pmi- Oct. 31,1864 Sun Rises.■■ 6gSI ta Seta6 22 I High Water..? oo _ . „ ARKIVKD. rofsTtoGw da3rß from ? Tith ilouder'i CO SI1 ®’ 12 daysfrom Eastport, Witt fl ß h to E roe'Yn SILWe & I ° c r from 7 dwfto “ PMl ?°^- in ia Mbf ß Ho & Co.’ 6d * yS fr ° m Monroe, captain* W Hal1 ’ al °’ 6 day 8 flom Boaton > in ballast to' wUb h ß r ti^ i !^ lk ’- sdays Coup, to^a h p r t a J in Vebb ’ Ackley, 7 daysfrom Newbern, ip bhllast captafp 0 Godwia ’ laird ’ l l ' om Alexandria, in ballast to to cfipia?n iTe ’ 6ai!dr ’ ft ’° m FoltreyoV3], &fid WtQ. D. • Careill— RfLlrftV ‘ nttflnif - fr Bslw Pr P yid i® n< S ,l9 * tM ¥ ts ■ * J l ; fronfcProvidojico for this port, ’^Jfwi^SthlSSf’ 7 *P om Ta ? nt . on *“4o.sailed: pSfS|§ t ff from New Bedfordfor this Toaug, and H JTew Bedford lflkh Jnst. for tbi»?ort f " ' havttawromSd's^^^ e » U . r ' Bditdnforthlsport. Bcdford lSth fnet maln boi>m > sailed from New at Bangor. 18th Schrs Bella, Gardner; Saratoga, Piakhaßi, and A Hammond, Hfggins, hence at Boston, 19th lust. Schr Margaret Powell, Fenton, hence at Hartford,* 18th ratt. - Schr Oakes, Ames, 312 tons register, built at Boank, in December, 1862, and considered one of the finest ves sela of her class, has been bought at private ssle by Mo ses Yanname and others, for *30,000. cash. She will bereaftor be commanded by Capt, Benjamin Edwards, of Poit Richmond g Statec island. The Belvidere, reported spoken dismasted in a ty phoon August 12tb, is the Br brig Belvidere, Morris, f7 r ;mtltiiFranripcu June 28th, for Hong Kong. The ship Belvidere, of and for Boston, is now loading at San -.'Francisco. ■- .... a ■Schr John Manlove sailedfrom Newport 19th inut. for Block Island, toitake on beard, the cargo of Bf: brig: Henry Perkins, from Kew York for Havana, recentiy ashoro at that place. fmOIPOSAJLIS. A RMT SUPPLIES. OFFICE OF AKMY CCOTHING AND EQUIPAGE, No, 503 BROADWAY. New York/Oct. 20,18#4 SEALED PKOPOSALS will be received at thfs office, until 12’o'clock M , on THURSDAY, the 27th Instant, for furnishing by contract, at the Depot of Army Cloth ing and Equipage, in this city, Knapsacks* x ' Packing Boxes, Drum Sticks, Shovel Twine, Sewed Bootees, -Samples or opacifications of which canbesoenat this ofttcts. Bidders will state the quantities they wish to deliver, the time they can finish the delivery of all they propose to furnish. Theknapsacks to he delivered in armystaadaid pack ing boxes ■ ■ ■ > A proper guarantee must accompany all proposals, setting-forth that if a contract is awarded to the party therein, he or they will at once give bonds for the faithful performance of a contract. , The United-States reserves the right to reject any part or the whole of the bids, as may be deemed for the in terest of the service. ; Proposals should be endorsed Proposals for (here state the name of the article bid for), and addressed to Colonel D. H. VINTO2T, Deputy Quartermaster General B. 8. A. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. v' o ®-- ‘ - '■ Philadelphia, October 20, 1884. . SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until 12 o’clocfc M., MONDAY, Octobsr alth, 1861. for the immediate delivery at.the Hutted States Storehouse, HANOYER-STREET WHARF, of the following NAILS: : fi.COO pounds Cut Nails, lOd. r. I.tOO “ •• 20d. 800 “ . <• : 80d. I.OCO " . . 4fld. : 8,000 “ “ 84. 800 “ . “ 7d. 800 “ “ 6d. 800 “ “ 44, •'BOO,. “ " 3d All of tie ehovo- described Nails to be of the best qual ity and subject to inspection- r / Bidders will slate price, both in writing and figures, and the quantity of each site bid for. :: Eacbbid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures.must be appended to the guar ants, *nd certified to as-being good and sufficient secu ritee fortheAmout t involved, by the. United States Dis trict Judge,’Attorney, or Collector, or other public offi cer, otherwise the bid will not be coasidered:- Theright is reserved to. rejsct, all bids deemed too high, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. ■ . . ' - ' • By order of Colonel H. Briggs, Chief Q. M , „ CEO. E OR ME, - oc2o 4t Captain and A. Q M.: pROBOfc'ALS FOR LUMBER. CjXIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFIOIj, Depot opWashkoton, Washington, Oct. 17,1861. will bB delved at tills Office tmhl SATURDAY, October 29.1861, at 12 o’clock 31. . for delivery, at, this -depot of' Dumber of the following amotmts, kinds, and .descriptions,'viz: ' 1,600,01 m feet 4-4 or 1-inch White Pine common Cull > . ings.'. ' 60,000 feet A 4 or IJi-inch W hite Pine common Onll ' ings. 160,000 feet 8-4 or 2 inch White Pine common Call ings. , . 100,000 feet-4-4 or 1-lnch tongned and grooved Floor ing. . 200,000 feet 3x4 Hemlook Scantling, 16 feet long" 60.(00 foet3x4 Hemlock Scantling, 18 fectlonr ’ 25,000 feet 3x4 Hemlock Scantling, a) feet long 26,000 feet 3xfl Hemlock J0i 6 t,12 fact long 8 ' 25;0C0 feet 3*6 Hemlock Joist, 12 feet long 25.0C0 feet 3x6 Hem lock Joist, 16 feet long, 2o,ooofeet3x6Hemlock Joist, 20feetlong , 25,000 feet Bx 6 Hemlock Joiat, .24 feet long tJS, 000 feet 3x7 Hemlock Joist 14 feet long. .. 26,C00 feet 3x7 Hemlock Joist, 16 feet long. : §5, ®0 feet 3x7 Hemlock Joist,-18 feet long. ■ 60,000 feet 3xB Hemlock Joist, 12 feetlong. 25,000 feet 3xB Hemlock Joist, 24 feet long. ■25,00 feet 3x9 and. 10 Hemlock Joist, .16 feet long. 25,000 feet 3x9 and 10 Hemlock Joist, 20 feet long. . 50,000 feet 3x9 and 10 Hemlock Joißt, 24 feet long. 1,506, 000 Ho. -.l 18-inch sawed White Fine Shingles. . 1,500,000 best qnaliiy sawed- Cedar Shingles. _ 260,0C0 Plastering X,aths. Samples of Shingles and Laths proposed for will ha remured. _ . Bids will De received separately for each kind and specified, or forthe whole amount ad- All of the,above described to bo good merchantable ■ inspection of an inspector ap pointed on the part.of the Government. - : op the lumber contracted forte be deliveied within thirty (,:0) daysfrom oate of contract. - Proposals from disloyal parties will not be con sidered. An oath of allegiance to the United States'Go vernment mnst accompany each proposition; . The .ability, of the bidder tofil the com ract, should it be awarded him, must be guaranteed by twe responsible Pei sons, whose signatures be appended to the guarautpe. ; : .r ' - . ■ .TJb.e.full: name and post-office address of each, bidder must be legibly-written, iu the proposal. . ; Bonds in a sum equal to half of t-be amount of tb.e con tract, signed by the contractor and both of his guaran tors, will be- required of the successful bidder upon signing the contract. - .. ' • • The light to reject any or all bids that may be deemed too high is reserved by the Depot Quartermaster. Proposals must be plainly endorsed on the envelope,- ■ Proposals for Lumber, ’ 1 and addressed to the under signed: ; ~D. H. SOOKEB, Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster, ocl9-10t Depot of Washington T>K OP O S A;.L S FOB FURNISHING J- . THE PAPER FOB-THE PUBLIC FEINTING., ■Office Supfbiktekdent Public Pristixu. _ - ' - Washikgtox, October 1, 1864. In pursuance or the provisions ol the seventh section of; the".-“ Joint Besolntion in relation to the Public : Printing,’! approved Jane 23, 1860, Sealed Proposals V lll tor eC!n Y ed at, Am office until; TUESDAY, the Ist ISS4, at 12 o’clock, for furnishing the PAPEKthat maybe required for the. Public Printing for the year ending on the Ist day of December, 1865.- : The subjoined list specifies., as nearly as can be as ceriamed, the quantity of each kind ol paper that will . he required. ... ,V‘-/01-ASS I—TTFOAIESDEKED PEIKTIka PAPER. . ,16,000 reamsmne printing' paper, nncalendered, to . measure 24 by 38 inches,.and to weigh: fifty pounds to" the ream of SCO sheets. • 2— CALEHDEREO RtMTOra PAPER. ' : 6,CTO reams .fine printing paper.-calendered, to mea- j sure 24 by JSrnches, and to weigh fifty-six pounds to : the ream of 600 sheets. -: ■ i ■ CLASS 3—SIZEH AKD OALEHDERED PRINTINU-PAPeR. -i 600* ream superfine printing paper, , hard-sized and super-calendered,..tnmeasure,24: by,.32 inches,-and to - weigh fifty pounds to the ream of 500 sheets. „ - : CLASS 4-MAP PAPER - 2,000 reams, superfine map paper, sized and caten : dered, of such sizes as may be required, corresponding * lnvweight with paper .measuring 19 by 24 inches, and i weighing twenty pounds per ream of 480 sheets. : ■ ; ■'.■-■■■ --CLASS S—PLATE .PAPER. I : 600 reams superfine plate paper, 19 by 24 inches, and ; Of tncn weight per ream as may be required. " ■: class 6—tWritirg papers. : * , 2.000 reams quarto post. 10 by- 16 inches. 1 2,oooreams flatcap, 13by ' LOT reams double cap, 1614 hy 26 inches. «0 reams demy, 16 by 20K inches. LOT reams double deuiy, 2014 by S 2 inches. I,oooreams folio-post, 17by 22inches. - - LCCO reams double folio. 22 by 34 inches. 200 reams medium, IS by 23 inches, li 0 reams royal, 19 by 24 icches. f „ },S r6ams imperial, 22M by 31 inches... • ", 2,000 reams.'23 by 36 inches, to weigh forty pounds per ream. . 6,010 reams. 21 by 31 inches, to weigh thirty-two V- pounds per ream. • 2,OCG-reams, 17: byinches, .to weigh twenty, three' pounds r-or ream. I,oooreams, 20 by 24. inches, to weigh twenty three _ poauds per ream. . • LOOOreams, 21 by 22 inches, to weigh twenty-two : pounds per ream. . 200 reams cover paper, assorted colors,-19 by 24 inches. . ■ - owi onn o1 ‘ ASB z~- rOK POST OFFICE BLAXire. ," *O,aK) pounds of writing paper, to: be put up in reams of 480 sheets each,: of such weights'and sizes as may be required. . Agreeably, to the provisions of the joint resolution aforesaid, samples of the character and quality, of the SSf,L re ? a r ed f S r 1 2 will be. famished to ' Yhis paper is to be put up In quires of twenty-five sheets each, and m bundles of two reams each,, each-ream to contain 600 perfect sheets. Uniform *6J,lß oolor, thickness, and weight- will he required, auano bundle (exclusive of. wrappers) varying l over or; , under five per cent, from the standard weight will be gross weight wifi in all: cases be re- ; Mixing of the various thicknesses-in the same latonqfJhecontSct: wiU be considered avio- Ai' papers designated in classes 4, 6. 6, and 7 must conteln 480 perfect sheets to the ream,and no “outside” ar e to be of the best material, free from adulteration, and finished in the best manner, .cut to a true .edge, and securely and substantially enveloped The papers m class. 6 are to be white or blue, laid -fiat,' and ol snch weights (except asspecifled in the schedule) as may be required by this office. Those in classes -3. 4, o, and 7 aie to be white, ana of the sizes and weights : specified m the schedule. : v nojs.uo 56 reserved of ordering a greater or less ' qnaniity of each aod_ every kind contracted for in all ’ the classes, to be furnished at such times and in such quantities as the nnhllo service may require ... ; , Each class will be considered separately, and be sub wparate c°o tracP. bnt bidders may offer for oao . ormoreoftheclassesmthesaraeproposal:' Li f ,1 pr i' po ' !al 'l \ e rousidered unless accompanied by the guarantee that tha bidder or bidders, if his or their proposal shall be accepted, wiil enter into an obli wl“'Sood and snffleient sureties, to furnish lhe h srcA5 rc A1 s - ed fox proposals will be at to® office, and none willbe taken Into cbn sideration unless substantially agreeing therewith., -All the paper in the several classes must be delivered at snch places as may be designated in Washington P, tbat; Jn .class _7, which must be delivered In *be State 'of New York, } In 'good order, and’every extra charge or expense, and sub ject to tße inspectlon, count, weight, and measurement ®p r y 8 Superintendent,'and: be in.allrespects'satisfac- Bidders are required to furMshj with their proposals, samples of not less than one quire of each of the kinds ot paperbiador, and upon which their proposals may Masses l- and 2. The successful bidders will be required-rigidly, to conform to their £RIDpleSs ?^ e Snperintenaentweservesfthe' 'right to rejedt all the bids.-iftheyishall'be considered exorbitant, , Propoi ais will be addressed to • i JOB N DS DEPBEES. Superintendent of the BablicPristing, .Washington, l endorsed; * Proposals for Supplying Paper. * * . jU. S. IXTERHtAIr RETENHE. TTNITBD" STATEB INTERNAL RE ird collection ;district of PENNSTLVAN I A,comprising the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth,Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Waids of the City of Philadelphia.- ’ . . , . NOTICE •• . . . TH.! 1 ® aa ? aal assessment'for the*ftbove-named v\ lab^6 *? a ,ax 011 carriages, pleasure yachts, billiard tables, and gold and silver plate, and been completed tetl!llred t 0 ‘ tike out-license,-having ,1. V NOTiCBTS HEREBY GIVEN that tbe taxes aforesaid ; will be-received daily* bvthe undersigned, the hours of 9 A M. and 3 P ml Nove'mte B r d u^lS d i^ Ind i n * SATOEB AX, th 4 •. ...PENALTIES. All persons whofail. to pav .their annual taxes noon carriages, plcasnreyachts, billiard tables, and gold and silver plate, on or before the. aforesaid 19th day of No- incur'a.penalty, of ten-per centum additional of the amount thereof, and he liable to costs JnFy°llt d IS62° r 111 tte 19til S6ctiott of the Excise Law of „ Allpereons whdiniltte.jnannarshall fallto tafceont' their Licenses, as, required, by la w, on or hetere the 19th nTr « be r i W!)1 incur a penalty often per centum.additiousiof;the,amount thereof, and be sub- : ject to a prosecution for three times the- amount of said IfSdf SSSf 6 provisions. 0 !-:the 59th sec notes of hanks organized under the act to provide ana tional currency, known as National Banks a No further notice will he given- . ' WILLIAM J WaINWRIGHT. Collector oclS tnol9 S. W. cor THIRD and WILLOW s’u. TTNITED STATES INTERNAL REVE PENNk^tvIn?*? 0 ™ COLLECTION DISTRICT OF f.,ia » .i tf’ compr.sing the First. Seventh, dty of thtlaMphla h ’ Tw ® aty - sixtk d * m , WOTJCB. ' - ' i\t asflesament for 1851 for tho above-aaoiod i>ifatrict of perKOBE liable to a tax on carriages, p yachts,-billiard - tables, and 'gold 'and silver plate, and also of persons repaired to take ont LICENSE, having been completed,; * f '- * -V HEREBY,GUTS!* that,the taxes aforesaid will he' received daily hr the undersigned, between the honrs of 9 A. M. and 3 P M 'Sundays exoß his Office,S. W. corner of THIRD end WALNUT Streets, on and after SATURDAY tt« M , tk , and until and including SATURDAY, the 22d of October next ensuing . , PEHAIiTIES' : ‘ - P erß ons who fail to pay their annual taxes upon P lea>Br e yachts,bifliard tables, and gold and I5 I ,f' t f' < m ol: *efore theafpresaid 223 tfay of October, nft.ii peE 'i 11 y ten, per centum additional 5,“/ •/■wounti thereof,■ and be liable to costs, as pro- section of the excise law of ,JtHr ln like manner shall fail to take out a^„ r A ia i!'. 6 1 d l bylaw, on or before the A'i tol>o ,’'’ will inenr a penalty of ten per centum additional .oJ the amount thereof, and be Bnbject to a prosecution for three tlrnes the amount of 'said tax, the a faw afor *sa!d b tke pro T !aionB of the 69tt section of ' All;payments arestequlred to he made In-,Treasury notes,issued under authority of the United States, wr in - notes of hanks organized under the act to provide a national currency, known as National Banka; . notice will be given. e __ a JOHN H. DIEHL. Collector; comer of TH!RD and WALNUT Street*. © BUFFALO ROBES t BUFFALO ROBES 1 1—100 bales lust arrived front Indian country. Very low-price. mua* h2M«* . MATTSON, W 4 tUSSIT Stmt, ***''■'* : KOUCATIONAA, PAEEESBURG v.IN-BTIT U TE~BB -- LBCT SCHOOL for ToaiigtLadies.—T tro hoars* ride' from Philadelphia. Classical, Scientific, and Gymnastic Departments. A ddress the Principal, • . : J- Id. RAWLINS, A. fll, Parfee&hnrf, Chester county, Fa. 0C1961* PROF. JEAN B. SUB, A. M., AUTHOR -»■ of “Bug’s French Course," ’ Instructor of French In Families and Schools. Beaidenco, Ho. 331 Worth TEKTH Streot. , ocfi-Im OELLEYUE FEMALE. INSTITUTE.— D f A SOABMHa-SCHOOX. FOB OffiLS. TMa Institution, healjkfnlly and beautifully located ■m the northern limits of Attleboro, Bucks county, ?eiinßTlT*3li% Will open Its 'Winter Session, Tests Hosts Ist, 1864.'-For detalls.f obtain. Circular, by ui -sr«»sin*&* FrlatipiU, Attleboro P. o., Backs oo., P&. ISBAEti J. GBAHAME, JANE P. 6BAHAME, . Principals, aaSl-Sns MADAME MASBE . AND M’LLB. M* MOKIN’S ENGLISH and PKENCH SCHOOL for form* Ladies, at No. 134 a BPETJCE Street. PMladei >hia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14th. au29-2m* WOODLAND SEMINARY, 9 WOOD-, ■*V XAND TXEEACE, WEST PHILADELPHIA,— 6*V. HENBY BBEYES, A. M., Principal, {late of ta« ufcamberßbnrs Seminary.) Session opens September gth. A Dawand Boarding School for Young Ladies. fnperiepeed Teachers; instrnction solid, choice, and borough, Circulars sent on application. ■ anl6-tf fi-EO. W. PETTIT WILL RE-OPEN his Stndio for the reception of Pupils in the arts of DSAWINGand PAINTING, at Ho. 100 North TENTH street, on the 16th of September. an26-2ro* F] LASBIO A L IN STITUTE, DEAN Street, below LOCUST Duties resumed SBF< FEMBKB 8, J. W. FAKES, D. D., an3s-2m* Principal. pHEGARAY INSTITUTE.—ENGLISH y AND FKEHCE BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL fOE YOUNG.LADIESIISaT and 1.539 SPRUCE Si., ftlladolphia), wUt reopen on TUESDAY, September loin. Letters to the above Address will receive prompt st,enHon. Personal asplicationcan he made after An mst ffl, 1864,t0 MADAME D’HBSYXLLY, amr-3n> : - Principal. LEGAL, TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA FEKEE &CO vs. P KELLY—June Term, 1854. No 76. . uudersigEed, appointed by the Count to make dis tribution of the fund produced by the Sheriff's sate under the above writ, of all that certain lot or piece of Ground, withthe stables and buildings fcbereon erected, bemusing on the north side of Filbert street, one bun and and seventeen (117) feet westward from Eighth street in the city of Philadelphia, thence expending . T • northward- seventy,three , feet tea and three-quarter 4R YALIJA BLE CHESTER- VATi- A’ inches, thence eastward eighteen feet, theace. north- JsUd t»ey FARM AT PITRLTfi rat.f mi RFrtftivn. ward ninety- four feet- one and ,a quarter inch, thenee dSy the 3ltt of Mth month list the fata reiidenrlof ? e f tward * eighteen • feet,,.thence southward eighteen f Ccpfdecealeff a KaS VhfttuSdSuSi» f feet, tnenceWestward forty, one feet, thenee southward | Chester eoun tv Sn the Old eaßfwarHsln?S l ?hft^«Tni?lfttSv^A£ 8 ri 8 f r + e Hi?' a^i^ eaC ? * r °ui Philadelphia, half a mile from the Vailey Sr,oro hMhTefife al Sofl'ofifna l^o 0 t5lB P 1 ? 08 “ | Station on the Oheiter Valley Railroad, and a mile and on B MO&D'AY ! OetoW Mtv* f n i? s ?.L5 iB ,?.. p 3 01a . tl ? et ‘,? I a half from the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, at the P M IOJ 'OfflM V™»- k •Mtereeetlonwf the West Cheater Railroad: containing Philadefch^Xf^t?!S^'KJtt« r SiS£SBa . i JESS? Si ff SSS fufiitv ’ 'dt in •• ress to Hcrmantown, s%“ D M a j! C Clty ’ AbseC0 «’ Harbor, T twrr 6AGE to all THE BAILBOAD LINES. orA-Im pURE PALM OIL SOAP.—THIS 80AF -*> Remade of pure, fresh Palm OIL and 1b entirely* vegetable Soap; more suitable for Toilet use than tfcosi MAEGAEETTA- «AOOfidvabo7aC&l?owbiU.. - TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OPFIOB OF THE CoiIPTROWEB OP THE CURRK.VOr, - Washixotos. September 27, 3801. Whereas,; by , satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that'the EIGHTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, in the City of. Philadelphia, in jthe County of Philadel phia, State; of Pennsylvania, has been duly or ganized under and accordicg -to the requirements of ■ the Act .of . Congrees, Ventltled An. Act to ora- > vide a national currency, setnred bypledgeof Unit ed States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and - approved June 3d, 18«, and has b2n?™fu)S U s^S ;t w proTlBl< t ns Act required to be complied with before commencing the business of banking under said Act: . w - . Aow,; therefore, I, HUGH MoCULLOCH, Comp a.°l.ft? P/ .the Currency, do hereby certify that the fiffhth National Bank of Philadelphia, in the City of Philadelphia, In the County of Philadelphia, and State O !S eS W 1 ™ iB ? • ta authorized; to commence tie business Of Banking under the Act aforesaid. , easiness Y kc>rao L wl , tnefiB . my hand and aeal-of office this twenty-seventh day of September, 1864 r, Hugh moculloch, s SEAL. 1 Comptroller of the Currency. ;J . . ■■■; .. ocS 60t QUARTERMASTER & 3HERAL’S OFFICE, FIRST DIVISION. Washihgtox Cm, October 1, 1864. HORSES! HORSES!! HORSES!!! . Horse* so!table /or Cavalry and Artillery service will be pnrehased at GIESBOKO DBPOT, la open market, till NOVEMBER 1, 1884. Horses will be delivered to Captain L. Lowry Moore, A. Q. M. , and be subjected to tie usual Government in spection before being accepted. Price of Cavalry Horses, *l7B each. Price of ArtilleryHorsefc, fISO each. Payment will be made for six (6) and more. JAMBS A. XSIH. „ . Colonel First Division, ttuartermaster GaneTaFs Office. SAFE STEAM BOILER—THE */!• S 9 a«eati°n of ;Mawkactnrera and othera f: r£t ? oi t 0 , aew Steam Generator; as comMatn* «r! sassfeseßas^gs streets, atS. W. Cattail >s factory/Spra™ s™,to t v Ut( ? l kill, and at Garsed’sTreiocmt JO !fr H A®¥ S ON,jK., « . 874 Sooth . Gt^r BELCBER & 00 »^SOPHIE- : patrons'and «nmi. % e J 5nl: ' ll0: » re8 3; to thalr-inany libera® : tharifcr ;for~the and proJDise°^frt? e^mi m r OB^!?<3Il ,' 3r ¥ ort of Pbilldelplialn^iS^ BB “** and D a S R y OFO »THE TEETH And: r&nrl 10..]?I 0 ..]? te&tpreimratiutt that scieace aad «5£ neaca has ever produced; ” Frepafed ouly -*** ? JOHN HANNA, Attorney for Petitioner. WATER POWER TO RENT. AFP£¥ ? toDAVID CHIBLAS. Bewark. Dat , i«2-sai -SjjSS, DR. LOWENHERZ’S -sS-v •' patent drivehsal bib t" ttPwarePSALVE, far the alleviation of ■tF\S4P&. I , the pains, and for tie earo of diseased, inflamed, and so-called bad.eyes. ’ Also for : the elrejjgtheningandpreeervation of weaker estothlr 1- most, advanced age. Kot only does the-inflammation • vanish, but the while spots, the so-called tnnioloo ■ the eyes, the consegnence- of. the t Snflammat “S’disam !• peer very soon after its emnloyment. • Price A? “ lBap : | - IfEW TOEF. Ht-BOKBS. . oio j , PHILADELPHIA—BIS f oath ponilTH for.—My new mvention; a it, 'JH>?«s4 jnstiny Safety Valved Rihaier ”fof E |JSSH®-® u 'Sft* brans Oxide, Gas and extractii/ f 1 ’ s^.*&wfi®SSSF Ti? T R f; r Tl- I] ? E e’J IEACTICAL BMm ‘ AUw «' PIANOS, COTTAGE EXCEL- I'* S SIOK OHGAHS, HAKJfOfUDMS.sndSSBLO, MOSS, at , MARSTI’S Mnsic Store, oc7-2m • No. 1102 CHESTMUT Street. fg&Sm MEYER’S NEWLY Eg •i fTf » PROVED CKESCKHT SCABS ■ . OVEKSTRONG PIAKOSh , b MStODEOKS ABrXfSBOOBB-^ID’PIAIIOa ieS-Sm mreroorna, 80. 7%% ABCHSt.. bBi mynee fffffl BSTEY’S COTTAGE ORGANS, BoA only tTHEXCBLIED, but In pari tv - of Tom and Power, dedjnad eroocleTbr fnV and Behoola. but found th«P»lor and Drawing *»w!^^£isS ted *■ FOB BALE ANB.TO LEm m FOR SALB-A LARGE GROCERY' -Kit and ProYision BTOBE,ome. ■ ~ . ■ Size of lots, each 26 feetfront by 116 feet deep. Friee,s3,6oo,eaah. Terms easy. Also, a number of desirable House*, at , from 11,300 eaah to .*lB,OOO, la all parts of the city. Applets SASrtTEr, P. HOTCHIMIoH, or J. WAEEEN COULSTOH, No. 13* South SIXTH Street, M GERMANTOWN PROPERTY.— FOB SALE, a commodlons doable Stone DWELL ING, situate on Main attest, with an acre of gronna attaebed, in a high state of cultivation. Apply to •*. McCAX.IiA, X 8 South SECOHD Street.. m LARGE AND VALUABLE PR0.124 .124 PERT Y, FOR SALK.—Tie very latjje and commo dious LOT and -BUILDING, No. SOB CHEESY Street, near the centre of business, containing 60 feet on Cherry street, depth 105 feet, being 76 feet wide on the roar of thelot, and at that width opening to a large cari-way leadlns to Cherry street. "Itaadvantages of • sikk and rosmoK are rarely met with. Apply on the premises. (pj POE SALE—TEN SUPERIOR Ifibuilt three-story HOUSES, located on COATES St., between Twenty-thiid and Twent-r- fourth streets onDC tion of Übidn'and'Co&tes. street Railroad); lots extend-' ingbackfo Virginia street For sale at great bargains, and on easy terms. For parti solars inquire cf HIRAM MILLER, 182 G GREEN Street, or W. 0. BEDFORD, S 3 N. TENTH St., and oc»-wfe6t* 1913 CaLLO WHrLL St. m FORGE, PROPERT YAT PRIVATE JaSASALE, 2}i miles sooth of Christiana, Lancaster co., on the Pennsylvania Kaijroad. known as SADSBDKY FORGES; two good water-powers, several thoosand tons of good forge cinder, and a FARM of 201 acres in a high state of cultivation. For fall particulars address JAMES GOODMAN, _ Pennlngtonville P, 0., Chester coanty, Penna. : Immediate possession given, Also, in the same neighborhood (on the Railroad), a valuable STOKE PROPERTY: goodbuildings, excel lent stand. Address as above. self) tnth3m ffi FACTORY PROPERTY ANDi® AT PRIVATE SALE. -A valuable Wa-iaZ ter Power, suitable for almost any manufacturing busi ness, with Farm attached, about four miles from .Hen net square Station, on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad, and nine miles from Wilmington. Two good Stone Mansions, with outhouses, barn, &c. Also, four other stone houses, and one of fratae ; the, whole capable of accommodating ten to twelve families, • and a store, and mostly occupied A stone and-frame Millhome 80 by 30 feet, three stories and attic; 114 acres of good red-clay-creek land, 75 of which are arable. With a pnfflciency of rail timber. - A Country Store has been carried on for nearly fifty years; good neighborhood, convenient-to meetings, schools, and mills: is a very desirable and pleasant location, and includes the strongest Water Power now in the market in that section of country. , •A recent survey has been made for a railroad, passing through this place, to'connect Wilmington with the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central and-Pennsylvania railroads. , The price is less than it would cost to erect the build ings and improvements. A.large portion of the pur chase money rosy remain in the premises. . possession of the Mill, the power, and some of the houses can be had immediately, and of the whole pro perty next spring. Por fnrtner particulars apply to „ ' ■ - JACOB PUSSY. . ocR-1 m Wilmington, Delaware. dp! FOR SALE—A GOOD FAEM* -•Sat of lio acres at Union Station, on the West .2E! Jersey Railroad, 20 miles below Camden. Good soli and good buildings. Fries low and terms easv. Also, an excellent Farm on tte Camden and Amboy Kailroad- near HewSßrunawick. If. J., lor acres; large Maanon or Hotel, containing 22 rooms. Will be sold very low, or exchanged for city property! Also, good Farm of 60 acres, near Potcstown, Mont gomery county, with good buildings. Also, a superior Farm of 106 acres near Darby. Also, two other-very superior farms, easy of access, with superior buildings, suitable for gentlemen’s coun try sf ate, with a variety of others, large and ■ small. A large number of Delaware Farms. B. F. GLEB®, ' - „ - 133 South FOUBTH Street, and oel-tf- „S.W. eorner-SBYENTEENJH and.GRBEH. Mfoe sale—a desirable A FARM, 111 acres, near Morrisville Station, Bucks county, Philadelphia and Trenton Kailroad; good improvements. Chester County Valley Farm, 13S acißE. Montgomery courty Farm, 96 acres, near -a station, 12 miles ?ont,c north? Pennsylvania'Kailroad. Beautifully-located Farm, 100 acres, with first-class improvements, one mile from station near Doylestown, 24 miles out. Call and examine Register of Farms. se3o-tf . B. FETTIT, 333 WADHUT St. M OFiVALBAB.EiE;®| REAL- ESTATE. —By order'.of the Orphans’ Court of uhy>couuty-.of Bucks, will be sold at public sale, on THURSDAY, October 27th, 1564, at 1 o’clock P. M. that weihknown FARM late of Samhel Swift, deceased, situate snßensalem township, Backs connty, near the Bret by temn Church, five miles from Bristol, lourtmites frorn' ScSncti station, on- the Philadelphia and Bristol-Railroad, and 1% from Hulmeville; containing_ahoHt ,ffi acres of land. 10. of. which are good woodland; and about 12 acres of mesdow land. The Mansion is of stone, haying fonr rooms and a large Dali 031 the first floor, five rooms and an entry on the second floor, and-four in the attic The House is in complete orderr and handsomely surrounded- with or namental. shade, and fruit trees: A Frarne Barn,’ with , Stabling, frame Tenant House, Wagon-house, Muk-house, and other out-buildings. situation renders this an attractive property for the retired citizen or an active farmer.' gE T|tme accommodating, and made known on day of -Persons wishing to v'ew the propaity can call on E o. HARRISON, guLMEVILLB. I’orjnither inforrna tion, apply to JUrafRY the Baltimore and Philaddpma Steamboat Office, So. 34 South DELA WARE Avenue. .HENRY SWOT. ■ E G. HAKRP-ON, , T „ . .Administrators. Jesse G. Webster, Auctioneer. . ? oc2B-4t* ffi O H ESTER COUHTY—EORga ■fij^-SALE—IO9 acres, 12 woodland, 2 miles north-—E J?®*' i f . West .01 ester, on a good road,- dwelling 26x43. With, kitchtn and milk'houße. neat lawn enclosed with picket; fence, abundance of fruit, fine barn, carnage* house, granary, ice- bouse, and all necessary bnildings complete, ai din good repair. Dwelling and barn sup plied with water irem a fountain.: Price rnodera-e-. cimmxs; w Tt , ho. 504 WALK o r Street. ■N* .-B. Send for catalogue Delaware and Ciaester county farms, containing prices. bc2o-Bfc [m PUBLIC SALE OF BEiL^i sold at Pablic Sale* cm 22! FIFTH Dal (Thursday), gd of 11th mo. Ctfovember), on the premises, n^ ; , mMLE PAEM, .. Of about 40Aeres of Laud, in a high state of cultiva tion, late the property of Hathaa Prate* deceased, termination of the Philadelphia aue West Chester Plank Road, and about 12 miles from Mar ket-reef bridge, in Newtown township, Delaware county, Pa.,, a bsautifol and healthy neighborhood. The property is hoixuded by lands of Samuel Caley, Henry Pratt, and others The Improvements are ;; t _ A COMMODIOUS STONE'HODSE, ; . Stone # Bam,* Stone Spring House, Carriage House, aind other necessary outbuilding; a young Apple Orchard, of weU-sfelected fruit, just coming mfco„bearing. besides Pear,'Cherry, Peach, and other Fruit and Shade Trees, in seat variety. There are several Springs of excellent soft water on the place, so situated as to water the holds conveniently. There is also on the premises W v V A TAN YARD,*. Of .over 40 vats, > with. Ream House, Currying Shop, ■¥*' tlse > and . with. a. constant stream of the best water in. the country for Tannine pur poses running through it. AttiuiuiK.pax .For further particulars, apply to Martha V. Pratt, residing on the premises or to ■ - - D. B. PRATT,3 Executor, (Sale to commence at 2 o’clock.) Twnton, ST. J. OT®ttS' . TerjaBea *y- Title good. m- foe baik.—a highly:■ pro »TJCTIVE AH ?, VALUABLE FaHH situated in Hew C&stle county, Delaware, about two and a half miles below Delaware City, and X. of a mite above Port Pemi.-oB tie river Delaware, containieg some Three e T fl d Ninety Acres, about one half of which is S??™ 0 , w ,2 „ i? 1 g™u*yt tlur balance upland j soil ex {nlttvatibn, and no waste or ra»prodnctiT6 land In the tract i-1 ■ A As a dairy and pain producing farm (acre for acre) ft snperior in that jnitly celebrated agricultural oonmy ofLow Castle, Delaware. There have osenfrom fifty to sixty cows kept upon it for many years past, nnifonnlyyielding a large profit!, The annual-pro duct of wheat for years past Tias been from twelve to eighteen hundred bushels. Com, in 1563; five thousand busbels, _ and notwithstanding an unprecedented drought has prevailed in.this section the present year it is confidently believed that over four thousand hush els of corn will be garnered ! to addition to. which set yen acres wereplauted in tobacco, which yielded a most luxuriant and heavy crop! Much profit is annually de rived a! so from fattening stock on the premises If de sirable the farm may advantageously be divided into three farms, one of which would: be very- desirable and valuable ar a truck farm! The improvements, which are fair and in good condition, consist of a large brick dwelling, bam, large wagon and store house, corn cribs, ice nouee, a fine dairy with tenant house, and other necessary buildings lino nr ma. nures can be landed on the premises... The locality* is .healthy, convenient to-schools and churches, and to: Hie centre of a thrifty ■ and -intelligent community. ? r i 1 „ C r , o r ,i nd thl »y dollars per acre. A large portion of the purchase money may remain on the property- Any further information may be ob tained by application to . ; , - , - WILLUM KEY BOLD. ; near: Delaware City. . GEO. E. WILLS, .- ’■ 315 FB AHKLtH Street, Philadelphia, Or to' J. HESHT, -- “ .■■■■■■■ '■ Continental Hotel. 8e27-tntb6tr DECKER BROS., e AST) ' - STECK & 00/S OEIKBBATED PIANOS. J. E. GOULD, BKVKBTH ADD CHBSTinJT. JOHN B. MYEKB & » BEES, ffos. 833 as* 33* BALS OF GAKPETISGS CARPEp t „ ACAED.-The or *°" royal diunaelr, list carpets, &c.. to be peremptorily Sa® 6 ’ on a credit of ftar months, eammesc'm,' %}■ c '-'s. 6j( at 11 o’clock. B '«s morsi" 3 . POSITIVE SAE-B OF CARPetiav-c „ tt this sioswuro. raGs - *«. October 22, at precisely 31 o’clock win • catalogue, on four months’ credit, an ‘old , enperflne and fine Ingrain, Venitian. and ragi carpetings, witch may be esaiS'l ceii,* the morning of sale. - * warnings nr j^ PEREMPTORY SALE OP FRENCH, mm. GERMAN, AND BKITIS B D?.i r S «?;«. ON MONDAY MORNING I'™’ 1 '™’ 4c * October 24, at 10 o’clock, will he told ’h, on four months’ .credit, about— ‘ 'sills-, „ 900 PACKAGES ASP LOTS of f roller., India, German, and British drv ajaoracmjf a large and choice assortment XSk a 13 * i,fe ’ ror3t9d ’ "?S? *i M, 8,-Sampies of the same will be a .„ *** examination with catalogues early oa t- E “ r '-t?%i ,, the sale, when dealer* will find it to SheD ic ” r -ki, tana. LARGE SALE OP FRENCH DRY ftnnn- NOTICB —lncluded iiioorsale of Frea? ( ?? S ’ fe on MONDAY MORNING, Oewber2L w“l i Im part tbefollowing desirable articles. w . '* DRESS SILKS—In blacks, solid cider* : dress silks, Florences, grot, de Naples, satf,;.. a H fit* DRESS GOODS—In merino cloths,figorA *'■ % moueeiine, reps, cashmeres, poplms, mob,?;* 1 ti& brccEdn vtioms, ginghams, alpacas, &c 1 r , HI A W I/v - A fall assortment of troche i ’ square, woolen, chenille and chifcet shawls’.-s' 11 * w &C- . ■ “'^rfc GLOYBS—Men's and women's kid, silk v„ ’ mere, and thibet gloves and gauntlets, Ac’ ' -e\ EMBROIDERIES, &e.-Mull and book coll., insertings, bands, capes, veils, laces, &c ' s| BONNET KIBBOSS-A fail assortment „* • plain, and figured bonnet and black siik v„],.„ ‘ip.-is and fancy velvet and silk trimming ribboa* £; bt >tt Also; black crapes, tarletans, silk cravat= »,• ties, hoop skirts, linen handkerchiefs, whit-, a ‘A sewing siikF. head-dresses, girdles, fanev LARGE SALE OF PARIS MBRISOJB3rfpfVi-Jt’ SBaWLS, SCARPS, BALMORALS Included in our sale of MONDAY, October >4- will be found a large and desirable assort™ following fabrics, or tbetimporiationof Jlesar, n" nenuin &Co, of New York, viz.: ' 4 Rgl Paris quality monessiln delaines, in choice meets, high colors, dark, mode, and black ‘’’bit Pine woven striped ditto. All-wool, Paris make, clan plaid ditto. Doable width black, plain monsselin delaine- n ,1 qnaiity. Py.;, f Choice colored reps and hair lines. e Rich Paris printed merinoee, choice pattern- i colors. - *si ‘ Also, a complete line of Paris quality merino*. ir . sorted high colors, darks, whiles, scarlets, tts'i'T from fine to extra fine grades. : ‘H i PARIS BROCHB SCARPS, BALMORAL ST'Pri I Also, a full and very desirable line of ail-ww s ' plain black, Thibet, and merino shawls, s>; -,c, : r * I long, with wool fringes, comprising all the icLiL ’ * : *- . qualities up to the finest imported. * ** GLOVES, GADNTtETS, SHIRTS, &c Also, included m sale of Monday, October "’4 pieie assortment of gents’ furnishing goods eown‘■*' ‘ in part, gants de Suede, buck, bsaver,cloth,R. M^eAt TeS ‘ seK-Sm* LARGE PEP.SMPTOEY SALE OF BOOTS CBn t . BROGANS. &c. " -' si » . v ON TBESLAY MORNING. October 2'th, atlOo'elock, will be sold, by caM,-,,. without res* rye, on four months’ credit, ah.jnt , packages hoots, shoes, brogans, balraoraK .if 8 army goods, travelling bags, &c., cf cityacd manufacture, embraefaig a fresh and prims assort, .of desirable articles for men, women, and chiM, which will he open for examination early os Ing of sale. ' r - LARGB POSITTYB BALE OF BOOT?, SBOBt ARMY GOODS, TRAVELLING BiJ Nod ICE.—lncluded la oar large peremptory hoots, shoos, &C.. to be held’ on T BESPAT Vnr; KG Oct: 25, at 10 o’clock, will he fonnd lunart lowing fresh goods, viz; F n cases men’s, hoys’ and yon tbs’ thick hoots cases toett S, SOW, arid mills’ kip and calf cases men’s gram cavalry hoots. cases boys’ grain and L L boots. 1 cases men’s, boys’, and yon to s’ kiphrosrsns g() —cases men’s, boys’, and youths’ balmorsi, te, sQ —cases men’s, hoys’, and youths' Congress bocN tf . cases women’s, misses’, and children’s calr 3 goat, grain, and split, sewed, pegged, and ch?T nailed boots and balmorals, embracing a general ,■ : I ment of city and Eastern-made goods. '1 Also, cates gents’ 24-inch leg, enamelled, foxed, steel shod cayalry hoots, gum shoe*, Ki goods, sc. ‘ L > KEADY-M4BE CLOTHING „ , ON WEDNESDAY MOUSING, , oct - 26ft, at lOo.cloclt, will be sold, by catalosnt M fourmonths' credit, a large assortment of faeivT.’lF cily.-m&de cioftmg, for gents’, and boys’ w-»“ ® LARGE POSITITE SALE OF BRITISH frew - GBiMAN, Afi'DDO&IESTIC BsV goodP We'wjll hold a lanse sale of Eoreiga and n™. Dry Goods fcy catalogue, ou a credit of four mSf aud part for cash; “ W 1 _ : v os'thtjhsday kobkiyg, October 27, embracing about 1,000 packages l staple and fancy articles In woolens, worsteds )■ ' le&e« d CottoD6 * fowMcll tarfVuE«^;®j B.—Samples of the same will be amaz*,} &■. , animation; with catalognes, early oa tS a or S sale. when dealers wiil find it to their •pUBNESS, BBMIiEY & 00., a Ho. 615 CHESTNUT and 613 JATKE ItAEGE SALE OF' BRITISH, GERMAN i\n BIOAN GOODS. ’ iE n ~ os Tuesday hobning, lO °’ Cl ° Ck ’ by «fc 600 LOTS OF FANCY AND STAPLE DRY nnor fcALE OF 35 CASES - BLACK ITALUN Cmr AND SATIN' DE CHINKS IWIs ' . ' ON TUESDAY ~ floe to ex. superb quality, black Italian c!<% ; SATINETS, CEOAKIKGSrYLANtI'EEis” 5 cases super and heavy black satinets, 3 cases fancy black satinets -1 case 6-4 French cloakings. flannels® 8 h?avy billed ecarlct, blue, and ALPACAS, COBURGF. JLND FANCY BSITISH KS cases fine to super black alpacas and Coirarr= cases black and colored aipmr cases 6-4 fancy silk check pjplius cates 3-4 fancy silk Tartan checks. cases 6 4 brc-cade figured mohairs cases 6-4 plaid poplins. cases 6-4 ex. fine merino Franchise. cases 6-4 fine black merinoes. 4-4 shepherd’s plaids. Magenta and scarlet Coburgs. DOMESTIC GOODS, FOR CASH. . Also, sheetings, shirtings, flannels, ginghsme c-m jeans, Kentucky jeans, &c. . . 5 1 TVI". THOMAS & SONS, xu ~ Hos, 139 aid 14-1 South TOUKTH Street. „ SALES Op STOCKS AND REAL ESTAxi. At^TSst,«“f®> 6Te P'J' nESDAT ’ at 12 ®’dofii SaEdfeiits of eacß Property issued sepameict Ott the Saturday prey ions !o each sale I.CdScatattfjii pamphlet form, savin* full descriptions. T SALES at tie Auction Store s» ; Particular attention given to soles al Prirtai «iaeß.ces,&c. ] J.AEGE SAT. 3. EXTEA VALHAjj , MILLUfEEV GOODS, &o , bv Catalosue, • -'A/OH WEDNESDAY NEXT, , Oct. 26th, commencing at 10 o’clock: proc-^-;. 1 prising’ a large and general assortmeat of goods, to 'Which the attention of ftnyers is inVAr- B SCOTT, JB,, AHCTIQNESE, 5 • 839 CHESOTtnr and 615 SAHSQM 6w# _ TSAAC ' NATHANS, AUCTION N. S. corner THIRD and SPBggE Street SHE OF FORFEITED 'PLEDGES BT OR»3 „ NATHANS, BROKBH, , On TTTEbDAT MORNING, November 1. l-5«. s o'clock A« M of gold and silver? other-watches, gold chains, Setterc breastpins, medallions, coats, pants, vests, shoes, tools, ta JHUiICE.—AII persons having goods on de?*-o roe over tle legal length or time will cat! ant*} the same, otherwise they will he sold on the aw« . ABRAHAM NATHANS, BrjAfti oc2l -lot* N.VT.cor. SIXTH and CALLOIVSiw A/TE DI cIIT A L COD-LIVER O 0 " A JOH3ST 0- BAXES * (30 . 318 STABKK *J are mm receiving their snpplies fresh The superiority of their OU, la ejery Sained for it a repotation and sale Brand in the market. To maintain it they mined to supply an article that may be enttoyi on for freshness and pnnty. See testimonial? feesors of Medical Colleges. -■ _ isll-ii-;* 'MiBS.' JAMES BETTS’ CELIBBA? SBPPOBTBBS 808 BADISS- . the only Snpportera Guilder eminent median P‘ !a hadiea and Physidant. are raspeetfcSy reiff.'f.ji only on Mrs. BSTTSiit her resiaenee, 1039 h*? Street,Bhlla-.ftoaToldoonnierfelte.) Thirfr A Invalids havebeen advised by theirntytis'o".::';; appliances. _ Those only are genuine S*» ri , a *:r-** States copyright; labels on the box, and also «g the Bim»ort«rsi With tastirenoiri* 'WATXB'4£XBK! DRAIH P f J” .KoiStsomernr STerrat Cotta WoiSs- y * W srebotue, 1221 MARKET Street. * i; * mst o? cash friosss gor feet, 2 luck bore, S 5 floats, gor joinfcofS fset,-S lack tore, For joint of § feet, i inch bore, 56 cents, Jot joint of 8 feet, 6 lack bore, 70 cent*. Sor joint of S feet/ 8 inch, bore, 86 seat*. •T, B * , ®, a > from 2to 10 inch diameter. -5 Also, Branches,'Turns; Trapa, (Btlffi?-*? 58 ’ aey Tines, Garden Vasee. &e. . vr:0li?- tfcvTS-rtnifclfm WHITTEN'AND JSCEIETI6KS of Character, CoaitW'Sl lent, wItIi'ADYIOS on'Business. Ha*# tiori, Self-improvement, MajtageoS 3 . st int? of CHILDEBiJ, social ttdaptatjVfoi., and evening, try JOBS i Ptaenoloeirt and ocTl-tuthetf Ho. 25 St TBIfTU" 51 C™« SECOND AND WILLOW STBS®- PHTUBBIPHIA- H«r*p Iron »nr*l>*«d *nd fur •»'* pABINET FURNITURE. •v .HOOKE & . 861 South SEOO3SD are preparedto'follow the decline in tß lm price -of their ftmritaie. purchaser* « and exajnincron? stock. fYLD SHERRY'wiNE-sojpv|j TAVES, and 60 CASES OU» fflggLjg' For Sale Ly ~ E v F * fW'' oo!8-6t* j/ 'ISo- 5 »■ 1 T UCKNOW SATJCB.-TBIS -L< lm 101 SQO*H w* 1