,„ s ULoranfO, " ;p linClotU»»- < -’ 1< ’ lhl 'Jft GranvUla Stoner Old mm* At Granville Stokes’ Old St&ud, At Granville Stokes’ OM Stand, At Granville Stokes’ Old Stand. liS ,tmit Street. '' ,-tioitniit Street. •'% «iinnt Street. - y —A few very valuable t* i-.• Wifl An early api-lic-ttlon *vlll l"-i - { s to John B. Lord, 16 South s£v ’e?^ r '- * * oc2o-"t* . , ikmi-le of Art, 914 Aeoh Street.— ,* the >2ito Mflior General Birney, the 0320»3t* rAvE- :; " .... .. *- ('».oTHT?r», a fpiemlH assortment, at ■a* ?RS !' "v Oo *.«, No. 4N. Eighth st. ocl7-6t* -■ -C. TaU-OKS AT»D rHA'NUFACTBBBBe [^r^ 7 ''‘ s'ljo American Buttonl\Ta r y ~c pi cne ed to annonoco that, after j se f ftl!l -. , ’ s ? . r . a mi the liberal expenditure of Üb‘ rv 'lr-jr the first loochamcM ti'ent, H 1 ". rlru fvifi‘l are now p-cpara.l to i ’‘' c ’’ .. lC ; r celebrated labor-saving ma rc in; rtlj regarded as one of the . of the age. A. sinirle machine -i-ojb 100 to 150 perfect uutt.iu holes n . i.oOOto 1,600 tna of r! *‘' v ‘ ], jx’jo does embroidering, and * toar ,-- and sews on at the same time it»!*^\ J r 6-: av-d Medina:, In the jnn?t elegant r ’ ?3i: ?re * s ent * re ly simple ,la con i' r? ‘ ; T ... e ,h understood. Call and *fsam _ ' xy.-.f'k. and pee the machinea in , cpe--i® e£ *“ oso Chestnut street, Phi la •»;!/*• it ““ ocl3-5t r.Bi> Sight, Throat, Oa- iVni t n)l nervdua affections treatad bus, '^*», 7 jg] ie r l Office 1027 Walnut I>t- > &n 0017-Cf vx r aucoassfnily treated by J, r 3 V*uHH an 4 Attest, Sll Pluest. Artlfi ‘ - Tv’iichare *fa*Axaminatlon.jy2o.tl !T5 - iBBIW VT • HK HOTELS >ti-*i K ¥Vnlraoraiou»i> <3 T Crawf-.'r«i, Kittaiiaing • io'iror. V Sam! o'a*r orJ. lO£r.iacinif •‘.••uiY-V’ii* Ma Palmar, Fraifelin, Pa ' • •; : -rjaw!i!* E Twining & l i. f! A Mosarhusetts ~'~2n-?. York .w \%nk ;B Saulord, AewWYork Vxt Yr.rk. !Mr & Mrs tfrownio*. Canada * y*«-w York T M Backus Surf, Cleveland ,I’,a, I'f’Uaa Ali-s F b Backn^wo - a -- ! Mr* Pr B-n^foiYe - {ii Bt l Do dittl*. V » A '• *:,•<. y..-iS 0 Barr, New York 0 E De Ban a A wf, NY !A 3lcootmxk-Lrck Haven . v. • Mias I7rtUa.i,Locu Haven • ' .v/ one Purvis, Baltimore ;i t, ,XY ' W U Jour-den & wf, jfiLaJi Vi«"rk 7.1 a j Gen 1> B s -TJ 8 A :>* .'T ("lUv'Li Go O R Hart* H <1 } V Gi'.y" t*wPt YW e tfry. U!j 4 . v C--iv T M *'o *k, NewYvifc V; :•;;••* Y>rk |C T TilUaslia VV>' v. lui k IJ T Martin, New Vork. •V r-'nrijJo j.T Ha 1 A la* B'ookljn |C B Smith IfewTorb !N L Botrardue-N* w ?ork ! J M Stewart, New Yora jT H Rubiusoo, Harrisburg !Mi> Sill* New York J C Jones, Maryland -~iiku.ll.KY I wt, Miivs usee ! v-v. V >Ti£ '.d. 80- T '-a j; 1 • };^\r.TQtefr itrnrd. John F Pollock, Poona £ C Huo.*es, ft*»Ue f oatf, Pft , JLyuue, 31 Ifliju. Pa i'J D P.urn& M>, P>nua W H Kni-is-?. USA Jacol> Pittsburg Mrs Stuart, Bucks o, Pa | Join Buralmni, Delaware ! JasC Douglas-*. Delaware !h H Br-dy & wf.. 3fd : W a N Hiiy-iDirupsefto’n jj M Butchirs m. Pittsburg IS KMason, Mercer, Pa I'- v -»r. O'- vv-bas ire.CLahibcTsb’c - . Ha^iUk.oon :cr. ri'.i.(*!•■' h*»\lTg H r::«f>arg *,u»d, O »w Tork .. 1“ Tor] f J W K**rr, Oil City M i Plnraer. Franklin C Tj Green, Pittsburg H S W Hirous. M D Del Jobn O English, Zanesville Jas J KlnKadr, «ut City A S Ha-hrooir & la, N t Mrs Goodrich Towanda Sirs O’Hara, B --gliamton E P Perkins, USA Jos Pay, Ro-tiD Miss M E B Dav, Boston MreEHton-s 80-ton Mrs W A Brown, LoweU ! K E Sliapl* >*, Carlisle 5 J K Eby, Harrisburg: J R Barns. Levb-rown Hill Briaton, Lewiotown ON Lull, Chnmb-rsbursc W H Gibson &I». Bain more Secli L=*e, Maine D <; McDall-un, 'Vasliiogtoa JnoC W>imin, D McGniou, Lsinca-ter John 0 K-id, Baltimore E J P*ck. Inditmapolie iD C Waterh >u»e, Conn W Bar erfi-ld, >’-w York ■WPteveoe, 2 O T F *r< ornat. Zmpsvilie, 0 Sheward, N.nv York. W c *$ Farvv. New York W It Day, Xexv V >rk Prana ’ room &vr;, enericJo Aivf- Balt -war:. .VfU* Y->rk -a:y. Is'ew T'>tS >:v ; a«, jf-v, York •••Ali ow, fi'j.-ton i 3C fa. y York r&icvaii, Penna ; :-,M.ui;p>rT, Pa 1 •?• Fork iTckL, I'f.wTork !-• v Vovk - York o -V York vilie C Baxter,’New York ;J Couuel.y. NVw York T H liobineOQ, |0 PPlimpton, Boston ißCros-man, fcnu-. 0 f! KtOo? & wf, Not York W V S'nd lifi-ld, N-w York IRA Griffin. Washington jTbos lVt rick. Pott-viUe iRv-bt A Po k Dataware iA Dixon. oliio I Miss £ Dixon. Onto S A -Hehdijjg “ iJelawate . h-p York ■S3 v:i, Ky >'*-v York . tuvr Y-'rk W:::iu, BullalO ! Jonathan. Watson, NY The At X York lerican. i William Hale, Mass ,T R Lory & I-*, lowa MIBB L Woodward, loyfa D B Tarr. New York {Wm H Guth.iA, Pean’a j£ A Uhler, Lehauon IF Schotninx, Penn a ’Dr J Wenthale, N York •Sl* Brown. Georg°> J u, D C !E Melben ila, Jersey City IDr S lambacii A wf, Pa (Dr Marili & wf |H Whimau, Boston E W Lunneii, Delaware IJ D Savagt*, Trenton • Mrs H Carr, Del (S A Short, Delaware IJ A Wagner, N*w York {D W Dam here & wf, Ohio ICT- Welle. DowuiaitOWll jJas H Orison, Balt jO Bishop fJV Craven, New Jersey :D Faust & wf. Pena’a ;R M Brown, Jersey Snore {Mr* Cri-t, Jersey |A Bloom « wf, Penn’a plr Barton, Del co» Pa ;j£ Crosby, Coon !£ Lazarus, Carbon co ;D A Marsey, Maryland I James E Black. Washington • J K Everhart, PUtston |C E L a aneraft, New Haven ■E Ds Gernea & la leapt J W McGinn's. Mo • J Morphy, Altoona iA H Miller, Chicago ■>r. :*"\7*York -- Uo^toa -i-n. icwa vrmh'n '-■■■ - Rihinjore ;—~y- £a timyre i ‘V 'tsii, i'bin'a 1 r !>*•".. 8 T«* ,--i ii, York .. T-- -ij. .'•"s'v? Toik Y rk ifcw Tori Yt’.y Y« rk a York - l J*. Baltimore 1 yy !*>•*■* • a Kf 5* Pa iSiw, ila~s ■l**?* Mass :..?• Jiass ’*~ T -X iV *' Ed - • Wa~bina:toß -r & wf, X J ; •* t.i**borp, S Y Y..rk I* l r •*• •\nrlainl ; Wylaud '?-<;ae I-land file _Wei 'i6ct'w>?V' r ' e , y , «tr, m ri-. « 'We, lowa' ~ 4^* Ja « i*trv ! ?i t zM'iJ.Vh I>a WttSr* ®.- a, Kte s t T r a -5' <., : fuiMicr? ;. r * r -i. P.rtKhurg ‘chants’. iG S Snyder &wf,W’HL3port ! A Bernes, Ohio W Smithfield Jas S Black, Pa Geo B Johnston, Pa M M«utzger. Pittsburg N G Fink. Blair county, Pa K A Kerr, A tocrna Q R Kocafis Altoona A J Henderson, Caraville W L Jones, Allentown Mrs CL Ward Towauda J RPatton, Danvilie SH Smith. Brownsville JH Attwater, Prov, ft I Lewis Carl. York. Pa F H Thornhill, Ohio JD Baldwin, Pittsburg T J HurcblMd, Pittsburg Mrs King, Chamberadurg Miss Is Harry. Chester co B Harrikon, New York G D Wolff. No-ristovn W Ray & wf, Kentucky l Hon G Scoti, Catawis«a WH Jacoby, Blocmsburg W T Ramsay, Dan vile Miss Ag*ie Easton, Danville Miss A Pancost, Danville G WFeraler, Peant T> W Barehore, Fair-view T Worraan. Panna O Semple.Eoß on Lieut T G Ohr.sty Md J Brown, Jr, Allegheny A Hays, Indianapolis A Stratus, Davenport B G Brown, Elizabethtown W A Ripley, Newark,N J A Miller & dan. Berwick, Fa. Rev G F Fox, Addison G Temple, New York •r^'v SlSl'fe.'*."”* it p,“‘J 6: -'l-8 • • r.tt.bnrsr ;; J \nu-l' ]iaz ' ;et »“ -*• L C *xtu£u t V' 5 ' :'«£.fe I : i; ’ i ‘ --I- 4 cl, |Q’* Jr.j ~ UlllOH. : i v’ ' J Whitaker, Penney 1 vaniA --. i!i.;J Oeeßaman, L<*baaoaco - tij i.C' ' JJ * J iMrs B. achen, Penna : J Coleman, Ohio - W ; «,- r, ;Mrs Cornish & ch. Mass .-/-ala. w.Vi , iMrsßtish & ch, Mass i» "• P *-• ;LLandme*»er. Penna J Miller, Lancaster co ••‘•''jC j.' 7 * * J K Miller, Lancaster co '? 1 BH Reynold*. Indiana ':}■ !C M Sank, Allentown 1 i J C Conrad, Jr, flarrl^hnrg | J Wersdeifer, Harrisburg „ !JM Harrington & la, J r ’ SO Peters, Bushkill, Pa iJ - 1.-*nS?^ ille i T Evans, Trenton, N J ' s lr Tf‘, c B »M«y Shear. B rs? ->:rr« H Clayton, Jarrettown. Kitchen, Scranroa ’’d hi ~r m^ ri,fgB Ijambertvitle k*’- California iu'\ v j|>e Wm y Fritz, Boston “At 1 ]M Bitmap. Wiuhlo^toj* Ht ' " 'H H Collins, Bo toS Shrnl Martin. Boston ':« ";• j?S? 7 White Horse 1 F <'huse | S Bocker * White Bor-e 1 an v Thf ' Sald »«**»«• $2 SMUfly.Fr^srljjtobnrc .1' A H Maver. Kea-nag Ai Morgan Potuville r. Kauffman, Bucks co «:•*«, K, t . st • MisßStopp, AUeatowa -*;t ?? SoycUr, I^ln^iuoa ■■•ouuijjiir® "fP.J^JJ I Lebanon -' *vr Romicn, Catasaurjua dj The Slurtison. v Noble, Maryland Vl, Iff. Anatra’iia J ; Manaaeld, Dover. Del ; Mix-Manrfield. Dover gel V 4 , 4 *h»o T |SProBl,r, Albany Sa r ?- -S ' T WisCnJ-t. M J Jl, »»Uwi“ l ’ Uel iD» Reed* fwn, Penas The ('OU I F Coffman, PhscnixviUe i Thos Robinson, New York Jas M Riddle, Pittsburg Job PThompson, N York PPB?a». USA _ . Nicholas Fawks, USA M B Hereford, USA C Ldflell, Jr, New York H Carter, Washington J A J Bollock, Centre co E Nelson, New York fl w Fortner, Alex, Va B Urner, Penua C W Fleetwood, Cincinnati The States Union. A R Fi?lo*r. Delaware .0 Bott, Pc-ausylvania L WpriißHu*-.itn-wDftvnb j P Morris. I.+n«a«tor co J K Dei W L Morris, Laug gg. Pa E I*. Flagg* Y r rinont | j j Brown J G Chad- ty, Pa ! P Lamiing. Ohio • . hiiii z ; G shTom, Card-le, Pa P V. lughbu.-rer, Pa fDnvitl »lonb>y Tren'on B Wallace. hlumingdcu hn J. Lock wood, ofCo- il county, Md., to Hannah S. - , y«-nogeet <3anght«r of Thomas S. and Sarah W. Jewilt, of Mld tlie'oyn. No «-ftTd-a. GRIDER—SKIRVING.—Or the 20th inst., at fch* rosi d«=icp«»f the tTide'.s father, by the Rev. a Retake, of Philadelphia, Rufns A Grider, of B*»?-hleheoi f Pa ,to Elizabeth Sku-viug, of Gerinantowu. Pa No cards MILES—KNKASS—On the 2(tb inbt., by the Rev. B-roamin Watsen, D. D., Mr John 5. Mur*-= t.a Ger*vade,' eldest daughter oi N. B. Jvnea.ss, Esq , both °Vr'?NCK—GORE —On the 21st of July, 13*54. by the Rev. T. J Sheppard, Wm. Franck, Jr.» to Miss Josie Q. Gore, both of this city. ** DIEP. BROWN.—On Monday, 17th inst., at Mount Pleasant Hospital, of inflamation of tie bowels. Jam* Brown. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully iDvited to attend his funeral from the 'residence of Lis ir>otheT,7iO Shirley street, this day CFiiday), Oct. 21. HaINES.—On ihe 19th instant, at Mount- Holly, New Samuel N. Haiues. , ~ . The relatives and friends of the family AM JQSPSCt* fully invited to attend bio funeral, from the reside ace of hrs brother-in-law, Jam- 3 ** Langstaif, on Saturday morning the 22d instant, at 10 A. M., without farther BRYANT.—On Wednesday morning, October 19th, Ma> y Bryani, of this citF* in the S9rh year of her age. Her family and friends are invited to attend h«*r fune ral from the residence of 11. Gumhe-3. No. 1720 Chestnut street, on Saturday morning next, at II o’clock. ** BOuLTNGSWORTH. —On the 19th in St. Thomas. G. Hollingsworth, in the 74th year* of his ave. .... Bis relatives and friends are resnecifall^ invited to attend his funeral, fr-tm his Jate residence, bo i3H iii- on Saturday morning, at 10 o'c'ock. witnont further notice. Funeral to proceed to Laurel Hill. ** BIRNEV.—At bis residence in this dry, David BfII Birney, Major General United States Yolunceera. aged 39 year*. His friends and thoseof the family, offic°rs, and sol diers on duty or on leave, are respectfuLly invited to attend hiefunoral, on Friday. Ociohar 2lBtj at2P. at, from Me late residence, 1920 Race street. • ” Tkibute of Respect to the Memory of Major Gese i;al Btk.xey. —The clerk s and others connected with the Philadelphia Custom House held a meeting oh tYeio.es day, a'ter hours, to pay a mark of respect to the illustrious dead. Mr. Charles Pryor was called to the chair, and Mr. Benjamin HucKel was appoiated secretary. Hessr*. S. Snyder Leidy, B. Tlnckel, Tho mas J. Smith, Thomas W. Martin, and Dr. Griffin were appointed a committee on resolutions. They reported the following: Whereas• It has pleased Divine Providence to Temove from onr-'XLidst, from his sphere of usefulness and earthly honors. our esteemed fellow citizen, Major Ge neraJ David B.'Birney; therefore, be it . . Devolved, That while we bow with submission to the lntcrutable Wisdom, whose purposes we cannot fathom, we accept with sincer*si sorrow Jho blow chat ras stricken the nation wiih the loss of another of her gallant sods lit-ftalvtd. That wo deeply inourn for one who gave promise, in the earnest thai he had already given as. Of a- l*«L#r a sd brilliant career of devoted patriotism, and Ui.tiriug zeal in behalf of his country, which he loved so well, anil of principles which were always dearer to lim -than life. Good, gifted, and brave, he pcyei knew wbat it was to swerve frmn his inc-grUy OTfaJter in theperfoTinnnceof hU hereby not< »i , "\V. M. K. TMBRtB, N J., R. V. LITTLE, JSf; Y., ■» Committee. OBITUARY. The Augusta papers. Borne time ago, announced the death of GEORGE Y. DAVIS. Esq., a genUamta well known to many friends in this city and In New York For manjr years past Mr. Davie livs»«l ta the fcouth, vrae a highly respected cotton iu©reb®..n.t of Charleston, and a gentleman much esteemed by all who knew him. , ♦ MOURNING GOODS —PRICES liE- ItX DUCED—*2 28 Black Wool Reps reduced l« *1,75, *2.80 Black Wool Rope reduced to 13. *2 25 Black French Werinoee reduced to 11.50. *2.25 Black French Cashmeres reduced to *1.75. tis Black Thibet Long Shawlß reduced to *lO. 16 Black Thibet long Shawls reduced to *ll. #13.60 Black Blanket Long Shaw Is reduced to *ll. 60-ceat American Mourning Do Lames reduced to 40 cents. AM4 . . . 45-cent Mourning Chintzes reduced to m}% cents, «e. BESSON & SOS, Mournin*Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. PURPLE-EDGE BLACK SILKS.— J- THESE ARE KNOWN to be the moat durable Silks ever made. PILE BLACK SILKS—22. 24 26, 28, 80, a-d 32 inches ■wide. These are the SIOUTBST BLACK SILKS known to the trade, RYKB & LAN DELL, oclS FOURTH and ARCH Streste. ■mereliil. | R Bedard, Wm Cheater H b Worih. Oxford, O Stover, Pottstowa DB Meredith, w Cheater Y* 4 Aah. Coatedvillo t-has Peacock, Marvlaud John Spencer. Mias Yaroall, Mar viand «’R Andrews, Parkeshnrg JW Cowell, D »yles»owu W H Eder. Elkton, Mj W Levis, West John fl Paxson, W C*>o>jtec •TF Krems, Norfolk, Ya NATIONAL UNION TICKET. FOR PBKSIDKft y ABRAHAM LINCOLN, OF ILLINOIS. FOB TICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JOHNSON, OF TENNESSEE. EtEiTOXAL TICKET, SENATORIAL. HORTON McMIOHAEL, PhllaAelpia*. T. CUNNINGHAM, Beaver Conntr, REPRESENTATIVE. X. Robert P. King, 13. Btias W. Hale. S. G. Morrison Coates, 14. Charles H. Shnziet* 3. Henry Bumm, IS. John Wister, A WiUihmH. Kern, 18. David McConanghYr 5. Barton I£. Jenks, 17. David W. Wood*. 6. Charles M. Rank. 18. fesac Beopon, 7. Robert Parke, 19. John Patton, 8. William Taylor, 20. Samuel B. Dick* 9. John A. Hiestand, 21. Everard Bierer, 10. Fichard H CoryeU, 22. Jobn P Penney, v IL Edward Holliday. 23. Ebonezer MoJtlßwPt 12. Charles F. Bead. 24. John W. Blanchard. By order of the State Central Committee. IN CAMERON. Ghalrmu. HALL OF THE UNION LEAGUE, CHESTNUT STREET- ABOVE TWELFTH. The following named gentlemen will address the pub lic this week; FRIDAY- Hon. A. K. McCLUUE. SATURDAY. Col. BOWMAN, of Delaware. THE LADIES ARK IHTITED TO ATTEND. -; Lad from Coloael P. C. SUnmLer, Colenel- Wm. A. Gray. James H. Orno, Esq., JohnM. Riley, Esq., tlie Union Leagae Honse, National Union Club Honse and Commonwealth Build ing. By order of COLONEL WM. A. GRAY, Chairman of Public Meetings. THE EUREKA OIE. COMPANY OK THE STATE OF WEST YIRGINIA-Cspi tal, *1,100,100, divided into JOO.OOO Sha.rea at l!0 par hliare. gubscription price, SI SO per share, being in full pa> ment for a &10 ehare. Nv further call or asses- ment to be m: de S2-'-.f€o cash Teperved for working capital. Office, ‘ASMERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, Philadelphia, The District selected by this Company is one of great interest- and is only partially developed* but where developed theiesnltß are very gratifying. The wells at Burning Springs and Petroleum are producing largely. While th«ef ftt Horse Neck and Campbell’s Run (where out lands are eituated) show that this is a great Mi- pro- , during district, being in *loße proximity to tue Follow ing welJe now producing largely, viz: The Greer Wen,” on. Horse Neck, produces 100 barrels per day, and Increasing. The last great well in this neighbor* J oed is on Rawson’s Ran, a feeder of Horse Neck, owned by Tack JSr Biother, oi Philadelphia, and struck about three weeks ago, It flowed about SJO barrels of oil in a single dav. Its average has been» perhaps. 220 barrels a day. It is h shallow well 200 feet deep. Near this, Messr*. Tack & Brother have a we!I2SD feet deep, which yields fron 26 to 50barrels of oil diily. The territory secured to this Company has been select ed with great ctre, having called to onr aid parties well ki own in the oil regions, besides having the opinion of a. celehiated geologist from onr own city, rr-e lands purchased bivlhis Company lie in Wood and Pleasant comities, in West Virginia, at Horse Neck ana Camp b*-irs Rnn. five miles from the Ohio river by a good wagon road. , , ... . , Vi otessor Thomas m his report says: The honags at Neck have developed the fact that in this region there ere fix formations of oil. each of which occurs at different depths,and that it bet-mge to an overlying for matir-n of the Pennsylvania region. ” At Borse N*ck wehave the following: 1. One-haif in a lease of seventeen years In a tract of one acre, subject to one-eighth royalty, on winch we have one well sunk 327 feet, with a twelve bone power engine, tank, tabes, boring utensils, «c. , aDd from which has been taken at the rate of 23 barrels oi oil per day. ‘SYbenjetubed will produce more. 2. Two-tbirdß of a perpetual lease on one and a half acies, situate about fifty rods from the above; on ting we have one well sunk 265 feet and oil m the well 3J fi-et deep. The Bull Creek Oil Company own the other thiid interest. The indications show that by bonne this well deeper it wiUbe a flowing well . 3. Our third tract (33 acres in lee simple) is situated on Campbell 's Run, about one mile and a hall f rom the above, and five miles from the Ohio river. On Monday, September firh, the great Tack Well was struck, and flowed one thousand barrels in twenty-four hours. This immense well liea adjoining our properties. In conclusion of Professor Thomas' report, he says; “The dip of the rock, geological situation, andsarti.ee indications show this tract to be not at all inferior to BorsflNeek. r ’ x ~ wrr.o Books for subscription open at the Office, OHANTB’ EXCHANGE, and at < dice o- b C. DE WAi.h, No. 4bH CHEtj I'NUT Street, second story. oc2l-4 if gggp“ HEAR QYJA KTEItS REPUBLICAN INYINCIBLES, national hall, Philadelphia, Oct. 21, 1864. ORDERS NO. O. I. The Club will assemble at ♦‘heir Headquarters, at 6 P. 31. precisely, io proceed to WEaT CHESTER, Peau- B\lvauie, to i>Ju in the LINCOLN and JOBLofSON de monstration to be held tlie>e, THIS EVENING Tickets f.-r the round trip One Dollar, to he had at tneHaLlat Equipments are now ready, and for sale at the Hall. By order of CHARLES W. SMI PH, Chief Marshal, CiRAM, SHERNAN, SHERIDAN, WS& AND VICTORY! „ _ _ HKADQCARTEKa Ist Battat.ton U. C- Ci.CB, Philadelphia, Oct, 20, 1864, ORDER 4 ? No 6. w , The discharged Veteran Volunteers will meetat'Head quarters (Commonwealth Building), THIS E\BNING atlalf-pa‘-t6o f clock, to proceed in a body to the Aca demy of 3loeic. Ltt every soldier, every Union injia. bepresent to welcome the gallant GENERAL OWES,. Lei every one come who is di»-p<»sed unite in a thou sand shoats for the recent GI/.‘tUoUs VICTORY achieved by the gallant SHERIDAN. a Tiekoiß can be bad as heretofore announced ihe parquet will be reserved for soldier^. By command of Col. P. C. ELLMAKER, * Chiel Marshal. W. A. Gray, ) Chas. C. Knight, / Special Aide. Joh. T. Loud, ) It AT AN ANNUAL MEETING OF K3s> THE CONTRIBUTORS OP THK MOYAMEN SING SOUP SOCIETY,heId at the Baildiuglasteveuing. the following-named gentlemen v.ere duly elecsed m» saeers and officer* to serve the ensuing year: President, Vice Present, Robert Graflm, 637 Pine. Henry S-even-on, 1.40 Lombard. Treasurer, Secretary, Collies West, 802 S. Second. A. J. Baton, Rear of 722 Cheatunfc.f MANAGERS. Charles Rhodes. R. K. Stewart, Seventh ahove Chestnut, S.E. cor. Eighth AiChestant. John Peaice, S. M roster, 947 South Sixth street. 316 South Third street. William Teates, J. M. Cooper, 771 South Sixth street. S2O South Ninth street. 3J. L. Burr, 7SB S Tenth. Wm. Roe, 607 S. Tenta Mr. L. V. Curry, 725 Spruce street, was duly autho red to make collection for the Society. oc2C-3t AUGS. J. BATON, Secretary. rvS» THE FLORENCE OIL COMPANY. —Office No. 33 North FIFTH Street.—CAPITAL 2,SC'OvharfH, par value $lO per share. Sub scription price only $2 per share, to original subscribers, for a limited number of shares To be paid upon, receipt of certificate of stock (and no further assessment). The bool*s will be kept open f«r a few days io receive aub sciiptlons. THOM AS R. HELY, President, Fesrhsk Millet, Treasur-r. Cc-URTLAND F. Folivet.l, Secretary. ltj^ AT A MEETING OF THE COM- MITTEB of the COOPER SHOP YOLUNTifiER REFRESHMENT SALOON, held on the 10th WJt,ya vote of thanks was tendered to the officers and men of the HASTINGS.KEYSTONE BATTEKV for their hand-: seme contribution in rations to the Saloon. _ J, J. HEtCAL Y, It Corresponding Secre ary. J3S** UNION BANK, PHILADELPHIA, Hj October 2l© held at the oflice of the Winona Mining Company. No 137 South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, on SATUR DAY, the 29th day of October, A. D. 1861. a-_5 o’clock p M. JAY A. HUBBBLL, B. A. HOOPRS, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. Philadelphia, Oct. 11,1554. ocl3 lit THE KSCABTABA amSG COM- PaBY OF MICHIGAN.—Tho first meeting of the CORPORATORS of the Escanaba Mining Company of Michigan, under its Articles of Association, mllto held St the oflice Of Company. No. 135 South FOURTH Street rhtladelDmj, on SATUR DAY, the 29th day of clock “* B. A. HOOPES, W Two of the Associates of said Corporation. Philadelphia, Oct, 11,1864. oorl-ist KS* NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEET- Iap ING of the Stockholders of the CLINTON CO*li AND IRON COMPANY will be held on WEDNESDAY. November 2, 1864, at 4 o’clock P. M., at No. 319 WAL NUT Street, second story, oc2oth2V ESS. -philadelphi THE F I»A xri'H /Rf ASTI* < )>I.ORA!ll» UPSS' GOLD MIHJi.G comtany :ViMtereil by tb« State .-f PannoriwUa. CAPITAL f-TOCiv'. Jl.-fIW OOP, KX> CCO SHAKES—T\aK Y'Jsr.tTß V!. # Preside— JOE Iff B ANVEKS »N. v'l OK-*- j.s mfv K. i John W. liat.\ HairisVi*rg. T. C. McDowell* do. John Brady* do. W. W. Wylie, Lancaster,- Win. G. Shuts. Colorado. J>, p. gOUTHWORTB, Secretary and Treacrarer. Office of the Company, No. d!l3 WALNUT Street- Room No G. „ . _ antbenticated specimens have been, procured from boui** of the Company ’« lodes, and have been assayed by IT< iVfiPorß Booth and t-arrett with the most gratify ing results. Subscription lists have been opened at lsto Cfllceof the Company and at the Treasurer’s Office (In* temel Revenue), No. 427 CHESTNUT Street* Farmers' unA M**cl anics’Bank Baildiup. Tooriginalsubscribers, $:: 6(iper t-hHre, tor a limited unmber of shares. Oinnlarr-, pampb-ets, or information cau be obtained at the Office o' tbe Company after the 17th inst. Octobbk Mi 1804, ocli-la TV uitf.? a. Scott. U XuPtai'. Woi 8 Frceniaa, Robt. P, Kina, John M. Riley, Charles DeSUyer, ra*- OI'FICF, OF THE “EL DORADO t* 7 OIL COMPANY,” N. E. comer of FIFTH and WALNUT Streets. Tbe Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of ONE PEK CENT, ou the capital stock, from the P»ofUsff thi l Company. payable on and after the Slat icst, Tbe Transfer Books will bo clo3*d on thefthb inst., nt3 o'clock P. M. I>. A. MITCHELL, Treasurer. KS* OFFICE PRESTON CDAL AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, No WAL NUT Street. Phii.jdbu»hja, Sept, 2d. 1954. DIVIDEND.—The Board ox Directors have thir» day declar'd u, Dividend of TWO PERCENT. mi tha Capi tal Stock of the Company, payab e to Stockholders on and after October 20th. The Transfer Books will be closed from October 3d to October 20th. »e3n-tmw t«>e2o H. J. RUTTER. Secretary. McKinley oil company-no- TICE OF DIVIDEND, No. 2. New York, Octobers. 1664. The Trustees of the McK( v LEY OIL COMPANY have declared a d*videud of THREE PER CENT, (out of the net famines of the Company for the month of September), payable on dmAand. at the office of the Company, NO. 81 J-'H*- Street. N«w York, to Share hoidewi orKecoid. at ibe close of tills day. ocl2-12t WaL'l ER E. LAWTON, jrreaßurer. DIYIDEND. SHE DXREC TORS VSSf? Of the Ni*BLE AND DELAMATER PETRO LEUM COMPANY have this day declared tneir sixth monthly dividend of TEN PEK CBN tV from the eara nas of September, pay able free of State tax on the 20th nst. Decks cioso 16th and wopeu Slut. GEORGE W. HUNTER, Secretary. Octobrrl2. 1664. - ocl3-8t BiDT!€E.-CAiIIDEN ANI> ATLAN BS3S* TIC RAILROAD 00.—The annual election for thirteen Directors, to serve for the ensuing year, will be htld at tbe office of the Company. Cooper’s Cam de*. on THURSDAY, the 27th iDBt., between the hoars of li A. M. aud IP. M. ocl2 12t H. WHITEMAN. Secretary. niTIVEM) KOTICE - OFFICE OF •as? tbb raiLLiFs oil company. »» sorth PKONT Street, TLe Beard of Directors Have tcl« day declared a diri* dend of TWO PER CENT on the Capital Stock (frea of State'tax), ont of the earnings to October Ist, payable on the 22d infant. oclfl-6t KW' OOIiD COMFASY—Jf® ■ TJCB OF DIVIbtXV, Mo « Sbw York, October 6, 1884. A dividend of OWE PEH CENT, for the moath of September baa been declared, payable at the office of tbe Company* 81 JOHN Street. New York, on and after October 17th, 1b64, to Sharehoidersof R: cord at the close of business this day. "WALTER E- LAWTON, Of*l2-12t Treaanrer. OFFICE HOXEKSET IBOS AND 9E& COAL COMPANY OP PENNSYLVANIA, 01 CEDAR Street, New York, September 27,1864. NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a resolution of the Beard of Directors, passed this day, an instal ment of TWENTY PERACENT. on the subscription to the Capital Stock of the j*>OMSBSET IRON AND COAXi COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA be and is hereby made, pa> able to JAMES WADbWORTH, Treasurer of said Company, on or be*ore November Ist, 1864. Attest T- H. iiHW* AcS-tnol Secretary. OUK'E KWATARA FAtbS C9AX> laS» COMPANY, JSOSSoutti FOURTH Street, Piiilapjilphia, October 20, 1861 The Board of directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE (0) per cent out of the net e&rninKS of the Company to the Ist October, payable on and after the diet inst., clear oi State Tax. The T. ansfer Books will he closed from the 2tth to the Slntimt.. L. S. FILBERT, 0 C2O- 10t Treaworar. WESTEBBT BASK OF PHILV BSE? DELPBIA, Onroßßß i 8» 1884. r ibe At>nual Meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Jsauk 'will bo held at the KaKKIKG HOUSE on TUES DAY, \hp Arid day of Nov«mb';r rext at 12 o’clock M. Ap«l the Annual Election for DIRECTORS Will be held ftt !hfj BANKING BOUSE ou MONDAY,the twenty-first day of Bivvembemext, between the hoars of 10 a. M. hud 2 T\ M. ocl9 tno2l soff* 1 CONSOLIDATION BANK, ©JC/ Philadbi-vitia, October. 13, 1864. An election for Directors to serve the enduing: year wil! be held at tlie Banking House on MONDAY, 21sfc jay of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. a:dSP. M. JOSEPH N. PELRSOL, 0c24-finwtnol4 Cashier. rrw*’ BANK OB NORTH AMERICA, •23s* Philadelphia,. Octohor 13, 1864. A general meeting of ifce siockholders of this Bank will be held atttm BANKING-HOU>.a on MON DAY, the 14th day of November next, at 11 o’clock A. M., to confldor and decide whether this Bank shall become an Association for the business of Banking Bndtr the Jaws of the United Statefi; and whether it shall exercise the powers conferred by the act of the Legislature of this State f .eniitbd “An act enabling the banks of this finmTnon wealth to become for banking under the laws of the United States, ” ap proved 22d August, 1864; and to take any further action that may be n*-cessarv. COMMISSION OF THE UNITED K 3S 7 STa’IES AND ECUADOR. Notice is beieby given that the Commission provided for by the Convention of November 25, 1852, between the United Mates and Ecuador, for the mutual adjust ment of claim*, was duly organized at the city of Guay aquil, on the 18th day of August last, aud that the said Comniießiou will continue in session for the period OI twelve month? from that date. . . , . All citizens of the United States baviaij claims upon Ecuador are, t.- erefoi e notified, to appear in person, ot by attorney, and present the proofs in support of their ciMm? to said Commission, or to file their claims and proofs with the Secretary of the Commission, Senor Crisanto Medina, ” in Guayaquil, m the Kepublicoi tl aimf, which shall not be presented to the Commis sion within the twelve months it remains m existence* will be disregarded by both Governments and consi dered invalid FREDERICK HASSANREK, Minister Resident and Commissioner of the United States. Washington City, October 1* 1864. oc3-lm^ SrOCKHOLDEKS’ MEETIKG* yf? MANUFACTURERS'AND MECHaB ICS* BANE, Philadelphia, Sept. 20. 1864. A general meeting: of the Stockholders of the Manu facturers’and Mechanics* Bank will be held at their b&uking bouse, ox* FRIDAY, the 21at day of October nei t, at 10 o’clock A. M., for the purpose of taking into consideration and deciding on the question -whether or not the said bank shall become an association roi* carry ing on the business of banking under th 6 laws of the Unit* d S. ates, and exercising tho powers conferred by the act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth, entitled “ An act enabling the banks of this Common wealth to become associations for the purpose of bank ing under the laws of the United States,” approved the ?/2d nay of Angrot, 1654, and to take suck action in r«- gard thereto as may be necessary and proper, Ey order of tko rfoard of »^' S W OOBWABD, se2o-tuftoo2l Cashier. CITY TOSIMISSIOSSBS’ OFFICE, Philadelphia, September 29, 1864. NOTICE TO THE OWN3K3 OF HEAL ESTATE. The BOARD OF REVISION AND APPEALS will elt ot ike Office npthe L’ity Commissioners, No. 11 STATE HOUSE ROW, to hear Owners of Real Estate desirous of appealing as to the Assessors’ Returns of the Valua tion of Real Estate in the City of Philadelphia for the triennial year 1865, between the hours Of 10 A. M, and lo’ilocK t, M.s on *ho following days: Ist and 36th Wards, Monday, October S. 2d and 3d do. Tuesday, do. 4. 4th and 6th do. Wednesday, do. 5. 6th and 7th do. Thursday, do. 6. Bth and 9tb do. Friday, do. 7. 10th and 11th do. Monday, do. 17. 12th and 13th do. Tuesday, do. 18. 14th and 15th do. Wednesday,do. 19. 16*b and 17th do. Thursday, do. 20. 38th and 19th do. Friday, do. 21. 20th and 21st do. Monday, do. 24. 22d and 23d do. Tuesday, do. 26. 24th aim 25th do. Wednecda^do.^^ se3o-toc26 Clerk City Commissioners. Ss4oo PAID, CASH IH HAND, TO Discharged Soldiers Wishing tpjoin the Veteran Re serve Corps. Applv to Colonel CASPER M. BERRY, No. 106 South SiXTH Street, below Chestnut Plesse bring j our discharges with yon. ooao-3t* New York. Oct. 12,1864. \ PllTT.i DELPHIA. Oct. 15, 1864. JOHN H TAYLOR, Secretary. C. N. WEYGANDT* Cashier. By order of the Board of Directors. ocll'lmo J. HOCu-ijEY, Cashier. MILITARY. FANCY FURS. 1864. "-VVR&. A. R. & F. K. WOMRATH, (SUCCESSORS TO THE LATE GEO. F. WOMRATH, No. 415 Arcto Street, HAVE NOW OPEX A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES’ FANCY ETTBS, To which they invite the attention of buyers. oc2o-3m : ' pjEKRY RASKE, NEW FUR STORE, 517 ARCH STREET. The above respectfully informs his patrons, and the public in general, that he has now opened at tho above store an assortment of LADIES* AND CHILDREN’S FANCY FURS, which for varietT^nd or ant |uBpAgsEi) "by any house in the United States. Being the manu facturer of all his Furs, and baying imported all his stock when gold was much lower than at the present rates, he can offer them to his patrons at the most rea- S °AU to order, and repairing done in the beet manner and latest styles. HEKRT RiSKE _ IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S FURS, oc lg. tf 517 ARCH Street. RADIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN A. STAMBACH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OP LADIES’ FANCY FUBS, NO. 826 AHCH STREET, BELOW NINTH, Just opened, a large and handsome stock of LADIES* AMD CHILDREN’S FANCY FURS of every description and in the newest and most approved styles, at the ocl-Sm LOWEST CASH PRICES. RADIES’ FAHCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh Street, At his old established store, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AHD DEALER IN FANCY FURS FOB LADIES AND CHILDREN. Having now In store a very large and beautiful assort ment of »11 the different kinds and dualities of FANCY FURS FOR LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S WEAR, I solicit a call from those in want. Remember the name and number, JOHN FAREIRA, 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh. I h&ve no partner or connection with any other stove In this city. 001-imif BF. REIMER’S GALLERY OF PHO • TOGRAPHS, 6*44: ARCH Street, the Place to se cure perfect sty If s of Portrait*. Superior styles life-size Photographs in Oil Colors- free specimens. It* KEIMEE'B COLORED PHOTO GRAPHS—Accurate, natural, and pleasant Pic tures, and only $1.60. Secure one of these incompa rable Likenesses now, at the Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green It* fYLD BHEKRY WINE—3O QRS, 10 OO TAVES, ana 50 CASES OLD SHERRY WINEB. For Sale by E. F. MIDDLETON, CclS-«* No. 3 N. FRONT Strwt, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1864. ketail dua goods. pIHBT SPECIAL -OPENING OF F&nii A.ND WINTER CLOAKS, TO-BA\Y (THURSDAY), OOT. 30th, BY EDWIN HALL & CO., 36 South Second Street. oc2o-2t r'LOAKS. REMOVAL. CLOAKS. S. DE YOUNG) Has reroored from 818 Arch street To 30 North NINTH Street, a Where Ladles will find an assortment of Cloaks for Ladies and Children. oc2i-2t 17ROM THE LATE AUCTION SALES, X AT REDUCED PRICES, Extra quality Paris Epingloa. All Wool Empress Cloths. Choice shades. ■ ■ Choice grades . Silk Chain Poplins. Paris Printed Merinoes. Do. do. Mousseline de Lafnes. French Merlnoes. OURWEN iSTODDART & BROTHER, 450, 453, and 454 North SECOND Street, 0020-St . Above Willcxr. TYRESS GOODS FROM THE LATE JL/ Auciion Pales, at reduced prices. Dress Goods at 40 cts. DO dO ..ummiimiimmmiitMMmfiO Do do * *+*4,.,,......60 Do do >». Double fold Drees Goods 75 OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 453, and 454 North SECOND Street, oc2Q-3t Above Willow. WATER proof cloaking, Yf AT REDUCED PRICES. The beit grades at le»fi than usual prices. OURWEN STODPART & BROTHER, 450, 453, and 454 North SECOND Street, oc2o»Jt | Above Willow. CLOAKING CLOTHS OF ALL DESIRABLE STYLES, At the lowest prices. OURWEN STODBART & BROTHER, 450, 453, and 454 North SECOND Street, oc2o-3t Above Willow. feKIKT FOB 1804. A NEW AND OBEAT INTENTION IN HOOP SKIRTS. THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) BTSBL J, I. & J. O. WEST, No. 97 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK. Arc thcow nera of the patent and exelnslTC mannlM inrers of this, _ J. W. BRADLEY’S PATENTED jSLLIPTIO STEEL SPBIWQ This Invention sojiusts of Duple* SKIRT, Very flexible, folded easily when In use to oeeupy % small space, making the most agreeable skirt worn. For sale by J. M HAFLEIGH, 903 CHESTNUT Street. pBADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC -S-A gKIRT—The greatest Improvement we have ever * aen in LADl i^ite’B“™Ncr f CUB WEN STODDASTjft BRO., *5O, 455,, and 45* N. SECOND St., ab. Willow. nelO-ifSn. g. 7-30 LOAN- Tho Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that sub scriptions will be received for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable three years from August 16th, 1864, with semi annual interest at the rate of Beven and three-tenths per cent, per annum—principal and interest both to be paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible, at the option of the holder, at maturity, into sbe-per-cent, gold-bearing bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twenty j ears from their date, as the Government may elect. They will be issued in denominations of $6O, $lOO, $500.. $l,OOO, .ad so,ooo.and ail subscriptions must bo for titty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollar.. As the notes draw Interest from Anfnst 16, persons making subscriptions subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of not* to date of deposit. BcnscuiPTioHs will BR RECEIVED by tbs Treasurer the United States, at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Third National Bank of rniladelptla, Pa. Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. And by all National Banks which are depoiitories ol public money , and ATT. EESPEC,TABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country will give further information, and AFFORD EVERT FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. oclB-12tif A __ J)BEXEL & CO., NO. 34 SOUTH THIRD ST. THE NEW FIVE-TWENTY LOAN, For sale in amounts to suit. ISBI Bonds, and allkinds ol Government Loans, bought and sold. ocns-iot u QFFICE FOR THE SALE OF national loans, No. 114 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. YEW U, S. 5-20 SIX PER CENT, LOAN. The subscribers, having been the successful bidders for a portion of the new 5-20 six per cent. Gold-Bearing Loan, are prepared to offer it on favorable tcrmß to their cnfctnmerH, in large or small amounts, In Bonds of de nominations of 50s, IOOs, 5008, and I,OOOs, BOTH REGISTERED AHD COUPONS. • The interest commences on the Ist of November next, and is payable in Gold somi-annually* on the Ist of May and November. All other Government securities on band and for sale, and information given concerning investments at our office. JAI COOKE & CO., Bankers, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, QclS lm G. HUEY, 1864, No. 54 S. THIRD Street, two doors above Chcstuut. OIL STOCKS, GOLD, BANK STOCKS, LOANS, AND ALL OTHER SECURITIES, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. UNCURRENT EXCHANGE BOUGHT. COI.LF.CTIONS made on allpolntß, Uc NEW 7-30 LOAN. . O. Subscriptions resolved, and the Notes fur nished free of all BQ auBS-Sm 18 fionth THIRD Street OIL STOCKS U BOUGHT and sold on commission, THE OHIO PETROLEUM COMPANY. 1 SHARES, $lOO. CAPITAL, *l,qop,(*M. Composed of I,444acres, on FEDERAL CRESS, Mor -san county, Ohio, inciudingthe whole of the celebrated oy farm The first three wells bored are now pro ducing over 100 barrels per day. - Thirteen wells in progress (sixteen in all), which will te completed by Ist December next . - Income at present $BOO per day. Two per cent. on the Capital ktoek now on hand for sales of Oil* and appli cable to dividends. , . First Dividend will be declared Ist December next. "With no mater al depreciation of oil below present prices, large dividends may be confidently looked lor. For further iniormHtion,or for pamphlets,apply at tile office of the Companyj No 4: BROAD Street.ltoumH Ko. 11 And 12. New York. WM. A. Ai.lf.n D. Vorce, Secretary. >’ew ioii.K, Sept- 20, 1664. T IFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, IN OIL Aid Colors, pronounced by all oonnoissleura ‘h? finest rpectmens of Portraits of tho day. Get them at B. F. ItBIMEB’S Gallery. 624 ARCH street. H TTINE PEOTOGRAPH LIKENESSES, L *1.50 only. KEIMER’B immensely popular styles Colored Photographs, for years the favorite styles of the masses, at his Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green, ii_ rYIDER. —NEW CLARIFIED CHAM- Vy PAGNE CIDER, of a superior quality, by the barrel or hogshead, for sale by £MIL MATHIEU. oc2l-lltr Nos. 120. 123. and 124 LOMBARD St. TABAF MADE TO HEAR.—INSTRU JLP MENTS to assist 'the hearing, at P. MADEIRA'S. Ho. Jl5 South TENTH Street, below Chestnut, oS) St* SPRING- SKIRTS. BROKER. BANK-NOTES GEORGE J. BOYD, „ . 18 South THIRD Street. au2s-Sm oc2l-fmw3m NEW PUBLICATIONS. gENATOR WILSON’S BOOK, Showing what has been accomp'isbed by the present Administration for the cause of Freedom, making an invaluable work for present circulation aal future reference, being a HISTORY or THE Anti-Slavery Measures of the 37th and 38th congresses. CONTENTS. Slaves used for Insurrectionary Purposes made Free. •Fugitive Slaves not to be returned by Pbreoas in the Army. The Abolition of Slavery in the District of President's Proposition to aid States in the Abolishment of Slavery. Prohibition of Slavery in the Territories, Certain Sieves to be made Free. Htyti and Liberia. Education of Colored Youth in the District of Columbia The African Slave Trade. Additional Act to Abolish Slavery in the District of Co lumbia. Colored Soldiers. Aid to the States to Emancipate their Slaves. Amendment of the Constitution. Confinement of Colored Person? in the Washington Jail. Negro Testimony. The Coastwise Slave Trade. Color no Disanaliflcation. for Carrying the Mails. No Exclusion from the Cars os account of Color. ISmo Extra Cloth $3, Sen* free by mail on receipt of the price. A 1.80, NOW REACT THE YOUNG CRUSOE; OR, ADYENTUBES OF A SHIPWRECKED BOY. By Dr, Harley, 12mo, with &ix full page and a pro fusion of smaller illustrations, in Andrew's best style, $1.60. Boys will find this one of the most entertaining and attractive books produced for their delight this year. JUST PUBLISHED PHILOSOPHY AS ABSOU r TE SeiEKXJfi, By E. L. and A. L. Frothingham. 1 rot. Bvo, ele gant. $3.60. * ( lt deserves to be carefully read and deeply pon dered, for it it a well-considered and powerful attempt to reinstate Philosophy on Us ancient spiritual throne, and restore to it its supremacy over the minds and the lives or.men. ’’—North American Review, WALKER, WISE, A CO. y PUBLISHERS, BOSTON. Sold la Philadelphia by LIPPINCOTT & CO., E. H. BUTLER & CO., SMITH, ENGLISH, & CO., And < ho trade generally, °ol9-wfm3t pRO BONO PUBLICO. sssss $ $ $ $ DURINt* THE AUTUMN AND WINTER THE Loudon Printing and Publishing Co., [Established in the United States in 1848.1 Having added a RETAIL DEPARTMENT to their rooms, OFFER ALT. THETR COMPLETE BOOKS, IX APPROPRIATE BINDINGS, AT GOLD PRICES—IIf GREENBACKS, No premium on Gold and no discount on Greenbacks, Thus enabling the public to select from our list the VALUABLE AND ELE3ANT PRODUCTIONS *** OF THE MOST EMINENT AUTHORS A>*D ARTISTS, *+* At prices one■ third below the lowest asked elsewhere. A Descriptive-priced list of Books now ready will he sent to any address free, on application to H. A. BROWN - , Managing Agent, LONDON PRINTING COMPANY, 487 YORK, 487. To whom all orders mnst be addressed. *** Subscribers and the trade are notified that all in complete Books of this Company will no wbe completed. ocS-tuftf if . J£VAN DALE, THE POPULAR NEW NOVEL. Price *1.50. For sale by all Booksellers. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Publishers, ocCO-thfttnSt 100 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. ■VTBW MEDICAL BOOKS J-l IN PREPARATION. FRAZER’S ELEMENTS OF MAr£R r AMEDICA; con* taining the Chemistry and Nuuxal History of Drugs; their eifrcts, doses, and adulterations. WALKER ON DIPHTHERIA and Diphtheritic Dis -6 COMPLETE CATALOGUE of a full assortment of Medical Boohs- in «yery branch of the science, fur lusted eratiE l>y LINDSAY & BT.AKISTON, Poblinhers and Booksellers, ■ Oc2l No. Sonth SIXTH St., above Chestnut. Foe ladies*only. JUST ISSUED, A WASH BOOK, Designed for the use of Ladias and L&iidi’ BodTdiuK Schools, in keeping a correct account withth* Laun dress 60c Washington oub example. Paper cover, soc. JAMES GSALLEK dt SON, 1308 CHESTXUT Street. A PPLETON’S NEW AMERICAN -fA CYCLOPEDIA.— I EWs invaluable Library of Uni versal Information ie 'wfll deserving; of a place in every intelligent household in the land. It iB recommended toy-able reviewers as the best Cyclopedia for popular u*e ever publifched Below are the names of a few of onr prominent citizenß who have taken this work: Rt. Rev. Vm, B. Stevens, Rev. Franklin. Moore, Rev. Dr. Morlarty. Rev. Wm. H. Furness, Rev Richard Newton, Rev Thos. J. Sbeph&rd, Eli K. Price, Esq., JohnC. Cresson, Esq., Geo. H. Smart, fceq , A. J. Drexel, Esq.» David Pan! Brown, Esq , Jay Esq.. Charles GitotoODS, Esq., Joeiah Randall. Esq., B. J. Leedom, Esq., Geo. Northop, Esq.* F. J. Dreer.fceq , F. Carroll Brewster, Esq., Alexander Fnllorton, Esq., S. M. Felton, Esq , John Banna, Esq., John Rice, E-q., Jo tin Fallon, Esq , A. J. Back nor, Esq., J Edgar Thompson, JJeq., D. C. McCammon, Esq., Thos. A. Scott, Esq , Col. Wm. 8. Thomas, John. L, Bnzhy, Esq., Cbas. H. Muirhead, Esq., Cbae. Macalister, Esq., Wra. Wtightm&n, Esq-, And nearly one thousand others. The Cyclopedia is now complete in sixteen large volumes, in six different styles of bindings. Samp es mayheteen, and orders received, at the Agencr for this city and State, 33 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnnt, second story. . oc2o-3t JAMES K. SIMON, Agent. TOBEPHUS—A. NEW AND BEAUTI v FUL EDITION, LARGE, CLEAR T EPS, containing a Life, writieD by himself, translated from the original Greek, with Explanatory Notes and Observations by WILLIAM WHISToN, A.. M. A complete Index, and a handsomely-engraved Portrait. In four volumes royal 12mo, printed on tinted paper, eleKantly bound in em bossed cloth or ball' calf, and neatly put up in boxes. LINDSAY Si BLAKIVTON. Fubiishere, oclf) No 35 South SIXTH Street. A SHMEAD & EVANS HAVE JUBT KBOEIVBP WAR LYRICS. With illuacratioDS on wood,, by F. O. C. Darley. Printed on heavy tinted paper. A beau tiful present. _ _ HAWTHORNE’S SNOW IMAGE. With illustrations by Marcus Waterman. Elegantly primed iu colors. DEBATES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE PEACE CONVENTION IN SECRET SESSIONS OF 1861. By L. E. Chittenden, one of the Delegates. 7 HE OCEAH W aIFS. A Story of Adveutture on Land and Sea. Another new book by Mftyne Reid. Full of llustra.tionB. _ TALKS ON WOMEN’S TOPICS By Jennie June. THE GOLD HUNTERS’ ADVENTUJfcEH, or Life lu Australia By Win. H. Thomas, a returned Austra lian. Illustrated by Cbampney. WATCH AND A new book by Oliver Optic. ANNALS OF THE STAGE. By Dr. Doran. 2 vola. Hardsoineiy printed, tinted paper. _ OUR AMERICAN MERCHANTS. Edited by Freeman Hunt Illustrated witb steel portraits NEW JUVENILES AND NEWNOVELS, too numerous to B?2B9>ABD WORKS and books of all kinds In every variety of binding, now receiving from tne late TRADE SALES, .nd will he YWillß. Successors to W P. Hazard, oel7-tf JO. T2* CHEBTffUT Street, ■\TBW BOOKS!—NEW BOOKS! MATTIE CARSON’S EARLY YEARS, By Mrs. M THE B PBAYES OF FAITH. By Mary Grace Hal pine, author of “Ernest Richmond.” „ JIARTH A’S SCHOOL DAYS. A Story forGlrls. ON THE FRONTIER; Or, Scenes in the West. MUST; Or, Ann Holbrook’s Girlhood. By the author of “Ellis Amory.” ie. Also. NEW EDITIONS of „ _ _■ ■ SANFORD AND MERTON. By Thos. Day. HIus tr|.VENINGS AT HOME: Or, Tha Jnvenilo Budget Opened. Numerously Illustrated. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON; Or, Adventures in a Desert Island ■ ~ . „ TALES FROM SHAKSPEARE, for the use of Yonng Persons. By Chas. and Mary Lamb Forty Engravings. For ssis by WM. S. A MAJTI^ ASHCROFTS LOW-WATER DE JX. TECTORS. Ashcroft’s Steam Ganges. . _ Justice & Shaw’s Mercurial Steam and Blast Gauges, Clark’s Damper Regulator. Water Gauges* Scotch Tubes, As. warervmurre, o. AtJOS BA .TTLES, Agent, se2-Sm North SIXTH Strest. Fhila. OAS FIXTURES, &C. QORNELIUB & BAKER, 710 CHESTNUT STREET, Have the pleasure to annouuce that they are now pre pared to furnish A NEW STYLE OF GAS FIXTURE, SUITABLE FOR DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICES, &c., WHICH CAN BE LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY. ocls-lm if ; ’ J’RESH MINCED MEAT. The subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to the public in general that he is again prepared to offer his jnstiy celebiatod NE PLUS ULTRA MINCED MEAT, WHOLESALE OB RETAIL Orders will be promptly attended to. JOSHUA WRIGHT, oc2o-3tif SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN Sts. BPECTACLEB, AT JAMES W. QUEEN * CO.'S, seM lm e»*_CHMTHUT Btreet^ Mathematical instruments, Of all kindß, to b© had at JAMES W. QUEEN ® OO 'S, ■e26-lm 934- CHESTNUT Street. CKATIKG —M. O. CAMPBELL’S SKA TINfI CLASSES meet TUESDAY and FRIDAY mortsiigs corner of BROAD and WALNUT Streets WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY mornings corner of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Btreete, for ladies and mieses only- Gentlemen Wednesday Evenings at 7, Eighth Hud Spring Garden Streets. Ladies and Gentle man taking one course of lessons on parlor skates, will become expert, ice skaters. For circulars, terms. See., apjly of yddreas as above. oclS-llt* DIXON’S STOVE POLISH—THE only kind that neve* fails to please. GEO. F. GALE & CO., Aft*ntB, Mo 4 CHESTMUT Street. oc2l-2t*r -ffifc PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA TTONg, with foil descriptions of t*arnct£r, giTe» i>at B»4BYBN!Ka.Jy CCJ2-Wf»ti Kq« «3 SQtf *«. TfiJiJS **W*» WAS TV. ITMPLOYM3SWT HOUSE, THE LAHG- IjJ est RurJ most reliable, for city &nA «">mury. Hta Alwai b a good )T (^er refereu*oK i/oshf Bngllah* F • m. !Tpf . n c .ifld owpfrattw, a» G'arui'n«rB, l, Farni Hands* Coachman. ' Cooke, Ghamhena&ids. &*»iDHtress©s, waitresses, and general Hmsework AJM, Colored Servants. Jos, 80® and 804 LOCNSYStrest* TUp-vtj* ***■*♦-. * rp ■WANTED—A PEW BttAVE PEA* E T i MEN, who will gnarautee 4he cauturej (tUvqi df one “Sheridan” and bi> fellows. and safely plaf-b. them in Straight Jackets at ** Kirkbride’a Asylum. . ftcClellan T s hope- pas-t. and to c om*, make it imperative that this man n/hloid be cags C., Box p. O. oc2L- , 2i» WANTED I3IM~E DIaTELY Wheelwrights. and G-ach 1 builders. Apply to WILSON, CHILDS; &'*>., SKGOS Dand LS- B Kill Avenue, and St. John and ffattoawood. oc2l-3f CAPITALISTS —WAVNTBD, BY A -A- macuftcturiEK firm, a capital*** to build lh~ma FACTORY* which thet will ipai;o Firm hold ti:i' lot, Address ” Factory.” Press «ff Ml oc3l -3V WANTED- FIFTY MORE GOOD Wagon-makers; Thirty Hardwood W«;km«n, good mechanics; Thirty Coachhoiy and Wkeelmabers; Ten first-class Carpenter*. dt«ariy work and good wages. Apply 16 HENRY SIMONS. t?. R. N&tidbffl Wap on Works, corner SECOND and CUMBERLAND* Streets-. . ocllMt* WANTED TWO UITPUBNISHED ™V ROOMS, with good board, adjoining praf«irred; centrally located, by the ?6ib inat, rov sooner. Adores*? “W. L T W.,»» Bon 1310 P. O. . 00 19-flt* WANTED AT $l5O PER MONTH— "* We wanta reliable CANVASSER in-every town and county. We have agents clearing £7lsoper month, which we wtil prove to any doubting aobtlcapt Ad dress JONEb BR -S. & CO., P. O. Bos 1133,' Philadel phia. oclfrlm* M WANTED TO RENT--A NEAT, FURNISHED HOUSE, near Germantown; A4’dr?iß “Box 1641’, 5 ’P. O. Would be purchased if suitable 20-Gt* FOR SALE AND TO LET, /»_/V »A/V\ T3EAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. JA REAL ESTATB. REAL ESTATE:- REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JU>;T OUT. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OTTT NEW MONTHLY CATALOG nK JITaT OUT NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT FOR GRATUITOUS MSTRIBTTTION FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIKUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS'DISTRIBUTION. CONTAINS NEAR $5,000,000 WORTH. CONTAINS NEAR 000.000 WORT 4. CONTAINS NEAR $5,000,000 WOR|*H. CONTAINS NEAR $5,000 000 WORTH. Every parson desirous of purchasing property,eithw for inv-Btinent or occui ancy,Bh{tild not fail to procure a catalogue juat out, exceeding in importance to buyern anything of the like evei pobli-»hed in tcity, n? matter by whom. GEO. c. miller. Practical Real Estate Oparator, 0c20»3t if 154 North SIXTH Street. m VALUABLE CHESTER VAL- gSk -■ai LEY FARM AT PUBLIC S ALE r on SECOND -JL DAT, the Slet of 10th month. 1961, Ihe late of Osvid Cope, deceased, io East Whit°land townshio, (. hestcr county, on the Old Swe*id hford load. 21 miles from Fllladeiphia, half a mile from the Valley Store Station on the Che- ter Talley Railroad, and a mile and a hall from the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, at the intersection of the West Chester Railroad; containing .%>< acres, joining lands of Jonathan Roberts, Isaac King, and others. Land of excellent quality and in good doer. Lr.rge stone Dwelling-House, Tenant Honse, Fteno Barn, and other outbuildings. Very va luable Limestone Quarries os the iarm. Convenient to telegraph station and daily mail At the lane time and place, a CHESTNUT-WOOD LOT belonging to the same estate, situated about a mile and a half frem the'mansion, containing 2H acre*. Terms tasy. Sale to commence at 2 P. M. Personal property of the -aid decadent the following day. JANE 31 COM 2. Exsentrix. oc2l'3t* BENJ. .W. PASSMORE, Executor, m FOR SALE—TUB MODERATE jiBAfeDed, three**toried BRICK HOUSE, with ail the in- dern iinprovemonta No 1937 Vire street, n*>ar Logan Square. Pot'session given on the first d COUSTT^OF PHILADELPHIA. 'Estate of GEORGE SHIELDS, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Ourt to audit, settle, and adjust the account of MARIA SHIELDS aud GEORGE "W. SHIELDS, executors of George Shields, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hand s of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for tie purposes of his appointment, on i KID ii . Jlo vemberlltli. A. D. Ise4, at 4 o’clock P. M.♦ at Ms office, Southeast corner or EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets, in. tbTckyof Philad.lpLia. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, oc2l-fn»wsc Auditor P* THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA , tn the matter r>f the Supplement to the fiuft' a««*«aut of P P. MORRIS, Erd adjust tb« said supplement account any Of November, IPG4, at 4 P. M., at his office, SnSS? CASTLE, Auditor. T BTTERS OF ADMINISTRATION JLi on tb© Estate Of Mrs. FRANCES LA MAR HA3- QUINt deceased, (’ale <-f Texas, been granted to the undersigned, all parties indebted Will please make payment, anti thoee having claims against tbs paid Estate will present them tor settlement to ** SAMUEL SPANG. Administrator, No. 1/48 North THIRD Street.. PTiu.AHKi.PniA. Oct 17. ISd4. ... oc2l. fr6t* COPARTNERSHIPS. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE —WEN DEKOTH & TAYLOR. Artiste and Photographers, have this day associated in copartnerehip with them.: Mr. J. HENRY BROWN, Artist The name of the firm hereafter will be >YENDEROTH. TAYLOR. & BROWN. „ The reputation of tho establishment, j'tjVvn-t 1 * PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS sl» for highly finished l ■ INGS IN OIL OK WATISR COLORS, will I be sustained ; and the additUa of ai J. ot H I Mrul * l ! , iii t L t i £ » i es o will enable it to execute orders lor fine work w d ss , Mte o V« rf[ ru I .y lU.H -their Kp.cimeini in n .I p i Veal d picture A Particular attentriK. paid t» tahouat mo. Out-door Yiewatf Country Sent-, a>... taasu ai mo dTt B P -En*r i 'jic« until their new store xs completed, at 916 cb TAT LOR. & RROWK. M 9, »“*. “aiPh 44 n*> Kees. 6CO Boxt-e, &c., &c. &c. . . l a Trea.-.nry not- 3 ?, at the ifin-4 df »kU& QCI-VSt O. BELL I,t. Cr,t. aod 0. 8. a uction sale OF condemned iA ntwsi'ss. QffARTERBrA&TZ-a GuiTERAt/3 Opprg^. t'«»AT UlTIHiOlf. W&BBIif&TOS i 'iTt, October 1, 18$L WIU b* eoyt A* Public Auction, to the higher.; biddtti • t the tijai6 » lace 3 named .bobm, vl*.- MW; VeNSSJLVAMA. THURSDAY, October IS. IJp>4. MLAWMS, THURSDAY* October 20, 'W4, YOBX, yga'HSTDVAWIA, THURSDAY* a vi-a * October 27, 1554. CAVALRY BOSSES, AT J3&GV PLACE. TWO HUftD'BSXT These condemned as unfit for Uu cavalrj B&rvfM'o.f tbs* army. T?*t i<,kd and fasmiiai nunwie*. many food b&nufar tavr be had. Hornes sold st&eiy • Si 'J«i to at 10 VH. Terms * Cash In un&M States WEDNESDAY AND BATURDAST AFTERNOONB. Change of Performance Constantly, Admission. 05 Cents. Children, 15 Cento. Resenrefi Seats, 60 centn. Evening Performances commence at 7}£. A/tsrnoo® at 3. oc3-tf A PPEMBLY BUILDINGS LARGE HALL.—LAST WEEK of the charming and patri ot MISS MAJOR PAULINE CfISHMAN, The female Union Spy and Scout, who has h6tL6V4A by faU and fashionable audiences during the past week* including many of our best citizens. bhe will apm-av in . PARLOR COSTUME AND MAJOR’S UNIFORM. MATINEES on Wednesday and Saturday, comment' Ing at 3 o'clock; Evening at 8. osl7-gfc PHBBTNUT-BTBEET OPEBA HOUSB, Vy No. IBSI CHESTNUT Street. ALLIN SON & HINCKKN Proprietors. MORAN’S MINSTRELS appear every evenltg in an elegant ETHIOPIAN ENTERTAINMENT. Doors open at 7- commencing at 6 o’clock precisely. Admission 26 cents. Reserved seats, which can be secured from 10 to S o'clock, 60 cents. : ocl3-tf THE ACADEMY OF FINE A RTS,. -A CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, is OPEN DAILY, for visitors, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M jOiH THE TURF. POINT BREEZE PARK.—FIRST Day of the Fall Trotting Meeting, TO-DAY tb rid ay), 21st instant, at 3 P. M. Associated Premium gtfUO, for tulle heats in 5 to harness John Lover, of New York, entevsb h. 811 aRK, by Hamilioaiam Sa» muel McLaughlin,of New York, eaters Kentucky bm. LAI>YT»ORN, by Membriuo Chief. On I'UfcHDAf, 25th inst , the same horses to wagons. Shark and Lady Thorn class among the fastest iii.i’ses in the ci>an>ry. The privilege of annual subscribers (that of being ac' by a male adult without pay) will be mus pmded. and members are requested to waive the privi lege. Ladies will not be admitted unless accompanied by genii ©men. BihGFELD’S fall band will be in attendance each day. Admission, for either Ladies or Gentlemen, $l. To prevent lnconvetion.ce or delay in obtaining ad mission, both of the main gates will be opened. It CHANGE O P DEPOT. REMOVAL. On and after SUNDAY, October 16th, 1664, the Tiek«t Office of the Pennsylvania Railroad will be at the Pm senger Depot. THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets. Whet Philadelphia, and the PASSENGER TRAINS Will start from the WEST PHILADELPHIA STATION AS Fopnowa MaU Train at Pareesburg Train, No. 1 .... Fast Line **•••• ParkesburgTrain. No. 2..... ..... Harrisburg Accomwod ation.. ‘. Lancaster Accommodation Paoli Train *!•*** Erie Express. Philadelphia Express AND ARRIVE Erie Express .at- Philadelphia Express.; '*• Faoll Accommodation • Parkoßbnrg '• No. 1..“* Fast LlDe • Lancaster Train ♦ Fsrfcei-bnrg, No. 2 Mall’Train _ • « Harrisburg Accommodation. • •• Philadelphia Express leaves daily. Erie " “ except Saturday*,,. All other Trains dally, except Sunday. ON SUNDAY, The Cars of the Market StrettPasßeuger Railway wHis kave Eighth street at 7 15 P. M. to connect with the Bnc* Express, and at 10 P. M. io connect wftk the Phil&del* . phia Express, at the West Philadelphia Depot. DURING THE WEEK, Except SUNDAYS, the Cars of the MARKET STREET PASSENGER RAILWAY will leave. Front street everY minute, commencing one hour previous to the time Ot* departure of each train, and the last car will leave thirty minutes prior to Hie starting’tune of each train, from the West Philadelphia Depot. MANN’S BAGGAGE EXPRESS. The Office of MANN'S BAGGAGE EXPRESS will b& located at the 5. E COHffSB OP ELEVENTH - AND* MaBKET STREETS, and he will call for and deliver Barrage in time for ail traiee. aa heretofore. THE DEPOT AT THE CORNER op ELEVENTH ANI> MARKET STREETS WILL BE CLOSED AFTER SA TL-BDAT, 15thmet. rhe pains and for tte cur© of - diseased, tnhanied. and no»callfld badeytß Also, for the BirevgtKecing and preservation of wgak e>es to th& infet advanced age. Not only does the infiammatioa vanish, but the whilespots, the so-called tunicles, npom the eyfp, the consequence of the Inflammation, dis&p»- near very soon after its etnoloyment. Price NEW YORK HuBOKJSN. oc2o-li3^ PBiLADKLPHIA-81.1 feonth FOUHTR- Streeb i» THOUSANDS OF TEETH BX- WITHOUT PAlN—Patent anijllwi for.—My new invention, a Double Reversible Seirvf* juicing Rafsiy Valved Inhaler, for ndminiatenug Ni trous Oxide Gas and extracting Teeth without The only mode tbe.t th. 6 Gift dfiti L'6 pwippjly ftOn MiWT administered. Dr, C. L. MUNNS. YSI-SPRUCIB biJMt. IeSS-lm flMfe DR. PINS, F-RACTICAL r.>3n. TIST for the last twenty, year*. »lg VUli R. * below- Third, ineeris the m°3*. beautlfnl rj>Ki-r©x li » Age, mounted on ine Ooldt Ulatlhfif Silver. iN Coral He. Amhor.Ao., atpriowi work, mors reasonahle than an, State. Teeth plnaaei to last for lire. Arti^l-^*tfc repaired to suit So pain he AD Mrt ws . rantofl to et Iw** istol l ' PIAUOS, COTTAGS 3XCRL.- fl a . ft SIOB OKJiXS, HARMONIUMS, and MBLO DEOSS, at „ MARSH’S Maafc Store, o«7-2m aa. 110» CHSSTNIBT Street. MKYaS’S KBWI Acknowledged to he the beet. London and Highest in America received. HELBI)fiOF,S AND BKCOND- HAND F se9-Sm Wardrooms, No. TiJJi ABCHBL, 1 DECKER BROS., nm\ STEOK ® C();’S CELB3RATKD PIANOS 3. E. GOULD. bSVBKTH ABD OHESI^iPJ. ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS wot only raSMOELLEis, h-,‘D*EQDAIdLIJ tnpnritr ofTonoand Power. -IneinSl »s««taW“for aud Behoola. hnt fouiad fee eanall, well adapted *» the Parlor amd Drawlu Know. Per »|i 8 Vo 18 Worth BBYBNTH StxAei. Also, wwttsggtgf tea ?“ WEi CLYSIA YEBTVALI, . 8.00 A. U, r .10.00 •* .11.40 •• . LOOP. M. . ..... 2.30 " 4.00 •• 6.00 •* ...*...6.00 M 10.46 ° 4.SOA 7 06 .fl 20 11 . 9.30 " .10.20 “ >12.35 P. M r .v . 0.80 * # . 6 40 •11.00 •• Y TM‘\ Vrl*s Mtslafi. [AIfOS. hel. Slants.