niv MIK in. fihootal Corral*Manes of The Press.] New Trostc, Sept. B. 1864. WHO SHALL BB aoymufoo. ims become a question of Interest. Judge Barnard will doubtligill run upon the Democratic ticket, and cirmunstances, at the present writing, seem to point to Senator Fenton, of Chatauqua county, as his probable competitor. The names of General Dix and Speaker lUvold are prominently pressed, as wall as *pie of Roscoe Conklin, Lyman Tremaine, and OWN. Judging, however, from the general tone cf conversation upon the political change, Aft. entente star is in the ascendant as far as tire DON of nomination are concerned. P.IIIII3IIMITIAL Tories oontinue to furnish the exciting element Of all debates. In the hotels the peace platforin is denounced oven by steadfast Demooraterwho, while cleaving to Air. rdocllellan, revolt from the plat form on which his friends have placed him. Such hotel gossip furnishes an index to the future whloh is entitled to grave consideration, Hotels are the grand centres at widish certain men—the country merchants and nowhere—congregate during the buying•season. These, from all sections of the country, and imbued with the political spirit of their towns and counties, are qualified interpreters and expositors of political sentiment. Gifted not with the moat opulent powers of rhetoric, nor ri. gidly adhering to the strict rules of grammar, they at least speak to the point, and are perhaps more thoroughly than the metropolitan class of political debaters to be relied upon. Very little is heard now a•tlays of Gen, Fremont, except casual monitions of his existence, as plainly clothed and felt.hatted he is remarked in his downtown rambles when in the city. A ONION O 1 GOAL lIPBOULATORB4 Disgusted with the results of ooal speculation and the extortions Of dealers, the BrooklynKee have 'Pined an aseoolation whloh will purohase ooal at the Mho and ftunieh it to the aubcoribers at coat. TWA guars. 4irf New York has now suffered diminution to the -- kber of 1,114. it Is said that It will be still fur reduced by a credit of 1,000 names which hays as yet been taken into consideration. The re of the announcement has boon consolatory. *Mute brokers frown grimly over their wasted les and the depletion of profitable contingencies the people, as a whole, congratulates itself Qom cably. Guns have been fired in honor of the foot, I Douncilmanio resolutions passed in congratula 1. This detonation of satisfaction, in connection 1, the salutes tired in honor of our victories at south, has shaken us up well, and restored the carol equanimity. THE "WORLD" again in court, consequent upon the proceedings the Opdyke libel suit. The plaintiff, In the en vor to ascertain the real owners, has elicited the that the original capital of the " World Com o" was 41,000, in ten shares. This fact, it is id, is shown by the certificate of incorporation, on r hi the °Moe of the county clerk. THH THEIATRICIAL SEASON low fairly initiated. IsTiblo*s Garden opened its re last evening, as did Mrs. Wood's Olympic. reformer house Edwin Forrest le the attraction. Jpening play was 41 Coriolsaus.".Mrs. Wood Weed two new London pieces itMiriamrs ne,” three acts of modem dramatic debility, so far clot is concerned, and the " Comical Countess:. h theatres Were well attended, desPite th 4 ring storm. Mrs. Wood announces for spledy *action a version of "Martin OlLuzzlewit,s , by persistent fiend in human shape, a Gentleman Is City. THE OAIMIDOPTAN B.IIIBTIVAL. few York Caledonian 010 held their eighth Festival and Scottish Games to-day, at Wood. There was an enthcsiastio attend :between 18,000 and 20,000 persons, of all ages Ationalitles, the Seottleh element being predo at. Delegations were present from the Gale na Clubs of Philadelphia, Newark, Albany, on, and other cities. at principal prizes were won by Menne. John George Goldie, the base ball players; Andrew 3reon, George Graselok, and AndrewForman ; mon putting the light atone, 18 pounds,l3l feet Mee, and Gralnick 81 feet 83; inches. John Gol• threw the light hammer, le pounds,' 88 feet 11 ea, running jump was won by Forman, seven feet MS inches,inches,and the standing jump by For ', ten feet, John Cioldie taking the second prize, re feet eleven inches. The broadsword dance was won by L. D. Robert a, John Taylor second. The short race was won John Goldie, Forman second. Vaulting with the pole was won by C}eorge Goldie ng clear over eight feet throe inches, Andrew , man eight feet. SALMI 07 WOOL. 'he wool sale to-day was slimly attended, and the dity oft'ered was poor. Cape sold at 610010., lifornia 480., and Fleece 8404231.60. awarVer, oa van ear.enowie. 'he steamer Caledonia, from Liverpool, arrived Ivening, Her advloes have already been pub- a.aRIVAL TROIS Niter OnLIMNS. • .ae steamer Ariel, from New Orleans, with dates the lit instant, has arrived. There is nothing ir from Mobile, MAEmH IMT9LLIG OH. lived, ship Guy Mannering, Liverpool; barks rtes Edward, Cow Bay; Albins, London ; Bohr. Glace Bay ; steamship North America (new), siphia. Below, ships Constitution, Liver. itruggesls, Liverpool. Returned, bark Sea fromEllsabethport for Boston, leaky. neranput Diecovanit.—Some astute letter- In Europe has discovered that Poe's is a literary imposture. Ho says Poe's Inplishreent was a minute and accurate at. lelvith Oriental languages, and that he account by translating almost literally of "The Raven' from the Persian. The s being Investigated by distinguished Lon fitterateur. TILE JITY. ADDI2IOISIAL OITY MEWS BEE POIIRTII PAGE. TEE GREAT CRICKET MATCH. return match between the New York and Adolph's Clubs commenced yesterday morning, ;he Philadelphia grounds, at Camden. The was opened by Messrs. Hudson and Crossley. Crossle soon his wicket for a oher b a catch of Mr. Johnson's,lost but when Mr yp . Higha y m ted Mr. Hudson the score-book began to tell an sr tale. Run after run was made by these fine men, until after a change was made in the ling, when Mr. Hudson was well Caught at mid st from Mr. J. blister's "slows," Mr. Ingham saw five wickets fall In rapid succession. • he finally received his quietus he had se a wethearned score of 82. Thirty of them obtained after he had been given a "life " by taken decision of the umpire. The bowling of g. Hunt and Jones blister in this innings was ccessfol. Handsome catohes were made in this by Mesas. Jones Wister, Outerbrldgo, and withal'. Barclay% wicket-keel - JO was, as very good. The result so far was very gratl to the Philadelphiaeleven , first innings of Philadelphia was begun by t. Johnson and Howe, and was concluded to evening, with the line score of 106, loading opponents by 87 runs. Mr. Hunt was de l), the player of the da on the Philadelphia 1, his batting for twe n ty .eight t and not out, marked by very fine play, and his bowling as before mentioned, very effective, The In of Mews. G. Newhall, J. wieder, and Bar though brief, Vete brilliant. 5Tr. Gaskill also od his score well. The wicket-keeping of Mr. Lam, who mad- i n ni n gs catch, was excellent. York's 8606nd was commenced, and at dose of the day's play they had obtained 32 The -fielding all throughout the game, which . very Due display of the ecienoe oferloket, was "able, especially on the part of the Phliadel doyen, who, we may be allowedhope, will add to their already abundant laurels. The ring is the full score I NEW YORE. PIRST INNINGS. SOCO:IP INNINGS. n a. Onterbridgeb. leiter 16 o. Johnson b. Wieter..•. 4 y e., Johnson b. )wha11.....••• • 0 run out 1 c. Stevens Wider 32 not out 12 re ran o C. Oaterb nt rldge b. 5 not ant C. Jones Wis. Haut c. Willer b. Hunt . ..... . 0 r b Unlit 4 b, Wleter 'lO are b. Wilder o. Newhall b. Wis- o 1 nn et. Baud's , b. 4,.• Lb. not out ........ ........ •••• ,"." • ssssss a... 06.69 Total "4640 ~..32 PHILAMPLit 6, ?MST TICNINOM. Rent, not out 28 on b. Crossley 1 Haskill b. Hammond.... 8 e. Oakley b. Cross- Oaterbridge b. Balinese 4 .............. 6 Howell o. Blirhant b. Mer, L b. sr. b. Bailliere 0 ado' .1.46 9 Byes is b. Bailllere..• .. 4 Wa d eses 2 Newhall C. Mg- 15 l6 b. BaUlfere and b. Cro ssley Cros 6 4 T0ta1.... 106 CITY ITE.DIFS. 'momenta FLORILINIL—Biessre. Drake & I, of IsTeW York, are doing the world an 'nest!. service In supplying the ladles with the •renowned "Labin's F/oriline." - Feminine ty is one of heaven's best gilts to man, and the ,cst auxiliary ever di/wavered to render the sex ly charming is this exquisite toilet article. laC.y should use it. in 'Y Tlll3 FLORMNC.B.—/t 121 always economy ,ng purchases to get the beet, but It Is doubly so looting a Sewing Machine, and forthiti reason :el under obligations to recommend our readers amine the "Florence" before purehaeLog. We , ramine, merely, for we hate yet to!hear of ea le instance in which an examination of thiS Machine has not resulted in its preference ll others. The fact is, it is the Sewing Ma tarried to perfection. • GREAT MONITISIBNT TO OOLIIM-Blla.—.Thci tent is to be Greeted at the Straits of Efibral• A great globe of stone will form the base of with the words Plus Ultra. Morticed In the be, at a convenient height, there is a marble tab with the following inscription upon it, in letters : " Spain to Chrietobal Cobb. In the raisin of Isabel IL " le also proposed to place upon the pedestal an •lption advising everybody to procure their trig apparel at the brovnatone Clothing Hall )chhill k Wilaon, Nos. 608 and 600 Chestnut above Sixth, NTI4 AA ICs Awn Ptraa AS Swot. The FM. Sozodont is a scientific composition of the and ohoiceetlingrediente of the Oriental MP' irgdom. Every ingredient 111 well kliostil tO . beneficial effect on the teeth and gums, It , es all disagreeable odors, Sven that of tobacco. tidily removes those ravages which children 1 In their teeth owing to improper use of sweet aid articles which Imperceptibly destroy them. d by Drugg ists. SeliAntlunt S. Barran, 804 North Broad street, Coal would reepeotfally advise his Mends and tblio In general not tOldelity in buying their Id run the risk of paying father advances, f at once of his superior stook of large nut, stove, stove, egg,./so. None to met, for dnrabuity, or cheapness. aul-64in Lim lAA moo oucroeettofir trietod by' y. 4 . Offlallit snd Moist, all Most.. Arthla IYo thugs ror wandastio443ll* OLD Dn. Ameuarrrav was much displeaSed - by the long description of complaints brought to him by his patients. A. woman; knowing his love of the laconic, want to him with a burn ad - hand. :Bolding out her band she said "Burn." "Poultice," replied the doctor. Next day the woman returned. " Bet ter." " More poußlee," replied the doctor. Now there can be a similarity of saving of time at Mai. Stokes is Do. , s one-price clothing store, under the Continental. Try on your garments, satisfy your. self with the fabric, look at the ticket, and you will see the price marked plainly on it. Don't waste time by asking the salesman to take less ; you had -better try to borrow the money from him to pay for it Tour success would be as great. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, The Con 0 Holland, Harrisburg Wm. oayle, Harrisburg Wm F Wilson, Bellefonte Mai PB Wilson, Bellefonte- Wm D Cochran, New York Mrs A B Cooper & 3 ch, Pa Miss M Cooper, Peens. , B Brannan & wf, Cie, 0 Mies Brannan,Oincinnatl, 0 I Dr Ebbs, Penna. S M Merwin, Louisville & F Bower da, Keokuk J W Camden,Parkeshurg B Nicodemus & wf, Did Miss B Else. Maryland H. Fulton, Maryland W H L Smith Sr. wf, Panes C A Shafer, Washington A Preston, 'Washington W B Astor, New York E Bliss, Boston 11 S McComb, Delaware Alden B Buttrlck, Lowell Wm M Watts, Carlisle C W Roberts & Is, Media 8 L Christie & wr, CM, 0 T C Jones, Baltimore J 'fabler Weskinston C Worthington, Texas 0 W Kitchen, Virginia Adams Norfolk L Ott, 'Wheeling T Chapman, T Merritt, U b N A W Brikley & wf. 11 S A Cant Cansevoort, U S N W W Totten, Nashville Miss & 0 Totten,Statenlsld W W.Burdette,Washingtn J M Dickinso n , Wis c on s in J Hayes .k wf, Louisville F H Cummings, Penna W Cockle.llllnois Miss J F Cockle, Illinois Miss Lizzie Cockle, Illinois ' , W B Caoy & la,Maryland W B Rosenbaum, Jersey Addison Smith few York W C Bantam. ' US A C Pickert,ll S A Joseph Boned MN SI E Bonsel Albert Koster & wf L A Whitney dt wf Miss Whitney do eta Miss Clerk Joe A Hanley, Media O D Miller. Media Miss A Miller. Media Miss A C Thomas. Media IC H Corset., U S N Dr Newoombe,Toronto, OW 0 Newoomhe,Toronto, 0 W Mrs Boyce & re, Reading Mrs Jos Patterson, Po Rev I Mrs Dr Carpenter, Pottsv J F Parrott, Baltimore 0 F Ward, New York J P Folsom, Lowell Mr &Mrs Lawler, Cincinnati Miss Scheoeder, Berlin, Pa Coo Bills, New Orleans A K Meserole&wr,Brookrn John P Vincent & da, Erie J F Sweeney Washington J W Smith, Washington D Smith, Boston W EL Hodgson, Cincinnati E H Roberts, Li 8 N I S Menken, Memphis J A Menken, Memphis IT S Davls,_Perinit P.M Haie. Virginia C A Helm. Pittsbur J P Woodbury & w !, Maas M Woodbury, Blass J Woodbury, ease Dr Pra ther ning, Mary l and J D & la, C A Farnham Mrs Judge Miller, Btilwank Miss Miller, Milwaukee Miss W Clark,-Jersey City Bin A Grain Jersey Olty Cot JK . Blllrfed, II 8 A. H G Thomas, Ei 8 A Mrs I C Murry, New York Miss McCarrew, New'York J G Osborn & wr,Mase Rdw Adams, Long Branch D A Dwight, Boston B F Nowise, Boston P A Plnkerman, ki Haven W T Porter,New Haven W S Bireell.Pittsburg GI W Loomis New York J Ferguson, U S A. Alfred Lawton, Pottsville Ix. Thee J Barnes & wf,N Y X King'. Heatnalcy E W Holbrook, New York J P Sparks, Newport, R .1. Chas Williams, Die mrp' C. R I (leo Newton, Newport, R I Alex Bryce, England Ebert Sears Boston E Hill, Plainfield, Conn F P Harxthal, Centre co Mise Harzthai, Centre co J fl Lee, Boston W H Bliamer, Allentown Mrs Smith, Allentown Mrs 0 W P Smith, Built Joe Colby - - BA Ne walla, Harper's Firry J C Feller Lt Cot hi Beal, Fort Del Capt B „f Sherman, Fort Del Rev P, W Maxey & wf. B I Alden Spear° dr. wr,Boston J 8 Patterson.„Pottarille 8 D Cornell, Buffalo A McComas. Baltimore .1 N hi Nolan P Smith, Andover, Maw E D Winslow, Boston H Ci Johnson, New York Mrs Goddard, California C R Pomeroy & wife, N Y B Catherlitood & tam, NY JRPhannon&fam, NO Mrs MGNoar, N Orleans Jll Eamage, New York H Hill, Plaisfield, Conn Theo 33. Rohrer, Louisville 0 H Rohrer, Louisville Et Hefner, New York Dr Jae Laws,Lf If W Warren, New York A II King, New York D W Courtney & 21a,Pa B H Stowell, New York G Breneman, St Louis JAdeme, Cultism W Loomis, New York A R Hart, New York Quit 0 R Taylor C A Willis Patereon, N 3 Geo R Davie, Nas.hville John J Fuller, New York A H Glair, York, Pa W M Beitem, Carlisle 6 W Bryant, Maryland T B Hammer &la Penna. ti Weidman & wf; Lebanon Hisa A Deßuff, Lebanon Mite St Weidman, Lebanon; WK Lineaweaver, Lebanon Mrs Stuart, Bucks co C A Willis. Paterson T J Clark & la, Delaware W Stormy, New York H Altman, New York John Stewart, Seaton J Sherman, Penne C W Wright, Delaware .1 H Poynter, Delaware H Id North, Columbia J M El Shaw & la;_,Mlehigan Egoff, New York A Gerry, Cincinnati J J Conner & da, Pottsville Chas Conner, Pottsville W Baltimore J Porter, Baltimore Miss Morton. Delaware J P Marsh, Willa, Del A Calvin & la, New York A 'l' Morrison Roston Thos Roney, Boston J Wedner, Penne, W H Cullum, Louisvllle W Bogen New Haven A Eflonle& la, New Haven L Harwood, New York Hawley &la, Balt E Norton, US k J 8 Gallagher New Taney Mrs T E Potter,.Pktia Mies Potter, Mile J E Sandshesseri - N 0 H Hagoer, Kentucky B JFox,.l.laeron G W Elliot, New York J Rosie &Indy ' Capt W Owen, US A Cant EH Moore, 17 A R Keller, St Louis The • E W Houston, -Delaware D Barton, Millaboro,Del Archibald Smith. N Y J 8 McOlnnees, N %Penne Walter Balmer, Wasb.D C P Thompson, Baltimore Henry Hill, New York S 0 Wagner, Newville A D Smith, Cincinnati, 0 BA A N Shat aa tuckN qn.New York F .1 Du Bois, New Jersey B A Uhler, Lebanon F Pole, Rocbeater, P Curtis, Boston L Bailey, Manchester At Judd. New Britain Mrs Jas Jameson. Reading T B Jones, Pottsville .1 A Peck, Baltimore S Bllver, Delaware Mrs Hires & son N James Wilson, Wash,? C Pa Hughes, Chester, Pa Sdism, Maryland Jag L Douglas, ilarylnd Jae Henderson, U B A F Howland, Notth Wales L Stntsman G B Brid tea, Boston J C Parmeter, Boston J M Jennings Tlge Hier 13 Weinberg, Alex. Va W Coughlan, Baltimore R Tayl or T T ler, Pittsburg J P oodnritt.Waalingion L M Davis W 13sylord, Harrisburg John .9 Murphy, New York E J L M Mat cD ch v in eit , Pennt, Wasshington J B Aahman, 11 8 A Oso E Miller, Ponca Oeo E Dixon, Perms C L Summers, Washington C F Newton, Washington J P NewtomWashington A Jobnson. Windsor, N Jacob M Fookler, Penna W McMillen, Oregon Mrs Li M Taylor R Wilson & wf, N Fork John B Radealli, Ohio Mr Bracken. Illinstis A Bonbon, New York Reitman, Penns R Bteinfield & bro, Ohio 11 Stebtfield, Wheeling moe Davis Easton 'Martin Rudy, Penna. .11) Gosh, Dewart, Pa Lleut Chas 0 Luther, US A Miss Wvnigoop,TrentmN J Miss liWynkoop,Trent,NJ D C.Conner T R Conner The 11130 • J Cummings, Maryland TP BaiKearnsnes, Lancaster ,U g A Wm Levis, West Chester C M Thornberg, Nashville James Coates, Penne J H Miller, linseellville Jae 13 Pfleger.Reading pDrenning. Lancaster H wigni,Willow Grove J gill,Willow_Grove J Thatcher New York T Gallagher, _Washington Wm Bare, Washington Thos Lucas, Penna 1 Scofield, Chambegalmrg J 8 Hinicson,Coatelnlie R C Hentley,Coateseille C D Loveland,Cincinnatl Wood. Sew Sereey H Ward,Middletocrn,Ct J B Miller & wf, Chester Co The i L J Smith, Reading o Harman, Ohio G.F Bred, Boston G B Bachelder, Boston J 0 Brown, Lynn W W McKee, Hazleton (Heim, Lebanon H J Young, Brooklyn B l Meld, Brooklyn' E (Mason, New York J ClErk, New York L Rosenfeld, Chicago Dr Bordl, New York B Bmall L M Woolf Johnstown B W Camden, Maryland • J Grooarey Namr- Jersey A El Hammel', Harrisburg I Day, Mecluudtaburg The Bed C Rohner, Lebanon P J Donovan, Newark - R Bruce, Lebanon H Hatetat. Heading C H Unsling, Read J Briggs hi Chunk Mnl 8 Briggs. X Chunk Mrs McCanel, M Chunk Israel Briggs, M Chunk Chao Shuman. Bath W R Moneer,Weaveraville 0 M Rhoads, Bath E Seigfried, Bath W Bawcan, Bath H Harass, Bath D Hartzog, U The Sitst W Buchanan, Laneasteroo Richar A d Aebton. Penne J A Bezen_,_ Pottsville Hasen Pottsville Allen Heisler, Maryland Jos Moore,Maryland A Bugg, Waellington, D 0 1 W er, Washington, D 0 John D Creigh.Call.ornte Wakefield McCoy, Penna W D Stem Wain,' Ps Geo T Smith& fam, Trenton J V Weaver, Baltimore W Wayne & wf,Waeh,ll C Hugh Meliellis, New York The Barb Geo Char*, Phlla 0 Handles, Boston V Morell. 17 A W Van Hick, Frankford A K i tchen, Kulpville S , PhD& S M Wood, New Semi B Bobeneaelt, Bucks co Wm Jones . Haddonfield C Fitch, Phil& J Endicott, Port Republic W B Shaw,_ New York .1 Hall, New York — biting, Attleboro The N IV VIMUT, Lebanon S 8 Rs=lseY. Lebanon N Ovid, Lycoming Co - E W Haines, Ohio Levan,aneastel Co H B BONI/Mans Penna. D J Bagfts & en,Middlehlt C Wolf, Poona H Barnet. Rhode Wand D Brown, New York W Llndermonth,_Penna D Hamm, Beadlot L Jones, Penoa E Wilman, Amityville Mae A Stapffer, Exeter 0 it ito Whetst kffogo one, Ta hrt xongua .1 ot 3se Fox Honeedale 'll4O N Noisier, Allentown N 0 Kern Allentown Ntalfoodraff, Newtown HentaL Dr Mcßride, Narriaburg Mrs M E Mardook, Burial B. Mani. Baltimore 11 Mitchell. Baltimore it "Felton, 13 El A W L Welsh B E Watson. New York Thomas C Potter . . A Washburn, New Jersey 0 Backman, Baltimore D Caroming, Virginia Lient M Shaffer, U S A Flits, Cleveland . . . E H Macklin, Delaware Tames Dolby, Harrisburg Gee Mears, Huntingdon D McDonald. Pittsburg W Mcßae, Pittsburg S T Roney, Baltimore W B Jarden, New Haven Chan Board man & an, Eng Mrs Barton, St Louis ) Masterlll Barton. St Louts H B Norton,New York T Brigtot dr en, N York A McManus. New York T Rodgers & la, Albany Milts Rodgers, Albany Miss Patton, Albany D B Reinhard, Brooklyn J B Patterson, II S N AM Densmore dr. yri" D W Nichol, Delaware J Reamer, Penna G W Tubbs, New Jenny H Ammedoun, New York B Bwartzwalder, Penna H P Brown. Canton, 0 H H Blair, Canton, 0 T J Frout, Malin Robt Bowden, Baltimorit H Earp, Penna Oblo M Brinton, Wash, D W Donellson, Cincinnati J Math* we, Portland H McFadden, Portland H M Hamilton, Franklin Mrs Corns.. how York A lappets. Toronco, C W C G Switzer, Illinois J Hall, Mimi' W D Carpel, Chicago Mrs W D Brown. Erie Mrs Haven, Erie Miss Dunlevy, Erie ' W Lilly, Mauch Chunk J Lowker, Newport, Pa Johnson, New York D E Snow, New York H Newhouse P F Cansey. Jr. Delftware L R Smith, New 'reek A Leme 6: la, Kam OilcaMt. 'Geo Rumen, New York D D Wolrath, New York A H Downer. New York J P Pepper & la, Wash, D Mtaa M Quigley, Wash, D W T Dukes, Maryland C C Thompson, US N W Graham, Wheeling P Thompson P B Howland, New York D O Hill. Boston Carmichael & wire,N Y Ono T Bay. Delaware_ W B Wharton. New York W G Maotenzte, New York D P Young, Illinois George Greene lowa Best, Pottsville Jacob Ott and family. N 0 Miss Ellis Dashill, Md Miss S Dastdll,Marylasid J H Jefferson & wife Tbos Godwin, New Jersey B Wakeman. New York Sarni Mclntire, Elkton, hid M Kane. New York John Clark, New York Thos Clark, New York E Woodruff, Jersey City P Bible and lady, N Y MT Connolly, New York chants'. Thos K Cfee, Pittsburg JR Dunbar, Newport C Pretz, Allentown Thee B Wilson, Allentown W H Peters, Steubenville, 0 Griffith Ellis, Ohio O W Thompson, Wheeling .1 I. Day, Easton W Thompson, Easton Mies Eva Day, Easton Miss L H Thompson,EaMon B Oppenheimer, Philads, T Kennedy. Philads Mr Shearman. Philada F Shine, York. Pa S L Satinet)ly R lady Dr J K Reid & wf, Penna. Hiss Carman, Chambersbg Miss Cock, Liverpool, Bog Mast Sweeney. & bro, Beg J Riggs D W Dale W Tribal If Shaffer J Shaffer J Tehlaback• E A Caswell II Fairchild L L Hun tainger, Buhl Haven John Thompson, Penna. C H. Nimson,Allentown H B Smith. Williamsport W Wells, Middletwn, Mass T H Witten, Maelachrisetts • erclals H H Meant., 01101ty J B Riley & la, Finns , J W Barnett, Penns B W Slack,Strondsburg Mrs Filmier di son, Balm's. J S ldethallongb, Oxford O P Killingeworth, Md F Max well & wf.Ohester co H P Talley, Chester co S C Hall. Delaware co J W Woodside, Delaware co Jos Jamea, West °heater John Way. Chatham D Stabbs,Peansylrarda Jos Be Holds, Oxford S Halvahs wf,New York Wm II Elkton,Md A W Swift, Lancaster co E C Hick mps,,w Chester J ISPaitson, Watt Chaster A Bunting, Delaware co Townsend, Delaware J Townsend. Delaware H Smith, Cincinanati J M Divine H.Chatfleld E D Fulmer, Delaware Mien E B Stover, Pa J Shellenberger, Pa S D Howe, New York R S Wolff, New York H 0 Allen, New York R Start, Baltimore B R Start, Jr, Baltimore H Et Burkholder, Ohio .1 Hoffer, Bellefonte & wt, Weat Chester 8 J *nine, Lebanon D Wallace, Baltimore Eagle. Win W Desch F Bei:singer - • Thos P Paxson V H Weaver A F Black W D Ritter & Wf, Lehigh co 0 D Becker & la, Reading 0 M Hofer & la, Reading A. German, Eastington 0 Folck, Berke so G Kemerer, Berke Co • A Meeerote, lf Jersey P Ba rthomew & son, Pa L lo Penns , s 'Union. • P (lambert, Wllm, Del B Et Robbins, Salem, N J J B Van Clove, N J Jae Baleen, New York .1 W Sterrett Saml Shaler, Wash, .Pa Joe Phcommvllle .1 Perry Baltimore , Sae Braaten Wash. D C Oeo Barris, Wash, - D J C Fleming John Boozer, Penne W H Patterson & wf, Pa HThomaseWllm, Del Wilm, Del ey Sheaf. S Draper.Atedta J Ferris, WilminKton Wm Brown, Beading LP Dysart, Lancaster 'Wm Gable, U S A Frank Contr. Phil& Geo Wlee, W inslow KW Jane Heber, Winslow C Bobbins, Winslow P H Richardeon, Flemingtn Worthinaton, Trenton M Van Hart,Prenchtown Mire Van Hart, Prenehtown J Dell, Philadelphia P Endue& & sef,__Penna Y Weld, blinereville J Vanderallee.Pho3o l XVllle P Helder, Beading J C Cowes. Pottmdlie P T Dewall. Poturrille J Witlate,Northnmberland J Dneklen, PottaTille D Thomson, Penne J Kauffman. /leading_ 111 Baseler,Schuilel Haven JN Anderson, FOUStOIIII Bear. A W VanArtslaleu, Newra oodruff 4.NOWtOW n Orwell:MG !Morning, 40 0 0104,t. PROM tirs-N lon POI& Kg% Phi:LAM - 40 , The /Madison.- Geo Dab% Stroudsburg ' M Carr, Penne M It Wilson St 14,N0w York B Theeher. Indiana 0 A Billinger, New York H Mardi, Indiana W Smith. New York K Dlittabury. New Jerson 3l Holz, blew York J Catber „e Warren 00, N J J Crewman, Penna. NW Matter. New Joiner Copt B C Pago,Washington Adam Mee, Baltimore P Sitdimm. Taohtngton A E M.:Eleven, Desna W B Tomlinern,lifilton. Del F E Mom, Hamilton, Pa ggi ri FINIT!!• isi AT HOME AGM - N.—DR. STEVENS, ELEC TRICAL PHYSICIAN, 11131 B. PENN Square, seS 3t Pnor. C. B. RomEs will commence October 4th, 1864. a course of Lectures and full instruc tion for applying the different modifications of Electri city, for the cure of all Acute and Chronic Diseases, at tie Institution, 1220 Walnut street. Medical men and others desiring to attend the .Course, are requested to make application early. All Acute and Chronic Diseases cured by mons of Electricity at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philada. ee9•tt Ta Porcrusa CLorortro Rooms or Paw,. " OAR MLLE.'', Beet.edasa „roods at moderate P 1401311. WANANARER & BROWN, B. L cower SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Custom Department (to make to order) No. 1.8. Sixth St. WinuctEß & Wu sox'sHIGHEST PBEMIEGI LOCK-STITCH srirrife menams, THE CRRdPEST. EIIMPLIST. AXD BIBT. gslerrootov. 704 CHREITEMT Streit. ilbove Solvently 3ML.A.MtMLIM7:).. MAGIARMAL—BLUMNRR.—On the Bth tut., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Bev. T. De Witt Talmage, Mr. Andrew B. Massenet to Mies Jennie T., daughter of Heury_C. Blumner, Esq., all of this city. * JONES—WALSH. —On the Bth inst., by Rev. Reuben Jetirtes, at the Fifth Baptist Church, nor. of Eighteenth and Spring Barden streets Mr. C. M. Jones. of Win throp, Maim, to Miss Mary Walsh, of Philadelphia. • T~IEZ►_ STBEL.—September 7th, of disease contracted while In the service of his country, William Steel, of the ith D. B. Artillery, In the 23d year of his age. The relatives and friends are invited to attend his funeral, on. Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock..from his late residence, Baring street, tiurd door below Thirty second. Mantua. ae JOB I'iSTON. —On the 7th instant, James F. Johnston, ag iTi l s 4 in Y arr fiiends - are invited to attend his funeral from his late residence, No. 1708 Pine street, Monday, 12th instant, at 9 o'clock A. M. Interment at Laurel Hill Cemetery. BRUNER.—On the 7th instant, liiiiibeth 8., widow of the late William Bruner. in the 77th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her POD, John A. Bruner, No. 812 North Front street on Monday. afternoon at 3 o'clock. without farther notice. Fur eial to proceed to Monet:mut Cemetery. HIGG MS. —On the Bth inst Mrs.. Sarah. Higgins, wife of. Rev. Is. Higgins, in the Mt year of her age. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from her late residence, 927 North Twelfth street, on Monday. 12th inst., at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill. SAGO& —On the 7th instant, James B. Bagge, in the 39th year of his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. from the residence of his brother, 1639 Spring Garden street. YOUNG. -On the 7th inst., Lizzie,, the beloved wife of James P. Young end recant. daughter of the late Wm. Montgomery, Esq., of Belfast, Ireland. .. Due notice will be given of the funeral. MOURNING GOODS! NEWFALL STOCK! JUST OPENED!! BESSON & SON MOURNING STORE, 918 CHESTNUT STREET, Rave now ready for Fall Sales Black all wool Reps. Do. do. Reps Imperial. Do. do, Empress Cloths. Do. do. Cashmeres. - Do. do. Merinoes. Do. do. Amelines. Do. do. Corded Moussolinee. Do. • do. Mousse/Ines /Maine. Do. do. do. double width. Do. do. Tamises. Do. Silk warp Cashmeres. Do. English Bombazines. . Do. French Bombazines. Do. Alpacas and Mohair& Do. English Merinoes. Do. Paramattas or Coburga. Do. Victoria Reps. Do. Turin Cloths. Do. Baratheas. Do. Thibet Long and Square Shawls. - Do. Thibet Square Shawls, Crape. Silk, and. Bora bazine bound. Do. Mousseline Delano Square Shawls. Do. Cashmere Square Shawls. Do, English Crapes and Crape Veils. . Do. Round Crape, Grenadine, and Lace Veils. Do. Alexander's Kid and Silk Gloves. Do. Fleecy Kid and Silk Gloves. Do. Wide Belt Ribbons. Da. Crape Collars and Sleeves &c. SUPSItIOR BLACK SILKS. Black Poet de Sole or Mourning Silk. - Black Lyons Gros G taines and Taillee. Black Lyons Glossy Taffetas. Black Gros de Rhinos, &c. SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Second Mourning Chene Alpacas. Do. do. Plaid and Striped Mohair% Do. do. Brocade Do. do. Delaines. Do, do. all-wool Monsselines. Do. do. Saxony Plaids. Do. do. Poplins. Do. do. Chintzes, Balmorals. &c. ' soll-finwSt RESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, l•-• hie. 918 CHESTNUT Street, have received— Black Delathes. __ all• !tool Mentonlinee single width. doable width. • • and White Detainee. •• and Purple Delathes. • • and White all-wool Momte/inee. and Purple "• Taintses and Bombazines. - • " Merinoes and Cashmere.. Bepe, Empreee Clothe, niDaell. saga I -1 ,1? RE & LANDELL OPER. *TO DAY -a- 1 NNW GOODS. 6_,01 0 New Shawls. Richest New Sines. Richest Figured litorinoes. Novelties in Dress Goods. New Goods Daily Opening. TWENTIETH WAND.--AN AD. I JOIIHNED Meeting of the Citizens of the ward will be held THIS EVENING, in thaSchool Room ad joining the Catholic Church, ELEVENTH Street, above MASTER, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to the Ward Bounty Fund. • B. HARPER, It . Secretary. NOTICE.—THE FIRST INSTAL. I VENT of FIFTY PER CENT. of tbe Subscription to the EIGHTH NATIONAL BANK is now due and pay able. The undersigned Committee will be at the Globe Engine House. GERMANTOWN Road, above Second street, on MONDAY and TUESDAY, lan and 19th inst.. between the hours of 9 and 1, to receive the above sub scriptions. , JACOB NAYLOR HENRY S. znsoLEB, JOHN VOLRMAR, CHARLES H. CRAIG, ANDREW MoBRIDE. PHILADA.. September 9th. se9 41* Ilar SOUTHWARK BANK. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 8, 1884. A Special Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House on SATURDAY. October Bth, 1864, at'lo o'clock A. H., to decide on the expediency of con verting the Bank into a Rational Association. agree ably to an act of Congress approved Jane 8.1868, and to take such other action as may be necessary. By order of the Board of Directors. se9-1m F. P. STEEL, Cashier. TENTH WARD.—THE LOYAL Citizens of the TENTH WARD will assemble on SATURDAY EVENING, At 7 o'clock, at BROAD and RACE Streets, to march to the GRAND MASS MEETING, to be held in YNDEPEN DENCE SQUARE, in favor of LINCOLN, JOHNSON, and LIBERTY. By order of the National Union Asso ciation. A. H. EILANOISCUS, Presidential Wtc. B. L.ILEDS. Secretary. se9.2t• TWENTINFOIIKTH WARD. — THE Loyal Citizens of the Twenty•fourth Ward are requested to meet at the rooms of the National Union Association, MARKET Street, above Thirty-third, on THIS (Friday) EVENING, at 7).4 o'clock, for the pur pose of making arrangements to attend. the Mass Meet ing, to be held in Independence Square, on Saturday evening next, and of forming a Campaign Club for the Ward. By order of the National Union Executive Committee. THEO M. WILT BEEGER, President. CRAB. SUbillgar.ELD, Secretary. • lt. DIVIDEND NOTICE. OFFICE OP THE Union PESIEGLEVE COMP/CST, 147 South FOURTH Street. PHELS.DELPIII6, September Sib. 1864 The Board of Directors Dace this day declared a Fifth Monthly Dividend of TWO PER CENT. on the Capital Stock,payable on and after the 16th current. The Trans fer Books will be closed from the 13th inst. to the latts ink . inclusive. [se9.7t*l CHAS. A. BUY. President. NINITII MEMBERS. of the LINCOLN ASSOCIATION of NINTH. WARD will meet at headquarters, Northwest corner of MERRICK and MARKET Streets, on SATURDAY EVE NING, at 7 o'clock, prepared to march in proceeeioa to Independence Square, to participate in the ()rand Mass Meeting to be held that evening. A halal of music has been engaged for.the occasion. CYRUS HORNE, Mareltal. WMFIP' PO WARD BOUNTY.—ELEMENTS 11=21 , WARD is paying $5O tit every recruit credited tc the Ward, and $2O to any person bringing a recruit. The Committee are at the Hall, N. E. corner SECOND and COATES Street, every day from 9 to 5 o'clock. COMMITTEE. —Lewis Cheater, T. Tnoh3l3 Rev. Wm. Cathcart, Treasurer; Geo. A. Quigley, Chairman; Win.. C. Bice, Secretary. 5e9.51.* TWELFTH WARD-tuwin R&L. EY. —The citizens of the Ward favorable to the Present Administration and the cause of Liberty will meet at the house .of C. FAIIVIIRS. FIFTH Street, above Green, on SATURDAY EVENING, September 10, at 73( o'clock, to attend in 'a body the Grand Ratifica tion Meeting, to be held In Independence Square. A Band of Music has been engaged. WILLIAM ANDRESS, 'Marshal. NOTICE.—THE 11. S. NAVAL BEN- I = Bert kn i i 4 6 Irth e e St e l 4 5 1 4 7C I OZILV 1 PrNTITI , _ LOMBARD. Lost THOMPSON, C ammanding. E McKINLEY OIL COMPANY. —NOTICE OF •DiVIDEND, Nsw Youic, September I. HAL The Trustees of the MoIIIPFLIV OIL COMPANY have declared a Dividend oi THREE PER CENT. font or the net earnings of the Company for the month. of August). payable on demand at the Office of the Ova:many, No. 81. JOHN Street, New York, to shareholders of record, at the elm e of business this day. sal- et* WALTER E. LA.virroy, Treasurer. RIGHTEERTH WARD ID THE. FIELD. —Theloyal citizens of the EIGHTEENTH WARD ere requested to -meet at the HALL, corner of RIGH9IOND and MARLBOROUGH Streets, on THIS EVENING, Sept. 9th, at 8 o'clock, to make arrange ments for participating In the demonstration on Satur day Want, in Independence Square. By order WILLIAM LINKER, President. ALEXANDER ADAIR% Secretary. arFIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISK TRICT, NATIONAL UNION PARTY. meet ing of the ExecutivA Committee of the First Cowes- Mould District will be bald THIS (Prdar) EVENING . at o'clock in room over Market House, corner noon , and PINE Streets, Punctual attendance ts requested. lt. WM THACKARA, Secretary. OrTENTH WARM-250 NEN WANT -ED to fill the quota of the Tenth Ward. Highest bounty paid. Apply to A. H. MARKETFRNUS. see tf 513 Street. THE BRIGGS GOLD COMPANY. lip —NOTICE OF DIVIDEND, No. 5 lir.w Tone - . September L 1564.1N1 A Dividend of ONE PER CENT. for the month Of Anguet bee been declared, payable at the Office of the Company, SI JOHN Street, New York, on and after September 16th, MN, to Shareholders of Record, at the clone of business this day. ee946t• WALTER E. LAWTON, Treasurer. rir" EMPIRE COPPER CORPART OF RICHIOAN. NOTICE IS HEREBY arm that an Instalment of TWO DOLLARS FEB SHARE on each and every share of the capital stock of the Empire Copper Company of Michigan has this day been called by the Board. of Di rectors of said Company due andpayable at the office of the Company, No. 4 f1 3 WAL NU T Street . Philadel phia, on or before the 10th day of SEPTEMBER, 1841. Interest 'will be charged' on all instalments after the same shall have become dne. BT. order of the Board of Directors. • .1. S. afonfULLIN. Secretary. PETLAPILPaid, August le, 1864. - au2U-ftuthteelo CITY Boxrarr_y $4OO. OFFICE OP THE CITY BOUNTY FUND COM MISSION. No. 442 PRUNE Street Until further notice. the Commission will continue to rny the CITY BOUNTY OF POUR HUNDRED-DOL LARS to all recruits credited ade upoll the quota of the City of Phillphia, whether enlisting for one, two or thg xt r:re. furnishing Substitutes will marl moo for One Year. MDOO for Two Years. • 82to for Three Years. as heretofore. R. P. HIND, President. • 1y. ,,, E . r.. 51.11100.1t Secretar ae.3.tit THE PENNSYLVANIA FINE IN. rfgr.strEeNcs comPearr. SurrelllCHlSlt IBei The -Directors have this ditx_dedered dividend of fagVNN DOLLARS AND NIFTY CHATS per share on Sbe Nock of the Compote' for the lest KZ Thmtlas. Wld will be !mid, to the iNeehholdere or their iod reproottatatWoo, efOr tturvittkto.t. , aelpub , O..GBOWELL. BoOtotati: THE PRESS::-PITITADELPTIL ,mAy o SEPTEMBIIit 9; 1864: Fir KASS MZETIPI . OUR COMM SHALL BE ONE MOSUL The supporters of the Union and the Constitution, donde of our firmer:l; National and State Adadnistra ion, and all in favor of the re-election of the HONEST. he ABLE. and the PATRIOTIC A 3311A.XIAIVIC LINCOLN o the Preeidenty, and the noble and sollcinterlficing to the Vice-Yreqdency; all who go for their country, and their whole country; all who go for an early and PERMANENT PEti CE, to be brougbt about by crushing the rebellion of the infamous traitors now waging .an unholy War against our Union and Government, Wed all loyal friends of good government and free institutions, are requested to meet at INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, On Saturday, the 10th. Instant, to start the great ball which Is this fall to roll over and overthrow all who sympathize with traitors, and would be willing to make a DISGRACEFUL ARMISTICE to divide and destroy our glorious National Union. The following distinguished Gentlemen will address he meeting: Hon. ANDREW G. CURTIN. Hon. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, New York Hon. F. B. PENNIMAN, Pennsylvania.. • Hon. CHARLES SUMNER, Massachnsett. Hon. WILLIAM DIMMICK, Pennsylvania. Hon. WILLIAM B. MANN. Hon. JAMES IL SCOVEL, New Jersey. Hon. CHARLES GILPIN. MORTON MoMICHAEL, Reg. Hen. CHARLES GIBBONS. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Bag. BENJAMIN H. BREWSTER, EB4. Hon. JOHN HICKMAN, Pennsylvania. Hon. JAMES POLLOCK, Pennsylvania. Hon. JOHN M. BUTLER. Hon. CHARLES O'NEIL. Hon. LEONARD MYERS. • Hon. WILLIAM D. KELLEY. lion. M. RUSSELL THAYER. A. B. SLOANAKER, Esq. _ JOHN E. LATTA, Esa WILLIAM S. PIERCE, Esq. profesior E. W. DUNBAR. By order of the City Executive Committee of the National Union Party. IWCIIIMMTIV:rfatURBANZirI and LOCUST Streets, Rev: W. IL FURNESS, D. D. Services will be-resumed on SUNDAY next, Sept. 13th, in the Morning, at los o'clock. seB 3t FMB! FAIR!! FAIBI I—NOW OPEN at WRIOHES INSTITUTE, FRANK FORD, for the BENEFIT of the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. . se7-101* V 77 4 717 TV I C i REB,4EP_ISTATVE, ad VOLuNTEERAGENCY. PAsetpalssnneadwithSab sttutes on -honorable terms at PAXSON & MeNAL. LY 'R.se7-4ts . _ WTHE PENNSYLVANIA ELSE IN. SURANCE COMPANY. At the Annual Meeting of, the Stockholders of this Company, held on MON DAY,lthe sth September, 1864, the following gentlemen were duly elected Directors for the ensuing year, viz: Jonathan Patterson, Daniel Smith,. Jr., Alexander Benson, John Deverens, Isaac Darlehuret, Thomas Smith, Thomas Robins, Henry Lewis. J. Gillinalram Fell. And at a meeting of the Directors on the same day, Jonathan Patterson, Esq., Was unanimously re-elected President. WM. G. CROWELL, se6.4t Secretary. tar OF.FICE OF STORY FARM OIL 001iil'AllY. —A Dividend of TWO AND ONO HALF (2W) FEB CENT. has been declared by the Di rectors of the Company for the month ending August 31. IBM, payable at them office on and after September 16th, inst., to Stockholders recorded on the books of the Company at that date. Transfer books will be closed from the 10th to the 16th Inst., inclusive. • S. A_ Secretary: eel-1.0. LEcrt u.KES.—THE SUBSCRIBER has prepared, and is preparing, new Lectures, In prose and verge , adapted to popular audiencee, and will deliver them on acceptable terms, at the invitation of Young Men's Associations, _Lyceums, and Institutes in the loyal Stain. He will also deliver addressee on anniversary occasions for Colleges,.other Seminaries of Learning, and _public bodies, polical and social. Ad dress PARS BENJAMIN,. 75 West FORTY. FIFTH Street, New York. . atafslm* SEWARD'S GREAT gPEECII.AT AU IttrltN.—A few copies of The Press containing Secretary Seward's great, sp.etich., on the Politic-al and Military Situation or the Coventry, can be obtained by applying at the counter of this office. 559 SEWARD'S GREAT SPEECH • AT AU BTIBN.—A few copies of The Press: containing. Secretary Seward's great speech on the Political and Military Situation of the Country, can be obtained by applying at the counter of this office. se9 pARTON'S WORKS. UNIFORM EDITION. MASON BROTHERS hate the pleasure of announcing a uniform edition of Mr. Parton's works, Le, nine vol umes, crown, Svo., in various elegant bindings. The following are inelcded: THE LIFE OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, 2 vole. THE LIFE OF ANDREW JACKSON, S vole. ... THE LIFE OF AARON BURR,. 2 vole. GENERAL BUTLER IN NEW ORLEANS. • I. vol. THE HUMOROUS POET RYAGE. OF THE. ENGLISH LANG G • 1 vol. PRICES. Cloth, Extra $25 50 Mo., Extre,gilt edges $3l 00 Library Sheep 33 00 Half Calf ortMorocco. 30 00 Full morocco, $5O. No biographer has written more successfully in the English language than Mr. Parton. The freshness and vigor of his style, and his power of retainingthe interest of readers through the driest details, are universally recognized. Each of his works has..attracted much'at• tendon and , enjoyed an extensive sale On its Arst ap pearance, and they have taken their place in the front rank of standard biographies. Published by MASON BROTHERS, se9-femw3t 7 MERCER Street, New York. ANDREW JOHNSON VT EIGHT O'CLOCK' P. M.. JOHN G. BUTLER, Chairman of the Committee on Town Meetings. ee7.4t September 1, 1864. NEW PUBLICATIONS. • ABMI AAD 84EVANS A Art J1713T REABITED THE CRUISE OF THE ALABAMA AND THE SUMP TER. From the Private Journals and other Papers of Commander R. Semmes and other Officers. THE CLIFF -CLIMBERS Mayne A- Reid's New Book. A Sequel to ' The Plant-Hunters. CENTEOL, and 'Other Tales. VICTO IRE. A P ovel. DRAM A TIS PERSON/E. By Robert Browning. 7HE EARLY DAWN. Ry the author of the "Schou burg-Gotta Family." Equally as interesting. ENOCH ARDEN. Tennyson's new Poem. DOWN IN TENNESSEE. Br Edmund Kirke. THE TRIAL .1 MOI3 LINKS OF THE DAISY CHAIN. B_y the author of " The Heir of Redclyfie " HESCIENCES. RBERT SPENCER'S CLASSIFICATION OF THE Pamphlet. ASHMEAD & EVANS, Successors to Hazard, No. T 24 CHESTNUT Street. NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS ! THE CRUISE OF THE ALABAMA AND THE SUMPTER. From the Private Journals and other Papers of Commander R. Semmes and other officerts. THE CLIFF-CLIMBERS. Mayne Raid's New Book. A Sequel to •• Th e Plant-Hunters " DRAMATIS PERSON I. By Robert Browning. THE EMILY DAWN By the author of "The Sehhn bnrg• Cotta Family." Equally as interesting. ENOCH ARDEN. Tennyson's new Poem. DOWN IN TENNESSEE. Br Edmund Kirke. • HOW TO MIT: Or, Directions for Knowing and Doing Everything Needful. By FROM MiIto CAPE Mackie. COD TO DIXIE AND THE TROPICS. J. n For sale by W. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, tf 006 CHESTNUT Street, 81f $ll $ll $1! Steel Portrait, 10 by 24, of President Lincoln. Steel Portrait, 19 by 24, of General Grant. Steel Portrait, 19 by 21, of General McClellan. Sent by mail on receipt_of price. eeo-3t G. W. PITCHER, SOS CHESTNUT Street TIE PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY NEXT, THE RIVAL BELLES: ott, LIFE - IN WASHINGTON. By J. B. JONES. Esq., Anchor of " Western fatinee,'' Wild Southern Seettes,!' 'Love and Money; or, Aristocracy in the Qaaker City," " me WIR. Path," &c. uniform with " Fatal - Marriage. Price fIL 60 in paper, or t 62 in cloth. THE DEVOTED n ovels Tale of Virginia. One of the best historicalever printed, uniform with the `Bridal Eve. ' Price 50 in paper, or $2. in cloth. The abo two books are going to create a sensation, and will have a very large sale. Booksellers, news agents, and all others, will please send'on their orders at once for what they may want of either edition of any of the above books.. to the publishers r. H PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 3 66 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia, Penna., and they will receive prompt attention. It ROBERT BROW6TING'S NEW BOOK, DRANLA.TIS PERSONA, In one volcune. NEW BOOK, MAYN3-BEID'B NEW BOOK, THE CLIFF CLIMBERS; On, A HOME IN TEE Huss, LATAS. illustrated. ' . NEW BOOKS, " Medical, Sci e ntific , and Miscellansous,for sale as 600/1 as published, by LINDSAY & BLANISTON, Publishers and Bookseller% see No. 25 South SIXTH St.,above Chestnut. SCHOOL BOOKS Ps-li AND soma, STATIONERY, At the 10West price, and delivered to env address, by MULLEN, Wholesale end Retell Bookse Stre ller, 130 S CHESTNUT et. AMERICAN ANNULL CYCLOPEDIA. FOR 1863. This valuable resistor of important events embracea information on political, Civil, and Social AgaintPablio Documente, Biography, Statistics, Commerce, F inance, Literature, Science, Agriculture, dm., Ac., invaluable as a work of reference. it should, be in the library of every intelligent reading man. For sale in various styles, mataing the KEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. JAMES K. SIMON, - 33 South SIXTH - Street, is agent for the above important books. se3-tit .A . OHOROFT' LOW-WATER DE ITCTORB. Aabcroft's Steam Gauges. Justice & Shaw's Mercurial Steam and Blast Gauges. Clark's Damper Regulator. Water Ganges, Scotch robes. &c. ALTOS. S. BATTLES, Agent, 24 North SIXTH. Street, Agent rrEE MOVEMENT CURE. A NEW EDITION. THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF-THE MOVE. MEET CURE; or the Treatment of Paralysis, la:Alger, don. Constipation, Consumption, Curvature, and other Deformities, Derangements of the -Nervous System. AO. So., by the Swedish System.of bosailasa m om . meats. By Cherie."' Fayette Taylor, M. D. With ii lustrations. A NEW-BEVIBED EDITION - ruBLIBHED.THIS DA jr BY. , 10D81.1" , BLAKiIiTOIN, 'Publishers and Booksellers. No: NW. UTIONAL UNION TICKET. FOR rwmomirr, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. OF ILLINOIS FOR 'nom PILESEDENTI ANDREW JOHNSON/ .or Tatrussia ELEVVOILkie TIMM% SENATORIAL. NORTON BtokfIOHAIIL. Pldlikdo T. CUNNINGHAM. Beaver Omar. _ ' ATIVE. 13. Eliza W. Hale, 14. Charles H. Shillala. 16. John Whiter, 16. David i(cOonilha. 17. David W. Woii. 18. Isaac Benson, 19. John Patton, H. Samuel B. Dick, 91. Everard Bierer, EL Sohn P. Pennat, _ H. Ebenezer Ifejonlzda: 26. John W. Blanchard. tral Gorainithca. REFERS L 2Robart r. lazig, 8. G. Morrison 43•Atee. Henry Brum. 4. William H. Korn; 6. Barton H. Jenks. 6. Charles M. Runk. T. Robert rarke. S. William Taylor, O. :Tan A. Hiestand, Rtebard H. Correll. U. Edward Holliday. 12. Made* F. Read. PT order of the Mato On *-ancrrmtir. I LAST CHANCE! . • AVOID THE DRAFT: $525 BOUNTY- MEN MUSTERED AND PAID 0425 EMIDDEDIA.TELT. 31ttlx. lILEG•IMMIS2' P&. VOLES.. COL. A. A. LECHLER Headquarters, Gil Chestnut street. RETAIL DRY GOODS. NE A P smorxtrx , wait, 7E034- A NEW AND ORM INVENTION IN HOOP SHIRTS. TEE DUPLEX' ELLIPTIC (O DOUBLE) STEEL SPRING. J. L. & J. 0. WEST, No.. BT CHAMBERS. STREET, DIEW YORK. Are the ow nets of the patent and exeltufive mantas° Wren of this, J. W. BRADLEY'S PATENTED DUPLEX ELLIYTIE STEEL SPRINO BKIBTB This Invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel Springs. ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, eage to, edge, making the toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable sprint ever used. enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bility, to place and fold the ekirtwhen Muse messily and...with the_ same convenience as a Bilk or muslin dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only objec tion to hoop skirts, Art the annoyance to the wearer as well as the public, especiall y in crowded assemblies, carriages, railroad can, church pews , or in any crowded place, from the difficulty of contracting them to occupy ing a small space. This entirely;removes the difilootty t while giving the skirt the usual full and symmetrical form, and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, eters promenade, or house dress. A lady having- enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of- wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward willingly dispense with. the use of them. They are the beet quality in every part, and by far the lightest. most durable, comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied ae above, and ladies in most first-class retail stores in thils city and throughout the different States . . . .- Inquire for the DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRTS pEADLEY'S DIWLEX . ELLIPTIC -a- , SKINT, 'pert' flexible. folded easily when in use to occupy a small space, making the most agreeable skirt worn. For sale by T. M RAYLEIGH, 902' CHESTNUT Street. DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SPRINO SKIRT, THE MOST POPULAR AND FLEXIBLE IN USE• • SHEPPARD, YANHARLINOBN & ARRI9ON, 1009 CHESTNUT Spred. P ATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, . For sale by J. G. MAXWELL & SON, - S. E. Cor. ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. B RADLEY'S DUT 3 LEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT—The greatest Improvement we have ever been in LADIES' SKIRTS, and an article of , SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. . • CUR WEN STODDARTA& BRO *5O, 452, and 451.1 f. MOM> St., ab.Wlllow. be9!iftf B'-' NSE' s:3 110trSEICEEPERS, TAKE NOTIOE. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., (FORMERLY COWPERTIENFLIT & C 0..) N. W. CORNER EIGHTIEMtI) MARKET STS.I dre now offering the largest stook of Blankets to he .foruid in this oily, at moderate prices: BERTH BLANKETS, PRIM BLANKETik CRADLE "BL ANNETS, - . BED DLANKETS,. &Raze& To dealers, we offer the best assortment of &lithe eading makes. BUY EAHLItAND SAVE THil ADVANCE. auZ-mwftt ARMY, NAYSY, AND CIVIL CIAO ri 11E3C 0 S W. T. SNODGRASS, A/ 8. SECOND Street and• 2/3 STRAWBERRY Stree LABOE STOCK> OF ALL KINDS OF G 1071113, CASSINERES, TESTINGS, &c., At fair prices, parchased before the rise, 'independent of cold parry/fen+. by.thopackage, piece, or yard. Our motto is to sell. We don't peddle. Come and. see our stock. The Army and , Kancy trade has our special at tention. 507-1 m 628 1 1 00'1' SKIRTS. 62R • The moat complete assortment of •••-• Ladies', Risme', and Chlidren's HOOP SKIRTS in the city are manufactured and sold. wholesale and retail. at No. 628 ARCH Street. Our stock embraces all the new and desirable styles, lei:laths, and sizes; for finish and durability. are especially adapted to first class .trade. Skirts made to order, altered, and re paired. Also, constantly in receipt of full lines of cheap Eastern-made-Skirts. • seB.lm* . 'Wm. T. HOPKINS. 11 STEEL & SON HAVE NOW • open a large and oboist) asssortment of PALL AND-WTNTER DRESS GOODS. Plain Kerillass,A l,26 to 413 ' Plain Poplins, . Plaid Merinoes and Poplins. Plain and. Plaid Silk Poplins, • Plain and Fignred Mohair Poplins, and a great variety of new and. choice Dress Goods, all at prices far below -THE PRESENT COST OP IMPORTATION. SILNE—Of all kinds, a great variety, from 76 mite tO per yard. below :THE IMPORTER'S PRICES. `SHAWLS — A large assortment, at a small advance over last season's prises, • se& tf Nos. 713 and 716 North TENTS Street. BLACK BROADCLOTHS. Black Beavers and.Tricote. Cloahinge and Overcoatings. Water-proofs by the yard orblece. Fine Black thussimerea. Fancy Olasimeres, large stock. Boya Cassimeres of standardostylos. WIDE SHEETINGS. Eleadheiltind Brown Shirting& Blankets, good Flannels. Ticking& Linens, etc. Tailors' Linings of every kind. Goods by the place at wholesale rates. COOPER & COMM, B. B. corner NINTH and hIARKF,T, 702, JO HN TOKES, ARC IL H ST REET . 702 Striped Shirting Fianna'' g , Plaid ShirtinPanne., Pia= Shirting Flannel. Damask Table Linen, Loom Table Linen, 6-4 to 84 Brown Linen Table Cloths. Green, Blue, and White Mosquito Netting. Amerlean'Crash, Russia . Crash. Bath 7owels. Bathing Flannels. French, Penal; and Chambray Gingham'. JOHI2 H. STOKE. an3l-tf '2'o2 ARCH Str S eet. LA. R E STOCK OF SILKS. o HA, for sale below the present cost of impor Bich Moire Antiques. Colored and Black Corded Silks. • Colored and Black Penh de Soles. Armures and Groe Gratnes. , Superior Quality Plain Silks. Colored and Black Ottoman Silks. Colored and Black Pigured Silks. Heavy Black Taffetas. Superior Black Silks: • Black Silks of all kinds. EDWIN HALL C. 26 South SECOND Street. WWI CHESTNUT STREW. EMBROIDERIES ' , 0 , .4 . . m p. .. LACES 0 , at A et - o ca tri Ei: WHITE GOODS, .1 .4 .W VEILS, 4 an IA • c ) 3E-L1LW111V1CE1140k1.1..e.3369. Vs o T . L M. NEEDLES. Ply/ kcior93:l4 J OHN RICHARD S S tr- PRINTNR, No. 122 WORTH SUM srozEw. air Cards. Cinders, &s., neatly printed. sett-SLIP McKINLBY OIL COMPANY, INCOB. porated under the laws of the State of New York. Wells on OIL OREM, Pennsylvania. - TRUSTEES. —llforrls Franklin. iNew York_; Samoa N. Coleman York; Sidarey Cornell, New York; John N.Oil City, ;C. aleKtnley,oll City, Pa. • y rL or ito . Vtiodegritt, • Oil city, Pa. ; George Davis,. Nati ,. Pregident. MORRIS FRANKLIN; Secretaiy k i n, BENSON; Treasurer, WALTER B. LAWTOS;;-Super intendeittc McRINLBY BROS. _ • office, si .301 EB Street, New Torii seS•Sto 31 R13.;axams. BETT S' mutaßterit SUPPOETIBti 7011 LE:Olalib• liamortata Ineder'aininent modival paironada,_ Llano and Xamdtdane are raelboaratUireanliestax to ow only OD Yrs. MTS. at her rs.leuoe , WaLltri OW. rblia.. (to &Told oonanviielta.) TWAY anima* ininlidaleanstaanadvised-bl,thainphysiedanata ton bis Those arr. mains Wenn the United Wight . 4 LIOSUI tio box, and einaidanwart &U. as • 861,1102 Um oda loOkimunaislikoll it - PPLE WD T SKY.-25 BARBELS OLD Zo za. ja mbiy w app;eWbbar. IL r. irOit e' otOlit Nvrib.rao T ihms. SEALED 'OFFERS will be received at this Depart. meld, tinder the Act of March 3, NM, until neon of FRIDAY, the 9th of September, 1861, for bonds of the United States, to the amount of about and a half million dollars, being the amount of unaccepted offers =disposed of under the notice of Proposals for Loan, dated 6th Jane last. The bonds will bear an an nual interest of 6 per sentare. payable semi-annually, in coln,on the first days of July and January of each year, and redeemable after the 30th of June, 181 L Each offer must be for fifty or one hundred dollars, or some multiple of one hundred dollars, and Must state the sum, including premium, offered for each hundred dollars in bonds, or for Aft?, when the offer is for no more than fifty. Two per cent. of the principal, ex cluding premium, of the whole amount offered mast be deposited, as guarantee for payment of subscription if accepted, with the Treasurer of bile united States, at Washington, or with the Assiatarib Treasurer, at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or 'St. Louis, or with the deaignated depositary at Baltimore,Fitteburg, Cincin nati, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, or Bitlfalo; or'with any National Banking Association authorized. to receive deposits which may consent to trammel- the business without charge. Duplicate-certificatetrof deposit will be leaned to depositors by the officer or association re. salving them; the originais of which mast be.forward ed, with the offers, to the Department. Ail 111)90810 should be made in time for advice of offers, .with-cortig cedes, to reach Washington not later than tlferinorniug of September 9th. No offer not accompanied' by its proper certificate of deposit will be considered: The Coupon and Registered Bonds issued will Us of the denominations of $5O, VW. $OOO, ..and $00: 1 , 0 Bonds of 86 , 000 and 1910.900 will also be leaned, it OAMII[010". Okstratta required. All offers received will he opened on Friday, the 9th' September. The awards will be made by the Secretary to the highest offerere, and notice of acceptance or de .olination will be immediately given to the respective offerors ;.and, in case of accentance, bonds oUthe de scriptions and' denominations 'preferred will be sent to the subscribers, at the cost of .the Department, on final payment. of Instalments ! The orlightuil depoeW of two per cent. will be reckoned in the last instalment paid by successful offerers,and will be immediately returned to those whose oilers may not be accepted. The amount i.niccepted offers must be deposited with the Treasurer or other officer or association authorized to act under' this notice, on advice of acceptance of offer, or as follows : One 7 thlrd, an or before the 14th; one third, on orbefore the 19th; and the balance, including the premium and original two per cent. deposit„on or before the 24th of September. Interest on bonds will begin with.the ,late of deposit. Parties preferring may pay the accrued interest from date of bond, July 1. to date of deposit-in coin. Offers under thisnotioe should be endorsed "Offer for poen," and addresse&to the Secretary of the Treasary. The right to decline- all offers not considered advan tageous is reservedto the Oovernntent. FINANCLiIf. OAN 4:20E , 1881. FROPOSADS VlCat i,rE)A.rq, TAEd.I4OIII DEPARTMENT, An" iest. W. P. PEESENDEN. Secretary of the Treasury. The bonds for •ShiSIOSII earEr ready for immediate de livery. se2.7tif s. 1.400. A. TV, The Secretary of the Treasury arm notice that sub scriptions Will be received for Cowen Treasury Notes, payable three years from August 15th, 1864, with semi annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent, per annum—principal arid interest both to be paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible, at the option of the holder, at maturity, into aix-percent. gold-bearing bonds, payable not less than flee nor more than twenty years from their date, as the GoTernment may elect. They will be issued in denominations of 1150, VIA $5OO, $1,500, and 85,500, and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. . A 8 the notes draw interest from August 15, persona Making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the Lutenist accrued from date of note to date of deposit. ' Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and upwards for these notes at any onetime will be allowed a commission of one• quarter of one per cent. SPECIAL ADTAIITAGES OF THIS LOIN IT IS A , NATIONAL: SAVINEIS- BANE, offering a higher rate of interest than• any other, and the beat security. Any savings bank which pays its depositars in U. S. Notes, 'considers that it is paying in the best eironlatbag tiedium of the county', and it cannot pay in anything better, for its own assets are either in Govertunent securities Cr in notes or bonds payable in Oorernment paper. ConTertlble into a 81x-por•cent. 5.20 Gold In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privimllege of conversion is now Worth about three per cent. per annum, for the carrent rate for 5.20 Bonds is not, less than nine per cent. prs mium,and before the war the premium on six-per. cent. 17. s. stocks was over twenty per fent. be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at-the present - market rate, is not less than ten per cent. per annum. Its Exemption from State or Municipal Taxation. Bnt aside from all the advantages we have enumera ted, a special act of (Magmas exempla all l3onds and Treasury Notcafrom•Zocat taxation. - On the average, this exemption is worth about two per eent.per annum, ainoidlug to the rate of• taxation in various parts of the country. It is believed that no securities over so great Induce mutts to lenders-as those issued by the-Government. In an other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock-companies, or separate com munities, only, is pledged far payment,wldle the whole property of the country is held to secure the discharge of all the obligations of the United States. SITBSCRMIONS WILL BE naczaysn'by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designate& Depositaries, and by the First National Bank of Fldladelphia, Pa. Second National Bank of Philadelphia. Pa. Third National Bank or Philadelphia, Pa. Fourth National Bank of . Pliadelplda. Pa And by all National Banks which ale depositaries of Pnblio money, and - ALL RESPECTABLE BANNS AND BANKERS threughotet the country will ' give further information. end AFFORD ETIBIT FACILITY TO SIIIISCRIBM. An29.12t. - (pIL STOCKS BODONI' AND SOLD ON comwasslort. ANY INPORSATION Orrorr sEQvutuv. P'AI.,MMre , MMV., BIROKEIRS, No. 54 SOUTH THIRD. STREET Ug NEW 7-30 LOAN. • r•- , • Sub criptioes received. and the notes far niched free of al l charges, E by GORGE .T. BOYD, Banker, eu24-y1 1S South THIRD Street. falls STOCKS 7 , 7 BOTTUM AND SOLD ON. COMMISSION. GEORGE J. BOYD, 18 South THIRD Street TRBASIIRT DEPARTKENT A AIJOUBT 14. 1864.—NOTICE TO . HOLDERS OF TBRBE YEARS - -NOTES"D&TBD OCTOBER 1,1864. olders of Seven -thirty Notes dated October 1, 1861, are hereby notified that they may be presented imme diately. in any amount, to beexchanged for Six Per Cent. Bends fellingdue after June 80, 168 L The interest on the Seven -Thirty Notes will be settled np to date of maturity, October and the Slx Per Cent. Bonds will bear full coupons from July 1. The edjnetment of interest will be made by deducting from the amount of interest found to be due on the Seven-Thirty Notes up to October 1, the interest tic creed on the Silr Per Cent. Bonds from July 1 to October 1; the balance will be transmitted by the Treasurer's coin draft immediately upon settlement. The following regulations In relation to endorsements must blly oboarred: Where notes haul - mated for settlement were issued payable to order, and are held and transmitted by the calginal owners, they must be- endorsed by them, ray to the Secretary of the Treasury forredemption," and bonds will issue in their name. Where notes payable to order are held by other parties than the original. owns, the notes must have the en dorsement of the original owners, and also be endorsed by the present owners, " Pay to the Secretary of the Treasury for redemption." For notes Issued in blank, endorsed " Pay to the Secretary of the Treasury for redemption," bonds will be Segued to the parties trepanation them, and in such manner as, they may direct. When notes are endorsed or transmitted by an at torney, administrator, executor, or other agent, they must b accompanied by a duly earned copy or perm. nate' of- the authority under which he acts; and in all cases by a letter stating the kind (registered or coupon) and the denomination of the Six Per Cent. Bondswanted in exchange. Whet Registered Bonds are ordered, parties should state Lt.-which of the following _places they wish the interest paid, viz: New York, Philadelphia* Boston, Baltimore, New Orleans, Chicago, St. Louis or Cincin nati.P.FßSW/iNIIIII, wu3o-18t Secretary of the Treasury. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing under the firm name of "WILSON & F 1 1 .14" in taeßox-making busineEui is dissolved. The business of the late firm will be continued by JOHN WILSON. at the old stand, corner of ELBOW Lang and ASHMIST Street. _ JOHN WILSON. PRIL4DELPFRA. Sept. Sth, 1854. se9-3t* NEW ECONOMY BEA SHAD.-207 bbla and 41 halves new Economy Sea Shad. to ar. rive by steamer Norman, for sale by KENNDY. STAIRS_, & CO., 130 and 132 , NORTH WEANVES. NNW SALMON AND TONGU; Alm 000003. bbls extra No.l Salmon, Eislifsx city faspociton. NJ We Ito. 3 ealias do. do• 100 eases 6th cane sp ova Salmon: eases 10th cans do. • 13 bbls and 188 gitts George's Tongues ana , SOvAds. in storeand for ooli r bi lan i py , WALES, _dt 0 4 3. 130 and 1.32 , NOW'S 'A W E S. "NEW BLUE FISH, SCATAIt FISH, 4. AND WHITE FISH. • 60 lade new Newburlpoit Fish. Ewa. 30 do. new Pickled name ao do. new.Maine.° White Make 100 helves " do. do. In store and for ealejs zwy DT. STAIRS. & CO. , 130 n — ra lb NORTH WIIAILVER. CIARTES DE.VISITE—STYLES-THAT artybrimenaelvmetnlar nowpinttiwaresit dor sizijnadf IJ, ILISIMART haterv:eliv- • oft , itga 4 k Go MIT tintseleatett uti.fmt si , xe it* WAMTS. CI ico R LEADER WANTED.—A. good SIVGBE. one who is thoroughly competent to take ablate of the Music and lead Ohoir in a church at Germantown. For particulars &Wrens Hoz Mo. 1t43, Phila. P. O. se7.3t. • WANTBIY-A BOY TO LEARN Jig . Mercantile liminess.Mtult giie good refer:awe. Apply at No. f!i' South FIFTH Street its • ANTEDL-BY A YOUNG LADY who has had dome experilynce a SITUATION Di a Dry Goode or Trframin Storp._ Bea, of references Orr- Dished Address 4 • J, pees? place. se9-3V WANTED --A BOT TO LEARN THE Retail Drag and Proscription Business one . 11 2 t le As than 17 years of age. /Warm, “DTTIR I3 . - xrPo B office.°ce. se[!-2t. .. ty.T . , ry A Z T Cap, and Stra , Art i On E da. B Elest N e. 2 I N. l A .: A - fleece Pennaylvania trade. Address ib , 44 . 2. can Phila delphia POF t Wilco. :eB.3t• IWANTED—AN ENTRI ClogEff. IN P. ppir r y e LoAt e c . ontiniesion ifoube. MOneriz:4l2. viIr_AXTED-A BALEMAN VIW A Wholesale Drug Moose, to 001 l Peusargleaula trade. Address lux 2487, Post Office. ser-SP, WANTED TO RENT, PEAMANM- T 64130 re-story FRONT BOOV(ilalaraiShOd% Without board, in a modern built honie. in either Chestnut - , Walatit: or Sprats streets, nes:lll'ond dress Boa So': pm, Philadelphia Post se7-Sts MPLOYMENT HOIISE, THE LARG- A-A eat and: meet reliable, for city and count Him always a goodmilectios of capable persons, vtith ry. good references. American% Irish. English, French, Ger mane, Scotot ) Welch, and newly-landed exalOmill. as Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watchams% &a. Cooke, phambermaids, Beametreeses, LaniuTraPies, Waitresses, and' general Housework Servant& Colored Servants. Noa, tlO.ll and 804 LOCUST Street; above Eighth. QIJARTERNUTER GENER A Ly' OFFICE, WEST - DIVISION, WANIIINGTOIT CITY, ATIgTIRI : 3I, IA! HORSES! HORSES!! HORSES!!! Horses enibable far emery and Artillery service will , be pnrcbased at- MEG - CORO DEPOT, in open market. till OCTOBER. 1, Thrd. Heroes will be delivered to Captain L. Lowry . ..Moore, A. Q. M. and be Enabjec%.ffitoille usual Government in spection before befog aceepred. Pace of Cavalry Horses, Ira each. Price of Artillery Horses,4lBo each. Payment - wi ll be made for six 00 an d more. JAMBS A. BMW. Coleeel First Division, Clnartmentester General's Office. TEAMSTERS WANTED. ee6-tse9o CHM` QuAarsaarasrsa's OFFICE, Deem. or Weeirtsorog. WasniguTog, D. 0., August 18, IBM. WANTEDkat once Five Hundred (ED) to One Thou. BM& a, MO) TEAMSTERS, each capable of driving with tine and managing six-mule teams. To such who are competent to perform the duty :the pay per month will be thirty-Eve ISO) dollars. with One ration perd ay, and hospital privileges, including the best medical attendance when side. Men experienced as Wagon Masters will receive such position's upon bringing to this POEN, twentr 'Ern GM good -Teamsters. Apply to Captain CHARLES IL TOMPHINR, A. O. M., .• 11. S A., corner of TWENTY'. SECOND and .Streets. Washington, D. C. D H. RUCKER. 'Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster, angO tse9 Depot of Washington. INV IN 8 2 1 M) a sal l 'e anT lß DC 3 r l athr T e ° mechapien E lt r sin - ens already established in the principal cities (new to Philadelphia). and which will Pay 100 per cent. It la an exclusive monopoly for the State or:Pennsylvania. An interest in the bnetness will be given for the nse of the money. Address 'Enterprise,' ' Prase office. lt* $5,00057,000, AND OTHER SUMS 9, to Loan on Mortgage of City Property at 5 per cent. for a term of years. CHARLES RHOADS. Con'reTancer, No. 36 S. SEVENTH 81._ al WANTED TO RENT 'LINTEL MAY -Erik' —By EL email larailr,e furnished 110U8N,.nea Mel ton Avenue. Germantown. Address " Hone. " Box 718 P. 0., Philadelphia. seB-2re FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE-AN OLD-ESTABLISHED BURNES% in enecereful operation. Apply at No. 500 NAHNET Street. se9-2t* rrO MANUFACTURERS AND BPlN zins.—For sale--a good ayticle of Shoddy at the B Bl ua Mill ready r ad l l ad y i od a elig s r i _Fo ce r particulars address THOS. . seB-31*. MA TO LET'--IiEW HOUSES AT $23, as. s33_ per , month,- on Eleventh, Twelfth, Thir teenth, and addiTtne streets (camas's Woods), above Montgomery.LApply to TATLOW JACKSON, 5e.9.60 . GIS CHESTNUT Street. FOR LE-A, NEW BRICK AEA HOUSE, with lot of 60 feet front, on , Armegetreet, Germantown. Plan at my 0iR043 TeTLOW JACKSON, re9-6t. 61.4 CHESTNUT Street. FOR &A LE— SEVERAL FUR ma. MESHED DWELLINGS. Poseeecion at once. Call for HOUSE REGISTER. G-80. N. TOWNSEND & CO., 12334 South FOITRTH Street. • de WE OAN SELL A LARGE NUM BER of FIRST-CLASS DWELLINGS, Well located, and poseeesion. EASY TERMS. Call for HOUSE REGISTER. OW. N. TOWNSEND & CO., 123% South FOURTH Street. HANDSOME . SIIHURBAN RESI DENCBS FOR SALE—FRANKFORD, PHILADA. --Two new three-story modern-built Dwellings, with two-story back-buildings, on OXFORD St., Frankford, Ma. These houses are well built, contain every mo dern convenience, and are easy of access. The lots are large, tastefully laid out with shrubbery. &c. Good water; well shaded. Will be sold a sacrifice. Three photographic views of the property can be seen at the office. GEO:N. TOWNSEND & GO , se6-6111* 133.3 i South FOURTH Street. et FOR BAL - R-OVER 1,000 DIKE L,- .RM" LINOS and STORES in all partite( the city. HOUSE REGISTER NOW READY. Bent Gratis. GED N. TOWNSEND & CO.. eeS-amw 6t 123 g South FOURTH Street. FOR BALE-A NICE BAY HORSE, 155 hands higb, 5 years old, sound, and kind In harness. Sold only for want of use Inquire at JOHN HARM, se9-3t' CALLOWHILL Street, aboye.lfinth. TO GLASS ALLIIIIIPACTURERS.-FOR -A. SALE OR BENT--0ne..,0f the best-located GLASS FACTORIES in the States. It can be put in fall opera tion in ten days; and has a line assortment of Moulds, Pipes, Tools, rots, Clay, and every article requisite for present use. Adams. for three days, se& 6t* QUINTON T. RUSK, Phila I". O. 3,000 TRUCK AND PEACH BAS KETS just resetyed and for sate by 1 11, HOWE & HUSTON; E1e241 1.57. and 159 North TRIED Street. WATER POWER TO RENT. APPLY to DAVID CHILLAS. Newark, Del. an2-Sti EDVCATIONAL. it R. TAYLOR, 1226 wrP,LON ST., .4.41.• • Teacher of Singing and Piano, has mimed his duties. N. B.—Concerts will not be allowed to conflict with lessons. se9.6tP A LADY ENGAGED AT SCHOOL -4--- TEACHING desires employment as AMANUENSIS or COPYIST. Address Box MPhil& P. 0. se9-3t* PREPARATION FOIL COLLEGE.- The Pepailment of Ancient Languages in C. 8. HALLOWELL'S Select High School, No. 110 North' TBNTH Street, Is under the High, supervision of a thorough Classical Scholar, graduate of the University of Cambridge, who has spent the past fourteen years since his graduation in the enlargement of his mind by foreign travel, and as Principal of some of the first High Schools of New England: The lessons In this De. Partment are given daily. and copious written exercises are required. To the Sinner Classes Lectures, illtuitra ring the history, literature, and antiquities. of the Latin and Greek Languages are occasionally deli vered. Exercises will be rammed on the 13th inst. sea-St* MISS MARY R. TRROPP wu.,L RR OPEN her ENGLISH and FRENCH BOARDING and DAY. SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES-, at No. 1841 CBESTNIIT Street, Philadelphia, on the 12th of Sep- timber. For Muslims, apply at the School. 5a.3.-61e. NORTH CLEAR CREEK GOLD AND SILVER TAINING COMPANY, 0.1L2111 COMITY, COLORADO. TERRITORY. TausTstra Boa. JOHN A..DIX, Box. EDWARDS PIERREPONT, JOSEPH , FRANCIS, RSQ., T. B. BONTING. Es 0.. • A. 0. BODFISR. Esq., Colorado. Holt. JOHN A. DIX TRILSITERE: ,WSEPB FSAIYCIB. Esc Cotrrrasr, CHARLES F. BLASE, Sea the property of this Company consists 0f,V92,4 - feet on the "GROUND NOG." "GREGORY, No. 2," "SIMMONS," " CiMiertitD. and other celebrated developed Gold.bearing Lodes in the best mining district of Colorado. . Also, the Henderson MW now rannint, and ex salient order:- CAL1P127.6-14 w - roc.Ec 91,000,000 AVROLB is; TIM BER SHARES 100.000 L PAX, $lO. A large portion of e 240 stock has already been taken by rnaate Sabscription. Books are now wen at the aloe of the Company. at. No. 69 Blikte_VEß STREET. 1111 W, YORK, where a limited, number of ebarea can be eubecrribed for at par. Copies of the Ftrocpcottte may be obtained at the office of the Compa ny. B . J. 74111,L1AM8, NO. 16 NORTH BDETS STRUT. Manufactarat of VENETIAN BLINDS AND, WINDOW SHADES. Atir The Largest and Ninest Assortment in the city at the LOWEST PRICES. lfir - Repairing attended to promptly. we store Shades Made and Lettered. ipt F. REIIMIS *LIFE-SIZE PHOTO GRAPHS in oil colors have no superiors ; they .are fine specimens of art, and convince, at a glance, of their Worth. 624 ARCH Street. PEI.3IER' El COLORED PROTITp GRAPIIII.v-Beantifol specimens of photograPlus made for UN. Seam' one and get the worth orsoar mom in an Invaluable likeneas. SECOND Stmt. above Green. RMITAGB.-Ing .PHILADELPEEIA , A MBDICAL ELBCT,ROPATILTC INSTITUTE; TBENTELand CRUET Streets, is new 011011. se&:3t* DIL.KIENKELIN TEAS REWARD Ma Dm practise at kis restaanee. nomthWestisornex otTIIIRD mad LIMON Streets. Prom 9,t0 9. se7.3m A. OBSERVE THE. PUS. Cligation of the dissolution of the aoPalliter sift •IL 'Matlack Co, on the 54 day of thententber. nnbllOatton was not with me oonees or k now l e d ge et . *ll the patties; Windaw). not trip* - (601•3111 T.. MATIAITK, AUCTION canes. BAZAAR, luta' 'A Arni 10111 STRUTS. Aucno Litz of VOBSES , CARRIVR, ON SATURDAY SIORDIRD BX ; A F t til7d ° Eie abck ortN;O:s u lt ii.P ai lgi le. lB2l4ll& sq. : A larte seneltiou RAI 814.r0d.. Mud esnlegee. pets - V2ikees, StO., w'm whim ' all "14 ' 44li eminence. Aher ;lines e4ll;Onbia lament •A‘ditosi .. bridles. wlfp,„ coven, he re Ro. - • AtirDovoetporeorthtori seeotair ov Aar Anotion sale of Horses oe WEDVESDAT., DAtrtagee and hatileEe vate are: 'Aattlenthir • . . atrAirnERMASVER GENERAL' fOlE was)lloE, Frahm 'Olfr , t. o '- .. WASHINEITJT , CITY. September 2, &IL_ . Inn 4lie sobiro Fablic Archon, to the highest bldder, st the .! tact fter, and laces named:below. Tie.: t I TA; DI ESDAY. !Pvt. 15. UK Anemia; A., trBSDe, Y_Oleo, 22, Mt Lelsas..eb. Fa.. RITRBDAT. Sept. SF, 3+341. TWO 31.IIRDBE OAVkLRI HORSES; AT EA. 'S , PLACE. These' 46riestiaerbeen condankeir as uifft for the cavalry eArrtice of tkWarmy. For reafted farm VW:POses mar,.9" reed barimintimaT be.had. Horses orraairolz• Terms : uniteAllates Car -fin JAMES, A.' Colonel I3rstl/Ivls/014' Citutexennaster General's Office,. B Y BOTEVii& "WILSON, Alrcnorr; Kam. 0 . 271 CE U. VAPITOL linfitiNOrtme_. lfr.tEurnffrein. D C., toot. &Rm. On SVPURDAY,47atober Ist, cimunoncing at 10 A IL, abe following varl*Aid and alma marble Will brieold at public Auction ow 'the ECTOICakI9 north of t`3 UMW' atates Capitol: 100 bloeke Tennea*le Marble. ' );001) cubic feet remogarte ditto. 12 piecearotomactiarble, OW cubic feet VernioNfareen 8. - .lTrattne. 8 columot nano ~ dittl4: zoo cubic fret remnantOatalian.Watina. Oat° COMO MOO Will I:Arida large lot of doorc.eiraS• ter, and bulddlagmaterizfeyarions kinds. Border of the SocretarXdf the lototior. 01,SEIENT 1, WEST, sea Zt General Sutlarintendent: . SLAZZ OF (WIDE gb QVARTER k-) mAiraws STONES BUGGIES. &e., CHIEF QBARTIMIKEZOreg Orprcrt, Dspo, Wesurrotor. Waltrreoro:l;,.Sept. 1. I'W4. ba ealt.i, at public. auottos ' tioveritmdat wan. bong's, sit fisted on the square . - : . hteyeen.-B aud•F, and Itifentretlifes_ci Twenty-first streest4 th e city otWask— !Van!' Loh WEDNESDAY. Septctiabwr 14, lft44. 11 o altiOZ A. le a lot of Quartemtnetter's Stores, son deratitid Sit Tenet fornso, viz.: Axed, Carpenters' Tools, Smelter Midlea,Notie Bust:M . . BM:tab Blankets, Slate Prbems, Portable Fortes.Urlndetitnes, Blacksmiths' Tcolk.,Beynese, Loa terns, SoAaarLe i-eater, Stove Pipe, Rocs: StOyea, sadape, Scales 'Hesse Shoes, and a lase lot of old Irk,. &c., tic; " O Will thiNcild.difneme dav ALS at . . foot of 1712etienth sheen. near Ciiemthealib med. Ohio Canal. 'mu/E./lately after the completion Or the tale above referred ieka. zrambereit Ambulatlckia; /Tangles. Carriegge,Arroy itTagona.Sprtne. Wagons, Maio. and Medical Wagons. Suet esetnk.biddere will be required 'rinefrre that atoree mitbinalvb (Vdays from the date a dale. • Terms: Cecil, in Government feuds . _ . _ . . . D. R RITCF - RR; Drigadiei General and Chief Quartnrrnarre.r. re3-9t Depot of Wds.bringtqn.... _ Flo t ,10 1 ww.cq 88. 10811 DRRW'S ARCB-S lißtr THEATRE: BENEFIT OF NES. JOHN BREW. TO,NIFFIT, (Friday). Sept. 9. IBM, THE LO'FE CHASE Mrs. Seta'Ppm. ..... Mr. Gratdattli. Constance Wildrake., To conclude with GELS . FTCY THE MILL. Francine Mrs. Sohn Mrpar. WALNUT-STREET THE A. T WALNUT-STREET THIS (Fridait) MMHG. September 9th, BENEFIT OF EDWIN BOOTH, on which occasion will be offered an entertainmeat unusual attraction, Mr. BOOTH appearing as SHY MICR - .in Sbakepgera's play of the MERCHANT OF NICE, and as PETRI:FM:fife, in Shakspere's comedy (if KATHARINE AND PETRUCHIO, Alexis a Fisher Baker as Portia and Katharine! ismaybe seemed at Box @face from k till 3 o'clock% .. open at 7H. Performance will commence at (ROVER'S NEW CHESTNUT fiTREET THELTRE. THIS EVENING, The great Romantic, Musical, Pantomimic, Spectasolin- Drama, ALADDIN, OR THE WONDERFUL LAMP. THE, LIVING FOUNTAIN OF COLORED WATERS. All the new and magnificent. SCENERY. elegant Fr,. parties, 'wonderful Effects, superb Coames. startling Transformations, grand Choruses, and tautlftil Mug* Pances, Songs, &c. Famil3 - Matinee, SATURDAY AFTERNOON._ _ Doors open at 2 o'clock; performance 30 cents; children 26. eel-91 ASSEMBLY BUiLDINGS, TElfrlt AND CRESTNTIT Streets. TEMPLE OF WONDERS! SIGNOR SLITS! EVERT EVENING, AGRI • - WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY ASTER/MOM Change of Performance Constantly . . Admiesion, 25 Cents. Children, M Cents. Resem. Seatr, 50 Cents. Evening. Performances commence at 731. Afternoon , at 3. GTMNASIIIM.-THE 1 3 PTr,ADEr, PELLA PHYSICALINSTITEITE, - • CORNER NINTH /LSD ARCH STREETS, is now prepared for the Winter course, and open all day and evening. Bodily exercises are of the greatest importance to La dies Gentlemen, and Skildren. They give grace to Ma carriage, develop thesind, improve health and strength —the only means to prolong life. The Institute has been in successful operation shier -1859, and thousands of pupils have been greatly lama. en by it. Pay us a visit, or send for a circular. se7.4t PROFS. HILLEBR &ND dc LEWIS. THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, is OPEN HAMM, for visitors, from 9 b M. to BP. M. earl BOARDING. WANTED. -A ROOM AND SMALL= Room wanted for two ladies; (=tarnished, it more convenient,) in a small *wally, or where there are few boarders. Address `Mrs. Post Ofloo, Box 80. 'BM stating locality, toms, ace. Its 'ANTED -BOARD FOR-GENTLE MAN and WIFEM a Loyal, Family in. the South ern part of the city. Address "James," Press OEMs ROOMS, WITHOUT BOARDING, O&M be obtained at 1600 CHESTNUT St. solt-Se* B OARD WANTED--BY THE 20TH, for a GENTLEMAItIand WIFE, in a private fami ly, 'where there are no-tither Boarders preferred. Re ference exchanged. Address ' Cloth merchant," at this office. • se7-9t. BOARDING NEAR GERMANTOWN— convenient to Station; fine rooms; nine, steals room. Address "Baker," Press office., • se64w E LIGIBLE ROOMS NOW V.&OABIT at HILL'S. auH4m* 328 5P31708 Str e et LOST AND FOUND. LOST -11. S. 73-10 BONDS, NO. 17,064 foossoo, Nos. 68,861-6-6-7-8 for iiloo each, payabin in February and August, to the order of OSWALD. THOMPSON, guardian of Theodore H. Beskirt, aM unendorsed. Application for payment of the same Ms been made at the Treasury Department. Any informs - Non will be suitably rewarded by THEO H. BEAK - MT. 702 WALNUT Street an. 24-18 * LOST OR DESTROYED - BY FMB —Certificate of Stock No. 226, for 1,000 Shama of the Stock of the New "York and Middle Coal Field Boll road and Coal Company; and hereby. give notice tbyt, have made application for Certificate in lien thereof. A. K. Koala: BE. GRAMME/Mat , Attalla 30, PERSONAL. THE DISCOLORATION OF TRII Skin canned by Sonburn or Salt air are quickly . re moved by the use of JARED'S "mr.&u. DE PARI9„" while it restores the skin to more then itso - smoothnest and beauty. The " Email de Parts ' l rt3 g paint, but is used at night and washed off in the more lug, so that the most scrupulous can conscientiously are it, while it leaves the skin the' extare of polished ivory, like tharof an infant., Officers and soldiers will find Me "Emailde Paris"invaluable for removing the tan caused, by the exposure Incident-to a camPlife EUGENE /MN. 171 TENTH Street, below Cbestnut. LEGAL. N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TSB T CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of BENJAMIN ASHBURNER. deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the first and final account of ALGERNON . E. ASHEIIENER. Administrator of the . Estate of said de ceased, as filed by Presley Blak %ton and Sallie E. Ash burner, en. tutors) of said A. E. Afsbberner, deceased. and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the acconatant,will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his apPointment on TUESDAY attrutoott, NPPtenaterr Mt, at 4 o'clock, at his office, No. Ma. North SIXTH skeet. In the city of Philadelphia. te9-fmwSt. CHARLES - N. WAGNER, Auditor. WEST JERSEY RAIL , ROAD LiNES. On and after TCIESMF. September 6. 1964. wUnesTak from WALNUT sTatly,„lyßeF ; S: as follows: - #slcif - s - kif; Ak 3 P. For Baleen and Bridgeton, at 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. For Glassboro, at 9.A. M. and S and. 4.P. M. • For Woodbury. &c., 9 A. M., 12 211.. 3 and 4 P. M. For Gloucester. &c. at 9A. N.. 12 Ai . 3 4. and 6P. Mat ETITB. S ING TRAINS. LEAVE . . Cape May at 6A. M.. Millyille at 8.07 A. M. - Salem at 6A. M. and-1.15 P. M Bridgeton at 6.15 A- M and 130 P. M. Glassboro at 7.10. 9.17 A. M., and 2.23 P. M. Weodhnry_at 7. 7 90, and 9 97 A. M.. and 2.60 P. K. _TEO, WEST JERSEY EXPRESS CIESIPANYi• ' °lnce No. 5 WALNUT Street.. will call for and de liver 'Baggage, and attend to all the 'usual branches or Bsrpresabtusmess. A special messenger accompanies each train. ae9-If J. VAN RENSSUABB, Superintendent, *-- - . ; la ' - • • 'CAL RX.PRESS COMPANT; Pia RS South FIFTH Street- Dail y_ Express to GRRMARTOWN:CIIIISTIRrY ATLABTIO CITY, and 1.412N11i BRANCH. _RaNgate conyoyed to allstko Railroads at Steamers.. UOCH IB shined by all the Linea. se r E,St. Addriaterf FOlir:SALETEo4.l3A.RGNit =Reidy steamer, " NEW WM/J.IW aa she now Use at AJegandria, Va. ; of 41.bnt 1,700 tons:, Length about S 0 feat, Imam SO feet. wed found fak, boats, anchors, cflains. stanza fire-eAslne, ri.„ and in perfect order:, For partletdara, swag to FRED- SCHMIDT, No. 1 South WEdLLAN Street, New Yank. DE YEE'S. NEO.L.7g. nt,D CRF.SOBN'D gen& G.VERSTEDNO PLANO& Acknowledged to be the boo. London-1'44 Model and Highest Awards in Amer[ce. received. Brff.,) ()AEONS AND SECOND__- HAND RI4NOS. seg..gei Wnieroome, No. 75/i Luca St., Eighth. DECKER BROS., STECK & ccvs capaltATED PXADT.OS. rT F. COULD, SEVILIPHi AND :corattruT. ffippn . cusurAGE. ORGANS. Cot only ..TO.SP. hal Trap 'Ailing* of. Toe asth Wirer: &/#4 llOl foia ati tzn assl Sehoolo. Aolsnoti To 14 441 the l'arloreaS Pratelat Zoo m . or sale only • M. BRUM. • MO.IB North SIMISITH Stmt Abe, s:UT es- essepletasssortmeat of the Pabst Xelthisees sonata head. wow* CORRECT , 11:1M, ',tart Mr. SABOIRT eves notice of kle MAW to Olt ens, atta r ..ressAhless to renta red baslesesbjt Au ket. of September. ordem _t44l, as eaReS SON & CO'S store. 901 clusixr stmt. PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA iirtlesaldidoas BSA q =A by: j. lua u vol&wtealb. le. Slosik CAMPAIGN LANTERNS We would eall the attention of an Union Clubs L. the city to the new CAMPAIGN LANTERN. With a* por. trait of LINCOLN, and suitable mottoes. It M.the eat =Chess Lantern ever Invented tor luditinSto" 6 " - Mow. Price to Clubs SO per dozen. orders 111 wit*. despaloh BILL & RICKARDS= - CialtakAgalittli94-