ramp_ AST —Ou lorldel. Eti inet. , the Rev. Nathaniel p, D. D., late earlier C hapla i n of &atavism Hospital, .. to the NYear of hie age. l i oneral fro est Jerett-etreet Preyterien Chnroh, ter of Mt and, Eighteenth etreete, on fdo adaY. oth, at to Weimar it.., M. 3 clergy o the city and vicinity, the friends of the iy. and the public generally. are respeetfnlly in te attend, With Ont farther notice. members of the Oentrgl Presbytery of Phlla lel requested t 0 meet at the late resldince of t Ile I, let:Filbert street, at 10 o clock, and Preci" , d lurch: ee FFBR.—gtedd only on the let init., at Loretto S. Fredelick Schaffor, in the el.t year of hie , et ROA of liottlieb and Fredericka Sander. . ttce will be given of the funeral. RD.—Killed, dminir an attack by Forrest, ~Phis, Tennessee, Gary, son of Wm, E. and . sea rd. n tied Tt rears. i moving in the 9d Illinois Cavalry. Dne notice h en of the femme!. —On the let Met , Karl, wife of Benjanila ti the 07th year of her age. relative , . and filendo of the faintly are redpeot fully . I to attend the funeral, from the residence of tier id. rfaverford, Delaware county. On Monday ig, golden:leer eth, at 10 o'clock: To proceed to r Church. NB.—On the evening of the Met ult., Charles W., Charlet. and Mary M, Evens, in the MI year of (natives end Mande are invited to attend the M. to nest at the hones of Daniel Lloyd, near flat. Morsisini township, on Sayanth day, the 3d et 1 o'clock, Interment at Fair 0111. SON SON, MOURNING STORE, 918 01211EITNuT Street, herb received— , ink Dela!nee. all wool Mouataidlnael o nler e V i dAlt . " and White Ra e Ti t neit and I Zt l e 3 a 1 11.4::1 itonsaallikes. and Potpie 1' t{ Tamlaea and Bombazines.' " Kari noes and,Oashmeraa, " Rape. BmPrasa ! l t d, AlpaAat, d! EYRE & LA.NDELL , 1 oo'4. . 4 OPEN TO-DAY FOR FALL OF 'SI Woolea Plaid SHAWLS. lieoee colored PARAMATTAS. Woes rich dark DELAINES. 9, PRINTS, FLANNELS, dio., ko. ea 22 FIRST CONOBEGATIONA.I. CHUM.OII. F.RANKVOTID Road and HONTGO venue. Reorient nor andLlitßA.T R. R. I). L. lc borne at ICIX A. U. 7.% P. M. CHIMES OF THE MESSIAH, OCI/ST, EAST OF BRUD.—ServiCe reunnted RROW MORNING at 10.4 o'clock. THIR rimy iszrowit MD PRES. DifTERIAN CHURCH, BROAD Street, below I, will be reopened for divine servioe, on TO. tOW (Sabbath), Sept. 4th. Preachin tor the Rev, Dr WIMP. at Me, A. M and 4 1'. M, TRINITY METHODIST EPISCO. anUltorl, 111011TH Bsraet. above Race. TO•211ORROW, at toy, A. At , by the Pastor, AND. LONOACRE, Communion aerate° at 4.%" CHURCH OF. 11[ATTH[ABI.— Tbt3 Church will be reopened on SUNDAY, 9th Serikee at 10 , 4 A. M. and 736 P. M. CENTEAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH--.Rev, EDWARD HAWRS,of Water le. , who Is eminent among the younger clergy' of 'Aland, will preach at Concert Hall TO-lIOR IMS A. M., and 71S F. 111. The public oofdlially • CITURCII OF THE INTERCESSOR will he open for Divine Service TO-MORROW, I M °. gd el 4.: 6 l ,Bl it ien""l..M. suna a "allaat It • at M. ST. MATTHEW'S (EPISCOPSIL) CREECH, corner EIGHTEENTH and OIR&RD Iv be re.onetted for services on BIIATAY, the incasing service, 'with 0111101t10711, at In% Evening service at 4 o'clock. • It*, CBVIEWH OW TUE 1 00VEN4Nf, Marin' Millet. above Seventeenib,--Div - Ine TO.MORBOW (rinday). at A. at. and 7.4 is Rector will CD, .) preaoh morning at*nd • l CH THOM ON WASHINGTON laro.—The First Presbyterian Chnroh. on TON Square, wtll bo re opened TO-MOR. Ice at 10)( 1 and 4 o' olook, Lt* Are. I. SMITH WILL 'sob in the ELEVENTH BAPTIAT CHURCH. 1 above RACE Street. TO. MORROW KING, st 10,44 o'clock, mid 8 o'clock In the lto ONION M. E. CHIMOIX, FOURTH, Jew Arab. —8 &MUTH, eleptember 4th„tirr. iOMPSOR will punkah In aft morning, at 70!i`d Rev. /INDIUM GATHER In the erecting, It* THIRD REFORMED DEEM Ili I UWE, earlier TENnt and FMB& ELT Stn. SimNVORTMAN. Pastor. Thin ohnroh will Ted TO Mal-MOW. Service at log A. At its T. Pt ATTUZVPS LVTIVERAN HTTRC/1, NEW Sr..',t below Fourth, between Vine.—Servicee by the peetor, Rev. S. W. to•morrif morning at half past 10 o'olook. , ervloe , likewise, be resumed, and WM* 7 1 4 . it* CL hJRCK OT TILE ATONEMEN T. Set rites will be mistimed on SUNDAY;text, • etb, commeaelag In the Meraing at halt peat . Lune. of nrayoldsble delays In the repairs cch, the Beryteee, for the present, will be held tment. . 'ME SECOND CONOBEOATIONAIL itißOff,cornerotßlGllTH and 011,1tElf tinder a care of Rev. George W. Smiley, which bat' 41 during the hot weather. will reopen on . Preaching Morning and Brining. 1N NORTH PEESBYTBRIAN R MICH, 81ICTI1 atm. t, Above Green, will re- MORROW, Rattatobar 4th. Rae. R. W. D.D., late of New York City. Pastor elect. In the morning at 10K o'clock, and In the S o'clock, and on ensuing Sahhaths. it* HE CHURCH OF THE HOLY WITT, RITTENHOUSE Square, will be SUNDAY next., Services at 10% o'clock A. 'clock P. M. The Pariah Library will be iaTUNDAY, at 3 o'clock P. M. eel-2N LINO GARDEN HAM N. W. of SPRING GARD SY and TH f R FERNFEI rneettugs of the CHURCH OF CHRIST, ere, are every LORD'S DAY as follows; for worship in ''The limiting of Bread.'' le Lprd's Death till He come." in prayer od for " teaobing and admonishing one ee Acts fi, 42, xx. 7; I. Cot, xt. 211; Dor. at ;1, P. M. for the Preaching of the Word r, CHARLES CAAIPBELL. freer Beats its • O D IJNITARII&W SOCIETY— WM. L. CHAFFIN, pastor worshlppiner au Hall, EIGHTH and SPRING ontiora ices will be rammed TO-MORROW, and ery Sunday, at IOX a. K. and SP, M, all the maintenance of a Liberal Christian to northern part Of on? oily are invited to MICATION.—THE TWE NT Y. :TB WARD UNION MISSION CHAPBI4 AVERPOBD Street, east or Logan. wilt be .tb rlPOroyrtate ceremonies, on SABBATH rmber 4th, 1584. Preaching at Sts" P. M., Fernley, and 7K P M. by Prot'. Bart:L- W 3110TELERS' CONCitirr OF will 1)0 held on WEDNESDAY, the clock, at the Church, lILEVI3IIIII and ,adles are MI/Dad. 10 • I It I T II A L I S M.—DR. R. T. , will LECTURI k at sqiiicarl-STRBET I DAY. at 10 t y A. .. on 'The Contion There will so be a Lactate at S ff. lota. P. __ iNOWLEDGMENT.—T HE lIN. ard tenders hie dome thank(' to the gel- Twentieth Ward. for their generoelty to HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE DOL. ^ea.urer or the Ward Noway Food ore. I1t•) W. EL HAL. :NEE FREE itarsTrivrE OF E, SEVENTEENTH Street, above CO w. —Preaching' at this Institittion TO nthl at 4 o'clotk, by WEISS. Seats free. Invitation gene- ENT)" llVAltio.—...AzwAkym eery good MISS, why allow yourselves Awake frrm yonr lethargy? 'On are you from the draft, sod OAN BB HAD A subscription NOW will so many . an after the draft, as the price of sub bably he double. Less than one week's eery workingmen liable to draft, if ill free the ward. Subscriptions are from exempts to help yon Let YOUR .nroarage these subscriptions and more ;cruse? Don't watt for the Precinct Com• on you, but make your neyttonts with • tber of the undersigned Pascua's° Com. AN. Treasuretr, 7E9 Market street. TO2l Clinton street I.KE,It 4f41 Quince street. f, w. Corner Fifteenth mud Pine attests WILL. P3B Lombard street. &K t II North Eleventh street. E\DERSON, 2208 Nand sin street. 11111t/LL, 1317 Pine street. se32t* ,e 1" TIMIDITY, LIM Km OF THE CITY SOU STY FUND CION- AltiON, No. 411 PRUNE Street or notice. the U.tincoissinn HUNDREDnue to :Y BOUNTY OF FOUR DOL. rerrititm credited upon the quota of twoMr hia, whether enlisting for one, or i Thing Sabstitutts pill receive • _ 1100 for sae Year *Le* for Two I ears. 4.2!0 for Three Years, as heretofore. R. P. KING, President. Jit , Secretary Irli WARD, ATTENTION I—AL .rit of the Citizens of If INTR . WARD,PAR triItriS INTERBSTAD IN AND LIABLE will be held at the NATIONAL HALL. trot. below Thirteenth. on SAIT.fItDAY pt :al. at 9 o'clock. to devise means for . .kl , B to free the Ward from a DRAFT. otisnflance of all citizens to requested. It .t unportaace that they should aid the G.iiiialttee by their presence and) liberal Dm Ninth Ward Bounty CommMee: DANIEL sTBIRMIITZ, Presidertt Secretaries. ti ' 1. VENTH WARD, A.VOJID TEIX meeting of rtttizans of the 'AM) will be held Taw (Satttricy) " m b e r sn, at 7Y, o'eloek, et the Ball EcoelD end COATES streets. Every the draft should attend. Amy persea be guareuteed exam Hon from the n9Y will be refunded. Tim Committee 1311 every afternoon, front 3 to 5 o'clock. 0130. A, 401.0 LE Chairmen scerstary. 'T 8R SWINDLED.—IVIIR regularly licensed Subattinte Bra , At. any moment to furnish desirable f,o enrolled citizens in any part of the von that the principal shall be ex woe agreed upon. Transactions with licraeed broiler) are illegal. ICE & DEVINE, Licensed Brokers, o. 115 South SEVENTH St., 4d _ door, 15TH WARD nowt rir 'USD. :;zone of the EIGHTH WARD Who &- the requirementa of the draft, are no ie le feet peening' a:vay to which man ^y citizen of the ward is urgently cell icriptions 4mnaw Me neighbors, and tections at once to G. HOMO ARMIN, Treasurer, it corner SIXTH had WALNUT Ste. and is prepining, new 'Alai:tree, adapted to popular audiences, and an acceptable terms, ot the invitation .sseelations' Lyceums, and Institutes , He will also deliver addrestee on Acme for Colleges, other Seminaries of Iblte bodies, poiltleal and dootal. ad :NJAMIN, 75 iVout FORTY FIFTH aut7Xim. 'MVO 1 1 10t10 1 0.-41 PJP I C JUNT AIN COAL COMPANY. PITILADB/TR/A, Allgebt 31, 1851 ,rectors have this day deotered a DM- R CENT. (5 per cent.) apart the' Wl^ taxa% Dayablo on Vie 10th proximo. ins will close on the sth, at d P. AL, September T. H, TROTTER, Treasurer. ES.-1118 SUBSCRIBER -- 'EPPS IP HI LADELPINIAL LLEti It, 037 UHESTNUT 3psrpd for th.lC4Onti rig House mid nine at in atm et Sun includes Book !ranches, Pefunstothlp, Plain and trial Ce.lculsti,o, iSnainoss iteCting Coontorfelt Notes. &o. taught by one of the hest of St udbnta can note,. at any time. the lad year. containing Terme of nearly DVS HfINDfUID ate. lc on applionsism, AUL V' 'MAN OF THE SECOND Lying reeeived the nomination of isiivectiou of the Second Ward. for 1, I take this method of returning to the cittreue, whose repreeenta this distingnished mart of their 1, and pledge myself, should they by electing me to that patting, ice with fidelity and Integrity, SO play be impartially administered or CHARL ES .ribaerv.d. B. POTTAINGER. L MEETING OF TICM behh~rla,eld W offIe A.DEL L EST PHIIiPHI ak DUKSDA.I linees of imPln444o.—• D. E. raw,. Enniden.; NATIONAL TICKET. 1014 P/USIMMIT, LINCOLN: Of tfiLMOTO. rOlll VICE I•BESIDSN`s ANDREW JOHNSONa OV TENAMMIL nmeromAx. iogx r. ENATOBIAL. MORTON HoMICRAEL, Philadabla. T. CONEINGHAM, Beaver Doily. REIPBESE I."abet% P. Mom a -Henry G. Xenia= Goatee. I. 4. Baxter. H. J William H. ealce Hem . Q. ()halal!. Rtsk. T. Robert Parke. B. Witham Tesler. B. John A. Ilieatand._ 10. Richard H. Ooryell. U. Edward Holliday. U. Charles 7. Bead. By order of the Stile Reel PEOPLE'S CAMPAIGN emus. LINCOLN, JOHNSON, AND VICTORY ! Tbo nietubers of the Club wilt moot tur mania. cn, on MONDAY, Sept. lith, at 8 o'clock P. M., AT THE ROOKS OF THE r NATION A I.* * , UN roil CLUB, 1105 CHESTNUT STREET. r~►~t~rc~~~at_~14i:l:a:i(.yo►:i~.~I Y:l~Z~[~l:3'ft+/~:f:i~~~ JEREMIAH NICHOLS, J. M. RILEY. BENJ. H. BROWN, H. A. B. BROWN, w. B. KIMBLE. 0. H. MOOHE, A. LUKENS, - JAB PREEBORN, A BTIMMEL, L. GORDON, H. D.. E. A. MERRICK, W. ELLIOTT, H. C. HOWELL, H. J. REES, F. K. ADAMS, G. R. WITH, C. O'NEILL, G. T. THORN, P. C. ELLMAKBR, C. B CLARK, JOSEPH H. COWELL, W. A. GRAY, G. W. FORD, HENRY T. MANLEY, H. J. HcINTYRE, G. W. BACKER, w. W. SHITH. S. S. KELLEY, OFFICE OF THE BRIGGS OIL P COMPANY, No. 147 South 'FOURTH Street. PFOLADILeni A, Sept. 1, 1864. The Board of Directors have this day declared the third Ilnuthly Dividend of ONE PER CENT. on the capital stock, pftyable on the Bth fwd. The Transfer Hooks will be closed after the 4th Seat., and reopened on the Bth. sea th A. P. SABINE, President. lar BIG TANK OIL COMPANY, '421 WALNUT Street.—Stocitholders will take no tice that this Company have this day declared a divi dend of TWO FEB CONT., payable. not of the earn ings of the Comtiy, on and after MONDAY. Sept. sth, ISM Transfer to will be closed from Sept. let till Sept. 10th. By or er of the Board se2-81. A. D. CALDWELL. Secretary. far ARI EJECT GOF THE 81711- SCRIBERS to the Stock of the Eighth National Bank will be held. on MONDAY EVENING next, .6th inst., at 7 o'clock, at the AMERICAN MECHANICS' HALL, FOURTH and GEORGE Streete, for the election of a Board of Directors tad other br:deem JNO. VOLKMAR, Chairman. GEO. nAMILTON, secretary. ses se Kir CITIZEN S , SUBSTITUTE, RE= PIESBNTATIVI, AND VOLUNTEER AGEN CY. —Citizens living in any part af the State can have Substitutes sworn An for . them in this city into the Regular Army, And have the same credited to the Township and Congressional Inetrict in which they live, provided they will furnish us with a certificate of their enrolment and liabitit.vto draft from the Provost Marshal of their District Per information, address or sail on PA XSON At NoNALLY, 411 CH SSTN UV Street. N. B —Scecial arrangements made with Committees to furnish Townshina with Volunteers. AWN-St tair. OFFICF. OF STORY FARM OIL COMPAIIY.—A Dividend of TWO AND ONE FI ALF (2).1) FETt. Cr.W bay been declared by the Di rectors of the Company for the month ending Anglia Sl 7584, payable at their aloe on and after September lOth, Met., to Stockholders recorded on the book; of the Company at that cats. Ttansfer books will be closed from the 10th to the 113th inst., inclusive. J. A. WILLIASIS, Secretary. set-110 Reptftnberl,l9K Fir DIVIDEND NOTICE. OFFICE OF TARR FARM OIL COMPANY,. 4313‘ WALNUT Street, inmost...7o, 18n. The Board o' DireOora have this day declared a Divi dend of TWO PRA ORNT.-on the Capital Stock of the Co pang . payable 'at the Company's Office on and after September 7, DM, clear of State tax. . The Transfer Book. will close at 2 P. H. on the Bd. and open on tl a Bth of September. att3l-61 J. BBSSSRICK LIST. Treasurer. 850 BOUNTY! MINE DRAFT ! FELLOW CITIZENS OF THE TENTH WARD; AROUSE! If yap would escape the Draft you must be up and doing I No time should be lost! Give no the money and we can get the men I We want yet °See 300 men to Eli our quota! - Year Executive Committee has laid before you a plan of action in their circular, by which yon may avoid the burthens of the draft, but you must act energetically, and at once. Each one must hand in his subscription without delay , and induce his neighbors to do °wire. Other wards and the country districts aregetting the men by their energy and liberality. Ten need not wait to be called on, as there is not time to canvass the ward. bat come forward with the money to the gentlemen appointed to receive it. There Is no other way of escape from this draft, as there will bell° postponement, and no commutation. The following named parties are authorized to receive subscriptions: First Precinct, J. B. Townsend, No. 80 Arch street. _Second Precinct, Sterling Bowl:111, No. 116 North Plinth street. • Third Precinct, Thomas L. Potts, No. 1014 Race street. Fourth Precinct. George T. Barker. N. D,. No. Nil Arch etreet. Fifth Precinct, Wm , M. Whitaker, No . 122 North Thirteenth street. Sixth Precinct, A. H. Francini:Ls. No. 1529 Arch street. • Seventh Precinct, Caleb R. Keeney. N: W: corner Arch and Sixteenth street. Eighth Precinct, L. W. Buillington, N. D., No, 20/3 Arch street. Ninth Precinct, R. A. Lippincott, N. W. soccer Twentieth and Cherry streets. An adjourned meeting of the citizens of the want to receive subscription, and take further measures to avoid the Draft will be held at the First Baptist Church, DAY EVENIN G ROA A u g ust RCH. Streets, ion TIMIS. next. in:A.1934. at elghbo'clock. JOSEPH B. TOWNSEND, President. DAVID WEATHERLY. Secretary. A. H. FRANCIBCUS, Treasurer, No. 1.5219 ARCH Street, or No. 513 MARKET Street. anZiebt OrTHEIBNDEMISIGNZah. A 00.11 TEE appointed by the Bounty Band Convention of the several wards,for the parpeee of recruiting for the benefit of deficient wards, in antisipation or the coming. draft, impressed with the Importance of the subject, desire their fellow - citizens to unite with them in an effort to fill the city's quota by obtainiatrvolun tear recruits. To do this Wore the 6th of September will recpzire the toast earnest and vigorous exertions. aed the Committee appeal to the patriotic and public spirited to aid them by their Influence and by contribu lions of the necessary means to offer inducements equal to those offered ty other communities. The Committee have appointed a sufficient number of recruiting lieu tenants in various quarters of the city, and all recruits obtained will be distributed prO rata among the wards, and, of course, will benefit most largely those that are most deficient. By united and continued effort the Committee hope If not to avoid the d. aft altogether, at least to reduce it to Insignificant proportions. The whole number required to free the city from the draft was, on the first of August, about 9,000. From this number Is to be deducted those who have been recruited 'thee that date, and such credits as the city may be en titled to from persona enlisting in the navy from the city and who have not been credited to us; also, from per sons enlisting to the navy from the State at large and not credited to any particular district, of which the city will have her proportion. 'Worth are being made to ascertain these credite. • The Committee also expect to obtain recruits fr. m veterans re-enlisting, from the Southern States now occupied by our forces, and from other quarters. They do not deem It impossible, there. fere, bv proper exertion.. to fill the city's quota. Money is necessary. and can only be obtained by the voluntary subscriptions of citizens. Such subscription may be sent to the addresses of any members of the Committfe, as below given, or to the headquarters of the Committee. 1f0.142 Smith 'FOURTH Street. JAMES ' L. CLAOHORN, 207 CHURCH Alley. JAMES it. ORR& 628 CHESTNUT Street. A. H. FRANCISCUS, 813 MARKET Street. JOSHUA. SPIRINO,I42 South FOURTH Street. Dr. WM . M. 111111914,,' Fans of Schuylkill. , JOHN W. FilaziEs.., 949 South SIXTH Street. art 25141 por- DON'T BE SWINDLED,—THE llN derisigned, regularly lloeneed sabstitutebrokers, arerepared at any_moment tertarnish destra t h e pre sentatives for enrolled citizenrin any put of State. Security given that the prlnelpal shall be exempted for the time agreed upon: Transactions with any other than Itoer sad brokers are 111 e al. VANDEBBLICE & DEVINE, Licensed Brokers, - annl.gt* No. 115 South SEVBNTII St. ,Pd floor. WEIGIETIE•WABB BOUNTY FUND.— The Eighth Ward is still behind Ste quote more than fifty men. To raise this number every citizen of the Ward must lend his beet ,Corte. Recruits can be sot to credit themselves to the Ward only by the par ental exertions of each individual Interested in andel. Dating_ the requirement, of the draft. Subscriptions should be made at once for this purpose,' and sent with out delay to .1. 0. ROSENGARTEN, Treasurer. nur-In B. Z. Corner SIXTH and WALNUT Streets. DIMIDE 61110 NOTICE.-OFFICE OF THE SCHOYLKILL AND OIL CREEK OIL 002dP1317, Ho. 521 WALNUT Street. Angtlat 29, Mit The Board of Director% havetbie day declared a second monthly dividend of 02115 FEB CEIIP. (10 cents per share) on the Capital Stock , payable at their °thee. on and after TUESDAY, September fitb, free of State tar. Transfer Booke.will be closed on Wednesday, August 3150, at 8 P. kl. , for Eve days. an9C..6t") L. J. DENIOTII, Secretary. WCOUPONS due September let, UK on the eight per cent. mortgage bonds of The Contine presentati o n., will he paid on and after that day uponof the same at the Commercial Bank, in the aite , of Phila• delphia. .1. SERGEANT PRICE, unseated - Treasurer. 1261"' NOTICE.-THE PENNSYLVANIA IRSURARCE COMPAR A Y. UGUST 26, 186 E 'The Annual MeetlAar of the Stockholders of the PEIINSYLVASIA. /LSE INSCRHICE COMP/ail' wlll be held at their alas. ow MONDAY, the filth day of September nett, at 10 o'clock A. , when an election wal be held for nine Directors to eerie for the encoluz Year. WM. O. CROWELL, anE-tees Eiscretarf. COLUNIBIA. HOUSE, CAPE MAY., WILL BE CLOSED FOE THE SEASON On MONDAY, Sept. I, 1864. F. 17 RIT I T R - BUY OHEAPEST AND BEST AT ITNION FURNITURE DEPOTS, NORTHEAST CORNER NINTH AND MARICEZ AlfD NORTHEAST CORNER SECOND AND RAGE. GOULD. 411, cri "S tA.LL " . 9 all who • ebonite it with me and e=getaite stria DIVAILTES TAGIT i Ik Those who dearcaracild so to SECO s matt. neve Green. •11 pORT w THE ' tea 'li to tit • eX4.CII e e fort sits. Smut stmliw a e lse Plioiagr r aplas. oil eiilered; - a - B.l'. 'aßlaß.'4 el itrh o%* AZ= Moot. lr ATIVE. L 7 Ellae W. Bale. 14. °badge H. Shriner: W John Winter, David NoConaniihni 17. David W. Woods. 11. head Benson. t). John Patton. Samuel B. Mai 21. Everard Bterer. E. John P. Penney. _ 23. Ebenezer NeJnaldit' Si. John W. Blanehari. tral Cfoninitthat. OLVEROL Oludrmax. F. O. WOLBSEZ, S. LLOYD. S. WSLSEL THE PRESS.-PIILADELPHIA; SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 3, 1g621: MILITARY. 199th REGIMENT PENNA. VOLS. sb'2s PREMIUM TO ANY PERSON BRINOINO 1 RaCRUIT FOR THIS EF.GINENT HEADQUARTERS, 011 I LAST CHANCEL AVOID TIl E DRAF T S 5 130UNtY. MEN MUSTERED AND PAID IMMEDIATELY. 199th 11MG.T.AEONT FA. vorAs., COL. A. A. LECIELEIL Headquarters. 611 Chestnut street. set-t[ I $5O WARD BOIT' IN ADDITION TO CITY AND GOVERNMENT f DOVNTIES, Will ba paid to every recruit ertlistidin United States Army.Mavy, or Marine Corps, to the credit or the FIFTEENTH WARD. Apply to ISAAC PC KRUPP' , , At Provost Marshal's Office, BROAD and DPIZINO GARDEN Streets. • . 'VD Premium paid to any person bringing a recruit as above. IL P. M. BIRKINI3INE, an 24-104 - Chairman EneentiVe Committee. I. BE. DQUARTERS FOR DRAFTED Men, Substitutes, and Volunteers. _ Drafted or enrolled men will be furnished with substitutes at short notice _ Volunteers and substitutes will be paid the..highest, bounties in cash as soon as mustered All parties will be honorably dealt with at this aloe. W. 1), HAVENS, 115 South SEVENTH St., second floor, Boom No. 10. Agents will be liberally paid. ac3l-6i5 LEGAL. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY UPON the estate of MARIA SHEPHERD. deceased have been granted by the Register of Wills tor city of dolobio. to ISRAEL N. JOHNSON. An persons in debted to her estate will make payment to'blm, and those }laying claims Drente t them immediately to ISRAEL U- JOHNSON, ETeottor. me4s6t* Nn. 119 MARXIST Street. 21-ktol7. Mt ORPF A NB' COURT FOR THE Ili CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. litide of J OHN WHITE, Deceased. The Auditor aypointed b• the•Coart to audit; settle, and adjust the account of WM. ROBINSON, Jr., admi nistrator of the estate of John WHITS, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the acccentant, will meet the parties Interested, for the Purposes et his appointment, on TRIMSDAY, Sept. 15. IF64_ , at 4 o'clock P. M. , at his of ca. 8 corner of SIXTH and WALNUT Streets, In the city of Philadel phia [ieStittithat] D. W. O'BRIIEN, auditor, TN ?HID ORPHANS' COURT FOR - 11 - THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILEIDELPRIA. Estate of MARY R. WRITE. deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle andndjnet the account et WILLIAM ROBINSON. Jr., Administrator of the Estate of MARY R. WERTE, de. crated, and to report diatribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the paellas into raked for the purposes of his appointment, t THURS DAY, September 18th 1884. at 4 o'clockM_, at his once, S. N. corner SIXTH and WALNUT' P. Streets, in the city of Philadelphia. sell•auith6t 1) W. O'BDISN, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE J. Cab AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN HOWARD WURTZ, deceased... The Auditor appointed by the Court to auditoiettle, and adjobt the account of WM. ROBINSON. JR„ Ad ministrator of the Estate of JOHN HOWARD WIMP& deceated„ and to report distribution of the bakume in the bands of the Accountant, will meet tke parties in terested. for the purposes of his appointment, on THURSDAY, September lath, 1864. at 4 o'clock P. NI at his office, h. B. corner of SIXTH and WALNUT etre( te, in the c:ty of Philadelphia. sa-strithat RD. W. O'BRIEN, Auditor.. UNITED STATER BASTBRIT DIS TRICT OF PENNbiLtkni. -OCT. PRBSIDENT OF TEE N fitIIDA TATES, MARSHAL OF THE }UMBRA DtwrarcT OFPENN- tiIEhTANIA. —0 asstrso: HERBAS, The District Court of the United States and for the 'Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, Bled in the name of the United States of America, bath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to bave,any right, or interest in fifty-two bales of cotton, care° of vessel. unknown, captured by the United Stated steamer H. It Crater a vessel of war of the United States, and brought inte this pert per the said steamer R. tt. Copier, to be monis): ed, cited, and galled to judgment, at the time and plaoeunderwritten , and to the effect hereafter expressed , (Justice so requiring.) Yon are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these present. in at least two of the daily newspapers printed - and published in th( city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal Intelligences you do menfolk and cite, or cause to be menlekedlind eltecl pe remptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said flfty-two baleeof cotton to appear before the Honorable J.0H.11 cADWALADEX, the Judge of the said Court. at the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publication of these present*, if it be a court day. or else on the next court day followlag, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then end. there to show. or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said fifty-two bales of cotton should not be pronounced to belong. at the time of the cap* tare of the same, to the enemies of the United State% and, as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subj.:et to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prime: and further to do and ee ceiye is this behalf aa to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, gent rally (to whom by the tenor of taws presents it is also Intimated), that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned. or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court-doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said cepAnre, midway pronounce that the said fifty-two bales et cotton did! be onx, at the time of the capture of the saw, to the enemies of the United States of America, and ac-goods of their enemies. or otherwise, liable and anbject,to confteeallon and condemnation, to be adjudged and- condemned as lawful prire. : the °bemire or rather contumacy of the per sona so cited and intimated in anywise notwltitidand . hig, and that you duly_ certify to the-said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together wilfit thew • presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN•CAD WALADSSi, Judge of the ea'd Court, at Philadelphia,.tnie second day of enwelehißES, A. D. Ilal, and in the eighty-ninth year of the Independence of the said United States. seB-3t G. B. PDX. Clerk District Court. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR LIMIRKR. PRILLTIRLPRIA, September 2. 1881- SEALED PEoPosAris will be received at the Office of the undersigned, *lO3 OIRABD.Street, until TUBS DAY, th inetant, noon, for the iminediale delivery at SATTBALBB U F.' A MINERAL HOSPITAL, West Philadelphia _of thafollowlop LIMBER, viz: on feet third common WhitaPine Boards, 1 inch. &OW feet White Pipe Flooring Boards. Tie above- named Lumber to be of goo d quality; to be approved, after delivery,.by an inspector appointed for that purpose, before payment will be made. No proporals will be received except in blank forms. furnished at tlita office, whtoa must be guaranteed by one or more persons known at this office to be re eponffible. The United States reserves the right to reject all bids deemed too high, as also any from defaulting con tractors By order of olonel A. J. Perry, Quartermaster's Department. ' ALBBRT S ASHMEAD etffi-fit Captain and A. Q. N. 11. S. INTERNAL REVENUE. _ NOTICE-V. S. INTERNAL REVE, J.- NIJE.—To the residents of the Twenty-second. Twenty third, and Twenty-drib wards, Philadelphia. Fifth Collection District, Penna.: The annual assessment for the above named dlatriat, of all persona liable to tax on Incomes. Carriages P/easure and al Balard Tables, and Gold and alive; Plate, and also of a persona required to take oat Ll cows. havingbeen completed. notice ir herebygiven, that the taxes aforesaid for the Twenty-second and Twenty filth wards tall be received at the IL ogles, LANOSTOTH'S EIIIILDING, os am aravrtf. and those of Streetwety third ward at the office. FRANK FORT) FBA tiNFORD. on and after MONDAY, August let, between the hours of 9 A and SP. M. PENALTIES. All persons who fail to pay their annual taxes. as above, on or before the 10th day of September, l6Bl, 'will incur a penalty of ten per cent. additiona( the amount thereof and cost, as provided for in the 19th section of the Excise Law of July L 1882. All persona who, in like manner, shall fall to take out their licenses, as required by law, on or before the 10th day of September, w9l incur a penalty of ten per cent. additional on the amount thereof, forfeit three times the amount of saidlicenses, and be alibied to a term of. "Imprtsonment not exceeding two years. in accordance with tbe provisions df the 19th and 09th sections of the,- Exclee Law aforetaid, and the 94th section Jaf...tice amendments thereto. tone of the UnitOd states only" received. No further notice will be given. J W. COWELL, Collector. PHILADELPHIA, Jody 97, 1984. • eel-tselo UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVE- Iit% —First Collection Districted Pennsylvania, comprieing the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Nieventh Wards pf the City of Philadelphia. NOTIO The annual aseessment for 1854' for the aboye named district, of persons liable to a tax on Carriages, Plea sure Yachts, Billiard Tablet , and Gold and SilverPlatef and also of persons required to take out Licenees; hay ing been compld. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the taxes aforesaid will be received daily by the undersigned, between the hours of 9A. H. and F.M. Sundays excepted, at his Office, No. 304 CHESTNUT Street, second door, on and alter THURSDAY. Sept. let, and until and including Saturday, Sept. 24th, next ensuing. • PENALTIES. All persons who fail to pay their annual taxes upon carriages, billiard tables, pleasure yachts, and gold ant sliver plate, on or before the 24th day of September, DM, will incur a penalty of ten per centum additional of the amount thereof, and be liable io costs, as pro . Tided for in the 19th. section of the Excise Laws of let of Juy, 1033. AU persons who in like manner shall fail to take out their Monet% es reqrdred by law, on or before the 24th day of September, 1861, will incur a penalty of ten per centum additional of the amount thereo amountbe sub. • Jed to a prosecupion for three times the of said tax. in accordance with the provision of the 69th sec tton of the law aforesaid. • All payments are required to be made in treasury notes, under authority of the United Skates. or in notes of banks organized under the act to provide a National Currency, known as National Banks. No further notice will be given. JRSPHR HARDING, OolleCtor, eel-te2,l No. 301- CHESTNUT Street. ij B. INTERNAL REVENUE. • INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. • First, Second. Third, and Fourth Districts of Penn sylvania, No. 1.220$ CHESTNUT! Street. PHILADELPHIA.. G. GUMPEHT. S . WO VISM.A.Iq Sr, $O. SIT 3004DWAT. NEW •TORN.. wrownis ,or aimbre , LADIES' GLOVES. GERMAN AND: REGIME HOMY, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. O‘ 4 PE6' & IISMrNGEI. - to wlddi tb *y • vas wziourioa g', .., wAr ammagxk BROWN i SILK & DRY GOODS JOBBERS. FALL, s ' r°cw ' FALL, ISO 4- NOW IN STORE. (1804. EDMUND , YARD ft CO., 140.617 Chestnut and 614 Jnyne Streets, IMPORTERS AIM JOBBERS or SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, SHAWLS, LINENS. AND WRITE GOODS. A LARGE AND HANDSOME STOCK OF DRESS GOODS. FULL LINE OF FOREIGN AND DOMBITIIO , 14D1ZA.L.5, INCLUDING BRUNER'S AND OTHER MAKES. in2o-3m • RETAIL DRY GOODS. CURWEN. ST.ODDART & BROTHER Invite attention to their LARGE AND VARIED STOOK Or GOODS FALL AND WINTER , SALES, All of which were purchased last season, and will be sold considerably lees than new goods can be imported for., The stock corapriees— POPLINS, PRENCFI MERINOES. VALENCIAS. REPS. MOUSSELINE DE LAME, BROOKE. LONG, and SQUARE SHAWLS. BLANKET SHAWLS, CLOAKS. BLACK and COLORED DRESS SILKS. CLOAKING CLOTHS, &o. • BLANKETS, COUNTERPANES. DAMASK TOWELLINOS and TABLE CLOTEIS. Foramers who are disposeCto anticipate their wants will ilnd it to their advantage to examine our stock. OURWEN STODBART & BROTHER, Nos. 450 452 and 454 N. SECOND St., alloys Wiripvt. IarATER•PROOF CLOMIS, IN GOOD IF STYLES, at less than regular prices. - OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos: 450, 45* and. 454 - t SECOND St., above ".inew. • PRINTED CASHMERE 'SHAWLS, From la's' season, at $2.00. Closing . out several lots at V, SS.da. and V. 01:1RWraN STODDART & BROTIEIER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St., se2-3t above Willow II STEEL & SON HAVE NOW • open a large and choice asisorlment of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS. Plain Merinoes, $1.55 to $6, Plain Poplins. . Plaid Merinoes and Poplins, Plain and Plaid Silk Poplins, Plain and Figured Mohair Poplins, and a great variety of new and choice Dress Goods, all at pricer; Car below • THE PRESENT COST OF IMPORTATION. SILKS — Of all kinds, a great variety, from 75 cents to litaper yard. below THE IMPORTER'S PRICES. SHAWLS-A' large assortment, at a small advance over last season's prices. sea. if• Noe. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. BLACK BROADCLOTHS. Black Beavers and Tricots. Cloak Lugs anti Overeoatings. • Water proofs by: the Toad or piece. Fine Black Cassimeres. Fancy Cassimeres. large stock. Boys Cassimeres of standard styles. WIDE SIIEETINGS. Bleached and Brown Skirtings. Blankets, good Flannels. - Pickings, Linens, etc. Tailors Linings of every kind. Goods hi' the piece at wholesale rates. COOPER Sr CONFIRM S. E. corner METH and MARKET, 702 JOHN H. STOKES, 702 ABC TBSST. Striped Shirting Flewle', Plaid Shin le gyitteeel, Elam ting Memel. Damask Table Linen, Loom Table Linen,. C-4 to 8-4 Brown Linen Table Cloths, Bream Bine, and White Mosquito Netting. American Crash, Russia Crash. Bath Towels. Bathing Flannels. French. Penal, and Chambray Gingham. JOHN H. SPORTS, 702 Alloll. Street, LARGE STOCK OF BILKS ON RABB, for sale below the present cost of impor anon. - Bich Moire Antiques. Colored and Black Corded Silks. Colored and - Black Paull de Soles. armures and Oros Gminee. Superior Onality Plain Silks. Colored and -Black Ottoman Sae. Colored and Blank Figured Silks. Heavy Black Taffetas. Superior Black Silks. • Black Silks of an kinds EDWIN BALL & CO., 28 South SECOND Street. The attention of LADIES ABOUT ;EAT ING THE CITY for the ' Sea Shore, " Wa tering Plaeis," 'or "the Country," is firtrEn i t Y extensive. 4 ll l3o l M, to sn e bl i llf f int! m A u A : un it:naive assortment is offered in Lace and Worked Edgings and Insertings, Veils, Handkerchiefs, Cellars, Sleeves, and in plain , and-fanoy Plaid, Striped, and Itignrini White • Goods, A T PRICES MUCH BELOW THELE WPl :oo EAS : g rin f: te rß a aw itn ßia i l a : Dresses.scvan::::s MORNING w l a : P p P ie E c ß es t4 P:l, Tacked, and Striped E. M. NEEDLES. ukt mg: s*.ird4lid 4:11@ 33 ki CLOTHING. EDW4BD P. KELLY, ,TOE' KELLY,i TAILORS, 512 CHESTIRIT BTREBT. ►ill. from this tits. noil BrEaw• e MID BURMA OLOTERS low Priam'. On head a, large stock of ran and Winter Goode. bought before the ries, which they will sell at mode .sate prices, Tarme net cash. iya) PERSONAL. THIC DIECOLOBATIONS OF THN -a. Skin canoed by Sunburn of Sall air are quickly re moved by the nee of JARDDIi " BilitiL DE PARIS," while it restores the skin to more than its original smoothness and beauty. The "Entail de Paris "is not a pant, bnt is used at night and washed off in the morn ing, so that the most scrupulous can conscientiouely use it,whlle it leaves the skin the texture of pollahed. Ivory. lilts that;of an infant. Officers and soldiers will find the lilts Paris"invainable for removing the tan caused.' by the exposure incident to a clump life EUGENE JOITf 111 TENTH.Eireet, below Chestnut. /010111SON.A.L.--SEWELRY SENT BY mail free of postage to 24 , •,:y part of the United Staten, on receipt of the following prices: Single stone imitallon Diamond Iling,itl; Closter-Imitation Diamond Ring, Oa; Heavy Plated Vest Chains, $1 ; Heavy Plain Rums, stand the strongest =WO 00 cents ; magniltseni Plain Ring, $1 ; small sound black enamelled Bar Drops, 50 cents; heavy plated black enamelled Sleeve Buttons, 26 centei, Gents' single stone or cluster imita . Bon Diamond Mini_ Bracelets. $1 ; UM:AMMO/3 chased Medallions. US; complete UM Carbuncle etude and Buttons, with pete sett i ng , k enamelled Studs end Buttons. pearl sl ; law Watch Re e, se cents t pen and Pencil. with extension case, Si; Ladles' Long Guald and Chatelaine Chains,. $1; Chats. hone Pins, $l. genuine Butts Percha Pius, for hair or likeness, $1 ; §eld. Rings. 31 ; Red or Black Ball Ear Drops, 60 cents. %rent to . Emu( & MANN, an.9l-00 916 'BACK Street, Philade. C 1 POINT, VA., AUGUST 1,1862. • OFFICE DIYOT OF REPAIRS, ARMIES OPERATING AGAINST RICHMOND. WATEr),, 300 Teanistersi, Wheelwirights, 50 131acItamIthe, and 20 Carriage mmwmLersJ Who will receive the Memel ratan of Go'ceramic pay, rations, and medical attendance. Transportation furnished by apiklyinn at So. XXITEDfDBYLYAI iA Oman, Washington. D.O, E. J. STRANG, GapUda. L IL JAMES IL KELLY, TEAMSTERS WANTED. CHIEN QUARTS'S:MASTER'S OFFICE, DSPoT Or W.I.I3BI2toTOSJ Wasnrsrevorr, D. 0.. Anoint 113, 18 1 . WANTSD,at once, Five Hundred (IND) to One Thou. mad (1, OM TBAIiD3TIRS. each capable of driving with sin .gle line and managing six-mule teams. To such who are competent to perform the duty, the Pay per month will be thirty-ftve (46) dollars. with one ration per d ay, and hospital privileges, including the beet medical attendance when sick. Dien experienced as Wagon Masters will receive snob positions upon bringing to this point twenty-five (25) good Teamsters. Apply to Captain CHARLES IL TOPIFILItte, % W., U. A. 'Corner of 'MINTY. SZOOAD and 0 Streets. Wash ington, D. C. D H. RITCHNR, Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster. au2o-tsen Depot - of Washington. HARDY FLOWERING BULBS TOR FALL OF 1864. OLLUSTRATED ANNUAL CATALOGUEof Hardy Dutch and otber Flowering Blida.. and GUIDE' TO THE FLOWER GARDEN, 'ls now ready to send out. It consists of fall and plain descriptione of the hest- Drops. CrownTWIN, Crocuses, SUOW Crown Imperials, Anemones; Lutes;' Etc. ~43 With ample directions for -planting and culture. My Catalogue this season is beautifully illustrated - . - con Mining among other ilinstrations two full page a ggro ,- vinge, and one 'beautiful colored plate of the , JAPAN ILLY, It ia sent free of, p: stage to all who apply. enclosing Astuants.- Catalogues always ant toMy'customers of the PreViOUS year free, ae neon as issued, Althea; be. ingordersd. • importations from Holland the present year have never peen squalled for extent, variety and excellence. Address • , , • JAMES Vfog - . se3-ltd &Mr - - ROCHESTER. N. y. DBAY itIADD - MENTS• to waist tbio beating at 'P. MADEIRA.* 115 Booth. TENTH Street. below Obetboat. set-St TRUSS HOOPS. -- COOPERS BUT - PLIED at theatortaat•notioe at No. 4-11PENE GREAT GENT)IAL CLOTH/Kt ROUSE, MESSRS. TI6KN'OR & FIELDS DRAMATIS PERSON/B. By ROBERT BROWNIN(4. vol, lfmo. $1.60. Uniform with Browning's Poems. This volume of new Poems by Mr. Browning bas been received with the most favorable verdict by the English prees•end public. The following opinions of two of the leadiig ethical jontnals are examples of high. praise givewthe volume : " There are no more original Ivories of the imagina tion in the English language than Mr. Browning has been viug us • .` Mr. Browning s volume shows no decline of novier. It contains some of the oust original Pettus be has written." "Mr. Browning's loner Poem displays in a striking form the peculiar chanteterislite of his genius. TEN CLIFF CLIMBERS ; OR, THE LONE HOME IN • THE HIMALAYAS. By. Captain MAYNE REID. With Illustrations. 1 vol. 16zno. This new book by that prince of writer's for .boys, Mayne Held, will alt act special attention from the fact that it forms the long-expected Sequel to the " Plant Routers." It is published. uniformly with "The De sert Home," The Forest Exiles," and the other books by the same author, " AV. iither of thi obo;e books for sale at fat book glows, or sent post paid by the publishers. , It 135 WASHINGTON ST - BEST, BOSTON MERRIVALE'S HISTORY OF THE is a work which every historical student chould • have. and which every person who de sires to informed should read.' •lt le the best work yet written on the mostinteresting epochs of man history. Printed and published-la style quite eqUal to the best English works, and at one-halt the cost. Akency.lor IdEliftgVALE'S ELISTOWY, 33 - Sonth., SIXTH St set. Oboe of American Cyclopedia, 503-It :•&.111 - EITICAIT ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA . FOR 1803. This Vett:table regiskr of important events embraces infthmatioreon Civil, and Social Afrairs.Public Documents/Blography, Statistics, Commerce; Finance, Literature, Science, Agriculture, U.; kc., invaluable as a work op reference. It should be In - the library of every . intelligent reading man. For sale in Tartane styles, maicLing the NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA, NAMES K. SIMON; 33 Sonth SIXTH Street, is agent forthe above important books. se34st MAJOfI. . ENERAL DIK. , . G TlitiErsoches and Addresree of JOHN A. DIX;' in 2 vole, BVo., minted on the Riverside Press. /low' ready alad for, sale at the Agency, 33 South SIXTH Street. Oittee of the AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. ee3-3t 33 South SIXTH, above CHESTNUT. • LORD BACON'S WORKS.- 'FRB -AA fine Riverside Edition of the Complete Works of Francis Baton, now completed in 16 vole , 12mo. Or ders received at the BOOR AGIENCY, 33 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut, se3-24 Office APPIOtOII Cyclopcedia.. WASHINGTON IRVING'S WORKS. LARGE PAPER EDITION, complete in ?f,,vo• lumen, including harLife and Letters. But a row copies remain of this magnificent edition of his Works—bound i n half Torrey mo.—gilt tope—a gem for an Library. For sale at. 'AGENCY.. • Moe of Irvines Works, and , ,• New American Cyclopcedia, se3 3t 33 S. SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. LAWSOF THE LAST SESSION The Government Edition of the STATUTES AT LARGE AND TREATIES OF THE UNITED STATES, passed at the First Session of the Thirty-eighth Congress, 1863 64, Containing the. Public Laws, Resolutions, Proclama tions, Private Acts, and Treatises, with Marginal. Re ferences and'Copioas Index, and embracing the-Tariff; Tax Laws and`all Acterelating to the War, &c, EDITED BY OEORG-E P. SANOER, Counsellor-at-Law, Royal 8v0..632 Pages. an6i-tuthe3t TTU RUSH•CULMINATIN(I 1146 g. FOR _ And JErac.:a by - vva - y of lliedunizondo Enormous adNance orders.—Thousande of coPles swept off on publication day.—The fact that this won derfully interesting new book, by the author of "Among the Pines," contains. among other remark able sketches, a (tiler and more particular description of the author's latsitrip to Richmond than he prepared for the Atlantic , irrnatlity, has produced a greater de mand for the book than the publisher can possibly sup. ply at present. Only advanced orders have been filled. Eubsequent orders executed as soon as printers and binders camtura outthe books:l2mo. , clothbound. tinted paper, SE,So. ALSO,r3BADY THIS MORNING, rAilirit. : lgultderstrinteili - Anttense wedi'maalonate isaore-story. in the " Jane Eyre" etyle. Uwe,: cloth, tinted paper, A new and promising author is developed in this charming "wora of fiction. - 121n0., sloth, tinted pa per, al *These boeke Rill be sold everrwhere, and will' be snit by frail Ban. on receipt ir!, 4tyIRLFTOI, Publisher, New York: attsi wa tf NEW BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS 11 Just received by ASIIMEAD & EVANS, Successors to W. P. Hazard No. 724. CKESTNOT Street. NOTDRAD. YET. A Novel. • By. S. C. Jeaffreson. SPECTEOPIA ; or, Surprising Spectral Illusions, showine Ghosts. everywhere. Sixteen Illnstratione. PIQUE. A Novel. Ninth edition,./net received. HE , EARLY DAWN. By the author of the Schen burg-Cott* Family." and said to be equally as well written. ENOCE.,,ARDEN. Tennyson's new Poem. DOWN MY TENNESSEE. By Edmund Kirke. QUEST. Another new novel. JOHN .NDILDERSTRING'S SIN. By O. French Richards; RITA, An AutOblography, A BIICROFT'S L O W-W ATER D MOORS.. Ashcroft's Steam Gauge's.. Justice & Mercurial Steam and Blast 'Gauges. ClarY's Damper Regulator. Water Gauges, Scotch Tubes, he. , - AIMS. S. BATTLES, Agent. 24 North. SIXTH Street. Phila.: NEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS ! • DOWN' IN TENNESSEE, and Back by way of Richmond. By Edmund Kirke. JOHN GILLDERSTRING'S SIN. A Novel by C. French Richards. 4UEST. a Charming New Novel. DRIFTED SNOW FLAKES; or Poetical Gatherings from many authors. BNOCH ARDEN. .16 Poem by Alfred Tennyson, D. C. L. RAVI MALL. A Domestic Tale of the Present Time. By Fanny Fern. TEE EARLY DAWN; or Sketches of Christian Life fa England• the olden time. By the author of the Schonberg-Cotta Family. For Hale by WILLIAM S. ALFRED WARMER. an46-If 808 CHESTNUT Street, THE 'MOVEMENT CURE. -a- A NEW EDITION. • THE THEORX AND PRACTICE OP THE MOVE MENT CURE; on the Treatment of Paralysis, Indiges tion. Constipation, Consumption, Curvature, and other -Deformities, Derangements of the Nervous System, Am, dm, by the Swedish . System ' of ',dealt:ea Move ments. By Charles Fayette Taylor, - X. D. With Il lustrations. BEW REVISED EDITION. PUBLISW THIS DAY BY LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publiebere and Booksellers, No. StS South SIXTH Street. A . PFLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. • Tiro Agency for thin invariable Library of tbilyerul lzforniation is at a 3 South SIXTH Street, second story. Also, RECORD OF IRE REBELLION. By Frank Moore. sal3-taths3m • WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, WILMINGTON, Delaware.-The next Seadon Will begin on TIIITENDAY September Bth. • seB-7t* JOHN WILSON, Preghlent. lkir 17 SIC A.liir.• 0:. PIBHER, - SO3 ,N. T.WENTIVH Street,. will resume the duties of his proteeetomplpitlONlMY , September s‘ll. 8e3.31.1. MRS. BADOER HAS REMOVED TO N 0.1633 SPRUCE' Street, where she will resume the duties of her Institute September 19. A large room has been fitted up for healthful exercise during recess. Circulars obtained at her residence MIES BYRNES NUL REOPEN HER FRENCH 'and :ENOLISIEI DeT SCHOOL for Young Children, at 1800 CHESTNUT Street, on HON. DAY, September 12th. Private French and Hugo Lessons given. BUSINESS. EDUCATION.-YOUNG Men prwtred for the Counting House and 'business life at CRITTF,NDEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. 637 CHRSTNUT , Street, corner of Seventh. Practical Instructions in. Bookkeeping, in all Its branches; Penmanship, plain and ornamental; Mercan tile Calculations, &c. Telegraphing by Sound and on Paper taught by one of the beet practical Opel atom. Students instructed separately, and received at any time. Diplomas with the Seal of the Institution at tached, awarded on graduating. Catalogues, cantata ing particulars, furnished gratis on application. seB-61.. Quartermaster's Amt. • s ATIONS. PUBLISH THIS DAY : Prom Me ,S'amelalor. Avnz the Salterclay. Review TICKNOR. !SI, VIPIAD,S, CONGRESS. GOVERNMENT EDITION. LITTLE, BROWN, &, C 0.,. LAW AND FOREIGN BOOKSELLERS, .1.i2 WASHINGTON STRUT, BOSTON. TOM DAY PUBLISH. Price .2 so BANUND KIRKI'S NEW BOOK, DOWN IN TENNESSEE, QUEST. EDUCATIONAL. c.CBOOL FOR BOYS, 1625 LOCUST STREET.-ROBERT H. LABBERTON and REGI NALD R. CHASE have Mociated themeelvee for the purpose of conducting a School, in which Hoye will be prepared either for college or business. The Autumn Session of the School will commence 04 MONDAY, September 12, 1261. Until that date the Principals can be seen at their Mhool•nonso daily, be tween the hours of 10 and 12 A. M. se3-10t • NORTH 13ROAD• STREET ACADEMY -A- FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN, No. 909 North BROAD Stroat, Philadelphia, Profaner elau6, Principal. This inBtitution opens ;aeptember nth for application, an&September 12th for tuition. There will boa Preparatory and. an Academical Da. Partment, In which the number of pupils ehall be li mited to El, and the inetruetton thormighly Clasalcal , Including Ancient and Modern Langnages. For refe rences, circulars, end other particular% apply at the Be2-12to M P. GIBBONS INTENDS REOPEN MG the SCHOOL on ORANGE Street, (second :ate below Eighth, north aide), On thenth o 9thMo', . • :MEER. • . . • etil-thettete , . MRS. E. W. SPRINGER- WILL BE prepared otaltdONDAY, September sth tweet's mance ber instrnettons on the Piano-torte. CLOISTATJT Street: 3d Door west of 40th, West fhilada. se2-3t*. ci. oLtsGIA.TE AND 'COMMERCIAL ACADEMY. for BOYS, 355 North TENTH Street, reopens 111011 DAY, September 12. Call for a circular. 602-12 t. J. HARRIS. Principal. i ACADEMY =FOR BOYS, !s Perth ELIIVSNTEE S met, reopens on. t ! o N f D 41 B: the Oth Inst. ISIA per term of 2t weeks. All Asnomina• ttons admitted. Cse2 luk) ' N. WHITALL. TVORNTIPES.- , -THE MOST AWNS - fie trutbfid, and. exquisitely-vo3oximi BPecTh ene b f piroNiTYPES fre.. made at B 624 dypt Wrist, where artists of shill* y Wy aro 04- gaged. • G, (XSTI. Sala AVM MARKET STRE E TS WAIVTS. AFIRST-CLASS TENOR SINGER wanted for a prominent Church In this city. to whom a liberal Relay 1111} be given. Andress Bog 'Ent Poet Office;eta-3t! g . . W . ANTED-A FANCY JOBBING T T DUE. Ingolre et A.TrirAmyl?. Laotian' (hope Veil Cleaning and Crimping lletobliebmeat,l3sl UAW ARO S Street, Met house below Second. sell-St* WANTED -BY A SINGLE. CitNTLE. man, APARTMENTS with BOARD in a small private family, occupying a genteel honee. tenth of Marbet and west of Broad street. A liberal ccmPewm tionwill be paid for suitable accommodations to a lady wbo may And this an eligible opportunity of reducing ho r elpentee. Apply to ROBERT fte (fREOOR, IL 410 WALNUT Street.. NV - ANTED-A SITUATION AS• RESI DENT TEACHES or Drawing ant Muting, by a lady who hoe had ronetdorable experience. Apply No. 2141 ARCH Street. eeS St• 'WANTED—A SALESMAN ITN A V Wholesale Hardware House; must ham& kno4- ledge of the bulimic, end be able to Influence trade. None but a sober and active man need apply. Atigrees, with references, "1.. A ." this dice. seIFAV WANTED—.A. GOOD COLORED BOY, dram vT Plarxitemertvicao4.te. in • wholesale house. WANTED -A SITUATION BY • A Lady of the blighest respectabilits i to take the charge of gentleman home. .add reels re. LEWIS. 1315 WALNUT Street. eal.llt* myoLoymEarr HOUSE, THE LAB% A- , est and most reliable, for ally and country. Rae allvaie gOod selection of capable persons, with jmod references. Americans, Irish, English, French, Gen mane, Scotoh, Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, a. Gardenero, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watchmen, Ace , Cooke, Chambermaids, Seamstresses, Laundresses, Waitresses, and general Housework Servants. Also, above Colored Servants. Roe. 802 and 801 LOCUST West, Eighth. rrO . THE WHOLESALE DRY GOODS TRADE —A young mamma° has had several years' egrorience in one of the largest houses in this city wishes a situation as salesman. Address " Sans , . " Press office. • SeS.2t. 25 .. DOLLARS DAB 1-WANTED, Ladies and Gentlemen of Intelligence and good education, tot stablish a permanent and well• Pity• inn businera in ev city in America. Particulate will be forwarded by add ressing. with stamp enclosed. C. TIFIBABA, P. D., Box VW: Philt4elphla Pa. atin-et' -A -,PE 'SON WITH THIS 2, 000. AMOUNT to.buy the FURNITURE and STOCK of one of the most genteel% businesses in the city. paying from IS& rOO to $5,000 Der annum, and may be easily doubled. No previous knowledge required.. Addreea Box 1876, P. 0... • s ND $ 5 9 00 09 —nil iluttntli4a As nted' Ott tt i 4l2l. o ort: gages. Apply to B. PUTTIT, • seX tf • 323 WASNOT. Skive L. piTED-AILRE-rIOOLF to 4666 ORiCLOTHEG.".oer. a x sal St FINANCIAL. LOAN Or ISSI. 1 1 1tOPOSATAV TREASIVILY DEPART.II6-1" ! August "30, 186.1. STIALRD' OFFERS will be received' at this Depart ment, under , the Act of March 3, 1963, until • noon of FRIDAY. the 9th of September. DM, for bond!' of the United States, to the amount of about thirty-one and a ball Million. dollars, being the amount of unaccepted offers undlspased of under the notice of Propbeals for Loan, datmleth June hot. The bonds will bear an an-, noel interest of 6 per centam, payable semi-annnally,ln coin, on the filet days of July and January of each year, and redeemable after the 30th of June; 1881. Each offer malt be for fifty or one hundred dollars, or some multiple of one hundred dollars, and must state the sum, including premium, offered for each hundred. dollars in bonds, or for fifty, when the offer is for no more than fifty. Two per cent. of the principal, ea eluding premium, of the whole amount offered must be deposited, as guesnntee for payment of subscription if accepted, with the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, orwith the Assistant Tieasnrer, at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or St. Louis, or with the designated depositary at Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincin nati, Loulaville, Chicago. Detroit, or Buffalo; or with any National Banking Association authorized to receive deposits which may consent to transact the business without charge. Duplicate certificates of deposit will be issued to depositors .by the officer or association re. calving them; the originate of which mast be forward ed, with the offers,.to the Department. All deposits should be made In time for advice of offers, with certifi cates, to reach Washington not later than the morning of September 9th. No offer not accompanied by its Proper certificate of deposit will be considered. The Coupon and Registered Bonds tainted will be of the denominations of $OO, sico, $OOO, and $l,OOO. Regis tered Bonds of 35,000 and $lO,OOO will also be issued, if required. 1,11 offers received will' be opened on Friday, the 9th September. The award will be made by the Secretary to the highest offerers, and notice of acceptance or de clination will be immediately given.to the respective offerers ; end, In case or acceptance, bonds 'of the de scriptions and denominations preferred will be sent to the subscribers, at the cost of the Department, on final Payment of instalments.. The original dePostt of two Per cent. will be reckoned; in the last instalment paid. by successful offerers, and.will imbnuiediatel7 returned. to those whose offers may'not be accented. The amount of accepted•bffers must be deposited with the Treasurer or other officer or association authorized to act under this'notice, onlnivice of acceptance of offer, or as follows : One-thir''de_on or before the 14th; one third, on or before the 19th';. and the balance, including the premium. and original two per cent. 'deposit, on or before the "24th of September. Interest'on bonds mil/ begin with the date of deposit. Parties preferring may Pay the accrued interest from date of bond, July 1, to date of deposit in coin. Offers under this notice should be endorsed "Offer for toan," and addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury. The right' to decline all offers not considered advert. tageous is reserved to the Government. W. P. YESSENDEff, Secs etary of the TreaSnrY. The bonds for this Lour. are ready for immediate de livery. se: 7tif -U . is. 7-30 LOAN, The Secretary of the Treseury gives notice that sub ecriptions will be reeefred for Coupon Treannry Notes', Payable three years from• Angola 16th, 1864, with semi . - annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum—princ6al and Internet both to be paid io lawful money. "These notes will be coniertible, at the option of the holder, at maturity, into six-per -cent. gold•bearing bonds, Payable not lees tbaa d ye nor more than twenty years from their• date, as the Government may elect. They will be issued in denominations of $5O. $lOO. SSOD, $l,OOO, and ss.ooo.and all subscriptions mast be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. As the notes- draw interest from August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the inter estuccrued from date of mite to data of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-dye thousand dollars and upwards far these;notes at any one time will be allowed a eommissloit of one-quarter of one per cent. MOM ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN IT IS I. NATIONAL SAVINGS BARK, offering a higher rate of interest than any other, and tAs.haef Becurity. Any savings bank which pays its depositors 11. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the country, and, it cannot pay in anything better, for its own assets are either in Government securities er in notes or bonds-payable in Government paper, Convertible into a Six-per-cent. 5-20 Gold In ataltloll - to the very liberal interest on the notes for thrae years, this privivilege of conversion le now worth about three per cent. per annum, for the carrent rate for 6 26 Bonds is not less than nine per cent. pre minx:, and before the war the premium on six-per-cent. 11. B. stocks was over twenty per cent.. It will be seen: that the actual profit on this loan. at the present market rate. is not less than ten per cent. per annum. Its Exemption from State - or Municipal Taxa%lon. But aside from all the advantages we haveqenumera. ted, a spedial act of Congress coempts gqf, lit&nds and. Treasury-Nagefrom tocat taxation: On the average; this exemption is worth about two per cent.per annum, according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country. It is believed that. no secaritiee offer so great induce merits to lenders ae those issued by the Government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or sepnrate corn tannitlea, only. is pledged for payment,while the whole Property of the . country le held to secure the discharge of all the obligations of the United States. SUBSORIPTIONS WILL Be RECEIVED bythe Treasurer of the United states, at Washington., the several Assistant TreMITSTS and designated pepositaries, andlby the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. • second National Bank of Pktiadelphia, Pa. Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Fourth National Bank of Phiadelphla, And by all National Banks which we depositaries of nubile money, and ALL RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS . throughout the eowitry. Will give further information and AFFORD EVERY IIiOILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. av29•l2t VS NEW 7-80. L.QAti.:N, . Subecrlptious resolved, and the /fetes far• nished free of all &antes. by GROWS. J. BOYD, Banker, 18 South' THlRD.Btreet. OIL STOC.KB BOUGHT AND SOLD ON OOKKISSION Any Information given required. PALMER HLTE - Y, BROKEKS, au29-6t a* SORTS THIRD: STREET (111.1 STOOKS ll BouwiT'AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, OSOIIO3I J. 130413,.., 161 Sau.tb THIRD Streot.. sti244m ARTNEItSIIIPSi NOTICE. -Tl 3 E COPARTNERS :II I II; heretofore existing.nadar the ulnae -ot/011.1st ISATLACIK dr. CO. is this day. dissolved by 'seminal consent„andall accounts with the late be Rat tled - by 3.01111 R. MATLACK, who Will. - toatiana the busideaß at the old stand, sotithweal corner 0f.E.1.F -11$1q11. and ILA:MILTON StrsetiOVr • 3, 70:44 dIAMACK. TaTLAVA , • 5ept,1%.1961L • 44.tt TASTEFt I 7.I AIW 617BIS't/M,TW: OW?IIING FOR SALE AITD TO LET. Tel THB PUBLIC. We have no* ready for distribzitlon the following REGISTERS. Flake call or send IOnT ndd res3f "."" Dice, and please iXerm you! frieAde here they can be accommodated with itowainr in azar, ESTATE. E 1 PHILADELPHIA HOUSE REGISVEN , PHILADELPHIA BUILDING-LOT REGISTER. PENNSYLVANIA FARM' . REGISTER. DELAWARE COUNTY FARM REGISTER. MONTGOMERY COLIN ry S'AEM REGISTER: CHESTER COUNTY FARM REGISTER. Micas comkpry FARM REGIARTER. BEDFORD COUNTY FARM RESISTER. NEW JERSEY FARM REOISTFt DELAWARE FARM REGISTER. MARYLAND FARM REGISTER. OEO. N. TOWNSEND & CO.. 12 3 / 1 1. South Foliffrintreet. sea-ow:o6dt aft FOR BALN--WITII POWEBBION' ..ma. oNcE, 1746 eirard avenue, 12 rooms, 1 h9,60. 1811, Master street, 10 rooms, $3,600. 9( 6 North Thirteenth. street, 4 rooms, $1,6i,111. 331 South Third street, 11 rooms. $6,011: 1611 Melon street,-9 rooms, $l, ( 619 Brown sheet, 7 rooms,sl.soo. 1646 NOTill . Broad street, 12 rooms, $6,600, , 929 Melon street , Wrooms, Ufa, Also, over 1, COOothers, large and small; prioe:;•raag irtg-from6o6 to $49.000. rlease get our "Hausa ESONTEIL:" ago. B. TOWNSBND & CO., 1323% South FOURTH Street. FOR S A LE-- SEVERAL Fill Allas RIBBED DWELLINGS. Possession at once. Call for HOUSE EEO EbTra. 6EO. If. TOWNSEND & CO., : hl , O T .a r WE CAN: SELL A LARGE NUM DER of FIRST-CLASS DWELLINGS, Wein Call for HOUSE ESY TBRIIS. GEO N. TOWNSEND $c CO., 1234 South FOURTH Street. FOIL SALE--OVEN 1,000 DWEI, w-Ji LINOS and STORES to all parka , he city. HOUSE REGISTER NOW RF,',2MT. Bent Gratis. ORO N. TO WR'SEND dc CO., 123% Small FOURTH Street. se,:- raw 13t FOR SA:LE.,II, ELMSDSOME MO— six DRRN DWRLLIIIG; on GIRARD Avenue, west or Fey anteonth att. at, 12 moms, and all - modern Improve ments. Lot 20 by 106 to back street. Posseagion at on cc Rays at the office. Witt be oalet a bargain.. B Gag!: REGISTIiR now ready. CEO. N. TOWNSEND & CO , 11.2_3).4 Eolith FOURTH !treat. ' seq•amw sot eft FOR SALE—A- OCUNTRY REST maDENCE. in Whitemaralr, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, one mile from Fort Waehington. North Pennsylvania Railroad, 2.% miles from Chestnut Hal, attached to which are 83 acre/stud quality farming land, large atone house. containing it rooms. atone barn, nearly new, ice house;' &O. Address oranply to FC W. ADM Whiterearsh. Montgomery county, [la. Stock and crops will be sold with it it squired. saglt• maWAN TED TO RENT- 1 ---A FUR NISKEIYBOUSE In the Western part of the city, for Gentleman and Wife; no children .- Unexception able reference - given Address Box .123 Z Post Office. sea-3t* de FOR SALE . --STORE' AND DWELLING. excellent stand, No. 1.365.R1dge ave nue, Let 313x115 foot. B. F. GLENN, 123 S. FOURTH Street, and sea-If S. W. eor. SEVENTEENTH and *GREEN. FOR SALE-7WO FOUR:?3TORY Brick Slor.B and Dwellings. 1428 and 1428 51,4_1tKET Bifeet; 25 feet front. 72 feet dee st 3 ntutbnt. JAS. R. BOOTH, 221 FIFTH Bt. el "FURNISHED HOUSE" :-NEAR ObatalaNTOWN, convenient to Station—to let for a short or long period; 'hoard piovlded if desired. Address " Country, "fiats office. sa3lite sFOR SALE-LARt4E FACTORY neer Germantown, on the railroad. with switch to connect; large lot; stream of water running through the premises; large shedding , steam engine, shafting, &c., complete. Price $l,OOO, clear. Immediate pos- Session. sea-Stif MILLSR, 154 North FIXTEt Street. Z/FOR SALE-NEAT LARGE DI &N -SION. at Duy's Lane Station (Germantown); con tains twelve rooms, five on the first floor; stable, coach house, elegant garden, &c. Lot 142 by 318 feet deep to a street. $lO,OlOO. ELLEN. • sel-Stif 1546 North SIXTH_ Street. it FOR SALE-WITH IMMEDIATE Aga possession, neat large Dwelling, 1610 Sdnimer street; fifteen rooms. Lot and building 28 feet front; depth of lot, 111 feet to Spring street. 911,000. Neat large four-story 1703 Ease street; fif teen rooms. Lot 22 by DA $9.500. Elegant four-story Dwelling, north side Arch, west of Twenty-first street. Lot 03 by 125. $9,500. Lot and Buildings, 1343 Arch street. Lot 20 by 100 to a street; a' splendid neighborhood for a residence. IMMO. Splendid Dwelling; north side Mount Vernon, west of Sixteenth; twelve rooms, Lot 20 by 100. $7.521 Neat Dwelling, north shin Mt. Vernon, west of Nine. teenth street. Lot 2U by 104 Twelve rooms. 90,500. Neat Dwelling. south side Mount Vernon, east of Six teenth. Lot 18 by 90 Twelve rooms. 98,500. Elegant Dwelling, 467 North Fourth street. Lot 20 by 86. Eleven rooms. $6,900. Three new Dwellings. Thirteenth street, north of Master; finished admirably throughout $4,511. Well built , nearly new Dwelling. 950 North Seventh street; twelve rooms. Lot 18 by 93. $5;200. Neat Dwelling, Twelfth street, north of Race. Lot 18 by 90; eleven rooms. 0400. ' • Splendid filet class Dwelling, 925 Franklin street; twelve rooms. Lot 18 feet 6 inches by 110 feet deep. $9.800. Magnificent four. story Dwelling, north side of Green, west of Tenth; fifteen rooms. Lot 28 by 100. $9,000. beat Dwelling, west aide of Fifteenth, north of Pine street. $3,6(0. Neat new Dwelling, 2202 Pine street; ten rooms. Lot 13 by 90. $4,000. Splendid nearly-new Dwelling south side of Green, west side of Twenty-third; twelve rooms. Lot 18 by 118 feet deep. 96, RO. Besides scores of others, of which possession can ba bad immediately, or in a very short time. GEO. C. MILLE.% Practical Real Estate Broker, 15* North SIXTH Street.', Cut this out for future reference, in FOR BALE—NEA.T SIDE-YARD Min DWELLING, 910 Franklin street; thirteen rooms. Lot 26 by 114. Price $18,265. Elegant ride4ard 'Dwelling, east side of Franklin street, above Poplar. tutu. Neat Dwelling, 925 Franklin street. $9,800. Besides nearly 2,000 o th ers. immediate possession of all the above and fifty other& 1111.1.11ft 1 e€B-21U 154 North 211XTi3 Street, F SALE OR EXCHANGE ..A.Magnifleent Country Seat and Farm of 33 acres, crops, utenalls, &e., in the very best portion of Backs county, fear and a half miles from Bristol. $12,C00. • Superior drat- class Farm of 60 acres, excellent im provements &c., only ten miles from this city, on Pennsylvania Central Railroad. 820,000. Neat Country seat, and 18 acres, only four and a half miles from Market• street bridge, on the Raverford road. Price 87(0 per acre. MI I,T.ER. • sea 2tif 15* North SIXTH Street. FOR SALE-AN EXCELLENT FARM of over 130 acres, in Montgomery comity. 32 miles from Philadelphia. at a very low price. Solt good and in exosllont condition. Good buildings, a va rioty of fruit, &c. Will be sold much below itsprice. af,OCO. 11'0141in:ion. B. F GLENN. ae3-tf 1%3 South FOURTH Street. FOR SALE—A FARM CONTAIN. ing 116 acres, situated in Lower Merton township, Montgomery county. Pa., ten miles from Philadelphia, on the Onif Road. The Improvements are a largo stone house, large stone barn, carriage house, and three or four springs on the property. ' The land is in the highest state of cultivation and well watered; seven or eight acres of very fine wood land, chiefly chestnut, and is one of the finest proper ties in Eastern Pennsylvania. For terms, Atc., inquire at the Coal Yard of MARRIOTT a JENKINS, Corner NINTH and WALLACE Streets. 11111 FOR SALE-A VERY DESIR AI3LE ••••-• and highly improved FARM. a few miles out,con tattling eighty acre. .• railroad station on the premise!, at which there are three trains stop to and from the city daily. The buildings are very superior; rine spring of water. With gpring-honse at the buildings. For further particulars apply to S. PETTIT.- 323 WALNUT Street. Call arid eitaminejtegister of. Farms and Country Flanne;: with a few amen of ground. ae3 tf FOR FOR BALE—A YALU &RUE FARM —a— of 140 acres, sand hotel proiCerty, in Montgomery county: good bulkiness stand; good buildings: plenty of fruit, abide, water, &c. Price only $lO.OOO. All our Farm Registers are now ready. OEOEGE N. TOWNSEND Si no., . *att. No. IRali South !FOURTH Street. FOR SALE—ENTIRE RIGHTS FOR -a- Nears improvement in CIIRRY.COMB& Price $10,000; Piyable in currency. A most dmirable invest ment. Apply immediately. to SN DBH & WALTICR. R 99 BROADWAY, New York. It FOR BALE-RIGHT FOR CONSTA• BLE'S PATENT FURNACE FOB DESULPRURI ZINO ORBS—applicable also to Smelting purposes. The Patentee haying amassed a fortune out of the above, will C10i36 out the balance low Address SNYDER dc WALTER, 11 0 • - 229 Broadway. New York. DEAL ESTATE ! REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. • REAL ',STATE. REAL ESTATE. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT. FOR, GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. CONTAIN.; $6,000,000 WORTH'. CONTAINS 45,0G1,000 WORTH.: CONTAINS 80.000,C00 WORTH.: FOR SALE —No person wishing to purchase REAL ESTATE, either for oecupancy cr Investment, should fail to get my Catalogue, :lust out. Always one hun dred Dwellings : on hand: of which, in caee of purchase, immedfate possession mu be had. GEO. C. MILLER. - Real latate Broker. 184 North SIXTH. Street. seS.Stif _ _ CIREENHOUSE FOR SALE.-SASE Staging, Pipes, &c., for Greenhouse, including some fifteen hundred feet of Glass. To be seen at the southeast corner of BROAD and WALNUT Streets, on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY of next week, from 9 to 4 o'clock. se3-3e OIL LANDS—A FEW PARTIESi BY clubbing tOgalhec, can pi:wallas% for each. if im plied for• Immediately. a emotes tract of land in.Xs. Haugh county,Pehasyjvahlt4 partly doveloped. Shares woe each. B. BRADY..3S South FIFTH St. ad-WY FOR SALE-1N OLD-ESTABLISHED 13PACTURING BUSINESS. La succesetta ope .ration. inquire at 600 - MARKET Street. 802 2t* O SALE -A ONE-SEATED , FALL, I G.TOP WAGON_, ia. gooi order; . isold for the want of use. Apply B. W. corner PI MTH and C HERHS Streets. . • se2 2t.• BLS 3, _TRucir .AND' PEACE jnetreceived and for sate bY At. RDITON. 157 and 159 north TM ED Street. WA.TER POWER TO RENT. APPLY to DAVID CHILLAS, Num*. D.L soSas PR F. A. BURY • • --a- AUGUST b 4. Mg.—NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF THREE YEARS SEVBH-THIRTY NOTES DATED OCTOBER 1.18&1. Holders of Seven- thirty rotee dated, October 1, .101, are hereby notified that they maybe programed imme diately. in any amount, to be exchangegifor Six Per Cent. Bonds falling due alter June 30, I*/.. The interest on the Bevan-Thirty Notes will be settled tip to date of maturity, October 1, and.the StmPer Cent. Bonds will bear full coupons from July 1. The adi ue tment of interest will be made -by deducting from the amount of interest Tann& to be. due on the S4Ten-Thlrty tiptop up to•Octobor I. the jetereat ac crued on the 21s Par Cent. bonds feeminlY I to October 1: the balance will be transmltted.by the Troasurer's coin draft immediatsly upon settlement. The following regulationsin relation to endorsements must be carefully cibeerved : Where llol.4B.transu4ttel fan settlement were Maned Payable to order, and • are hold , and transmitted by the original owners, they must be endorsed by them, Pay to the SocretaryofthraTrammay for redemption." andn bonds will issue In their.name. Whale notes Palfalde..l9,ol4lraz are IlkeldkY other parties than the original owners, the notes meet have the en dorsement of the Origtala.PßOOM and also be endorsed by the present owner. ,, • ray to the tietretary el the live Bury for redemption. " For notes lamed , in blank, endorsed " Pay to the Secretary of the Treasury for redemption," bonds will be leaped to the parbea tranamitting them, main sack Manner as they, M2}7 direct. When notes are endorsed or transmitted by an at. , terr.ey, udniintatrat,or. executor, or other agent, thran must he ticeerePenied•by a duly certified copy or aim cute of the authurlty under which he acts; and MOLL cases by a letter statingthe kind Ougietered or 1 ,. % . and the denomination of Olean Per Cent. Bonds is exchange. :When Registered Ronda era ordered , ratrtleachould ettlte at which of the. following places they wleh the infante. paid, ..slg „New York. PhiladelpliM„ sosion. - Baltimore, film Orleans. Chicago,`o4' Si. Lo z z L oi Cancan nail. W. P. V • Ivsni; att93-13t . Secretary' of IPseisagl. TIMIIBBIit'. MON CGDSZ4NIF.—I, O44 N. , Was et Stoat .elt the 'terve lileral_ibt sid., Apply to. t •-. •SD G. We.sohlr. eet-hrs AS3 DOCK Sim so - milax mow. AUCTION - SALES. SALE OF CONDE - 1414FM QUA.RTER MASTER'S STORES, BUGGUA &c.. &c. CMS! , QUARTERMASTER'S ()MIME, DEPOT OP WASRMUTON, WASHINGTON. D. C:, Sept. I. 1 86 4.. Will be sold, at public auction, at GoveremWit Ware house' situated on the Muir° between E and F. and. Twentieth and T wenty-first streets, in the city of Wash ington, on WEDNESDAY, September 14, at It o'clock A. 2.1., a lot of. Quartermaster's Stores, con demned as mitt for use, viz. • Axes, Carpenters' Tools, Binalies,Bridles,lfoee Bags, Buckets. Saddle Blankets,Stable Brooms, Portlible Fos ges,Briudatones, BLacklitnitha' Lan terns, SOOT Leather, Stove Pipe,Rope, me w . s a a diee S cales, Whips, Horse Shoes. and a large lot or old iron: dr.c. , 'Sec, - ALSO, Will be sold, On sates aL foot of Nineteenth strag, near Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, immediately after the completion of the sale above referred to a number 1 Bne.gies, Carrie gos , Army Wagous.Spriaq; Wagons, Carts. and medical Wagons. Sac. essful bidders will he rennired to reniiive the antes se ithin live (t) days from the date of sale. Terms: Cash, in Government Mfg& H REICKES, Brigadier General and Chief Onarterinvder, ,05..9t Depot of 'Washington! A UCTIOI SALE AT •EROOKLYN NAVY YARD. 8y order of Rehr Admit al Hiram rivilding. U. S. N., Commandant of Ile N. Y. _yard, L snail oiler for sat Public Aurtien, at said Navy Yard, on THURS. DA7C.September StD. at n o'clock smparrel Spirits Titppeetitine. 10.0e0 ibs. of CanvaoChtoningh-S. A lotrof Rcrap Leather., 1 snwil Enhine ; Ror'inatal rotten 4 Upriabt.soilers. A lot olSman Pattern tamher. A jot of Coal Cindeoh. 1 lot of lsorrDaats. Several Comtemned Woo.Dßoats. Twenty risr cent ef the pert haee meaty ef:V.t Se de. poslted at time of sale, arid VW, days will a alls wed to remove the geeda from the ia :4; and if not an rIMOVD.i the deposit w2l forfeited 'lO the GovArnment, rhyme:de to touted° triGover....ft.Sat ourrerey, and be. lore the geode are removed from the yard. , D. D. T. DEARB HALL, W IL & Ifav - y gmaiikespar. NAVY YARD, NA Toast; Ateratit, 3864. CiFFICE DEPOT . ContinBSATIT 07 SUBS/STRIV__CE. WAeursd'rog. D. C . ;', Attettet V_Llifet Will „be sold at public auction, oarIZIOVIDar, OVA Stb, M 434. at 11 o' de& A. M.. et the 31 5 ith-etreek.wfterY, Waf.hlogton. D. C., the followlng berblic property. Mt getot condition. viz: Onotbormad (1.006) Beet Hideo, ROW: girty:tsvo (62) Beef Aides, dry. Eleven.(ll) Sheep Skips" Terms cash, tr. Eloverrimett rands.. S. g! - AIABSiIN. duvet, . _Ciptear.l4 C.. 8. Eic ege SALE" OF' CONIYEIMBID WAIL DreAnenner, GATAINS 3ermun I _Oemon OP 1 13111.0. P WA/WAVORIS* wAslitsonsr, D, eerie at public auction, to the tdigbotrbiddele, at the LIEICTand phloem named batowrls: ResAUL P..mnsykrania, THURSDAY. I.ngbat Xi Altoona, Timmy!vault; THURSDAY, Anse-44;30/Hk Lebanon, lebasusylvaa, TEITRODLY. Ser•anibla'l4 Harrisburg, Tenolorlyanta,. THURBDAT, Sept be( 8, IEB4. TWO SIIIWSI3D (BCO) Cavalry Roma ai eseheydamo. These Homes have been condemned' as an teg cog Cavalry servlorrOC the Army. For Road and' ram runoses, many good bs-Velass ma_y be had. Horsea sold abigly - Terms: Cash In Hated Stales Illirreorr. JAMES A_ SKIN. Mont. Colonel and Chief Quartermasters anil-teeB 13,areaho_ ADIFSEREENTS. MRS. JORITi: DREW'S 'NEW'ARCHt- STREET TREE." Stage Manager" ' W. S FII.EhrEIIICRIV Stu mess Agent and Treasnrer......JOS D. MURPHY_ OPENING NIGHT OF THE SEASON! MRS. JOHN DRI3W as "-LAD Y . TEAZLE. " New Drop Curtain, New Scenery, New Decoratiolvw Carpetings. dm OLD FAVORITES'AND NEW FACES!' On SATURDAY EVENING, September 3d, IUNI, The performance will sermons° with NATIONAL AIRS BY THE ORCHESTRA. " ' During which, the NEV7f ACT DROP will be exhibited. To bofollowed by Sheridan's bril liant Comedy of SCHOOL. 'FOR SCANDAL.' LADY TEAZLE Mrs. JOHN DREW ' Mrs: Candor Sire. 'Thayer (Her fret appearance for five years.) Maria • Miss E. 'Prise Lad _y Sneerwell Miss Morse Sir Peter Teazle Mr. Griffiths Sir Oliver Surface Mr. Wallis , Charles Surface Mr. James Carden (Flom the London and Dublin Theatrea. HIS first ap. Surface Mr. brills citk.) Joseph Surface Sfr. Walter Donaldson (From Niblo's, New 'York. His that appearance in this Theatre.) Mr. Crabtree Mr. Stuart Robson Mr. Benjamin Backbite Mr. Marlowe Moses Mr. Frank Finn. (From the Boston Theatres. His first appearance in this_. city..)' Careless Mr. Robert Craig Snake Mr. James Taylor Trip sfr. fililyturd, Rowley Mr. Stalls Sir Toby Bumper Mr. E. Marble (His first appearance In this city.) _ Joseph's Servant Mr. Murray (His first appearancein thiecity.) Lady Sneerwell's Servant Mr. Worth Selections from Verdi's ...• lone, " by the ORCHESTRA. To conclude with the Laughable Farce of , THE ROUGH DIAMOND. Margery Mile C. jeffersorc (Her first appearancalb this Theatre ) Lady Plato Mrs. G. •H. Griffith (Her first appearancsaa' rth)a city.) . . Sir Wm. Evergreen Mr. Taylor Lord Plato Mr. Wallin Captain Blenheim Mt. Craig Cousin Joe Stuart Robson Doors ope at 7. Curtain rises at TN: SCALE OF 'I"PIDES: Dress Circle and Parquet Family Circle ' Secured Scats ....... Orchestra Stalls . Private Boxes .... TS and tin Stockholders' Tickets delivery/ onEsaid after THURS DAY, September let The Box office will be open for the sale of Tickets awl Reserved Seats stlo A. M. on Thtrisday: Sept. let. The Lessee has great pleasure in informing the pub.. lie that she has perfected engagements with - STARS OF THE FIRST ORDDRL OF 'DRAMATIC EX. CELLEDICR, . who will appear In the course of the Season. setvla G E - E NEW °ERSTE-UT &TIMM THEATRE. THIS EVENT O, The great Romantic, Musical, Pautombnic. SPortacalar m ALADDIN. OR THE Dra W4 a AiDERVITL LAMP. THE LIVING FOUNTAIN OP' COLORRD WATERS. All the new and magnificent' SCENERY. elegant Pin parties, wonderful Erects, superb Costumes. startling Transformations, grand Choruses, and beautiful Mauls. Dance.. Souse, ac. . Family Matinee, SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Doors open gt 2 o'clock; performance Mi. Admisefoit El cents; children 25. WALNUT -STREET , THE A T R POSITIVELY LAST' mast's. TIM NAIAD QDRAN, The most interesting. Poetically beautiful, and enesenie , Dal dramatic pageant of the aqua_ ISO AND DOMINO Tait WEEK, With entirely nem Scenery, moat Delightful Mask. De.., wildering illusions, Gorgeous Costumes, and gplereiLg Cast of Characters. On MONDAY. September 6,,the eminent tragedienne,. I.WIN BOOTH, Will appear in his great rigs of El AMLET. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TEliTit AND CHESTNUT Street*, TEMPLE TE OF MPLE OF WONDE RSWONDE? SIGNOR RS! BLITZ) Signor Blitz! Signor BUM! Maher Blital OPEN. FOR THE SEASON Rail Beautifully Decorated and Repaired. Rail Beautifully Decorated and Repaired. Every Evening, Every Stewing, Every Evening.. WEDNESDAY.AND SATILTEDAY AFTERNOONS. Wednesday and Saturday Afternoona! Every Evening, . Every 'Evening Every Evening.. Change of Performance Constantly. Necromancy, Necromancy. Necromsney. Ventriloquism. • Ventriloquism, Vantrilonaism• Birds, Birds Birds, Birds; Birds. Birds. Admission, 25'•Cente. Children, 15 Cents. Reserved, Seats, 60 Cents., Evening Performances commence at 73g. Afternoon. at S. ruf/7-td SCOTTISH GAMBB.-THE SIXTH -ANNUAL GAMES Or THE CALEDONIAN CLUB Will be celebrated at I NASHINGTON 4 RE MEAT, On MONDAY, Sept . , Cun leave THIRTEENTH, and C A L L O W HILL Streets at Sle", 10, 1134 I, ?..14', and 4 o'clock. Excursion Tickets. Including car-fare, 60 cuts; gate Hoke% 30 cents. ,e2-3t' • D WEIGHT, Secretary. DAN CING LOADEMY, 625 ARCH . STREET. —D. L. CARPENTER has the honor of • informing his friends and those who desire learning. DANCING for their immediate circles and soirees, that be is now ready and active to give lessons, either pri vate or in classes. to Ladles, Gentlemen, or Kul' sea and- Masten. Mr. CARPENTER is always punctual and can be seen at any bow daily, and evenings through the wvek.. during all the Seasons. Mrs D. L. CAR PENTER will preside oa the Piano-Forte. CONSTAN TINE L. CARPENTER, the Young blaster, will asstd in teaching Juveniles. D. L CARPENTER, eel-01* 625 ARCH Street. VACADMILY OF FINE ARTS, OTESTNUr Insook_above Tooth, is OPEN DAILY.. for visitors, from 9 A; toll P. M. BOARDING. ------- BOARDING. —A GENTLEMAN AND Wife went Boarding ins respectable private fir roily. Add resaßox ZUO P. 0. SeV2r TrANDSOMELY -FURNI B-11 E D AP_ANTNENTS to RENT to * th ee Sontlowliat at INNI WALNUT &root. • JO. Teo RENT, WITH BOARD, TO , A.GIIII-. T1.F.X.40N and Wife. a 'pleasant (roil 1190/1, small tutbs6 family- Apply r 232 SPIIIME Street. t. VLIGTBLE ROOMS NOW VACANT at RISE'S. alra-lm. ; ' •328 SPRUCE Street. POD-NT R Y BOARDING AT MRa... BROOIMP, Smut Airy, near the Eltatiim as ic rooms now vaesat. Apply at Mont Airy, or 1 WALNUT Street aa2R- LOST AND FOUND. B. 7 3-10 BONDS, NO. 17,0(ML for ViCO, Nos. 59,954-6-6-7-8 for $11X) each, parade. Taoebrry and August, to the order of OSWALD,. zarsosi. guardian of heo.tiore H. Reakirt, eat. unendorsed. Application for payment of the same has been made at the Treasury Department. Any informs tion will be suitably rewarded_ is TBSO H. RbairrltT. 192 WALNUT.Street g um FOE NEW, ORLEAMS,,Lar, VIA NEST YORE. The Ocean Steam NETIgEtIOD SPLENDID mut mammal , NORTH AMERI¢Q•AA, (LeSC.Tons Burden,) . CHAS. P. IdiatSHMA.N,,Com..landef.. re rime receiving fteight at the CIICIORIty'S wi air above VINE Stree, and will sail WEDNESTaAI r e September 7th, at Ce.et. K. No freight regained or Moot Indijgalgned on Med er. °rattling. For freight or massage apply, to Blau*. 128 North' WANE araoos. FOR. SM A r w -TIER ItkAG$ 1 . isrm.rly . ataarnar. g. iqg at. WO RI. D. ' as Elle nolg I emit Alexandrizt, Va ; of al:mi./1,70e ton. 4. Length ar 385 feet, bead 8Q feet. Ws 1 found fin bonte, a ora. chains , gaze fire-anew. S;?.. and in pi a of order. For p4-tinnlara, apply to. O. EillalatlD.T. .1-4,SonthiyaLli-A if Street. • se3-Fas New . York. VATATINNY itovsg, PKT4A.we.Eut -Ls , : WATER GAP. —lge Pltle,haVtill been so. rep,eh croinded during tee thes month ot ap.d Apigoet as to Yo'avant many norson,e'frotts ylettlag R. notice is Stty.ele that the plate 'will be kept (lett dieting tke Tem, &gent. jag opportnnitr. thotieW.loo *Ws 'to sisal, It di:mu; tka months of Se*other mut Gototiat. the meet delight ful season of th il er "L eave Kens olx,Ospot nt. 70!) A.:+[.. and arrive. kfk the Gap et IP.. W. B JJEKAAD . Pcoprieto• 3.1-I,lt . CORRECT PIANO TUNINO. - -- rt m. Ms.lllll3lliTalves tiottee of his retrolt to this cltr,,;Al•raultness to mama bwricioss !Iv the lsk of Bermoisbez. All °TOPS _waived as Aqui At 41— E 0 .3 & COT ;Um, IMF CHEnNUT Strest. %WV- Lila CUBITSTAIaCEL 400 BOXES . 0•S • t • Imo and Anry.tes Coro Starch ;"also,tilthow HwT; "I t r➢ 4s w w,f r ri t y hat. STEAM 411:AVMS 1 1 `611 FA.O FORIB 4 , tiVesited Non ma am or direct tick's Qt.; Coils for eaters Condoricere. Belpar u re•re. • calAtm • .79AttEMAN. 86 Narthilllrrif •ic DEPART - bMNT FOR VVSTQ4i 40 cent* 25 •• 75