THE REBEL PRESS. ik Letter from Ex.liovernor Leteher, of Virginia. [Prom the Richmond Whig, July 21,1 We print below a document destined to become binomial. The calm, dispassionate, and truthful recital it gives of one of the moat wanton anti bar baric mats of the war needs no comment to awaken the Indignation of every manly bosom. Oursold Mrs In Maryland, who are reported to have laid le ashes the residence M the Yankee Governor of that State, by waif of retaliation, have given practical 4)11)re:t -elt:in to the feeling of our people, and anticipated the judgment of mankind and the verdict of history. It la due to Governor Lowlier to any that this letter 'was written with no view to publication, and in re sponse to It private communication addressed him by the Mayor of this city. The passage omitted relates to personal matters: LILXINOTON, Va., July 6, 1864, • 4 Finding that the Yankees would take the town on Saturday (11th), I left home near midnight, Friday slight, and went to Dig Island, in Bedford, where 'omained till Wednesday morning following, when, bearing the vandals had loft, I returned. 1114114)re. 'trimly heard that my house had been burned, with all ula contlnts. Thu threats made by the Yankees against me for the past two years satisfied too that they would destroy my house when they would come to Lexington ; hut I always suposed they would allow the furniture and my family's clothing to be AemOved. In this, however, I was disappointed. When the Yankees took possession of the town, Paton, Medical Director for Hunter's army, and who liana from Marlon county, Virginia. went to laty house, told my who he was unwell, and said he 'Musa have a room in the house. lie took the rosin, supped anti breuldarted, and, when breakfast was laeatly over, remarked, in a manner half pander, half earnest, to Lizzle, that it was the last meal she 'Would take In the house. Shortly after he left, with- Out taking leave of any of the banally, nor was ho Again wren by any of them. The throats made by soldiers on Saturday Gre eter induced myyrlto to fear the house would ho bulled, and she expressed her fears in the hearing of 4.. Paton and Uapt. Towns of New York. Gtpt. Tours very promptly said, that I, being a prtv,tto Citllnn, and the house being private property, burn ing it would be an inexcusable outrage, nod pro. postal at Once to go to blunter's headquarters and aseensin. lie went, anti was directed by Hunter to assure my wife that the house would not be dis turbot. The sequel shows that the sole object of this arentrrinee was to quiet her apprehensions, anti thus _revert anything from being removed. Abort half past 8 o'clock A. M. (Sunday) Capt. Berry and his provost guard rode up, and the (Ancor called for any wile. She canto to the dour, when Jlerry informed her that ho was ordered by Hunter to fire the house. She replied there must be sonic IniStakioind asked for the order. Ho said it was a Verbal order. She then said to hum, "than it not be delayed until 1 can see Gen. Hunter 1" The or der is peremptory, he replied, and you hare live nil- AUL!s to leave the house. She then asked leave to remove her mother's, sister's, her own, and her chil dren's clothing, which was Insolently refused. Immediately thereafter campheue was poured on the parlor floor and ignited with a match. In the Ineantlme, my daughter had gathered up an armful Of clothing, and was going out, when he discovered . her, ran forward, and fired the clothing In her arms. Bethtn poured camphene in the wardrobes, bureau draweie, and Ignited the clothing, taking out my slothinr, which he said he intended to take North. Every house on my lot was burned save a moult granaryover my icehouse. Not a particle of flour, meal, or anything edible was left, all having been carried of on .Saturday. My moher, now in her 78th year, lives on the lot adjoining any own, having with her ono of her grandchidron and servant. After my property hid been ['ref, the bonds fired her stable, lomted about forty feetfrom tbo house, with no other view than to burn ler out also. The house caught twice, and Would Ws been consumed but for the untiring efforts of Captain Towns, who made his men carry 'rater not extinguish the flames. The Captain be bayed lido a gentleman to my own and my mother's nttly, • Gene. lverill, Crook, Sullivan, and Malice de. MOUneed the whole proceedings as an outrage, in violation of all the principles of civilized warfare, etnd etatid that Hunter alone was responsible for these &trollies. I an truly, and In haste, your friend, Jowl LaTORER Jog. NIYO, Esq., Richmond, Va. The Italian Navy—The New Ire:m.olnel Frigate Porten:alio. Our hirbor is again ornamented by an iron-clad frigate of the Italian nary. • The new and splendid two-decher Re do Ltrlsi do Portogallo, sister ship to the Re Malta' i has been turned over to the repro- Sentativei of Rng Victor Emanuel by William IL Webb, W.lO built her. The officers and crew have arrived Rom Italy, and are now on board, their ship being in , commieslon and preparing rapidly for a trial trip prior to her departure for Naples. Unlike that of tie Re trltalla, the coming trip will be made tinder the special supervision of the Italian officers, and no conflict of authority can, therefore, beget tinTleasart consequences during its progress. The Plrtogello Is a doubletbanked man-of-war, Capable of carrying about thirty guns. She bears More resemblance to such craft as the Wabash, of our own travy, than to any armordd ships construct ed in America. Her mall consists of 4i inches of Iron, la id 03 the aide In the strongest manner. There are at present only ten guns on board, but the exact calibre of those which are to constitute her arma ment cannot be known until her arrival in Italy. The mere dimensions are the same as those of the Ito d'ltallS. The sailors and marines on board are from Piedmont, Tuscany, Genoa, and Indeed repre senting all. the Italian provinces. Tho officers are from various sections of the new kingdom also. The new war budget of Italy, published a few Peeks since in Turin, states that the fleet of that Ilation, in 1801, consists 01'99 war ships of all classes, of which 14 are iron -clads, 31 screw steamers, 36 elde-wheol steamers, and 18 sailing ships ; the whole constituting a force of 26,030 horse power, 1,324 can ton, and 21,030 men. The fleet is manned by con ascription, and has larger resources to fall back upon In an emergency than England or America. The officers of the Re de Lulzi de Portogallo are Commander, Disong Count Edgenion ; Executive Officer, Lovers de Maria Mass. Jeu.eseppe Lieu tenants, S. U. Fillip°, Maria Agostino, vanni, A rose Cont Antonio, Duranto Mayne, Farino Carlo, Torrenlie, Aubert Ribald°, 13silandl Altos !Sandra, Michele Sangufnette, Antonio Forman, Clemente Milan, Menton Ruggero.—N. Y. Timer. Tas AOneconer.—The following detailed =fount Of the formidable war-steamer Agincourt, now being 'built for her Mujesty , s Government, at Messrs. Laird's ship-building yard, Birkenhead, will be read with Interest: The Agincourt is, art. it may be remembered, it ram, having a projection under water, lu front Oilier apparent bow, about seven feet in extent, and has been In some degree altered from her original model. She now is to have a small forecastle, in the shape of an armor-plated and to have a poop about 40 feet In length, both those latter being 7 feet 11 inches high, instead of her originally intended flush - deed,: of 400 feet long by 59 feet 3 Indies wide. She is; It may also be desirable to say, SO feet 3 inches in depth, from her main deck to the bottom or her hold; is of 0,02 e tons .builders' measurement, and will ho pro pelted by engines of 1,250 horsfrpoWer, made by Messrs. Mawdsley, Sons and Field, or London, Who also supply the bollera. These are ten in 'number, and weigh twenty-live tons each. They are to be so arranged as to bo fixed amidships. Of these ponderous boilers 9 have already arrived, as well as severalportions of the machinery. Tho armor of this ship, which it may be remembered consists of rolled iron plates 6); inches thick, and each weighing on an average about five tons, is now axed on the yes gel to tho extent of fully threeerburths of its whole quantity, the actual quantity which Is permanently bred amounting to upwards of 1,300 tons. The deck coverings, bulwarks, and ceilings are nearly com pleted, and are in course of being caulked and dressed off. The hammock berths and- rails are in their places along the port side, those of the star board being also ready, but lea unfixed to allow the Machinery to be more easily got on board. The general fittings below, Including the cabin, Stores, Magazines, &c., are all in an advanced state, and several of them aro already completed. In point of fact, so far as can be judged by a casual, though, keen inspection, the vessel appears to be nearly or altogether three-quarters advanced towards the. Tough completion. As has been already stated, nineof her boilers have already arrived, and the travelling crane intended. Specially for lilting such uTassos has been completed. It is capable of raising thirty tone and carrying that weight to a point above the boiler-house, and one of the boilers, it is said, will certainly be fixed this Week, and the remaining nine with the least possible delay. Considerable progress has been made In bed ding and fitting the screw shaft; the rudder-frame, a hinge mass of malleable Iron, weighing upwaids of rz tons, was y esterday conveyed down the quay to the Stern of the vessel, with a view to • its being Imme diately fixed. When completed, the Agincourt will have five tubular iron.masts, all of which are nearly ready, and lying alongside 01 the ship on the quay; and everything gives indication of alacrity and en ergetic progress, and an Immense body of workmen Swarm about the ship, and Indeed every part of the establishment, all busy and active In the perform ance. of their Important operations, and all giving 'promise of an early completion of this glgantle flonc ipg enetle.—Liverpool times. A SPY DISCOVERED OtIEIOCTSLY.—In the 6th Corps a spy was discovered In a somewhat singular teanner. He had been in the service, and appeared and disappeared • frequently under circumstances that awakened Suspicions that he was communica ting with the rebels. Nothing could be proved against him, however, until he was arrested the Other day, and a Union soldier, dressed in a rebel aniform, was thrown into the same guardhouse, pre tending to be a rebel prisoner. 'Finding hitnselr In the company of a rebel, as he supposed, the rascally spy opened his heart and, mouth, and revealod his own guilt so clearly that he will be hung without unnecessary delay. r DR. CoLnwso's APPw&L.—It is believed that Dr. Ootcnso's appeal will never be heard on its merits, but that the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Oapetown Will be denied, and the proceedings quashed. If the Application for au inhibition made by Dr. Colenso , s Counsel had' been granted, it would have bean fatal to this plow; but it was refused by the Lord Man- Cal/or, wko pointed out that tho Inhibition would acknowledge the jurisdiction. ,If the proceedings are quashed, it is said that Dr. Coleus° will bring an action of damages against Bishop tray for Injury done to him by assuming powers which ho does not "ossess.—Record. A Onrwizen Sarni:mix° TRICK.—At San Fran- Cisco the custom house officers discovered a very in genious Chinese trick, 'hick led to the seizure of another lot of S muggled opium. Among the cargo Of the bark Ceres wore 400 tubs, invoiCed as ego, Value stated at .1 each. The eggs were coated with a peculiar kind of varnish to preserve them. Ono orthe officers, In examining the eggs, scraped off a little varnish, and disclosed a metallic ease, ogg- Shaped, filled with opium. Each metalllc egg is Nvorth *too. THE - CITY. (!OR ADDITIONAL OITY NEWS ANA lODATE PADA.] A. CONTENTION TO AVOID TIIE DRAFT A convention or delegates from the various wards "vas held In the Supremo Court roe= last eveaing for the purpose of devising means to prevent a draft In this City. The• meeting,opened by nailing Mr. Daniel Steinmetz to the chair. Mr. John K. Val entine was appointed secretary. The chairman, on assuming his position, stated that Atm object of the meeting was to adopt some Zee/lures whereby the coming draft might be avoid ed in this oily. Tho following delegates elected by thevarious wards wore then announced: let. 2d. John E. Frazer, S. E. Ward, and Wm. Dean. Bd. 4th. William Smith. .sth. Judge flare, E. J. Kelly, and hid. atoCahon. Bth. John liiggin, Charles heritage, and Thomas D. Walton. 7th. Bth. Ben]. Etting, Isaac T. Colesbury, and Chas. P. Penrose. 9th. John Thompson, William Struthers, and Daniel Steinmetz. 10th. John R. Valentine, Richard M. Batturs, jas. M. Stewart, and Joseph Trimble. 11th. ---. 12th. --, lath. E. Harper Jeffries, John Fry, and John Bullock. 14th. Fred. A. Vancleve, Col. William .11. Mau rice, and F. R. Gatchell. 15th. Louderback, Thomas W. Price, and .IVin. Matthews. 10th. L. T. Walton, Denial Wilson, and Philip H. Lotte. 17th.. 18th. Edward W. Gorgar, Henry Hume, and Mi- ChaelkKnight. 19th. --. 20th. John M. Riley, Wm. R. Thomas, and Rev. W. S. Hall. 21st. Joe. W. Gasklll and Ceo. A. Smith. 22d. ---. 23d. Robert E. Wright, Jos. T.V r arikirichnd Wm. Ithawn. 24th. Henry C. Loa, Professor Saunders, and E. Spenoer 25th. Jos. H. Mcßride, Geo. Roberts, and Chas. W. Carrigan. 28th. —. Mr. Heritage moved, that a committee of three tom each district he appointed, to wait upon the provost marshals of their respective districts, for the purpose of ascertaining the number Omen wanted irons each ward, and the Ox'lltM, If any, under pro 'dons calls. The motion was amended by' striking out the Words "committee of three" and inserting "one from each ward in the district." air. Frazer thought it was useless to appoint such a committee. The provost marshal or the First dis trict hod loformed him that as soon as 7.h0 quota of the wards in that district was ascertained he - would have It published. flair. Smith, of the Fourth ward, said ho with others bad welted upon the provost marshal of theirdistriot several times for the purpose of ascertaining such information, but'each time they air. Illoore waif of the opinion that the Informs:- Hon desired cannot ho obtained, and ho hoped the resolution would he voted down. Sheriff Thompson did! not son any harm in ap pointing the committee. Ho thought the Government should give the information. He did not want to grope in the (lark continually. Proressor Saunders said that Col. Zuliek told bins the quota of the city, of ono year's mon, was 11,000. The resolution, as amended, then passed. The following committee was appointed from the wards represented : Id ward, Samuel Moore ; 4th, Chas, Moore ; sth, i. McOnlion • 6th, John Ilegon ; Bth, Benj. Ening ; 10th. Pickard Al. Batturs ; 12th, E. Malaita ; 13th, E. Harper jelltles ; 14th, Fredilt A. • Vn.nolove ; 16th, 11. Y. Loodierbaok ,• 15th, Philip 11. Latta; 20th, Wm. It. Thomas ; Jos. W. Gaskill ; 23t1, EWA,. E. Wright, and 2Stb, Chas. W. Carrigan. Professor Sounders then stated that a meeting had been held in his ward (the Twenty.fonrtn), and It was determined there to hold out Inducements to those who would procure WOO to enlist fur three years. We have made a trial of It. The sum of $2.5 was voted to any person who would bring a recruit, or to tho recruit himself if no one presented him. Ho bad no apprehension, if it Was adopted through otiValie city, 01 its having any injurious elfin t. Mr..Teffries moved that a committee of five he ap pointed from each Congressional district, to devise means and to suggest a plan to obtain recruits In the seceded States, to be credited to this city. ' Sheriff Thompson stated that Ethe Governor had already made arrangements to carry out this idea ; all that is now wanted are funds for the pus pose. sit requires uncut of prudence and integrity to carry on this business. Ho did not know whether any per. sons had yet been appointed. Alter remarks by other gentlemen, the resolution was agreed to. The following committee wits then appointed : Ist District—Wm. 1). Moore 2fl ward; Charles Herinige. 6Lit ward; J. L O.Hare. 6th ward; Dr. John 'W. Heritago,3d ward; J. W. Hicks, 4th ward. 2dl District—Messrs. Steinmetz, Penrose, Trimble, Johnson, and Jiatturs. ad 111. st I - let—Ohne. M. Warner, 12th ward ; Sohn • ry, 18th ward ; F. -F. WrilLon,loth ward ; John Budd. Nth ward, and Henry Hopplet, 18th ward. 4th District—Colonel W. If. Maurice, 14th. ward ; H. Y. Lousierhack, 15th ward ; Henry O. Lea, altit ward ; John Al. Riley, 20th ward; and George A. Smith, 21st ward. sth District—Jos. H..Maellride and Wm. Hunter, 2Sth varil ;• Robert E. Wright, Jr., 'l'. Vankirk, and Wm. H. Rhawn, Zd ward. A motion that when this meeting adjourn It ad journ to meet nt eight o'clock on Wednesday oven leg was carried. lonol.3inurlee offered the follow11 , 1 , 1r: Retroint.d. That the Governor be requested to with hold his sanction to theappolutment or agents to recruit in the rebellious Witten ' until tames Abell be furnished by thin COlViontlou for that Purpose. Tho resolution was laid on the table. Professor Saunders presented a resolution dele gating to the Mayor and Bounty Fund Commission the nomination of the fire delegates to recruit for the city In tho seceded Staten. This was amended by instructing the delegates of the districts appointed this evening to confer with the Bounty Fund Commission in reference to the appointment of the tire agents. On motion, the special committee of twenty-five were then instructed to meet with the Bounty Fund Commission on Wednesday afternoon, to confer In relation to the agents. Mr. Henry C. Lea offered thw following preamble and resolutions : Whereas, A very large credit t duo to the city of Philadelphia for men furnished to The oaralservice and marine corps of the Molted Suttee since April, Mg: whereas the amount of this credit can only be accurate ly ancertained by n careful canvass of the city, there• fore, Resohxd, That the committees.of the several wards are rscuruntended to have a thoratiet canvass of their wards insaeby competent persons to ascertain the resi dence, date of enlistment, and term of service of all who have entered the navy or marine corps since the breiautng of the war. That lists thus Prepared should be bonded to the provost marshals fur verification and should be trsecznitterl to the War Department as claims of credit for men co tarnished. On this mode only can individual wards obtain the credit to- which they are entitled. Resolved, That this Convention recommends to the several wards of lite city of Philadelphia moiler a pre mium of twenty dollars for each volunteer who shall Ls enlisted to its credit for one, two, or three years; alto, a premium of twenty-five dollars for each substi tute who shalt he procured for any citizen enrolled therein, who shall tlereupon be duly credited to the ward. The latter resoluticn was amended• by increasing the sum for each volunteer to twenty-Else dollars. As emended, the rosolntlons. together with the preamble were unanimowly agreed to. The Convention then adjourned. A• STIRRING APrEAL GRANTED- . The following application for a furlough has re ceived a favorable recommendation from the De partment in Washington, and was also endorsed yeilerday by General Couch commanding this. de- Pfirtnient, whose headquarters - are in this city. It is addressed to the surgeon in charge of the hospi tal where the writer is quartered, ar.a. will explain itself: JUDICIARY SQUARE HOSPITAL,WARDIS, WASHINGTON, D. 0., d une 23, LSO4. DBAR SIR : The Union is saved! Hurrah I Make room in Abraham's bosom 1. My wife has twins—both boys I Do, please, grant me a furloughb , for: twenty or thirty clays, to go to Fort Wayne, Ind., to christen gem Abe and Andy ; and, besides.,l; would like to know if they look like me. lam not sick now. A few home will do me more good than six. months In the hospital. Should any reference be required on.patriottsm and public services, Sohuyler Colfax, on domestic rela tions, Mrs. Doane. Yours respectfully, Nomura'. DOANSI, Private, signed Corporal U: S. A. P. S.—The little presents necessary upon such occasions need not be sent till after the 4th of March next, when Andy will be present also. N. E. D. THE ILERCIIANTS 1 azanamp. This regiment. under the command of Oo'Masi Lechler, is rapidly advancing towards oompletion. The liberality of the merchants- of this• city has aided them considerably. Vary few men. are now wanted. A good opportunity is -offered to enlist in this regiment. SEREN . 4.73 Last evening the band stationed tit Camp cad walader serenaded the tteld•and staff - officers of the 3d Coal Regiment. A geod ;:ime was had In general. MORTALITY MI TICE.,U.TT. There were 407 deaths in the City last week, of which number 106 were adults and 2UI were children ; 112 were' under one year. Or age 221 were males ; 186 females; '136 boys, and 105 were girls. This number was a decreass of 28. from th.e• previous week, and a decrease of efrom thu same period last year. The largest number of deaths in any one ward was in the Flteoath, there. being 28 reported. The smallest number was in the Twenty-first, where only 2 occurred. The principal causes of death were : Casualtiee, 19 ; croup, 6; cholera infantum, al; con sumption, 35 ,• cons-pistons, 12; diarrhcea, 25; dysen tery, 10; debility, 16; typhoid fever, 10 j scarlet rever s 9 ; marasmus, 29; and tumors, 2. rwo per sons died from old ago, one being 100 and the other 110 years old. CITY 111. S. MIOMMIT. h Co's CS.LEBILLTSD a Exina.siontl Ilsate.—At the present season of the year both health and economy suggest the propriety to house keepers of using hams in preference to all other kinds of meat. The large proportion of hams sold of late during the summer months shows conclu sively also that the intelligent community are °err vinced of the truth of this statement. In view of this It becomes a matter of public Interest to know exactly how and where to procure hams of the finest and best curing. There Is a short and decisive an swer to this, and ono that is sustained by the expe rience of thousands in this city and throughout the land—namely, that by far the best eared and' ost delicious hams sold in Philadelphia are the cele brated "Excelsior" Hams of Messrs. J. 11. Mich°. ner h Co., N 0.140 and 142 North Front street. We can say this from experience. For a rich, healthful, and delicately flavored meat for the warm weather commend to us a Idlehener "Excelsior" Ham" Tm MOST uszput, and economical article in every family is a Sewing Machine, and wo know the Wheeler .4 Wilson to be the best, simplest, and cheapest Sewing Machine,in the world. Elvery•ma chine warranted, and the mosey returned if not ea tirely satisfactory. Instruction - gisgn at' the rest• deuces of the puohasore. Go to the Wheeler & Wil son agency, N 0.704 Chestnut street, above Seventh, and examine these wonderful machines. Tax Yawn or? TER RA] —Thore can be no doubt that the glorious rain of yesterday will be worth millions to the country. We would state in this con nection the present affords a capital opportunity for our people to lay In their supply of winter coal from the popular Yard of W. W. Alter, 057 North Ninth street, below Girard avenue. Tin/ PRIZRZIED•L " SEMIS, invented by Mr. John F. Taggart, and sold by Mr. George Grant, 610 Chestnut street, is, without exception, the best in fit, coMfort, beauty, and durability. His stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, of his own exclu sive manufacture and Importation, is also the choicest iu the city, and his, prices aro moderato. EDITOR'S ADIEII.-A weary editor writes as follows: "Now adionAnkstand, Esq. ; adieu, ink; adieu, steel tooth-pick; adieu, gold potato-popgun ; adieu, quandom gooso without wing ; ma petite oie la foudre ; nix fault, dixeraf, rens [catcher clamand frog soup Kilkenny rats, la brouelte affathos Luna loid cacatim has the anmachen presto.• Adjourned sine afternoon or, In other words, purchase your wearing apparel at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Ohostnut street, ahoy° Sixth. "ALL Olt A l'lscu."—The last peace of Informa tion of astounding character comes from Niagara. lioraco Greeley cabineted with George Sanders I What a lei waslhere, my countrymen! 'TWOS said that Blondin, when he crossed the Falls, must have had his sight Impaired at the LIMA, an La land n:Tnrgc Cataract In lac eye . • but the people are still - more blind In reference to this last Niagara exhibition,as they "can't see it" at all. One thing we know, that whatever Horace or. George may say, Charles Stokes & Co. continuo to sell the best of Summar Clothing at the lowest prices. ETB Ain EAR moat auccesafully treated by J. Xsaace, d. D., Oculist and Anriat, 611 Dine at. Aril& Mal eyes inserted. No charge for examination. jp26•tf A DECEPTIVE DIALADYSO Insidious are the first approaches of Consumption that thousands re main unconscious of its presence until It has brought them to the verge of tho grave. An immediate re sort, to Dr. layneos Expectorant, upon the first ap pearance of Cough, Pain, or Soreness of the Throat or Chest, would very generally preclude a fatal re sult ; or, in case these symptoms indicate the pro. sauce of latent consumption, would tend to subdue the violence of the disease, and thus materially assist in prolonging the life of the patient. Use the Expectorant; therefore, when you take cold, and thus prevent the necessity for Its use in more dange rous complaints. Prepared and sold at No. 242 Chestnut st. Ty2t OAPB MAY, LONG BRANCIT, ATLANTIC CITY.-- A. line assortment of ladles' and gcntlomen's bath ing dresses can bo found at John 0. Arrliion'e, Nos. and 3 North Sixth street. .Iy6,tf A SPLIIVDID ASBORTMRNT Or misses', ohildrett's, and boys' hats, at reduced prices, can be purchased of Charles Oakford & Sons, 834 and Sae Chestnut Street, Continental Hotel. IN EVERYBODY'S DIOUTR—Prain and Sozoilonl— Greateit, luxury of modern times—beautifies and preserves the tooth. The repulsive breath Is ren dered as fragrant as a rose, and coldness by friends or in business will now bo no longer noticed. Sold by druggists. jy2t-tuth3t DIARIUMA, DYSENTERY, SUMMER 00MrLAISIT, and all Bowel Affections, are offeetually cured by Dr. Jayne's Carminative Dalsam, Prepared only at No, 242 Ohastaut stroot. jr2,5-2t .11AADSOICIIWT AItIOULVI•AINNI' FELT, and other Bate can be purohand of (Tharlee Oakford A Sone, 834 and 888 Oheetnnt ,treat, Coal nontal ARRIVALS AT TIIE HOTELS, The Eon ChMVP, Pair horse L Chant bOrlaln,Colorado E E Lew i., Washington 1 V Savage,. Memphis Jam C litrick.St Charles.Mo Mit-s J } 1116room:ton, Mu John ilttotk•lou,.Jr,•Cal E H Lelaly. !Memphis .11 H Scott, Burlington B.Hareey, Huston' H Li Staple.., Tannlon S O A C.A. M'ambioutort Ales Boaltio. Lontion Arr. Bradford, Load on C I Meerotng, lioltitanm John LI Boarkleo. S York (3 H Zug..P.ttelatra Lt Col Oe*Zinn. llaterloha 11 W Watson*, l'lttobtarg • Thos Bauftgardner, Lams W FiNd , New Toes E Mcßride. Connell Bluff IV C li ugh. a, Dayton. E Bolen Aneuthl. A R. Potts. Washington .J W Comly. Danville P Haines,. Wont Chester J A Menken, Memphis Mn II V Mason, litlirtillOre , Miss Greetdrow, Media E Bartow; Louisville .A Teatime, St Loafs litre 11 U Pay ue & de, Ind Albert Pay ene Nusby,Tsart Mrs Batchelder:Now York . 'l' H (Howarth Y,'New York Mrs .1 0 Wilson. Did City 10 on Lanit r, Eibla,Were ()Sty rJos Commack. [Javelin R W Albert. New York Wm Poeter. Jr, New' York C S Davis, Leimater •lionj V Shank. Lancaster , Da Camp, Cincinnati !Miss Laura Da Cam. I),.Ciu Miss Acme D. Camp: Cie . 1J J Joeos. New York. Wm Headriek, Pottsville' C H Tyson, Pottsville .Louis Lang, Now York' Vresdan, New York: W C Jewett, Colorado. Coni'd II 31 Dove Mrs Dove Mr. Bruce Mies A Young Chas H Ilueerll, New Yore' C H Marray W Murray R J Wasson, SITAR'S • .T C Taylor, New Jersey It N Peterson. New York; J II Lyday. Making C Milan, Jr. Cinclunati Geo Jones, Milwaukee S Ackley, New Jersey . ./ Fuller C L Gushrlng. Pittsburg .- Atic Hattie. Allegheny J W Gates & wf, N Y Jae Trim tic, Pittsbnrg J Hanley. Jr. & wf, Pat J 31 lialleigh Mr Cour. Canada 0 Budd, Moatg'y CO Taos C Brainard, 11 8 A Geo II Davies,. Boston 7. H Day, New ) ork .1 R Viotti, New York • • W 3 T Morton, bulimia HT Jenkins, New York H C SOuthwiek. New York • J M B Reynolds, Boston Jag E . Virginia COM Creighton, U N Toota.ty, Lonikrille J Do'.Donual.W...hington Deniel Levy, Callrornia S B Curtis, Neff York Mr Reason, lowa Dr W wf • W TitgaArt. Hazleton, Pa Jo..A Beier. II BA ,Tobn A 13kncroft 13 A elberzbou. Ca,e May 1.3 A ilmra or. Cam.. y • W 11 Slaver &la, l'itu,burg lobe I , ttbilur.,,n, iiat Tiivs aluauo, Bnlttmore Madam Dal u, Waah• Mrs 6C Ford ok ch, Wash I)Obbitz & w(, Bolt D W Moore, New Jetioy II W Bilicoti, Baltimore C C C. e, 110510 u E II bortou, Wanhington W Co I.pillau, Hartford Job - o M Estit it Louls JO2l W 'raw, etiforti, Pa W A Galbraith, Eric, Pa .1 1' lln.ralt;•Cloveland Chao T Eckles& wl J llitnol6 .1 It Abrk . . . H Chu tubelllDS l a,L h mNn,a %9 f.X Y J Baker, St Luuiel . • . Jacob Elou.:lotp.r,Pottov'e II H Curtis & 1s St Loots E P lloff. Now York Jos A ttewarg Henry Harley. Plttabarg .K..yer, D Melo. New Volk Webb, New York Dr 11 Sheffield .5: wt . , Nash A Ideix, Ne.w Tork .1 d Oreetio, Now York Lee Cahn & Cincinnati 6 al ril+Conurit & Ix,.lowa WC k Palma', Cincinnati .111 8.-atty. Now I:"..rk W H Thurne, Now York W. Rklgirk9, Now York The G A C Compton, New York .1 Stf ert4, New York S thorntield, New York Auntn G S Parker .It wf, Waelk, DC Rosenthal. Wash, I) C M H Guyer. New York 0 If Hopkins, New York T Madinah:lo. Lancaster B Field, WasU, D C • • 11 derdinirhans, Jr., Ctn. W Sl:Anal', Fort Wayue LI 11 igeitOD, New York CE Wheeler, CI. Ireland L Oblerweie, New York W d Lew.e. New York W .leniee. Newark, N J C nett, Wooddock, N J P 1.1.1 c. Providence. R I G W Nelecin, &Maniere J Scott, Bswlinore .1 Scott, New York H SriHer, Boston B A letneman, St Joseph I klaraard S ae.Memphie S St Paul H J Ranter SI 81111, St Paul F A Wllltaey. U S A Dr J Lava. U S N . _ J S Ilanahaw, Kentucky Nickaon, TeCIDSTIVAIEIIa .IThompaon, I'anutvl►anla W Hopper, New York 13 X Odiorne, Mass S 1' Davison, .Maryland D M tiaderte, Maryland P Johnston, Maryland S T Fisher., Cincinnati D B Moore, Canada A Fry, New York 1.1 D Foster, New York J Patterson, New Tusk ./ W Heurr. Baltimore J Clinton, St Pant Airs Webster3rh ch, NJ Geo Waters A wf.St Louie Miss Waters, St Loa's Jos Franklin, Athens 0 MrsClaibourne. o.lho .1 II Morrow, Ohio H K Drum k la, N Bedford Mrs Utukill ob,N Beaurd 3:its Corneal, New Bedford Albs Gillespie, N Bedford' MiralSßinawsuger&ch,lhio G A Barman A w.f. Wash Miss .1 Barman, Wash..l)-€ (1.0 Ilellen, New York Mts. E AI Colville, Mass W L Wall.• Wash, DC Oeo W Wallace, Ironton bliss H Wallace, Ironton. John Boyd, Johnstown W M Loang, Masa Mrs Kir. Ifoxbnry Miss Kirk, itoxbory Mrs Mcßride, itoxherY Miss Mcßride, Roxbury H A Graham, New Orleans Jolliet; Williamson, retina John Harmon, Newport S Cooper, Newport lista) Stokes, Wheeling Thos Graham, Maryland E C Jordan, Harrisburg J Millerfru, Pittaurg J Farasworlh R Window ,Thos White, Tork, Pa Geo Anderson, Penne, T Bell, Penn..ylvania Jacob Emminger, Penna A Plnkertuu. - blaryland . C N Haldeman, Penns J 1. Va.Bondi:ham, Del w Gabkltl. Mount Holly 8 Hictenbender, Shamokin A. H Siegel, Reading bleat Travis, U S A , - - B MP's,. Indiana Mr & Mrs Haskins, Puma 14•Powler Uhlo ThosOCulbroth, Do YOr,Del I J. Benny & wf, Fhlia &Dewy. Philadelphia •T O. Yates, Penua P Judd & wt rHaven .1 MWlleox, Titusville W L Hirst, Philadelphia D Pratt, hew Brunswick Chau Calhoun &non, Balt UM===l A B kerchertz,llliaois The k• serf cam. Geo W Coop, IT S A J L. Baron, Laurel, Del Geu dl race, Maryland A Connel Iy, Wa.b, D C W Ballarityne, Wash, 1) C W H Brackett Olt Ramsey & D Bowman Hoary - Vernidt .1 P Davit. & In, Illinois Blaster, Baltimore Horace Wood JlParkinson & wt, Ye B Shatz, Penna W E Hooper, Baltimore A B.E.ingsland .1 Horton, Pktslon 6 al Bond, Del Water Gap S F Minnick, Summit BILL • Sire b Simpson, Still Hill - B G All.n. Mass . alaj JasKitspatrlck, Plums J M L Gaulner Thos Mtn ton, New Jersey L T Moore, Aew Jerse y L hl Hall W .P Briggs li R Belroek, 17 S A S Sparhawk, Marblehead S A Sparbatek, Marblehead J W tndlar. Now York B H Smith, New York S Grans, New York A Masinnta S Blair, New York B S Raynor St la P Malone, Washington Lambert, Pittsburg C 8 Via) Gorden, Obio 1; T Channel. St la It T Caldwell Altoona G R Rogers. Baltimore St Geo W Spencer L P Brorke,.Pottaville John Taylor hantiV. The Mere A F Warburton, Y A Reser, Lebanon, Pa ' E Kennedy, N E Canfield, Williamsport H Colton. Williamsport • W E.Young,Williarasport. IR Atidey, klechanlcsbarg W R Herbart, Lancaster • - H Ruby, Bbippensburg W S Jenkins. Adam co Job a bloCargs, Pittsburg Lt R W Perry. Hilton Read J Torahs L C Dillon, Wabblo . gtor., F J Warburton. IV Y II Cugenbelm, Franklin. ' WW Bette, Clearfield, Ea J Stambaugh, Militia, Pe.. • M Aronson, Pittsburg & Gibbon . . Jan F New York F Patterson Ayr Henry Saxton. Carlisle Jain McGovern, Jr, E Eberly, In.chanicaburg C L Woodruff . TB Woodruff LStrauss, Des ?Mines Al Walsh & wf, Cincinnati John Cotton, Cincinnati .1 H Stanton, NYX.litesbarro loafs Nit;rl;emzer,, N Y Henry Wahhington. Col B C Chin*, The C G Curtis, Praekford G G Saunders, Bridesbrai W It Gies, Johnstown W K Thompeon, Lowell , SainneLlb.w...o. Volum Lt PaxbOti SZ f3m, Frei:atoll d J B Ste pier, .131wka co A S Cad wallaaer, Bucks co , .1 G llowlead.. A Gobble, New York Ron R Rally; Haddonfield W R Swartz, Dui:mention Joe Pomeroy, Juniaca,ra D Crane ea car, New "abeam CV: Doan, •Nocr York Mrs Teed, New York Jbs Whitaker, Mt Clare i Allen, U.S A Mrs Allen • H 11 Kelly., New Jersey Henry timer, Onto Hi It Hobbs, Ohio aeo Cook & wf, Upton, Pa M Rtoh, Duunannon J 11 DIP la New York J J Kromer. .Jae 15 Hewn. bus Lr E 13 Prandt, Penna J T Bassett, !Newark. Del L S Dropper, Maryland J P Elt4to/1 . . _ Chas Woad. NevrJersay A Wise, Zphrata Si rizgs • W Wayne, Pa. B Roe., New York A D ROW New York 39 Evans, Chester W B Pierce, West Chester .1 H Darlington, W Chester J H Baker, Weet Cheater. Jos James, Weet Cheater • K C Birk man„ West Cheater W C Dickey. Cheater co F Ii Diem, Pottetow a I N Du:Weald, PottstoWD. - 3ueco , B H Chambers, Chester co WIICoe.DSA Ali Good, Nazareth Jae Ptlcher lrons; Atlantic City Chas Magee. west Grove 1.1 A Cnster. Ca m p Cad w aldr 3K Wells, Camp Caaghlnar Jae P Speer, Si rananiHg Jas Ferguson, Pa R Skinner, Roxbury Wise PennYPacker,Pa Honed. Stiaemeti, Peons W J Moore R A Bergqtrecaer. Binhcut Chas Q Hotter, U S A W G Bantu. U S A L Ludaker, U S A D J Bogar, Middlebarvps J C Schoch, N Berlin, PA D Al thonse, Reading Geo G Plank, Penns • The .N • James Smith, Reedit:La (; Kroppt, ht Louis John blenstleid DI Moore , Lebanon co W I Pataille Heeding F B Shatters, 'Beading R Thompson, retina Joseph NV Ilansicker Lelvte'Royer F A Smith, Penne, B Thar, Penna. • d Eagle. A F Boater, Bethlehem C Kunsel, Q C a P J Kestler, Scblk co, Pa John Pains, Lama in L Lecher at wire. Easton . Daniel Make!, Lebanon co J Lerch, Easton Aaron Godshall, Pa The Bal T S Leicenring, Pa A B Person, Springtown .11. Yluck. Springtown C ( . 1 Ztegenfuep. U S A WV Kea use, U 8 A DI hi Yrrklivr, Bethlehem . ( wen A Miller, Lehigh co lewie NVeLport The Bite Joel Miller, Hamburg El in amen II S Riclierd a, Bncke co J Sboenakar,N Terws„o Beni De Long, LOng BWemp J Ithnadv, Bath,. Ps Ant Lew back, Derbini, Ps ()wen Feeht, Allentown The Ste C B larbord, Baltimore J Tannerbawer; Baltimore Momison, Delaware ....s F B Woodruff' -. • • D B Span°Kle,Jtutiata co Geo Gray di wife Vf No:ton d: wife The Madison. Chas Howard, Washington, Mrs Maxwell, Washington T Terry, Penns lilies A Vaohorn, Penna SPECIAL Norrlc.)Elß. Hem Dvic! BATA Drs.!! BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE fe the Best fa the World. The only Harmless, True, and Reliable Dye known. Thts splendid Hair Dye is .perfect— changes Red, Raney, or Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural /brown, without injuring the Hair or Stair tug the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring Its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. 'f he genuine is signed WlLLiew A. BAroagtog; all others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, dm. FACTORY, Si BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor's new Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. i/S./.17 COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. Thisnelein:ated TOILET SOAP, in such universal G. wand, Is made from the CHOICEST materials, is MILD and EMOLLIENT in Rs nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT ED, and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL in its action noon the Skin_ Ynr INIO• Fancy Goods dealers. feS-tathaly TO CLLR THE Houaz OF Fuza, uaz Dutcher's celebrated LIGHTNING FDIC-KILLER, g neat, cheap article, easy to use. Every sheet will kill t quart. Sold everywhere. FRENCH, RICHARDS, & CO., TENTH and RAZ /LET Streets, Philadelphia, wholesale agents. my26-witu2ui ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, O 1 TILE LATEST Syyrais, made in the Best Manner, expreesly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plato Fignree. All Goods made to Order w arranted sattefao tory. Oar Onz•Pnics Syosset in strictly adhered to. All ars thereby treated alike. JONES & CO , 604 MAREET Street. Tim Port:LAB CLonnwe Rouen of Pans '"OAK HALL." • Seat-class goods at moderate prices. WANAMAKER & BROWN. 13. E. sorrier SIXTH and MARKET Strata, °nate= Department (to make to order) No. 1 S. Sixth si WMEEMIII & WTLISOZVEIRI6IIRBT PaseauY LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. 011UPBST. BIMPILBST, AND 888% lalarrnotos. 704 CITSSTATIT EltireaL allow& Raver*. ~~~r4t~}~~~~~a RICII—WILSON.—At Placataway,'N. J., on ttio ?PM of buy, 1961, by iho Rey. C. J. Page, Mr. Simnel K. Rich, of Boston, Mesa , to Harriet D. lihteon. of Phila delphia. RUOT—MEGEE.—On Tuesday evening, July lOth,lfitii, by the Rev. R. J. Pattlaon. Mr. Edwin 0. Root to Miss Carrie B. McKee, both of this oily. [New York and Newark (N. J.) papers please affPY.) DIED_ MORRIS —On the 27th Instant, Lydia 8., eldest daughter of John and Mary Morris. Funeral from the residence of her parents, Second street, aboYo tiorcta,..oa Thursday afternoon, at throe o'clock. THE PRESS.-PVICADV,T,PHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1864. 'l. Robert P. Rine, 2. G. kleirlson Coates, 2. Henry Bumtn, 4. William 13 Kern, 5. Barton H. Janke, & Charles 51, Rank. 7. Robin t Parke, 8. William Taylor, 2. John A. Medan& 10. Richard H. Coryell. IL Edward 'Holliday, 12. Charles R. Read, WT IRTE7 NT II liV ZENS of the Ward will assemble THIS. EVE NING, at Washington Hail,. EIOHTH and STRISG OaRDEN, to bear the final report or the Bounty Fund Committee, and determine some course of action In re gard to the coming Draft. ll° EY ORDER' OF THE COMMITTEE. WUNION STATE COMMITTEE .11.00119, CHESTNUT?' Street.—The State Com mittee request their 'friends throughout the State to adopt efficient means to forwavi'early and. full returns of th election upon the Conatitutional anneadmenta. Send by Telegracit to the Chairman at Girard House The Committee zooms are now- open. and corre. spondence directed to the Chairman will receive prompt attention. S. CAMERON.. Chairman, tar' TO VOLUNTEERS-8850 . BOUNTY. —OFFICE CITIZENS' VoLtlNTßillt: 41113STI TEITE COMMITIEE, No. *22 VIibLNUT hoed, Jnly 245. 1684. All persons proposing to volunteer, whetherle to draft or exempt, can enlist as Repte.aatati ve Recruit., Theo are entitled to the Government Bounty of THRSII HUNDRED DOLLARS for a three. yearn' enlistmont, and, in addition, this Committee will'pay to those re nlllo.4 at their office the City Bounty of TWO.HUN DRED.AND FIFTY DOLLARS. and OBS EfUNDHED. DOLLARS from their principals. Tk ev wilt thus re ceive; In all, SIX DUN DIM AND:FIFTY DOLLARS. The payments of the Committee are made in cash, on the day of Timmer. and, as iii object is-to slci in catalog troops and filling the quota of the city, Abere In no charge. for COITIMiSIiiO/1 or brokerage. AP pl at the office of the Committee bettreon-10 A. ht. and 2 I'. 61. J. G. ROBELiGekiTEY, jy26.4t Treasurer. REPRVISENTA.TIVE RECRUITS— OFFICE CITIZENS' YoutmrsEß SUBSTI TUTE COsal/TTEE, No. +t2 WALNUT Street, July 11!43.1. Gentlemen not liable to draft. and ladles who deetre to put into service Representative. Recruits, are in formed that this Committee will endeavor to procure then;, ou receipt of ONE HUNDRRYPDOLLA,V, which is paid to the Recruit In addition to the City and Go vernment bounties. As the War Department hes decided. to pay to Rut& Recruits (or three years the U. S. bounty. of Three Han dyed Dollars, they thus receive in all ism aulantary AND FIFTY DOLLARS. Th. patriotic of both sexes will thus be enablsd. al a moderate expenditure, to have themselves represented In the armies of the Union, and to aid the Government in the most efficient manner. . . W I NETEEN Irlia WARD.'--THE NAM:MAL 1351057 PARTY, and all those In favor of allowing our noldlera now•►n the nehbto vote, will meet at the boast, of JOAN DOtiltli, corner of AMBER and ELLA Ste.. THIS BVSNI NO, at 5 o'clock. -B. F. 1311WILER,. President. Attest: JAE. MILLTOEN, Jr., Secretary. It. MASS MEETING OF THE El igr7tldens of .tbe TWENTY•THIRD WARD Trill be held at ODD FELLOWS H dLL.Fraukford.on WEDNES DAY EVENING, July 27th Instant, as S o'clock, to en courage enlistments. Reports trona the Enlistment As sociation and County Convention may he expected. BICHLED GA RS ED, Chairman. Jt 26-ato N_T ritt T WARD.—A meeting of the Ctrizetii) of the ward will he hold. at MASONIC MALL, Manalunk, on WEDNESDAY EVENI.NG, July 27th, at B o'olock. The BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE appointed- last January, having fulfilled the object assigned to them. will submit a statement of their transactions at that time, and would sr ggest immediate action in ro•organizing for the pur pose of providing means and men_ to fill oar_ nuota under the President's late call far 000,01.0 volunteers. By order of Executive Committee. jy2B-2t* . • 013.5. A. SMITH, Secretary. k Bear. Robt Behenbriele,Allent`n Frannie A LI on, Allentown Jobn J ir t Allentown Win Noble, Allentown Geo Drionkenbach; Allentn itobt Holloway, Penner And Ditty, Georgetown W Seidel esse Williams & wife 0 Edwards & lady F Myers, Lancaster 5 KO Nesbitt, Port Deposit 0 Blignotes, No w York Elf Ilardzeliew Jersey I),A Wbb.N.—st Hibernia !roe Works, on Friday, Jafy :2d. Mrs. Anna Dronke IIItIVBOI, in the 75th year of her all it e flLllES. —OO the 2-Ithn st , Dec 'aniin Rowland 1111Inee, infant son Of John and AdWitnis j Million, aged 10 menthe and 10 days. Funeral from parennfL residence, Cheltenham, Tugs day, 26th lust., all P. M'. McFIILA Ni). —On t/421. d I not., of effksnaho contract. ad In the nrmy„linhu MeTarland, printer,. dI Company 1), 2d Delaware Regiment. Ills frit 111,1% and argnaintancea, those of the fair y,• and members of the regimen, to the city, areinvit,d to, attend his funeral. from him Into residence'? go. 1218' Peter's street, south of Wastiwgton avenue, en' 'nor - Jay afternoon, at 8 o'clock. (,RUWELL.—AI West Chestmr,•en the 211 tiestitut, Robert Crowell, eldest son of Inaba Crowell. The reintiven and fri.nds of thentmily are invi?ed.' to' ilttenil 111 n funeral on Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock. hoIiEIITS.—On the 2Jd Instant, ..fam'es D. Roberte; in' the 19th year of his ee 111 s relatives and friends aro respectfully Invited to attend his iuneral, front his hie roshlanco, flu. tza North Nineteenth street, on', Tuesday, 25th instant, at 3 o'clock . . SC . .IINSTO.N.—On Wednesday rnerninci.2rith instant, tit camp 21,81' Petersblirg, Vs.. Rebore U. Johnston. Hon of F. johri4ol . l. in Lb*• rtb rearof his age. ." RESSON & SON, MOURNINGWORE, ho• 918 CTIBSTIVOT Street. d97•tt VYRE ct LANDELL, FOURTV AND ARC 4 have IL Fill° ;Ludt of Finks, Fins ' , lock. of Shemle. Flee stock of Flannels, Floe stock of LIDO:Th. Floe stock of Afusllns, NATIONAL HOTEL, LONG BRAN6I3, New. Jersey, 18 open upou the European plbn, the cheapeet way to live, costing about 415 per week; get what you want, and only nay for what you coast/Me. E. I'. PETEK4, Proprietor. Cure leave Vine street every day at 7.45 A At. and , &Rey St.' jyttl.l2t NATIONAL UNION TICKET. Iron PRESIMENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. OF ILLINOIS FOR TIDE PRESIDENT, AWDREW JOHNSON.' OF TSIMESSEB. ELECTOKALL TICKET. SENATORIAL IZOIT - 201f MeMICHAEL. Philadelphia. T.' CO (INOB 411, Beaver County. NTATIVE. 13. Elias W. Hall, 14. Charlee H. Shriner; D. John Whiter, 16. David afeennaughn 11. David W. Woods. Isaac Benson., 19, John Patton, 20 Samuel B. Dick. 21. Everard Blerer. 22. John P. Penney, 2.3. Ebenezer MeJunkln. 24. - John W. Blanchard. BY order of ths State Central Committee. • A. W. Samna?, Secretary Jaty 21. *44. J.. 0: ii.O . SENGARTEN, Treasurer WILLIAM 1.1. RR AWN, Secretary OFFICE IiOCILLAN a PETROLEVIN CO., N: E. cor. THIRD and DOCK. 2d story. Certificates of Stock are now ready for tseae, and trap fora can be made at tbts Ones. jy4&3t. SOW. H. FLOOD, Tremorer. Irer. OFFICE OF THE MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPANY, BM WALNUT Street. Jotr Theßoard of Directors have declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Company. Payable on abd after the 30th inst., frao of State tax. • The transfer books Will bt , closed on TUESDAY. `Aith, at 3P. M. and will be opened on the 30th Inst. TEIOMAS SEARLE, Seey. W.ST. PATRICK'S _EXCURSION.— THE SIXTH GRAND ANNUAL EXCURSION to ATLANTIC CITY of the CONGREOATIoN OF ST. PATRICK'S CHITECH, will be given on WEDNES DAY, July 27th. Tickets, fill.M; may be obtained at any of the Catholic Book Stores. Proceeds in aid of the Ivor aid the orphan and destitute children of- soldiers. Marshall's Brass and String Bands will accompany the Excursion. Last Boat leayes VINE-STREET WHARF at 6 A. 111.. precisely. jyl6, 7.4,26,26-dt• lay— PHILLIPS OIL. CONPANY.—IN these days of bogus oil comosniee it is really refreshing to be enabled to give to our readers the name of a good, reliable oil company, under the control of practical men, with s a sufficient amount of capital to develop thoroughly their possessioue. We sea the names of many oil companies paraded In the Eastern papers that we baie good reason to believe are Pogue. At least, nothing is really known here, where their lands are said to be located. The PHILLIPS OIL COMPANY consists of John Munball, Oil City; Josiah King, of Pittsburg. and Cochran & Russell, of Phtiadelphia. The capital stock of said company is $ 2 .00.000 Their possessions consist of valuable oil leases on the Otegg, Wash. McClintock, Widow McClintock Farm, and on the Coroplanter tract of the H. McClintock Farm. Several of the .wells be longing to this Company. are producing a sufficient amount to pay a handsome dividend on their capital stock In addition to their property on Oil Creek this Com pany have a large tract of land in the neighborhood , of Mecca. Ohio. They have two wells on this proper ty, and intend to bore them. to the depth nf 1,200 feet. We can commend this company to the public as being possessed of good oil territory. as well as being men of strict integrity and fair dealing. They are busily en gaged in the development of their lands. and we think the stock is as good an investment, as any to be found., in the market. We know both the land and the men, and can cheerfully recommend them.-011 City. Re gietr. THE BOWS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the Capital Stock of the Company above referred to are NOW , OPEN for receiving subscriptions, at the Ohßco of the undersigned, where any further information in rela tion to the affairs of the Company can be obtained, COCHRAN. & RUSSELL, 22i North FRONT Street. iifft-eta JULY 11:'1661. , Iigr.TIMSITSO,II2IIIANNA. AND TIDE. WATER• CAN/a...COMPANIES have thalt %Moe st No. 417 WALNUT Strpeklloom 240. 4. • The "Transfer Agency " Of these Corapanles, hereto fore In South VOIJItTII Street, hoe been removed to the olce of the Committee. at the playa obese stated. lar OFFICE CITIZENS' VOLUNTEER SUBSTITUTE comikurns. 422 WALNUT Street. July 16. 196 t. This Committee bes Removed to No. 422 WALNUT. Street, up stairs, where it will receive application. from citizens de:drone to aware SUBSTITUTES or REPRE SENTATIVES. A payment of $4OO to be made at the time of application, and a power of attorney to be given for the City Bounty. Substitutes Tarnished In tli order of application. Veterans and Sltenpi desiring to cultist as Substitute. wilt apply to the Committee, who will have them mus tered into service. when they can select their own regi ments.. Besides the liminty paid by_Onvernment, they will receive from the Committee SIX HUNDRED. AND FIFTY DOLLARS in cash, on day of - molder, without deduction for commission or brokerage. No charge of in. the s ervico. and can gm; re-enlist on the most advantageotisconditlons. 011 Ice hours from 10 A. N. to 2 P. M. DANIEL INEINMETZ. Chairman. J. T. CLARE HARE. JOHN THOMPSON, CLEMENT B. PENROSE, ugitcv C. LE6, J. 0. ROSENOARTEM.T ler CALL FOR .A COUNTY CONVEN. TION TO AVOID THE DRAFT. At a meeting of the Delegatee from the Ward 'Bounty Fund Committees, held July 9th, DAL the following resolutions, on motion of Sheriff John Thompson, were adopted: Resolved, That the Wards bo requested to reorganize for the',wpm., of encouraging mil temente. .Resolved. Thai each ward be requestedlo elect three delegates to a General Convention, whose duty it shall be to aupeointend the general Interests of the wards, to promote unity in their action, and to adopt such mea nt:tree as in their judgment shall be best adapted to till the quota of the city under any future call of the Presto dent. Resolved, That the officers of this mooting be request ed to Issue a call for much Convention immediately on the Ironin of the call for men by the President of the United States. es. In conformity with thelnboverenolatlons, the delegates that may be appointed by the wards' are requested to mot t on MONDAY EVENINO next, July 26th, In DIS TRICT COURT-ROOK No. 2, at S o'clock. DANIEL STEINMETZ, President. Jonx R. Tatxxvortg, necretary. ' I OFFICE. OF TILE . CITY BOUNTY FUND COMMIBBION, No. 412 PRUNE Street. Under the4call for Troops of July 18th, 1881, the (HT T BOUNTY will be paidfts follows to Recruits duly mustered into the Service of the United States Red credited on the quota of the Lity of Philadelphia: To Recruits mustered for One Year, Ono Hundred Dollars. To Recruits mustered for Two Years. Two Hundred Dollare. To Recruits mustered for .Three Years, Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars. Proper certificates of credit to the city must be filed in advance with the Commissioners as hereto/ore. Principals placing Substitutes In servile will be paid In the Sable manner. By order of the Commission jy22-et ROBERT M. MOORE, Jr., Secretary. 7e R. Elllll/ DI FOR TWENTY . FOURTH WARD RECRUITS —At meeting of the TWENTY-FOURTH WARD BOUNTY COMMIT TEE, held JULY 19,1864, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Ram freef That this Committee will pay a premium of DOLLARS TWENTY Dm each three yearn' 'oil:trite.' r who shall be enlisted. 'to the credit of.'the Twente y . fourth Ward, to be timid to the party presenting the . re , croft, on, the m.rtidcs.te of the muttering offieer ad d thatepreinium of TWENTY•EIVE DOLLaRB bar .aid for each three year's SubA Mite who shall be obiithr, e d f„ a citizen enrolled in the Twenty-fourth Ward be paid , as love pro 1410, BAYSKOFIR .• jy2.1.6t • *Notary.' WA. R 1) ' qi3OLN Ah SS 0- Virdta TIOBI. —A Special Meeting( of the i nth Ward Lincoln trasociatioa ho - -.114)4 at tho MAItKTC end brf RICX StreetE.,- on TUBS I , AY EV E. , VI Yull'26th, 78 , 4. >Buafnese rAlitliag to the Klee tion to he hold the following. To esdat .is2A•2l^' JnRN L. tur,r.... Secretary. BAL tI RALLY l! LYIII I POSIVIVEGT THE L &ST crates• To fill up TwerCempanies for the MERCHANTS' REGIMENT.- All the geglmente :will then be full, and ITO MORE' RELISTMENTS WILL BE MADE. To-dayls certainly the LAST CHANCE. report to 553 CHESTNUT Street TC.DAY, at 12 etclack - . A. A. IJECI - 1LF.113.. It ' . Colonel Commanding Regiment. HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR- S/3AL, FIRST DISTRICT, PA. FRILADat.PICA, Intl° 28, 7884. The names of persons removing to or from this District will be added to or stricken from the lists of enrolment. Copies of the lists are open for public inspection. sad civil odicerfinnd all citizens are invited to appear and point out errors in the lists and give mush information as may aid in the correction and revision thereof. Any person enrolled may appear before the Board and claim to have his name stricken of the list if be can show satisfactorily that he is nnt properly enrolled. on account of Affenugs : if residence, Over-aps, Permanent Physical Durability. 7 A compliance with the forerainK suggestions Is ear neatly solicited. - WAS. B. LEHMAN, Captain and Provost Marshal. 3RETAIL DRY GOODS. ARMY, NAVY, AND CIVIL 34 S. SECOND'atreet, and 43 freMAWBEERY Street. CAMHRON, Obairmin. At fair prices, purchased before tkerzisai fThaeliendost of fold garobters,ll7 the package, gieee..or yard. Oar motto Is to sell. lire don't peddle. Odra& and ass oar stock. The Allay amid' Navy trades has 'oar special at ten ti on. JYI-11u TIDIER DUCK FOR SITFPBi Superb quality, vrblie and colorimb Natural color, emirs heavy. • Coating Linens, tiney Drills. Wide line black Alpacas. White Marseilles %readings. No advance in Summer Oaa.-imerell. Fine Stock for Sammerand MMES. Good styles from 't'o 80 cents. Summer dress stain low. COOPER 4000RAltil, jy22 6. R coiner NINTH and AltettirET Streets - pp ICH ORGANDT LA.WNSSEDITCED PROM Si 25 to 75 elk Rich Organdy Ekbes. reduced to ffff: Lewes reduced from $1 to 5235" zte. Orenedinee et vary low prices. . Summer Dress C-aode all reduced. India Silks reduced to 75 eta audit White Serene Shawls and Circniare, White and Black Lace Pointee sad:Notundae. Summer Shawls Gelling off very low. White and Colored Shetland Shatrlth EDWIN HALL & CO., 1,16 ' 20 South SECOND Street. CLOSING OUT SUMMER' DRESS GOODS AT LOW PRICES. A great variety of styles of this sessoa'SlmpOrtat4om, Bm.gicents to I. est Pacific Lain!' at SX,cents, Figured Brown Lawns at 373 cents. Drench Lawns at 40, 60, 62• and 67X cents. Beet 'flakes of hinalins. Calicoes, Olnbani Sad all kinds of Domestic Goode. far below the maisufacturec's prices. White Barege and Lama Giaawls. Silk Grenadine Shawh. 6M all-wool Cashmere Shawls, UK worth STIBL SON, Nos. 713 entl7llls North ThiTii Street. EXAMINE OUR LAWNS. Lawns, brown groandt.nest 1gnred..4403. Lawns, white ground, neat figured:Mo. Hnekabaek and Bath Towels, largeiassortment Bird's Eye Linen Towels. Extra size Damask Towels. Shetland Wool Shawls for tourists, $6. Bathing Flannels, red and gray. jyS JOHN H. STOKES. 700 lltollt Street ccM DE PARIS," FOR TH EM S SKIM—This delightful preparation is tape daily recommended to ladles about visiting the coon sea shore, for retool:lag the discoloration', caused b 7 sunburn or salt air. The " Small de Paris" is en dorsed and universally used by the ladies of the Prene capital. EUGENE JO IN, No. 111 8. TENTH Street, below Chestnut, Apia for l'Emall de Paris. JeglkimLf COLITELBIA HOUSE, FOR THE- BBA,SHOR4. ; w O. OF Z Trains leave PINS. STREET FERRY daily at 7)( M., 2 and 4.15 PM. - Terme $2l per week, or .3.60 per day. BROWN &. WOALPPER, 197• lm PROPRIZTOES. F LORENCE HEIGHTS.-THIS BEAU TIFUL-a- RESORT Is now open for the reception of roasts. • Terms sl2_per week. or S 3 per day. Apply on the premises or at A°. 005 SANtiOSI Street. j3•19-12t. • • • R. 0. BUSKIN, Proprietor. RIIM3rEit RESORT.—BROLD 1 1'01". " MOUNTAIN HOUSll.—This rdmantla spot can be reached daily by the Penntryll'Ulift Central Railroad to Huntingdon, thence 1)5 the Broad-Top Railroad via Dudley. B.;conrsion Tickets are lamed at half the usual rates, which are good =ail the Iret of October. .Firat-elass accommodations. Trams—gig per week ; per day OA. Children and servants half price. ' Tor farther particulars address _- C. IC ALLMOND & Co., Manage Broad-Top City, Huntingdon - Co.. Fa. BRIGANTINE ROUSE, BRIGANTINE BEACH, N. D. SMITH, Proprietor. This large and commodious Hote l is now open for the reception of visitors. Persons desirous of visiting the sea snore will find this one of the moat desirable places for excellent Bathing, Fishing, Dunning, &c.Mut three miles from Atlantic City, and communica tion from Philadelphia twice a day, via Camden and Atlantic Railroad. Boad will be in readiness at the Inlet, on the arrival of the trains , to convey gouts to the Hotel. • - Terms moderate. For further information address the proprietor. JyB-180. BEDFORD: MINERAL SPRINGS.- This popular Sommer Resort le now open, and pre. pared for the reception of visitom. until October negp- The Hotel twill be under the charge of the rn..""P." danced management in the country. ----- The Bedford Bailroaditas b0...-dnished to within one hours' ride of Springs, over Ana Tarnp_llte road, gi,,,it ore w ill come by pinusylvania kallroad to Hunt- Top and Bedford through. Luton, thence by Broad Ample arrangemente have been made to supply dea ns and individual , -with the BBDPOBD WATBIL. la For casks, so follows: Barrol, oakrel (40 gall-•t3 00 Bait Bar oak 00 " mulberry 4 00 All orders addressed to 1. L. ANDERSON. Bedford. promptly flied. Persons wishing rooms, or any information about fleoe,will address ESPY L. ANDERSON. SeE•lut 01'1 , 10E 01 , TILE Pid.ll/01.DElfe PHIA, WILMINOT . OR, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD COMPANY, PE117,4D711,1.711A„ Jrily2f), MOE Vie rates of Trel44 on all 1e lade of Mcrebaudiss traett. ported over the IMAM LINE. and the DEL AWAIII dtAILRO'A'D, with lie conaectleas, be advanoed Motif (10) Ter cen tact an roles an par Publlnbcd win" bearing date, of Jxunaryp IStls end ApVll.lnt, gad. Tbld adr :thee le'rzke effect MONDAY, July %Rh H, P. HENNEY, Rttretletcrttlent. CH Mt. 71. 1 17E, jy2l•Ctt Hester of Traselssrtatt 87• V CASH PAID TO ISVILSTII- IarTUTES,t . (WA 1 - I(4,2(GIyALS STPPLIED, At 2(0. 400 V.(2(11.2.0 - RY A treet, libove Fourth street. JY2O-00 Ver. INSTIrt.VirrIP. 9.NS IS .1141011-111`.. 1 0W— . 1.14 0. Peuuakhg, 02, Commen:al .Onlennvtinne. Telvieth l phln W. &C. , neO"TENDEN . es 13161trtIAL COL IN. E, 037 CH E..5' 4 JT Street, envier of Seventh; 7 , 10 Acmotis.—tltudents InPtrnOnd ..tottutratrly and itt mint) bourn KR 1100)/WIL their COn veadeo co. Cote,' Joguex path. on applicitthSle. jr2.3.3V esiblar'-' %I/IEQUAIIIO.II;_iLY SENSDIEV (1' TILS GRAND D 1 Nsion . , SUSS OF TEMPE- , ItnNcE ...or Pennsylvania, Tfillbe bold on WEDNES DIY EVENDI4O, .Ply 27, Ites 7x o'clock, at the S. E. corner o 6 NINTH and f3fißilvtl 0 ARDEN, CP , ets, romrtlik .3 nyy. 136. MAliffle, jy2S.3l.* Graud teribe. , i.iaxsTARV. X . oo' MEN WANTED CLOTH I.IO'LTSM. W. T. SNODGRASS, A large *tack of si4l kind of CLOTHS, OUBIXERES, TfiBTITTOS, I . T . INM!M . M77Tr' - 'j The altiafitton of LAD IES Ilse THE CITY for the • Sea Shore, " taring Pi RZSB, or " the Country," te • respectfully invited to tne-naiennive-stock— of WHITE GOODS, suitable for SUMMER WEAR, for WHITE BODIES, IifORNIXO WRAPPERS, &c. An extensive sursortment Is offered In Lace and Worked Edgings and Inserting e, Veils, Handkerchiefs Collars,Sleevesand in olala and fancy Pisia, Striped, and Figured White Goods, AT PRICES MUCH BELOW THEIR PRESENT RETAIL VALUE. 100 Printed Ltnen Cambric Dresses. M l6O PiOCOS Puffed. Tucked. and Striped ustins. E. M. NEEDLES. luYi:e:~.i:yr SIINMER RESORTS. CAPE MAY; THROWN IN TWO HOLUM UNITED 'STATE§ HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, 44 THE CLATIENDON i " ATLAIT'FIC CITY, is DOW open for Lee acoonernodelton of boarders. Thh house to et tasted. In a central part of the Island. and every room in the house commands a fine view of the sea, The I/analog never was better. • jOl-lm JONES JEIiKIDIS, M. D. rIARLIBLE WRITE BULPEEIIR SPRINOII—The Proprietor take% pleasure in an nouncing that Ibis favorite and . dL fashionable Watering Place Is now (wen for visitors, The personal and un divided attention of the proprPetor will be given to the want!' and comforts of hie mr an t.n. ;pl-1m• N. W. WOODS. Proprietor. • S EA HIND .- NATIONAL BALL ,"`-' CAPE Mita , . 4 :Dellf; May, N. J., is now open for the reception orris relmo'erone 'meets. Terms moderate. Children andel Year'.l of age and servants half price. Superior awrimasn. & d an s and ample room for two hundred limbs. AARON OARBETSON, Proprietor. UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRAN N. J..„ Is now open for the reception of flatters. "A Irene B.A.BHOSMAXRB, Prop'r. CHEST N{ COUNTY HOUSE, • AT. LAliTf,o wry, N. T. —This private BOARDING HOUSE Vidwlys open for Boarders), is now fully •ar ranged P4r tht accommodation of Summer visitors The lita at i t Al ie 018 01 the best on the Island, being in fall vluw forth* Oftan, and near excellent bathlng ground. inYlll-2or JACOB BRIM, Proprietor. 7/93E C (MING DRAFT PROCURE 'roux S ..STITIITES.—The enrolled citizens liable to the Draftf the First and other 'Districts of Phila delphia can furnished with - reliable SUBSTITUTES. at ressenabl.rates. by applying from 8 a. 8 P. M. to Najbf. MehriAGE, late Recruiting Agent at the Medlin re of the Proyost Marshal. No. 946 South TBIR Street. 1726 61 GET Y)LrRSELP A COLORED PHO TOOR . •II made by REIMER for only $L- The .• are Sae plot ea, arthilicalty executed and colored, aul glom fail t• •leito., SECOND Street, abort Glen. 11 A SHMEAD 4% EVANS, Soccossale. to WILLIS P. HA7.AHI), 7:44- caEsTivur' Street, /Java rseetved. AtAnoARET ARM TIM: DRIDESAIDS. nr "The geese of the tonoty„ AZARIAN. By 11. R. Preseott, neither of The Am ber Gots." =BIM/DER. 0.1 LIFE. HY tho author of "ggr bara'arlistory," A stioiniv, pronahrel at tire Eli TM/Si - nevi% by Rev. Alorgao Dlx, I& T. D. COLISIP PHILLIti. ti Tale. LINNET'S TRIAL. A Tale by' Re attnor of "Twice. Lost." AURICE DERING. TO the RIAD - ore( " Guy Living stone . CAPTAIN IIRAND. By DerryVOYAGE .1301,Vii VIE AMOUR. By lifajat terry Ce/linu.. VIE NEW TER N ' AZ; R.* Conti7iled 10 Horace E. 132t3ser. ,725 NZW BOOIS I - BW BOOXIT Rellgioun7r-xheing of Chlidireu at the School; Elie Emily, and the Cbareb Br Catharine E. 'Alotcber. Loyalty on the Frentler; or. flitttehes of liefOn nen of the Nonthweet, with Inehlecto. and Advert/tures f3O Robellten on die Borttey. By. A. W. Bishop. , Daunted Hen rte. VI the author of the Lamp:lll4liter, 9'he TiOranne and Cis Rapidan. - Army Notes'Conr tboTallimat Winchoettr to the Reinforcement of RO6O - IMI 4. By Alone , H. Quint. TetllVont and Sourhint; or, Life In Kentackp: By Arre„.lifarpAyt J. Holum., _The'llnele Whet, or Spirit of thn ConAlct, comprieldr Na - relund•Blßlary Rxpleits, Raids, dm. By B. 8":43.` Byrrale by W. 8, k ALFRED NA.RTIEN, .1)20 SOG CHESTNUT Street': 11331t,LNIMTENDEAT. This wmk!rltelteotte.Literarhind Family Joarnal. edited by REV. RIMY WARD DR - ETHER, Erv.-,TOSIIVI4, LEAN - ITT, D.D., In found In the came form, and at the same low ado of Per Allllllll4 notirlthhtandinz the great advance is white piper. Re'v.kEtsTß'Y WARD BEEOLIER, PO'LLOV7TItO EMINENT WAITERS Mid erzoier. Cotrric WILLIAXALLEN BVTLER,. REtTREODOBR CITYLER, BET. ROBERT M. HATFIELD, Th9EACE GREELEY. Timms-42 per annum. paid M. mtvanem. ' Specimen numbers sent Kranz. FOR BALB BY NEWS AOENTS. NEW MEDICAL BOOKS: TANNER'S NEW MANUAL OP PRACT/CA new onlarittd edition. WYTHE'S POCKET DOSE AND•BYMPTOM BOOK. Fourth saltbox. revved. FULLER ON RHEUMATISM. ♦ nifty reefing oil- Hon. BYFORD ON THE UTERUS. BAUER'S ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY. CHEWY LECTURES ON DiEIisICAT, EDUCATION. A NEW MEDICAL CATALOGUE. claselfted and priced. furnished gratis upon application. LINDSAY & SLAKINTON. jag 25 South :man Street. APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN - CYCLOPEDIC Tho Agency for thin Invaluable Library of 'Halvanial Information Is at 33 Smith SIXTH &nosh aimond story. Also. RECORD OF THE REBELLIOAr. BY Frank Moor& fell-tf A LADY, EXPERIENCED-IN TEACH ING the ENGLISH BR aNC HES.. wishes to obtain. a SITUATION AS TEACHER in a small School, or, as. Governess in a family. Ample reference as to charac ter, capability, Le. Stre et given. Addreas C: C.. 131 North SEVENTH, Philada. jy26-tuthaSt" FRIENDS' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND (MALL BOYS, et School lane, Germantown, will reopen on the 9th of 9th month. The usual branches of an Enslish education wilt he taught. , andwe feel war ranted in bettering that the competency of the teacher. Deborah B. Smith, will make it desirable to parents to. patronise the school. jy2s- tf 110HCENIX ICOR:HAL INSTITUTE -1- (for both sexes),4 I IICBNIXVILEB, Chester county, Pa. Thorough instruction in English branches, with Latin, French. German, and Manic .- For particulars ace Circular, by add ressing JOSEPH' A.. BOND, BOY 146, PR CENIXVILLE, Chester co.. Pa. ./r23-stath6t. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.-MI LITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, 4 miles beyond He at. and ill miles from Glen Riddle. on the West (thea ter Railroad. *rborotigh course in Mathematics. Natu ral Sciences, Languages, and English. Practical lea• eons in Surveying and Civil Engineering. Fine library and apparatus. Number of pupils limited. Begins Sept. let Pupils have benefits of a home: Refers to John C. Capp & Son, 23 South Third street• Thos. .T. Clayton, Fen., Fifth and Prune; John Er Diehl, 300 Walnut. Address Rev. J. BENRT'BARTON, A. M., iSn-Sla • VILLAGE GREEN, Penns. Vig - WEPT -- CHESTER - ACAD E MY -A- AMP MILITARY INSTITUTE. The scholastic year of ten months commenees on the first TUESDAY, the 6th of September next, and closea on the let of July following. Boys and young men prepared for College or Business lit its various requirements. The modern languages are taught by native resinent Teachers, who have no connection with any other school. For catalogues and fall information apply to WM. P. WINKS. A M..Principl; or, J. HUNTER WOBRALL, A. M. Pb. D , Asseciate.Principal, i5 . 20.2m WEST CHESTER, ?suns. A GRADIIA.TE or HARVARD, WITH an experience ,•4' ten years in teaching,wul open; le this city. in SEFTEMBER,A School An - Oust Ladies. Number limited to IMF en. Terme. $l6O a year. Ea.ramexcEs—liey: Dr. Furness, 1426 Pine street; Rev. Boger Owen. Chestnut Hill; Wm. H. Trotter, Esq., SS Borth Front street; J. B. Mitchell, Esq., 311 York. avenue, Philadelphia; Ex-Presidents Sparks and Walker, Cambridge, Mass._“. S. Smith, Bsq. , Dorehee ter, Mass. ;John Havens, Esq., Brighton, Mass. Ads dress je27-Im. L. H. BIICKINOILAM, Chestnut HIM PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE STITIITS FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 ARCS Street. Rey. CHAS. A. SMITH, D. D.a. CLS.RBJXOI SMITH, A. M.; Principals. Ninth Year. Three Departments: Primary, Asada min, and Collegiate. Full college course to Classic', Mathematics, higher English, and Natural Science, tot those who graduate. Modern Languages, Music, Paint. Ina, and Elocution by the bent masters. For circulars. apply at 1226 CHESTNUT Street, or address Box 251) P. 0., Philadelphia. sipStudra• GEORGE I. BOLTON. BIIBECRUDIRE HAVE A6BO. CIATED themselves together ender the gnu of BOLTON,DYREMAN, & CO.. and will continue the Car Building business In all its branches at -the old establishment. corner TWENTY-FIRST and HAMM TOI Streets. JOS. R. BOLTO N OSO. II DYKBMAIt. 0. W. CHILDS. Juni I. 1664. • jyl-Im. ARMY GOODS. FROTHINGII4I ct WELLS HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT EHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY °ANTON FLANNELS. • • WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CANBRICS AND • SILESIAS. • - BROWN_ O _, BLEACHED AND CORSET JEANS. 12 .12 vinit4TED TAKE. &c. seSI-Iftf • WiNDOW tiLA.BI3.-FRENCH PLATE - Ohm for storefronts, Bona Plate Glass for sky lights. floors. & c.; Port and Deck Lights, Ornamental Glass for churches, vestibules, &s. ; Photograph Glass, and Foreign sad Domostio Window Glass of every va riety, for sale 1.7 ROST. SHOSNARSE & CO., Noe. MOS and 207 N. FOURTH Street, 1.71-lm Phliadelobta. IvIONIIMENTS AND GRAVE. STONES.—A large assortment of Grave-Stones, re various designs, made of tbe finest Italian and America" Marble, constantly on hand at the Marble Works at ADAM STEINMETZ, EIDGE Avenue. below Eleventl street. Phtladelable. augl-grott COTTON SAIL, DUCK AND CANVAS of all numbers and brands. Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Trunk and Wagon Covers. Also Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from 1 to I feet wide. Tarpaulin. Boltinh 9-IL Bail T arsoruir wins lie. . W II Val SIJISAW. /Jim . myfi-tf • • • • • . . Os LA Most effective and delightful preparation FOE THE TENTH AND GUMS. Highly recommended by the most eminent Deeton and Dentists. It is the result of a thorough coarse of sclesilfle err*. dimwits, extending through a period of nearly thirty years. • To a treat extent In every ease, and enttraly In many, IT WILL PREVENT DECAY OF TEETH. It will am STRENGTHEN WEAK 013 MS, KEEP THE TEETH BEAUTIFULLY CLEAN. AN T D HE ERRATH SWEET. See Circulars. Prise $l. Prepared schbAy by 8. T. MULE N. D. DENTIST, • 1113 CHESTNUT Bt.. Phi l adelphia. Ise, Yer sale by Druggists. BRASS STENCIL ALPHABETS. If. J. METCALF & SOS, 45.3 c SALEM STREET. BOS 9 ION KASS, The only manufacturers in the galted'States of Braes Alphabets and Figures, to any mist extent or in any variety. Sold at wholesale at the ZintalSi Vaal+ Pacts. Also. the best of INDELIBLE. STENCH, INK,. Ism/ cheap. Stencil Dice and ell kindeof Stencil Stoat. In quiries or orders promptly attended to. Jr2l4m QUEEN OF BEAUTY. WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. A new FRENCH COSMETIC for beautifying. vehlten. lug, and preserving the complexion. It in the most wonderful compound of the age. There is neither chalk, powder, magnesia. bismuth, nor Min in tie soul. position, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin . Wag; hence its extraordinary Qualit Qualities for preserving the skin, making it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young, the homely handsome, the handsome more beautiful, and the most beautiful divine. Price Id and 6 . 0 cants, Prepared only by mum & CO.. Perfumers , V. South EIGHTH Street,two doors above Chestnut nut., and 133 South SEVHDITH Sir ge e t, above wal i9O-3co THE BEAUTIFUL ART OF ENAMEL. NOLI THE SHlN. —Pats de fond lawncertse (French collet Paste), for onsanelling the ekinaddinx small-pox marks, wrinkloe, burns, Scan, without injury to the moist delicate complexion. Its effects are truly ma &al. Sold to jars, price one dollororlthdirootions for use. BUNT & CO.. Proprietors, 41 South EIGHTH Btrest,two doors above Chestnut. and 1.112 8. &SUNft• TN —rea& ops.lls— A IJTER'S DAM FLUID CThtIIGEB -".=- gray hair to Ica original color in three day& Price por bottle. Orden( punctual!, attended to. 53 THIRD Street, shore CIIBSTBUT. lt• STEP IN AT THE GALLERY, 024 ARCH Street—% F. REIMER. Prowletor—and *s core a flee set of Cartes de visite, done In hie unarm. posed ptyle. - - THE WONDER IS HOW WORKS OF ART approach so near perfection as those beautiful specimeps life•size Phstogiaphs 1A oti At /1. F. ItiablSß'S 031 +LECH Street, NEW P EDUCATIONS. liksi THEODORE TILTON; TWO O •3I3OI.MAICS _Ol Pr' OORTAMS ONE SERMON EVBY WEEK, BiTOUS TO /TO •OOLIIKNO: BAYARD TAYLOR. JOHN Qt. if 71ITTIBIL. JOSEPH H. RICHARDS, Publisher, No. 5 BEERMAR43t., New Tor EDUCATIONAL. COPARTNEUSHIPS. WANTS. AGENTS WANTED TO CIANVAFE ?Olt LIEUTENANT OENERAL SCOTT% AUTO EMIG EA PRY, In every town, city and county iu tbgUdlted Mates. 2 vols., 12ma. Price OM. Canvassing books, for the nee of Agustin, donteelng fifty pages of the book and two steel-4)41W llkstiesnes, now ready. If a 2a3tanal lig book Is desired. oneloso 40 cents and it will busent by wall, poma ce p a id . For particulars addfoso RITEI,DON & CO., . 172A-2t rre. 335 BROADWAY, Di. Y. C9INTRAL StrObTITIJTE AGENcy, No. 9 south Third Strike. Sulmtltatp i t woofed. to Whom the Illabof4 prices v.lll Told Solistltatm, fnr 13nd tid Promptly to coy raft of the State at restanoable rale! , Roneat and fair dPal • .oormottn. jy2.5 3t• lIBSTIT.IITES.,EVBSTITUTES Wanted and larelphed. ttpply No 6 Snuth 61 X T Butef. C. A. PITTIT rad Tiles' BEDLOS l,. vrANTID-FURNITURE (WAT2 R JT Prefer:M)' by a party resettles bforo•keenleff. breakfu up will please atirdiess Dux IBNi. ' Post °Mee. it' TEARER WANTED.—AL MAYA' OR FRIILVLETRAZiRER. competent tareach the iranch and Cei tier. as 11$11g Jangnagra, la aWanted to MI a. vacancy irg the Trigh'Eceel at .the city of Reading. P. A Ilteral eatery paid. For farther intorTnittipo apply to or aildrew. ' J. LAWRENCE E'CZ, Cebool Committee, Reading, Pa. WANT 3 1)-A PARTNERWITS from s xooo tO to in into Imeloene . with the ad yartiser. • • W. It. LtiNYESS, • 100 North WOW j___tat• ANTED -A COLORED BOY. 14 OR 171;015_ y_epr_s_oldl m l Waiter in Private Painily. Ay- IN mai r Street. 131- A . YIRST:CLASEI BOOK-KEEPER ala be bid.* ayatylag at this Oilice Aim thirty- Mx; married. Will (We ecticractory city r e ference: .Aildroes ••P..8. T." iTTrar 116111111TER .TOURNEY -0: blArc who hi a itood, PRINTER and understands . therullDlTS of a Power Piga+, or in wilting to wanted sty Foreman In au office-near the city. To a per. saner undoubted characters permanent bitnation will be ithrea. Addrras "Minion." this Office .1y251-3te .1 1 E1AZffTERS WANTED. CHIRP QOARTRRIRASTIR'S OPPTCW, • WRSRINOTOR DRPOT, WAssmovroa, D .July 9, 1854. - WAXIBD. at once, ?BREA FIUMDRED TEAM STERS., each capable of driving with single line, and managmairix-ranie lemma. To torch who are competent to perform the duty the pay per month will he thirty dollars, with one radon per day, and heepitat privileges, including the bast medical attendance when sick. Apply to Captain Charles El. Tompkins, A. Q. U. U. S. A. corner Twenty-second and a atreets, Washing ton, D. C. D. Ff. RUCKER, Brtg. Oen. and Chief Quartermaster, iyll-18t ' Depotof Waahlnatou. • $50,01} TO LOAN . AT 5 PER Cent , for moron or tooroom la one o .or divided'to eon. LrOeitßltirTga.. ..17x1-Y4 • 129 South 'OVATE Street. ,s4oooo' TO 1,0 AN MORT . GAGE , for per cent., In owns not leae than 03,000 each. Lo at 5 to CHARLES RHOADS, .1719-101. • Con7oyancer, No. 36 S. 811YENTR St. i t gn A MONTH !—I WANT AGENTS A. , %-f at Fel) a month, expenses paid . to sell my ETRE STINI) non w. 5. ORIENTAL BURN - RM. and 11 other articles. Fifteen circulars sentfrae. Address epee-dame= JOHN V. lABD. Biddeford. Maine. WANTED' TO.'PIIRCEIBI3,.TOR 2l-3t• an FOR SALE OHEAP -*THREE -m-6k STORY BrickaD WSLT.ING, with three.story dou ble Back Buildings. modern •convenienoes. No. 1321 Frankfort road; lot 20x101 Price. clear, onio &3,300. 3723 B. PETTIT; 323 lirg.L.NUt Street. gel TO EXCHANGE::- VALUABLE ...I—improved Delaware front FARM, 97 acres, near Shaman' , Station ' 15 miles out and 9. miles this side or Bristol Several others to exchange. Call and examine Brener of farms for sale and ex chance. jy23 E. PETTIT, 3t3•WALNTIT Street. at FOR SALE-VALUABLE BUS mat NESS PROPERTY, situate at No 630, 632, and 634 North Second 'dreg, cmairting, of three stores, With dwellings attached. The whole will be sold together. to close an estate. A portion of the purchase money May temaln on mortgage For particulars, tualitre of S. Mc:CLL, 18 South SECOND Street. PPLLAMILPRIA, July2o. IFBI 421-1.01.. LEGAL. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. • JOHN THOMPSON ye. PATRICK KELLY. June Term. Mk lie. 94. Pluries Vend. Ex. The Auditor appointed bytl e Court to make distribu tion of the fund prodnoed by the Sheriff's sale under the above writ, of all that certain lot or piein, of ground, with the hotel and stables thereon erected, situate on the north side of Washington or Market-street, and the" west side of William street, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing to front or breadth on said Market street Ift feet, and extending in length or depth westward (Jr that width 200 feet more or less to Green street. will attend to the duties of his appointment on MONDAY, the lath day of August, 1564, at 4 o'clock P. Al., at his office. No. ItO South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where alt persons interested are required to make their claims. orbs forever debarred from coming in open laid fund. jy2•s• 10t D. P. DROWN, Jr. , Auditor. - { 'STATE OF CATHARINE FARRELL, ' A-4 DECEASED. .LET ; fiRS 'I•ES'I'AVEIiPART upon the last will and testament of Catharine Farrell,,late of the city of Phila delphia, deceased, having been granted to the Penney'. Tanta Company for Izmir:these on Lists and Granting Annuities, all persons indebted to the said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims against the same to present them without delay at the Office of the Company. 30 , 1 WALN - OT Street. jy tu6t• CHARLES DUTILLE, President. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.-ESTATE OF ANN HENDRICKS, late of Lower Salford town ship, Montgomery county, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Montgomery county to distribute the balance in the hands of Jacob M. Hendricks and Jacob Cassel, administrators of the estate of said decedent, to and among those legally entitled to the same, hereby eyes notice to the creditors and the heirs of said decedent that be will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office. No. 3 AIRY Street, _in the boroughof NOR RISTOWN, said county, on wEDNESDAY, the 27th of JULY, A. D. 1E64, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all persons interested are required to attend. prepared to substantiate their claims. FRANE LIN MARCH, 'y9,12,19,26-0 Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE TN CITY .ANDCOLIIITY OF PIIILADELPIEIk. Estate of FREDERICK JITPPENLATZ, deceased. The auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle. and adjust the second account of FREDERICK SCFIO- PER, executor of the last will and testament of FREDE RICK .TUPPENLATZ, deceased, and report distribution of the balance in the hands of the executor, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appoint ment, on TUESDAY, July 25, 3164, at 11 A. )1., at his office. 506 WALNUT Street. in the city of Philadelphia. jyl6.etuth St WILLIAM ERNST, Auditor. TTXI IT ED STATES, EA.STERIT DIS TRICT OP PENNSYLVANIA. —Ser. ' THE PRESIDENT OF THE URI PED STATES. TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENN SYLVANIA.—Ggerrixo: WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States is 'and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all persons in general who have or pre: end to heve.auy right. titte,or interest in sloop CYCLOPS, h.r Tackle, Apparel. and Furniture, and the Goods, Wares, and Merchandise laden on boardthereof, 'whereof —is master, cap tured by the United States steamer "Flag," under the command of Commander J. A. Williamson, to be moniebed, cited, and called to judgment. at the time end place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter ex pressed, (justice so requiring ) Yon are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and pub lished in the City of Philadelphia, and in the Legal In telligeneer, you do monist' and cite, or cause to be inonished and cited, peremptorily, all persons ingene , ' ral who have, or pretend to have, any right, title , or interest in the said sloop Cyclone her Tackle. Apparel, and Furniture, and the Goode , W ares , and Merchandise laden on beard thereof. to appear before the honorable. JOHN CADWALADER, the Judie of the said Court, at the District Court room, in the City of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publication of these presents. if Who a court day. or else on the next court day follow- . Dig, between the usual , hours of bearing MEMOS , then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law. a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any' they have, why the said sloop Cyclops. her Tackle. apparel, and Perot. Lure, and the Goods, Wares, and Merchandise laden o n board thereof , should not be pronounced to.belong. at the time of the capture of the same, to the entmke:ef the United States and as goods of theirae o,ooE wise, liable and subiect- 1 .--eederemnation, to be &a nted as goad and lawful prizes: and 14140 o.ti -j :mi receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you. duly intimate, or cause tobe intimated, unto all persona aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also inti mated,) that if 'bey shall not appear at the time and, place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a. veasonnble and lawful Cattle to the contrary, then said- Dist rictsCenrt cloth intend mut will proceed to adjudice. Hon on the said capture, and may pronounce that the.. said sloop Cyclops, her Tackle, Apparel, and Fur niture, and the Goods, Wares, and Merchandise laden. on board thereof, did belong, at the time of the capture of. the same , to the enemies of the !United States of Ameri ca, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise,. liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be, adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and. intl. mated in anywise notwithstanding. and thatyou duty certify to the said District Court what you, shall do in the premises together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALAJIER,..Ia,dge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this twenty-drat day of JULY, A. D. MC and to the eighty-ninth year of the Independenee,of said United Statee. boa St 0. 'R. PDX. Clerk Dieblet eau& - ESTMIPS • COTTAGE ORGANS, )tot only ZNINCELLND but lINSRNALLND to rant, . of Tone and Power, designed especially for Churehn". and SohooLe bat fond to be ecually wall adapted,. the Parlor sad Drawing Room. For ado only by • R. M. BRUM, No. 18 North BIVANTN. Wool also. s eomplete assortment of the Perfeet Melodeer eonatently on hand. myle-As . WRITTEN AND VERBAL D. s ylr , .scaurvoNs of Cberaoter. Canelltutip . o,en4 Teo A i l7TO l ur t lvAe o rt, l3nain es im e . u. n e e ntlitltrl; int of CAlLlarEtilf, Bootal adaptation, ho., dal mit 41YOULDN. by JOHN L . Pk renolosist and Bookseller. mkl9.etntb No. SUS S. TENTH Street. abova aTHOMSON'S LONDON KETCH. Blum, OR EUROPEAN RANGE , f or families, hotels, or pttblic laatitntiona, ix TWENTY DIE FERENT SIZES. Also, Pbliadelgkla Emma . Bot-air Furnaces, Portable Restore, Loerdowx Orate/ Flreboard Stoves, Bath Rollers, Stowkota Plates, Broil'. era, Cooking Stoves, do, at wkolegale and retail, tit the troutteacturere, CHASE,_BBARFE, 6 THOMSON. mh3-tetbsats No. 2419 N. B)ICriND Street. • LADIES' TBIISS A2~TD BRAUN STORE—Condnami by tulles. TWILITIE Eltr • gut door below Saco. Every article in that line elegant, easy, and correct in make. G. H. HH• DLEI3, Proprietor, allods to Gentlemen, oaths come of TWELFTH and Hein, Streets. E. IL—Professional IMICIMOY insured. my64sair PINE APPLE -CHEESE.-60 CASES CHOICS S" Sago a¢&KWh DIA . 7 Choose of chola* quality.' For oall RHODES dc WILLIAM, bra.ti 101 fPnta. WATER IRMA. "CTION SALES. NTITURE FOR SALIC.— noTEL FUR . . from the business, the sib. Being about to rett r P scriber offers at nnblic 101 el JULY tl6, ON TUBS Dal , eather Beds the entire stock of rrTRNiTt •,,. In 1 ISRISIMRO PA.; BEHR,s HOTEL H A consintitis of, hair F ttresses. Pillows, Sheets, Comforts, (MOM. Carpets. English Corner Clocks. Bor.ans, Snoops, Knives, Chile end 61 8 ,8w&re.anfaclent to accommodstOnou snests: Stove; Kitchen Utensils; In fact,everythiniC required In alp I:utel. Sale to be continued from des, to day anti] all Is sold. Terms mush, under one hundred :Wars. islo-7t .1 . rirr,B3 AUCTION SALE OF COED: , J • HORSES t WAS DEPARTINRWP, CAVALRY BIIRRAIS. • . OPPTCR OP CRISP CIPARTERNAPTI 4. WARRISCRVON, 0. C. July 4, .Wlll be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the higher. , 141. iters at the tinier, and place. named below—viz: L ataKON, Penna.. T4MRSDAT, July, 14th. 1864. P SitoltlO,Penna_, THURSDAY. July. 21st, 1864. 18 114 A HRISBURO, Penna., THURSDAY, July 11 1 / 4 1 ALT 00:4 A Penna . , THURSDAY, Angeet 4th, 1864 wiL s , lADISPORT. Penna. , THURSDAY, AuettetllE4 1864. TWO 1 ICICDRED (200) CAVALRY HORSES at soak place. Ti me H, wee have been condemned as unfit for Uer •vlcAqt the Army. Cavalry Eel For Road Ind . arm PUM O,OB many good bargains an' be had. tr Solves sold nyrl Cerrency. T, T am , n United States JAMES A. ERIN, • Lieut. Col.-.and Chief Qoarterin • i*SOt • Cavalry Bursae_ PUBLTC i SALE OF UNCLAIDOW Ining in the Waxeboioe of the PHI GOODS rent LADELPIITA dls I ) ,,,TLEIIDI" RAfrAtSID COX , ..... and CALLOWHILL Street". PA t. t, THIRTSE,. Philadelphia. The articles dese. 'bed le the follo wing eehodtd% haying bee . comhz .., dto the Station named below, ow the Philadelphia and Readin g Rettreed , and thew*" I legal notice, not baring Wm", Agrees, after due an, them away, nor paid L.. No coats and expeneen of carriage, ' , e sale or outcry, at the severe/. will be exposed to publ on cIaTURD AY, September IT. Fta Hone .named below, 78Q; t h e sale to cern= •nce at ten o'clock in the fore. IMOD of wild da • • ~.. comiras 113 =ENE = = R. P. Ramas V. x. Bartor, S. Jackson, L. Lowrie, Dr. Writ' ht. C. blessrree, Parcbal I ;Norris, P. McDosaugh, Dr. wrlgla, Dr Wr iabt. A. Thompson, • • A. Cross, W. Miner. 3 . W. l'osncer, W. Harris. JP. Epplerheimer, Paschall Merchants' Ins Co, CossoPtn Ina. Co. J. Collins J. Lucas ir Co.. 3L.oSadler, S. Eccles, S. Hallman, George Gri B. Kenchtriager. H Pass, Wllsoo, J. Long & Bro.. [ IL. Walfenaberger, G. Devlan, J. Powers. Shanbackar, '3. N. Kline, J. Hall. W. H. Richards, It. M. Harris, R. & S. Allen, R. Ashburn. The &have artic'reg will be exposed to public " sforegabl; according to the provision. of the Brat . of the Actof Aseembly of the Commonwealth of ,e 111 1".,.. elyjyarlia• approved the ehrteentH day of March 4 ' ": IMS: with all the requirements of which the Phil ~ phis andlgeading Railroad Company have a rF stects complied. The Act of Assembly is as follow "' sta . : .• Commission merchants and factor., and all mon carrier°, or other persons having a lien tt DOM go. " 14 • wares, and merchandise, for or on account of the c.,....„ and expense.' of carriage or storage, or any other cha. arising from the transportation, keeping; or FWrage such property, In CUR the owners or consignees she "< not pay or discbaige the amount due for each cost, ex pen c e, carriage, rtorage, orotber charges, horainbefert named, may, after the expiration of ninety days from the notice hereinafter provided. proceed to sell the same, or no much thereof as may be me tB discharge said lien, at public auction: P That notice of sale shall be given as required for sho ring sales of personal property, and that thirty dame notice of said lien be given to the owner or conafßT* . of the property. if they can be found, and in case cannot he RO. found, that the same shall be advertria weekly in come newspaper published In the proper clip or county to which the goods, waree, or merehaudisir have been consigned, for four consecutive weeks heart tbe sale, the residue of money alleles from such Bala. after dedeetlnc costa of tranenortation, charges ant storage. advertiming and sale, to be held subject to thew order of We owner or owners of such prop t rty. tt 0. A. NICHOLLS. General Superintendent 1111,torno. • Pa., Lane 10, 1954. .1519-111 t A.MVSEDIENTS. DROVER'S NEW- CHESTNUT STREET THEATRIL —GRAND REOPENING. WEDNESDAY EVENING. July 27th. First time in six years in Philadelphia of tbe Grand lio - Spectacular Draws, or. THE WONDERFUL LAMP. Presented after three months' active preparation fil style of unprecedented magnificence. replete with won derful Transformations, Magnificent Scenery, Grand Marches, Superb Costumes and Properties, Beautiful' Music and Choruses. Reserved Seats for sale three days In advance. jyß4ll WALNUT -STREET THEATRE: • The far-famedSANFORD. AT HOME. ' SANFORD ANT) TROTTFR open the above Tb•atNA On MONDAY TWINNING. July 25th. And continue every evening daring the week. Y 4 91 14)., ducinelhe . BEET MINSTREL .CORPS See bills of theitisr United States. Box open dolly for sale of Miele.. THE A.OADEMY OF FINE ARTS; -A- CHRSTMTP abin Tina. fa or= DAILY; for vtoltoroarom L. Y. to OP. BOAItDING. VIRBT-OLABB :PERMANENT -a- BOARDERS can end etinerior accommodation, at moderate chargett at the old United Stites Hotet. 413 CHESTNUT Street. This hones has chanced hinds recently, been refurnished, has no bar, and is now open for the accommodation of permanent and transient Boarders. lts ROARDING.-TwO SECOND-STORY rooms TO LIT; it 13A North ?WITHIN. .for-tt PERSONAL. PERSONAL:—ICED OR BLARIC BALL SLR. DROPS. arty cents per. pair.. 01 6 aka* Street. • - - .i s 6.114. • MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale. by the Hon. JOEFN CADWALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the 'United Etatsy in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to. Ad miralty. to me directed. will be cold at Public Sale,- to tte highest and beet bidder, for cash. at the yard of HUMPHREY HOFFISAN &Co. WATER Street, ahem! Vine. on THURSDAY, July 25;1864, at 12 o'clock M.. 18,000 locust treenalle and 212 cubic feet of locust logs. The locust logs are now lying on lot southwest coma of CALLOWHILL Street and DELAWirIFE Avenue. WILLIAM HILL WARD, • United States Hershel E. D. of Penns, IVEHIH• PHILADELPHIA. July 22, MI. iY23-6t MARSHAL'S SALE.-BT VIRTUE OF a Writ of Sale. by the Hon. JOHN CAD BALM. DER,' Judge of the District Court of- the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in ad miralty. to me directed , will be sold' at Pablis Sale.. to the highest and best bidder. for cash, at MICREMER'H STORE,No. 142 North FRONT Street, on TUESDAY. Augosll, ISM, at 12 o'clock M., @abates Cotton. ISIP boxes manufactured Tobacco, and fg sacks of Tark's Island Salt, being the cargoes of the schooner Pugilist tag, sloops Julia and Cyclone. WILLIAM MILLWARD, United States Marshal E. 'IX of Pennsylvania- PHILADELPHIA. July 2?.:. MK • JykSit XCIIESIONS. SIIHM AT REDUCED PriaCEST TO TEE GREAT COAL. IRON, AND LUMBER !W. GIONS OP PENNSYLVANIA I TICKETS GOOD FOR TEN DM g GIVING AMPLE TIME TO, VISIT EACH FOLEY O. • " IX TEREST•OH THE BOUM The .Catawissanßailroad Conpamf Reeler perfected arrangements with conned Mug rcads;.,. will tame Excnrkion Tickets from Philadelpl ila over aft _ folloving route: PHILADELPHIAiLLID READING Rh] LROAD... To Reading, Schu.fdtill Raven, Ashlar,d, Mahan City and Tamaqua: CATAWdSSA.RAILROAD. To Summit, Ilutoaley:Mountain. Cats: Alma, Ramat Danville,Milton. and. Williamsport,. LEHIGH ADD MidEPANOY AND &WIER IsfRAIDOW.. RAILROADS. To Black Creek And Mauch Chunk: LERIEIR VALLEY RAILS 0 , 1). To Allentown an& Detbleliem • and I he ItO:3TR.PRIINSYLVAItIA AILROAD... To PLlladMplaa. . - For Tar:sty and. grandaur of soeinary, this route pew. aents peraliaranthecementa to tone's tr. Iliose whining to do so, may rerarre the ob. tattling Tickets. to start.orea;the 'North renn:7l. - raalta Railroad.. $lO. Tickets cap, be obtained atithe Depots of Ma Pitatak- - Tibia and. Heading and .lidxtb_ • • " Cowattles, and of Ticket:Agonea. NortAnnest corner SU.TH and CHESTB OT Webb,. Trains. start from Pb lindelph la and Reading_Depot ltt 8.16 A. 3.:1) P. M., and front Nort.h..?•ansylvaniga Eailroadt Depoi at 7 and. 3.46, ane.5,15 P. M. 3510-talk.ti. • . v i s t i Z it GRAND PLE3BIJREIIar e . 01312810 NS TO LASE P.137.138.101{.—0W of the following splendliofirat-clesa_ steams Vls, : CLEVELAND, 'VDTS, NORTHS.I..Ii 1.101,2, crur._TßAVEla METEOR IBOLI-SIDES,_L AO RBLLE, and P 2 ABIC, w i ll lauye C.LBV • . 1 4 Ohio, at B o'cleek P . M.', each day of the week. Saturday and Sunday, and Detroit , Michigan, on - • ' ['allowing days at 2 o'clock P. M,. through the moratba -, Of MILT and. AI3OIIST, Waking Arend Excursion TifOft• to the Inatrit Points of interest oaths Great Inlandikarif of Allllnici,mtlich, for utility. pleasure, !Ludhiana...RA :_ nnsnrpaawd by any other on Cie Continent. • • This trip of over 1,003 miles embraces six dextrin &V latitude,. and. eleven of longitude, and, includes lx Pk . circuit Bakes Erie. St. Clair, aurora and B upertor,w2lat. thebeausifel river; Detroit, 5. Clair and St: iiiiirea. The many and extensive ;nines of iron and °appeal unequaled by any in the world, with the nowly-d20.• covered and inviting depcxits of silver lead, wild and ro•mantio scenery. combined with. its wire :. - ,pci braeteo. climate, render the Lakspiiperior trip our sf far maw than ordinary attractas the capitalist, the stedeadtt. 'Ore pleasnre-seeker, or , e Invalid. The above-named era are elerreatly.f tied sti, with large airy Cabins...and 'State-Root/A 'wkile loom • Precaution has been taiga to provide for.khe safety: ink- . comfort of pas/wage:a. Fare, including Stere-.Roome and Maxis, about .1( Milt per mile. Time octal:data making OA zoned bap;fr ' 8 to 10days. .. $00239 secured, and further inforgatlox application to prfdarletors. . ROBT. HANNA & CO., Ire a...A O MB 11IISSIT k McBRIDB, sl.alrci.uv.• s , J.T WHITING & es. _ Jomii Rurcaill - .. -D.4-431t • 1ii641131L jeri.t. an 26 • • - m i or=„44 l FOR QA, Ft A Y.—TEEM staunch sad .comneodions steamer MAN RATTAN, Captain E. A Ryther, or the Cape May tAnew having been released by the Government, is cow making her regular tripe to Cape May, leaving AlitOft- STREET WHARF every TUESDAY; THOR,SDAL and SATURDAY, at eclock; returning, AM leave 01 Nay every lifonday, Wednesday, and Friday, at ei °Wont, touching at New Castle, golas and riitiM i ng. p a y. {9.611, carriage hire inittudad; children bat; prim Servants CAD, carriage hire extra. Freight at low rates. No freight received after I Weloct. and in lel owe moat be. pre-paid. .1722-tf JOSEPH A. STEWART, Agent. r. ,,,g0= 7 1," FOR ALBANY AND TROY, vit. Delaware and Raritan Cane —The bar., • S. FLANAGAN." Capt.' W, Corson, is now loadiog at drat *below SPRUCE Street, and will leave for the above points an WEDNESDAY, July 27. at d o'clock P. U. For freight, 'which will be taken at reasonable rase, apbly tO D. L. FLAX AGAN A Aiterde".! irmt No. NOVI. DELAWARE ATeumW; s i d dr ei t FROM NEW YORK, FOR NEW HAVEN, HARTFORD, MUMS.- YIBLD,ADd BosTaN.—Tne SteilTWA ()ONTO and ELM CITY lane Pecks:alp, But 111 . ypr t 4all 13 31 1 Z P. N. Awl 11 it BILK •BTICLB4 •ND YA=p 2 boxes garde. 25 bdl.e. spokes. 1 box skeletons_alrei 1 box bedding. 1 box mdse. 8 bags Pulp. 1 reaper. lot sundries. I box books. . 1 box books. 2 sacks ebareoeL 1 box /1 H goods. barley. box drugs. I stove_ bbls pickles. . seed sowers. books. 21 , oxen books. b Ix veneers. Ica 9k ealel - e .e.te• old I 21 "er• nltt 100 ixt les. bandies. 2 enact - . mp t . kag. mi. 1 .. where. ante. 3 1 111 eh nscey 1.% 1 . 1 li bbl . empty 1 2. u b 1 empty keg mdz 3- I 1 half Ibl. and keg. 1 keg mine! la water. 2 bbls. corn. /emptr bl empty b b id. s. '1 belt bbL