dX EFFICIEWT Govenxon.—lndlana is blessed With a Governor who, being deserted by the LoglS tura, Is able "to run the machine nione. ,, It Is well known that in 1863 the Legislature of that State re fusal to snake appropriations oven for the Interest on the State debt. Resolved not to call the disloyal body together again to distract the State by its pro ceedings, Governor Morton established a Finan cial Ilureau, ,, and proceeded on his own responsi bility to raise the Looney to carry on the State Go vernment. By means of the Buroau ho collootad and.hOrrOwed mionoy enough to keep the machinery of Govern ment In motion, to meet tho interest on the State debt, and to carry on the reuniting. Pte .borrowed nearly $400,000, collected from the United States, Tor mllitary storos, $.30,000, and for militia services 4140,000. The Bureau disbursed over $lOO,OOO, aud now has on hand about $250.000. The interest pro vided for by an arrangment in New York amounted to $290,000. For all these loans the honor of Indiana Is pledged, and a loyal Legislature will some day provide for them. Not many States can boast of a Governor who is thus able to carry on the State Government effi ciently, in the face of the hostility of tho logislative brenok.—Roston Advertiser. THE err - Y. -• [FOR ADDITIONAL CITY DRINA AYR ?MIRTH PAGE DESTRUCTIVE FIRES About half past ten o'clock last evening a fire broke out in a three-story brick building on Guil ford street, below Shippen, and between Second and Third, the lower portion of which was used as a stable, by Mr. John A. Evers, and the ewer part as 41 dwelling. It was entirely burned out. The flames communicated to a large one-story brick building adjoining on the north, which was formerly occupied as an leo-house, by blosere. Wolbort. & Bros. It hail a front of about forty feet on Guilford street, and extended back to a small street, running in (rem Shippen. This place had recently boon purchased by Mr. Burton Rollock, undertaker, on Second Street, below Shippen. There Street, was nothing in it at the time of the fire, with the exception of a now wagon belonging to hlm, which was consumed. 'rho rear and of It was used as a stable by Mr. Kol lock, and also by Mr. Louis Fayette. They had hones in these stables, but they were removed In safety. This large building was entirely consumed, • there being nothing left of it but the walls. Adjoining in the rear was a brick stable owned by Mr. B. O. Knight, which was also destroyed. On Guilford street, north of Mr. Kollackts now place, was a tevo-etory frame, building, ooenpled by Mr. Ni'llifam Reynolds. The firemen worked manfully at this dwelling, and succeeded in preventing Its •entire destruction. A large four-story brick dwell ' frig on Sliippen street, occupied by Mr. Francis Theis as a wine and liquor store, was considerably .damaged in the upper portion. - A part, of the roof was burned off, and the whole place was completely 4ranched with water. A. hole was cut in the ceiling: of the first floor to allow the water In the Second • story to run down. Five two-story-and-afialf brick dwelling houses extending from Mr. Theis' place to Guilford street • were slightly damaged In the roar. The effects in these houses had to, be removed. Several houses in the vicinity caught fire from the flying Makes, but .wore extinguished before any damage was done. The flakee floated around in all directlens,making it ileceesage for the firemen to wet tho roofs of the houses around. The damage caused by this lire riot he stated. The property purchased by BLNKollock is supposed to be covered by Insurance In the Etna. The other properties destroyed have also some Insurance upon them which will probably cover the loss. Holy the fire originated could not be ascertained, but it is supposed to be the work of an incendiary, as there was no fire in the building where it first broke out. A destructive fire broke out between three and Sour o'clock yesterday afternoon in a stable, (men yded by Nathan Libby, fronting on a small court .rcusning . into Hazel street, above Front. The flames extended to three two-story frame buildings, on the seine court, occupied by Mrs. Sheer, Mr. Craft, and Mr. John McMahon. The roof and back portions of the second stories ware completely de stroyed. The occupants lost considerable in their effects, caused by damage to furniture and by wa ter. Mrs. Cress lost everything. She supported herself by working on army clothine - , end had saved up some forty dollars, by her industry, which' was 'also lost. Alarge wine and beer saloon, fronting _on Moore street, which adjoined the stable on the north, was also damaged In the rapper portion. It was built of brisk and two stories nigh. The roof Was burned off, as was also a luau° ou the east, fronting on the Same street. It was occupied by Dir. Nathan Libby, the proprietor of the stable. Four two-story brick buildings .on Front street, above Moore, were also Lamy. damaged in the' upper parts. The effects in these dwelling houses were nearly all removed 'before the fire gained any headway. They were occupied by Mr. Christopher Wol ff , Mr. John Sheer, Mr. Lilly; and Mrs. Sobagire. The wino and beer saloon was also occupied by Mr. Wolff, who has an Insurance of $6OO upon his effects, which will not corer the loss. All the dwellings, together with the saloon, were owned by Mr. Bower, who is at present out of the city. The total lose conlii not be ascertained, but it will probably reach three thousand dollars. lINANULLL Mill COMMEII.OIII. BTOCK =CHANG SWORD /0 Hun ik Broad Top It sig 1 do word 10:1 Aloorst 2 =1:1! I ID3O Dalzell Petroleum. W 160 Reading R....sssem 66 3OARD. PIUBT• 12 Farmers' Dank, Kyill W northern Central.. 5551 211) &aide Slade 123; Aco d % , 40 Lehigh o flirt 86 2COOO Eusq do Canal 8% 1 • 1 3 8% 100 do b 5 121 , 100 do 154 310 do 11135 ICO do bSO 19% 300 Feeder Dam b 5 1 .30 bllnehill 13 01 8 2d 3:34 St R 73 1 - • do 74 600 1:18 6-93 Bonds 10411 300 City 63 New--.. 10 61 620 do 1065 3 0000 Sch Nay - 63 1332. •• • 9 331 51700 do 93 20(3) Tinton Canal Bonds MK TM El mica 73. ...... 113 7.990 &Hoz', Co coup is S 2 1003 Pit tl big coop 113 esh 79 2030 Stato all C&PaCa ASTIR. BOARDS. 100 Soso Canal- •••1130 10 , 100 McClintock 011.b10 93( 100 do b3O 19 100 do 6% 60 Dol Die 42.0 30 d 0.... . ..... Cash 5Y 5 4EO Stale Se C&P 101 100 do • 6.4.. 160 II 86 20 80nd5.... 106 100 do 6% 3300 do 10.134' 110 Hog Island 1 &DO City Cs New 10656 160 Excelsior 011 .11-15 4 N Penns It 3i3 Ilie Cats.w's prefd.cash 38 4 Penns 11 - 74 2O 3d &3d St 14.... .... _ 74 182 Amer Gold 262 200 Bead It cash. 66 3-16 ICO licElhenny Oil.• 61 - 200 d 0........ ....... 60.4 100 do..- ....cash -68;100 do ........ .... • . 663 K -60 DalsellPetrolerim 6,..1C0 d 0.... ••••.caeh. RH: 100 do 631-100 MO d 0... ..... —.410 66 30 do cull 6%.100..• d 0.... ...s.leaftlo 66 • 46 Drexel & Co. quote : New United States bonds, 1351 102 K 103% Do. New Certif. of lndebtedneu. • • 94 86 Do. 7 8-10 Votes 104 106 . 41nrate rmakters' Vouchers • 91 92 _ Orders for Certificates of Indebtedness 1044: 105 Gold 252 254 Sterltng Exchange 274 7 livetwenty Bonds 104 164? The gold market was comparatively steady on Saturday, opening at 261, running up to 254, and closing at 253. The course of the stock market moves along un disturbedly. Government loans are firmly held. The 5-Ws sold on Saturday at an advance, for small lots, of Af, and large lots were disposed of at 104%. State BO are Steady at 101, and new City As at 106%; Allegheny County Coupon 55 advanced Selling at 82, and Pittsburg Coupon 58 sold at 7D#; Schuylkill Navigation Gs of 'B2 were a fraction lower ; Elmira 7s sold at 113. The share list, except• log Pennsylvania Railroad, was inactive and weak ; -Reading closed at a fraction lower ; Catawissa pre ferred declined 1; Northern Central g; Alinehill Bold at 62, and North- Pennsylvania at 3114,' ; Penn 'wylvanla was 3 better. There was nothing doing in the Coal Companies, and in Canals the transactions Were also limited ;' Lehigh Navigation at 85, Dela• 'scare DiviSion at 423;, and Susqueha,nne, at 18)4. The Oil Companies generally were dull; Maple Shade advanced .4;.. A lot of Second and Third•streetl Passenger Railroad sold at 74. Bank stocks were also dull, the only sale being some Farmers' Bank of Kentucky at 10.5. The Secretary of the Treasury has given notice that 7-30 notes of August 19, 1961, may be converted Immediately Into the 1881 six per cent. bonds. The interest on the 7.30 notes will be settled up to the date of maturity, August 19th, and the six per cent. bonds will boar full coupons from July Ist. On and alter the Ist of August the insurance corn gouges will be taxed as follows under the new stamp act : Marine, inland, and fire policies, where the con. ahltration paid for the insurance. in cash. pre mium notes, or both, does not exceed si() 10 ets. From $lO to 6:.1) 25 etc. Exccediog e..% 50 cte. J.dte insurance policies when the amount insured does not exceed 4t1,2110 25 eta. Exceeding 81,000 tend not exceeding SS,O(X) 50 cts, xceeding $5, C(4) 1W cts. The New :York Post of Saturday says: Gold opened at 155 on sensation rumors of a new raid in Maryland. The closing price is 152%. Ex-. change is dull at 288 for currency and 109 for gold. The loan market is fairly supplied at 7 91 cent. The banks are more willing to lend, but the brokers bare as yet but little disposition, in the unsettled condition of the market, to encourage the growing desire of their customers to operate for a rise. \ The stock market opened firm, without much setirity. At the second call there was an Improve- Went of %@% per cent. „1 Governments are strong. Five-twenty coupons Irewanted at low, and certificates at 54%; seven n.hties are steady at yesterday's rates, and con. Pris of 1881 have advanced;. per cent. lefore the board Erie was quoted at 1011%, Had. arilet 128% Reading at 112%, Michigan Southern at , Illinois Central at 124%, Pittsburg at 108%, RoR Island at 1083. x. TAs alopended table exhibits the chief movements at to Board compared with the latest prices of yes. tetty • Sat. Fri. Adv. Dee. Till Stater. se 1891, coup 102 5 102 v % lint Stated 7;See • 103 k legi I.lnlttatt a 5.20 e, coop 1041( tali S tales I.year or. cur... 04% 174 re • • • An n gold '23ak 252 2% - Tetneeee sixes' 0776 9734' . 74+00 sixes ea . sax nto Ma 11.... 17734 177 Y Scl Mall 277% 275 21,4 York Central Rai1r0ad....132 1911( • • 10% 100% 3i 103 1081 127 ISt 1r311132.S " PretPrred.... son Inver—. Philadelphia Illarkete. JULY 23—Evening. . demand for Flour is limited, both for export an home use, and the market is dull, and prices ra r lower, with sales of about 800 bble extra fa . y at $lO, and 100 bbls extra at $0.25 "ft bbl. The ho trade are buying in a small way at from 40C1) 9.2 or superfine; 39.25010 for extra ; $lOOll for ex family, and $11.10@12 le bbl for fancy brands, as quality. Rye Flour is scarce and In demand, C. Meal is scarce and firmly held. msr.—There is very little demand for Wheat, a be market Ls dull, and prioos lower. Small 5 , of rod are making at $2.5002 65 for prime Aern and Pennsylvania. White is quoted at 3 04g2.75 VI bus, as to quality. Corn is firm ; about -2 . bus prune yellow sold at $1 73 VI bushel. Oats 503 rather dull, with sales of 1,800 - bus old at 20e, 1 new at 88c ill bushel. eau.—let No. 1 QuereltrOn Is steady and held at Vi ton. kCorrow.—The Market. Is very dull, and the trans .c.tionit are limited. Small sales of Middlings are Making at 81.00 VI 15 cash. Gnocunnes.—Holders of Sugar and Coffee are firm In their views; but thcro Is very little doing M "Other. PETROLETrar --There is not much doing. Small pales aro making at Mane for crude, 82€frsdo for re lined, In bond, and 92@i00 11 gallon for free, accord log to quality. Sirans.—Flaxseed Is selling In a email wayat $3.75 bushel. Timothy Is selling In lota at $4.25 VI bushel. (Moyer continues scarce and In demand, with Sales at so@lo VI 04 Its, as to quality. Inou.—Pig Iron Is firmly held, at fully former rates, with small pales of Anthracite to notice at fromsoso7. OIP ton for the three numbere. Manu factured Iron Is in demand, and hold firmly at full rates. Fnurr.—ln Foreign • there Is vory little doing. Oranges and Lemons are scarce ; Pine Apples are selling at from $14105 X 1 100. Green Arples are coming in freely, and selling at from #1.75e2 25 IMI. Dried Apples are quiet, at 101 4 , r(91030 VI le. HAY Is firm, with sales at from $20)30 'ft ten. GUAllo.—Poruvlan Is scarce, and selling In a small 'Way at 4175 ¢i ton. Pit(WISIONS.—Tho sales aro limited, and the Snarket continues very dull, Mess Pork is quoted at $40@4231 bbl ; a sale of 16,00 D Zs Western smoked Shoulders was made at 100 Th. Lard is held at 200 q 1 It, Butter is In fair demand, with sales of eolld-paokcd at from 25Q35c 31 lb. Eggs aro selling at 22@240 ryl dozen. Vinfairm Is rather bettor, with sales of 100 bbla at 01.13001.82 31 gallon; prime Western Is hold higher. The following are the receipts of Flour and Chain at this port to-day : Flour 2,030 bbls. Wheat 7,700 bus, Corn 2,500 bus, Cats 2,400 b us. CLEARED. Steamship Norman, Baker, Boston. , Bark Mecca, Wortinger, Cienfuegos. Bark Mahlon Williamson, Thompson, Tampa Bay. Bark Anita (Dan), Anderson, Rio'do Janeiro. Bark Harry Booth, Ginn, Aspinwall. Schr S B Wheeler, McLaughlin, Boston. Schr Flying Dragon, Daniels. Boston. Schr Lady Suffolk, Fris.boo, Portsmouth, N H. Sett. Minnesota, Baker, Medford. Sohr Wm Coßyer, Taylor, Fall River. Schr John Compton, Grace, Providence. Solar S J Bright, Yangilder, Providence. Schr Eliza Seger, Lincoln, Orleans, Mass. Schr James &Wordlco, Stites, Boston. Schr Snowflake, Dickerson, Boston. Schr 0 S Edwards, Gandy, Providence. Sohr E A Conant, Norton, Boston. Schr R Thompson, Sharp, Boston. Schr Pilot, Thompson; IS ewport. Schr Adelaide, Crowell, Providence. Schr Aid, Corson, Weymouth. Schr G W Hynson, Shaw, Fort Monroe. Schr Thomas Tsvibill, Crawford, St Mary's River. Schr Aid, Moore, Alexandria. Schr Ann E Martin,Brower, Fort Monroe. Schr John Rowlett, Alexandria. Schr Bohemia, Young, do. Schr A L Massey, Donnelly, do. Schr Reading Railroad, No. 50, Ketchum, do. Schr Remittance, Messick, do. Schr Armenia, Oavalier, Boston. SchrTy George Franklin, ler,•Alexandria. Schr Rodoeb, Brown, • ---•- do. Schr Mary P Hudson, Hudson, Boston. Steamer CO:intro, Laughlin,Baltimore Steamer Buffalo, Jones, New York. - Steam-tug Francis King, Shan!, Fort Monroe. SA.LIIB, JULY 23 A DECEPTIVE MALADY SO insidious are the first approaches of Consumption that thousands re main uncons.clous of its presence until it has brought them to the verge of the grave. An immediate re sort to Dr. Jayno's Expectorant, upon the first ap pearance of Cough, Pain, or Soreness of the Throat or Chest, would very generally preclude a fatal re sult; or, in case these symptoms Indicate the pre sence of latent consumption, would tend to subdue the violence of the disease, and thus materially Witt in prolonging the life 'of the patient. Use the Expectorant, therefore, when you take cold, and thus prevent the necessity for its use in more dange rous complaints. Prepared and sold at No. 242 Chestnut st. jy23.21 Mery York Markets, July 23. Asseine are quiet and steady at $13.50 for Pots and $15.256115.50 for Pearls. IlnuaosTurws.—Tbe markot for State and West ern Flour is 10@15 cents lower and heavy. Sales of 10,00 Lb's at 10.31.610.60 for suporfine State ; $9 85@ 10.10 for extra State: *10.16@10.20 for oh lice do.; 59.3560.00 for suportino Western; $9.75010.30 for common to medium extra Wostern ; $1021.0.00 for common to Real shipping brands oxtra round-1100p Ohio; $10.65 Uil2 for trod° brands. Southern Flour is heavy and drooping; sales of 700 bids et $10.04011.30 for common, and $11.36@ 13.25 for fancy and extra. tianadian flour is 100150 lower ; sales 010 bbls at $0.00010,16 for common, and $10.201811.75 lcr goad to choleo extra. . , lip) flour Is quiet. Corn meal is quiet and steady. Wheat is 162 e. lower. Sales 68,000 bushels at r-2662.47 fur Chicago spring, $2,30a2:10 ihr Mil waukee club, $250@3.00 for amber altlicittikeo, $2.006.65 for winter red Western, and $2.6602..a7 for amber Miehlgan. , Jiro Is quiet nt $1.00@1.05. Burley is dull. Barley waft Is more active; sales 27,090 bushels at $2.10432.-16. Oats nro Seam and firm at Well for Canada, reapl for States, and 81G1.01 for Westorn. Iho Corn market fs firm ; sales 23,000 bushels at CS for now mixed Western. Pnovis t ONB.—The Pork market is lower and very quiet ; sales 1,500 bbls al $39 for Mess, $18.50@39 for now do., *3B for Primo, and $25.7.5030 for Prime Mess. The Beef market is very dull; sales 200 bbls at about previous prices. Primo Mess Beef is quiet and unchanged. Cut Meats are steady, but quiet at 15015;0 for Shoulders and ISe for limns. The Lard market Is a shade firmer ; saloS 1,005 bbls at 19020 c. LETTER BAGS AT TDB 31EHOHANT3 1 HICIANGE, PHILADELPHIA. Ship Saranak, Rowland.......... Liverpool, 3 uly 25. Ship Etta, Morgan.... Livorpool,soon. Bark .Rancagua. Fowell Liverpool, soon Bark Ansdoil (lir), Tatteraon..Buonos Ayres, soon. Brig Ida (Br) Gray Port Spain, soon. Brig ;I ystio, Borry Barbados, soon. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. hDr.tisirs, ANDREW WHEELER, Committee of the reOptlL EDWiD Y. TOWNSEND, NLIRINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADRLPIFIR.JfiIY 2 3 , XB6l. Sun Rlses..4 61 I Sun 5et5....7 9 I Illgh Water.° 45 ARRIVED Bark White Wing (Br), Brooks from Porto Ca bello; Juno 28th , with cone° and hides, to John Bal let, . Co. Loft lir schr Dundee, from and for New York to mil next day. L. lb ig J. Al. Sawyer, Bourne 8 days from Port Royal, In ballast to Curtis Sq. Knight. Schr Access Bradley, 3 days from Alexandria, with mdse to 7 1 hos. Webster. Schr U. A. Heckscher, Smith l 6 days from Boston, wittl lee to Kennedy, Stairs & Co. Seim H. Willetts, Parsons, b days from ran River, In ballast to captain. Schr Armenia, Cavalier, from Boston, in ballast to captain. Sobr W. G. Audenriod, Hewitt, 6 days from Bos ton, In ballast to captain. &hr. U. S. Edwards, Gandy, from Salem, in bal last to Sinnickson & Glover. Schr 'Viola Ackley, 14 days from Now Orleans, in ballast to I F. Bazioy St Co. Schr Harriet Newell, Gould, 11 days from New Orleans, In ballast to .1 B Bailey & Co. Schr W W Marcy, Barrett, from Boston, In bal last to captain. Schr Clara, Barrett, from Tonikins l Beach, in bal last to captain. Schr Ann F. Martla, Brower, from Camden, In ballast to Tyler & Co. Schr J M Broomall, Douglass, from .Boston, In ballast to captain. Schr T P MeColley,Darborongh,l. day from Cam den Del, with wheat to James 13arratt. S Comer Monitor, Jonca, 24 hours from New York, with mdso to Win 111 Baird Zs Co. Steamer E N Fairchilds, Trout,; 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm Al Baird Steamer Novelty, Shaw, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm M Baird k Co. Steamer Ann Eliza, Richard; 24 hours from New York, with melee to W P Clyde. PUT BAOK--Bark Oak, Captain Ryder, hence for Boston, with a load of coal, on 21st Ins; at 11 A 211, when off Wilmington Creek - , under canvas, was run into by the brig J M Sawyer, from Port Royal, bound up. The bark test head gear, jib bourn and foretopgallant mast, with port bow cut to the water's edge, which caused her to return for re pairs. The brigAostjibboom and bobstay. BELOW Bark Aaron I Harvey and brig Sarah Larsen, both from the West Indies, and a brig from Havana, went Into the Breakwater Friday morning. CITY < IrrEDIS. DIARRHEA, DTEYIENTERT, SUMMER COMPLAINT, and all Bowel Affections, are effectually cured by Dr. Jayne's Carminative Balsam. Prepared only at No. 242 Chestnut street. jy2s-2t Tllll HANDBOIII3II3T ASSORTKUN'T OP STRAW, FELT, and other Hats can be purchased of Charles Oakford & Sons, 834 and 838 Chestnut street, Ooatt• nontal Hotel. CARR MAY, LONG BRANCH * ATLANTIC OITY.-. & fine assortment of ladles , and gentlemen's bath ing drums oan be found at John 0. Nos-1 and 8 North Sixth street. hilt( A SPLBITDID ABBORTMINT 01 rolssee, Children's, and boys' hate, at reduced prices, can be purchased of Charles Oakford & Bons, 634 and 830 Chestnut street, Continental Hotel. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, luental. The Con W B licAtee. Lewistown F Bowen@ dr la, Chien% T Flowers. Nashville, Tenn Liont A S Kerr B R Campbell; Ir. Penns Mrs 0 Denby. Cincinnati K M Shoemaker, Ohio David Arnet & W Robinson & wr Penns Capt Aeration, II S N C W Kingsley, Boston Cornelius Dorr, Boston W T Richardson. Boston /I C Sparks, New York B A Du Puy, Washington 8.1 Coleman. Louisville W P Coleman, Louisville 0 Anderson, Nashville W S Goodall. New Haven Mrs F P Blair, Wash, D C Mrs SP Lee St ch, C II R Adair, New Yolk It Ball. Massachusetts Jot n O'F Farrar, St Lonts Dr C Kerman. New Fork Mre Herrman. New York H O'Connor, tit Louis F W Hoed. Now York • W B Mott, New York C Nickerson, New York Pollard. Boston • D M Belcher, Boston M Gillet & fam. Balt Dr McPherson. Baltimore Thos C Busher, Baltimore John Wall, Baltimore Jos II Gals, Baltimore Jos A Aiken, Bt Louis X Aamendass, Mexico IJ Escobar, Mexico G A Tavenner, Washington P C Cook, Kentucky Hon McDonald, Maine Jae El Whitney, Boston Irwin Simpson, New York H H Hamilton, II S N W E Tennis, Detroit S 0 Tripe I'.r.mitience N A Baldwin & la, la York airs J W Johnson, Ohio htias Johnson & sister, Ohl° J \V Baker, Wash , D C D Qnackenbusb & wt, N Y J J Quackenbush & wt, NY F. Flagg, New Tot k W klowlan, Colorado C E Bostwiek & yr. N York J Allison, Xenia. 0 A Barris, New York J B Hamilton, New York Nra Coppinger, Bew fork Mrs Richardson, New York Sirs Starry, New York b W Jones. Wash, D C • F Lanny, New Hampshire W Brown, Kentucky Col Paten & (am, St Louis Ii D Nears, Washington Chita W Ouieek, Wash F R Van Boren Irons W Adams, Boston 0 A Gideon, Wash, D C Levis Leiod Honer Franklin, N York Mrs Lawton, New York J R Parsons, New York P Klingel & da,__Galena, Ili .1 Sevier, New York A B Merrill, Boston D M Peek. Penns C A Mayer, Penna. John Brooks, Penns, MJ B Brooks, Pons& :Geo Warren, Now York IT A Laird, Buffalo W Lytord, Now York C E Adams, New York j 0 S2oncer & wr, Bostoa W A Kirkland. S N • D Ii Thomas, Baltimore C B Kimball, New York C Dawson, WAshlngton. TW Esan, New York Jas McQulston, Pitisbarg Bateman Coe, Pittsbnrc T Moore, Ohio W Plankinion,latilwankee J W Babson, Tennessee John McQueen, Brooklyn .1 mug, Jaci.onotie, ft T E Harrison, Pittsburg. Jan 0 Wilson. Washington A H Childs, Piitsbnrg R L Chamberlain, Cleyerd L R Goodric , USA Jae B Vllleedeu Baltimore Jae Webster, Girard, l'a A Wottlos, Otrard, J'a Geo Walter, Bow Jersey B Stone, New Jersey A Frank Maid, New jersey . W S Bond . . A G Brandner, Pottaville B Rush Plumley, N 0 A 0 Gaston, Washington Fangman, Wanhington Rankin, St Louis The fi John 12 White, Maryland W Applegrath. Baltimore Cant Wheeler, New York W H Stam M m, aryland Vent It H Fenno -- R IL Dimon, New York R W !lover, Baltimore W Feran, Jr, Waeb, D C H I. Simons L McQueene, Week, D C .1 11 Barker, Waal, D C Oen T Tilghman, Maryland 0 W Goldaborough, kid J.. 11 Stewart, New York Henry Thompson, Boston W Block, New York - Jan Nora], New York Thom Barclay, New York ,Mrs T A Stepbens, Wash blamer Stelmens. Wash Miss 11 Soren,Wanhington Matter C C Soren, Week Mrs Cochran, Delaware !) 1) linorry, Hai Hamra Coo W Young, USN, Joao *wallet:a 11 M Lowe,Jr, Alabama W Wilbur, Alabama Jot, E Neal! ' A II Glatt, York, Pa 0 Kennedy. Penney' rani& Jul n Crawford,M l), Penne S B Wilson ,31 la, New York S B Lowrie la. New York John Dillon, New York S B Cootie. Delaware Chin If King, New York Henry Griffith. Now York Mont Y A Whitney. tl S A Mr & Mrs Glasnrorti. Dtien Jas Millinger, Pittsburg LY K Munly, Inalune Geo Pattertion, Pottsville Minn E J Pettereon. Potts., Mr.° S Petternon. Norrlet' Miss Boxer, Trenton, N J John V Craven. 5410111,N J J Alex Fulton, fattening' Mre Moore, Wash. I) C C Bowers, Portlentl B Nankin, New York J Brown, Baltimore J C Wilton E W Whitaker, II S A J 0 Slay, Maryland Hon M. &rouse. Penna Leonard Plerco.New York It H Mcßride 11 S A Baltimore liParker, li Johnston, Washington IT McNamara, Hollldayeb . li Joe J Hall, Media, Pa J Griswold, Delaware co. J B Wilaou, Wambineton .1 P Beckham, Pittsburg Wm D Plumy. Jr, Patel/art A 0 Drunn, St Lonle WStone, St .LOO9 blfthier W W titone,SlLonle C English & la, Ohio Etna dr eon, Cincinnati Rick MeitY.Labanon mercial. • C M \Vatter, Went Cheater J Ramey Oxford, Pa 'S Pennock, bloater co, Ps F Shantz, U A w 11' Peyton. Ohio E M Washburn, New York WT Lepig, Baltimore D P Ronan. Boston J A Conner, Wllintngtn;Del lair Marlin Jan Leighton, Datrott The Co • 1 hos W Coucler,Doyleat'n Jainex Smith. Boxton J 11 Exhey, West Chester J C Persona, New Jeraey Joe A Woke, ChePter co, Pa E McCullottah, Maryland (i 11 Adana, Del co, Pa E L Brown, Penult, ti 11 Penkock,Chenterco.Pa N A Pen n ypack or, Ph o; nx 'e Tow naend Walter, W Cheat The N S Rolm, Delaware A K Si Clair. Cautectlcu,t .1 M Mark. Lebanon .11' Cum]. Ltbannu • POllpbant. Catawbsa tionaL J H Stroup, Reading C B Fitchtborn, Reading J Sherer, Lebanon R Levan, Reading L (Iron, Danyll4 The G W Fai neetortr, BBElmore T A Dell, Enitintore Chan E Ford, Wahhlngton 11 C Ford, Weehington F Courtney, Benntbet, Bto F McGinn, Hannibal, ;do .1 11 Revonrd enemas. R A W1t114017, Joritey 081 .7 V Kent Semi Merchant, II 8 If H Pirkolal, Baltimore W F clarke R Morris. Penns W N Whit° W C Harris 3 Webster J W Lndlam. N York J Vanlaorn S McCune, Washington David Christie,N York D Darldson, N York C :derma*. Cheater, Pa Dolan, Uordentown R Hanford, Hordenlown Joel Abbott, R Inland & C Hubert ls, N York J Thompson, N York L A Johnson, N York tir k ItTra Clark, Baltimore ST Do Bola, N Jersey N S EtiNtoll. N 30f1103 , C F Snlkold, N J carboy 1' It 'Brown, US A I I 1 Hamilton, N York B Middleton. Phlla J A PaTimon, rhea . . W Carnabso,Wlteellng,Va Wm Moore, Cincinnati Mrs C II Wolcott, Penno Lt W S Sclioonmaker, 11l Oso N Hickok, Chicago Copt T S Bunker, Ohio • Lt P Ivory, Camp Chase W B NI/station:NV Chester J Sozmonr, I.T.ftf.G.ntovrn .1 11 11 issitimore II A Cline S W n en,, WaPhlnd on John II nal. Maryland B 0 Alloo,liew Brunswick C II Richard,, L B Mayer. Cincinnati James Hard. Ti York J k Exclabocii, Baltimore D } , Conovor J J Dosle,_.l4 York E Nolan, If York 0 V Hennessey, N York C McFandon, f% York The Me Johu C Wells, U S N D Dennison , Pittsburg W A Willard, Peoria. 111 W Kenney. Germantown TO Meyers, 11%17111;1de. Pa A Ilosciden, New York Jac T Brian Chas ()oaring Stwf,Pllt.Wg 13 Menem. Carbondale, Pa R g Was.erbrook, N Y Boni I. Z Bubb, Kew York is 014 Y 01, Now ork S A junking, Bridgoport. 0 E 1' Rhodos, Bridgeport, 0 Rapt T B Scarboroutii, U SA W A Harper, Alexandria Jas Wilton, Wellsville. 0 D K Houston, New York R J Henry, Ma , ilend Innolir, New York w C Irwin. Burnside, Pa, 11 Isle/Aim. Baltimore tars John C Walla, N Y W ifcClollan.Uhatobernb'g C C Cannon NOW el Lamy C 'W Lyndail, fit sw Albany E F iiinspeon dt bOll. Wash P Poland &wf, Albany J F lrinh & tcf, Cincinnati R W Perry. Port loyal E Da-wetter. Cltnrfleld W Porter, Clearfield C Smith, Pittsburg 11 A Smith, Ft Dela." are Capt Nobt Pattleon, U S A . . Ku !hate. klerrlaburg II Cornell, Chester, Ps A Li WILLOTH & 8011 John At Locker A Strauss, Davenport, Ia The D Shorn°, Maryland WJ Wells. flew York Wm Brooke, Now York A Clark, Ohio JMcOlyrnonds, Massillon 8 bean I.WoodrnlF&wt. NY J. bn Taylor, Hartford Lieut ) Nethaway James (imam. New York Henry Rau W Keiser. New Jersey S C Waiter, New JersaY H Willson Barton, Ir, Chester. Pa W Funk, Wayne co, Onto II Neff, Pittsburg D X Blackburn. Ohio DI Bacon & wf. N Jersey J J N.thawny & wf. Alb'y Gain! Jacobs, Conuocticut B al Grover. Boston Wiederbolg. Pittsburg E C Rice, WWI, D C Jno Danner, Canton, Ohio The Sta A Smith, todiann B Whidoes,, Aewark, Del O W Bradley, Newark, Del Jos Ibraben, Newark, Del Lieu W 11 Whitebend, W ti Douce. Now York K Mentzer, Lancaster co S Letboilmry, Penult Power, Waeli, 1) C Gee Short, Wash, D C H Dames, Perry co en Union. I. B Brown, Poona Jacob A Hart, PBllllll, Min NV Nielda J McVay, Jr, Delaware RC Kay, Bedford, Pa Dr B .1 King, Rialto, Md. fn' Stator, Cheeter co Mai Warren, Now York ll C Allwan John Barolll,_New York B Mrs Cronin, ow . York The lee S Moore, Phila C C Turner, New Jersey' if ARC Turner, New Jersey John Finney, New Jersey P Robinson k son. Del Sniul P Collins. New York Edw • Roget, S N F C Denison, Peterabg, Vs Mrs Wilson & tam Missouri Chas Bosler, Chollenßills Danell, Penna JA Broadhead, hltiford,Pa F Peate k tam, New York Wm I, P Bowen, Maryland W Bowen, Maryland The Marl Chas Swallow, New Jersey JDFmlth New Jersey Henry Geia l Attleborough BeDerta. 'oleo 8.1 Ferauson Smith Barrer Fox Chase. B hl Collins, tt D, Penns 3- Sheaf. G F Martindale Ala, renus .1 Nice. New Jersey Jos Him, New jersey F A Frets J A James, Pittsburg W MTyson,CampWmPenn The Bel d Alfred B Moyer Beni S Koons Jacob Stook R Regar, Pat Joy F W Gnenscher..N . Beni Billings. II S A 0 i Kunkel, ktothlehem T H Knauss, Bethlehem Elias Bitiner, Fa A Godshall & la,Northamta W H Furry. Giactnriati lire Stahl, Peansburg Mrs Schoch, Pennsburg • E R Snyder, lehiebton J F Gelsloger, Betlitslign L Hosier, Jr, Betlilahek The Black Bear. Stephen Janney, Pa JJames Rothroclr, Pa John Xerpslanan,Reading ilralentlue Shafer, Pl. James Antes, Milesbnrg IT Hoopes, Somerton J M Barnhart, Pn John Rupert, Backs co Chas Miles, Fox Chase John Gore, Carbondale Peter KeiserOloatendaqua SPECIAL NOTICES. Hats D5'El Rena Dim 11 BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYB to the Beat Is the Woriel. The only Harmless, True, and Rellablf Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye le perfect— changes Bed, Rusty, or Oray Bair Instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, without injuring the Bair or Stair ins the Skin, leering the Hair Soft and Beautiful; imparts (yeah vitality, frennently restorini its pristine color, and rectifies the 111 effects of bad Dyes. The genuine 10 di - 116d WILLIAM A. BATOIII3L9R; all ethers are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Drmmists, ke. FACTORY, Si BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor's new Toilet Cream for Braced= the Mar. ONE-PRICE CLOTHINO;• OP TIE LATEST &mos, made to the Beat Kanner, expressly for RR TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked it Plain Figure'. All Ooods made to Order Is arranted satisfac tory. Our Oka-Palen SYSTEM le strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. de2B- ly JONES & CO , 60* MARKET Street. To CLEAR VIE HOUSE OF FLIES lISE Dutcher's celebrated LIOSITPINO YLY-KILLBIL, a seat. cheap article, easy to me. Every sheet will kill a Quart. Bold everywhere. FRENCH, RICHARDS, dr CO., TENTH 'tad RALE. UT Street*, Philadelphia, wholesale agents. payirs.wirata TEM PoruLea CLonaxe HOUSE 031 PIMA "OAK 11A.LL." Beet-clams goods at moderate prices. WARAMAKER & BROWN. • S. E. corner METH and MARKET Marotta Radom lienartmont (to make to order) No. 1 B.Slxtb et. Wszatamp. & WILSON'S HIGNEBT Psmeavii LOOK-STITCH' SEWINCf MACHINES. THE OHEAPEST. 6IMPLEST. AM) BliflT. Ealearoorta..fo4 CHESTNUT Street. above Seventh t•ig•..a McFARLAND.—On the Zld inst., of disease contract ed in the army, John McFarland, printer, of Company D, 2.3 Delaware Regiment. His !Mode and acquaintances, these of the family, and members of the regiment In the city. are invited to attend his funeral. from his late residence, No. 1218. Peter's street, south of Washington avenue, on Toes da, afternoon at 9 o'clock. ByROWI4.—On the 16th inst., at Efenghtort,Portage Lake, Mich., Geo. W. Brown, Jr. , in the 20th year of his age. Big male friends and the male friends of the family are particularly invited to attend his funeral. from the residence of his father, southeast corner of Ninth and Locust streets, this afternoon, 26th inst., at 6 o'clock. Intsrment at Ronaldeon's Cemetery. • CROW ELL.—At West Cheater, on the 23d instant, Robert M. Crowell, eldest son of i,llsha Crossett. The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral on Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock. ADLSIGH • —At Detroit, Michigan, July 23d, Alive. Wadleigh, of this city. Due nonce will be given of the funeral. ROBERTS.—On the 2.3 d instant, James 11. Roberts. in the 49th year of his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from hie late residence, Po. 620 North Nineteenth street, onlTuesdav, 2Gth !natant' •at 9 o'clock ' KELLY. —On Thursday morning; 21st Inst., Dennis Belly, in the Mb year of his age. His relatives and friends, and thoseof the family, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral on Monday morning, the 26th 'mt., from his late rosidenee. Haver ford township, at 9 o'clock A. M., without further no tice. Carriages will leave Simon Ogrtland'a office, 35 South Thirteenth street. at S o'clock A. id. Weekly Report of Intermente. HEALTH OPYICZ, Jaly 23, 1561. Deathe and Interments in the City of Philadelphia, from the 16th of July to the 2&1 of Jetty, IS6L ai . .6 .F! OADSES OP DEATH. 5'2 CAUSES OP DilArg. 5 3 v . .. ..13 _ • .7 E 3 -4 o Abscess t 1 • FattuDegeneration Asphyxia 1 of Heart • 2 Al übumicinria 1 Homorrhale2 2 Apoplexy- 2 ' Hooping Cough 3 Boras and Scalds-. 2 Infiammatton Brain 1 4 Cancer 9 " Bronchi 2 of Breast •.• . 1 1 " Bladder .....1 ••. Utensil 1 " Chest • • -• , . 1 Casualties 18 1 " Heart ' -1 '. Croup 6 " ynx Cod cation Brain-• 1 6 " Liver •-' 1 .. Langs .• • . 4. - " Lungs.. ' .2 .4 Coup de Soleil 2 i " Peritoneum .• 1 • Cholera Infantum... 61. . " St. &Bowels. 6 ' - 1 leorbus 9 I Inanition ' 2 1 Cramps 2 Ischurta Consumption, Lungs 33 2 Jaundice Convulsions 12 Mania-a-Pots • Puerperal...: 1- Marasmus .• 1 stS Dlptheria 9' Measles 4. Dlarrhcea 10 16 Old Age ........2... Dropsy 2 1 Palsy.... . 2 ' Bruin 1 8 Poisoning . • 1 1 •'Chet t 2 Pysmia • Heart 1 Rheumatism, Heart. 1..1' Disease of Brain• • - 3 Run over on RR .... 3"1 " Heart 2 2 Bantu° of Bladder. 1! 1 • Spine • 1 Scrofula .... ....... 1 .1i •• - Liver 1 Sore Throat • • i 1 • Stomach 1 .Sore Month i 1 Drowned 1 4 Softening of Brain• • 3 1 Dysentery 2 6 Small-Pox 6 Debility •• • • . .• •• • • .02 Still-born 1 Fainrgement..Liver. 1 Suicide 1 Fever, Catarrhal.... 1 .Teethi, g i 0 Nervous .... 1 Tumors 1 9 " Scarlet 9 Unknown .: .. ..... 1 i • ' Typhus 1 Wounds OuitsVot.. • • 71 3 - Typhoid• • ••• 7 9 1 . • , - " Traumatic-. 1 : Total 166 211 OF THE ABOVE TERRE WERE- Under 1 year 142 Frp . za 90 to 60 •.• • -40 From Ito 2.... .. ........ 41 60 to 60 12 " 2to 6 24 " 80 to 70 10 sto 10 21 .• " 70 to 80 17 " 10 to 15 1.:6 " SO to 90 4 " 15 to 20 . 14 " 9010 101 1 " 21) to 30 33 " 100 to 110 9 !' 30 to 90 Total 407 WARDS. 1 WARDS. WARDS. First 23 1 • Tenth ... : . .... II Nineteenth 16 Second • • • • . ....25,Elevent . 11 10 Twentieth 12 Third 111Tvrelfth ... . ....II T wenty-firet • - - -2 Fourth ....,...231Thirteenth . ....lo Twenty.aecond.l4 * Fifth .... . qp.... •16;Fourteenth.....10 Twenty-third -. 7 Sixth ....101Fifteenth 26 Twenty-fourth-22 Seventh :39 ;Sixteep th .... .. 9 Twenty-flak ... 5 Eighth Total 91Seventeenth • • ..V Unknown 14 Nint .. l h ...... ..171Eighteenth 11 T • 907 Deduct deaths from the country 16 Net deaths In the eh NATIVITY:—OnBe es, 316 Foreign, 63; llnk nowa, 59; Almshouse, 26; People of Color, 32; from the norm try, 16. The number of deaths, compared with tho correspond ing week of 166;1 and of bust week, was an follows: Week ending July 25th, 1663, was 413. Week ending July IGth, 1564, was 435. Deaths and interments of soldiers, 43. Males, MI; females, 166; boys, 133; girls, 111. By order of tbo Board of Health, OB011.01: B. MUMMA% Reldetrar... 1./ESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, Ito. 018 CHESTNUT Street. ..131-tt VYRE & LANDELL, • FOURTH . AND 1 - 4 ARCH have a- .. . . Fine stock of Silks, . • ' Fine stock of Shawls.. Ftne stock of Flannels. Fine stock of Linens. ' Floe stock of Muslim . ' lola 'NATIONAL HOTEL, LONOBRANOH, .L 1 New Jersey, is open upon tho Enropean OIL the cheapest war LO live. costing about $lO per week; get What YOU want, and only pay for what you conenme. D. P. PETERS; Proprietor. Care leave Vine street every day at 7.43 s M. and &SO P. M. 7r16.12t liar II 111ERN IA N SOCIETY.—THE members of thie Society are reoriented to attend the Amend of their late follow-member, BENNIS KELLY, Eon.,on MONDAY next, the 29th Met. Carriacen 'li be in attendance at the residence of °emit' Robert Patterson, President of the Society, S. corner of THIRTEENTH and LOCUST Streoto. on MONDAY MORNING, the 2tlth inst. at 9 o'clock, precisely, to convey the members to the late residence of the deceneed. [DM. 2t.] JAS. L. TAYLOR, Seey. tar" ONION STATE COMMITTEE ROOMS, CFIESTNIIT Street.—The State Com mittee regrow their friends throughout the State to adopt efileiont manna to forward early and full returns of tth• election upon the Constitutional autendmenta. Eend by Telegraph to the Chairman at •Oirard House, Philadelphia. The Committee ROOM are now open, and all norm °pendent° directed to the Chairman will receive prompt ettenpon„ B. CaMEHOff. Chairman,. A. W. BKNIMICT, SeCCOtary,, Jour 21, lE6i. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPFLIA: MONDAY, JULY 25, 1864" chants'. TILE CITIZENS' VOLUNTEER Smil. HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, BROAD and PRIME Streets. take pleasure lit acknowledging the following donations: Pailadelphia,• Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad' Company $250. Mrs. Morris Hacker Proceeds of a Fair held by Ella F. Craig. at No. en North Fifteenth street us . 11. Englith . -' ' S Mrs. Etter 'duster Alec Richards 1 G. W. Falrlainb - 5 Proceeds of a Fair held at 1908 Pine etreet by Moos • Agnes Whiteman% Kate Kelly, and Tilly Kelly: t-y General Warren Lodge. I. 0. of 0. F., 3 barrelsea* been and I barrel of beets. • Woodbury Aid Society . (per Penn Relief Association), bag of vegetables and (Stars of stewed frail, &c. 11. 8. Sanitary Commission. 1 box oranges, 2) lbs. dried beef, I barrel of potatoes, 2 barrels dried - fruit, and keg of butter. Penn Relief Association, S jars preserves and lot of bandages. Mrs Tbompson. Liars pickles. - W. 14. Rmson (batter), 14 cloth caps. Mr. Partridge, 1 basket of bread. Dire. Diadem', bag of arrow root. Mrs. Biter, 6 red•liannt I shirts, 5 muslin do., i towels, 2 pairs drawers, and lot of linen. Rev. Mr. Olmstead, 2 wrappers, dried frail, shirts, and stockings. it pe COLORED CITIZENS.—THE llH det. call upon you to attend &Public Meet ingat SANSOM ST. HALL on TUESDAY eveningthelfith at 8 o'clock, to give an exoreasion of sentiment. tench- Mg our exclusion from the City Passenger Rail way Cars, and other business of vital importance. A number of Speakers will be present to address the meeting. The public gnerally are invited. A collection will be taken up to pay expenses. J. C. Bowers Dr. J. H.. Wilson. I. C. White, F. Tamer, Bev, S. Smith, T. 3. Bowers, John Brown. Clayton Miller. Rev. Wm. J. Alston. 8. Vernet, A. Dew say, R. F. Hinton C. Base, Rev. Wm. T. Catto, I. D. Cliff. A. Seam, G W. Opines, J. Oliver. 0. P. Catto, H. Harman. A. Stevens, I. C. White, ir.. Needham, R. Adger. Her, J. C. Gibbs, A. bf. Green, D. a Bow ser, I. C. Weir, T. J Dowsey, Henry Jones J Prosser, Knigbr, I. B. Burr, E. Collins I. Bustill. T. Chat-neck, M. Brown,jr.. R. Allen, R. Adger, Ir., Wm. 11. Riley, T. G. Dutton, J. Cobburn, S. Seymour, Thom H. Davis, I. W Price, 1,. Douglass, 8. R. Martin, B. Court, U. B. Vidal, L. Brown. J. W. Cammv. Bev. J. B. Reeves, C. B. Colitis, J. Simpson, M. third', St. G. Taylor, Rev. J. Hamilton, 0. T. Borrell.J. M.C. Crum mail, It Black, I. P. Clan, J. W. Brown. Jno. Brown,. W. F. Keeling, George Brown. Ist NINTH WARD LINCOLN ASSO• CIATIOS.—A Special Sleeting of the Ninth Ward Lincoln Association Will be bald at the Hall, MARKET and M7OtRICK Streets, on TUESDAY EVE. 19150, July 26th. 1954. Business relating to the Elec tion to be held the I . ollo , ffing Tuesday. JoElllcL. aux, Secretary. tar 14,111:1E 4r A. WA OD. NATIONAL meeting' of the Association will be held on MONDAY tirliNl:lo, July •Mth, at 8 o'clock. at the honee of If Warren, corner ST. JOHN and BUTTONWOOD Ste. C. B. ANDRESS,Presq. R. J. ARBUCKLE, ;Secretary. • • lt. Y PHIL& DELP.II . JULY 22, ISIS I. At a meeting of the UNION LEAGUE, TEN rE PRECINCT, TWENTY-FIRST WARD, held at the house of Charles Scattergood (the Old Lamb Tavern), on Thursday evening, the 21st instant, the following persona 'were duly elected permanent calkers of the or ga uluttion: President, GEORGE W. MYERS. Vice President,. one ALES LITTLE. Secretary, JOHN S. CAMERON. Treasurer, T110)11S BARN - HORST. Attest—JOHN S. CAMEiIf)N. Secretary. YOUNCI MEN'S CHRISTIAN AS)- I regular -monthly meeting 'will be held at the rooms of the Association. Nos 1601 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street, THIS (Monday) EVEN ING, Jul) 26, atB-o'clock. Au essay on "Christianity and Civilization" will be read by the Rey. JOHN MOORE. The debate on "Temperance" will be con. tinned. The public is cordially Inylted. lailip.__lWFlC.F OF. TILE MAPLE SHADE ;:7 1 ,“..01.L COM PANY, 524 WALNUT Street, Julia The Board of Directors have declared a Dirlde d of .FOQR PER CENT. on the capital it k of the . a "M b i e r e a t re and !I after the 90th 'wt. aa . . ...... CaaPaaT. it 3 P. 3L. and will e_ Will tie *nosed - on Tur.nDTl72Bth, be opened on the 30th hit iT2l'). 6t• TFIOSIAS R. SEARLE: Sec'y.. gir OFFICE CITIZENS' VOLUNTEER SUBSTITUTE COMAIITTEE. 422 WALNUT Street. July 16. 1561• Tide Committee nee Removed to No. 422 WALNUT Street, op Maim, wbereitwtll receive appllcattoue from citizens ereirous to seem'. SUBSTITUTBS or REPRE SENTATIVES. A payment of 2100 to be made at the time of application, and a power of attorney to be given for the City Bounty. Subatitutes furnished in the order of application. Veterans and Aliens desiring to enlist as Substitutes will apply to the Committee, who will have them mus tered into service. when they can soled their own regi ments. Besides the Dentitypaid by Government, the will receive from the Committee SIX MIND itED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in• cash, on day of muster, withont deduction for commission or brokerage. No charge of " kind is made. Veterans are especially wanted in the service, and can thus re-enlist on the most advautageomi conditions. Office hours from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. DANIEL INITEINMETZ.Chairman. Ilgr. CALL FOR A. COUNTY CONVEN TION TO AVOID TBB DRAFT. At a meeting of the Delegates from the Ward Bounty Fund Committees, held .1017 9th lEdl t the following resolutions, on motion of Sheriff John Thompson, were adopted: Resolva. That the Wards be requested to reorganize for the purpose of encouraging enlistments. Besolsed, That each ward be requested to elect three delegates to a General Convention, whose duty it shall be to supce intend the general interests of the wards, to promote unity in their action, and to adopt such moa sures as in their judgment shall be best adapted to fill the quota of the city under asp future call of the ?reel, dent. Brroived, That the officers of this meeting be request ed to leene a call for such Convention immediately on the issuing of the call for men by the President of the United States. in conformity with the4alx,yeresolutione, the delegates that may be appointsd by the wards are requested to meet onI,IO.NDAY BYENINO next, July 2,5 th, in Dlll - COUNT-ROOK No. 2, at S o'elocts. U OFFICE MINE RILL AND SCHUYLKILL HAVEN RAILROAD COMPA. NY, PHILADELPHIA, 7 mo., 11th, At a sta. ed meeting of the Board of Managers, held THIS DAY, a semi-annual dividend of One Dollar and Eighty-Ore Cents per share was declared, clear of Stato and United States tax, Payable to the Stockholders. or their legal repreaentatives, on or after the 21st Instant The transfer book will be closed until the Het inst. IYI2-12t - WILLIAM BIDDLE, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE CITY BOUNTY -FUND COMMISSION. No. 412 PRUNZ Street. Under the;call for Troops of July 113110861; the CITY BOUNTY will he palOas follows to Recruits duly mustered into the Service of the United States and credited on the quota of the (its of Philadelphia: To Recruits mustered for One Year, One Hundred Dollars. To Recruits mustered for Two Team Two Hundred DoDare. To Remelts mastered for Three Years, Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars. Proper certificates of credit to the city mnst be filed in advance with thaComminioners as heretofore. . Principals placing Substitutes in service will be paid in the eamemanner. By order of the Commieslon: jy22-6t ROBERT N. MOORE, Jr., Secretary. W• OFFIVE OF THE HAZLETON COAL COMPANY, No. 303 WALNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, July 21 11154. The Board of Directors of the HAZLETON COAL COMPANY have this day declared a"Saml-annual Dividend" bf SIX PER CENT., equal to THREE DOL LARS per Share, clear of Government and State tax, payable to the Stockholders or their legal representa tives on and after the let day of August next The Transfer Books will be closed until TUESDAY, Almost 2d. ALEX. 0. OAW, Treasurer. jy22-3t NATIONAL UNION TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT„ ABRAHAM LINCOLN, OF ILLINOIS FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDI2I;2,W JOHNSON, OF TENNEBSE • .ELECTOKAL TICKET. SENATORIAL. MORTON' NoMICHAEL, Philadelphia Beaver County T. CONKCNOHAE NTATIVE. V. Elias. W. Hall. 14. Charles. R. Shriner; 10. Sohn Whiter, BS. David kfcConunkhy, 17. Beek) W. Woode, 19: leano RDIIROD, 10. Sohn Patton, 20. Sainnot B. Dick. 21. Eyerard }Wirer. 72. Joht. P. Penney, 21. Ebenezer 11fcJunkin. 24. John W. Blanchard. REPRES 1. Robert P. Etna, 2. 0. Morrison Coates. 8. Benry Bnmm. 4. William Barn, 6. Barton A. Jenks. a. Charles M. Bunk, T. Robert l'arke. 8. William Taylor, 9. Joint A. Alastand, 10. Richard 11. Coryell, 11. Edward Holliday. It Charles F. Bead, By order of the State Central Committee SIMON CAMERON, Chairmws tar GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.— CASH RIMEIPTS. Proceed!' of a lecture delivered at Indian Or chard., Wayne county, Pa , per Decatur Delbert $67 00' Committee on Wines and Liquors, per George Crum.lien, chairman; final report 311 00 Proceeds of a private concert. in the house of G. P..Tonca, 1110 Girard street 11.0 00 Commitiee on hardware, Per S. C. Grubb. chairman 3,000 00 Proceeds of a silver card cue, contributed by a lady of Paris, per Mrs. D. Samuel 20 00 Committee on Finance and Donations. per At. E. Berle, chairman; additional 01 KO 00 George B. Wood, 81. I) 1,000 00 Total Previously roorted $723.811'11 CALEB COPE, Treasurer. UNITED STATES spuTAßy_commtssioN. Proceeds or a lecturP on Odd Fellminhip, at Bur lington, N.. 1., periTohn Rogers ' 320 36 J. I. CLARK HARL. JOHN THOMPSON. CLEMENT B. PENROSE. HENRY C. LEA. jy15.12t J. G. ROSENGARTEN, Treasurer. DANIEL STEINMETZ, President. Joni! K. VALexrixs, Fecretary. r- rummxium FOR TWENTY -FOURTFT WARD RECRUITS —At a meeting of the TWENTY-FOURTH WARD BOUNTY COMMIT TEE, held JULY 19.166#, the following reeolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved. Tb at this Committee will pay a premium of TWENTY DOLLARS for each three yeare yolunteer who shag be collated to the credit of the Twenty fotirth Ward, to be tpald to the party presenting the re croft, on the certificate of the mustering officer and theta premium of TWENTY- FIVE DOLL A.RS be paid fur each three year's Substitute who shall be obtained for a citizen enrolled in the Twonty-fourth Ward to be paid as above provided . S. SPENCER MILLER. iy2l-a0 Secretary. INSTRUCTIONS IN BOOK-KEEP— MO, Penmanship, Commercial Calculations, Telegraphing. &c., at CRITTENDEN'S comrsitcrAL COLLEGE, 637 CHESTNUT Street, corner of Seventh: VACATIONS.—Students impacted separately. and at such hours as best suit their convenience. Cats loguea gratis on application. jy2.3-4t. or THE • QUARTERLY SESSION Or THE GRAND DIVISION, SONS OP TEMPS RANCE, of Pennsylvania, will be held on WEDNES DAY EVENING, July 27, 1864, at 7 ,ls' o'clock , at the S. E. corner of NINTH and SPRING GARDEN St•ents, fourtb atoll. JOS. W. MARTIN, Jy23-3t*Grand scribe. • PIIILLIPS OIL COMPANY.—IN these days of bogus oil COMPIDied It is really refreshing to be enabled to give to our readers the name of a good. reliable oil company, under the controrof practical moo, with a suflicient amount of capital to develop Ihoroughty their poseeasioue. We see the names of many oil companies paraded in the Eastern parsers that we have good reason to believe are bogus. At least. nothing Is really known hero, where their lands are said to be located. The • PHILLIPS, OIL COMPANY consists of John Munhall, 011 City; Josiah King, of Pittehurg, and Cochran & Russell, of Yh 1 lade) phis. The capital stook of raid company In laIIOCC. Their possessions consist. of valuable oil leases on the Gregg. Wash. McClintock, Widow McClintock Farm, and ou the Cornplanter triad of the H. McClintock Farm. Several of tLe wells be longing to this Company ei'e Producing a sultriest amount to pay a handsome dividend on their capital stock. In saditirai to their property on Oil Creek this Com pany bane a large tract of land In the neighborhood of Mecca, Ohio. They have two wells on this proper ty, and intend to bore them to the depth of 1,200 feet. We can commend this company to the public as being possessed of good oil territory, as well as being men et strict Integrity and fair deal Mg. They are busily (m -aimed iu the development of their Wide. and we think the stock is as good an Investment as any to be found in the market. We know both the land and the men, and can cheerfully recommend them.—OH Oity Re ester. TAR BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the Capital Stock of tho Company above referred to are NOW OPEN for receiving enbecriptione, at the (Me of the undontigned, where any further information in rela tion to the affairs of the Company can be obtained: COCHRAN & RUSSELL, 22 North FRONT Street. Jur.Y li, 1864. Jy2 -61. THE SITSQUEMEANNA AND TXDEA WATER CANAL COMPANIES batre their office 111. No. 417 'WALNUT Street, Room No. 4 The ' , Transfer agency " of these COMPILIMIGE. hereto fore In South FOURTH Street, htu; been removed to the office of the Compealea. M the place above 'toted. leV• ~Ot 44.44 , 1144; 4W THE. PJfILADEt •••••,? PNIA. WIININOTON, AND BALTIMORI3 RALLROAD COMPANY.. PIIILADXI.IITA. July 20, ISM. The mien of Yrelabt one') Moon of 3torchmullno triton- PortfA over thn MAIN LINE, and the- DELAWARE HAILIIOAD, with its eonnectione. will be advanced I went (20) per centuni nu rates as pnrpobllnhNl tart Ifs Len.ritig dick. of JnouarT 18th nod Apri Ist, DAL Thle nth ace° to take otroct MONDAY, July Bah 11. P. KENNEY, uperintendent. CH S AS. K. IDE, Master of Transportation. farNOTICE.— OFFICE 'OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, B. W corner ERVIII and RANSOM. streets. 'Philadelphia. July lb, 1861. I ant directed by the Board of Health to publish the following ropy of a resolution, adopted by thorn thin date—to wit; liFleerum. information having been received that yet low fever IP prevenient at Davena and Matanzao, It id ordered that oil two.? la arriving from Raid port* will he quarantined at the Lazaretto. until otherwlee di rected. G. RUSII jy4o.wfm-3t Health Officer. li()TICE I 9 lIEREET GIVEN that annlication has been made to tho Trnstooo of the Piro Aosocietion of Philadelphia for tho renewal of POLICY No. ln.Gfsl 3, for 31600_, howled September 1, IEIO, In name of C 1163. AIcINTYHE, whioh.lo loot. N. REBOOL, i32l).wftelin* • 00. no E. ELEVENTH St. liar $7OO CANIS' PAPC.ITO, NUM MI. TOTES; nod • PRINCIPALS SUPPLIED, At No. 400 LIBRARY meet, above Fourth street. Jy2o-6t• ligr• ST. PATRICK'S EXCURSION.— THE SIXTH GRAND ANNUAL EXCURSION to ATLANTIC CITY of the CONGREGATION OF ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. will bs given on WEDNES DAY, Jnly 27th. Tickets, N. 25; may be obtained at any of the Catholic Book Noyes. Proceeds in aid of the poor and the orphan and destitnte children of eoldiers. Marshall's Bram and String Bands will accompany Um Excursion. Ltet Bost leaves VINE-STREET WITARPad CA. Kr, precisely. dylg,* lIPADQUARTERS PROVOSTMAR VIAL, PIRST DISTRICT. PA. PHILADELPHIA, J111:18 29, 1,961. The nam err of persona removing too:from this District will be added to or stricken from the itateof enrolment. Copies of the lists are open for public' tnspectioa, and civil calkers and all citizens are invited' to appear and Point ont crime in the lists and give such" sformation na may aid in the correction and revision thereof. Any perzon enrolled may appear before the Board and claim to have hie name stricken off the list if he can show satisfactorily' that he is not properly enrolled. on account of A ticarme, Am, residence, Over-ape. Permanent Physical Dleabilf.V. A compliance with the foregoing auggestione is ear nestly solicited. WM. R. LER SIAS . . ia29-if Captain and Provost Marshal. t 35,616 00 615.90311 RETAIL :DRY O,OOOS. ARMY, NAVY, 'AND. CIVIL CLOTH I-101USE. W. T. SNODGRASS, 34 S. SECOND'Street, and 23 STRAWBERRY et A lazge.atook of all kind of %M S, CABE4IIE - RES, TESTINSS, &c., At fair prices. purchased before the rise, independent of gold tramblif.rs, by the package, piece, or yard. Our tainted. to eel'. We don't peddle. Come and see our stock. "The Army and Nary trade has our special at tention. Jyl•lm ,111 EN DUCK FOR SUITS. Fuperli gaudily, white and colored. Natural color, extra. heavy. Coating Linens, fano7 Drina. Wide line black Alpa el cas. White Marseilles Vtfngs. No advance in Summer Cao.l.nieres. Fine Stock for Summer and Fall. LAWNS. Good styles from Zdto OD CCDilk Summar dress otalli low. . . COOPER & CONARD. S. B. corner ELUTE and MARE - ST Streets RICH ORGANDY. LAWNS REDUCED mot SL2S to 711 eta. • .Bleb Organdy Robos,.redneed to $B. . Lawas reduced from ell to mg ets. . Grenadines at very low prices. Slimmer Dross Goode all red aced. India Silks reduced to 75 eta and *l. White Barer° Shawls and Circulars. White and Black Lace Motes and liotandas. Sommer Shawls soiling of very low. White and Colored Shetland Shawls. EDWIN HALL & CO., 1916 . ES Sonth SECOND Street CLOSING OUT SWMMER DRESS GOODS AT.LOW . PRICES. A great uariety of styles of this season's importation, frog/2.2lcent.; to *l. -Nest Pacific Lawns at 8735 cents. Figured Brown Lawns at :3734 cents. French. Lawns at 40, 50, 62 attd . S73s cents. Beet makes of Mnslins, Calicoes, Ginhams, and alf kinds of Domestic Goods; far below the mannfactarer's prices. Whit. Sams(' and Lama Shawls. Silk Oronadlne Shawls. 000 all-wool Cashmere Shawls, 01.75, worth 13.60. Ht TEEL SON, Nos. 713 and 7LS -North S TENTH Street. Exioitnoi OUR LAWNS. Lawns, brown round. nest Scared, 44e. Lawns white ground. neat red, 440. Huckaback end Bath Towels, large assortment. Bird's Bye Linen Towels. Fatra size Demask;Towels. Shetland Wool Shawls for tourists, $5. Bathing Flannels red and gray. . 398 JOHN ' S. STORES. 102 /BCH Street g WMAIL DE PARIS;" FOR TIM -&--e dslightfal preparation is espe 'daily recommended to ladies about visiting the ail:lea' or sea shore, for removing the discolorations ceased by sunburn or salt air. The "Email de Faris" Is en dorsed and universally used by the ladies of the French 'easpital. EUGENE JOUIN, No. TENTH Street, below Chestnut, Agent for l'Emall de Paris. je23-linif The attention of LADIES AEODT RELIT IN to THD OITY for the " Ben Shore,' ' War ..iertng Places." or the. Cenntrs. , - , •- la i .-of WRIT E ngrl t e ‘ cilt h abl 6.7 e Pg ei S T U e lftla WEAR for WHIT BODIES, HORNING% ''WRAPI , Bas, An extensive assortment Is offered In Leaf :Bud Worked - Edginge and bleedings, Veil., 'Handkerchiefs,•Collars,Slesvee,and In vista and fancy Plaid,_Ebined, and Yisrnred White -Goods, - AT-DEICES A RICIT BELOW THEIS PRESENT RETAIL VALUE, 100 Printai Linen Cambria Dresses. 100 000411 Pared, Tucked, and Etriped B. M. NEEDLES. 01 , 4 I4:s*rthl.;e:r4:4:l•44 SIIIISIER RESORTS. COLMKA. HOUSE, CAPE MAY. Fpa TELE SBA-SHORE. TCROCON IN TWO HOURS. UNITED STATES 110T.E14. iTLANTIO CITY, N. 7., • 1 • • NOW OPEN POE THE RECEPTION OP OVEINN. .. • Tratha I aye VINE STREET MET daps at WI R. 2: and LIST' R. Tenikild *per "reek. or $3.60 per day. . . I BRO W N & .WOELPPER, .Ir7.lia PROPRIETORS. TiLORINOE HEIGHTS.- THIS BEA.IJ " TIPULIRESORT to now open for the reception of mate. Toms sl2_ per week. or $2 per (ley. Apply on theFeinieet or at 210. 605 SANSOM Street. . R.. 0. SISIKIN, Proprietor. RESORT.-BROAD-TOP dIOUNPAIN ROUSR. —This romantic spot can be reshed daily by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad to Bratingdon, thence by the Broad• Top Railroad via Ddley. Rxmirsion Tickets are tuned at half the taiga rates, which are good until the lint of October. Pitt-class.accommodations. 'itus--SV3 per week ; Per day $2.10. Children and wants half price. Yr farther particulars address C. M. ALLBIOND & Co.. Managers. -1m • Broad-Top City, Huntingdon Co., Pc TJGANTINE HOUSE, BRIGANTINE RACH, N. .I.—H. D. SMITH, Proprietor. Tts largo and commodious Hotel is now open for the recotion of visitors. Persons desirous of visiting the / sea ore wi ll find this one of the most desirable places for canna Bathing, Fishing, Gunning, 1-e. Labia-- tie three miles from Atlantic City, and communica nt from Phtladelphia twice a day, via Camden and Et tic Railroad. Boats will be in readiness at the Ini on the arrival of the trains, to convey guide to th otel. II moderate. further information &dames the proprietor. is:lW W f0 21 , .. FORD MINERAL SPRINGS.- I, popular Summer Resort is now open,and pro per r the recaphon of vlsitore, until October next. Ti Hotel twill be under the charge of the most esti*. (Wed management in the country. Ti Bedford Railroad hae been niched to within one to ride of.Sprlngs, over fine Turrogke road. tors will come by PORRIMITaIIia Railroad t) Rant. tug thence by Broad Top and Bedford through. .1e arrangements have been made to sul_y deal. erg d individuals with th e BEDFORD W pp ATER. Is w.liteavied °sake, as follows: P Barrel, oak (40 gal)..s3 00 ' Ball Barrel, oak 200 .! • • mulberry 400 /*racks eadregeed to B. L. ANDERSON, Bedford. eromilY filled: - Perini wishing room,. or any Information about place, address lISPY L. AI 4 IDSR/3031. je3-2st I E CLARENDON," A.TLINTIO ITY, Is now open for the accommodation of house is situated in a central part of the d every room to the hoaso commands a tins [the sea. The bathing never was better. JAMES SIMKINS, K. D. C.- LISLE WRITE.-SULPHIIR !NINO/S.—The Proprietor takes pleasure In an noun ' g that this favorite and fashionable Watering Mac , now open for visitors. The personal and un dirt attention of the proprietor will be gfron to the want nd comforts of hie guoats. igl • . N. W. WOODS. Proprietor. SBATHING}.BATHING}.—NATIONAL.NATION&L HALL, • ISLAND, Cape May, N. J:. is non , open for the ption of fl numerous mats. Terms moderate. ChU under 12 years of age and servants half pile°. Bu or accommodations and ample room for two tam • persons. AARON OAARSTSON, fe Proprietor. ED : STATES HOTEL, LONG NOR. N. J., ie now open for the reception et Address B. A. SHOE MA RBA, Prop' r. Jog-2e :STErt COUNTY HOUSE, AT • TIC OITY, N. J. —Thle private BOARDING. HOU (always open for Boarders), is now fully at. rang or the accommodation of Summer visitors The situ is one of the best on the Island, being in fnU tie the Ocean. and near excellent bathing arm:Lad. MP= JACOB SEIM, Proprietor. piMBING AND GAS FITTING.- MoCOLLIN dt.RHOADII I, WU MARKET 13trot, Philadelphia. We Minn, Wind Mills, Hydraulic Raw, Pampa of Tart patterns, Dathiag Tuba, Wash Bardifil. and other artl neceesary to furnish Dwellings in oily and eon - With ev ery modern soave:llene, of Water and T WA* Water and Drain Pio& II MER 13 COLORED - PHOTO , .PHE are a decided PUCCBII , I. Everybody seems 'a of obtaining those admirable likenesses. Plea , lee, accurate, durable, and only El. Made in Street, above Green. TES DE VISITE. - ADMIRED es of artistically executed and elegantly Utah de Visite always to be obtained at B. F. RBl- Popular Gallery, 024 &BCH Street lt• SIZE PHOTOORAPIIB.. , ,IN OIL LORE.—None mho see them fail to express no. • ratae of their rare merits or accuracy and life- Or B. F. MOM% Wit AMU. Ottint. 1141 MILITARY. OBOBOE .T. BOLTON. ==l NEW rtatILICATIONS. THE ATLANTIC irONTIII37-s AUGUST, 1864 TUE ATLANTIC FOR A170179T _lB NOW READY, With the following LIST ON CONTENTS AND CONTRIDITTONS Ara- CHARLES HEADE. fly Harriet E. Protean. A*" ROW ROME IS GOVERNED. Uy Georg° W. Orvene. A - CONCORD, MAY 23, 126.1. By-Hoary W. LOOB fellow. AGY- WHAT WILL BECOME OF TIIEMT By J. T. Trowbridge. fire - HEADQUARTERS OF BEER-DRINKING. By dcwirew Ten Brock. in,- FRIAR JEROME'S BEAUTIFUL BOOK. By T B. Aldrich. JO- LITERARY LIFE IN PARIS; THE DRAWING BOWS. By "Splridion." AO - THE LITTLE COUNTRY GIRL. By A. M. Diaz. 401- SWEET BRIER. • • JO- HOUSE AND HOME PAPERS. VIII. By Har riet Beeeber Store. .10- THE HEART OF THE WAR. By'J. 0. Holland. /Kir OUR RECENT FOREIGN RELATIONS. By 0. M. Torok. 'Kir REVIEWS AND. LITERARY NOTICES. *IP Tr:mfg.—The Babscrlptino price of the ATLANTIC $1 per year in advance. Single nninbere,me cents. Sebscription• may begin with any number. Tim poet age ca ilie.di !untie mast in all eases be paid at the office where IL Is received. TICKNOR & I.TELDS, Pabllehers, 135 WASHINGTON street, BOSTON, Maps r IIBLISHED THIS DAY. WAR LETTERS OP A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER, • REMO A COMIC RISTORT nv . TEE PRESENT ADMINISTRATION, 11f ~mien THE FUNNY SAYINGS • APO QUEER DOINGS OF ABRAHAM LT.NCOLN • are treated of to it VEIN OF. THE MOST CONVULSIVE HUMOR PRICE. CLOTH GILT, 61.50. HALF CLOTH, 51.25. ' Wherever the linellsh thoiresthe is spoken the Letters of A' DISBANDED VOLUNTEER from various parts of the world bavo been received with favor. The WAR LIaTERS are the very cream of his inimitable sorra apondence. Since the death of Thomas Frond, no hn moristhss so successfully rung the changes upon words as this master of the art of punning. Aud yet the parts are by no means the chief merit of the Letters. Under 'this comic surface runs a rein of the most trenchant satire. Sarcasm more biting has. perhaps, never been • put la print. All the members or the Cabinet. all the prominent politicians and military men of the day. figure in the correspondence. It is. in fact, a comic civil and military history of the Administration, and no one that has a spark of humor to his composition can tead•it without enjoying it. MAILED; FREE OF POSTAGE, ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. FREDERIC A. BRADY, PnbHeber, No. 22 ANN Street. Now York 00KB FOR SUMMER REA.DING. 117. W BOORS JUST OUT. Published by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS. No. 300 CHESTNUT Street. THE COWARD. A *Novel of Society and the 'Field In 1563. A new War Novel. Br HENRY afuRFORD. author of "Shoulder-Straps," "The Day, of Shoddy'. etc., and In' unifoint style with them. Price $l.OO In. papsr, or ;din cloth. BE BRIDAL EVE. By Mrs. Southwortb. A book that will repays careful Perusal. Price In paper, $L 50, Or in cloth, $2 SELF. SACRIFICE. By the author of "Margaret Maitland." One of the most fervid and impreadva nar ratives ever publiehed. Price in paper, SLSO, or in cloth. $2 THE IYOMAN'IN BLACK. By author of "Man in Gray." A story of great power and cover flagging in terest. Price Inesaper, *LW, or in cloth, $2 FAMILY PRIDE. By author of "Pique," an excel. lint novel of English. Life. ]2mo., paper, 400 pages. Price $l5O in paper, or g 2 In cloth. THE WIFE'S SECRET. Alm. Ann S. Stephens' 'sew book, ltaio., SCO pages. Price 0.. - 80 in- paper, or $2 In cloth. BOOKS IN PRESS NEARLY READY FLIRTATIONS IN FASHIONABLE LIFE. By . CA THERINE SINCLAIR, author of 'Beatrice," dern Accomolishroenw." etc:, a companion to and uni form with "Family ?ride." Price $1,60 In paper, or $2 in cloth, THE PRIDE OF' LIFE. By JANE, LADY SCOTT, and daughter-in-law of Sir NYLalter jScott..,. and author of • "The Hen-Pecked Husband. "superaor form with "The Rejeeted Wife. ' Price .1; 50 In paper, or F 2 in cloth. Copies lent free of postage on receipt of the retail price. Published and for eale by T. F. PETERSON k BROTHERS 3011 - CHESTNUT Street Philadelphia. Send for catalogue and canvassers' circular. It A . SHIVEAD &-EVANS, Successors to WILLIS P. HAZARD. • Have received 724:- CHESTNUT Street, MARGARET AND HER BRIDESMAIDS. BT the au. thor of "The Queen of the County. , AZARIAN. By H. B. Prescott, author of !' The Am ber Gods." THE LADDER OP LIFE. By the author of "Bar bara's History." A SERMON, preached at the Broadway Tabenmele, by Rev, Morgan Dtz, S. T. D., COIIdIN - PEI LLIS. A Tale. LINNET'S TRIAL. A Tale by the author of "Twice Lost.' MAITICE DERING. By the author-of "Guy Living-- stone CAPTAIN BRAND. By Harry Genic°. VOYAGE DOWN THE AMOOR; By Major Perry MED. Collins. • THE NEW INTERNAL REVEIGIBLAW. Compiled -by Horace E. Dresser. iyIS NEW BOONS 1 NEW BOOKS 1 Religions Training of Children at the School, the Family, and the church- By Catharine E. Beecher. Loyalty on the. Frontier; or. Sketches of Union Men of the kouthwest, with Incidents and Adventures in B Rebellion on the order. BY A. W. Bishop. flaunted Benrts. By the author of the Lamphlighter. The .Potemse and the Rapidan; Army Notes from the Failure at Winchester to the Reinforcement of Rose crane, 1861-9. By Alonzo EL Quint. Tempest and Sunshine; or. Life . in Kentucky. By hire. DI fiTtarbt J. Holmes. The Nixie Blast. or Spirit of the Conflict, comprising Naval and lEilitacy Exploits, Balta. &c. By E. S. 8: Rouse. 41 For slab" 93 W. 8. It ALFRED MARTIEN. GUS CHESTNUT Street r i pz IND3PENDENT. This weeklylialotte, Literary, aad Family Joantal, edited by REv. HENRY WARD BEECHER, REV. JOSHUA LEAVITT, D.D., AND THEODORE TILTON, Is issued in the same form, and at the same low price of Vir TWO .I:OO.I4.I4A_TLS Per AXIIIII.M, motwithetandlnir the groat aLtrance to White Paper. IT CONTAINS ONE SERMON EVERY WEEK, Rev.EIENRY WARD BEECHER TiLE POLLOWING ENTRIIIIT x3111E328 Laß SPECIAL C0N17.1- 0 OTORS TO IT3 001,1111N5 WILLIAM ALLEN BUTLER, REV. THEODORE L. CHYLE% REV. ROBERT AL HATFIELD, HORACE GREELEY. BAYAED TAYLOR. JOHN 0. wmTrusit TERIES—S2 per annum, pald'ln advance. Spfl,clmen numbers sent cratte. JOSEPH H. RHJHARDS, Publisher, No. 5 BNE&MAN.SL. New York. FON SALE BY NEWS AGENTS NEW MEDICAL BOOKS. TANNER'S NEW MANUAL OF PRACTICE. A II ew enlarged edition. WYTHE 6 POCKET DOSE AND SYMPTOM BOOK. Fourth edition, revised. FULLER ON RHEUMATISM. A now revised °di ttos. BYFORD ON TUE UTERUS. BAUER'S ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY. CHBW'B LBCTURES Oa MEDICAL EDUCATION. A HEW MEDICAL CATALOGUE, classiloa and priced, furnished gratis upon application. LINDSAY a BLARISTON, jeag AS South SIXTH Street. APPLETON'S NSW AMERICAN OYOLOPBDIA. • rbe Arensy for this invaluable Library of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH S creed woad story. Also. RECORD OF THE RIUSILLIOA.Fmk Moore • • ' COPARTNERSHIPS. I\TOTIOE OF LIMITED PARTNER ... I EIMP.—Tke subecribeni hereby give notice, under the provisions of the Acts of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania relative to limited partnerships, that they have formed a limited partnership, and pub lish the following as the terms thereof: First. The name of the firm under which snot part nership Is to be conducted is I WILLIAM T. 10P KIN& " Second. The general nature of the business to be transacted le the making, fitting, bnying. and se ll ing or HOOP SKIRTS and the materials therefor. T. Third. The name of the general partner le WILLIAM . HOPKINS, who resides at 3207 north Ninth street, in the city of Philiulelphia. The name of the special_rtart ner le JOHN R. HOPKINS, who reetdes at Wye Mille. Talbot county, In the State of Maryland. Antra. The amount of capital contributed by_ the said special partner to the common stock le Fifteen Hun dred Dollars. Mk The said partnership is to commence on the Eighteenth Day of Jane, IS , an terminate on the Seventeenth Day of Jane, A. D. ISM. \Val. T. HOPKINS, J. R. HOPKINS. Juin 18th, .1864.. jeep mete THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE ASSO. CIATRD themselves together tinder the Arca of BOLTON, DYKEMAN, & 00., and will continue thw Car Building basiness in all its branches at the old. establishment, corner TWENTY-FIRST and HAMM. TON ,Streets. JOS. R. BOLTON (310. RaDYRIALAN. 0. W. OHILDB. ksl-110 . Jew 1, 1864 puns PALM OIL SOAP.—TIffs SOAP A- is made of pure, fresh Palm Oil. and Is entirely a Tegetable Soap; more suitable for Toilet 'ass than Omani made from animal fats: In boxes of ono dolea oaks% for MI per box. Manufactured by ORO. M. ILKINTON rx SON, 1.. MX.ROAMITTA Street. bellemek prem. a nd alloy* Cal inwbttl. le&he OW GLABB.—PRENOH PLATS NV I : C l ll l 2la for store froata, Rough Plate Olase for dry HOW L doors, ; Port 'ad Deck 'Lights, Ornamental olau FOrelturehee L Teatlonles_, ; Photozrapa Glam. mit Pon ford= atld Donabetta Window Olivia of every yo . Italy sale by HOST. BHOEIMARIE a 00. " Ng* 240 acid fio7 iroukra ree l. Pblukt WANTS. 2. EXPRETKNCED GAUGER AND .•f Petiol^tam, awl otbar Oils, deAlrea SITUATION AddroAA .. nArsvor," fala rroMce. • A C L.NTS WANTED TO fiats:YAMS FOR LIEUTENANT OEN PAUL SCOTT'S AIITOBJOOR A PfiT. In every town. city nod county In the United Staten. 2 rots.. 12too. Price sl. Convarsing books, for the PAC of Agents, containing fifty peeps of Ibe hook and two steel-plate likeors4es. now reedy. Ifs canine.' og book Is desired. conclude 40 copra and It srlll br P.ut by mall, pob; age raid. For particulars stliirosa • • SURLININ & • No.. 335 &ROADWAY. Pr. Y. p.F.P7RAL SUBBTITITTE - AGENCY, •,./ No. 006 MARKET Permit, Staten Union lintel. Solatitetsa wanted. tv whom the bkuheet pricen will be paid. aubslitoton fnrn)eLed promptly to any girt of the Siam at reasonable rate's Honest and lair deallor our motto. jy2:7-3t* WANTED -A PARTNER WITH from IMMO to It 3,00) to go Into buelooem with the advertieV...ll. LEA VZNS, jyti-at*. 1011 . North NIORTEf Street. WANTED' TO PURCHASE-AN IN TERBSPIW a 'WholeEale Orocer7 ROMP. Ad drool Box 103 P. W._ 1919-6 t• WANTED-4 COLORED BOY. 14 OR ply at igetre ir oll tr iratter to a Private Farallivi7.rr AJPIRST-CrileS9 BOOK-KEEPER eau be bed hr airitlyinir at this Mire. Age thirty. six: married. Will alit astisfacton city reference, Address "P. 'P." .iy23 PRINTER WANVED.-A. 'JOURNEY MAN. who In a good PIIINTER aidd nndargtandft the runnina of a Power Prey. or to will?* to learn. is vented an Foreman in an oStte near the et:v. To a per. non of undoubted character a prmanent Mtnation will be given. Addreea "bilnlno. this Office. jrZ3-3.? TEAMSTERS WANTED Carer QUARTERVWITER'S 01 , 71013. ARRINOTON reEPIIT. Wesongarnv, D. C . Jnly 11, ISM. WAIII ID. at once. 11131r0RED TEAM— STERS. each'espable of driving vrl - itt single Due, and managingeix-mule teams. To such who are competent to perform the &sty the pay per month will be thirty doILM, with one ration. per day, and hospital privileges. Including the beat medical attendance when sick. Apply to Captain Charles 11. Tom„-shins, A. Q. N. U. e. A. corner Twenty-second and Gorrests, Waseing ton, D• C. D. T. RUCKER., Brig. Gen. and Chief Citnwtermaster.. Iyll-15t Depot of Ws/Hitt:Leo:l. $5OOO 171 " PARTNER WANTED •aith ale amonntagthergetive or ellen,. 111 Si 1 1 / 1 1110f0001r100 8101111000 10 thin elty,rnewtn /MCCAW fnt operation. affording very large prollat The demand for the article made to very extensive. Far pan let:tier.: addrese **Manta:Water." at The P reas ogee. iy23.21. $5OOOO TO LOAN AT 5 PER Cent., fat Seven or ton Timm In one turn, Or divided to snit. It D. LIVe:III:4erTTgR, j>73-81 , . 220 South FOURTR Street. 840,000 f TOLOAN ON MORTGAGE e less thaw *OM h . p t rg , plr gent., immune not CHARLES RHO*D9, jyl9-10t• Conveyancer,. No. 36 S. SEVENTO St if A motrrEt wharf. AG-BITTS at 3 a rennth,expennen paid. io sill my BYER ABTING RENCTLB, osurava, BITEINEP.B, wad 32 other article& Fifteen circr.lara oentfree. Addtese apefl-dtcw:im JOHN F. LOB)), Biddeford, Naha. fa WANTED' TO' PURCHASE, POR AGE OAST!, a woll-liniebod dwelling house, free of incumbreness, wtth all the modern Improvements, situated on Walnut, Locust, or Spruce streets, weer of Broad street. Add rem " Hox 1575, P. 0. " irtv4t. FOR SALE AND TO LET. P. MILL , --FOR..FICLE -Tff 21111 for 'manufacturing PiintinTP*Pers bellowing to the Do& rsiaved. at "fflimeling, vv. Va., In offered for sale. The buildings are stone and bricks and tarnished' with three 111/ engines and a 72- inch Ponrdrinier da cbino,.all in good running order.• i72li let A. ARMSTRONG dr SON& ITOR SALE—FIXTURES lar A DRUG STORE. Einßabin for most any. . kind of business. xt 72/ IfARKET firrest.jr2s.2r Et FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE ..Mtit—Sitnate N, W. corner of FRANKFORD Road and NORRIS Street. Lot 100 feat on Frankford and 414 feel on Norris sireat. Six brick do-filling* on Fre.nkford road, a three-iitOry brick factory, 83 feet by 43 feet ort Norris atrAit, with cotton machinery tbarein; engine bonne, with bailers and engine in; two-story - brick bonne, 23 b'y 60. attached, and other buildings. For furrirar informs lion, inquire at N. B. corner of SR VENTR and SPRUCE Streets'. . • jy25.6t4 dn . FOR SALE VERT LOWA: ELATNTD JIM SOME GOTHIC, COTTAGE; baviugall the modern conveniences; stable, coach• bone. vegetable garden, and beautiful grounds attached. on FBA NKPORD Road. below AM ebony Avenue. Apply to• Waf ROSiELL ALLEN. S. R. corner FOURTH' and WALNUT Ste., 2d floor. .iy23 W 10 FOR SALE—THE PROPERTY Ags. N. E. corner of NINEfEBNTH and3IARKETSto, comprising store and' dwelling on Market street. and four small dwellings on Nineteenth otrPet. Apply to. WM: ROSSELL ALLEN, .S. E. tor. POURTLE and WAL NUT, 2d floor. jy23-3t. en FOR SALE CHEAP— THREE STORY BriekslricELLlNG..aalth three story dou ble Reek Braidings modern conveniences No. 1924 - Franktord road; lot trICO. Price, clear. onl yln3oo. iy`a E. PETTIT; 323 WALNUT Street. fit TO EXCHANGE. VALUABLE improved Delaware front R&M fir acre!, Dear Shammy Station, 15 miles out and 4 , miles this side of Bristol Several other, to exchange. Call and examine Begieter of farms forxele and exchansce. jyn E. PETTIT, .323•WilacUT Street. di a FOR SALE—VALUABLE .B 11 - 13 A= NESS PROPERTY, sitnate at No 030. IS, and 634 North Second street, csusisting of three stoma, with dwellings attached. The whole will be sold together, to clots an estate. A portion of the purchase money may remain on mortgage For particulars inquire of U. kocALL, 18 South SECONDC Street. PRTLATNLTATA. 31 :47, 20 . Mt jy2l•lm• ILEGAL. IN THE. DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. JOHN THOMPSON go.. PATRICK KELLY. June Term, ]sBt. No: 94. Plnriee Vend. Ex. The Auditor appointed hitt. Court to make distribu tion of the fund prodneed by the Sheriff's Pale under toe above writ, of all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the hotel and stables thereon erected, situate on the north side of Washington or- Market street, anal the west side of William street, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Market street KO feet, and extending in length or depth westward of that width QOO feet more or less to Green street. will attend to the duties of Ids appointment on MONDAY; the lath de's of August. ISSI, at 4 o'clotk P. M., at his Mike, N. 1120 South FIFTFI Street, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where all persons interested are required to make their claims, or he forever debarredfront coming in open said fund. .IY3telOt D. P. BROWN, Jr., Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' CO'Q . RT FOR THE -A- CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estateof 3011 N P. COLCORD, decease& Notic, is hereby given, that MARY COLCORD, widow of the said decedent, has bled in said Court her petition, with an inventory and appraisement of the personal property of her late husband, which she elects to retain, net exceeding in value V.OO, nuder the act of 14th April, IS3I, nod the supplements thereto. and that the same will be approved and allowed by the Court on FRIDAY. September EM. ISSI nolo., excep tion, be filed thereto. W'M ERN3T, "3 , 26.nabet Attorney for the Widow. UICTIED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. THE 'PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, To THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTEttliDisnazu OF PENN. SYLLINIA.--OnEertzca: . , WHEREAS. The District Court of the United States In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Mal, filed in the name of the United State* of America, - bath detrsed all persons in generalwho hare, or pretend to hare. any right.title, or interest In sloop CYCLOPS, her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, and the Goods, Wares. and Merchandise laden on hoard thereof, whereof master, cap tured by the United Rates cleanser "Flag," ander the command of Commander J. A. Williamson, to be monished, cited. and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter ex pressed. (justice so requiring - ) You are therefore charged and btrlotly enjoined and c , mmairded, that yon oiiiit not, but that by publishing theta Presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and pub lished in the City of Philadelphia; and in the Legal To teltifencer, you do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all Persona in gene ral who bare. or pretend to hare, any right, title, or interest In the said sloop Cyclops. her - Tackle, Apparel. and Ferulture. and the Goods, Wares, and Merchandise laden on board thereof, to appear before the Flonorable JOHN CAD WALADER, the Judie of the said Conti, at tLe District Court room, in the City of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publication of these presents. if it be a court day, or else on the next court day follow ing, between the usual hours of hearing causes. then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said sloop Cyclops. her Tackle, apparel. and Furni ture, and the Goods, Wares, and Merchsnaise laden on board thereof, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or other wise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain: And that you duly intimate, or cense to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid. generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents It is also Inti mated.) that If they shall not appear at the time and' place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then mild District Or urt doth intend and will proceed Co adjudica. lion on thertaid capture, and may pronounce that the said sloop Cyclops, her Tackle, Apparel. and Far nittire, and the Goods, Wares, and Merehaudise laden on board thereof, did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of Ameri ca, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to coeducation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the perm:ore so cited and it ti mated In anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOB'S CADWALA DER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this twenty-first day of JULY, A. D. 1864, and In the eighty-ninth year of the Independence of said United States. .i 7213 St O. R. FOX. Clerk District Court. EDUCATIONAL. 17 4 EI - ENDS' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND SMALL BOYS. on School lane. Germantown, will reopen on the 6th of Pth month. The usual bracche3 of an F.nalleh education wilt be taught, and we feel war ranted in believing that the competency of the teaclier, Deborah B. Smith, will make it desirable to parents to patronise the school. jy2s-tf VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.-MI LITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, 4 miles berrad Me dia. and 13: miles from Olen Riddle. en the West Mes ter Railroad. Thorough course in Mathematics. Natu ral Sciences, Languages, sad English. Practical les sons in Surveying and Civil Engineering. Flue librarY and apparatus. Number of pupils limited. Begins Sept. lst Pupils have bertenta of a home. Refers to Jan C. Capp a Son, 23 South Third street; Thos. J. Clayton. Esq. , Fifth and Prune; John A. Diehl, MO Wall:int:- Add , eas Rey. J. HENRY BARTON. A. M., 1y22-Sin VILLAGE GREEN, Penne. Frßz WEST CHESTER ACADEMY AND MILITARY INSTITUTE. The scholastic year of ten menthe commences on the first TUESDAY, the 6th of September next, and closes on the let of July following. Boys and young men prepared for College or Business In Its varlens requirements. The modern languages are taught by stating resident Teachers, who have no connection with, any other school. For natatorium and fall information aripir to WX. F. WINES. A R , Prial; or, 3. HUNTER WDERLI.L. A. M. Ph. D., resoclate Principal. WEST CREME. Pow A GRADIIA.TE OF HARVARD, wrrn, an experience cf . t enyears In latching, will open, Is, this city, in SEPTEIdr-BH. a School for Young Lutists. Number Mailed to draen. Tomes, COO a year. Itaingimoss—Rov. Dr. Fv.ross. 162 E Pine strain; Rey_ Boger Owe= Cheston) Hill; Wm. H. Troilen, Es C., .1g North Feast street; J. E. Kitchell, Esq., RV Yor. gyenllB, Philadelphia.; Ex-Presidents Sparks aug Welker, GambitJge, Masa ; I. S. Smith, Esq. , Dorehaa tar, maw ;jobesßuggles, Bey., Brighton, Masa lot awe .1.377-Im* L. H. HIICEINOITAM, Cheatunt P HILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE Thl. WYNNE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 153 Q LIMY Street. NOY. GRAB. A. SMITH, D. D.a. OLARISACI SMITE. A. BT., Principal.. Ninth Year. Three Departments: Primary. dead*. mie, and Collegiate . Pall college course in Classic*, Mathsative. higher English. and Natural Science, tee them.* who graduate. Modern Languages. 'Music, Pal.V. putt and Bloention by the best masters. For circulars. apply at lEEE CIIESTNIIT Street, or address Box fill P. 0.. Philadelphia. *MW ARMY *GOODS. FROTBINGBAM & WRLLS ERATT,• EEDIUM , AND LIGHT SHINITrzog imp BAI RTINOB. SHIRTING& STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVE CANTON FLANNELS WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBIUM AND SILESIA& BROWN LEACHED AND GORSST No. 1. WORSTAD I . 4VA tc, 1416-111 f Ue.:TIO111 SALES. ROTEL. FURNITURE FOR S&LS,. Belog aleaot to retire from the business. the oub scriber offers at gubllc est* ON 1 nEttnni. JITI.T 151. the entire Moen of MIMI?MIR in HERR'S lianL. lIMRISBURO, conpistioß of Bede. sub, Nair Nottresszs. Feltner Bed% Knows, Elbeeto, Coinforu. Qntlis, Carpets. Erießab Corner Clock... Itareous, Epson., grime', Chinn ood Glaesrare, tff cleot to eccomznod k Ulgoese: ffnmpeet, tcben Utensils; to fitct,ovpr Fining reeniren a alarm kotci. Sale to 1w contleued from day to dey until allEa sold. Terms cash, ender one huuttr.delnlijirs, jyl9,7t J. arr.rear Rens. A UCTION BALE OF OOPIDMIMSO BORQ.._nS . Kate Dr.r.kantan. Cavitr.nt Btenat/.. • o.lll_ra Ultler allorerravaarWT, WitatitSOTO,, U. C. J:171.1654 Will beevil .at FOBLITI ACC7IOI4 w. td,st ek . Atelier, Ur Ifthen AtrArol4C9F valet, . -, ..t0k—:. 0 4: Le.BANOIf, Penna. TfirDIBI).I, .161 fr. WA. liat. BEADINQ,Pontia_,.thaBBD BaBRIBSUBC.I, THITERDA Jell. *2l; AV/OONA, danNt 4:11. MR. 19111 - I.IMS - 1 5 01:?, Penna.. , THGREDA - 1, 3644 T*0 Etr2rin, En) CA iArtle HCP.V..,'" at ale. place. Tbe.e I/braes - liar° 'Seen condemned la anti for MP Caviar? , Nervicknj the AMY. trybad. or hoed and Farm perposearnarvanod Elrgalal Brame ealeciner. Term: Qua. In tralletnitates Oncra'_cer. .1 - .4.ldcg A. Mint. Cal. and Chief CiMerterre.cater Creaky Bareaa. • PUBLIC S ALE bF lINCIA.I3IM7 000 De ren.Oddimg_ in the - Warehon.o. of the PHI LADELPHIA AID READnici Eall:11;:).11) COIN PANT, TBIETBe.32II and CALLoineLL Slreeta. Philadelphia. The artleles dew - Abed in the SollOwing aehednle. having been tonsigneg to the Stat7::•a pained helow. or, the Philadelphia arre, P.imid log Ra'Aroad, and the con , - eigneee, after dime etd regal notice; not having taken theta away, nor paid Edo CONN and 9:•..PAZISCs rf carrtaß t will be exposed to onblLVeale or ont.trv, at the severs. Etationa named below, on MATURDZY. September 17, Thai: the sale to comm.:nee at ton o'Coek in the font noon of said day: STATION. CON810;:a. ARTI<:EN AND ..VADZA Philadelphia E. P. Hainen7; B. Barton. S. Jackson, L. Lowrie. Dr Wright. C. Megargee, Paschall Morrie. • P. 3/cDonaugh. Dr. Wright, Dr Wright, A. Thompson, A. Cross. W. }Hiner, J. N. Spencer. W. Harris. J P. EPPlerholmer, Peechall Morris. Merchants' Ina Co. Consortn Ins. Co. J. Collins Lneas it Ca.. M. C Sadler, Eceles, S. Hallman, George GI: @lib. E. liercbtrlagcr. R Wilson, E. Wilson. J. Long &Bro.. R. Cal man. L. Wolfeneberger, G. Devlan, J. Powers, Shenbecker, J. N. Kline, J. Hall. W. H. Richards, L M. Harris, E. & S. Allen. R. Arhblarn. ..-- Thrrabove artic'es vrill be exposed to pablie sale ga aforeasid. according' to the provisions of the Bret aeetion of the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Patna sylvanfa. approved the sixteenth day of March A. D. MS; with all the requirements or which the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad Company have io ail no epscta complied. The Act of Assembly is as fol berg: " Commission merchants and factor , . and all ems man carriers, or ether persons having a lien n non goods, Wares, and. merchandise, for or on account of the costa and expense: , of carriage or storage. or any other charm: arisiog from the transportation, keeping, or storage of curb property, in case the owners or consignees shall not pay or dfecilaree the amount dne for such coat, oz. pence, carriage, etorare, or other charges , bereft:theory tamed, may,. after ths expiration of ninety days from the notice hereinafter provided, proceed to eel) the same, or so much thereof as may ho necesem• to discharge said lion, at public auction: Provt4a4 That notice of gale shall be given as required for abe- Ars sake of personal property, and that thirty dams' notice of said lien he given to the emperor C.)osi of the property, if they can he found, and in case cannot be to found, that the same shall be advert' 'weekly in tome newaostper published in th m er cha ndise or county which the goods, wares. or have been consigned, for four consecutive weeks haforw the sale, the restdae of money arising from each sale, after deducting costs of transoortation , chances and storage. advertising and sale, to be held subject to the order of the owner or owners of such property. ' G. A. RH:ROLLS, General Enperintondent. READT2fff, Pa., June 10. 1564. ivlB-111t ADIUSEDIENTS. IN - FEW CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE. IMPORTANT NOTICE. A scenic rehearsal on Saturday evening la.t developed the necelaity of important alterations in ROLne. Of the machinery of the stage. The first performance of "ALADDIN" has, there fore. been postponed to WEDNESDAY EV - BITING. JULY Y 4 when all will be In readiness. Reserred setts already sold good until used. It GovEws NEW CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE —OR zzontrune. WEDNP.SDAY EVENING. SlGsith". Pint time in aix.yeara in Philadelphia or the GraniNs. mantle, Mutlntl. B_setacular Draws. .AL A DD I W ; Or. THE ONDERFUL LA Presented after three menthe' active preparation Ina style of unprecedented magnificence, replete with won— deed Transformations. Magnificent Rcenery. Or. Matches, Superb Costumes and Prope 'rties, Beautiful Music and Chorneee. Reserved Seats for sale three days in advance. iyIB-tf. WALIWT•STREET THEATRE BANFORD AT HOME. The fay-tamed SANFORD AND TROUPE Will open the above Thvatrait' On AIONDAY EVENING. July Sstl3. And continue every evening daring the week. iateroo &acing the BEST MINSTREL CORPS • is the United States. See bills of the day. Box open dilly for sale of Tickets. THE ACADEMY OF FINE ART% CHESTNUT tiltreetabove Tenth. is OPE( DLIST. to , visitor's, from 9 A. M... to 9P. P. I ILITG. B OARD. -FRONT SINGLE - 110011 A- , Timid. No. 1315 WALNUT Street. Jr 19410 ROARDING.—TWO SECOND-STON! rooms TO LET. at 139 North TENT'S i"ff PERSONAL. .pERSONALRBEI OR .BLARIC BALL WI-DROPS, fifty feints per pair. 916 R &CH Street. frA-2t. • • MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.-By VlRrtrit of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. la Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sate, to the hhPHRE a T arid ObFMAN&C oor WA h T ER t St he e t y , a bo ve Vine, on THURSDAY, July 2S, 11364. at 12 o'clock. X. 12,000 locust treenaile and 212 cubic feet of locust logs. The locnst loge are now lying on lot southwest corner of CALLOWHILL Street and DELAWARE avenue, WILLIAM MILLWARD United States Marshal E. D. of Penns, ivamill- PAILADRDPITIA. July 22, 11364. i72S4St MARSHAL'S - SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a Writ or Sale, by the-Ron. JOHN CAD WAIdl- DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to toe directed, will be sold at Public Sale. to the highest and beet bidder. for cash, at MICRENSE'S STORE, No. 11.42 North FRONT Street, on TUESDAY. August 2d, leo, at 12 o'clock M., SA bales Cotton. 5.4 boxes manufactured Tobacco, and 67 sacks of Turk's, Island Salt, being the cargoes of the schooner Pocahon tas, sloops Jana and Cyclon e . WILLIAM MILLWARD. United States Marshal B. D. of Pennsylvania. PRILADELPHIA, July 18e4. EXCURSIONS. ~,,,,,,,,, ~,,,, sid aG t GRAND PLEASURE Bg. CURSIONS TO LANE SUPERIOR. —One of the following splendid first-class steamers, via , CLEVELA.ND, ILLINOIS, NORTHERN T. MOP CITY, TRAVELEIkMETROR, IRON SIDES, LAO LA =LLB, and PEWAHIC, will leave CLEVRLAMS, Ohio, at S o'clock P. IL, each day of the week, erreseloi Saturday and Sunday, end .Detroit, Michigan , on ib following days at 2 o'clock P. M. throudi the montlm. of JULY and AUGUST. making Grand Excursion Tripe. to the many points of interest on the Great Inland Seer. of Amertca,whlch, for utility. 'deems. and health.zgr. unsurpassed by any other on the Continent. latituderip of eleven 000 milea embraces six devisee et" _, and of longitude, and includee in circuit takes Brie, EL Cate., Huron and Superlor,wskt tbebeantitni rivers Detroit. St. Clair and St. Mary's. The many. and liXtollSiTe =bees of Iron and copper, unequaled by. any in the world. h the newly-Me. covered and i nvi ti ng deposits of silver lead, wild romantic scenery .combined with its pare and breetrilr. climate, render.the Lake &tractor trip one of far WV( - than ordinary attraction to tho capitalist, the student the pleasure-seeker, or the invalid. The above-named- steamer* are elegantly-fitted re with large airy Cabins and State-Rooms, white evert precaution has been taken to provide for the safety az.? comfort of passengers. Fare,lnchadingState-Rooma and Heals, about 2.X *SW par mile: Time occupied In soaking the round trip, ibass to 10daye. Rooms secured, and fartl- - sr Information obtained. in application to mprietors. ROBT:HANNA & Co., eve an . d Olde. HUSSEY & MoHRIDL, J. T WHITING & Co.. p e t it . jelo4 anti JOHN HUTCHINGS. r° FOR CAPE 31.AYs—TEIN. --4 lrsroar eteunch.ead commodions steamer MAN HATTe 61, Captain 13..4 Ryther, of the Cane May Lima having beau relassel, by the Government. i; now making her regular trips to Capellay. ie^slog ARCH.- STREET WHARF every TUESDAY. THURSDAY. and., SATURDAY, at o'clock; returning. rcHl leave Cape May every Mondey,. Wednesday. and Friday, at £96. o'clOck, touching at.,..24Y7 Castle, goincend-retnrning_ Fere. *2.60, carriage hire Included; children half. price. Servants $.,v00, carriage hire extra. Freight at low. .ratne.• No freight received after S o'clock. and in ai ceane must be pre-,,aald. J722-t( JOSEPH A. ST_IWART. agent._ p KEW YORK, FOR rt,aw HAVEN. TunTPORA a SPRIVO- Pra). and . DfasTo3.—The steam:ass CO _NENT6Jki. and ELM-CI iirtlasee rack Sib, Etat Rivet, &MIT. att. 16 P. td: and"; toa night. jelfa.las NMI msrxla. - • - •y7s COTTAGE ORGANS, Rot ouI'AMMR3.CHLLRD bat 3113011.11LLED /u Perna • of Tona an& Power. deethead,orportally for Clotreitir.• and &Math. but foand to oo epaally well Med.. the Parluo-aced Drawing Itoosn. llier sale onl R. M. BR flo. 311, forth IMIVENTLI Stmt. Aisa.,,a,angepleta anaorinitiat of the Pezlest Maladeit *pustular on band my) ft4re., . - 42 Taomsoal". , .B tONDON . KITS:TH EN .ER, OR Et RANGE, for fandlise, ' hotels, or pubLit.inntitntione, to TWENTY DM PERWST Mali M Also, Philadalphia Ranges. ri et.al r Furnacee, Po e Heaters, Lowdown Grata. firsboard StoTee, 1.1 Rollers, Stewheie Plates, Broil ors, Cooking Stoves, dm. at wholesale and retail. by the mannfeeturers,_ CRASS, EIIASPR J k THOMSON, No. 209 h: SECOND Street ath3-triths6m f3PHIMPTOLOGICAIi Vr4CANDIL TIONS.. with fall deacrlptllaa of °boarder glom DAT osofiC KM VING, by J. L. aildLarfroOfoo • Km 9115.80nk1a TR ghost LADIES' TRUSS AIiD.BRA.OI. 1 41111,6T0RII—Condnet4.41 by Ladles, TNir.KLIITS Baas. drat door below s4e. Every article in Wit line elasant, eau, and eolceet in male. C. H. DIM DLLS, Proprietor, attenebt to Gentlemen, on the cornet of TwasTEE atia'33ACE, Streets. N. B.—Professional aescracy. Unwed. talkt.ftelf ONUMENTS AND GRA,VB: BTOXES.—A lame assortssent of OraTe•Siones. at various tialvak mule of the finest Malian sad ametissol Marble, constantly on hind at the Marble Works el ADAX3TP.IMMUTL. BIIDOZ ATMIIIII. below Reveal. stro.t- . siet-Ssalf CHAMLBS MIDDLETON, IRON1111110).X7; SECOND AND WILLOW S'lltzsm PulLAnzr,rniA. Reran Iron nnrebnitail Rnd fur nalc COTTON BAIL DUCK AND CAJ.NVAB NJ of all numbers and brands. Rayon's Duck Awning Twills. Of all daaarialoria far. Tents, Awnings Trunk and Wagon Covers. Also. Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from I to feet wide. Tarpaulin. Bolting. Ba ll Twins ho. - ..1011N W. Bvivauff. myto•tt 102 /0/1121' Allem P RIZE -STEAMER DONZGAL.-TEM Steamer having been adjudged to tbeUnited States. for the public service; at the appramement, she is with. drawn from sale. • • WILLIAM MILLWARD. 11. S. Marshal. r.1111.4./Mr/trA. ALIT XI. LW. !MA 2 boxes 25 tango.. spokes, box slabs. o 8 (Ito I box boljilog. I box rodno. 6 Iraga pulp, I reaper. !lot earsdriaa. box books II box books. .2 sacks cbaraoal. 1 .1 box tr ff goods_ barloy. box drugs. bbls. pickles. is seed sower,. 1 box books. 2 :/nmea hooks. 1 Edx 'rani era. h cask paint. Irrn sato. old lumber, 014'scala. 2 emrty kegs empiy 1 1 1 1 1: e b as l ro bb 2 o p i t ir r 7 fe"l bi t b s t 6: : r 8 : 141 : ix 11 box mod can. I I keg. zotkak. 111 box. halt bil. sod bor I k.st mlroral wa . ter. 2 bids. corn. NaPts cmpts 1 half bbl.