EPTIMOPAL OLICILOYMICN AND THE DR &FT.—A. petition, to bo presented to the authorities in Wash ington. Is now In circulation among the clergymen of Now Jersey and Now York, containing a series of resolutions odopted at a meeting of the clerical and lay members of the Diocesan Conventionof New Jersey, bold Immediately after the adjournment of the convention at Newark, on the 20th of May. The resolutions sot forth that " whereas, by recent en actments of the Government of the United States, contrary to the usual custom and laws of nations, the clergy are liable to enrolment and draft for mi litary service, thus imposing, in the alternative of a Pubstltute, a burden of expense that, from their self-denying position, they aro, in the majority of cases unable to boar, In case of a repeal of the ex emption clause, forcing them into a service and po ffition Inconsistent with their vows, separating them from their hallowed responsibilities, and leaving the people to perish In irreligion and vice," therefore the clergy "respectfully and earnestly potitiOn the Government of the United States to enact such ex ceptions to the general laws respecting enrolment and drafting as may leave the clergy M those States secure in the administration of their respeative offices." CITY ITT.AIs. THE HANDSOMRST AOSORTIOZNT OF STRAW, FFLT, and other lints can be purchased of Charles Cakford & Sons, Sal end 838 Chestnut street, Conti- Seental Hotel. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHRS.—WO would call th o spocial attention of clergyman and teachers to t'Brown'a Bronchial Trochos. ,, It Is well known to our readers that we do not admit medloinos to our columns. Wo advertise these Troches, because, af ter a trial of them, wo aro satisfied that thoy aro the best thing of the kind extant.—Ch icago School Journal. Tux DAlD.—What Is it 1 Do the rebels intend celebrating every Fourth of July on "free soil 1" We are glad they contemplate celebrating it atoll, and still more glad that they do it on free territory. We-hope they will not have to go so far from home hereafter to find free soil to celebrate their Fourths upon. We are not used to It now, and it - is some what exciting. With the thermometer at 00, and gold at 260, 'tts hard to koep cool. Tho only way in iS to clothe yourself in the delicious summer clothing sold at Chas. Stokes Sc. Co.'s ono price, un der the "Continental." SOZODONT, tbo !met popular Dentifrice In exist- ISVu6oll and praised by cyorybody. Sold by Vroggists everywhere. jyP2-tuths3t °Ant MAY, LONli BRANCH, ATLANTIC CITY.- A. tine assortment of ladles' and gentleman's bath (ng• dresses can to found at John 0. Arrlson's, Nos. 1 WWI 8 Nutt Sixth street. jy9-tf . A SPLENDID ASI3O [urn esT of InISSCS', Children's, 1891 d boys' hats, at reduced prices, can be purchased Of.Ohariels Oahford St Sons, 894 and 836 Chestnut *Set, Continental Hotel. ARRIVALS . AT THE HOTELS. Thee Con • , n•RoPP&lsr.Wnshingt'u , F lfieaMor,e, Washington Iteyuolds, Washington P smith & wf, New York .7 Houston, Now Tork Dire Temple, Washington 1141.14 Steveue ' Woshlugton NV Warren, Norfolk M Jack liolone, Ark J Goni d &lo okhens 0. 14.% HoPvqnst ipcitititt Jll 01119.141, Loutorilto Afro Omagh, Louhrlllo IV Mil Ileld, Louh.villo - J 13 Wbeelor, IVashington IIT Jefferip, Norfolk ilßobbine. New York re Sloan SMagraw, Wapitington 1311130ur0, Wahhlagton J L Leach, U S A . .13TPayne,Nan.as . Jan BMajor,:ientocky . . Alas R glajur.Kenturky 7 A HOblllt, ttOSIOU IfFtench,Bo , lon 0 Tatum, New York • R Pow er, els Y6rk • It Holliday, Ponnt R flughlett, Mulls:ad C E Keinp,Baltimore M Steininar, Perna • Statunitui, Penna. F Reogler,3r. Fauna C W Lyford,Ncw York Gen D , a. Celia, Harrisburg Juba Riddle Mrs J A Iderrill,liagerst'n H Rini y,Balii were Thus J Beeper. Balt i DC IS R. Lana, Y • JJ Van Bukkerk, N Y• M Franks, NY B Anderson,Leuissille M Tall, N.l Sterritt & wt. Cin' 0 Frank Schuler, Chin. Ohio SP Effnart,- Cincinnati Jae M Donavan, N Y Jae F Melinc, Cincinnati The en Mr Kneen, New Tork ti C flout, Burlington P Livingston, Trenton S L °lend wood, Newark VA D Markley, Penns R Jackson & la, Boston N Wheeler, Brooklyn 1f fi Hill more. Keokuk W Young & tutu, tit Pahl IS Bird, Blairsville MCulbertson, Buffalo iss Culbertson, Buffalo .7 M Davis, Lexington G Wharton & la,Germant'n X Stabler, Maryland .3 Bald:we, Baltimore 31,8 Parker, Baltimore tfalit H L Robinson, Wash A J Navarro. Cuba Eu 1.411311, Delaware -X B Bedford, Morris Island blingluff, Boston C P Mublenherg, U S A C D (lark, Wash, D C T TAbrams, Lock haven ~IrC Oreene, Maryland tB gßaunmt Cumberland re ders, l'bia sa Saunders, Phil's idacuab, Canada Tbe Me B D Hunter, Watsontown C R Earley, Nana Dew York Salre Hensil, Pew York C Burnes new Baltimore B J 4 . Clark, York it Bul Tall. Indianapolis A ,PDaverre, Mat.,,olas o 0 Fick Ilu, Illinois C Brenner, Clearfield X C Brenner,Clearfield A B Fit wall, Cunha:llAl JTan Dancker, Baltimore Oiaybill, Baltimore Mrs H FosAck, Wean, D C ?fins Hazlett, Wash. D C Ji lioluies, Altxandrla J S Graham, Cuba Din H Graham, Cuba G Belford, Mauch Chunk BBn.,mol,Lexhinton,Ky Chaa McFadden, Veollll. B C kibom and lady IS D Douglass, Newark, X J 43e0 W Thommon, Ye It Packer, Panne • The - ~ V W Smith, Philade Isaiah IlateF, Jr, l'hilada Cnaa A elajor, Phi tads John 0 lietler, l'itilada SI L Fletcier, Be‘ten 3i to Merritt, N Y 4 A 3 Baldwin II Dickson, Georgetown,DC W B Orme,Coorgetou o, DC 3 0 Candel, N Y A Weinberg, Baltimore iB Warner. Balti/nure re Rowell, Be, ton ra Cobb, Boston W Gardner Washington CaMOre IdcGiniey 0 yiloward, New York Wm 1/elano, Mat,isolinsette W B litraight, Elmira • CO Shepard,3r,Washingta des Coyree. Pennu 'l' H Stilwell, hi u, N York N it Stilwell, M D, A Yt•rk The Go gld E Hriseem, Reading $3 6 Lognobee, Penn* .1 R Taylor,liordsotown W6Wstie,Ub 3) V? Forbes 31 V Wileon 43e0 B Smith Goo Thompson G BSzuttb,nnutiogbui HT.,r/LYCTS, Huntington J B Hull. Huntlugaou James W Disney, 11 S A 3D C Hainan. Harrisburg 511IC lhakismin,We.% Chester .7 Defoe, West Chebter Bastess. West Chester WI: Weed, New York Y Boyd, DUIRMOUP, Da . J II Bacon, DRIDMICU., Bettegrove-a wf, N J ' B Keefer, Maryland .7 R Sueary,llfaryland D Bonbon, Maryland 11 Bucher B Sioconil3, Mariclla. wl J W Junon& le,New Jersey T Zorn, Nazareth. Pa O Rlce, Nencreth, Pa Kaska, fluentmh, Pa Carvar, Now Jersey J Bovine, Now York Jobnit.ber, rim r ,, rk JiMeallißrle, New York The. Ni Mai D &Ind' ejSechanlcabg .4tlenJ N lioiar.tdechditiasbg •Cmot ZltaltZlith IS Y Houston rlistufesb'g CI D Al omue, CulDurnht Siem ith er C 0 Ficloro, Iteadiug . 'Wm a Young coo Davis, LnacitstAr J Liohander, New York The isnpri • gi Anamtretig. rivw York W M Tyne, Penna. Kirk, BuckH co W Buckman, t ewlown L a K w% Newtown , 43 VaaPiPlaleo, Newtown P Brookd,tiewtov, Y Clark. New town The Bal .B? Potts, Pennebnre Geo blengle. QuePertewn Hlenber. Bethlehem H Lone. Fence .11 J Rant, Benton Seheek, Yenn , burg Hbehetter, Penupburg The State.* Union. J Wollllll, Lewistown Charles C Frazer :11 Y Hum ' or ritt..bure . Fi Levysou, N York "Of PA Jeneait wf, halt W r Bruce, Indiana co J Oelmiser C K Murry, Lance.ter co .111 ex J Reid, Waablazton John Cheater co J Leggett, Columbia co, Pa The M J Adapts, Ha!lnure T IO Croasitle, Bucks co gl` Morris, Baltimore Theo Nebook,.Ssroadsbarg Joseph Corsompud wire 0 W Bpshnen.Scranton The Jslaek Hear. Erdman. Ceolro ull•y RC Nfte.,'Newtown Percival Snyder. Berk. co IJ F. amlormacher.fiarrisb'g SPECIAL NOTICES. CormATE's HONEY SOAP. This celebrated TOILET SOAP, In such lIIIITerPtiI de. tuand, Is trade from the CHOICEST materials, Is MILD and EMOLLIENT In Its nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT ED, and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL In Mention upon the Skis. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers. foMB-tnthsly ONR-PRICE CLOTEITNO, OF TITE LATEST errraii, made to the Beat Manner. expressly for RS TAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plain 71 gores. All Goods made to Order warranted Battens. tory. Our Orra•Pamr. SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. An are thereby treated alike. 4821117 JOSi ES & CO , 604 MARKET Street. WWII= & WILSON'S HIGIOIST PBEMXUM LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHIIPE.'S. THE CIIRATEST. SIMPLEST. AND BEST filAiloaroome. 704 OIIEBTrtI7T Street, shove Seventh. !mental. M Jonts, Pittsbnrg W H Clark, Poona Sallegintr, Baltimore A 011bert, llarrtebu,g :Clint It Johnson. U S A 'MK Moorhead, Pittsbnrg IE P Heberton, Wisconsin .11 R - Dnele, Allssonri 0 0 Simpson. Boston J R Ledyard, Kentucky R ew York IS 1, Holly. New York • H S Fitch & wf, h °chaster Jos Heckert, Cincinnati MrsL C Andrews & child Kra Dr Verdi, Washington E D Denney, Pittsburg Robt Turner. saltlutore Dr fl H Sterling, New York .T Cameron & wr, 13enecla E 11 Williams & wf,Chlcago INV Hie y,BaLtimore • Cooper,Ohia Mrs OliteNaly.Cantas B Tlhampu”ys, Jr, Lancaster . IE Walker & le, Baltimore .1 Adams, liochestor. - . Roy,hacv , ester W Cranch. Rochester _ . J S Brave, New York J Hensel, New Tork 0 W Beardslee, New Tork J 0 Jackeon J C Cooper, Wheeling J S Darnell Boeton W Baker, Read i ng J a Perdue, Ne w Jersey J S Backelew, New Jers437 B Booker, Baltimore 11 Dyer,N Y , . D Oliphant. Wash. D C F & Knapp. Wash, D C 1' Macy, Shelby. Ohio Chas Dawson Wash, D C C 13 Brag.N W P Richards. si D R Moan St vrE, (Jinn. 0 J D Hoover, Wash, D C (leo Patterson & wt, Pettey LE Bright. Pottsville It Eleckscher, Jr Pottsville Wm Taylor, Jr, ,P Imre. J Hays, New York L Miller, Indiana M Canegle, Pittsburg Blubaugh, Pittsburg 11 Limber, hawas J M Clark. U 8 A P D Lather k wf, Penna J P Newell, Franklin J bt Wilcox, Titneville 0 J Sherman; Tatt.ville Major B Bard well, Palma W 13 Sesrey, Buxton A D Patton, Martinsburg Fl L Irvin, Marttnibnre T T Merman, Harrisburg Capt 0 B Perkinai J M ulcott. Tarra Hanle Limit W M InllCCer.oti, D 8 A Mrs Brattoo, MeV,. ytown btra Rota, hicVertown F F Patterson, Now Jersey E &mph)), Carlisle A II Schultz, Puhkill Mr Tent di wf,‘Aew York W M Rockaft How & la, Pa J McMulleu, Cape May J . Heise, Doylestown H Bewley, bluvras. Del W M Bell, Smyrna, D.l WI) Hazel. Smyrna. Dal chants'. W W Jones, Indinnapolis A Sehug, ,Enston P Thiene, New Jereer U L Reed. Clearfield -••• • • • • C Wetherat, C4•llfornla W li Pavia, Eagan 800 A Packer, M Chunk T o Duncan. Oil CUT Dr Coulee Wi .on.. Penna G Grose. N-xv Berlin W B Baum. Troxel rifle .7 S Shower. Clearfield .7 Q Dice, Wayne co, Pa S A Alay, Baltimore F Eh - were& Is., Indiana 8 II Rabbles, New Jersey H Purdy, Sunbury E H Llule, Bloomsburg H Steller, NV yarning co E Martin ClLlChillsti E.Kubo..Chambersburg H M I leppiah, Belttmure B McCauley, Taw York B K JlllllB6OO, Carlisle L A Smith. Carlisle F M Kimmel', Otmmberabg erliumn. Geo J Piper, Milton John Mitchell, N J Chug 12 Lewis, Cincinnati Geo P Van kmer N J E Stant. Reading .1 F W Deialneer, Reading it W Santa et In,-N Y C Glover, Pottille D H Kar.har. Tamaqua A Sheffer, Tamaqua J H McClellan, Gettsebnrg C ff Fanning. New York J D Bart, Elmira S J Walker. New York Jacob Brown, Washington John Drake, Easton R Moffat, Burma D T Thurlow. New York Peter Smith. New York A Ii Cunningham, N York Caleb Yobe. Bethlehem W J Reid, U d A S Dunbarr Rndasou,Oxford Wpe C Jobe DI Hobart •o. N , Pottstown Csel Mhos B Essex, Wnrren, R I Cape to N A mes. Mrs R N Ames do 2 oh W W Townsend, D,Pa Dr 1 J Clark. Ploln.in - . H W Wheeler, tiler York CI Martin, Schuylkill co S Il Walton, Chester co David Walton, Chace.. r co W C Jonas, Went Chester Amos IC Hanna, Oxford . l'arker, West Chester H A Rauch, 1111 z F Roads, Hlnerevllle A Oulleoger, Lebanon O F Kurtz, Pine (trove W Deao & wt, Nevrark,Del S Dom Newark, Del Mice 14 L Dean, Newark J T Harlan, Camorou co E Camer..n co W H Hrotherlow. Weyneeb N Apulebaco, Seller.vdle C C Herman, Baltimore B A H. aton. Aihlend Mrs Cotton. Fortlfuenth. 0 LN Hellman, New year B Thompson & lady, N J t lona'. W S Smlth A Kline II Arnett, Manhcim John_ Mealy. Lane en, Pa Elias Becker, bar, Pa John A Lang.loo. klez,Vo, Judnup Marvin. Yeaaa hum Racer, Poona L F Kanner R Wlalaok, Bch co; Pa y TA Beek J Edwards T Morris. Books co B l'AndegrlTt, Alwx,Va F Bonier,Alexi Vs 1. Widdowfield, Bucks co W W Paxson, Bucks co a Eagle. Jnpon &eon, Easton W E Relfsnyder, Reading Chss Leeber. Kutztown J 0 Wiest, Monroe co Win Mstbew, Quskertown J D Route, Stroudsburg 'MILITARY CLOTHING, RRSONAIILE PRICES. MUltary Clothing, Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing, Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing, Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing, Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing, Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing. Roasonable Prices. Military Clothing, Reasonable Prices. Military , Clothing. Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing, Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing. Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing. Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing. Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing, Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing, Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing, ' Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing. Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing, Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing, Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing, Reasonable Prices. Military Clothing, Reasonable Prices. VOLUNTEERS will find we hare a largo assortment of MILITARY CLOTHING READY. MADE from which 'they can be fitted and prepared to march at a moment's notice. All sizes Officers' Costs. Blouses, Dark-Blue and Sky-Blue Pants and Vests, at moderato prices. Will make a suit to order and lua few he urs for the emergency. WANAMAKER & BROWN, • Popular Clothing House, OAK HALL." S. E. Corner of SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Citizens' Clothing in splendid variety. iyl2-tf HAM Dim! Hem DYE I 1 . BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE to the Beat fa the World. The only' Darrnieee, True, and .Rettable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye Is parted— change, Red, Rusty. or Cray Hair instantly to' a Oloory Black or Raturat Brown. without Injuring the Hair or State ing the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the 11l etfectsof bad Dyes. The gexinine is signed Wiff.xxist A. BATCHELOR; all otbere are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, Ste. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street, New York. Batohelor'e new Toilet Cream for Dressing the Bair. Tam POPULAII CLOTHING HOUSE OF PHICLA "OAK HALL." Beet-class roods at moderate prices. WANAMAKSR & BROW' S. B. corner SIXTH and bfaßKS'r Streets. 0 +stem Dal:pertinent (to make to ander) No. 1 S. Rath el MORRIS—STERLE.--On Tiurstlay, Jnly 7th, in Holy Trinity, by the Rey. Bishop Stevens, George U. Morris, U. S N., to Msry Chase Steele, daughter of Franklin Steele, or Minnesota • DIED_ SOWERS. —On Sunday morning. the 10th inst..GeOrge W. Sowers aged 66 years. The relatives and friends of the family, and members of the Fairmount Engine Company, are reqnestett to attend his funeral, on Wednesday afternoon, the-14th inst., at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his sister, Hes ter Cementer. No. 19133 Cambridge street. To proceed to Odd Follows' Cemetery. ee BUNTING. —On the 11th inst., Charlea C. son of Jo se) and Emma C. Bunting, in the 3d year tif his age. The friends of the family are incited to attend his funeral, from his 'parents residence, Marehall road, Twenty-fourth ward, on Fourth-day. at 2 o'clock. " STILLS.—On the 7th inst.. Maggie R , wife of Horace K. Stale. Her relatives and friends are invited to attend her fu neral. from the residence of her father, Wm. H. Smith, No. 427 Vine street, on Wednesday morning, =hird., at 9 o 'clock. aa 11 AM BLS. —On the 2d of May last. at Durango, Mexi co, 81. Clayton liambly, eldest sou of Thomas G. tad Amelia F.. Ha mbly, formerly of York, Pa 0 LLI NG If AM. —On Pint- day morning, the 10 t h inst., Susan Elizabeth, wife of Milner Gillingham, and de tighter of George Comfort. Her friends and those of the family aro requested to attend her funeral from the residence of her husband, Falleington, Bucks county, Fourth•day afternoon, at 3 o clock, without further notice. eo n, a t oLlitE. t his residence, on Saturday evening, July 9. 1934, after a brief illness, in the triumph of faith, George W. Holm% of Holmesbnrg. Pa ,In the 76th year of his age. Then neral will take place at his residence, on Tires. day, July 12, at 2 o'clock 1' N. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend without Ru th. r notice. e• CDBRY.—On the 7th instant, at Douglas Hospital, Washington, of wounds received May 11th, at Spottsyl verde Court H ouse , Lieutenant Colonel William L. Cur- TT• of the tenth Regiment Penna. Vela • The relatives and friends of the family, also Harmony Lodge No 62 A. Y. 31., and the members of the regiment oche are in the city, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from. the residence of his father, Nu. 2140 Cal low b I ll street, on Tuesday morale g. 12th instaet at ten o'clock. To proceed to South Laurel Hill. LEI BRANDT. —On the morning of the 9th ivietant, Til lie, wife of Frederick Lei brandr. Jr., and daughter of Mr. Charles W. and Catharine Beck. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to aiteed the funeral from the residence of hoe husband, No. 825 North Seventh street, on Tuesday af ternoon. 12th instant , at o'clock. se BUZBY.—On the 4th inst., at Yonkers, N. Y., Benj. C. Darby. formerly of this city. • ALLISON.—On the -10th instant, Grace Van Daum. youngest daughter of Thomas and Mary Allison, aged 9 years and 6 months. 11 1 NECLE. —At San Luis Potosi, Mexico, George F. Hineele, to his 49ib year s formerly of this city. " HOZZARD. —At -Stilton, Delaware, on Friday. July Sib, Hon. David Buzzard, ex- Governor of the State of Delaware, in the 84th year of his age • OITSSONA.I3ON, MOURRING . STORE, :A- Jr ""bli. 018 CHESTNUT Ski* et. : • ••• • J77-tt ERB I LANDBLU . FOURTH AND AECEI have a .. Fine stock of. Silks, . . Fine stock of Shawls, . " . • Fine stock of Flannels, Fine stock of Linens. Fine stock of Muslins. Je9o Ist AND 2d COAL REGIMENTS. The OFFICERS of the above Rniments are earnestly invited to meet the MILITARY: COMMITTEE COAX.. MERCHANTS, At 10 o'clock A. , JULY 12th,.18611, COAL EXCHANGE ROOMS, 3105 X WALNUT STRUT Or . NOTICE. THE FIRST NATIONAL BAN'S. OF PHILA. DELPHIA WILL FRAMACT DIFSIABWI AT MIR NEW BANKING HOUSE. MEM= CHESTNUT AND FRANKLIN STREETS, (aorth aide of Chestnut, west of Third,) on and &Rev TUESDAY, THE 6TFI INSTANT NORTON BIonIOII.A.EL &sheer rgir IiEADQUAR'FERS FIRST EMU MINT GRAY RESERVES. PHILADELPHIA, Jal7ll, pa At a meeting of the officers held this evening, it was Reauired, That we oiler our services as a resin:Lent an tler the call of the municipal authorittes • of Philadel phia. In accordance with the above resolation command ants of companies are directed' to open their armories and recruit their companies to at least the minimum standard. . Armories of Companies A - and C5lO Blarket stroet:P, Eighteenth and Cneetnnt; B, B, I', a, 11, I, and K,City; Armory. Broad, below Itace. F. P. NICHOLSON, Major Commanding, T. S. BROWN, Acting Aojniant. - 1t• OFFICE OF TIDE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AhIERICA, 232 WALNUT Street, PIIII.ADELPHIA, July 11, Mt. The Directors Lave this day declared a Dividend of ON& DOLLAR AND TWENTY CENTS per share—free or taxas—payable on demand. jyli•6t gar OFFICE MINE HILL AND SCHUYLKILL HAVEN RAILROAD HOMPA- Y, PHILADELPHIA, 7 too.. 11th, 1661 At a sta.ed meeting of the Board of Managers, held THIS DAY, a eemi-annual dividend of One Dollar and Eighty- five Cents per share was declared, clear of State and United States tax, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on or after the 21st instant. The transfer book will he elot•ed until the 21st inst. jyl2 12t WILLIAM SIDOLE. Secretary. HORTICULTURAL HALL, BROAD and WALNUT Streets. Monthly Display THIS EVENING. It MONTHLY PRAYER•MEETING. at the Rooms of the Young Men's Chrinttan a•soclatton t 1000 sod 1011 CLIE3TNOT Street, THIS (Therda7) LVE:4INO, at 8 o'clock. lts FrTHE COAL TRADE OF PHILA. DELPHI/. is earnestly requested to meet at ten o'clock on TUESDAY Morn So g, at the rooms of the Coal Exchange, , 20 WAGES UT &Dent, to take measures to organize a Coal Iteiciment fc r the pre•eat emergency. J. 0. FELL, President. JNO. BOMMEL, JR., Secretary. It arOFFICE. OF TINE COMIITTEE ON . Labor. Income and Revenue,. No. us SOUGH SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia. Chairmen of Soh-committees of Committee on Labor. Income and Revenue and Downs having euh.erip done in charge. both in and out of town,. are earnestly requested to pnah forward the work, as tt le highly im poi tent that the business of the Great Central Fairshall he concluded at an early day. There are numerous Committees which have not yet reported. L. MONTGOMERY BOND, • Chairman. MRS. E. W. lIIITTER, jy 12-2 tr Chairman. MrGENERAL NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE AVENUE MARKEr COM PANY, DOCK Street Wharf. PUILADELPAIA, June 20, 1364. At a special meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, held on the 11th inst., the Board of Directors wee authorized to sell eight hundred and fifty (S5O) shares of stock, at par, and apply the proceed. to the extinguish ment of the mortgage debts of the Company. Notice in :lereby given to all who were stockholders at the timedf the passage of these resolutions, that on the 21st and 22(1 days of July,lB6l, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. 11., at the office of the Company, each and every stockholder will be entitled to subscribe to a Pro rate of new stock, according to what be then held. but that after the said 22d day of Jab , such option will cease. A special notlio will be sent to each stockholder By order. ' WILLIAM J. CARLIN, je24-0 net Treasurer. /W. Ei 03'I 4i E.—HOARD OF ENROL.. WENT FOURTH DISTRIO P. PENNA. comer BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Street' , JULY ith. The Board of Enrolment of thin Dleeriet two now en gaged In revising and correcting the nets of persona en rolled as liable to do military di t ty. . Persons who have been improperly enrolled .on ac count of alienage, non-residence, over forty-ore years r, age , noutifset permanent phyeical dleablllty, or who have tarred two years In the present war, should ap pear before the Board, prove the same. and have their Immo stricken from the list. Any citizen Nebo has a knowledge of any one baying escaped emoitnent, and woo le liable to military Linty; or of any one who him arr.ved at the age of twenty years aloe° June, lE6ttt or of any who have declared their inteution to become citizens, are earnestly invited to communicate such information,to the BOARD OF EN ROLS! Eh T, In order that each perms may be .placed upon the Liete. or It is the interest end dui . ) , of every enrolled citi zen to see that all cello have been Improperly omitted from the lists are added thereto. 1) M. LANE, captain:Provost Marshal jy9-Ct Fourth District. Pennsylvania. tarOFFICE •OF THE cATALIvIssA. RAILROAD COMPANY, No, 421 WALNUT Street, PloLAnntxtriA, July 2 Itiit Ift,TICE TO STOCKROLD gas —The Boardo (Direc tors have established et Tranafer Agency ( or the Stock of thle Company In NON York City. SA awn RNOX, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer of the Central RallroaS Compaoy,of New Jersey, ha4benn torpelnted Transfer Agent, alee DO WALL Street, New York. . . AllStockholderawlehleg the New York Certificates le exchange for thou they uow hold. will are/teat thew at Ws office. T. HASKINS DU PUY, jya-St President. Igr GREAT CENTRAL. FAIR. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT RE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE 6CIIOOL DEPARTMENT OF THE GREAT CEN PEAL FAIR hereby acknowledges the following receipt from various sources: • PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. GIRLS' BIGH AND NORMAL SC ttoOL. Proceeds of Concert $1,00) 00 Elden at Fair 234 81 Baits after Fair 29 25 $1,294 00 HOTS' CENTRAL MGR SCHOOL. Collections by Pupils and Professors.. $Bll 00 Proceeds of Web at Fair 576 00 --1,2Gl 00 . . . FIBST WARD. Proceeds of Ward Fair. Coocerts. and collections, Dcr. Mr. George Stewart• • 1,151 01 SECOND WARD. Phanlanniagerla Exhibition, :80 00 Goo day' Incomeirom Teacher% DOO Children'n CAllE4:flans ' 124 NI Proceeds of Ward Pair 490 00 7EO 00 ' TIITRD WARD. Ono day's Income from Teachers $7O 05 One day 's income from Mr. 31yers 3 10 Contributions from Schools 1 145 35 rrocoodo of oohs at Fair • 401 76 1,621 30 _ _ _ .. .. FpDRTH WARD. . . . School Collections, &a $227 00 Phaniamagorlaraldbition 1( 0 co Sales at Fair, fancy articles .930 35 Salve at lieff4JBll/1104i Table 952 05 1,72000 FIFTH WARD. Phantasmagoria Egli thitlon $OO 12 Contributions from Schools 42 46 • Weald Fair 412/ 86 Sales at Fair (colored school) GM 25 1,222 69 SIXTH WARD. Collecllona frod Salloots 8160 (0) Collections from Glrite Grammar School 100 00 Collections from Bove Warn:aux School 100 00 One day 'ff Income Primary No. 8 iS DO . Sales at Fair 875 05 • -- 1,240 89 SEVENTH WARD. PbsnlasmagOria Exhibition 8117 00 School Collections - 104 02 Dizecters'..Contributlone 40 u 0 Ta a chore• Contribotiona 47'10 BoTs' Grammar School Si 2.0 Sales at Fair 571 25 "- Sales after Fah- :kJ SO ---• I,OOS 37 _ .. - • Proceeds of two Fairs bold by pupils of J. Q. Adonis Girls' *misery 04532 16 . Proceeds or Fair by pupils of the Rock ' enhurg Girls' and Boys' Primary and Secondary Schools 274 29 Proceeds of Fair by pupils of the Waruer Boys' Secondary and Primary • Schools 253 75 Donated to Warner School by tho War. ner family 24 00 Proceeds ol two Concerts given by the pupilz of J.Q. dli*lliti Boye' Grammar • behool 174 00 Proceeds of several Concerts by pupils of J. Q. Adams Girls' Grammar Schools 223 21 PEOCIPIiS of two Conceits given by the y mills of Warner Girls' Primary Schools 60 25 --- 1,192 72 FOURTEENTH WARD. Contributions Hancock Grammar • Scheol. ~. $717 15 ' Contributions Hancock Grammar ' • . School 1 018 65 Contributions Mon roo Grammar School. 1,146 91 Sales at Fair 61.10 00 • ' • FIFTEENTH WARD, ' 3, Contribution from schools 411,952 24 . Salon at Fair 1,160 00 8,112 U SIXTEENTH WARD. J. G. FELL, • Wai. RUrirER, • ALFRED DaY Join itOalatir.. Jr., DAVID DEARSoN, JOHN E GKA EFF, aiSSii hi poi:, Committee EIGHTH WARD. Phantasmagoria Sxhibition, Girls' Grammar School 51q 02 Phan tatma gorfa Exhibition, Boys' Grammar School SI 25 Phanmemagorin Exhibitinu,Secomlary School • 72 2.i Phantarmairoria Exhibition, Primary Sclpsol AS 55 Gontribmions from Schools 211 5S Contributions from Teachers of Eighth Ward 52 10 Parlor Entertainment 52 SI :ales at Fair 7.53 50 --;—^ NINTH WARD. 1,544 29 . . . Contribution from Mrs. Boitlor for Zane et leer School slo 00 Contributed from Schools 1 00 7 .39 Wes at Fair 40 35 TENTH WARD.' 2.334 67 • Contributions from Schools $5OO 00 Contributions from Teachers 6510 Proceeds or Exhibition 169 31 Schools - 3 00 Stiles et Pair SG 07 1,623 49 ELEVENTH WARD. Teachers of Prima, r School No. 2 $lO 00 Teachers of Primary School No. 4 13 00 Ries Alice Rice 600 Mice Sallie W. 'Fauber 3 (0 ~ . ._....... . al Do • TWELFTII WARD. • - Contributions from School,. • $542 53 .. Contributions from Teachers 44 11 555 64 THIRTEENTH . . WARD. Proceeds of Ward Fsir i 21,065 21 Contributions by Schools 172 29 1,M7 60 Per hands of Samuel B. Jones, Thomas • J. Beekman. and Daniel %Vitham, Committee. SEVENTEENTH WARD. Contributions from Schools an d proceeds of concert Sales at Fair EIGHTEEb TR WARD. Contributions from Schools 1.; ETEENTII WAND Pr reedsof Conceit by Girls' Grainmar • • ,t 1 Secondary , Schools e 575 8.5 illa:ss at Fair 568 85 • -- 1,14.1 90 TWENTIRTEI WARD. COutributions from Schnols 8344 . 15 Phan ts sorb% ha hi bi don i 9 97 Rutledge I/ °classified School 81 10 Sales at Fair TWEPTI"-FIRST WARD. 1,026 Contributions from Kondorton School.. CM 50 Contribution's fro ruW ssah ickon School, 58 00 Contributions from Glenwood School... .18 50 Contributions f rom Manayunk School.. 7 52 Contributions from Roxborough School. 35 00 Contributions from Unknown School • 350 Contributions from Forest Primary .... 620 Sales at Fair 254 99 621 61 TWENTY-SECOND WARD. Contributions from Rittenhouse Boys' Orairamar School $13105 Contributions from Elwood School 41 35 Contributions fr. in Franklin 5ch001.... 50 03 Contributions from Mt. Airy School... • 21 10 Coutributiona from Plaunary Urammar Scboot 10 68 Coltributiona from Flannary Primary School 7 25 Contributlona from Olney School 2 CO Proceeds of Ward Fair • 705 81 1,02160 TWENTY-THIRD WARD. Exhibition at Fey otte Grammar School, per C. Singer g 45 03 Contribution' from Holmesburg (Co- lumbia) School 68 68 Contribution& from Marshal Grammar School 90 'M Contributions from Montgomery School S 5 00 C.,ntrlbutions from Marshal 5ch001.... 615 go CL'ontribtitions from S. condary School-. ""10 55 ContrMotions f rom 'Primary 5ch001.... B'so' Miss Collins l 00 - 264 93 TWENTY-FOURTH WARD. - - - - Contributions from Belmont Primary hclool 92 35 Contributions from Asbtonyille School, 11 90 Contributions from Buddlugton Un- . ..• classified School 40 00 Contributions from Fortletb•street Pri mary School 41 50 Contribmions from Oreenway School.. 30 00 Contributions from Davi.on School •• .. 22 00 Con ;ributions from Boonesdane School. 15 00 Oiber Schools and Exhioitions 44150 Contributions from Teachers 43 10 - 647 21 TWENTY-FIFTH WARD. Contributions from Barton Grammar School VD 20 Contributions from Franklinsville ech001...• Es.es at Fair Total . , 78 PUBLIC SCHOOLS AT Limps, ac 433 296 Peter B. Long V. 00 Tyrone planet, No . S 920 Public Schools, Harrisburg ' I]S 55 Eastern sebool, Upper Darby 14 91 Kellyville school 2 00 Woman 'School Upper Darby 6 66 Glottal &boot. Upper Darby 6 00 • Eidleyville Scboot District, rio. 1, Dela ware county 17 00 Public Scheele, Potter county 32 75 Pryairille School, Lancaster county •• .. Id 26 IN don and Alaloniug neboolo . 5 85 Allentown and neighboring schools. Ptr E. J. Young '162 85 -' 376 /15 . . ..... . . . . PRIVATE SCIIOOLS, &c. Mies Rmily Shaw 25 00 Mr. Goodfellow sod two pupils 6 GO T.:W. Baldwin's School 33 00 • B. D. Gregory's School 62 .50 Bryant. Stratton. &" Bannister's Com mercial College 100 00 The ailseeo Buck, proceeds of soiree.... kW 00 Episcopal deaden* 112 01 Three bore 25 Slid, lu-te Traits, of Now York 10 03 Mr.Seidenstecker's Classical lnstttute• 3) 00 11... Burrows' utty Institute for 80y5.... 25 00 Mhz!. Johnson's pupils 25 00 Miss R. K. Brewton's School, proceeds of May party 20 21 -- $703 00 Central Institute for Boys, per H. G. McG nil e 15 CO T. Holmes' School h 0 00 T. Is. .I.,ngtou's Pripll6 ' '' - 23 15 Mies Thropp's Pupils 41 36 • inFeph David6ou's Pores 24 00 . . '4ld3ror. Seminary, Darby 45 00 bchool of it ebrew Edncational Society'.'' 25 z 5 ' blialsilx-sre Jubilee Proceeds 36 39 Mips Emily . Ricliter,Willisnasport • 10 00 ' 273 14 idles M. L. Bonney° and Miss EL S.Oll - School 250 00 bliss Kidd's I' chont bas F. A. Myers' W C. Military Institute. 29 26. Christ Chureli.Tomtwanda 26 00 Geo. W. Barker's S.:hool,Gerniantown• SO 00 Miss Longs teeth's School 76 00 Boarders at bliss Casey's School ' 107 00 CitizeDe of Clik too county 17 76 Iliss R. F. Ash's SchooLtwenty pupils. 20 00 Willie Newell. Cressona 1 00 Mita Paycs'6 Echool,orelieOlat 1 70 • 665 95 PROCEEDS OF SALES AT PRIVATE SCEMOL TABLES. Dries Smith's School t9MO 07 Burd Orphan Asylum 977 08 Brooke Ball, Aledla and Delaware county LOCO CO /Me Brown's School 609 00 Three miscellaneous tablee—contribu lions from various Schools and per- Wile / 021 12 3,698 67 Stereopticon preceecls 175 50 Found In School Department 6 00 Sale of Badges6l 66 . . ....- • Sale or Tickets 0,210'60 CONTRI Bin lONS IN LABOR AND MATERIAL. Mr. Uhlioner $lOO 00 Howell & Brother 10 00 Daniel Witham SS 00 Mr. Smith 10 00 Mr. Patton 16 00 ' American Bauk Note Company a) 00 180 00 Pn bile Schools $33,236 73 *A 496 94 EDWARD SHIPPEY, 1' DI CLAPP, Chairmen of School I/apartment. 111 DEN') NOTICE.-OFrIOE OF TfIK UNION PETROLEODI - COHPANY, 141 South FOURTH Street. ••• - . . The Board of Directors have declared a third monthly dividend ul two per cent on the capital stock, payable On and after the 11th current. The Transfer Booke will be closed on the 19th 14th, and 16th current. CHARLES A. DU M P. jy7-6t . President. W. OFFICE ORGANIC OIL COMPAN 10 PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. The Board of Directors have this day &eared a divi dend of ONE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of thle fcmpeur, ruyable on and after 13W Wet free of all taxes. Transfer Books closed on oth; open on 14th. hBstt • W. C. STILES, Jr., Treasnrer.• IMr. OFFICE SOMERSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 6.1 CEDAR Street, New YORK, June ID, MM. NOTICE le • hereby gLven that, pnrsuant to a remota. Um' of the Board of Directors, an instalment of TWEN TY PER CENT. on the subscription to the Capital Stock of the SOMERSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA be, and hereby 'is, made payable to JADES wADswoRTH. Treasurer of said Company, on or before the 18th day of July_next. Jel4-tiylB Attest: T. M. TYNO. Secretary. OFFICE OF THE NEW YORK AND MIDDLE CON.FIBLD RAILROAD AND COAL CONPANT.—A special .meeting of the Stockholders of Ode Company will he held et the office of the Outman). No. 204- South ?MIRTH Street. on SATURDAY. July 23d fleet. ), UM, at 11 o'clock A. M. As buslneeslm• portunce le to be transacted, the attention of the Stock holders le miscall , - r.ama.ted. PETRR N. LANDIS, Secretary. PRTLADELTIT lA. July ff. IP9I. . Jrl3.finwflt THE-UNIVERSAL WRINGER' WITH -6- COO. WHEELS to in use to all United State, Nonni tale Naval and Blind Amyinins, and all our benevolent ILIBti tI3 Sons. It can he used with great profit wherever liquid Is to be premed from any thing, bnt It ie espe cially necekoary In every family , as it saves TIME, Lk ilo% and CLOTRINO. All COO.WHEEL W.RIIIO - are WARRANTED, E. L. BURNHAM, 27 South SIXTH Street. Jy8.61. • „ Agent for Manufacturers. PURE PALM OIL 80A.P.—THIS SOAP te made of pure. fresh Palm 011, and In entirely a ♦egetable Soap; more suitable for Toilet nee than those made from animal fats. In boxes of one dozen cake*. for 16 per box. Manufactured b GEO. M. ELKINTON & SON. No. 116 MAROARETTA Street. between Front and Seaond, above Callow4lll. lets-63 THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY .12, 1864. lap. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR —THE Committto on Mechanic Arts and Machinery gratefully acknowledge the receipt of the folowing ar- I inics—viz : From F. P. 121tImpfel. Philadelphia, one fan blower.. 1,165 00 1. N. ib.oo & CO., Harrisburg, Penna., one fan blower 05 00 Aldin & Dro.,_Philadelphia, one hand fan Fitirbanka & Ewing, • I platform scale.. A. 11 Hayti.. & CO.. Abbott & Co., .. 4. 11. Troonner, " 1 couutor ••• •• • 41 .4 'Farrell, Herring, & Co., Philadelphia, Ipar lor safe 750 00 Evans& Watson , Philadelphia, 1 Oro proof.— 760 00 Benjamin, Hoot, & Co . 15ow York, 1 double piston, 6H. P. reciprocating ongine.... ...... 310 00 J. P. Morris, Towne, de Co., Philadoiphin, I Erricsenzt caloric Angina 1,500 00 C. H. Smith. Philadelphia, 1 model beam en gine 160 00 Jame,' W. Landoll & Co., Philadelphia, email engine , 2 so 00 Nealle & Levy, Philadephia, machinery, Sic., of steam yacht "Fairie" 6,60000 Merrick ,& Sone, Philadelphia,-4 centrifugal sugartil raining machine'. ' 1,600 00 Mari Ink & Sum., Philadelphia, patent fen do• noted 3,000 013 Morrie, Tooker, & Co., Philadelphia, 1 wring ing machine 600 00 Morris, Tasker, & Co., l'idia4elpitia, 1 . pipe screwing machine 250 00 W. Sr .1 dicentchcon, I smut Machine 76 00 Cbee. W. Lae, Shlpponabure, Pa., 2 modals of wood 20 IX W. Dripps & Co., Coatesville. 1 Tyler's water wheel 135 00 B. Dudgeon, New York, 1 railroad hydraulio ack 95 00 Ch j ambers, Bro..- & C0.,1 copying press, book, itc 77 00 Lenoir( & Mitchell, 1 3- inch steam whistle.••• • 60 0) H. Woodley & D. Batty. 2 garden vases 18 00 Shaw & Amite°. Mx gleam gauges HS 00 IL Kilpatrick. W. 11. ?derrick, A. W Straub, B. Canby, William Snyder , A. Fleming. A. B. Corson, Morgan, Orr. & Co.. 1 handsome ly finished OIL P. horizontal engine 1,000 00 Thee. W. Dummy, 1 counting machine 10 00 Geo. W. Hannay, 1 expanding drill 4 03 McCullough iron C 0.." 1 bundle raiz lron• • 32 tEI Barry, Maples, & einglotou,l bilge-water gattgo• 30 00 Pickering, ; Davis, & Co., Now York, 1 half valve, kiPaM tf guletor David Lithgow,l steam prenenre gauge planing machine 30 03 The Committee Mao retnrn thanks to the following partier. who hove added ingeroat to the Machinery De partment by exhibiting articler. and by donating to the Yell . a part or the whole of the Proceed., adding troth Wee to viellore:. Governor Pollock, a coining Areas from the Mint, and to the ladies and gentlemen who have given their tier vicee in coinio and selling Washington medals. Cornisg a Winslow, Albany, N Y , represented by Barney !ilea anti S. H. Jackson, exhibition of horse shoe machine and sale of bozo shoes amounting to 51,:*(). Chambers. Brn , Sr Co., model brick machine, 10 per cent. on all orders received and saltier bricks, amount ing to *2lO. & Gibbs steam-sewing machine. l'alrbanks & Swing's display of amiss. J. R. Deny. one-nalf of the proceeds of pneumatic weighing machine, amountiong to 955. Tatham at pro. and Thomas 'leaguer, patent ballet machine and sale of bullets, amounting to S3S. ;Norris, Tanker, & Co., huller flues, oil-well pipe, gas tubing, model of hot-water ftwonce, &c Bement & Dougherty, holt-cutting machine. . -Matthews & Moore, for engine and bolter which haii furnished the power to the moving machinery. • William Seller.; & Co., for hangers and shafting for same pur e se. Creswell & Bauer, patent life-preserving ship mat tress. To the Ladies connected with the Commutes en Leitor, raCOllle, amid Revenue, fur their valuable servicoa insett ing horse shoes. .1. Deno Benton, for exhibition of a beautifully finish ed model of the steamboat Commonwealth, made of gold and silver, mon:Minn to $541.60. Edw. A. Stevens 3: Brother, for the exhibition of the first steamboat run on the Hudson River, built by Col. John Stevens, 13e4. • To Herman C. Duncan, for hla valuable and efficient services as Treasurer of onSAMUF.I., cominittee V . . MERRiCK, Chairman. CHARLES WHEELER, Secretary. PHILADRLPIIIA, JUDI:IM 1864. ' The Ccremittee on Ship Building thankfully aaknow• ledge the receipt of the following liberal donations made to their Dupartment. • From Win. Cramp & Son, bull-joiner work, &c., of Meant yacht '`Fairte " built for the Sanitary Com mirion 86,600 00 A. Luffberry & Sons, 1 abet' boat 160 00 Wood Bro., I 16-feet boat SJ 00 S. P. Pedrick & Co., Jackon's windlass Itt) 00 "G bales oakum 98 00 It (OFFICE CITIZENS' VOLENTEER SUBSTITUTE COMMITTEE, No. 442 PRUNE Street, July 7, ]864. The Classes' Volunteer Substitute Committee pro pose to assist in raising troop s by aiding citizens in procuring substitutes sod fac ilitating the payment of bounties, in the following manner: -En ril led citizens 'who desire to furnish substltates ih advsnce of the draft will pay the cam of fonr hundred dollers to the Treasurer, J. O. Rosengarien, Esq. , N 0.412 Prune street, f rom 10 to 2 o'clock. receiving his acknow: ledgmeut that the money will be returned if a certill care of exemption is not procured, and giving to him a power of attorney, duly stamped. to collect the city bountyfor the benefit of the substitute. The names of applicants mill be registered in the order of their appli cation, and certificates of exemvion will be procured and furnished in that order. Ac soon as the certificate Is obtafned, the principal will be notified through the Post Office that it is ready fur delivery on return of the Treasurer's receipt, htn the duty of the Committee will cease. The Committee has official assurance that the rertifi calms which it will procurelwill exempt the prinoipabs for the term specified. The Committee will also endeavor to procure repre sentative recru , te for citizens not enrolled, on payment of FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. DANIEL STEII`.4DIETZ, Chairman. J. I. CLARK RAKE, ..3OHN TH6MPsON, CLEMENT B. PEN ROSE. J. O. ROSENOARTEN, Treasurer. HENRY C. LEA, Secretary., 8265 25 S4S 26 - 601 2E3 WANNUAL EXCIURSIOIC OF TUE YMII , IO LIEN'S Ca RISTIAN %SOM....MX to Atlantic City, 'FRIDAY, July 15th. 1664. Tickets 41.50. Cen be procured atatStf At SA D & EVANS', 724 CREST EDT Street. Rooms of the. Association, BO and 1011 CRESTS UT-Street, and at the wharf on the m4rutng of the excu rsinn. Last boat leaves Vine-stresawbarr at 6 o'clock A. M. jy2e6t* lair" -At COAL COMPANY. —At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Homey Brook Coal Company , . held at their Ocoee, No. 200 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on the sth instant, a DIVIDEND OF TillißE PER CENT., clear of •all taxee, was declared out of the earrangs of the Company foe the months of May and June, Fa .Table On and after the 19th of July, at the 011 ice of the Company. JOHN B. MoCREAR f, Preeldeat. The Honey Brook Coal Company was organized by the election of the following Officers and Board of Directors: . President, [Vice President, John B. McCreary. Lewis Andenried. Treasurer. Secretary. ..D ' avis Pearson. 6. McHenry. . . DIII.BC: _ John B. DicCreary, Davis Pearson '7.X - 131 int Tbsinal. W. TEL EGRAPH NOTICE.—THE SECOND N AT , O.NAL BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA. at FRAN KFORD, would give notice that, having effected an arrangement with the LNDEPENDENT TELEGRAPH LINE, a TELEGRAPH OFFICE Is now open at the BANK, for the accommodation of the pub lic, connecting- FRANKFOED with all telegraphic points Eac.t, West, North, and Sonch. Philadelphia mess,ges sent and received at a rate so low that persona valuing time and money will find tele graphing cheaper than any other method of de , patch. WILLIAM H. RHAWX, Cashier. •OFFICES. No. 413 Chestnut street, INo. 9 South Third street, No. 261 Walnut greet, Merchants' Exchange, Merchants' Hotel, (.1y7.6t1 Second National Bank.. OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY. 400 NV ALICTI' St., PIULADELPICIA, July 5, 1851. The Directors have 'this day declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Com pany for the last BiX anontba. payable on demand, free of all taxes. CHAS. FOSTER. iNS-12t - Secretary. 304 40 —4346 a Igr'r. OFFICE OF TILE FAME HESTN INSU RANCE COMPANY. .No. 406 CUT Stteet._ PHILADELPIII A, Jely'Stia,l964. . At a met ting of the Board or Director; of the Paine fn. ears nce Company - . held this day, a dividead of THREE PER CENT. was declared, payable on demand. clear of all taxes. W. I. BLANCHARD. jy6-12t • Secretary. THE SVSQUEH ANNA AND TIDE WATER CANAL COMPANIES have their office at No. 417 WALNUT Street, Boom No. 4. The "Transfer Agency " of these Companies, hereto fore in South FOURTH Street, has been removed to the office of the Companies, at the place above stated. ie27.30t ggrOFFICE OF THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, July 11, 1854. The Committee of City Councils on Defence and Pro tection will be in permanent session at the Committee room corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Street., whore It will be in immediate communicalloo with the Mayor and with the General Commanding, and will be able to furnish information. All officers recruiting tinder the calls of the Gorernor will please to report at such Committee room without delay. It is urgently requested that they will comply with this desire of the municipal authorities. ALEXANDER HENRY Mayor of Philadelphia.. OFFICE OF THE LOCUST *MOUS- TdiN COAL AND IRON 'COMPANY, ffo. 230 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA, July 9. MI. The Board of Directors of the LOCUST moaNTAIN COAL AND IRON COMP ANT have directed the dirorl button, on the Mat instant, among the holders of the Stock on the books of the Company on that day, of part of the proceeds of sale of certain lands, part of the capital stock of the Company authorized to be asld and distributed by the act of Assemply approved May 3d, In accordance with the direction aforesaid, on and after the 20th instant TWENTY DOLLARS will be paid on each share to the Stockholders on the hooka of the Company on that day. The trunafer books will be closed for this purpose from end after this day to the 20th instant. inclusive. .it'll-ljy2o Joe. C. .COPPUCK, Treasurer.' DIFMEND':NOTICE.—OFFICE OF . THE ROCK Olt: COMPANY OF PENNSYL VANIA, Ku. 4.09,,WALK11T Street, rHTLATELPHTA, Aar 6..1661.• , The Board of Director* have this day declared * divi dend of THRZE.PER CENT. on the capital stock of Me Company, payable on and after the 20th of Jolly, free of state tax.. • The Bookß of theCornfoßny wfll b. eloßed on the 15th lnM., 031'. M. and openod on the 21st. jari-thsta ti3lll • . . MO. F.B KAPP. Tretonrer. THE. WJTUAL f.LIFE INK/RANCE •••• COMPANY OF NEW YORK.—F.RAyenvoan Smelt, General Agent, 400 Walnut street, Philadelphia, July 11, 1564. The Policy folders of this Company, called out from the Northern States to discharge poet and garrison duty for one hundred days, to take the place ni nor regular and volunteer soldiers who are to be mot to the front for active se, vice, have permiseion to proceed to, occupy. and garrison military poste and forte, within our own linen iu the loyal Slates', for the one hundred dayetpeci- , fled, without paying for a war risk. if titer proceed to parte of the conntrr within our line. where the Company charge dvillans for a climate risk, they will be placed epos the same terms and pay the some extra climate rates. Jyl2-tilth2l =EI E STATE OF CATHARINE FARRELL, DECEASED. • -LETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the last will.and testament of Catharine Farrell, late of the city of Phila delphia. deceased. baying been granted to the Penu.tyl. veldts Company for Insurances on Liv. r and Greeting 4nnnitier, all persot a indebted to the said estate are re. quested to make payment, and theta having claims against the PIMP to present them without delay at the Office of the Company, 304. WaT.N Strest.• . CHARM DUTll,LE,.Presidont. Jucr 70, 1864 MIEIB IL A. BAKER er No. 1346 CHEST STREET. Has °posed a lone assort eat of EMUS MILLINERY,. •51441m' ; Tor th e Spring and Bummer of IBM ARMY GOODS. FROTHINGHAM & WELLS HEAVY, M VO EDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTIS. STANDARD DRILLS. • HEAVY GANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CANBRICS AND SILESIA& BROWN. BLEACHED. AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WOR:TED YARN. dce. • setSllfti BF. REIMER'S IVORYTYPES ARE • a sums& unparalleled. lEmluenlly mita MI Ili style and colored with ran, skill. they elicit the atdmiratinn of all. &alien. 621 ARCH Street. It. BUM E 13. 1 8 COLORED PHOTO 1L GRAPES are the very bent of their Nee; only al. They comowitlii n the means of all vr he appreciate merit. Gallery SECOIf D Street, 'above Green. 'PORTRAITS OF RARE ACCURACY; ftexb, warm. and imprenalvet colorine, B. F. REIMER'S puperb styles, life•eizo Photokraphs in nil colors, ohHerr 624 ARCH Street. it• CARD.—W. G. BEDFORD WOULD respectfully urge that bis ord•emabll+hed Real Estate Once at No. 1013 CALLOWIIILL &treat, la a 000 D PLACE for the •als or purchase of property aid the collection of bowie and ground recite, &o. Sood for references. . 131-1 m• fLARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, •-• AULINOWALT & BROWN'S.tiII& YOURTEL TOR 4. Lewis AnAenrled, Jacob A. Myers, . Reeves. INSURANCE. LEGAL. MILLINERY GOODS. MILITARY. READQUARTERS DEPART MENT OP TuE SUSQUEHANNA, H'A RR'S poen. Je!y_B, 1861. GENERAL ORDERS, NO. In accordance with authority from the President of the United States, and the proclamation of the Governor of Pennsylvania, dated Harrisburg, July sixth (6), 1464, I hereby call for ono thoneand MOM) mounted mcn for specie' service. They must be coed riders end gallant men, and most furubth their own horses and equip ments. for the URA of which they will rucalvu forty "A , cents per day each, and be paid for those actually lost in the service at the price entered on the muster rolls. The United Staten Otwernmeet will furnieh clothing, subsistence. and forage. All those responding to title call 'aro requested to tutaemble at Harrisburg without delay for company end regimental erganizatieo. Ap plication for traneportation must ho made to Captain J. O. JOHNSON, M.. andlChief (1 M. of the Depart ment of the Suagnobinna, at Barrh•burg, Naas. By cerement) of Major CIORPrAI jyli-St JOHN S. scituurzs, Asst. gait. Osn. 30 00 1250 n 100 00 ZS 00 17 00 12 00 EA D QU'A.RT E RS LATE C M 'glkADlpllA true4l of tete CAlllr Ut A nm requested to stmemtle ° 4ll (rmoday) MORN INO. at 113Lo'clook, at the ARMORY. to ORGANIZE,A COMPANY fur aervice during the present emergency. 11* ATTENTION PIIILADELPFIIA. UNION ARTILLERY.—The Company has been , accepted se 'a Batted of Artillery by the _Do vernor,and recrults are now received at The Armory, BROAD Street, below Race. 100 Days Service. $5O Bounty. Capaln A. J. FITZWATER. t• ..Firet , Lient..s„ L. mATLAc K. .i 704 Second Lieut. .1. C. W. FRISHMUTH. A APPEAL TO 31EROHAETB. 6 1g • TUE COLONEL E. WOODIVARD, 111 now reorginhed. taut reproill roan immedla to service in the field; in response to tho overoor'i tall for troops to repel incaston. . . MONET 1S xi EEDRNAT ONCE. and tho Merchants of Philadelphia are eaineetly recinoeted to send their con iributt oils to the uudrrstigned without delay. JAS. B. MARTIN, of Garrett & Martin, 502 MARKET Street, Treasurer.: JOIIN IVOODSIDE, of J.Wootlaitle & Co., 107 South'FRONT Street. THOS. A BOA'R, of Boyd & Stroud, -.32 North FOURTH &rept. iThirrg, :of A. P. & H P. Smith, - . 79.14EpT OF COLOR, • Authority has been received to ralee OF MEN OF COLOR' . ' • FOS. • ORE, •D AY S. • itALLY. HEN OF COLOR, AT ONCE FOR YOUR COUNTRY•I Arm for the defence of Your homes I En roll yourselvee for the emergency. A Regiment ought to be rained within TWO DAYS. Chester and Dela ware counties will send three Oompaniee, Bucks and Montgomery will do . .as welt. What will Philadel phia do? COLONEL. TAO:IA:MT,. Late Colontl 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, will command, and the Officers will be the graduates of the Military Board at Waalingten. OITY BOUNTY OF (3 O) FIFTY DOLLARS will be paid each man. COME, THEN, TO HEADQUARTERS, NO, 1210 CHESTNUT STREET, • •• • - • AND ENROLL:YOUR NAM. • •-jyl2-3t TUE COMMERCIAL 'REGIMENT, COL. L. A LECHLER This Regiment has been accepted, and will commence to muster to. day. Fill up Itai curupautes by mll.lE:mat HEADQUARTERS, WETUSKILL HOUSE, SANSOM STRUT, ABOVE SIXTH, To-day. or at any of the recruiting plations. lie officers are aU veteran. Do . welt by enliating in thl. Regiment. . - • . .i.YI2-art .. # • VXTERANB.:.I'..O ,THE FRONT t ()mil •-• s CITIZENS! VOLUNTEER ' SUBSTITUTE COMMITTEE, No. 412 PRUNE Street, July11,18(2. Veterans, whose temps of %sr, ice have expired can now re•eoliet under the unostsidvantageous conditions, and while assisting their country at this criets can se cure ample provision -tor their fantUita during thair ab sence. By applying to this Committee, they will be put into the service Re Substitutes, and will receive on the, day or muFter SIX HUED/1E1)` ND FIFTY DOLLLARS IN CASH, In addition to the bounty offered by the Government. Veterans, the country looks tovon to uphold. her flag against the advancing hosts or rebellion " the e the Committee from 10 A. M. to o itrc i l l . n e AalEl. STE•NMETZ. Chairman. J. G. NOSENHARTEN, Treasurer. J I CLARK HARE, JOHN THOMPSON. CLEMENT B. PENROSE, jyT2-tit HENRY C. LEA. CADWALADER GRAY RESERVE RbOIMENT, ATTENTION!—A meeting of Officer,: will be b: Id TI3I 4 , , MORMNO, at o'clock, at the bona.) of CAS PEI; M.:BERRI'', 61XT1,1 Street, below Chestnut. By order of - W. B. SICKELS, Col. Commanding.ll A. W. Tr:mows, Adjutant: lie .1 ATTENTION, • INDEPENDENCE CITY GUARD! ~ . • , RECRUITS wanted for three Companies. to he commanded by Major G. ECKENDOKFF, and to be mastered in for la days. 41 the usual Bounties paid, and none but good men wanYed. Armory on LARDNER Street. rear of the Academy of Music. Open every day from 9A. M. to 6 P M. j 31- tr mayor 0. ECKENUORM RECRUITS WANTED CollPAlir "B " RASSZogirRS • ARMORY._ ' . ~ 1712-2 V .15x0ell and RAGS . . • fARMORY; . .';‘D?..! , : COMPANY, - . GRAY RESERTEs. The Armory, EIOUTWENTEI and CHESTSUT, will 1.8 open every day tor.lietrola. from 8 o clock A M. to 10 P.IL . .• - - WK.-WEST. flarbtio. JOB. a:SEAVER, Ist Lieut. H. .'. .R.. 0" PROSSER, 2d Lieut. • t NTH UNTON'LEMMB NATIONAL GUARD REGIMENT, ' Col. HARMANDS NSF/. 1 This Regiment is accented for 101 days' service. $5O . BOUNTY $5O SIG PER MONTH PAY. All the officers of this Regiment have seen service in the held, and citizens enlisting in any of the Companies can do co with the certainty of eeriest competent and experienced Officers to command them. Let every citizen look at the danger that threatens. the importance of prompt action. and the necessity of reinforcing our armies for a abort time. and determine to enlist at once, and aid in crushing the rebellion. REMEMBER THAT , OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL IS AGAIN TH gRATE•sEn I Do not hesitate, but coins at once! NOW IS THE CRISIS! Come every man that MD, end (attire generations will Wu you for the sup port yen give at thin important period 01 the war, and of our country's history. HEADQUARTERS. • .iy12,31 • • - RAVE Street, below Sixth. N CiTICE.L-W ANT ED—FIFERS aid a DRUM-MAJOR, for the With R•nime',t: Wm. B. Thomas. Apply this day, at 533 cuEsr- NUT Street. 6 . ATT EN TION,. YOUNG MEN! Respectable young men. clod honmmen. di+posed to reepond to the call of General Couch fur I,OJO Cl. ..., VALET (to furnieh their otrn herse4 4nd horse equipments,) are requested to report WITHOUT DU A I' at 703 SAIISOM Street, for Company organization. $5O bounty. George D. Stroud, late Captain Co. C. Mat Pa. C UV- t Auhrey Henry, late lst Lieut. Cl. C, 20th Pa. OM ; IV Fn. J. Smith, late lot Lieut. and Q. 2d. Rich Pa. Car. : Mawr Reynolds, late 193 d P. V. jyl2-2.i.• THE MEMBERS OP COMPANY G, MERCHANTS' REGIMENT. are reoneßtPd to report tkeinselvre at the HEADQVAR I'M OF THE REGIMENT, CHESTNUT tweet. balow k OLD MEMEEES HAVE A CHANCE FOR PRO MOTION. TH, N. VOGBL. . „ Reernltlnt Hager. t• ATTENTION . ! PHILADELPHIA. CITY SCOOTS.—A dual meeting or the company will be held on THIS (Tnesilay) i,VENINC, at the CITY ARSENAL, at SX o'clock, by order of R. at IWANS, lit CAPlakp Commanding. t' HEADQUARTERS 20rn REGI MENT P. V.. July 12th, 1564. ... I ENLISTED BIEN belonging to this regiment must report at Camp forthwith, or they wilt be adver tised as deserters By order. - WILLIAM B. THOMAS, Colonel Commanding. Jawrw B. HONEY, AdjlltEllit. U MERCHANTS' REGIMENT-COM t'ANT B. This Company is now RECRUITING, at liradquarters, No. 434 CHESTNUTStreet, for One Hendr.d Days Service. . )pli.3t• t' MERCBANTS' REGIMENT-AT TENTION, CON PAD; Y It—Thla Company is rennet- I MR for 1(1) days ' service at Headquarters, No. 434 CHESTIWT Streit RALLY °RCS MORE. UNDER YOUR OLD OFFI CERS. jy12.31." I _CITIZENS'. VOLUNTEER' SUBSTI TUTE COMMITTEE, This °glee le, fur the presenqat 412 PRUNE Street. • 011ico hours, for strusTiTurss, 'from 10 to 2, acid 4to 0. Fur CITIZENS, from 12 to 2. No applications can bb recei ff ed. without payment. All cl eche must be than nto the order of J. G Resea l/a/tett, Treasurer. lUyll St COMPANY . E, BLUERESERVES. —RECRUITS WANTED for 100 DAYS' r.ERVICE. Apruy at Arninrv, EIGHTU and CALLOWHILLior 505 CHESTNUT 'Street. MI) Bounty. • • jyl 2t. JOS. J. BABCOCK O. S., TUE GLORIOUS OLD NATIONAL GUARD once agnin in the De. d. 'Tbe citizens are In vited to come forward and enrol their names at once.' The rolls or the different companies are now open, at the NATIONAL OUARDE• HALL RACE STREET, BELOW SIXTH, A.RMANUS'NEFF, Colouel Commanding. NOTIOE.-READQUARTERS PRO VOST MARSHAL SKOV D DISTRICT. i'MLADELPIIIA, June 29th, 1964. The Lists of Persons enrolled as liable to do Mili tary duty are now being revised and corrected. Persons who are Improperly enrolled on Ileconot of ensnare, non-residence, over fortydive years of age, or permanent physics, ould appear before the Board, prove the same, and have their names stricken off the list. . - Civil officers. clergymen, and all otberpromlnent ctib tens, who know of persons who have arrived at twenty yearn of age since Enrolments, June, ISM; of those whose names were omitted by the proper eorolling offi cers; aliens who have declared their intentions to be come citizens; persons discharged from the military and naval service of the United States, who have not been in scab service two years during the present war, are in vited to appear before the BOARD OF ENROLMENT and rive sush information in theirpoesession as may aid in the correction and revision of the Lists. EDWIN PALMER. j74-12t Capt. and Prov. Marshal Second Diet., Pa. TQ : , SUBSTITUTES.-$OO BOUN TY. Opnci Nuitarrros Costxrrrue. ' Na 412 PRUNE Street. Jniv 9, Mt Tbie Committee is now prepared to receive 1 701m:deers wbo are not liable to military duty. It will have the m mustered in as substitates, and. will pay them on the borne day the sum of six hundred and fifty dollars la CAA, without deduction tor coin mission or brokerage In addition to this, Sabstitatesare entit.ed to Twenty- Eve Dollars Government Bounty, and one month's ad vance Pay. For further particulars. applr at the office of the Com mittee, between 10 and. 2 P. At. ltaniel Steinmetz. Chair's. John Toomneon. J. G. sentrarten, Treae'r. Clement 13 Penrose. J. I. Clark Hare. Henry C. Lea. isll-6t lIEA.DQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE SOeQUEEIANN. 11 A painting, Ps., July 8.1581. CI Si:III,AR. The twelve thousand (12,000) menbeing raised in par. seance of the proctormaiou of the Governor of Penn sylvania, doted at llorrir burg, July 6, 1661. for the defence of the State, will he in itkertitl Into the United Stoles service for ono hundred (103) duos, unless sooner discharged, to serve in Penney] Maryland, Wash legion and vicinity, as the safety and protection of the State may require. All respond i ng to the call west of Johnstown and the LITITPI Hill range of mouctains wilt report to the com mending officer, Camp Reynolds, near Pa. All east of that line, and west of and including Pittsburg,-Rend ing, ?a., will report to the commanding otticer, Camp Curtin. at liartisburg. All, east of Headiest and that Hue will report to the commaud lag - officer, Camp Cad sralsder. PLitadelplita: I (301111 V DICE. if poildble, should be formed before start ing for the camp of rendezvous Upon application of the com mend Ima officer of a squad condoling of not lea than eight IS) men, or a company. to the attento of the different rot i rood companies throughout the State,trans• pot-tattoo to the came of rendezvous will bo furnished. By command of Major General Conch: JOHN S. SCHULTZS,• AraistanteAdjutant General. fj . HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR BUAL, FIRST DISTRICT, PA. P/TILADRLPUTA t JUDO 28. IBM. ThenameednernOne removing toor from this District will he added to orntricken from the lists of enrolment. Copies of the lists are open for poblic illiPeCtiOn, awl civil otticern and all citizens are Invited to appear and point ont errors in the lists and givlinuch Information as may aid in the correction end revision thereof, Any person enrolled may appear before the Board and claim to have his name stricken off the list if be can show satisfactorily that he isnot property enrolled. on account of A /Image, A'on- residence, Ocer- ape, Permanent Pkvirfcra Meohilffri. A compliance with the foregoina somehows la ear nestly solicited. W3l. IS. LEI( MAN, le2ll-tf Captain and Provngt 116,0.4. 246 CHESTNUT street Flamm° Committee. MILITARY. RETAIL DRY GOODS. • COOPER it OONARD. AMERICAN OASSIMERES. SCOTCH FA.NOInS, SILK-MIXED •COATINGS, wEfITE.BA.RV;(37. SHAWLS. HANDSOME MANTLES, STAPLE DRY GOODS. Ninth-: and Market. myle• tnthetin CIVIL AND. ARMY CLOTHS. MIDDLESEX 64 LIGHT BLUES. ALL•GRADES DARK BLUES. 84 AND 64 INDIGO FLANNELS. AND 04 BLUE CASSIMERES. 84 AND. 64 DOESKINS. . FULL STOOK OF CLOTHS. DO. ' DO. COATINGS. DO; DO. CASSIMERES. ..BILLIABDAND BAGATELLE CLOTHS. ." • CLOTHS' FOR COAOHMAKERS. • . ..:41.L . .E.1HD.5. TRIMMINGS, Ao. . . . • :.W..T.• SNODGRASS, hi7lm . SECOND and 33 STRAWBERRY .V . XAMINE;OIIII LAWNS. -11-4 Lawns, 'brown ground, neat figured,4lo. Lawns, white around. neat ligured,..tio. • Brisktshaek and Bath Towels,large,anaorintent. Bird's Eye Linen Towels. Extra Rise Damask Towels, • . Shetland Wool Shawls for tourists. *5. Bathing Flannels, red and gray. .531 JOBN It. STOKES. 702 ARCH Strati L 3 ,s DOUBLE AND TWIST CA.BSI- 1.956.4$ Wide Dark Mixed Heavy Tweeds.. Low. priced and One Gassier...res. No advance In Summer Stock. . Linen Drills and Duck. • Superfine While Duck and Drills. . . Superb Stock Weeicue laid in. • . • WILLIAMSVILLE. New York mills sod other good makes Unsling, by the piece or yard. U'ide Sherdiess by the piece. Best old standard makes Unbleacbed Muslim). Flannels. Pickings, Checks, Stripes, &c. Towels and Toweling.), Damask Table Linens Napkins. • FANCY SHIATING FLANNELS. COOPER & coNART). Jy7 8. B. corner NINTH, and MARKET Streets. BLACK .SILKS; . - BLACK SILKS. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. We are still selling our Black Silks at She same price' as we did early in the season, notwithstanding tae re cent advances. MANTLE SILKS, ALL WiDTHEI, Plain Silks, all colors, $1.30 to $5.75. Fancy Silks, 'Si to $2.50 Rich heavy, handsome Fancy Bilks, $2.87 to S6M. Rich Chene Bilks, at E . 67X, worth $5.50..at .25, " at .75, " $5.60. ,• " " at $5.75. " $7. 10 pieces small Plaid Silks, at $1.25. worth 1150. H. STEEL & SON, Noe. 713 and 715 N. TENTH, Street. 8-AWRITE BAREGES FOR SHAWLS, —= Circulars, Sta. 8-4 'White Hernial!. • 8.4 White Gauze Karats. 6.4 White Crape Maretz. 8-4 Black Domani Bareges. 8-9 Black Tatnartiues. 8-4 Black Baregta. 8-4 Black Crape Maretz. 5-4 Black De-Laines. • 91.4 White Merinees. 6-4 Black Ideriunee. EDWIN HALL 31 CO.. JeSO - • 26 South SECOND Street. ic VISIAIL DE PARIS," FOR THE SKlN.—This. delightful Preparation Is esPe dolly recommended to ladies about, visiting the country or sea shore, for removing the Alseedorations caused by sunburn or gait air. The " Email de Paris" is en dorsed and universally used by the ladies of the Preach capital. EUGENE JOHIN, No. 111 S. TENTH Street, below Chestnut, Ag.nt for PEutail de Paris. 1,134 mil ARRIS 7 MIXED OLBSLMERES. IICE Light mixed Caratmeres, for boys' aniiiA• '..-Melton and Plaid Cassimeres. iderino Casainteres and Csahmeretts. Linen Drills. Satinets, and Cottonadee. Ladies' Cloaking Cloths, choice shades. Loom and Damask Table Linen, cheap. Towels Towelling . Towelling. and Napkins. Large assortment at JOHN H. STOKES', .le7 702 ARCH Street 10211 CEEkerNIIT STRUT The attention of LADIES VISITING THE CITY, or those about LEAVING IT for "Watering Places," or " the Country, " is rusctfully invited to the extensive stook of WRITE. GOODS, suitable fur SUMMER WEAR, for' WRITE BODIES, MORNING WRAPPER, &c. An extensive assortment is offered In Lace and Worked Edgings and Insertinge Veils, I Handkerchiefs, Collars, Sleeves, and n Main and fancy Plaid, Striped, and Figured White Goods, AT PRICES MUCH BELOW THEIR PRESENT RETAIL VALUE. 100 Printed Linen Cambric Dresses. Musliloo pieces Puffed, Tucked. and Striped n& E. M. NEEDLES. CiS't ILN:i-'ziCui&:/ 4;r:1,4 PROPOSA.tS. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, PIIILADELPKTA, July 12, WA. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock on FRIDAY, the 12th July, 1864, for the immediate dellvf ry of • One El undred Pauline, to bo made in the best manner, of 12. oz. cotton or linen duck . . size 2040, subject to In spection. Price to be stated for each kind separately, both In writing and fleeces, and to include pactages and de lively. samples to ho furnished by bidden., the num ber bid for, and the shortest time required for delivery stated. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract mnst be guaranteed by two responsible persons. whose signa tures must be appended to the guarantee, and said guarantee accompany the bid. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. For further information, biddeis will call at the Office. No. 1139 GIRARD Street. where forms for proposals will be furnished. - By order of Colonel Geo. H. Croaman. Asil Q. lir General, U. S. A. • GEORGE R. ORM. tyl2.4t Captain and A. Q. it. P ROPOSALS FOR MATERIALS FOR THE NA.vr. NArr DaPARTHsYr, BOUEAT OP STEAM ENOINEURINO, July 10, 1314. • SEALED PROPOSALS to furnish materials for the lavy fur the fiscal year ending June SO, 1903, will be re- . eived at the Bureau of Steam Engineering until 10/1 of the 12th day of August next, at which time be opening will be commenced. Proposals mutt be eaderstd "Proposal for Materials for the Navy." that they may be distinguished from other business letters and directed to the Chief of the Bureau of Steam Engineering. The materials end articles embraced in the classes named are particulatly described in the printed ache doles, any of which will be furnished to such as desire to otter, on application to the couttnetuditnts of the re spective yards, or to the nary agent nearest thereto, arid thcse of all the yards upon application to the Bu reau. . . . . . gills division into clams being for the convenience of dealers in each, such chh.ses only will be furnished as are actually required for bids. The commandant and navy • agent for each ststien will, in addition to the schedule of classes of thplr own yards, have a copy of the bchednles of the other yards, for examination only, from which may be judged whether it will be desirable to make application for any of the classes of those yards. All other things being equal, preference will be Riven to articles of American manufacture. Offers must be made for the whole of the class at any yard upon one of the printed schedules, or in strict con formity therewith, urthey will not he considered. Upon application to the Bureau, to the Commandant • of an y yard, or to any Navy Agent. the form of offer.of guarantee, and other necessary information respecting the proposals will be furnished. The contract will be awarded to the lowest bidder who gives proper guarantees, as required by the law of 10th August, 1316, the Navy Dtyparttneut Taw bag the right : . to reject the lowest bid. if deemed eirdrbitant. The contracts will bear date the day the notification!' given and deliveries can be demetded from that date. • Sureties in tbe full amount will be required to sign. the c. ntract, and their responsibility - certified to by a „limited States District Judge, United States District At... toruey, Collector, or Navy Amt. As additional sees.;. city, twenty per centum will be withheld froin the smonnt of the bills until the contract shell have been completed; and eighty per cesium of each bill, approv.d in triplicate by the commandants 01 the respective yards, Will be paid by tie navy agents at the tenets of delivery, in funds or certificates. at the option Of the Government, witit'n ten days after the warrant for the Fame, shall have been passed by the Secretary of the Treasury. The following are the classes required at the respec tive navy yards: KITTERT, MAINE: Claes No. I. boiler iron, ho.: No. 2. pig iron; No. 3, boiler felting; No. 4. gum peeking, 3:c. • No. 5, sperte oil: No. 6, linseed oil. atc. ; No. 7. lard oil: No. S, me?. tattle oil; No. 9, tallow and soap; No. 10, engineers' stores; No. 11, engineers' tools; No. .12, engine -re' in-. struments; No. 14, wrought iron Pipe. Ac. t No. 15,' tubes; No. 16, steel; No. 17, iron nails, bolts, and nuts; No. IS, copper: No. 19, tin, &c. ; No. 2°. white lead; No. 2), zinc paint ; No. 22, colored paints; No 23, sta tionery; 24, firewood; No. 34, cotton waste, pack ing, Ac. ; No. 35. engineers' stores. oFIARLESTOW.Y, MASS. Claes No: 1, boiler iron and rivets; No. 2, pig iron; No. a boiler felting; No. 4, gum packing, rubber hose, 3:c. ' • No. 6, sperm oil; No. 6, Illikoed oil and turpentine: Do. 7, lard oil; No. S, metallic oil; No. 9, tallow and soap; No. le, engineers. sweet No. 11., engineers tools; No. 12, engineers' instruments; No. 13, steam pumps; No. wrought iron pipe, valves, A c.; No. 36. tubes; No. 16, steel; No. 17, iron nails. bolts, nuts. Ste. ,• No. 18, copper; No. 19, tin. zinc. 3tc •. Nu. 25 , white lead; No. 21, zinc paint; No. 22, colored ; paints, dryers, Ac. No. 23. stationery; No. 23, hickory and ash plank and butte; No. ,3, white pine; No. 34, hemp and cotton packing ofie..; No. 35 enelneers' stores, Stc. k. V. Class No. 1, boiler iron • No 2, pig Iron; No. 3, boiler felting; No. 4, gum packing, rubber hose, Sze. ; No. G, ' perm oil; No 6. linseed oh, turpentine, alcohol, 5.c ; No. 7. lard oil; No. B,_lnbricating or metallic oils; No. 0, tallow and soap; Me. Ith, engineers' stores; No. 11. englneeta' tools; No. 12, engineers' instruments; No. le. steam pumps; No. 14," wrought-iron pipes, valves AC. ; 15, tubes; No. 16, steel; No. 17, iron nail:, bolts. ante, Scc. ; No. IS. copper; No. 19, tin, zinc, lead. as. ; No. 2e, white lead; No. 21 ' zinc paint; No. 22, co lored paints. dryers. Ac. ; No. 21, stationery; No. 24. firs wood; No 25, hickory and ash plank and butts; No. 26, white ptno; No 27, black walnut and cherry;No. 28, mahogany. white honey; No. 24, lanterue; No. 30, lignisenvitre; Ne Si, dredeeone' primps, tic.; No.. 32, sour flour, crucibles, Ac. ; No. ell, patented articles; No. 34, cotton •and hemp paektage, Ste, ; No. 33, ewe- - neer stores. PIIILADELYBIA . . Cass No. 1, boiler iron, &c ; •No. 3, boiler felting; No. 4. gum packina robber We. &c No. No. 3, sperm 01l ; No. 6, linseed oil and turpentine; No. 7, lard oil; No. 9. tallow, soap, & o ; No. 10, engineers' stores; No. 11, engineers' tools; No. 12, engineers' instruments; No. 14, wiought• iron pipe, valves, &c.; No. 15. tubes; No. 16, noel: No. 17, iron nails, bolts, and nnta; No.lB, copper; No. 19, till, ete. ; No. 20, white lead; No. 21. zinc point; No. 22, colored Wale and dryers; No. 23, sta tionery; No. 24, fire wood; No. 94. cotton and hemp packing, &c.; No. 95, entiFll: l4gineers' ((ores, &o. .WA3TON. • Chug No. 1, holler iron, &c. ; No.. 2 pig iron; No. 3, holier roiling, &c. ; No 4, gum packing. robber hose, &c. ; No. Li,sponn 01l ; No. 6, linseed ell and turpentine; No. 3, lard oil; No. B. lumbar; No. 9, tallow and acitOt NO. 19, engineers' storen; No. 11. engineers' tools; No. 12, engineers' Inierumenta; No. 13, steam poinp4; No. 14, csionght-iron pipe, Naives, &c. No. 15. tn9o 6 ; No. 16, steel; No. 17. Iron nails, bolts, nate, drc ; No. 19. copper; No. 19, tin, lead, and zinc; No. 20, white teed; No 21, zruerslor; No. 22. colored peter, dryoro. ice No. votationely; No. 24, fire