The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 04, 1864, Image 4

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The Thermometer.
JULY 2 180.3. JULY 2. 1984.
BA. M 1251.....3P. M. 6A M. 12 M.--S S. Al.
SSE • SW by 8 SW ERE ENE.....
JULY ,3 IM. JULY 3 1961.
(lAA( 12 &I 31 , .11. SA. DJ 1251. 9P. K.
34 87 91 11 ts. Is
UE.... •../Sbylb SSE (NW NNW NNW
I;xtrzazs ,- 14 nomr. FOR SOT,DIE RS
There is a well-organtzed Soldiers' Home located
at the corner of Hare end Crown streets, whore tho
brave men who have been maimed for life can be
33111(i0 comfortable, and where they arc treated with
great dignity. This Soldier's Homo emanated
from the Cooper Shop Volunteer Refreshment Com
=Mee, and it. Is supervised by a number of kind
hearted ladies and gentlemen. Morels no occasion
for any soldier of the Union army, no matter how
badly wounded, to becomes pauper, simply depend
ing on the asked-for charity of our Citizens. Dread
dully wounded soldiers have been at different times
sit both the volunteer Refroshniont Saloons. These
places are not the right kind for the accommodation
of suck soldiers as have lost their arms or their logs.
At the present time two of the unfortunate braves,
ono without legs and the other without arms, are at
the Union Saloon, and it. seems that IL direct appeal
Las been made through the neritspttpor press In their
behalf. Whether this appeal Me official or not wo
du not know. It is to be 'toped not, as such an op
peal tends to pauperize the soldiers. They ate
helpless for life ) and Must command and will have
the attention of (ivory loyal resident in the country.
The Soldiers' Home at Paco and Crown streets was
organized andlt is sustained by thousands of our
citizens, for, just such soldiers as those that scorn to
bearaded at the Saloon, and for whom
are p
naked. The boldiors who have battled fordonations
country deserve the best treatment, and they cer
tainly ean obtain lt at the Holm provided for them
by the patriotic peoplo of Philadelphia, whore they
can have at all times tho sympathy of surrounding
The following named soldiers woro reported at
the 1110411 ml Director's office, on • Saturday, as hav
ing deserted from rainy hospitals in this Depart
mint : From MOOlOll5O Hospital—Henry Felting,
Co- 0, 20th Michigan Vols., on May litth.; John Sul
livan, Co. 1), 2211 Mass. Vals.on May 20; James
Co. F, 00th Penna. VolS., on May 20th ;
rat. Cumming, Co. L, Tth New York Art., on Juno
19th; Charles 'Moore, sergeant, Co. B, Nth Ponna.
Aptil 16th, and %Vin. Ragtag, 20th Mass.
'Vols. From Chester Hospital—L..T. Brannon, Co.
1, &Rh Penna. Vols.; Hall, Co. F, sth Wis
consin Vols., and Walker Mahanac, Co. H, 76th
lew York.
Surgeon John Campbell, 'Medical Director of this
Deportment, hos Win authorized to contract with
twenty doctors Tor Immediate service in the De
partment of Washington. Those desirousor servirur
the Governmentin this department should apply at
the Medical Director's office, No. 905 Walnut street.
The Mayor issued warrants on Saturday for the
iiitytnent of tho city bounty to twelve mon. The
total number paid dnritg the week was eighteen.
All these men havebeen credited to the otty. The
Bounty Fund commission have commenced to pay
s2b to those reinlisted veterans who have not re
ceived the ward bounty. Eight warrants have al
ready been issued.
About two o'clock on Saturday afternoon the 40th
Regiment N. T. Vols.,numbering 04 men, limier the
command of Sergeant Glandrim, and the 42d Regi
ment N. Y. Vols., numbering 71 mon under the
command of Major Downing, arrived In the olty
from the Potomac , army. The time of these men
has expired, end they wont to New York to be dis
charged. Before lOrvint the city they wore enter
tained at the Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon.
The following deaths were reported at the Medi-
Cni DireCtOr's ORice on Saturday, from the array
.howitals in this city :
Filbert-street Borptial.--George 0: Howard, Co. H,
Sth New York Henry Artillery.
Mower Hospital.—Sergeant E. 0. Gates, Co. M,
4th New York Artillery.
Summit House Hospital.—C.ortiellus Dougherty,
Co. G, 09th Pennn. Vol.. and Chas. W. Mullineaux,
Co. F t ith Maryland Vol. _
Christian-street Flospita—John itedgltn, CO. B,
184th Penna. Vol.
The following students of the Free Military School
for applicants for command of colored troops passed
a successful examination last week before the Board
of Examiners at Washington, and wore recommend
ed for the positions named :
As Captains—lsaac D. Davis, sergeant, sth Mary
land Regiment, aged 22 ; Timothy Tubbs, sergeant
major, 12th U. S. Infantry, 20 ; Francis E. Newton,
sergeant Co. B, 7th Kansas Regiment Cavalry, 20 ;
Peter H. Van Slyck, sergeant Co. K, 3d lowa Ca
valry 30; Cowers Southard civilian, of Ohio, 24;
Wellington V. Hensted. 3d Michigan Cavalry, 24.
As First Lieutenants—John Connor, private, Signal
Corps U. S. A.,25 ; Benjamin F. Powelson, sergeant
Co. K, 140th Pennsylvania Regiment, 23; Monroe
Wright, corporal Co. L, 10th Now York , Artillery,
22; Herman John Orton, private t Co. E, 15th Con
necticut Regiment, 21 ,• George W. Keightly, civi
lian, of Canada, 25; Oliver W. Van Velin, mixt.
ral 143 th Pennsylvania Regiment, 20; Franklin R.
R. Hill, private, Co. K, 17th Illinois Cavalry, 29 ;
Wm. Whitbeek, sergeant, Co. K, 17th Illinois .011-
Vary, 23.
As Second Lieutenants.—George 0. Turner, private
Co. I, 7th Connecticut Regiment, ago 24 ; Charles
E. Van Black, private 10th line' York Artillery, age
IS; Isaac P. Aiken, 7th Company, Independent
Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, age lit ; Albert C.
Wilson, corporal Co. 11, 11th Veteran Reserve
Plea 21 ; William Thomas, sergeant Co. B,
75tYork. Regiment, age 20.
On Saturday evening a meeting of the Ward
Bounty-Fund Committee was held in Distrlet Court
Room number 2. Mr. D. Steinmetz was 'ailed to
the chair. Mr. T. J. Valentine acted as the secre
tary. Mr. E. Spencer Miller offered the following
resolutions, which were unanimously adopted :
WnERRAB, By the fourth section of an act entitled an
Act, &c., passed February 24th, 1064, any enrolled citi
zen may, at any time previous to a draft, obtain a cent-
Rade of exemption, by furnishing a substitute not
Bahl. to draft. or actually in service; and
ll'hereas, There are many patriotic citizens who.
without referring to any personal liability to draft, are
desirous of being represented in the field : and
Whereas, Snch citizens will be jzsatlfted to fled them
selves relieved from the trouble of obtaining their re
spective substitutes or • representatives by a committee
laving some central aloe. which will be sought by per
sona willing to he mustered into service. and where in
t/Mallen may be bad;
Respired, That au executive committee, to be called
•'The Citizeue Volunteer Substitute Committee," to
consist of six members, to which the President be ad
ded, be appointed by the Chair, which committee shall
Lave in charge the dutrof taking such measures as may
seem to them moat expedient, to aid citizens in prom:tr
ier substitutes, and that said committee shalt 'have
wer to, fill any vacancies, and to increase its num-
The following named gentlemen were appointed
to -form the committee Tinder the resolutions :
lion. Wm. Strong, lion. I. Clark Hare, Mr. H. C.
Len, Mr. J. G. Rosengarten, Mr. John Thompson
(sheriff), Clemont B. Penrod.. •
On motion of Mr. John Thompson, sheriff, It was
Resolved, That each ward be requested to aid the ob
ject contemplated in the resolutions, by taking roea•
sures to diffuse information and rousing public atten
tion to the subject.
After remarks by some of the gentlemen present
the meeting adjourned.
(Before Mr. Aldeinem Settler.
On Saturday evening Samuel White, otherwise
known as Quaker Sam," was arranged at the
Central Station on the charge of dealing in, or at
tempting to pass counterfeit notes. He, was com
mitted to await a hearing to take place on Wednes
day afternoon.
There will be a nice question of law to be decided
in this ease. It seems that Messrs. G. H. Smith
and Tagged, of the detective force, were in Adams
Sc. Co.'s express office on Saturday afternoon, when.
Lhe prisoner entered. He stepped up to the clerk,
and presenting a receipt, demanded a certain pack
age. Just ns the clerk was handing it to him the
prisoner discovered the detectives, and declined re
ceiving the very article that only a moment before
/le had demanded. •
"Here's your package, said the clerk.-
Oh, no, I do not want it, ,, replied the applicant,
its he turned and started out of the office.
One of the detectives arrested him, and the other
obtained the package. Upon opening it the sum of
*l,OOO in counterfeit $0 notes was - found. These
notes are pretty well engraved in some parts, but
one or two figures are badly executed. They pur
port to be the genuine Issue of the Hingham Hank,
state of Massachusetts. They were sent from New
Tork on Saturday, and it is believed that other
packages of the same kind were forwarded to Pitts
hurg, Baltimore, and Washington, for circulation
on the Fourth of July.
In regard to the cefect In • a portion of the en
graving, we may say that this was done so that
when the first notes should be detected in circulation,
these defects would, of course, be dosoribed. Then
the engraver would remove the said defects from'
the plate, by a more ekilful use of the graver, and
thus ensure a better circulation of the spurious
paper. This is a point that publishers of counter
feit detectors do not seem to know anything about.
(Before kr. Alderman Dougherty.]
A fellow giving the name of Frank Colter was
committed on Saturday to answer the charge of lar
ceny. It is alleged that he employed a drayman to
load up goods in front of stores, and thus have them
hauled away. The same kind of robhory was brought
to the notice of another magistrate a few days since,
the publication of which In The Press has placed
atorakeopora.generally on their guard. •
(Before Mr. Alderman White.]
Joseph Valentine was arraigned on Saturday
evening on the charge of the larceny of two demi
johns of liquor, the property of Bridget MeNett,
* No. 004 South Sixth street. It seems that Bridget
had moved to the house on the eleventh of May, and
desiring to treat the party, said she would do so if
anybody would go frir tho liquor. • Valentine offer
ed his services, and, in company with a daughter of
the mover, wont atter the liquor and obtained the
same; on the return he slipped away from tbo
daughter, hid in an alley, and was not seen until
Saturday evening, Ho was then arrested. The ac
cused was bound over to answer at court.
Robert Frassr,:Willlam Lowrie, and 'Hugh Kelly,
'were committed yesterday to answer the charge of
atealtug a hawser, the property of Capt. Ellenwood,
from on beard a bark In the Delaware, near Market
street wharf. The property stolen was valued at
one hundred dollars.
A quantity of female clothing, children and adult,
underclothes, &0., and a pair or new gaiters, await
an owner at the Union-street station house. They
were taken froffi a woman named Ann Thompson,
who was arrested at Fourth and Pine streets at four
•o'clock yesterday morning.
litaarter Sessions—Judge Allison.
Un Saturday, Charles Bambaugh, °barged with
the billing of John Graves, a few weeks since, by
shooting him wit a pistol, hail a hearing on habeas
corpus. application being that he be admitted to
hail. The application .vas based upon the ground
that under the evidence the verdict of the jury
could In no event lie one of guilty of murder, as it
showed that the prisoner acted In self defence. Af
ter the hearing of the testimony of a few witnesses
and the reading of a portion of the evidence taken
'before the Coroner, the application was granted and
the ball fixed at four thousand dollars. This being
entered Bambaugh was released from custody.
Desertion cases were then called up by Mr. pin
letter. Solicitor for the Guardians of the Poor.
Among those hoard VMS that of Mary A. Cottrell,
who complains of her husband, J. F. Cottrell, for
having deserted and refusing to provide means for
her Maintenance. But two witnesses were ex
amined, the Reverend Mr. Hall, residing in Frank
lin street, above Jefferson, and the Reverend Mr.
Cooper, residing at 1114 Race Street. The former tes-.
tilted that he married the parties at about half past
eleven o'clock on the night of the 20th of February
last. They came to the- house after ho hind retired
for the night, accompanied by Mrs. Payne, mother
•of Mrs. Cottrell. Ile (Mr. C.) opened their busi
ness, and said they desired to be married, and if
VT) . Were not married that night, ho would not
warry her at all. There being nothing in the ap
pearance of the parties except disparity of nice, for
Id r. Cottrell is about fifty ortlfty.fivo_years old, and
Mrs. 0 not more than twenty, Mr. Hall said that
be performed the ceremony. Mr. Cottrell remarked
that he had come rather unexpectedly, and was not
prepared with the money to pay such a fee as was
roper on an occasion of that sort, and asked for
pen and paper, which being furnished, ho drew
an ordet upon the firm of Cottrell & Co. for
twenty dollars, whit% ho handed to the wit
ness. This was on Saturday night, and
- on the following Monday Mr. Hall says he presented
Lite tuder to Mr. Cottrell personally at his place of
business. He said it was all right and paid it. The
other witness, Mr. Cooper, testified that, on a night
(luring tho latter part of tho winter,ho thought about
the 20th of February, the same parties wore at hie
house for the purpose of being married. The lady
claiming to bo Mrs. Cottrell did all the talking ,
that is, she stated the objoot of their visit, and said
it was all right.
Mt. Cooper believed from the appearance and
manner of Mr. Cottrell that ho had either been
drugged or was very stupid from Intoxication ; and
though urged by the lady to perform tho ooremony,
ho refused, and they left.
A further hearingef the case will belted on Thurs
day next.
It is alleged on behalf of Cottrell that ho was
drugged by has wife or her mother, or both, before
the marriage ; that ho has no recollection of the
fact of the marriage; that it never has boon non-
Summated, and that ho has noror lived with her a
minute since, and that lie has utterly relined to have
anything to do with her.
The court adjourned till Tuesday.
The civil courts have adjourned for the sumeier.
OFFICE , CucoissATi, Ohio, June 22, 1564.
PROPOSAL S are invit.d by the undersigned until
THURSDAY, July 7, IS6 I , at two o'clock P. M., for
furnish' OK this Department thy contract) with
Samples of which may be seen at the oMce of Cloth.'
In and Equipage in this city.
To be delivered free of charge at the U. S. Inspection
Warehonse in this city, In good, new packages, with
the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quanti
ty of goods distinctly marked on each article and
Parties offering geode must distinctly state in their
bids the quantity they propose to furnish, the price,
and time of delivery.
Samples, when submitted, must be marked and num
bered to correspond with tho proposal, and the parties
thereto most guarantee that the goods shall be, in
every respect, equal to army a:andard, otherwise the
proposal will not be considered.
A guarantee, signed by two responsible persona, mud
accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder
Will supply the articles awarded to him nodal his pro
Bids will be opened on Thursday, July 7. 1364, at two
o'clock P. h l ., at this office, sus] bidders; are requested
to be present.
Awards will be made on Friday, July Sth.
Bonds will be required that the contract will be
faithfully (Milted.
Telegmms relating to proposals will not be noticed.
Blank forme of Proposals, Contracts, and Bonds may
bo obtained at this o2ce.
The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is
By order of Col. Thos. Sword:, A. O. M. O. • •
Captain and A. 4 :1 M .
• PniLADBLPHIA, June 29th. ISGL
SEALED PROPOSALS will be receivrd at this odic.
until WEDNESDAY next. July 6th, 1864, at 12 o'clock
M., for furnishing the United States, deliverable at the
Schuylkill Arsenal. the following articles, viz:
Hospital Tent Pins, large:)Army atandani,and made
Hospital Tent Pins, smell: from seasoned white oak.
Wall Tent Pins, large, or other good hard wood.
Canteen Webbing, 1 inch, linen or cotton. Samples
Samples may he seen at thin office. Bidders must state
In them proposals the price, which mast be given in
writ big as well as figures, the quastlitg, and time Of
Each bid mast be guaranteed by two responsible per
sons, whose signatures mast be appendooi to the gua
Bids from defaulting contractors will not be received.
Blank forms for proposals can be had on application
at this otlice, and each bid must be endorsed with the
name of the particular article bid for.
Aaa't Q. AL General, U. S. A.
WAARt.mrFoN, D. C., Jane 24, 1554.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received ai thie office
mail 4 o'clock P. M.,_on FRIDAY, July 153361, for the
delivery at the New York Agency, 45Forth West,
New York, of
The blankets must be of the folloWing description—
viz : of pure N 1 00l , close woven, of stout 3 arns, Gentian
blue, with an orange border three Inches wide and
three inches from the edge, and the letters U. Bsix
Inches high. orange color, in the centre of the blanket.
Bach blanket must be 711 Inches long by 67 inches wide,
and of the weight 0f.3.1.5711 lbs., or, say 33.16 lbs., on
which a variation 0r0.157.5, or 3-16ths of a lb., may be
allowed. They must ho single, and not In pairs, and
be psckedjn cases of one hundred blank ets.each.
They are to be inspected at the factory where made,
bat must be delivered at the New York Agency free
of any charge to the United States for transportation, or
handling, and none will be accepted or paid for, except
such as pass the inspection of and are approved by the
United States Inspector.
Deliveries must be made as follows, viz.: one-tenth
of the number contracted for per week, commencing
within one month from the date of the contract.
Failure to deliver at a specified time will subject the
contractor to a forfeiture of the quantity due at that
time. No bid will be considered that does not come
from a manufacturer of blankets or regular dealer in
such goods.
The bidder will be required to accompany his proposi
tion with a
,gnarantee, signed by two; responsible per
sons, that in case his bid is accepted he will atonce exe
cute the contract for the same, with good and sufficient
sureties ' in a sum equal, to the whole amount of the
contract, to deliver the article proposed, in conformity
with the terms of this advertisement; and in case the
said bidder should fail to enter into the contract, they to
make good the difference between the offer of said bid
der and the next responsible bidder, or the person to
whom the contract may be awarded. The responsibili
ty of the guarantors must be shown by the official certi
ficate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the
United States District Attorney.
Bonds, in n sum equal to the amount of the contract,
signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors,
will be required of the successful bidder or bidders
won signing of the contract.
We, the andersigned, residents oT —, in the county
of and State of hereby jointly and seve
rally covenant with the United States, and guarantee,
in case the foregoing bid of be accepted. that
be or they will at once execute the contract for the same,
with good and sufficient sureties. in a sum equal to the
amount of the contract, to furnish the articles proposed
in conformity to the terms of the advertisement, dated
June 24, MI. under which . the bid was made; and in
case the said shall fail to enter into a
contract as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the
difference between the offer of the said
and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to
whom the contract may ha awarded.
Oivenunder our hands and -seals this day of
[Seal. )
To ibis guaranty rnnst be appended the official certifi
cate above mentioned.
Eaeh party obtaining a contract will be obliged to
enter into bonds, with approved sureties, for the faith
ful execution of the same.
Upon the award being made, Rnccesafal bidders will
be notified and furnished with forms of contract and
The Department reserves the right to reject any or all
the bids, if deemed unsatisfactory on any account.
Proposals will be addressed to Brigadier General
George D. Ramsay, Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D.
C., and will be endorsed Prfjposals for Blankets. "
GEO. D. RAMBLE, Brigadier General,
je27-mtertj yl5. . • • Chief of Ordnance.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the
ROAD CO. , at Jamesburg, N. J.. until the bth of Jaly,
1864,f0r the Grading of the extension of the Freehold and
JamesburAg. Railroad fromJamesburg to near Dean's
Pond, on the branch road of the Camden and Amboy
Railroad, being about six miles.
Profiles and Specifications can bo seen at the office of
the resident engineer, I. S. BUCRELEW, at James
je2s-431. • . Chief &winner.
von Ava,
_BEA SICKNESS, &o. ho.
• Dr. JAMES R. CHILTON, the Great Chemist, oars
"I know Its composition, and. have no doubt it wIL
prove most beneficial in those complaints for which 111.
Dr. THOMAS BOYD says: , "I strongly commend D
to the notice of the public.
Dr. EDWARD G. LUDLOW says: "I can with scot
Sdence recommend it."
Dr. GEORGE T. DEXTER says: "In Flatulenev.
Heart-burn, Costiveness, Sick Headache, &c., the
SELTZER APERIENT in my hands has proved. Indeed e
valuable remedy.
For other testimonials eee pamphlet with each bottle
Manufactured only by TARRANT & 80..
278 EiRBEAWICH Street, New York.
NI -
ALLEN. Medical Electrician., having removed their
°Mee from North Tenth etreot to No. 154 North
ELEVENTH Street, below Race, will Mill treat and ears
all curable &seam, whether Acute or Chronic, 'without
shocks, pain, or any inconvenience, by the use of Elec.
trinity, in lie modifications, and Homcoopathic Medi.
Ooneumption, Arst and se- Influenza and Catarrh.
gond stages. ' General Debility.
Paralyals. Diliftliall Or the Liver sn
Neuralgia. Kidneys.
Fever and Ague. Diabetes.
Oongeetion. Prolapsus - Uteri (Failing 0.
Asthma. the womb). •
Dyspepsia. Hemorrhoids, or Piles.
Rheumatism. Spinal Dliease.
Bronchitle. Deafness.
Testimonials al, the °Mee, 161 North Eleventh street.
011ee hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Medical Electrkian e.
'orth ELEVENTH Street.
WCOVBRY.—AII acute and Islam& disease'
cured by special guarantee, when desired by the
patient, at 1220 WAINUT Street, Philadelphia, •
and, in case of a failure, no charge is made. No
drugging the system with uncertain medical agents.
All cures performed by Magnetism Galvanism. or
other modifications of Electricity. without shocks or
any =pleasant sensation. For further informa
tion, send and get a Pamphlet, which contains him
drede of certificates from some of the moat re li able
men in Philadelphia, who have been speedily and
Permanently cured after all other treatment from
medicaaameu had failed. Over twelve thousand
• cared !fleas than live years at 1220 WALIIUT Bt.
Consultation Free.
tnyl4-2go .1220 WALNUT St., Philadelph ia.
CATION never fails to cure Shenritatism, lietralea,
Spratna.,Preeted feet, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Dlv
eatro. Price 2ic, and wholes:deal:ld retail by H B. TAT.
LON..Eninsiort. TENTH and CALLOWE ELL. ..oldWis
MEADOW. and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal.and
best Locum; Mountain, from Schuylkill; prepared ex
preaely for Family am. Depot, N. W. corner EIGHTH
and WILBOW Ste. Othce, No. 112 South SECOND St.
aps-tf J. WALTON & CO.
KEEPERS can rely on getting a me article at the
8. E. corner FRONT and POPLAR Streets.
1e23.•1ne 301 IN W. HAMPTON.
atm, from 2 to 15-Inch diameter, with all kinds of
branches, bends, and traps, for sale In any quantity.
• 2 fuck bore per yard 30e. •
S " " " ' B6O.
4 " " " 480. -
. .
/ 6 .. 46 44 40 500.
5 114 46 114 44 750.
For Cottages t Tiling. or City Remo, Patent Wind.
Er g a i r L d Tope, for coring smoky chimneys, from 2 to 8 fest
Fountains. Pedestals, and. Statuary Marble Busts,
Brackets, and Mantel Vases.
1010 CHESTNUT Street.
Moutgople_ry Terre Cotta Works— Oleo and
Warehouse, 1241 MARKET Street.
LIST 07 eamt PRIORS:
For joint of 3 feet, 2 Inch bore, 30 cents.
For joint of 3 feet, 3 inch bore, 36 cents.
'For 4oint of 3 feet, 4 Inch bore, 48 tents.
Forjoint of S feet, 6 inch bore, 60 cents.
For joint of 8 feet, 6 Inch bore, 76 cents.
All sizes, from 2 to 16 Ind' diameter.
Also, Branches, Turns, Traria, Chimney Tope, Chim
ney Fines, Garden Vases, &c.
1241 NAHICST Wrest.
A most effective and delightful preparation
Hllthly recommended by the moat eminent Dot:dorm
'and Dentists.
It is the result of a thorough mime of scientific exPe-
Titivate, extending through a period of nearly thirty
yea rs.
To a 'great extent In every cue and entirelyin many,
See Circulars. Price Pre red solely by
1113 CHESTNUT St . Phi ladelphia.
'For mile by Druggists. 1,11-Em
fel i t t , i tiNTSlTlSt a g c i t 3 e L r eaTe s A u e t siftt adziTs
lion, Belt-improvement, mananemenLang Trait.
lag of CHILDREN, social adaptation,
and evening. by , JOHN L. OArBN.
Phrenologist and Bookseller,
fithi,9•4lnib Ao. XS 8, TENTH Street, 'Wore ChileißE‘
a writ of Vieri FROM, to me directed, will be ex-
Need to pnblke sale or vendue, on TUSSDA.Y Evening,
July 6, 1564, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-etreat Hall,
-No. 1. all that oertatn meanness', plantatlon,and tract
of land situate in the late township of Moakley, now
the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia;
commencing at a point in the middle of the old La I) CAS
ter road,a corner of Jesse George's land: thence by said
Jesse George's land along the middle of maid road the
next five following courses and distances, to wit: North
46 degrees west, 26.04 perches to a Clone; north 27 de
grees la minutes west, 46.4 perches to a stone; north 24
degrees , 15 minutes west,'2l.4 perches to a stone; north
17 degrees west, S perches to a stone; north 10 degrees 45
minutes west, 12.76 perches to a stone, a corner of said
Jeese George's laud and also of land late of Edmund
George, decansed ; thence still along the middle of the
old Lancaster road and bounding on said land of Ed
mund George, deceased, the next throe following
courses and distances, to wit: north II degrees west,
82,44 perches to a stone; north 11 degrees 30 minutes.
00.76 porches to a atone; north 3 degrees 45 minutes
west, 72.28 perches to a stone for a corner, being, also , a
corner of the land of said Edmond George, deceased;
thence by land of Benjamin Carboni, north 72 degrees
'l5 minutes weal. 321 perches to a atone for a corner;
thence by add Benjamin Garliatd's land south 12 de
grees west. 63 perches to a stone; thence by land late of
Lewis Jones, deceased, smith OE degrees 45 initiates.
east, 9 perches to a stone; thence south 4 degrees 16 mi
nutes east 47.813 perches to a stone; thence south 95 de
grees 16 minutes west, 19-7 . 2 perches to a stone; thous
south 6 degrees east, 39.92 perches, striking a large
chestnut tree in , the line; thence south 4 degrees 45 mi
nutes east, 62.23 perches to a point in the middle o(the
Lancaster turnpike-road, a corner of land conveyed by
said David George to Thomas Hunter, now docaassod;
thence by said liunter'sland along the middle of said
Lancaster turnpike, the following seven courses and
distances, to wit: south 41 degrees .16 'dilutes east, 24
perches to a point; south 29 degrees 4.5 minutes 0ttet,5.513
porches to a Swint ; south 16 degrees 6 minutes east.Jsl.43
perc poin t ; south
degrees NS minutes east, 66
toa south 47 degrees 15 minutes east, 7.56 parches
to &anoint; south Dellegrees 45 minutes east, IS porches
to a point; south 56 degrees 15 minutes east,tD. 72, perches
to the middle of Hunter's lama corner of sail limner's
land; thence by land late of David Goggins, north 70
degrees 16 minutes east , %.88 perches tote place of be
ginning; containing 116.58 acres of land,..mors or less
The above tract of toad is on the west aide of the Old
Lancaster road, nonrthe Hestonville Passenger Railroad
station, and the Pennsylvania Railroad pauses thrquah
the farm. The situation is very elevated and commends
a tine clew of the city-and surrounding country.. The
improveineuts consist of a substantial stone mansion
house with gas and modern improvements, atone tenant
house, two large barns, Ma-house, nod spring house.
with a superior springer water. Oxford street, Colum
bia, Montgomery. Berke, Peters, Lebanon, Susquehan
na, and - dther streets intersect the property, subdividing
it very advantagoonel d s.
No. 2. Ono undill ed third part of all that certain
MBbBllftge or tenement, plantation and tract or parcel of
laud, situate, lying 11.1141 being in the late township of
Blockley, now the 'I weray- fourth ward of the city of
Philadelphia; beginning at a stone iu the middle of the
Old Lancaster road, being a corner to the land of Jesse'
George; and from thence extending by (am said Jesse
George's land the next three following coftses and die
taucee, to 'wit: north 65 degrees 45 minutes east, 59,72
perches to the Old Mill .race- thence by the said race,
north 9.1 degrees east, 6.16 porches; and thence crossing
the said race, north 89 degrees 15 minutes east, e 3
perches to a stone, a corner of laud, formerly Richard
Peters': thence by the said Peters' land, north 'lB de
grees 45 minutes oast, 46 24 porches to metope by the side
of the Monument road (sometimes called Peters' road 0
thence by land belonging to the estataof William Ging
hans,deveased. north 70 degrees west, 26.24 perches to a
stonik_, thence by said ilingham's land and land of the
said Richard Peters, north IS degrees 30 minutes east,
65.76 perches to stone; thence by land of the said
Richard Peters, north 72 degrees 30 minutes west, 36.25
perches, and north 41 degrees ea5t,.11.72 perches to a
stone; thence by lands of Samuel Steel, John Davis, and
Thomas Wynn, north 72 degrees 15 minutes west, 174:4
perches to a atone in the middle of the Old Lancaster
road aforesaid; thence along the middle of the name road
and ground of the said David George, the next three fol
lowing courses and distances, to wit: south 3 degrees 45
minutes east, 22.2 S perches to a stone; and aonth 11 de
grees 30 minutes east, 00.76 perches to a stone; and south
11 degrees east, 82.44 perches to the place of beginning;
containing 156 acres and 15 perches.
Upon this farm are a substantial atone mansion house,
stone barn, small frame barn, tenant house, ice house,
and spring hence convenient. A. find stream of water
passes through the entire length. It is situated on the
east side of the Old Lancaster road.
. . _ . .
No. 3 An equal undivided moiety or one-half part of
all those two three-story brick meesnages or tenements
and lot or piece of ground situate on the southerly side
of theldincaster Turnpike road, in the late township of
Blockleynow the Twenty. fourth ward of the city of
Philadeli i bia; beginning at a point at the distance of 2il
feet Sine RS northwestwardlv from the corner of a lot
now or late of the estate of William Moore, deceased,
called the Mill lot ;eontainink in front or breadth on said
road 78 feet, and extending thence south westwardly be
tween lines at right angles with the said Turnpike road,
In length or depts. 150 feet.
• The above described lot in but a short distance above
the ilestonville Railroad depot.
No. 4. All those two three-story wiessuages or tene
ments and lot or piece of ground , i n Ilescouville, in the
Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia, bitnate
on the southwest side of Merlon avenue and the north
east side of the Lancaster Turnpike road; commencing
at the distance of 858 feet northwestward front the north
west corner of a certain forty-feet.wlde street (no)r
called Fiftieth street, laid out by Isaac Heston and
opened for public use) and the said Lancaster To rnpike
r,ad ; containing in front or breadth on the said Lancas
ter Turnpike road 60 feet, and extending of that width
at right angles with'the said road, in length or depth,
201 feet 9 inches, be the same more or less, northeast
ward to the said Merlon avenue.
Mo. 5. An undivided moiety or equal one. half part of
all that certain lot or piece of ground sittutte.on the east
aide of Broad and south side of Cillowlaill street. and
north side of Carlton street, in the late district of Spring
Garden, now the Fourteenth ward of the city of Phila
delphia ; containing in front or breadth on said Broad 4
street 140 feet, and extendingthenee eastward along the
said Gallowhill and Carlton streets respectively, in
length or depth, 2.93 feet. [Being the same premises
which Walter Dwight Bell, by Stephen Colwell, his
attorney infect, by indenture the 19th day
of April, 1834, recordedlin Deed Book T. H., No, 138,
page 477, &n., granted and conveyed unto Jesse Game
and David George in fee.]
No. 6. One undivided one , third part of all that certain
four. story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece
of ground situate on the north side of Pine street, be
tween Eleventh and Twelfth streets; and at the distance
of 60 feet westward from the west side of Quince street,
in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or
breadth on said Pine etreetls feet, and extending north
ward in length or depth SO feet, crossing , at the rear end
thereof a three-feet-wide alley, laid out by John Lind
say for common use, running into a four - feet wide
alleyleading into saidgnince street.. (Being the same
which Morton McMichael , Esq., High Sheriff,
by Deed Poll bearing date the 17th day of April, 'lBl6,
acknowledged in open -District Court. and entered
among the records thereof in Book S., page 880, Stc.v
granted and conveyed unto Thomas George and Edmund
George in fee.]
No. 7. An undivided one-third part of all that certain
building, toter piece of ground, situate on the north
west corner of Cherry and Juniperstreets, in the city of
Philadelphia; containing in breadth north and south 4S
feet, and in length or depth east and west 65 feet—di
vided in two separate parts or parcels, as follows, to
wit: No. 1 being the westernmost part or portion of
said lot of ground; containing 35 feet in width east and .
west by 48 feet In length north and south, and the four
storied brick building or factory thereon erected, steam
engine, and all other fixtures of the said factory 'with
the appurtenances, and No. 2 being the easternmost part
or Portion of said -lot,/ containing 30 feet in width east
and west, by 49 feet iu length north and south, and the
four. storied brick dwelling with two-storied back or
aide building thereon erected, with the appartenances,
&c. [Being the Bahia premises which Williasa Deal,
High Sheriff of the city and county of-Philadelphia, by
Deed Poll bearing date November 17, 1519, recorded in
District Court In Book W, page 108, &e , granted and
conveyed unto Thomas George and Edmund George in
fee.). •
No.-8. An undivided one-third part of all the follow
ing described tract or piece of ground situate in the
township of Delaware, county of Camden, and State of
New Jersey, as follows: Nos. 381, 84. 553,53, and 99. as
marked In George B. Strong's map or plan of the town
of Pensanken, which map or plan Is recorded in the
Clerk's Office of the county of Camden. [Being the
same premises which John B. Woodward and Elizabeth
L. his wife by Indenture dated April W. 1813, granted
and conveyed to Thomas George and Edmund George in
CD. C. ;I, '64. 59. Debt, 828,473.75. Briggs.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
David George. JOHN THOMPSON, Sherlff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 72, 1864. in/ St
a writ of Levarl-Faciae, to me directed, will be ex
posed to public tale or vendue, ou TUESDAY Evening,
July 5, 18191, at 4 o'clock, at hansom-street Hall,
All them lots or pieces of ground numbered twenty
ree (El), twenty-two ((22) , twenty-one (21), and part of
No. nineteen (19), in the plan of lots laid out by the said
'Henry E. Wallace, in the then township of Kingeessing,
now Twenty fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia,
(which plan Is recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book
T. H. , No. 140, page 114); Begt ening at a corner of lots
numbered twenty Tour (24) and twenty-dye (25); thence
extending by lot No. 24 north 44 degrees 55 minutes ea‘t,
thirty-four perches and four-tehtla of a perch to the
line of Thomas' land; then ce north `b3 degrees, forty-five
minutes west by Thomas' land, seventeen perches and
flfty.two hundredths of •a perch to Paschall's Ran;
thence down the middle of said Paschall's Run, the se
veral courses thereof, to the middle of Cobb's Creek;
thence down.. the middle of Cobb's Creek, the several
courses thereof, to a Spanish oak by the side of said
creek, being corner of land of the Mount Moriah Ceme
tery Association of Philadelphia; thence by land of said
association south 49 degrees 57 minute,, east, forty-two
perches more or less to the middle of an avenue now va
cated ; thence along the middle of said avenue upon a
curved line having a radius of twenty-eight perches and
sixty-five hundredths of a perch, eight perches; thence
by the same north 42 degrees east, forty-two perches to
a 'lint; thence by the same on a curved line haying a
radius of twenty-eight .perches and sixty five hun
dredths of a perch, fifty-four perches to a point; thence
by the same four perches eight hundred and seventy-
Bye • thousandths of a perch to thciplace of beginning;
containing twenty-three acres and eighty-nine perches.
Also, all that lot or piece of ground situate in said.
Twenty-fourth ward, beginning at a Writer of lots No. 2
and 9 on said plan; thence by lot No. 2 sdath 52 degrees
west, thirty-one perches and four-tenths to a corner of
lot No. 8; thence north 64 degrees west, twenty-two
perches and seven-tenths to a corner of lot No. 20; thence
north 16 degrees 67 minutes east, fourteen perches and
sixth-tenths to tl•st west aide of a new street intended to
be opened, running parallel with the Darby road and
along the western side thereof north 47 degrees 29 ml
fluted east,twenty-fonr perches and fourteen hundred chs
to the line of lot No, 26; thence eolith 47 degrees 42 mi
nutes east; twentyinight perches and thirty-five hun
dredths ta.the place of beginning; containing six acres,
more or less. Belngpart of the samepreminets which
William B Johns and wife, by deed of even date, but
executed immediately before the indenture of mortgage
upon which thejudgment In thiamine has been recovered,
and'intended to be recorded, did grant and convey unto
said Henry E. Wallace in foie. • •
EC. C. • J., 64. 294. Debt, 914,788-91. W. E. Price.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Henry E.-Wallace. JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mice. June 20, 1864: jeTi-St.
r•- , • a writ of Venditioni Umtata. to m 6 direCted will
be exposed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDA Y' Eve
ning. July 6. 7561, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom- street Mall,
All that certain lot of ground situate on the east aide
1 of Orleans street, one hundred and flee feet south from
Seneca street, 111 .he Twenty-fourth ward of the city of
Philadelphia; containing in front on Orleans street
forty-two feet, mid in depth one hundred and Maly feet
to Lax street. [Which said premises %%Dam Crean,by
deed dated December ID, 18,4, recorded in Deed Book
It. D. W. No. 6, page 257, &c., conveyed unto Jer e -.
miah bledany In fee; reserving a ground rent of 912.
payable let of In
and December. Subject to restric
tions as tO•bnilalllo.3
Taken in execution and .to be sold as the property of
Jeremiah McCarty. JOHN 'THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, June 22, 1664. je23-St
NJ a writ of Levert Faciaa, to me dliected, will be ex
poeed to public sale or vendno. on TUESDAY Evening,
July 6 1554, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall.
L All that certain three story brick mossuage and
lot of ground situate on the south side of Locust street,
eighty.fivo feet west of Twenty.aecond street, in the
city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Locust
street sixteen feet, and in depth ens hundredinot to G
street. •
No. 2. All .that four-story brick dwelling and Icit of
ground situate on the south side of Locoet street. sixty
feet east of Ashton street; containing in front on Locust
street sixteen feet, and in depth one hundred feet to
No. 3. All that threO.Siory brick Manage and lot of
ground situate on the south side of Locust street sixty
nine feet west ef Twenty-seccind street; containing in
front on Locust street sixteen feet, and In depth one
hundred feet to 0 street. [Which said premises, Nos.
1 and 2, Barnard H. Holseman et ax, - by deed dated
January 21, 1161: recorded In Deed Book A. O. H. , 'No. 7,
page 627 , Ste., and No. 3, which Wjlliani H. Kern.
oberiff. • by deed poll dated Dec. 3, '
ISO recorded in
Deed Book W. No. 2. page 306, do, conveyed onto
John P. Pamela in fee.)
[D. C. ; J., 'O4. 530. Clayton.)
Taken In execution and to be cold as theproperty of
John P. Perech. JOHN THOMPSON - , Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's °Moo, Jane 14 .1661. Je23.3t
a writ of Venditiotil Expanai, to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY Eve
ning July 6, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansoni-ntreet Hall
All that certain lot of ground beginning on the north
westerly side of Sutherland street, one ,hundred and
thirty feet southwesterly from South street. in the city
of Philadelphia; thence westerly five • hundred and
seventy.rilue feet, mere •or less, to tow-water mark In
the river Schuylkill; thence along the same south
westerly ninety feet four inches; thence outwardly
eve hundred and lift -two feet, more or less, to said
Sutherland street; thence noribeastwardly along the
same ono hundred and thirty feet to the place of W
CD. C. J., 'fri. 281. Debt .3), Martin.)
Taken in execution and to be solder the property of
Charles Pau rest. JOHN THO3!PSO N, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 17, 1804. jeffil-at
a writ of Levert Facia; to me directed, will be ex
posed to public Hale or vendue. on TUESDAY Evening,
July 6, Mt at 4 o'clock, at hansom - street Hall,
All that certain messuage and lot of ground altnate on
the south side of a certain fifty feet wide street four
hundred and forty feet nine Inches westwardly from
Day's Lane, in the Twenty-second warcrof the city of
Philadelphia, containing in front on said street two
hundred and sixteen feet eleven Inches, and in depth
about three hundred and ten feet, to land now or late
of Edward Wharton. Bonnded eastward by land:now
or late of Elizabeth Dupree, and westward by ground
LOW or Woof John Longstreth. -
[D. D. ; J.'64. 236. Debt, 42,622.20. Olmsted, ]
Taken inns execution and to be sold ILA the property of
John Lontreth. JOHN (011PSON, Sheriff'.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's 011 ice, June 17,1861. je2o-3t
a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. will
be exposed to public sale or vendue, ou TUESDAY 131 , 0-
ot Hall
ciht7, o e.rgiT.lGat groacclooLkil t'i t tn ß a n o s on n il i t ' e tr s e outh tale
of Tacony street between Orthodox and Duncan streets,
in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front forty
feel, and In depth two hundred foot, to Melrose etreet..
ID. ; J..
andl. Debt, MIS 97. Lox
Taken in execution to be sold as the property of
?miry li. W11118(10. JOHN' THOMPSON, Oltenia:.
rbilttdelphlre. shetiff'h Olace, Jtttal2A 1.801. jam -R.
s PRESS.—p,gu,ADFLPHIA., MONDAT,, JULY. 4, 1864.
^- 1 sundry writs of Limed Pada& to me directed, will be
&seabed to public tale or vendee, ou TUESL7bY Eve
ning July 0, 1861, ut 4 o'clock, at Sawmill-street Hall,
All that certain two-story brick stable (adjoining the
car house) and the lot or piece of ground whereon the
eaten is erected, described fie follows, to wit: At) that
certain lot of ground situate in the Twenty-fourth ward
of the city of Philadelphia; commencing at a wtoon, a
corner of a large lot, of which this is a part, nail steno
being near the northetud corner of Lancaster tnrapHro
and Fifty-second sherd; thence extending southeast
ward fifty-nix degrees fifty-eight minutes mutt. threaten
two and a quarter tnchee to a point fixed for a corner of
lot lastaboyedeecrlhed (vsr-house lot); thoucs hysald lot
north thirty-three degrees five minutes sixty-seven
feet to the face of the month wall of said suable; thence.
southfly•six degrees lift y- ft vo minutes east, nine feet
eight luchee to said car-house wai I ; thence north thirty
three degrees five mirntes tact along the west wall of
said car hem, one hundred and nine feet to Merlon ore
nue ; thence north Mgt) , two dogma twenty-five
minutes twat along said: Merlon avenue, one hundred
and sixty-two: feet. more or lase, to ground of Proust*
O'Reilly; thence south seventy-fonr degrees thirty
seven minutes west rang said. O'Reilly'n ground
seventy-three feet, more or lege, to a turner - atone in the
old Lancaster road; thence south twenty. el ght degrees
ton minutes east; two hundred and twenty-two feet
coven inches to the plane of Mistiming, anti marked on
the plan E. 1110 d In the said °Mee of the District Court.
. . . . .
CD. C. J. , 'Bl. *Send MI Sbitrpless..]
Taken In execution and to be sold as the pronorty of
Bentonville, Mantua, and Fairmount Pasteugor Hall
way Company, owners, ire,
TH.OMPSON. Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's °Oleo. Aine 21, MN. ion-8t
writ of 'Levu' Facing, to mo directed, will he ex
poped to public Role or voodoo, on TUESDAY Evening,
Jniy 6, UM, at 4 o'elock.sit SonAom-mreet
All the right, title, AM interest of Hester or Sather
Williams In and to
No. 1. All that certain two-eters' frame mom;age, air
three-blurt brick mesenagos and. lot of atoned, sitnate
on the south aide of South street, and west side of Ash.
bury alley, (between Pltth and Sixth streete,) to the
city of Philadelphia; containing in front on South street
twenty feet anti in depth one hundred and twenty-flue
feet to Small street.
Also, of and in
No. 2. All that lot of ground with the Improvements
thereon, situate on the west aide of A(oyamensing road,
between Washington and Carpenter streets, in the city
of Philadelphia; containing in front on said road twen
ty feet end in depth about hundred and forty-one feet
six inches. Bounded northward by ground of Benjamin
Hughes, southward by ground of the estate of Walton,
(Recital in Writ.)
(D. D. ; J. 'St 279. Debt, 34,627.80. Bodin. Lansdale.)
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Hester Williams, (widow of Edward Williams.)
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mice, June 22, 1551. j02.1-St
a writ of Vendltlonl Exionas, to me directed, will.
be exposed to public sale or vendne, on TUESDAY Eve
ning, July 5, 1554, at 4 O'clock, at Seasons-street Hall,
All that certain lut of ground satiate on the west side
of Seventh street two hundred and thirty-three feet
southward from Master street, In the city of Philadel
phia; containing to front on: S eventh street seventeen.
felt, and In depth. eighty feet, and, in width, on the rear
onil s
_fifteen feet one inch. (Which said. lot Martin
Buehler et ux. by deed. dated February 'lB, 1862, re
corded in Dee d Book A. C. 13., No. 46, page 629, 3:e.,
conveyed unto John B. Rodgers in feet reserving a
ground rent of one hundred and twenty dollars, payable
list of January and July.)
CD. C. '; J., '64. 277. Debt, M. G miff.)
Taken in execution and to he told as the property of
John B. .Rodgers. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
. Philadelphia, Sherire OM*. June 2),1864. je-8t
a. Writ of Leiwri Pietas, bailie directed , will be ex-.
posed to public sale or vendee, on TUESDAY Evening.
July 6, 1664, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom•etreet Hall, •
All that certain three-story brick - messnage, stable,
slaughter-house, and lot of grdund situate on the north
side of Master street lifty-four feet westward from How
ard street, In the city of Philadelphia; containing In
front on Master street thirty-six feet, and in depth eigh
ty feet. [Which said premises Jacob Sniger, Adminis
trator, by deed Weir August 7, 1517, conveyed unto
Henry Imhoff in fee; subject to a ground rent of 551,
payable Ist January and July.)
[D. C.; J., '64. 215. Debt, 84,220. Quinn.)
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Henry Imhoff. JOHN THOMPSONSheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jane 20, 1584.. je.22-3t
au rit of VenditloniExponas, tome directed, will be
e Jfi c,'s . ?k t d l t & P _, u a b t i,i l c olgo c elf v ia n tii l l T -s U tre S e i t ) l l ll.lf o vening '
that certain lot of ' ground • situated on the north
side of Venango street, one hundred and thirty-eight
met eastward from Bath street, In the city of Philadel
phia; containing in front on Venango street thirty-four
feet six Inches, and In depth one hundred and fifty-one
feet four inches to Victoria street. tWhich said promises
Henry D. Steever et ax., by deed dated June 23, ISM,•
recorded in Deed Book A. C. It, No. al, page Mti, Ac.,
conveyed unto George Broder in fee; rest ruing a ground
rent of thirty . dollars, payable first of January and
CD. C. '64. ISO. Debt, $114.66. Bodin.
Taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of
George Broder. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff ' s Office, June 17, 1834. Je2O.Bt
a writ of Levert Faciaseto me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or vendpe, on TUESDAY
ju iri s titlnti;t 't at i n e ig e ci e f i' liro at nn s s 6T O: tL
: a z haut e _ e _ e a stth e e side of
Front street, 80 feet southward from Oxford street, in
the oity of Philadelphia; containing in front on Front
street 40 feet, and in depth on the north line 144 feet, and
on the south line about 140 feet. The improvements are
a one-story brick laboratory, two•story brick dye house.
and frame storehonse in the rear; boiler with steam
piping, copper vat with water piping, and five wooden
vats. (Which said premises Win. H. Kern, Sheriff, by
deed poll 'dated June 23, 1960, recorded -in D. O. Deed
Book T., No. 2. page 151, conveyed unto James Murphy
in fee; subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent of
$5O, pal able Brat of Jots and January.)
[D. C. ; J., 'Bl. 310. Debt, UAW. Michener.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
James Murphy. JOHN THOMPSOI4,SherI ff.
Philadelphia, Sherif:Fe Of Jude 29, IS6I. .
a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or ven dee, , on TUESDAY Evening,
July 6. 1%1, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom,street
No. I. All that certain messuage. alto lot of ground
situate on the southwest corner of the Lancaster turn -
pike and Mary or Logan street in the city of Philadel
phia; containing in front on said turnpike thirty. three
feet four inches, and in depth one hundred and eighty
feet to a forty-feet street.
No. T.. - All that lot, three-story brick dwelling, slough
ter-house, stable, &c., situate on the south side of Lan-
caster turnpike, thirty-three feet four inches westward
from Logan street containing in front on said turnpike
road thirty-three feet four inches,and in depth ona i liart.
deed end forty feet to sold forty feet street. •
(Which said promises William •11. Kern. Sheriff, by
deed. dated ,14th JanuarY,l6oo. recorded in Deed Book
W., 8d.% page SI. Ice., conveyed unto John P. remelt
in lee ]
CD. C.: J., '64. Mt Debt, 1 63,010.59. Clayton.]
• Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
• Sohn P.•Persch. JOHN THOMPSON
• niladelphia,Sheriff's Office, June V, 1864.. .403..3t
gIEIBRIFF'S BA:LB.—BY 'VIRTUE-OF writ of. Venditioni Expense, tome directed_
be exposed to public sale or vendee r on TOMB eY eve
plug, July 6, 1,564, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall
All those certain three three-story brick mesa:lmes and
lot of ground situate on the north side of Fitzwater street
96 feet westward from Twelfth . street, in the oity of
Philadelphia; containing in front no Fitzwater street
19 feet 9 inches, and it: depth 190 feet to Brintou street;
with the privilege of
. a five-feet alley. on the east side
thereof. f.Which said premises Isaac Harvey, Jr., et
ux, by deed dated February 18, ISSS. -recorded. in Deed
Book T. B. No. 60, page 532, nc.., conveyed unto John
Smith and Robert Smith in foe; reserving a ground rent
of OSO: subject to certain restrictions as to buildings.]
fI).C. ; J., '64. 276 Debt, 6144.24. Coleman.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property:of
John Smith and Robert Smith.
, • JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff.
.Fbiladelnbla,Sberlfr's Office, Stme2t. 1564. je24.9t
N.J a writ of Vendittoni Exponas, to me directed, will
be exposed to pnblicsale or vendue, on TUESDAY live
ning, July 5,1664, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Hall,
•All that certain lot of ground situate cm the east aide-
of Broad street one hundred and five feet northerly
from Suegftelarma avenue, in the city of Philadelphia;
containing in trent on Broad street twenty-one feet, and
'ln depth one hundred and fifty-one feet to Pembroke
street. {Which said lot Thomas V,. Read et ux.. by
deed dated February 15, 1556 . recorded in Doed %MX_
IL D.W. - , No. 150, page 515. &c., conveyed unto John
R. Chandler in fee; reserving a ground rent of sffil, pay
able let September and March. 7
CD. C. tJ. , '64. 255. Debt, $213.33. Campbell:l
- in execution and to be sold as the property-of
J Philadelphialer. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.,
Sheriff's Office, June 21, 1664. jeW-St,
a writ of Levart FOALS, to me directed. will bs re
pitsed to pnblio sale or vondue, on TUESDAY Evening,
Jull i ? ii l a s t rA c; : d i a t i t d o Xre oc ekit a d t Saneom-street b Hall,
ground situate on the east FlTde Fr in oz e tt s s u between.
'Broivn end Coates streets, 71 feet 9 inches southward
from the line which divider the ground now or formerly
'of Benisnotin Loxley, and Matthew Clarkson, and
Michael Hillegas, in the city of Philadelphia ; contain
ing in front on Front street twenty feet seven inches,
'and in depth 61 feet. [Which said premises W illiam
Almendinger et ux.. by deed dated December 31, 1636,
:conveyed unto Joseph Glover in fee.]
CD. C.; J.,'61. %I. Debt, $660.85. Earle.]
Taken In execution and to bo sold as thevroperty of
Joseph Glover, deceased.
• Philadelphia..Sberiff's OlSce, June 21, 044. jegan3t
a writ of Levert Facies, to me direeted, will be'
grooved to public sale or vendue . , on TUESDAY Even
ing July 6,166 e, at 4 o'clock , at bansom•street Hall,
Ail that certain three-story brick meesuage and lot of
ground situate on the north side of Pine street, between
Sixth and, Seventh streets, in the city ofPhiladelphia;
containingin front on Pine street 'LS feet, audio depth
1W feet to ?diddle alley._ Bounded' westward by ground
now or late of John Wagner, eastward by ground now.
or late of Samuel C. Brown. [Which said premises
William H. Kern, Sheriff, by deed dated April 6, 1861,
reccrded in Deed Book A. No. 8, page 65; 3[o.,.ol3n
veyed auto John P. Perch in fee; subject to &yearly
. ground rent of s4B.]
CO. C. ; 3., '64. 293. Debt. $2,299.35. Betook.
Taken in execution. and to be sold as the property of
'John P. Perscb. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's °Mee, June 5.1861. je29-3t
r•- , a writ of Levert Facies. to me directed,•will be ex
posed to public senor vendee; op TUESDAY Evening,
July 5, 1564, at 4 o'olock, at &mown-street
All that. curtain two-story brick messing* and lot:of
ground situate on the east-side of Fifth street two hun
dred and sixty-eight feet northward from Diamond
street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front
on -Fifth street sixteen feet, and in depth eighty nine
feet seven inches toe Orkney street. (Which said pro
mises John W. Tromp,_ et ax ., by deed dated July 14,
1651, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 35, page AK
Am., conveyed unto Benjamin Weisz and Adolphus Net
terilutts in fee and Ben3amln Weir. et nx., by deed
dated May 8, 111 3 2, recorded iu Deed Book A. D. 8., No.
36, page 391, Ac ., conveyed his moiety uuto mild Adol
phus Eetterlinus in fee; subject to a mortgage of $5003
D. C. • 3., '64 292. Debt, $565.91. IllcElroy..l
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Adolphus Ketterlhins, deceased. -
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 21, 1354. je2s-31.
a writ of Levarl Feriae, to me directed, will he ex,
polled to public sale or yendue, on TUESDAY Broiling,
July 6, P 64, at 4 o'clock, at Sanaom-street Hall,
All that certain brick inesstiage and.lot of gronrid
situate on the west side of Fifth street. one hnndred
and seven feet ten Inches northward from Prime street,
in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fifth
street Bfteen feet, and in depth one hundred and eighty
feet to Parker street, crossing Mechanic street; subject
to the payment of a mortgage of 81,000, (recorded in
B. R. 1). D., No. 2, page 6E4 &c. )
[D. C. ; .1., '6l. H 35, Debt, $1,703.33. Vail 3:strondl
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
John Henry Towne, truetee, &c.
PhSladiSphia, Sherlire Office, June 95ofie4. jezt-31. •
a writ of Venditioni ExPonnsoto me directed will
be exposed to public sale or viable, on TUESDAY Sett.-
ntag, July 2, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sat:ism-street
All that certain lot of ground and improvements. be-'
ginning on the east side of Third street and north side
of Noble street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence east
ward eighty feet; thence northward 40 feet; thence
westward 20 feet; thence touthward 12 feet; thence
eo feet; thence southward 24 feet to the begin
ning-CD, O. ; 'J., 64. 283. • ljeht, $310.42. Campbell.)
• Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of •
Joseph Dorval'. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jane 21, 1864. jtai-31
a writ of-Tendltioni Exponas, to me directed, - will
be exposed to public sale or vendne, on TBESDAY Bye.
niug. Joly 5, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sanaom-street Hall,
All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of
ground situate on the south side of Dorsey street (No.
1301), 60 feet westward from Thirteenth street, in the
city of Philadelphia; containing In front on Denny
street sixteen feet, and in depth thirty - six feet. (Which
said promisee John Chester x, by deed dated April 1.
1650. recorded In Deed Book U. C. No 41, XI, &a.,
conveyed unto William Hanna In foe; reserving a
ground rent of thirty-two dollal4.Drs.)
[D.C. ; J., 84. 3ebt, 62:53. Abbott.?
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
William Hanna. JOHN THOMPSO N,Sheriff.
Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. June 22 , 1664 . Je2i-St
a writ of Levert. Patina, to me directed, will be ex.
,nr i ed 6 to l ubl a 7
4 sa o lp e r o r o zet:tig a eo o oje tr ES ea rlit l Y alt Evenlng;
ATI those Certain mesellages and lot of ground situate
on the east tilde of Apple street forty feet south from
Oeorge street, in the city of Phile.delptlia; containing in
front on Apple street forty feet, and In depth ninety feat
to Mechanic street. (Which said promises Willlam.ll,
Nero, Sheriff, by deed poll dated January 14, 1800, re
corded in Deed Book W , No. 2, page 31, conveyed
unto John P. Perach to
CD. O. ; J., 'O4. 201. Debt, "1,769.70. Roma.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
John' Pesch; ' JOHN Tnog a
pso, Sheriff.
Philadelphta,"Sberiff 'n Office, June 21, 1604. Jeti-3t
writ of Venditiont Extxmas, to nul directed . , will
be exposed to public mile or vondne, on TUESDAI. Eve
ning, July 6, 1564, at 4 o'clock. at Sannotn-atroot
One undivided fifth part of Henry Hague in and to all
that certain tot of ground, with the buildings thereon,
situate on the southwesterly side of Columbia avenue
(late Hanover atreet) one hundred and nine feet ten
Inches southeasterly from Girard avenue, in the ally of
Philadelphia; containing in front on Columbia avenue
twenty feet and in depth one hundred and sixty feet to
Savery (late-Union) street.
(1). C. J.,
-- RH IN TFI 64. MI. De OM bt,
P 61160. ,
rbiladVlPlatt. Stlo l :[fr eOiI CO, Jute 029-3 t •
a writer LeVATI lenei/41, to me directed, will be ex
weed to public soleer vendue, en TIDISDAY livening , July sth, 1664, at 4 o'clock, at Sansorwatreet
No. 1. All that ordain lot or piece of ground in the
Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadolphia, com
menting at the middle of Oregon or Vine street and Six
ty•slath street; thence extending along the middle of
said titxty-eixtb street north 11 degrees 1 minute oast,
664 feet birth inches to the middle of the Merlon and
Darby rend ;thence along sold road and by property of
Richard J. Mercer, south 45 degrees 41 minutes wont,
1,051 feet 4Ntlt inches to the middle of Oregon street
aforesaid; thence by the samo south 75 degrees 64
rnluntes east, (68 feet and M inches to the place of begin
ning; rentaini Off live and 036-1000ths acres.
No. 7. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate
in tho Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia,
commencing at a point at the intersection of the middle
of JUDilllll. arca and Race street (said point being 2.0
feet east of the east side of Sixty-third street); thence
extending along the middle of said Juniata street south
11 degrees 1 minute west 76*.? feet, more or less, to the
middle of a certain run separating this ground front
ground of Ellis Lewis; thence along the middle of said
run, the various courses thereof, lu n northessterly di
rection to the middle of said Race street; thence along
the mi ddle' of said Race street north 75 degrees 66
minute* west 400 feet, more or less, to the place of be
ginning; containing (5,141 acres) Ave acres nod
141-100fnhe of an acre.
. . .
No. 9. All that certain lot or piece ofground situate
in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelpkta,
commencing R t the intersection of Sixty-first and Vine
or Oregon street; thence extending along the middle of
said Oregon street north 78 degrees 69 minutes west 452
foot to lleffrnan's property; thence by the grime south 31
degrees 36 minutes west 8 feet 43 Inches to the middle of
Sixty-second street; thence south li degrees 1 Initiate.
west 657 feet 7% inches to the middle of Race street;
thence along the middle of Race litrEet south 78 degrees
-69 minutee east 120 feet, more or less, to small run of
water: thence by said run north 4 degrees 28 minutes
emit SS feet, more or lees to a corner; thence north 77
degrees 7 minutes east 249 feet to a corner; thence south
2 degrees 4 minutes west 761 feet 434 . inches to the middle
of Arch street; thence along the middle of Arch street,
south 7S degrees.% rein u tee east 220 feet of inches to a
corner; thence north 2 degrees 4 minutes east 812 feet 99i
inches to a corner; thence south 81 degrees 14 minutes
went 9 foal% inches to the middle of Sixty-first street;
thence along the middle of said Sixty-find street north
11 degrees 1 minute east 3(.7 feet 1 inch to the place of he•
ginning: containing (14369 scree) 8 acres and 669.1000 the
of an acre. -
D.C. ;J. 64. M. Debt, 931143. cold ergea llnliitt.)'
Taken in execution and to be as the property of
.Toseph S. Slicer and Francht W. II nghoe.
JOHN TiiomrsoN, Sheriff
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jane 22,1561. jelialt
a writ of Levari Faciae, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendee, on TUESDAY Even
ing, Julys. 1864, at San:tom-street 11141.
No. I. Ali that certain four-story brick messnage or
storehouse and lot of ground situate on the :mahout
corner of Fifth and Coonmerce streets, in tho city of
Philadelphia; containing in front en Fifth street twenty
five feet two inches, and in depth along Commerce
street seventy-eight feet nine inches.
No. 2. All that certain three-story brick mossnage
end lot of ground situate on the north side of Market
street, two hundred feet west or Eighteenth street; con
taluing in front on Market street twenty-two feet, and
In depth one hundred and eighty feet to Jones street.
No. 3. Ail that certain lot o( ground situate on the
north eide of Market street forty-eight feet eix inches
east of Twenty•first street; containing in front on Mar
ket street eighty-seven feet, and in depth one hundred
and eighty - feet to said twenty-five feet-wide court,
with the privilege thereof.
No 4. 'All that certain three-story brick meanies°
and lot of ground situate on the south olds of Penn
square or Olivt street, one hundred and enventy-two.
feet west from Broad street, in the city of Philadelphia:
containing in front on Penn square elghteeu feet, and
in depth ninety-two feet to a twelve-feet alley, subject
to a ground rent of thirty-six dollars.
No. 5. All that certain fonr-story brick menage or
store and lot of ground situate on the north side of
Commerce street one hundred and fifty-nine feet three
inches eastward from Fifth street; containing in front
on Commerce street twenty feet. more or less, and in
depth seventy-six fees six inches to Christ Church
burial ground.
. • No. 6. • All that' certain messnage and lot of ground
situate on the southeast corner of Eighth and Lombard
streets; containing in front on Lombard street nineteen
feet, and in depth on Eighth street seventy-eight feet,
subject to a yearly ground rent of thirty-. ight dollars.
ID. C. : J., '6l 320. Debt, 1916,311.91 CuylerA
Z 6 - For recitals of title, see writ at Sheriff's Offiee•
• Taken in execution and to be sold as thff property of
William Brown, and Margaret his wife, and Robert F.
Brown. • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jute 21, 1861. jell-St
a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or voodoo, on TUESDAY Evening,
July 9, 1564. et 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall,
No. 1. All that certain two-story brick messuage and
lot of ground situate on the east side of 'Fourth street
137 feet 6 inches eopthward from Christian street, in the
city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fourth
street eleven feet, and. in depth 64 feet.
No. 2. All that two-story *rick messuage and lot of
ground situate on the east side of Fourth street 145 feet 6
inches southward from Christian street; containing in'
front on Fourth street 11 feet, and in depth 64 feet.
[Which said premises Charles C. Raymond by deed
dated February 19,1663, conveyed unto Sarah AL Powell
in fee.
CD. C.; J.,'64. 311. Debt, 1025.75. Haines.]
Taken in execntion and to be sold as the property of
Sarah - M. 'Powell. JOHN THONP .
SON Sherif.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jnne 22,1364 . i59.3.3t
1, - *ritof Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or ve nue, on TUESDAY Evening,
July 5, 1%1, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street EMU,
All that certain stone building and lot of ground be-.
ginning at a corner of the Germantown and Perkiomen
Turnpike read and Wylie's lane, in the Twenty-second
'ward of the city of Philadelphia; thence along said turn
pike N. XI degrees 45 minutes W. 191 feet to a corner of
Elizabeth Rex's ground; thence north 40 degrees 40 mi
nutes B. 861 feet to ground of Anthony Groves; thence
southerly 199 feet to Wylie's lane, and thence along the
Fame 366 feet to the place of beginning. (Being part of
the *aloe lot which William Rex et ux., by deed dated
Idaith 21, 1619, recorded in Deed Book G. W. C., No.
12, page ICO 3 &c., conveyed unto Elizabeth Phipps is
CD• C. f.J., '6l. 266. Debt. 6.10,453.33. Johnson.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Charles Phipps and Elizabeth Phipps. •
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Deice, June 21, 1664. i.M-St
Writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. -will be'
exposed to publicsale or vendne,on TUESDAY Evening,
July 6, 1861 , at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-stroet Hall,
All that certain meesnage and lot of ground Inmate on
,the went side of Leopard street one hundred and seven
ty-two feet northward from Otter street. In the city of
rhtladelphia; containing in front on' Leopard street
thirty-two feet, and in depth eighty feet to Amber
street. Subject to two mortgages of seven hundred and
forty-one dollars and Ave hundred dollars.
CD C.; J., '64. 275. Debt. $1,564 . 14. Brewster.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
John M. Lukens mid Jobn Scott.
Pldiadelphia.Sberiff's °Dice, June 18, 1864. .je2o-3t
a writ of Levari Facies to the directed, will be ex
posed to pnblic ORO or vendee, on TUESDAY Evening..
July 6,1&&1, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom• street Hall.
All that certain throe-story brick ;negating° and tot of
ground 'situate on the north aide of Mulberry street, one
hundred and forty-one feet eastward from Sixteenth
street, in the city of Philadelphia'; containing in front
on Mulberry street twenty-two feet, and In depth one
hundred and seventy-eight feet to Bickham street.
(D. C. ; J., '64. M. Debt, $8,413.34. Spencer.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Jeanne C. Henrion. JOHN THOMPSON - , Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June M,1861. je23-31,
a writ of %rendition( Exponae. to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or Yendue, on TUESDAY livening , July 0, Mt, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Hall,
All that certain lot of ground with the improvements
thereon, situate on the north aide of Spring Garden
street one hundred and seventy three feet nine inches
west from Fifteenth street in the city of Philadelphia;
containing in front on Spring Garden street fifteen feet
nine inches., and in depth sixty-two feet etgbt inches.
CD. Q. ; J., '64. 320. Debt, 6206.04. Small.]
Taken in *execution and to be sold as the property of
John W. Massey. JO HE • THO PSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ofitoe. June 22. 1664.
a writ of Levari Pacing, to melliecied, will be'ex•
Posed to public sale or ve nue, on TUESDAY Evening,
July 6,1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sa.nsom.street Hall,
One undivided fifth-part of Jacob Hague In and to all
that certain lot of ground w ith the buildings thereon. si
tuate on thesoathwesterly side of Columbia avenue (late
-Hanover street), one hundred and nine feet ten inches
southeasterly from Girard avenue, in the city of Phila
delphia; containing in fronton . Columbia avenue tvs-en
tyf feet, and in depth one hundred. and sixty feet to
Eavery (late Union) street.
CD. C. ; J., '64. 270. Debt, ;0250. Poyle.)
'JOHN THOMPSON. sinstriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June IV, 1864. Jen-St
a writ of LevarrFacies, to me directed, will be ex •
posed to public sate or vendue, on TUESDAY Evening,
:july 5, 1.W.,4, at 4 o'clock, at Sausem-street
All that certain three-story brick utessuage and lot of
ground situate on the south side of Oxford street,
eighty. two feet east from Eleventh street, in the city of
Philadelphia; containing in front on Oxford street
eighty- two feet, and In depth fifty-seven feet to a four
feet alley.
Taken to execution on a claim of $V...4l for paving and
curbing, filed by the city of Philadelphia (in O. C. P.
M. '64, 79, Ceramist), and to he sold as the property of
George R. Rallowell: • JOHN THOMPSON,Bberiff
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jane 22, 1564. jell-it
L ) a writ of Menditioni EXPOURS, to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendee, on TUESDAY Eve
ning:4oly 6, 864; at 4 o'clock, at Sansom•street Hall,
All the right, title, and Interest of William M. Wright
of and to all that' eortitta lot of ground situate on the
east side of Broad street one , hundred and sixteen feet
southward from Race street, in the city of Philadel
phia; containing in breadth, north and south, thirty
slx feet, and in depth one hundred and thirty-six feet
to a twelve-feet alley.
( - D. C. ; J., '6l. 21117. Debt, $ll6. Thomas. 1
Phila.:lphia, Sheriff's Office, June 22,1861. .M 24 31
4 Writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or voodoo, on TUESDAY Even
ing July 6, IW4, at 4 o'clock . at Sansom-street
Al!l that certain lot of ground situate en northeast cor
ner of Wood and Coral streets. 4n the city of Philadel
phia; containing In front on Wood street elxty feet, and
in depth on Coral street one hundred and fifty-six feet
six inches to Moore street, subject to a ground rent of
seventy-two-dollars, payable first of May and If o
vember. •
[1). ; J.,'61. 343. Debt, 31274.63. Wain.]
Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of
John Scott.. JOHN THO Sheriff.
Philadelphia. Sherifre Office, June 22 1361. je24-3t
a Writ of Veiiditioni Exixinas, to me directed, will
be•exposed to public sale or vendue, ouTLISSDAY Eve
ning. July 5, 1664,rit 4 o'clock pt hansom - street
All that certain three-story brick measnage and lot of
ground situate on the southeast corner of Carpenter and
Clement streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing
in front on. Clements street eighteen feet...and in depth
forty-six foot, to a four-feet alley leading into Carpenter
greet; with the privilege of said alley. (Which said
lot, Nary Catharine, by deed dated first October. ISBO,
recorded In Deed Book A. D. 8., No. Pa, page 475. &c.,
conveyed auto. William Twiggy in fee; reserving a
'ground rent of 640 60.)
C. ;J. , '64. 342. Debt. Blackburn.]
Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of
William Twigga. • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's OMee, June 22, 1861. Je24-3t
Hilt of Levarl Facile, to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or vendee. on TUESDAY Evening,
July 5, 1564; at 4 o'clock, at Sansom - street Hall,
All that certain lot of ground situate on the westerly
side of Hancock street. ninety-two feet southwardly
from York street r ro the city.
H of Philadelphia; contain
ing in front on ancock street two hundred and fifty
feet, and in depth one hundred and nine feet to Pale
thorp street.
Taken in execution on a judgment on city claim.
(D. O. ; S. '6 3; a, ) for paving cartway, and to be sold as
the property of Coleman and Stetson.
);sl3Sladelphia, Sheriff's O ffi ce, Jane 22,1861. je24-3t
Na a writ of Lerma Facial, to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or vendee, on TUESDAY Rrening,
July. 6, I'M, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall,
Ail that certain lot of ground sttoato on the east side
of Howard street, eighty feet northward from Cumber
lanti• street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in
hundred Howard etroet fifty-four hopefeet in depth one
and eight feet nine inches to H street
Taken in execution on ajudgenent on claim for paving,
(C. I'. D. '62,81; Quinn, and to be sold as the property
of John Reilly. JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff.
Philndelphla,•Sherlff's oMce, June 23,.1861.' je264t
NJ writ of Levert Facies,. to me directed, will be
exposed to public; sale or vendue,onTHSSDAY Evening,
July 6 1584, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, .
All that certain lot of ground situate on the westerly.
aide of Hancock knot. sixty five feet northward)y from
York street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing In
front on Hancock street one hundred and eighty-three
feet, and in depth one 'hundred and nine feet to Pale
thorp street.
Taken In execution on II judgment on claim, for
paving (C. C. P. 6.; '63,'73, Quin), and to be sold as
the properly of Coleman and Stetson.
JOHN Tnompsom,
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 23, 1564. i4O-St
n writ of Lomat Pastas, to me directed. will be ex
poged to pahlic 4 anie l or vendae, on TUESDAY Evening,
Julp G A l n S t i cer a t t ain o l ' Ot o :f l" ggu ba urgiu n al t e re :n t i le. l OAll ast side
of Howard street forty-five'feet sonthward from
Huntingdon. street, in tho olty of. Philadelphia ; con
taining In front on Howard Went Afteen feet, and in
depth nap- two feet. . -
'Taken in execntion - on aindgment on claim for paving,
(C. C. P., D.. 63, 82, Oninu,) and to Do sold as the
property of Valentine Eckert.
• JOHN THOMPBO'N, Sheriff. ,
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 'A. 1684. .1825-3 t
writ of Lover' Facies, to me 'Mooted, will be ei
pcsed to public sale or vendee, on TUESDAY Evening,
July 6, 1661, DA 4 o'clock, at Sansorn-street Etall,
All that certain lot of ground situate on the westerly
Sitio of Hancock street, one hundred and fifty-six feet
!wither] y from Cumberland street in the city of Phila
delphia; containing In front on Hancock street sixteen
feet, and in depth ouo hundred and ulna feet to Pale
tborp street.
Taken to execution on judgment on claim for paying
(C. C. I'.: S. '63; 74. Quin,) and to be sold as the pro
:Party of C. I. ShordaY._ _
.JOHN THOM t'SON, Sheriff.
ridiadelplda, Sheriff's Office, Juati 23, 180. it23.4t
a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed: will ho ex
posed topubllc saki or vends°, on TUESDAY Evening,
JnlyA, Mt. nt 4o • clock, nt Summit. street Hall,
All that senate lot of ground nittiato on the northwest
side of Frankfort' road and northeast side of Wakellog
street, la the city of Philadelphia; containing in front
on Fran kiwi] road one hundred and twenty foot, and In
depth of that width along Withelltig street two ban
dred and forty-seven feet eight Inches to Franklin
Taken in invention on at j gmo ton city claim (C.
C. P. tB. 'GO. 117). for curb ing and rowing, and to be
cold as the property of William H. Witte.
Phlladelphla,BherireOilloe. Jane 22, 1E64. fe24-St
a writ of Vent Mien! Exploits, to me directed, will
he expoxed to poldic SS Ito or vondno, on TUESDAY
Evenlog,July 5,1661,at4 o'clock,at booms- street Hall,
.All that certain 2,q-atory dwelling, frame hack
building, ',table, shade, Itc., and lot -of ground,
situate on' the noriliwentwardly aide of (Dank nowf
Brabant street, niorty.alx feet sonthwestwardly from
Ann street, in Richmond, the city of Philadelphia;
oontainlog in front on Brabant street' forty feel, and In
&nth one hundred feet. thing part of the same which
Yolin• Keating. of al., by deed dated July 22, 18.36, re
corded In Deed Book 8. H. F.. No. 4: page 454. conveye d.
ante Beery Unget is fee: reserving a ground rant of
eighty dollars; payable lirft January and July; subject
tootle-half of said yearly ground rent.)
CD. C.: '64. NM. bobt, $0.62 Hobbs Sr McCall.]
7aaon 4n execution and to he Reid an the property of
John G. Ganung and William B. Wightmen.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oftleo. anue,22. 1664. JiY6l.3t
a writ ofVonditiont Erponits, to me directed, will
be exposed to public male or vendee, on TUESDAY Ere.
wing, July Is. 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sannom-street Hall,
All those two three-story stone memages and rata
ground beginning six t y - on e y side of atreet.••
ens hundred and feet one inch northwardly
from Frederick street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence
along Mifflin street sixty-four feet eke lachea: thence
westward one hundred and sixty four feet Bre inches
to Saranac street: thence southward's , along the same
sixty feet; thence eastward one hundred and eighty
eight feet to 1111111Itt street, the place of beginning.
(Which said premises John O. Micheser , by deed dated
July 14 , ] SI4, recorded in Deed Book 'l', lINo. 165,
Page 07 , &c., conveyed unto Henry Becker or 'Bakillp to
CD. C. J. '64. SOL Debt, $150.54. Heyel
Taken in execut i on and to be sold as the property of
Henry Becker. JOHN THOMPSOIf, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ojiloe,./nne 22,1554. Jett-St
ts- 1 Writ of Venditiont Exponan, to me directed,will be
exposed topublic sale or vendue,on TUESDAY Evening,
July 0, ISGI, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street
All that certain tract or parcel of land, with the build-
Inge and Improvements thereon erected, situate in the
late township of Blockley. but now in the Twenty
fourth want of the city of Philadela, and on tho
northwardly side of the late West limiter road, now
Margot street ; beginning in the middle of the said road
at a comer of land now or late of John Sellers, Jr. ;
thence along the middle of the said road, north 70 de
grees west, about 53 perches to a rnno( water,dividing
this from land late of heirs bf John Thomas; thence up
the said run along the several coarsen thereof by the
said Thomas' laud about SS perches to a corner ; thence
by the said Thomas' land, north 77.5 degrees east, 16
Perches to another corner; thence south 1.5 degrees
got, 36.3 perches to a stone another corner of said land of
John Sellers, Jr.: thence by the }aid land, north 79 de
grees srest, 36.9 perches to a stone, another corner of
said land or John Sellers, Jr. ; thence still by the name,
south L 5 degrees east, 42.65 perches to the place of be
ginning; containing twelve acres and three-fourths of
an acre of land, be the same more or lees:. [Being the
tame pt . ( raises which the said James Miller, guardian,
etc., and Deborah Slankleit, widow, by indenture
dated December I. A. D. ISM, convoyed unto the said
Joseph S, Sliver in fee.
[l). C.; J.,'64. fill Debt, 34.000. Geo. Ball.]
Taken in execution and, to he sold as the property of
Joseph S. Sliver. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jane 2 . 2, 1561..
a writ of Venditionl Exponns, to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendue, on TUESD Eve
ning, July 0, 1664 at 4 o'clock. at Saneom - street
All the estate, right. title. and interest of John McGill
in the following described .real estate of James McGill,
No. 1. All that, certain lot of ground and buildings
thereon situate on the east sideot Front street, between
Market and Chestnut si reels; to the city of Philadelphia;
containing in front on Front street fifteen feet, and in
depth twenty-seven feet.
No. 2. All that certain meesciage and lot of ground
situate on the southeast corner of Water street and
Chestnut street, containing in front on Chestnut street
twenty eight feet, and irLdepth on Water street forty
three feet four Inches.
No. i. All that certain triangular lot of ground and
buildings tbereon,beginning on the north aide of Wash
ington avenue, one hundred and fifty-four feet six
inches eastward from Second street; thence extending
northwardly eight feet four inches, thence southeast
wardly forty-six feet two inches to said Washington
street, thence westward along the sanke to the begin
No. 4. All that certain triangular lot of ground sod
buildings thereon, beginning on the north side of China
'street one hundred and ninety-one feet westward from
Front street; thence northward five feet three inches to
the month side of Washington avenue; thence west
wardly along the same thirty feet to its intersection
with China street; thence soutbeastwardly along the
same to the beginning.
No. 6. All that certain messnage and lot of.gronnd
situate on the east side of Vernon (now Annapolis)
street, seventy -nine feet northward from Shippen street
containing in front on Annapolis street eighteen feet and
In deph sixty-five feet.
No. 6. All that certain three-story brick messnage
and lot of ground situate on 'the north side of Pine
street, between Third and Fourth streets; containing
in front on Pine street twenty feet end in depth eighty
feet. Beunded westward by ground now or late of
Robert Bridges, eastward by ground now - or late of
Richard Renshaw.
No. 7. All that certain yearlyground rent ' of $l,BBO
leaning out of messuage and lot of ground situate on the
northeast corner of Chestnut and Second streets ; con
taining in front on Chestnut street forty feet and in
depth on Second street thirtyfeet [For recitals of title
see Writ in Sheriff's office.
[D. C. ; J., '64. VS.N, Debt, Mt
Sheri Hirstff:. ]
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Mine 22, 1524. jest-St
a writ of Alias Levari Facies, to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendee, on TUESDAY Eve
ning, July 6, 1.961, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Ball,
All that certain lot or piece of ground with the eight
brick messuages or tenements thereon erected, situated
on the north able of Jefferson street and east side of
Sixth greet, in the late District of Kensington, now in the
Seventeenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; contain
ing in frost or breadth on the said Sixth street 127 feet,
and extending in length or depth eastward on the south
line thereof along the north line of the said Jefferson
street 68feet-n) inches and one• half, and on the north
line thereof, at right angles with the said Sixth street
92 feet 1 and three-quarter inches. Bounded on the
north by other ground of which this was formerly part.
on the east by other ground of the saul Jonathan Willis
Martin, on the south by the said Jefferson street, and
on the west by the said Sixtiestreet
The above mortgaged premises will be sold as fol
loiss • • • •
No. 9. A three• stork brick mesenage and lot of ground
beginning at the northeast corneillf Sixth and Jefferson
streets; thence extending eastward along said Jefferson
street 66 feet 6 inches to a.threa-feet alley ; thence north
ward along the same 26 feet4X inches; thence westward
2 feet 6 inches; thence southward 3 feet 3 inches; thence
westward 47 feet 11 incises to the east Ilne of Sixth street;
thence southward along the same 18 feet 63‘ inches to the
place of beginnin tree-story No. 3. Alt that brick messnage and lot of
ground beginning.= the east side of Sixth street 1S feet 53‘
inches north of Jefferson street; thence eastward 47 feet
11 inches; thence northward 3 feete !ache& ; thence east
ward 3 feet 1 inch : thence northward 3 feet 3 incheet
thence eastward 6 inches; thence northward S rent /031
inches; thence westward Si feet 6 inches to th ~east line
of Sixth street; thence southward along the eat.= 15 feet
63 Inches to the place of beginning.
No. 4. Alt that three-story brick messnage and lot of
ground beginning at a point on the east side of Sixth
street, at the distance of 13 feet 10% inches north of Jef- -
(elven street; thence eastward 61 feet 6 inches; thence
eonthward 8 feet ICIX inches; thence westward 6 inches:
thence eondsward 3 feet 3 inches; thence eastward 3 feet
finch: thence northward S feet S inches; thence east
ward 2 feet 5 inches to a three.feet- wide alloy; eheuce
northward along the same 27 feetll inches; thence west
ward 26 feet 3 inches; thence northward 335 inches;
thence westward 30 feet 3 Inches to the east side of Sixth
street; thence southward along the same 15 feet and X
Inches to the place of beginning.
No. 6. All that three-story brick messnage and lot of
ground beginning at a point on the east side of Sixth
street at the distance of 49 feet 11X inches north of Jet
ferson street: thence eastward 3) feet 3 Inches; thence
southward 335 inches; thence eastward 33 feet 3 inches
to the west side of a three-feet wide alley; thence north
' 'ward along the same 15 feet 3.14 inches; thence westward
9 feet EX inches; thence northward 3 feet S Inches;
thence westward 3 feet 4 inches; thence southward 3
feet 8 inches; thence westward 43 feet 534 inches to the
east side of Sixth street; thence southward along the
same 14 feet 11% inches to the place of beginning. •
No. 6. All that three- story brick messnage and lot of
ground beginning at a point on the east side of Sixth
street, at the distance of 113 feet 10% inches north of
Jefferson street; thence eastward 43 feet 5).1" inches;
thence northward 3 feet S inches,- thence eastward 3 feet
4 inches; thence southward 3 feet S inches; thence. east
ward 9 feet 8X inches to the west Side of a three-feet
wide alley; thence northward along the same 15 feet X
of an inch'; thence westward 66 feet 6 inches to the east
=de of Sixth street; thence southward along the same
16 feevand X of an inch to the place of beginning.
No. 7. All that three-story brick messuage and lot of
ground situate on the east side of Sixth street, at the
distance of 78 feet 1 lei inches north of Jefferson street;
thence eastward 56 feet 6 Inches to the west side of a
three-feet wide alley; thence northward along the same
15 feet; thence westward 7 feet 2 inches; thence south
ward 3 feet S inches; thence westward feet 3% inches;
the n ce not thward 3 feet inches; thence westward 46 t
feet and X an inch to the cast side of said Sixth street:
thr nce southward along the same 15 feet to the place of
No. 5. All that three-story brick messnage and list of
ground situate on the east side of Sixth street, at the
distance of 93 feet 11% inches north of Jefferson street;
thence eastward 46 feet and X an inch; thence south
ward 3 feet S inches; thencd eastward 3 feet M‘ inches;
• thence-northward 8 feet 8 inches; thence eastward 7
feet 2 inches to the west.side of a 3.feet- wide alley
widened' to 7 feet; thence northward along the said
alley 4 feet 7% inches; thence westward. by the next
described lot, 6 feet 8 inches; thence northward, by the
Fame, 4 feet 2 inches; thence northwestward, still by
the same, 14 feet 1 inch; thence still northwestward, by
.the same, 6 feet 4 inches s thence 'westward, by the
same, 31 feet 334 inches to the east line of Sixth street;
and thence southward. along the same. 16 feet ati
inches to the place of beginning
No. 9. All that three-story brick messnage and lot of
get and beginning on the east side of Sixth street, at the
distance of 109 feet 5% Inches north of Jefferson street •
thence eastward, by the last-described lot. 31 feet 3
inches; thence southeastward, by the same, 6 lest
inches; thence still southeastward, by the same, 14 feet
1 Inch: thence southward, by the same, 4 feet inches:
thence eastward, by the same, 6 feet 8 inches; thence
northward, by the next-described lot, 3 feet 1 inch;
thence westward, by the came, S feet I inch; theace
northward, by the same, 3 feet 1 inch; thence north
westward, by the same, 15 feet 10 inches; thence north
ward, by the same, 16 feet and % of an inch, more or
less,. o the line of land now or late of David Ellis:
thence westward 38 feet 6 inches to the east line of Sixths
street; and thence southward, along the game, 17 feet
636 inches to the place of beginning.
No. 10. Alt that lot of ground, with the three three
story brick =assuages thereon erected, beginning at a
point In the line of land now or late of David Bilis, 38
feet 5 inches eastward from the east side of Sixth street,
being the northeast corner of the premises last above de
scribed; thence eastward 40 feet 7% inches ;thence south
ward 28 feet 2% inches; thence westward 22 feet 5M
inches more or Less to the west side of said 3-feet alley
widened to 7 feet; thence northward 3 feet 1 inch; thence
westward 3 feet 1 inch; thence northward 9 feet 1 Inch:
thence northwestward 15 feet ten inches; thence north
wet d 15 feet and %His of en inch more or less to the line
of land of David Ellis and the place of beginning.
No. 1. All that lot of ground, with a two-story frame
shed or building thereon erected, on the nerth side of
Jefferson street, 66feet 6 inches east of Sixth street, in
the city of Philadelphia; thence extending eastward
along Jefferson street 32 feet 434 inches to a Point; thence
northward 129 feet 1% inches: thence westward 13 feet 1
Inch ; thence southward 28 feet 2,X Inches; thence west
ward D feet 5X inches, more or less, to the west Fide of
an alley; thence southward along the same 10) feet 3
inches to the place of beginning.
N. B.—There is laid out and opened on tho west sided
the said lot an alley 3 feet wide, extending northward
from Jefferson street 95 feet Winches, then widening to
7 feet the further depth of 4 feet 7X inches.
[D. O. ; J., - '64. M. Debt. $10,33'3 ST Do LaSlotta.
Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of
Jonathan Willis Martin, and terra tenant.
.JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. •
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mee. Jane 1561. 3e24-3t
a writ of, Venditioni Expense, to use directed, will
be 'exposed to public sale or vendne, on TUESDA.Y Eve- •
ning; July 6, 1861, at 4 o'clock, at Sanaom-street Hall;
No. 1. All that certain lot of ground situate on the
south side of Mount Vernon street fifty-seven feet .eight
inches eastward from Twenty-third street, in the city
of Philadelphia; containing in front on Mount Vernon
street fort seven feet four inches, and in depth seven
ty feet. (Being the same premixes which Henry J.
Williams et ai. by deed dated February IS, HAS, re
corded in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 93, page 641, &a.,
granted and conveyed unto Janes S. Smith in fee.)
No. 2. All that certain three-story brick mesquane and
lot of ground situate on the south aide of Green street
one hundred and twenty-five feet ten inches westward
from Eighteenth street. containing in front on Green
street eighteen feet and in depth One hundred and nine
ty-seven feet to Brandywine street. [Which said pro
mises George.G. Gardiner et al., by deed dated Febru
ary S. 1869 , recorded in Deed Gook T. If.. No. SS, page
201, d:o., conveyed unto James S. Smith in fee; subject
to a ground rent since extinguished.'
CD- C. ; J., '64. 246 Debt Woo 81 S ou sa.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
James Sullivan Smith..JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oflice, June 22,1864. j024-St
,1 a writ of Levarl Facial ; to me directed, - will he ex
posed to public sale or venous, on TUESDAY Evening.
July 5, 1851, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, •
All that certain three-story brick messuage end lot of
hround situate on the westerly side of Fourth street one
undred and one feet seven inches southwards y from
Dimond street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing
in front on Fourth street sixteen feet, and in depth
ninety feet to Leittmow street.
Taken inaxecution under Judgment (C. C. P. M. I
303,atz.) on city claim for cartway ving ' end
to be so da s the property of Gottlieb Eisaaser.
Philadelphi • , Sheriff's Office. Jane 28;1864. joy -St
a writ of Levert Facies. to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or vendue. on TUESDAY livening, •
July .5, 194, at 4 o'clock, at Sannom-street Hall.
All that certain three-story brick mensuage and lot of I
ground situate on. the westerly side of. Fourth street
sighty-flve 'feet seven Inches southwardly from Dia
mond street, in the city of Philadelphia;
front on Fourth street sixteen feet, and DI depth ninety
feet tn.Yeltbgow street. •
Taken in execution under Judgment Co. C. P., IL
"64'310. Gratz,/ on' City claim for oartway paving, •
sand to be sold. as the property of Gottlieb Bleasser.
JOHN THOeff'SON, Sheriff,
t rhiladolphla, 0.0'6E% Oftrco, Aunt 20, /SU le4-3t
a writer Lover/ Fenian. to me directed, will be ex
posed to public rale or vendee, on TUESDAY Evening,
July 6, If/H,.at 4 o'clock. at Saneem-street Hall,
ell that certain two.atory car howler and the lot or
piece of ground whereon the same te erected described
as follows. to wit: All that certain lot or piece of ground
situate on the northeast siderof Liu:meter turnpike road.
in the Twenty fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia;
commeacing at the distance oft feed 24 inches eontbeast
of a certain atone at the corner of large lot of Which this
la a part, Fetid atone standing mar tire northeast corner
of maid laineaster avenue and Plfty-aecoed street, thence
extending north thirty-three degrees 6 minutes net on
a Nue parallel to and at the distance of 9 feet &inches
west of the face of the west wall of saki. car house 67
feet to the face of the eouth wall of said stable, thence
eolith 66 degrees 5.5 minutes east I) feet S lathes to the
aforesaid we:it wall of ear house, thence nortiLthirty7
three degrees 5 minutes east along raid car house 309
feet to Merlon avenue, thence sontb 62 degrees 25
minutes cast 'lf feet I Inch along said edition riveting to
a point, thence Routh TI degrees 5 minutts went on - a tin
parallel to and at the distance of 10 feet southeast of the
face of the southeast wall of amid car house 103 feet to
'aid Lancaster turnpike, thence by said tarnpike , north
66 degrees and 55 minutes west Si feet 5 Inches to the
place of beginning, and.marked on a certaimplan " 1);."
died of record'in said office of the District Court.
. . . .
iD. D.. 1.. 'lll. SM. Debt, 81.566.26. Ditarple, lB .3.
Taken in execution and to be sold as tho property of
The Ilentonville, Mantua, and Fairmount Passenger-
Ballroad Company, owners,. Sic.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oillee, June 21.1584.
writ or 'AVILA FRCLIIR tame directed. will be ex
posed to public sale or vendue,on TUESDAY Evening,
July 5, 11361, at 4 o' Sannom. street Hall,
All those ctrtaln [oar throe-story brick mosenages,
(two or hfeteter, and tiro on Howard street, ) and lot of
ground nitnate on the southwest corner of Kanter and
Ho:: erd /Areas, in the city of Philadelphia: containing
in front on lacier ntreet thirty-are feet, and In depth
*tit hey feet. [Which said premises Thomas H. Bedloe
et ox, by deed dated September 20, ISt% recorded la
Deed Bonk O. S ~No. 43, paste 5E9: Ac., conveyed unto-
Wesley Flavell In fee subject to it ground rent of VO.l
[D. C. ; J.. 'et 303. Debt 410,389.93. Judson. ]
Takeo in execution and to be cold as the property of
Weelcy Plavril. • JOHN TIIO3IPSON, Sherif.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Odle°, Jose 20. Wt. je22-3t
• Writ of Ventlitioni Exponae, to me dlrected,wlll be
exposed to public sale or vend cc . on TUESDAY Evening,
July 5, 1864, at 4 o'clock,. at Sanuom-street
No. 1. All that curtain mesanage and lot of ground si
tuate on the south aide of Rate street, between Fourth
and Fifth streets, In the city of Pt fladelpina: containing
in front on Race :gruel sixteen feet three inches. and in
depth eighty-live feet three inches. Bounded eastward
partly by let 80. 2, and partly by ground formerly of
Edward Garrlanes, southward by gronnd of Richard
Price, wektward by gronud of Richard. Thorn.
No. 2. A'St rip of ground lying to the eastward of No.
1: being about filly-four feet in length from Race street;
and fifteen inches wide on the south end, and sloping
from thence on the east aide to a point in the line of lot
INo 1; excepting thereone the party wall erected 011
said lot. (Which said premises Itichant Price et ax.,
by deed dated September 17, 1845, recorded in Deed
Book. A. 31., No. 70, page 222, &e. ;conveyed unto James
JacksonM. in fee: reserving a around rent of 6'330. Pay
able 22d of. February and August.)
CD. C. ; J., '64. .291 Debt. kV 50. Hopper.)
Taken In execntiou and to be sold as the property of
James St. Jackson. JURY THOSIFc•ON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oilleo, June 2e1861. je22-3i
a writ of Lovarl Faciae, to me directed, will he ex
posed to public sale or vendee. on TUEDSAY Evening,
July 5, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Eans , om-street Hall,
All that certain three-story brick tnessuage an d let of
ground situate on the east aide of Emerald street fifty
two feet six inches southward from York street, in the
city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Emerald
street fifty-one feet, Rodin depth sixty-two feet. [Which
said premises Henry Oerker et nx., by deed dated May
13. 1E66, recorded in Deed Book B. D. W.. No. 62, page
1, &c., conveyed unto Henry Imhoff in fee.]
CD. C execu t ion 244. Debt, 63,061.67: Quinn.]
Taken it and to he sold its the property of
Henry JOHN THOMPSON' Sheriff
Philadelphia. Sherlff'e 011lee.Jene 20. 1664.. ja22-3i
a writ of LevertWales, to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or vendne, on TUESDAY Evening,
July 6, IN4, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall,
All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of
ground situate on the westerly side of Fourth street
sixty-nine feet seven inches ssouthwardly from Diamond
street, in the city of Philadelphia- containing in front
on Fourth street sixteen feet, and in depth ninety feet
to Leitf'Sow street.
Taken in execution under Judgment (C. C. P. ;
I®. Gratz.) on city claim for cart way paving, and
to be sold. as the property of Gottlieb Elsasser.
_ °Tiff THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia. Sheriff's 0 ne 20, 1561. je22.3t
-a. a writ of Pale. by the Hon. John Cadvralader,
Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and
for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty,
to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest
and beet bidder. for cithh, at MICIIENER'S STORE. No.
142 North FRONT Street, on MONDAY, July Ilth,
IW, at II o'clock A. K, the cargo of the steamer Done-.
gal, consisting of hardware, white and assorted colored
paints,- whale, lard, tanners', and boiled linseed oils;
lampblack, oakum. black-lead crucibles, cotton cards.
cutlery, tin in boxes, iron, steel, pig and sheet lead.,
anvils, chains, gunny cloth, manilla rope and hawser.
sheet iron alarge averment of drags, an assortment of
photographic_materials, cigars, white and brown soap.
candles, coffee, writing paper, pens,envelopcs, euttion
etT and ink, and a quantity of shlp'es terse. .
U. B:Marshal B D. of Pennsylvania.
0 PAINT DEALERS:-FOR TA STEAK. ENGINE, strictlyl2 inches bore, &I Inches stroke, with independent
steam port variable out off, operated with governor.
Also, independent exhaust port; sectional flywheel, 12
feet in diameter; 2 plain cylinder boilers, 36 inches In
diameter, 24 feet In length, made of the best Pennsyl
vania charcoal Iron (No. 4 gauge), with close fire front,
damper, safety and check valves. Water supplied to
boiler by a • ()Ward Injector.' - Together with three
run of stones for grinding paints in oil, and one run for
grinding dry substances: also, iron paint mills: cast
iron and wooden mixers; chasers for the manufacture
of putty; a large quantity of shafting, gearing, &c.
This machinery fs of the best quality, built to order in
1561, by first-class mechanics; has b een run with great
care, at comparatively no cost for repairs, and is now
in complete running order. The wholqwill be sold low,
as the 'pate occupied by it is needed for other purposes.
For further particulars apply to
je2.3.6t N. E. cor. FOURTH and RACE Ste ,
FOR SALE. —The death of George W.. , Pearce, Esq. ,
proprietor of this paper, makes it necessary to dispose
of the establishment. In the hands era loyal, earnest,
and enterprising man, this Long -e.stablisheel journal
cannot fail to be profitable. Circulating, as it does,
extensively in a county of seventy-four thousand in
habitants, and in a Congressional and Senatorial Dis
trict of one hundred and five thousand, prominept for
wealth and intelligence, and where the Girton party at
the last Madden. had a majority of over four thousand
votes, and with a constantly increasing
di popularity and
patronage, it requires nothing but judicious manage
ment to make it a lucrative investment.
Persons contemplating a purchase should make that
fact known at once, as it le desirable to sell at the
earliest day. JOHWT. WORTHINGTON,
Administrator of. George . W. Pearce, decd.
WEST CHESSER, Pa., May 17, 1564. tnyl9- thsta if
A-fourth Floors at 234 fr MAXIM Street, through to
Church alley. • - zahS-tt
Ma. TRY RESIDENCE on BUNTING Street, above
Summit street, Darby, consisting ofl2aeres of excellent
Land, .well set with Evergreen and delicious Shade
Trees, Apple, Standard, and Dwarf Pears, Cherry and.
Peach Trees; abundance of Grapes, Lawton Blactber:
ries, and other small Fruits. A stream runs through
the lawn, furnishing abundance of ice. The buildings
consist of a three-story Dwelling. Stable, Carriage
house, Ice.honse, and other ontbuildinen; all built in
the best manner. For farther information inquire at
I`lo. 228 DOCK Street jeS-fmthtr
Jaral• lar and beantif all y situated MANSION, near the
city, butlt ge
in the most substantial manner, containing
all the modern improvements, will be sold low for cash.
Terms of payment easy.
Or a neat medium-sized ROUSE on some first-Mass
street, price fon rloseven thousand dollars, will be taken
in part payment.
Send for Farm Register.
Send for Register of Country Feats.
pas at 123% South FOURTH street::
ain FOR 'BA.L'EA BPLElttifto 001:114-
- TRY RESIDENCE, on the river Delaware, Ifi
miles from the city. near two stations, Wi acme of
land, 10 of woodland. The house is a very superior
one, with gag, bathroom, and water-closet, extensive
outbuildings, fine garden and fruit. Pamiture in
cluded in sale. For particulars inquire of James A.
Freeman. Auctioneer, or of WM. CbLIMBERLAIN,on
the premises. jali-et•
-I=llW, No. 214 Logan street west side of Logan
Square, marble front, substantially built, and most
completely arranged. Lot M feet front by 120 deep.
This is one of the most delightful sitnAtions in the city.
Immediate possession.
1513 Green street. Possession In a few Jaya.
1701 Mount Vernon street. Immediate possession.
2114 Green street... Possession soon. Price very low.
Also, a large number of Houses, in various localities.
at prices that will make a desirable investment.
Also, a large number of Farms and Cottages, at mode•
rate prices and on accommodating terms. _
B. F. GL2l4lf,
123 Sout h FOITETH Street. and.
JeW S. W. corner SEVENTEENTH and GREEN Ste.
fa LARGE AND -7 17ALVAIfftiTto.
iIwaPERTY FOR SALE.—The very large and commodi
ous LOT and BO ILDLNO, No. SOB CHERRY Street; near
the centre of business; containing 80 feet on Cherrl
street, depth lOC , feet, being 76 feet wide on the rear of
the lot, and at that width opening to a large cart-way.
leading to Cherrmtreet._ Itb adve.ctagea of
are rarely met with.
App_ly at the Oise of Christ Church Hospitak
No. 226 WALNIJ FAieet.
- -
-IT-improved Maryland FARM, containing 1,020
acres, WO acres of which are excellent timber; the bal
ance in a high state of cultivation. Situate on the
Chickstnacomico river, Dorchester county, eight miles
from the county-town ‘ Cambridge. Five sets of large
farm improvements:. Store , and Dwelling, extensive
wharf, &c. Price only f.tlii,oo3. For particulars apply
to fief ] E. PETTIT. 3iol W AT.SWP Street
(Cork Harbor.) The well-known steamers of the LI.
vorpool, New Tork,and Philadelphia Steamship Com•
Intended twsall as follows:
and every succeeding Saturday at Noon, from Pier 44,
North River.
Payable in Gold, or its equivalent in Currency.
do to London 35 00 do to Loudon.. Si CIO
do to Paris 95 CO do to Paris .... 40 00
do .to Hamburg •• 90 CO5 do to Hamburg 37 CO
Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rot
terdam, Antwerp, Sic:. at equally low rates.
Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $76,
985, $195. Steerage from Liverpool and Queenstown,
$36. Those who wish to send for their friends can bay
tickets here at these rates.
For farther information apply at the Company's
Offices. JOHN G. DALE. Agent,
le2l-tf 11l WALNUT Street. Philadelphia.
PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE, eallinefrom'eash
port on SATURDAYS, from first whits( above PIU
Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston.
The steamship NORMAN, Captain Baker, will sail.
Trent Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday. July 9, at 10
d. ,M., and steamship SAXON, Capt. Matthews, from
Boston for Philadelphia on same day, at 4 o'clock P. M.
These new and substantial steamships form a regular
line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. f
Insurances effected atone-half the premirun &aria
on the Testate.
Freights taken at fair rates.
Shippers are requested to semi Slip Receipts end Ms
Lading n•ith their goods,
For Freight or Passage (having flue accommodations)
apply to HENRY WI/MOE St CO..
• mit22-tf 3355 South DELAWARE Avenue.
WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence presented to the •
undersigned. it has been 'made to appear that THE
county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, has
been duly organized,nuderand according to the require
ments Of the act of Oengress entitled An act to pro
vide a National Currency secured by a pledge of Untied
States stocks, and to provide for the drool:Woo. and re
demption thereof." approved Februltrl26,lB63, and has
complied with all tbeprovisions oT said act required to
.be complied - with before commencing the business of
Bow therefore, T, HUGH IIIoCULLOCH. Conictroller
of the Currency, do heroby certify that THE SEVENTH
Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorised
to commence the business of Banking under the act
In testimony whereof. witness my hand and seal of
unite, this FODRYII DAY OF MAY. 1864.
(Seal or the Comptroller of the Currency.]
Comptroller of the Ontrettay.
.ro n 'EVANS & WATSON'S .
ISTORE, staantatnsa wan.
. •
At large variety of FIRE:PROOF SAFES always on
of the Philadelphia Veterinary College.
(Once N. E. nor. TWENTY-FOURTH and VINE Streets,
rilllattelPlßlt. . 1e23421.
ERRS, Nos. SU and 234 MARKET Street
Jely will be sold, by eatstonne, on fonr months'
eredlt and for cub,
—lots of staple and fancy dry goods.
No. 615 CHESTNUT and 512 JAYNE Stennis
AxIL , Roe. IRO and 141 South FOURTH Street
STOCK% LOANF, RatT,llo,ll/. &c.
To-monmer, Sth instant, at 12 o'clock, at the Etc
change. See pamphlet catalogues.
12th jell. a very large gale, by order of Orpbanr•
Court, Ditt.tet Court. executors. See 1:m11dt/ills for par
tieelai a.
Sale 241 South Sixth Street:
3nly 11, at Wo'clock, ay estate/me. at N. 24! Smith
Sixth street, the-entire bomseh old and kitchen fnrnitare.
mirrors. tapestry carpets, china and glassware, hair
mattresses. Imila...bedding, 4c.
May he examiLed at 8 o'clock on the morning of the
-a- 525 11 AREIZT sad 522 COMMERCE Streets.
On TFMRSILIY mnitNixo. July 7th
At 70 o'clock precieel will he mold by catalazne 7;ooolanes men's, boy,. anl youth kip, and' grain
brogans.balrnornle, cavalry boots, Ste. • women's,
_mimes', and children's calf, kip, gnat, and kid-heeled
boots nod oboen. gaiters, bneki ee .
Open for examination.- with -catalogue, early en• tits
morning of sale.
622 CR LSTNUT Street and 618 BENSON Street.
No. 202 MARKET Street, South Shia. above Second R.
- -
July 6th, commencing at 10 o'clock, will ho sold from eliel yes a large and general amortme et of goods. t.
which the attention of city and. country purctimers Is
Mee of Dry Goods. Trimming., Notinns, tec. every
mencing at 10 o'clock.
TIONEERS, No. 240 MARK= Street,
by catalogue,
Stay ilkb, commencing at 10 o'clock, comprising abant
400 lots eemonable and desirable goods. •
In the matter of the Ditate of THOMAS HEDDLESON.
deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to
audit, nettle, and adjust the first account of JAKE'S
HEDDLESON. executor of Thomas Heddisson. de
ceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the
hands of the accountant, will meet the parties in
terested for the purposes of his appointment, on
TUESDAY, the nth of July, A. D. ISG4. at 11 o'clock A
111,at his office, No. 731 . WALNUT Street, in the city
of Philadelphia. *AEON THOMPEON,* Auditor,
In the matter of the Eetateof ELIZA RESIINGTON,de.
The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and
adjust the account of Franck; A. Illack,Adminietratorof
the Estate of the said Eliza Remington, dee'd. and to re
port distribution of the balance to the hands of the ac
countant. will meet the parties interested forshe par
pones of his appointment on MONDAY, then th day of
July, A. D. 1861, at 11 o'clock A M . at his etc% No.
731 WALNUT Street, AARON city of Philadell.nta.
1e29-wfmikg TEloairsox. Auditor.
Trust Estate of Mrs hi. K. WILCOX; under the Will
of JOHN* HEATING, deceased.
The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle
and ad iust the Bret and final account of WILLIAM V.
HEATING and ADOLPH E. BuRIE, Trustees of Mn,
M. H. 'WILCOX, deceased, under the Will of JOHN
HEATING, deceased, and to make distribution of the
balance in the hands of the accountant. rneet the
parties interested for the purposes of his appointment.
on TUESDAY. July 12th, 1554. at 11 o'clock. A. M., M
131 Sout h FIFTH street In the city
of Philadelphia. • • GEOHGE COtiaSIB,OII
je29-wfin fit Auditor.
Ekate of JOHN WOOD, Deceased.
The Auditor appointed by the Coact to audit, settle.
and adinst the account of BURY ANN WOOD, adult.
nistratrix of John Wood, deceased, and to make distri
bution of the balance in the hands of the accountant,
will meet the parties interested for the purposea of ids
appointment, on WEDNESDAY , Inly 6, 1561, at 4
o'clock P. M., at US Smith SIXTH Street, In the city
of Philadelphia.
ie24 frmwtt H. R. WALLA6E-Anditor.
The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle,
and adjust the account of ELEANOR JACOBS and ED
deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the
bands of the accountant, will inset the parries Interest
ed for the proposes of his appointment, on THURSDAY.
Tuly 7, 1564, at 11 o'clock A. St., at his °face, southeast
corner SIXTH and WALNUT Streets, in the city of
D. W. O'BRIDDr. Aaditor
The Auditor ltipeinted by the court to audit, settle,
and adjust the of FEEDENICK C.. BRIGHTLY,
acting Executor of the last Will and. Testament of
DIARTIBI CURREN. deceased, and to. report dituribn-
Hon of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will
meet the parties interested for the parpoites of his ap
pointment on SIONDAI_, - July IL 1864, at 4 o'clock P. aL.
at his office No. 627 WALNE'r Street. . tn. the city of
Philadelphia.' 5e.111721., C.. PERKINS,
irl-fmw6t Auditor. •
Fztata of JEROME WALNErT t late of Norristown. de-
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Montgomery county, to report distribution of
the balance of the money remaining in the • hands of B.
F. HANCOCK, Esq., trustee of the estate of said dece
dent to and among. those legally entitled to the same,
hereby gives noticathat be will attend to the duties of
his appointment at his office on SWEDE Street, in the
Borough of Norristown, on FRIDAY, the 22d day or
July, 1564. Idß/o'clock A. N. , when and wbora all per
sons interested are required to attend.
Auditor. .
374.12,194 e
- -
Notice is hereby given that 1, the subscriber, haie ap
plied to the court aforesaid to make an order a-hereby
the estate and effects which, after the making thereof I
may acquire. may for seven years thereafteribe exempt
ed from execution for any debt contracted, or cause of
action existing prior to my late discharge as an insolvent
debtor. Tie time and place fixed for the hearing of said
s t iglaa a t , if Ab i : s et ti V s tAt it o . 'clock ,at
ABRAHAM 11.13YERS. Civil Engineer,
je27-mtamets. - 2219 COATES Street.
Estate of WILLIAM McGt,ENSIY, deceased.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the widow of said
decedent has filed in said Court her petition and an ap
praisement of the personal estate which she elects to re
tain under the act of April 14th, 1851, and the supple
ments thereto and the same will be approved by said
Court, on FRIDAY, the Fifteenth day of Jnly, A. D.
1861, at 10 o'clock A. DI., unless exceptions be Hied
thereto. JOSEPH F. MARCHE,
la -Wm • • "7 . . T. W. Ow
Estate of R. OAS:FORD, Deceased.
The Auditor appointed by. the Court to audit, settle,
and adjust the account of WILLIAM D. OA.KPOED,
Administrator of R. OAK - FORD, deceased, and to make
&stein:lion of the balance in the hands of the account
ant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of
his appointment on TUESDAY, Julyl2. 1f764. at 11
o'clock, A, Al., at his Office, No. .129 WALNUT Street,
in the City of Phlladelphia.
je3E•thstrffit s JOSEPH F. MARCER, Auditor.
Estate of BENJAMIN CROZIER, deceased.
The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, eqtlel,
and adjnet the accoontof MARY H. CROZIER. Adminie
tratrix c. t. a. of the Estate of Benjamin Crozier, de
ceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the
hands of the accountant, will meet the parties inte
rested, for the purposes of his appointment. on TOES
DAY, July 12th, at 4 o'clock P. M., at the oWce of
Samuel F. Flood. per. No. 810 South Farm Street,
in the city of Philadelphia.
JeSO-tketna s JOUR szALLCROSS, Auditor.
. E LminorA.. -
The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle.
and adjust the account of HENRY W. AREY, guardian
of the estate of MARY QUINCEY ALLEN, a minor, and
to report distribution of the balance in the hands of said
accountant. gill meet the parties interested. for the
purposes or his aPPointiteut. on WEDNESDAY, Jul!
13th. 1E64, at Co'clock. Af ,at his office, No. 507
RACE Street, in the city of Philadelphia. jy2.stuthst.
the estate of JOSEPH POLLOCK, late of the city
of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted to the
undersigned, all persona indebted to the said estate are
requested to make payment, and those having claims
against the came, to present them without delay. to
mySO-m6t* Administratora,lsl7 SUMNER Street.
-A-1 CLAIR, late of the borough of WEST CHEM%
Chester county, Pa., deceased.
To ELIZABETH SINCLAIR, widow of the said dece
'dent, now residing in the State of California, the said.
Elizabeth being, with others, an heir and legal repre
sentative of the said Samuel Sinclair. deceased. and to
all others interested in the O
estate of said decedent.
Thal an Inquest will beheld and taken on MONDAY,
the 10th day of JITLII, A. D. 1851, at 10 o'clock A. M. at
the premises late or the said Samuel Sinclair, deceased,
marked No. 1, in the writ of inquest is-sued by the Or
ship,u of said county, situate in Pocopsou town
being a 'peonage and tract of land, bounded by
lends of John Entriken, Samuel Taylor, Joseph Dar
lington, and others, and containing about two hundred
and forty acres (240), more or loss.
Also, Lot No. 2 A lot and messusge situated in the
village of Hamel - ton, in the township of Kennett,bouud
ad. by lands of Sarah Taylor, Bowman Taylor, and
others, and containing about five thousand square feet
(5,(110 sq. ft ), more or less; for the purpose of making
partition of said real estate to and among the heirs and
legal representatives of said decedent, if the same can
be done without prejudice to or spoiling the whole,
otherwise to value and anomie(' the same according to
law, at which time and place you are hereby notified to
attend if yon think proper.
Sheriff's Oilice,West Chester,Pa.,Jane 25. A. D. L.SAi.
NroTicE.—lN THE eommoN PLELB
RACHEL MICHEL. by Ler next friend, Joinv
GER vs. DANIEL kIICHEL. Sur Libel is Divorce.
To Daniel hilehal, respondent above named:
--WHsaitts.upon the petition or libel of the said Rachel
Michel, by her next fnend, John Afauser,above named,
subpcona being awarded by the Court of Common
Pleas of said county—a subpoena issued out of said
Court—tested the 14th day of November,A. D. 1863,
commanding you, the said Daniel Michel. to be and *to-
Pear at the then next regular terta of said Court, to show
cause, if any you have, why the said libellant should
not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony which she
bath contracted with you, agreeably to the prayer of
said petition: and whereas, upon the return of said
subpoena, duo proof was made that you could not be
found or served with the same In the bailiwick of the
Sheriff of said county: whereupon an alias subecena
was awarded by the said Court, tested the 2d day of
February, A. D. 1564, commanding you to be and ap
pear at the then next regular term of said Court, to an
swer, &c.. as aforesaid, to which the same return was
made by the said Sheriff. Tort are, therefore, hereby
required to be and appear on,lthe SrstMay of the next
regular term of said Court, to be held at out Chester
for said county, on the SECOND BIONDAr in AUGUST
next, 1664. to answer the Complaint aforesaid.
REES WELSH, Sheriff.
SHERIFF'S OFFICE, West Chester, June 23, A. D. ISSI.
A new FRENCH COSMETIC for beautifying, whiten
ing, and preserving she coreplexion. It is the moat
wonderful compound of the age.. There is neither
chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor talc In its com
position, it'betnzr composed entirely or pure Virgin
Wax hence Its extraordinary qualities for preseyythg
the skin, making It soft, smooth, fair, and transparent.
It makes the old appear Tonna, the homely handsome,
the handsome more beautiful, and the moat beautiful
divine. Price 25 and 60 cents. Prepared only by HUNT
& CO., Perfumers. 41 South EIGHTH Street,ttro doors
above Cheatuut, and 133 South SEVENTH Street,abovs
Walnut. JeTI-Sna
O TAN SKIN. —Pats de Toilet Pratte:6W (French
Toilet Paste),
_for tusamelling the shin, hiding amall-pox
m om, w rinkles, burns, soars, &e.., without injury to
the most delicate complexion. Its effect,e are truly
OW. Sold in jam. prica one dollar, with directions for
sae. HUNT & CO., Proprietortt. South EIGHTH
Street, two ticors above Chastaut.and, 133 &SEVENTH
StreA. myl2-24