TnE n ANDSOMS6T ASSORTMENT OP STRAW, FkLT, I-\(l other Hats can bo purchased of Charles Oakford USons, 884 and 838 Chestnut atroot—Oontlnontal .ilotoi, Soft .Kbit Hats, or the finest quality and In tho largest variety of stylos, at Wnrburton’s, Ohostnut itroot, next door to tho Tost Office. OAUTIOK,—AII persons aro cautioned against ransaettng any business on our account with D. 11. iullook, as ho is no longer In our employ. SiEAitvs & Haskins, . ■ Falrmount Hide Works. Phils., June 18,1884. jelB-3t* •'Stock, on Pooickt” Hats, of fine felt and choice cassimoros, at Warburton's, Ohostnut street, next door to the Post Odlee. Corns, Bunions, Inverted Nails, Enlarged Joints, and nil diseases of tho foot, cured without toainor inconvenience to the patient, by-Drs. Zaclm friQ & Barnett, Surgeon Chiropodists, D2l Ohostnut /Street, Borer to physicians and surgeons or tho folly. tf Stk aw Hats.—Ail the nowest and best stylos at Vnrburton's, Ohostnut street, noxt door to tlio Post mice. ■ SPECIAL NOTICES. The Gift to Mrs. GexebajvMeade, hi run n a nit or Towns ham,. A aolile gratilmlo did move Our citizens, of favored lot, When they to-galluut Meade would prove That Gettysburg was not forgot. Upon the soil which he did save From the ravages of rebel hate, A mansion, well adorned, thoy gave Unto the hero’s gentle mate. May Meade himself there come to dwell. Through pearefnt years, when strife ts done, And often of our couliicis tell, And how the prize, at last, we won. That lionse a priceless legacy ■ Shall he to those vi lio boar hia name, . ■, For aye a monument ’t will bo : DC their renowned forefather's fame. And, apropos of this I'll say, lhirents aad guardians, unto you, i You should your .stusatd wards array I In woll-made clothing, uoat and new. * Whether tho J«d be yet a child, Or grown to manly stature tall, You’ll find be fitting garments pUej| J In vast amount, at Tower Hall- . i Tho Ifirpwt and bevt n?sortment of Clothing iu Phila delphia-alway* on baud, which is kept full and fresh by large daily addition*. TOWER lIALt,, sis AtARKET Street, It . BENNETT & GO. A Prefect 'Hair Phesbixo and Re- A. STONER OF COLOR COMBINED—JfO DYE. B. Baldness is sure to be prevented. <5. Cleanses the scalp from alUmpurities, D. Dry, harsh made soft and glossy. E. Eruptive diseases, scurf, dandruff, Ac,, cured. F. For the toilet, nothitg so elegant. G. Crßy hairs positively restored without dyeing. H. Hundreds of families in tills city are using it. I. It is not a dye, aod only one preparation. K. Known as the only restorer and dressing. ‘‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.’ * "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. " * 1 Loudon Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. 1 ' READ THIS CERTIFICATE. I am happy to add iny testimony to the great value of tho '' London Hair Color Restorer, ” which restored my iialr to its original dark color, and the hue appears to jbe permanent. lam satisfied that the preparation is nothing like ft dye, but operates upon the secretions. It is »l?o a beautiful hair dressing, and promotes tho growth. I pm-chased the first bottle from Edward B. Cariisnes, Brnggiv, Tenth and Coates streets, who can also testify my hail- was very gray when I com 3nencud itsusp. HRS. MILLER, No. 730 North Ninth, street, Philada. : Such feriinu*tiy is daily received from all sections of thecountry. Onr Wale wili satisfy any one that it Is entirely diU'erent and vastly superior to all other hair Drepar&tiona. Price, 75 cents-; $4 the half dozen. Sold fcy Dr. SWAYNK & SOS, 330 N. SIXTH Street. It The Ili/ostbated Phbenologioat, JOURNAL, for July.—Volume 40 begins with a Double Humber, now ready, c.mnuuing Portraits, Characters, and Biographies of leading men, living ami dead, such as HANCOCK, SEDGWICK, WADSWORTH, HAW THORN, MURTLT.O, President of Colombia, S. A., the DYING GLADIATOR, with Portraits, Characters, and Biographies. Also, ETHNOLOGY, or tho Races? PHY' BIOLOGY, tie laws of Life and Health. PHRENO LOGY, with choice of Pursuits. PHYSIOGNOMY, or 4< Signsof Character.” PSYCHOLOGY, the Science of the Soul, ami much other matter, to be found in no other publication, it is a handsomely Illustrated monthly, with ninety-six columns of rich reading matter. Newsmen have it. Sold at 20 cents, or. $2 a year, by FOWLER k WELLS, No. 389 BROADWAY, N. Y., and J. L. CAPEN, No. 33 South TENTH Street, ,aboya Chestnut, Philadelphia. jelS>2t&W2t iDEAF Made to Hean.—lnstruments assist the Hearing, at P, MADEIRA’S, 115 S. TENTH Street, below CHESTNUT. jel4-ot* -r G 186& : —-B. New York, April 18,1864. We respectfully invite your attention te and conside ration of tbe justly celebrated and reliable remedy for Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Debility, and Prostration. The proprietors are proud to acknowledge the success which has attended the sale of their valuable preparation, known iu nearly every portion of the civilized world as the "GOLDEN BITTERS.” We risk nothing when we term them a valuable pre paration, for they are one of the few-articles of the present day which are not a humbug; and we .are wil ling and able to satisfy any person or persons who will call upon us, that the celebrated “Golden Bitters” are A genuine, bona jide- hygienic article. It is the wish of the proprietors that the virtue of the article be tested be fore condemning. A decision of their merits by anyone Who has tried them is worth a million of purchased bogus testimonials. For creating a healthy APPETITE they are invaluable, and are unequalled as a TONIO. They are mild in their action, and operate in giving vigor and strength to the system—not by any change they produce in tbe solids, but through the medium of the living principle. They are purely VEGETABLE, being composed of Gentian Root, Cadamus, Sassafras, and many other remedial agents of the Vegetable world, all preserved in Jamaica Rum and Sherry Wine. AS A BEVERAGE they are the most wholesome* invigorating, andjpafa tahle stimulant ever offered to the public. And the fact of their being prepared chemically acd^sclentideally precludes tbe possibility of a bitter, unpleasant taste, common to Bitters tenerally offered for sale. We es pecially recommend them to LADIES, and particularly to those suffering from Debility, Weakness, and Pros tration. Half a wine glass of these “Bitters” three or four times a day will produce a remarkable healthy change in persons greatly debilitated. The “Golden Bitters” have been tried and not found wanting. They are put up in onr own patent quart bottles, and for sale by Druggists, Grocers, &c., throughout the world. Bach bottle boars a fan simile of the signature of Hub* bel & Co. GEO. C. HUBBEL k CO., Sole Proprietors, Hudson, N. Y.; Central Depot, American Ex. Building, NewYorkiE. G. BOOZ, Agent, Philada. jeG-iw Hoyt’s Hiawatha Hair Restorative. HOYT’S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE.. HOYT’S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE? HOYT’S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT’S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. ; In Longfellow’s Poem Hiawatha was adjudged to have conferred the greatest boon on his tribe because he brought to its notice corn. Every one will admit that our preparation is W orthy of its name, fortho bene fits it confers when it is known. WHAT THE HIAWATHA DOES. : It restores Ifaded and gray hair and whiskers to their original color. It brings up the natural shading of one hair with another, thus giving the hair a perfect life appearance, bo that'the most critical observer cannot detect its use. It makes harsh hair soft and silky, stops its falling out, cleanses it and the 3caip from all impu rities, is aB readily applied and wiped from tho skin as any hair dressing, and entirely overcomes the bad ef fects of previous use of preparations containing sulphur, sugar oflead, &e. . Tbe proprietors of tbe Hiawatha published the follow ing challenge to teat in the New York dailies three Weeks, which WAS NEVER ACCEPTED JjQ t BOme well known and disinterested persona ap point one to the proprietor of each preparation for the hair to bring up the color. Every proprietor to use no thing but his own preparation, and the person nothing also during the test. A certificate of the result to be widely published at the expense of the unsuccessful competitors. Sold ovary where. JOSEPH HOYT & CO., 10 University Place, New York. Hair Dye I Hair Dye i t BATCHELOR’S celebrated HArR DYE tithe Beat in the World. The-only Harmless, True, andße liable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect— changes Rod. Rusty, or Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Stuck or Natural Brawn, without injuring the Hair or Stalling the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring Ub pristine color, and rectifies the ill effectsof bad Dyes. The genuine is signed' "William .A. Batchelor; all others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, Sic . FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street, Hew York. Batchelor’s new Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. jy3Q-ly One-Pbtce Clothing, of the Latets JSTTLBS, made la the Boet Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES, LOWEST Soiling Prices marked -in Plain Figures. Ml Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our Okb-Prick Svhtem is strictly adhered to. All are thereby heated alike. de23-ly JOKES it CO., GO-1 MARKET Street. Colgate’s Honby Soaf. This celebrated TOILET SOAP, in such universal de mand, is made from the CHOICEST materials, is MILD and EMOLLIENT In Us nature, FRAG RANTLY SCENT ED, and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL in itsacttoa upon the Skin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers. .. . . fe2B-iaihaly . Family Sewing, Embroidering, Braid- INO, Quilting, Tucking, &c., beautifully executed on the GROVER & BAKER SEWrNG MACHINE. Ma ahines, with operators, by or week, 730 CHESTNUT Street apd-stuthßm Bteinway & Sons, For sale only at FIAKOS. Mason BTECH & CO.'S CABINET 0 B 0 AN S ST2CE & C0.,8 SEVENTH |The Popular CLOTniNa House of Phila. “OAK HALL.” .I/.',; - Best-class goodß at moderate prices. WaNAMAKER & BROWN, 8. B. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Custom Department (to make to order) No. 18. Sixth at. Wheeler & Wilson’s Highest Premium LOOK-STITOH SEWING MACHINES, THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST. gfttaiwms* TOA CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh* BROWN—WILBOURN.—On tho 10th inataut, by the Rev. m. Johnson Alston, Mr. Wm. A. H. Brown to WlUxmrn, both of this city. * %FBTHEK.STON—MoILVAIN.-On the 16th Inst., by theßjghtLov. .T.T. Wood, Bishop of Philadelphia, at the residence of the bride's father. 'Ferdinand L. Fa. therston to Einolio G., daughter of Francis Melivntu, nil of this city. * GAW. —At tlie United States General Hospital, Wash- D. C., on the isth Inst., of wounds received While charging tho rebel works at Cold Harbor, Ro bert P. Gaw,of the ‘-'id Regiment, P. V., son of R. M. Gnw, of this city, * KIKK.—Cn the 17th iust . Anna. M., wife of William S. Kirk, in the Bfith year of hor ago. Her frieuds amt relatives aro invited to attend lior funornl, at West Chester, ou Second day, the 20tU lust., atSoVloek. * AVKiciiT.-Ou the morning of tho 17th inst., Caleb S. W mhf, ui tho 51st year of Jus noe.* The relatives and triends of the family, also the members of Montgomery Lodge, No. ]9, A. V. M., tho officers and members of the Grand Lodge, aro invited to attend hi* funeral from his late residence, No. 052 ft treQt, onMonday, 20th Last.,at 1 o’clock. 1 r*ri.LiPS.—At ChesapoakoHospital, Fortress Mon l'P e ' \ &,i 11, ISCi; Lieutenant Jonathan J. Phil lips, Co. D , Gib Va. Cavalry, aged 2d roars aud 11 months, son of John L. and Agnes H. Phillips amt grandson ol Jonathan Jones, ex-sheriii'of Chester county. llit friends and Ihoso of the family are respectfully invited to attend hi* funeral from the rcsidouno of his father, hear the GreonTree, on Tuesday morning, the 21st ar. hulf-piist lOo'clock. •■'***. * DiXCY.— On tho morning of-tlwTTth instant, Captain Thomas Dixcy, in the 77th year of Ills ago. The friends of the family aro respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 14301 Gtoca street, ou Second-day at 2 o’clock, the 23th in stant. , BREAK.—On the 16th instant, Mark Brea* in the 73tli year of Ids ago. The relftt'.vo? and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from his Into residence, No. 624 fcemth Washington Square, on Seventh day, at 10 o'clock. ** JONES.—On tho lGth instant, Margaretta. Worrell, youngest daughter of Augustus C. and Harriot Jones, in theHmt year ot her ago. • •.# . The relatives and friends of tho famllr are respectfully invited to attend tho funeral, from the residence of hor father, Market street, above Forty-second, West Phila delphia, ou Mouday, 20tU instant at 2 o’clock. .***.- SLOAN.—Snddenly. ou tho I,sth instaut, Caroline, wife of Henry Sloan, In the 54th year of hor age. The frtonds of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from the residence of hor husband, (Darby,) on Saturday, June ISth, at 2P. M. To proceed to woodland Cemetery. T»LACK MOUSSELWE PE LAINBS, All-wool Moussalincs, single widths. All-wool Mousselines, double widths. AB-MOol Monssolines, two yards wide. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, : je3o-tf No. 018 CHESTNUT Street. T7XTBA ATTENTION TO STBAN JLJ GERS during the sanitary fair. Full stock of FANCY GOODS. ' FulUtock of STAPLE GOODS. Full stock of SUMMER SHAWLS. Fall stock of BLACK SILKS. v. EYRE & LANDELL, je? ARCH Strent. first cox oreg atiak a t V&s* CHURCH, FRANKFORD Road and MONTGO MERY Avenue, Rov, D. L GEAR, pastor. SABBATH, 10>£ A. M. and 721 P. M. Subject-" Tho -Fall of Jeilcho. ’-' it? . K®” CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL »»», CHURCH.—Rcr. HENRY U. MOORE, of Port land, Me., will preach at CONCERT HALL, TO-MOR ROW. at 10}* A. M. and S i\ M. 'i Uo public are cor dially invited. It* ARCH-STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. —Preaching TO-MORROW EVE NING, til S o’clock, by Roy. N. W. CONKLING. It* ra* 8 ' CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN »3S» OIUJKCH, LOCUST Street.—Preaching TO MORROW, by Row WOLCOTT CALKINS, Pastor elect, at wU A.M.andSP. M. It* ira® CHURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, WW SPRING GARDEN Street, below Proad.—Rew Dr. CARDEN will preach TO-MORROW, atIOLJA. >L and S"P, 31. Subject in the evemug—“ Man Judged by tlie Inner Life. •’ Young men invited. It* ■ Ira 3 ’ SERMON TO THE YOUNG- Subject, "Courthhip.By Rev. S. M. LAN DIS, 3L D., Pastor First Chrisiian Church, covnerTIHRTEE>TH and GIRARD Sts. .TO-MORROWA at 1% P. 31. Seats free. All invited. It* ra s3 SIVIiDESBORUXAX-RET. B. F. BARRETT will preach at the New Church Tem pie, BROAD Street, below Green (corner Brandywine), TO-MORROW CORNING, at 10# o'clock. Subject— * * The True Object of Worship. Public invited. It* 05®*“- TMB: tOST COIN.—A. CI'JAUK, ® sy -* - 'Juniov Pantor, on this subject, at ELEVENTH and-WOOD Streeta, SABBATII, Rf . : Rev. Mr. MITCHELL, Pastor of the Coates-street Presbyterian Church, by exchangewith Mr. Clark, at 3# P. M. All invited. It* KS* ST. MATTHEW'S LUTHERAN Clltl-ECH, NEW Street, below Fourth, between Race and Vino.—Preaching by the pastor. Rev. E. W, BUTTER, TO-MORROW (Sunday) MORNING, services commencing at half past 10 o’clock. Evening service commences at S o’clock. It . 85®“ CHUttCJI OF THE COVENANT, FILBERT Street, above Seventeenth. —Divine service .TO-MORROW (Sunday) at 10JS A. M. Sermon by the rector. .In The evening at S o’clock the cause of the Philadelphia .Tract Society will be presented, and addresses made by the several clergymen. H* KW* 1 PHILADELPHIA TRACT AND MISSION SOCIETY-.-—'The fifty-ninth meeting, in behalf of this Society, will beheld in the Church of the Covenant. FILBERT Street, above Seventeenth, bn SABBATH.EVENING,-19th lost., at S o’clock. Rev. W. T. Sabine, Rev. J. W. Hears, Rev. J. H. Crowell, and Rev .TeSaull, will take part in the exercises. Tract distributors and friends to the cause are invited .to attend. It* USION M. E. CHURCH, FOURTH Street, below ARCH. SABBATH, JUNE 19tk. ■ Rev. WILLIAM MAJOR will preach at 10>& o’clock Rev. C. A. HEISLEY at 8 o’clock P. M. PRAYER MEETING at 7 o’clock. . . Strangers cordially invited to all the services. It* TWE IFT.H - STR E ETj M. E. ■£33* . CHURCH.—;A meeting of the Schools and Con gregation, on behalf of tho Christian Commission, will be hold in the Church, corner TWELFTH umkOGDRN Streets, TO-MORROW, at 2H P.M. Gov. POLLOCK,- Rev. Dr. HALL, of Ovrego, N. Y. , Col. G. H. SICKBL, aud the Pastor, Rev. M. .D. KURTE, will address the meeting.. The publlcand the friends of the Commission are cordially invited to attend. it* A PUBLIC MEETING US BE HALF OF THE UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION will be hold in the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, BUTTONWOOD below Sixth street, (Rev. T. J. Shepherd’s,) TO-MORROW (Sabbath) EVENING, at a quarter to eight o’clock. Rev. T. J, Shepherd, the'pastor, will preside and ad dress the, meeting:. : Addresses-may also be expected from Rev. S. H Ball. D. D., of Owego, N. Y:, who is juit up from Bermuda Hundred, whore he has beeu laboring as a delegate of the Connnhsiou. Al.-so, from Surgeon Parker, of Ithaca, N. Y. t and .Rev. Wm. Ster ritl, of this city, both of whom have been iu the Army during the late battles as delegates of the Commission. A collection will be taken. - ; It SOXS OF NEW EKGLMD IX PENNSYLVANIA —A quarterly meeting of tho Society will be.held on TUESDAY, the2lst fust., at B o'clock P. MV, at ihe Rooms of Prof. Kendall, THIR TEENTH and LOCUST Streets. JaS. B. aLVORD, . jelg-3t* Secretary. SFJKSTUAEIS3IT.—E. JUDD PAR DIE, a Medium, will lecture at Sansem-stroet Hall, on SUNDAY, HtlO&A. M., and S P. M. Admis* siou live cents It* X 'O TICE —THE PEUFOR3U.W IkS? and Contributing Members of the Handel aud Flnvdn bocieiy aro invited to moot on TUESDAY EVE NING, June 21, at the Rehearsal Room, N. E. coruor EIGHTH aud SPRING GARDEN Street*?. gjj,ielS-stu2t* • V - K, F. STEWART, Secretary. AT A STAT£I> SIEBTOG OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE MAG DALEN SOCIETY, held THIS DAY, (June 15th.) tho following Preamble and Resolutions were adopted: Whereas, It appears from a communication received from the Trustee s, under the will of HANNAH PARKE, deceased, that they have donated the sum of three hun dred dollars to this Society, which lias been paid to our Treasurer; and whereas the Board desire to testify their gratitude to tbe Trustees for their kind remembrance of us: Therefore — Hesolvtui, That the thanks of the Board be, and they are hereby tendered to Anthony P. Morris, JoshuaH. Morris, and Thomas WUiiatnp, Sr. Resolved, That a copy of the above Preamble and Re solutions be forwarded to the parties named, signed by the Chairman and Secretary on our .behalf. ; [Extract from Minutes of the Board, of Managers of the Philadelphia Magdalen Society. 3 . Philadelphia, June 15, Ififil. - -AMBROSE WHITE, Chairman. WiLLtAK Purvis, Secretary. It* IKS* NOTICE —THE PHI UADEUPIHA *J»-' MEDICAL ELKCTROPATFfIC INSTITUTE, N. E. corner of FIFTEENTH aud CHERRY Streets, will be re-opened on MONDAY, Junc2oth. - It*: ■ -THOMAS ADMIT AO S. STATE CENTRAL COJIHITiEE.- The members of the STATE CENTRAL COM MITTEE wi'l meet for organization at A o'clock P. M., on WEDNESDAY, July 6th,at the house of the CHAIR MAN, in HARRISBURG, Pa. By order of jel7-ijyG . . SIMON CAMERON, Chairman. OFFICE OF THE PEESTON COAL 9W AND IMPROVEMENT CO. DIVIDEND NOTICE.-The*Board of Dircctorsof the Preston Coal and improvement Company have this day declared a QUARTERLY DIVIDEND OF TWO AND ONK-HALF PER CENT, from tbe not earnings, payable on tbe 3th of July next to parties whose names are re gistered as the holders on tie books of the Company, at. the close of business on the 30th day of June, instant. Transfer books close on that day and open on the sth day of July. Dividends due Stockholders in Now York and Boston will be remitted by mail or express when requested. . HENRY B. MOORE, jtflS-stnih tjylQ . Secretary, £2®= GREAT CENTRAL FAIR—ORES V 25? DAILY, from 10 o’clock A. M. to 10 o’clock P. ftl. SEASON TICKET’S, admitting to all parts but ChUd rtn’s Exhibition > .. ..$5 DO Single admiKtien.... go {Childrenunder 13 years half price.) ; This admits to 81 out of the 90 departments represented In the Fair, and to much more than three-fourths of the entire space covered by the buildings. Certain departments, nine innumber, containing ar ticles chiefly for exhibition, and not for sale, have been permitted to cb&rgo a separate price of admission, as follows: Art Gallery. 25 cents.: Armsacd Trophies.... 3*l cents. Horticultural Department...... • ••* 23 cents. Kelics and Curiosities. 20. cents. ludian Department. 23 cents, Signor Blitz’s perf0rmance5.................... 23 coats. Children.. ........ 15 cents. William Penn Par10r.......... 10 cents. Skating P0nd........... 10 cents. Divan 10 cents. Bali R00m... 10 cents. je9-tf HORACE HOWARD FURNESS. . AUCTION.—FIXE ART UAUUEUY —CHEAT CENTRAL FAIR.-Will be sold- at PTIRJJC AUCTION, in the ART GALLERY, WED* KESDAY, JUKE 22, beginning at S o’clock la the KVB* NINQ of that day (find the succeeding Evetiiagvif ns eet'sary), the.FiOTURE**, STATUARY, and other Works of Art, not previously sold at private sale, contributed as gifts for thcbenefitof the SaNTTaRY COMMISSION. Many very valuable works will be fouud among those to* be offered, and all interested in their pitrchase.are earnestly requested to attend on the evenings of sale. On the above Evenings there ivllj be no admittance to the Gallery between the hoars of5K and 7. At? o’clock the entrance door from tlio Horticultural Department, and the middle door on Vine street, wilt bo opened. Titkets 00 cents. No Season or Committee Tickets will beudiHiited Tbeabove rest?iction i« necessary to pre vent the Gallery from being over crowded by ihose not interested in the sale. fc. Catalogues in a fewllaya / ■ , Artists, Amateurs, and others, are requested to send to the Art Gallery; previous to the Auction Sale, noy further donations they raay bo willing to oifer, so that the sum to bo received from the sale of Works of Art imiy be increased to the lareest possible amount. jel?-Gt _> OHACE HOWATtD FDRKKdS, Seo’y. ft^ 53 A»T CAwiiiY —OK EAT * A. M.; until JO A. AL, .Every Day cluricg the continuance of the Fair, (Sundays ex cepted), to enable connoisseurs aud others to view the works of Art without being incommoded by the crowds tb&t unii'oldftbly fill the gallery daring the public hours of the day. Admission— ONE DOLLAR, which admits to Vander lyn's Ariadne, but gives no tight to pass the doors lead leg to other parts of tbo Fair. je!6 9t PIANOS, ‘ rASIUS BROS., tBSTNUT Street. V Pianos. ft?FJ€EOFTIIEWESmOItELANI> (JOAL COMPANY, No, 230 South THIRD fctrect, corner of WILLING'S Alley. t . . ;■ PPJf.ADKI.PHIA, JUUOlfi, 18G1, At,'injectingof the Director of the WESTMORELAND COAL OoMPaNY held.this day, a DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER CENT, on tho capital stock was declared out of too profits for the past six months, payable oa and aflor duly 3, 1854. - • Tho Transfer Books will be closed until Juty 2d next. jel7-14t p fl. JACKSON, Treasurer. tdsr* WBROKA7«TO , T : W 3& COAL. COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, 6t CEDAR Street. Nbw York, June 10, 186 L hereby given that, pursuant to a resolu tion of the Board of Directors, an. instalment of TWEN TY PER CENT, on the subscription to tho Capital Stock of the SOMERSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA be, and hereby is, made payable to JAMES Treasurer ofaaid Company, onor before the 18th day of July next. : jol3*tjylB Attest: T. M. TYNG, Secretary, DIBD. PniLAmcLPHiA, June 13,1551. SPECIAL NO'ICE SPECIAL NOTICE. a’liE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, TICKETS FOR SINGLE ADMISSION GO CTS. SEASON TICKETS may he had at Tin; eou.owin’g peaces: THE OFFICE OF THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, 1333 CHESTNUT STREET. Tho Presbyterian House, 1831 Chestnut street. Charles DtiSHver, 1229 Chosinul street. John Marsh, 1102 Cheetuui street. C. M. Burns, Dll Chestnut streot. Presbyterian Board of Pnbllcfttion, S2l GhestnutelrflOt. G. W. Pitcher, SO3 Chestnut street. McAllister & Bro., 728 Cheatmit street. Ash aicad & Evans, 724 Chenlnut streot. Johnßislcy, Continental Hotel. Lee & Walker, 722 Chestnut street. J. E. Could, Seventh mid Chestnut streets. W. S. & A. Marlten, 6(W Chestnut stroet. T. B. Pugh, Sixth and Chestnut streets. Moss & Co., m Chestnut street. John afcKnight, 41. l Chestnut street. T. B. reterson & Bros., 806 Chestnut street. W. B. Zieber, KG South Third street. Lindsay & Blakiston, 25 South Sixth street- Perkrapine & Higgins, 66 North. Fourth street. . ' Smith, English, & Co., 23 North Sixth street. Methodist Book Depository, 119 North Sixth streot. Lutheran Publication House,’ 42 North Ninth street. , Amerieau Baptist Publication Society, 630 Arch street H. H. Henderson k Co., 52S Arch street. George C. Bower, Sixth and Vine. Joseph G. Aimer, 15S North Tenth street. Djh lleilig, S. E. corner Ridge avernte and Spring Garden street. J. T. Hufual, Nineteenfti and Green streofs. ; A, ll, Horter, Twentieth and Green streets.: .V' HOEACE HOWARD FURNESS, ggp= j>F,i'Aiira E.vt op Aommi’c- HAL MACHINERY. CENTRAL BAIR, sournwest, cokuek .ov fair bijildes-qs, Farmerß visilinic tlie Fair are respectful] v reaaeated to ex-ttlDtue the AOIIICULTBKAI. IMFLEJIESTSr The asaortmsat la full, each article of oootl aiiatlty, ami the prices as lorr aa they cau he had elaerr hero. Please bar at the Fair, and help onward the cause. DAVID LANDKETJI, . CHAIRMAN.' iCSf” THE GREAT GISTRAI. FAIR— OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE OJf LAEOH. fK- 'REVEKDE, Ko. US. South SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia. The UKdersigiied, Treasurer of tliis Committee, ac huowiedves iho receipt of the following subscriptions ior tho last three dnvs: Per J. E. Gracif, Fstj , Chairman: .From Committee on Coal, perE. Portia, Esq., Treasurer, iirM remittance....... $20,000 00 See items in “ Special Acknowledgment” in sf7*c Frw of Thursday last and pro \iouiiy. Per 11. 11. Muhlenberg; Esq., Heading, Berks county, Penn5y1vania.............. 2,01201 Seeilom.sin‘‘Special Acknowledgment*’ in U. -8. Gaze.lie, Thursday. Per .T. S. Serrill, Chairman, Piubv: From Maonfaetnrersand others at and in the yieinUy of Chester, remitted by Abm. K. Perkins, Esq.. . 2;223 41 Collected ‘by Mrs. Samuel B. Thomas, front Ladhsof Media, Delaware county 50 00 Collected l>y Juntos Barton, froin citizens of Middletown, Delaware c0unty............. 30 10 Per John J. Ifrock, Esq., Pbylestowo, : Bucksconniv: CollectedinWarwick township ~ $4OOO I©. Warminster do. ........ .7 SO Do. Northamptondo..... 15 20 - - Do. . Doylestowa do. 2CO , Do. Bristol do.. 257 65 Do. Bensalem do; 60 From citizens of Morrisville, remitted by Mrs. J. Taylor and J. Corlios, Committee..... SO 00 Total t'romßucks connty,2d remittance--- 1,073 75 Per Volunteer Committee, Paper Hangiug Trade, Mr. Hosser, Treasurer: From sundry person* in ti o business........ 330 00 Howell & firm her*?, Ninth and Chestnut.... 500 00 Einployeesdf do.. Ninth and Chestnut....... 54 50 Employees of do., Nineteenth and Howell.. 98 60 Employees of do., Eleventh and Catharine, [total, $1,053 503.. 7190 -Per John M. Kiley, Chairman: Employees ofßeeovderof Deeds Offlce.Phila. 33 00 Horace Bonham,Assessor.and assistants, 15th - Distnct, lork, Penna.... 00 GO From the Military Storekeepers, Clerks, In- . speclore,and other employees at the Schuyl kill Arsenal, per-George W. Martin....... 824 58 For list of principal contributors,see “Spe cial Acknowledgment’ 5 iu “ (T. S. Ga rs/fc,’’ Thursday. Per Mr. John George, collected iu Lebanon, Lebanon Township, and North Lebanon-- 524'09 See items in. “ Special Acknowledgment “ in the "Evening Telegraph'' of Thurs day. -• ( . Wm. Colt, P. M., %1.60: Minnie Moore, $l.. 260 L Doggett, P. W. D. Bell,P. M.,*2- 3 00 w. o. Ban 1 * " ■ w j 1 * ■** - Clanks; P?'lf.‘,’.wist-■FaifV’lew7'#i'.' 2 66 E. B. Bowman, P. M., MifUinviUe, Pa. 5 OD Geo. O, Bowman, do.. d 0...... 0 00 A. L. Bussell, AdjuiantGeneral Pennsylva nia for workmen at State Arsenal, Harris _fcurg........... 19 50 Postmaster of Orange. 27ew Jer5ey.......... -- *3 00 Wm. Grci£, P.M., Lodi, Bergen co. , d 0..... 5 00 Janies C. Sparks, 17. S. Assessor and assist ants, of Ist District, 5T,T..................... . 37 00 William King, $2; M Brogan, $1; Brides hurg...... 3 00 Per Mrs. Geo. Dodd, Chairman: From part of employees of Geo. W. Watson & Co.’, 525 N. Thirteenth 5treet;............. 10125 Per John Murphy;Chairman: Cbas. A. Enbicam and employees.... . 130 00 Kobert Aitkenand.employees, N. J...V***** 14 00 Hooper & Faulkner.... ... . S 5 00 Henry. Phiiiiypi..... 55 00 James M, C00per.......... SO 00 Oliver Baden {total, $324)..v...... 30 00 Uannali Deepen, r"0o; E. Sheehan, 50c 100 Miss Quigler, si*, Joanna, 50c 150 Margaret Sigmau 2 00 Jane McGrca 100 Catharine Keiliy, 50c; B. Herity, 50 100 From H. L. Child, Esq.: Proceeds of apiivate entertainment given at Dr, Pubonchefc'e,Sixteenth *od Arch, by the BandolphSanitary Aid.................. 70 00 .Tames Brooke, Esq., Philadelphia...,. SOJ Mrs. Jacob Alter —v 10 (X) Mrs. Jos. C. Hanee*. 10 00 M iss Emma A_. ........ . 10 00 Pei - SiiEon ijresbach: Collected at White Hall, Cnmberlantlco.,Pa. . 700 Edward IHcKclJy, Esq**...... 60 00 Peril. Shoemaker, Chairman: . \Vni. Trimble, Ksq., additional 40 oft Andreykovicz & 8unk*........... 20 00 W. Haw1ey.............; . 10 00 %Dr.J. DeLacey...... 6 00 Per Geo. M. Troutman, Chairman: From Commercial Bank, IMiiJadelphia 7o 00 George Hinkle, MiUersburg, Pa. 100 From citizens of Leroy, Bradford co. . per C. T. Bliss, K, Stone. and Mrs. L. B. Lake*.* 23 50 Per W. li. Merrick, Chairman: Workmen of George.C. Howard, Mechanical Engineer,\No. In S. Eighteenth street...... 60 00 J. L. Wilfong & C0*............... 16 25 Employees of H. C. Oram. Esq,, Philadel* . . phia Iron "Works. 6-5 65 Paradii-e Lodge, I. O. of O. F.»FMladelpMa, 2100 John J. Bickiuan, Esq., Pa.,..« 5 00 Per Joseph F. Tobias, Chairman: . Henry A. fieunis & Go. ..................... 30 00 Stacey Keeves. Esq., Germantowu, Pa....»» 5 00 liev. Edmund Leaf, Futtstown, Pa........... 5 00 St. Michael's Church, Birdsboro, Pa......... : 200 St. Gabrielis Church, Donglasville, Pa. 41 87 ■ M .W, JI. P.V 1 “T/MyC-.”55.......... .600 From Employees of Wood, Morrell, 3c Co., Columbia Iron Works, Johnstown, Pa.» ' remitted bv 3). T. Morrell-............ ...... 559 45 From Isaac Frazer, Goldsborough, Fa....... 25 00 From employees of d 0...... 33 00 Citizens of Goldsborough : 33 75 Per Henry Walls, Chairman : Employees Htineker& Brant, 219 Archstreet. 70 00 Kelson Millaro, Esq., Monteiaiue,N. J...... 600 Paul S- Preston, Esq. , Stockport Station, Nf-w Y0rk..... 10 00 S. H. Sceeboltr, Hancock, Md................ 1 15 Kev. Wellington Fargo*, Pemberton, N. J.. 14 00 L. Johnson & Co., Type Pounders...., 100 00 Employee of d 0......... -.160 00 Per Mr. E. Rockwell, Easton : , Emphiyeesof Gleadon Iron C0mpany........ . 16100 Per F. P. DubOfiQ, Chatrmau: Somebf the employees of Dreer&Sfars.s33 00 llc.ff & Fontaiu, and emp10yee5.......» S 7 0Q $2 in last acknowledgment was supplemental. Per Milton Express, ‘’Anonymons ......... 36 43 Gahanta Lodge, No. 314, PiLtstou.... 25 00 John B. Hail, West Branch Iron Works, •. Williamsport, Pa .4. 65 00 Employees of do.. G 5 00 Per Samuel Thomas, Esq > Catawissa, col lected by Mrs. Samnel Thomas.-. 317 T 3 JOHN- W. OLAGHOKN7 Treasurer. Office, No. 118 S. SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia. Other subscriptions and remittances, duly receipted for and acknowledged. Please forward them by mail or othei wise at once. Establishments or individuals baying subscriptions made up or in progress, will please have them for warded ns soon as possible. It NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS TO THE “GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. ’ ’—At a meet ing of the Executive Committee, held June 10, it was, on motion, "Revolved; That no goods remaining unsold at the close of the Fair shall be . sacrificed by a peremptory sale at auction, but by hiring a store or otherwise, due measures shall be taken immediately thereafter to se cure their disposal at the ordinary retail prices. l ’ je!3-10fc . HORACE HOWARD FURNESS, Sec’y./ KvS* IHYIWEAT) SOTICE.-OFFICE OF the PERRY' OIL COMPANY, Southeast comer of WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. • Junel3, 1S&1. '•.The Board of Directors hs?ve this day declared tha second monthly dividend of TWO PER CENT. on the capital stork of the Compauy, out of the earnings of the month of May, payable at the office of the Company, ciear of State tax, on and after the 20th inst. The Transfer Books will be . closed on FRIDAY,I7th inst., and reopened oa&ONDAY, 2ttli last. ~ * : JAMES PERRY, j034-6t* ... : Treasurer. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an instalment of ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE on each and every Share of the Capital Stock of the MANDAN MINING COMPANY, has this day been called in, payable on or before the TWENTY-FIFTH: dayof June, ISO!, at the office or the Company, No. 3/24 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. _ By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, ■ Treasurer; Philadelphia, June9,lSCL jell-tjeffi MTIDEND.-THE DIRECTORS of the NOBLE & DELAMATER PETROLEUM CO. have this day declared a Disideud of TEN PER CENT, from the earnings for the past month, payable on and after 20th in*t., at. their office, d E. coruorof CHESTNUT and THIRD Streets, up stairs. Transfer Books close on the 15th inst. . GEORGE W. HUNTER,-Secretary./ Juno 8,J564. . ' . jelo-9t ra*' NOTICE.-DFFICE PIULADEL PHTA AND OIL CREEK OIL COMPANY, No. 327 WALNUT Street, Prilapklphta, June 7, 18S4. The Directors havo THIS DAY declared a dividend of ONE PER CENT., on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable on and after the 20th inet. The Transfer Books will elose on WEDNESDAY, Slh inst., at 3 o’clock I\ M., for ton days. W. D. PAINTER,: Secretary. jeS-12t* • - . ' • . ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an instalment of OND DOLLAR PER SHARE on each aud every Share of the Capital Slock of the JETNA MINING COMPANY, has this-day been called in, payable on or before tho, FIRST DAY OF JULYjIS64, at the office of the Compauy, No. 324 WAL NUT Street, Phlladeiphia. ; : By order of tho Directors, . B. A. HOOPES, , PhHadelpbia,.JuneB..lS&l. jell-tjyi •3®=° IffiPAItIMEST OF SURVEYS.— OFFICE OF CHIEF ENGINEER AND SUR VEYOR. I’mi.APEt.rmA, Jane 18,1584. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of Urn Chief ComimHfciocer of Ilighways. Bonthwefrt corner of FIFTH and WALNUT Street*, unut MONDAY, .Tune 27, instant, at 3 o’clock P. M., for the GRADING, MA SONRY. and BRIDGING of Fifth street, from Nicotown lane to Fisher's lane, iu accordance with plan and spe cifications on file in lhi» office Each proposal jnnet state the price per cubic yard of earth excavated and placed it embankment ou the line of Fifth sti-Hat. For rock excavation per cubic yard placed In embauk-, meat. ■ For masonry, inclusive of all atone, Hinn. sand, and ficafl'oldißg, per perch of twentv-flve cubic feet. • The Bridi e superstructure will barectived nsa sopa mte bid, aud must be per linear foot inclusive of all ma terials, workmanship, and mUiug. ■ •• ■ The excavation wilt he thirty-four feet wide, with side slopes of 1 ?o 3, and the embankment sixty feet wide, -with eld? slopes of l&io.l. . The work to be commenced within ten days after the allotment, aud finished ombr before the 16th d>y of Oc tobernext. -, , . IX , ' - All bidden ar« invited to be present at the opening of proposals offerpd, at the time and place above noted.. The lowest bidders will come forward la three ? days after tho opening of said proposals, or their bide will pe . considered withdrawn. . • ~ . . . ; Nohldb will be received uuless a bond is givoh agree-’ ably to the ordinance approved May 26,1P60 : . *.• STRICKLAND KNKASS, iel3-&tuwi» Chief Kuglaeer aud Surveyor. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1864. CATHKnnAT< OF ST. PJETER ami St. Paul, on EIOHTEBNTFT Street, oppo bUo LOO AN SQUaRB, is uow open to visitors. AJmla • elou 2fi couta. Proceeds for the groat Obntraj, Pair, aud the Or phan aud Destitute children of Soldusus. jelS-mtti\vs-4t* CHEAT CENTRIE FAIR.- *3* NOTICE.-Holders of SEASON TICKETS must he careful to write their names on the hack of their Tickets before presenting them at the door. No person Will be admitted on an unendorsed ticket. ■. , • HORACE HOWARD FURNESS, JoT-b/St Secretary. ».$5 00 T IGHT-lIOUSE^COTTAok • ATLANTIC CITY, N J., mi . NEAREST HOUSE TO THE BEACH. Tins well* known house is now open for the reception Of Boarders. Bathing uever was hotter. jelS-lm* X WOOTTON, Proprietor. OB A BATIIIiSTG.—CONGRBSS HALL* LONG BRANCH, Now Jersey, ia uow open for the season, Persons wishing to engngo rooms will address JQIMSt* WOODMAN STOKES, Proprietor “WRANkLIN HOUSE,” LONG -L BEACH. M. .T. Tills doli'ghtrul SUMMER RESORT by the sca-sido, situnto on LONG BEACH, OPPOSITE THE TILLAGE OF barn eg at. Eligibly located, easy cf access', commanding the finest range of Bench and Ocean Scenery on the coast, with Fishing and Gunning facilities ni equalled, it is pre-eminently suited to thoao who require a recreative retreat from the heat aiul .enervating excitements of the cß> during the summer months. The house v aiid grounds have been tlioronghly re fitted and substantially improved, in a manner to pro mote the amusement and comfort of the guests. BOATS for Sailing, Fishing, and Gunning Excursions on the inner Bay aro provided, and everyTuxaty from “earth, air, and sea’* made tributary to the table, and bar. Trains of-cars leave daily via Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroad, from YiNE-Slrect wharf, at 7.30 A. M., to Tom s river; tlteuco by tho fast-sailing yacht EUa Lilly to said house, on the Beach. jclS-HluthOt* T7PHRA.TA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS. 2— -*-* This popular Summer Resort will he opened for the season Juno 20th, 1864. Tho undersigned begs leave tocall tho attention of his friends and thd'piiblio la general to this magnificent and woll-kuown establish ment, which, though having umlergono a change of proprietors, will bo continued under the now admiuis trntion with greatly improved advantages, and-- in creased facilities for health and pleasure. From his valuable experience, the proprietor feels warranted in aH»uriug tho public that every depart ment of the establishment will be conducted to the en tire satisfaction of ali.- . The facilities for railroad communication with the Emirata JJonotain Springs aro well known: m FROM BALTIMORE—Northern Central Railroad.— The 9.20 A. M. tram, via York, Wrightsville, ami Co lumbia, arrives at the Springs at 3.50 P. 3f. FROM PHILADELPHIA—CentraI Pennsylvania, Rail road.—-The 11.20 A. M. train, changing cars at Landia ville, arrives at the Springs at 8,30 P. M. READING RAILROAD.—TheB.ISA. M. train arrives at the Springs at 12 M, . FROM NEW YORK—Now Jersey Central, via Eiston ami Reading.—The 6 A. M. train (Jersey City) arrives ai the Springs : JOHN W. FREDERICK, Proprietor. N. B.—A fine LIVERY attached to the establish* moat. . ••• • jel7-lm SECRETARY, piIOTHIFGHAM X WELLS ' HAVE FOE SALE, HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT BEESTINGS AND SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILEOIAS. BROWN, BLEACHED, AND COSSET JEANS. • No. 12 WORSTED YARN, &«. ae24if-tf Q_RAI3Sf BAGS.—A LARGE ASSORT- V* / MENT OF GRAIN BAGS, (& Y&riotj* sizei, for a&le by THE SUPERIORITY OP LIFE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS in oil colors, over other styles of portraits, is seen at a ghince. See B F. RKIMER* exquisitely colored specimens, G%4- ARCH St. It* T> EI MER > S COLORED PHOTO -»-Vg3?ai*HS ore a decided success;in style, coloring, and accuracy, udininible, and immensely popular. Only $l. SECOND Street, above Given. It* T)0 YOU DESIRE AN IMPRESSIVE, life-like picture, simple, truthful in altitude ami coloring? Get an I very type rtono in unsurpassed style; B. F. BEIMER'S, Ca4r ARCH Street. it* TNGRAM’S FRESH COFFEE, 40 TO 50. -** Cents: Ground, 25 to ."U cents. Real good- 4b3 South SECOND Street, below Market. - jelS-3t* CUMMER CORSETS —MRS, STEEL, *■2 TEETH Street. below Chestnut, makes beat qua lity Linen Summer Corsets. Also, lately rocei ved from Paris, elegantly fitting genuine Werly Corsets.. All kinds of Corsets on hand, and made to ordtr. jelS-St* .THE FIRM OF HARRISON, NEW -•- HALL, & WELST 1 has been dissolved by mutual content of the surviving partners. The business of the late Firm will be wound up at . the “FRANKLIN R£- FINEKYV J by either of the surviving partners. S. WELSH, Jk., CHaS. c. hahrison. ; PItILAPKLrmA, June loth, 1564. It. 'T.N GRAM’S CELEBRATED: TEAS- Just received. Try ihenV. 43 South SECOND St., below Market. - jelS-St* CTARYED UNION PRISONERS FROM LIBBY •PRISON.—** I bad just got to the wharf, when our llag-of-truce boas the City of Now York, came in, and soon the poor fellows began to laud, four hundred and fifty of them from Belle Isle—such, a sight. It was a regiment of skeletons. Most of them had .to be carried fff on stretchers., Several died oh the boat as they were lifted up. Nine died on the wharf, lisping their gratitude to God, that after all their privations they wore permitted to die under the old hag. Jfias Disr. \ CARD PHOTOGRAPHS of the above.. T?TFTH CGjDLBCTIOK DISTRICT OF -*-■ PENNSYLVANIA. United States Assessor's Office, Germantown, June IS, 18$b Notice is hereby given that the Annual Lists, Enume rations, and Assessments for the year 3661, taken pur suant to the Excise Law of the United States for tha FIFTH DISTRICT OF .PENNSYLVANIA,. - will be open forexamination daring the fifteendays im mediately subsequent to the date of this notice, at the following places—viz; DIVISIONS Nos. 1,2, 3, and 4 (Bucks county)—At the offices or residences of the respective .Assistant Asses ■tors/ ' DIVISIONS Nos. 5,6,'7, audio (Twenty-second and Twenty-fifth wards ef Philadelphia)-At the office of the As.sess»»r, Xangstroth’s Building, Germautowu. DIVIbION No. S (part of the Twenty-third ward}—At the office of the Deputy Collector, Pratikford. . DIVISION No.^9.(residue of Twenty-third ward)—At the office of the Assistant Assessor, JOHN \Y. TRUMP, Bnstleton. These Lists and Assessments arc a statement of the Tax which has been assessed by Assistant Assessors upon Licenses, income. 1 ?, Om-ringes,. IHUmrd Ttiftles, Holding Alleys. Piute of tii'vtr and (ToWvand the subscriber, ;tt his office in GERMANTO WN, will, ON WEDNESDAY, Jaly Bth, of the enrrent year, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3P. M., hoar and determine all written appeals that may bo niade relative toanyerroneous.valutuions or enumerations of Assistant Assessors in the sth,. 6th, 7th, Sth, 9th, and 10th divisions (being the Twenty second, Twenty-third, and Twenty-fifth wards of the city of Philadelphia), and UN FRIDAY, July Sth, he will sit for the same purpose in DOYLESTOWN," Bucks county, at the office of JOHN W. CO WELL, Esq.,-Collector of the district, between the hoars of U A. AT. and 3 P. SI., for, Divisions Nos. 1,2, 3, and 4, (thicks county. > persons who do not file written appeals on or before the above-named days for hearing the same will bo estopped from obtaining any abatement of their taxes. EDWIN T. CHASE, , jelS~s3t -Assessor Fifth District Penua; TYBPARTMEET OF PUBLIC HIGH J-/ WAYS, Office S.-W; Corner WALNOTaud FIFTH ~ XSOTICE TO be received $it s this office a util three o'clock. P. Mu of JIOjSDAY, June 27th, lS&l, for the grading, at so much per cubic yard, of the following-named streets, viz.: Miller street, from the soutbe&stwardly side of Winter street, extending a distarce of about eight hundred and fifty-five feet. Also, Ashmead street, from Wakefield street to Geriiantown Railroad} Linden street, from Germantown avenue to Knox street, in the Twenty second (22d) ward; Ah®, Richmond street, from Tioga street to about eight hundred feet beyond Bridge street, in the Twenty* fifth (25th) ward. Said Proposals will be opened at the above time and place, where all bidders are invited to be present, and the lowest bidder will come forward within three days, or consider his bid withdrawn, ~ W. N, SMEDLEY, jeifi-thsmwfmGt Chief GonTr of Highways. rjPREASURY DEPARTMENT. . OPPICB OP THB CdJffPTBOI.I.KB OP THE CORBEXOT* Washington, 'Mar 4,1861 . WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersiKned, it has been made to appear that THB ■seventh National bank op Philadelphia, county of Philadelphia, and.'Siato of Pennsylvania, has been oulv organized, under and according to the require ments of the act of Congress entitled “An act to pro vide a National Currency, secured by a’piedge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof. ” approved February 25,1863, and has complied with ail the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking: Nowt therefore, I, HUGH McCULLOGH, Comptroller of theibnrrency, do hereby certify that THE SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK OP PHILADELPHIA, county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, Is authorized to commence the business of Banking under the act ■* * * In testimony whereof, witness ; my. hand and seal of office, this FOURTH DAT OF MAY, 1864. [Seal of the Comptroller of the Currency. 3 huge McCulloch my6-2m Comptroller of the Currency. ■CTEAM AND WATER GAUGES, IN uruat variety. B. BKOWN, JelS 2tlt* 311 WALNUT Street.... F,nn nnn EEET SPRUCE LUMBER, )U\JSJ assorted size* and lengths, including odd hngtbs Joist and Scantling, fromSfby 4to 3by 12. ; Rafters, 24 to 30 feet long. Sills, 6 to S indies sQuare, 16 to 30 feet. 2-ineh Plank. :v. ; . 4-4 and 5-4 Spruce Flooring. Ou hand and for Kale by - HARIbERT DAVIS & CO. , je!s-12t* LOCUST aud TWENTY-FOURTH Sfs. YTGGS. IiATBY AND SOLID-PACKED J-j .BUITER. For sale by je!6-3t* - H. B. aBKISON, 138 N. WATER St, MOWEKAHD EEAP 3UHer.—a few more of these celebrated machines just received. ROBERT BUIST, Jr., It Nos. 932 and 924: MARKET St., above Ninth, A BUCKEYE JUNIOR MO WEB.— few-more of these celebrated machines just re ceived. ROBERT BUXST, Jr., It Nos, 933 and 92flr MARKET St., abovo Ninth. m PRATT'S STEEL-TOOTH HORSE -2—llAT'l{AKE..’*“T]iis Rake has no equal Every farmer should have one. ROBERT BUIST, Jr., Nos. 922 ami 92% MARKET St., above Ninth.. BIYETEB-BACK AiSTD SILVER !X. STEEL CRASS SCYTHES, Grass Hooks, Hedge Shears, Grass-Border Shears, Edging Knives, Pruning Shears, Garden Reels, Rakes, Iloes, Shovels, Spades, &c., for sale by \D. LANDKETH & SON, It* Nos. 21 and 23 South SIXTH Street, gs& (BOESE-RAKES, HAY BLEY A- toRS, CIDER MILLS," Grain Fans, Grain Brills, Garden.and Field-Rollers, Hay and Fodder Gutters, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators. Agricultural imple ments Lu great variety, for sale by J>. LANDItETH & SON, . Afiricultural lmplrmeut and Seed Warehouse, ;H*. - , Nos, gland 83 Soath.SlXTH Street. TJO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE W« are prepared, a» heretofore, to enpplr famine, at their Country Residences with.every description of. FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &c., &c. - ALBERT O. ROBERTS, J^ENSERVO. Amost effective and delightful preparation FOR THE TEETH AND: GUMS. Highly recommended by the most eminent Doctors and Dentists. ' . It is tho result of a thorough course of scientific expe riments, extending through a. period of nearly thirty years. . # To a great extent in every case, and entirely In many, IT WILL PREVENT DECAY OF TEETH. It will aim* : STRENGTHEN WEAK GUMS, KEEP THE TEETH BEAUTIFULLY CLEAN, AND THE BREATH SWEET. See Circulars. Price $l. Prepared solo'y by 8. T. BEALE M. D., DENTIST, 1113 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia, Pa. Druggists. . joll-.Sm TTEATON & DENCKL A. HARDWARE Ax COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 507 COMMERG2 and 510 NORTH Streets, offer for sale? Anchor Brand Nalls; Plymouth Mill Rivets. W. & 8. Butcher's Cast Steel; Eagle Cabinet Locks. Putnam’s Horse Nails; Locke’s School Slates. Copper, Brass, and Iron Wire $ Cotton Cards. : Alsu, a fnll assortment of American Hardware. f*7-6u>9 MOJXV MINTS AND G RAYS * STONES.—A large assortment of Grave-StoneSf Of various designs,made of the finest Italian and Ameriaai Marble, constantly on hand-at'the Marble Work* of ADAM STEINMETZ, RIDGE Amnfc below Bleventt ■ireet, PUladalphiA. ivSMbiir SUMMER RESORTS* FRANKLIN 11. STOKES, Proprietor BANCROFT *OO., Non. 405 and 4KiT MA REKT Street • ‘McALLISTKH A BROTHER, .7 3S CHESTNUT Street. COUNTRY. Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Sts. J)RY GOODS AT LOW I’BICES. Persons vißUlug the city to ATTEND THE FAIR, would find U to their advantage to examine our LARGE STOCK of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, AS WE ARE SELLING THEM AT PRICES FAR BE LOW WHAT THEY COST TO IMPORT. JOB LOTS OP SILK GRENADINES. Rich Silk Grenadines at ; 63 cents, never before sold forleea than®]. Rich Silk Gvcuadines_at 7S, S 3, 87J£c. . 90, $l, sl,l*. “ “ “ $1.25, $1.37, $150... “ “ “ $1.62, , $1.75. ’•All at less than cost of Importation. PLAIN SILK HERNANIS. BROWNS, - , „ TANS, - • . ‘ . .. MODES, - . BLUES, ' : ■ BLACKS, PEARLS. LEATHER, ■ and VIOLETS, . : at 90c. FIGURED BAREGE HERNANIS Choice styles at GOc, worth 7uc. ! ■ Plaid Barege Hernanis at *l4, cost 52>£c. RICH SILVER CLOTHS. All Silk and Wool, at G3c, worth $l. The greatest bargain of tho' pckfion. J’lain Mozambique*, at 37)£,.w0r1h 50c. *3Mald Mozj&mbiqucs. at 4Qc, worthoGc. ‘Plaid Mozambiquos, double width, at GOe, worth Gsc. Plaid Foil do,Chines, at 3Se, worth - Peil de Chovres, at 3lc, worth 45c, Plaid Grope Poplins, at 25c, worth 40c. TWENTY PIECES PURE MOHAIR POPLINS, All new f hades, for suits, at $2, iDonblß- width all-wool:. Delaines,..'new. shades, at sj.2£»T They are of the finest quality, and worth $1.75.- : . BARGAINS INDRESS GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. * CHEAP SILKS ! CHEAP SILKS ! NO ADVANCE IN OUR PRICES. Plain Silks, all colot-s, SI.3S to $6. Fancy Silks, 'now Styles, $1 to $7, Small Check Silks’, S7i£ to 81.87)4.- CHEAP HLAOK SILKS. Plain Black Silks, at $l. . Plain Black Silks, at $1.12. Plain Black Silks, at $1.25. ; Plain Black Silks, at - Plain Black Silks, at $1.44- Plain Black Silks, at $1.50. , ’ Plain Black Silks, at $1.56. : •- Plain Black. Silks, at $1.62. : - Plain Black Silks, at $1.75. Plain Black Silks, at si.£7>£. . Plain Black Silks, at $2. 1 . Plain Black Silks, at $2.25. Plain Blatk Silks, at PlainßlackSUks,' - Plain Black Silks, at $2. G 2. .Plain Black Silks, at 2.75. • Plain Black Silks, at $3. r . Plain Black Silks, at $3.25. . , Plain-Black Silks, at $3.50. : '■ Plain Alack iilks, at $3.75. : Plain Black-Silks, at $l. Plain Black Silks,, at $4.60. • : Plain Black Silks, at $5, Plain Black Silks, at $6. . f. Plain Black Silks, at SG.oO, Plain Black Silks, at $7. . None of these Silks coaid be imported at the prices we'are selling them. - , . - 500 ALL-WOOL SHAWLS, $3.33, Cost $3.25 to import early this season. : ; White Barege and-Lama Shawls. Plaid Lama and Mozambique Shawls. (Grenadine and Chftlli Shawls. Shawls of all kinds at very lo w prices; . ClolkJSacquesand Circulars at low prices. Silk Sacques and Circulars at low prices. 11. STEEL & SON, -Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. jelS-smw6t; ; gTRANGERS VISITING- THE CITY ABE HJ2P.DBY yOTIFISD THAT AT EPWIN HALL & CO. ? S, S 6 SOUTH SECOND STREET, THEY OAK; FIND ONE OF THE BEST STOCKS OF SILKS, DRESS GOODS, ' SHAWLS, CLOAKS, and , DRY GOODS GENERALLY TO BE FOUND IN THIS CITY. SUMMER SILKS at vedneed prices. INDIA SILKS reduced to S7J£ cents. \ - FOULARD SILKS reduced. Magnificent Quality FOULARD SILKS, thirty- six inches wide, in dai’k grounds, reduced in price. BEST BLACK SILKS IMPORTED, of all kinds, for : Dresses and Mantles. PLAIN FROWN, FLUE, AND MODE SIDES BROWN FIGURED SILKS, BLACK FIGURED SILKS, A LARGE STOCK OF Spring and Summer Dress Goods Reduced in prices to close them out. 75 cents, reduced from $1.20. Billc Grenadines $l, reduced from $1.50. : Silk Grenadines $1.25, reduced from $1.75. Silk Grenadines $1; 50 reduced from. $2. Black Dress Goods of All Kinds. 8-4 Black Grenadine Heraani. • . 8-4 Black Tamartines and Florentines. : • 8-4 Black Crape Maretz and Bareges. 3 4 Black Grenadines and Florentines.. 3-4 Black Crape Maretz and Tamartines. 6-4 Black Delaines. 3-4 Black Delaines. White Goods of All Kinds. -Real Swts# Muslins. Freneh.MusUns. Lace Muslins. Puff Muslins for Garibaldis. ; Plaid and Striped. Nainsooks. - ■*. Plaid and Striped Swiss Muslins. . . ...' Plaid and Figured Swiss Muslins, v . ’ Jaconets, Cambrics, Nainsooks, Lawns, Tarltons, Ac. , &c. Housekeeping Goods of All Kinds la Our Line of Business. Linen Table Damasks. Linen and Cotton Sheetings, .Flannels of all kinds. Marseilles Counterpanes. Summer Bed Spreada. .:. New York Mills,WilliamsviUeß, Wamsnttas, and • pother good makes of Muslins. N. B. —Our stock has all been laid in much below the present cost\pf importation! We sell none but the best iGpoda, and tiie prices are guarantied, may rely on this. ‘ je!4-tuths.4t QOO P E R &■ 00KA B D. AMERICAN CASSIMERES, SCOTCH FANCIES, SIUK-MIXED COATINGS, WHITE BAREGE SHAWLS, HANDSOME MANTLES, STAPLE DRY GOODS, Ninth and Market. myl6rtuths2in . - DUFF MARSEILLES FOR DRESSES •-M and Wrappers. Spanish Lineue for tourists. Buff Linens for dresses. • Blay Linens for tmvollors, - Mohairs for summer travel. _ Plain,‘.Plaid, and Striped do. 37K*renl Plaid Lenos. 37J* Black and White Lenos. 37K Pacific, 1,400 Lawns. CO and 65-cent real French Jaconets and Organdies. \ 3?K and fiO*cent Black Bavpges. Two yards-wide Black Barege and Crepe Marotz. " SOanaGS-ccntßlftck.Wool Delaines, $1 double-width Black Delaines. $1.50 C 4-wide Black Alpacas. t 1.45 supor extra Glossy Blaolc-Mohairs. 1.25 do. »do. *1.12 ~~ do. . do. $1 . . . do.; do. . 88, 75, 62, and 00 cent Black Alpacas. ; Black SUksj $8.75 to $1.25, no rise. - ; -mantilla room. Declined the price of Mantles. • Assortment Mill good, v Orders still taken- White Barege Shawls. Thin Shawls for the warm weather. . Cloth Cloaks at a reduction. CLOTHS To make Cloaks of. Fine Black Broadcioths. White Linen Duck. •“ Linen Drills for Pants. - . Thin Linens for Coatings. . CC ceuc wide Coat Liaeus, cheap. An uusurpassed stock of fine goods for men’s and boys' wear at much lower prices than they will be ia the fall. „ w : COOPER & CONARD, It. 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET, v TVT useiks;*—i n ayb nowon hand AtX one of tho ’LARGEST STOCKS IN THE CITY, which I ain selling at much less thau the late advance prices, • - I lot Bleached at 18cent3. - 1 case at 20 cents, that fa first rate. 3 ca«e, full yard wide, at 25 cent?.: Heavier full yard wide, at si cents. . 1 case oxcelleut Shirting, at 35 cents. Full yard-wide Fine, at 87ia emits. I have atiil a few cases of all the most approved makes ou hand, notwithstanding they are so very scarce, such as ‘ NEW YORK MILLS, WAMSUTTA, WILL!AMSVILLE,-* BAY MILLS, WHrrE.HOCK.FdHKBTD4.LB. SEMPER IDEM. Extra Heavy Housekeepers, and many others of similar Qualities/ - BLEACHED SHEETINGS, IK, IK. 2. 2>.i, 2K. and yards wide, of tlie best goods, at the lowest prices. ; - . * - ‘ UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS, In all widths and Qualities to be found. -.- UNBLEACHED SHIRTINGS, "at 20,95,51,85,1 and 87K conts, as well as many other kinds and prices. Any one wanting Cotton Goods will have money by buying now from this stock. / . * GRANVILLE B. HAINES, jols-« JKo. IOIU MARKET Streot, above Tenth, NEW PUBLICATION. Q. RE A T BOOK TIIE HISTORY OF OUR FLAG, BEAUTIT'ULTjY illustrated.. TEN OF OLD BATTLE^AOS, STAR-SrANGLED. BANNER, Sc. wottli U 12. KEW BOOK, BY THE AUTHOR OF • 'MARGARET MAITLAND.” Is Published aud for Sale this Day. BELT-'SACRIFICE. AI'TIIOK OF “ MARGARET MAITfAND.” Cloth, . , Panel*, §1.35. SELF-SACRIFICE, by the author of “Margaret Mflitip-nd,” is publi shed this day and for sale by T. 15,: Peterson & Blethers, SO6 Chestnut street, Pliibidclpbia. Complete in one largo duodecimo volume, bound in cloth, for $1.50, or in one volume, paper cover, for $1.2*5. : “SELF-SACRIFICE is a work which will stand out amid the fictional issues of the present season like a pare diamond in the midst of paltry pa»te. ' It is one of the most fervid and impressive narratives that has ever fallen from the press. With a power possessed by no female writer of our day, unless it be by the lamented Grace Aguilar, its fair author strikes on every page for the hearts and intellects of her readers, and rarely fails to touch the first or take tho latter captive. As i pic ture of the vast power of * Self-Sacrifice, 1 it has scarcely ever been approached—certainly neverexcelled.. What Raphael was among ordinary arihiN, this work is among works of fiction; and as but few overreached; the lofty platform occupied by that great anUt, so we: can point to but a vety limited number of modern works, which.-for beauty, freshuess, power, andgor geouHnefis of execution, will compare with * SeU-Sacri ftce.* London “The popularity of that most remarkable work, Margaret Jlaiiland, will be even surpassed by tho new one of ‘Self-Sacrifice. ! M —London. Critic.: . “Nothing half so true or so touching in the delinea tion of character has b*on issued since Galt published his ‘ Annals of the Parish.' 5 Frazer's Magazine. Copies of either edition of the above book will be sent to any one, free of postage,. on remitting ihe r« tail price of the editicu wanted to T. B. Peterson & Brothers, in a letter. It U published and for sale by T. B PETERSON & BROTHERS, .306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia,- Pa , To whom all orders must come addressed. It 808 cnBSTKUT STREET. CHB iuIhIcHT, OEB ' ; 1 SOS;Cfc«stn-dt Street. L °ln l tS Citr!’ ES | SOS Ctetint Street. r ‘ AT inthe'cl™ RK } SOS Cheshrat Stmt. V BES^n A « 1 S e n Ci™ EST j SOS Chestnut Street. IDE NEW - BOOKS sold at a discount, |B}S Chestnut Street. . rnOT a M.BCHS. | SOS Chestnut Street Ej ” n ls^®: riOT,S - }SOS Chestnut Street; H ll rper's. 2 Goder, e a»d i Atlantic, | sos-Chestnut Street. : PITCHER’S Bookstore, 1 PITCHER’S Album Store, PITCHER’S Picture Store, PITCHER’S Frame Store, ISOS Chestnut Street. PITCHER’S Stationery Store, PITCHER’S One-price Store, PITCHER'S Low-price Store, . G. W. PITCHER, SOS CHESTNUT Street, iel6-tf (JBEAPEST STORE IN THE CITY 1 PHOTOGRAPH AIBUMS, FOE 12 TO 400 FICTUR3SS,6OO STYLES,PRICES RANG ING FROM 25 CENTS TO $5O, / PHOTOGRAPHS. PLAIN AND COLORED, CARD, ME .: ■ DIUM, AND IMPERIAL SIZES, 10 GTS. TO $4. - FRAMES FOR PHOTOGRAPHS, .10 CTS. TO $l5. \ NEW BOOKS, MAGAZINES, &c. $1.50 Books for $1.25, { 75 Cent Books for fO cts. 1.25 Books for SI. J 50 Cent Books for 40 cts. 1.00 Books for SO cents, f 25 Cent Books for 20 eta. . - LOWEST PRICES IN PHILADELPHIA. . . . PITCHER’S, jeS-ws4t SOS CHESTNUT Street. THE OBEY COMPLETE The only Complete The onlr Complete CATALOGUE OF TUB SANITARY FAIR. CATALOGUE OF-TUB.SANITARY FAIR. -• catalogue of the sanitary fair. Catalogue :of the sanitary falr. Price only 1.1 cents. ' : Price only 15 cents.. Price only 15 cents. For sale at MAGEE’S, - feis-st 316 CHESTNUT Street. A SHMBAD & EYAHS, ... Successors to WILLIS P. HAZARD, . 734: CHESTNUT Street, Have received THE TANNER BOY, and How he Became Lieutenant General. OUT IN THE WORLD . By T. S. Arthur. A WOMAN'S PHILOSOPHY OF WOMAN; or. Wo man Affr&tchized. An answer to Michelet and other modern innovator.-*. . DENISE, By the author of “MademoiselleSlari. M 2 volf. THE STORY OF ELIZABETH. A Tale. By Miss Thackeray. ' * PHANTOM. FLOWERS. A Treatise on the Art of. Producing Skeleton Leaves. THE POOR WHITE: Or, The Rebel Conscript. • STUMBLING BLOCKS. By Gall Hamilton, . THE NEW BOOK OF NONSENSE. FiUM with Comic Illustrations, and published for the benefit of the Great Sanitary Fair. HAUNTED HEARTS. ' By author of “The Lamp lighter.” j«18 YEW WA.B MAP l NEW WAB MAP I .—NEW, TOPOGRAPHICAL WAR MAP of the Southern states and Chronology of the Great Rebellion, with an introduction and a statistical appendix, con taining the area and population of the Loyal and Se ceded States, strength of the Army and Navy, . Corre spondence with the Departments, Tables of Distances, Items of interest. List of Casualties in the Union and Rebel Armies, and other valuable information, with ait the battle-fields distinctly marked. Bound in a neat and convenient pocket form. Price, CO cents. For sale by • ,WM, S. &'ALFRED MARTtEN, - JOI7 . CQ6UHESTNUT Street, "[STEW WAR^MAJP. -Lv Just received by J. B. LTPPINCOTT & CO , 715 and 717-MARKET Street, PERRINE’S NEW WAR MAP OF'THE SOUTHERN Arranged from the latest Government surveys aud official reports, together with a Chronology of the great Rebellion. je!7-3t m CENTS I—LADY'S FRIEND FOR JULY. PITOaFR’S, SOS CHESTNUT Street? OR GENTS ! PHOTOGRAPH AL BUMS. PITCHER’S, SOS CHBSTMBT Street. TYB1! ORE9T' S 'MIRROR OF FASH -1 ' I OK. —PITCHER-g, SOS CHESTK UT Street: jel6-3t „ TIIE NEIY NOVELS. ■- (PUBLISHES THIS WEEK.) 1. HOTSPUR.—A new. novel by ■M. T. Walworth, author of ‘ * Lulu. * ’ One handsome 12mo, cloth bound. Price $1.50. 11. CHARLOTTE BRONTE-AND MISS MULOCtt.— Now elegant V2mo cloth bound editions.(with an illus tration) of Abe best novels bv these famous authors, embraciDg Jane Eyre, John Halifax, VilieUe, Shirley, and Life for a Life. Price 60. - TIL DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT.-A splendid new novel by Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, author of “Lana Rivers, tr “Tempest and Suushine, ’’ &c, 12mo, dot!?, $1.50. ■ \ •• •• IV. NEPENTHE.—A new noY* by the author of “Olie.l2mo, cloth, $1.60. V Any of these books will be sent by mail, postago \ free, on receipt of price, by jelfi-wstf SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. ' FRESF.KIUS’ MANUAL OF QUATITATIVE CHEMI CAL AKALTSIS, from the last English and German editions, In (mo volume, octavo. Price 1)0,60. MILLER’S ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY. Part 1. CHEMICAL PHrSICS from the third London edition.. MILLER’S ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, for sale, with n general assortment of ■ “ » b '’ sci£Kt ij(c BOOKS, BY LINDSAY 1 * BLAKISTOH, jail : Ho. »AS Sonth SIXTH Street: THE SUNBEAM STORIES, ■ . CLOUD -WITHrSILVER LINING, . HOUSE ON THE ROCK, ONLY, OLD JOLLIFFE; MERRY CHRISTMAS, - DREAM CHINTZr STAR IN THE DESERT, &o. Sis beautiful illustrated, $2.50, WILIAs P. HAZARD, Publisher, /e26-tjrl . ■ ai Soath SIXTH Street NEW AMERICAN . CYCLOPEDIA. The Agency for this invaluable Library of Universal Information jib at 33 Sonth SIXTH Street, second story. Also, RECORD OF THE REBELLION. By Frank Moore. < fell-tf X>ROCLAMATIOK OF FREEDOM AT 'JL THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR-Fine Photographe, 18 by 13 inches, of PAINE’S pen and ink drawing of the EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION, beautifully illus trated, original donated to the Brooklyn Snnltary Pair, and aolcTfor $5OO and preeontod to President .Liacolu. They will be sold at retail at the GREAT CENTRAL FAIR during its continuance. :.. • . ’ MB* Canvassers waited for evory section of the coun trvTROWLAND JOHNSON, 119 MARKET Sfc.,PMla., nnd 54 HEAVER Street. Sew i'eth. . jeld-01 THE FAIR. F. L, SARMIENTO. Illunitnaieil TUle-Pago. PRICE, 50 CENTS, A, WlNCH,.Publisher. CAIiLETON, Pnlilisher, Hew York, | SEW PUBLICATIONS. \ ■- V .'v' ", .-.-v'. V .'.'A-vVvVA\WA\W “READY, JUKE 20_A THRILLING At book ON THE WAR THE BUGLE BLAST: Oit, Simhit or hii: Conflict. l Comprising Bating Exploits l>y Laud si ml S»ja, Dashing Raids, Heroic Deeds, Desperate Conillet*, Captures, and Escapes, Camp Anecdote*, Booms, &c. Everything of interest, from the Bombardment of Sumpter to tho present time. By E. S. S. Rouse. Paper cover, $1.25; Cloth, $1.50; pp.,338, large 12mo. Advance orders filled th** day published by JAMES CIIALLEN & SON, PtihUshers. jelB St 1308 CHESTNUT. A BOOK FOR THE TIMES. ■AA. Third Edition Just Issued. TII K OLD FLAG. #sSpp.,l6mo, Cloth, Bountifully Illustrated. Price, #1.2.1. 14 it illustraloß aud enforces, in a graphic manner, an nmudfish devotion to country, an unbending integrity,. and a sacred regard for all t nat I.h true and noble in life.' It is calculated to make a geueratfonof the noblest kind of patriots. LWo.* Keening Transcript. . ‘it ibook of Us class.” — Springfield R^pidi for ml«l>y THE A WF,llir!A.KsUXDAY senpo J UK [OH. No lisa CHESTNUT Street. Phi- Ituldlphia, je!B:tt FIW^CiAI..-, 175,000,000 U. S. LOAN TTOK SAIiTC. We are prepared to furnish REGISTERED and COUPON BONDS. 5a sums of AT CURRENT TOMIIfM. J A V CJOOKK & CO. Jeia-fU"........ . WANTS* A GENTB WANTED THE * i - x Standard History- of tko War, A rare chance to make money. Ageuts are clearing from $lOO to 4203 per month. 260,000 voluraesalreadysold. Send for circu lars. Address JONES,- BROS., & Co., Pabliaher.v BAL TIMORE, Md. - - jeifl-lm* A N -EXPERIENCED TEACHER, A graduate from New England,' wishes private pupils for the summer, or an engagement ih a school, to teach Languages, Mathematics, or History, for the coming year. For reference®, apply to .T. B. ALYORD, Esq., Girard fnsnranee Office, Jel4»tnths3t* 4J5 WALNUT Street. TSUSINEBS CHANCE.—WITH MODE KATE incase a new, tasteful and scientific business, easily understood, and protected by ,live patents, may he commenced, bidding fair to become successful and profitable. Direct to ”A. W,” p. Q, Box - SSI. jels-4t* TO DRUGGISTS —A FIRST-CLASS retail Drug CLERK WANTED. Address, with re* ference?, 44 Isedrivw,” Station A, Philadelphia Sub Post-Office. . . . , , jets-3i* TOFREE INTELIGENT BOYS wanted to.learn the Printing business. Apnlyat W. F- MURPHY & SONS, Printers, . je!s-4tf . 339 CHESTNUT Street. WANTED—IN A- DOMESTIC DRY _» ’ Coeds Commission House, an active energetic Lad. Good recommendations required- Address “Phtcoix.’ this office. jeIS-*2t* WANTED—AN INTELLIGENT AND •. T * ' thoroughly competent person as HOUSEKEEPER m a small-family, a few miles from the city. Address Bex 1652 Phiia P.O, - jel7-:hf TyANTED— A .THOROUGHLY COM } I PETENT AND-WBIiL-URIED FURNACE-MA NAGER, to tuke ike cbaTgc of Four Furnaces no w in' cpeiaiion in Pennsylvania. To ft Mnn’of this kind, who can'operate Furnaces to the. best advantage, for the greatest predncisonof Hot Blast Cake Metal, a good posi tion is now offered, where a very liberal salary will .be Said. Address, with full ham® and reference, to S. 8.. RIPLEY, No. 503 COMMERCE Street. - lelS-3i* WANTED, A RESPECTABLE GIRL, 'T as eeamstres* and chambermaid,.in a small fa ral ly. None need apply without city reference. Apply to Mrs. BBTTS, 1031)WALNUT Street. . j«i7-St* WAHTED—A STORE, IN TSE H neighborhood or FRONT and MARKET Streets, about the Ist of July, for which a satisfactory banns will bo paid. Address “Store,” at this office. jel7-2i* WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS SALES * * XlAN.iti a Wholesale Hosiery and Notion House. Address Box 640 P, 0. . je!6-6t* 'WANTED.—A YOUNG MAN, AGED * i 19, desires a Situation to learn the Wholesale Gro cery. .Address VGrocer,” Bos 1343P.0. je!3-6t*. WANTED--800 AGENTS TO SELL the great natural WEATHER'INDICATOR. Though ouiy just introduced, hundreds attest to its ac curacy in foretelling changes of the weather from dry to wet, and vice versa. It interests the scholar and the man of science, and awakens admiration in the minds of all who witness its wonderful functions. Sendpostage stamp for circular and particulars, or call upon . : FRISBEE, COOK, & CO., 66 North FOURTH Surest, je?-]3t* . . . . . Philadelphia, Pa. : no non —a young man with a business experience of 13 years wishes to! invest the above amount; as an ACTIVE PARTNER in some safe and profitable business. ■■ Ad dress, Etatingreferencesanduatureof business, “Mei chant, 1 / Box 16SI, Post Office. :je!7-2t* tf?A A MONTH!—I WANT AGENTS. ats6o a month,expenses paid, to sell my EVER LASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS, and 13 other articles. . Fifteen circulars eent/reg. Address ap3Vd&w3m JOHN F. LORD, Biddeford, Maine. ® DWELLING HOUSE WANTED— Between Sixth and Flirhth streets and Calio white and Master, a neat ILWELLING HOUSE, with all the modern conveniences" A street running north and south preferred.'--.Price from-*5,000 t 0.53,000. Possession at any time withiu twelve months. AE* ' LUKENS & MONTGOMiniY, Conveyancers, jels-6t* 1035 BEACH Street, above Laurel. B'dARDINfi. 9 OK SOUTH BP.OAD STREET.— be vacant,- Saturdav, Juno 2-teh, four 'ele gant ROOMS, with private parlor, comprisingthe whole second story. Two are fronting on Broad streeK. These rooms are unoxceptionably cool all summer. The best recommendations will be. given. Vacancies to-dav, first story. .ielB-6t* HOARDING.—TWO SECOND-STORY « J> rooms TO LET, at 133 North TENTH St. je7-tF T3OAEDING—ON DUY’S LANE, GER MANTOIVN, sixth boo*e from station. je7*T2t AJHP FOTNP.; T OST OR MISLAID—A RECEIPT forsoSlii-res Egbert’? Oil Company. Asitcanbe of no use to any one but its owner,-it can be returned to the office of the Company, I*l7 S. FOURTH St.: ielo 4t* jiKB TOJ.ET. |g TO, BENT,' THItEE fiVE-STOKY OOMIIUHJC.VTIXG BUILD- IH MTHOE STBBET, Suitable for warehouses or manufacturing, Apply to KOBERT JIAGGREGOR, jelS-nufcbSi; IBABLE REAL ESTATE IN VESTMENT—A valuable LOT OF GROUND for sale, on the west Fide of Ridge avenue, near the Girard college, containing about twelve aul three-Quarier acres. Apply to. A. B. CaRVER & CO., iel6-6t* .S. W. cor. NINTH and FILBERT Streets. . gS|, TO BENT—THE HOTEL No. 227 ■SndiNorth. THIRD Stnet, formerly the “Eagle. 1 ’ now called BARNUM’S HOTEL. : Apply at No. 314 RACE Street, above Second. - jelS-6c m, FOB E ALE—CAN GIVE BOS- of the MANSTON Ithia Spring. Froramm Farm of Chester county, near Chadd’s e ord Station, Baltimore Central Railroad, 6 miles from "West Chester. 170 acres prime Brandywine green ?rass land. Farfnrtherparticulars apply to E, Pat’TiT, J*lS : • 333 Walnut street. 'M FOB SALE OK TO BENT—A fcS. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY SEAT, on tlie Darby rotul, a Buies irom the city. Stone Mansion,: -prith modem conveniences, beantifol Shade and Fruit Trees, Ice House, Stabling, &c. Apply to • E. JIIDDLKTOJS, Blue Bell: Or, . It* J. It. CONoysK.Sg-h MARICEY Street, '££ FO R SALE—A PRINCELY MANSION*, situate oa the S. fi. corner of FKANKFOKD Road and ALLEGHENY Avenue; House GO (eet by 70 deep,,btiiJt of brick, in the most sub stantial maimer, rough-cast and -painted peart color, three stories, with two-story tower; contains *24 rooms and 35 closets, finished iaoaK and walnut, and papered in first-class style; Ims all the modern conveniences, such ak hot and cold water,; hath and shower bath, water closets, ranges,; heaters, stone- set tubs, speaking tubes, bells, &p,, and all in working order; has beauti ful piazza front add back, and commands a line view of the Delaware and surrounding country. The Lot is 300 feet front by 320 deep io 'Amber street, with stable and coach- house oa rear, ice-honso, &c. The grounds are adorned with evergreens, beautiful shade, trees and Sowers, and tastefully laid out in walks. ' " • • The vegetable garden coniainaa good selection, such as peas, beans, beets, parsnips, salad, cucumbers, cab bage, strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries,, potatoes, &c.,and a choice selection of peaeli, pear, cherry, and plum trees. Persons desiriug to purchase can see photograph and plans atbflice, and receive cards of admittance to view premises; GEO. K. TOWNSEND & CO., . je33-sw2t 123% South FOURTH Street. <514 RAf) —THIS AMO UTS T TO LOAA, inoneorinore sums, on first mortgage. Apply to B. PETTIT, jelS 333 WALNUT Street. fjraf* cow FOR SALE—A VERT finohalf-bred Devon COW, four years old, just calved, a superior milker, and perfectly quiet; may beseen at R. Buist’s Nursery, Church Lime, Dar by Road. . . : . .it*. . IT2£I>ICAI» QPKINQ DEBILITY t & :■ LANOOUR.LASSITUDE, .axi) tijat LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM Peculiar to the SPRING TIME OF YEAR, are immedi ately relieved by the PERUVIAN SYRUP, ’Or Protected Solution of PROTOXIDE OF IRON. THE PERUVIAN' SYRUP--• Supplies the blood with its vital principle, or LIFE-ELEMENT, IRON, : Infusing Vxuoh, aud NewLifk into all parts of the system. t a , ■=• One cf the most distinguished Jurists in New England Writes ion friend as follows: ** I have tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and thoresult frilly sustains ypiiv prediction. It has made a new max of me; ;nfuEedmfcQ.iay system new vigorand energy;! am no longer tremulous and debilitated as when you last saw. me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, than at any time during the last five years, ”. An eminent Divine of Boston says: “IliaWbeennsingthe PEBUYIAN SYKTJPfor3oma time past; it gives me kew viuoa, HI'OTANOY of sPiKtrs, nr.AsnciTr of jitscLK. ” » : Tamphletsfree. .T. P. DISMORB. . 7 Ro. 491 BROADWAY, RI2W YORK. COUGHS ! COLDS! CONSUMPTION l dVistar-s Balsam of Wilil Cherry. O.Vfl OF THE OLDEST AXP MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IX the World for Coughs, ColON and EVENING. . • „ .. the Entire spectacle, with all its beautiful Music, Scenery, &c., to l>e pre sented upon both occasions. PRICES AS USUAL. QB OYER'S NEW CHESTNUT >* SFREET THEATRE. m - GRAND FAMILY MATINEE, THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON, Jun* IS,at 2 o'clock. The entire Fairy spectacle of the SEVEN SISTERS. ‘>r t-'firdd. to be presented, with Mr. J. & McDONOCGK as Mother Pluto. •’ Prices op Awi fssiox.—To all parts of the lism«e (Xt cents, including private boxes; two tickets admit thra* persons; Family Circle, 25cents. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE.— J,L ,?R?{Ky , . !l3 ii T A E 7 BESEFIT tendered to 31Ii:S A&islE OaAHIM by many inliaeateal citizens. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, JunelSth, M ill be performed the beantifal Comedy entitled NAIAL ENGAGEMENTS. Miss M0rttmer............... ...-Mlsk aNNIE GRAHAM. ao cent bide with me Historical Drama of ■ • the surgeon of Paris. JTaddou.i.j..-.......... Miss'ANNIB GRAHAM. The Mask—The Surgeon ~E L TILTON On Monday the Drama of FAUST AND MARGUERiTEI peb'sohal. jet ball EAR -- PBOPS, 50 cents. 016 RACE Street. jcli-a* PERSONAL.—JEWELRY SENT BY Mail, free of postage, toaay part of the United States, on receipt of the following prices: Sinale-ston» Imitation. Diamond Ring, sl;' Cluster Imitation Diamond Ring, $2; -Heavy-plated Vest Chains, #1; Magnificent Plain Ring, $1; Heavy Plain Rings (will stand the strongest acid), SGeents; Small Round Black Enameled Ear Drops, 60 cents; Heavy-plated Black- Enameled Sleeve Buttons, 25 ceuts; Gents’ Pins, Imitation Dia mond, $1; Imitation Diamond Studs. $1; Bracelets, Handsomely-chased Medallions, SI; Complete Sets Carbuncle Studs and Buttons, $1: Complete Sets Black Enameled Studs and Buttons, with pearl setting,' $U Fancy V/atch Keys, 50 cents; Pen ana Pencil, with ex tension case, Si; Ladies’ Long-geared and Cisaiolata® Chains, $1; Chatelaine Pins $1; Genuine Gutta Percha Chains, §1; Ladies’ and Gents’ Miniature Fins, for likeness or hair, *1; Seal Ein«s, $1; Locket Rinjts.tSl! Coral Armlets, 50 cents. Direct to SAMUEL MAROT, DEALER INLIME, jy BBILDIJfG STOKE, and COAL. Yard, NIKTH Street, above Thompson, (west side.) Orders received by WilliamSTarot, Jr., Sll Spring Garden street: Chaus, #, I , sro . t » 25 -?• ? lx dh St. (second story), and S. ilarot, 43* Chestnut st. (second atory), : v . K. B. —An experienced Salesman, wanted. 2ny3l-la* OWI C E OF THE, BOARD OF HEALTH, S. "W. Corner SIXTH and SANSOM. Streets __ Phtlabelviha, June 13, 1S&-L SEALED PROPOSALS for the removal of a nuisance arising from stagnant water on a lot of ground ninety feet south of LEHIGH Avenue and TILTON Street, in. the Nineteenth ward, will be received at this office until 12 o’clock M. T on MONDAY, the 20tfa inst. : Bidders will state whether, they propose removing iha nnisance by draining or by filling un. jelT-ofc G. RPSH S M ITH. O^FICE, OF THE. BOARD- OF '-' HEALTH, S. W. Corner SIXTH- and SANSOat Streets; • Philadelphia, June 13, 1864. SkALET "PROPOSALS for the removal of a nuisance arising from stagnant water on a lot on the south side of VIENNA Street, opposite TCHP Street, will bo received, at this office until MONDAY, the 20th instant, at 12 o’clock SI. Bidders will please state whethe? they purpose to re move the nuisance by draining or by liltinsr up, 6. KUSH SiUTff, Health Officer. ,419 WALNUT Street. *VVVVVVV'A.VVAA-- , v\\>jVVV\\\VV\.'V'/^VVA. , V\V\ , '^VVW\%X , > TEE BUSINESS', OF W. J BETTXH settled-by hi.s widow, at iTo; 2*3 CHBSrft DT Street. Ail indebted wiil- please come forward. Ail having claims will present tiiem je!4-l2t* For Salem aud Bridgeton at 9 A. H., 4P„ SI. Per Glassboio at 6,9, 10 A. M., and 4, 4.90 P, SI. For Wood bury,Gloucester, at 6, 9A. M.. I*2 M. .and 4, 6 P.M.. '-BETOKtflKtf TKMKSIiBAYB Cape May fit 0.11.43 A. M., 5.10 T. M. Millville at 7.30 A. M and 1.52, 6.60 P. M. Salem at 6 A. M.. 1.15 P..M. Kriil up ton at 015 A. M., 1,30 p. M. For filass- IjorotitT, 10, 5.3.5 A. M. t a»d 2 23, 3,7.30 P. M. Wood buig at 7. 7.40, 5.54 A. M. and 3,50, 3.2), 5.05, 8.13 «??T e K ?^l T J f R SET EXPRESS COMPANV, Office 5 *»ALNyT Street. will call for >uid deliver Baggage, and. attend .to all-the nenf-i branches of Express business,. Heavy -articles taken by 6 A, ftf; Hue only, and must ba sent to the ofhee the evening previous. Perishable ar ticles by tlus hue must be sent before s>£ A. fit A special messenger acemnp«.nies each train. • jelfc-if «T. VA N RENSSELAER,- Superintendent * SPECTACLES, IK GOLD. and Elastic Steal Frames, Eye- Glasses, Microscopes, Magic Lanterns, Field - Glasses for Army and Navy use, Photograph Albums, CardL Photographs* Storooscopfs and Stereoscopic Views, Microscopes,-Thermometers,-Hydrometers, and a large assortment of Optical, Mathematical, and Philosophical Instruments. Difficulty g WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE SCRIPTIONS of Character, Coiistitntion, aad T*. lent, with ADVICE on Business, Health, Educa* Irion, Self-improvement, Management,aad Trabb* ing of CHILDREN, social adaptation. Ac., d K» and evening, by JOHN L CAPE3S, phrenologist and Bookseller, mhl9-etuth No. 25 S.TRNTH Street,above Chestnut n**r~) LADIES TRUSS AND BRAGS V- STORE—Conducted by Ladies, TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. Every article in. their line elenant, easy, and correct in make. C. H. NSS» DLLS, Proprietor, attends to Gentlemen, on the comer of TWELFTH and RACE Street#. N. 8.-ProfesrioMl. accuracy insured. . mv4-amif vOn MONEY TO ANT AMOUNT "A” V LOANED upon Diamonds. Watches. Jaw*!, and niPKfLT. Rtmots. halo— T-wnh*rd M ll - 1 *" TTOLLAND GIN.-10 PIPES BOH- J3>XEN'S gin. For salo !>r MIDDLETON. jaliw.l* 9 M. FKONT Rraat. AMUSEMENTS. ■yANDERLYN’S ARIADNE* This most wmderfnl creation of thageala* ofVJJT DF,RLYN, has been placed at the disposal of the Flue Arts Committee olpthe SANITARY FAIR, as a SPECIAL EXHIBITION, on the express conditio* that Season and other Tickets, giving access to othesr parts of the Fair, are not to be entitled to admission. ARIADNE, (Daughter of Minos and Passlphac, desert* d oa the Inland of Naxos, by Theseus.) ** Aa ideal of-female beauty, reposing upon the lux*- ry of its own sensation, lost insieep, and yiddlngwUfc child-like self-abandonment io dreams of love. • • “How like a vision of pure love she seemsi Her cheeks just flashed with innocent repose. That folds her thoughts up in delicious dreams. Like dew-drops in the chalice of arose; Pillowed upon her arm nnd raven hair, llow archly rests that bright and peaceful brow! its ronnded pearl defiance bids to care, While kisses on the lips seem melting now: Prone in unconscious loveliness she lies, And leaves around her delicately sway; Veiled is the splendor of her beaming eyes, But o’er the limits bewitching graces play ; Ere into Eden’s groves the serpent crept, Tims Eve within her leafy, arbor slept!’ ’ Tuckei'man's "Artist Life.*’ ” In 1812 YANDEELYN painted the ARIADNE. Thf# Painting proved Mr. Yanderlyn’s powers even mor* : than the Marine,» and is, is my estimation, the finest figure of the kind I have ever seen. This picture hat been purchased and.engravcd by A. B. Durand, Esq., himself an excellent Painter, and our first Engraver The engraving ofMr. Durand is worthy of it.”— Dun* lap's Arts arid Designs. Admission- Entrance-from the Horticultural Department, and from the Corridor connecting the latter wiih the Art Gallery. , , je!3-6t •■JVTRSf-.JOHN BREW’S KEW ABOE STREET THEATRE. SGrif NIGHT OF FRANK DREW ✓ glorious satttrpay night bill . TO-NIGHT. (SATGRpAY) June IS, im, The Spectacular Romance of THE FORTY THIEVES. ATnsiapba (the cobbler)..-... Frank Drcnr Aii Baba (the woodman) -Stuart Eobso*. Morgiana. Mias Hoary To conclude wath the Lfgenda’r Drama of ' SIXTEEN-STRING JACK Ivifc Clayton-.... Sixteen'String Jack. Theophilns MOW OPEH—THE FORTY-FIRBT AJfNUAIt EXHIBITION OP PAINTINGS AJT& SCULPTORS, at the PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF TEE FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth. Open from d A.M. im T-P.IL; and Is the evening. Pro ceeds for the Sanitary Fair. jss • PERSOim. ■ ESTLIN & MATO, Ko, 91G SAGE Street, Philadelphia. PROPOSALS. XEC2-AX.* EXCURSIONS. _ DELIGHTFUL SUM MBE EXCURSIONS.- • Lake Ontario, Saguenay Biver, The Thoaff&nd Islands. Portland, The Kaiu&sof St. Lawrence TiHiiteMoantaine, . Elver, : • Saratoga Springs, Montreal, &c., &c., &c. # Quebec, &c.» &e. • Tickets foil the above Excursions, which have betfe so long and favorably known to the Philadelphia PnV lie. by various routes to Niagara Falls, for sale at thfc PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAfROAD TICKS* OFFICE, northwest corner SIXTH and CHESTKOT Streets, where full information will he given. . N.AN HORN, Ticket Agent. ■ m „ T „ JOB£®.HILL% GenonaAraai, THIRTEENTH and CALLO WHEEL Streak mylO-tuthstiyl CUMMER EXCURSIONS! PEIv KSYLTASIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. On and after WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th. 1564, ' EXCURSION TICKETS ‘ Will be sold from PHILADELPHIA to ALTOONA* CBESSON, DUDLEY, and SIT. DALLAS, which will ho good tor a return irip until OCTOBER 25t,.1531, wheat endorsed by the proprietors of the Logan House, Moun tain House, Broad Top Giiy House,or the Superintendent of Bedford Springs " EXCURSION RATES TOE IS6L* Philadelphia to AUooha -.. ..... ..... $9 90. “■ Cresson ...................... 9 SQ ** Dud1ey............... 920 Mr. Dallas 9 WT POE EPHRATA AND LITIS SPRINGS. • . The Past. Line, leaving ELEVENTH and MARKET - Streets at 11.25 A. M.,makes close, connection, at Landis vilie.with the Reading and Columbia E.E., for Loth Ephrata and Litiz Springs. Excursion Tickets to these points can be procured on any SATURDAY, good until l&e following MONDAY. The rates of fare will be as follows: Regular. Excursion. $360 $3 49 2 50- 3 40 JOHN F. VANLEER, Jr., Ticket Agent Peaua. R. R. WEST. ..JERSEY Philadelphia to Ephrata.. “ Luiz...... COMMENCING MONDAY, JUNE 20, !S&L From WALNUT-STREET PIER, Tor CAPE MAY. At6and J&Xm. anid?39P ~iL TRAVELLERS CAN HAVE THEIR r - 'Baggage called for and taken to any Railroad or Steamboat, or any part of the built-up portiou of the city, by leaving orders several hours before the starting time, at S. W. corner MARSHALL and SPRING, GaK DEN, N. E corner NINTH-and VINE, oral thfe a. E. corner. SIXTEENTH and VINE, offices of the anion Baggage Express. , • . Order for early morning rauat be left before haufpasfr five o’clock the previous afternoon, at all excepting Marshall and Spring Garden, whore they will ba re ceived until six , 4 „ N. B.—Orders by poet will bo promptly attended to if received in time. jolS 3t* McAELtSTER & BSOTBEK; Optician*. • (Established in 17Sd.) ■S2S CBESTriPT Street. • ■One Dollar. ...Frank Drew. ....Barton Hill. •Stuart Robson,