TLe st. Ortega. Philada i t A Orawoy. , II S N 3ientague. Bristol, Pit , ti,wlood , Dela co, Pa Ilarehljleorge'n,D 211 Winsor, Meadville,Pa Kerig,en, New York Win Churchill, New York john Moneghan, New York „i Wilson, - Now York Thos Hopkins, Now York ion Inky &wf, New York Moller, New York McLaughlin,Now York kiinnl Thompson, Vermont Chas Clentlenning - , N York', JaColausxoll, new York f. Edmou l . John Corwin, J B Moso: ,- , Yetcry 're'iikinn, rox, CChan.WiNans• .• .‘ 1 11" ht. Whitaker, Now York John G Atkins ; Eit,ton, 14 June Eat, Pa Easton. on• Pa j Arbucke. E ;To innir., l h.:Aston, ,n. Pa S Williams, NOW York NNolan,New York G Yale, Norfolk P P Andrew. Norf" 7 /' 000 A Benedict, l`i,w York Chaa Hoffman, Now York • Peter Connell. New York II 111 Colter, New York Hart. New 1 ork_ 'nog S Doolifor. Georeo U S dlarkNow . 1. eh e Y"` * ili..con Pa ;R Clianfron., „ . • ' Ge.o bapt •Pa Wilvonore, N York Oallw,ath, Ba.,:ton ,Tho, Vender, KutgstOn 1t V 5r J.ioford, N York :Jas A Stafford, Boston 'Pant Loam Newark. N.l ill Ohre. New York I .lohn Fovov t da, i A .1 llosworch, hia,e ,F li (iilbert, Foster„Eliensville W Deming, Boston F F, Bennett. Lowell L Tabriner, Washington NV H Carter, Malianoy City Union. Lownr, Indiana en d M Stuchei, Indents. co C Stilellel, Indiana co J Welty, Plessoec Veit) , Miss S Sheets, licoad Top R Deal:cr. Pittebur , R Fairlamb Si la. Closter +A C Wiloen, Albany, ri W Weld, Fallen Timber U W Fessels. Fenita P _Grinies, Green eo. Pa R bane:liter co J W Mason, 13,t0n, Muse States Tij Goo.ll.yttitin 11T C'S pe;aware 111 .111(011, DClariare ly.G W Ward. 1I S A (I McCloskey, Clearfield j.;IV Wier; renna 9 - cooper, S A v„. 9' C. Cooper 3!eCartna & Pollna z T rhi les Sr. in - f, Chester co Fairbauk, Easton, ISP, Thompson,Lewistowu Comm nr Ti Pacih,Pottsvilie p 1, Davis, Detroit I ,, tw Cook, Coatesville IF A Fodor. N Elst. 11[d_ Cl II Ila yI.I , , :sew York Geo Dannea, tier York C li BOsiwiek, New York John Boriert W Kennedy. N London ,B. W Mooney, Baltimore Cling II llnyner, Now York De.: Lam out, NOV York John liongli. Doylestown It R . Kuhn, Doylestown - . 31arslibmik, l3lk tov,Tid W , Nolabd, Port Deposit i; Rockenbery. Penna. VU Foust, Mt Union, ra. two SoMart. Columbia. Pit 11 Morrii..4l), Wa,bbigton n ,ppliv, Columbia, Pa Ayr, 11 Eder. El Icton, : , t3 - Seymour, Ba E Mos, Alle-Mown C V Dyer, Ducks co - A Mayer V Y Manb all, Lebanon J Weide]. & wP. inyoriwocsrn J Green. Doylestown S'eltray, bat - ,norc A Startzman, Baltimore W Crawrord, White Hall Wra Ault, Lebanon co The tiro Inti,tors Berwick Allentown Ar . lAerborßer..ti York ;'Ph ia , erpool Itv!viing lie Cal, Berwick , Petal a i , Wcazu!, Reading Sheaf. Barley Lombortville Honesdale I o . Mole. lionesdale N.,cinor; Bock, co M, Or •-c. IluckA co • S 3:ciTiCk , liae k , ,co Voit z , A !lit:Loma, Pill ,Z 1 ,Smith Darn , . Pox Cha'c IF A Ca rork Thor. Valillllt, Chicago G Vi Raading Thos Smith, Penua. T J we t. Fr "W: , ,hington John Sechler, Flondown yr M Newberry. New York Geo Seehl er, Allentimu 0 A Ritter & wf, Allentown Mr:3l-1J Moyor, MIAs Hitter, Ritter:o:ille Col G Wenner, Allentown. % M Snitzbach, Cork co Geo M Mark, Union. Depo't Mrs ThrinoOnter, Heading E E Brown, Penult A W Learen, retina The Bal N i I 1),e0,h,11 Y 1 ( isi-y. Walton, IN riwitpr, Penneburg Darrall, Allentown la, Allentown MICtiS Co ticlauyl co E 3 Hale, New York MDiti M A Hale, New York N - Dale, Sew-ark B M Alinany, Maryland E M Tharer, Maryland Tho,' Wyman, NJ joint Cochran, Nowtop W Denny, Maryland Barn iothmto., co Vife,.Bostort Flosto.. i'rovidence oin,Provideuce New York New York 3ii;oodyear, Pi Y Me DI Downsville t A ncien-le. 'Wayne Co • ' ell.l/• ? Wayne CO r,iralnun, Laurel, Del P• 11 on. Wayne en liew Jersey Middienwn, 1) rJolin Tucker, Norristown A Ilarringtea, Delaware. Baru,l,y, illcVeytowa A C Stile., New Jersey F Frinnikey, In:inroe co S S Drake, Strolvisbarg S Iterrick, Norristown NV Gillett, Deposit, NY Bear. C Morrison, Rockville J Z Brobqt, Berk. co V Dickersou, Attleboro D D Bechtel, 13eebtelsville D Itarper, Olney, Pa The Bla 11"1;15 , 1, Pcnna lz Penna. 13(4111nhem Newt's SPECIAL NOTICES. A. COMPLETE SITCCESS TILE -MTED STATES SERVICE MAGAZINE Is au invaluable aid understandiog of Afilitary aud Naval Affairs. It contains a complete, but .: , 2‘DENAE I, MONTHLY HISTORY OF THE WAR, D Y 311 E EDITOR, FOUNDED UPON OFFICIAL INFORMATION, Together with et, 't Official Intelligence," furnished direct by the War and Navy Departments, Each mouth, yed with the Utmost cordiality and favor .Vfi all O f ficers of the Army and intelligent observers of affairs everywhere, Sr*.",e, Magazine" is muter the editorial care lieury Connee. late instructor at West Point, in the IT, S. Army, And among its con. T- foq.oinany of the most eminent officers in both. of the service, together with the best literary country. I4AY NUMBER NOW BEADY CONTENTS. t..!oe Months around Charle , ion Bar; or, the it, No. 111. Irartieal Campaigning, No. 11. Am inquiry into the Military Rights and Duties of tillarrs in the Land Forces. r. for Inlcharged my slid Soldiers. • :a.nization of the United States Artillery. , _:. , Lerai McClellan's Campaigns. : The System of Commutation in the Army. The Coduly Flower (Poetry). 1 teiligence and Notes on New Books. SPENAL DEPART-ME:tr.—Notts on CallteM t,ltS Surgery-7 Foreign and International p,aea, —A New Island in. the South Paellic-- qy Note- and 01101.10 g. IyrELLN: ENCE. —The Army—Regular Navy 1 - ,]ant.ei Navy. Single numbers sent by mail, or r,le , nts. Address, SITED STATES SERVICE MAGAZINE. C. 33. RICHAKOSON, Publisher, BOG BROADWAY, NEW TORS. M=U SC:2I OP DISEASE REDUCED. • ors-ration of Brandreth's Pills the aura total of roleced, sod their continued Use, according which. accompany each box of new • oo ull to cure in all cases where the life-prin oithin th,ir recuperative powers. r-3-- to Ilitaximunt's PILLS' CURATIVE QUALI• wl,ie curative effect may be placed in this tie• ramoach and bowels are out of order, the 1131.1. affected. If any disease exists in any body, whether local or general in character, la-111 more or leas affect the stomach and lirantlreth' a Pills, by removing impuri blood, and cleansing the stomach and matter, that interfere with their healthy se : ;ma keep in order these important and go - 4* the economy of man. Sold by all re la medicines. my 5 • S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. - HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE lI.T.•.I.V.ATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. liiAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE sw", Poeta Hiawatha was adjudged to th, greatest boon on his tribe bemuse L; to it , notice corn. Every ono Will admit .r-tr,ratiett is worthy of its name, for the be wis-n it is known. WHAT TIIE WIAWATHA DOES. ?kind and gray hair and whiskers to their It brings up the natural shading of one ,a , ther, thus giving the hair a perfect life .7 that the most critical observer cannot it makes harsh hair Holland silky, stops el earn...a it and the scalp from all imp-a- Milled and wined from the skin as and entirely overcomes the bad ef !--6,11, o:e of preparatious containingsulphnr, ...j. ace. -to, of the Hiawatha published the fol •nze to test in the New York dailies three W.V.. NEVER ACCEPTED: known and disinterested persons ap :. ti n , proprietor of each preparation for the tth the color. Every proprietor to use yat hi, own ,preparation, and the person linri/J7, the—test. A certificate of the re =,i, i. published at the expense of the tux t•i"r..titvrT., Sold everywhere. JOSEPH HOYT & co., 10 University Place, New York. ! HAIR DYE! ! lit'S celebrated HAIR DYE is the Best in The only Harmless, True, and Reliable This. splendid Hair Dye is perfect— r, or Gray Hair instantly to a Ear Noturai Brawn, 'without Waring the the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and fresh vitality,freenently restoring its .1. and rectifies the ill-effects of bad Dyes. signed. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR ; all n imitations, and should be avoided. Sold &e. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street, b: , abelor's new Toilet Cream for Dressing 1929-19" 24i( E CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST d:-;11 ill,. Best Manner, expressly for RE 'L.% LOWEST Selling Prices marked in —. All Goods made to Order warranted ''crt)xc-Talcx SYSTEM is strictly adhered treated alike. J. , ISES & CO., f,04 MATMET Street. !: ICE !! ! ..-sierate rates. - take notice that We are furnish FRESH POND ICE ;Intl afterJalylst eumuing. Schnyl i!,•• ...triter part of the season. cIIAS. S. CARPENTER & CO., ..I.F.V.ANKLIN anti WILLOW Streets. Soics, FWM PIANOS, F,,r Sale Ouly at BLASIUS BROS., 1006 CUBSTNUT Street MAE,O2: HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS SEVENTH CLOTHING HOUSE OP PITILi. OAK HATiL, ' , oda and moderate pricers. WANAMAKER & BROWN, -r SIXTH and MARKET Streets. 'lO - make to order) No. IS. Sixth at WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM IC-STITCH TaA.cmaws. s .r . SIMPLEST, AND BEST CIi ESTATT Street, above SvirtUM • RAWSON. —On the 4th inst., John BaWSOu. in :Me year of his ago. 45 '1 rl be relatives and friends of the family atvro , pcctfully invited to attend the funeral,. from his late residence in parby, on Friday, the 6th inst., at 2 P. M. without further notice. Interment at Darby. - BRDBSON.—Ou the 3d. inst., Rebecca Brobson, ha the 74th year of her ale. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, in Chester.. Pa., on sixth day, morning, 6th inst. Meet at house at o'clock 'without further notice. McCURDY.—On the 3d inst., at the home of her bro ther, Daniel' McCurdy, near Pittsburg, Pa., Martha Matilda, daughter of JOhn McCurdy, deceased, former ly of this city. FOSTEIV.---On the 2d inst., Caroline, widow of the late Robert Foster. The friends of the family are invited to attend her fu neral, from her late residence, No. 1032 Pine street, on Thursday morning, at 10 o clock. OARFORO.=On the inst.. Grace Oakford, in the .4th year of her ace. The relative,. and friends are 'respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, do. 706 Wallace street, on Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock, Without further notice. " POULKB.—At his residence, in Gwynedd, Montgo mery county, Pa., on the lit inst., Hugh. Foulke, Sr., in the .6th - ear of his age /US friends, and those of the family. are invited to at tend his funeral at Friends' Afeeting Mouse, Gwynedd, on Sixth day, the Grh instant, at 11 o'clock A. M. *** spatEgg.—On the afternoon of the lot inst., of disease contracted while 'erring in the Army of the Potomac, Wm. 1.1. Schen .. late captain Company 11, 26th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, in the 31st year of his ago. The relatives and friends of the family, and the mili tary friends of the deceased, are invited to attend his funerah from his late residence, No. 21111 Brandywine en Thursday. the sth inst., at 2 o'clock P To proceed to Woodland Cemetery. sue iILACK ALPACAS.—JUST OPENED, -I-. a large stock of Alpacas and Glossy Mob air Lustres, 873 cents t051..50 a yard. • Lupin . s Boinba Sumnu, 110111ba211.1C:, Mom4seline. Barege Hernani. " Crape Maretz, and other Summer Goods. SON, MOURNING iiTOKE. apl.9 No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. EYRE LANDELL ALWAYS KEEP Best Black Silk in the City. Black Silk $2O to 41 per yard. Black File SI lk for Coats. Black Silk Plump, yard wide. Black Silk. Purple Swage. Black Silk for Ladies' Sacks. m's-4 THE MIN REV. BISHOP Forma Will Visit tko COAIRCIT OF ST. . I KATTILIAg. corner Of NINETEENTH and WALLACE Streets, THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, and aldress the Cortgreution on a subject of great interest to the Parish, and is also expected to administer Confirmation to those persona that were providentially prevented from receiving that rite - with theyfitmn on Wit tinkly week. Services com mencing at lid o'clock. it* DEAF 11117111E.4, AND OTIIERS tereMqi in prometing their welfare, are invited U! attend service TIIIS (Thursday) EITIVING, at 8 o'clock. in St. STEPHEN'S CIIIIRCIf. TENTH Street; above thesinnt. The Rev. Dr. CIALLAUDET, of Now Yerk. I,•t interpret the service as it is read. after which he sviD address the Deaf Mutes, and then give to the congregation generally some account of the efforts that have Leen ivcently made to extend Church privi leges to the Dear Mates of Phila. au:tenter cities. TIM MASTER CARPENTERS OF MILADELPHIA aro invited to motet It. SHE BAKER. Superintendent of Erection. of Buildings for the Great Central Fair, at any hour during the day, at LOGAN SQUAILE, in reference to giving one day's labor to the erection of the buildings.. myri-41 - ..TRE STREET-SWEEPING AND rintTudziNo „COMPANY OF PHILADEL- Ram. the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders on MONDAY, the 2d instant. the following gentlemen were elected Directors for The ensuing year, and until othera are chosen in their places;: Charles Cumming". Jeremiah L. Hutchinson, Joseph S; Keefe, Frnneis It, Siddall, and William R. Baker. And the same day, at a meeting of the Board of Directors, the following gentlemen were elected officers of the Company for the ensuing year: President—CHAßLES .CIIMMING. _ cretary—JOSEPH ifi001). Treasurer—JOHN THOMSON. Solicitor-0. P. CORNMAN, Esq. It JOSEPH V Secretaiy "rkvATIL%-117,1111.'"' PAIR. G00D§,,.,74TcH.5. JnyELP.Y, SILVER The undersigned have been appointed a Sub-commit- tee to request donationg: FANCY GOODS. E. Christman, E. TCCHlintoEn.' L. Grosliolz. WAS Sohn M. Harper, E. Tracy. JEWELIY. E. Thibault, Thomas C. Garrett. SILVER WARE. Jos. T. Bailey, G. W. Simons:. Franklin Butler. PLATED WARE. Thomas Wriggles, Wm. M. Farr. Tbe Trade are respectfully requested to send in their donations a, • orlo a& nos&fble, to dither of the Commit tee, or to the Chairman, J. E. CALDWELL, 522 CHESTNUT Street. Money donations will be received by OHO. W. SlMONS,Treasnrer, Sansom-street Mrs. James L. Cliighorn, .ohairman Mrs. Joseph Harrison. Mrs. Morris Stroud. Mrs. W. H. Horstmann. Mrs- W. P. PIHRon. Mrs. Thomas Fobes. Mrs. J. W. Pritchett. Mrs. Henry 0. Lea. Mrs. S. A. Harrison. Miss Louisa clagturn. Miss A. Sager_ ISliss - I. Ante • • Clge==• A MEETING OF TUE WORK. INO WOMEN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION . will be held THIS EVENING, Ma v Rh 734 - o'clock, at Jefferson Halt, SIXTH and CHRISTIAN Streets. Rey. Mr. Eddy, and Wm. B. Mann, Esq., will be present, and address the Meeting. Not only the working wo men but the public are invitbd to attend. Mr" ANNEAL MEETING- OF " TILE ROME FOR DESTITUTE COLORED CHM will be held at the office, S.W. cor. SEVENTEL and ARCH, on Second-day, Evening, month, 9th instant, at S o'clock. Election for Trustees, Managers, &c., for the ensuing year. ISRAEL H. JOHNSON, iny4-sts Secretary of Trustees. 1103=UNION 'LEAGUE 110-USE, 111 S . CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, May - 2, 1864.—A Fpeci al meeting of the UNION LEAGUE of Phi ladelphia will be eld on THURSDAY EVENING, the 12th instant, at 8 o'clock, to take into consideration the acceptance of the Charter lately obtained from the Le gislature of the State of Pennsylvania. 13y order of the Board of Directors: my3-ttnyl2 GEORGE H. BORER, Secretary. (IW' GEORGE THOMPSON—ANOTHER MEETING.—Thirty years ago, George Thomp son delivered his first lecture, in this city, in the Cove nanters' Church, Cherry street, below Eleventh. He is now invited by members of the same Church to deliver another address in the same building,which he consents to do. The meeting will take place next FRIDAY EVE NING, the 6th of May, at 8 o'clock. Subject—" The Unionists and Copperheads of England and America.' Admittance ill cents_ Tickets to be had at T. D. Pugh's, Sixth and Chestnut streets, at the Anti-Slavery Otßee, 106 North Tenth street, and at the door.. ap•3o-61 ilWr• NOVEL LECTITRE.—BEISS EVANS, the youthful Welsh Lecturess, who has been as tonishing great audiences in New York (only l 6 years old), will deliver one of her unique and eloquent ad-- dresses upon Temperance, on FRIDAY EVENING, Nay 6th in CONCERT HALL, at 7.3'.1 o'clock. MISS EVANS has no equal of her age, and her lec tures are given with marvellous power and eloquence. With her sweet, musical voice, she makes herself heard in the largest audience rooms with perfect ease. TICKETS 25 ccut: , , to be obtained at the principal Music Stores, and at the door. No postponement for the weather. my 25t prCITY BOUNTY _ NOTICE. OF YI FILE CITY BOUNTY FUND COMMISSION, No. 412 PRUNE Street, April 1, 1864. The City Botiuty will continue to be paid until further notice. No applications for Bounty will be entertained from recruits who enlisted prior to the date of the President's Proclamation, October 17, 1863. All future powers of attorney for the City Bounty, from new recruits fo r Pennsylvania Regiments, Mita taped in after this date, must be endorsed by the officer in charge of the barracks that the man has been re ceived there. By order of the Co . mmissi on. . . -t . C • . • 11W' THE BLEAKLEY OIL COMPANY. —The Books for Subscription to the above Com pany are now open at 419 WALNUT Street, from 9A. M. to 3 P. M. EDWIN E. SIMPSON, Secretary. mys-6t" TWENTIETH WARD.—AN AU JOURNED Meeting of the Citizens of the ward will be held THIS EVENING, at S o'clock, in the Church, EIGHTH Street, above Master. Precinct Com mittees will Please report the amount of funds on hand, and sale of tickets for Saturday evenino. • B. HARPER, Secretary, COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENN SYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA, May 3, The Board of Directors have this clay declared a Divi dend of FIVE PER CENT., 'payable on demand, clear of National and State taxes. S. C. PALMER, +R, Caahier. CORN EXCHANGE BANK. PHILADELPHIA, May :3, BBL The Directors have declared a Dividend of SEVEN per cent., -payable on demand, clear of State and U. S. (3 per cent.) tax. J. W. WRYLY, xnyl--tf Cashier. igg 7 2. COMMONWEALTH BANK. PRILADELPITEA, May 3, 1864. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of IVE per cent, for the last six month;, payable on do. tnand, clear of State and United States tax. ray4-6t, H. C. YOUNG, Ca4hier. DI VIVIEN D.—PIEULAIDEI.PIIIA, MAT 2, 1864. —The Managers of the CHESTNUT BILL AND SPRING-HOURE TURNPIKE ROAD have declared a Dividend of TWO AND A HALF PER. CENT., payable on or after the 16th instant, clear of State and the three-per-cent. United States tax. CHARLES BACON, Treasurer, rny4-3t 4W WALNUT Street. 11W• FARMERS' AND MEEMANIES' BANK, PHILADELPHIA, MAY 3, 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of FIVE per cent., payable on demand, clear of United States and State taxes. wy.4-6t W. RUSHTON, Jr.., Ca:shier. lllaP. VIR S T NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. MAY 3, 1864. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of FIVE DOLLARS per share, payable on demand, clear of all taxes. MOIITO2I bit:MICHAEL. Ja., my4-6t Cashier. IllgV7 GIRARD BAIVK. PRILADELPtirA, May 3, 1864. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE per cent. out of the profits of the last Si X months, payable on and after the 13th inst. free Moll taxes. loy4-tm - yl4 W. L. SCHAFFER, Ca-dtier. KENSINGTON BANK, - PHILADELPHIA, May 3, 15d4. The Board of Directors: have this day deetared a Divi dend of TEN PEE CENT. for the laA six mouth , ' pay able on demand, clear of Skate and United SCll , eti E:LXeS • my4-6t C. T. YEKKES, Cashier. .111_ECHANICS 9 BANK. PHILADELPIIIA, May 1£44. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of SIX per cent., payable on and after the 13th inst. J. WIEG.4_,VD, Jo., my4-tmyl4 Cashier. SECOND. NATION-4.N. BANK OF FitAI;KFORD, 31%y 3, MI The Beard of Direvion: have this day declared a Divi dend of TWO DOLLAII.B PER SHARE' from the earn ings of the past three menthe, payable to the Stockhold ers on demand. W. 11. ItIIAWN, iny-f-4t Ca-thier. 14017.111WARAT. DANIEL. PHILAIIELPHIA, May 3, 1861. The Directors have declared &Dividend of SEVEN per cent., payable on demand. F. I'. STEEL, my4-6t. Cashier. OW" TRADESMEN'S BANM—PMEA DELPIIIit, May i 1564.—The Board of Direct ors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE per cent for the past six months, payable on demand. my4-3t JPIO. CASTNER, Cashier. far- THE PHILADELPHIA. BANK. rHILADELPHIA, May 3, That The Director; have declared a Dividend of FIVli per cent. for the last six months, and also an extra Divi dend of THREE per cent., payable on demand, and free of State taxes and the United States tax of three per cent, D. B. COMECiY?.;. m}4-Gt Cashier. PIK\ 08 Inr" UNION BANK. PHILADELPHIA, :May 3 4 1864. At a meeting of the Direotord, held thim day, a dlyi• demi of 5 per cent.. clear of all taxes, was declared payable on demand. my-sth-to6t J. J. MICKEL, Cashier. WESTERN BANK OF F1L11.,41.• DELYIIIA, May % . 18 64 . The Directors of this Bank have this day declared a Dividend of TEN per cent, payable on demand, clear of N national and State taxes., C. N. WEYGADT, inyl-6t Cashier. PIAliOl5 J. E. GOULD, ad CHESTNUT 7 -- Mr" MTSBURG AND OLIACREEK FETRONA OIL COMPANY.—Subscriptions will be received at the Office of the above Company fox the reserved Capital Stock set apart fur the Treasury. Office, No. 324. WALNUT Street. my4-6t. L. J. DEMUTH, Steretary, PHILADELPHIA NATATORIUM AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE, No. 219 SOUTH BROAD STREET. In order to complete all prev o arattorrs for the summer season, Dr. JANSEN regrets ng compelled to delay the opening of the Swimming S 00l till - WEDNESDAY, May 4, on which day he invites his friends and the pa trons of th e emetffl e hment to a general inspection, from 9A.M.t09 P. M. The Swimming Department has been again map/. improved, and, in Its MU'. dress, will be Worth seeing. ON THURSDAY, MAY 5. the Institution will be opened again for regular busi ness. in both departments. For particulars see circa tare. D=~D c PVA'Vrt) LADIES' COMMITTEE ant-stittbet 111 GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. RESTAURANT DEPAP.PMENT. The - undersigned, Treasurer or this Department, ac knowledges; the receipt of the fel lowing' tioration, — i - le: biota. a gentleman, through Miss Head, of Mount Carbon, Schuylkill county $lO 00 . Timiough Mrs. Elting - 46 0/ Mrs. Ilobort Sturgis - 100 041 Thomas Pratt, of Media, Delaware county.— 50 03 John Origg 100 (II Edward M. Hopkinv. MD 00 Mrs. Edward .1 - ,.+w 100 00 Proceeds of a Parlor Entertainment hold at Tenth and Wallace streets 100 00 W. A. Blanchard 20 00 Me. Earn 2.3 00 George T. Lewis. 100 00 Thomas, 'Spark% 100 OD Cash ' 200 L.lOO - C. W. S5O • WC an` Sadly in mtel ef feed., eepe! the utrees,,aer fir,t outlay for preparation and niateriaht. Donations wilt be thankfully recuivel and accredited as contributions to the Fair. . One Dollar contributed to this I) , v:l.l.o:tient will pro duce two to the General Treaoury of the ;ianltary Clam , mission. PIIAI4IIB P. STEBL, Treasurer He:A - atm - tot Diliart meat, lit Southwark Bank. • . GEORGE T. LEWIS. Chairman, 231 Smith Front beet and 132.3 Walnut street. Bliss MARY Moll KNIZY, Chairman La Inn Chestnut street. • - • 81 1 .- Dr. 0P.0R(.4'11 W. ri . oluus, cust street nxi-5-6t lap. TAKE 'NOTICE, A. P. A. Whereas." This Lodge. by a resolution r-s-sed nhanimonelY, did invite the Rev. Dr. CARDEN to deli ver a lecture. in it hall to be provided for that purpose, for the good of the Lodge. On application being made to the trustees and elders of the Kensington Preshytc rian Chore/1,4110y granted the use of the school-room !'or that purpose; And whereas, At the close of the able and eloquent lecture delivered by the Rey. Dr. Carden, the Rev. W. (1. Johueton did rise to take exceptions to some of the remarks made on the occasion; therefore Resolved, That theoncers and members of ISRAEL ITE LODGE, on their own behalf, and on behalf of the members of the Order who wore present on that occa sion, also in behalf of the ladies, cuter our most solemn. Protest agaimt the course pur*uod by Ow said Rev. W -0. Johnston. Resolved, That the lecture delivered by the Rev. Dr. Carden together with the high position took in favor of one glorious! country, and of the armies of the United States, imploring the blessing of Almighty God for their success, receive our unanimous approval, and that we do hereby unanimously disapprove of Oct position that Om Rey. W. 0. Johnston assumed: on that occasion. . . . . . . . Resolved, That this Lodge tender their sincere thanks to the Hey. Dr. Carden, for his having responded so Promptly to this invitation to deliver a lecture on Bishop Barnet and the English Revolution. RCN° rued, That a copy of the above preamble and re twilit-RUM he sent to the Rev. Di•. Chrdee. properly at tested, and that they be published . in the Ledger and Press of this city, By order of the Lodge 10 — .1 OFFICE OF THE FEEDER DAM COAL COMPANY, 2.93 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, May 3, 1864. At an election held Ihia day, by the Stockholders of the Feeder Pam Coal Company, the' following were elected to serve as Directors for the ensuing. year; Coffin Colket.Wm. G. Thomas, I Howard Spencer, Wm. Jackson, Thos: Graham. And at a meeting of the Board, Coffin' Colket was elected President, and Chas. D. Knight Troasitrer and Secretary, loys-3t GRAS. D. KNIGIET, Sec'y ogr.. THE GREAT CENTRAL , FAIR.— Subscriptions or donations for Committee of One Day's Labor, Income, or. Revenue, received TODAY by-JOHN W. CLAOHORN, Treasurer, .Office. No. 118 South SEVENTH Street, .Philadelphia. Let all prompt ly maven? d. Subscriptions and remittances- by mail duly roceipted for, and acknowledged in the - newspa pers. n.p23-11n -GREAT CENTRAL EATIL—THE Committee on RELICS, CURIOSITIRS,.and AU TOGRAPHS", solicit from the Patriotic and Benevolent DONATIONS or LOANS of articles embraced.. in the above designations. A large space has beenapproprin.. ted to the exhibition and- sale of these articles in the Buildings on Logan Square. • Whatever will aid in the ORNAMENTATION,: as well as the more important objects of the Fair, will be very acceptable. FRANKLIN PEA 31 LE. ChaIRARD• Str irman.. • No. 11 Geet. Mrs. THOMAS P. JAMES, of tho Ladies• Committee, No. 400 S. NIIVTIi Street• my3-tuths3t OFFICE OF TILE WESTMORE LAND COAL COMPANY, No. 230 South THIRD Street, corner of Willing's alley, PITIT4IIIiLI'fIA, Ma l y 11151 A meeting - of the Stockholders of the WSTMORE LAND COAL COMPANY - will be held:A their Office on FRIDAY, May nth, 1864, nt 11 o'clock A. M, , to vote on the acceptance of the act of incorporation,. approved. April !A 4864, end to elect a Board of Directors to serve until the next election. F. Li. JACKSON. mys-14t SnrAtary, nrOFFICE OF TINE PUILIEDEL• PIIIA EXCHANGE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, April 25_1864. The ManagerF , have this day- declared a dividend of TWO DOLLARS per share, clear of all taxes, payable on and after 6th proximo. ap27-ticy-5 HENRY D. SITERRETZD, Promoter. tg OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAX. AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, PHIGADI:n.- PHIA, May 3, 1861. At aft 6)o6tion held ihisday, the tfAlowing named per sons were chosen officers of the Lehigh Coat and Navi gation. Company for the ensuingrear: PKE6IDEIsiT — JAMES S. COX. Erskine Hazard, Jacob P. Jones, - John Farnum.Francis C. Yanall, Richard Richardson, Samuel B. Stokes, Alexander Fullerton, Francis IL Cope,. Andrew Manderson, Frederick Graff.. TREASURER — EDWIN WALTER. m y4-3t EDWIN WALTER, Secretary 1./ENNSThIrALNKATLAILIZOAD COX. PANT—TREASURER'S Dr:FART/KENT, PUILADEL- Pine, April 20, 1864. NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS. —The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual - dividend of five per cent. on the capital &deck Of the Company, clear of National and. State taxes, payable on. and after May 16, 1864. Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be had at the Office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. Stock and Scrip certificates for the extra dividend will be ready for delivery oh and after May 2d,.but no stock or scrip certificates will be delivered between the 15th May and lid dune. THOMAS T. FIRTH, rny2-lm Treasurer. Egr'' GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, - PHILADELPHIA, HORTICULTURAL AND FLORAL DEPPoRTMENT. The Committee in charge of this Department respect fully solicits contributions for either exhibition or sale, at the Fair in June next,_ of Fruit, Flowers,. and Vege tables, also, Bouquets, Phantom Bouquets. :- Baskets of Flower., - Autumn Lea'lTS, Floral Designs, Aquaria,. Hanging Baskets, Seeds, Flower Stands, Gardening Books, Fern Cases, Foutitains, Aviaries, Horticultural Iron Work, Gardening Implements, Wire . Work, Native Wino, asM Chinn and Glass, Garden Seats and Vases, " Pottery, Cut FlowQ,rs, Dried Fruit, Dried ' Foreign or Exotic Fruit, Wax " Wax b'rtrit, Leather Garden Statuary. In short, Rustic Adornments of every kind, or any thing of a rural or rustic character that does not strictly belong to the Agricultural Department. Daily contributions of cut flowers, bouquets, designs, baskets, etc., so as to insure a constant and regular sup ply during the Fair, will be very acceptable, and con tributors will please arrange with the Ohairmau of the Committee on Baskets Designs, and Bouquets, Mr. ROBERT KILVINGTON, Florist,' LOCUST Street, near Thirty-seventh, WEST PHILADELPHIA, as to the days on which their contributions will be required. Daily contributions °l:Fruits and Vegetables, not only for exhibition and sale, but also for the rise of the Re staurant, will also be thanklfuly received. The time fixed for the opening of the Fair is the FIRST TUESDAY 1N JUNE NEXT, and it will continuo two weeks. All articles except cut flowers, fruit, and vege tables, must be received on or before the preceding day. Donations from the interior of this State, and from Delaware and New Jersey, can be forwarded by any Public conveyance free of freight, and should be dis tinctly marked "Great Central Pair, Logan Square, Philadelphia, Horticultural Department, Care ri le:idingJuvOniio letiress. Act nreparatb,l, and inh'l tornll ye prod ‘ir,el), THE ROMANCE OF .?4 , 0R YOiTh.'o MAN! Omod ly Ala i Sat rirt, fly, hilly 7,,at'2 o'clock. of adl Insinn 7 ])ill's o:ire,.le or l'artlnet, 50 cents; ;Amin' Circle, 2, cont.: fionts. Ili cent.: Fr,e-,lr the Fruit Donelinsmpy.a,. I'o re.serroda Orcitss trziBbit It. Nu extra A4 T R.P. JOHN DRt i h rl' E. NEW KROH -m.2+2 STITRET THEATRE. AST FIVE NIGI/TA' 01 - '1,1115C.. 1 DR?W. LOT FIVE 10(15 , ,EDA LE". ready,NritTlPM.Pfl by over , •iliOrtis.tuirs o ll o . • MONDAY, if RES D MT It D N kiA,Y, and THURSDAY, 011, 'rUE RI FL,o'l3A , I,Lii, lIENEFIT OF hRb JO/IN I(trlintnPrlnn Patina Thin Inanan, and pcsittvely last nicht of RO.EDA%LE. SATTIRDA , F, BENEFIT OF Aflt: On MONDAY NEXT, PI 7/kislii: - DREW. Seats tiocnrr.,l one week ill v u lva roe. my2-4t WALT: LT -STREET 'I I I r .iEA.TEE. v or the. Un paralleled Successful Engagement 'if .Mr nrod Mrs W J. FLORENCE. "Pro,looron of a i'MW I,IKIENDA IRISH DRAMA'. THIS EVENING f. new anti thrilling drama, written et,',rin , sly for Mr, wieretme, entitled KATHLEEN IVIA DURNEEN, .or rarr:o4 , 24 Eva — Terence O'Moore,•ri: young Pens:lnt, Fl.,rriorp , Previous to ay! Drnms, Oho Proteai, tlay of; TITRICE MARRIED, ill Nithicii MR. and 111.1. S - W. J, FLO RENCE appear in six characters', int.. - 4;aimirez sottros and DANCES. ECTITII'E ny IICKIN.'3Oit;" BYI3yILSY If A• L• On THURSDAY EVc. !Jig, Ma v th, 11l .i'plbcir. The entire proceed., for the Great Cert. tra - Tielods, f,6 cent,. XIESSI:6. CEOS'S & ,T.A.I 713" WILL eve a MATINEE OP CLASSICAL WWII' AT TM: VOYF.P. Or THI ACADEMY OF r 111.131{1. On FRIDAY, May a,. t 2 o'clock . In place of their Fourth and Last Sdisn. The. Foyer is engaged every evening for eatertaia ments pertaining to the Rartitary Fair. • PROUWAMME. Hilartetit—Piano and ingtitinontw—li . nor,, On. 4 yfinv!.rrtyaoht. Mimes, J'ARVIS, GAERTNER, CROSS and. A :MEN.. uartette-00177g Imitrn men to—D , major, OP- 76 -traria. Piano Soln---Pantasie . LaMuette de Port ici-.l:lalberg. CIIAS. Grand Duo—Two PianoS— s Tfotnage a Ifandel,—' tahalen. Messrs. CROSS. and' JARVIS. On n tot te—Pla noand I ns [rumen ts—Op. 44.. Sohn maat PRICES OIPADMISSION To be had at' the Music Stores. ray4,3t MISS EVANS, 'l'Le distiogniolled Woialt Oratreaa. fit CONCIM HAIM, on FRIDAY EVENIFG. March, 6th, at 73t. • Tickets, 25 rents. For bole at tholraste St ores and :at the door. my4-3t ELEYEITriI-ST, OPETIA Fl HAENCR " irrA i i,lrikuy E rni,;nt, PILS 4 THE OREAT STAR TROUPE OFF' THE W °llia/ - In - SELECT ETEIOPII N'9OIREES, Splendid Sfoging,.Beautiful Dancint Laughs Me Bar. Plantation Scenea, &c. i '7 TWENTY TALENTED , ARTISTS: - EVERY EVENING. Tins WEE; K. Tickets 55 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. fe27-Bin J. L, CARNCROSSI llnsinetic Ma anger. OREN---THEI PORTY=I4 'MST - 61 A'NNUAL E3SIIiBITION OF PAINTING 9 AND SCULPTURE,.at - the PENNSYLVASHA, ACADP. MY OP THE FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT' Street, above Tenth. Open from 9A. H. till 7P. H., tincllrom Still 10 in the evening. m r26-if ICOMPANY. K, ' (GRAY RESERV) ES,) 7TH REGimuT i . r, /31, -- Mombent who warn CI I gar -Oen Beptember,.l.6B2,.will ineerfirt-PAYMENT, .at the Armory, BROAD Street, below Rear,. on SATIIII DAY EVENINO, May 7th. Absent membarg will apply- to If. D. WELSII, Caplan!, 241 North TVIRD Wind. ATTENTION!' KEYSTONE &Writ . LERY . . —The members who served ',Opt tho Coir . t- WailarkValhAV OVAVIPAPEW NING, sthilust„ ,8 o'cloett, to sign Foy-rolls. Rola. tittiti . or absent member. will_ otteml with I.,owere of at torney. [my?-2t•] A. Mel. ROMMTWS. 011Ptaill, $lO 000 $5,0001 $3,000, and other LUKENS kni=rT r egilla7, 31 8 9 .lNr lineers mys-61* 1035 BEACH Street, anov.rmturel: FOR SALE—A MOST - DESIRABLE grlk RESIDENCE, boantifuliy gitnated, uppwsito St. Dlark's Church, LOCUST Street, Rm ie tiixtneuttt. Apply to OEOII.OE W. 01.11LDs, was and 030 CHEST NUT. Street. myS-tf r FOR SALE—ONE OF THOSE FINE COTTAGES, No. 2.31:13 GREEN Street, with the mo dern improvements, large front and back yard, tea rooms, Immediate possession given. myt-:tt• • n FOR SALE BA NRING HOUSE. A desirable PROPERTY iu the vicinity of Third and Market streets, particularly suitable for a Banking House. Apply to Ultaoo & BRO., my4-6t* No. 402 WALNUT Street. OFOR SAL E—THE BUILDING .AND LOT, No. 308 CHERRY Street, south tilde. Lot 60 feet front, 106 feet deep. At b 2 feet in depth widens to 76 feet, to an 8-feet alley, running to Cherry street. Apply at the (Mee of Christ Church flovital, 240 WALNUT Street. ap2l.-13t ge r FRANKLIN•SQUARE.—FOR O . O 4SALR, the very superior form-story HOUSE, with three-story back buildings, No. 290 FRANKLIN Street, opposite Franklin Square. Ou the rear end of the lot i* a large four-story building, fronting on nace street Which rents well. To he appreeiatedonnst extmlned and the particulars known. Apply on the premises. Two-thirds of the purchase money may remain on mort gage. mys-thstu.3r. eFOR RENT‘-A VERY:FINE, DE sirable RESIDENCE, with. back Buildings, Lawn, and Carden, and every modern convenience, beautiful ly situated at Norristown, one boor's ride from the city. Apply between 10 and o'clock, to ISAAC ROBERT. 218 WALNUT Street, second story. - mY4-2t. 4,1 TO LET--HOUSE NO. 2120 BRAN - - 10 DYWINE Street, with modern improvements. In quire No. 5 S. FIFTH Street. myS-St. inTO RENT—A HANDSOME. RESI DENCE in HaddattilAld, N. J. tleASrably locale& delightful shade, and good water. 'Six miles from the city, and easy of access. Apply, between 10 and P 2, A. K , WM, C. SHINN, 222 WALNUT Street. DELAWARE - COUNTY-1.-MODEL FARM nr COUNTRY SEAT: twenty acres of Lands tine Fruit Garden• first-class Mansion,. contain ing fifteen rooms, and all accessary out- 7 auildurgs; flue view of surrounding country; Lawn Planted with Fruit and ornamental. Trees; accessible from Media Station on Railroad.. JAS. R. CUMMINS, Moat.. ' N. 1.1.--.-Sond for catalog:4e of Delaware Co, farinA fornale, my-1 .St' JUDITH. RUSSEL." gib RARE OPPORTIINITX FOR SPE CULATION.—For sale, a large and valuable pro perty of Two Hundred Acres of Ground, situate in the First and Twenty-sixth wards, having a trout on each side of Broad street of twenty-four hundred feet, with a front of twelve hundred on League Island or Second street road, about one mile from i3ounty Prison, and. less distaurelrom League Island am/ River Delaware. Apply toJ. H. 1:11IRTI.S . & ON itp22- - 12.t11. Real Estate Brokers, *33 WALNUT St. ').. v A RARE CHANCE.—FOR SALE, a splendid BAY HOREB, nearly sixteen hands bigh,perfeeily gentle, very prompt driver, full orcottragm and tarots task. Also: a new two-seated CARRIAGE. Can be seen at the "CLUB STABLE, " myS-6i. Little Boy's eourt; ARCH, above Second st. BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN SON STREETS. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, _CARRIAGES, Stci., On SATURDAY MORNING noxt,atlO &dock, totaprt sing about Including . An elegant dapple grey horse, king tail, a first-rate fa mily horse. A rochaway, for one or two . horses, by Lefler, sags doors and winter front, and a get of havail,,,>liy The property of a.private gentleman. Also A bay horse, eight years old; kind in harness; one of the finest cads l e horses in the country. A pair dark. brown mares, six and seven years old,. have been driven together for the that tiV ea-ears, Also, New and second-hand carriage;, light wagomi, Stn., with which the sale will commence. Also, Single and double harness, saddles. hrldli3s, whips, covers Z , . , An,-No ' postponement, on aecOnnt of - weather. . Sale of herson, &c., on Wednesday. .AW-• Annual stile of cattle, ' e. 'l3th May. ALYRED M, IigIIKNES: - 4, Auctioneer. DAMAGED .LAMPS, &c., FROM THE DAMAGED FI LAMPS, LANTERNS, BURNERS, WICKS, &c., tont :Wail, MITSTIN, 127 South SECOND Street. FOR FINE LARGE. DoG, of the St. ilerllitrti breed, initaS)le, for a farm or banking house. May be Seen at 311 WEL LING'B Alley. mys.2t* HORSES I HORSES U—T subscriber having rented the Stables SID , CHElifir Street, has %et received a litru lot of NaftfirAßllS W 110Itsts, consisting of several I% superb coacb,single drivers. and saddle horses,. aa. of which will be sold at reasons-. Me prices. The undersigned,itttende keeping fel, sale at all times, a well-assorted stlek of first-class ina:sra Gentlemen wantittg w° ll t° ioggPtt.r , . 'H.Efs 81.0 CHERRY Street. r e pwo. A. HtroliES, UIIDERT 259 mys_oo, TEalla_tDrz-LtobiVe Spruce. LADIES TRIISS. AND,BBACE STORE—Conti - acted b_y Ladies, TWELVTIt. Strew; nrct door below knee. nvery article in their elegant,line e asy, amtnorrect in make. C. Hti N.Ere--, DLY.S P.Rrietor, taken& to Gentle-men. on the cor,nor: of TAITLYTH and FACE Streets . IC 13: — Prnfeslionolt accutndy 2434-3mon WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE `%r SCRIPTIONS of Charaster, Constitution. and Ta ~'lent, wish ADVICE on Business, Health,. Edina . lion, &ilf•iniproyeMent, Managentent.and Train -> Jug of GUILD/MN. social adaptation. deo. , day anti evening, by JOBDI L* Phrenologist and Bookseller, rnhl9-stuth No. 25 B. TENTH Street.above Chestnut. Mil CORRECT PIANO TUNING.--. Mr. C. B. &ARGENT'S Orders for Tnnin_g and. Repairing Pianos are received a% DIMON . St CO. 'S Store, 907 CHESTNUT Street, only. Mr. S. has bad eleven years' %Mori' experience London mad live years! elapinment rhillkdfiPbil6 SPECIAL.—Pianos reteoi&rwal to sound as soft mak sweet toned as new. Without removing. Terms for Tuning, la. oc2o-804 MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT - LOAN&D upon Diamonds, Watoloasi ri n ry Plate Clothing, ,at .104 ES .41 Eatailialied Loan Oboe. oornor sad OASKILL Streets, below Lombard. §4p7,44iii AMUSEMENTS. 011ATO HAYDN ICL0 CitEATION, fit' THE ENTIRE FORCE. ItEILITANY. FOR SALE AND TO LET. AUCTION' SALES. SIXTY HORSES,