PARR=ED_ 13115—AMITAGE.—On the 3d innt. Rev. Wm. 11. Fairlamb to Rachel S.;danghter N.,%:„ Armitage. ~11..P;;.Vr—READING.--Ort the Oth of February, city, by the Rev. R. W. Hatter, Mr. Ra -10..1.::,a.-5 ;ii- le Miss Mary Roading,hoth of New Ilne, Penna. P:`,i.ciami.—LOßD. — On the 28th of April, at the resi .,: o f the bride's father, in Marhy, Delaware county, by the Rev. Mr. Crittenden, Mr. John E. Carroll, ' ‘ NiideNburg, Pa., to Miss Addle, daughter of Siznevn FOSTEIL—On the 2d inst., Caroline, widow of the 7 ,,i,1:01,0rt Foster_ The friends of the family speed her fu neral, from her late resident", are ilsn-T,.sltrrine s treet, on Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock. Oakford, in the OAKFORD.—On the 211 inst.. - 74th year of her age. r egreetfully invited to The r,latives and friendt:, iste residence, No. 706 attend her funeral. Wallace street. on i• . 13 • morning', at 10 o'clock, Without furt/o.T. V t ., te r e i.shienee in Gwynedd, Montgo- Follf,gg Ps ' on the Ist last., Hugh Foulke. Sr., r d his age. in the d 6 r.' I -ft of the family are invited to at las' friend, an d 1112. in Al qt Friends - Meeting House, Gwynedd. tenntlixiti=il:;,hthe. 6th . instant, at 11 o'clock A. at. rouLsoiv. —perm ted this life on Sunday afternoon, 1 1564. at the residence of his father, May • s 6-wden street, Charles A. Poulson, Toulson, n • l it4 - •clatiVen and friends of the deceased, and those of les family, are respectfully requested to attend the fume iii o b,,,,ri e s, and interment, at St. Peter's Episcopal .church. on Wednesday afternoon, the 4th instant, at py ; , , srsely_ irtst, mo I 1 % — l - iamPten, eldest sou of Gideon G., and Caroline Westcott, in his 25th year, on Monday morning, the 2.21 inst. Funeral from his father's residence, southwest corner fortieth and Spruce, on Wednesday afternoon, at- 3 .‘• clock. To proceed to Woodlands Cemetery. "* KHETtIt. —On the afternoon of tho lst inst., of disease ce strocted while serving the Army of the Potomac. Wm. E. Scherr, late captain Company E, 26th Regiment Tennsylvania Volunteers, in the 31st year of his age- The relatives and friends of the family, and the friends of the deceased, are invited to attend his funeral. from his late residence, No. 2105 Brandywine street, on Thursday, the sth inst., at 2 o'clock tre proceed to Woodland Cemetery. Obituary. • EVAN I'U(ill. All wl.o take any interest in ag ricultarr or in agricul tural educa [ion, Will hear of the death of this gentleman with the dee n e.a re g ret. But those who regard the re -Isolation of the State, who feel how deeply its welfare surd its honor are connected with the education of its youth, will lament quite as much the loss of this ex cellent and able man. Born in the county of Chester, in a fluidly of Friends, long settled at or near Oxford, early - life had few of those advantages that lead a ~,,u th ,elect as his intellectual sphere of action ihe severe,. difficult, and lofty branches of study. BM he felt within himself a power that pressed him on, and e ,ery disadvantage and every difficulty he met bore rp against as can only be dOllO by one deter :onus: to acquire knowledge, and ready to endure every =mall its acquisition may demand. Inheriting a ,tudi ium, he immediately went to Germany, entered 000 its v 1 Universities, graduated with its honors, and v on , plae, himself under the tuition of one of the chief „I,i s ibds of that country, After several years of hard j o ber in tile laboratory, he was employed by Lawes Clill-ert, the well-known agricultural chemists of Eng- Tbese gentlemen appreciated him, and of them ity and kindness he always spoke in warm terms. Jr wa- durhig his engagement with them that writer of this notice first heard of him. Being I by a fellow-student of his in Germany - that Tame had been mentioned to one of the trustees of the High School as a person fitted for the post of zre+it/Pl:t, be wrote to that gentleman, making inqui ry, a- ni the condition and prospects of the institution; 51,1, that he had always hoped to see a school of agri culture in America, and that ho had 'prepared himself to join it. But his means were small, and he was liberally paid the situation he then held. Could he be expected to leave it for a mere experiment, that as yet had found no very special favor, except with a few liberal-minded men? T o hi:, modest and candid avowals an equally candid i aray is as inade. lie was told that the institution With lira first one proposed inthe country; that his native State have the honors if it succeeded, and that he. as its head, would rise with it. After two or three slays' consideration he determined to come and give his services to his country; aware that the chances full compensation for them were very few, and that he had le go through the almost desperate struggle, as it f c geocatly is, of attemptingto place a new idea betore iudizferent and unprepared minds. His coming seemed ~, be entirely a patriot act; his whole conduct since has i•cen from the same lofty impulses. Far more lucrative pests could have been easily procured, but he thought Lot of money; and from our intercourse with lihn, in couveri.i. flea and by letters, we could never perceive that Ile had a selfish purpose, or any purpose but that ‘ , f linking the Agricultural College the first institution of its kind. Surely such a man is an example to our youth; and is le not an honor to his State ? and an honor, too, to that za , lde body of self-made men who meet and defeat the and cold hand of adverse fortune? A. The fu a copy of the resolutions adopted by the :Au ti cut. of the Agrienlininl College of Pounsylva r!a, on learning of the death of their late president, Dr. Esen who died in Bellefonte, Centro Co., Pa., • B . & recs.,- It has pleased Almighty God to remove ;tom one midst our late president, Dr. Evan Pugh, while in the prune of life, and the ripe and vigorous ex ercise of his rare powers; therefore, be it BesellY(f, That we, the students of the Agricultu rid College of Pennsylvania, deeply deplore the loss which we have sustained in the death of our late presi dent. Gifted with s mind of unusual vigor and clear enriched by ripe scholarship and varied culture, he nu ;t avi t, these a temper so genial, so fearless, and so and a judgment so mature as to combine in rare measure the talent of felicitous instruction with that of :laces-Col administration. To his unwearied and cor al.] devotion to our interests, and his quick and clear pleeption of our needs, is largely due the success which th, thus far attended us; and whatever measure of use fulness may in future attend our career, we deeply feol slat upon all that future will be impressed the stamp of ids character and his labor. RASIAP:I That in the death of Dr. Evan Pugh we Lave been deprived of an able instructor, a kind guar thin, and a genial friend. ii.sorred, That to his bereaved widow and relatives '. tender the heartfelt tribute of our sympathy under their heavy affliction. .R,colrNi. That we attend the funeral in a body_ Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be given tr. the bereaved widow and relatives, and that they be •pnbli,Led in the Village Record, (Chester county ,) West (heater Republican, Philadelphia Press Germantown rd earaph. New York Tribune, New Y ork Herald, l'ilblurg &slimy Chronicle, Pittsburg Post and the Centre county papers, THOS. F. RUSSEL, E. B. DYSART WAL. PlERCE,'Committee. A4RIOT - LITRAL COLLEGE, April RI, ISM. pLACK ALPACAS.-JUST OPENED, -" a large stock of Alpacas and Glossy Mohair Lustros, 5711 ex-rit, to 1M.50 a yard. Lupin's Bombazines. Summer Bombazines. • Chalys. " Tanuses. Mousselinea. " Ra'rege Tiernan]. Crape Maretz, and other Summer Goods. BESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, ha.? No.. 918 CHESTNUT Strout EYRE & LANDELL ALW,AYS KEEP Black Silk in the City. • Black Silk V'M to $1 per yard. Biaek File Silk for Coats. Flack - Silk Plump, yard wide. Black Silk, Purple Slvage. hack Silk for Ladies' Sacks. my 4 PHILADELPHIA. SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING AGRICULTURE.—Stated Meeting :t Room 326 WALNUT Street on WEDNESDAY, May 5:1:. at 11 o'clock A. M. It CONGREGATIONAL CIEURCIL— A meeting in behalf of this enterprise will bn No. 210 1 ANIKLIN Street, THIS (Wednesday) EVE:SI.N(;, at o'clock. o= -- IMPORTANT TO PLUMBERS I A meeting will be bola THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, at the Washington Hose Hall, NINTH St., , eve Filbert, S c'clock, in reference to the Sanitary Fair. Elt.3 JOHN C. HUNTER, Chairman. ANNUAL MEETING OF "THE HOME FOR DESTITUTE COLORED CHIL LI:EN," will be held at the office, S.W. cor. SEVENTH .4 ARCH. on Second-day, Evening, sth .ffionth, 9th :L-caul, at S o'clock. Election for Trustees, Managers, 4c., for the ensuing year. ISRAEL H. JOHNSON, Secretary of Trustees. THE TIIIIRTYAECOND ANNI. VERSARY of the "NORTHERN LIBERTIES BIBLE SOCIETY" will be held at the Second Dutch f. , 6mned Church, SEVENTH Street, above Brown (Mr. ]; ] par , tor), on TUESDAY EN ENING, May 3d, at `.: . clerk. Several addresses may be expected. my2-2t. APPLICATION WILL BE MADE to the Managers of the MERCANTILE LI BRARY COMPANY for Renewal of Certificate of One ~; 5:t..4:1:, No. 3774, standiug in the name of WM. E. HAM', the same having been lost or mislaid. it* 'IIrTHE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.— Subscriptions or donations for Committee of One D47 - S LaWr, Income or Revenue, received TO-DAY Lc JOHN W. CLAGI{ORN, Treasurer, Office No. US `such SEVENTH Streo,.Philadelphia. Let al/ promnp!- 1 1 , r , ,57/0H( 1 . subsertiottons and remittances . by mail mtr receipted for, and acknowledged in the newspa mN ap23-1m ar- - BANK. OF COMMERCE. PHILADELPHIA, May 3, Mt The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi tkal of FIVE per cent, payable on demand clear of J. A. LEw IS, Cashier. COIII3LE.RCIAL BANK OF PENN. ..1 - I.VAIVIA, -PHILADELPHIA May 3, 1864. 114 e Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi .l..nt of FIVE PER CENT-, payable on demand, clear -!lNationsl and State taxes. S. C. PALIMR, inv4-fit Cashier. CONSOLIDATION BANK. PHILADELPHIA, May 3, 1864. The Board of Directors. have this day declared a semi. aaucal Dividend of SIX per cent., clear of State and Government tax, payable on demand. Inv9-wfm3t JOS. N. PIERSOL, Cashier. lar' CORN EXCHANGE BANK. PHILADELPHIA, May S 1864. The Directors have declared a Dividend of 9E' EN per ( tht-1 Payable on demand, clear of State and 11. S. (3 ;cr ceut. ) tax. J. W. TORRY, tay4-tf Cashier. COMMONWEALTH BANK. P PHILADELPHIA, May 3, MM. riVEThe Directors have this day declared a Dividend of ~ r cent. for the last six nths, payable on de =Pd. Hear of State and United m States t ax. ar4-it H. C. YOUNG, Cashier. Wcz D I V.ID E ND.—PHILADELPHIA, MAY 2, 1804.—The .3faufters of the =MINIM RILL AND SPRING-HOUSE TURNPIKE ROAD have earlary k l a Dividend of TWO. AND A HALF PER (ENT., payable on or after the 16th instant, clear of :sate and the three-per-cent. United States tax. CHARLES BACON, Treasurer triy-1-3t 417 WALNUT Stre'et. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK, PHILADELPHIA, May 3, 1861. The 'Beard of Directors hare this day declared a Ditri dral of FITE per cent., payable on demand, clear of Csiteti States and State taxes. `Y4-Ct W. RUSHTON, 3R., Cashier. age= FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. MAY 3, 1361. The Board of Directors have this day declared a dirt dend FIVE DOLLARS ger share, payable on demand, tlehr or all taxes. MORTON McMIOLIAEL, Ja r , _w} -tit Cashier. IW• GIRARD BANK. PHILADELPHIA, May 3, 1864. The Directors hare this day declared a Dividend of 111 li Per cent. OUt Of the prolitm of the last six mouths, P 4 Yable on and after the IRS, inst., free of all lases. my;-tmyl4 W. L. SCHAFFER, Cashier. W. KENSINGTON BANK, PHILADELPILIA, May 9, The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi -4,lti of TEN PER CENT. for the last mix months, pay en demand, clear of State and United States taxes. 1 , 13 - 4.-6 t C. T. YERKSS, Cashier. BIECHADUCIS' DANN.. PHILADELPHIA, May 3. Mt The Beard of Directors have this day declared a Divi li"d Of SIX per cent., payable on and after the 13th J. WIEGAND, J. CaNhier. SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF „, PHILADELPHIA, FICANKFORD. Nay 3, UM. , he Board of Directors have this day_ declared a Divi ,lat of TWO DOLLARS PER SFIABE, from the earn nr the past three months, payable to the Stockhold (l,4l dp.m W. H. RHAWN, Li Y4-}t Cashier. -- NOETHWARK BANK. PHILADELPHIA, May 3,1861. The Directors have declared a Dividend of SEVEN per payable on demand. F. P. STEEL, Cashier. TRADESMEN'S RAINIL.—PIIILA.- DEI.PHIA, Maya, WI —The Board of Direct rr' I .4te f ibis day declared a Dividend of FIVE per cent. pest hiX months, payable on-demand. _InY4-Nt CASTNER, Cashier. '---' THE PHILADELPHIA BANK- - The PEILASHLPHIA, May 3, 18 N. l) rectors have declared a Dividend of Flle - E per dn. Mr the last six months, and also an extra Divi a bf THREE pereant., payable on demand, and free `2ibtae taxes.and -the United States tax of three per B. B. COMEGYS. Cashier. WESTERN BANK OF PKILA. DELPIIIA, May 3, 1364. Direct TEN this Bank have this day declared a of per cent. payable on demand, clear of and State taxes. C. N. WEY9ANDT, Cashier, THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR Po!sident and Managers COMP ELM . IRA AND , ti .iIAId , ,PORT RAILROAD NY will be hold Wilco. No. aos WALNUT Street on MONDAY, 21, at l 2 o'clock M. L. 1. GEIGER, -- k git-tvfneh Secretary. ROCK OIL COMPANY OF PENN. Ng • SYLVANLL —Certificates of Stock of this COM-. t r , aT. , HOW being issued, and transfers made at the of: ii,pf the Company No. 3 FORREST PLACE, rear of V, South sco.Tit street. SNO. F. titItAFF, bacretary and Treitillior, UNION LEAGUE HOUSE, 1119 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, May 2. 1864.—A special meeting of the UNION LEAGUE of Phi ladelphia will be held on to take the Phi 12th instant, at 8 o'clock, to take into consideration the acceptance of the Charter lately obtained from the Le gislature of the State of Pennsylvania. By order of the Board of Directors: lays-tiny - 1 2 01,0110 E H. Botrgit, Secretary. WGEORGE ICHOMPSON—ANOTHER SIEETING. —Thirty Years ago, George Thomp son delivered his first lecture, in this city, in the Cove nanter" Church, Cherry street, below Eleventh. He DI now invited by members of the Millie Church to deliver another address in the same building, which he consents to do. The meeting will take place next FRIDAY _EVE- IstlNO t the 6th of May, at 8 o•elock. Subject—" The Unionists and Copperheads of England and America. " Admittance Chestnutnts. Ticket ato be had at .B. Prtsch's, Sixth and streets, at the Anti-Slavery Office, 106 North Tenth street, and at the door. areo-61 NOVEL LECVVILE.—MISS EVANS, the youthful Welsh Lectures, who has been as tonishing great audiences In New York (only 16 old), will deliver one of her unique and eloquent ad dressee upon Temperance, on FRIDAY EVENING, Hay 6th, in CONCERT- HALL, at 73i o'clock. MISS EVANS has no equal of her age, and her lee' hires are given with marvellous power and eloquence- With her sweet, musical voice, she makes herself heard in the largest audience rosins with perfect ease. TICKETS 25 cents, to be obtained at the principal Music Stores, and at the door. No postponement for the weather. my2-5t - 'UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COW/16610X —Liill/ES' MEETING AT CON CERT HALL. meeting of Ladies of all the Evange lical Churches of the Citv will be held at CONCERT BALL on WEDNESDAY MORNING neat, May 4th, at tee o'clock. The Rev. Dr. Kirk, of Boston, Rev. J. T. Duryea, of Now York, and some of the City Clergy will tuldrosn the meeting in reference to the orgartigation of Ladies' Chris- Oa. Commissions in the severaleeougregations. A fall attendance of the Ladies interested in the temporal and spiritual welfare of our brave soldiers is earnestly re quested. A great emergency Is before us which we must be pre pared to meet. GEORGE IL STGAItT, .irry2-8t Chairman. rt - 7 - r° A MEETING OF THE MALE members of the M. E. Church, in favor of Lay Repriuicutation, will be held at Trinity hi. E. Church, EIGHTH Street, above Race, on WEDNESDAY. EVE NING next, Nay 4th, at S o'clock. A full attendance is requested, as matters of import ance will be introduced for comoderation. John Whiteman, John Field, T. K. Collins, -A_ W.. Rand. George I. Hamiltbn, James B. Dare, Iny3-2t PITTSBURG AND OIL-CREEK PETRONA OIL COMPANY. —Subscriptions will be received at the Office of the above Company (or the reserved Capital Stock set apart for thc Treasury. Office, No. 524 WALNUT Street. my4-6t. L. . 7, DEMUTH, Secretary, nrFOURTH NATIONAL A N Statement of the FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, as required by the twenty-fourth section of the Act of. Congress, approved the 25th day of February, A. 1). 1863: Amount of Loans am/ Discounts.. - U. S. Treasury Notes— ` )no !rent other Bankri, of Notes in Circulation Deposits, including balances due to other , Banks 178,700 PHILADELPHIA, May a, BR Ciii,of Philadelphia, 88. I, SAMUEL J. McMULLAN, Cashier of the Fourth National Bank, being sworn, depose and say that the above statement is correct to the best of Inv , knowledge and belief. SAMUEL J. McMU'LLAg, Cashier. Sworn before me this Pd day of May, A. D.'1.8134, It Wlif. P. HIBBERD, Alderman. PHILADELPHIA NATATORIITAI Ii AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE, No. MO SOUTH BROAD STREW In order to complete all preparations for the summer season, Dr. JANSEN regrets being compelled to delay the opening of the Swimming School till WEDNESDAY, May 4, on which day he invites his friends and the pa trons of the establishment to a general inspection, from 9A.M.t09 P. M. The Swimming Department has been again much improved, and, in its May_ dress, will be worth seeing. ON THURSDAY, MAY 9, the Institution will be opened again for regular busi ness, in both departments. For particulars sec circulars. my2-St °MEE OF THE PHILADEL PHIA =CHANGE COMPANY. PHILADEEPHIA, 25, Mt The Managers have this day declared a dividend of TWO DOLLARS per share, clear of all taxes, payable on and after sth proximo. ap27-tmys HENRY D. EHERRERD, Treasurer. arOFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, PM:LOU PMA, hfay. 3, 1864. At an election held this day, the following named per sons were chosen (Moors of the Lehigh Coal and Wayi gatiou Company for the ensuing year: PRESIDENT—JAMES S. COX. MANAItBIiS : .Tacob P. Jones, Francis C. Yarnell, Samuel E. Stokes, Francis It. Cope, Frederick Grad', 'WIN WALTER. 'IN WALTER, Secretary. Erskine Hazard; John Farnnm, Richard Richardaon, Alexander Fullerton, Andrew Mauderaon. TaItASUREI3.—E ray4-St - ED • PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANY—TREAEURER'S DEPARTMENT, PHILADEL PHIA. April 20, 1861. NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS. —The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of live per cent. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after Way 16, 1664. _ - Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be bad at the Office of the Company, Ito. 236 South THIRD Street. Stock and Scrip certificates for the extra dividend will be ready for delivery on and after May 2d, but no stock or scrip certificates will be delivered between the 15th May and lit Tune. THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. CITY BOUNTY NOTICE. -- OF FICE CITY BOUNTY FUND COMMISSION, No. 412 PRUNE Street, April 1, 1504. The City Bounty will continue to be paid until further notice. No applications for Bounty will be entertained from recruits who enlisted prior to the date of the President's Proclamation, October 17,1863. All future powers of attorney for the City Bounty, from new recruits for Pennsylvania Regiments ' mus tered in after this date, must be endorsed by the officer in charge of the barracks that the man has been re ceived there. By order of the Commission. apl-tf SAMUEL C. DAWSON, Secretary. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGH WAYS. - OFFICE OF CHIEF COMMIEMONER,• S. W. corner WALNUT and FIFTH Streets , PHILADELPHIA,May 1, 184. NOTlCE.—Owners Of Hacks and Carriages kept for hire are notified that themust renew their licenses on or before the first day of June, 1564. The penalty for neglect is Five (5) Dollars for each time the vehicle is used after that date, aud will he strictly enforced. THOS. .31 - . MIOL, my2-3t License Clerk. liggr'' OFFICE OF THE GREAT CEN TRAL FAIR FOR THE SANITARY COMMIS SION—PHILADELPHIA, 1307 CHESTNUT STREET, March, 1864. —The Committee on Finance and Donations of the Great Central Fair appeal for contributions in MONEY to those of their fellow-citizens who do notpropose Sending to the Fair the products of their skill and indus try. Byfar the larger portion of the money received on the occasion of the Fairs held for the benefit of the Sani tary Commission in Cincinnati, Boston, and Brooklyn, was derived from direct donations in CASH, and not from the proceeds of the sale of articles exposed. What the Sanitary COMmigsion needs to afford relief to the sick and wounded soldiers is money, in large amounts, and from all sources. We call, then, upon all bank ers, corporations, capitalists ? persons living upon in comes, professional or otherwise in short, upon all who will not he represented in the Fair by their productions, to imitate the example of those who will, and to con tribute liberally. in MONEY for this great object. In New York, although. their Fair is not to be held for two weeks, contributions of more than IMO, P3O hi cash have been already received, a single department of trade, that of dry goods, havingmade up more than half that sum. Brooklyn and Cincinnati have each contributed as much in money, and certainly the wealth, liberality, and patriotism of Philadelphia can hardly be consid ered as less conspicuous than that of these communities. Contributions - will be thankfully received by any of the members of the Committee. A. E. BORIE, Chairman. A. MERCER, SAMUEL WELSH, A. J. OM ANTELO, AS SPARKS. CALEB COPE,_ JOHN T. LEWIS THOMAS ICIMBE ' L JR, T. A. BIDDLE, E. W. CLARK, WM. C. KENT, E. C. KNIGHT. m1.28-6t&mirtf GREAT CENTRAL FAIR FOR THE UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSION. OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON RECEPTION OF GOODS, Central Fair Building, on Eighteenth street, from Race to Vine street—Entrance on Eighteenth street, PHILADELPHIA, AprillB, 1864. The Committee on " Reception of Goods" are now prepared to receive any articles designed for the Fair, and would ask the co-operation of the various branches of Trade and Industry, as their labors must necessarily be very arduous. Every package should be properly marked, and sent to the Chairman or any member of the Committee, who are authorized to receipt and acknow edge the same. Tney are happy to inform the public that all of the railroad and express companies have generously offered o deliver packages to the Committee free of charge. A. R. McHENRY, Chairman. B. H. ROWLEY, Secretary— Committee meet on Tuesday and Friday afternoons, at 6 o'clock. A. R. McHENRY, A. S. ROBERTS, JR. EDWARD H. ROWL'EY, JAMES N. STONE, DAVID C. McCAMMON, GEORGE A. moKINSTRY. S. S. MOON, J. D. ELLIS, JAMES S. MARTIN, • JOS. HARRISON, JR.. Committee. ap 22-1 m PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL WHARF AND RAILROAD COMPANY.—No tice is hereby given that a meeting of the Commission ers appointed by an act of the General Assembly of- the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to Incorporate the Philadelphia Commercial Wharf and Railroad Company, " approved the twAty-fifth day of May, A. R. ISM tO open books, receive oubscriptione t . and. PHILADELPHIA py. by the name, style, and title of the COMMERCIAL WHARF AND RAILROAD COMPANY, will be held on the TWENTY SIXTH DAY OF MAY, A. D. 1864, between the hours of ten o'clock A. M. and four o'clock P. M., at No. 324 WALNUT Street,. second floor, Room No. 2, in the city a PHILADELPHIA, sad from day to day, in rareuance of said act of Assembly, and for the purposes therein mentiond and provideed. EDMUND A. SOLIDER, DAVID JAYNE, SAMUEL T. BODINE J. VAUGHAN MERRICK. E. W. WARNER, TITUS S. EMERY. PHILADELPHIA, May 2, 1864. ELMIRA AND WILLIAIISPORT RAILROAD CO.—Office, 308 WALNUT St. PUILAIIRLPRIA, May 2. 1861. At the Annual Election of the Stock and Bondholders of the Elmira and Williamsport Railroad Company, held at their office this day, the following officers were duly elected for the ensuing year: . . PRESIDENT. THOMAS RINSER, JR. MANAGERS. IROBERT J. MERCER, ALEX. S. DIVEN,. WM. C. LONGSTRETH. LEWIS P. GEIGER, Secretary. ELLIS LEWIS, C. DIACALESTEE, WIS. D. LEWIS, WiDOFFICE OF THE LEHIGH ZINC COMPANY, 121 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, Mtty4, Mt The Directors have this day declared a cash dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, clear of State tax, payable on and after the 10th instant, at the Ofllce of the COraPallY- The Transfer Books will be closed until that date. Toy GORDON bIONGES, Secretary. GONACOND.A. DIMING COMPANY (OF MICHIGANO—The tint Meeting of the "GOLCONDANINING COMPAhIY," ender is Arti cles of Association, will be held on MONDAY, the 9th day of May, 1964, at No. 324 WALNUT Street, Phila. delolda, at U o'clock A. K A. H. DENULA, B. A. HOOPES, Two of the Associates of Said Corporation. PHILADELPHIA, April 14, 1941. ap9l-13t IarOFFICE OF THE VULCAN MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN. . PHILADBLPHIA, April 27, 1864. The elated annual meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of thin Company will be hold on THURSDAY, Mu Ilth, at 12 o'clock M. at their office, No. 324 WALNUT Street. An election for Directors will take place, to serve the Company the ensuing year. IL WONIRATIFI, Secretary. gw== OFFICE BOHEMIAN MINING COMPANY, 132 WALNUT Street, • PHILADELPHIA, Aprill4, 1864. Notice le hereby given, that an assessment of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY' CENTS per Share on each and every Share of the Capital Stock has THIS DAY been called by the Board of Directors of the BOHEMIAN MINING COMPANY, due and payable on or before the 'Nth day of May, 1864, at the Office of the Company-,13a WALNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. By order of the Board of Directom apld-tmYl5. L. MACTIER, Secretary. CONVERSION OF LEMON". SCRIP INTO CAPITAL STOCK. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION .r„ COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, April 23, 1864. At a meeting of the Board of Managers, held yester day, the following preamble and resolution were adopt ed.viz. : Whereat+, Ample security hat been provided for the ..Payment and satisfaction of so ranch of the mortgage debt of March 7, 1842, as has not been exchanged by the holders thereof for the hew loan secured by the late mortgage dated April 1, 1864; therefore Reso/ved. That full Certificates of Stock in the capital of this Company be forthwith issued to the holders of the Scrip Certificates, according to the number of shares in the latter certificates speeified; and that. until the necessary exchange of certificates can be effected, the present holders of said Scrip Certificatesbe entitled. now and hereafter, to all the rights and privileges of Stock holders of this Company. Published by order of the Board. aVQ-Gt Wiklingt. semitBrt . . T. K. Peterson, Samuel C. Sharp, M. D. , George Cookman, .Tafoph Thompson, John Stillman, T. T. Tasker, Sr. 29, 8110 • . • " AVOID THE DRAFT • and engage. in this honorable and pleasant BRANCH OP Tut: SERVICE, should not miss this opportunity, Good men from tho INTERIOR OF THE STATE are particularly desired, and thoy must hasten without delay to the Recruiting' Office, FIFTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets, OR IT WILL BE TOO LATE. - Recruiting Officers for this command will dime their accounts preparatory to rejoining their Regiments. JOHN H. JACK, my2-3t Captain and Recruiting Officer. MILLINERY GOODS. • r4j MISS M. A. BAKER, NIP . ' No. 1346 CHESTNUT STREET, Has opened a large assortment of PARIS MILLINERY, apl3-3m. - For the Spring and Summer of 1864. 44 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC." - F. SCHUELLERMANN & No. 21 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, Have on hand a beautiful assortment of SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, Men and Boys' Wear, Black and Colored Silks, &c.,&c. Yhe profits on the sales of FRIDAY, May 6th, Will be contributed to the Committee on " Labor, Income, and Revenues, " of the Great Central Fair. Persons wishing to aid in this object Will find it to their advantage to call. ' ARMY GOODS. FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY E'VANS 8c 1-lA-SSA.L.IIL, Banners,. Regimental and Company Flags, Swords. Sashes, Belts. Pasaants, Epaulets, Hats, Caps, Can teens, Haversacks,. Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. FURLOUGHS. Officers and Soldiers, visiting the city on Furlough, needing SWORDS, And other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, are invited to the very extensive Manufacturing Establishment of GEO. W. SIMONS & BRO., SANSOM-STREET HALL, SANSOM Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice,- Which, for richness and magnificence, challenge compotition,no other house in the country combining the MANUFACTURING JEW ELER with the PRACTICAL SWORD-MAKER. mhl2-2m FROTHINGRAM ek WELLS SPRING AND SIIMMEit. ENTIRE NEW STOCK UNDERCLOTHING. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. (SUCCESSOR TO HILL & EVANS, ) 1035 CHESTNUT STREET SIOO REWARD.-WAS STOLEN ON - the evening of the 30th of April, - A DIAMOND BREASTPIN. The above reward will be paid for it by leaving it with SETH H. FENN, cashier of the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, and no questions asked. nir2-71 THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. GRIFFITH & PAGE. 600 ARCH Street, DEALERS IN HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, REFRIGERATORS,WATER-COOLERS,&e., Will give the Prollis, THURSDAY, MAY 5, To the SANITARY FAIR. my4-2t* SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS ARTIFICIAL HUMAN EYES Inserted without pain, by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., my3-1m 924 CHESTNUT Street. OPERA GLASSES AND OFFICERS' FIELD GLASSES. Microscopes for Physicians and SEndents. A very large assortment for sale:inr JAMES/W. QUEEN & nrya-lm 924 CHESTNUT Street MATHEMATICAL DRAFTING IN INSTRUMENTS. Chesterman's Metallic and Steel-tape Measurers. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 0e. , " CHESTNUT Street. Priced and Illustrated Catalogues gratis. my3•lm I 0 •. Just received 25 additional cases of these celebrated (alixander's) Matches, for sale to the trade only. ay.27-6m ROWE & EUSTON, 157 & 159 N. THIRD St. FAMILY DYE COLORS. (PATENTED OCT. 13 . „12.63.) A SAVING OF SO PRY CENT. BLACK, BLACK FOR SILK. DARK BLUE, LIGHT BLUE. FRENCH ELITE. .CLARET BROWN, LIGHT BROWN, DARK BROWN. SNUFF BROWN, For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods,Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hate, yeath: Feath ers, Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing _Apparel. CHERRY CRIMSOIt, DARK DRAB, LIGHT DRAB, FAWN DRAB, LIGHT FAWN DRAB, DARK GREEN LIGHT GREEN, MAGENTA, • For 25 cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process is simple, and any one can use the dye with perfect success. Di reetions in English. French, and German.. inside of cash 311 1 21, 6- M AROL,N, ORANGE, PINK, ROYAL PURPLE, • PURPLE. SALMON, SCARLET, SLATE soLrearro, VIOLET,LEATHE. For further information in Dyeing, and giving a per fect knowledge what colors are best adapted to dye over others (with many valuable recipes),. purchase Howe Ste Stevens' Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring:- Sent by mail on receipt of price-10 cents. Manufactured by HOWE & STEVENS, WO BROADWAY, Boston. For sale by druggists and dealers generally. ap3o-Imtf HEATON & DENCKLA, HARDWARE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 507 COMMERCE and 510 NORTH Street,s offer for sale: Anchor Brand Nails! Plymouth Mill Rivets. W. & S. Butcher's Cast Steel; Eagle Cabinet Locks. - Putnam's Horse Nails; Locke's School Slates. Copper, Brass, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. Also, a full assortment of American Hardware. fe7-Smif APPEAL --ANION IVOLIINTEEB. REFRESHMENT SALOON. To the Hzens of Phi/adelphia It will be three years on the 27th day of May, UAL since the Union Vo lunteer Refreshment Saloon commenced its operations. The Committee never have pressed their claims. Nei ther hare they lost sight of the fact that there were Other institutions equally worthy of public confidence and support; and they have endeavored to discharge the duties entrusted to them in an honest, economical, quiet, and unostentatious manner. Up to this time we have been generously.supported by contributions From our friends and a portion of the moneyed corporations of Philadelphia. We have tried to lessen the burdens of our kind friends by annual fairs in June; the iirst was a success; the second comparatively a failure, in conse quence of the raid into Pennsylvania last summer, and there is no prospect of holding one this season, as in tendey. The high price of provisions, and the heavy and constant demand ou our Saloons, have nearly de pleted our treasury, and as the signs of the times point to a series of protracted battles, and as there will no doubt be still further calls on our limited resources, we are compelled to make this appeal. to the liberality of the citizens of Philadelphia and vicinity for assistance, otherwise our future usefulness will be very much Un paired. Contributions in cash, and notice of Provisions and Sanitary Stores for our use, will be received by the fol lowing gentlemen: Bev. Dr. Thomas Brainerd, No. GM Pine street. Thomas Robbins, Esq, President Philadelphia Bank, Chestnut street, west of Fourth street. B. B. Cummins, Esq., President of the Girard Bank, Third street, near Dock street. S. *A. Mercer, Esij., President of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Chestnut street, below Fifth. J. B, Austin, Esq., President of the Southwark Bank, Second, below South street. Woodward, Esq., Cashier Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Bank, northwest corner Third and Vine streets. - . Thomas T. Firth. Esq., Treasurer Pennsylvania Rail road, Third and Willing : alley. James a Hand & Co.; corner Market and Decatur streets. Samuel B. Tales, Esq. No. 514 Walnut street (who has consented to act as General Financial Agent for our institution). Or by any member of our committee. The Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon is situated at the southwest corner of Washington and Swanson streets. The citizens of Philadelphia and vicinity, and strangers, are respectfully invited to visit the Saloon, and witness for themselves the arrangements made for the refreshment and comfort of the brave soldiers pass ing through the City of Brotherly Love. ARAD BARROWS, Chairman. B. WADE, Secretary. arau-bit A MEETING- OF THE STOCK.. HOLDERS of the Bloomsburg Iron Company will be held at the Company's Office r at Irondale, Co lumbia county, Penna., on WEDNESDAY, May Bth, 1864, for the purpose of electing nine Directors to servo the ensuing year, and for the transaction of other bust - Wat. E. S. BARER, Treasurer and Secretary. No. 213 North WATER Street. PHILADELPHIA, ArrinG, aplB-30t* MILITARY. ATTENTION I KEYSTONE ARTIL LERY.—The members who served with the Cozn pany in §eptembor,lB62, will report at City 4rsgnal, RACE Street, below Dread, on THURSDAY h\rh ilife, oth inst. , at 8 o'clock, to sign nay-rolls. Rela tives of absent members will attend with powers of at torney. fmy4-2t s ] A. Mel. ROBERTSON, Captain. t PROVOST GUARD-186TH PA. . .. vottngs , P.EßE,!. The recruiting for this Regiment wfll cease i¢ a few days. . • who desire to RETAIL DRY GOODS. MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A liberal alseonnt .11ew4d tb ELA trade: repl7-1m _RAVE FOR SALE,_ HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIMIT SHEETINOS AND SHIRTIPTOS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILECIAS. BROW__,N BLEACHED AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED Y&AN, &c. seNif-tf t d I 1 k Z. 11 THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN WINTIRE & BROTHER, The " Model Shonlder•Seam Shirt." my4.wfm4m BUILDING HARDWARE. • STRAP HINGES, I T HINGES, REVEAL HINGES, J SHUTTER STRAPS, and all kinds of wrought Hinges, large or small. SHUTTER BOLTS,T NECK BOLTS and many articles of Building and Carriage idardware, manufactured and kept on hand at JACKSON IRON WORKS. mhl2-3m Office, No. 236 CHURCH Alley. Manufacturers of Warranted BEAM and HAY SCALES. J. VAUGHAN MERRICK. WILLIAM M. MERRICK. JOHN It COPS SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PRILADELPIII/A. DERRICK Ilk SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Manufacture High and Low Presure Steam Engines, for land, river, mid marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &c.; Coat ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops. Rail road Stations, &e. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and moat Im proved construction. PA,ry.deseription of Plantation MachinrAlp, such as Sugar,Saw, and Grist Mills. Vacuum T`aris, Open Stealrains, Defecators, Paters. .ngEngines,&c. nes, Sole agents for N. Eillieux's Patent sugar Boiling Ap paratus; Nemmyth's Patent Steam Hisminer, and Aspin wall & Wasey's Patent Gentrift,lgal Sumtr Draining Itttchi/J.e. aul.3,ti; THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1864. THURSDAY, MAY STH. SECYLIEIMA.It'Y “ THE FERRY BOY AND THE FINANCIER.” No man in the country is so popular, and upon no man is so much now depending as SECRETARY CHASE. His life has been a varied one, and people want to read it. He is a self-made man, haying by his own exertions raised himself from a poor boy to his present distin guished and responsible positibn, For sale by every Bookseller and News Dealer in the country, or will be sent by mail on receipt of *1.25. by - MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED We have now read,- New Editions of THAYER'S LIFE OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN, the Pioneer Boy THE YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, By Thayer $1.25. THE FARMER BOY, AND HOW HE BECAME COM MANDER-IN-CHIEF 811.25 op:3-2r WILL BE PUBLISHED MAY 5 P.OSA VER'TNER JEFFREY, "A novel entitled ' Woodburn, ''by Mrs. Rosa Vert ner Jeffrey—who, under the nom do plume of ' Rosa,' has achieved so bright a reputationas a Poetess—is forth coming from the press of Sheldon & Co., New York. Her legion of admirers feel a world of curiosity respect ing the book, but no solicitude: they confide implicitly, as well they may, in her rare and beautiful powers. We predict for 'Woodburn' a very rapid and extensive sale." JTJST PUB4SHED. THE BRILLIANT NEW AMERICAN NOVEL, A NOVEL OF AMERICAN LIFE AND MANNERS. 1 vol. ;large 12mo. Price $1.50. • Read what the press says of it: [From the Boston Post.] "We cordially commend it as an able illustration of She American life and manners it professed to represent. The characters are boldly and skilfully drawn, and the vices and follies of our social and political system are lashed with no sparing hand. The book is destined to exert a marked influence. " [From the Evening Journal, Albany.] " The interest tams upon events which happened just previous to, and were in some manner the forerunner of, the rebellion. There is a good deal of adroitness in the construction of the story, and a good deal of skill in the sketching of characters. We are much mistaken if `Dangerfleld's Rest' does not attain a wide popularity. " [From the Times, Troy.] "The story is written with great preciseness, and con tains many 'startling situations.' The characters are admirably delineated, the minor details sketched with tact and ability, and the plot developed in a fascinating - and satisfactory manner. " SHELDON. & CO_,- - rny3-2t PUBLISHERS, NEW YORE. NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS ! A-1 Just received by ASHMEAD Sr EVANS, • Successors to WILLIS P. HAZARD, SPEER'S SOURCES OP THE 17,78.TN11T Street. AMERICA AND . HER COMMENTATORS. By Tuck °rams,. DANGERFIEEN'S REST, OR BEFORE THE STORM. A Novel. MEMORIALS OIF THE WAR. By Hackett. SYNONYMS OF , THE NEW TESTAMENT. Second Part. By R. C. Trench, D. D. ROBERTSON'S SERMONS. Fifth Series. THOUGHTS FOR• THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. By Rev. J. Drummond. MY CAVE LIFE IN :VICKSBURG. RENAN'S RELIGIOUS HISTORY and CRITICISM. TEN ACRES ENOUGH. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION. By Thayer. MAN AND NATURE By George P. Marsh: PRESCOTT'S LIFE. By George Ticknor, Bvo. Uni form with his works. PRESCOTT'S LIFE. By Geo. Ticknor, 12mo. Cheap Edition. ap2s NEW BOOKS t NEW 13001r8 . . , JOURNAL OF THE DISCOVERY OF THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. By John Hanniug Spoke. Il lustrated with Maps, &c. TEN ACRES ENOUGH:: Showing how a very small Farm- be made to keep a very large Family_ MAN AND NATURE; orPkysical Geography as mo dified by Human Action. 13 1 7 - Geo. P. Marsh. THE BOOK , OF JOB IN POETRY ; or, a Song in the Night. By Rev. Henry W. Adams, M. A. AMERICA AND HER COMMENTATORS, with a cri tical Sketch of Travel in the United States. By H. T. Tuckerrnan. . . ROUND THE BLOCK: An American novel. Illus trated. GEN. BUTLER IN NEW ORLEANS. In German. Paver. For Balm by WM. S. & ALFRED 14IAKTIEN, my 3 606 CHESTNUT Street. TO MINING STOCKHOLDERS Devoted to Mining interests, Operations:and Working in Gold, Slyer, Copper, Lead, Iron, Coal, Petroleum, and Coal Oils. Published Monthly, $5 perm/um, by G. E. CURRIE, 79 PILE Street, New lurk. . . To be had at all Booksellers'. ray2-9t* THE BOOK FOR THE NATION AND THE TIMES. By a Citizen U. S. N. A. 12mo. Pamphlet, with Emblematic Cover, 2.5 cents. This day Published by WILLIAM S. St ALFRED MARTIEN, my3-2t 606 CHESTNUT Street. THE SUNBEAM STORIES, Containing the charming bright stories of TRAP TO CATCH A SeNREAM, CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, HOUSE ON THE ROCK, ONLY, OLD JOLLIPPE MERRY CHRISTMAS, DREAM CHIIiTZ, STAR IN THE DESERT, &c. Six beautiful volumes illustrated , $2.50. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher, fe2.6-tjyl 231. South SIXTH Street. SPEKE'S SOURCE OF THE NILE. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS A Journal of the DISCOVERY OF THE SOURCE 0 - F TEE NILE. By John Banning Spoke. Also, TICKNOR'S LIFE OF PRESCOTT. Library and cheap edition. ROBINSON'S SERMONS- A new volume. THE NATIONAL ALMANAC for 186-1. ANNUAL OF SEIENTIFIR DISCOVERY for 1854. ALL NEW BOOKS Of a standard character for sale as soon as published at low prices. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, ap29 No. E 5 South SIXTH Street. APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. The Agency for this invaluable Library of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street,. second story: Also, RECORD OF THE REDELLIOR. By Frank Moore. fell-tf LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PAPER HANGINGS, No. 603 ARCH Street, Second Door above SIXTH, South Side. The attention of the Public is invited to his pARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF PAPER HANGINGS, Embracing all qualities, from 1.23,1" CENTS TO THE FINEST GOLD AND VELVET DECORATIONS. ' Also, an entirely new article of GOLD AND SILK PAPERS, ap3D-smwtf JUST RECEIVED. GRAY'S PATENT Have now been before the public for nearly. st. year. They are universally pronounced the neatest and• best -fitting collars extant. The upper edge presents it perfect cure, free from the angles noticed in all other collars. The cravat causes no puckers on the inside of the turn down collar—they are AS SMOOTH INSIDE; AS- OUT SIDE—and therefore perfectly free and easy to. the neck. The Garotte Collar has a smooth and evenly-finished edge on BOTH SIDES- Them Callan are not simply Oat pieces etpaper cut in the form of a collar, but are DIOULDED.2aND, SHAPED TO FIT THE NECK. They are made in "Novelty". (or turn-down 841..4) in every half sire from 12 to 17 inches,. and in "Eu reka" (or Garotte,) from 13 to 17 inChes,,And packed in "solid sizes," in neat blue cartoons,containgloo each; also, in smaller ones of 10 each—the latter a very handy Package for Travellers, Army and Navy Officers. —_ EVERY COLLAR is stamped. "ctEAX'S PATENT MOLDED: COLLAR." Sold by all dealers in Mon's Furnishing Goods. The Trade supplied by VAN DUSEN, BOZIME.R,, & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Men's Furnishing Geada, 62 CHESTNUT Street, mh.s.o.wfin3le 0 Philadelphia. MATURA.L AND PLEASING STYLES CARTEDE VISITE executed with taste and skill, can be had at REIMER'S popular Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. Don't fall to go there. U - PIiaLSTEAUNG. H. B. BLANCHARD & CO., Northeast corner THIRTEBNTH and CHESTNUT Ste. Carpets and Nlatings made and laid. tiedding-,, Hale MaitiketABef: ' Ste. Ts - WO-Zhu Verandah Awnings. MONUXZ.NTS AND GRAVE.- STONES. , -A largaasaortntent of Grave-Stonon,of 1 . various desigu.,made of the finest Italian and American. Marble, constantly on hand at the Marble Woatsof ADAM E>TRINMETZ, RIDGE Avenue, below EleAnatb. street, Iliiiadelphia. atilMakit B. 3. WILLIAMS, No, 16 North SIXTH Street Manufacturer of YENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. /Wi-- The largest and finest tossortmeifq ip oic city, a l the lowest prices. lir Repairing attendeilto promptly. 4ir Store iihwie*Ntule and LetteiNd, ~al.'lv .:t. J, id WA 1.R . 1111,11 WISE, 617 CO., PUBLISHERS. BOSTON, WILL PI:MI.I3g A LIFE OF UNDER THE TITLE OF BT A CONTRIBCTOR TO THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY ILLUSTRATED, 12m0., PRICE Mgr.' WALKER., WISE, d; CO., PUBLISHERS, BOSTON. A CAPITAL NEW NOVEL, W 0 0 D fl IJ It N. EIMIXI3 Author of "POEMS BY ROSA." 1 vol. 12mo. -Price K. 50. [From the 'Louisville Journal.] 1)a - nger.fiel4rl's Rest,; OR, BEFORE THE STORM. Just Published TAE AMERICAN MINING• GAZETTE AND GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. PAPER HANGINGS. T. J. COOKE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN P.A.3P3E-Et MOLDED COLLARS: FINANCIAL. U. S. TEN-FORTY . BONDS. These Boo& are issued under the Act of Congress of March 13th, 1561, which provides that in lieu of so much •of the loan authorized by the Act of Marched, lard, to which this is supplementary, the Secretary of the Trea sury is anthoriied to borrow from time to time, on the credit of ithe United States, not exceeding TWO HUN DRED MILLION DOLLARS, during the current fiscal year, and to prepare and issue therefor Coupon and Re gistered Bonds of the United States, and all Bonds issued under this Acrshall be EXEMP FROMT TAXATION by or under any State or municipal authority. Subscrip tions to these Bonds are received in United States notes, or notes of National Banks. They are TO BE RE DEEMED IN COIN, at the pleasure of the Government, at any period not lam than ten nor more than forty ware from their date, and until their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds of not over one hundred dollars annually, and on all other Bonds semi-annually. The interest is payable on the first days of March and September in each year. The semi-annual Coupons are payable at those dates, and the annual Coupons on the 00 and /00-dollarßonds are payable on the first of March. Subscribers will receive either' Registered or Coupon Bonds, as they may prefer. Registered Bonds are re corded on the books of ebe U. S. Treasurer, and eau be transferred only on the owner's order. Coupon Bonds are payable to bearer, and are mom convenient for commercial uses. Registered Bonds will be issued of the denominations of Fifty Dollars (00), One Hundred Dollars (WOO), Five Hundred Dollars ($500), One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), Five Thousand Dollars (815,000), and Ten Thousand Dol lars (kI0,000); and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of Fifty Dollars ($5O), Ono Hundred Dollars ($100), Fir) Hundred Dollars (815OO), and One Thousand Dollars (8x1,000). Subscribers to this' loan will have the option of having their Bonds draw interest from March. Ist, by paying the accrued interest in coin (or in United States notes, or the notes. of National Banks, adding fifty per cent. for.premium), or receive them drawing interest from the date of subscription and deposit. As these Bonds are exempt from municipal or State taxation, their value is increased from one to three per cent. per annum, according to the rate of tax levies in various parts of the country. At the present rate of premium on gold they pay over eight per cent. interest in currency, and are of equal convenience as a permanent or temporary investment. It is believed that no securities offer so great inance rdents to lenders as the various descriptions of U. S. Bonds. In all other forms of indebtedness the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or sepa rate communities, only is pledged for payment, while for the debts of the United States the whole property of the country is holden to secure the payment of both principal and interest in coin. These Bonds may be subscribed for in sums from $5O up to any magnitude, on the sae terms, and are thus made equally available to the smallest lender and the largiat capitalist. They can be converted into money at any moment, and the holder will have the benefit of the interest. The fact that all duties on imports are payable in specie furnishes a fund for like payment of interest on all Government Bonds largely in excess of the wants of the treasury for this purpose. Upon the receipt of subscriptions a certificate of de posit therefor, in duplicate, will be issued, the original of which will be forwarded by the subscriber to the Se cretary of the Treasury, at Washington, with a letter stating the kind (registered or coupon) and the denomi nation of bonds required. Upon the receipt of the original certificates at the Trea sury Department the Bonds subscribed for will be trans mitted to the subscribers respectively. Subscriptions will be received by the TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES at Washington, and the ASSISTANT TREASURERS at Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa., First National Bank of Carlisle, Pa. First National Bank of Danville, Pa., First National Bank of Erie, Pa., First National Bank of Marietta, Pa., First National Bank of Meadville, Pa., First National Bank of Scranton, Pa. , Second National Bank of Scranton, Pa., First National Bank of Strasburg, Pa., First National Bank of Towanda, Pa., First National Bank of West Chester, Pa., Second Natrona' Bank of Wilkesharre, Pa., First National Bank of York, Pa., First National Bank of Parkersburg, W. Va., First National Bank of Washington, D. C., First National Bank of Newark, N. J., First National Bank of Baltimore, First National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y., First National:Bank of Elmira, N. Y., and by all National Banks which are depositories of Public money. All respectable banks and bankers throughout the country will furnish further informa tion on application, and afford every facility to sub scribers. . ap29-.6t Wit F IRS T NATIONAL BANK PHILADELPHIA. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT OE' THE UNITED STATES_ 10-40 LOAN. This Bank We been authorized and is now prepared o receive subscriptions to. the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. This Loan, issued under authority of an ad. of Con gress, approved March 3,.1864, provides for the issue of Two Hundred Millions of Dollars omoomixo United States Bonds, redeemable after ten years, and payable forty years from date, IN COIN, dated March 1, 1864, bearing interest at the rate• of FINE PER CENT. per ennuni IN COIN, payable .semi-annually on all Bonds over $lOO, and on Bonds of $lOO and less, an nually. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer Registered Bonds will be issued of the denominations of fifty dollars ($10), one hundred dollars ($100), five hundred dollars 050W..0ne thousand dollars ($1,000), flue thousand dollars ($,000), and ten thousand dollars ($10,000), and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of fifty dollars ($5O), one hundred dollars ($100), five hun dred dollars (8OO), and one thousand dollars ($1,000). INTEREST avillteommence from dale of subscription, or the accrued interest from the lot of March can be paid in coin, or, until further notice, in 15. S. notes or notes of National Banks. adding (50)41Ey per cent., to the amount for pre mium. C. H. CLARK, N - E W LOA N. • IL S. 10-40 s. JAY COOKE & CO. OFFER FOR SALE THE • NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN; Bearing Five Per Cent. Interest IN COIN.. Redeemable any time after TEN YEARS, at the plea sure of the Government, and payable FORTY-YEARS after date. Both COUPONS and REGISTERED , BONDS are issued for this Loan, of-same denominations as the Five-Twenties. The interest on $5O and $lOO payable yearly, but all other denominations half yearly.- The TEN-FORTY BONDS are dated March 1, 11364,• the half- - . yearly interest falling due September 1 and March.l •of each year. Until let September, the accrued-interest from let March is required to be paid by purchasers in. coin. or in legal currency, adding 60 per • cent: for premium, until further notice. • All other Government Securities bought and .soldl JAY COOKE- A:- CO., mh3l-tf I.l* SOUTH THIRD •STREBT: 10-40 LOAN . ! THIRD .NATIONAE. RANK OF PHILADELPHIA,. S. W. IDORIMR OF MARKET- STREW' AND PENN SQUieRE: Having beemdeaignated a Depository of'Pzebito Moneys and FiscaitAgent of the UnitedlStates,. wilt receive , sub , new Government 0 - 4a L. A N Issued:under the Act ef , Congress approved March 3d, Redeemable ales MU, years, at the option of the Gevarnment. Payable in forty years in coin. Bearing interest at the rata of c per cent. per annum in COIN, P t estistared and Coupon Bonds of different denomina , tions. Interest commencing from date of sabseriptiOn. oc from the Ist of; March last. _ DAVID B. PAUL, . . aps , l-im President. lIEWES & RAHM, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BRONJUkS, No 52 South THIRD Street, Dealers in Government Securities, Specie, Bank Notes, and City Warrants. Stocks bought and sold on C0m c9440491ks 8r.94144/7 FINANCIAL. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE TEN-FORTY 14CO4k1v SECOND NATIONAL BANK. AT FISELNIK3FOR3I:). This Bank has been designated by the SECRETARY OF TILE TREASURY as a DEPOSITORY OF THE PUBLIC: MONEYS, ANDA FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE .% UNITED STATES, And authorized to reerive Rubserirtion to the NEW UNITED STATES LOAN, beating at the rate of Per to $lO,OOll. e oeonmneehorVttlil date of th e I,ood, March Ist, 1864, or at the date of subacription, at the op tion of the subscribers: 4 .— apl7-1m WILLIAM 11. RIIAWN, Cashier. 6 .20 COUPONS, ORDERS BY MAIL OR ' ' A • ,I• PHOTOGRAPHS. NEW CARTES DE VISITE, WENDEROTR & TAYLOR, 912, 914, 910 CHESTNUT STREET; Have lately added the following to their large list of Abraham. Lincoln, Taken in Washington, last month, by Wenderoth. & Taylor, while preparing another Photograph -of the Pretsitlent, fur the fittnitAry Commission, George' H. Stuart, Taken. last montlk. Regarded by his friends as re , markably good. t 4 Gen. Crawford, Commanding PENNSYLVANIA RESERVES. Taken this week; is Considered a very faithful picture of this officer. From the best likeness iu possession er the family. Col. Dahlgren, • Who lat r ely perished at Richmond; also armored by hiß family. Col. Ilaxteri Of the Fire Zouaves; taken this week. A splendid picture. Gen. I. J. Wistar, Taken early thix month on the 'oceamion of his visit home. All the above are in the highest style, and may be procured of all aims from CARTE TO EXTRA INI -I?EItIAL, at the rooms of the undersigned, or of McALLISTER & BRO., Chestnut Street. WENDEROTH & TAYLOR, to y4-wfml2t BEAUTIFUL STYLES. PORTRAITS, and life-like. B. F. REIMER'S Life-size Photo graphs in Oil Colors. All who desire a perfect likeness should see them at 624 ARCII Street. PHOTOGRAPHS FOR THE FAIR.— C. C. Butuis 800 ARCH No. Make the finest and best PHOTOGRAPHS in the city, and intend to give one-fourth of their receipts for the month of May to the SANITARY FAIR. ray3-3t*if file ALL PICTURES MADE, NONE so porminr or moro oimimfactory than REIMER'S Colored Photographs for $l, moderate charge for Pic tures of such rare worth. SECOND Street, above Green. its INSURANCE. lI . AVE YOU PROVIDED FOR YOUR FAMILY AN INSURANCE ON YOUR LIFE? LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, WITH AN AMPLE CASH CAPITAL WALTER 3. GRIFFITH, PRESIDENT. G. 0. RIPLEY, SEC. I. H. FBOTHINGHAiII, TEEM WILLIAM J. COFFIN. ACTUARY PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES Hon. William Strong; Rev. Matthew Snupson,D. D., Bishop of M. E. Church; Rev. Albert Barnes, D. D. ; Rev. James M. Crowell; Thomas Robins Esq." Lewis R. Aehuret, Esq. Samuel Welsh, ;James Dunlap, ESQ. ;W. R. Lome, Esq. ; John Rico, Esq. ; Charles Humphreys, Esq. ; John B. Austin Esq. • S. C. - Palmer, Esq. ;C. B. Mount,. Esq. ; Samuel C. Perkins, Esq. John R. Penrose, Esq., Samuel Field, Esq., Messrs. E; W. Clark & Co. ; Buckner, McCamrnon, Co. ; John. B. Myers & Co. ; Benjamin Bullock & Sons; Wm, S. & Alfred Martian; George B. Reese, Son, & Co„,- J. B. McCreary & Co.; George Cooluniva &, Co. ; D. D. Nor , Shaw & Co, ; Kay & Brother. JOHN H. PACKARD, H. D., __ MEDICAL EXAMINER, 1225 SPRUCE STREET, In attendance at Agent's Office daily from 1 to 2 I", M. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, CORNER FOURTH AND LIBRARY STREETS ap4-mwf3mß. K. ESLER AGEN!I`. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE, No. 5 SOUTH FIFTH STREET CHARTER PERPETUAL. MUTUAL SYSTEM EXCLUSIVELY. DIRECTORS FOR 1864. Caleb Clothier, William R Roeder, James Smedley, Joseph Chapman, Thomas Mather, Joseph W. Moore, T. Ellwood Chapman Seneca E. Malone, Simeon Matlack, Wilson M. Jenkins, Aaron W. Oaskill, Lukens Webster. CALEB CLOTHIER, President. JAMES SMEDLEY, Tice President. THOMAS MATFIER, Treasurer. T. ELLWOOD CHAPMAN, Secretary. LYON'S. KATHAIRON Kathairon is from the • Greek word "Kathro," or " Rathaire," signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate, and restore. This artie ie is what its name signifies. For preserving, restoring,. and beautifying the HUMAN HAIR it is the most remarkable preparation in the world. It is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill, and attention which gave it a sale of over one million bottles per annum. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the bead cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft, and glossy. Itiprevents the hair from falling off and turningjgraY. It restores hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use LYON'S KATHAIRON. It is known and used throughoutthe civilized wirld. Sold by all respectable dealers. DEMAS S. BARNES & CO., New York. President KAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. This is the most delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the sun-burnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, im parting the marble purity of youth, and the ciietingue appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples, and roughness from the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent, and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by actresses and opera-singers. It is what every lady should have.- sold every-where. Prepared by W. K HAGAN. Troy. N. Y. Address all orders to DMUS S. EARNES & CO., New York REIMSTREET S S INIMITABLE HAIR RESTO RATIVE.-NOT A DTE, Bat restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying the.amnillary tubes with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. All instantaneous dyes are composed of lunar caustic, destroying the 'vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themdelives no dressing. Heim• street's Inimitable Coloring not only restores the hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair LUXURIANT' BEAUTY, Promotes its growth, prevents its falling off, eradicates dandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness to the bead. It has stood the teal of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor.. Used by both geutleinexso , nd ladies. It is sold by all re spectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agents, D. S:.MARNES & CO., gORi BROAD., WAY, New York, Tee - Assizes, 80 cents and $.l. MEXICAN MUSTANG LL*IIMENIft.. The parties, to St. 'Louts An Cincinnati who Jaw.. been eounts,,,zeiting the Mustang Liniment s nader • Pre tence of proprietorship, hays been thoroughlrestoPPed by the costa,.. To guard against farther impositioas, have prottred from the United States Treasury a.pri rate steel-plste. revenue staMP, which is placcdnoverfne top of each bottle. Each stamp bears the facsimile of my signature, and without which the article is a counter feit„ dangerous, and worthless italietion. Examine eveay bottle. This Liniment has brien!in ,ll N o and VOW' inz in favor for many years. nitre. hardly exists ft !gimlet on the habitable globe thedidoes.uot contain evi dence of its wonderful effects. It, in , the. best emollient in the world. With its present imdreved ingredients, ltn effects upon man and boast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved,. lives malted, valuable animals made useful, and untold ills astuaged. Fur aruises, sprains, rlieumathun„, swellings, bites, cute, caked breasts, strained horses( dr,c., it is a sovereign pt.. medy that should never be dispensed with. It slicktild be in every family. Said by all druggists. fe22-mwqm&eowlim D. S. BARNES. New York. REMOVAL.—DR. R. J. LESTis HAS Ebiliu c tC , LcQ. /l 9& Altca, Street. arts-12t« itscp:NVll 111, OF PHILADELPHIA, FIVE PER CENT DUE isr MAY BOUGHT. DREXEL & CO,. Admiral Foote, 912, 914, 916 CHESTNUT St HOME MUTUAL, WANTS. A SEAMSTRESS, WHO IS A: GOOD Dre.sichker., wishes c SITUATION, wait wr Please "MARY MOR.TON, ' Post (MHO: THE AbYERTIBEII, A YOUNCf RIED MAN E desires a eititation in the Dry Goode or Fancy. Goods busirrss ElB Clerk or Salesman. Beet re ferences. Address `Reliable," P4l/6817 Office. my3-15r WANTED-A SECOND-HAND PLA- T r TED Counter Stand for Mineral Water Apparatus. Address Box 1061,with description and price. my4-20` IPANTED - A SITUATION IN A Clothing or Cloth I louse,- LT it Man of exprrionco. Beet reference given. Addresim "Clothing.'" thin Office.* WANTED—BY A GENTLEMAN, A neatly-furnished front room without board. Lo cation east of Broad street, and on or south of Arch street. Address 6 •L.L. L. ," Peco.t office. my4-2t. WANTED — AN ACTIME PABTMER. One that has a full knowledge o f tli Gs d e NT ,duess. Capital required, $l,OOO to $2,000. Full /Mlle and residence. Address "E. II." this office. my4-21* WANT E'D -A SITUATION - , BY A MAN thirty' years of age, at a Salesman in a Wholesale Business, to. sell by sample or otherwise. For reference, inquire at No. 301, corner Of T1I1111) . andi VINE Streets. Iny4-6t* • WANTED -A YOUNG MAN, OF h VERAL years experience hi a Wholesale Dry- Goods house, would like' EMPLOYMENT hi any mer cantile capacity. Shipping business preferred. Ad dress (for three days) W. T.,916 RACE Street. Satisfac tory references furnished. my-1-2t' WANTED—A SITUATION A'S Housekeeper, in a respectable gentleman's family-, without children. Reference required, and the hest of reference given. Address, for three days,R. A. II.," Press WANTED -A SWEEPING MA. - B. CHINE, finitable kir a Camp, Apply to SAMUEL RITTER, 133 WALNUT Street. my 3-41.. WANTED—PART OF AN OFFICE Addrems " Attorney," PreBB Office, iny2-3t* WANTED -A SALESMAN IN A CLOTH STORE, acquainted with Wholesale and Retail Trade. Address " Cloth," at this office. my3-2t. WANTED -INSTRUCTION ON THE PTANO and in Singing , ' by a Lady. None but a thorough artist nerd apply, and a lady preferred. Ad dress " Music,' ProllB eflier. --my3-2t+' WANTED TO RENT-A STORE IN MARKET Street, between Second and Stxt, or in Third or Fourth streets, near Market, Address •N. C. E.," Pox 1241 Post Wilco. inp3-3t* WANTED: -A YOUNG MAN, A FAIR Penman, 00100 of 'business experience, is de, sirens of obtaining a permanent Situation; would be satisfied with a moderate compensation. Good refer ence furnished. Please address"J. M. Mann," 916 RACE Street. my3-2M. WANTED -- IMMEDIATELY-TWO Good CANDY-MAKERS, Spinning Stick Candy, and making Gum Drops. Wages from *l2 to *1.5 per week. CHAS. SASSAMAIi.. CIrICA(10. April 29, 1864. oaf) A MONTH WANT AGENTS at $6O a month, expenses paid, to sell y EVER- B LASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS and Pt ether articles. - Fifteen circulars sent free. Address ap:10-d&w:lrn JOHN F. LORD, Biddeford, Maine. H NT $75 .i 1 : 1. 0B111 ) S In T ever l y jounty A nt 97.i T a penses paid, to sell my new, cheap . Sewing_4 - a - chines. AddressS. MADISON, Allred, Me. rfel2-cl&W3nt . . gn WANTED—A DESIRABLE GOOD SIZED HOUSE, in either Snriteo, Walnut, Chest nut', or Arch street. Address Box 2163 Philadelphia Post Office. gt WANTED ,To RENT—A FUR miaLPTISkIED HOUSE, from May to September or Octo ber, by a Gentleman and Lady. No children. Address Box 1332 P. 0., with location and price. Most satis factory reference given. my3-4t. WANTED-FOUR OR FIVE ROOMS, or a moderate-sized HOUSE for a Chemi cal School. Apply by letter to BOOTH & GARRETT, 10 CHANT Street. Tenth, above ChoAllot. anl7-wftnBt• BOARDING. 225 SOUTH BROAD STREET-PRI VATE BOARDING. Handsome apartments now vacant, mingle and communicating. ap2O-Gt. B OARDING. -ONE OR TWO ROOMS, with Bath adjoining, now vacant in a firstllass Home. on WALNUT Street . Address " Andrew, ' this office, WILL BE VACANT BY THE FIRST of MAY, a hand,tome Second-atory Front ROOM, furniaked, at the N. W. corner of NINTH and SPRUCE Stroete. an26-6t. PERSONAL. A SANITARY SHAVE.-THE GEN TLEMAN who given the Inghent price for a Shave at MILLER'S United Staten Hair-Dressing and Shaving Saloon, southeast corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, on THURSDAY. May 5, will got a year's Shaving gratis, The Proceeds of that day arc for the benefit of the Sanitary Fair. CAUTION .-ALL PERSONS ARE cautioned against trusting any of the Crow of the Dutch brig SIRENE, Hermann, master, from Rotten , dam, as no debts of their contracting will bo paid by Captain or Consignees. HENRY BOHLEN & CO., my4-3t 221 and 223 South FOURTH St. P ERSONAL. -JEWELRY SENT' BY mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States on receipt of the following prices; Single Stone Imitation Diamond Rings, $1; Cluster Imitation Dia mond Rings, $?; heavy plated Vest Chains, $1; heavy plain Rings, will stand the strongest acid, 50 cents; small ',mod Black Enamelled eautg t heavy plated Black Enamelled Sleeve Buttons,2scents ; Gents' Pine imitation Diamond, $1; Imitation Diamond Studs, $1; Bracelets, *1; Handsomely. Chased Medallions, *1; complete sets Black Carbuncle Studs and, Buttons, $1; complete sots Enamelled Studs and Buttons, with pearl Settings, $ll Fancy Watch-keys, 50cents ; Pen and Pen cil, with extension ease, *1; Ladies' long Guard and Chatelaine Chains, *I: Chatelaine Pins, $1; Genuine Gutta Percha Chains, $1; Ladies' and Gents • Miniature Pins, for hair or Incomes, *1; Seal Rings, *1; Locket Rings, 52; Coral Armlets, 50 cents. Direct to ESTLII`i & MANN. ap.lo-6t 916 RACE Street. Philada. LOST AND FOUND. L9 ST-A CERTIFICATE OF 5 PER CENT. LOAN OF STATE OF PEIOgVEVAIIIA t for $515,05, dated March 12, 1830, No. 754, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 5-pper cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the sum of TO, dated June 30, 1845, No. 1452, in the name of EL K. PRICE, administrator of William Meredith in trust. Application has been made to the Auditor General for a renewal of said Certificates. *4O-ha ELI K. PRICE, No. Ott ARCH Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE-ONE OF THOSE FINE Mat COTTAGES, No. 2303 GREEN Street, with the mo dern improvements, large front and back yard, ten rooms. Immediate possession given. My4-3t. t e FOR SALE— BANKING HOUSE. A desirable PROPERTY in the vicinity of Third and Market' streets, particularly , suitable for a Banking House. Apply to GEO. CRAGG & BRO., my.l-6t. No. 402 WALNUT Street. eit FOR RENT—A. VERY FINE, DE sirable RESIDENCE, with back Buildings, Lawn, and Garden, and every modern convenience, beautiful ly situated at Norristown, one hour's ride from the city. Apply between 10 and 3 o'clock, to ISAAC ROBERTS, 21S WALNUT Street, second story. my4-26* tell FOR SALE—A VERY DESIRA BLE COUNTRY SEAT—good Stone Mansion, con taining fifteen rooms, with a large verandah on two sides of the building; a handsome lawn, well shaded; superior large vegetable garden, with permanent beds of choice berries of all the different varieties; a young: and thrifty apple orchard; also, choice varieties of standard and dwarf pear and cherry . trees, in full bear isig; new coach house, with stab img for six horses; situated miles from Market-street bridge, - on the Merlon TurnOko, in Moutganievs• eountp and about m half a mile fro City-avenue station, Pennsylvania Railroad. Two-thirds of the purchase money may re main on mortgage. 3,5, 3, or 14 acres, to suit pur chaser, Inonire at 219 CHESTNUT Street, or on the premises, from 11 to 4 o'clock. my-l-wlsinwf6t. Oft TO LET-HOUSE NO. 2120 BRAN DY-WINE Street, with modern improvements• In quire No. 5 S. FIFTH Street. nry3-3t. TO RENT—A HANDSOME RESI DENCE in Haddonfield,. N. J., desirably located, delightful shade, and good water. Six miles from the city, and easy of access. Apply, between 10 and 1.2 A.M., to - WM. C. SHINN, my3-et 222 WALNUT Street. RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR SPE CULATION.—For sale, a large and valuable pro perty of Two Hundred Acres of Ground, situate in the First and Twenty-sixth wards, having a front on each side of Broad street of twenty-tour hundred feet, with a front of twelve hundred on League Island or Second street road, about one mile from County Prison, and less distance from League Island and River Delaware. Apply toJ. IL CURTIS & SON, ap22-12tif. Real Estate Brokers, 433 WALNUT at. LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SON, 816 CHESTNU' STREET, PHILA., Have now in store a very fine assortment of LOOKING GLASSES, of every character, of the VERY BEST MANUFACTURE AND LATEST STYLES OIL PAINTINGS, ENCi-RAVINCrS, apl9 PICTURE AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. KENNEDY, STAIRS, & CO., Nos. 130 and 132NorthWharv,ol,;. AEOVE ARCH STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS PICT LED AND DRY tISIL A large stock, in assorted packages, su r _Wole for Coun try Trade, always on hand. 141MOVE3IENT IN - GAS lIEGULAWES., undersigned, sole owner of "tHOLZER'S IMPROVED IGAS: Bizatr- LATORS,!" • Tenow- prepared to SELL RIG- 3 3 r for the. ace of this valuable Extent on the moat ad youtageous. 4g/VS. E. B. Otllce, 54 South Third, Street. my3-Lm NOTICE OF REXOVALk. The undersigned woull. inform their, friends and the sbiia generally_that they have remmirod'iNnm their b 40417 ARCH Street.,to their SPLENDID NEW Ir - AREROOMS, • NO. 932,ARCH.STEEUT, where they will continue the. sale of GAS FIXTVRES,, CHANDEIrIERS I COAL OIL &c. Havid asscalated with. our- house Mr. CHARLES PAOE (formeliy , the raiSOIPEA Designer Ite Cornelius & Baker), we, are now premmed to exeraate orders for Gee Fixturte of all grades and designs, froze the pictin eat to themhst mourn anicteiaboraU. VAN KIRK & CO., fe22-341 No. 9121 ARCH STEM. 3/1 . 0.65-50 BALES No. 1. .50 BALES No. 2. wig: he sold cheap, to close consla Nß nseent. EY siMONS.. wii2-3t* 825 NEW MARKET Street CHAMPAGNE WIN-E.-AN INVOICE of "Croscent" and "Comet" Champagne Wine, now landing from brig lingo George. and for lisle by JAIIRETCHE & LANEUON H. an2:l-2w 202 and 204 8. FRONT L 100 CASES PINET, cAs i numi, CO's cooruc BRANDY, Molding from Mt( "Lot:dm," from Bordeaux. For safe by WILLIAM 11. YRATON Ac CO, , ar3 201 Soatb.Y.BOXT I . AMERICAN ACADEMY UV MUSIC. PggTIVAL GI:VAT CENTILAI. leArk. /11 . 4 g6.lri ill it tOP Ving charge of tiro' 151 iisiCal tairateltls or tho gltEgt C'EgTitict tifift ha** the trttlE they hill cumtaetrcelti tire - AuAnitiVE - OF lifirSkt, o r( Ai•ED.NESDPAT, TAE 415 T MAY, Ai'6ll.A_ND lIRTAtAL The enterfAilinmals of the FRSTiVAt will cennist of Operas in tliclinkffst• Langan*, Orlitori . %, and fifiscel ja„em„; 1- 0 ,0 rume ntaXCende r hi. For the pro dliCtiOri of the Operna , a,litother'*mics,•the Committee EI,VP made a co Milid 'YOU' Mr. L. F. Harrison, (caw or New York, and h.-Mercy of this city), -Manager of the American Opera fiempalijr.. The arlista and auxiliaries engaged by :%fr.. nitatti-eia far exceed i.inlicaither gulf mg gregilte Merit any fONOßVlTemPloyed:tnen the LYflont Stage of this continent'. OA WEDNESDAY lIVENING, the - ittli of May , WILL til'iftiXmixrap A GRAND OPEWA - s- 3'OURI4OTfi, BY WILLIAII.7I:IRXRY FRY, NOTRE DAmer-olp PARK CHARACTERS IN Try . t OPERA. Esniersiiia...—••(Soprano) Wad:. romte. TiorehlrC: audule.“.. (Contralto) :Fnny Kemptort. Do Ch stammer+. (Tenor) ltb-. Wan Castle. Dom Frollo • (Baritone) )W.'. CI Campbell. QUlLMniodo•• --(Base). Mr. Eiiiirsed Seguin. Florian - (Baritone} Mt. 'Witt: Xltmats. Cii . erus of Nobles, Soldiers, People Purim and its vicinity. Other persons in the dramattirspeataelo—The King avail& Court, Margaret of Flandlan arid. Flemish Ambassadors,. Ecclesiastics, Gipsies, Drolliftrtlianic., and others. eeneAented lootillarles and a 111121111 Corps da Orcliesira And 'hand of ninety-Ave perforintins. BailM arranged and produced undeallie imme diate superintendence of Arr. W. f 4 m TIT. Principal Daireenses—Mne LOUISE, Mad. VilLftr, SUSAN SUMMERFIELT), end Miss THomrsotri. Assisted by a Ballet and Auxiliary Corps of area hint. Bred en&lifly pi , dormers. DIRECTOP. OPERA. :: 4 1.1VIME ADMISSIONS Tickets foe 'Allele Allinifojott to the Opeeo. with re_ served Root, • ONE DOLLAR. AND FIFTY CENTS, To be had TO-DAY at the Box Office If the Acadernr and at Mr. J. B. GOULD'S Ittnsir Store, SKYE :VTR arid CM:sr:qui.; ORATORIO. SPECI A I. NOT I 4 E. . . In (.02,10i:cane with the rerynost of many of the leading patrons of ,oli g lom., music, the pric, u f adints.lou to tho Oratorios has been reduced to FIFTY CENTS to nil parts of the house except the amphitheatre, whets* it will be Twenty-live contri. (ROVER'S CHESTNUT -STREET THEATRE. LEONARD GROVER MANAGER. (Also of Grover's Theatre, Washington. ) WEDNERDAY - EVENING, May '4, IS6I. Third night of the new and original Burlesque Ex travegauza, • • - - • MISS EILY O'CONNOR. ETIRLESCIITE COLLEEN HAWN., Previooe to whim, will lie modem', for the thintime In this city, the great success of the New York Olympic, the new Comedy entitled the BULL IN A CHINA SHOP Baoliot (third appearance) Mr. .T. K. Mortimer. Price of admission: Dress Circle or Parlmet, 50 centa; Family Circle, 2.5 cents; Orchtwtra goats, 75 cent.,. Five of the Front Beaches old y are reserved no Orches tra. Spate. No extra charge for c.ecnclng meat. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET THEATRE. - LAST FIVE NIGHTS • OF MRS. JOHN DREW. LAST FIVE NIGHTS OF ROSEDALE. Already witnessed by over 45,000porsons. MONDAY.TUESDAY,WEDNESDAY,and THURSDAY. ROSEDALE. OR, THE RIFLE BALLS FRIDAY, ERNEFIT OF MRS. JO/YN DREW. Her last appearance this season, and positively last niuld of ROSEDALE. SATURDAY, BENEFIT OF MR. GRIFFITHS.' On MONDAY NEXT, FRANK DREW. Seats Secured one week in advance. my2-4t TVALNUT-STREET' 'THEATRE. NEW SENSATION.—SOOOnd Week of tho ,17n- . . J Succennfal Engagement of Mr. and Meg: W. J. FLORENCE. Production of a' NEW LEGENDARY IRISH DRAMA. THIS EVENING a new and thrilling drams, written exprennly for Mr. Florence, entitled' KATHLEEN MAVOLIRNERN, or St. Patrick's Eye— Terence O'Moore, a young Peasant. Zr. Florence. Previous to the Drama the Protean Plaref THRICE MARRIED, in which MR. and MRS. W. J. FLO RENCE appear in characters, introducing SONGS and DANCES. MESSRS. CROSS & 'JARVIS WILL give a MATINEE OF CLASSICAL MUSIC AT THE FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, An FRIDAY, Mav 8, at 2 lel6ali P. M., In place of their fourth and Last Soiree. The Foyer is engaged every evening for entertain ments pertaining to the Sanitary Fair. PROGRAMME. Quartette-Plano and Instruments-II mi nor, Op, 4 - .Mendelmohs. Messrs. JARVIS, GAERTNER, CROSS and AHREND. Quartette-String Instruments-D major, 011.78. .Haydn. Piano Solo-Fautasie " La Dinette de Portici-Thalberg. CHAS. H. JARVIS. Grand Dno-Two Pianos-" Homage a Handel. " - • •Moschelec. Messrs. CROSS and JARVIS. Quintette-Piano and Instruments-0p.44. -.Schuman, PRICES OF ADMISSION To be bad at the Music Stores. my4-St MISS EVAN S, The, dintingnished Welsh Oratress, in CONCERT HALL, on ritit...Vst EVENING, March, &h.,. 7,11. Tickets, 2.5 cents. For sale at the Music Stores and at the door. my4-3t TNSTITUTION FOR TRY BLIND.- EXHIBITION EVERY WEDNESDAY. at 3.4 i" P. M. Admission Ten Cts. Store No, 11 5, EIGHTH St. It., TAKE NOTICE.-MISS E. T. GREEN FIELD, the BLACK SWAN, will Ring next TUES - DAY NIGHT, May 10th, at SANSOM-STREET HALL. * SINGLE • TICKETS For the grand Ov ,p( rp t tiir E rlrgrialloo of FOR THE DEREFIT OF THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. Will be for sale at the Academy of Music: TRIS' DAY, at 9 o'clock. my3-2t PT3BLIC MEETING OF THE EIM'HRA DIAN LITERARY SOCIETY, CONCERT H - ATlL:(Lecture Room);. Dray 4th,1804, at o'clock. Benefit of the "a RRA.T SANITY FAIR." Tickets sic. 4 Reserrod'Seats 50c. For sale at PUGH - S, Sixth and Chestnut, and at the door. ray3-2t* ELEVENTH -ST. OPERA HO - USE. ' "THE FAMILY ntsc.iitt. 4 4 CARNCROSS AND DIXEY'S MINSTRELS THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WO,RLD. In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES,. Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable But , le.'4nnes, Plantation SCAIIPA, by . TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS.. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets 2.5 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. fe27-3m J. L. CARECROSS, Bucineco Manager. NOW' OPEN—THE FORTY-MST ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE, at the PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth. Open from 9 A. M. till 7 P. M., and from 8 tilt In in the evening. _ apX-tf ASSEMBLY BUILDING; CORNER TENTH and CHESTNUT STREETS. RETURN OF THE FAVORITES: WOODROFFE'S ORIGINAL BOHEMIAN TROUPE OF GLASS-BLOWERS, with their Giese Steam Engine " Mo nitor," will openat the above Hall WEDNESDAY EVE NIN U,May 4,and exhibit every evenin_g durin g the week. MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON. • Admission: Evening, 25 cents. Afternoon,.ls °ante. No half price. my2-3t. COPARTNERSHIPS: PHILADELPHIA, APRIL ;30;. 1864. The copsrtoership of DAY & RIPER • WWI Ma golyed on the 17th April, 18£4, and the huainesB of the late 'lnn will be settled by Sylvei4tOe DsLy.! SYLVESTER .DAY, R G. BITER. -w fm A C OPARTNERSHIP NOME: MR. AUGUST COHEN is this day admitted as a partner in the firm of BLOCIMINGDALEA The•style of the tins from this date will be BLOOMINGDALE, RHINE, & CO. PHILADBLPRIA, May 2, 1864. my 2.30 THE UNDERSIGNED • ,lEPAN:R DAY entered into copartner§hiP,. wider the firm narne of J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., for the tranNac tion of the Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Ensjness, at the Northwest corner of EIGHTH and MARKET Street* J. C. STRAWBRIDGE, LEWIS 'WEAVER. PHILADELPHIA ? March 9, 1961. RTNER DISSOLUTION.-THE COPA DI SSOLUTION.-THE SKIP heretofore existing between , R. W. BAR NARD and WM. H. JONES, Printers,.l3l.o . Minor Street, is this day dissolved by mutual e.msent." Wm. H. Jones is authorized to settles the business of the Erni. • R: W BARNARD, , Wlll, R. JONES. Wm. H. Jones announces to hiefrieutte , int the public th'at he has associated with izt,ll is sum Wm. W. Jones, in the above business, under the firm of Vr'af. H. .TONES & SON. WM.; H. JONES, W. JONES,. • SIO' Street. PHTLADELPIIIA, April SO, 1864. n w2t DISSOLUTION OPP.LII7)TERSHI.P.-- HENRY W. KANAGAllityiug pirre)w6 , l the hit'' rests of TREVOR T. FOVEL - ER• TVTLOW JACK SON, in the business heretofore earrikd on in the Girard House, under the style of , RANACA„ FOWLER, & CO.. the partnership is hereby-deolared toast , 'dissolved: Aa parties indebted to the said firm. are. requested to make settlement with Henry NiAr Rennes— REMUS. W. KANAOA. FOI,VLER.. TUTWW JACKSON. PITILADELPITTA, April 4,- 1864. ap7-tf s)ilk 1 1 0 Hr. 5 4§ !, • - HORSES !!—T E subscriber having reeled the Stables 15... 910 CHERRY Street, Just received a large lot of - NORTHERN: .11ORSES.. consisting of several pairs superb coach, single drivers, and saddle horses, all of W. 1,16231 will be sold ai:l46-011}t lilo prices, , A The undersign ed inter:lasi:ug 19r sale ap w-mee, a well-assorted :dock of firs ave./Ais -elaSs horses. Gentlemen wincing goodOsorses will do wentmeall. JOSEPH L. ERISE. 810 CHERTM—Streei. Fp - R..1.11,13ANY ANII:TROY, 1151121QAVIA DELAWARE AND CA NAL.—The /34rire...LANAOAN, Captain, Spicer, IS now loadiul, at first wharf below 'SPRDSR.Street. and will leave for the aboveLpeints on WEDDRISDAY. Mai 46, at 6 esleak P. ft. For freit,4li, whieb6win be taken at reasonable rates. apply to D. L. FLANADAN,.. Agent, my2-3to- Mx. 304 South •DELA.WARU Avenue' PAR.WOLOGICAL, EXAMIIsTA- With full dmittiptionm of eharactnr,"giren 11 - AY ttnd IaIESING, by p; L. CAPELL mh9.:wfrm6m 'No. 25 South TENTH street. lADIES TRUSS AND BRACE 8761315--COmincted Latiges, IPIXBISTFI Stu flvist dooz below Rom Aver,' Article to their line e exant,, easy, and correct, in O. U., NEB- Propriertor, attends to Gentleman], on the touter oti 'MU:FIJI* and RACE Stnaets. B.—Professional nortiracy , maored. -3rnif DR, FTNE, PIiiKTICAL kprr- TIST for the lasA twenty Years, 4iWINE et.. neew'Third, inserts the moat beautif filter of the mounted on fine. Sold, Piatina,Vulcanite Ontlite, amber, &es, at pricesabr neat and substantial work. more reasonable than any Dentist iR thig city or. Stele, Teeth plugged to last for life. artrfloial.Teeth' repaired to suit. Na pain in. 0101111.0tIng. All work, warranted to tit. Reference, best famtlies. mhZt-t3m, CORRECT PIANO, TU-NINEk.- ! Mr. C. E: SißGlENT'Sbrders . for Taidezmut Repairing Pianos are received at MASON. & CO, 'S 907 CHESTNUT Street, on.ty„ Mr. S. has had eleven value , taetory experience in London and Ave years' employment in PliliadelPixia- SPECIAL. -=Planos releahered: to sound as. 'soft ' and. sweet-toned as new, without removing. • Weems for Tuning, *l. oe2o-Sot giro MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED tmen Diamonds. irbigheff, Jewel ry, Plate, Clothing, &a., at JONES a CO. ■ Old Estab li shed Loan Oetce corner Tlllllll and 191AEX/W. %nata l below Imalxtre RIIO-354 THEODORE MAIM