rg. TUX WARD 13,0tr2ITICS. —A. meeting of the Delegates ! om the vi , ,rd Bounty CommittEes will be he'la on SkTURD ...y 07 . 'NIS I 3ex. . Eke 80t1 inst . at eight o'clock. in Dist•ic , ' •Irt-roam. No 2., eel:Ahead corner of SIXTH and oil .'.SI"N ti r werus. A fun attendance is requested as bantam! or /MO , rt au" will be brought before the meeting DAB IgL STEINKE rZ. fr6allont, :Form E. VALSIPTINE. SOGIetaTT: --j-- 4 - ) 1 41 : - ' U - IMEimmaor C ENlrltiii. IT'EttR. 'l'llfla Ladsh a of ,he Comma/ea on f , . :.,.. "r . A L L. c..2 .. rn_ 0 .1 and_ . ia Revenue, appointed t-tcop,er tr or , e to o . wo,nt, 0 t ..,,,,,r,,, Dry Goods. aie about. toslpath:7r,m,,, rflr . r a p c , 4 op vl e c t ojt „ - tributions of Otill D. , .."g'ecte,i to hive mea t red aro, therefore. I,4rectfoirr o' cl eee oe-trq t F, ,flirthate. whatever they or thotLerni ap2B-3t, FL s i3A.liF 8 ii:Li: chairman. oiie U.lciPip SlALrbb DAN .TAAkY SPDX. TH . 73 CONAIITrRE ON REHEP 'ION OF GOODS. MVO' Or • 271- r SEteet. Boomlgo. 1 Waeh•mi.o. PHILADELPHIA. April 19 1884 'The Committee OD " Resemion of tim-de” are now pre pared to receive any articles deehlued the Fair. and imorrld at tics c. operation of the vatic us breaches of Trade and Inenetry, as their labors was; necessarily to very' ardimne Every package .hontd be prop iffy =anted. and sent to the 'chairman or any member of the Committee. who are authorized to receipt and aeknow ledhe the same. They are boPnY to inform the public that all of the raitrtad ano exmose companies have generomwr ,strerad t o deliver ps.oltAten to the Committee free of charge. A. . bIeIIENRY, Chairman. R. H. ROWLEY. 86(3rDISIF. Committee meet on Tuesday and vrilay afternoons, at '6 O'clock. A. R. fecGE.F•tt A. S. E0R::,...1'8 dr . BDWaND o Ito sirl,cr, J 204 -Fs b . FITON e. DAVID hfc :A SIXON. GEORG'S 4 • ale ::1 ifelr. R. N. 003. J. D. JAMB , JOSEPH' hiBo , l, JR. rerGREAT CiEIi , ,TR. 11, F.i Itt... —Com. 17.3•Prits ON ni.itaii.l6 AND 1.10.3 i ATic/..i S APRIL D. ISC4. ADDITIOZiAL EU - 01 , 47 1 1 , TP PI:M.S. renngvivanS.::i . ,mtrai roil rca .......C.D.Offl north Fop illylvanin liailroka 1. 06 0 Hon. J. jfa.onersoll. 1,000 J.Rheaßcrton ~.. Lnio mercer, As W.I. Sr Cf. 1.,00 fetntnal Al saran ce C.T.p.r. , LOGO Fretident and Threctore ot Farmers' 4 uti-11-:criar. . . nice' Baal: - • DEfitrWare MUttiPl TUSLIXAD CB COMpauy.„ tlainbloz, & Co. aeffernon V4i.625 Fre7IOIIFI7T repOrted .......,..,^< 21. :ID THE. GatErer CF...3 TR. 4 ,11.. F‘1.14. Co SEW 1.•:61 - ,.. 1.:11C1 . DOODB,W4TGET , , I'3WELNY, SILVER AND The Undersigned have Niels appainled. a Nab-commit- It.; to sequest.don•-tiaas: Fe:— FANCY GO )DS. Z. Christman. E Clint n, L _l3roritoir WATOLIES. Rarer. H.Rrae.7. TRW ELRY. F. Thtbnett. I.har:C Garrett. SILVER WARE Jos. T. Batley, G W Rtmons. Franklin Batler. PLATRO W kitE. I:Loreaa Wnacirts, Wm. a Env The Trade Ere Ye,Spectrally tptinomed as ad in 11...4r dalatiDus as earl?! ns POSSiII/e, t, etcher of ttt., Coargi.t. tee. or to the titairmaa. S. E. CAL-.WP5!..5. 82.2' IIIitSTSUP Str,:et. .I:o2er dog:If:logs Wlll be rAcoicAti hr CEO. W. Traasurar. gam..ux.—street UAL . LADTREe CoMITITSS .Ifre. Seizes L Olaghorg, Chau - Ma, 'lire. Joseph Harrison. Allrris Stroud. M". W. P. florstreann_ Mrt. W. P. Eilisou. Nit! Thorax Febea. girt. S. W. Pritchett. hire. Hazy C. Lea. 31111. 8. A. liarrieon.. Miss Loniea Clagh.orn, kiss A. Sager. Miaa L Autelo. ITFIN. 1 , -"Altf{, Subteriptions or donations for 000:11[1; - o; D. 7 .* Libor_ Inoo.o so„ or 17, - y - sunt, re-ei v 1%1 Pi Yby Joni rr. CLAGFIOI I ,IV, 11R c,nth ET , VE:ITH S - trret,Ptiladolphla caL prowl:all ro- Snincriptio;:s und r.enott,iticze da.y re- S - :pled for, and acknowledges. in tha nevrzpsperz. tp2Slm - rESUL&DEL - PHIA. APO:EL 23. 1401-, —At a e.!f,eti-og f the foBA..!::;.) l .1) it iry liqczt, in the Ofißtt CEINT.RAL, FAIR, bad thi9 iti.ll, Pt 4 .Anork, the following iegolr.tt In vr.i ..dopt.t: L.,4‘,/...;x7. Thatthechatntall istriz thA city. and no Nook Cott initteea to solictt cdntribn :lon,. or ;matey. tnbacco. dmo e. arnff 5,.? ear ea. , eahlo of the Oreat Central 2itir for the Unf.ed :::die tanitary tioramißsion. 1). C. fileflAll,llol , 7. Clhairfnut. Tritl). R. VETTERLEIX- Treasurer. A :5. iprt.Ext:r.. JA.. secretary. ICaaft. ), COMMTWEER V. DTITRTITS. cAs Mo.l - et I:tract to sent h side Co: , otami I, bo. F - 17dre z• - v 1 i. C . F . ,14 tide of Thad c.traE-t —The). H. F. . . ktdc. ',"..".-11.e..atzest to tonih !I:3C wad Turd atr. et to Aaet Ind a Eighth—J C. bletner. Solo- Tatum, and. militant Warner • side licalitA ttrootto tomb_ sills ^allow 1113. mast strett to east side Broad—L,.nis nerbert, 4h. EMZET, at,d. George Mier. Jr. Ftrei ice Market r treat to santh side r3al 7 .esehtil, west site Broad. toot to Sebuylkill—Levi Beck, George Fite. .7 ha Doetlase. nrsi 6 Y..elcioirs 'sorth stile renew:Mil street to fien , ‘lteginn. Delaware Mies to Fatt aide Sixth stunt --0 H. .M.s.yers, J. M. find, ana R W. Rank. - North side Cellewhill street to FEsnsinston, west site Exit. emit t.; east side Broad—Thornas Bare, W, Soby, RA .4. R. I , m:re...lay Forth side Ganowbill street to Ofrard avenue, west vie Broad t to 1143t0, RosL, Smith, end VT Wittman stin East Sensingt , n, aadßicbraond—L. Rain. .::*sir..l!WA;rowell. and Georgs S,. ••:V..,:tj , ..a tsolh r.ds Mat-Ist to north site oath tress, Delaware ,erze to eat, Fctrra etrott—Joke T. Tee..t, Sagas- • pr. II Inn —, t. rrann f. 1.116 carnet to north Ride e.ctutir. ,, tri,.. , l , .. vast z:11 to sea F:113 etre.t id. AIJbBY. S W. J. B. S'..to nior a. and D L. lir OAT. aide Martel t , !. north elde South ,trr..A.t. West ride Eithe, to eett title. Broad street—M B. "..ci)4rirell, B. A. V.,-dward, George Solaia. and 3a-man r... , seel. twltli side Mark tt to north aide Sans), urea': Lids Ykrtrt rtreir to Schaylhni—a. Armetro,r., W. B. Vann, tti<elL C.-arrett. th Fine Eonth street to Peril stro . , - .r. ne'avr•tre are tAchnyikin—George Caitsnall, end A. J Brucner. Jr. B?zatio Faire. Id D.. General Collector nn L: n; fancy nincn- be- Apr..s^,-t GREA , I* CF PHI.I.AD) ,Y2.7l"CrTttlit.e.L ze Gc nun:s.zz rclicite eon - ft - Ault wne Juno next, et also, The - Diem &: cones, ..r .atets ofrie.,wers, Autumn Learns. Aqu.xl a, Lite: EZel , ....as. SPEd. , ". ziande- Gardening Books, I‘..t C2ses , Po - outwit" aorlicuitnral Iron Work. Implements, •• Wire Wort, ee F. iLo," Chine and Ghtss. Ent. starVattes, Pottery. Driad Pratt, " Forel:at or dx - tic Fruit, " Wax ?rail. " Garden Statuary. Is sh,rt, Rustic Adornments of every land, or any of a rurel or rustic character that does not strictly L'Elceg to the s stricr.aurel Department rejly coste.butions of cat flowers, hertunetv. deeigna, eta .-s0 as to inurec...rtiaut .larl'az. the Fair. wilt be very eccept ble. and con :;:teLt.t!,.s please arrange with the Chairm to of the - .euuttse op Bsakf_ts. Designs. and f.l.mquets, Hr. EILVIIsiGFOIt. Florist. LOCUST Street, near .L - tr-eeventh, WEST PHILADELPHIA. so to the dare. :T,hkl. their contributions will he required. DAlr eoutt!butions of Frr_its and Vegetables. not only and sale, but also for the ass of tue Regan yvn, edF•e he thNakfully received. tiu•e Eyed for yr? g sn ike i t F w at i r i t i c s o lh a e au F e llt rw n o ,C.A. All artiole. a ccept cut flower, fruit. ant vego -17..01, nitlAt be received on or before the precediax day. ‘ l . , sehobe from the interior of this State ant. from , -hers and 'New Jerfey. can be forwarded by any C4c conveyance free of freight. and should be die roarkee, "firt.t Dortrat Fair. Logan Saugre, Hortistaturod Daya , rinca'. Care of D 22.3 Ofiegfeld Area. PhiladelPhia `• For ' ForE.rhibition," as may bed-sired. Bills of :..!5a iron' a al., 'oe forwar.La to the Passe eaareae. kODNEY $1146. Chairman of Gentlemen's Corn '72e. J. RHEA. BARTON'. Chairman of Ladles' Cote _Ap.9 maw tjeg r - 5P.1.1 1 :731311 , - of this i_toth , -,,0.nt re-post f_ &Alit, offaitto3 Of sif), f Fmk, n; - .pers. and Vote- OFFICIR, OF Taw. coxNvocTicuir (.10_KPANY„ No. 408 WALNITP 6 r.tet. FEITIADELPHIA. Sprit 16..1364. E IDDSI Neetimg of the istocirholdera of the • Cou• 11 1a1116 company " will he held at the Office of 'c'lnNinv. to Lasehfield. Counentient. on MONDAY. ~ I ;sey of DIRT, 31454. for the purpolte of azeatint Di ,r.tr; to terve 'by the ensuing yeas. in aceordance with attar and By-Laws of the Company tnnqer Books of the Company wi a he cloeed on. ii asr of April, MI, and reopened on the 6th day. s'f. 1E64. at the office of the Company. No. 408 'NUT Street, Philadelphia. W. B. tazwaxr. Peeeldent._ OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH ZINC • COMPAVY. No. 121 WALNUT Street, Pima ,lll.l, April 19. 1864. —The Annual Meeting of a e V2oidere of the Lehigh Zinc Coratnav will be held. i.ciaillSDAY. Key 4ta pros at 11 o'clock A. M. ,for ectits of eleven Directors to serve for the ensuing ani for the transaction of other to...lapel. GORDON MONOIE, &crater,. CITY nouNtery NOTICE.—OFFICE tin itollei TY FUND COdadididlON, tie. ITh April 1, Md. City Boum t 4 WM continue to be pa until farther arclicatione for Bounty will be entertained from 'lt who enlisted prior To the date of the President's 'mation, October 17.1863. , rcurt, powers of attorney for the CitvEonntrieem r-cruit for Pennsylvan ia mnatered in til , :4z:ts. must be endorsed by the 4,lllcer in charge ...larrrckt that the man has been received there. ui.er of the 17,"-- Alit 111AILIPIE rgAITAWAIr.—TELEI -.E.P.11:4L1 Iron Armor and StitpMailding nomnsav eoa :v esnrtant operation. at their Worcs. at I . OiNT. a nes and extensive S!es. a Marine ai are prepared to haul out and do all Linde - re. with quick despatch. to Steamers and Sailing WILLIAM C. MILLIG _ PrrrLADELparA. April 27. 1861.. _ Ataa Istroata be of the reroC lib th or tr.041.Y will be halt' on VITIIIND (ay M , at theiroince, No 324 WA Lad u An el,:ion for Directors will take elate, to serve nab', the east- 10E OF TOE . A cumPAnt PHIL.LDELPH(A. April 25. 1584. eTF have this day deelmed flividend of ;I.S per share, clear of all taxes, payable 7 7th Proxirne, rrfallif 11. SHBER I 34I), Trea.nrer. A , HEX?. A CENTII.I.I. RAlL ..;oaPair. Berrntoan April 25.1561 le hereby Riven. that GEO KG S TA.BES., 236 South TB [RD Street, Phils...i.,lphta. has I *lnled agent for the Transfer of the S oak of 2 . 'PM , L.T. Mr.() that be will be prevar-Nt to Mather:re snth Tte,nsfer Agent on the 9.d of Nay next. JAIL. Treasurer. . 7 1k A IN EFS : P l e. °lll 114- .'LLPA , PHIA.—The annual election. for I ° v Company Will 1.111, area I ° v to tea ellice. No 40 9 CA.P.oo.`iiisr Street, on e J.Y MEW nex4. tetv,tan the hours 12 M. 320. F. &HSI. Accaary. aon.umitAN MINING CO4I -I'l'. WA NT I ND S Zn et iA. Aerill4. 1964- given, that an aseeestroat Qf o.lfa Fury eaters per Share on each and °I the Capital Stock, has THIS DAY been t.SQ Eectrii of Directors of the BOHEMIAN 4,crnipt.,WV, doe and payable on or before the 1 . 6-A. at tbe E Offic LPHLLe of the Company, 134 rEet YHILAD r,i" DP Board of Dlrectore. L. MACTAKIL Secretary. ANNUAL ninowe- Y - "' ze Sockholdera of the MA.E.OUSTH OF MICHIGAN . will be held en of May next. at their Office, No. 319 tr., tt ',.', l f , t An &Melon for Dlrectsme will tan§ tie Company the ensuing Tear. ecretary. DAVID B. EMIL, S • Aztll 21. IS6I ap22 tm,r3 ihntinz the 1 ....hTG COMPANY.' ander its Articles 17111 te.1161 , 1 o MONDAY. the 9th dsy of No u. wAdur Street. Philadelphia, 0 41( A -R . A. H. DENCIELA, A. R..toPat3. nOi the Aneelates of Bald Corporation.. L ' ARA . APil.ll9. INC ap2l-15t S~ I It:yr:HILL AND SUSQUEHANNA. %koLerj,..“ -- Co.. OWce 747 8. rOMITS Street. PRILLDELFELTik, 4. lAA of Chi! Stocirliolder6 of tbIS Cora €.€itinn for rroMAGht and aitc its - nmera, . tt ipet. the Othee of the COMPA;Ly• on =OA ti,iy of Nay next. at 12 o'cinck WM. B. WEBB. Secretor,. INK PR-0 V lieliflNNT C0N !17,;-:iedre. is hereby given that {4 Meeting of the 'raga improvtment Company `',„A as rs , sxauswis, in th,:2, l J3r , lobia.„ on the 3d day of May next. be ac, • l2 and 2 o'clock, to elect Nonagon. it , unlyer of said CoMPazY WILLIAM ELLtS, Tesseraxer, No. 2NN huoszer Street , I , L b Ki e INTIM° OF TAM. STOCK ::!;„ Or TiaBBLOOKSBiJRI [ROA CO](- at the Com_penya oaks at trot:taut% Perna., on W&DNESD &Y. May Ch. 1i,.."-6,40r electing tine Directors to serve the the transaction of other balnealk • Proßarer and BesreterV. . t3 a llotttt WATER Street. AD ,11 15. 1351. arol3-1101. 40.926 A. E. EDEI E. Chairman. 4:03-eta:Mt J%PPEAL—UIttION VOLUNTRIEIt lay u.v.Rsia3d2s7 s %Lamar. To the CtitZera of Philadelphia: It will be three ys., son the 'Tien day of May. MX since the Union Volunteer Retre , hment Saloon commenced ire opera tions The Con.quit WO never have pressed their claims. Neither bays they lost sighted' the fact that *kers Were other Institiltifit.B eonally worthy of public confident% ann varipArs: and they have endeavored to discha-ge fho duties entrusted to them in an honeot. economical. Quist and unostentatious manner Up to this time we nave been generously llADoort-:4 by contributions from our friends and a_portion of the month ed corporations of Phi ladelphia. NVe have tried to lessen the burdens of our kind friends by annual fairs in Juno:the first was a Me- Ceest - the :emend comparatively-a failure, in Consegaenqe of the raid into Penneylvania last summer.i and there is no premed of bolding one this season as intended. The high price of provisions, and the heavy and constant demand on our Saloon lisve nearly desisted onr Tres snry. and as the signs of the times point to a eerie. or Protracted Maim; and as there wilt no doubt be still further calls on our limited resources, we •13 corripalied i to make This appesl to the liberality of the citizens o Philsdelpida and vicinity for aelibrance. otherwise our future u 4 tetns nese will be a vary a entr...nti,us in coals n Ea orc h e tw o f 'ai e Provisions and. Sanitary Stores for our nee will be received by,,the low In gelatintela Per.) , r. Thomas Braiterd. No. 631 Pine street. 'nomesßobbins. Efq Presitient Philadelphia Bank, Chestnut street. west of Fourth street. D. e nwv ,t... Req., President of the Girard Bank, Third street. ne..r Door street 6. A M. rear, Prarideet of the Varrnore and 'Me asides' flank, Chestnut street. below Fifth. J Austin, Seq.. President of the Southwark B Second. below Smith street. Si W. Woodward. Eoq.. Cashier Manufacturers' and Stecbenice , Bank. northwest corner Third and Vine streets. - Thema., T. rErt__, ,, Rao Tr lattnirett pennsylvanla Rail road. 'Third and Willing's alley. James C. Hand I Co., corner Market and Decatur streets SaMrit 1 B. Fales.E.q., No. 514 Wa!ntit street. (who has consented to act as General Financial agent for our ld etitutlen ) Or by any member of our erorun Mee Tbe Union Vomateer R , freshuient Saloon is situstsd at the sontliwirt corner of Washington 7nd. Swanson streets. Tie citizens of Yhtbdelphia, and vicinit,. and strangers, are resp..efully Inritrd to visit the Saloon. WiTLPES for them,elwe the arranzenent, male for lb - „efre , bment and conf.dt of the bravo eoldiere pm's- Wg through tke City of Brotherly Lava. ARID BARROWS, Chairman. J. B. WADE. Secretary. so'29 14t fee .= PASSENGER RAILWAY PHILADELPHIA, April 23, 1514 Lt 4 FL mtenua of the Board of Preelilonte of the City Fssr-enser Acilwals, it was resolv , d =hat on and after May ha next, smoking will be Droliihded on alt parts of the cars. NSA E.Y OILOS11:41". sploint Seemtwry. Nowirnßrtrri tiI.BISM'X'I.IMS A, i rOcl". rEZili TOWNcli te 3 / 4 1) PAILADELPIII4, April r 2. ;SU. • The Anrntl Meeting' of the tito.hhoiderr of this Com pany yvlrlbe held at the office of the Philadelphia eel lisacitt _ g eOIOPO.O-Y. 4 . 0. 227 South lo.)1311.TEI Street. ou MONDAY. the 2d day of May next. at ton o'clock a- kt.. at which limo and place an election of 021- (*IR will be hold. WM U. WINS an,l2-dtrorY Roar , tare. yam. t. 'TR RA SURE R'S DE PA 111P.M.EIV YRN 010 rtssi. RAI biVAt CO, CALVCET STATION. BALTIMORE. April E.1.864_ ST - orice Ir n.reny sir en. that the tlapit‘l Stock of the rtl2or:2 Central Railway. Company, far the parp,9e of zainploiug a donbal track to Snuncury, Pa., wit he sugm.ried to an amonnt equal to that of the existing P. , fore offerlntz It to the pnbith those who appear as Stockholders on the Company's books on the Stn. of Apra, Met, WILL he allowed the privilege of sub , aorlbing, a , the nal value. to an amount elated to the Stock by glom r..spsttively held Do-ks wilt be opened for that purpose at this office, and Itert open trout the 611 day of APRIL, 1861. man/ the tth ray of Mt.V.• 1864. it o subscription will be re.eived for less than par. pay atle ss follows: Twenty (20) par cent at the time of gobserjption, sad the 7fmadrader In InsCalmente of each ea...may, end at tech timee as may be ordered bat the hoard of Direct. ore. • . Tbe bootie will be cloaed from 5 P. N. on the 4th of Arril nntlllo e. M. on the 6th of Aprll. and no transfers allowed on the sth By order: ant- date atntnxys J. S. LEIB, Treaenrer. M. GOOD SPRING R.AILROAO CO-, i . RILADELPHIA. april 13. IS'S The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of thts Com- Per'S' Will be held at t'. ~a ce of the Philadelphia and ReeOlogß.R. Co., Vo. 221 . South FOITALTH 'Street ' Phi- ColPhla. ort MONDAVI, the 2fi day of Ally next. at 11 o , etee A. 31.. Ett 17FitiCh time and Place an election for officere will Ito held. WeL H. WE i 3. aot4-16t • Recretary. _ ETKEI..A3II7Mi -9 ,11)1A. AND a- r:_! BAILNDAD CONTAHT, Oftoa SAT evait reeld Tit Street. FITIL_NDELP=A. September 2. lee& DITIN,TiND Nu:am—T.llo foliowws-named peroOln era enth tee. to • Dividend OA the Common etoek of thts rlogetAn". The reddens° of several of them la ttn , - s• - ad it is, therefore, .r.ect:searf List the eettil. ?stet , of sleek should he presented on calling for the .65.i..t.. - DrOBB. wemumx, sToculn - oz.D.r.r,s , Is - .O!ERS. S. Lt.rarneter. rer.ri B. aherer. „lolih Andrew Turner. Bdßi. R. Newport. lira. Debates. insieb. • MILITARY. 0 PROVOST GUARD DUTY. Tbe IFetb REOIMEXT P. V., require a few more men to complete the orginizatio GOOD MEN Ehonla not miss this last °haus to A:VCraLID rilkl3ol 13 - Ea.° .A.F"Jr. AWAY at FIFTH and DuroNWOOD, to Captain and Reondtlaz Officar. ATTENTION! AIEMBWiS OP BATTERY L (Union Artillery) 7th Regiment T. Pit, who have net signed the l'a3 8011. far anevieas rendered. le September. Ib6Z, will call at 110 CHESTNUT *milt, eTior to hlas. 4, and thin the s ane, al no aignatarei wall be received after that time. Friends of abseateis V7iii report. _ ....... isAnc fire...xs, JR., Captain. .-. ... _ _............ J . IRWIN. O. B ARMORY COMPANY C G. G. er.cat.t.N•Towx, APril 1851. T. o w.f.mbers of this 4;oun.anT ortto Were la iD fiii,terobur. 3E02. as Gyalpsay G, sth Pertasylv.ta , a, 31Vilia win ro , oi. at LA T , G,T BALL, Gerra,ta tv,,F, D. on fiATDILDAT E.VB2iiiiG.3i;th mast , at S o'ziock, Day-rolls. lel.:.tives or friends of deeesEed or algont xaeutbora via rqest.o attend with proper vouchers. Br order of 3I .f. BIDDLE. Captain. Cam.zaindinig B. BUTLER, 2d Sergeszt. it* .I.ATTENTION, RECRUITING OF ricE.ES: —Tive:Te active young men, who ha 7e been in the s..rvice twelve months. desire to enter the Na vy, and can M. had by any officer who tv:11 have them trausferi ed. Address i7IIALLIA GABLE. Co. 1., Anwar eor, Cavalry. Army of the Cumberland, liossallle, Ga. e.pai-so, diCOMPANY K, GRAY RESERVES. —The member,, of COMPANY R. 7th Regiment P. M (Gray Reserves.) who were in sir glee September, 1862, will r..ee t CoMPsg K Room. Armin' BR° 4 .D street. Uel..w Race. on I.ATURDAY EVENING. April at 7g o'clock, to alga the Pay-roll, preparatory to bairn ps.itl A. B.—Relatives of absent m inhere will attend for them. top2B-3t•] H. 13 WELSH. Cant. EDUCATIONAL. A . GENTLEMAN RECENTLY AR rived from France would give lemons in French. Italian, Latin. etc.; or mould undertake the education of one or more children. Beet,,,f references. Address •T. COLL!. " Yc. 5'436 South 'FOURTH Strs:t. sp'.l9-2V SELECT FAMILY BOARDING scnooL FOR YOUNG I-121F LTD BOYS. MOUNT on. the I'DMIr TIIEc~s'E of Mss. or - address apil En k R. A ..BORRiSON, Principal. EtS()NAL. [PERSONAL.—JEWELRY SENT BY -A- mall, tree of postage to any part o! the United States on receipt of the following prices: Single Stone Imitation Diamond Bangs ill; Cluster Imitation Die -371011d Bing, V; heavy plated Vest Chain. Ltd; heart , Plain Muss,-rill stand the strongest acid. 59 cants; small route B.act:Snamelled litardrops.s9 cents; 110667 plated Disci; Enamelled Sleeve buttons. 25 cents; Gents' Pins Imitation Diamond.sl; Imitation Diamond Studs, Wit Bracelet . *IL: Handsomely Chased Medallions, $1; sets Black Carbuncle Muds and Buttons. $1; complete complete tqt:b Enamelled Made and Battens, with pearl gettrnors. *l.; Fancy Watch-keys, 60 cents; Pen and ems ell, with extension case, $1; Lathes' long Guard and Chatelaine Chains. $1; Chatelaine Pioe, $1; Genuine Grids Pcicha Chains. In: Eat into and Gents' Miniature Pins, for hair or likeness. Sit Seal Binge, $1; locket Rings, IN; Coral Armlets. SO cents. Direct to ESTLIII & apEO-dt 91G BALE Street, Philada. 'CM CREAM. THE BEST MOM 40-1ELM.421.-IVE Braniiht into the City, made In Delaware County. FROM PURE CREAM, and . bronght in FRESH EVERY MORNING. BePtenrants. Boarding Romp, Private Fami lies. Fairs, be.. =polled on reaeonable terme, at short notice. CALL /a EASTERN MARKET CHEESE AND ICE CREAM. STAND, FIFTH STREET, BELOW 71,1.11.H.110T. ap2B W. H. SLOCOMB. SHELLS OF Ot.EAN.-THE LAST and closing sale of this ILEO.a.NT COLLEITION OF SHELLS comas . off on TOBSDAY. the 3d bast.. at 10 A. and 8. F. Si_ The rarest axed moat beautiful of the Shells are still tc be sold. Tbete will be BETS CABINETS offered at these sales. This will positively be the last rale in this city. epal 21. pEYFILINIED PARLOR MATCHES.- Just received. 2.0 additional cares efthese celebrated (Alixander's).ldatcheN. for sale tn the trade only. are27-ein HOWR BusTON. 151 & 159 THIRD St. _E 131 E It, S UNIVERSALLY AD kf,II.PaD.I and , Popular Pictures—line style and quality.'natarally eo,ored Plao:oeraphs for sl.—ere made at syCoND Street, above G10*311.. GO ttitr4. purchnoo HEADDRESSES and FANCY DRESS CAPS Kat DO* ARCH Street. it" CAF,TES DE V.PsITE.—SEE THE AD sirnAut,r atTles..a erkktie meaner 01 execution of B. F. Cartes As Witte; clear. distinct. and aeverere. G Wary. e24-.•A RCM Street. IRE.MOVAL.-DR. IL. J. LEVIS HAS zetneved to No. 11114 ARCH Str.st. at52.4-12t. 200 PAIRS PIVOT BLINDS. NEW, - for sale cheap. at Second. band DsDot, above Thompson. Cash paid for old Ooors. Sash. Fix tures, &c. CarSo4l . 3 NATIEIALT W. ELLIS. IRON STAIRS, lION DOORS AND 5 1. .17E3. for sale at Second-hand Depot SEVEN EH, Above T 1: ompecn rap3o.6tfil NATHAN W. ELLS. pB.ILADELPHL4. ealtp.p.T CLEANING COMPANY, 111/3 NOBLY. MPti.EiSP. Ice Wishing io Lave their CAI{PS i 8 CAREPOLLY OLE NED, Of Duet and Vermin, Can have it done Within Itenre. r,y MACHINSEY, And returned sawn day. By %ending their Order". to PRILADP,LPHIA CAMPS e CLEANER It' .2G3 NuiSILS srs.ge,p. FAMILY DYE COLORS. CT 13. ma). A SAVING OF 80 PER ()ENT BLACK, BLACK FOR BILK. DARK BLUE, LIGHT BLUR. ?BENCH ELBE. CLARET DEO Wif LIGHT BIOW B, DIRK BNB? F tiO For Dyeing Silk Woolen and Mixe.d GJode, Sh-swle. Scarfs, Drones. Bibbons. Glover, Bonnets, Hate. Beath are, Kid Gloves. Child.e.Gn'e Clothing, and ad kinds of 'Wealth g Apparel. CH§RRY, CLIHEON, DARK DRAB, LIGHT DRAB, FsWN DRAB. LIGHT PAWiti DRAB. Dinh' GREW. LIBRE' GHEZA, 11fAGEr POT 25 reale 70T1 CW2 color se in COT goods es would oihiriViE9 CoAt five times that sate Vartoas shades elm be 'midi:med from the same dye The process is simole, E.llO awl' ore can use the d; e with ported success .oi r..eiions In English, French. gni. 6 armn. inside of each peckege. DinlEIS. hi 5.1.00 Y, ORA In 9E. PINS.. EOTAT, PURIM ' S. PURPLE, 810.410 N, EGAR LE r, SLATE. . got PSRINO, VIOLS I% I, LEATHER. . . . . . For.inriber information in Dyeing, and atvine• a per fect Ilkowledge vrbat Eldora are belt adapted to d ve over it Atha (with many valuable regfPa+). Pafeha.m Rowe & BP..v s' %remise on Dyelogand Ooloriug sent by mall CM rE. iPtZf priae-10 CeAU. Manufactured bv BOWS di SPBVEI , 73. 260 gIiOAD WAY. Boston. For .33 by draggiats and dealers generally. ap:33-Imit WHY NAVE d PRE3IbEDTIAL EMOTION? NIW YORK FASHIONS FOR MAY. THE UNICE RESTORED BY MATRIMONY. FISH IN SEASON—W/T/1 A 'HAW LINES THROWN IL THE GAMBLER'S 01.12NIViL. THE PEOPLE"AEI UNDECEIVED TN RED-TAPE AND PIGEON-HOLE GENERALS. • • We rejoice tbst this b. , ok bas been. wi Men. It is Mel time the t the i4eop:e ebould be undeceived as to :tut o,6vgcter of many 81 the racers who command our ar o,tee car: tueo whr• noble raoliac - , has had each little real success. ** The author is sOMS taLitt3 emntirA. scree times nathotte. end always in, teasels , i. atrietic. "—Easton Press . it CASLh CON. Pnblieher. New York. ==Ei STOBItiI IN PALIGIOUS rtivroitY AND Cltiriatir.r. By Brim t finnan, author of "The Life of Jews." Trana -13 tee' from the latent French edit4ea Rev. O. B. Froth jugh am, of the Third Unitarian Church. N. Y. With an intereeting biographical hdrodiaction. Large octavo. clothbound Price Mad • Also. dint Published, The Art Of Conversation- 'Muted Paper Price 81.25 JOHN W. JA.OH, Tales from the Operas. An Attractive 800k........1.25 Red-Tape and. Pigeon-Hole 9enerals .......... 125 Private Niles O'Reilly. Pis Bock (Illustrated).... 1.25 Peculiar. Epos Sargent's great Novel 1.60 *.* Thesebooka are.faund co the counters o.f every live BootBller, and vr,..0, L 9 ,sent by mail Free on recnntof prive. b u tt rablistier, Igow Fork_ apiti -sw A LIVELY AND SPIRITED NAR RATIVE RED.TAPE AND PIGEON-SOLE GEITERA.T.S. " A Very 'lively and ardemi narrative. The author may, in certain caws, sriff- - rr Ms personal prai ndleas to carry t , te far; but there can. be no quartiro that he Is right very often, t*.a b- h. s e.rtaialy oraten a vary agreeable book. "—Phitcyfziphitt Firrtning BtcGdrli t: fazdianer. oar. York. 20 CENTS 1-LESLIE FOR MAY. PITCHVR. tOs CHOWIWIT Stream. It 10,000CoPIES SOLD IN ONE Av BEFI.! TH6 A.TIOYAL ALMANAC AND ANNUAL RR - OLD FOR 1864. Containing reeert, reliable. eta ample statteties re lating to the United • States. eaoh separate State, and all foreign ectultriez, . It is an knevelopedia Of; metal and Intel aging. in= formation. aLdlis indkpinsable to all who read or :hint. 12mo, 660 pages. Price, to paper 91. 25, In mnalln 61.50. Eent flee by mail. flauvassers and agents wanted_ Address. GEOEGE CHILDS. Pablisher. 648 and 630 C EliSfieUT Street, Philadelphia. Par tale by booksellers and Beefs Agents ovary whera. ani3estnth4t CAMPAIGNING GRAPHICALLY DESCRIBED RED•TAPE AND PIGZ N-110 LE GENERALS. •• A flyely, Interesting, and readable book. giving a true bletory of red.tepe difficulties. and opening to the general public a chapter in campaigning grant: o o %UT written. and from which. t,bact Will derive information and amusement. "—Miners. -AP.arnal It CIA..E.LI,TOri, Publisher, Neil' York. 111 i BOTOGRAPH ALBUMS 1 1 1 LOWEST Plirozd in the city! LOW BST PitICIS in the city ! LARGEST STOCK" in tha eity !• LARGaST STOCK in tho city !' BBRI! ASSORTAIBNT in the. City t BEST ASSairritzwr in the city ! NNW STVLBS lust received! NSW STYLES j est re:stroll ! ALBUMS 26 cents to VO. ALBUMS 15 cents to $ 50. SvERT ALBUM WARR/C[77ED. EVERY. ALBUM W3ER.II:-I'Bo. ALBUMS for 50 PICITIT43B $1 to Sl5. ALBUMS for 60 Pictures St to Sis. ALBUMS for 100 Pictures $4 to $5O. ALBUMS for 100 Pictures ei!. to $5O. ALBUMS for 12 Pictures 25 cents ALBUMS for 12 Pictures 2s cents. ALBUMS over 600 different SWIM ALBUMS over 60) different sty les. Hverythins sold at a discount! Cheapest Store in. Phi ladelphia! Books, Albums.. Magazines, Photographs, Frames, Folios, Stationery. Ste.. J:c. etc. O. IT. PITCBBB. 09•Bytt BOB CHRS - rtiuT St.. above Eighth st. pOLiTICALLY TO BE CONDEMNED IS RED-TAPE AND PIGEONHOLE GENERALS. " YoManny the book is to be condemned to read for amusement it is to be commended. It is enter. Mining and vividly deectiptive * i Outside of its peculiar politics it deserves praise. "—Neu, York Dceilil Nom CARLETON. Pubits Y her. rk New o. NEW PiTIFILICATIONS. NOW READY. PE/CH TO MTS. PEOPLE'S EDITION OF PARTON'S GEN. BUTLER IN NEW ORLEINS, One volume octavo, paper. price 71cante With the view of meeting the extensive popular de roan d f r rive remarkable book. tnis edition has been ore pared. The page and type are similar to those of Harper's Aroga.ma. home of the lees important docatnews are t Mtn. and in some instances ilia account has been con densed. yet never so as to interfere with the littered or coinnete zees of the Stoll.. Briquet tionab.y this bookitands preeminent in inte rest among all yet ecoasiened by the rebellton; Pe sub ject and anchor combine to rennet ft fitectnadielt. Fifteen editions hate been called for as List as they could patted. it has been most warmly commended by the lt•yel press of the country. and 'inanely lots so by a por tion at least of the English pres.,by wnom it is acknow ledged to be a complete vindication of Gen. Batter from the malicious charges which envy and hatred have brought usaima It contains an spec:iotal a) etch of Gen. Butler's brit bunt oho remat Ito hie career at the bar of Haseachasetts; a history of toe secret movements in the Charleston Con vention • conversations between Gen. Buyer and the leading ikocssiottsts at We-bit:l2ton in December. MA; the reel tistis of the Treitdra; Gen Butter invited to Join their; bib sd vice to Buchanan' hit efforts. in peeparing Matvacburet for Tear; the ceicbrated march, via Anna polis, to Weshlngtou ,t his night roams to Baltimore; ceLieton w itt, Gee. coarse at Come 93 Hoarse; the history of the Ciontraloanr!w; his advice to the Adult tkietration now to tune Bloom% .nd: the truth about one Ba, tide of Br, at Bethel: the i 4 atteras 3expvdttiOn: the 'de - CI et flittOly tit the new Orleans Expedition: theadven tures of the General In getting to Ship istand; a fob ac count of the Capture of bete urleaee; the landing of the troops in the city; a complete narrative of succeeding CYCLIS. VI , la a 'brae number of hitth'^y interesting narra tives nod sneedolea nev..r before pub lobed; the recstt of Berens) Eviler, ond the exp.nntii,di given of li by the Covey- bmtut ; his present cot illlette upon the great issues lue - Or.. us. Edition in large type , , crown. Bvo., cloth, 662 P3geg. rrtce *2 60. l'e,ple's Zditiotn, Bvo , Paper, 75 cents. German Edition sent by mail oar swei.4 of price, For bele by MASON & UAilLld t DOS roo, and by all Es,.se, - Pubitat.d by MASON BROTHERS, 7 MERCER Street, DI kW YOUR. ap26-2.twl THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC is DESCRIB.E.O SUPI•'EBLY rx RED , TAPE AND PIGEON•IIOLE GENERALS. A rich end racy book.. just pub - 1161W, and. selling like wild•tlra cvar the country gold Avery Where, and cant by roan free on receipt of price, r 11.20, by csßLo.yoN Prilgieher. Vow York. llow CONGRESS DEALS IN TWADDLE! ALL TRH ART AND - LITERARY NEWS OF TRI3 WEER. BUB THE ROUND TABLE. YOU SANS BY A. WINCH, T. R. CALLEN/MN. J. 0. RiSLER. 11 ZIEBER, J. TRENWITH. PUBLIOATI,N ()MGR. ap29-2t 116 NASSAU Street. NEW TORN. vodoe NEW BOOKS. RENAN'S NEW BOOK THE NEW NOVEL, NEPENTHE. A capital Dew novel. By the author of " One." 121ao, cioth. 10. FOURTH EDITION. JUST IIIICBIVED BY CAL L E N 1308 CHESTNUT STREET, BISHOP HOPKINS' • SCRIPTURAL. Eccusiesvcar,„ and HISTORICAL VIEWS OF SLAVERY, from the dart of the Patriarch Abraham to the Nineteenth Century. adressed to the XL Rev. Alonzo Potter, D D.„ Bishop of Pennsylvania. This great 7, wk. by one of the most eminent and learned living Divines. ti iscusses the question of Slavery in all of its various phases, Proving the fato.fu/npas and of the ineiltStioiL its Ohrigittsizing awl Civil* IZIL g influence, as shown by the condition of the negroea in Africa and these of she Southern States. The views of Christ and the Apostles. as well as the Prophets,of Aristotle and other Philosophers , and of the most emi nent-Christian Fathers and Ecclesiastical Historian Commentators and Divines, are presented in full. The work ex/m:lsta Ike oubjcot, ano every ore desiring to know facts on either "ode will fiod theta in this, tin °reale-St work on Slavery ever pe),Ushed. ia . this or.auy :Abe: country. Price 111.50. prepaid, Agerds wanted. to whom a large- discount will be al lowed. W. J. POOLE & CO., 333 PEARL STREET. HARPERS'. BUILDING-. Raw YORK CITY. PIJBLISHERF. JAMES CEIALLEN & SON, 1308 CHESTNUT syRBET, PHIL sJOBLFST A.. Also, by J B. LIPPINCoTT E H. Dunn, CO., and T. B. PLTESSOB & BROS 4 A VERY READABLE BOOK:, TR RED. TAPE AND PIGEON• HOLE GENERALS "Interesting.. innttnetive. and hrtraorons. " Charectnm tak.n from lite, at d portrayed no faithfailY that they cannot fail to be recognized. "—..Voractranton, Cor , nty Journal "The amhor tells the story of 'moue* as he neen'them„ !n a very forcible manner. He maker a very readable b o ok. * * • drecrimiooe of incidents are very vivscionely tiVell."—fffixtun Gazdte It CARL gTON. Publieher, llew York. O NE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST issoKintrvr O PHoTGRAPHS IN THE CITY. having paid great attention to thin part of our burbles% we tare pleahnre in offering to the Public a lama au varied stock of Imperial. Medium, and Carte de Vieim pHOTOGRAPR 9, thereend uncolored, from the best enbjecte, and by t eminent Arthte PBOTODEAPIEt ALBUMS. In great variety. hound in Muslim Imitation. and Tar. key Maxoceo, super exira.to hold from 12 toll.* Pictures Also. bar dsoms and plain Frames, of walnut and other woods, bronze. compotation. and gilt. Fur sale at the • PRESBYTERIAN BOOK STORE, 1.334 - CHESTNUT , Stleel. up2l3 St Otiposite the Mint. FULL OF GOOD, HARD HITS, RED TAPE AND PIOEGN-TICLE GENERALS. • ' A MTly and pleasant boot. fall of goo& hard in a word,rull of snob good things as the writer hlra3eli was fall of."—Pittsbwro Gazelle CARL &TON, Publisher. New York. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! Juet received by AhRSTEAD k ROANE. Successors to WILLtS P. HAZARD SPIKE'S SOURCES OF THE NILE . 7M4. CHESTNUT Street. .aIIhRICA. ABB HER 00nalEN.CATORE. By Tack finnan. PANGERFIELBT4 BEST. OR BEFORE Tas STORE. ♦novel. KEMORTALS OF THE WAR. By Hackett sylocauxo OF THE NEW IIibTAH.I3.IT. Second Part Ile R. C Trench. D. D. RoBEBTBoE'S BAHItONS. Fifth Sarles. THOUGHTS FOR THE CHRISTIAN LIPS. By Rev. J. Brnmn - ond MY CAVE LIFE IN VIPITSOURGL RENATOB RELIGIOUS HISTORY - and CRIFICISM. TEN LORIN ENOUGH A YOUTH'S HISTORY OP THE REBELLION. By Thayer. NAN AND NATNRE. By George P. 'Marsh. TREE.Ct.-TT'S LIFE. By George Ticknor. Sala Uni form with his works. PREsCOTT'S LIFE. By 800. Ticknor, 12cao. Chaim Edition. ttn?.s THE SUNBEAM STORIES, Containing the charms' .g, br)ght stories of— TRAP TO CATCH A. SUNDA af. CLOUD WITH SILVER 11013831 ON 'TWA POCK.. ONLY. OLD JOLLIFFE. KERRY ORZIKIIAS. DEBAR CHINTZ. NUR IN TER Sin beautiful vcitnee. illnetreteA. WILLIE P. RAZ/P.D. PnbUshm., 14164.171 SI Bontb. SIXTH Strait THE PRESS:--PRILADELPHIA; SATURDAY, APRIL SO, 1864. THE SUCOESSFUL JUVENILES. THE. ..1=1014.T.T.11,1MER., The Zion's Ifrra74l thus speaks of "The Drummer Be'.: • ' Among the boys this is the most popnisr book of this season. They not only read it. bat make the other boys uneasy to read it by,ralating Its +wonderful adventures and strong incidents.' klegautly illustrated by barley. Price K 25. TEE ADVANPITAES OP DICKCO 1 4 1" IA W AMONG THE RED SKINS: A alining atom of adventures that delights the bore. Price 41146. THE 330331311\T 33107:' OR, BOY LIFE OF KAI. GEN. N. P. BANKS, And how ho became Governor of Ilassachutetts. • Price t 61.25. THE PRINTER BOY: OR, BOY.LIFE OF BENJAIYIIN FRANKLIN. Price $1..23. oar- 'nese melt known Docks are all elegantly Illus. bated and bound. It A NEW ROMANCE BY DUAIAS OZAVM/IFI.A. OF CIA-C7IZIS. OE. I...CYVJESI OF A. "KING: ILLUMINA.TED COVAR--PRIOE OINTS The publisher takes pleasure in announcing that ha bar purchased Alm eoPrtlahi tl tbis krannlatioa. awl , priViabed It its advance of elk Competitors; an 4 he trusts ths t the sale of the work will hs such as to show that the public know how to reward au enterprise which necas eari3y involves a large expmdit ore of time and capital. Copies malted, free of postage, on receipt of price. FREDERIC A. BRADY, Publisher No. 22 KEN Street. New 'fork. For sale by T. B PETERSON & BROS. It ONLY STORE IN THE CI FY WHERE you can tmy all the NNW BOOKS AT REDUCED PRICER. SMALL HMS& AT ARLING.CON. By Trollops. OUT4.;ASTS By Mies Braddon. 60c. SPEKr,'S AFRIOA. $3.25. FAMILY eat OS Al. UN MLR:NS EL oTTGH 80c. RATIONAL ALMANAC for 18 , 34. $7. It bOO tINE3ns7NT Street. THE kOLDIER BOY i sE OLIVAR OPTIC. Best Beok published for nisay 3 , 81111. Beery hey. xttau, sand WoUa should ret.a. it PI PO a SS'S, SOS vaßsvulr Sheet, It t Prire. Sl. I. Bbl. FITZ JOHN PORTER & McOLELLAN RED-TAPE AND PIGIZN-BOLE GENE a &LS. "A. very vendable and lanterfainlng book—gtvint iirsrbio skeicli , e of life in t he Army o 1 tne Poionitzio, and earicatilitss. with deserve) eati:e, the rad tape and p.geon-bole propenslties of too many of the higher off vete is that army i.f the File Sohn Porter and ateOleli an t. Ea 00l Ite . writer is evidentiy wh.t.t he olainia to ho— s einmen-eohl ier —with e avows- /over for his country and fiefdom. and a otzong bared of kabala, groiperheade, and bail-loyal Eeanlavoillcars."--Clevaand lender. it CARLE fOBT. rtibliiher, Raw York. SPEKE'cI. SOURCE OF THE NILE. WI'FR iLLuemiriONS. A Journal of the Discovsay OF THE SOUEGE OF TEE BILE. By John Hann tipeke. TIOENOIL'a LIFE OF P.aiihiGOTr. lahrazy and cheap ed n. 11,2alsiNSON'; SREalnerg Anew vo!ume. TED NAT °Wahl A Ai`TAU for MI: Arai UAL OF EGlBlellilc OISEOVERY for ISSI. ALL Di CW BOOMS Of a standard character for Enda ao soon as publiobea at lowzmcce. LINTA:AY & ELLA KlsToai, ata9 14 a. 45 'South aLE.T.E. Street. THE AUTHOR TELLS MANY TIMMS If RED.TAPE AND PIGEON-HOLE GENERNLS. "A book In which tho oritin of renah Algolortteet to the schiter boys and delay to their sacred cause is vividly di+closed. * 'Ma author tells many tratbs. aid does it in a ralichlug, pleasant ma,arar, which will in tcret4. the reader in the maxdpuLstions of red tapl."— CM iertfFo .rcarnal. It CARLETON, Pablieher, New York. CHEAP EDITION OF THE LIFE OP W. H. PBESCOTT. By George Ticknor. 12mo. Ammica and Her Commentators, With a Critical Sketch of Travel in the United States. 800. The Dleeovery of the Source of the Alle. By Cept. Svc,. Robertaorefk Sarmona 'Firth aeries, 12 no. Christian ftlemoriala of the War ; or, InnEtrations of the reliaione .Faith. Patriotism, std. Bravery in Oar artr.7, By Horatio B Hackett. V.1'f.0.0. Scram is the hiaht ; or, the Baca of Joh in Poetry. .13y Yruf Adam, Bro. - l'or cabs by Wit. S. & ar.,FRHD 14f aftTISH. ap'W 600 -GARS in'T in Street. A13017N DING IN WIT AND H'U NIGH, TS EED-TAPE AND PIG-EON-110;LE GENERALS. " A w.ll- written. truthful, and readable hook. "—The 31iltun " Tue book at.ounds in wit and humor and the most molting pathos." --Bet s , t , l 'rebraitter; AppTATON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA.. , The stoney for this invalr-stble Library of Universal Isfe:merion iv at St South fiI.XTA Street, stocor,Al eters , - Also, RECOIID Cr THE NYOBLIIIO,If. '137 FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. JO V - A_ S Sr, MI A. SS A. ///I.I4ITAnY WILTRNISHMItg.I Banners. Regimentsl and Company Flags. Swords, Sashes, Belts, Passants, Epaulets, Hats, Caps, Can teens, Haversacks. Camp Kits, Field. Glasses. Spars, and eversthing pertaining sozoploto outfit o Army and Navy (facers A liberal discount allowed. to the trade. apl7•lm' FURI,9 - 130-1 - 16. Officers and Soldiers. visiting the city on Furlough. needing SWORDS, And other MILITARY IQUIPMEOPTS, aya Invited to the very estanss.7B Marinfaeturiag Setaßaiment of GAO. W. •SINDOTTE; 8s 131V101., BLISO3I Street, Above Stith. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice. which. for richness and magnificence, challenge competiVon. no other honse In the conntry combining the iIIAtiIiPACTIMING SEW ELBR with the PIiA.GITIOA.L BWORTI-MAEBB. mhll2m FROTHINGFHAIVI & WELLS WAVY. smarm, AND LIGET SHENTANGS AND SHIRTING& ATINDAND DRILLS. WAVY CANTON FLANWELI3. WA6N,N9TON AND VICTORY CANTINIO3 AND • BILE lAS. BROWNLELEACHED, /MD COMM SLUM to WORgTED YARN. &a. ce24l, tf ALYAN WILEINO, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, BROUER In Mining Stocks and Mineral Lands Use for sale a number of Choice Copper locations in Ontonagon COilDly, and also about THREE THOUSAND ACRES OF SILVER-LEAD LANDS, selected with great care in the new Mineral Region of Marquette county, Parties desirous of organizing bona lids Working Com panies will End this an excellent opportunity. aa a large Penton of the pay would be toltPix in Stock. Orders Ji.r - 041 Purchase - Cozd Sa te of Lake Ster.cvfor Stocks win have 1);•onzpt attent ion. Philadelphia Reference—Messrs. MoUOUIM. Et CO. ardo LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EA.RLE it SON, SIG CHESTNUT STREET, Have now Tn gore a Tory Rao areortmont of 3[-.4211.403gL1N.Gr IG-T-dA.KSE•6 VERY BEST MANUFACTURE AND LATEST STYLES OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, AV.'S PICTURE AFD PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. KENNEDY, STAIRS, & CO., Nos. 130 and 132 North Wharves, PICKLED AND DRY FISH. A large stock, in assorted packages. saltabiss for corm try Trade. always on hand. apl4-2m 1864. 1864. "COSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, AN r, &c., EXTMIELMIN.A..ICOPLR. "16 years established in New York Oily." "Only infallible remedies known." • "Free from Poteoss." " Not dangerous to the Roman Family." "flats come oat of their holes to die." -Sold by all Druggists everywhere. 1® -1 I 1 Swans! lof en worthless imitations. •' Costar's " Depot, No. 4821 Broadway. N. Y. Soldby all Druggists, and by DYOTT 86 232 Notth SECOND Street • sp2s-toths 2ox Wholeeitl, Amts. NEW PUBLICATIONS. PUBLISHF,D THIS DAY TRANSLA.TIED FROM THE 1 0 14ENCM or ALEXANDRE DUMAS. ARMEN" G1X).11,t4. 418 ARCM , STREET, PHILADELPHIA. BANSOM•STNENTLIZ, 11&4a PDX SAIIII, OF LAKE SUPERIOR, of every character, of the ABOVE ARCH RESET WHOLESALE DEALERS RETAIL DRY GOODS.. LADIES PREPARING A. MEM GREAT CENTRAL FAIR Can procure the following at a Discount of Eight (8) Per cent. below regular retail prices: ZEPHYRS! ZEPHYRS! EVERY COLOR AND WADE ♦ FULL LINE OF SOLFEEINOS. SCAM:ENS. AND FINE PURPLES, HAVE IM ST BEEN RECEIVED. Shetland Weolo. Crochet Cotton. Ct mbric Ede ngs, Tidy Cotton. Choi lcd Refillnge. Embroidering Canvas , . Bogle Gig Pel. Zephyr Patterns. thntpoir Laces. Slipp9r Patterns. - Gilt Enda!, Machine Silica. Silk Embroidering Era% Crochet ZiSedtebt Worsted Eleahnt. Floes Thread. Embroidering Silk. Pane Tarter. GERMAZTOWIT WOOL Tnia Article is as rich in colors, nearly as fine in tex ture, and ai Well adapted for many Made of fancy work as the German Zephyr, and is eight eenis per ounce and over one dollar per pound cheaper. Also— WOOLEN AND CASEISINRE YARNS. of the finest grades, suited for Ladles'. Ciente'. and In fanta' Wear, and redone fancy articles. A full assortment of the following at regular Retail Prices Lsre Veils, Corsets at $1,25 Par pair. firm tiro Ineitas. Corsets at Si 50 per pair. Linen Fane. Silk Belting& Feather, Fans (something Toweling& new:) Stockings. Manilla and Cana Whisks, Gloves, Travelling Biota. tortlitors. Pocket- Books, Dress Linings. A air Brushes. Balmoral 6. Combs, Meacing Bindings. YeirnmerT. - 'scissors. (kliegs end Cuffs. if'articular attention is Invited to our stock of SUN UMBRELLAS' SUN UMBRELLAS! Or which we have a large atareiment of the choicest varletteg, selectQl frs.m the he=.t hetactore in the coantri, Ladles Will do well by ecrivaieinz theta before 'gu ehabing ehewhere. MOROCCO SATCHELS! TRAVELLING BA.GSt Orders carefully and promptly attended to. Persons ordming from the co - glitzy Will please name their ex press 07 11026 A stage route. JOHN M. FINN, 0. E. COIL SEVENTH AND ARGIL STS. Cat this cut for reference. —DX SILK MANTLES OSZ 2 .3MXPTIM- eVMagOO.l-XMIEIS polloa 111141-1 el WO V 51 , :MN id 4444 Pl*, a:4 GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER. CO'OPER da COWARDS S. E. corner MYTH and MARKET Streets. apl3-wfr,tf CIVIL AND ARMY CLOTHS. MIDDLESEX 6 4 LIGHT BLUES. ALL GRADES DARK DO. 34 .S.ND w4-INDlGO.rrairrxims. 6-4-AND 64 BLUE CASSIDIERES. 2.4 AND 6^4- DOESKINS. FULL STOOK OF CLOTHS. DO. DOi COATINGS. DO. DO. CASSIMERES. BILLIARD AND BAGATELLE CLOTHS. CLOTHS FOR COA.CLUSIA.KERS. ALL KINDS TRIDIMINGS s _ W. IN Con Gr av23.lm 34 EL SECOND and '3 STRAWBERRY Std SPRING GOODS. SECOIID °FEARING OF SPBiI AND Summar: DRESS GODS AT TUE STORE OF 501-1 - F. 'VOT.T.N.,S-, No e 70 North FOUSTEE %root. Inclndint S splondid-line of Figured ORMITAIMPES, Plain and PIaId,YORLENS. &o .410.- Special omit/Von Is Invited to styled and prices. apl9-tatheSt CUB. WEN STODDART & .BROTHER. Tn-rite the attention of buyers to the isrgo And varied stock of SPRING AND •SURIVIER 33 it E. S - S Gr• CV CV 33 1 ' S which has been - nrchased at the NEW YORK ADD PHIL ADELPHIA. AunrioNs. Prior to the recent advance in exchange. As we Prefer a large and active trade to exorbitant moats. Lavern will find decided advantages in our stook. Bum stun. SOLID COLORS- SILKS, PLIW suas, PERCALES. CHINTZES. LAWNS, &c, CTIRWEN ETODDART & BROTHER, 450, 4591, and 4546 North SSCOND Street, isp2B-st above Willow. JAS. CAMPBELL & CO., 11 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE LIADI IXTENSIVII ADDITIONS TO TIME POPULAR SPOOR 0.7 " • • * The Plantation Stalls have oared me of a detseaement of the kideefe and urinary organs that hoe distressed ma for yam. It acts like, a ehavm. sijAwi A s . C. p. MOORS, No. 264 Broadway." • age., _tara., tat., ad.. am. 1~E~..3~i3 r MIMES% GOODS, Which they continue to sell at MODERATE PRICES, EOTWITESTANDING THE ADVANCED COST DT RECENT IMPORTATIONS WHOLESALE ROOMS UP STAIRS. apB•im LADIES' AND MISSES" SPRllsfer BALMORAL S., Jae. trAttod. A largo Aseortment of BILLIITIFUL AND NEW ITYLES. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLING EN, f ARR,ISON, sp274tif . 1008 CHESTNUT Street. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. We are still tolling , our Bla,ok Silta at the same prices as we am early in the season, notwithstanding the re sent advances. MASTLE. SILKS. ALL WIDTHS. Plain Silks, all colors. $1 BO to $5 75. Fancy Silks. $1 to $2.60. Rieh heavy. handsome Fancy Silks. 12 87 to 116.50. Bifp. Chen° Silks, at N. 8734. worth V. 50. G• GO at $2.25. $l. " " at $.1.75, " $5. 50. 10 pieces email plaid SH $.5 AG 7 . at $l." $7. 25. worth $L 50 . MOM. tc SON, /103.7i3 sad 716 N. TIOTTII Sired. ap23-if vitvioatr , ...34l: iti . yp 0:4 1.1:41/211 E M. NEEDLES Would call special attention to his large stock of LACES, EMBROIDERIES. FUND KERCHIEFS, VEILS. A.IND WHITS GOODS. all bouaLt before the recent advance. com prising many novelties. in fabrics suitable for ladies' bodies and dresses, in striped, figured, plaid. tucked. and puffed marline, tic. 100 nieces White, Buff. and Figured. Pintos. 200 Printed Linen Cambric Dresses. In view a the heavy additional tariff about to be inn:need on all imported goods, ladies Would do well to give my stock an early in spccflon, as prices must be necessarily largely advanced in a short time. I am still selling at old. prices. 11(I).t in:M.:tilvtivifve4:4)4=l MANTLES AND OLOA.ICS OF UN a"- usual elegance. Taffeta Mantles and Saccoss. CheeterPlain and flolib, in Biddy bilk a Trimmed Cloth Mantle'. short gamma of handsome Olathe. trench Clotb. Cloaks. IitANTLIPS LADS TO ORDER. Spring Shawls 111 light colors. Summer Shawls of good quality. One lot desirable Summer Ramie, SS. Black Tklbet Square Shawls. $3 to $7. COOPBR COMD. S. B. corner NINTH and MARKET Street'. D ESIRABLE GOODS. PEON AUCTION. $5 pieces P.a.ssin. Diaper, $2.76. $3 pieces Roasts Diaper, $3.50. • 35 pieces Mesta Diaper. wide,s4. 14 pieces Rind& Diaper. very wide $6. Alaooo lota of UM, Lineal—all prices. MONO open at JOHN H. wroKILW, arain TOX ABM Stroll; BEST BLACK SILKSIMPORTED. Wide and heavy Black Corded Silks. Nagnifleent Moire Antiques. All colors. Splendid quality Corded Silks. all colors. Rich Chorea Stripe and P/51,1611.1te. Oreriedines and Organdies. new itylee Spring Shawls. mew style Oletlts for WWI' cloaks. BOWIN HALL &GO.. 6 60u61.81,0061) Street TIOLEB CLOAKING CLOTHS. finsn Gloating& On mos t SZ 13 French Cloak jags. of the desirable shadae. Scotch Casameres for business snits. American Fancies for businese suite. Fins Carsimsree ler gents' wear. Fine Black Broadcloths. Clingones sellings wear. - We n are large quantities of tbase Goode from the timat attek ever offered. W W ti n t s t :a t a n a . W W h i ° Da .. 11 1 0 :1; 81 : 31 :F w H e r na r iST r ss e ll !:a. Y t i ti o e u Sr i z . g .k t. Mine. Heavy housekeeper's. Simmer Id.m &c dtc. RA wide Sheetlnas. Pillow liiroalsos.. £ S 43 ta a n n d d l -4 4 11 -4 0 .6 a r tre Fine Unbleached Muslin& 2.a to 40 cents. TICICINOS, Beet old standard makes, In 7 3 and yard-wide, by B:I3 pard or piece. Flannels of all desirable kinds. Napkins and Table Darnall. &Am , . Towelings and Towels o a f every grade.t)ol/8. DR Bargains in Mozambique.% Bargains in Black Wool Detainee. Bargains in Mode Wool De , aines. Fine Alpacas of the new colors. Plain Colored hiohairs. Pine Figured liiphaire. Extra good Glossy Black Mohairs. Black Alpacas. of every grade from 310 to $1 31. Black Bombazines. extra good. at 01.. W. Black Silks for dresses and mantles. Lawns. lmocican and French. Percales In solid colors,-also figured yard-wide and 3.4 Prints. CLOAK ROOM. Erring Cloaks and Chesterfields. French Cloth Cloaks. Water. proof Cloaks. Black Eiik Sacques am Circle*. Black Si°lied p Silk Mantles. ma d eto ce r. saorbwfplastyi Ilczambigue. 511 k, and Lama Shawls. cOOl-1311 & COWARD. It S. S. corner if INTR. an s lifaßKßl. Stmts.. 628. HOOP SKIRTS, 625. LADIES', MISSES'. AND CEFILDBEN'S. The moot comp:lets EscOrb:sant in Ell 41 oily; every style and sine. For finish. dara , ilitf, end gheapless, have to Equal In the market. Manutactorect at OAS Adi.)ll Street. Skirts made to older, altered. and. lei:sired. Also, bargains in Eastern made Skirts, kid slAsed, and rivsted; 15 enriegs 80 amts: 20 sortsge 80 cents: 25 sp:ingf. 35 cents; 30 springs. $l.; 40 springs. SL2O; 40 springs. diamond-tied. 10 cents. sp29.Bt Wlt. T. HOPKII4S.. CLOTHING. • • aP27•we4t -a-4ARGE"ASSORTMENT OF PAPER HARGINGS. WHOLESALE AND EaTAIT/ DEAUR IY I2AZZ•na..IZ4T4:3•S No. 60,6 ARCH kitreq. Sacc.nd Duor above ELEM., Embracing an qualities, troy: 12%," emirs TO THE FINEST GOLD AND VELVET DECORATIONS. Also. an entirely new article of GOLD AI'W SILK PA.PERS, frr:G' elmirtf =ST TCECEIVEI) WE HAVE IsLEARNED of NO ner;ouveT TO . BE astonished at n't hint. Years ex Rao. a correspondence extending throughout all natinnalities of the habitable globe, have turned theories Into tants and established a basis from which we nesd net err. We are not surprised at anch facza as the fellowint. althondh the persons S7llO write thorn are. Wo know the persons and circumstances, hence feel at libert7 to endorse their statements; "DEAR. SIR: I have-been afflicted many Yeata, with severe prostrating cramps in my limbs. cold feet and hands, and a general diSlinie:til system Physicians and medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting scum friends in New York. who were wing Plant:Dior, Bitters. they prevailed apcxerr.e to try theta. I commenced with a email wine•glassfal »far Maher. F celing better by de. trees. in a feW dare I astonished to find the coldness and cramps had entirtely left me, and I could sloop the night through, Which 1 had not done for years. I 'Nal tike another being. Liv anettte an strougth have also zreMly Duroved by the use of the Plant:slim Bitters. "Respectful:3i JUDITH ItUEIIISI.s." Rawomionr, Wis.. Sept. ii. 1063. • * • • I have 'aeen In. the Array hoepltcd for four t.±.= months—speiaiinoiis ar..d war:rig dead_ At Altoll. Di., they Save me a bottle of Plesdation. Bitters. s * • Throe bottles restore}my epeecla and cared ma. * *7 C. A. FLAUT3." The following In from the Manager of the Union !keno Eohool for the Chileren of Volnnteen : " Da. DRAKE: Your wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children. euHerint from weakness and weak lamp, with coat happy effect. One little girl, in nartionlax, with rains in her hum'. logs of apPetite, and daily wasting consumption. on whorl all medical: shill had been exhausted, has been or.tirely restored. We commenced with but a teasnoon fel of Bitters a day. Her appetite and strennth rapidly increased, and she le now well. llospoctfartY. Mits. 0. H. DEVOE." " • • • I owe much to you, for I verily believe the Mutation Bittore have caved my lite. RB7: W. H. WAGGONBB. Itadxid. N. " FOUL ARD& GRR N OM R. idozezraqults. ac " * • • Thou - Wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bliktra. My wife has been eran,sl7 beneltdd by their use. Thyfriend, ASA CURRIE, Philadelphia, Pa." " I have been a treat nufferer frem DvePod& Ina' had to ear.r.ann preaching. * 'rim Plantation Sitters have cared me. Ray. T. S. CATHOZN, Rochester. N. Y." •' * *" I have given the Plantstioa Bitters to bun duds of co disabled soldiers with tha most astonishing effect. C. W. D. .11'DABW8. Saserintendent Soldiers' Boyne, Cincinnati. 0." " * The Plantation Bitters have oared foie of liver complaint. of which I was laid w prostrate and had to' abandon my basinese- H. B. KINGSLST, Cleveland. O." The Plantation: Bitters make the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant. and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Callas& bark. win. tergreen, sassafras roots, herbs. &c., all preeerred in perfectly Pure St. droix rum. Persons of sedentary habits. troubled with weakneee. lassitude, palpitation of the heart. lack of appetite, die tress after eating. torpid liver. constipation dm.. deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical =the rnien, and Ikie warranted to produce an •tanuzadiale bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable. ParfectlY pure, and harmless. OTICE.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor, It la put up only in our 10g-cabin bottle. BCNVaIe of bot tles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, for which several persons are already in prison. Bee that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cotk, unmet- Mated, and our signature on steel-plate side label. Bold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe. P. Li. DRAKE 83 00., fe23.4athe3ss 2021 BROAD WAY, MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. i FOR 18E4. Caleb Clothier. DIRECToaF, Wittlean e. Reeder, James Smedley. I.Toss , ph Chapman, Themes Nattier, . ;Joseph W. Moore, T. p. Lt wo , . d .0 1 „„ za ,,„ $ :H.aaecis B Atinine. !Simeon Matlack I Wilcox, N. Jenkins. Aaron W. Peskin, 'Luke - a Webster. CALEB CIMTII I Elt President. JAMES SMED4 SY, Visa President. TrroM.i MaTRIR. Treasurer. T. .}..1.7,W00D CHAPMAN, 88C'T. api"Min FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNtri? STEM. PHILADELPHIA , . TIES AND INLAND INSITRANGE. MSc'rose. ffrands E . t dck . Jo Nerernom flbkries Richardson., Robert Pottsr, EenT !AIM. Joho Royals?, Jr., 0. W, Davis, E. D Woo I ttrn. If. S. Justice. Chariest Stokes. eboorka A- West Joseph 111, rata. 'FRANCIS N. MTH. Prasldont 0/AS. BACILEUD6 4 O2t. "visa rreste.vo. W. I. itmarowAßD. Secretary. talt.%l IN 'THE OUTRAN'S' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY 0F PHILADELPHIA.. Estate of WILLIAAI HALL decoood. The Audt , or appointed hy the Court to audit, aettie and adjust the Account Of P. P. G BALL. Administra tor or the Estate of WIL: [ant - HAIL decoatel. and to make dittrlhullen of the balacce in the hands of the Accoantart. will nv-etti fvr the pur pose of his ap,ociattnert. I,lol`i DAY. the 9th day 0" Ma 0.1 5 ,64. al 4 o'cicck P. M.. at the Office. No. 13 South FIFTH ntreet. Philadelphia. op3C-0.14115t WM BOTCH WISTER, Auditor. sPLENDJI) PORTRAITS.—B. F. REL MlR's a ape. atl•: ea life. FIZ Photograpbx 01l co lola. the truest. and bei,t likenaa3. - es now made. sea BPaut. mete of etilea e.r.d flatat at 624 ARCH &met. lt. i ga WOOD'S PRIZE MOWER AND THS BucKBYE MOWER. AND ESAPER.—These celebrated Machines for sale br 110BAD.T DUIST' t A grienlinral Werehonee and. Seed Store. It DEB and lll 'RENT errant. above Wirth. P BATT'S PATENT STEEL TOOTH 11011.ii13-RA R a —This Bake ha , no equal. in Fa leer ehonid be without one The trade supp.ded at favorable retea by • ROBERT MUST, Jr.. A Kt ieultural Warehonee and 13:en Store. It MI gad 0.14 Mt RKST Street. shove Ninth. ma CULTIVATORS, PIOUGHS, HABROWS.t-Cultivator Teeth. Fodder and any Cnteete, Churns. Cm Totten, Field and (Arden 'Collars. Bey Dleyatore. with blecke Aid rope. with all tee an 'Proved Imp/tint/tee fur the or Garden. at hONERT UrflgT, Agricultural Warelouee and Seed Store. it 927 and V 24 MAASS? Street. above Ninth. WRITTEN - AND VERBAL DE Wr" . SCRIPTIOBS et Character. Conetitntien, ea Ts lent. with ADVICE en Eneineee, thaltil. a Nner flan, Solt iworovement, Pin, - Nwutent. and Tratn , ) hatof ORILDR&N, social ... adaptation. &a., dal and weenitts. by TWIN a. cepsar. Phreueleetat andßookaeller. liekl9-atath No. 25 S. TUTU Street, aboye Chastest. RETAIL DRY GOODS. SUPRRB STOOK • Now Wit? &M.s.Mlitt El ia s4 By, ROWN. Poortlar Clothing Bonne; Corner ninth and Market streets. ap22- mcre2Mf PAPER HA14G1.741C48. Te Jr. COOKIE, South Side The attention of the friblie is invited to his LABOR AND VARIED ASSORTMENT 01' PAPER HANGINGS. PLANTATION " NEI7 BRIPPORN Maim. Nov. 21. MA HAVEMV:L A Z MANSTON, FIFTT-13STIINTIC ST.. :NEW - ions. August 2, 1358 INSITRANCn. OP PIIILAWSLPI - II - - OFFICE, No, O Sours Farn STEW' cif &KTE.B. PISICINSTIILL. MUTUAL SYSTBII EX9LOBIVELT. LEGAL. AMITSEMEN'IIOs GROVER'S 011 - ESTN fSTREET THE ARE —l:ioliA3D OROYS - S. Manager. (Alto of Grover% Theatre. Washingtrer.) SATURDAY. Aprll 30. 1864, ArrEtEillß E NEF ON AND I T EV.S.Linie. Or TUE GREAT GEN TELL FLIP. POS. TFR SANITART 00111MIet 4 ION. Under the gnomes of the "Commtttoe on Ltbor. Revenue. and. Incense. THIS (daTifftfeeY) AFTERNOON. at 2 o'clotlx. LAST AP/4 , 11.111.50R OF TO GE e MAN ')PHA e. LA. DSME BL &ROHR. Gracie Opera, In three acts. hr B.Aldicat. 0 BOWIE BROWN M 'Mu°. leaßv.L'ilieNte _eNNA Madam JoFlatiNSl rt AVeSTOr ••• •• - n ( HUFF c.R4ARETTg , Mile. g DB CI JENNY Ann. CV 4 TIS4A. RICKeOfe M ICRONPELD hiollaTuN • LBN.ltaef Concluding with the Narrow at. BTU Elf[ By the Artists of the German Opera, Chorus, and Grand thc.nettra. Admission to all parts of tue house, including Private Boxer, Our Dollar. Famdy Cic de, FLIRT Cents. Scats secured without ex tra.. charge, SATURDAY NIORT. Continua:ion of the bandit to the Central SannarY Fair. H ocßo ; alrm Scudder. aOT Vannes ve o nN. rseer Mr. W. Le .,, rvur bleClusltty. a Carl:lna 6horper sir. r. it.trrlAuut WakinGtoe, au Indian air. H. rearsua 7 1, ,,t, SunLysitie Miss Cooper Ze.... the Octo , uon. Miss Annie 07%rd. Mrs. Ciaiborne Miss Millen Dido Mee. 510 TO Wlll I . it (RCP.. 'dim t'oriar Mingle Mrs. (iertuon Followed l; the lan unable act ... • THE Birl-'6l/G. _By . 1 4Put; Ildxsy and dieente, Carncrom & Disey's minstrels, Who h 3 re ki oily volsntecred. Concluding With the last act f 1T2.1.1.aN' Wt Fg. (Who b a gre Eneh nca s kindly volunteered for the occa s ion) Mr. Knight as Fazio PRIORS OF AD M.IBBION. Tram Cirolc and Parquet sflc . PREOI. 7 Circle 25c. Orchestra Feate 73a. Five of the Front Botches only are reserved as Orches tra Scats. No extra charge for ass drilla Feats. _ Mag.. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCM ••- STREET THMATRE. MS' ABATED FURORE. LAST WEER lOJr orrg iriF MRS. AMA Dam TO-NIGHT (Saturday). April 30th. 1861. %%fent/ fourth ard Last Nix t. hitt 3 , Eve of ROSNDA LB: OR. THE RLEPLg .IMieas With Hie - HAND EdlyNztvg, FINE AOTING, NECH elf VAL EFFECTS. and ERILLI a NT DANCING. EOB/1. LEIGH. MRS. JOHN DESW. Seats Secured one week In advance. MY to Comtsenoe at 34 t; 8; tc)rmlnCe Et 11g, NtrA N U!. STREET THEATRE. THIS (Saturday) EVENING. April 30. S.Wh appearance of alit. AND MRS. W. J. FLORENCZ In Irish EMI Vanke4 Charac'erc • SPLENDID BILL FOR TO-NIG RT, The performance will commence With Ulu Drain& or IKKLADID e& IT WAS To be followed by the Protean Fixes of the YOUNG AflrP.V3i. To conclude with th. I,v:tellable Comic Drama of NOBItRT bIa.OAIIIS. MUSICAL FUND HALL. TERESA tIiiEEEEO TEE WONDERFUL Mut" ei A NM. L atvE 1 10:AND VARistkf3LL CONCERT. THIS EVENING. Aiwa Stth. liptertainment will comprise solaekit from "Fautt, Les A ug , lett.ts," ''l Atttnadl , .rl ' " Tbs Mb lir tali] 1311," t•cotch Ballade. acid irtih The follt.wins , pouniar and em'zont Artiste wilt assist: Medians MIXSELL, FAl'Lti: Y. Te3or; Mr. DRAPE 1 , . Kwrito.e; llir. MiTtER, Pianist. AdmiE,siov AO may. re,nrred seas 75 cents. rul - rrshf d t.sr Mert.rs Gottl4 and Yee Sc Walker tt-ints•ny's!vl.Pol,i Pin a , will tv.itsed nr this neeaainrr. lt VN ANTS. RARE CHANCE FOR A GOOD CAN- Ono of e best ever offered to the puh ic. ri E ,at t . f giVett. Laree Dr .tt elusive t •ddrets 0. his office s.p;l) 'CanvsrPer. VERY RARE 0 PP()RT ITY.-T LI F, Advirtb*r_ b.%vinte a cmynisto now,pvpor e4tabli , l3, intni 'wants a DLITCLA.,t , r at i6oo, or a. par:nor Wit'. -D.35). Ittli,ao yiw• b;) main Iry p0bt031124 , uovethEinetlif•tt. hrerything is in order and ready to commerce qt once tddrets Box OZi, Poet Offloo. WANT ED- A SITUATION AS CoPYIbT, by a yoanz L&DY. Address "A. T . .' Prrss °film ap3o-3t. lANTED -1:0 OKF OLDER S, GIRLS to loam, at No. I South. TElttiD tUreet, North .W.A NTED-01. 07.13 I N G. —PERSONS Lavin,/ Clothirst to dlrpose of will pima call or ad d reeB G. PILLER 203 Gat:Mira 11. Rvin.antkuror WANTED—B 7 A PACKAGE HOUSE. a Sooli•KEEl'n' null writes a good Band; tecurato. quick. and w; cgaginted with ac counts. r‘nicloo. rerroauout. •• Box 5." Post Office with reference tirdiVit* WANTED -BY A GENTLEMAN and Wife the Dwellir.a part of a Hance in tht rt. dray of Ind*pendoi.ce or Wadhlagton Fignaren, oa or before Jane I.f+3. Would. take the care of office. Very beet of reftrences.given. Addrese Bqx 34CA Yen OM& 333b17.thgte tf 'WANTED-A SITUATION ASSHIP. • • ping Clark in a Forna: ring' Tio.oe or Tranz4p..rta lion Coln,.ax.y °Bice, by a your. a , MID whn hsa tman. act- K. iu rbat capacity npari y Three yr'ar,.. tr give to • 1 rq,-rence. Addreme tihippinu !Ph, 1' re.ss. an 24 8 60 A 7.110N1H ANTA:•7 I AGE N'l'S .t ibr , a walk agnPn:E., p9,ta, to salt ray Ber le,l nri tx, fir r. 7 Barhgrit, and PS other bele.. flyets: t;ircu:ari, bi:llLlrea Juittrkoa 3 . 011 N F LOAD, liidd6ford. RAI d•aar3at 76 A 111.0.INTli WANT TO HIRY • AGEk; TS in ovenr Coon.y, at VC , a..4a9rth. *z penaaa paid. to tell my umx...h4av Paza lv Eft l?rx.- elezes. Addreat r 4 - 0.1:6 4 '11. (Ye& Me. ff479,lV:4lfini. BOAti HEN G. TInERMANENT BOARD WANTED BY a Clergynlan, with a, small family, in a Pri rate, Ohrictian borne. One lioto, or two comnanictitisie de hied. will farni Lit in part Location bctwee a r13.1:11 and Twelfth ayl Wa;nnit , ,1 Ph-a .treats. dd. cels. vrj., b rCererce. 'O. T. P. - .as Onice.Fouith belt-w Okentnnt. c,n,80.3t. 22- SOID If BROAD. STB BET - PRIVATE WU - ADIEU; Itand,oni9 aPartments note vacant, alaclo and examanicating. apEg.6l.* BOAEDING.-T w 0 II A.r- DSOME SE -001916•8TORY ROOMS (furnigl).4 nr rLafarnishsd), Board, communich.tiug with BAth.rPOP.I, # Po, 269 South YIP. Street. apso-3t. "WILL BE VACANT BY TIIFI FIRST of MAY a hand.ontP, ISecond-story Front TtrlO3l. furnished, at the It. W. corner of .I.IIIITH and 61 3 .6.110/3 &rents. P.p'2B LOST AND FOUND. LOST-EARLY IN APRIL. A - 1 - 4 CHOOL WARBANP. No 1306. for $14.62, pay ment, being gtorincd a litierAl reward will be given by Ittnnizi to NOVEL HOl IN. Gerawr town.l aoLia•s3r OERIIFICEIE OF 5-PEE CENT. LOAN OF STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. for $510.05. dated March 12. 1530, Mo. 754, In name ef WILLIAM MEEEDITEE. lieu, a Certificate of 5-esi Gent•.ll . 4l , of SAO of Your.sylvania. for the earn of ag .I:fa une 30. 1815, :o. 1452, in the name dt ELL X. PEW& administrator of William Meredith in trust. 14lication has been made to the Auditor General for a re. newel of said Certificate% felo-3m ELI N. PRITTE. No. 81.1 ARCH Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. - it FOR SALE, A HAVDBOMB THREE STORY BRICE: .DWELLING, ON NORTH BROAD STREET, NEAR OXFORD, Replete witk every modern improvement and C.M7B - ONLY 10.500, CLEAN OF ALL INCUSIBILSIT3E. GEO. N. TOWNSEND & CO, It 121-334 South FOIIRTO Street TOLET—THREE ROOMS, WITH Boa 80. Reference required *Jo dren received. 268 FiIDRTH (4•1.,) Street. below ViT.lb at ap3o-.70 SI O.NA GE--CELLAR TO LE r—A I good Cool Cellar. paved Nelth '4;1 9 1E, LEVair Street. north of Spruce Int - intro 202 South sacort o Etreet [,,pSO-St.) R. L KfflitElT. ---- -": LARGE, AND VALUABLE LOT 01 . OROrND FOR. BALL—SW:tato at the corner of Thirteenth and Meeter .etreets 1 about 22.5 Let en Thir teenthetreet, and 160 feet on Master. Apply to ft, viOrfOß, 24,28 St 141 North E , IXTfI Street. $26000 $lO,OOO, $5,000, $l,OOO, 59. and other amon ita. to loan on Mart= Lade and Ground Rent.. JOHN YARD. JR., & EON. anSO•statli6t. SOY ROCS Street. et TO RENT—A BE AU TiPULLY located tit allot COUNTRY R ENID ZNCE. Qll e mike below Moony, %NM , n> tt Virleeinomiew Station, on 'Crou ton Railroad. apply No 117 WALNUT St ay.% lilt* fil FOR S ALE—A DESIRABLE WA three-story DWILLII G. with double three-story back buildings. in gone order THIRTEENTH Street, above theen. Inanad - DORAN! OIL Et. a. DSVIB, • ept.63v. Ritvg•P. avenue and. GREEN Street, ggi SUPERIOR STORES ON NORTH ....FIFTH Street, Nog, 16 and 18. adioinics; and con tacting. each five stories high. aboot 17k. fees front by FO Icet deep. They are in a good leastlon, and Ott ba need t: getter or reparotol7 Loroeiiistm pos , ..ession given. Sher :wilt rent so as to pay ag a good inveg meat. Apply to BONS&W., GROI HESS. ap3o.3c' 116 North NINTH :trent. fla FOR SATE.—A LARGE 110"0 - 1, EUMMhIt BOARDItICI 'EOM! plenty elta.le, frnit, ard large garden. good stabling. shads. &e . a l hut halt - an hour's ride (maths citv. - very desirable lee.s.twa. wit! be sold with or without furniture "R. H. B ." care TWA. Ellali. Non. 142 11113 1 ic4 North NINTH Street. sp3o-. sea* TO RENT—DRY GOODS STORY, DWELLING, In a goad location, doing a pm. fitable and improving business The Wm bas good ts tures, and in complete order. A small and desirable 15tock on hand. which we would like to dispose of on satisfactory tormc. For further particular% innitlre at Iho Store, 310 2csrth TEN7II Strict AB FOR SALE—BEAUTIFUL COT .mckLTAGE and 22i acres of Lanl at l'aceny. overlook• lag the relawege, and easy of access by Railroad and Steamboat. eeven acres of Land,with good farm balidlngl, 33; stir* from Manayunk; beautiful !situation six WAR from Pl.Vade•Phist• Collage and eight acres of Land. near Merlon Stalion, on the ktratylvania Railroad, nye miles from Market street. College end three acme, near Gl:ellen Sill Station; on the .North rennulvanta, 'Railroad. nine Miles from the city. Large Cottage, with Ss scree of Land, corner of Wash.. irgton lane ail City line. Cottage and good Lot, cornerof Mill and Cumberland streets, Germantown. end other Cuttago.te various localities. Build All as IE rro number of Dwelling Nantes , Yams. and Lo r e B F. GLENN. 1218. FOURTH Etreet, ayso and S. Sar nor_ SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. am TEE FIORENCE IRON WORKS ma FOR SALL — The elibeariber it antborteed t the vein il•hr irorerty known as • 'FELS FL VieSsull IRON WORKS , "situated situated et Florence, on the Delaware river. - nix miles above Burlington, in The State of New Seim?. with all rho MachinerY, Work-shone, store. "Workium'is Ma - Delon Houle. and about" acres of Land, 'wit h a heantiful river front of 2 0,0 feet. Tire Foundre in 100 feet long by 100 feet wide, the ale chiLe Shop 150 by 60, bats built of brick, In the mea t. tubrlaplialmanner The Mansion Home te of brick, of handsome architecture, and is btUrQunds3 by a Magni& C ent grove of Dv Referent cress - f This grelisrty is well suited for the manufstruree o Boyar,: react tvork- iron shirs, cannon. PlM'''. Eitel= An- Flues. Ac:. or could be adapted to almost e.ny manutrac luring parer - es. It is meet eligibly al' stated, rossees tor. as It noes, the advantage of both water and railroad eczema nicatic n For further particulars. terns. ac z.7 a o nll pE in t ir r e s re m on or by letter to ara. at A4ll gent 11 /1111 D Strai t. Phlladaluhta. e RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR SPE CUL aTl4lli.—For entry a large and valuable tyre nerty of Two Hundred Acres of Ground, situate in the Nisei and Taleetv-sixth wards. having a front on each side of Broad street of twenty. fool hundred feet. with a front of Foalco lurrae.l ore •LeaRVIA lelfted 6r t3adond aireet road. stout one mile from County Prison, and lees din:aorta from. League le std and River Delaware. appi y toH. CRBTIS 14 fiON, aor,-F/i ir" Keel litsla rotors, 433 WALNUT dt. IGRAND MUSICAL FaT/VAL AMUSEMENTS. INAUGURATING THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR 808 THS U ZI OW Tun EL $ SANITARY COMINII3SION. The ca l m, 'Gee baying charge (W the Mauled Enter teinnaeute of 0:+8 Great Cestral Fait hams the honor to announce that, having completed the etteneetneate of their departmeyt, they will commence in the AZAD/MY OF MUSIC, on Vt. EDNEVAT REX the FOURTH. of MAY, a GRuND MUSICAL FESTIVAL. to be con• tinned through the succeeding lbrtaight. In view of the unm . ecce•ented 3e ope of the natl., and the meant.' ludo of all Ste dpnets z e k ' , eta the Commtt'ee have la mut to make their own nn 50, thy of its associatione and of the noble purl one of zbo e r s 4 ermine. At 4he name time they have decreed. the -11ty n.in:caliikriy favorable one to essay the Hi wit:amp ui Ku.SIG in et its mootP3Dalar forms ripen a neale. nnaitempied In this country. and which will eo sextons cc-moositinas. as they are interprett only 'a A e chief capitols of 'En roPt. 'where the Art le %stored k 7 t 1 0VernMenie, and whore treat institutions are devetc4 i to its stu'AV and aztribi• tlon. The entertainmenta of the I wid cowgirl of Operas In the NIIgIifiNiZZISUOVI 4 . at.,rio!, and aliscet . • . ',% - culta e 4.4taffue r 3 laneona Voesl and Int Mamenetso44 mcflrfv. For the pro duction of the Operas sad uthei" 4t have made a contract v,•qh. Ills. Ts, I '• jib (now of Neer York, and formerly of VA :2 1:1 :,2 1 ":""r the American Opera CorafamY. Nrlre' • "" A "''''aaA moot eftrnearnest at d db-poei'AOTCl , O care,.r. r out the view/tot th ee o Priaitife. The at and , auksl, *too eußttrcad b, hfr Efurrleou far exceed in num 4 yer Junk aggreg' o niorit any force ever eurplored afore:the' 3.f %a 1 6 fage of this continent. The are UHT altaffe 9 — the priusipal vocaliela of the 119th eying perform:m4 aS .late with great tucceer in New 'York : Maeical Director—Mr. Theod Ire Tiiwoo.o.. of travgr TOrk- Cc nd n dors of Oratorios—Dr. Len vad Zoinvon an 4 Carl Sentr. of Philadolpria,. Leaders in Lliamillar.ecns Cot atrt..l- w. P. atm rthlgton ard &..e..sx.c. C. 0. Kop - Aiii •oo o Ck&rias pod- Moth, of Philadelphia. Leader of Btlitary rgreld. of P.W.- Ladelphia. P.lanlht—Mr. I. N. Pattison, of NoVTOrk.: Oreantzt—Mr. Arthur 11. Lle,siter, of iThrodalOdis Herpict—Mr Alfred F. 05 1 5re-sek±srk. Operatic Przgo frtacasel—Mr. B. A. later, of dd. Operatic Prempte,:—Mr. Leopold diagallicf. Or dclphia. Firbt EspraDo—Mr9. Comte B.,rebard nut Contralio—Dim Jenny Ku/Impg, De. Blim LLTgort First TOIIOT-3fr.Ede. Second Tenor—Mr. Walter Exch.. First Baritone—Mr. B. C. Otinpbell Second Bariteine—Mr. Vlnr. Snooks Pass—Mr. Edwaad Eeguln The Omen Chorea amidst., of One hetetred'etteeteo, elegem, with a corps of accomplished• amsVar"te.itilt4 tears. Tho Cratos to Chore', Suchadhs members cf 'Santee and Haydn Society, of the E.,Tratottia Eoefatt, and o r Cloven GI err= choral goeiotieg of thin dep. ale 4f the. Mogan Slatulecal Ualoc, of RCadlug, forming a;r.rietrre gate of Loony hundreds of no!ces. The orchestra and rntlitary hand for operas, ^,ard islft other divinione of the 'Festival. are rompoeed of pintoes'- nye of the most diatingaiehed iastrameataltsta of :JAW, dabble and nee Yet..k. In the dramt.tie depart licnt of th Annus is a Caney de Ballot, and other zuletaute, numbering one hutut Rs and fifty. The really for r.prPeentattou .17. 3 THE I3OLIEMtAN 01113.1." Dy MAIIITANA, NOTRE DAME 01? PARIS, By Wx.r. The firxt Or Rt, en. 'TECE C REATION;: stn Widnesday Evening, the 4 ih• al Nay, WILL 1351 P:-.P.SErsTrED, FOR II FIRST TIMM.; NOIRE DARE OF Plt A Oland : Opera. to four ads. The eubieet fro:a Victor liinao's great romance of the same title . The principal parts by 3le.A.Labary3 BORGE - 7.113D. and: E/4117011, grid News. CASTLE. 01111 3 .213f.L. kitg. OLIN, and 6NAATS. Conductor. Mr. THOMAS. The Orchestra, Chortle. Come do Ballet. and Auxiii arlee ae above enumerated. The Elmira A In"libtMeote ittei . ..llela:borataly Illustrative of Praia in the LI fteenth centary, the period of the drama. end are o, vied from photoaraphe of huildttme and hist°. ticel plc! arcs. 7.110 Scenery by Mesaro. Ra. 0611 Smith. Richard Smith. Hawthorne. Grain. Hellge, and• troller. The Rem ere and Armorial Inedgnia by the !steam's. William, Olathe. and Otto If elrwelder, fresco stage. of tine ctty. The Arme and Armor by Meagre. be.cey and Leh:duster. 'The Eccentric Properties by Mr. Saunders , cf New York. Contameo Mr.,. Cora oflldladelphia. end Kr, E. W. Without% of yew York. Soroph Br%oaten, organ builder, has kindly lear.ed and erected a church organ on tho stage of the academy; abd a oeal of folbutized chuteh bens. trona the bell Seemly:co of Men3rs. Nayl,:r do company, 11,re atiee been loaned te give due etlsot to the sconen connected with the Cathedral of rietre Dame. Thu eemnkttee, with at time° resources. aro warranted. in promising performances unapprotched on any Ame rican stage. is verisimilitude. and In the muniLeoaco mad completenees of every Mageel and scetas de partmOtit. A subscription shoot for SIX OPERA arGILTS.-the Performances to be on Mondays, Wednesdays. and Fri d nor two eve.ks—Netti be opened at the Academy on Prldsy morning, the I.Erh last., at 9 o'clock, and will he open daily from 9 to 9. SODSCRIXTIONS POR THE SERIES OF SIX OPERAS. 3IOHr DOLLARS. Which will secure a reserved seat in the Parquet. Par pl.t Circle, and Balcony. ETlMP.ierross FOR THE SERIFS, WITH RR- Erit'VED k.:ZAT6 IN FAMILY Chi.C.LS, FOUR. DOL LARS AND A HALF. No admissions for single nights will be disposed o until the Eubstriptiou sheet is fall, and enbscrioers slue hays selected their tee.ts. Tickets for the grst Oratorio. on THURSDAY. the Rh of May, at one dollar, with twenty•fivo cants for re served seats, will he for sale en Monday next. Vie programmes ei Concerts will be the subject of fatme announcements. CONCERT rrALL- GRAND CON CERT. (qhs,int street, above Twelfth.) S' (WO Halal PTA'S SECOND POtil rIVELY LAST . OR s ft D CONCINT, TWIT sTUR DAY ) April 30, By the tmprccedetted array of Artists, 7 IS2 El REIS. SIG. BRIGNOLI. SIG. DR A G MR. J. PATTISON. 111. H, HOLLENHAMIR.. Conductor SIG. I: 13132j0. PROGRAMME. 1, Fantasia for tits Violos cello •• . • Mr. H. Mollnnhaner. 2. lioninnzs, (Maria di Buinnz) 21g. i/ragone„ 3 ustativa. (Lucia it Lammermoor) 31188 Barris. 4. Dueet, (Martha.) Brignoli and praaone. 5 FA rapsla for Piano j N. rattigtan_ Ikmarza., (Ve.ukt Brianoß. A Etude 7. 33 Sunrise Mt ,Antki Caertee. a• rattia°ll . B. Snatch song. " Oon;inz thro' the Rye."..lffss 9. Solo Vielcncelle. • kounds from the Alps ter. , Ur. 11 3follanhaner. 10, Dnett, (Z en PaPtTlalP).. 8188 Hann. Sic Brignoli. 11. Fa Btedi 5,4 dr Eusto) by recitalist J N. Pattisea. 11. Torre% (Atilia) 311188 Barris. Sign. Ringaoll. and TICKETS ONE DOLLAR BICH Dragons. SEATS MAY BE SECURED WIPEOUT EXTRA, CHARGE at Pugh's Book Stara, corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets, and at Leyr , sidt'a Book Store, 1813 Chest nut street. It • F OYER -AO ADE.MY OF IVEMIO. kTrIRDAY. APRIL 30. 1803. CAL WOLF/WELD'S CLASSICAL. MATIMIS. at 123; o'clock. PROGRAMME. Sonata, op. 105. Plano and Violin Schumann._ Wolfeohn and 'Thomas. Aria, from Don Giovanni.. L Theodora Mabelman. PIANO SOLO. Wolfeohn. Wolfeohn. O. Sharp Minor, Chopin. Carl Wolfshou. Violin Solo. Pantalets de Concert Vienatempe. as. Das Mitdchen am Feaster Theodore Thom Fem. Theakere Fiabelman. Trio, op. 19, Piano, Violin. and Violoncello, sohuhart., • Wolhohn, Thomas, and A.hrend. (a) 711mm' (trio.) Ib) Slumber Song (c) Polonaise TICXBVS, ONa DOLLAR.: Doors open at 12 o'clock. SPECIAL NOTIOE.--rnlisorlbeus. to the Classical Goa certa are re@Deatfully informed of the shante liotin(e. which wee rendered. necessary by the pre occupation of the Academy of Music ttP27-4t rjANE-STREET GIRLS' GRAS MAR. SCHOOL enIYIFFIT. at tha ACADEMY OF MOW. AFTBstriOON. at 3 o'clock. Doors openAt 2 ificiatc vac, be hne. Ole doOY, 0P23-3t* A SS.EMBLY BUILDING, CORNSR TRNTH AND OTIESDNUT. WOOPROFFE'S OLD ORIGINAL. - BORENIAN TiIOUPE DP GLASS BLOWERS, With their celebrate d Ola.B Steam Engine. "Monito.r." will !holly appear as above apliS-Etv • E. M. GARDINER. Agent. _ _ SEOTION.-GRAND VG- A- CAL AID INSTRTMEEITAL CONOEVr. for iLe benefit of the SCHOOL ruff D of the 0 RbAT CENTRA4 e'AIR. VIII b.. given at Handal and Haydn Hall, H comer of HIGH i' PI and SPRING GARDEN Streets. on 'MONDAY 8V14.1111,i0-. MAY 2. Mt AT S O'CLOCK. KIES JOSP.PHINE O co SPUTA,. end several Amato:ire will ansdrt on the occasion. BALIHMANit. rill preside at tho Piano Porte. Tickets may be procured at - tho enlceor Charles Bit. Warner. No. 941 North SIXTH- Street ; H. H. Davie, 10.3 G 'ACES Street, and at the door on. the evening of the Concert. ap.27 St* TERESA. CARRENO, BY lIN.T.VER FAL desire. takes pp -mute in annoono'lly a TII[RD and FAREWELL CO:tiCr:RT. at MUSICAL FOX@ HALL. cn SATURDAY EVENING. April SOUL when she will be Wad fir the. following elletburniebed talents zd 2 dom. ANNIE Prima Pnna soprano; Mr. I*.k EL CY. Tenor, who will z ender, necordsmee:crith. .titrae - ono reonei.to. tito areat arias. num "Faust "and and "Eily Navoorneen." Mr. DRATAR.. Baritone ; and. M. F. I. IitITTLE?, Pian!st Tickets 50 cents. Roserced 'sate 25 cents extra. TO , be bed at J H GOULD'S Murde Store. corner EI:TENTH and CatiETMIT Streets. aro.% _ _ GEEMANIA ORCHESTRA. - LAST CONCERT OF THE SELEON—For the benefit of that Great Sonitari Fair Pll ameRsuRABSt.L,SNBXT SA.TTTEDAY. at 3 o'clock P. M.. at the MUSICAL FUND Edith. atagle tickets 2.5 Caßig Pailitairast of aim tiattato. *1 Ta he had at ANDRE'S:IIO4k CU SVC)* VP Street. J. E.. GoULD'S. tAIVEDITH and CHR*TNITT. End at the Nall door. an 29 • DL. CARPENTER'S • GRAND PROVENADH AND FULL DRESEISOBIZIL litilEICA I, FEND HALL. TUESDAY hY.ESING. Nay 17th, 1661. Tickets Cl a d m ittimta Gentleman am Two Ladies. TBRBCBIPTS TO sr. GIVEN VON. THIS DRIDIFIT ON THE GRBAT NANITART Fa& In aid of our Nage eeldiers. It is to ha hoped,that all Mende and. former patrons will take an earnest interest in aiding D L. Carpenter in ILiVIDIZ a substantial benefit Tiokets Cairo now readr• and can 130 had or Itanagarioog of Er. Carpenter, 635 Alen street. Prof. Birgfela and O rchestra are engaged. apleato NOW OPE N-THE FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBIT/ON OP PAINTINGS wiD &MIXTURE. et the P:INNSVLVAISHO. ACablittW OW THE P'PB ARTS. CHESTNUT Street. above Tenth. Open from 9 A. H. till 7 P. M., and from S Mlle In the evening ELEVENTH -ST. OPERA HUM. TEE FAMILY EMMET. " CARNOROSS affD BIXBY'S MINS . THE OBEAT STAB TROUP'S OP THEWIN thalx SELECT ETHIOPIAN GOMM . • Splendid Sittaitig. Beautiful Datelua. Lattat.teAta Sas ieere,__Plautation Saimaa, am, 4 13 , ito7 'BT I I TALENTED Amen" EVERT EVENING MS wsrat Tlck#426 amt. Deere !pen at 7 o'clock— 1F427-3m .7. L. CIABBOROSS. Bue.,neee Kamm. moweItIENTS AND GRAV - Fr Ml STOMit. - 1 , lease 11 , 550A:cant of Grave. Stonee6 - 01 verlons dealaaa. made of the :Meet Italian and American Mail:dee. constantly on 1. - A nd at the Marble Works of ADAM STBINMETZ. D T ,DCti ATskae. below Eleven* street. PhUadorlatia• sole Ste If By W. V. wallas.