Importers se J Dealers in 13114011>E1t1JE IS, 1.A.40 E el, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, MO, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, ae„ 1 0, vatt MARKET STREET. 41S 0031111-RECE STREW. 11-10, PHILADELPHIA. SPRING 1864. 64. DRY GOODS. OUT ITDUOIXFSTS TO CASH BUTESAL HOOD, BONBRIGHT, & CO., Who Wale Dealers In YOBZION AND DoMOTHS .11735rY . . rC7 4 CAD e Aso 9 i t ligs3T Street. sad VW* COALKSltalitgkreet. PREGADELPRIA. osid re!p4stre ll 7 Limit* attention to tads LIRGI g DOMESTICS, DRESS GOODS, FERN'S AND BOYS' WEAB, gaULT VOPtilar goods of • fEI/ADELPHIL MLNUFACTURE. 113*/ 164. SPRING, 1864. BDAIIIND YARD t CO., 11 CrErSBTX(P2 AND No. 614 /1:1114 6721112& tow in fitore Mar OPRING IMPORTATIOR of &MK AND NAM MT GOODS, 0071/71:71770 . 07 .11,1MIESE3 G1.40 , 412)1n0t8, 07 ALL MAIM LA.C.E. AND FANCY Erl Trills, GROVES, MITTS, RIBBONS, I?Man TRIMMINGS. ITE GOODS. LINENS, IMUBOfIJUI AND MACES. • and boadoomo lasortmout of BIND AND SUMMER BALMORAL SKIRTS, g race. al. Width they offer to the Trade tat tee LOWEST PRICES. fa2.lm SPRING 1864. DRY GOODS I WIEST, Eltir InIFOITIES AID JOBBSIIB OF -- D ar GOODS, 1 471 . THIRD srimitr, priuranimnara; I jiff iD 4911, and are deny is receipt of, all wadi of FBEBII SPRING BEY GOODS. GP THE VERY LATEST STYLES. Mira 1. Tell Stook of all the different kinds of FHILIADELPIILi - MADE GOODS multi will Ind it to their - interest to call and ex ae.sar static- antra can offer them 111113QUALLIID mhl2 Ym Ed AWITOIII. PRISELLN "mum. EW SILK HOUSE WATBOI & MARY, No. INN MUM STREIT. 111[01.713L1S D 741411148 Er r siz,ns„ : " B GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, &G. whish *IT resPostrally invito th• attsahlos of n.-2es ELLOR, BAINS, & 'MELLOR, 4ft and 4$ WORTH THIRD. STRUT. /MP OR .711.128 07 SMALL WARES; AID HITE GOODS. MAXIDIAOTIIENSB OP SHIRT FRONTS- • (HUE SPRING IMPORTATIONS, 1864. DAWSON, BRANSON, & CO., m 1 MARKET STREET, OOZIER OF FIFTH. sow In ItOM mad will be eoe.tannytreeelvtor. donut the seenes. In attractive line of 'ART.S, GERMAN, AND BRITISH DRESS GOODS, is 3r, c is' NE Es • B . TAPLD AAD YAZQT SHAWLS, ka.. ha W which will be sold at the LOWEST MAYEET MOM 64. SPUING, 1864. IMES, KENT, sorrn, a Co., immrries AND JOBBERS OP D CP CO 1 1) I S .3 IN and 1141 NOME THIRD. ST.. above Raw PiILADKGPIIIA. low one their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOOK hAtitION Alp DOMISTIO MIT GOODS. Mr.iltatendleg the sasroity of many kinds of Dry e. ou: stook L. now fen !Ina marled to *nits at ettetttier. Is invited to our assortment of PHILADZIPTILL-MAD3 GOODS. tt,). emsortmentetUloths, Cessizaeres. aza. 44 Mtlittlat of Prints, Do Lanes, it