RELIGIOUS LITELLIGEINCR. DEATH OF THE Rev. ROBERT TAYLOR.—A few Welke ago we noticed in this column the fact that the Rev. Robert Taylor had been called to the par lorate of the North Presbyterian Church. He was then alifietiog from an AMOR of intermittent fever. This morning we regret to announce that he es. phed at his residence yesterday. Ha was favored with th e best posSible medical attendance, and until within the last day or two his physic:lens had strong hope of his recovery. In the death of Mr. Taylor the church to which he was called incur, we had almost maid, en irre parable lots, as there are few clergymen of his years who have won for themselves a more enviable name in everything !het pertains to en effluent par lor, a polished Preacher, and a learned divine. We are authorized to state, in this connection, that the pulpit of the North Presbyterian OliUrch, Sixth street, above Green, will be occupied to•morrotv morning by the Rev. Stuart inflated, and ill the afternoon by the Rev. Nathaniel Conklin& of the Arch-street Presbyterian Church. THE POWEnS OF HEAVEN TO BE SEAS...Ea.—prof. prewmagen on a three Fears' scientific visit from Ba varia, tells us that in 1865 a comet will come so close as to endanger the earth, and, ghoul= not attach itself to our planet (all one globule of quicksilver to another) nor annihilate us, the sight will be most beautiful to behold. During three nights we shall l am e no darkness, but be bathed in the brilliant light of the blazing train As the Professor It now on his way from Australia to Bavaria, we shall no doubt hear more from him on the subject on his ar riving in Europe. Thole who, with no alight Scriptural warrant, look for the premilleental advent of Christ, and who see around them the "signs of the last times," can with .out any great, stretch of the imagination read in Professor Newmagers calculation a partial fulfil ment of the predictions concerning the signs and Wonders and shaking of the heavens at " the coming Of the Son of Man," contained in Luke xxi. APPOINTMENT OF A CHAPLAIN FOE New 011t -OHAN.S.—For. John C. Gregg, of the Philadelphia 2f. E. OSUMI:IM and late chaplain of the 127th Regiment Pennrylvacia Volunteers, has been ap pointed ley President Lincoln hospital chaplain at New Orleans. Idr. Gregg served his regiment with marked faithfuloees and acceptance, and the 'selec tion of him 10/ the post to which he has now been assigned is en unexceptionable one in all respects. TEE SANITAIIT Fares-We have beer informed, 2aya tke Universe, that the Catholics of the State are actitg in regard to the Fair with a most generous spirit. The example of the 131thop, in contributing one hundred dollars, and the sitilful agency of the Committee on "Labor, Incomes, and Revenues," have had much to do in this, The cause of the Union is the cause of us all; our soldiers are not m ercenaries ; we all owe them something besides cold admirative , hence We all should do something for this Fair. There ie not one of ua who has not friends in the army who have not been generously relieved by the Sanitary Commintion. Let this fact be borne in mind, 'millet the prnper follow. The gentlemen of the Committee on "Labor , In comes, and Revenues" are L. Montgomery Bond,- chairman; airs. (Rev.) E Hotter, S. (Rag born, treasurer; and M. S. elitch.lon, secretary, It was to this committee Bishop Wood gave his li beral contribution. SECOND RINFORMED DUTCH CHURCH.—OR last Sunday the Rev. T. De Win Talmage preached his second anniversary sermon from the text, 1 Coe, ii. 3 ; "And I Was with you in weakness, and in fear, and In much trembling... From this discourse, we gather the followimenta• tistice a During the year, one hundred and twenty one persons had united themselves with the church ; six thousand eight hundred and eighty.nine dollars have been raised for religious purposes. There are nine hundred and thirty scholars and teachers in the eabbatteschool 'service. Toe pastor had, during the year, delivered one hundred and eighttesix mermen, religious lectures, and addresses, in immediate connection with the congregation. During the two years of this pastorate the ineome of the church, from pew rents, had increased twenty seven hundred dollars beyond what it was, and the membership had enlarged by the addition of one hundred and fifty three persons. Ninety new fami lies have connected thentaelvea with the congrega tion. THE THIRD PHRSBYTBRY OS PHILADELPHIA ARD THE CHRISTIAN COMIIBBION.—By the Third Pres bytery of Philadelphia, at its session of April 13th, it Wall Refoiced. Mai ihetr S. Christian Commission, by its literal adherence to the example and instructions of our Lord, in combining the spiritual with the temporal be neficence; by its use of Christian delegates in the par se-nal distribluienla its benefits; by the eronouly. fide great elicee. which hat. attendodl,s tcborain our armies_ and by the very signal recognition of its spiritual labors by the holy Spirit, has established a claim to an enlarged regard and support from the Christian people of our cJiintry. Resoltga, 9:nat Presbytery cheerfully commends it to continued liberality of its congregations. Rischtd, That a certified copy or the above resoles tints be cent to toe :reeident of the Cktrioi§u Commie- Eio/1. • The following resolutions have been adopted by the Central Presbytery of Philadelphia: Resolved, That the aim of the United States Christian 'Commission, to furnish both Sanitary and Sointuel aid and Comfort To our brave B,..idiers. tee wisdom and eta citheY of their @MUSS to this end. and the self deny ing zeal and scmcmy Which are patent thron2h all their -operations.. are such as deserve the coral !mace of the Christian public. and in the preaent exigency of the service entitle that association to the generous and con stant co-operation of our ministers and churches Resolved. That in view of the arrangements now lathing fdr a great Fair to be held in this city. on behalf of the United St, tee Motion." Commission. this Pragby tray willadciee the several caterer/ulna .nod-sr their -care. that except the United States Chrtrtisa Commission be associated with the United. States Sanitary Commis sion is the management, and made sharers in the Pro ceeds or the said Fair, their p. incite'. if not their a bole liberality. is due to the former, th , t is. the United States Christian Commission, in virtue of the aims and man agement aforesaid.' LUTHERAN CHURCHES IN PHILADELPHIA.=TO the members of the Lutheran Church, more espe cially, the following statiatics, with regard to the churches of that denomination in this city, (for which we ate indebted to The Lutkeran and Mission ary,) will be an Interesting record : Zion's and St ~Ilichael's (Gernian.)—Pastors, Rev. W. J. Mann, D. D.. and Rev. G. A. Wenzel. Num ber of communicants, about 1,600. Number con firmed at recent communion, 195 Thie organization has three church edifices four Sunday. sehools and Rut - day-sherds. St. John's —Pastor, J. A. Seias, D. D. Number of communicants, 010. Added on last Palm Sunday, by baptism and confirmation, 11 ; by letter, 2. Number of children in the Sunday. school, 412. Si. Michael's (Germantown.)—Pastor, Rev. C W. Schaeffer, D. D. Number of communicants, '2OO. Added at late communion by confirmation, 9 ; oy baptism, 2. St. Matthew's.—Pastor, Rev. E. W. Rutter. Num tfer of communicants. 450. Added at recent commu nion by baptism, 2; by contlrmation, 10; by profes sion of faith, 1 ; by certificate, 11. St. Marrs --Pastor, Rev. ta F. Motel. Number of communicant members, 400. Added at Duster .communion by baptilm, 3 ; by confirmation, 11 ; by letter, 10. Number of children in the Sunday .schoel, 360. Trinity (Germantown).—Pastor, Rev. L E. Al bErt. Number of members. ISO Added recen.u; by baptism, 2; by confirmation, 6; by profession of path, 1. Number of Children in Sunday school, 160. St. Jain& (German).--Paaior. Rev. J. T. Vogel bash. Number of communicants, 1,100. Added at Easter communion by confirmation, 97. Number of acbolara in the Stiodapaahoola, 700. Thia church bag also a day-school, In which there are 194 sobolari. T 2 friiiy —Pastor, Rev. hI. Sheeleigh. Number of communicants, 70. Added - recently oy confirmation. .1. Number cf Sunday-school scholars, 160. Chries Mirth (Chestnut Hill).—Pastor, Rev. H. M. Bickel. Number of communicant men:khans, 60. Accied at late communion by confirmation, 2; by letter, 2 i Number of children n Sunday-school. 60. St. Lukc's.—Paator. Rev. Samuel Laird. Number of communicants, 220. ,Added at late communion by baptism, 11 ; by con - Mutation, 14 ; b? letter. 2 Number of children on the rolls of the Sunilay school, 275. StIEDAY.SCIIOOLS 1x EMIOPP..—For about two years past Mt. Albert Woodruff, of New York, has been engaged in the Sundapschool work in France, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany. For three months he has been in Germany. Commencing in the south at Munich, he held ref/Maga iu abollt twenty large cities between there and Berlin, the audience varying from twenty persons to three hun dred. In Berlin he has already succeeded in este.- dishing seven flourishing schools. A children's paper in German has also been started in that city, Mr. Woodruff found a few Sunday gatherings of chil dren, but the elms system of Sunday school, it ap pears, bes net heretofore been adopted in Gee-many. INSTALLA_TION —The installstibn of the Rev. Charles H. Eccirg over the 3.lariner'a Church, Phi ladelphia, which WWI peatpened i will take place hest Tuesday evening, 19th irait at the churn in - Water Street. The Rev. Dr. Jones, Mr. Rica, and other members or the Preabytery of Philadelphia, will take part in the exercises. NEW CA7ROLIC ARCHBISHOPS —lt ie HOW (*nil dently stated that Bishop . Spaulding, of Kentucky, hali been rtiotd to the vacant Archmitre of Baiti• wore, and that Bishop McCloskey, of Albany, is to take the chair of Archbishop IlUghee. PROFESSOR APPOINTED.--The 11Cv.• Dz. Butler bar received the appointment to the Chair ofEcele sisatical-Bietory in the Philadelphia Seminary of the Eplcoopal Church, vacated by the death of the Bev. Dr. May, and lately declined by the Rev. Mr. Brooks. FOURTH BAPTIST OHURCH.—Seven personS were received into the Fourth Baptist Church, Rev. Dr. Jeffery, pastor, on last Sunday; two of them by baptism, and two upon confession of faith. During the winter thirty persons have been admitted to the communion of this church. Tear - Thakmusisteter. APRIL 15, 1863. APRIL 15, 1.864. - $ A. M.... 12 31....3 P. 11.'6 x 3 P. Y. 44 63 .60 46.. 67; ....67j1 • WiNl3. NE ENE NE E byE..ENE. NNW UNITED STATES Itinsm.—The - United States Mint, yesterday, was en object of more than usual attraction, consequent upon the annouaccment of Mr. Mclntyre, the assistant treasurer, that the in- Ilexes% of the flvertwenty United States bonds, due on May Ist, i 864, would be paid yesterday morning. There was at no time any rush. The holden of the bonds kumsit themselves in line, and took their turns to be v.sited upon. Many persons w i gs there - yesterday to whom the drawing of interest was en tirely a. nttv The first thing they heard. an the prelitaim a 1 to drawing out the gold, was to till up a schecole. • . " A schedule !" sale a lady '(what's that 1" 66 one of thae, madam." 3 formerly a detective of the egac c 4, l 9ol l ,...ilu S t c r. 4 o le w ni s% attentive citLer at the ilTlut, handing her. a. neatly printed piece of parer. u Here, modem," said AIL Selde p ut the dale when the interact in due:DUnen' "you ciin Y our own name here, and in tide place put pent. irridrsg that la, your evidence. In the first in - coluron, ad e ani, you put the number of the coupon, then iq the next column the amount of your . Dond, and in the last column the amount of interest due ; then tall into the line of applicants, and when Tau reach the dealt you will receive the interest lo With such instructions as these no one e 'aid go wrong. The following fa a copy (V the schedule (filled up), by which the reader may have tint subject illustrated : 4'4:44.1)-?>4>>°'(>°4o.oo 40 , * Received of the Anis:dant Treasurer of the U. S b7a payment of Coupons for lutere!t, due* ▪ lan 1. 1861. described in the annexes sch, nit. • JOHN 8 1 MI rH, • Dre. Cheetnut s.ract . Igo. of she p anorama rommeacemenid icterect L • COODOS dons. of Interest. PAVaele.o • 1 el COO eta. too. chi • <><>*.t><>o.o.<:Ce<>44><>4)•o-0-0-0-0 040.7) . . This is the amount of interest for six months. On the margins or the schedule are the followlne: CoUpen►_ must be detached from each otner, sr -ranged according to denominations, with their faces sip, and In corresponding order. Con none falling _cue at different dates, or belonging to different loans, Wait be embraced in different schedules. The third column is only used for the dates or 4.olljtons stamped as bearing leas than Dix =maths' interest. The schedules must not be torn or other• wise mutilated. - Be particular to fill and sign the receipt. It was a somewhat interesting sight to look at the people as they came into theitlint, some of them for the first time in their lives. "Do you pay goldsere to-day V' said an old lady, wen applying at tdoor. yes, madam; walk in," replied Dr. Timed, who happened to be there. "My son, who's in the army, bought a bond or five -twenty, and I guess I cut the right coupon or." Scenes such as these were of common occurrence. The gentlemen at the Mint were certainly very kind in receiving the bondholders, and instructing them bow to proceed. We understand that one broker alone drew out half a million of dollars in interest, and carried it away. Other tolerably heavy bond holders reinvested their interest in Government stock. The holders of light amounts either took the "yellow-bogs" home or sold them at the current premium. We beard several of them say they wished they could invest their little golden gains so as to benefit the Government. PATRIOTIC INDIWIDI7AL.—The following speaks for Itself. Re f reshm e ntived bp the (Dper Shot) 'V olunteer Committee, a lOW days since: PRILADELyMA, April 9, 1861. Please accept this donation of one' dollar. being the *mount paid the donor for assisting at the door of the Opera Ho bene fit the oecaelon or Gen- Lideseher'm oration for the of the Cooper Shop Refresh, meet Saloon. FOR THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.—The delightful entertainment given last evening, at the Academy of Music. by live hundred pupils of the Fiflrenth-ward Public Sohools, will be repeated thiS afiernoon. at 3 O'clock, with charge Of programme, to enable ladies and children to attend. Tne tickets being only twenty five cents, will Insure another fall house. CAUGHT ix A SHAFT.--A lad named Marks smith, aged IR years, while engaged at work in the Tawny Print Works, yesterday morn• ing, was caught in the abaft, and before lie could be extricated bit arm was badly mashed and broken in several phwea. He was conveyed-to the Ep.ecopal Lit 'pilot. WE would call particular attention to a special notice from the Committee on Fine Arts of the Great Central Fair. The committee are anxious to make the tine arts exhibition the leading feature in the forthcoming display. THE COURTS. Orphans' Court-Judges Allison and Cud- Yeaterday being the regular day, an Oribansl Court was held for the despatch of the business ap pertaining to the estates of decedents, Court of Quarter. Sessione—Judge Thomp- sou_ - SINGULAR CHAR OP CONSPIRACY Commonwealth vs. Lewis Solothurn and August Willard. Indictment for conspiracy. Defendants, the first-named of whom is a lieutenant In the 98th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and the latter an enlisted soldier of the same regiment, were charged with having conspired together to procure the enlistment of such soldier (the defendant, 4711- lard), in the army of the United States, the object of such conspiracy being to deprive the father, Fran cis Willard, of the services of the son, he being a minor of less than eighteen years old. The youth, though a large, lusty fellow, was shown to be not yet sixteen. There is a provision in the :let of Congress regu lating such matters that no officer shall enlist a minor less than eighteen without the written con sent of parent or guardian, and there is also an act of Assembly of this Commonwealth which forbids, without quakficstion of any kind, the enlistment of a minor under eighteen years old. It was in eel. deem that the boy swore at the time of his enlist ment that he was eighteen, and was of course ac cepted, there being nothing in his appetranee to in dicate that his statement was false ; and the officer, under the circumstance., not deeming it necessary to require the written consent of his father. As regards the, the boy stated there Was no Conspiring that he was conscious of. He said he hadnot, in fact, been influenced or persuaded by .Lieut. Soistmen to enlist, but by an entirely dif ferent person. Judge Thompson said it required that two persons should Combine together Unlawfully to sustain charge of , conspiracy. If the jury believed such was the case here they chould convict, if not they should acquit. =The jury rendered a verdict of not guilty. "District Attorney Mann for the Commonwealth; Dittman for the defence. . - Patrick Tiernan was charged with havlog Qom. mitred an assault and battery on Bridget liamob, with intent to kill. The case was temarkeble, chiefly on account of the directly conllecting charac ter of the testimony, it being evident that the wit nesses on one side or the other were guilty of wilful pejury. The prosecutor testified that on a certain evening she was assaulted by Tiernan in his own house, knocked down, and then stamped upon by him until one of her lege was broken. None of the witnesses for her saw the act, but two of the numeer testified to the fracture of the limb, and to having assisted to remove her into her own house. All of them, however, some half dozen, swore positively that Mrs. R. was not drunk at the time, and was not a drinking woman. The defence denied, in toto, the charge of assault and battery, and called several witnesses who testi fied that the prosecutor came into Tiarnan's place so drunk that she could scarcely stand, and asked for the loan of some money, which being refused eke applied to him some abusive epithets, and picking up a quart measure filled with . water or liquor she threw the contents in his face, and then, striking him on the temple with the cuo, she turned and ran towards the door. In her haste to escape she either stumbled and fell, or was thrown by her dress having caught, and broke her leg. The Jury believed the testimony, of defendant's witnesses, and rendered a verdict of not guilty. District Attorney Mann for the Commonwealth ; D. Dougherty for defence. ,Tames Fitzpatrick, convicted of assault and bat tery, WAS fined $5 and the costa. Margaret Andrews, assault and battery ; coats and $5 fine. Sarah Farley, assault and battery; costs and $1 fine. Margaret Mariner, ameault and battery ; costs and $1 fine. Henry Hogan, saaanit and battery ; coati and $1 fine. William Young, assault and battery; costs and $5 fine. Adjourned THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman Balder.) Enticing Soldiers to Desert. Henry Adair, the one-armed man, who was ar. • tested on the charge of enlisting men and then en ticing them to desert, was committed, yesterday, to appear today before 'United States Commissioner A. H. Smith. The recruit who had deserted was present. He stated to the alderman that he had deserted at the instigation of the defendant. This belongs to a class of cases that are very seldom tried. In the first instance the deserter. ivands self confessed. He is therefore liable to be dealt with under military law. He may be sent to the front, and either shot by order of a court martial or in battle. The day of trial will come; the main wit ness may not be there, because of the above contin gencies ; hence the defendant will go free. This is dust exactly the slime of The ease. It is on a par with _robbing a countryman, who goes home, and, of course, does not appear in court at the time of trial. Hence an acquittal. The business of bounty-jump ing and enticing men to desert has arrived to that extent that it may well be considered a most gigantic fraud. This man Adair, according to testimony, is "dead to rights." The only way that-justice may be meted out to him would be to give him a speedy trial, while the attendance of the witness is prac ticable. The law's delay in such cases is entirely vexatious. [Before Mr. Alderman White.] Larceny of Five Dollars. A colored woman answering to the high sounding title of Lucy De Breaker, was arrested by Ofdaer Ferguson, on the charge of stealing the sum of. $5 from a sailor named (Maslen Stewart It seems that Charles found himself in the classic thorough fare, St. hlary street, where he met with the de fendant. She entertained him g he llstenod to her syren song, and when he retired he found that his pocket had been picked of $5. She was committed in default of $6OO bail, to answer. Of course, when the day of trial comes, he will be at sea, perhaps, and the accused will go clear, after having been fed at the expense of the public in the mean time. There ought to be a magistrate's court, for a prompt despatch of business, and a house of correction for such patty thieves as the above. [Before Mr. Alderman Kennedy. A Soldier Hoblbed A woman, rejoicing in the lunar title of o Ohio Moon, ° was arraigned yesterday on the charge of robbing a soldier, fresh from the front. Tae son of Mare, though he had done the State some service, seemed to be particularly verdant. He visited a house on Beach street, near Goatee, where he was relieved Of his pocketbooki containing $l4O in "greenbacks." A set of false teeth, mounted with $4O worth of gold, was also stolen. The artificial affair was recovered, but the money could not be found. The defendant was committed. LETTER. BAG?, AT TRH MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, PHILAIIELPBIA• Shit' Wsorolna. Burton. LiverP GM, Awl/ 26 Ship Empire Queen, Moran Livery )0 1 , SOO& Scbr Dart. Conrad Barbados' soon PHILA DELPHIA DOLED OP TRADE. GEO. L. IMZBY. _ EDW. C. BIDDLE, IIOWLITT2B OP TEM .16.01P.M THOMAS 8 PkUNON. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. p-;AnviolutlsfrAly-4.l:Jor,wisiertro - t7..511 FON 25 I SUN sant..----8 95 MBWATIR- • •- ...... ..... 30 ARRIVED Ship Majestic, Holliday, IC2 days from Liverpool, with "adze to John 12 Fe :rose. Bark Brilliant, Goiburn, 20 days from Naw Orleans, in ballast to Monty Simons. Brig Leonard' Myers, Monday, from New Orleans, March 24. hi ballast to Henry Simons. Schr Alice B Chase, from New Orleans March 28, In ballast to captain. Fehr Village Gem, Harlin. 7 days from Mono Inlet. in ballast to captain. - Ear B H Howlett, Somers, 12 days from . Hey West, in ballast to captain. Fehr Sptay. Adams 10 days from Key ballast to captain Behr M A Magee. Magee, IS days from Newham In bal last to captain. 13th inst. P Morris, a Beeman, when. off New Cagle, fell from the masthead on deck, causing in stant death Fehr Ocean Wave, Baker. 5 days from Fortress Mon roe, in ballast to captain. Fehr Win H Tura , Hoffman, F. days from Port Royal. in ballast to Tyler gOo. Fehr Vaehtl Sharp, Sharp- 5 days from Fortress Wu.- roe, in ballast to Blakiston. Graff, & Co. Schr k Stratton. Blackman, 6 days from Fortress Mon roe, in ballast to Tyler & Co. Behr L mienried. Bartlett, G 5 days from Fortress Mon roe, in ballast to Blakitton, raff, it Co. Schr S B Ford. tiampball.3 days from Pocomoke river, with timber to T . W Bacon. Schr Six Sons, Humphriee. 3 days from Nanticoke titre?, with pine boards to I W Bacon. Behr Eleanor Ann, Turner, 3 days from Salisbury. Md.. with lumber to J W Bacon Bahr Morning - Liget. Buark, days from Salisbury, Md.., with lumbar to J W Saeon. schr Alfred Bunting. Steelman. 1 day from Odessa, Dei., with grain to Christ's-a & Co. Fehr Lancet. -Bayard. I day from Christiana. Del.. with grain to Christian & Co. Steamer W C Pierrepont. Green 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm It Baird & t;o. Steamer Samson- Dunning, 24 hours from New Pork, with mdse to W C;iYt e. Steamer H Torrance. Fhilbrlck, 24 hours from New ' York, with mdse to W P Cly de. Steamer Tatouy, Pierce, 24 hours from New Tor?. with mate to Wm M. Baird & Co. Steamer J Rcekwoll, Edwards. 24 hours from New York, with moles to Win SI Baird & Co. 132133 - • • - Mr Urtmatey Hnithes. nil Bt. reports a shift with loss of main-topmast. a bark enpooted to be the Victoria. from Port an Prince. and as English schooner. were in the bay Thursday, at nowt, Coming up. - CLEARED. Ariel:Maley. Carter. Port Royal. B A Sander & Co Behr J Af. Ronaron, Lippincott. New Orleans, E a gon der & Co Say Problem. Tyler. Washington. R Jones. Eehr Montrose. Mott, Port Royal, Workman ar. CO. Fehr Wm H Tiers. Barman, Port Royal, do. Rehr 7. Stratton, Blackman.Portress aforiroe,do. Schr M Kennedy. Kelley. Alexandria, do. Schr Crlete . Boss. ciewport. 131akiston, Gruff. & Co. Schr L Andenried, Bartlett, Boston, do. Behr V Sher,. Sharp. 'Beaton. do. bah/. John Stroup, Lake. Boston, /3 It Sawyer is Co. Schr Active. Simmons. Washington explain.St'r R Wilting . Dads, Baltimore. /Cc roves. Jr. St'r Hope. Warren. New York, W P Clyde ' St'r New York, Foltz. New York. W P Clyde. SCr James Band. Shropshire. do do. [COWAIIDOIIdeIIte of thaVlilladelphiss Esschstage. Lv.vrzs. Del., April 14 The subsiding of the heavy sea and a high wind from the south have enabled the wreck era to commence opera tions on the ship Sea Crest and on the stranded ' , reseals In this vicinity. A ship or bark come In early yesterday morning and ed d up A bark, six brigs, anti Prcce e • • emus tweet, schoenen, are at anchor in the Roadstead. The st-amer Burnside..for Fortress Monroe; zebra Tunis Dopers. from New York for do; Active, for Boston; U T for Baltimore: Nye. from New York for York Saver; Eliza Jane of New York Mary Pearson, from Philadel• phr.. for Boston: B Eglantine. for Boston. and MAIM others. WOO tO ate On Wednesday. Weather mild eAAlonutarartA MEDICAL.. MRS. M. G. BROWN, METAPHYSICAL PHYSICIAN AND PROPH3SOR ON TEE EYE, EAR, THROAT, HD SOUP, IN xicw at her Boone• No. 410 ARCH STREET. DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE YIELD, D/SE/HARGES FROM THE EAR, NEURALGIA, CATARRH, CHRONIC SORE EYES, AND ALL DISEASES OF TEE HEAD AND THROAT* CURED BETECTUALLY BY DIRS. M. G. M3ri.ooW.N'. METAPHYSICAL DISCOVERY. PRICE. FPTIC DOLLIES.—Ho boring - With 'warn- Inuits no pouring inedirlao6 down the throat. Awake, 7e alumhering world and behold yourselves and. [your children in the prison , house of disease, from the cradle to the grave. betake yourselves to thought— think and live. The world writhes in pain and. passes bite untimely graieS- It is for lack of knowledge. mark and learn, that your friends die through euturimenting on- Every effect driven is a death blow to the physical system. I have never met an individual who WAS treated for anything but effect. There are many ago nizing hearts, and sarrowint homes, and grassy graves. through the use of instruments which tcr!urth anti me dicines which rot the system. poured down the throat. These destroy the system and are antagonistic to truth; they are poisonous and death -dealing. Heathen naticns would not tolerate the barbarous treatment our people are subjected to. Diseased indi vidual. whoever thou art, ever remember that there is hut one rook in any human system from which disease springs, and that your disease can only be removet by the deetruction of this. root_ Test and prove that the Metaphysical Discovery will atterly den roy Mfg root, lifting you physically and mentally into a state of health and strength. Mrs. M. G. BROWN'S principal Depot and Laboratory is at No. 410 Arch street, Philadelphiamhere her " ME TA PHYSICAL DISCOVERY" has been thoroughly ea ted daring the pain eighteen months.. Poor Richard's Eye Water has been before the public for four years, and bag gained a reputation which words fail to express The Me:aplrr steal Discovery. for the cure or-the above diseases, hag proved a perfect trlumple. Thousands have been cured by it when all °than- remedial; have failed. There ere three distinct medicines in the disco very-one for the Byea, one for the Ear, analone for the Scalp. These work in coni anction, and strike at the root of all disease. utterly destroying the cause, thus lifting the whole machinery of the body to a higher state of mental and phyalcal life. All cares attempted hs , instruments, or medicines poured down the throat, aggravate disease, and destroy the physical system. Thousands in this way suffer martyrdom, and are hastened to an untimely grave. When deafness or any head or throat diseases are aggravated by instruments, they take a stranger hold and firmer grip of the constitution in another form. as effects cannot die while the cause exists. There is but one legitimate came for all disease. which springs from a law-connected with the eyes. _ Mrs -M. G. BROWN. inheriting the power to trace affects to their first cause, confidently assures the world that her " Metaphyalia.l Discovery.'' strikes at the roe of all disease; there is brit one root which throngs the human system with dies ace. The Brat effect is a stop page connected with the eyes, which cats off the halt fountain from the flesh: the flesh gets soft and matters , : this is the true canoe of ail impurities of the blond. No blood can he pure without the preservat r ien of the flesh. This can only be accomplished through the use of ray "Metaphysical Discovery." It OPells every tube, gland, and air passage, and sends forth the natural maltish fountain, assigned by the Great Machinator for the pre servation and working of the whole machinery, Remaritalile Cures in Boston During the Past Month I. LAF /NEM FORD. of 108 B street. South Boston.. do certify that I have suffered from Dysrepsia for fifteen years. Six years since I lost to a great extent the Power of my left side. I had a distressing pain in my side with bad catarrh. during the past six months. I became very restless. I could not sleep at night. I felt I was fast sinking, and could find no relief from any - source Doctors and aedicine were nuavailing—my wife prevallet on me to try Hrs. M. 0. Brown. We went to the American Douse and consulted with Mrs. Brown She said there was hope of my recovery, as her Metaphysical Discovery would not fight with my diseases, but simply remove the Cause. We got the Dis covers,. and my wife applied it faithfully, and the re cult is that in - tine days I feel deliyored from my diseases; my Dysyepsia is entirely gone. I can now eat every kind of food without any inconvenience; my Ca tarrh is giving wag: my dead side has began to live; the pain has gone; I now sleep well: my cheeks show algae of returning health and 'rigor; I Ana MY °yet strengthened. and I gratefully acknowledge the benefit received in such a short time. I certainly must have sunk into the grave had I not procured relief. I found pouring medicine down the throat ruinous tome. Eillearness, Catarrh, Impaired Sight, etc, Three ren arkable cures in one family. I. Henry Wicker. aged 73, No. 239 East 35th street. New York, do certify that I I ave been very deaf for a long time, but by the use of Mrs. N. G. Brown's "Meta physical Discovery" hearing has been entirely re-, stored, so that I can now enjoy church service, etc., Which I could not belore. I, Mrs. E. Russell, a member of the same family, am now using Mrs. M. G. Brown's Metaphysical Disiovery for catarrh, from which Ihave suffered many years. I And the catarrh fast disappearing. and at the same time it has restored to me the fall use of one of my arms which I had lost the entire use of for fourteen years. I, Miss Elizabeth Russell, of the same family, do Cer tify that I have had chronic sore eyes frfm measles. for twenty years, with a bad catarrh and cough, and was a • markyr to neuralgia, the most painful hind, for seven years, In this condition I called on Mrs. M. G. Brown, and procured her "Metaphysical DiscoverY," and the result is that my eyes are entirely restored. Tne cough, catarrh, and neuralgia also are wholly gone. While using the remedies, I think I discharged from my breast and lunge fully two quarts of green and yellow matter, and I feel as if I had entered on a now entaicaca, All our family feergrateful to God for the great benefit de rived from Mrs. M. G. Brown's remedies. after heing sufferers for so many years, and we most heartily re commend to all afflicted to try her remedies. Mr. Wicker's family have kindly consented to bee any one Who may call on them. I, John Heueell, or No. 103 West Fortieth street, do certify' that I have suffered from a child with deaf. ness. I think I inherited it from my mother. For the past 17 years I have been very deaf in both ears. Of late I got so dizzy that I had to give up work. I procured Sirs. M. G. Brown's Metaphysical Discern - Y. Ic has brought me to my hearing. I cmu hear distinctly. I could not hear my watch tick for 17 years. I can hear the reading in the Bible- class well. My dizziness is gone. lam ilk e a new man. I recommend all to use this great medicine. DEW FORK, February 11, Mi. Deafness of Twenty Years' Standing- What Mr. Osgood Says. PORTLAND. Me.. Nov 28,1882. ... To THE Furado : It is well known to the citizens of Portland who know me that' have been deaf from child hood. By the recommendation of some friends, I was induced to call on Mrs. M G. Brownand while I had not a particle of confidence In her ability to relieve me, shill thought I would sive her a trial. She has at this time of my writing made two applications to my head. and two only, and I am sure no amount of muses could pay for the benefit I have received. As a prof,.. I will state that. for the first time in twenty years. I last night heard my watch ticking when it was hung up come six feet from toe. Me head has bean A great source of an noyance to me through a constant pain in the back part, passing through the front with a continued noise. These things pi event, d rue from prosecuting the object of my studies, as my head felt heavy a. d thick. lam now re lieved of all this. and feel as though I enter a n'w life. Grateful for my great deliverance. I commend Mrs. M. G. Brown and her successful mode of treatment to all who are afflicted se I have been. A. L. OSGOOD. Read Mr. William Lee's 'Testimony GLOUCESTER IT J.. Jan. 30. 1864 - . I, Mr. William Lee, of Gloucester, Camden county. 3., do certify that my wife, Ellen. has been suffering severely with a complication of diseases for eight years. The first symptom of disease was a womb complaint. On its first appearance she was condo ed to her bet for seven weeks: diseases of various kinds set in. one after another. till my wife was an 'entire wreck. She hes been under the treatment of ten of the first physicians. all of whom failed to render her any relief, and she was last sinking in the arms of Death. It is more than flnr years since sl a was able to attend te. household duties. have been compelled to employ a housekeeper. We had given up doctoring as useless. Most providentially. and through the blessing of God, my housekeeper went up to Ringsessing, Penna., to see her sister. She found that her sister's neighbor, Sohn Richmond. had given np all work, and was at epo!nt or death. He sent for Mrs. hi la. Brown's "Metaphysical Discovery." had been mitered lo health, and Is at his work again. When my housekeerer returned she told me the circum stances, and prevailed on rue to write to Mr. Richmond. and ask him the particulars I did so. and received an answer, which you will had at the bottom of my certi ficate. We then sent for Mrs. M G Brown's " Metaphysical Discovery, • and D 27 wife bag used it fail him ly, and the retmls is that the womb disesee. which was ao bad. is entirely. gone. She can now do the work of her own house, which she has not lone for me y years. I con sider that disease Is fast leaving her system, and she is re: ainin g her original health. Her sees, which were Hu weak through all her sanction, are now clear and strong. and I unhesitatingly ascribe my wife's recovery from the jaws of death to Mrs. M. G. Brown's ate.tripliyaleal Dis covery." and beratily recommetd it to those who are suffering from any disease, as it must certainly strike at the root of all diseases. It ha. done so in my wife's case. Sh.,:uid any person wish to call on me in reference to the above. lam willing to see them personally or write to them if they desire. WILLIAM 3. LEE. Letter of John Richmond, Kingsessing, to Wnt Lee, of Gloucester, Caniden County New Jersey. KINGSESSIXO. September 27. 1665. Mae_ LEE : Please to accept this as my testimony in be half of Mrs M • G. Brown's • Metaphysical Discovery." I was upwards of nine months afflicted with a. severe pain In my head, ringing noise in my ears. deafoe.s. and dimness of sight I was forced to give no work entirely. I was under the treatment of several medical men, whO did ail they could to relieve me, but their medicines were of no avail. t was four times at the sates of death. and had made TIP my mind that death alone .could end my .e.ry. On the a Lath day of April a friaPcl aallad all me and ad via ea me to give Mrs, M. O. Brown a trial. after some hesitation I did so, and in less than three weeks I was at my work again. as well as ever I was in my life, and am still in the enjoyment cf. excellent health. By the blessing of God and are. X G. BrOwn's great " Metaphysical Discovery," lam onctimore enabled to earn my dairy bread . . JOHN I am yonrastrniv. witn respecc. teRRTIFICATB NO. 2 Mhos E. Logan's Certificate. I, EMMA LOsialg, do testify that I have had a severe cough for six years, would cough and raise for three hours at a time. erten I could not lie down at night; go ing up stairs, any work would quite exhaust ma: I hsve been taking medicine and dc.c;oring blithe time. bat was still getting worse. Yrovidentially a friend procured Mrs. 111 G. Brown's Metaphysical Discovery. I have used it one week. and my cough is nearly gone. I have got rid of the tightness across my breast, the soreness and tickling in my throat; I can now take a long breath. which I could not at, before; I can go up an down stairs without feeling any fattens. I feel .mg disease is fast leaving my system 871 Hanover street. Read what Mr. Thomas South. of Old Cambridge. mgs: I. THOMAS SOUTH. of Old Cambridge, do certify that I have been deaf for the past nine years; could not hear conversation; have not heard mY watch tick daring all that time; have spent much time and money trying to recover my bearing; but all to no purpose. During cue Past 'week I called on Mrs M O. Brown. at the Ameri can House; I obtained her Metaphysical Discovery. and after using it two days I find mY hearing has returned. Last night I hears my watch tick on the mantle piece after. I had gone to bed. I cane now hear converrattou. Which I could not do before. I feel quite beueflted in other respects, and commend the Discovery to all who are afflicted. CNo. 4 ] rOortifwate No. 3. T. I. Brigham.] BoNrog, March 10, 1864 Wbat Mr. Bligh9M SaIS This is to certify that I, T. I. Brigham, of Dorchester. have 'Offered for years from Bronchial affections. ner voupness and debility for several years: procured tre. M. Q, Brown's Metaphysical Discovery, and after u.,i ng it a short time, found immediate reJef. re.t web, which I could not do before. Many More Blight be Added. Par/ions at a distance will address Mrs. M G. Brown. at either of Der offices, No. 410 ARCH Street, Phis. or 25 BOND Street. Now York. - The • ' Metaphysical Discovery." with tall directions for naltor, will be sent to any address on the receipt of $ 5 . Also the celebrated Poor Biehares Bye Water." and • • Scalp Renovator." each ith- . . Address Mrs M. (:'Brown, No. 410 ARCH Street. MaladylFlßie. /W. gi s bow bgett. LT, g. toLa•sic' THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1864: FIRST ISTA:TIONIIS , 33ELM.TIC DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY This Bank has been authorized and hi now prepared o receive enbeeriptiorut to the This Lorti. Issued under authority of an act of Con gress, approved March 3, 1864, provides for the issue of. Two Hundred Minions of Dollars ($100,030,000) United (Rates Bonds, redeemable after ten years. and payable forty years from date, IN COIN, dated March 1,1889. bearing interest at the rate of per annum IN COIN, parible semi-annually' on all Bonds over $lOO, and on Bonds or $lOO and lees, an nually. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they 19117 prefer. Reeieterad Benda will he issued of the denominations of fifty dollars (550), one hundred dollars ($100), *We hundred dollars (60O). one thousand dollars ($1.000). five thousand dollars (MG). and ten thousand dollars 0(0), and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of fifty dollars (150), one hundred dollars ($100). floe hundred. dollars (M). and one thousand dollars ($1.000). INTEREST will commence from date of subscription, or the ac crued interest from the lst of March can be paid in coin. or, until further notice• in IF, kb notes pr notes of Na tional Banks. adding (50) fifty per cent. to the amount for premium. O. 11. CLARK, mbfd-tf President. NEW LOAN. JAY COOKE & 00. OFFER FOR SALE THE NEW 'GOVERNMENT LOAN, Redeemable any time after TBN YEARS, at the pleannre of the Government, and payable FORTY TEARS after date. Both COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan, of same denominations as the Five- Twenties. The interest on $6O and SO payable yearly. on all other denominations half-yearly. The TEN FOBTY BONDS are dated March 1, 1864. the half-yearly interest falling due September 1 and March 1 of each year. Until Ist September, the accrued interest from let March Is required to be paid by purchasers in coin, or in local currency. adding sq per *ant. for premium. until farther notice. AU other Govern=Tut seeurldee bought and sold. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, WASHINGTON. February 86th. 1934. Wherell3, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned. It has been made to appear that the Fourth liational Bank of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania. has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress. entitled "an act to provide a na tional currency. secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof." approved February 26th, 1863, and has com plied with all the fprovisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Barking How. therefore I, Hugh McCulloch, Comptroller of the Currency, do herelff certify that the youurn NA TIONAL BANK OF PHIL aDBLPHIA. county of PhDs doiphia. and State of Pennsylvania. is anthorised to commence the business of Banking, under the act afore maid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this twenty-sixth day of February 1884. • - HUGH McC dLLOCH, mb 1. 2m Comptroller of the Clarrenes. JOHN HORN, JR., ' STOCK.OOIIIIIBBDIN BRONZE, No. 140 SOUTH THIRD STREET. (uP BTAIRB.) IMILADDLPHIA. REFERENCES: Messrs.Tlies. I.lllllAls 61. lisealestor.&oo. Messrs. B. S. Whelen & Co. Messrs. Drexel & Co. Messrs. Busby & Co. Henrpj. DK. Alexander B id dle Esq. I. P. Hutchinson, Esq. G. M. Troutman. Esq. D. B. Cummins. Beg. Jae. G. King & Sons. New York. - te2B-2m SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF .-JPHILABELPHIA, YR ANRPORD. CAPITAL 8100.000. WITH THE PRIVILEGE OP IN - NAT CREASING TO *OOO.OOO. • HAN MLLES, President WILLIAM H. 'SHAWN. Cashier, (Late of the Philadelphia Bann.) • DISIOTOILIt NATHAN HILLIS& CHARLES E. RENNER. GEORGE W. BRAWN, BENJ. ROWLANP, BIMON R. SNYDER. . BENJ. H. DEACON. EDWARD HAYES, JOHN COOPER. - LEWISSHALLGROSS, The Second National Bank of Philadelphia is now open at No. 134 MAIN Street, Frankford, for the trans action of a General Nanking Badness upon the nal/ terms. Collections upon all sumessible points will be made upon liberal terms. Respecthaily, L9-ere W Fr. RITA MN. flashier BRIGGS GOLD CO. MINES—BRIGGS ct GREGORY LODES, GILPIN COUNTY, COLORADO. CAPITAL 10,000 SMARMS-8100 EACH. TRUSTEES. J. SMITH BRIGGS ....._ Colorado. GEO. M. PULLMAN • Chicago. HENRY ARNO COGGILL C.X.............. Neu:yolk. HNRY —.... .. • ' R. CORNELL WHITE O. 0. ALOBL Hudson, N. T. . W M ANALL • r°vi r lleins, IL I. Pres G. id en G r, J SMITH BRIGGS. Treasurer, war. rER E LAWTON. Secretary D. LiTTLEJOHN. CorMoiniin, g J S n . p a W ri O n O e D d W n AR . CHAS. H. BRIGGS, 02 lra °See 34 CLIFF Street, New York HOPE GOLD COMPANY: MINES—" GOLD DIET LODE. Gilpin county. Colorado. DA.PITA.L. 60.000 SHARES. $25 each. TRUSTEES. JOHN EVANS. Colorado. P H. JUDD, New York H. S CORM New York. WILLIAM MOLLER. New York. GEO. W. ORAFFLIN. Baltimore. BERMAN PU.NEE. New York. R. CORRELL WHITS, New York. N. C TYLERIew York. S. Gt. ARNOL D.u Providence. PRESIDENT. Hie Excellency J013,N EVANS. Governor of Colorado Territory. . . VICE PRESIDENTS. Hon. 111: G. ARNOLD, Dr. F. H. JIJOD. Treasurer. WALTER R. LaWTON, lilecretary. J. P. DAVIES. anh22lm Office. No. ES CLIFF Street. New York. cc HER MAJESTY" CHAMPAGNE. THE ROYAL WINE OF ENGLAND. A limited quantity of this superior Wine has been se cured for the undersigned. and the first shipment of Oflr cases has arrived, by the steamship _Olympus. dire* from the cellars of the well. known house of MESSRS. DB YENOGE & C 0... at Epernay, France. The present invoice will be intro. dined into this market at the very low price of TWENTY DOLLARS PER CASE OF QUARTS. payable in currency, which is much below its first cad. The superior quality of this Wine is guaranteed. and it is offered with comilldeace of its approval by oot= o / 11 " MIL Orders for one or more cases may be addressed,, by let tar or otherwise, to the undersigned, WM. HENRY WARD, Wine and Fruit Dealer, No. '7 BROAD. Street, 'hear Wall. apiat NSW Icißg. pAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IRVING, & 00., 510 MINOR STREW. Mantluturere of ROLL WRAPFBRS. DOUBLE and %INGLE KRI)IIIM. CAP. and CROWN MAXILLA. 01 hind. or made to order. Highest Dries raid for rove In largo or amaXonantl tier. ford-roi NOTICE OF REMOVAL_ The undersigned would inform their Mends end the telblic generally that they to removed. from their OM Btand. 517 ARCH Street. to their SPLENDID NEW WABEBOOMS, No. 9151 ARCH STRBST, where they will continue the sale of GAS FrXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BURNERS, &C. Having associated with our house Mr. CHARM! PAGE. (formerly the Prim eipalHAM& for 061414111111 & Balter,) we are now prepared to execute orders for GAS Fixtures of all grades and designe, from, the plainest to the most massive and elaborate. . VAN KIRK las C 0.., fsl9-9m No. 91% ARCH STRUT. [IMPORTERS OF WINES lIND LIQUORS. LAUMAN & SALLADE, to. IAS SOUTH MIRTH STRAIT, Between Chestnut and Walnut, PhllndelPldd. G. M. L• 1711171, A. M. BALLADE. CORNS AND BUNIONS. PETERSON PETERSON PETERSON PETERSON CORN • CORN CORN CORN OINTMEWT OINTMENT OINTMENT OINTMENT Will thero4o4 Cure CORNS and BUMORS, without any IL Holrir s DrniELete everywhere. Price Meanie. . STON, HOLLOWAY. & 00WDEN.Asents. mb26.lras . MR North SIXTH Street. GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM - ADD WATER.MIATING APPAILIAMS,_ For Warming and.Vontilating Public Banditti , sad Manufactured byibe Private Beeldolises. lI4ION BMX AND WATER.MiATIND COMPAUIIi OP rILILADELPId.. JANIS P. WD 41 South FOURTH st r eet. tehlßt* 8. m. Vllvrw BLL. Ihmeatintendant. PICKLES. -100 BBLS. PICKLES IN ED hali vize rbfa.. Pickles in vinegar. _ Also. thres-callon and fivetgallvt. it tatim kmi r det Yor Bale bY IMOD /AM • - tin os WATU atmlb FINANCIAL. PHILADELPHIA. FINANCIAL ACENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 10-40 LOAN. KEW GOYERNXF.NT LOAN. FIVE PER CENT. ITS S. 10-W. Bearing five per cent. interest, in Coin JAY 4C4OCUET-F-, ar, 114 ROUTH TRIED STIZEST INSURANCE IASUR i OII ' ing IN YOUR OWN ROME COMPANY, FVl'7-"TMTUI OF .P.II3ILII,I33ELIAM'E3IA., S. E. corner Fetirth and Walnut Streets. 'neuron In this Conovani hate the additional gua rantee of 5250,000 oerrat, STOOK all paid UP tar &WE, whisk, to tether with GASH ASSET& now on hand, amount to OVER 8800,000. INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1863 OVER $200,000. Loma PAID DURING TEE YEAR AMOUNTING TO OVER $2,000. DIVIDENDS MADE AANDALLY. Mina aiding the In awed to pay Prez:ultimo. Tbe lett DIVIDEND on all Nitwit Polley' In force December 51.1803, was FIFTY PER CENT. Of the amount of PREMIUMS received ?Luring the year Its TRUSTEES are well.lrs own citizens in our midst, entitling it to more consideration than those whose managers reside in distant cities. Alexander Wlailldin. J. Edgar Thomson. °serge !Nugent. 8011. Samos rollook. Albert C. Roberts. P. B. Atingle. Samuel Work. ALEX. WHlLLDlN„President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. JOHN S. 'W ILSON, Sec. and Treas a p 4-151 FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. VIRE AND INLAND INSMILEOB. 111111ECTOREL Pastels N. Book. • . John W. Drennan. Charles Richardson, Robert B. Potter. Beam Lewis. John Render. Jr.. 0. W. Davis. E. D Woodruff. P. B. Justice. Charles Stokes. George A. West, Joseph D. Mlle. nitariors N. BUCIT L.. - President. CHAS. RICHARDSON. Vie* President. W. I. ELAVITTTrann. Racratmr• 1a1441 LEGAL. E S TATE OF ROBERT DENNIS, deceased —Letters of Administration on said Estate baying been duly grante personsEC a DENNIS, Estate city of Philadelphia. all indebted to said are redussied to make payment, and alt cersons having claims against the same will present them, without delay, to REBECCA BENNIE. Admlnistratrbr. 1134 WILEY Street IN THE °EPA AN S' COURT FOR THE CITY JOAO COUNTY OF PHIL &DELPIIIL Estate oi JOSEPH HIIIINEKEIR decsabod. The Anditor appointed by the Omni to Audit. settle, and adjust the scsonct of HENRY . S. Hee flitT, Trustee, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on TILES. AY. the 26th day of .April.lB64. at 4 o'clock P. M.. at Ms Office, No. 131 South run" Strot- in the CUT. of Philailel- WS. A. 8. MITCH' WORTII, apl4 ti" rin6l* Auditor. HOTELS. JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, P•., OMER MARKET STREET AMD MARKET SQUARE • trat.olau holm. rums, $2 per dai. C. E. NAM “AVENITE HOUSE,” WASHINGTON, D. O. The undersigned hagingicased the above Home, situated on the corner of ti&VSNTH Street and PENN SYLVANIA4Avenne, fora term of years, he solicits the Conner patrabage and the travelling nn bile general,. and will at saltines be happy to see his old friends. Resp_ectfally, O. T. JONES. WALMINGTON, D. C. March a 1864 COML. THE CELEBRATED •NEW HOPE" CUMBERLAND COAL. For sole by THEO. D. EMORY & CO., aDll.Bt• Office. No fto9 South FOURTH Street iporrEE . LEHIGH COAL.-HOUSE IIZEPRES can rely ou getting a pare article at S. B. corner ritoNT and POPHAM. mhlB-13n 5 JOHN W. HAMPTON. ri,ENIIINE EAGLE VEIN 00AL-- .-• aqua if not superior to Lehi h. Also, Hart's MI Plna Ultra Family Rainbow Coal; Est and Stove *lsm Se to. Large Nut. 111590 per ton. 1301aa forfehett if not full weight as per ticket. Depot. 1419 0 At.LoVIrRILL Street, above Broad. Office MU South FOURTH. be low Ilhestnut. Oall and examine. Orders by dispatch promptly attended to by nol2-6m - ELLIS BRANSON. •.-10 A L.--SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW. and goring Itontaain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain, from Sotrailloll; IMParea ex pressly for Tamil', use. Depot, N. W. corner li/OHTM and WILLOW Stn. Office. IYo. 112 South SHOOAD St. as4-tf INPATIPAIF 11A BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS Stock Brokers' Purchase and Sale Books. Stock Brokers' Receipt & Delivery Books. DEVOTES SOLICITED PROM BANNS, INSURANCE. RAILROAD. OIL. AS G MINING COMPA• RIBB AND CORPORATIONS. EX ECUTED PROMPTLY AND AT LOW PEWEE. MOSS ar, BLANK BOOK AND ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS. RAINTINGS AND ZNIGRAVINCIS. ELEGANT MIRRORS, A LAI GE ASSORTMENT. NEW ENORANINGS, FINE OIL PAINTINGS, SUST.EMOEWED. EARLE'S CitrALLERIES, n021.-U 816 CHESTNUT STREET. 40 CENTS PER POUND TAX ON TOBACCO. The Oevermssat is *bent to set I tat of 40 "liti lep a tieTn a ilv o s 3' so .r : l si a :tt. by Yon can save 60 per cent. by Yon can save 9 . per cent. by Enna& now nt. DEAN'S. No. 336 Cltkarlitt 413416 o, 936 OHS3TEfi~3: BO* buying now st IToii: No. 835 CHSBTdfUiC. Prime 17av7 Tobacco, 70. 76 and 80c. per b. Prime Caiendish Tobacco, 70, 75 and 800. per %. Prime Flounder Tobacco, 70, 75 and Ok. per le. Prime Congress Tobacco, 66, 70 and 755. net b. PrirDtmiTii7o 70 and 60e. per . DEAN sells DEAN balls Old Virginia Sweet Cavanagh. DUN aells Old Virginia. Rough and Readl. DEAN sells 014 Virginia Plain Cavendish. DEAN Wag, Old Virginia DEAN sells Old Virginia Fig and Twist. DEAN sells Old Virginia Brooking Tobacco. DIA.TA'S Kanawha Fine Cut Chewing Tel:mese D. 11114 Kanawha Fine Out Chewing 'Masse Cannot be Equaled. Cannot be Banged. • DEAN'S Cigars are superior to all others. DEAN'S Cigari are superior to all others, He raises his own Tobacco. on his own plantalloa la Havana He celh tds own Cigars at hie own store. rie. OKEST/ilir Stree DEANE idinuchitha t, Smoking' • basic is niartulacturce from pure Virginia Tobacco, and contains no dangerous of Weeds, Herbs, and Opium. Pim. Pipes, Meerschaum Pipes, Brier Pities. EMS Pipes, Hose .Pipes, Mahogany Pipes Seboy Pipes, Apple Pipes, Cherry Pipes. Entla Pipes. Clay E l pes. and other Pipe'. dad PlEe dawn and gcty our PIRO, Totals% Cigars, die. at miLtlyS, iso. S oo C hestnut Street. -Ana there yon Will see his Wholesale and Retail Clerks as Mint around waiting on Customers. The Army of the Potomac now order all their Wham*, Clam, Pipes, know from DIAN% go. CEBSTKIPI Week They Dail sells the bait and sheared. ELEC TRICITY.-WONDEBNIL SCI ENTIFIC DISCOVERY. —All acute and chronic dis eases cured by special g uarantee, when desired by the Patient. at 1520 WAIAIIT Street, Philadelphia, and in case of a failure nu charge is made. No drugging the syetem with uncertain medical agents. All cures per formed by Maanatiam Galvanism, or other modifica tions of IllectricitP. without shocks or any flunleasant aentation. For farther Information send sad teat a' pamphlet, which contains hundreds of certificates from come of the most reliable men in Philadelphia. who have been speedily and termanently cured lateralt other treatment from medical men had failed. Over twelve thousand cured in less than five years, at IWO WAL NUT Street. N. B. —Medical men and others, who desire a know ledge of my new discovery, can commence a Pill coliree of lectures May 17th, 1864, at the Inctttutioa, 112210 WALNUT Street. Prof BOLLS' has qualified over one thousand physicians, who use Electricity as a specialty. Cnnenitation free Prof. BOLLES & Dr. BROWN. 1220 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. apls TARUGS.-13 BALES ARN ICA FLOW IRS.., 8 bales Flied Bnabn Leaves. 85 cav es Bast India Fago, fresh. 45 bble London:bleached Jamaica Ginger. bales Florida Sheeo-w.ol Sponge, in store and for sale by ELLIS Drungisag. apls-8t 7534 MARKEZ Street. DM FINE, PRACTICAL DEN ...." TNT for the laat twenty Tears. :4'19 VINE St., below Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted on line Gold, Pietism, Silver: Vulcanite, Cmille, Amber, &c. , at prices, for neat and substantial work, more reasonable than any Dentist in this city or State. Teeth plugged. to last for life, Artificial Teeth repairadio snit -No pain in antroatinc 'All work war. ranted to St. Referencia. beat fatotdes talsTl-am aTHOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER. OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for fa rallies. hotels. orrnblis itudttntions TW'ENTY DIFFERENT 81Z 8. Also, Philadelkla Ranges. Rot• Air Furnaces. Portable Heaters. Low down Orates, Pireboard Stoves, Bath Bollbre. Stewhole Plates. Broil ore, Cooking Stoves, dm, et wholesale and retail. by the manufacturers. • CHAIM SHARPE, k THOBISON. mlii•tothsem No. 200 N. SECOND RELIABLE,—IISE GI-A.LLAITDETT'S HAIR RIBTORER. It fa hot ft. dye. It restores the hair to its natural color. It doe* not stain the skin. It needs no Bandallne or other dressing. It Is a dressing of Itself. Price moderate. Try it. Prepared only by PAUL G. OLIVER, Apothecary, WAS. Ints ITORTIIIINTH and HPRTUTI Rt. MACKEREL, 'HERRING, SHAD die.. 8a fa 2 .600 M eer. Nos 1, 2, and S Mackerel , ibiti•earighli bblhssorted packages -2.000 bble New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herring. 2.500 bozo* Lubec. Sealed., and No. 1 Herring. 100 bble new Mess Shad. —gm boxes Herkimer Comity Cheese In store and for sale by MURPHY A ROONS_,_ iale-tt No . 140 NORTH WHARVILR. CLARET -IN CASKS AND CASES, Jin store and for a by AURNTCHE & T OINERGNE. la Oa HA 204 kouth no= litrest. arrYISIt William J. Howard. Samuel T. Bodine. Job Alkman Charles F Efeazlitt, Hon. Joseph Allison, Isaac HeAleharet. 432 SIONTNI7T Street PROPOSALS. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. tli a L t PHlAL this . s, A m pr i l e l 1 u 6.2864 til S . A. . . PROPOSALS will be recei ved rl Ttrlirralr. 2.3 d Instant, at noon. for the aonstrect oa. of a Well or Wells. having a continuous flow of whole some water. sufficient to sIIPPIy the fficCleltan U. S. A. Respite' with 100,000 gallons per day. r . The contractors will be required to furnish and set UP, ereaplete not less than two (2) pumps of the Woodward Or Worthington pattern, with all the pipes, stoPcocks , and connections, rtunired properly to discharge the water through the tanks and pipes now in use through out this Hospital. The whole apparatus. when completed.Mllst be work ed from the present SIAM boilers The contractor to have the ass of all the pipes. cake. and valves. (Including the tire -pumps.) the property of the Hosp ital . which shall be thrown out of nee by the propose new arrangement. Before the award of theloontract a bond, with satis factory security. will be required. guaranteeing a con stant 'supply of not lees than one hundred thousand MO,. MO) gallons of water. as omitted, during all seaeone Plans or the Hospital can be seen, and Information received, at the office of J. Mc ARTHUR, Jr. Architect, 2iso booth SIXTH Street. Jr., By order of Colonel G. H. Crosman. Assistant Q seder master General A. BOY D. aptf 01 Captain. and A. Q ()FFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND •-•" EQUIPAGE, T WELPTH and GIRLRD Streets. YEIILADELPHIA, April 1.3. 1864. SEALED PROPOSI LS will be received at MI office until 12 o'clock M. oa 51014D&Y. the 14th inewat. for 13111 , 09111/1 the Schuylkill *PAW With the relic:Ming ar ticles: Trousere for Mounted Mln. sky-blue, Army standard, Whim , are required immediately. Also. Lacing Cord for water-proof dhelter Tents. Bidders must state in their propos els the price. Which must be given in writing. as well as in figures, also thit Quantity bid for, and time of delivery. Bide from defaulting contractors will not be re ceived Blank forms for propostle can be had upon application at this office. Proposals mast be endorsed. "Proposals for Army Supplies." stating the particular article bid for. G. H. GAGMAN. apl4-118 Colonel and Ant. Qr. M. Gaul U. 8 Army. 1000 ARTILLERY HORSES , WANTED AT ONCE. CHIEF QUARREEMLBTER'e OFFICE. DEPOT OF VirderrlNGTON, • WASHIfIOTON, D. ti,, April ilth, 1864. 1,000 HORSES. suitable fur &railer) , eervice. will be purchased at this denot by the undersigned, in open Market. from date until MAY llth. 1881 to tots of L to 60, at one hundred and 3;Bte-five dollars also per animal. each animal to be en/ mated to the ueual Government in spection before being accepted. Borate to be delivered to and inspected by Capt. C. H. Tompalne. A. t In. U. 8 A, corner of Tsrapty-second and G streets. Washington, D. 11 D. 11 RUCKER. Brig. Gen. and Chief Qnarteruienter. apl2-24t Depot of Washington. D. C. of)0 HORSES WANTED. " WAR DIiPASTBINT: CAVALRY HURRAH, OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, WASHINGTON, D. o. ' March B. DM. One hundred and nay (WO) dollars per hoed will be Paid for all CAVALRY HOESB9 delivered within the next thirty (30) days at the Govern. went Stables at Glesboro, D. O. Said horses to be sound in all particulars. not less than Ave (5) nor more than nine (9) yews old: from 1431 to 16 hands high, fall fleshed, compactly built, bridle wise. and of size sufficient far cavalry purposes. specilicatirrns will be strictly adhered to and rleidifl enforced in every Particular Payment made on delivery of ten (10) and over. Boars of inspection from 9A. M- to 6 P. M. JAMES A. EMIL • Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Oa mbB4-00t Cavalry Bureau. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. rou O BALS OA FTH M P C ANY M BIA AND PORT DS- Comrum - A, Pa , April 6, 1864. Sealed Proposals f.r the Graduation and Masonry of that portion of the COLUMBIA AND PO HT DSPOSIP BAILRoAro. between Columbia and the head of the Old Maryland Oanal. a distance of twenty. nine miles (in sections of one mile). will be received at toe 916.te, in PROM' Street, below Locust until noon of the iNth scant. Plans and Profiles of the work will there be ex hibited for one week previous to that date. C. b KAITPFMA.N. President. .1. A. SHEAFF, Chief r tenser. ap9 tap2B PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED at the TREASIMY DEPARTNEIT. Office of the Superyising Architect._WAsHANG COM. D. C., until 12 M of the 14th day of My. 1864. for all the fire and burg lar-proof SaFRS and VAULTS required by the Treasury Department prior to May 1. 1865. Mans and spEclfications can be obtained by application to this office personally or by letter. Bids to be per superficial foot, including door and all necessary fixtruee, measured on the outside; the price named to cover all charges whatever except the freight and the actual travelling expenses of workmen to the place where the Vaults are to be erecred. Saes to be delivered at the Railroad Depot or Steam boat Wharf. for transportation, in good order and con dition. without charge. Locks for the Vaults or Safes will be furnished by the Department, but must be properly put on by the con tractor without charge. Ali bids must be accompanied by the bond of two re sponsible persons in the sam of five thousand dollars that the bidder will accept and perfo m the contract. if awarded to him; the sufficiency of the security to be certified to by the Collector of Internal Revenue of the District. The Drpartment reserves the right to reject any or all the bids if it be considered its interest to do so, and no bid will be considered that does not conform to the re quirements of this advertisement. Rids to be enclosed in a sealed envelope. endorsed "Proposals for Wee and Vaalte ISAIAH IiOGBS% utha veldt Supervising Architect. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, Crkorxxsiv. Ohio, April 6. 1564. PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned until WEBBDAY,• April 26th, 1561, at 2 o'clock P. M., for furnishing thin Department (by contract) with Blankets—Wooten Army standard. Camp Kettles, do. Color Belts, do. Drams—complete. do. Felling Janet Wet quality only. and to weigh from 4% to s)a" Pounds), Edo. Felling axe Handles. • do. Guidons (Cavalyr), do., Kersey. Sky Blue, do. Pick Axes, do. Pick. axe Handles. do. Spade., do. [shelter Tente, • do. Samples of which may be seen at the 02ice of Clothing and Equipage in this city. To be delivered free of charge. at the .U. E. Inspection Warehouse. in this city. in good new packages, with the name of the party furnishing. the kind and quan tity of goods distinctly marked on each article and pack age. Parties offering' goods must in all cases furnish earn. plea, marked and numbered to correspond with their proposal, and distinctly state in their bids the quantity of goods they propose to furnish, the price, and the time of delivery. A guarantee, signed by two responsible persons. must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under his proposal. Bids will be opened on WEDNESDAY, Ail a,haset. at 2 o'clock P. M. , at this once, - and bi dders are re quested to be present. awards will be made on THURSDAY, April 21st. Bonds will be required that the contracts will be faith fully fallilled. Telegrams relatincto Proposals will not be noticed. Blank Forms of Proposals may be obtained at rhie once. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. By order of Col. Thomas Swords, A. Q. M. G. C. W. MOULTON. apl2-13t Captain and A. Q. If ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE. MEDAL'S OPIUM PHILADELPHIA, April 7.1164 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until WEDNIODAY the 20th inst.. at 12 o'clock M. for the supply and delivery of all the Coal and Wood re huused foandPubl of Buildings Ho sp nd l a rOoffiund . P Shioa - delphia, from the let of MAY 1164 E until the Mtn APRIL 1966, includive. Deliveries are to be made at itch times and in such quantities as required. and to include Germantown, West Philadelphia. Niceiown, Fort Mifflin, Summit House, and Chester. Pa. Coal to be of best quality—anthracite. stove. egg. or broken—as may be desired. subject to inspection. and to - weigh 2240 lbs. to the ton, free from dirt, Wood to be of best quality, oak or pine. as required. The right is reserved to I erect all bids deemed too high, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will he received. By order. Colonel G. H CROIM AII, •Ansistant Quartermaster General. A. apB tap2A Captain and A. MBO Y II D. . 13. A. pROPOSALS FOR FORAGE. 081117 QIILILTIUMARTEII's 077104 WASKINGTON DKPOT, December 8, UAL= PROPOSALS arc invited by the nudersizned for supplying the D. S. Quartermaster's Depertmens, at Weilington. D. 0.. Baltimore, Md.. Idemandria,_an po r t Monroe, Vs,. or either of them phase, with BAY. Corn, Oats. and Straw. Bide will be received for the delivery of 5,000 insehrle of corn or ergs. and id tone of hay or straw. and up wards. Bidders meat state at whieliof the above.named. points they propose to mike deliveries, and the rues at while they will make deliveries thereat. the eatentity of *eels ?stale proposed to he delivered, the time when said de /Merles shall be commenced, and when to be completed. The price most be written out in words on the bids. Corn to be put up in good, stout sacks, of about two bushels each. Oats in like sacks, of about three bushels The sacks to be furnished without extra sharao to .the Cloyernment. The bay and straw to be lacerate The particular kind or description of oats, earn nay, or straw, proposed to be delivered, must be M stated I n info qintrirticleal offered under the bids herein invited W pastor bject being 'sternness by thy gl o y erm= "k Inbeforaecnspisd. Contrasts will be awarded from time to time to the lowest responsible bidder. m the interest of the Clycary.- Ment may require. and payment will be made when the whole amount contracted for shalt have been delivered and accepted. The bidder will be required to accompany his propo sed with a guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, that in ease his bid is assented he or they will.. within ten days thereafter, execute the centred for the setae, with good sad suilleient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to deliver the forage p:opeetel in conformity with the terms of fele advertisement; and i* ease the said bidder should fail to enter into the eontraci, they to make good the difference between the offer of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the serson to whom the contract may be awarded. The responsibility of the jitilltattOris mu5t 1,401110 . 11 , 11 by the *Metal certificate of a tr. B. District Attorney, Cel• Motor of Customs . or any other °Steer under the flatted States Govenunent. or responsible person known to this °Stec AD bidders will be deli notified of the acceptance or rejection of their proposals. The full name and poet dies address of sash btddav must be legibly written In the proposal Proposals must be addressed to Brigadier General. D. H. Bucker. Chief Depot Quertermastar,_Washington,l) 1 C.,, and should be marked, " Proposals' for No. e.' Bonds. in a sum equal to the amount of the eontract, signed V) aontraator and both of his renreetem, wi3l be required of the sneeessini bidder or bidders lIDOZa signing the contrast. Blank or= of bids, gearanteem, and bonds may be obtained upon application at this epics. 113 RM OY PROPOSAL. (Tonna. County. and State iDatel the anbseriber, do hereby Jaren-ova to i'llnitith and do liver to the United States, at the Quartermaster's Do per lucent at agreeably to the terms of your advertisement, inviting prenatal" for forage, doted Washington Depot, Deeember 8.1969. tbe following eV , else. ds : --- bushels of Corn, in seeks, at per bushel of IS picands. bushels of Oats, la seats. at per brtalustot tons of baled Hay, at per ton of 0, COO Potazds• ---- tons of baled Straw, at per ton of 2,oooPenade.' Delivery to foramens* on or before the day of 1215 . and to beeoznyleted on or before the deg Of 188 withd pledge myself wi t hter into a written. sOntraet the United. States. ,good and . epproyed ueourities, within the spree of ten tiltY* after being notified that my bid has been aceepivd. Your obedient servant. • Detainer Osneral D. H. Women, Chief DODS! Quartermaster, Washington. D. C. We, the undersigued, residents of ix the oceantY of nua State of Marshy, 'chilly and severally, covenant with the united Rates. guarantee, in ease the foregoing bid of -- be assented. that he or they will, within ten dare after the aceeptence of said hid, °recute the contrast for the same With good and sufficient sureties, in a sum canal to the meant of the contrast, to famish the forage pro sad fiF oonforratty to the terms of advertisement dated War somber 2, IM.; under which the bid was made, and is ease the said that fail to enter into a swami fle aforesaid. we guarantee to make good the different. be tween the offer by the said and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contrast =ay be awarded. Witness: I Given under our hands and seal. this - day of 126 0.111.3 iSeaL I hereby testily that, to the best of my knowledge and belief. the 2160•0-311MIY/ guarantors are good and MS. gent as =reties for the amount for whisk they offer to be sesurity. Tobe mortified by the Delta Matte District Atterner t Coll ester of trums, or any othefolass r tinder Unttedfftates GoTOMOO.III6 or respon sible person knew* to this else, An =Weals rattived tinder Mils advertisement will be (donee and examined at this once on Wednesday:ant Saturday of oath week at 12 if. Bidders are respestful • ly invited to b• mama at the. ere. oPeellhe • i WWOe t heff dessill-er intsadisr eeweesi I D I anaan El. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT .A 1 the *Annual Boating of the Stockholders of the CENTRAL TRAII;ORTATLOBI COMPANY. of Penn. sylvan*. will" held at the.' °Zee. corner of THIRTIETH and ARKET Streets. West Philadelphia, on MOND &Y. the 18th day of April next, at 10 o'eloek, All., for the jpervose of eleetini nine Dixestore, Treasurer, end mastery. to OUTS for one year. Notice is also given that at said Stockholder ' Meeting it is proposed to increase the Capita) atm:ll(ol'Bsta Central Transportation Company by adding thereto one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. for the SarPele of eZtqading Its present business. - By order of the Board of Directors. 0. W. CHILDS. President. J. F. (IMPRIMIS& Sseratartr. nill2B.lSt inn CIABEB PINET, 'CIASTILLON, & ‘ 7 ‘ , CO.'B COCINkO BRANDY. landing from brig ”Lonia," from Bordeaux. For sale by Wilil,Lani H. YBATON & 00 t - SOL Bough FROST Stmt. • AUCTION SALES. JOHN B. MYERS & CO. AUOTION BEES. Nos. 232 and 234 MAR KET Street. LARGE PEREMPTORY BALEOF FRENCH, INDIA. GERMAN, AND t ir., 7 18 2 . Dwir,,,, , ,J ß oDs, &c. ON Apell lath. at 10 o'clock, will be sold by catalogue. og four months' credit. ABOUT 500 PACKAGES AND LOTS Of French. India. German, and. British dry goods , d's , l embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy an staple articles in silk. worsted, woolen, and cotton fabrics. N. B. —Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination. with catalogues, early on the morning of the tale, when dealers will find It to their interest to attend LARGE POSITIVE SALE. OF FREW:Ft, GERidiL SW !SS, AND BRITIAN. DRY GOODS, ass NOTlCE.—lncluded in our sale on MONDAY MORN ING. April 18th. at 10 o'clock, will be found, in Part, the followingarticles. viz: PRESS GOODd.—In pieces black and colors. plain and fancy Paris moss do lainee, plaid and striped moram- Manes, plain and fancy poplins. chat lies. black and white mohair's, fancy bereave, printed Jrconete and lawns. ginghams. grenadines. SILKS. —ln black grog de rhine. lutetium. solid colors and plain poult de role. plaid plait de vote. armor's silks. high colors urea de Naples. marcelines. arc.„ SAAW.LS.—lttthilbet. earthmose, lama. taAttitibloanee. he~nani, barege shawls, mantles, cloaks, &c.. &c RIBBONS. —Plain and fancy poll de sole ribbons. and neck and trimming ribbons. black and colors bilk do. UMBRELLAS. —SS packages silk and gingham sun um brellas. parasols. &c. also, black crapee. white tarletans, grenadine and ba regeyells, linen handkerchiefs, embroideries. balmoral a n d hoop-skirts, gloves. fans, silk cravats and tied, fancy articles, Ste. am. Also. a stock of fancy and stap'e dry pods. &c. STOCK OF STRAW GOODS, PARIS FLO WERg. &c Included in our of Monday. April 18th, stock of farhlonable bonnets. art Reial flowers, dm. LABOR POSITIVE SALE OF 1,100 PAI3K4GRE BOOTS, SHOES. BROGANS. ARM:. 000D3, STAAW GOODS. Am. ao. ON TUESDAY MORNING. Aprlll9, at liro'clock, will bo sold by catalogue, with out reaervo, on four months' croJtt, about 1,100 pookagen boots, shoes, brogans, cavalry boots, arc , embracing a Prime and fresh assoriment of desirable articles of men, venom. and children. of city Rod Easter.' manufacture. N. B.—Samples with catalogues early on the morning of sale. • LABOR POSITIVE SATZ OF BOOTa._RRORS, ARMY - _- --- --. sTltsiW GOODS. LE .kti POTIGE —lncluded in our sale of boots. shoos, bro gang. straw goods. ac.. to be sold without reserve, by catalogue. on TUESDAY 5101tEllki G. APRIL lErm at 10 o'clock, on four months' oreol.t. comprising. in part. French linen gaiters, men's fine calf Congress hoots and shoes; men's and boys' calf and kin brogans; raga's finepatent leather hoots and sloes- ' men's and w‘mien.'s gaiter do ; long-lsgged grain boots; high-cut military shoes; youths' half welt tip boots; men's do.; women's and misses' goat Balmoral boots; morocco boots; doe eity-made kid welt buskins; ladies' tatter boots; kid it B ties; colored and black lasting buskins; men's fine city . made calf. morocco and kid. boots: men's pump-sole grain boots; men's huff leather pump booth; metre pump sole cal: hoots; do seal pump rote boots; women's Hurd and bound boots; youths' kip brcgau'; misses' grain ties; mi s ses' grain basking; Misses' spring hag grain lace boots: women's grain lace boots; women's train ties; boys' kip brogans; misses' stared m•rocco boon,. men's ha f-wait calf do youths' half wait cAlf childrea's brogans; -...vatry boots; carpet Mtge, and stock of leather cuttings, i onic, aro- LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF EITROPEAR. INDIA., ART AbIESI AR DRY 0001 e. atc. We will hold a large sale of German. French. and American dry goods, by catalogue, on four months' credit and part for ca.*. O THOISDir 11101151DM, April 21st, commencing at precteely 10 o'clock. com prising 775 PA , IKAGE9 AND LOTB of British. ()minim. Frecci', India, and American dry goods, embracing a large, fall. and fresh atkorment of woolen, worsted, linen, cotton, and. silk goods for city and c..untry raise. P. 8.---Eamplec of the tame win be arranged for or. amination, with catalogues, early- on the morning of sales, when dealers will tins it to their interest to attend. BALE OF CARPETING., krA.TTINGS, &c. Oh FRIDAY AMEN !NG. ' April 224, at precisely 10,ia' o'clock, will bo "eOl4, with out reserve. by catalogue, on sour month& credit, an al aovmert of threwela three.nlr, superfine, and fine la. grain. Venetian, hemp. and rag ca.rpetings; white and red check Canton matting. &c., which may be examined early on the morning of ealo. RY SCOT T & STEWART, AUCTION EERS AND CCM - MISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 622 OfiESTAUr Street and 615 SelliSOM. SCOTT & STEWART. Auctioneers. will give their per sonal attentionlo. Sales of sIERC.I3 eN OISE and WARDS of all descriptions, and FUR NI I URE of parties removinz or breaking op houeek eeping. on the premises of rite Craw ra or at their elegant and spacious a Aligs ROOMS. Nos. 16%2 CHESTNUT and 61S SA:N . ISM S:roets. GRAND SALE OF FINE ITALIAN BURBLE PARLOg AND GARDEN STATUARY AND BrisTS, ARRSLIE AND ALABA,TER, AND SfONF, PEDitsPALS. Imported from hat by Meeers. 'Via Bros. (Late Vito Vitliti bons), ON "THURSD Ay MORNING, . . - 2let fret.. at 12 o'clock. at on: sa'esrocm, No 62'3 t HESINIIT Street. we will sad a large .assortment of the above. among the collection will be found one fine "Eve." by Belli. copied from the original by Eugene La HIM_ lexqulsite group, "Fidelity," by Barratia. 1 exquisite group, "The Faithful Companion," by Oberici. Ifine figure. -"The Coquetta," by Salada;" from the French digginal. • 1 group, • • Bacchus and A riadne, " by Tolornie. 1 fine bust Hon. Daniel Webster. by ltaccht 1 fine bust Hon Henry Clay. by Roccht I More, ' Prayer." by Davide. 1 figure. "Picra." by Davide 1 figure, Canova s "Fidelity," by Dues!. 1 small Madonna; 1 bust Zachary Taylor 1 group. " Boy and Dog; "Divine Love" of aertova. 1 • Guitar Girl of Palermo:" 1 figure. •• The. Mendi cant." by Teen. . 1 figure. " Prem.' , or Samuels I large garden figure. "Autumn." 1 smaller do do; 1 fine old bast from the antique "'Cornelia, Mother of the Graccht:." 1 bust of Garibaldi; 1 superb recumbent figure on pedestal. over five feet in length, representing the "Flora of the Bo boll Gardens of Florence. 2 fine monumental figures, repretenting "Medltatlon mid Grief lU:ere. Ben Franklin. for garden. The whole will be open for examination with cats /ogue on TUESDAY next LARGE COLLECTION OP OIL P arrrrNas. On WKIIII.E9DAY and THUR!:DAY EVANINGS, at 9 o'clock. April 21st and 22d, we will sell a lase number of valuable oil paintings. comprising a couple of rare and choice private collections! among theta will ha found lIPBC/IDOTat from old masters, besides many of the present times. EDUCATIONAL. - 101.4LF,R A CA - D - WaY-A SELEC T mu - Rpm S`_'•lio FOR BOYR—is now orlon far the recepticn of Pnpils, the session of each pare com• rooming when he enters upon the duties or the school. Terms moderate. For airculars address H. MORROW. Principal, aps.f.ttthsl2.o ' Hatboro, Montgomery Co.. Pa. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 ARCH Street. Bev. CHARLES A. Emma, D. D., R. CLA RENCE SMITH, A. N. Principal.. Ninth Year Three departments: Primary, Academic, sad !Full college course in Claceical, Metheme lira). higher English, end latttral Science. for Grose who graduate. Modern Lc3111184011, Music, Painting. and Ma cation by the:best rcasterP.For circulars apply at the In sti tute, or address Box 26:1 P. o.,Phdad elphm. Pa apl.36:n. MUSIC LESSONS 1 MUSIC LESSONS 1 Young Males, it you wieh thorough Instruction rowic. seecial opportnnitie. are aff,ndei at ORE &aOl 81351/PARY, els mtlee west of Oar/le/e. Beet of board. able teacher., pleasant home. Addrehe C. HUNTINGTON SAUNDERS. anll lm Plainfield. Comb. co . Pa. BELLEVIJE FEMALE INSTITUTE-- A BOA.F.HING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. This Institution, beautifully and healthfully located. in the pm thorn limlte of ATTLEGOROUGI H. Baeite neon. ty, Pa. , will eminence its Spring and Summer Term on the 19th of FIFTH. KORTH next, and continue in session twelve weeks. - The course of instruction is thorough and complete In all the Elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, AND MATHEMATICAL NDUCATION. The French. Laucuago is taught by a native French teacher. Moors, giving fall particulars, may be had on ac. plicat to the Principals, Attleboroue h P 0 Bucks county, Pa. ISRAEL J GRAHAM E. JA.DTS P. GRAHAMS. But Principals VILLAGE GREEN BEMINARI, DEAR MEDIA, PA.—Pupils received at any tine. iSnallsh, Mathematics, Classics, and Natural Sedans& taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and Civil gineering taught. Entire expenses about *3 per week. Boys of all ages Wien. :Reform to Wm. H. Earl. sheriff; John C. Capp & Co. , No. 23 Elouth•Thire. and Thomas J. Clayton. Bog., Fifth and Prune *trona, Address UV, J. HARVEY BARTON. A. Limn. Ya. a 07.1 f COPARTNERSHIPS. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY PUB. LISH the lierma of a Limited Partnership, which they have formed in compliance with the laws of Penn sylvania. Whet The name of the Arm under which the said part nership is to be conducted is GEORGE V. NEVILLE Second. The general nature of the business inlet. dad to be trammeled by the said firm or partnership is the COIBMISSION PRODUCE BUSINESS. Third. The Gaismal Portlier of the sett Atm to GEORGE V. NhVILLE. reFiditor at Uoimasburg,,in the Twenty.third ward of the city oi Philadelphia. and the Special Partner is JOHN WHITEMAN, residing at 318 Son th Tenth street. in the city of Philadelphia. Fourth. The said Special Pdttner has contributed to the common stock of the said thin Alis earn of five thou sand dollara, Fifth. The eald partnership shall commence on the first day of JIMUTY, in the year of our Lord one thou. sand eight hundred and sixts-fottr. and shall terminate on the met day.of December. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and 8b143 , -seven, GEO V. NEVILLE. JOAN waurs 31 AN. Witness at signing, Jonas WHITE. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSSIP. notice is hereby given that the partnership here tofere existing between the subscribers. under the firm of LaLIMAN. SaLLADS. dt CO.. has this day been dissolved by mutual. consent G5Olllll M UMW.? naDltilW M. CiALLaDE. J. D. BIT/INCI. PHILADELPHIA, April • A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS stgainnt the firm of LAYSTAN.__l34 . 9dr i g ai teO ti will present the same to LokUnAll & whose pennon the business will be conducted in future. LAURA:4 & SALLA Dg. Ararnl2, 1554. apl342t DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. HENRY W K &NAGA Roving purchased the in terests of TREVOR:T. FOWLSK and TUTLOW JACK SON, in the business_heretofore carried on in the Girard Nouse, under the style of KANAGA. FOWLER dr CO., the partnership is hereby dectared to be dissotred. All parties indebted to tbe said firm are requested to make settlement with Henry W. Hanna_ • HEN W. KANAOA, Wasvoß rovme,R, TUTLOW JACKSON. PHILADHLPZIA, April 4. 1864. Ao7-0 NOTICE.—CHARLES C. KNIGHT Is admitted to an inteteet In our buainegs from title date. C, D. F.OBBI & C 0.., Iron and Zit.l. MarchantE. N. E. eerner PECOD D end VINE litroote, and 42 and 14 Norte FRONT Street. PHILADELPHIA.' ADril - 1. - TEE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS -A- DAY entered into copartnership. and having pur chased the interest or PHTIIII T. WRIGEIV & 00., will continue the Wholesale Drag business. ander the name of STRETCH. IitDISNITT k Cu.. at the md stand. /to. B U9 ILLIIKST Street AARON STRITOR. ofiEra S. B ANN IITT • PEITLADULPFIYA. April 1. 7E64. • aP7.-1M Q UEEN OF BEAUTY. WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. A new FRENCHCOSOEIO for beautifying, whiten ing, and preeerving the complexion. 11 is the moot wonderful compound of the an There in neither chak. powder, maa nosia, bismotn. nor tslo its cum petition. it being eorure.ed entirely of pure Virgin Wax: h ence Rai extra o r di.aary qualitiee for preserving the skin, making it son. Lmooth, :air, and transparout it maitre the old appear ormg the homely handsome. the handsome more beautiful. and the moat beautiful diyine. Price. 35 and (0 CPILFIS Prepared only by HUNT dt Perfumers. 41 South EIGHTH. Street. two above bove Chestnut, and 133 SouthibEVENTH Street;Wal nut. BIi,DFORD WATER"--INDIVIDT.T. ale and dealers will ba anon/led with. " Bedford 'Water." fresh from the fipmng. at the shortest notice. at the following rates: For do barrel. 40 gallons (oak) d le 00 Half o 2 00 Half do (mulberry) • • • 800 The barrels are well steamed, so *al purehaaere may depend upon reoelving the Water as pure and fresh as at the Spring. All orders addreased to intl74tro R. L. ArDICABON. Bedford. Ps. DOCTOR A. R. STEVENS IS CURING all Chronic Diteasee, both of LADIES and GBN. a new method in the nee of ELNCTRICII Z. without ittioake or pale. Board for a limited number of Patients from abroad may be bad at reasonable rates In tbe Doctor's family. A Pamphlet of sixteen pages. Con taining eertifitates and other Information. cent gratis to all orders accompanied with a stamp. Office and, resi dence. at 14113 SOUTH PENN SQUARE. being central and aceestible by street-cars from every railroad depOt in the city. PHILLBSLPHIL emit. 1864. NITS. JAM BETTS' OWLRRRAITED +La- bUPPOETIRS POE LADISB, and the _only fins. p_orters wider eminent medical patronage. [.duo cad Physicist's are respeatfttlly requested to es±nAppi Km MITTS, at her rettd.onso. MIS willful. fhlladelphts, (to &Told muderfeit..) Thirty thollia invalids navelmen advised by their phystsauss to use bet „aw n ., Thome only ore somas* bean= the MOM states sopyrlght: labels on the ben. sad slattatures. sad also on too fininsortomtorith toottionotolo. ehalltantleskt ArlararadeP R INTI NG IiaI B 1118. roma Bit AUUTION ALF:S4. FURNESS, BRINLEV, No. 615 CHESTISITIT artsCilA jAt. SALE OP TMPORTED AND ON TUESDAY MORN/Diu • 4 AL 10 o'ck ca, on 4 month.' credit, "•••::;'.l 400 pack ages and Tote of Fain) (Ltd Stlp.‘ pANCOAST & WARNocr, TIONEERS. No. 240 MA tr.g sr atr .... S: LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF log ,„ oOoDS. C B.TA Lout, ON 111uNotit, • April 18, /EA corarimvlng at 11 o'cl.lek..„ LARGE POSITIVE - SALR OF .7 54) L,- ; ' AND 111POR'rED DRY (looms. At E v — $. t ln irEil be Slla. 4,4, 4 April 20, commencing at 10 o' , 10,:; pricings general accortment or 4 4)a,, , ,,,t ie will be found worthy the attention of _ _ PHILIP FORD & CO., ALTei lu 525 MARKET and 5221 (1011151tivia ~ LARGE POEITIVIt SAL& OP ,'n al4:01313, Int45O4 l AS. BAti.)ll o jl' h• Y MO wif INg " 43. AprillSth. at to o'clock precisely. will i;t t loans, 1..000 asses men's, bola'. and Yowl,. grain boots. balcuorals. O. Yord ties, c 4 , 4 ,, ,4 1' Women's. misses', and cbildren's calf, and morocco beeled boots and shoos, buskins, and also city made goOs Catalogues study early on ito. month? 0. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF I,nen SHOES. I,:ttertiatirs. BleLmo,c4L. t: OE THURSDAY MO &pn, .11)11121k, at 10 o'Cluak Ptscit•PlY. trio logve, for etp.b,l eases men a top, kin, and grail. boots. balworste banal. &c women 's, =limited am!c••• goat. kid. end morocco heeled boots ,Ind ;" gol'era. Inv lynx. and also eitTm .de Open for atomization, with citelezeE the niorniug of sale 'of. 4. HENRY P. WOLEvi. ---• . .... ....., AUCTIONEXE. No. NOS MARKET ha eat Soatb ildS. , k , .-, ' SiV Szdes ef Dr 7 oodr. Trimmings. , MONDAY, wE vet FsDAY, and FRIDAY InonctuK M. /9 Val Ock, CLOAKING.% CiESIUERES. DRY 0001;). du% 4. ON MONDAY MO RNTIO. at 10 cecina. will be zehl. frn faucy C/ 1 511111131"f 9, W , / miltro , ITragiU oodg. Mmibtes' shoes. MlOlO4, &c. TIIO.MAS & SONS, dos. 139 and 141 South FOUSTD: EXTRA VALUABLE Rte L, EiTA 7.E — I9A - 4 Al', CJARD.—Our sale on .111.S'i DAY Levi. at .11 ' che , ege. will c mewl. e en nn rinal/A Zara , 1- of properq bn Mark. . t 'Mali. or, Fro at..: Third, Sixth. Thineehth, S.NfOG t , ollth, Nineteen' Lombard. Cnlluwh,L, Ws;od, hiehnioni. Ridge avenue. Delaware 8VE13114. :tad Swen•il Also. Bortinston. road, .tc of orpbar,s' Court, ENOC.lltirli, aid ,nhera il:e,goor e of grt rind and two I,tiN lot.. on 'llia: g'sveuty -second, and /Honig:quiets streetb. remptordv. Also, ',locks, loans, Sc. iii" See pamphlet catalogues. Fele for actocul United . States. FRENC,H 'DATA VP, Ci.c.rttry9 itttn THIS 110.1i1cIP O. April :kith. at 10 o'clock, at tne auction ellts, reserve.. 4 770 infantry privates' coati. 'weans. trumpeters' coats, 4 044 leather a‘.l, tl.l linen gaitErs. 28 enrage caps Ter/ES earl. .113 - The shore are a p, - ;rtion of the Frener, Imported in the early part of the war, atti actr.unt of ' too small to issue to Oar trielpi. be eXbulined this days previous to sale. SALM No. OAI. GREEN STREET. SUPERIOR 'MHZ int ttt, tie tiT E. 0 - VELVET AND BRENNELI CA lIPE On MONDAY HORNING I.Bth in.dca;, At It o'clock. at No. 2041 Green street hr ettro. The superior walnut, uarier. and dining re allure. fine Mimi or furniture, An-, French 7.i0 tel mirror. In rich kilt frame; handavals Brussels carpets. .4.e. Also, the kitchen uter.slis. May be examined at 5 o'clock en the tnornla^. CARD.—Bales of Real Bacilli, St - cks. Se . seftei GRANGE E.V.Elty Ttr...tsDAY. PecorbLet each -atothry preoous, .1 -- FURNITURE at duet:en Et ore Tatifoo).:Tii AUCTION SALE OF STORMS. AT NAVY YARD. NEW TOES. By order of the Commandant of thin Yard, I for sage, at nubile anetied, 02 Talllfc. , /aY, Arab 12 0'0(103be If/flowing 31'1100.1. Vl7.' About 2 Ceo bbls of soft no. ;GO hb:s of Am ti:pirits Turpentine 36.0 i 0 foe Oakrim :shakings. 11.6f0 Ito fld lfaniila Pape. 10.000 lbs Oakum Dust, to bales. 6. 006 Its old new aide Rope. 1.5 f. CO the Bretly's Commeseed Erglr, Nly Tweery ve- cent of the parahaeo 0100,1 1.1'1.. 'A rositcd at the time of bale, and ten days will h. , .1. to rt-zoove 'he goods from the yard; end, if a .) /moved. the depoEit will be forrelted to the , All payments to be made in Gos.ernment catrutr, 'colon the goods are removed from the yard: B. D. T. MABSII U. 9. tieval NAVY YARD. DEW YORE', April 16 4 1 no - IVOR SAZIE APi I) TO 11,111 FOR SALE SOO FARMS ! FAIC Also, 1,830 Ronne in Philadelphia' Also. GOO Bandits; Lots In Phtladeltbia I Also. MILLS! COUNTRY SEATS! TIMBER LO &e. COAL LANDS! WESTERN LANDS! OUR G&TALOOUES SElif FREE! PENNSYLVANIA FARM EMITTER ! MONTGOMERY COUNTY FARM REGISTER' DELAWARE COUNT% FARM RECHS CR R CHESTER COUNTY FARM REGISTER.. BUCKS COUNTY FAISM REGISTER! NEW JERSEY FARM REGISTER! DELAW ARE FARM REGISTER MARYLAND FARM REGISTAR! HOUSE REGISTER! CHEAP D WELLING'S' . ALL of oar REGISTERS now ready, Sent REEL , )1 addrees. XV" Please call or send. (3 - BORCLE N. TOWNSEND apt• swim 1.234" Sontb FOII P. 71 1 Sty= JILL OA EXECUTOR'S SALE, The modern-built dwelling, No. 497 South EFiE Street, below. Pine. containing in front 19 Ivr.. feet In depth to a three-feet alley. The House Is built in the best manner, with a': modern improvements. havicg always been occapx: its owners; is in perfect order. atd crlculatei (, family to take immediate possession, without sal Perm, PRICE, $9,5'00. 71 " Terms accommodating'. Inquire on the Premises. TO LET.-'IHE SECOND, ?(H!1 -4- and foarth floors at WE MARKET Street, to: to Chtuch alle:-,. milt! STEAM ENGINES AND BOILEI FOR SALE.-1 pely of low-Dregsure, d3ribs , :nl verticakbeam ENOINBB. wilb 36 loch oylin4ar:, feet stroke. having a 2e-feet-gear tly•wheel, win eggs. Length of cos /8 lecher. and 4.inch pitch a r ck-gear of 02 teeth.- These Engines era rate.l ac i horse power, and were built by Corlies & of Providence. and are exceedingly smooth and substantial machines. The two cylinder. ope,ated as one machine, or separately. They Vdd Piagly or topthor, , Menern.Fint Boman& 22 feet long, wii`a shells. Each Boiler has 20 gee , . 6 and 10 iner,el ;; meter. The boilers are - made of : 4 4"-innh Iron good. order, and will be told with or without ho: pipes, valves. &e. The above are to be sold fer no faults; Engine Vii . (I! ble the power being required for ° work. They are now standing. in good working • Can be examined at any time. upon applkailan sl NATIMBEAG MILLS, Salem. Mlles. mb6-wstf JOHN KILBURN, Age: TO NEWSPAPER MEN.—FOR SA TO —An old. well established. pavina. first class " ty newspaper. G go. N. TOwNSENO C'), Ert9-erowbt If3!tt4 South FO aim it p: eFOR SALE OR TO LET-TW Large STONE BUILDINGS. sttiti.ble for FA:.! or Factory. Alen a lavge BREWESY. Adam. G. KRICK. No. 1233 RICH ffOND Street. apii.ll. el FOR SALE-DWELLING NO, PINS West, wick back buildings, &c. CiILELSS REFOLDS. gpl2.6t" 36 South 13hVENTEI Stry a FOR SA.LE -A THREE-ST(1 11 j BRICK tIOUBB, with Bevan rooms. with snd water Omit. No. 11 , 1-1 rZ WATER Street I sostion atcen immediately, iP required. en OVER 300 HOUSES, ALL SIZ. mt:Al for eats and exchange, RANSOM Rocu6s. 2.40 North TRINTR Street. MI TO LET—A OOMMODIOCI DWBLLING, No. 133 North FRONT Stroet. F. 4 moderate. Apply to vrizramlLL & gRO oc:`,9-tf II and 411 North SECOND • ige FOR SALF—A THREE-STiA mei& Brick BOMB, with - back buildings, No. ill ttreek; TA feet front, &i feet: deep. where It teliktz feet, and extends 44 feet deep of that 'width; sch 4!. of lot feet, with the privilege of a foar-foot Meg into Arch Stre et. Aprt,y to A. A HURLEY , link-anti:at* No. 289 Senth t•EVEDirtt in - VERY FINE AND ELIGIIIL located Germantown reeidense, worth $11:41 '- neat reeldence aS (Mellen 13111 s, near lA. P. worth 3 4 0,000,f0r eale or exchange for farm or cr.y apply at 2136 CHUM 4 1,1 ' 1 : Also, a- neat hones In Germantown to rota. Inn , or unfurnished. mb3t de GIRARD ROUSE FOR SALE.. .ta•m• - • Thia valuable Braiding, now in thorowth rfr, containing in front on EliiMiTalUT Streit, phi's. seventy. live feet. and in depth to GitaV 3 ore hundred and reventv.eight feet, under a i`• 2 ; itentsl of *16.000 per annum. will ha bo.• a ferlardet able dtge9nat on lie orlatnal APPUrtehant to it are an excellent SPEAM •:, TWO Ei.BLEEE, with all the PIPE requisite Beating. (looking, washing, and Lighting porp , s . • TEEMS —ECG, CCU can remain on ground Rea.: balance Cash. Parties wirbing to negotiate fan Wrote BBEBE, Philadelphia, ' or meet me there e01 , " 1 " one to three o'clock P. hi, PAILADELPIIIA, April 9, 1864 ALSO FOR FALB. 150 CritinIODIOUS NEW DT LINOS, at fro.n 413.2(0 to $4.1500, sltnate nu Hiss.: Spring Garden, ltervine..enngio, Eleventh, Tia: and Thirteenth streets, PhLtedeinhia apl4 12t - TATLOW efg FOB SALE, PRIDE $5,000-D dera tbree•story DWRLGINO. with We S 3 :" -1 feet front. situate No. 1E33 JEFFARSON Strout awS-wl.6t. RJ. D0R81975.14.19 Sonth FOUR'N' ft PUBLIC SALB-0 1H HANDSOME COUNTRY RBSIDENUR On THURSD &Y, April 28th. UP, at 2 o'clock. On the premises, situate to JENKINTOWN, ON THE OLD YORK half a mile from railroad station. nine miles fran city, containing about 834 ACRES OF LAND. ~ The improvemeate are a two .r.tory Coitus, brick, roughcast, twelve room+. with onaktor7.' kitchen, finished and papered throughout; fttr"-“*.j veltar, range in kitchen. frame stable, and ota , r. l buildings; .wo wells with pumps, soft water; 44 ' , .1 on roar of lot large Etonian. fruit of all kinds: obade s hrubbery. ‘i Poceecnion immediately Conditions °lidos RN t-ws7t 4 THOMAS 1 4 MANY LIP>, et FOR SALE—A VERY DES 4 AUL liLE PROPERTY, the residence of the Jacob Sharpie's!, deceased, with Rightful' A , " snperir, Land attached. r= to ettnated In the DOVE IiGTOWN. Choker MOTT, within tea walk of the Me.ter Valley and Pennsylvania Stations. at which all train. step. The con vnalAntly and substantially built, with Elam House. Spring Boors. and all necessary out lic.'d • Titers is a great abundance of Shrubbery. i•tadfl Ti vas. Part of the land will be sold vi-t -buildings, if desired. Apply to ar7.lm D AB M. O S WN . ASEIBING r 01,,, • r . FOR SALE— THE "MA?''..: j '"'"" ROUSE." at atlantic City, with POICUTU . - -- ' orerythloy complete. • Also. two neat Cottages. 9 rooms each. Aleo. Butldbag Lola. rear theßathing- eronl-,;•4 The " Philadelphia. Mouse."at tJaPe without Furmitnre, very low p. apS Iti3 tilouttla l4 . --Y -eGERMANTOWN PROPERrY t thlt ' i BALE. —A very) desirable. PROPERTY. %es,. minutes' walk of aemeritatilas Germantown p . o s large Dwellinvhoame. with all the modern reenter ChM* Springhouses, loe•houte aai Carden t• plenty of Pratt an large ds TIL•T allr to VY• Sha dt" mheS-tf- 509 COMSI9KGE a VALUABLE ORESTNI;T_S T PIIOPEETY. —The subscribers offs: at uric a aroperty of CHNgEII UT Street bettresa 6,3 & r,4 liehth streets t 41 feet (rent on Chestnut etr4.-,r het deep. running - to. Jayne street: with of a 35 feei Mtssage• way running to Nighth TY THOUBAND DO LLA R S of the nurchase,i , remain. on the property M I ground rotit,or_ 0, mcrtgais. Le13.1115$ 1%8 8011 Th I an BARRELS YOUNGER' g Et.- Anna's BrewarY. to iGCe. In store, tend for re___alF. by H• TIP I c ”-tta 44 4 ' &Rs quit 3,401. TATLOW JACK.°