THE CITY. tsr. MAHUH 28, IBS*. I MARCH 28, 1884. « A. M.... 12 M.... 3 r.X'IJ-* * p -“■ NE w e KD : .... eSEIRKE... . .ENE* ENE PniTATK Boxes in Post Offices.— Tti* law providing for the free delivery of letters iv earrieis at the house* or places of busmen of the neisons addressed, contemplates a curtaUment of the ieliveri* from private boxes. This latter mode is popular, especially with mer chants and other business men, and may not be sud denly changed. They regard it as a necessary ap pendage i o every laige post office, and In the estima tion of many the withdrawal of boxes would be taotamount to stopping the malls. TUB feeling has naturally grown out of long habit. Instead ol waiting hour after hour for a post office carrier, and then paying him a certain fee on each letter and paper, as under the old law-; or, still worse, instead of mingling with the crowd, and taking turns at the general delivery window, it was convenient and comfortable for a merchant to send a messenger, who could, by tapping at a special win dow, command tho attention of the box-clerk, and Immediately obtain bis employer's mail. This ope ration could be repeated on the arrival of every mail, and a man would only have to ask for whathe might see in the box. Such i« the main argument in favor of private boxes. The holders can go or send as often as they please, and get whatever may appear In the boxes, without unnecessary delay. Another argument, however, is that the security of ietteis is thus promoted. A merchant is con atantly expecting money letters, and he hesitates to trust them to the care of common carriers. He wants them by the hands of his trusty clerk or er rand'boy, or porter—persons known and responsible to him, and in whom he has confidence. Again : the letters and papers being set apart so * conveniently and exclusively, the box-holder feeis asiured that none have been overlooked, but that his full number is there without mistake. Such reasons may have had force in old times, When there were but few carriers and few private box-holdeis compared with the present number. But let us look at facts as they now exist under the new laws, and the vastly-increased number of boxes. First, the force of carriers is such that letters are delivered legularly four times each day, the first be ginning at 8 A- W.-1 next 11 A. M., next >£ put 2 P. M., next S P. 5 three deliveries being within the usual business hours. Thus a person may be sure of receiving letters without the trouble of sending for them. But if is claimed there is a lack of security about these common carriers. A met chant has not the same assurance ol receiving his valuable letters as if he lends his own messenger for them. This ii a favorite idea, but it is utterly fallacious. What are the facts 1 The records of the Post Office show more robberies by these special messengers than by letter carriers or clerks. Moreover, it must' be remembered that a letter carrier, being a sworn officer, under the Post Office laws, it he steals, is guilty of/elony, and is sent to the penitentiary. ..... Private messengers have repeatedly been detected in stealing, and employers in this city can testify to the fact, and to the further fact that they have not been punished. The other reason in favozfof private boxes, that the assortment of letters into them prevents mistakes, is founded on ignorance of the inside working of a large Post Office; a few figures will show how diffi cult it ia(snd indeed next to an impossibility) to avoid mistakes in boxing letters. • In the Philadelphia < fflee there are in use 2,200 private boxes. Now, what with the several names making up a firm, the names of employees or even individual members of a man's family, the whole lilt of names curmtcied with these boxes is swelled to more than 3 0:0 It is not reasonable to assert that human memory will grasp these 3,000 names so that each particular letter shall certainly find its appropriate piece. The assortment is hurried; the .mails are often behind time; applicants wait out side,there is ro T timeto examine lists of names. The clerk relies on bis memory, and the only wonder is that so few mistakes occur. After years of learning a man masters thu work in a wonderful degree aua it is done in Philadelphia as perfectly as possible. But mistakes mutt occur ; they are unavoidable in the nature of things. Sometimes they are discover ed when handing out the letters. Letters for A, are found in B’s The mistakes is then corrected, but if A has happened to call before B his misplaced letters are delayed, and he is none the wiser on calling the second time. But it may happen that a letter is handed to the wrong party, and then the temptation to the messenger to steal is great. A dishonest person, under such circumstances, will he quick to seize his opportunity, there being hardly a possibility of suspicion much less of detection in the ease. It thus seems evidentthat the public can be really better accommodated without these private boxes than with them, snu it is the se'tied policy of the Post iffice Department by all means to discourage their use. Letters being directed to a particular street and cumber, and the city divided as it is into carriers' districts, the woik of assorting is simplified, and deliveries will be mat’e with regularity, safety, and despatch, free of charge for carrying, at the houses cf The owners. The aasortirg may be still further simplified by having letters uirected to the particular district, as designated by letters of the alphabet: Station J.—Within the following bounds: West aide of Broad street to river Schuylkill, aad south side of CalloTOhill street to southern limit of the city. Station B.—Ail that portion of the city lying west of the river Schuylkill. Station C—From west side or Eighth street to river Schuylkill, aid north side of CaiiowhiU street to York street; also, Falls of Schuylkill and vici nity. Station D —Fi om east side ol Eighth street to De laware river, ar-d north side of Poplar street to south side of Lehigh avenue; alio, Rising Sun and vicinity. Station E —Between upper side of Lehigh east side of Kensington avenue-, and river Delaware north, including old districts of Fort Richmond. Bridesburg/and White Hall. Station F. — Old district of Frankford, and its vi cinity. Station G.—Old district of Germantown, including Mount Airy and vicinity. Station H. —Ail above Mount Airy, including the Old district of Chestnut Hill, and vicinity. Station I —The old district of Many UEk, including I*everingtoc,BGxborougb,and Andora. Army Hospital Report.— The following report of the Army Hospitals in the Department of the Susquehanna, for the week ending March 26th, was re ceived at the Medical Director's office On Mond&v: * S* 54 p oo p a •-. & m a. g hospitals. B 2-0 ?■ | s-3 : §• 2. | | : o -\ ? •Chester,... 21 jg .. £g Cbambenlrarg 19 9 l lg Camp Curtin.... 43 11 3 SO Tort Juimm ft 1 . 13 Summit House ......... 43 6*12 133 Sixty-fifth aid Vine streets .. .. .. 10 Islington Lane 3 4 2 26 Officers'. Camac’s Woods. - 1 .. 10 3 123 1 856 McClellan j| .. fcj Christian street.... 116 l .. J 34 Broad aod Prime 27 14 X 76 York. Fa. 30 6 1 ... Cayler, Germantown........ 1 li .. 249 Tarner’sLane ;8 10 1 18-5 Chestnut 8i11..... 7 47 1 6.*7 ‘C0nva1e5cent..................... ..*,** 25 27 2 3C9 Total... 569 293 25 3.136 Base Ball.— We understand it is in con templation among the bate ball club* to play several matches for the benefit of the Sanitary Fair shortly to be held In this city. The Athletics, the Olympics, the Keystones, the Minervas, the Camden Club, and the Athletics, Jr., could play matches and charge for admiiaioD, and the proceeds would amount to some* thing handsome, say five hundred or one thousand dollars, peihaps more. We have no doubt that the clubs named would gladly aid In swelling the receipts oi the Sanitary Fair in this way. A match —best two out of Three—between the Athletioi and the Olympic* would attract a large eonourie of specta tors, "We suggest to the presidents of these clubs to conrider the matter, and put it into practical -effect at an early day. Both of these clubs embrace some of the best men in our community, gentlemen Of the higlii-Bt intelligence, virtue, and patriotism. Coekection. The announcement in Saturday’s Press that there would be unusual oere jnentes on Sunday in the Cathedral, was, it seems, a mistake. The rem hist appeared in the Universe. and the Universe had its authority in a letter which pretended to be written from the Cathedral with the same of Father O’Kelly really attached to it. The editor of the Universe found so many marks of authenticity abi.ut the letter, that he never doubled it. Who is the scamp that- forged the olergymao’a name, and itceived the public? The police are on the track. Bishop Wood has the forgery. Fair for Colored Soldiers. —A fair in aid of the sick and wounded soldien of the colored regiments opened ye.terday, at Concert Hall, and will continue through the week. Iti, held bv the Ladies’ Union Association, a society of respectable colored ladies of tbla city. The otjeot of the enter pxise is » good one, and we commend it to public favon The member* of the association ask the mends of the cause to aid them in their work, by coaftcUone litril Uti ° D * ° f Nicies, or Washington Guakd.—Tke officers of i h £Si'i-r 6ut ? f WMl ungton Guard will hold a it cent gca Inurtilay evening, for the Duroose r»f ?. t , e S,’?v g . Up !tt - of the regimfeut^Tor prompt service is cae e 0 f »ny emergency. It was ,Pe 26:11 Regiment, CoL W. F. r “ :tr v The 66111 Regiment was al.o r ' f >.r' r :-’ er * I Jf . ’5 e *ame old Guard, la.t summer, when -ae rebel Lee made his raid into .Pennsylvania. Deaths of "oidlebb. The following deaths were at the Medical Director's office yesterday from the Convalescent Hospital, Six* teenth and Filbert streets: Joseph Bclfetfit, Company C, 2d Regiment Penn sylvania Cavalry. John, Company K, 90th Kcgimcnt Pennsyl vania Volunteers. Foundling.—A new born infant was found on Sunday morning on the step* of the Union- station house. The little stranger was taken 111 temporary care of JJEt -k?.’^S f ® of J*aitor, residing in Stamper’s *uey, above becocfi street. Delaware Agriculturists and the Great Cmte.u Fair.—The following geotlcmah rcpre'Hjt Delaware in the General CoSE“ o» the Great Uentr«l Fair, viz.: lamuS Henry O. Bartoo, NewCartle; JoKptß. Cieo cr.ts, bmyrnn; Thorns. B. Couraev Frederick*, and Caleb S. Layton, Geor^towS"® 7 * The Board of Managers of the Ladies’ Aff.f'O'ijfyof York,Pa., acknowledge the following contribution.: FromTryon&Bro feßod.i *9.32; from a gentleman of Philadelphia, one dozen uRLy Farm of Fdgewood French, Richard., &o>. „ r F os T HE Great Fair.—The proceeds~of dan Bird * billiard .aloon, on next Thu:a- SaniS^R s^ .appropriated to the fund or the Great ■fh?SXE auto bB beldinthi. city la June. "" the adTertiaement in this day’. Press THE COURTS. tlces. °®Bj and Acad, Jus- CDUETHi'in'tne loUowic'g cale?^^* 7 and Judsment. By Woodward, o. j —Roth’. t, the court below .firmed for the .um nf *’w Ce 01 Oberholzer vs. The Oommonwealth p«. ft * ■Uuattet Sej.ion.of Che.ter county. ‘ judg^St By Thompson, J Robertaon v«. Amo. Roea Error to Common Ple&a, Wayne county. Judy ment reversed, acd a venire da aovo awarded **" Lycoming County ri. Gamble. Common Fleas Lycoming county. Judgment reversed, and judg ment entered on the case stated for plaintiff, for $666.76, with cost* of suit and cost* of the writ or error. Potter County vs- Osuago Township. Common Plea*, Potter county. Judgment affirmed. Hoard et aL vs. Wilcox et *1- Common Pleas, Tioga county. Judgment reversed, and a venire de novo awarded. o.? y s T EOK( b J.—Robert. v«. Bruudage. Common county. Judgment affirmed. ... ier &' o. V«. Shoemaker fc Robin.on. Uom- S?a i a, ** , * T eouDt y- Judgment reversed, “S* v “ ir * de “oro awarded. Court of Common Pleat of Berk. thamSninn nrHi CMe Judge Strong, In delivering torlou. may be H.’con.ldeTaiion.” SSHKKSS ®:*/gSS given by a married woman for the piiofsTe monev «f land eonveyed to her ha. been held a vaUd woS?? ay to enable a retort to the land itaelt The weep- tion was first declared In Patterson vs. Robinson, Ist Gasey, 81 : and It was reasserted In Romberger vs. Ingraham, 2 Wright, 147. The ground upon whioh it was rested seems to have been that to avotd, In justice, a conveyance to a feme covert, and her con fenloD of judgment for the purchase money arc taken together, a substantial conveyance upon con dition of payment of the price, and, therefore, she will not be allowed to retain both the price and the land." The decree of the court below is affirmed* McEnwy vs. Dyer. Common Pleas, Tioga coun ty. Jndgment reversed and a venire d& novo awarded By Bkad.J.—Richard* v«. Shepherd* Oommon Fleas, Northampton county. Judgment affirmed. J. P. Kirby vs Morris E. Solomon. Common Pleas, Bradford county. Judgment affirmed. Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company vs. Emlen. Judgment reversed and judgment entered on the special verdict for the defendant. CASES ARGUED, Bouker’s appeal. Chester county. Argued by Simpson for appellant, and by Ward for appellee. Steel’s appeal. Northampton county. Submitted on paper books. The list of case* for the counties of Erie, Craw fold, Warren, and McKean was then taken up, and the following cates argued orotherwisedisposedof: Hall vs. The Commonwealth. Argued by Wet* more for plaintiff in error, and by Brown for d* fend ant in error. Gunnison vs. H&rtlett. Argued by Grant for plaintiff in error, and by Marshall for defendant in error. Hall vs. Corwin. Argued by Wetmorfl for plaintiff in error. Conroe vs Conroe. Submitted on paper books. Fin vs. Finney. Non pros. Tiyon vs Cadwallader. Nonpros. Kerr vs. Yaw. Argued by Churoh for plaintiff* Submitted on the other side on paper books. Trout vs. Kennedy. Argued by Brown for plain tiff in error, and by Lacey for defendant in error Home vs. Commissioners of Crawford county Submitted on paper books. Thompson vs. Burnham. Argued by Churoh for plaintiff In error, and by FarreUy tor defendant in error. Supreme Court at Nisi Ftim-Judee Aeuew Barnes vs. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company.’ Before reported. Counsel were speaking to the iurv in this case all day yesterday, and will probably oc cupy to-day before concluding. v * The other courts were not in session. the POLICE- (Before Mr. Alderman Beitler.l Another Chapter in the Gigantic Swind ling Case. Some time slnoe a number of persons were ar raigned in private, at the Central Station, on the charge of conspiracy to cheat and defraud a number of merchants doing business in Philadelphia. The proceedings, of course, were not developed publicly at.that time, and we have not yet heard mentioned the entire amount of the great swindle. Yesterday afternoon a public hearing took place' at the Central Station, of a person who keeps a store in Balti more, in whose place of business were found some of the goods, obtained by another man under alleged false pretences. The accused resides in Philadel phia, though keeping a store in Baltimore, and it is also said one in Newbern, N. O. It is probable that he has a good defence to make, as mere does not seem to be much evidence implicating him in any conspiracy. The developments of the case will place our me> cantile and other business people on guard, and for their edification we present somewhat in detail the facts as elicited during the hearing. Frederick Baltz, of the firm of Messrs. Baltz k Stilts, wholesale importers and liquor dealers, was called to the witness stand. He testified that W. Seymoie Weed came to his place and purchased a great amount of goods; he said that he was reootn* mended by a man named Charles Shiok, a friend or an acquaintance of mine; I received Weed's notes for the amount; those that fell due first were paid, but there was one note for $7,200 that has never been paid. The witness here detailed some things as to the whereabouts of a man named Richter and Weed, who wefe often seen in company with each other. In November of last year, the defendant went to Baltimore and opened a store, and I found the big gest part of my goods in that store; I found them stored in the basement, first, second, third, aad fourth stories; the stencil marks had been taken off, and half of the goods were repacked, and the re mainder were ready to be so disguised; I obtained my goods through a writ of replevin, and having given sufficient security brought the articles back to Philadelphia; we left only ten barrels of whisky in the cellar, which, no doubt, belonged to Mr. J. F. Dunton,who had Bold some goods to Weed; we searched for Mr. Weed everywhere, but he disap peared on the S2d of January last, since which time we have not heard anything of him. On the cross-examination, conducted by G. Re mak, Esq. for defence, the witness said, I never saw defendant and Weed together; I do not even know that they were acquainted with each other ; 1 don’t know that defendant ever saw him, I kaow that defendant and Richter were thick together; never heard them talk with each other; I have often talked with Kiohter; Ido not mean to say that I am a conspirator becaute I talked with Richter; my goods were found in the possession of the de fendant ; the goods were appraised by the sheriff; I gave bail for ever] thing the sheriff asked for; I re plc vined the gGOds from the 14th to the 17th of Febru ary last; the publio records will exhibit the exact time; the reason the oath was not made against the defendant before the time that it was made was be cause we were too buay in business, and not in a hurry to arrest defendant; I acted in this matter under the advice of my counsel; I have made no settlement, cor any offer to settle with any person; I have said some of the goods were paid for by Sey mour Weed, but none of the goods I found in pos se seion of defendant were paid for. At ibis stage of the proceedings quite a war of words took place between the counsel tor thederence and the magistrate, the latter, however, reserving his fire. Witness resumed—l did not say that a requisition would be taken out for the arrest of defendant; did not say that he would be arrested on arriving in Philadelphia; I believe I have seen him once or twice in this city since I got my goods ; I did not hurry myself to have him arrested 5 I don’t know whether he carries on business in Baltimore or not; the officer who arrested him had the warrant for some time before ; the defendant was arrested upon arriving in Philadelphia. Mr. Sternberger was now called to the stand, and testified as follows r My place of business is at 425 Chestnut street; on October 26th, 1863, a man named W. Seymore Weed bought a bill of goods; he was sent to my store by a Mr. Richter; this man was at my store a day or two before Weed came, and said that he was going to send me a good customer; Weed bought $2 400 worth of goods, and paid half cash; I told goods to the amount of $4,700 to Weed, snd shortly after this heard that he had Tun off; the note had not yet become due; went to New York in search of Mr. Weed; I paid Mr. Riohter commis sions for bringing me the customer; I came back from New York and proceeded to Baltimore; before I went there I saw Richter, and he told me that he was at Simons' Hotel, in Baltimore ; when I ar rived there I found that Stick had an agent in that city, aluo acting for Richter; this agent was not the deiendant. THE WITNESS TURNS DETECTIVE, The witnea. now a.tumed the character of a de. teotlve : he called upon the agent of Mr. Shiok, and learned Rom him that the good, of Mr. Sternberger were in a (tore al No. 6 Cheapaide—thi, was de fendant’t atore; Shick’s agent told me that I need not go at that time, a. the atore wa» closed, the proprietor having gone to Philadelphia; I played my game at the detective buiiuets pretty well, for the agent thought I was a true friend of Shick & Richter ; the agent wa> anxious that Sternberger’a .birt. should be .old ; the agent then went to the store No. 6 Ghe&paide; the cleik wa. in. Here the counsel for defendant interrupted, and said the evidence was not legal and could not be re ceived. Magistrate to witness. In consequence of what the agent of Shick told you, what did you do? Witness. I came to Philadelphia; 1 told Mr Dunton of what I bad learned; I also told other .useren; I went back again to Baltimore. The witnea. here retreshed his memory from a manuscript of good, found in defendant’, atore. When I met defendant, he exclaimed: “ Are you not Mr. Sternberger?” “I replied, I am.” 14 Then,” said he, “ what are you goiog by another name for?” U I told him I wa* a loser to the amouot of $4,700. j aud that I bad adopted my own course to fiad my cod* j I asked him then if he could not put me on the track; he said he did not know but what he f could j he said that he had bought these goods, and ' paid for them; he said that he made the purchase • not directly fiom Mr. Weed, but had his bill and re e«lpt for them in Philadelphia-; the goods were bought from Mr. Weed through Mr. Richter: the I beat of feeling prevailed between myself and defen- ' 1 aant; he had purchased the goods for one-third leas 1 t ™an l £ e * r value; the defendant said that he had I ■ shirts, and got the money for them, but ; they must be worn out by this time, as they were ! sold to the army; the defendant said he thought , be could save me some six or seven hundred dol i l sr ?» J- a * kcd bim how and he replied that first • he had obtained the goods on commission and after w.rd. bought them, Mr. Richter giviog him ,ome New York railroad stock as security should there I be sny loi. in the «hirt,; he thought there might be n surplus or «ix or tevea hundred dollars, which i might be saved, but this he said he could Dot do right away; the defendant said that be had sent the good. -o Newbern,itf. C.; but after this I found some of my i goedJ had beFn shipped for Harrisburg, Pa.; I said i to him that he had told me wrong; he said there waa . uotbmg wroDg about thti, that the goodß were firat ! Bbippea to Harn.burg, then to New York, ana then , to ft ewbern; he said he had a drug atore at Newborn: he raid it waa Dot queer to have a store or that kind in that ccuntiy ; all that I found of my gooils in his ■tore were five empty cases, and these had barrels piled upon them ; I found some of my goods in a warehoute in New Toik; they were shipped by the defencant, and no one called lor them: thfe goods xofere Jxi different boxes, And were nhipped par order ol defendant; while I was watching iivßaltimore, I raw a load ol goods go from defendant’s atore to an auction ; I went there and looked at the goods; my Pood« were marked diamond B, and shipped to M. Cohen & Co., Baltimore; when I asked about this. : Shick about it j he laughed, and said it was ! fictitious names; there are two ftl. Cohens in Bain s more; one is a large establishment, and would not do , anything like this ; the defendant also said, in expla . nation, that M. Cohen would not receive the goods, andthat Shick brought them to his (defenant’s)store! On the crosfrexamination, the witness said that he found hi* good* on February I4lh or 15th, in New York; they were in the warehcuie of Hope’s Da spatch line; they were stowed away because nobody had come for them ; about $3,000 worth of my pro* perty was there ; I found 28 cases of good* there; 6 belonged to me, 14 to Mr. Woreley, fancy soap maker end perfumer, and 8 case* not yet identified. Jrseph F. Dunton testified that he had sold about *7,000 worth of good* to w. Seymore Weed, on which he still owes me rising $4,500 in notes in my possession; the goods consisted cf brandy, whisky and wines; a part of them ware found in New York; some got into the ..hands of Mr. Goodman, who dis posed or them to' a pawnbroker; I had received a despatch that some of my goods were in defendant’s In Baltimore; I went there, and found about $i.500 worth of wine, champagne, port, and sherry; the goods were undergoing the dieguiae of bottling: mV wine wa* being placed in Battz’* boxes; label*, all very pretty, had been prepared; I replevined the goods; I found *ome whtiky in the cellar, which I believed to be mine, but the barrel* were so dis figured that I could got identify the property; a clerk told me that defendant had painted the barrels; this wa* on the 16th of February, last month; when I was in New York Mr. Riohter told me that not a dollar’s worth of my goods were in Baltimore. The cross-examination elicited no additional foots. The accused was held to bail in the sum of $3.000 to answez the charge of conspiracy. [Before Hr- Alderman White. 3 Outrageous Cage of Fraud. Nathan Williams, a well-known colored man, who make* his living by fortune-telling, was arraigned, yesterday, on the charge of defrauding two colored women out of the sum of $6O, The complainants are Elizabeth Wilson and Sarah Willis; they belong to Greenwich township, Cumberland county* N- J. The developments may excite pity, because of the ignorance and superstition of the duped. It seem* •that the husbands of the two women enlisted in a regiment of United States colored troops encamped at Chelten Hills, The regiment expected to move in a few days, and the two men were anxious to get ft furlough to go home and see their wives. Wil uaoQ* wa* a. the camp selling root* and “yarba ” ISK would prevent soldiers from being killed. He fn? tlie sum °* s3sjto get a short furlough wrntft » J 2? B ? en * They gave him $lO eaob, and womL? 1 o2!!» to , th S r . WIV “. to give him *25. The Daoromani*? 6 -^ 0 . cit V> ® nil hunted out tho They paid f orth In Hunt street. Donie, make* 1 0 ; He tolowouW men .pant nearly aUthemSSS jjunday. The wo rial to make a ttrat clase 1 »n y r . h * E»?»7 ? f £?bnSchenck JOHN THOMPSON,Sheriff. - "biladelphia. Bherlfi’a Offiqe* March 22,1864. mh2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BT VIRTUE OF ?f Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex . to ,E? blic or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, aii*l 1664'I 664 ' at 4 c ’cl°ck. at Sausom street Hall, «“l* that certain lot of ground, situate on the westerly side of Second street, sixty-two feet eleven and a half iPChQS north from Norris street, in the city of Philadel phia: containing in front on Second street one hundred and five feet ten and a half Inches, and in depth one hundred feet* more or lees, to the middle of Wager street* now vacated. „ Taken in execution on a claim for s——. for culverl, filed by the city of Philadelphia (in C 0. P.. J>.. ’69, 313 Oornman), and to be rota as the property of John Schools JOHB THOMPSON. Sheriff. Fhilada * Sheriff's Office March 22. 11*64. mh24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE —BY VIRTUE OF A Writ of VendiUoni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4,1861. at 4 o’clock, ai Sansom street Hall, All these two certain three-story brick messuages (one on Vino ttrtot and one on state street) and lot of «roand situate on the touth side of Vise street (No. 1632) fifty three feet east from Sixteenth street, in the city of Pnila delphla; containing in front on Vine street seventeen feet six inches, and in depth eighty feet to State street. Subject to a ground rent of one hundred and twenty dollars. « * CD. C.; MTO 395. Debt, $Bl4 37. Tenar ] __ Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Freeman ecott, JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. March 22. 1864 mh34 3t« SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, tome directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. April 4. 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground situate on the east side of Broad street, one hunand and twenty feet soathward nom Snyder street, in the city of Fhiladelshla; contain ing in front on Broad street one hundred and twenty feet, and in depth (crossing three streets, one fifty feet wide and the other two each twenty- five feet wide) five hundred and fifteen feet to Thirteenth street. (Which said lot James Bond, et ux . by deed dated Aprii 4th, 1864, conveyed unto Joseph Maitland, in fee.} tD. C.: M , ’64 386. Debt $3,670. Miller. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as tne propeitv of Jcteph Maitland. JnHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Bberiff’« Office, March 52, 1861. tr» et, in the city ol Phila delphia: containing In front on Oxford street eighty-two feef-Md in depth fifty-seven feet to a fonr-feet alley. Taken in execution on a claim of $22 41 for paving and curbing, filed by the city of Philadelphia (in C. C? hi R , Hffilo'SS“ > ’ aad to 68 80la as tho p,. ~ . „ ' JOHN THOMPSON, sheriff. Philadelphia. Shenfi a Offlee.Mareh 22,1864. mh2i-3t CBEBIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF Levari Facias, to me directed. wiUbeex posed to public saie or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, 4, 1t64, at 4 o clock, at Hall, All that certain lot of gronnd sitnate on the eonthwest •or: er of Frort and Mifflin streets In the city of Philadal pria; containing in front on Mifflin street one hnndrel anc thirty-four feet ten Inches, and in depth on the east line, one hundred and fourteen, feet eight inches more or I£bb. and on the west line eihhty-nine feet four inches to Heelers Jane. Taken in execution on a claim for 3457.68. for curbing and paring, filed by the city ol Philadelphia (In C C # Vv M Cormuan), and to be sold as the property of T&n vi A THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, ghfriff's Office, March 22.1564. mhS4-8t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be expoted to public sale or vendue, bn MONDAY Eve ning, April 4,186 i» at 4 o clock, at Sansom-atreet Hall. AU mat certain lot of ground, situate on the east side of Broad street, eighty-four feet northwardly from Sus quehanna avenue, in. the city of Philadelphia; contain ing In front on Broad street twentv>o£:e feet, and in depth one-hundred-and-fifty-one feet to Pembroke street. [Which eaW lot Thomas C. Readetux. by deed dated February 15. 1856, recordedin Deed B ox B D W £Io ICO. page 628. Sc'., conveyed unto Oh&rles H. Chandler in fee; subject to a ground rent of eighty-four dollars ] CD. d eighty-two foet. Subject to a yearly £l?? n ££r ent i? f hundred and eighty dollars, payable ®' Bt o* Maich and September, O.J.J M-. 61 m Debt. *184.20. H. C. Townsend. ] Taxen in execution and to be sold aa the property of William B. Banrman. James Magarahan, and Austin W T»fii r,s f’i v* J°HN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff s Office, March 22, 1861 mh23-3t CHEEIFF’S SALE.- BY VIRTUE OF .Tf™f, f , LeT ? rl:Faciaa - to rnc directed, will beex on MONDAY Bvsning, , at . 4 o.dock. at Sansom-atreet Hall, ground alnahfnn t J’n 6e '' t “.V br j ok “es«uag« and lot of northeast corner of Filbert and „ [t r ee "t 111 the city of Philadelphia; con n °? Se v « nt ®enth street nineteen feet, and HLS&P 1 a three-feet alley. [Which said flitf ?ISj ,ftmln Bofican, Sheriff, by deed poll dated JpJjGto* 1830. recorded in D C Deed Book O. pace 152. conveyed unio Tbomaa Matlack iu fee; subject to a ground rent of seventy-s'x dollars J S’ 5 % * 6t 881. Debt 52,727.60. Heyer.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of T te a^v aok ov iS HBr TBOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22, 186 L mh2:3-3t SHERIFF S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF awritof Vecdltioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, April 4,1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. Bo L All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of greurd eitu&te on the southeast corner of Seventh and Mors streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Seventh street sixteen feet, and in depth sixty ft et, to a three feet-wlde alley, with the privilege tbeieof. No. 2. AU that ceitain three-story brick messuage and lotof greund iltuate on the northeast corner of Seventh and Fcrnon streets; containing in front on Seventh sixteen feei, and in depth slxty-fonr feet. a * jTt* l P r emises Charles Depps et ux., by deeds JSSi/? 11 1858 and November 15:h, 18S), re cordodinDft-d Book A. D. B , No 3. page 158, Ac.. and jninTinVS.! ? Q * - pa * B 533 Ac., oouvejed unto William fonf dGiVl™ x l\¥W K out of No 2 a ground rent of fifty four doliam, payable Ist January and July. ] Taken in 372 Debt. #2OO Peirce.] William Jain XeCut^on an( be sold as the property of THOMPSON. Sheriff ■«A^e_ t a la. bhstiffa Office. March 22, 1864. mh24-3t THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1864. ,34 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. IS lummaiui uuinim—a PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG 390 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. THE SHORT ROUTS TO THE WEST. Trains Imt# «k* D,pot »l Eaysnth and Market strssts, is follow,; MsUTrain at—B.oo A. H. Past Line at... ••**—«..~..™~»...1140A. M. ThroushEnw at. . -■ 10. SOP. M. ParkeAmr, Trains. LOOP. M. Harrieburs Accommodation Train at J.9OP. M. Lancaster Train at. .... -4.00 P. M Tbs Thro nab Express train not dailv—all tiro othar trains dally, except SnndaT. POR PITTHBUR& AND THE WEST. The Ha 11 Train, raat Line, and Throuch Express son nsot at Flttsbnri with throuch tralna on all the dlyorg lnr roads from that point, North to the Lakes, W«t to the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and South and Southwest to *ll points accessible by Railroad. _ _ INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD^ The Thronah Mmw. son hocta, at BlalrsaUlo Intor seerton, with ■ train on this road for Blnlrsyllla. In diana, Ac. EBENBBURG A CRE6SON BRANCH RAILROAD. ..The, Thro aah Express Train conuests at Creason at 10.4fi A. H. * with, a train, on this road for Ebsnsbturc. A. train also loaves Creeaon for Ebenebnrc at 8.45 P. H HOLLIDAYSBUEG BRANCH RAILROAD. , The Mail Train and Thronah Express connect at il* for HolUdftTßbnrc it 7. 66 F. M. and 8.40 TYRONE & CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD The Thronth Express Train connects at Tyrone witli trains tor Sandy Rides, PMUinsbury, Port Matilda. Milesbnrc, and Belletonte. _ HUNTINGDON * BROAD-TOP RAILROAD. The Through Express Train connects at Huntingdon with a train for Hopewell and Bloody Run at 0.56 A. M NORTHERN PHILADELPHIA& BRIE _ ' * RAILROADS ~ Fob Bcabubt, Wkliamspom. Loo* Hat**, and all points on the Philadelphia and Brie Railroad, and JSn jP*A, Koohestsb. Buffalo, and Siaoaba Falls. Passmcors takln* the Mall Train, at 8.00 A. M.. and theThronfn Express, at 10.30 P.M.. *o dlrMtlrthronah without cbanse of cars betwaen PhUadelnhla and WII- _ . , For YOEK, HANOVEB, and GETTYSBURG. Hu trainsleaving at 8.00 A. M. ui 1.80 P. M.. sonnest at Columbia with trains on the Northern Central Railroad. _ CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD The Mall Train and Throuxh Express connect at Har risburg with trains for Carlisle, Chambersbura. and Ha gerstown. WAYNEBBURO BRANCH 1 RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 8.00 AM. and 2. SO F. M. connect at DAwnlngton with trains on this I<>»• 0. and A. As iommoaauon-... 1 eg At a P.M., rla Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex- Amboy, Accommoda . (height and Passenger)..i 75 ■*■l.® vh Camden and Amboy,Aecommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket... aSi AtTM F.M,, via G&mdenand A 60 non, (Freight and Passenger,) Ist Class Ticket... aJS For Month Chunk. Lambertnlle, Flemiugton. Ac,. at 3 P. M. M*£ Md 4^ U il Bw " wtUl0 ' and Pemberton, at«A jjor Freaholrt at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M, ,^ or «P alm7r,l »* Bl Terton i Delanco, Beverly, Burling ton. ®o£deatown, A*., at 6 A. M.,I2MTi, 1 8. and 4,30 P, is. Th«.B and 4.80 P. H. lines m dDsit through to Trenton. Sr 1 ™ 60 ”- DeUneo. Beverly. and Bnr- LINES PROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE , AS FOLLOWS* Atl.soA. M (Nlglt), via Kensington and Jersey Y*S? ln *? 0 ?- ana NOW York Mall. At 11, 15 A. M„ Tia Kensington and Jersey City. Jl- PreSS lee.) «•<•«.« ttnti itiuitta >.« „ HI IHMia , IQQ At ASO P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, Ex press M-ee ~ |, Mll o m A w; 4 s.d i> L* M ’* Kensington and Jersey City. Washington and New York Express g 00 Sunday Lines leave at 1.60 A. M. and 6.45 P. M. at i-“ A - M a -on Mondays. 4 « .Si StroadBbtLrg. Scr»aton, Wiikeroarr*, Montrose. Great Bend, Mauch Chnnk, Allentown, Beth lehem, Belvidere. Easton. Lambertvllle. Flemington, “*•* *1 j 7 4s This line connects with the train laav lc* Ewton for Mauch Chunk at 8.80 P. M.) andfiP^M 01 * Treatoll, M 7 M., and 8 For Holmesburr, Taeony, Wissonomiug, Srldesburc andY«nkford. at 9 A iQ Ss.4S.indl PM _York and Way Lines lesTlur Remington Depot, take the ears on Fifth street, aboveWalnnLnsd? an hour before departure. Tbe ears run into the Depot, w on the arrival of each train run from tbe Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed eatb Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. AD baggage over aity pounds to be paid for extra. Tbe Company limit theirieiponylbUity for baggage to One Dollsrper pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond SlOO, ex eept bv speelal eontraet. . Graham’s Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage at tbe Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street WILLIAM H. January 20,1864. LINKS FROM NEW YORE FOE PHILADELPHIA, ~ “IV™ 0 " roor or OOKTiAXDT BTBSBT, „ 12 M. cad 4P. M. via Jersey City and Camden. At and Kensington 6 ’ * ni 12 (Mignt), via Jersey City . From foot ol Barelay street at SA. M. and 2P. H., via Amboy and Camden. , Jt™ Ho ‘ l ' North river, at 12 H, 4 and BP. M. j CrTaiabt and passenger) Amboy and Camden. la4-tf i 1863. mmmiwmm 1863. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL B°Al>.—TM* rrest line traverses tie Northern anfi Northwest counties of Penasylvsnls to the city Of Brie, on Lake Brio. • “* It baa been leased br the PENNSYLVANIA RATI.. BOAD COMPANY, an/under' their anspiTM l, btlSi rapidly opened throughout its entire l9ncth. . , It la now In nse tor Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to Emporium, 095 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Shefield to Erie, (73 miles) on the Western Division. TIMS OF FABSEFOBK TSAIIVS AT F3IUADHLFHIA. „ ~ _ , Leave Westward. MaU Train...— .... 8.00 A. H. Express Train . **.,.,1Q.g0 p. jj. Cara ran throughwithout chance both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, aad be* tween Baltimore and Look Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both wave bebreen wmiaxa&port and Baltimore, and Williamscori ana Philadelphia. For Information res Meting Passenger business a?»W at the Southeast corner Eleventh and Market Streets, Ana for Freisht business of the Company’s Agents • S- B. KINGSTON. Jr., eomer Thirteenth and Market streets, Philadelphia. J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie, J, H. DRILL. Agant N. C. K. IL, Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON. General Freight Agent. Philadelphia. LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. _ JOS. D. POTTS, General Manager. Williamsport. PHILADELPHIA ■HI g. g XJHK. FALL AMD WIHTBB ABBAJTQS- MBS; MKTFI* SATO A n l .^ 8 o°a r r’c BCR f®TOir, BLHIBA, BUT. and , HorthTr»rt^ A yALLS ’ “* » olnta ! » «w W«*t Faaaeneer Train* Inn DSndt of Fitiladeloliie and Keadin* eorner BBOAD and CALLOWHILL SKgPted* 4 s - u M - * nd 8-30 F. H„ daily, Sundays QTJIGKEBT BOUTB from PklladelnlilA to neint* In fork 1 ™ WMtern Pennsylvania. Wuim lew Baa«a*e’ cheeked, thronah to BuflUo. Jiiarara Falla or Intermediate point*. - " r * For further information apply to THißiranranra ana'cAM.o’TOiLLf’iSd'o^^ffSr earner SIXTH and CHEBTHTIT strode laffl-t" NORTH PENNSYL. f m i Railroad p«p bktw. LEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, MAUCH CHuSk HIZLI TOW, EASTON. WILLIAMFOET; WINTER ARRANGEMENT rassenter Trains leave the new Repot. THIRD Street, follows- Amr, *° n ** reet ’ <6nnday* exeepted) am It7A.M. (Bypress) forßethlehem. Allentown. BntA Chunk, Hazleton. Williamsport. &c. At S. 15 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem. B&ston, &i. At 5.16 P. M. for Bethlehem. Allentown. Man«h nhn«v. 7or Doylestown at9.l5A. M. and 4 ISP Tor Port Washington-at 10. IS A. M. aed 6.15 p. M. White ears of the Second and Third streets line Gift Leaye Bethlehem at 6.30 A. M., 9.30 A. M .and a 0?P H. Laaye Doylestown at 6.30 A. M. and 3.40 P. Jf ‘ Leay« Fort Washington at 6.40 A. fit. and IF ■. wan a, a, . ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 10 A. M. and 4 15 F. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7. SO A. M. and 2 P. M. »°l g ELLIS CLAES. Agent WEST CHESTER & PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD. for Weat Chester leave the d&pdt, toraer ol OHAMGB OP CABS®‘ , * r ®* t • , * nd 10 _ ■ ■ ■■ rKOM PHILADELPHIA. hmm tX 8.00 A. M Arrive W«t Cheater 9.60*. H. .. .. J-SSE-5J- ‘.l S.OOP. M. 4.00 P.M. •• *■ 6.00 P.M. „ . _ FEOM WEST CHESTER. M Arrive W>' tie Interaectlonwith the Mail Train at 9.17 A. M., the Harrlehnre Accommodation at 3.60 P. M., and the Lancaster Train at 8.26 P. M. PrelKht delivered at the d6pst, corner of Thirteenth and Market atreeta, previona to l 1.10 A. M., will he for- Gheator MB 00 p 1^ 1110110^1^011 Train, and reach Weat Per ticket* and farther information, apply to ... , JAMES COWDBS, Ticket A. ia9-tapl BLBVIHTH and MAE! HE ■ mtaggggn WEST OHESTEB PHILADELPHIA XAa- Oa Md *ft« MONDAY, Dwwabtr 7Uu MM, tki SE£S? BMid 10.45 A. M., andatSandSPcßL^ 111 ' Train* leave the corner of THIRTY-FIRST Slid MAR* KBT Streets (West Philadelphia), 17 minutes after the starting time from EIGHTEENTH and MARKET. A Freight Train, with Passenger Gar att&ehed. WtE leave the sorner of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets IWest Philadelphia) at 6.30 P. M. "" • , ON SUNDAYS: Leave Philadelphia at 8 A.M. and 9 P. M. Leave Westchester at 7.C0 A. M. and 4P. M. The Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 4 C* Ir t*<’nnect at Pennellton with Trains on the P. and E. 0. JR, B for Ooaeord, Kennstt, Oxford, &«. „ „ _ _ HENRY WOOD, dc7»tf General BnMrintoaduit £XPR£SS COMPAKIBI, BgMcroM THE ADAMS EX BWt ■> A " l — F *“CE«i PESSB COMPANY. :office 3530 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages Her* shandlse, Bank Ifptw, and Specie, either by fits own line, or in connection with other Sxprcu Gompaniec. to all tka yriuelyal Towns and Gltlaa In tha United States, B. 8. SANDS'OBD, t MT general Snncrintandent T>UEE LEHIGH COAL.—HOUSE- A KEEPERS can Mly on (siting a pore article at S. B. corner PHONY and POPLAR. mh!B-lm» JOHN W. HAMPTON. fJENUINE EAGLE VEIN OOAL- Rqnal If not superior to Lehigh. Also, Hart's Ne Pins Ultra Family Rainbow Coal; Ifg and Stove sixes. 88-60. Large Nut, 87.76 per ton. Goal forfeited If not mil weight as per ticket. Depot, MIO CALLOW HILL Street, above Broad. Offlce 181 South' FOURTH, be low Gheetnnt. Gall and examino. Orders by dlipateh promptly attended to by no)2«8m ELLIS BRANSON. nOAL.—SUGAB LOAF, BEAVEB '-'MBADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Goal, and Mat Loenat Msnntaln. from BaknylkiU; prepared «r -inuly for Tamlly nie. Snot, N. W. .orner EIGHTH undWILLOW gtc. Ode, South BSOOND St angle j. WALTON * 00. Tl*"BS. JAMES BETTS’ OELEBBATBD ■“ BDFFOETEBB POS LADIES, and th. only Su yorteraiinder amlnent medical patronage- Ladlcc ajad : Phrclelancara MipaMfully reonocUf ] Hrt BETTS, at her rwUcnw, 10M Vi£inFBbtf jPhiladalpUa.lto arold eoonter&lu. 1 ThSSythoiiaanl tnTalida naTcbMnadTlHdbythelryhygclanato nchw ■ appliance.. ■H"?** °nly are genuine bearingthe On m 3 | RAILROAD LINER. .Agent. J£BT Stro+ta. COAI. PROPOSALS* a non houses wanted. UjUUU War Department, UAVADRY BURBAIT, oppiflH of Chief QgARTERMASTKS, Washington. D. C., March 8 1864. One huudred and nfcy (sisoj dollars per head will do paid for all CAVALRY HORSES , „ delivered within theTiext thirty (SO) days at the Govern ment Stablta at Giesboro, D. C. •.. B»td horsen to be sound in nil particulars, not less than five (6) nor more than nine (9) ye&ta old i from 14& to lo hands high, full fleshed, compactly built, bridle wise* and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes. Thejw specification# wiUl be strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced in every particular .Payment made on delivery of ten (tO) and over. Hours of Inspection from 9A. M- to 6 P. M. ~ , ._ . JAMES A. SKIN, Lleiitenant Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, mh24*3ot Cavalry Bureau* I—* CO 03 A RMY clothing and equipage OFFICE. ; CiNcnrKATr, Ohio, March 21, 1864. I ..JPJJQFjPSAI'S are invited by the undersigned until THURSDAY. April 7th, 1864. at 12 o’clock M., for far nibbing this Department (by contract) with: National UoJore,, Standard. Regimental Colon—Artillery. do. „ Do do Infantry, do. Garrison Flags. do. Storm Flags, do. General Hospital Flags. do. Company Order Books. do. bo Clothing Bonks. do. Do Descriptive Books, do, Do Morning Report Books. do. Post Order do do. Port Letter do do. Post Guard Seport do do. Regimental Letter do do. Do Descriptive do do. Xo Index do do. Do Order do do. Hat FeaiherBockete, do. Ostrich Feathers, for Hat a. do. Chevrons— Service. do. Do Ordnance Sergeants, silk. do. Do Hospital Stewards. do. Do Cavalry* Sergeant Majors, do. Do do Qr Mr. Bergeants. do. Do do Ist Sergeants, do. Do do Sergeants, do. Do do Corporals* do. Do Artillery* Sergeant Majors, do. Do do Q M. cergeants, do. Do do Ist Sergeants, do. Do do Sergeants, do. Do do Corporals. do Do Infantry, Sergeant Majors, do. Do do QM. Sergeants, do. Do do Ist Sergeants, do. DO do Sarge&ctg, do. _ Do do Corporals, do. Drum Heads—Batter, do Dnnn Heads—Snare. do" Fife s. do Haversacks—Painted* do.* Cotton Duck—lo and 12 or., do Samples of which may he seen at the Office or Clothing and iqaipsie in this citv. To be delivered free of charge, at the U. 8. Inspection warehouse. In this City, in good new packages with the name i f the party furnishing, the kind and quan tity of goods distinctly marked on each article aad pack age. (■•'Parties offering goods must in all cases furnish sam ples, marked and numbered to correspond with their proposal, and distinctly state In. their bids the quantity I of good* they propose to furnish, the price, and the time of delivery. A guarantee, signed hy two responsible persons, must accompany each bid, guaranteeing'that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to bim under his proposal. Bids Will be opened on THURSDAY. April 7th, 1864. at 2 o clock P. M., at this office, and bidders are re quested to be present. Awards will be mtde on 8 ATUBDAY. April Oth. Bonds win he required that the contracts will be faith fully fulfilled. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank Forms of Proposals may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. By order of CoL Thomas Swords. A. Q. M. GK C. W. MOULTON, Captain and A. Q. M. mh2B-12t ABMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OfPIOI _ C r ?rcTNirATr. O , March 21, 1864. PROPOSALS ARE INVITED BY THE UNDESIGNED until TUEBDAY, April Bth. 1864. at 12 o’clock M.. for for nifiblnt this Deportment (by contract) with— Cavalry Standards—Army Standard. Bugles, with extra Month Pieces—Army Standard. Trumpsis. with extra Crooks, do. Trumpet Cords and Tassels, do. Forage Cape, ' do. Letters, from A to K. do. Figures, fromlJoO, do. Canteens, do Bobber Poncho Tent Blankets, do. Trowsers—Footmen, do. Trowsers—Horsemen, <'do. Samples of which may be seen at the Office of Clothing and Equipage in this city. To be deliyered free of charge, at the U, 8. Inspection warehouse, in this city, Id good new packages, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and Quan tity of goods distinctly marked on each article and package. Parttes offering goods must. In all cases furnish sam ples, marked and numbered to correspond, with their proposal, and distinctly state in their bids the quantity of goods they piopose to famish, the price, and the time of delivery, A guaranty signed by two responsible persons, must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under his proposal Bids will be opened on TUESDAY, April 6.1864, at two o clock P M., at this office, and bidders are requested to be present. Awards will be made on WEDNESDAY, April 6. Bonds Will be required that the contracts will be faithfully ful filled. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank forms of Proposals may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. By order of Col. Thou is Swosd3.JL Q.K6. C W. MOULTOIff. Captain and A. Q M. mb24*llt A SBISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE NEBAL’S OFFICE. TWELFTH and GIRARD fits., Philadelphia, March 23.1564. fiFALED PROPOSALS will be r«ctiT*4 at this office until i 2 o clock M., on THURSDAY, the 31st instint, for supplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with the following ar ticles: B°°«» IJob. 7s to 10s, army standard* for cavalry. Boot- 4 , Nos, 9s to 14s, do do. Bids to be made separately, as follows: so much for 7? to 10s, and so much for 9s to 14#-not for any single size. ~A » ft® B ® Boots are required as soon as possible, only those bids which guarantee speedy delivery will he con sidered. Brass Numbers, No. s—sample to he seen at this office. Linen Gaiters, do’ do do. Leather Legglns. do do do. Light-blue Mous de Laine, X all wool—sample to he seen at this office 24-inch Yellow Worsted Lace, army standard. Scarlet Facing Cloth, X to 6-4 wide—sample required. Brass Ball buttons, do. do Bids from defaulting contractors will not be re ceived ..Blank forms for proposals can be had on application at this office. Proposals must be endorsed, ‘‘Proposals for Army Supplies, stating the particular article bid for gh&-t3l Asat, Qr. M. General U. g. Army. QBDNANOE OFFICE; __ War Department. T»T>^-n«odT D v Washington, Fet>. 23. 1864. will received by this Department until TUESDAY, March, 8, at 4 o’clock P. M., for tbe de livery at the Springfield Armory, Mass, of e,OOO single sets of wrought-iron work, Jor united States Artillery Harness. * The Harness Irons are to be packed in well-made boxes, containing twelve single seia each, being an as sortment for fonr wheel and eight lead horses; and each twelve set?, so packed, will consist of the following pieces: 3 pahs long Fames, complete. 3 pairs short Barnes, complete. 6 pairs medium Haines, complete.' 48 Trace Clips, with 144 rivets. 4 double Loops or eye*. 12 Saddle Loops (bent for cantle.) 24 Trace Eyes. • 24105 e Chainp, with toggles. 4 Breast Hor-ks. ' 2 Leg Guards, with ten rivets. 6 Haddle Loops, straight, for riding-saddle pummel. -These Harness Irons are to conform strictly in pattern and weight to the model sets to he seen at this office and at the Springfield Armory; are to he smoothly finished; are to fill the standard gauge*, and each placets to be of tfce size and kind of iron prescribed in the offi cial bill or iron, copies of which can be obtained at this office, at the New York Agency, and at the Spzlngfiold Armory. All the iron B are to be well japanned—the japan to be of the best quality,'And well baked on. They are to he subject to inspeetlon at the factory where made, before and after japanning. .The Hames are to be marked with the maker’s name, the size, and the letter* U. S. A. The latter letters one fourth of an inch high. All the pieces are to be nut up in proper bundles,'pro* Perly l&beiied, and each box is to be carefully packed, as prescribed by the Inspector. The packing-box to be paid for at the Inspector’s valuation. Deliveries are to be made at the rate of not less than sixty sets per day, commencing on the 22d day of March next. Failure to deliver at the specified tims will sub ject the contractor to a forfeiture of the number he may fail to deliver at that time No bids will ba considered except from parties actual* ly engaged In the manufaciaie of this or Bimilar kinds of Ironwork, and who can bring ample evidence that they have in their own si ops all the machinery and' ap pliances for turning out the full amount of work specl. fled per day. Bidders will be required to furnish proper securities for the proper performance of the work, and will enclose with their bias the wriitan acknowledgment of their sureties over their own signatures. Each party obtaining a contract will be required to -enter into bonds, with approved sureties, for ite faithful execution. Upon the award being made, successful bidders will be notified, and furnished with forms of contract and bond. Th fJ>epa,TtmeDt reserves the right to reject any or all bids if not deemed satisfactory. Proposals will be addressed to “Brigadier General Geo. J>. Ramsay, Chief of Ordnance, Washington City,” and will be endorsed 4 * Proposals for Harness Irons.” « . A. « geo. D - bamsay. Brigadier General, Chiel of Ordnance. Ordnance Office—War Department. _ - ‘ Washington. March 19.1681 The time for receiving the proposals under the above advertisement for Borae Equipments, is postponed until the Ist day of April, at 4P. M. The rate of delivery per week will be one-tenth of the whole amount contracted for. and the time of first delivery is so amended, as to allow each bidder to specify when he can make his first delivery. Samples of the equipment* can be eoan. at Frankford Arsenal, Bridesbw, Pft., after the 22d last. _ ' «80. D. RAMSAY. Brig Pen,. Chief or Ordnance. jpEOPOSALS FOB MULES. mh22-tuthstapl Chief Quartermasters Office, DEPOT OF WASHI.VttTON, S'RtTT'n 3 C - March *2tf. t&Si _.r*■-r urC5 PEpPOS A.Lfc> will te received at this office nntil MONDAY, April 4, 1864, at 12 o’clock M., for far tufitE* l he Government with Two Thousand (2.000) JttDLEt, to conform to the following 4ii. v , SPECIFICATIONS. All le be is good flesh. AJJ to be fou. teen (14) hands and over In height. All to be sotind, serviceable Holes for draught pur poses, to be over three (8) and under nine (9) years of ?R*\ ftn< * to weieh not less than seven hundred and ten (710) pounds each. PROPOSALS. Proposals to be for firebandrod (000 )aud upwards. Tte foil name and post cffice address of the bidder must appear in the proposal. If a bid is mads in the name of a firm, the names of all !v nmßt appear, or the bid will be considered as the individual proposal of the party alanine it «-V opoßa 2S from disloyal parties will not be considered, tJon an oath of allegiance must accompany each propoai- Proposals mast be addressed to Brigadier General D. H. _Buc*er. Quartermaster United States Army, Wash safa for Mu& £ nd should be plainly marked * * Propo- GUABAHTY. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, should it awarded to him, most be guaranteed by two reipon sible persons, whose signatures mast be appended to the guaranty. The responsibility of the 'mnßt be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Dis trict Court, or of the United Ststes Distriet Attorney Bidders mast be present in person when the bids are opened, or their propos* Is will not he considered Bonds in a snm eunsl to the amount of the contract signed by the contractor acdboth of his guarantors will be required of the successful bidder or bidders upon sign ing ibe contract. “ As the bond must accompany the contract. It will be necenary for bidders to have their bondsmen wi: h them, or to have bonds signed in anticipation, and ready to be produced when the contract is signed. Blanks for bonds can be procured upon application be ing made at this office, either personally, by letter, or by teleiraph. _ FORM OF GUARANTY. We, the undersigned, residents of —— in the county of . and State of , hereby jointly and severally covenant with the United States, and guarantee in case the foregoing bid of be accepted, that he or they will at once, alter the ac ceptance cf said hid. execute the crnlraet for the seme, with good and sufficient sureties. In a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to furnish the Males proposed in conformity to the terms of the advertisement, dated Maich26, 1864, under which the bid was made; and in case the said shail fail to enter into a eon srset as aforesaid, w« guarantee to make good the dlffe r#nce between the off*v of the said and the neat lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may he awarded. i Given unde’'our hands and seals Witness: tthie day of ,188—. CSeatl [Seal-J . I lereliT certify that, to the heft of my knowledge and belief, the abuTe-jiarned guarantors are and suffi cient as sureties for the amoaot for Which they offer to be security. -■ To he certified by the United State. Witrict Attorney, Collector of Cuitoins, or any other officer under the Uni- i IS? ®l*tes Government, or responsible person known to 1 this office. I , INSPECTION. DELIVERY. BTC. All Mules contracted for under this advertisement will be subject to a »Sgid inspection, and those not conform ing io the tpeciflc&tions will be rejected. The Mules must be dell vert d In this city within twen ty (20) days from the date of signing the contract. Payment to be made upon the completion of the con tract. or so soon theieafter as the Depot Quartermaster shell be io funds. Any informality In the bid of non-cocformanca with the terms ofthls advertisement will ensure the rejection, of the pr. H RUCKER, . „„ Brigadier General and Chief Quarierraanar. P*pot Waihlagtoa. PROPOSALS. r>ROFOSAIS FOR THE ERECTION X OF FIFTY DWELLING HOUSES. PROPOSALS are invited Tor the building of five block* of ten house* each, of wood ot brick, to be located qb the grounds ot the Lochlel Iron Mill Company. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of William Colder. Proposals will be received for one or more blocks until to WILLIAM CIOLOBR. mh2M”apl2 Chairman Bonding Commute,. OFFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND U EQUIPAGE, TWELFTH »nd Philadelphia, March 21. law. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o’clock M: on WEDNESDAY, the supplying the Schuylkill Amenal with the following Tents, of linen op cotton duck, to JS?!** 1 lees than 10 ounces to the yard, of 28J£ inchss Wide, earn pie of the material required. . .... Iron Pots, 8 gallons, 38 pounds, ball* army standard. .. Petroleum and Tarred Paper for baling purposes; sam ples required. _ , Bids from defaulting contractors will not be receivea. Blank forms for proposals can be had upon application at this office. , . Propceali must he endorsed, * Proposals for Army Supplies, M stating the particular article bid for. G. 9* CROSBAsI, mh22-8t GoL and Asst. Q. M. General U. S. A. pROFOSALS FOR FORAGE, Gam QaAitmuHn'sOvnoii - Washihotoh Depot, Decembers, 186*. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited by the undesigned for supplying the U. 8. Quartermaster's Department, at Washington, D. G. • Baltimore, Md., Alexandria, and Fort Monroe, Va., or either of these places. With Hay, Corn, Oats, and Straw. .... Bids will be received for tbe delivery of i.OOO bushels of com or oats, gad 10 tons of bay or straw, *nd up ward*. . A . Bidder* ansi state at which of the above-named points they propose to make deliveries, and the rates at which they will make deliveries thsreat, ths quantity of each article proposod to be delivered, the time when said de liveries shall be commenced, and when to be completed. The price must be written out In words on the bids. Corn to be put up in good, stout sacks, of about two bushels each. Oats in like sacks, of about throe bushels each. The casks to be furnished without extra charge to the Government. The hay and straw to be securely baled. Th. PMtUnlw kind or dewriptlon of 0»U, torn, h»r. or .trow, propoMd to bo d.llrerod, mnit bo stetod u tao ,r 2l > tho .rtl.l.i offered under tba bid. boroln ls-rlUd will b« anbieet to a rfiid InapMtloa br tba GoT«rmo«Bl Inapeetor baton bain, aacsptad. Oontrutavill boawudod from time «o Hm. to tta lowest ruponaibl. bidder, a. the Interest of the GoT.ra ment mar require, and payment will bo made wnan tno whole amount sontraotod for ahall have boon dollwrod * l mwfbSEdor wUI bo required to HloniilT hla propo sal with a guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, tiiailaease his bid is accepted he Or they Will, with la ten days thereafter, execute the contrast for the same, with good and sufficient sureties, in amm equal to thi amount of the contrast, to deliver the forage proposed In conformity with the terms of this advertisement; and in case the said bidder should fill to enter into the contract, they to makegood the difference between the offer of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the eontwwt may be awarded. The responsibility ol ths guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of a u. 8. District Attorney. Col lector of Customs, or any other officer under the United I States Government, or responsible person known to this office. an Madera uriii be duly notified of the acceptance or 1 rejection of their proposals. • The full name and post office address of cash bidder must be legibly written In the proposal. Proposals must be addressed to Brigadier General D. H. Rucker* Chief D6pdt Quartermaster,'Washlngton.D C.,and should bo plainly marked, “ Proposals for Fo **!§onds, in a sum equal to the amount of the contrast, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will , be required of tho successful bidder or bidders upon , ■Afwiwg the contrast. Blank orms of bids, guarantees, and bonds may be ! obtained upon application at this office. upe fftjjM OF PROPOSAL. j (Town, County, and Stats • | (Data! I, the subscriber, do hereby propose to furnish and da- , liver to ths United States, at tbe Quartermaster's De- . psjtm«nt at , agreeably to the terms of your , advertisement, inviting proposals for forage, dated' Washington D6pdt, December 8,1863. ths following artl- . else, vis • * bushels of Corn, In sacks, at per bushel of M : pounds. - bushels of Oats. In casks, at per bushel of 32 ; pounds, tons of baled Hay, at per ton of 3,000 pounds. , tons of baled Straw, at per ton of 2,000 pounds. Delivery to commence on or before the —day of j ———, JgG , and to be completed on or before the ■ I day of , 188 , and pledge myself to enter into a ! wntten contract with the United States, with good and j approved securities. within the space of ten days after being notified that my bid has been accepted. Tour obedient servant. - ■■■ ■. Brigadier General D. H. kuokbu, wrigauic. Ghja j x>6pdt Q na rterm*stcr, _ Washington, D. G. GUARANTEE. We, the undersigned, residents of —— ut the county of ■, and State of hereby, ’olntly and severally, covenant with the United States, and guarantee. In case tie foregoing bid of ' be assented, that he or they will, within ten days after the acceptance of said bid, execute the contract for the came with good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to furnish the forage proposed : In conformity to the terms of advertisement dated Do- ; sember 8,1883, tinder which the bid was made, and, in case the said - shall fail to enter into a contrast as : aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference be* ; tween the offer by the said ■ ■ and the next lowest ! responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. , . , , , witness: I Given under our hands and teals I this - day of ——lBB . [Seal.! CSeftU X hereby certify that, to ths,-best of »y knowledge and belief, the above-named guarantors are good and suffi cient as sureties for th# amount for whleh they offer to be security. ~ ■ — — ■■■-, To be certified by the United States District Attorney, j Coll eeter of Customs, or any other officer under the ; United States Government, or responsible psreon known 1 to this office. i All proposals received under «this advertisement will j be opened and examined at this office on Wednesday and Saturday of each week, at 12 M., Bidders are respectful- I ly Invited to be present at ths openingof bids, if they desire. D. H. RUCKER, dall.H Brigadier General and Qnmrtemaeter. LEGAL. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS the city and county of pkiladel- In the mstter of the Trust Estate of the Widow and Chil dren of THOMAS M. WILLING, under Deed of Trust Richard Willing, dated July 27, 1849, to Charles Wiiling, John Craig Miller, and Edward . 8. Willing, Trustees. The Auditor appointed by the Gourt to audit, settle, ard adjust the account of the above named Trustees, and to report distribution according to law and the terms of the Deed of Tru>t,hereby gives notice that he will at tend to the duties of his spoointmeut on MONDAY, March 28. 1&4, at 4 o'clock P. M.. at his office. S E corner SIXTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. mhl9-atuth6t P, W. O’BRIBW. A alitor. fjOURT OF COMMON PLEAS—JUNE ~ W^iVßilSOH 1, KVBBSONI bT her Sir : Please to take notice* that a subpoena baying been duly served npon youin. the above case, and 3 on having not appeared within twenty dats after the return day, the court appointed David Paul Brown. Jr , Exami ner. and the interrogation having been bled according to rule, the witnesses on behalf of tbe Libellant wii* bo beard before the said Examiner at bis office, No. 139 South FIFTH Street. Philadelphia, when and where may appear on the fifteenth day of APRIL, 1864, at. fonr o’clock P. M. Da VXD PAUL BRO WN, March 2i. 1864 Per Libellant. To Everson. Respondent above named. mh24-thidnBt* TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR - 1 - TBE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WILLIAM HBWRY BECK. The auditor appointed bv tbe court to auoit, settle, and SENkT PA or, BECK and JOHN T. MONTGOMERY, executors and trustees of WUiUm Henry Beck- deceased, and to report distribution or the balance in the hands of tbe accountant, will meet the fntei*€*ted. for the purposes of his appointment, on FRIDAY, April 8, 1864, at 4 o’clock F. M., at his office, southeast corner SIXTH and WAL3UJT Streets, in the city of Philadelphia. mh24-tbstu6t P- W. O’BRIEN, Auditor. TN THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS f- CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the aligned estate of THE SEAMEN'S SAVING FUND, of Philadelphia. The undesigned Master, appointed by the Coart to take proofs, and report upon the propriety of authorizing the a*signee to compromise a certain claim upon the Richmond and Schuytkill Pasrenger Railway Company, yUI raeet for the proposes of his said appointment on TUESDAY. April 6. ISSi. at 4 o'clock P. M., at hU office No 128 South SIXTH *treefc, where all parties interested are notified to appear. H. £. WALL ACS, mh22-tnthsfifc Master. TN THEfORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA- Estate of MARY ANN PETTIT, decreed. The Auditor appointed by tho court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ELIZABETH PETTIT, ad mim&tTatrSxC. T. A. of the estate of said deceased, and to report dislributton of the balance in the hands of the accountant, wiJl meet the parties interested forthepar pcsfB of his appointment ©nMONDAY, April 4th, 1864, at 4 o’clock P M.. At his office. No 529 VINE Street, in thecity of Philadelphia. BDW. B. CAMPBELL, mhzfrstuthgt* Auditor TTNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS- TRICT OP PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES. Pennsylvania oe THE easteen district op GREETING^ WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States In and for the Eastern District of rightly and duly proceeding on the several Libels filed in the name of the United States of America, hath de creed all persons In general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in thefollowing- named veseeieand cargoes respectively, to wit: The sloop BUF FALO, whereof Lewis Wringing is master. h*r tackle spparsl. and furniture, aod the cargo laden onboard thereof, captured by the bark Brszllera. under the com- Sr*T&r 0f Mas*er W. T. Gillespie? the schooner w * thereof -■is master, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, ai d laden on board thereof cad lured by the bntted StaUs bark Brazilera,uidcrcSm mand el Aetlztß Master IV T. Gilleepte; the slonp P3R fiSuF hers ° f )e master, her tackle, apnarai, and rnrnttnre, and the cargo ] oden on b aard thereof, captured by the united States steamer Ma.sachnsetts. under oom fl??' 1 Y olnn - t(wt Llentpnant West: the schooner fcILVAHUS. -whereof Higgins is ml-ter. her tackle, apparel, and ftirnltme, and the cargo laden on board then of. cap nred Iw the steamer Hnroa, nndertbe vpmnjand of Lieutenant Janie* H. Bak*r, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment at the time and place un derwritten, and to the effect hereafter exoreesed, (justice so requiring.) You are therefore charged ana strictly ec joined and commanded, that you omit not, but that av publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city ofPhil#u and in *\ e /' € ? al Intelligencer, yon do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily who have, or pretend to have' ciii e " in the said vessels, their ai l d furniture,. and their cargoes laden JOHN '-'i D-Wi e i o l'pv o H aE ,^ &T r sofa”!$ ofa ” ! the Honorable IT* *l?' w»DWAIjADER, the Judge of the said Court ih h ir£!E, | 0 S«y“Xr Cit U i c?fi’’n ajB „ i ; ; of hearing cantes o 'ttiTl n lia^ ~™ “1 °honra ■ ba n^jbrn) 8 S'?™'** thalr uVskh ap- ! thereof ehonldnoll;J^tl ihe,r car s°£ B laden en board ? of t WaStnJl 1 O?tb*o«. p a^ 111 l 5 ed t 0 g. at the time ' KtatS C SSd it *° *h« eaemie* of ths United vw of the ! r enemies or otherwise, liable ‘ demned J ai good^SdlS^r l ! oll * to te adjudged and con- ■ SS"2®‘ * jawful prizes; and further to do and fha* 1 3S«^iT.w!«?? iaA * as to Justice snail appertain. And ' or cause to be intimated, unto all . {hMA^mßAubf ß?l K ? ne ?ally t (to whom by the tenor of a l° '“timated,) that if they shall not 011 «/J i? aQ d place above mentioned,or appear a-reasonable and lawful cause to »in CO then said District Court doth intend and proceed to adjudication on the said capture. ** a * the said vessels, their tackle, *EE?I«r‘ ’ ure i their cargoes laden on board til iSSSF* a J the time of the capture of the If e * l tte United States of America, and or otherwise, liable and sub- n t d condemnation, to be adjudged and : P r lze, the absence, or rather contu- ' an d intimated in anywise r * nd that 7 on duly certify to the said with SSe praenVA 70 " Bhalf ' 4o la thepremises.togetier r„^2? ora J >I ?., JOHN CADWALADER, Judge S!. 1 .! s isnft a £ Philadelphia, this cwenty-flrst A -, D - J® 6l - hid 1« the eighty-eighth 7 rnl,™ st B lEdep «hSVEil?.^£?^ P n ny b ? a< ?» in * thereto one hand red fifp«"L t t I, w!^? olUr, - f< '> r “>epu lP o. a of extending By order of the Bond of Directors. O. W. CHltng, President. J. F. COTTBUfOBB, Socretary, ■ES.—IOO BBLS. IN mhrawt p Tin ea&T. £0 bftlf bhle, F»c> lea in vlneiar. Aleo, three* gallon and five-nllon ioa* do. Tor Baie by RHODES & WIJ.CTAM3. roh26 107 Srmth WA.TEU Strait M^™ L> he being, shad, *“*"* to *““«“ H.rrink ’* NewE “ ot » rt ' fortune Bay, aid Hallfai faSSbff *n£n£ &■ a “ d No ' l KOtoxes Herkimer County Cheeee. 4c. Id store and for tale by MtJRPHY A KOONS, l a ‘9~ tf Wo. 146 NORTH WHABVKd. QOTTON SAIL DUCK, AND CANVAS ! v of all uamlwrß sod fe»»nd« i las lofisir AiitV. i March 11.1864. HARRISBURG, ga FOR SALE— A VERY DESIRA -A- ble Country Seat, with 62 acres of Land, near Mill st™.FK™a r 'S2 the city. one-quarter mile from Se cond-street Hoad, two mUes from Oat Lane Station, on stone hoate and „?™ prlng bou6e ' mPh cave, Sc. B P GLENW. - mtll9 1»3 Sonth POOBTB Strait. FOR SALE—AN ' EXCELLENT 9 » acres. tb ? Media Bailroad, ton miles -TOi® e i ity * affording handsome sites for cottages. . • large number of farms in Delaware. well sittt ‘ B. F. GMSSN. South FOURTH Street T7LEOTBICITY.—WHAT IS LIFE MadleS l^rfrfS« HB '¥ , W ALLEN, aeaieu Aiectrieiftns. harlnj dissolved Bfirtnerahin thft Will be continued by THOB .A/CLiSf tSVoid established office,' Ho. 723 KortimiTHgSit between Coatee and Brown, where he will still treat and care all £?C&SR V&mSfiur ST a tralytic, without a shock or any nain.) with th a va. 1124 <““«LBBT ALL I)Rt?aQISTB- * TUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYBUP OE ” m ® dy - ‘■e«™u«*wk. ... i, * tii , couaa syrup, tie test Blood Purifier, the most efficient Invlrm-AtoT «? C V® i? r *.?* ~ofala offered to tbepub§t Bold by the pjoprletor. p. JUafBLLBr Uf ‘ 15a* HaBKBT Street, And all Dranisti. HihlO-Sm •'TAYLOR’S ARNICA OIL OR EMBRO CATION nmi fails to cava HheumaHsm, Ueurslsis Sprains, Chapped Hands, and Ml skfi TI7IOB antl by H. B? TAYLOB.DnugiBt.TBgTHAnd CALLOWHILL. ibM<£» QTJEEN OF BEAUTY. »««.j«?^.i preBeirTlß,C k tll % Oiimplexion it la the most ?^iaL°. mpoand 8,8 There Is neitner ™?}u n £ nesls. bismntn. nor talc in He com position, it beiijf composed entirely of para Virgin Wax • ■* ex«ra°rdintry qnalltiaß for preserving the Bkin. making It soft, emoota, fair, and transparent rt PJSj. I »the old appear young the homely handsome, the fett,™ 8 I!?’ 01 5 o lSWutlful. and themoat heantirnl divine Price 25 mJ to cents. Prepared only hy HtTHT & CO*' Pjrfumers. 41 Bonth BIOHTH Street, two doors above Chestnut, and 133 SonthISBVBNTH Street, above W 1 mhifl-3nr; § WRITTEN AN D VERBAL DE. scsiPTipH8 nf(Th»rocer, Consutntlon. and T» J«»t, with ADVICE on Bnulneo!., Healti tiOB, S*iMmprovflment, Manaaomen. and jahlD-stnUi Wo as B P TgNTH*Btt B at. a >h°°^n 9 fe-, t Fireboard Stoves? *rs, Cooking Stoves, &iT at wSmYcS? 1 ® Pl * taB - BroU*. the maDU/acturera, Wholesale and retail, by CHiSS. SHARPS. A THOMSON He. 5400 N SACOSO s?^ 4i mh.l*tnths6ra AUCTIOJI SABBS. TOHN B. MYEBS ft U BESS, Roe. 23* and 83* MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE o OF s BOOTS AND SHOKS. We Invite theearljr . ttention of P““ il^”|, to brolanff bsfss'“ssj-irLlifcases, 1 if cases, forning a prime and fre:h assortment, to be p remptorily sold by catalogue, on four moot os cred , commencing this morning at 10 o'clock precisely. ____ LARGE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, RROGAN3, ABHY GOODS, AC. . . . , JOTICE. —Included In our sale of boots, shoes, straw goods, Ac.. to be beld on TUESDAY MORNING. March 99. AtlO o’clock,nill be found in part the following prime and fresh goods, to be sold without reserve, comprising, in part: lien’s fine calf congress boots and shoes: men’s 'and boys’calf and kip brogans; men’s fine patent leather boots and shoes; men’s and women’s gaiter do; long legged grain boots; high-cut military shoes; youth’s half welt kip boots; men’s do; women's and misses’ goat balmoral boots: morocco boots; fine city-made kid welt buskins: ladies’ gaiter boots: hid R.E. ties: colored and bl ack lasting buskins; men’s fife city- made calf, morocco, and kid boots; men’s pomp sole grain boots; men’s buff leather pump boots; men’6 pump sole calf boots; do seal Tramn sole boots • women’s lined ana bound boots: youths’ kin broc&ns: misses 7 train ties: misses’ grain buskins; vYiViaW snrlng-heel grain lace boots; women's train lace SSff women’s grSln ties: boys’ kip broras; misses’ dazed morocco boots: men s half weit calf do; youths calf do: children's brokane; cavalry boots: travelling bags: straw gocds, Ac. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1,100 PACKAGES BOOTS, SHOES, ARtfF GOODS. Ac. ON TUESDAY MORNING, March 29th, at 10 o’clock- will be Bold by catalogue. without reserve, on four months credit, *'2s? packages boots, shoes, brogans, cavalry boots.ikc.em bracing a prime and fresh assortment of desirable art! cles for men. women, and children, of city and Eastern m N° n &—Samples, with catalogues, early on the morn ing * f tale. 1 LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF EUROPEAN. INDIA, AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, Ac. _ We will hold a large sale of British. German. French, and American Dry Gobds, by catalogne. on four months’ credit and part for cash. On THURSDAY MORNING, March Sisk, commencing at precisely 16 o’alock. com- Prising 750 PACKAGES AND LOTS ■' of British, German, French, India, and American dry goods, embracing a large, full, and fresh assortment of : woolen, worsted, linen, cotton, and silk goods for city ; and country sales. .... , . . H. B.—Samples of the eamewillbe arranged for ei ! animation, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale, when dealers will find it to tbelr Interest to attend, ; LARGS POSITIVE SALE OF FRS'H SPRING AND SUMMER FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DR2 GOODS. HOSIERY, AC ... t . NOTICE —lncluded in our sale of imported an l Ame rican dry goods. to be held on THURSDAY MORNING, March 31st, at 10 o’clock, to be sold without reserve, by catalogue, on four months’credit and foreaflh—viz: catalogue,© AMEttI(UN GOODU. packages Wamuntta and Tuucorara muslins. packages 10 to 12 4 i-heetlcgH. package: book and other make muslins. 30 bales b'aslnaw 4-4 brown shirtings. bales iudlgo blue denims. bales 4-4 Exeter and Atlantic brown sheetings. boles 3-4 Atlantic and Pocnsset sheetings, bales heavy indigo bine tickings. bales heavy bleb or? shirting*. bales blue Beverlv.iwil s cases colored and b l sck cambric*. cases brown end bleasfaed rnuelln*. —cases Manchester . _ ~ cases Utica, Brunswick, and Great Falls prints. cases Saxony ihnneJs. cases Plain and fsno? satlßets. case* Kentucky jeans and msshames ca£iineT*«. TO DLOTBIKKE-TAILOfHNG GOODS. 325 PIECES. -Also, onTbtfUSDAY, Miron 81st; , 1T pieces Fiooch biaek and colored cloths, pieces tpring color melton*. pieces mixed Raglan cloth* pieces black and colored Unit o cloths. pieces black French dogskin*. pieces black and fancy caselmerea. pieces black drap d’ete pieces Italian cloths and alpacas. Also, a stock of dry goods for cash. FRENCH. BRITISH, AND GERMAN DRY GOODS,— Also, on THURSDAY, March Slat: packages Saxony dress goods. packages printed lawns and jaoonets. packages French shirting prints packages black and colored alpacas. packages lavellas and bareges. pieces black gros do rhine*. pieces bl ack gros grain taffetas. p]» ces colored gros de Naples and mousseHnes. Also, silk ties and handkerchief*, rewing silks-veils, suspenders, travelling shirts, hosiery, pearl battons, hoipand balmoral skirts, fancy articles. Ae. 1 SALE OF LINEN GOODS. Included in sale on THURSDAY. March 31st, will be found— A foil line damask table cloths, all sizes and best qua lities for city Bales. pcs 4- 4 shirting linens. pea drills and bley linens, pcs crash and towels, peadamask and diapers, sheetings, linen cambric hdkfe, Ac., Ac MELTONS, HOSIERY, AND GLOVES. Included in sale of THURSDAY, March 31st, 2(0 pc* meltons, choice colors. Uozen cotton hosiery and gloves. SALE OF CARPETING®, MsTTIYGS, Ac. ON FRIDAY MORNING, April 1. At precisely 10K o clock, will be sold without reserve, by catalogue, on four months’ credit, an assortment of Brussel’s three-ply, superfine, and fine ingrain, Vene tian, hemp, and rag carpetir gs. white and red check Can ton matting, Ac. which may be examined early on the the morning of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH. INDIA, GERMAN. AND BRITISH DRY GOODS. Ac . FOR SPRINGE SALES. a. _ • ON MONDAY MORNING, April 4tb. at 10 o’clock, will be sold, by catalogue, on four months’crertit. about *»so Packages and lots Of French, India, German and British dry goods, Ac . embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and atap.e articles in silk, worsted, woolen, and cotton fabrics. N. B —Samples of the same will be arranged for exa mir alien, with catalogues, early on the morning of the gale, when dealers will find it to th*ir interest to attend NOR SALK AND TO LET. fjl FOR SALE—A VERY DESlRA 'SSvyk'Ftis rosidanca of the lite Dr. JACOB SHAEPLESB. deceased, with Eighteen-Acres of ■uperior Land attachod. It is equated in the boroath of BOw2?GToWIf, Chester coanty, within ten minutes walk of the Chester Valley and Pennsylvania Eallroad Stations, at which all trains stop. Tie Dwell* ™s « Tory eleces Saxony black aud rv h ] I alphas. pofllßß. ronbpix. doth,; c ,V>V t Dr* wn and bleachrd ahmtugs, Al I 3.0(0 shawls, black, mode and hi*),, , 3.000 Pails black.mode, thlbet fancy barege, Mozambique, and wooi’bR 1 v, _ A large invoice or linen table i: cambrlcbandkercble's. etc. '" a,:, 1 SALE OF IMPORTED AND "OWEs-nr. f On TUBBDAY MOBNINQ,mI .1 »f,'L At 10 o'clock, on 4 month. credit: '».-'I 600 package*aid lo'sof fancy and b>.„, " ALFACAB, MOHAIRS, 7 cares mode brown ana tan alp&ca« s 2 cases Alexandra cloths. 4 cases Manchester gingham*, tmwf damask table cloths, An invoice of — super mow ana drop linen, aam&M,- 8-4 to 12-4 linen tible cloths. 600 CARTONS REBBoxc ' On TUESDAY. s 600 cartons Nos. 4®Bo plain and blacV « sole ribbons __ BLACK BILK VELVET RTRtw cartons Nos.- Ik to 20 black *ilk SAXONY BLACK AND WHITE CHRr?- r V TRADE. \ ON TUESDAY. Case 4 paper quality Saxony black a-,, all wool filling cases super quality crepe checks cases Roper quality Jacquard . SALE OF3.UTO FaJUS BI.ACK ASD Prvi.' 1 ti AND MOUSSELINE DE LAIVIJ t aL:}'.’'?.! SHAWLS: FANCY SaTIN.BORD£r\AV AND OHALLY SHAWLS. u * 8 il.?| ON TUESDAY 12-4 and 14 4 Paris black jind coioreH t l bDE and wool fringes. rca “fc;> 12-4 and 14 4moos. de lain© fine q Q at« ( t ' long shawls. t , kty Vi 14-4 new style Paris fancy McnuiUm,, . 34 ; 4 new style satin and broeke silk h f ,'r-* 14-4 all-wool plaid shawls. ” BALMORALS. SHAWLS ANn er, On TUESDAY, s "si 2 cases large-size balmorals. I wool fringes Paris black lalne;. I pla*d wool ehan Is. ,B 24 and 39 ineb heavy black grog and bales bleached andbrowai;. I Also, heavy double and twist cottona ' April Ist. at 10 o’clock, on f.ij m?J*v , packages and lets of fancy and FreicSfffi,." 1 SALS OP 1.200 CARTONS POULT nr ie,. „ KIBBOS^su d p e /r%^ April let. at 10 H. B.I—Particulars 1 —Particulars htwi.” m o«tße orals A N O O A STIPwARNOfiF TIONEERS, N 0.540 MARKS eTr^ 1 SPECIAL POSITIVE SALE OF vim, „ CASES STRAW GOODS,BY CAT?ro-«^ „ On WEDNESDAY K»h A sftt° Commencing at H o'clock preSsefi? r„7. 4 found a full line of lHffies’bonnets of shape, of medium and floe rolit '; r i w ?'” ( V : hair. Nespolitan aid colored straws *? d i'' new eh ape farcy hats, for ladle”,S«, colored and white palm hood., hits 1- * LAEOE POSITIVE SALE OF TSO LOTS on AND 111POBTSD DKT GOODS HILUo*' 1 ' BERT, WBITK GOODS ta B J 01& - On WEDNESDAY MORNING CommenclK* at 10 o'clock preci.ely'comu-VV :: ral assortment or seasonable aid deriVahTni pHIUP FORD A 00., AUOTI-v'? * M» MARKET aad Ana COMaßaosVt .*'] LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1.030 CASES Bl'-j M , onthdesdai morning March 3M, at 10 o’clock precisely, will L* «,v !h5i U «’ * ,r ca>-h, l. COO easesmen's.hoys', aody..'- kip, and grain boots, brogans. balmoral* crv.:'- J®** woman’s, mimes’. and children’s boot- >v : ? -als, gaiters, Ac., comprising a general £i)io; s J moSSagof t^a. mlnlltl ° a ' With ««ll TJY SCOTT & STEWART, ' "■ auctiobebeb and commission msu-, 633 CHESTNUT St. and 015 SANStik;? GREAT SALE OP UNCLAIMED EXPRSSS-COv: packages. ... .... ON THURSDAY MORNING, April 2Sth, at 10 o deck. at our sates rooms y Cksstont street, and Gl5 Sansom street, w’ } Comwdes-viTf 4 <)f the foIIOWM I: Howard A Co’s Express, Barnden’s ExpreiSTand Howard Express Company> EN- LARGE SPECIAL SALE OF I.COO CASES * T ' ■' GOOD-4. . OVJjnVAY MORNING NBaYT; April let, »t 10 o’clock prechely, the finest a-> " ever oftered in this market, ccmprUung ladies' *- ; es bonnets of new and fashion -ibis should delay their purchases for this sale. wm ‘SCOTT A STB WART, AUCTIONEERS, WIU give their personal attention to sale* v wares, of all description?, TURK of parties removing or breaking up Honsi ing,on the premtaeß of the owners, or at thoir-% KiS?i 1 5JKJ 3 £ LBS,BOOM ®» Nos. ohes??;: 615 SANSOM Streets, UY HENRY P. WOLBEST, " m AUCTIONEER, Me. *O3 MARKET Street Sooth Side, abort S«jii STOCK or A COUNTRY STOKsV .. ,„ ON WEDNESDAY MORSING, March SOtb, at 10 o’clock, will be sold a stock n— lug olotbe, caeelmeres, clotbJnjt, drate and tor- Koode, skirts, ehawls, trimmtnts, hardware, jewelry, he., Ac. Dry Goode, Trimmings, Notions, 4c. i- MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY Morsist.: mencingat in o’clock. M THOMAS & SONS, ] *O3. 139 p.nd 141 South FOUSTR Sr* _^ANU;—6|desof Seal Estate, Stock', *r itifil CHANGE EVERY TUESDAY. PsmuUet imJ each Saturday previous. 1 NB* FURNITURE at Auction Store THUKSCj IS | BEAL ESTATE AND STO’KS, S9th MAKCH-iIJ L IRGB PEBBtiPTORY SALE. 1 „ Tuesday NEXT. I 29th iijßlj, at 12 o’clock. at the 3xchange. on* p\ largest this reason, comprising several valca:-1 J Lots, estate of George Esher, Twenty.first Wiiritofl ty" B |3c acres, opposite Pirtof the earee estate »}llJ October): the Estate of A. Raffmer (also Cky Lr i7 acres, Twenty-firat and Tirenty.thlrd Wards: SrJ of Lydia Hart, comprising first-class Marmot street -J Arch*street Stores and Dwellings; a large amossc other valuable cits Property, and the 45,111 acres ?d eylvania Lands. to be sold peremptorily. Tali tea clone In pamphlet catalogues. cmj-TiTrtti IGO Cheetnnt street j PDENn-DEK, MANTEL AND P!K.«- BOBS. PIANO. PINE CARPETS, GHAEOELISKiti , „ ,9„ N TUBSDAT MOBBING, f April fith, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1110 Chestnut «o*r:I catalogue, the entire parlor, dining-room, aotlcfcaoV furniture. fine hair .matrasses, feather beds, Ac. k& the kitchen n^eneSJe- JftrMay be examined at 8 o'clock on morning c.ii j Ho. 2208 Cheatnnfc street. SUPRBIOR FDKWI7URB. G AS-FIXTURES, IMPS& CARPET ■«. Ac. * a OIJ TDEsDAT MORNING, ,29th Inst, at -10 o clock, by catalogue, at t Chestnut t treet, the superior furniture, xas-fixisr?:- peiial carpets, plated-ware, *c. * be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning &’ “ ci„>m>Tr,J al 4!.K?i,J 4< P£ rortll Eleventh street. SDPEKIOB FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD PIANO, ' PESTKJ CARPETS. &0. „ , „ON WEISESDAY morning, ,*>■»s. IP o’clock, at No. 1102 North Slew street, below Jefferson street, the superior faraitr.rc.: tonca rosewood pianoforte, seven octaves: fine carpets, Ac. May be examined, with catalogues, at 5 o cl: on the morning of the sale. SALE OF HAHE, VALUABLE. *WD ELEGANT BOiS m, O°WBONESDAYaPTBRN oO N, March to. . cliv iunlS - P r i Tate , : Library of a gentleman o! := lch ,?, l !' :lniic ' choice and elegant London u of I hfam?fi?? itio 3 “ desirable authors; also, a ' ; -' 1 fine bindings d piclorlal works, the chief portite Aleo. book cases, fine engravings, Ac. <;npPKi o Ao a W,'l'i r M?, n !l l4l South Fourth street. _ . SUPERIOR FUhNITUKE. PIANO. ROSEWOOD ili> MONIDM, FINE. CARPETS, Ac. ; A»aoWo.t O: ?,v HDE ?. DAY MORHI&G. , 0 clock, at the auction etore: also, a large V- and chamber furniture, also »■ «« Fo, Ac machi, “ e, - aIBO 2 kettle drums, bass vioUss-- fl YtLVhifCA F ]^h4sf^® al^ljtE ™^ : PliKo ' At».ii i.* .* FRIDAY MORNING, cntSnJiJfNvi 10 o'clock, at No 2C09 Walnut street-M ’v.i4 9 *^ tlte furniture, including suit* of hia* aome W&lnut and green plneh drawing-room furniw* htndßome mantel mirror, 84x50, piano, fine velvet & utensfl° Ptri ° r ckwttker fttmuure, &c. Also, the hire** 1 May be examined on morning of sale at 5 o'ct-^H AUCTION SALE OE CONDEMNED “■ HORSES. War Dbpaktme2t t , Cavalbt Bubeap» Omos of Chief Quartbrmastf*., i. ~Washington, D.O, FebraarylP, I 1 ?* *° ld ?* Public auction, to the highest Midi?- *l} WflSf datc S^ a P 6d beW. viz: ‘ 'iJ Penaa * • Horses, Friday, 4th March •„„ M«ch VmiainsPo,t ’ Pon3ia -' 300 Horses, Tuesdsr. W }!ii!rc™?!l, , } a t! 300 Horses, Friday, 11th Mar«V Xarch. 6W BrnMwlok » s - J » 900 Howes, Ta«d». a!^Sloji.Pmuii., 800Horses,FridayISfch March. . % J»» 300 Horses, Tuesday, 22d March- At * 300 ®2E?*U Friday* 25 th Mar A Marc^ 11S b te ‘ Penna - 300 dorses. Tueaday. 39th CnaSit A^T q condemned as unfit for SW cavalry aerylce of the United States Armv bo F had. oftd and fcrm BMWW many gwf I Watle* eif Horses Will be sold singly, sold. 9 * e<£ nat 10 A ‘ M - “R continue dally till sU «• Terms Cash, In United States Treasnry Notes only. fe22-tmh29 Chief Qnarternmilteri'caTOiiT^tur'cM- shipping. BOSTON AND PHILADK^ omc«. Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. The steamship SAXON, cant. Matthews, will -al' .W® o’cwi eJ . pl li a for JBostnn on Aprill i’ w at OBe-ielfttt. sremluni «hir»i Freights taken at fair rates. lidiidt w?"thri?g“^di‘° ai » Itesclst 4 aid Apply to* 1 ** 1 * or riu **' ins at»oniinod* !lijes HIM fBdST WINSOB a op - . South DELAWARE Avb«o* STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVES' hor.) The fteeeastown, (Cork B*S YorS.a-a SUameraof the LlTamool. *•? »d to call M folii?w, I ? I,a BUa ®M*lP Company are mt«*‘ CITY 8f Satardar, SS; {»IS" 1 §BB B°o. ft ssr Is *^*ss* cabta.« alfl XU WALVUT Streak.Pbiiad^lii MOBOAN, 088, & 00., STEAM *■£' BUILDERS. Iren Founderb. mAStullli ■ssffflfisysar Mak9 “ w °- ,ait *