koial notioes. /s Honbt Soap. ,rated TOILIST SOAP, lit encli nnITWUI de- 4 from the CHOICIST materials, Is MILD ,lENT In It* nature, FfiAGRAHTLY SCJSHT RKMKLY BSHBFICIiLin lu wUon npou sale by all DxtukUls and Fancy Good* jaSMnfthslF Hiawatha Hair Brstobattts -1 HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE, i HIAWATHA HaIR RESTOKaTI?R HIAWATHA HAIR HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. iw’» Poem Hiawatha was adjudged to have ■ f.atnnt boon on bie tribe because h# , «orn. Kvarr one will admit that ,a is worthy of tie name, for the benefits a it la known* [AT TAB HIAW ITHA D0B8» ided and gray hair and whiskers to theli It brines up the natural shading of out ithar, thus giving the hair a perftet life ftp hat the most critical observer cannot ds jaaies harsh hair soft and silky, stops its . eieeuees it and the scalp from all Impurities, iaa readily applied and wiped from the akin as any hair UasiziE' and entirely overcomes the had effects of pre loue nee of preparations containing sulphur, sugar ol [sd- Ac | The proprietors ol the Hiawatha published the follow er challenge to teat in the Row York dallies three reeks. Which WAB HBYEE ACCEPTED: Let florae well known and (itslnterested parsons an oint one to the proprietor of each preparation for the air to bring ap the color. Every proprietor to nae no iing hat his own preparation, and the person nothing ue during the leal. A certificate of the remit to be idely published at the expense of the nnenccesefol com letitors. told everywhere. JOSEPH HOYT S CO., mhis-lr 10 University Place. Hew Yota. Ham Dnl Haib jjmii BATOHXLOX’B ealehrated Haib ors u be World. Tha only Barmicet, True, ana NeliaUt >VC known. This aplandld Hair Dye is porfMt-ehaagt* lad, Xnatr, or Gray Hair. Instantly to a alosnr Sic to} r Natural Brown, without InJnrln* the Hair or etain nun. leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; |jb« «xt> frash vitality, frequently restoring Its pristUt olol* and raetile* the 111 effects of had Byes. Th* ynutee Is slanad Wn.T.lAlt A. BaTOHBLOI; til Olfctlt in man imitations, and should be avoldtiL Sold by 11 Brudiets. A*. FACTORY. 81 BARCLAY Btratir lew York. Batefcalor’a maw Toilet Craua tor Drwln * 1y29-ly One Prio* Clothing, of the Latbsi STTJrBSe made 1m tbe Beat Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Iflcone. All Goode made to Order warranted satisfies* cory. Our Om-Pbiob Ststm is strictly adhered to All are thereby treated alike. dsSS-ly JONES * CO.. 004 MARKET Street fjncs & (Jo’s Mason HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS. STBCK A 00.* SEVENTH ;Thb PoptrLA* Clothing H “OAK HALL.” Best-class foods and mode? WANAMAKK 8. B- comer BIRTH and (ScstotaPapartment (to make to orde; NVHEELBK Street, below EIGHTH, will he con»ec;ated THIS MORNING at 11 o’clock. Sixth-street cars pass very near the Church. It* OFFICE BE4VER UEdDOW K?* BAfLROAfc AtTD COAL OoMPABY, Phila delphia, March 53.1834 —A Quarterly Dividend of two and a half per c»nt on the capital stock of this Company ha» been declared this day. payable on and after Thurs day, April 7th. L. CHAMBERLAIN. Treasurer, mb29 6t* NOTICE -THE SUBSCRIBERS taye tills day entered into Parraersnip, under the Firm or HOLLIWsHSAD & OR AVfiS. f> the pur pose of tranFB cling the business of Insurance Agency, Brokerage, and Adjusting FoRMAtf P. HOLLINBHEAD. WILLIAM H. GRaYES. REDt T CTIOJB IH TUB PiUC£ OF COE£.—in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Trustee*, passed on it© 25th instant, the price of Coke frcm the Mar? et-street and Sprint Garden Work* has teen reduced to 10 cents per bushel, and from the Point Breeze and Hanaynnk Works to 9 cents ■per bushel. JOB N C. CREsSON, Chief Engineer. Philadelphia Gas Works. March 28. 1864. mh29 1m BIRO'S BILLURD SALOON, iOfc No 609 GdKbTNCF v Birefit. Philadelphia On WEDNESDAY. the SOtii inst.. the Receipts of the above establishment will be appropriated totne Saul-ary Talr. The public in , to*e.her with my name* rous friends, are respectfully invited to call on'be above occasion. In order to aesnt me in facilitating the coni' forts of our brave soldiers, who are now defending oar glorious Sag in the field. lt» CHRISTI IST BIRD. THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR,.— W&* Office of the Committee on '* Labor Incomes and BevenneH," No. lib South SEVENTH Stieet, Phila delphia The underoigsed will be at the office as above TO D>Y. from 10 to 4, to furnish information and receive subscriptions* JOHN W. CL AG HORN. Treasurer. SubserlpHoee and remittances by mail daily acknow lodged in the Philadelphia newspapers. mh.l9 Im yjg> OFFICE OF .THE GREAT CESf tral faik for the sahitaßY contfis- SlON—Philadelphia. 1307 Chestnut street, Match, 1864-—The Committee on Finance ana Donations of the Great Central Fair appeal f>?r contribution! in MP3BY to (note Of iheir fellow-citizens who do not propone sending to the Fair the p:ocuet* of their shill ana indus try. By far the lai ger por.ion of the money received on. thecccasion of the Fairs held for the benefit of the Sani tary Commission in Cincinnati, Boston, and Brooklyn, was derived from direct donations In CASH, and not from the proceeds of the sale of a* tides exposed. What the Sanitary Commission n?eds to afford relief »o the sick and grounded soldiers is money, m large amounts and from all eouTees We call, then. Upon ail bankers, Cor porations, capitalists, persons living upon Incomes, pro fessional or otherwise; in sho>t, upon all who will not he represented in the -air by their productions, to imi tate the example of tho.-e who will, and to contribute liberally in honey for this neat object In New York, although their F*lr is noi to bs held for two weeks, con tributions cf more than $200,000 in cash hare been already received, a single depart nent of trade, that of dry geode, havieg male up iao»e than half that SO®. 'Brooklynand Cincinnati hare each cnntribdtxi as much In money, and certainly the wealth, liberality, and Patriotism of Philadelphia can hardly be considered as lean conspicuous than ihat of these communities Con tributions Will be thankfally received by any of the The Committee AB. BORIS. Chairman, S. A. MERC3R, SAMUEL WaLSH, THOMAS SPARKS, A. J, ANTtiLO, GAT.VB COPS. JOHN T LEWIS. THOMAB KI4LBER. Jr., JAY COOKE. It W. CLARK, WM. C KE3T, E. C. KNIGHT. Bh2B-6lAmwtf OFFICE OP THE CONNECTICUT Mu-INu Co3£i\S?f*\ 4:08 WALLOP StreM. . . Pii n,adhlpbia. Starch 24.156 i At amsfeti-cR of the'Exevutivß Committee of the Con cectietit Mining Comma's, held THIS DAY. C. R. JtUU.BE EfCj was elected president, to fill the vacancy the d'Sath c-f tb* lat» president. Geo. J. West. *nh2B»2'.* R. 0. LO y?RY, Assistant Secretary. MoJit T ME MX CEMETEHY --YO- Tlu.fi —au of bIXTJt CESTdoneach vJL~. e T ery l* ot i“ the Cemetery (not heretofore exempted he dee »nd payable at the 013 .;9 of 11l SonhelSrH Street, on thehrat a “toi AVSLLn^jtt The of FOUR DOLLARS AND FOKTYCSaFTS any 041 e- Lot, trsetbtrj- with the &fseasm-nts note dttO, s££??? “« taxation or assess meat for* If mm Paid beiore the firet day of April next. i3lf.tlL .fll!; that i 1?!?. the assessment then falling due ■““ton paid in addition. _mh2l.tapl . B. TATLOB. Secretary. JSOTICHS TO STOCKBOLD BUS TOmobit ai? * Baoa l MfeeuoK of tile Stockholders of tha *OK C n. I S S f! H I k¥ >AD COMfiHT will be held «a S w?it? , i t v! 4!ll4ly « r *Prtl- ISM. at 12 O'clock M., waifcmju 111 ' at 08 °® tB of the Pennsylvania Uail - nsiectioii for President ud Directors will be ~v?S m ? day and Place. -g- M9 l« _ JOSEPH LESLEY. Secretary PHILADEI PHIA ARO RB4DIMG COM Pa fly, Office &&7 South Street. FhiiiadsijPhia. March. 21. 1854. PaaVTfi 4det «® t l ™ l the holders olcoupon* of thtaCton •ffSl* do ? on tbe 1«* proximo, are requested to !««▼* £7.®*? &t this office on or before the 31st install. when ra- StetM u'i* v e4u ?fi B K. Uu:B9 J p ® r . c » nt f°H?£w4 awiSt tt , nS checks, will be read* fop dellverydll rnlSi P i£ Ollmo - 111 exchange for said receipts. oa ‘ at 81 8. BfiAMOBD. Treaatuw. CrKOAGE THOMPSON, The Orator of Freedom, the dlatlnguiahed eoadlntor of John Bright and Richard Cobden in the defence of Ante* rlcan Institutions, trill, by tnTltatlon, deliver AN AD PBESB. in the ACADEMY OP MUSIC, on. MONDAY EVENING, the 4th of April, at 8 o’clock—the net pro ceeds to go to the benefit of the COOPER-SHOP and UNION rbfbbshmbnt saloons Subject-" AN ENGLISHMAN’S PLEA FOR DEMO CRATIC FREEDOM. ” Admlmlon. 25 cents. Secured rests, SO cents—to be had at - THE UNION LEAGUE. NATIONAL UNION CLUB. SUPERVISORY COHMITTEERO!>MS,No. 1210 Cheat nut street ' PUGH’S, corner of Sixth, and Chestnut streets. AHTI- SLAVERY BOOHS. Tenth street, above Arch* REFRESHMENT SALOONS, and at the BOX OFFICE OF THE ACADBMY. , mb2B-6t Py- AMERICAN ACADKMV OB’ MUSIC. This will lie the only opportunity to hear Mr. Beecher tie present season. AdznUeion 25 cents. Reserved seats 50 cet ts. Tickets for sale at ASHMBAD A EVANS’, m CHEST NUT Streets mh2B6t* THE GETTYSBURG BATTLE TO LOYAL PENNSYLVANIANS, The “GETTYSBURG BATTLEFIELD MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION ” was instituted for the purpose of se curing forever the principal points upon the great battl.-fleld of the war. In the exact condition in which they were left is July, 1863, when the rebel hordes o. the invader Iks were driven back from the free soil of Pennsylvania, and when the the gallant Boldiera of General Heads remained in possession of the field which they hsd won by their valor. The Association have already secured the purchase of Cemetery Hill, Gulp’s Bill. Geahite Spur, and Round Top, with the entrenchments thrown up just upon the eve of the great conflict which was the turning point in the career of the rebellion. The field, With Us redoubts, wonderful stone defences, its timber breast-works. Its forest heights, with the trees torn by shells and countless bullets, and lu long lines of earthwork defences, have all been pre served intact, and to so continue to preserve them, as to be a monument lorevcr of the greatest of American battle-fields, is the object of the formation of the Asso ciation To enable a large number of persona to join in this patriotic work, the projectors of the plan placed the subscriptions at ten dollars each. The payment of this STlin MAKES EACH SUBSCRIBER A MEMBER OP THE ASSO CIATION, AND PART OWNER OP TUB GLORIOUS PIELD OP Gettysburg. - «... What Loyal and Patriotic Gltixen of Pennsylvania would sot gladly embrace the privilege of recording hie name upon this roll of honor, and of linking himself di rectly with the-field where the lofty heroism of hfe countrymen vindicated the integrity of the Union and the principles of Freedom? And who would not desire 3o hand down as a preelous heir-loom to his children the evidence of his part in the good work, bearing, as the certificate will, a view of thefield which will rank in hittory with Therhopyls, Marathon, and Waterloo t Pianos. pianos. . X. GOULD, and CHESTNUT. [ohsb of Phila., rate prlee*. ;r ft BROWN. L MARKET Street*. ir)Ne. IS Sixth*! AVE COMMENCED id Summer Stock of MOURN- English Bombazines, French Bombazines, Sommer Bombazines, Ohally. Mousselanes, Tamises, White Foulards, &«. MOURNING STORK, >. 918 CHESTNUT Street OF ENGLAND, REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER, "POWBR-THE LAW op ITS DISTRIBUTION." THURSDAY, march 31st* at 8 o’clock. FIELD MEMORIAL. AN APPEAL There are no salaried officers in this Association, nor are the*e any objects in view in ite creation other than these already stated. The grounds were purchased from their oiigiial owners at the exact price to be paid for them by the Association, and the points seleeted.and the prices to be paid for them, met the unqualified ap proval of a committee of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, appointed for the purpose of visiting the field. The following are the names of the general officers of the Association, and of the Local Committee in Phila* delphia: OFFICERS. Hon. JOSEPH R. INGRBSOLL* Chairman Provisional Committee. Rev Dr 8. 8- SCHMUCREB Vice Chairman. " Rev. J. ZIEGLER, Vice Chairman. T- X> CARSON 'Treasurer D. McCONaUGHY. Secretary. LOCAL COMMITTEE—PHILADELPHIA. HENRY C. CAREY. Chairman. Edmund A Bonder, Henry C. Baird* Treasurer. Secretary. 6. A Mercer, Prof H. Coppee, Bf. B- Browne, Dr. D. Gilbert. J. G. Fell, George H. Boker, Charles E. Smith, James L. Claghorn* 6. M Felton. Edward W. Clark, W. H. Ashhurst, Rev E W. Hntter, Jay Cooke, Hon. William Strong, Chaa. J. Stills, Ferdinand J Dreer, A. J. Drexe}* John A McAllister, Oswald Thompson, Geo. W. Childs. George K Ziegler, John H. Dohnert, J. B Lippincoit, Morton MeUichael, William Bradford, W. W. Harding, Aubrey H. Smith, Gibson Peacock, John w. Forney, John O. James* Solomon W. Roberts, Morton F. Henry, George F. Lee, Daniel Dougherty. Persons who are desirous of adding in this patriotic work can send their subscriptions to either of the gentlemen named above, and they will receive their Certificates of Stock, BY ORDER OF THE PHILADELPHIA COMMITTEE. mhl()-thstu9t . U S. INTERNAL RUVBffUE AQs Becond Collection District of Pennsylvania, com prising First, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth wards of the city of Philadelphia. NOTICE. The annual assessment for 1863, for the above-named district, of person* liable ton tax on Carriages, Pleasure Y achis* Billiard. Table?, and Gold and Silver Plate, and alto of persona required to take out licenses, having bean completed, HOMOE Ig HEHEBT GIVE* That the taxes aforesaid will be received daily by the undersigned, between the hours of 9 A. H and 3 P.M., (Sundays excepted.) at his office, southwest corner of THIRD and WALNUT Streets, on and after MONDAY, the 7th Inst , and until and including SATURDAY, the All persons who foil to pay their annual taxes upon Carriages. Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold or Silver Plate, on or before the aforesaid 2d day of April, 1864, will incur a penalty of ten-per centum additional of 'the amount thereof, and be lie ole to costs, as provided ’ for In the 19th section of the excise law of Ist July. 1882. All. pen one who in tike manner » hall fail to take out their licenses &b required by law. on or before the 2d day of April, 1861, will incur a penalty of ten per centum ad ditional of the amount thereof, and be subject to a pro secution for three times the amount of said tax, lu ac cordance with the provisions of the 69th section of the law aforesaid. . _ . . , , ™ All payments are required to be made iu Treasury Notes under authority of the United States, or in notes of Banks organized under the act to provide a na tional currency, known aB National Sanke. No frnther notice will be given- „ „ t JOHN H. DIEHL, Collector. mh7 24t B.W. cor. THIRD and WALNUT Bt«. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA (DEPARTMENT OP ARTS).—The Examination of the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman Classes, at the close of the Second Term, 'will be held in the following order t MONDAY, March 21st. —From ft to 11, Juniors* by Professor Kendall (Differential Calculus), and Sopho mores, by Professor Frazer (Chemistry of the Metalloids), written. From 11 to 1, Freshmen, by Professor Alien (Herodotus), oral. _ . . TUESDAY, 22d.—From 9 to 11, Sophomores (Trigo nometry). and Freshmen (Algebra), by Professor Kan dau, written. From uto 1, Juniors, by the Provost (Intellectual Philosophy), oral. WEDNESDAY, 23d. —From 9 to 11. Junior* (Juvenal), and Sophomores (Cicero de fienectute),by Professor Jack son. written. From 11 to 1, Freshmen. by Professor Cop p£e(HbtoryLoral. . _ , THURSDAY, 24th.—From 9 to 11, Juniors, by Profes sor Frazer (Dynamics), oral. From 11 to 1, Sophomores, by Professor Allen (Thucydides), oral TUESDAY, 29th —From atoll. Juniors. t>TPr>fe*sor Allen (Demosthenes), oral From 11 to 1, Sophomores, by Professor Coupee (Logic), oral. „ . . WEDNESDAY. 30th.—From 9to 11, Freshmen, by Pro fessor Jackson (Horace’s Satires), oral. GEORGE ALLEN. roh2l»9t Secretary of the Faculty of Arts, MW PHILADELPHIA MUTUAL REAL |C> ESTATE ASSOCIATION.—The Committee ap pointed to wind np the affairs of this Association notify those barring fully-paid Stock to present their Certifi cates, with receipt, at the Office of BL fcCHREINBR, NOBLE Street, above Ninth, on or before the Ist day of APRIL next. H. VAN BY IL, B. SCHREINER. ALLAN W. RICHARDS, JaB-ftn3m* Committee. OFFICE OF THE PfIILADEIr PHI A, GERMANTOWN, IND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY.— Philadelphia. March 10, 1864 —The Board of Managers have this, day declared a dividend of fonr per cent on the capital stock, clear of taxes, for the six months ending the 3lst Inst/, payable on and after the first day of April next. Transfers of stock will HOI be made for ten days after the 21st inst W. 6. WILSON, mh]2-etuthtapl ' Treasurer. B>jy PHILADELPHIA AMO READUfM fiRAILROAD COMPANY. Office South FOU3TH Street, Philadelphia* September 2, 1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The folio wing-named persona* us entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stock of this Company. The residence of several of them is un known, and It is, therefore, necessary that the certifi cate* of stock should be presented on calling for the Dividend. ft BRADFORD. Treasurer. ■ STOCKHOLDERS’ NAMES. S. Lancaster, j Henry B. Sharer, John Mclntyre, Andrew Turner, Eenj. F. Newport, {Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich seS-stnthtf THE COUPONS DUE APRIL IST, |1864. on the 5 per cent. Bonds of the ELMIRA AhD WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD COMPANY Will be paid on and after that date, on presentation at the Penn sylvania Railroad Building Room. A o.l* corner of THIRD Street end WILDINGS Alley. By mhSB- iutha tfl.pl GEORGE TABBR. ftSgi MEDICAL PURVEYOR’S OFFICE, No. 7 North FIFTH Street. 1 Philadelphia, Nov. 12,1883. Importers and Dealers in MEDICINES, HOSPITAL STORES, HOSPITAL FURNIYURB, BEDDING, ICS, Ac., are Invited to submit their Price Lists from time to time to this Office. j. murbay, nois-etamtf Burgeon and Medical Purveyor. Anew theory fob the weather ears, look for the Aurora and Electrical Clouds or a Storm about 21»t of April next. It* *VOXr GET ADMIRABLE STYLES J- of Irorytypec B. F. BETMMML 62* ARCH Street. Simple and natural in attitadeland arr&usemaat, and exquisitely colored. See specimens at the Gal lery. It* "DELI ABLE.—USE GALLAUDETT’3 ■A-A HAIR RESTORER. It is not a dye. It restores the hair to 11b natural color. It does not stain the skin. It needs no Basdalineor other dressing. It Is a dressing of itself. Price moderate Try it. Prepared only by PAULO OLIVER, Apothecary, mM9 lm» BIGHTBBNTH and SPRUCE St. TTNBLVALLED STYLES OF FLEAS inaPorlraits. Those finely-executed and ariistically- Colored, life size Photographs in oil, a*-e ;he attractive feature at B. P. REIMER’S Gallery, 62* ARCH Si. IS* TJEIMEB’S LIFE-LIKE. BEAUTIFUL, and artistic Photographs, Cartes de Visile give the utmost satisfaction to the possessor. .Go to SEvC ND St., above Green. and get them. U* Lieut, general grant.— we publish, this morning a very fine card photograph of Lietii. General Grant* i&fces duiiut hi * late visit. MeALTjISr»II £ BHOTHSR, 7»8 CHESTNUT Street. C’OL. DAHLGREN. NOW READY, a very fine card picture of the l&te Col. D&hjgren. . „ ei Mcallistbh & BEorata, mliSB.3t TaB CHESTNUT Street. EMANCIPATED SLAVES FROM . —Card photographs of the Butancl pated gtavts. McALLISt'BR & BROTHER, rah2B-.lt T*B CHESTNUT Street. TMPEBIAL PHOTOGRAPHS.— J- Visite n o,n t pa B6 edat NBWBLL’S Gallery, No. 93* ARCH Street. No mciures allowed to leave this Gallery unless they give perfect satisfaction mh22 6tif* EEAST OF THE PASSOVER—THE urder&izued would. respectfu-ly inform his co-Reli jdozietstbat he is now ready to mi orders of tu« purest and best quality of * *_MAZOTH. r * alias PASSOVER BREAD, at eleven-cants per ponnd. Christians, wishing to procure tome of our Passover Bread, can also order it in quantities to suit them, and have it sent by express, or as directed, to any paH of the world. The winding of the wheat out of which this Passover Bread is made, and the baking of the bread, has been personally auperlntended by the undersigned, and he is certain it must give satisfaction to all who ; may- favor him witbftheiT_pAtronfl.ro. All orders accompanied with the money* ana directeo to MARK HERTZ, Agent, Nos, 5 and T DOCK Street, Philadelphia, will be promptly fill,” [mhß-ftP] MASK HERTZ, Agent. QDLD’S IMPROVED STEAM _ WATBB-HE ATInITaPP ARATU 3, For Warmlnx and Ventilating Public Building, Ml Prints Reeidenoee. UjlfoN STEAM I ANI> a WATER-HEATING COMPART OF PHILADBLPIA JAHKB P. WOOD, . *1 South FOURTH Street. mhlB-tap2o B. H. FBLTWBLL, Buperiateudent- miTARY. STHE COAL BOUNTY FUND . COMMITTEE, »05K WALHOT STRBBT. Will, pat TWENTY DOLLARS POK EVBBT VOLUNTEER MU.TEHBD INTO THE PHILADELPHIA BBaiMSNTS OF HANCOCK'S 2d AEHY CORPS, Viz: 69th. list. T3d, 106th REOIMKNTB P. V.. FROM THIS BATH UNTIL APRIL Ist. mhSB 4t ALFRED DAT, Chairman. 8 CITY AND WARD BOUNTY! ADVANCE PAT AND PRIZE MOSBVI HEN WANTED for the NAVAL SERVICE and M A BINB CORPS, who will hs entitled to aU the City Bounties In addition to Prize Honey. ... Seamen will receive ait advance of three months pay as bounty. Application to he made at once to ■_ EDWIN PALMER., . Captain and Provost Marshal Second District Pennsylvania, »56 South TWELFTH Street. mhS9-tf ____ Philadelphia. 4 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE SUfcQUEHANNA, Chambebsburo. Pa., March 21, 1861 GENERAL orders 80. 20. Authority having been granted by the War Depart ment to the Ctmioandiog General of the Department of the Susquehanna, the Ist Batt&llm three years’ Penn sylvania Volunteers (formerly six months r volunteers), consisting of six companies, mastered into the (Juiced States service for three years or during the war, is au thorized to recruit to ten companies of the maximum St Shi? t ßattalion is on Frovost duty in this department, and it offers a good opportunity to those persons who have been in the service and have been honorably dis charged, to re-enter, and to those of good character who have not been in the service to enter the same. Only those known to the recruiting officers and persons au thorized to recruit as being reliable and trustworthy will be received, as the nature of the duty thie Battalion is called upon to perform la such that It requires soldiers in whom the commanding officers can place confidence. Perso* e taking advantage of the benefits arising from enlistment in this Battalion will receive the bounties paid by the Government as authorized in existing orders. The officer* must be men who have had some experi ence in the military service, intelligent, and of good character, and only those bringing the requisite number of men and possessing the above qualifications will be recommended to the Governor of the State for commis sions. Recruits and persons having fquads of recruits will report to Captain GEO. W. MERRICK let Battalion three year*’Fa Vole-, and Recruiting Offieer for the same, at HARRISBURG, Pa. „ „ . _ _ . Applications to enter this Battalion must be made at once, that the companies maybe filled and organized before the flrst'of April next, after which date the addi tional Government bounties as now paid, will be dis continued. and only the one hundred dollars bounty will be paid, as provided by the act approved July 22, command of Major General COU3H John 8 Bchultze, Aset Adjt Genera - mh2B lot S WANTED—TWO INTELLIGENT, young, hearty COLORED MSN. to enlist In the33i B. Colored Troops, now at Camp Casey, near Washington, D. C. * for thepo*t of - QUARTERMASTER'S SERGEANT AND ADJUTANT’S CLERK- •_ They must have a fair common-school education. T^fe?»‘ r W ‘ U be IoBERT R CORSON. Agent of Supervisory Committee, 1210 CHESTNUT Street . mh2B-3t t GENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE, No. Git CHBSTNUHStreet.—R ECRUITS wanted for all the old Pennsylvania w CAVALRY, ARTILLERY, and INFANTRY nowmeemojnoWWdgfnlL ■ avw CHAS. N. CIDWALLADER. Captain 2d Artillery. U2th Regiment F V.. mhS6-6-* Gegeneral Recruiting Officer, ANDERSON CAVALRY, S&n RCH Street, at Fuhiic Sole, through Messrs. THOMAS BIRCH St tON, on March 59th and 3tst, at 10 o’clock each day. Catalogues will be ready on Monday, March 28. h’oTicE.-We fhall continue the Importation of Italian Marble Monuments, Statuary, French Bronzes. Al&b&ster Ortajaents, &c.. for th« trade in general, as heretofore; also, confine ourselves to such special commissions to be executed In fenglaud. France, Italy, and Germany that our friendi may favor ns with. _ VITI BROS. . mhM thstuSt RETAIL URy goods. _ PARIS-MADE MAW TILLAS SPRING CLOAKS, MANTILLA EMPORIUM, S»0 CHESTNUT STRKBT. We have now open a fresh stock of PRINTED LINEN CAMBRICS, FOR DRESSES. STOCK OF COTTON GOODS IN THIS COUNTRY. A. H. FRAYCISCUS, WHOLESALE DEALER IN “ New Bedford, Mass., Not. 24, 1683. ASA CURRIE, Philadelphia, Pa.” O. W. D. AB&BBW& Superintendent Soldiers’ Home* Cincinnati* 0.” C. C. MOORS, No, 254 Broadway.” S. T.—lB6o.—X. PHILADELPHIA OFFICES CORN EXCHANGE, (RIGHT HARS SIDE, HAIR ENTRANCE > mh2l-6t (LATE Tiro TITI & BONS,) TUESDAY AND THURSDAY MORNINGS. MILLINERY GOODS. millinery house. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING! P. A. HARDIN 6 & CO., No. 413 ARCH STREET, WILL OFSN, On THURSDAY, March 31, A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF STRAW AM) MILLINERY GOODS, Comprising 2CO caies of all the latest styles HATS AND BONNETS, Together with a large assortment of FRENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS, LACES, RUCHES, ORNAMENTS, &e. mhiS-St ggfi WE RESPECTFULLY “V* CALL THE ATTENTION. OF THE TRADE TO OUR STOCK OF SPRING MILLINERY GOOIIS. WE HAVE NOW OPEN A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH FLOWERS, RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, VEILS, &c. RERSIIEM, 726 CHESTNUT STREET. mtiW-lm GOODS. JOHN STOKE & SOYS, No. 805 CHESTNUT STREET, Are now receiving their Sprint Importations of SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS, SUCH AS „ FANCY AND PLAIN RIBBONS, GROS DE NAPLES—AII ahadee. MARCELLINES AND FLORENCES. FRENCH AND ENGLISH CRAPES. LACES AND JOINED BLONDES. ILLUSION AND MALINE NETS, AO., &o. Also, a full assortment of FRENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS. mhlstnths9m JP “”»«• 1864. EBOOKS & ROSEIHEHI, 431 MARKET STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN RIBBONS, BONNETS, LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S HATS, . FLOWERS, AND MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY. mh23-lm 1864. _ 1864. WOOD & CARY, 128 CHESTNUT STREET, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. P. B.—MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS are Invited to examine before pnrehaslng, as our STOCK IS FULL aud PRICES LOW. inll3-ain WOOD & CARY. P. A. HARDING & CO., IMPORTERS AMD JOBBERS OP STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, No. 413 ARCH STEEET. PHILADELPHIA. mh3-Sm ARMY GOODS, j?OR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS Sc KASSAXiIL., MtLITAIIY FURNISHERS, 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Banners, Regimental and Company Flairs, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Fasiants, Epaulettes, Hats, Gaps, Gan* teens. Haversacks, Camp Kits, -Field Classes, Spars, and ever? thin* pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. mhlO-lm JURLOUGHS. Officers and Soldiers, visiting the city on Furlough, needing SWORDS, And other MILITARY KOTIPMBNTS, are Invited to the very extensive Manufacturing Establishment of GEO. W. SIMONS & BKO., SAXSOH-STREET HALL. SANSOM Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice, which, for richness and magnificence. Challenge Competition, no Other house in the country combining the MANUFACTURING JEW* ZLER With the PRACTICAL SWOBD-MAKES. mhlO-Sm ■ J'ROTHINGHAM A WELLS BAT. FOB SALX, MEDniM. ABB LIGHT BHEETINQB AMD BTANDARDHB&.IS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. ■ WASH. NGTON- AND VICTORY CAMBRNH AND BILBCIAS. BROWN.BLBACHBD, AND CORBET JEAN 8. No. lift WORSTED YABN. he aeJMftf BUNK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. jyjOSS & 00., 432 CHESTNUT ST. BLANK BOOK & ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS. BTOCK BROKERS’ PURCHASE AND SALES BOOKS. STOCK BROKERS' RECEIPT AND DELIVERY BOOKS. COPYIBO PRESSES. COPYING-PRESS TABLES. COP, ING BOOKS AMD PLUIDB. SOLDIERS’ POCKET PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. SOLDIERS’ WRITING AHD SBWIHG CASES. CLARK’S INDELIBLE PENCIL, for Marking Linen. Also, a large assortment of Note and Letter Papers; together with a full and complete stock of connUng-honse fane, and staple Statloneiy, at low prioes. mhMtf ■ JJRtSON & SON, ' NO. S NORTH SIXTH STREET, PRINTERS AND STATIONERS* BLANK BOOKS, PAPERS, PENS, AND INKS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. Corporations, Banks, end Business Men supplied with everything xeceesary for the Counting-room, x 'Tnhl2-lm TX> HOUSEKEEPERS. J-- In makir g your spring purchases, he sure to pro* vide yourself with the host—-the only RELIABLE and WABBARTBO CLOTHES W RIEGER THB ÜBIVBRBAL WHIN SIB, With rthe Patent COG WHBBL REGULATOR, whleh ncswivKLV prevents the rolls from BRBAKiNO or twist mo on the shaft and tearing the clothing, as all wringers without Gog Wheels willao, however strongly It may he asserted to the contrary. Ho family can he without THE UNIVERSAL WRIHGER. It will pay for itself In six months, in the saving of garments alone. In the smallest family. _ The family size* are 97 and $lO, and are WAR ASTED in every particular. BFor sale wholesale and retail, by B. L, BURNHAM. Manufacturers Agsnt* _ No. 97 Eoutk SIXTH Street, k*twe.B Chwtnnt luU Sulnt.PUlad.lpkU.' sAS-Ia INANCIAL. IJTIE NEW govern ment loan. By direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. I hereby give notice that I am prepared to receive Subscriptions on account of United Stales Bonds authorized by the Act of March 3d, 1864, bearing date March let, 1864, redeemable at the pleasure of the Government after ten years, and payable forty years from date, bearing interest at Ayp per centum a year, payable on Bonds not over one hun dred dollars Annually, and on all other Bonds, semi annually In Coin. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds, as they may prefer. Registered Bonds will be issued of the denominations Fifty dollars ($5O), One hundred dollars ($100). Five hundred dollars (*500). One thousand dollars (11,000). Five thousand dollars ($5*000), and Ten thousand dol lars ($10*OCO); and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of Fifty dollars ($5O), One hundred dollars (*100), Five hundred dollars ($500), and One" thousand dol lars ($1,000). Subscribers will be required to pay, in addition to the amount of the principal of the Bonds in lawful money, he accrued interest in United States Notes, or the Notes of National Banks, adding fifty per cent, for premium until further notice.) from the first day of Marcher September, as the case may be. until the day of subscription and payment. Upon the receipt of Subscriptions 1 willlissue my Certi ficates of Deposit therefor, in duplicate, the original of which will be forwarded by the subscriber to the Secre tary of the Treasury, Washington, with a letter stating the hind (Registered or Coupon), and the denominations of Bonds issued. Upon the receipt of the Original Certificates at the Treasury Department, the Bonds subscribed for will be transmitted to the subscribers respectively, as soon as the same can be prepared. It is expected that the first deliveries of Coupon Bondi will be made not later than the fourth (4th) of April, ARCHIBALD MTNTYRE, ASSISTANT TRBABUKER U. 8. IB S T XnTATIOXsTAXi SAisns: PHILADELPHIA. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY F IN ANCIAL.AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 10-40 LOAN. This Bank has been authorized and is now prepared to receive subscriptions to the SEW GOYERJiMEST MAS. This Loan* Issued under authority of an act of Con gress* approved March 3, 1864* provides for the issue of Two Hundred Millions of Dollars ($200,000,000) United States Bonds, redeemable after ten years, and payable forty years from date, IN COIN> dated March 1,1864, bearing interest at the of FIVE PER CENT. per annum IN COIN, payable semi-annually on all Bonds oyer sloo* ai d on Bondß of SIQO and less, an nually. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. Registered Bonds will be issued of the denominations of fifty dollars ($5O). one hundred dollars ($iCO), £ve hundred dollars (500)* one thousand dollars (SI,OXO, five thousand dollars (5*000), and ten thousand dollars (10.0C0), and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of fifty dollars (150). one hundred dollars ($100). five hundred doll ft) 6 ($5OO, and one thousand dollars ($1,006). Subscribers will be required to pay* in addition to the amount of the principal of the bonds in lawful money* the accrued interest in coin, (or in United States notes, or the notes of National Banks, adding fifty per C6Ut< for premium until further notice*) from the flr*^_dayof March or September, as the case may be. until the day of subscription and payment. E W L . O A N . TJ. S. 10-40 S. JAY COOKE A CO. OFFER FOR SALE THE NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, Bearing flTe per cent. Intereßt, In coin. Redeemable any time after TEN YEARS, at the pleasure of the Government, find payable FORTY years after date. Both COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan, of same denominations as the Five • Twenties. The interest on $5O and $lOO payable yearly, on all other denominations half-yearly. The TEN FORTY BONDS are dated March 1,1861, the half-yearly interest falling due September 1 and March, l of each, year. Until let September, the accrued interest from Ist March 1b required to be paid by purchasers In coin, or in legal currency, adding 50 per caat. for premium, until further notice. All other Government securities bought and sold. JAY COOKE & CO., 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. DEPARTMENT. A omm op Comptroller op thb Ctranurar* Washington. February 26th, 1884. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the Fourth National Bask of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled “an act to provide a na tional currency,. secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof.” approved February 25th, 1863* and has com plied with all the (provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking, Bow. therefore I, Hugh McCulloch, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NA TIONAL Bank OF PHILADELPHIA, county of Phiia deiphia, and State of Pennsylvania. Is authorised to commence the business of Banking, under the act afore said. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, thi*,twenty-eixth SocIrLMCH. I iohl ftm Comptroller of the Currency. TOHN HOBN, JR, V STOCK COMMISSION BROKBR, No. 140 SOUTH THIRD STREET. (UP STAIRS.) PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES: Mesnrs.Thoß. A. Biddle A Co. tfess.Gaw. Macaleiter, & Go. Messrs. E. S. Whelan St Go. Messrs. Drexel A Co. Messrs. Buzby A Co. HenryJ. Williams, Bsq. Alexander Bfddle.Bsq. I. P. Hutchinson, Esq. G. M. Troutman. Bsq. D. B. Cummins, Esq. Jas. G. King'A Sons, New York. fe26-2m SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF FBANKFORD. CAPITAL 3100,000. WITH THB PRIVILEGE OP IN CREASING TO *600.000. NATHAN HILLBS, Preetdent WILLIAM H. RHAWa, Cashier, (Lite of the Philadelphia Bank.) humorous; NATHAN HILLBS. CHARLES E. KRBHBR, GEORGE W. RHaWN, BEN J. ROWLAND, J*.. SIMON B. SNYDER, BBNJ H. DEACON, EDWARD HAYES. „ JOHN COOPER. LBWIS BHALLCKOSB, The Second Nations! Bank of Philadelphia t« now open at No. 134 MAIN Street, Pzankford. for the trane letlon Of * General Banking Bneine*. upon the aaaal **CoUectlone npon all.aeeeulble POtnte will he made upon liberal term*. BatpeetftillT, _ fee. 8m _ W. H. RHAWN. Caehler INSURANCE COMPANIES. "DAME INSURANi X He. 400 CHE S’ PHIL AD] FIRE AND INLA PIBSG Frauds N. Buek, Charles Richardson. Henry Lewis, O, W. Davis, F. S. Justice* George A. West, FRANCIS Jr. CHAS. RICH. W. I. Blanchard* Secret* American fire insurance COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT* Street, above Third, Fhl- large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus in vested in sound and available Securities, continues to Insure on Dwellings. Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their Cargoes* and other Personal Property. All losses promptly adjusted. Marie, I Jamesß. Campbell, John Which* I Edmund G. Duttlh. Samuel C. Morton* ( Charles W. Poultnsy. Patrick Brady, ' j Israel Morris. John T. Lewis. I THOMAS R. MARIS, PreeldgnL Albbat C. L. Opawiobd. Seeretsry. OH-u T7IRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVEDY. #a. wan.iw ftfi* years, continues to insure against Loss Damageby Fire on or Private Buildings* eltnar g.^ o ?. , sru i^ te offerto theln«or.d *n undoubtedeeearitylnthe**** .floe*. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Phttereon, Thomae RoMne, Alexander Benaon. Daniel Smith, Jr.; William Montellue, John Deverenx. leaa* Hailahnrtt, ■ Smith, _ „ JONAraS PATTERSON, PrteldenL William G. Cpowsll, Secretary. TJOOK-KEEPEB WANTED, OP IN telligenee and quickness, for a part of the day. Addreis Bix 176$ Post Office. It* COPRANO AND CONTRALTO Wanted in.a QUARrBTTE CHOIR; good and compe tent. Address **B. c, M Press office. mhSB 3t* ■WANTED TO,KENT —A LARGE v , «uit.ble for ll*ht Maou/MtariDg- Andrew Bo« 2623, PhlUdelphl. Poat Qfflea mha)-3l« ■W ANTE D—A GOOD COLORED mi pqpl’ab Bt°4P ral HonM,golk ' tpß £li£ t 'p- WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN, A situation m a Dry* Goods store. Has had fonr -ESMraa M^suagl WANTED—A COMPETENT YOUNG »f MAK, to \Ake charge of a set of boohs io a .so. ealA house on MABKEr Street. Keference required Address, In own handwriting, “0. B.Box sii Ke Office. mh2fl *2t+ WANTED - CLOTHING—PERSONS 1 Y havlnc Glothlnc to dispose of will please call on or address O. MIILEK, jaG-tuthsSm* Vo. 90S CHESTNUT Street. WANTED—BY A GENTLEMAN * Y end Wife the Dwelling part of a House in the vl cinltT of Independence or Washington Squares, on or before June Ist. Would take the care of office. Very best of references given. Addresi Box 1401 Post Offise. Iphl7 thsto tf TAT ANTED —A SITUATION BY AN M experienced Salesman; one that has a good city and conntiy trade; will travel and sell by sample.' Best of city reference. K cIM Address ** J. G.« *' Press office. mh2s-6t* Jjfc7R A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE “' u AGENTS In every County, at #75 a month, ox pease* paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chine.. Address S, MADISON, Alfred,Me. [fel2 d&W3m H WANTED TO BENT—FOR SIX ora year, a genteel HOUSE and FURNI’ a ■“?* location, north, of Vine and west of Broad streets. Apply to B. F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street mh29-3t* M WANTED TO RENT—BUILDING with Steam Power. Must be within the city limits. ■Udaregg Box 2623 Philadelphia Poafc Office. mh2S-3t* C. H. CLARK, President. [JE company, nruT street* SLFHIA. HD ISfSUSAKOE. TORS. John W. Everman, Robert B. Potter, John Kessler* Jr. * R. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Joseph D, Bllis. BUCK, President. iBDSOif, Vl.e Preald.nL ITT. jnl4-ti WANTS. MW ANTED FOR THE SUMMER Hon the. a furnished or unfurnished House in the country, witn easy communication to the city. Address Box 936 Philadelphia Pose Office. mh2S 6t* M summed residence.—wan ted —For four or five months, a FURNISHED HOUSE near the eity (neighborhood of Germantown preferred). a ge&tieman desiring to leave hi* cmntry place for the season can place it in careful hand*, at a fair rental. Ipqnire at 128 South FRONT Street, second floor, or addiees “F. L. B ,” Box 2018. P. O mli22-tuthßot* FOR SALE AND TO LET, HD LET—WITH ADYANOES, DE- A SIRABLE LOTS- Apply aai3GKEga St. mhJ6-3t* rro LET.—THE SECOND, THIRD, A and fourth floors at 335 MARKET Street, through to Church alley. mH29-tf TfOR SALE—THE STOCK, GOOD A .will, and Fixtures of a Wholesale Liquor Store. Por term* Ac., apply at 920 MARKET Street. mh2S-3t* 1708 SALE—LARGE STOCK OF ICE A ard business complete of an old-established ICE COMPaNY,- It is offered for sale on account of the pro* prletor enraging in another business Inquire at the efficeof the HOME LIFE INSURANCE COMPAHT.coroer FuUKTH and LIBBeBY fetreeta. mh29.6t MFOR SALE—A SUFESIOB re sidence, in complete order, situated on SPRUCE f treat, near BROAD street Apply to ROBERT MAC GREGOR, 418 W 4LNPT Street It Ma safe and desirable IN VESTMENT. ▲ Farm of 176 acres, •ituate near to Darby, and about 7 % miles from Market-street Bridge- The soil is of the finest description, and in the highest state of cultivation . The buildings are good and substantial, and entirely ample for a first-class Farm. The clOße proximity of this property to the city will make it susceptible of division into a number of desira ble sites for cottage improvement * For further information, apply to J D. REINBOTH, mb26*3t # No. 436 WALNUP Street. M over 300 houses, all sizes, for sale and exchange, RAN’SOM :£OGSBS. Jr , 210 North TENTH Street. mh2s-lm* SADDLE MARE.—A BU perior SADDLE MARE, suitable for an officer in tVe army, is for sale, and to be seen at the stable in COXB Street, (between Spruce and Pine,) above Seven* teenth. mli29*2t? BOARDING. (GENTLEMEN WILLING TO PAY 'A liberally can be accommodated with two hand somely-furnished communtcatiD g PARLORS, on first floor. With suit of furnithel Chambers. In vicinity of BROAD ftfld WALNUT Streets. Breakfast if desired. Address *‘S is office mb2&6t* PERSONAL. Absconded from the sub- SGHIBBB, THOMAS FABREL, he bavlug thus broken his indenture, 1 therefore give legal notice to all persons, that I am exonerated from any responsi bility respecting hi* actions or contraets. Norryptowk 3d Mo.. 26,’64 mb2B*3t* J THORNE. X.OST AND FOUND. Lost.— on the mobning op the 27th Inst . a Gold Enameled WATCH, with a fly and flowers on the case *et in diamonds; also a Chain and Charms attached. Lost in going from Sixteenth and Locust streets to Broad, along Broad to Walnut, down Walnut to Ninth, up Ninth to Chestnut, down Chestnut to Seventh, along seventh to Arch. ThAfluder Willie liberally rewarded by leaving it at No. 1533 J.OCTTRT Stroot, It* TOST—A CERTIFICATE OP 5-PEB Ai CENT. LOAN OF STATE 0? PENNSYLVANIA, for $516.0% dated March 12. 1830, No. 754, In name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 5-per cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, lor the sum of $2OO, dated June SO, 1845, No-1452, in, the name of ELI K, PRICE, administrator of William Meredith In trust. Ap* plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re* newal of said Certificates felO-Sm ELI K. PRIGS. No. 811 ARCH Street. LEGAL. INSTATE OF WILLIAM MONTELIUe*. DI CEASED. '-'Letters testamentary upon the estate Of WILLIAM MONTELIU*. deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those haying claims against it to present them, without delay, to JAMES ABBOTT, 14>20 ARCH Street. Or, • SAMUEL If DUFFISLD, mt 2- tn6fc* 4 N. FIFTH Stteet, Executors. Ff THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of THOMAS G HASLEM, deeea ed. Notice ie hereby given that HETTY HASLEM. widow Of said decedent, has filed In the Bald Court her petition, and an appraisement of the estate which she elects to re’ain under the acta of April 14. 1851. and April 8, 1859, and the same will be approved on Friday, the 15th day of April, 1864, unless exceptions be filed thereto. AMO3 BRIGGS. mh29tuf4t* Attorney for Petitioner. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR A IHE CUT AND COUNTY 07 PHILADELPHIA Estate of WILLI aM H. The Auditor appointed b* the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the second account <>f THoAIAS S KENTON, Administrator of the said WILLIAM H. KENTON, de ceased, and to make distribution of the balance in' the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY. April 12, 1£64. at 4 o’clock P M.. at his office, No. 839 Ah CB Street, in the city of Philadelphia mhZS'tuthe-Ct* JOSEPH U. RBOADS. Auditor. Ptf THE ORPHANS' COURT FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA' Estate of JAMBS C KEMPTON, The Auditor appointed bv the Court to aadit. settle, and adjust the account of EDWARD HOPPER EsR., Administrator of the Estate of JAMES C. KEMPTON, deceased, and to make diet ribution of the balance In the hands of the acoountai t. will meet the parties in crested for the purpose of his appointment on MONDAY, April 11, A. f>., 1864, at4o ciock P. M., his Office, No. 439 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. mh29.tutha.st* JOSEPH F, MARCJBB, Auditor. TETTERS TESTAMENTARY UPON the Estate of THOMAS BROOKS, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, haying baen granted to the undersigned by the Register Of Wills for the city and county of Philadelphia, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the same copresentthem without delay to* ELIZA JANE BROOKS. WUTEB Street. Germantown, Phlla, __ JOHN BROOKS, QUEEN Street, Gern antown, Fhila. JOHN ALLEN. MILLEB Street. Germantown. Phils. BENJAMIN ALLEN. MILLEB Street, Germantown Phils. Executors, or to tbeir Attorney, JOHN CHaBUS LAYCOCK, Esq , mhS9-ta6t* No. 130 Skreet, PhlLa. Hope gold company. MINES-” GOLD DIET LODE, Gilrin county. Colorado. CAPITAL, 80,000 SHARES. $25 each. TRUSTEES. JOHN EVANif. Colorado. F H. JUDD, NewTork H S COHU, New York. WILLIAM MOLLEB. New York. GEO. W. GRAFFLIN, Baltimore. HERMAN New York. R. CORNELL WHITE. N«W York, tf. C TYLBK. New York. 6. G, ARNOLD, Providence. PRB3IDENT. His Excellency JOHN EVANS, Governor of Colorado Territory. _ VICB PRESIDENTS. Hon. 8- G. ARNOLD, Dr. F. H. JUDD. Treasurer, WALTER E LAWTON* Secretary, J. P. DAVISS. _ mb22lm Office, So. 25 CLIFF Street* New York. ftORNS AND BUNIONS. V-> PBTERSON PETBB6ON PETERSON PETERSON CORN CORN CORN CORN OINTMENT OINTMENT OINTMENT OINTMENT - Will thoroughly cure COBNS and BUNIONS, without Druggists every where. Price 25 cents. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY. * CO WHEN, Agents, mb 25 lm* 33 North SIXTH Street. Afk CENTS PER POUND TAX ON TOBACCO. The Government is shout to put s Iszof 40eentsper pound on Tobacco. You can cave 60 per cent, by You can* save 60 pet cent by Yon can eav« 60 per cent, by You can cave 60 pot cent. by. . ■ Buying now at dean’s, No. 535 chestnut. Buying now at DEAN'S. No. 835 CHESTNUT, Buying now at DEAN’S, No. 886 GHESiNUTi Buying now at DEAN’S. No. 836 CHESTNUT. Prime Navy Tobacco, 70, 75 and 80e. per ». Prime Cavendish Tobacco, 70, 76 and 80c. per*. Prime Flounder Tobacco, 70. 75 and 80c. per*. Prime Congress Tobacco, 66, 70 and 75c. per B. Prime Fig and Twist Tobacco, 76 and 80c. per »■ DEAN sells Old Virginia Navy. DEAN cells Old Virginia Sweet Cavendish, DEAN sells OJd Virginia Bough and Beady. DEAN sells Old Virginia Plain Cavendish. SIM.' 88 TMABSHsis. DEAN .ell. Old Vlrtinta Smoklnir Tot “jo. DBAB’S Kanawha glue Cot Chewluc soba«a ESAU’S Kanawha Etna Cut Cbewlnx Tobawa Cannot be Equaled. , Cannot be Equaled. ~ _ DEAN’S Cigars are superior to til Other* DEAN’S Cigars are superior to all other*, He raises his own Tobacco, on his own plantation in Havana^He sell* his own Clgarc at his own store. No. §5 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. , DEAN’S Minnehaha Smoking Tobaeeo U manufactured from pur© Tobaoso. and contains no dangerous concoctions of Weeds, Herbs, and GPium. PlPgs. Meerschaum Pipes, Brier Pipes, Pipes, Bose Pipes, Mahogany Pipes. Seboy Pipes. Aral* Pipes, Cherry Pipes. Gotta Pipes, Clay Pipes, and other Pipes. And Pipe *hd get your Pipes, Tobaeeo. Cigars, &«., at DEAN’S, No. 35 Chestnut Bfareet. And there you will see his Wholesale and Betail Clerks go ItplU around waiting on Customer,. „The Army of th* ForomM bow order all thulr Tobnjao. GUkli. «pe,, ft,., from SEAM’S. Mo. 3SSCBJtS'PEOT Street. They know SEAM mIU the but asd ahaweat UIAW TRON STAIRS AND IRON. DOORS— A Pot sale at Second-hand Depot. SEVENTH, above Thompson street. Cmh2€-6t*3 NATHaN W. BfrLis. a r>EDFOBD WATER.” —INDIVTDTJ- A* ala and dealer, will b« **®»MhStest uOTlw'at Water.” fresh from the hprmc. at the Bhortest none*, a. the following rates: * ...$3OO For barred, 40 gallons n . vh foh occasion the beautiful Drama of FAN iHON will be produced. mh2B 5t CIMMONSI SIMMONB! _T. f AK?I. OKS ' SIMMONS! SIMMONS ! aiMMOMS! SIMMON3I T*rAL NUT-STREET THEATRE. HOLIDAYS AJII> ATTEiGTI °* THE EASTER LAUBA BEEBE'S DOUBLE COMPANY PROH NEW T UikKk who -will appear In DRAMA AND BURLESQUE On MONDAY and TUESDAY BV£NI«•>»«*• QJMMONS! SIMMONS! O SIMMONS! SIMMONS' mh29'2t SIMMONS: SlMaons’. siMMona; A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS.—Gn AND Exhibition, of-the Mammoth STEREO PTICON, IN AID OR THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, TO-NIGHT, at 8 o’clock- Splendid Viewsjust received from Europe. Tickets 26 cents. Children 15 cents For Benefits, apply at tlie Ticket Office. T2Y BEQUfST, THE GRAND CON. ■*-* CERT of the DELMONICO will be repeated. DELMOHIRO GRAND CONCERT. _ „ T „„ KAN SOM STREET HALL. The DELMONicp eSSOCIATION respectfully inform thejpnblic that they will repeat their GRAND CON CERT on TUESDAY EVENING. March 29. 1861. . ‘he services of the foUowfnir ta lent : Mad. BROWS, niece of the late Trank Johnson: ARsLINA E. PURNELL; IRA D. OLIfP, Baritone: MaREO. Tenor Also, ROLLEY’B UNRIVALLED BRASS AND STRING BAND. Professor GONZALAZ will preside at the Plano. Tickets Twenty-five cents. It ' pB ARLES SCHMITZ’S GRAND MUSI CAL SOIREE In aid of the LADIES’ BRANCH OP THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION, on - TUESDAY EVEN In G. March S9th, 1864, 1 |IMTSNTH’andofthTHD'f Street*, at 8 oTkwk. °* BorgenboTger, and 1 • ' aMATBUR .OLBB OLUB. Dollar; to be bad at Haste Stores and at ball door on evening of Conceit. mhl4 fit SUMMONS ! S3MMONS! SIMMONS! RIM MON 3 t mh£&-8t SIMMONS l SIMMOMB! SIMMONS> CTV JOSEPH'S CONCERT. AT THE u MUSICAL FUND BALL, on THURSDAY fiVS JWNG. March Slat, 1664. Proceeds /or the Poor. Tickets. BO cents. fVRAND ORCHESTB AL AN D YOO/Lh C O N C BBT.—The Directors announce to their friends and the public the Second Concert this reason by (he HABMoNIa MUSICAL SOVIET*. to tase place at the MUSICAL TtJIiD HaLL, on WEDNESDAY EVK BIHO, March SO. accompanied by the fall GER MANIA OttCHBBTBA A good selection, of tfiscelu n* on* Music will be Riven, and from the br«t composer*. TICKETS, at FIFTS CENTS each, will be for sale at Gould’s. Andre’s, and Lee ft Walker’s tfnslc Stores, and. at tbe first‘named a Committee wlu sit to distribute tickets on the day of the concert, from 1 to 6 P. M. mh24 6t CIMMONS! SIMMONS! k -’ SIMMONS I SIMMONS ! SIMMONS ! SIMMONS l-SIMMIHS! T?LBTENTH-ST. OPEBA HOUSE. AJ ■ “THE FAMILY RESORT.” CARNCKOSS «IBD DIXEY’B MINSTRELS. THibGRSAT STAR TROUPE Of THE WOBL3* * In their ! SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, ’Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable #4r% leeqnes, Plantation games, Ac.. Ac., hr TWENTY TAS.BNTED ARTISTB. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets26cents. Doors (pen at 7 o'clock. fe37-3m J. L CABNCROSS. Business Manager, ASSEMBLY BUILDING. THE S«H. RIOPIICON, Seventy splendid Beenes TO NI^HF, THE great picture a AT CONCERT HALL LECTURE BOOSC For a short season. PPBN EVERY EVENING FOR A SHORT SEASON. J. Issco Williams 1 celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This is the most complete and finished Painting of tke Sacred Scriptures in the world, comprising oyer fifty the most __ SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES Of the first three thousand years of Biblical History, forming altogether one the finest exhibitions of tha eg*. OPEN EVERY EVENING at half past 7 o’cloik. Admission 25 cents. N. B. MattnGee on Wednesday and Saturday after* noons, at 3 o’clock. Admission for Children 15 cents. fel9-2m ASSEMBLY BUILDING—THIS STE BSOFTICOH Will take yon all over Europe TO NIGHT. lt» ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC VX SEHEARBALB every SATURDAY. >t 8 o'clock, F« M, at the MUSICAL FOND HALL. Single UokeU 91 cents. Packages of six tickets, $l. To be had at AH* DRE’S. 1104 CHESTNUT Street, J. E GOULD. Hl* TENTH and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door. fett«tt KENTON, dee-a^d deceased. mm* PK. FINE, PRACTICAL DEST TIRT for the last twenty year a. 310 VTNK 9t.. below Third, inserts the mo*t beautlftll TEETH ofth# aie. tnonnted on fine Gold* P.atlna, Silver. Vulcanite, Cora))ie, Anther. &0.. at prices, for neat and substantial woik. more reasonable than any Dentist in this city or State. Teeth plugged to tat for life. Artificial Teeth repaired to a nit no pain In extracting. All work war ranted to fit. Beference. best fanhlee.. mh23- 5m gessta CORRECT PIANO TUNING. ITTTI'-Mr. O. S. BABOBMT’B Oidors for fW»| Mi. 8. has Lad eloven Tsars’factory oxparisnes ta to*, sod Svt ran' omploTinßatln Pbiladolpbi* SPECIAL—Piano* nUaihtred to Bound to *>/* »*A. •«Mt-ton,d as now, BWrtont mwidv, ~ Ikbb for To.nb»*. *5- •OU-4SUS AMUSE! IENTS, A SSEMBLY BUILDING.— STEREOP a* TICON,to and fro. America and Europe TO-NIGHT. PENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY 01 A THE fine arts, loss CBESTMTTT STREET. OPEH DAILY (SuudATl «©ept«d) frQm B A, K. UU 6 P. M. .Admission 25 cants. Children half price. A BSEMBLY BUILDING.—THEM AM •«- MOTH BTERTSOPriCON opemTO-NIGHT. Pour days otly. Proceeds for Great Sanitary Fair. It* EDITCATIONAti. PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN BOOK-KEEPING, in its different brancheß {Pen manship, plain and or 02 mental; Commercial Calcula tions, Commercial Law, Forms. &0.. at CRITTENDEN'S Commercial College 03T CHESTNUT Street, comer of Seventh. IBb2B‘3t* EDUCATIONAL.—J. B. SMYTH, OP the Philadelphia Teachers 1 Institute. 5417 South TBIRD Street, Solicitor and Agent for Educational In stitutions. Catalogues and Circulars solicited mh2S St* CEL EOT FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOB YOUNG MBIT AND MOUNT JOY. Lancaster county. Pa. Session opens on the FIBS? TUESDAY of May. For circulars, address mhl9«l2f B. A. MOBRrSON, Principal. OELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE— a BOABDING SCHOOL FOB GIRLS. This Institution, beautifully andheaUhfully located, in tbeno>them limits of ATTLEBOROUGH, BdCUsoua fcy, Pa , Will commence its Spring and Summer Term on the 19th of FIFTH MONTS next, and continue in session twelve week s The course of Instruction is thorough and complete la all the Elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH* CLASSICAL, AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION. The French Language is taught by a native French teacher. Circulars, giving full particulars, maybe had on ap plication to the Principals, Attleborough P 0 . Bachs county, Pa. ISRAEL J GRAHAMS, JANE P. GRAHAMS, mhl7 3m Principals. GEORGE A. NEWBOLD HAYING leased RATON ACADEMY, KBNNETT SQUARE, Chester county, expects to commence a Boring Session there the 11th of Fourth Month (AoriL) For circulars, address Geo A. Newbold, Jenkintown, Montg. co .Pa., till the 4th Inst., or Wm. Chandler, Kennett Square. Chester oounty, Pa. xnhl'Mm* VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY, * 9BAR MEDIA. PA.*—Pupils Ttcelyed at any thee, English, Mathematics. Classics, and Natural StftofiW! taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and Civil Ex.* Sneering taught. Entire expenses about *3 per week. Boys of all ages taken. Refers to Wm. H. Kern, ex- Sheriff; JohnU. Capp dr Co., No. 28 South Third street; and Thomas J, Clayton. Esq. .Fifth and Prune streets, Address Bar. J. HARVEY BARTON* A. M. * Village Green. Pa. noB-4f MAKSHAI’S SAI.K. TWTARSBAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE of a writ of sals, by the Hon JOHN CADWALA DER. Judge of the District Court of the United States lu and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, lu Admi ralty, to xne directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at MIGHENER’S Stoie. No. 142 North FRONT Street, on MONDAY. April 4th, 1564, at 12 o : clock M., nine bales of Cotton, now in my custody by virtue of a writ of attachment lately issued out of this court at the suit of Charles Sewell and others, and o he sold as perisbab'e. 1 WILLIAM MILLWARD: v „ - D. S. Marshal B. D, of Pennßjbanta, Philadelphia, March 28. 1864. mb29*6t IVTARSHAL'S SAL¥.—BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DEB, Judge of tho District Court of the United States, In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, at MICHE&TBttIg STORE. No. 143 -North FRONT Street, on MONDAY. April 4. 1864, at 12 o’clock Of., the cargoes, and parts Of cargoes, of sloops Perris, Buffalo, Syivanus, and.Rchoo ner Mary, consisting of 1 bag Sea Island Cotton, 124 bales and begs of Upland Colton, 11 bbls Whisky. 58 eases Gin, 9 demijohns Snm, 3 ca«es Cotton Cards, 2 boxes Heree-Shoe Kails, U. 6. Marshal £. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, March 24.1864. mh2B-0t JgPECTACLIS TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN STBS Inserted without pain, by . „„ JAMBS W. QUEEN A CO.. 9a* CHESTNUT Street. QPERA GLASSES AND OFFICERS 1 FIELD GLASSES. Microscopes for physicians and Students. A very large assortment for sale br „ JAMES W. QUEEN A CO., 034 CHESTNUT street. TV/TATfI EMATIOAL DRAFTING IN IU STRUMENTS. Cbeetermana Metallic anciireel-Ujp* Measures. For sale by JAMES W. QUEBN & CO.» ror aaieoy • 034 CHESTNUT Street, priced and Illustrated Catalogue* gratia. mngHm ]LfATHEMATIOAL INSTRUMENTS, **■*• Spectaeles In Gold. Silver, and Elastic Steel Frames; Spy G lames. Field Glasses, for Army and Havy ns. ; Microscopes. Card Phr.tneraphs. Photograph Albums. JIC,, Ac. McALLISTBR & BROTHER. Opticians, inhiS 3t ,98 CUEsTNUf Slraat. BBOWN STOUT, SCOTOH ALE, B 1 THE CASK OK D»ZEN. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, Corner ELEVENTH end VINE Street., BM. FOR HARTFORD DIRROT, SSSB&VII DEL4WABB AND EABITAM OASAL. IwSd wSfcf Above Market Btreot. (Joiok d«- epatch. Forrato« w »rpljoo board, to _ , g6I1 t,. wh2£-2t 1354 South DELAWABE Avenue. mh2fl 3fc*