BELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. Smtugbov.—'The celebrated Baptist prewherof XiOudon, Kcv. C. H. Spu'gcon, it is repotted, will visit tUia country in M*y. This is about the se venth time that Mr. Spurg'oo’a intended visit to America ha* been similarly heralded within as many years. This Bet. Hkurt Ward BuEcnitn ii no longer, either real ot nominal, editorol the New York In tiejKiidentf his mantle in that rtspeot having fallen upon the shoulder* of his talented young friend Theodore Tilton, Tilton, by the way, in ths present number of his paper, establishes his claims as a re spectable poet in lines entitled, “ The Victory of Ijire,” Mr. Beecher ia stm a contributor to the In as he also is to the New York Ledger. Xu is Kiiv. F. a. JVL. Koi-tisis, fliiu of the veaera blc Rev, Seller, of till, filtfi diet! At ill, 1 elidesce, Geimantowi], oq Friday lAst. He was a minister much beloved in tbe Lutheran Church, in Whioh he we, reared. APaovio oritßTnaa —Tee editor of the Lutheran - ani msumtav. Her. Dr. Krauth, get, off the follow ji-.g good-uatured piece of irony at the expense of somebody : In the iate Convention, which commenced in a fume and terminated in smoke, which began by being secret and ended by becoming invisible, one of the things aimed at was a ll pacific overture. ll The overture, it seems, has lailed. We proposo one, therefore: I. If nominal Lutherans will ceaae assailing the doctrine of our Church we will cease defending it against them. 11. If they will cease perverting the truth we will cease exposing their falsities. 111. If they will stop writing nonsense we will etop laughing at them. I Ho Baptist Paver in Philadelphia.—Until Within the last lew montha, the Baptists had an i organ Ur Hew York, entitled the Chronicle, and an other in Philadelphia ot the same name. They were separate and distinct, and both were creditably con ducted, the former, however, excelling as a news paper. Recently, for some cause, the two were SO Ud a ted iu one, with the office ia Hew York since whioh time the dual aheet has certainty not equalled the standard of either one of its original components. The New York Examiner, speaking of the non-publiontion of a Baptist paper in this city has the following: “ But as a Baptist, we think with humiliation on the fact, that so large and rich a .City ae Philadelphia, where other denominations have many papers of their own, should have no Baptist newspaper edited and published within its limits. We should be about as willing to ask our Philadelphia brethren to shut up thsir churches, and come every Saturday to Hew York to get their preaching, aa to wish them to be wholly dependent on another oity lor the making ol their Baptist newspaper.” “ The Kbv. Be. Bellows,” President of the Sa. nltaiy Commission, hss accepted a call to take tern porary charge of the pulpit lately filled by Bev. Thomas Starr King, Sau Frauoiseo. Dr. Bellows will remain there fer six months and then resume his New York charge, Sbbviobs at the Cathbdbal on Easteb Sun pat.—On to-morrow (Sunday! afternoon the Cathe dral, on Logan Square, will be open in the afternoon for Grand Pontifical Vespers, and a sermon will be preached by the ex-Bishop or Pittsburg, Dr. O’Con nor. Bishops Bailey, ot Newark, and McGloskey, of Albany, will also be present on the occasion. Be. O’Connoe at St. Anne’s.—On Sunday night this eminent Jeauit and ex bishop preached at St. Anne’s Catholic Church. The church, large as it is, was too small for the numbers that sought ad mission. At the end of the services, a collection was taken up in aid of a churoh of which Dr, O’Oon nor is now in charge, and the people of Port Rich mond contributed with great liberality. We have been told that the pastor’s houte was crowded to ex cess until quite lato at night with men and women putting down their namea as contributors. A scene like that at St. Anne’s took place at St. Patrick’s on Sunday morning. Lectube on the Late Archbishop Hughes. The Bight Bev. Bishop Bailey, of Newark, ia to dec liver a lecture at the Academy of Music, on Monday evening next, on the lato Archbishop Hughes, The lecturer was lor some time secretary to the Arch bishop, and it was through that distinguished pre late that he got the mitre. They were ardently at tached to each other up to the time of the Arch bishop’s desth. Ho one is, therefore, better qualified to treat the subject proposed than Bishop Bailey. An Old Editoe Rktibed.—Mr. A. P. Oummings, over thirty years editor of the New York Observer has retired from the proprietorship of that journal' and is succeeded by Messrs. F. Tompkins and Tho mas H. Cuthen, both of whom have been for years connected with the office ol the Observer. Call to the Bev. Mb. Boabdman, ov Boches the.—The First Baptist Churoh of this city, corner of Broad and Arch atreets, has extended a call to the Bev. Air. Boatdman, of Bochester, N. Y, The lat. for will preach in this church to-morrow (Sunday) morning and evening. A ’’Eevebend” Tbaitob Sentenced to Work on theFortistcations.—Theßev.Dr. Armstrong, brother to the late secretary of the American Board, pastor ol the Presbyterian Church in Norfolk, Va. lisa been sentenced by General Butler to work on the fortifioationa at Hatteras, as a punishment for disloyal practicea. Dr. Armstrong ia, therefore, now finding use for his strong arms in wielding the spade and the hoe, and has probably learned himself what he formerly taught others,that “the way of the trangressor is hard.” Me. Jbmissos Davis, the Copper-Head of the rebel Confederacy, has ordered another fast dap to be observed in his tick and suffering dominions on the Bth of April next. The Noonday Union Prayer Meeting is still con tinued at the room of the Young Men’s Christian Association, No. 1011 Chestnut street. The follow ing ate some of the requests there made for prayer • “Special prayer it requested for Lafayette Col-’ lege, Easton, Pennsylvania, by God a people, for an abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit, even for the conversion of every student .” The President of this college was In the meeting on Monday, and told the congregation that sinoethe above request was remembered, a large number of the young men had been impressed with the truth, and come out on the Lord’s aide. “The prayers of the meeting are requested for the eldest son of a widow, a soldier, home on furlough, given over to intemperance.” “An aunt wishes to return thanks to God for the conversion of a dear nephew, for whom your prayers were asked Saturday week laat.” “A sister requests prayers on behalf of three dear brothers, now in the service of their country. They are children ot pious parents, yet lacking the one thing needful.” “ Prayers have been offered here for four different persons—three are now members of churches—one I letl is a Christian. I ask jour prayers that she may come out boldly on the side of Christ Jesus.” New Phase in the Emigration Move menl.—The President of one or the ooliesea of the Christian brothers in the United States is at present in the west of Ireland, and is em s *s cd , down the namea of national and other school hoys, of from fourteen to twenty-five y ears of age, who are willing to go to America to have their education completed there under the care of ;he Christian Brothers, and be SJ 1 ®?. 101 Positions of trust in connection x EoI ?»“ OfJhoHo Uhuroh in that country. He has been iu Ballius this week, and we are in formed that several lads attending the National have signified their rcadiuca to accompanv * c ’,“** tk® Atlantic. It is considered that in ? V one "« TerM hundred of ita promising and intelligent youths will embrace the offer now mace them, and will be lost to this oountry forever This ia aliogether a new phase in the emigration JfovoSim*’ f n« the cl ?° ir » iB S* It is desigMd that the whole congregation shall unite in the chants, as well as in singiog the hymns, and in re- I ’ a’ler with the minister the Creed, Lord’s Prayer and Commandments, after the Confession, on su£ K is thought that it will add “s!*. is ,V he Of the service and the edifl- S, people i for there are few who will not admit that our mode of worship in most of the churches is too bald and unimpressive. ne p®J^, ov . RIlY ™ Pbesbvterian Churches The Srs”““ I ’&£fcs2sais and diB fce&rtered Presbyterians, and &». 4h ® m 9 UV willicgoeas to help them in tbe work of rebuilding the walls of 7inn r 27 Ji:® bayonet and the me do their sad work, if *th«r must; let the church follow with commissioner* <5 proff e «ol stored WeSaWp and ioyslkyof *o many of the O. S. ministers in Kentucky has been doubt ful* or positively bad, that it ia better to send KJ#*? 11 *?*??**® 1 * Sutler the chnrlhes iwlw, free from the heresy of secession* - * i>ti ihe Fieabyteriui. There are 2,368 nhvaielani and curgeons, 1.219 are elmrchmen tS ??Z52tK? and s»3 Presbyterians. OfTescS, »e o«h2u« hare 11,000 out of about 20,000 In th' B military and &T^p/«byM. n 6 dta " ta “* 10 > 50 l£ff£ °tie M pTrc«t & organ for the Cathedral or St. Peter and Paul com menced a fair on the 22d of Februarm whieh (SS. lMdlhis e rl ? g thß weck - The nett result of their *«er^frir^? l I LTople ,heD1 ’ ““ "*° W * tte Ohm ch CHareTLiuiTT in China.—The mitsmnsmcwSJe^* ol^ 1 wlth the Protestant 800, or neaihrmifi? w J ” uniber about 2,500. Of these, the ££? {» belound in Amoy «& years remarkable sircceaa'hM w il ere , for * ie fast ten the London Mistionare'slSSa? 11 ®^ tke 1 abort of formed Brethren from 7 AmiS*7’ of our Datc b Re- Presbyterians. Amerioa, and the English tatrfy h^OTe™“S°SSS*% IOI MU * Ehrehart, with a doni«”a m - e» Ile * of life, amounting in V aj Uß to abgqt alsn 88 ®* - rOBEIGJf tiObSIP. A BAThbk ludlorous incident occurred th« mi,., night, when the Paris student. we™to «%n2di Georges Sand, on account of the success of “ r . marquis de Villmer.” In the excitement of the mo. ment; the lady appeared on the balcony in her night, cap, which was not besoming, and, indeed, caused her to be taken for the concierge come out to send the ®towd away. Under this impression some speeches uttle complimentary to the authoress were ottered ™ students, and, finally, a chorus of «II parte eon bonnet” was sung by thousands of voices. nimtcd^^S. I*® 1 *® ,Mt weeb lwo broadsheets were ihurches in *?-1, prayer:’ “Ihope this mass wui tb i? ,oll<> wing “ T?«2’®°o K t^ H Meno f - Dubi^. 1 them** associate with him In the “ enrolment of a Citizens’ meeting Volunteer Guard,” for the maintenance of order and regularity at public meetings for patriotic purpoies. Teardcco’h lait re quest, when be left the dock, after hia trial for conspiracy, that bis horn might he given back to him, has been granted. The instru ment has been aent to the prlaon, and it la umler stood that the governor baa given Trabuooo per mission to play upon It to the prisoners after mass on Sunday*. THE CITY. Tliernaometsr. MARCH 26,1863. MARCH 26,1864. 6A. M.... 12; M,...3r,», 4 a.m U ap. K. 39 62 Jf BSH 36 66 63 VIKD. wnrn NW.,.NWby W.. „NW W ~.SW\.\ SW Annual Kbpokt of Girard College.— The sixteenth annual report of the board of dlree tor* of the Girard College for Orphans, as submitted to Councils on Thursday, says: It would be difficult to present to Oounolls batter evidence of the administration of the College during the year 1663 than is shown by the following table of Appropriation* and expenditures and the number of pupils in each year since the year 1851: _ The average Sam appropriated Sum expanded At?*- of Pupils, for the rear. lathe year. 3851. 300 *62 900 00 *61,794 H ‘fs2 295... 61 2T>O 00 61.512 37 3858 295 63,800 00 63,309 76 ISHmi... .SCO 73.225 00....* 7L403 37 IgW- SW 8.V530 M 81 754 S 4 18®:- ; 600 54.865 00"*!.l’’ fii'ms 00 The coat of necessaries u*ed in the advanced during 1863 af least 40 per cent Tend mth the Increase of coat for the year 1864, sloYmri h.. heen appropriated for 600 pupila, the now authorivert population of the college for that year ® u, h°rized These figure* prove feat the present board of oi lISI o™' 0 ™' ?“ d ® r *«»* tacreaae in oo«, bavm during 1563, maintained, educated, and clothei an average of say 470 pupila, at an evSSnOi;,™ 4^ $4 6«.33 leMthan29s pup ,1 « weremtlQiaiacd.odu cated, and clothed in the year 1867: ’ Expevditnrec H0ntei0W................ Discipline end ditcharse.. ! 92 Total expended*.**. ~&qq 175 4? DcdiftWa from the appropriation for the year 4,168 S 3 Total appropriation for (lie year. ,$92 nv) 00 i'xpenditurea. MOirapri*. 600 MDilii --....’1l 80S :* ®ii.a« 1? 1.56191 Dl.oiiilineand diVchatire-".! 344 99 hoot Admission........: *?2 xi Manual labor.. " 460 00 Tot«l aipeadfd $73.247 72 #B3 888 01 Dudravm from tbe appro- 90 ■ooow prlatlon for the year Total appropriation for the Tear*. $77,375 00 *84.885 00 The Bumper or pupil* for tbs years <««J sad 1833 “• authorized by the ordinances of Couaeil. for tho*e yean. The figure* are taken from the ao coHßta of disbursements. The moral training of the pupile la oarefully at tended to, not only by .nltable lessons, hut alao bp those influences for good which belong to the reach- Inga or home or ramily. Thia latter meant of eol ture, which it to important, requires more perreot systemlzation. To accomplish thia it a difficult 2 f £?*. *0 supply by any ayatem, and arUfioial at beat, the anxious eare and aymoathv and admonition of parenta. ymparny ...Sptmmas, or formality, partalre in too great a de, gree of the eoldneaa.of a prescribed duty, unleta the lben»cf,e^ lt iSL pUre i reU J IoQ soimates thia duty, in the teacher, into zeal. To attain, and to restrain auch zeal when - attained, alike require effort and fc'&otariani*] ll it forbidden, yet those fun- SjSJfJlJ** trut J« of Ohriatianity which olatm the intelligent miuda, aie taught bv mil£h?e inrf2, l^P, '“ ,ed 0D tlle,r eomprehenafon 5?*M?f b * 6 ibstruetora on ever; Sabbath, and du the at listed timea, each day. But it is eatahiiihSi ”, whioh la moat difficult to be rrdnrti mn l ! - 1 lk * want is manifest. 2WpS??iX®Med“* a010thß bol ’ e « Gas Works Imbroglio.—Some time since LST"? in The Preat ' thßt th9re was con lhe Board of Trustees P k l a®** W o * ll * l As the meetings of 5°, dy f r ® held 111 “orat, the commu nity cannot be advised of the rich aeenea that have p ' ace ' h ® re - Affaire however of late seemed “"?* 11 orl,i *- ths * lMt evening the Board met, having in a caucus the dav before mtma upon a certain course of action that looked to the displacement of certain of the officials. _Mr. Jdhn p. Cressou,' chief engineer of the Gas Wcuht, tendered his resignation, whioh was no .Durborow was elected first engineer, and Isaac S» Cassln, late of the water Lenai-tivinnt wm elected wooed engineer. department, The m?? ar , d > th , en *®Joumed until Monday after elected t CWefof l ihe ll rtl l l * ro lik if ly - ,ome one wUI be Oreason,Aligned. Worta> 111 pl “® of BIr *?. e gentlemen elected are considered War °PP9* itl 5 n to the peace proclivities ««nn W nmS e % I® , l on the Democratic organi »i™® *>”.? ? ru,,ee * *tand as foliews: ? Ed ,ix Opposition, ao far as party lines have been drawn. One or more of the Opposi tion joined with the Union men, and have, there tnr»«£S^Ss,tlieiD,elve* “* organization calculated to effect any arrangement that may be deaired. , Soldiers Passing Through.—About 4 v!!is, o £?J!*! erd “ y , *he let Regiment New W»*bSttei ry mJ ived , in City, on their way to „ * toE ‘ J T ie regiment numbered 300 men, and was commanded by Major Quinn. Before leaving they were the Meiplenta of a aubalantlal breakfast at the refreshment saloons. *Quad of 18 men, Lieut. Foster commanding. S n T eyea th i rt3 tv thr€e deserters from the 1 B( * ? tatei .**®y to Fort Delaware, the day pre to?sr B sSo“on: Cd ’ *“ d w “ e red Ettie ni!?i?ni ,r ?S l)0l l 216 “l en hanging to the lit r> h S? e wf!-tf"lF* u ? dertlie command of Maj. » rtlvel l from Wasningtnn, having flit*!®?! * , farloush *“ return home.- They have h Dß J ged “le Army of the Potomac reapite from thefi- mdSou." dut^ U AfteTVceivinl &S 3 % p XTeSTo^ ShOP S * ,OOD - «“ y I Trams Sale.—The slxtv-seeonri I Sale ot books was resumed yea- Thn,l?L at the auction rooms of Messrs P. e , **“> opened with the invoice ed h^w E /?- TOII ’ and was follow theb?*«S ChUda, of Philadelphia. In Um latter collection were aeyeralof the National &J!Sri 11 * 0 * alu l_ Annual Record for 1864. These rouoh sought after, orders for 10,000 having received before being printed. Coiieo ttoos of Blanchard a Lea, Philadelphia, Lind«av& Philadelphia, Taber k 00., Mft.Bsshn* 6 £fo*T»'’ Qeorpe s - Blanchard, Cln- Bo.ton, Moss & Co., PhUadel- T 6 h’ ' d - Ne w York, Prang A Oo:, Boston, Boston, Barclay & Co., Philadelphia! Bradley & Co., F. Leypoldt, Philadelnhi*. uriii lism Flint, agent, Philadelphia, A. K. Loring, Bo§- top, were the remaining invoices disposed of. The Good Fridat.—The observance'of Good Frffiay as a religious festival was generally remarked g^ScTSS* lighted, and then the cross was Dlaoed iinon ,l. H a sid ht M t hß Merited Rebuke.—Yesterday afternoon » VaTuTarfetc’tt’tt and *hto' S™ 5* 1 ,? ■ h * ve beeo drinking, sir. I finevon five dollars, forfeit jour back pay, and hold vou^in 1 ™”'PJ tent to ait again in this court." The juror r& »te rebuke with inuiffereece, and waSkSd off •sjlng merely it wa. « a u right.” warned off, -r Changes,—Brigadier General or nf. < d lbb » n / W J° fot * ome time h “ b een iu charge of the depot for drafted men in PfailadelDhls having leave.« hl " woand * received at Gettysburg to-day to resume command of his division to S orj) *;. General Gibbon has greatly distinguished himself during the war, and has been in two battles-Frederickrtmg and Get oia Co }f! ne \ Lemch > ot *be 90th Penuavlva dlp ® iriy“ lrelleve hlm “ eommander of the s .?^ 0 e VAL SICK Colored Soldiers _ Baventy.flva s * ck eolored soldiers belonging to the pVn^h'av^w ll *' nOW quartered at Camp William k *y* been removed to the Summit House Hospital by Dr. Kenderdine, U. S, A. medical Hi th2°n\?f?? r ? 1,po ?* XioJl ' Nurae. wait upon them, and they also receive rrftab** 7vw?lf °*h * he * ur B e " n ln charge or the hM- K. , rt of th f m “re afflicted with the measles. Slat «smS W n raslDg i moDg tbe ‘iblored soldiers at the^ff&obfofthis disease! 611 tave aUeadir died ftom 8 OB Soldiers.—The following “®“ lk *w e re reported at the medical director’s office yesterday, from the army hospitals: Rumensy» nnou ' Company B, 25 th Company B, 32d Wtmect U^O^lSedT^OTps"" 1 ’ „ ““biUeseeTil, SfefeenW and Filbert Streaa.-Fb.illD Yoh^tS™ P * ny * Mth Kegimeat Pennsylvania nrS?? 8 ' l -Tk e house of Mr. Dickson, on *Vi! e ” Ciestonville, caught fire rrom the abnu* » O’clock yeiterdly morning? aid mfrmn° ml!? de,, royed. The loss is estimated at # ‘• oTer e< l by insurance. h^r b ° u * 1 O clock yesterday afternoon, the roof of a Sails of a Vessel Blown Away —Thp brig S. Thurston, Captain Bampher, which left thi. port early thi. week for Key breakwater on Wednesday, having had all her sails bJQwn away the previous’night, a violent . 4 st Bffiy«d In til# city and states abSvl! 6 “° ° tter IBJUry tt#ll “»* The Cathedral op Sts. Peteb and Paul—To-morrow afternoon the Cathedral on Bo gan Square will be opened for vesper service. The occasion will be one of considerable interest. Bight Eev. Bishops Bayley, or Newark, Duggan, of cm- M ,lS’ » nd ° the ,f a ' w * n Participate in tne service, with the Kt. Hev. Bishop Wood and the Oatholis clergy generally of this city. Bbeadstdffs fob Europe.—The packet “ip Saranaki Captain Rowland, whioh sailed for 27 sSW. yeMerday, took out the following cargo: verS 9 n e .e,?' h^., ‘ 600 barrel » flour v 317 bag. clo low 26 d V..e hd '' baFk ’ 18 Heroes bamsr 18 cask, tsl ®er, C s “ b * ™“> * bale * •>» waste, 9 cases pen •turners, 3 oases scrap steel, 10 cases mdse. Jam es Potter, aged 33 j yesterda”{“*? t be Pennsylvania Hospital, received at the ha^o?T„ h *Jf v ?. re »‘»b In his back ! rant on Race .tree?, between P® 7el “- ln » restau’ j He is in a critical state/ WeeU bcven th and Eighth, j Fobt Delaware. Bv tho signing General Wallace to the !„^.„ or< J er as ' Mlddle department, the commanding^?* tke Delaware *5. to repori dfrei?S? rt Department, and hla post williot V" belonging to any geographical depa^Sl?t! ldored a * The Gibls’ High School.— The Board of Sohool Controllers wiU hold a speclsl meeting on Tuesday afternoon, for the purpose of receiving the final report of the committee appointed to examine into the manner ln which the late examination for fcdmbafoa of pupil* w&* conducted. Passed the Board of Burg sons.—Dr. EUwood M. Corson, formerly of the 89th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, has been ordered to the iron*olie spurious. Officer Lyons, of Reading, came to Philadelphia, and with Messrs. Bartholomew and Lamon, insti tuted a search, and yesterday, ascertaining that some horses were for sale in West Philadelphia, proceeded there and made a pretended purchase, Mr. Lyontflbetng In the reserve; the other two officers acting as farmers. Ail the arrangements having been made, the horse seller was taken into custody and conducted to the Central Station- He was committed to await the aetioD of the authorities of the county of Berks. Mr. Lyons being already armed with the proper documents, took oharge of Montgomery, and the next train for Beading con tained the offioer and his prisoner. Ten Per Cent, on Bounty. A. man, giving the name of J. L, Moss, of this olty, and formetly a lieutenant oolonelof a regiment, was arraigned at the Central Station, yesterday, on the charge of holding certain ward bounty from one or more soldiers. JDcnnls O’Brien, Esq., appeared as counsel in the case. The complainants being German, and unable to understand English, he vo lunteered his services as interpreter. The facts, as developed, appear to be these: A portion of aregi i xnent, numbering about one hundred and fifty men. I re enlisted at Martiosburg. Va., and, upon being j credited to Philadelphia, would be entitled to the { city bounty as well as ward bounty. At that time ! it was reported that the bounty would cease on the : 10th of March, and very little time was allowed to j prepare the muster-roll so that it could be obtained, f It is alleged that the defendant, fiuding that the | authorities could not prepare the rolls, volunteered ! to do it himself, provided that he was allowed ten per emt This was agreed to, and it is further al leged that defendant had to employ clerks, who labored two days and nights to get the papers drawn up in time. It so happened that the enforcement of the draft was postponed. The re-enliated men came to Philadelphia, and reoelved their bounty money of *250 each from the committee. By this movement Mr. Moss did not get his ten per cent. It is farther alleged that, on the face of the powers of attorney. Mr. Moss obtained the ward bounty fund, to thus seepe himself. The enlisted men ascertained this 7 *PP lled f °r i*. They have instituted proceeding! to recover the amount. O’Brien contended that in reality there is d U® Mr. Mcas ten per eent. on the ward bounty, and th.t each of the enlisted men owes him $2.50, a “™ Dt tte per oentage ontwenty five dollars. The magistrate said that he considered Si?,fsio B . , .'SS. to .H!!i vo .l he £*“ returned to oourtfor adjudication/ and, therefore, required bail. Mr, O Brian said {hat ho would have the auhjeet brought court on a writ of habeas corpus on next Saturday. This be thought would obviate the nc- ShSfe&iAfSffii? 0 !* the men entering proceedings, that the decision in the case of a single man would embrace them all. Here the case ended for the present. TRe Alleged Nuisance Case. The four persons charged with maintaining a nul sance very offensive to the teaohers of the colored Sunday school in St. Mary street had afiaalhear -15? ** *he Central Station yeaterday afternoon. They were each held to bail in the sum of *4OO to answer. . [Before Mr. Alderman Massey. 3 A Soldier Robbed. Metz and Sarah A. Buelah were ar raigned yesterday on the oharge of robbing Mtohael Connell, » soldier, of the sum of *l7O. Ct is alleged that the defendants reside in wood street, above Thirteenth. The soldier, it is said, visited the house, when he left he found himself minus the amount of money named. The defendants were held to bad in the sum of *1 000 each to answer at court. They positively deny the charge as preferred, [Before Mr. Alderman Pancoast. J Alleged Receiver. A man giving the name of John Mundom was ar raigned yesterday on the charge of receiving stolen goods, the property of the United States Govern- ? ent - ■« seem* that four bops, whose Ages range from thirteen to sixteen years, were arrested on the charge of stealing certain property from the barracks at Twenty-second and Wood streets. It is alleged that the things thus stolen were purchased at the £>■ I d „ ,^» d « re,ia »ut. Hewaa held to bail in the sum of $l,OOO to answer. [Before Mr. Alderman Devlin. 3 Stabbing Case. Thomas R. Deveraii was arraigned yesterday morning on the oharge of stabbing a man on the evening before* According to the evidence, a row was indulged in at a lager baer saloon, near Eighth and Race streets, during which two men were stabbrd, one of them rather severely, from which some doubt is entertained of his recovery. The de fendant was committed to await the injuries of the wounded man. GEO. lf H B I^BT ELPHI f BOAKD 02 T * ADJt THOM I'll I'FtM-ON-l 00 *”™ W ™ Arrival and Sailing of the Ocean Steamers. TO ARB2VB. SHIPS ' PROM POB PATH. Southampton..Hew Fork Mar & Peruvian ....Liverpool Portland. Mar 10 « .?/* ** V* *r •••Javerpool New Y0rk..... .Mar. 12 C-of Manchester. .Liverpool Hew York.. ....Mar- 16 Africa Liverpool Boston Mar 19 leuUmia.... Southampton.. New York..,. ..Mar 19 TO DEFAKT. Bdinbarg Nsw Yorx~»... Liverpool Mar. 26 !??&<• -»-*ForiUnd........Liveip()ol.. ....Mar. 26 Boston. Liverpool Mar. SO Eagle... ....Hew York...... Havana.. Mar 30 Germania New York Hamburg.... ...April t £Ee5!f lH,n Portland. •--.—April 2 ' Liverpool. ......April 6 LETTER BAGS AT THH MBBOHAHTS’ BXOHAKOB, PHH.ADBLPHIA. BaTk Linda. Hewett Clenfaegoe, March 27. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORW nr PUILADKLPHIA. Mar. 86.1864. ; I; 6 . , 62 1 , 3 .^;;~~7.' ;~~i S vSk rk R?» t -^ I1 «.i?^ ) V Kll, > ,^Jrrom Eoohelle, via New AP l^ “* ® days With brandy, Ac, to R a Sonder &oa New York 11 diacliarKfed a ffwater part of her cargo at 4 m days from New Bedford, Jff the bverialit • ojl Tuesday night lost anohSr mde^„^l OC B e Ke^ in> ® **** fro “ «•»**». *»*■ sotoVo Jam^S 11, 1 daV ffom Fr6derlCa - D *l- With jsffl££Bfc'L t jggE?*a} daT froni odeWii ' wSh Jo™ tojir fsss’w PZo ttom crB9k> Dei bmn froai *«'*•*• „ AT WILMINGTON, DEL hSSS Bnrmah ( Br ), BerwicS- 34 days from Cardiff, andßffittmoreSSC& raikt 0 PUladelpli '' Wilmlnton,’ „ . „ . CLEARED. MeiUan. Lavender, Boston. B A Bonder A Co. & sfaiSrid 1 ’ Jsd “ >n ' “trkereen. Boston. Wannemaeher wJiS %6nayra. Jno Dallett A Co. .Slfckne?& y WeLh,«to“ tt ' Cordsry - Prevideace,Caeteer, A (f^ r W W Mar °v. Barrett. Cheleea, Blaklston, Graff, §^S 1 l!f,\ lw i 4b r-® r «wVnr,Boi't. * A Sander A 00. SchrßW Dillon, Lndiam, Port Royal, Trier & Co |ehr J W yenneman. Sharp, Key West, ’ do ° H A AdtSe tlCan Easle ' KamaeT - Forirees Monroe, Com *&*?•• Hampton Roads, do. a * cattt Nickerson, Washington, D 8 Qaarter- B^S?S? ord f> n *, S £l em. Day & HnddelL Ui r ? llf r . Baltimore, A Grores. Jr St i Ann Eliza, Richards, New York, W P Clyde. [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. 3 night °f 22d inst., the gale frozn NS ofthe reason, accompanied with snow, prevailed in this vicinity, which caused much damage to the shiD ping, attended with loss of Ufe. mp , Crest, from Liverpool via Fay al, for Phi ladelphia, iaden with salt, hardware &c,, while at anebor off the buoy on the Brown, parted her anchors th© 8b ©ara. live miles north of the £e*w P i Mfi t r°r?lc 0 r d ‘° Wreck - t 0 Ba ™ The brig Susan, from New York for Pbiladelohla in ballast; schre Richard Vanr, from New York, with hiv «P 3 ® len i fr 0 1? Philadelphia for Salem* vitu cool, and Booaerset. with cool wbib itriTsn Qta r 1 off ttis place—the latter is fall eTwaTiTr, sto -® a ‘ e moderated last night* and this morning a float Sppo r r tnS». Wffl by tho n6lt _ aason Marshall. MEMORANDA Tli« V. s. ShlpTbomas A. Scott in Peril. Colonel Grosman, the assistant quartermaster general, bas received the following telegram from Capta'n Alfred G. Gray, of the U. S. quartermaster ship McClellan, dated at the Delaware Breakwater, Friday, March 21. vessels leaving Philadelphia, bound south, may find the crippled ship and seeist it; To U. 8. Quartermaster , Philadelphia: Qaarteraarter a hip Thomas A. Scott, la without propeller; parted,company with her at IA. Bff , 23d Inst, m a heavy sale;lalitude about 35® 31/. longitude 73° 4s' I«fu e l 8 le .^ v \ n K Phlladelphia, bound south, may fall in with her if they keep as far east as 73° 30' Brig 6 Thurston, Lompher, hence for Fey West, re turned *o the Delaware Breakwater, ca Wednesday, having had all her sails blown away daring the gsle on iaeEtiay night; she sustained no other damage. Captain L has arrived in this city y , CspJaln Smith, of the schooner D W Eldridge arrived in ttu« city yeeterday morning, and reports that his ves- M 1 lying at tne Breakwater on Wednesday morn ing last, sprung: a leak forward, and suddenly sunk! * fijffi* Mined James Hull, of Delaware, and the took? drowned. Captain Smith, Jacob j)> (°£New Jersey), male, and a colored man 7 named Geo Hull, of Delaware, took to the rigging; the Son? to e dea f h ‘ *nd was taken • ff by a boat iromtne u S ship Saratoga, and the captain and Hull off by the pilot boat Thns Conner Hall was *?s}*• > ad the captain had all his Sagers, one •M®* a »d feet frozen. The PWB hailed from Philadel momhTff if 4 a car *° ot 3,739 bushels of com for Ports lhinKB that all the vessels on the beach may e ? ce l>l the schooner Somerset (supposed from faltlnm for flew York), which was in a bad condition. to® loaded with cannon, bound to Delaware, was at the Breakwater, leaking day l morning Bllip sfla Creflt iad 18faet ia h<3t 011 Thars- BT TELEGRAPH. iS 1 ® MpNROE. March 24-Seh John Gilpin, from KMflflSrt The captain reports tLat he !huf^ij n v ei Vtry heavy, weather. On March £2d she «lptS“Tb J r k th“ d to™‘ DO * aCa “ al U d^. mai6i a -“ Mpt *° lha UlB SAILED. ShJ M.JS! Iri & osslB can be had on application at Propcsaj, nmu be endorsed. “Proposals for Armr Snppliee,” stating the particular article bid for. mb24-t3l A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE —-R- OFFICE, PRnpnsiTK S Uo - Man* 22. 1334. irKUrUiSALb are Invited by the undersigned *HOfe.»AT. April ia *’S«k f«. nißbisK this Department (by contract) with * National Colors *..., .....Armv &£ftnd*ivt Regimental Color*-AriilJery, my Mandard. « ,*° ™ do Infantry, 40, Garrleon Flags, do Storm Flags. 4 ft ‘ General Hospital Flags. 40* Company Order Books, An J o Clothing Books, do Do Descriptive Books, do _ Do Morning Beport Books. do Post Order do - Post Letter do . Post Guard Beport do Regimental Letter do Do Descriptive do Do Index do __ Do Order do Hat Feather Sockets, Ostrich Feathers, for Hats, Chevrons—Service, Do Ordnance Sergeants, silk. Do Hospital Stewards. Do Cavalry, Sergeant Majors, Do do Qr Mr. Sergeants, Do do Ist Sergeants, Do do Sergeants. Do do Corporals, Do Artillery, Sergeant Major*, Do do QM. Sergeants. Do do Ist Sergeants, Do do Sergeants, Jo do Corporal*. Do infantry. Sergeant Majors. Do do QM: Sergeants. Do 00 Ist Sergeants, Do do Sergeants, _ . £*>.. Corporals. Drum Heads —Batter, (nun Heads-Snare. Fifes, Haversacks—Painted. xf Cotton Duck—lo and 13 oz., do ,nd thi“1l?T be 869 n «* th# offi " *«»*“■« w^w,i-L iv t e^t/ re 6-? f at the U. g. Inspection warehouse, in this city, in good new packages, with the name of the part* furnishing. the .kind and quail* tiLy of goods distinctly marked on each article and pack age. >• Parties offering goods must in all oases famish sam ples, marked and numbered to correspond with their proposal, and distinctly state in their bids the quantity of goods they propose to famish, the price, and the time ofaflliTeiy, A guarantee, signed by two responsible persont, malt accompany each bid. guaranteeing that the bidder will supply tbe articles aw&rdedto him under his proposal. Bids will be opened on THURSDAY. April 7th, 1884, at 2 o clock P. M., at this office, and bidders are re quested to be present. awards will be made on SATURDAY. April 9th Bonds will be required that the contracts will be faith* fully fulfilled. • „ Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed.' Blank Forms of Proposals may he obtained at thla office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable Is reserved. By order of Col. Thomas Swords, A. Q. M. G. C. W. MOULTON. mh2s'l2t Captain and A. Q. M. G«EAT PISCOTEBT! Applicable to the Useful Aits A New Thing Its Combination. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. Jewelers. Families, It Is a Lifinld, Bemember. ieSC-tnthsly COURT OF COMMON PLEAS—JUNE TS. W k“bvbesoI L BVBKSOMI friend, * a * ce notice, that a subpoena having been a^*tAE&gz* To Byerson, Beapondeat abore named. mh24-tliatu6t* E r JSTATE OF JOHN FRAZIER, DE of JOHH A Ii?VTIo tt S rl! of on-tin Batata SkWffS«2£tf£i£s S££ '**-•« or^?r AZlB ¥““‘^. IN THE OBPHANS’ COURT FOR M Tfl E CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Inia ,?****« of WILLIAM HE9&Y BSCS e^? dltor appointed by tba court to atLfltt aatfcl* and bbnbt PAUL BECK and JOHN jgjffl.thstnCt P W. O-BRTHW. Ar,A TN THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS A CUT AMD COUMTT OP PHILADBCPHW TCBfiS?T *a.tnV?«£°* s L'’ f . ¥* *«ld appointment oa mli22-tnthBSt ** WAL Mwfer THB OOOBT OF COMMON PLEAS pH fO* THB CITY AJTD COOSTI Of PHILADBL JVren“’THO%A^e M rt WCT B r ITwartll 1 Twa rtlle J W1 ' low “« 0611. Site. Jol,B •R&nStFMS tte «boTO°Smid TratanaSSi "bss?& and PAINTINGS AND ENCUAPING9. LB Q ANT MIRRORS. t LABOR ABBORTMRST. S 8« I«BB4?1SS« ?sr* urii FAUfTue* «ABI.E'B OAIiL.£3RIEJa, S't» OHRBTImT STRSk*. WINGS AND LIQUORS. raPOBTEHS OP L WI»K8 AHD tiIQnOBB. LA OMAN, BALLADE, A 00., JTo. MS SOUTH JTIHTH BTRBBT, S*tween Ohutnut and Wllnni, PhiladalphU. a. m tinMi*. A. B. SALLAO& J- H. BITTIJg. r TO HOUBEKEEPEBS. i In makljg your spring purohM,,. bo sore to pro- ! WABffiTBD W CLOrHB^WGBT- aBLIABM ! ?osmv]l£™™™F^' W ¥, B REGULATOR, whloh ; lno I on 7 »S. T «5ofr=«??» ttle i roll 1 from BRBASIiro Ot TWIST* witlfSit th® clothing, as all wringer* 1 S«KfrtStoYh??o;SSr’ howeTerßtroa * ,rUmw i «o family can be without *A it, THB utnVBHSAL WBUTGBK “ d *W- «* araWAB- , KFor sale wholesale and retail, by siwisa® l^® -sss'^i-1 PROPOSALS. . . . „ G. H. GROSMAN, Asst. Qr.. M. General U. 8. Army. CEMENT. USEFUL AO VALUABLE DISCOVER! r HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT! Is oi more general pracfcUal utility than, any Invention now before the £dfoli«. it has been thoroughly test ed daring the last two yean by prasdsal snsn. and pronounced by all to be SU7BBIOS TO AM* Adhesive Preparation known. 3ILTOJPS IMfiOLUBL* CSUSNT U a new thing, and the reeolt of yean of study; its combination is on •oifiMTinc rßiKoiFbajj, Am under no eirsomstansee or Bhangs of temperature, will It be some sorrnpt or emit any offensive smelL BOOT AND SHOE Manufumrert, using Maehinaa. gftijhdit the best articleknown for Cementing the Channels, as St works without daisy, is not averted bv anyshance of temperature- ■ JEWELERS Will find it sufficiently adheaire for their us#» as has been wot«L IT 10 KSFBOIaLIT ADAPTS!) TO li2ATH.SK, And w« etabn as an especial merii, that It stiska Patches and IdnSngt to Boot* end Shoes sufficiently strong without stitshlng. IT 18 TUB ONLY LIQUID OEMENT £steiti. that It « gtura for mending ffTBNITDHB, GSOCKBBT. TOTS. Mon, And artltlet of Hontehold oe». BEMEMBEB, Kitten’s Insoluble Cement It !■ a Hyoid form, tad at eaeily applied at putt. hiltoh’b ibsolubli obmrxy It latolabla In water or o!L siiTOjrg ingounßLi crntm Adhere. oily tabttaaoot. Supplied In Family or Hannfaetu tm lukKH from * onnee* teloo eibTOI BROS. * Co., Proprietor*. noyiDRHOR, x. l Ago* to la Philadelphia r-Aisro « H&onns. Wo. 30 Worth THIRD .St. JOSKPH GODFREY do Co. Wo- 38 Worth FOURTH Bt. XiEOAKrt JUST ERCBIVZD. 3nnn hobses wanted. jV/UU War Department, Cavalry Bvrbait, Office of Chief Qo-a&tbhmabtbb. WAfiRiMUTOM. 0 0.» March 8 1881. One hundred as d fifty (*lsoj dollars par head will Ds paid for all CAVALHT HOBBES delivered within the next thirty (SO) days at the (torero* ment Stables at Glesboro, D, G. Said horses to be sound in all particulars, not less than five US) hot more tban nine (9> years old: from I*X to 16 hands high, mil fleshed* compactly built, bridle wise, and of else enfflolent for cavalry purposes 1 These specifications will be strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced, in every particular Payment made on delivery of ten (10) and over Hoorn of inspection from 9 A. M. to 6P. M. . Weuteiuat Colonel and Chief Qaarte*KiSer ( mb24-30t Cavalry Bpreau. CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE FRWOBAJi\ABB Th’e OHdVbJi^BO TUESDAY. April 6th. 1864. at 13 o’oloclf M., for far hisblcg this Department (by contract) with— Cavalry Standards—Army Standard. Bugles, with extra Month Pieces—Army Standard. Trumpets, with extra Crooks, do. Trumpet Cords and Tassels, do. Forage Ceps, do. LeiteTg, from A. to K» do. Figures, from 1 to 0, do. Canteens, do .Rubber Poncho Tent Blankets, do! Trowsers—Footmen, do. Trowsers—Horsemen. do. S”i!,»lp/«em iC Be “ at ‘te Office of ClotMn* To be delivered free of charge, at the 0. 8. Inspection. warenoTue. in this city, in good new packages, with the nume of the party furnishing. the kind and quaa tity of goods distinctly marked on each article and package. Parties offerir g goods must, in all cases furnish sam ples, marked and numbered to correspond, with their ?7°*°A a AJi nd distinctly state in their bids the Quantity of §°fl Propose to furnish, the price, and the time A guaranty signed by two responsible persons, must accompany each bid. guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under his proposal °*i® J 5 e , d °“ TUESDAY, April 6.1864, at two o clock F M., at this office, and bidders are requested to be present. Awards will he made ou WEDNESDAY, April 6, Bonds filled ManlMd that the contraotg will be falthfally fal- Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank forms of Proposals may be obtained at this office. to re -i Mt wiy bid deemed, unreasonable Is By order of Cel. Tbom ls Swords, A. Q MO. C W. MOULTON. Ztth24-1H Captain and A Q M, do. do. do. do. do. ao. *. do. do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. : do. do. ■" do. do. do. do. A SSISTANT QUABTEBMASTEB GENERAL’S OFFICE. . „ Philadelphia, March 22,1864. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until MONDAY ntxt, 28thinptant, al 19 o’clock M . for the de livery, in this city, on or before Ist Of May next* Of FIFTY MEDICINE WaGONS. to be constructed in ac cordance with a model styled the *' Anterwaith Medicine IVaeon." except the axle, which is to be of the same size as those of the regular army wagon, mod el to be seen, at the Schuylkill Arsenal. The right is.reserved to reject all bids deemed too high, and no bid from a defaultingcontractorwhl be received, By order. Colombian GROSMAN. Assistant Quartermaster General, (Signed) A. BOYD. mh23 fit Captain and AQM.PBA. OFFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. TWELFTH ud GIRABD Streets. Philadelphia, Here fa. 21,1954. SEALED PBOFOSALSwiU be received At this office until 12 o’clock JB. on WBDjNB-»DAT, the 30th lust .for supplying the Arsenal with the following Common Tents, of linen or cotton dock, to weigh not less than 10 ounces to the yard, of 2S# inch as wide; sam ple of the material required. Iron Foil, 6 gallons, 36 pounds, ?£-lnch ball, army standard. Petroleum and Tarred Paper for baling purposes; sam ples required. Bide from defaulting contractors will not he received. Blank forms for piopoials can be had upon application at this office. Proposals must be endorsed, 1 ‘ Proposals for Army SnipitM. w amine the particular article I>M for. _ _ . G. H> GROSttAH, CoL and Asst. Q. M. General IT. S. A. ; (~)RDNANCE OFFICE; | War Dbpabtmbxt. ! _ _ WASHixaTosr. Feb. 23. 1884. PBOPogALS will be received by this Department until TUESDAY, March, 8. at 4 o’clock P. M.. for the de ■ livery at the Springfield Armory. Mass, of 6,000 single . sets of wrought-iron work, for United States Artillery Harness. ; . The Harness Irons are to he packed in well-made ; boxes, containing twelve single sets each, being an as sortment for four wheel and eight lead horsee; and each twelve sets, so packed, will consist of the following pieces: 8 pairs long Fames, complete. 3 pairs short Barnes, complete. 6 pairs medium H&mea, complete. 48 Trace Clips, with 144 rivets. 4 double Loops or eves. ~ 12 Saddle Loops (bent for ctntle.) 24 Trace Eyes 24 long Chains, with toggles. 4 Breast Hocks. 2 Leg Guards, with ten rivets. 6 meddle Loops, straight, for riding-saddle pummel. •JtcS \" n «fs Ir °n*ara to conform strlotlyin pattern Weight to the model sets to be seen at this office and ftthe Springfield Armory; are to be smoothly finished; A 11 .! 18 .riftndard gauger, and each piece ie to be *£? Slze an ? M2 d oMron Prescribed in the offi- C(> ol68 of which can be obtained at this Armory l lt6 Wa,r *° rk and at the Springfield will ont'They we ll It attlie faBtori wh9 ' B mude.befola ? am ®? ,\ ra K a }. e marked with the maker’s name, f&uft&'lS* hllh” V - * A - Tie lat,Br l8ll8 » <>« b S E nt ?P In Proper bundles, pro ,? d e T acb bBx 15 ‘o he carefully packed, as PMsertMd by the Inspector. The packing-box to ba raid, for at the Inspector's valuation. j .m™ a s BtobBmadB ft ‘he rate of not less than sixty sets per day, commencing on the 22d day of March £sFti..* a “? r * S° dellv f r at the specified time srtll sub ianB‘odX' r r a^ o thL O t !,Se fe!l,lr9 ° f thB namber b 8 | i^l?,Sl4 B F} u . l i. s * o,lBlllBre d 9 * w l > t from parlies actual- : i? SSI?S? d i n tbB , manufacture of this or similar kinds •’ thev he.v»iS’.£Si4 w «° < ?“ br l? k ample evidence that own * be machinery and ap. fif'd perV&y turninK . ollt tb « full amonnt of work spec!. - bidders will he required to famish propsr seearities iiP I ! 0p t 1 !l 18r /f rniail , 0 ? of tb ? work, a "d will enclose r Hi"i wrbl.n acknowledgment of their sureties over their own signatures. b J O “ party obtaining a contract will be reunited to execution * >B “ ds ’ wltb approved sureties, for its faithful wS&sssassi sas&£* r,fht to rejMt » « « Proposals will be addressed to “Brigadier General . _ a _ GBO. D. BAMSAY, Brigadier General, Chief of Ordnance. ORDifAycH Optics—War Dbpartjibxt, Tbt* «vnsb fr.m * - WAssiwarox, March 19,166 L or«seiving the proposals under the above t£l /°L? ()T ? S Equuunenta, is postponed until the Ist day of April, at 4P. M. The rate of delivers u«t fhr 6 t 11 ODe " * e « 1 h t° j fc i he wbole amount contracted JiT' of first delivery is so amended, as to bidder to specify when he can make his first fSSPI? 8 eauiDmeuti can be seen at yrankrord Arsenal, Bridesburg, Pa., after tha zzdinat. a .. a , * GIO. D. RAHSA3T. mhffi-tutbstapl Brig. Gen., Chief of Ordnance. oF£m®0 F £m® g * ARMY OLOTHIN& AND SEALED ft thi* office, until *2 o’clock M , on MONDAY. the?29th ®ta ip ß l 7!^JnS.i cni:iylklll Arsenal with GRAY WOOLLEfi BL ANKETB-—army standard, of domestic Sff order that the present weekly delive ries may be largely increased. ln tJieir pTotKWAIs, which must he li » mantnybld « T . h 4a« y ° f tM •«+^* n w 2 ll^b 6 ft P%ndedTo the guaranty, and said guar accoinpany the bid; and in ease the said bidder should fail to enter into the contract, thev to m&ka fi™ 1 * L « d , lfl j£ e ? ce »»lwe«a the o/.r of ealdZid°e?Sd B8 ?v lowest responsible bidder, or tbe person to whom Ihe contract may be lO Bidden, as well as their sureties, or guarantors. who may not be known at this office, will furnish a certifi' cate Iron tbe United States District Attorney, Postmas {il', or other public fnnotlonary, at tbe residence of the K« d ),nL or • B ,\ tl ng Swfh clearly the fact that JJfii .. 8r “i 1 Us sureties are responsible men. who 238; Vfi eoftraef is awarded them, act ln good lSlth wHh bo United States, and faithfully execute the _»£ b S entertained that does not folly comply ii- f th . e . s , b ° T « nautrements, and which is not pro scribed araE tisd by two responsible parties, as above de- !‘i»5,??.5.!? 6 C allltlne eontractors win not be received, lion atVis'Sffiw PI0 » 0B » lB «U» he had npon applica oSlSPT 8 !, 8 “ust bs endorsed •‘Proposals for Army B,a ?SS‘. B J G. H. CBOSMAN. mhl7-10t Asst Q. M, General, P 8. A. pBOPOSALS FOB FOBAGE. Oaiar'UaasrtfelLUina’t Oman, peeemborB,lB6l. invited by tho aadertlxatd cSra/o^^nl'siAV. 0f * W Hay, of i. 000 traihtla wmIU ° r ia ' “ 4 M *° M or h * T “ r ttrawT and no* Bidden matt elite at whlshof the ahoye-aamed polatt they propoaeto mate deliverle,, and the ratea at wnloh they wUI make deliveriea thereat, the quantity of eaeh ?.ihde propped to bedelivered. the time when tald de llverlettbaU ho eoimeneed, and when to be tompfotad. The prloe moat he written oat la word, on the hide. Dora to be put up in rood, .tout tanka, of aboai two hathela each. Oate In luce aaekt, of about three bathelt eaoh. The taokt to be fnrnlehed withoat extra eharte to theGoyemmeni. The hay and ttraw to be aeenrely The psottenlar kind er dawrlptloa of oate. torn, hay gag&MM to bo dollrotod, mstt bo tUtodla tho Aff the artielM offered under the hide herein Invited wUI be subject to a rixld inspection by tho Government Inepeetor before belnc accepted. oieraiaont Contract, will be awarded from time to time to the lowest responsible bidder, a. tho tntoreat of the Gororn meat may require. and payment will be made when the MdM^Sld* * ontr,rt * d * r •i* 2 * i»f«beendelivo.-od ..T^a¥° der w4ll be required to aseosssny hi* wo»o. with a naraatea, aigned by two responsible persona, that in ease hli bid 1* accepted he or taey will, wlthSa d»^f*^ aTs tbereafter, ere«uta the contract for the same, good and sufficient an reties, in a sun eaual to the amount of the eontf&ct, to dellrer the forasa proposed ia t * rm >o?tolaadvertisement; andU •ace the said bidder ehonld fall to enter Into the contract, ttey to makerood the different. between tho obr ofwdd bidder and the next loweet reepon.ible bldder. or the beteon to whom the contract may be awarded. TboreenonelMUty ol the raanaton meet be ihown by theoOeldcertUloato of a U. 8. Dletnct Attorney7ooJU foster of Customs, or any other oflser tinder the United gut- Government, or responsible pervoa knows to this « " “ AW4d “ ® rl *^S r General ». He finckeTe Chief D6ydt Quartermaster. Washington n 0014 b * »““» marked, “i ‘ZmSTtifK. &2&ss£i& &EEsS£&£t W 4 4» ™2?i5S Blank orms of bids, guarantees, and bonds but im obtained Cipos application at this office w *®* **” w a- „ or rsorosAij. (Town, County, and- fftflis , idvenfoement, “Vated, Detember S. JBS9. the foUowfo/lrtb L ta wSdk C ° r "' *“ Wk '‘ ** »* r « bn M?ndi' °“** la ‘ Mk ’’ * l *» hnehel of a ■ tons of baled Hay. at ~ ■ per ton of invißAnitSk tons of baled Straw, at per ton of 2,000 ponniu* commenee on or before the—-^daycf —, 166 , be«oia»d«ted on or before tit© -—— «itfonl^it^th“ d “t^^th a «M B iS.S approyed eeenritlea, wlthln th.“.SSi. if folf ,S? kefnff notified that my bid has been assented. Tonr obedient serrant. ■ If rig idler General D. H. BtFona, Chief Hbpdt Qnartermaeter, _ .. 2 UARAW?H M “ h,m - 1, «- Wy^an^^, BT| fonU fft!L __ t^ olntly and seyerally. eoyenant with the United States! and anarantee, in ease the fores oink bid or-——be wm * within ten days after the 23i*?. p iisS* sxesate the eontract for the «»n with good and snflelenk sureties, In a sum oanal to the amount of the contrast, to furnish the form Diosoud in conformity to ths term. sembcT 6, IfdS, under Whleh the bid was made, and is ease the eald —— shall fall to enter Into a eontrael as aforesaid, ws guarantee to make good the differs nseb a? tween the offer by the said ~~— ■■ and the next lowest SEaybeowarded? 1 ' #l * 5, * pmoa *» whom the ooatnei ! { o?~. d ifle nd “* l ‘ CSsal.j helfof'tfilSSS*’' “** ,b r rt of ™ T kaowlidf^iid MUei, the above* named guarantors are good and mfi> “ f ° Z “• luaona * *» which they offer to n % a ®»»*UlOd by tho United Btatrn Dlclrlrt Attoraer. S“ t<,nul - ”.•» o l **®' offloor under tho lo ibfo oßm GoT * rim,nl - or reopoMibfopereon known All pronoikl. received nndor Rhle advortlMmonl will beopenedand examined at thla ofl.e on WedauSiy and at MM. Bidden aiSISSSffiK at tht bid., gg?, » lrloadfor flanaral and an«2wStU. £JABFETS, OIL CLOTHS, AND WIN- ; received, and fo?^al? e oSi .WwtfcßSgfiiLi”! ! * «<>•■ STKAM ! 80. MTNortli SHOOKD Sltart. twlow MoMfcßut * nJ O"™”' MW ' mMJ-la* l «K«“ ..yy **xtf *0 fcma&LLOwajij SHERIFF'S KALE. {SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponae, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MOB DAI Evening. April A 1864. at 4 o'clock, ac Sansom-etreet Hall. All those certain two arick messuage* and lot or ground, nicaste on the south side of Aroh street, two hundred and four feet eastward from Twentieth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on Aroh street twenty feet, and in depth ninety feet. CWhich satd promisee Linns W. Dexter et or., by deed dated May 1, 1864. recorded is Deed Book T. H. • Ho. 14$. page 187,* «0., convey ed nuto Jacob Carrigan In fees reservlngagroond rent of one hundred and twenty dollars, payable first of »sy and November! m 6[ BlaMy 3 Taken in execution and to be sold asthe property of Jacob Carrigan. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, March 21. 1864. mhm-jt CHEBIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Venditioni Exponas, tome directed. Will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4,1864. bt4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. no. 1. All that cirtain three story double brick house, with one story frame back building attached, and frame stable on Blair street, and lot of ground situate on the westride of the Frankford turnpike road .one hundred aud seventy-five feet eight and one half inches northward from N< iris sweet,m the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Frankford road fifteen f?et and in depih one hondred and twenty feet to Biair street. With the privi lege of a three-feet-wide alley. ho. 2. All that certain lot of ground with thethree etory brick house, two-story frame building attached in ti erear, and »two-storyframekitchQDftijofQiog.filtaate on the wort side of the Frankford turnpike road, one hundred fifty-four feet eight and one-half Inches north ward from Norris street; containing iu front on said road eighteen feet, and in depth sixty- seven, feet six inches. With tfaepr.vilege of a three-feet-wide alley Po. 8 All that certain two-story frame messuage and lot (f ground situate on the easterly side of Blair street, one hundred and fifty four feet eight and one-half inches northward from Norris street; cosUioiog in front on Blair street eighteen feet, atd in depth fifty two feet six Inches CWhich said premises Charles Norris etal., by deed dated February 20. 1846. recorded in Deed Book A W. M., No. 61. page 26, Ac , conveyed unto John Morgan in fee; ajyonnd rent of thirty six dollars, which ground rent the raid Obales Norris et al., by deed da*e& February 16, 1882, recorded Id Deed Book A. G. B. , No S 6. page 6C9, Ac., conveyed to said John Morgan in fee, whereupon the same merged 1 CO. 0 P. ; M., ’64 64. Debt. #47 67. Michner.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Morgan. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. March 13,1864. mh!4-3t (SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4. 1864. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground beginning on the west side of Ninth street, one hundred and twenty feet south ward from Venango street, in ihecitv of Philadelphia; thence extending westward one hundred and eight feet , eight inches to a point; thence twenty-nine feet two and one-half inches to Bising Son lane; thenoasoathwest wgjaiy along the same thirty-three feet nine and one half itches; thence south twenty-seven degress flfev three minutes east, two hundred and forty-one feet eight inches to the west *ide of said Ninth street, and thence northward Along the west side of said Ninth street one hundred and eighty-Mx feet sis inefcee to the place of beginning. [Which said lot John Turner et us., by deed dated Ausn*t7, 1652. recorded in Peed Book T. H.. No. 65. page 606, conveyed unto Charles J Gardiner in fee; reserving a ground rent of twenty-four dollars, payable first ot January and July 1 CC. C. P; M m. 70. Debt, #61.66. Townsend.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Charles J. Gaidinar. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. March 12, 1884. mhi4-3t {SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAT Evening, April 4, 1864. at 4 o’clock.; at Sansom-street Hall AU that certain meesuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Murray street, one hundred and twen ty-seven feet six inches eastward from Twenty'first street, inthecitv of Philadelphia; containing In front ?S»^ Tl l ,ra7 . 8 i ree * fifteen feet, and in depth sixty feet. CWhieh said premises Edward T. Kaudolphetux , by deed dated September SO. 185 1. recorded in Dead Book G. w C, No. 116, page 79, Ac., conveyed unto Vlnoent Sleeper in fee; reserving a ground rent of eeventy-fiye dollars. J 18.1 .M-O-P-.s M. ’fit 76. Debt 168.8 L Potte.: Tak en In execution and to be sold as tiie property of Vinoent Steeper and John McAW. : Philadelphia. Sheri Fa OfcTfiaKt'aS' S^h\X CHEBIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Xxponaa, to mo directed, will be exposed to pnbho sale or vendue,on MONDAY Evening. April 4. 1864, at4odock, at Bansom-street Hall, All that certain meßsoate and lot of ground sitnate on vside of Ann street, one hundred and tbirty-elgbt feet six inches northwesterly from Emerald attest. In tbe city of Philadelphia; containing in front on fe fi ten taohM. aid in ISSth fifty" one feet CWhieh said premises George V. Edwards et b / daied IB6O, recorded in Deed uSmL Hinnt'iffen 1 !' PM#4B °' &c - c “ TByBd “‘ 8 WU- Taken andbe’sold 2s°the B pro»rty ;l or C &V h riterl ff '.^CTlg S ?& Sl^ CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF si.,—y r !h of 'Vgd.dltloei Exponas, tome directed, will ?£^ hc .5 ai ? « r roedii B . on MONDAY Bvo .S 1 4f ril I**.' at 4 O’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. two-sjory frame messuage and one £?d , lo i of ground situate on the north, til® Jt! feet eaßt of Seventh street, in Phiiadeiphia; containicg in front on Baker L etl *y'f° nr foot, and in depth eighty-seven feet Sririfen i '^?v^ 0 15 S r a, iB y Jed dattd January 1,1821, recoroed in Deed No. 9. page 471. Ac. conveyed unto Thomas JsnnLy anV Inlr" 0 * * * ro,lnd tBat #f m - l»t Taken in execulion'and to as thTprmerfy'of T p°s?, a s ß ,°V. r - or. J9 HN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Offlce.March 12.1664 mhl4-8t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a 7 . r i t °f Tendltlonl Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to pnbltc sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Ah'-Il' ih6l. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. f™„a la « cBr . tal “ hilcli messuage and lot of ronad situate on the north side of bombard street one undred and fifty-five feet eastward from Ninementh street, intheelt. of Phlladalphla! containing in front h l ,°?s ,r Ao rB ‘i seventeen feet (Including one-hilf of grouMlent dollars 1118iX ‘ 1 ' fett ' Sttblaet t 0 “ j Taken In o^^^ CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF hi Jtr rlt j°E Ve ?f llion ! Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Bva. S' AP r + 3 * o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, rntf-Td* 111 th *e*-story brick meisuageand lot of ffOUUdi Oft the east side of Lewie street, two Se u t r i southward from Jeffewou street, \SJPfSt2 of PfiNadelpblas coatainlng in front on Lewis ttlf.ll 8l ?ran?- f S Qt * A®,* to depth fifty-three fees to Alder nM 6 efhf ® 1 j n S- d Bitna * B on the southwest cor- Pvm?iJi , oß* >ard d , Blxl «enth streets, in the city of i‘-buadelpnia, containing in front, on Lombard Rtra*t ninety-five feet three inches, and in depth along Six teenth street, eeventy-two fett. On this lot are efeewd ™I t ,‘v y f'V 88 tenements, fronting on Lombard threo-story brick on. the corner of Lombard and Sixteenth streets, and a three story brick tenement adjoining the last on Sixteenth street. “ ' 10. C. P.; M. '64 81 Debt, *350. Bryan. ] Philadelphia. Sheriff’s S rnh» at SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF £rl a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or yenaue, on MONDAY Eve “iffrnipfll V d o’clock, at Bansom-street HalL new.?? 1 c ? rtai ? iof of ground situate on tbe east side aßhiE *ton street, one hundred and forty feet north ward from Masters street, In the city of Philadelphia: lrcm V. on _ Washington street twenty feet, and in .depth one hundred ana twenty-one feet nine Inches to Philip street; «n the above lot are erected a ‘wo-story frame building, in lie rear a three-story frame braiding, end on Philip street a three-story brick buiid _„CC C.P.: M.. ’84.51- Debt, *133.40. Pancoaat.) J? execution and to be sold as the property of S TS ? , rd e 6 ! l^ y -cv -n, JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, March 12, 1864. raM4-3t SHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF „„ » writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be ? a , le or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. April 4,1864, at 4 o clock, at Sansom-etreet Hall, .fji certain three-story brick mwsuage. two three 's®?? b l^ ck * h ?? sea Js? tk * rear, and lot of ground, situate on the west side of C&dwal&der street one-hundred* and tirenty-nye fe«t northward from Hatter-street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Oadwalader street iwenty-two feet, and in depth one hundred feet. CO. 0. F; M , ’64 78. Debt. $206 39. Pane >a*t 3 iu execution andto be sold as the property of B^fi^ 8 i b V* ,y cv ijp, JOHN THOMPSON, Sheri#. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 12, 1861. mhl4 St gHJEBIFF’S SALE,—BY VIRTUE OP a Writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. April 4. 1864, at 4 o’clock, at 6an*om-street Hall, that certain lot of ground situate on the north side ChjiMjan street about ninety six feet westward from t eventh street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front pn Christian fifteen foot, and in depth, one hundred feet. [Which said lot Samuel Briggs et Sr., by deed dated September 16,1863, conveyed unto Thomas McGowan in fee; reserving a ground rent of flfty-two doUars and fifty cents, payable lei of April and October.] Cfh C. P.; M. i 64. 73. Debt, $26.86. Lstehworth. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office. March 11. ISM, mb 14“ 3t CHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF sundry write of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. WIU be exposed to public sale or vendna, on MONDAY Evening. April 4, lSd.atdo clock. atSansom-street Hail „A u , t^ at / Brlaill , ol i* n(cir winery or factory building ot ground ritn.u; on the nortneasl corner of Haines street acd Nicholson street, nstweeu Sixth and Bsyenth and Bace and Cherry streets,in ihe city of Phila delphia: containing in front on Haines street forty-one feet six inches, and on said Nicholson street fifty feet the east 11ns fifty'ree't" 1 * ‘“”*>,B, and on r. , . CC.C. P.s H-, ’« 81. Debt. 875. DsdrlekJ Taken in exeention and to be sold as the property of Freeman Scott. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office. March 12.18(3. mbl4-3t CHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will — t ? e E? bl } c „ Ba . lf ! or vendue, on MONDAY Eyen lnf-April 4, m at 4 o’clock, at Sanoom-street Hall, All that certain four-story brick messuage and lot of Round .situate on the west side of Nineteenth street, two hundred and forty feet one and one-uaarter Inches north- Ward from Coates street, in the city of Philadelphia ■ containing in fronton NineSeentk street eighteen lest’ “nd in depth one hundreu fret to a fonr-fest-wide allov gHli Privilegs llureof. r Which said lot Wllliam E’ ! S3SSS gHERIFF ’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF OXMsed r to enhfw.S 10111 Ex I x > na «- to mo diroctod. wUI be Apm Sf Msl i nlwv vendue, on MONDAY Evening, all it., .s k ' at Sansom-street Hall, S deifh aVSt Jm n y.fiTe“«t“ ,treet BeTaßtBen fee *> *** Taken fr, ’ ’S? 63 D »ht. *47.81. A. Thompson ] a«org«St3nsS3£J^ B bß ,^ d t aß property of Philadelphia, Sheriff's og COAK. Pmp«i? HleH COAL—HOUSE, corner FBONT aid POpVYr" 1 ” 8 a D ' Lre artl ' la a ‘ «• »- mhlB-lm* ~ JOHN W. HAMPTON. Gr^nra l^ I ®, eagle vein goal- Pin. §?si PanSli *{£KjS!L‘£ ***&• Al *>, Hart’s N. $8 SO LsrgeNiit 9 oa^; S** Stow Wll wfiiuht m toa * Co& i forfaisod ifuol 6ir©ot Rbftv?^L t i 1419 OALLO WHILR low B 7£u . >*l South FOURTH, bg promptly stiMdJd to b*y * lamll1 *- ordBra «l»P»tch P ° 2 ° m ELLIS BRANSON. c 2 B i^w S aE^ B beaveb best Loenit ari.5 11 ? Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, end pwssly fo *5?" Bchnylkin: prspwei sx snd WILLOWnfr % Bcpot. N. W. corner EIGHTH anS It w Bta - ° fflBB - NO- H 3 Sonth SECOND gt ° T 1. WALTON A HO QUEEN OF BEAUTY Ern« “its" ™S’ed enUreSy of Yi&nWa” P«rfnmsr“ d 4 3 > |“ t EIGHTH*Stree? V RV *' C *P™'. Chestnut, and 13» Sonth&RVfiNrH sV™?. abovo^ 4 - w mblB-3m M^ckeh® 1 '- herring, shah, btftah.** SdJJL*** 3 Sfao,terel - latf >-“»tkl , &££*•'*" feta a.,.»4 H»!,r« ! y'terteßSiir 4 ’ “ d a °- 1 ■«**• '*"‘- TRESSES *ssgß> ! M AUCTIOH SALES, TOHN B. MYERS & 00., AUCTION- O BEBS. Hoe. »3» and H3* UASKET Street laugh pbbbmptobt sale op pbksch.ihdia. -GEBMAH, AND BBITI9H DET GOODS. dw„ FOB RPRING SALES. 0 " ON MONDAY HORNING, March 26th, at 10 o’clock, will he sold, by catalogue. 00 four months credit, about „ .*s° S*CKAGM AND LOTS of French, India, German, and British dry-goodi, dee. • embracing a laroe and choice assortment of fancy and staple articles in silk, worsted, woolen, and cotton fabrics. M. B*—Samples of the same will bs arrauced for ex amination, with catalogues, early on the morning of & sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to attend AITBACriVE IMPORTANT SALE OF FBENOIT drt lSrdVS)* impo «tation of mesbrl l. hail- Meeere. L. *Ai| l SffiS»& o aofifirfg U «• 28lh March, by catalogue, on font months’ credit a choice and attractive assortment of their celebrated fabrics, embracing: twu pieces black bombazines, fine to sublime qualities pieces black and colored mouseline d e Lalnes. fine to sublime qualities. pieces printed mouselice de laines, very desirable at d select styles, i o large variety. pieces double* width M black moa feline delaines, from fine to sublime qualities. pieces double*width mozamblques, in larae variety, of very desirable styles; first offering pieces plain and broohfi fireßftdloWi in all thedesi — pieces poll de ehevres, superfine quality, in all the desirable shades. , , , nieces cretonne alpacas, in all the new and desira ble shades pieces black kernani. single and donble widths, from fine to sublime qualities. pieces Paris striped mohair. pieces French flannel, fine to superfine qualities, in modes. Magentas blue, scarlet, aod purple pieces Paris double* width 6 4. 7-4, and S-4 black barege. SHAWLS! BHAWLS! A large and beautiful assortment of shawls, in lour, black merino, and cashmere shawls, fine to sublime qualities; high-colors mode and square do: mousse de Jaine do; bernam, berege, mozamblque. and lama leu broche and etella shawls, embracing the latest Paris novelties, in f rod variety of designs and coloring. M B —The above will be open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale, when dealers Will find it to their interest to be present. PARIS BONNETS AND VELVET RTBBONP. _ ON MONDeY MORNING, March 28. Will be found 575 cartons Paris bonnets »nd silk velvet tiimmingf, ribbons, just landed for city sale. LARGE 6ALE CF BOOTS, J3HOES. BROGANS, ABUT GOODS, Ao. NOTlCE.—lncluded in oar sal© of boots, shoos, straw ffOOdSt aCi«to oe held on _ ‘ . TUESD AY MORNING. , March ». At 10 o'clock* will bo found in part the following prime and fresh goods, to foe sold without reserve, comprising, in pari: * Wen’s fire calf congress hoots and shoes; men’s and hoys’calf and kip brojtans; men’s fine patent leather 'boots and eboea; man's and women’s gaiter do: long legged grain boots; high-cat military shoes; youth’s hair welt kip boots; mensdo* women’s and mUsea’ goat balmoral boots: morocco boots: fine ci’y-m&de kid welt buskins: ladies’ gaiter boots: hid 8.8. ties: colored and mac, lasting baehins; men’s flee city-made calf, morocco, fili * PDI F I> sole-grain bootsj-mea’a baffr oot ® 8me1 ? f,P um P B olecalf boots; do seal k° ot * * womenalined and youths’ kip brogans; misses grain ties; misses' grain boskios- JPrthfi’bael grain laoe boots; women’s train lace boots, women s grain ties; boys’ kip brogens: misßasi &t 2? r SS?, bootB L^ DL,^5 1^e it calf do youth’* March by catalog yfSSf v «-^ Oll fo P months’ creait, about‘tiw Sranil» a :s2f~’ si °? s J brogane, csrolry boots. !eS ' wUK oat alofcties. esrly on the mom LAEGE P S| h w «- of British, 022££2!5i£%g1 8 EFL*— j .JLSiZ?*i?£l eB “W® wuaewmbe arranged for ex- AlD>Onioßt Cftt&loSQM, Aftrlv nn il. A i sale, when dealers willed u to their mw?eSw attend* «*KCMtaiT^ mw ■'OR SAIiE AND TO IiET. ®.. FOR SALtI—A MODBBN BUILT •■SAthree story DWRLUNO, with water eas bath in WEST PHILADEI Pnr a htfal “ d tealthy^tiatloM cinemVcs. he “ ew nck ' ft »P9rtr rapidly »d -"/•Honse T 0 tsrand Furniture far sale SjSJKS, »»* CHESTNUT Stmt, 8t - Second Floor. M B T,Fnnn a ß^ LE ~f VBRY DE3IRA, * v 1 ? 8 * tor a moderate-siied family, la a good £ti/J 1 ? C a li4>oll ifl Germantown. U nowoffered at alow fJJSSeS?? accoiDln odatiDf terms, in orderjoctoae an Daw sinS® 36J,y 25 felt, with Par® Dace, .K*ng>, Bath, and Hydrant Water* i« hrrilt nt w?th e ‘»hnn* T?i? Cirongliont algo, a floe BaUdlng Site, jntß slent Thiw Acres of Land Apply daily excent ay * OoUyctii 10 and 11 o’clock, at 805 M ARK ST Hw isi ; mbietr FOB SALE—A VERT DESIBA- T^B^\\y4^ a , &£***&£ %&SE«sa Bin I TeaMt^7,f^“^V nd S absta,,t!! i Uy bum; with ~“J9' tenant House. Spring House, aad all xteeassarr E£* i & !&*■• A v*m v »r«t SrfSSS? Trees. Part of the laud will o« sold with the bolidincrs, if desired. Atjnlr to ABM. S ASHBBfDGB, D6wat»orowy A sft FOE HALE—A VERY DEBIRX Sea s; with 52 acres of Land, near Mill coSd <5 tbe .? ity ; one-quarter mile from ge wSk o miles from Oak Lane Station, on bain «”£? T lvaala road J* ar B® atone house and 6BtB t spring house, milk cave, A c . B. P flrcMw mhl9 I»3 South FOPBTH itraii. <£& FOE SALE—AN EXCELLENT gmaot 90 acres, on the Media Ballroad. ten miles %*> M 3 gh&gfe^BL, ® TO LET—A COMMODIOUS ls * Worth FRONT street. Bent ApplTt “_ . WBTBBRILL & BRO., — Cj&tf *T and 49 Worth SECOND street ffl VALUABLE CHKBTNUT-BTBEET eubeorlbers offer at private wale OH-BSTNUr Street between Smtt u) LT^ theprop " tt “ tfiffflarteifessf 4 ind BBBoroi rA *& „„?.? REMPTO]RY SALE—BY M. !TR»m»rf ? SONS, Auctioneers. OVER 45.000 zerse counties’ r B N£!Ti^NTi nto “- Tlo ** “**2 soffits® Pennsylvania. 1b which count! are numerous mlSiVr StSAtelftSiS^iSa! 7 part ’ ‘‘wrily timbered, sad Mil and Taller, and finely -watered, an abundance S Iron and coal, and rich In agricoltnrkl Srodnce- fiSn tie® to martet by railroads, canal*. *“• prottuCB ’ ™®4*' 4.F59 ACRES—-TIOGA COUNTY—(in TRACTS of an to KO aoree each,) in the northern boondaryof near the New York and Erie Railroad ““**• 6.5110 AIBJS-IDZBKtE COUNTY—I2S TRAOPfI from 60 to abont 400 acres each.) This is one of the t '“i™™ 1168ln ‘ h « the facilitiesCearryin/nJ thfnl»w£^^^ extracts from the laws under which the titledarad£ rired, and under wM«h they will bS“ old! teril jrJale *O.. may be had on application to 8. T BODnVR tun Fonttt ,ta * ™ta«i*£ WlMfe BatE ABSOLUTE OF THE WHOLE 45,111 AORB3. mhlg 21 04 26 K&*ala ftgA-rh iH| ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT a ®m«bur^!knt°e",ht ss®ssas£aKriss^ ,^^sasß&jsSFSl ? is » ~?be Qronnds comprise abont twenty- threeacrea' bean H'nUrlaW out, end ornamented with a kSeat^yariew 5r G«S?e S 5?J f »/ or ? ,t T «e» and ShrnbfEJx j?i&™ “f-KfiB 1 t'ith abnndanee of Fruit, Orohard. Ac * lare ® r JS j a tbepremlsea are also erected a Gardener’s Cottaya Lodge, OrcbardlHonte,‘Green House, Conj«?ratoX, <§?: House, and extensive Stabling conservatory, Gas Xto expense having been .spared to make thi«. all respects, a first-class residence. “• “ APPIy W _ lnl ' Bot jo- 203 Si»sh SIRTH sSit HEDICAI. fvLECTßicrry._ what is life «SSif, t, b»e ß r > §^^o T r®THSt^‘F*^ s ™‘ s&sh3 .™s ll ‘F tloa ’ *“t and se- Influenza and Catarrh. PaSSUm*"- general DebUitJ. fSSUSt B K&° f th » Llt " « Fever and Agna DlabhtS. ’ IST (Pall( »‘*' RKSSSttam. I&tSSj J iSl, << S P 1 1“ 1 BronchUli. , SSfiSSf 1 Emlselens, Ac. p.m. 9 TABBANT’B - SELTZER APERIENT, Tor THIRTY YEARS has received the FaVorahl. SCRIBBD a b° ,1 th f e th * FDBUC ’ and b « n USED Sd Ft* FI&T PHYSICIANS IN THE LANS AC *SB BBST EHMBDY KNOWN poa Sick Headache. Nervous Headache* Dyspepsia, Sour stomach* Bilious Headache, Dinlneu, COBtlTeneM, Loss of Appetite, Gout. ißdlnetloa, Torpidity of the Liver. 6nvel Rheumatic Affections, Pilee. Hear? "' barn. Sea Sickness. Bilious - Attacks, Fever*,- &c., Ac. Per Testimonials. Am., see Pamphlet with each Botklt, Mannfastnmd onfr by TARRANT ft GO.. nol-ly FOR bFIE ALL mtUaGdSTH*"’ Tl>1 *- TUMELLE'S COMPOUND SYBTJP tti ° DOCK ltranaggfoiut na It pronoanM it th« tmt Tl BManM tll0 *« wh« msgps^uo* jaMO-ta - T AKNIOA OIL OB EMBBO- Q.OLD’S IMPROVED STEAM _ wr WATgR.HEATINQ ? APPA'RATna For Warminc andVas Hlatta c Public Boildinea and ItomUWiu* 4« MJ um co Wm . JAMBB P. X7fVAl\ b. m rthTwafeggasasif- mtalß tap2R taraidl «|Wir th"^2 *i» «■ «^!^wass^»jggg ACTCTIOW BAasx, '' WBNEisTHmi^Ts?r -*- Wo. 610 OHBSTMPT and' Bia itj. SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOMFSTrn t. 7 cates nitde brown and tsn alnicaa KS ' 4 < 2 cases Alexandra cloths 148 Manchester ginghams. TA fo L r B c C a L A ths - **PW>, An invoice of— * *-«* «Mb, enn °O^'TDE S -JaY B ° HS ' aoMJX? Ifo '- 4 ® 6 ° PlalD “ d •**-■«« ~, - C«t,nfVo^^l.raUy?v B e 0 l ? l L OonsDt.n.of fehawla. cloaks, balmorala, dress fronds, h 0 BALB ON ACCOUNT OF U9DKRWBITBEB Pa, March mb. a,?0%«- AT MOKNIK “- °' J «&*» §“* alpacas, cu v*,f 7 ® reßf ' floods, biiihtly daniajed on voyage of importation H ors Louisiana and Pennsylvania, pANOOAST & WARNOOTr * TIOWBERSpyo. 840 MARKET SPECIAL POSITIVE BALB OF FODH r»„ CASES STRAW GOODS, BY C ArALoIP _ , on MOHDaV, iarchfflth. 03t '!. C8» OOMMKBnVff - LABQB POSITIVE l.OOO CASE 9 BOfj; „ . ON MONDAY MORNINfi March 29th. at 10 o’clock ppaeini-lc 4rm \ cataloßue, for cash, 1.000 m 9 *> TJ” I ,* ** *• S«! 5 h, 2r and * T *in boots, brofuns, bairnor^ I*' 1 *' Jw 8 'K S ? ; women's. mls«o»\ and chTiS ; e = Wsg-^ labge posin’ VE SAL gH 0 OBS 0:0 CASSS B 0 JjoraU. ealten.« m & f « mln * tloa - wltl «•»«.«, f{Y SCOTT & STEWART, AtJCTIOBBBRS ABD COMMISSION \ra~, oaaGHJSBTffPTfit, HSiAififflW BUPBBros BRUSSELS A STD IflGßAls CARPETS . on mostdat MORsrwa, s ’ 4,j &**• * at 10 °dock, at 1703 Moutji street, by cataloaiio. the entire and weU-kem%r, comprjiS gaot parlor* dials a, boa 'room* and bitches fni CBrpet 2- oil painting,. Tbe whole will be open for examination w»k loanee, early on morning of naleT ‘ Wltl xrm C 0^ r . * BTBWAET. ADOTTOITBKR3 nB?wfjTo» U,e^: atteatto* to eat©* c Tnßß^,/ B £iS2. ” AB s?' ot *1! dswirtpHoiu S“tt^iaToMh* 9 SVs».rtS' Ola S 6irwt^° OMB ’ W °"' •“ oBXa ' PY HENRY P. WOLBERT, Mo. MOM MARKET btreet Kcnth Hide, Abort , OLOAKIHGS, CLOTHS. CASBIKBBBS, SIGEi QBODB. SKIRTS. Ho ’ „ ■ OH MOO DAT MORNIHO, MftrelL 28th. commencing at 10 o’clock, will CMftkiffgy. cloths, casslmeres. black and fane* baresesi delaines, lawns, prints, xotirifos. k*l handfcerchieTs, neck-tift*, cotton hose and Wm ribbons, Irimmings, ruffling, worked bauds 8 brushes, soap, wallets, fancy wool and whitA ehirta. pants, coats. felt hats, caps, shoes. A? ladies and misses' tape-steel spring skirts, Sic, mepcing at 1» o’clock. TYf THOMAS & SONS, Moa. 139 and 111 Booth FOUBTi „CIRD.—BjJm «f Seal Batata. gtoaka. ti,.. CHAMGB SVEIli_ TUESDAY. Pamphlet Cl f«h SatardaT prgTionm- 99" FUEBitUBB at Auction Store THJKSOi MI GIH T P Djlnl T M E. 3 0!! j»grll «h, behold at p a l,l °“ h ® p ' em,ee »' Bist WaUi! ELEGAJST MODBRN HABBIOH, BTABLE. AND CO HOUSE* £?.4 r * e » Io h 373 Z 061 f '°°‘ by SSO feel lo Hetman ■ with fine milt and ornamental trees, elerant shrei iv Full de-ertptinne readT in handbill* T , HOUSEHOLD FUBSITUKB. Immediately after the sale of.the honae, will b hJn,ehiirfSiStSS“ Cl, ‘ B PreolSBly at 11 o ' ci « 49* Sale absolute, the owner removing from tbf HIEBOB. TaPKSTEV UAEPEr Sc *»>. i*. * *£ n *wn>AY Kcfcmra. tlSd ;t^i at .?S > v cI 2 ck * in street. o r 31 tb koMo a , bov * tbo HaT.r'or (abai Bilhthfeeel^ Apply *° J- B. Cololuo, i|"' BEAL ESTATE AMD STOCKS, 29th MARCH-1 LIEGE PEKBHPrORr SALE. TUBS DAT BEST, ' a * 12 o clock, at the Exchange, ocs ”“° n - comprising several ralnah 1 Imts, estate of George Eeher. Twenty-first Ward I tVteS»v r tS. 0 ? P f.. 8 2 1 ? 0 *, 11 }? * amr f£ aud a Urtre am>: Kl’JHftiHu® 1 ** 5 t? rop ?I* r * and the 45,111 acres M^ , C^lMetgatLo^ rea,PtofU^- i ErPERIOR jS&'sSftAHg th”kt?c r h^n“™Su.. mMr “ BeS - ,Bal^Br bBiB ’ *■ <49* May be examined at 8 o’clock on morntr? sDPSRioE r!«gJjßMSreSfits, nm „„ ..CABPBTH, &c, t^‘pUt e ed n S B a^. r^ rillt ' lM - aa * taol saS? r be examln ® i at 8 o’clock on the morula; ' „ ?A„ WI^ N ? BI,AT MORSINO, «tw«t b.T?i-Ja«,J2 0100 . k ' ?* ?<►■ 1452 »orth Sta to"d riSii?Sid f SSS;; tr f B*l 8 * 1 thß “Mrior fnrnimr PUno forte, seven octaves: fine [a wfißfe&SJSfflKk 1 ™ 1 Oitalomes ' ■* s flUfDßniii Siroet, ViLraTOAEpWs!^ 8 - MIEBOB - PUNO ' j—rtl !*♦ & a FRI&AT mobning, calSoB«J t, tSi 22f/l cl #° ck ‘*i flt **?■ 2009 walnut sire SSwTi°£ii^i«t furniture, including aulta of i Yi, irwii plush drawing- room furoi 5s d “SsaasSfijsfi* 0 /- «*». 55E? SteneUa?*”* ohambar furniture, &e. Also, the ki' May bo examined on morning of sale at 8 ' SALE QF cond W** s s pa*tj£eitt, Cavalry Bureav, wtH** 10 * 0T Chibp Qdabtbrmastf Will Im •aM^A B^J5 qto ** -D-0-» Febmaryl9. at the i>lsLJ > i2i'^s? f,lic to the highest t if d*t«£B*me «“■»-. 3W Honw. Tandi At'V™ I lfcnSiSSV SESHorw.. Friday. lit* Hare* Brnilawick ' *■ J.. 300 Hones. Tues At S!wsl P ff 1 2SB § OT *«’ IfWay 18th «. A±lJl!I« •*»? 300 Horses, Tuesday, 22dl 4SS&«St“ sa “ t>» had. 08 ® ““ ,Bna pttr t«sM many rood barrali Homsi wm bo iold ataßly aofd. 1 11081118 t 10 A- M.. and eontinna daily til! Term. Cart, in United Statea Treajnry Hot« oi feH-tmhSß ChUfOnartormas^^l/ai^r 1 SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PHIL. sort on Lll Si *»lllbi tit ISo»t PffIKEBSA* 8 ’ ?? m *»* wWf ftDOYI "liwlpMa. bbJ Long Wharf. Bo«loi P®rfrtohfi 1 “VL B m X 0 N ’ C»J>t-MattW., will l o’clockXm*.£ n Saturday, April f^Wi.'HiSSS^^S&Str. ituuuliipi fora s nr “ on »ort nn«fcullir oa Bkto.rdU •Ssssssi**** Qu+Judl (fee tak«a at fair r*t«. tow< 8U» XMtUUM WPlyto**** l^ol *’**••*• tli»Tlnjr*n« tmamnaji B ___ BBbSY WIMSOfc A 0> ~ **» South DBLAWAKB At? STEAM WEEKLY TO Li bor.) Thfcireii v«&5?«S? rjrt Qu«om«town. (Goi Tork *n P*T l »‘ Brameii. 'o* HftSFSKaa rStoaSyamboj ' *” fwrlhtr iaforinatlon, aaplyat Uia Oomwml’' JalS _ JOHB a. dal¥. /« ll2 WaT.JTTTHt.~.( Phlt^. 40 SpTSPBB POUND TA. t« At The Gonnuneat i$ About •W of 40NiitiptTsound ob Tobacco. Ton can a&ye SO pet cent, by Ton can •&▼« 60 per cent, by Ton can esr« SO per cent by . . Ton can eaye SO per cent, bv Serial bow &t OEaV’Bi Ho 98S nSracen' 7 isjSisssiiSilS'&.s* jjgggggrgg DBA# "file offvhSfSfS 0 * 7 ® »*<* 80c. per & SWSSISS S an**. §ll5 “JJj gM Vlrrjnl* 1 siisl Sk “* a Maiyjn Pine Chit Chewinf Tot>&**’ §ll5l OjSSSIt »U othe« H. „2f a S' * r « superior to *ll other*’ °*u TobMoo. on hie own Pl*“" 3®jjgSBngs£r:^. 3SSnset«!e> UT*:*f ThaT know DIAH Mils the be** * a * /A. THOMSON'S LOjf O KITCHENER, OE BtrROPEiN hotels. or public toßtHotjoa*.'gm l ■TTY DIFFERENT SIZBS. Also. l£‘i4 lr fnmaces. Portable Beaten. Hreboard Sloree, Baft Stewhole •re. CooklbE Stove*. *o.. at wholesale 40 , the m&imf&cltmra. „, » tboH j , BU-tuMa