jpgdffClAL AND COMMERCIAL* THE HOkEY MARKET. Philadelphia, March 17 18S4- ijeruJC the difference In opinions respecting the :* f ice gold hill, gold itself was extremely steady, the opening util three o’clock, it scarcely varied •tiou from 10L There was a large ‘short* m “ lithe market* which may explain the enrioas rfSrthe clow It took an npw«rd >l6l*. The mono, market re “^ n *!? n£der the ion. Governments are strengthening Via too gold mart, t. and are m increased do- lock market opened steady tint dnll. Ab thfl day ced some excitement prevailed, and * *&aip “»■ rally took place at the afternoon board. Mining *re still in the ascendant, and heavj orders con* flow in from the public. The promise of many t adventures is so great, that the only anxiety is \t the lowest figure. Operations in Beading were rtensive. opening at 65?6, and rising to 71, with a , market. New Creek fell off to 2Jf, hut rallied to Clinton Core sold largely at 2}£. Mandan at 6>i* ri rd ek at 13 Tamaqna at S)£. 33 was bid for 10 for Umpire, 7?e for Girard, 10? f for Pennsyl i» 9}i for Fulton, 10?-* for Big Mountain, 19>£ for fineqoehanna Canal closed at 29)£, Union prefer 7K» 4 hid for the common, Green and Coates told at -vrerament. state. City, and Corporation Bscuri i all firmly held, ft Co. Quote: ites Bonds. 1881 - 14 New Certificates of Indebt f 8..». 99 G&mv 14 73*10 Notes,August auo 44 7 3-10 Notes,October .ill @U2 lasten* V ouchers. 9S}£&nS for Certificates of Indebtedness,. &&X&l* i76*fgM7g >• twenties los* @n# years presents the following chances: Loans. Specie. Deposits. Circtdat'n 5,1£€4.557.919.155 1,496 *39 13.169.692 21.021,469 ?S, 1563. 56.9 P-5.442 1.730 SOS 13.123.60 S 13 123.6(18 1. 1562- 45.364.301 1.664 S5l 5,851,664 8.851.664 N’ew Toik Evening Post of to-day says; iold hill, as passed by Congress, having this {been signed by the President, the most con opinions are expressed as to Its practical ops- prevailing opinion seems to be that it will check >zdixtate speculation of gambling dealers in gold, tat it will accomplish this result efficiently and at much delay Lis firm at 160&@16C5*£, and Exchange is more &c -;l7s>a. _ loan market is easy bat active at 6 per cent. We re a few transactions as 7. Some apprehension Is as to whether the money market may not be red stringent by the di. continuance of the issue of /e-per-cem. two-year treasury notes should, however, be remembered that one-year are still being paid out of the treasury, and that mndred and seventy-five millions still remain 10 raed, should the exigencies of the public services ire them. The denominations now chiefly need are 110, $2O, SSU, and $lOO, and the .notes bear no >ns. > stock exchange opened dull but closed with more ation. Governments are strong and active. Slate s quiet. Bsnkehares dull, and railroad bonds firm. I stocks are steady. Central is quoted at 9H&9iH. leas at 107?J@1GS. Cumberland at S2@S2&, Wyo- Yalley atSS@sfi, Pelaware and Hudson at 219®220, vlvania at 20?X@205, and Delaware, Lackawanna extern at 223. road shares were heavy till towards the close of fision when there was a general but irregular up movement. foie the first session there'was little disposition to and Erie and Pittfcburg were offered at a email con on from the Quotations of last evening Gold sold at @161@160%. Hew York Gentrrlat at Hudson River at Har at 142?*@14i@145. Reading at lc6£@l3'. Michigan rSlat 141@141>s- Michigan Poaihera. at 10Sk@10S?£, 1b Central at 187(23 ln7*ai Pittsburg at 13oS@123?ti sland atl£@l2o3f. Fort Wayne at 129@1i9.--6. ippended table exhibits the chief movements at rd compared with the latest prices of yesterday: Thu«\ Wed. Adv. Deo. Bates 6s. 1881, regia..—.lll# 111}£ .. •tales B*-ISBI. sonpon.—..ll]>« 112 .. % states seven-thirties Ill* 111* tat-eo five-twenty e0ap....105* ICS* (lies 1 year cer., cut. — . . S9X 991£ .. -♦ aGoid—«—•— -...161 161 >e Sixes 61 62 ..1 Sixes 72 72 X ~ X [ail - 23434 232 2* .. *- Central Railroad—..l£6s£ 137 .. Y» i»127?-b 123 .. n ...106M IC9J{ U 166£ il SiwetV~ .146 148 I37K 1372 a •* m 141 141 m Southern... •... ~lfB3£ 10S3£ .. 54 4a Southern mej*2tied... 1472 a 148 .. }£ t Central Scrip >lS62£ IS7H •• 12* mx .. * ISO 11926 U .. ~ 14SX 143 H md..,T_ 123% 71 % onandQnincy*..-.* 143 143% .. % *..129% 130 .. % Prairie Da Chian 73% 74 .. g Ante**...*.. 78% .. % lante Preferred 97 97 .. -- restem.*«*» **••. 62% 63 •- % /csttrn Preferred 80 81 ..1 ;«.................64 64 -• iriand. 82 83* •* 1& 10 and Alton 87 88% •• 1% to and Alton Preferred 97 96% % •• o and Wabash §4% §5 X IX Lo ard WabashPreferreS.... 82% 81% •• 1 *r the board, thia morning. there was a very active ad. and prices Tose %©* cent. Reir York Cen loeed at 126%. Brie at 123%. Hudson River at 153. »m at 147, Beading at 138%. Michigan Central at Michigan Southern at 108%. Illinois Central Scrip .. Pittsburg at 124%. Galena at 121. l4B (eland at 123%. Fort Wayne at 131%. Gold, 160% ago Said) Uarch 17. , Philadelphia Exchange. 3 JOABDB. idA. Stock Exclii reed by B. B. Blaykakb EEFOK3 itawiseapret.... 43 orth Pa B. ....blO 362 e Union C0a1....b5 2>£ do.-.* 23* 100 Beading R. b 5 65% 100 do 68* 60 do 68# 1 00 do 69# 300 d 0... cask 69 &03 do 69 /DO do cash 69 I2uo do-« 69 ICO do *sswn 6? 100 do. sftirn 68? i 200 d0...,~..b5Ain68* do ....cast 2.3-16 j do*— ..b5 2* GO do . 2* DO do 1)5 2* [0 do 2* DO New Creek 2X [0 Tama qua Coal ft* CO Beading R. * 6S* l JlthT BOUSTr7-30NA&O 112 lOPennafie • •••• 9?# 9 City 6a naw....*«.-lC9# iffew Creek bfi 29i do 269 Mining* ca*h jO* do.— »£>* do .»■■«»»*.».b3o l’./'i landau Minin*... *,# Ml Creek »•»«« A,r <« do ......b5 IS* do b6O 14 j Inioa Canal pref- 73e i . do b6O pref 7* ! BETWEEN BOARDS. sk K&t ptti*sw». 45 ■ 10 Hazleton Coal 70 do 3?Ji . 0 . sSwn 28 do .....boOSi | £sGirard Mining 7 do. .-bfi&int prf 417; 100 New Creek......*.. 2# uteipribe ........ 5o (ICONorthPenna 36^ IraraColß 33 -»00 New Creek 2dy* 2# ioea 8.........-b555 • 10C-0 do „b 5 2# Blunt Scrip 85 j 100 do. 2# 16a Canal b3O a-?Ji3C08eading..........d5 69 stock 8a 10"3i.100 * do 2dys6SK itler Coal :0* 100 do bls 69 do SI jSuO Clinton 2* >n«IslB 47 11-.’ii Penn Mining 10# high Nav 72K 400 Readicg ............ 6^ a Oieek 13*i'.00 m do .. blO 69* do--- ...160 -4 (200 North Penna 38X CmniM b 5 10 (100 Reading 69* ’annate 06* i 100 Beading 69# do 9£* j £OO Susquehanna....blO 29* Fnnt &Bd Tp K .. 24* ;2uo Nav prf b3O 45* &Am 6<. *83..10.1 ;4lfl do-*.......45* loirlstown 18-«•« •Cl j H.O Reading.... b3O 70# dc«. sswn fcl 1100 do .......b3O 7O lmira fie 7S* j ICO Marquette. 5 d 0.............. *.SJa;!O9 Beading 70* *ennaß. 7-r*;lto do. 70# SECONj BOARD. UTi»townß.*swn 61 |4o' OPa War Loan 65....1C8# in & Amb R 176 ! 300 Sch lfav prf 43# S 6 20 bends....lCS* 1 65 do. 109 > 92 Falton Coal-....... 8# d 0... to j ¥.-o do. m do 69*! 100 do 7# forth Bank ffKy* *ll° j lCOCfttawiesi R....prf 42* lew Creek.** 2** 2uo d 0... bloprf43 AFTER BOARDS. *nna R 75*; 2CO Reading blO 71# do s-.-bS 75# : -.OJ do *• blO 71# ton CoaL... bO 9 200 do —...713, mCanal. ...prf 7*: 200 d 0.............. 71 Iraß aft prf fia#| 200 do.— b 5 71 AW K..--b3oprf 43 ! 403 do b 5 71 do . «SS ! -W0 do. —b3o 71J. d 0..-... Prf 422 i i ICO do b 5 71 do prf 4 1 100 Girard Mining • -b5 7# do pif A%% 200 do b3O 7X 1 & Mlddie»..««. 16 90 44# j&s'.er Valiey .... 5 ! ft) Maple Shade ..22 LlenYal7a ....*5105 i 200QirardMining.-b3O 7# >IUC6-BtS "fcO 16 I 2CO d0.*«.t.......b30 7# uquette. ft '■ 250 uo-.............. 7# laeingß ..... b 5 70# 200 d 0..... ......b3O 7# do—/. 70* 103 B g Mountain.-blO 10# 7u U 0 Clinton 2# d u .. 7(M 200 do ...b5 2* do 2... 11* i CLOSING PRICES-FOUR O’CLOCK. Bi A „ Bid. Ask. .....61 t * iMarquette........ r \\c *A£ * ‘.....UP* ID?; 0:1 Creek V& u R 7i 71# Venango . 9 j.,.. «44*<. 733 a 76 .T*m2aaa 4* g Ififiaß 26 i 114-Clinton 2 *7# prof 41# 42* New Creek. 2* Pen*a»t. . :-fi* iSicpire li A Brie R •• 57* 3 *_ R 1 Nav . ... 95* at*; tforileCanal pnf. '4s* 45*; simira B .. iCrsal -* 4 i ‘>o pref.... pref. 7 7*; •■lsland R. ta?*a 29* 29; a ; behigh Nay m CoaL 9* Bo *crip....... leant CoaL -• 16# 1' 3e! ...... .. It Mid I*# 16* PhilaCs .. .. iM£ lGQLahighZinc........ 66 PhllftdelphlftMMltetl. Marcs 17—Syenin*. Fh nr continues inactive at about former »*- Si lee comprise 2.C03 bbls at 4$ for tuperftne, 46 SO for extra, 47@7.75 for common to good extra family, ldl 4* 600 bbls city Mills family on private terms, mallet* and bakers are bayltt* At froms6®6-25 for f 6. cc©7 for extra. 47@7.75 for common to good extra family, and #8@9.50 ’i* bbl for fancy brands, according to quality. Bye flour continues doll; small sales are making at #6@6«25 bbl. There Is little or nothing doing in Corn meal, and the market is dnlL GBAIir. r lhe offerings of Wheat are light, and the market is doll, with sales of about 5 000 bus at 160(&l6tc jor good to Prime wds. and I70@l90c» but for common to prime white; 1,0001 bus Kentucky sold at the latter rate. Bye is dull. a. imall sale wa* made at 128 c W but. Oora continues Wirt, with ■sales of about 8.700 basallls and 118 c bus afloat. including a lot of white at 117 c afloat Oats are In better demand* small ■ales are making at 80@82c; heavy Oats arufield at 81 BAR K. —There Is little or no demand for Qdlrcitron and the market is dnlL First No. lis offered at *37 # ia Terr little doing and the market OBIT pnrc’bafin? to supply thair 3fiS?«^!# te #' , n»KSM* of middling® have been disused of at ciah. GBOCEKIEB.—Do flee continues scare©: small sales of Bio are mahing at 36*i@38c $Mb. Sugar I* vary firm, with salts of 600 hhda Unha at 14@l JfcVfb- la Mo- Insws there is no ohange to notice; small sales of clayed f S-cgfvti «s 1M prices hareagain declined; about 700 bus sold at $7.Z&© in th™w™or”K. r AWU.™ f??m “(®3IC for crude; 46@JSc for Kflasdfn lioid.aoa ce®’Sc 9 Wllon forftee, awordlng —There is no material change to notice and the market is firm. Hess Pork SSift,? teasmaU wav at «23@21C0 $ bbl. Baoou HLmmiw scarce; small sales of Ham are making at 14>£ £P?«ci?ih forpia'n and faucT. About 100 casks of salt ®.\ 6 / a at vxc H lb. Pickled Hams are selling at the latter rate for prime. Lard Is Tviihout chance Bhlg and tierces are sel'ing at lie. and vLo-a at 15k©16c lb. Butter Is in demand. 801 l is £niEg£t3C@3sc^ib. WBI&.KY Is without change; about 3.10 bbls sold at 93 Oosc for Pennsylvania and Western, and drudge at Ole are the receipts of Flour and Grain at this port to-da* Cora Oats.-' Ashes aiefirm and selling at sB.B7>£ for pots. $lO.OO °BREiSsTUFi ? s.—The market- for State and Western Flour -was dull, beavT. aiid 5 cents !ov^er. The eatpn are 7,000 bbla at $6 2506.46 for superfine Slate: $6 €£@6.Bo for extra do; $6 25@8.« for superfiae Michigan. Indiana. lowa, Ohio. &c. ( $6./6@7 for extra do, including shipping brands of round- hoop Ohio, at 87 lf@7 16. and trade brands do at $7.25@S 25 Somburn Flour is less active, but unchanged; sales ].400 bbis at $6. 9C@7.40 for superfine Baltimore, and. bbls at $6 7C@6 90 for common, and $6.95@S for good to Cb Rye quiet at $6 26@6.25 for the range of fine end'tupeifine „„ R.e ia dull at $1.2£@1.30. Barley 1. qaiel «nd unchanged. Wheat is I@2 cent. lower, and doll at $1 6Q@I.6S foe Chicano spring; #1.6C©1.63 for Mi'Wauto.clab; $1.63® 1.64 for amher; ta for winter red We.tern, and $1 70@172 for amber Michigan; sales 17.CC0 bushels amber Michigan at ,1.70. S. 961 04 10.063 16 14,723 18 Cast)— WARnPKTOH ’a Hats.— The new shapes for spring wear arenowresdy. Gentlemen are re* spectfully invited to call and examine them. It Is believed that the styles now being offered will prove very pleating. The brims are made narrower than heretofore, conforming in this respect to the best fashions of London and Paris, and In compliance to the expressed wish of many, who give attention to matters or dress in this city as well as In New York. Broader brims will be kept in stock, or made to order for those who desire them. The prlocs of Silk, as well as Pelt H»ts,have ne cessarily advanced—nearly every article entering Into their construction being either prepared or produced abroad, can consequently be bought only with gold or its equivalent. Strong endeavors have been made to exceed as little as possible the stand ard prictß of the times preceding the rebellion. Present prices for fine dress Hats are now $6 and $7. For blocking or refinisblng Hats, an increase of price is also made necessary by the higher wages cow paid for labor. mMB-2t W. F. Wabbubtoh, Hatter. Chestnut street, next Door to the Post Office. 226.929 14 46 346 08 183,343 07 169.659 15 ... 57,238 19 #3.000.146 11.110,039 .*3 109.883 Thb Agent bob thb Fbobencb Sewing Ma chine Combant, No. 630 Chestnut street, notwith standing the facilities of thii company for producing machine, with the greatest rapidity, finds It almost impossible to supply the greatly-increasing demand for these popular instruments. The “Florence” machine performs all kinds of sewing In the best manner, and can be operated by a mere child. Every machine cold Is guarantied to give the purchaser entire satisfaction. Plain TfttrTHS bob Plain Pbople.—Chess is nothing unless it is played on the square. Small talk is like small beer; a little of it goes a very great way. Fuie milk, unlike the pure truth, is good for no thing when drawn from the well. The cheapest Clothing may at all times be pro cured of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Gxtm ' Arabic.—Somebody say* that Arabian children, before cutting iheir teeth, speak gum-ara bic. It would be interesting and curious to bear one of these tittle toothless Arabs lisping the praises of the elegant garments for gentlemen and youths, that are made at the Brown* Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Hoe* 60S and 60fr Chestnut street, above Sixth, Such notes of praise are heard from all lips, both old and young, in this latitude. gFiNB Abts.—We attended the sale of splendid oil paintings at the gallery of Messrs. Scott & Stewart, No. 622 Chestnut street, held last evening. The attendance was large and the bidding spirited. The most valuable and choice of the collection will be told thia evening, at eight o’clock. Descriptive catalogues now ready. S. Hi Batok & Go., 109 Anfoun street and 133 Cottags street Philadelphia, Driller* and Borers of Artesian Wells,. mhB-i2t* Prospecting for Minerals, &e. Cobks, Birslose, Invebtsd Nails, Eitlabsisx Joints, and All rtiimnipi of the feet, cured without pais or inconvenience to the patient, by Dr. Z&chfr rie, Surgeon Chiropodist, 921 Chestnut street. Refer; to physicians and surgeons of the city* ja33>tf Wb call attention to a pew for sale at St mark’s Church* mhi7>2*+ ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS TO TWELVE O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Continental-Ninth a: J A Hamd. Newport, R I Cbae Sailer, New Jer«ey W B Steele. Washington Horace H Pay. N Y J E Walker, Portland. Me Geo B Cagiday, Wash B W H Jarvis. Hartford T J Crone. Hartinsburg, Ya H M Baldwin. USA T L Griffis. Indiana C Y Culver Oliver Tousey, Indianapolis Jewett Wiilcox. St Louts s O Sullman & wf. Galena Horatio N Hatch, Cin, O Jo&iah O Low. Brooklyn J B Mewart. Washington. K Gat way, Pittsburg lire Bagley « family £ L Smith Boidentown F T Leaned, Boston G W Black, Boston T W Yardley. rottsville FW Thayer, Boston J, M Gottechalk J £ Bradford. Prov. BI I. H Bumphrey.Prov, BI Thos Whitewde. new York Geo Douglass. Hew York S B St John, Hew York kliis Bt John, Hew York Jee C Douglass, Delaware W A Hufctefl & la, H Y Mrs Theo French, St Paul P H Watson. Wash. D J J Tuck er. Jr, St w f. Boston J Gates, Loweil. Mass HCBeckford. Charlestown T H Haroblelt. Wesiford Jto Merchant & wf. H Y Mrs B G Knight. Auburn,NY Mr Bay ley T A Newhell, Lynn* Mags CP Wood, Jiew York Jas McGee. Brooklyn W B Clarke, Penna E Spiffgelherg. New York W A Pexnbrook, New York J a Gifford, Pew York F H'Lfethrop. New York C M Saxion & la. £t Jersey G K A>msti o»jr N Jersey Jhilserxnan, Hew York H N Hocptr, Boston LWO Carroll & wf, Pitte’g J H W Page, Boston A S Bniberford,St Louis . Geo M Simonson, N Y J P Pierson, New York JohnGanea* New York Judge Donaldson, renna SL Crosby E Marsh, Jersey City W.ja Talcott- Jersey City Chßs Smith, Wash. D C Cspt J L Brown. H i B Emerson, Jr, Illinois Girard-Chestnut a 1 B P Sloan MW Wood J S CooVmau, New York ■M B Spahr, York C Wagoner, Huntingdon E WWitman. Penta H S Canfield. Michigan SB Buckingham, Conn Chas Spear, Boston E O Connor, Hew York £ STorrey, Washington B C Baker, Washington Jfs Craig, Missouri Cuptßiihh Missouri H B MorrlF.MlsiOUJl KS Cannon S W Hfetby, Ohio Job n Wj) Hams W D Du ffey, Pittsburg Jas Henderson, New York H 4hirk, Lancaster co J B RoJand. Lankier so a F Pn-ith. Hew Xork O N Lull. Pfuna John Meily, Lebanon F Lrach, Hew York F William, Buffalo J M Ballsy Huntingdon Wm It Wilson. Lancaster H 1) 1- avic rod, Baltimore Tbos B*ll, Baltimore W a Bryan & wf, Wash J A Ghmbie, Jersey Shore Mrs Gullan, Wm Mr ore. Jr, N Jersey Wblis E GayloTd. N York BF I s >-ltcn, New York H B Stacion. Washington Capt O’Rourke, Lancaster Merchants’ Hotel—Fe A J Bov ec, Baltimore i Col R USA Wm I? Boyd, Man*field I H M Hamilton. Franhlin.Ya ES Godfrey. Pittsburg Adolph BredelMm, PHUb’g 3 R Fir her. North Florence Mrs A M Stewart. Marietta S W Campbell, Fesna O S McHenry. > ndiana. Fa H A J)o»!er. Bethlehem Hon O R Eailey, Blk Wmßowe, Wasli’n, Pa J >: Jack son. E Liverpool. O W McDonald ,I»ogansp’t t lnd W F Cullen.Lojaiigpil* Ind J : f Tavesner. Parkeshurg X> H Wallace. New Castle Israel «initb,New JeTeey Joe B Winter. Salem, NJ t A MoTriaos. Mount Joy T.*-wi> Wueaer. Baltimore B Muitya A la.Catasauqu* JLb n-abley, Lancaster J a K ?incr &«on. Allent n Tlie Us lon—Aren a C J. *'£ara, Altoona, Fa B A Rosier. Minerva, O T'.Tsclm>b, , D W (Ji’ffin, Kohoma. Ind J R Cain, Anderson, Ind T Wrutt. Cambridge. Ind A k, lowa »• HOrrmon, Allegheny eity H E i/ickey, Matsellon, O .1 IJ tuively, Hagerstown M Behringer w FI Roome, New York W H;-vt & la, Lancaster S Bi >ch D Faxon National—Race ai Rcht Lowry. USA GfoWGaldin. USA Joht W Weaver. USA C W Uyer. Doy?estown. Ur W « White, US A P 5 Juhnson, Wlikesbarre leaftv S»ndt, Easton r~.~~Q.020 bbls. -.7.240 bus. 7‘7t 0 bus. —3.375 bos. Ifew York Market»-March 17. CITY ITEMS. i ltd Chestnut streets* W H Ewing, Pittsburg 3 H Lalzell. Pittsburg J M Gr*y, Nashville. Tenn J A MeAlester. N*Bh, Tana Carlo Patti, New York A A Ashforth, New York J G Lovell, Boston Chas Callaghan, Boston Bdw Thompson. Boston T B Ben way, Now York J P Melledge, Boston W B Skillman St la. Phtla D If Pickering, Boston W T Thompson, Penna Thos H Yeatman, Cin, O MiisS Cookvllle. Balt J Cohen, New York P M Hale, Virginia 6 B McLear, W Chester Capt Jones, Wash, D C J H Jones, Penna Me.i Gen Foster, USA lire Foster & child. Balt P A Jew*tt & wf, N Haven Mrs Halley, New Haven June, 0 Wella, New York Jos Bishop, Connecticut Mrs Fnraess & daogh N Y A N Maylert, Scranton Mr ft. Mrs C L Lamberton.Pa Goo L derrick, Vermont M Gould & wf, Newark N J J A Wilson. Charleston. 11l John H Brlsgs. New York a KetUll. New Jersey l> M Wyckoff, Wash. N J Mrs hr King. Harrisburg 0 F Mackenzie 4 wf, Balt Robert A Taylor. Balt Waiter Cary, Buffalo Max Strakoseh, N Y J W Faller, Catasauqaa Thos Hoge. Franklin Penna C Lyons, New York JFarell. Newton, NJ A A Gates, TJ 6 A Mr Cook- Massachusetts E M Phillips. Chicago 8 6 Chaee, Holyoke J B Wynkoop, USA B Champnets. Jr, Lancaster T Aerdie. W Chester J Leisenring. Penna Jas T Sanford, New York G D Ehackelfode. Ky B Lapham. Rhode Island CF Mills. New York M F Antram, Cincinnati J D Evans. Indianapolis WB Tolls, Now York Gapt F Prime. USA N K A dams, New York Ghaa B Hammond G N Peters, Kentucky Win McMonnies, New York H H Fish, Fall River M Pierce, Norwich irceti below Ninth., B E Chain* Norristown J M Sellers?, Harrisburg J Tease, New York John Kialey Jas C Whalley G B Wilson, Washington J W Chamheilin.Btoonisbg Q A Fierce USA W H Hope, Washington J B Leach. W H Alaev, Allentown S B Cameron D Qcboeley H M Hamilton •I 6 Neal, Ohio T 4. Knickerbocker, W Troy J P Wild. Dover, Del H M Shaw, St Paul S H Brown, Pennsylvania J F Pierson, New Torn John R Bewlev. Del B W Macias, P& 2 Godley & la, Ne w York Job Stewart, Ohio J H Stephenson. Memphis Geo Buddie, M Chunk B Lapham, Rhod-j Inland Geo MeaTs. Huntingdon Job S Smith, Bath, Me Tics C Potter. Poiiada NOheaev, New York A E Persy, Washington F H Grtfy, Baltimore WW Wattles, Pittsburg . W Wilkinson, Cincinnati E G James, Burlington O B Morse, Louisville Geo W Fesrier* Penna mi'th St, below Arek, jThosß Metzger, Allentown HLNewhaU !n Hertz Geo Belfjrd, Minch Chunk Mrs Belford. Maach Chuak Mips A M Wheeler. Indiana so Wheeler, Chicago J Beatty, Steubenville. O New York Mrh Wiokos, Maryland WH Mtrearco N Belford, SVlauch Chunk C Belford. Manch Chunk Mrs Mcailester.New Jersey E J Denison, Illinois Owen B Moore, Cincinnati 8 Strickland. Heading John Hhislda. MChunk T Worinan, RieglegviUe G Black, Valparaiso. Ind W A Bipley. New Jersey Hon O M Donovan, Phil* W E Soilowell. Newb|n, NC Asa Jones, Newbera, NC O Bennett, Bj*ton itreet, above Third. Dr John Sc la, Blooraabarg Miss L E John Bloomsbnrg Mrs A A Batler, Bloomsb’g g F Brewster. New Jersey J G Readlne, H=?w Jersey D J Richards, Beverly 0 T B Blcharde. Beverly. O M HalJister, Lafayette, lad B Jarl, Crawfordvi'ile, lad W D Levy A wf, Baltimore J Y McLaughlin. Pittsburg P H Hunker, Pittsburg . G W Ben&ey. Allegheny city A Hirsch, Michigan reet, above Tixird. Jos Wendel, Bethlehem G Lewis son. New York Sami Ashenbach, Jr, Fa HC Cocner,Orangeville Pa Jesse Stillwell, FottuvilU Lieut J Branlou, USA American Hotel—Che* AY Gray Mffi“ ed,fcWfFhUa T M Tan, Baltimore 9®° Ogden, Detroit Jae Hgimkins, Salem. N J Her J P Hammond, Md NJT Spear, Hew York JF Havenner. Washington W Hanen'Washington W A Baifluel E M Hines, Pennsylvania Thos Kingsland. New York Wm Wilson, New York Jas Thompson G Young, Read***, J R Henry, Philadelphia J B Cantwell, a ndalnsla Louis Flfher* Baltimore £6 F«*d«2ev, Newark B W Hall Pennsylvania A li Robertson. Indiana coa J H Bateman,Dover, Pei M B Hillyard Pover. Del Geo Pobsen. Bridgeport, Ct K DuBM? St wf. New Jersey Capt J B Dibeler. Penna E G Birgbam, Penna AT McMullen, New York L £ Tremaine. New York itnut it, above Fifth. S Allen. New Jersey B Gri* com. New Jersey N U Glassmlr. Oottdereport L H Van Derifu.Trenton Mrs Phillips. Trenton, N J CW Tyler &wf , . j Reese, Westmoreland co J B Porter, Jr, Wilmington Ira N BorrlU. USA Seo W WMt»k»r, Penna jg,P Gregory. Penn# H Bergman, Baltimore 8 H BMerry man, Baltimore Sam'l Hinds,Baltlmore R'ht H Jack Pittsburg J H Dewey, Hoboken Jas Lynch, Jersey City G Wharton _ A Niles & son, Milford, Del C Watkins. Delaware _ _ G 8 Fithi&n, Bridgeton, ft J Jas Brown, Milford, Del .. . £ W StearasrSomerviUe, N J WmFßand. Boston a F Couradi, Baltimore J E Dougherty,Delaware co J H Woodcock. New York F A Slater J E McClees, Chester,Pa street, above Third, Miss M Williams, N Jersey Miss A Congdon. ft Jersey Jer Clery, Troy, N Y 8 Jones &la Reiding £ D Tracy, Frederick, Md Thos Hilt, 8c Louis J H Donohue, New York M Wadleigh, Ashland James Winter. U S N - IS Mills, ierser City E 6 Haraey, New York. J H Boynton, New York Msj M J Byrne> USA T T Herkimer. Fort Wayne TB Handrelf. Coiambus, O R C Hagen, Wheeling Geo M Page, Shamokln 8 H Tudor. Shamoktn Thos P Ross. Cincinnati Jas A Bren Dan, Carbondale J Brown. New York . D Peodegra«t, USA Col W Uoonle, USA Judge Boyle St la, Milford G Chase. Penna P Van Riper, Paterson 8 Hamden, Reading John Muiuford, Brooklyn St YoiUs—Cbestmit FWi!liam>on. New York W C!a»k. Baltimore TboeFtard, New York Isaac Caio, New York James Shea. New York ft Z&nge, Wsshing*on W Bafar. Washington John H Whitaker. Trenton A T Lewie, Baltimore £ Akers. Baltimore ,T Gibbons, Baltimore T G Dunn. New York Dr & Mrs Payson, N York W D Puffey, Pittsburg L McGinnis, l’ottsvilla John McGinnis PotteviUe R Cosgrove. PotteviUe Jas P Mann Ala N York J M Hendareon. Newark. O J D Carr, Jr, Newark. O Alonso Mitchell, New York J B Hellene 8 T Brown. Georgetown.DC James Mitchell F F Pattereon. New Jersey G Watson, Boston E E Gould. New York Louie 8 Burk.St Louis Geo R Greene, B Island treety above Chesnut. John Turnback, USA Thos Evans, USA Theo Philips. USA B Me Cole, USA Abthony Hull, USA J D West Sc wf, Pt Deposit AT Smedley, USA J W Cowell, Doylestown J H Hill. Doylestown. J J Boyle.®el co, Pa D Griffith. USA John PaUerson, USA Miss Brown, New York Herbert Pate, U S A W C Harford, Pt Pleasant Jas H CiawforiLU 8 A J N Davenport. USA H Cowgili, Delaware H Ryan Ccmmsrdal-Slxth gl C By ait, New York F Ms i raw. Penna J Hick 8. Chester co, Pa Geo F Thornton, N York John Fink, New. York Geo G Lovett, USA Cbas H Anderson, St Louis D G Anderson, Bucks co John Wilton, Newark, Del Thos 8 Young, Coatesyille John Bickernell, V 8 A N B Hammond. Chester co A Marcellos, USA J RLBancroft. Phila B G Baohe, Phila L G James, Del co. Pa E W Thompson, MD. N Y W b Edcr. Blkton, Md A Jones, USA t street, above Sftxtb Jas B Stisbam. New Castle John H Pearsol Lancaster A C Norris A wf, Penna A Ames, Columbia Mrs L Ames. Columbia J S Loyd, New folk Frank Evans. Cleveland, 0 J W McCrea, Penna W Tatem, Del co. Pa W H Dow P McCann, feranton W Wayne A wf Easton John GooLy, Scranton Alex Gooley, Scranton. P tales Union-Markd J John* on. Lancaster W Johnson,Lancaster C Carter, Lai carter 1 W ttuUln, Browneburg J Ciark, New York J Bowers & la. Bethlehem O D Beall, New York HBvan W H Eckles. Delaware HR Mitchell Henry Shaw, Penna J J Anthony, Penna 1 R Stevenson. Salem, O W ift Craig, Del City W Hacketfc, New Bloomfl’d 1 street, below Vine. W J Fisher. Hunterdon co T Morris, Qaakertown T Tomlinson. Bustleton I Twining St la. Backs co C Kirkbride. Attleboro A A Gregg Buetleton H H Hobensack, Penna! ,J Hobensack, Montg’y co 8 Davis, Montgomery co Ot Henrj. Hammontou R M Gooch, New Hope E Newbold, Newtown Barley Sheaf-Secom Capt Taylor, Doylestownl J S Brown, Trenton C B Thomas, Pottßville M Healhoote. Paterson W Updike. Frenchtown B 8 Lippincott, Camden. NJ J B James, Allegheny City P Price, Doylestown Dr Potter & Is, Montgomery W J Moore, Lambertsvtllej W Yankiik. Frank ford W McDowell. Wrightst’n W Boyley, Wej mouth rest, above CallowhUl. E Bachman, Penna W R Lawfer, Penna G Weilknechfc, Penna T Houser, Pennsville A Spangler, Pennsville A Young, Kreiderevlile H KnaußE. Bath J A Brower.Landisburg.Pa N Snyder. Allentown S B Graeff, Lehigh co D J Mosser, Lehigh co J Muthard, Reading Bald Eagle-Third »i L Pacbe. Monroe co. Pa N F Marsh, USA 8 Wintersteen. U 8 A C Marsh, Mauch Chuuk £ 8 Bear, Oley, Pa M Ohl, Penna J Young, Penna W Lerch, Penna C F Bachman, Pennsville L Y oung, Pennsville F fc Young. Penna HTrumbower, Pens a ;ondj above Market, |Bami 8 Smith, New Jersey H W Hopkins, New Jersey Ludlam Hand, Cape May B N Farren _ ! J H Swift. New-York iW D Morgan Penna Ilia D Williams, N J Madison House—Set J R Overfleld. Monroe co J B greenback. Penna A H Qniruy, Wilm, Del Theo Wilkins. Va Chao Conklin. Fairfax, Va ] D&vid Conklin. Fairfax,Ya Smith Bacon, New Jersey ad street, above Arch. Jno McLaughlin, Kingston H Moran Plymouth, Pa Wm Jacoby, Berwick, Pa Geo Morton. Scranton Jamee Devine D Tuscan, Penna C Lord A la, Newport RI Mount Vernon-Secoi A B C«ok, New York C McKinney, Monroe co G W Hinkle, Jr. .Scranton 8 Blair. Lewisbnrg J A Khodf. Huntingdon co H Miile . Pottetowu R Reed, Muncy, Pa Black Bear—Third, at., above CatiowhiU, J J Scball, Allentown J Rupert, Backs co. Fa Wm Stuvtr, Lehigh co, Pa W Q import. Backs co. Fa John fi Wilson. Penna Theo Yerkei.Haitsvilie Rev W Rath. Allentown W Yonng. Northampton co. Geo-Nagle, Newtown J Ricis, Northampton co A W Clever, Bucks co. Pa trd street, above Race. Barmun’s Hotel—Thli W B Williams Marshall Teel, Altoona F L Kiine USA Sami sekneok, Stroudsburg TJRice Philada Jno Crltimau, Milford, Pa Isaac Clegg, Philada J M Jones H Denhart, Philada Maj J H Reisinger TP Crockett Rhode Island EH Rooms. New York SPECIAL NOTICES. Qne-Peice Clothing, of thb Latest SrixEa, made In the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Ohe-Pbiob Ststbk Is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. de2S-ly JONE& A GO.. 604 MARKET Street. Hair Dyrl Haik Dybll BATOHXLOR’S .d.bnkted HAIK DIB it the Belt s« World. The only Harmless. True . and ReliabU Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Xed, Busty, or Gray Hair, instantly to a Glotov Slack n Hatural Brown, without Injuring the Hair or stain ing the Skin* leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; l«> parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring Its pristine •olor. and rectifies Hie 111 effects of bad Dyes. The genuine Is signed William A, Batohblob; all other* are mere imitations, and should he avoided. Sold by sU Druggist*, 4m. FACTORY. 81 BABOLAY Street New York. Batchelor’s mew Toilet Cream. for Dressinc Uae Hair. _ ly»-ly Electricity carefully applied by Dr. A. H. STEVENS, at 1418 SOUTH PENN SQUARE, Phi ladelphia. xnhß-tf Mason Stbce & Go’s HAMLIN’S CABINET ORGANS. BTEC-K A CO.* SEVENTH The Popular Clothing House of Phila., < “OAK HALL.” Best-class goods and moderate prices. WAN AM AKER A BROWN. 8 S. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Gustom Department (to make to order) No. 18. Sixth it Wheeler & Wilson’s Highest raEiiroi The Cheapest, Simplest, and Best. Salesrooms. 701 Chestnut Street above Ith. Mja.RKiEr>. CLAYTON—LLOYD.—At the Commercial Hotel, on the 17th inst., by Friends’ ceremony, before Ms Honor, Mayor Henry, Ke'ese P. Clayton, of Philadelphia, to Emma, daughter of Franklin Lloyd, of Delaware CO BOLONON—EEBDIUOKS. —ln Nevr York, ontheisth in-t , by the Dev- J. J. Lyons, David Bilomon. or Phi delpbia.'to Mies Henrietta, daughter of Uriah Hendricks, Eeq., Of thxicity. 3DXEI3. GRIFFIN.—On the 17th Inst . Lydia B-. wife of Dr. Edwin Griffin, in the fifty.fifth year of , , , The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, 727 Norih Seventh street, on First day afternoon, 20th in*t.. at two o’clock „ „ ~ , „ GaU NTT. —Suddenly, on \ fourth-day afternoon, 16th inst., Benjamin unu, aged7l . Interment from the refii lence of his son. Doctor Gauntti No. Ml East Broad street. Burlington, on seventh-day morning, 19ih inst., at 10 o’clock, without farther no tice * a'cMKRIED. -On the .vetting of the 15th imt . Mrs. AnnaC., relict of the late Lewis Audenried, in the S3th year of her age. „ . Tho relatives and friends of.the fanrityeva rgspnetfally invited to attend her funeral, from berlate midence, 612 Ncrtb Seventh street, on Monday afternoon, 21st inst., at 2H o’clock, without farther notice. To proceed to Laurel Hill Cemetery. , ■ _ ** * -EDWARDS.—On the 14th inst, JohnJidwards, in the 7ith year of his age. „ The relatives and friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from hie late residence. No. 350 Coates street, on Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. To proceed to Odd FeUowa’ Cemetery. * ALLISON.—On Tuesday morning, Ifth inst, Mrs Frances Allison, widow of the late Dr. N. S. Allison, aged 73 years. Her relatives and friends are respeetfaliy Invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence. No. 2025 Spring Garden street, on Friday morning, the I8:h inst . —On the lilh Instant, John Edwards, in lb* 76th year of his age . .. ...- The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his Ute residence. No 130 Coitea street, on Friday afternoon. aU o'clock, io proceed to Odd Fellows* Cemetery. **” REBSON & SON HAVE COMMENCED receiving their Spring and Summer Stock of MOURN ING GOODS, and have now in store— Black Byzantines, English Bombazines, “ Florentines, French Bombazines* “ Barege Hemani. Summer Bombazines* “ Crape Marais, Ohally. Bareges, Moneselanes, •• Silk Grenadines, Tamlses, Black, and Black and White Poniards. As. MOURNING STORE, fe!6 No. 918 CHEST# TJT Street DIST BLACK SILK IN THE OIl’Y. -Cl Best Brown Silks. Spring Fancy Silks. Paris stile Gbenie. Loud <*>& style Shawls. Broadway style Cl >aka. mhi2 EYRE h LANDELL. the state medical board vCf* is atili in session in this city, meeting dally at -STREET HALL. Candidates far Assistant Sar gronn in Pennsylvania Regiments are invited to present themt-elveti for examination. The Board will to in ses sion every day thi* week. „ - Ji MES BING, Surgeon General Penna. ALF. W. GRBBN. Asst. Surgeon General. Surgeon J-A PHILLIPS,9th Pa Reserves. Surgeon J. W. LYMAN, 57th Pa. Vols. mblo-zt Board Of Rymnlnafg. ro* PHHiADEIiPHIA AMD READING RAILROAD CO., Office aa» South FOUBTiI Street. Philadelphia, March 17,1864 Notice is hereby given, that tne Transfer Books of the Common. Stock of this Company Will ue closed on the diet inst., to be reopmed on the 14th of APRIL next, at which time tbe Stockholders of Ihls Company. *ho New York ceitificates. are requested to return them io the Farirere* Lean and Trust Company. No 56 Wail stjeet. New York, who will give ajecaiDt for tin same, and fcKiih in a fa w d&ys thereafter certificates from the FhO&dalpLia ofHso. in exchange for raid receipts Thh Transfer Office for the Preferred stock of this Com pany at New York will be closed permanently on the Slit inst That for both the Preferred and Common Stock in Boiton will be permanently closed on tae 3Lst MAltCIf. _ S. BRADFORD, id hi 8 -mW'illApl4 Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA MUTUAL REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION. —The Committee ap pointed to wind up the affairs of this Association notify those having folly-paid Stock to present their Certifi cates, with receipt, at the Office of E. tCHREINER. NOBLE Street, above Ninth, on or before the Ist day cf APRIL next. H. VAN B£IL. X. SCHREINER. ALLAN W. RICHARDS, Ja6-ftc3m* Committee. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA,' FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1864.' AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. GENERAL THOMAS FRANCIS MEAGHER Will deliver an Oration on GENERAL MICHAEL CORCORAN, The Tine Irishman, the Loyal Citizen, and Brave Soldier. ON UO STOAT BVENING, March 21st, at 8 o’clock, for the Benefit of the COOPER-SHOP VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT The JEFFERSON CORNET BAND has volunteered iU services for the ocoaslon. and will discourse a choice selection of Mublc, including the National Airs. Admission 26 cents. Reserved Seats 60 cents. Doors open at 7&; Oration commences at 8 o’clock. The Sale of Tickets will commence on and after Mon day, March 14th, at Ashmead A Evans’, 724 CHEST NUT Street, and at the ACAD EM I, on the Day and Eve ning of the 21st. Also, at the Cooper-Shop Saloon, 1009 OTSEGO Street. mhl4-7t DRAFT IN SECOND WARD. -AN Adjourned Meeting of the citizens will foe held at the ROBERT RAIKES 80HOOL-HOUSE. SIXTH, above Carpenter Streets, THIS (Friday) EVENING.at7ia o’clock. Punctual attendance is requested, as business of importance will he transacted. w _ __ GEO. W. HEBINGER, M. D., Pres’t. Robert T. Gild, 1 q__i- M A. Barribhton, j sec a * It* FOURTEENTH WARD-" THU NATION’S CALL IS OUR OWN.”—An ad journed stated meeting of the Citizens of tbe Fourteenth ward, irrespective of party, will be h«l4 at SPRING GARDEN HALL, on SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, March 19th, in order to close up the business under pre vious calls The Treasurer desires to m&ke a final statement of his accounts at that meeting, and therefore earnestly re quests that the Chairmen of the several Precinct Com mittees will furnish him with their final reports imm©> diately. The call just irsaed for au additional 200,0D0 men will require the most energetic efforts on our part—if we would AVOID THE DRAFT. Measures for raising the quota of the ward by Voluntary Enlistments will be discussed, and, to please all interested, let all such attend. mhlB-2> WM B. THOMAS, Chairman. fig TWENTY-FOURTH WARD.—HON, Kik WILLIAM B. MANN (District Attorney)] will address a Mass MeetiDg at COMMISSIONERS’ HALL, THIB EVENIB G. at 7>£ o’cloe k. It G. P. SAUNDERS. Ch’n of Executive Com. MEDICAL EXAMINATION,-PER y MITb for Examination for Assistant Surgeons in Pennsylvania Regiments can be had by applying at Sau som-street Hall, TO-MORROW MORBING, March lUh, and every succeeding morning until further notice. JAMES KING. mhll-tf Surgeon General Pennsylvania. ftga MSDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICE. RF No. 7 North FIFTH Street. , “ Philadelphia, Not. 12, 1883. Importers and Dealers in MEDICINES, HOSPITAL STORES. HOSPITAL FURNHURE, BEDDING. ICE, Ac., are invited to submit their Price Lists from time to time to this Office. J. MURRAY, nolS-ttamtf Burceon and Medical Purveyor. U S. INTERNAL RK VENUE— Second Collection District of Pennsylvania,com prising First, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth wards of the city of Philadelphia. _ NOTICE. The annual assessment for 1563, far the above-named district, of person* liable to a tax on Carriages, Pleasure Y achts, Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate, and alto of persons required to takeout licenses, having been completed, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the taxes aforesaid wiU be received daily by the undersigned, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P.M., (Sundays excepted.) at his office,southwest comer of THIfcD and WALNUT Streets, on and after MONDAY, the 7th Inst , and until and including SATURDAY, the 2d d„ of A P nl next All persons who fail to pay their annual taxes upon Carriages, Pleasure Yaehis, Bullard Tables, and Gold, or Silver Plate, on or before the aforesaid 2d day of April, 1864, will Incut a penalty of ten per centum additional or the amount thereof, and be liable to eosts, as provided for in the 19th section of the excise law of Ist July, 1862. All perrons who in like manner shall foil to take out their licenses as required by law. on or before the 2d day of April, 1864. will incur a penalty of ten per centum ad ditional Of the amount thereof, and be subject to a pro secution for three times the amount of said tax, In ac cordance with the provisions of the 59 th section of the law aforesaid. All payments are required to be made in Treasury Notes under authority of the United States, or in notes of Banks organized under the aot to provide a na tional currency, known as National Banks. Noftuthernotice will be given. t JOHN H. DIEHL, Collector, B.W. cor. THIRD and WAGNUT Sts. |k»- BOTICB -THE SUBSCRIBERS VO Stock of the “NEW LONDON COFFEE COMPANY” of Frederick county. Maryland, are hereby notified that their subcriptions wDI be due and payable at the office of MATHEW T. MILLER & CO., No. 45 Sooth THIRD Street, on the 321 lost. A. 6. MILLSE. Treasurer. Philadelphia. March 16. 1861 mhl7 3t A LECTURE UPOIf THE LIFE Island labors op the late archbishop HUGHES will be delivered by tbe Rt. Bey. JAMBS BOOSEVB.LT BAVLEY, D. D-, Bishop of Newark, N. J.t&t the ACADEMY OF MUSIC* Broad and Locust streets, on MOfIDAY EVENING. March 28th, 18QJ, at 8 o'clock. Proceeds for the benefit of tbe Poor, i Tickets 2d cents, can be obtained at Peterson's Book Store, No. 3G6 Chestnut street, of the Bextons at the Srlncipal Catholic ChorcheSi and at the Catholic Book tores. mhls-12t NOVICE.—THE FIRST MEETING of tbe Corporator* of the RESOLUTE MINING COMPANY, under their Articles of Association, will be held at No. 321 WALNUT Street. In the city of Phila delphia. on the 21st day of MARCH, 1861, at 11 o'clock A. M .for the purpose of completing the organization of the Corporation and transacting any other proper busi ness. JOHN fi. GROUT, B. A. HOOPES, Two Associates under said Article*. Philadelphia* March 2.1864. mh4-lfit fga the PENNSYLVANIA FIRE IN icV SURANCE COMPANY, March 7. 1864. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SEVEN DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS per Share on the Stock of the Company for the last six months, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal repre sentatives after the 17th instant. xnhB«lot WM, G. CROWELL, Secretary. HESTOfIVILIiK. MANTUA) AMD FAIRMOUNT PASSENGER RAILROAD com pany, Philadelphia, March 7.1864. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. —The Annual Election for President and Five Directors will be held on FRIDAY, the 18th day of March, 1864, at No. 409 WALNUT Street. The Pells will be open from 12 M. nntll l P. M. R. T. FRAILET, Secretary. mh7-llt MOURNING STORE. The undersigned would respectfully announce that they are now receiving their SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK MOURNING GOODS, BaTegeß, Crepe fifaretza, Er nan is» Grenadines. Talmatinea. (‘bailie, Florentine, SHiWLS, Shetland, Grenadine. Silk, Bareie, Lace, Tigftue. Ac.. Ac. MAKTLE6 of the newest styles. , A splendid aeaortaaent of LIGHT SILkS always on hand. M. & A. MYERS & CO., 9X6 CHBSTHOT Street. te26-fm 2m W MOURNING STORE. Pianos. How receiving oar SPUING STYLES of MOURNING BONNETS. Ladles will find always ai this Emporium a L AUGER STOCK OP MOURNING BONNETS than at any other store in the city. Orders promptly attended at the PLAMOS. I. a GOULD, and CHESTHUT. 936 CHESTNUT STREET, JML. MTSTERS <55 CO mhlB-6t • CARPET WAREHOUSE. The subscriber has just received a well-selected aleck of CARPETINGS, mhlS-2m 83a ARCH STRTSKT, BBLOW NINTH. Q.OLD’S IMPROVED STEAM AND FOR WARMING AND VENTILATING PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES, UNION STEAM AND WATER HEATINO COMPANY B M. FELT WELL, Superintendent. PARTES I EVIBITE OF FINE STYLE A-f and character are greatly admired. Those made atß. T. REIMBII’S GALLERY are up to that standard of encellence. 6gCt ARCH Street It* £* OLD’S IMPROVED STEAM AND / WATBR-HEATING APPARATUS. For Warming and Ventilating Pabtic Buildings and Private Residences. Manufactured by the UjiION bTJSAM AND WATER.HEATING COMPANY OF PHI£.AP£I.PiA __ ' * JAMES P. WOOD. *1 South FOURTH Street. mh!Btap29 B. M FELT WELL. Superintendent. OUEEN of beauty. WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. , Anew FRENCH COSMETIC for beautifying, whiten* ing, and preserving the complexion It' is the most wonderful compound of the age There la neither chalk,powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor talcinitccom Edition. it being composed entirely of pure Virgin wax; ence Us extraordinary Qualities for presenting the skin, making it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent It makes the old appeal > oung the homelv handsome, toe handaome more beautiful, and the most beautiful divine. Price 25 and 60 Prepared only by HUNT & GO., Perfumers. 4-1 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chestnut. and 133 SouUiftßVfiNTH jStreet, above Wal nut. mhlB-3m « 13EDFORD WATER."—INDIVIDU AL als aid dealers will be supplied with “ Bedford Water, ” freeh from the, at the shortest notice, at tie following rates: _ _ For barrel. 40 gallons (oak) ...$3 00 Half do do 2 00 Half do • (mulberry) 300 The barrels are well steamed, so tbat purchasers may depend upon receiving the Water as pure and Iresh as at the Spring. All orders addressed to inU7 Sm B. L. ANDERSON. Bedford, Pa. jgPECTACLES TO SUIT ALT. SIGHTS. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN STBS Inserted without pain, by JAMES W. QUERN & CO., 93* CHESTNUT STREET. QPEBA GLASSES AND OFFICERS’ FXBLP GLASSES. Microscopes for Physicians and Student*. A very large assortment for sale by JAMES W QUEEN & GO., , 03* CHESCNUT Street. MATHEMATICAL drafting in iBJL STRUMBNTS. x CheeUrman’a Metallic and Steel Tape-measures. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN & GO., -93* CHESTNUT Street Priced andlllustrated catalogues gratis. fe23-lm HOW WONDERFULLY ACCURATE and pleasins in appearance are those wonderfully Bsptrb Fonrait*. ltfe-M/a Photograph*. In oil eolors. made at B. F. REIMfiR’S GALLERY. 63* ARCH St lt« SALOON. RETAIL DRY GOODS. Mozamb!ques, Organdies, Poplins, Valencias, Lawns. Mohairs. Foulardaj &c , &c. ALSO. MOURNING BOMETS. NEW MOURNING STORE, CARPETINGS. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN TOR SPRING TRADE. JOS. BLACKWOOD, WATER HEATINO APPARATUS, Manufactured'by tha OF PHILADELPHIA. JAS. P. WOOD, *1 South FOURTH Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS* JHE SILVER SHIP. Away she sailed—the Silver Ship— The bloodhound at her prow— And high above the howling blast Was heard the pirate's vow: Hie voir that from his bosom's core Should flow life's crimson tide. Br» Euy Leol. bis rival brave, Should call sweet Tola bride! ANOTHER NEW STORY THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, THE BEST STORY AND SKETCH PAPER PUBLISHED. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY has flneoeeded* at great expense, in securing the services of one of the greatest of living romance writers, who, for reasons of his own, chooses to write for them'not under his proper name, but under the nom de plume of LOUIS LEON. The name of this gentleman is world wide, and it is safe to say that there is haidly a reader of romance on this continent who has not, at one time or another, been charmed by his genius. As a writer of romance, it is not too much to say that he stands without a superior on either side of the Atlantic. Louis Leon's first contribution to the columns of the NEW YORK WEEKLY la indisputably tbe finest of all his productions. He himself, in a letter to ns, Bays : 4 * It is infinitely superior to anything which I have ever written.” This splendid romance Is entitled THE; SILVER SHIP; THE BLOODHOUND OF THE CARIBBEAN* i i BPANIBH-AMERIOAN STORY. The tale is historical, and the main incidents are true. The principal characters are Callocarras, the famous pirate, commonly called by the Sp&nlsh-Americans of his times, before the proper name was known, El Ba busso del Mar.Caribe, or the BJoodhound of the Carib bean, a title that arose from his terribly mysterious way of learning about the movements of treasure-ships, and tracking them, a secret which is clearly explained, for the first time, in these pages. Buy Leol. the hammock maker of lola Grande, who also lives and mores in a 'singular mystery. Count Regia, of Mexico, the proprie tor of the great silver mine of Regie. Padre Lasso, the priest of lola Grande.* Captain Romero, the commander of the galleon Encantadora, the Silver Ship. Senor Nerle, a person of wealth and luxurious tastes, who lives retired at a beautiful vi'laon Isla Grande, and to whom an extraordinary mystery attaches. Yola, a young girl of marvellous graces and loveliness, under charge of Padre Lasso, and reputed among tbe inhabi tants of lola Grande to be bis niece—a glorious type of the Spanish-American woman, a being of sunshine and flowers, over whose life, at the moment of her introduc tion. rests a'painful mystery, in which is threatened an appalling doom. lolet Leol, the foster sister of Don Buy. Tie Countess of Regia. Yola is a glorious crea tion, a fresh ingenious young creature, in whom the lady leaders will be especially interested. We confidently look for an immense increase in circu lation on this story, and news dealers would do well to send in their orders in time. Besides the above great story, this favorite family journal will contain two other continued stories of great merit, as well as from EIGHT to TWELVE first-class SKETCHES, of different varieties; & large number of POEMS, and a variety of departments of a useful and en tertaining character, including “Pleasant Paragraphs, *' “ Mirthful Morsels,” ‘‘Knowledge-Box,” “Items of In terest,” Ac., &c, the whole going to form a family news paper whieh, as Is freeiy admitted by all who, has not its equal In this country or the old. Price, five cents for' a single copy; two dollars per year, and liberal terms offered to getters up of clubs. STREET <& SMITH, No. 11 FRANKFORT Street. New York City. Eg- Specimen copies sent free. PATENT HINGE BACK PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Tie mofit indestructible ALBUM nude. It lie. open perfectly fiat,-without Injury or strain to the Book, Foreale by T. B. FETE3JSQN * BROS., CLA.BK, 602 Chestnut street: BHWM4W ft ABROLD, Eighth street; BABBACH BROTHERS, Eighth streetH. H. HEHDER SOH & Co ; 0. P. PEERS, Fourth and Race; BEHH ft SON, and others. ALTEMUS & CO., N, W. CORNER FOURTH AND RACK. feso-lm Entrance on RACE Street. JUST ISSUED, A SPLENDID LARGE-SIZE, FULL-LENGTH PORTRAIT OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN. This superior Life-like Portrait, engraved on Steel in tbe best style of Mezzotint, and published by J. 0. BUTTBE. of New York, ean only be obtained from the Publisher or his authorized Agents. A SPECIMEN COPY may now be examined at JAMES 8. EARLE h SON’S. No. 816 CHESTNUT Street, and at PUGH’S Bookstore, S. W corner SIXTH and CHEST NUT Streets, where names of subscribers will be taken. J.P. SKELLY, AGENT FOR PENNSYLVANIA, No* 908 Aron Street;* mhl4- mwf St -VTEW BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS!! I' Just received by ABHKEAD & EVANS, (Successors to Willis P. Hazard,) No 73* CHESTNUT Street. MAINSTONE’S HOUSEKEEPER; by Eliza Meteyard (“Silverpen ") A new Novel, just out. MOUNT VERNON AND OTHER POEMS; by Harvey Rice. LA GAVIOTA, A SPANISH HOVEL; by Fernan Ca ballero. Translated by J. Leander Starr. TH E WASHINGTON’ SKETCHBOOK; by Viator. THE CROSS OF HONOR; by Annie Thomas. - ▲ WOMAN'S BANSOM: by Frederick W. SoWnson. THACKERAY, THE HUMORIST aND THE MAN OF LETTBBS; bv Theodore Taylor, Esq. _ ESSAYS: SCIENTIFIC. POLITICAL, AND SPECULA TIVE (second series); by Herbert Spencer. mh!B T> EDUCED TO TEI XV PHOTOGRAPHS from G. G Pish and others, St. Agues. Tbe Martyr, Autumn Leaves. On the Beach. F.eaeant Dreams. Tbe Sirens. Aurora. Spring. Summer. autumn. Winter. . , , Our new catah sue of Me< now ready. THE LARGEST COLLE mh!7-3t PITCHER*! TADY'S FRIEND FOR APRIL— -A-4 16CENTS!J6 CENTS!! 15 CENTS!!! mh!7 3t PITCHER’S, 808 CHESTNUT Street. PHEW ON MEDICAL EDUCATION. —LECTURES OB MEDICAL EDUCATION, or ON THE FROFER METHOD OF STUDYING MEDICINE. By Samuel Chew, Af. J> v Professor of the Practice and Principles of Medicine and of Clinical Medicine in the University of Maryland. 1 volume. We can cordially recommend the work not only to students of medicine, but to students of all professions, and to all lovers of learning. No person of intelligence can read it without deriving both pleasure and profit from the perusaL—Jfirror. _ LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. Publishers. 95 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut*.. XTEW 8008 SI NEW BOOKS! I ESTHER PERSONS; OR, TRY AGAIN, and other Stories, by A. L. 0. £. PAYING PEAK, and other Stories, by A. L 0. E. BToRjES PROM JEWISH HISTORY, from the Baby lonish Captivity to the Destruction of Jerusalem by Titu». By A. L. O. B TflY AGAIN, and other Interesting Stories, by A. L. A MAP OP SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI AND ALAS IMA, showing the approaches to Mobile and the movements of Genu Sherman's army. Price 60 cents. A HAFoF NORTHERN GEORGIA, with portions of North Carolina, and South Caro- U !or •S2by°.® ta ' WM. S. * HT.PRBD MARTIAN, mhU 600 CHESTNUT Street. THE SUNBEAM STOBIES, J- Containing the eharminr, bright stories of— TRAP TO CATCH A SON BE AM. CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, HOUSE ON THE ROCS, ONLY, OLD JOLLI7VB, MERRY CHRISTMAS, DREAM CHINTZ. STAR IN THE DESERT, Ac. Six beautiful volumes, illustrated. $2 60. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher, fe26«t jyl - 31 Bonth SIXTH Street mhlS-etif APPLETON’S NEW AMERICAN ■ CYCLOPEDIA. The agency for this invaluable Library of Universal Information Is at 33 South SIXTH Street, second story. Also, RECORD OP THE REBELLION. By Trank Moore. fell-tf BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. jyjoss & co., STATIONERS, fi LANK-BO OK, and ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS, 433 CHESTNUT STREET, TWO DOORS' ABOVE PO3T OFFICE. JUST REOBIVED. TITIAN COPYING PRESS. . ATWATER’S PORTABLE COPYING PRESS, for Army and Navy Officers. _ _ ATWATER’S PATENT NEWSPAPER FILES. OFFICERS* DESPATCH AND ORDER FILES. CONOKBSS-TlB ENVELOPES, all sizes Also, a fall assortment of STATIONERY, for office and Counting-house nee. BLAB K BOOKS made to order, and ruled to any pat - MOSS* W.’S, *33 CHESTNUT Street JJBYSON & SON, . NO. 8 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. BLANK BOOKS, papers, fens, and inks of superior QUALITY. Corporation., Banks, and Basinas. Hon supplied with OTOrytbinc leeetsary for the Counting, room. rnhll-lm 7 TONS CHEESE. YEET FINE. # 2 toss Gosht-n Bnt f er, for table use. Prime Roll Bntter. received daily. KrOdtzen bottles Fresh Tomatoes. . AP the above for sale in large or email quantities at the Eastern Market Cheese stand. FIFTH Street. DeloN Mark et. mils dt NOW READY IN BY LOUIS LEON. Editors and Proprietors, ST CENTS 1! —CARD the celebrated Paintings of Morning. Evening. Flora. Making Up. Emancipation. Wild Flowers. Sommer Garlands. Gardener’s Daughter- Blossom and D*cay. I've Eaten the Canary. Ham and Card Photographs SCTION IN THE CITY. S. 808 CHESTNUT Street. MEDIC AX. JjYON’B kathaibon. Katbatron is from the Greek word “Kathro," or “Ka thairo, ” signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate, and restore* This article is what Its name signifies. For preserving* restoring and beautifying the HUMAN HAIR it is the most remarkable preparation In the world. It is again owned and put up by the Original proprietor* and Is now made with the same care, skill, and attention which gave it a sale of over one million bottles per annum. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft, and glossy. It prevents the Lair from &»Uiug off and turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use LYON'S HATHAIRON- It is known and used throughout the civilized world. Sold by all respectable dealers DEM AS 8. BARNES & CO., New York* HAGAN’S MAGNOLIA BALM. This Is the most delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the sun-burnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, im parting the marble purity of youth, and the distingti€ appearance so inviting in the city belle of Cushion. It re moves tan, freckles, pimples, and roughness from the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent, and smooth. It contains no. material injurious to the skin. Patronized by actresses and opera singers, it is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Prepared by W. E. HAGAN. Troy. N. Y. Address all orders to DEMAS 8. BARNES & CD.. New York. HEIMSTREET’# INIMITABLE HAIR RKSTO BATIVE.—NOT A DIE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. All Instantaneous dyes are composed of lunar causUe. destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. Helm street's Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a LUXURIANT BEAUTY, promotes Its growth, prevents its falling off, eradicates dandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness to the head. It has stood the tost of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly Increasing in favor. Used by both gentlemen and ladles. It is sold by all re spectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agents, D: £h BARNES & 00., 202 BROAD -WAY, New York. 7wo sizes, 60 cents and $l MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. The parties in Bfc. Louis-and Cincinnati, who have been counterfeiting the Mustang Liniment, under pretence of proprietorship, have been thoroughly estopped by the courts. To guard against further imposition, I have pro cured from the United States Treasury a private steel plate revenue stamp, which is plaoed over the top of each bottle. Each stamp bears the/oc simile of my sig nature, and without which the article is a counterfeit, dangerous, and worthless imitation. Examine every bottle. This Liniment has been in use and growing In favor for many years. There hardly eaiets a hamlet on the habitable globe that does not contain evidence of its wonderful effects. It is the best emollient in the world. With its present improved ingredients, its effects upon man and beast are perfectly remarkable. Bores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made useful, and untold ills assuaged. For bruises, sprains, rheumatism* swellings, bites, cuts, caked breasts, strained horses. Ac., it is a sovereign remedy that should never be dispensed with. It should be in every family. Sold by all.druggists. 1022-mvr f3m &eow6m D. S. BARNES, New York. MILLINERY GOODS. 1864. _ 1864. WOOD & CARY, 726 CHESTNUT STREET, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. P. S. —MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS are invited to examine before purchasing, as our STOCK IS FULL and PRIOR* LOW. mhft-2m WOOD & CARY. P. A. HARDING & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, NO. 119 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA,. mh3*2m army goods. THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS & HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 ARCH STREET, ’ PHILADELPHIA. Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Pageants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Can teens, Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Bours, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. A. liberal discount allowed to the trade. mhlG-lm JiURLOUGHS. Officers and Soldiers, visiting the city on Furlough, needing SWORDS, And other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, are invited to the very extensive Manufacturing Establishment of GTCO* W. SIMONS & BRO., SANSOM-BTEEET HALL, SANBOM Street, above Sixth. PRESENTAOTONT SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice, which, for richness and magnificence, challenge competition, no other house in the country combining the MANUFACTURING JEW ELER with the PRACTICAL SWORD-MAKER. mhlo-2m pBOTHINGHAM * WELLS BATH FOB SALfl* HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AMD* SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. , k . HEAVY CAE TON FLANNELS: ~ V WASH. NGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILECIAS BROWH. BLEACHED, AHD COESET JBAHS. *O. U WORSTED TAB*. 4w. INSURANCE COMPANIES. T7AMB INSUBANi A Vo. 406 CHBET PHILADI VISE AHD IDLA PISEO TTancis N. Buck, Charles Richardson. Henry Lewis, O. W. Davis, P. 8. Justice, George A. West- • FRaNCIS N. OHAS. RICHj “W. T. Bukobark. Secret* COPARTNERSHIPS. T7DWIN CLINTON HATING AS3O ciaied with himself a« co-partner. W. HARRISON BISEfIBHEY* to date from first of January, 1864, the bnslasM in future will be conducted under the name of DUBifIGM an miure mu wo fICANTON ft flO , CHESTNUT Street. mlilS St* THE UNDERSIGNED HATE THIS J- day entered Into a COPARTNERSHIP, under the firm-same of W. D. EDSON & CO . for tbe purpose of Manufacturing WOMEN'S, MISSES .dndCSILDKBN*S PEGGED BOOTS, Ac., at 80. 422 COMMERCE street.B W. u. BOSON. ARTHUR MILL IS Philadelphia. March 11,!£&• mb!4-12t* BE VISITE.—GO AND SE \J LECT STYLES, and sit at REINER’S popular Gal lery, SECOND Street, above GREEN, and when finished, you ■will have no cause to complain. It* TIBATON & DENCKLA, HARDWARE -EX Commission Merchants. 507 COMMERCE and 510 NORTH Streets, offer for tale: Anchor Brand Nails; Plymouth Mill Rivets. W. & 8. Butcher's Cast Steel; Eagle Cabinet Locks. Putnam’s Hone Nalls; Locke's School Slates. Copper, Brass, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. ▲lso, a fall assortment of American Hardware. fefi-emif . . TREASURY department. A- Office of Compteoixer of the CnRRBNcr. WA3HINGTOH. February 28th, 18« i Whereas, by satisfactory eTidence 5™“““?,.*? f£? B»“ *cn'rSfw B «c«2d. by a“lese offinuid States £‘, k eoW^^^ B «nw*hierefore I. Hngh MeCollooh, Comptroller of tie certify that the FOURTH NA TION ALBaNK OF PBILIDBLPBIA, county of Phil*. delohia. and State of PennaylTanla. Is authorised to commence the business of Banking, under the act afore **ln' testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of o«ce. this twenty-sixth. Februjg^ Co»vtroil«r 9 f ft* Qmvnor* OB COMPANY, 3TNUT STREET, >klphia. iSD IJBBUBANGE. OTOBB. John. W- BtMZBSUAi Robert B, Potter, John Kessler, Jr., 3. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Joseph D. Bill*. . BUCK, President [ARBSON. Vie# President. t* rv. ial4-U WANTS. RANTED IMMEDIATELY, SO GOOD SILVER PLATERS. WAGES $2.50 PER DAY. . WORK WILL BH GUARANTEED. JAB. M. PRA.ZEE & CO., 40. 48. And 80 MECHANIC Street. trt&l-tt HBWabk, New Jersey. A YOUNG MARRIED MAN, JUST -“-ftomtheccnntry. wiBhesaBITUATION; haeeoma experience in business. Address '*C,”air3 CHEsTNnT Street. lt * Agents wanted—a bare chance for making money offared. None need ap> ply except good business m*n. For further particulars address post-office Box 2834, Philadelphia. m: 17-61* r>OY WA>TED IN A DRY GOODS X) Commission Hoars -one whosspatsatß reside in the city Address, with handwriting, Box 1235 FhUadel pilar, o. am at* COLORED HELP OP ALL DESORIP VJ TIOSS WANTED, at be.t wages. Cfifdere received for Freed Help, at J. OLIVER’6 Office, LUg PINE Strsot. Rl "PARTNER WANTED WITH A O ASH A capital of *35.000 to *50,008i In a and profitable Dry Goods Commission Business. Address, Box t6B P. O , living name and address. mblß 3t* "\\7"ANTED —A BOY IN A COUNT. ’’ INQ.HOPgg.. Apply to Bui 2789, P. 0. mfrlfrgt* WANTED—A GOOD BOOKKEEPER , i —one who understands Mb business, in a maun factory. Box 119 P. O. mh!B 3;» WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE . *, House, a BOY, 16 to 17 years of ace. Apply at a la CHURCH Alloy mhlB 2t* WANTED— A GOOD COMPOSITOR 7 " Pressman; onewhoiscapabl.of'akingcbarce Plan office. Address Box No. 1668 Post Office. mh!7-3t« WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN AC ■ . cnstomed to keep acconntg. a sltnation as Book keeper or Assistant in -a Counting Boom. Reference given. Addisss “Aeconntant. 11 this office, mb 17 St» ■WANTED—A PORTER IN A * * 5 Wholesale House; one who has experience in packing eoods. and can furnish satisfactory reference. Address Boa 2287 P. O. mh.l6-.3t* A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE nP * v AGENTS in every County, at $75 a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewlagßda chines. Address S. MADISON. Alfred. Me. [fel2d&W3m C*f?r) A MONTH! —I Want Agents at sP“ amonth,expenses paid, to sell my Everlasting Pencils. Oriental Burners, and lSotherarticlss. 15 circu lars sen tfree. JOHN F. LORD. Biddeford. Me. Ja?7-2zn M WANTED TO RENT—A DWELL ING HOUfiB, by first of Jane, with modern im provements; situated above Chestnut street, and within five squares of Post Office. Sent, $4OO to $6OO. Address Box 1089 Philad. Post Office. mhls 6t* ZOST AMD VOUID, T OST—BY A POOR MAN, ON THE AJ afternoon of tile 16th inet.. a leather PORTE MON NATE, containing between $3O andjslo. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it either at The Press Office.or at T3Q~OARrBNTBR Street, mhlB-at» T OST—A CEBTIFIOA'iE OF 5-PEB AJ CENT. LOAN OP STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, for $516.05, dated Merch 12. 1830, JTo. 754, In name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 6-per cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, lor the sum of $2OO. dated June 30. 1846, No. 1«2, In the name of ELI K. PRICE, administrator of William Meredith in trust. Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re newal of said Certificates felO-Sm ELI K. PRIOR, No. 811 ARCH Street. FOR SAKE! AND TO LET. rfO MANUFACTURERS AND CAPITALISTS. A very large LOT OF GROUND, on North SECOND Street, 56 feet front, 302 feet deep, widening on the rear tol€9feet. with a 25-feet-wide back outlet; containing Cearly one acre-of ground; suitable for FACTORY, SUGAR REFINERY BREWERY, or WAREHOUSE, Storehouses erected on the lot will pay a very good Into* rest. For sale at a very low price, and terms accommo- dating. Apply to No. 116 North NINTH Street. mh!6-6t* 'P'EMALE SEMINARY FOR SALE, A situated in one of the pleasantest and most fashion able streets in the city. Apply by letter to Bex 1670 Post Office. References exchanged. mb 18 21* DOR SALE, AT ST. MARK’S A Ckuich. a PEW on the north side of the south aUle, the eleventh feom the chancel. Apply at No- 1835 PINE Street mb 17-2t* T7OR SALE—THE PORT RIGHT FOR A Philadelphia of HUSTON’S PATENT MARINE LEAK SIGNAL, the best invention of the age.. I. VAN TRUMP, Agent, St. Louis Hotel, Where the apparatus can be seen from 2 o’clock until 5 p 4 M. mh!6 3t* M l GENTEEL HOUSE, IN A GOOD neighborhood, wanted on or before Ap illst, by a family who will give the beet of references. Address “John H. Sloan.” Box 441. Post Office. mhlS-2t* m TO RENT—DISIBABLE COM Jeiiy-MumcATiNa officbs, ass south third Street, adjoining St. Faul’a Church; front to be altered. APPI7 10 ROBERT MACGREGOR, 419 WALNUT Street. It Ma handsome residence, beautifully located, with all the Modern Improve ments, Large Garden, Ac., Ac., in the city of BIJjsLING TGN, New Jersey, for SALE, or in EXCHANGE for City Property, inquire of PRESLEY BLAKISTON, mbl7-Gt No. 25 South SIXTH Street. M for sale, at cafe island, a large and commodious BOARDING HOUSE. For full particulars apply to JOHN YARD, Jr., A SON. mhlß- 6t* SOT RACE Street. ** FOR SALE—A VERY DESIRA- ElPi BLE HOUBE, for a moderate-sized family, in a good neighborhood in Germantown, is now offered at alow {irice and on accommodating terms, in order to close an ctereet in the property. House 36 by 25 feet, with Fur nace, Rang*. Bath, and Hydrant Water; is built of skcne, and lined throughout. AJso,.a fine Building Site, with about Three Acres of Land Apply daily except Thursday, between 10 and 11 o’clock, at 809 MAKSUT Street. mhlS-tf SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE— ZAZ A small FARM, of between 18 and 19 acre*, situate on the Bristol Turnpike Torresdale; Twenty* third Ward- Has a small stream of water running through It; well of excellent water, and is convenient to steamboat landing, and railroad station. Buildings are in good repair; ths barn is new, * mfrlfrwfm6t* JOHN SHALLCROSS, Frankford. PEREMPTORY SALE—BY M. ZJZ THOMAS Sc SOUS, Auctioneers. OVER 4:5,000 ACBESLAND, in Lycoming, Clinton, Tioga, and Lu zerne counties, PENNSYLVANIA. On TUESDAY, March 29th, 1864, at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at tublie »ale. without reserve. at the Philadel phia Excharge. the following described property, viz : 45,111 ACRES DESIRABLE LAND. 123 tracts, va r-»ing in tizefrom 60to 1100 acres each. viz: •. 33,742 ACBBS-61 TRACTS—LYCOMING COUNTY, Pennsylvania. in which county are numerous mines of eoal and iron, and m*ny parts heavily timbered, and others hue farming lard. _ 10, (WO ACRES—24 TRACTS—IN CLINTON COUNTY, on tc* western declivity of the Allegheny Ridge; has hill and valley, and finely watered, an abundance of iron fcnd coal, and rich in agricultural produce; facili ties to market by railroads, canals. Ac 4,F69 ACRES—TIOGA COUNTY—(I9 TRACTS, of 60 to SCO acres each,) in tbe northern boundary of the State, near the New York and Erie Railroad. 6.5T0 A'^RES—LP2ESNE COUNTY—(2S TRACTS from £0 to about 400 acre* each.) This U one of the great coal coumiesln tbe State; the facilities for carrying its products to market are unusually great, and Us farming piodrcts very extensive. Full particulars now ready in pamphlet form, giving the names of warrantee?, number of acres in each tract, extracts from the laws under which the titles are de rived* and under which they will be sold, terms of sale, Ac., may be had on application to S. T. BODtNS, Esq.. Ifi4 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or to the auc tioneer* SaLE ABSOLUTE OF THE WHOLE 45,111 ACRES. M. THOMAS St SONS, Auctioneers. mh!B 21 24 £6 139 and 141 South FOURTH St. M ORPHANS’ COURT SALE, fife Pareuant loan order of the ORPHAN 4* COURT cf Bi>KKS COUNTY, will be sold at public veadue, on Saturday, tbe 9th day of APRIL. A D. 1661 at the public houre of ISRAEL RITTBR (Schraucker House), in the city of READING, in said Berks county, to wit: Purpart No 2—A certain tract or piece of Land (ont lots), situate In the city of Reading aforesaid, adjoining lane of Ur. Jacob Marshall, land late the estate'of John Hcpler, deceased. Bronson’s lane and another lane, con* taining 10 acres, more oi less. Purpart No. 3. —A certain two-story House and Lot of Ground on the east side of South Third street, between Frat kiln and Chestnut, in the said city of Reading, bounded on ihe north by lot late of Charles Fichthorn, deceased, east by Carpenter alley, south by lot the pro perty ot Daniel Young, and west by said Third street, containing in front on said Third street 23 feet, and in d« P*h 2SO feet. Purpart No. 4—A certain two-story House and Lot oi Ground, on the east side of North Sixth tween Penn and Washington, in the said city of Reading, bounded on the north by property of George *mlth, east by property l*te of Rev Jacob Miller, deceased, south by property late of the estate of Samuel Baird, dace tsed, and webt by said Sixth street, containing la front on g&id Sixth street about 17 feet, and in depth 90 feat. Purpart No. 6.—The undivided one»thiid Dart of all that certain messuage, tenement. Furnace, Grirt Mill, Saw Mill, and tract of Laud, situate iu Richmond town ship, in the county of Berks aforesaid- known as “The Mof el cm Furr ace Property,’’adjoining lands of Solomon Heffner, Samuel Leaner. Jacob Heffner, and others, containing 424 acres and 22 percheß, together with the undivided ore third part of S &cre& fttd 71 p&rchee of laid (a part of said Moeelem Property), adjoining Jacob Mongol. Henry Bscker, and others. .... . h Purpart No. 6.—The undivided one-third pirt of a certain niece of land, situated in Richmond township aforesaid, adjoining lands of Caspar Merkel and John Glut, containing 3 acres, known as the ‘Moselem Mine B Pmjam No. 7 undivided moiety or half part of a certain Brick GrUt Mill, Saw Mill, and lot or piece of land, situate in the village of Leesport, in the township i f On-flaunee. in said Berks county, adjoining land late of Cyrus J. Hunter, laud of the Leeeport Iron Com pany. a public road, and the Schuylkill Navigation Company, containing \M acres, more or less. Furfakt No. B.—The undivided moiety or half part of a tract or pUce of Wood or Sprout Lana, situate in the township of Richmond aforesaid, adjoining lands now or late of Jacob Kelchner. John hhollenberger. Jonathan Biebl. George Brown, G W. Kemp. Jacob Merkel, and Henry >Cilege), containing 59 acres ana 84 perches. Lrte the property cf Frederick S. Hunter, deceased. Sale to commence at 1 o’cLekin the afternoon, when due attendance will be given, and tue terms of saie made known, by WILLIAM H IrtiYMBR. Adm’r, By order of the Court: Solomon Closb, Clertc. Maich 12 1864, mh!B-f4t FOR SALE—A PAIR OF BAY HORSES, 15 hands high, 6 years old. good dri vers, double or single. One a good ladies* saddle horse. ■Warranted sound. Have only been used in the country. Price fflCO. Address; Box 511 Philada. P. O. m'Ql6-3t* AUCTION SALE. BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN- BTBBBTB. , AUCTION SALE OP FORSES. CARRIAGES, he , ON SATURDAY MORNING next, at lu o’clock, com* Diieine alitiit HFrT horses. Including a handsome DARK BHOWN STALLION, by Trafalgar, out of a mare by Black Bashaw. Full descriptions in catalogues. Aliid, | New and second-hand Carriages, light Waions, tingle and double Harness. Saddles, Bridles Whips. Covers. £c. jj& L j o pon ponement on account vf weather. JSf* Sale of Horse-. Ac,, on Wednesday next- JB&~ Tiade Sale of 200 carriages 6fch of April . gw- 200 Carriage* at PTivatessle. at auction prices. mhl7-2ti f a LFBED M. BBBKNSSs. Auetionear^ JyOTIOE OF REMOVAL. The nnderfi*nsd would Inform tlalrfriendaoui tlo onblic eejj.raliv that they nave removed liom their Old SiOEd, 517 AKCH Street, to thetx SPLENDID NEW WAREROOMS, No. eia AECH STREET, wheTe they will ee&tl&Be the ‘ale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL OIL BURNERS, &c. H&yisg aseoefated with our house Mr. CHARLES PAGE. (formerly the Principal Designer for Cornelius St Baker,) we are now prepared to execute orders for Gas Fixtnreeof all grades and designs, from the plainest tv the most massive and elaborate , VAN KIRK & 00., feio-3m Mo. aia AKCH STMEBT. gXJILDINU HARDWARE. ISSISnSto. ! SfIuWgTRAPS, maiu/actuied and kept on hagg 0 ™ moTJ WORKS, of •J’HE SPRING FLOWER SHOW OF TOT Pennsylvania Horticultural Society WILL BB HELD AT THI musical fund hale; LOCUST Street, above Blgbtb, ON TUESDAY, MARCH 33d, 1864, FROM 11 A. H. TO 11 P. m. All articles for competition and exhibition must be staged by 10 o'clock A. M. on Tuesday, 2Zd. Application for space most be presented to the Oouutot tee on or before 4 o'clock P. M. on Monday, 21st. Schedules of Premiums can be had of the Secretary* A. W. HARRISON, mh M at Bo: as South SEVENTH Street. MR. JAMES E. MURDOCH WILL entitled PROVIDEKOB AND LOVE OF COUNTRY, ox of music. Ok TOEbbAY EVB, IMG, 2Jd Instant, T U. S. CHSfSfi^^lstON In the course of the evening Mr ■„ troduce the following lecltau'n? “ DRUOCawIU ltt ' GBTTVSBURG. (I new Poe”- Bv P I>. n thefiSt H tFmo OES ' WlUtml< " ON BOARD THUCUMBERLIirtr. o»o H r>i— THE SONG OF THE BUGLE ASO-DRUM® T B Hie, SCOTT AND THE VETERA tt. Bijird Tavli?' THE COVENANTEE’S BATTLE SEEM‘sT deliver* by Ephraim Mao Briar on the Battle-field of Drnmoui tBI AMEBIGAN FLAG. F RoOraan Dulb* Tickets 25 cents Reserved eeats 60 cents Tie .ale of tickets will commence Ok Frldav mernSac. 13th Inst. at 9 o’clock, at MABTIBS’S, 85S CHSsTNIfr Street Tickets can also be had at the door of the AC. DEMY on the evening of the reading.. Doors open at 7o erk, Readings at 8 o cHc. mh!7»6t XJEY, B. H, CHAPIN, D. D., JL* OF NEW YORK. Will deliver his OSEAT ORATION EUROPE AND AMERICA. AT CONCEPT HALL, i FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 18. Tick e£ o’clock. ■TOM KING’S GREAT EXCELSIOR TROUPE. MARKET, abive TWELFTH Street. The season opened on SATURDAY, the 12th lust .and the members of the GREAT EXCELSIOR TROUPE were received with the liveliest demonstrations of entliuai* asm. The programme of the entertainment will bo varied every tvt ning the repertoire of the Company being very extensive M’LLE TOURNi IRE. M’LLE VIRGINIA, And other artistic lady performers will appear as th* season progresses, thus presenting vivid scenes la the Arei*a. lovely- fascinating, and interesting. THE GREAT HURDLE ACT Will be perfoimed every evening Performance ermmeset Bat 7.40 o'clock. Admission.., ..25 eta Stage seats ISO eta Private boxes. .$8 09L mh!4 BONSALL BROS., ■pLEVENTH-ST. OPERA HOUSE, ±J »»THE FAMILY RESORT.” CARNCROS3 aND DIXEY’S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD, In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, LaughabU Bu* leagues. Plantation Scenes, Ac.. Ac., by TWENTY TAiBNTED ARTISTS. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets 26cents Doors rpen at 7 o’clock. fe27-3m J. L CARNOROSS. Business Manager. CASINO! CASINO! CASINO! CHESTNUT STREET, above Sixth GBAED VARIETY ENTEETAIWaiENT. ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS. ballbtp, pantomimes, vocalists. COMIC SINGEBS mhl7-10l* THE great picture a AT CONGEST HALL LECTURE KOOK for a. sßort season. OPEN EVERT EVENING TOR A SHORT SEASON. J. Insec ‘Williams’ celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This is the most complete and finished Palntfn* of the Sacred Scriptures in the world* «omvrialng over fifty ** the moit SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENEB Of the first three thousand years of Biblical History* forming altocrethei one tho finest exhibitions of the tfi«. OPfcN EVERT EVENING at half past 7 o'clock. Admission 26 cents. N. B. Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday after noons. at $ o’clock. . ._ _ . AdmieetoyforOhUdren 16 cents. -• falßlsa fJERM ANI A ORCHESTRA.— PUBLIC VF BEHBARBALB every SATURDAY, et 8 o’clock. M, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single ticket! J % eente. Packages of six tickets, $l. To be had at AM* DBS’S. 110 A CHESTNUT Street* J. E GOULD. 81* VENTH and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door. feH-tf PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF ■A TAB fine arts, 1095 CHESTNUT STRBET. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. HU 6 P. M- A d mission 26 cents. Children half price. ja33-tf « GENERAL RECRUITING STA TION IN INDEPENDENCE SQUARE. Recruits wanted for any of the Regiments of thia State now. in the Service. « GENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE, No. 611 CHESTNUT Street. RECRUITS WANTED for all the old CAVALRY ARTILLERY, and INFANTRY REGIMENTS, now In service, raised in this STATE. A few rood men can yet be enlisted for tba First ArtUleryC Light) P. Y . and for the Tbird Artillery (Heavy) P. V., Btatloned at Fortress Monroe* Ya., at this office lmmr YeteraiiYolunteerfli i 1...... .««*•». All other Volcnteeiß. «>>..*»»»i«*9ST9 $348 cash in hand. Beernits will be accredited to any locality in tbe • State of Pennsylvania they may deair*, and receive the local bounty. CHAS. N< CADW ALL IDES. Capt. and General Becraiting Officer. THE LAST CHANCE! JBn A FEW MORE HEN WASTED /JW 70S THE 18th PENNSYLVANIA. OAVALBY, * NOW IN CAMP. The highest local Bounties paid when mastered in. Government Bounties paid in regular instalments. This Regiment is composed of as fine and noble men an ever wore uniforms THE OFFICERS ARE MEN OF EXPERIENCE, AMD OF TRUE AND TRIED COURAGE. • Let every able man. who desires to serve his country in the hour of danger, apply at once to Capt. F. ZARRACHER. Company C. Capt. JAMEBM JOHNSON. Company H. AtG. V. BERRY’S, No. IC6 South Sixth street. _ O. S. WM. 8 SMITH. Pottstown. Montgomery Co.. Fa. sultana haihhs. eirsfix, (roßßiwra, aot snom CIDEE. Wins, *c. **■ anubehbnts. MILITARY. BOUNTIES. Government (for Veterans) ~~ ~~~5403 ** aU others 309 nity W«4. - - SS4S before leaving the City. E. k. LiNDELL. Captain 119th Regiment P, V. • General Recruiting Officer. mhl6-6t* mhlS-6t* FINANCIAL,. LEGAB. &LBSBT O. ROBERTS, Doalar liTtuOnMMll,. iaL) EVERT NIGHT.