financial and commercial. THE MOSEf MARKET. Philadelphia, March 16 13W The gold bill passed to-day. Gold ha* fluctuated be tween 16!:@160M. selling down to 160 M Ja*t before the telegraph brought the news, and up to i6i>i afterwards. Whether the depression in the price has beau aa ' paled the past week lemmas to be mm. *OO w ®P that Mr. Chase will Jolfil all the .xpectations fo '™ ° T the opeiatios of the bill Transactions were very Una and considerable excitement was manifested on the '‘me money market is very easy, and no change Is to be ine money s GoTorn ment secnr)tles are steady. 11 Thete was considerable demand for the mining shares . T A» tiat for Mew Creek being the most remarkable, n'rom e«5, in tbl day. to % with sales, altogether, of over w.cco*ba*ese Clin on Coal was next on the list, ,_, th hoaw pales at 2. Bin Mountain sold at lc-M; New York and Middle at 16; Green Mountain at BM®S%. 4 H was bid for Tainaqua: for Button. Girard Copper sold at 7U; Mandan at 4?6 bid for Marquette; 19>£ for Etna; 10}S for Penn Minina, with sales. Union Canal sold at 4; the preferred at 7}£; Susque hanna at ; Navigation preferred at 45, closing M lower; 3fi>* bid for the common. Lehigh sold at 72. Catawi*"& preferred eoJd at 43. Borth Pejunyivazda was steady at 3&K; Long Island at 47. Heading opened and closed at 6&%. o 7?« was bid for Philadelphia and Erie. Cheitnutand Walnut sold at 62; Girard College at&X. Good interest-paying securities are very firmly held. The market closed steady. Brexel * Co. anots: netted States Bonds. 1881—..™. . .. i« New Certific&tesoFlndebt’s.... fl* l "H™ a •• 7S-10 Notes, Ananst KWraVia “ " 73 10 Notes, October wfi-ILo Quartermasters'Vouchers..... vdi* Orders for Certificates of Indebtedness.. ieo>;^t6i J£ Gold™.™-; - IKS (Hn.'iX Sterling Eichanee 10SJ4@109 J&T Cooke ft Co. quote Government securities. Sc., as follows: in l iin 11 ■? v.' United States sires. 1881 ■ ....109 @IK) U. B. 7 S-1C Kotos. AnK-•■■_■■■ _ ..IUXmiW _ „ _ .HflLites of Indcbtsdnsss. ■— —■ 99 © 99? i *lrflve™ l ! OW twenty bonds' made' W Jani&rj 2 °Qnot«tioii»vl' sold at tie FbUadalnhU Gold Bxchanrs. 34 South Tiled street, second story: 9Ko' 6.04 17,402 01 19.418 05 Mount Pleasant 1,079 02 B.IW 11 «\f U -Spring Mountain........ 2 44a 19 1?-41S CO 21.867 04 Coleraine 615.1| 5.440 17 <5 po 16 •Beaver Meadow. 104 16 248 07 sol 03 U. York and Lehish.... 1.806 02 10 215 13 11.621 15 Jf. Bprinp .... 2,19.4 10 24.825 05 27.019 15 Jeddo 77.7.77..... 2.832 05 an oas i» 2S 858 04 HaSeigh.. 1,1? S <0 9.771 10 10 909 19 •#tnSanPnmaV. 1,888 10 13,758 10 15 592 00 "Ehervftla Coal Co ...... 946 19 7.574 C 8 8 52107 ®SSville. 1.226 17 9.249 19 10.476 16 Bnck Mountain 1.942 02 13,008 15 14.950 17 T7IL C 05.77........ 1.624 (6 15.610 07 17,031 13 Goal andtfav. •• 3,548 12 21, li'3S 14 24 6L7 06 Other Shippers.. 8.949 14 3.943 14 Total 31.041 05 260,818 04 312,819 09 51 7 , 8i 310 P, 0?S, 15 U 542 16 5.604 01 Increase- Decrease, The IT. Y Evtninff Post of to-daysays; Gold hsefiueiuaUdourimoisfroin Washington. From, 18?@163%, ll gradually fell to 160%. recovering to 161 J6xcha»*ge is dull, and badness is almost suspended by the existing incertitude. A few sales have been made at \ 76>4. The Joan market is easy at 6 per cent. • and the accumu lating capital seeking temporary investment is in creasing. From the heavy disbursements of 5 per cent, legal-tender Treasury notes, a portion cf these securities pass ss currency, and contribute both to expand *h© volume of the circulation and to give larger facilities for speculation in merchandise at d fancy stock*. The stock market is strong and excited. Governments are more active and prices are advancing, especially • those of the five*twenties and seven-thirties, for which we ob»erve an Increasing inquiry. Railroad shares are irregular but sieady. , , , Goal Blocks are lets excited Centra 1 , is quoted at 92?*. American at 109. Wyoming Valley atBSJ4 Canker land at 84%®54 %. Delaware and Hudson at 215@219, and Pennsylvania at 200@201 - Before the first Sf sion. go’d was quoted at 16*2J4163>4, .Hew York Central at 1?6%@157, Erie at T23J4(£&12334» Harlem at 145. Michigan Southern at 10134@110, iUiaols Central at 137@13734. Pittsburg at T223£@i2,5.!4, and Fort Waine at Is 9&. The appended table exhibit* the chief movement! at “the hoard compared With the latest prices of yesterday • Wed. Tu. Adv. Dee. United States 6s, ISSI, regie 112 112 United State* Bs. ISSI, coupon.--. 112 U2l* •• 34 "United State* seven-thirties 1115* 11134 X United State* five-twenty coup....lDS* IQS?* .. United State* lyear cer., cur.—.. 9934 9934 3# Jjneriejm 161?$ % Tennessee Slxei.6l?* 62 .. X Missouri Sixes. —— 72 73 ..1 •Pacific Mail - ™..232 232 Jfew York Central Railroad--... 137 156% 3* Brie—. ....-12*34 123 34 irie Preferred— —. 10534 IC9 .. Hudson fiiver.— -- ■ lw 152% 234 Harlem™.™.™.Hs% 149>e IX •• Heading > m..137>4 137*4 X Michigan Central™...--..- 14 Vi 14134 X -• Michigan Southern... IGS% -- X Michigan Southern guarantied... 147 14S 1 ‘lllinois Central Scrip—... —..-.-.13744 IS6 334 r Pittsburg. 12214 122 H .. 4 79 3? Terre Haute Preferred 963* 96 X -- Horthwestem §8 633 a X northwestern Preferred .£034 7; •Cumberland... —si* gg v ’Quicksilver.— 63 63% % Chicagoand Alton 88X ss* - X Chicago and Alton Preferred 9634 96 }- Burilsgton&ndQuincy -14234 'Marietta and Cincinnati —..80% 8034 34 AfteT the Board the market was firm. Hudson Biver advanced to 148. but receded to 14614. „ „ The chief excitement was in Michigan Southern, and the official announcement that there would ha an early dividend and that no moi e stock would be issued caused an advance to 10934.' PhiladA Stock Ezchs by S.S. Slayhaeb] BEFOBK 1 300 Beading B ICO do cash 68^ 100 do— 6589 K 200 New Creek. 4?a 200 do 2 H 100 do 2% £OO do 2% 1450 do 3 . 200 do - 760 do «"<" 560 do .3 31 -200 do 3^ 400 do 16 SOO do 3 ' 3500 do '...-660 2$ 800 do 2 % FIBBT 300 City 6* 109 6 Farm & Meek Bk. 61 100 New Creek-, 2.94 2200 do.•••••* » 200 BY & Middle.MO 16, 100 Gmn Mountain.. S?« 100 Giraid Mining.- t>s 7>4 100 do .~.~b20 7U 100Mandan Mining-. $U\ 500 d 0..... fcSO 260 SchAavpref. cask 45 160 do 46> k .300 do b£o 45?* 34 Lekigk Kav 72 604 Union Canal 4 7 do.. pref 7*4 6 Susquek’a Canal.. 25*2 Z d 0......... 393 i 50 do. v bBo 2rH BETWBEi 700 Clinton i \ 100 Oil Creek IS#; 600 Clinton 2 j 50 011 Crack ttfO 14 i 100 Green Mt... bs s?6| 100 Beading *swn 6&.«» 200 Clinton '2)i 1000 5-20® 300 200 7-30 fl 10i>K 300 Nav Com mU 200 do S 6* 1 * . 100 Green Mi t-5 S?£ | 500 JSew Greet ........ ;•>?<; IOOCIiDtOB mV A 300 Oil Creek blO 14 200 Fulton t 6 9 ICO New Creik .......3 l-i6i 200 Few Creek » | 100 Bohemian Mi g.bSH 6^; lOOOKeadinc £ 6a 10?>a 200 Bit Mountain SECON t> 550 New Creek .. 3 1600 do 2>4 100 Union Canal pref-- 7. 1 4 125 Spruce it Fine et R Jh 3000 City 6b rew lt*?« ICO Mandan Min's ,b3L r >K 100 do.. 100Ldng Island H..... 47 aFTRR BOARUB. ' 12617 th &2U.i: SOOBeadin* S s6O 68?# 50 do 21 ,V 100 New Creek bSO 3 SJ)Union Canal.- pr*i 7>*i 400 do .......... 2.9* mat" Sarpief.*swn 45 iSICOU S 5-20 bonds 109 46West Branch 11l IsOCOOhesterVaUey 75.. 48 . 4 Camden &Am R.-.l7i?i« ss Penaaß: ...b3 76 400 K.w Creek 5* 2 0 Revllag ■ K 0 2A SO) do 300 Penn Minim ....hfO i(!ii;lU0 Oil Creek b3O-U - ICO Beading W 0 fS 5 .' 2 0 Fulton... ••••, 9 100 Penn Mining lav.UO Oil Creek. WP It 400 Clinton M 2! C M&O Unim Pref. b 5 7K 2CO do 100 Big Mountain 10>£ 100 New Creek b 5 *;« too do b£o 100 Oil Creek ..» Hi* 13C0 N Fenna b3O 36X ,100 do bSO 14 1100 do S6* 100 do— bSO 14 IflCO New Creek 3# 100 do 3 J ?i 400 do 2% 1000 Beading bMI CP .100 Penn Mining 10* ICO do .. - I*o 10U Reading b 5 6SK . SCO Marqnfcttft 4?i 300 do..- ...... 68££ £OO Beading. I>3o e» uoo do e.raea* 400 Clinton n'i 200 Penn Mining..., b 5 10 200 Penn Mining. ...bsO lo* liO Reading 24ys 69i* .200 do *0 10 do tiSO&S* 200 nrf- .bIC. 43 3 0 do b 5 63 6d 200 New Creek 2.34 ion Green Mt b 5 8H -100 Beading de. in 3« 100 OU Creek ; 15 > NT & Middle 16 100 Green Mt. ?■•., rauO Clincoa 2J* 100 New Creek 2 uiilOO New Creek JOOBeadisn ;/ixe MV3- {330 d 0...... ..<»«.««• Z% 100 Pena'Minina... LSM lo 1 -. Unu North Penna.. 3" |3 k • 100 Phil* it JSrie 3*1200 do ....30# CLGS : SG PKICjSS—STBA.DT. Bid. d.vfe. : „ Bid At* VSBI'SI iM •• : -NPenn»8........ ss>4 37 iXJ ST 73-10ISoies. 112 Do 6b 100 ■phUata.. 101 •• CatawissaßCom .. 28« BO ECW lIS •• «? Pfot-■• ■■■■ «7s 43 Jenna 6a... 9SS 99 Ph!la a Brio H.. S7?T 38 -•Seadisa P 6'2» OilCreekCo...... lsj. 1326 BoT Imlb ! 70.. .I'o 1-9 Bl* Mountain.... 10>4 10^ Bo 6s’S3 colt R 7ft* Tin 6s’SO 43.... -* fifth-St R 62 ClVnaa H-----’ 76 7524 fenih-etK........ 52, 68 n? iftm : Thirteenth-. tR-. vi'.i 43* 8g 1j5c..,.. 119 Ssvantaenili-stß. .. 21 XSchuylkill R.. &X -9 isprnce*at R.-.-.v. 16 lm SforrtsC’i Ccnso* 74 75 ™ 7 * Do pres' 14- P tu A?'. M io •Schuyis«av block >*-a N 5& J Arch-at B •■*• 38 88^» Do prtf 4*> a»ce stK. •• f* Do. 6*’Si !*7k Green-et 8.4434 45 -■Bimlra K CSlraTd Colles* B- •**# Do pset*. {& £6 Lombard sfc B.f»» A' _Do 7k 7y Ridge avR •• ” X Isla&d k 465,' 47 SufQ Canal- Lehigh Sav 73 Mid Coal Fields Do icrip Fa GreenMountain* • ■■ CLOiJSG >■ RICES—FOUB O’CLOCK. Bi‘l a a-, 7 : 1 Bid. A*k. . ..... tn .. ;.tfT*Mid 153< 36^4 l f *‘ ';<> ?s!GreenMount Coal B>f j*3 ■pffSlL^u l4 '.; f> Minins 30>£ 3031 Pei-naR 7 0 7.^;.Girard do 734 V< Cataviishaßcoin, * do .....19# 20# Oil Creek 13& 14 • -B>s jKeystone 434 rnuft U fcf’<3 Pf *. 1 ' I V aDOn irn 23 J 2 SchuTlPav . ... as : «f 6'! n 5 .sf* f ", 44 *V « ’JlsransUe... Hi 4j| B n^ D s c r al 4);!Gl1utoa 2 2* ® W.'iNow Sntk f* 9X C081... •j .. y iManilaß -- b\s cl/ 31»M0n.iCt..i... loJi lfyl “ ♦“ Pluiadtlphia Mar beets. March 13—Rveuiny There is yery Utile doinn In Flour, an! the market .continues duli; abant Slu carrels sold at f 5 for aat or line, #7 for .elected ixlra an i *7@7 2> & barrel formira family. The retailers and bakers are buying moderate* It It from 'W@6.25 for Miperfine, $4 5:@7 for extra, f7® 7.6 Q for extra family, aid t8®9.60 for fancy frauds, accordlcg to quality. Bye Figgt la yery qaiet? email sales are reported at 56@6.25 ¥ barrel. There Is ve . y uttie doing in Corn Meal, and the market Is dall. OBAIW —The demand for Wheat is limited, and the market dull* with sales of about 6.000 bneheU at 18:)© lf]c for prime rede, and ‘white at bushei, the latter for prime Bye ia dull. and selling la a small war at 12S@128e » bushel. Corn ie dull and rather lower, with sales of 10,000 bushels at 115@116c. Instore and 11S® 119c^bushel, delivered. Oateare also dull* small B>Uesiire making at 80@3lc, weight. „ and we hearof no sales: Ist Vo. lis offered at $B7 ton. COTTON.—The market is very quiet; the manufac turers ms purchasing in a small way only; middlings are quoted, at 76@77c^!b t cash. nmuiuum. GROCERIES.—Coffpeja scarce and firm ; small sales are meting at 36>s@38c lb for Bio. In Sugar there Is very little/ doing, but the market Infirm : small sales of cl are making at 57c 3 gailtfh. rETRf»LII7M —The market continues firm, hut the transactions are limited ; about 900 bbis sold in lots at 3. @Slc for crude I 47@4Se for refined in bond, and 56@ fifccjpßallon for fiee, according to quality bEEuS.—Timothy is very dull; small sale* are inskiDK at $8. 25®3 60, and F)ax>eed at *5.25 ¥ bnatol. CiOTer is very dml at about former ratas , small sates are making at $7 ec@7 75 $64 tbs. about , PROVISIONS* —The market continue > iM Mg former rate*; mess Porkh» held. »t so J bbi, wo bbls smoked Bams sold at 14c? 100 «*■*!» at Tin tffinSr'"lli for tbf. JdJrU lb for ke*s. Bailor 1« ln WB)!KT a fo»-fanef fi 5OO bbls at9f@w« f" r Penasylrauia and Ohio, and drndge at the receipts of Flour and Grata at this port to day ’ 16L Mge Sales* ni&rcli 16. :r, Philadelphia Exchange.] BOARDS. 300 New Creek .. 2% 200 do b 5 2% fiO Cheat & Walnut. . * 62 700Catawiesaprd 43 3(0 Greet. Mount- • bls S% ICON T & Kiddle-.b30 16 : 200 Bis Mount . bfi&int 10% ICO Clinton Coal.-**--. 2 200 dO Vri 1600 do 2 . 300 do 2X. 1300 do -2% 300 do 2 100 do 2 I*l6 100 do blO 2>i 1 200 do 2 BOARD. 100 Cam & Amboy Mt .108 6 Beading K. .Trans os : 200 do b 5 68% 100 d 0... cash 63% 100 d0..........ca5h 68.56 200 do. cash €SH 200 do b!0 682£ 100 do 63« 20.01750 20b0nd5,.... 10S3» 8503 do .......109 100 N Penna B. 36% 100 d 0..... b3O 86£ 25 Cheater Valley.... b 5 Gat&wlssa B pref-. 427* 3CO d 0.... 42% 7 Hunt & Broad T B 24% 2 Ph.Ua A Brie K..... 3S 83 Girard College B»'« 3 iOOßatteT Mining.».bS 30/4 r BOARDS. 500 New Creek 3 *OO Clinton 2 103 Penn Minins •••••■ 9?* ,oo d0.....*..*. blO 10 100 do 9% 100 JTarprf 45 100 Clinton j* »48 do 2% 800 New Creek 3 4UO Clinton ••••2% 109 Reading b 5 68.81 100 do .bls 69 100 Clinton 2)4 110 do ax 200 Reading .2dy« 8851 700 Clinton £,« 500 do b 5 a>« 100 Green mountain. • • 100 Nav pref. b3O 45% 50 North BatiS ol By. 110 BO iBD. ILO Schyl Nat prer.b3o mz 50 do 35* 20Girard College 8.. MX 1 150 Falcon Coal. 9 !*2CCO Penna5a........... MiSf '3500 D S 5-20 bonds, rex 109 2 Elmira R. 3S 2.3oobbls. 6 020 bus, 6 300 bos 3,490 bna New York Markets—March 18. A.«hes arc firm, w ith sales of 50 bbls at sB.B7>i far pots and $lO 50 for pearls. ERKAiisirpps.—The market for State and'Western Flour eras qoitt, bnt without decided change The pales are 8, E(0 bbls at $6.35526.60 for sunerflae State* $6 7C@6 85for extra do, s6.2fi@G 46 for superfine Michi gan. Indiana. lowa. Ohio, Ac; $0 So@7 lsfor extra do. including shipping brands of rcu«d*ho«p Ohio at <7.16® 7.26, and trade brands do at <7. So@B 26 , , ~ , fcoiithMTi Fleur is more active, witn sales of 4.f01 bbls at §6 <>;@74o for supeifina Baltimore, and <7.45@10 so for extra do. .... Canadian Flour is quiet and heavy, with sales or 450 hhls at $6.7£®7 for common, and s7.o‘*®B for good to clo'ce extra. . . Eye Flnnr is qnlet and unchanged. with small sales at t6.2:<56 26 for the range of fine and superfine. Corn Meal is less active, hut firm at $5.30® 5.35 for Jor* My: |6 16fOTBrandywine, and *23 50 forpuncheons. wheat is dnil and heavy* at*l.6o®l6t for Chicago spring: 51.6C@1 64 fir Milwaukee Club; *l.ol@l 66 for amber Milwaukee: <1 66@1.?0 tor winter red Western; 51.77@1 74 for amber Michigan. Sales 11.003 bushels at 51 53 for old and new spring, and $1.66 for very choice amber Milwaukee. , • . _ „ , Corn is quiet and unchanged; sales at #1 SO far prime old Western mixed: SI.26JS for Southern yellow; and, hy auction. 14.731hn8he’8 prime old Weatom mixed at 51. JfOl 81. Bye is dull and nominal at $123@1.50 Barley and barley malt are quiet and unchanged. Oats are heavy and dullai£9@9ofor Canada, 89>£@90e for S'afo. and 90c for Western. Whisky is in fair demand, without material change in pnce&; sales I*4oo bbls at 91c for State,' and 91@93c for Western. CITY ITEMS. Tub Popularity op thb Florence Sewiko Machine. —This celebrated Instrument, sold at 630 Cheitnut street, ha* attained the highest reputa tion, and many of our sltlzen* are selling their ma chines of other mates, and buying the “ Floranoe” instead. It is unquestionably a wonderful piece of mechanism, performs what no other machine at tempts, and is the most simple In Its construction of any machine in uie. Every machine said is war ranted to give perfect satiaraotion, or the money will be relunded to the purchaser, after a fair trial. Great Bbductiok id Pbiobs. Great Seduction in Prices. Ladies’ and Missel’ Fine Clo&hl. Ladies’ and Misses’ Pine Cloaks. Also, Bich Purs of all hinds. Blch Furs of all kinds. In anticipation ol the dose of the season, we are now prepared to make a large concession from for mer prices on all our stock. J. W. Proctor Sc Co., The Paris Cloak and Fur Emporium, 920 Chestnut street. Two Hundred Thousand Morb!—The Presi dent hss ordered a draft for two hundred thousand mote men. He has determined to endeavor to put a finishing stroke to the rebellion, and to make the coming campaign the last. We urge all who oan to enlist in the service ot the .country, and those who cannot go, should aid in furnishing means for the willing ones, and take care of the families in their absence. In the meantime, Bockhill & Wil son, Nos. 603 and 605 Cbeßtnut street, above Sixth, continue to make elegant and comfortable garments for adults and youths, besides splendid uniforms for soldiers. A Spanish proverb ssyß: ■* Tell me with whom you live, and I will tell you who you are.” An aphorism of our day is: " The man who fortune followeth nigh, Of Granville Stokes hil clothes will buy.” The reason of which is he sells the best, hand some.t gotten-np, and •perforce the cheapest clothing in the city, at No. 60S Chestnut street. Sprino Styles ! Spbino Styles ! Spring Styles! Spring Styles ! Now Beady, Now Beady, At Charles Stokes & Co.’s One-price, At Charles Stokea & Co.’s One-price, Under the Continental. Under the Continental, New Window Shades for Spring Sales. New Window Shades for Spring Sales. New Window Shades for Spring Sales. New Window Shades for Spring Sales. New Window Shades for Spring Sales. New Window Shades for Spring Sales. New Window Shades for Spring Sales. New Window Shades for Spring Sales. Handiome Designs and Low Prices, Handsome Designs and Low Prices. Handsome Designs and Low Prices. Handsome Designs and Low Prices. Handsome Designs and lSw Prices. Handsome Design* and Low Prices. W. Henry Patten, 1403 Chestnut. W. Henry Patten, 1408 Chestnut. W. Henry Patten, uos Chestnut. W. Henry Patten, 140 S Chestnut. mhlT thsmst Asthma oh Phthisic.—A spasmodic affeotion of the Bronchial Tubes, which are covered with a dry, tenacious phlegm—' "Brountfs Branchial Troches ,5 will, in tome cases, give immediate relief. If of longstanding, persevere with them, they will alle viate in time. Photogsaph Albums in Evert Styles.—Rich Turkey Morocco, Antique, Ivory Mountings, Orna mental Edges, &c., &0., holdingfrom Twelve to Two Hundred Photographs; the largest and best assort ment in the city. WU. W. HABDIdd, Manufacturer, No. 236 Chestnut street, below south side. Get the Best !—The Holt Bible—Harding's Editions —Family, Pulpit, and Pooket Bibles, in beautiful stales of Turkey morocco and antique bindings. A new edition, arranged for Photographic portraits of families. , WM, W. HARDING, Publisher, No. 326 Chestnut street, belo w Fourth. S. R. Bauds & CO„ 109 AiiUosD street And 122 Cottagb street Philadelphia, Driller* and Boren of Artesian Well*, mbs-m* Prospecting for Minerals, &c. COEIfS, BUOTOWS, IVTSBTBD NAILS, EIVLAItSBI JOIZVTB, and all diseases of the feet, cured without pain or inconvenience to the patient, by Dr. Zaeha fie, Surgeon Chiropodist, 921 Chestnut street. Befevr to physicians and surgeons of the oily. jaSS-t f We call attention to a peer for sale at St Mark’s Church. mhl7>2i* SPEOIAL NOTICES. Colgate's Honey Soap. This celebrated TOILET SOAP, in such universal de mand, Is made from the CHOICEST materials, is MILD and EMOLLIENT in its nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT* El), and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL In its action upon the Skin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers. ja26.tath.sly OnbPric* Clothing, ok thb Latest Bni.Bg, made In the Beat MMiner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Bellini Prices marked In Plain Kicnres. All Goods made to Order warranted aatlsfoe lory. Our Ohb-Prics Ststbu i» etrictly adhered to. dll are thereby treated alike. d«23 ly JOKES A GO., flOd MARKET Street. CAREFULLY APPLIED BY Dr, ; 1418 SOUTH PENN SQUARE. Phl mhfi-tf Electricity A. H. STEVENS, at ladelphia. ' Mason Bteck & Co’s HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS. 6TECK a CO, ’ Thb Popular Clothing House ok Phila., "OAK HALL.” Beat-elan cooda and moderate pricea. WANAMAKER - BROWN, 8 B. eomer SIXTH and MARKET Btreete. Cnstom Department (to make to order) No. 18. Sixth ek. Wheeler & Wilson’s Highest Premium The Cheapest, Simplest, and Best. Salesrooms. 7M Chestnut Street above Vh. MARRIED. TREADWAY—GILSOH.— On the 16th inet. by the Rev. Father Strobel. Frederick 8. Treadway. M. D., u s, a, of New Haven. Conn., to Margaret Gilson, of liis city. cNew Haven Palladium pleaae copy. 1 DIED. AUDENRIED.— On the tvening of theldth inat., Mre. Anna C.. r ellct ol the late Lewis Andenrled, In the S3th year of her age. Tap relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, 612 North Seventh street, on Monday afternoon. 2l*c inßt.. at 3 o clock, without farther notice. To proceed to Laarsl Hill Cemetery. **** WKbSTER.-On Tuesday, the 15th inst., of old axe. in her PO.h year, Mrs Martha Websti-r. interment front Christ Church Hospital, this (Thurs" d*i) afternoon, at half paßt 3 o’clock. * BDW ADDS.—On the 14th. inst . John Edwards, in the 7. th year of Mb age. .•* . The relatives and friends of tc© family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his late residence. No. icn Coatea 6treet,on Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. To proceed to Odd Fellows’ Cemetery. ** ' .itISON —On Tuesday morning, lfth Inst, Mrs yrtncA Allison? widow of the late Dr. N. 8. Allison. 88 a27 3 r?laSveB and friends are respaetfnliy invited to B ,S?dwS«S.Ui« l»t« reaideace.No 2025 SprSg Garden street, on Friday morning, the 18 ;h U«t, -On«« morning of thsllth Inst.. Hannah, t/r Richard P. Cnmmlm. in the 691 h year of hsr aga. Worn rath, atland his H.s male rolstlves and F „ ok .f, rd . thi; (“hu 7 ’dal lSorilcg Wthinst., at 10o’clock Tcprocaed 10 cVoLL-On e thalSh Instant, william Oroll. a*»d 64 r i "relative, and Mend, am to attend his fn- Pianos. pianor J. B. GOULD, and CHESTNUT. SEVENTH neral. from hisl&te residence. No- 613 Tasker, street, this kDWA a &D“^U“'hS t l4th instant. John Bdwards. in Theiei’tfvee’aud friends of tha family ere respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from Ho.ISO Coetosetroet. on Friday afternoon at 2 o clock, to proceed to Odd Fellows* Cemetery. T>EBSON & SON HAVE COMMENCED JJ reoeivlns their Spring and Summer Stock of MOUBN “msSk^antoe?" 9 "° W En“lf«b Bombasines. B 1” FforentloM. French Bombasines. •• Bares® Hemani, Sommer Bombasine*. *■ Craps Marets* Ohally, Bareges, Mousselanee* •• Silk Grenadines. Tamlses, Black, and Black ant. White Foulards, *«- Biaca* * MOURNING STORE, ft ls Vo- 018 CHESTNUT Street* X>EST BLACK SILK IN THE Cl L’Y. -L) Best Brown Silka. Spring Fancy Silks. Paris style Cbenie. London style Shawls. Broadway style Cloaks. . mhl2 EYRE & L4N!)BIiIi. USITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. SUMMARY TO JANUARY L 1884. Worknow in Progress in the Army at Rest. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION STATONS LARGELY IN- CREASED IN NUMBER. THE WOBIC ABUNDANTLY PEOSPEBED. Many More Stations Weeded to Meet the Wants of tire Army. UNPRECEDENTED CALL FOB DELEGATES AND SUPPLIES PBEPARATION FOR TUB COMTNO CAMPAIGN WITH ITS MOVEMENTS AND BATTLES The Christian Commission depends mainly upon direct contributions, and must not be forgotten by Loyal Chris- IjUgRpAEING WANTS DEMAND INCREASED LIBB- Becelpt", of Money, Stores, Sc , to January 1, 1354, 51148 093 94. Number of Boxes of Stores, &c. * shipped to the field or distributed at home* 16 389. Number ofDelegates sent, 1.668. Conies of Scriptures distributed. 568,275; Hymn and Psalm Books. 602 5;6; Knapsack Boiks. 1,370.348; Li brary Boobs 43.163: pamphlets. 155,14*; Keilgiotta News papers, 3.518.2C0; Pages of Tracts, 22.920.428; Silent Com f°TheUnited States Christian Commission has seized the present golden opportunity of rest for the Army to ex tend its work for the good of the Soldiers. STATIONS nave "been multiplied, each witti its chapel and store tents, free writing tables, aud clothing, com foTte end riding matter Tor gratuitous, distribution. VOLUNTARY DBLEGATEB* in numbers greater than ever before- have been sent to preach the Gospel at the station* and in ret 1 meets, batteries, and camps without Chaplains, distribute reading matter and stores, and labor for the grod of the So'diers. _ . . A FEBMANBNT FIELD AGENCY has been sufficiently extended to establish stations and superintend the work. THE BLESSING OF GOO rests signally on all parts of the work. Many thousands have been c 7 eared, bene fited and saved. Still a large part of the Army remains unreacbed. and double the number, both of stations and delegates, are needed to .meet the urgent demand for **The Christian Commipsion offers to the people a per fectly reliable and wonderfully economical channel to reach the entire Army in all its varloUß fields. The money given goes in full measure, in benefits for body and soul, directly to the Soldiers, and stores also, imme diately fi on the hands of delesates from home, who add words and deeds of kindness to thegifts when bestowed. Let the necple give the Money and Stores, and the work will be done. _ , . . »,, »,, The large Corps of Delegates now in the field will serve as a grand corps of relief when the aimies shall move and battles be fought and the sreater their number the more prompt and effective will be the relief they shall not the present work languish. Wait not for the civ of the wounded and dying before providing relief. send NOW and send ABUNDANTLY, both Money and B ‘S at Western Bank, and M> a STUART, Chairman Christian Commission, 13 BANE Street. Philadelphia. W. B Boarpman, Secretary U. B. 0. C. fe7-mthtf GREAT CENTRAL FAIR” foHTBEU. 8. SANITARY COMMISSION. Office of thb Committee on Labor, Incomes and Bevenctbs. No 118 do<7TH Seventh Street, Philadelphia, March 16,-1864. The Committee on Labor, Incomes, aud Revenues, ot "The Great Central Fair, 0 invite co-operation wiih them in the particular work for which they have bean appointed, as no portion of the people are more patrio tic than the working men and women of it bnt just and proper that they should alike have an op* portunlty to contribute to the objects of the Fair. The most equable plan for accomplishing this, and. at the same time, ti>e easiest one. Is to ask for the contribution of a tiaale day’s labor irorn all classes in the communi ty To reach every department of industry anl art, will be a work of great labor, but, if attained, will be productive of immense results. The success of the plan will depend upon the hearty co-operation of eveiy element of influence witniu our limits, and we invite all the gaardians of the Industrial interests, and all others, to take hold with U 3 in further ing this great w oik of patriotism and humanity The committee is charged with the following duty, tO JYrVt. To obtain the contribution of “ one day’s labor,” or earnings, from every artisan and laborer, foreman, operative, and employee; president, cashier, teller, aid elerk of every incorporated and unincorporated com pany, rsllioad, and express company, employing firm, bank, manufactojy. iron works, oil works, mill, mine, ana public office; from every private banker and broker, importer, auctioneer, and merchant; clerk, agent, and salesman; designer, flni&her, and artist; publisher, Dili ter. asdHLfsba»i«; * rom -vary Government offleur, contractor, and emptovee? grocer, butcher, baesr, ana dealer; farmeiw horticulturist, and producer; from every mantua maker, milliner, and female operative; every individual engaged in turning the soil tending the loom- or in any way earning a livelihood, or build ing a fortune within the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Second To obtain the contribution of one day’s M IoVenUB : ' from all the great employing establishments, firms, coJporu'ions, companies, railroads, and Wof(i< Third To obtain the contribution of OHO oay ’sine ims from every retired person, and person of fortune— malo and female— living upon their means, and from all cler gymen, lawyers, physicians, dentists, editors, authors, and professors ; and all other persons engaged .in the learned or other professions. • • . Much of this work must be performed by tbe personal influence and Of ladles and gentlemen associated, , or to be asscciaiecU with the committee in. carrying out feel the responsibility of the work they have undertaken, which, to be successful, will require a very perfect ramification of their plan, and they there fore call upon all earnest people to assemble themselves together in every town, township, and county, and form organizations of ladies and gentlemen to co-operate with them in this gTeat work and labor of lore. Inlhema. nufacturing counties, the coal and oil regions- and in the aariculturai districts—especially let there be organi zations in the larger to wne, so that the young people mav have an opportunity thus to render assistance to taeir relatives and friends fighting the battles of their country in the armies of the nation. „ , The work of this committee may be prosecuted where no other effort can be made for the fair, as 4a the mine* of the coal regions. A day’s earnings of the miners, and a day’s product of the mines, can be obtained, where m f ortable article could be procured for.. transportation, ndeed, there is no part or section of these States where the day’s labor may not be obtained, if organizations can be forn ed to reach ihem. , ~ The committee cannot close without urging upon all proprietors of establishments the duty of taring prompt And energetic action to > ecurfi the benefit of the day of labor liom all within their control. , . ... The Committee deem it unnecessary to do more than thus to present the subject to the people of the tnree States named. In the coming campaigns of . our armies the laboTsof the "Sanitary Commission” will be greatly augmented. By the first of June 700,000 men—one of tbe largest armies of modern times—will be operating in the field. So large a force, scattered orer regions to which tbe men are unacclimated, must necessarily carry along with it a large amount of sick nees, aaffcnng and death, to say nothing M the gathered horrors of the battle field. These sufferings it is our bounden duty, as men and Christians, to relieve. A great and enligntened people, enjoying tbe blessings ora Government of their own making, cann-tf refuse assistance to men suffering to. maintain its authority, and we will not believe ckacthe great Central Fair, drawing its products from the three Sratssof Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, .so aiHa&nt in all mineral, agricultural, and industrial wealih, shall fall behind any similar effort which has yet b*en made for ihe relief of tbe Nation’s children- Aa it is desirable not to multiply circulars, no further authority than this circular will be necessary, for any employing firm or company, or any. respectable com mittee of tadu’.n and oentlemen to proceed at once in the work r. MORI ARTY will deliver a Lecture at the «:hurch of St. Vincent de Paul. Germantown, on THIS (Thursday) EVENING. March 17th, at IX o’clock. Aami 8 * lon 60 cents. Tickets can be procured at.the door. It* »» AM ADJOtHBJED MASS MEETING E3Fof the COLORED PKOPLB’a UNION LEAGUE ASSOCIATION will be held at the Big Wesley Ohnch, LOMBARD Street, below Sixth, THIS (Thursday ) EVE NING. All persons ara invited to attend, as business of the greatest importance to the colored people of this city will bs brounht before A. M. Greek. Secretary. It* TWEN9IETH WARD RESPONDS |i% to the call of SOO.QOOmen for the Navy and Armv. A meeting of the <3tlzens will be held THIi EVENING, at 8 o’clock, at the Church. BIGHTH Street, above Mas ter, to receive the report of the collecting committees, asd to take action on raising funds to fill the quota un der the call of the 15th instant, f r 200,000 more We want the 6.0C0 men liable to the draft to be in attendance. It* , B. HaRP£R, Secretary. TWENTY FOURTH WARD —THE citizens are earnestly solicited, in csnsequenca of ihe President’s order for2oo.oCo more men. to meet at Coin in Issioners ’ PaU. TWENTY-SEVENTH and MAR KET Sfl««.!”t 7K o'clock cn FRIDAY AVENING. IS.h instant. G. D. S« ©aun Darts- It Chairman Executive Committee. ngto "\V ENTYFOURTH WARD BOUhTY FUND. —A Grand Patriotic ONION fch TEKT AIN aIBN T will be *lven THIS EVENING, March 37 at tbe COMM- SSIONERS* HaLL. THIRFY fiEVENTH AND MARKET Streets, comprising Vo ;al and Instrumental Muoic by the .U, 8 Hospital Sand, Pro*. Hermann, Conductor, (by the kind permission of Dr. bares-) the Union Quartette of West Philadelphia, con slating of Lady and Gentlemen Amateurs, and a large number of other lalentedprofessional and amateur per* formers, together with CHOICE READINGS by a pip* lar ULoCUTIoN IST. all of whom have patriotically vo lunteered in aid of the above worthy object Professor w ▲ Newland will preside at the Diano'forte Tickets 25 cents only; to be had daring the day at the principal stores and bo‘eis. and at the ooor this evening. Doors open at quarter to 7; commence at lx precisely. It* ROTICE - THE SUBSCRIBERS TO RPthe Stock of the 'NEW LONDON COPPER IiOciPAN Y” of Fredfcrica county. Maryland, are hereby notified that their subcrintlons wi/1 be due and payable at the office of MATBBW T. MILLER A CO., No. 45 South. THIRD btreet, on the 921 last. A. B. MILLER, Treasurer. Fhiladeiphia, March 16 1864. ■ mhl7 CENTRAL FAIR.-COMMIT TEE ON Labor income* AND BEVEaUES—Office, too. ns South SEVENTH Street. . . ... The undersigned acknowledges his first receipt for this branch of the Fair, as follows; t / From Mrs. A. Atkinson. Mantuamaker, Fine street above Elevenih, one day’s labor.., $1 26 Also, the following,-in addition, viz: Dr. Xllernlie Wa11ace....'*.... 7-5 00 Mjs Dr. Wallace 20 OD B. Wallace. Jr a cw« One day’* work each by four yOTWK ladies,•,,»•• ,«■ 200 And a eubecriptlou by Richard D. Wood. E5cf....... 10 U 0 JOHN W. CLAGHORN, Treasurer. March 17,1561. It rtfa .SAINT PATRICK’S DAY. —THE Rev. Dr. O’CONNOR, late Bishop of Pittsburg, will deliver his interesting Lecture on * 4 The Destiny of the Irish *’ at the ACaDEMT OF MUSIC, oa THURS DAY BYENING, March 17. Procetds to ba applied to a most worthy objrct. viz : The enlargement of the House of the Good Shepherd, a Catholic invitation for the ?e -foi mstlon of erring females. Tickets 25c ; for Bale at the Catholic Book Stores. Lecture to commence at 8 o’clock. Xahl2-sipth3t* 1 A LKCTPHE UPON THE LIFE KFjUIJ) labors or the date akjhbishop HUGHES"wiII be delivered by the 81. Rev JAMEB ROOSEVELT BAYLRY, D. D., Bishop of Newark, 27. J.,at theACADEMr OF MU3IC, Broad and Locust Streets, on MONDAY EVENING. March 28th, 1881, at Bo'clock. Proceeds for the benefit of the Poor. Tickets 25 cents, can be obtained a f , Peterson’s Book Store. No 306 Chestnut street of the Sextons at the grincipal Catholic Churches, and at the Catholic Bo ,»c lores. mli]p]2t M3w ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, CORNER TENTH aND CHESTNUT. COURSE ef LECTURBS on COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, By C HHERMANN.. M. D.. beginning AptlL Subscription‘Jickets, $lO List opened atMrLey poldt’s Foreign Library, CHESTNUT, below the Mint. mhll-6t* • ; . THE PRNSSYLVANIA FIRE ISf* SURANUE COMPANY. „ . ¥ AK Ss 1 ? 7 *' J * The Directors have thi« day declared a Dividend of SEVEN DOLLARS AND FIFTY CBNTS per Share on the Stock of the Company for the lasl six months, which Will be paid tc the Stockholders or their legal repre sentative* after the 17th mha-lOt __ wM. G. CROWELL, Secretary. ka OFFICE OF THE PHILADEL- Kf* PHIA. GERMANTOWN, *ND SORHISCOWN RAILROAD COMPANY.— Philadelphia. March 10, 1664 -The Board of Managers have this dar declared a dividend of four per c°nt on the capital stock, clear of taxes, for tht g>x months ending the 3lst lost., payable on and after the fir»t day of AprU nesL 'oMSS. 01 “°‘ bo “trTf^ttSSF. an " mhlZ-fetuthtapl . Treasurer. Kp NOTICE.—THE FIRST MEETING of the Corporators of .the fiBSiILDI’E MINING COMPANY, tinker their Articles of.Aisociatlon. will he held at No. 334 WALNUT Pcre«* fte of Phila delphia. on the 2lst day of MARCH. 1664, at 11 o’clock A. M , fortfce purpose of completing the organization of tbe Corporation and transacting any other proper busi ness. JOHN K. Gtt'lUr, BA. HOOeES. _ Two Associates under said Article*. Palr.4pax.ParA. Uaxch 2.1864. OLnl let THE PRESS— PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1864: AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. GENERAL THOMAS FRANCIS MEAGHER The Tine Irishman, the Tioval Citizen, and Brave Soldier, OK MOKDAI EVENIRG, March 21st, at 8 o'clock, for the Benefit of the COOPER*SHOP VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT The JEFFERSON CORNET BAND has volunteered its services foT the occasion, and 'will discourse a choice selection of Music, including the National Airs. Admission 25 cents. Reserved Seats 60 cents. Doors cpea at 7)£; Oration commences at 8 o’clock. The Sale of Tickets will commence on and after Mon day, March 14th, at Ashmead & Evans’, 7/81: CHEST NUT Street, and at the ACADEME, on the Day and Eve nirg of the 21st. Also, at the Cooper-Shop Saloon, 1009 OTSEGO Street. mM4 7c THE GETTYSBVBC BA.TTr.K- TO LOYAL PENNSYLVANIANS. The '‘GETTYSBURG BATTLE-FIELD MEMORIAE ASSOCIATION ” w*s instituted for the purpose of ae curing forever the principal points upon, the great battb -field of the war, in the exact condition in which they were left in July. 1863*when the rebel hordes of the invader lee were driven back from the free soil of Pennsylvania, and when the the gallant soldiers of General Meade remained in poaeeesioa of the field which they had won by their valor. The Association have already secured the purchase of Cemetery Hilt,, Culp’s Hill, Granite Spur, and Round Top, with the entrenchments thrown up just upon the eve of the great conflict which was the turning point in the career of the rebellion. The field* With its redoubts, wonderful stone defences, its timber breast-works, ita forest heights, with tbe trees torn by shells and countlesß bullets, and Its long lines of earthwork defences, have all been pre served intact, and to so continue to preserve them, aB to be a monument forever of the greatest of American battle-fields, is the object of the formation of the Asso ciation. To enable a large nnmher of persons tojoill ill tbis patiiotic work, the projectors of the plan placed the subscriptions at ten dollars each. The payment of this sum MAKES EACH SUBSCRIBER A MEMBER-OF THE ASSO CIATION, AND PART OWNER OF THE GLORIOUS PIKLD OF Gettysburg. What Loral and Patriotic Citizen 0/ Pennsylvania would *ot gladly embrace the privilege of recording his name upon this roll of honor, and of linking himself di reotly with the field where the lofty heroism of his countrymen vindicated the integrity of the Union and the principles cf Freedom? And who wculd not desire to hand down a* a previous heir-loom to his children the evidence of his part in the good work, bearing, as the certificate will, a view of th e field which will r&ufcln history with Thermopylae, Marathon, and Waterloo? There are no salaried, officers in this Association, nor are thug any objects In view in, it a creation other than these already stated. The grounds were purchased from their origU al owners at the exact price to be paid for them by the Association, and the points selected, and the prices to be paid for them, met the unqualified ap proval of a committee of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, appointed for the purpose of visiting the fieldi The following are the names of the general officers of the Association, and of the Local Committee in Phila delphia: Hos. JOSEPH B. INGSBSOLL, Chairman Provisional Committee. Bev Hr B. 8. BCHMTJCKRR. Vice Chairman. He.. J. ZIEGLER. Vice Chairman. T. J) OAKBOh. Treasurer L. McCONanOHY. Secretary. LOCAL COMMITTEE—PHILADELPHIA. HENRI C. CARET, Chairman. Eomnnd A Bonder, Henry C. Baird, Treasurer. Secretary. S'. A Mercer. p ro f jj Goppee, S. B-TSrOWlie, Dr. D. Gilbart, j, o. Fell, GeorgeH. Bokar, , Charles E. Smllli. James L. Claghorn, S. M Felton. Edward W. Clark, W. H. Ashhnrst. Her EW. Hatter, Jay Cooke. Hon. Wl.ltßin Sttontt, Chao J. Stille, Ferdinand J Dreer. A. J. Drexel, John a. McAllister, Oswald Thompson. G«o. W. fjhilca. George £ Ziejtler. John H. Dohnert, J B Ltscincott, Morton Me Michael. William Bradford. W W. Harding, Aubrey H. Smith. Gibson Peacock, John w. Forney, John O. James. Solomon W. Eoberta. Morton P. Henry, George F- Lee, Daniel Dougherty. Persons who are desirous of aiding in this patriotic work con send their subscriptions to either of the gentlemen named above, and they will receive their Certificates of Stock. BY ORDER OF THE PHILADELPHIA COMMITTEE. mhlO-thstndt MOto MEDICAL JCSAMISATIOir.-PBR- L& mitk for Examination for Assistant Burgeons In Fenn&ylvania Regiments can be had hr applying at San* pom-street Hall, TO-MOBROW MORnItJG. March ltth, and overs succeeding morning until further nouco. JAttEa Kluvt Eurgeon General Pennsylvania. HEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICE, I* Ho. 1 Horth FIFTH Street. „ lcorf PHILADELPHIA, HoT- 13. 1859. Importers and Dealers in MEDICINES. STORES. HOSPITAL FURNITURE, BEDDING, ICE. ie M are invited to submit their Price Lists from time to time to this Office. _ J. » „ nolS-etamtf Burgeon and Medical Purveyor. an. 17 s. INTERNAL REVEMUE- K» Second Oolleclion District of Pennsylvania, com osrlsins First. Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth W&fds of the city of Philadelphia.^^ The annual assessment for 1863. for the above-named district, of person* liable to a tax on Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate,and alto of persona required to take out licenses, having been completed, Ig HEEBBT GIVES . That the taxes aforesaid vriU be received dally by the undersigned, between the hours of 9 4. M. and B P. M., (Mondays excepted.) at his office, southwest comer of THIhD aud WALNUT Streets, on aud after MONDAY, the 7th inst , and nntll and including SATURDAY, the * 4aj of AplU “ xt penlltibs All DeilODß TCto fell to pay their annual taxeßnjon Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tobieß, a»d Sold or Silver PJa+e. on or before the aforesaid 24 day of April, 1664, will Incur a penalty of ten pet centum additional of the amount thereof, ana be liable to costs, as provided for in the 19th section of the excise law of let July. 1862. Ail penonswho in like manner »hall fall to take oat their licenses as required by law. on or before the 2d day of April* 1864, Will Incur a penalty of ten. per centum ad ditional of the amount thereof* and be subject to a Tiro secntion for three limes the amount of said tax, in ac cordance.with. the provisions of the 59th eaetiou;oLtha„ law aforesaid. . , • , All payments are required to be made in Treasury Notes under authority of the United States, or in notes of Banks organized under the act to provide a na tions! currency, known as national Banks. Ho ftuther notice will he given. __ _ JOHN H- DIBHIi, Collector, S."W cot. THIRD and WAINCT Sta. ■wo> HESTON VIT,I,E. MANTUA, AND FAIBMOUNT PASSENGEB RAILROAD COJI v.NT, Philadelphia, March 7 1861. KOtICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. —The Annual Election for President and Fire Directors will he held on FRIDAY, the 18th day of March, 1864, at No. *p» WALNTJT Street. The P-'llawill he open from 12 M. nntillP. M, B, T. FBAILEY, Secretary. mhT-llt r~,r~r PHlIAilBLfniA AND UKADIhf g 8 company, oaico ■»» tooth FOUITH Street, Philadelphia. September 2. 1883. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The followin*-named persons ue entitled to a Dividend on tlie Common Stock of thu Company. The residence of several of them is un known, and It Is, therefore, necessary that the certut sates of stock should be presented on ulUnf for the Dividend. »• BRADFORD, Treasurer. BTOGKHOLDBBS’ JTAMES. Se Lancaster, ) Henry B. Sheier, John Mclntyre, Andrew Tomer, Beni. P. Xfewpork. IMrs, Bebeeca tJlrich saS-atathtf S GENERAL RECRUITING- STA TION IN INDEPENDENCE SQUARE. , lt _, Recraits wanted for any of the Regiments of this State now in the Service. S GENERAL RECRUITING- OFFICE, No, 611 CHESTNUT Street RECRUITS WANTED for aU the old CAVALRY, ' a ARTILLERY, and INFANTRY REGIMENTS, now is service.raided in this state, a few good u«& can yet toe enlieied for the Flr*>t Artillery C (jlKlit) P. V » and for the Third Artillery (Heavy) P. V., er&tlonefl at Fortreßß Monroe, Va.. by Applying at this office inline* diately. BOUNTIES. Veteran Volunteers ~~ * •**» All other Volcnteexs ........,g670 $3lB cash in hand. Reernits will be accredited t j any locality In the state of Pennsylvania they may desire, and receive the local bounty. _ A __ , CHAB. N. CADW4LHDBR, Capt. and General Recruiting Officer, THE LAST CHANCE! Wn A FEW MORE MEN WANTED , /f9ei FOE THE 18th PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY, ■ * BOW IN CAMP. The highest local Bounties paid when mustered In, Government Bounties paid la regular instalments. This Regiment is composed of as flue ana noble men u 6T the o officbb“ , arb mbn op bxpebience.'asd OF TRUE AND TRIED COUBAGB Let everr able man. who desires to serve his country in the hour of danger, apply at once to Capt. F. ZAERACHEB. Company C. ■ Capt JAMES M JOHNSON. Company H. At O. M. BEBRY'S. No. IC6 South. Sixthatrmt. O. S. WM. 8 SMITH, PottstowD, Montf ornery Co ,Pa. Q M. B HALFMaN. Western Hotel, Market, above Eighth street, Philadelphia. mbl4-gt» TYO R Y TYPES- SUPERB PIO- A tores, head finely modeled, flesh tints life-like and natural, position easy, and i atural and imprei»ive in coloring. B. F. REIMEh’S Gallery, 63* ARCH St. It* IRISH NATIONAL PAIR, vX at BRYJfof hall. CHICAGO. iLiuois, commencing BASTBR MONDAY, March 28 1864.' and continuing du ring the week. Harps from Ireland. Old Battle Flags, Old Books, Letters, Weapons, Ac., belonging to Bmmett, Yose. Fitzgerald, and other Irish Heroes. Souvenirs from tbe Ladies in Ireland. The FENIAN BROTHERHOOD are making prepara tions for a GRAB ft IRISH NATIONAL FAIR, to take place in Chicago at Bryan Hall. The fond arising from . tbe Fair Will be demoted to the National Purposes of the Brotherhood. . , • Tbe Ladies in Ireland famish sundry articles—Harps. Books, Fiagr, Weapons, and mitcellanoa which belonged to tbe Heroes of Ireland, or which are valuable from association or intrinsically. Bog Oak Jewelry will form a conspicuous feature. Dot ations are solicited from everv Irish person la the land. Those who cannot*end articles may senl money. Any article will be received, and any sum, however me dest* Farmers iu the Northwest are requested to send in anything in the shape of Produce. Official acknow ledgments will be made by the Brotherhood iu the pub* lie prints. . Each State will have its table. ~ ( . . * Upon the opening of the Fair the articles received from Ireland Will be put up in Lottery. . .. Any persona who cannot visit the Fftlfi can, by remit* ting to the undersigned, take chanceß in the drawing. The numerous Book*, Pictures. Weapons. Letteis, Flags, Ac., celebrated in Celtic History, will be disposed of in this manner. Schedules of articles, with number of chances to each, and price, will be duly published. For tbe week of tbe Fair, distinguished Irishmen are • engaged to Lecture, whose names and subjects will ap* , pear in due reason. After the Lecture each night, there will be a Celtic Concert, by distinguished Irish Profes sionals. at which tbe National Instruments will be used and National Alia played and snog. We make an appeal, confidently, to Irish men an women everywhere in the United States. Fend forward by ext tabs anything that mav be avallabla. Let the Irifh Ladies work, and convince the people at home that tl-ey a«sigt tbemaelvea. Ladies in, Easterni and Western cities can form committees and furnish a niee collection. : All receipts will be published on arrival ®nlpbyjme -1 press. Ac., SCAN LAN BROTHERS, 138 South WATER i btreft, Chicago, Illinois ' • . w - I (Signed! MICHAEL SCANLAN. J P. T. SHBBLOCK _ r Committee, j feU-tht»hl*thmt4 H. O’C. MCCARTHY, > Will deliver an Oration on GENERAL MICHAEL CORCORAN, SALOON. FIELD MEMORIAL. AN APPEAL OFFICBRS. MILITARY, BOUNTIES. Government (for Veterans) *s4oo aU others 300 250 $348 before leaving the CitV. E. A.. Captain llflUxßeilment P.V., General Recroifclne Officer. AdlS-et* 66 DBDFOHD WATER.’' —INDIVIDTT- ■O &ls ard dealers will be supplied with “Bedford Water, *’ freth from the Spn&f. at the shortest nonce, At tie following Tates: * onn For barrel, 40 gallons (oak 93 W Half do do ~~ * .2 00 Half do (mulberry) 3 00 The barrels are well steamed, so that purchasers may depend upon receiving tbe Water as pure and fresh as at the Spring. All orders addretsea to * mb 17 3m £■ L. ANDERSON, Bedford, Pa. XTOTICE AND CAUTION TO GAS Ai CONSUMERS —The subscriber, bamg the sole own er Of “HOLZBR’S IMPROVED GAS REGULATOR” hereby cautions tbe public against purchasing the right to uee the above-named Regulator from any one in this city, without the exhibition of an express authority from the undersigned, authorizing the sale of euchpa- The only person legally autborizedltosell the riehtto use ‘ HOIZER’S IMPROVED GAS REGULATOR.” is ED WARD B. HABPAR, 64 South THIRD Street, who is pre pared to make liberal arrangements with manufacturers and cnnsum*rs. _ _ „ mhl2-ttutb3t R. B. HARD CASTLE. QTLENDID STYLES—WORDS AP. O propriate and characteristic of B F. REIMER’B unrivalled portrait?, Life size Photographs, in oil co_ lors, at his new and elegant Gallery, 6A& ARCS t tre, t. It* NEW PUBLICATIONS. pAI ENT BIN GK BACK PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, The most indestructible ALBUM mads. It lies open perfectly flat, without Injury or strain to the Book, For sale by T. B. PETERSON & BROS., CLARK. 603 Chestnut street: NBWM AN & ARNOLD, BlKtith Street; HARBACH BROTHERS, Eighth street; H. H. HENDER SON it Co t G. P. PERRY, Fourth and Race; BERN it SON, and others. AITEMUS & CO., If. W. CORNER FOURTH AND RACK, Entrance on RACK Street. T>EDUCED TO TEI At PHOTOGRAPHS from G. G. Fleh and others. St. Acnes ThelSlartvr, Autumn Leaves. On the Beach. P.easant Dreams. The Sirens. Aurora. Spring. Summer. Autumn, Winter, Our new cataL gue of Met now ready. THE LARGEST COLLE mhl7-3t FITCHER’I )dlnm and Card Photographs ECTrOJT IN THE CITT. 'B 808 CHESTNUT Street. TADY’S FRIEND FOR APRIL— -L IS CENTS! 16 CENTS!'. 15 CENTS!!! mhl" 8c PITCHER'S. 808 CHESTNUT Street. PHEW ON MEDICAL EDUCATION. —LECTURES OH MEDICAL EDUCATION, or ON THE PROPER METHOD OF STUDYING MEDICINE. By Samuel Chew, AT. D . Professor of the Practice ‘ and Principles of Medicine and of Clinical Medicine in the University of Maryland. I volume. We can coidially recommend the work not only to students of medicine, but to students of all professions, and to all loverß of learning. No person of intelligence cun r* ad it without deriving both pleasure and profit from the perusal.—Mirror. _ LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. Publishers. mhl7 99 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. XTEW BOOK SI NEW BOOKS!! A.l EBTHEK PARSONS; OR, TRY AGAIN, and other Stori**, by A. L. 0. E. PAYING DEAR, and other Stories, by A. L O. E. STORJES FROM JEWISH HISTORY, from the Baby lonish Captivity to the Destruction of Jerusalem by Titu». By A. L. 0. E . ' - _ TRY AGAIN, and other Interesting Stories, by A. L. O. £ A MAP OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI AND ALABAMA, showing the approaches to Mobile and the movements of Gen. Sherman’s army. Pried 60 cents. A MAP OF NORTHERN GEORGIA, with portions Of Alabama. Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Caro lina. Price 60 cts. For rale by WM. 8. A ALFRED MARTIBN, mhll - 606 CHESTNUT Street. •KTiW BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS!! J* t Just received by ASHMBAD & E7AS9. (Successors to Willis P. Hazard,) Ho. T 34 CHESTNUT Street. A WOMAN'S RANSOM; by Frederick William Robin son. author of * * Grandmother's Money, ” Ac,, «c. KUBINA. A new novel. „ „ , ROBA DI ROMA; by W. W. Story. * vole. HTLLGEOVE’S GUIDE TO THE ART OF DANCING. THE ART OF CONVERSATION tales FROM THE OPERAS. Edited by 0. F. Par -4 FULLER’S HOLT AND PROFANE STATES- LaWB AND PRACTICE OF WHIST: explained and illustrated by means of hands played completely through- By Cavendish. THE WIFE'S (EVIDENCE; a Novel by W. G. Wills. GENERAL McCLELLAN'B REPORT. 60 cento. rPHB SUNBEAM STOBIES, A Containing the charming, bright stories of— TRAP TO CATCH A SUNBEAM. CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, HOUSE ON THE ROCS, ONLT, OLD JOLLIFFE, MERRY CHRISTMAS. DREAM CHINTZ. STAR IN THE DESERT. Afl. Six beautiful volumes, illustrated. $2 60. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher. fe26-tjyl 31 South SIXTH Street. APPLETON’S NEW AMERICAN "■ CYCLOPEDIA. The agency for this Invaluable Library of Universal Information i* at 3S Bouth SIXTH Street, second story. Also, RECORD OP THE BEBBLLIOM. By Frank Moore. foll-tf BLANK BOOKS AUTO STATIONERY. ]y[OSS & CO., STATIONERS, BLANK-BOOK, and ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS, 433 CHESTNUT STREET, ' TWO BOORS ABOVE PO3T OFFICE. JUST RECEIVED. TITIAN COWING PRESS. ATWATER'S PORTABLE COPYING PRESS, for Army MS N Svs Officers, _ _ ATWATER’S PATENT NEWSPAPER FILM OFFIOBB6’ DESPATCH AND ORDER FILES. CONGRESS-TIE ENVELOPES, all sizes Also, a fall assortment of STATIONERY, for office and Countina-honse use. . .... BLANK BOOKS made to order, and ruled to any sal tern. at low prices, at MDSB * 00 .- 8 l CHESTNUT Street JJKYBON & SON, NO. S NORTH SIXTH STREET, PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. BLANK BOOKS, PAPERS, PENS, AND INKS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. Corporation.. Banks, ana Business Hen supplied with everything necessary for the Counting-room, mhll-lm REST AIK DRY GOODS. JjVDWIN HALL & CO., ac SOUTH SECOIfD STREET, Have now open the' test stock'of SILKS they ever had the pleasure of offering to the public. SPLENDID QUALITY MOIBE ANTIQUES. Do. Do. COBDED BILES. Do. Do. PLAIN SILKS. BICH FI CUBED GHENE SILKS. VBBY HEAVY PLAID SILKS. NEAT CHECK do. do. NEAT AND BOLD ST BIPED SILKS. HEAIgT BLACK COBDED SILKS. BLACK ABMUBE BILES. BLACK TAFFETA SILKS. BLACK GBOS DE BHINES. PLAIN FOULARD SILKS. FIGURED FOULARD SILKS' One cate.of Neat Stripe Silke, at $l. a bargain. A Bargain in Plain Silks, at SL N. 8.-lVe call particular attention this season to our stock of Silks, unsurpassed in varlsty, quality, and style by any other house in this city. A large portion of the stock of our own imfronSation. mhlfi*tuthm3t\f_ GOODS. J|ILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 805 CHESTNUT STREET, Are now receiving their Spring Importations of SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS, SUCH AS FANCY AND PLAIN RIBBONS. GKOS DE NAPLES— AII abide*. MAROELLINES AND FLORENCES. FRENCH AND ENGLISH CRAPES. LACES AND JOINED BLONDES. ILLUSION AND MALINE NETS, &0„ &0, Also, a full assortment of FRENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS. mhlfitntha2m - 1864. __ 1864. WOOD & CARY, 786 CHESTNUT STREET, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. p. S.—MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS are invited to examine before purchasing, as our STOCK IS FULL and PRICES LOW. . „ juhS-2m WOOD A CARY. P. A. HARD IN6 & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS.OF V STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, No. 413 ARCH STREET. PHTLADELPafA. mM-2m PAPER HANGINGS. PAPBB HANGINGS.—JOHN H. LONG6TBBTH, No. 13 North THIRD street. Ba ving the sole agency for several of tbe largest Eastern manufacturers enables us to show an unequalled variety of new designs, which will be sold at manufacturers prices. The first floor will be devoted to retailing. Dwellings decorated in first-class style, and the hang* lag department properly . feSB-l»* Wo. )» Worth THIRO Street. T>UBE LEHIGH COAL.—HOUSE Jl KEEPERS can rely on getting a pure article at S. £ cornfr FRONT and POPLAR. _ nw mbl7*lm* JOHN W. HAMPTON, T7RE NCR’S PATENT IRON BED. r cipiitn 0 TO WAITUf ACTURBBS AND DEALERS. This bedstead combines strength, neatness and dura bility, and is a saving of 25 p*r cent. In iron and labor. Good judaee pronounce It tbe best for uoquj »* Hospitals ok dwellings ever offered to tbe public. Inducementsoffered for BIGHTS OK HOSPITAL SUPPLIES. Address mis tilths 6t JJTJILDING HARDWABE. STRAP HINGES, I T HINGES. _ REVBiL HINGES, I SHDTTBR STRAPS, and till kltdsof wroadht Hln*e».laT*a or email. SHUTTER BOLTS. i BECK BOLTS, and man? artlelee of Building and Carriage Hardware, manufactured and kept o® iho l, WORKS, Maunfactore: s of CENTS 11—CARD the celebrated Paintings of Mornwf, Evening. Flora. Making up. Emancipation. Wild Flowers. Summer Garlands. Gardener's Daughter. Blossom and Decay. I've Eaten the Canary. JAMES M FRENCH, EAST CAMBRIDGE. M««» PLANTATIOS BITTERS. WE HAVE LEARNED NOT TO BE astonished at anything. Years of experience, and a correspondence extending throughout ail nationalities of the habitable globe, hays turned theories Into facts and established a basis from which we need not err. W« are not surprised at such Acts as the following, although the persons who write them are. We know the persons and cirenmetances. hence feel at liberty to endorse their statements: “ New Bedford. Mass.. Not. 21.1863. "Dear Sir: I have been afflicted many years, with Severe prostrating cramps In my lltnbs. cold feet and hands, and a general dteordered system Phyeiclan. and medicines failed to relieve me. 'While visiting som* friends in New York, who were using Plantation Bitters, they prevailed uponme to try them. I eommenoed with a small wine-glassful after dinner. Feeling better by de grees, In a few days I was astonished to find the coldness and cramps had entirely left me. and I could sleep the night through, which I had not done for years. I feel like another being. My apatite and strength have also greatly improved br the nee of the Plantation Bitters. “Respectfully, JUDITH RUSSBL. ” Beedsbury, Wis.. Sept. 16. 1883. * » * * I have been lu the army hospital for four teen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, IIL, they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. • * » Three bottles restored my speech and cured me. * * C. A. EL ANTE.” The following Is from the Manager of the Union Home School for the Children or Volunteers : "Havemeter Mansion, Fifty-beventh St., New Tore, August z, 1893. •» Db. Drake: Tonr wonderful Plantation Bitter* have been given to some of onr little children, suffering from weakness and weak lungs, with moat happy offset. One little girl, in particular, with pains in her head, loss of appetite, and dally wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had keen exhausted, has been entirely restomd. We commenced with bat a teaspoon* fal of Bitters a day. Her appetite and strength rapidly Increased, and she is now well. Respectfully, M * * * I owemuch to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. Bbv. W. H. WAGGONER. Madrid. N. Y.” •• » * * Thou will send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wire lias been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend. ASA CURRIE, Philadelphia* Pft.” «* + * * I have been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and bad to abandon-preaching. * * * The Plantation Bitters have cuiednm. __ EeV. J. B. CATBORN, Rochester. X. Y.” « * * * I have given the Plantation Bitters to hun dreds of our disabled soldiers with the most astonishing effect. G. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent Soldiers’ Home. Cincinnati, 0.” •• * * * Tbe Plantation Bitters have cured Ime of liver complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate and bad to abandon my business. H. B KINGSLEY, Cleveland, 0.” “ * * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement ot the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. C. C. MOOKK. Mo. 264 Broadway." Ac.. Ac., The Plantation Bitten make the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant, and are exhausted nature’s great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya bark, win. torgreen, sassafras, roots, herbs. &c<) all preserved iu perfectly pore St. Croix rum. S. T -1860.—X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, iaek of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation dko.» deserve to suffer If they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical autho rities, an#are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Notice —Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor, It is put up only In our log-cabin bottle. Beware of bot tles refilled wiih imitation deleterious stuff, for which several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, unmu tilatf-d, and our signature on steel-plate side label. Bo’d by respectable dealers throughout the habitable * lole p H DRAKE & CO., fe23-tuths3jn 5803 BROADWAY. ARMY G(M)DS. -pOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVA-ISTS &C' HASSALL, MILITABY FXJRNIBHERS, 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Banners. Regimental and Company Blags, Swords, gashes. Belts. Pasianta, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Can teens, Haversacks* Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Spurs, and ever? thing pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. . mhlO-lm ■pTJRXjOTJ GHS. Officers and Soldiers, visiting the city on Furlough, needing SWORDS, And otter MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, are invited to tbe very extensive Mdnnfaeturin* EstaMlehmentof GUO. W. SIMONS «&: BRO., BANSOM-STREET HALL, SAN6OK Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORIfS Made to order at the shortest notice, which, for richness and magnificence, challenge coiLpetlt'on, no other house In the country combining the MASOFACTPWNG JJSff* BLEB with the PRACTICAL 8 WORD-MAKER. mhlo-2m JiROTHINGHAM A WELDS XAT3 FOR SAX.*. AMD LIGHT SHBETIMOB AMD STANDARD DRILLS. OH aIS A WbT CAMBRICS AMD OTT TZOTAS BBOWJt, BLEACHED, AITD COSSET JBAJffL M? M VrOMTBD YARN. &«. »SBfM INSURANCE COMPANIES* STATEMENT OF 1 HE M HOWARD INSURANCE COWFAmT, OF BBW 70K. OFFICE NO. 66 WALti STREET. CHARTERED 1885. January Ist. 1664. Cash Capital Cross assets*. Constetimrof—- . , „ Canh on hand and on deposit in Fhcenix and JaanHaUan Sanks • #14,930 So Special deposit with United States Treasury Department.** 15.000 00 Seal Estate owned by Company unencum- InNew Yolk city, premises Ho. 66 Wall street... Honti a?d lit in Brooklyn 2.000 00 - 07,000 00 Stocks owned toy Company at mar- Ba“k StickT. ■••■••■■•• W 3.750 00 United State,, New Tori State, and Hew Totk city stock $129,880 00 Loans on Mortgagee, on Beal Estate, being first lienß. (worm tn tt© a*- - gregat© * Balances due from agents, premiums unpaid, interest accrued, and Tents onßealEeta’e.*. LIABILITIES. Claims for losses un&djasted - Unpaid Dividend*, * ' *13,895 37 SAMUEL T. SKIDMOR3, President Henry A. Oakljy. Secretary. above old-established Company are now prepared to issue policies oil merchandise generally* vessels in BOlt. and Cftrisoes, fornitn™, dwelliiiKS, at., at earn at rates: ihronghihelr a*e»tin kaisciMr Office of Agency So, 31® W&LSOT Street. FMI&. F&BMAN F. HOLLIBSHEAD. Agent. ■REPORT OF ’> HE MASSACHUSETTS Xi mutual life insurance company* January ut, 1864. nRn Loans secured by bond »nd mortg »ge 1K2.25Q 00 United States ana Ban* Stocks 133.5 W 60 Loans to Policy Holders. ..**•••• *• Stock held as Collateral by tbe Company 30.060 00 Intereston deferred premiums***** 60,264 7o Cash on hand and deposited, ana in course of transmission. _l4 107 ao Guarantee Capital. - • I *o*sS2 22 Beal Estate ~~ * *... * * * • 12* 000 00 Cash received in past year Loan Rotes ••••••• ;• Interest received from Investments- Income from other sources Amount paid by Death Returned Premium.»!»••• *» »• Returned Interest.**.....*.. *' Dividends * • / Expenses Lessee reported, $l7, TOO Bo Claims Con ested by the p reß iaent P. B. BACON. Seeretary. GROJSGB P. WILLS. Agent and Attorney. mbs stuth6i* Office. 409 WALNUT St, Phila., Pa. t?amb insubanc J- No. 406 CHEOT PHILADE VIBE AND IKLAI ninso! Vranels N. Back, Charles Richardson. Henry Lewis, O. W. Davis, P. S. Justice, George A. West. VRaNOIS N. CHAS. RICH. W. L Blasokard. Secret! OF REMOVAL. Tbe undersigned would inform their friends and the public generally that they have removed from their Old Stand. 617 ARCH Street* to their SPLENDID NEW WAREROOMS, Ho. gist ARCH STREET, whore they will continue tlie tale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BURNERS, &c. Hayin, associated with our house Mr. CHABLB3 PAGE, (formerly the Principal Designer for Cornelius & Baker.) we are now prepared to execute orders for ua* Fixtures of all grades ana designs, from the plainest to the most massive and elaborate% VAN KIRK St GO., fel9-Sm Ho. 91» ARCH BTKBBT. TJEIMER’S OOLOBED PHOTO' AA) QRAPHfi &t *1 onlv. places first-class pictures within themeln. of*llh &, ‘io SSC-> Green, and get yourself a good and truthful likeness n TXEATON & DENCKLA, HARDWARE M^^,V on M«cbaut,. 50* COMMERCE and *lO HOETH Stnets. offer for'ale: W C *°B B'Sehfr^icisTstSl.'.BajleCahiurtLoek.. 'fSfiaesortment of American Hardware. fcfi-flmlf . , -- materials fob mince pies. BUNCH. LAYBR, AND SULTANA RAISINS. OITBON. CURRANTS, AND BPIOXft, CIDER, WINNS* JU.. * ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer in Vine Groceries, 4eM Comer ELEVENTH and VINE Stte^a. ■yy ANTED I IMMEDIATELY, 90 GOOD SILVER PLATERS. WAGES *2.50 PER DAY. STEADY WOBK Wilt BE GUARANTEED. JAB. M. FRAZEE & 0O M 46* 48. and 50 MEOHAHIC Btreet, OTSV7ABK, New Jeraey, agents W'ANTE d—a bare chance for making money offered. None need ap ply except good business mm. For farther particulars ad drop A post-office Bo* 2834, Philadelphia. m' 17-6t* A LADY WISHES A SITUATION AS fr Housekeeper, or to take charge of an invalid la_}y ili <* address Housekeeper. ”No. 1315 WALg UT Street. mhtt 01* A gents wanted to sell the v STANDARD HISTOHY OF THE WIE. A run m£rt«M7- JOaBS - BBOS -^f H %W TiOY WANTED IN A DRY HOODS *-* Commission House -one whosepatents reside la the oity. Address, with handwriting* Bo* 12-Vi Philadel phia?, O. tah!7 3PZB pOLORED HELP OP ALL DESCRIP- V-/ TIOBS WANTED, at be«fc wages. Orders received for Freed Help, at J. OLlYfiS’ti Office, ills pisrs Street mhis 6i* PARTNER WANTED WITH A GASH A capital of $36,000 to $50,000, in a well-established and profitable Dry Goods Commission Busineia. Address, Box £6B P. 0., living name and address. mhlO 3t* WANTED—A GOOD COMPOSITOR »> end Pressman; one who is capable of* aklng charge of an office. Address Box No. 1068 Post Office. mhl7-3t» WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN AO- Tv cnidomed to keep accounts, a situation as Book keeper or Assistant in a Counting Boom. Reference given. Addi ess * * Acconntant, ” this office, mh 17- 3t* WANTED-BY A GENTLEMAN / * and Wife the Dwelling part of a House in the vi cinity of Independence or Washington Bquares, on or before Jane Ist. Would take the care of office. Very bettof references given. Addresi Box 1404 Post Office. nihlT thstn tf WANTED—A PORTER IN A ; Wholesale House; one who has experience la packing goods, -and can furnish satisfactory reference. Addreps Box 2287 P. O. mhlo-3fc* Mas. O. M. DEYOE.” WANTED— SITUATION IN A Wholesale Boot and Shoe. Notion. Hat. Cap, and Straw Goods, or Cedar-Ware House, by a Salesman of experience, and one that can control a Urge am mat of Pennsylvania and Ohio trade With good reference Address J. JOHNSON. Press office. mh.l6‘2l* WANTED CLOTHING.—PERSONS * ’ bavin, Clothing to dlqpose of will vleu* mi on or address O. MELLBB. ■ jag-tntbeSm* Wo, ao» CHESTNUT Sfri»t- f) TO $lOO PER WEEK I—AGENTS wanted to take orders for the * * Acknowledged Standard HISTORY OF THE SOUTHERN REBELLION by O. J. Victor. This work is conceded to be the very best—is endorsed by the President, Cabinet. Members of Congress. Governors, Bancroft, the Historian, by the Press generally, and over twelve thousand eminent clvi liane. To be computed in three elegantly-illustrated super royal octavo volume? 1 , Vole. I and II now re&dv. Also to tafce orders for Victor’s HISTORY OF AMERICAN CONSPIRACIES' from 1760 to IB6o—a very superbly-il lustrated volume, stlling rapidly. Agents make readily from $5O to llCOper week canvassing for ihese popular books, iold only by subscription, and exclusive terri tory given. Send for Circular of terms. Ac Address BDwo. F. HOVEY, General Agent. A 3 SPRUCE Street, New York. mhi7»ltd&w2t A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE nP • AGENTS in every County, at $7B a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address S, MADISON,AIfred,Me. Cfel2-d&W3m A MONTH! — I Want Agents at NPtlhJigo mon th,expense« paid, to sell my Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burners, and 13 other articles. 16 clreu lars sent free. JOHN P. LORD. Biddeford. Me. ja27-g*» m WANTED TO RENT—A DWELL ■MiaLING HOU?E, by first of June, with modern im provements; situated above ftbe&tnut street, and within five squats* of Post Office. Bent, $4OO to $6OO, Address Box 10S9 Phiiad. Post Office. mhioer M FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED the Ist of April, west of Broad street, by a first class tenant, small family. Apply to Philadelphia and Brie Railroad Office, 930 WALNUT, for interview, mill 6t* TOST—A CERTIFICATE OF SPER L CENT. LOAN .07 STATE 07 PENNSYLVANIA, for $516.05, dated March 12. 1830. No. 764, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of o-per cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, (or the sum of $2OO. dated June 30. 1846, No. 1452, In the name of ELI K. PKICE, administrator of William Meredith in trust. Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re newal of said Certificates felo-3m ELI K PRICE. No. 811 ARCH Street. ...$250,000 00 .... 411,770 84 139.940 00 11,194 98 1411,770 84 >513,619 00 . 23637 ...$lB7 480 77 ... . 68 480 00 38 786 63 ... 6,100 00 57,800 00 ... 18,388 93 .... 325 12 .... 7,6j9 26 .... 35,606 94 OB COMPANY, TNUT STREET, BLFHIA SJ> IHSURANCB. - jTona. John W. Brennan, Robert B. Potter, John Kessler, Jr., E. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Joseph D. BlUs. BUCK. President. ABDSON. Vice President arYr JaU-tt WANTS. R.OST AMD FOIfUDi FOR SALE AMD TO TjET. O MANUFACTURERS AND CAPITALISTS. A very large LOT OF GROUND, on North SECOND Street, 66 feet front, 302 feet deep, widening on the rear to 168 feet, with a back outlet; contlining nearly cne acre of ground; suitable for FACTORY, SUGAR REFINERY BREWERY, or WAREHOUSE. Storehouses erected on the lot will pay a very good into* rest Tor sale at a very low price, and terms accommo- dating. Apply to No. lie North NINTH Street. mhl6-6t* POE SALE, AT ST. MARK’S A Church, a PEW on the north side of the south aisle, the eleventh from the chancel. Apply at No. 1895 PINE Btreet rah 17-21* TO RENT—ONE "“OF THE HAND- A SOMBST STORES on EIGHTH Street Gtod Will and Fixtures for sale. Address Box 2080 Phlla. P.O. It* T?OB SALE—THE PORT RIGHT FOR A -Philadelphia of HUBTO3TB PATENT MARINE LEAK SIGNAL. theheßt invention of the ate. J. VAN TRUMP, Agent, St Louie Hotel, ■Where the apparatus ean he seen from 2 o’clock until o p, M. mhUiPt* - Mto bent—a four-story brick BEMDENCB, situated afc 922 Colonade Row, bt'kUCE Street, now being put in complete order Apply to 808 BET HAG GREGOR, ft . 413 WALNU C d trest. Jm A HANDSOME RESIDENCE, iillbeautifollT located* ■witb *ll-the Modem Improve ments, Large Garden, &c.« Ac., in the city of BUiiLING TON, flew Jerrey, for SALE, or in EXCHANGE for City Property. Inquire of PRESLEY BLAKISTON, mb 17 Wo. 35 South SIXTH Street. MFOR SALE—-a DESfBABLE four*story brick RESIDENCE, with back buildings aitd modern conveniences, with side yard, situated at the northwest comer of BPRUOE and JONIrEfi Streets Lot 40 by ISO f«et. Apply to It RoEBRT MAC GREGOR, 4:19 WALNUT St Mfor sale, at cape island, a large and commodious BOARDING SOUSE For full particulars apply to JOHN YART>, Jfti.jSt EOW. mh!6 6t* 807 RACE Street. a to rent.—a beauiifdlly Puated COUNTRY RESIDENCE, with coach bouse, stable, and garden, within three minutes walk of Wissi noming station, on the Trenton Railroad, seven miles from the city. Apply at TIT WALNUT St mh!6 6t* M' for sale— a yery desira. BLE HOUSE, for a moderate-sized family, in a good neighborhood in Germantown, is now offered at alow price and on accommodating terms, in order to close an interest in the property. House £8 b j_2s feet, with Fur nace, King<», Bath, and Hydrant Water; is built of stone, and lined throughout. Also, a flue Building Site, With about Three Acres of Land Apply daily except Thursday, between 10 and 11 o’clock, at 805 MARKET Street. mhlfl«tf ffW for sale—a pair of bay HORSES,IS hands high, 8 years old. good dri vers, double or tingle. One a good ladles’ saddle horse. Warranted sound. Have only been used iu the country, ftice |SCO. Address, Box 611 PhUada. P. O. m.hl6-3t* AUCTION SA£E. JEW BAZAAB, NINTH AND SAN «4§S~£sOH STBEBTB. auction SALE OF HORSES. CARRIAGES, Ac , OW SATURDAY MORNING next, at 1U o’clock, com prising afot at P j FrT HORSES. Including a handsome DARK SHOWN STALLION, by Trafalgar, out of a mare by Black Bashaw. Full descriptions In catalogues. ALSO, New and second-hand Carriages, light Wagons, single and double Harness. Saddles, Bridles Whips. Covers. Ac. JE3* n o poft’ ponement on account of weather 49 s -Sale of Horses. Ac., on Wednesday next. 4*-Trade Sale of 200 carriages 6th of April . jar 200 Carriages at private sale, at auction prices. mhl7-2tlf ALFRED M. BBBKNB6S Auctioneer. COPARTNERSHIPS. THE UNDEBBIGNBD HAVE THIS A day entered into a COPARTNERSHIP, under the firm-name of W. D. EDSON A CO , for the purpose of Manufacturing WOMEN’S, MISSES , and CfIIUrBEN’S PEGGED BOOTS, Ac., atEo. MM EEC E street, j ARTHUR MILLER Philadelphia. March 11, - mfe!4-12t* FIN AN Cl AX.. TOHN HOBN, JR, V STOCK COMMISSION BROKER, No. 140 SOOTH THIRD SrSBBT, . (up stairs.) • PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES: Messra.Thos. A. Biddle A Co. Hess.Gaw, Mac alerter, A Co. Messrs. E. S. Whelen & Co. Messrs. Drexel Sc Co. Messrs. BnzbyACo. Henry J. Williams, Bsq. Alexander Biddle, Bsa. I. P. HuUhinson/Bia. G. M. Troutman. Esq. D. B. Cunomtna, Beq. • Jas. G. King Sc Bona. Wew York. fe£6-2m David B. Paul. President. B. Glbxdinnin«. Cashier. THIRD NATIONAL BANE OF cffir»-PBIVIL BOBD TO IHCBE4SE r TO *BOO,OOO. Philadelphia, March 14,18 W, The Third National Bank has this day opened for ba sinets at the Southwest corner of MARKET o.reet and PSD N Square, where all banking business will be trans acted the same as in other City Banks. • The location is a very desirable one, and central for all Merchants and others doitg business in the Western parte of the city. ... . Collections will be made on a 1 accessible points, on the most favorable terms; and the Interests and require ments of the customers of the Bank will have careful a^ra tattBn “ 011 - R. QLEHPIHHIHQ, Cashier, ' OEOOND NATIONAL BANK OF FRANKFOKD. CAPITAL ♦lOO,OOO, WITH THS PBIYIIBCB OP la- CREASING TO *OOO.OOO. _ __ NATHAN HILLEB, Preildent. WILLIAM H. BHAWB .Cashier. (Late of the Philadelphia Bank.) KATHAW HILLBS D . IRECT cHaELES B. KBBMBB. nnnwn! w mSWh blSj. ROWLAND. J*-. fIfTH.DBACOa’, EDWABD HATES. JOHN COOPBB. LEWIS SHALLuROSS. I , The Second HattonJ B«* of PhlladelhhU I« now ftTMm ut No 134 MAIN Street. Ftaukford. for tne irans* «tlSn o/iOMMaI Banking Bnelne.. upon Hi. ttraal ‘“collection, upon aU wUI be mad, n ?2“aS? aial le ™*' w RHIWtf. Ochl.e rrREASUBY DEPARTMENT X office of Comptroller of the Cubrenoy. Washington. February 26th, 1864. Whereas. bT satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the Fourth Rational Bank of Philadelphia, In the county of Philadelphia, and Btate of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the requirement* of the act of Congrers. entitled “an act to provide a na*. tionai currency, secured by a pledge of Halted States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof.” approved February 25th, 1863. and has com piled with all the of said act required tone complied before commencing the busmen* or Bssk'nii j . Bow therefore I. Hugh McCulloch. Combtrojfrr of the Currency, do hereby certify that the FOD-RrH^lj TIONAL BaHK OF PHIhkDSr.PBIA. county of Phila delphia, and State of Pennsylvania. atowS commence the husinesa of Banking* under the “jßte.tti>>otty -whereof. wltnMij»T*“ a,eal ° f office, tht» twenty elxtt f„,.,ntroilar of the rinrreamr. OBANGES. V/ ;«:o boxes Pal arm o 0r a d S®®- 100 b« xee Meseluft Oranges tO boxts Palermo Lemon*. CO boxes Messiah lemOEij JutlandUc. aad tor gnoJm 4 W.WI.M3. wl 10T Sooth WATJS& Straat. SPRING FLOWER SHOW Pennsylvania Horticultural Society MUSICAL FUND HALL; LOCUST Street, above Eighth, ON TUEBDAY, MARCH 22d, 1864, All Ktieles for competition and exhibition mnet bo ■taged by 10 o clock A. M. on Tuesday. 33d. - Application for space must be prone ated to the Oomittlt* tee on or before 4 o’clock P. M. on Monday. 21»fc Schedules of Premlnma can be hid of the Secretary. A. W. HARRISON, 80. 30 South SEVENTH Street IYJR. J. E. MURDOCH PATRIOTIC AND SCRIPTURAL READISOS, AT THE MUSICAL FUND HALL, For the purpose of purchasing an Organ for the FIRST PBESBITEEIAN CHURCH, Southwark. Kyo'du"'MhXrtaV**'*“ ° f “»««>•” E from Ilaturti!®, S . S .^ T » Mau.--The Order Poem.-'‘Marco Bt,Marla^JwiniS!' Poem.— The Sleeping Sentinel’ I ’. TmtUp' EntTMtsfrom 11. Samuel, accompanied with‘re? citations of two Poems, one .ntltled •• Rlspah with her sons the day before they were hanged The other entitled; N * WIUU * “Eizpah's Lament ~yy. q, R mi) | Poem, translated from Schiller by Leigh HnS? en titled *' The Lionß and the Glove. Poem. —‘' Drifting T. Buchanan Head. Poem.—An Incident ofthe War, entitled “ Bar baraFreitchie” V’. J Whittier. “ The Patriot or the Rising of ’70.” ex tract from the Waggoner of the Alieghanie».... T. Bac-nanau Bead, “The Light Brigade, ” or the Charge of Bix Hun dred at Balaklava i ..Tennyson. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Readings commence at 8. Tickets FIFTY CENTS: can be obtained at the Book stores of ABbmead & Brans. 731 Chettnat: T. B. Pack. Sixth and Chestnut; T. B Peterson, 806 Chestnut: Fos ter's, Second, or-pceite Gera an, and at the Hall on the day and evening of the Beading*. mhlO-Tt* A/IR. JAMES E. MURDOCH "WILL, deliver his Popular Address, entitled PROVIDENCE AND LOVE OP COUNTRY. AT THE ACADEMY UP MUSIC, On TUESDAY EVENING. 22d instant. For the Benefit of the U. S. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. In the course of the evening Mr. MURDOCH Will in troduce the following recitations: GETTYSBURG. (A new Poem.) By F. De H. Janvier. OUR HEROES. Written for the occasion, and read for the 6r»t time. ON BOARO THE CUMBERLAND. Gao. H. Boker. THE SONG OF THE BUGLE AND DRUM. T.B.Read, SCOTT AND THE VETERAN. Bayard Taylo" THE COVENANTBR’B BATTLE-BBRMON. delivered by Ephraim Mae Briar on the Battle-field of Drnmelor THE AMERICAN FLAG. F Bodman Drake * Tickets 95 cents Reserved seats 60 cents- The sale of tickets will commence on Friday morning. 18th inst • »t 9 o’clock, at MARTIES’3, 606 CHESTNUT Street Tickets oan also be had at the door of the ACj DEMY on the evening of the readings. Doors open at 7 o’cl’k, Reading* at 8 o'cl’k. mhl7*6t TJEV. E. H. CHAPIN, D. D. t A* OF NEW YORK, •Will deliver hie 1 GREAT ORATION on EUROPE AND AMERICA AT CONCEPT HALL, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 18. Tickets of Admission 2!i cento. Reserved Seats ...»60 cents To be obtained at Gould's Music Store. Seventh and Chestnut streets, and at the door on the evening of the Lecture. mhl4-6t* pONCEBT HALL.—GOT 1 SCHALK’S V FAREWELL CONCERT" IN AMERICA. A Ca&D.—Max Strakoscli sincerely thanks the publls and[Ms many friends for the unprecedented patronage Which Mr- L. M. GOTTSC3ALK has received in hie last Concerts in Philadelphia, and will, in compliance with the generally expressed desire give ONE MORE GRAND CONCERT, Od THURSDAY EVEN IN G March 17, assisted by the eminent favorite Tenor, " THi.Oi.ORE HABELMANN. The distinguished vocalist. Mme. BRNRIETTE BEHRENS CARLO PATTI, Vlobh CHARLES SCHMITZ, VioionceUo S. BEHRENS Musical Director and Conductor Admission, 60cents. Reserved seats, 50 cento extra. Seats may be secured at J. E. Gould’s music store, com mencing Tuesday morning, March 15, at 9 o'clock. Doors open at 7M. Concert to commence at 6. mhl4-4t rjBOVEB’S CHESTNUT-STREET V THEATRE. * TBlfc (Thursday) EVftNING. Marc’i 17th. SAINT PATRICK'S DAY. NINBTbENTII TIME Of the Great Iri-h Kcetic Drama. COLUBER BAWs, OR THE BRIDES OF GAttfiYOWSN. On SATURDAY AFTERNOON. March 19th. GRAND FAMILY MATINEE ENTERTAINMENT. When the TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN will be pre sented. mh if MBS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH ATX STREET THVATBE. HOUSES PACKED IN EVERY PART Mr. AND Mrs. BASNET WILLIAMS. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, March 17, 1881, IRELAND AS IT Wa». Bagged Pat Mr. Barney William*. Judy O’Trot Mr* Barney Williams. To he followed by the Protean farce of IN AND OUT OF PLACE. In Mrs. BABNEY WILLIAMS will sustain SIX different character*. To conclude with TUBN HIM OUr. FRIDAY—BBNBFXT OF BARNEY WILLIAM 9. Prices as usual. Curtain rises at 714 o’clock. BONSALL 8R03., WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. 11 —THIS (Thursday) EVENING, March. 17,. ST. PATRICK’S DAY Fourth appearance of the distinguished young Trage dian. EDWIN ADAM*, When will be prevented Bui war’s beautifal play of THE LADY OF LYONS. Claude Melnotte- .. EDWIN ADAMS. To conclude with the IrUb patriotic Drama of ROBERT BUMBTP. Ytomett...... Mr. b. l. tilton, . Doors open at 7* curtain rise* at 114 o’clock. TOM KING S GREAT EXCELSIOR A TROUPE, MABKET, above TWELFTH Street. The season opened on SATURDAY, the 12th innt , and the members of the GREAT EXCELSIOR TROUPE were received with the liveliest demonstrations of enthusi asm. The programme of the entertainment Will be YArled every«. v« nl® g the rejxi'totre of the Company being very extensive M’LLE TOURNiTRB, M’LLB VIRGINIA, And other artistic lady performers will appear as tha eeaaan progresses, thus presenting vivid scenes in the Aieva, lovely, fascinating, and interesting. THE GREAT HORDLB ACT Will be performed every evening Performance commence s at 7.40 oVdookt Admission.... Stage seats... Private boxes mhl4 PLEVENTH-ST. OPERA HOUSE. J-i “THE FAMILY RESORT." CABNCBOS3 AND DIXEY’S MINSTRELS. THE GREAT STAB TROUPE OF THE WORLD, In their SELECT SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing. Laughable lU< leequen, Plantation fiecnes, Ac.. &c.» by TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets36eenU. Doors (pen at 7 o'clock. fe27-Sm J. L. CAENCKOSS, Business Manager. PASINOI CASINO! CASINOI \y CHESTNUT STREET, above Sixth. GRAND VaRIETY ENTERTAINMENT. RTBIOPIAV COMEDIANS. BALLETS, PANTOMIMES, YOOALIBTB. COMIC SINGERS mb!7-10t* EVERY NIGHT, THE GREAT PICTURE A AT CONCERT BALL LECTURE ROOM For a short season. OPBN EVERY EVENING FOR A SHORT SEASON, J. Inico William*’ celebrated PANORAMA OF THB BIBLE. This is the most complete and finished Painting of the Sacred Scrlpums in the world, comprising over fifty M the moit SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES Of the first three thousand years of Biblical History E forming altogether one the finest exhibitions of tho ago. OFfiH EylrT BVBNtNO at half 7 o'elosk. Admlesion 25 cents. . _ . • _ _ N, B. Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday aflor noons, at 8 o’clock. • ... Admission for Children 16 cents. ftlUg p EBMANIA OF.CHESTRA,— PUBLIC vj REHEARS ALB everySATURD AY. s t 8 o’clock. T, M, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single ticket* II cents. Packages of Bin ticket., $l. To be had at 4S“ BRB'S. 110* CHBSTNDT Street, J. E GOULD. SE VENTH and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door. feU-tt amusements* OF THE WILL BE HELD AT THE FROM 11 A M. TO 11 P. M. Witt GIVE A CHOICE SELECTION OF ON THDESDAT EVENING. MsroN 17, 18M. PENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY OF JL the fine arts, 109 S CHESTNUT BTBBB7, . OPEN DAILY (Sunday, excepted) from 9 A. M. till 6“P. M. » _ ■ Admission 25 cents. Children half price j.Xj-tf EDUCATIONAL. pBITTENDEN’S COMMERCIAL COL- V> Lffas. G3T CHESTNUT Street corner of Seventh.— Prtc .leal Ins ruction In BOOK-KBBPIHG in ite different branches. „ , , PENMANSHIP—PIain and Ornamental. COMMERCIAL CaLCULATIONS, COMMERCIAL LAW, Ac. —Students Instructed separately. ■ • Catalogues on applioatlofli 2Qfild*3t* t£ELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE— J-* A BOARDING SCHOOL FOB GIRLS „ , TliJs Institution, beautifully andhmithfully locited. In the northern limits <-f ATTI.BBO ROUGH, Backse ma ty, , will commence its Spring and Summer Term ou the 19th o f FIFTH MONTH next, and continue in session twelve weeks. , , , ... HTfce course of instruction is thorough and complete la all the Elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH, CLASSICAL. AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION. The French Language is taught by a native French teacher. ... Circulars, giving fall particulars, maybe had on ap- Plication to the Frlnciprtl?, AtM' n ™ii«ii p o . Bao«> county. Fa. SStfp. ■ Principals. mhl6 3m H-EORGE A. NEWBOLP HAVING VJ leased EATON ACADEMY, KENNETT SQUARE, Chester county, expects to commence a. »prmK Session there the llth of Foorth Month (April.) For circular*, address Geo A. Nowbold. JanlElntoirn..Monte, eo .fa., till the 4th Inst., or Wm. Chandler, Kennett Square, Chester county. Pa mhll«lm* VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY, T SEAR MEDIA. PA.—Pupils received at any tt»*. fisali&h. Mathematics, Classics, and Natural Bcleaeee taught. Military Tactics, Book-Keeping, and Civil Ba rine-rlpf taught. Entiie expenaea about *3 per week. Boys of all a*ee taken. kefem to Wm. H Karn. ex* Sheriff; JobnC. Capp &Co., No. 29 South Third street« and Thomas J. Clayton, Bsq., Fifth and Prone street*. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., Villa** Green. P*. - A ” SOIP S4XOS ’ FROM Consignees of Merchardlse, per above vessel, will please send for tbeiT goods now landedj>ci Pine-street Wbalf. [mhlG-SU H WINSOfI & 00. _-»1T—». POTS ALBANY AND TROY. JSSKtu delawarh ahp babitas. C The BareeS FfANAG AN.Captain Wm. Taylor, '.enow «gft*V No. 304 Bo nth UNAWARE Avenue poß HARTFORD VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. Th „ Philadelphia. Steam Propeller Companr’a steamer Tui??«;ainnilT master. Is aow lotdinc at TATHASt w W.‘ below lourH street. For freight, which will b* 3*» ou accommodating ‘«^Pj t WaARVBS. WM. M. BAIRD & CO., Aieata. COKBKCT PIANO TUNING. hTTn -Mr. O B. BAROBBT'S Order* for TttDlm* •nd K&peirins FJaaoe are rsceWed at MASOII AGO.? Store. 907 CHBBTWDT Street, only, , . Mr. 8. has had eleyen Tear*’ factory experl«nee,ln See* ton. and fire ▼ears 1 employment In Philadelphia SPECIAL —Pianos releathercd to sound M wfl W* nreot-toned as nm *Uho*t rm o **** Terms for Tsnlnr (1 gs& JOHN L. OAPEN. PHBBNOLO maj ha consulted I>AY “d KVBNI W* adaptation to Bnalneia, Tradeaad ProraMWa. ZX on the Improvement of t«aith. ** K *^Si l fi n «3s fAttlta, fotraaUon of rrWßjifeJfJi SJJ a* .ecrjjtiooa of chaiacte? given wtteu .«m if a AftTH Street, above mo sawmm « ..20 st•» oo cte. a*U**»’