MARP.T-RTI, BOBINhOBT—BLIGHT. —At St. Luke’s Ohnroh. on the 10th instant, by the Bev. J. Andrews Harris, Charles A. Nobisson to Deborah, daughter of the late George W. Blight. Btd- . * X>l £O3. MBWTOb.—On Friday, the 11th inst., at the resides* of her eon. the Eev. Dr. Newton, Mrs. Elizabeth Nod the 30ib inst. Frank, eon of Joseph and d rl 7 sisSce of his parents. No BDS Mat ■-JQS l S&£ > ??«fSI” CsSti&layJ. 12lh inst, at 2P. M •* * PTJT'ro’Trn} nBH —On Thursday. 10th Instant. Salmon Hodges Crittenden, after a lingering illness, in. the 35th hJs late residence, 407 South Eighth atreet, on Monday next, at 2 o’clock, when the friends of the fpTniSy are itqutsted to attend without ..further no ** noLWELL.—In Washington, on the Bth Inst,, Lieut Awards Colwell, 2d fenna. Artillery. In hie23d year. friend*. and the relatives and friends of the fatal lyfare im ited to attend the funeral, from the residence his father. No. 1031 Arch street, this Oatnr&ay) morn -sng, at 13 o’clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill. *** OBITUARY. To the memory of who died March Boned the low requiem, ween bitter tears. Gone from our gaze Is the cherished-of years; Crushed ail the fond hopes, withered and fled, Ssdiy we mourn for the beautiful dead. Calmly awaiting the Saviour’* behest, Pure as an angel, she passed to her rest Death’s gloomy valley fox her had no fear. For Jesus was with her the darkness to cheer. Mow with the innumerable company ’* above. Her heart gushing forth with rapture and love. Hymning her voice in sweet harmony the wnue. Lives she forever in the light of God a swlle ■One more bright jewel Christ’s diadem bear*' "The crown of the saints on her own brow sne wears, .-In the white robe of Cirht’s Kighteousness drest, "With the redeemed ever more to be Di«z- f . Then- mourner, lort upward ’ the faith tnine to i reel. No affliction's so srievous that Christ cannot neal. Thy loveo oi e bath io» e And God in His wUJom doeth all ttnugawou^^ TRESSON & SON Hj it* leceiviai their Spriiyr in «2NG GOODS, and have now Blaek Byzantines, •* Florentines, * 1 Barese Heinani, Grape fflarets, •* Bareges. •• SUA Grenadines, Black, and Black anc TRUST 'BLACK. SILK IN THE Cl ITT. Best Brown SiiKs. Spring Pansy Sllfes. P*iis atj le Cbenift* Ikondon style Shawla. Broadway style Cl**^ COJVGRKGATIOISAL CHAPELf FBAIiJif'OKD Jtoad and MONTGOMERY Ave m-Bev. H. B SWIFT, pastor of the Congregational Church of Keokuk, lowa, preaches Sa&BaTH, at A. M. and 7M F. M. Siraugers welcome. It ■gfc B3&V. D W. BARTINE, D D .AVILL j(CP* preach at the Spring Garden-street M B Gtmrch. TWENTIETH and SPRING' GARDEN, at 20,o'clock A. M- TO-MORROW, March 13th, It* SECOND ADVENT MEETINGS - BWDS WKNDLLL, of New York will preach TO-MGBROW. at Halls B. comer frPRING GARDEN and NINTH Streets, at IDJi o'clock Morning, ana 7££ jyAning, The public are invited- It* Wigf FIRST REFORMED HUTCH lfofe CHOROH. SEVENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets.-Eev. JOSEPH F. BERG. D. D..will id Y.) •preach TO MOBHoW. Communion in the morning at 10? a o'clock. Fetvice in the evening at 7% o'clock It* THIRD REPORIIED DUTCH CHURCH, corner TENTH and FILB 3k r Streets, Kev. Denis pastor. —Service TO-MOHSOW, at 10k A. M. and 736 P M. The aeries of discourses on the Book of Esther will be continued in the evening. * MEDIATION OF CHRIST-NINTH Serxuon ot tones by T. H. STO3RTON. at 2LEVSN3H and WOOD SireetP, SABBiTH afpER- JfOON. ??* o’clock. Special topic. "Christ a AnttCiPft iiona ” Morning Sermon. 103-a o’clock, by A GbABKi on •* Christ Coming to Judgment.” Preaching at Night, VH o’clock, by Lieut PITTIROER. R* mjaei cRVRtH OF THE INTERCESSOR, SPRING GARDEN, below BROAD Street —Rev. StTcaPDEN will preach TO MORROW, at \O% A M. And 7)4 I*. Af. PiJib >ermon on "The Purpose of Being. ’ jn the Evening Tones men are moat cordial!* invited. tThe spf.eial subject of bermon wiii be, **The rownp Jlfoyi ft? the Am ** R__ »iJi LORD’S PRAYER -EIGHTH AND concluding of ilia Series of Discourses oa TtiA X€>RD S PR&YER, wiU be preached in St Matthew s Xutheran Church, NSW STREET, by ihe Pastor, Rev. B. W. BUTTER. on TO-MORKOW (Sunday) EVEJT inq t at 7H o'c.cck. Homing Service commences at naif sari ten o’clock. lt tmige “INIVERSAL MASSACRE OF True uhrifetians by Lmii Napoleon, the future Man of Sin. and by Papists and Infidels for s>£ years, "between IBf6 and jBW (Dan. vii. 25, xii 7: Rev xii 6. 3dU.15). ” Rev. si. BAXTER speaks o* this. SUNDAY, at three o'clock, in HaU, BROAD and WALNUT, and at lalf past seven, in Hall (.lard story) NINTH and SPRING G aRDEH Streets. It* BHa> PHILIP if LPHIA TRACT AND HIbSION SOCIETY.—A meeting in behalf ofenis Society will be held in the Second'Reformed Batch {Rrareh, SEVENTH Street, above Brown, on SABBATH aVfihXNG, 13tb inft., at 7i£ o’clock. Rev. John Cham jbexs. Rev. J- W. Croweil, and others will address the -wiootiTiy AU frien dy •» the cause Invited to attend. Also, on FRIDAY EVENING. iSfch inst.. at St. An* Hrew’s Episcopal Church. Thirty-sixth and Sycamore afreets, Map’a* - It* yjga SFIRH UALISSL - MISS BROWN, i 9» of Cie\elat.d. a Medium, will Jeciun*and answer questions at SANSOM-STKEisT HALL on SUNDAY, at 10K A- M.. and 7K P. M Admittance 5 cent a It* HOMIEDPATHIC INFIRMARY- An adi»nrxed meeting of the Board of Managers Will be held THIS EVENING, at 1013 GREEN Street. It* C. VANHORN. Secretary. AMERICA AND IRELAND-LEC- WfOw TUBS by hev. R A. CAKD©N, D. i) . at Han del and Hayen Ball, N. E. corner of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Six«ts, on MONDAY EVENING, .April 4th,at 8 o'clock. Tickets 25ceate. Tobenadat Chestnut street, aud at the door of the H*ll. It* SAINT PATRICK’S DAY.-THE Rev. Dr. O’CONNOR, late Bishop * f Pittsburg, will deliver his interesting Lecture on "The Destiny of ihe Irish Ruce. " at th» ACADEMY OP MUSIC, oa. I>AY EVENING. K arch 17. Proce? ds to be applied to a most worthy object, viz : the enlargement of the House of the Gord Shepherd, a Catholic institution for the re formation of erring fern dee. Tickets 25c ; for sale at tne Catholic Book Stores. Lecture to commence at 8 o'clock. Tnhi2-smth3t* PBItADELPHIA SABBATH SCHOOL aSSOOIA » The monthly msestug of the Philadelphia Sabbath School Apsociati »u will be held onMOHDAY EVnNIPG, 14th. March, in the Church, corner of BROAD and aF.OK Streets, at half past seven o’clock. Facts of thrilling Interest will be presented, and the following question wiU be submitted ; * * What measures should be adopted in order that the ranks of Sabbath School Teachers imthis city x»ay he largely in ■» Tn gOLDIbRS 1 MEETING -THE ONE HUNDRED Ail) &3XrfiBoTH MEETING OF ThSaBMY COMMITTEE Of THB YOUNG MBITS CHRISTIAN AWOCIA-S lON. in connection with the U. 8. Christian; iJtmmt»»ion. will be h*ld TO-MORROW Thum 5 (0 Mrs Thum 600 Dr. McClmtfck.6 i 0 Mrs. Earp....... 5 00 jdwEarp .. 10 00 Mrs. Greyd0n.......... 203 Jkfisg Flannery M Mrs, Haganny 6 00 Vw. Bodine 2 00 Mrs J. R05a*.......... 500 y» M0ra...... 2 10 Mrs. Eckfelt 100 Mr. Johnson.-.-- t Qti Mrs. Chapman......... 1 f 0 Jfrs. Grretbank, 1 C Ca5h....... 62 am. Bfcidieinan 5 CO Also, S boxtis. containing clovMag. garden seeds C&T danhoes. &c. To be dl-posed of nridt-r the direction of Chief JOHN BOS and the Rev. EVANS JON SB. B iptfst Missionary. Further conlribctions can be left at the present residence of Mr. Rjss, No. 208 WASHINGTON jSquare. It* »» OFFICE OF THE PHILADEL PRIa, GERMANTOWN. AND AORRISTOffN RAILROAD Company.—Philadelphia. March 10, 1864 —The Board of Managers have this day declared a • dividend of four per c-n* on the capital stock, clear of taxes, for the six inontns ending the 3ist Inet., payable on and after the tirfct diy of Apnl next. Transfers of stock will not be made for ten days after • ihe 21st ins*. W. S. WILSON, Itthl2>StUthtapl Ma ASSEMBLY BOILDINGS] CORNER TENTH AND CHESTNUT. ■COURSE ef LECTURES on COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, By C HEERMAKN., M. D., beginning AprlL Sufaac*ipticu Tickets, $lO List opened at Mr : Ley poldt’s Foreign Lib: ary, uEESTNOT, below Ninth.* • * WHT BSrV DR CHAPIN Iff PHtLADEL- PHIA.—W« are glad to learn that Dr. Chapin, the mcstcisttngcMiaii orator in this country, ha? con sented to reptet to* great LECTURE on EUROPE aND >MMin a in this City ' Having recently made a tour throughout Barone, he • can speak frm : observation. Mr. CH.\PIN is -always intere&tjuu: hat. upon the subject involving Ape question of cur tonal crisis, he -will be thrjtt- Lect T :e w-il b* delivered at CONCERT HALL, •on FRIDaY EVENING. >rc* of Tvv]•;;tTr-FIVE CENTS; Reserved fceats, FIF7T CENT-. The ra'ie •-> will commence on Monday, at 'jGOTJi.D’b Kusic Store, corner of SEVENTH and CStESP- JffUT Streets mhii-2v* -1 % IS T ERNAL RKVESLE-- Seccna C. i>o iou District of Pennsylvania, nom -3>rls4ng|Fir*-t. h. Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth wards ■-of the city of PL;;a«e p da. NOTICE. The arnoal for 1863, for the ab; ve-named of vere* o liable to a tax on Carriages, P.easare 'Tubtlt'Bljlit-rd jHUJHf, aau Gold and Silver Piste. aad -sl»o of <*»**«£ to take out licenses, having bean ■completed’ t ; imM IS HEREBY GIVE? That the tax** a'orei-a-fl will toe recalled daily by tht -uudereteaed. between the hours or 9 A. M aud3P. if.. -ISundevs ) »t Ms office,southwest corner of "THIRD* aoa W a I.N U r Streets, on f and after MON OAT, the 7th last aDd until and including SATURDAY, the • 34 da, „t cprtl ».*■ All person? uho friJ to pay their annual taxes upon 'Carriages pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, aiid Gold or SilverT***© yu ,-j b fore the aforesaid 2d day or April, *TB64, \9IU incn a T*en&liy cf ten per centum additional of ♦the amount rh«raof atci:on of the excise law of Ist July, 1832. All ipet-oan vli-» m iike manner ihall fell to take out f ineirlice,-; i <'S. es :*.tj aired tv law. on or before the 2d day ‘ IS5i v ’' l ' *a*a*«. penalty of ten per centum ad - 3ai,.nat thereof,&Bd be BUbjact to a pro -eecnticm for t’rr«»e limes the amount of Bald tax, in ac ISHL, Collector, b W rr> r THIRD and WA '.HUT Sts. P^..S ED l Cl>l ? •‘■*AIHSiATIO».-PKtt- :i “' or , Assistant Surgeons In andnver, «.««-!*, .„ r Eio , nnm inrth"; “ ice. 1 n'gaon OcnerM^tne^j^?^ PIT?* Bl>RO. FORT w»V»l a. mn ICP» CHICAGO HeILWAYCOMPANX ASD u_ Oppicb op the Secretary - totter ba mat c .tug before it. 2?N°isVi?4 %ffleoof *ai«3 in theeiwofKn» U ft ? t! •mtHD WED»S,r)AT OF MARCH, 0 ! D. mf it jj I 8 Th® Stock sod Bond Transfer Books of th« p rth , nB .. at their Dfflce la th«ri y -rPitteb “ g ,\Sd rt thel^AM 1 *r Agency la the city .>t New York. “m hi Si»£? o* the Ist day of March, et 3 o'clock P. j£ and lemaln «los«d ttottl tbs i?Eh dsr of March thereafter d tema “ l W.*fie BtTtBM, Secretary. A YJ£ COMMENDED id Summer Stock of MOURN* in store — English Bombazines, French Bombazines, Sommer Bombazines, Chally, Mous&elaaw, T&misee, . White Foulards, Ac. _ MOURNING STOBB, o. 918 CHESTNUT Street, '.....590 0.1 ...... 15 00 ...... 500 *HE great central fair FOR TSB SANITARY COMMISSION. PHILADELPHIA, 1807 Orrstnitt Street* February 20.1864. The undersigned, members ot the Executive Commit tee of the Great Central Fair for the Sanitary Commis sion, beg to invite the co-operation of all their fellow citizens, especially of those resident in Pennsylvania. Delaware, and New Jersey* in this important enter* prise. It is proposed to hold the Fair Jn.PHILADEL PHIA in the first week in JUNE next, and it is confi dently expected that the contributions comint from a population so benevolent and patriotic as that wMoh inhabits the Central States, and representing the most important and varied branches of industry and art, will secure a la aid of the funds of the Com mission and for the benefit of the Foldier at least equal to that which has attended similar undertakings in other cities. It is not necessary to say a word to stimu late sympathy for the soldier; wo__feel for them all as brethren, and the popular heart seeks only the best mode of manifesting that sympathy in the most efficient and practical way. These Fairs in other places have been productive of great results. By this means .Chicago has recently raised for object $60,C00, Boston slso*ooo* and Cincinnati more than $210,000. We appeal, then, with the greatest con fidence to the inhabitants of the Central States, especi ally to those who constitute the great industrial daises, to send ns contributions, the productions of their skill and workmanship. We appeal to them in the interest of radical or conservative, Republican or Ds* znocratic, administration or anil-administration. We know only this, that to send our national soldiers in the field supplies to supplement those Government un dertakes to give them, but which they sometimes tail to receive, snd thus to relieve them when sick and in misery, is a work of Christian charity, and that it Is a worn of Intelligent patriotism also, as economizing their life, health, and efficiency, cn whidh, under God* the nation depends in this its time of trouble. We therefore ask every clergyman to announce this humane undertaking to his people, and to advise them to do what they can to farther it. We ask the preßS to give It the widest publicity and the most earnest en couragement We call on every workshop, factory.and mill for a specimen of the best thing it c-n turn out; on every artist, great and small, for one of his creations; on all loyal women for the exercise of their taste and industry ; on farmers, for the product! of their fields and dairies The miner, the naturalist, the man of science, tke traveller, can each send something that can, at the very least, be eonyerted into a blanket that will warm, aud may save from death, some one soldier whom Go vernment supplies t ave failed to reach. Every one who can produce anything that has money value is invited (o given sample of his best work as an offering to the cauce of national unity. Every workingman, mechanic, or firmer, who can make a pair of shoes, or raise abushei of apples, is called OH to contribute something that can be turned into money, and again from money into the means of econcmlzing the health and life of onr national soldiers. Committees have been appointed in each department of ineustxfi and art whose business it will be to solicit contributions for thefFair,each iufite own special branch. These committees will place themielves in communica tion with those persons who may wish to aid us. In the meantime, it is recommended that local committees or associations te formed in every portion of. Pennsylva nia. Delaware, and New Jersey, with a view of organi zing \he industry of their respective neighborhoods, so as to secuie contributions for the Fair. Committees of Ladies have also been organized, to co operate With those of the Gentlemen in soliciting con tributions. A list of all these committees will be shortly published and distributed- In the meantime, those who are dis posed to aid us or who may desire any fhrther Informa tion on the subject, are requested to address CHARLES J-6TILLE| €orreßPondisg Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Great Central Fair, No. 1307 CHEST NUT Street - JOHN WELSH, Chairman. CALEB COPE, Treasurer. C. J. STILLB. Cor. Sec’y, H H. FURNESS, Rec. Sec’y. W, H Ashhnrst, Horace Btnney, Jr., A. E. Borie* N. B. Browne, Jno. C. Cre* son, If. B. Cummins, Thee. Cuyler, Fred. Graff. J. C. Grubb, Joseph Harrison, Jr., R. M Lewis, fc2s thswawsfit THE GETTYSBURG BATTLE FIELD MEMORIAL. AN APPEAL TO LOYAL PENNSYLVANIANS, The * * GETTYSBURG BATTLE-FIELD MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION ” was instituted for the purpose of se curing forever the principal points upon the great battl< -field of the war, in the exact condition in which they were left in July, 1863, when the rebel hordes of the invader I-EE were driven back from the free soil of Ptcnsylvania, and when the the gallant soldiers of General Meade remained in possession of the field which they hid won by their valor. The Association have already secured the purchase of Cemetery Hill, Culp’s Bill. Granite Spur, and Roujrn Top, with the entrenchments thrown up just upon the eve of the great conflict which was the turning point in the career of the. rebellion. The field, with its redoubts, wonderful stone defences, its timber breast-works, its forest heights, with the trees torn by shells and count:e?s bullets, and its long lineß of earthwork defences, have all been pre served intact, and to so continue to preserve them, as to be a monument forever of the greatest of American battle-fields, is the object of the formation of the Asso ciation- To enable a large number of pers«n?.to joiniu this patriotic work* the projectors of the plan placed the subscriptions at ten dollars each. The payment of this SUm MAKES- EACH SUBSCRIBER A MEMBER OP THE ASSO CIATION, AND PART OWNER OP THE GLORIOUS FIELD OP Gettysburg, What Loyal and Patriotic Citizen of Pennsylvania would rot gladly embrace the privilege of recording his same upon this roll of Honor, and of liaising himself di rectly with the field where the lo.'ty heroiam of hia country men vindicated the Integrity of the Union and the principles of Freedom ? And who weald not desira to hand down a* a precious heir-loom to his children the evidence of his part in the good work, bearing, as the certificate Will, a View of tbe field which, will rank in history with Thkhmoftl.-e. HAtULi*nosr.&nd Waterloo ? There are no salaried officers in this Association, nor are theie any objects in view in its creation other than those already stated. The grounds were purchased from their origii al owners at the exact price to be paid forthem hr the Association, and the points selected.and the prices to be paid for them, met the unqualified ap proval of a committee of the Historical Sooiett of Pennsylvania. appointed for the purpose of visiting the field. The following are the names of the general officers of the Acfeociation, and of the Local Comxni.tee in Fhila* delphia: OFFICERS. Hon. JOSEPH B. INGBB6OLL, Chairman Provisional Committee. Eev Hr S. S. BCHMUCKER Vice Chairman. Rev J. ZIEGLER, Vice Chairman. T- D CABSOB. Treasurer D. McvUNaCGHT, Secretary. - LOCAL COMMITTEE—PHILADELPHIA. HEURT C. CARET, Chairman. Edmund A Bonder, Henry C. Baird, Treasurer. Sscreary. S. A Mercer, Profß Coppee. i*. B. Browne, Hr. D. Gilbert, J. G. Fell. George H. Boker, Charles E. Smith, James L. Glaghorn, S. 51 Felton. Edward W. Clark. W. H.Ashhurst, Her E W. Hatter, Jfly Cooke, Hon. Wi.liam Strong, Cbss. J. stllle. Ferdinane J Dreer, A. J. Drexel. .John 4. McAllister, Oswald Thomason, IGeo. W. Chiles, George K. Ziegler. ; John H. Dohnert, J. B Uppincott, !Morton McMichael, Willinm Bradford, iW. W. Harding, Aubrey H. Smith, Gibson Peacock, , John W. Forney, John O. James, Coiomoß W. Roberts, Morton P. Henry, George P- Lee, [Daniel Dougherty, Persons who are desirous of aiding in this patriotic work can send their subscriptions to either of. the gentlemen named above, and they will receive their Certificates of Stock. BY ORDER OF TEE PHILADELPHIA COMMITTEE. mhlO’tbstndt MR. J. E. MURDOCH WILL GIVE A CHOICE SELECTION OF PATRIOTIC AND SCRIPTURAL READINGS, AT THE MUSICAL FUND HALXi, ON THURSDAY EVENING, March 17. 186il For the purpose of purchasing an Organ for the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Southwark. Tickets FIFTY CENTS; can be obtained at the Book stores of Ashmead & Evans, 724 Chestnut; T. B Pngh, Sixth axd Chestnut; T. B Peterson, 306 Chestnut; Fos ter’s. Second, opposite German, and at the Hall on the day and evening of the Readings. mhlo-7t* FIB ST WARD.—AT A MEETING |Qt> of the Citizens of the First ward, held in Kater Bail, South street, above Fifteenth, on THURSDAY EVENING, March 10th for the purpose of collecting a bounty fund to relieve the ward from draft, the follow ing subscriptions were announced, viz : Piilsdelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Rail road Company * ~.$l,OOO 00 Pennsylvania Co. for Insurance on Lives - 000 00 Herman J. Loznbaert, vice president Pennsylva nia Railroad Company 600 00 On motion, it was •unanimously Btsolve NIA-MBDICAL DEPARTMENT. 'lhe Commencement for conferring the “ Degree of Doctor of Medicine” will be held on SATURDAY, the i:ib of March, at 12 M , in the MUSICAL FUND HALL. The Valedictory to tr e graduates will be delivered by Dr R A. F. PENROSE Tre public are respectfully Invited to attend. mbio-at R. 1. ROGERS. M. D., Dean. C^ ct THE penssylvania fire is. EURANCE COMFAOI, Makoh 7, 1884- c,J^ e Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SEVf.N boILaES and FIFTY CENTS per Share on * V? ck of \ he Company for the last six months, which wiji be patd te the Stockholders or their legal repre sentatives after the 17th instant. ttbS'JOt WM. q CROWELL, Secretary. MANTUA, AND FAIRMOUNT PASSENGER KIILROaD COM- P io}iCK TO BTOCK ?^l^^^loa sf’ssa.iai.^ WALNUT Street. The Polls will be open from 12 M. until 3 P- A - h- T. FRAILBY, Secretary, mhnit ___ HJ3C FHIUSKUPHU AXD RKADIIS gSEr railroad company, once j»»t sSuS fODITH Btreet, PHlLADBLPHlAj_Beptember J, 1563. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The followin,-named perecu are entitled to . Dividend on the Common Strok of thia Company. The residence of eeveral of them ie na kcown. and it U. therefor., neceae»ry that the certlt ■«&*£•* raSroiif.TOm 1 * STOCKHOLDERS’ NAMES. 8. La nc£ .ter, I Bern, John Mclntyre, Torner, Beni. F. Newport 1Mr..,8.W KP. NOXICE--WHR FIRST MEETING Cctrof the Corporator.?' the BESoi.a'iis MtNiaa COMPANY, uucer their Articles of Association, xnll od held Tt No. 3** WALNUT Strut, in the city of Pella delpliia. on the 2lat day of MARCH, l£6i. at 11 o clock A Si , for the purpose of completing the organization of the orporation and transacting JJTrw*R r Srog r netß BaHOOPBS. ‘ Two Associates under call Articles PHfTAPBT.PHTAI Mwh2r IBM.- mh4 Ist TY SECOND WAR! to date, in addition to thosi Pree« of February 9th, 10th, «... • _ first pb CbarlM P. p OK $lOO 00 J, H. Uickßon BO 00 Charlee Cambios— 8000 W. R'llch Wisler. i■ > 60 00 Sami C. Ford. 25 oo W. Wirier. 6r. 25 00 J. Horn..-.......... 20 00 William Hlr«h 16 £0 BUicott fisher 10 00 John Boardman..... '■ ? w E. Wync00p......... 6 00 Benj. Rowland * g J. H. Dickson 6 JO Georse Dickson,**" gUU F. Horn 0 00 * ’ Sr.COKD PI E. IT. SbaW. 7100 00 O. Michner £o oj Mrs. Atherton.****** 20 00 < Hennet Medara***..* 2il 00 C. R Roberts 20 09 C. Somers 20 00 . C B. Engle 10 00 Lewie Engle. 10 00 i Peter t bowers *. 10 00 Francis Metcalf 10 00 Henry Davis 10 00 .T. W. Berneviile... 1000 D. Engle fi 00 J. Engle. 5 00 THIRD rn EC I HOT. £dw. Blotz. ad $5O CO T. Wilson, ad $5 00 Matthew 8r00k5.... 25 CO H. Young, ad.o 00 Jas. S. Hnber. ad .. 20 oo Job. Hin, ad,, soo Benjamin Sharp 25 CO W. H. tlhapinan, ad, 500 Joseph Carson, ad.. 25 00 P. Booker, ad ...... 500 Mrs SI comaker 25 00 Tfaeo. Rufe, ad-..*.* 5 00 L. P. Thomson.*-.*« 25 00 Ed«r. Carr, ad....... 5 00 Isaac C Jones 25 00 W. Davis, ad: * 500 B. G. Godfrey, ad. 25 00 L. Eaatlack, ad 5 00 A. M. Watson 20 CO J. H. Wilkins, ftd.-- 5 00 •T. Budd .... 20 00 Michael Kaufman.*. sto J W. R00p... .... so 00 T. J. Gollady. S 00 A Jonas, Sr ........ 20 00 Alexander R0ya1.... 5 Off W. D. Johns 20 CO George Keese 6 00 John £htagie 10 00 W. Dankly 5 00. •lowph Fillg, ad.... 30 CO C. Garr 500 John Curry. 10 COM. Mehony 5 00 JohnOhapman 10 00 John Sties. 5 00 IsEacher6onmers,ad 10 (0 John C0nway....... 500 T. Bteore 10 CO A. Jones. Jr. 5 QQ W. Mills. 10 00 W N. Miller 5 CO W. W. Knight*. .*** 10 00 J> Gott*.coo Jop, Thurrman, Jr.. 10 oo W. Deal. sno J- F. Hays, ad 10 00 8. Gentle 350 W A. Church ID 00 C. Junkurth 300 John Allen, ad 10 to A. Buchanan 2 60 A A ucott 10 CO T. North, ad 2 60 Daniel Miller 6 00 P. Richards 2 50 J. Greib 5 00 A. Felser, ad*.•**.•• 2 50 J. Steiner 5 00 F. Broas.. 260 R, Harper. ad.‘.*..*«. 5 00 Geo Falling©!-., ad.. 6 00 T. Warner, ad 5 00 E. Bnchsnan, ad>... 5 CO •T. Wilson, ad 5 CO W. Gentry.’ad.* —* .* 5 00 T. Sboie. ad 6 00 T. FarkeT* ad 5 00 J. Burton, ad,*...... 500 B. Lhapman, ad.,,.. 5 0( Chas. Aryualts. ad* * 6 0( H. Bates, ad. 6 00 fourth r A. Mclntyre. * $lOO 00, George Ashmead.... 60 CO W. E. fitone. ad 50 00 C. W. Churchman.. &• 00 F. W. HcJmriy, ad. 60 00 Joseph Fattereon* • • • 50 00 Renj. R Smith, ad. 25 00 E. T. Chase 25 00 E. Reid Myers 25 CO I. Jack, ad...... 25 CO W. T Richards..... 25 00 W. M. Taylor 20 to C. Cheesenorough .. 20 CO M. L Burt 20 00 J. H*.-- 20 00 RArmetrong*....... 15 00 FIFTH P# W. C. Fcueton. ad*. $lOO 00 F. W. Walter 25 00 G. W- Hammersly, Jr 25 09 Geo. Layer**........ 25 00 c. b Spooner 26 oo Col. c. G. CLilds.... 26 CO H. F. fiobinaon...-- 25 00 G. Davidson, ad.... 25 00 J. Rowland, ad.-*.. 29 00 C. Kay 26 00 L. B. DeWitt 25 00 W- R. Dunton, M. D.. ad 20 00 Cbas Weiss, ad 20 00 E A Hunsicker.... 20 00 C.H-Kins.M.D. ,ad 15 00 J. 15 00 J. F. Adnson*.*.*«»• 10 C 0 W. Frszer. ad....... 1000 B. D. Dunning.....* 10 00 Jacob Ploydd 1C 00 Geo 8r0n50n....... 1000 Thos. Young, ad 10 00 8 K. Kelly 30 00 John Goodman 10 00 M K. Fence 10 00 H. Thomas, ad**.... 1000 J. Kinkier, an ...... 10 00 J. H. Smith 10 (0 J.C. Lutz WCO T. H Montgomery. 10 00 J. Leveriig......... 10 00 B. M Downs. MD. 10 00 Mr Lambd1n,....... 5 00 H. Benscn— 5 CO Ckeh................. 5 00 I*. K Shriver, ad... 5 00 Jas. 5 00 Christian Hess*.6 00 Geo. Shimple 610 Fred. Johnson6'o E. Mrinholtz. ad.... 5 00 W. B Hughes, ad . . 500 8. Y. Merrick, B H. Moore, J. H Orne, Jno. Robbins, Wm. Struthers* Wm. M. Tllghman, Geo Trott, 71108. Webster, Geo. Whitney, Geo. A Wood. George W. Childs. HIS TO THE TWKN- D BOUNTY FOND received (e already published m Th« . and 12th: &EGINCT. i J. Jones B. Brown. ..»• •- j*. Bang. T. Roa»h> W. Aldrid** "" > J. Sargent •••• J. (Jennings 3. Thomas! J* Wray W. Thom** J. Kerr* 1......* Cash per sundry per- „ utt-pn 125 03 •RECIHCT. T. nice $5 09 W. F. Medara. ...««• 0 00 Stephen Medira.** 5 00 J R. Evans.... 600 J. M. Stevens. 0 00 Jos. Wilt 6 00 St. Homliler. 6 00 C Kana.6 00 L, J. 0 00 A.E. imith.....*•**» 3 03 W. Egleston . . 200 W. Tyler.. 2 60 J. Smedly.26o P. Neavis.-.-k*...... 2 60 John Mott, ad .*..** 2 50 P. Bogle Smith 2 00 G. PaUSnger, Sr 2 00 J. Tates 2 00 J. Platt 1 00 Van Childs 1 00 W. little 100 $7OB 03 •RECr.VCT. [Bayard Butler, ad .. $l6 00 O, w. Otto 12 60 J. b. Fricke 11l (0 B, Pickering 10 00 G*S Johnson, ad.-. 10 00 F. A. Banian ...... to 00 James Hogg'.-——.- 10 00 W. J. Smith- J 10 00 A. Ormiastcad 6 00 N. Marple, ad.*.**** 6 00 j. L. Mason, ad...;. 5 00 D. Hinkle, ad 6 00 Henry Pyesoo LBCINCT «■ J G Shuler....,*— $5 00' W. Sh river, ad 5 03 W. S. Smith 5 00 J. E. Wi150n........ 5 00 W. Fulforlh 6 CO C O. Burkinan...... 5 03 W. F Gamble 6 03 Dr. Wadmpp 6 00 H- Freas.... 6 00 F. Zeiner 6 00 J. Ladley. ad 6 00 M Meehan.—...... 600 G. Bannister 4 00 J Jewitt... 400 J Hosoar 3 00 M. Ewart 3 00 G. Wander—, boo J, H Mastere 2 10 J. Bowman 3 00 J. McDonough 2 50 M. Eisanhm........ 2 50 H. Bicard 2 50 J Shrlver 250 3. A Lai are 2 60 J. McDevitfc 2 00 D. B, M0rre11....... 2 00 W. H Thomas, ad • 2 03 D. O’Brien 2 00 J. tfarkly . 2 00 J, Shrlver*.....—• 200 J. 8irch....... 160 C McArthur l 00 W. Goldthorp 1 00 John Grayson...**.* 1 03 J. Beil 100 Wm; Ehetthart;—.. i oo 8 Goodfellow* 1 on F. Lu John Stevens ) S Gorgas. I H, Berry... ) - ) Total SEVENTH : John N. Shugard-.*. $lO 00 Jos Ensiled »» SCO Join H. Gnyerad..,, 600 G*o. W. Wolfad.... 6 00 Wolf & Bio ad. 6 00 Shtrmer Z*ilad....- 5 co M. Walker 6 00 W.W. Suhert 6 30 EIGHTH P R. H.Gratz. ad $5O 00 S. H. Austin ... 60 00 J.E. Mitchell 50 CO W. B. Trotter, ad- - - 60 00 Geo* Shuck*'*. 25 00 Mattl>iaft Baas 20 00 Jos Cowperthwaite. 25 00 F Earp, Jr 26 00 W. Mills, ad 20 ot. Clayton Platt, ad- * 25 GO A. Groves',.Jr. ad-.- 25 00 W.C Stiles 26 00 J. J. Kreedler, ad... *25 00 Jo>. Bottemtein*.*.. 15 to Lewis 5t0ut......... 10 00 Jesee Hinkle 30 00 NINTH PB Tbos. Drake $260 00 ; C. H.' 50 00 Elwood Johnron.... 60 00 Geo. C. Thomas, ad. 50 00 1 B Homs' 36 00 Eiwood Johnson. &d 26 00 J. C Jenkins, ad.... 26 CO R. B. McCullough, ad 21 00 (J. P. Bayard, ad.... 26 00 Franklin Fire C 0.... 20 00 Geo. Nugent, ad..... 20 00 C. k Ideil. ad 16 00 Conrad Pibet, ad.,.. 12 9° J. 8ard51y*.......... 5 00 George Noiman-.... 6 00 Jamesßoney........ 6 00 C. N. Johnson, ad... t 5 CO Amount previously acknoi Grand total Total amount received from First Precinct $042 50 * “ ** Second Precinct...*..l,3l9 00 *» “ ” Third Precinct 3,714 00 “ •* *‘ FourthPreetnet......B 264 6’J •* Fifth Precioct... 2.146 25 “ *■ •» Sixth Precinct 2.A3100 “ •• “ Seventh Precinct..». 805 50 “ **® Eighth Precinct 1 25 t 4 “ •• Ninth Precinct.. 1,496 25 MONEYS EXPENDED. Paid thfifollowiDg bounties: _ 068) Onehundred and fifty thrse men s7seaoh.sll. 475 00 ( 50) Twenty-five men s6«esch. 1,250 W ( 87) Eighty seven men $30eacb................ 2,610 CO ( 62) Fifty two men $25 each * 1,300 00 317 men received bounty, expenses println g, fcc 118 46 Bslaice in hands of treasurer......mmm, $7BO No positive information has yet been received as to the exact number r* qalred to fill the Quota of theward. Ic is supposed that sixty additional men will be suf ficient. The above talarce, with what subscriptions may yet be receivect, will be appropriated to that purpose as soon as the men can be priearod. JAHEZ GATES, It Tr?Bfurer Twenty.second Ward Bounty Fund. ]y[oss & co., STATIONERS, BLANK-BOOK, and ENVELOPE MANOFADTUEERS, 433 CHESTNUT STREET, TWO DOOKS ABOVE PO3T OFFIOE. JUST REOEIVED. TITIAN COPYING PRESS. ATWATER’S PORTABLE COPYING PRESS, for-Army and Nav, Officer.- _ ATWa TEH’S PATENT NEWSPAPER FILES. . OPFirEBS’ DESPATCH AND OR BEK FILES. CONGBESS-TiS ENVELOPES, all «la». . Also, a fail assortment of STATIONERY, lor office and Conntlna-honseTiße. . , BLANK BOOKS made to order, and ruled to any pat tern, at low prices, at „„„„ MOSS & CO. s, mb!2 6t 433 CHESTNUT Street & SON, NO. 8 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PBINTERS AND STATIONERS. BLANK BOOKS, PAPERS, PENS, AND INKS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. Corporation*, Banks, and Business Men sapplled with everything tecees&ry for the Counting-room, mhll-lm J»APEB WABEHODSB. FARRELL, IRVING, & 00., 510 MINOR STREET. - Manufacturers of ROLL WRAPPERS. DOUBLE and SINGLE MEDIUM, CAP, and CROWN MANILLA, on hand, or made to order. Hllheat price paid for tope ill large or email Quanti ties. fc£s-3 m YOUR ONLY POBTBAITS REPBE- J- fiENTIRG you fully in expression and faatnres, outline >nd color* areß F. HBIMER’B LIFE-SIZS PHO TQGRsPß3.inQilColore.made at ABCBatreet It* TIIXOK’S &TQVB POLISH. GKO. F. GALE A CO., Whole.ale Aaeats, mhl2-lm* Nos. 4 and 5 CHtB rNU ? Street. VOTJ HAVE PROMISED YOUR nfiRTE DE VIBITE. and yet always neglect to have it taken. Go to REIHSb’3, SBCOSD street, above GkiEN. gnd get & beautiful lifertiko picture. it* A RTEBIAN "WELLS.—THE UNDER sigJJXD will contract with parties for sinking-walls os Oil creek. In Crawford and Venango counties. In this S Total. >wledsed .-..517,634 25 .$16,753 45 S. STEPHENS' NEW HOOK WILL BE PUBLISHED ON WEDNESDAY NEXT. THE WIFE’S SECRET, MBS. ANN S. STEPHENS, AUTHOR or “THE REJECTED WIFE," “FASHION AND FAMINE.” “THE OLDi HOMESTEAD," “MARY DEE WENT." “THE HEIRESS,” BTC . ETC Price $1 ltt Paper, or $1 50 In Cloth. 1 vol., 13mo* 560 Pages. Bead what the Editor of the Evening Bulletin says of it, after reading an advance copy. The Wife's Secret. By Mrs Awn S. Stephens. Published by T. B. Pltekson* & Bros., Philadelphia. We have read the advance-sheets of Mrs. Ana s. Ste phens'new booh, “The Wife’s Secret,” and can promise her admirers a characteristic treat. The story is one of domestic life, the scene being laid mainly in the vicinity of New York. The various persons who have their part in the nairative are strongly presented, particularly the different metnberaof the Bentley and Hart families. The character of Michael Hnrst Is also described with almost painful force. We will not weaken the interest of any reader by sketching the plot, but Will simply stale that no lover of the exciting in romance can fail to be eager to unravel its intricacies after reading the first few p&gee. Booksellers. News Agents, and all others, will please send on their orders at once for what they may want of either edition of “ The Wife’s Secret.” or of any or the other new ana uniform editions of the popular works of Mrs. Ann 6. Stephens. Published and for sale at the Cheapest Publishing and Bookselling Establishment in this country, which is at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS’, No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, To whom all orders must come addressed, and they will receive immediate attention. it JH E PUBLISHERS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW Bare the satisfaction of announcing that the demand for the work under Us new editors, (Meiers. James Bussell Lowell and Charles Eliot Norton,) lias been such as to exhaust alrncst entirely the first edition, and that they WUliesue, on Monday next, . A REPRINT OF THE JANUARY NUMBER, FROM NEW STEBEOTYPE PLATES. An event unparalleled in the. history of Be view Litera - Hire in this country* The articles in this number, by able writers, upon sub* j fi’Salerooma 704 CHESTNUT Street, Wheeler & Wil sons Bowing Machine Agency. mhl2‘sw&s6t ATOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, from $1.50 to $7.80 cents a pair, somelof which 'are as elegant in effect as ihe most expensive Embroidered Lace Curtain, at about one-tenth the cost. NOTTINGBAM LACE BED-SPREADS, $3.50, $4, $5, axd $6 each—a novelty NOTTINGHAM LACE TOILETS, or TIDIES, small, medium, large, and very large, with and without fringe, some of which na suitable for Pillow Covers, ranging in price from.B cents to WHITE MUSLINfe. Would invite attention to several lots of Dotted and Figured Swiss Muslins. PLAID. CAMBRICS. AND SWISS MtTSLINS. 4-4 and 5-4 Soft and Hard-finish CAMBRIC I lot of exceedingly fine JaCONBT for 75 cents; 75 by the piece. Another lot at6scen*s; 60by tbe piece. 1 lot ore-4 FBEHCH JACONET at 75 cents. 4 lots of very fine SWISS at 50, 55,60. and 65 cents ' Host Of the White Goods offered are but a trifling H.d» vance on old prices, and much under regular prices at the present time. The readers of The Press are respect fully informed that the largest Stock of Laces and Em broideries, always under regular prices. ma^Mba^found at LACK AND EMBROIDE «Y STORB. Jt*. go. 38 Morth EIGHTH Street, T'AGG & BRO., OOBNBK TENTH A and PINE, open Bargains from Auction: 1 lot heavy Scotch Liaperß, $3 per piece. _ 1 lot very fine and heaw Scotch Diapers. 94 per piece. * 1 lot very fine bird-eye Diapers, 62}$c per yard. Hot fine White Dress Piques, small figures, 44c. 13ot white ground colored figures Piques, heavy *°l°Sft {topieces) *hier Swiss Muslins, 29, 28, 31,37, and 60c. l*)ot 4 4 Linens, white and buff ground, small figures, 62 Summer Balmoral Skirts, purple and black ctripes. 93. 1 lot all-wool Stripe Sblrtisg Flannels, 76c. 1 lot Gents' colored and black sick Neck Tie*. 25c. Dot ladies’ fancy top lisle thread Gloves, 25c. 1 lot Misses' silk and lin* n fancy Cod Gloves, 31c. 1 lot 3*4 double damask Table Napkins, very fine, 97 per dozen. 1 lot Stripe all-wool Broche Shawls, 95. Hot all-wool filling Shepherd's Plaid, 37}tfc. 1 lot 8 4 hand-room Table Damask, all linen, 91.26 per yard llot Quaker Hoop Skirts, kid finish, $1.25 and 9L76. 1 lot Ladles’ sheer all-linen corded-border Hdkfs -15 c. Hot Gents' very fine colored:border all linen Hand kerchiefs. 600. 1 lot extra heavy Linen Buckabaek, wide. 44c. 1 Jot very heavy Twilled Crash 2Cc per yard. Also, several lots Dress Goods, Plaid Muslins,Shawls, Handkerchief’. Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Ac., Ac., all at discount from regular prices • mn!2 Zt CPLENDID DRESS GOODS. La we s, Challies, and Grenadines, Figured and. Plain Poplins, new colors, Black Silks, from 9l- 26 to 92. . , Pongees, of brown and black mixtures, All the new shades of Alpacas. Now open at JOHN H. STOKES , mbi2‘ yoa ARCH Street. TINEN GOODS, OF ALL KINDS, L EXTRA CHEAP.-Heavy hand-loom Table Linens, at S7Kc. 90c. and 91: unbleached Table Linen at 75c, S7Kc, and $1; half-coiton at 62}£e 76c. and 87}£c; bleached do, pure Linen. 75c, S7}ic., 90c, 9L and $2.25; extra width and quality at $1 S7}£, 91 50, fl 76. and 92 I am now selling grevt quantities of these on account of their cheapsees. ..... NAPKINS of every variety: damask and snowdrop at 9&t heavier do at 92 60 and $3; extra quality at $4, and $6. DOYLIES at $1 60 and $2. either plain or with red border; also, colored for fruit. TOWELS with Ted and blue borders, with and without fringed ends, at $2.25; fine do., with bolder aU around, at 93; extra size do., fringed, at 93.60; very fine do.* at 94.60 IJIAPEBING of all widths. Riehnid son’s heavy HOUSEWIFE LINENS forfamllv use, at fiCc, 62Hc» 65c, 7Cc, 7Gc, and 87}£c. These are very desirable, being exfra heavy. , , ■" HUCKABACK, both bleached and half bleached, at 26c. 3UdCt «J£o. 40c aiidOOe. LINEN SHEETINGS of the Barnsley make, at 91.60 and $1 76 One lot. 12-4 wide, at $1 75. Three bales, txtra wide, heavy CRASH, at 14c and 16c i better and finer at 18c and 20c GRANVILLE B HAINES, mL7-mlawelt 1013 market Btrooi. .Lava Ton til. 4 000 dollars. JOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS IN BLACK We n' w offer the greatest bargains in BLACK GIRO BE XcHIASS ever offered in the city. ' Heavy Black Silks at 81,25 yeryard. £ eavy Black Mika at ®L 87 per yard. Heavy BJackfcilke ats'.Mperyard. 34-inch-wide heavy Black bilks at 81.82 par yard, - The above goodaare a great bargain We desire to turn them Into cash immediately* and give our customers every chance. THOMAS SIMPSON * SONS. mb9wths-3t 033 and 034. PINE Street. MILLINERY GOODS. 1864. _ 1864. WOOD & CART, 725 CHESTNUT STREET, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. F. B.—MERCHANTS AND HILLINSKS are invited to examine before pnrchaslni. aa oar STOCK IS PULL and PRICES LOW. mbs.2m WOOD A CART. P. A. HARDING & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, No. 4:13 ARCH STREET. rHILADELrHLA. mh3-2ni 7THE BEST ASSORTMENT OP HEAD- DBBSBEB. neat Fancy Cap», French Flowers, can be had at No. 004 ARCH Street. It* OBANGES. SCO boxes Palermo Oranges. - 100 bt zee tteebina Oranges iQ boxes Palermo Lemons. CO bt-xes Messina lemons. Jnetla ß dt»,. a ndfor g fobv MJtWltl . lAM3 miill 10T Sontir WATER Strut. WE HAVE LEARNED NOT TO BE ’ ' utonlahed at anything. Year, of experience, and a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe, have tamed theories into facts and established a basis from which we need not err. We are sot surprised at such facte as the following, although tbe persons who write them are. We know the persons and circumstances,- hence feel at to their statements: ' New Brdfjrd, Mass., Nov. 24, 1863. * Dear Bru : I have been afflicted many years, with severe prostrating cramps in my limbs, cold feet and hands, and a general disordered system Physicians and medicines felled to relieve me. While visiting some friends in New York, who were uring Plantation Bitters, they prevailed upon me to try them. I commenced with a small wine-glassful after dinner. Feeling better by de grees, in a few days I was astonished to find the coldness and cramps had entirely left me, and I could sleep the night through, which I had not done for years I feel like another being. My apatite and strength have also greatly improved by the use of the Plantation Bitters. “Respectfully, JUDITH RUSSEL.” PANTS, &c. PL ANTATIO.VBITTERS, Bbbdbbury, Wls„ Bopt. 16, 1863. ** * * I have been In the army hospital for four teen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, 111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * * * Three bottles restored my speech and cured me. * C. A. FLAUTE.” The following is from the Manager of the Union Home School for the Children of Volunteers: • M Havbmetbr Mansion, Fiftt-sevbnth Sr.. New York, August 2,186 k “ db. Drake : Tour wonderful Plantation Bitten have be** given to some of oat little ohildren, suffering from weakness and weak lungs, With most happy effect. One little girl, in particular. with pains in her head* loss of appetite, and dally wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with bat a teaspoon fal of Bitten a day. Ber appetite and strength rapidly Increased, and she is now well. Respectfully. Mrs. O. M. DEVOB.” '* * * * I owe mnci to yon, (or I verily believe tbe Plantation Bitten have saved my life. Kev. W. H. WAOQOKEB. Madrid, S. 1." • • Thou wilt eend me two bottle* more of thy Plantation Bitter*, My wife has been greatly benefit** by their nse. Thy friend* ASA CORBIE, Philadelphia, Pa." *•+ * + I hare been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and tad to abandon preaching. * * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me. Bbt. J. S. CATHOB.N, Rochester, IT. T.” “ * * * I have given the Plantation Bitters to Ban dreda of onr disabled soldiers with the most astonishing aW. D. AWDBBWB* ' Superintendent Soldiers' Home* Cincinnati, 0." “ * * * The Plantation Bitters have eared |me of liver complaint, of which I was laid op prostrate and had to abandon my business. . _ * H. B KINGSLEY, Cleveland. 0.” ** * * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acta like a charm. • C. C. MOORB. No. 254 Broadway.” : Ae.« &c.« dee.* dee., ' tu., die. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer: They are composed of the celebrated Callsaya bark, win' tergreen, sassafras, roots, herbs, *e., all preserved In perfectly pore St. Croix rum. - *■ S. T.—lB6o.—X. Persons of sedentary habits. troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis tress affcrr sating, torpid Uver* constipation &c.« deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical autho rities, and are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure* and harmless. Notice— Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters in balk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. It is put np only In our log-cabin bottle. Beware of bot tles refilled with imitation deleterious staff, for which several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the coik, «»««• Hinted, and oar signature on eteel-pl&te side label. 8o)d by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe.* P. 11. DRAKE * CO., fe2S-tnth«3m »08 BROAD WAY. INSURANCES COMP AN] rj*HE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, AnmUty, and Treat Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE No. 408 CHESTNUT STREET, MUTUAL INSURANCE COMBINED WITH.THE SHOT KITY op A CAPITAL— CHaBTEKED IN 1838. CAPITAL AND ASSETS JANUARY 1, 166*, SI, 834.393.191 MANAGERS: THOMAS KIDSWAY, JOHN A. BROWN. BOBEBT FEABSALI, JOHN B. LATIMER. THOMAS P. JAMBS, JOHN C. MITCHELL, GEOHGK TABaB, SRTH 1 COSTLY. JOHN R. SLACK. _ ISAAC STARR. HENRY G. FREEMAN. STaOY B. BABOROET, NR P. JBBKS. JOBN F. JAMESt Actuary and Treasurer- THOM_AS_BID&WAY, President, OEBIN BOGEBS, Geteral Agent. The Girard Life and Trust is ooe of the oldest ana most substantial Companies in the United States. It has always oeen conducted-upon the principle that the primary object lnsurance iff unquestioned security to the insured ' , With this ■view of Life Insurance. It commenced Dim ness nearly thirty years ogo t upon the joint stock prin ciple, with mutual privileges, and with an adequate cash capital. In 1844 the Company declared the first BONUS to its in sured members for whole of Life, thus affording all the advantages of mutual insurance. . , , frince that period, all insurers for the whole of Life, have participated in the profits, and which are constant ly on the Increase. • x , • , Its premiums are as low as that of any other good com pany, and as is consistent with the proper security to the insured. These may be paid quarterly . semiannual ty, or annually 411 its privileges ate liberal, and it 3 payment of losses prompt. It has never contested a THE TEN-YEAR FLAK. This popular system or Life Insurance enjoys all the advantages of profits as other whole life policies. ‘ Those of our citizens who contemplate insuring their lives for the benefit and protection of their families, are earnestly Invited to examine the principles upon which the Girard Life Insurance Company is conducted before enterint into engagements with those who hold out in ducements of extravagant profits, which may result in a disappointment to those most dear to them, at a time when the benefits of Life Insurance are the most essen tial to .their welfare. ..... Pamphlets and Circulars explanatory, with all other information, maybe obtained by'calling at the Office of the company, 4:08 CHESTNUT, above Fourth. WANTED—Competent Local Agents in all the princi pal cities and towns in Pennsylvania,'where there are not already agencies established. ~ ~ Those des'TOus of agencies will please address the General Agfertof the Company, It* {STATEMENT OF 'JHE O HOWARD INSURANCE GONPANY, OF HEW YORK. OFFICE NO. 60 WA.Lt. STREET. CHARTERED 1835. _ „ JAKUAKT IST, 1864. Cash Capital Kso,rai eg Gftoss assets 411,770 84 Consisting of— . . , ’ Cash on hand and on deposit In Phoenix and Manhattan Banks . •••■ •••• *14,935 86 Special deposit with United States Treasury Dependent 16.000 00 Beal Estate owned by Company unencum bered— e AA In New York city, premises No. BB Wall 5treet......,..* S6S»OW ' House and lot in 8r00k1yn.. 2,000 tv 67,000 00 Stocks owned by Company at mar sec value— „„ Bank Stcck ..$43,750 00 United States, New York state, and New Foik city stock..... *129,950 00 m Loans on Mortgages, on Beal Estate, being first liens, (worth in the ag gregate $315,6:0).. Bad) fences due from agents premiums unpaid. Interest accrued, and rents on Beal Estate.-.-. LIABILITIES. Claims for losses unadjusted- ■ ••• ■* Unpaid Dividends, Ac $13.895 37 SAMUEL T. SKIDMORE, President Henry A. Oarlsy, Becretary. Tne above old-eetabiished Company are now prepared to issue polioteg on merchandise generally, vessels in port, and cargoes, furniture, dwellings, Ac.,at current rates, through their agent in tbie city. Office of Agency No. 31* WaLNUt Street. Phila. mhl-tuthsl2t FORMAN P. HOLLISSHEID. Agent. •DEPORT OF '> HE MASSACHUSETTS JA MUTUAL LIFE INBDBANCE COMPANY, JANUARY Ist, 1304. Loans secured by bond »nd moitg *iiin.s»a,2so w United States and Bana Stocks «*•••' *• 133,690 60 Loans to Policy Holders —— 207.37147 Stock held as collateral by the Company.***** 20.060 00 Interest on deferred premiums 60.254 76 Cash on hand and deposited, and la course of _ transmission. * • 14 167 36 Guarantee Capital. 100,000 00 Beal Estate *+** ** 12,000 00 Cash received in past year. Loan V otes ....... v ...... v .... Interest received from In-restmeatß Income firom other 50urce5....'..... Amount paid by ** Keturued Premium.* * * Bstu rued Interest.... “ Dividends •* Expenses Los.e» reported, *l7. COO . Bo Glalms Ccn.etted by the Company. _ O. RICE, President. F B. BACON, Secretary. GEORGE F. WILLS. Agent and Attorney. mhs stnth6t* Office. 400 WALNUT St, Phila., Pa. T7OBMAN F. HOLLINSHB A.D, J- No. 312 WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA, INSURANCE BROKER AND ADJUSTER. Marine Losses Adjusted. Marine Fire. Inland, and Life Insurance effected in the most reliable Companies at reasonable rates, with out CHARGE TO THB ASSURED. AU business relating to Insurance attended to promptly and carefully. _ , FOBMAH F. HOLLINSHKAD’S 1 INSURANCE AGENCY. No. 313 WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Agent for the following first-class Companies: HOWARD INSURANCE Co , OF NEW YORK. 1825.) cash capital. $250,000. ADRIATIC FIRS IfffeUBANCB CO., OF NEW YORK. (Organized 1858 > CASH. CAPITAL $BOO,OOO. COMMERCIAL FIRS INSURANCE CO., OF N. YORK. CAS^^APITAL? 8 *2«>.000. MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF N. YORK. „. (Organized 1859 ) CASH CAPITAL *200.000 _ _ ‘ALBANY CITS FIRE INSURANCE, OF ALBANY. N Y. (Organized 1B60.) mhl-12t CASH CAPITAL. S9CO.COO. pABTES DE VISITE, PLEASING IN style, and artistic In execution, and life-like In *?- pearanoe, are made at B P. REIMER’S popular Gal lery, 6% & Arch street. Go early. ** — TTEATON& DENOELA, HARDWARE JGL Comml»ionMerehimt«. 50T COMMEBCB and HO NORTH Streets, offer for»ale: Anchor Brand Palls: Plymouth Millßlyets W. *B. Butcher’s Cast Steel;Bagle<>bliiet Locke. Putnam's Horse Nails; Locke s School Slates. fnuML Brass, and Iron wire; Cotton Cards. ai?o7a fall assortment of American Hardware. feC-fimif /\A.SHPBIC>SOF Kj patent RIVETED OA 1 in*h. iwrronaln*foot. 9c| « *• “ *» .fc:c 4 “ “ " -SRc 6 «» ** “ .fiOc 6 V •' " .72c I fotfrinedi&to Widths In pr jas. a mhlOEt* A YOUNG MAN WANTED IN A DRY GOODS STOBE-one wfco ,K ' m « «t*>- rieccfl Apply to BDWIN HALL &GO , inhl2-2t 30 Sooth SECOND A LADY WISHES A SITUATION AS Housekeeper, or to take char o* a a invalid lady. Reference given. Call or address Housekeeper. No. MIS WALE Pr street mMI 6t» AGBNTS WANTED TO SELL THE STANDARD HISTOBT OF THB WAK, A*»» Aance to make money. Agent, are clearlnf from *l.lOl to *2oopet month. 200 000 volnme. already Bold. Sand for 8 - v 4^ re *‘ J °SES, BEOS., A 00.. Publish?/., mh7-tmhl7» ' EALTIMOBB. Md. PRINTERS WANXED. WANTED, the D«W?, S?*S a addltlo “ a i. Comnoaltote tit work on iSii i“,5 l CongroßSi BIXTT CENTS per 1.003 ami J'AL 1 ho paid. Bone but tolerably f M t and “clean" compaaltorswlU answer the pnrpoae. WAaniPfOTOB. March 8. 1601. JOIIS TWANTED—A BOY IN A WHOLE •a? ®4?sS-HaBDWAHE BTOBE. SmalUalarypaid Address W,’ Pre»» office. mtaMt- WANTED-IN A JOBBING DRY * * Goods House, a lad from 16 to 18 years of »ge a.s entry clerk: must be a good penman; correct and Quick at figures. Addrsi a Box 1229 Philadelphia P. O. u* WANTED—BY A SINGLE GENTLE MAN, a Furnished Room.’with Board, in a private family. between Walnut and Vine, and Fourth and Eighth atreets, Address *’Joseph »”thio office. mhl2-2t* WANTED—TO BENT, A LOT. SUIT 'F f ABLY located for a Coal Yard. Address •‘J. B Box 0377 Post Office. ' mh!2-2t WANTED TO BENT—A STORE, ON V* ellhor MARKS! or THTBD Etreet. Addressi “S.B. J..” Prr** Office. . mhll -Sf WANTED—IN A DOMESTIC DRY * * Goods Commission House - , an energetic Y'OUNG MAN. Good reference required. Address ,k Alpnens, this office. mhll 2t* 139,940"00 11,1908 #411,770 84 .#18.659 00 298 37 ..#167 490 77 68 480 00 38 786 63 .. 6,(00 00 51.800 00 16,388 98 325 12 7.6.9 26 , 53,606 94 HOYT BBOTHBBS’ iK LEATHBB BKLTINO. | JO inches ......,..$lOB 12 inches. I S 2 141neh.e5*.............. 161 Inches. 1 90 20 a 63 >pATtion. BU-MNGTOH. Agent. 45 3. FBONt Street, WANTS. ‘ WANTED—A LAD WHO WRITES a good hand, to assist in a Counting Boom, An excellentchancA to acquire a Knowiedgeor-BooK-kenping, Address Box 1564 Post Office mh!o-3t» WANTED, BY MAY Ist,. A NEAT ' STORE. In the central part of the- city. Bent from *760 to #l.OOO Addrc.a Box 2609 Port Office. nrhlO 3t* WANTED —THREE PERFECT copies of ‘‘THE PRESS ” «f Anzosk 201 h, 1833 A good price will he paid for thorn at khl> Office mtlO-tt WANTED - CLOTHING.—PEBSONS * * having Clothing to dispose of will please call on or address C- MtLLBB, jaC-tutbaSm* No. 303 CHBBTNUT Street. wr nnn —wanted, a partner 5?,?yVV* with this amount, in a Sash, Door, and Moulding Mill* doing a good cash buaineae. Address or SKKJy.I?. E at the Mill, GIRaRD Avenue and' VIBNNA Street. Kensington. It* 1 000 * l6 ‘°oo, $lO,OOO, AND nP'^'vjVJUVJ, Ollier sums to Loan on Urst-clasa Mor zsge Eecnrllies, at FIVE PEE CSNT. for a term of years. S. KINGSTON McOAY, mhio-3t» ' 4:81 WALKDF street. £ nnn wanted —on- supe TH and WALNTJT* 2d floor. mhlZ-at* M for sale—a valuable BUSINESS PROPERTY on. MARKET Street, near Nineteenth; the lot extends through to Jones street. The front building Is about 60 feet deep, and four stories high, with two pt*ry iron front. Also, a large three story BUILDING in the rear. 22 b 7 50 feet, suitable for a J> B OIBWIU.AOSR. IQS South FOPBTg Street. zpannfactoiyi 0* Fob SALE—HOUSE NO. 1516 N. JIH. TWELFTH Street, 12 roomss lot 17 by 11S: two fronts. be sold low. Apply on premises. mhll-6c* ®FOB SALE—ONE OF THE handsomest location*, and best improved country seats, on CHESTNUT H!LL, with aboat 9 acres of land. Addreps Box 920* Philadelphia P. O, mhB-tafs3t*lf Mfob sale—the NEAT, COM PORTABLE three-.tory HOHSB, w\tl: 3-story back bnliaines. S»T YKANKLIN Bt. Price $5.0 0. mhll-3,» « HANDSOME MANSION. WITH VA (or 5) Acm, Shade. Fruit, St c.. for SALS or BX CHARGE, GERMAN TOWN. nea» a station. Price. J/edaeroittce. mhSl-2>*r m GERMANTOWN PROPERTY •fi-IFOK SALE by M Thomas St Son, on TUESDAY, Blarch 15.—A large aid convenient HOUSE, on CHURCH LANE, in the country, yet near to railroad station. mar&ets. store?, churches. &c It has heater, hot and cold hydrant water* and a w«U of excellent water, gas. and lona porches. Lawns on three sides, well shaded with fine old trefts. A good stone stable end large kitchen garden. The pro perty will be shown by the tenant . Terms easy. ISAAC PU3H, mfcB 6tU» No. 4Q7 WALRUT fctreet 3d story. SPLENDID MANSION ANPgfi COUNTRY SEiT FOB SALE. The subscriber of era for sale a very elegant MANS fON HOUSE, situate at the corner of MANHEIM and GREEN Streets, Germantown. The bouse is ‘5O feet square, with spacious back building, built of etone, and finished in the very fce&t manner, regardless of expense, with Urge SAloon parlor, spacionß ball, and staircase or solid oak; large dining-room, pantry, with fire-proof and kitchen on the fin t floor; four large chambers, bathroom with ail the modern convenitnces, and library on the second floor, and four chambers on the third floor; gas and water throughout, with stationary washst&nds; cellar paved throughout, and very dry. Tfae stable and Barns are complete, Fine Garden in good order. The umst attractive feature consists in the OLD SHADE AND LYEBGBEBHS, combining one of the mo&t attrac tive places to be fonnd in the country. There are about EIGHT ACRES OF GROUND in the the Estate. Convenient to Wayne and Duy’s Lane Stations, and near the Main street. Can be eeen any day in the week. For further ffrtOUn *™'V£wiS H. RETtHBB mhl2-stn2t* No. 18» South FOURTH Street. gfi TO CAPITALISTS—FOR SALE, a handsomely-located tract of L4ND, in the Twee ts -fourth ward, within a short distance of the new Park. Fine impiorements are extending rapidly in that direc tion. It will be * Bored at about one'half of what th* adjoining property can bo sold for to-day. Gall and see the plan I>. 8. GADWALLADEB. mh!2 6t* 108 South FOURTH Street. ®FOR SALE—MILL PROPERTY and 100 acres of land, near Millville* 2T J. FAlt M» V&H acres, near Tanetiorough, Sf J*. * * -30 acres. Gloucester £* acres* near Princeton. NJ. *• 90 acres, near Bridgeborcush. N. J “ 6 000 acres tinber land, Bedford countv* Fa. “ 1.2C0 acres, near Milford, Delaware. Cottage and small farm* near Bastleton B. F. GLENN, IWS Soutß FOURTH. Street. Oil, CIOTHS, &c. G. W. BLABON * CO., MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, No. 12* NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Offer to the Trade a mil Stock of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS. GBEEH-GLAZED OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW mhl-2m SHADBB. QEORGE W, T=LIXjTj, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in CARPETINGS, MATTINGS, RUGS. ALSO, COTTON AND WOOLEN TARNS. At very Low Prices. No. 106 NORTH THIRD STREET. ABOVE ARCH, mhl-Hu Philadelphia. CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. Q.REAT OPENING OF CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. prow sEiiMNa at smAtirs. 3.000 DOZ. CORN BROOKS. 3,C00 DOZ. FANCY FAINTED BUCKETS. I.OCO NESTS CEDAR WASH TUBS. S.OOO CEDAR-CTAFF AND BARREL CHURNS. 1,000 DOZ. WILLOW MARKET BASKETS. 3,000 BALES COTTON-WICK AND TIE TARN, 2,000 BALES BATS AND WADDING. RETICULE BASKETS. OIL CLOTHS, LOOKING GLASSES. CORDAGB. *«.. *c. All Goode are sold at the Manufacturer’s Loweat Cash Prices, Orders promptly Ailed. ROWE & EUSTON, IST and 159 NORTH THIRD BTBEET. mM. 2m Three Poors below Race. OF REMOVAL. The nnderelrned wonld Inform their friend* »nd the fgSSt KfMlfcSZ tfSar"* f ' omt^ol4 gFLKNDID NEW WAREROOMS, No. »U ARCH STREET, where they will continue the sale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BURNERS, &c. Having associated with our house Mr GHARI3S PAGE, (formerly the Principal Designer for Corueliu* « Baker,) we are now prepared to execute orders for 0« Fixtures of all grades ana designs, from the plainest to the most massive and elaborate, VAN KIRK 4- b* M - K. RICHARDSON. To Hon. Jame» Poilocr, Prof Maguire,Key. Alfred Ne» vm. D. D. * and others TICKETS 25 CENTS. For rale at GOPLD’S, SEVENTH ‘and * CHESTNUT and at PUGH’S. SIXTH and CHESTNUT, mbio thgjft GBOVEB’S CHESTN UT -STfiBET THEATER GRA»D RAMfLY MATIBEE . this (Satnrdßy) APTERNOOH. March 12, ■Rten will be presented the great Irish Scenic Drama, _ . THE OOLLEEI HAWK. of Admission is fixed at £d cents to all parts Of sr JL^ B J*n Tickets admit three persons Children, Family ci'de. 25 cents. No reserved seats. Poors op«n at2o r clocki commence at h%, r>« MA^Ti T aQ; II i GHr ’ COLLEEN BaWN. _On MONDAY* TICKEr-OF-LgaVA MAN. WALNOT.STBEIT THBATBB. Of actreee, OnYVhich oeesatonehe will appsarln two "Dramas Hist time tbm j dramattiathm-of TBB WEPT OF THE WlBa-ToVwfafi f MONDAY, EDWrW ADAMS will aopsar, MBS. JOHN DBEW’S NEW ABOH -tu street thsatbe. LAST NIOHT OF MKS. JOHS DREW. THRILLING DRAMA AND ROARING COMEDY. l2. ISH. Ob, A WlFJs’s Bevbnoe. AsnesßeVero-...» * Mrs. John Drew Oliver Dob»B. etuart Robson. Alfred De Yere...-. .....Mr. Gosaio. To conclude with the Roaring Comedy pf . PAULTRY. PhneVe.... Mrs. John Drew. Paul Pry ... ......Stuart Robson. MONDAY—Mr. and Mrs. BARNEY WILLIAMS. *\TRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH. STREET THEATRE. fm. * AN® MRS BARNEY WILLIAMB* The celebrated Comeitians.and original impersonators of THE PECULIARITIES OF IRISH AND YANKBE LTFB,- Will commence a orief engagement MONDAY EVENING, March 14th, 1834. On which occasion they will appear It* IN TWO ; F IBKIB VERY BEST PIECES, TOM KING’S CrBEAT EXCELSIOR CIRCUS TKOTTpE, from BsUlmore and Washlbg ton—NATlONAL HALL, MARKET above Twelfth strePt—will open for the reason on SATURDAY AFTER NOON, 12th inst, conurtencLngat 2’a o’clock. Perform ance in the EVENING, commencing at 7.40 o’clock. . The troupe is composed of come of the most famous ceUbritiee in the world. The renowned, dashing, and' daring French Equestrian, Mile. JOSEPHINE TOUR. NAIRE, will make her first appearance on Saturday nttf?* 0 ?' cbe A Pl f aB l?,K ™ graceful Mile. Vi^ GINIA. in single and double prineipai acts of Eanss trisnism: JAMES DBMOTT. the thrilling sommersaalt and principal riders JAMBS - REYNOLDS eocentrlo Clown and comic >inger; JAMES WARD.popular Clown and performer on the clond-swirg: PHILO NATHANS, the intrepid vanltersiid Bommerßaultequestrian; LOUIS ZiBFRvTTA, the acrobat and grmnast, stilts, hoop ring and MVisging cord, trapeze, Jeaptr, &ud tumbler; Mobs. SOCHELLC recently from Schleswig-Holstein, a great German gymnfttt; WM. NAYLOR, the dating ' bare-back hurdle-act, bars, gates and swing Jrarer: GEO. WAMBOLD* the celebrated contortionist; WILLIAM atd HENRY NEILL, brothers, the most ia teres«ing and pleasing gymnasts, and horizontal-bar artistes; WM, H. GBJBFN, ihe modern Sampson and six-horse rider; EDWARD WOODS, the scenic and ccmic rider. Also, the wonderful mnl*s, Tom and .Terry* recently obtained at Acapulco. Mexico. Torn Kifgwili exhibit his great Batoute Leaps rforlflfeaeh exhibition ADA.IBBION, 25c«nte. Stage seats, 50 cents; Private box, $3; Galleiy. 15 cents. Mallut-e every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, commencing at and 7 4J' o’clock. • - mhlO "RUBVENTH-ST* OPERA HOUSE, -AA “THE FAMILY RESORT ” a»D DIXKV’B MINSPB.OLS, THE GRBAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORIID* In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing* Laughable* Bur lesque*. Plantation Semes, ftc.. Ac., bv TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS. BVBRY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tick*tg 26 cents Doors cnen at 7 o’clock. fe27-3m J. L OARNOBOSS. Meoayer TBB great picture a AT CONCERT HALL LECTURE BOOM For a short season. OPEN EVERY EVENING JOB A SHORT SEASON. J, Insco Williams’ celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This is the most complete and finished Faintmg of Us Sacred Scriptures in the world, *omtrl*lugovaif fifty af the mo>t SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES Of the first three thousand years of Biblical History, forming eltogethor one thf* finest exhibitions of the sg« . OP* If EVERY EVENING at haif pas* 7 O’clock. Admission 25 cents. N. B. Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday after noons, at 3 o’clock. Admission for Children 15 cents, few Isa fJERMANI A ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, ft 3 o’clock, ». M« at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single tickets & cents. Packages of eix ticket*, fil To be had at AJg -DRE’S. 110* CHESTNUT Btreet. J E GOULD. SB TENTH and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door, feli-tf PENN BY EVA NX k ACADEMY OF A THE FINE ART*, 1095 CHESTNUT hTRRKT. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. kill 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price EDITCATION AT** A MUSICIAN, FULLY COMPETENT, withes to take charge of the Choir of a Fro:estant Church, or to fins Tenor in a qnaneUe. Addressee* nor, ’ Ledcer office It* T’BACHUtS OF EVERY BRANCH OF A EDUCATION for Schools or Families may be found, free of chars*, at the Philadelphia Teachers’lnstitute, a«? South THIRD Street if THE greatest EDUCATIONAL a ENTERPRISE IN THIS COUNTRY.— BRYANT. STRATTON. A CO.’S INTERNATIONAL CHAIN OF COMMERCIAL COLLEGES, established in nineteen of the principal cities if the United States and Canada, with a daily attendance of upwards of fonr thousand young men and ladies The PliUndejnhia Colldfce. loosied at the southeast cor nef of SEVENTH Htd CHBBTNUr Streets, undor th* mansjreinert of H B. BRYANT, H. D. STRATTON, and LEMUEL BANNISTER, assisted by an able corps of Pro* feeaora In the various departments, Is an important link in the International Chain, and atands pre-eminent in the States as a school of preparation for the duties of active business life. A scholarship ptirchared at this Institution entitles the holder to continuous or temporary intimation. In any of the Colleges, at any time of bis life. Young men who enter this school can secure the readiest means of honorable and lucrative employment-* a eound business education. It dEOEOE A NEWBOLD HAVING leased EATON ACADEMY, BENNETT SQUARE. Chester county, expects to commence a Spring Session there the llth of Fourth Month (AnriL) For circulars* address Geo A. Newbold. Jenkintown, Montg. CO ,PL, till the 4th inst.. or Wm. Chandler, Bennett Square, Chetter county. Pa mhll-lm* “DRYANT, STRATTON & BANNIS STATE AND NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COL LEGE. S. E. cor. SKVENTH and CHESTNUT.—lnstruc tion in Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Commercial Onl culatiofis.Btuiaesft Pennmanshfp, Business Correspond ence, apd Telegraphing. An excellent opportunity for young men to prepare themselves In the moat effective manner for the duties of active business, life, by attend ing either day or evening. Call, or send for a Circular. m(Mt* , RORDENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE, BOEDER.TOWN, N. J. This Institution is pleasantly located on the Delaware river, V 4, hour’s ride from Philadelphia. Special atten* tion is paid to the common and higher brae she* o 1 ENGLISH, and superior advantages furnished in Vow and Instrumental Music. FRENCH taught by native. ana £ ol^°l£Si.‘id^ Jal4-9ra» . President. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY, T NEAR MEDIA, FA.—Pupils received at any time. English, Mathematics, Classics, and Natural Boien«e» taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and Civil En gineering taught. Entlie expenses about $3 per’week. Boys Of all ages taken. Sefera to Wm. H Earn, ex- Sheriff * John cj. Cauu & Co. * No, 23 South Third atreeti and Thomas J, Clayton. Esq. .Fifth and Trane street*, Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green. P*. nofl-tf MILITARY, SGENEBAX BEOBDITING OFFICE, No. 611CHBSTKUT Street RECRUITS WANTED for all the old A AETIIitBBT. and . IMFANIRSr REGIMENTS, now in Fervlce. railed in this STATS. A few good men can yet be ealisied for the Sim Artillery (bight) P. V . and for the Third Artillery (Heavy) P. V., stationed at Fortress Monroe, Va , by applying at this office inns* dlately. BOUNTIES. Veteran Voluate ers • * ■ wra All other Voionteera. —• $343 cash in hund. Re'rnits will be accredited tj any locality in the State of Penn sylvanla they may desire* and receive the local bounty. CHAS. N. GADW SLtiIDER. Capt. and General Becraiting mtis-et* FINANCIAL. dBREVE & KENDRICK, No. 23 WIL CJ LIAM Street.NEW YOBK; Office. No 15._ County, City, bud Town Bonds of the State of WIS» COUSIN, issued to insolvent RaUroad Companies, par cha»td at hJaii prices. Also, all other MISGBLIjANEOUS SECURITIES Bought and Sold. mh9 6t TOHN HOBN, JR, V STOCK COMMISSION BROKER. No. 140 SOOTH THIRD STREEP, (TIP STAIRS.) PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES: H«ssrs.Tho«. A. Biddle* Co. Wess.Oaw, Macale#tar, 4 Co. Metsis. E, S. Whelan* Co. Messrs. Drexel A Co. Messts. Bnzby & Co. Hoary J. Williams .B*o, Alexander Biddle,'Esq. I. P.Hutchinson, &m, Q. M. Troutman. wq. D. B Cummins, Esq. Jas. Q. King A Sons New York. fe2S-3m SECOND NATIONAL BANK O? FBANKPOED. CAPITAL *lOO.OOO. WITH THE PBIVILBOB OF IN CREASING TO MOO.COO. ■ . NATHAN HILLBS. ProaUent. WILLIAMS. KHAWB, Cashier, (Late or the PoUadelphla Bank.) NATHAN HILLBS. "“‘’IfIBLBS H KMMBB. QBORQS W. RHAWN, BBNJ. BORLAND, J*., SIMONS. SNYDER, BEN £r&ns&T* 01 ** EDWARD HAYES, JOHN COOPER. SaSnd NattoSai Bank of is now openat No i 34 main stroot. Fxaukfiud. for the trana action of a General Banking Bnslnasa upon the WU*i te CoUectlons upon all aeeeMlble points will be made upon liberal terms. BespectfnUy, faS-Sm W. w. BIT AWN. Oaabier -■m-ir—.- for HARI FORD VIA. jßik±msmu Delaware and raritan cAtiAt. The Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company's steamer MAKS.GmmIy. master, 1b bow loading at TATHAIH* wharf, below SOUTH street; For freight, which will b* taken on accommodating terms, apply at _ J3i» South WHARVES. WM. M. BAIRD & 00. ■ Atente. £& BUISTI3 KITCHEN GARDEN —llZ SBBD6 —Market Gardeners and all others pw. and reliable Seed,, • h fgj^ r g , ®rf^S rolU * * Seed Warehouse. It Nn». 823 and 08* MARKET Street, eboTeWlnth. A GARDENING AND FARMING 2E IMi;tBME«TB and rte beat manu faeture, for »»^f enltnni i w Saw end S«4 Star. It Woe, f aa«nd 99 t MABKEr Street, above Ninth. SEED POTATOES—GOODRICH’S spr-su: a. a. §JOHN L. CAPEN, PHRENOLO GIST. may be consulted DAY and EVENING, on adaptation to Basinets, Trade and Profeealoa; on the Improvement of health, correction of faults, fonnation of friendships. *c. Full de scriptions of character given when required, at No %* S. TENTH Street, afroye Chestnut, ma»tq.tKaatfaall CORRECT PIANO TUNING. ITETT' Mr. 0 K. SASOBHT’d Order, for TnnU* and hepairlag Pianos are received at KJJSO2? 4 00. w Store 901 OHKSTNUr Street, only, ■ . ___ Mr fl. has had eleven years’iactory experience in *T^"4fi£rSfBSßS VSSSfitt- -* 5355. n!* 4^ * SB0 *"'‘