arrivals at the hotels 10 TWELVE O’CLOCK LAST NIOHT. P/veta E’ewYoik Ef'c Slier, U BA F hp ! LlvlnKßton, DBA ft l'i*r4 pr Kennedy Pant Harris s J Appold. lohn M Blown. Baltimore Lea K Arroager. Baltimore fKnabe. Baltimore •«d Ch«ffT»«t street*. K F Wa-rd. Gattysbnrg John C Jacobs H B McKean. Towand* H K Dexter.E f/uriatb L Nicholas E Corinth T W White, Wasbinuloii ,T»M> C N*w Yotk S WBojeoatocS. e Fraucieco Meet A Konensioc*. Ball S Be.-oließli"-™ S v®?I 8 B snepb-'rd. New York ty K Morphy. Pittsburg a k Tm lor. Wheeling ja« mizell, Wheeling Sl«sb Or»n*le, Wheeling W D t Louis J T Hunt. New York H D Sparks. New York LH Moore & wf. New York <3 H Dana, New York Jas M Day, Jiidun* J H Allen. Chatham At Co? « '3 d. TT S A Bib-- Pottsviiie E t: Mc<’ooib, Delaware . i X,t cjoi H Soil « sfav. timaaa _ . ! Ji i' (tjj-vez. York , ; F F *ii'c?:tuonA. R Island I :c 'i i)ri.[cne!ler Rhodelsland j r \v«»*.dward f Jr, Albany jj ? rinaney . !niwli. Dayton, O J S Mott. St Marys, O T.* Kai-dsul A wf, R Island W H Otie. New York EK Stanton. Stew York J L Taylor-io-wa 3 w Washington. N York JC LelTerta. fl»*w York J K 2iV»ns & wf Wash B l» Tilton A wf Elizabeth Mr & 4ir> HQtchUtson,Utica ±j D Maysr, Memphis W A H'ctiard A Wi,Bo»toa D i> Wiley U - A T B St*lpinsn. New York [t2e> W Be-:siey Cincinnati l&unntu Nashville k B tffutan, York ,1 G-dby, New York W*n P Cot:, Baltimore -?iii H Halted, BiNjohltil w ii .1 .-vteele. Brooklyn SR Wallace. Michigan a B&vrat Lap:»rte Ind N B Watson, Perth Amboy |L Santfcnan, Mechanicsb'g , JaMan E Alien A wf. N Y A M /Anno -rms,n, Illinois ffm H Valentine & wf.Mase Fas C Lewie, Hew York 3eoW Haynes, Hew York IgsffgStaMiSw Kj^E&extoß- Hew Jogc Fc Sartmaa- Concord. H ° f S Prince. Boston . Beo FJohußon. Washington geo AHebeitou. 1‘ Fobs L Boyd A w,Pht*biirg K Conper A la, t McagO Brs C H Gilderjlfsve, N Y las Wadsworth. New York W B Smith. New York F D Carson & lai Gettysb ft Kiss CD Carson. Lancaster tt C O Hunt. V S A 5 Busselman Awr. renna tfrs Jas Duffy Marietta j Langdon, Elmira, a Y F Coleman. Wm*Poit I Nelson. Prov. RI p E Lewis. W Chester J Q Gordon, lowa .ouis Lehman, lowa J T Childs. Pittsburg L Matthews, Pittsburg D S Thompson, fit Louis Dr W Hay. Chicago S P Stanwood, Chicago F Walluch. New i ork o p Bmford A la* Omaha C C Gates. Maine Capt Dimock, USA Col bpencer. Maryland *> Wilkins, Baltimore ii W Hacaes- Lowell, Maes WEF&nar. Lowail. Mass W Foster. Jr OB Clark- Massachusetts Geo.Whitner-ifagsacbusfctts D L Harris. Massachusetts GW Partridge Mass : > W fctevens. Ma£f«cbo»-eHr; H Souther, Ma»sscbus*trs sj 3 G Hnbbsrd.MsuvfcCbttten**: L B fit one, »LBu't.6issrchn?etts ; ?G Powers- Ma»fBCbaeehs ; k M Kidder, M*awachase£. B 8 Water* Kasiscou.eixs SW Bates, Matrons, ttt Jeo Eaton. Bia^^thnsen* T M Bay, t ew albaas% lad R « McCorinici- Franklin Mr A Mrs J Proctor .1 F Reeside. Washington W H Siian Baltimore ,ISk CnnidDsham. Balt .1P Rewctmer A la.U S A CJ-temble&la, tew York W H Valentine fit wf ■rhos Bege. Franklin .1P Lowe, Hew Y ork .7 S Rhodes. Wheeling,a Jtt L Ott. Wheeling. Va Alex Ltughlin. Wheeling .] C Coor-er- W beelivg, Ya BPLUibr, UewY-rk ( a. 7 Hal! Hew Tori >* D Morgan. New York 111. Ripley, New York Carey t-elde®, Newark. N J H iiowenberg A la, N y E I) Berc»gh3e A wf. N Y 'jfliosNuit Ala. Hew York ■RPFanlkner. Bolla. Mo .T BPotter.M D.New Jersey Samuel Lewis. Allentown, W BPbelps. O&wexo, ft J .S M Davis. Fianklin Aaron Gage, Boston A W Carrs 1. New York aWa-ckwmit ■' Opt Ties lee, If Jersey bippen*b* A Fortenbaugh, Toik co K M Pease. New Toik. JR Lowensiein Miss Pearce, Indiana AiMrtcUr-Cluinm acree*. mHun^VUtk. JDe Werth. Bordsniown J S &M, Maryland 31 McCnUonah. ®«w Turk J Mitclieil. aew Jersey I) Barron, Baw York Mi » Scon. N .rrist-wn J T, Tjutlin A M Allen. New fork roau«h, Mew York TWilkens, New Yot*k Thun F KnowJoa, Delaware L "Wilkens, Sew York >lUs H A Knowies, Dal W B Biddle, Delaware E D Eaton. New Orleans <3 A Tiffany, Penua »r J J Ely A wf. N Jersey -John Tyson. Maryland E i.Vlouiau. jd M Sesbic, PerrysvUle s Smith, flew Jersey flUi ValOM-Arcb nmti above Vhbni JosHoar, Dewi&town ‘ A Scblo*-j, PottsyiU* sECrooke;, Trenton. KJ C a Coukline, flew Jersey «r a Benfcrd Somerset > Warner. Mow Jersey „ Too McGregor, Pitlsbnr* ■G > chill, flonhumberl’a co Henry fcmi h. Pittsburg \ W Faux, Danvule J WMcKennan. Indiana :S A Woodman &i, Penna •Victor Keller. Allegheny J a Moore, Holdtlay.bnr* Tea Pisber Allegheny Wll V y Capt # MiiHom*. IZin. Sid»«y. 0 Oapt »■ toase, U Wolf. 01nc*»ii9t1. O Jnhn Gruen, Port Royal Geo A Jeuka, KrWtjwn VhosOrofts, New York X Hammer, Or-vrigsturx a S ilansou, Hartford* Ct State* Daios-IUrKAt *urMt,a.bove Itxth. A. New York HKJ RHeaderson, Arms’* « Pe Leur, U 6 N M H Galle-pie, jvh O fcnaveiy. Harrisburg ■Z P ank, slorgaatown f tmy.-Prov. K 1 iBl? Haines West IHPoBeMi USA iJ wires. We t John Lead v. 15 S A sMcuollum Wa*h Pa -C W Manderfield, USA Koto B Potter. New Jersey BHackett, U S A Geo WKoo r e.Bridgeton,lf J .Trihn Quinn. USA Ji«*d, Columbia ea SSneign, USA ;,lohn 8 Barlow. N Jersey HA Miittiatown Ju>iaD Cannon, Maryland JasMcCl®ary, Pi Ushers * Gout N.CahaLi, Delaware JtoßMcCJeary.Pittobnrg 12 PThomson, US A John R Bailey. Chester co G Porch, Bridgeton, JST J JRLeocard, West Chester. P f «apT.»gle- Third ctreot. above CaJlowliill* J Miller. Bftlilehem Richard Snyder. Lehigh co ••Wwßvoll. JtiiMrvlUe <1 a fcuyder. Northampton Tnbn P Back man,'Hitters v'e Bali. Qaakerrown i» Tvleieport ia J Williamson. New York Allen s B«-»ny. 'w leraport !Ch»s Mercer, Chester co JBO Quten Zi wf Chester j J *:hac P=noa John S Barlow. Newark j Beoj P Graff j Irwin. Pensd : t\ 'irabam. Chester co J M DicKvoo. U * A I John Henries, Chester co MieeMF WriUMdo, t*xford ; Jas Lambert, Doylestwn W A Johnson. Oxf.-id i W H McHenry. Chester co Ifl WeD*, lorderitown jJa* Steel, Cecil co, Md ICConnur. Bord*>xtown ;J Baker & 2 eons. Millville A B Piowp._BorieDtj.wn ** M Meredith. Paghtowa MaiW h Fobs neon .USA 1R y Wigton, New York J W Boo; a, Chester ce, Pa i las Johnson, Maryland Madieon-Sccoad street, above Kukei. 3kASawr* r * New York Mas H Satton Delaware BoWßnome, Stroudsburg'w D Ltrga, Taylorsville Jsaae Stauffer, Pent a !->aml Baker. Taylorsville H 8 Short. Georgetown. I>C N Rise. N# w Jersey StG«PTR3, Del [R : Rice New Jertev 'Jfirßarnee, New Jersey |J M Rice, Freehold NJ Andrew Bnsby.. X Jersey • Simnel A Neeld. Penaa J Wolf & la- Bristol, Pa jUs G Noeld, US A 1 J L Pexson, USA ! Jos Hosier, Cbelten Hills JohnLFotie, Yaxdleyvillei Barley Sheaf-Second St., below Vine. Ch*B Ccmley. Frankford Geo Ch«> uey, Chester Bebiy« Hamraonton I* A Hodges, Canada .J K'laylcr. Attleboro * H Stnkert, Backs co A D Snyder, New J ork H , eQr ?.p Parry. Attleboro A J Bales. New Yoik •has Chambers. Abington John lire Penna J Brown Backs co Chas W C rfford, Penna « P Duflield. Bachs oo J T Dn l- gar, Baitleion Jos Onnaard, Backs co Preok Bprtman- U a A *'Morgan, Penna Richard Martin, Penh* M Seller, Pennsylvania John Kirfchiide. Newtown Smith, Pennsylvania Moees KnlghL Benßaiem JallusJ Hasten. JDoylestown \alefctine J>l«erson» Penna Ch‘ S A Oiry Longshore. Attleboro K w Kilning <» & fa, Wash J O H&ionml, NtwCastle E P Mumfurd. New Castle J G Ci»£iibs, Newark, if J 4t& « Mrs Scott E NVnmau, Pistsbur* O w ’biiood a la. flarrisb g Ji H E Wupon Bnutingdou fHca»y • ralts. W FauvieW ! g :■■-> \V W Pair view iHenrv Gilbert, Harrisburg IGerM-c He*let, St Paul JPH Meek. Bel ofonte, Pa IJitf A iVesi Casßi-er Jj>HKise. ffeM Chester 'Ai-xßeed, Parfresbafg :s Kennedy. U 3 N i Tiios J Alehwiftjv, Virginia., ;Sto.l (Sfelir, -ifai-imore jThos Broiij, Onto |T MoG ire Ohio i phiiic Stetfel Ohio John l> McConnell, Ohio J.ia Bmuton, Ohio John Lemmon- Ohio i>r L O-rtrT, Perry co, Pa Rev Rnbt May. Poona J oil t May. Penua Anderson Dunsap. Kansas Bernard Fteley, PenaA Win Killer, Jr, Penaa l\erce Knnaja. Penna Jas Carroll, Jas McCarty, U S N ißicbd Bruner, New York j J L Mingle, E-sion |ft Sand% Easton I Lieut S B iSorthroo. ITS If !r P Huntington U Slf }a B=ker.‘New Fork jH bi Brodhead. Monroeco v W *- bodes. Muaroeco Ji h-2 GMcp>. Mdhaaoy City B W Cole- Phiiaaelphia W s Vau House m.N X il 3 Kamlei, Midilßtown s ft Ad.'vms, Bcrs*tt>n WKtankm. Jr, Si*wark,NJ J A Zyoter, Chambsrsbarg SPECIAL NOTICES. Worms ! Worms l! Worms MI—To rb. move those troublesome inhabitants of the Stomach and BJWelft* Which, so often, Impair the health and destroy the lives of children, tt@e JAYNE’S TONIC TBKUIFUQB, a certain and safe preparation, and so pleasant that chil dren will not refuse to take it This TONIC VERMI FUGE also imparts health and vigor to the digestive or gans, and is a valuable remedy, therefore, in all dyspep tic and stomachic disorders. The following *re a few of the many certificates re ceived, testifying to the remedial properties of the Ver mifuge : Mr. TVYMAN WOODWARD, of Granville, New York, writes; “I have given your TONIC VERMIFUGE in my fa mily for over five years, and considering it one of the best medicines I ever need for Worms, I cheerfully re commend it.” Dr. W. T. ROY. of La Grange. Cas* conntr. Michigan, says: . ** As a medical practitioner. I have prescribed Y" ur TONIC YEKMIFDfjB in mmr C ™ BS ° r fnl T 9 reatL«a by Worms, and in a« «»» A mot with th* most complete success, ” _ DONRILL M.-DOKRELL, of St Andrews, writes from of JAYNE'S VRRMIFtJGE and box PILLS After taking a doee of °flcb I passed over six hundred WORMS, and now find myself a new man. I had been Buffering a number of y*ar?, ««d could find no medicine to relieve ute until Jow I give yon full privilege to publish this.” Mr. H. H. CONNELLY, of Red Stone, Pennsylvania. “Your VERMIFUGE is a complete exterminator of the A scar Ides, or Small Thread or heat Worm, in my own case and in many other cases to my knowledge. ” Mr. T. B. BUSS, of Sichford, Vermont writes: 41 1 have used your TONIC VERMIFUGE in my-fa mily with great success, as has also one of my neigh* bora. ” Mr. GEORGE C. BIDEWELL, of Leiper, Mich ,writes; “I have u?ed your TONIC VERBIIFUGS for the past eight years, with the best success. It has been the only medicine I have given my children for destroying Worms.” Rev. E. BOND, writing from Kohala, Hawaii.Sandwlch Islands, Jan. 24, 1860. s^ys: “aSCARIPES are universal here, and Dr. D. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge is death to them. I have never kno vn a case to the contrary. ’’ HESRY JILES, of Gratz, Owen county, Ky.,writes: “j have been in the constant habit of using Jayne's Medicine in my family, and more especially the Vermi fuge, for the last ten or twelve yeai s, and it has never failed to produce the most salatary effects in curing in dispositions of children, such as slight fevers, want of appetite, &c.” Mr A. HCLCOMB, of Allinglon, Banks county, Geo., writes: . ... “Ea-ring tried medical advice for Dyspepsia. Without success, I procured your* TONIC VERMIFUGE and Ba naiivePiUs, and they strengthened my stomach, removed sourness, and gave me a ii rst-rate appetite. ” Rev EUGENIO KINCAID. Baptist Missionary in India, wrjJes-: “We find your VERMIFUGE never fails in expelling Worms, and this is a disease fearfully common among the children of India.” Dr. DON AUGUSTIN FOSSATI, Professor of Medicine at the Royal Military Hospital of Havana,writss: '‘The YFRWIFUGR is in my opinion, an Infallible remedy in all the diseases arising from debility of th<* digestive organs and in cases of worms, which proceed from this came. ” ' • BOBT. BEN NELL, of Fayette, Wis , writes: “I have had symptoms of WORMS all the present summer. I procured a bottle of JAYNE’S TONIC VER MIFUGE and commenced taking it, and the result was that large quanti'.ies of worms passed from me. lam now entirely restored to health, and can recommend Dr. Jayne's medicine to those who are troubled with Worms and want to get rid of them. ” Mr. H KEMPER ofßigßergen, Mo.* writes: “Your TONIC VERMIFUGE has been truly of great service to me- so that I would not like to be without it.” Mr. R. 31. WOODMAN, of Old Town, Me., writes: ”1 take pleasure in recommending your Family Medi cines, yp-rticularly the TON 10 VSS3IIFUGE. For seve ral years past I have been using it in my family with the most satisfactory results. ” Rev. LORENZO LYONS, Mistionary A,D- C. F. M., at Sardwich Islands, writes!: , ”We have derived much benefit from the use of your TONIC VERMIFUGE It has been 01 great bene it to my famil) and to ibanaiive population, and such is the valne we place upon it and your Fsrally Medicine 3, we cannot endure the thoughts of being left without them- ” WM. MUNCY, of Little York, Illinois, writes: “A gentleman informed me that a short time since he was very iIL After taking a bottle of JaYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE It had the effect of expelling at least five hundred of those annoying pests called A&carides. ” Dr. D. O. GASKJLL, of Milton, Nova Scotia, writes: “YonrTOEIC VERMIFUGE givetperfectsatisfictioa to every one who has made atrial of it. I have unlimit ed confidence in the superiority of your Family Medi cines over ill othe i s in our market. ” Rev. J. S. BEECHER, Baptist Missionary at Bassein, British Burznah, writes: “I have been in the constant practice of administer ing ? our medicine? for about ten years, cbieily among the natives cl Surmah, and freauently in my o wn fami ly. Your TONIC VERMIFUGE, especially, gives geae xal a&tisfactioß, and I shall be slow to excb&Qge it for any ether remedy prepared for the same complaint.” The T ONIC VERMIFUGE is prepared only at JAYNE’S, No. 34:3 CHESTNUT Street. * fe24-2t Dr. Wistae’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. DR. WISTAFv’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. DR. WIfeTAK’S B3LSAM OF WILD CHFF.RY. DB. WISTAB’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. DR. WISTAB’i- BALSAM OF WILD CBSRBY. ' DR. WIBTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR COUGHS. COLDS. W aOOPiNG- COUGH, BRONCHITIS, DIFFICULTY OF BSEATSING. ASTHMA, HwARSS NBSS, SORE THKOAT. CROUP, AND EVERT AFFEC TION OF THE THROAT, LUNGS, AND CHEST. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONY From Bev. Fsaxcis Pastor of the SouthCon gregationai Church, Bridgeport, Connecticut: BninokPOßT, January 21,1834. Messrs. Seth W. Fowls & Co. .* flggTT.rsgv» I consider it a duty which I owe to suf fering humanity to bear testimony to the virtues of Dr, Wistak’s Balsam of Winn Cheery. I have used It— when I have had occasion for any remedy for Coughs, Colds, or Bore Throat—for many years, and never, in a single instance, has it failed to relieve and cure me. I have frequently been very hoarse on Saturday, and looked forward to the delivery of two sermons on the following day with sad misgivings, but. by a liberal use of the B-Ib&o. my hoarseness has invariably been re* moved, and I have preached without difficulty. I commend it to my brethren in the ministry, and to public speakers generally, as a certain remedy for the bronchial troubles to which we are peculiarly exposed. Entirely unsolicited I send yon this testimonial, which yon are at liberty to use in any way you choose. Per haps the Balsam does not affect all persons alike, but it Rlwaja removes juy hoarseness, and fits me for tha minis ter’s hard-working day—the Sabbath. Very truly yours, % FRANCIS LOBDELL. FROM PETER CANNON, ESQ., General Agent of the Sussex Railroad: Newtox, N. J., January 21,1863. Messrs. Seth XV. Foiole & Co : - GbFTLXKES: Having ns«d Dr. WISTAU’a BALSAM OP Wild Cherry in my family, with great advantages, for many years, incases of severe colds, I most cheerfailv give my testimony of its efficacy, and recommend Lt to those who are suffering from Coughs, Colds, and Pulmo nary Diseases of long standing, as being a stfe and re liable remedy. PETER CAN NON. For sale by J P. DINSMORB, Si e. -4DI BROAD WAY, New York x S W. FOWLS & CO., No. 18 TKEHONT Street, Boston, And by all Druggists. Jes-wtBt One-Price Clothing, of the Latest Truss, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. AU Goods made to Order warranted aatisfac loir. Our Oab-Pkicb fix-exem im .trier!T adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. de33 It JONES & CO . 604 MARKET Street Electricity, by a Physician of long experience, and who gives his whole attention to its proper application, at 1413 SOUTH PENN SQUARE, Philadelphia. Certificates, references, and examina- - ia3o-tf The Popular Clothing House op Phiha, k *oiK hall.” Best-class .good* and moderate prices. v? AN AM AKER & BROWN, S E corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Castom Department (to make to order) No. IS. Sixth at. Db. Sweet’s IsrAiiLißLE Lisimest cuheh Rhetunatism and never fails. Wheeler & Wilson’s Highest i’bemivm THE Cheapest, Simplest, and Best. Salesrooms, 704 Chestnut Street above 7th. - M-A-ICRIEID. OWEBS—POTTS.— On the 22d of February, by thft Rot/vF. 8. Hall. Mr. James B. Owens and Miss Lucy KNOTT 1 22d in»t„ bv the Bey. Thomas Braisard, D. D., Mr. J. Herman florckley and Manr A Knoti. both of this city. * ADAMS— PIBjROE.—On Fabrnary 20, 1864, by Joseph c. Farley, Sea** George Adamß to Deborah Fierce,^of G API^LE—ROT J H —On the 22-1 in?t., by ihe Rev. GaJ. A. Wenzel, Mr. Charles Q. Apple to Misi: T. B. Roth, all ° f BARR^T—SHIVERS.—Oa the 2lst inst. by the Rev. H.F. Hern, Lieut. John Barrett to Miss Mary Leigton fehiverfc, both of this city. * 331EX3. SYJSNOTr.—At Glgfc*boro r . N. JJ, on Sunday morn ing, Harriet Whitney, wife of Dr. Myles Synnott run*ral frrm his residence, on Wednesday, at 11 o'clock. Trains leave Walnut street wharf at 9a. M. .for Glesebow* DUWTO2?. On Sunday, 21st last, ISAAC DUNTO-N, ia the 26th year of Ms age His friends and thoße of the family are inv : ted to attpnd his funeral, from the reiidence oi his mother, 731 Pine street, at 10 a. m. _ *•* BEACOCK —On the 2Ut inet.» Hannah. Heacock, in Her fanerfil will tate place from tbe residence of Edward &• Heacoca, near Darby, on Fon.rib.-day morn injr 34th intt., at 11 o clock, to which her friends aad relative are invited, without farther notice *’* SHBETZ. - On. the 2 1st in-st.- Daniel, twin sonofDaaLei andMaiy Ann Sheet*, in the 16th year ot his age. ana nuwr nailie was once a household word. And dear to every heart; Bat now it has a mournful sound. And causes tears to flows Y' r he i* silent m th# tooiu, Where he now sleeps alone. And the pale moon looks coldly do wn Upon his funeral stone. tt>b relatives and friends are respectfully invited to at Trerton avenne, Mneteenth ward, a* 3 icloc*- MCERaY.-Oh tie 21st Instant, Thomea Murray, ajeu M, ?he relatives and friends ° f . th < , J‘™L l £ ’i a*J 8 M iWenceT Invited to attend the lnaeral, from its Girard avenue, above Third street, this (Wednesa ay# and friends of the family ?'J? I S|SH.?of I her invited to attendthe Ifuneral, from husband, So. I#s Hancock street, this (WGdaeaday> the PRESS—PHILADELPHIA" -WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24,1864. morning, at 6K o'clock. Services at St Michael's, and interment at Cathedral Cemetery. , , P.DL -On the 2M Inttant, William Faul. aee4 S» yfars .. .. Tie relatives and friends of the family are respectnlly invited to attend the funeral, from his l£®£?;? e ?S£ IMetborp street, above WooJ. Kino eenth ward, tuis (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, without farther notice. To proceed to Franklin Cejnetary. d PITMAN.—On the 21st instant, William Pitman, agea if is relatives and friend s . Staul-^ neral. from the restdepce of Mrs. Poole, wo Street, bftiowTnnrtb, this afternoon, at 3 o ciqck. ave commenced nd Summer Stock of MOURN* r in store— English Bombazines, French. Bombazines, Summer Bomb&ziaw* Monsselanos, Tamlses, 4 White Foulards, aw* MOURNING STORE, Ko 918 CHESTKUT Streot. t>ESSON & SON H. O receiving their Spring ar ING GOODS, and have now Blaek Byzantines, “ yiorenti^es, • ‘ Bareie Hernani, ' 1 Crape Marets, “ Bareges, ♦* Bili Grenadines, Black, aid Black and A. A LVONS BLACK SILK VELVET, Lyons Velvet l>s yards wile. Spring Bilks Stoutest Black Dress Siike. Richest Spring Organdies. Shawls of newest styles ___. _ fe24 BYRE A LANDELL. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, BEY. IIENRI WARD BEECHKR Will deliver ills great Address, entitled ts America’s Message to Great Britalii/' MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29th, At 8 o’clock Admission. 25 cents; Reserved Beats, 50 cents. The sale of Tickets will commence at 9 A M. WED NESDAY, the 24th, at ASHJIEAD & EVANS’. 73* CBEbTNUT street. fe2l -It* TWENTY SECOND WARD BGl'E |9» TY FOND. NOTICE.—It becomes necessary to appeal again to the citizen* of the Twenty-second Ward in regard to the funds needed to fill by volunteers the quota of this ward. There is yet required abont $5.000. and witb this amount the fullcomplemest of men could be mustered before the close of another week. To accomplish this a prompt and generous effort to wind up this business must now be made, and every citizen of the ward is interested in giving a helping hand and see ing that the quota is at once made up Any money en closed to thB Treasurer, or handed to any of tha Precinct Committees, will be acknowledged In the public papers. By order of the Central Committee. fe23 2c* JABEZ GATES. Treasurer. MO* Flit ST WARD. AROUSE I THE LAST OHaNUE •• „ ■,.. __ A Mass Moating of the citizens of the wara WiHbe held at RATER HALL. SOUTH street, above Fifteenth, on "WEDNESDAY EVENTSG. at 7}* o’olotk. The citizens oflhe ward, liablelo the draft, are earnestly requested to tome forward and show by their actions that they are in earnest in their efforts to free the ward from a draft. A proposition wiil be submitted by whicn, with the ef fersofthese interested, the draft wiU be avoided, and tl e ward wiil giorioufiiy sustain the Government in its t Colts to emsh this unholy rebellion. Awake, citizens, from ycurlethargy, or in a few day* the dra't will be made. fr< m which there is no appeal. The following eminent * peckers will address the meeting: Col. W4I B MANN. Col. PHILIP 8 WHITE, Professor SAUN BEKS, THBO. K A S I! VKuAMSOX, f Secretaries. SIXTH WARD -WASTED FOIL SgPthe KIXTH WARD, one hundred and FjFTY MEN, to whom will be paid the ward Bounty ($26) cash, immediately upon being erudite! to the Ward. The City Bounty (*2sl') will be paid to all enlisting to the ci edit of the Ward. , . , , , Any Company, or squads, will be received and at tended io by reporting to the Treasurer ft office* No 37 North SHIR® Street fe2fr3c ms?* EIGHTH WARD -TO THE 19,5(10 K - CITIZENS Of THE EIGBTH WARD WHO HAVE ROT YET AIDED IN THB EFFORT TO AVOID Tr+K DRAFT.—Less than five hnndred of your fellow citizens. generously coming forward, have contributed nearly $2O CCO. Look over the list recently Published, you Will find there the ruvmes of mmy. ladies and old men. not themselves liable. Of vhe three thousand men now subject to tbe draff, but few have done any thing. Five dollars paid bv each of these men, or by their wives or mothers, would furnish the balance re quited. and thus secure them against conscription. The names of all who contribute prior to the Ist of March Tincindirg some who were omitted In the list above referred to), will be published. Thus a record will be bad of tho»e whose patriotism is evinced by acta and not by words alone* , _ • , , Ten thousand dollars are needtd. You are appealed f e 2o-4t By order of the Executive Committee, EIGHTEENTH WARD,-DBAFT IC?* OK No BRaFT! that is too question* and His lor aoa to answer now. The last Public Meeting o' the citizens of the EIGHTEENTH WARD on account of the draft will be held on THURSDAY EVENING, at half past sevtn oVloclt. at the First Presbyterian Church, GIJ* ARD avenue, above Hanover street. The following distinguished Eentlemauhave been invited to-addresn toe meetirg: Colonel GREGORY, Colonel WM. B. MANN. DANIEL POUGtIEF.TY, Esq-, and other prominent >p{'tsers. Let every one in the-ward liable to the Draft t* at the meetlßK. Let eveiy man who is inta rested resolve not only to come himself* but alEOto bring his neighbor and friends along with him. audit can ba demonstrated to their entire satisfaction that a compara tively trilling sum from each wilt insure them against any further anxiety on account of the impending con scription - Rusembtr the time is short. , _ By order of the Committee on Bounty Faud. * BENRY HUPLEf*, Chairman. CHAS H GKAMfP Treasurer. FRANKLIN KNIGHT, JOSEPH S. ALLEN- •». NOTICE.-THE STOCKHOLDERS of the IBPKOVEMENT BUILDING ASSOUIA- TiON of Philadelphia and Delaware counties are hereby noilfled that a nettle-: of the Stockholcers wiuhe held attte town ball in the Borough of P AltFi V, on SATUR DAY EVENING, March 6th, 1664. at 7 o clock. Punc tual attendance is reqneetod, as basinets of importance Will toe laid before the u.eetin*. _ _ _ By order BEHRY U. ALLISrSB, Secretary. Dasbt, Feb. 15. 1561. f022-3t* ■efia. PItKT.I.M IK.-IRY FOREIGN Mis led SION JUBILKE MEETINGS —February 24th— WEDNESDAY, 3P. M. Fourth Baptist Chnrcb, BUT TONWOOD and FIFTH Streets. of Mo* dem ftlifsii.naries. Eev. JAS. B SIMMOIfS February 24th —WEDNESDAY, half p&st 7 P. M. First Baptist Church, AKCH and BROAD Streets. The ■Pres-ent Aspect of the Foreign Mission Field. Rev. J. G. WARREN. D.D. Home Duties with Reference to Fo reign Missions. Rev. P. S. H.KSTSOH. It THE ANNUAL CONCERT OF |(3> HiAIEK/orColletes. and other Insutailons ot Lean-ing, will he hold TO-MOKBOW (Thar«dasl. as follows: _ ______ Third Presbyterian Church, PINE and FOURTH Sts., at 11 A KL _ Western Presbyterian Church, SEVENTEENTH and FILBERT Street* at 4P. ML _ . •. Central N. L. Church. COATES, below Fourth street, Aoi meeting or tbe \OLCa« MiNiNG COM PANY, under its articles «f association, will be held on SATURDAY, the mh day of March, 1864 at No. 321 WALHUT Street, PMM.ll*££n£l«£, A£ B. A. HOOPES, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. Philadelphia, Feb. 23.1564 ; fe24-Ist !». EMPIRE COPPER com t*ANY (OF MICHIGAiS) —The first meeting of the Empire Coup* r Company under its Articles of Association, will be held on THURSDAY, the third day of March, 1864. at No. 3»4 WALNUT Street. Phi adelpMa-ai 11 o’clock A. M. SIMON MaRDLEBaOM, B. A. HOOpfiS, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. Philadelphia. Feb. 18 1864 ie!s«l6t gKj— ALLKRTOWS CO MPAKY.—PHitiBEIPHIFob. 19, 1884. The annual meeting of the Btoctciiolaers of the ALLEN* TOWN RaILROaD company will ba held at the office of the P liladelpliia and Reading Railroad Uom p„ry. No aay ionth FOURTH Street, Pbiladetphia, on WED'S EWIaY. March 9th, 1884 at 12 oMoch M , for the election of a President and directors to serge for the cor rect year, and until others shall be elected . feSO-'inbO W. H WEBB Secretary. FENKSYI,VANIA. 011/CRBRK PE TROW'D M COMPANY —The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of ON B PAR CENT. qq the vapits.l Stook of the Company out of tas profits of the past month, payable on and after the first of March. A isßtlation was »Ibo passed that the dividoada in fu ture be declared quarterly. , The transfer boohs will be closed until after 22a Inst. By order of the Board : __ _ _ . , WM CULBBBTSON, Secretary* 4:11 WALNUT fit., Philadelphia, Feb.l7,lBSL fe!B6fc |K3» SOTICB IS HEBE- . r . » jo.m, tliat a Special Meeting of tire Stock holders of the BISTONVILLB. MANTUA, AND PaIBMODA r PAS SENGER It AILHOAD COMPANY will be held on MO IT BAY. the 29:h instant, at 12 o'clock, noon, at No. 409 YfALSDT street, (first floor.) for the pnrpoßß of taking Into consideration an increase of the Mock of the Company, B. T. FBAILSY. beeratarr. February 15,1864, fels I4t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application has been made to the r csteea or the FIR* ASSOCIATION, of Philadelphia, for the re newal of a Policy of Insurance, No. u 4'd,jor *si>o. leaned J&nnary 23. 1849. in the name of Daniel Went jinx. which baa been lost or mislaid; any information tieieof will be received HOBAKT BROWN, eaG North B.QHTEEHT Sweat. ■w-cte, VOLUNTEERS* WHO WILL H4VE tbem£lvs accr edited to the FIFTEENTH WARD, wilibe paid, without delay, by apply’°ff to the Com mittee, which meets daily, from 3to £o clock. afc ‘ n ® s * £. comer of BrJOAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets. nnwiffTTVC Chpries P. Bowers, ] Amor Walker, E H. Hhwhina, Charles V. Hagner, Eli Krupp, I Robert M. Evans, ffel7-wto4t,* John A. Clark. PITTSBXTRG, FORT WA.YSE. AND ; *c3u ghicaqo kailway company. . Office op thk Secretary, ] Pittsburg- Pa.. February 12th. 1861. , Tb 6 Annual Meeting of the Stock and Bondholders of ; this Coii-pany for the election of Directors, and *uch other business as may come before it, will be held at the . Office of t-aid Company, in the city of Pittsburg, on the ■ 2 BIRD WEDNESDAY OF MARCH, A. B. 1894, at 10 A. ; M. The Stock and Bond Transfer Boohs of the Company* ; at their Office in the city of Pittsburg, and at their Trans- j for Agency in the city closed on ! the Ist day of March, at 3 o’clock P. M , and lernain clos» d until the i7th day of March thereafter. ' felfrtmU W. g. BaRNBS. Secretary, j OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA. RAlL boad company. * Philadelphia, Feb. 15,1561. NOTUB TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Annual Election for Directors will be held on SlOSfhAl, the7ihday of March, 1864, at the Office of the Company. No 838 couth •IHIBB Street. Th« poli* will be open from tan o’clock A fif. until six o’clock P. M No or shares transferred within sixty days pre cedii e the election will entitle the holder or holders ti erer-f to vote. EDMUND SMiTH. felS- tm h 7 Secretary. Kpa, LOUBKBtiY CREEK RAILROAD COMPAs-Y.— Philadelphia, Jan 28, 1564. 'J he annual meetinir of the stockholders of the LOR BEhBY CKEEK RaILRuaD CoMPaNY will be held at the office of the Philadelphia and Reading g&ilroid Com pany, No. 337 South FOURTH Street, Plnladelphi*,on wEPNJsSIAY, Match 9th, 3564, at 1 o’clock P. M.. for the election of a President and six Directors to serve for the current year, and until others shall b* elected. fr2fMiat9 W. H. Wfeßß, Secretary. PENNSYLVANIA RAILR OAD 0031 PASY. TREASiTasa’s DspaRTMEXT. Philadelphia, February 15, 1554. The Board or Directors have ibis day declared an EXTKA DIViDSMI. OF FIFTEEN i>OL r ,AP.S upon e»<* shere of The present Capital Stock, as registered on the books of the company this day. TheeftidrExtra Dividend to be payable in Stock of the ‘Company -at its par value of Fifty Oollars per share, the chares to be dated May 2, 1864. and to be entitled to dividends payable in November next, and thereafter, as the present stock of the company. , . . . Stock Certificates for th*-extra dividend will be de llvo ed on and after MayJt.lB64 __ fel6.tmhl THGS. T, FIRTH, Treasurer. THE WORLD OF FACT AMD ECP* FaN’JY LSCTUBb for the relief of Disabled Soldiers’ Families, under the earn o f the Ladies* Mrst Union Ass' ciatlon, by ENO:H 3. SUPPLES, at HANDEL AND HATDh HALL. od TOBSDAY EVENING. M«rch ’at.' ?-t 8 o’clock Tickets. 25 cents; for sale at the Associa tion Rooms, 537 North EIGHTH Street. St* philadsjlphu and a^imxv tsCE* RAILROAD COMPAHY, Office 2to. 937 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, December 2,1563. DiYIDiSHD- HOTIOB. —The Transfer Books of this Company will be closed on THURSDAY, 17th Instant, and reopened on TUESDAY, January 12, 1364. A t A Dividend of &BVBH PER CKHT., dear of State tax, has been declared on the Common Stock, payable in Common Stock on and after the 31st December next to the holders thereof as they shall stand registered oh the cooks at the close of business on the 17th Tnst. __ A Dividend of THREE AHD A HALF PER OBEY.* dear of Slate tax, has been declared on the Pre ferred Stock. payable In Gash or Common Stock, at tbs option of the holder, on and after the 81st December next* to the stockholders am they shall stand registered on the booksat the dose of business on the 17th inst. , Holders of certificates which have bedh discharged from this office, or either of the Transfer Agencies, are particularly reauested to have them duly registered on the Tran sfer Books to which they have been transferred, prior to the 17th Inst, _ .. — — Stockholders whose names arc registered on the Hew York books will be paid at the Farmers’Loan and Trust Company, and those whose names are registered on the • Boston books will be paid at tha office of Messn. L JL \ T FOA OTBERS, If immediate application be made at the MERCHANTS’ HOUSE. THIRD Street. fe23 3t* Above Caliowhill street, lower side. fG EN ERA i RECRUITIN G OFFICE, No 611 CHESTNUT Street. Kecrnite wanted for all the gallant old Cavalry. Ar tillery. and Infantry raiments now m service raised in this Hate- - .. A limited lumber of men can yet be enlisted for the 2d Artillery. P V., stationed in ilie fortifications for the de fence of Washington, and for the 3d Artillery stationed at Fortress Monroe, va . by applying at this office imme diately. _ BODNTIBS. ____ Veteran Volunteers. $675 AllotherVoluntefrs.. 675 • $348 CASH IN HAND. Beware of-anautboiizsd agents. irresponsible runners, snd scoundrels, who are on the alert to take advantage of you, but come direct to the authorized recruiting office. So 611 Chestnut street, and select a good old regi ment, Becure the bounty, serve under officers of experi ence, and avoid the impending craft. , „ CHaS. N. CaDWaLLaDEB, Cap . 2d Art , F. V , fr 1.22 6t* General Recruiting Officer. >& REPOKT. THE COPYRIGHT EDITION, PUELTSHED ORDER THE DIRECTION OF OEX. M*CLELLAK, AUTHENTIC AND CORRECT. All the other editions published will be copies of the Government edition, and will have all its errors. By special arrangements with General McClellan, No. 835 BROADWAY, N. Y., WOULD ANNOUNCE THAT THEY WILD PUBLISH THIS WEEK MAJ. GBK. MCCLELLAN’S: REPORT To which will be added a most interesting INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER, Prepared by General McClellan, on his CAMPAIGN IN WESTERN VIRGINIA,. And a fall account of the Condition of the Army and the Military Prospects of the Country at the time of his assuming command of the Army of the Potomac, which does not appear in the Report as sent to the Government. 1 vol. Svo. Illustrated with Maps. Price $2.50, For those who cannot afford the Octavo Edition, a will soon be ready, containing all the Maps, and also THE INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER OH THE CAMPAIGN IN WESTERN VIRGINIA. This edition will be desirable for Clubs. Address Copies sent by mail, post-paid. on receipt of price. fe2l JYLFE OF THEODORE PARKER. D. APPLETON*CO ,NoB 443 and 4:45 BROADWAY. HAVE JUST PUBLISHED • THE LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE OF THEODORE PARKER. Minister of the Twentj-elghtli Congreeational Society, Boston. By JOHN WEISS. , With two Portraits on Steel. Fac-simlle of Handwriting, at d 19 Wood Engravings. Two vols.* Bvo. 1 COS pages. Price 16. From the Round Table* The religions elemei t was conspicuous in Ms nature. The natural feeling of and* love for the divine was deep throng. It was cherished in. childhood. His earliest 3 e&TS Wore occupied largely with thought* of God. and With aspixtitione end prayers. From the Boston Post. In hi* comments on literary men and their works, his wealth of readir g and incisive intellect show themselves. We have no American like him -none his eciaal in this line. Macaulay was the nearest like Mm oi any of his cutemporarles. ' . _ T From the (Jlnc.aoo Journal. It was fitting that auch a man should have a posthu mous record commensurate with his merits, and the work of Mr. Wei*s teems to have been judiciously writ* ten, albeit it Is evident that the biographer entertained for his subject sentiments of the highest admiration. , From the Troy Whig. These!wo handsome volumes, so well and thoroughly written and edited, are a fitting monument to such a man- He was no believer in the progress which super ficial minas suppose to lie. hiaden somewhere in the realm of chaos, but he believed rather that all advance ment war made in obedience to the divine laws of har mony and growth. . , _ ... From the Springfield Republican. Tb© volumes have ripentd slowly during the nf&riy four yeara-ihat have elapsed since that life they com memorate has closed. They will he widely and thought fully read, u r alike in the hearts of friends and foes, of those who cling to nis memory wi»h unwavering love, and these who regard b a teachings with unmitigated abhorrence, lies a consciousness that he was a man of mark, a man whose life contains a lesson not lightly to be pasted by.- . „ Froth the Philadelphia Press. This biography of Tieodore farker exhibits him as one of tt e most lovable and amiable, as well as gifted and cultivated of mankind. The range of his reading wa* immense—the extent of his various "knowledge al most wonderful. ... From the Baton Commonwealth. \ No sm h collection o good pavings on literature and life has Ven seen in English *ince Boswe.l’a Johnson— to say nothing of what is a greater excellence, the earn est humanity and profound political aad moral wisdom, which these volumes contain. * , From the Commercial Bulletin. This work is a u-flex of the living age. and as such Will be sought and studied by the reading public; since to w*ite the biography of Theodore Parker is, in effect, to give a history of the timeE in which we live, of its great ; issues, social, religious, moial, and political: and. in a Word, to canvass lhe whole field of modern intellectual i effort and controversy. _ „ From the Few York Tribune ! The friends ofTbeodore P*rker, numb wing a large and i widely-scattered company in every portion of ourlmd I and of the world, who have been indebted tohiswrit ! Jugs atd his example for many noble influence;, may ! congratulate his biographer on the ability and success ; with which he has accomplished his task. gent free by mail cn receipt of price. fa24-W3 2s BY GIVEN, on CENTS— fiODEY FOB MARCH fe24-3t PITCHER’ <. SUB CHBSTNPT Strep-. A YOUNG LADY, FULLY COMPE -**• TENT to teach. would he Klad to take 1 a few Pupils for Music, at $l5 per quarter Please call on. or address,. MIS 3 BlSPflAu, k, 13-fro tv* 318 South FIFTSBNTa Street.. WEST GBOYE BO ASHING SCHOOL vv FOR GIRLS, at West G ove Station. Chester county, Pa..on the Phila and Baltimore Can. R., 40 miles from Philadelphia and 10 from Oxlord The Sum* mer term will commence on Second IDAY, the 21 Of Oth Month next. Th. 6 course of Instruction is extensive and thorough. Terms reasonable .Send(or aeireaiaif. Address THOMAS P. CONARD. Principal, fe!o-W2m West Grove, Chester county. Pa. RORDENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE Jt> BOBDBfITOWN, N. J. Tbit Institution it pleasantly located on the Dalawart river, 1M hour’s ride from Philadelphia. Special atten* tlon is paid to the common and Maher branches oJ BKGLI6H, and superior advantages furnished in voeaj and Insimmental Mublo. FBBfifCH tauaht by native, and spoken in the family. For Catalogues, addreif Bat. JOHN H. BEASbIiBT. A. M., President, VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY, I HEAR MEDIA. PA. —Papila ncelvedat any time. English. Mathematics. Classics, and Natural Sciences taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and Civil En gineering tanght. Entire expenses about *3 per week. Boys of all ages taken. Refers to ffm. &. Kern, ek- Shuiffs JohnO. Capp A Co., No. 23 Booth Third street; end Thomas J, Clayton. Em., Fifth and Prone streets. Address Bey. J. HAUTE? BARTON. A. M.. Tillage Green. Pa. no«-tf ■ TXEATON & DENOKLA, HARDWARE XX Commission Merchants, 507 COMMERCE and. 510 ffOBTH Streets, offer for tale: , _ Anchor Brand kails; Plymouth Mill Rivets, i vr. AB. Bnteher’s Out Steel; Eagle Cabinet Lock*. Putnam’s Hone Halls; Locke s School Slates. Copper* Brass.-and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. Also, a full assortment of American Hardware. , fes-6mlf - T INEN THBEAD. AJ SIMPSON’S AEGYLB. YINCEBIT MILLS, MCDONALD'S, SATIN FINrcS BOOKBINDEEB’. CAEPKT CBBBAD. Formic br foU-tf MIMTARY. and set the Highest Bounties. WEW PUBLICATIONS. THE ONLY EDITION THAT IS SIIELDOJT & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, Of his connection with the ARMY OF THE POTOMAC FROM ITS FORMATION. CE EAPER EDITION SHELDON & CO., NEW YORK. euucatiosa: HORACE H. SOULE. 3» North BROHT Stmt. Q PEKING OF SPBING & SUMMER J , M. HiFLElfiß* CHESTNUT ST., Will oren TUESDAY. Teh. lid, a large a»4 well se* iected stock of New Spring and Summer DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, and SILKS, to which he respectfully invites the attention of his customers and retail buyers. 1034- CHESTNUT STREET SPRING TRADE. e.’ E* M. NEEDLES g K |p pjj la now receiving, and offers for sale below W prebent snarketrstes, many novelties in a. S lace and white goodjs , f S t. He would call “special attention to hie gj q assortment of over2o«iifferentnew fabrics and cr £ styles of White Goods, suitable for *'Ladies r- Bodies and Dresses.” in stripes, plaids, and ± 2? figured, puffed and tucked Muslins „ h- 100 plica* of figured and plain Buff aud m y White Piques, bought bofoio Iho TOC.'Ht ad- - vance . _ ' _ w S New imoicesof Guipure and Thread Laces, w 2J Thread and Grenadine Veils, Edgings, Insert -2 lugs, Flouncinas. &c. • Broad Hem-Stitched HANDKERCHIEFS, all Ztnen, good qual ty, from2s cents up. 1034 CHESTNUT STREET. gALMORAL SKIRTS. 1 lot BALMORALS *3.00. i lot Balmorals, $2 1 lot BALMORALS. *2 50. 1 lot BALMORALS. *2 75. i lot Balmorals, *3.00. With a large stock of superior goods, ranging up to $6. MIESES’ AND CHILDREN'S SKIRTS, At reduced prices. CTJRWEN STODDA.RT & BROTHER, 450, 409, and 404 N. BECOND St., above Willow, CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. HAND AND LOOM LINENS. TOWBLIKGS, NAPKINS. 6BBETINGS AND PILLOW-CASE LINENS. COUNTERPANES AND BLANKETS- CURWEN STODD&RT & BROTHER, 450, 453. and 454 N. SECOND St.. above Willow. SPBING CLOAK (NG CLOTHS. WATER*PROOP CLOTHS. MIDDLESEX *♦ MXTEB 41 SALISBURY 44 Of desirable mixtures and colors, FBEtfCH CLOAKINGS, of choices! Ties. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER^ 450, 45a, and 454: N. BBOOHDSt., above Willow. JgICH BLACK SILKS. BLACK GEO BE EHINES. v 14 GRO GRAINS. GRO BE AFBIQDS. BARETHIA. FIGURED GRO DE NAPLES. CUKWEN STODDART & BROrHER, 450, 45» and 454 S. SECOND St., above Willow DRY GOODS. gEYMOUB, FEARLESS, & SANDS, IMPORTERS OF WOOLEN AND COTTON WAUP CLOTHS, AND OTHER BRITISH DRY GOODS, BOS CHESTNUT STREET, (Comer of Second street.) and 58 MURRAY Street. Hew York. GENTS' FURNISHING 1864. NEW STOCK. linfobb L,-cns;Eixrs, K. W. CORKER SIXTH AND. CHESTNUT STREETS, NOW OFFP.ItS A LARGE AND ELEGANT NEW STOCK OP GENTLEMENS FURNISH ISG GOODS. All the choicest novelties in this department constantly OntaI THE BEST-MADE SHIRT 3IN THE CITY. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. PRICES REASONABLE , ■ feli-U CLOTHING. 1864. FINE CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE. We are now prepared to show to cash buyers as exten sive a stock 6f medium and fine Beady-made Clothing:, for Spring sales, as can he found in the United States. Buyers can save their expenses to New 1 ork, and find thegords they want five and tea percent, cheaper In Philadelphia. An examination of our stock is solicited. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, felMm if S. E. corner SIXTH and MhBKET Sts. ARMY GOODS. j?OR THE ARMY AMD NAVY. EVANS Sc HABSALL, MILITARY rURNISHERSi 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, SaaheCt Belie, PMtftttU, Epaulettes, B&tS« CtPSi Cftl" teens. Haversacks, Camp Kite, Field Glasses, Spars, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit !ol Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. felO-lm Q W. SIMONS A BBOTHEB, BAX&OM-STRBET HALL. PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY, anffl'iffim . . JiROTHINGHAM A WELLS BATS FOB SALB, HEAVT. MEDIUM, ADD LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIETINGS. BTANDABD DEILLS. „ HEAVY CAt TON FLANNELS. _ WASH IfGTON AND VICTOEY GAMEBIGS AND SILBCIAS. Mn BBOWN. BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. Mo. U* WORSTED YABN. Ik.. »aWtftf *V"OUNG MEN WHO ARE OUT OF A employment. ... YOUBG MEW about engaging in business, YOUNG MEN who have limited means of education. * [ OUNG MEN who have /ailed to improve their time at , common schools, ’ _ „ , YOUNG MEN who have graduated at College, hat have no Knowledge of business, YOUNG MEN of fortucea, who would know how to manage their own affairs, YOUNG BEN without fortunes, who would possess the beet means of acquiring th*m. __ YOUNG MEN who have been disappointed at other Com mercial Schools, YOUNG KEN who would secure the very best means of advancement in the world. Are invited to call at _ IHE QUAKER CITY BUSINESS COLTaEGE. N. B. corner TENTH aad CHESTNUT Streets, An institution coiducred upon a system of actual ba*i neee training the superiority of which over any merely theorttical Instruction iR unquestioned-. . . Th? rationale which this institufcl »n is now enjoying, equalling, it is believed, that of any two other Cpm-- meicial Colleges’' in the city, is sumciert evidence ot its standing among businoß metr and of the prestige its giadaates will have in obtaining good paying situa tions. We feel ccmpelled to notice the fact that other concerns, envious of the unprecedented success of this institution, have been imitating our advertisements, and now one has even changed its name, assumics a part or ours, in order to sustain its failing fortunes. Several improve ments originally introduced here have also been fol lowed, The public will uarurally interpret these things in the right way. We regard complimentary rather thtn otherwise, and alory in. the fact ttiae in less than four months we have brought them to acauow hdge our superiority We will tdo more. sive is the wort, and TflE Q JAKER CITY BUBIN.e»sS COLLEGE will lead the van despite ail imitators. Young men will do well to bear these things in mind. And patronize an institution conducted with safhcient ability to had rather It* TO BUSINESS MEN. ■JL THB CUMBERLAND VALLEY JOURNAL, published at Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pa., and now in its ninth volume, is an excellent medium for business men of all classes to reaca a large and desirable elate of purchasers. The Journal has a LARGS CIR CULATION in the best portion of the State, and adver tisers will find it to their- advantage to make use of its columns. Terms moderate. Ordersleft with JONES WEBSTER. Advertising Agent, No. 90 North FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention; or, if preferred, address D. J. CARMANY, Publisher,, Mechaalcsburg. Pa. jgPECTACL.ES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN EYES Inserted without pain, by „ jambs 'W. queen & no., 934 CHESTNUT ST REST. fYPERA GLASSES AND OFFICERS’ " FIELD GLASSES Microscopes for Physicians and Students. A Tory large assortment for sale by JAMES W QUEEN A CO., 034: CHESTNUT Street. MATHEMATICAL drafting in 1M- STRUMENTS. Chestenaan’s Metallic and Steel Tape measures. Foreale by JAMES W QUEEN A CO., 9»4r CHESTNUT Street. Priced and illustrated catalogues gratis. fe23-tf A RTISTIC, ACCURATE, AND NA- A TCHAD CAE TBS PR VIBTE are executed at B. F. RBIUER'S new and elegant Sailer,. 03* ARCH Street, Qo early, »n 4 obtain pleasing and satisfactory plclprsa. M . GOODS. Katlmirou ia from the Greek word “ Katliro. or Ea tbairo,*' signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate, and restore. This article ia what its name signifies. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the HUMAN HAIR it is the most remarkable preparation in the world. It is again owned and put up by ihe original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill, and attention which gave it a sale of over t ne million bottles per annum, It is a mo*t delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It beeps the head cool and clean. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should u?e LYON’S KATHAIKON It is known ana used throughout the civilised world. Sold by all respectable dealers DEMtB 8. BARNES & CO.. New York. This is tie most dcU.htful and extraordinary article diicovered. It changes the snn bnrnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, im parting llie marble purity of youth, and the distingue appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It re moves tan, freckles, pimples, and roughness from the Bkin, leaving, the complexion fresh, transparent, and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by actresses and opera siagers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Prepared by W. E. HAGAN, Troy. N. Y. Address all orders to DEM AS 8. BARNES & CO., New York. But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with Natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. All instantaneous dyes are composed of lunar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing Heim strefet-s Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a LUXURIANT BEAUTY, promotes its growth, prevents its falling off, eradicates dandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness to the head. It has stood the te*t of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. Used by both gentlemen and ladies. It is sold by all re spectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agents, D. 8. BABNKB & CO., 2013 BROAD* WnY, New York. swo sizes, 50 cents and $1 The parties in St. Louis and Cincinnati, who have been counterfeiting the Huitang Liniment, under pretence of proprietorship, have been thoroughly estopped by the courtß. To guard against farther imposition. I have pro cured from the United Stales Treasury a private steel plate revenue stamp, which is placed over the top of each bottle. Ea ch stamp hears the/ac simile of my sig nature, and without which, the article is a counterfeit, dangerous, and worthless imitation. Examlae every bottle. This Liniment has been in use and growing in favor for many years. There hardly e* lets a hamlet on th« habitable globe that does not contain evidence of its wo&derful effects. It is the best emollient in the world. With its present improved ingredients, its effects upon mm and beast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made useful, and untold ills assuaged. For bruises, sprains rheumatism, swellings.- biteß, cuts, caked breasts, strained horses. Ac., it is a sovereign remedy that should never be dispensed with, it should he in every family. Sold by all druggists. fe2-2*mw f3mAeow 6m P. B. BARNE3. New York. iOODS. 1864 1864, MEDICAL YON’S K A THAI RON. It makes the hair rich, soft, and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon hald heads HAGAN’S MAGNOLIA BALM. [EIMSTREErS INIMITABLE HAIR RKST9 ISATIVE. —NOT A DTE, MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. IHILUKERY GOODS. jg-| NEW MILLINERY GOODS. P. A. HARDING & GO., Respectfully inform the mercantile, community that they will open, FEBRUARY lOtb, 1861, AT NO. 413 ARCH STREET, A COMPLETE STOCK OP STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, Suited to the trade, and trust that prompt and careful at tention, moderation in prices, good assortment, together with their long experience in business, (having been for the last seven, years with the honee of Lincoln, Wood, A Nichols, and their successors, Wood & Cary,) they may merit a share of the public patronage- . J®- Older* solicited by mail and promptly executed. fel-ltaif FINANCIAI.. QLASESON r C 0.7 BANKEBS , Ho. I#l South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. CtoTernment Securities of all Issues PURCHASED AND FOB SALS, STOCKS, BONUS, AND GOD.D BOUGHT AND SOI.D ON COMMISSION. Interest Allowed on Deposits. J*S-COLLECTIOHS PROMPTLY MADE. feS-Im JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS GOV ERNM E N T LOANS «-20 BONDS* . f PBB CUNT. LEGAL TEND BBS. 7-30 TEE ABO BY KOTBS. 1881 LOANS. .ONE-Y BAB CERTIFICATES, QUARTERMASTERS’ VOUCHEES. QUARTERMASTERS’ CHECKS. CITY AND STATE STO OKS. BANK. RAILROAD. ASO CANAL STOCKS AND BONDS. Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission. A full supply oi all kinds of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Including the Hew Flue Per Cent, (legal tender) TREA BUST BOTSS. always on hand. _ Collections made and deposits received. JAY COOKE «fc CO., No. 11* Sonth THIRD STREET. LEGAL. INFORMATION WANTED—OF BA- A CHEL WALKBB* (»naWen nam« Cook, daughter of Wetdei Cock.) or heirs of Bacnel Walker, who are sup postd to he in Philadelphia or neighborhood. Some thing to their advantage can be learned by addressing MOSES COOK, Dayton, Montgomery county, Ohio. fe2l-4tAltw F: THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In Ihe matter of the estate of JOHS EUStITON, de- C appointed by the Court to report distri bution of the fund in Conn, to or autos* lien creditors, ati&imr from the tale, by the administratrix da boms not, of the said decadent, of ail that certain lot of around, with the four-story Dries messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the *oatn aide of Pine str»et, 236 feet ea«t of Sixteenth street, containing in front on Pine street 20 feet, ana extend ing in depth southward 130 feet to Stone »tiwet, will attend to the duties of his appointment on MON DAY the 7th day of March. 1364, at 4 o’cloote P- 31.. at his office, »DSS SOUTH FIFTH Street, when and where an persons Interested aro*eieby notified and rcamra to be present and present ih&ir claims, or be forever de barred from ccmiDe in on Said fund, oarrea worn thOMAB BRADFORD DWIGHT, Auditor. OF REMOVAL. fe?4> wfm3t* The undersigned weald inform their friends and the public generally that ihey have removed from their Old Stand, 517 ARCH S'.reet, to their SPLENDID NEW WAREROOMS, No. COB ARCH STREET, where they will continue the rale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BURNERS, &c. Having associated with onr house Mr- CHARLES FACS, (formerly the Pritcipal feigner for Cornelia* & BaKer,) we are now prepared to ex* cn te or ders for Gas fixtures of all grades and designs, jrom the plainest to the most massive and elaborate* VAN KIRK inese* and is willing to mafce himself useful jb the #tore. Aodresp Box Post Office. WANTED —A SALESMAN IN A WOODES AND WILLOWWABE HOUSE; one acquainted with neav trade preferred. Addi'e** Boi 2671 Philatielphia. Post Office,with reference fe24 3t* WANTED-A SALESMAN FOR THE ▼ * Umbrella business, must have a good trade, as good wages -will be paid. Apply at *l* MARKET Street feM 2t* WANTED—A GOOD PAPER RULEB ** —Also, a B~y to feed a "Ruling Mach iae. Apply to W. V. MURPfiy & SONS, 330 CHEaTNUr Street fe23-3l* , - . _-_ ." WANTSD- $10,000. A PARTY * » having ten or fifteen thousand dollars in cash de tir«? a partner With unequal amount, to encage in the •WHOLESALE JOBBING BUSINESS, the subscriber being -well acquainted with the business and the trade. Fall patticula-ia will be given. by addreßsin* W. C. EDWARDS Buk No 1241. fe23?t* Philadelphia Post Office. A MONTH ?—I WANT TO HI HE w • v AGENTS in every County, at $75 a month, ex pentes paid, to sell my ?:ew cheap Family Sewing Ma chlree. Address S. MADISON, Alfred,Me. [fe!2 ditW3ai ar>£*i\ A MONTH I—l Want Agents at wO\-/£6q a month .expenses paid, to sell my Everlasting Pencils, Oriental-Burners , ac dl3 otheranicli- s. IS circa- ViTlheil/rel JOHN P. LOBP. BUAeford. Ma. ia27 2m ge AVAN TED TO BENT. ON OR BE- Jklm. fore April Ist, a moderate-sized house- between Fourth and Eleventh, and Vina and Poplar streets. Bear, *SOCtoS4QO. Address *‘T. G. K this office. fe24 4t* AVAN TED TO RENT. AVITH THE JkUl privilege of purchasing, a building sultablo /or a factor ▼» 40 by SO xo 100 feet. Address “Breinso,” at thJpoflice. fa24-2t* m WANTED—STOBE AND DWELL -fiiii-IKG, the £tcre large ilze. suitable for a Grocery Store, between Sprace and Green. Tenth aad Twenty-first Si. Address, * House, ”ofßoe of the Press , Btating where located and rent.for one week. fe2o fit* BOARDING. 99R SOUTH BROAD STREET— &&O Vacant the 2Sth of February. Four elegant rooms, second-story, a parlor, and three chambers, can be given in two suites, furnished or unfurnished, to good families without email children. (All newly car peted. ) • -. fa2a-8«" KOST AND TOtm T OST—ON THE 23d INST., AN EN VELOPF, containing $134 and several Fourth Au ditor's Certificates for prize money. A liberal reward will he paid for the return of the Bxmeto BBN JAftflfif KELLOGG, U. 8 Giaim Agent, It* N. E. c?r of FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. T OST OB MISLAID—A CJSRTIFI XJ CATE No. 5,313. dated May 13,1854, for one share of the Stock, and one. No. SB4, dated May 23, 1t55. for one shave of ihe Pcrip- of tlie LEHIOH COAli ANO Nil X GATION COMPANY, issued in the name of JONATHAN has been made for a RENEWAL of the above. ' • fe24 2t* T OST—A CERTIFICATE OF SPER -L# CENT. LOAN OF STATS OF PENNSYLVANIA, for $5lO 05, dateu March 22. 1830. Ho. 754. in name of WILLIAM MfcRKDITH, Also, a Certificate of 5-per cent. Loan Of Stale of Pennsylvania, icr the sum 6f $2OO. dated June 30. 2845, No. 1452. in the name of ELI K. PRICE, administrator of William Meredith in trust. Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re newal of said Certificate* , „ „ L felo-3m ELI K. PBIOE, No. 811 ARCH Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. YARD FOB SALE—THE BEST Kj fitted-up Yard in the city. Capacity for doing anv amount of business Inquire at No. 98Y North NINTH fetreet, below Girard avenue. Terms easy. fe2o 6t* VALUABLE DELAWARE WHARF , PROPERTY 70E SALE. TW, property. cBn trall, located in the EIGHTEENTH WARD ofthe city of Philadelphia, has a frontage on the river Delaware, extending to Beach, street, of 156 feet, with a superior fiO-feet-wide pier into deepwater; vapaciou* docfc3. 200 to 800 feet lour, on both i!d«s—the whole embracing an area, of over 60,000 square feet, with privileges of extea. s’on equal to a total are* exceeding SO. COO square feet. For further information, apply persos ally, wbv letter, to RAMUBL B. GRICB. fe9 tf 13*0 BEACH street. Philadelphia- FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR WaL CITY PROPERTY—A handsome Country Seat and well-improved Farm of 90 acres. It is oneof the most desirable properiies ever offered for sale, will he sold With or Without stock and furniture. No money re ciuired. Tywnw>«UntA pftPfl&Buloti given For full particu lars, apply to J. M. GUM&IET St SONS, DOS W*LNDT Mreet. feU-lm m FOR SALE—A COUNTRY SEAT J&iiiL on the Birmingham Road, about three miles snath of West Chester. in Chester county. Pa ; beautifully lorated on Osbourne’s Hill, near the Brandywine, rhe House i* mocern built, in cottage style, and of commo dious size. Water introduced from a hydraulic ram. Ice lienee. Bare. &c . attached The tm.ct contains FORTY ACRES of Land; well supplied With Fruit and large Shade Trees. A , t _ . T The property is near the summer residences of Istac Korns, the late Benry Pepper, deceased. Wm Parker Foulfce. and Samuel J. Saarpless, of Philadelphia. Apdlt to OH ABLE i RELOADS, fe23-12t* No. 36 S. SEVENTH fit., Philada. FOR BALE—ABOUT PIETY 3. ACRES OF GOOD FARM LAND, all nnderculti vation, three miles f.-om Cainden. fronting the Camden and Ambov Railroad and the Barlii gton road. This is a beautiful (its fir a country bavin* a splen did vrew of the river and miles of the surrounding courtry. The cats stop oppesite the land. Inquire of SAMOEL P.OoS, Corner ol FOURTH and PLUM Streets, fe24»wnt* Camden, Nsw lersey. HOTELS. JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, Pa., cokneb habket stbebt and maekst squabs A flrot-clsw Bouse. Terms, ti per day. OPEOIAL NOTICE.—STATES UNION O HOTEL, GOG and GOB MARKET Street. Phila delphia. The manager of this old*established Hotel would respectfully announce to his frivpds, aa well as to the public generally, that the STaTEs UNION has been re* leased for another term, from Ist April next, ard that improvements will be made that will make li the best hotel of lie capacity in the eity. A continuance of the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed is re .peclfplly srticUed. CHIB K ALT .„ OWD , Meneger. INSURANCE COMPANIES. STATEMENT OF PARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. or NEW YORK. Capital Stock Surplus, January Ist, 1564. Total assets Liabilities, being unsettled losses Cashpremiumt received Interest received Losses during the year— The undersigned have been appointed Agentßof this well-known Company, ard recommend it to the patro nage of this community. GETTY & AEKOTT, Agaats. fe24 Wfm3t JURE ASSOCIATION, Incorporate*! Mnrfll ti T. 1830. OFFICE SO. 31 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, INSUBES BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, AND MEBCHABDISE GENERALLY, FROM LOSS BY FIRE, (In the City of Philadelphia only. 1 statement of the abobts of the associa- TION, JAMUaHY h ISB4, p-.irlir.hed in conformity the Provisions of the Act of Assembly, of April 5, !Si2: Bonds end Mortgages on Prop.rty in the city of Philadelphia Ground Rents in do t> Real Estate (Office No. s&North sth street)**** 1) $ U. S. Government Bonus (fi*2o Loan) •••• &AW oa Deposit Willi U. S. Asbisi ant Treasurer. |6 wu ou Cash on hand - %j,6 39 S 7 TRUSTEES: CEGBOE; "*f • TRY ON, President. Win. H. Hamilton. Joseph K. Lyndail, John Sonder» Levi P p o * 1 ?’ t A Iveveer Samuel J&n FhllbST Cb«le ß John Canow. fiamaol s^'toriootl, Goorgo 1. \otms. w S‘lia SmKH. Secrete xy. fe!2-fxffW6t OFFICE OF THE UNION MUTUAL V/ twottraSCß COMPANY OF PBIIADBIiPBIA, INSUKAiUjJS u 'J.'ss, IjA t>^ j , F hia, January 11,1564. Hotice is hereby Riven iUat the holders of the out ntAmilnc Scrip of the Union Mutual.lnsurance Company JrPhilaS&hia, that the Stock and Scrip holders, at a meet«nK held this date, resolved to extend to the hold ers of the Scrip the privilege of converting ■aid Scrip into the Capital Stock of the company, accord* log to sociion 6th < f the amendment to the charter on the same terms as previously done, payment of to be made February 1, 1a64. Otherwise, interest to be charged os payments male after date, and the privUeie or conversion to cease after June &O.ISSI, jal3w?m3in .TOHH MOBS, Secretary- NEW LIGHT. The subscribers would inform the public that they hav« introduced la this city •• A HBW LIGHT, _ T ~ poss- silng advantage* over all otWs iu uw. v«: TUI? 24 taken hy tbit Light are more lifo-like and na* torsi. Children ere takm»lmo« in two seconds. The mperior and artißtic flaisn oltus Plcnas taken by this Ll«ht deft competition. HC '®“ WSMAN & OO.^Photograiher.,^ feft lmif* TV/TABKLEY"& SHAFFNER, SUOOES BS.J.J?si® JWTJBTH stmt, fs‘JJ «W G. H. MANN. >$200.0(0 00 . 70,416 00 ,$270,410 00 7.000 00 ,$110,677 67 . 18.853 17—T2P.7.J0 71 0un0...... 47,61312 No. 435 CHESTNUT Streot. jfefril.ns* 86 AMirSEMENTS, ACADEMY OF MUSIC. GERMAN OPERA. CRAN'D COMPLIMRNTART BENEFIT. CARL, ANSCHUTZ, THURSDAY EVENING- FEBRUARY if, MBA First and only appearance of MADAME ROTTER, “A NIGHT IN GRENADA.” HEBE HABELMANN Seats may be secured at J. E GOT7LI>\3, and tlie Ana. demy. fe22 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. GERMAN OI’BRA. m. W|pKF.SDAT EVENING. FebrnalT24. 1864, e OPEKt COSIPANY will have tie ptaa ltu? WEBER'S celebrated Opera, ia v , DER PRETSCHTITZ, mT 'ir ’’ 6 KlvilL with tb 0 loll,,wtnir splendid east: CmS”. Stelnecka. j« ax j. Herr Ha mer. r?ft*nn.r...,7?' * ‘ ’ .Herr H&belmaniL. -....Herr Graff THE INOANTATKJN acENR Herr Boebni. in tbe third act will be given wUh. nniunul effect Conductor...• FH . fi) . v .^.. iii;s;; ....oißL A H3oHnTE. THIRD OPER* NIGHT OF THE NSW SERIES CaKDK OF ADItttS&ION Parquet,Parquet Circle, and Balcony y&mily Ciicle....* • ••* cent* Amphitheatre* i* * 25 To be obtained at tbe Academy* and at J. E G m Hi» MATIBEEon SATURDAY Afternoon. fe&f-2t* A MEXICAN ACADEMY OF MOBIC. " -1).. L. CARPENTER’S Nineteenth Annual Fall Dress Sojn-e. ..J.'y.? B ,!" be procured of JOHN TIIORNLEY, Esq.. NUT Street, end or O. L. CARPENTER BAP. ARCH Street, Teacher of Dancing. f024-Bt* ODNCERT HALL, CHESTNUT ST, ABOVE TWELFTH. Enrsaement of. MB. DE COKDOVA, The popular and celebrated HDMOBODB LEGTUBJhtt AND POST. TO CIIVE A Course of Three of hia most POPUEAB 1/fiCTDKES. first Lecture. THURSDAY, Feb. 85th Subject.- COURTSHIP -AND MA.RRtA.GB tfcoDd Lecture.-..- THURSDAY, March:*! Subject MR PERKINS’ CHRlSrfifaS DINNER, (A Tale of shoddy.) THUR>DfcY, March lofk. -.-OUR FIRST BABY, ' tA. Tale of Homo.) Third Lecture Subject........ Tickets for the Course $l, Single admission 00c, For sale at the Principal Stores and office of the Halt Doers open at 7 Lecture at 8 o'clock. m CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE. LEONARD GROVER TEIUMPB ANT SUCCESS Of the Great Irieh Scenic Dram*. COLLEEN BAWN« With Kew au«3 (by J IL Smith. aai hie brother Richard.) Original Music. Elegant Appoint merits, and a GREAT CAST OF CHARACTERS. FRIDAY NEXT, TIOKET-OF-LEAVB MAN. 'With the original cast. NEXT GRAND FAMILY MATINEE ON SATURDAY NEXT, Feb. 5*7 Prices of AUMissms, —Djesa fUrcls and Parquet -W Cents; Orchestra Ohalra 75 cents; F.-iiaily Circle 25 cents. WALN Dl’-STBERT TfTF.ATftK. / , THIS (Wednesday) EVENING Feb 24. the claiming, talenteo, veiss-tlle, young Actress LHC-ILLB WESTERN, Will app «r inj: ln four acta, cntltlad I»A X'Hlj'Bfa: or, The AcirtwH of Btidtia.. To conc.nde theLaarbabio Farce of hK&TCRBS Is* JHPU. Friday sight, Farewell Benefit of LncUle Western, When will positively be produced THjs FRENCH SPF Box Office optn from 9 till 3 Boors open at 7 o’clock. Onrtafn rises at 7>*. Mb S. JOHN DREW'S NEW ABO&* STREET THEATRE. SECOND WEEK OP EIOHINGS, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY Evenings. THE ENCHANTRESS. STELLA (A* Bnehwiltese) Sfl«?g Rraffrffff* RaMIK MR. E. SB JOIN. Don bylTio , . W. a Bill. Porte Bracbio- ..Mr Pe&kee. For particulars of Scenery, Inc’deute, Music* ito., see bilx FRIDAY, BB&EFITOF MC«B RTOaiNOS. In rehearsal Tfle Ma&jC MaßßlsGfi ON MONDAI. MRS. JuHN DREW. P; ices as usual. Curtain rises at 73£ o’clock fe%3-3t Great n ational oiiicus TROUPE. MARK&T Street* ahovo Twelfth* Directress, Mrs. CHaELES WaR&BK, formerly Mra DAN RIOB POSITIVELY THE LAST. WEEK. Rich Programmes will boaivennuringrkia t*e last week of the Great National Troupe. Those who have not seen the exhiVtion of the great skill of the Equestrians, Gymnast!*. Acrobats, the Loom ed Horses, Educated Docs, and Comic Mutes, should go at once .„ The Oral d Benefit to Mr. and Mrs FRANK WHITTA KER will take place on THDEbDAF EVENING, 25th. lust,, on which occasion FOURTEEN, tplendid pertor* msnces wi’l be given. MATINEES ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AP TERNOONS. commencing at 2K o’clock? Evening. 7.4 d. Admission 25 cents; stage seatß 50 cents; private hoses $3; gallery 16 cents. , fe22»fo RT. WHITE'S • FOURTH ANNUAL CONGEST, PENN WIDOWS ASILUM, Will take place at the AMERICAN MECHANICS’ HALL, CORNER FOURTH AND GEOaGS STREETS, THURSDAY EVENING. Feb. 25, IBS4, The following Ladle* and Gentlemen have very kindly volunteered their service*: Lady Amateur, Miss Emma Welle, Mrs. Rebecca Da* vie* Mr. N. B Yache, Mr. Thomas Rawlings, Mr. Samuel Davies, Mr. A. R Batcher, Mr. Win A. Briscoe, and others, embracing a powerful chorus. Prof. B. A. CLARKE trill preside at the piano. Tickets, 25 cents. Concert to commence at 8 o’clock. TVTKS, CORA L. V. HATCH, "i- OF_NK W_TORK, POSITIVELY FOB OWE EIGHT ONLY. This popular speaker will deliver (by special invita tion) aLec-ureto ti e citizens of Philadelphia in COAT* CIShT lULL, FRIDAY RVEaiZiQ, Feb . 26th. at 9 O'clock, E object —“Peace and War; their Effects on Civilization ” The speaker will answer aaestlons pro? pos> dby the aodience at the clone of the lecture. The clergy, p t osp, critics, and professional men, andoitlzena generally, are invited to attend. Ticket*, 25 cents, THE great picture a AT CONCERT HALL LECTURE ROOM For a Abort season. COMMENCING THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 18®t. J. Ibsco "William*’ celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This Is the mobt complete and finished Painting of tYe Sacred Scrip;oxvs in the Trorld, comprising over fifty of Uemott SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES Of the first three thousand-years of Biblical Historr. forming altogether one tli° finest exhibitions of the age. OP* N EVERY EVENING at half past 7 o'clock. Admission 26 cents. N. £. Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday after* noous. at S o’clock. A C mission for Children 15 cents. fe!9 2m TEMPLE of wonders. A ASSEMBLY BUIIiDINOS, „ - TENTH and OHKSTNDT BtrMl*. POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK. MAGICAL And PHILOSOPHICAL EXPERIMENTS! Great Power, of VBBTBILOQUIBM, and.the LEARN IS CANARY BIBDS. , , _ , . , SIGNOR BLITZ will appear In his popular Entertain znents EVERY EVENING, commendne fit 7>£ fift< WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFT&&MOOM fit 3. u Admission2scents: Children 16cent*. Jfi4»n ANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC EEHEABSALS every SATtTHDAY. its o’clock, P. M, at the MOsIOaL FOND HALL Single tickets 11 cents. Packages of six ticket-, $l. To be had at AN DRE'S. 110* CHESTNUT Street, J. E GOULD. SB TENTH and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door. fe2l-tf INSTITUTION FGjR THE BLIND. A EXHIBITION every WEDNESDAY, at si* P M. Ad mission Ten Cents Store No 11 South EIGHTH St. It CASINO, CHESTNUT STREET, AhiYve SIXTH THE GEEAT VAKTETY ENTERTAINMENT. ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS. BALLET DANGERS, PA NT OMI MISTS, COMIC SINGERS, fe?2 6t* EVERY NIGHT THE OF AMERICA, A BY C. SOHUSS&LL. and FRITH’S DERBY DAY, the mast interesting PAINTINGS ol the day, - ON EXHIBITION FOR A SHORT Tins. AT BaBLB’S GiLLBIHSg. Bill OHEHTNUP STREET. ADMISSION TWJSN tY-FIVB OhNT3. fe!9-12t ■PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OH I THB FIM AKTH. _ loss CEBHTHUT STHBS*. „ „„ OPMI DAII.Y (Bond&Ys Aon 9 A. AT. tils AdmlMlOll Children knlf S»¥i« GYMNASIUM FOB LADIES AND xj" GENTLEMEN, corner NINTH and ARIH Streets. CLASSES FOR L A LlE*—Monday. Wednesday, and Friday. 10 and UA. M., and 4 and 6P. M. FOE BOYS— Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday, be tween 4 and fi and 5 and 6 P. M. ..... . GSNTLEMEN S GYMNASIUM open at all times, from 7 A. M till 3Q i*» M> Onartera commence at any time- . ft?o 4t Professor! HILLEBBAND h LEWIS. COMPLIMENTS BY RESOLUTIONS. Atfhe close of a course of ten'Leetures delivered be* livered before us. the undersigned members of a class ox students, instrncted by Prot. BOLLES, at his Institu tion, 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on the import ant bubiect ofhis discovery in the application of GAL VANISM. MAGNETISM, and other modifications of ELECTRICITY, for the speedy and permanent cure of Acut*» and Chronic Diseases, the members of tne class organize* by calling CHAS HSEiSA. fl. D., to the Chair, and M, 4, GOLLQWAY to act as Secretary, thereupon the following preamble and.V?i7- 6na °1 mena&tiona were presented by Mr uLAEK. sna ®“« r due consideration were unanimously adopted or we Class.-and a copy of the same presented to Professor B ?it LI BMt)?«pd. That we have listened with ireat inte rest to Prot BOLLBS* course of lectures, aad .uat he has presented the philosophy of disease ana noalth aa wholly depending on certain disturbed conditions of the electfical nolarities of the human organizm; pjid that, iuSilforium of these losses of electrical and polarity, Isiheonly rationale of cure, an* that the centrallity and polarity of the human Bystsm.Utne causa ofall phenomena of secretion, digestion, and circulation is also the cause of all phenomena in the physical world around ns, and that these disturbances are .easily con trolled, and brought into electrical harmony, which is ‘Resolved, That Prof. BOLLES* theory of disease and health is entliely new to us; and, wa SALteve, to the. Medical and Scientific world, fxcept thoe who have been itught by him, as we have neves seen or hearA. Anything like It before, and we believe it to be as useful as it is .naw; and that it is ultimately destined to su persede all systems of Medical practice it being the only str;e’,y scientific and reasonable, plan, ol treating: die ea* a So. Risolred, That we, in duty IcioUffering humAuity* and for the progress of the human, race. In apprciMina ting to a condixion of health. and* happiness, coaamsnu. the Piofeitorand htstheory and yjraccice to toe. paDnc*. Bnd bid him God-speed, as we baiieve M# ff l, ®^V™wjflSS is ono of benevoltnce and mercy, and caleiiiatehto oane fit ht inanity in the only scientific and t a flnz.i restoration of health a:ad physical httl>Vlhf_i O_P 0 _ P Uh. Jtwolwd, That wa Under toProfßM^S^w 8s?x« “u 1 »u- il.» tue diee^adut b Sj it °»SJ3S!erf, Tkit the proceedings M this Meetlag be P Ln t db/eich ’W&wtftbe Class.and published iu thecUs papers- D. OLABK, JOHN A. KEfi E, TfeOß. ANDkKWS. wiLLI an HUNiER, DB. J. STRETCH, R t. TBIKSIL, ALEX. E WYETH, M.l>. v A M - HHIITKa. CJfAS. B- RHEABA, an tt 1. oaLLOWaT. Secretary. Fhiladelphu, Ftb. 20-ii, 18*4 _ R.K— Prof QolUa will commence another coursa >r Leenu** Ht of March, which wlil be the last Lecture* of thr Winter course- fe2l at pOLOBED PHOTOGRAPHS FOR S'. ihe most oxten*‘v«ly patroalzsd of any picta r a* uUd< : their line s'yle qua (inality r-ave nitde toetn »a- TfcUx hie to the SEduBD Scowt* ..GOMEZ ..MANAGES,