THIS CITY. Wkenaometcr. FKBRUASY 10, 1883. ! FEBRUARY 10, ltftH- B A. H 18 A. I*-*• 65 62 23>£ SO 30 WIND. I WIND. __ ___ SSW-...Wby S...WSW NW NW NW The County Piuson. —The fourteenth, uotial report of Mr. Win. J. Mulien, prison agent, wfcicis just been published, chows that daring iheyrar 1683 he hne tucceeded, with the co-opera tion of the constituted authorities, in liberating iromptlfon 1,491 persona. (40 of them being small children,) at a cost of SUB OS, paid to msglstratca and other officials; these tv ere from about 2,500 ct tea investigated. The parties were all committed for court, but on a careful examination it was found that the imprisonment of a majority of them was either extremely unjust and oppressive, for cff«D«es so trivial, or accompanied by such miti gations, that a further confinement did net seem demanded by either justice or expediency* It was discovered that many of thee * fr'm vindictive n-a’ice, or a thirst for gain, while other were instituted by intemperate persons, who unconsciously or recklessly overlooked the wretchedness they earned by incarcerating pa rent*. whose children were thereby left with out protection or support. It is nos, of course, denied that many of tne above were, to some ex tent, guilty; but, for the reasons assigned, it was concluded that their release at the time it was effected was an act in every way proper. The ii- Deration of the persons referred to saved to the county the sum of $13,924 29during the year. The whole number of persons released within the last ten years, through the Agent’s interference, (since thecommencement of the agency), ale been fourteen thousand five hundred and three (u,5 *), at * $1,284.74, averaging the amount paid for prisoner about eight cents, which was pail to magistrates and others in authority; tlislr libera tion saved to the tax-payers of Philadelphia the eum oi y 106,457.48 me unjust, distressful, and trivial character oi these arrests may be imagined by the large number of commitments and the few convictions; and here the would remark that bis object in executing the duties of hia office iB not eo much to effect the lelease of a large number as to liberate those only who ought to be at liberty. The Lumbei of arrest® within the last year was ovtr 35,000. Out of tnf s? 17,219 were committed to prison. Out of the number imprisoned vhere were 336 of their bills ignored, and but 320 convicted, sen tenced, and recommitted to prison. Of these, 233 •were sentenced to labor, and S 9 without labor. Of the remaining, there were discharged by the courts 209; by the magistrates, S 173; by the inspectors. 6,025. Prisoners whose time expired within the year. 1,G82. Of the above number committed there were 9.932 white males, and 5 596 white females* Of the latter number there were but 28 convicted and sentenced to labor, and 10 without labor; 958 black males, and 1,731 black females, 18 of whom were convicted and sentenced ro labor, and 1 without labor. The whole number of commitments of both sexes shows an increase of 2,659 over that of the previous year. Although the criminal calendar shows a diminution of crime, as has been seen by the disposal of their esses, yet this increase of commitments is the more rem?rkable when we con sider that the class which furnishes the largest number of prison subjects bas been greatly dimin ished by enlistments in the army. It can be accounted for only in two way* —the increased sale of intoxi cating liquors, and the improper commitments by magistrates. When we reflect upon the fact that duiixg the past year the different counties in Penn sylvania paid into the State Treasury, for tavern licenses, the sum of $246 609 08, of which amount Philadelphia city contribut'd the large quota of $133,492 to secure a license to deal out “ death and destruction 1 ’ to our fellow men, ‘‘ sowing the seeds of discord everywhere,” filling our prisons, and making tisneceisary work for tbe courts, without accomplishing any goed. and that, too, at a frightful cost of moneyv independent of the great injury to the metals of the community, we cannot help thinking this whole business of *‘rum licensing” is "penny wise and pound foolish.” There c*n belittle cause lor wonder at the crowding prison and almshouse in a city whose dens of drunkenness are open by day and night, on every street, to entice the young of either sex to degradation and ruin. Dsr-AETTTEE OP A COLORED REGIMENT. —Yesterday afternoon the 22a Regiment United States Colored Troops, numbeiing 1,015 men, ar rived in this city, from the barracks, near the Old Tczk-ioad station. This is the fifth regiment raised and equipped by the Supervisory Committee of this city, without expense to the Government, and the sixth regiment is nearly full. As the 22d passed through a number of our streets they predated an excellent appearance, and were heartily t cheered XlOOg tbe whole route. A full baud accompanied the regiment. They wore a very fine uniform, with red caps, and attracted much attention. The drill of thete men is wonderful, considering the time they have been in the service. Much credit is due to Colonel Wagner, commanding The post, and the offi cers ol the regiment, for this perfection of the men. The regiment is commanded by Colonel Klddoo, who was formerly Major of the 6th U, S. Colored Troops, which left this city for Hilton Head about two mciitba ago. He subsequently went before the Board of Examiners at Washington, and passed as Colonel* The other officers also passed examination before the same Board. The field officers are: Colonel, J. B. Kiddoo *, Lieutenant Colonel, Nathan Hoff; Major, John B. Cjok; Surgeon, C. G. G. Merrill; Assistant Surgeons, Martin Phillips and J. C. Moore. .The regiments cm their arrival at the Berks-streei Station, inarched down Second to Arch, up ArJh to Broad, down Broad to Chestnut, down Cnestnut to Third, down Third to Lombard, down Lombard to Second, down Second to Washington avenue, and thence to the Refreshment Saloons. After considerable delay, about eight hundred of them proceeded to the Union Volunteer and the remainder to the Cooper Shop Saloon, where they spent some time re freshing the inner man with the numerous dainties provided by these patriotic institutions. A large number of the colored fraternity, both male and ft> male, also congregatedghere, and,] without either jj* citation or invitation, plunged into these neces sity and attracting articles. After this part of the jnccetdings were over they were formed Into line and marched to the foot or Washington street, where the United Stales steamer Governor Chase was in waiting for them. They were immediately embarked cu board of her, and about seven o’clock in the eve ring she set sail for Fortress Monroe, where the colonel is ordered to report to Major Gen. Butler. This is tbe second regiment from our city which has been sent to that place. The Schoomasteh Abroad.— The need of a schoolmaster is probably nowhere more urgent in any department of our public school system Sian in the intelligent Board of School Controllers. This body of learned guardians of the education of about eighty thousand youths are a lively com mintsiy upon the gross folly of permitting poli ticians to control the public schools. There is *caicely a public meeting of this Board at which there is not exhibited such flagrant abuse of the King’s English, as should cause a blush to the check til an ordinary scholar ia any of the secondary schooli. A certain teacher, in an -up-town grammar school, vvftp, on Tuesday afternoon, formally discharged from his functions, and among the reasons assigned let hia dismissal was one that he used ungram- language; that he was known at times to of suchlangu&ge as “there is no scholars,” and ‘‘there was mistakes,” etc. The public will agree that it was a very proper act to dismiss a teacher who proved himself thus incompetent. As a matter of curiosity, we undertook to note whether it was true that Satan was rebuked by Satan. Tn the period of half an hour of me proceedings of the same meeting, we heard there expressions escape the lipa of more than one Controller: _ The High School scholars was examined Pupils where rejected 5” The teacher was elected Without authority of four ;*> “ There has been teach ers given good satisfaction in the Twenty-fifth w*i*i u Paienl* have came to me from my ward;” “There is others that did net apply for examine* tion“ Some schoo3a have no pianos,” &a. The School Controllers have another duty to psr« form as public men, and that Is to learn to pay due respect to our mother tongue. Army Hospital Lectures. —A series of iec'Urts have lately been commenced At the JVIe- Clellan United States Army Hospital, near Nice town, Philadelphia, for the benefit of the soldiers, with great success, at the suggestion of its energetic chaplain, James Shrlgley, U. JS. A. Hr. 'William E. Bonsai!, of the medical staff, de livered on January 4,1564, the opening leoture, ea« titled ‘‘Follies of the Age.” He was followed on the 2oth of the month by Ur. Isaac Norris in a well writteu address on “ Scanderbeg,” the Grecian pa triot and king, whose character is thought to resem ble so much that of our well-neioved Washington. Dr. Stonelake on Monday last delivered the third lecture of the course, bis subject being “ G-ettvs buig.” Others have been promised by the various gentlemen attached to the staff. Judging from the delight and pleasure which th*se entertainments afford the soldiers, enlivened as they are by a number of patriotic airs from the band attached to the “Ic valid Corps” of the hos pital. it is to be hoped that the example thus com menced may be imitated in our other hospitals. The chapel in which they take pUce has been lately handsomely fitted up with new settees, etc,, the library room much enlarged, and every atten tion paid to the amusement, moral welfare, and in struction of the soldiers here, as a visit to those rooms, and to its clean and beautifully-decorated wards, will show. The hospital was never in a more nourishing condition than at present, under the ab : e management of its surgeon in charge, Dr. Letvia Taylor, and his efficient executive officer, Dr. Joseph vi murphy. The Gntxs’ High School.—The publi cation of the names of the successful candidates for S2s£iK n i 0< *® Girls* High and Normal School is Withheld for the present. The list has been ready “"two hut, owing to serious charges against *ne honesty of the manner in which the examiav “hnwai conducted, a committee of revision has 555 kj the Board of Control, who will probably declare the examination null and void. fl? °* ™ schoolspvithdrew their candidates early in the examination, preferring that oourseto the 11* k of making an unfavorable contrast with others, *0 wfcom. partiality might be shown. Complaints of egaiast this school have been reite rated frequently 01 late in the meetings of the Con ircHers, and it is to be hoped that the pending in vestip ation may be so thorough as to eradicate what ever evils there map exiet. House of Correction.—An unimport ant meeting was held in the Common Council Cham her, on Tuesday evening, by & committee of Coun cil., Inspectors of Prisons, mid Guardian, of the Poor, in reference to the erection of a new House of Correction in this city. Mr. Maris presented a plan w l*icb, if carried out, Mr. Barclay laid would put off the creation of a Home of Correction for years. Mr. WetherUl thought that the oommittee of Coun cils had very little to do with the ereotion or suoha building or the .election of a .ite. When the cli mate. are made, and a site .elected, all they would nave to do la to demand an appropriation of Conn- Si 18 - Mr. George N. Tatham said the object of a mouse of Correction was to afford an asylum to neither pauper, nor convicts. The housel 5 to ”>««* °n the 17th, at the Alms- EBa°Si B S.^ D .Molasses. — The brig Tuesday ftom P SaEiS*u g’ ® rr , lTe!l at this port on tierce, and 1 bhl. of sugar, andma tSSf *2? Sfe*’*’ e molasses. The brig E? ei in ft hhds., 65 bbls, of yesterday from Matamoros,’ wlm IS hS? 1 ’ tierces of molasses. The brfo 40 Captain Steelman, also, arrived yesiShL £!. olo s er ’ Orleans, with the following cargo - 47 New 330 barrels of molasses, 66 balls of oottan S ns ,® r > quantity of old metal. All of the »bove n ’»?,‘f d , ® were consigned to different parties in this city 1 le * PERSONAL.— Capt, John C. Henry, of the 20th Pennsylvania Cavalry, has returned home with Lieutenant Maguire, and recruited two companies for that fighting regiment. Both of these officers served through the Peninsular campaign with dis tinguished gallantry, and carry on their persons the scars of severe but honorable wounds. They will leave the city to-morrow to rejoin their regiment, now at Harrisburg, preparing to move to General Grant’s army, in Tennessee. Sixth-ward Bounty Fond.—We axe requested to state that the subscriptions to this lUnd, published in our advertising columns to-day, are from merchants not residents of the ward. This fact is deserving or particular notice, as it shows an absence of selfishness on the part or the gentlemen SXJ^iitS 1 * P-triotio desire to relieve ,the entire city from the necessity of a draft. Tenth Ward.—The bounty fond com mittee of this ward publish a card in another co lumn urging the absolute necessity ofSm LiX have not subscribed to the fund to cJmetMwlfdlnd !nllwho c “ ÜberAU? Fifteenth Ward.—The “last call” iq now issued to the residents or the Fifteenth ward to hold a meeting this evening tn the church buUdin. at Eighteenth and Spring Garden streets. The Ques tion for consideration will be whether further efforts Me to be made to avoid a draft in Mid ward. Hicm School Alumni. —Last evening the Alumni Anoeistlon, of the Central High Sohorti, held their *emi-snnual meeting in the lecturoroom of the building, at Broad and Green streets. Mr. ►Stephen Benton oeoupied the chair. and Dir. Ittgry K. Edmunds acted as secjetary. The a new president, in the place or »*•- «enton who de clines a renomination, was the occasion of a noisy demoettraiiou on the pert of the member.. Two graduates were placed in nomination, viz.: John SJ?S witoonantt Charles Buck waiter. There were 161 votes cast, of which Mr, Watson received 62, and Mr. Buekwalter 09 Mr. Buckwalter was deoiared elected. Objection was made on the ground of the validity of the election, there having been more votes cast than there were dues paid. Mr-Watson expressed his satisfaction at the re sult, and took occasion to hope that the High-School Alumni should never attain a reputation of political partisanship. This, he feared, had been reduced to position 16 r * uc^wrft^er depreoated M ■ Haines said that the election nJSi if£ fraudulent, and that he himself had not Batson* Uea ‘ r * Haines had voted for Mr. tA^£s!ff* fc ' ireri^' e ? i4 was impossible for him to Keep an account of dues paid. After considerable leeiing manifested on both sides, the business of tne association was proceeded with. For the alum ni speaker the gentlemen placed in nomination were Cbas. Henry Brock, Henry R. Edmunds, and Robert P* Mr. Edmunds was declared elected. A resolution was adopted appointing a committee to inquire whether any of the alumni are iu the rebel service, and if so, to report that their names be stricken from the rolls. It was stated that George W. Alexander, of the 10th class, was a provost marshal of Richmond. Announcement was made Of the death of Isaac J - Haekenberg, treasurer, and appropriate resolutions were ordered to be publish* ed, expressive of the condolence of the association. Another Regiment Coming.— The 99th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Col, Asher S. Leidy commanding, is expected to arrive at the depot of tbe Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad, Broad and Prime streets, about nine o’clock this morning. Ao escort will be there to conduct them over a route which we were unable to ascertain last evening. They will, however, proceedgto the Refreshment Sa loons, where an excellent feed will be given them, and after the parade is over will dismiss at the Na tional Guards’ Hall, Race street, between Fifth and Sixth. Military Honors. —lt will be seen by an -advertisement ia another part of to-day’* Press that military officers are requested to meet this evening to perfect the necessary arrangements to attend the funeral of Capt. Wm. S. Small, whose demise was noticed in our paper of yesterday. For the Benefit of a Church.—Mrs. Clara S. Landis will give miscellaneous readings and recitations from great authors, at the Church Hall, Thirteenth and Oxford streets, on next Mon* day evening, for ttife benefit of the church. Slight Fire.—A slight fire occurred yes terday morning at No. 602 North Front street, used as a bakery. It caught fire from the stovepipe* The loss was small* THE POLICE. [Before Hr. Alderman Beitler. J Assault with Intent to Rill. Samuel Jeffries and Sam Smith were arraigned at the Central Station yesterday afern«on on the charge of committing an assault and battery upon Major Gasper M. Berry, at or in front or within the railroad hotel of Mr. E. H. Reeder, Germaatown, on Monday evening. It seems that Lieutenant Hiley, Lieutenant Morris, and Majoi Berry, were at Sands’ hotel, on Monday evening, on a visit. This place is located a short distance above Germantown. As they were about to return in their carriage, a private one, belonging to Lieutenant Hiley, Lieu tenant Townsend, who boarded at Reeder’s hoteL and who was present at Sands', requested to ride with the party. This, of course, was at once com plied with. On reaebiog Reeder’s hotel. Lieutenant Townsend alighted, whereupon, without a moment’s notice, or any provocation, or expectation, he was violently assaulted and knocked down. Major Berry sprang from the carriage, and was either forced or pulled into the dining-room, where he was struck on the back part of the head with a billy. He merely said in reference to the attack on Lieu* tenant Townsend: “ Would you kill a man that way who has been, fighting for his country V* In a moment some one cried oat in reference jo Mr. Berry, “Kill him, Kill the—” He was then struck several times, but did not fall until receiving the second blow from the billy. He alleges that both Henry C. Reeder and Edward H. Reeder assisted in the .outrage committed upon him. Lieut. Morris, who belongs to the 26 th Regi ment P. V., had only arrived iu Philadelphia on Sun day evening, he being in rather ill health, from long service in the cause of hie country. He was very seriously injured during the melee. The wholeaffair did not occupy but a very fewminutes; it was sharp, short, and bloody. At the hearing yesterday, Major Berry fully iden tified Jeffries as one of the parties who made the attack. Smith looks like one of them. The defend ants were required to enter bail in the sum of $3,000, to answer at court. Subsequent to the above proceedings, Henry G. Reeder and Edward H. Reeder appeared before the magistrate, aad wsived a hearing. Each of these defendants were required to enter bail in the sum of $l,OOO each, to answer at court. Some Developments in a Case of Robbery. Dennis Shay was arraigned yesterday on the charge of stealing a watch from Captain Thomas El liott, a short time since. Officer Yoorhees testified that on the 2d instant he arrested the defendant at Twenty-second and Spruce streets, having in his possession a watch alleged to have been stolen. (Watch shown.) H. H. K. Elliott testified that the watch belongs to bis son, and was stolen from him; some money was also stolen at the same time. Since the rob bery, my ion has been ordered to report to Bridge port, Alabama I suppose he is there now* Harry Elliott sworn—This watch is my brother’s. Mr. L. C. Cassidy said—As there is no evidence of robbery having been committed by defendant, I ask that he be discharged* He has now been in custody a full week. The counsel for prosecution asked thafthe case be continued for a short time. There is some evidence that the defendant committed the robbery. The alderman replied there waa nothing yet be fore him that the defendant committed any robbery, and, therefore he had nothing to hold him on* Mr. Elliott expressed a hope that & mere techni cality in the law would not be taken advantageof in a preliminary hearing. The magistrate replied. « 1 You have had a week to obtain your witnesses.” “I had a witness here last Wednesday, and I un derstood you to Bay the hearing was not to take place then, but a week from that day.” “Can you have that witness by two o’olook to morrow?” ~ “ I think I can,” replied Mr. Elliott. The cbbo was thereupon adjourned over until two o’clock this afternoon. Pinal Hearing. * J. McGregor, who has had quite a number of hearings at the Central Station on the charge of larceny, was yesterday finally bound over in the sum of 4600 to answer. .Tohn Jenkins was held to answer the charge of receiving the stolen goods. It is due, perhaps, on this ex parte hearing to Bar that Mr. Jenkins recovered the goods from a peraon who received them from the alleged thief. He tried to trace the ownership, but failed, and retained possession of the article, the ssme as is always done by police officers generally. [Before Mr. Alderman HcOahen. 1 That United States Detective. A dual hearing was to have taken place yester day attemoon in the case of the man wko alleges himself to be in the secret service of the United States. He stands chaiged with conspiring to cheat and defraud. The particulars of this affair have already been published in these columns. At the last hearing in this case, on Friday eve ning, HenryUnger, a very important witness, was examined, Previoua to this certain parties were anxious to ascertain his whereabouts, but they were not exactly gratified with the information. They ascertained the fact, however, at the hearing. On faund&y morning last, at 4 o’clock, Mr. Unger was aroused from his slumbers, at his residence, and taken by an armed guard to tke provost barracks, as a deserter. Fortunately for himself and the cause or justice, he submitted the most inoontestible legal f™ h .® w *» not * deserter. He was, there fore, promptly discharged by the provost marshal. It seems that when the sergeant arrested him, Mr. Unger said that he had his papers to show that he was honorably discharged. It is alleged that the sergeant replied “he did not want to see them, as any papers ean be got from the provost marshal for five dollars.” Mj; Unger has utterly failed to ascertain by what authority he was arrested; but, as the case has un expectedly assumed a very serious importance, it is Dgw considered necessary to ferret out the whole The sergeant who made the arrest is under arrest himself. The United States Government has been singularly afflicted with the worst kind of thieves and by - B0I ?« hoeu » poous, were ap pointed as detectives in the seeret servioe of the Government. “Uncle Sam” has been most grossly lmposed upon; hia good nature has been outraged & v £^ r or pimp ' “ d thle ™ « SE Many of theie have proven themaelve* temnterv. bolding out golden or at least guttering inducements crime Akin to if Dot even worse than treason. Some of our best citizens have been dragged from their homes at unseasonable hours bv scoundrels calling themselves secret agents of the Government. _So gross was the injustice practiced by this class of men, that several months since the authorities at Washington disbanded the organ!- -*T l £, r ? gM(s to the defendant now before Alderman McCahen, we are prepared to say that he volunta rily stated in the office of The Press that the secret detectives were in many esses very bad men. He made a request that nothing should bo published about bis case, alleging that auch would defeat the ends of justice. We therefore as a matter of justice have not publicly stated his name. [ Before Mr. alderman Miller. 1 Alleged Arson. A man giving the name of Richard Atmore was arraigned yesterday on the charge of arson, in set ting fire to four hayricks, on the farm of Mr. Wm. Jones, in the southern part of the Twenty-fourth ward, on Tuesday evening, between the hours of seven and eight o’clock. The neks were destroyed, and the bam wae in great danger, but was fortu nately saved. The loss is estimated at three hun dred dollars. The defendant worked lor Mr. Jonee by the month, and lived in a cot tage on the farm. He was a man of Intemperate habits. On Tuesday attemoon he had some words With hia employer and threatened to have revenge by burning tbe property on the farm. Aa soon as the fiamei of the first bayriok attracted attention the neighbors hastened to the scene, and almost eanght the prisoner in the very act of Incendiarism. They arrested him, and placing him Into the custody of a police officer, he was taken to the Twenty-fourth ward station house. HemadeafuUconfessionofthe affair to Fire Marshal Blackburn, and attributed It to his folly while under the influence of ardent spirits He expresses great regret at having committed the crime. He was lodged in priaon to await his trial. LEGAL 'INTELLIGENCE. Supreme Court—Before Justices Thompson. StronfC, Heart, Mill Agncw. 1 On motion of Lewis O. Cassidy, Esq., John o*By me was admitted to practise as an attorney and conniellor of this court. The Philadelphia Hat was then taken up. Eb Uabla and Trenton Railroad Company H *§ an e '; a >- Error to District Court, Philadelphia. Argued by Emanuel P. Rey, Esq.! tor plaintiff in error, and by Daniel Dougherty Esq.. for defendant in error. * EU Klopp And Henry Stump vs. The Lebanon Bank et al. Argued by Josiah Funok for plaintiff hi error, and by John C. Kunekle for defendant in error. Supreme Court Bt Wlei Prlus-Chlef Justice . . ' Woodwudr miS. T >- Henry Miller. An aotlonfor da mwrted vJSfSi ? r promUe of marriage. Before SiMli'n.V.w'; 1 for PleinHH; $l,OOO. Anoftton a o ?S|ctSsSv etc iJ VBm Ber * ner & Muhleck. trial, jeotment. Before reported, still on District Court-ana®. k>>. - Deveresuxvt. Dyott, Shanwood. for plaintiff, 4176.35. “ elole reported. Verdic Ones. B. Klghter vs. James Hilton , recover for extra work in buildimr *? tton *° Verdict for plaintiff, $234.76. * cet ‘* ln bouses." District Court—Judge S trend. Andrew M. Jones vs. James M. Preston. An lion of ejectment to recover possession or the mites known as Military Ball, Library street fore reported. Jury out. ' Andrew M. Jones vs. James M. Preston. An ac tion in ejectment, to recover possession of certain property in Manayunk. On trial. Court of Quarter Sessions—Judge Ludlorv. Henry Hughes, convicted of larceny, was sen tenced to an Imprisonment In the county prison of two years. Hughes requested tbst be be sent instead to the Eastern penitentiary. The Judge said be would consider the matter, John Scott, for larceny, waa also sentenced to an imprisonment of IS mourns (4 county prison, „ _ rBttRDSLraiA. BOARD OP TRADE Db COORSEY. 1 oeolqb l H I 0 a * rBB HONTS Arrival aud Sailing of 1 the Ocean Steamers TO ARRIVE _ _ amps FROM FOR DATB. CUy <€ C0tk...... Liverpool...... New Yotlc».**--Jau, 23 Olympus .••►Liverpool New York...... Jan, 26 Bav*ria Southampton.. New York..«...J»u 26 G. of Washington. Liverpool Mew York Liam. 27 China. Liverpool New York. •*».. Jan. 80 Asia Liverpool Boston. Feb. 6 Africa..., Liverpool ?£ »*^eb..X3 York.«....Feb. 10 Bremen ..........fcouth»a»pton-*»ew York * atßda.. Liverpool.jq North American.-Liverpooi. ..i.Fonland...**,.. Jin. 28 C. of Mai)Cbe»ter T.ivt‘rjioo , .-****New York Feb. 8 Baznmon Y0rk.,.,., Feb. 9 Coin mb it New York Havana. &c Feb. 13 Germania »ew Y0rk..... -Hamburg Feb. 13 America New Y0rk......8remen..,..., ...Feb. 13 Ocean Qneen.-.-Now s&plnwhli .Feb. 13 Gao.Cromwell,. New Y0rk.,... .New Orleans...* Feb 13 Jnra.. K«*PO°l fib. 13 Edinbnrg W.w York LJrerrool Feb 13 Arabia Liverpool Feb. 17 Be loos N w York London v«-?» is Cof Washington New York 'Liverpool...... F*b 20 MoraingStar....New York.....►>av acN o...*.v«i>" 20 ****** Yah- 20 T.lEmi|t l&H, BAGS KMn^anlin™ 0 l. AK ,' rB ' BS “>HAHGB, FHO.ADBI.PHIA. Br Slitk? mh 1 ?? nle V i Liverpool. Feb. 35. SS® ■ Barbados, soon. Nait, Baker Port Sputa. ,oon. marine inteixioenoeT PORTOF PUIbADELTIUA, Feb. 10, IBB*. w ARRIVED- Brig Everlyn Ginn. Ginn, 16 days-from Hatanzas, With molasses to Harris, Heyl, A Co, . _ . Brig Daniel Malony, Steelman. J 6 days from Hew Orleans, with sugar, molasses, 6c, to captain. Feb 4th, lab 31 42> long 79 60* apofce schr Blunt, fr>m Has bap, hound to £&Yft&uafc, aad requested to be reported as a blockade-runner. Sohr Jos Crandall, Gage. 5 days from Alexandria, with mdse to Twells A Co. BcbrL W Pierce, Loring, 2 days from Baltimore, with mdse to Twells & Co Schr S&co, W“stcott, 10 dt js from Nawbem, in ballast to captain. Fcbr J Burley. Shaw. S days from Washington, N C, in ballast to captain. . Schr Jane N Baker. Henderson. 7 days from Port Royal, in badast to captain. SchrLucy* Spence, 1 day from Brandy Wine. Del. with flour to R M Lea.. Schr Jas L Heverin, Hollingivror-Vi, 1 day from Little Cretk Landing, Del,with corn to JL Bewey&Oo. Steamer Major Beiger (trant-port), Wilson. 3 days from Washington, via Baltimore, in ballast to D S Quarter master. cleared. Steamship Weccacoe, Barrett, Roy West, U S Quarter master. 6team*hip Gov Chase, Tuttle. Fortress Monroe, U S Qoartermftetor, with, colored troops. Bark Minresota, Watson, N Orleans, D 8 Stetson & 00. Brit Ida CBr) Collins, Bin Janeiro, fi A bonder A Go. Brig Emily (Br), Adams,St Johns, N F.C C Van Horn &Co. Brig Romance, Duncan. Key We it, J E Bar.ley & Co ScbrChaeH Rogers, Langley. New Orleans, D 8 stet son A Co. Scfcr James H Stroup, Foster, Key West, Hunter, Nor it® A Co. Schr Ann 6 Cannon, Fenuimore, Beaufort, Tyler A Co. Sfhr Marietta Tilton. Tilton, Beaufort. do. fcbr M M Weaver. Weaver. Fortress Monroe, do* Fchr J W BroomaU. Douglass. Port Boyal, do Schs K TJ>oroj>so». Sharp, Beaufort, do. Fcbr D E Wolfe. Dole, Newbern, do, 4 Schr & 3 T Thompson, Encßcott, Beaufort, Com 3. A Adams. _ ' _ ’Schr B Vanaeman, Vannaman, Beaufort* do. Schr Edw Ewing, McDevitt, Georgetown* Walter A Brotner. Schr Monterey, Craig, New York, Noble, Caldwell & Co. St’r R Willing, Dade. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr, [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. ] _ . . , , t , LEWES, Del . Feb. 8. Two barks and twenty eohooners went to aei to-day; two steamers and three harks caino la aod want np the bay; one brigand three eohooners/names unknown, re main at the Breakwater, Wind was*. AARON MARSHALL. FOR SALE AND TO LET. 17 O R SALE A LARGE STEEL PLATE PRESS for Mtle, at YO* AKCH Bt. f-10 3t VALUABLE DELAWARE WHARF » , PROPERTY FOR SALE. -TW« popsrtT. o«n -trsll, locatsA lntle EreHTfißKTfl WARP of tb« city of Philadelphia, has a frontage on the river Delaware, extending to Beach street, of 156 feet, with a superior 60-feet-wide pier into deepwater; capacious docks, 206 to SOO feet J ong, on both Bld*s—the whole embracing an area of over 65,000 square feet, with privileges of exten sion equal to a total area exceeding 80.000 square feet. For further information* apply persorallv, or by letter, to -sauubl b. GRICB. feft-tf . 1340 BEACH Mreet, Philadelphia T OT OP OVER 30 ACBES ON THB BIVSS DELAWARE AND ALLEGHENY AVENUE FoR SALE.—a large lot of over 80 acres, fronting the River Delaware and Allegheny avenue. Also, a number of smaller lots, from one to ten acres* suitable for facto ries, ship yards, or other business requiring river front. Will be subdivided and Bold upon reasonable terms. Apply to ALFRED FITLBR, Conveyancer, fe9-6i* No, 91 North SIXTH Street* T3UILDING LOTS, CHESTNUT “ Street, weet of nineteenth street 89 feet by 178 feet, for sale by HBNBY B. OBESY, feB-4t* No. SOI Sonth FOURTH Street. nOAL YAED FOR SALE—THE BEST V/ fitted-up Yard iu the city. Capacity for doing any amount of business. Inquire at 959 North NINTH Street, below Girard avenue. Terms easy. fe6 6t* WHABF PROPERTY FOR SALE.— « ■ Situate on BEACH Rtreet, at the foot of BISHOP Street, in the Eighteenth Ward, 74 feet inches front, and in detth to Port Wardens' line, iu the river Dela ware Also, several other desirable Wharf properties in same locality. LUEENS A MONTGOMERY, , „ 1939 BEaCH Street, fe6-6t* • Above Laurel Street. Mto capitalists.—two three. STORY BltlCK DWELLINGS, adjoining, occupied, as a first class Grocery and Provision Store, in a g<>o4 location for such a store, at a price that witl nett ten per cent, upon the purchase, if applied for soon Ea« quire at go. lgl South SEVENTH Street. f«10-3t* ®A BARGAIN.—A NEW JERSEY FARM, of 120 acres, good soil, and beautiful loca tion, two hours ft om the city, accessible by boat and railroad. Bui.dings complete, fences good orchards and meadow. Address J. ALBERT BSHLR&f AN. felfl 3t* 701 CHESTNUT Street. WATER POWER TO RENT.—ONE » » of tie beet WATER POWERS ia the State of Delaware, healthy and pleasantly situated, Ravine about thirty Cottages fpr hands, and a very desirable residence for manufacturer or manager. Tbe Water Tower has lo feet fall, 2 overshot wheels, each 20 feet breast, 10# feet diameter; said to be 70 horse power. Mill recently burned down, will be rebuilt by the owner for either cotton, wool, or paper manufacture. The property has unusual advantages for paper-making. . The owner, who resides on the property, would prefer joining seme party who would furnish capital to put mar c ninety into factory and carrying on the same as a wool en manufactory, or would lease th* same for a term of years. For further particulars apply to , . ' . DAVID CBILLAS, fe4-lm Newark. Delaware. tffe A BARGAIN,—A FARM OF 115 ACBE3. on the railroad, fifty minutes’ ride from the city; good Lands well fenced and fruited, good water, trainings. Apply to Q. CONRAD, gS» North FIFTH street. feB4l* MFGR SALE—a YERY DESIRA tIie residence of the late Dr. j auOB SHARPNESS, deceased, with Eighteen Acres of sopenor lt is situated in. the borough of DOWHIBGTOWN. Chester county, within tea minutes walk of tbft Chester Valley and Pennsylvania Bailroad Stations, at whlctfall trains stop. Ti e Dwell? rng is very conveniently and substantially built, with r&? an * House. Spring House, and all necessary out-buildings. There is a great/abundance of Shrub bery. Frnit, and Shade Trees. Part of the land Will be sold with the buildings, if desired. Aoplv to ABU. S. ASHBRIDGB, DOWHIHOTOWN P, O. #& FARMS FOR SALE.—34O ACRES “■ * near teaford, Delaware, near Steamboat Landing;. 200 acres near Seaford, Delaware, on navigable stream. Witt Saw-ffcUl, large Peach Orchard, &c. s^so0 &CieB near Geor * etown » Delaware. Price only 92acres near Princeton. It. J. Stream of water through the place. Price only $66 per acre. £0 acres near Abihgton Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. B. F. GLKNN. Ja3o-tf 133 South FOURTH Street. M MARKET STREET.—VALUABLE and handsome Store Property FOB SALE, situate on tbe noxth 6ide, below Sixth; over 26 feet front, 200 feet deep. Fire proofs. Water Closets, Gaa, Vaults, and all the modem improvements; Apply to , . A. P. & X H. MORRIS, fe6-6t* 916 ABOH Street. J& FOR SALE—DESIRABLE COUN- S TRY PLACE, seven acres, within ten minutes’ walk of old York Road station N. P. R. 8.. seven miles out. Another, twenty acres, same neighborhood. Many others. Call and examine register of country places. fes E. PETTIT, 3»3 WALEUT Street m TO LET—A COMMODIOUS ■SSL DWELLING, Ho. 133 North PHONT Street. Brat moderate. Apply to WBPHBBILL & BRO.. 0c29-tf « and 49 North BBOOND Street. MACHIJfEKV AMD ISOM. PENN STEAM ENGINE ■ Sfl'tWVi and BOILEB WORKS. -NBABIE & LBV T, practical and theoretical engineers, ma chinists. BOILER-MAKERS. BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively enraged in bnildiug and repairing Marine and Elver Engines, high and low pres sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, As.. &C.. respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all sizes. Marine, Elver, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of differ ent sizes, are prepared to execute orders with Quick de spatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and how-pressure, Floe. Tu bular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the h6Bt Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings, of aU sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions; 8011-Taming. Screw-Cutting, and aU other work connected with, the above business. Drawings and Specification* for all work don* at tUs establishment free of chare*, and work guarantied. The subscribers hare amide wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can He In perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, &c., Ac. , for raisin* heavy or light weights. JACOB C. NBAPIB JOHN P. LEVY, BBAOH and PALMER Streets. J. wroul MSKBIdX. WILLIAM U. HEKBIOK. JOB* *. OOP*. COUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AM) WASHIHOTOW STBHBTS. PHTT.APBT.PinA. MERRICK * gOSli BHOINEEEB AMD MACHINISTS. HannfiMtnre Htrh and Low Presaore Steam Knginea. tot land, rtTer and martneaerriee. Boilen, Gasometers, Tanka. Iron Boats, Aa.; Gastinn of all kinda, either iron or braaa. . , . Iron-frame Boofa tor Gai Works, Workshops, ißall road Stations, &«. Betorte and Gee Maefcintry ef the latent ana most im proved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery* vcch as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators. Filters, romping Engines, fee. , Sole Agents for 3f, BUlienx'e Patent Sugar Boiling Ap paratnsjNesinYth.’* patent Steam Hammer, and Aspin wall & Wdlsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar DralninyMa ehine. anl2*tf TTNION STEAM AND WATEB HBATING COMPAN* OP PHILADELPHIA. GOLD’S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATER HEATS R. THOMPSON’S LONDON KITCHENER. and AU Other Improved COOKING APPARATUS. „ , Boilers and Water Baths. Parlor and other Grates. Registers and Ventilators, Baeks-and Jambs, and all thioAs eonndsked with the above branch of bnsute w. JAMBS F. WOOD. No. 41 South FOURTH Street. iL. Bnnerlntendent ap29-ly Af OBGAN, OSB, A CO., STEAM „ “T MMGIMM gPn*Pya. Iron Moonden. end General MMbiul.Uandß oiler H>k«r». Wo l»IO CALLOW HILL fltmt. fe2o-tf WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF AN- French. Cosmetic for Ibeantlfy> whitening, ui preserving the Complexion. It li Coln WranS of the ese. There if btoauth nor tele in its wmposMon. it being composed entirely of pure Virgin W ax-hesee 1U extraordinary anaiittes for praeereuif the «hin, making it soft, smooth, fair. end transparent It makes the old appear young, the homely handsome, the handsome morebeantlful, and the most beautlfcu 4 Irina. Priee, 36 and 50 cent*. Prepared only by HUNT k CO. • Perfumer®, 4-1. South EIGHTH Street! two doom iWfihostput. and 13* South SBVBNTg & dafigjS "ATAO KEBEL, HERRING, SHAD, "A Ac. 2.600 hhls Maes. No. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, late-eaught fat fish, in assorted packages. 2. tc-o hols New naatport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herring, Lnhec, Scaled, and No. 1 Herring. H&vS 18 new Mess Bbad. Herkimer County Cheese. Ac. aad for sale bp MURPHY & NOONS. ■ iaß tf No. 140 NORTH WHARVES. N E W, DBIED APPLES.—IOO BBLS. new Dried Apples, for sale by den tr SHOD*, & WILLIAMS. toy Booth Water street. LBS. *•* THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1864; T)ELAWABE MUTUAL SAFETY INOOBPOKATED BT THB OFFICE 6. B. COENBB^rHyID^& l ttt> WAUIOT STS., „ PHILABgLPHIA. ohvm 9 kis.) MAIUHBIHSDIUHOB - PsllGliT { T ° p " 1 ’ of tba '* r ®* l4 * „ „ ‘ ’iHtAUb IHSTOAMOBS. . _ On Goods, by Elver. Canal. Lake, and Land Outlaid to all parte or the Union. „ „ . . FIBB INBUBAHOES. On Merchandise generally. On Store*, Dwelling Houses, &C. A8«BT8 OF THS COMPANY, NOV. L ISBS $lOO- OOP United States Five per cent. Loan $ 07. AM 00 76 000 United Hates 6 per cent Loan. 6 20’s.. 75,000 00 20,000 United States 6 per cent. Loan 1881.... 22,000 00 60.000 United States 7 S-lO’a per cent. Treasury N0te5...... . 63.250 00 100.000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan 100.987 CO 64.000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan 67.880 00 123,060 Philadelphia City 6per cent. Loan.... 127,628 00 80 00-1 State of Tennessee 6 per cent. Loan.... 16,000 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, Ist Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds. 22.800 00 60.000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mortgage _ 6 per cent. Bonds 68 SM 00 16.000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Com* pany, principal and interest gaaran _a™ innc& d by the city of Philadelphia.... 16,000 00 6,600 lOOSharesStockPennsylvaniaßaiiroad Company 7.226 00 6,000 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 2,660 00 Zl.OOO United States Certificates of Indebted -8123.700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply secured. *.... 123.700 00 1791.760 Par Cost. 1768.737 12 Market Va1ue...tf794.200 60 Real 06.064 S 3 Bills receivable for Insurances made 107,047 61 Balances due at Agencies—premiurm*on Marine Policies, accrued interest, and other debts due the Company ♦ 28,919 87 Scrip and Stock o- sundry Insurance and other Companies, $5,803, estimated value 3,206 00 Cash on deposit with United States Government, subject to ten days C a 11..... > $60.000 00 Caeh on deposit. In Banks. 38,683 39 Cash la Drawer 200 80 DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand. Robert Barton. John C. Davis, Samuel E. Stokes. Edmund A Bonder. J. F, Penlston, TbeopUu* Paulding, Henry Sloan. John R. Pi arose, William G. Boulton Jatnea rragnalr. Edward Darlington, Henry C. BftlUtt. Jr.. H. Jones Brooks. James 0. Band Jacob P. Jones. William (?. Ludwig. James B. McFarland. Joseph JR, Seal, Joshua P Eyre- Dr R. M. Huston. Spencer Hcllvalne. George G. Leiper, John B. Semple* Pittsburg Hugh Craig, a. B. Berger, Pittsburg. Charles Kelly. # THOMAS G. HARD, President. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President. HENRT LTLBDRW. Secretary. ja!4 THE RELIANCE INSUBANOE COM- A past 0T phuabblphu. Incorporated in JS4I. Charter Perpetual. OFFICE Wo. 308 WALNUT BTKBBT. _ Insures ssslnst loss or damage by FIBB« Hwim. Stores* and other Buildings? limited or perpetual; and on Furniture. Goods. Wares* and Merchandise. CAPITAL 5300.000. ASSETS 3387.311 80. Invested in the following Securities* vis: First Mortgage on City Property, veil secured $106,900 00 United States Government Loans 119.000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent Loans 60,000 00 of PennsTlvanla 6 per cent. _ $3,000,000 Loan*.. *„.,**, 18,000 09 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and second M Mortgage Loans. 86,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company’s S per cent. Loan... Jm. 6,000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company’® 6per cent. Loan.... 6.000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 per _ cent. Loans... 4,660 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stocks. 10,000 00 Mechanics’ Bank Stock, 4,G00 00 County Fire Insurance Company 1 ® Stock *«l.oeo oo Union Mntnal Insurance Company’s Storfc.*** 300 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia’s Stock 2.600 00 Loanson Collaterals, well secured*..**.*.**** 2,200 00 Accrued Interest ,*„«,«4* 6,982 00 Cash In hank and on hand.. ~ 16,687 86 Worth at proaent markot Yaluo. ' DIRKOTOBS. Clem Tlnffley, Hobart Toland, Wm. R. Thompson, William Stevenson, Samuel Blspham* Hampton L. Carson* Robert Steen, Marshall Hill, William Musser, ,T. Johnson Brown, Charles Lei and, Thos H. Moore. Benj. W. Tingler. OL!bM TINGLEY. President, THOMAS G, HILL, Secretary. Philadelphia, January 4, 1863. ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM. —Authorized Capital *400,0W-CHABTBB PERPETUAL. Office Wo. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company wui insure against lose or damfige by Fire. on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise ten* Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS.. William Esher, Davis Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Seiger, Lewis Audenrled, J. E. Baum, Johnß. Blackiston, Wm. F. Dean, Joseph Maxfleld, John Ketcham. WILLIAM ESHER, President _ __ _ _ .WM. F. DRAW, Vice President. W. M. Smith, Beeretary. ap3-tf ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY, COMPANY’S WALNUT STREET. F. Batehford Starr, George H. Stuart, William McKee* John H. Brown, Nalbro Frazier, J. L. Erringer, John M. Atwood, Geo. W. Fahnestock, Benj. T. Tredick, James L. Claghora, Mordecai L. Dawson, William G. Boulton. F. RATCHFORD STABS. President, Vice Resident CHARLES FOSTER, Secretary. fell American fire insurance COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PER. PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street. above Third, PM ladelphU. Having a lane p&ld-np Capital Stock and Snrpln* in vested in eonnd and available Securities, eontlnnea to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Pnmitnre, Merehandisa. Veaeel* in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property, All losseaUDeralljnuia promptly adjusted. _ DIBEOTOKS. Thomas H. Marti, James B. Campbell. Join Welch, Edmund a. Dutch, Samuel C. Morton, Charles W. Poultney. Patrick Brady, Israel Morris. JohnT. Lewis, __ _ THOMAS B, MABIS, President AnnsßT O. It* Cbawfobp, Secretary. feS3-tf fPIBE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. -The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM' PANY. Incorporated 1825. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 510 WALN QT Street, opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for nearly -forty years, continues to insure against Loaa or Damage by Fire onPablic or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time Also, on Furniture, Stocks of Good*, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, 1* invested in the most careful manner, which enable* tbaiq to oner to the insured an undoubted security In the ease ofloss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins* Alexander Benson, Daniel Smith, Jr,, William Montelius, John Devereux, Isaac Haslehnrst, Thomas Smith, Henry Lewis. „ JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. William G. Crowell, Secretary. . TNSURANCE COMPANY OF THE stmt, between SOCK and THIRD Streets, Philadelphia. INCORPORATED In 1794—CHARTER PERPETUAL. capital #200.000. PROPERTIES OF THE COMPAAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1863 #493 gflg m ** KARINE. FIRE. AND' INLAND TRANSPORTATION INSUB ANOJL DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd, Tobias Wagner, Charles Macalester, Tomas B. Wattson, William S. Smith, Henry G. Freeman. William R White. Charles 8. Lewis, George H. Stuart, - George 0. Carson, Samuel Grant, Jr.« Edward C. Knight, John B. Austin. _ ' HENRY D. SHERRERD. President. William Harpek. Secretary. nolfi-tf rST THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JAMES SMITH, deceased. .The Auditor appointed by the said Court to audit, set tle, and adjust the first and final account of NAPOLBOtf RBBOUL, Administrator of the Estate of JAMES SMITH deceased, and report distribution of the balance in his hands, will meet the parties Interested, for the purposes of Ms appointment, on MONDAY. 16th day of January. 1864, at 4,P. H , at hie Office, 506 WALNUT Street, city of Philadelphia. WILLIAM ERNST, fe4‘thstu6t Auditor. rST THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY ANB COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of CALEB FELLOWBS. deceased. , The Auditor appointed to audit settle, and adjust the third.account orSAR AH FELLOWBS, WILLIAM J. DUANE- and JOHH HULME, Executors and Trustees of the Eetete of CALSB FELIIoWES decerned, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac countants, will meet the parties interested, for the pur poses of his appointment, on MONDAY, February 22. 1864 at 11 o’clock A. M„ at his office. No. 706 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. B. H. BREWSTER, fe9-tuthssfc Auditor. TETTEBS TESTAMENTARY UPON J the Estate of TOWNSEND SHASPLESS. deceased 5”J 11 i;b««ieianted to the undersigned. all persons In debted to the laid estate are requested to make payment, and those bavins claims will present them without de lay. to SAMUEL J. SHAKPI.BBB, CHARLES L. SHARPLESS, . , „ HENRY H. G. SHARPLESS, Philada. Jan. 9. ISM. OaU-mthl2t] Executors. TSTILLIAM MONELL vs. ISABELLA »* VIRGINIA MONBLL. Court Common Pleas. December Term, 1868—No. 3 In Divorce. To Isabella VirginiaUfoneil, SseponHerUaAtywnaauds Please take notice that Interrogatories have been died, and tbat a copy of the same, with a memorandum, stat in. the names of the witnesses proposed to he examined, with their residences and business, has .been filed in the Prothonotary’s Office of the Common Pleas. That the raid interrogatories will be propounded to the said /Witnesses by William D. Baker, Esq , examiner as sented by the Court, at hie OFFICE, No 403 WALNUT Street, np stairs, on 18th February, A. D. ISM, at 11 o’elqeK a. M.. when and where you may attend if you think proper. DANIEL DoifdHBBTY, ja2fl-ist* Solicitor far Libellant PUBE LEHIGH COAL. —HOUSE. -*- KEEPERS era rely on setting a pure article at south east corner FRONT and POPLAR. ftlO-lm* JOHN W. HAMPTON. (GENUINE EAGLE VEIN COAL— j/ Equal if sot superior to Lehigh. Also. Hart’s Ne Plus Ultra Family Rainbow Coal t Egg and Stove sites, sa 00. .Large Nnt, *7.70 per ton. Coal forfeited if not full weight as per ticket. Depot, I*l9 GALLOWHILL Street, above Broad. Office 131 South FOURTH, be low Ohestnut. Gall and examine. Orders by dispatch promptly attended to by • , noil-6m ELLIS BBANBON. rto AIia—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER yj MBADOW. and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and bCBt Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill; prepared ex pressly for Family use. Depot, N. W. corner BIGHTS and WILLOW Sts. Office, No. llifcdgouth SECOND St ap4-ly JTWALTON * CO. TT O INTERNAL REVENUE, * .V 7 * THIRD COLLECTION DISTRICT. IPA.. comprising Twelfth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth. Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth wards of the! city of Phlln- _ „ NOTION. The annual assessment, tor the above-named d!s- Met, of all persons Uablo to a tax on carriages, 'plea snre yachts, billiard tablei, and sold and surer plate, and r aleo of all persona reuuirea to tan* out n«mm. haying boon completed, \ NOTION 18 HBBBBT GIVIIN. that the taxes aforesaid will he received daily by the un dersigned. between the hours of 9A. H. and 3 P M (Sun days excepted), at hie offices 8. W. corner of THIBD and 'WILLOW Streets, on and after MON OAT, February lets 1861, and until and including MONDAY, the 2Zd day of the Hue month- penalties. All persons who fall to pay their annual taxes upon carriages, pleasure yachts, billiard tables, and cold and silver plate, on or before the aforesaid 22a of February, 1864, will Incur a penalty of ten per centum additional of the amount thereof, and costs, as provided for In the 19th section of the excise law of July 1, 1862. , All persons who, in like manner, shall fail to take out their licenses, as required by law, on or before the 22d of will incur a penalty of TH SKa .TIMJjtJ THE AMOUNT OF SAID LIOB9SI, in accordance with the provisions of the 69th section Of the excise law aforesaid. Money of the United States and notes of the National casks only received. V o further notice given. „ • WM. J. WAINWBtOHT. Collector, - W.conwrofTHlßDaud WILLOW street., j»26-tfe22 Philadelphia. MBS. JAMBS BETTS' CELEBRATES JM. BDFPOBTERB FOB LADIES. and the only gap. farters under eminent medical patronage. Ladles *2 thMldaga ar. MiDMtfnU, raanestadtouJiffiiw « Mrs. BBTFB, at her residence, IOSV WALirDTEnzML Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand Invalids havebaenadvised hy their physicians to use hai appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United State* copyright x label* onths box, and signature*. and j£n v». &»SwJNrt«Mwttk (wUnvaUi* wu-touSti SURAJVCB COMPAiraa* 118,780 19 KBOAB. COAK. '1864. 1864. THE OAmOH AND AMBOY AND PHII.AP«UTHIA AND TRKMTOtf RAILROAD QOiipgpn LIRAS. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO HEW TORE AHD WAT PLACES. wi!E , F4Mi At 6 A.IL, Yl> Oamdu ul Amboy. 0. ui A A.- «nflU]S»♦* 8 00 AfIP.M., via Camden and Amboy. Asoommoda- M tion. (Freight and Passenger) . e.. ——— • • l§• At 6 P. M.. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion. (Freightand Pftssenger)-lat Glass Ticket... I IB Po. do. IdOlaM d0.~..1*0 At 7X F. M„ via Camden and Amboy. Acoommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger,) Ist Glass Ticket. . 2 % 2d Glass Ticket..—** 1 60 For Haueh Obnnk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belyidere, Easton Lambertville, Flemlcgtou, Ac., at BF. M. . Tot Mount Holly, Bwansvllle. and Pemberton. uoA M*, % and 4X P. M. Tot Freehold at 6 A. M. and 2 P. H. Tor Palmyra, Riverton, Delanoo, Beverly, Barline ton, Florence. Bordentown, die., at 6A. M., 12 H. • L 8. and 4. 30 P. M. The 3 and 430 F. M. lines ran direct through to Trenton. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanoo. Beverly, and Bur lington, at 6» P, M. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWB* At 1,60 A. M. (Night), via Kensington and .'Jersey City, Washington and New York Mail. At 11.16 A. M.. via Keusington&nd Jersey Gity. Ex press*, 9 00 AfISOF. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, fc press 9 00 At 6.46 F. M., via Kensington and Jersey City. Washington and New York Express.-—,--—*. 800 Sunday Lines leave at 1.60 A. M. and 6.46 F. M. There will be no line at 1.60 A. M. (Night) on Mondays. For Water Gap. Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wllkesbarre, Montrose. Great Bend. Manch Chunk, AUantown, Beth lehem, Belvidere. Easton. LambertwDle. Flemlnston. &•., at [7 A. M. This line eonneots with the train leav ing Easton for Manch Chunk at S.SO P. M.) For Bristol, Trenton. Ac., at 7 and 1L IS A. H. ■ and 9 and 6 P« M. For Holmesburg. Tacony, Wlssonomlng, Brldesbnrc, and Frankford. at 9 A. M., 6, 6.46, and 8 P. M. 49* For New York and Way Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the ears on Fifth street, above WalnutTnalf *u hour before, departure. The ears run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train ran from the Depot. rMrfPeuade 0 r Bsnace only allotred each Paietn aer. raaseniere are prohibited from uuii anythin* ae bMK&ae bnt their wearing appareL All b&Meie Orel «tr pound, to he paid far extra. The Company limit their re.ponslWUty for b&cxaxe to On* Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond ,100. ax cent bv special contract. . Graham’s Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street. • WILLIAM H. GATZMER. Agent. January 20,1864. LINES FROM NSW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, WTLL LEAVB FROM FOOT OP COUTLAUDT BTKKBT. At 12 M. and 4P. M. via Jersey Gity and Camden. At 7 and 10 A. M., OF. M., and 13 fright). -wim, Jersey City Barclay street at 0 A. M. and 2 P. H.»vt* Amboy and Camden. _ From Pier No. L North river, at 12 M, 4 and BP. M. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. Ja4-tf 21*420 00 §1,089.425 52 RAILROAD.® PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBtTfiO 330 MIL£S DOUBLB TRAGKi THE SHORT BOUTS TO THE WEST. Trains leave the Depot at Eleventh end Market street*, as follow*: Mall Train. rtt*Mm»o»i*i4 t hw» B*oo A. M< FutLl&taUM....** M. Through Express ak..-..—i0.30*F. H. Parkeeburg Train-*.. •-—».*™* *—*. a.qo p. if. HarrisbuTgAeconimodatlOA Train at...—»».. B.SOF. If. Lancaster Train at» coop. si. The Through Express train runs djdlr-—all the other trains daHy.exceptsundaY. - • FOB PITTHBtJBG AND THE WEST. The Mall Train, Fast Line, and Through Express con nect at Pittsburg with through trains on all the diverg ing roads from that point, north to the Lakes, Weak to the Mississippi and Missouri risers* and South- and Southwest to all points accessible by Railroad. INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD The Through Express, eon aeots, at BlalrsviUe Inter- a train on this road for Blalrsrllle, La “ jabufSßiraa * cbessoh brahoh railroad. The Through Express Tibia connects at Gresson at 10.46 A. M. i with a train on this road for Ebeusbttrc. A train also leaves Oreseon for Ebensburg at 8.45 P. If HOLLIDAYBBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. ' §387.211 88 » 399.864 36 The Mail Train and Through Express connect at Al toonu with trains for Holliday s burg at 7.05 P. M. and 8.40 A* M* TYRONE ft CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD The Through Express Train eonneota at Tyrone with trains for sandy Ridge, Philllpshoxg, port and Bellefonte. BBOAD-TOP BAILBOAD. The Through Bxproas Train connects at Hnntlnadoa with forJJopawaH and Bloody. Bon at«. fid A. M KOETHEBH CBHTJtAIj.s philaiibijPbia & bbih „ - BiILBOAm For sobbust. Wttxiajcbpoht. Loot Hatbb, and all points on the Philadelphia and Erie Ballroad, and Hir mi. Bookbstbb. BnrrALO. add Hiaoaba Pahs. Pasaenfers taklni the Hall Train, at 8.00 A. H.. and the Thronrh Express, at 10.30 P.M., so directly through without ehance of oars between Phlladelohia and Wil liamsport. _ For TOBK, HANOVEB, and GETTYSBURG. the trainslea-rinit at 8.00 A. M. and 2180 P. A. Mnaest at aerstown. , WAYHESBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. ' The trains learinc at 8.00 A. M. and 2.30 P. M. eonneet at Downinxton with trains on this road for Waynes - barf and all Intermediate stations. FOB WEOT CHEBTEB. Faesenrers for West Chester takln* the trains learini *t 8 M. ,and I and 4 P. H. 10 directly throufi Without change of ears. JAMES COWDEN, Ticket Ascent. WESTBKH BMIGBATIOH. An Bmitrsnt Accommodation Train leave* Ho. is, Book street daily (Sundays excepted), at 4 o'clock F.H. For fall Information apply to FKAHCIB FUNK, Emigrant Agent, 137 DOCK Street, _ ■ . TBEIGHT& By tu« ronte freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio. Kentucky. Indiana. HUnois, Wisconsin. lowa, or Mlsi JE2SEJ*”* Ar'M&TjS*pL!»adlreC“oM ..... „ , „ ENOCH LEWIS, jall-tf General Superintendent* Altoona, Fa. Philadelphia ■MI-MU'. AITD ELMIRA R. R. ÜBTB. lAH AM) WINTER ABBAIfaB- 1869* » UjßliTi Por WILLIAMSPORT, SCBAHTOH. ELMIRA. BTTF- pall’s, &inU In tfi Welt Pusenger TreinA leura DApSt of Pbiladelpkl* and Beadin* Railroad, eom« BBOAJD And CALLOWHILL Streets, at B.lfi A. M. And 3.30 P. M., daily, StutdAye ' QDJCBijEST BO DTE from Philadelphia to points it northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western jfew a SES. Basme ekeeked tkroniti to BeffAlo, Klaiata PaHa. or Intermediate points. For further information apply to THIRTEEHTHaod J CALLOWH^f’AAd ,1 offl e . A rV owner SIXTH And CHESTNUT street.. iSI-tf WEST CHESTER & PHILADELPHIA, PEKKSYLYANIA RATT.HOftH, Wert Chester leave the dOpdt, corner or OHAnOE OF CABS 86 " re 9 “ 410 ‘hrooeh WITHOUT ■ . FHOM PHILADELPHIA. L»to at S. 00 A. M. Arrive West Chester 9.60 A. M. „ . 1-S2E S- ; : 8.00P.M. SLOOP. M. *• •• S.OOP M. FBOM WEST CHBBTBB. 6.6 DA. M Arrive WestPhUa...B.BsA. M. 10.46 A.M. " “ liaap. M. •• " S.6OP. M. “ “ S.SOP. M. Pisunters for Western points from West Chester con nect at the Intersection with the Mall Train at 9.17 A M. ■ the Harrisburg Accommodation at 3.66 P. M., and the Lancaster Tram at 6.26 P. M. Freight delivered at the depot, corner of Thirteenth and Market etreeta, prevlons to 11.30 A. M., will he for warded “/ the Accommodation Train, and reach West .Chester atB.OOP. M. For tickets and fartherlnformatlon, apply to . „ . , JAMES COWDBM.ffleket Agent. Ja9-tapl ELEVENTH and MABKETStreets. PHILADELPHIA AND EPTF. RAIL EOAI). —This treat line traverses the northern and northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erls, OB Lake Erie* It ha* been leased by the PENNSYIiVAUta. rate.- EOAD OOMPAEIt ana under their außploe* is betas rapidly opened throoghonl its entire length. It is now in use ior Passenger sad Freight'business from Harrisburg to Emporium, (195 miles) on the Eastern Division, and lrom Sheffield to Erie, (78 miles) on the Western Divisions rotß or PAfiSKTOEB TBAIHS AT PHILADELPHIA. l*e&Td W«twui Hall 8.00 A. M. Express Train . P. M. Cara run throurh without ahance both waya on theta trains between Philadelphia andXoek Haven, and be tween .Baltimore end Loan Seven. Elexant Sleeping Cara on Express Trains both wavs between WUliamaport and Baltimore, and Willi u&iport and Philadelphia. _ For Information respecting Passenger business apply at the Southeast corner Eleventh and market Streets. And for Freight business of the Company’s Agents: 8. B. KINGSTON, Jr., comer Thirteenth and Market streets. Philadelphia. > J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. _ J. K. tHH. M »h. Vd&bfigfc*"- General Manager, Williamsport fTilmilHi-fflll north pennsyl. MWFWWaMCSMEgYANIA RAILROAD—For BETH LEHEM, DOYLE6TOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, HAZLE TON, EASTON, WILLIAMSPORT. &o. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Famnger Trains leave the new Depot, thisd street, above Thompson street* dally (Sundays az««pt«d) as follows: At 7A.M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown. Much Chunk, Hazleton, Williamsport. Ac. At 8.10 P. M.. (Express) for Bethlehem, Xaston. Ac. At 6.16 P. M. for Bethlehem. Allentown. Maneh flhnwlr For Doylestownat 9.15 A. M. and 4.16 P. M. For Fort Washington at 10.10 A. M. and 6.15 F. M. White ears of the Second and Third streets line City Passenger ran directly to the new Depot. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA . Leave Bethlehem at 6. SO A. M.. 9. SO A, H.. and*. Leave Doylestownat 6.90 A. M. and 9.40 P. M. -• “*"■ “■ FhlUdelpM»for Doyleetoyni at 10 A. M. »nd4.l5F. M. Dovlutown for Fhilad.lpfi. at 7.80 A. M. and IF. H, ■oft ELLIB OLABK. .tent. gSMyaumi west ohesteh Philadelphia bail- HOAD. VIA MEDIA. 1 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY. „ December 7th, 1808, the Trains Will leave Philadelphia, from the dep&t, north* east corner Of EIGHTEENTH and MARKETStreets, at Band 10.40 A. JL, and at 2 and 4P. M. * m Trains leave the corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MAR* RET Streets AD KIIIB9* PENNSYLVANIA PROroSALS, A BMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE It OFFICE. SrBttBEHTIMH; Ohio, January 29th. MSI PBOPtetM an Invited by tbe undersigned until FEBBOA£YI2th, ISM. for tarnishing this Department with Sky Blue Kerseys. Army Standard. Tone delivered, free or charge, at Steubenville. Ohio. In good new packages, with (be name of tbe party fur nishing, tbe kind. and quantity 9 t good®, distinctly markeathereon. Parties offering goods mutt iu all cates famish sam ples, marked and numbered to correspond with their proposal, and distinctly state in their bids the quantity ofgooda they propose to famish, tbe price, and time of Bids will be opened on the 12th of February. 1854. at 10 o clock A. at., when bidders are invited to be present, »»d Awards trill be made as soon as practicable there after. Bidders, or their duly authorized agents, areas pected to be prepared to give eeotrity that the goods will be fumbnea if an award is made. The right to reject any bid detmed unreasonable is re served. By order of Col. Thomas Swords, A. Q H. General. # n lAt ALEXANDER CONN, fe2 10t Captain and A. Q, M. A RMV CLOTHING AND EQUiPAGE, I 1 OFFICE TWELFTH and GIBARD Streets. _-_-.RSLASBi.rarA. February 8. ISM. SEALED PBOFpSALBwiU be received at this Office Ontil 12 O’clock M., on TUESDAY, the 18th instant, for "rficils"* tlie Arsenal with the following Sky-bine Kersey. % and 6 4. army standard. " Blankets, gray woollen, army standard. Great-coats, sky-bine, for mounted men, army stan dard- Great-co&ts. sky-blue. for foot men, army standard. Flannel Sack Coats, indigo-blue, lined and ujilined, array standard. Drawers, white cotton flannel, army standard. Shirts, gray twilled flannel, c.nd gray knit, army standard. Bootees, army standard. Stockings. army standard. Great-coat Mr&pe. the United States famishing the buckles, »imy standord. Braes Numbers, Nos. 1,2, and 4, for hats and caps, army standard- Brass Tulip*, for light artillery caps. Brmy standard. bashes, scarlet worsted* for non-commissioned officers, army standard. Tents d’Abrle, or shelter tents, cotton ot linen* samples *he kind of material to be used must be submitted. gniform Bata, (bit, army standard. uniform Bat Feathers, army standard Camp Kettles, standard. Wees Pam. army-standard. Mosquito Bare, single or double, army standard. National Colors, slJk (Infantry) army standard. Guidons for Cavalry, silk, army standard. Knapsacks complete (the United States famishing the backles). army standard. Ha versacks complete, army standard. Canteens, tin (corrugated), army standard* Drums complete, roll size (Infantry), army standard. Drum Coida, army standard. Endowment and Memoranda Boobs for brigade and division teidqnaitMß, army standard. Burlaps. 56-lncn, for baling, army standard. Tent bllpßt -large, for wall tents, army standard* Flax Sewing Twine, army standard. Twine for canteen corks, army standard. Staffs for ambulance flags, hard wool, 4 feet long, 1 Inch in diameter, army standard. Staffs for guidon flags, hard wood, 4 feet long, 1 inch diameter, army standard. Suspender Buttons and Fez Caps, army standard. Bidders mustjfU* their proposals the prloe* which must be given (a toruifno, as well as in figures ; also the Quantity Pld for* and time ol delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill the contrast must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signa tures will be appended to the guaranty, and said guar anty accompany the bid; and in case the said bidder should fall io enter into the contract, they to make good the difference between tbe off-.r of said bidder and the nest lowest responsible bidder, or the person to Whom 'he contract may be awarded. Bidders, as well as their sureties, or guarantors, who may not be known at this office, will furnish a certifl • cate from the United States District Attorney* Postmas ter, or other public functionary, at the residence of the Made*, or gu&n store, setting forth cle&rlv the fact, that the Didder and his sureties are responsible men. who will, if a contract is awarded them, act in good faith with the United States, and faithfully execute the same- - No bid will be entertained unless properly guarantied by two responsible parties as above described. Bids from defaulting contractors will not be received. Blank forms for proposals can be had. upon applica tion at this office. ' Proposals must be endorsed “Proposals for Army Supplies,*.’ stating the particular article hid for. . * tiles. ~ Iron Pots. Meee Pans, Pick Axes. Pick Axe Handles. Felling Axes. Felling Axe Handles. Axe Flings Ctmp Batcheta; Camp Batchet Handles Hatchet Flings. Spadeß. Shovels Bed Sacks, double. Bed Sacks. Blngle. Mosquito Bars, double. Mosquito Bars, single. Stable Frocks 1 Engineer Overall*. National Colors, artillery and Infantry. Regimental Colors, artillery and Infantry. Cavalry Standards Camp Colors, artillery and infantry. Color Cords and Tassels, artillery and infantry. Gnidonn. t Garriton Flags. Storm Flags. Garrison and Storm Flag Halliards. Recruiting Flags. Recruiting Flag Halliards. Knapeacks, complete. Haversacks, complete. Canteens, (tin, covered.) complete with straps. Bugses, with extra mouthpieces. Trumpets, with extra crooks Bugle Cords and Tassels, artillery and Infantry. Drums, comp ete. Brum Heads, batter. Drum Beads, snare. Drum Snares, sets. Drum Cords. Drum Slings. Drum Sticks, pairs. Drum Stick Carriages. Dunn Cases. Fifes, B. 0. and-E. Company Order Books. Company Clothing Account Books. Company Descriptive Books. Company Morning Report Boobs. Regimental General Order Books, Regimental Letter Books. Regimental Descriptive Books. Regimental Index Books. Regimental Order Books. Target Practice Books. Sky-Blue Kersey. 3-4 or 6-4. Dark-Blue Coat Cloth, 3-4 or 6-4, Sky-Blue Facing Cloth. 6-4. Scarlet Facing Cloth, 6-4 Dark- Blue Cotton and Wool Flannel, twilled, 3-4. White Cotton and Wool Flannel, 31 inches. Canton Flannel. 27 do. Heavy Coat Canvas, (for overcoats,) 24 inches. Coat Canvas, (for body coats) 24 do. Cotion Drills, unbleached, 3-4 Cotton Muslin, unbleached, 36 inches. Black Twilled Silesia, 36 Inches* Black Alpaca s Brown Holland Button Hole Twist. Black (machine) Silk. *‘A.” Black Sewing Silk, (skeins.) **B. ” Black Linen Thread, (machine,) 70. Black Linen Thread, (machine,) 60. Black Linen Thread, (skeins,)4o. Basiing Cotton. 6-vard enrols, Yellow CottonCmschi&e) Thread, 200-yard spools. Scarier. Cotton (machine) Thread, 2-0-yard spools. Coat Buttons, Test Buttons. Shirt Bmtons. Suspender Buttons. Hook s and Eves. Wadding Cotton. - Worsted Lace, yellow, IK, K» and % inch. Worsted Lace, scarlet, IK- K- and Kinch.. Worsted Lace, sky blue, IK, K- and % inch. Worsted Lace, dark biue, IK. K. and % inch. Samples of which can he seen at this office. Bidders will submit with their uropoaais samples of the articles w hich deliverer of the materials of which to be made* In the latter case, at least one yard of the material should be submitted. Bidders will state the quantity tney wish to furnish, the shortest time in which they can make deliveries, and how soon they can complete the delivery of all they bid for. All bids must be accompanied by a proper guaranty, sigred by two responsible parties, setting forth that if a contract iB awarded to the party named therein he will at once execute the same, and give bonds for its faithful performance The United States reserves the right to reject any part or the whole of the bids, as may be deemed for the in terest of the service. Proposals should be endorsed * 1 Proposals for furnish ing (here insert the articles bid for),’-and addressed to Lieut. Col. D. H. VINTON, Deputy Quartermaster General, U. 8. A. MEDICAL. f)LD STANDING CHBONIO DIS BASES. In their worst forms, cured by special ni< r&ntee, when desired, at the institution of Prof BOT.f.m WALNtJT Street, Philadelphia, where he hai been established over four years, and has cured thou* sands of our best citizens of diseases whish had resisted all medical treatment for years. Prof. BOLXiES, founder and teacher of the only true and sTuwesßfnl system of applying Magnetism. Galya*, i&m, and other modifications of Electricity, ae a curatlvt aaeat, takes pleasure in referring to the followlsr who have been cured of obstinate diseases. H. C. Shurtleff, Cancer in Stomach, 3722 Merkel street. J. M. Bnlst, Rheumatism, 1323 South Broad street Judah Levy, Bronchial Consumption, 817 South Proa) street. Edward T. Evans, preacher of theM. B. Church. Dye> popsia of long standing, Laryngitis, and Lumbago. IBS Heimuth street. William H. Bhalne, Paralysis of the lower limbs (Pa raplegy) and Bpilepsy, publisher of the Rational Mer chant. 126 South Second street. Thomas Owens. Congestion of the Brain and severs Hemorrhage of the Lungs and Diabetes, American Hotel Philadelphia. Jamesßuitent, Desfneu for six_y earn, and rinyin* ui roarins in tie head. Fifteenth and Bedford street* Ttomas Harrop, severe Diabetes, Bose Mills, Wee* Philadelphia George Grant, Rheumatic Gout, long standing. OS Chestnut street.’ _H. T. De Silver, Chronic Nsmaigia and Indammatorv Bheumatusm, 1738 Chestnnt street. “ ©V A-Camicli, Cliroßieß.Sßapsia and TndammsHnf of the Kidneys, Chestnut and Fortieth streets. James P. fGrevea, Ms D., iong-staAdlng and seven Lumbago, 216 Pine street * WTW Edward McMahon, Consumption. 1227 Front street. William Morgan. Nervous Debility and Dyspepsia,tOi Spruce street. Charles p. Cnshney, Paralysis of the lower limb* (Paraplegy) and Dyspepsia, Western Hotel. J. Hleket. Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation, and Go»- feetion of the Brain,6lB CallowhiU street- u * Caleb Lamb, Bronchial Consumption, of five suh standing, 1486 Chestnut street. ,wn Kev. Mallory, Aphonia, Philadelphia. M. M. Leaning, Nervous Prostration, Cadbury avs nue. Anthony Carney, Fnlmonary Coninmntton, Hl7 Mm get street. The treatment 1» eminently enoceccral, when anile* by him. in the following dlcenee: • " aphonia. Hypochondria. Apscueofli Humors. • Asthma. Inaanltji Asae Chills, Inflammation*. Biitona Complaints, Jaundice, 80i15,.« « Kidney Complaints, Bronch ltis, Lockjaw. Constipation, L' —-" Consumption, In the middle ' Loss o? Memory, Liver Complaint*. Lumbago. Mercurial Diseases, Neuralgia, nervousness, Noise in the Head* Old Sores, Paralysis, Palpitation of tlxe Heart* Prostration of the System. Pimples* Piles. Rheumatism, Bush of Blood to the Head. Spermatorrhea, 6 alt Rheum. Strictures or the Ohe*t» 6trolled Tonsils, Spina Disease. Tic BoloreanXi Tumors, Urinary Diseases, Ulcers, White Swellings, Xeroderma. (OLLBS & GALLOWAY, 1»»0 WALNUT Street ft t ages. Congestion, Cross Byes, Catarrh, Cutaneous Diseases, Contractions of Museles, Coldness of Feet and Bands, Dropsy, Diabetes, Diptheria, Dizziness, Dimness of Bight, Deafness, „ Distortions or Limbs, Diseases of the Uterus, Emipelaa, Falling of the Womb, Felons, Gout. General Debility, Goitre, Headache, Heartburn, FAKB. Profs. B T?IiECTRIOITY.—WHAT IS LIFB WITHOUT HEALTH f—Messrs. GB2H & ALLIE, Medical Electricians, having dissolved partnership, UU practice will be continued by T3OB. ALLEN, at theol? established offloe, No, 723 North TENTH Street, betweei Coates and Brown, where he will still treat and cure all curable diseases (whether Acute. Chronic, Pnlmonarr or Paralytic, without a shock or any pain,) with the va> rlona modifications of Electricity ana Galvanism. TUi treatment has been found remarkably sueeessftil In ah cases of Bronchitis, Dlptherla, and other dlseaaM at St throat and respiratory organs. Consumption, .first and se- Infinenxa and Catarrh. eond tluei. <, Gone?»l Debility. rarer nd Acs*. Di&belee. SJSKS I®"' 1 ®"' Prol»pjaß TTtarl (Tallin* .1 AUhma.. . Bronchitis. pft*a»JftSgE3 TARRANT’S A vwvmsawM SELTZER APERIENT* Eor THIRTY YEARS-, has recairs* tht Iwonbli Ms. mimenditloß, of the PUBLIC, and been WSaD ill ki nr chi u» PBST BlftSx JUNTO* *o* Silk _ Huron* EMdnu, _ HrapopaU, Boar gtomMk. Blllottli Headache, Bludacca. “SMS®®* Born, B** Bitkina*. Billon* AttMlu. Inn, *•.. **. V«r tunsoalAU, *«..awFunpUMClU(Mh-HMUB r»s&v Prolapsus Ani (or PUssh Kotranal gmlwloai, M. »n. hours fl i. Elol n at ofl—. de3Ma AUCTION SAJI.ES* TOHN B. MYEHS & Ca. AUCTION P EBBS. Koa. 83a and 83* MARKET Straet LARGE POSITIVE SALK OF srX fftLYORED HEVEmY-FIVS PACKAGES and LOTH B»r® TISH. FBKSCH,GERMAN AND AMESI3AS DRT GOODS, CARPET*. &c , 1 VH * THIS MORNING, A CARD —We Invite the early particular attention ** dealers to the large an* valuable aaaortnwnt of BrUuiT French, German,and American Dry Goods, Etaatnna.* petp, Ac , embracing 675 packages and lota of deslrahL staple and fancy articles, to be peremptorily sold brca,*! logue. on four months* credit and casb: commencing tM« morning at 10 o'clock, to be continued the larger p\rt nr the d»y, »ittont intermission. LABOR PEREMPTORY hALE OF EUROPEAN, IHOU AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, Ac. ** We will hold a large sale of British, Germs o French, and American Pry Goode, by catalosne.on r 7l ri month's credit and part for cash on THIB MORNING. February 11- commencing' At precisely 19 o'clock, : KJI Pri,l “* 700 PAC SAGES AND LOTS, of British- German, French, Itidia, And Aam ri can iw Goods, embracing a large. fall, and fresh aefcrtateoi , RBTAILKHK - ** w I- AKG E SALE OP SOAKOJB ABTICGBS? Included in our sale this d*y will bo found in.pari Ik* loJlowjng desirable gco£*. ▼]*.: A full line B each<>d and Brown •Tuslina, DeMtnu Tickings. Stripes, P*"t*loftnery, Print*. Ginghams' Strop Carpets, Damaged Blankets. &g A full line Linen tickings, Crnmb Cloths, Towebt. Diapers, QGilts, Ac. A full line fancy Dress Goods, Shawls, Book HuilUm , Piques, Bonpp. Hoop-skirts, &e. A large line Broadcloths, Statons, Coatings, Casst meres, Satinetts. Linen Duck, Bleys, Canvas, Italians, Serges, Alpacas. Testings, &c A large sstortment of Cotton Hosiery and Glor«% Spool Cotton. Parent Thread, Sewing Silks,. Silk Ties. Scarfn, Traveling RMlftH, &G A line of Pearl Buttons, Trimmings, Head Ifets, fiinor articles, &c. Also ready-made clothing, Shaker floods, with a stock of dry geode, for caßh. LARGE SALE OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN DR* GOODS CARPET I *. &c. , ■ . Included in our peremptory sale .of American. And foreiHß chy Roods. Ac., on THORS DAY WO R SINGf . Feft. 11, at lOoeloik. by catalogue, on roar months'credit mmm befoand,liipart. the following desirable «*- ~ £®. lee bleached and brown muslins. SB*® l nd, *° h i n « tickings. caeea colored cambrsM Cta caeeß mxcvpliirtir.n n a \>,„i. oases Kectneky jea4 an? twills eases fcJacfc and fancy bales *B«iish hemp bales linen cloves w»ddin» Also, on THOb SDAT. A Rt?, XEBES Al,o black and col Tad alcana®,''SSSSSS.* fSimam. fancy drees «oods. £ Also, s stork of staple and fancy drj goods. _ „„ COTTON HOSIERY AND GLOVES. Ob THUKSBaY. February 11, will be sold about t,i#u .*'«'!*• fresh nooii, and a foils*, jortiiiert. t AN COAST A WARNOCK, AUO •*- TIOHKBBB. Bo..»*0 MARKET BtTwi. BPECIALPOSmV #s BA o LEOFPA K EIANFANCr 0 00 W By o&talogne, on FRIDAY MORNING, Febrnary u, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, comprising fiat Parian vases, jewel, boxes, ornaments, Ac. Sapertor Ironstone and China ware. Ac , jnst landed psr steamer. M THOMAS A SONS, ***■ • Ho», I*9 And I*l South FOURTH iimi. _ , . T HIS MORNING, At 9o clock, at the auction store, will be Sold the supe rior Furniture, Rosewood Piano, by Gilbert: Billiard Table, marble bed; Bagatelle Table; two Fireproof Safes, Herring; fine Carpus, &e.; also, a large Rook Embossing Pre»s. Also, a lot of Wood Turner’s tools, tops and dies. SALE OF BARE, VALUABLE, AND INTERESTING _ T ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON, February 12th, a valuable private library which in cmdes many inter»*Rting authors on various subjects; also, a number of illustrated works, London editions' mahogany secretary and book-cat*. • CARD.— Sales of Beal Estate, Stocks, &c., at the 15- Pa ” pW Ca ‘" 4V FURNITURE at Auction Store THURSDAYS. AT PRIVATE SALS. ..A large and splendid collection of fine oil paintings. el the American, English, Belgian, and French schools cl art, comprising the names of well-known artists from both hemispheres, is now on exhibition and for «*if for one toeefs. "QY HENRY P. WOIiBEBT. B * auctioneer * Ho. 80* MARKET Street Sooth side, above Second St. DRY GOODS, TRIMMIFG.o, SKIRTS. BOOTS. __ SHOES, &C ON FRIOAY morning. Feb. 12th, at 10 o’clock, will be sold cassimereß. draw fihd domestic goods, tTimmingSi ribbons, hosiery, atovfla. hdkfs., neck tits, laces, rnihlng, yells, shawls, table cloths, steel-spring skirts, combs, soaps, brushes, boots, shoes,, balmorale, Ac. Kernlar Sale* of Dry Goods, Trimmlnrs. Hotlom. A*., fwn2 WEDNESDAY. and /IIDAY Mi)**- IKGb, at 10 o’clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend these sales. Consltnments respectfnlly eollelted from Mannfaeti rere, Importere. Commission, Wholesale and Jobblnz Hoasei, and Retailer* of all and every description »t nerebanolse. W~ A BOY WASTED at the Anctlon Store. PHILIP FOED & CO., AUCTIONEERS, MARKET and Sail OOMMRSGR Street*. LARGE BALE CCO J3ASJB BOOTS, SHOES, ' B’ROTiANsT'&V. On THUBSDAY HORSING, February 11, we wflt sail by catalogue for cash, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, 1,600 cases men's, boys', and youth's calf, kip grain and thick boots, brosans, balmor&ls, cavalry boots, Ac., women’s, misses’, and children’s calf, kid, goat, and morocco heeled boats and shoes, from first* class manufacture, embracing a fresh assortment of goods. Fir SCOTT & STEWART, AUCTIONEERS AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, je9-lm 638 CHESTNUT St.andOlN StNSOM Sfcert. SALE OF CONDEMNED GRAIN SACKS AND SAGS. Chief Quartermaster’s Officb. Dbfot of Washington, _ Washington, D, 0., February 6.ISM. Witt BE SOLD a* Public Auction, at SevBnth*street w iHJ.. 111 the city of Washington, D. 0.. on TUBS DAT, IEW, ai 10 o’clock A M., thlTty ihouoani <3C,OOO> °M Grain. Pacts deemed unfit for public aerviefl _Aiio. at 12 o clock H. of the asms day, at Government warehouse N 0,3, corner of New York avenue and Nine* street, will be sold six thousand two hundred .0,200) pounds of Kage. Terms cash in Government funds. „ . D. H BTTCKBB, Brig. Gen. and Ghief Quarfc-rmaster, Depot of Washington. gALEOF CONDEMNED HOUSES AND ' Chief Quartermaster's Ofpicb, Dbput op Washington. , ~ . waphixotox. Feb. 6» 186*. Will be eold at public auction at the Corrals, near the Observatory, In the city of Washington, D. 0.. on Wed nesday, February 17, 1864, a lot of HOBSBS AND MOLES, condemned as unlit for public service. Teems-Cash, In Government funds* Sale to commence at 10 o’clock A M. „ D. H. RTTCKBR. Brigadier Gneeral ana Chief Quartermaster, faS-St D£p6t of Washington- SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PHILADEL* *®****ntiPHlA STEAMSHIP LihA niUiif from each port on SATURDAYS, from first Wharf above rail Street, Philadelphia, »ad;Long Wbasf, BoetSu _rb,.*t«uwr BOBMAH. Owl. Baker. will MU tin » MillndelphU (or Boston, .on Saturday, Febroury 13, at M o'clock A.K: and .teamer BAXOH, Gapt. Matthew. (row Borton for Fhlledelphia. on cam, day, at ■ These new and snbitanHal stcuncUpe form a renuler line, sailing from wit port punctually on Batnrdavt: Insurances effected at one-half the nmlu charted on >sU vowels. K Freights taken at (air rate,. iSSranfihMsi* 0 *" 1 * at » bui * Melght or Passage Meonunodattoec. «ah» »ag Booth PlLA\ragWa^,M. STEAM WEEKLY TO LlVER “■"■■■•FOpt, touching at Queenstown, (Cork Bar bpr.J The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool Beer 2fto'stiUTfoiiow,: Bto, ™ Wpc «wS!s4i- BDIHBTTROH « »—* .——Saturday, Fchuary IS. CITT OF WASHINGTON Saturday,'February £. CITT OF L0ND0N....... .....Saturday, Fobrnary*; And every succeeding Saturday at noon, from Mm 10. ° TBT ' BATES OF PA88AOB: FlWlilN, 01 ' 1, Do, to London, 80 00 Do,- to London JU 00 Do. to Paris. 196 00 Do. tb ¥£S°“' mo. Do. to Hamburg, 90 00 Do. to Bumhnrt »<3 Passengers aUo forwarded! to Harr,, Bras£i. iitV«- dM>, Antwerp, fro., at eanaUy lowratw^ Fere*from Liverpool or QneenrterrWTi,* n..i. m *B6. *lO6. SteMWfromLW^P*St ’* Ui Tor further Information, apply g th# Company’* ofi*** ift!9 1 ELECTRICITY. ■ WONDIEJUL PISgOVBBT ABD WOBDIBFDL . All acute and chronic diseases cured by e»crl*l ■ farth»rSsSiniapn»*n'l , * pamphlet, which aoutaiua hundred* ROBi eome of the most reliable men b* 4 1 1 who hay# been speedily ana perui*:) 1 nenUy avod after all other tra jtfxaan t from med|w i ' me&hadMled. Over eight thousand cured U l*** a f than fourjM«, at 1330 WALHUT Street, 4( l /. *• 8.--Medi«al men and others, who !i {Si TZ&Z ftTnTSa “pr» e £rw |, ( OiHtanlWfria/ree. I i F*OF, BOLLBa a qaILOWA* jf l MIT Sa u«9 WiWTOT »•. FbKAdSJ*^