ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS CP TO TWELVE O’CLOCK LAST HIOBT. ComtlßMitftl-KlaUi a J A Bonthmayd. Jersey City C Fennan, Sew York T J Glaflln&la, Boiton H A Eitld I *, Washington C S Woodhull, Hew York OP Brail, New York J H Batea, Hew York j Starr. Richmond, Ind | Mi«s Charlton w C Walter?, USA . J M Kennedy. Cincinnati Ydw Harrison. Newlork T E Harrison Hew York £dw Hore i H C Mayor FAttOry* nf’-t/B Lieu- C F . U E Jenkins & ns. N York. Hr? Miller 1 SHCarti?. I[ew York G Shepard, New Wk F N Thayer, Boston PM Consumer?- b America J Ado Consuesrß,s»An\enca .TTi«'B. S America A d& Barrios, SVtllh Ameiica A Ooteerre?. South America Jos A Gezsan*. Pittsburg E Pendleton. Ba'tlsnore W K Greenfield. Penna Jas L Howard. Sarricrd Dr J C Bertolette- V >.** Dan’l Beitoletie, Eeaning JasHiltimor* Phiny Fiak.Potieviiift u S DHoilentac rlUe B S Hunter, Be* J k I, ‘Wictnisn, V^ork » rinehmas. N»«r» r n q cv* i»r«aa* Now Y ork X Y M» B den Swf.linuTork gAwISsW- Penn* a KFroetAwf New York H S Warner, Lew York W 3 L:Fplrcoft. Pittsburg HB Podge, Indiana C- A Cramer. Lew York S K Church,Lew YoTk S a Wcodw*rd,New York H D Ward,New Yoik j il Goldey Oswego. N Y C D Marih, New Jersey H Lea. New York Paul Conla«Bo6ton Ad Chestnut streets. Chas Thoma«. Balttniore J A Gray, Balriroora 8 stamper. Provide, ca. K 1 GH Holliday. J Uaovs t i. Loomis. Illinois, Dr Kirkwood, Arkansas Of Arkansas . rpFarrington W O Farri-g on, New Turk W B Stndley Gwf. BOSion (5»o T ffni Finlsy, Washiagtou ’S £ Reaside, Washington Geo S «>. E boroe, U S V Miss C Thompson, Chicago Ural SThompson. Chicago ** J RawJiaf. W CMoorhead,Zinesvil e.O Thos H i’ttW r'o- k. M Steinbock & la, Mexico FLMul'ord. New Miss S Bateman, H Jersey J A Alien Henry Potts Jr. Thoa Rowland,Chslteaha a G B HftTfch, Y ’Tls. Pa W U Jordan. York, ra E G Eicholberger. > ork. Pa <; L & w f . P.i FDodte, Jr.Georgetwn.Dß R W Addis, Washington M Melhauser. New York Theo polhtinus. Jr, H Y H R'-oeai*ke‘‘. New York PB Sexton, Pitt-barg W H Ward, BaUim »re jW H Peirce, BaVJwihm Oirwd Ckeitnnt ai John Thomas, Pittsburg BL, Smith, Less Island RT Roberts, Long Island John Herring. BaMmore B Ligget, Centre co. Pa CFA Hinricks. Lew York W J> Judeon. New I ork John Lnpsley. New York "W H Warts, New York W Murgarum W Fuller A Wenger, USA O H Bloca. New T prk ChasP Gedell, H H Stanton Miss Brown, Washington W B Reaney. Chi«ter, Pa JW Wiiohr, Washington MG Ely, Harrisburg J B Ely, Barrirbnrg W C Sly. Barri'lmrg 2 Snyder. Harrisburg Captain H Wheel fir, jjf Y “W H Armstrong, Easton •J A McPherran, USA Jos Grier, Pennsylvania W Ware _ J Williamson & wf. Fa C Philips. Penns* lvania Mai Gh BardwalL J J H L Storms B 8 Brubaker. Lancaster C B Grubb, Lankier P D Barnet, Ba-'-t m THannson, St Louis Jones Wister Mrs W J Lawrence, S T r Saracens, f’swr. K I B E CbasalnE. JT » N M YTa-sseTaii. New York C F Shrener & 1 »• Tam a qua H B Melieh.WCuamspiM* Bobt Bauer. Jr. Boston Nelson Wright, New York Stephen Hubbard, Conn TP Oliver, Hew Y oik R Lavire, New York H M Maxwell, Lebanon W Polk. Delaware m RBCochran. Dh!aware* John Ence, Delaware CW Silts* New York M L Holman. New York S Bassett, Lexington, Ky B I* Bennett, Lexington, Ky S P Longstreet. wutesbane JohnHoeia. W?»ho«barrB .Alex Gray. Jr. Wilkesbane Miss L Williams. Newport MrßWiUiems, Newport Mrs B William#, Newport JLandon. Chicaar Thos Weston, Cticago 9 G P Stoop, St Louis Geo Dney. Sr, St Louia 'Geoßuey, Jr. St Luur« — Col Ohrlßty A wf. St Paul AG Lord. Chicago A V Hubtel. Cleveland Mrs S Eustia, Cleveland Xmerlcan- Chestnut Chas Jones, eoston 8 M Curtis, Newark, Del W C Horton, SaUm, Mass S A Muxrill, Mass Geo Kunkel &la. Balt Kingston R Fair W T May. VfaetLington John McGaughey G Brinton, Pernsylvama B H Post. Hew York E P Brown, Marjlnnd Capt Weld, Peus&ylvania Hieß Blume. Hew Sork_ T JE Thompson, £alem, N J H Sinnickson. Salem. N J J E Williamson, Delaware MB Butt H Grambo H Brill. New York J A Buck. Eesdixg J C McKee, Cbambershurg H Hippie, Lock Haven. X Tibbetts, Tamaqua Mrs Parke &eoel. New York Miss Parke. Hew York A Whyte, New 1 ork O Breezf. il. Sew Tort F W Oliver, Hew York JEColline. Delaware St IfOuls—Cbeatttut 8 Kurtz ft la. Reeding James Peoples, Norfolk James Courtney. U SN ChasHCadieu. USW IB Cleaves. TJ SM F F Patterson. N J 8 Glenn, Payton O James Glenn. Day ton, O C J Jacobus. Newark, N J B G Blow* New York 8 F Fries, Millville, h J C Raymond. U fe A ▲ B Stone, Hartford J Lock. New York YY H Kalley. Wash. 1> C K A Wade. Key West, Fla Herein. ■te’—Konrth John Muterly M O’Brien _ N B Ashley. Virginia Ttyiis Hamilton. IJSA MotesSice. PC J A Bradley, Pittsburg ■ Miller. Pennahurg Henty Bader. Pennsburg SPECIAL NOTICES. Colgate’s Honey Soaiv This celebrated TOILET SOAP, in such nnlvexsal de taand, Is made from the choicest materials, is mild and •emollient in its nature* fragrantly scented, and extreme ly beneficial in its action upon the skin. For sale by all •Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers. jaSQ-tathsty Electricity, by a Physician op long, -experience, and who gives his whole attention to its proper application, at 1418 SOUTH PENN SQUARE, 'Philadelphia. Certificates, references, and examlna 'Mou/ree.. ~ jaSO-tf Hair Dykl Hair DyhH EATGHELOB*B celebrated HACK DTE u the Bent 4n jifg The only Harmless* True, and Reliable iw.fc.nw- JW. .plendldHalr Bye 1» perfect—chim„, Rnity, or OMY Hair, liwUntly to a Oiosov Bloc* at Natural Broun, without Injuring the Hair or .t.ln lutha ft* 1 ”- toayin* the Hair Soft and Beautiful; in. f. M fc yiUlttr. freqaently rutoiin* It. prwiin. -Mlor. and McUiw th« ill •£«•“ Of had »y«. Tli, TO ulne is signed William A- Batohbk*; •are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by ™J££rtSr*r FACTORY. SI Btrout. *«W York. Batohtior'* n,w Toilrt Oraam for >U>,Haii. iy»-ir Onr-Frice Clothing,, op the Latest Jmm.> the Best Manner, exprMSly for BBTAIL SALES. LOWEST Sellini PileM rwW in Figures. All goods made to Order warranted satlslae tery. Our On-Fsiog Ststbk is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. _ 4e38-ly JONES ft GO.« 604 MARKET Street He, Sweet’s Infallible Liniment affords Immediate relief for Piles, and Beldom fails to cure. MAHKIHD. DANIELS—ELLEND IB.—On the 31st of January, by the Rev. J. Hyatt Smith. Mr. Edwin R. Daniels, and Miss Mary Sllender* all of this city. * DIED. a residence of her sister, Mrs Martha G. Soh|Ter»l(o. 418 Franklin street, on Saturday. January 30, Mrs. Belly Ann Hunt, relict of the late Dr. William F. Hunt. ofPsdrickumn N. J., in the 73d year of her age. . bw relatives and friends are invited to attend her fdneraL from her sister’* residence, this, (Taenia*) ©brimisvat « clock, to proceed to Pedriektown. * . MABOUBZK. —Very suddenly on the Ist Inst. E'ista bcMl Stealer. eldest child of EmUe and. Carolina A Mar 4Udre. agedclghtye&rs. The IIBAOiKI wiu. take place on Thursday morning J M Taylor, *ew York IR Charlton Mitchell, N Y Mrs Church Peona A Pomeroy A wf, N York - R R Spauldirg, New York CSUpton. Ro-ha-ter . Mise E AH-’JfIV. iw» Vorfc Mi«o *kr!es*. -Jew York , a a whip* Ka«r Ydflc H vr New York T, Cr«wf'-rd» 0 c Hutchins. N HimrubiTe C W L A’ Morrow, N York A J L-vy, New York A Anderson. New York Dr F Norton. New York (} S Gilbert, New York J SAUu* 1 . New York R D Starkweather. Trov J H Alien, Pennsylvania A Steiner. Louisville Simon Almont, London J P Brooke. Chicago t? D Winne. N-W tort: Sami Lewis. Aileatown A SH liman St eoc.Peuna .Tas Hooper, Baltimore D G Bandy, Boston Robt Gordon. New York Edw Hendricks. New York S Bing. Jr Nashville Dr Zacbarie.New York Henry SeymouT, New York Wm Craig,New York J G Campbell, Wheeling J W Campbell, Wheeling itreet) below HUlth A J Boynton. Boston. CM Dutker, Boston. L Wirman. Brie. Pa * 0 M Garter. Albany G O Childs. Pntsbar* H J Meily, Pennsylvania Mrs Jaquen & f, Cleveland Miss Gantt, Cleveland W G Trabner.Loul ville, Ky J WHoward. Downin.Kt’ll V I» Patterson, trnn. Miss Hiss Paiterron, Lyiha. l> G Grier. Biimis.ahatn Chas Beaetea, Birmiajt; isim J Tan Gasften, Smyrna, DM J P Heotfscfeer. Smyrna.DM G W Simpson, Ohio fl Miller, Ohio BA Boden, Massachusetts R J Fithean NawJer-Hy R Denney St wl, ' GOrmrod. Tainaqna W Rhoads, -Tr. itaddinST V H Stone. USA T H Kickatis & In. PottsV le J D Bnrjte..Sa*k ville W Tennflnt, Montgomery co G Cole. Maine . J HOsbor e. tj B Osborne, Delaware 0 W Woods St son, Pa C S Kauffman. Oolnab.a S M Krausoa, Mi 81 La co. Pa G Bnckman. Mies L Hnds*>n N- w York H S Osborn, New Jersey )ol J W Pomroy. Pa B G Powell J Freeman, Vermont C Wills. Sew Jersey Sami Archbold. Chester Sam t Finley. Penoa Geo Finley. Penna John Strang*. Ohio Geo Miller. Ohio D Mali. Mechanic*-burr A D FouUnd, U?ehanicVb’g Geo Williams Mecbanicib’g H D Bostick, USA Samuel Walher, USA WmWalker, GS A Sami Hunter, Helisate Jos Green a wf, Re'lgVe Wm P Grier A wf, Heiladte Al* Sanford Ohio O B Hester. TJ S A Major PluTcerJon. TJ S.A Mi»s G Williams. Newport If B Hunewell, Dnbuciaa W Colomy, New York W U Davis, Ea=ton DL Baumgarda bt. Colamb A E Gpboh, Ne* Haven W O Hotchkiss, M Crichlow, Baltimore J W Peirce, ffew York J A Pease. New York ? Miller, New York W M Wyeth, St Joseph. I> C England, Lock Haven , street, above Fllllk W P Sander, New Tort H Wilson & wf. New York J Van Women, Albany Capt J B Cochran, USA J B Scofield. New Jersey E Colburn. New Jersey Lewis E Wentworth, A J G Jewett, Maine P B Veiller New York J C O terioh, Huntingdon J W McCullough. Del M W Macklan, Delwaro 1) W C Jenkins. N Jersey Jo. K Riley, New Jersey Jas D Lawson. New Jersey L Bates. Boston fiC Melepaush. New York John Mitchell, New Jersey S C Shroap New Jersey E M Keed. Hartford H Hickman, Delaware A Rid new ay, Maryland W TVanzeeel, Delaware W A Redden. Delaware W E Faulkner. Mass C Jones, Boston E S Jackson. Maryland W A Eddy, Boston D Davis, St Louis stneti ebove VbJrL PHorter. New Jersey Dr O L*hlb2Ch..Xr S A A G Mathiotsfteßi’oore J D Byerlv, New York John Si Morris New Sork Sami Slater, Slizabsth Chas H .UueselL Springtield Josßoward. Springfield B F Taylor, U i A Cba* Arnold. Prov. R I Geo 0 Btrkwith, Mats THLlveivore. Media D Potter, New Jersey N J Darraugh, iNew Jersey PB Jack Street -below Arch, G J Baldwin, Luzerne co S Fuller, Luzerne co D S Ker, Kersville D A Gremer, New York SHowlett. Syracuse L O’Conner J M Tayjor, Mifilinburg J Hutch in son, York Henry Zahn, Ohio J Gumperte, Harrisburg A B Batterman. Cincinnati Dr 8 Lovejov, St Joseph Wm Lilly, Penn Haven W 8 Simpson. Kentucky O P Saylor. St Louis A F Conrad, Walnut Grove CB Foster. Mise L Harris, New Jersey itrwti above Third WtoJ Wallaca.Lancaster eo B D Cleaver, Dalawaie city Dr J Unger,Allentown A P Cropper, il try land 1 Jas L Lelbart. Conn Wm H Gunkle, USA H Hackman, Easton John Heebner, PotttvUle Jas E Giffin ft la, USA ceet* above Cheetan; Jos McMullen, Chester co • Pearce, New Jersey J J Taylor, New Jersey C G Taylor, New Jersey John F Smith, USA Job Mentzer, Pottstown H H Shantz, Pottstown st street above Slstt H Stepher, CumbeTl’d c”*. J Bruner. Lancaster co. J F Marcband.Pittsbuig W J Oonley, Delaware J&b HButton, Dtlaware H H Weston _ L Rogers, Now York rcet, above Third F Frioker. Beading __ _ MUhler. Frenchtown.N J D D Elder. Philada Q Hoffman. Lebanon J Coover, Myerstown £ J Weidner, Fort Monroe H B Herrick, Washington (reet, above Market J J Williams, New York T Blackwell, Trenton, N J BXTFarren, BlairsviUa Joaßosler, Penna_ Mrs Dr ACSiUoe, N Jersey G H Vansclver ft la, N J iA street, bolow Vta* i J W Bower. Cleveland,o i JKirkbiide, Attleboro Jas Roberts. Newtown Mrs Brooks, Boylestown D Willard, Chicago next, at tee o'clock, from the house of her grand- A.ftfc»r. John Haseltine, 706 fcprace et/eefc. »« eHI/sTEB* —the Ist inet. M&ivaret. relict of the late David Shuster, in the 78th year of her nice. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence. 820 Spring Garden street, on Thurtday afternoon, at 2 o’clock. , *•* BVJSBMAN. —On tbeSlstult., Joseph 8., infant son of John W. and Edith B Everman. The relatives and friends of tie family are respectfully invited to attendthefuneral, from his parents* residence Thirty ninth and Powelton avenue, this (Tnesdav) lamPcemetery. 2 ‘ at oclocS: » To Proceed to Wood- HUNT.—At the residence of her sister. Mrs, Martha G Schryer, No. 418 Franklin Street, on Saturday. January 80, Mrs- Sally Ann Hunt, relict of the late Dr William F Hunt, of Pedricktown, 4r. J., in the7>dyear She??™ Notice of the funeral will be given in Tuesday mornings On the SOth ult., after a short illness. Flora J?” A»£Shter Of Charles C. and Charlotte E. Collins. in the 16th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respe*trally invited to at tend the funeral, from the residence of her urcle IGC9 Wallace street, on Tuesday morning, at. 10 o clock. To proceed to Gloucester, N. J. ** OBITUARY. WILHELMTNA FIEDLER.—On the 12th Inst., in the 22d year of her ace, after a brief illness. Which she bore with Christian resignation, ter gentle, lovm*, stainless spirit passed into the bauds of her Creators confirming the truth that the young, hopefal. &ad promising are taken, whilst others, through the in» scrutable decrees of Providence, are permitted to enjoy a prolonged existence. The good and gentle fall before the great enemy of mankind. Thus tbe hand of death has selected a shining mark in the person of her of whom we speak. Courteous without servility, chi d llke. innocent, and kind- she possessed in an emiu’snt degree, these virtues which grace and beautify budding womsnlmod, and attract our admiration. Bach w*s wilhelmina Fiedler, to whose memory an unusually large concourse of mourning friends paid the last sad tribute of respect upon the day of her interment. In the daily wa ks of domestic life she dispensed mirth and .bappinees among those around her. and whose car* it was to sooth where affliction lacerated, and bring joy to the forrowfnl. She has passed from earth to heaven, and let ue hope that she may forever the hapninegs momisedby the great Creator to ail who, during Ufa, lib© Willie, love Him and keep His commandments. January 25, 1864. , C*3 P. HL. UUPER BLACK SILKS.—BESSON & SON’S MOURNING STORE. No. 018 CHESTNUT Street have opened a new stock of super Black Silks, $1 25 to $4 37}£ a yard. Black all-wool Mousseline, double width. ‘ * “ Tamiae Cloths. “ and White, Purple and Gray Chintzes, ** and White* striped and Plaid Ginghams. 14 and White Delaines. SU* cents. * * Grenadine Veil?. Alexanders Black Rid Gloves, plain and emb d. Second-Mourning Balmoral Skirts. ja3Q WHITE SILYIDGE BLACK SILKS, » * DRAPDE LYONS —These are a very superior grade?of SILK?, warranted durable, and fine Paris Biack, ordered for our best city trade. , ja2B EYRE & LINDELL. WIDOWS’ SILKS, WITHOUT GLOSS. * T Kryal Armurai. Corded Gro3 Grain. Heavy Black Poult de Roiftß. __ ja2B , EYSS & LANDRLL. PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING AGRICULTURE —Febraary meet ing, at Rooms 3&6 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, 3din6ant atll o’clock A. M. fe2 2t PENNSYLVAEIi HOHTICULTU- Ecs=» BAL faOCIETY, S. W. corner BROAD and WAL NUT Sireete —Subject for discussion THIS EVENING, 4 4 Heating of Glass Honses " fr “ the TWO COMMONWEALTHS." Rev. TREADWELL WALDEN will deliver a LECTURE on this Great National Su&ierf THURSDAY Evening, February 4th, atSo clock, at MUSICAL FUAD HALL. Tickdto 25 centß For benefit St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church. . fe2-3t* STARTLING WONDERS IN PRE IO* SBNCE of the Davenport Boys; At Concert 11011. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATORDAY Evenings of the present week. fe2-3t* LECTURE ON LIFE INSURANCE. —A. B. KEITH, Esu * General Agent of the Equi table Life Insurance Co., will deliver a Lecture on Life Insurance, its Principles. History.and different Methods, at Crittenden'B Commercial College, G 37 GHBbTNUT Street, THIS (Tuesday) hVENING, at 7,% o’clock. The public are invited. Admittance free. L* ms, REV. R. A. CARDEN, D, D„ WILL deliver a Lecture on “Tears,” in the Lecture Room, Church of the Evangelist, CATHARINE Street, above Se venth, TUESDAY, Feb. 2d at 7>a o’clock P, M. Tickets 15 cents. Come all, and have your eyes watered with the Doctor’s well-known hun or. • ja3o-3t* HALL OF THE NIAGARA HOIE »CS=> company, Feb. l. lt6i.—At a special meeting of the Company, held THIS EVENING, convened by order of the President, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: aA , _ .. . Whereas- We are called upon to record the death of GEORGE F. BRUCE, an old and valued member of this Company, who has, from bis 'connections with- us now upwards of 80 years, to the time of his demise, always evinced the most lively aid devoted interest in the prosperity and welfare of tie Company, who has ever been a prompt and efficient firemen and worthy member; therefore, be It , _ .. . .. _ , Resolved., That whilst we submit to the decree of an all wise Providence, in removing from our midst our late respected and woithy follow-member, wa cannot but regret the loss to this Company of hit service*, ana to the Fire Department of a worthy member. Resolved, That we tender to hts bereaved family our condolence and sympathy at'-Their irreparable loss, trusting tbat He, who orders all things well, may con* eole them in this their hour of affliction. Resolved, That we will attend his funeral in a body, and that the Hall and Appartns 01 the Company be draped in mourning for sixty days, and that a copy of the above preamble and resolutions be transmitted to the family of our deceased member, and they be pub lished In tho Redoer- Inaz'-irer and Press. 8 “ HBBRY YORK, President. Attest—Henry C. SchNTDEk, Sicretary, NIAGARA HOSE COMPANY.—The Honorary, Active, and Contributing Members, and particularly the Hono rary Member*, will meet at the Hose House THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON, at 2)£ O’clock, to attend the funeral of our late fellow member-GEORGE F, BRUCE. H O. SCHN»D£R, Secretary. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE Restate of Pennsylvania. - m February 1, 1864. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of six per cent., or twelve dollars per share, clear of ail taxes, payable to the Stockholders or their legal repre sentativf*. on demand. WILLIAM HARPER. ft2-Iot Secretary. STATEMKST OB' I'IXB FIRST »A- Ec£» TIOBAL BaNK OP PHILADELPHIA, js » paired by the twenty-fourth, section. Ol too Act of Con gress. approved February-26th, 1883: Average amount of loans and discounts. ....... s_:,4o2,iU(J »• U. S.noteH... $744 920 balances due from _ 24,000 763.920 Ratio aal Bants*. Average amount of balances due from oilier Banks Average amount of deposits,including balances due to otter Bank 2,770,400 CT /yMORTOB'm’Iuic kAEL. Jr. . Cashier of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP PHILADELPHIA, train* duly evorn. depose and «ay thar ttie abora statement is correct, to the best of my knowledgei and beLef. M. McHIOHaBL, jR-.Caabier. Sworn before me this first day of February. A D.. 1861. It EPMDnD WILCOX, Notary Public. |». THE DAYESPORT BOYS-THE •Ok Greatest Wonder of the World, at ConMrt Hall. Open THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY Eyenlngs, February 4th, sth. and 6tU. ie2-ot* ■Mk the hercantile library COMPANY will receive and distribute to the Hospital* in the Citv and in the Field any DONATIONS OF BOOKS or PAMPHLETS. Already about 9 000 have beta distributed. Citizens are requested to send iu any thing which thev are willing to donate, as thel lbrary has at present direct application both from the Army or the Potomac and of the West. Boxes are now being made up for the Army of the Potomac. iei-3t NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS OF KSTTHE OIL CREEK AND RIDGWaY RaILHOaD The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held on WEDNESDAY, the 10th. day of February, 1864, at 1 o’clockP. M.. at No. 4 WILLING’S Alley, in Philadelphia. JO&BPH LESLEY, jaS7-13t Secretary. ■hgto HOTIOB.-THB ANNUAIiMEETING tneStoSSoldersof the PHILADELPHIA AND KvXnnah steam navigation cohpanr, for the election of Five Managers and the transaction of other the H day of February hast, “m DESSIS. Secretary and Treasurer. ■wf. CONCERT HAIMHE CEUE BKA.TBD Davenport Boys hold three of their peculiar entertainments, at the above-named Hall, this t?eelr, commencing THUR3DA.T EYBNIMG. fa2-3t f —tt OFFICB PENiSSYLVANIA RAIEr SOAD COMPANY. Philadelphi l, ■ones TO "stocKHoXrtfißsr „ Tie Aazroal Meeting of tie. Stockholders of thte Com pany will he held on TUBS!) the 16th day of Febr oa" ry, 1861, at 10 o’clock A. 3f.» at SAWSoM-STBJSHr nirr The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MOJSDAT, the 7th day of March. 1864, at the Office of the Company, Wo. 938 South THIRD Street. jSKtffi EDMUND SMITH. Secretary. HA JtOTICK.—THBAK»rAT.KBETIHS |9 of the Stockholders of the OCEAN STEAM Navi gation COMPANY, for the election of five Directors, (Becoad floor,) on TUM DAT, the second day or Fehro ary next, at 12 o’clock noon. , wtt.PßflfllS, ja!9- 12t Secretary and Treasurer. •ok. KOTICB.-THR ASSOCIATION FOR the protection of GAME hereby give notice to Sealers in Game. Hotels, and Restaurants, that the Saw for the Protection of Game will be rigidly, enforced on and afier February 1.-M64. Information of the infrac lUO-30*WAmD H T B Btreet. B PfMjdanti 608 South Wharves* JiS. B. CHANDLER* Secretary, 300 CRE3TSUT Street. PHILADELPHIA MUTUAL KEAL |& ESTATE ASSOCIATION. —The Committee ap pointed to wind up the affairs of this Association notify those having fnlly-paid Stock to present their Certifi cates. with receipt, at the Office of E. ACHBEINSS* NOBLE Street, above Ninth, on or before the Ist day of APBlLnext. H. VAN|«| fc ALLAN W. BICHARDS, Committee. yji JKHSBY SHORE. PINE CRKKK, Lem. AUD STATB LIMB BAlLBOAD.—Akreeably to previous notice, a Meeting of the Commissioners of the above enterprise was held at the Girard House, In Phila delphia. on the 10th Inst., and after the transaction of business they adjourned to meet again at the FiIANKLIN HOUSE, in Jersey 6hore, Lycoming county, on THUBS* DAT, the 4th day of February, 1894. at 10 o'clock A. M., to open hooka and reeelv* subscriptions, preparatory to organising the Company. A report on the general character of the route will be made by the Engineer at 18. 2893. del6-tf&4 mmSfrn niOR CAHAL COMPANY, PHILA- SW® OAMAX COMPANY the 2d day of February next, atill o’clock a. an election will be held for officers and manager* to serve for the ensuing year. _-av-om The transfer boons will be closed after.the-23d instant, and remain closed until after the meeting. .. .. iai»tr2 ObCARTHOMPSON. Secretary- adto NOTICE OF THE PHI tSr lSblPhS‘InD ERIE RAILROAD COM PA ST, Mo. 210 WALNUT Street. Philapsuhia. Jan. 29, 1864. The holders of the Certificates of PREFERRED debt. Issued in accordance with an act of Assembly, passed. April 13,1860, by the Sunhury and Brie Railroad Com pany, and dated May 1. 1860, are requested to present the earns IMMEDIATELY, for redemption, at the office of tMa Company. GEO. P. LITTL& ja!9-6t Treasurer, P. T, . Ijgi CORK EXCHANGE BANH, PHILA ftCP» DELPHIA, November23d, 1863. _ __ __ At the Election held 16th Inst, the following Etoekhold *rs were duly elected Directors of the Corn Exchange Sank: . AUTfcwJai 1 6, GattelL _ James SfeCM. Chrigjton J» Hoffman. Robert Brrteu, H W. Oitb.rwoad, William F. Oox, Sdmand A. Bonder. Samuel T. Canby. Charles B. Wilkin.. Phillj.B. MiniU. DavtdYandeijeer, John F. Gross, Jonathan Knighn And at the meetinf of the Board this dwTiLK. O. CATTBLL. Beg,, warns anhmously re-elected President < ALBX.traiLl3>l»7Bsa..YlsePresldOTt.widJOM W. TOBBEY, Cashier. J. W. TOBBBY. soJMm Cashier. rsFHILADEI.PHU AND KK.IERA.IE.- ROAD. Phn.ADEi.pHiA. Jan. 18.1864. The Annusl Meeting of the Stockholders of the Phua delphiaand Erie Railroad Company will be held at the Office, No. 230 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the eighth day of February next, at ten o’clock A- M. At this meeting an Election will be held fox Ten Mana gers of the Company to serve for one year. The polls to close at two o’clock P. M ialfrtnthaSt - EDWARD F. GAT, Sec’y. PHaADSXPHIA AMD RBADUKG |l9» RAILROAD COMPANY, Office No. %%t South Philadelphia, December 2, 1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Transfer Books of this Company will beejosel,on THURSDAY, 17th Instant, and reopened on YUBSOAY, January 12,1864. A Dividend of BBVBN FBROBHT., clew of State tax. has been deelared on the Common Stook, payablu In ‘ttsfissn? fisfirgs s®Ub. nf thn kola.Br, on and after the 31st December n *xi» shaU .Uiid refl.tered on the books at the close of business on the ji«*heygeA Brother. 1 A meeting of- the civi of 4*“ «»IH WARD, hold on tha 29tb “ t£? County Court Boom, for tno parjioM of »U -cffiod to th(j T cLair. Cta ’ *** H “' *’ W “ Tbe permaneutlyforganlzad hr the eelec tion of the following officer a : PRESIDENT. __ EON. j. j. clabk hare. VICE PRESIDENTS Bgpjaroic Gerhard.*~ **" Edward C. Knlaht, Wa L. Hirst. fdnwrt 4h?£“£ er ’ Charles Gibbons, WUmon %F 4ln * Alfred Bay. . James F. Dillon. Lewis C. Casalday, James MeGahen. BEORBTARTr _ _JOHW_ J. Fft aNKLIW. On motion of Mr. B. Gerhard* the following ttentlemen were selected as a fenperviaory Committee: B. Bundle Smith, JE. O. Thompson, E. K. Nichols. | Lewis O. Cassiday, Alderman James alcCahen. On motion of Alderman McOaben. that the meeting proceed to revise the Collecting Committees of the vari ous pieslncte. The same was agreed to. The committees were revised as follows: ’ FIRST MVIBIOW. _ lfatban HaU. ‘ ' "(Thomas Dillon. Lawrence Tobin, I Obarlea C. Gaw, Jobn Hooper - _ _ SECOND DIVISION, Gaw. I Jossph R Coal, M. ». Henry t-kaiman, iJoE^pbii, N Wm.T. Pierce. „ ... third division. Dennis Considlne, j Join Brunet, Jr., Eobeit Stewart, {Theodore W. Chandler. Henry Welsh. __ . _ _ FOURTH DIVISION. Howard J. Kenney. | Kch&n O. Thompson, i B. Franklin {John Qainn, JoknP. Delaney. w t. .... fifth DIVISION. Zj *B- AJ kl M the Treasurer. E. W. CLARK, Esq., Sonth THIRD Street. jall-lm gtdto PHHADUPHU AMD RBADITO &CS» RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 937 Sonth FOURTH Street. Philadelphia. September 2, 1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following-named persona are entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stock-of this Company. The residence of several of them is un known, and it is, therefore, necessary that the certifi cates of stock should IN pr wanted onsaUUu forth* Dividend. 6. BRADFORD, Treasurer. STOCKHOLDERS’ NAMES. Mrs. Vary Bishop, ' S. Lancaster, Timothy C. Boyle, Percy M. Lewis, Clement Biddle, Fanny Mary Mitsherson, Ann Copeland, • John Mclntyre, A.BmfiUeandJ»Vewbold, John 8. Moore, Trustees, James McKnight, Debbie A. Hughes, Benj. F. Newport, Sami. T. Harrison. Benj. Pott, James HalloweU, WR. Rodman, James W. Hallo well, Sarah Ann Richards. Catherine G. Koppele. Henry B.Sherer, Daniel Klapp, Maria L. Sadler, Mary Kahn, Andrew Turner, ChM. Kahn. HurtmM Mw, KebOTCaUlrt.h, Kuhn, and J. H. Kuhn, Ex, Asher M. Wright. Of B. Kuhn. William Young, R. V. E. lelsw Jtetrx.. W. H. McVlekmr. ul J.mem G. Sahaff. Be. of Austin Smith. . . .. John S. £alm, 4m'A WflU.fcfl. f PROVOST GUARD.—THE FIRST COMPANY mustered for this ppecial service is hereby ordered to leport at the PROVOST BARRACKS, at 9 odock A. M- THIS DAY, to receive 'the CITY BOUNTY. The Second Company ia nearly foil, and will >e mustered TO-MORROW. m GOOD MEN FROM ALL PARTS OF THE STATE will be received in this Guard, and will be credited to the districts which they select ' Apply to Captain JOHN H. JACK and Captain CHARLES BEEN. Recruiting Officer??, Provost Mirshal’e Office, It FIFTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets. « HEADQUARTERS VETERAN VO* LUNTBERS. 95th P. V.-MAINES. No. 7 DBOATUR Stieet.—The Veteran Yolaateers of 95th P. Y.. will assemble at 2*P. H.,on WEDNESDAY, theSdinst., at these headquarters* to receive bounty. Offlcferswillaccompanymen. _ , By older FRANCIS J. RAJiDALL, David Gor.dex, Capt. Co. D. 95th P. , Lt. and Acting Adjt. Commanding. fe2-2t* it BARRACKS, 183 D REGIMENT, P. 63 V., (Fourth Union League) Colonel GEO P. McLE IN, Til Company E, of the above regiment, will be mustered ML lor bounty at 3 o’clock P. M,, February 2d. §AU mem bers not present will lose tteir It* Captain Company S. § RENDEZVOUS FOR DRAFTED MEN, 1330 TT*IiXfUT Street, Philadelphia* February Ist, 1861. RECRUITS FORJHaNOOCK’S CORPS. Jan. 25,1864. $5 BOUNTY. The contributors to the Coal Bounty Fund have audio rlzed me to pay the eum of FIVE DOLLARS for every Recruit received for the old belonging to the 2d Army Corps. This sum will be piid on the delivery of the Recruits at the BROAD AND CHERRY STREETS HOSPITAL, and will continue up to the 20th inst-. or until 2,500 men are received. Becxuitß wUi be credited to the particular ward select- ed by themeelves. . _ . The Regiments for which Eecrmts are realized are the 69fch. 71st, 72d, lC6th. Slst, and 116th Pa. Yols. The attention of all Recruits and Recruiting Agents ia ealied to the matter* ■ JOHN GIBBON, Bri g. Gen. Yols. At a meeting of the Contributors to the Coal Bounty Fond, held February Ist, 1861, it was Resolved, That the balance of the fnnd be applied to the filling np of the Philadelphia Regiments of the 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac.. ■ Brig. Gen. GIBBON was authorized to disburse the fnnd for the purpose, «»,■***»*« n , It B. N. RATHBTJN, Secretary. Sheadquabtebs provost mar. SHAL FIRST DISTRICT PENNSYLVANIA, No. !J*3 Souti THIRD St ¥ ct. AMipHi AVOID THE DRAFT By the authority of the War Department, able boiled men will be recruited by the PROVOST MARSHAL OF THIS DISTRICT, for any Company in an? old Regiment, and will be ere* d ANY* WARD nr THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA the recruit* may select* The City and ward Bounties will be paid in cash, Go* vamment Bounties by instalments. _ Apply tO Capt. PBAD’K. ZARBAOHBR. fei wr Recruiting Officer. JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, Pa., CORNER MARKET STBEET AND MARKET SQUARE. A Dret-class house. Terms, $2 per day. "TkISSOLUTION OP COPARTNER- J-/ SHIP.—The copartnership heretofore existing, nn* der ihefirm of I. PMIDDLETON ft BRO., is this day dissolved b? mutual consent. Persons indebted to the old firm can make payment to either of the undersigned, B, P. MIDDLETON. No. 5 North FRONT Street. G. W. MtDDLBTON, February 1,1564. No-109 MARKET Street. G, W. MIDDLETON, formerly of S. P. Middleton & Bio., would inform hie customers that be has removed to 109 MARKET Street, where he still continues the wholesale WINE AND LIQUOR BUSINESS, in all its branches. G, W/ MIDDLETON, fe2 3t* No. 109 MARKET Street. pOPABTNEBSHIP NOTICE.—T H E undersigned bare THIS DAT formed a copartnership for three years, commencing let day of February, under the name and style of EVANS & CO.. for the transaction of the Dry Goods commission Business, at No. £(4 CHURCH ALLEY. Wm. H. Brown having contributed the 6UZ2I of TAN THOUSAND DOLLARS eaßh caoital. JOSEPH EVANS, WM, H. BROWN. fe2 12t Philadelphia. Feb. 1, ISM. no PABTNEBSHIP. —NOTICE.—I have ttiß day associated with me ia business my eon, irKEDEBICK BROWN, Jr., under the name and .tJIeofFBEUEKICE And^emW. Philadelphia, February 1,1864 The said firm will continue business at the old stand (ettabl shed in 1522), northeast corner of Cheat nut and Fifth streets, Philadelphia. FREDERICK BROWN. FREDERICK BROWN. Jr. ■REMOVAL—THE OFFICE OF Mo- AV ELROY’S CITY DIBBCTOHY hasban removed from 13* South POUfiYH to 600 CHESTNUT an! 10* South SIXTH Street, second floor* fo2-3tif* ” A. McELBOY. pARTES DE VISITE.—THE STYLE, execution, and finish of those made at RBI ME S S, SBCOIfD Street, above Green* elicltithe admiration of all. Secure them •without delay. U* ItTAKSHAL’S SALE—BY VIRTUE -IJJt of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA »!, Judge of the District Court of the United. States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. In Admiralty, tome directed, trill be soid at nubile srle, to the highest and best bidoer.for cash, at MJCHJtN dR 8 BTOKB, No. 14» North FBONT Street, on MOND IT. P.bruary l»th. 1881. at 12 o’clock H..1Z7 bales Of COT TON, part of the cargo of the »tsam«r Chatham. _ jfl ilitil&li fiILLWASD, U. 8 Marshal B. D.: of Penn v Philadelphia. Feb 1,1864 fe2 6; IfMlfl BARRELS PRIME GROCE *3 *Wu PICKLES Also. Pickles In 3. 4. fi. and ID gallon Kegs. Prime Newark Sweet and Champigne Cider constantly cut hand and for sale by ALDRICH A YKERBS, No. 19. *o.* i»% L&TITIA Street, taSi-UV the press-Philadelphia, Tuesday, February 2, 1864. MILITARY. HOTELS. • COPARTNERSHIPS. DRY-GOODS JOBBING HOIfSES. J|KI.I 458, and 4:5* N. SECOND St., above Willow. rroWELUN GS t TOWELLINGS 1 -*> 1 Bale American Crash, 13c. 1 Do. do. dd. 14c. 1 Do. do. ~ do. 15c. 2 Do. Russia do. 16c. l Do. do.. do. 18c _ CURWEN Si'ODDART * BROTHER, 4:50, 4-53? and 4H N. BBCONP St., above Willow, ■RALMORAL SKIRTS, $2. J-l Balmoral Skirts, $2.25. Balmoral Skirts, $2.60. Balmoral Skirts, $3. Balmoral Skirts, $3 50. Balmoral Skirts. $4. With superior grades at low prices. . CURWEN BTODDAKT & BROTHER. 450.45a*and454:N. SECOND St., above Willow. fe2-3t uoo HOQP SKIRTS. ftOO vwv- • Manufactory, No. 638 ARCH fit. * above Sixth, Wholesale and Retail. The most complete assortment of Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s HOOP SKIRTS in the citf. in every respect FIRST CLASS, which for styles, finish, durability, and cheapness, have no equal in the market. Skirts made to order, altered/and repaired. fea-ot* TTNBLEACHBD MrSLINS—GOOD LJ ASSORTMENT. Bleached Muslins from 25 to 50 cents. Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings. Dark and Light Calicoes at 25 cents. Splendid assortment of Table Linens. Flannels all grades and double width. Merinoes, Fopline, and darkJDe Lainas. Closing out at JOHN H. STOKES, feS-tf 703 ARCH street. 1864. Officers and soldiers, visiting the city on furlough, seeding And other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS are invited to the very extensive MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT OF GEO. W. SIMONS 4 BRO., SANSOM-STKEET HAIIII, PIIESENTATION SWORDS Hade to order at the ehortest notice, which for rich ness and magnificence challenge competition, ho other house in the country combining tha MANUFACTURING JEWELER WITH THE PRACTICAL S WORD MAKER. jaSMm C. H. If ANN. pOK THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS Ac HABSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, Banners, Regimental and Company Flags* Swords, Sashes, Belts. Faasants, Epaulettes, Hats. Caps, Can teens, Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Spurs. and everything pertaining to tha complete outfit of Army and Navy Officer*. •A liberal discount allowed to the trade. Q W. SIMONS * BROTHER, BAJISOM-STBEET HALL. PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OF JBWBLRY. FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY. au2B>ilBm JKOTHINGHAM * WELLS HEAVY. MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CAnTON FLANNELS. WASH. B Off ON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILECIAS. BROWN. BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. No. 1a WORSTED YARN, he. »e22lftf YOU CANNOT HELP ADMIRING A- those splendid Portraits, they are such striking likenesses Life size Photographs in Oil colors executed at B. F. RBIMER’S Gallery, 634 ABQH Street. • It* f JOHN lu OAPEN, PHBENOLO GIST, maybe consulted, DAY and BVBNING.on adaptation to Bnslneee. Trade, and Profession; on the improvement of health, correction of fault., formation of friandahips. Ac. FnUide eerlntlone of character given when roonlred. at No. 4a t), TENTH 6& •* * + * One young man* who had been sick and not out of the house for two years with Scrofula and Ery sipelas, after paying the doctors over $l6O without bene* At, has been cored by ten bottleeof your Bitters. * * * EDWARD WOUNALL." The following is from the Matron of the Union Home School for the Children of volunteers: Havemexsb Maksioe. Fifty-sevekth St., > Hew York, Augusta, 1893. I " D&. Dsakb: Tour wonderful Plantation Bitter* hare been given to some of our little children suffering from weakness and weak lun*s with most happy effect. One little girl, in particular, with pain* In the head, loss of appetite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with bat a teaspoonfol of Bitters a day. Her appetite increased; strength and health, followed. *■*■** Respectfully, ••* * * I owe much to yon. for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. BBV. W. H. WAGGOJriSB, Madrid. S. T.” «** * * Thou wilt send me two bottles more or tty Plantation Bitters. My .wife has been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend. ASA OUKRIIT, Philadelphia. Pa.” ••« * * i hare been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. * * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me- REV. J. S. CATHORH. Rochester. JT. Y. ” **• * * Bend ns twenty-four dozen more of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity of 'which !• daily in ereaslhg with the guests of our house. SYKES, CHADWICK, h CO.. Proprietors Willard’s Hotel. Washington. D. 0. M * » 1 have given the Plantation Bitters to hun« dredslo four disabled soldiers with! the most astonishing G. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent Soldier*’ Home, Cincinnati, 0.” • • The Plantation Bitters hays eared me of liver complaint, of which Z was laid up prostrate and had to abandon my business. H, B. KI-ITGSIiRY* Cleveland, O." *** * * The Plantation Bitten have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. • 0. G. MOORS. Agent for Golgate & Co., 364 Broadway,” ho., &0., - ha., ha., ha., ha. The Plantation Bitten make the weak strong, the lan guld brilliant, and are exhausted nature’s greet restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Gliasaya Bark. Wintergreen. Sassafras, Roots. Herbs. Ae.. all preserved In perfectly pure St. Croix Rum. s. T—1860.-X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dls tress after eating? torpid liver, constipation, &e«, deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical autho rities, and are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Nones.— Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters in balk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. We only put it up In oar log-cabin bottles. Beware of bottles refilled with Imitation deleterious stuff,forwhlch several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, and .signature on steel-plate side labels. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe. P. H- DRAKE db 00-, oelS-stnattMm »0» BROADWAY, N. Y. JAY COOKE & CO., BANKEKS AND DEALERS GOVB-BIJMENT LOAN'S 6-20 BONDS. 6 PER CENT. LEGAL TENDERS, 7-30 TREASURY NOTES. 18SI LOANS. ONE-TEAR CERTIFICATES. QUARTERMASTERS’ VOUCHERS. QUARTERMASTERS’ CHECKS. CITY AND STATE STOCKS. BANK, RAILROAD, and CANAL STOCKS AND BONDS. Stocks Bought and Sold on Commieeion. A fall supply of all kinds of t GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Including the New Five Per Cent. Clegal tender) TREA- SURY NOTES. always on hand. Collections made and deposits received. JAY COOKE & CO., 5.20 LOAN 5.20 BOUGHT AND SOLD BY , DEEXEL & CO., jaZO-ICt If 3* SOUTH THIRD STREET. jgTH FEBRUARY, IST APRIL, 1864. IST MAY, COUPONS ? 3-10 AND ' 5-30, W A NT ED. * QUARTERMASTERS’ VOUCHERS tJ. S. FIVE-TWENTIES 1864. SMITH <& RANDOLPH, lag-lm 16 SouthTHIBD Street. A BMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE -iA OFFICE, Stebbesville Ohio, January 29th, 1864 PROPOSALS are invited hy tfca undersigusd until FEBRUARY 12th, 1834, for furnishing this Department Sky Blue Kersey», Army Standard. \To be delivered, free of charge* at Steubenville. Ohio* in good new packages, with the name of the (party far’ nklritag. the kind and quantity of goods, distinctly Fatties offering goods mo* tin all cates furnish sain* pieg, marked and* numbered to correspond with their proposal, and distinctly state in their bids theauanUty of goods they propose to fornish, the price, and time oj be opened on the 12th of February, 1864. at 10 o’clock A. M., when bidders are Invited to be present, and awards will be made as soon as practicable there after. Bidder®, or their duly authorized agents, are ex pected to be prepared to give security that the goods will be furnished if an award is made. , t . The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable Is re served. By order of Col. Thomas Swords, A. Q M. General. ALBXANDEB COHN, Captain and A. Q- M. A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE A OFFICE, TWELFTH and OIBABD Street., Philadelphia, Palmary I. 1864. SEALED PEOPOSALB will be received. at this offlee until 12 o’clock M., on MONDAY, the Bth instant, for supplying the SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL with the fol lowing articles: . . _ Bunt leg. Red and Blue, army standard. 4-4 Bleached Muslin, army standard. 1-8 Inch Worsted Braid, Scarlet and Sky Bine, army Bt&nd&xd. Blankets, \7ool. army standard. Cayalry BoaU. Band or machine Mtfedi nnayatand -3-4 Hoop Iron. No 39, 'Wire gauge, b.»t aua.Uty. In large quantities, for baling pnrposes. Also, Iron Clasps, for the same; sample* of which can be seen at this office. Bidders must state in their proposals the price, which must be given in tertfinp, as well as in figures $ also the ° The'i&llltrol thebfdder'to Ifl'^tnT‘contract mast be gnarantled by two responsible persons, whose signa tures will be appended to the guaranty, and said rna rantv accompany the bid. And in case the said bidder should fail to enter into the contract, they to make good the difference between the offer of *aid bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder* or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. Bidders, as well as their sureties or guarantors, who may not be known at this office, will furnish a certifi cate from the United States District Attorney, ..Poatmu ter, or other public functionary, at the residence of the bidder or guarantors, setting forth clearly the fact that the bidder and hie sureties, are responsible men, who wUL if a contract is awarded them, act in good faith with the United States and faithfully execute the same. No bid will be entertained unless properly guarantied by two responsible parties, as above described., / Bids from defaulting contractors will not be re ceived. Blank forms for proposals can be had applica tion at this office. „ ... _ Proposals must be endorsed “ Proposals for Army Sup plies,** statin* the particular articte bIA f^ tftt y lfAir Ass’t Quartermaster General U. 8. Army. T7URNITUBE. BABE CHANGE.-* A ij 0 those wishing to purchase FINE FURNITURE, I would say that 1 shall offer my entire stock, at the WARBEOOMB. No. 45 South. SECOND Btreet, above Chestnut, at the cost of manufacture. The Furniture must be sold before the 16th of March, as the store is to be used for other purposes. -The work and materials are of the very best quality, and every article will be war* ranted as represented. The stock compiiees some of the finest patterns of solid ROSEWOOD and WALNUT PARLOR SUITS, covered in Satin, Brocatelle, “Plush,” Reps, and Hair Cloth, ever offered for sale. Also, solid Walnut Round-corner Bed* steads, splendid Dressing Bureaus and Enclosed Wash* Stands to match; Parlor fables. Chairs, Hfctegeree, Easy* Arm. and staffed. Rocking Chairs. Sideboards, Extension Tables, Dislng Chairs, in Repß; Lounges, Botes, Hat Backs, Hall Tables; in fact, every variety of Parlor, Dining Room, Hall* Library, and Chamber Furniture. Any doubts as to the above statement will be easily dltpelledby calling at the WAREROOMB, No. SECOND Street, and examining the goods, which wui be sold at cost, and will show fox theiMelveß. fe2-13t J. G. MOSES, Manufaetarw. HRS. 0. M. DEVOS.” FINANCIAL. No. 114: South THIRD STREET. DREXEL efe 0.0; WANTED. PROPOSALS. INSURANCE COMPANIES. JNSURE NOW CONNECTICUT mutual life insurance CO. ESTABLISHED IN 1818. CAPITAL BIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS' A COMPANY tfc at has already divided PROFITS among Us living members amounting to more than TWO MILLION DOLLARS! and said to the -families of Us deceased members more than THREE MILLION DOLLARS! The only company in the United States that allows a dividend on ’ very premium paid. The nest Dividend tahes place in FEBRUARY. 1864! 4®* All persone-insurlng immediately will participate In the division-®* gaining instantly what Ittakes a life-time to acquire in many other companies, securing Mir $lO,OOO for only the premium on $5,000. -©&’ A®* $B,OOO for only the premium on $2.600.-®* and other sums in tha same proportion. REMEMBER. A Life Insurance Policy provides instantly for one’s family in case Of an event which, may take place at any moment. INSURE NOW! OFFICE. 404: WALNUT STREET. WADLRIGH & TILDEN. Agents. I B A K, D FIRE .AJJTiD 3VC-A.E.I3STB INSURANCE company Office, 415 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. CAFITAI* IN COME FOB 1563: FBOM FIBE INSURANCE FBEMIUMB, AND INTJ3- REST ON INVESTMENTS, $90,618 88. LOSSES PAID $ $29,127 92 And unpaid (one of $2,200, and one of $BOO, as reported, but not in time to be adjusted before January 1* 1881,) thus leaving nearly . Seo.ooO OO Income over losies, out of which, currant expenses bare been paid; also, two Dividends, amounting £to TWELVE FEB CENT., declared in, MAY AND NOVEMBER. 49* The Capital cf this Company is invested in First C’&SS Bonds and Mortgages, United States Loans, City of Philadelphia Loans, Cam«len and Amboy Ballroad, and other undoubted Securities, Including balance o Cash in Philadelphia Bank, $10,146 87. 49* This Company hatbeen doing business for many reaiß, and ranks among the safest In the country* $500,000 Has been disbursed by it, for the benefit of-its patrons, within the past TEN YEARS. NO COMPANY Excels it in promptness and fairness, in the adjustment and payment of its losses. DIRECTORS Thomas Craven, Jno ; W. Claghora, John Thornley, N. S Lawrence, Furman Sheppard, Jer. Walker. George H. Ashton, Jno. Supplee, Charles I. Dupont, _ Henry W. Gray, Samuel Jones, M. D., SDasYerkeß, Jr., Alfred S. GiUett. TBOUkS CRAVEN, President. ~ , AIFBED S. GILLETT, Vice President Jambs B. Aleobp, Secretary. ja2B-thstu-6c JJ N I O N MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, INCORPORATED 1804. The following etetement of the affair, of.the Company la published in conformity with a provision of It* charter: _ Premium* Written from January 1,-1863, to January 1, ISM. Do. undetermined January 1'1863. Premium* earned dnrlnc tke year m above. • .#168,762 79 Interest from investment*. 10,686 33 Losses paid dnrtaf the year. Return premiums...- Insurances** Expenses, commissions, and contri butions to Tolnnteers United States tax. .... Less amount reserved to par losses heard from bnfcnot adjusted. ...... 11,000 00 Commutation to customers in lien of -to- 17 -° lOl - 5 *B,olo* Balance remainlnK with the Company. The Directors lhave declared a dividend of BIGHT PEE CENT, on the capital stock, and SIX PBX GBHT. on the outstanding scrip, ont of the above profits, para ble on demand, free ot all taxes. The assets of the Oompanr consist of 41,720 6 per cent, bonds Camden and Amboy Ballroad. 10,000 do. do. Horth Pennsylvania Railroad. 1 o'ooo do. do. Philadelphia and Brie Ballroad. ulsiO do. do. Ches. and Del. Canal Co. 11,5007-30 do. United States. 15,3005.80 do. do. 6 000 United States Certificates of Indebtedness. 6,000 6 per cent- coupon bonds Btate of Pennsylvania. 15,000 6 per cent, bonds do. 2.000 loan to State of Pennsylvania.- aid to volunteers. 16,000 6 per cent, bonds city of Philadelphia. 7, COO do. do. city of Pittsburg. 7,000 6 per cent, bonds do. 496 6 per cent, scrip Dorth Pennsylvania Batlroad. 1,663 shares Union Mutual Insurance Company. 83 do. Delaware Mutual Insurance Company. 100 do. North Pennsylvania Ballroad. 220 do. Pennsylvania Batlroad. 48 do. Delaware Ballroad. 68 do. Philadelphia Bank. 2.877 scrip of snndry lnsnrance companies. Market value of the above. ...h-....h.. Bills receivable. 28*257 29 fipwh on liand.*••♦**■*•»« e«»-*»M*k*$35|674 93 Cash depositedD. 5...- 1 0 - 00000 45,5,4 93 Bnndry acoonnts due for nneettled premiums, •alyaaesi and other account*. —. 60,468 Si At the animal election for Directors, held January 11, 1564, the following gentlemen were elected Director* to serve throe years: Brands Teto, JohnH. Irwin, . Hewbery A. Smith, J. P. Steiner, Qp.orje Lewis, David Salomon, G W, Bernadon, W. S. Balid. S. Delbert for one year. Who constitute the Board of Directors with Richard S- Smith, H. F. Robinson, H Deetonet, Samuel C. Cook, A. B. Borle, James B. Campbell. Wm. C. Kent, Jennr Samuel. Henry Lewis, Jr.. Charles Wheeler, Bdward'h. ciark, gilbert H. Bewhall, siii. Xarnall, Thomas Dallett, Jforrli 8. Cummlnz*. BICHABD B. SMITH, President. JOHN MOBS, Secretary. 1 jeia-aw statement op the mutual ™ FIBBIHBUBANCRCOMPANT OF PHILADELPHIA. January Ist. 1864. Office He. 5 South. FIFTH Street. Amount of Property Insured*....r...~ too*,**) 00 Amount of Premium Rotes 40,604 00 BE. Balance Cash Assets. Jan. Ist, 1664 —. 3,106 07 Eeceived Interest on Premium ifotes, 1663-..•• 2.380 74 Received for Policies, Surveys, and Transfers, 1863 Received Cash Premiums, Perpetual Insu- rances *•***■•*■ % Received Extra Sisks ... Received Interest on Investments. Received Cain on Sale of City Loans.... By Expen5e5.......... Hy Commissions Paid Agents- - By Interest Betnrned By Biemlnms Beturnect' • * - • CASH ASSETS. Invested in United States 7 8-10 Loan. sl*ol2 21 Invested in United States 5 20 Loan * - 3,900 00 Office Furniture....... 134 68 Ca*h in Lands of Treasurer. . 618 77 5,697 66 No Lobs the past year. No Liabilities at this time. _ CAPITAL OP THE COMPANY. _ _ Premium Notes.. «• 940,604 OO Inveemente in United States 7 8* 10Loan..* 1,044 21 Investments in United States 5 20 six per cent. _ Loan 3.900 00 Coat of Office Furniture. J 34 58 Cash in bands of tbe Treasurer..••••••■ 618 77 DIRBCTORB. Aaron W- OaAUI. Charles J.' Ellis. Caleb Clothier. William P. Seeder, Joseph Chapman. Joseph W. Moore. IIM MALONE, President, i, Secretary. ja2l*thstu6t* OF Benjamin Ifalona, James Smedley.. Thomas Mather, T. ElVwood Chapman Ell Billin' Simeon Hatlack. BBNJJ T. ELL WOOD CHAPMAJ T7AME INSURANCE COMPANY, X Ho. *O6 CHBSTNDT STBSBT, PHILADELPHIA. TIBS AND INLAND INSURANCE. - . DIRECTORS. Francis If- Bock, Charles Blcb&rdftO&t Henry liewls, O. w. Daxls, F. S. Justice, Oeorse A, West. FEANCIB R. _ GHAS. HIGH. ■W. I. Biafchard. Beoxeti A LADY DESIRES A SITUATION as GOVBBMESB, otM Uasio Teacher In s. school. Address **Q. E ."this office, fag tuthsfft* ■Wf ANTED—A LAD, lfi OR 17 YEARS IT Of &ge, Who Writes a good hind, to at iKe Pppjr. Address Box 1ft.4% Po*t 0 flic a fo2 9i * Want® d.—an exp kluenohid BOOK-KEEP jsR deßires a s tuatlon. Unexe-ip- Usable reference* Address S. J. 2*6*. p i a delphlaP. O. fe2 3t WANTED CLOTHING.—PERSONS " *. having Clothing to dispose of will Please call on or address c. Mtt.i.Bß, jafi»tuthß3m» Wo. goa CHESTNUT Btreet. WANTED—A SITUATION, BY A I* competent, experienced, and practical BOOK KEEPER. a master of accounts. Address Onportn nlty/* Press office. • fel 6** « WANTED TO RENT OR PUR CHASE —A moderate-slza, modern-built HOtfliH, w«etof BROAD. ann between RAOE and PINE t?treWtß. Address Box 1074, Philadelphia P. 0., with terms. feSt-fit rvNE OF THE BEST LIFE IW3IP America (surely Mutual) wants an ACTIVE MAN, to represent it in this city. who has an extensive acquaintance. is a Rood cacva- and has some knowledge Of the business. a liborai &ad perma nent com aitrsUm will be allow«A Address, with real xtameapd references, P. 0.. Box7oz. jafiO Ot, WANTBB-A SITUATION AS Salesman, in a jobbing, commies! on, or import inch on ml by a middle-agei man. of good habit*, par ftctiy conversant with business of all kinds, aad can give undoubted reference. Address M. C. Press Office. ja296t A N EXPERIENCED bookkeeper -A dcßires employment In the Bveninn in any capacity dtci) nnn wanted, upon mort ipUU.UuUoiG* at ftye po? cent , for a terra of year, upon centrally located “V^nIkTh GIST"- fe2-St* No. las SontH Jlf TH Street, below library. A MONTH l-Ws Want Agents at ©OLIgGO a. month,expenses paid,to sell oar Everla-fst mg Pencils.OH.erttolßwn-erfitnto& 13otberarticl*s. Pictrcn teiußeat/rge SHaW&CLARK. BHdeford. Me. ja272ca JJ4 deputy quartermaster !2Z£L Q BDERAL ’S OFFICE —Philadelphia. Feb. i, IE VkssEI,B WANTED Immediately to earry COAL to the following points: Tortus*,. Key West. Fla. Fort Monroe. Va. Alexandria. V*. Hewbem, N. v. , Fort Royal, S. C. A sOTe. fslO-tf Captain and Assistant Qnarterraaster. x OST—A CERTIFICATE sFOR ONE Al Share in the KENSINGTON BANK, In the county of Philadelphia. Th. Under will he suitably rewarded if .left at Hand 13 STRAWBERRY Street. „ „ ja26.tnthhf MOSES WHEELER. TOST OR MISLAID—WILLIAMS ''PORT and Elmira Chattel Morrgage Scrip in favor of BUSH & LOBDELL. Certificate No. 44. dated 9 mo. 27« h, lfirtfi, etnoact #189.67. Application has been made at the e ffice of the Company for a new Certificate- H S. JfcCOMB. Wilmington. Bel., Jan. 25, 18t>4. ja276c* WAS TAKEN UP, IN GER yHrI MAKTOWN. a RED COW. The owner or owners axe requested to oojbs forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away, or she wilt b 9 sold ao cording to law. G W. DUNG AN, ja3o 3t* Lieutenant of Police. AND TO LET, I~?oirsXLE^^ - I>IUM SIRE. In good order. Apply to E. P.. No 33* SIAEKE r Street. fe2-St- Xj-OR SALE—THE WHOLE OB HALE Tulerebt i» a Chestnut-street Photographic Establishment, Address “F. of Tin press. jafcDt»tnth3t* f?OR SALE—A SELECT BOARDING. A SCHOOL PROPERTY in the vicinity of Philadel pbia. Situation eligible for a Friend u’ School. T**rms eßay. Addreta ** AbingtOP, ” Press office. fel»6t* A RARE CHANCE.—FOB SALE, THE Restaurant, Dining and Drinking SALOON, 4-40 LIBRARY Street, opposite the Poet Office. Will be sold at a bargain, if applied for soon. Ay ply at the Saloon. fel ->t* A RARE CHANCE TO GO INTO business, already established for sixteen years, and having a good tuu of custom. For a»le, the NTO'JK and FIXTURES of-a Boot and Shoe Store. No 1313 RACE Street—one of the beet stands in the city. House to rent low to a good tenant. ; ja3Q-3t* pOAL YARD FOR SALE —THE BEST fitted up Yard in the city. Capacity for doing any amount of business. Inquire at 959 North NINTH Street, below Oiraid avenue. Terms easy. ja^Q-Ct* fro BENT—A VALUABLE STONE A QUARRY, situate alongside of and parallel with Chester creek, where building stone can be got out with great facility, there being forty feet of a breast, and but little dirt on it; not more than 26 yards from a first-rate landing. For particulars, inquire of the subscriber, on the premises. WALTER C LYTLE, ja29-6t*‘ CHESTER, Delaware county. Pa. OTEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS FOR SALE —1 pair of low-pressure, double acting vertical beam ENGINES, with 36-inch cylinders, and 7 feet strike, having a 2Q-feet>gear fly-wheel, with 184 cogs. Length ofreo? 18 inches, and 4 inch pitch. Also, a lack-gear of 52 teeth. These Engines are rated at 400- horse power, and were built by Corlies & Nightingale, of Providence, and are exceedingly smooth-working and substantial machines. The two cylinders can be operated as one machine, or separately, They would be sold singly or together. 6 Return-Flue BOILERS, 22 feet long, with 75-iach shells. Each Boiler has 20 lines, 6 and 10 inches in di ameter. The Boilers ate made iron, are in good order, and will be sold with or without fronts, pipes, valves, &c. The above are to ; be sold for no faults; Engines of double the power being required for our present w»rk. They are now standing, in good working order, and can be examined at any time, upon application at the NAUJHKEAG MILLS, SftJem, Mass.„ rr „„„„ A fe2- tuthtr JOHN KILBURN, Agent. $177,994 10 43,168 12 $179,439 12 .$88,499 49 . 13,090 33 . : 11,360 99 15,638 60 2,610 63 _ $18,349 18 $2O, 339 08 $230,000 00 $364,29816 102 00 669 50 291 327 25 154 00 $6,692 60 $6.692 60 $46,601 66 John W. Brennan, Robert B rotter, John Kessler, J*. , E. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Joseph D. Ellis. BUCK. President. kKDSOfo. Vise President, irr. itiM-tf Z.OST AMD FOOTID. TO CAPITALISTS.—A RARE A CHANCE FOR A PAYING FIRST- CLASS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT.—WiII be sold at Public Auc tion, on the premises, on THURSDAY, February 11. at 2 o'clock P. M., In the city of WILMINGTON, the most valuable Business Stand and River Property in the State of Delaware. The premises front on ihe Christiana river about Bio feet. 240 feet of which are improved by new and substantial wharves, with extensive warehouses and coal shedding erected thereon. It also fronts 40J feet on the principal street leading into the city, and about 800 feet on another public road. For Shipbuilding, as well as steamboat and general shipping purposes, it is unusually weiL suited. The pre mises are now need for a general agricultural-implement depot, coal and lamber yards, and general wharf par poses. The property will be shown by W. H. Naff, Auc tioneer, Wilmington, Del. For particulars, address S. & M. PE3NOOK, Keanstt Square. Chester connty, Pa. fe2 mths3t sin nnn to loan on most- JA'y”LIV/ GAGE. Apply at the office of JAMBS H. CASTLE, It* No. TO9 LOCUST Street. JfeCBESTER COTJNTY REAL ESTATE UI at Public Sale. OirFIFTH-DAY (Thursday) the Itthof February, 100 acres of Braodywine land in. two tracts of 70 and SO acres each In Pennsbury township, six miles Jrom "West Chester, in a good neighborhood, convenient to railroads, &c. The latter is an eligible situation with good Improvements, fruit, shade, water, &c , making a very desirable country residence. For lo cation and particulars address, J. WILSON, fe2 3t* ' Darby, Pa. MFOB SALE—A FINE THREE STORY STONE HOUSE, and jJOT. situated at the “ Green Tree” Station, on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, twenty mile* from Philadelphia. The House is large and modem built, with flue fruit, water, Ac. For further Informal ion apply to Mias A. Rham on the pieißiaes, or _ WM. T. ELBERT, ja2-Btathlm* 3a 1 WALNUT Street. mFOB SALE—THE HANDSOME RESIDENCE No. 1830 MOUNT VERNON Street. Applv to WM. EOSSELL ALLEN, 8.8. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Btreets, second floor. M-3t* MFOR SALE—THE STORE NO. 914 MARKET Street. Apply to WM EOS6BLL ALLEN, 8. E« corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, second floor. • fel-3t* MFOB SALE—THE ELEGANT MODERN RESIDENCE, with large side yard. No* 967 FRANKLIN Street, Apply to WM. ROSSBLIi ALLEN, 6, E. eorner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, second floor. fel-3t* M VALUABLE WEST PHILADEL PHIA PROPERTY FOR BALE.—The large three story double DWELLING, situate on the north side of SPRUCE Street, 100 feet east of Fortieth, or Till street, containing large Parlor, Reception and Dining-room, connected by folding doom; seven Chambers, Library, and Hall Robins; Nursery, Bath-room, Store-room. two Kitchens, with stationary Wash-tubs; Gas and Water in every *tory; replete with every modern convenience. The building is heated by Chilson’s cone-shaped Fur nace ; ventilating registers in all the upper rooms. The ground is ICO fett by 175 to aback street; is beautifully laid out, and contains a great variety of ornamental, shade, and fruit trees. For terms apply at 1»T South THIRD Street. jaSOSt* ft ASCII STREET, PLEASANT RE- S-SIDEECB. No. 1317—20 foot 8 Inches front, with double bach building,; and all city conveniences, hot 128 feet deep, to a street,for SALE and early possesion. A, P &J. H. MORRIS. 816 ARCH Street. jaBo 31* JB CHESTNUT STREET PROPER gatTIES, West of Twelfth street. North snl table to improve into Stores. One with Stable In rear, 20 feet 6 inches frost. 160 feet deep. For sale by A. P. &J, H. MORRIS, 916 ARCH Street. ja3o-3t* MFOR SALE—a THREE-STORY BRICK HOUBE, with three-storr back buildings and all latest Improvements. Vo. 814 North ELE VENTH Street. ia3o*t* gfa FARMS FOB SALE.—34O ACRES near teafordv Delaware, near Steamboat Landing. 200 acres near Se&ford. Delaware, on navigable stream. Saw-mill, large Peach Orchard, flic. „ , 200 aci«9 near Georgetown* P*i«* only 82,600. acres near Princeton, N. J. Stream of water through the place. Price only B€s R er 00 acres near Abington Btation, North Pennsylvania Railroad. B. F. GLENN. JaSO-tf 133 South FOURTH Street. m PINE GBOVE IRON WORKS— JbMfoß SALE —Bolling Mill and Forge, tenant houses, and 90 acres of good farm land with buildings, three miles from railroad at Oxford, Chester county. Pa Ap ply to A. P. &J. H MORRIS. ja3o-6t* 916 ARCH Street. *}S, FOR SALE—PENN MANOR ZjH farm, containing 196 acres, considered one of the beat Farms in the State; convenient to the railroad station and near steamboat landing, on the Delaware r U29 ;flret ' ClMßimPr ° Temaat 333WA*SPT 1 8t I Jk Mto let—a commodious DWELLING, No. 13» North FBONT Street. Beat moderate. Apply to WErHBRILL &BRO., oc!9-tf *T and *9 North SECOND Street. TO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. A LUMBER. . ' ' FOB SALS—at Use than market rates—» very fine tot of let quality INDIAN BIVEK SAP FLOORING fall inch thick, thoroughly seasoned: will be sold low to close ont the yard at S. E. corner of EIGHTH Street —nd ° AI«L 000* Ifaet of White Pine Board,, let, 2d. and panel. ISO Chestnut Poets, at 40 cents. 2 Carts Ac t The whole will be sold low for cash this month. ja27-6t* • • " atjctiok sale. RUCTION SALE CONDEMNED STOCK r WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION, to the lllgll. 6Pt bidder; In WEST cHESTEE. PA., beslunißK on the 10tb day of FBBBUARJ, lE6l,and con tiifnfng from day to dwonmallare .old, • These Horses have been condemned as unfit for- the Cavalry service of the United States Army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be bad. Horses will be sold Binjfly. Terms cash, in United States Treasury notes. JAMES A. SKIN, Chief Quartermaster Cavalry Bureau. dnnfrn correct piano tuning. iTTtP- Mr. C E. SAEGENT’d Orders for Taning and Bep&lrinH Pianos are received at MASOK A CO. a Store, 909 CHESTNUT Street, only, Mr. 8. has had eleven years* factory experience in Boa ton- and five years’ employment In Philadelphia • SPECIAL —Pianos to, sound as soft and sweet-toned as aew» vnthout rcnaonMep. -v, fl , f Terms for Toning. »1. ocK-amlT aFCTW BBADBUBY’S GOLD MBDAL were awarded SBVBN PRIZES IN FOOK WEEKS, during th ;,?y ’Silvad most Battering baanraM'vatl from a lanze number of the most eminent m»»* ■“ s co. ui CHBBtNtJI stmt AMtISEMfcNTS. M B S- JOHN DREW'S NEW AROHfj A**- BTRKIT THEATRE. FIRST WEEK FIRST WBHC LITTLE BAREFOOT AMBIE (Little Barefo A) MISS THOKP iON. Johannes - Barton Hill* To*conclude each evening with a, * •‘ ,,BtQa rt Re FAVORITE COMEDIBTTA, In which Robson, Marlow, Griffiths, Misses Hanrr. Carr* and Price will appoar. FRIDAY—BENErIT OF MISS THOMPSON., Curtain rises at 7 hi o'clock. fpLlfc WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. V (MONDAY) EVENING. F$U. Irt, , llftliili nltht of tba brilliant farewell eagafferaaat Of tneenarmag, young, atdvetß&tlleAinerlc&n.actress, m, . . LEOILLB nESTEBH) who afipearpd during tlfe la«t pfi sights to the l&r&Mfc emotiosla pK in’tWs Thsatre, lah*r*r»< , oa . THE BLCVPBMgNT. : ri°M lllX. Doo'?“om “av re /o’c‘?ok®“?anaU NATIONAL CIRCUS „ TEOUPB.' ” MARIfBT STREET, ABOVE TXVET.FTH ■ Birectrese—Mrs. fomwly Hr*. The Reason -will *oon close, therefore take time-tv ihj fotelofk, and stand not upon tire order of vow *o)n* do* ao at once, and be delighted with -»lir perrjrmiioei of the GKhAT £) ATI OffAL TROUPE; who 'will appear every evening this week In a grand revelling panorama or classic art, brilliant achievements, unparalleled equestrianism, ihrUhuE scenes,sports. and pastimes of the ring. Adulation,26 cents; Hta>te seats, 60 cents; Private Bo*. $3; Gallery,l6 cents. Gonnuoncin* at 1.40 each evenina- Wntinees on WKDNfcSOAY and SATURDAY Affi*. noons, c»tinin«ncin« at 2>£ o’clock. Qjeat Benefit to EATOH feTONJB, MO ITD AT EVENING, February Bth inst. fel-dt Xj'HNST HARTM ANN’S -»-i SECOND M&-TINEK, FOYEE OP THk AkAI>KMr OF KtfilC. To be siyen on SATURDAY AFTERKOOSI, February 6th, At l)ne O doc's. , pl ® a . ,TlTe J ll . announcing that hii (EGOffn BAfIKoi (postponed in oafeouence of eeyere illness) will take(place in ilia Foyer, at lo'clock, on Saturday, the6th nt February. PROGRAMME SECOND MATINEE. X. LISZT— SchillarmaTßch. . n rnopiN- $ Prelude. D flat. 2. CHOPIN- J Etnde. G Hat. 3. MERDELSSOH N -Two Konga without worth 4. Paganini. , S SCHUMANN—Rtmanze. 0l I BELLisK -Tarantelle. 6. CEOPl9—Polonaise. A flat. Subscription Tickets taken for both the MattnOo* wilt be good for this ona. Single Tickers, 50 cants, pARIi TV OLFSOHN’3 CLASSICAL gOIKBBS. —The subscribers to C. Wolfsohn'a Clas sical Sovrees are respectfully inform ad that the' b&COND SOiafiE ■Will take place on WEDNESDAY EVENING NEXT, Feb 3d.' AT THE v FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. • fe2 3t HPELE DAYBNPORT BOYS FOR A TBRBB HX6BT3 ONLY at CONCERT HILL. The greatest PHENOMENON ever witnessed liar a tlie da>6 of the Apostles MYSTERIOUS Dior LAYS and. STARTLING WONDERS are produced la their presence. Go and see them THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY EVENINGS, February 4tli, sth, ana sth, Admieelon, Gallery... Doors opsu at 7 o’clock; commencing at 7>£ o'c.ock. fceatx can be »ecar«d at the office oftbe Hall daring tUe day VubonUxtra charge. Open from fl to 13 A. m. , and 2to 4 F. M. ttS*Sfc* A CADEMY OF MTJSIO. A*- THE OEATORTO OP THE MESS! AH, By Handel, as performed by the Handel & haydn society of Philadelphia* With so znach success, on Christmas night last, by £l3 eeneroaa offer of the Society, will be reproduced. ON FKIf'AY EVENING, FEBRUARY 5, IS6I. At tbe Aca« J eniy of Hnsio. FOB THE BENEFIT OF THE U. 8. CHRISTIAN COM- MISSION Tie eolos and'concerted pieces will he performed by tie fin t professional and am&Teux talent of the country* fOßtftiixa by the _ _ , ENTIRE GERMA NU ORCH3STEA* And a chorus of over two hundred voice*. Tickets fifty cents. Seats reserved without extra charge. To b«ol>iiined at the following places: Academy of Music; J. E. Gould. Seventh and OUsetaal street*; G. Andre, 1104 Chestnut street; Lee & W-U'er, 722 Cheetnut street: Ashinead St Evans. 724 CheHtmrt street; W. S. & Alfred Martian, 606 Chestnut strait. J9G&* Tne sale of tickets will commence on Monday. Feb. Ist, at 9 o'clock. CONCERT HALL LECTURE BOOM. CBEfiTNUT STKEET. ABOVE TWELFTH. POSITIVELY THE L&.UT WEES BCTT ONB. WCTfIDEKLICH’ti ZOGRAPHIOON, A aeries of Illustrations of T. 8. ARTHUR’S TEN RIGHTS IN A 3AB-ROOM. ALSO, JOHN BUSYAN’S „ PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, And other attractive Scene* from . LIFB, OHABACTRR, NATURE, and ART, Proprietor and Manager........,y,Wf. JO^EPHVBREr* will continue for a short season. This splendid series of more than 100 grand Panaramfc Painting* wag executed by _ Mr. GEORGE WUNDERLICH, an American Artist* who stands unrivalled as a sceoie Painter. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cent*. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Liberal arrangements made with schools,-temperance* and other societies. Matin§e every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon at 8 o’clock Children 10 cents. js4 861 TEMPLE of wonders. JL ASSEMBLY LUILDINOS. TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. WILL SHORTLY CLOSE.- HAGICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL EXPERIMENTS: Great Powers of VENTRILOQUISM, and the LSAKNED CANARY BIRDS. - _ SIGNOR BLITZ will appear in Ms popular Entertain ments EVERY EVENING, eommenclnf at 7X and. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY APTBRNOO* at S Admission2scants: Children 15 cents. )si-tx ■PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY- OF X THE PINE ARTS. _ MHS CHESTNUT STREET. „ . „ OPEN DAILY (Sundays .icepUdi from 9 A. M. till * Admission 25 «ont«. CMHrsn hall arise. JagMf SEW PUBLICATIONS. jyjcCLELLAN'S REPORT. IN PRESS. SHELDON & CO., PUBLISHERS, No. 335 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Have in press, and will publish at the earnest practi cable day. Major General McClellan’s Report of hie connection with the Arm? of the Potomac from it# first formation. To which, will be added* by the Qeue« ral, an INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER ON THE CAMPAIGN IK . WESTERN VIRGINIA, which does not appear In the report as sent to thd Gd* vernment. l.yol. Svo. llln»ti'atpii wltli maps. T?EB. MAGAZINES! NEW BOOKS. J~ FRENCH PAPER. HAND-HADE PAPES. QBADKILLK PAPEB, DIMASK PAPEE Fifty Pattornß. ALHAMBRA A PAPER. OROSS-BAB PAPER. ] LINEN PAPER. * MOURNING PAPER. Every kind of Note and Letter Paper. Envelopes to match perfectly*-Initials Stamped gratis Also, in. colors. Counting-house Stationery. Every article promptly delivered jaM-thsthm CHALLEN, 1308 CHESTNUT. BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS II v Just received by ASHMBAD A EVANS, Successors to WILUs P. Hazard. Ho. 9 24 CHESTNUT Street. LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE OF THEODORE PARSER, Minister of the Twenty-eighth Congregational Society. Boston. By John Weiss. 2 vole., with por tr or, THE VISION OF ALLISOULS’ HOSPI TAL. An Alleaory. Bv J. Hyatt Smith. THE LITTLE PET BOOKS. By Annt Fanny. Att* Ihor of “Mittens." “Niebt Cars. Ac. 3 vola. IBiZi A TALE OF THE ALAMO. By Augusta J. Evans, anther of Beulah. LIFE OF WILLIAM H. PRESCOTT. Asnpsrb Book. JE»H INGELOW’S POEMS. Fresh .npply. - »EW PHOTOGRAPHS AlfD ALBUMS in endless T ALiTtHE MAGAZINES FOR FEBRUARY. ja» A PPLETON’S NEW AMERICAN -ti- CYCLOPEDIA. HOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCBIBE! All desiring this invaluable boot will save money by purchasing at once, as the increasing of manarac* tore will compel an increase of price; Call and see tha various atyJee of binding-. Subscribers can nave th€t work complete. or tabe one or two volumes a month, AGBNOY FOB TBB crCLOPBDIA., 33 South SIXTH St,, above Chestnut. Second story. -RIFLED ORDNANCE—A PRACTI XV r.Af. 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