treat. labors Mir& M Gelsenbergar. Lancaster E D Smith. Reading J D Levert'. Lane co To wntond, Delaware 44 . R TLOMROIL & ls. Penns M rs J N i"l4ms S W L Tho so mn, Penns M Mtnt L neer , New Y °r " It S Sriaier. Allentown d N Rowell. 544 on P J Tat , . fiettyennrg C Beckwith. Ma9S I L White. M Chug. The Untoin—Areh . 11 Doren:row & wt,Panne 4o waaaaa.ller. Pe'aga D 8 1,Per, , 3, Pmts, Cieo Vi'll,7o). 1' Hein, Caiclanati fie() Smaller, Middletown R w Said al, Harrisburg raml ]'bungling. Bedford W Joel:0 con. New York C S Belot'. Beading Jas D Kern, Bobeaoth 'W Van Reed. Reading Froaoh. New V 071 E D Ermentront, Reading Natlonnt—Rsee street, shove Third. J C Y ono& iscb, Minersv'WW Thatcher. Easton 14 J Fier. CAN sr7sEm DaNitl EcLter. En.e,toli NB Nen., Darcyla l e 3 Old tn, Lebanon 'e""rns P4'lirall Leb co. Pal P t Lewii4 iled Woodward, N .T w Mi!!ol, P. roll It Tl•ninT.OSl. Peons , r-leo Itu- , . New Jersey T M HA-81, , ,. 141.0 , 8 CO. Pa , ft ni G ts. tlle. D ew Jersey . s rd Ace:6lcosa . Patna , or 1 Slyer.. .L.,banon cu. Pa a IDnui f.asc !l of r.P D M Earml.trr. Lebanon ov At Brius. Mt Joy 4 I tnnis, Woomsbare .lira E R0.,.1 .4c eon, ERstonill.vid .13. aPpetwan, Pena& Ait U•.,,,, Watertown. Cr; I o. , orre, Lltrtnou II ll e"::/r;3. ElJuthingtoo, C:1 John bh4litr. Lb.tnon I' T •11.triditager. N Berlinl Jelin C Weal] Lebow)]. 1) '., ao. - LN on D .nville e A , al_ P_eadins ID Brennen Pottsville J.:, A 51, - . - qcteit, liarrisbz, states VII101:k Market street above giStirli .' B Bae,intie. Columbia, IC W Fora. Chicago ~.. It .c oBr aLer Columbia bean B Cobh Boston ,t,T,r. J chip. Bedford co J N Rainer , Wash Pa v. - I, :s L...i0.- lizdfor.l co I R R , ifloc, Lvcoming co Amer. i'rovid , Inea NiVid : 4 pm:wet Lyc ruing co C W Wenivr.,co . Dal ton, G. NI B...rmorky. Pottsville T. B.A.::n..t.iaw York I TI Y Sample. Danville P..; .1" , 1 , 11[.. New Tork Win TirbaefferDaT OIL ° .1 (- F.',,:t. , :, JAc-b - . uarrisbi , pg. ,: 0 i',. N. .ti U6A ' IS a B 1.1, d yrenn. Clinton cJ ~ 11 T ~-, 4. - ti" A 1,.....- Tut., c. lelem. 0 Bain W 'Keyser . 1 I , r. , Sl , e:!,tfr c. brawister J W O'finr 1. Jr. BARI:a:To CI. .:.;, c.: 'r L aoca...ter I BG.7ay. (L•III0I-ter co .It 310 , z.:7- , P.. ----- Ciirstnteretal—Sixth straet. s..italre Caleta.V.:3ll. NV Ci I.;a:::.azd, Pie 7 a llaven • S F., .70:•q.• 64%11. Pt DePDsir F. ihrete.A. pot• s t ow j , n ~ 1 1 - , ppte.. 6.1 e Etarbor T.l Nille,s. Herrir.berx ~r K., ~,,!-,, el..wark. Dai W ', - -1 Eider, Elk[on bid ft II ..-:::::)..t. Oslora, Pe. I: Warford, Btulrs c,, , I. Eu,,,-. ~ .711e.te: Co R WiElaroq, F. 1,- ' r:art J R I , .bson.tThe3t-or CS 1 : :% 1 10 ,- •: , C:llllberia'ali cc .1 , Ver.ier.Bca inie.ier co .3 B ort R 3; 1 , vc..ol.rn l b II Ono mber.C.CII(3SCer co .138 . 0 r -1. , , , :: .:6" I Nir B 11,7,F. ,rl. Coateaville 4 1 S Ga t' , . - e , Sq 3T CO INVB. Dr Araen. ' i • —•• a - +a i .7 U For . -..- ru......,3 1 v .81- - . r.bsiveCallowb.lll F Yoder. Barks co 3 F-1, d9nberger, Indiarrt D Wede.,:.erger. Barks co , Orttb. P•mnsonrg ID A W.:ltesL , ll, Elston JeFse Per:y Ander,ou Calvin Penna S (3111,11, Ailontown 3 Janney, Newtown I S r. USA Pet,,, tlauola a. co 1.1 P Pc.nrr, Danohin co iD Eck ~ t „ easton fohn Qn.tkertown C Br, 14.5 r, Penne !.Tolve Schoch, Sticks ea I ANT 4, A Doer Le. Tremont, 0 I PRees», Jr, Warren, J Ba - Third sst 1. ti Al:entimro. r Freetnall'llira Ailont.owa .1' AllontoWn A Al!enforna Lehigh co A A. Na=0er,....!.. BoldentoWit r, 13-rks co Jdn Ban, B,11.14; CO W .Ort. NEM% 1‘; Lehigh co B }lngot'. LAI:LigI3. co Deeine.r, Few Jorpey Eli Penns Jamb Fauna Jobr. EVa. EIS REvanw, Sammit Hill T. 111=1er 11. in DiS filcjer. Batas co Slack Bear—Third Jacob nil', Earl villa W Fisher. eerks co A 01. h, Pe.una Asa Stuler. Hamilton, 0 A Woolover, Allentonn C Finney & ta, Hatieville Wm Pennsbnrg FI S Tlerkee Penna. KTrpi . ckler. Psnna I!MM=IM MMtM= H AD Dr B Sal ior, Allen'town David Bi 3 le:. Allentown Wm Reimer, Allentown Idw Roads. t °marten A R Snyder. 'Reading Mount Vernon—Second gt , above ilveh. Chas hosmaker. Blaney ;W I Hamer. New Jersey H J Williamsport ;M C <1;,f1111a Harriaburg A Gedschalk ! :r. - zort. Williamsport Dr .7 M Colick. New Jersey r _bas C , not B Jonee. MonoYD Young H Hamborg. Lock Raven %a P SpaaPlin r. Virginia Mies J Lisrnderiin, Penne A Pate. Williamsport G W Littasay. Trenton L Xrest It Williams. Salem. N J J T O Malory. New York J aiier. Rrocboxonah Mrs Ball Sr ch. Baltimore R Tia:r:Ebarg Mrs Bannau Titus. Trenton C HactmDi!. Pozae rd street.. above Race. Henry Dasenberry, Del Jag Johnson, Baltimore a D Vanztm. Penne iP Wortz, Penna. Darrgealn'a Hotel-I%li .A S Hics. .13.1airidown, N J G Tinsman. Aliebtgan Theo Markbazt. no Oodfze - , - , Stsdizon—Second street, above Market. C S Swallow, New Jer'Py W Kelsey. Yardleyville L T Eibiey a wf. Whise to ch. SErond.b'i; lilenre. Ltaire:, Del Dr & SCbes, New Jersey lir II Brows, Seaton:l. Del E N Woodall. H Dill. New JerEey ir .513110. New Jersey SPECIAL NOTIOES. LOU lIS, MOLLS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS. COLDS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS. COLDS. CONSUMPTION. COUGHS. COLDS, CONSUMPTION. TDR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY, DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHEER 7, DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY, - DR SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY. TR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY. ' CURES ALL COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMPLAINTS • CUEE!,' ALL CO3IPLaINTS .aF THE THROAT, BREAST. AND LUNGS. OF THE THROAT. BREAST. AND LUNGS. OF THE THROAT. BREAST, ..CVD LUNGS, OF THE THROAT. BREAST, AND LUNGS. OF THE THROAT. BREAST, AND LUNGS. A trial of =any years has proved to the world that this .remedy is more efficacious than any hitb.erth known to mankind_ For Bronchitis, Sore Throat. Asthma, it is a sovereign remedy. For the weak and debilitsted. it acts as a streusiht ing alterative. Prepared only by DR SWAYER St SON, 330 North SIX PEI Street, Philad,elptia. Sold by dealers everywhere. It KENDALL'S AISBOLINN, FOB THE HAIM AMBOLINE tOISTEPIS, BEAUTIFIES, °DONATES, LENGTHENS, INVIGORATES, NOURISHES. EMBELLISHES THE HAIR. A 1 t1Fr.4.1 . VEGETABLE COMPOUND, made entireil am stimulating extracts of ROOTS, HERBS, AND FLOWERS. Prevents the hair falling out or from turning mem. - weir gray. Ladies whci desire a luxuriant head of sir should not fall to give the AMBOLIHE a trial. Price *1 Der box, containing two bottles. PREPARED ONLY EY R.ENDA_LL dr. CO.. 506 BROADWAY. Now York. JOHNSTON. HOLLOWAY, & COWDEN. 4e7-mwo3m No. 23 North SIXTH Street DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, DR. WISTAB'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOB COMES. UOLDS. WHOOPING GOUGH. RUM CEITIR. DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING. ASTHMA. HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT, CROUP. AND EVERY AFFECTION OE THE THROAT, LUNGS. AND CHEST genuine unitise signed "I. Butts" on the wrapper. For Bale by P. DINSMORE, No. 491 BROADWAY, New York W. ToWLE & Co.. No. 13 TREMONT St. , Roston.. And by ON Drnggisbe. PERUVIAN SYRUP. PERUVIAN SYRUP. PERUVIAN SYRUP. Pziluview SYRUP The Peruvian Syrup is a protested solution of the Pro oxide of Iron, a new discovery in medicine that strikes At the root of disease by supplying the blood wie Vital. principle or Itle element—lron. Infusing strength and vigor into all parts of the system For nyspErais. DEBILITY, - and FEMALE WEAK. ABSSRS., it is a Specific. Pamphlets free. Depot No. 491 BROADWAY, New York. . . . For *ale by all Druggists ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST -Hr" Time. wedeln the Best Menriel,eworeladir for HITAIL .SALI3B. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Main ifigarea. All good* made to Order warranted &diem tot". Our Oas•Pnlcn Swann to aridly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. - de23-ly JONES & CO.. 604 MARKET Street. err HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! BATCHELOR% celebrated RUB DYE fa the Beat tat .the World. The only Harming, True; and Hatable 'Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—classics* Bed. Busty, or Gray Hair, instantly to a Glossy Mack -or Naomi Brown. without injuring the Hair or sight ing the Skis, leaving the Bair Soft and Hamra:els M imeo fresh vitaitti, frequently restoring its orbiting aolor, and rectifies thee ill Weans of bad Dye.. The genuine I. ■lined Wrtaaex A. BATOKILOR; all others are mate imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Draughts. &s. VAGTOBT.. 81 BARCLAY Street, -New York. Datainelor's new Toilet Cream for Dressbis the Hair. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT CUBES Seadaelie immediately and was never known to fail. BRYANT, STRATTON, & CO.'S NATIONAL COMMYRCIAL COMMON. S. B. corner of SEVENTH and OHESTNUT Streets. Instruction in Book-keening. Coin anercial Law, Commercial. Calculations, Business pen. SnanchiP , and Business Correspondence, both day and evening. Call or send for &Circular. - 4 2dL4I&:ZIMMM: , - CLARKE—LEWIS.--In this elty,on tbeihh November, lAN by the Rey. Jonathan Edwards, D. Clarke. of Brooklyn, XL Y.. to Mrs. BODhlit A. b5Wr, Of Indianapolis. Ind. LOWDER—ROATB.—By Rev D. L. Patterson. lannarlf 21+t, 1864. Mr. Smith Lowder to blies.Lizzle Boats * all.of Philadelphia. r:11333:1. • BROCK.—On Sunday. 24th inst., at his residence, in +Cheltenham township, Montgomery county, John Brock, aged 72 years. Rio male friends are invited to attend his funeral on 'Thursday. 28th bat.. at 11 o'clock. A car will be attached to the train leaving the North Pennsylvania Railroad station at 10.1 - o'clock. and car riages in attendance at Old 'York Road proceed to Laurel Rill, and thence to Philadelphia. Mi1..1.1p..--o n the 21th Risk, Blanch W., daughter of Tent= and Mary E. Hollis, aged 2 years and 4 months. The relatives of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral. from the. residence of her parents, -416 North Twentieth Street, this ( Wednesday) afternoon. at 1 o'clock. HOPS. —On Saturday. the Thi inst.. at Princeton. N. 3. A gums B. Hope. re ac t of the late Rev. N. B. Rope. D. 1 6. The funeral will take place from her late residence this 4Weddesde2) afternoon. 27th inst.. at 2% o'clock. * RABIN —At Worcester. Mass., let mo 211 h, 1584., NANCY S. , wife of T. K. Earle. of Worsester. add .daughter of the late W. N. Hacker. of Philadelphia. Interment on fourth day. the 27th inst. .o. MINUS. —On the 24th inst., Anna W. wife of Wm. R. Burgem and daughter of Samuel Knight. PgAtiTVI owl Mal QM, rmar are roetwAtalls above 1011HOWilin Natio Yost, Berk co - . . Chas Z , Barks cO Wm Schlenker Bercs co Isaac lic]lner, Becks co C 13 Harper. 1 , ,,x oaa,e Narper,, Olney, Fa J )4 Roo c, Bird , haro Jelin 0.03 e. Ilinlaboro iF Vandtvsr, IT S A EMMtaMM . AlfrEd Coeds, Palma & la, Penn& Chas Hoa3 Femtervilla T, Penns "am! Due't, ?ea /la Aaron IsaArysberg J. P. DINSIIOBII iit2-owf3t invited to attend tha funeral from the rasildwrie. of her father. No. 1927 Coates street, on Fourth dey(Wadnesria) ► morninsr. 27th Met . at 10 o clock. BaNDEBSON.—On24th lasr., Sarah A. Ma tory. wife of Charles B. Henderson. Funeral services at h,r late residence, No 1020 Green street. on •27th last , at 6 A. it Interment at Norwalk, Conn . on kith inst., at 10 A. ti s WALN. —On the 23d lust . William Wain. in the fifty ninth y ear of his age. Hie mate friends are respectfully invited to attend hie funeral, from his late residence. No. 914 Walnut street. this (Wednesday) morning, 27th inst.. at 10 o'clock. To Proceed to Friends' Southwestern Burying Ground l* p„ESSON & SON'S MOURNING STOKE. No. 918 GirESTNTIT Rtreet. January Bth. Black and purple Balmoral Skirts. GI ey and purple Balmoral Skirts. Grey and black Balmoral Skirts. Black Watered Pdoreens. Black 'Rid Gloves, A'exatelrel and Jollyla9. Black Md. CiioVo3. embroidered. Black Undressed Kid Gloves, muhr.ildered. Bisab ofra Monrning Silk. Lupin* Black Tatuises Black Craps Collars. p ain and ace!. PATRIOTIC MARSEILLES QUILTS gnilts with the American Eagle and star Centq. E te IRE at LANDELL BLACK CLOTES FOR COFFIN CO vERINOS White Merino for Shrouding. Calhrueres Paramatta f4r Shrouding. EYRE &Lti.NDELL TOE ANNUAL. MEETING OF TIFF. Society of the Union qernporar. Howe will toa Lela et ;no Rome. N. B corner of NINETaiNTH and. p0P.1.4.1i Streets, On TRUIinDAY 25:11 iusr., at 4 o'clock. D. C. 1if01.4.51310N. ia27-2c 4 Soave arv. NOTILGE.—THE LECTUR.if. OF S FINNEY, on '`•the Triat and Triumph of oar Heenblic, " at Sansorn• street P.ll. I. posipotist) to T.F.II3ReD Al. EVENING. Jail. 28th, at 734 o'clock. Tickets 25 cents. M'NOTION TO STOCKHOLOR as OF IRE OIL GREEK AND RAD Cx WAY R V.O eD COMPANY The annual meeting of the Iltochltel.lere of this C..,nt natty will ba teld on WIONESDAY. the Nal day of February, IS6I, at lo'clock P. at Sin. 4 rirILLItIG'S Alley. in Philadelphia. 101511P11 LESLEY. Secretary. NO'FICE, TO TAX•PAYERS DEPARTMSDIT OF RECF,MiIt OF TAXES, ILA7 , ELPII7 A, January 26. 1864. The Tax Duplicates for 1864 will be opened. on 111DN DAY NErr, February 1, for the purpose of receiving city ancialke Taxes. ja27 4711. v if , :dtaw NOTICE —A.P PLICATE ON HAS been made to "'ME INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA" for a new cartltirate for SE VENTY SHARES of the Capital Stock of said CompanY. the original certificate leaned to ELIAS BLPUDINOT, on Tannery 14th. MO, ,f,‘-vinfr been IDA or mislaid. EDWARD .1. C. ATPERBURT, Adminiitrator. &c :- or HUAI EttUDI NOT. deed. NOTICE. —AP PLACATION WILL BE Bey made by the undersigned to the Ridge Road aad lilanayunk Passenger Railroad Company for a nem CERTIFICATE. Ho. for four shares of the Canital Stock of the Ridge Road and Elanayank Passenger Rsit road Company. standing upon the books of the said Company in the name of HALSEY THOMAS. the-Certifl cats for the same having been lost or mislaid. • • HALSEY THOITAS, PHILADELPHIA. J n. 20. WA. AEI26 :it. IM",-,Nntit-T.5 - W . 2 1- ..t-EOr4PLEFAVIY't rettne3lygEl4 On WEDNESDAY EVENIN4. the 27th :36 o clock. at the S. & corner of .NINNI and SPE 'NG CARDEN Streets. ia::3-bratrzt. 303.1. W. MiRTIN, G. Serf 'le. mg. FIFTEENTH WARD—DRAFT : It is earnestly desired that the Citize :s of the Ward contribute to the Volun*ear Bounty Fund as promptly as possible. Over six thousand dollars are needed to fill the quota Nearly three thousand nersone in the Ward. are liable to draft. not one-third of whom have at, yet contributed to the fund to pay the b ntnty to Volunteers. If you have not ham waited on. please mead your contribution to the Committee of your Precinct, or to the General Committe. Biram Miller, 2213 9leen street. James DangbartY. 2n4 Green street. I. C. Price, Nineteenth and Mount Vernon streets. THoMeS W. PRIOR, President, 1809 MOUNT VERNON sit. and 505 MINOS. St. G d. HOFFMAN. Secretary. jgcB BIOII.NT VERNON St and ARCH. ab. Sixth st maid-3t - SIXTEF.IITII WARD:—AVOID THE DRAFT!!—CaTIXENS OF THE NIX TEhNTH 'WARD TO THE REMJE:ll—in adjonvm,d meeting of the Citisons of the ward will be held at the Jefferson / , c'hooll4,:nce. FIFTH Street, above POPLAR, on WEDNESDAY EVEN - IMO, January 27. at 7i4 o'clock. for the purpose of tat int action to fill up the quota ofthe ward. Come one, come all., old and young. with a help ing hand, p‘rticularly those whose names are on the enrolment list: they are wanted By order of the com mittee. PHILIP H. MI'S. ia26 .21 if* Secretary pro tem. TIVRNTY•FIRST WARD —AT A EIS meeting of 'MEATY-FIRST WARD BOUNTY FOND ASSOCIAIION, held at Masonic Ilan, Manayunk. Monday evening, J.nnary 25:11, Committees were ap pointed to receive subscriptions. as follows: FIRST PRECINCT. JOSEPH W. OASKILL. Chairman. *Wm. L. MoDowell. ; Theodore Littlefield, Char. J. Jeff.les, ! John M.. Fried. Adam Strang, Bartholomew Root. Michael Shoemaker, Joseph Pheimier, Joe. S. Hallowell, Thomas Wagner. SECOND PRECINCT• CHARLES F. ABBOT C, Chairman. John R. Johnson, M. Arnold. Dr. Wm. M Uhler. Sam s ' WinroaneY, Robt. T. Rober,s, Wm. Boot. Jr., David Ferguson. Thos. DelabnitY. THIRD PRECINCT JAMES McGLINCHEY, Chairman. Samuel Berwick, John Adams, Patrick Loughrev, James Johnson. Humphrey &stiff. Peter J. Ward. ' POTRTEI PRECINCT. JAMBS BOWKIIR, Chairman. Rev. Wm. Fallon. John Haugh, Andrew Kettering, I Robt. N. Harris. Joseph Rowbotham. PIPTA PRECINCT. JAMES af►HYE&, Chairman. Rey M. Quick, Alfred Snyder, John P. Thompson. J. L. eilton. Hobt. Hepburn. i William Frost, John F. Preston. SIXTH PRECINCT. WILLIAM A. SIMPSON, Chairman. James Shaw, I John. D. Fitzpatrick, Joseph 3roilineax. Thos. Taylor. Rawara Holt, • ' John W. Dixon, I 'Bolton Winnenney. James Hilton. John Saylor. 1 SEVENTH WILLIAM ARROTT, Jesse Steinrook. J. A. Markley. Frank Tartar, Dr Bunting. Simon Sn) der. ' &lUHTH PRECINCT. CHARLES E. GRAEFF, Chairman. Michael Reighter. Wm. H. McNamee. John Snell. John Shamless, Joshua John Hilts ahonse, Xatthew Pester, Michael Wartman. Jonathan Moore, Nicholas Eittenhonsa._ - Resolved That the Chairman of the several precincts, in connection with the officers of the Association, shall constitute an executive cAnmittee, authorized to carry out the objects of this meeting. Mr. Wm. H. McNamee has been appointed enrolling ofhtcer for, the Association, whose headgear/era for the Present will he at MASONIC H aLL. Mai:mynah. A. CAMPBEL, President. GEO- A. SMITH. Secretary. Mac• TWENTY-SECOND WARD BOUNTY COMATITTEE—At a meeting of the residents of the Twenty-second Ward, on the 201 h instant. T Charl ton Henry. E q., was called to the chair, and it was Resolved That a Bounty of $75 shall be paid to each volunteer who shall be credited upon the quota of the Ward. That the chairman is anthorizsd to appoint for each Precinct a committee ()TIM or more, to procure aubwrip• tions to the Bounty Fund; and. That the officers of the meeting, with the chairmen of the Precinct Committees, shall compose the " T wady. second Ward Central Committee.' Jabez Gates. Esq.. was unanimously elected. Treasurer of the Bounty Fund. In accordance with the above, the following Commit- • tees are appointed: FIRST PRECINCT. Thomas Gammen Daniel R. Harper. J. A. Faraum. Chas. Wharton. Conyers Batten. Wm. R. Gaulbert, • SIXTH PRECINCT. Thomas Lester, Jr., Daniel L. Keyser, John R. Evans. John Wistar, Geo. P. Evans, Edward Bennett, Henry Felton. Frank Shoemaker. SECOND PRECINCT. Edw. H. BERM Spencer Roberts. SEVENTH PRECINCT. F. A. Hoyt, iJoseph Bill, Charles Mears. 'Thos. G. Garrett, W. Morris Davis, Hugh McLean, William Nice William Charmer, TIMM PRECII4 . ,CT. John Silverthorne, Allen Ridgway, !George Wolf. B. Royal, Jr., . EIGHTH PRECINCT. - W. R. Cox, WM. H. Trotter. William Stallman. John France, Benjamin Allen, 'Robert Gratz. Edmund Hankins. Matthias Haas, TorliTH PRECINCT. I Thos. Stewart, C. J. Wistar, Jr., John Stailman. • J. C. Griffith, NINTH PRECINCT. Ches. Spencer, Rev. C. W. Schaefer, D. D., C. M. Jackson, M.D., Norton Johnson, C. L. Eberle, Samuel Paul. J. J. Boris. Charles E. 'dell, savir/ PRECINCT. • ChsrleS Gould. Robert D. Dunning, Joseph Crowson, B Bradford Clarke* Thomas Randall_ George Frees, - T. CHARLTON HENRY. Chairman. JAIME GATES. Treasurer. A subscription Book will be open at all hours, at the 'Onion League Home. GERMANTOW.N, in addition to those in the hands of the Precinct CommSTONEittees. , Secretary Central Committee. MCONTRIBUTORS TO THE COAL RSGIMENT BOUNTY FUND are requested to meet cu MONDAY. February 1, 160, at 1:1 o'clock M., at the Rooms of the Coal exchange, No. 5 Anthracite Building, WALNUT Street, above SECOND, to take some action with reference to the final disposiiton of the fonds remaining unappropriated. R. N. RATHBUN. ia27. 4t" &ere' ary. C:311.• NO TIC P..—Tnr., ICIIAIRATIEN OP the various Ward Meetings on the subject of pro 'siding Bounty Money to avoid the necessity of the Drift and the Chairman and Treasurer or Secretary of the Ge neral Committee of each Ward. are respectfully Invited to meet at the BOARD OF TRaDE SD ROOMS, No. 605 Chestnut street, on AY ( EEING. at eight o'clock, to considerWEDNE the propriety of ado V pting N mea sures for equalizing the Bounty to be paid to recruits hr the respective Wards. DANIEL STEINMETZ, Ninth Ward. THEODORE CITILER, eighth Ward. JOHN M. RILEY. Twentieth Ward. WM. D. LEWIS. Seventh Ward. January 27. lBB4. NOTICE.—T . HE WARD BOUN TY commay : . I ITIZINS' BOUNTY FUND COMMITTER. January IS, 1E64. At a meeting of the Committee, held this day, the fol lowing preamble and resolution were agreed to Whereas., There( is a balance in the hands of the Citi zens' Bounty Fond. estimated to amount to fifteen thou sand dollars, after the payment of all outstanding lia bilities: and.. Whereas. The Committee are desirous of assisting the different Wards of the city to secure volunteers for the army of the United States, so as to avoid the draft; therefore, Resolved. That the sum of fifteen thousand dollars is hereby appropriated to the different Wards, and that the disbursing agency is hereby authorized to tender and pay to the proper persona in each Ward the proportion of said sum pro rata upon the quota of each Ward. under the last call lot the President of the United States for three hundred thousand men; and in the event of any Ward not requiring its proportion, or any part thereof. that the disbursin agency be authorized to increase ratably the proport i on to other Wards. A true copy hem the minutes. LORIN BLODGINT, Secretary. The undersigned having been appointed to disburse the above sp ecified sum, the treasurers of the different Wards e required to furnish to me evidence of their authority to collect the money, and a certified statement from the Provost Marshal of the district in which the Ward is situated, of the number of men required from the Ward he represents, on or before the first day of February next, and immediately after which time the disbursing agency will fix the proportion due the several Warde malting application. WILLIAM VETCH. bt2o-St No. 272 South THIRD Street, I. OFFICE OF THE FULTON COAL COMPANY, No. 30 South THIRD Street. An annual meeting of the Stockholders, and an elec tion for five Directors, to serve the ensuing year, will be held at the office of the Company on the Ist proximo, at 12 o'clock, M. The Books will be closed on the 25th instant,nntilthe Sth proximo. CHAS. S. FOLWELL, jalAmwf.tfel Secretary. NOTICE.—THAI ANNUAL, HEAT ING of the Stockholders of the UNION MAK SHIP COMPANY will be held on TUESDAY. February 24. 1E64, at 4 o'clock P. M, at the Office. No. 14 North DELAWARE Avenue, when an election will take place for five Managers to serve f. .x the ensuing year. jal9-12t WM. W. RANKNESS. Secretary. rga. NOTICE. —THE ANNUAL iIiBETING of the Stockholders of the OCEAN %TEA fif NAVI GATION COMPANY, for the election of five Directors, and the transaction of other bueitteets, will be held at the Once of the Company, O. no NORTE WHhEVES, (second floor.) On TUESDAY, the second day of Reira ary next, at 72 o'clock noon. Wei. DENNIS, ja.19.12t Secretary and Treasurer. ASSOCIATION FOR Mike protection of GAMS hereby give notice to Dealers in Game. Hotels, and Beetanrants. that the L aw for the Protection of Game will be rigidly enforeedon and after February I. 1664. Information of the infrac tion of the law will be thankfully re:eived by the Solici tor of the Association. WABDALE 9. BIAOAGESTI3II, SM.. 902 w Auxin , Street. ERNST B. TATHAM. President. 60121 Synth Wharves. JAS. B CHANDLER„SearetarT. 306 CHESTNUT Street. JERSEY SHORE. PINE CREEK. Er AND STA.TS LISS RAILROAD. —Agreeably to Previous notice. a ifeethilr of the Commissioners of the above enterprise was held at the Girard House, in Phila delphia, on the 10th inst.. and after the transaction of business they adjourneeto meet again at the FAANICON HODSE. in Jersey Shore. Lycoming county. on DIMS DAY. the 9th day of February. ISt at 10 o'clock AL if.. to open thend receive subscriptions. preparator.v to organising Company. • • report on the geraral character of the route will be made by the Bnublelr at that time PESSEIF4/ 0 . 1003. JAMES n. SR IT, Receiver .4 Taxc.. PRECINCT. Cheirman. Abrm. L. Rittenhouse. John 8 Rex. James Bichols. -James Lees. 11...% VITELTION. - COURSE OP 5 POETIC AL LECTURES • AT CO NC .6 ET tiAL 11T REV. Cli. ? N CCE,X W T D on D K, . LL. D . o • let Lecture Tuesday. January 26th. :I'd • Thnreday. • • lath, Sd " MOCidar. FONTar7 131 4th Maeda). 6th , ThltthdaT, • 4th. COMMLYTBII OF .INVIT enorc Hon. James Pollock. Rev. Cheri, Barnes. Wm, M. Cornell, LL D . • 11 DAldurin, Egg.. Rev. Thee. Brainerd: Dr. B Frank Palmer. Rev. T. J. Shepherd. Rev. J. O. Butler. Rev. P L. hobbies, Rev. John W. Mourn,' Rev. John W. Braise, Sohn - McClellan. 11. S. N. Stephen Eeq., James W. Claghorn, Req. Single Ad mission 50 cents. Conine Tickets 11 50 For sale at the principal Bookatoree and at the Office of the ARIL Lecture at 8 o'clock. M=l= - P. ICEeill'H. D. D.. will _ deliver s lecture on THURSDAY EVE Ten. 23 at 8 &elect beforette Students of BRYANT. STRATTON& at 'S Commor cial lltge. nt the College Ro S E. corner of S ENTI3. and CHES MUT Streets Title-" Crowned and Diecrowned -- a It cture for young men, among the temp tations cf their period of life in the city. The subject is one of general interest An invitation is extended to all who ma, wish to attend. ja23.50` Ii;EC. _SF:CORD A EFIVIVERSARY Olt" THE ONLTELLSrATES 01 I Natal all COKMIDiION The Second ArdlverearY of the United States Christian Coromi,lon for the Armand Navy will be held on THTIRSDP.ti Eveninz next, cBth. last .in the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. An atstratt of the animal report will be read. A tatemen t of the rln ea and nparatio: the Commis:don Will ta 11 - Ede by Roy. litsltop E S JANES, D D. • and addreFs,f, delivered by Rev. Dr. KIRK. or Boston. R,v. Dr. TAT.T.OP.. of the American Dibio Society. Rev Dr. EDDY. of Phi:adelp l- _,:a General FIK, of the Army of the bli-eettri. and a GE nsral from the Army of the Poto mac. whose none we are not at liberty to annOttuce. Ticifets for resetved aerti will he i-Aneri n'retattortaly. on application at the rooms of the Yonug - Alan's Christian ASP9I6IIEGOIE. 1(419 CHESTNUT &reed. and at Martian's. 006 CD ESTNU r street, on and after MO ID Alf M •rn.- log. Jan 2.50. at 9 o'clock. As the demand is likely to exceed the suPtd:r, only a limited number will he honed each day. Doors open ato'clo2k. - Eanroisee wilt nquainence at 7tt o'clock. - O E. S. JAEO. H. NE S Lt Alt T. m. CHARLES DEMON% YOlasi P. _•wtoZiEß. JAY COOKE, W. E. BOARDMAN. JOSEPH PATTERSON. MDR. DIO LEWES, OP BOSTON. author of the • New Gymatigtiel," " Weak Lunge and How to Make Them Strong." having received Rad accepted the following invitation. will LECTURE - CONCERT HALL. WEDNESDJIY, JANU.t3 131 PITILATIE.LPITTA. ja.nriary 13, 1854. DR. WO rzwis—Dzmc Stn: Believing that the eeaes of Physical Callum hag no al lor or more succepqnl ad vocate than yourself, we cliculd be very KI,Ad. if the citi zens cf Philadelnhis could have another opportunity of hearing ?on We. therefore. invite Yop to deliver a lecture upon this subject in this city at an early day. Very respectfully yours- &c.. Alonzo Potter. IFrauds 0 Smith, Jr .51. D., HH. H. Smith, D.. George Harding. - . Jot n V. Frazer. C. Xeidhar.d. M. D.. Adelpt us Lippe. H. D., IH: N : - Guern s ey. H. D.. William H. Furness. John C. Cresson. Wm. V. Keating. M. D Wm. Pepper. H. D. Constantine Herring, hi..fl P. , BOSTON. January 19, 18&t. GENTLEMEN: Your inyltatien to lecture in Philadel phia on the subject of Physic 4 Culture has just been re ceived. I am deeply grateful for the honor, and. sithonsh I shall leave home at considerable sacrifice to the Inte rests of my Inmitution. I gladly accent the invitation, and leave you to name the evening. With respect. I am, gentlemen, our obedient serrant. DR/ LEWIS. Alonzo Potter. H. H. Smith, H. D., F. Frazer. and others. The exercises on this OCCMII.O/1 With DDMB-BELLS. RINGS. WANDS. &co thoroughly illuatrating the REIN GYMNASTICS. will be performed by msmbers of MR. GILLINGHAM'S CLASSES. Admission 26 seats. Reserved Seats 50 cents. For sale at the principal Bookstopie and 011 ice of the Ball. 3a2i-4t PHIILA - DELPH IA INSTITUTE FOR PHYSICAL uiIL'iUSE, by the practice of Dr . D.O LEWIS' New Gymnastics and - the inculcation of the Laws of Health. CENTRAL FRANDH, Horticultural Hall. S. W. 'oor ner BROAD and WALNUT Streets.- A New Masi for Ladies and Gentlemen marls WEDNESDAY- EWA INO, February Sd. For Masters, Misses, and Toting Lathes. MONDAY. February la•, at 4 P. M. NORTHERN BRANee. N. W. corner TENTH and SPRUG GARDEN Streets. A New Chum for Ladies and Gentleman meets on TUESDAY EVE3ISiG, February 2d. For Wasters, Misses, and Young Ladies, at 4P. M. same day. For further infomation, address C. GILLINGHAM, No. 2224 BUTTON W.IOD Street. ELECT.ROPA.TIIY, —PROFESSOR BOLLES. boing solicited to give another Coarse of Lectures on the sdence and art of treating disease, (according to his discovery), will receive applications for the full course of instructions. to cottuu February 2d, at the Institution. No. 1220 WALNU2 Street. Gentlemen or Ladies wishing to obtain a fall knowl edge of the Electrical Laws of Health, and the true means of cure, are invited to call on the Profes sor. and learn particulars, and witness the asto nishing cures performed daily upon persons con sidered beyond the reach of help, and given up to die. Numerone vacancies in different parts of the coun try are now open for practitioners of this system of the healing art, and. in fact. Professor Bolles warrants a position to every well-qualified student, paying from 2GOO to WO per month. Lectures 4343 vered in the evening. ia26-3t* PENNSYLVANIA. F R MEDD" A A'S Rami.EP ASSOCIATION —The Rooms of this As iodation, at No. 424 WALNUT Street, are open daily from 9 o'clock A M. IMO P. M. for the reception of do nations in Goode, Clothing, and Books. Contributions in Money are to be banded t' the Treasurer. B. W. CLARK. Esq.. South THIRD Street. . M. NOT I CE.—A MEETING OF THE Directors and Stockholders of the NEW TONIC AND PITTSTON COAL COXI.PANY will be held at the Continental Hotel, on FRIDAY nest. 20th inst., at 3 o'clock - P. 111. HENRY D. OWEN. ja26-4t. Secretary. E Cow 13 NATIONALE. RANEY OF 111; PHILADELPHIA. —'At the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Sank, held on TUESDAY, Ja nuary 12th, inet ;the following Stockholders were elect ed Directors for the ensuing Year: Nathan Hilles, Lewis Sh aileron, George W. Rhawn, Charles B. Kremer. Simon R Snyder, - Benj. Rowland, Jr., • Edward Hayest Benjamin H Deacon, John ooper. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held January 19th, inst., NATHAN . HILLER was unanimously elected President, and ALBERT S. LETCHWORTH, So icitor of this Bank. W. H. RHAWN. Cashier. OFFICE OF Tll.O. G.I.Iga.R3D cog.- LEGE' PASSENGER 11_,.ILWAY Co.. corner of COLI7MBIA and B.lDGE,Avenues.--PathAnsuins, Tan. ' 11. 1864. - _ . _ . .At the Annual Meeting of Stockholders. held this day. the following gentlemen' were elected for the ensuing year: PRESIDENT. E. B. ED WARDS. DIRECTORS, Andrew A. Batter, Henry Croekey. John I ambort, Chas Thomson Jones William E. Grant, OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA. RAIL ROAD COMPANY. PHILADELpHI NOTICE TO ISTOCKHorSEII§. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will he held on TUESDAY. the 16th day of Fatima tv 1864, at 10 o'clock A. M., at SARSOM-STREET MALL. The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MODDAY, the 7th day of March.lB64. at the Oillce of the Company. No. 23S South THIRD Street, 3a46•tf16 EDMUND SMITH. Secretary. - 7.NSURANCE. COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA, January 23.1861.. The ADDval. Meeting of the Stalilioldei. will baLeld at the COMPANY'S OFFICR, Noe. 4- and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDING, on MONDAY. February 1.166!. at . 12 &Week, noon. WILLIASI HAMPER, ja23-St Secretary. UNION CANAL, COMPANY. PMILA PMPILLN, January 12, 1864. The Runnel meeting of the UNION CANAL COMPANY OP PENNSYLVANIA will be held at the Office. No. 228 WALNUT Street. (Farquhar Building,) on TUESDAY, the 2d day of February next, at It o'clock A. M. , when an election Will be held for officers and managers to :serve for the ensuing year. The transfer books will be closed after the 23d instant. and remain closed until after the meeting. Jelatf 2 Ot.CA.R. THOMPSON. Secretary. Irat• NOTICE.—TFIE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA AND SAVANNAH STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, for the election of Five Managers and the transaction of other business, will be held at the Office of the Comosny. No. 126 NORTH WHARVES (second floor), on TUESDAY. the 2d day of February next. WILLIAMDEN.NIS. Secretary and Treasurer. PEEIMADYEI.PEISIA. AND ILICADINge RAILROAD COMPABY, Office ito. X 27 South FOURTHiStreet PHILADErmina, December 2, DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Transfer Books of this Company will be closed on THURSDAY, 17th instant. and reopened on TUESDAY, _January 12, Difit A. Dividend of SEVEN PSIS CENT.,clear of State tax, has been declared on the Common Stock, payable in Common Stock on and after the 31st December next to the hplders thereof as they shall stand registered on the books at the close of business on the 17th inst. A Dividend of THREE AND A HALF PEE CENT.. emir of State tax, has been declared on the Pre ferred Stock, payable in Cash or Common Stock, at the option of the holder, on and after the 31st December next, to the etoekholders as they shall stand registered en the books at the close of business on the 17th inst. Holders of certificates which have been discharged from this office. or either of the Transfer Akenciew. are Particularly requested whichve them duly registered on the Transfer Books to tney have been transferred. prior to the 17th inst. Stockholders whose names are registeredon the New York books will be paid at the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, and those whose names are registered on the Boston books will be paid at the office of Messrs. I. R. Thayer & Brother. S. BRADFORD. de3-ti Treasurer. rirCORK EXCHE.NGfR , BANK, PEIMA. DELPHIA, November 2,3 d, 1363. At the Election held 16th inst. the following Stockhold ers were duly elected Directors of the Corn Exchang• think: O. Cattell, Christian J. Rothman, H. W. Oatherwood. Edmund A.-Bonder, Charles E. Wilkins. David Yanderveer. Sonathan Knight Board this day ALEX. O. monsly reelected President ries President, and JOHN W. . J. W. TORREY. Cashier. .klizander James Steel. Robert Emden, William P. Cor, Samuel T. Canby. Philip B. Mine.. John. E. Gross, And at the meeting of the CATTELL. Esq., was aslant ALEX.WRILLDIN. red..Y TORREY. Cashier. no24.Sm COPARTNERSHIPS. DISSOLUTION. -THE PARTNER SHIP existing between the undersigned, under the Arm of BAIGUEL & EVANS, le THIS DAY dissolved by mutual consent. WILLIAM SAMUEL. WILSON NVANS PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 2d. 1864. in27-Sty TVISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER; -R-'IIIIIP. —The Copartnership heretofore existing un der the firm name of T. P. do S. S. SMITH is this day dis solved by mutual coment. T. P. 81111TH, Lemma 25. 1864. Cia27.3t•) S. S. SMITH. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS da entered into Copartnership under the name of SMITH, 8R0.,& PENROSE, for the purpose of trans aeting a Boot tnd Shoe Manufacturing and Joßloing Bu siness. at NO. 20 North FOORTH Street. P. SMITH, S S. SMITH, WM. PSNROSE. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 25.1861. jc2.7.3t. H. P. & C. R. TAYLOR, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS 01 TOITAT SOAPS AND rzailmEßY, - No.filla North NINTH Street. JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA., CORNER MARKET STREET AND MARKET SWAMI A flret- clags house. Terms. *2 per day. inso-ata 0. N. SONE& P ORTRAITS THAT REPRESENT you to the lire - see B. V. BEISHIWS splendid styles life size Photogr_ephe in oil Colors. Exquisite specimens of art. '694 ARCH Street. 11 EDMUND WILCOX, riceteLuit COMMIS SI N N ER OF DEEDS WILCOX 4% DELLEKER, CUbTOM-HOUSE BROKERS. No. 404 CHESTNUT Street .1820 wfm et F RETMER'S SPLENDID NEW • Gallery Isthe centre of attraction: his Cartes de Visite are the theme of merited _praise. Go early and been e good pictures. 644 LRCH. Street. Mc° LEMENT'S PATENT- CANCEL LING STAMP. with moveable type. (months. publicsday ea.) the simplest nd best ever offered to the pCan be had of A. & G. MoSLIMENT. 33; CH.M.TICIT St. est. fourth door. Always on hand a large assortment of Hand-Stamps, Ingsto. belli rseiwit• Award t 4 oder. it*Eie TILE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNES_DAY, JANUARY 1864. W. 6. BLIGHT. Secretary and Treanrer Jan. 25. 18G1. MILITARY. VOLUNTEER MEDICAL SURGEON. T Boards for the examination of candidat. s for the position of ASSISTANT ISD.ROkON OF VOLtfbfrEfiad, are in session at New York. Wa shineon, and Main un ti. am lice.tion for perm Re. 1013 to appear before th'm should be made in to the SURGEON OgliEß sL Cr. S. A., at WaSHIBOTON, D. C., and should be ac rompanied by evidence of regular graduation and good moral character. Surgeons of the Volunteer Staff are promoted from the grade of Assistant Surgeon, and are selected for merit only. JOSEPH K. BARNeS. ActinN surgeon GeneraL Surgeon General's office, Washington, D. C.. Jan, Gt BOUNTY t U. S. BOUNTY! I t 100 MEN WANTED TO FILL A QUOTA AT S6.IEY BOUNTY FOR NEW RECRUITS. $250 BOUNTY FOR VETERANS. C A S H,_ An soon as mustered in. and before leaving Rendezvous, $4.9,. COLORED RECRUITS OET PAID SESO CASH. Mader authority of the War 73,4:attn . :tent the Provost ktarehat of the Fourth District will accept Volunteer Re crnita and pay the above Bounties. Recruits have the choice of any. old-Regiment In tho field. For particulars apply to !AMMON WARNER, United States Recruiting Agent. N. E. corner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Sta. ia26.3Pif ITEADQUA_DTE Etig PRO VO MAR SHAL FIRST DISTRICT PENNSYLVANIA, No. 245 South THIRD Street. PFHLADELPHIA. January 25th, Mt AVOID THE DRAFT. . By the authority of the War Department, dble.bodied men will be recruited by the PROVOST MARSHAL OF THIS DISTRICT, for any Company in any old Regiment, and will be cre dited to AN WARD IN THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA the recruits may select. The City and Ward Bounties will be paid in cash, Go vernment Bounties by instalments. Apply to Capt. FRED'E. ZAR EIAUHEE, Recruiting Officer. TWELFTFI WARD-$702 BOUNTY. All Recruits accredited to the TWRIATH WARD • 111 be entitled to the fol wint Bounties: Butted tstatee Bounty (Veterans) $402 Malted States Bounty (New Recruits) tit. 2 City Bounty, Cash 25) Twelfth•ward Bounty, sash down 60 New Recruit's Bounty Veterans' ari9 - Tie Disbursing Committee sit deity. at Mt Li- TART HALL, 532 North THIRD Street, where each Recruit can rely on receiving . _PIFT i DOLLARS CASH. .7i'c upon being accredited to the Twelfth ward. Sel. W. Itickardg, I L. B. Engtee, Chas M. Wagner. I George Butz, - Abel C T. Smith. John 11. Siner, Fred. Ladner. Charles R. Abel. Committee. IS PEARSON. Treasurer. PROVOST GUARD.- ONR THOU SAND RECRUITS WANTED FOR PROVOST GUARD DUTY. The Honorable Secretary of War has authorized Major General GEORGE CADWALADER to organize and tqulp a ers.cial force for Garrison. Provost Guard, and. other duty. Yen cf good character and nne=cePtionalle babite, who can bring good recommendations from reliable citi zens in the portion of the State Where they may reside. have now an opportunity rarely offered in the military service. A number of competent Clerks, Musicians, and Print ers. as well as Carpenters and other mechanics, wilt be required for special duties. No man need apply for admirsion into this organization unless be can bring the recommendation above men tioned. ie between IS and 45 years of age, and at least 5 f--et 6 inches in height. Recruits will be clothed and placed on duty at the Pro vost Barracks as fast as enlisted. Recruits from the city or country will be credited to such Wards or Districts as they may select, provided they. select such Wards or Districts as have heretofore shown an intention to fulfil their promises and act in good faith towardspersons who have been accredited to them for the purpose of avoiding the draft. For fru ther information apply to the General Recruit ing Station, Provost 6farehars office, FIFTH and BUT TONWOOD Streets. Philadelphia. B. A. MINS. Lient Colonel and Provost Marshal. ADANA-TROOP BOUNTY.-THE undersigned will pay this Bounty at hie office, Room No. U. No. 204 South FIFTH &roes. between the hours of 3 and 6 in the afternoon. as fo.lows: TUESDAY (To-day), from letter A to incincive; WEDNESDAY, from letter H to P inclusive; THURS DAY. from letter Q to Y inclusive. ja2B 2t. PRED'If: A. VAN CLEVE. Attorney. RECRUITS WANTEDTO FILL Cant L. Y. EVANES' CAVALRY COMPANY, now filling rapidly, the Company to be at , tached to the 20th. Pennsylvania Cavalry. commanded by Col. WYNKOOP. A 1 the bonntiss will be office at aeon as the recruit Streetred in. Recinit ing office at No. 2.721. MARKET Capt. L. Y. EVANES, Heeratting Officer. ARMY GOODS. 1864. VU're,M.flD - UGMS. Officers and. soldiers, visiting the city on furlough, needing S W Co re. MI SS And other MILITARY EQUIPMUTTS are invited to the very extensive MANUFAOTTYRING ESTABLISHMENT OF GrEO. W. SIMONS & BRO., SANSOM•STREET HALL, SANSOM Street, above Sixth PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice. which for rich ness and magnificence challenge competition. no other house in the country combining the MAAIIPA.CTURING JEWELER WITH THE PRACTICAL SWORD MAKER. is22-Im. FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY MVANS Sc. 1-11A,SSAJLIA, MILITARY F'IURIVISI-lEItS, 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA Bannon. Bertmental and Compani Flags. Swords, Bashes, Belts, Paseants. Epaulettes, Hate, Oars. Can teens. Haversacks, Camp Sits. Field Glasses, Snare. and everything pertaining to the complete Wilt ofAmaY and Navy Officers A liberal discount allowed to the trade. " iaB.lm G. W. SIMONS & BROTHER, RANSOM-STREET HALL. PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, AND ' MILITARY GOODS IN MET VARIETY. in2B-If6m FROTHINGHAM db WELLS HEAVY. MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SEINETINGS AND SHIRTINUS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY GASTON FLANNELS. WASH:O97ON AND VICTORY CAMBEICS AND BILECIiS. BROWN BLEACHED . AND CORSET JEANS. No. lg WORSTED YARN. &o. sent tf PHtAxcL. JAY .COOSE & CO., BANXERS AND DEALERS GOVERNMENT LOANS 6-20 BONDS 6 PER OEM LEGAL TENDERS 7.30 TREASURY NOTES. 1881 LOANS ONE-YEAR CERTIFICATES. QUARTERMASTERS' VOUCHERS QUATRIIBLiSTERS' CHECKS. CITY AND. STATE STOOKS. BANK, RAILROAD, AND CANAL STOOKS AND BONDS. Stocks Bought and Bold on Commission A full supply of all Wade of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Including the New Eire Per Cent. (legal tender) TEEL MIRY NOTES. always on hand. . Collections made and deposits received. JAW COCCECE ar. Co., No. 114 South THIRD mum 5.20 LOAN - 5.20 . BOUGHT AND SOLD Br DBRXEL & CO.. ja26-I.Ct it 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. 79TH - IE'BRUARY,I IST APRIL, 1864. IST MAY, COUPONS 7 3-10 AND 5-20, WANTED. DREXEL dr. CO. QUARTERMASTERS' VOUCHERS U. S. FIVE-TWENTIES WANTED. SMITH & RANDOLPH, JaSAm 16 South THIRD Street. NEW DRIED APPLES.---100 BB'S nowpried Andes. avr sale by_ ILHODm a in.LLIAMS. 061-11 WY 09111 wATIS Week NEW PUBLICATIONS. FO 1:,-TI ETH V O I_, I_l THE MINERS' JOURNAL, PUBLISHED AT .POTTSYILLE, PA. The 40th volnme of the MENERS' JOURNAL corn. reeneed_pn SATURDAY. the 2d of January, is)), with new lift. and a larger circulation than it ever attained before. The JOURNAL in addition to the Revere) newt of the ea). publishes more complete reports of the Coil Trade of the IL nited States than any other pubdcatlon issnet in the country, and it goes wherever C,,al gees in this nonntiy, and alto in Europe. Its Annual btatistics of theCoalP ade, yr, hich appear in January of each. yAttr. Worth atone the price of rtabscription. Tne Cosi T sae is also in a very prosperous condtuon, and is a:- tJactina great attention throughout the country, and every large consumer and dealer abroad ought to take the JorRNAL for the correct iworms tion it contain , W7th regard to the state of the trade Its sulpieription pdtie co .p.strea with the esenent 4.1 mono . , that may he raved bv LDrchalere of COO, by availing the aiiseiva of rorreet information. While the circulation of the JonntrAr.. Is large out of the con.tty among those interested fin the trade, it still circulates three times the number of copies in the coun ty as any other paper issues, and is therefore a fine ad vertising medii ni. for butiness men generally, Coat ore Atom and Land Ownore, Iron Mannfiteturara, Ma chinists. Oil Merchants. Notices Contritvtura, Ite.•tite t mbraclrg the business men of all parties, nod co ,, taint a very large portion of the capitalists of the coaxal's , on itv ants. lift Touts for the Jorn NAL, $2. f, per alunin in adyloc.N. or U. mit net raid in advance. All suite:mit:floe.. bro , :t be Paid in advAccel3lllo4F the parties are known to the Pub: is]: er. Sul.scriptions can be sent by mall. The JOURNAL can be famished from the beginning' of the year IS6I A dv.,rt!sernents inserted at reasonable rate T . BENJ. BANNA PVPTSYILLE, PA. SHEAFErt NEW MAP OF ALL THE 'LS ANTHRACITE COAL I'It3LDS I:5 11 Ow rcad3 for aeliviry, wad is for rile by 607 702 T. 13. PETERSON & BROS., It torments the Coal Fields of - Sella) , 110.11, Luzern e. Carbon, NNortl►aui berland, Columbia, Dauphin, and Lebanon Counties, - Embracing all the Anthracite Coal Basins of the Stara, shoving a;1 t)e Railroad lines and their various ramifi cations, the position of each colliery, the canals, the topogrephy, ste. Its new and striking features are the WYOMING & LACKAWANNA. COAL PPELDS, and Eve MAHANOY AND SHAMOKIN COAL DISTRICTS —each in detach rueh one of which is worth the price of the hiTIP. 113113 it , decidedly the cheapest. most compact. end the most perfect Map ever i.eued of the Coal Regions. The above rasp will be furnished for X 1.2. In sheets; In corms, W. 50; on rollers, eazo ALSO, SENAFEWS NEW AND OFFICIAL Coal, Iron, Railroad and Canal Map OF PENNSYLVANIA. Published by order of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, showing the entire area of the- Rate, its ANT Et RACITS AND BITUMINOUS COAL FIELDh; its CANALS and RAILROADS: the location of each FURNACtfo ROLL 119G MILL. FORGE, &c.. in Pennsylvania; all their avenues end distances to market by the various routes. No one but so patient end p stout a staticlact as Mr. S , with his intimate knowledge of the mineral resourcee of his native State since his connection with the State Geological Survey of Pennsylvania in 1887, could com pile in so email a compass, so much valuable and reliable in formstio:o as w. have in the above two mans. Price of State Map, in sheets. $11.; to covers, $125; on rollers, $2.15. Both Maps, in sheets, $2; in covers, s2c copy one copy of the Miners' journal. one year, and both Mane, in sheets, $4: in covare, $4 60. . One copy of the Miners' ,Tournaf end one copy of eith er Map, in sheets. $3; in covers. $3.25. These Maps will be sent by mail to any address, post paid, on receipt of prices earned. Address, BANDi AN Publisher, Pottsville, Pa. *air These Maps are also for sa a by T. B PETERSON' & BROTHERS. 300 caIESTNUT Street. Phila. C. T. EVANS, Book Publisher, 448 BROADWAY, New York, It end A. WILLIAMS & CO.. Book Publishers, Boston. WATSON'S HAND-BOOK OF ELOCUTION, GYMNASTICS. AND CALISTHENICS Illustrated with many beautiful cute, and containing NINETEEN APPROPRIATE PIECES OP MUSIC. THIS IS THE ONLY COMPLETE DRILL•BOOK of the kind published. 1864. Svo, cloth, tinted paper, price $1.76 ECHERNBRHORN, BANCROFT, & CO., Publishers and Booksellers, No. 25 North FOURTH Street For sale by Booksellers generally MAGAZINFS 1 February Number now, ready at the Philadelphia Agenc ATERSON'S. I GODEY. HARPER. ATLANTIC. Single copies sold. and subscriptions taken by the year. at publishers' prises. Call or send to the Philadelphia agency and. subscribe for one year, and the nuinb,r will then be sent to you free of expense. which is at the Publishing and Book selling house of T. B PETERSON St BROTHERS' It No. 306 CHEST.eiIIT Street, Philada, Pa. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND BOOKS 61` ALL KINDS. The cheapest place in Phi adelphia to buy Photograph Albums, Da well as the best and most beautiful, and all kinds of Books' suitable for army reading and for the family, is at T. B. PETERSON Si BROTHERS' No 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia Send for one of our catalogues. It • P ETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DE TRACTOR. FOR FEBRUARY, PUBLISHED THIS MORNING, THE ONLY RELIABLE ONE PUB LISHED. PETERS PUBLISHED.OTOR IS THE ONLY RELIABLE ONE GET THE HEST 1 PETERSON'S DETECTOR FOR FEBRUARY, IS READY THIS MOBEINO. ONLY TEN CENTS ! PETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR FOR FEBRUARY, IS READY THIS MORNING- Price tett cents. IErIaBECSON'S DETECTOR., SUB -a- scription Price one dollar a year. monthly. Two dollars semi-monthly. Subscribe at once at 306 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. It 1864• MEDICAL PERIODI- 1364. CALK FOR BRAITHWAITE'S RiiiteSPßCT, $2 per year, In ad• WITCO; $1 26 per number. LONDON LANCET. $5 net year. BRITISH AND FOREIGN 611ED130 CHIBBEGICAL. Review London Edition, $6 per year. BATS AMERICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL. $5 per year. with the MEDICAL NEWS, when paid for in ad vance. All AMERICAN or FOREIGN Medical and Scientific Periodicals furnished to order by LINDSAY & BLABISTON. Publishers and Booksellers, ja27 915 South SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. NEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS !I Just received by ASHMEAD dt EVANS, Successors to Willis P. Bernd. 1241. CHESTNITT Street. LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE OF THEODORE PARKER, Minister of the Twenty-eighth Congregational Society. Boston. By John Weiss. 2 vole., with por traits, $6. GILEAD; or, THE VISION OF ALLISOULS' HOSPI TAL. An Allegory. By J. Hyatt Smith. THE LITTLE p BOOKS. By Aunt Fanny. Au thor of "Mittens." Night Caps." he. 9 vols. IN. Z; A TALE 07 THE ALAMO. BY Augusta J. Evans, author of Beulah. LIFE OF WILLIAM H. PRESCOTT. A superb Book. JEAN INC ELOW'si POEMS. Fresh supply. NEW PHOTOGRAPHS AND ALBUMS -in endless 'variety. ALL THE MAGAZINES FOR FEBRUARY. .1a27 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. HOLDING PRO hi TWELVE TO YOURHUNDRED PICTURES. Ranging in price from air Sie CENTS TO 85 DOLLARS 9EB ja22-eartf PITCHER'S, SOS CHESTNUT Street. JT. TROWBRIDGE'S GREAT . NOVEL. UNAVOIDABLE DELAY. OUDJA'S CATS The unorphstodly.large orders received for this new Story since our announcement for the 23d. will delay its publication a few days. until the third edition can be got ready. The great popularity of `• Neighbor Jackwood," by the same author, and the interesting locality of the plot to. gather with the expressed opinions of some of the best critics. render it quite sale that the sale will surpass that of any recent novel. It possesses great dramatic power, and the thrilling stories of border warfare fascinate beyond expression.. AB PRICE d 1 DO. Advance orders filled before publication. ja26 3t -Bostonc J. X. TILTON & CO— Publishers. WMANQIPATED SLAVES. - CARD LI photographs of Emarcipitted Slaves from Louisi ana.. WALLIS tBI3 & BRO.. 4XB OHESTBUT Street. The nett proceeds from the sale of these photographs will be devoted to the education of colored people in the Department of the Gulf, now tu.cler command of Major General Banks. j a2.3-1t A PPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. The agency for this invaluable Library of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street. second Story. Mee. RECORD OF THE REBELLION. By. Frank Al. Ja22 tf LITTLE PET BOOKS. - THREE CHARMING VOLUMES, Author of "NiBYAcTNT"F . A •M N t Y n o," - "Socks." ENTIRELY IN WORDS OF SINGLE SYLLAB LES. THEY WILL BE SURE TO AMUSE THE VERY LIT TLE ONES. In a neat Box, Price 3180. 'Published by WILLIS P HAZARD, ja2o-tjyl 3l South SIXTH Street. MUSICAL SKETCHES. BY ELISE POLKO. Translated from the fifth Herman edi tion, by Fanny Fuller. 1 vol /6mo. On tinted paper, Moth. Price,"ol.. 25. CONTENTS • A Mighty Fortress is our Hod" (Bach). Iphigenia in emits (Gluck). Violetta (Mozern. Midsummer Sight's Dream (Mendelsohn). Stabat Mater Dolorosa (Fargo lest). The Master's Grave (Schubert). The Cat's Foglia (Scarlatti). Snow-drops (Weber). The Playmates (re gnant). A Meeting (Oretry). The Convent of Saint Lucia (Catalint). Maria (Maltbran). The Angel's Voice (Handel ). An Arnett (Anderle). Fallen Stars (Fanny Hensel). A First Love (Haydn). (Rue Chabannais No. 6 (Ca. eta). A Melody (Boleldlen). Domenico °Smarms (Cimarosa) A Leonora (Beethoven) Little Jean Bap tiste (Lull ). A Forgotten One (Berger). Just ready. and for sale by all Booksellers. Sent post age free, on receipt of price, by F. LBYPOLDT Publisher, 11.323 Cain= EIT Street. JUST PUBLISHED-THE P:6.A.Y.Sii .1 , at the Dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettys burg. Ny Bey. Thos. H. litositton, D. D. Prise. 10 mints. Pnblished by. INN 8.. k ALFRED 606 OMISTICIT Strom. NEW BOOKS—JUST RECEIVED BY 0. B. LirrirrooTT & 00.. 115 and 717 MARKET Street. Lint or JastrS. By Earnest Regan. Translated from the Press= LOUIS'S LAST TERM AT KT. MARY'S. New edition. THE WAYSIDE INN. and other poems. By Henry W. Longfellow. SOUNDINGS FROM THE A.T.LANTIO. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. THE THOUGHTS OP THE EMPEROR M. AUEELIUS ANTONINI% -GENERAL BUTLER II HEW ORLEANS Histoir_of the Administration of the Department of the Gulf in 1863. By James Parton. JEAN HELM; or. The Adventures of a Little Fran= MIioTHT" TITSIDDID% BSILwrT To THE JOASES. y FARM Or EDGEWOOD. e Marvel. HUGH MILLER'S HEADSHIP 01 CHRIST. and the Eights of the Christian People. ROUNDABOUT PAPERS. By Win- Thaskeray. With illtustrattons. HISTORY OF THE SIOUX WAR, and the elassaaree of lAA and MA. By Isaac V. D. Heard. MARY LINDSAY. A NoveL By the Lady Emits 1113 0 .so B er. B .res a stow. IDI n W ey .A.R MIME?, AIDTHER POEMS. By J. G. MENTAL HYMEN'S. Di L. Ray. HANNAH TIMATON. 0- fillOry of inserts.= Übe, sr /aroma TIMM s. noN OF 'PENNSYLVANIA. 306 ORESTXIIT STREET, MAGAZINES 1 I ie&iik4444.4444gLVA D3l. CUMMING'S dt olo NEW BOOK, THE (MEAT COMMINUTION. This volume completes and concludes tbe remarkable series of works That have recently appeared in London. entitled L—THIC GREAT THIBULATIO:. Or, Thing% Coining on the North IL—THE GREAT PREPARATION; Or/Redemption Draweth Wet GREAT CONSITNIVUTION: Or. The World as it Will Be *** For eimplicity of style and earnestness of purpose no religious writer of the present day has approached this authAr ; and the popularity of these earnest Christian works, which treat of tonne deeply interesting to every religions mind, is as widespread in this country as in Great Britain, where their circulation has been immense. The volumes are published handaomelY, and uulform ly bound in cloth, at the very low price of Cold by all boob - acne -re, and sent by mall free. on re ceipt an by CARLETODI, vabligher. New York. Near" Ready • COUNT GUROWSKI'a PI4ItT PO.ll 1863 PRIVATE MILES O'BRILLY. MIS BOOK. ia27•w&stf 20 CTS ! HARPER TOR FEBRUARY. PITCHER'S, SOS CHESTNUT street. ja27.3t 20 CENTS!-LESLIE FOR F EBRII PITcHBRII, SOS CHESTNUT B treet. itt.36-3t 15 CENTS] PETERSON FOR FEBRII• ARY. PITCREk O B. SOS CHESNUT Street. je.2.5 i t NEW BOOKS AT REDUCED PRICES _ All $1.150 Books we Sell for ..... All $1.2.5 do do do All 1111 do do do All 'M cent do do do All SO cent do do do All 22 cent do do do PITCHER'S. SOS CHESTNUT Street =lZ3l=l7=M -u- ri I 0 N MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, INCORPORATED 1804. The following statement of the affairs of the Company Is pnblleheci 'in conformity with a provision of Its charter: Premiums written from January 1, 1863, to January 1, 1864 Do. undetermined January 1,1863. Premiums earned during the year as above.. AL68,752 73 Interest from tnvestmente 10,6843 33 Losses paid during the year. Return premiums lusulanoes • Expenses. conunissions, and contri butions to volunteers United States tax. Less amount reserved to pay losses heard from bat not adjusted 11,000 DO Commutation to endomerit in lien of ►erle • 17.010 2"3,010 Balance remelting with the Company The Directors have declared a dividend of EIGHT PER CENT. on the capital stock, and SIX PHIL CENT. on the'outstanding scrip, out of the above profits. paya ble on demand, free of tillages. The assets of the Company consist of 41.770 6 per cent. bonds Camden and Amboy Railroad. 10,000 do. do. North Pennsylvania Railroad. 10,000 dO. do. Philadelphia and into Railroad. 14.810 do. do. Ches. and Del. Canal Co. -• 11.600 7-00 do. United States. 15,300 5.70 do. do. 6,000 United States Certificates of Indebtedness. 5,000 6 per cent. coupon bond', State of Pennsylvania. 16.0006 per cent. bonds do. 2.000 loan to State of Pennsylvania, aid to volunteers. 15,000 6 per cent. bonds city of Philadelphia. 7,000 do. do. city of Pittsburg. 7.000 5 per cent. bonds do. 05 6 per cent. scrip North Pennsylvania Railroad. 1,663 shares Union Mutual Insurance Company. 88 do. Delaware *Anal Insurance Company. 300 do. North PenusYlvanta Railroad. 220 do. Pennsylvania Railroad. 48 do. Delaware Railroad. 58 do. PhilaSelphia Bank. 2,877 scrip of sundry insurance companies. Market value of the above. Bills receivable -- Cash on hand Cash deposited 17. ja2s mwf 3t .......335.574 93 10,000 00 40,1574 93 -sundry accounts duo for tuiretSed rrezaluxus. 6.lllvases, mid other acorn:lntl 60.466 99 At the annual election for Directors, held JannarY Ned, the following gentlemen were elected Directors to tierce three years: Francis Tete. John H. Irwin, Biewbery A. Smith, J. P. Steiner. George Lewis, David Salemon. G. W. Bernadou. W. S. Baird, S. Delbert for one year, who constitute the Board of Directors with Richard s.lssaith, • I R. F. Robinson, S. Destonet, Samnel C. Cook, A. E. Berle, ` James R. Campbell. Wm. C. Kent, A enry Samuel. Henry Lewis, Jr.. Charles Wheeler. Edward L. Civil*, Gilbert H. Newhall, Ellis Tarnall, Thomas Dallett. lummings. SMITH, President. Ja.ts•sw Norrle 8. RICHARD S. OHN MOSS, Secret FAME INSURANCE COMPANY,— OFFICE No. 406 CHESTNUT SPRINT. PHILADELPHIA. Textuary 27, 1804. The following Statement of the FAME lASUEANCE COMPANY, of their condition on the 31st day of Decem bar, 18.83. is rabliehed in accordance with an act of As. eembly : - Capital authorized and subscribed •mount paid in. ASSETS. Bonds and Mortgages $35,020 CO Demand loans, on collaterals...... 11 778 00 Milted States 5.20 six per cent 11.000 00 Philadelphia City. six per cent.-- 8 180 00 Real estate 3,600 00 Bills receivable 1. 160 72 Interest accrued 3112 IS Stocks .. 3.275 00 Balances, open policies, due from agents, &c 3,252 23 Cash in hand 3.821 88 Instalments on stock not called in. and for which the stockholders are individually liable 29.741 011—$114, 293 01 RECEIPTS POR 1863. Prem s inms l, on fire risks, amounting t 620,750 T 2 Pre o miums on inland sluice, amount sl3. ES2 itg t 05151,000 702 S 7 Interest 4.362.93—516,E4 07 Fire losses Expenses, rent. taxes, advertise ment. donations, &a Commissions Salaries Dividends ri s knuar] and 7nly ELSE 40 Amount at EL 218.837 CO FRANCIS JA. PUCK, .President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Seeretery . Ja27-wfmtk FAME INSITRAN No. 300 HMIs PHILAD VIBE AND INIA BMW Francis A. Buck, Charles Richardson. Henry Lewis, O. W Davis, P. S. * Justice, George a.. FRANCISa OHAS. RICH W. I. BLANCHARD. &tent: PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS. ELEGANT MIRRORS, la ► LABOR ASSORTMENT NEW ENGRA.VINGE, EARLE'S GALLERIES, CRITTENDEN'S " PHIL &DELPRIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. 63‘ CHESTNUT Street, Corner of SEVENTH. Established 15,4 Inserbeixted 1515_ The course of instruction includes BOOR-BEEPING Calculations. t branches. PENMANSHIP, Mercantile Business Forms, Commercial Law, &c. , &c., furnishing a necessary PREPARATION FOR BUSINESS LIFE. Individual instruction. Day and Evening Sessions. A Diploma, with the Seal of the Institution attached, awarded on Graduation. Catalogues sent free on appli cation. In the practical value of its well-tried Course of In struction, its superior accommodations and facilities for imparting business knowledge. this institution is un equalled. Over 275 Students in attendance. Ja26-3t* EDUCATION FOR RUSIN ESS.—THE ouuciere CITY BUSINESS COLLNGE. N. E. corner TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. an institution up with the demands Of the age, offers to all unequalled ad vantages for a thorough and epeedy preparation for bu siness. Young men, be not deceived; look before you enter ary Commercial School. We invite comparisons. and a candid examination of our plan and course of instruction. Those who blindly ro institutions that are noto riously behind the age, wiltregret it, as many have al ready done. The inefficient copying systems. and mere theories, must go down, in competition with the new method of practical business training. /Mr New Circular and Catalogue of One Hun dred and Thirty Students, just issued . Send for one. ja26-2t. S ELECT HIGH SCHOOL:—CALEB S. HALLOWELL, A. M., respectfully informs his friends that he has established, in the city of Philadel phia. a limited School for the instruction of young Men and Boys in ill the branches of a thaiehed education. The Institution is now in successful operation. Rooms. 110 North TENTH Street, near Arch. Circulars may be obtained on application • ja2l-6to BORDENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE, BOEDENTOWN, N. J. This Institution is pleasantly is located on the Delaware Myer lh's hour's ride from Philadelphia. Special atten tion paid to the common and higher branches of ENGLISH, and superior advantages furnished In Vocal and Instrumental Music. • FRENCH taught by native, and spoken In the family. Por Catalogues, address Rev. JOHN H. BRAKELRI, A. R.. lialtdmo President. GREASON SEMINARY-A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL for Young Ladies and Gen tlemen. The above school Is located at a quiet village about six miles west of Carlisle,_ Pa. The buildings are new and well ventilated. provided with suitable rural tare and apparatus for illustrating the various branches taught. Address B. HIINPINGOON SAUNDRA& detB-lm Plainfield, Cumberland county, Ps.. MISS MARY E. THROPP HAS A Select Franolt and Basile). BOARDING AND DA acßoot, tow Ton.g Ladlam. at 1841 CHESTNUT Ecreikk Philadelphia. For itirsolara. or other inforrAslloll, •pl 7 at the SohooL deri6-61e2 ir ILLAGE GREEN. SEMINA.B,y, mum resolved, sit any tins sal eh. Mstheinstiss, Olsssiss,_ and britinrai lisienSer taught. Military Tunas. Book-Uesrds:d. and Civil Ito. mnaar i n g taught. satire =rases Anat_l3 nor west Bois of all ales taken._ ..Lars to si r . Kern. sz Sherif; John u. Gig 80. St South Third street. sad Thoniss J. 0 n 4, tan.. Pita. sad Prune streets addrass Ur. J. , 1112,T01, a, 7.1.11mr• ms. s. n 064 SECOND SERIES .. 5177.694 10 .0,96312 103,499 40 13.009 al 11.860 99 . 15,638 60 ..'2,610 53 LOSSES, EXPENSES. 4 ,98 &G 2 51 . 3,254 89 . 1,136 2t . 2 300 00— 51i,672 6 CE COMPANY, ..rDIIT STREET, ELYRIA.. ND IffISDRAXCE. TOWS- John W. Brennan, Robert B. Potter, John Kessler, Jr. , R D Woodruff, • Charles Stokes, Joseph D. Ellis. BUCK. President. ARDsON. Vice President. arv. ial4-tf TIME OIL FAINTINGN. JUST RECEIVED •16 CHESTNUT MEET MDUCATIONMI. WANTED IMMEDIATELY-A CPA PSTANT BOORKEEPRR. in /*oiloBlcd. Refe • reure required Add reed Box 12177, Y. O. jeZ7-3t• WANTED -A PARTNER.. BY A Physician who has a larger practice in a okustry town, near the city. One having 8011113 experience pro. ferred. Address Box 501 Post Office. ia27.3P, WANTED -A THOROUGHLY. PRACTICAL PEINTIR, one who understands Composition and the running of Gordon's and Ruggles' Power Peewee. aunts. with or:doubted refereneei. to the Lockwood blantracturing Company, 27 4 u, South 'MUD Street. WANIED—A PARTNER, WHO CAN ralt st?.too cant ,t•) etlg974 In an bauest,honoreble buisinene. which, it properly nabbed, It is believed - OGI c,b11 7 , 3 320,K0 in the next two years. Addrese • Bow Ova " Philadelphia Poet Nine• giving real name, and an TIE:O4AV iew can be had. Either a Lads , or a Gentleman can engaren-t'oe Fro DV:P. WANTED -A MAN COMPETE I to trace charge as Forarnau of thg mannf.tetn ring department of an oxtemalva Roan and Candles Y.At.bit A b went. He must be thoroughly and prod:l,o , l tv 0.0. QUainle3 with the bunion. is all itn br.iachn=i and detaila, and moat fa nieb erst•cjama reference , 31 to character and abillty, To Mich a peraon a rare opportunity offara to secure a permanent .Itmatifen. Drone others reed apply. . . . Ao,lilreee BOSTON (Kim ) POST OFFICE, Box 1,3R7 ja27-wfm-et WA N TED -A FIRST CIL A.SS CAI PAT SALESMAN, acquainted with. city retail trade. Address "Carport'. " at tltlita 0% es. ia it IV.ANTEIV—A FIRST-01,10 :-S 800 LC - REBPER. one eennstolyied. to e. businees preferred. Address, with rebreoce. i; f , 31. Post Office. WANTED— A FIRST ()LASS S ES MAN. in a Boot and shog.hon4e, who ean nom in..nd a near Pennsylvania and Saner trade. Ala°. one who bay an cetablipned Weetern Pennsylvania a ad •Thi.) trade. ?Lase having a knowledge of the hnslnes, pre ferred. Address " A. 13.," at :Me °trine, with real eagle. ja26.6t* WA NTM.D-IN A DRY GOODS JOB BING trol[ME,tan 6:Cp.4llsneell iILE3.II&N. To one mho can rtfluenca a good ‘,..-untry 1%01,1 7,a- P,Ty will be iiivsa. Addrene Box Prilladelnb in Po=i Oth. TO OAPITALISTS.—WANTED, Iti an extensive Car-Boilding El.tablisbment. that fe doizx a large alconnt of basil:tem explosively for each. 6ceciat Partner, with a capital of $21.003 to it2.l.' flu s onbt.d reforenneh can be given. Address "3 Ft 8.,' Box t , o. 19, Port Office. WANTED -THE PRESENT NA NIE and post, office address of a Lady whole maid en name was Anna Woodward. - and whose addross Given in t. 13, catalogue of • ntiosh College for 1.855-8 au Wait Chuff!' Pa, Aa3• parson who cao sive the desired I aformatton will Weeps address Mrs. ZSTEIrif4 AMMRR MAIL Mt Healthy. Ohio. WANT ED—A SITUATION TN. A y Goods Jobbing Iloura, as Salesman, ID or ant doors. on salary or commission. CuA control good city and near trade. Address "Joseph Raymond.' this office. i 126 WANTED.-ASMART. ACTIVE /30Y, Y :to learn the Retail Dry-Goode - bnalneas. Ninat come well recommended. Address "Dry Goode." Prent face jar. fit WANTED—TWO FIRST- C BeiLESNEN, act/nal - btud with near c.)untry trade and Ab ort- time bryera, in a .Tubbing Notion Eionsn Ad, di ells Box 2244 Philadelphia Post Office. i 421 A N EXPFRIENGED BOOK KEEPER AN &sires employment in the Evening in any capacity in which a knowledge of business could bo made available. Address "J. P. W.."Box1281 0. ja21,12t. $221.262 22 r ic 7; f A n . T , $ 6O /180 a ni . o O nt r Z i .Txpen i ht.s p a i E d ,t o e A I o 'r u . A E C e ; 071 - E7,ealßarnlmema 'Mother artier. m. 15mrca larn rant free SHAW &CLARK. Biddeford. Me. Ja27 2m .179.49 12 HOUSES WANTED.—TWO TO ....Fouß, to the amount of $9.000 to 813.00: for which a NMI hi of 20 acres. in a high state of onitivation, and fine Howe, with city couvenameo.. 854 miles from Market street. in Twenty-third Ward; balance to , mob. Or will be sold on easy terms. /Warw. H. this office. or "B-' Fos Chase P. O. m 25.30, 9tL11,019 9,1 $48.3-0 Is gig n DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER OBNERALT OFFIOII--ranADELpEns, Feb. B. VESSELS WANTED Inaznadtatoly to *aryl , COAL to tba following points! Pe r y tn "fre i lit. Fort Monroe. Va. Alexandria. Va. Newborn, if. C. Port Royal, E. C. A. EOYD. felo-tr Captain and Amotrtant Onarterrnastrr. $20. , i 9 tr 3 LOST AND FOUND. T OST OR MISLAID-WILLIAMS. -..--JPORT and Elmira Chattel Mortgage Scrip la favor of Bum & LOB DELL. Certificate No. 44. dated 9 m0.i.7.5. MB. amount $189.67. Application hag been made at the Mce of the Company for a new Certificate. II S. McGOl4 B. Wrmatzgrog. Del.. Tam 26, 1864. ia27-61c LOST OR MISLAID-A PERPETUAL POLICY OF INSURANCE. leaned by the "Fire Ae preillikni" to Catherine bibert, for $BOO, dated Jannary 28, 1848. Any information thereof will be received by ISAAC C PRIOR. Cor. SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streete. - ia2o-wfml2t FOR NAME AND TO LET. A RARE CHANCE.—FOR SALE, the RESTAURANT, DINING, and BILLIARD SALOON. No. 4.20 LIBRARY street, opposite the Poet Office. 'with or without tables. Apply at the SALOON. ja27-4t• FOR SALE-THE PROPERTY ON -IL North 'FRONT Street, below LA.1312,1,, No. 959 to 967 Inclurtve, now need as coal and tan yards This pro perty extends to Cob ockeink ()reek, on which it fronts, an . tt has an outlet on Laurel Street. Apply to Ja2s-st" W. H. STORES. Certaantown. . $220.000 00 . 28.257 e t GERMANTOWN.— FOR SALE, A 10;;Adealrablo DWELLING HOUSE and large lot of ground, MARKET SQUARE. opnniote School St. Apply Lia2.s-3t.) W. H. EtTOKES, Germantown. $354,193 16 e i FOR SALE—THE HOUSE AND LOT. corner of WAYNB and •OHELTEN Avenue. Germantown; lot 80 by 240 feet. Apply to ja2s- 84* W. H. STORM, Germantown. FOR SALE-THE HOUSE AND LOT. GI:FELTEN Avenue, west of GREEN Street. Germantown; lot 100 by 176 feet Apply to ja26.3t• W. H. STOKb6. Germantown. COAL YARD FOR SALE.-THE BISSI Stted•np Yard in the city. Capacity for doing aref amount of bosineoi. Inquire at 957 north tiI:7TB Street. below Girard avenue. Terms easy. ja23•tit` Oni FOR SALE-A FIRST•OLASS FARM and COUNTRY SEAT, containing 160 acres of Land, situate in DELAWARE County. on the Phi• ladelphia and West Cheater Plank-road, nix miles front Market-street Bridge, one mile from termination of De. laware county P. Railroad. Thereon is a large man• e'en house, with by trant at the door. and gas pipes in the house. Tenant house, and every bullring necessary to carry on a large farm and dairy. Orchards of a variety of Fruit. The land is in the highest state of cultivation. For further information apply to the owner. ADAK C. ECKFELDT, living thereon, or to JAMBS A. FREE MAN. 125 e WALNUT Street. .ia2d-6t• o i r ; FOR SALE MIRA P-HOUSEIBIB WALLACE Street. with all modevnrovements Enquire on the premises, or to P. JAIIETET P , No. 1.6 N. DELAWARE Avenue. Ja2.3-7t* ...$lOO,OOO 00 ... 70,359 00 _ FOR S ALE-DESIRABLE IN .11141LTSSTMENT—STORE and DWELLING. No r thwest corner of Thirteenth and Lombard streets. Also.Dwell in g Dense adjoining on Thirteenth. street. Apply to A. B C,RVER $; CO.. ja2l 6t.' S. W. nor. NINTH and FILBERT Streets. TO LET-A COMMODIOUS AWL DWELLING, No. 132 North FRONT Street. Rent moderate. Apply to WE CHERILL & BRO., 0c29-tf 47 and 49 North SECOND street. STORE TO RENT—No. 517 ARCH '" Street, with handsome new-style front: Skylight, gas. water, and furnace, with a good basement. Coca- Pied by C. A. Vankirk & Co., as a gas-fixture establish ment. Rent die.oo. ja2l-fmw4t. al FOR SALE.-THE SUB ASZAL SCRIBER offers for sale his COUNTRY SEAT, • within a half mile cf Wilmington. Delaware, on the Newport pike, containing EIGHT ACRES of good land, in the centre of which is a EVERGREENS , MAPLES variety of SHADB TRESS. LINDENS, and others. in all over over a hundred fuil-grown trees. The improvements nsist of a large and com modious MANtilitN. two stories and a half high. four good rooms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty two feet. A HYDRAULIC RAM forces water from a Spring in one of the lots into the upper story of the Douse. It has the modern improvements. There is also an Don Pump and Hydrant under a covered area at the kitchen door. The ont-buildin s consist of STABLE and CARRIAGE-HOUSE, sufficient for four horses and several carriages; also, an ICE HOUSE, SMOKE and BEN ROUSES. The ice house is tilled with ice, and the st able has a hydrant in it. Good GARDEN with several' varieties of DWARF PEAR and GRAPE VINES. in frill bearing. There are also several varieties of APPLE, CHERRY. and CHESTNUT TREES. Terms accommodating. Possession given any time in the spring. LEVI G. CLARK, Jals-fmwlm On the Premises. is FARMS FOR SALE-304 ACRES, . - cr&-• mostly excellent soil, 3 miles from Greenwood, on the Delaware Railroad, part under oultivatton end part well-timbered; comfortable honse, barn. dm; orchard, &c. Very cheap- ' only $6 600. 55 acres wood land, throe quarters of a mile from Georgetown, Sussex county, Delaware; deep black rich soil. Price only $1 100 . 190 acres, one mile from Bridgeville; 70 acres ander cultivation; 10 acres splendid pine ;rove; 20 acres oak timber; comfortable house. barn.: tables. do ; apple and peach orchard, large quantity of cherries, &c; good 'soil and well 'watered. Pries $2.750. 92 acres, near Princeton, N. S. Good soil. Price $6l per acre. Also, a large number of Pennsylvania and Ziei , See My farms. For houses. see North. American and United Statel Gazette. B. P. GLENN. Jalo VIZ South FOURTH Street. VOR RALE AND EXCHANGE.-FINE Farm, 217 acres, on the Delaware river, north of this city; valuable Farm. 125 acres, near Wissahickon Station. N. F. R. R. another near Penn Lynn Station, N. P. R. R., 71 acres: Chester.aonnty Farm 243 sores, near station Penna. R. R.; line Farm near Trenton. N. J. A number of Fruit Farms in the States of Delaware and Maryland will be sold low and on easy terms.. Call and examine Register of Farms. B. PETTIT. ja2o-tf 323 WALNUT Street. KUHN & HILLIER, AGENTS FOR THE PURCHASR AND SALE OF CITY AND COUITRY PROPERTY. — Money procured on Mortgage. Collectors of Hence Rents. Ground Rents, Book Ac. ocunte, Obligations, &o, Office. No. IE9 South 'FOURTH Street. /14m The following properties for sale: A lot of ground on the west side of Sixth Street. 100 feet front, extending south of Little Poplar street 19 6 i f erected he s B t r o ck em ousdl, e SoaMar and. o s a r t-bui ld ings. Also, a lot of ground, east side of Seventh Street. 100 street,ont D 9 feet 10 inches south side of Little Poplar to the middle of Marshall street. Title indlepu table. Also. a four-story Brick House. 1338 Girard Avenue, Avenue, 6, price four-story Brick House. 124-0 Girard' $6.600. Both modern improvements. Only $l,OOO to $2,600 cash wanted. Balance on molt gage. Athree. story Brick Home, No. 44B,North Thirteenth street Gas. Bath, and all modern improvements. Price $1,600. $1,030 may remain on mprtgage. Also. a three. story Brick House, No. RBI North Six teenth street. Modern conveniences, Gas, Bath. Re. Price $2,6C0. $1,930 may remain KUHN & HILLIER; IEO South POUnTll.Street. ja23-St N. W. corner LIBRARY Strcet. FOR S ALE --SCHOONER CIAO, 76 tons burden. built at Cooper's Point, IL S. , in, 1660. of the best seaeoned Umber: A fast. seller. of light draft, and in complete order. APPIy to B. B. it G. W. BENDERS. M• 1 b. FR Glass.gat. ja26 6tits Or Dyott works. .YOU SEARCH IN VAIN FOR BET TER or TER or more pleasing likenesses than. REIMER'S Colored Photographs. Only fore. most, satisfactory Picture SECOND Street, above Green. its ESTABLISHED IN 1846,—THE Leonalns steam SP3OTACCurtfactory, m4B North SIGNTH 'Stmt. Re • de partment cili open Monday,. Feb. 1.1.984. BAB i5.27-wfm3tir TO CARPENTERS AND BiIIIDERS: UMBRA. FOR SALR-rat less than iussitet ratesa VAry fine Tot of Ist quality INDIAN RIVIR BAY FLOORTIf Ct. fall inch Me*, thoroughly seasoned; will be mild low. to close out the yard at S. H. corner of EIGHTY'. Street and GIRARD avenue Akio, 100.000 feet of Whit* Pine Boards. list. 2d. and. Pane2l. Carts ILO Chestnut Pons,, at 90 cents. , The whole will be sold low for cash tVe month, 3527-5? THE FIRST CARTES DE made in this pity Were at NWWELL'a GALLERY. No. Isl 4 ARCS Street. Recent improvements, of an important nature, furnish facilities for *roaming IN: , times which. in poirA of boaittz. are tunitiroamed. 3a7.6. ift ifs 1000. PRIME GBOCER'S TICKLES. AlmOns In 3. 4..5. and 10 gallon Kegs. Prima Newark Rweet and Onampigna Cider er,natantly on hand and for s.ala by kI.DRICH. di T / 0 7 : 58 . No- / 9 1 IP.. !On I.IST IV Strial. .i94113%* . - WANTS. elk gitifiBIVIENTS, MISS ANNA E. DICKINSON (07 INVITATION) WILL REPEAT ELEit GIMAT PATRIOT - 1C ADDRESS, DaLllgrn4f 1 . 3 the Eta a 0: the flonsa or ft+preaeataticreat . Uaf the President and. Member.; or the Cabinet and Gong:rem ACADEMIT OP I!£J'-ITO, ON W.:c.3)NESDAY EVEN - ING N ter, Trta n: N ( r, ) TICKETS: ;35 Cants. RESERVED Situate cent No •43 on and after 'MONDAY, 2,et h Oast ei! the AOADE.VI OF an..l at GOULD'S. S. a vrrahr E•EVI,MT.3 sad GLIESTITNY Streets, 1:1.13.4k PHILADETZUte.": TALI EAU Levi • 1.36 , 4„ Miss A ],n II F', Dt.*Poson : The. undersigned olticons of Piritadelphia reraiirtfolly re:linest ?bet yen wil) zwest at the Academy of dusio, in this city, the patriotic. &Mixers delivered_ by you, upon t:.O in TrEstioa of Senate did and Members of Om:quest, in the Had of the Howe ofaelarecontattroc. on tbo eventnß of tetra :«r, the itilli Ina:: Borblg b 7 14. favored le roopopoo to ibis rognest, and dash in* that von will de,..3 Trsata for thiff net nose as coals a day ac wili....rot ,-,.• OW. convvnlep ce,,, "Yr.... a] e. r* ry re•tprectfilliy,, 7encs, Arch. Gait r. .sley, G. Gatteli. Then as Allallan, • 17:4Enund A. Sendai; Samuel I. Ward. 1 Lettish Richroduan iis rk*., George (30e1Tinaa, IC , .F. Hoffman. Gecrgo L. lie :by. ,Cl.-ales ICneoht. Janet, A. V. nrant!, IA , a.. McHenry. Fi .1. Cniolv. ilte'aart F.rvien, Howard El iuthmen,lP. ET ?single. Nathan Brooke . blab ]..,. Fitoo, F, R. Shippet, IA 1 , ,2... Viriwd,e, Job S. Ivine, 'Edward biter, Gtorge W. Mars. James re. Perot, 1 Owls Baugh, E. G. HaAtell, William E. vier]. L. W. Heratitte,. L. G. Graff. Simeon Walla nit banmel Dart ranf t , I R EL Los, J. DnuwollY. J. M. Srah.h, W. U. Browne, • !“. W. Lir:o3, Tkomas S. Wright. IE. tinvFoo , l7. E. li. Pura.. Alex. M !Elroy, A .T Andrews, (Hurter Broo.r; W W. bu t t . Joon Hartman. Cl. E. Ti ‘d lir]. . !Wm "...:114..ropev .1 , .1ah Bryan, 1111 . . S. ' Myer;, an4:otbrers. iiHßa r;. A;s11. o,lly. Alen - . G. Catlett. nos .Vinnor... Ponrund A. 8014,4 r, 13N.I.T.I.EMEN: I thank yon heartily fur the htnnr oou. fired on me by sour ninetl7.tna acd fent tbt beet ti plesenr, f eceivi on it ?tort, own city of Vh ',hie, I would name Wedne,'l.7, the tich inst.. as the tuttn. Tray ycord, ANfla DIU:I/750M WAMiIIC.IOI, D. C., :Nam - try in. 1361 1..ez1,27-2t A MERICAN A CADIcfIY (He m URIC 'FRIDAY EVENSN(I, .;csu. :9,1334. General E. W. GANTT. _ - - Of Little-Rock. Arkaaae..., And Hon. IT. 0. TAILoiI, 3fl4t TenneeNee, Will addreatt the eitirena of Philadt.lebta, 'or the benefit of the tit Ff BRING 12.1 EMIT TEUTINS.,'EE, General Gantt having con , nated at Cho nrieet..'eolontation of the frig ode of the eerum. AdintthiCa , to ex rquet, Parquet Ciro'e, ?tad R.loony. w:th remerved text .00 S DOLLAR. Family Circle tri cents. Tudiete to be had, en and after Wedoettiey, Fobrnam 27, at 9 o °lock A N. at the A cadem y of I.4unic and T. B. Pugh's, Sixth and Che9tant ,treets. Treasurer of Relief Feud ['dab COAL Eicretary l'one.lll T Thome. Doom open at 7. 4 : Addret, to contatonco at 3 o'etnetk. _ te2B.4t NE'Vi r ti,CH EsTN UT-ST. TN.EArrtiE. LEONARD GROVER THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, De x Eccond night of the GREAT COMPANY . SceonC, night of the beautiful Drama, by friutor THE VErkRAN • - - • The caet embraces a very large properti.m of Ms Etrougth of the V)111 Gaut'. The new Feenery far tho drama by Wenn. J. R. Smith and D. A. Sirong The amain for the thank.] (entirely new) by C. Keppit, HL VETERAN nretenta Minn bIIBAN nEtilli, an. BLatreME DIRTY. Mira Alice Placide, an Aininebos , .s•er to too &air* Mrs. a. R Mr.. Malt;halco. Miss Sophy Giruber. as Zelda. Mies Erman _Schenck, an Gulnare, Chief Snitann. Bliss Miller. as Aura. Mr. Barre - Pearson. as Colonel relmar, the Veteran. Mr. Charles Barron. as Leon Delmar, his BOIL Mr. T. H. Kultitt, as... Eugene, the Colonel's Protege. Mr. H. L. Everett, as Captain Belmont. Mr. H Forrest, Jr.. as Lieut. Monier. Mr. Carland as Lieut. Lorialle. Mr. W. A. Donaldson, as lusef, afterwards Emir /Mohammed, ,Off an nun, Grand Vizier. -•••The Sultan of Myra. Outdo% - ._,. T L. Dannelly, Mr Geo, A, Andrews, as... Mr. Tames J. rryor. as . . Mr. EC A. Herudon, as tfr. J. Wood as Mr. Blake as Mr. Gray as Mr. Matthews ae Mr. MLchellae Regimental Band. Soldiers. Arabs, Lady Attendants. dte. PRIOES OF ADMISSION: Preps Circle or Parquet 50 cent& Family Circle 25 canto. orchestra Seats 75 aerate. Five of the front Bench OF only are reserved as Orchestra Seats. Di° extra charge for securing Seats. Overture will commence quarter before 8 o'clock. MI S. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET THEATRE. BY UNIVERSAL DESIRE. TO•NIOHT (Wednesday), Jan. 27, lad. Last time but two of the groat Drama of TBtt TWEET-OP-LEAVE MAN, With its NEW SCENERY. !TIERING TABLEAUX, and FINE ACTING. • Concluding with the laugh ab ENKlNle &needled& of THE JSES, With ell the comic strength of the Company in the cast. THURSDAY. Benefit-of BARTON HILL. SATURDAY, STUART ROBSON'S Benefit. Cattain rises at 734 o'clock, WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. FAREWELL ENGAGEMENT • of the young, popular. and beautiful Aotrate. MAIZE wEsTERN. o, In conrequenco. of the immense nightly gatherings and continued application a for !eats. will a_ppear EVERY WANING THIS WEEK in her great original, emotional Play of EAST LYNNE; Ott, THE ELOPEMENT 77,; Box Office open from P A.M. till 3P.M. MAENNERCHOR RESPECT. -a- FULLY announce that their . FIFTEENTH FANCY DRESS BALL will take Mace on MONDAY, FEBRUARY let, 1863, AT THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. It is their intention to make this Ball one of the MO3l select of the season, and, therefore, have adopted. the following regulations: Cards of admission can only be bad by subscriptioN ggf the undersigned—the price to be THREE DOLLARO. admitting a gentleman and two ladies . Visitors will Please attend in Fancy Dress. heeds of families only eta caged. Every exertion will be made by the Committee to maintain the reputation these balls have always ea.. Toyed. The Music will be furnished by Elintfeld's Band and. Orchestra, consisting of thinly - flue performers. Promenade Concert to commence at half pad 8 o'olook. the Polonaise at 9 o'clock. Carriages ad down heading south, take up heading north. J. B. CAMP. No. 130 North Seventh street. R. T. SCHMIDT, No 96 North Third street. BE KAISER.. No 1019 Chestnut street. C. NEllte aN. No. 940 Market etreet. F. BALTZ. No 333 North Third street, 1.017.14 TOURNEY, No 227 North Second street. C. N. MANN. Fifth and Green streets. V. W. E. AGAIN. No. 457 North Third street. IL WOLSIEFFER, No 480 North Sixth street. C. BENEERT, No. 42 South Fourth street. F. L. ROME. No. 711 Spruce street. T. B. POTSDAMER. No. 31 North Third street. F. &PERIL No. 30 South Third street. G. 1, NDRE &Co No. 1101 Chestnut street. LEE Ss WALKER No. 722 Chestnut street. A. BIROFELD. No. 139 South Seventh. street. .ia2B St GREAT NATIONAL CIRCUS TROOPS—mks • KET Street, _above Twelfth. Menai mess, Mn. .CHAftT.EtS WARNER. formerly Mrs. Dili FILE The People have popularly demonstrated that the GREAT NATIONAL CIRCUS must remain. The Man -3 gement. in response to public sentiment, have consented to /KEEP OPEN FOR THREE WEEKS LONGER, and will present re usual the SPORTS AND PASTIMES OF THE RING in a style that will continue to reflect credit on the stare of the profession that combine t makeup the Great Na tional Troupe. ADMISSION-25 cents: Stage Seats, SO cents: -Print* . $5; 0511exy. 25 cents. Evening performance cOMMenctr4 7, 4) IdaTirfa EVERY WEDNESDAY AIM BATURD.LY AFTERNOON. commencing at 23 . 4 o'clock. ia2b 6t , CONCERT HALL LECTCHE Boom CHESTNUT STRUT. ABOVE TWELFTH, FIFTH SUCCESSFUL WEEK CF • WIINDEBLICHT A terieE of Hirutratione of T. S. ARTHUR'S TBII HIGHT'S IN A BAR-ECOM. .A.LRO JOBli Rai/41PS PILGRIM'S rEoctaBEIS. And other attractive Scenes front CHARACTBIL NAT13117:4 and APR. Pronrietor and Manager Mr. :possra wlll continue for a short season. Thie splendid eerles of more than MI grand ranoramalt Paintings was e=seated by Mr. (11 , 10R013. WUNDBALICH. an American Artist, who stands unrivalled . as a Ulla@ Painter. Admission 25 cents. Chillpen 15 cents. DOOTS open at 7 e , clock. Liberal arrangements made with schools, to:apemen and other societies. Matinde even' Wednesday and Saturday afternoon at o'clock. Children 10 cents. ja4-alt • •. - •4 EXITEITION every WRPNESTAT, at 334 P M. dapriesioa TEN CENTS. Store Mr &milt WORTH Street. TEMPLE OF WONDERS. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS A TENTaAand OREPtrwr.F Straota, WILL SHORTLY CLOZZ. 24.4.01 CAL and PHILOSOPPITIAL Bnnli.linr2Flrtn'z Groat , ?mane of VErTAILOQUILiaIt SA4 ?Its 14EANal/a CANARY BIBDS. SIGNOR BLITZ will - tp"rtaar in his p0r..4.4r Sittert ments EVERY EVENifsB COMMODai7 at 714. Lai WEDNESDAY and SAMIDAY AFTERNOON at S. A balsoion Weenie dhildren cents- ;ta; pENITSYLIT/SIA. A.CIIDEM.Y• aP Tia FMB ARM_ itoarkcanisnium mm% 11 OPDAIII DAILY Cidskys exsentsa from 9 .4. hi, 1111 . (;.0 days 99 se - As. Children Warrior , is`D-tf • MATERIALS FOB IlliqCE IDECB.24ATER. AND SVIirANA airsme. =EON. MARANO. ANZ EIPIOWL CIDER, WI ES. Ate.. 2.1.: A.LBETAT 0. ROMCIATS, Denier In MiesGronerlei. deis Corner ELEVENTH inul VINE Vizoita. ma Atif=4,. NO'BICE. FOR Balat'lllOßS. TRIPE REMIT. BALTMORE AND PRILADELF STRAKBOATCO, ERICSSON E.. Tise,:tanblic are respectfully intbrmed that the Steamers 'hawkneenmed they. tripe between Philadelphia and Bal timore, rhenavigntion of the t'dvers.ano , coast being free fr Tag jeki - One of the R amer wink Mayo daily —Fri/leaFe ex' eepted—at 3 o'clock P. N,, and wilt arrive In 13alti more next morning. Freights 0011 kinds tan at the u.eual low raise. A. GROVES. JA, gent. No. $* South wrioxEs• ' Sa27.Bt• MrCORRECT PIANO 111KINe. —Mr. 0. E. SARGEAT'd Orders for Tutus and liienstirin AES Tit PtsigLog are reet. c. reeelu 71171. e l at MAtiOnt (M.'S,. CSIDr St Kt has had Sie,ven years' intteity experience, 80 ,. ton. and five "Leers err.Plo7.-i 4l - 0 eltiladS l o,l6, StECiaL —rianos ye/eat/10'0 to &MIA '.BB Bort ati wireettoned as new. widhout removing. Warms fey Tuning. di oat-Emir NMBRADBURY'S C COLDIA.T.D.A.L PIANOS mecalfayr ...., PRIEM IN FOUE WEEK dimly. eu SEVra FIBER most guttering leetimoxiiiiis Ile' 1 the fall aMN The from a large number of theme recently been received elmillm ,et eminent artists, Ia ooPINOELALK, MAW . irgr ~ AND WOLFSON; who doolare that the __ degree, all the Wel% ae• Anntn POMO. in Ma blitaia PERT . a PLANO-FORTE. G. ANDES & 00 . nos CHER ['Nur Meet L IV E •-• Cumicrw 114—AN INVOIO'S OF tun Tar se -EP pure Olive 011 Jut reeeived per SW QB/ • 4* by 13. a JAB. OMISTAIES, Sole Agents. /4.oa._r 1516 WALNUT. arid 01 GRualw Simmer tavola of Me maw lot loodiso 4igat ....111Witapb a MOUIRLII. ... HU lan ilfonreddln. SeydL ____ • ..• Serttealxt Sampan. Sergeant Benuoone. ZOGRLZH.LOON.