TII CITY. Thermometer. JANUARY 25, lINE. JANUARY 25, 1844.. SA. 6 A. et' 12 11.•..5 50 .53 91 0.65 i 55 wren,. WIND. .... ..SSW...WbgN Pr MEETING OF THE Baal - to OF TRADE.--The 'welder monthly meeting of the Members of the Board of Trade Association was held at their rooms last evening. The attendance was rather slim, but more than is visual on such occasions. The meeting was called to order by the President, after which the Minutes of the last stated meeting were read by the Secretary and adopted. The draft of a bill memorializing the National Legislature - in remonstrance against the passage or a bankrupt bill was read. The original memorial has already been forwarded to the -Legislature. The proposed course is deprecated. because a vett amount of money is owed by the States in insurrec tion, and that such a law would benefit them. A - communication from the Corn Exchange Ammeter lion, of this city, was read. It called atten tion to -the importance and value of League- Island as a site for a large navy_ yard and /national foundry, and asks consultation With the Board of Trade on the subject, previous to the departure for Washington of a committee from that body, who intend to impress upon the minds of t h e m emb e rs of Corgress the importance of securing League Island for navy 3 - ard purposes. - CM motion, the president was authorized to reply to the communisation. [We might state here that the Board of Trade has aireadyappointed a commit tee with the same purposes in view.] /dr. E A. Solider presented a resolution amending the rules ao that in future the usual public meetings held on the (math Monday of each month be die. per.sed with. This was laid on the table. • The same gentleman also presented a communica tion from Mr. James Perot, of the Corn Exchange Association calling attention to the necessity of a flour inspe ctor in the city of Philadelphia. Mr. Minder said there had been no such public officer for a number of years, and toe increase of that business requires such a person. Mr. Psrothas been. an officer in the army, and d-. sires the position. lie moved that the resolution passed by the Corn Ex change in favor of the appointment of Mr. Perot as flour inspector be accepted, which was atreed to. No further business being before the Board, they adjunned. - GUARDIAIkre OF TRH POOR.—A stated IDeciirg of the Board of Guardians of the Poor wag held 5t Eterday afternoon. The house agent reported the following as the census of the almshouse : _population of the almehoure on Saturday..2,6o6 I:43me time last year 2,705 • DearesaP...... ... . .... Admitted during past two weeks Births Tiestbs ... . . Dirthargee.... _Eloped Bou.nd Greeted lodgings. ....... ......... .. . . .. . . .... 45 Granted Moab 93 The receipts of the house were reported as amount. ire to $ll 92. in rt ply to a resolution of inquiry, the City Soli citor submitted a communication, informing the Board that it had no power to incur extra expendi tures over appropriations, and also that it cannot set asides bona entered into. . A communication was submitted from Mr. Mar shall limszey, steward of the Almshouse, in refe rence to the condition and requirements of the Almshouse. Be urges the erection of a suitable Wilding for the manufacture of soap, also wash- Iseiiees on the ground. Ile recommends the intro. dUctlixi of steam into the manufactory; a building for contagious diseases, and other improvements. The _number of admissions during the year were, 4,401; the average population was 2.492. The Mill• :Mon rs in a healthy and good condition. The Superintendent of ManuisetureS submitted his annual report of the operations of his depart ment. The - stock on band January Ist, 1863, Was $7,373 13 The products of the shoe-shop amounted to $3635 S 5. Tailor's work, $5,024; weaver's work, $14,958.39; carpenter's work, $4,429.87 The resolution offered at the lAst meeting to alio. lien the clime of chief apothecary was called up and aftr some debate was withdrawn to allow the Board to ballot for Chief Apoth. miry. G. W. Shingle was elected chief apothecary, and Wm. Bender, first assistant. Mr. Lowry offered a resolution fixing the salaries Of these officers at $660. Mr. Barris offered a resolution to inquire into the expediency of raising the salaries of the employees of the house, which was agreed to; and the Board Adjourned. THAT DANGERODS PME.—The accumu lated ice, at Third and Walnut streets, by which an accident happened on Sunday evening to Mr. A. J. Wester, a pair of horses, and a carriage, has awakened public attention to the fact of the entire neglect of the passenger railroad companies to com ply with their charters or the law. As the case now atards, a suit will probably be instituted against the City by the gentleman injures, and a verdict will be rendered for the plaintiftin such a case, as there is plenty of evidence of the obstruction. The passen ger railway companies, though having passed a re solution that free tickets shall only be issued to cer tain officers of the respective companies, have, we believe, with scarcely an exception, issued free - tickets on the various roads, to members of the City Clouneils. The same intended civility was tendered to Mayor Henry, but this gentleman declined re• eedving in a very respectful manner, and the tickets were, of course, returned. The example thus set by the Mayor is worthy of emulation by the Councilmen, as it would leave them tree to act, and thus make the passenger railroad companies comply with the law, in reference to keep. ing their tracks in good order, and keeping the street free from all obstructions. There ought to be a ge neral supervision of these tracks in all parts of the city a r es a es f the sleepers upon which the rails are laid ing; the spaces between the] rails are not paved in many places up to the regular grading of the streets, and in wet weather, especially at some of Ihestreet crossings, the tracks are agenerffinuisance. It is stated that some members of the City Councils have, like Mayor Henry, returned the dead-head" titkexa,with ihe 'view to leave them entirely untram melled in their action relative to the proper enforce insy,t cf the law. - . bile cu thin subject, we may state that Some of the tailroad companies were flooded with applica tions for dead.head tickets by attaches of various pnailc &pal tments, setting forth what they could do for the companies, for the privilege of riding freely on - he cars, The publication of a few of these epis tles would make a wonderful commentary on the public character of the applicants. It is pro bable that, as the people of the city are now represented in Councils, and not merely slip railroad eor.:.paulea, a proper enforcement of the laws against iht .e emponstions may he expected. It is A con turtettmtion devoutly to be wished.o 11sTERESTING MEETl7gc".—Last evening an Itthrestlrg meeting was held in the Tabernacle Baptist Church, West Chestnut street, the object of which was to hear the annual report of the Union ,Sotaol and Children's Home. The report repre- Nen ren the institution as in a prosperous condition, With WI many inmates as it was possible to attend to, aid the health of all to be sound, no deaths ing occurred daring the yee.r. Dir. George H. Stuart presided at the meeting, and made some variable statements as showing the general ad vs: cement - of all charitable institutions during the ,ear 1863. He said that the general eon ladiutions for objects of charity and religion had extveded in Philadelphia all previous years. Be- Mee. this, the people had poured out their wealth lac i,hly towards the support of crippled and wound. ea koßliers, and maintains sanitary and other corn- Mir *ions for the welfare of the army, with It libel raiii3- and generous feeling that was truly astonish trig Pepin is from missionaries in distant lands bore tee In 2; any., likewise, to the munideint generosity of the rood people of America. tor addressee of a congratulatory character We=e 6elir ered by Rev. Drs. Goddard and Eddy and BD_ Chambers. The debt of the Horne was stated to be $.150, and a colleclion to defray it was taken up On the spot, LEATH OF A BRAVE 'FHILADELPRIAN.— The relatives of Limit. W. K. Adams, of Philadel phia, received a letter a few days since announcing his heroic death in battle, on the 31st of December. He was a lieutenant in the let Regiment of North 'Carolina Union Volunteers, and while on an extra dition in the night time, a squad with Lieut. Mame Was surrounded by a superior force of rebels. The gallant Scion men endeavored to cut their way out. Lic ut. Adams cut down three rebels, but he was shot by two others. The balls passed through his breast. His death was instant, as well as heroic. The intelligence was announced in a sympathetic letter from his superior officer. His was the only death that occurred in the expedition. There were three wounded. .Lieut. Adams was only in the 23d year of his" age, a Philadelphian by birth, was am bitious to serve his country, and in a military capa city gave evidence of superior judgment and skill. Hosre:EOPATnic nosm2AL.—The mana gera or thia institution say that preening necessities compel them to appeal to the public for aid. They have issued a printed appeal to the people, in which is set forth the great number or patients who have been relieved by the institution. This organization may be considered a charity that commends itself to the public. Persons having any surplus revenue may send their contributions to any of the following named gentlemen, who constitute the board of Managers : John N. Rennedy, No. 1420 Arch street; _Henry Homer, N0..1305 North Broad street; Simeon Dillingham, No. 734 Arch Street; BiChard A. Lewis, No. NI North Fifteenth street; George Burnham, No MO Green street; Henry Simons, No. 323 New Market street; Benjamin P. Glenn, S. W. corner .Seventeenth and Green streets. • TilE BLIFFEBENG REFUGEES IN CAIRO.— A. number of our citizens having learned that great suffering exists among the . Union refugees, men, Women and children,who ate gathering at Cairo, often at the rate of one hundred per day, intend hold ing a public meeting for the relief of these suffering apndp Ale c a h t s t t h re e e F ts r , t t h i ß s a pvseni Chu rcTh corner o n ßroad will be addressed by the Rev Ezekiel Folsom, Chaplain or The post hospital at Cairo, who is now here on a mission of benevolence towards those refugees. His labors in several cities have awakened deep and practical sympathy, and his enterprise is cordially commended to our fellow citizens TEE GENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE.— Capt. eadwalader, the general recruiting officer for all the Pennsylvania regiments, is kept busy all dap king attending to the many recruits who present themselves daily. They are credited to the ward Which they desire to go in, and in conjunction with She bounty given by the ward. they receive the city and Government bounties, which amounts to a cOre• aiderable sum. After being mustered in they are lent. to the headquarters of the drafted men, at 'Twenty-second and Wood, where they are quartered until ordered to the field. ENLISTMENT OF COLORED MEN,—The number of colored men enlisting at the headquarters of the supervisory committee has been rather deck dining the past few days, but it is thought they will noon be er ming in faster than before. The neigh boring counties will be giving , a large bounty in a day or two, which will have great effect towards in ducing a number of these men to enlist. As fait as recruited they are sent to the barracks near Chelton Hips, where they undergo a thorough inStructiOtt in She manual of arms and marching, OFFICIAL DEATHS OF SOLDIERS„—We /earn from Mr. Chambers, clerk in the RegistratiOn Office, that Be 3 'midterm' have died in this city during put year. The principal diseases are as follows : Consumption, 57 ; diarrbces, 100; typhoid fever, 123 ; ir.flareation of the lunge, 27 ; gshot wounds, 308 ; menta-a.potu, 10; dysentery, U; debility, 11 ; Theumatism, 3 ; dlptheria, 4 ; euicitle, 2; other eallses, 216. Total, 893. TEE ADDRESS OF GENEUAL GAlrrT.—The Academy of MALI will doubtless be filled to over t Owing on Friday evening, the occasion being the de. livery of addresses by Gen. Gantt, of Arkansas, Hon, N. G. Taylor, and others, on the " Unionists of East Tennessee." The sale of tickets will commence to. .morrow, at the Academy of Music, and at Gould'a Music store. HUM SCHOOL ALII3II , 7I.—The Alumni Alec dation of the Central High School will elect a speaker for the following year at the next meeting, on Wednesday, February 10. Mr. Henry R. Ed munds, a young and promising member of the-bar, is a prominent candidate for the honor, He is at present the secretary of the association. T-- CITY ICE BoAT.—The city , ice boat, Captain Kelly, left plead-alley wharf at noon yester day, taking in tow the following brie:_ Kate, for Barbadces ; Mary E. Millikin and reo4wead, for Key west, and. the Alice Maud for Soma la Otaadr, Cube. COAL FOE SOLDIERS ' AmiLms..--Opring 20 trouble among the miners in the Schuylkill rwlon there will be no more coal given to eoldlera' families at the rooms of the,Young Ken's Christian Anode. Sion until further notice. AN ADJ - 01311.1fED MEETING of citizens in. treated in the steamship line between Philadelphia and Liverpool will be held at the office of the Peen. ivivaela!tread Company, this afternoon, at 4 sj'eloak. MORTALITY IN TNN WARDS. —The fol lowing is a tabular statement of the number of deaths in this city during the year 1883, showing the number from each ward and the ratio to the population of the came: Wardt. Deaths. Ratio to population. 1 816 / in 20 2 553 1 in 36 3 • 676 1 in 37 4 561 iin 86 - 5 367 1 111 45 6 871 1 in 42 7 482 1 in 36 8 379 1 in 68 0 495- ~ 1 la 48 10399 1 in 46 11 3 1 in 42 10 4 11 I in 62 13 620 1 in 49 14 857 tin 47 15 466 15 599 I In 34 17 492 I in 44 Jo 39 18 1021 1 in 42 14 809 1 in 39 20 461 lin 38 21 369 1 in 39 oo 384 1 in 47 23 699 din 63 24 251 I in 34 29 36 1 in .. TotaL 16,788 Ratio 1 in 3 PialLlCAlc9.—An adjourned meeting of publicans was held yesterday afternoon to hear the report of the committees on canvassing the several wards. The reports appear to be satisfactory. The resolution previously adopted set forth the follow ing as the programme of prices : AU kinds of beat liquors, heretofore sold at 6 cents per think., shall be sold at 10 cents per drink. Maltliquors and mineral water 6 cts per glees ready change, but 7 cents per glees If charge has to be made. Common whisky, and other liquors of same quality, 6 cents perdrink. Of course, all fancy drinks will be 10cents per Man. The best 'Scotch or Irish whisky punches ought to be rated at 12 cents, because of the addition of lemon and sugar. Some of the proprietors of hotels charge this rate,ana have been doing so for some time. At all evente,thecommunity are not at all likely to suffer by the stand the publicans have taken. It may be ap prehended that the five-cent drinks will not improve much by the transaction. The quality of whisky, gin, or brandy at live cents a drink would put amen in such a condition that he would not know his beat friend, ite Stephan says to Trineulo, in a very short space of time. ANOTHER REGIMENT EXPECTED.—lntel ligence was received last evening that the 731 Regi ment P. V., lately commanded by Col. Koltes, killed in battle, would arrive in this city at a o'clock this morning. They will be received with appropriate honors by the Council Committee of Reception, the Turner Rifles the Henry Guards, two companies of 9th N. Y. Re g It, the. Provost Guard, a section of artil lery, and squadron of cavalry, with a large number of eitizere. The route will be as follows: Down Mir ket to Twenty.first, down to Chestnut, thence to Fifth, up Fifth to Arch, down to Fourth, up to Race, Up to Fifth, up to Coates, down to Fourth, down to Callowhill, down to Third, up to Turners' Hall, above Wißow street. MEM Bnms OUT OF SEABON.—The association for the protection of game have issued their annual notice, warning dealers in game, and prpprie ?ors of hotels and restaurants, against purchasing or sell ing such birds as are prohibited by the law of that association, on and after the Ist of February next. Persons trenching in these birds would - do well to heed the warning, as information of the infraction of the law can be given by any individual so di*. posed. ARMY iIOk•PITAL REPOIIT.—The follow ing Is the report of the army hospitals for the week ending January 2ed, 1884:—Admitted, 112 ; returned to duty, 429; died, 4; remaining, 4,636, Foum.--An infant was found dead yes terday, and removed to the Twenty- tourth•ward sta tion-house, where the coroner wee notified to hold an iv...onset on the body. slight fire took place yesterday afternoon at No. 506 North street, caused by the burning of an ash-box in the cellar. No /on. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Supreme Court In Banc—C. J. Woodward and Justices Strong, Read, and Agnew. Yesterday, opinions were rendered in the follow. inn . eases Estate of James Bell, deceased. Appeal of Thos. Barnett. Orphans' Court, Philadelphia. Opinion by Read, J. : Ordered that so much of the decree as declared that there le an estate vested in the trustee of the testator's will be and the same is hereby reversed, and all proceedings upon that declaration are reversed, and the residue of the said decree is affirmed. The coats to be paid out of the estate in the hands of the trustee. . The point which appears to have been decided' by Judge Read, in his opinion, which was at much length, is that the auditor erred iu laying down, as the law of Pennsylvania, that a trust to receive rents and pay them to another is executed; although not a use executed by the statute of user, but arising from some general principle inherent in the com mon law of the State. "This," the learned judge says, "is not supported by authority,lorlin Pullen vs. Reinhard, I. Wharton 621, it was distinctly held that in such cases the legal estate must continue in the first devisee, so"that he might perform the trust, because, without having the control of the estate, he could not receive the rents and pay them over as directed." Lloyd vs. McCaffrey. Error to District Court, Philadelphia. Opinion by Strong, J. Judgment at. Armed. °Marra vs. Richardson. Allegheny county. Opi nion by Agnew, T. Judgment reversed, and a venire de fllltfo awarded. Aldridge vs. Eshelman. Error to District Court, Philadelphia. Opinion by Woodward , Ch. J. Judg ment reversed, and a ven i re de novo awarded. Shaw's Appeals. District Court, Philadelphia. Opinion by Woodward, J. Decree affirmed. Ayetskey vs. Goery. Appeal from District Court of Philadelphia. Opinion by Chief Justice Wood. ward. A deserted wife, who obtains from the Coin. mon Pleas a certificate in pursuance of the pro visions of the act of Assembly of 4th May, 1855, Purdon, 701, acquires not only all the powers of a _femme sole trader under the old statute of 22d Feb ruary, 1718, but, in addition thereto, the power of nee and absolute disposal of her property, real and personal, as if her husband were deal. She may trade, she may sue and be sued, and she may convey real estate by deed or will without the assent or concurrence of her husband, but can she divest her husband's vested estate ? This is the question upon the present record. It is of no consequence to this question that the plain• titre estate accrued to her since the passage of the married woman's act of 1818, because her husband's tenancy by the curtesy is expressly saved to him by the act. His creditors could not indeed seize it in execution during her life, but still it is a vested estate, the enjoyment of which in possession is ex pectant upon her death. The birth of issue is not essential to a outtesy initiate any more than a cur tesy conrummate. Bank vs. Stauffer, 10 Barr, 399. Nor does it depend upon the discharge of marital duties—it results necessarily out of the marital re lation. How, then, can she divest that estate by her con veyance? Before the act of '55 she could not convey her own estate without the concurrence of her hus band, though he had deserted her for many years. Thorndale vs. Morrieen, 1 C., 317. The act of '55 removed this disability, and it is not clear that it intended to do more; but if its terms be construed to mean that she may convey not only her own estate, but that of her husband also, a serious constitutional objection will be encountered. For how can the _Le gislature authorize a wife to convey a husband's estate any more than they can authorize one man to convey . the estate of another man who is at the time std . /urn? In other words, is there any legislative power to divest a vested estate in Wadi, except for public usieupon compensation! I suppose there is not. The authorities which the learned counsel cites as to the constitutionality of the act of 1848 and of divorce laws, do not touch this-question. Doubtless the marriage relation may be modified and even dissolved by law, for it is rooted only in law and has no constitutional guarantees; but pro property has its foundation in the Constitution, and when it has vested by reason of the marriage rela tion, it enjoys the same guarantees while the rela tion subsists that it would have if it had vested by any other means. Desertion of a wife, however mud and long continued, does not resolve the relit. Lion. The faithless husband is still husband, and the law, like that Divine beneficence which descent' upon the evil as Well as the good, preserves to him hie constitutional rights. Therefore, whatever force we give to the set of '55, we cannot make them effectual to the divesture of the husband's estate. Without his consent s and consequently the decree below is affirmed. Johneon, garnishee, vs. Herring. Same vv. Ash ton. Same vs. Malcolm. Same vs. Klopp. Error to the District CoUrt, Philadelphia. Opinion by Strong, J. The learned judge, after referring to the act of Marsh 24th, 1818, which regulate' voluntary assign. ments for the benefit of creditors, and the facts of the cases as they appeared upon the record, says in conclusion: The real question In these ease& however, is, what did the Legislature mean when they declared that assignments not recorded within thirty days after they are made and executed shall be considered null and void as against creditors. Was it meant that the thirty days allowed for recording shall begin to run from the time when a new trustee shall be appointed, in case the one named in the instrument declines to act, or from the time when the assignors have completed the deed, ordinarily its date'? We think the latter is the intention of the act. Deli very, though necessary to give effect to any deed, is an act done after, in common language, the deed has been made or executed. The evidence or it may rest entirely in parol. It is not usually attended with any publicity, and if, in case. of voluntary assign ments, it is necessary to look beyond the deeds them selves, to know when they become operative, a wide door IS open for establishing secret trusts, which it Was the manifest purpose of the Legislature to re. strain. Nor is there any hardship in adopting such a construction. The assignment may be placed upon record by the atsigeors, or by any one having a legal or beneticial interest. Our opinion, therefore, is that the points proposed by the plaintiff in error were correctly answered in the District Court. The judgkent in each case Is affirmed. Alter the delivery of the - foregoing opinions the hat for Bucks and Montgomery counties was taken up. There were but two cases on it, both from Montgomery county. One, that of evens vs. Dei. ley, was submitted on paper books ; the other, One. ter vs. Weratler, was argued and submitted. The court then adjourned till to-morrow. Supreme Court at RIM Prlus—Judge Thompson. Nothing was done in this court except to enter an order changing the day for the commencement of the next term from the Ist to the 24 Monday of Febru ary, of which jurors, parties, and witnesses are re quested to take notice. District Court—Judge Shorewood. John Ash vs. Alexander Caseby. A feigned lune. By agreement; verdict for plaintiff.' Caroline Ingram vs. Thomas H. Allen. An action to recover for arrears of rent. Verdict for plaintiff, $274. John Dempster vv. George W. flyers. An action to recover for work and labor, 80. Verdict for plain tiff, $1,227. • Manufacturers' and Mechanics , Bank vs. James Devereux. An action on a promissory note. Ver. diol for plaintiff $2,000. Diary Davis vs. James S. Keen. An action to re cover a balance alleged to be due on an agreement for the sale by plaintiff, and purchased by defendant, of plaintiff's interest in the estate of Robert 0. Ds deceneed. The defenoe alleged and attempted to prove payment in full. Jury out, District Court—Judge Hare. J. Stewart Maloney vs. James W. Davis. An ac tion to recover arrears of rent. The defence well eet off. Verdict for defendant, and due him, $9.76. Jonathan D. Martin and wife, to use, &c , vs. Ar thur W. Painter. An action to recover tbalance al leged to be due on certain property cold. Defence pasment. Jury out. . CO - art of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions—Judges Alii,o n sad Ludlow. The Commonwealth vs. Francis Nibert and Bridget Nibert. = The defendants are indicted for the mur der of Patrick Meighan on the 4th of July, 1862, and were yesterday arraigned for trial. The facts, as they appeared in evidence, seem to be that a diffi culty arose between the defendant, Nibert, and the deceased in regard to the conduct of some boys who were firing off a Small cannon, about the lira of a pistol, at some chickens in Shippen street, near Seventh. Both_ parties lived in that immediate neighborhood. Meighan finally struck Nibert with a brick, upon which the the latter went into his house. Meighan then threw a brick through the window. Nibert, upon this, came out and struck the deceased with his fist, knocking him down. followed this up hyjumping with both feet upon the chest and stomach of the prostrate man. Nibertbs wife, the other defendant, at this juncture came out with a bar of iron, described by one of the witnesses as a door-hinge, with which she struck the deceased several times about the head and body. Meigtian was carried home insensible, and died soon after from the injuries received. The defence had not opened when the court act. jOerned. T. Bradford Dwight for the Commonwealth ; H. D. Thompson and David P. Brown for the delenee. THE POLICE. (Before Mr. Alderman 13e1tler. 1 The Wash Clothes Thieves Two colored girls, one giving the name of Oeoe/la Augustine, and the other Diary Robinson, were both committed yesterday to anywor the charge of ,tear ing warkrelothrs from the premises of Mr. G. B. Newton. at Ninth and Lombard streets. A bundle of clothes, valued at $lOO, recovered by the officer, was identified by Dirs. Palmer, residing near Ninth and Fitzwater streets. They were stolen a few eve nings since from the yard attached to het residence, Some of the artimee were recovered at a pawnshop. others at the house of the accused. [Before Mr. U. B.- Commissioner Sergeant] Felipe .Token. John m Durr, the keeper of a public house on West Callowlan street, was arrested yesterday af ternoon, by U. S. Deputy filarshais Jenkins and Sbarky, and taken before Cr. S: Commissioner Ser geant. on the charge (glowing what is known in the raw se a Wee token, by which people were likely to be defrauded, without the author intending such to take place. The token consists in a fac-simile of the new fifty-cent postage currency, with the red back, excepting theta is no gut upon it. It is in tended as a business card. Were it not for the law in such ewe, the city would soon become flooded with 'Ouch inventions. We understand that a conductor of One of the pas 'tenger cars had three of these tokens passed upon him on Saturday evening. The officers also have beard of several other cases in which the token. were passed, and by which poor women were de frauded to the extent of fifty cents each. The defendant was held to bail in the aunt of (1500 to await a hearing to-day. _ [Before Mr. Alderman White. 3 Wife Beater. Francis 8011, a resident on Front street, was at. reigned yesterday on the charge of beating hia wife in a most unmerciful manner. The woman's face bore shocking evidence of brutality. She testified to the fact that her husband bad inflicted the in juries. He was required to enter bail in the sum of S6OO to answer at court. [Before Mr. Alderman Devlin:l Officer Stabbed. John Devlin was arraigned yesterday morning on the charge of haying stabbed Officer Harrison in two places in, one of his arms. The defendant was arrested on ;Sunday night for behaving dirorderly in the vicinity of Oxford and Philip streets. While on the way to the station he turned suddenly upon the officer with knife in hand and inflicted the wounds. They are not very serious. The accused was com mitted to prison. Sacrilege. It is reported, though no information of the fact bate been lodged at the Oentrel Station, that on Sun. day night four men entered the dwelling of Bishop Wood, and then found their way into the Ohursh of St. Peter and St. Paul, from which they stole a number of valuables from the altar. It seems they made a hasty exit, and, In their flight, dropped one of the silver candlestioka they had 'stolen. EL pollee. officer gave °halite, but . .the sacrilegious fellows escaped, (Before Mr. AWN - Mall Comly.3 Pollee OAleer Perked. Peter Bates was taken into custody at Franktord On Sunday afternoon on the charge of drunkenness. It is alleged against him that he plunged a fork into the nose of Officer Wilden who made the arrest. The defendant was Committed in default $1,600 bail to answer. Exßunner/ OF A WOMAN. AT OURSVIII, .Erfff ilam—One of the most dreadful and sickening spectacles which has ever been associated with a public execution was witnessed at Chester on the 28th, on the occasion "of the - execution of Alice Hewitt for the murder of her mother. Our readers may remember that Elewitt—her mother being ill-- induced a female acquaintance to personate the old woman, and by this means an insurance upon her life was effected in the Wesleyan Life Asso ciation for £26. Shortly afterwards the mother died, and the money was duly paid to the representative', nor was it discovered until some time had elapsed that the money had been obtained by fraud, and that Alice Hewitt had actually poisoned her mother by the administration of arsenic in very large quanti• ties. After her condemnation the criminal gave birth to an illegitimate child. The weather, this morning, was bitterly cold, with a slight fall of snow, yet an excited mob of some 3,000 or 4,000 people were gathered in front of the jail. As soon as the crimi nal stepped upon the platform a subdued murmur ran through the crowd, which wan followed by a deathlike silence for a few minutes, broken only by the piteous wailings of the culprit. The cap and rope having been adjusted, she 'fell upon her knees, and prayed that her infant child might be spared a similar fate, and that her death might be a warning to others. She then rose and in a most piteous manner begged the executioner to make haste with his dreadful work. ealcraft then withdrew on one side, and pulled the bolt, but the bolt would not fall. A Second time the attempt was made, but with the same result. All this time the doomed woman was heard ex claiming, "Make haste I" and each time she heard the bolt withdrawn she gave an agonizing shriek. Caleraft went through hie work with the coolness of a praeticed hand, and the third time, with the aid of some of the jail officials, the drop fell with a dull, heavy thud. The woman fell with a violent jerk, about three or four feet, and the prayer upon her lips was left unfinished. She struggled hard, and her sufferings were aggravated by the incomplete adjustment of the rope, as wallas from her being a very light and slender woman. Oaloraft almost im mediately went in front of the dying woman and strapped her legs more tightly, A few groans, and a few more struggles,' and all was over. The con demned woman WAS thinly and poorly attired.—Eng lisle paper. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. S. W. DB COURSEY, JAMBS C. HAND. COMMUTES OF TUE HOSTS. GEORGE L. BEZBY. LETTER. BAGS AT TER AIRECHANTI3 I EXCHANGE, PITILATIMPHIA, Ship Tonawanda, Julius Jan 2 Ship Sunnis, Small Liverpool soon MARINE INTELLIGENCIB. PORT OP PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 28,1864. 613111 RIOR WATER 7 (6 I SUN 64 8 66 .AR. — RIVED. Brig Romance. Duncan, 16 days from Navassa, with guano to J E Bailey ar Co. CLEARED. & Brig Anna ( Br), Morrow. Barbados , J F reniston Co Brig Martha. (Br) Cann, Marseilles, B A Sonder & Co. Schr Ida F Dyer. Cardenas. J Mason & Co. BBehr C Shaw, Houk,w York, L Audenreid ehr P Coy. Halppton Roads, H A A dams_ Schr Jerre L Leach, Encicort, Port Royal. Tyler & Co. St'r Republic. Kirby, New Orleans, 8 Jat Flanigan. bt'r Octoraro, McLaughlin, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. SAILED. The City Ice Boat. Capt Kelly. left Mead-alley wharf about noon yesterday, taking in tow brigs Kate, for Barbados; Mary E Milliken, for Key West; Redwood, for do ; and Alice Mande, for nagars. MEMORANDA. Steamship Etna (sr). McGuigan, from Liverpool., Jan. 6, and Queenstown 7th. at New York Sunday. has 200 Passengers. 9th inst. ,1P M. tat 19.35. lork 61.12., saw steamship Reda, from New York for Liverpool. Steamship United Kingdom (Br), Barns. from Olas iloWiDec 27. via Portland Mst inet. , at New York Sun day, with 44 passengers Shin National Eagle, Matthews, front Boston, at Rio Janeiro 24 Ship Anglo-Faxon, Austin, from Calcutta for London. off Falmouth. ad inst. Slip Alhambra, Lucas. sailed from Liverpool sth inst. for San Francisco. Ship John N Ourhing, Swap, cleared at London sth inst. for Rangoon. Ship Florence Nightingale, from Calcutta for Liver pool. put into Waterford 2d inst. with mainmast da maged. baying been in collision Came morning oti Ma har, with an unknown. vessel. She would be towed to Liverpool- Ships I F Chapman, Miller, and Undaunted, Tay.from NOW York for San Francisco, were repairing at Rio Ja neiro Bth nit. Bark • Mondamin, Crowell. from Baltimore, at Rio Janeiro sth tilt, via Pernambuco. Brig Lanza, Jenkins. hence at Kingston, Ta. 31st ultimo. .Brig A P L, Landry. hence at Kingston, Ta. lat Ind Brig Northern Bell. Lee, hence, was at Falmouth. Ja, sth 'net. Brig Burgomeister. Sternberg (Neck), Reidtinann, 59 days from Rio Janeiro. with coffee. at New York San day. i.teamer America (transport). Shaw. front New Ozloans via Pensacola 15th inst. with cotton, sugar, ad, at New York Sunday. LEGAL. ESTATE OF JACOB T. BUNTING., DBCFASED. —Letters of Administration on the Be tate ot JACOB T. BUNTING. deceased, having been duly granted to the nadereigned by the Register of Wills for the County of Philadelphia, all persons baying claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent are requested to make known the same without delay, and all persons indebted to the said estate will make pay ment unto CHARLES W. BUNTING. Residence, No. 605 North SIGHTII Strad, ALBERT S LB rCHWORTH. Residence, No. 533 N. FOURTH Street, Office, No. 131 B. FIFTH Street. Philadelphia, jab. tuse Admiatrators. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of CHARLES FOX, Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle, and altiust the account of George Oardota and Joint Haas. Executors and Trustees under the last Will and Testamet t of CHARLES FOX. deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the account• ant, 1011 meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment. on MONDAY. February let, at 4 o'clock P. AL . at his (Alice; Southeast corner SIXTH and WAL NUT Streets, in the City of Philadelphia. ia2l.2s-25 2840 D. W. O'BRIEN. Auditor. 11:1:THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR HE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of EDWARD BEVIS.. deceased. NOTICE le hereby given that MARY DEVIR, the widow of said decedenw has filed 'her petition, with an inventory and appraisement of the personal estate which she elects to retain, under the act of April 14, 1851, and the supplements thereto, which will be allowed and approved by the courts, on FRIDAY. the sth Febru ary. A. D. 1864. unless exceptions be filed thereto. A. THOMPSON, Attorney for petitioner. jal4-frtu4t. IpSTATE OF EDWIN A. PALMER Deceased. Letters testamentary upon the estate of said decedent haying been granted TO the undersigned, all persons haying claims against the said estate are requested to present them. and all who are indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment. without delay to JONATHAN PALAt'ER. Lower side MARKET-Street wharf, J. GARRIbON KNIGHT, t0.61* Nos. 11 and 13 South WATER Street. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY ADD COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of CAROLINE D. HARRIS. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the children of said de- cedent have flied in said Court their petition and an ap- Praieement of th e personal property of said decedent to the value of SF.O(I. which the supplement tain tinder the act of April 14, 18,51, and the thereto And the same will be approved by said Court on FRID &Y. the 6th day of February. 1864. unless exceptions be filed thereto. SAMUEL C. PERKINS. fele-thin 4t Attorney for Petitioners. NOTICE.-LETTERS OF ADMINIS -.- tration on the Istate of ROBERT R. BRINGHURST, deceased. basing been granted to the undersigned—all Persons indebted to said: estate will make payment. and all baying claims against the same will present them to the undersigned. GEORGE BEINAHURST. ROBERT M. ELEVENTH St. bail2t* Administrators, 38 North ELEVENTH St. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. In matter of Estate of SAMUEL R. WOOD. deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit the second account of ROBERT W. RICHARDSON, executor of above estate. will meet the parties interested, at hie Mice, EL E. cor ner EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets, on TUESDAY, Feb. roan- 2d, 1924, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. thstust DANIEL DOUGHERTY. Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. • In toe matter of JOHN SAILER. Deceased The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the occouxt of ISA se FORD aztd JACOB SOUDER. Ezeon. YAM of above Estate, will meet the parties interested at hie office, at the southeast corner of MOUTH and LO CUST Streets, oh MONDAY AFTERNOON. Februsa7 1, 1884, et 4 o'clock. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, ia2l-lbstu St , Auditor. 1000 BARRELS PRIME GROCER'S PICKLES. Also. Pickles in 8."4, B. and 10 Balton Kegs. Prime Newmk Sweet and Champagne Oder constantly An band and for sale by ALDRICH & TEEKES. No. lily MO.& SS LET/Tie Street, 1a23-12to DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN- T - UT for the het twetity years. 181.9 Warn St-. below Third. buena the moat beautiful TUTS of the era. 1 111013IIted MI dna Gold. P/ottno. Barer. Vulcan ito t work,Azabar. dm. at prlsearfort nd Ohl . taal momeasonable tnan any DenUat *U.l. Stato. Teeth platted to last for life. Artificial Teeth repaired to milt. No pals inezireesing. All work war y:LlW to It Naterwiee. beat binalles. C OTTON 8.A.1L DUCK AND CANVAS of all numbers and brands. sivon's Dusk awaits Twill*. of 'AU daserUdaaa. 11l ?sets. &wnla Trask and WilitellCkrwara. • Aida Mao. !spar =aaccasetarsra• Drier Yalta . , from 1 to A! fi114112 Tarimalta. ltoltiaz Sall fiertlai&Ar„,__ JOill W. av num.sem a OM ups ram. alay. THE PRESS. - PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. JANUARY 26,1564, COPARTNERSHIPS. A W. LITTLE, OF THE LATE Film • of A. W. LITTLE & CO.. and JOSEPH ADAMSON. late of the Erni of MAMIE% ZIEGLER. & CO..llhave formed a Co-partnership nuder the style and title of LITTLE & ADAMSON. and will continue the ImPollha Cad J , •bbina, of since and Fancy Dry Gonda. at MAREZTIstmet. - W. LITTL E Philadelphia. ADAMSON. Philadelphia. Jan. 12. 1861. ja,l3-120 DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER. SHP —The eo-partnership heretofore existing uder the firm-name of DE 00MS . SY. HAMILTON. k EVANS is this day dissolved by mntnal consent. BAHL. NSEL HUGH HAMI L TON. CHAR T. EVANS. SETH B. STITT. • PHILADELPILL, Dec. 31, Mi. ITHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING formed a limited partnership under and by - virtue of an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. passed the 21st of March. A. D. 1832. entitled " an Act relativ do Limited Partnerships" and the supple ment thereto. make thefollovring publication in Qom 'Mance with the said est of Assembly and the supple ments thereto: First. The said partnership is to be conducted under the name or Arm of DE COURSEY, HAMILTON & IVAN& Second. The general nature of the business juteltded to be transacted. is the DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS. Third. The general partners in said partnership are SAMUEL G. DE COIIRSZY. residing at No. 32E1 South Sixteenth 'street: HUGH HAMILTON. residing at No. 146 North Twentieth street. and CHARLES T. EVANS. residing at No. 141 North Twentieth street. in the city of Philadelphia. Fourth. The special partnere are SETH B. UM% re. siding at No. 412 West Loan Square. In the city of Phi ladelphia. and ROBETL. TAYLOR. residing at No. 62 llnion Plan% in the City of New York, and they hitve each contributed to the common stock of the said part. nershipnity thousand dollars lin cash. making the gam of one hundred thousand dollars in the aggregate. Fifth. The said partnership is to commence on the first day of January. A . D. MSC and is to terminate on the Wit day of December, A. D. 1868. SAML. G. DE CODRSEY. HUGH HAMILTON. General Partners. CHAS. T. EVANS,, SETH B. STITT. }Special Partners. ROBERT L. TAYLOR. PItILADIMPTITA. Dee. 21. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the undersigned have this day formed a - fiukxrrsu PARTNERSHIP, pursuant to the statutes of the State of New York, for tbepropose of carrying_on the GERM— BAL DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS in the city of New York, under the firm-name of KENDALL, CLEVELAND, h OPDYKE. That the sole general_partners Interested In the said Partnership are .JOSEPH S. KENDALL, of the totem. of Orange, county of Essex, State of New Jersey; HENRY N. CLEVELAND. of the city of Brooklyn, State o f New York. and HENRY B. OPDTKIL of the city of New York. That the mole special partnere iliterestsa ofthe partner ship are GEORGE OPDYKE, tie city New York, who has contributed these l of One Hundred Thousand Dollars in cash kurOrds the capital of the said Arm: ROBERT L. T..,171,0R. of the city of New York, who has oontr%ated the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars in CPA tinier& the said capital, and SETH B. STITT. at the city of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, who ht contributed the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars in ca sh towards the said capital. • January, said partnership commences on the Bret day of one thousand eight hundred and slit, -four (Mel), and terminates on the thirty-first day of Deceit_ bar one thousand eight hundred and staty•atz (1888) That, by the terms of the said partnowhip, the special bpartners are not liable for the debts of the partnership e and the amounts respectively contributed by them to the capital, as above stated. JOSEPH S. If IBD ALL. HENRY M. CLEVELAND, HENRY B. OPDYKE. GEORGE OPDYKS. ROBERT L TAYLOR. SETH B. STITT, NEW Toag . Dee. Sl. 1130 S. L I MIT E D PARTNERSHIP,—THE Subscriber. her Partn e rs hip notice that they hays en tered into a Limited , agreeably to the prod sions of the laws of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnerships. That the name or firm under which said partnership is to be conducted, is WOOD, MARSH, & HAY WARD- That the general nature of the business intended to be transacted is the Dry Goods Jobbing business. That the names of all the general and special partners Interested therein are_ BENJAMIN V. HARSH (general partner). LEWIS W. HAYWARD (general partner), HERR) HENDERSON (general partner), RICHARD WOOD (general partner), SAMUEL P. GODWIN (gene ral partner), RICHAR.D D. WOOD (special partner). and JOSIAH BAcaux (special partner), and all of them, the said partners, general and special, reside In the City of Philadelphia, That the aggregate amount of the capital contributed . by the special partners to the common stock is one hun dred thousand dollars—of which fifty thousand dollars in cash has been so contributed by the said RICHARD D. WOOD, special partner—and or which fifty thousand dollars In cash, has been so contributed by the said JO SIAH BACON. special partner. That the period at which the said partnership -is to commence. is the thirty-first day of December. .l) 1883. and the period at which ft will terminate Is she thirty-Ant day of December. A. D leek RICHARD D. WOOD, Simla' Partner. JOSIAH BACON, Special Partner. BENZAWN V. HARSH. .LEWISHAYWARD. HENRY HENDERISON• RICHARD WOOD, SAMUEL GODWIN. NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNER. SRIP. —The undersigned hereby give notice, under the provisions of the acts of Assembly for the Common wealth of Pennsylvania relative to limited partnerships. that they have formed a Limited Partnership. and pub lish the following as the terms thereof: First. The name of the Arm under which said partner ship shall be conducted is WATSON at JANNEY. Second. The general nature of the business Intended to be transacted is the purchase and sale of Dry Goods; the place of business to be in the city of Philadelphia. Third. The names of the General Partners are CHARLES WATSON. residence No. 462 North SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. and FRANKLIN JANNEY. residence Do. 609 COATES Street, in the city of Philadelphia. The name of the Special Partner is WILLIAM S. STEWART residence CONTINENTAL ROTEL, in the city of Philadelphia. All said general and special partners reside in the city of Philadelphia. Fourth. The amount of capital which the said Special Partner has contributed to the common stock is the sum of TWENTY THGCSAND DOLLARS. Fifth. Said partnership shall commence on the gist day ofJannary. eighteen hundred and sixty. fottr, and terminate on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. THE "UNDERSIGNED HEREBY GIVE notice, under the provisions of the acts 0! Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, relative to Limited Partnership, that they have this day formed a Limited Partnership under the firm-name of. D. A. BOATER & SCOTT. - The general nature of the business intended to be transacted la the purchase and sale of STRAW and MILINERT GOODS; theplitee of brininess to be in the city of Philadelphia. The general partners in said firm are DAVID A. HUN TER and WILLIAM B. SCOTT, both residing In the ell, of Philadelphia. The special partners in said firm are WILLIAM HURTER. Jr and GEORGE S. SCOTT. both residing In the city of Philadelphia. The amoun contributed which each of the said special partners has to the common stock le as fol lows: The said William Bunter, Jr., has contributed the sum of five thousand dollars, and. the maid George S. Scott the sum of live thousand dollars. Said Partnership shall commence on the tint day of January, eighteen hundred and slaty-four. and termi nate on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen bun. Bred and sixty-six. DAVID A. HUNTER, WM. B. SCOTT, General Partners. WM. HUNTER. Jr., GEO. S. SCOTT. _ners. rHILADELPRIA. January lsm Special Pala NOTICE. -THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between JACOB T. BUNTING and SAML. A_ JONES. under the firm of Bunting & Jonec. has been dissolved by the death of the said Jacob T. Bunting. The bueiness of the firm will be settled hi' Samuel - A. Jones. the tonviving partner. The undersigned will continue the butanes, tinder the style of the late firm, at the old stand. No. RiEl South DBLANABB Avenue. SAMUEL A. JONES. PIIIIADIMPHIA, J an _ THOMAS BARNES. let. lard. WILLIAM M. SHOEMAKER AND RICHARD M. SHOEMAKER. JR.., are this der admitted to an interest in our brininess. the style ans title of the Ern to continue the me ea heretofore. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO.. Wholesale Drusaistia R. E. corner FOURTH and RACE Streets. PHILADBLPHIA, January 1, .1934. Jal-lm COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.— TH E undersigned have this day entered into copartner ship, for the transaction of the Da Goods Commission Business cinder the name of JOHN H. WILLIAMS CO.. at /ie. G 939 CHESTNUT Street. JOHN H. ILLILEIS, PHILADA. Jan. 1.1884. JOHN WIEST. ial-lm* DISSOLUTION. - PHILADELPHLI, January 1.1864. The rolereforned trading nde the II of JOITIT $.OOPh. SON. it retTres ' hem btusinese. T h u g business will be settled up at the office. Ito. 'nit OftwiT HUT Street. Gal-bul ROBERT K. HOOPER. ROBERT GLENDENNING, JR., IS THIS DAY admitted into the firm of BUTCHER CO— Bankers. $E Sonth THIRD street. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 1. . 1884. MACHINERY AND IRON 1. MONIS JOIRRIOK, SPULISLX L YSISISSIL rout If. 00P11. SOU T HWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON MUM PHILADELPHIA.. MERRICK. & SOAR, ENGINEERS AND MAOHINIS'PS Manufacture Nigh and Low Pressure Steam Engines. IN land river and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers. Tanks. Iron Boats. am ; Casting. of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron.frame Roo& for Goa Works, Workshops. RailrOlkli Stations. &a. Retorts and Gas Machinery el the latest and most hi' proved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, sulk as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills,_Vacuum Pans. Open Stun Trains. Defscatons_ • Filters. ramping - Engines de. Bole Agents for N. RlLltenx's Patent Sugar Av. parattisi_Gesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer and Amin. wall & wolsey a PatentOentrifusal Sugar Drafts Na. shine. sutf gm PENN STEAM ENGIN]; AND BOILER WORKS. —NEAFIE & LIFT. PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS. MA. CHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS. BLACKSMITH= FOUNDERS. having for many years been in au operation, and been exclusively engaged in buildings! repairing Marine and River Engines, high miaow,: i. sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, Ste, rectftilly offer their services to the public. as beta fully prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Marine Diver, and Stationary ; having sets of patterns of dilly , ent sizes. are prepared to execute orders with quick watt the Every descr_iption of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low - pressure . Mos. fie baler. and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania ellareoal iron. Forearm of all aims andkinds: Iron and Bram Castings, -Of o t h erSoriptiOns; ROll-TrtrnLlA Screw-Cutting, and all work connected with uu above burliness. Drawings and Speciloatiorui for all work done at tkii establishment free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, ant are provided with shears, blocks, falls, am . . far raising heavy or light Weights. JACOB 0. NUMB, JOHN PALMMY. BEACH and Streaks UNION STEAK 'AND WATS) HEATING COMPANY OF PRILADIMPETA. GOLD'S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATER MIATIIL THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, and all oaks) hoorayed COOKING APPARATUS. Boilers and Water Basks. Parlor and other Grates . Registers and Ventilators. Backs'and Jambs. and Li things eonneeted with the above branch of blindness. JAMBS P. WOOD. I. N. PELTWELL. S N n o v . e 4 rinte B rde th nt P . "1217 1 8 s kr a "t aas MORGAN, ORR, & 00., STRAW A V A- ENGINE BUILDERS. Iron Founders, and eon Knobhaste end Boner Matra. No. ISID GALLUWSILi arm& Philad&lshis. moat ItIISTIC ADORNMENTS FOR HOMES OF TASTE. Wardbut Oases With Growing Plan ts. Fern Vaasa with Growing Planta. Ivy Vases with growing Plants. Bangini Baskets with Growing Plants.. Fancy Flower Pots. Orange Pcts, all sizes. Cassoletta. Renaissance. Caryatides. Louis X.Wthe. IMassical Brush in Pail= Marble. Marble Pedestals and Fancy Brackets. • Terra Cotta Vaasa, all else,. Lava Vases. Antique. Garden Vases_ all sizes. Statuary and Fountains. Choice and select articles for Gifts. imported and menu featured for our own sales. For sale at retail or to the trade in quantit y . S. HAR.goN. dal* intb matt 11.010 CHIGEITA um Street WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF AN TILLES I—A new French Connate for boantlfr• La g. whitening, and preserving the ttomplezion. It la ti.e most wonderful compound of the age. There is neither chalk powder. magnesia. bismuth nor tale fa its e.rorposltlon. It being composed entirely of pure vir gin Wax—hence its extraordinary qualities for preserving the skin. making it soft, smooth, fair. and tranaparonk Itinakee the old appear Young. the homelY han dsome, tn. lia.ndoome more beautiful. and the most b y e UHT .rice. Trice. 25 end 50 centa. Prered only UNT CO., Portman. 41 Sown niaare. street, two doors abgTlll Chestnut. and 13i ficrith SEVXINTS: Bt. dalB-311 GHASLES WATSON, FItAIIKLIN JANNZY. General Partners. W. S ISTEITAPX. Special Partner. • Brigadier General D. B. Emma. Chief Derdt Quartermaster, Washington, D. O. GDARAITES. We, the undersigned, residents of -- in the county of and State of hereby, 'ointly and severally, covenant with the United States, and guarantee, in ease the fores °int bid of -- be accepted: that be or they will, within ten days after the acceptance of said bid, execute the contract for the SAM with good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract. to furnish the forage pro Posed in. conformity to the terms of adverUsement dated De cember S. 11363. under which the bid was made. and. in ease the said - shall fail to enter into a contract as aforesaid, we imarantee to make good the difference be tween the offer by the said - and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contrast um be awarded. witness: 5 Given under oar hands and seals 1 this - day of -. 3.136 (Seal.] Se I hereby certify that. to the best of my knowl e dg e and belief, the above. named guarantors are good andossult client es sureties for the amount for which they offer to be security. To be certified by the United States District Attorney. Coll ester of Customs, or any other officer under the EnitedStates Government, or responsible person known to this ore re. • All proposals received un 'this advertisement Will be opened and esaadded at thi s office on Wednesday and Saturday of each week, at 12 Id. Bidders are respectful /7 invited to be present at the ope n of bids if they desire. D. la. StrakKE, dell -tf Brigadier General and Quartermaster. NEW DRIED APPLES.-100 BBL& new Dried Apples. for sale kir RHODIS &. WILLIAM& Slanth APRIL Eltrost (BARD AND FANCY JOB - PRINTING; At RINOW.tur SELOWDUS, 111 8: INlllirti 86 PROPOSALS. O FFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. TWELFTH and GIRABD Streets. PSlLAnsirard. January 24.1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until 12 o'clock M., on FRIDAY. the 19th instant. for as plying the Schuylkill Arsenal with the following artiClest ß OSPITAL AND AMBULANCE FLAGS. For General Hospitals—Yellow bunting. 9 by 6 feet, with the letter H, 24 Inches long. of green bunting. in the centre. For Poet and Field Hospitals—Yellow bunting. 6 by 4 feet, with the letter H, 24 incites long, of green bunting. In tne centre. For Ambulances and Guldens—To mark the way to field hogpltals. yellow bunting, 14 by 28 inches. with a Border one inch deep of green. ALSO. Light Artillery Uniform Caps, army standard. Bed-Hair Mimes for do., army standard. Red Bands and Tassels for do.. worsted. army standard. Dings for do., brats, army standard. Eagles for do.. brass, army standard. Bedeack Tape X inch, Bidders moat state in their proposals the price, which must be given In writing. as well as in Ilimrest aleo the quantity id for, and time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to ell the contrast must be anarantied by two responsible persons, Whose erigna tures wilt be appended to the guaranty, and said guar anty accompany the bid.; and in case the said bidder should fail to enter into the contract. they to make good the difference between the offer of said bidder arid tine next lowest responsible bidder, or the, PersOn to whom the contract may be awarded. Bidders. as Well as their sureties, or guarantors, who may not be known at this office, will furnish a carafi. cate from the tinned States District Attorney, Postmas ter, or other public functionary. at the residence of thug, bidder, or guaren tomcatting forth clearly the fact, that the bidder and his sureties are responsible men. who will, if a contract is awarded them, act in good faith With the United States, and faithfully execute the same. . - No bid will be entertained unless properly guarantied y two responsible parties as above described. Bide froni defaulting contractors will not be received. Blank forms for proposals can be bad upon applies lon at this office. , . Proposals met be endorsed "Proposals for Arm' upPlies," stating the particular article bid for. ja2s.Pt G. H. CHOSHAN. Assist. Q M. General. PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR. SE &LED PROPOSALS will be received until the Seth natant, at 12 o'clock St , for famishing the Subsistence Department with Ten Thousand Barrels of Flour. 5,100 barrels in new oak barrels, head lined. 6,000 barrels in new, strong cotton sack', one half barrel in each sack. Bids will be received for what is known as Noe. 1. 2, and 3, and for any Quantity less than the 10,031 barrels. Also, for One Hundred Barrels of 120. 2 Family Flour. Bids mutt be in duplicate, and for each grade on'' sepa rate st eats of paper. The delivery of the Flour to commence within Ave days from the openi n g of the bids. and in such quantities da ay as the Goyernment may direct. delivered at the Government Warehouse in.GeOrftetoWn. at the WharVeet Or Railroad Depot in Washington. D. O. The delivery of all Flour awarded to be completed within twenty days from the opening of the bids. Payment will be made in Certificates of Indebtedness. or Such other hands as the Government. may have for disbarment. The usual Government inspection will be made just before the Flour is received, and none will be accepted which Is not fresh ground. bidderth of allegiance must accompany the bid a n dch who has not the oath on file in this office, no bid will be entertained from parties who havepreviously failed to comply with their bide, or from bidders not Present to respond. Government reserves the right to reject any bid for any cause. Bide to be addressed to the underilped at No 2143 El Street Washington, p.a., endorsed rroposale for Flour. " R. 0, GREENE, Captain C. B. V. 'WASHINGTON, it, C., Jan. 11.1884. . OFFP DE DEPOT COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE. WAsargovotr. D. C , Jan. N. 1861 SEALED PROPOSALS fin duplicate) are invited until the 2d of February, at 11 o'clock A. M.. for the HIDES. TALLOW. HOOFS, and HORNS of all lovernment Cat tle slaughtered within the ancient limits of the District of Columbia, for three months or more from the coot menet-meat of the contract. The above articles to be collected by the contractor, sad removed from the various places at which the cat- Moore killed, at such times as may be designated by the Officer in charge. - The contractor shall be liable for all the Hides and Tallow, Hoofs and Horns coming from every animal slaughtered. unless it can be made satisfactorily to ap pear to the Subsistence Department that all due exer tion, diligence, and care was made to obtain the said ar ticles. tilE= The bids will state the amount per animal. for the ar ticles referred to. and be accompanied by the following guarantee. certificate, a ffi davits of each guarantor, and oath of allegiance. Blank forms can be obtained by ap plication to the undenigned. PROPOSAL. Of the State of county Of offer per Head, for all Hides, Tat , low. Roofs. and Horns of all Government Beef Oat.' Pilled within the ancient limits 0 0 the Dn.- --dzog:t Matte of the Dlarre the b - cent& ( amount to be in words and figures,) subj - eat to all the conditions of the advertisement herewith appended. GUARANTEE. We, the undersigned, residents of ' , in the county of,,_ and State of hereby jointly and severally covenant with the tinned States, and guarantee, in case the foregoing bid of shall be accepted, th will. within Eve days after the acceptance of said bid e sign a contract for the prompt and faithful execution of the same, and that we will become his security on a bond, in the sum of fif teen thousand dollars. for the performance of his con tract in conformity with the terms of hie proposal, and that in sane the said shall fail to enter into a contrast, s under the terms of the advertisement dated 186 inviting proposals for Hides, Tal low. Hoof s , and Hor ns, we guarantee to make good the difference between the offer nade by the said in the foregoing proposal, and the next lowest responsi ble formalbidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. Given Under our handslB6 and seals this day of Witness : Witness: The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of a United States District At torney or United States Judge. This certificate must be In the followin g form: ` I hereby certify that, from evidence entirely. satisfac tory to me. the above named guarantors are rood and Sufficient as sureties for double the amount tar which they offer to be security. -- --- To Which each guarantor must make and append - the following OATH: _ • • State of county of county. and State aforgald, penalty aPpearet. , one of the sureties on the guarantee of who, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is worth. over and above all just debts and liabilities, the sum of thirty thousand ;minas. " Subscribed and sworn before me this day of . 186_ at No bids will be considered unless made oft in con formity with the above form. and are accompanied by the foregoing guarantee. certificate, and affidavits. All bidders must forward with their proposals art oath of allesiance,nniess one may be oil die with the officer who shall Open the bids; and no proposals not folly complying with the foregoing requirements, as welt in fact as in form. will be considered or regarded as a pro posal within the meaning of this advertisement. The contractor will be bald accountable for the Hides, &0., one week after the signing of the contract. Bidders must be Present at the opening of the bids to respond to their names, and all bids must be endorsed "Proposals for purchasing Hides and-Tallow. &O•," and he directed to the undersigned. G. BELL, ra22-10t Lt. CoL and C. S. OFFIOE ARMY 'CLOTHING AND EGMPAGE,ITWELPTH and GIRARD Streets. LPHIL4DELPHIA. January IS. 1864. BELLED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock IL on TUESDAY. the 26th instant, for supplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with the following antiales : Wax Upper Leather, beat quality, pure oak tanned. from slaughter hides, wall finished. Sole Leather, best quality, pure-oak tanned, from Buenos Ayres or La Plata Rides, not lets than 14 pounds per side. • Bidders must state in their proposals the prise. which must be given in tortting, as well as in figures, also the quantity bid for. and time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill the contrast must be guarantied by two responsible persons whom signa tnrae will be appended to the guarantee , and raid gua rantee accompany the bid. And in ease the said bidder should fail to enter into a contrast, they to make good the difference between the offer of said bidder and. the next lowest responsible Mader. or the Person to whom the contract may be awarded. Bidders, as well as their imreiles fu r ni s hantorr, who may not be known at this office.will a tardiest, from the United States District Attorney, postmaster, or other public functionary at the residence of the bidder or guarantors, setting forth clearly the fact that the bidder and his sureties are responsible men. 'who will. if a con tract is awarded them, act in' good faith with the United States, find faithfully execute the same No bid will be entertained unless properly guarantied by two responsible parties, as above described. ;lids from defaulting contractors will not be received. Blank forme for proposals can be had upon application at this office. Proposals mist be endorsed, "Proposals for Army Supplies," stating the particular article bid for. . . OROSldilf. .1a16.426 A. Q. M. General United States Army. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE. • OIIHIP QI7ARTEMASTIOL'S OPTION, WASHINGTON DEPOT, December S. NM BILLED PROPOSALS are Invited by the nndervigned for supplying the D. S Quartermaster's Department, at Washington-D. 0. mialtimore, Md.. Alexandria. anti Fort Monroe. Va., or either of these places. with Hays Corn, Oats, and Straw. Bids will be received for the delivery of 5,000 bushels of corn or oats. and 50 tons of hay or draw, and up wards. Bidder* =mg state at which of the above-named points they propels to Make deliveries, and the rates at which they Will make deliveries thereat, he quantity of eaoh article proposed to be delivered, the time when sold de liveries shall be commenced, and when to be completed. The price must be written oat in words on the bids. bushelsto be put up in good, stout sacks. of about two each. Oats in lure sacks, of about three bushels each. The sacks to be furnished without extra charge to the Government. Thu hay and straw to be securely baled. The partierdar kind or description of oats, corn, hay, or straw, proposed to be delivered , must be stated in the I" .ll . lVirticlee offered under the bide her ein invited Government Inspector be subject to a rigid inspection by the Illfirwtor before being accepted. Contracts will b bidder . from time to time to the lowest responeible as the interest of the Govern ment may require, and payment will be made when the whole amount contracted for shall have been dell.vered and accepted. The bidder will be required to accompany his propo- sal with a guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, that incase his bid is accepted he or they will, within ten days thereafter, execute the contract for the same, with good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to deliver the forage proposed in sonformity with the terms of this advertisement: and in ease the said bidder should fall to enter into the contract, they to make good the difference between the offer of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the reason to whom the contract may be awarded. The responsibility 01 the g nar ant or s must bc shown by the official certilicate of a 11. S. District Attorney Col lector of Customs, or any other officer under the United States Government, or responsible person known to this office. All biddersll be duly notifled, Of the acceptant* or remotion of their proposals. The fall name and post alai address of each bidder mad be legibly written in the proposal. Proposals must be addressed to Brigadier General D. B. Bucker. Chief Depot Quartermasteg,waehmitog,i) C., and should be plainly marked. ** Proven& for To litads, in a sum equal to the amount of the *entreat, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder or bidders upon 1111171.111( the contrast. Blank sans of bids, guarantees and bonds may be obtained upon amileation at this 0 mt. rvltlit Or PROPOSAL. (Town. County. and Stato (Data;- I. the subscriber. do hereby Propose to Pirate)/ an d are liver to the United States, at the Quarto master s De partment at - agreeably to the terms ofyour advertisement. Inviting proposals for forage dated Wasbington Dtipbt. December S. ISM the following arti stes. via : - - . bushels of Corn, in masks, at -- Per 'Mahal of 66 pounds. bushels of Oats, in sacks. at per Mulled Of 32 pound& tons of baled Hay, it per ton of $,OOO pounds. -- tons of baled Straw. at per ton of 2. WO pounds. Delivery to commence on or before the day of red and to be completed on or before the day of 166 and pledge myself to enter into a written contract with the United States. withgood and approved securities, within the space of ten days after being notified that my bid has been accepted. Your obedient servant, . Before in and for the ved perepliall± THE ENTRRPRIS A MERIC A.N FIRE INSURANCE .g .n -COMPASHI. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 wALNiPE Street. above Third, Phi ladelphia. Racing a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus Di vested in sound and available Securities, 002LURUSI to insure on DwStores, Furniture. Merchandise. Vessels in port itait. ' thelr Cargoes. &ha other Perso nal property. All losses liberally and promptly adjwid. - Thomas R. Maris,DIILICTORS. James R. Campbell , John Welch, Edmund G. Dutilh. Samuel C. Morton. Charles W. Poratnei. John T. Lewis, Patrick Brady. Israel Morris. THO AS R. MARIS President, Annum C. L...CINANFORD. Secretary. te22-11 ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COX pAirr.--Anshorizea Capital S4OO.OOO—(SHARTER PERPETUAL. office No. 811 WALNUT Street. between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will Wear* against lose or dasnage by Piro, on Buildings, Furniture. and Merehandize demo Also, Karin" Insurances on. Iressele, Carve,. and Freights. Inland Insurane to all Darts of the Union. ll Wiiam saner. DI.EIGTORS. D. Luther DAVIS P6El3'BOll. , Peter Lewin Andenried, J. B. Seiner, Baum. John it. Blackiston. Win. F. Dean, Joseph Maxilehl, John Ketcham. WILL AM ESHBR, President, WM. P. DEAN. Vise President. W. M. SKIM Beers F' ap34l V.TRE INSURANCE EXCLUSI —The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM' PANT. Incorporated Iti96 . CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 510 WALLY OT Stree‘ opposite Independence Sail This Company , favorably known ta the community for nearly forty years continues to insure against Lou or Damage by Fins on Public or Private Buildings. either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture. t S e t nn ock s s of floods , or Merchandise generally , on liberal Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, le invested in the most careful manner which enable' them to offer to the hawed an undoubted security in the WO of loss. - DIRECTORS • Jonathan Patterson I _Thomas Robing, Alexander Demon. Daniel Smith, Jr.. William Montelitts, John Deverenx. /gaze Haalehnret, Thome Smith. Remy Leiria. JONATEaI PATTERSON. Pr" Id WI a. CROWILL. Secretary. . ent TNSURANCE COMPANY OF THE -a- STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Noe. 4 and i EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WALNUT Street. between DOCK and THIRD Streets. Philadelphia. INCORPORATED in 1794—CHARM PERPETUAL • CAIPITAL 11200.000. PROPERTIES OF THE COMPAAY. FRIEDA= 1. D 363 ,5193.7342.07. MARINE. FIRE. AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE DIRECTORS. • Henry D. Sherrerd. Tobias Wwiar. Char let; Slacaleatar, Tomas B. waltzes. William S. smith, Henry G. Paaoama. William It Whits. Oharlea S. Lamle. • GeorgeH.*Staart. • George O. Carson, Samuel Grant. Jr. Edward O. Knigh. J ohn B. /olefin. HENRY D. SHERNERD. Prodding. Wrutaar HARPER. Secretary. - no/84, CARBON OIL. --500 BARRELS OF the meat etiDadired. bran/a.; to atom and to: sale btr tee'hlt. WDL SUM IIT LIME Stmt. PROPOSALS. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPA4E OFFICE. CINCINNATI Ohio. January go, jest PHOYOSALti are invited by the undersigned. until TVISDAY. February 2, 1861. a 1 12 o'clock Di . for for cashing this Department with Axes: Axes—Handled: Axe Handles: Hatchets—Handled: _ Hatchet Handle/ Shovels: Spades: Picks—Handled: Pick Handles. To be-delivered tree of charge at the United States In. spection Warehouse, in this city in good new packages i with the name of the party fu'rnishing. the kind an quantity offering distinctly marked thereon. Parties goods must, all eases. furnish sam ples, marked and numbered to correspond with their proposal, and distinoty state in their bids the quantity of goods they propose to furnish, the price. and the LIMO of delivery, Bids will be opened on Taesday February 21. 18di. eel °Week P, M. , at this office, ant bidders are invited to be present. Awards will be made on Wednesday. February 3d. when bidders, or duly-authorized agents, are expected to be prepared to give security that the goods will be furnished if an award is made. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable le re served. By order COL THOMAS SWORDB, L Q. M. G. C. W. MOULTON Captain and AL ._ Q. AL ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OPTION. CINCINNATI. Ohio. January 16, 1861. PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned. twit TO/MBAR, January 20th, 1864. for furnishing this De partment with— gerseys—Axmy Standard: Cavalry Jackets Uniform. Cloth - b. B , Standard Unifinm Cloth—D. 8., 6.4. Standard. • To be delivered, free of chars co, at the U. S. Inspection Warehouse. in this city, in good new packagei, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quantity of goods distinctly marked thereon. Parties offeling goods must, in all cases, furnish sam ples, marked and numbered to correspond with their proposal, and distinctly state in their bids the Quantity of goods they propose to tarnish, the price.and the time of delivery. Bide will be opened on Monday, January 26th, Inst. at 2 o'clock P. M.. at this office, and bidders are invited to be present. Award. wt..' be made en Tuesday. the 27th. when bid ders, or duly authorized agents, are expected to be pre pared to give security that the goods wilt be furnished if an award is made. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is ra served. By order of Col THOMAS SWORDS. A. Q G. Ja2o at W. MoiILTON. Captain and A. Q. M. PROPOSALS FOR BLANKETS. ORDNANCE OFFICE, WAR DEPARTMENT. WARRINGTON. Janus: y 12. 1664. nRkLED PROP ISALEI will be received at this office until 4 o'clOck P. M. on the 30th JANUARY 7665, for the delivery at the New York Agency, No. 45 WORTH St., of the following Blankets. viz: 60,000 Regulation Cavalry Blankets. Prussian blue or (Mahlon died. 20.600 Regulation Arifiltryltlailkete. These Blanket,' innate OTtare wool, close woven, of stout yarns. FOR THE CAVALRY. Bine, with an orange border three inches wide. and threelnches from the edae,_and the letters "11. 8." sin inches high, orange color, in the centre of the blanket. FOE,THSARTILL& Bed, with a black border three inches wide, and three % r t . s n ar t e h t e o c Inches from the edge. and the lettere " "elB Mann bilwi ll , t b u tc s k ia c n o k Loxt,i s e l o n. f ok th e e s b l l o a n u g l y . 67 itches wide and of Pic weight eflIM lbs. or say o 3-16 lbs. OA Iff "" s .- it Variation of 0.1876. or 3-Mho of a lb may be allowed. They must be single, and not In pairs, and Packed in cases of one hundred each. The value of the cases to be paid for at a price to be determined by the Inspector. _ _ The Blankets are to be inspected at the factory where made. and none will be accepted or paid for but cinch as are approved on inspection. - Deliveries must be made as follows: One-tenth of the amount contracted. for per week. commencing within one month of the date of the contract. Failure to deliver at a specimen time will canD-ot the contractor to a forfeiture of the quantity dna at that time. • No bid will be considered which does not come from a manufacturer of blankets or regular dealer in such goods. Bids will be considered for the delivery of the blankets at the factory, as well as at the stoney above men tioned. • Each bid is to be accompailed by the names of the sim iles of the proposer. Each party obtaining a contract will be required to enter into bonds, with approved sureties, for the faithful execution of the same Upon the award being made, successful bidders will be notified and furnished with forms of contract and bond. The Department reserves the right to reject any, or all the bide, it deemed unestlefactory on any account. Proposals wilt be addressed to 'Brigadier General George D. Ramsay. Chief of-Ordnance. Washington City." and will be endorsed •'Proposals for Blankets." GEORGE D RAMAT; Brig. Gen. and Chief of Ordnance. Sate-stattat INSURANCE COMPAWLES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, BY THE LAIIEBP NN M A iOFFICE S. E. CORNER AND WALNUT 'Pra, ON vsssELS.MARIE'S INSURANCE. CARGO, To all parts of the world. FBISI6HT, 1 INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River. Canal. Lake, and Land Carriage, to all parts of the Union. I ISURANCES. On Merchandise F gen RE erall N y. On Stores, Dwelling Rouses, &c. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOV. 1, 1853 . 1/00.000 United States Five per tent. L0an...., $ 97.000 00 70.000 United States 6 per cent. Loan. 520'5.. 75.000 00 20.000 United States 6 per cent. Loan. 1881.... 22,000 00 50,000 United States 7 3.10's per cent. Treasury Notes 53260 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania 5 per cent. Lo an. 50 54,000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. 997 100 Loan 57,850 00 123.050 Philadelphia City 6per cent. Loan.... 127,528 00 30 000 State of Tennessee 5 per cent. Loan"— 15.000 CIO 20.000 Pennsylvania - Railroad. let Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds • 22,200 00 50,000 Pennsylvania Railroad. 2d Mortgage 8 per cent. Bonds 53.250 CO 15,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Com. PanY,Principal ofd interest guaran tied by the city Philadelphia.. . 15,000 00 5.800 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company 7,225 00 5,000 100 Shares Stoat North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 2,C'.,0 00 21.056 United States Certificates of Indebted ness 21.420 00 123, MO Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply sedated 123.700 00 • 8761.760 Par Cost. $768,737 12 ifarket Paine .... 60 Real &tate 30.393 36 Bills receivable for Insurances made /07.947 61 Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Marine Policies, accrued interest, and other debts due the CO.lllDanY ' . 28,919 87 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $6933 estimated value 3,205 00 Cash on deposit with United States Government, subject to ten days call 8130.000 00 Cash on deposit. In Banks 83, 5 38 SO Cash in Drawer -..... 200 80 Thomas C. Rand, DIRK Jam C. Davis, Edmund A. Bonder. Theopilus Paulding, John R. Prnrose, James Traqualr, Henry C. Dallett, Jr .7aes C. P and. William G. Ludwig, Joseph R, Seal, Dr. R. N. Huston, George G. Lelper, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, _ _ TIIO3IA HtEIRY LYLBITRVII: THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM PAJNY OP psuaDEL.pars. Incorporated in ID4L Charter Perpetnal. OFFICE No. 305 WALNUT STREET. Insures against loss or damage by FIRS. Holmes. Stores, and other Buildings; limited or perpetual; and on Fu rniture. Goods. Wares, and Merchandise. CAPITAL 51300,000. ASSETS M 387.311 SG. Invested in the following Securities. via: First Mortgage on City Property.well secured 6108,900 00 United States Government Loans U 9.000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent L0an5...........50.000 00 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 8 per cent. ED, 000 , 000 Loan ...18.000 OD Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds.iirat and second Mortgage Loans 86 , 003 . 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 per cent. Loan 8.000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad ComPanY's per cent. LOAD. .-. • 6.000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 per cent. Loans 4,660 00 Coraisercial Bank of Pennsylvania 5t00k..... 10.000 00 Meciranics' Bank Stock 4,000 00 County Fire Insurance Company's 5t0ck'..., . .. 1.050 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock.... 380 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia's Stack 2.503 00 Loans on Collaterals, well 5ecured..........:,2,250 00 Accrued Interests,9B2 00 Cash is bank and on 18,581 86 Worth at 37resent muket v01tte...4 41 211 1 6 1 4 N DUMDUM& Clem Tingley. Robert Toland, Wm. R. Thompson, William Stevenson, 8113111161 BißDham , Hamp ton L. Carson , Robert Steen, Mars all Hill. William Mauer, J. Johnson BrOwn, Charles Leland, Thos H. Moore. Benj. W. 'finable'. CLEM TINGLEY, President. THOMAS O. HILL, ecretary. • PHILADELPII4, January 4, MS. nisomerros cONPANI (FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY'S BUILDING DIRE& P. Ratchford Starr, • William McKee. Nalbro Frazier, John M. Atwood, Benj. T. Tredick, Mordecai L. Dacreor6 . F. RaTCHFORD I THOS. ONTG CHARLES FOSTER M , Sear, • OP PHILADELPHIA. BXCLUSIVELI 400 W WALNUT S L TSBET. ORS. George R. Stuart. Sohn R. Brown, J. L. Erringer, Geo. W. Fahneetoak. James L . STARR. GC.i drir rlt William ss lytoi. 5011SELVce Preside nt. ataxy. fell $.1.089.425 b 2 TORS. Robert Barton. Samuel E. Stoked, Peniston. Henry Sloan. William G. Bonito.% Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Byre. Spencer Relivable. John B. Semple, Pittsburg A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. DAVlSPresident. DAVS, The President. tar"' 3a14 MRS: JAMES BETTS' CELEBBATED SPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the oily Slue. porters under eminent medical patronage. Ladles awl Phreicians are respectfully requested to caMe t ux Mrs. REM, at her residence, 103 a WAL .I Philadelphia. (to avoid counterfeits,) Thirty thousand , invalid* nave been advised by their phYsicluns to use het appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright; labels on. the box. and signatures, enA also on the Supporters. twit)" testimonials. oalg-ktikhati Air A 0 X * EBE L , HERRING, Saha' f. 600 bbl , AIL he..s M M . 14). 1.1, sad 11 IllaakaraL 1449-tdilakl tat Ish,Asi.assortskshasksgea. • • ...........1.000 sags Way. WsstPort. Wartaaa BM sad Baba — Elicnoass Woos. dads& aad to Inerti no bbls USW Ideas Shad. a&ni......, . IN boxes Herkimer Counts In *4l kora aat ass We bz. _ - ati To a . WOOft 14,11) ma. MS WO *NUM& SHRIIPIP , S SALE. RHERIFF'S BALE.-BY VIR'EUI4; OF a writ of Venditiord Exponita to me directed, will be (mimed to public sale or vendee . on MONDAY Eve nin,g. February). 1.364, at 4 o'clock, at Sansonsetreet Hall, Altthat contain lot of ground hitaate on tae westward ly side of Sepviva street, thirty•airc feet northward from Emlen street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on espviva street sixteen feet. and in depth sixty feet. (D. C : D., ID. tl7. Debt, $255.8518-1 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property a heather Petermann. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. San. 9. M. jall•3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas. to me directed. will be exposed to public slue or vandals. on MONDAY Even ing, February I. 1864. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street A atone storehouse and dwelling and stone meson site. and lot of land to tha Twenty-third ward. of the city of Philadelphia: containing about one acre and a half situate on the westerly side of the 13ri.tol turnpike, cor ner &Township Liner road, at Hollixtervilla. IC, 0. P. ; D.. '63. 214 Debt *152 97- J. S Tannery- Taken. In execution and to be sold as tho property of Jonas 8. Green. JOHN THOMPSON. &writ'. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Oflice. Jan. 9. 1863. lall-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Bxponas. tome directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Bvening. February 1.1881. at 4 o'clock, at bansom-street Hall. All that certain three-story brisk meatiness and lot of ground situate on the north side of Hamilton (late Greer) street, two hundred and thirty-three feet westward from Twelfth street. in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Hamilton street fourteen feet. and in dePth forty-five fe.3. [Wbich said premises Joseph FOR. by deed dated February NI 1839, conveyed ante Daniel B. Smith in fee; reserving a ground rent of twenty-eight dollars. payable ant of January and July.l CH. O. P.; D. '63. 219. Debt $44.49. Hopper.] Taken in efecution and to be sold as the property of Daniel B. Smith JOHN THOMP4ON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Otilce. Tan. 9.186( dell-St lIERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF KJ a writ of Venditionl HxPonas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue , on MONDAY Evening. February 1,1864. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street All that certain lot of ground situate on the southwest corner of Pepper and Tulip streets. in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on. Pepper street one hun dred feet, and in depth on Tulip street ninety fest to Wreckin street, • • [C. e. P: 218. Debt, $400.20. Pile.] Talon in execution and to be Bold as tbe_property of - Rowland T. Hewn. JOHN THOMPROW. Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff's Oitice. Tan. 9.1864. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vendittiont Expense, to me directed ,will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Even ing, February 1, 1844. at .4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot if ground situate on the south side of Lombard street thirty-two feet eastward from Twen ty-fourth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Lombard street sixteen feet. and in depth seventy feet to a seven• feet-wide alley. [Which said premises John McCarthy et ux., by deed dated May 19. IEBO, recorded. in Deed Hook A. D. 8., Po. 129, page 699. conveyed unto Walter O. Whiteman in feet reserving a ground rent of thirty-six dollars payable Bret of-Janua ry and Judy.) ; D.. WA Debt, 114/7.80. W. M. Smith ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the proper. ty of Walter C. Whiteman. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Jan. 9. 1864 jail-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Tenditioni Exuma% to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, February 1, - 1864 at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street All that cer-aln frame tenement and tot of ground situ ate on the walk side Of Christi:matt - set, about ninety-4a' feat westward from Seventh street. in the clty of Phila delphia: containing in front on Chriettan street fifteen feet, and in depth one hundred feet. [Which said Premises Sanitakl Briggs, et az. by deed dated September 16. 1863, conveyed unto Thomas McGowan In fee: le serving a ground rent of tifly-two dollars and fifty cents, payable first of October and Aprtl. [O. 0. D. D., '62. 226 Debt, *l6 86. Letebworth.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas McGowan. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Jan. t 9. 1864. • iall-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of VenditionlExponas. to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendne on MONDAYAvereing, February 1. 16.61, at 4 o'clock. at Saneom-street Hail, All that certain lot of ground with buildings, on the southwest corner of Randolph and Thompson streets, in the city of Philadelphia; front .1714 Randolph street t mtY two feet three and one-half inches, depth westward on the south line fifty-nine feet, and in breadth on the rear end of Beid , lot thirty-nine feet eleven inches. [C. C. P. ;D. '63 243. Debt. OS. Pl. Manderson. I Taken in execution and to be cold as the property. of John Schulte. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Jan. 9. 1E64. dell-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-8Y VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Bxponas, to me directed,will be exposed to public sale or vendue on MONDAY Evening, February 1. 1864, at 4 o'clock. at hansom-street Nail. Ail that certain lot of ground. situate on the north side of Stiles street. one hundred. and six feet eleven and three-fourth inches eastward from Orthodox street, in the city of Philadelphia. late Borough of Franlrford; containing in front on Stiles street eighth feet, and in depth one hundred feet. CC. 0. RI D., '63. 213. Debt, t 8368. R. R Browae.l Taken in diteelltiOn and to be sold as the _property of Thomas Caulk. JOHN THOMPSON, hheriff: Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Jan. 6,1864..jai1-St S HERIFF' SALE.— BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or Vendee, on MONDAY Evening, February 1,1864, at 4 o'clock. at Ransom-street Hall. All that certain 'peonage and lot of ground. situate on the east side of Charles street, one hundred and fifteen feet eight inches northward from Federal street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Charles street thirteen feet. and In depth on the north line thirty fade feet seven and one-half Inches and on the south line thirty-0470 feet nine inches. lWhich said lot James A. McCrea et tor., by deed dated September 18. 1817, re• corded in Deed Book A. W. M., No. 62. page Ins. con veyed unto William N. King in fee; reserving a ground rent of twenty-two dollars, payable Ant of January and July.] [O, C. P. ;D. , '63. 221. Debt, $34.59, Flood. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Wm. N. Slug. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Jan. 9. 1864. jail-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, tome directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Evening, Pebruary certain at 4 o'clock. at Sausom-street south side that lot of ground sitaate on the south side of Lombard street. forty•eight faet east ward from Twenty-fourth street. in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Lombard Street sixteen feet. and In depth seventy feet to a seven.feet-wide alley. [Which said premises John McCarthy et nx. by deed dated &lay 19,1360, recorded in Deed Book A D. 8., Mo. 12% page 412, conveyed unto Walter C. Whiteman in fee ; reserv ing a ground rent of thirty- six dollars, payable lint of January and July. TakenPB24. Debt, 5897.60. W. M. Smith.] in execution and to be sold as the_property of Walter C. Whiteman. JOHN THOMPSOII. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jan. 9, 1864. jell 3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expanse. to me ' directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning,Pebrnary 1.1881. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No L All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Thirteenth street thirty-one feet northward from Parrish street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Thirteenth street fifteen feet. and in depth on the north line seventy-seven feet five and one-eighth inches, and on the - south line seventy. five feet three inches to a three-feet alley, with the privilege thereof. [Which said: premises John W. Olashorn. by deed dated March 31, DM, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No.4B,page49S, dm.. conveyed unto Hugh Loans in fee: reserving a ground rent of S,V 75, Payable let April and October. No. 2 All that certain lot of ground situate on the south side of Myrtle street, sixty-four feet four inches east ward from Thirteenth street, in the c twentyiladelphi containing in front on Myrtle street feet, and in depth on the east line twenty feet ten and seven-eighths inches, and on the west line twenty-three feet nine and three-quarter inches to an alley, with the privilege thereof. [Which said premises Jobn'W. Claghorn et nx., by deed dated November 12, 1831, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 48. page 488, Ste. conveyed .unto Hugh Lmne in fee; reserving a ground rent of twenty dol lars.] [C. C. P. D..'68. 222. Debt, 11400. Shoemaker. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Hugh Logue. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's 01Ree. Jan. .9. 1864. jall-It SHERikI"B SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, Farmers , 1. 1864. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-streer Hall. All that certain three. story brick meesnage and. lot of ground, situate on the east side of Erie street two hun dred and four feet southward from 'Fitzwater street, in. the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Erre street seventeen feet, and. in depta slaty feet to a fonr fest alley leading into a tbree-feet alley, with the privi lege of said anima. (Which lot Robert R Dorsey et ux. , by deed dated February 28. 2854, recorded la Deed. Book T. , No. 128, page 363, Arc ,conveyed unto John Fitz patrick in fee; reserving a ground rent of forty-six dol lars and tieventy five cents. ] CC, C. P. ; D..'63; 220. Debt, *ll3. Weatherly.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the_property of John Fitzpatrick. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jan. 9, 1864. all-31 R,,HERIFF'S SALE.-131t VIRTUE OF a writ of Yenditioc I Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening. February 1, Het, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street hardlyat certain lo Philadelphia tuate on the northwest aide of the and Trenton Railroad. one hundred and seventy. four feet northeastwardlY from the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on said Phila delphia and Trepgon Railroad sixteen feet. and In depth on the northeast llne seventy feet, more or less, and on the southwest line seventy-two feet, more or less; sub ject to a ground rent of nine dollars and sixty cents. [Which said recordrge L. Harrison, et ex.. by_deed dated Ray 21.1899 d. in Deed Book T. H.. No. 91. Page 292. arcconveyed unto Joseph M. Thompson , in fee, te servinisaid rent. 1 [C..O. ; D.. ' F M 211. Debt, $98.125. Olmstead. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph M. Thompson.. JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sherif% Otlice, January 8, 12d13.1. _ _ _ SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF "--/ a writ of Veztditioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or ventine. on HOBBIT Svening, Febrnary 1, 1864. at 4 o'clock. andansomstreet Hall. All that certain meesuage lot or a piece deco of ground. situate on the northeasterly side of the Germantown road, at the distance of two hundred and two feet nine inches northwestwardly from the north aide of Chatham. late Berke etreet, in the city of Ph iladelphia; containing in front on Germantown road sixteen feet eight inche and in depth on the northwest lin on hundred and two feet nine and a belt inches. andthe southeast lino ninety-six feet six and a half inches to a twenty-feet court or alley. [Which said _premises Benjamin Ger 'hard et nx.. by iced dated June 14. 160. recorded in Deed Book G W. C. No. 16. page 229, &c . conveyed unto Charles Campbell in fee; reserving a yearly ground rent of sixty dollars, Paiable let March and September.) s.,:tejt her with the privilege of said court and alley. B --There is erected on the lot of ground above de scribed a three-story brick dwelling house. IC. C. P. ; D.. '63. 227. Debt $99.80. Ersty. Taken in execution and to be sold as the _property of Charles Campbell. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Jan. 9. 1864. jall-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF w'ill s Zl`raZe r i i i ts tg l pi r a d e lt s t aVolrgidt. t eoreMlilftNi. Evening, Feb. 1,1884. at .1 o'clock.lat Sansom-street Mall. All that certain three-story brick meesuage and lot of ground situa forty-eight uth side of Catharine street. one hundred and - feet eastward from Broad street, in the city of Philadelphia • containing in front on Catha rine etreet Sixteen feet, Hates depth including ne e --half feet six inches tostreet, including one-half of a thirty-inches-wide alley leading into Kates street. (Which said premises Michael Hates, by deed dated Sep tember 21. 1848, recorded in Deed Book G. W. C., N 0.32, Page 277. ate, . conveyed unto George W. McDonald in fee; reservinga ground-rent of sixty-four dollars. Pay. able Ist of May and November. Subject to a building restriction. CD. C. P; D. W. Britton.] Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of Freeman Scott._ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Jan. 9, MI. fall-3t ELECTRICITY. WONDIRPUI. DISOOVNItY AND WONDINIIGL RBSULTS All &Me and ebb dines= lured by ipedal iMuuwn_ .tee when dired by the patient, at iugliLlt WALNUT Streak, Pell ad.elphis. and in ease of a failure no charge lemada. No drugging the eYeiceil with =sash= mediesi agents. All auras per formed by Magnetism. Galvanism or other modll sstions of Elecerielty.without shocks or any n. pleasant se ns ation. For farther information sand and get a pamphlet, which contains hundreds of certificates from some of the most reliable men is Philadelphia, who have been speedily and Perma nently cured after all other treatment from medical men had failed.' Goer eipht thousand cured in less than four ears, at 1220 WALNUT Street. N. 13.—medical men and others, who deske knowledge of my new dissovery. mart sommeuce a fall source of lectures at any time. Prof BOLLIS has qualified over one thousand Physicians, who use Misdealt, as a specialty. Goluteltaffole free. PROP. NOLL.= it GALLOWAY. oeMlim MSS WALNUT St.. Philadelphia_ _ WILLIAM H, YEATON a; 00., sto.aol South FROM` Street, Agents for the sale of the OZIGINAL HBIDISIBCK & CO. C.11,1318A0X1. Oger that desirable Wine to the tried*. Also. 1.000 eases line and mediurngrades BOBVILiIIX CLABITIL SiO eases "Brandenberg Freres" COGNAC BILMAysI Vintage 2848. bottled in Frans*, SO eases finest Tuscan Oil, In leaks: 2 doxim. SO finest quality Monongahela ifirhbotY. *aft SO bbls Jersey *Brandy. 10.000 Harem extra. Ins Noel & abandon mad VW Irivertal. " Oftia Mal" Oherspagne. Together 'with a ism %Imbrium& of Itaileirii„ Pert. kg fieS. AUCTIOX SALIN% JOHN B. MYERS & (10, UE$. Mos. was sad us* NAELKET Streak. PIPIT LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOT& Ealgi, BROGANS. 6ic FOE THE NPRIVO Or 1664. " We will hod oar first sale of Blots. 6a098. grog% &c.. Bw., for toe spriag of 1864. on TUESDAY KQEXINO. rebrum 2d. by catalogue, onTourstionths • great, G t . Missing abont IMO packages of fresh and me Post worthy city and Bar:Sera manufacture, which wut foria worthy the attention of dealers, and may be Malawi early on the morning of sale. FIRST LARGE SPRING SALE OF DRY 000D8 N I TER SPRING OF 1864. Our first sale of Spring Dry Goode for INA NW 4, 1 held on THURSDAY mosarm, February 4, 1884. by catalogue, on four months' atelit and part for cash. embracing about 618 packages lots of British. French, German, and American 13,, Good,. comprising cotton., linens. worsteds. W001a4 4 and silks. which may be examined early on the 1110, 4 , log of sale. whin dealers will find it to their Lnteresti 4 attend. FURNESS, BRINLEY & 00., ire. 615 ORESTAITS and 6151 JA.YSB Straa sy BY HENRY P. WOLBERT, AtraTlONElat. *O% KASS= Street. South aids. above 11•410114 Regular Bales of Dry Goods. 'Trimmings. Notions. every MONDAY, WEDIMSDkY. and IoItIDAY MORM INOIS. at 10 o'clock on City and country Dealers are requested to attend Men sales. consignmente respectfully eolielted from Mannfasfi l . rem, Importers. Commission. Wholesale and .Tobble. Houses, and Retailers of all and every deseription - 3 Merchandise. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DRY GOODS. YRIMMISOR. SHOES. dm. 011 WEDNkSDAY MORNING, January 27th. commencing at 10 o'clock, will be sold Cloths, catalysers% costs, pante, buck gauntlets. glove.' mitts, merino shirts and drawers. silks, detained, b a ' nips. plaids. lawns, prints, linen an d cotton neek•ties, wool and cotton hosiery. rattling. collaret, bands. inserting, ribbons, trimmings, wallets, Parse, spool cotton, combs. brushes, &c. Also, felt hate, cloth caps, velvet do., boots, balmhai t gaiters, shoes, &c. AT PRIVATB SALK. 12 large emirs, With straw, or k,ardware. satiable for Pooktot Oyu 110HILIP FORD & CO. , AUCTIONEERS sAs MA_REIRT and NMR comigNlifiß Week. -FIRST SALE GP /SWOT* AND WOES FOR TEI SPRING OF 1864. ON 1 • 11131181) AY MORNING. Feb. 4th. we will sell for cash. by cataloPo. xnencing balmo'clock preclsety, 1,609 oases boo's. casit brogans, orals. atc • . direct from manufacturer& pANCO A S T dt WARNOCK, Al3l , . -IL TIMBRES. No. 010 MARKST Street. MTHOMAS & SONS, . /cm IS9 And 141 South /OMITS Stroth CARD.—Bales of Deal Estate, Stooks. &a.. M the Itz CHANGE EVERY TUESDAY. Pamphlet ()Melon s , sash Saturdayprevlone. PUENITUEE at Auction Store THURSDAY& REAL ESTATE and STOCKS. 28th JANUARY. TO CAPITALISTS. Am. —FIRST•CL ASS BUSIES% PROPERTIES, IRREDEEMABLE EINOUND REM, D WhLLINOS, STOCKS, aroSic- A CARD .— (OI r sale on - TU ESDAY next. 28th tall., y 12 o'clock, at the Exchange. will comprise a proven, renting for 53000 a year. punctually paid by a sinc4 tenant; ono also 63 feet front, on Fourth street. hater Walnut; Store, 131 Chestnut street; five old Irredoo4 . Me Ground Rents, Dwellings, Stocks. &4 BANK AND OTHER STOCKS. LOANS, .10 - .7 Also. 66 shares Corn Exchange Hank. 20 shares Penn Township Bank. 10 shares City Bank. 25 shares Commonwealth Bank. • 53 shares Second and Third•streets Railroad. 130 shares Southwark and Moyamensing Gas Go. 20 shares. AT PRIVATE SALE. A large and slendid ...neat.. of fine oil paintings. the American. English. Mean. and Frenoh schools art. comprising the names of Well-known artists from both hemispheres. is now on exhibition and for sato fur one 'teem REAL ESTATE BALK, WEDNESDAY. January 2811. At 2 o'clock. on the premises— OA IiDIORE COUNTRY SEAT. known as " Rickert Grove." twenty acres, Darby plank road, between tti Blue Bell tavern and Darby. about 6 miles from Martel. street bridge. Full descriptions in handbills. Sale at Roe. DO and 141 South Fourth street. SUFEE FURNITURE,_ MIRRORB, BRUSHES, Fin CARPETS, Ac. ON THURSDAY ACHINING. At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Storo. TO BRUSHATARRRS AND OTHIHIS. PARBIIPTORY SALE OF RHUMB& ON THURSDAY MOM HO. At i he auction store, without reserve. about 1.000 tdotnee.-shoe, and harness brushes, assorted. Max be examined the day proxioue to sale, Witt catalogues. MEDICAL. OLD STANDING CHRONIC! DIE. ROES, in their worst forms, cured by special Via. rantee, 7 w hen desired, at the institution of Prof 801,1,15, 2910 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, where he has been established over four years, and has cured thog sands of our best tithe ns of diseases which had resisted all medical treatment for years. Prof. BOLLES. founder and teacher of She only tra* and etiaceesful Syttem of applying Magnetism, Galvin. ism, and other modifications ol Electricity, as a cantle' agent , agent, takes pleasure in referring to the following who have been cured of obstinate diseases, R. 0. Shurtleit Cancer in Stomach, 3722 Kuhl street. J. M. Enid, Rheumatism. 1323 South Broad street. Judah Levy, Bronchial Consumption, hl7 Southfroiti street. Edward T. Evans, preacher of the M. E. Church, Dye. k mit of lo ng stan d in g, Laryngitis , and Lumbago, 1838 t ! nth St reet . . . William R. Shaine, Paralysis of the lower limbs (Ps. replan , ) and Epilepsy. publisher of the National Mr. chant, 126 South second str.et. Thomas Owens. Congestion of the Brain and germ Remorrbage of the Lungs and - Diabetes, American Rotel. Philaaelphla. Jame. Nugent, Doofneke for six years, and rinsing act roaring In th e head, Fifteenth and Bedford streets Thomas Earrop. severe Diabetes, Rose Mills. West Philadelphia George Grant, Rheumatic Gout, long standing. 811 Chestnut street. H. T. De Silver. Chronic Nem algia and Inflammattig Rheumatism, 1736 Chestnut street. 0. A. Carmich, Chronic Dyspepsia and Indammatift of the Kiencys, Chestnut and Fortieth streets. James P..Oreves. li. D., long-standing and. Berm Lumbago, 216 Pine street. Bdward McMahon, Consumption. 1227 Front street. William Morgan. Nervous Debility and Dyspepsia, 41 Spruce street, Charles D. Onehnev, Paralysis of the lower limb]. (ParaplegT) and Dyspepsia, Western Hotel J. itichet. Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation. and Con. gestion of the Bronch i alstr. Caleb Lamb, C o n s um pti on, of five 7aaft standinig. 14136 Chestnut street. Bey. J. - Mallory. Alphonia., Philadelphia. M. M. Limning. Nervous Prostration, Cadbury eve. DIM Anthony Carney. Pulmonary Consumption, 1917 Mar ket street. The treatment is eminent] by him, in the following di , Aphonia. Abscesses. Asthma, Ague Chills, MMus Complaints, Boils. Bronch !tie. Constipation, Consumption, in the middle stages. Congestion, Cross Eyes. Catarrh. Cutaneous Diseases, Contractions of Muses's. Coldness of Feet and Elands, Dropsy, Diabetes, Diptheria, Dizziness, Dimness of Eight. Pesfness. Distortions of Limbs. Diseases of the Uterus, Erysipelas, Fits. Falling of the Womb, Felons, Gout. General Debility, Goitre, Headache, Heartburn. Hysteria, Consultation FRES, jai& tf 7' successful, when milled timeless: Hypochondria. Humors. tratanity. Infiaromatlons. Jaundice. kidney Complaints. Lockjaw Laryngitis, Lose of Memory Liver Complaints. Lumbago, • Mercurial Diseases. Neuralgia. hiervousness Noise be the ' Eead. Ohl Sores, Paralysis, Palpi.ation of the Heart, Prostration of the Systess Pimples, Piles. Rheumatism, Rush of Blood to the ant Spermatorrhea. ealt Rheum. Strictures of the Chain. Swelled Tonsils. 'Tfc lu llo i l ) geatin 4 . Tumors, Urinary Dimino!. Ulcers, whe Swellings. Xero it derrna. Profs. BOLLES at GALLOWAY, 1220 WALNUT Street. iLECTRiCITY. -- WHAT IS LIF 1# WITHOUT HEALTH t—Mesers. GRIM & ALIEN. medical Electricians, having dissolved partnership, tat established office ontimted No r thHOS. ALLEN. at the ad No. 723 TNNTII Street. betwoop Coat es and Brown, where he will still treat and cure e.! curable diseases (Whether Acute. Chronic. Pulmoneri orParalytic. without a shock or any 13ain.) with the re• idons modifications of Blectricity and Galvanism. This treatment has been found remarkably successful in sl: eases of Bronchitis, Diptheria, and other diseases of the throat and respirators , organs. Consumption, first and se- Influenza and Catarrh. cond stages. General Debility. Paralysis. Diseases of the Liver or Neuralgia. Kidneys. Fever and Ague. Diabetes. Congestion. Prolapses mart (Falling I Asthma. the Womb). Dyspepsia. Prolapens Ant for Piles). Rheumatism. Nosturaal Emissions, 41,4 ' Bronchitis. Deafness. No charge for sonsultation. Office hours 9A.M. to P. M. Testimonials to be seen at oMee. dell- in TARRANT'S EFFRIMSEICE7A3 SELTZER APERIENT. for THIRTY TZARS, has relleVei the Pavorable Zo. eommendation of the PUBLIC. and been USBD AZI NIIISCRIBRD br the FIRST PHYSICIANS IN THZ LAND 41.8 TH7 STST REMRDY KNOWN rola Sick Headachea, Nervous Headashe, DYSREI74III. Sour Stomach. Billorts Headache., Dizziness. • Costiveness. Loss of Appetite, punt. indigestion, Torpidity of the Lives,_thaveL Rheumatic Affections. Piles. Heart burn. Sea Sickness , Bilious Attacks. Fevers. , ate. . 14r Soniatottlals. ay.. see Pianykl4t With task Sottlt' ..... Manalhatured only bx TARW43I3 di CO., win auffariVlOß Street,__Ww Sor[• Ase-1y FOR FALR wy ALL DRlTGlarwrs. JUMELLES COMPOUND ByRuP OF DOCK Is successfnl as a rented), because thole Inc sae 1t announce it the heat COUGH STRUP, the beat Blood Purlffer, the most °Solent Invittcutor' and the beet Cure for Scrofula ever offered to theinthlk. Sold by the proprietor. • P. JIIMELLe , 3.5m1 MARKET Street, 42•10-.9s And all Drente's. 1, COAL. ENIIINE EAGLE VEIN --A aqua. it not sweater to Lehigh. glop. Harts Plus Ultra Family gaighoW Coal/ Ica snd gtoye pli 14 e 4 6QLary* Ant 1 7.78 nor ton. Coal ibrblited roll weight asr'tieket. Depot 14-19 VALLOWRILI Broad Street. above Broad Who. South POORTH__. /ow Caadnut. Call and oznintrin. Orden by dm... , P romptl nt y attended to by noll-e ILLIS lllllXsOff,_ 00 AL.—SUGAR, LOAF', SEA READ_ ow., 231_11 spring 7601111iiiiII Loki& Oink ei volitbad Jllotuaraua, front sehnucul; mile; •••• eir&E2l7 Doak I. W soma OF% and OW Weal. Oise. No. lkd South B Stroud. tan 4-1 1 ,3 J WALTON A Oa SUIPP.INCi. ,71u :4 . BOSTON AND PRILA.DICIP PUTA STRAY/18RIP from Boomer p port on SATURDAYS. from drat Wharf aboin Street. Philadelphia, andLonk Wharf, Boo m The steamer NORMAN. Capt. Baker. will sail iris,4 Philadelphia for Boston, on Saturday. January Rh as °Week A. And steamer SAXON. Capt. RattheWs. ,„" Beaton for Philadelphia, on same day. at tr. 31. These new end substantial steamships font a rsga/ 11 late, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdairs• Insurances effected at one-hull the Prentltus /Ural en sail vessels. Prelate taken at fail rates. Mauer' are requested to send Sail, ilmtelPts sadILI Lading' With their goody. For Froirrht or Pilaw thazdar Sao aosommodotia lt apply to HEN= 7 4 1 1111303 00.. inide 83S South 110 1red)WhIll AYOIIO6 , sSELSTEAM WEEKLY TO LrvEs ; 001.. ton:shin:rat gaseastaWs, (Cork /t bor.) TheArell-kuosro Steamers of the Llyorpot h .T. York. and Philadelphia StammlilF DON/Pan s are "'"-- ad to sail as follows: ....- ~,, ETNA, SatirdaY. Swum" -, eI.TY OF NEW TORN, ........ Saturday. Februarf . , ElvdtrEo 11. —._,. . .—. .... daturas'''. from ./„; d ever,' onoes.ediag Sarazday at noon. from rw m- - AI orth Elver. 'RATES or PASSAGE- . .. ItliYable in Gol d . at it oul_anal t lll . Dllrranli , V 0 3 fi /lan 10811121. OA 001 A Do. A L ,. ~, , Do. to Loudon. 85 00 .Do. to VP.— 4D 0 Do. Co Parts. s NE 00 Do. to ~..___arit. ~, ay .$ f Do. to floaturs . SO 00 Do. to 4"""121.0.0. Passer:sem forwarded to Havre.,/doomem alan. • A lelie., aS %many low rotas. ,_,_ 01 .4 11 res.,„.tr veroool or Onomostowa : lit Cobh. 0 v ...° ` ° W ° . ago two Ltrapool sad tinearudor , , 1 , 3 t, - Thou who via to ant for theta. Maids goo bat .° hare at-these ' is.o for further lotorsuatkat.autarat the Coatl . 6 D T lap , ~, in wAlacrr - JOHN sme li rti L a a rtg. k 1:".