: arrivals at the hotels, UP TO TWELVE O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. md Chestnut street*. Thos J fehallcrose & wf, Md N F Duudore. Bernviile F Taylojr, W Chester A J lleiy.ly,Williamsport .1 V Craven. Now Jersey Gea a Schoeff, Ft Del T H Wmterstein/Pt C iroon V D Latner & la. Fotteviile Richard Malty. Pehaa Miss E Meily, Ponaa A W Daniels & la. Boston Emerson l.iscam, USA * Geo E Gcay, Albany A Folsom & wf, Gnstou John T Sargent & da, Boston J C Dickinson, N--w York Jas B Charters, l.llnols J N Bilftnan if da, BI&« Mrs J. SMnrt BlookwoilrN Y D 31 Boyd,New Sort Mr Johnson St sis, Balt L C Barnoy, Boston D 0 Constable. New York DO’Dotiuoglme* Washing’n A R Mi’Cov, K*s on loliu 11 Uhl, New York Okas G .Till, N-*w York Jas'Stillwell USA LC Merrill. USA fll It lviutf. New York Chas Klivor, Pottsville A K Hay. Now Jersey Henry S »ymour, KY CACr,ua, New Y.o-k T BStllliuan. Now York L K>llogir New York R Steers, New York WFIUx. Now York Geo fi* D -dd N»*w York 0 Uosßwa-y. New York A K Hall, Brovidedco J Blgior. Newbnrg H Mayno,'Baltimore CPPlimpton, B-s'.on J H Almjv NewYTovk J R Gay, 80-t.*n K Kinsley, Boston - John Bill, Boston J a GhfiUh, Cincinnati E OBougbton New York S P hmoroon. New York L W Carroll, Norwioii.Ct John T Mart'n. h Y L F OJa.ru e. N Y 8 BuflTnan, PiMvidcnce B F French, N Z J M Duncan Max Haretzek, NY' ConUnciktal->Nlnth a: WW Ward, New York'**. Jooiati J Burges, N T Seth Bryant, Button A W Bttrkerk, Portsmouth ,T Clapp, Jr, Mass ' S G Penney, USA Dr Bolling W HTtoman W Laurie, Boston Col l)Qyiß Capt Dawson AldoD Speare- Boston. II M'Klxko, V S N JS Willett, Louisville WB Loughrirttfe,Louisville JElleaeSde. Washington J L Winfield. Terneseee John C Yorton, St Louis Geo B AUUns, New York Mrs J Hickman, W Chester Cbhs Betz, NewYoik M W Watson & la,Pittsburg A A Van Worner & la, Mo A McD Lyon* -U S A Jas A VeTiine & la, If J F J Parson*. Pottsvillo JLelfcenrlap, I*a Dr Christ, Hudson City C P Hurst, Tennessee R 0 Glover, New 1 ork H Williams, Mass J F Merrill, Mass C M Smith, Illinois JT Stuart, Iliuois , W GFanleigh, St Joseph W Jnyno, t> T Vm Morrison, St Louie C Andress, Cincinnati W K Rlcbaffey, Washington PW Ga:retsuii& la John C Sterde Ml&a Manning John M Moore* N J H L Stewart & wf. Chicago Hon B Hamlin & la, Wash MUs IT&Uuin. Washington RobtKoe Awie, N Y Hiss Hoe. Now York Peter Kce A* wi f e, N Y Stephen lioe New. Tot k . Blend Hoe. New York Mr & Mrs- Lawrence, N Y Miss Mend, If *w York Nathan Mervico F P Furaald& la, N Y B Reilly, Jr, ISA Tra Murdock, Maes If 1* Haven* New York J Corrcy & la, Memphis Girard-Chestnut S' RMcNeaL HoUidaysbuiK Hon J S Black, York, fa Jse F Shunk.lork.Pa J Htcalock,New York J Allen,. Harrisburg Mrs Mcrrisoa,Baltimore W K Barns L LarumA la, Baltimore , Mr Young, New I ork Mrs Sollt-ju, Miss D F Burjrena'Washington B T Wilson & -a,Ohio Lewis G Simons Jos Holmes- New York P Voorheee, hew Jersey F Orne. New York J F Cowan, Nsw'York I Painter, .Westmoreland co IP Willttt,‘Milwaukee - Ml es W Ilk tc, Mi» wadkeo Miss Rankin, Milwaukee Hr A Mrs Judson, ToUdo.O Hiss Jsonnald, Toledo, 0 Wm Simms, New York C Daniels,Cleveland, 0 W p Daniels, Cleveland 0 Mias L Gau.iey. Delaware FIT Stanton, Wash, PC W K Bartlett Jv, Balt DRDHhmdprSVw, Laucast’r C LRelm, Philadelphia S Longttrefch, Philadelphia AEDonaldson, New Jersey He v Q H Bardwall, Lane co Mrs JH Alisa, Carlisle, PA Miss AUen, Carlisle, Pa H Loppii J Potterj Jr? Lcwistown Hiss A McCormick, Wmsb’g Mrs A Myers, Williamsburg Mrs Wm Moore, N Jersey CEP May hew & wf, B J R H Jlerrids, Wash, D 0 JI T Guieman, New York F Stallman & la, York, Pa Hire haati-Fourtli John Herron. Ohio C A Luckenbach & la, Fa 11l Jones. Maryland H Conrad. Penna MDOverflcld. Monroe co G K McMaster, Pittsburg j B Burk! nrt t, Ohio J J Chitttck & wf, K York i)r6W Seiji & la, Penna Breed, Fntebarg MrsM Barnett, Easton Mast W Barnett, Easton A R Sloan C W Leiimnh, Reading ,T J Book. Ohio j A Eyster, Cbamfaereburg 3? C Herwy* Maine Nathan Smith, Maine J H Murray k la. If Jersey H Funk, Btonfcboro J Kelly A la , Burnt Cabin American-Chestnut E Tibbelt, Trmaqaa j! R 0 Hall, Delaware . Stew ard Allan JI Keanaid H Yenberg Lieut E I‘Vilson, USA Martin JDe I’orrest, USA If-aac Gietiff, Jr, Boston E WGraifihs, Tyrone, Pa Mrs E McKstiKli. Pennar Miss Bnchel RhaUgan, Pa ' Harrison Whitman, Boston Tlios Wallace, Delaware W N WDots* 3', Milford. Del J E Thompson A la, N J Alisa H Wells. Salem, t< J Henry Slr-nickßos, K J Clark Strongt Conn * JI Brill, New York D T Gapn Mrs E M Ware. New Jersey M Bra el A la. Baltimore D Wallace, Ba timore Jas A Kicliavds, Columbia J H Jacobs. Beading D J Lincoln, BLidsboro P Grant , OHG Sossere. ?ew York Jaa AllaTks, Wash, D C Albert Butler, Sew Castle St. loiUs-Chestuut Geo W d & wf,Brooklyn Lt JGlotuul'enna Jas A Boot, Hartford Jno C Howard fit wf, Va J Woodward, Ilonasdale David Porter, Washington O Fieoge, Alexandria, Ya •Tno Bordman-Easton Danl StBtler,X***ttavillo JW Houston-Delaware .Taa Ebert, A 1 b&tfy ■ ; Wm Monteiier'.SunbTiry • J G Butler, Jr, Albany f The X r »lon-Arch s Qgo Scott. Bridgeport J F Harris, Pottsyille D E Miller, Penna JM Earnest. Delaware J Gregg, Bake, 0 4 J G Pomereiie, Ohio ME Walker*la, Del G S Reinhart Pittsburg D Trainer, Williamsport JosH Knhne, Penna WJ Wallace. Lancaster co J M Barrett, Wilkesbarre Rev J A Wood, Wilkesbarre H H Bothrock, Bellefonte Mrs S Bryant, New Haven John J Krcraer SWfihaw, Backs co States Union-Market C Kilburn, Boston J E Leonard. W Chester Jno Eemmeror, Allentown Wsq 0 Daniel,Wilm. Del J> W Harlan & wf. Media G J Walker. New York Thos o Wilson, New York Jnoßainbo St sou, Lane co Jan H Boss, UlcV*v town ■O Mordine & wf New York C Bruechi & wf. Now York A B Potter, New Jersey . Commerci&l-Sixih street, above Chestnut* Major S F Earhart &la,U S A J Way, Chatham J Traynor, Chester co W Pyle, Chester co MissPT Bpeakman, Del co M H.iicCaU, York co Miss H E Spaakman, Del co O fs*over, Pottstowa JFchofield, Chaiubersburg W Stanhope, west Chester TE Schofield, Chambersb’g JW Nislds, Westchester J Armstrong, Maryland— W M Carter, Delaware J Levis, Maryland T W Miller. Oolaware J A Mackor. MarrUnd . J F TTzzell. (lentre co H Gifcham &dan, lane co a W Johntou, Delaware Bojmim's Hotel —Thii , L J Paul. Jforrlstown I J L RRthbura, Norristown »' F Belrose, Norristown i HMonia, Norristown i p B Bolts, Mt Pleasant W B Jordan. Mt Pleasant F Pounhman, Waynesboro Maj R 0 Hunt, New Jersey A Hemingway, New Jmey Be Witt C Chase, Portland OTCbaße, Jr, Portland Lt W CEnstice. Portland HRPaiker, N Hampshire A N Kowe. D d A .. SHBuy&w, tunbnry Madison—Second street, above Marltet. PClloft, Lambartville 10 Hall, Lanrel.Del S G Stockton,Lnmbsrtville A Lamcort Mow Hope, Ha P Buckhert, Lambertyille W DGranam. Ohio JC Stark Honn MorßKi.Omo Tames SnßlvB.il J Shafer, Jr. Monroe co Ohas Henri. Monroe co W Smith & wf. Mow Terssy Jas Kintz, Monroa co John boarp. New Jersey, J M Bivins, K.w York I& , i? r T ean , 5 r vlvl ? Illa i " LLawrencf •, Q WKttglar,-Maryland. B H Sharp i w', Delaware N Petty. Hew Jersey TB Johnsim, Delaware JP Allen, Wilmington BMBodnjy.Delaware Dr J Dyer. Backs co W H Eodney, Delaware J Lloyd, Dcylestown j P Burro nghe, Maryland Bald Eagle- Third sir* Ilex Weaver, Millerstown Bleb Camp, i'eni a » . DAS Keck, i lewis Knntz. .Slailng.oa , V B Eeifcny der, Heading lJKern • „ - • • v. S>lomon Boj-er, Panna • Kiaa FA Boyer, Penna A'iss is Boyer, Penna ' Miss E Lentz, Penna - ILevan, Berks co Jig E Hill, Backs co I*H Myere, Backs co katlonnl—Race sli 17 H Beftl, Peaaa I W Walter, Bedford co;.P&| ) H Heareliby, I >r 11 Howell, U B A • jphn lioff, Heading I jtfount Vei non-Scc< jW Saylor, Bchulk Haven y H Sanderson, Hew York fE Phillips- Pennsylvania v Ac Best, Hew York /W H Curtis* Hew York •/Jee Minch, .New Jersey / John Colgon, Salem, N J ; W o Pearce, Salem, H J / Qio S Smith . Barley Bhraf—Sccom Jaa Thornton, B/berry B Yicbolaori, N Jersey Chat Nicholson, h Jersey Alfred Knight Carversyille Capt R Uonai, JX Carolina I fe Fogg, North Carolina David Feaster, Buci.s co speoia'l notices. NOTICE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE. To\ the Residents of the Twentu-secand, T amity-third, t ; and Twain-fifth 1 Yards: j Fifth Collection District. Pennsylvania. ' Ton are--respectfully notified that the ANNUAL AS SESSMENT for the above-nailed District of .all persons (liable to tax on Incomes* Carriage*, pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold and Sliver Plate, and also of Ell persons required, to take out Lconaes, having been Completed, tho taxes aforesaid and taxes on monthly ■returns for the TWENTY-SECOND and TWENTY FIFTH WARDS will be .received at the office, Laag stroth’s Building* GERMANTOWN, and those for the TWENTY THIRD WaRD, at the office, FRANKFORD Street, Fratkford, oh and after MONDAY, the 231 No vimbsr. between the hours of 9 A M. and 3 P.M. (On "WEDNESDAY, December 2, ISC3. William 11. Mil lar, Deputy Collecfor, will be at Hand’s Hotel, corner o| RICHMOND and WILLIAM Streets, between the * bjmrs of P A. M. and 3 P. M. to accommodate those re * smug in the Twenty-fifth ward. PENALTIES. vr All persons who fail to pay their annual taxes on or » Wore the 12th day of December, 183^," yrill incar a S.gpeaalty often percent, on the amount thereof and costs, *8 provided for in the 19th section of the Excise law of ■ July 1. 1862. - ._ 1 / K All perrons who in like manner shall fail to take one licence, ae reanlred by iaw, on orhafore the said day of December, will incur a penalty of 10 per cent, to the,amount thereof, forfeit three.times the i amount of eaid license, and be subject to a term of ita- L prleonment hot exceeding two year-, in accordance with k the provisions of the 19th and 09th sections bf the Excise H aforesaid, and the H 24th section of the amendment K thereto. Money of the United States only received. No further will be-eiven, treetjbcloyv Ninth, JW Howell* Troy. N Y Gao Hoskimou,Buffalo,NY L T- Snoacer, Jersey City J W Yan Wink si, N Jersey Sam’i Libn, Baiiofonte Miss Barroli, Maryland J St* warc,ChiiUnoth« 0 W Ho&dorson' & la.Penaa Miss F Stockton, New York D Lomtson, Uoaulduon. C F Sarever.Tainaqaa E Wool .ten, Delawave : H B Bigelow. Columbus,o M S McCoj. Baltimore D Luther, Reading . W T Moris- u, Montgomery J-ETagerman, Reading H B ilanlo, BaUimore Jamei Black Johnßp-ar,Penn3ylvania Mrs Gilday s: tfaa, Peana D Brandt. Camber-und Alfred HinkeJ «»hib S Mu<*elmau, Ohio BKFlaag, Aliltoa, Pa T Livingston, Baltimore 0 W Ellis, (s«wtoa JWP&rker B»pton D Forrest, New York J Gordon, New York Or w Leonard, BUUmore J W Wail, Burlington PF Causey, Delaware W T Cattae7, Delaware W P L>« NorinanJoe Jt wf, Ttxas . S Cnapraan, New York W Searie, Liverpool, Lug P A Kcetsle, N w York A A Douglas* it la, Peana Mrs A w Le.-senrinff, Penna J W O’Hara, Jr W Raddo, New York 8 W Green. Itantingdon co J HBlcs, New Zorki street, below Arch. A (J Miller, Sbifepeusbuvg Mast G 61 Miller, Shipponsb MreStoveason, Carlisle Miss Steronsoa 6t s, Carlisle S J DoikiOader, New York E-.R Brown, MChunk M McGovern, Peuna D 0 Strawbridge, Penna JH Breckinridge, Jona Q W Seymour* Near York Sami Walls, Miilhnco Dr Bigelow .hew York J M Lme, Penna John Gallagher, York Eli J S-teger & la. Allentown' W Wav, Ketv York D J Williams, Cincinnati Aug Lour, Sc L juis D B Morey Boston C Hess. Pittsburg J Cole, Eiston / street, above FifiSi* , IS W Strickland' J M Eiiidon, Lei City iMl'4 Hail. Salem, N J | Mir a Pancost Salem. N J T W Taylor & la. Penna MUa S Ta* lo>, Penna Miss F T Bmuett, Penna C W Jefferson, Dal City L Brumal! ; F-JS Metzger, Hanover Stephen Keefer, Hanover : L.L Lyons Lewes, Dal Robt Biv>wn, Baltimore J S Tomb at bon, Jer Shore Mrs J B Oarothers, Pa J V Crain* Ala, JerShora I* Pnrrett. USA J Manchester T Reber & la. New York A Rldgwa>, Maryland J I> 'Green, New York *• J_Wescivt, Maine John MPeck. Albany A McTighe, Pittsburg Mrs McTighe * son. Pitts’g John J-Davenoort, N Y J H Salkeld. M Chunk FGSnllpnger, NewTork J A Williams. Conn - N F Parker, Boston itreetj above 'Third. R<'bt R Riddle, Albany SI L Foy, Lancaster T P Shaw, New York S L Bryan, Baltimore fl A Whaelflr Si ia, N York T B Holloway,How York Mrs Capt Sporty, Penn a T B Rosenbaum, N Jersey G Bradly. Louisville J Newmeyer.Naw York M J O’Brien. B.ooklyn J M Spencer ii la, Brooklyn itreet, above Third. W C Beecher, Pottaville Henry G Funk, Franklin co D J HnmrneU Sc wf, Penna Geo Brown. Tamaqua E D Draper & ia, Mass John B Price. Ashland A. T Fobs. New Hampshire RevC W Seaman, Illinois David W Showell, Eiston C Leggett, Blrdeboro MlßbTriiomosoa, Birdsbpro E Beckham. Lancaster co J T 9aU“tt. New Jersey Bemy Thompson. Berks co Lyman Nattlnj?. Piaegrovo Chae Tat man, Odessa, Del; A G- Sem'.nger, Allentown. t, street, above Sixth. Wm Hackerry, Clearfield Smith, Dauphin co. Pa J Deyer, Lancaster co. Pa JnoD France, Lock Haven J B Johnson,Shir»pafl f l*a Wm H .Rosa, Me Vernon. Pa Jacob Plank, B*rksco, Pa J K Lutz Hn-rrisburg Aiidrow J Wilkeas, Penna J R Metzler, Penna . = H C fi'on-DerstmtttA son,Pa L) ReJ-Dancannon, Pa rd street* above Race Z W Bartlett, iID.N York J S North, flew York G Nesmiih, New York Lt H Herrick, New York Jno Williamson, Cleveland Geo Barman. Penna Qeo Butserman, Penna ADoten, P«nna J P Read, Now Jersey Col Jaa Wilson, USA- Capt S Pray, USA * A A Bates, Maryland 8 Banlett, Massachusetts Lt Wilkins, IJ d a D G Campbell, Greensburg reet, above CaliowlriU. Levi Backman, Allentown T B Lelst-aring, Pitt3baT« JH Smith. PiaeviUe.'Pa HCt Smith, Pmeville. Pa Mrs M Heaton,Piueville,Pi Hiss V smith, Blnßvide.Pi, H K Leister,- Sellersvilla Carlisle Smith, Bucks co Mbs Smith. Backs co Hiss D Smith, Backs oo Mrs Keck J?U<» Boas „ W B Ben singer & son,Penn* reel* above Third. |C L T »was-md, Jersey , M V Read. U-.adiag J J Gaer, D jLt Col R.F Moser .. . oud St.j above Arch* Josiah S Hackotfc DWO Sharp. Salem co.NJ HCReeves. Salem co* N J S Humphreys, N*w Jersey J Sheard. MlneroVille . A Bright Hoff, Reading . Mrs Barton, Delaware HT Smith d street, below Vine* Col J L Laaaiag, Philada Wm Terry, Mew i'otk N Needham. Centre Hill Hurry Servle, Djyleetowa Sami Cognine, Indiana Geo Derrick, New York JOHN W. CO WELT,, CollevtOjT. OKK-PjauE Oi.OTnrira, of thk Latest. Stties, made in the Beet Manner, expressly for BE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plain Figures. All Goode made to Order warranted eailsfdc tory. Our Oke-Puice Ststkm is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES & CO., 004 MARKET Street. Hair Dye! Hair PyeU BATCHELOR’S celebrated HAIR DYE is the Best in the World. Tie only Harmless , True, and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye ie perfect—changes Red, Rusty, or Gray Hair, instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, without injuring tho Hair or stain* log the Skin, leaving tho Uulr Soft and Beautifal; im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor; all others are meze imitations, and should be avoided. Bold by all Druggists," Ac. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor’s new Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. . Jy2o-ly Deafxess, Ete, Ear, Throat Diseases, end Cal a rrb, treated with the utmost euc'cess, by Dr- VON MOSOHZtSKEBi Oculist and Auriflt. Numerous testimonials and the very beat city references can b 8 ex amined at his office IOJiT WALNUT street de2*loL* Pr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment is the best known remedy for Spraina and Bruises. - Electbicitt.y Sciextii'icalt Applied by Dr. A. H STBYENS, 141 S South PENN SQUARE, Philadelphia. i -aSESV 1 *? HOLIDAY P RESENTS. STECK & 00. ’5 PIANOS' MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET OKG A H 8 J. E. COUIS, sbitrntit anti chtrstnttt. no2l-lde2d FIIfN—'BLACKBURN. At the residence of the bride’s father, on Thursday morning. November 2(Ub, 1863. by tho Rev. F. A. Willard, of Boaton, John M. Finu. of thiscity, and Lettie B Blackburn, dadghter of 0 Black burn, Esq,, of Pittsburg, I’d * ELLIOfT—POMEROY.—By Rev. D. 0 Kellogg, William B. Elliott to Miss Mary A. Pomeroy, both of this cUy. * GETCIIELL—TWIGGF.-On Tuesday. December Ist, by the Rev. Beery W. Dncachet. Rector of St See pufin’a Church, Frank H. Getchell, M. 0., of Maine to Frederica C , daughter of the iate Major L. Twiggs; of theU. S. Marine *. BANCROFT—POWELL.—On Wednesday morning, Dec. 2d, by the Rev Chnrloa D. Coopor, James R. Ban croft to Carrie Knight, danghfcer of the late James Powell, Esq , all of this city. . * DIED. LAlNG.—Onihe2dinst„ MaryT., infant daughter of H. M. and Anna T. Lalng. * BARTLETT.—Snddoniy, on the 2d inst., Arabella Bartlett, in the 2lat year of her age. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of lior parents, at bethlehem, Pa., on Saturday, sth inst., at 2o’olock P. M. *** - FOSTER.—On the Ist inst., Harriet P., wife of Jacob Foster. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband. No, 1121NortkFourth street, on Friday, the 4th inst., at 2 o’clock. • *- LfcNTZ.^On Wednesday morninE. the 2d insfc., Mrs. Maria B. Lentz, relict of til's late 11-inry Lentz, in ihe 93d year of her age. The relatives and. friends of the family are invited to attend her fnneral, from her late residence, corner Tenth and Wisstax streets, on Saturday, uih inst., at 10 o’clock To proceed to Laurel Hill. *** DOWNING. —At DowningJown, Pa.. on the morning: of the 2d inst., Ann T. Downing, relict of the late Uharlea Downing, in the Cl»t year of her ago. Her relative 8 and frionds . are. respectfully invited to attend her funeral, on Stventh-day, 'the sth inat. To leave the house at M o'clock A. M. Carriagt s will be in attendance at the depot upon the arrival of the train which leayes Philadelphia at S A. M. *** KIBK.~ On Saturday v 28th nit., Mrs. Sarah Kirk, aged 77 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend berfnneral, from her late residence, Main street, above Washington lane, Germantown, this (Thursday ) morning, December 3, at 11 o’clock. * HUBBAED.—On the 30th nit., Mrs. Emelina SHab bard, wi/e of Charles Hubbard, in the 41st year of her age. - * ANSPACH. —On the 30ch November, Wm. J. Ans pacb.only eon of William and Aoiada E. Anspach, in thelS'b yearof hisage. * DICKBEjON.—At New York, Nov. 30fcb, Mrs, Jolia Dickerson, widow of Eev. Jonathan Dickerson, in the Goth year of her age. * Mourning goods for DE CEMBER SALES. Black Reps Long Shawls. Black Thibet Long Shawls. Black Thibet Long bhawls, extra size. Bla k Cashmere Long Shawls. Black Woolen Long Shawls. Black and Gray Double-faced Woolen Loag’Sb.&wls.S Black and White Plaid Woolen Long Shawls. . Black All* wool Velour Reps. Black French Meriaoes. • Black French Cashmeres. . Black Alpines. Black English Bombazines. Black Fiench Bombazines. Black Silk-warp Cashmeres. Black Mousselines Delaines. Black Mou«»elines Delaines, double width. Black. Corded Mousselines. Black Tamises. Black Bombazine Alpacas. Black Mohair Lustres. . Black Turin-Oloths. Black Baratheas. 1 Black Australian Crapes. Black Empress Cloths. - , Black Reps Anglais. Black Brocade Mohairs, Black Oriental Lustres. Black Irish Poplins. Black French Poplios. Black Armure Silks ' . ' Black Gros Grain Silks. Black Poult tie Sole Bilks. Black Lyons Taffeta bilks. Biaek Gros de Rhine Silks. Black Enslieh Trimming and Veil Grapss. Black English Crape Veils. ... Black Round Crape Yeilß. . Second* Momning Dress Goods in gr®** variety. Blttck aad Wnite l*iaiu Mobairs. 23 cts. . Balmoral Skirts, French Flannels. Hosiery and Gloves; Handkerchiefs. Crape Collars and Sleeves. White Collars and Sleeves. Scarfs, Beltings, and all other goods required for mourning attire. * BESSON & SON’S Mourning Store, No. 918 CHEiTNCT Street. KYRE & LAN DELL HAVE, BY steamer, CHILDREN'S BALMORALS. ■OYRE & LANDELL HAVE THE popular VELVET CLOTHS for Ladies’ Cloaks. KYRE & LANDELL HAVE THE French, Camel’s Hair LONG SHAWLS. $l5O, $125, $lOO, and $75. ; ■ . ' ' cwg&» ST. TERESA’S CHURCH.—A FAIR for Sc. Teresa's Church Is now open at the Assem bly Buildings, TENTH and CHESTNOT Streets It will continue open daring the present and next week Cdl-3t RIDGE TURNPIKE COMPANY— ANNUAL MELTING. —The annnal meeting of the Stockholders of the BIDGS TURNPIKE ■will be held at the office of the Company. No 131 South F STH Street (upstairs), in the City of Philadelphia, on MONDAY. January 4, 3864, at 12 o’clock noon, at which time an election will be held for a President, twelve Managers and a Treasurer, to serve for the enduing year. Bycrdtr of . .C..T. JONEb,- . J . . President. Joseph A. Clay. Secretary R. T.- Co de3 thtia4 9*s2**' BISHOP HOPKINS, I prisume that Bishop HOPKINS believes that the postnity of Adaia were Involved in the coa?c auences of his transgression; that before the tall, the human race were free; that after the fall, they became slaves to the fleih and the devil. As» meins these premises to be true, it follows, that the 1 evil! was the first, and is now the- chip/ »leve master, and ail who advocate ihe continuance or sia very are bis lawyers. j R SHiNKLANOi de3-2l* 600 ARCH St. and 9135. TSIkD St- 6*iP=» PIIHiA.DEI.PHIA ABID REABISCi RAILROAD COAIFART, OMce No HZI Siftttn FOURTH! Street, - PmLatDELpraa, December 2, ISM.. DIVIDEND NOTICE—The Transfer Books of this . Company will be closed on THURSDAY, 17tb instant, and reopened on TUESDAY, January 12. 1854. A Dividend of SEVEN PEE GENT., clear of State tax, has been declared on the Common Stock, payable in Common- Stock on and after the 31st December next to. the holders thereof as they shall stand regUtered on the books at the close of business on the 17tn iaet._ n A Dividend of THREE AND A HALF PER CENP., clear of State tax, ha* bten declared on the Pre ferred Stock, payable in or Co-amon Stock, at the option of the holder, onand after the 33st December naxfc, to the stockholders as they shall stand ?egi« tered on the books at ‘he close of business on the 17th mat • • Holders of certificates which, have been discharged from this office, or either of the Transfer are particularly requested to have them duly registered on the Transfer Books to which they have been transferred, prior to the 17th inst. . S. .BRADFORD, de3-tf • • 1 . .. Treasurer. PHII.ADEI.PHIA EXCHANGE CuMPANT, November dO; 18M. A general meeting of the Stockholders of the Philadel- • t>hia Exchange Company* will be held on Mo2s OAYaBXt, Sec 7, atl2o’clock, at the EXCHANGE". (Room No. vO, third floor), for the purpose of electing Nine ..Managers, to serve for the ensuiitg year and for the transaction of other business. ~ -W, S. GRANT,^ del-6t ' Secretary. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEET; ofthe Stockholders of the PtTTbTOM oOaL COMPANY, at which A/e Directors, a Treasover. and a Secretary, are to be elected, will bs held on TUESDAY, December 16.1863, atSo’clockP. M., at >he Office of the Company, 108 coath FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, detl2t* SAMUEL DUTTON. Secret iry. msfa, SDBeBON-AEUST'S OPPiejß, KSSTfOR MUTILATED BOLDIEBS.—SOLDIERS who havslost an ARM or LEG In the sernce, and desire the Patent “PALMER Limbs” to be snpplledby Govern ment, thonld return thi3 notice immediately to this of mS-iT 1609 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia OFFICE OF THE RELUSCE IS K&? SORANCE COMPANY OP . PHILADELPHIA. No. 308 WALNUT,Strest. • --.v. Philadelphia, November SOth, 1861. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Re liance Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, will he held at their Office on MONDAY, December 2lst,. 1863, at 12 o’clock M., and the Annual Election of Thirteen Directors, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held on the same dry. at the same place, between the hours of 12 M- and 2 0 clock P. W. THOS. C. HILL, no3o td2l Secretary. KCC ST. LUKE’S AOXIUARY TO THE SANITARY COMMISSION earnestly solioits from members of the congregation and othera contnbntlone rSrttie benefit of SICK and WOUNDED SOLDIERS. Ar ticles of Diet. Flannel, and other Goode, nrnybe sent _ to the Society’s Room, in the basement of the Church (THIRTEENTH Street, below Spruce.) every FRIDAY, between!)andl oWock and Money to heTroasuror CHS. W. CUSHMAN, No. las S. DELAWAKK^Te- held in the Chanel on THURSDAY EVENING, Dec. 3d. Commencing al 7M o’clock. Addresses will be delivered by the Bey. Drs MaLCOM, EDDY, JEFFERY, and the Pastor, Rev. JAMES B SIMMONS. All are invited. no2B-eth2t* • V • • . ■ DEWITT COAL COMPANY OF PITTSTON. —The Annual Meeting -of Stock holders Tor the election of five Directors to serve for the ensuing year will be held at the Office of the Company, 139« South FOURTH Street, in the city of-Philadel phia, on MONDAY, December 7th, 1863, between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock P. M. , n026-tW_ JOHN HANNA, Secretary. -KSSn- FARMERS’ BAB K.— Philadelpi At an election held on the following named Stockholde this Bank: S. A. fiercer, Edwin M. Lewis. John Ashhurst, Anthony J. Antelo, William H, Woodward, Joseph S. Lovering. Jr., Benjamin A. Farnham. And at a meeting of the MERChE, E*q .was unanin EDWIN fc LEWIS. Esq,., LIAM BUSHTON, Jr ,Oashi n024-10fc W. CORN EXCHAI VCr 2 DELPHIa, Novembi At the Election held 16th in ers were duly elected Dlveol Bank: Alexander James Steel. Robert Ervien, William P. Cox, Samuel T. Canby, Philip B. Mingle, John F. Gross, And at the meeting of the OATTELL. Esq., was unanit ALEX.WHaLLDIN, Esq.,Vi TOBBEY. Cashier. n024-3m , OF NORTH AMERICA, DacE.MHERIst. 1563. AN ELECTIO A for twelve Directors, to serve the ensu ing year. will be at the-BANKING HOUSE: on MONDAY, January 4th, 1864, between the hours of II annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same time and place, J* HOCKLEY, . 1863/ -• n027-tflelQ CORN EXCHANGE BANK.— lO Philadelphia, Nov. 3,1663. The Directors have this day declared a- Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., clear of all Taxes, and payable on demand. . J. W. TORrEY, no4-lm * Cashier. pA PHUADSSLPfUA ASD READIES company, office as* south FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. September?, 1563. DIVIDEND NOTICE.*-*The followinff-named persons are entitled to ft Dividend «».-tixa-common Stock of this company.- - -rue of several of them is un known, and it is, therefor©, necessary that the certifi cates of stock should be presented on calling for the Dividend. S.-BRADFORD, Treasurer. STOCKHOLDERS 7 NAMES.. Mrs. Mary Bishop, ' S- Lancaster. Timothy C. Boyle, Percy M; Lewis, - - - Clement Biddle. Fanny Mary Mitcherson, Ain Copeland. John Mclntyre, ' A.Emslieand J.tfewbold, John B; r Mwce, V/ -,_ Trustees, James McKnigfct. Debbie A. Hushes, Beuj. P. Newport, Sami. T. Harrison. Bern. Pott, James Hallowell, W R. Kodraan. James W. Hallowell, Sarah AnirßichariU. . Catherine C. Koppele. H enry B Sherer. Daniel Klapp, Maria L. Sadler, - Mary Kuhn. Andrew Turner, - Chas. Kuhn, Hartman Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich, Kuhn, and J. H. Kuhn, Ex. Asher M. Wright, of S. Kuhn. William Young, R. y. R. Leisse Extra., W.R. McVickar, and James G. Schaff. Ex. of Austin Smith, - John 8. Leisse. dee’A. Willis & Co. ssfi-stnth-tf. S GENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE, No. 611 CHESTNUT Street.—Kecruits wanted for all the gallant old Artillery, Cavalry, and' Infantry Regiments now in service, raised, orpartly raised, in this city A few good men can yet be enlisted for the 2d Artillery (112th P. V.), A. A. GIBbON».U.. 8. A., Colonel Commanding. The Batteries of this faithful old Regiment have been assigned to posts of honor, aaa are at pretent occupying the most prominent fortittca tions in the defences of Washington. Quarters commo dious ani comfortable. The Largest Bounties now,of fered to Veteran and other volnnteers are given at this Office. - CHARLES N. CAL WALL AUER, noSS-St* .: Captain and General Beciniting Officer. £ WANTED, FOB THE, UNITED fa STATES MARINE CORPS (a varied and exciting life- Stfby sea and land), six hundred able-bodied men to perform the duties of a soldier at our Navy Yards and aboard United States thips-of war on foreiga stations. Better compensation than the army. A snipof-war is a comfortable home. The Marine Corps ,is the best equipped Infantry in the service. Prize money-in abund ai Two dollars will be paid to any one who brings an ac cepted recruit to this office/ • - • , For ail other information apply, daily, at, -the only, regular and long establishedjrarine teem-ding Ren dezvous in the city, at No. 311 Seats FRONT street, below Spruce, between the hours otalno gad three. rtVli-w»lr JAnißitS LSWltj, Captain and Recruiting Officer,- n023-lm 80. 311 South.FRONT Street EBB’S Famishing China & Glass Establishment* CHINA HAIL, 5*9 CHESTNUT STREET. to the cheapest (for the quality) and most extensive As sortment of WHITE, FRENCH, GOLDrBAND > AND DECORATED CHINA IN THIS CITY. Just opened, of our own importatlon/eighty-one casks very plain WHITE FRENCH OSINA, in any quantity to suit purchasers.. Also, a splendid assortment, of Fashionable Also, plain white English. Stone Ware. Dinner and Tea ware. Also; Toilet Sets, in great variety* some very elegantly decorated. . . 4®** Double thick China Stone Ware, and Glass, ex pressly for AND MECHANICS’ era, Nov. 83,1863.- »16ch of November, 1863, the are were elected Directors of Joshua B. Llppincott, I James R Campbell, Francis Tete, Pemberton 8 Hutchinson, J Edward Farnum, William M. Farr. Directors this day, S. A. mously re-elected President, Vice President, and WIL- Ii RTTRHTON. Jr.. Cashisr. KGB Bl!H£| PHILA )er23d, 1863. >■_ .... ist. the following Stockhold jtors of the Corn Exchange G. Cattell. , w _ Christian J. Hoffman* H. W: Catherwood, Edmund A. Souder, Charles E Wilkins, David Vanderveer, Jonathan Knight, i Board this day ALEX. G. mously re-elected President; r ice President, and JOHN W. J. W. TORRE Y, Cashier. THE PRESS:—PHILADELPHIA,' THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1863: WILL DELIVER HIS - w PECULIAR PEOPLE ” academy of music, ME.GOUGH .“KIiOQirESOE AND OEiTORS,' ! CONCERT HALL, TO TESTIFY TO AMERICAN CAUSE IN ENGLAND, ACADEMY OF MUSIC, THAT OCCASION. MILITAEY NOTICES. CHINA AND- GIiASSWAKE, a®- BIBEOTI.T OPP33ITB IHBEPEKBXSaH HALh,'"®# . CUT AND ENGRAVED TABLE CRYSTAL GLASS. HOTELS, SHIPPING AND RESTAURANTS, 4SB 1 * French China dosorated to order in any pattern. 43* Initials engravod on Table Glass. China and Glass paekedin a proper manner; ses-*»iatb-4OT • '• XUBKICATIKG OU-S* ATING OILS! HCTmXjBXJE.X Portfolios, Chess and Backgammon Boards, " Gold Pens, Pine Cutlery, Rubber and Gold Pencils, With, a general assortment of Stationery, For sale by Blank Bock Manufacturer, Printer and Stationer, . 43 South FOURTH Street, de3*l2t jgKATERS’ HEADQUARTERS LADIES’ SKATES, of every variety. GENTS. ? SKATES, of all kinds. STEEL SKATES- DUMP SKATES. , RO'-KEK SKATES. SHELL-GROOVE SKATES, a superior article for learners. PARLOR SKATES, all sizes. : PHILIP WILSON & CO. ’S, 409 CHESTNUT Street. Holiday goods.—all the Newest Styles of y FANCY COMB®, STISEL AND JET JEWELRY, FA.NCY FANS, ■' PEARL HEAD-DRESSES AND NETS. With a full assortment of Fancy and Toilet Goods, adapted to tbe Holiday trade. PRICES TBE MOST SATISFACTORY, At H DIXON’S, No- 31 S. EIGHTH Street, Philada. P. DTJBOSQ & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF FI KE JEWELRY, 102 S CHESTNUT STREET Watches neatly repaired and warranted. Pearl Work of all descriptions repaired. del- 1m J> & G. A. WRIGHT, ’ 02-:l OUJJSTNUT STREET, ' Offer a beautiful selection of BOHEMIAN GLASS TOILET SETS, PARIAH AND BOHEMIAN Vases.. . BBONZE STATUETTES AND BUSTS," CAIRYEj>'BRACKETS AND BOOK-STANDS, CIGAR, TOBiann AND MATCH STANDS, ODOR AND LIQUOK 0/.KBS, DESKS AND-TRAVELLING Bias. MEERSCHAUM AND BRIER PIPES, ; and a great variety .of Fancy Articles soiled for Holiday Presents. ael-lm OANES FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. EBONY CANES, arold head. MALACCA C%NES, ivory head. LADIES' CANES. GENTS.’ CANES. SOLDIERS’ C&NES. CAKES oi every variety. Por 6ala Philip wilson & do., 409 CBEaTfICT Street. TTOLIDAY GIFTS.—GOLD SPF.OTA II das, Sold Ere-Glasses, Stereoscopes and Stereo scopic Viewr, Card Photographs, Photograpa Albums, Microscopes, Magic Lanterns. Spy Glasses, Op«a Glasses, Officers’ Field-Glasses for Army and Navy use, Pocket Compasses, Mathematical Instruments, Karaidoßcopes, Thermometers, and a variety of other articles—appro priate gifts for the & BI?OTHEEi *3B CHESTNUT Street. del-tisl-if OEORISTMAS PRESENTS. OPERA GLASSES, GOLD SPECTACLES, FIELD, GLASSES, STEREOSCOPES, FANCY THERMOMETERS, BESIDES MANY OTHER BSEFUI AND FANCY ABTICLES, • FOR SALE BY JAMES W. QUEEN <6 CO., • No- 9»* CHESTNUT STREET. 5®- Catalogues furnish gratis. noi6-im SILVER AND PLATED WARE. ESTABLISHED IN 1812. WM. WILSON * SON, SILVER-W ABE MAMFACTIIRERS, S. W. COR. FIFTH ANDSCHERRY STS. 4. large and general assortment of SILVBB-WARB constantly on hand, of cor own manufacture, of HIGH EST STANDARD. PLATED WARE. Just received, per City of Limerick, and have constant ly on hand, a large and general assortment , of. PLATED WARE, consisting of ; -WAITERS, . TEA-SETS, CAKE-BASKETS, CASTORS, nol2-thstulm TJRNS, Ao« CURTAINS & CURTAIN MATERIALS. QURTAINS AND CURTAIN materials:. Si P. iriti & co , DEALERS IN CURTAINS, CURTAIN MATERIALS, FURNITURE COVERINGS, WINDOW SHADES, _ ' HOLLANDS UPHOLSTERERS’ TRIMMINGS, VENETIAN BLINDS.&C. N. B. COR. TENTH AND CHESTNUT. n026-lm SHADES. the largest assortment in PHILADELPHIA Efc. J3I, Slj A.U GIITEB’S, 517 MARKET STREET. nolB*lm . -- Zj— ptrOETKES or wiHra m LAUMAN, SALLADB, (Si GO., | Ko. 1»8 SOUTH NINTH STRSBT, ! Between Chestnut arid Walnut, Philadelphia. G. M. liATJMaNV v A*' M. SALLADB* J. D. BITTING. -DEDUCED PRICES.—CHARLES XL DONOGHUE. 83 S. WATEK (Street, having con rinded to retire from business, new offers. for sale the balance of Ms large and-varied stock of Steam-jeflned SnoSlsf Steam &RUP MOLASSES, and COFFEE, at reduced cash price?. qqs-lz v PATENT FURNACES AND STOVES FOR WARMING HORSE RAILROAD CARS, Now n>ed by the Boston at 4 Lynn, Cambridge and Quincy Horae Eailroad ConjTOniea, Maea. j can be ap plied fo one hair hour; For the above. ™^ rjl!Y> BolS mtblm. -.Chrtnh MM».- Q.OODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. IHYITE ATTENTION TO THEIR - HANDSOME AS SORTMENT OF all the novelties of the Season, both in stria and material. FRENCH POPLINS, silkfac^L- FRENCH POPLINS, ribbed. ALL-WOOL POPLINS, in choicest shades. ARMENIENNES. TARLTON PLAID POPLINS, &c. As usual, at this season, they will offer a largo quan tity of Goods, at EEDUCED PBICES, for PBEBEtfrS during the coming Will be found now 100 ps. FINE FRENCH MERINO, at $l. 200 “ ‘ ‘ PLAID MOHAIRS, at 371 c. And other Goods in'the'eame ratio. JJLANKETS! BLANKETS l CUB WEN STODDART & BROTHER Invite the attention to the large and varied stock of Banging in price from $3.60 to $20.. ‘ Hotel keepers, housekeepers, and storekeepers, sup plied at the lowest prices. Also, a large stock of Which we are closing out‘for less than usual prices. CUKWEISr STODDART & BROTHER, 450. 459, and 454 N. SECOND Street, Above Willow. 22 D . OR OSJBA-N, Respectfully calls the attention of the ladies to his well selected stock of ' - LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. Also, a fine collection of Fancy and Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Gents’and Ladies’Handkerchiefs. INITIALS AND OTHER DiSIGNS Embroidered in the Latest styles and in the best possible manner. A fuU assortment of E&BROIDEBIES. NIGHT-GOWNS* CAPS. CHEMISES, GARIBALDI?, COLLAR?* SLEEVES. CUFFS, HOOP SKIRTS, DRESSES, NETS, GLOVES. Ac. WM. MANN, CBAWLS FOR FRIENDS. *3 ; : JUST RECEIVED, A lot of drat Indin. Silk Shawls; Levantines, Pattis way» and Satin Levantine Shawls, from 6-4 to 0-4, en tirely perfect, and "at redusod prices. JESSE WILLIAMS’ - DRY GOODS STORE, 73‘1 ARCH Street. Four doors below Eighth street. GR'OS JEAN, No. 1013 CHSSTNOT Street, north side, Philada,, Respectfully calls the attention of the Ladies to his well-selected stock of LISEN CAMBRIC HDKFB. Also, a fine collection of ' _ FANCX AND BHBKOIDBRBD H iNDKBRCHIEFS. Constantly on hand a variety of GESTo’ and LADIEs HDKFS., with initials and other designs embroidered in the latest styles and in the best possible manner. Also, a full assortment of Embroideries. Bight Gowns: Caps, Chemises, Garibaldis. Collars, Sleeves, Caffs, Hoop-Skirts, Bead-Dratsas. Nets, Gloves. Ac. de2-lm* gPEOIAL NOTICE. Has removed to the new and handsome store, ■Where he will keep a of Gentlemen’s ; FURNISHING GOODS, consisting of Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspen ders,_&C. v de3 fit JNSUItE YOUR LIFE IK THK , " “"“RTOS LIFE INSURANCE CO., °* ~* v —T---OBK. Which offers more advantages to" insa...,,— other Company in the United States. CHAMBERS & REGISTER, GEIfeAL AGENTS, . £o7 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. 0c27-tnthstjai . . - /TtFFICE OF THE DELAWARE MD v/ TUAL safety INSURANCE CO., . . Philadelphia. November 11,1563. The following statement of the affairs of the Company ts published in conformity with a provision of its chartw. PREMIUMS RECEIYED from Nov. 1- 0ct.31,1833; On Marineand Inland Riek5....5392 849 OS <***«* *509,462 11 Premiums on Policies not marked off Novem* „ her 1, 1863... ..... ••••••• RETAIL DRY GOODS. THOS. W. EVMS & €O.. DRESS GOODS, ALSO, CHRISTMAS SEASON, AMONG WHICH THOS. W. EVMS & CO., de3-6t 816 and 830 CHESTNUT STREET. OF ALL GRADES AND SIZES. COLORED BLANKETS, XOX3 CHESTNUT STREET, GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, REMOVAL. . HKSEY A.TEII3VSOJV, Formerly of Nos. 146 and 148 South Third street, So. 620 CIIESTMT STREET, INSURANCE COMPANIES. PREMIUMS MARKED OFF as earned from November 1,1562, to October 31,1553: On- Marine and Jnlandßlsks ..$378,468 34 Ou Fire F.Tafcs.. 44^^^ Interest during 6ame period, sal vages, $55L555-18 ZtOSSES* EXPENSES, &c., dums the year as abo.ve: : Fire Losses-^.. * 40,750 ra Betnm Praminme.. • • S’fstS' 51 Be-uiscxaDces. ***'%Vi* a*' os»i4ia* Asreacy Charges, Advertising, Print- , Q 7S 8128198 Expenses, Salaries, Kent, &c. ■■•■•• 16,428 61 nnr Surplus msMivi ASSETS 05 TEE COMFAHY, Noyjshber 1,1863- „„ @OO,OOO United States flTe- per-cent. L0an...,.-*97,000 00 :: «^-pnv Mat - ioooroo fiOOOO ' “ 7 3-10 per ct. Treas. Notes 63,260 00^ ICO’OCO State of Pennsylvania 6- per-cent. Loan.KO, 997,60 k* (vyj 14 t B-per-ceni. o/,eou w 12B’,IJ(i0 PtaadelplitaCity Ojper-cent Loan....moffi OT. R 30.000 State of Tennessee o-per-cent. Loan.... .*-5,000 OO 20,800 Pennsylvania Railroad first mortgage 6-per-cent, bonds 22idUU Uu CO.KO Pennsylvania Railroad second mort- „ gag e • 6-per-cent, b0nd5............... 63,260 GO IS.COOSOO shares stock Germantown Gas Com pany. principal end interostigaaraa tied by the citv of Philadelphia. ..*** 15,000 00 fi.OOO lOOeharesStockPennsylvaniaßailrciidi ■ Company —.... /, 4_,ouj 5,000100 shares Stock Worth Pennsylvania • ■ Railroad Company -.650 00 21.000 United Stales Treasury Certificates of-__ _ _ Indebtedness... 21AZ0 00 123,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply won secured. * /w uu s79l,7OTpar;*.cOBt/5768 J 7S7.l2...marketvalne;^2ooSo Real Estate .*•••• A -•••• 80,303 35 Bills- Receivable, for : insurances 1Q? 61 Balances' due at A&encies—promi bwr oa Marine Policies, accrued interest, and ether debts dae-the - Company 'Scripand Stock of sundry Insurance, and other Companies, 85,SOS'; bs timated va1ue...... Cash, on deposit with uni ted States •_ subject to ..ten days’ call. 09 ' Cash, in Banks • BfcdBS §9 Caali. in drawer /P°J? ■ M Not. 11, 1863. Theßoard of Directors tils day declared a C ami Dividend of Ten Per Cent. <» the CdmAL STOCK, and Stx Pee Cent. Intermit oa,,the SCRIP of the Com pany, payable on and after the Ist Decemear proximo, Theyhave also declared a SaaiP Dividbito of Foktx Per Cent, on the Earned Premsojib for the year,eadin* Oc tober SI, 1863, certiflcates for which wilt baissned to the parties entitled to the same, on and after the Ist Decem a?(y X h?ve that the SCRIP CERTIFI CATES OF PROFITS of the Company, tor the years 1868 nmiififiO be redeemed, isu cash, at tho office of taeUom panyfon and after Janaary 2.ISM, all interest thereon on that dw. tvmed wider V2I. By tht Act of Incorporation - no certificate shaUwne unless claimed within two wars after the declaration of the dividend tohereof DIBECTOBS: James C, Rand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph. H. Seal, Sr. K. M. Huston, Qoorge G. Leiper, • Hugh Craig* Charles Kelley, Jacob P. Jones, ■■ James B McFarland, Joshua P Eyre, Spencer M'llvaine. John B. Semple,Pittßbu*g, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. Thomas 0. Hand* John C- Davis, • . Edmund'A. Souder, * Theophilus Paulding, John R Penrose,, Jsmes Traquair, Henry C. Dallett, Jr.» Bobert Burton, Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Peiflsfcon, Henry Sloan, Wm. G. Boulton, Edward Darlington* H.Jo MB Brooke, THOMAi JOHN C HEMBY IYLBOKN, Seen T7AMEINSURANCE COMPANY, NO ' rranelßN. Buck, . E-D-WoodraE. Chß.B. Rtoliardson, Geo-A West, TT Anl . v T.ATffis Jr.» JoDn Kessler, Jr,, \ Cha*. Htokes.. CHARLES KICHAX&SOn! vice PraaWeat'. wTT.T.TtM iTBLAMCHARp. Secretary-, ialTtflf gHOTW ELL’S CELEBRATED SWEET OIDEB. OUR USUAL SUPPLY OF THIS EXCELLENT CIDER Juct received. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Sealer in Fine Groceries. noSS-lf Corner of:ELEVENTH end VINE Streets. gILK THREADS. AND. COTTONS sewinq'maohines. Wiolewle and tlatka 4 MAQINNIS. aoU'lm’ • v ■ We. 30 Woitli THIRD Street JpOURTEEN PET GOSLINS; For Boys and Girls, eleiantly illustrated, and bound gilt side. Price CO.cents. For.eale.by f AIRY DREAMS, Elegantly illustrated on tinted paper. Beady next weak. IN A PEW DAYS. This new volume of Mr. Smith's has been receivod in. / England with great favor. The sixth edition is already announced, and ire popularity lias boon greater- than that oi his-first volume, “ A Life Drama. ” gUSAN AED FRANKIE. Two beautiful illustrated volumes for the family, by Mrs. Ashton, author of “Sabbath Talks About Jesus,” &c. Price 50 cents. For eale by all booksellers. lt J. E. TILTON &OO CASES These beautiful Parlor Gardens, so much the rage in Europe, and quite as attractive here, can be made and furjihhed with litde trouble and expense, it will.be seen, in referring to Mr. Band's now Book, “FLOWJSR3 FOE TIIE PaRLOBAND GaRDEX. ” Plane and directions for the Aquarium are also introduced, as well as for Window Gardening, Hot Houses, Conservatories, &c. Elegant Turkey Morocco bindings of this work ready in a few days. JQTH EDITION ALREADY • THE DRU3IMBR-BOT. This pronounced the best juvenile for Boys, or the Family, ever issued. It is written in the charming Btyle of this popular author. Full of life and adventure. Elegantly illustrated by F. O. C. Parley. ’ - Price #l. ‘ Beady early ifesi week. - MAEY EVAKd, uniform in size and price, • _ de3-Ihs2t J. B. TILTON & 00., Boston, Publisners. WBW-BGOK FOR BOYS.—ADVEN -Ll TUBE* of ’ DICK OHSLOW-AMONG THS REDSKINS. ByW. H. Q. Kingston. Price &L. Sold by all Booksellers. Published by, de3-tks-2t J,B. TILTON & CO. , Boston. pHJLDREN’S FOE THE HCC LI OATS! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT THEM CHEAP.' The cheapest place in this city to buy books of all kinds, from the largest stock and most beautiful assortment, is at the Publishing and Bookselling Hon'ie of T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 306 CHESTNOT Street, Ihiladelphia r Pa. Books for Children, Children’s Games, Albums for CbCdren; Blcek Alphabets, ALL SELLING AT VERT LOW PRICES. BUT TOUR JUVENILE BOOKS EARLY,. AND’GET THEM CHEAP. Books to make Children Good. . *Books to make Children'Wiser. Books for Children on. all subjects, consisting in»part of Books for Boys, Girls, Lovers. Sweethearts; i?6ok* of Humor, Pathos, Amusement, History, Bio* graphy, Travels, Adventures, Heroes, Patriots, Indians, Hunters, Soldiers, Sailors, Farmers, Mechanics, &c.’ JUVENILE BOOKS IN ENDLESS ALL THE AUTHORS, AND ON ALL SUBJEu-TS,' AT VERT LOW PRICES. Buy your Holiday Books early, and get them cheap. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS! Do not fail to look at PETERSON’S ALBUMS, which are the best and cheapest in the city, comprising over -five hundred different styles. We have the largest and most varied stock of Albums, at all prices, to suit all tastes, ever offered for sale. IN A WORD MORE I All in want of BOOKS OF ALL KINDS - are requested to call, and one purchase will convince yon that the best place to buy Books is at the Publishing and Bookselling Emporium of T. B. PETERSON & BROS., No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Call and examine our stock; we make no charge for looking at or examining it. It rras BUSH FOR “PECULIAR" IS JL getting to he something fearful. OVER 10,000 COPIES will be sold within two weeks after publication if the demand continues as steady as it now is. PECULIAR is a great novel, and the spicy exposes with which the book abounds make it unusually interesting. PECULIAR. A Novel; by EPES SARGENT, cloth bound, price #1.60. *** Sold by all booksellers. and seat by mail free on re ceipt of SLSO. , - GEO. W. CASLErON, Publisher. no£B BtuthSt ' New Tork. THE HEIDELBERG CATECHISM, JL IN GERMAN, LATIN, AND ENGLISH, With an Historical Introduction, , prepared and pub libhed by the direction nf t.lia Ocmii.an Reformed .Church i-» «,« TTnUed of America. mite BDITIOHi Elegantly -printed and illuminated, in oneyolume, demi P ssaf a v”4 £aie - wit^ au ae & BLAKt&TOIT, , a 9 'nc otvSl? ail d Booksellers. B5 South SlXrg &t.. above Chestnut. T>OOS AGKNCJY, - L> 3a South SIXTH Street APPLETON'S NEW CTCLoFSmrA WASHINGTON IRVING'S WOREb" • ~ WAYERLEY NOVELS, H0a.58h.013 odifclos, REBELLION RECORD. . • < BAYARD TAYLOR'S WORKS. ' gOAMR'S NOVELS. Illustrated edition. ■ . «V?x'2?O«RKS. Household edition. * JHUVMraK3&B ® AUa3 *- . vSiV rHK ROMANS, ire.,&e. NATIONAL QUARTERLY KlSyutyr. 8S nor year. oc2o-tutiisit3m -■ at,. $716,557'2Q CAMP-FIRES OF THE ABrary. Ji CAN REVOLUTION.- . A NEW AND This volume, bo well calculated to a waken a patriotic ardor in the minda of readers, is peculiarly appropriate at the present time, and ia therefore deaervme of an in creased popularity. The present edition is in a. much improved dress, which makes it doubly, acceptable as a presentation volume at this season of the year. v Pnfclißhedthie day b^ fsI)SA Y Si ELAKISI’ON, Publishers and Booksellers, del SB SOUTH SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. 17RANK LESLIE FOR DECEMBER. A 20 GENTS’ 20 CENTS! 20 CENTS! : PITC BBR’S. 808 CHESTNUT Street. del St "KTEW BOOKS—JUST RECEIVED BY X, J. B. LIPPINCOTT A CO., . Vl5 and TIT MARKET Street. ' LIES OP JESUS. By Earnest Kenan. Translated TERM AT ST. HARV’B. Hew edition. - THE WAYSIDE INN, and other poems. By Henry w sms£ia&i'TSOii the Atlantic. By oiter THOUGHTS OP THEEMPSBOB H. AUBBLIUS S BUTLEK IN NEW ORLEANS’ of the Acmin-airation ol the Department of the ©alt in ISoA 3y Jameß Parton. v „ „ ~ -v JB AN BELIN; or. The Adventures of a Little French TITCOMB’S' LETTERS TO'THE JONSES. MY FARM Of E DGEWOoD, By IkoMArvel HUGH MILLER’S HEADSHIP OP CHRIST, and the Biahts of the Christian People. . ROUND ABOUT PAPBES. By Wm. Thacasray. With OF THE SIOUX WAR. and the Massacres oflS62and isea By Isaac V DaHfgrd. _ , _ MARY LINDSAY. a Noyel. By the Lady Emily By Jean InKelow.„ n IN WAKsTIMES, AND O-i'HEB POEMS. By J. G. Whitney. _ ' " MENTAL HYGIENE. By L:Jtay. : . T HANNAH THURSTON. A Story of American. Life, By Bayard Taylor. ' . . ' n°cO $1 089.425 52 I.S C. Hi-ND, President, a DI7IS, Vice President, retary. nolO-iflni NEW PUBLICATIONS. OE, THE STORIES OF A LITTLE BOTS PETS, J. E. TILTON & CO., yr«m bos pon. -A BEAUTIFUL FAIRY BOOK, PUBLISHED BY J. E. TILTON & 00., __ BOSTON. ALEXANDER SMITH’S KEW.BOOK, DREAMTHORP. J. E. TILTON & 00., BOSTON. PUBLISHERS. FRANKIE'S BOOK OF BIBLE MEN PUBLISHED BY J. E. TILTON & CO., PUBLISHERS. PHOTOGR4.PH ALBUMS! Orders and duplicate orders P OUR IN. TW'EW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS 1 •-' LO ,‘IB'S LAST TESS AT bT. MARY’S. By the 8 ALK® OIMiONMOUTH; An Idyl of-the Great 'War. W pECtll!lAEf™ o oftheGreat Transition. By Epee ABOUT PAPERS. By H. M. Thackeray. - foUHDINGS PEOM THE ATLANTIC. By Oliver W |Sr sale'by 11105 ' WM. S. St ALFRED M4RTIBM. coSO 606 CHESTNUT Street. ASHMEAD & EVANS, £&■ Successors to Willis P. Hazard, 784 CHESTNUT • HAY K 3U‘ S T SBCEtYE?, iRBNAK’SLIFE OF JESUS. The book that created such a sensation in. Europo. SMtSSft A capital T ALE 4 OF A WAT SIDE INN. THE CRUBLEST WRONG OF ALL. GOODROCILTYt By hits. Grey; and numerous other New Novels. ’ nodu - qookeby as it should be. MRS. GQODFELLOW’S COOK BOOK, A Manual for Dining-room and Kitchen. ■ • Practical. Economical, and Intelligible. Ten editions have been called for, an evidence of its merits, andthat it is the BEST AND MOST-USEFUL COOK BOOK. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher, " noSS-tf go. 3t South SIXTH Street. a lbums CHEAPEST AND BEST 1! 1,000 Albums for 12Portraits, 25 cents to *4. fiCO do do at do H> .do to 4. 600 do do CO do *2 fo W. ■ SOO do do. 60 do 3 to 12. 200 do do 100 do . 4 to 15 An Immense stook, the largest and beat in the World. PITCHER’S low priced Book, Picture, and. Album St nol6-tf 808 CHESTNUT Btreet. ok CENTS! COLORED PHOTO* GRAPHS, 25 cents. One-half the usnal price 1 OTC r 1,000 - PITCHER'S Album andpfcture Depot. 808 CHEST NUT Street. T EYPOLDT’S LIBRARY AND BOOK -M 8T0RE.1333 OBBSTNUT Street. . Beady the ITth of Hovember; HEINRICH HEINE’S BOOK OF SONGS. Translated .Leland. On tinted paper, 1 voL i6mo. Ve HEraBicH’HSlE. An Essay, by Matthew Arnold. 16mo, paper. Price 25 cento. g Of LEYPOLDT’S FORBMM library. The most amnslna noyel of the season. ■ HDMAH foLLISS. By Jules Woviac. From the sixteenth Paris edition, by flftrt Marlow 1 vol. l6mo, paper.- Price B 0 cente. ... o?pricA° C * Bell F rB LE^GLU'K l l^^shBrf^ 1 - noM-Sm f P ‘ 1333 CHESTaUT Street. M ONS A, F. ROSAT, Erl PROFESSOR OF ASMS. . noai-tnth J s6t* at Barrett’s Gymaasir.m. T GUILD MILLETTE, ATTORNEY w • AT LAW AND CONVEY ANCSB, Ns. »'is, South TiJTB £twt. Philadelphia. uo9-la WEWJWKMCATIO^S, _ _ NB W NO V E MESSRS, SHUDON & COMPACT* 335 BP.OJLDWAT, NEW YORK, WILL PUBLISH ON SATURDAY DECEMBER Sftli, 3E3E TT SS ZESI . BY MARION HA.RLAND, Author of ALONE, HIDDEN PATH, MIRIAM, See., Sic. One Volume, 12mo. Price $l. no. The Philadelphia American Courier say 3 of " Alone:” “We take especial pleasure in coromendtnK thifj ear nest. chattily-written, anti exceedingly .iucicioua story as one among the brilliant gems that kayerecently made their appearance. From its affectionate, heart-speaking ‘dedication to my Brother and Sister,'to its close, the attention is riveted with intense and irresistible power." The Boston ffVanseHpf says: “ Though * Nemesis’ Is a stout 32m0. of about &ve hun dred pages, there is not a paragraph that is not readable, there is not a chapter that does not contain some fine de scriptive passage, or some happy delineation of charac ter, or tome well*drawn 6cene or interesting incident.” . MARION HARLAKD’S WORKS ARE; Alone, lvol. 12mo.....$l.C0jNemsBls, Ivol. I2mo-.51,C0 Hidden Path, “ 160 Miriam, “ “ ..1.60 Moss Side, “ 1.60 i Huslcs, “ “ ..1.00 For sale by all Booksellers. de3-3s THE LATEST AND BEST books, JUST- PUBLISHED AND SELLING RaPXDLI. L-RENAN'S LIFE OF JESUS, A translation of Ernest Renan’s great work, just issued in Parle, and which has created such astir throughout the civilized world. Price $1.&0. lI.—PECULIAR. Epes Sargent’s vigorous and masterly new novel, the sale of which has bt-en so rapid that, although out but a week, the sixth thousand is alrtady in press. Price $1.60. • • " iii.-iiOtriß. A delightful Christmas story, by the ever-wclcorne au thor of -Rutledge,” etc., of school li'e aad incidents. This is one of the most charming pictures ever written. IV-ALICE O? MONMOUTH. An exquisite idyl of lo7e and war. By Edmund C. Stedman. Price $l. Ix a Day on Two—Mr. Kimball’s capital new novel, “Was Tie Successful?” Sir. T. S caarmlng new W jrk,. “L'ght oa Shadowed Paths.” and the groat gift hook of the Season, “The Central Park in Photo graph.” *** Copies seat by mail/re*. 02. receipt of Mice, by CkELETON, Publisher? New York. de3-wstf rpiE GEE AT SENSATION NOVEL. N PECULIAR, By EPES SARGEKT. is meeting with, an enormous sals, ASD ko w-okpeh: for, as a specimen of what readers of judgment think, we qaoce from the Roxbury Jouvnali which says: “The story is intensely interesting as a picture of obt ottu times; it is surpassingly vigorous la Its Krag3;r Of all works of fie tion, written with a moraTptirpogerwg-apu.iu'.tj j.- one which excels it in these qualities. As a story, it holds the reader ashy a spell. As an argument, we can conceive of nothing more cogent than it? vivid and picturesque pages. This is strong praise, but does not overstate the facts.” „ ' . . , . „ *j* Copies sent by mail./s-ee. oo receipt of price, sl.s}, by CARLErOJS, Publisher, de3*3t yew York. PHOTOGRAPHS. J^ITE-SIZB PHOfOCiKiPHS COLOBEO IN OIL, SMITH’S' PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, NOS. 142 AND' 144 NORTH NINTH STREET. An assortment of EBA'MES. constantly on hand. SE.T-I;fGHT ON THE GROUND FLOOR. de2-lm THE INCREASING PATRONAGE OP ,1 REIMER’S Colored Photographs is a flattering testi mony to theirvroitb. Sloplyforaccmrate and pleasing likenesses. Gallery. SECOND 8.. above Green, lt« -OEIMEB’S SALIM 7 IS XIIE Jt»' attraction of th e masses; Ills Colored Photographs, for $l, pleating, artistic. natural, ani cheap, are-the Bt?le to t uit all. agovo Green. It* TT IL L AGE GSEEN SEMINARY, V NBAS MEDIA, PA.—Pupils received at any tims. English, Mathematics, Classics, and Natural Sciences taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and Civil-Sh 'sinBoring taught. Entire expenses about per week. Soys of all ages taken. Eeforsto Win. U. Kern, ex- Sh'ariff; John C. Capp&Co., Ho: 23 South Third street, and-Thorsas J. Clayton. Esq.. Fifth and Prune streets. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. 31, Tillage Green, Pa. nos-tf AUCTION SAUE. irw~ BAZAAR—NINTH' AND’ SAN SOM Streets. AUCTION SALE- OP HORSES; CARRIAGE*?,. &c, ON SATURDAY MORNING NEXT, At 18 o’-clcck, comprising about ' PIFTI HORSES. Including a very fast bay trotting mare, warranted* to trot in 2.4ffT -. ... - , Also. eo:ne superior horses suitable- for -tar* eas- ana thesaddls.- Sull description's in catalogues. ‘ - ALSO. A large eolJecvion of desirable new and second-hand carriages, light wagons. &c., ■ • Acut-underGermantoWß.byJacoh»- AJennyijfndceach,byWatPoi> Ashifung topwaron, by Watf^n. A top war on", by Lane. w . A cut under Ge.-mantown &F Watson; : Two sets single harnee^^^ Single and double harntss, saddles, b'uS^lb-robes; covers, whips, Aq. . ~ jt&- No postponement onaceount of the waatner. JtSß* Sale of Hoists, &c.. on WEDNESDAY NEXT. Itir ALFRED M. HERKNBSS. Auctioneer WANTS. A COMPETENT BOOK-KEEPER— -tA* Address "O. P.,” at-this Office. deS A SITUATION WANTED ••'‘BY A. Young Lady as an ASSISTANT TEACHER! m. or near the city. Is a graduate of a Normal School, and has had tw* 1 tpb.''«i as a Teacher. uTr:rT -~~'_9^i: __ ‘gc3.3t* ; . - A -uTlas!e]phia Post Office: ; X&T ANTED—IN' A SILK ANB^RY 'U GOOJ B JOBBING HOUrE. two first-class Sales men, who can a large near Western trade. Address, Box 1104, P.O. del 6t* WANTED, PHOTOGRAPHS,—WILE f T some charitable Young Lady send her Carte to the undersigned—& stranger in'this country—as an Introduc tion to opening a correspondence, having in view the re sult of friendship, love, or matrimony? They-will,be* promptiv returned if not accepted as corr ®spoaae ats. Address J.' D. V. LYON, It* Box 1225. Pittsburg, Pa, A GENTLEMAN WITH FROM $lO,OOO A to £15,000 is wanted, to engage in a respacUble.safe, Manufacturing Business. Address- ln flDSU‘-J’ at this office. . dcVtathstf W-A^'' -A SALESMAN IN A PostOffiw G ° odS > 'hhms. House. Address Box JOB! ■WANTED—AN ~j^ppRESTICS, vo 1 Y learn BOOK AND J<">B Pn-IN.TTNG.- Should be about 16 or IS. Apply at No. WALNUT St^et, third atory. -- ? A RESPECTABLE, MIDDLE-AGED -Ol jy \n wishes employment as WATCHMAN, or any light work in a Store, or Counting-room. The best of reference given Addreesßox 2tt9 P. 0 del-SC* FOUNDRY FOREMAN.—W ANTED, A an expeiieuced "Foreman in a Stove Fousdry in Cincinnati, 0. - A superior man will get goed'Compen sation.. Address Box 652,P05t O-fSce,Cincinnati,o: noS7-14t*. • . ' A GENTS WANTED TO SELL. THE aA STANDARD HISTORY Cf? THE WAS. A raro cheuce to make money. Agents are clearing from. sSIOO to -8200 per month Send for circular. Addres JONES BROS. & CO., Publishers,Baltimore, Md- nolO-lm* ■ AMONTHI—IWANTTO HIRE • Agents in every conniy at $76 a Tivjnth, expen ses paid, to sell my new cheap family Address. S. MADISON. Alfovd. Maine. ec23-d&CTSat tov A MONTH! WE WANT at && a morAh, expenses paid, to Mil oa? EVBBtASTOfa PENCILS* and thirteen other articles. 15 Circulars free. SHAW & CLARK, Blddeford, Maine. soll-dWSsK: js*. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER SSS&GENIiKAL’S OFFIOa-PHIiABBiPESA,. P«b> 8, 'WANTED imK.»liately to. o&rry Q&tHi to the following points: Tortnras. . ~ ■ Key Westj^Tla;. Fort Monr-Od. ,V&. Alexandria* Ya. Newborn, Cf. C. Port Roysi, S C. * A. BOTE, feio- tr Captain and ABSistanbSnarterniaster. XiQST AND POM®. T GST NOTIC 3- is B ESBBSP Q-I-V33N’ ■JLI that CERTIFICATE No. 1, ftwjtwo sferes of the Capita) Stock of the fft a ,“ d .l! , r MiR P wOR rc road Company, issued Elayls.lSo2, to WIUS4ER WOKm* TNGTOJtf. late of the Ecrooeh of W eat-Chasier, decase&t and also CERTIFICATE No., 2£>3.sfvihe *asie stock, is sued September?. IESS, to same person,.have been and that the subscriber will apply tasald Railroad Cossr pany to i™ to hto W P 056 thfat . Administrator 1 OST OR MISCARRIED'. BETWEEN R NewXork and this city. a>&ctas»of VOUCHEM, issued by Col. Gt. it- CrossiraUi.to-X. B. Esler, &atea November 1 to lith. inclusive i all parsot s are cautioned against purch&ffiaag the sania.. as rsylnevit been cf/innAtl A* tj. do iJtj EL. de22t* a* Soafca- ‘gl-IgTEENTH Street. t OST. A POQKET JLj Book' containing abent..W Jfhc fiadar ttUI he liberally rewarded hy leavin&itatt The Press oSce. dsl-St* . COPARTNERSHIPS. THE UNDERSIGNED ha.ye this day.entered, into sopariners'hip.for tty> transacuoa of the £>ry. Goods Comaitaslou biwinese. ucd«» tae i ama ifoT Street BEOOK^SCOTI '‘Soil* JHUI btreei. JAMBS W. T. SCOTT. \e. 2, ISS3. flel-Bt mtjlSfc Philadelphia. WILLIAM- R STONE IS ASSOCIA VYi ted date. Tlx|arm name will be as jeratoioia. ATWOOD, SAWTO CO. JOEHC. RAUSTOC, EhilapslpivJU 1. 1863. n023-6t. OALL AN© EXAMINE FOR YOUB - the size o' AUTER'S aAIR-Dja foe 50 centj a box. ■ 53THJR£> Street, abov.fr Cheats. • da3 PORTLAND KEROSENE .GOAL OIL, »caßoomSf, . de2-6t ' 388 WALNPT Streat. PMlaAatpjta. : JOHN L. CAPEN, PHRENOBO Sag s ®! GIST, may be consnlted, £ yLj adaptation to Business- Trado, and rrofaailonj on the Improvement of fatdte, formation oL frieui iSSimd’ atNh Slt AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY'O P M ITALIAN OPERA. SECOND NIGHT. MBE. JOSEPHINE MEDO&r, IN HEP UNI I VALLE 0 CHARACTER NORMA. On FRIDAY EVENING. Dec. 4, at 8, ONLY NIGHT . Of Bellini's most popular Opera, in three ante, of m NORMA, With its unapproachably (treat cast. NORMA Madame JOSEPHINE ME DOST. ADaLGISA SJ’llo HENRIETTA SULZBR, 1 OLLIONE ...St*. FRANCISCO MAZZOLHNI, OEOVESO Sis HANIBAX, BIAOHI' Ilayie * Sienor ReichardA. Clotildo. Mile Milner. Conductor MAX MARETZEK. ON SATtTBDAY EVENING, Oec. K. . THIlt D GKaND OPERA BIGHT, when. Will be presented. night only. Ver*JC» . La. TKAVIATA, I irat appearance of M’ilE ORTOL AHI B3TGNGLI. _ . la ber favorite role of Violetta, Prices of admission at iwtial. The Ha?e of secured seats and tickets for any of the above-named performances will con raenco this morn ing, at- P, at the Box Office of the Academy, at F. f.oy poldt’s Bookstore, 1323 Chestnut street, and' at T. B. Fuj?h s.Booketore, corner of Sixth and. Che?tao.t streets. ■ .. • • • de&St A GRAND CONCERT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SjONBaY SCHOOL SPRUCE-ITPJEE’I 1 6™'HST CHURCH, TSPiiI bo Riven ON THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 3, I3ft?, at Tat-; . MUSICAL FUND HALL, The following artists have kindly consent*! to assist on this occasion: Mrs HENRIETTA behrens. SEVERAL Lady amateurs, Hr. THOMAS BISBOP. Mr. GEORGE W. HEED. Mr. CARL GAERTJSEK, Mr. THEODORE iHREND. Conductor and Pianist... ....Prof-A. B ACHVANEf. Cards of admission .63 cents. ■ To to had at. the principal Mublc Stores, of the Commit* tee, or at the door on the evening of the ; Concert DodPs open at 7 o ? clock. Concert commences at 8 pre cisely. . it MEW OHESTNUT-BT. THEATER— -h' Lsssesand Manager..,...., Mr.WM- WHEATLitST TBIS (Thnrsda>)EVENCß«i. Dec. 3,1863, * For the only time this season, ED Wlfcf FORREST MACBETH, In the sublime ShaksperianTragedy of the same name, supported by a „ SPLENDID CAST. Mr. J. MeCnllpngh as Macduff. Mr.- J W. Collier Malcolm. Mr. S. C. Dubois as Bannao. Mr. B T. Klnggold as Eooaa. Messrs. J. Martin, W. A CL;:nmand Mrs U P Grattan, as tbe Three WUnhes, and iiadame I’onisl as Lady Macbeth. Conductor.. .ME. MAKE HASSLE*. PEIDAY, Dec 4, positively the only time EDWIW FOEEEST Will appear as _ „ ■ LUCIUS JUNtUS BRUTUS, In Go'wara Phyr.e’b great Tragedy of c 5 Or, The Pall of Tar quin. baTLEDAY. Dec. 5, Fourth. ApD^arar*ca as THE CJSLEMIiTED SWISS SonBJHSTiaf ' JOHANNA CLAUB6BK, Three of her glorious Comic Characters ■WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. •»* Lessee.. ; Mrs * A GAftRCRSOK POSITIVELY POE TflE LAST TIME, THIS (Thursday) EVENING, December 3, ISB3, lha comad7 * Mrs. Featheriy To conclude with, the drama of THE FAT BOY. Waddilove Mr. J. S. Claries. Poors open at 7 o’clock, Comcaeace at 7k o’cloct TV/TBS. JOHN DREW’S NBW AROH> "X STREET THBATBB— ARHH Street, above Sixth. FULL .AND FASHION aBLE HOUSES.' FOURTH AND LAST WEEK OF MRS D. P. BOWERS* . TC-HIGHT (Thursday), Dee. 3d. I&2J, MIRIAM, THE PUit/rAN’S WIFE. Miriam Mrs. D. P. Botrerz. Col. George Carew Barton. Hiif- To conclude ■with ROBERT MACAIRE. Robert Macalre. BaHoa Ynn JfqH‘B Rirop.... Stuart Robsost. FRIDAY. FAREWELL BENEFIT OF MRS. D. P. BOWERS A GREAT BrLL. MOtvPAY. THE DRAMATIC ALTJANOE* GRAND ORATORIO THE MESSIAH' "Will be performed by the HAKBEL AND HATDI'T SOCIETY, ox -.CHRISTMAS KIOHri musical' fund hall; ‘Cdanas gECOND SEASON, 1963-’64; M. H. CROSS srad CH ISLES H. JARVIS, Respectfully aaaoiLlsee to thsf public that tbsy vtt ffiva * . FOUR CLASeKJAL SO2B3ES. - JIT THE •• FOYER OF TH&ACADBarr OF MUSIC, THIS'‘WINTER The firai of the series tc “be given hi- DEGESU3ER,Aai the remaining three during the meatha of JA3FUAEX* FEBRUARY, and APRIL.* 1864. Messrs. C. and J. w« be assisted by. tho follot7jsff-Artists: : Carl Gaektkef., Violin. i*C. M SctKiKTs, Violoncello, L. Contra BassarfWjr Stoll,’Clarionet. A. Kellner, Hautboy. ;J;Koch, Flute. G. Muller, Bassoon. iO. PLAG3£a&», Horn. Programme, n ith subscripton prices, at Gould's, An dre & Co's, and Jkee £c Walter's. . . nol4-statii tf 'fjBEAT NATIONAL €U BO US >* TROUPE.— aboT&Ptrolfth. Directress, Mrs. CHARLES Vr ASHER, formerly Wr*. DAN RICE;- / UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESSv IMMRttSB ATTRAC TION-, and UNBOUN D£o*ENTff (T£3ASS£; MORALITI AUD SHE REN9 Hew and very attractive amaeing and-caaesica-i spes tacles will be pro laced daring tiris week. New facet and favorite old ones will appear. The celebrated horse *' Hawhey>*Stata, ,r fsid the four trained ponies, Apollo, Adonis, afercary, and High fryer, will be introduced. •' Great pieces in rehearsal fo* 7&Bl?pr?NS, at 2K o'clock. BRlfcg THE CHILDREN. (pONOEET HALL, V/ CHESTNUT STREET, TWBZtFFH. MO3TDAT EVENING, No-* SO. And Eyery Evening during the-vreek, WATOH'S rrrßWt«i ITALY, AND HEB WAK FOR FREEDOM* :flr „ BATTLE SCENES, ANCIRCfT of NEW YORK and BO’SIOJJf HAR BORS, &e., &c. A GF.A3SD MATINBE on SATURDAY AFTEBNOOSI* at 3 o'clock. A Liberal Reduction* Doors open at 7 o'clock; co nmecce at 7H Adraiss*lon2r»ceats; Children 15cents fJJREAT SCOTTISH BALL.—FIFHEL ANKUiL BALI of tLe GAL ED O‘S! VN CLUS. fog tbe BENEFIT of the LIBRARY, THURSDAY BVX* BING, DtcsmberlCtti, 1863, at MUSICAL FUND HALL . Tickets’sl nol4-tde!o* P. VP.ISHT, ByreUrr. TEMPLE OF WONDEBS-ASSEMBLY. -4- BUILDINGS, TENTS AND CHESTNUT S THE STS,,' Amusement for Old and Young Afirth and ffappineeC - open for the season. Constant change of Entertain zneaS SIQSOR BLITZ EYEEY EYE CONG- commencing at o'elosfc, ana \ ■Wednesday and Saturday at 3» consisting of fiSy» - teries in Necro'mancy, great success' in Yen.trilGq.nisa* » and the Learned Canary Birds. Ac mission 25 cents Children 15 cants, T>OTHERMEL ! S MARTS RS m rr EHB -Jigf COLISEUM, by request of many persons, 'WiISLJ j«- a time loneer. at the - APSMY OF FINE AETS. . /'JsERMANIA ORCHJjs nn ncf ,10 v> REHEARS ALS everv SATURDAY, at 3 o’ciotst ,P. M., at the MUSICAL PIJND HALL. Single tiofeti 3 . 25 cants. Packages of sis tickets, $l. To be had r ai AN DPB’S. 1104 CHESTNUT Street. J_ E SOUBU , SE TBKTH and CHESTNUT, .and at tie Hall dooir • oidEf 3m. T>ENNS¥LYANIA ACADEMKf OF £ THE TINE ARTS. Iftgd CHESTNUT STREET: OPEN EAILY (Sundays except*d).£ro2v,3>A. M. till 6 P.M. . Admi3sJoa 25cents, ; Children half price. tfOK SAIE A3SD TO MTO BENT—A DEMiffiJ IBLI Three-story Brick, Bough-cast Dwellings! ;ith back buildings and modern conveniences, eitaateia- on WAL NUT Street, below Tbirtv-sixrh. YS&si .Biaii adelobia. Apply to-EGBERT MACGREGOR* . WALNUT Street. • ' ■ ~ - • ; r It SALE, OR TO LET ON. <37 .SOUND A bent —A desirable LOT for a Faotonv ( situate oil AMERICA Street, above Master, .g throuzh to Cadwalader street; 72 feet froat on eaohg; set. Apply to , C. WtPfCiea RING, de2-3t* 163.1' AH OH Street.. rn FOR SALK OR TO- LESS ,_A DE jSssL SIB ABLE Store Froperty street, above Boce. will ho sold a bargain, or leased fthr flveyeorß. del-tf GEG. y. TO WNSEND, l»3j£S?r FOURTH St. JR PUBLIC SALE OE’.T ALUA.|» JSHIbLE REAL ESTATE—WiIJ,be Kbjr ( at pablic-ET 3ale, on MONDAY, DecemberJ4tb„;!» ts, on the PRE MISES, all that beautiful FAKSL, situs, >d .tn WHIPFEK TOWNSHIP. Montgomery conpiyt. < oontainiair aboirip THIRTY ACRES OF .LiNae.morS!. or less.' Tie im a ’ ar *t e two-aad-aW aalf-stiiry STONE ' HOUSE, • modern ttyle; a large Stona-Barn,. wAh stabling for five horses ana seven cowa; largo; wsitf n-House,'Hog Pen, Chicken-House, Corncnb. 4 two*saatf 7 Slaughter-House, and all necessary ont-buAaiiigss f ilso. a good Spring* House, with, never»'aillngspnneoj 1 water. The proper* ty is t.nder good fence, ana-coacvi ardently iJfcrided into flelos, a spring of waterrin *W ry field. There is an abundance of every variety or Bn* .t trees in 3pod bearing condition. The land is>s£jidw,: and is i«.*e high state of cultivation, haying &;l>beeik r ecently woil limed and manured. - ‘- - - This property is situated ®a the road desding from Hickorytown to'Blue Bell, awjles from l5 miles from Philadelphia, aad. conveniens? to churches, stores, mills, schooi£> 3kv ■ For beauty, convenience* Mid value,, His, Property can not be excelled in ths-censay. Person». wishing to view the premises wili call tha undaseigned residing to commencaut liejhlockP* M,. when conditions will be made knowA>w F.EUSSN NrGOOPSR. JACOB • de3-fctt* MBROABjj STKEE.T RBSIDENCJES for SALE. —Haadwme,WfAl-baSt,modern dvzelling, on Broad streat,. near Gu?jd sienna, containing 18 rooms, and ewsy naj&dern. Lot 2> by 160. Price lowTtei«as.easy. '• Also, a consult.to modern resKlenoe on street, near Poplar t A3-‘,r«>omB J a.u dalii.».thie modern meuts: side,y§rd. _ Lot3Gr,y 180? Cheap." Also, an ategaai bro'nT v .stcus mansion, 3road and Girard avoauo, rejdete wif.h. evoryroodorn iocmrovement: and the very ’oesbstyle. 'Large 1511 stable in. rear. Ahajigam. > Also, fort* modemArefd&aces. on Bros near, Oxford, Stashed with, all the modem improvements. Pr.ce moderate: term?, eas*^ Also many others* . ' . dei "** QE&' K- t VOWgg3NT>. .13 3& FQBRTS St. nOAE.. YASEi, p&a SALE,—THE .BEST V? fttied*upYard In. the city; capaji&yfbr doing, any amount of business. f-aquira on. the Ko 9*T JScetrrNlNTH. Street.below Girard a-vATviie. - t»o^8-6t* aOTEXSe. STATIONAi HOTEL IV Washington, d. o. H. S. BENSON. FS'-’FRIEfOE, Formerly AsilarA Souse, Pbllaielphlt ■ Ho is detenssheil to merlvend bopo, to receive, » iol3 ‘ taare of publK7-p«Ttrona*o- ' : ■ ... : je^t*Bo WILLIAM KlNe-g ALCCfflCob. OAM. VV ‘ PStNE, ani 'Bj'TRNING FLUID. rec«iv«4 fresh daily from .factory,.' &»r sale btr WM K.TNG. HI 1 ARCH SU«9t*» and Boad. ~ . - aoMmw CO'ffJSEOT PIANO TUNING. rrSTl*—Mr. Cs K SiHOEaT'S orders for tnaiat r«paixinc Ffanoa recalvod-at-SLASOII « GO. * stoie, 90T CrLSStfNTn* otreetj. only. , ‘ , _ Mr. 8, haatuad «le\:en j'eaw'fac tory erperiwice*3iSos ton, - Speoiai*. —Kanos relea&ered to ‘ sound aa soft u 4 meat li ew,fotfhJut renioving. Terms foi-’Pußlujf, £L -TRUSSES, BB4<3E§: ft a., V Lp.4im' Dopirtment tor ejnw, cftaduatedh* frtlttlT* SlsSt & OCI-SIEB : ' • . .'■: ; :S "&£■%