THE CITY. The Therriaoinetvr. NOVEMBER 27,t862. NOVEMBER 27, 1863. P• M. 6 A. / 1 ••••.1 2 / 1 ( 3p•%. 86 43 46 35 47 ..46;4 'WIND- WIND. . . .. .WSW.....SSW WSW....WSW ..... SW A TRADES MEETIRO.=A number of the tneohanics of this city met at National Guards ) Rah last evening, to mein the machiniste• and black emitha of New York in carrying on the strike for an advance of wages, which was commenced there a Short time ago. The meeting was organized by no minating Mr. Wrn. Otley for president, and J. P. 0. Flinn secretary. The president, on taking the stand, made a few re. Marks, stating the purpose for which the meeting was called, and then introduced Nit. Schutte, a dela. gate from the New York Convention of Strikers, who said the machinists and blacksmiths of that city had been on a strike for the past three week', and they knew not when they would remora work again, but they desired tho assistance of working. men in other cities, in order that they might hold out until their "wages were raised to 25 per cent, the advance asked for. The speaker then read the reso lutions adopted by the emoloyeei, and also the em ployers. The tenor of the latter is to the effect that organized bodies of workmen have no right to direct the price of wages, and they refuse to comply with the advance desired. • On Mr. Sohutte taking his seat, a man in the Audi- Once made a motion to. throw the resolutions under the table. This excited a commotion, but, no one having seconded it, it was loot. Mr. Powers, another delegate from New York, was then introduced, who spoke in the same strain as the preceding one, and commented at length upon the resolutions adopted by the employers. Mr. Win. Silvey, president of the Iron Mouldere , Internationaillnion,wae teen called upon to speak: lie thought if the speculators in this and other cities lan the right to convene tosether and regulate the price of dour and other things, the working men also have the power to organize themselves into a protective union,- and regulate the price of labor. There was no other way_by which labor can control itself, and receive the remuneration earned except by combination. Thia will lead to a greater idea, and the time has come when we should commence. Labor is not an article of commerce, but one of capi tal, and it is the source or all wealth. Every one that works for a living should tre proud that he is a laboring man. The soetiker , s remarks were fre quently interrupted by applause. Ire was followed by Mr.Recathan O. Faucher, of the Trades Review, who spoke forcibly and to the point for a short time, after which the following resolutions were read and unanimously adopted : Whereas. We have heard this evening the committee appointed-by onr brothers, the machinists of New York, now on strike In said city, iu a plein statement of their NYTOllg$, made in a trathinl and digathen manner—that owing to the unprecedented increase in the cost of pro-. NiaiODP, clothing, and of. very thing necessary to snp nort life, hero to onr own sh, . which we ourselves have felt for many months pint, we can readily indge of the condition of our brethren of New York city: There. lime be it Res:4l:M. That we extend :o them an expression of our unbounded sympathy, assisting them that we rea lize to the utmost extent that their struggle is onrs, their success will he ours, end their failure will be our loss. liesolved, That we extend to .hem a sabstantial ex measion of our sympathy;, in the shape of material aid, to the utmost of our alitaiy. /4 - :mired, That committees be appointed front each. ilnUe present, for the put Tyne of collecting money in each workshop in this city, raid committees to make their re turns to y centre lemmata - nee, and that central committee shall forward the same to the proper partiesinNew lock, and publish in the poises friendly to the rinse, the amounts received in each wort:chop. That these com mittees be appointed- and proceed to their work imme diately - The meeting then- adjourn -d. SOUTHERN HOME FOR FRIENDLESS CULL- Drum. —lnteresting anti pleasing exercises took place yesterday at the above institution, which is situated at the S. E corner ofawelfth and Fitz water streets. This organization was the first one of its kind started in tee city, and was commenced emptember lst, 1549, in a mall building on South street, with but twelve chili: ren. The managers worked faithfully for a long time to gain= sufficient zneacts to erect a large and more suitable structure for their purpose, which they succeeded in doing. The buildingmow used is well furnished, exceedingly clean in appearance. and capable of sheltering one hundred and fifty children. The little ones are care :fully taught the light branchee of study, and, also, brought up in the tear of Goo. Many of them are childrr n of soldiers wt o have died or are now fight. leg in the service of their coulitry. Yesterday,they were dressed•up in clean clothes, and presented a very dean and tidy appearance while setting in the main school-room, where they sang several hymns and patriotic conga, which were creditably delivered. Short and lively addresses were made by the RCM Messrs. March, Breed, Virieberg, and Kingston 13-ondard. The latter gen tleman related an incident of a young man who viaited,theinatitution a abort time ago, dressed in a fashionable manner, He had, when young, been an inmate of the Home, and was afterwards placed under the care of a farmer, where he is Well pro vided for, and is now earning money through his elm efforts. After the exercises were over nn excellent colla tion was ;void out before the little ones, who en joyed themselves highly, and seemed in the beet of apirite. Everything netesa,ry for the maintenance of these friendless children having advanced in price, the managers have not been able to keep pace with the times, and a■ debt hat. come upon them they ap peal to the liberality and benevolence of our citizens, who, if they zee fit, can send either money or clothes to them, or to J. R. Marie, president of the Amer!, can Insurance Company, Walnut Street, above Third. Ti NEW MONITOR Yazoo.—The " Ya- 200" is the name of one of the twenty light-draught Monitors ordered by the Government in March last. It is fast approaching completion in the ship-yard of Cramp & Son, Kensington. The vessel will be 225 feet in length over armor, breadth of beam 46 feet, and a total depth amidships of 9 feet 1 inch. The vessel will have a flat bottom, with one inch dead rise, the bilge toi be formed by a radius of 15 inches. The sides of the inner bull are vertical, surround ing which is'another iron hull, having also vertica aides, the depth of which is three itches less than that of the inner. The space between these hulls is - arranged so as to be filled with water at pleasure, for the purpose of giving the vessel greater draught, and bringing the deck near the surface of the water when in action. The interior of the vessel is divi ded into 'compartments by water-tight bulk-heads, of plate iron, communication between them being afforded by wrought iron water-tight doors, The Water compartments will, he filled and emptied by two powerful pumps, each capable of delivering three thousand gallons per minute, For propelling the vessel, two engines, working entirely indepen dent of each other, are to no used. The cylinders of each will be twenty•two inches in diameter, and thirty•inch stroke of piston, These are to be con• nected with two propellers of east iron, each nine feet in diameter and twelve feet pitch. The surface ,condenser will have 3,391 tubes, with a cooling sur face of 2,500 square feet. There are to be two hori zontal tubular boilers,, each to have four furnaces, with a grate surface of 160 square feet, and a fire surface Of 4,120 feet. There are also to be two air and two circulating pumps, with a double oscillating engine for, driving them. The draught of water, for this vessel, when loaded, will be 614 feet; area of water. line, '7,410 square feet; displacement at water line, per inch of draught, 17 2-10 toes, and total displacement, at 63; feet draught, 1,171 tons. THE NEW COHNCILS.—The new City Councils will organize for the transaction of public aerate on the first alondii) in January. There is considerable anxiety felt as to who will be the lucky candidates for president, clerics, etc.,in the two Chambers. In Select Branch the appicants for the chair are the present incumbent, James •Lynd, Thirteenth ward, and Henry Davis, of the Fifteenth ward. The applicants for the position of chief clerk are Richard Batters' and Benjamin Haines. For assistant clerk, R. Bethel, George W. Ghegan, and others. For messenger, Henry J. Fougeray, the present incumbent, John H. Fredericks, Charles T. Clark, and others. The race for the presi;Jicy in Common Council is between Messrs. Harper, of the Eighth ward, and Stokely, of the Ninth. For chief clerk, the names Of William F. Small and George F. the are mentioned; for assistant clerks, George Mooney, --- Stewart, and several others; for messenger, James Zimmerman, Thomas Hall, and others. The applicants for the various heads of depart. /Dents are numerous. Those to be elected are— Commissioner of Highways, salary $1,500 per, an num ; Assistants, two to be cleated, salary $l,OOO caoh. Chief Engineer of the Water Department, salary $2,600 per annum. Commissioner of City Property, salary $1,600 per annum. Commissioner of Markets, salary $9OO per annum. Superintendent or Girard Estates, salary $1,500 per annum. For this position is required, by law, to enter security in the sum of $50,000 for the faith ful performance of his duty. Agent of Girard Estates, salary $1,200 per annum. Superintendent of Clay Railroads, salary $l,OOO. THANKSGIVING CELBBRATIO N.—The Turner's Lane Bosipital, corner of Twentieth and Norris streets, was on thankegivtng day the scene of interesting exercises. In the morning, religious services were held, the Rev. Herman Bokum, chap. lain of the hospital, preaching a thanksgiving sermon. At two o'clock the bugle invited the soldiers to five tables, bending almost under the weight of the good thingr which the steward and the ladies interested in the hospital had provided. !Lt 5 o'clock a fiag, which Dr. Burpee, one of the surgeons of the hospi tal, had been instrumental in procuring, was pre• rented to the institution. Rev. Dr. Adams first lead in prayer, and then made some appropriate remarks by way of presenting the flag,which was then runup on a flagstalf,looWit high, accompanied by three hearty cheers. Chaffain Bo kuin responded; and the Rev. Dr. Brainerd closed in his usual happy straiu, Before parting, the whole large assembly joined in staging the Star Spangled Banner. In the evening, under the auspices of the lady visitors, a concert was given by several ama teur performers, consisting of vocal and instrumental music. It is simple, justice to say that the perform. ante was of a very high character. Our correspondent says that during a year he has been a daily visitor in the hospital. He is deeply impressed by the zeal with which the duties of the medical staff are performed, and with the intelli gence and industry of the steward in the manage ment of his all• important department. Nor can he easily forget the spirit of sympathy and self-denial With which the ladies interested in the hospital have devoted themselves to the welfare of the soldiers. I A RIDIANE. ArpEAL.—The editor of the Christian Recorder, the only religious weekly paper published 'in this city for the benefit of the colored population, made a strong appeal in the last issue for contributions to send that paper to toe colored soldiers in and around Foutrf se Monroe, Yorktown, and Norfolk, who are badly in want of information directly from their own people. There are more than six thousand there doing service for the Go vernment, and a favor of that kind would benefit them greatly. Those who feel like aiding the cause can send their donaticas to the office of the Christian Recorder, No. 619 Pine street, Philadelphia. ' THE NINTII ANNITERSARICOF ME YOUNG hltest's CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION is announced to take place on Monday evening next, at Concert Hall, commencing at I'm o'clock. The speakers will be Reg& P. Cr P. S. Henson, Rev. E. E. Adams, ex•otr. .rollocY, and George R. Stuart, Esq. The music will be by the choir of the Green-street M, E. Church, under the direction of Prof. William G. Fischer. Tickets may he procured at the rooms of the Association, Woe. 1009 and 1011 Chestnut street, 2o•day, and on Monday, gratuitously. DEATH OF SOLDIERS.--The following deaths were reported at the Medical Director's oboe from the army hospitals : McClellan —Noble Purdy, Company A, 157th New York Volunteers. Sixteenth and Filbert—W. S. Jones, Company D, 82d Pennsylvania Volunteers. SAD BESULT.—Mrs. Potenhehner, who was so severely burned, at her residence, in Race street, above Front, on Thursday morning, as stated in The Press, died yesterday afternoon from the effects of her injuries. HOSPITAL ITBM.—A lad, named Hugh Bodges, was admitted into the Pennsylvania Hoe. pital, on Thursday afternoon, with his leg bro ken. The accident took place at Broad and Fitz water streets. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. U. S. District Court judge CadAvalader. United States vs. henry L. Acker et al Before reported. The ease for the United States closed yesterday, and the defence was opened by Mr. Van dyke, who stated what be expected to be able to prove as against the case as presented by the Qovernment. He said be would be enabled to show that the postage stamps and envelopes alleged by Acker to have been destroyed by the fire which occurred on the 12th of February, 1861, were really so destroyed, and were, therefore. properly allowed in his account by the Post Office Department at Washington, and though subsequently recharged to him, should not be recovered in this suit. As to the matter of the hy pothecation by the defendant of postagestamps, Mr. Vandyke disposed of this by saying thatthere was nothing strange in-a =SU engaged in a considerable businees as was defendant conducting a printing tan, receiving large quant ities of ;stamps, and that there was no minion why he should not hypothecate them, if he so desired. lie then proctsllso to call witnesses. The District Court, Judge Stroud. finished its trial list on Wednesday for the term and adjourned. The District Court, :fudge Hare, was in session yesterday, but no oases remaining on the list being ready, the court also adjourned for the term. Court of Common Pleas—Judge Ludlow The miscellaneous argument list was finished. THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman Good.] Charged with Robbery. A colored woman, who gave the name of Hannah Fisher, was arraigned yesterday on the charge of burglary in entering the house of Mr. Hurnsker, in Price street, Germantown. The back door bad been forced open during the absence of the family, and clothing to the value of. $75 was stolen. Some of the stolen property was found in the possession of the accused, and a Bat moral sisirt was found upon the person of a sister of the defendant. The accused was committed to answer. The sister was held to answer the charge of receiving stolen goods. ' [Belpre Mr. Alderman Boitler.) Pocket Picking. Henry Martin, a young man, was committed in default (I $1 Cato answer the charge of picking thel pocket of a Mr. Wood of $BO, who was awaiting his, turn to get a ticket of admission into the National Circus, on Market street, above Twelfth. There were large crowds of people awaiting for admission, and the light• fingered gentry took advantage of the game. It would be welt for persons while awaiting admission to the National Circus, or any other popular place of amusement, to beware of pick pockets, male and female. A Colored Gomalie]. Vaucott - • Information has been left at the Central Station of the success of a colored man in a swindling one. ration, conducted on the principle adopted by Ge.- mallet Vancott. He represented to an escaped colored refugee from the South, that his former mas ter had died. Just previous to his death, he be queathed to him an old chest containing gold, which he, the informer, had already brought to one of the wharves. It was very necessary to observe the strictest tecrecy, in order that the fugitive might surely receive the gold. The sure of fifty dollars was all that was required to, pay the freight and other incidental expenses. The contraband fugitive, was in high glee, and in a short time raised the fifty dol lars, which he promptly paid. The chest of gold was delivered, and the happy contraband took it to his home. On opening it, he bound that, instead of gold, the cheat was filled with stones. The swindler so far has escaped. A Mistake An item appeared in this paper on Thursday rels, tive to the arrest and detention of three persons, on Wednesday night, at the Central lockup. There was a mistake in the report as published. wherein it stated that two of the parties were endeavoring to bewilder the third, on his way home. This charge, we learn from the best authority, was not made at all. The case, when heard by the Lieutenant, was dismissed at once. The two young men, instead of attempting to bewilder the third person, were follow ing him in order to see him safely home. The police officer who made the arrest evidently acted with too much pr capitation. Store Robbed Some time on Thanksgiving day the dry-goods and silk store of Mr. Chance, on West Market street, was bored into from the interior and thirty pieces of silk goods were stolen therefrom. The operation was evidently done by expert persons used to the ne farious business. [Before Mr. Alderman Scene at Fox's Casino.' A waiter girl at Fox's Casino, giving the name of Lizzie Stewart, was arraigned last evening on the charge of the larceny of $5, the property of a soldier. It seems that on Wednesday evening the soldier, in company with another son of Mars, and two citizens, proceeded to Fox's Casino. In a short time one of the pretty waiter girls stepped up to the party and demanded pay for four drinks, "We have had no drinks," replied the soldier. "Yes you have, you had four, and must pay me." "You are mistaken; we have not drank any. thing." "You have." " We have-not." "I tell you you have. ), The scene began to be rather interesting', and to attract more than ordinary attention. She became rather pert in her remarks, and finally the soldier said, "Well, rather than have any fuss about it, I'll pay you for four drinks." He handed the girl a five-dollar note, and she pro ceeded as though intending to go to the bar to ob tain the change. Not returning, the soldier finally went in Hearth of her, but she was among the Ws. sing. A warrant was issued, and last evening she was taken into custody, and arraigned as above staled. She was required to enter bail in the sum of SSCO to answer at court. PHILADELPHIA BOARD. OP TRADE. THOMAS EMBER, c ISRAEL MORRIS. OMMITTEE OF THE °NTH. JOSEPH C. GRUBB. LETTER BAGS AT THE MERCHANTS. , EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. Ship The Craig.% Baker Liverpool, soon Bark Linda, Hewitt Sagne. la Grande. soon Bark Mute°, Clark Pio Janeira, Dee 12 Brig Lila, Dag Matanzas, soon Scbr Greenland, Evans Havana, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 28,11E13. BIN RISES., . 11 I SUN SETS. 99 HIGH WANE& .......... 55 dIiRPVED Bark Isaac R Davis. Hand, 4 days from Port Royal, in ballast to Workman & Co. Brig A . HoPicfsi,l,earii;ifF, 15 days from New Orleans, in ball ist . t4 . Workman k Co. ' Elitcoti.Devereatix, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to J E Easley & Co. Brig Princeton, Wells, ft om Boston, in ballast to cap tain. Scbr Arctic, Perkins, 3 days from Newharyport, with rodeo to Geo B Berfoot. Scbr A Thrill. Biggins, 7 days from Boston,with mdse to Crowell & Coilins. Behr T P McColley, Carter, 1 day from Camden, Del, with oats to Jas Barratt & Son. tiebr. Farmer, Laws, 2 days from. Milford. Del. with corn to Jae Barratt & Son. Scbr Jae Porter, Fairbrothere, from Providence. in ballast to captain. Schr Compton, Smith, from Providence, in ballast to ca p tain. ehr D E Wolf, Whitaker, from Newbern, in ballast to captain.. Schr Crisis, Renear, from New Bedford, in ballast to ca aN c taint .. gpray, Adams, from Providence, in ballast to ca a n garatoga, Adams, from Providence. in ballast to captain. Schr B B Wheaton. Wheaton. from Portsnionth. to Chas If Cummings. Sear C Fantanzzi. Wooster, 10 days from Hillsboro, NS, with plaster to E A Sender & Co. gehr Frank Herbert, Parker, 4 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell '& Collins. BObr Ivy, Henderson, 7 'days from Boston, in ballast to captain. . Fehr J V Vann eman. Sharp, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Henry Winsor. Schr Mary, Bickards. 1 day from Camden, Del, with grain to J E Bewley & Co. Bohr Abbie H Brown, Gross. 5 days from Boston, with linseed to order. Behr Fred Sheerer. Sheerer, 10 days from Glace gay, with coal to J F, Bazlev & Co. Sat' Sallie Veasey, Pox, 1 day from Dover, Del, with wi eat to Jas Barrett & SOD. Fehr Gilbert Green. Weaver, froth Lynn. Fcbr C Newkirk."Weaver, from Boston. " Schr Excelsior, Robbins. from Boston. Schr Jas Logan, Smith. from Providence. . Scbr Mary Patterson, Godfrey, from Providence. Schr S C Willetts, Young. from Newham. Sloop Clayton & Lowboy, Jackson,l day fm. Smyrna. Del, with wheat to J L Bewley & Co. Sloop Vandalia. Cooper, lday from Smyrna. Del, with. grain to J L Bewley & Co. Steamer New York, Fultz, 24 hours from New York. with mdee to W P Steamer. 'iorrenei. Pilithrink, 24 hours from N York, with pulse to W P Clyde. CLIAIIED Bark B Colcord. Colcord, Portland, E A Sender & Co. Bark B A Cochran, Pendleton, Point Petro, Gnada loupe. J B Bailey & Co. Bark lit Williamson, Thomson, Cape Havtion. N Brig Warren, Smith, Salem, oble, Caldwell & Co. Brig Princeton, _Wells. Boston, Blakiston, Graff & Co. Brig Faen P Stewart. Cain, New Orleans, Ty ler & Co. Schr Gilbert Green. Weaver. Newham, do Schr S C Willette, Young. Newborn, do Schr H B Eascomb, Williams, Boston, Blakiston, Graff & Co. - Se Later, Robinson, Nevroort. do Behr Jae S Hewitt, Late, blew Orleans, Tyler & Co. Schr Winter Shrub, Marsh, Washington, do Fehr .W KaVahan. Fonton. Alexandria, do Schr Elliott. DiMe, Fort Monroe.. do Schr A Cordery, Doughty, Hampton Roads, Com HA. Adams. Schr Jane C lieShain, Qnigley, Piney Point, do Fehr J C Clark, Willis, Beaufort, . do • Schr S H Gibson, Bartlett, Boston. C A Heckscher Co. Schr Excelsior, Bobbins, Roxbury, ' do Schr Ivy. Henderson. Lynn, J Milnes & Co. Schr C Newkirk, Weaver, Providence, Noble, Cald well & Co. Schr Jas Logan, Smith, Providence, Castner, StickneY & Wellington. Fehr Mary Paitereon, Godfrey, Providence, John R White. Schr E W Perry, Risley, Fall River, Gastner. Stick. ney. & Wellington. Schr Nellie Potter, Sheppard, Boston, do. SchrS C Runyon, Matthews, Fall River, do. Schr B J Mercer, Somers. Brietbl, do. Schr W P Cox, Houck, Providence, Repplier & Bro. Fehr D Morris, Hoover. New London, do. Schr Saratoga, Adams, Providence. do . , Solar S Lockwood, Durborough. Bridg4nort. do. Schr Martha Jane. Watson, Boston, C A Hecksher & Eichr Cohasset, Toby. New Beafora, Noble, Caldwell, Schr R Corson: Heigh, Fa Haven, do. Scbr Vermillion, Hulse. Bridgeport, W H Johns. Schr Monterey, Craig, Delaware City, Captain. Ste Philadelphia, Shore. Baltimore, captain. Ste H L Gaw, Iler, Baltimore. A Groves, Jr. Str Ands. Lenny. New York, W P Clyde. Str Ann Eliza, Richards. New York, W P Clyde. • (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) Del, Nov. 0. The wind Is blowing fresh from the North, and has brought to the Breakwater four brigs and ten schooners, which we are prevented from boarding by the heavy sea unning. . . Yours, as, AARON MARSHALL. (Correspondence of The Press.) READING. Nov 24. The following boats from the Union Cana oilseed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: AT March, lumber to Henry Croelay. C Lawrence, and J n Wagner, do to John Craig; E D Crawford, do to captain; Union Lime Boy, lime to Bliaa Reber. • glorreePondenes of The ?mutt • HAVRB DB GRAO3. Nov 24 The steam-tugs Col Wm Cook and D R Garrison left here this morning with the following boats in tow. laden and consigned as follows: Republican, lumber to Patterson & Lippincott; Geo Hopson, do to Malone & Trainer; Zortave,-coal to Dela. Ware City; Adam J Brubaker ' coal to New Cantle. Nov. 25—The following boats left here this morning in tow, as above, viz : Emily Smith, lumber to Patterson & Lippincott; SW Strine, do to 11 Croskey; J L Sutton, do to New York t . Corinna, do to S Bolton; David Brown, stave bolts to Wilmington; Col .1 M Bott, assorted cargo to Navy Yard; C Brubaker, Worthy Chief, and 111 Burrows, coal to Delaware City; Parrish & Co No 37, do to Carter & Co; Saml J Seeley, do to New York. Nov. 26—The following boats are awaiting the Phila delphia steamer, not having arrived yesterday: Carrie, lumber to Trump & Son; Two Brothers, do to do; Nall & Davis, do to Taylor; 7 Reed, do to .1 Craig: Carrie & Emma, coal to Delaware City; Constitution, do to New York ; Magnolia, do to do; Margaret, wheat to Hum phreye. Boffman & Wright; J . D McConkey, do to A Cotten. MEMORANDA. Ship Victoria, Monroe, from Liverpool 14th Oct for this port, was spoken on the 30th, lat 46 09, lon 2214. Ship Horatio, Palmer, from Manila 22d July, at New York 26th bust, with hemp. Ship Euterpe, Arey, hence, sailed from 'Panama, 13th Ink for Callao. Ship Saginaw, Boutelle, from Baltimore 6th Tune, at Panama 6th inst, and remained 17th. died, g, Ship B Aymar. Saw, er, sailed from Buenos Ayres 2.2.3 Sept for New York. Steamship Illinois. Babcock, from New York for As: pinwall, was passed 'list bait 30 miles north of Cape Haim ark La Plata, Crowell, from Buenos Ayres 22d Sept, With hides, at New York 26th inst. Batk PC Warwick, (Br) SiOtt. al days from Rio Ja neiro, at New York 26th tint, with coffee. Brig T 13 Watson. Wallace. 12 days from Havana. with engar, at New York 26th inst. Brig Catharine Nickels, Grant, and ecbr M A Gould. Philbrook, at Gloucester 21st inst. from Delaware City. Sohn Wm H Rowe, Harris, and Wm Crawford, Brings, hence, at New Bedford 15th inst. - Schr Annie J Nnesell. Hodges, from Portland, Ct, for this port, at New York 26th inst. at New Y lißteamers ork Concord. Norman, and Tacony, Piero, hence 26th inst. UNION STEAM AND WATER HEATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. GOLD'S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATER HEATIL THOMPSMPS LONDON KITCHENER, and all other Improved COOKING APPARATUS. Boilers and Water Bacilli. Parlor and other Gtates, Registers and Ventilated, Backsland Jambs. and MI things connected with the above branch of boldness. AS D. No. 41 So J uth MFEOURTHP.WO StOreet. R. N. FELTWBLL. Superintendent. ap72-1/ MACKERELHERRING, SHAD, &e, 2,600 bbls Mass. No. 1. 2. and 9 Mackerel, late-eang&l fat ash, in assorted packages: 2,109 bail New 'Eastnort, yortnne Bay, and gnllfai Herring. 2.609 boxes Lubec, Sealed, and No 1 Martial. L5O bbls new Mese Shad. 260 boxes Herkimer Count,' Cheese &&. In store and for nal bz. MUItrHY & OOH S J*l74 No. 11110 NORTH WHANVIN.! SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vonditioni Exporas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sate or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning. December 'LBO. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Halt, All that certain one , story brick stable and lot of ground situate on the west side of Fifteenth Ntroet or e hundred and fifteen feet northward' from F.tzwater street, 7n the city of Philadelphia; containing in front ou Fifteenth street sixteen feat. and in depth eighty-five feet to Wyo [ street. (Which said lot Caroline Id Lybrand, by deed dated rebtuary'7._ 1850, recorded in Deed Book A, D. 8., No 06, page 102, Mc,, , conveyed unto William Twiggs in fee; reserving a ground rant of sixty-four dollars, payable lst of May and November.] CC. ;D. 'B3: S 6. Debt, $16.52. Lax.] Taken in execution and to be sold 11.‘ the pproperty of William "I'w 'Kg's. JOHN 'THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Noy. Ft. 18113. nolS.St R,FIERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expon RA, to - me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on 2IONDAY Even ing, December 7,1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sanaom-street Hail. All that certain three story brick messuago frame stable, and shed, and lot of ground sitn.te on the south side of Parrish street. one hundred and forty-one feet westward from 'Tenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing-1n front on Parrish street seventeen feet, and in depth. one hundred and thirty-three feet to Vernon street. Which said premises Amos Ellis and wife, by deed dated October 21,1839, recorded in Deed Reek H. S , No. IS, page 115, &c , conveyed unto Robert Harvey in fee; reserving a ground rent of 851. payable tat January and July, Co. P; D.. 63; 46. Debt, M 52 75. Gratz.] Taken in execntion and to be sold n the property of Robert Harvey. JOHN THOIIPSON, Sheriff.` Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Nov. 14, BR nol6-3t SIIERrFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, tome directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY livening December 7,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Nall. all that certain lot of ground eitnato on the south 'Adis of Market street, ono hundred and fifty feet one and a half inches eastward from Thirty-seventh street. in the City of Philadelphia; containing in front on Market ldreet etch teen feet, and in (1, pth two hundred and four teen feet elx inches to Oak street. [Which said lot Lew is 11. Rioduer by deed. dated January 27. MI, recorded in Deed Book A O. H.. No. 38. page 212. &c., conveyed un to Henry Earick in fee: reserving a gronudrent of $lO9. P; D. '63; 41. Debt $169 OS E. C. Mitchell.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Vent's &rick. JOHN THOMPSODZ. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Skerifrelleflice, Nov. 14,1653. net 6 31 R,HARIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. cm MONDAY Evening, December 7.1865. at 4 o'clock. at Sansone-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick inessus,e and lot of gronnd situate on the north aide of. Dauphin street, forty five feet eastward from apple street • in the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in (runt on Dauphin street fifteen i feet, and n depth filty•seven feet to a three-feet.wlde alley. [Which said Lot John Born and wife. by deed dated October 26. 186), recorded in Deed Book A. 1) B No. 135, page 530, &c., conveyed unto Go:tlieb Mesmer in fie; reserving a ground rent of sixty-six dollars,pay able first of January and July. [C. P.; D..'63. 18. Debt, 153344. Huns`cker.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Gottlieb Elsat.ser. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Nov. 14.1863.-nol6 3t p„ - HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF N." a writ of Vi enditiord Exponas, to me directed.will be exposed'to public sale or vendne, ou moNDAY Evening, December 7, 1663. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street All those certain two frame messuages aal lot of ground situate on'the east side of Front street, one hun dred and forty feet south from Master street. in the city 01 Philadelphia containing in front on. Front street twenty feet, and in depth one hundred feet to a ten-feet wide alley. [Which raid lot Turner Comae by deed dated April Ist, 3829, recorded in Deed Book 0 W. R No. 33, page 68,5, &c., conveyed unto Robert Wiley. in fee; reserving a- ground rent of twenty silver dollars, payable drat of January and July.] [C. P., D.'63: 20. Debt, 4131.45. Campbell.]`' Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Robert Wiley. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Nov. 14. 1663. nol6-3t SHERIFF'S SALE-BY VIRTUE OF sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue,or. MONDAY Eve ning. December 7.!1863, at 4 o'clock. at Samsom-street Hall, No. 1. All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the south tide of Federal street, sixtyone feet seven inches westward from TsrentY seventh street. in the city of Philadelphia : containing in frcii t on Federal. street fifteen fe6t. and in depth one hundred feet to Park street Which said lots Ingram Park st ux. by deed dated October 8, 1859. recorded in Dead Book A.. D. 8.. No. 87, page 155, ac:, conveyed unto David McNeill in fee: reserving out of each of said lots aground. rent of forty. eight dollars. No. '2. All that certain three-story brfck mesinage and lot of ground situate on the south sidn of Federal street, seventy-six feet seven inches west from Twenty-toventh street, in the said city: containing in froot on Federal street fifteen feet, and in depth one hundred feet t o Park street. CC: P. D. 63. S 7 and S 3 Debt, &h 22. li. C. Thorogon.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of David McNeill. JOHN THOMPSON, BheriE, Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Nov. 1863. nol6-3t qHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF L ' a 'writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Even ing. December 7,1863, at 4 o'clock. at Unseal-street Hall. All that certain two-story brick building and lot of ground situate on the west side of Clarion street, nine ty-two feet northward from Wharton street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Clarion street fourteen feet six inches. and in depth forty •seven, feet six inches to a two-feet-six. inches-wide alley, with the privilege thereof (Which said lot William G. Alexan al, by deed dated. March 31, 1856, recorded in Deed Book R. D. W.. No. 81, page"s22. , convoyed- , unto James Welsh infee r reserving a ground-rent of $3O, payable Ist January and July. 7- [C. P.. D., '63. 23. Debt $86.22 Ballitt.]. Taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of • Jetties Welch. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Nov. 14,1863. nol7-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF . a writ IT Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, December 7, 1883, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All .that certain three-story brick messnage and lot of ground situate on the south aide of Catharine street, one hundred and forty-eight feet east of broad etreet, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Catharine street -sixteen feet. and in depth ninety-seven feet six inches to Hates street, including on Rates street one-half of a thirty-inch-wide alley. f Which said lot. Michael Rates, by deed dated September 21, 1848, recorded in Deed Book 1 3- W..0N0- P, nage 'LSD, &c , conveyed unto'Oeorge W. Manflonald in feet reserving a ground rent of sixty-four dollars, payable first of January and July:, subject to the restriction that no building but a dwelling should ever be erected on said lot.] [C. P.; D., '63. 43. Debt, $lO2OB. Britton.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Freeman Scott. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philada., Sheriff's Office, November 14, 1883. n017.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. wilt be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, December 7. 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-sr. Ball. All that certain three-story brick messuage. back build ings, and lot of ground, situate on the northwesterly side of Thompson (late Duke) street ohs hundred feet northeasterly from Crease (late Crown) street, in the city of. Philadelphia; containing in front on Duke street sixteen feet (including one-half of a two-feet- ches wide alley, with the privilege thereof), and in depth' seventy feet. [Which said premit es Hanison Earl et ux , by deed dated October 2.5. 1841 recorded in Deed Book O. W. C.. No. 1, page 216, de., conveyed unto - Hannah Sasernanehstuser in fee; reserving a ground rent of twen ty dollars, payable first of January and July. 3 [C. P., . 30. Debt d 17.06, Pinletter. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Hannah Sassmanhauser. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Nov. 14. 1363. nol7-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF "--• a writ of Venditioni Expocas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendor:. on MONDAY Evening, December 7, 1363. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the northwest corner of Twentieth and Scott streets, in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Twentieth street fifteen feet ten and three-eighths inches, more or less, and in depth on Scott street fifty-seven feet six inches to a two-feet six-inches-wide alley, with the privilege thereof. [Which said lot William It. Scott et ox., by deed dated August 6, 1554, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 93, page 479. &c., conveyed unto . William R. blatchett. in fee; subject to a yearly ground rent of sixty dollars. _ LC. P.. D.,'63; 44. Debt, $93.93. Waxier.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William E. Matchett. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's OffiCB. Nov. 14.1863. nol7-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, December 7. 1863. at 4 o'clock, at hansom-street-Hall. No. 1. All that certain three-story brick measnage and lot of ground, sitnate on the soujheast corner of Carpen ter end Clements etreets,inlthe city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Clements street eighteen-feet, and in depth forty six feet to a four-feet-wide alley, with the privilege thereof. [Which said premises Mary B. Lewis, by deed - dated October let, 1860, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 127. page 478, &c., conveyed unto William Twiggs; reserving a ground rent of forty dollars and fifty cents: No. 2. All those certain six three-story brick messuages (forming a court) and lot of ground, situate on the north side of -Shipper street, ninety-five and sixteen-hun dredths feet westward from Fifteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Shippen street eighteen feet, and in depth one hundred and twenty feet, to Bedford street. [Which said premises Charles Fox, by deed dated April 13, 1951 recorded in Deed Book T. EL. No. 18, page ] , , &c., conveyed unto William Twiggs in lee: subject to a ground rent of forty-nine dollars and fifty ccut'lC ] C• P., D. '63; 33. Debt, 1546. A, Thompson.] Taken 'in execution and to be sold as the property of William Twiggs. .I . OIIN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Nov. 14.1983. nol7-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRT LTE OF an order of. Sale in Partition. to me directed, will be exposed to pnblu, sale or vendue. on MONDAY Eve. ming. December 7, 180. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All tnat certain lot or piece of ground, with the two brick messuagee thereon erected, situate on the east side of Front street. between Catharine and Queen streets., late the District of Southwark, but now the Third ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on the said Front street thirty-four feet. be the same more or less, and in length or depth one hundred and twenty feet. Bounded on the north by ground late of George Griffiths, on the east by other ground of George Griffiths, on the south by ground ]ate of Edward Chew. and on the west by Front street. Which lot of ground is dietin guished in the plan of aivision annexed to a certain in denture of Partition, between Anthony Dacha et' als. bearing date the sth day of December. A. D. 1774, and re - corded in the office for recording dards, lire., for the city and Milinty. of Philadelphia,in Deed Book I, Vol. 14, page 174. &c., by the name f George Griffiths, and marked with the letter T, as by reference ,thereto will more fully appear. [Being the same lot of ground which Jane Duche, by indenture dated the 10th day of Ju'y,o A. D. ISIO. recorded in the office aforesaid, in Deed Book I C ,N 0.5, page 225. &c., granted and conveyed unto Ca leb Cushing Eyre in fee. 1 N. - B.—The above-described premises are divided and will be sold, as follows: . . No. I. The northernmost of the said messuages and the lot of ground on which the same is erected, being a two-story brick dwelling house with two-story brick back build ingt containing In front on Front sheet twenty feet six inches or thereabouts, and said tot of ground being one hundred and twenty feet deep. Together with the free right, use, liberty, and privilege of the alley two feet four inches in width. • . No. 2. The southernmost of the said messnages and the lot of ground on which the same is erected, being a two story brick dwelling house; containing in front on Front street fifteen feet nine inches or thereabouts, including the alley of two feet four inches in width, (of which the adjoining premises to the north hasthe free use and pri- Tilege),and the said lot of ground being one hundred and twenty feet deep. Together with the free right, use, and privilege of the said alley. '4D. C.; Dec. T., '63. 44. W. S. Price.] • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Nov. 14. 1883. nol7-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. December 7, 1863. at 4 o'clock, at ' Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of gro and situate on the north side of Ontario street, one hundred and sixtpaix feet six inches westward from Clinton street, in the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in front on Ontario street twenty feet, and in depth two hundred and thirty-seven.feet six inches to Henry street. CC. P., '63; 11. Debt, SAL Pancoast. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry B. Swartz. JOHN TFIOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Nov.l l l. 1863. nol6-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OP f sundry writs of Venditioni ?Exponan, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendee; on MONDAY Evening. December 7. 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Bansom-street Hall, All that certain two-and-a-half-story frame messnage and lot of ground situate on the mouth east side of Sharp rack street, thirty feet nor sheast from a twenty-feet wide road or alley, and being about two hundred and se venty-four feet ten inches northeast from Oermantown aye or Main street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Sharpnack street thirty feet, and id depth one hundred and twenty feet, more or lees. ta P. D. ; '63; 21 and 22 Debt COO . . Paxson.; Taken in execution and to be sold as the property. of William Hergesheimer. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, l'foy.tl4, 1863. ,nol6-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, December 7, LW. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. All those certain two brick messnages and lot of ground situate on the south side of Arch street, one hundred and eighty-four feet eastward from Twentieth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Arch street twenty feet, and in depth ninety feet. [Which said premises Linus W. Dexter and wife, by deed dated. May Ist, (864, recorded in. Weed Book T. H., No. 145, page 215, , conveyed unto Jacob Carrigan in fee; re serving ground rent of one hundred and twenty dollars, payable first of May and November.] CC. P. ; D.. 133; 9. Debt. 860.16. E. S. Campbell.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the Property of Jacob Carrigan. JOHN THOMPSON'. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Nov. 14. 1863. noll3-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ ol Venditioni Expongs, to me directed. Will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, December 7. 1863. al4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All those certain nine brick messuagee, (four of - them three-story bricks on Twenty-second street. and five two story bricks on Howard street), and lot of ground situ ate on the west side of Twenty-second street, sixty-four feet north from Pratt street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Twenty-second street sixty-four feet, and in depth on the south line One hundred and thirty-three feet two and a quarter inches. and on the north line one hundred and twenty-four feet seven and a quarter inches to Howard street. [Which said lot (com prised of two lots) Samuel Single, by deeds dated De: camber 19, 1851 recorded in Deed Book T. H. No. 16, pages &c., conveyed Joseph : Bbrcrl:3;lvtouidsaerofa tsagrotretoi eighty dollars, payable first of January and. Jnlyl. cc. P. ; '65; 17. Debt SBL 51. B. A. mitchem Taken- in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph Bilb rough. JOHN , THOMPSOIf, Sheriff. 114/0310/11. kherit'sQiim XSPY, 1t,19ff3. 11P16.36 THE PREM.-PHILADELPHIA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2S, 1863: QIIERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditionl Bananas, to me directed, Will be ex - Imbed to public sale or solidus. on lfrlONDAV.Byen lug, December 7. 1663. at 4 o'clock. at Sansometreet /tad. All that certain house and lot !situate on the northeast erly side of Ann street, one hundred and en fteC ton inches northwesterly from Emerald street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing ie front on Ann street thirteen feet ten Inches. and in depth fifty-one feet. Subject to a ground rent of forty dollars, CC. P. :D.. '63: 29. Debt, 420; Denton-1 Taken in execution and to be sold as threnody of JOHN B. Sander. soa TEl(..lrfPBo , bheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Deice, Nov. 1.1, 186' not 6 It SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE' OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas,to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, December 7.1t63. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall All that certain lot of ground situate on the mutt; tide of %loge street, eighty-six feet six Inches westward from Clinton street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Tioga street twenty feet. and -in depth two hundred and thirty. e ova n feet eix inches to Henry street. CC. P.: D., '63, 10. Debt, $90.66. Pariaoast.l Taken iu execution and to ho eold as the property of Edward Judd and Albert Diekensh eats. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Nov 14. 1803. nol6-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vonditioni Bxponas, to ins directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY E, foning. December 7,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-stroet All that certain lot of ground eitnate on the east side of Tenth street, two hundred and forty-three feet south ward from Wharton street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Tenth street sixteen feet, and in depth on the north line forty-nine feet sevon and one sixth inches, and on tbe south line forty-fonr feet nine and one-half inchee, and on the east line sixteen feet eight and one-third inches. [Which said premises Charles Behl, by deed dated September 6th, 1853, re corded in Deed Book A. C. H., No. 97, page 16, Sic., con veyed unto—James J. Loughery. in fee: reserving a gronndrent of $4B, payable Ist Tannery and July.] [O. 36: D., '63. Debt,*49.4l. W. S. Price.] Taken in execution and to be eold no the property of James J. Loughery. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Nov. 14, 1663. nol6-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas. to me directed, will. be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, December 7,1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansone-greet flail, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate com mencing at the distance of about eighteen feet six inches north from the north side of German street, and about forty-one feet five. Inches east from the east side of Fourth street, in the Fourth ward of the city of Phila delphia; containing in front or breadth east and west on the ;south line thereof. eighty-two fee; eeveu inches or thereabouts, and on the north line thereof eighty-three feet seven inches, and in length or depth parallel 'with the said Fourth street nineteen feet eix inches or there--` shouts. Bounded on the north by ground formerly of Charles Massey and Ann his wife, now or la'e of Peter Pierce, on the east by ground formerly of. Mary Pryor. now or late of Jacob Bartholomew; on the west by ground now or late of James Callinghaua; and on the south by ground formerly of. Thomas Pryor, new partly by ground of John Thompson. and partly by around granted by John Thompson to James G. Belch, William Y. McGrath, and John Welsh; subject to a yearly ground rent of ten dollars. • [C. P. ;D. '63; 4. Debt, 810.6 e. Edmunds.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Adam Kaizer. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Ofti co, Nov. 14, 1563. note 3t lERrITT'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF W P`-' a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Eve ning, December 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansoln-et. All that certain lot of ground, - with the three.story brick mesinage thereon Erected, situate on the north side of Green street, one hundred and twenty-flve feet west ward from Twenty-third street, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front - on Green street twenty-floe feet. and -in depth One hundred and fifty-nine feet. [Being part of the same lot which James D. Whethani and - wife, by deed dated December 29, 1355, recorded. in Deed Book N. D. W., No 99, page 10. &c., conveyed to Jrseph Chapman in fee; reserving a ground rent of $162.80. payable first of April and October. [O. P. ; D.. '63; 32. Debt, 681.56. Qrawford.l Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph Chapman. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriffs Oilice,Nov. 14.'1663. nol6-3t SHERIFF'S SALE."—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to rue directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, December 7, 1683, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. All thosenertain two three-story brica raesmages and lot of ground situate on the south side of . Spruce street '(No. 010), between Fifth and Sixth streets,in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Spruce street eigh teen feet. and in depth one hundred feet, then narrowing on the east side to the width of foutteen feet. aud ex tending of that width the further depth of forty feet to Buckley street, on which is erected one of said messn ages. Subject to two yearly ground rents, one of one hundred and nineteen dollars and eighty cents, and one of thirty three dollars and. twenty cents. [C. P. ; 8.,'63; 42 Debt, 5190 - 11: Pancoast.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Peter L. Berry and Ann McDermott. terre tenant. - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, NOV. 14.1863, nol6-3t GENUINE EAGLE VEIN COAL- Equal, if not superior to Lehigh. Also, Hart's rife Plus Ultra Family hainbow Coal; Egg and Stove sizes, 89 25. Largo Nut 88.60 per ton. Coal forfeited if not full weightasper ticket. Depot, 1419 GALLO VirHILL Street, above Broad OfEce, 121 South FOURTH, b.. low Chestnut. Call and examine. Orders by despatch promptly attended to by noll-6m • . ELLIS. BRANSON._ „ OAL .-SUGAB, LOAF, BEAVEB ' l / 4 - , MEADOW, and Spring Maintain Lehigh Coal, sad best Locnet Mountain, from Schuylkill; prepared o pressly for Family nee. Depot, N. W. corner of BIG 'ETA and WILLOW Streets. Oleo, No. 11% Sonth.Bl3CON3 Street. Cap3-Iy] a. WALTON dr 00. For THIRTY YEARS. has received the Favorable Re commendation of the PUBLIC. and been USED AND PRESCRIBED by the FIRST PHYSICIANS IN THE LAND es Tas - BEST REMEDY KNOWN =FOR Sick Headache Nervous Headacne, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, 131lion' Headache, Dizziness. Costi*eness, Lose of Appetite, C.-mt, Indigestion, Torpidity of the Liver. dravel, Rheumatic Affections, Piles, Heart - burn. Sea Sickness, Bilious Attacks. Fevers, - • &c., &c. For Testimonials, drc., see Pamphlet with each Bottle. Manufactured Only by TARRANT & CO., 278 GREENWICH Street. New York. ocSl-ly FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. - - . For the alleviation of Asthma. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, t Soreness or Tickling of the Throat_ . . They are very pleasant and effectual. neatly put up in sliding cases. convenient for the pocket. S at 15 and 25 cents per box (25-cent - boxes cheapest) by Druggists and dealers in inedicinee generally. Prepared only by THOS, P. MARSHALL, TRENTON, N. J. n026-thstulm&W4t. MRS. M. G. BROWN, METAPHYSI CAL PHYSICIAN, Professor on the Rye. Ear, and Throat. Permanent office, 410 ARCH Street, Philadel phia, from November L Associate office, 25 BOND Street, New. York. Metaphysical Discovery, price SS per bbx. Poor Richard's Eve Water, Scalp Renovator, El per bottle each. 0c261m WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH? GOOD NEWS FOR THE SICK AND WOUNDED. Messrs. J. GRIM and T. ALLEN, MEDICAL ELEC TRICIANS (formerly associated with Profs. Bolles and Galloway), having removed to No. 7%3 North TENTH Street, between Coates and Brown streets. are now pre pared to treat and care all Curable Diseases. whether acute or chronic, pulmonary or paralytic, without a shock or any inconvenience. Poor Soldiers will be treated gratuitously. The Ladies will be treated by g lady. Among the diapases for which we will give a special guarantee, when desired, we mention the ibi. lowing: Consrunption,lit Zs 2d stages Hemorrhage i Paralysis, General Debility, Neuralgia, Diseases of the Liver or Asthma, Diabetes, Fever and Ague. Congestion,' Prolapses - Uteri. (Falling __................. D yspopsia,. • 1 domb), Rheumatism. Prolapeas Ani, or Piles, Bronchitis. - Nocturnal Emission,.l:6,, as, No charms for sonsnitation. Office hours : 9A. M. to 6P. N. telo -6m TOOTHACHE. CURED IN AN IN. STANT, by FISCHER'S CELEBRATED TOOTH ACHE DROPS. Price 12 cents per bottle. Manufac tured at his LABORATORY, T'WENTY.THIRD and LOMBARD Streets, Philadelphia, and for sale by Drug gists in general. oc2B-Im. 11JMELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF :ooK is successful as e, remedy, because those Whe use it pronounce it the beet • COUGH SYRUP. the best Blood ruriffei.te 11106 i efficient Invigorator. and the beet Cure for Scrofula ever offered to the publha Sold by the proprietor, F. .ITYMEILLS 1.6515 ISLAMIST Str'eet, se7-Sin And all DTl:Melia. MRS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRATED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only Sup porters under eminent medical patronage. Ladies and Physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. BETTS, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. (to avoid counterfeits. ) Thirtm.thottsand invalids nave been advised by their physicians to use her appliances. Those only aro genuine bearing the 'United States copyright; labels on the box, and signatures, and also on the Supporters.;witl) testimonials. 0016-tuthsil SHERIFF'S SALES. COAL. .11ELICA16. ELECTRICITY. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY AND WONDERFUL RESULTS All acute and chronic diseases cured by special guarantee, when desired by the patient, at 12%0 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in case of a failure no charge is made. No drugging the system with uncertain medical agents. All cures per formed by Magnetism. Galvanism, or other modift; cations of Fdectricity, without shocks or any un pleasant sensation. For farther information send and get a pamphlet, which contains hundreds of certificates from some of the most reliable men in Philadelphia, who have been speedily and perma nently cured after all othertreatment from medical men bad failed. Over eight thousand cured in less than four years, at WALNUT Street. B.—Medical men and others, who desire a knowledge of my new discovery, can commence a full course of lectures at any time. Prof. BOLLES has qualified over one thousand physicians, who nee Electricity as a specialty. Consultation free, PROF. BOLLES at GALLOWAY. ocls , tf IESO WALNUT St., Philadelphia. TARRANT'S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT. mAB SHALL'S PINE TRE E TAR •L Y-m- DROPS. kMMMI T HE ARMY OF- THE' POTOMAC key their Chewing and Smoking Tobacco' at DEA.BI'S No 335 CHESTNUT Street; Fineant Chewing Tobacco, in Tin Foil, $4.40 per gross, or 4 cents single papers. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, in Tin Foil, $4.40 per gross, or 4 cents singlepapers. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, In Tin Foll. $4.40 Per gross, Cut cents single Papers. Fine Chewing Tobacco, in Tin Foil, $4,40 per gross, or 4 cents single ape. . • Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, in Tia. Foil. $4.40 per gross, or 4 cents single papers. "" At DEAN'S,-No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. All kinds of Pure OM Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobacco can be had at DEAN'S, No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. All kinds of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, in balk at 6 and 6 cents per ounce, at DEWS, No. 43.5 CHESTNUT Street.. Hillickinick and Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco for 20 cents a pennd. Also, Tartish Tobacco for Wiper pound, at DEAN'S, No. 335 CEiIpTNIIT Street. Imported and Domestic Cigars, at about one-hall what others sell for. at wholesale or retail, at DE/0173. No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. All kinds of the best Ring Tobacco for 60. V, and 70 cents per pound, at DEAN'S. No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. tkol4-tdeB TIRAIN PIPE. MONTGOMERY TERRA COTTA WORKS. 2-inch yipe per 3 fee,t, 25. 880. We are prepareda to furnish STONRWAER DRAIN PIPE, glazed inside and outside, from 2to 15 inches is diameter, in large or small etnantities.mith all variety of traps, bends, and other conneations. Liberal discount to the trade. • _ _ M'OOLLIN * RHOADS, sel9tuthe3m 111‘1. MARKET Street, Philadelphia. HORSE FEEDER! - HORSE FEEDER! This new invention is for feeding horses whil e stand ing in harness or otherwise. It is made of heavy Russia Duck, and so constructed that the horse cannot waste any feed; the bag is ventilated by the insertion of eye lets, giving the horse plenty of air. -For durability, convenience, and economy this is nn surpassed. By remitting $2 a sample will be forwarded to any address. All letters of inquiry must be addressed to GEO. T. DALTON, Sole Agent and Manufacturer, bolo-1m 122 COMMERCIAL Street.Boeton.Mass. EMOVAL.— JOT IN O. BAKES, wh o l esa l e D rs seist..has removed to Tle MARKBT Street. Particular attention Is asked to Joax 0. HMI & 13028 COD-TAUB OIL. Having increased facilities in this new establishment for manufacturing and bottling, and the av ails of fifteen years' expense In the businese, this brand of 011 has advantage. over all others, and recommends itself. Constant supplies are obtained from the fisheries. fresh, pure, and sweet, and receive the most careful personal attention of the original proprietor. The increasing demand and wide- spread market for It make its figures low, and afford great advantages for those burins in large quen fides. r . au7-dif COTTON BAIL DUCK AND CANVAS of all numbers and brands. ' Haven's Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions, for Tents. Awnings. Trunk and Wagon Covers. - pter au nir i sna=s B. ' trier s:eim A zom 't to 5 feet wide , arm "" AV Twi ELHAIfit 00.. UN &len cvi PENNSYLVANIA. CO 000ENTRAL RAILROAD'.ZS r=4 • THE GREAT DOUBLE -TRACK MORT ROCITV3OI7OO WEST, NORTHWEST, AND' SOUTH WEST. Eoutomoolc and.facilities for the safe, epeeel7, ama comfortable francexyrtatkro of passeacors umouriaceed by Train s oute l eav e Uttr countr7. leave the Depot at /31eveRtli and Market Wilintilly follows:es Mail Train at Fast Line 3 t '''.. 11 40 A. X. Through_ Expreas at... 10. :.40 P. 31 Parksb e urg rain -.....,.... T Ilarrisbarg Accommodation Trash P at ^.30 P. M. Lancaster Train at 9.00 P. M. Through passengers, by the Fest Line, reach Altoona for supper, where will be brand excellent accommoda tions for the night; at the Logan Bones, and mar take either the Philadelphia or Baltimore Express, each of which makes connection at Pittsburg for all points. A daylight view is thus airordeir of the entire line and its magnificent scenery. The Through Express train runs daily—all the other trains daily, except Sunday. FOR PITTSBURG AT.Ilb THE WEST. The Mail Train, Fest Line, and Through Express con nect at Pittsburg with through trains on all the diverg ing roads from that point, North to the Lakes, West to the Miesissig.pi and Missouri rivers, and South and Southwest to all points accessible by Railroad. Through Tickets to Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, St. Paul, Colum bus, Indianapolis, St. Louie, Leavenworth, Kansas, Wheeling, Dayton, Cincinnati, Louleville, Cairo, and all other principal points. and baggago checked through. INDIANA BRANCH. P,AILROAD. The Through Euless, leaving at let P: Si.,con necte, at Blairsville Intersection, with train on this road for Blairaville, Indiana, dtc. EBENSBURG St CRESSON BRANCH. RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leaving IV. 30 P. M., con nects at Cresson at 10.45 A. ill., with a train on this road for Ebensburg. A. train also leaves Cresson for Ebene burg at 8.45 P. DI . . . HOLLIDAYSBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mall Train. at 6.00 A. M., and Throistett Express, at 10.30 P. M. connect at Altoona withi.tralne for Holidays. burg at 7.65 P. M. and 8.40 A. N. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD The Through Exprese Train, leaving at 10 30-P. M., connects at Tyrone with a train for Sandy' Ridge and Phillipsburg, and b) Bald Eagle Valley Railroad for Port Matilda, Milosburg, and'Bellefonte. HUNTINGDON & BROAD-TOP RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leaving at 10.30 P. M., connects at Huntingdon' with a train for Hopewell at 666 A. M. NORTHERN CENTRAL & PHILADELPHIA • & ERIE RAILROADS. FOR SUNBURT A WILLIAMSPORT, •La= HAVEN, ELMIRA, ROCHESTER, BUFFALO, A1.."2, NIAOARA FALLS. Passen ers taking the Mail Train, at 8 00 A. H., and the- Through Express, at 10.30 P. 14.. (daily, except Sun day,) go directly through without chanty-of care be tween Philadelphia and Williamsport. For YORE, HANOVER, and UETTYSBURCI, - the trains leaving at B.[O A- H. and 2.80 P. H. connect at Columbia with trains on the Northern Central Railroad. CDMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. The Mail Train, at 8.00 A. M. and Through Express. at 10.30 P. M. -connect at. Harrisburg with trains for Car lisle, Chamberehurg, and Hagerstown. WAYNESBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 8. CO A. ki . and 2.33 P . M. connect at Downington with trains on this road for Waynes burg and all intermediate stations. FOR WEST CHESTER. Passengers for West Chester taking the trains leaving at 8 A. M., and l and 4 P. M. go directly through without change of cars. COMMUTATION TICKETS . _ For I, 3,6, 9, or 12 months, at very low rates, for the accommodation of persons living out of town, or located on or near the line of the road. For 26 trips, between any two points, al about two cents per mile. These tickets are intended for the use of families travelling freonently . , and are of great advan tage to persons making occasional tripe. SCHOOL TICKETS, For lor 3 months, for the use of scholars attending school in the city. Foci further information, apply at the Passenger Sta. tion, S. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. - JAMES COWDEN. Ticket Agent. An agent of this reliable Express Company will pass through each train before reaching the depot, and take up checks and deliver Baggage to any part of the city. Baggage will be called for promptly when orders are left •.at the Passenger Depot, Eleventh and Market streets. The travelling public are assured that Et ie entirely . •reafonsible. - . WESTERN EMIGRATION. An Emigrant Accommodation Train leaves N. 137 Bock street daily (Sundays excepted), at 4 o'clock P.M. , offering a comfortable mode of travel to families going West, at one-half the usual rates of fare. Particular at tention is paid to Baggage, for which checks are given, and baggago forwarded by same train with the paseen- For full information apply to - FRANCIS FUNK, Emigrant Agent, 137 DOCK htreet. FREIGHTS. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any points on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. ' The rates of freight to and from any point in the West, by tho Pennsylvania Central Railroad, are, at all times, as favorable as are charged by other Railroad Compa nies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their freight to this Company can rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or ad dress the Agents of the Company: S. B. KINGSTON, JR. , Philadelphia. I) 'A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARKE & CO., Chicago. LEECH & CO., No. 1 Astor House, or No. 1 South Wil liam street New York. LEECH i CO., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. WM BROWN, No. Si North street, Baltimore, Agent Northern Central Railway. General Ticket Agent. Philadelphia ENOCH LEWIS, ial-ti General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. 1863. NE A * R I 77 OI S I I .ETATES. 1863. . _ . THE CAMDEN AND AMBOI AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO - NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. FROM WALNITT STREET WHARF, WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: F. Al 6A. M. , Carl:idea - and Amboy, C..and A. Ac- ARR commodation 12 25 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Ex M A. press 00 At 8. ,via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Class 3 Ticket 2 25 At 12 lif, via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation 25 At 2 P. M.., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation, (Freight and Passenger,) 1 75 At 1P.,-via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger) . 1 75 At 6 P. AL. via Camden and Amboy. Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—let Class Ticket... 225 Do. do. 2d Class do— • 150 At 73,' P. AL. via Camden and Amboy. A ccommoda lion, (Freight and Passenger.) let Class Ticket... 2.25 2d Claes Ticket 150 For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton. Lambertville, Flemington, Am., at 3 P. M. For Mount Holly, Ewanaville, and Pemberton, at 8 A. Mn 2, and 4y, P. M. yor Freehold at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano°, Beverly, Barling ton, Florence, Bordentown, ALA , at 6 A. M. , 12 M., 1, 3. and 4_30 P. M. The 3 and 4.30 P. M. lines run direct through to Trenton. For Palmyra. Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, and Har lington, st AL LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEFOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: At 11.15 A. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City. Ex press 300 At 2.15 P. M. ' via - Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and New York Express 3 00 At 4.30 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey pity, Ex press 3 00 At 6.45 P. N., via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and Ifew York Express . ... . .. 300 At 12.50 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and New York Mail At 8.12 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey city. Washin gtou and New York Express 3PO The 6.56 P. M. and 3.12 A. M. lines run daily; all others Sundays excepted. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose. Great Bend, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Beth lehem, Belvidere, !Easton, Lambertville. Flemington, Sic., at l 7 A. M. This line connects with the train leav ing- Easton for Mauch Chunk at 3.30 P. M. 3 For Bristol. Trenton. Ac.. at 7 and 11.16 A. M., and 3 and 5 P. AL For Holniesbnrgr, Tacony, Wissonoming, Bridesbfirg, and Frankford. at 9A. AL 2, 6. 5.45. and P. M. Er- For New York and 8 Way Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the cars on Fifth street. above Walnut, half an honrbefore departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Bagga only allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from takingianything as aggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over flay pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility' for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, ex cept by special contract. WILLIAM H. GATZIitER. Agent. November 23, 1863. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, WILL LEAPS FROM FOOT OF CORTLANDT STREET, At 12 M. and 4P. M. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 8, and 10 A. M., 6. 734, and 12 (Right), via Jersey Cito and Kensington.. From foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North river, at 12 M, 4 and BP. N. (freight and 'Passenger) Amboy and Camden. 1863. , ff. 1863. MEMMI PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL. ROAD. —This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie. on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. ROAD COMPANY, and under their auspices 16 belnif rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business *from Harrisburg to Emporium, (196 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie. (7S miles) on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT PHILADELPHIA. Leave Westward. Mail Train 8 03 A. M. Express Train 10.80 P. M. Cars run through without change both ways on these trains' between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger, business apply at the Southeast corner Eleventh and - Market Streets. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: S. B KINGSTON, Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market streets. Philadelphia: J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. J. M. DRILL, Agent N. C. R. R , Baltimore. - H H. HOUSTON, General 'Freight Agent. Philadelphia. LEWIS L. HOUPT. . General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. JOS. D. POTTS, mhb-tf General Manager. Williamsport. avg . NORTH PENNSTI, VANIA RAILROAD—For BETH LEHEM,- DOYLESTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, MAZLE- Tort, EASTON. WILLIAMSPORT. &o. _WINTER ARRANGEMENT.- Passerdbr Trains leave the new gpot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street. daily (tilet.dart excepted) as follows: • At 7 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem. Allentown, Manch Chunk, Hazleton. Williamsport, 39c. At 3.15 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem. Easton. &c. _ At 5.15 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown Mauch Chunk. For Doylestown at 9.15 A. M. and 4.16 P. M. For Fort Washington at 10.11 A. M. and 6. t 6 P. M. - White care of the Second and Third streets line City -Passenger run directly to the new Depot. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem at 6.30 A. hi.. 9. 30 A. M. • and 6.07 P. M. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. M. and 3.90 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.40 A. M. and 2 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 10 A. M. and 4 15 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. H. and 2 P. K. nOl6 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. WEST CHESTER & PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA vi 6 L E I N IR TRAL . RAILROAD. Passengers for West Chester leave the depat corner of Eleventh and Market streets, and go through 'WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. _ FROM PHILADELPHIA. Leave at 8.00 A. M Arrive West Chester 9.60 A. M. .1.00 P. M. 3.00 P. M. COO P. M. " _" 6.00 P. M. FROM WEST CHESTER. . Leave it 7.00 A. M Arrive West Phila .ttB 36 A. M. ' 10.35 A. 3432.25 P. M. 4.00 P. M. " 6.20 P. M. Passengers for Western points from West Chester con nect at the Intersection with the Mail Train at 9.17 A. M., the Harrisburg Accommodation at 3.66 P. M. ~ a nd and the Lancaster Train at 5.26 P. M. Freight delivered at the d6pot, corner of Thirteenth and Market streets, previous to 12.30 P. M., will be for warded by the Accommodation Train, and reach West Cheater at 3.00 P. M. For tickets and farther information apply to JAMES COWDEN_ Ticket Agent, ja2-tf ELEVENTH and MARKET Streete. altaimg PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA. R. R. LINE. 1863. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGE- 1863. MENT. For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON. ELMIRA, BUF FALO, NIAGARA FALLS, and all pante in the West and Northweet. Passenger Trains leave Dspat of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets, at 8.15 A. M. and 8.80" P. M., daily, Sundays excepted. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, dm., &c. _ • Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls. or intermediate points. For farther Information apply to - JOHN S.HILLES, General Agent, THIRTEENTH and CALLWHILL, and office N. W. earner SIXTH and CHESTNUT streets. jan-tf ap t glimig REOPENING OF THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD.—This road being fully REPAIRED and effectually I GUARDED, s now open for the transporta tion of passengers and freight to all points in the GREAT WEST. For through tickets arta all other Intorrnatioa t M i lV a i t l4l3 6 lll l M ll /41 u n a e " . -c . s .."e? . . e ll? f F ß E ß L 9 4. §ti‘ opg-ti Prowcwitt P, w. nitd 8. . 5, Go. RAILROAD rAmes. CblrbODi . TICKETS MANN'S BAGGAGE EXPRESS H. H HOUSTON, General Freight Azent, Philadelphia LEWIS L. ROI/PT, PROPOSAIRIS. OFFICE CLOTECING AND EQUI PAGE, firstawroram, 0., blove,nber 25, la 0. PROPOS LS will be receid December e undsreurneo, un til 12, o'clock on 1101IDAY, ;it, for furaishr tug thisDePertment with Cavalry Overcoats. Oray Flannel Shirts. Canton Flannel Drawers. Uniform Hats. Caron Kettles. To Le delivered et the Inspection re,ip:si, is this city. in good, DOW Perkagts, with the nen2s. of the ilarty tar nishing the bind and Quantity of goods warkod .the-feen , hoe of charge. Parties olforintf goods moat in all caw tarnish AIM^ pies, and wont Onetinctly state he their hhos,4 the Qua %gni of gosals they propose to furnish, the price, pad the . tints of delivery. A gnarnyteo. signed pereonaar by two re sponsible Parfles. and Earning that the Maker will fn't nisli titsi supplies, if an award is made to bin, must as' ClNDpan7 each proposal. Bids will be opened on rfONDAY. December 7, 1803, at 2 o'clock - P. Id., at the inspection Rooms. unit bidders are invite* te be Present. The right to reiest any bid deemed anressonalft Is rs. nerved. By order pf Cola Thomas Swerrtis, A. Q. Al. G. noir-91 C. W. ATOIrLTOii, Captain and A. Q, 31. WAY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFIZE. TWI3LFTEI and GIRARD Streets. I'ffrlteDßLPl!rn. Nowphni . . . . SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at thi °nice no tidit2 n'cloclf M, on.TRUENSDAT, the 3d December next', I'm furnish pf ..saptly, at the kisleaylkilt 3-4 and 6-4 sky-blue Kerrey. army standard. 3-4 and 6.4 dark. blue Coat Cloth, array standard. Canvas Padding- samples lartutied. Linen Machine Thret d,. - dark. blue, Nog. CO and 703 Ear plea invited; 2 DZ' spools. Willimantic rpm)) . Cotton, 24; samples invited. Cs mp Hatchets, army standard. Camp Hat eh et Handles-, army standard Samples of the Kersey and Coat Cloth must be sub- InittEd with the lade. Bidders must state In thoir proposals the price. which. meet be given in writing.. as well as in figures, also the quantity bid for. and time ordelivery. The ability of the bidder to till the contract most be guarantied by two reaponsible poreons, whose algae tares will be appet ded to-the guarantee and said gee. mutes accompany the bid.. Blotters, as well as their sureties or guarantors, who may not be known at this office, will ihrnish a certificate from the United States District Attorney, postmaster, or other public functionary at the residence of the Milder or , guarantors, setting forth clearly the .act that the bidder and his sureties are responsiLlo mom who will, if a con tract is awarded them, act in good faith with the United States. and faithfully execrke the same. Blank forms for Proposals can ho had upon application at this office. Proposals must be endorsed. "Proposals for Army Bopplies," stating the article bid for. G OROSMADT. A. Q. U. General United Srstes Army. PROPOSALS FOR MORTAR SILELLS OIZIKTANCS OFFICE WAR DErARTMENT; WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. 139;3 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this oftice until 4 o'clock P:84.,0n the 22a of December next, for the delivery of fifty ll oneandlo.inch DIOR PAR BEI ELLS. in the foil owine geanCities at the following Arsenals, viz: At the Watertown Arsenal, Watertown, Mask, 8.009. At the Watervliet Arsenal, West rroy. N. Y. 5,069. At the New York Arsenal, &eve rnor , s Island _ 25, 1:1X. At the Allegheny Arsenal., Pittsburg Pa , 5,000. At the U. S. Arsenal, Washington. D, fl. 5.000. At the S. Arsenal, Si. Louis, aro 0,050 These Shells are to be made. of the kind of metal, and inspected after the rules laid down in the 0, dna ace lan ai-tat Drawings can he seen at any of the United Etates Arsenals. The Shells are to be inspected at the foundry At here cast free of charge for transportationor hitudting, until delivered at the Arsenal. Deliveriee mutt be made at tbe rate of not lees than five per cent. per week or the number of projectiles con tracted for; the first delivery to be made within twenty days after the date or the contract, and any failure to de liver at a specified time will subject the contractor to a forfeiture of the number lie may fall to deliver at that time. Separate bids must be made for each Arsenal If tbe bidders propose to deliver at more than one. No bid will be considered from parties other than regular founders or proprietors of works, who are known toutbis Department to be capable of executing the work con tracted for in their own establiehmehts. Each party obtaining a contract will be required to entc r into bonds, with approved sureties fors its faithful execution. - - . - The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids, if not deemed satisfactory, for any cause. Proposall, will be addressed to " Briendicr General Geo. cD. Rarnray, Chief of Ordnance, Washiagton, D. 0.." and will be endorsed " Proposals for Mortar Shells." GEO D. B. eIiISAY, no2l-stuthl4t Brigadier G swim], Chief of Ordnance. ORDNANCE ;OFFICE, WAR DE FARTMENT, WASHINOTON, Noyember 13, IEB3. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 4 o'clock P. ,on the first of DECE USER next, for furnishing 71,01 sets, complets, of Cavalry Accou trements, to be delivered in the following quantities at e un d ernamed places, : 10,000 sets at the United States Armory, Springfield, Wass. 20,000 sets at the United States Arsenal, Governor's Island, New York. 10,000 seta at Frank ford Arsenal, Pridesburg. Pa, 20, 000 sets at Allegheny Arsenal. Pittshurg. Pa. 10,000 sets at St Louis Arsenal, St. Louis, Mo These accoutrements are to be made in strict conform ity with the regulation patterns, which can be seen at the above-named places. Each set is to consist of one sabre-belt and plate complete; one carbine-sling. with swivel complete; one sabre-knot; one carbine cartridge. box; one pistol cartridge-box; one belt holster. for army-size revolvers; and one cap poach, with cone pick. All of which are to he made of the best materials and workmanship. The sabre-bell, sabre knot, and carbine-sling. are to be of Buff' Leathßr, blacked: and the cartridge boxes, belt-holster, and cap pouch, of best Oak- Tanned Leather. It is to be distinetlu unaerstoorZ by bfddexs that leather Partially tanned with anything else but Oak will not be received. Alt the articles to be inspected at the place where to he delivered Deliveries must be made in lots of not less than 600 sets per week for all contracts of 10.000 sets end under. and not less than 1,000 sets per week for all contracts of over 10,000 sets. The first delivery to be made within fifteen days after date of contract; and any ?allure to deliver at a specified time will subject the contractor to a forfeiture of the number of sets which he May fait to deliver at that tine. The accoutrements are to be boxed in the usual manner; the boxes for which will be paid for at cost price, to be determined by the inspector. Bidders will state explicitly the Arsenal where they propose to deliver, and, if more than one place, a sepa rate bid must be made for each. No bid will be con sidered from parties other than regular manufacturers of the article, and such as are known to the Depart recant to be fully competent to execute, in their own shop, the work proposed for. Each party obtaining a contract will be required to enter into bonds, with ap proved sureties, for its faithful ftyfilment. The Department re Trves the right to reject any or all bids, if not deemed satbdactory, for any cause. Proporals will be addressed to Brigadier General George D. Ramsay, Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D. C , and will be endorsed "Proposals for Cavalry Accoutrements." GEO. D. RAMSAY. nol7-tuths-7t PROPOSALS. • OFFICE CHIEF COMMISSARY OF SITSHISTENCH, DEPARTMENT OF THE SUSQUEHANNA. HARRISBURG, PA.. Nov. 24, 1661 SEALED PROPOSALS are respectfully invited until 12 31. on TUESDAY. Dec. 1. 1663, for furnishing to the U. 8 Subsistence Department. delivered in Philadelphia or Harrisburg, Pa., (which to be stated in the proposal,) the following subeistence stores, viz : _ ;two barrels fresh ground extra FLOUR (2.030 of grade No. 1, 1.000 of grade No. 2)1 Deane of brands mutt be stated in the bids and marked on the samples; to be packed in g,eod, well eoopered barrels; boih needs to be fall lined. To be delivered within ten days from date of award. 5,000 pounds prime RIO COFFEE, to ba packed in " good stout oak barrels, both heads fully lined. To be delivered within ten day e from date of -award, 90,000 pounds (60 pounds to the bushel) new POTA TOES. Peach Blows and Mercers preferred. To be delivered in taxis or good strong barrels, both - hears lined. To be delivered. 'within fifteen days of award. Samples must accompany every proposal, and be dis tinctly labelled with the name of the bidder. Proposals must not be enclosed with the samples, but be delivered separate, endorsed '' Propoeale for Subsistence btores," and directed to Captain L H. Gilman, C. S. U. S. A.. Phi ladelpnia. Pa. Bide will include packages and delivery, and any in• ferior packagea will be considered sufficient cause for rejection of contents. . All stores will be carefully inspected and compared with the retained samples. • Each bid must be accompanied by the writtfn guaran tee of two responsible persons. as follows: We the undersigned hereby guarantee, should all or any part of the accompan3 ing bid be accepted, that it shall be duly fulfilled according to its true purports and conditions." Each bid must have a printed copy of this advertise ment posted at its head, and mast be specific in comply ing with all its terms. The proposals, addressed as above, with the samples. can be delivered at the office of Commissary of Subsist ence, No, nog 91R SkRD Street, Philadelphia, Captain F. N. Back, C. S. V. S , up to 12 o'clock Pd. December 1, 1663. at which time and place the proposals will be opened. 3. El GILIIA.N, n025-tal Captain C. S. U. S. Army. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. WASHINGTON DEPOT, November 17, 1858. SEALED PROPOSALS will he received at the office of Captain C. IL Tompkins. A. Q. M , 11. S. A.. at the corner of Twenty-second and G streets, in this city, until MONDAY, December 21st, 1863, at 12 o'clock IC., for the sale of all the manure now on hand, or that may bioro duced at stables and corrals of this Depot with fil the text twelve months succeeding the date of the letting of the contract. The manure will be awarded to the highest bidder or bidders, who will be required to take it sway at his or their own expense. The quantity now on hand to be taken away within six months from the date of contract, and that which may accumnlete, within elm months from the date at which it maV be produced. Bids must be made at so much per cubic yard. Bids will be received for the quantity on hand. and the subsequent prodact at each stable and corral, sepa rately, or for the whole together. • If a bid is made in the name of a firm, the names of all the parties must appear, or it will be considered - as the Individual proposal of the party signing it. The full name and post office address of the bidder must appear in the proposal. Proposals must be addressed to Captain C. TT Tomp kins, A. Q. hi.. G. S. A., Washington. D. C., and should be plainly marked, "Proposals for Ifauure." Payment will be required to be made in Government funds, at the end of each month, for the manure removed during the month. An oath of allegiance will be required from each suc cessful bidder. Good and sufficient bonds, in the slam of ($1,000) one thousand dollars, will be required of each successful bid der for the faithful performance of hie contract. The Quartermaster reserves the right to reject all hide that may be deemed to the interest of Government not to D. H. RUCKER., accept. Brig..6en. rind Chief Quartermaster, no2o-tdel9 Wyk Washington. PROPOSALS FOR ARMY TRANS- OFFICE OF THE DEPOT QUARTERMASTER. FORTLEAVENWORTH, Kansas, October 28,1863 BELLED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock lit , on the 10th day of December, 1869, for the transportation of military supplies during the years 1864 and 1865, on the following routes: Route No 1. From Forts Levenworth, Laramie, and Riley, and other depots that may be established daring the above years on the west bank of the Missouri river. north of Fort Leavenworth, and south of latitude 42 de grees north, to any posts or stations that are or may be established in the Territories of Nebraska, Dakotan, Idaho, and Utah, south of latitude 44 degrees north. and. east of longitude 114 degrees west, and in t'ne Territory of Colorado north of 40 degrees north. Bidders to state the rate per 100 pounds for 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months, from April to September. inclusive , of the years 1864 and 1885, Route No. 2. From Forts Leavenworth and Riley, in the State of Kansas, and the town of Kansas, in the State of Missouri, to any posts or stations that are or may be established in the State of Kansas, or in the Territory of Colorado. south of latitude 40 degrees north, drawing supplies from Fort Leavenworth., and to Fort Union,lY M., or other depot that may be designated in that Terri tory, to Fort Garland, and to any other point or points on the route. Bidders to state the - rate per 100 pounds for 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months, from April to September, inclusive, of the years 1864 and 1365. Route No. -3. From Fort Union, or such other depot as may be established in the Territory of New Mexico, or to any posts or stations that are or may be established in that Territory, and to such poets or statior.s as may be designated in the Territory of Arizona, and the State of Texas, west of longitude 106 degrees west. Bidders to state the rates per 100 pounds for 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months, from June to November, inclusive, of the years 1864 and 1856. .' The weight to be transported sash year will not exceed 10,000000 pounds on Route No. 1, 16,000,000 pounds on Route No. 2. and 6,0)0,000 rounds-on Route No. 3. No additional per tentage will be paidt or the trans portation of, bacon, hard - bread. pine lumber, shingles, or any other stores. Bidders must give their names in fall, as well as their place of residence; and each proposal must be accom panied by a bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars, signed by two or more responsible persons, guaranty ing that in case a contract is awarded for the route men tioned in the proposal to the parties proposing, the con tract will be accepted and entered into, and good and anat.:lent security furnished by said parties, in accord ance with the terms of this advertisement . The amount of bonds required will be as follows : On Route No. 2 1 $101).000 Satisfactory evidence of the loyalty and solvenoy of each bidder and person offered as security will- be re quired. Proposals must be endorsed, "Proposals for Army Transportation on Routes. Nos. 1. 2, or 3," as the case maybe, and none will be entertained unless they folly comply with ail the requirements of this advertisement. Parties to whore awards are made must be prepared to execute contracts at once, and to give the required bonds for the faithful performance of the same. Contracts will be made subject to the approval of the 'Quartermaster General, but the right is reserved to reject any or all bids that may be offered. Contractors must be in readiness for service by the - drat day of April, 1864, and they will be required to have a plate of business, or agencies, at or in the vicinity of Forts Leavenworth and Union, and other depots that may be established, at which they may be communi cated With promptly and readily. L. C. ELSTON. oc3l-tdelo - Major and Quartermaster. BRASS STENCIL AL •HAJ3ETS. M. 3. METCALF & SON. • 45% SALEM STREET, BOSTON, NABS. The only manufacturers in the United States, of Brass Alphabets and Figures, to any great extent or in War variety. l• Sold at .wholesale at the Lownsv °ABM PRIOES. Also; the BEST OF INDELIBLE STENCIL' INK, very shaltif. Stencil Dies and all hinds of Stencil Stock. Inquiries or orders Promptly attended to. ce7-Sir S COTCH :;WHISKY.-GRAHAM'S celebrated &iota Whisky for sale; In bonded warn. host 0 u... by B. 114 SABL 1110 MA lin GRAMM 114 W, AUCTION SALES JOHN B. MYERS & AUCTION. ERRS, Tiaa. 232 and 231.- frIdIKET Stmt. LAIIOE PERRIIIFTOItY SALE OF FREDIEL- INDIA, GF,EISIA.N, AND BRITISH DRY GOODS. dm. ON MONDAY MORNING. Nov. 30th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold b 7 catalogue, on four months' credit. about 700 PACK AGES AND LOTS of French, India, (lore an, and British dry goods, &c., embracing- a large and choice aziaoriment of fancy and Hanle articles in silk, worsted. woolen. linen, and cot ton fabrics N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination. with catalogues. early on the morning Of the ea/e. when dealers will find it to their interest to at tend. VERY ATTRACTIVE SALE OF FRENCH DRY GOODS. ON MONDAY MORNING, Roy. 10th, t the Auction Store of JOll E. MYERS Ss CO., Messrs. L. li. COhTIS &CO. wilt sell Lim follow ing choice aD.ortment of new and seasonable goods, now „landing, consisting in part of— DRESs GOODS. pieces Paris colored MERINO wells, of vary supe rior make, of various lors, qualities and in choice co -risceeplain colored IDOITSSELAINES DE LAST E, iIl desirable colors andixesort meats. r ieccs extra super quality new style Paris cordad. co lored MOT3BBtLA It E.l DE LA INE. pit czs plain colored WINTER Bir.oINS. —plow extra fine qv slits- Parts Raye WORSTED POP iwrs. choice r.hadea -- piece Paris WORTTED RAVE POPLIN'S —pisces Jussmiticeat (vitality. high cost Paris pilk and woo) EPINGLINEd. —nieces tricb cost Parrs slik and wool plata colored POPLINS, very de.irAble —pieces Pals printed C \hIINERL D'Ecosar„ on extra cloths pieces superior qualities Farb colored FL:a:NIILS, In the most desirable shades. -- pieces Paris VEIL WARE° ES, of very snpoesar'make. 011 K GoOTirt pi eces Hark GROS DE RIIINKai pieces Lyons 1.4 , ek TAFFETA'S. —pieces fancy DRESS'S! . LK'S. RILE V-ELVisT Ri1;13431T3. ON MONDAY. Noveathar ROtb. A full HO of NOR. 11-Stole(' beg St Etienne blac-k-silk VELVET RIBBON'S, of most approved qualitran& . brand, white and colored edges Zit to,. ail silk-scar let ditto, in &l width. now in demand. FURS, FURS. FURS ON MONDAY AFTERNOON. November 30th, will be solo, a valuable ea sortmen:of lasialon able furs. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1100 PARICALIia BOOTS, SHOES. BROGANS. ARMY GOODS, at. ON TUESDAY MORNING. I ecember Ist. at In o'clock. will be sold, by eataloaua, without reserve, on four months' credit, about LIM packages boots, oboes, brogans, balmorals, array boots aid Shoes, gum shoes, be , of city and Eastern mai:m -.11,4rue, erobrasing a fresh and prime assortment of dee. rable articl, e. for men, women, and children. N. B.—Samples, withcatalognes. early on the mom- Irue of sale LAROS POSITIVR SALE- OF ROOTS!. nTIOES. BRO GANS. ARMY GOODS. GUM' SIIOES. NOTlCE.—lncluded in our large peremptory Fall sale of boots saws rpet bags. fm.. to be held on TUILiD AY MORNING. December lat. at 00 o'clock. on. 4 , months' credit, will be part the follow h. ing fres goods. to be sold without reserve. viz : Men's steel shod and tap soled cavalry boots; heavy grained boots: heavy double soled thick wax lowlier boots: men's nailed aungarlan thick boots and brogans; men's prime thick boots; men's Napoleon thick boots; youth's half. welt kin boots; men's and boys' city-made call boots: kid . welt buskins. ladles' gaiter boots; 'kid E. R. ties; colored and black lasting buskins; men's fine city-made boots; boys' thick boots; man's and boys' balmorals; Scotch ties; anilted soled boots; women's lined and boundboots; yonth 9 S alp brogans; misses' grain ties; misses' grain buskins; misses' spring heel grain lace boots; women's graiu.tace boots; misses' grain lace hoots; women's,grainbnskine; women's grain ties; boys' kip brogans ; misses' glazed: morocco boots; men's half welt calf do.; youths' halt well calf do.; children's half brogans; metes calf welt kip boots; men': and boys' super calf brogans; men's slippers; misses' ties. gum :rho's, Etc. • LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH FRENCH, GERMAN. Ali]) DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Zgc. We will hold name sale of British, French, Gorman, and Domestic Dry Goods, by catalogue , on four months' credit, O 1 THURSDAY MORNING December 3d. at lo o'clock. embracinz about 710 pack ages and lots of staple and fancy articles, in woolens, linens. cottons. silks, and worsteds, to which we invite the at ten tion dealers. • . - . B. B —Samples of the same will ha arranged for ex amine Hon. with catalogues. early on the morning of the sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to at tend. Fn . % OF OARFETINGB, ON FRIDAY BIJRNI.IICI - 4th, st precisely 10% o'clock, will be sold Without reserve, by catalogue, on four months' credit, an assortment of three- ply, sttrrerfine and line ingrain,. Venetian, hemp, and raft carnetings, dm., whisk may be examined early on the 111111131.111 V of "OA FOR SALE AND TO LET. FXEC'UTORS' SALE OF BROAD TOP CO.AL• LANDS —Several tracts of valuable Coal Land, on Broad Top &fountain, late the property of Capt. John Meanies, deceased, are offered for sale. Haw and descriptions can be seen et the office of IL D. troore, 2,28 WALNUT St: HENRY D. KOORE, GEO. P. BiclaiA.N. ecatone ' PFITT.ADELPHIA. Nov. 24. 1533. n024-1m olt SALE-VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on the north side of GIRARD Avenue, east of Eighteenth street. 165 feet deep, two fronts. LUKENS .% MONTGOMERY, Co,nveyar.eers, 1035 BSkCH Street, above Laurel nRPHANS' COURT SALE -ESTATE of WILLIAM PINCHIN, deceased. 'Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, will be sold at public sale, on TUBS D A.Y, December let, 3663, by M. TROMArI-dc SONS, at the Phi ladelphia Exchange, at 12 o'clock noon. the following described real estate, to wit; All that three-storybrick dwelling-house, with base ment and three-story back building and a lot of ground, situate on the south side of Filbert street. between Six teenth and Seventeenth streets, in the city of Philadel phia, No. 1612; containing in front on Filbert street 19 feet, and extending in depth 106 feet to Jones street. 20 feet wide. N. B. —On the rear end of the lot la a substantial two story brick stable. MARY B. PINCHIN, WILLIAM J. CARTER, no 7. tdel - : Executors. STABLE AND COACH HOUSE TO RENT—In rear of 247 South Sixth street; Stalls for eight horses, Carriage room, Loft, etc:: suitable for a Club S'ahle. Rent, $250 per annum. Inquire at 247= South SIXTH Street. n03;7-3t. et FOR SA.LE-A. SPLENDID PRO •` NDERTY, at Kennett Square, Chester County. built and specially arranged fora large BOA.2.DING SC FOOL, with mil , Possible convenience. capable of accommo dating sixty boarders. Delightfully situated. Has, also, tenant house and 7 acres of laud. Would also make a first-class Summer Boarding house. Tmymo of payment will be made easy. B. F. GLENN, no2S 123 South FOURTH Street. FOR S L.E -WHITE NT A RSII zr4LHOTEL —Situated at the forks of the Bethlehem and. Skippack pikes, Whitelnar& township, Montgomery county. Pa., one mile from Fort Washington Station. on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, with one acre of good, land_ Has all necessary Oat-bnildings, Stables, Sheds. Ice House, Wagon House, Arc. For beauty of lo cation and advantages to do an extensive business this Hotel has few my le in the State. Call or address WILLIAM S. HAINES, on premises, or GEO. N. TOWNSEND. tnws4t 123 g. South FOURTH Street. f FOR SAL - E-CHVSTER COUN TY FARM AND ROTEL STAND, SITUATE...A= IN DOE-RIIN VALLEY. 192 acres of Land: 27 acres of Woodland: large atone Mansion and H,,tel; large and substantial Barn, with extensive stabling and all other neces.,ary outbuildings. Stream of water through the farm. The improvements are in good order, and the land, among the bent of the valley, is accessible from railroad at Avondale. This farm can be divided advantageously into three places, having excellent i caprovemenss on two of them Sold by order of Executors of HAYS CLARE, deceased. Apply to SAS R CUMMINS, Media, or GEOROE N. TOWNSSND, n02.5-wfs3t 1id334 South FOURTH Street. ge FOR SKLE-A COUNTRY SEAT arid five acres of gcod land, three-story stone dwell ing. and a frame store-hone attachsd. situate on the forks cf the Bethlehem and. Skippack turnpike, White marsh township, Montgomery county, Pa., one mile from Fort Washington station. on the Nortn Pennsyl vania Railroad. This is a splendid. site for a store stand. Will be sold a great bargain. Call, or address William S. Haines, on the premises: or, GEORGE N. TOWI°SEND, n 024 tnws3t No. 1.233 i; South FOURTH Street. THE ATTENTION OF CAPI TALISTS. BANKERS. BROKERS. INSURANCE AND RAILROAD COMPANIES is requested to the pro perty situate on the northeast corner of. DOItK AND .THIRD Streets. The prominent situation of this property, with attrac tive FRONTS ON BOTH DOCK AND THIRD -Streets, and its proximity to the EXCHANGE, and being the cen tre of the B ANEIo G. INSURANCE. AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS LOCALITY, make it highly desirable, and Worthy of special attention The BUILDING was erected by the PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, and for a number of years occupied by that Company. and is of the most sub stantial character, with heavy IRON FRONTS. THIS PROPERTY IS OFFERED FOE SALE ON AC COMMODATING TERMS. If desired. three-fourths of the purchase money may remain upon mortgage for a num bor of years. J. D REINS° CH, noll-6t No. 43G WALNU C Street. FOR SALE-A VALUABLE BUST Ko.NESS STAND, SIS No , th SECOND Street, cppo: site the Market. Lot % feet front, by 210 feet deep to St. John street. Terms easy. Apply to J. E. MATJLE, no2l-stath lm* 153 MARGARETTA Street FOR SALE—A DESIRABLE BIJSI- AmAL . isTE.9.s LOCATION, on MAIN Street, Germantown, three doors below Harkintion's, near the DepOt, with two Rouses in the rear, on an avenue opening iuto Rit tenhouse street. Terms east , . Apply to J. E AIME, no2l-stnth I l e 3.53 lIAMGARETTA, Street, Phila. FAVORITE SUMMER RESORT FOR SALE OR TO RENT THE BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Broad Top City, Huntingdon county, ?a. This celebrated 'Hotel, situated on the top of Broad Top Mountain, one of the finest locations in the State for vure air. grand mountain scenery, and fine water. is offered for sale at a great bargain, or to rent town enter prising tenant. The house is crowded every . season, and presents an opportunity for making money In the hands of the business man seldom to be met with. The house is furnished throughout with elegant furniture from Philadelphia.. It is a very substantial stone building, 3 stores and basement, 44 by 64 feet, with Kitcheh 17 by 27 feet, Ice Honse. Carriage House. Stables, and other out buildings; a Pleasure Garden. ned ample ground for vegetable gardens; there are also meadows and. culti vated fields The largo coal trade of the neighborhood, and the very salubrious atmosphere of Broad Top City, will ever fill the house with visitors during the summer months. • .. - - . . _ For terms, Ste., . aPPIy to HENRY D. MOORD, President of the Broad Top Improvement Company, no7-wsSt %%fif Wn_LNl3 C Street, Philadelphia e FOR SALE--HIGHLY IMPROVED . . Montgomery county FARM, containing 125 acres, nicely watered ; albander first-rate post and rail fencing; situate W near ieSehickon Station, N. P. R. R. Large. Stone Mansion House, 14 rooms; two tenants homes, spring- house, large and extensive barns, &c. &c. Also, two large and superior Farms—one in Penn Manor. con taining about 200 acres, near Robbins' wharf; on the Delaware river, and two miles from Tallyto wn Station, Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad: the other, 200 acres, with large and fine improvements, near Penningtonville Statirn, Chester.connty valley. Calloand examine register of farms. E. PETTIT, n 024 323 WALNUT Street. at FOR SALE-A VERYDESIRA bIe three-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, on the east side of HOWARD Street, above York street. Lot 18 feet front by 110 feet deep to Hope street. The House is in a snootier condition, and well built. Will be sold upon reasonable terms. Immediate possession can be given. Apply to • LUKENS & MONTGOMERY, 1035'BELCH Street, above Laurel. nob-Im' , Or to MARY LUKENS. ripen thepremlees. egi A VALUABLE WATERING PL ACE AND SUSIMER RESORT at PUBLIC SALE. —Will be sold, by order of the Orphans' Court of Berke county. on SATURDAY, the 28th day of NOVBS(BSR. 1563. ail o'clock P. isr., on the premises. at the Womels dt rf Station. Lebanon Valley Railroad. all that highly improved and well-known Watering Place lately kept by John Manderbach, deceased, known as the SOUTH 'MOUNTAIN HOUSE. The improvements consist of a large three-story brick Boarding House, large frame kitchen attached, bath house, ice-house. bowling alley. commodious stabling. and other out -buildings. On these premises, near the main building. is the Widely celebrated Mineral Spring known as the. INDIAN SAND SPRING. The tract contains eleven acres, well shaded. and laid out in walks. During the past season the House was crowded with visitors. Terms and conditions made known on the day of sale. by H. H. DIANDERBACH, no2l-71 Administrator. MATO LET-A COMMODIOUS DWELLING, No. 133 North FRONT Street. Real moderate. Apply to WETHERILL & BRO., oe7S-tf 47 and 49 North SECOND Street HORSES FOR SALE, At BUSH-HILL STABLES. NORTH Street, near Eighteenth, between Coates and Wallace streets. ' JAMES NUGENT. nol9•lm* Proprieto • WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF AN. TILLES—A new French Cosmetic. forpresercft Whitening. and beanlifYing_the complexion. Ireparation is composed of White Virgin Wax. of the nset Quality, giving the ' complexion a transparent whiteness and the most bewitching beauty. while its component parts render it harmless to the skin. pre serving it from tan and other impurities. This is one Of the waders of the age, and must be seen to bra apre elated! A bottle will be open for Ladies to try its effeet beforipnrchasing. Price 25 and 50 cents. HUNT& CO. Perfumers, 41 South EIGHTH Stre et twu doors above' Chestnut. and 1.2131 South MEATH Street. abOVII wiannt. 'AVIAN riABD AND FANCY JOB PRINTINS, %-f At itINGWALT dt BUOWWII4 /11 VOl7Blll AtfUTLON t4ALF.S. FURNESS; - .BRINLEY & ca, 4519' MARKgT vas BALE OF TSIPORTED DRY GO D 8 015 TUESDA MRNING'. Dec." Ist, nt 10 o'clock, by Y cata O logne.on four L credit, GOO packs vex and lolFs of fancy and etude dryenof LOJADON WRITE TorLEr QtrtLrg—JUST LAft TIASDAX MONING. An entire invoZca, connistirtz of - 4 extra. heavy white toilet gailte. —11.4 a 124 do do do do. -'lB4 0.14 4 very heavy do do. _OMAS & SONS, 'os. 139 and 141 ziontli FOURTH El LARGE VEREMPTORY SAL E—T.;KTFR VALLI REAL ESTATE. TSA.3R STOOL - CS ; &a. Old TUBSD'AY. December lat. at the Exchange. Oar oale text DAT will be especially worthy of attention, inch. valneble 151e.ft0.7-strest fito.e. No. 231; valuable 'l') street Store, No. li7; Lot of 73' acres OM York' Lit, acres- (Theiren Rills, and se'rerai otherlarzs end trx it, of Timber Lards, &c. Lill the nitn7a it psrties) absolute sales. Also. atx .b;beroz dashcity dwellings, firer-elan Bank and other ei , ;:l3, it do lift r- Eee pamphlet ea rtlogues. 20 pal el. SALES CP STOCKS A ND SEAL gr.a.llll. Ai (be F. cranee, every. TueedaY. at 12 eVcioCk na 406- Hendhilla of each Property isetied esrarat on the Saturday prsvioun to each sale. F;d3il in pamphlet form, Elvin a . fall descriptions. FURNITURE SALES, at the Auction Store, Tb ands y. Ereentor's FAIP—IMAta of W. Evr6. e . de& VALUABLE BANK' ND °THEE: STOCKS. ON TUESDAY, Dec. Ist. at 12 o'clrek noon, at the -15 shares Kensingt, n Bank 20 shares Delaware Motaal Ina:trance C. 29 sharea Schuylkill Navigation Co 1 share Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Adreiniatra tor's C; le. f%2 rhares Manufacturers' and Mesh azies' Bank ' HENRY AUCTIONEER, 202 MARKET Street, Beath sida, abo-re rCezalar Balls of Dry Goods, Tel - Amin Z 3, !Tad( ;try MONDAY'. WEDNZSDAT. and FRIDAY TIS- at 10 o'cloc k praelsolY-- - 3ty and. cartntry Dealers ara regretted to ahem ;oily ignmenta panortfalls solicitad from Man-, E. imporlom. CJ1111111.1411031. Whol.M.l2e. Wad. J. IP.OS. and Retailers of all a-ad eFary doseripti DRY GOOD;, TRISIWUrG3., KNIT wooLz, GOOl S ON MONDAY MORNING. Nov. SOra. at 10 o'clock. will be soll dre. - 1.3 ars. estic goods. trimming's. wool and cotton hos!, WE S, wool bonds. ,carfs, caps. rollers. :chiefs, insertings, velvet ribbons. spool cotton. ,Iso. cassimeres. Eatiiat pants. wool msrino e buck. gattrdl O,ILLETTE fi SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, Jarno's Arlrble Sal 619 CHESTNUT Street, and 6 t 6 JAYCEE -tree. Fititadolpl LARGE SALE OF 'FOREIGN ANTI DOP/IF.ilsia GOODS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. FELT H. MILLIDERY GOODS. VELVETS. &c. ON 'TUESDAY M0Tt6196, December Ist. at 10 o'clock precisely. consistin; of —pieces black. wbila and colored bone: valy cartons artificial flowers. _ cases misses', and children's black, IA and drab Spanish hats and amulets. ridals, and imi A FO. hosiery. Germantown knit goods, t: ribbons, feathers, &c. " BOO"! S. SERIES, BROGANS, &e. Also, ON TUESDAY MORNING. December Ist, at 10 o'clock -100 cases men's. boys', and youths' boot', shoes, gans, balroorals. s alters. &c. LARGE ATTR4CTIVE SALE OE FURS. Also, ON TUESDAY MORNING. December let, at 19 o'clock precisely -250 lots of furs. in sets, compasing Russian, Had, Bay, and mink sable, stone u actin, Otch, S bed squirrel and chinclaiDi carriage capes, muffs, cuts, so Also, gcnts' beaver and nutria fur coats, caps, mi Pere, gloves, &c. LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE PALS OF ELEG•kIi CABVED SIENNA. AGATE. CASTILIAN, , IILAREIO V,A ES. OF GRECIAN. ROMAN, ETRUSCAN DE=IGNS; CARD RECEIVERS. FOIN CHOICE BRONZE, FIGURES AND GROUPS, BIM PLATED WARE. )31.CITIET FIGURES AND PAM VASES. FANCY GrioD l &c. Also, TWO HANDSOMAY INLAID MOSAIC '1 BLES; Wl'l H WALNUT sTAND3. ON THURSDAY MORNING. December 3d. at II o'clock precisely, wit! be sold, choice collection of the above articles, all recently i sorted from Eorope,. comprising some of the finest ger ever offered at public 'ale SILVEE-PT, &TED WARE. Included in sale of THURSDAY, December 31. wil nad an elekant assortment of silver plated ware, fig tality triple plate, comprising tea sets, card recelv Ire baskets. goblets, ice pitchers. kilts - og, spoons, to A - cm!, Ste , being a full assortment. B.—The whole will be arranged for anaminath catalogues, on Wednesday afternoon previa,- -00 P A_ ST& WARNOCK., TIONEERS, No. 7t . 3 MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AEG PORTED DRY GOODS. WRITE GOODS, MLIN GOODS, &c.. by c,ialogne. ON IVEDNEiDA.Y MORNING. December 2d, commencing et 10 o'clock precisely— Comprising about 700 lots of seasonable !roods, whir) , the attention of buyers is invited rLIP FORD CO., AUCTTONK 525 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE Stmts. LASOE SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES. BROGANS Sic. ON MONDAY MORNING. 30th, 'at 10 &deck precisely. will be sold b) logne. 1000 cases boots, shoes. br gams balmoralk yalry boots. &c. ; also, an assortment of first-class made goods. Rai" Open for examination, with catalognes, earl the morning of sale, to which the attention of hal is incited. LABOR SAMS OY A,OOO OASES BOOTS, SNOB& BEOGA.NS, &e, ON THURSDAI MORNING. Decal:Aar 3d at 10 o'clock o — reciZeir 7 .loll be sole talozne, LOCO cases boots. shoes. brogans, balme , s va'ry . boots, &c., city and Eastern manufactui tbracmg a fresh and desirable assortment of goods. Open for examination. with catalogues. early morning of sale, to which the attention of buy; iced. SHIPPING, ITEAM W.P.IKKLY TO 30L,tonoling at Queenstown, xell-known Steamers of the Live,. -Ad Philadelphia Steamship Company are ail as follows OF LONDON Saturday, Novembt 'OF BALTIMORE.... ..... Saturday. Decembei OF NEW YORK —Saturday, I. every enaceeded Saturday at noon, from Pier iota: River. RATES OF PASSAGE. ayablo in Gold, or its oquivalent Currency. P.ST CABIW, *iO 00i STEERAGE, )0. to London, 85 001 Do. to London, 001 Do. to Ports. Do. to Hamburg, 90 00 Do. to Hamburg. Passengers also forwards to Hayre, Braman, it( dam, Antwerp, km , at equally low rates. Fares front Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Gehl , itS9, SBA Steerage from Liverpool • $BO. From ( town. 130. Those Who wish. to send for their Met buy their tickets here at these rates. For further informationiapply at the Company's ot. JOHDT G. DALE, Agent, 111 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. rv i . BOSTON AND PRIL.A.D , PEELS. STEAMSHIP LINE. sailing fro], on SATURDAYS, from first Wharf oboe* t, Philadelphia, and. Long Wharf. Boston. = steamer SAXON, Capt. Matthews, will sail , delphia for Boston on SATURDAY. flovember lock A. M.; and steamer NORMAN, Captain Bal Boston, on same day, at 4 P. N. These new and substantial steamship form a line, sailing from each port punctually on Satordl Insnrenees erected at one-half the prudent on sell vessels. Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip BassiPis lid Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (hexing fine secommodittli apply to HENRY 'WINSOR & 00.. mh9 332 South DELAWARE Ammer EXPRESS COMPANIE: TAF; ADAMS - PRESS COMPANY. oMse CHESTNUT Street. 'forwards Parcels, Packages, shandies Bank Notes, and Specie, either by lines or in-connection a•ith. other Express Cot to all the principal Towns and Cities in the States. E. S. SAND O. fe27 General Superinte3 • - DR. FINE, PRACTICAL Di *""• TIST for tiPb last twenty years. 219 VINE below Third, inserts the most 'beautiful TEETH of age, mounted on fine Gold. Platina, Silver, Velca Goralite, Amber, 84c.. at prices, for neat and. EnbatE work, more reasonable than any Dentist in this State. Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial repaired to snit. £lO Pain in extracting. All work ranted to lit Dsference, best families. • iyl gm EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER STORE. 15SOUT ADELPHIAH VOITETH STEM, PR. PA_ A• large variety 4if lL FIRE-PROOF ELVIS alWaTa hand. I ri TO COUNTRY ArREICS PARTICULARLY, AND TO BAN 7 BUSINESS MEN GENERALLY. Do you want to be and to feel secure both FIRE AND BURGLARY? Then buy LILLIE'S WROUGHT AND CHILLED . FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFE. It is mnol cheapest, and. indeed, the only really and thorn Fire and Burglar Proof Safe made, and much , to all others as a Fire Proof. Do you want a BURGLAR-PROOF, mainly? Then buy LILLIE'S WROUGHT AND CHILLED BURGLAR PROOF, which is much cheaper, am stronger than any other, and admirably adapted ' wants of the Ilierchnnt, as well as Banker. Do you want merely a FIREPROOF? LILLIE'S WROUGHT IRON SAFE is warranted tail, equal, in all respects, to -any of the most approved makers, and is sold at fully one-third less price. Do yon want SECOND-HAND SAFES? You will find a general assortment of Herring's, 11 , & Watson's, and other makers, many of them all. new, which are sold at. and even below auction peg these Safes being received daily, in exchange .for I LIE'S WROUGHT AND CHILLED IRON SAFES. If you want VAULT DOORS and FRAMES that Burglar Proof, LILLIE'S WROUGHT AND CHILI IRON, are much stronger and far cheaper than i other. - All parties interested are particularly requested call upon the undersigned, at hie Depbt, where he feel fully prepared, like the "Seven Wise Men." to rend. a satisfactory reason for the truth of the above state merits. Si C. SADLER. Agent, No. 21 South SEVENTH Street. P:s.—l have just received four of EVANS & WAT SON'S BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES, from the City Bank 7n exchange for LILLIE'S, which I will sell at very low prices. sell tuth &sit WILLIAM H. YEATON & Co. T No. 201 South FRONT Street, , Agents for the sale of the ORIGINAL REITISIECK & CO. CRAM - PAGAN. Offer that desirable Witte to the trade. Also, 1,030 cases flue and medium grade: BORDRAIIX CLARETS. 100 cases "Brandenberg Freres" COGNAC BELMDL Vintage 1848, bottled in France. 80 cases finest Tuscan Oil, in flasks; 2 dozen in mule 50 bbls finest quality Monongahela Whleky. 50 bbls Jersey Apple Brandy. 60,000 'Havana Cigars, extra fine " Moot & Chandon Grand Via Imperial." Green SOW' Champagne. - Together with a fine assortment of Madeira, fe2G-NSherry; Port. dm , MACHINERY OF ALL KTNDS RE CEIVED for Exhibition, Sale, or Storage. at the. Manufacturers' and Mechanise SEWPI7 Warehouse. R. E. corner TRIED and WILLOW Streets. no2l-Im* ALBERT POTTE. O LIVE OIL—AN INVOIOF: Oki OARSTAIR'S pure Olive Oil just received, par ghtip ELIO. For sale by - OHAC. S. & JAB. CARSTAIRS, , e a,aa, 126 WALNUT, sad 21 ORAUTTrstr.dt, Ann° invoice of the mne jot ex 4 -1!. an DIISTEIN,. _ edit