CITY ITEM . STRATTON, SC erten Cieerzein.—There are few, if ane educational inetitetions in the land that have become better known to the public, for Ihoroughneab, than Bryant, .Stratton, & Co's Commercial Celle ,e, the Philadel' Chia branch of which—as our readers will see by re ference to their advertisement, in another column of our paper, this morning—is located at the southeast corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets. As an edu cator for praotical business life it has probably no 'Navel in the world, and we hardly know which speaks the higher praise of this firm, an examination of their system, at seen in practical r_qieration at their rooms, or the uniforin but - Duns proficiency and sue corm of the thousands of young men throughout the Union, who hate availed Ho umeivee of the advan tagea of this institution. As an evidence of the growing popularity of this College, we may state 'that the number of students now in ' , Mender= lit Seventh and Chestnut is over one hundred. Toe recent change made in the management of the Ord lege is already being recognized cud appreciated. In their resent commodious quartets two large halls are used ac study rooms ; one or triese is occupied by 3 portion of the students, each of whom is supposed to be engaged in some particular commercial trade, and is (welshed with ail the paraphernalia regeired for his business. Here the students associate toge ther, anti buy and sell the genie as the everyday merchant ; they thus become conversant with the use of drafts : cheeks, and notes, and how to &taw up the same. The operations of this department all concentrate themselves into the next hall, which has been fitted up as a banking inetitutiou, the usual pay.teeeks, receivers, to., being in attentianoe. Here money in paid and deposited, the mime as In a rept lar bank. Tim books are kept by the students se lected for the purpose, and footed up with as mush care and precision, at the close of hours, as in a bona fide institution. Thus the student at ones gains a complete practiced knowledge of his P tun° e, and be. comes a perfect master in each branch, in much less time than in those Colleges where only a theoretical know/edge is taught. Telegraphing is also about being introduced, besides many other desirable addi tions which are in contemplation. Misers. Bryant, Strattoe, & Co. have the honor of first introducing this ❑ew element in commercial training, the im portance of which, as conducted in their College, cannot be overestimated. A SEWING MACHINE FOR TUE QUEEN OF liAvAnte..—We learn from the New York papers that there is now at the store of Grover & Biker, Broadway, a Sewing Machine, mau afactured by that firm for the Queen of Bavaria, upon which Ahleri can mechanics have employed their beat skill to Make it worthy of such a royal purpose. The cabi• net is made of the finest rosewood, elaborately carved, sad inlaid with satin wood, and is situtlarly finished on both aides, The shaft and wheel are ail ver-plated, and the operator's dress is protected by a guard placed in front of the wheel. A large Plate on the cabinet is inlaid with pearl, in the centre of Whit& the royal arms of Bavaria are represented. The machine, complete, is to cost three hundred dol• ears. we may add to this, that this is not the first Order which Messrs. Grover & Biker have tilled for royal families of Europe. In fact, the European reputation of this celebrated machine is such that all others, if not entirely ignored, are regarded as far inferior to the Grover & Biker instrument. The fact that this machine alone has aolueved the wonder ful feat of embroidering, and that with as much fa cility as Others sew on a piece of braid„ has taken the public by storm, and is literally crowding their elegant salesrooms, 130 Chestnut street, daily to overflowing. Their machines range from the low est prices to two hundred dollars, the latter almost rivalling in elegance the one above described, which is soon to be forwarded to the Bavarian Queen. A CAB - D.—We have just received a fresh invoice of genuine ' , English Oraoknells,". the same, precisely, which two years ago we sold in this mar ket at $1.25 per pound. Those whion we now offer to our customers are made by the same makers, and are sold by us at a much less price. DAVIA & RidECARDS; Arch and 't'euth streets. MR. E. P. NIPPLE'S GROUND-FLOOR FROTotinern GALLERY, No. 82 arch street, has justly attained a first class reputation for producing the finest specimens of the photographic art in this country. The growing popularity of Ms pictures is shown in the fact that all who patronize him recom. =end their friends to go and do likewise. Mr. Rip ple has hundreds of applicants for pictures from this source alone every week. FINE PRESERVES AND JELLIES.—Davis Sr. Richards, Arch and Tenth streets, have now ready a full line of Preserves and Jellies, among which we Iney name quince, pineapple. strawberry, crab ap• pie, blackberries, currants, and a variety of others. READ! BEAD!! READ ! I—A.NOTHER WONcitcypj. Ours.—Gentlemen You will Red en closed $B5, for which please send me one box' of IR inter clothing. The last I got of you acted like a Charm. I had heretofore been subject to bad fits. I am happy to say that since I have purchased my clothing of you lam a stranger to them. Our fami ly physician also uses your " one.price" clothing, and thinks there is nothing like it. Respectfully, JOHN DE TONES, Pottsville. To Charles Stokes Sr. Co., (31othierit, under the "Continental." Philadelphia. GENTLEXER'S ELiTs.—All the newest and best styles for fall wear, in Felt, Silk, and Cassimere, 'ill be found at Warburton's, No. 480 Chestnut street, neat door to the Post Office. 0a23-1m 'HOUSE - AERPRRS, and those about going to isourxiteoping, can save from 10 to 16 per cent., by purchasing their housekeeping articles at E. S. 3Tartion &; Co.'s Kitchen Furnishing Rooms, No. 222 nook street, below Walnut. - WHAT IRPF DAVIS SAYS.—Jeff Davis gays the war has got to be " it out." Shouldn't wonder. Some people are or opinion that that has already been done, and that Jed has °meant second 'best. At all events, Secesh is in &bad way, and he don't fret altogether well,aand he it not quite sure bow he is going to worry through the winter with out the aid of the despised Yankees. We would 'Suggest that the Reba ground arms, Acknowledge that they have made donkeys of themselves, restore the good old Union, and bid defiance to hard winters fDy enjoying the privilege of procuring their wearing apparel at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rock till &c Wilson, nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. ELECTION PHILOSOPHY.—Note that the election is over and the parties may count their killed and wounded, those gentlemen' who have Suffered in reputation at the ballot. box's mouth may repair their damages by the simple philosophy of "better luck next time," and if, in their arduous efforts on election day their garments suffered, they can still more easily repair damages by a visit to the magnificent Clothing Establishment of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, above Sixth. THE RIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT PLACE. 4--A camp meeting in Fort Sumpter 1 Never was there ouch backsliding as has been in this camp. Once the stars and stripes there floated in purity— SLOW the detested and detestable emblem of a nation. whossicorner-stone is slavery. Once the fort itself. %Vas pure and upright, but now is full of dead men's bones and other rubbish, and is now falling away, and is backsliding into the harbor so fast that soonthe " Swamp Angel" himself won't be able to find it. It is hoped the time will soon arrive when the habits of the men of that camp meeting will soon be changed from the faded butternut to the fresh broadcloth of Charles Stokes & Co.'s make, under the Continental. ARRIVALS. AT TitE fIOTELS, VP TO TWELVE, O'OLOOK LAST 'NIGHT Continental—Ninth. C W Banga' New York I CoLOlcott, New York! Chan 11 Sherrill, Albany Prew,t, New York I, II Mouotn, Rechentor Dr Western. New York W Al Or h. Lafayette Oagoottlira dley, Msee :F. la n, New York Geo Tether, Now . f ork C H Hay den. Beaton C B piaci ow, Boston Wm Us/rill, Iftw York B. :awed, Pittsburg Chas Cal lyre. Ci. einnati, 0' Geo V/ Dubbin, Baltimore 1 N W er, Cleveland A. L Pithbur . g Ordzoiaio. New York T B Ly & l.t, New York; ASC's . Michigan I Col John West, Cape May ; Altn c:tlu & tam, Phila.; 13 B WMROLI. Perth Amboy Afro D. F3srrts, Washington ; J Ditial &sis.llanover,Pa; 31 El Cum es. Boidentown,NJ T Beck er & la, Neading Ei Pollock:St Louis W C WOrthinglan. St Louie; F Jameson, Fulton I John 1, Lockwood. II S A ; C; 1.11 &la, New York. W Miller & la, New York John B Parker & wf,Boston. Jot H Epenoer & wf, Balt 33 S MatliewsOY 'W Hull, DelawareTroY J klacConnell, Delaware Airs John Hackett, N Wes II ackett. Belvidere Airs W IC Woodruff, N J Jae A McPhail: New York John Runtoon, San Fran John Poudiz - 33r Lacher, 13 S A Jacob Vanderpool, N Y C A Stetson, Jr, & la, N. Y 1 C Steely, New York Chas N Manor, New York lewie N rapper'. Colorado' Robt 'Miller, Providence 3 F , mlori New York Geo W Bowers. New York 'WM Charm, Baltimore MN 11 Chase, Baltimore Col W H Lawrence & A 8 Cushing, Dew York W Preston, Boston C D Marsh. New Jersey W T Horrobin, Jr, Maine Dial Babbitt, New Jersey W M Wiley, Penna & Mrs if T Cox. N Y doLn A Smith, Washinton - Biggar & w i t,Bait Y PenSel', Boston 31 7 Judd,Hartford, Conn Foster Mass Z B Simmons, New York B =mhs% Boston Vitraird--Olienitmat , :fievi Nat Colt D 0 ei,Pennaylvania Cl d Strong, Pennsylvania - 1:1 M Elmore, New York t White IC La 1/63.9 Diffenba ugh Y Bullman, New York C Crotzer & fa, Ohio W Weed, Ohio CI Tallman & le, New York Dlenry Simpson, New York J B Snyder. New York C Thomps On • Baltimore II Freeman & wt. Weald]] g'n 0 J Radnor, Trenton st. T Brown, Pennsylvania sneaßlekli a m.New York BT Young,Newark Potter, Fauna 0 W Orem, Delaware T W Sweeney, Delaware 1 f rh ßPser & wt . , Cincinnati oe Baldwin. New York or T .1 Yorks. New Jersey BLevison, St Louis i 0 James. Burlington re Wright,'New York lee Wright. New York on D K Carter. Ohio H B Fiddeman, /SOW York Aug Schell. New York B Allen Delaware NUM! Mulling, Delaware Madison—SecondlMMO. above Market. John Rickman, Delaware Geo S Gilman, Dover, 'rhos Simpson_, Camden. Del M anteghtar. tewtiliar - pa M Purves, Trenton, N J J 8 Heston, Newtown, Pit At Ramon, Stroudsburg, Pa Col W Batter, Lewletwe, Pa Jos R Wert, New Jersey joahns, Pell. Vanua doses Raab. Dela Ware Ifferchentgi'—Fourth P Phalan, Pittsburg B Titus, New Jersey E Du Bois, New York ET IllrEoral, .611411t0V711 W ThOMPBOn , U S A L De Conner, D C Bneh, Bellefonte Dr H H b).1 . 1111. J chore C Troll, Ohio J Halipeck, Memphis .Tl 3 Dalzall. Allegheny City Thos H Forcey, Clearfield 11 Walter, Ulesrfield L Allentown Bout HMiddleton, Newville F Sharkey, Manch Chunk H S Paul, Ohio It O Sutton, Pittsburg J 0.1.0138 Myst e. Pittsburg F Dodge, lowa John Hagar, Green co. Pa P Townsex d & \VC. N R Shouted. Ohio Lieu L Carrington, Conn S Mcealloch. Ohio .T B McDowell, Delaware Wm 11131nromer & la Allent E Pecker & lady, Penne 11P S rung. Conn M B Hartley, Olentrood.Pe W Wile New Jersey - Jae J Blackslee M Chunk Arnerleaus.--Chestnut street. Abure Pink. J Barton, Delaware ID Cleaver. Delaware 11. King. New York ill l'orneroY. Penrivii to T V lie Hosling Ala, NJ ;DJ Lincoln. Birdsboro, Pa I'M Jennie, New York IW U Camouelt- dirdsb)ro W W Willman, Baltimore IL C Snalanit, Look Haven J'l'bompson . I 5 Curia, Bat amore J P wud, Dover, Del Airs ( Morns, Vir.onla J McCoy, Norristown R. ikon's, Boklay, Pd 0 Jordain, Wasliimitou iiii iiiendrikson, A J L Darr, New York i Gen i l Dung H 13okee, 'Baltimore Iys L Bookers, New York Wtr Ctu habeillo, G.isson 8 Bay - Danville W A Kennedy, Maryland J E Denglierry. , Del co B flhilrktiliern, Maryland J/lickso..l Gvisrpeti)svn,DC Ti' Bowles, Bristol. ea D (1 otryker. Naw York il, , i D Clark, Delaware CllTharkarY St. lAntls--Uhestuut liotert Prieat U S N 14 Akers, Baltimore Jas R Wofeel :New York Wharton Morris. Reading Jno B Donty. Shamokin .Gen Thomas. New. York 'W 11 Marshall. Shamokin C Klett, New York TBaumgardner. Lancaster G Sauterne Lowell, Mass L Sawerne, Lowell, Mi l os W A Meade. Brocllvu W Rice, New York • The Unton—Areh s DI Solomon, Baltimore ( JW WAn John/ town tt Conrad, Johnstown Mr Hans, Johnstown' Dr Stcss C ieeh 2er, Allegh'y City H Sc yder St la, rtoYsiowni Mrs Marston, New 'York Ft Dents. Now torso L L Park, Ohio M 13 Smith, liew York B blontagne, New York Itratonal—Race • °ley, Danville, Pa H Jacobs & la, .Danville, Pa John Smith. New 'York Ang - Arms, Jr ' Danville 'Mies A Arms, Danville 1) Masten S.: la. Millville 1' )3 Ramsey. CarliEle, Pa Keens, Llizerne co C Henry, Lebanon. Pa W Snyder. Bloomburg Levi L Tate, Bloomsburg Mies E J Tate, Bloomsburg' Xarmun's notel—Thit John G H Marquett E C Epley, .Peuna Booj F Eberle, hit JOY. Pa Henry Ham; Wrlghteville Jacob B Flury. Wrightwille John Glazer. Wrightsville Hiram Feller. Wrightsville R Yocum, Allentown W Hovey, Allentown Coil Blosnanv. Wash. D C Geo Burdick, New York John Franke M 1 5 Mitchell , pentreville Commercial—Sixth et Jc hn S Rohrer, Lane co Dewy Rohrer, Lanc co J Bann, Baltimore C l McDonald, Chee co W R Ochienry, Ches co Smith & la. Ohio A T Eves, Oxford W Rofmen,Wilm, Del iNtsitesi Union--A/arise J Hilopltinson,StJohne,t B Jas H Sutton, Delaware Lt W C Casey. IJ S A Snyder, Colombia W Akers, Millwood W Latimer, Westmoreland Hies J J. Torrance, Penna Wilson Talley, Dauphin Barley Sheet—Smola B Kirkbrile, Attleboro M Reeder, Bucks co Mrs Dr Bla Aran. Forma Mrs Blackfan, Rock Island Jas Webb, Wilmington Geo W Stratton, Chicago Barry Servis, Doylestown Ira Tyson, Montgomery - co Yrederlcit, Philo W R Carver. NeW town M S Whitewall, Ptnua Thou Higgins, New Vomit Vernon Hotel, B F Hallowell, Harrisburg Mrs Blair, Milton, Pa Mrs) 2 opson, Vineland. N T L Varner, Beach Haven Geo W Brown, lowa Prendfrgast; leNrYork H S Spaulding. New Jereey N S Weeks, New Jersey Bald Eagle—Third S W E P.eifsnpder. HFadlng H J Dreher, Pottsville F Hoy er, B ell erstown Hellerstown Black Bear—Third d R Hillegass, Reading Geo Gehrman, Reading C HWenrich, Reading S Cornell, Somerton H Briggs, Mauch Chunk litre M J Briggs, Pa James Buckman, Pa From time immemorial disease has preyed with impu. nity upon the human system, and revelled in the car-' nage and destruction it has caused. Science, in the meantime, has not been idle. and contest after contest has taken place for the mastery, between thowe two mor tal enemies, until it has been reserved for this age topre dose a Medical triumph, Moro which the shadows of sickness disappear Scientific skill, in the production of DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BiTT.SRS, has reached its highest altitude, and can now rest satisfied with the tri umph it has attained. Mankind are subject to various ills and rains, and it It the task of these Bitters to erase all such disorders from the human fiamo. Liver Com plaint, that bitter foe to happiness; Dyspepsia, that ene .my of all which is joyous; Nervous Debility, that ty rant which crushes out of ,the heart all energy, and which causes its victim to wish for death; and Fevers, which rack the•brain and i torch the brow. all, all yield to the magical and healing properties of this hie Pine Ultra of Medical Science. " - d Chestnut Streets. Mrs Eleary ltins;Allentowa J e. Br, wn d wf Allentown J 91 , Bash & wf, Newport, S I Et J Taylor & wf, Newport W Willow, Sopterar & la, New York J H Bracket, & Nat, Podgy on Nov/ York • Mrs D Wit mttey. Wash •h altos & IN York R S Feld New Jersey B n Woodworth, Ft Wayne SI a Frmans n, Botklo Wm Fax, Pottsvitle R B 11,,0re & da. Troy. N Y IMr & Sir N 51 Painter, Ptt I Mr&Mr,,ll. F N hitrldge,Balt , W Ytllll.d. Baltimore , ,id ey Sterhnek, New York CI. Altento we H 'nun or el:ital.) Ludlow M.j GSm b US A: Col, Q S A ' Dr B de .h.liter. U S K 6averty, a S John & Hie-tend, Lancaster F Orn., Now. York .B Bufoln, ?roc, R I • VI VV. etwacer, Prey. R I Dr 4 / Tucker & la, N Y I M LOA %VOA & la. N Y 'R 'Oa.. zla Edwa Waugh, II S N - J Currey, Jr. Memphis J g ad ms Baltimore JY•Moora & wf. New York J W Foster, New York P H Field, Hostel' I Frank d Cozens, New York Pi Thompson, N-w Jersey IC B Jameson. akietogen_ gton. San Fran A A Myers a la, Malls J !!'Prow & e, tae D V Wood ward, New York Mr lurray, New York IW Y .al ,, r,ereao, New York Jae Booper, Baltimore glicklon.e Troy, N Y ilorefih Nogg, II S N George Planksch B B N W C Bowe, Bosron J A south ni.vd, Jer.(l7 City John Hoare 9i wf. N York Chas Crammer, Washington +Valle., Athens, Pa Mrs 0 F Virelles Sr Us, Pa iliaek, Burlington, N OW Huntington. BOtit4)// C E Baca, New York W & wf, Pennal W Wallace Syracn•ui G no U Ctrpent-r, Boston J Woodb.,ry. Boston AC McKee. Wheeling, Va John J Wa ksr, N Y 11 Jones, Nashviho 8 Flori. , ina.n & la. New York T Et Pomeroy, Jr, as la, NY eat. below MUM. 11, Potter,Jr.Pennsylvania {3 3I Pnompson h wf. Penna W 0 Hickok, Pennsylvania 'D•nisl Currey, Delaware W W Wright. Delaware A Al Sallade, Reajing W W /Lead. Earl isburg J H Baum•ott. Illinois J Perim:al, Pennsylvania I Hrlder. rOonsylvania HB Kelley, Blatimure 11 Manley. LendOn, Pa Cleo Black. Loridoa, Pa H L Say JrAV. London.Pa Bola., Williamsburg J Eby. Harrisburg Miss P•M Eby, Harrisburg 4 ;apt A J FricA,DaayMe IMiss K Boners, New York M Dorsey, Delaware J Patterson, Obio Hien A Corr, Trenton Ti F Waddle. Buffalo • D Stratt..n. St Louis H M C,rtnr. New forcer W McLaughlin, Easton R Curtin, Centre co GPO Wade, Illinois C L Packard. Maryland 31 Ecolf. New , Y , rk. J D Vormeale. New York J F Kepi. Hazleton Chas Houghton, Boston L Viraileldor, New York street. below *rook El I' Sumner & la, N York Mon Al Yiaknr , Bristol . - • Mrs J Palutrr. New York P. a B:own, goading Sussex D Davis • • • • 1451.60 - 14 Dallas, ir Hand &son. Ciotre co Fire M s I totbt•n. DE York for Dickson, Arew York . . I eM Barber. rviontge'v oo C 8 Stover, Retaelavilla, Pa Chas Ritteahnuw. Bait Bites H C Templeton, N Fray airs S.& Templeton, N Hay John Robe Its Br. Jacob ttoberts iircc Ranch Si wf. Perry co Chas Hirsh, Lancatter W N Forsyth, Northumbrd W Grier. Centre. Pa -.. • . • Chas Wilson, Clifford, Pa IV Sheriff, Lewiston J Boss. Indiana E James MeatU, glll2l"ncky - P 0 Kessler. tthiltiy•burg don M Mouse. Pott iyale R Warren, B)ston 6. 1 Cotborn, tiornersPt. Pa P Rueful", bo itioniat. Pa M Robemn. Tyrone, Ponna Hon John Cessna, Bedford street, above Third Cloth, Allentown Jno P Caw, May ,Stollman Port: I as, erov,E. I Ce pt, S P Bowen !II .T Dolhouct.., N Orleans I Leerand BBrigham, U S N Jl3Green, US e. M Swam, F'rana 'Emile R Jacobi, Now York Felix Cain, New York I W D Clark,. Delaware City Job n Wert, U 6 N J Ilantoon La eel, above Third Mn,( Heard, lineer , town,Md J Mcßride, fd.i.oad dd. 0 Arise Mcßride. Mtn:field, 0 ff Brady. Chicnizo IFuiffiertell, Jera9y W Brent wf, *rretiton,NJ S D Harris. Clevelcturi, 0 L a 13 dhea, New TerAeY Ja,. Livingston. Jr. N JereeY B B Vernsm, 1 1 .314 Y.,rk S C StilektAn, Lewis B Page, New York eet, above Third lib S Crosland & la, Pa J B Smith, qeiiIISKTOVO W Lewis, Ponna B S LEVd/1, Lehigh co S Ancona, Pett.ydle I Richard,. Apern o wn W Portland, ALA D Wats. n, Vermont A Almaden, Vermont E Ross, Allentown HS Eberly, Lancaster N AlcAliater. Penna. d street, above Raga Chas Moore. Penne S L Naseingale, Pottsville 'cimon Meredith Sr. wife, Pa J N J0116"8 StlitilfOrd H A Jones. Stateford Aaron Norcross ' Stateford John. Mitchell. Centreville 3 3 Blair. Centreville L M Smith, King , iton. 3 Stover, DalLts, Penne AMOS Young. Poona E G Ackley, Conn reet, above Chestnut. fJ 31 . Baker, Del co John \V Cowell, Doyleat'n Aif Booting, Loyleacown J Deyle4town Rob:. L Pyle,Cka. co D Pearson, New York E V Peaks. Now York iJ E Leonard, IV Cheater A street, above Stank M Standlev, Grum co El Cline, Chown co b H Barr, Danville W Edlott Ar 2 ch, liy Washington W Q troster. Washington P G Hain, Penna, sweet, below Vine. Wm Thompson, St Louis Cordery, Kbsec4M R S LippineAt. New Jersey Jas Thorutoa & lA, Bilberry f R Vaahorn & la, Baena H Yeager, Spread H &part, Abington JS Robinson, Penns, H Smicb, ?snot .Tobn Major. Solobcfry KiaEey -.mitt, Backe co David Fall.- Bucks co Second St.above Arch, (Chas C Frick. Danville Chas D'ionng. Norristown Geo H Green. Penns John CaspPr. retook. N Stephen Wrixbt, fuses' T C Ty-eon ! Belvidere A R Sanders, Oxford. Pa J W Wilson Jr la, atontg c t., above Callowhlll (Levi Simon, Allentown Daniel Roth, Mlentowa , Jos Ki.eltner, Moores to wn Jacob Zepp, Montgomery co t,„ nbove Callowitirs Dr..T 8 Reading & la, Pa H 8 Cressman, Pa 8 Kira, Horsham A Wridenhamm4r W Brurainch, Exeter Israel Roma, Harribburg SPECIAL, NOTICES DISEASE AND SCIENCE It is of an entirely vegetable nature, containing not the least particle of Alcoholic stimulent, and will not, there, fore, as the generality of Bitters dii„ cause a taste for spirituous liquors to arise in those who use them. Ho soldier should be without them, for they are a perfect protection against'all the diseases which are so preva. lent in Camp Life. They ar 9 e, in fact, THE BITTERS of the day, and the whole civilized world is fall of their fame, and the fruits of their curative powers. Disease at last has met its master, and flees at the approach of the conqueror Come, then, and be . healed all ye suffer. tog children of mortality; tht means are ready, the fountain is open, and relief is certain. Delay no longer. Messrs. JONES Sr EVANS, 631 ARCH Street, Philadel• phis, are the proprietors, and all orders, addressed to them will receive prompt attention. These Bitters can also be obtained at all Druggists in the Union. PRlCr.S.. — Large Bottles (holding don't& imantity)slper Bottle, or half dozen for *6 Email size 75 cents per Bottle, or half dozen for $4. DEAFNESS, EYE AND EAR, THROAT DIS EASES, CATARRH.—The above maladiei treated with the utmost BUCC6B6 by Dr. VON HOSCHZISEER, Oculist and Muria, graduate ofVienna, Office. 1057 WALNUT Street, where can be examined hundreds of testimonials from the very best known men in the country. among :which tre several from old and responsible citizens of Phila• delphis, who can be personally referred to. 0c21•6t• HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE I I ' 'BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE is the Beet in the Wor&l. The only Harmless True, and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye liEerfect— changes Rcd, Rusty, or Gray Hair, instantly tors Chosen Mewl n. Natural Brawn, without injuring the Hair or Stein. Ina the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; ha. parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and. rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIADI A. BATCHELOR: all other ere mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by ell Druggists, &c. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. .1e23-ly . ONZTRIOE CLOTHING, OF THZ LATEST ST'S - LEN made in the Best Manner, expressly for BE rAIL SALBS. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain figures. All Goods made to Order warranted sales,. tory. OE? ONE-faros SYSTEM SS Strietl7 Adhered to. are ,thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CO.NNECTICTIT, the g reat natural Rcilie &tier. IVIARRIED: - . WILLIAN—TROBIPSON.--On. the 29th--instant, - at .Holmesburg, by the Rev. J. P. Sandy, assisted by Rev. W. M. Killian. Maria, eldest daughter of Lewis ToodlP eon. Esq.. of Philadelphia. to Robert N. Milian, of North Adams, Mass. DIE_ MARTIN. —ln Philadelphia, on the afternoon of the 28th, Edith, daughter of Dr. George and Annie T Martin ' aged la years. .Funeral at Cheater to-day (Friday), the 30th. at 3 P. IL .MONROE. —On Thursday afternoon, Susan - ttf., wife of James Monroe, and only daughter of the late John Stoover. DESILVER.—At his late residence. in Washington, on the 24th Wet, R. Wilson Debilver, in hie 47th year, late of Philadelphia: • RITTENHOUSE —On Thursday morning, October Nth, Martin R Rittenhouse, in the 64th year of his age. - 1 he relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited -to attend his funeral, tram his late residence, Wisx ahickon, on 'Monday morning, November 2d. at 10 o'clock. Interment at Germantown ace RI/ATT.—On Tuetday, 27th, Edward T. Hyatt, in the 47th year of his age The relatives and friends of the faintly, also the mem bers of Penn Lodge, No. 26, I. 0. of O. F , - are invited to at tend the funeral, from his late residence. No. 252 North Twenty-first street. on Saturday morning, 31st inst, at 10 o'clock without further notice. Funeral to proceed to Oxford Church. as A RIBBON. —At Crsesvi Ile, N. J., on Wednesday eve ning, the 28th inst., Mr. Samuel Harbison, in his 69th year. BLACK. —On the 27th inst. . Charles Augustus. son of Ebenezer and Jane"F. Black, in the 20th year of his age. - The relatives and friends of tl e family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence o, his father, No. 612 Barclay street, this (Friday) mora l) g. at 10 o'clock. TATEM.—,On the 28th inst.. Miss Karla istem,in the 776 i yearof her age. Her relatives and friends, also the friends of her sit ter, Mrs. M. A. Tatem, are respectfully invited to at . 4.1 the funeral from her late residence. No. 610 South F..nith street, below Lombard, this (Friday) afternold, at 2 o'clock. without further notice . PACK DRESS - GO ODS.-CASH MERES, Velour Reps, Tandses, 3:4 and 6-4 MOlOl - Merinoes. Henrietta Cloths or silk. warp Cash worts, Ottoman Poplins, Irish Poplins, English and French Bombazines, alepines. corded Monesolines, Ans t, alsan Crapes. Baratheas, Turin Cloths. Paramattas. Leine s, Oriental Lustros. Alpaoasand Mohair Lit etre% hope Anglais.alOnining Silk, Armco°, Roan ee Sole and G Crain B +SON k• SON. • 0021 Mourning Store. No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. J 0 U:V IN ' S CELEBRATED KID GLOVES, Ordered Colors, lii:LCH 63 to 8 '• 0c27 EVicit & LAWDELL. p.,LACR. 11IXED TWO-F.A_CED - 1 .-• MOURNING LONG SHAWLS. size 72 inch by A 44. 0c27 'BU M& LANUEL L. POPULAR COLORS M.ER INOE S REPS, and POPLINS, 0c2.7 AVM & LANDELL. FOORTR and ARCH, PERIBSYLVA.NIA. COLLEGE OF DENTAL 8 11,013 RY, ts2B ARCH Street. The in tradot tory LT.OII2IItE to the Bth Allllll9l &anion, will be delivered, by Prof. FORBES. on HONDAS . . November 24. IA 12 o'clock. Clinic Booms open for patient% daily, except Saturdays, from 9 to 11 a. M. and 2 to 4 P. M. !' C. N. PEIRCE, Dean, 90M•31 . Tiorth titreat. IMNE/TICK — TUE ANNUAL NEE TIN( of the titockholdere of the (iertaantown and lerankfori Tinnylite Company will be held at MORN. TON'S HOTEL, le rank ford, on the second of the Eleventh. month (Nen - ) next, at it,) , ; o'clock P. M. oc2o.4ti* ,J. H. WORTHINGTON. sec'y. POIXTE . CII OGIDC COLLE€E—WIA• 7LIt ,L - 6310K,—Ex.e Millettoni for adult ;AO lit lA . held at the DoLLEGE BULLAIND, SQ' Ala". on bATURDAY and MONDAY MOIV.iINO3, at 9 o'clock. oc3o REV. GEORGE W. SMILILY VVILL deliver a aeries of dtecour3ea upon the aubj aeta Life, Death, The Intermediate State, The Resurrection, Heaven Commencing with the first on SUNDAY EVENING next. at 7t o'clock, and continuing them upon the an ceeding- Sundays at the soma hoar Churca in an ado) and 112,37 . cin Stall , cecina , of SEPHTEI and teRF, Eh' tr .ete. Service , in the mnrnln V Rt 6.4‘ TIIIE COOPiiiK•STIOP ittwottusri- IKEDIT SALOON resveccitffly ac.nowledge tie toll,ming CONTRIBUTIONS: 7'niladellt7tia Binh' $lOO 00 Morrie 0) A tucrican Fire Ingursr.ce Comps. Ly.. . •^• . '6lOO Dela watellintnal belch - nsnran Campaoy 50 01 Mr. Ludlam. Cape L laal e 6 00 Horace Aloha' dt.on, Bot.tou (it] 1 00 BISHOP WHITE PRAYER& BOOK. 80CFBTY.—Ithe Thirtieth Annivorsary or the lON HOP WRITS Et BOOK SOCUETY will be bpbi in the 011.11tIlli OF Tit ROLY TRINITY. on bIiNDA.i EVE vINO, the Ist November. Services to oonixeenof at 734 ~' eleek. The Amami -Report of the Board of Msnagere will he road Sermon preached by the Rev. PEtiLLIP6 BiltitiKP. and a collection made in behalf of the Society. (map SJAMES AHRTiBN, Secretary, ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY —A ineetiox co this Society, for the purpose of SLEIT -1 AU 014'1c:r1ts to serve for the year. commencing 80th November, 1663. and ending SOth Novernhat. 18fit. will he on the evening of Slat instant, in the CONTINENTAL DOTEL. at 7% o'clock Members ate requested to at toad without further notice. oe3C-2t KO ROE YOUNG, Secrsiscry. .1 , F11:E.. F . , TING- 7 1FR GI ACK N TBNNIsShb--aItIAN,APATION— ti I , ERAL GRANT Punlie _Meeting will be held in CONCEWI' HALL on TUESDAY briiNl cif), November Se, at o'clock: to consider the case of the Pr.,cd B , e cks to Tennessee, on the banks of the ftfissi4llool. and elsewhete. Bishop Potter will prt+sidA. and ad dre,,Fa. will be delivered by Chaplain A S. Fiske, from the - Contraband Camp ' 'Memphis, who Is here by nutborby of General Grant, and the. Rev. Phillips Brooks, of this city. 0c21.6t -t tom y s ^ — , t -- TICA,I - ,,iflio ( oiliiiege!Li N NFATl r y' r ETE l M, ovembrr 3d. at S o'clock. and he continued on 'CUE 4- DAY land TEIHRSVAY EVENINGS, for tho season, as foil OW : 9b e first Gonyie will consist of lITESIiaI: EVENINGS—On Astronomy, by Prof. Sohn F. Frazer. • TBURSDAY EVENINGS—On Patents and Contracts, by H. IL Furness: The S, coed Clour.e will consist of TDV,SDAY EVENINGS-On Chemistry . , by Profess'or Henry Marton. ' TRUESD AY EVENINGS—On Military Engineering, by Prof Fairman Rogers Each Member, upon paying his annual contribution, and each one Member, will receive a +eason ticket for himself end ninth+ ; aleo toilets , forhis Children, Wards, and apprentices, under El years of ace. on the Payment of one dollar for each minor: or on the payment of two dollars each, the minor can attend the Lectures and have the nee of the Library of the Institute, TERaig OF MEMBERSIIIP,7-Annual contribution. &I; or $25 for membership for life, with an additional charge of one dollar the first year for , a certificate of membership.: • Gentlemen wiehtng to become members will please apply at the Hall, No. t South SEVENTH Street. 28.1 it WILLIAM HAMILTON, Actuary, AUXI.LIAIELY SAFITARY COMMI6:110N earnestly eolicite from members of the cong.regation and others contrlhutiona for the benefit of SICK and WOUNDED SOLDIERS. Ar ticles of Diet. Flannel, and other Goods, may be seat to the Society's Room, in the hso.ment of the Church (rigIRTEENTBL Street. below. Spruce,) every FEUD a.Y, between 9 and ] o'clock. and Money to the Treseurer, CBS. W. CUSHMAN, No. .1.215 S. DELAWARE Ave nue. soil thf3ot BLOCKLEY AND MERION TURNPIKE AND. PLANK ROAD CORPANY. Art. *annual meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of the C 4 n piny will be boll at che GSN. WAYSE HOTEL. Lower Motion Township, on MONDAY. the 2d d'iy of November next, at lio'clock P. M.. to elect one President, twelve Managers; and one Treasurer, to serve for the a n sui Ds' Tear. (oci.Fl-St) DAVID NfOIIC ,ec'y. y t THE HHIGADEPI-ULA BANK, Oct. 9, 1863. be AnDklai Meeting of the Stockholders of this Sank will be held at the Banking Hones, on TOWSDA-T, the Ad day of November nexi. at 12 oVock M. The Annual Electton for Directors will be held on MONDAT, tbe 16th day of November, between the haute on° A M. and 21. M. B. B. COMEGYS, oclo-Ftutb-tnol6 Cashier:. P OWN , SY.LVA.M.P.ACA.I.I.ItO A_D con, PANT. TER e.SDRER'S DEE'AR t'3l ENT. PHILADELPHIA, October 1 3 . 1863 The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FIVE per cent. on the capital stock of the. Company, clear of. National and State taxes. payable on and after November 15, 1863 Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can be had nn application at the aloe of the Company. No. 238 Routh THIRD Street. ocl7-tdel THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. SURGEON-ARTIST'S OFPIOE, FOR MUTILATED SOLDIERS.—.sOLDIER , i who ton - sleet an ARM or LEG in the service. and desire the Patent PALMER Limbs" to be supplied by Govern ment. should ietura this notice immediately to this of fice, stating their lose by letter, with name. company, regiment, and residence. B. FRANK PA.LNLEs. 0e22-tf 11509 GITESTIIIIT Street. Philadelphia. r;z3z.• CORN EXCHANGE RANK. PFITLADELPHIA, OCt 12, 1363. The animal election of DIRECTO KS will be held at the Backing Rouse on 6IONDAY, the 16th day of November next. between the hours of 10 A. M and 2P. 3i The annual. meeting of the Stockholders will. be held on Tli&D AY, the 3d day of November nest, at 12 M. 0114.-tnol6 J. W ToN.IIEY. Ca.hier. IM SOUTHWARK RANK, PEEILADRLPHIA., October 5, 11363. The annual election for Directors will be held at the BANEUSG HOUSE, on MONDAY. Uto sixteenth day of November next, between the hours of ten A. M. and two P.M. A general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at -the same place on TUESDAY the third day of Novem ber next: at twelve o'clock M. oc7-wf&mtnel6 . F. P. STEEL, Cashier. UNION /BANK, PIIILIVDELPUEIA., October 3, 23%—T-he annual inert ,no,of the stock holders of this Dank will be held at the banking horse on TUESDAY, November 5, at 12 Rt. - The annual election for Directors will be held an MON DAY. November lifY between the - hours - of 10 A N. and IF M. J. J. MICKEL, oc-ImmftNl6 Cashier. WESTFAN BANIC., OF PI-11.1L.1- 10: BEL PH lA.. earoasx 3, ISe.3. An Election for Directore. to serve this Bank the en bath g -rear. will be held at the Banking' Hones, on MON DAY, - the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. The.Annnal Meeting of the Stockholders will be held on •TDESDAI , the 3d. day of November next, at 12 o'clock Cocs-mwft.ll3NJ G. WI TS.olJTillas,Cmhisr. KENSINGTON BANK, PHILADEL PHIA, October 3. 1863. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking. house on TUESDAY, the &I day of 210. vernber. 1863, at 10 o'clock A. M. oc4-mcvftN3 An Election for Thirteen Directors, to serve the ellen.- log year, will be held at the Banking-house on HON DAY, 16th of. November, 1863, between the hours of 9 A. hi. and 3P. M. C. T. THREES, oc•mwftnovl6. • o,,,shier. 104 - NOTICE.—IN ACCORDANCE WITH a resolution of the CITIZENS BOUNTY FUND CuBUEITTEE OF PHILADELPHIA. I am directed .to give notice that all claims for BOUNTY be Presented before the first day of Novembel next.. Those nrevious to June Ist to ' IHIC FUEL .V. BAKER. No. 234 Swett THIRD Street. Those since Jens let tome WILLIAM VEITCH, Paymaster, - Washington South THIRD Street. FITHADELPRIA, Sept. 30.1863. ocl7-tnovl COMMONWEALTH BALM, PEEILADELPFfIA, October 6, 1863. The snianal election for Directors will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November next, between the hears of ton A. 11. and two The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, the third day of November. at ten o'clock A, M. • HENRY C. YOUNG, Cashier. oc7-wf3iratnol6 GIRARD BANK, PHILADELPHIA, 11,C.;•=0 October Bth, 1863. —The annual meeting of the Stockhlderof TUESDAYnk wbe hel Novemberthe NKING HOU , S, on the of nest, at 12 o'clock M. Toe annual election for Directors, to serve for the ensiling year, will be held on MONDAY. the 16th day of November. between the hours of 10 A. and 2P. M. or9-frowtNOl6 . W. L. SCHAFFER, Cashier. M. CONSOLIDATION BANK. PHILADELPEITA, Oct. 6, 1563. An election for Directors will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY. the 16th of November, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. 2he Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will too held on TUESDAY. 3d of November, at 1211 f oc6-tuf triol6 - 'JOS.N. PEIRiOL. Cashier. IMP FARMERS' AND MECHANICS , . BANK, PHII.ADELPHIA, October 'A. UM. Theannnal election for Directors will be held at the Banking House on 'MONDAY, the I.6th day of November next, between the boors of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock f'. 31.:- and on TUESDAY, the Third day of November next, a ger eral meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Noose at 4 o'clock P M.. agreeably to charter. VT:RUSHTON, 5u., oc3-tnol6 Cashier. MILITARY NOTICES. 11. COMPANY E. BLUE RESERVES, win assemble on MONDAY EVENING. at 71 . 4 o'clock, for drill It is psrticalarly requested that the Non- Con missioned Officers should he present. By order of the Ca antic. 0c:304..,t* JOS. 3. BABCOCK, O. E. $690 BOUNTY I $690 BOUNTY ! P.FTY MEN WANTED, to complete tne"34.01 Regiment, now in camp at Camp Parker, TRENTON, New. Jersey. Inquire at the ROUND ROUSE. foot of FEDERAL St. Camden, N. J. $315 CASH. ON ROSTER. State pay, 566 per month to wives E. or wido JA we CKSON ere. Capt G Recruiting Officer. tiUNION LEAGUE HOUSE, OCTO BER 21, 1 - 6R3.—!slon commissioned Officers and Pri vet,e of the lst, 241, and 3d UNION LE &GLEE REGI MENTS, who were absent at roll-call on the days when their respective regiments received marching or ders, and who had not, the, efore, the opportunity of beiig paid their Bounty by the League Committee, are hereby notified that no claims for such bountywill be allowed unlen 'presented and authenticated bafere the first of NOVEMBER next. ' J. R. FEY, 0c22 tom. Chairman. EFONTENEAII §5 C. SALLES, • FRENCH HAIR DRESSING and SHAVING SA LOON-, No. 108 South ELEVENTH Street, (up stairs, I branch of 1027 Chestnut street. Martufacturen and Importers of Wigs, Toupees, ?et zettee, and Fancy Articles. ocSO-frawl aro GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, No, 38 South SECOND Street, and No 219 STRAWBERRY Street. WAREHOLAE JAYNE Street, Philadelphia, WITOLESALE DEALER TN CARBON OIL% Lklift CIIIMN:BYS, Sze, A fine lot of OIL last received, which I offer at the loweA market rates, having made my contracts in the sprinr, before the advance. OIL in hood for export, OBI3INBTS in quantity. at manufacturers' prices. - Agent fur Moore, -Bros., & Co.'s Patent Fruit Jars, &c , &c. 0c2.1.-wfmlca VOlll 7 I YPES.-THE NAT CI NESS of REIMER'S Irorytypee strikes all obiervers. The, are execated with rare fidelity to the originals, in color of comp'exion, Lair, and eyes. Gallery, 3BCO Sheet, above Orson. p EIMER'S LIFE=SIZE PHOTO- GRAPHS, in oil colors, have no equals as por traits; natural in style and colored in an artistic and tra prest.ive manner. Gallery, SMOND Street, above Green. • Its I V - 0 RYTYP ES OF THE MOST pleasing and life-likeebaracter are executed at Riff- MEE'S gallery; their acenrsey and exenisi o coloring make them invaluable likenesses. SECOND Street, above Green. i iVIBROTYPIST S AND PITOTO on APHERS. —Ton are now invited to call and Pee GEORGR DA HRS . & CO , at their new stock DiMbt. No CHESTN DT Street, below Fourth. where they keep constantly on bend a largo supply of materials of every descript need in the art. Our Albumen Pttper le ex cellent.ion Orders by mail or exprese punctually attended to N. B.—Price Lists sent free. FRESH MINCED MEAT.—THE SUB SCRIBRR takes pleasure In announcing to the pnblic in general that he Is again prepared to offer his Justly celebrated NE ' PLUS ULTRA MINCED MEAT. Wholesale or Retail. Orders through post will be promptly attended to - JOSHUA WEIGHT, 0c213-3V. SPRING GARDEN and F.S.A_NKLIN Streets. 00THACTIE, CURED IN AN IN STANT. by FISCHER'S CELEBRATED TOOTH ACHE DROPS. Price 12 cents per bottle. -Manufac tured at bis LABORATORY. TWENTY-THIRD and 'OMBARD Streets, Philadelphia, and for sale by Drug gists in general oc2aklueo BRASS STENCIL ALPHABETS. M. .1. METCALF & SON. 4536 SALEM STREET, BOSTON, MASS. The only manufacturers in the United States, of Brew Alphabets and Figures. to any great extent or'to any variety. Sold at wholesale at the Lowstri mien maga. Also, the BEST OF INDELIBLE , STINOIL INK. very ohm" Stencil Dies and all binds of Stencil Stock. Luquivies or inters promptly Attalla W. ocK4a THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1865. 5.20 COUPONS, STEWLING EXCHANGE, 130TIGI-Irr A:Nrie SOLD ee2B•m&Nua 5-20. The undersigned, as General Subscription Agent, Is authorized by the Secretary of the . Treasury to continue the sale of this popular Loan, and TEN DAYS public notice will be given of discontinuance. ABOUT TWO HONORED MILLIONS remain unsold, and this amount is scarcely sufficient to furnish a basis for the circulation of the National Banking . Associations now being formed in every part of the Country. Stan short time must elapse before this loan is wholly ab sorbed. the demand from Europe. Germany especial/Y, being quite active. As it is well known that the Secretary of the Tree.: mint has ample and unfailing resources in the dnties on imports, internal revenues, and - in the issue of interest• bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes. it is nearly cer tain that it will not be necessary for him for a long time to come to issue farther permanent Loans, the interest and principal of which are payable in Gold. These considerations must lead to the prompt conclu sion that the time is not far distant when these "Five- Twenties" will sell at a handsome premium, as was the result with the "Seven thirty" Loan, when it Wee all sold. and could no longer be subscribed for at pax. This Is a the interest and principal being payable in coin. thus Yielding about RIGHT per cent. per annum at the present premium on gold. It is called "Five-Twenty," from the feat that whilst the Bonds may run for twenty Years, yet the Govern ment bag the right to pay _ thern gold at par, at any time after fine years. The Internet is paid half yearly on the .ret days of No vember and May. Subscribers can have Coupon Bonus which are paya ble to bearer and issued for $5O, $lOO, $503. and .$1,009„ or Registei ed Bonds of similar denominations, and in addition $6,000 and $10,500. These • `Five-Twenties" cannot be taxed by States, cities, towns. or counties, and the Government tax on them is only one and a half per cent, on the amount of Income, when the income exceeds six hundred dol.-- tars per annum. Income from all other investments, such Se mortgages, railroad stocks, bonds, &c.. inns Pay from three to five per cent. tax on the income. Banks and Bankers throughout the country will con tinue to dispose of the Bonds, and all orders by mall or otherwise properly.attended to. The Treasury Department having Perfected arrange ments for the prompt delivery of Bonds, Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the time of subscri bing, or at farthest in FOUR days. This arrangement will be gratifying to parties who want the Bonds on pay ment of the money, and will greatly increase the sales, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 5.205. 1. NOVEMBER 5.20 x. COUPONS WANTED. - EARLY CERTIFICATES OF INDEBFEDNESS WANTED. STERLING EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD BY DREXEL & CO-, - 0,10-1 m 34 South THIRD Street,' MICHAEL JACOBS, BANKER, No. 40 South TaIRD Street, Paine_DELpare. GOVERNUENT SECURITIES SPECIE. AND UNCUB.- RENT MONEY BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD' ON CONCESSION. Particular attrntiou paid to the NugodEttiort of Time m. . Paper. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT. ocs-3 COLLECTION OF U. S. CERTIFI. CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS.—The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY and now prepared to collect, at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates,the One-Year Certificates of In debtedness of the United States now due or 'shortly metering. Terms made known and receipts given at the once. No. 320 CHESTNUT. Street. mys-tf NOTICE. -NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CERTIFICATE No. 29,825,','200 Shares, issued to us by the Nem York Transfer Agency of the. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad has been LOST, and that application has been made for the. sub stitution of a certificate in place thereof. A. G. HEMINWAT 8; CO., No. 83 EXCHANGE Place. REOPENING. IN PHILADELPHIA. LADIES' FRENCH SHOES. NAPOLEON NEBOUL. 0c26-3t• No. 110 South ELEVENTH. MRS.. M. A. KING- HAS CO N SVANTLY on band a beautiful assortment of WINTER MILLINERY, at" 1026 CHE iTNI7T Street. ' 0d29-Im* REM OVAL THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. having appointed JAMES B. CARR Agent for this City, have Removed their office to NO. 418 WALNUT STREET, Where aPPlications for INSURANCE and RENEW AIA m POLICIES must be made. The allotted dividend of 1863 will be adjusted on allTolicies on which two or more annual premiums have been-paid. on the adjastment of the current year's premium. The following items. interesting to 'the assured, show the great progress.and prosperity of the Company since the last triennial dividend i - The income of the Company for the Thethree years has been $1,400.000 00 The assets have increased 416,000'00' The losses paid to widows during • three years past were 380,661-24.. • others 99,738 60' Dividends have been made during the past three years 250.000 00 JAMES B. CARR, Agent C. Y. WEMPLE, Secretary. - oc2B-Imif WARRANT'S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT. For THIRTY YEARS, has received the Favorable Re commendation of the PUBLIC, and been Ut3ED -AND PBESCRIBED by the_ FlltnT PHYSICIANS IN THE LAND " - AS TITS BEST REMEDY KNOWN Fog Silik Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Bilious Headache. Dizziness. , Costiveness. Loss of Appetite, Gout. Indievatio4, Torpidity of the Liver. Gravel, Rheumatic Affections, Piles, Heart harm Sea Sickness,- , Bilious Attacks, Fevers; For Tcstimouials, Am „see Pamphlet with each Battle Mailufactored only by TARRANT & CO.. 21S GREENVICEIStr.ot. New York FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. • '• OCTOBER 28, 1863. • NOTICE. Application will be made to the DEPARTMENT OF Elea WAYS fora CONTRACT for PAVING T WENTY hEt OED STREET, from Coliege Avenue to Oxford: st.t . eet, in the Twentieth. Ward, the R follow S. ing' Persons having signed an agreement for the saline; Vert; 114 feet; A. Douglass. 16 feet; J. W. Rees. 15 feeti.White o: Ford. 16 feet; W. R. heat. 91 feet; - 5 S.,Brooks, 280 feet: 11 Tremner, 40 feet;.B.._liafferty. 70 feet; .L. Mayer, 110 feet: A. D. Morrieon,ls6 feet; N, Barrett, 97 feet; C. F. .Lex, 95 feet; W. Whipper, 95. feet; L" M. Poet, 10 feet; S. Bice, 16 feet; L. F. Fiegel, 100 feet; : W. Wright, 100 feet; J. 11. Sche.l, 90 feet . J... W: Smith.; LW feet The owners of property 'on' said street are hereby re. quested to meet at the DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, " S. W. CORNER OF FIFTH AND. WALNUT STRUTS, On the Midday of NOVEMBE - 11, 1863, o'clock•A. M. , to show cause, if any, why-said contract should not be awarded. 0c2.0-6t* MICHAEL BARRY, ContraeWr. TO SPORTSMEN. ewial, if not superior, to any of the following makes Wb/Cll We 'keep constantly on hand.: William Greener. Weatley Richards, Hooie di Hands and other makers. Also, Powder. Shot, Wads, Caps, &c. We shall lie constantly supplied, during the season with every variety of SKATER. - is24-51m f.I.UNS 1 GUNS ! 1 GUNS 1 1 ! N-01 WESTLEV RICH ARDS': WILLIAM' GREENER. MOORE & HARRIS'. PHILIP WILSON & CO. FRENCH AND ENGLISH GUNS` OP EVERY VARIETY. The beet assortment to select from to be found in this country. Call soon at PHILIP WILSON & CONS, ec23-lm 4-09 CHESTNUT Street. TO MANUFACTURERS. OAST-IRON HEATER: PIPES, of varlonsOtrois, for sale in Quantities to twit onrolittowt- & y. smut. No. 125 Routh TFITRD Rtrnwt. MISSOURI LANDS - TAXPAYING AWINCY. B. .L. RING. ATTORNEY AND AOENT; JEFFERSON CITY. MII3BOITRI, Will pay taxes on lands in any county in Missouri; redeem lands sold for taxes , and do a general land agency business for Missouri. TESTIMONIALS. —We cheerfully recommend E. L. Ring to the public as being prompt and reliable in bu siness: M. Oliver, Secretary of Elate; W. E. Moseley, Audi tor; SampleVrr, Register of Lands. 0c22-et. WILLIAM H. YEATONA 00. 1 No. 2 , 01 South FRONT Street, Agents for the sale of the ORIGINAL HEIDSIECK W i ne CHAMPAGNE. Offer that desirable to the trade. • Also, 1.000 oa B O RDEAUXedium _grades CLARETS 100 oases " Brandenberg Freres" COGNAC BUDDY, Vintage 1848, bottled in France. 50 eases finest Tuscan 011, tasks _2 dosen'in ease. 50 bbls finest quality Monongahela 'Whisky. - 001Als Sarney Apple Brandy. 50.000 Havana Cigars, extra fine. - , Most & Mention Grand Vin Imperial, " Green Seal" " Champagne. = raY Together with a Inc assortment of Madeira. Sherri; rah O K taf FLNANCIAL DUE IST NOVEMBER. WANTED, AT MARKET RATE FOR GOLD DREXEL S.; 00. DREKEL & CO S. 5-20. SIX PER CENT. LOAN, JAY COOTIE, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILIP WILSON CO:, • 409 OEUESTIVIIT STREET. Manufacturers of superior DOUBLE GUNS, CLOAKS A.ND ULOAK.N( . 4 GLOTH6.„ COWER NINTH AND MARKET. MNT - .10 1-111 ese • CLOAK CLOTlil nr MODERATE PRICES. oc3otC - CLOAKS AND BONNETS, FOR MOURNING. M. & A. MYERS dc 00., 9M6 CIIRSTNIIr Street. Rave Pak received an assortment of MOUENINO CLOAKS, MANTELLAB, AND BEIAAVLS. Together With a full assortment of MOURNING BONNETS. oule-6t FANCY DRESS SILKS Juat from Motion sover; , 111oh• of DESIRELBLR MIAS. OURWEN STODDART hr. BROTHER, Roo. 450, 458, and 45* N. SECOND St., ab. BLACK GIRO DE RAINES BLACK ORO GRAINS. • BLACK. ARMURES, ORO DE ATEIRITE. PROM THE LATE AUCTION SALES, AT LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES OURWEN STODDART Ss BROTHER, Nos. 450., 45% and 454 N. SECOND street, or: -3t above \Vinous. FRENCH MERINOES.-- Desirable colors at the right prices. French Poplin.. bought early—prices IoW. Cheap plaid and plain Poplins. 3 . 734 cent Magenta plaid tops—a bargain. Black alpacas at M. to 75 cents. Just opened Auction lots at 44, 50, 62, and 75 cents. St.oo doublo - widths Lupins' Blank wool Dol ,ins ars very fine and heavy. COOPER!& CONARD, ocBo tf S.. E. corner NINT , -; and AtA RKE r. VELVET ,BEAVERS- Good . Frosted Beavers at $2 25. Extra fine Fropted Beavers. Ladies' Cloak Clotbe of every kind. Fancy Caseirneres for lon.iness suits. Water 'Proot Clothe,"s4.2.sper yard. - r Fine black Clothe a ud faesitne , nB.- COOPER 'St CONARD, S. E. corner NINTR sod PeILRICET. FROTHINGHAM a WELLS HEAVY HEDIIIM. AND LIGHT SHEETING'S AND SHIRTINGS STANDARD DRILLS HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAHI3RICS AND BILECIAS. BROWN BLEACNED, AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED YARN, &o. ti FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY EVANS aro 1-3.21..55.c9-141.4, Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Passants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Canteens, Haversacks, Camp Chests, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy - Officers. A liberal-discount allowed to the trade. cerol.m PHILADELPHIA G . W. SIMONS it 13ROTHER, tud4SOM-ii`EUT HALL,PRILIDELPHIA MANIFFACTERER4 OF JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS Ili EVERY VAR/NTY - AnrOPSm A N ACTIN HONEST BOY WANTED Ls. to learn the Drug Basilan-la. Add rogs, in liana wry tin e• Applicant, FERRI'," Press Office. ocW-6t* WANTED-BY'JANUARY IST, A STORE. or First Floor and Basement, on CREST NUT .Street. between Second and Sixth streets. for Wholesale Business. Address Box `S2, Philadelphia Poet Office. . ocN•if NVANTED.--.A GHNTLFZI AN, WITH a few Thonsand Dollars. is desiroae of investing -in some Lucrative BusineFs. and becoming an Active Partner. Unexceptional reference exchanged. Mention kind of bucin ere. Adores. only with real name, EX PERIENCE," Box 702, Philadelphia, P. 0. 0c34.3t* MECHANICAL DRAWINGS OF every deNcriotioa made or copied by inexperi enced DR A.FTSNIAN. AddreAo or apply to oc2B. St* H. ALBRECHT, 4Z2 WALNUT Ftreet. 200 $4 000, $5.500.—T HESE , Oit'amounts on highly improved city pro. parties. Also. t 2.500. .'it.5.000, and $7.000 wanted on Firms near the city. APPLY toE PETTIT. 28 .32,3 WALNUT Street. gt 76 A. 31 ONTHI -I WANT TO HIRE Agents in every county at $75 a month. expell ees paid, to eell my new cheap Family Sewing Machines. Addrese. B. MADISON, Alford. Maine. ,0c2.3-dBrw3m • 110AMONTH! WE WAN'I "AGENTS at $6O II month. expenses paid, to coy our EvERLABTING PENCILS. ORIENTAL BURNRS, and •thirteen other articles. 15 Circulars free. &HAT & CLARK, 'Biddeford, Mair.e. gall-d&WSrs Aft DEPUTY QUARTERMAST.EI4 GENERAL'S OFFICE.—PHITADBLPKIA, Feb. I VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry OOAL the following points : Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort Menroe, Va. Alexandria. Va. newbern,-N. C. Port Kora, S. C. A. BOYD. Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. HANDSOME SINGLE AND COM ,00 t r ttillimrl s tleolo, with first-eon I,3),tap. BOARD WANTED-FOR A SMALL family of four; require a sitting-room and two cham bers. Location and accommodations mast be good. for - which afair price will be paid. Address Box *759, Poet Office 0c24-2,t* • $3OO REWARD-LOST OR STOLEN, 5.29 UNITED STATES BONDS, of $5OO each, Coupons attached. dated June 23d. 1363, numbers from 24,229 to 24,D4. inclusive persons are cau tioned against recervin gor negotiating said bonds. Three hundred dollars will be paid f.r their recovery by LE WIR S(MNEBORST, _ AMER Street. above Wood, Kensington. PIIII4.DELPHIA: July 18,1863. 0c23-12t* C ° .- SUGAR . LOAF,BEAVER MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal and best Locust Mountain, from Schnvikill; prepareri ex. prelelv.for Femxly use. Depot, N. W. corner of BIGHTS and WILLOW Streets Office, No 112 South SECOND Street lan2-)v) :r. WaT.TON CO. IN_ THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR OTHE nIT.Y AND. COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of. DAVID RYAi. deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, mettle. alidtacljust the account of RLIZABEFII RYAN. execu trix bf DAVID RYAN.' deceased. and to make distribu tion of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will beet the parties interested, for the Purposes of his ap pointment. on MONDAY, November, 16. 1661 at 4 o'clock . P. M , at his office. N 0.131 South FIFTH :Street, in the city of Philadelphia. JAMBS T. MITOILSTA,, Auditor. oa)-fmw‘50 PTHE COURT OF COMMON FLEAS 6R 'MR CITY OP PHILADSLPIFI A. • prmar T SPOERER ye. JULIE SPOERER. June Term, 1168. No t. In Divorce. Nodce Is hereby given that the Court has granted a Rule for Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. returnable SATURDAY, October 01, 188'3, at 10 o'clock A M. Publication is made on account of Respondent's ab once To JULIE SPOERER, Respondent. IN THE MATTER OF THE REAL ES TATE OF DAVID CRAIG, DECEASED.—DeIaware (lonnty, ss : The Commonvreslth of Pennsylvania to Jacob Wilson. Pstber Wilson, William Craig, Lydia Brown, and AllllLawrence, greeting: You, and each of TM are hereby cited to be and ap pear before the Judges of our Orphans' Court, to be he'd at fr mita, in and for said county, on the fourth MON DAY in Boy. mbar, A D. 1863, at 10 o'clock A. M.. then and there to accept, or refuse, to take the real estate of said David Craig. deceased, situate in the Township of Thorni - sery. at.the appraised value thereof. pat upon it .1)1 an inquest awarded by. the Orphans' Court or said county for that'porpose, and returned by the Sheriff on :the to erty. fourth day of August, 1363. to-wit : The sum of B. ur Hundred Dollars—or show rause why the said real estate Atoll not be sold, according to the act of 'As sembly of Pennsylvania, in such case made and provi ded • and hereof fail not, -Witness the 800 William Butler, President Judge of our said court, at Media, this 24th day of Amenst, Ann° Domini 1663. N. L. YARN ALL • oc2:t-f is Sheriff. REFINED PETROLEUM, OF SUPE RION quality. in bond or free. in lots to stilt par chasers. For sale by . , SIMBER & CO. oe2SoNfinBt* No- 2(1, SOUTH DEL A.Ar Avenue. p CHAPOUTY • P • 5 • REAL-ESTATE BROKER Dt9 South MPH. Street, Fluted°lphia. .House-rents and other claims collected. XT.O TICE UNDERSIGNED having sold out their interest in tho firm of C. AL BRICATT &" CO , and withdrawn from the bnsiness and mans gment of said firm, hereby give notes that they art no longer rerTonsible for any debts contracted by or on account of said Mut 0027 et .." TRUSSES, BRACES,' &c.. skilfully /taunted by. C. -H. NEEDLES, corner of 1 WELFTEI and RACE Streets. - Ladies' Department for same, conducted b: Ladia,:TWELEIR Street, flint door below Race. Thl most . complete and varied stock on hand, consisting ii part'of Trusses. Supporters. Shoulder Braces, Belts Bandages, Elastic Stockings,Crotches, Syringes, Ar licles Tor Ninlsary. Rick 'Bourn dm .24 Oro If NgDR. FINE; :PRACTICAL DEN. , mer for the last twenty years . 219 VINE fit., below Mire. inserts the most beautiful TENTH of the ago, mounted on tine Gold, Platina, Silver, Vulcanite, Coralite,' Amber dm., at prises,'for neat stud substantial work, more reattonable than any . Dentist in this oity or Slate. Teeth plugged to last for• life. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit. No paimin extracting. -All•work war ;kited 9) At. Retrain, best fitspillis, 361-81 RETAIL DRY GOODP6 AT REDUCED PRICES, ARMY GOODS. MILITARY FURNISHERS, CAS ARCH STRRRT. PHILADBILPHIA_ VVAMPS. BOARDITIG. LOST AND FOUND. COAllk LEGAL. OrrAS. ALBistrowr WH. 'H. STROM COMMERCIAL CO LLEGEm BRYANT, STRATTON, & 00,'S av EBY OmNai, COLLEGES, LOOATF) Ili FIFTEEN LEADING COMMERCIAL CITIES GINITEO STATES AND CAPTADA AS FOLLOWS: 11 ) 1111,ADEILPHIIA, S. E. CORNER. SIWENTII .S.ND CROBTNUT STREETS, NEW YORK, BROOKLYN, PORTLAND, ALBArrir o TOR.ONTE), OLEVELAN'D, CHICAGO, DIILWAUKE.F. AND ST. LOUIS. DE PINED TO IMPART A SOUND)BUSINRSF, - EDUCATION TO THE YOUNG MEN OA THE COVNTEY ME PHILADELPHIA CHIME, Tits only Commercial Institution in the Quaker City condneted Old ACTUAL BUSINESS PRINCTPLES Exianalve Improvements to the Mafia! and fdethod, of Instruction. uniting Theory with Pricy /ties in it mariner never before - - contemplated. THE SCHOOL-ROODC. AND COUNTING ROO3ll. Bo combined as to secure all the advantages of each without the nrinecesaary labor of either. A COMPLETE 'LIBRARY of Text Books ou. Commercial Sobjects, prepared ex measly for these Intritntions, and recognized everywhere &..; Standard Works. TIRE ONLY CONNECTED SERIES Of Educational Institutions in the World ha.vins , a United Purpooe a, it Governed by Mutual Interests and Reciorocal Labor, SCHOLARSHIPS Teezte,d at one point good - for an ITraimitad Period in the Fifteen Colleg, s comprising the "Chain." EDUCATION Elf eORTA.NT TO ALL To the Farmer. the Mechanic, the Artisan, and the Laborer. as well as to the Merchant and Business Man. iThe Spenrerimi System of Penmanship • LTaught in its Purity. This is the most extensive series of Educational Insti• tutions ever established in any country- and the progress which the enterprise has achieved daring the pastten 3 ears is as gratifying to the Proprietors as it-is creditable to the intelligent and energetic purees, a of the thousands of young men who have completed the course of instrna lion, and the otherthousands who are at present enrolled in the daily classes of the respective colleges compri ing the " Chain. " The reputation achieved liy these Colleges, as evinced by thir liberal support,, and the volnntary expressions of leading men 'in all parts 'of the country, leaves no doubt as to the advantages they possess over mere local ache els claiming 16 compass the same ends; and the Pub , lie may rest assured that in all the essentials of first class instruction they have never been, neither will- they ever be excelled, if equalled, by any institutions in the world. The purpose which has led to the establishment of these Colleges has been to place in the hands of aspiring young men the most ready and effectual means of attain ing to positions of honor and emolument; in short, to impart, in the most thorough manner and the shortest time,lhat kind and degree of training comprised in a BUSINESS ED up A.TION. The, tedious years of apprenticeship which, under the old system, was - considered the only stepping-Steno - to r e re nn e rative positions are epitomized into a fe wit/oaths , of pleasant. study, 'where the mind is trained not only to appreciate the minor details of business. but the grander principles which underlie the economy of life, and without whichr no business education can be con sidered complete. 1 he advantages possessed by each . institutions over countinghouse experience in laying the deep founda tions of a complete and symmetrical education applict ble to- all the varied exigencies cf a business life, are many and indisputable. First. the course of instruction is specially prepared to bring into. proper relief those essential- facts which, in the usual processes of experience. do not occur in such order or frequency as to'be susceptible of being arranged into a system, or of establishing a logical sequence "in the mind. "Next, the various departments of business, with all the [accessories, are so completely illustrated and enforced as to convey special and permanent instruc tion as to details in the matter of buying, selling, ship ping, receiving, and in all the processes of Commerce and - nuance applicable to both inland and foreign trade_ The course of instruction in these Colleges has direct reference to the requirements of biminess. The princi pal-branches pursued are Book-keeping. Commercial Law, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship, and Busintss Correspondence. THE PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE. Al tendon is called to the more recent improvements made in the Philadelphia College, by the addition of TWO BANKS END SEVERAL BUSINESS OFFICES to represent the various branches of trade, inaluding Banking, Commission. Forwarding, Insurance, Ea change. Jobbing and Importing, Railroading and Steamboatiog, all of which are taught practically. The element of ACTII/J, BLISIIik.SS PRACTICE, Ivhich is a, new' feature in mercantile instruction, and which has been properly termed the Key to Commercial Science. is cow thoroughly inaugurated. By this means many of the mysteries of Double-Entry Book-keeping are elucidated, and the whole course rendered more at tractive and easier of comprehension. In this Inatitn- Oen twe depiiitmente have been established for the bet ter acccnamodation and more rapid advancement of the students. THE. THEORETICAL DEPARTMENT. Hexe the student acquires a thorougliknowledge of the science of Book-keeping. and receivesthoroush instruc tion in the rudiments of MathernatiCS,F4MinallShip, Com mercial Correspondence, and the propel' forms for Com mercial and Negotiable Paper. Bach student is required to pass a satisfactory examination before entering THE. PRACTICAL DEPARTMENT, where his proficiency is put to the most severe practical test. This is them - odel department. Here the student enters into ACTUAL business. He is furnished with the necessariamount of cash and merchandise to commence business; he buys and sells nierchandise,. deals in strcks, real estate, Sm.. compiles original sets of baoks, . and makes out all the business papers involved. In this department are !trio regularly organized Banks, with a cash capital of $200,000. Which enables the student to effect his exchanges, make deposits, draw checks, and transact all other business incidental to a general trade. Here the student is qualified to manage the affairs of business with system and despatch. BRYANT Lt-, STRATTON'S TEXT-BOOKS, Daring tbe past four years the proprietors a have brought before the public the following works, all of which have met with roost flattering reception from bualness men and educators : I. BRYANT Sr. STRATTON'S BOON-SEEPING Sy If B. BItY.A.I ; CT, R. D. LTRATTON, ANDS. S. PACKARIi Published by Ivisor.Phinney & Co., N. Y. In three vittions,Niz. Commott Sawn inTioN, containing 200 pages 12rn0.. adapted to the wants of beginners and to class teachers in schools and academies. This little Work, although primary in its character, contains no less than Mite= sets of be oks, so arranged as to present au easy and pro gressive course of study, developing - the timely of both Single and Double Entry. It has been adopted by the Beard of Education of the city of Bew.Yerk, and is ex tensively used in the public and private schools through out the country. BIGII EOIIOOL EmTrON, containing 2b3• pages octavo. printed in colors, to represent the moot approved bust y'ss forms, and arranged to meet the wants of a higher grade of schools and private learners. The Science of Accounts is here presented , in a, philo sophical and•att , active manlier, the. instruction being most thorough and practical, and the forms and. illus trations full and suggestive. Many of the - Bets in this book were obtained from business houses, and repre sent the very best forms in nee. • COUNTIIVO-HOUSE_ EDITION Containing 400 pages octavo, being the most extensive work on the subiect of Bookkeeping ever published. This book contains, in addition to full instructions in the Science of -Accounts, complete tete in Commission, For warding, Sobbing. Importing, Banking. Exchange, Manufectnxing. SIC.. all talon from actual business. and exhibiting air the modern improvements in business record. The entire eeries comprises a body of knowledge on the subject ot Book-keepiug greatly in advance of any works heretofore Published, and the hearty commenda• Lions which they have elicited from business men and teachers throughout the country make It no presump tion to State that they bid fair to be considered as stand ard works on this subject. SPENCERJAN PEN MANSI4IP. The Sp; ncerian System of 'Business Penmanship. by P. R. tniisTan & SoNs and 3. W. IMSK, has beenddenti, fled with these - Colleges from their commencement, and is nitiversallfacknowledged the most beantiful, practl- ocl6 12t* ca), and teachable system of writing ever introducod to the MANUSCRIPT counsu In addition to the extoneive list of Test-Books pre pared for these Colleges. the largest collectian of menu cript Feta have been prepared by leading 'accountants in the various . departments - of business ever used in a school of 'any hind. IN DWIDITAIA INS TRUCTION. Each student receives such individuals attention from the teachers in the various departments as xrill enable him, to pursue his course as replay as his ability mill COLLEGE CIRCULAR. AND CATALOGUE will be sent to all who desSire. Also, OEOUTENE.DY PENMANSHIP. Poi further informitlon please call at College Room or address • - BRYA.Ny, STRATTON', & 00., PEOVIDE NOE, BUFFALO, ROCH,ESTER, DETROIT, CLASSES: DESIGN MP== laiLl?' OHATTANO 0 Cir A.--sH 0 vir, ing the relative Positions of tne Rebel Forts, RE dam, and approcb , aa, from the recent eurveye of er. 4. Merrill, on Coacral Rosecran3 staff. 10 c‘nts. Thelinproronwat of Time, by John Foster. 61. Gala Days, by Gall Hamilton, $1.50. The rbi ovine and tho Battle Field, or Carapaiga Shotcbes in 'Virginia and Maryland, by Capt. George y. lifoyee. 44- 26 . Flower. Fruit, and Thorn Pieces, by Jean Paul Fried rich Rlchter. rrayslated from tee GOrlllll. 2 v015.,51.70, Good Thougbte in Bed Times, and other Paers, by Thema? D, D. , /4.50. For sale by WM. 8 & A. MARTIVT, cal COM CAF. 4 . 1 71 4 17 Street, pORTRAIT 1-1 S OF Bisol' EtoPiiiNS, 1 - Geo. BURNSIDE. HENRY WARD BEECHER, WILLI/tit! GILMORE SIMMi. WO LLENHAMT, Matt clan; JOUR AhMeTRONG.Gen. FltuS r. on ARLES XII of Sweden; CANOVA the Sculptor: FLAXMAN, the Arttet; SUSAN NAH EVANS, the poring Orator; .JOHN D. CAMPBELL, 001. BERRELL, of the Swamp Angel Battery, etc., with Shetchsa of Character; Unity of Han —Development, Theory, Phyeiology, Eleachish Ethng, breams, Amerinan Aborigines—Claases..Clnba, and So cieties. THE SOLDIERS' BRIDE, a Poem TUE HU MAN HAlR—ite Anatomy. Color, Quality. Length, Function.:.. Lines on a Skull. OUT Social Relationa. Courtship in Scotland—" Receiving Attentions." "Flow to Win a Lover." The American Man. rho Haman pbyatology, Anatomy. and Right Treatment. with Id illustrations. PHYSIGGNORT—the Forehead and its various "Signs of Character," such ac Conceit, Contest, L, ye of Knowledge.. Benevolence, Coirseien tioneneee, Command. Forbidding. Reitimance, etc., in the PHRENOLOGICAL Low/ et, November No., IS cents. by tint po.t: or, C. Ca year. Address FOWLER & WELLS,No. 309 Broadway, F. Y. ; or J. L. CAREN, Rai Froth TEN!A treet, Phil orfait NTEW 'BOOKB - A. I Just received by J B. LIPPINCOTT & 115 and 117 BARRET Street. ENGINEER AND ARTILLERY REPORTS of the Army of the Potomac. By General Barnard and General BBrr ilE T JEWISH TABERNACLE AND ITS F I JRNItUF.E. By Rey. Richard Newton. THE YANKEE BOY FROM ROME. PUBLIC LIFE OF CAPT, JOHN BROWN. By J. Radpoth. REJECTED WIFE. By Mrs Ann A:Stephens. TEN CHAPTERS ON , KARRIAGE.„ By William B. Hayden. TOUSSAINT L'OVERTIIRE. A Biography and Auto biocraPhY• FRUIT, FLOWER, AND THORN PIECES, from the Gene en. By. Jean Pant Rich for. 2 vole. NOTES ON. HE REBEL INVASION OF PENNSYL VANIA, By Prof B Jacobs. With a map. ANNALS oF THE ARMY OF THE CIIdBERLAND with many illustrations. oc2B lENINSULAR CAMPAIGN OF THE ARMY. OF THE POTOMAC. Illustrated by na rnernnp Map s, PlaPp, Are . BOURNE'S GATECEMSI4 oF THE FiTEAM ENGINE. A New, ReviPed, and Enlarged Ed Wm. AOASSTVS METHODS OF bTUDY IN NATURAL HISTORY. A LARGE AtNORTIfENT or MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC. and MISCALL AXEO I B BOOKS always on hand. and for Pale at LOW PRIA.MS, by LINDSAY & BLAXISTON, Publishers and Booksellers. 0c33 6 SOUTH SIXTH Street, above Chestunt. JUST PUBLISHED. THE LIFE OP STEPREN A. DOUGLAS, wf TM ale APP.PCITIM AND REPOUTS. By 11. N. FLINT. With a portrait on steel. A row are revived edition with additions, 12mo. cloth. 418 nix. This great American Statesmen was on identified with the stirring events of the nest few veers. that the above volume will be wel corned by his many friends for its true and faithful exposition of his brilliant and instructive career. The book will be sent, nest paid. to any address. on receipt of price, N. 215. The trade sunnlied on liberal terms Address, JOHN E - DOTTER. Pabltsho•,. 0e24-6t No. 617 SANS.OI4I Street, PhiladA phis, HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE, le4. CHESTNUT STREET. Between Seventh and Eichth Street. AU Booke zanily to be bad In FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE; Will alwaye be tonnd on onr ehelvee AT THE LOWEST `PRICES.' akr2.-Bm FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE-A LARGE AND VERY valuable tract of WAITE OAK MIRED LAND. selected years ago, with spacial re'ereoce to the SHIP-TIMBER BUSINESS. BPSIdO , the very large growth of WHITE OAR, ' this trout contains other bard woods and a large quantity of 'Poplar. A TtIVBR, suitable for rafting. runs through the pro perty. For particulars, apply to WOLFF 6J DIKE, - 60 WALL Straet. New York. TO BE SOLD BYTHE SHERIFF, ON DTOIstnAT Novetta.r 2, IS6I, at SAN3OM-STRE4T HALL, at 4 P , a valuable niece of GROUND of the Mutual Eke. &tate Associetion. oppocite the Rising Finn village. Plinth. Tenth f Eleventh. Twelfth, Tinge, Venango. awl Erie streets ran through it. Plan of the same can be seen at the Sheriff's office. oc3o.St. gni FOR SALE, ERY LOW—A fine FARM of 3-1,4 acres of good Land. IX miles from NOTTISiONCIL Good buildings end Vona water. oe2o-2t* W5l ROSSITER. Norristown. FOR S A . -LE-A FIRST RATE ...&-FAF.M of lad acrea,ll4 mile. frnm North Iffalea ,Sta tion P Railroad. Good buildings. wood, and wa h.?. Price very IoW. ..o.3o'Sty WM. RORMF.R. Norristown. _ tigt. FOR SALE," OTTRAP—A FARM of rOacree, hest- Epiality hist and rollin g; land. on the Febnyl kill. 10 milts from the f Ity. Plenty of wood and rmrP epri ng water Would snit far country tests or public inFtitnilialle. teal 21.* WM. TOSSITER. Narrlstow.a... COAL - YARD FOR SALE -TRE best fltted• up YAID in the city capacity for doing any amount of business Inquire out the premises. No. .957 N. NINTH Street. below Girard avenue 0c2,1-6t. C s FOR SALE—THE THREE STORY DWELLING. O. 671 Perth •ELEVENTIT Street. 6 pp , to WM a OESELL ALLEN. S. E corner FOURTH and WALN(PD Street.. Fecond floor. oot3 Et. gFOR SALE-THE THREE STORY DWELLING, No 1.433 North sEvEna Street. ArrAv to WM. ROSSELL ALLEN, 8. E. corner, rITRTEr and WALNUT Streets. second door. onS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE :. DELAWARE PEACH 'FARM, 15S acres, with good improirements, *situate near Mover, two miles from a station OD the Delaware Railroad. Also, some thirty other Farms in the State of Delaware. Call and examine Register of Farms. B PETTIT, ociS 323 W &rest. sib FOR SALE—FRUIT AND ORNA -6-mErna. TREES. Beet unslity Send ter Cata logues gratis. WILL - EMS PARRY. oc'S•6t• Cinnaminson. N. J. -TO-LET-A 0 M MODIOUS DWELLING, No. 1321 North FRONT Strad. Bent moderate. Apply to WETHERILL Sr, BRO., G027-tf 47 and 49 North SEOOND Street. ati A VALUABLE COUNTRY HOUSE Ma AND GROUNDS, well supplied with shade and fruit trees and outbuildings : and fromlfive to twenty -t WO acre of przme farming eland, at A I'I'LLB /ROUGH, Bucks county. Penna., will positively be sold at -public sale, on SATO'S DAY, October c'n., at 2 o'clock P. K. Ac cess from Philadelphia, on the day of sale, be the 11 A. M. train from Kensington depf.t to Bristol. thence to At tleborough by stage, which will return after The sale and connect with the 6 o'clock line from Bristol to Phi lade'phis.. No v.'s/limier/tent, no withdrawal, and NO UNDRA EIDDINO. 0c26-61 FOR SALE-A VERY DESIR BLE four storied STORE PRoPERTY. on SIXTH Street, above MIEKET ; an excellent business location. Tent ea:y. Also. with -a large - margin for profits. a splendid TRACT OF LAND on Soatb. EIGHTEENTH Eirssti beantiftilty located for dividing into banding lots having a large frontage on the streets', - T). S. GaDW ALL A.DER, `oc24-6t 108 South FOURTH Street. FOR S ALE-AT STRECKER& Wh:ViLLE, Cluster county, a first-rate Store Stand, Post Office, good Dwelling. Sm., with five acres of first quality Land. A large and thriving .business has been done in the store. and this affords a good opportunity to any one who is desixons of "making money and having a pleasant residence Also, a large variety of FARMS, and other pronertles, in various localities.. B. F. GLENN. 11%3 South FOURTH Street. '0(.24 And S. W corner SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. 42 FARM AND MERCHANT MILL AT PUBLIC SALE.—WiII be exposed to Public sale on THURSDAY. Nov. L. 1863. at 2 o'clock P. M., 031 the premises, all that valuable property known as MOORE HALL, In Schuylkill township, Chester county. Pa., situated at the junction of Pickering creel and Schnylaill raver, on tbe „Reading Railroad. twenty-five males from Phila.. delphia. and three-quarters of a mile southeast of.Ptice- Dixville, containing about 187 ACRES OF LAND, in a high state - of cultivation. unsurpassed in fertility by any in the county r The improvements are a large stone mansion, stone barn. wagon house. a large spring house. with other necessary outbuildings. Also a stone and frame tenant house. On the premises is a large stone merchant mill, with heavy water power. The locality is healthy, and beautifully situated, overlook ing the Schuylkill. car venient to i•chools, churches. &re. ; is well supplied with springs of good water. Would divide into three properties. - The Mt 1 ann water 130' , Ors with about 12 acres of land, and two Mame divided by the State road. with about M s. acres each. Will be sold together, or divided to suit purchasers. The Reading Railroad passing through the promises, makes it a desira ble property for country seats, or the establishment of a manufacturing business It is well worthy the attention of capitalists Also, at the nlll+3 time Fllll PlaCe. will be sold several capitalists. LOTS. well timbered with chestnut, one con tail:dig it ecres, and the other 5 acres and 1.2 i per ches. situated in Charle , ion township. Also, the moiety of one- half of 2 acres and 47 parches in. Tredyttln town shim Chester co.. Pa Persons wishing to view the properties can do so by applying to ART TAR STEPHENS, on the premises. or to E. T -PENNyPACKER. Phamixville A plan of the property car, be seen. and further information obtained, et No. S North SECOND Street Philadelphia. Condi ions made known at the time of toile by JOSEPH WOOL ISAAC SCULL. VOR SA LE.- - VERY DESIRABLE -a- IRON FIIRN ACE PROPRRTY, situated at fife,VeY town. Mifflin county, Pa. , within a short distance from the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal. The freehold property-comprises a Furnace, with machinery of ample Power to blow it, using either charcoal or Anthracite coal; about 14.00 acres Timber Land: also the celebrated Greenwood Pipe Iron- Ore Bank, containing about 17 acres. which produces in abundance the same oar from whichjobn A.- Wright, Bea > , makes his renowned and justly celebrate Locomotive Tirs and CarAltles. This is the only available property in the State "which pro ducea the Ore rot uisite for estab'ishing %business of like character. There is also about 150 acres of Land within half a mile of the Furnace, held under long leases, from which abundanee of excsilent Hematite °mean be ta• ken, at a cot t not exceeding $2 Per ton. delivered on the Furnace Bank: and on which shafte have recently been sunk. and which will ,produce sufficient Ore to supply the Furnace Soft Fossil Ore is alto abundant in the neialborbo , a . Charcoal in any quantities can be had delivorf d at tbe Furnace, attd. to 6,i4 cents per bushel. This Fursers is well situated for. the markets. having water and rail communication with Philadelphia. Pitts burg', Baltimore, Harrisburg. and. otter important manufacturing towns. For price, terms. and further pal tculars. apply to H. 0c1.9.1m Philadelphia Pa VOR SALE-ON EASY TEj./MS, LtrABLE LOTS OE GROUND. in the late Di‘trict of Richmond. One at the COMA' of Richmond aed West morels nd streets, 65 feet by :130 lest—three trouts. One other al the corner of Richmond. and Wensley streets. 130 feet by 160 feet,. to Torpin. etr, et,—three fronts: Anil the other being a Square of Ground fronting n Lambert. Ontario, Tole, land Weueley street. n 3 feet by 140 feet The above are highly eligible - L , and suitable for manufacturing prposes. Apply to '. lir. WAGNER, 314 north . SIXTH Street. OR SALE:-VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on the north side of GIRARD. Avenue, east of W.ghteenth street. 165 lieep, two froate. LUKENS & MONTGOMERY Conveyancers, 1035 'REACH Street, above Laurel. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDI, PURR CIDER . . AND WHITE WINE viNEwit GREEN GINGER, NOSTILED SEED, SPICES. U., am Aut 'Ma REAITIBITES FOR PRESERVING AND PICKLING PIIKPOSES.. ALBERT 40. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine Groceries. sell-Lf Corner ELM:OITH ai' VLlEZStretaa -- - 1111 Wit CORRECT PIANO TUNING. —Mr. C. E. SiIiGENT'S orders ter. Inaba and repairing Pianos are received at MASON 00.1 store, 907 CHESTNUT Street, oytly. Mr S. has had eleven vearet‘tatory exportattehz Boa. ten, and ave_years' emplovtaent in Philadalnhta. Flamm to, —Pianos releaked to setrafi as soli, tine sweettoned as new, toiffhout rre emoving. Terra. for Tuning; , D. M. Alt CHANT, "P R'PRA.IT PAINTF,R. ham removed to U 1 LOCUST itre4: where he will be glad to see his friends and theta b4tlit Pri9o6 bire w feho 1 1 1 3 y be intereeted fa his Una of sit. - f tt AMUSIE:MENTS; AMERICAN ACADEMY Ok ME7916 THE HPEP.L CARL Ansentrr7 Le. 3.6 - dud:DE(666r. ADOLPH BIRGFIaD B.sain€o4 rd'annet. The undersigned has the honor to nnnonnce that then celebeateil GERM.AIf OPERA TTfOITPE, Under the direct ton of CARL A [OK:HUTA ntivr perforakt leg with such unprecedented snecess to Bantu - fork !en shortly arrive in this city, and _give . ~.-series of . TWELVE orsRAB. • Coromencing on bier` DAY, the 2d o(ri - OraifEEß.. and extending through the entire month ' A subscription will be opened for these twelve. °Peng cache same liberal terms as last season, althona tbs' enormous expense incurred in bringing eo many zurilr artistes from Europe, and the immense outlay ormonel necessary for the grojnetion of the new operas. crllleozn- Pelthe raanagdrs to ratite the price of single admittance. TERMA C7F SIIRSORIPTION Beiervad Seat for twelve nights PRICE OF FITVOLF anatirra:tier, Parquet. Parquet Circle, and Balcony (Including Reeorred Seat.) Fain Sly Circle 76 CtS. Amphitheatre— 60 cow Subacriptione will hr race vet on and. after MODDLfi nest, the 25th instant. et GOTTLD'S MUM STORE. - Corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Street& between the hears of 8:30 A M. and RP. daily, by AIO3,PH-81.11.0FRLD. Boothe ifl fiallager, Office, No. 1:19.5. SEVENTH St „ . cor. Walnut. 0c22-4* 'KEW CIIkSTNIIT-ST. TIIBATR Lune and Mal:Lagar gr. Wdd. WILEATUIT. BENEFIT M'LLE VEST,i''AL who will appear in OPERA, ins Grand. Soon R from the Third Act o LucRETIA Doi:tort?, taclud - ng .TEE BEIDiDI6L MLLE. VESTVALI La ORSINI.. With PULL COSTUMES. CHORUS. 'OC and aPPROPRIATEENEIRT. And also in her groat impersonation of tka, new Musical Drama,. demFa ; • OR. THE SEMI - ski MOTHER, TEIS (Friday) EVENING, Oct 30,13&'', the roorforiri anc4 Will Commence, at 714 o'clock precieely, GAlrte TBE JEWIcIEf MOTHER. After which the Grand ticFna fr.rn t , Omra of LUCRETIA BORGIA. MLLE, VESTALE lAT ALNUT-STREET THEATRE. Lessee Mrs Al A. GARRK'Tfiltlf. THIB (Friday) 'EVENING. Oct. 30. 1953, I-HNEFiT OF DIR. E. BODY. On which occasion will bo produced the greatest amuse. tional Drama of thilletty, called THE poLICS SPY, JAC:DUES (the Police Spy) Kr. E. ED.l O lr- To cosolude with no been ttfol Drama of THE ADOPTED CHILD. ' Box office open from 10 tilt 3 tectock, when seat. mar be secured: :ooh MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW A.ROII - STREET THEATRE—ARCM. Brest absve Sixth Acting and Stage Manager WM - . S. FREDEBIGKB Business Arsnt and Treasurer JOS. D mcfnear IiI•Ne.FIT OF .1 W. WALLACE, TO-NIGHT (Friday). Oct. - 00th. ISM WERNER. Werner • Ilirick.... Josephine "DIY AUNT." Frices 85 uEnal. To commence at 734 . o'clock MUSICAL FUND FALL.- OOTTSICIALIt. TIM SECOND GRAND CO NrIP.R.T OP MR L. M GoTTSCUALR. -- 71TEP.DAY EVENING. Nov. 3. The ceiebratcd PAZIA Dente, ANGIOLtN A CORDIF,R, of the Grand opera, Paris, and the priecipat Opens Rouses in the United States. also the talented Violinist. CARLO PATTI, will appear in Mr Gottschalk's Concerts. Mr. }TARRY SANDER!:-ON. the disiinaublied American Pianist, will assist air. Gottschalk in several new Piano Drittz. which have COD sd so great a Eeneation in New York sical Director and Conductor.. ...... . • .S. Seats may he secured. commencing SAT CFRDAY. 31st, at 9 A ht ,at .j. B GOULD'S - Music Store NM-. I'C)X'S CASINO, cErEsTivrrr , zr.reAt IKSIESSE SITCCESS CA ARLES E. COLLINS C.H.ARLES. E. COLLIN!" CHARLES E COLLINS THE ORIGINAL CURE. EVERY NIGHT. ROTITERM EL'S G BEAT PICTURE, MTARTYRA TN TETE CoLISV,Hsf. NOW EXAMITING AT THE ACADEMY OF FINE G ERMAI\ TIA ORCHESTRA.-- PUBLIC) REHEARSALS ever, SATURDAY, V: o'clock, r. 111., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL Stogie tickets. 2.5 cents Packages of E int" tiCki4B. $l. To be had sa .ANDRE'S. ito4 CHESTNUT Street; J. E GOULD SEVEN TH and CHES 7 NUT, and at the Hall door. 2-fte TEMPLE OF WONDERS-ASSEM BIA BUILDINGS, TENTH AND CHESTNUT STRUM Amusement for Old and Young Mirth end Nappy -Dees open for the nation. Constant change of Er.tertainivue, SIGNOR BLiTZ, EVEBY BVSDDIRI, commencing at 7X o'clocii. nw; Wedneedar oak Saturday at 3, comeistink of Nets- ty teries t BC7CIIIIIIICI, sate =cones In Ventrilowa.taps: and the Learr , d Canary. Birds. kliniesion 2d cents; Children 15 cents P ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY THE PINE ARTS. 102 CHRSTNIIT STREET OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. S. s• 6 P. 6i. Admission 26 cents. Children hall price. RAILROAD LIIVES. ARRANGEMENTS OF - 1863. Nw xpEK TEM CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA. AND . TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEV YORK_AND WAY PLACES FRONIA7ADNDT STREA.D7FBARE AND IiVeNSINGTON WILL ME/Nis AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: At 6 A M.," vla• Camden and Amboy, C. and A Ac commodation $2 25 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, N. J. Ac commodation 226 At 8 A. , via Camden and Jersey City, Morning. Mail 300 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 28 Class Ticket 226 At 11 A. DI, via Kensington and Jersey City, Ex press 900 At 12 AI, via Camden and Amboy. C. and A. Ac confinodation 2 25 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex press 3 Oil At 3 R .31., via Kensington and Jersey City, Wash. and New York Express . 300 At 63a P. M, via Kensington and Jersey City, Eve a,Mall 3 00 At M., P. M., via Kensington and Jersey. City, Southern Mail 800 13.5 Wight), via Kensington and Jersey City, South ern .dxpress 3 60 At 6 P. .M. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion; (Freight and. Passenger)-Ist Class Ticket... 2 25 Do. do. 2d Class do 160 The 6.15 P. Si. Evening Mail and 1.30 (Sight)Sonthern Express will run daily; all others Sundays excepted. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Willresbarre. Montrose. Great Bend, &c., at 7 A. M. from Kensing ton Depot, via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. For Manch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere. Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, Sc., at 7A. 3L from Kensington Depot, and 3.30 P. Si. from Walnut street wharf (The 7A. M. line connects with. the train leaving Easton for Manch Chunk at 3.20 P. K ) For Mount Holly, Ewausville. and Pemberton. at 6A. br., 2, and 434 F. 31- For Freehold at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For BristelTrenton, ,at 7 and 11 A. M. and 5 P. 31: from Kensington, and 2% P. 31. from *Aleut street wharf. For Belmesburg, Tacony, Wissonaming. Brldesbnrg. and. Frankfort, at 9 A.:31., 2,6, 5.45, and 8 P. M., from Kensington Depot. For _Palm) ra, Riverton, Delano°, Beverly,-Burling ton,-Florence, Bordentown, sm., at 6 A. M.. 12 M.. 1, 3.30, and 6P. M. The 3.30 and 435 P. M. lines ran direct through - to Trenton. Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate stations, at 2N P. 31. from Walnut-street wharf. - /Er For New York and Was Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the cars on-Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot. and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Bagg,age oniy- allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but -their wearing apparel. All baggage over flay pounds to be paid for extra: The Company limit their responsibility tor baggage, to One Dollar per pound. and will not be liable for any amount beyond. $lOO, ex cept by special contract. WILLIAM H. GATEMER, Agent. September 211863. LINES Fj(OM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA. MILL LEAFS FROM FOOT OF COETLANDT STREET. At 12 M. and 4P. M. via Jer-ey City and Camden. At 7 and 10 A. M., 6, and 1134 P. M., via Jersey City and Kensington. From foot of Banta . , street at 6 A. M. and 2P. M. , Till Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North river, at 1 and 6P. Of (freight and passenger) Amber and. Camden. ials-tf PHILADELPHIA - AND ELMIRA R. R. LINE. PALL AND V7INTER -ARRANGE- 1853. MENT. Par WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, BUF FALO, NIAGARA FALLS. and.all points in the West and Northwest. Pa , .senger Trains leave Depot of Philadelphia and Reading Railr. - all, corner BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets. at 8.15 A. H: and RIO P. M., daily, &twiny's excepted. (IDICR., - ..PST ROUTE front Philadelphia to points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York. de., Sic. Baggage checked through to Balisalo, Niagara Falls. Or immediate points For further information apply to JOHN S. HILLES, General Agent, THIRTEENTH and C,ALLoWHILL, and office, N. SP.. : corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT streets. WEST CHESTED.: ; AND PHILADELPHIA ROAD, VIA MEDIA. FALL ARRANGEMEET. On and after AIONDAY, September 14th, 1653, ra'S . Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the dbpot, Mirth. east corner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets; 7.45 and 10.30 A. and at 2 and 4.15 P. M. - - A Freight Train, with Passenger Car attached, will leave the corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKETStriastil • (West Philadelphia) at 6.45 P. M. Trains leave the corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MAN BET Streets (West Philadelphia), 17 minute's after ttis starting time from EIGHTEENTH and MARKET:- The Trains leaving Philadelphia s , 7.50 A. :M. Awl 4.15 P. M co . c nect with f•r. sad I; for Con rd, Kennett, Oxford, ac. HENIZX W.OD, General Superip,tendent. WEST CHESTER •Sz PHILADELPHLL 4. THE PENNSYLVANIA vi i)ENTRAL BAILRQA.p. . Passengers for West Chaster leave the depot s /wn& Eleventh and Market streets, and go thinner/a ITHOMT. CHANGE OF CARS. FROM PHILADELPHIA,. Leave at S. 45 A. Rf...• .. Arr . i:re WestShester 10.30 A. M. 12. A) P. 31. , " 2.30 1`... LL, `• " 4.00 P. M. `' 6.60 P: ; {5. . FROM WEST CHEST?-.R., Leave at 6.20 A. M Arrive ;Westruila—.B.oo A. hL • " 10.60 A. M. "EL 25P.7152. • 3.431. IL- " - Passengers for Western points froni West Chester an.. sect at the Intersectionwhh they'll.l;lpPrain at the Harrisburg Accommodation 46 M., and Lancaster Train at 6.251'. M. Freight delivered at' the depM, corner of ThdrteentX and Market streets, previous to 13•Il. , will be forwarded' by the Accommodation Train, and reach Wast illiestee• 2.33 P. RI. For tickets and further infornation, apply to JAMES C/WDEN, Ticket AIWA, ELM:M.4 I D and MARE.H.F.Stressts. N:9ITH • PONNSYL. RAILIZOAD—F . or BETH LEHEM, DOILESTOW.if, MAUCH CHUNK, HAZLE TON, 'EASTON, WILI.I.IBBARRE. WILLI . A.1.."..5P0Z.T. ato. SUM ILE E. S 3tANGF:.\L,E.N.T. Passenger Trains lewe tae new nopet,THIED Street, above Thompson tee daily (Sundays excepted) gut follows: At 7 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allenbwn, Manch Cbank, .u)ilkestittrre, At 3.15 P. M. (Express ) for Bethlehem, r i Aston, &c. At 5 ,5P M. foraiathlehem,..2llantoW,msfanch Chunk, For itoystestow.2. at 9.15 A. and 4:15 ?. AL For Fort War.Wagtou at 10,25 A. Mt Rad 6.3) P. M. White oars oft the Smiond and streets line 0 . 44 Passenger rim directly to the now De - oL FOK'PRFLADEVPHI.A. _ Leave Betl)2etiont at 5. 42A..1.11,. 9. 39. A. M.. owl 6.07 .1b Leave Doydootown at 7.55 A, M, and 4 P. M. Leave FAA Washington at 6.40. N M. and 2 P. IE, OA: SUNDAYS.; . - , .. .. .. rhillidehilaia,foT Bothlehent at a A. M. Philadeqpnia for Dwylestnnirn at 3 P. M. Doylestown for Paila*lplitaat 7 A. M. Bethlehem for Ilallauelphin at 4 P. M. ap2o - . -' • • ELLIS CLAM. Agent. ,- Wileim p REOPENING, OF RR BALTIMORE AND ORM RAILROAD —This read being fttll REPAIRED -nit'd affit O tnnlly.V I ARDED, s now OP4Mitkr.t4lB titatomorsa tkm of.passengers atd freight to all.:4ol*kan tha GMAT F2r. 'Per thßougbT tickets and ATI. caber information. apply at the Coxerany'e Office, ookncr of 13_,ROA_D Street - _Rnd WABBINOMN Avenue. Psuront, p vig-tf Proalawri srndi w R rt. pol 2 Baal -ORR, it CO., STEAM BNOINE Iran loan era. sr,a_airal and Bona; apm tn , 141, -Rip 44604 Phi1a4142144. s --.~. •T. W. WsSleet E, L Davexporit Mrs. Farnst