THE WAR PRESS; (PUBLISHED WEEKLY.) THE WAP.'PiEss will be cent to eubseribere by mail (per-annum in advance) at —....111% 00 'Three copies 5 Oil rive coPieti — - 000 `Ten c0p1e4..174. . ."ID 00 ' Larger Oh& than Ton will be charged; at the emu ate, $t 00 per, copy. The mhneil ;Ansi always accompany the order, and -in no itifitartce can these terms be deMated from, aft they .afford very little mitre than the coat of the vespe r _ /Kir Poetmaetere are requested to ad. aa Agents for 'Tan Wei Pass& - • . . /55` To tlai getter-up of the Club of ten or twenty, an ,extra copy of the Paper will be given. , VOL - 7 -NO. 77 . i........... . 11 GARPETINGS. SILK AND DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. ~..;„,. __.. RETAIL DRY GOODS. CLOTHING. _„,.,, w „,.a.,,.,.,..,„.„-..—.,„. * _,,,,.__, ........- • - .. CARPETS' CARPETS!! THOR MELLOR e% 00.) SKIRTS 1 SKIRTS! SKIRTS! .IMPORTERS .. M. A. JONES° Moe. 10 and 4 / 1 NORTH THIRD STREET. jrA,DEES H. Olt MM. We Invite the attention of the trade to our largo stook of . ant ZBILATED NE PLUS ULTRA SKIRT ...CARPET WAREHOUSE,HOSIERY, GLOVES, . • Oan ohl7 be tonal at . • SHIRTS, DRAWERS. , - FINE CLOTHING. l' CHESTNUT STREET, GERMANTOWN FANCY WOOLENS,- No. 17 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, • ... BEL OW SEVENTH STREET, • LINEN CAMBRIC fil/EFS., PERIADELPHLt, 44 LINENS, ANDSHIRT FRONTS, . • • I have received, 4.310-3 M. OVER T HE WAX FIGURE OAK 11AM,, WY LATE ARRIVALS FROM &MM. FM. A. JON.FIV ALL STOCK mar - Mose Santana unless stamped Alarge assortment of SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. NE PLUS ULTRA. SKIRT. 'IIIIW DTTIES CA.B.PETING, sell-I'o3m . . 17 N. EIGHTH STREET. S. B. Corner Sixth and dlarket. A. W. LITTLE As 00. B LANKETS 1 BLANKETS ! BLANK. , aomprieinesome new kinds of goodeneveC before offered WETS! - in this country, for parlor tarnishing. , 5e64321 No. EAS MARKET STREET, - The Largest Aesortment of Included in our variety will be found the 41171EN011 AUBUSSON OENTRE . "OOEPETS ; JAMES, KENT, Et I. A. N. K. E. a" s , CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, AT THE LOWEST- PRICES, MAO. f - • SANTEE, t% 00., OFFERED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 111 - ' FRENCH VOLANTR. • • IMPORTERS MID JOBBERS or _ COWPERTHWAIT .t 00., . • 1:011,1r Gr00 , 13A., _ N. W. OGR. EIGHTH AND MARKET SITS. seletdal ' _ $ No. 1 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, Km 1139 and 5141 N. THIRD STREET. ABOVE RACE. PHILADELPHIA, 1, 10E4- CHESTNUT STREET- 1 ' I 9 4 1 Rave now open their usual 1 cm., •tj LARGE AND COMPLETE STOOK VEMPLETON'S ENGLISH AXMINSTER CARPETING. 'CROSSLY & SON'S WILTON VELVET and TAPES TRY Do. .3. CROSSLEY & CO.'S celebrated BRUSSELS,Do. ^With a large variety of Other =ekes of BRUSSELS and TAPESTRY CARPETING, IDINDERSON'S CELEBRATED VENETIAN& With a fall variety of American makcc of three-ply and Ingrain foods, all of which can be offered at considers tie redtiotion from last season's prices, JAMES IL I)RNE, VRESTAIIT STREET, BELOW ENVENTR STREET. ie24-d2in AROLLSTREET CARPET "WARE 40psE. ipirxivtr ' ail the leidlat styles of VELTET, BRUSSELS, - THREE-PLY, INGRAIN, AND TEN (IARP SIN OS; vow is store. sad selling st lot OWL BLACK WOO ID, 832 ARCH 13TRRRT, /54.8.2 m Two Doors below NINTH." South Side. REMOVAL. J. F. db,E. B. ORNE IMMOVED NRONI O.IIESTNITT STIVEBT,