CITY COUNCILS. - A stated meeting of City Councils was held yesterday a"fteiDOD. '• _ -.SELECT BRANCH. President Lys in the chair. Petitions, Communications, &c. The following communication w 8,9 received from the Mayor: CaNTl.Etinx: Through the kind offices of Nicholas C. Thonron, Req. of this city, the following named books and plans relating to street sewerage. reservoirs, and dies" tribntion of water and other like subjects of municipal interest, viz: _ c t - tnmeats relattfe aux Eaux de Paris, :41.1. ".. ntni; des Instructions, , • ' (reneral, Bordorsui des Prix, ',sous Tlile de Parts (carte), • Types de Galleries D'Egoots, Carte Satistique des Esouts, have been presented to Philadelphia by the authori ties of- Paris, France, and have been placed, as most ap net priate, among the archives, in charge of the Chief Engineer. and Surveyor. • Respectfully. ALEXANDER HENRY, Mayor. -A .resolution of thanks to Mr. Theuron was passed. A communication was received from the Commissioner - of [City Property calling attention to the condition of the public squares , which have been occupied for cunning grounds by the military. Referred jointly to the Gem - mittees on Defence and City Property. A petition from the employees of ft A. Smith, late • city contractor, asking that some provision be made for their payment, was referred to the special committee un tetreet-cleaning. • A. communication was received from the Dana Troop. 'complaining that they-have been excluded from the pro visions of the ordivance relative to bounties, because they were not mustered in until after July 1. The paper states that the delay in mustering in was the fault orthe mustering officer. Referred to the Committee on Defence and Protection. . A communication from the 'aloes of the 60th Regi ment P.M.-, asking that the bounty money shall be paid to the members of the regiment, was received. Also, one from the commission for the erection of a 'municipal hospital, relative coverse ProPertY Hart's lane. The communication one from l'. C. Brew ster, Esq., City Solicitor , stating that rent had been re ceived after the expiration of theßease, which virtually renews the lease, contrary to direction'. The commis sion have, therefore, been unable to get pospesiton of the Property required. Referred to the Committee on Law, with instructions to report at the next meeting. A petition relative to the bad condition of lelington lane was referred to the Committee on Ilighwaye. Vaports of Coministees. The Committee on Schools reported an ordinance an -preprinting s6.3s—viz: to pay for extra work on new school house, Second Section. $110: repairing John Quincy Adams School House $200; to pay deficiency in rent of Academy. of . Music for High School Commence ment, $25.. Passed. ._ The Committee, on ,-Law, to whom was referred the ordinance; relative ,to thepay i ng of the streets by city passenger-railwaXeompanies.,reported the same with a • negative .recommendation,'and: asked to be discharged from the 1 1 . 1 rIterconsideration of the subject. The re ,. quest was lit, CATMMWOOD than introduced an ordinance upon lbimatter,•and remarked that it met the views of all the - - JoiTmbere of-the-Committee on Law. The bill provides , th at if any Passenger;railwaY company, required by law to keep in 'repair an/street,road,'.or lane occupied by at; shill. suffer - : such 'Street to :reinsin fat of repair, it ?alkali' be tbe day' of the Commissioner of Highways to dive notice forthwith to such company to put such street is good repair:. and if, at the expiration of ten days after .sueh notice, the street is not repaired, - the offending com pany shalVfOrfidt,and Pay- Wafer each and every day snob.' 'street Of roadlw suffered. , to be ont of repair; the smite lejetovered -like other penalties.. And at the oripiratioa:of Rfteert;'`days further, If the street atilt re mainsUnrepalred;dt shall bo the ointy.of the Chief Com -mbisioher.of‘Hightvays to, have'. the:same repaired, and the Ci, Solicitor Wiring suit to recover the amount ex pended, as Weltalfthe penalty. ..•.The ordinaries was adopted. ''.-.-. , • ,- The-'"Committee' on .Law'reported several resolutions ..,chaugHtg precinct honses; vadah ware adopted. `t- EMU in:Pritee. • , Mr. •, MILLEit. presented an ordinance appropriating VW to Pay J. R. Ray and. C. Haines for keeping • the accounts of. the Defence and Protection. Relief of ~Familibs`of rolnisteers,'and the Bounty Fund Commis sion.. Referred to the Comtnittee on Finance. Mr. , CATHERWoos introduced a resolution instructing the Committee on Water Works to inquire and report menthe practicability of erecting a water works on the Wissahickon, near Chestnut Hill, or on the Schuylkill, near Flat Rock to supply the people of the Twenty second wardwith good water. hir. C. remarked that he had offered a similar resolution last October, and great complaints are now being made in regard to the Impure condition of the water. • A town meeting on the subject was to be held in Germantown. The resolution Was adopted. Mr. WETHERILI, offered a resolution requesting the Committee on Girard Estates to inform this Chamber the number of leases granted by the superintendent of Gi rard estates in Schuylkill county, with the names of the parties and locations, and whether the superintendent in Schuylkill county is permitted to havh any interest in the leases. • Adopted. Mr. Gikkono submitted a resolution providing for the appointment of a joint special committee to inquire by what authority, and by whom, the streets of the city are being cleaned, and everything in regard to the cost, number of carts, hands, dtc. Paced. Mr. DAVIS presented a resolution inquiring of the Com missioner of Highways the number of men, horses, and carte ennloyed in cleaning the otreeta, the number of loads of dirt removed, the cost of the same, and the price Per load received from the sale of ihe dirt. Adopted. Bounties to Volunteers. • Mr. ZANa read a resolution reqaestina . of the Committee on Defence and Protection the names or numbers of all regiments mustered Into service for three or six months. on the occasion of the late raid upon Pennsylvania, who have not received the city . bounty. Mr. WETHERILL explained that the ordinance antho- _ . . . rized the committee to pay bounty to those who had gone to Harrisburg, or were mastered in before the let of July. Mr. ZANY, paid that there were some independent com panies formed to go to Harrisburg, bat the authorities there sent them elsewhere. He thought that these men deserved bounties as welt as the others, and intended offering an ordinance upon the subject. The resolution was passed . The ordinance relative to a Municipal Hospital Was postponed until the next meeting. Mr. WETHERILI; submitted a resolution authorizing an extension of the lease of Dock-street wharf to the Dela ware Avenue Market Company. Referred to the Com mittee on Wharves and - Landings. Business from Common Council. The following ordinances from Common Council were concurred in : Ordinance appropriating $OOO to pay for fitting np rooms in the American Philosophical Building for the use of that department. Resolutions authorizing the paving of numerous streets t %number of resolutions for the grading of streets' were postpontd Mr. DAVIS submitted a resolution, inquiring of the Commissioner of Highways what amount of the appro priation for paving intersections remains unexpended, and the amount of bills not yet paid. Adopted. The Chamber then adjourned.. COMMON BRA.NCM. The late employeee,of R. A. Smith. contractor for cleansing the streets, petitioned Councils for payment of same due them for work done upon the public highways. Mr. TREOO presented a memorial from members of the 60th Pennsylvania Militia Regiment, asking for such bounties as were extended to other regiments who vo lunteered for the "emergency. " Several petitions for the improvement of Islington lane were received. Mr. BAIRD, of the Committee on Finance, reported a Tee olution extending to the families of substitutes the same weekly • ' relief" eels now given to the families of the volunteers, wtich was agreed to. The same committee reported an ordinance, appro priating $1,176.10 to pay for the advertisement of pro clamation of last year's election. Agreed so. The Committee on Highways reported resolutions for the paving of Fortieth street, hetWeen Market and Wood land, Twenty fourth ward; Cumberland street and Is lington street, Nineteenth ward. The first was post poned- and the other two adopted. Also, a resolution for the opening` of Tilton street, Nineteenth ward. ' Agreed to. Mr. LOUGHLIN. of the Committee on Fire and Trusts,' reported en ordinance appropriating $1,:i.33. 33, to pay the Western Hose and Kensington Bose expenses, incidental to their being located as steam-fire engines. Agreed to. Mr. PAUL offered a resolution for the paving of Colum bia.. av mine. fro'm Germantown avenue to Fifth street, which was agreed to. A resolution to change the place ofvoting in the Fourth precinct of the E:eventh ward, to 415 St. John street, was adopted. Mr. ETOKELEY offered a resolution of inquiry request ing the Committee on Poor to inspect the Almshouse and ascertain the character of thellour and provisions Oren to the inmates - Agreed to. bill from Select Council providing for the admis sion of 110 additional pupils into Girard College was con curred in. The bill to pave Broad street from Colombia avenue to Germantown avenue was passe& Mr. WOLBERT called up the built° make an appropria tion of $47,597 to tbe Department of Highways to Pay deficiency bills f0r1661 The bill passed after several items were stricken out. Mr. HALLOWELL offered a resolution to change the place of voting from the Bth division of the Seventeenth ward to Fifth and Master streets. Agreed to. The resolution of thanks adopted by Select Councils to the Chief Engineer of Paris for plans of the sewerage of that ally was concurred in. Other bills from Select Council were concurred in, and the Chamber adjourned. THE POLICE. (Before M. Alderman William.] . Suspicious. Three parties, two men and a woman, were arraigned • Nesterday morning, on suspicion, of having stolen the o re •fd ?edge:tall d ii rli n d o o t tl ,e a r rs i , ,a b r e t io o fig t =o m e a mhaoncLrnear '.. , ,l`few Market and Noble streets. The money was kept in . • a' bureau drawer, and the loser alleges chat nobody - could have stolen it besides those who lived in the same %:: home. Thiele no evidence at all. The Parties were committed tonweit another hearing. 'Meters Mr.. Alderman 7 ., , ,ASSmiali with a Club. . . man; gitingthename of Owen Clark, was charged yesterday morning7ith assaulting Catharine Gray with a. club: This outrage is said to have taken place in that classiOhorOughfarocalled Trout street, formerly Pine The accused was committed. • Attempted'Poeket•pleking. Thomas Eider , andW.--Boyer were committed by the • same" Alderman on the charge of attempting to pick the pockets of unsuspecting parties, in the vicinity of Pourth • and Shippen streets, on Wednesday night. , . • • Served Right. . these days of general publicity and wandering sol ' diem; pho-base more United States treasury notes than brains, ~the - people generally exclaim " served .right 'whenever theyltear of a son of Mars being robbed in ',such &Place - as /Prout street. Soldiers, or any one olSe having ecproper regard for common decency and morality, keep,: aloof from this well-known .-. thoroughfare., ',lt may - be, in fact it is considered by the pollee as a harbot for thieves and a den for murderers ; ..drugged liquor abounds within its immoral hovels. Pour repulsive looking women were arraigned before Aldeiman McMullin yesterday, on the charge of robbing asoldierin one of the hovtle on Trout street, on Wed . needs, night, of all the money he had, amounting to , thirty-five dollars. The parties were committed The trey was not recovered, nor will it ever he , It is qu.te ely the Same prisoners will be liberated within a few .days, to roblhe next foolish soldier or sailor who may chance to listen to their syren song. So wags the world :.'.away. PAILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. ALGERNON S. ROBERTS. / JOBE R. PENROSE, COMMITTEE OF TEE McKim ISAAC S. 'WATERMAN. LETTER BASS - - . AT THE MERCHANTS' RICCHAI4OR, PHILADELPHIA. Ship fiaranak, Rowland Liverpool, soon Brig !Dia Reed, Jarman Havana, soon Brig Keoka, Burns. St Domingo City, soon Behr Greenland, Evans Havana, soon Schr St Lawrence, Kinch Port Spain, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 25, 1863 SUN RISES.... MGR WATER ARRIVED. Ship Wyoming, Burton, from Liverpool Aug 21, with mdse and MO passengers to Cope Bros. Sailed in co with ship Harvest Queen for New York, and signalled her 7th inst. 7A M. lat 48°"10', ion 93 0 10'; 17th Dist, lat hi° 60", lon 64 0 40' exchanged signals with ship Universe, from - .New York for Liverpool. Ship Stadacona (Br), Stewart. 26 days from London derry, in ballast and 265 passengers to .Robert Taylor Co. Ship Wm Booth (Br), Rowe, 35 days from Port Mahon, in ballast to Twells & Co Brig G T Ward, Fish, 20 days from New Orleans, in ballast to Workman & Co. Schr Rancocas, Hunter. 1. day from New Castle, 'with grain to Jas Barratt & Son Behr Clayton & Lowber. Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, With wheat to Jas L Bewley & Co. Schr Oeo .1 Weaver, Tanned. 1 day from Frankford. Del, with corn to Jas L Bewley & Co Schr Diamond, Townsend. 1 day from Indian River, Del, with corn to Jae L Bewley & Co Scbr Diamond, Jones. 3 days from StMartins,Md,with grain to Jae L Bewley & Co. Schr Garnet, Qulllan, 3 days from St Martins, Md, with grain to Jas L Bewley & Co. Schr Sophia Ann, Smith, from Boston. in hallos to captain. Bchr Spray, Adams, from Fall River. Schr Fidel's, Gandy. from Fall River. Behr Sarah Seisey. Carroll, from New Raven Steamer Fannie,Fenton, 24 hours from New York, with -.rads° to W M Baird & Co. Steamer S F Phelps. Brown, 24 hours from New York. • with mite to W Di Baird & Co. Steamer Bristol, Charles; 24 hours from N York, with mdse to W BLEARED. Steamship Virginia, Snyder, c(ew York,-11. Quarter master. • Bark Roanoke, Cookaey, Lagnayra, Dallett di son— Bark Aden (Br), Dooda, Cork or Falmouth, for ordern, a eo A Alcßinstry, - b Bark Windward, Randall, Aspinwall. Worman & Co. Brig Julia. Smith. New Orleans, D S Stetson & Co. Brig C Hopkins, Hamer, St John, NB, B A Souder&Co, 'Ear Onatavia, Jameson, Salisbury, Tyler,Scone&Oo. Behr Lizzie Taylor, Taylor. Newborn, d: Schr E Segur, Paine, Proyinestown. - 331akiston, Graff 61 ..-,Potrr Ann S Cannon, Raley, Boston, do Bohr' Lake. Doughty, Danyersport, di!' Sobr An. jam, Magee, Piney Point, H A. Adams. Illajeceie Marine. Washington, do Aar Mail, JiAlkins.Wasbingtoti. Penn Gas Coal Co. Ceur Rio. Ramsdell, Portsmouth, NH, 'Navy Agent. Sebr Broom., Boston. E Sawyer & Co. Behr Sarah Blizabett, Rally, Boston, do Rehr D S einer, Iday. Roston, Noble. Caldwell & Bair BM, Bowen, Cobassett Narrows, 9 4. Eleolrachw CO. . Behr C B Jones,Freeman. 'Portland, W Johns. Bair Florence . ..Solar Walter Irving, Atkins. but VOYal , captain. Bohr B 'Crooner. WanaleY, Wa"lngtori , Hammett, Van Rosen & Lockman. Bohr Jas Madison. 'Martin, Star - Cord, do 'liar 'Harriet, James, Baltimore do Scbr Snowflake. Dickerson, 800111, do Bahr Starlight, York. Portland.t, Audenried & Co. Seta Sarah Seim , . Carroll, lieußaven, Wm it Johns At Co. 6 co I SUN SETS Bohr Fidelia. Gandy, New Bedford, Castner. Meknes & Wellington. Str Leader Callahan. Alexandria, Thos Webster. Str Swan. Rose, Sassafras river, captain. • Str B L Gaw. Her, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Str New York, Fultz. New York. W P Clyde. (Correspondence of The Frees.)) EMO. DB GRAM( Sept 23. The steamer Wyoming left here this morning,with the following boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows Priscilla, lumber to Patterson & Lippincott; Harvey St Showers do to R. Wolverton t Margaret Reeves, railroad iron to Phatnix Iron Co; C R Clark NU 2. witk coal to Wilmington; Martha & Sarah, do to New York ,• Clem .entine; do to Delaware City; Sellers & Dell. Mb, do to Chesapeake City. MEMORANDA Steamship Clinton, Seaburg, hence at New'Orleaus ]6th inst. 4 Ship George Peabody, Paine, from New York for San FranCiecO.was spoken let ult. lat 10 0 43' N, ton 30°. Ship St Paul, Crockett, from New York for Shanghae, was spoken 3d ult—no lat. Bark Comet. Morrison, cleared at New Orleans 15th lust for Delaware Breakwuter. Brig Altavela, Reed. hence at Boston 2.2 d inst. Brig Natlil Stevens, Basile% hence at Boston 22d inst, Brig Maracaibo. Henly. hence at Portland 22d inst. Bohr A 111 Aldridge, Cullen. hence at Breton 23d met. Bark Commerce, of New Castle; supposed to he steer ing for - New Orleans, with main topgallant and foremit mast carried away, was passed 11th inst. lat 25 0 35', len 84 0 16',by steamer Clinton, at New Orleans from Phila delphia. Could obtain no particulars. SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF sundry writs of Levarl Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public said or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. All that lot of ground situated on the southwest corner of Wellington and Gaul streets, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth eighty-three feet six inches.-and extending in length or depth two hundred and sixty-seven feet, B.—This writ has been issued on a judgment 0 . 4- tallied In the case of the City of Philadelphia vt. ..fahePh S. Lord. owner or reputed owner, in the Oou'- of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of Juno ie.:a, 1863, No. 100, for taxes. • - • • • . C0.'F.,25; Sept: T.,'63. Debt. 533.23. F. M. Aflame.] Takeh in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph S. Lori 301416 THOMPSON, sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 24,1863. se2s-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF' a writ of Levert Facias; tome directed, will be ex posed to public sale or 'fondue. on MONDAY Evening, October 5. - 1563, - at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that lot of ground situated on the southwest cor ner of Gaul and. Clearfield streets, in the Nineteenth weed of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth two hundred and ninety five feet, and ex tending in length or depth one hundred and stxty-tlee feet. P. S.—The writ by virtue of which the above proper ty will be sold has been issued on a judgment obtained in the cake of the City of Philadelphia vs. Joseph S. Lord, owner or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of June Term, 1863, No, 101, for taxes against said property, CC. P., 126; S, T,'63. F. M. Adams./ Taken in execution and to be sold as the- property of Joseph S. Lord. JOHN THOMPSOh, Sheriff.. Philadelphia, Sheriff's oMce, Sept. 24,1863. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF 1 `.. 1 a writ of Levari Facituf, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or ventlue. on MONDAY Eve ning. October 5. 1863, at 4 o'clock at Sansom-street Hall, - All that lot of•ground situated on the west side of Front street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Pfuladelphia ; lot commencing at the distance of two hundred and six ty-six feet south of Huntingdon street, ninety feet front on Front street, by one hundred and nine feet deep to Rope street. P. S.—This writ has been issued on 0. jadgment ob tained in the case of the City bf Philadelphia ye. E. Atkins, owner or reputed owner, in the Court of Com-. mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of March terra., 1863, No. 294, for taxes against said property. CC. P.. 28; S. T. '63. Debt. $90.92. F.. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as' the property of Z. Atkin, owner, or reputed owner. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept 24,1863, se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5. 1663, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-etreet Hall. All that lot of ground situate on the west side of Han cock street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Phila delphia: commencing at the distance of three hundred and four feet south of Huntingdon, one hundred and forty-two feet by one hundred and nine feet. P. S.—This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia VB. C. A. Pnite, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of March Term, 1863, No, 295, fur taxes against said property. 10. P 29 : Sept. T. ,'63. Debt, $l6O 14. F. M. Adams. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property' of B. A. Pulte JOHN THOMPSON, Sherif. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 24. 1863. 5e2.5-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5,1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situated on the southeast corner of Sixteenth and. Swain street's. in the Fifteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front thirty-six feet, and in depth fifty- seven feet. P. s.—This writ has. been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. E. A. Marshall, owner, or reputed owner. in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of March Term, 1863. No. M for taxes against said property. [C. P.,-30; Sept. T., '63.- Debt $2O 86. F. 111. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of E. A. Marshall. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. `Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Sept 24. 1963. se2s-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ- of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 6.1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situated on the south side of Swain street, in the Fifteenth ward of the city of Phi ladelphia, commencing at the distance of one hundred and nine feet eight inches west of Sixteenth street—one hundred and seventy by eighty-two. P. 9.—This wnt bas been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of'the City of Philadelphia yd. W. A. Reed, owner or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of March term, 1863, No. 289, for taxes against said property. CC. P., 31; SePt. T.,'63. Debt, $6293. F. 9f Adains.l Taken in execution and to be 'sold as the property of W. A. Reed. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Offlce, Sept. 24, 1833. set-5.3t SHERIFF'S SALE. , -BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Even ing, October 9.1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. Ail that lot of ground situate on the south side of Me lon street, in tie Fourteenth ward of the city of Phila delphia,-commencing at the distance of fifty feet west of Eankson street, seventeen feet by sixty . feet. I'. S.—This writ has been issued on a udgment obtain ed in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. C. Ritten house. owner. or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia. of March term, 1863, NO. 303, for taxes against said property.' - CC. P., 32; Sept. T,'63..Debt. $34 98. F. AL Adams. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of C. Rittenhouse. JOHN THOMP3ON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's (Mee. Sent. 28. 1863. ee2s-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A k) writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne. on MOND AY Evening, October 5, 1563, at 4 o'clock, at hansom-street Hall, All those two lots of ground situated on the south easterly side of Weavermill road; or Shoemaker's lane. in the Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southeasterly side of Weavermill road, or Shoe maker's lane, beginning at the northeasterly corner of .1 the Bristol township line road and a thirty-feet-wide street extending from Danenhower's mill road to the Bristol township line road ; containing in breadth to gether, on the - said Weavermill road. or Shoemaker's lane, three "hundred and twenty feet, and . extendine - - from thence in length or depth_souLlseaeserly;" at right angles with the said-Westvermill road, two hundred and thirty- two feet. No. Situate on the southeasterly side of said Weaver mill road, or Shoemaker's* lane, at the distance of eight hundred and ninety-nine feet northeasterly from the said Weavermillizoad and Danenhower'e mill road; contain leg in breadth on said Weavermill road forty feet, - and extending that breadth on said Weavermill road in length or depth two hundred and thirty-two feet. P. 6.—This writ has been issued on &judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia ye J. Simp er:4l, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of March term, 1863. No. 336, for taxes against said proi,ertY CC. E. 33; S. T. 63 Debt, $36.13 F. M. Adams.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of J. Simpson. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24,'1883.. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY , VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, October 5,1663, at 4 o'clock, at hansom-street Hall. All that lot of ground and the Jour-story :brick house thereon erected, situated on the northeast corner of York street and Trenton avenue, in Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth twenty-two feet, and extending in length or depth on Trenton avenue ninety-one feet, more or less. P. B.—This writ has been - issued on a Judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Samuel Bille t _ Owner or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 1863. No. 27. for taxes. '63. Debt. sts 51. F. BE Adams Naken in execution and to be sold as the pproperty of Samuel Ellis. - JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. - Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24.1663. 61325-3 t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY 'VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies. to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground and the three-story brick dwel ling house thereon erected, situate on the sonth side of Melon street, in the Thirteenth ward of the said city, beginning at the distance of sixteen feet six inches east -from Preston or Stiner street; containing in front or breadth sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth sixty-two feet. P. S.—This writ, has been issued on a judgment ob tained ix the case of the City of Philadelphia vs...Heaton Walton, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, June term, 1663. No. 28, for taxes. [C. P., 35; S. T.,'63. Debt. 535.51. 7. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Heaton Walton. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24, 1463. sell-It --- SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of LONELTiFicias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY' Evening, October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street all that lot of ground, and three-story brick dwelling thereon erected, situate on the south aide of Melon street. in the Thirteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, be ginning at the distance of - thirty-three feet east of Preston or Stiner street: containing in front or breadth sixteen feet, and extending in lengtn or depth sixty two feet. S.—This writ bas been issued on ajudgment' ob tained in the case of The City of Philadelphia vs. Heaton Walton, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term,. 1863, No. 29, for taxes. CC. P., 36; Sept. T '63. Debt $35 61. Y. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as tlreiiiipTrWof Hutton Walton. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, - Sheriffs OSice, Sept. 24,1883. se2s-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.---BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facial, to me directed, will be ex- Octobero public sal o'clocknd, on MONDA Hall ening, 5, 1863, at 4 at Sansom-street , All that lot of ground, and the two•etory brick dcstel: . thereon erected ; No. 741, situate . at the northeast corner of Bonneville place and Russell street, in the Fourth ward of the city of Philadelpbia; contatning in front or breadth thirty-two feet, and extending inlength or depth sixty-six feet. P. B.—This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs Daniel Morgan. owner, or reputed ner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 11363, No. 31 for taxes. CC. P., 37; S. T., '63. Debt, $22 02. F. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel Morgan. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.. Philadelphm. Sheriff's °face. Sept. 24,1863. se2s-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari FaMas, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sense m-street -Hall. ' All that lot of ground. and one story brick factory thereon erected. Hoe. 1036 and 38, shoats on the north west corner of Canal and Front streets, in the sixteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth forty feet, and extending in length or depth - one hundred and ten feet, to Hope street. -. P. S.—This writ has been issned on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. James Portens, owner, or reputed owner, inl he Court of I Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia. of June term. 1863, No. 32, for taxes IC. P., 58; S. T.:'B3. Debt, $4l 23. F. M. Adams Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Portens. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Calee,Sept. 21, 1863 8.325--3 t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a .writ of Levan 'Fades, to me directed, will be exnosed to nithlic sale or vendue. on MONDAY Eve ning, October 5,1863. at 4 o'clock. at Ransom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situated on the west side of Front street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city orPhila delphia, commencing at the-distance of ninety-eight feet north from the north side of Cumberland street; containing in front or breadth-on said Front etreet ninety feet, and extending in length or depth one hundred and ten feet to Hope street. P. S.—This writ has - been Issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. David Athens, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, Of Tune term, 1863, No. 27. for taxes. CC. P., 42; B. T., '63. Debts 26.44. F. M. Adams. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the iproperty of David aikene. _ JOHN THOMP3OII Sheriff. Sherivz SHERIFF'S SALE.—By VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or Twine, on MONDAY -Eve ning, October 6,1863, at 4 o'clutik, at snosom_etreet All that lot of ground situate on the southeast corner of Allegheny avenue and Miller street; lathe Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; front or breadth on said Allegheny avenue sixty fwg4titud ex tending In length or depth along said Miller stud o ne hundred and ninety-one feet. . *P. b.—This writ has been issued on a judgment oh tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia ve. Joshua Bethel, owner or reputed owner, the Court of Com mon Pleas ol Philadelphia, of Jane term, 1863, No. 74, for taxes. C. P.. 43; Sept. 'lt., '63. Debt, $43.76. F. M. Adams. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Zosbna Bethel. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. IgEhiladelphia, Sheriff's Office, Eept. 24.:1863. se26-3t - - SHERIFF'S ,SSALE.—BY VIRTUE; OF a writ of Levert Facial, to Me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the nertb. Ws of Di- SHERIFF'S SALES. pot street, in the Thirteenth ward of the eity of Phila delphia. beginning at the distance of seventy-two feet west from the west side of Eighth street; containing in front or breadth fliteen feet. and extending in length or depth fif feet P. S,—This writ 'has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the cane of the City of Philadelphia vs. Moore & McFadden. owners, or reputed owners, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term,lB63,NO -84; for taxes: _ (C. F.. 44; Sept. T., 'B3. Debt. $l7-38- F.M.Adame. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Moore & McFadden. .JOHN 371-10MPS013; Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Sept: 24,1863. se26-31 • SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF . a writ of Lever' Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or veudue , on MONDAY Eve ning, October 8, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of giound situate on the north side of Depot street. in the Thirteenth ward of the city of Philadel phia, beginning at the distance of fifty-seven feet west from Eighth street; containing in front or breadth fifteen feet, and extending in length or depth fifty feet.. P. S.-This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained to the case of the City of ehiladelphia vs. Moore di McFadden, owners. or reputed owners, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia. of June term. 1863. No. 87. for taxes. IC P. 46; S. T., ,63. Debt, $l7 38 F. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to - be sold as the property of Moore & McFadden. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24,, 1863. 5025-3 t SHERIFF'S SALE. ; BY VIRTUE OF a . writ of Levari FiCial3, to me directed will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY.Evening. October 6,1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that block of ground, bounded -.r by Torpin, Lam bert. Ontario. and Wensely streets, In the, Nineteenth ward of (he city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on Torpin and Lambert streets three hundred and twenty-one feet, and Oil Ontario and Wensely streets one hundred and forty feet. P. S.—This writ has been issued-on. a judgment 'Ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. John J. eriftlih, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Phitadelphia, of June term, 1.383, No. H. for taxes. IC. P., 46; 5.T.,'63. Debt, $32,80. F. M. Adame.l7.4 Taken in execution and to be sold as thoproperty of John J. Griffith. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheedi. Philadelphia, Sherilf's Office, Sept. 24, 1863. 8e2.5-31 SHERIFF'S. SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ at Levari Facies, to me directed,. will be ex. PoSed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. October 5, 1663. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. • • All that lot of ground situate on the west side of Twen ty-first street, Nu the Tenth ward of , the city of Philadel phia, the distance of twenty feet live and a half inches north from Race street; containing in front or breadth twenty-four feet four and a half inches, and extending in length - or depth one hundred and eighty eight feet. P. S. —This writ has been issued. on a judgment ob taMed in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs, George Dobson, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia,-- of June term, 1563, No, 99, for taxes. its P., 47; S. , '63. Debt. $32. ie. F. M. Adams:3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the'propertv of . - "Merge Dobson. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24, 1863. se2s-3t S HERIFF'S . SALE..—BY VIRTUE OF a writ Of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MOND Al Evening, October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All that lot of ground, and the three-story brick dwelling thereon erected, No. 1932, situate on the south side of Cambridge street, in the' Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning at the distance of one bur dred and seventeen fest eight inches east from T wen tieth street ; containing in front or breadth on Cam- • bridge street sixteen feet,, and extending in length or depth eighty-four feet. P. S.—This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Daniel .! Haviland, owner. or reputed owner. in Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of June Term, 1863, No. 23, for taxes. IC. P., 48; Sept. T..'63. Debt, $23 61 F. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold. as the property of Daniel Haviland. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff!s Office, Sept. 24. 1863. se2s-3t -SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies. to me directed. will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hail. All that lot of ground situated on the southeast corner of Frankford road and Allegheny - avenue, in the Nine teenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on Frankford road one hundred and thirty feet, and extending in length or depth along Alle gheny aysnne three hundred and nineteen feet four inches to Waterloo street. P. B.—This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case , of the City of Philadelphia vs. N. F. Campion, owner, or reputed owner, in' the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 1833, No. 48, - for taxes. CC. P.. 49; -S. T., '63. Debt, $116.79. F. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of N. F. Campion. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. .Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24. 1863. se2s-3t - SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ -of Levari Facies. to me directed. will be ex posed. to public sale or vendue, on .MONDAY Evening, October 5.1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the southwest corner of Wellington and Salmon streets, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning at the south west corner of Wellington and Salmon streets. contain ing in front or breadth on Wellington street seventy-five feet, and extending in length or depth one hundred and sixty-seven feet. more or less. F. s.—This writ has been issued on a judgment obtain ed in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. William Runyan, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of. Philadelphia, of June term, 1863, No. 93, for taxes. C. P., 50; Sept. T ,'63. Debt, $24.10. ;F. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and. to be sold. as the property of William Runyan. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mee. Sept. 24,1863. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies. to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or 'endue, on MONDAY livening, October 5, 1863, at 4 O'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. . MI that lot of ground marked in a plan of North Penn Village No. 428, situate on the east side of Twenty-ninth street or Landing- avenue, between Dauphin and-Her man streets, in the Twenty. first ward of the city of Phi ladelphia, beginning at the distance of ninety-three feet nine inches southward from the south side of Herman street. In the late township of North Penn, now in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Twenty-ninth street eighteen feet nine inches„ , and extending in length or depth eastward, between parallel linee, at right angles with the said Twenty- ninth street, one hundred and ten feet. P. S —This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the rate of the City of Philadelphia vs. George Raab, owner or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 1863, No. 104, for taxes. . , CO. P., 51: J. T. '63. Debt, $3.62. F. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Raab. JOHN T.110141P6013, Sneriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 24, 1863. se2s-31 sHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies. to ins directed, will. be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1563. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street all that lot of ground situate on the north side of Adams street. in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Phi ladelphia. beginning, at th,e distance of fifty-four feet west from Emerald atreet ; containing in front or breadth seventy feet. and extending in length or depth one Mtn dred and fifty feet, more or less. P. S. —This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. F. H. Smith, owner or reputed owner,Nin the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 1863, No. 109, for t xes. (C. P., 52; S. T.,'63. Debt, $17.68. F. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of F. H. Smith. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24,.1863.;5eta-3t SIIERIFF'S SALR—u - sr--vx- Irru.p, .--e..”-mrormeittli - Fitclas, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. A certain three-story brick messuage or tenement and, lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the south side of Prune street, between Fourth and Fifth. streets from Delaware river in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front or breadth on the said Prune street fifteen feet four inches, and in length or depth 80 feet, be the came more or less. Bounded northward by Prune street, westward by a lot formerly of William Shippen, de ceased, southward by an- alley about tnree feet wide which communicates with another, alley formerly four feet wide, now about three feet wide, which leads north vs srdly into said Prune street, and eastward by a lot of ground formerly of Peter L. Berry: P. B.—Thie writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. °phalli Athens, owner or reputed owner, in the - Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of December term, 1862, No. 197, for taxes against said property. . 53: S. T.. '63. Debt. $191.9L F. M. Adams. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Ophelia Aikens.. JOHN THOMPSON , Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24, 1883. se2s-3t . SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF kj a writ of Levan Facials, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale- or vendee. on MONDAY Evening, October 6, 1283. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage or tene ment, kitchen, and lot or piece of ground thereanto be longing, situate on the north side of Powell street and west side of a certain ten-feet-wide alley leading from said Powell street to Clover alley or Buckley street, between Delaware Fifth ana Sixth streets and between Spines and Pine streets in the city of 'Philadelphia; containing in breadth. on Powell street sixteen feet three inches, and in length or depth sixty-four feet. Bounded. on the west by ground late of Samuel Emlein, on the north by ground granted to Thomas Eastwick, on the cast by said ten- feet-wide alley, and on thelsouth by said Po welt street. Together with the use and privilege of the said ten-feet-wide alley at all times hereafter forever; under and subject to the payment of a certain yearly rent charge or sum of twenty-seven"Spanish-milled - .dollars and nine cents, when and as the same may grow doe and payable. P. s,—This writ has been issued on a judgment-ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Judge Hepburn, owner, or rerfhtea owner, in the Court of Com - Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 1863. No. 63, for taxes on said property. EC. P., 61; June T., '63. Debt, $167.90. I'. M. Adams. ] Taken in execution. and to be sold as the property of Judge Hepburn. - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24,1563. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Levari Facies, to me directed. will be ex posed to public sale or vendee.. on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground, beginning at the northwest corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Pennock street, in the. Fifteenth ward, thence oxtail Eng north westward along the northeast side of said Pennsylvania avenue seven ieet two and five-eighths inches, thence eastward on a line parallel with old Manor street five feet nine and one-quarter inches to said Pennock street, thence southward along the west side of said Pennock street five feet four and seven-eighths inches to the place of beginning; being a part of a lot running through from I3ushill street to Canal street. P. S.—The writ by virtue of which the above property will be sold has been issued on a judgment obtained in the case of the City of Philadelphia, to the nee of D. and C. Kennedy, vs. Y. Wolbert, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of March. term, 1861, No. 350, for work done in front of said lot. (C. P. , 65; S. T.. '63. .Debt. $5.56. Sellers. Taken in execution and to be sold. as the property of F. Wolbert.. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Eept. 24,1863. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on. MONDAY Evening, October 6, 1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southwest side of Pennsylvania avenue, at the distance of thirteen feet eight inches northwestward from the north side of Hare street, in the Fifteenth ward; con taining in front on said avenue forty-three feet three and five-eighths inches, and extending in depth west ward, between lines parallel with old Manor street. on the north line thereof, twenty-one feet one inch, and on the south line thereof Jiffy feet seven and one quarter inches to Canal street; being part of a lot running through from Bushill street to Canal street. P. R.—The writ by virtue, of which the above pro perty will be sold has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia. to the use of D. and O. Kennedy, vs. F. Welbert, owner. or re puted owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Phila delphia, of March term, 1861, No. 353, for work done in front of said lot, to wit: for culvert. CC. P.. 86; Sept. T. '63. Debt, $34.07 Sellers. J Taken in execution and to be mold as the property of F. Wolbert. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's - Office. Sept. 24,1883. se2s-3t SIEERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert. Pavia., to .me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, October 6, 1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, - all that certain lot or piece of ground situate'on the northwesterly aide of Belgrade street; in the Eighteenth ward of the said city. at the distance of sixty-eight feet northeasterly from Coasted] street; containing in front or breadth on the said'Belgrade street seventeen feet, ex tending in length or depth northwesterly between lines parallel to the said Capewell street seventy-five feet six inches, more or less. B. —Tbe above- described lot is vacant P. S.—This writ has been issued on - a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Cape well. owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Picas of Philadelphia, of- March term, 1863. No. 60, and claim. December term, 1859, No. 233, for water pipe. [e. P.. 67; S. T., 'O3. Debt $15.60 F. C. Brewster.] Taken in executioh and lobe sold as the property of Capewell, JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. ' Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 23. 1863. se26-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-LBY VIRTUE ;OF a writ of 'Lovell. Facias, to me directekwill be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, October 6, . 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansona-street All that certain lot or piece of ground with the mild- Ines and. improvements thereon erected, situate on the south side of Scott street,. at the distance of eighty feet westward from-the west side of Twentieth street, in the Twentieth ward of 'the city. of Philadelphia; eontaining in front or breadth on - said Scott street sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth of that width parallel with said Twentieth street eighty. one feet to Poplar street. N. B.—On the above-described lot there is erected a three-story brick house. with- two-story back building. P. S:—this writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the , case of the City of Philadelphia vs. -- Sutton, owner or reputed owner. in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia. of March term, 1883, No. 62, and claim December term, 1859. No. 239. for water-pipe.- [C. P., 68; S. T.. '63. Debt, $l4 64. F. C. Brewster.] Taken in execution and-to be sold as the property of. Sutton:': ' JOHN THOMPSON,. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 24, 186.3. ee26-8t SHERIFF'S ,SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari. Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, oerober 6. - 1883. at 4 o'clock. at Sansonnstreet Hall,, AB that certain lot or piece:of ground situate it the southwest comer of Twenty-flret at d Hamilton.- streets, in the Fifteenth ;ward -of the city of Philadelphia, be - the southwest corner of said Twenti-hret and Hamilton streets, and thence extending westwardly along the south side of Han ilton street one hundred and thirty-nine feet eleven inches and seven-eighths of an Inch; thence eelithWardly along Pennsylvania ave- THE PRESS.-PHILADELP I SHERIFF'S SALES. nue one hundred and forty-eight feet six inches and lice-eighths of an inch; thence northwardly along the west side of Twenty-first street ninety-two feet three inches and five-eighths of an inch to the place of begin ning. N. B The above described lot is vacant. P. El —This writ has been issued pu EL judgment ob tained in the case. of the City -of Philadeiphia vs. Griffith, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia. of March term, 1863. Mo 74, and claim December term, 1859, No. 269, for [C. P.. 69: S. 1... '63. 'Debt:47B.l2. F. C. Brewster.] Taken in execution and to be sold EA the property of Griffith. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. 5ept.24,1863. se26-3t QIIERIFF'S SALE.—BY 'VIRTUE OF a writ oftevitri Fachis;to me directed, will be ex posed to Public sale or voodoo, on MONDAY Evening. October 6,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall,. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of American avenue, at the distance of one hun dred and nineteen feet five inches southward from Ox ford street: containing in front on American avenue eighteen feet, and in depth extending eastward, at right angles with said American, avenue. one hundred and twenty-one feet nine joshes to Philip street. N. ft—The above- described lot is vacant. P. 6.—This writ bas been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City -of Philadelphia vs. John Pallet, owner. or reputed owner. in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia. of March term... 1863. No. 77, claim December term, 1869. No, 274, for water-pipe la EC. R,6of S. T., Deht,iBl6:63. F. C. Brewster. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Pallet JOHN THOMPSOR, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's 0 91,, 5, Sept. 24, 1823. - se2s-St SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be 92C posed to public" sale or- vendne, on MONDAY Evening, October 5,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece' of ground situate on the south aide of Fernen street, one hundred and two feet Vest (rem Eighth street,' in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing iu front or breadth on the said Fenton street seventy-nlne feet and one half of an inch. and extending in depth southward forty-eight feet. Bounded east and west by ground late ol S. F. Fisher, and 11 01 til by said Fenton street. N. ft—The above-described lot is vacant. - P. S.—This writ asbeen sane on a indocent -tbe cage - of the City Of_PillitldelPhia NH. Mc- Quillan, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of COM mon Plow. of Philadelphia. of March term, 1863, No. 78. and claim December term, 18311, No. 278, for paving done in front of said lot. . ta p., tff.t. S.T. , '63. Debt, $9.78. C Brewster. Taken in execution and to be sold as the pproperty of Quillan. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mice, Sept. 24, 1863. ee26-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OT t a writ of Levari Fee*, to me directed, will be ex- Posed' to public tale or vendus, on MONDAY Evening, October 6, 1663, at 4 o'clock, at Saneom street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south aide of Tasker street (late Fianklin street), one hundred and two feet east from Ninth street; in tbe First ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing iu front or breadth on the said Tasker street sixteen feet, and ex tending in depth southward about fifty feet. N. B.—The above-described - lot is vacant. , • P. S. This writ has been issued on a itulgnient ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Lon shery, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia. of March term, WS,. No. SO, Claim D.'; '69. 280. for paving. IC. P., 62; Sept. T., '63.. Debt, 0.31. •F. C. Brewster. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Lr.ughery. _ ; JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, 'Sheriff's Office, Sept 25, 1963. se26-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directsd, will be ex poSed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Ftsining, October 5. 1863, at 4 o'clock, at 80. mm-street Hall, All that certain -lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Eighth street, north from- Morris street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth - on the said Eighth street three hundred and seventy-four. feet three inches, and extending in depth eastward one hundred feet. Bounded east by gronnd.of the, said, Dr. Vandyke, south by said Morris street, and west b 3 Eighth street aforesaid. •- - N. 8.-‘-The above-described lot is vacant. P. S.—This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the cane of the City of 'Philadelphia vs. Dr. F. A. Vandyke, owner or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Plea. of Philadelphia, of March term. 1863,N0. 81, and claim Dec. term, 1862. No. 232, for paving. [0 p.;-. 63; Fent. T., '63. Debt. $242,96. C. Brewster] - -Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Dr. F. A. Vandyke. JOHN THOMPSON, hheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sept. 24,1863. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facies, to m e directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5.1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hell, all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the northeast angle of Seventh and Morris streets, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front .or breadth on the said Seventh street sixty feet, and in depth eastward about thirty-two feet. Bounded north by ground of -- Young, east by ground of --- Hutchinson, south by said Morris street, and west by Seventh street aforesaid. N. B.—The above .described lot is vacant. . - . P. 6.-7 Ids writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in tr.e case of ;he City of-Philadelphia vs. Isaac W. Potts, owner.or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of starch term, 1863. 90. 111, and claim December term, 1852, No. 377, for paving done. - . CC. Y. 64; Sept. T. , V. Debt, $38.01. P. C. Brewster.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Isaac W. Potts. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept- 24, 1863. 5e2.5-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.----BY VIRTUE OF A wrii of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or yendus, on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street EMIL Ail that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of Scott street, at the distance of one hundred and seventy-two feet westward from the.west side of Twentieth street, in the Twentieth ward of said, city; containing in front or breadth on the said Seett street sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth north ward of that It idth, parallel with Twentieth street, thirty -13 ve feet. N. B.—On the above-described lot there is erected a three-story Mick house. . P. S.—This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Hanna, owner, or muted owner. in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of March term, 1363, No. 42, and claim December term, 1E69; 80. 134 for water pipe. CC. P., 65; S. T. '63. Debt $1,470 F. O. Brewster. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George W. Hanna. . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24,1363. se2s-3t. p.E.ERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A K. , writ of LevAriFacias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or v endue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5, UM. at - 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. . , All 'that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southeasterly corner of Sepviva and Townsend streets, in the Nineteenth ward of the said city; containing imfront or. breadth on the said Sepviva street ninety-one feet three inches, and extending in length or depth sonth easterly of that width, between lines parallel tcf and along the said •Townsend street,-thirty-two feet,.be the. same more or lees. N. B.—The above-described lot is vacant. P. S —This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City. of Philadelphia vs. Wm. H. Witte, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of Kaiak term, 1363, - No. 61; Claim D. '59. 21ti, for paving done. [C. P. - , 66; J: T.-, '63. Debt, #68.03. - -P .C,Brewster.) Taken in execution anti to be sold as the - property of Wm H. Witte. JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 24; 1853. ae2s-3t, SRERIFF'S SALE.-BY - VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Faciaa, to me directed. will be exposed to-public sale or V 4 hve ~,,WILC,I4„D Wing; - October 6l et . or piec - f a o ;h . r t e h e ,e - Tw Hall. -- ala brick and one-story frage ' Welling adjoining thereon erected, and the one-atory frame.dwellina also thereon erected, situate on the northwesterly shie of Salmon street, extending from Ann to Birch street, in I the Twenty: fifth ward ; containing in front or -breadth on said Salmon street ninety-five feet. five and a-half indlies, and extending in length or depth northwesterly, between lines of said Birch and Ann streets, one bun-' Bred feet, more or lees, ' P. S.—This writ, hs been issued on a judgment ob tained In the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Samuel Sallada. owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia; of June term. 1.863. No. 240, for paving and curbing. : [O. P. 67; Sept. T., '63. Debt, $198.61. Stover.' - Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel Sallada. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sep•. 24, 16E3. sere-31 p,IIERIFF'S SALE —BY VIRT OE OF A P••-•' writ of Levari Facies, to me directed. will be exposed to public Bale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, October 6, 1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, All that certain let or piece of ground, with the two story frame dwelling and two•story frame kitchen ad joining thereon erected, situate on the southwesterly side of Somerset street and southeasterly side of Chatham street. In the Twenty-fifth ward; containing in front or breadth on the said Somerset street forty feet, and ex tending in length or depth southwesterly between lines parallel to and along said Chatham street eighty feet, more or less: P. S.—This writ has been issued on a judgment obtained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Frederick Fish er, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 1863; N 0.211, for Paving and fining work done in front of said loc. [C. P., 68; Sent. T.. '6.3. Debt, $168.02.• Stover. Taken in axe cution and to be sold as the pproperty of Frederick Fisher. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24,18173' se2s,St SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ 'of Levari Facies, to me directed, wilt be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, October 6, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom.street Hall, that certain lot of ground situate in the southeast etly side of Edgemont street, and southwesterly side of 'Fremont street. in the Twenty' 'first ward; containing in • front or breadth on said Edgemont street twenty feet, and extending of that width southeasterly in length or depth between lines parallel to and along said Fremont street one hundred and seventeen feet six inches, more or less. P. S.—This writ has been ' issued on ` a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Mary. Kennedy, owner. or reputed owner, in the Court oflOom - mon Pleas of Philadelphia. of June term. 1863. No. 213, for curbing and paving work done in front of said lot. • EC. P. ,f 4); J. T. , Debt, $5O 34. Stover.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Mary Kennedy. JOHN THOMPSON , Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24, 1563. 5e2.5-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed. - will be ex posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, uctober 6,1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southeasterly corner of Belgrade and Somerset streets. in the Twenty-fifth -ward; containing in front on said. Somerset street fifty-one feet; and extending southwest erly, of that width, between lines parallel to and along said Belgrade street, one hundred feet to 'Howson street. S.—This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs, John C. Davis, owner,- or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 1863. No. 212, for work, paving, and curbing done in front of said. lot. Taken. in execution and -to be sold as 'the property . of John C. -Davis. - JOHN THOMPSON,Sheritt Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 21,1863. se2l.3t • R ERIFF'S SALE.-43Y VIRTUE OF a writ. of levari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue; on MONDAY Evening,. October 6,1663; at Sansoin-street All • that certain lot or piece of ground situate on tire northeast corner of Coral- streetrand the Philadelphia and Beading 'Railroad, in - the - Nineteenth - ward of the said city ; qontaining in front or breadth on the said Coral street two hundred and twenty-nine feet four and .three-quarter inches to Isabella street, and extending in length or depth southeasterly along the said rail road seventy feet three and a half inches. more or less, and along the said Isabella street seventy feet, more or less. I'. S.—This Writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case Of the City' of Philadelphia vs. John -Smith, owner, or reputed 'owner, in . the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia. of June term,lB63, No. 217, for work done in front of said lot. • IC. B. 71; J. -T.. '63. Debt, 8601. 26. O. P. .k S. A. ,Cornman.] • - • . • Taken in execution and to be sold the property of John Smith: JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff 'Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 21i - 1863. •5e2531 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY - VIRTUE OF N- J a Writ of Levari Facies to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vexidue, on MONDAY livening. October 6. 1863, at 4 o'clock, at dansomostreet Hall, Althat certain lot or piece of ground situate at the southeast corner of Fourth and Norris streets, in the Nineteenth ward of said, city; containing in front or breadth on said Fourth street one hundred and sixty six-feet one inch, and extending in length or depth east ward on the south line thereof - about ninety-nine feet nine:inches„-and on the north line thereof along the south line of Norge street twenty-seven feet four and three. quarter inches. - • N. B.—The writ of 'Levert Fades, by virtue of which this property is to be sold, was issued on a judgment entered Jnne 21, 1562, in a sclr December r claim filed in the Court of Common Pleas to term, 1561. No. 218, for paving footway, measuring and fining up in front of the lot described in the writ. CC. P., 72; S. T.. '63. Debt, $285.27. Wm. M. Smith.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of - JOHN THoIIP3oN, Sheriff. - Philadelphia, - Sheriff's Office. Sept. 21. 1863 sell-it QIIERIFF ' BALE.-BY VIRTUE OF 1.1.7 a writ of Venditioni Bitponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Bvening, October 5, 1881 at 4 o'clock, at Sansom , st. Hall. All that certain met matte and lot of ground situate on thenorth side of Anita street. two hundred and seventy foor feet westward from Tenthstreet, in the city,of Phi ladelphia; containing 'in front on Anita street fifteen feet. and in depth sixty. six feet. Which said premises the Pennsylvanta, Building Association, by deed dated February 13, 1666, recorded in deed book B.- D. W., No. 68, page 61, Sic., conveyed unto the said James Duress in fee. ID. C.. 834: Sept. '63. Deht,81783.25: Clayton. 11/r Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Dams, deceased. - - - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 23, 16113. se24-3t SRERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF' A N-/writ of Yenditioni Exponas, tome direoted,will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863, of 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All that certain three-story brick messnage and lot of ground situate on, the east side of Eleventh street, one hundred arm eventy. two ' feet two inches southward from 'Jefferson street, in the city of Philadelphia, con taining in front on Eleventh street fifteen feet, and in depth, onehundred feet Lto a three-feet alley. Which said premises Charles H. Mnirhead et deed dated February 19, 1853, recorded in Teed Book T. H.: No. 67, page 387. Am. - , conveyed unto' Arthur Murphy totes, re serving a ground rent of ninety dollars, payable first day oflanuary and July. . . CD. C., 328; Sept. T.,'63. Debt. $190.411. E.l3.Campbell.l Taken in execution and to be sold as the _property of Arthur Murphy. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff . Philadelphia, SheiU'e Once, Sept, 23.1889. CO. P.. 70; 5.. T., '63 Debt, $151.03. Stover.) FRIDAY , SEPT. 25, 1863. SHERIFFS SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Pluries Fieri Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Eye rung. October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street All that lot or piece of ground. titillate on the south side of Market street, One hundred and eeventr.flvo feet west of Fulton street, arty feet front, and extending in depth southward' two hundred and fourteen feet six inches to Oak street. ED. C. 815; B. T.. 'B3. Debt $ 3 / 8 9 76. H. E. Wallace.] Taken in execution and to-he sold as thfl i propert. of Amos Scott. JOHN THOMPSO . Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's °Mee. Sept. 2.9.18ff1. ee2B-3t SBERIFF'S :SALE. —BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Venditioni ExPonad, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on moNEuky Eve ning, October 7, 1863. at 6 o'clock, at Saneom-street No. 1. All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Walnut street, one hundred and fifty feet eastward from Thirty-sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front CPO Walnut street thirty feet; and in depth one hundred and twenty-four feet. No. 2, All that certain three.story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Walnut street, one hundred and t wen ty feeteastward from Thirty-sixth street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on said Walnut street thirty feet, and in depth one hun dred and twenty-four feet. ; . . No. 3.'1111 that certain three-story brick messnage and lot of ground situate on the north Ride of Walnut street, one linndred and eighty feet eastward from Thirty-sixth street. in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Walnut street thirtr feet, and in depth one hundred and twenty-four feet. Which said premises Annesly IL G.). vett, by-deed dated April 21, 1860. conveyed unto James D. Shaw; in fee. 119. C., 317;319: S. T., 9 63. ,Debt, $3,290. Paschall.] f Taken in execution and to he sold as the monody of James D. Shaw. JOHN. THOMPSON; Sheriff. P-Phlladelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sent 23. 1863, . se2s SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE 14 0' a writ of to` Expones, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, October 5. 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All those certain eix mesenagee and lot of ground situ ate on , thenoith side of Shippen street,93 16-100 feet west ward' from Fifteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Shippers street eighteen feet, and in depth one hundred and twenty feet to Bedford street, Which said premises Charles Fox, by deed dated April 13.1812, recorded in deed book T. EL, No, 18, page 43, &c., conireYed unto William Ttviggs in fee. Subject to a ground rent of $49.60. CD. C., S. T., '63. 32/ Debt 76. Blackburn I Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of William Twiggy. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philedolphin. Sheri Ws Office, Pant. 21. se2s-3t SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF N---" Sundry write of Levari Fficias, to me directed, will be exposed _to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Rye- October 6, 1663, at 4 o'clock, at Ransom-street Hall: All that Ineesnage 'or tenement and lot or piece of land situate in the late township of Bristol aforesaid, in the county of Philadelphia,' now in the city of Phila delphia ; beginning at a stone set for a corner ou the northwesterly side of the Old York road ; thence ex tending by land of Benjamin. Armitage. north eighty three degrees twenty minutes west. thirty perches and three-tenths of a' perch to another stone, and north five degrees ten minutes east, thirty-five perches and a halite another stone thence by land of Samuel Har per,-south eighty-two- - degrees fifty-five - minutes east. twenty-six perches to a corner *tone ; thence by land of Joseph Engle, south nine degrees west, two perches and eighty-five hundredths' to another stone, and south sixty-nine degrees east, sixteen perches and eighty-five hundredths to a post on the side of the Old York reed, straightened and laid oat, the better to ac commodate the public ; thence by said road, south twenty-eight degrees forty-five minutes west, thirty perches and thirty-five hundredths to the plate of beginning ; containing seven acres and one hundred perches and a 101 f of land, more or less. fßeing the same premises which Joseph Beaty and Rachel W., his wife, by indenture dated the 16th day of November. A. D. 1644, and recorded in the office for recording deeds, Arc., for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book R. L L., No. 31, page 187. &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Joseph T. Mears in foe ; sub ject: to the reservation mentioned- in a certain inden ture bearing date the 14th day of January, A. D. 1776, recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book volume 18, page 549, made between Thomas Rose. surviving exe cutorof Bernard Reser. deceased, of the one part, and Joseph Spencer of the other part, so far only as particu larly relates to and concerns the said premises. CD. C., 385 and 333; Sept. T. '63. Powell.] Taken in execution and to be said as the property of Joseph T. Mears- JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept 23,1863. se34-3t E R F ' S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF N." a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed: will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863. at 4 o ' clock. - at at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of.ground situate on the west side of Germantown road, at the distance of two hundred and Jiffy eight feet four and one-quarter inches southward from the point of intersection of the said Ger mantown road and Fifth street, in the ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Germantown road eighteen feet, and extend ing in length or depth westward, at right angles to the said Germantown road, on the south line thereof, fifty two feet eight and one-half inches, and on the north line thereof forty-nine feet three and three-quarter-inches. Bounded northward. southward, and westward by ground now or late of George Cadwalader. and eastward by the said Germantown road.. Being the same preost. sea which George Ca4iwalader and his wife, by indenture dated the sixth day of January, A. D. 1855, recorded in Deed Book - .No. Page. &c.. granted and conveyed unto Holmes B. Kelley and his heirs, re serving thereont the yearly ground rent of forty-five dollars, lawful silver , money of the United States of America, each dollar weighing seventeen pennyweights and six grains at least; payable half-yearly on the fif teenth day of January and July in every year there after, without any deduction for taxes, &c., for arrears of which said ground rent the judgment in this case has been obtained. CD. C., 337: S. T '63. Debt $476.43, Rawle. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Holmes B. RelleY. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Sept. 23.156;..5e2.5-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Irenditioni Exponas, tome directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Evening. October 6.1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansomatreet Hall. All that certain double two-story stone dwelling house, with a two-story addition at the side, stone barn,. and lot or piece of ground whereon the same are erected, situate at Mount Airy, in the Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia, on the northeastwardly side of the Germantown and - Perkiomen Turnpike Road. Beginning at a clone set for a corner by the southeast wardly side of a perch and one-tenth - part of a perch wide road, sometimes called Miller's lane, and some times Gowen's lane, running northeastwardly from the said turnpike road. and thence along the same north forty degrees and forty-five minutes. east sixty- three perches and one-tenth of - a perch to the eastwardly side of the Chestnut Rill Railroad: thence along the said railroad, and the line of land granted to Tames Gowen, south. fifty-one degrees and twenty minutes, east four Perches and seven-tenths of a r arch to a stake set for a corner; thence with the line of James Gowen's land,sonth forty . degtees and forty-five minutes. west sixty-five perches and one-tenth part of a perch to a stone set for a corner; thence the said side of the aforesaid turnpike road, north twenty' six degrees, west five perches to the place of-beginning. Containing one acre; three rode, and twelve perches o f land. more or lees, Including in the same the strip of ground sixty feet in width at the northeastern extremity thereof, occupied as the road-bed of the Chestnut Bill Railroad. ED. C.. 340; Sept. T.'63. Debt; $l,OOO. J. E. Gowen.] Taken in execution. and to ha sold ea thapronertt of William Rittenhouse. JO Ear TllomP.,• , JA, nneriti Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sept. Z. 3. 18,83. 80,5-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a - writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sam or vendue,on MOB DAY Eve - fling. October b. asal at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All those eight certain brick messuages or tenements and'-lots - or pieces of ground, situate on the south side of Morris street, in the First ward of the city of Philadel -p1311,----- No.:1. One of them at the southwest corner of Seventh street and the said Morris' street, containing in front on Morris street sixteen feet one inch and -a half, and in length - or depth along Seventh street sixty-four feet. No. 2. One other , of them at • the distance of thirty-one 'feet seven inches and half westward from Seventh street. No. 3 One other of them at the distance of one hundred and forty, feet one inch and a half westward from Seventh street: No. 4. One other of them at the distance of one hundred and fifty-live feet seven and a half inches westward from Seventh street. - • . . . No. 5.- One other of them at the distance of one hun dred and seventy feet one inch aLd a half westward from - Seventh street. No. 6, One other of them at the distance of one hun died and eighty-six feet seven and a half inches west ward from seventh street. No. 7. One other of them at the distance of two hun dred and two feet one inch and a half westward from Seventh street. No. 8. And the other of them at the distance of two bundled and seventeen feet seven and a half inches westward from Seventh street. Each of the said. seven last mentioned lots containing in front or breadth on'the said Morris street fifteen feet nix inehes,land in length or depth sixty-four feet. [Being the same eight lots of ground which Luke W. Duffel and wife, by eight indentures, each dated the first day of Au gust, A. D. 1860, recorded in Deed Book A: •D. 8., No. 126, pages 414, 423. 455, 459. 464 ; 463, 472. and 477. Sto.. granted unto Louis B. M. Dol Sy in fee. reserving ont of each of the said lots respectively the yearly rent or sum of forty dollars.] ID. C., -639; S. T., '63. Debt, $1,638.37. J. H. Wheeler.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Louis B. M. Dolby. JOHN THOMPSON', Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sent. 2.3,1863. 5e25.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY 'VIRTUE OF a writ of third Pluries Levari Facies, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, October 6, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. "All those eight certain yearly ground rents or sums of forty-five dollars each, payable to Charles B. Solider, his heirs. and assigns, in equal half yearlyePayments, respectively: on the first day of the months of May and November, in each year forever, without deduction for taxes, &c., for and out of all those eight certain lots or pieces of ground situate in the Nineteenth ward, of the city of Philadelphia. • No. 1. One of them on the northwesterly side of Brad dock street, at the distance of four hundred and thirty five feet two and seven-eighths inches northeasterly from the northeasterly side of Huntingdon street; thence extending northeasterly along the northwesterly side of said Braddock street seventeen feet three and. seven eighths inches, to a point; thence northwesterlyalong other ground of the mid Charles B. to: ouder, on a line at right angles It ith the said Braddock street seventy nine feet ea. inches; to a three-feet-wide alley which runs southerly, and communicates with another alley two feet eleven and three-quarter inches wide, which. runs westerly into Emerald street; thence southwesterly along the sameand ground or William- iiVitte, on a. line parallel with the said Braddock street thirteen feet one - and seven eighths inches, to a point; and thence south twenty-nine degrees and twenty-four. and a half minutes east, along ground now or late of the Fair Hill estate, seventy-nine feet seven and a quarter inches, to the place of beginning. No 2. One other of them on the northwesterly side of Braddock street, at the distance of four hundred and fifty - two.feet six and three. quarter inches -northeaster -1y from the northeasterly side of Huntingdon street; containirg in front or breadth on the said Braddock street eixteen feet, and in length or depth seventy- nine feet eix inches. . No. 3. One other of them on the northwesterly side of Braddock street, at the distance of four hundred and sixty eight feet six and three quarter inches north easterly om the northeasterly side of Bnntingdou .street; containing in front or breadth on said Brad- dock street sixteen feet. and extending northwesterly of that width in length or depth saves ty-nine feet six inches. No. 4.- One other of them on the northwesterly side of Braddock street, at the distance of four hundred and eighty-four feet six and three-quarter inches northeast erly from the northeasterly side of Huntingdon - street; containing in front or breadth on said B. addock street sixteen feet, and extending northwesterly of that width in length or depth seventy-nine feet six Inches. file 3. One other of them on the northwesterly side of Braddock street, at the distance of five hundred feet six and three-quarter inches northeasterly from the north easterly aide of Huntingdon street; containing in front or breadth on the said Braddock street sixteen feet. and extending northwesterly Mithat width in length or depth seventy-nine feet six inches. No. 3. One other of them on the northwesterly side of Braddock street, at the distance of five hundred and sixteen feet six and three-quarters inches northeasterly from the northeasterly side of Huntingdon street; con taining in front or breadth on the said Braddock street sixteen feet, and extending northwesterly of that width in length or depth seventy-nine feet six inches. No. 7 One other of them on the northwesterly side of Bra ddock street, at the distance of five hundred and thirty-two feet six and three-quarter inches north easterly fromthe northeasterly side of Huntingdon street; containing in front or-breadth on said Braddock s'rect sixteen feet. and extending northwesterly of that width in length or depth seventy-nine feet six inches. No. B And the other of them, on the northwesterly side of Braddock street, at the distance of five hundred. and fin;ty-eight feet six and three-quarter inches north easterly from the northeasterly stile of Huntingdon street; containing in front or breadth on the said Brad dock street sixteen feet, and extending northwesterly of that width in length or depth seventy-nine feet six inches. _ N. B.—On each of the above-described lots of ground there is erected a two-story brick messuago or tene ment. N 0.9 -Also, all that certain yearly ground rent or sum of thirty-six dollars. charged upon, issuing and payable by Pelham ft. Holli s, his heirs and assigns, in equal half-yearly payments, on the first day of the months of April and October in every year, without deduction for taxes, &c., forever. for and out of all that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid, on the southeasterly side of the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, at the &Et ienne of four hundred and fifty feet northeasterly from ' the northeasterly side of Clearfield street; containing in front or breadth on the said Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad thirty-six feet. and -extending in length or depth southeasterly of that width, between parallel lines at right angles with the said railroad, one hon . dred and sixty-seven feet, more or less, to the north westerly side of Witte street. And also, all those two certain yearly ground rents or , sums of forty-eight dollars each, charged upon, issuing and payable by Pelham L. Hollis, his heirs and assigns, in equal half-yearly payments, respectively, on the first day of the months of April and October in every year. without deduction for taxes, An , forever, for and out of all those two certain lots'or pieces of ground situate in the'Rinetsenth ward of said city., _ No. 10. One.of them on the southeasterly side of the Phadelphia and Trenton Railroad, at the distance of four hundred and eighty-six feet northeasterly from the northeasterly. side of Ciciarlield street; containing in front or breadth on the said Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad forty-eight' feet, and extending in length or . depth southeasterly of that width one hundred and sixty-seven feet, more or lees, to Witte street., Igo. 11.. And the`other of them on the southeasterly side of the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, at the die- tance of five hundred and thirty-four feet northeasterly 'from the northeasterly_aide of C earfleld street; con- , taining in front or breadth (113, the said Philadelphia and :Trenton, Railroad, forty-eight - feet, and extending in length or depth southeasterly of that width one hundred and sixty-seven feet,-more or less, to the northwesterly side of Witte street, [Which said eleven yearly rent charges or ground rents abovedescribekare the same , which William H. Witte and wife. by two several in dentures. one;dated the thirteenth day - of 'February and the other the - filth' day of March, anne Domint 1858, and . intended forthwith to be recorded, granted and conveyed Unto the said William , Th'Bethell fee.) - CD. C., 810; S. T.,'88. Debt. $7.187.811. O. Clay.] Taken in execution and to be. sold as the property of William R. Bothell. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sherilre Office, Sept. 33,1843. 5e2.1,3t SLIERIFFS SALES. SIIERIFF'S .SALE.BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Lever! Facies. to me directed. will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain two-story frame messuage. and lot of ground situate on the southeast corcer of Fourth'street and Master street. in the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front on Fourth street twenty feet, and in depth along Master street fifty-nine feet two and one-half inches, and on the eolith line sixty-six feet eleven Inches to a twenty-feet alley. Which said premises James Markoe et al., trustees, by deed dated March 6. 1848. re corded in Deed Book A. W. M., No. 62. page 375, &c, conveyed unto Patrick Campbell and Ann, his wife, her heirs and ahelgns. CD. C.. 331; Sept. T., 'B3. Debt, $BB9 S S. Campbell.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Ann Campbell, who survived her husband. J61:11i Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sept. 21 Ha . 00ffi.5..3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY October 5, 1.663, at 4 o'clock, at Sansam street Hall. all that certain fonr.story brick meant:toga and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Shipped street, be • tween Third and Fourth streets, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Bhippert street sixteen feet nine inches, and In depth ninety-eight feet. Sounded north by ground of Jacob Biddle ' east by ground of John Knop, west by ground of Jacob Fry. Which said pre mises Hobert Coburn and Wiff,, by deed dated May 14, 3E61, recorded in Deed Book G. W. C., No, 93, page 112. &c., conveyed unto John Hauptman in fee.. CD. C.. 833; Sept. T.,'63. Debt, $2,006. Rood.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of John Hauptman. ...JOHN THOMPSON.- Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 23,-1t63. 8625-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY. VIRTUE OF sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas,to me directed,will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, october 6, 1863. at storyck, at Sansom-street Hail. All that certain threebrick menanage and lot of ground. situate on the south side of Carpenter street and east side of Clements street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front, on Clements street. eighteen feet, and in depth forty-six feet to a four-feet-wide Which said premises Mary Katharine Lewis. by deed dated October 1. 1860, recorded in Deed Book A. Si. 8.. No. 127, page 478, &c., conveyed unto the said William Twiggy in fee. ED. C.. 320 and 321; S. T..'63. Blackburn.] Taken in execution and to be cola as the nroperty of William Twins. .1 . 01481 THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 883. se2B-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A. writ of Levari Facies to me directed, will be exposed to 'nubile sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All these four certain three-story brick mossuages or tenements, and lots or pieces et ground, situate in the late district of Penn, now Twentieth ward of the city or Philadelphia, and described .together as fellows, viz.; Beginning at the northwest corner of Schuylkill Eighth, or Fifteenth street, and Cambridge street; thence ex tending northward along the West side of said Fifteenth street seventy-two feet: thence 'westward - at right an gles to the said Fifteenth. street, by other ground of the paid Henry Haines, sixty feet; thence southward, parat lel with the said Fifteenth street. by ground of Lawrence Peterson, seventy-two feet two and one-eighth inches to the north side of Cambridge street, and thence east ward along the same sixty feet, to the place of begin ning. [Being the sonthern part of a larger lot of ground which Joseph Cabot and wife. by indenture dated the 2d day of February. A. D. 1852. recorded in Deed Book T. H., No -9, page 2, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Henry Baines in fee; reserving therout a certain yearly ground rent or sum of three hundred and "sixty dollars: and the said Joseph Cabot and wife, by deed endorsed, dated the 20th day of October, A. D. 1813, re corded in Deed Book T. H, No. 112, page 191, Ste., re leased and extinguished the said yearly ground rent or sum of three hundred and -sixty dollars, unto the said Henry Haines, 'his heirs and assigns ] N. B.—We are requested to state that Mr. Reines has no longer any interest in the above premises. [D. C., 830; Sept. T., '63. Debt, WOO. .6, S. Campbell.] Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of Henry Haines. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.. Philadelpbia, Sheriff's Office. Sept, 22, 1563. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE -BY VIRIUE OF aWrit of Alias LeVari Facies, to me directed. will be exposed to public sate or vendne, on MON DAYl3ven in g, October 50663. at 4 o'clock. at S ansom-street Hall. A certain lot or piece of land, with the buildings and. Improvements thereon erected, situate in that part of the said city;of Philadelphia, formerly Penn township, in the county of Philadelphia. described as follows. viz : beginning at a stake on the southeasterly side of Nice town lane, a corner of the lot marked No. 6, on the plan of partition between the heirs and representatives of Martha Renshaw, deceased, now of Joseph Sims, and extending thence north sixty degrees and forty-seven minutes east. twenty-four perches to the lot marked No, 7, on said plan; now or late of Robert Kennedy; thence smith twenty-nine degrees .and thirty-seven minutes east, fifty-nine perches and seven-eighths, to ground now or late of John C. Welts; thence south fifty-nine degrees and thirty-six minutes and a half west, twenty-four perches to a corner, and thence north twenty-nine de grees and thirty-seven minutes west, sixty perches and two-tenths to the place of beginning aforesaid; contain ing nine acres, be the same more or less. [Being the same lot or piece of land which the said Joseph Sims. by indenture dated the sixth day of May, A. D. 1816, and re corded at Philadelphia in. Deed Book A. W. M.. No. page 188, Ac.. granted and conveyed unto the said John C. Gerdy, in fee; reserving thereout unto him, theold Joseph Sims, his heirs and assigns, the yearly ground rent or sum of one hundred and twenty six dollars. pay able in equal half-yearly payments on the .first day of the months of March and September in every year, with out deduction for taxes, an , [D. C., 324; S. T., '63. Debt, $4,343.50. England.] Taken in execution: and to be sold as the property of John C. Gerdy._ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 23. 1863. se23-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exposes, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1663. at 4 - o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the three-story brick dwelling house and other improve ments thereon erected, situate on the south side of Hu ron street and westerly side of Lexington street,in the Twentysfiurth ward of the city of Philadelphia, con taining in front or breadth on the said Lexington street forty feet, and extending in length or depth of that width westwardly ninety feet. Bounded on the north by said Huron street, on the east by said Lexington street. on the south by the lot No. 2. next hereinafter describes; and on the west by ground now or late of Charles F. Lox. Together with all and singular, atc. No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground. with the three-story brick dwelling house thereon erected, situate on tne westerly side of Lexington street, at the distance of forty feet southward from the southerly side of qui on street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Lexington street forty feet, and extending in length or depth westwardly of that width ninety feet. Bounded on the north by lot No. 1. hereinbefore de scribed, on the east by said Lexington street on the south by ground now or late of Edwin W. Lehman, and on the west by ground late of Charles F. Lex. Together with all and singular, &c. [The said lots, Nos. 1 and 2, being the same premises George M. Troutman and wife, by deed dated December a), A- D. 1862,.recorded in Deed Book A. C. H., No 69, page 474, &c., granted and con veyed unto the said Peter Purcell in fee. • No a All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three-story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the east side of Lexington street, at the dis tance of one hundred and fifty feet northward from the north side of Haverford street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia. contaisisx ia front or breadth on the cold Lexington street - fifty feet, and ex tending of that width in leng th or depth eastward be tween parallel lines at right angles to the said Lexington street one hundred- and fifty. seven feet two and three eighths inches: Bounded northward by ground now late of Edwin W. Chapman, eastward by ground now or late of George Ludwig. southward by ground granted or intended to have been granted to the said Peter Purcell on ground ent, and westward by Lexington street aforesaid. [Being the same menthes which William 1 Barney and - wife, by - dead - dated - December dated December 24,-A. D 1860, recorded in Deed Book A. C. IL , No. 21, page 113, &c • granted and conveyed unto the said Peter Parcel]. in fee. Together w ith all and singular, &c. No. 4. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the west side of- Florida street, at the distance of sixty feet southward from the south side of Seneca street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia containing in front or breadth on the said Florida - street sixty feet, and extending in length or depth westward, besween lines parallel with said Seneca street, ninety feet. Bounded northward by ground granted to John Leary on ground rent, southward by ground now or late of William Crean, westward by ground now or late of John W. Everman, and eastward by Florida street aforesaid. Together with all and singular, &c. [Being the same premises which Daniel Hanna and wife, by deed dated August 27th, A. D. 1860, recorded in Deed Book A. C. 11.', No. 19, page 79, Asc.. granted and con veyed unto the said Peter Purcell. in fee. No. 6. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate On the northwardly side of Kingsessingravenue, at the distance of fifty feet eastwardly from the easterly side of Forty-seventh street in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia'; containing in front or breadth on the said Kingsessing avenue fifty feet. and extend ing in length or depth northwardly between lines parallel with the said Forty-seventh - street one hundred and seventy-five feet. Bounded northwardly and east wardly by ground now or late of Charles Robb and N. B. Browne, souihwardty by the said Kingsessing avenue, and westwardly by other ground granted or intended to have been granted to the said Peter Pur cell. Together with all and singular, &c. [Being the same premises which Charles Robb and wife, and Nay' thaniel B. Browne and wife, by deed dated. Canter 23. 1660, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. .1:51; - 'page 472, &c., granted" and conveyed unto the said Peter Purcell in fee. No. 6. All that' certain lot'or piece" of ground situate on the northeasterly corner of Kingaessing avenue anti For ty-seventh street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Hingsessing avenue fifty feet, and extending in length or depth of that breadthialong said Forty-seventn street northwardly one hundred and seventy-five feet. Bounded northwardly by ground new or late of Charles Robb and Nathaniel B. Browne; sonthwardly by the said %tramming avenue; eastwardly by other ground granted, or intended to have beengranted, to the said Peter Purcell. and westwardly by Forty- seventh street aforesaid. [Being the seine preniises which Charles Robb and wife] and Nathaniel Ii Browne and wife, by deed dated 0ct0ber23d,A.1.1660, recorded In Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 184, page 479, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Peter Parcel]. in fee. 3 Together with all and singular, &c.stgsia No. 7. All that certain lbt'br niece of ground, with the three. story brick messnage tenement thereon erected, situate on the north side of Summer street, at the dis tance of seventy-eight feet west or Twenty-second (late Schnylkill Front) street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Summer street sixteen "feet, and extending of that width northward, parallel with said Twenty •second street,sixty-one feet to a three. feet-wide alley, left open by Joel B. Moorehead,* and extending west into Evans' avenue. Bounded west . by ground granted to Charles Sweeney on ground rent. on the north 'by the said three-feet-wide alley, on the east partly by ground now or late of the said Joel B. Moorehead, and partly by a three-feet-wide alley lead ing south into said Sommer street. [Being the samelpre- I raises which Joel B. Moorehead and wife, by deed dated September 19, 1854, recorded in Deed Book No: —, page —, dc., granted and conveyed unto the said Peter Pur cell in fee 3 Together with the free and common use and privilege of the said three-feet-wide alley, and to gether with all and singular, dc. No. 8. All that certain frame messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of Market (formerly Washington) street, between Thirty-muth and Fortieth (formerly William and Till streets), in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia, being the easternmost half part of the lot numbered SO in the late - village of dlarnilton; containing in front or - breadth - - on the eald Market street twenty-five feet, and extending of that width in length or deptt northward one hundred and ninety-five feet, more or less, to a twenty- five-feet wide alley or street. Bounded north by the said twenty .five-feet-wide alley or street. on the east by ground late of Henry Pleasant% on the south by the said Market street, and on the west by ground granted to Theodore M. Weltberger. Together with all and singular, Sze. [Being the same premises which Peter Coyle and wife, by deed dated the 28th day of March, A. D. 1859, recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 132, page 246, and granted and conveyed unto said Peter Purcell in fee . CD. C.. 326; S. T., '63. Debt, $1,407.25 Sharpies& Taken in execution and to be soldat the property of Peter Purcell. JOHN THOMPSON.- Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 23,1863. 5026-3 t, QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS 1- At DEAN'S CIGAR STORE. 335 CHESTNUT Street, you can buy FINE-CUT CHEWING TOJACCO 25 per cent. less than anywhere else. Anderson's Solace, Hoyt's Sunnyside, Lilienthal's Standard, Old Continental, Young America, and Good win's N. Y. Patent Pressed, for eight cents each. _ Plantation, Cornish's Virgin Leaf s Yellow Bank, Ho ney Dew, Amulet, National, Hearts Delight, Savory, Medallion, Nonpareil, and Mrs. Miller's Fine-cut Chew ing Tobacco. for four cents each. FINE CUT IN- YELLOW 'PAPERS. —Lilienthal's. Backus & Campbell's, Yellow Bank, Grape. for three cents each. _ FINE-CUT CHEWING TOBACCO IN BULR".—Ander son's Solace, Hoyt's Sunnyside, Dean's Golden Prize. Dean's Philadelphia Fine Cnt, Honey Dew, Michigan. and Pride of RentuckY. for six cents per ounce. _ Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco by the pound, 45, 60, 75, 90 cents, and V. IMP 'ORTED HAVANA AND YARA. CIGARS. and do mestic Cigars of all kinds, 25 per cent. less than others sell, at wholesale or retail, at DEAN'S CIGAR STORE. _ 335 CHESTNUT Street. Wilmington and Newark Corporation Notes taken at Par. jy6.t.f 6on • GOLDTHORP CO., 625 A. lO. 'Manufacturers of • Tassels, Cords, Fringes, Curtains, and Furniture Gimps, Curtain Loops, Centre Tassels. Pictures and Photograph Tassels, Blind Trimmings. Military and Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Neck.Tiea. etc., etc. 'No. 625 MARKET Street, rny6-6m Philadelphia. UNION STEAM AND WATER BEATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. GOLD'S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATER HEATER. THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, and all other Improved COOKING APPARATUS. - Boilers and Water Backs. Parlor and other Grates, Registers and Ventilators, Backs!and Jambs, and all things connected with the above branch of business. JAMBS P. WOOD, • No. 41 South FOURTH Street.' :B. M. FELTWELL,' Superintendent. ap•ly NVILLIAM H. YEATON & CO., Y ( No. 201 South FRONT Street, • _ Agents for the sale of the ORIGINAL HBIDSIRCK & CO. CHAMPAGNE, Offer that desirable Wine to the trade. Also, 1,000 cases fine and medium grades BOILDBABX CLARETS. 100 cases "Brandenberg Freres" COGNAC BRANDY. Vintage DAS, bottled in France. 150 cases finest Tuscan, 011, in flasks; 2 dozen in case. 00 bble tbiest quality Monongahela Whisky.,, 50 bbls Jersey Apple Brandy. - 00,000 Havana Cigars,' extra One Most & Chandon Grand , Vin Imperial, " Green Seal" Champagne. Together with a flue assortment of Madeira, f S esi he . r y , , DYOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS.:LWE have 'FURNACE IN BLAST,SI! :. - 4c and are prepared to attend to orders for BOTTLES of every description. • ael9•lm • SALE OF CAKPETINOS k ,,COIR, MATTINGS, STATE A CARD. —The early attention of purchasers is re cneAtee to the general assortment of three-ply, ingrain, Venitian, cottage. hemp, and list carpeting's, colr mat tinge, stair rods, shades. Atc-, tube peremptorily sold. by catalogue, on a credit of four months PEREMPTORY SALE OF CARPETBAGS AND STAIR RODS, &o. THIS MORNING. September 26th, at precisely 10% o'clock , by catalogue. will be sold. on our months ' credit, comprising -,pieces three-ply carpets. pieces Brussels carpets. plecee all. wool ingrain carpets. pieces wool filling Ingrain carpets. pieces woolen Venetian carpets. pieces list, rag. and cottage carpets. pieces hemp carpets, lso, a large assortment of brass stair rode, just re calved. N. R.—Samples may be examined early on the morn ing of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH, GERMAN, AND.BHITISa DRY GOODS. &o. ON MONDAY MORNING , _ . . . September 28th. at 10 o'clock. will be sold, by catalogue. on fear months credit. about 150 PACKAGES AND LOTS _ of French; India, German, and British dry goods, gis., embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and staple articles in silk, worsted, woolen, ILnen, and. cot ton fabrics. . . IT. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination, with catalognes, early on the morning of the sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to at- LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF PRENCM, GERMLN. AND BRITISH DRY GOODS. NOTICE. —lncluded in our sale of French. Merman, India and British Dry. Goods, on MONDAY MORNING, Eept 48th, will be found, in part, the following de sirable and di oice articles vi i DRESS 4; DODS —Rich printed Cashmere and mons de lathes, merino cloths; poplins. ginghams, Saxony dress goods. soil de chevres, BIER VELVETS —Of the most fashionable shades and blacks. G.W. BENNER& 21 FOULR FRONT Wee AUCTION SALM. JOHN 8.. MYERS & CO. AUCTION- Ens. Nod. )11331 and 234 MARKET Street. RODS, BLACK SlLKS—Glmily black dress - silks of all wldtliP. BLACK GROS DE RHINE'S —A fall assortment, from 23 to 30-Mama wide. . . DRESS SILNB6 choice assortment of fancy and solid colors pont t de sale; colored lloances.Foulard silks, &c. BONNET RIBBONS—PIaid, fancy. and plain gros de Naple bonnet and neck ribbons; black silk velvet and trimming ribbons. &c. £llAWLS—Broche long and square, rich chenille, woolen, and reversible ebawls: scarfs and cravats; tra vell‘Dg dbawls and wands. &c. EMBROlDERlEd—Pariejaconet and mill collars and eleev ea. frock bodles.linen handkerchiefs, cambric shirts. bands, inuslins, Insertion, laces dgc. Also, black crape% lace veils, silk cravats and ties. baregee. chenille scarfs, kid and fancy gloyes, knit goons, silk gizelles, buttons. linen bosome, fancy ar ticles, An. LARGE SALE OF PARIS KID GLOVE'S. . Included in our sale. on MONDAft. 28th inst. 503 dozen ladies'" Jouvin" Pari.sreal kid gloves,fresh goods, just landed, for the best city retail sales; assort ed in modes, blacks, white and light. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES BROGANS, &c. ON. TUESDAY MORNING. . - - September 29th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold by eatelocee. Without reserve, on font months' credit, about 1,100 packages boots, shoes. brogans, balmorals, gum shoes, army goods, dcc. , of city? and Eastern manufacture, em bracing a fresh and prime assortment of desirable ar ticles, for men. women. and children, which will be open for examination early on the morning of sale. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH. FRENCH, GERMAN. AHD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. am We will bold a large sale of British, French, German and Domestic Dry Goods. by catalogue, on four months' credit, ON TEICIRSDK7 MORNING . . October Ist, at 10 o'clock, embracing about 750 pack ages and lots of staple and fancy articles in woolens, linens, cottons. silks, and worsteds, to which we invite the attention of dealers. N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination. with catalogues. early ou the morning of the sale, when dealers will End it to their interest to at tend., JAS. A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, 424 WALNUT Street, ( Sale at 422 Walnut street . . . HANDSOME FURNITURE. PLATED WARE, BUFFA LO ROBES, CHINA AND CUT GLASS, NINGPO TABLES, BRONZES, WINES AND LIQUORS,' BED AND TABLE LINEN. SILK QUILTS. - - THIS MORNING. At 10 o'clock. will be sold, by catalogue. by order of the administrator of R DeSilyer, deceaeed. a large quantity of personal property. se2l.-5t P RILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 525 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE Street*. LARGE SALE OF 1,090 9, }MOTS AND MOE& ON MONDAY, MORNING . . September 28, at 10 o'clrck precisely. will be sold. b 7 catalogue, 1,000 cases men's, boys', and s onth'e calf.-kip„ and grain boots, brogans. dm.; women's, misses' and children's calf. kip. goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes, balmorals, &c. BY HENRY P. WOLBERT, AUCTIOVESR. No. AO% MARKET Street, South Ole. above Second St Regular Sales of Dry Goods, Trimmings. 6 Notions.&c.. every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY. and FRIDAY 1101tif CADS, at 10 o'clock precisely. - City and country Dealers are requested to attend these sales. Consignmente respectfully solicited from Manufactu rers, importers. Commission. Wholesale, and Jobbing Eonses, um Retailers of all and every description of Merchandise. FINE CASSIMERES, SACTINETS. CLOTHING. WOOL. SHIRTS. SUSPENDERS, ace. THIS MORNING, Sept. 25th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold - fine fancy cassi• =eras, eattinets, cassimere and sattinet pants, vests, fancy wool shirts, merino shirts and drawers. suspend ers, carpet bass. felt bets. &c DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. TRIMMINGS. Arc. Also, wool "flannels, figured dress goods, skirts, linen and gingham handkerchiefs cravats. neck-ties, scarfs, braided jsconet collars. infants' waists.- lace caps. crepe collars, Bouncing and insertinge, velvel ribbons, trim mings, buttons, wool and cotton hosiery, gloves, mitts, patent patent thread, sewing silk,toy watches, thimbles, tape measures, needles, plated ware, boots, shoes, vel vet caps, Sm. THOMAS BIRCH & SON, AUCTION. MU, No. 914 CHESTNUT Street. SALE OF ELEGANT FURNITURE - TH)S MORNING. CARD. —Our Sale THIS MORNING, at the Auction Store, Ito. 914 Chestnut street, commencing a 9 o'clock, comprises over SOO lots of superior farnitare. including velvet, Brussels. Venetian. and ingrain carpets; French plate mantel and pier mirrors; rosewood parlor suite, covered with satin broc Italie. made by Lejambre: wal nut parlor suites, in brocatelle. moquot, plush, and reps; suites of walnut, chamber furniture, spring and hair in attreszes. marble-top - tables . . office bookcaes, fancy chairs wardrobes. cottage furniture. oil paint ings, melodeon. small billiard tables, &c. aNTON FOWLING PIECE—AIso at 12 o'cloek,vrill be sold, one splendid fowling plece, made by Jos. Mea t, n&.fione—Lonrion :one Sharn'..ume_, &a. -IV COPARTNERSHIPS. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-THE COPARTNERSHIP undersigned have this dal. formed a Copartnership for the transaction of the Dry Goods - Commission Busi ness under the name and style of EVANS & CO. No. 214 CHURCH Alley. July 1.1863. Ogels-1213 JOS. EVAN'S. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-THE undersigned members of the late firm of Smith, Williams, at Co., have this day entered into copartner• ship under the name and style of H. P. At W. P. SMITH, for the transaction of the Dry Goods Commission busi ness at No. 221 CHESTNUT Street. _ . . PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 15t,1863. NOTICE. -JOSEPH LEA HAS ASSO CIATED with him JAMES McCARTER and JOEM U. FRALEY in the transaction of the Commission Bust- Dem, which will herafter be conducted under the firm of JOSEPH LEA. & CO., 125 and 130 CEERSTNIrr Street. PuTLADM,PuTA. Septemberl, eel-lm HOTELS. NATIONAL HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. C. H. S. BENSON, PRuPRIETOR, Formerly of the Ashland House, Philadelphia. He is determined to merit, and hopes to receive, a fall share of public patronage. jel9-6m METROPOLITAN HOTEL, (LANE BROWN'S,) PENNS:YLVANIA AVENUE, ',Between Sixth and Seventh Streets, WASHINGTON, CITY, A. R. POTTS, Pronriator. niso22-6m MEDICAM. {JOYFUL ANN OITNCEMENT TO SUFFERING. HUMANITY. . Prof C. EL BOLLES, well known discoverer and _ teacher of applying Galvanism, Magnetism, and other modifications Of Electricity as a reliable the rapeutic agent for the ears of acute and chronic diseases, with Dr. M. J. GALLOWAY. his former partner, have returned to their whereatEsblshment at former -1? Walnut street; Philadelphia, hey have resumed business. They have added two new operating rooms to the Establishment. which will enable them to treat at least one hundred patients par day. The fact that Prof. B. has been in Philadelphia. at 12E) Walnut street, four years, and has in that time treated over eight thousand invalids, considered incurable by all other treatment, many of whom have been - warranted by special contract, is evidence the most indubitable of the superiority of his system over all others. He has also instructed more than one thousand Medical men, and others, who use Elec tricity as a specialty in acute and chronic Ca3e9. PROF. BOLLES tt GALLOWAY. 1220. WALNUT Street. { se24•if CLEANSE THE BLOOD.—WITH COR rapt, disordered, or vitiated Blood, you must be sick all over. It may burst out in Pimples, or Sores, or in some active difteaBl3. or it may merely keep you list less. depressed, and good for nothing. But you cannot have good health while your blood is impure. Ayer's Sarsaparilla purges out these impurities and stimulates the organs of life into vigorous action, restoring the health and expelling disease. Hence it rapidly cares a variety of complaints which are caused by impurity of the blood, such as Scrofula., or Sing's Emil, Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches. Boils. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, or Erysipelas, Titter, or Salt .Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Cancer, or Cancerous Tumors, Sore Eyes, Female Diseases, such as _Reten tion, Irregularity. Suppression, Whirev, Sterility, Suphilis, or Venereal Diseases, Eiver Complaints, and Heart Disc see, Try AYER'S SARSAPARILLA. and see for yourself the surprising activity with which it cleanses the blood and cures the disorders. ATER'n CHERRY PECTORAL is so universally known to surpass every other remedy for the cure of Cbughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchi tis, incipient Consumption, and for the relief of Con sumptive Patients in advanced stages Of the disease, that it is useless here .to recount the evidence of its. vir tues. The world knows them. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, for Costiveness, Dys pepsia, Indigestion., Dysentery, Foul Stomach, .Tattra• dice, Headache. Heart burn, Piles, Rheumat ism: Dropsy, Worms, and, in short, for all the purposes of e Purgative medicine. Do not be put off bz . unprincipled dealers with other 171111 1 °..1d'ilig h n t o oeil:sa. k eTiteorseiCnsttlihe ß beenl there is for them, and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYBR & CO., Lowell, mass.. and sold by 7. M. HARRIS & CO., at wholesale, and by FREDERICK BROWN. a au27-mwf2m WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH? GOOD NEWS FOR THE SICK AND WOUNDED. Messrs. J. GRIM and T. ALLEN, MEDICAL EnEc r - TRICIANS (formerly associated with Profs. Bolles and Galloway), having removed to No. 723 North TENTH Street, between Coates and Brown streets, are now pre pared to treat and cure all Curable Diseases, whether acute or chronic, pulmonary or paralytic, without a shock or any inconvenience. Poor Soldiers will be treated gratuitously. The Ladies will be treated by a lady. Among the diseases tor which we will give a special guarantee, when desired, we mention the fol lowing:.Consamlion,lst 6t2d stages Hemorrhage. Paralysis, General Debility, Neuralgia, Diseases of the Liver or Asthma, Bidnsys, Fever and Ague, Diabetes, Congestion, Prolapsms Uteri. (Falling Dyspepsia, Womb), Rheumatism. Prolapsus AnL or Piles. Bronchitis, Nocturnal Emission,&.c., dm, No charge for consultation. Office hours: 9A. M. to 6P. M. jeS-6m lUMELLE'S*COMPOUICD SYRUP OF DOCK is successful as a remedy, because those who nee it pronounce it the best COUGH SYRUP. the best Blood Purifier. the most efficient Invigorator, and the best Cure for Scrofula ever offered to the public, • Sold by the proprietor. F. 1525 Af li tK M Altleet. And all Druggists. COML. (10 OAL .-SITGAR LOAF, BEAVER •-•' MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal and best Locust Mountain, from Schtlyikillt prepared ex- Pressly for Family use. Depot, N. W. corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Mae, No. 11.2 South SECOND Street. Cap2ly] J. WALTON & CO. LAKE SUPERIOR INGOT COPPER, -A-I from the Amygdalold Mine, In store and for sale in 41Lataittes tO suit, at WOMRATH'S ie3s.6m* ' 415 ARCH street. PrIRENOLO GIC AL EXAMINA TIONS, with full deecriptione - of character, given DAY and 'EVENING, by J. 1.. CA.PEN, so4-frow6m No. 25 South TENTH Street. 4, THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER -OR EUROPEAN R &NOB. for families. -hotels._ or public institutions, in TWENTY DIFFERENT stmts. Also Phila delphia Ranges, Hot-Air Farnaces. Portable ' Heaters, LOwdowniOrates.-Pireboard Stoves. Bath Boilers, Stew. hole Plates, Broilers. Cooking Stoves, atc.. at wholesido and retail, by the Manufacturers. & CHASE. SHARPE. THOMSON. Stinlinu-SLIZ No. atAl N. SECOND titled. FURNESS, BRINLEY & CO., No. 429 MARKET ghee& SA.T.B OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY IMODS: ON TUESDAY MORNING. 'r Sept. 29th. at lo o' batalogne, onfour Months. ed% 500 packages tool lots of seasonable goods. BLACK GROS DE BRINES. ON 7013SDAY MORNING. 24 a 36 inch heavy black Bros de rhinos. DRSBn GOODS. Reps, znohalrs, black and colored alpacas. gingham& &c. SHAWLS_I Brocbe long and square shawig. Paris black merino long do. All-wool plaid do do: RIBBONS. An ilnvoice of Nos. 4 a SO inner malt de Ism ribbons . and trimming ribbons. LINENS, WHITE GOODS, 4-4 shirting linens. Also. )aconets, csmbrlcs, and cbeck inuslins. sf, and 3+ linen cambric handkerchiefs. MTHOMAS & SONS, • Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH &rook LARGE SALE. EXTRA VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Our Sale on. TUESDAY. 29th inst , will comprise as unusually large amount and variety of valuable pro party, peremptory Balee, by order of Orphans' Court. Executors.' Trustees, dra..; including SPLENDID MAN SION, corner of Broad and streets: HANDSOME. RESIDENCES, 1617 tprnce.treet and 1223 Walnut street: a number of desirable smaller dwellings, valuable busi ness stands, vacant lots farms. Am.. peremptory /tales. Including HANDSOME COUNTRY SEAT, Praverii eights. See handbills. SALES OF STOCKS AHD REAL ESTATE, At the Exchange, every Tuesday, at 12 o'clock noon. ' Mir- Handbills of each. Property . issued eeparately, and on the Saturday previous to each sale, 1,000 catalogues in 4 6 . 3.mittalcorm, fling fall ego p o SALES at 'l the rl Auction Store grew Thurrday .. • • FALL SALES STOCKS AND EMI ESTATE. Fifth• Fall Sale, 29th September. Sixth Fall Sale, 6th October. air Part of the handbills, for each sale, 'now ready. TO COUNTRY MERCIANTS AND OTHERS PRlG3itriallY SAGE FOR ACCOUNT OF UNITED STATES. NEW CLOTHING: ON SATURDAY MORNING. September %th, at 10 o'clock, at the Auction Store, for account of the United States; &MO new Great Coats.for mounted men; 1.000 Infantry Privates' Coate; 6,00 D pair Wool Trousers. assorted colors. Sale peremptory Terms, cash. r May be examined three days previous to sale. Sale No. 1811 Green Street. SUPERIOR FUJIN I'rURE, ELEG ANT CARPETS. &a. ON MONDAY MORNING. kept. 28th, at 10 o'clock. by catalogue, at No.Ultl. OT BOI I street. the" superior parlor, dining-room, and chamber furniture, elegant tapestry carpets, fine lair mattresses. dm. !. also, the kitchen furniture. - AB- May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale. LETTE it SCOTT, ". AUCTIONEER% Jayne's Rail)le Ifni Ming, 619 CHESTNUT. Street, and. 616 JAYNE Strew. Philadelphia. LARGE SALE OF NEW ANO SECOND=HAND FUR NITURE; MIRRORS. ON S.A.TURDAT MORNING, Sept. 26th, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold a large assortment of new and second-hand Furniture. consist ing of parlor, drawing-room and kitchen furniture. French plate mirrors, book-cases. wardrobes, tete-a tetes. etageres, walnut parlor chairs, rockers, extension. tables mattrasees, carpets, cottage suites. &a, free families declining housekeeping. ALSO, One Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine, large sine. Catalogues ready on morning of sale. - pio ANC 0 AST & WARNOCK, AIM-- A- TIONEBRS, No. 2.13 MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE. SALE OP AMERICAN AIM PORTED DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, IHILLINEEK GOODS, dtc., by catalogue. THIS MORNING, September 25th, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely— - Comprising about 750 lota of seasonable, goods.. to Which the attention of havers is invited. BONNET RIBBONS AND SILKS. Included in sale of FRIDAY will be found an invoice of choice styles Paris bonnet and trimming ribbous.Nots. 4 a 60. A full line and choice assortment Also.—pieces choice new shades bonnet silks and. ma terial. Also, 200 cartons rich Paris artificial flowers. Also, 60 cartons Paris black and fancy feathers. Also, joined blondes, nets, laces. and ruches. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. Also. THIS MORNin line of. French and English ail wool and Union. black cloths, heavy blue pilot cloths. fancy osmium's% ladies' cloakings. Italian cloths. kerseys, sattinets, DRESS GOODS, BALMOR ALS. Also, Paris fancy dress goods, all-wool delaines. me= rinos, plaids, alpacas, As. Also, ladies' and gents' long and square shawls. Also, 50 lois superior quality Balmoral skirts. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. Also, a full line of ladies' 51 1 " and gents' % linen cam bric handkerchiefs. white goods sm. HOOP SKIRTS. HOSIERY GOODS. 300 dozen ladies'. misses', and children's waren and tape and fancy cord steel- spring ho 3p skirts_ Also. ladies and children's brown and white cotton. hosiery and g loves . Also, an invoice of fancy zephyr knit Germantown goods, hoods, nnbias, , searfs, Ac. NOTIONS, STOCK GOODS. Also, notions, pocket wallets, head nets, fancy goods, stock goods. Ac. STOCK. OF A MILLINER DECLINING BUSINESS. -Also, the stock of a first-class city milliner, comprising very fine bonnets:of fall shapes, bonnet material, cut ribbons. Atc FIXTURES —Also, superior glass show case, cowl.- ters. &c. - STRAW GOODS. —Also. cases fall styles straw boa - nets, new shape straw hats, Sm. SALE AT No. 3118 MARKET STREET. WEST PHILADELPHIA. ON MONDAY MORNING. Sept. 28th, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, will') sold the furniture of a lady declining honeekeePing, comprising parlor and chamber furuiture,beds, bedding, carpets. kitchen utenellr, crockery ware. dm. 4 Open for examination, with catalogues, early oft the morning of sale. MOSES NATHAN, AUCTIONEER, Southeast corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE, FOR LESS THAN HALF TEI USUAL SELLING PRICkS. Fine gold and silver Engiieh, American, and Swiss pa. tent lever watches, extra full-jewelled and plain, of the most approved and beat makers, in heavy hunting , ' cases, double cases, magic cases, double bottom and open. face ; fine gold chronometers, in heavy hunting casesr fine gold and silver lenine watches. in hunting cases and open face; silver quartier watches; double.. .case English silver watches, and others. Diamonds; tine gold vest, neck, guard, and chatalien chains; gold pencil cases and pens, silver do.: setts of line gold jew elry. medallions, gold and silver specks. bracelets, English plated vest chains; double and single-barrel fowling - pieces, some of them very superior: revolving field-glasses, &c. EL NATHANS. -ATARRITATE'S _SALE.—BY VIRTUIi a-T-a- of a writ of sale. by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States. Io and for :the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale. to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at SAMUEL C. COON'S Auction Store. No. lißolL- South FRONT Street, on MONDAY, October 5.1863. at 12 o'clock tf, eight boxes of 'Merchandise, marked AL seized on the sloop Nat An derson. WILLIAM MILLWARD U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvitnia, Philadelphia, September 23,1863. 5e24414 HANDSOME WEST PHILADEL PHIA LOTS. —1 lot IEO by 160; 1 do. 90 by 206; 1 do. 160 by 214; 1 do. 75 by 816. all haying two fronts; 1 do. 100 by 175; I do. 100 by D , 3 ; 1 do. 100 by 12.5: 1 do. 50 by 140, corner lots; I do. 40 by 164; I do. 60 by 100; 1 do. 4 by 165, and numerous smaller ones, for B ale. D. R. CADWALLADER, 108 South FOURTH Street. . HENRY P. SMITH, WM. P. SMITH, Jr. se7•lm COAL YARD FOR SALE.-THE BEST fitted up YARD in the city. Capacity for doh:malty amount of business. Inquire on the premises. Ne. 957 North: NINTH Street, below Girard avenue. sets-Et* ri FOR RENT, GRANITE STORE, No. 723 CHESTNUT STREET, NOW OCCUPIED BY J. M. HAPERIGH. Apply to THOS. MELLOR, 40 NORTH THIRD STREET. 1730 PINE STREET—FINE LO cenoN.—Very desirable PROPERTY for Pale ma liberal terms. Apply to S. T. AIME. se2l-6t. No. 229 MARKET Street. 44 FOR SALE-NEAT COUNTRY ".PLACE. Six Acres, near by railroad station and steamboat landing, 13 miles from the city. Price only $1,900. sell E. PETTIT, 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE-FARM, 32 ACRES, good buildings, at Bonder Station, North Pennsyl vania railroad. Farm, 24 acres, near Sonde! Station. Farm, 37 acres, at Lansdale. Farm, -31 acres, Tansboro. near Atlantic Railroad, New Taney also, a large Variety of large and small farms, country seats, building sites, in different parts of this and other States, B. F. GLENN, 1.23 South FOURTH Street, self and S. W. corner SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. PUTN AM MILL FOR SALE.-A lir *0 most excellent FLOURING MILL, containing six run of stones. on the Muskingum river. at ZANESVILLE, Ohio, together with the WATER POWER., and about two acres of Ground surrounding the mill. . While other mills here have to pay the State some EMU per annum water rent. the water power for this mill is perpetually free, and the whole premises 'will be sold for the value of the water power. Apply to d i TO LET-THEE DESIRABLE STORE CIS CHESTNUT Street. nearly opposite NEW POST OFFICE. Possession siTen Angnst Ist. leigaite at the store. DELAWARE COUNTY COTTON INKFICTORIES FOR S ALE--The valuable Cotton.Fao. tories. known as AVONDALE and STRATHAVEN, situ ated on Crum Creek Delaware County, one mile from Westdale Station, West Chester Railroad, two miles from Leiperville, and three from Chester. now occupied br Simeon Lord, are offered for sale. ' Avondale In cludes a stone mill 82 by 47 feet, 334 stories high. with dry hence, picker house, twenty-two stone tenements, and about 9 acres of land, in SPringlield and Nether Providence townships. Strathaven' ' includes a frame cotton mill, 82 by SO feet, 234 stories high, with picker house, live frame and stone tenements, and about 114 acres of land. in Nether Providence. The properties will be shown by Mr. Lord, on the premises. Early pos session can be given. For terms ing nice of SAMUEL FIELD, N. W. corner of FRONT and WALNUT Streets. rayBo-tf Philadelphia. in TO LET—A COMMODIOUS DWELLING. No. 132 'North FRONT Street. Rent moderate. Apply to 'WETRERILL & BRO., ec27-tf 12* and 49 North SECOND Street FARM FOR SAME IN CHESTER - 6 .—County, four miles from Downingtown , containing 108 acres, well watered, buildings new, &c. This in aNo. 1 farm in every respect. Apply to D. FITRNAN; 104 North SIXTH Street, or to O. PAXSON. sel9-Im. on the premises. tiara'BOSTON AND PitILADEL PIRA STEAMSHIP LINE. sailing from sash port on SATURDAYS, from first Wharf above PIBI Street. Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. The steamer NORMAN , Captain Sager, will sail from Philadelphia for Boston on SATURDAY, Sept. 2fitk at 10 o'clock A.M.; and steamer SAXON, Captain hlatthews. from Boston on same day, at 4 P. IL These new and substantial steamships form a regidas line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. - • Insurances effected at one-half the prerainm charged on sail Teasels. . - Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts and Bab. Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (havinn fine accommodation') apply to HENRY WINSOR dr. CO. mh9 332 South DELAWARE Ayen4. agauSTEAM W EEKLY TO LPVEIC.,_ POOL, touching at Queenstowit, (Cork Bar.. bor. ) The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intend ed to sail as follows: ETNA . . ...... Saturday, September 25. CITY. OF WASHINGTON. • —.Saturday. October 8. CITY OF MANCHESTER ...... Saturday, October 10. And every succeeded Saturday at noon, from Pier No. 44 North. River. RATES OF PASSAGE. Payable In Gold, or its equivalent in Currency., FIRST CASI 9, IBSO Si STEERAGE, In 2 00 Do. to London, 85 00 Do. to London, F 4 Do. to Paris, 95 00 Do.' to -Paris, 40 Do. to Hamburg, 90 . 00, Do. to - -Hamborg.s7 Pase, :Br e men, Rotter engers also forwarde to Nacre dam, Antwerp, ,at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown let Cabin., $76. 255. $lO6. Steerage from Liverpool, $ 4O. From Gamut town $3O. Those who wish to eend for their friends can b their tickets here at these rates. further information, apply at the Company's offices. JOGN G. DALE, Agent, fefO 11 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia: ainalt. THE, AD A:II.S EX.-; PRESS COMPANY. aloe 320 - CIIESTNDT Street. forwards Parcels:Package?. Mari: ehandise.. Bank Notes, and Reda, either by its owls lines or in connection with otnex Express Coatultes, to all the principal Tonne •tf.nd Cities in tbe_ RD. nitaa, Stats. E. S. SANDFO ferA General Superintendent. AUCTION SALES. FOR SALE AND TO LET. ALFRED MERRICF, Zanesville, 01110. SHIPPING. EXPRESS COMPANIES.