T Fl" 10., CITY. The Thermometer ,BEPTEMBER 22. 1562 1 SEPTEMBER 22, 1863. 6 A. X.... 12 3t 3 P. N.:6 A. 3I 12 M..... 3 P. 3t. 62 74 4.17 I 62 67... ..... 60 WU:D. I WIND. N hy E....111' NE. !NNE N...Nby E., STATE FAIR AT NORRIBTOWN.---We learn that the arrangements for the coming State fair at Pforristown arc nearly completed, and will be ready for exhibition and visitors at the time appointee. The corumittre of arrangements is hard at work, and arc leaving nothing undone that will contribute to success. The indications are,.that the exhibition will be one of the finest ever given by the society. The fruit display, it is raid, wilt be superior, as 11 number of our largest fruit growers have expressed their intention to become exhibitors. The track, which is an excellent one, has been put in first rate order, and will doubtless be one of tea greatest at tractions of the exhibition. Those of our citizens who have articles which they desire to bring to the notice of a large crowd of people, should not fail to avail themselves of this opportunity. Articles for exhibition will be carried triand from the exhibition freo of cost, by Norristown and Germantown Rail toad, EXcursion tickets, Go conks. _ . „ REVIEW OF COLORED SOLDIEES. , --111djor General Oadwaltecr, accompanied by his staff; will review the eth Regiment of United States colored troops now at Camp William Penn, Uhelton on Thursday (to-morrow) at four o'clock. This re• giment, we learn, has attained great proficiency in the manual of arms and battalion drill, and is fully prepared to take the field. The North Pennayl. vania Railroad Company will run extra trains to the camp. The Supervisory Committee have pro vided a fine band of music for the oceccion, and win be gratified to have a large attendance of citizens to witness the ineennwring of this regiment before it embarks for the seat of war. - - HAND OIIT YOUR BANNEES.—The Houser Cadets of the First word flung a Union banner to the breeze at their headquarters, Front and Den mark Guests, Filet ward, on Monday night. This club is strong in numbers, and have within their ranks and influence not a few war Democrats, who prefer country to political party. The banner thug clung to the free air has inscribed upon itOurtin, Agnew, Nichols, and Foster. The headquarters are in the -extreme southeast section of the built-up portion of the city, THE NATIONAL FINANCES.-TllO sub scription seta reports the gale of $538,550 five twenties on Tuesday, by the various agencies, De liveries of bonds are being made to September 17th. The sales ate improving daily, and the reports of the Ilastern and Western agents indicate lar , e sates before the allbecription dozes. ACCIDENTAE.—A young man named An drew Paul, rcelding in the vicinity et Front and Blaster stream, WELD run over by a horse and cart rear Hope and Tnorupson stream iesterday after noon, and war geriouel,y injured, He war removed kome. DIIOWNED.—A man named Patrick O'Bry , an, ivho raided in Benton's court, in the Second ward, was drowned in the Delaware, at Reed.street wharf, on Monday evening. Hitl body wasrecoTered and yesterday morning the Coroner held an inquest. Venue . , accidentally drowned. SLTCUT Firm—The carpenter shop of Mr. George Grubb, on Ridge avenue, above Girard avenue, was discovered to be on fire about one o'clock yesterday afternoon, Flames speedily ex tinguished. Fire originated from a stovepipe. DEATH AT ARMY 11.05PITAL;—The follow ing death was reported at the Medical Director's Wilco yesterday : Mower Hospital, Austin Packard, 4th Massachusetts Battery. DECEASED. —Mr. D. B. Weaver, who ac cidentally shot himself while gunnia ,, a few days since bee died from his injuries. .Re lived in tne vicinity of Front and Noble streets. THE POLICE. CBefare Mr. Alderman &Warr] Ar Tart her 'Development s. Further developments in crime have been made against Samuel Tate, the colored boy, who was recently arrest ed on the chose of stealing live or fifx watches, the pia party of the oemden and Amboy Itsilread Company. The prisoner bad been in the employ of the Company for number of years. and had be behaved honestly he would have hail emplo> want for life. All ettorss made on therein of the officer having the case in charge to re -cover ire remainder of the watches that bad been stolen have been ramie in vain, But crime of another kind that requiree mental capacity to insure success has been traced to the prisoner. It seems that he was employed by the Company to get letters at the post °Mee, and it seems that, for months past. he had been robbing them, and destroying such' epistles as were likely to lead to his detection. 'lids alone required caution, and more than an ordinary amount of said. It eeeme that recently he'became possessed of letters containing dividend checks issued by the Delaware and :Raritan Canal Company. 'Two of these checks were drawn to the amount of $9O each, and another for 615. He forged' th e midoseemente its these checks 0.4 d drew the, money at the Farmers and. Mechanics' Bank. At :first it was thought he was net competent to do such work, but private papers of his oK n elicited too Let that heves good at using the pen, end on being hard pressed with questions by the detective, finally admitted. that he had aconmitted the tewteries. On one occasion he had abstracted six checks front a -letter or letters. and Presented one of them at toe bank. It was returned t him for endorsement. He left the bank, taking with him the unendorsed check, and re stained absent for about as long :a time as it would re galia him to go to the Camden and Amboy office and re turn.- lle again presented tilt cheek, endorsed, and the moueywas paid,'. On one occasion a letter war received from a Mr. King, of Now York, conveying two cheeks ' with the request to have the name of the payee changed. The prisoner, It is alleged, broke this letter open, and Altered the checks in response to the rapie.ss contained In - the letter. It is net ;vastly k.nowa to what extent the accused carried on this disnonest buslucse, but it is not thought to be very heavy He was arraigned at the Central Station yesterday, and committed, in default of 102,000, to answer tho cnargo of forgery. and UAL) to answer the charge of the larceny: of watches. laiwceity of a ttortc tazad Wogou. Tohn Prima young man, was arreagned on tho charge of atealii.g a hone end wagon. the property of John :14erssyick, at au t erly near yesterday morning It acorns that the owner:ll,U rt. friend. ttroye to a 0...4 asThirteensh. and • Poplar stices, at 2 o'clock - yesterday morning, and wont in to tie . ., P01V.9 refreshments. The horse and Wagon. were beat stauo.l en in font, Presently a couple of young limn jumped itho the vehicle, and, thing the horse a bore rein, proceeded down rte street at an immoderate gate. They diens into . a wagon, and the noise :nada by the collision uttit.c.ed too attention of 0 TiceePtillip wha havered to. the scene. fie diccovered the vehi cles Pretty - well broken to Pieces, and Price. the Priso ner, leading a hor,,e away as feat ai he could. Tao offi cer arresisd him et 011CO 3 en suspicion that all was not right. The o%vutr of the horse ~00n came np, ang en tered the charge .f hrceny against the prisoner lie was ordered to find bail in the sum of $2,000, to await a far ther hearing. Disorderly Hone° William Kline, charged with keeping a disorderly house on Third area, above grown, was arraigned yes terday afternoon. Several of the neighbors testified that the piece was kept open at unreasonable hours of the night, and even early on Snnday mornings. Di - U.lolllff, Jen , was permitted there at almost all hours of the night. The accused entered bail in the sum of *SOO to answer at Court. Foreign Enlistments. Stephen Martin and Matthew Bohlen, lieutenants 1 the 37th New Jerrey Ite,, , riurent, were taken before Alder Stan Beitler losterday afternoon, on tho charge of vio lating an act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, be en listing persons in Philadelphia, to serve in the New Jersey regiments. The inducement held out was -a bounty of Ohl. The Lieutenants na.d their headquarters at Sixth and Jayne streets. They were nen. to the - public. It is evident the Lieutenants were not aware of the law. They were required to enter bail in the sum •f $l,OOO each to ensurer at court. alefore Mr. Aideinten White. I How Easy it Is to be .le.isteken A case was heard, yesterday afternoon, be the po lice magistrate of do Fifth ward, which shows how: .easy it is to be mistaken. A litre. Sweeny keeps a small amp on Shippen street, near Fourth. She had occasion to purchase sense things yesterday. Putting five dollars into her pocket- book, oho started for Third and Market sdreets. stopping on the way to pay fora pair of shoes, On passing along Third street, near the Provost Mar sihaPs office of the First district, she was met by bt young man who held a Ilt.gek ring up to view and mired. her to bu s it. No, sir," said N.ho, "I don't want your ring." "Oh, yes, buy it,' replied he., "ii is good gold, and I am hard op for money.' ' No, I don't want it," "Well init look at it Madam." She lock the incr and examined it. On the inside it Was marked IS karate. She eyed. it closely; felt she weight of it. " Oh, it is good gold," replied the young man; "if I didn't want money very ranch I would not part with it." " Well, how much do Yon want for it?" About a eoliar, replica ne e "Oh I" said the woman. can't give that—zan't spare that much money.' banding toe ring back to him. :..You MAY take it for fifty cents," said the young wan, •' yit on your linger, nod sae if it Its " ffhe Put it on the Anger indicative of marriage, and it suited exactly. "Well," eaid the, "I'll give yrn half a dollar." - - - . The iye of the young mart brightened up.-Be was hungry, and a dinner now appeared in prospect. The woman felt in her pocket; hi r book was gone Nobody bat the yting man was near her; she was sera he had taken it.' He denied the charge. She insisted, and made e. noise The crowd augment ed, and everybody cried out "110's a thief! ILO'S a. thief(". In vain did the young man - asseverate his inno cence. lie wee glad to get oat of the tormenting crowd, and hastened his steps clown Third street to Spruce, the woman following him closely. He turned up Sprace street; so did the woman ' expecting to see a p.slice oM eier. But she did not Inetany. On reaching Bingham's court, running north from Spruce street, he suddenly ran through it, entered a stable, pe.ssed through that, and finally took refuel in the yard of St. Joseph's Church, on Willing's alley. The cry of ' stop thief!" was raised; and boys, joining in the chase„reiterated the cry in nearly all the notes of a chromatic scale. The ingitive wag finally arrested by a citizen. The facts being developed, and though there was no _positive evidence that the accused had actually stolen. she pocket- bock, yet his sadden retreat up Binghara'd court legally initiated guilt. The prisoner was cJrn naitted in default of StAul to await a farther hearing. Ila still insisted on his innocence, but Mrs. Sweeny went away as fully positive thatlze was gcalty of the t neer. In half an heal' She re:caned, in breathless haste, to Ike race of Mr, Magistrate White, exclaiming in hurried accents. He is innocent, he is innocent! 1 have dose himi. injustice." What's the matter, my good woman?" exclaimed the alderman, looking up from a mass of legal dozn pientS before Lim, not at first recognizing her. • Why, the young man, sir ; he in innocent." replied she. • • Oh yes; how go?" inquired the magistrate, now re cognizing Mrs. Sweeny, "I found my pocket-book at the shoemaker's. I pot It down tome when I paid for my shoes. The young Joan le innocent." "Of comae he is,-under this statement of facts," re plied the magistrate, who lost no time in snaking out Lis discharge. The prisoner was set at liberty. The only excuse he gave Mr running through iiingnam's court was that ho .did not-want to so arrested and locked up for nothing. This seems to bet aside the presumption of law that flight to evidence of guilt. LEGAL INT.ELLIGrENCE., Bat little of interest transpired in the courts yesterday. The Supreme Court at Alsi mills, Justice Reed, was in session, but adjourned at an early hour withoat trans action of any business of interest. The Court of Com mon Yleass„l udges Thompson and Ludlow, was engaged with the Sanity argument list, A Iligh Court of oyer and Terminer was held by Judges Allison and Ludlow, !or the purpoae of trying homicide cases, but none being' ready, the court adjourned until this morning. In the Supreme Court, to day, the argument on the constitu tionality of tho cousenption are takes place. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL THE MON EY MARKET. Prtmanurnia, Sept. 22, 1833. The early gales of gold this morning denoted a stronger market, as 1404 was the opening figure ; bat very seen the bottom fell out, and it fluctuated down to 137 and up to 139 driving the rest of the day, closing at 1.37 g. Large amounts changed hands, but the excitement was less marked than yoderday. - The Money market is comparatively easy, Six par cont. on good collateral, and five on call, being the ruling %glue. Government secnritiez continue steady, although operations are small, the five-twenties absorbing the at. tention of capitalists is ho desire Government loans. The Stock market was steady, but there was less indi 'station of a I.peollative feeling, the advance figures of yesterday being well maintained, with the excepthan of }leading, which opened at fh, and declined ;4. State lives sold at 10(q.,' Philadelphia and Erie shares were is demand at 263; Catawissa preferred was sing, at 24g. North l'ennrylvania sold at 1833. Pennsyls nia at eff, Huntingdon and Broad Top at 22, 'Camden and Amboy at 173f.i. Tenth. and Eleventh sold at 43, Race and Vine at 10):::, and Green and Coates at 45. City sixes sold at ill' Schuylkill Navigation sixes, }BM it MK. Pittsburg Railroad sixes declined to 'West Branch Canal sixes at Pal,the bettor class of bonds .being all very firm. The market closed steady. Drexel do Co. quote: lenited States Bonds, 1881 V. B. new Cettilicates of indebtedness ;U. S. old Certigcates of Indebtedness United States 741.1 Notes •Gtutr d termasters' Vouchers Gol Sterling Bxchauge Jay Cooke & Co. ciuote government - securities, &c., afi 10110WB Visited States Bs. 1891..... United States 7 B'lo Notes ...... Certificates of ludebteduess,new Certificates of. Ind chum:Mess, old. Quartermasters' Vouchers Demand Notes ' Gold Bales of live• twenties, $528,850. Messrs. K Schultz A Co., No. 16 South Third street, quote foreign exelmage par steamer Scotia, from New York, as follows Londo3; 60 days' sight Do. 3 days Paris, 60 days' sight Do. S days Antwerp, . 60 days' sight.... , Bremen, 60 lb Yt3' sight Cologne, 60 days' aiglif Leinsic. 60 days' sight...• • • Berlin. 60 days' sliebt Amsterdam. 60 days' sight. Frankfort. 60 days' sight.. , Market inoctivo. Tho following statement shows the business of the 3ktuling Eat'road. during the month of Magnet. 1563. compared with the 'corresponding month of 1662: 1883. 1802. $106,152 62 5322.705 04 47,055 83 30,701 05 70.67:1 02,117 OS Eccoived from coal . .... Do do merchavdiee Do do travel, etc... Total $574,48,5 n $414,707 17 TratibpOrtatiou,readway,ditmo due. renewal:fund, and alt elnages 249,641 1 1:14,110 _ Net profit for the month $24,911 61 *220,W 82 Do for pre\ ionk, S 17 1.038 oft 15 --- --- Total net profit at no munth5.:141,9C5,172 01 $1,210,01 CO 'the following' Will show the experts of specie from Nov York to foreign ports for the Week ending Septum-: . her IP, and kirce the beginning of the year: Brig J. & Armstrong, M 11,1"aguez — A silver. $1. 7 / 3 Sala. W. Consuls, St. John , P.R. --A.m. surer.. 25,600 Stier. Olympus, Liverpool—California gold bars. 42.500 Do, do. do. vrelich coiu • 4,690 Do. do. do. Sovereigns..:. , .. 0,000.. To. Cit y a . I.7cw rork,T;ppol—lon. gold coin 251,510 D o . do. dn. British silver • . 15i0 DO. do. do. Am. gold & soya.. 17.220 Do. Germania, nurehurg—Alver u(l3 Do. do. do. Gold bars and coin. 1f , 0.5i.5 Do. do. to. Specie • ..... 35,000 Go. do- do. Gold d. eilver coin 6,'00 Do. Eertuoke, tiacans-Arcerican gold c 01,000 Do. do. do. ' Spanish douhloons•.... 7,550 Do. do. do, American sliver 3.702. 'Petal for the weekS,ls 196 Add per etc. Corsica, I lavara, omitted last week 105,237 Yreviously reported 30.461,393 Total el CP .Tatmary 1, ?Eat. Same time hi lei;. Do. 1801 Do. 1810 Do. 118.0 Do. 3858 The approximate earnings of the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne.' and Chicago Railroad Company during the mouth cf August, compared with the same period of last year, Were as follows: 1663. 1162. increase. Freights $240,652 57 07 093,103 60 Patsengers... ...... 166147 '95,015 1-1 43,471 73 Express .... 3, treS 75 2.000 00 708 71 1115115 7,525 00 7,815 00 • .... Bent of railway Bllscellaneame , .. • Total $404,898 11 $277,38) 111 $1.27.817 Earnings from jail. 1 to Autr. 31 . 3 'xi c 69 2.2(11,257:54 995,501'83 The ofiletsl averages or the banks in the city of ;few York for the week ending Saturday last, September 19, lE6:i, present in the aggregate the following changes from the previous weakly statement of September 12: Increase of loans.— Set 650.476 Decrease of specie 1 003.599 Pecreafo of circulation 42,7:13 increase of undrawn deposit:: 7,037,577 Including the Exchanges between the baubs through the Clearing-House.and including also the Sub-Treasnry statement of Saturday afternoon, the follow.ng is the general comparison with the previous weekly report, and also with the movement - of this time last ysar Sept. 20. '62. Sept. 19.'63. Sent. 12. '63. Capital *69.125,0:0 *69, 40.00[1 662.401.000 Loans - 159 299,299 207,679,456 L.M0.01.8.990 Specie . 37.€0307 11 014,411 31,619,197 Cirmtlation e 759,060 6.44,4643 5;45/.364 Gross Delimits 118,637.3'5 212,78007 2.10,45e,043 Exchanged 29, 94e,e42 57.210,658 61.910.426 Undrawn 14800,453 185,570099 178.539,932 In Sub-Treasury.... 7,449,069 213,7M,962 20,910.283 The Newyork Brenirig Pod of to-day says: We observe no increased demand for loans, and the supply of capital in the market is far in excess of the existing requirements. Some lenders are getting seven per cent., but six is the current quotation. The stock market is irregular and lower, from the desire to sell caused by the absurd apprehensions that foreign trouble, military reverses, or some other imagi nary GVtiS acting on the money market may materially interfere with the financial prosperity of the country and depre.ss the value of its,vitriona securities. Governments are steady. 13-rder-State bonds weak, bank stocks dull, and railroad bonds firm. Railroad shares opened quiet and closed heavy. Refore the lint session gold was selling at 1405f31.18".f, New York Central at IfBAt@i39, Erie at iuskialos., !fading at 3161‘0117,La. Pittsburg at 99. Fort Wayne at 8.33:R94, and Michigan Southern. at 91©91 ; 5. 'The appended table exhibits the chief movements of the markot compared with the latest prices of yesterday evening Tues. Mon. U. S. 6s, 1681, reg 105 10074 U. S. 6s, 1581, cou. 30611 ti. S. Seven• thirties.. • .100 N 107 U. S. 1 pr,core, gold —.lol* 1013 f, 17. S. 1 Sr, cur S 0 R 139 X America-1i Gold. •••• - • • .1873:i I.B°N Tennessee 6s 63i4 641.." '. - AiIESOUTI 6s 6844" 60 Pacif c MaiL • 210 214 New York Cen. Bail 187 N 140 Erie Exie Preferred. nucleon River'. Ha - rlem 151 i IlarlFm 'Preferred ISII Reading 117 117 Michigan Centred 120 Michigan Suu.thern....• 9C 92 Michigan Eonth..guar.l3o )30" 111 in ohs Con. Fenn. r29ki; cieventad aaapitt% 992; no Plttlada• Stook Exci [Reported by S. E. SLAY3U.K.: FIRST 100 & Erie I' 20ii 100 do btll NI; 00 do 20% 37 'Lehigh Nay.... 1.6. 57h 00 (ireen Cvates.bs. 55 2000 Wezt, Branch bds.loo 1000 Pittsburg 13.68.--.. 613,';1 17 Cam & Amboy 11-175 k:".; 200 Reading it.. 500 68!i;j 200 - • •b3O after 30 634 ti BEIVE 110 Catawista prf 21.14, 400 Salt Nay Go '32.. 55. 0301 30 Teath. & &le-tenth. 43 SECOND 10 Ridge Avenue 1t... 21 700 City- et"- .... . New.lo - 7; 1004 do 103 S Girardßaulo... ... .14‘,0 100 Catawiesa R prof.. 243:i 100 Sell NAT prof.. EGO 2430 100 do prof.b3o. to to prof 24",[ 60 do prof .030. 24311 19 Yeana R 66, - ti A.7PTE 12 Phil& & Erie R... CLOe..2I . TG P 1 Bid. .d.a.ted. II R 406% 107 US 7-V3 lir otu.s.• • MC.6.; American (i obi—US 130 PhDs es 103....... Do nest 107;4. BIS A)la co 89F Peons 5s 100 10034' Do. Coupe... Beading !WI 08 Do 6s '3O '43.1(0 Do bds '70.. • . 109 Do bds'.96 conv.ll6M Pi 'ennz R 653 e Do , lst na 65.110 - 23. m 6a.. Litilo Sobaryl R.. 47 47i4 1 Morrie (P 1 5°6801 . • 70 (1....D1.3 Do p Os rf . '76— Do 2d mtg.. . • Sum Cana). . • Do 65 .... . Echugl 11N123..'; Do prfd 24g 24% Do 6s '82.... 2534 84 Elmira R.... • • Do prfd . 6534 54 Do 7e '73....103 3.00 lio 103 -- • • • L Island P. 45 40 bds • • • • Phila filer BC Nor • • Lehigh Val R.... Do Emtatleweekly 21.0 - saloe* of teas Philadelphia Sl3Pre)[lll3l3. 21—Evening. The Brea detuffe market is firmer, and prices are rather hotter, owing to the advance in gold and foreign ex- . change. There is rather more demand for Flour. Wheat • is in request, and Prices very firm. Corn and Oats hare advanced. Bark is wanted at s3o'tl ton for let No. 1. In Colton there is verse little doing, but holders have ad vanced their prices 4 Eese. lb. Coffse is scarce, bat firmly held. In Provisions there is ery little doing, but prices are looking up. , • There is more activity in the Flour market and holders are asking an advance. Sales comprise about 0.501 bbla at $0.t1@5.70 for old stock maim family; $6@6.511 for bble do; small lots of superfine at $4.75i&a; 500 able extra on *Private terms, and 600 bbls City Mills, fancies, at $7. 25111 8.25 bbl, according to quality. The retailers and bakers are buying within the above range of prices for, superfine. extra.. end fancy. brands. ltye Flour is scarce at ss@e. 5 , 5 bbl. Corn Meal—there is very little doing; Pennsylvania is held at s4' bbl. GRAIN. —There is a good demand for. Wheat, and Prices are well maintained. About le, COO bnebeis have been sold at 130@1.35c for Rede. and leeZeleoc bashel for White, the latter for choice Keittneky. e Rye is scarce, at Eaßlooc, B. euebel for new pad old. Corn is active, and prices are better ; about 14,000baste:11a have been sold at 90c for prime Yellow, and Sec ea bushel for Western mixed. Oats are scarce and in demand, with sales of 12,000 bushels at 65(4,70c . wciglae for new. PROVISIONS —There is only little dome, but holders are firmer in their views. Small sales of Mass Pork are making at $14.25(414. 75 la bbl. Mess Beef is selling at $l2 for country, and $l5 P, bbl for city packed. In Bacoa there ia less Ging. Sales of plain llama are making at 1131@12e; fancy do nt l2' to Sides at ,7,7 a e'. @7c and s houidere at 61.eeetteec, raeh and short time. ' Green Meats are hold higher. Calea of Flame in salt at Pam do in pickle at Haim and Shouldee s Caaaac P, la, cash. Lard—The stock is light, and prices are better. Small salts of bbls and tierces are making Etna al,llc, and kegs at Ille@lac ail lb There is less doing in Butter. Sales of solid packed at 15,1-earel7o, and 130 packages Ohio. Dairy at 21 c. Cheese sells at Pane, and. Eggs at 18g2ac '''et dozen. LIETAI,S. —There is more demand for Pia Iron; small sal e,g of Anthracite we makiegat from Vegase ref tots for the three numbere; Scotch Pig is held at 64341.1 lemma. Lead is firmly hold; 1,000 Pigs Galena. sold at $7.75, ca h. - c,opper—Yellow Metal is selling, in a small way, at f.:7c lb for sheathing, on time. ' BARK —Catereitron is held firmly, with small sales of I let No. lat $3O P. ton. Tans' Bart: held arc. CANDLES. —Adamantine are firmly , but the stock is light; small sales at 180235 P. lb for city made and. Western. In Sperm there is very little doing. Tallow Candles are quiet at 12ea®181 1 't COAL. —There -is a moderate demand from the East. and. pi Ices range from Fe 7107-1030 ton for White and Red Ash, on board at Richmond. The demand from the South 'to supply•the Government still continues large. COFFEE —There is very little stock in land hanas, and prices are firm: about 230 bags Rio have been diepased of at from 28; e :eelc el lb, cash and 4 mos, and some Cape on private terms. COITON. —The market le firmer, but there is very lit tle doing in the way of sales; prices have advanced 4-2 e Sc 34 lb ; about 100 hales have been gold in lots at 70t4745 P. lb cash. for middlings and good middlings. FEATHERS are scarce, and good Western readily com mend 60e ea lb. FISH. —There is less activity in the market. Sales from the wharf of 2,000 bble, include No. is at $15.25; No. 2s. $8.70010.75; No. .3,-$5:25®7.50 30 bbl. Sales from the store are 60c to 141 bbl above these quotations. Herring are scarce. Codfish-160 quintals sold at $5.00 B quintal. PR 01T. —The market is nearly bare of foreign. Green Apples are selling from $2(43 ys bbl—the latter for New York.: Peaches; range from 40080 e P basket. Dri,d Apples and Peachee are scarce, and prices nominally nn- I changed. GUANO. —Peruvian is 'selling la a Mall way at IWO@ and Sombrero at $507.3 ion; Super Phosphate of Lime ranges from $33 to 47.50 1.l ton. . _HEMP is very quiet, and no sales have come under cur notice. 111DLS are bettor, and very scarce; there have been no arrivals or Wes, of foreign. HOPS are held firmly, but the sales are only ins small - way at ISQ24c for first-sort Eastern and Western. BAY moves off freely at $20021 aU - 1 ton. • LUMBER. —There is a steaey demand for most deeerip. lions; sales of yellow e nine Sap Boards at $20®20. and while pine at $21@13 M feet. Lathe range from SLIS to 1. 70. MOLASSES.—There is India inquiry, and wrings rather better; sales of 2eo hhde Cuba Muscovado at 3060-We, and I some New Orleans at 40(442c, on time. NAVAL STORES —Rosin continues very scarce, and ranges at $3B to 40 le bbl. Prices of Tar and Pitch are nominally unchanged. Spirits Turpentine is better, and selling in a small way at $2.80:42.83 011,8.—Tho sales of Fish Oils have been only in a small way, at lower. rates. There is a good demand for Lin seed, and it is selling atllagll2oe, cash. Lard Oil is firm er; sales of No. 2 at 72073 e, and nummer at 85c, cash. Petroleum is without change; about 1,000 bbls have been disposed of in Into, at Me for crude; 56457 e for relined, in bond; and 66(467c 13 gallon for free, according to (polity. PLA aTER. —There is but little soft here, and it is in demand at $412 1 e• 'el ton I ' I C K—T " stock is very light, and the sales only in a small way at 71,1 e, cash. SEEDS we quiet. Clover is scarce. and if here would ceaurnand $5.61(49 1 bushel. Flaxseed has advanced; 2eo bus sold at $2.50. SUGARS are more active; sales of 900 Weds, mostly Cuba, at 1K412,1ac, on lime. There are no recent arrivals, and some holders are indifferent about selling. P. aPITt ITS. --Brandy and (Ain are 11 nchanged and quiet: 111. E. Rum is scarce- and held at 660 1 65 e. Whisky has declined; sales of Penneylrania and Ohio bbls at 52e. and drudge at 501e1D51c P gallon. TALLOW. —We quote city rendered at leleefflloXc, and araintry at 9t-A's 911 2.013ACC0.--Tbe late accounts of damage b frost West to - the emus in Kentucky and portions of "the have -been confirmed, and there is a better feeling in both Lear and Manufactured. with more inquiry for the latter; the former moves off slowly. WOOL.—Thers has been rather more innuiry from the xnanufactarere, and the market Mores with mfirmer feel ing, with sales of 4J,000 lbs medium and fine at 65072 c, The following are the receipts of Elmer and Grain at that port today: F10ur..... ..... . ....... ... ....... 1,660 bbls. Wheat....e.• . •••• .•. • • • ... .-• • • • 8,750 bash. • ... .•• ... • ..... • •••• • . 4,600 bush. Oats .B.loo.bnala- • • . .106 107 • • .101% 1013; ••. 98.4 90.!‹ • • .10032 Ci 107 ... 1 di4. • • ..98 @F9 ... 62 110 63 19311 f 106 10655 107 1015. i. 100 ; 99500 99Ki otoolP 99 137 ,90133 .137 gm 7,55100 7,09305 981 19 - 707 57 ange Sales, Sept. 22. R, Philadelphia Exchange.) • 0:1111). 3 llunt &IST R • 22 t0c.43 City 65 • ICF;k" e cv. 107 It 0 do o !g m hq 4 3CD ~Ci 44" 19?) Big Ca' - ountdid ; 2 78 Ponna R . . . . , 18 N . Pei - ma R 1.V.; 8U Rlce & Vine R-... lt.' 2COO Vet ma 5s rOM BOARDS. 7 . (tigi Wear:branch bd.5..100 10 (Jain &Atri;oi 173 13 01.R.1). 100 Little Selt2:7l 471:. Mechanica. 27.,q 110 13th &,:bth• st E.1;5 34 1:00 Cam 3 at 64 1563,103 23 CAM & R 1734 . 23 Haat & Bl' 11 b 5 24 7 Elmira R. • ... 35K 1103 Sabi Nav Fs '84.b5, 83. n 41 Alinehill 11 St f - Fsr & ALeclis .56:td' OARDS. .1.30 26 ICES--P.lllll. Bid ...ttkd..l ET Paia . lay 1 , " Do es 46 0. Do lOs 121 Catawi*sa Coll S Do prfd . .. 24;4 24n Beaver Meat/ it.. Sanabill E . .. . Harrisburg R... .. Wilmington R... Lela Nom. 63.. 56 53 Do shares Do nerip.... 44 44.4 Cam do kmb & Sun St Ude ..• Delaware Div—. Do bds... Spruce-street .. 15 Lich .street .. 25 Race-greet 10?•: Tenth-streetE„. 423 Thirteenth•et B. 1:14j. NV Phan P 05 67. t.; ' Do bonds... .. Green-etreet .. 45 Do bonds... .. Chestnct-st.R.,. E 9 , Second.street IL SO .. Do bowie— •- Fifth-street 8.... 56 Do bonds. • .. atrard College B 2in • - SeTenteonrh•nt 11 New York Markets, Sept. 22. Ames are in moderate supply and firm; trifling, sehe are making at $7@7.133 for Pots, and $8.15 for Pearls. BREADSTUFF3.—The market . for state and Western Flour is leee active, and prim are s@loc tower. • The sales are 'lB,OOO hbla at $1.,014610 for superfine State; $5 40005 50 for extra State: $4.70g15.20 for sur fine Michigan, Jowa, Ohio, die ; $6 .4006 70 pe for extra do. including shipping brands of rounti•tioop Ohio at 64 60[46 80. and trade brands at $.5 6507 50. southern Flour is fie lower, with leas activity; the sales tor blde at $5.606.60 for superfine Baltimore. end $6 tiftg PO for extra do. Canadni Flour is heavy. and 0(74106 lower; sales 700 bids at si. (..05.70 for cowmen, and $5 70 1 / 7 .40 for good to choice. 13.yeTi cur is firmer and selling at $4.2.5@5.%) for the ranee of gre . and superfine. ' Corn Meal to more steady and ln fair request: we quota Jersey at $4; Caloric $43004. 40 ; Bratid7wine $1.50; PuDellel)ll3 $21.75. Wheat is dull, end nominally I@re lower. with very little doing. The axles are 50.000 bushels at $1 01© I. et for Chicago Spring; $1.(8051.23 Mr Milwaukee Club': $1.9.%_011 :.1) for amber Iowa: sl.26fi>:l .31 for, winter rod Wesit. re, and $1.:2001.41 for amber Michigan. Bye i not tand firm at 58c@$.1. Barley is ncrainal. Oase are tiinter, and selling at 680567.3 for Canada; 670 74c for Western, and 710740 for Stain. Corn is less act lye, and a abode easier: stile? 50,000 bn slugs I,t Ell ~ , , 082c for shipping, and 80©8lc for Blatant. Puovieloss —There is an active emand for York, chirtly for sour meta and prime, and the market is firm The Fees aro 7,210 bbls.at $l4 for new mess; $12.255 - 012 5) for old 'teas: CO 6r01.1 for sour meet; $lO APO for pave. and $l3 25016 for prime mesa. Beef gigot, and unchanged. with small sales a; merlons ratea. There is nothing doing in tierce Beef or Beef Flame.' Cat Meats are Ii; in at EN Calra`c for Hams. and s .4f@SOlfar ShmOde". Bacon is tpamt. Lard is in fair demand, bat the market is lower; sales of 2,100 bids and tierces at 10,1q.d.1c. Bat ter and Cheese are steady. and in F ood demand. ...LSI 0915"1. ...15152K 723. um% ..3f 70 3t75 ..3f 72h 03f TT: 109 4110 • P 9.140 160 , • 5a?...40) 133 ... 56(di- 157 . 150400 PIILADELPI.II.9 BOA.RD 01? TAILDE. . AU; ISE NON B. ROBERTS. 1 30E114 R. PENT; OSI3, Com METTIIE OP THE MONTH SA AC S. WATE R 'MA IX. AT TIIF; METte.l2l-kliTS' 1:X01 - 1AWAE, PHILADICLPITIA. Ship £4aranak. Rowland Livorpool, soon Brig Ella Reed, Jarman......... ........ soon Briq lieoka. 8urn5....., .... . ... .. St Domingo City, soon Brig Ida (Br), Collins Barbados, soon Bohr reonland.,Evans Havana, soon &lir St Lawrence. Kind] Port Spain, soon MARINE - INTELLIGENCE. 9VII 101.410 41 h 93.247 .1:7.90,101 . 3C 45:1 0/4 HI Si] . 19.976,292 1.0111 , OF PIIILADELPITIA, Sept. 23,1803 SUN RISES... . 1111311 WATIR . Bark Glenwood. Fairchild, 15 days from New Orleans, in ballot t to .1 E Batley & Bark A .7,u )117.4beth,IN:orgrave,10 days from St Thomas in ballatt to W (lemmings at Son. Schr Trade Wind. Gonary. from Kingston, Ja, lust, with Icgwood to 1.1 N Wetzler & Co---vessel to Curtis & Selo' Ella, Bowen, 10 days from New Bedford,with oil to SlLobr & Co . Schr Sarah. Benson, 6 days from New Bedford, with `mdse to captain: - • , S'ehr Pearl, Brown, 6 days from Boston, wiih linseed to ord cr. Fehr W P Coy. Houck, from Boßton, with hemp to Fitter, Weaver & Schr Ida F Wheeler, Dyer, 6 days from Portlaudovith hides to C. ()Van liorn. . • • • .'7ehr Abby Brown. Cook, 8 dam from Proyiucetown, with mdse to Geo 1; Kerfoot. Seta Ellen Rezpah. Sinith, 5 days from Welliteet. with mdse to Geo ii Kerteot, Bohr B Parting % Baxter, G days from Boston, with mdcc to 'l* wells & Co. SChr H Dt 19ILT, Keilpp. 5 days from Glonceeter, with mdre l Crowell & Collinr Solt r Sarah Elizabeth. Kelly, I days from Boston.with mdse to Crowell 8: Schr Lr.ther Child, Kelly, 5 days from Boston, with mdlo to Crowell & Sabi. John Curtis, Norbury. 5 days from Kewbern,l'.iC, in bada , ,t to captain. Schr Wonder, Gage, 4 days from Providence, in ballast to ca Ma ptain. ry, Tice, 4 day, from New York, with mdse to D Cooler. Schr Ii Segur, Paine, 5 days from Welitleet, with masa to Geo B Kerloot. ' • - • • . Sebr Sophia Ann. Smith, 3 days from Boston, with.loo hbds syrup to order. Schr ( T Hilt, Weldon, 5 days from :Yew Pork, with salt to Win Dunun & Son. . . Schr, Farmer, Laws. 2 days from Milford, Del, with grain to Sas Barrett & Son. • Soh r Vandella, Cooper. 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with grain. to Jae Barratt & Son. Steamer Olive Branch, I.lnghes, St hours from if York, with mdse to W M Baird dr lio. Steamer Sarah. Jones; 24 hours from New York, with rodeo to W M Baird & Co, Steamer. hionitor, Williams, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm M Baird St Co. • Steamer 11l Illasiey. Smith. 24 hours from New York. with mdse to W M Baird Sr. Co. Steamer Beverly. Pierce, 24 hours from New York, with =dee to W P Clyde. The bark Sea Eagle is not below, the Glenwood haying been mLitaken for her. CLEARED. Brig P C ICing., Doane, St Thomas, SE Barley & CO. Brig Eliza Ann. lietricis. Boston. di, Brix Stella, Conine. l'ortland. do Brig. Esquimau): (Br), Chisholm, Halifax, C C Van Horn. Brig G W Barter, Gilchrist, Boeton, Hammett, Van Boson & Leaman. Solar Lizzie Raul, Erambes, Port Royal, H A Adams. Schr Lamot Dupont, Hering, Port Royal, Workman Sc Co. Schr Alabama, Vangilder, Quincy Point, L Andenried & Co. Ear S Applegate, Barrett, Fort Monroe, Tyler, Stone & Co Adv. Bed Schr Mary Elizabeth, Shaw, NOW Haven, do Schr Colorado, Sheppard. Banversport, Castner, Stick ney Behr 0 1p Ellett:toy, Garwood, Fall River, do Schr Pantbort, Clark. New London, Buckley &Co. Schr Suzan Ullman, Bartlett, Boston, C A ileekscher Sutr II A Rogers, Itogero, do do Schr .A Tirroll, 'Higgins, Boston, Noble, Caldwell&Co. Schr Polly Price, Amos. Boston. Bancroft, Lot:vise-Igo Schr 14V W Simmons, Godfrey. Salem, J R White & Co Boh C ff Vickery. Babbitt, Taunton, Blakiston, Grad' Schr S Washburn, 'inhrasher,. do do - Schr Mary. Tice. Melville. contain. Ztr Swan. Rose, Sassafras river. captain. Str Ann Eliza, _Richards, New York, w P Clyde. Str Philadelphia, Allen. Alexandria, Li S Clnarterm'r. Sir Farmer, Collins, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES. Del, sept. 20, Tho hark Irma, for Barbados; threo barks, names not known, five brigs, and about fifty schooners, comnrisin.g the whole Seat detained here ey the gale on the 18th and 19th, are now leaving the harbor. Wind North; weather fair. Yours, .3tec, AARON IiARSHAL.I... (Correspondence of The Press.) BEADING. Sept 21. The following boats from . tho Union Canal passed into ' the Sclraylkill Canal to-cay, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned 3.13 follows: Pner Sisters. huniter to S Bolton; Oar Nephew. do to Norcross & Sheets; Oen Lane. do to. M Trump & Sou; May Flower, bit coal to E S Buckley. • (Correspondence of The Press.) HAVES DE GRACE, Sept 21. The steamer Wyoming left here this morning with the following boats in tow. laden and consigned as follows Ti Koch, lumber to W F Taylor: Mary llickhoff, do to Craig; Derby. do to Wilmington; 'E 11. Tramp, do to M Trump & Fon; A E Knapp, do to 11 Wolverton; .N Mitchell. do to Malone & Trainer; James Henry, coat to Delimare City. MEMORANDA. Stfamship Saxon, Matthews, hence at Boston 21st. Er Ship Northland, Arey. from Alen!main for London, at Deal fth lust. and proceeded. Ship Golden City. Moore, from Bassein for Amsterdam, off Beachy Bead tali inst. . _ Ship Herald of the illorni i inf. n giin.rAartiorritiston 11) .g l ailMje . tUrett P irteh), - lionwes, henna at Ileivoet 4th. inst. Bark Parthilta (Dan), Hansen. 19 days from Baenos Ayres, at New York Slot lost, with hides, &c. Berk l'nma Donna ( Sr), Sawyer; cleared at Boston art inst for Buenos Ayrue via St John. - Brig Mazatlan. 31errymati, cleared at Portland 19th inst for this port, Brig Nathaniel Stevens, Haskell, hence for Boston, at Holmes' Hole 18th inst. Brig A Taylor, Gulliver, hence for Salem, at_Newport 18th inst. Brig Herald, Gray, from Siopican for this port, sailed from Newport 19th inst. - Sabre (3 Willard. Parsons, and Georgia. Deering, hence at' ortland 19th inst. Schr Georgia, Gilchrist, from Bangor for this port, at. Bath 13th inst. Schre Fly. Cheeseman, and Ceres, Simmons, hence at Nantucke t. 19th inst. Schr S L Crocker, PreshreY, hence at Taunton Dar instant. Schr 11 Thompson, Lloyd, hence at Somerset 18th inst. Schr Bloaise, Berry, sailed from Providence 20. h inet for this port. Schr Rodman M Price. from Gloucester for this port, sailed from Newport 19th inst. Sclr R - 11 Perkins, hence for Portland. at Newport 19th instant. Schr Wright,Brown, cleared at Boston Met lust for this port. Soh! Summit, from Wellfleet for this port, at Newport 23th inst. Notice is given that the Spar Buoy placed on. Loyer Bar, Saco river. to mark the approach to Saco. has bro. ken from its mooring and gone adrift. It Rill be replaced as coon as possible. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.- THE undersigned have this day formed a Copartnership for the transaction of the Dry Goods Commission Busi ness tinder the name and style of *EVAN'S tic CO., No. July 1.1313. [sels-120 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—THE undersigned members of the late firm of Smith, Williams, & Co.. have this day entered into copartner ship under the name and style of EL P. St W. P. SAI..TH, for the transaction of the Dry Goods Commission. busi ness at No. 221. CHESTNUT Street. HENRY, P. ROTH. W.K. P. SMITH, Jr. PRITADELPIILL Sept. 1at,1563. se-1m NOTICE.-JOSEPH LEA HAS ASSO CIATED with him JAMES McCARTER and MIN 11. FRALEY in the transaction of the Commission Easi ness, which will herafter be conducted under the Nrin of JOSEPH. LEA. dc CO., . _ PRILADSLPITTA. September 3Salif 1 1 .11 . 0 MEISTRUf Street: 011110 K SALES, SMALL PROFITS vcco DEAN'S CIGAR STORE. 335 CHESTNUT Street, you can buy FINE , MIT CHEWING TOBACCO 25 per cent. less than anywhere else. Anderson's Solace, Hoyt's Sunnyside, Standard, Old Continental, Young America, and Good win's N. Y. Patent Pressed, for eight cents each. PlarAation, Cornish's Virgin Leaf. Yellow Bank, Ho ne), Dew. Amulet, National, Heart's Delight, 8:1vory, Medallion, Nonpareil, and. Mrs. Miller's-Pine-cut Chew inr. Tobacco. for four eent.z.each. - . . FINE COT IN YELLOW PAPERS. —Lilienthal's, Backus & Campbell's. Yellow• Bank, Grano. for three cents each. FINE. CUT CHEWING TOBACCO IN BULK. —Ander son's Solace, BoYt's Sunnyeide, Dean's Golden Prize, Dean's Philadkphia Fine Cut. Honey Dew. 'Michigan. and Pride of Kentucky. for six 4entz per ounce. Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco by the pound, 45, 60, 75, 90 cents, and $l. IMPORTED HAVANA AND YARA CIGARS, and do mestic Cigars of all kinds, C 5 per cent_ less than others sell, at wholesale or retail, at DEAN'S CIGAR STORE.. 335 OBISTNUT Street. Wilmington and Newark Corporation Notes taken at Par. j y 3-tf DR. DU BOUCIEET. • DENTIST, No. 1533 ARCH 3 - tret,.cor. Sixteenth. se9-he PIIRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA TIONS, with full descriptions of character. given DAY and EVENING. by J. L. OA.PEN, rai-frawfitn No. 25 South TENTH Street. THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for families. hotels. or public institutions, in TWENTY DIFFERENT SIZES. Also, Phila delphia Ranges, Hot-Air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stew hole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves. &c., at wholesale and retail. lw the manufacturers. CHASE. SHARPS. & N, THOME° anl9-wfm-6m No. 200 N. SECOND Street. io N • STEAM AND WATER 4EATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Gor,p , s PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATER HEATER. - - THOMPSON'S LONDON KJTCHINER., and 'aU other Improved COOKING APPARATUS. Boilers and Water Backs. Parlor and other Grates, Regikters and. Ventilators, Baclssand Jambs, and. all things connected with the above h jA la s n i c x h s o i t . b w. nei o n o e D ss . .. No.' 41 South FOURTH Street. .B. FELTWIILL, Superintendent. ap29 Isr 626 GOLDTHORP & CO., 625 • ManolactniEoro of • Tassels. Cords, Fringes, Curtains, and Furniture Gimps; Curtain Loops, Centre Tassels. Pictures and Photograph Tassels,Blind Trimmings. Military and. Dress Tammings, Ribbons, Neck Ties, ete., etc. No. 625 MARKET Street, reye•gru Philadelphia. TWOTTVILLE GLASS WORKp.-- - VVE have a FURNACE IN BLAST, and are prepared to attend to orders for BOTTLES of every deierirlion. . B. 8.-& U. W. BENNERS, eel4.lme 27 South FRONT:Street. A.CK ERE L, HERRING, SHAD, 2, WO bbls Mass. No. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, late-caught fat fish, in assorted packages. 2,110 bbis New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and. Halifax Herring. ABM boxes Lubec, Scaled, and No 1 Herring. )60bble new Mess Shad. 200 bores Herkimer County Cbeese. &c. In store and for sale by MURPHY & KOONS ial4tf No, 146 NORTH WHARVES. CEIAM -- PAGNE.AN INVOICE' OF s•-• " Gold Lac," and "Gloria"" Champagne, dn (marts and pintejset received per French chip Mae Amelle,", for Bale by CHAE;I3. & JAB..O,IIIITAAI.B, Sole Agents, " " IRA WATANITT and Al GRANITE AtA. MORGAN, ORR- & CO STEAM 'ENGINE IttIIT.DIIRS, Iron Founders. and General Machinists and Boiler Makers. kin. I,xlo CALLownna, Street, Philadelphia, fel9-1y THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 23, 1863. LETTER. :.:11AGS 6 00 I SUE' SETS MEE= NOTICE TO MARINERS COPARTNERSIUE'S. W. EVANS. JOS.' EVE.NS EDIUCATIONAL. ivr It S. 1.. I'. 13 A U Gil' S SELECT SCHOOL, 835 GEARY Street, se22-5r L. CA_ lIPEN'TER, 7121 ALCIIIIER OF • DANCING. 02.5 ARCH Street. Call at hle Rooms. Deily end every Evening. se22•lmt FORGE A. NEWBOLD, HAVING accepted the charge of Friende' School at ABING TON, will discontinue Fairview 13oarding School at NORRISTOWN. For circulars and particulars, address will be JI‘NKINTOWN P. 0.. Montgomery countY. Pa., after the 29th instant: till then at NORRISTOWN. Session will COIII7IIOIICO oth of 10th monthaB63: se7-tool (7. I ,I.RMANTOWN FEMALE SEMINA RY, GREEN street, eolith of WALNUT Liam Trill reopen September 9. Circulars may be obtained at the &minary. Profeseor WALTER S. FORTESCITE, A. Et. att2A-lin Principal CDESTNUT STREET FEMALE SEMI NARY.--English and Prench Boarding- and Das , School. Principals, Miss Bonney and Mist Dillaye. The twenty. seventh semi-annual session will open Wed nesday, September 9, at Atli S Chestnut Street, Philadel phia. Particulars from circulars. aulfi-toci MISS (3. A. BURGIN WILL REOPEN A Y -a- Ar SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LKDIES, No. 1037 WALNUT tJt. , SEPTEBIBER 14. 1865. ar„2.5,36t* F ara- ` 'NDS' ACADEMY FOR BOYS, rear of 41 m aria ELEVENTII . Btreet- $l2 por term of twenty-two weeks. All denominations admitted. One session from 9 till 2. Reopens Bth month, Sept. lat. m , an 24-1 W. W VOTING LADIES' SCHOOL, AND CLASSES FOR HOME STITDY, No. 903 CLINTON street. Established by Prof. C. D. CLEVELAND i 1834. Fall Term commences Soptomber 14 an24.23n PLINY E. CHASE. RELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE -co A BOARDIR a-SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. This Institution is located in the northern limits of AT TLE BOROUGH, Rfiddletown township, Mucks county, Penn's, —a rural district, unsurpassed for beauty and healthfulness. The Fall and Winter term Will open TENTH MONTH 15t.116.3, and continue in session 28 weeks. The course of instruction is thorough and complete in all ti's elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH. CLRSSIC AL, and NIATHEHATICAL education. MST terms and other particulars see circular, which: may be had on application to the Principals, ATTLF-.llo‘ ROUGFI Post Office. Penn's, or from E. PaREISE., cor ner of EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. Philadelphia. ISRAEL ! J. GilaHalfE. - - JANE P. GlidliA.ME, Principals CENTRAL INSTITUTE,. N. W. corner TBNI.II end SPRING GARDEN Streets, will REOPEN SEPTEMBBB. Ist. Boys piepared for any Di-' vision of the Pnbllo Grammar Schools. for College. or for Business, Can24-2el H. G. BIoGNIRTI. A. td. TtIADAME MASSE 'AND M'LLE MO '" ElNtall reopen their FREZ7CII AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL EORYOUNG LAMS. 134.% SPRUCE Street, on the loth of SEefEKBSR. For circulars or other particulars apply at the above number. au24-2m TROY FBMALE SEMINARY.-THIS Institution offers the accumulated advantages of fifty years of successful operation. Every facility is provided for a through course of Imo ful and ornamental education. nude: the direction of a sorpe, of more than twenty professors and teachers, For Giro:dare, OPT.I.v to • a2O-35t• JOV,II H. WILLA.RD. Troy, 11", "Y",. •E - ' °ENDORFF S MILITARY AOA DEMY FOR BOYS (located :n 'FAUX:NEE Street, rear of the Academy of Music) is NOW OPEN. DaYS of Tuition MONDAY and. THURSDAY. at 4 o'clock P. M. For circulars; apply to HOYT & BRO., TENTH and CHESTNUT, "or to Major G. ECKENDORFF'S resi dence, 1903 COATES Street. sels-12.t V ILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY—A SELECT BOARDING SCMOOL, NE= MEDIA, PA.—Thorough ceurse in Mathematics,_ Classics, Eng lish Brancbee, Natural Scioncen. Ito. Military Tactics taught. ChtBBs3 Book-keeplng, Surveying, and Civil Engineering. PupiLs taken of all ages. School opens September let. Boarding, per week, $2.25. Tuition,per Quarter, te. Yor catalogues. or information, Adams Rev. J. HERVEY BARTON, Mi-Srn VILLAGE GREEN, Pa. MISS M. W. HOWES' YOUNG LA DIES' BOARDING. and DAY SCHOOL. N 0.1525 CHESTNUT Sbnet, will reopen WEDNESDAY, 9tb. September. ee:3-1m TZATON ACADEMY, VOR. BOTH X. 114, AT KENVETT SQUARE, Chester corDAY, Pa- The Winter Term of this Institute will. comments on SECOND DAY, the 12th of 10th mo next, and eon tihno in session twenty-four weeks. For circulars, con taining terms and particulars, addressWlLL( AM CHANDLER, Criminal, Kennett . Square.. or 0. WES STEM CHANDLER, "Rs reference, No. 160 G CHERRY, or 2.t41 MARKET Street. Philadelphia. soi-nawsim. ACADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CJIURCH. LOCUST and JUNIPER. Streets.—The Autumnal Session will open on MONDAY. September 7th, at 9 o'clock A. M Applications for rid minion may be made during the wee's, preceding, be tween ID and. 1?. o'clock A. M. JAMES W. ROBINS, A. M., aull-nrcrf 6cr Head Master. pm - MISSES CII.APMAN'S BOARD ING AND DAY SCHOOL POE YOUNG LADIES Will reopen SEPT. L Murders may be obtained•of Mr- HILL, 604 Walnut st. • of Mesers. LINDSAY &EL ADE. MON, 26 South Sixth'et„ or by applicatiqn to the Prin cipals at Hohneeblarg. Pa. 3713 izwiSra* TEE MISSES ROGERS° ENG-LISTA - 2 - AND FEHNCH BOAR.DING AND DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies will reopen TUESDAY, September Ist; at 350 South FIFTEENTEt Street. an2S-wfm181; SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE, FOR YOUNG LADIES, No, C.ll MtaRSTIGLY, Street, re• opened Sept. itn. GILBEZF. COMBS. A. M., an29•lne Principal. IVTISS IEOc.PESIhT, _REOPEN BOARDING and DAY &DROOL for. Yount Ladieu, at 14.4 . 19 LoousT Street, on TUESDAY, the Isth of Sep tember. anl3-lut. LAW SCHOOL OF TITFI Ii N 1 V ERSITY OF CHIC ,4.5 , O. The fall term begins the 16th of Sep ember ixtstant. Thie School offers facilities for a Legal Elncation equal to any in the country. By an order of the Supremo Court of Illinois. the diploma is received as satisfactory evidence of legal attainments to admit to the bar of that blate. For circulars address sedLaScwSt* H. BOOTH. Chicago MBS. B. BLANCHARD'S SCHOOL for TiliiiSElS and young LADIES, at No. :AS South EFGETiniNTH-.Street. Will reopen September Cir culars can be ha on application. eta-6w* COTTAGE SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES. —This pleasant and, thorough School is accessible by; reading Railroad, and within lees than two hone' ride of l'hiladelPhia. The neat cession will open the FIRST TUESDAT NOVEtiIBER. For Circulars, and particulars. address the Principal, REV. R. CRVISSEf Porrru, - ------ - Drontkomery CoCounty, Penna. A - FRENCH GENTLEMAN DESIRES -L-•-• employment as Teacher of the French Language. Drawing, (isometry, 'and Music, in School or Family. Beat references. Box 45% I'. 0. sel.6 iit* 4 Q„IGNOR CORTESI WILL RESUME )"--' the Singing , Lessons on the MR instant, and the Class for beginners on the Ist of October. Residence 10GS WALNUT Street. . sels-12t* NORMAL MUSICAL INSTITUTE._ No. O North EIAPENTEI Street.— • selo-14n. JOHN 130 WEIL Principal. fl LENWO OD MATD.EMATIOA:L AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, The above litittXiel. GAP. on _SEgo!TD-DAY (Monday), the lid of the NINTH ' I P l e f l 67fla (September). For particulars apply to SAMUEL ALSOP, Principal, seS-2m Delaware Water Gap, Monroe county, Pa. MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. E. HALL will re-open their Boarding and Day School, for 'Young Ladies, at 1215 WALNUT Street, on the 14th of SSPTENBE.II an3l-2m )".--SUPPLER'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG Ladies. S. E. corner MARSHLLL and. SPRING GARDEN Streets. Duties resumed Sept. 7th. ENOCH SIIt'PLEE, A. Bi - ., Principal. an.3l-lin WM. S. COOLEY, A. M., WILL RE_ I open his Cie-este:Lt. - Mathematical, and Hugligh School, at 3To. 1112, )111.1:KST Street, Monday, Septem ber 7. au.3l-Im* THE MISSES CASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S -A- French and English Boarding and Day-School. No. 1.708 WALNUT street, Will re-open on WEDNESDAY. September 16. ang 7-2rn OXF°"FEMALE SEMINARY, OX FORD, Chester comity, Pa., will begin its next session OCTOBER 2L For cuoulars address Miss BA %SR, Princhial. TICIILADELPIIIA COLLEGIATE IN for Young Ladies. 1530 ARCH Street. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH. D. D.. i Associate Rev. E. CLARENCE SMITH . . A.M., f Principals. Ample accommodations for boarding scholars. The Ninth Academic. Year mill begin on MONDAY, September 14. For circulars, and other information, ad dress Box 2611, P. O. - je2s-3m5 MRS. MARY W. D. SCHAFFER will open her SCHOOL FOB GIRLS, from eight to P,fteen years of age, at - 1.037 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, - September'7,3243. . an26-Im* THOMAS BALDW IN ' S ENGLISH Mathematical and Classical School for Boys, N. B. sower BROAD and. AMOR, will reopen Sept. 1. ani6lins 9 - BEANTLY LANGTON'S AOA • DENT for Boy*, No. Ezi-H North TENTH Street, Will be reooemed on MONDAY, September 7th. au2S im SELECT FAMILY SCHOOL FOR BOYS, AT .CLAYMONT, Delaware. The. Winter Term will open SEPTEIIIBBR 9. ceB-Da° Rev. SORB B. CLEMSON, D.D., Rector. IpIHrLADELPIIIA PROFESSIONAL -a- INSTITUTE, S. E. earner of THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Is now open, with a complete GYM. NaSIUM for the exclusive, use of the pupils. Call and see its peculiar modes of instruction and its advantagee. Send for circulars. sea-tf I. NEWTON PEIRCH. Prlnciesl. G A E oRGE R BRKEh'S FNGLISII • 1 / 4 -A and cLAsslcer, SCHOOL, PRICE Street, Ger mantown. The Tenth Academia Year wll.l opan on MONDAY, September 7th, 1863. ses-lin pLASSICAL INSTITUTE DEAN street. above Sprese.—The duties of the Classical Lrestitute will be resumed SEPTEMBER 7th. an27-2mt* J. W. PAIRES, D. D., Prineipal. B ICENDALL'S CLASSICAL AND • ENGLISH SCHOOL, S. E. corner of THIRTEENTH arid LOCUST Streets, will reopen MONDAY, Septem. her 7th.' ar.27-Im* SCHOOL FOR BOYS. AND GIRLS, CHERRY STREET, Wm OF TWENTIETH sr.— A School for Boys and Girls vrUl be opened in the first Door of the NEW JERUSALEM 011aRCH.-in CHEERY, West of Twentieth street, on the ESCOND*MONDAY in September, by Mies M.B, PRESTON.Miss Preston has had many years of successful experience as a Teacher and Principal of one of the largest Grammar Schools in the city of blew York. The comes of studies will coin prise the penal branches of Instrfiction, heSides Latin, French, and Drawing, at the option of the paren.te. Terms—For Pupils over 10 years of age, per school rear of 10 months $5O For Pupils of l 0 years of age and under Applications may be addressed to the care of W. H. BENADE, P. 0., Philada. ati2.3-lee THE CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL, -a- and BUSINESS INSTITUTE for Young tr;.pb,.. 1:1147 , 1DSOMB BE6IIThIsiGE.4, 1617 60 rune F traet and 1213 Walnut street: a unrober of desirable smaller dwellings, 00043 Fterde, vaeact Into farm,. p.rentoro,ry nabs, including El - PO:P:4O3M G.-U/CET Zit. AT. - w4verly lreinbbs. bee han,thills. gee:J.292S 29 BALES OF 5T09,E78 AND BELL ESTATE At tho kaChina's, l'ite'iday, at 12 o'clock. noon. KW - Handbille of oech Propertr leaned separatelr.and on the Saturday previous to each tole. 1,000 catallogaee to pamphlet form. dint; fall deacriptions. .fla" FURNITURE S&LS,' at toe 4-actioa Store e7ecr Thunday FALL SALTiS STOCKS AND li.BAT4 ESTATE. Fourth DO; Sole- 22d September. Fifth pal Veto, '9th SopiFmber. Sixth Pall Sale, Btl, Oc•oher Sift Part of the ha ndbille, for each eale, - now roads. Sale rw Too. E. , P. MI 610 Soot! , Fourth &frau. SUPERIOR FUEN(TUVE, inf)GANY PIANO. MIR RORS. IRON (3 11 PARPErs, ON 'Eh 1 - I; , .;;PAY MORNING. A t o'clock, et the Aretion Store. Punertor furniture. mahogany planc-f;:rt , , Fxr.nc pat ruirrore, iron cheer. fine bra. telex aul other e. nets, TO COUNTRY lITSP.CtrANTS ART) &TTIRRS PEREMPTORY SALE,' FOIL ACCOUNT 01 , UNITED _ E•TzTEs. NEW CLOTHTNO. ONSATITE.D7 Peptember 26th, at 10 o'clock, at the auction Btnre, far account of the 13i hod State,a: 2.500 new Brent Coat ~{or mounted men ; 1, rzo Infentn , Privates' Casts; 6,0011 pair Wool Troupers. cu.Eorteii colors. Palo pe7emptory Tormf. cash.. Aar May be examined th ree daps previoua to eel,. Shle IFn, ICTl%r6eu Ftreet. SUPERIOR FITRNITTJTM, ELI:GOV? CLE.PETS...t.c. _ - ni - oiTuL.Y ii6ftrargo. Fept. 28th, at JD o'clock, by eatalo.r.ne, at N0.115.] Omen etreet. the snperlor path, nininz-room, and chamber furnitr re, elt nut oeetry earmts, line lair mattressers. &c.: also. the kitchen frin.ltur. .4a- May be examined S o'clock on the morning of the sale. Executor's Fol.. No. 528 Sorne.o Stroo , HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. itliV.lollS, Liiars FIRE-PRonp, THIS MORNINCt. At 10 o'clock. at No. I:28 Spruce street, the household tnrniture, }reach plate mantel mirrors, bo , .kcases. ERA chandfliers and fix tureat parier firo-proof safe. made by eerie]] & Rerring ; alon ' tbo kitchen ntent , ib. :03- May bo examined atS o'clock on the morning' ce O,ILLETTE dr. SCOTT, •-" .613CTIOXFAILS..1 - syse's Maxigrt Nait.14142 , / 610 CR3.61'..14711° Street smi 51.6 31.717;11' Strm4.. PhiMe:elsAlA LA!WE POSITIVE SALE OP 500 CASE BOOTS, SEOmq. E3.0(341 4, z. &c. TIII3 1 , 1"01qT1, c. At 10 . o'clock nreclooly. WE , will nell by cat%lo Aft C?-6 , 2,3 nien'e. yowls', boys' womea'o, and chtldrea'a boots, Oboes, brogan , ,, zaiter4, cavalry boots, ..Icc. Aloo, an inYoiee of elastic goisetting. LIEGE BALI?. OF OIL P Tpis Sept. 23d, at 8 o'clock precisely, embracing a choice, and valuable collection of rarlEd and pleating subjects. latdacapes i marine views. &e., from come cf the most celtl.ra tail artists. blow open for examination. P•ANCOAST WARNOCK, 213 31.k.F.KET Street. LARGE E SALE Cg AMERMAN Afro n[- PORTED DES GOODS. II6.ILLINNELV GOODS. &c.. by catalogue. Obi TEIDAY AIOEIVIND. Scplembor 2hb, commencing at 10 o'clock preclsoly— Corapneing about 750 lota of seatenable good& to whiel the attention of borers is invited. LSALE AT ro. 37354 MARKU. STREET, WM rITILADELPIIIA. ON MONDAY MuENING. Sept. 29th, commencing' at ;0 o clo:Ir prociselr,' , Ml ha sold the furniture of a lady declining boaFelreeping, mprhing Parlor and chamber fnrnitare,lieds, bedding, carp,te. kitchen nierstir. crockery ware. &c. Are' Omn for examination, witri catalogues, early on. the morning of sale. MOSES NATTT A NS, AUCTIONEER, Eoutheast e:trzer. 81-ISE - sad RACE Etvets. TOR _ LIESS pip HALF 1933 AT PEWATMAI,, sYsf,i,lrro - I , Rfc;is. Fine gold and silver I._!nali, la. Aniet.ican, and S.vise pa. 'tent lever watches, extra fali-jeweL ad and plate., of tha most approved and ben makers, in heavy hunting cases, double cases, magic cases, doable bottom and open fats; fine gold chronereqers. In heavy hunting caxesr fine sand and si7ver lemne watches_ in hunting - cases and . open face; silv=r one.rtler watches; doable case Brlgitsh silver watches, and others. Piamondac fine gold vest. neck, gm:rd. and chateli,n chains: .gold. Pencil cases and pens silver do. setts of line gold ley elly. meo allions. geld and silver specks, bracelelm, Fnclish plated vest chains: double and single-barrel fowling pieces, some of them very superior: revolving field-glasses, Em. M. NATHAN& FOR SALE AND TO LET. TTANDSOME •WRST PHILADEL PHIA LOTS. —1 lot IEO by HO; I do. $. 1 9 by 21 - S; do. lro by 214; 1 do. 75 by 215. all hartug two I do. 100 by 175; 1 do. ICO '1.3; 1 do. by 125: 1. do. 50 by 140, corner iota; 1 0. 4!).b. 154; Ida. 6.3 by 10 ; 1 do. IA by 165, and numerous antallP.r ones, fir cafe. • x. w f..,ADER., 1O South FOURTH: Strict. COAL YARD FOR SALE.—TaN BEST fitted up YARD is the city Capaeltv for doing - an,ir amount of breiaes Inquire o” the preadse6, 957 Forth NINTH. 'Street, lbelovtCirard areana. Eel9-et. r,.. FOR RENT, GRANITE STORE, No. 723 CHESTNUT STREET, ao - w OCCUPIED BY I. EfArLEIGEL ApPly to THOS. MELLOR, -14 NC:T.TW, TRIED r B W °15.11-1 SALE. SECON D - HAND RA FE FOR The subscribers offer for sale ono of Evans & Watamets largest size (No. 17) SAFES, measuring outside 86 inchekt high, 65% inches wide, and iJ ischos deep; inside, 65 inches high, 52,i1 ;Etches wide, and 17 inches deep, haying no further nee for the seine. It is perfectly good, and will he sold at a low price. selS St* FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-A "iiIIBREWERY and DWELLING. riot rentei to a good. tenant by the month f9r SS I 9 p r itnantrt. Wilt ba„soldt (leaf , ' 9r ror a good. Farm. t-4,560 may re- Addiess, voting bitudtion of farm and pries wanted, Box 319, Pb i!adelrbia P 0. sen-in an 33;. • CA FORGE AND FARM. FOB'S ALL% GREE-AwooD ror,GE, situate. at Pe. Chester county, on the Pennfrylvania now in exe.llent and comph,te. runnins order, with one cinder, and three forge fires. for making Charcoal Blooms. with the FARM. umtaining 65 acres. STONT!, MANSION-SOUSE and MILL- HOrf , E. with fixtures. Stone B,rn, Coal Sheds, and five other Stone Tenements for working, &c., with. wood on the farm fit for cutting nearly sufficient for ene year's consumption of the Irons. Is offered for 'Demean sale by the subscriber. residing at 1,305 SPRUCE Street. Philadelphia re2l-mws6t CLE3LENT A. BUCKLEY. 4•••0 -- TO LET.GERMANTOWN • ' l5 HOUSE. with gas. bath, range and hot and cold -.7ater. RITTENRONS.r., west of GREEN .1.33017t0 WM. Ff BACON, se`23 ,, et* No. H 5 :North FOURTH Street. 1. 1A 7 1 3 c P v l e . i, ,l l , E d e i w rb 7 i ß e E r f o r r „ — B — R F 7 r DLE LO s+ Con liberal terms. Apply to S T. Altfl e se2l-6t* No. 9...;-.33 MARKET Street. i n;:, FOR SALE-IVEAT COUNTRY PLi,CE, Six AcraF. nenr by railroad station and pteamboat landing, 1 miles from the city. Price only $1,900 Eeln E PETTIT, :tett WALNUT Street. Sit FOR SALE-FA.M.I, 32 ACRES, good buildings, at Sender Station, NorthPeunsyl vania railroad Farm, 24 acres, nesr Sender Station. Farm, s 7 acres, at Lansdale. Farm, 31 acres, Tausboro. near Atlantic Railroad. New Jersey. Also, a large variety of large and. small fads, countr y seats, building sites, in different parts of this and other States, B. R. GLENN. 123 South 'FOURTH Street,_ sell-ft and S. W. corner SSYMNTRONTR and GIMSIIII.. r i PUTNAM MILL FOR, SALE.—A r.. 4 meet excellent FLOURING AIL L, containing six run of stones, on fee ?dualist - ram river. at ZANESVILLE. Ohio, together with the WATER POWER, and about, two acres of Groned Forrounding the mill. Whilo other mills here have to pay the State some $l.OlO per annum water rant. the water power for this mill is perpetually free, and the whole premises will be sold for the value of the water power. Apply to ALFRED MERRICK. Zanesville, Ohio._ TO LET- TIIE DESIRABLE STORE ,-,' 915 .C.NESTITUT Street, nssrly opposite NEW FM OFFICE. Pos.sendou given Aush.st ie.- inquire. et the store. 3121-tt 01-2- DELAWARE COUNTY COTTON sr-4FACTORIES FOR S &LB.—The valuable Cotten Fac tories. known as AVOWDALN and STS.S.TH situ ated an Crnm Creels, Delaware County. one mile from Westdalo Station, West Chester Rai/road, two miles from Leiyoryille, and three from Cheater. now OCCllPied by Simeon Lord, are offered for sale. " Avondale" in cluaes a storm mill_S2 by 47 feet. 335 . .. stories high, with dry house. picker house, twon... " -two stone tenements, end about 9 acres of land, in Soringlield and Nether Providence townships. ''Strathavon" includes a frame cotton mill, S 2 by SO feet, 2.34 stories high, with picker house. fire frame wad stoao tenements, and about 24 acres of land, in Nether Providence. The nrouerttede will be chain, by kir. Lord. on the premises. Early pos session can be given. For terms inqcire of S &MILL FIELD. N. W. corner of rßomr and WALNUT &reds. ray3o- LI fol TO LET—A C 0 - AI IT ODI 01J S. DWELLING-, No. 1.32 North PRONT Street. Rent moderate. apply to WETRERILL Sr... BRO., °e27. ti 47 and 40 North SECOND-Street FARM FOR SALE IN CHESTER - , =-.Cou.c.iy. font mile 3 from Downingtown. containing 108 acres. well watered, buildings new,. c. This's. a No. / farm in - every - respect. Apply to D. FIErItMAN.. 104 North SIXTFI Street, or to 0. PAXSON. rel9-ixo.x on the premises. SIEUPPING. BOSTON AND PITILADEL, PHIA ST:EA:I6IRP LINE. sailing from each port on SATURDAYS, from first Wharf above PM btrect, Philadelphia., and Long Wharf, Boston. The steamer ICOMIAN, Cantain Batter, will sail from Phitsdelphia for Roston on SATURDAY, Sept. WAR, at, o'olora A.M.: and steamer SAXON, Captain - Matthews. from Boston en same day, at 4 P. M. These new And Enbstantild steamships form a regular line. Ealing from each port punctually on Saturdaye. Insurances effected at one-halt. the Pretnitina charged on eail vesoLs. • Freights taken at fair rates Shippers are requested to send Slip Rtctipte and Slits Lading with their goods. For Fro!ea or Passage fbayiur Ann accommodations) apply to HENRY WENEOR & CO.. uth9 332 South DELAWARE Avenue. STEAL WEEKLY TO LIVER POOL, touching at Queenstown, (Cork Har.. bor. ) The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, Few York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intend.- ed to sail as follows: ETNA Saturday,September S. CITY OF WASHINGTO2O......Saturaay „ October 3. CITY OF MANCHESTER ......_••Saturday. October 10. And every succeeded Saturday at noon, from Pier la. 44, North Itivor. RATES or PASSAGE. _ • Payable in Cold, or its equiva lent in Currency. FIRST CABIN . , 090 001 STEERAGE, • $33 6Q . Do. to London, 5500; Do, to London, 3660: Do. to Paris, 95 001 Do. to Paris, 40 50 Do. to Hamburg, 90 001 Do. to Ilambruir.37 90 Pastes Kers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Roe dam, Antwerp. &G. at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Qneenatown: Ist Cabin. IA SES, $lO5. Steerage from Liverpool, $4O. Friim Queen" town, 050. Those who wish to send for their friends eat boy their tickets here at these rates. . . For further information,apply at the Company's oncea JOHN 0. DALE, Agent fe2d _ 111 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia! EXPRESS COMPANI3ES. THE ADAMS EL WE' s ' ~ssd~ ¢n 'PRESS COMPANY, -office CRESTNEIT Street. forwards Percale. -Paakmol4.3llo - Notes. and Specie. either-by its own lines or in connection with other Exorcise Compaata, to all the principal . Towns and Cities-in-the Saga st a t es. E. S. SnliDPORh. fe26 General Superintendent. AMERICAN ROOFING SLATES, FULLY EQUAI, TO VIE BEFARBII 3. SLATEL 217 WALNUT Street- ie2li•4N • T'af. SELLERS &