Inks Thermometer. AUGUST 31, 1862. I AUGUST St, ISO. 6 A. M.... 12 m 8 Y. M. 6 A. m 12 m...,.3 P. M. 62 ..76 72 I 66 70 72,4 WIND.IND. S SSW SE I NE E NE, ....ENE PRESiiiiTATION AT CAMP WILLIAM PENN.--Yesterday afternoon, a handsome regimen-, tal flag was presented to the 6th Regiment Colored TrOOps at the encampment ground, Ohelton Hiller The occasion drew together, as upon the flag-raising, s large number of persons from the city and suburbs. A special train leit the .Berkaatreet station of the North Pennsylvania Railroad at half past. three o'clock, and it was ffiled to its greatest capacity. The arrangements effeeted for the comfort and con venience of passengers by this road, as well as by, the Fifth and Sixth street Passenger Railroad, corn mended themselves to every one. Special cars for - the white persons who were present at the ceremony, Were suitably provided for. The cereniony was parti cularly a demonstration of the colored people, as the flag was their gift alone. The regiment marched from the camping ground to receive its friends at the rail road station, and the greeting was cordial and en. thusiastio. Bands of music enlivened the air, and flags were displayed from neighboring houses. Un der its efficient• commander, Col. Wagner, the regl ' ment, on reaching again the parade ground, opposite the estop, were put through the regimental evolu. Lions, which were effected creditably. After this,, the regiment was drawn up in hollow square, and the flag presented to Col. Wagner. Mr. Robert Purvis, on behalt of the colored people •of Philadelphia, made the presentation speech. He • spoke as follows Soldiers of the 6th Regiment of Colored Men of the United States Army, I have the honor to repre- Alent a committee ,in whose hands has been entrusted this beautiful banner, and on their behalf and that of the donors of this splendid emblem of freedom, I present it, through the commanding officer at this post, to you. That you will prove yourselves worthy of the gift, and that you will see to it that the flag of your country suffers no dishonor at your hands, I have the fullest confidence. Loyalty, prowess, and devotion to the interests of their native land, on the part of black men, are no longer matters of doubt. What are the facts?-Let Milliken's Bend answer. Said Adjutant Thomas : "The:'negro soldiers repulsed the enemy, and to those brave blacks are we indebted for the possession of that important poet." Let Fort Wagner answer, led by the noble and heroic Colonel Robert G. Shaw. [Ap plause.] Never did soldiers fight more bravely— never did soldiers die more heroically—never did soldiers, in hospital, bear their wounds more pa tiently. Let Port Hudson answer. Will any man read the official report of :Major General Banks de scribing the assault on that stronghold, and then say that the black man will not fight? Let any one read Abe blood. stirring description of that assault by our -noble-hearted and truly inspired poet of Philadel phis "Now," the flag-sergeant cried, " Though death and hall betide, Let the whole nation see We are tit to be Free in this land; or bound Down. like the whining hound-- Bannd with red stripes of pain In our old chains again!" Oh! what a shout there went From the black regiment! Soldiers! In this momentous struggle between freedom and slavery, in other words, between a true Demooracy and a hateful despotism, I thank God that the Government, from a sense of justice, and therefore in the exercise of the highest wisdom [ap plause], recognizes your manhood and citizenship, by calling upon you to share in those needful sacri fices, for the fulfilment and perpetuity of that great principle of freedom and equal rights which has been ever associated in the idea of our country's destiny. `Stand to your faith, Amerlea. Sad Europe ! listen to onr call. Up to your manhood Africa! That liag floats over all! Pure as its white our future see, Bright as its red is now our sky, Fixed as its stare our h shall be . , That nerves our hearts to do or dos." Colonel, accept this flag for the regiment, and al low the expression of our high regard for the distin guished services you have bestowed upon the regi ments formed at Camp William Penn. And now, soldiers, under this flag let your rallying cry be for God, for freedom, and our country ; if for these you fall, you fall as hristian patriots, heroes, martyrs. Mr. Purvis' remarks were greeted with applause. Colonel Wagner, on taking the flag, referred elo quently to the bravery of the colored soldiers, and assured the friends of the regiment that their gift -flag would never be disgraced. The colored regi ment that had left this camping ground a few weeks ago, had already, he thought, reached their destina tion, near Charleston, probably in time to take part in the glorious struggle before that nest of treason. This regiment will follow after it, and win for itself a name which will further elevate the race that had so long been treated so unjustly. The band then struck up the Star Spangled Ban ner, and the ceremonies of the occasion ended with much enthusiasm. 'TUB WBATHER.—The weather is a sub ject never new and never old. The manner in which it shifts about, now one thing and now the other, reminds one of a rainbow multiplied into a kaleido scope. The aspects yesterday were diversified. The cool air of the morning. the sunshine of noon, the universal cloudiness of an eve by no means dewy, gave an' uncertain promise for the night. These alternations of aspect and of temperature, however, •did not prevent a display of the usual signs of city life. The crowd was about the same as usual about the headquarters of draft commissioners, and the disappointed applicants for exemption were about as lugubrious. Beggars, attired in the extreme of dilapidation, and making bows and curtsies gratis for gratis charity, haunted the highways and ,hotels, and every other street-corner was ghastly with ghost-bills. Neither did the supine, depressing tem perature affect materially the life-likeness of the thoroughfares. Like all other uncertain days, how. ever, umbrellas were seen at the wrong time, and not seen at the right, and everybody indulged him self to excess in that plastic habit of self-denial— grumbling. RAILROAD ARRAN GEMENT.—We learn - that an arrangement has been made by which the Branch West Chester Railroad has been placed in the interest of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Company via Media. It is said that a large majority of the stock of the old road in now held by a gentleman in the board of directors of the new road, and they have agreed to purchase the balance of the stock at a stipulated. price. The purchase of all the shares will foot up less than $160,000. The old road has real estate in Philadel phia valued at $40,600 and a reserved fund of $15,- 000, besides the depot at West Chester, with valua ble station-houses along the line of the road. All these will pass to the purchasers, who will also re ceive the proceeds of the lease now existing with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and which expires April Ist, 1564. The elfect'bf this arrange ment is to do away with competition, and eventu ally to throw all the through passengers on the road' to Media. We learn it is also in contemplation to have the passenger dep6t at West Philadelphia, in stead of Eighteenth and Market. This alone will save the company about $ll,OOO a year—about nine percent. on the whole purchase of the old road. PERSONAL.-- General Paez, who arrived in Philadelphia on Sunday, paid a visit yesterday morning to Mayor Henry, where he was received in a style of official dignity that Philadelphians may feel proud of. His Honor accompanied the General to Independence Hall. The distinguished visitor viewed with intense interest the portraits of the Revolutionary heroes and other cherished memen toes that bind the present with the days of the in fant republic. The General examined the old cracked bell, and seemed carefully to read the motto, Pro claim liberty throughout the land and to all the in habitants thereof) , The General purposes visiting our public institutions during his present tour. THE LATEST SWINDLE.—A young woman of prepossessing appearance called at the Central Police Station-house yesterday, inquiring whether a certain person had been arrested, said person she representing as being her husband. No tidings of him could he ascertained. She said that a young man had called upon her on Sunday,stating thather husband had been arrested and locked up, and that the sum of $ll was required to effect his liberation. The young woman immediately handed her hus band's friend the amount of money. He took his departure, and has not been heard of since. The young man who thus received the money is the son of an exjudge of one of the higher courts. RECRUlTlNG.—Recruiting goes on steadily, and some of the best men in the community are by this-means mustered into the service of the coun try. Within a week past, a considerable number of men have been mustered in by Captain Charles N. Cadwallader, 2d Artillery, it2th P. V., at his new headquarters, north side of Chestnut street, between Sixth and Seventh. The bounty paid to men thus mustered in, is s4o2—to those who have seen nine months , service. The men can havetheir choke of any, of the old' artillery, cavalry, or ' infantry =cute in service from the State of Penneylvahits. MUSTERED OUT.—The Second Coal Regi ment, Colonel Hopkinson, was mustered out of set. Tice yesterday morning. The Second Union League, known as the Nation al Guard, Colonel William A. Gray, were mustered out yesterday afternoon, and the members, though returned to private life, are ready to respond to any call that Governor Curtin may make upon them. CAPTURE OP BLOCKADE RUNNER.— The bark William Van Name,Captain Cook, thir teen days from New Orleans, ballast, arrived at this port yesterday morning, and reports having boarded 20th inst., off Tortugas, the United States bark Re ckleas, which had in tow an hermaphrodite brig, loaded with cotton, which she captured same dsy, under British colors, but showed no name. A. k r v ize crew was placed on board and ordered to Key CONTRACTS AWARDED.—TILO following contracts have been awarded at the assistant quar termaster-general's office, to the parties named : Jacob Reoh, 6 travelling-forges, with tools com plete, $289 each. Henry Simons, 72 horse-carts,s4d each. Wilson, & Co., 50 railroad wheebar rows, extra good, $2.60 each. X. Magee & Co., 72 seta cart-harness, $22.33 per set. T.. W. & E. A. Holder, 25 anvils, at 7?..‘ cents per pound. FIRE NE.A.R. THE COUNTY LINE.—We learned . yeaterday that the fire early on Sunday incoming was at Sandyville, in the Twenty-third ward. A. barn and five barracks, containing four hundred bushels of wheat, three hundred bushels of oats, and twenty five tone of hay, the property of David Saul. The whole loss is estimated at $5,000, on which, there is an insurance of $1,500. WARD NOMINATIONS.—The Fifth ward Convention of the. National. Union party met last night, and made the following nominations : Common Council—Horace Binney, Jr. School Directors—Benjamin Mickel, Thos. Fitz gerald, S. Tustin Eldridge, A. Wilson Bonney, and Y. H. Dutton. Constable—Thomas M. Pierson. • YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. —The excursion to Atlantic City, to-morrow, under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Aesoeia• tion will, no doubt, be an excellent and happy occa sion. Ample arrangements are made toprevent any of the oars from being over crowded. KEYSTONE LITERARY UNION.—TiIe open ing meeting of this Association, after the summer recess,will bo held at the southeast corner of Eighth and Spring Garden streets, on Monday evening next, the it %natant. "SLICUIT FIRE.—The jewelry store of Mr. John Duer, in the upper part of the city, we e d a ., - .waged somewhat by are last evening. A child play - log with some matches, ignited a quantity of rubbish under the counter. OPENING OF THE SCHOOLS.—The private schools - for young ladies and boys, wherein all branches of polite learning are taught, will reopen to-dayfor the fall and winter term. There are about sixty of such schools in the city of Philadelphia. THE> WIRE BRIDGE.—The work of re pairing and thus strengthening the Wire Bridge is progressing about as fast as public work generally does. Yesterday the men were engaged in, putting .up the side•railing on the bridge. DOG Bnom.—A dog, giving evidence of being mad, bit a couple of obildren at Twelfth and Parrish etreetsyesterday. The animal was killed by a Mr. Meyers. 1.A . G41, INTELLIGENCE.; _ . Disiteil States District , Cavort—Judges Grier and Cadavalader. =TRADITION CASE OF AN ALLRGRD FIIGITITS. • FROM SAXONY'. The ease of S. L. SOenger, alias Tranboy Miller, was before.the court' agnin.„yesterday. The defend ant, it will be remembered, was arrested several weeks ago, and his ease wee before Judge (indwells der a number of times. The oharge against him is that in the year 1862 he committed a series,of for.. geriestin Saxony, and also that , he was.guift4of fraudulent bankruptcy there. With the proms& of these forgeries and of bin bankruptcy he is alleged, to hatel,eseaped to this country, where,' being AV_ rested under the extradition treaty, and his surren der claimed thereunder, he asks his discharge upon the ground that he was before arrested, in Cin cinnati, upon the same charge, and his case heard by Judge Leavitt, upon the same evidence as now ad. duced, and he having been then discharged by the U. S. Court, the case was " resjudicatur,o , and he is now, therefore, entitled to his discharge. The ease was argued by Messrs. Remak and Cas sidy for Soenger, and by George Whartoirand --- Beyer for the Saxon authorities, and held under advisement. Court' of Oyer and Terodner and quarter Sessions—Judge Ludlow. There were but few trials in this court yesterday, and they were only assault and battery oases. Robert Evans, for assault and battery on Bridget McCormick, was sentenced to pay a fine of $1 and the costs. ' Mark Ramsbottom for assault and battery on Catharine McTurner, was sentenced to pay a fine of $i and costs. • THE. P 0 rOE. [Before. Mr. Alderman Shane.] Juvenile Thieves.. A lad ,named George Knorr, or rather this is the name he gave, was, arraigned yesterday on the charge of robbing the store of Mr. W. O. Johnson, on Girard avenue and Thirteenth street. It is al leged the defendant and an accomplice had entered the store through the glass window over the door, and then helped themselves to all the money they could find in the drawer. On coming out they were discovered by an officer who gave chase and arrest ed one of the parties. The defendan t was commit- [Before Mr. Alderman Battler.] False Pretence case John Seibert was bound over on Saturday by Alderman Beitler, on the charge of obtaining $6O under false pretences, from Mr. J. C. Train. Mr. Train, a sickly man, was drafted. :While standing in the line at the provost marshal's office, Third dis trict, the defendant, it is alleged, offered to have him exempt for $6O. Mr. Train paid the money. He was excused by the medical examiner on the ground of physical disability. Some time after this a statement was made that the enrolling officers could be bribed, and such had been the case in re. , ference to Mr. Train. The enrolling officers investi gated the affair, which led to the arrest of the de fendant. Lottery. Policy Case William WHen was arraigned yesterday on the charge of selling lottery policies, in an alley running from Sergeant street. He was taken into custody on, the oath of Miss Kate Howard, who resides in Race street, above Eleventh. She testified at the hearing as to, the purchase of the policy and that she made a hit for a small sum of money, which de fendant refused to pay ,• hence the suit. The accused was ordered to find bail in the sum of $BOO to answer at court Arson Case. Last evening, a young man named James Rice was arraigned at the Central Station, by Fire Mar shal Blackburne, on the charge of arson, in setting fire to the restaurant of hie brother, Mr. Rice, in South street, near Seventh, early in the morning of faith ult. It seems that the accused had been in the habit of sleeping in the restaurant every other night and on the evening before the fire he was ejected from the premises. He vowed he would be revenged and said he would burn the place out. His brother, the keeper of the restaurant, saw him enter the res taurant shortly after twelve o'clock on the same night; and about one o'clock the place was discovered to be on firer The accused was ordered to find bail in the sum of $3,000, which must be entered before one of the judges of the court having jurisdiction in the case. GRATUITOUS ADVERTISING.—The following, which explains itself, originated in the columns of the Sohnstown Democrat some months ago, and has been going the rounds of the Copperhead newspapers ever since : "Loral." Lza.ourrsm.—Some months ago;we received the following communication from 'a "loyal" Leaguer, who does a mercantile business in Philadelphia: • " PHILADBLPFLIA, May 1, 1863. " DRAB. Sul I have just read your paper, and I do not feel that, as a loyal man, I wish my advertise ment in your paper. You will please take it out, and send me my bill for payment. o .H. FRANCISOUS." It will be seen from the above that Mr. Franciume desires our Democratic merchants to buy their goods at some other establishment. Of course, they will do so, as a man who is too "loyal " to advertise in a Democratic newspaper is by far too " loyal " to sell goods to "Copperhead" merchants. Mr. Franciscus ought to feel grateful for these gratuitous Copperhead notices, as their only effect must be to attract wider attention to his establish ment, without depriving him of any patronage that his house already possesses; as, whatever may be said of the class appealed to by the Democrat, they are too sharp not to make their purchases where they can do so to the best advantage. A SERIOUS Jasm.—On Friday evening a girl named Julia Matthews, fourteen years of age, was instantly killed at the India Rubber. Works, in Newark, N. J. She had been at work during the evening, and after putting on her bonnet and shawl to go home, jestingly remarked that she would have a ride upon a shaft which projected about a foot through the floor, if it broke every bone in her body. The shaft was midway between two upright posts about three feet apart, and was turning around quite slowly. She - sat upon it, but her hoops be coming caught, she was dashed against the posts, and before she could be rescued was killed—nearly every bone in her body having been broken. THE GREEK FIRE.—The Greek fire which is so distasteful to the tire-eaters of Charleston is the in vention of Mr. Short, who was for a long time a suitor to the Government to use this projectile, but did not succeed until it was recommended by Admi ral Porter by his experience at Vicksburg. , Mean time, representatives of foreign Governments have applied for the invention without avail. The fire missives, forty or fifty in number, are enclosed in a shell, which is itself enclosed in one of the ordinary shells of the service, and explodes. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRAM. SAHEB R. CAMPBELL, - S. W. DE COIIRSEY, ColoarrsE OP THE MONTH. SAMEI3 C. HAND, ' LETTER BAGS •T THE MBIZOHANTIV PC/COHANGE, PECILADBLPHLI.. Ship Saranak, Rowland Liverpool, soon Brig Keoka, Burns St. Domingo City, soon Brig B F Nash, Ramsdell St Thomas, soon Schr St Lawrence, Kinch Port Spain, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 1, 1803. SIIN RISES 5 32-SUN SETS 628 HIGH WATER 5 6 ARRIVED. Steamship Clinton, Lawless, from Wilmington, Del, in ballast to captain. Bark Wm Van Name, Cook, 13 days from New Orleans ' in ballast to captain. Aug 20th, 12 PM, 75 miles NW of Tortugas, was fired at and boarded by the U S bark Restless, which had captured, 6 hours before, & cotton-load ed herm brig, carrying British colors, and showing no name; placed a prize crew on board, and sent her to Key West; all well on board the Restless. Bark N Boynton, Mitchell, 15 days from New Or leans, in ballast to Workman & Co. Bark Templar, Haskell, 9 days from Key West, in ballast to Curtis & Knight. Schr Eleanor T, Facemire, from Bridgeton, in ballast to captain. Schr Mantua. Masson, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with corn to Jae Barrett & Son. Schr John Whitby, Henderson, 1 day from Odessa, with wheat to Jag L Bewley & Co. Schr S C Fithian, Tuft, 2 days from Port Deposit, with corn to Jas L Bewley & Co. Schr Sallie Veazie, Fox, 1 day from Little Creek Landing, Del. with grain to Jas L Bewley & Co. Schr Jas L Heverin, Hollingsworth, 1 day from Little Creek Landing, Del, with oats to J L Bewley CO. Schr A Cordery, Doughty,. from Salisbury, in bal last to captain. Schr P Heilner, Grace, from Lynn, in ballait to captain. Schr Alliance, Ireland, from Beaufort, in ballast to captain. Schr J F Carver, Rumill, from Newport, in ballast to captain. Schr Monterey, Craig, from New . Bedford. Schr Snow Flake, Dickinson, from Boston. Schr Mary Patterson, Godfrey, from Boston. Schr A F Howe, Colson, from New York. . Schr A Hale y, Haley, from Salem. Schr J Burley, Shaw, from Providence. Schr Jas Buckaloo, Bennett, from New Haven. Schr 'T P Cooper, Taylor, from New Haven. Schr John W Hall, Scull, from Fortress Monroe. Steamer Beverly, Pierce, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde. CLEARED Brig 0 11 Kennedi, Portland, E A Souder & Co. - . Schr Ida L Howard, MoDuffle, Portland, L Au denried & Co. Schr Jos Turner, Crowell, Gloucester, do Schr J B Allen, Case, Nantucket, do Schr Eleanor T, Facemire, Albany, J B Henry. Schr Monterey, Craig, Gloucester, do Scbr Snow Flake, Dickinson, Boston, Wannema• - cher & Maxfield. Schr Mary Patterson, Godfrey, Boston, Noble, Caldwell & Co. Schr A F Howe, Colson, Searsport, G Stockham. Schr J Burley. Shaw, Fall River, Castner,. Stick ne7 sr. Wellington. bchr A Haley, Haley, Salem, Sinnickson&Glover Schr Jas Buckaloo, Bennett, Hartford, do Schr T P Cooper, Taylor, E Greenwich, J Mines & Co. Schr J W Hall, Scull, Portsmouth, Tyler, Stone & Co. Scbr J Tilton, Ketchum, Newbern, do Schr Caroline Frances, Ludlam, Washington, Com H A Adams. • Scbr R Seaman, Seaman, Boston, Blakiston, Graft & Co. Schr Sophia Ann, Smith," Cambridgeport, Ham. mett, Yandusen & Lachman. Schr I Thompson, Corson, Providence, JR White Schr Alliance, Ireland, Great Egg Harbor, capt. Schr R M Browning, Gandy, Newport,W Claydon Str S Seymour, Room, Alexandria, T Webster, r. Str Alida, Lenny, New York, W P Clyde. (Correspondence of the Pluladelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del, Aug. 28. The following vessels are at the Breakwater— Steamers Josephine and Maria; brig John Barnard. for Barbados; ochre Gov Burton, for Boston, and J B Austin, for Providence. Yours, &c. AARON DIARSHAT.L. Correspondence of The Pram 0' HAVRE DE GRACE, August 29. 4 ''' The steamer Wyoming left here this morning with the following boats in tow: W Coder Kapp, lumber to Gaskill & Galvin; Eng land & Brown, do to B. Oroakey; S Taylor, do to to'W B Taylor; Two Brothers, coal to Del City. MEMORANDA. Steamship Cumbria, Sumner, front New haven for Alexandria, at New. York 30th tilt, and proceed ed at 3 A M. Steamship Constitution, Eldridge, for Rio Janeiro, sailed from New York 30th ult. Bark Saxonville, Bolitho, hence, below N Orleans 19th ult. ' Brig Lila, Day, hence at N Orleans 19th ult. Brig Altavela, Reed, cleared at Portland 28th ult for this Port.. Brig Brig Okolona, Wheeler, hence at New Orleana 19th ult. Schr Isabel, Taylor, from Providence for this port, at New York Nth ult. Brig Camilla (Br), Pitts, from New York 26th ult for Cork, for orders, with a cargo of grain, returned 30th ult for repairs , having on the 28th, 200 miles off Sandy Hook, experienced, a heavy gale from S W, during which lost sails, rigging, &c; was struck by a heavy sea, which hove her on her beam ends, and caused her to leak badly, choked pumps. Seim Minnie Arnold, McKenzie, from N York for Martinique, put into St Georges, Bermuda, previons to 16th ult, in distress, having lost foremast, top masts, &c, in a thunder storm on the 7th. HOTELS. NATIONAL HOTEL, WASHINGTON. D. G. R. a BENSON, PRonarrroit, Tormerly of the Ashland House. Philadelphia ns is determined tomerit and hopes to receive. sMB share of public patronage. METROPOLITAN HOTEL; 4.74 ,- • ( I,llll=Bitowies I 1 M LVANI REMA.,A.Vsnyi, , Nerween Sixth mid Seyenth etreets. WASHINGTON: OITY: 7 - le, , A. B. POTTS. , • Proprietor CopEk .'TON tilL DUCK AND CANVAS in numbers and brands. Itaveres Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions. for Tents, AW.II/11111; Trunk, maid' agon Covers. Also. Paper Manufiettirers' Drier Felts t from 1 to I feat Wide. Tarpaulin, Boltincl_gall Mr. • JOHJ .W..NVIRMAR CIO., i4T6tr • . . 10111 JOBllkir SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIF'F'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Even ing, September 7..18633, at 4 o'clock. at &engem-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of Locust street and east side of Raspberry alley, in the city of Philadelphia ; cont-tining in front or breadth on tbe said Locust street forty feet, and in length or depth sixty feet. Bounded , on the east by ground granted to John Sadler on ground rent, on the west by the said Raspberry alley, on the north by the said Locust sires t and on the south by ground of Jere miah Backer and John C. Allen, of which this WAS pert. [Being the same premises which Jeremiah Hacker and John G. Allen and wives, by indenture dated February 12th, A.. D. 1846, and recorded in Deed Book A W. M., No. 6, page 279. &c., granted and conveyed to. George S. Twitchell in fee; reserving therefor and theneent unto the said Jeremiah Hacker and John C. Allen, their heirs and assigns, a certain yearly ground rent of one hun dred and fifty dollars in serial half yearly payments on the first day of tbe months of April and. October in every Year thereafter; and William Evans and Thomas.Rvans and wives, in whom the said gronndrent afterwards be came legally vented, by deed-poll endorsed on the above recited indenture dated Hay 27.1657, and intended to he recorded. granted, gold and conveyed the said ground• rent to the said George B. Twitchell. his-heirs-and as signs, whereby the same became merged in the fee .CD. C.. 44; Sept. . Debt, O. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George S. Twitchell and Joseph O Evleth. - JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Shbrifra 011 ice. Anglia 19. 1363. au2l-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,September 7. MI. at 4 o' Sausom-street No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground. with the font , !dory brick messuage or tenement thereon erect ed, situate on the north side of Shippen street, between Third and. Fourth streets from the Delaware, late in the district of Southwark, now in the Fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Shippen street sixteen feet nine inches, and in length el depth northward ninety-eight feet. Bounded on the south by the mid Shippen street, on the west by ground granted to Frederick Fry on ground rent, on the north by ground granted to Jacob Biddle on ground rent, and on the east by ground granted to John Kuop en ground rent. (Being the sum promities which Ro bert Coburn and Martha M. , his wife, by endorsed deed dated the 14th day of May. A. D 1851, and recorded in Deed Book G. W. C. No. 98, rage 112, granted and con veyed unto the said .john Hauptman in fee; subject to the payment of a certain yearly rent or Kum of sixty-five dollars. lawful money, unto Caroline. Morris. her heirs and enigma, in Onnal half-yearly payments en the nineteenth, day of the montlis of September and March in every year, clear of taxes, 8..c.] No. 2. Alt that certain , frame messnage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the south side of a twenty-feet-wide alley or street called Trout street, formerly called Pine alley, between Cedar and Shippen streets, in that pact of the city of Philadelphia formerly called Southwark; containing in front or breadth on the said alley or street sixteen feet and nine inches, and in length or depth southward thirty-eight feet. Bounded on the south and east by ground now or late of Casper W. ?dome. On the north by the said twenty-feet-wide ittrcet or alley, and on the west bysroned ROW or lat 9 of F. Toy. [Being the Sane premien which Patrick Efullen, by indenture dated the 1711 day of June. A. D. 166.3, recorded in Deed Book T. H.. No. 91. page SR, grsnted and conveyed unto the said John Hauptman, by the name of John Hauptman, Jr ; subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent of twenty- five dollars, payable half-yearly, as therein mentioned. ] (D. C.. 60; Sept Debt, $2,000. Flood.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of. John Hauptman JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Mice:Aug. 19. 1863. anti-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of 'Vend Mont Exponas. to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7,1363. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground (composed of four contiguous dots of ground) situate on the southwesterly side of Venango street, at the distance of one hundred and three feet six inches southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Bath street. late in the district of Richmond, now In the Twenty-fifth ward of the city of Philadelphia (and-numbered 11, 12, 13. and 14.. in Section B, in a cer tain plan of tete surveyed for El iltu D. Tarr, and record.- Pa In Deed Book G. W C.. No. 72. page 1) ; containing in front or breadth on the said Venango street sixty-nine feet, and extending that breadth in length or depth be tween parallel lines at right angles with the said Venan go street eighty feet. Bounded southeasterly and south westerly by other ground of Henry D. Steever, of which this was part, northwesterly by ground granted to Isaac. Cobb on ground rent, and northeasterly by Venango street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Henry D. Steever and Martha, his wife, by indenture dated the 14th day of April, 1953, and recorded in Deed Book A. C, H.. No. SO, page 455, granted and conveyed unto John New in fee.] [D. C., 56; Sept. T., '63.. Debt, SW 29 Johnston. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John New. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Augnetl9, 1563. au24-3t SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Yenditionii Bxponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansorn-street Hall. No. 1. All that certain yearly ground rent or sum of thirty-seven dollars and fifty cente,.payable by Thomas Stellwagen, his heirs and assigns, on the first day of the months of January and Jnly, and issuing out of and chargeable upon all - that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of-Dickinson, at the distance of ninety-one feet two inches westward from the northwest corner of the said Dickinson street and Moyamensing avenue, in the First ward of said city; containing in front or breadth on the said Dickinson street fifteen feet. and extending of that width in length or depth north ward. between parallel lines at right angles with said Dickinson street, on the west line thereof, seventy-seven feet and five-eighths-of an inch, and on the east line thereof eeventy-four feet one Inch and one-eighth of an inch Bounded northward by ground DOW or late of Harvey, eastward and westward by other ground of the said Thomas M. Stellwag en, and southward by said Dickinson street. [Being the same lot of ground which Samuel. H. McFadden and wife, by indenture dated the 6th day of June, A. D. Ifita, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. ED, page 464, Arc., granted and conveyed'unto the said Thomas M. Stellwagen, his heirs and agate ns ; reserv ing tt ereont the aforesaid yearly ground rent or sum of thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents in equal half-yearly payments, as above mentioned. 1 No. 2. All that certain yearly ground rent or sum of - thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents, payable by Thomas ilf. Stellwagen, his heirs and assigns, on the first day of the months of March and September, and leaning out of and chargeable upon all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of the- said Dickinson street, at the distance of one hundred and six feet two inches westward from the northwest corner of the said Dickinson street and Moypmensing avenue, in the First ward of said city; containing in front or breadth on the said Dickinson street fourteen feet eleven inches, and ex tending of that width in length or depth northward. between parallel lines at right angles with the said Dickinson street, on the east line thereof, seventy-seven feet five-eighths of an inch. and on the west line thereof eighty feet two and one-quarter inches. Bounded north ward by ground now or late of Harvey, eastward by ground now or late of Thomas Stellwagen, south ward by said Dickinson street, and westward by ground DOW or late of Samuel H. McFadden. [Being the same lot of ground which the said Samuel H. McFadden and wife, by indenture dated the first day of February, A.D. 1660. recorded in Deed Book A. rt. 8., No 102. page 186, c., granted and conveyed unto the said Thomas H. Stellwagen, his heirs and assigns; reserving thereont the aforesaid yearly ground rent or sum of thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents, in equal half-yearly payments, as above mentioned ] . [D. C 42: Sept T.,'63. Debt, 431,500. J. E. Salton] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel H. McFadden. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. - Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 19, 1863. au24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTITE OF a writ of Veuditioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick messuage or tenement with back buildings thereon erected. situate- on the north side of Walnut street, at the distance of out hundred and fifty feet east ward from the east side of Thirty-sixth street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front or breadth on the said Walnut -street thirty feet, and in length or depth of that width northward at right angles with said Walnut street one hundred and twenty-four feet. Bounded - on the south by Walnut street, on the east and west by ground granted to Samos D. Shaw, and on the north br ground of William Jones. [Which said lot of ground. Annesly R. Govett and wife. by indenture dated the 21st day of April, A. D. 1860, and intended to be recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said James D. Shaw in fee.]- CD. C., 49; Sept. T., '63. Debt, $3,200. Paschall Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Ja mesD. Shaw. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff: Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, August 19,1863. au2-1-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public • sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eye ing, September 7,1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All those three contiguous lots or pieces of ground, situate on the northwardly side of Melrose street, in the borough of Frankford and county of Philadelphia, commencing at the- distance of eighty-seven feet six and three-eighths 'inches eastwardly from the east-: wardly side of Duncan street; containing in front or breadth on said Melrose street sixty feet, and extending in length or depth northwardly between lines parallel with said Duncan street two hundred feet to the souther ly side of Tacony street, or River road. Bounded on the northward by the said Tawny street or River road, on the southward by said Melrose street, on the eastward and westward by other ground or the said George Con nell. [Being . ihe same premises which Charles J. Stine and wife, by indenture bearing even de te with a certain indenture of mortgage, viz: January 20,1864, but duly executed and acknowledged prior to the execution of said indenture of xi: ortgage and intended to be therewith 'recorded, granted and conveyed, inter alia, unto the said George Connell, his heirs and assigns.] • [D. C.. 37; Sept . T., 'B3: Debt, *4OB 70 Brightly.] Taken - in execution and to be sold as the property of George Connell. JOHN THOMPSON . . Sheriff. Philada.. Sheriff 's Office, August 15,1863. au24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY. - VIRTUE OF A.' writ of. Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1363, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain four-story brick rough•cast messuage or tenement -and lot er piece of ground, situate on the north side of Pace street. at the distance of twenty-nine feet six inches wsstw and from the west side of Thirteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence extending northward parallel with the said Thirteenth street forty five feet. to a two-feet-eight-inches-wide alley running into and from the said Thirteenth street; thence extend ing ntrthwestwardly along said alley Si. feet ten inches, more or less, to a point; thence westward still along the said alley about thirteen feet live inches to the line of ground of Mary Shields; thence southward along the said line of ground of Mary Shields parallel to the said Thirteenth street fifty feet to the said Race street, and thence eastward along the said Race street eighteen feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. [Being the same lot of ground which Charles Stewart and wife, by indenture dated the 10th day of June. A. D. 1853,record ed at Philadelphia in Deed Book T. H., No 90. page 134, dic., granted and conveyed unto the said Philip R. Ensard and Edward S. Fitch In fee, reserving thereont the yearly ground rent or sum of one hundred and eighty dollars, payable half-yearly on the first day of the months of January and July in every year; for arrears of which the judgment was obtained upon which this execuiton was issued 3 CD. C., 29; Sept, P., '63. Debt $48720. E. S. Campbell] Taken in execution and to 'lie ~ at the property , of Philip R. Rngard and'Rdlvar Si Fitch. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. August 12,1863. au24-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A. writ of Alias ,Levari. Facias,.to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Rye nin g, September 7,1683, at o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, No. L Ali that certain three-story brick messnage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the south side of Summer street, at the distance of fifty-eight feet westward from the west side of Sixteenth street, in. the Tenth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining in front or breadth on the said Summer street twenty-eight feet, and in length or depth of that width sixty fe et. Bounded on the north by the said Summer street, on the east by a messuage and lot' of ground granted by George H. Thomson and wife to Thos. Ral ston, on the west by a messuage and lot or piece of ground now or late of the said, George H. Thomson, and on the south by the lot or piece of ground next here inafter described. No. 2. And also, all that certain other lot or. piece of gr,;und situate on the north side of Spring street, at the disfanee ox seven feet six inches westward from the west side of the Said SizeLnenth street, between Race street and Summer street, in the 1•531T4 i'Adi city aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on the soling street eighteen feet six inches, and extending of nat breadth northward fifty-one feet. Bounded eastward by a'th;ee feet-wide alley leading into Spring street. southward nir• said Spring street, westward by other ground now or late' of the, said George H. Thomson, and 'northward - by the rear end of the last-abovesdescribed lot of ground. . (Be ing the samepremises (inter alia) which Richard B.• Osborne and Robert Frazer, trustees of Lydia Collins Osborne, wife of the said John H Osborne . by a certain endorsed indenture, bearing even date with a certain indenture of mortgage, viz: April 28,1860, but duly exe cuted and acknowledged prior to the execution mf said indenture, and intended to be therewith recorded, did grant and convey . unto the said John H. ()Thorne in fee; subject as respects the premises above described to the payment of a certain mortgage debt or sum of-five thou sand dollars, with interest, secured thereon by a cer tain indenture rf mortgage, made and executedlby Wil liam Dulty to Maria 31 Kitchen and others, executors and trustees. dm, dated the 13th day of October, A. D. 1852, and recorded in Mortgage Book T, H.. No. 15, page 264, as in and by the said recited endorsed indenture, relation thereto being had, may appear. Together with the free and common use and privilege of the said three feet-wide alley leading into Spring street at _all times hereafter forever. [D. C., 22; Sept T.,'68. Debt, $5,818.75. E. M. Paxon.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John H. Osborne. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philada., Sheriff's Office. August 12.;1663. - au2.l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Alias Levnri Facies, to me directed, will be exposed topublic sale or vendne,- on MONDAY Evening, September 7.:1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom street Hall. All that certain three story brick messnage or tens went and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Dickinson street. at the distance of ninety-three feet eleven inches westward from the' west side of Fourth street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia, (Lately called the district of Southwark ;) containing in front or depth on the said Dickinson street , sixteen feet, and extending of that width in Length' "or depth 'north ward parallel with the said Fourth street sixty-four feet, including therein on the east side thereof the west ernmoat moiety or half-part of an alley two feet in width by thirty-four feet in depth, leading:into and from the said Dickinson street; laid out 'and opened for the tll3O of this and the adjoining lot on the east, with the right to introduce waterpinen under the same and to build'over the west half thereof, leaving a headway of eight feet, in the clear. [Being the same premises which Nicholas F. Costello and wife, by indenture bearing date;' the seventh day of November. A..D.,1857, and recorded in. , Deed Book R. D W., No 466. page 446; ac., grantedand conveyed nnto•the odd Peter R. Aube in fee, under and" subject to the payment ;of it:Certain yearly tround rent or "sum of ; forty-four dollars on the first day of the months .of June and 'December= in , every. year forever.' unto Samuel B. McFadden, his heirs and assigns.]: . CD: C., 90; Sept.-T. , 'CO.:Debt, $46616. •J. W aal.'] = Taken in execution, and be sold as the prorty of Peter R. Aube JOH ef;TEIONPSON:' She pe riff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oilice,'Auffnet 20, int au2tlN-. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPT. L 1863. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to ma directe4, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAI. Evening, beptember 7, 186.3, at 4 o'clock, at Sansomrstreet All lat e erain factory mill and lot or piece of grosud situate in the borough of Manayunit, In Itoxbor borough township, now the Twenty-firat Ward of the city of Philadelphia; beginning at a stone at the edge of the river Schuylkill, a corner of land now or late of the Schuylkill Navigation Company. thence along a line of said land north. sixty-fonr degrees and fifteen minutes east, about two hundred feet to the Flat Stock road, en called; thence along eald road south, forty degrees and thirty minutes east, seventy-six test to rg'corner of land of Whitaker and Stevens; thence along the said Whita ker and Stevens' land south, flfty-onedegrees and t bitty live minutes west. about one hundred and seventy-tive feet to the river Schuylkill once along the margin of said river to the place of beginning; also the right and ri Pvilege of drawing from the Flat Rock or Manayank canal so much water as will pass through a rectangular aperture of an area of one hundred square inches in an iron plate without any adjastage ; under and subject to a yearly rent or sum of four hundred'-and fifty dollars, lawful money of the United States, pa.yabie to the presi dent, managers, and company off he Schuylkill Malaga ties Company. their successors and assigns, in equal half-yearly payments on the first day of Jane and De cember in every year, forever. Being part of the seine. • privilege which the said. the president, managers, and company of the SchroJkill Navigation Company.. by in denture bearing date the twenty. rirph day of Decern - bar, a D. 11345, granted and conveyed unto Andrew Young as an appurtenant to this and the adjoining pre mises on the southeast, and subject to the restrictions and limitations in the said indenture set forth and con tained. (Being the same premises which James Whita ker and Sarah. his wife, and William B. Stephens add Caroline A-. his wife, by indenture duly executed, bear ing date the '7th day of January. A. D. 1853, recorded in - the proper office for recording, &c., at Philadelphia. in -Deed Book T. H.. No. 50. page 508... &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Edward Preston, - senior, his heirs and assigns, excepting in the words following, to wit : the use and priv Liege of race or forehay as the same is now used, through and along which the water is con ducted from the Flat Rock canal to the herein-granted mill, and also to the mill of the said lArhitaker and Ste phens on the adjoining premises to the southeast afore , said, for the teem of ten years from the date of these presents which said privilege is intended to be reserved out of this present grant, as appurtenant to the said ad premisea for the use and accommodation of the owners and. Occupants thereof during the term. afore said, but no longer; and in and by the said indenture it was covenanted as follows by the, said Edward Pres ton, that he, his heirs, executors, and admiais tratore, shall and will, at his and their own pro per cost ana charge, keep and maintain in good and suf }Mien t repair that part of the said race or lorebay which lieth between the Flat Rock canal and the gate or open ing on said forebay through which the water is conduct ed for the separate use of the hereby-granted mill for the term of ten years aforesaid, or for such shorter term ins thesaidV hitaker and Stephens may require the use there of; and further, it was covenanted that they, the said James Whitaker and William B. Stephens, their heirs.' executors, and administrators, shall and will, at their, own proper cost and charge, keep and maintain in good . and sufficient repair that other part of the aforesaid race or forebay extending from the gate or opening through which the water is conducted fee the separate use of the hereby-granted mill to the - end or termination of said. race or forebay for the term of ten yearsi or tor ouch shorter term as the said Whitaker and Stephens may re quire the use thereof, as in and by the said recited in- • denture, reference being thereunto had, will more fully appear. Together with the above-recited coveeatit and agreement on the part of the said James Whitaker arid William B. Stephens, their heirs, executors, and admi nistrators. to be performed and kept, and all the rights and remedies for enforcing the same. Together with all the appurtenances, dm. CD. C., Sept. T., '63. Debt. $l, 006. M. Lawrence. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Edward Preston, Sr. , who was Rued. Bm. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 19,18338. au24-3t QHERIFF'S SALE.-BY" CRT UE OF kJ a writ of Alias Levari Facias, t e directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. o MONDAY Eve ning. September 7. 1E63. at 4 o'clock. at. Sansom-street Hall, - All that certain lot or piece of ground. who the three story brick - mesr , nage rr tenement now thereon erected, situate on the north side of G re• n 'street, in the late dis trict of Spring Garden and county of Philadelphia, at the distance of eighty-five feet westward from the west Fide of :Twelfth street; containing in front oft breadth on said Green street seventeen feet. and extending of that width in length or depth northward at rightangles with said Green street on the east line thereof eighty-one feet and one-half of an inch, and on the west line thereof eighty-one feet and one-half of an inch, anden the west line thereof eighty-one feet two inches, more:or less, to a certain twenty-feet-wide street inter dad to lie laid out and opened, called Clay street. Bounded on the east by ground granted to George Chandler on gronnd rent; on the wear, by other ground of the said Parrish and . Hough, on the north by the said Clay street, and on the south by said Green street. [Being the same lot or peed of around which Sarah Wister, by her attorney. Richaid Wistar. duly &instituted, by indenture bearing dare the seven teenth day of lit xrch. A. D.-1851, and recorded in Deed Book G. W. C.. No. 88. page S9O. &G., granted: and-con veyed unto the said William D. Parrish and iAlfred L. Hough in fee. as tenants in common: and net a• joint tenants; reserving thereout unto the said Sarak Waster, her heirs and assigns, the yearly ground rent or sum of eighty five dollars, payable as therein mentioned. And the said ftrah Wister, by her attorney aforesaid. by in denture bearing date the seventeenth day of October. A. D. 18U, recorded in: Deed Book G. W. C.. No. 15, page 905, &c., granted and conveyed the said yearly ground rent of eighty-five dollars inter alia unto the said Wil liam D. Parrish and Alfred L. Hough in fee, as tenants in common and not as joint tenants; whereupon the earns merged and became forever extinguilshed, as in by the said recited indenture will more fully and at large ap- - Together with the free use, right, liberty, and privilege of said Clay street. = N. B.—Parrish and Hough have parted with their in terest [D. C., 23 Sint. Term, , 63. Debt, .9x1:59.52 Henry.) ?alien in execution and to be sold as the *party of William D. Parrish and Alfred L. Hough. JOHN THOhiPSCiN, Sheriff. Pbiladelphia, Sheriff's °fief , August 12, 1163. ma-1-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facies, to mo directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONITAY Evening, September 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Rail. No. I. All that certain lot or piece of ground mark ed on the plan of property of the Allegheny Avenue Wharf and Land Comiany number-forty-one, situate on the southeast side of Richmond street, and on the southwest side of Saxon street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or hi eadth r n said Richmond street eighteen feet, and extending of that breadth southeast - et - artily in length or depth along said Saxon street one hundred feet, to a certain four-feet-wide alley leading into and from said Saxon: street Bounded southeaetwardly by the said four-feet-wide alley, smith westwardly by the lot of ground next hereinafter de scribed, northwestwaraly by said Richmond street, and northeastwardly by Saxon street aforesaid. No. 2 And also, all that certain lot or piece of ground marked on said plan number forty-two, situate on the outhesstwardly side of said Richmond street, et the die tance of eighteen feet sonthwestwat dly . from the , south west side of said Saxon street, is the IN meteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; containing in front or breadth cn said Richmond street eighteen feet, and ex tending of that breadth eouthastwardly between lines at right angles with the said Richmond street in length or depth one hundrcd feet, to the above-mentioned four feet-wide alley Bounded southeastward ly by the said alley, southwestward i y ground granted to -William Harbeson, northwestwardly by the said Richmond street, and northeastwardly by the lot of ground herein first above described. [Being the same premises which the. Allegheny Avenue Wharf and _Lana. enrunann , ,_ indenture bearing even date with a certain indenture of mortgege, February 15,1859, bat duly executed and ac knowledged prior to the execution of said indenture, and intended to be recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said John Grimstone in fee Together with the free use, right, liberty; and privilege of the said four-feet wide alley as and for a passage-way and N. ater-comae at all times hereatter forever, in common with 'the owners, tenants, and occupiers of other ground boarding thereon. , [D. C., sa ; Sept. T., '63.. Debt, $l,BOO. Brightly.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Brimstone. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 15, 1351 au24-8? grEERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, September 7,1863, at 4 o:clock, at Sansom-street Math-, No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the wet t side of Eleventh street. at the'distance of thirty feet northward from the north side of Christian - street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front or breadth on the said Eleventh street twelve feet, and extending in length or depth westward, between parallel lines. sixty-five feet. Together with the free use and privilege of a certain two-feet-six-inches-wide alley leading into Christian street, as and for .. e passage-way - and water-course at all times hereafter; :under and sub ject to the payment of a--yearly ground rent of fifteen. dollars, payable, half yearly on' the first day of the months of. May and November, in each year. to Henry G. Freeman, his heirs and assigns. .- No. .2. All that certain lot or piece of ground Situate on the west side of - Eleventh street, sct the distance of eighteen feet northward from the north side of Christian street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Eleventh skeet twelve feet, and extending in length or depth westward. between parallel sixty- two feet six inches to a certain alley two feet six inches wide leading _into said Christian street. Together with the free use and privilege of said alley, as and for a pasage-way and water-course at all times here after forever; under and subject to the payment of the Yearly rent or sum of fifteen dollars. payable halfyearly: on the diet day of the months of May and November, in each year, to Henry G. Freeman, his heirs and as- No. 3. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three-story brick messnage or tenement thereon erected, situate at the northwest corner of Eleventh and Chris tian streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Christian strata eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth westwardly be tween parallel lines along the north side of the - said Christian street sixty-two feet six inches to a two-feet six-inches-wide alley; together with the free use and. privilege of the said alley. Linder and subject to the payment of the yearly rent or ULM dayghty four dollars, paysble half yearly on the first of the months of May and November, in each year, to Henry G. Freeman, his heirs and assigns. _ N. B.—The property described as - No. 3- has a one story wooden shed affixed to the rear end of the three story brick house [D. C., 65; Sept. T., '63. Debt. $3,274.04. E. S. Miller.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Donaghy. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, August 19.1863. anti-31 SHERIFF'S SA_LE.—BY VIRTUE OF aWrit of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1663, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Hall All that certain lot or piece of ground. with the three storii d brick dwelling house and brick back buildings thereon erected, situate on the `west side of Delaware Sixth street, at the distance of one hundred and seventy one feet two and a-half inches northward from the north side of Master street, in that part of the city of Philadel phia, formerly the district of Penn ; containing in front or breadth on the said Sixth street seventeen few, inclu ding on the south side thereof the northernmost half-part, of an alley two feet wide, extending westward to the depth of twenty-six feet from the west line of the said , Sixth street. left open for the use of this and the lot of ground bounding on the south, and extending in length or depth westward, between parallel lines at right angles with the said Sixth street ninety feet. Bounded north ward by ground intended to be granted to Lea P. Har vey, southward by ground granted_tri_John. Campbells- eastward by the said slunk street, and westwaradim ground intended to be granted to the said Jacob Knight and Charles Doerr: - [tieing the same lot or ground which-George Watson. by indenture bearing date Sep tethher twenty-third, EOM domindene thousand eight' hundred and ilfty-three; recorded in the proper office, a; Philadelphia, in Deed Book T. H. , No. US, page 465. &m, granted and conveyed unto tie said Jacob Knight and Charles Doerr, as tenants in common, and not-as joint tenants: reserving therefor and thereout unto the said George. Watson. his heirs and assigns, the yearly rent or sum of sixty-five dollars, payable , in equal half ',Yearly payments on the that day of the mouths of April and October in every year thereafter forever. 'without any deduction for taxes, Ste, for arrears of which the judgment was obtained.] Together with the free use and privilege of the said two-feet-wide alley as and for a passage- way and water-course at all times hereafter for ever, in common with the owners, tenants, and once piers of the lot of ground bounding on the south; and with the privilege of building under and over the same to the middle thereof, leaving at Teat eight feet headway in the clear. [D. C.,17; Sept T., '63. Debt, $lO7.(iS Lour & Levick.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob Knight and Charlei Doerr. •-- - • 3011 N THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philada., Sheriff's Office, August 19,-1663. au24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF Ki 'a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening . , September 7, 1863, at 4 o clock. at Sansom-street Hall. . All that certain lot or piece of ground; with the three story brick ruessuage or tenement with back, buildings thereon erected. kitnate on the north side ef Walnut eif,,et at the distance of one hundred and twenty . feet eastwiinl from the east side of Thirty-sixth street; wenty- fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front or breadth on the said Walnut street thirty feet, and in length or depth of that width north ward, at right angles with said Walnut street, one hun dred and twenty-font feet. Bounded southward by said Walnut street, westward and northward by ground of William Jones. and eastward by ground granted to Tames D Shaw. (Which said lot of ground Anneely R. Govett and wife. byindenture dated the 21st day of April, D. 1860; end inter ded to be recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said James D. Shaw in fee ] C 50; Sept. T., '63. Debt. $3,200. Paschall Taken in execution and to be sold as - the property' of James D. Shaw. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia Sheriff's Office, August 19,.1863. 'au24-3t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE' OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Eve ing, September 7, 1868, At 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall., . No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of Venango street, at the distance of one hundred and seventy-two feet six inches from the east side of Bath street,late in the district of Richmond; now in the Twenty-fUth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Venango street sixty-nine feet, and extending that width in length or depth at right. angles with said Venango street.and rdn fling parallel with said Bath street, eighty feet, to other ground of .Henry D. Steever. intended to be conveyed by the said Henry D. Steever to the said William Croll; eastward and westward by ground of Henry D. Steever. .and southward - by Venango street. [Being the same emises which Henry D. Keever and Martha, his wife, by indendure dated the 2.Bth. day.of.June, 1&53. and re corded in, Deed• Book A. C. • H., No. 532 , s o: , granted and conveyed unto the said William Oroll No. 2: All thatcertain lot or piece of ground situate on the south aide of Victoria street, one hundred and seven ty -two feet six incites eastward from the east side of Bath street. late in -the district of :Richmond, now:in the Twenty-fifth ward of the City of Philadelphia; contain-` Mg in front or breadth on. said Victoria street sixty-nine feet, and extending that width in length or depth at - right angles with said. Victoria at , eet, and runningparal - lel with said Bath street seventy-one feet four and.three- - quarter inches. Bonnie& -east, west; .and • south by gfound now or late of Henry D. Steever, .and north_ by, ;Victoria 'street aforesaid. [Being the same premises. Which Henry D. Steever and Martha, hie wife, by iu denture dated - the 28th day of June. 1853, and recorded in Deed Book -T. H., No. 118. page 588.'&c., granted. and conveyed unto the said William.Croll j_ - fp. C., 66; -Sept: T..-'63 Debt: 5739.95. Johnston. 'Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of William Cud]. JOHN THOMPSON': Sheriff. Philadelphia; Sheriff's Office; Augast 19,:1881. anti-3t SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALES. sIIERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing,.September 7.1963. at 4 o'clock, at. Barroom-street Hall. All that certain three. story brick moosuage or tens meat and lot or piece of ground therertate belonging, situate on the west aide of Marshall street, at the dis tance of one hundred and eighty-six .fees and three-. quarters of an inch southward from the south side of Parrish street.-In the late district of Spring 0/Aden, now in the Thirteenth ward of the city of Philadelrlrla ; con taining-in front or breadth on the said Maretiall street sixteen feet, Including on the south side theme!' the morthernmet moiety, of a one-foot-ten-inches-wide alley, and in length or depth westward, between Pzirallel lines at right angles with the said Marshall street,seventy-four feat nine inches and a half. Bounded on thasenth by the ground of Samuel. Middle ton. on the west by ground of George H. Jillonton, on the north by ground of John Grim, and on the east by the said Marshall street. [Being the Fameremises which Samuel Middleton and Annie C., bis wife p , by in denture bearing date the 16th day of June, A. D. 1857, recorded in Deed Book A. C. H No. Al page 71, &c granted -and conveyed unto the said William 0. Noma to fee.] ' N. B.—The above premlies are subject to a mortgage of $1.200. executed by Samuel Middleton in favor of Elizabeth W. Wistar,.dated Novembsr23d,lsso, and re corded In Mortgage Book G. W. C., NO. 26, page 141. &c. CD. C.. 25; tient. T., '63 Debt, $2.500. Otterenn.l Taken in execution and to be sold as theproperty of William C. Haman. JOHN . THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 12. 1861 au24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levert Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Everting, September 7,1861 at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All those certain incissuages or tenements and lot or piece of ground tkereunto belonging, eitnate at Chestnut Hill, in the late township of. Germantown; beginning at a stone set for a corner on the westerly side of the Ger mantown and Perkinmen Turnpike Road.. at the place of Intersection of a two-perchzwide road, formerly called Paul's Mill Road, now called Weiss' or Paper Mill Road; thence along the same, dividing this from land of Henry Keeper, south thirty-nine degrees . twenty-five minutes west two hundred and five feet and ninety-five one hundredths of a foot to a stake set for a corner of this and land of Charles Brownholta; thence crossing said' mill road and by band of the said Charles Brownholtr, south fifty degrees and- thirty minutes east, one hundred feet and ninety-five hundredths of a foot to land of John Hobensack ; thence by the same north forty-two degrees east, one hundred and sixty feet and five-tenths of a foot to a stone set for a corner on- the• aforesaid aide of said Germantown and Perldomen Turnpike Road; thence by the same north twenty-eight degrees thirty minutes west- one hundred and fourteen feet and fl ye. tenths of a foot to Umpteen of img Inning (Being a part of the same lot or piece of land which Henry W. Cress, of White marsh township, in the connty of. Montgomery, in the State of Pennsylvania, lumber merchant, and Margaret, his wife, by indenture bearing date the sixth day of April, A. D. 1838. recorded in the office for recording deeds, etc , for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book ,R.,L. L., bro. 52,. page 64, etc., granted and conveyed unto the said John Stallman in fee. And the said John etallrnan and Sarah, his wife, by indenture bearing even date with a certain indenture of mortgage, viz: February 7, 1854, but duly executed and acknow ledged prior to the execution of the said indenture, granted and conveyed to thasaid John B. Harshaw. N. B.—On. the - above-13.8E60W property is erected a double two-story stone house, with fotm rooms on first floor, on the main street or turnpike; also, a two-story stone house on the said " Weiss' Mill Rend." now called Hartwell avenue; also, a frame stable and tenant house, and also a one-story stone shop or store on the main CD 'a, 43; Sept T., '63. Debt $2.267.03. Hunsieker. Taken in execution'and to be sold as the property of John B. Harsbavr. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Angutt 14. 1863. au2t•3t' SHERIFF'S SALE-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Facial. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7,1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, No. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the improvements thereon erected, situate at the northeast corner of Delaware Eighth street. continued, and Cal lowhill street, in the late district of Spring Garden; con taining in front or breaath on the said Callowhill street tv enty-five feet. and extending in length or depth on the west line . thereof. along the east line of the said Eighth street ninety-four feet, and on the east line of the said lot ninety-seven feet two inches and three fourths of an inch. and in breadth at the rear end of the south line of Willow street twenty-five feet two and a half inches. Bounded on the north by the said Willow street, formeny Pegg's run, on the east by the next-de scribed lot, on the south by the said Callowhill street, and on the west by the said Eighth street. No. 2. And also, all thateertain lot or piece of ground, with the improvements thereon erected. situate on the north side of the said Callowhill street, between Dela ware Seventh and Eighth streets, continued, in the late district of Spring Garden aforesaid. Beginning on the said Callowhill street at the distance of twenty-five feet eastward from the eaet line of Eighth street aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on the said Callowhill street twenty-nine feet nine and a half inches. and ex tending in lee gth or depth northward on the NI. est line thereof ninety-seven feet two inches and three-fonrths of an inch, and on the east line thereof one hundred and one feet one inch, and in breadth. at the rear end there of, on the south line of the said Willow street, thirty feet half an inch. Bounded on the north by the said Willow street, on the east by ground formerly of John Bersner, on the west by the above-described lot, and on the south by Callowhill street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Henry J. Steever. by deed dated the 26th day ofaugust, A. D. 1887. and intended to be recorded, m anted, and conveyed to the said John I. Heisler and Isaac H. Steever. their heirs and assigns.] [D. C., 68; Sept. T., '63 Debt. $12,973 64. Johnston.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John J. Heisler and Isaac H Steever. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oflice, Aug. 19. 1863. au2l.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-RY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Facials, tome directed, wilt be exposed to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Even ing: September 7„ , 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Thirty-third street, at the distance of twenty five feet southward from the south side of Hamilton street, in the Twenty-fourth ward ; containing in front or bread th on said Thirty-third street twenty five feet, and extending in length or depth eastward of that width between lines at right angles therewith one hundred and five feet, including on the rear end thereof the whole of a certain three-feet-wide alley, which extends northward- into Hamilton street. [Being part of the same premises which the said Joseph Potts, by indenture bearing date the first day of April; A. D. 185), and re corded Deed Book A D. 8.-, No. 57, page 381, Sm.. grant ed and conveyed unto the said. John Shedwick in fee.] Together with the free and common use. right, liberty. and privilege of the afOresaid three-feet-wide alley at all times hereafter forever. .. . .. . N. B.—On the above-deAcribed lot is a three-story ronah-caFt cottage dwelling house, with two-story rough cast back building, side and front yards, and a two-story frame build leg on the sear. - - . . Mr:Shedwick bas parted with his interest in the above premises. CD. C., 76; Sept. T., '63. Debt, 2,000. T. D. Smith.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property' of John Shedwiek. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 19, 1863. an24-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE' OF a writ of Arias Levari Facies, to me directed. will be exposed to pnbln, sale or vendee. on MONDAY Eve 11illg. September 7,1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. ,All that certain three-story brick messnage or tenement and lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging, marked in a certain plan number tea- 0.0), -.ituate titer mouth side of Pine street, at the distance of fifty-four feet, more or less, from] the west side of Delaware Sixth street, in the Fifth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining in front or breadth on the said Pins street eigh teen feet, and extending in length or depth southward sixty feet. Bounded eastward by lot No. If, now or late of William Stevenson ; westward by lot No. 9, now or late of George Ferrell ; southward by a fourteen. feet-wide court leading into said Sixth street, and northward by Pine street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Michael Morgan, by indenture bearing date December 31, A. D. 1559, intended to be then forthwith recorded, grant ed and conveyed unto the said James Joshua Gould Bias. and Elizabeth. his wife, in fee.] CD. C.. 41; kept. T.. '63. Debt, $2,736.67. G. L. Doug'herty.l .Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Elizabeth Bias, Administratrix. stc. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Miguel 12. 1563. anti-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY - VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Vend Mont Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening September 7, 1563. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Delaware Seventh street, at the distance of sixty feet southward from the southeast corner of said Seventh street and Thompson street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front or breadth on said Seventh street twenty feet, and extending of that breadth, in length or, depth eastward, between parallel lines at right angles with said Seventh street, one hundred and seventy-four feet ten inches to diarsh.til street. [Being the same Premises which Edwin Shields and Thomas T. Lea and wives. Indenture dated the 4th June. 1a53, recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book T. H.. No. 124. page 335, granted and conveyed unto James C. English, in fee; 'reserving thereont a yearly ground rent of one hundred and twenty dollars, payable semi-annually on the fourth 'day of December and June of each year, without dedac -tion for taxes, dm. • • [D. C.; 27; Sept. T, '6l. Debt, $466.36. Serrill. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James C. English. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 12.1863. an2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF o---" a writ of Fier!. Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, September 7. 1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of- ground, 'with the build ings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the north side of Spring Garden street, at the distance of one hundred and seventy-eight feet westward from the west side of Thirteenth street, in the-city.of Philadelphia: containing in front or breadth on the said Spring Garden street twenty-two feet, and extending of that width in length or depth northward, between lines parallel with said Thirteenth street. one , hundred and Ilfty-feet to a th irty-eight-feet-eight •inches-wide street called Brandy wine street. Subject to the payment of a ground rent of two hundred and twenty-five dollars per annum. fD. C., 35: Sept. T., '63. Debt, $113.10. F. R. Hippie.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Edward S. Whelan, assignee. Scc . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, &waist 19. 1863. au24-3t p,IIERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF "N-- , a writ.of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me direct ed,will be exposed to public sale or vendue.on MONDAY Evening, September 7,1563,-at4 o'clock, at. Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick message and lot or piece of groun4 situate on the east side of the Erankford road, at the distance of one hundred and'twenty feet north of Huntingdon street; in the late district of _Rich mond, now in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or. bread th on the said Frankford road twenty feet, extending thence, keeping the same breadth, at right angles with the said Frankford road, on the northernmost line thereof - fifty eight feet two and three- - eighths inches, and on the southernmost line thereof fifty-four feet two and one-eighth inches; thence again eastwardly, keeping the same breadth at right angles - with Amber street, on the north line ft ity-eight feet two and three- eights hides, aed op, the smith line fifty-fonr reetiwo ana One-eight =ones. Bounded on the north y gronna - nu—nr late of William Archer, on the south by ground now or. late - of-william Derrick', on the east by Amber street and on the -west by the Frank ford road eformaid. [Being the same premis.:. w_hich T1C`12 . 9 Elan man and wife,. by indenture bearing dath — rtur - sevoutt, day of February. A. D. - 1834. recorded in Deed Book I'. H., No: 131,- page 61, granted and conveyed to the said Samuel W. McNanghten, in fee, under and subject never theless to the payment of a certain yearly ground rant or sum of fifteen dollars per annum, payable unto Wm. F. Emlen braid J. Dickinson Sergeant, trustees, their heirs and assigns. when and as -the same shall there after grow due and payable as therein expressed, and which sa'd yearly ground rent, a sum of fifteen dollars, the said William F. Emlen and J. Dickinson Sergeant, trustees, by indenture endorsed, dated the twenty =second day of- September, A. D. 1856, recorded in Deed 'Book R. D. W. , N 0.97, page 239, &c., granted, released, and forever extinguished unto the said Samuel W. Sic- Naughton, his heirs and assigns, as therein expressed.] [D. C., 69; Sept. T., '63. Debt, $BOO. W. S. Price.] Taken in execution and sold as the property of Samuel W. 21cNaughton.' JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 19. 1863. slat- 3t QF sHE - fv,rs SALE.-px VIRT UEI "-- of i'iurtes Levnei Paelas;to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 7,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sans)m- street Hall. - - All that certain lot •or piece of ground, with, the messuages er Tenements thereon erected, situate on the north ride of Master street, in the Kensington district .of the Northern Liberties, in the county of Philadel phia, commenting at the distance of 142 feet 6 inches eastwardly from the corner of the Germantown road; thence along Masters street aforesaid eastward 27 feet 6 inches to a corner of a lot granted to Isaac Funk; thence northwardly at right angles with the said Mas ters street 60 feet; thence westwardly in a line parallel to said llfasters street 27 feet 6 Inches. and thence eouth wardly 60 feet to the- place of beginning [Being the same premises which Patrick Walls and - Klizabeth, - his with, and Francis Walls and Mary. his wife, by inden ture bearing date the 9th day of January, 'A. D. 1844, panted and conveyed unto : he said James .Dugan, re corded in the office for recording deeds, &c.. for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed .Book-,R. L. L., No. 31, page 467. &a ) [D. C., 51; Sept. T., '63. Debt, $120.-- -Geoorge Dougherty. l - Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Wm. Dugan, Adm'r, &c. , of James Dugan. deceased JOHN THOMPSON. • Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 15, 1663. au24-3t SHERIFF'S BALE.BY VIRTUE OF )-7a writ of.yeAditioni Expense, to me directed, will' be exposed tospublic sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, [September 7, 1869. at 4 o'clook,.at Sansom-street "Hall. • All that certain lot or piece of ground, With the three story brick messuage or ,tenement with back buildings 'thereon erected, situate on the north side of Walnut street, at the-.distance of one hundred. and eighty feet eastward from the east side of Thirty-sixth Street, in the Twenty-8 urth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Walnut street thirty feet. and in length or depth of that width north ward, at right angles with said Walnut street, one hun dred, and twenty-tour feet. Bounded on the south by Walnut - street, on the east and west by ground , granted to James D. Shaw, and , on the north by'ground:of Wil liam'Jones. [Which said lot of ground Annesly R. Go -vett and wife, by Indenture dated the twenty•first day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and 'sixty. and intended to be recorded granted and, con veyed unto the said James D.*Shaw in fee.] [D. - C., 48; Sept . T.,'63. Debt, $3,200, Paschall.] Taken in - ,execution and to be - sold as the Property of James D. Shaw. -- JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Aug. 19. 1833. 'au2l-81 A FRIOAN GINGER---40 000 POU prime bright and handeome, duty paid; for! an2sir WILLIAM BL - WILSON, 208 KARIM PROPOSALS• ASSISTANT QUARTIAtiMASTER GE 13ERAL'S OFFICE, PHILADW.PIIIA, 24a. August, 1863. this ante SEALED PROPOSALS will be received until TUESDAY, 15th September next,. at 12 o'clock M., for furnishing Anthracite Goal for the lA v ar Department, to be delivered during the year commencing let October, 1803, and ending 38th September, Mt Cent! to be of the best quality anthracite, for tP , O of steamers, to weigh 2,240 pounds to the ton, and to be subject te insiseetion- Tbe Coal is to be delivered on board vessels in the parts of Philadelphia and New York, in such gnftatities And at such times as may be required. furreshing, if de manded, one thousand tons per day. In caw of failure ee deliver the coal in proper quantity and at the proper time and place, the Government reserves the right to =Ake good' any deficienty by purchase, at thoarsitract oes risk and expense. The price must be for the coal delivered on !meal ves sels, on the terms and conditions above stated. Twenty five per cent will be withheld' from. the' - stmonnte all PaYmente,-Whieb reservation. is not to be - paid nada She contract shall Enve been fully completed. Paymeate of the remaining eighty per cent.. or balance due, wir,The made monthly, or when the Department is in Janda/1j . that purpose. Each offer mustbe accompan lefty a written guarantee-, signed by one or more responsibfe parties, that thelfidt , der or bidders will, if his or their bid'beaccepted, enter into obligations; with, good and eutlicient sureties, to , furnish the supplies proposed. proposition will be considered unless-accompanied by such guarantee. Two or moreenreties in the sum of one himcfredthou sand dollare will required tosign bonds for the faith— ful performance of the contract, and' their responsibility will be certified by a United States districtjudge; United States district attorney. or collector. The right is reserved to reject all the bids, if considered to he the interest of service to do F.O. . . Propoeals must 13e• end( raml, "Proposalafor Qua for the War Department:" A. BOYD; au2.5-teeM Capt: and , Assist. Q: U. U. 13 Army. ARMY CLOTEING AND EQUIP AGA OFFICE. TWELFTH and' GIRARD Streets, _ Augaet , 26; 1363. SEALED PROPOSALS - are invited at thie odice until 12 o'clock ,on the 9,.(1'd ay of Henternber nest, to f urnish , promptly at the Schuylkill Arsenal'—ylz : . • . . _. (3,900 yards ,N . dark blue Flannel, for blouses. Army 3,950 do. 74 white Flannel . , cotton-and , standard. wool, for sb ids. 3,450 yards Ai Canton Flannel, for drawers. 20,0(0 white metal Badges, for employees-or the-Quar termaster's Depai truant, a sample and dbacription of' which can be seen at this office. Bidders must state in their proposals the Mice; quan tity bid for, and time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract Must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signa tures must -be appended to , the guarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the bid. Bidders, R 3 welt as their sureties or guarantors, who may not be known at this office, will furnish a certifi cate from the United States District Attorney, Postmas ter, or other public functionary, at the rest& nee of the bidder or guarantors, setting forth, clearly, the fact that the bidder and his sureties are responsible men, who will, If a contract is awarded, act in good faith with. the United. States, and faithfully execute the same. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of the bids. PrOposals must be endorsed. " Proposals for Army Supplies." stating tho particular article bid for. G. H. CROSNAISI. an27-7t Asst. Q K General U S. Army. A AMY CLOTHING- AND EQUIP -L-3.-- AGE OFFIOE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets, PHILADELPHIA, August 24th, En SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this ofllce until 12 o'clock M., on TUESDAY, the Ist September next; to furnish promptly at the SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL, viz Water-proof Blankets: for Footmen—grata percha, India rubbor or painted. Water-proof Ponchos for Horsemen—gutta peroha, India rubber or palmed. Drums for Inf 'an try, with cases, slings, and sticks. White wool /Flannel for Zouave turbans. . . . . . Light blue Mous de Lathe for Zouave sashes. Bidders must state in their proposals the price, quan tity bid for, and time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be guaranteed .by two responsible persons, whose signa tures must be appended to the guarantee, and said guar antee must accompany the bid. Bidders, as well as their sureties or guarantors, who may not tie kn own at this office, will furnish a certificate from the United States District Attorney, Postmaster, or other public functionary, at the residence of the bidder or gurantors, setting forth clearly the fact thatthe bidder and his sureties are responsible men. who will, if a con tract-is:awarded, act in aood faith with the 'Gaited States and faithfully execute the same. Samples can be seen at this othce„ and bidders are in vited to be present at the opening of the bids. Proposals must be endorsed "Proposals for. Army Supplies," stating the particular article bid for. G. H. CROSMA.N, au2s-7t Ass't Quartermaster General 11. S. A. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH. and GIRARD Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Augusta 1663. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this office until 11 o'clock M.. on FRIDAY, the 4th of Septamher next, to furnish promptly at the Schuylkill Arsenal— % or 6-4 dark-blue Wool Flannel, indigo, dyed, army standard. Linsey Body.linings for Blouses (samples required), Baling Rope. Bidders must state in their proposals the price, quanti ty bid for, and time of delivery. The ability of the bidden to fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signa tures must be appended to the gnarantee,and said gua rantee must accompany the bid. Bidders. as well as their sureties or gnarantors, who may not be known at this office, will furnish a certificate from the United States District Attorney, Postmaster, or other public functionary, -at the residence of the bidder or guarantors, setting forth clearly the fact that the bidder and his sureties are responsible mon, who will, if a contract is awarded, act in good faith with the United States and faithfally execute the alms. . . . . Samples of tne Flannel and Baling Rope can be seen at this office. and bidders are invited to be present at the opening of the bide. Proposals must be endorsed "Proposals for Army Supplies," stating the particular article bid for. G. H. CROSKAIT, au 29.6 t Asst. Q. Bf. General IT. S. Army_ SMALL STORES, &c., FOR 1863-64 NAVY DEPARTNIF.NT, &MEAD' OF PROVISIONS AND CLOTHING. AlloillSt 15, 1861. PROPOSALS. sealed and endorsed " Offer for Small Stores," &c. , will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M. on the 17th day of September next, for furnishing and delivering (on receiving ten days' notice) at the Inspec tion of Provisions and Clothing at each or either of the navy yards at Charlestown, Massachusetts; Brooklyn, New York; and Philadelphia Pennsylvania, the num ber and quantities of the articles of Small Stores, Soap, and Candles named and specified in the following classes, to be deliverectin such quantities as may be reqnired from time to time by the Chief of this Bureau. or by the commandants of those yards. respectively, daring the fiscal year ending June SO, 1864, viz : Cbess No. 1 300,000 lbs Salt Water Soay. The soap must be manufactured from cocoanut oil. and be of the beet quality, denominated " White Salt Water Soap," and be delivered on thirty days' notice, in good strong boxes, containing twenty-five bars,weighing three ME each, and, after inspection, the boxes must be hooped at each end at the expense or the contractor. Class No. 2. _ 15, OM Jack Knives. 20.000 Spoons. 15,C00Forks. 6,0c0 Racors (in single cases) 5,000 Razor r traps. 10,000 Scissors. 806:636 Needles, Sowing. Nos. 1,2, 3, 4, drill-eyed, be- - 10,C00 Thimbles 8-10 and 9.10 in diameter. 3,000 Can-openers. 20,000 dozen D. E. Buttons. CLAea No. 3. 2,000 dozen Gilt Eagle Coat Buttons. 3,0[0 dozen Gilt Eagle Buttons, medium. 3.000 dozen Gilt Eagle Vest Buttons. CLASS No. 4. 10, 000 Fine Combs, India Rubber or Gutta Percha 10,000 Coarse Combs, do do do do. CLAss No. 6. 10,000 Scrub Brushes, 10,050 Shoe Brushes. 10.000 Shaving Brushes. 5,000 Whisk. Brooms. CLASS No. 6. 5,000 Hands Grass, for hate. 15,C00 Ihs Beeswax, the cakes rare. 20,CG. cakes Shaving Soap, not less than two ounces per cake. - 20.000 boxes Blacking. • No. 7. ' 15,000 Spools Cotton, of Nos. 12 and 16, 200 yards each. three cords equal parts. 5,600 ibs Thread, black and white, in quarter-pound packages. equal to Marshall's best quality. and in such proportions as may be required. 1, OCO lbs Silk, sewing,•blue black, pure silk, avoirdu- Pols weight (wrappers not included), per ounce. in quarter•pound packages. 10,000 pieces Ribbon, hat s best French black. 12 yards to the piece; width IY. inch, texture 10 by 10, to 16 of an inch. 10,000 pieces . Tape, white linen, four yards in length, one-balf inch wide. 10,000 pieces Tape, black twilled cotton, six yards In length, one-half inch wide. 20,000 Pocket Handkerchiefs, cotton, 30M by 28 inches, weight not less than 1) ounce each, texture 8 by 8 to one•half inch. GLASS No. 8 30,()00 kis Mustard Seed, American brown 20,020 lbs Black Pepper, Malabar. 1.000 gross Bottles, octagon, for mustard and pepper. 1,000 gross corks. Crams No. 9. 100,000 ihs Stearine Candles. The:Cl/nab); must be " of prime leaf lard stea rine, 8-10 inches in length, exclusive of tip, six candles to weigh not less than 14 ounces 60-100. nor more than 16 ounces, and be paid for according to the actual weight, without reference to commercial usage• the melting point not to be less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit. The wick must be braided, and composed of 78 cotton threads of the beet quality of No. yarn. The candles to be delivered on thirty days' notice, in good boxes, con taining about thirty (80) pounds each, arid the box to be marked with the contractors' name and the weight of the candles. . All ihe articles Darned Ina clam must be inchuted in the offier. ell willbe required within the fiscal year. and no excess of any article will be received under the contracts. - . . All tbe foregoing articles t be of the best quality.' and conformable in all respects to the samples deposited at said navy yards, and subject to such inspection at the navy yard where delivered as the chief of the Se rena may direct; the inspecting officer to be appointed by the Navy Department. All the articles to be delivered free of any Incidental expense to the Government, in proper •versels Os pack ages, and the pr4ce of each article binst be rte same at the respective places of delivery. Packates in which the above articles are delivered must be marked with their contents, and the name of the contractor, and be sufficient to Insure their temporary safe. keeping, The contractor must establish agencies at such stations other than his residence,that no delay may arise in fur nishing what may be required ; and when the contractor or agent fails promptly to comply, with a requisition, the chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing shall be authorized to direct purchases to be made to slimly the deficiency, under the penalty to be expressed in the contra.ct; the record of wreqmsition, or a duplicate copy thereof, at the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, or at either of the navy yards aforesaid, shalt be evidence that such requisition has been made and received. "vo ur - .....oapPieved sureties in a sum equal to the estimated amounto rue -eourrack---wut twenty per centum in addition will be withheld from the amount of all payments on account thereof as col lateral security, to secure its performance, and not in any event to be paid until it is in all respects complied with; eighty, per centum of the amount of all deliveries made will be paid by the navy agent within ten days after warrants for the same shall have been passed by the Secretaty of the Treasury. Blank forms of proposals may be obtained on aPPlica tion:to the navy agents at Portsmouth, New Hampshire Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,and at this A record,. or duplicate, of the letter informing a bidder of the acceptance cf his proposal, will be deemed a no tification thereof, within the meaning of the act of 1846, and his bid will be made and accepted inconformity wivh this understanding. Every offer made must be accompaniedl(ae directed in the act of Congress making appropriations for the naval service Nr.1 1 3417'47, app"„ - yed 1.00:t Aligrust.lB.lB) by a writ . , guaraniee, sit r by one or mote reapOusible Pet sonsi, ff.'. the effect that he or they undertake that the bidder or bidders if his or. their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation within ten days, with good and sufficient sureties, to furnish the supplies proposed. The bureau will not be obligated to consider any proposal unless .accompanied by the gaarantee required by law; the competency of the guarantee to be certified by the navy agent, district attorney, or the collector of the port, aifd lby satisfactory. evidence that the bidder has the license required by act Atha Congress of March 3d;1863. The attention of bidders is' called to the samPler and description of articles required, as, in the inspection for reception, a just but right comparison will be made between the articles offered and the sample and contract, receiving none tha tfall below them; and their attention is also particularly directed to the joint reso lution of 27th March, 1854, and to the act of loth Au gust.l646. . anlB-tu4t A SSIST AN T QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. PHILADELPHIA; 28th August, 1863. PROPOSALS will be received at this - office until WEDNESDAY, 2d September, at 12 o'clock M., for the immediate delivery in this city of . Bight Pauline, 20 feet by 30 feet, 15 oz. cotton duck.. Four Pauline, 15 feet by 20 feet, The right is reserved to reject all bide deemed too high. - G H.. cßossuar, era? tee 2 Ase't Quartermaster General NI A 0 REBEL HERRING SHAD, 2,600 blAs Mau. Nos. 1, 8. and 8 Mackerel.-late caned !sit, fish 1n in assorted packages.' . 2400 bb New Eastport Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herri ng '3.Boo boxes Lubec, Scaled, and No. 1 Herring. - 150 bbl,: new Mess Shad. MO boxes Herkimer County Cheese, as. In store and for sale by MURPHY & BOOM _ isl4-tf . - No. 146 North wrREA.Ra HERMETICALLY SEALED FRUITS AND VBGETABLBS.— - 2,C00 dozen cane fresh Peaches. 2,000 do do do Pineapples. 500 do do do Strawberries. 600 do do do Blackberries. 300 do do do WAortleberries. 2CO do' do do Cherries. _ 4,000 do do do Tomatoes, &C., em.. On hand and for Bale by RHODEI3.Bx WILLIAMS, 107 Eolith WATER Street. CHAMPAGNE; -AN INVOIOE -OF 'kJ • • Gold Lao." and " Gloria " Champ.ig,ne, in guar% and pints, just received per French dap Lise Amelie, for eale by. GRAS.- -8. : & JAS. ligtletTALltS. N0t5.1.26 W,A.LINITT,and Mil GRAIIITE _Ste- , LAKE SUPER,I9 . I_I)N . G9T 09FPF#, AUCTION SALES. T ANN B. MYEBB & CO., AUCTION souts. Nos. 23X and A 34 MARKIN Street. LAB PE REMPTORY BALE OF BOOM, SHOES, BROGANS, THIS MORNING. Septem er let , at 10 o'clock, will be sold by catAlogai, without r ern, on four months' credit, about- 1.100 Packages b Ls, shoes. brogans, balmorals. gam ciao9B. army good , , men's. women's; and ohildrea's. erabracinit prime and fresh assortment of first close city and .stern manufacture, which will be opened for eximoinatio. . rly on the morning of sale. LARGE POHL YE SALE 011 BRITISH. FRENCH, GERMAN. A DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, dic. We will hold a lar sale of British, French, German, and. Domestic Dry , , by catalogue, on four month,' credit, ; MORNING. :mbracing about 756 pack articles in woolens, , s, to which we invite rranged for ex. e morning of • rest to at , ON TEMBEN)... Septenfier 3d, at Itro'olocki k age' and lots 01 staple and rai linens, cotlens, alike, and worst the attention o 1 dealers. - ir.Tift:4iiiatTmii ;37'6; same will be amination. With catalcznee, early on cy the sale. when dealers will End it to their tend. LARGE SALE GE' GLOVES AWD 0 All'lrl`LETS. Included in ounale on THURSDAY MOR:NIN'G. Sep. temper 3d. will bo foururanholce and fresh'- assortment of kid. heck. RingWOod gloves. gauntlets,. ' of a favorite innlortatiow e for the best- city sales. FODITPa SALE OF CARPETING&• fdATTINGS, STAIR RODS. Are. ON FRIDAY MORNING, September 4tb, at prectselylla o'clock, 'will be sold, without reserve, bY catalogue, on four mosatba' credit awassortment of ErnesSe, three-ply, superkne andline ingrain, Venitian, hemp, end rag carpeting', stair rods, mattibga. &c . which-may be mumbled early' on the• morning of tale. LARGE )PBREMPTORY DALE OF FRENCH. INDIA. &ERMAN. AND BRITISH. DRY GOODS, So:, FOR SPRING &ALBS. ON MONDAY MORNING. September 7th, at 10 o'clock; will be sold; by catalogue: on four months' credit. about' 7.50 PACICA.GE9 AND LOTS' of French, India, German, and'lllittish dty goods, &c:. embracing a large and choice agForttnent of ancy and' staple articles in silk, worsted, Woolen, linen, and cot ton fabrics, B. 11—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination, with catalogues._ early on the mornincof the sale, when dealers will and it to their interest to at tend: AN GO AS T & WARNOCK, AIIO - 1 1- PIONEERS, No. 213 MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND IM= PORTED DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, MILLINERY' GOODS, Ac., by catalogue. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, • September 2;. commencing at 10 o'clock precisely— Compnsing about 750 lots of fresh and seasonable goods. to whiel the attention of buyers is invited. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OP MILLINERY' GOODS:- JUST LANDED. Consisting in part of RUCHES, FLOWERS. AND FEATHERS 7CO Car tone white arid fancy, double and treble silk and' cotton niches. 900 cartons rich,- new, fall styles Paris artificial Sow , . era. 250 cartons rink black and choice-assorted colors-Paris feathers BONNET RIBBONS AND VELVETS: .Also,:— cartons choice fall colors bonnet and trimming' ribbons. Al, o, cartons choice assorted colors of black bonnet Velvets. Also, joined'lrionds. stiff nets. bonnet pine, Ac.. . 100 DOZ. PARIS BLACK LACE VEILS - , Also, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. 100 dozen later and choice patterns Paris embroidered' black silk lace veils, a fall rine, from low to high-cost gorde, for trea city saes RID GLOVES. Also, 300 dozen Indies' and gent s plain and stitched,. blank and fancy kid gloves. LINEN CAMBRIC - HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEFS. EMBROIDER , lES. Ac. Also, an invoice of ladies' X and gent's X plain and' hemstitched linen cambric hand i erchiefs. Also, a line of new styles Paris emb'd muslin collars, crochet and lace collars—a fall line of new designs. PARIS DRESS GOODS. Also. ON WEDNESDAY. . An invoice Paris Drees Goods, silk and wool poll de chevres, Saxony plaids, black and white plaids, balmo ral skirts, arc. CLOAKS AND CASSIMERES. Also. French and English all wool and union cloaks and claakings, black and fancy cassimeres, printed satinets. HOOP SKIRTS; STOCK GOODS, NOTIONS. Also, 100 dozen ladles', misses, and children's woven. tape, and tied steel-spring hoop skirts—a fall line fOr• first cl ass I al es. 100 dozen gent's all- linen and union shirt fronts. Also, notions, trimmings, port monnaies, head dresses, stock goods. Ac. GILLETTE at SCOTT, _ AUCTIONEERS, Jayne'e Marble Bnildins: 619 CHESTNUT Street, and. 616 JAYNE Street, Philadelphia. LARGE POfITIY SALE OF AMERICAN AND'IML PORTED DRY GOODS. EMBROIDERIES. LINEN" CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, MILLINERY GOODS, HOOP SHIRTS. &c ON FRIDAY MORNING. September lib, at 10 o'clock precisely, by catalogue.' a large assortment of American and Imported Dry Goods. suitable for falls ales, comprising - doz damask and spot linen napkins. doz bords red linen cambric handkerchiefs. Also, a superior line of German and English hose-and half. hose; colored silk and lisle gloves; Paris lace voile, &c. FRENCH FLOWERS. Also, 300 cartons imported French flowers, suitable for fell sales. Was°, doz ladies' and misses' woven, tape, and fancy cord hoop skirts. A150,.400 doz fancy soaps. Also. an invoice of black ostrich tips, feather dusters,. &c. 25 0 CAFES BOOTS, SHOES. BROGANS, Arc. Also, 250 cases men's, boy's. and youths' calf. kin, grained boots. brogans, &c. ; ladies', misses', and child ren's calf. kip. goat, hid, and morocco heeled boots, shoes, balmorale. slippers, &c. PHILIP FORD & CO., &lICTIONEERS, 525 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE Streets. LARGE SAVE OF 1.000 . CASES BOOTS AND SHOW. ON THURSDAY MORNING . - September 3d, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold by ca talogue, 1,000 cases men's, boys', and youth's, calf, kip, and grain boots, brogans, am ; 'women's, misses', and children's, calf. kip. goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and sboes. gaiters, halmorals, FOR SALE AND TO LET. T 0 LET-THE LARGE AND eligibly-situated STORE,- No. 519 ARCH Street, having a fronc of 25 feet on Arch street, and extending back to Cherry street. anD-6t* FOR -SALE-THE ELEGANT " double-front HOUSE, No. 17.15 GREEN Street. Large yard and all the modern improvements. Imme diate possession given an.? 9, FRANKLIN STREET-FOR SALE, Maliereyeral large and handsomely finished HOUSES on this Street; in splendid neighborhoods. Also. others of less size and price. D. S. CAD VT ALL AD 31t, IOR South FOURTH Street. N.B.—A. variety of BUSH HILL residences for sale an' -6t5 alt FOR SALE OR TO LET.-THE large four-story STORE, with marble front, No. 90% CHESTNUT street, about 34 feet front by 73.5 feet dew, to George street—being the central store of the Bard Block. As no effort has been spared to make these stores unsur passed by any in .the country for beauty and complete ness, an opportunity is now afforded to any large busi ness house to secure the most eligible location in the e tr saleon easy terms of payment, or to be let by the year, or for a term of years. Apply to ELI II PRICE. Sit Arch -St:, J. B. TOWNSEND, 813 Arch St, aull-lm Es.'re of B. S. Burd, decl. TO LET—THE DESIRABLE STORE Awat - - 416 CHESTNUT Street, nearly opposite NEW POST OFFICE. Possession given August Ist. - .lnquire at the store. iv2l-tt DELAWARE COUNTY COTTON FACTORIES FOR SAL3.—The valuable Cotton Fac tories, known as AVOITDAL3 and STRATHAVSN, si tuated on Cram Creek. Delaware County, one mile from Westdale Station. West Chester Railroad, two mile. from Lelperville, and three from Chester, now occupied by Simeon Lord. are offered for sale. " Avondale' in cludes a stone mill 82 by 47 feet, 334 stories high, with dry hone, picker house, twenty-two stone tenements, and about 9 acres of land, in Springfield and Nether Providence townships. " Strathaven" includes a frame - cotton mill, 62 by 33 feet, 234 stories high, with Pickerit house, Ave frame and stone tenements. and abrAlts. 24 acres of land, in 'Nether Providence, The. props's - riga will be shown by Air. Lord. on the primisee. F.arlyl,oll=' session can be given. For terms inquicelof SAMIIEL TOLD, N. W. corner of FRONT and WALNUT Stree fasyS3 tf FOR SAL E, VERY CHEAP— ACKNeat COTTAGE, at ATLANTIC CITY ; and also several Splendid Cottage LOTS, near the beach. Also, the PHILADELPHIA HOUSE, at CAPE ISLAND, with Furniture. This is a very pleasant House, and will be sold a bargain. . City Properties, in large variety, some at exceedingly. low prices; and Building Lots. Farms, and Cottages, for sale very low, or exchange for other properties. B. F. GLENN, aul6-tf 123 South FOURTH Street. tTO LET-A COMMODIOUS DVaLLING, Ao. 13% Borth FROWI' Street. Rent enederate. Apply to WRTHRILLLL 11 BRO., 0e27-tf 4T and 49 North SEGOND Street. - . FOR SALE—A py t aIRABLE PRO -a-PERTY of about 14 acres — ofshlghly improved Land situated on the OLD YORK TURNPIKE, six miles from the city, one-third mile from. Oak-lane Station on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, and one and a half miles.: from Dory's Station on the Germantown Railroad. The Dwelling, is 'of atone and brick, two stories, six looms on a floor, with furnace, hot and cold water; &c. - The ample yard and garden have been carefully prepared by deep trenching, and is profuselyranted with a view to shade, and fall succession of fruit and flower in va riety during the season of each. Amongst the fruit trees which enrich the garden are some 500 pears, stand- , and and dwarf, comprising the choice of modern.varle- A lake of one and a half acres' occupies the centre of this property, which, fed by springs and shaded by forest trees and planted, is entirely secluded, and fitted for bathing, &a. A ram from this supplies the house and barn with water. - - The whole is situated in a neighborhood noted for, health and longevity. The property may be examined at any time by application on the premises, and fnrther information obtained of the subscriber at 2%5 CHURCH Alley, or on the premises at MIL - ESTOWN. after 6 P. M. an7-1m WM. MORRIS Win& "FORS AI E.. ---CHEIP FARM, . _ ...A—Containing 149 Acres, near the Moorestown turn pike, 6 miles above Camden • large and enbstantua im provements nicely watered: three superior Apple Or chards, Peach Orchrod, &c. The Stock. Crops. and Farming Utensils will be sold at a low fienre. and pos session given immediately. Price only 595 per acre. Apply to • E. PETTIT, an2S - 309 WALNUT. Street. FOR SALE-ONE OF THE A.T.QST beautiful sites for a country seat between Phila delphia and Media, fronting on the railroad, and only a few hundred yards from • a •station. The surrounding scenery is beautiful. A small stream of water runs across the lot, and there are two never-failing springs of best quality of water on it. . - For particulars apply at 213 North THIRD Street. au2B-12t COAL YARD FOR SALE.-7 H E beet fitted-up YARD in the city. Capacity. for doing any amount of bug:res§. inquire on the premises, No. 957 North NINTH Inlow Girard ave nue. . - au29-6t* A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING CERTAIN A.MENDMENTS TO. THE CONSTITII TION: Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Bev' a- . ssent elves of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania i n Gene ra/ Assembly met. That the following amendments be proposed to the Constitution of the Commonivealth in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof: There shall be an add itional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designated as section few', as follows SECTION 4. Whenever any of the ungifted electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military ser vice. under a requisition from the President of the Uni ted States, or by the authority of this Commonweilth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage, In all elections by the citizens. under such regulations as are. or- shall be, prescribed by law, as fully as if they were. present at their usual place of election. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated as sections eight and nine, as follows: SECTION 8. No bill shall be passed by the. Legislature, containing snore than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation bills. SECTION 9.3lo,billshall be passed by.the Legislature granting . any powers or privileges. in any. sa. se, where the authority to grant such powers or privileges has been or may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth. JOAN CESSNA. Speaker of the HOMO of Representatives. JOHN P. PENNEY, Speaker of the Senate. OFFICE OF THE SECRABa ETAR u Y sußer. JOF THE CON 1, AIONIVEALTH. Huly 1663. . . . PENNSYLVANIA. SS: I do hereby certify that the foregoing and ....A.-. annexed is a fall, true, and correct copy of / tlupinaTalevi i on f t C nYa l L. S. }sggy,%gtelJointresoon proposing certain amendments to the Con stitution," as the same remain:lon file in this office. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand,and caused the seal of the Secretary's office to be affixed, the day and year above written. ELI fER, .1307-trl4t Secretary of the Commonwealth. loft. DR. ElliE, PRACTICAL DEN. .`csCosar UST for the last twenty years, A 1.4 below Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH. of the ass, mounted on fine Gold, Platina, • Silver, Vnloanit Soralite, Amber, ks., at prices, for neat and enbetaxiM work, more reasonable than any dentist in this city or State. Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Teeth repaired to amt. fio pain in extracting. All work ad to fit. Bar -- best families. jeS•hast Also. Moms- brseli e long and'squarg ohs:wig; g importation of Messrs. Ladewig itHaydter. FIRST FALIA -SAL& OF BRITISH;, FRENCH, AND' SAXOSIY DRY GOODS. Tars MORNING.. September letwitlo o' catalogue, on Cinemax' credit— . 400 packages a:Pilots of fancy and okapis French Air 0 oods. September Ist, at 15 o'clock. comprising— -800 Vienna broche norare ebawle; being a complete as sortment of entirely fresh goods, of the newest approvar styles and colorings. litioO'Ficoma brach& long shawls; newest' styles alai choice colors. 660131acitlYibet and merino long ehawls.wool fringes. •tom low to the beet grade imported. R —The particular attention of the trade fa requeet• ad to-the above sale, se it will comprise the beet assort mentevereffered of this importation ' BLACK OBOE DE BOMBS. GB.OS GRAIN, AND ABHORS& THIS MORNING. SOD high colored plaid loug shawls, all wool. A2oo' PIECES OF SAXONY vrOVR.I DRESS G 001" OP A WELL-KNOWN MANUFACEUESIt. Comprising - cases choice styles and qualities reps cases do do rep velours. -cases do do lastinge. cases do do poll de chews: 20 - CASES ALPACAS.....92BUROS. OINGEEAIdd. AN -6 4London black rgs mode alpaca.• -r-Efancliebtergingbame and prints. -- fancy reps; mohaire. tansies. black and wbite mohaire. broche fig'd rem he: EXTRA QUALITY ERIRTING LINENS—FOR WHEW • • CITY TRADE An Invoice of -6-4 Jeconetg, cambric, nalnsook, and tape check muffling. SALE OF 3,000 DOZTIN REGULAR-MAKE aorron , HOSIERY AND GLOVE 4. THIS MORNING - . 100 lots regular make super. white, brown, and mixed. cotton hosiery ; do. half hose; do. children's hose. fl eeced chamois, lined and plain, cotton. Berns: cashmere. and silk gloves; comprising a full assortment. 3,000 DOZ. PLAIN AND HEMSTITCHED UMW CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. THIS MORNING. --drzen 3s super linen cambric handkerchiefs - do super linen cambric handkerchiefs' do ?V and hemstitched super linen , cambric handkerchiefs. fall line of Lupin's brown mode. high coloredaiadt black Thibet Shawls, silk and wool fringes. Lupin's black Thibet lot g shawls. d o broths border stalls shawls. do palm pattern printed Thibet shawls. Also, plaid 'wool long and square shawls. M'kr THOMAS & SONS, Noe. 134 and 141 South FOURTH Wool - . At the Exchange. every Tuesday, at 12 o'clock noon. .fin' Handbills of each Property Issued separately, find on the Saturday previous to each sale. 1, NO catalogues In pamphlet form. giving fell descriptions. AN - FURNITURE SALES at the Auction Store every Thursday. FALL SALES STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. Second Fall Sale. Sth September. Third FallSale,Thth September. Fourth Fall Sale. 22d September. WI- Part of the handbills now reads , . THE SIXTY-FIRST PHILADELPHIA TRADE-ELLS TO BOOKSELLERS Will commence 15th September. Catalognee now. randy. - - - - September Sth, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Exchange $l,OOO coupon bond Eawrens county Coal and Oil Com pany;-sale absolute. REAL ESTATE, Bth September. Full particulars in handbills. tnclndina the followinlf— Peremptory SaIe—ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT and valnablz Farm, 85 acres. on the River Delaware, and at Cornwall station. Trenton railroad. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, southwest cor ner of Twenty-fourth and Green streets; has gas, bath, hot and cold water, &c. THREE-STORY BRICE STORE AND DWELLING, No. 2402 Green street, occupied as a Bakery; gas, bath, range. &e. THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, No. 2123 Summer at THREF, STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 743 West street, south of Brown et Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of John W. Logan, deed. —THREE-STOGY BRICK DWELLING, Eighth street. THREE-STOGY BRICK DWELLING. No. 1061 Beach street. EXTRA VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. 15th September. By order of Executors. Orphans' Court, and others. including the estate of the late James C. Fisher. Esq., over 68 feet front on Cbestnnt street. See handbills. FISHERY, T.tnicom Island; also, valuable city pro perty—Estate of C. W. Bender, &c. ; absolute sales. suFlitioß FURNITDR6 MIRRORS, iqexo FORTE. CARPETS, &c. ON THURSDAY MORNING. - - At nine o'clock, at the Auction Store, superior second hand furniture, mirrors, piano forte, beds and bedding, carpets, &c. Also, a snperiox telescope and case: cost d2OO. BY HENRY P. WOLBERT, AUCTIONSER. No. NOM NA.I3.EXT Stied, iloniieide, above Sauna It, Regular ales of Dry Goods, Trimming)", Notions, #s.;. eve MONDAY, - WIDNESDA.Y, and PRIEDAY NONNI INGS, at 10 o'clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend then* sales. Consignments respectfully solicited from Mannfa•ta. rem, Importers, Gozomission, Wholesale, and Jobbins Houses, sad Metzner& of all and every deserted:ion el Merchandise. • DRY GOODS, HDKFS...*ROSIERY, SKIRTS, &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING , September 2d, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, dress goods. prints. Kinghams, tickings, linen and cotton handker chiefs, gingham cravats, neckties, cotton hose and half hose,.gloves, shawls, table clothe. Marseilles jackets, yokes and sleeves, raffling, trimmings, &c. Also. • cloths; cassimeres, sattinets, snspendirs, felt bats, &c. Also, brogans, women's and 133:113883' balmoraba. Con gress gaiters, &c. Also, yomen?s, roissee; "and children's tape and cord MOSES NATILLNS, AUCTIO - ErnAhooot coiner of SIXTH and likt3s Strata AT-PRIVATE SALE, FOR LESS THAN HALT MI USUAL SELLING PRIORI Fine gold and silver Sn ish American, and Swim go" tentlever watches, extra toll jewelled and plain, of no inost.appxoyed and beet makers, in heavy hunting. , - .sung' double cases, magic cases , doable bottom and uPrei-nteet Ins-gold chronometers, in heavy hunting easeesdlnenollissmist silver lepine watches, in hunting. eases ancto; silver gnarlier watches; doubt ease Englis watches, and others. Diamonds fine gold vest,* k. guard, and chatalien chains; g pencil cases and pens. silver do. ; setts of fine gold isnot. rr, medallions, gold and silver specks, bracelete,Englift plated vent chains; double and single-barrel fowling pieced, some of them very superior; revolvin i f i tr.. glasses. Am N. NAT MONEY TO LOA*, In lame or small amounts, from one dollar to thong for any length of time agreed on, on diamonds, wa Jewelry, gold and silver plate, pianos, mirrors. tare, dry goods, groceries, hardware, cutlery, clothingti cigars, fowling pieces, fancy articles, merchandise Mei rally and of every description, on better terms this any other establishment in this city. I TUMELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP or DOGE. As a safe and 'effectual remedy for Cough, Pain 1* the Breast, Spitting Blood, Scrofula. and in all sow where .-a Blood Purifier is requisite, it is the Nadi eine above all others. Try it. Sold' by Proprietor. JITABILLE, 1535 SIARKST Streak; 'And Druggists. ivlo-teei YrHAT IS LIVE W ITHOUT FIN A T4TEIT GOOD NEWS FOR THE SICK AND WOUNDED. Messrs. J. GRIM and T. ALLEN,_ MEDICAL ELEC. TRICIANS, (formerly associated with Profs. Bolles and Galloway,) having removed to No. 723 North TRIM street. between Goatee and Brown streets, are now pre pared to treat and cure all Curable Diseases, whether acute or chronic; pulmonary or paralytic, without a shock, or any inconvenience. Poor ,Soldiers will be treated gratuitously. The Ladle& will be treated by a lady.' - Among the diseases for wbieb we will give a spe cial assiantee. when desired. we mention the followings Constunpdon,latE2d. gat% Hemorrhage, Paralysis, - General Debility, Neuralgia. . - BIeIORSOB of the Liver a ' Asthma. Sidney., Fever and Ague. Diabetoo, Congestion, Prole:mu Uteri, (Falba' DyspePela. Womb, Rheumatism, Prolapene A_ or Pile. NoratrirnaVraissitln, dprits. BZAIM=;ii BOSTON' -P 3 - ICLO PHU STRA.MM. , W4.lsWsra_iliug from port on SATURDAYS, from &et :Wharf above PERD :West. Philadelphia, and Dona Wharf. Borten. • - ,The - Roamer SAXOI. Captain Matthews, from Phila.: delphis • for Boston, en SATURDAY, Sept. sth. at it °Wool A. M. Land steamer NORMAN. austala Baer. 'tau sail frtm Boston. on the SAMS DAY. at 4 P. i nane new and substantial steamships lona a seitabe ape; sauna from oxih port punstually on SaturdaThe • 1,7, STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVES , - - ' POOL, touching at Queenstown, (Cork Hat , bor. ) The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intend. , - ed to sail as follows CITY OF 'BALTIMORE Saturday. September 6. CITY OF LONDON.. ........ .Satnrday, September 12. CITY OF NBW YORK. Saturday, September 19. And every succeeding Saturday at noon, from Pier le. 14, North River. . HATES OF PASSAGE. Payable in Gold. or its equivalent in Curren). FIRST CABIN, 3 - $3O 00 STBER.AGB. $32 N Do. 'to Louden. 55 00 Do. to London SIS 111 Do. toParle 915 00 Do. to Paris. 40 WY - Do. to Ham burg. 90 00 Do. to. Haraburg,37 II Passengers also forwarded to Bremen, Hotter.. dam; Antwerp Ace. , at equally low rat Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: let Oabin. SW. $lOB. - Steerage from Liverpool, $4O From Queens. WWII, WO. th eir Thoae who wishto send for friends can _ buy their tickets here at these rates: . • Nur further information,OHN app DAL O. E. Agen ly at the 00MIIMITIM . •.. Jt. feu 11.1 WALNUT street...rldladelvade. 36 BASKETS LA , received per brig Pandora. STCHE & L !XEROX& ROI South ' , BOAT street AUCTION SALI7S. FURNESS, BEWLEY, & No. VAIL MARKET IiTERBZ SALE THIS (Tuesday) HORNING. Sep t. Ist. and WEDNESDAY, Sept. 2.• at 10 o 'clock. --: A CARD.—The attention of pnrchasere is requested te" our sale, this (Tuesday} morning, Sept. Ist, and-. We dnesday, September 2d, at 10 o'clock. by catalogue; on 4 months' credit, of 1350 lots British. Saxony, Irish. and domestic dry goods. comprising a fall assortment of fancy and staple goods. NOTICE -7'o JOBBERS AEI) RETAILERS.. 90 bales American drills, sheeting% stripes, and ticks, 30 cases British dress goods. 35 eases black and col'd alpaccrie. cOlitUW3, an EOM: cases gingham% prints, Pia chatobraYs.,, , '',' eases wool plaid, fancy ng'd. dress good;, : 1,21ffl Pisces Saxony woven dles• g00d5... , i' Lupins thibet shawin; stalls do.; p brochmshawls. long and square. white geode , linen% damasks, dm: 3, OCO'doSen linen cambric' ban dker e d i 7 rzonez-To DEAL ERs ilc , „.., s i Egy .: THIS EWEN% ..,1 6.000 dorea , coNvolioWer*r e l' . eanx , tiet .. NO MA—To DEA SIN SHAWLS. THISORNIVG. mode ti,; (l tf l ri, colored What elinneliC.- - LupliksillErktlonit eliatvls; etella do;; printer LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SALE OF SHAWLS. TNE DEPORTATION 02 MESSRS. LADEMFIG HAYDTER, .71.1 . 1. S MORNING,. —24 a high lustrebluer grog de Maass 50-iheb do do heavy grog grain. —22-luch double-face titian figure armuros. ALL-WOOL PLAID LuNG SHAWLS. DREB6 oeODB &cases extra fine Shirting linens. --linen damasks, diapers. and towelling_ 21 BALES TICKINGS. STRIPES, AND BILECIAS. abales heavy indigo blue tickings. • 9 bales bealry shirting stripes. 4Cases black and colored sileclas. WHITE GOODS, . I,l3PrN'B SR &WU orHIS MORNING. SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE STOOKS. LOANS. &c ON TUESDAY. orth of Poplar st. LOT OF GROUND„Frankford road, 23d ward,a /MR. g land of N. Waln, ESQ. NEAT MODERN Dvrna,riva. No. SW north Twelfth. treet, south of Call °whin street. !THREE LOTS -OF GRODND, N. E. corner of Sixty econ d street and Maple avenue, 24th ward. LOT, .CEDAR AVENUE, east of Sixty-second et., 24t1s • srd Sale at Noe. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street MEDICAL. COAX. (1.0 L.-BIIGA.II BRikVl2l .....htesu and Spring Mountain Lehigh aoalc and teat Locust Mountain from SchurDOM; prepared ex. Presalg fortamily use. Depot, A. W. corner of SIGH= an d wu,Low4iscoets, Office, U South SSOOWS Street. - .J. ,WALTOI & 00. SIM I PING. Ininraness 'tested et one-half the erelainis Cured ifir WS vessels. Treinhts taken st fair ram, Ebben' are requested to send ale EsteSte NW NSW; Lading' with their goods. !or preight or Pll4llll4llMIlf sesonnsettstlEME spelt to Y WIESOR as Co.. Dim 31111 South DELAWARE Aroma! xiag ir m t FOR NEW YORK—NEW DAILY LIIIII-:-VIA , DELAWAXI A RARITAN ()ANAL. Philadelphia and New press Steamboat Om.- receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., Oliva.. Vai h r t oamogl New the following taken • TN11. 1 3 . . taxing, Amt. bo. 801PIX"WfleRvikaLriduaeoun: .JAIKE.SHAND_,. A r gen anl-tf Piero 114 and -SAW WSVMs. seartYork., KINIMR. - VIE - A 1.13 AM B HiEt ItEBBS COMPANY; once flinn. CHESTNUT Street. forwards Parcels, Packages. MU. t , ehandiee Bank Notes, and Elpecie,either. by. Its own lines or in connection with otner•ntpress , uo to all the: ninon* Towns sad Citieala -thirrA ~,, States.: - . .3. 13..SANDPORD.... , - :OM ' - '''' - ' • Ciampi' BagosilgtentleFa;, ...,,i Office - honr , ~ 9dlC is ieg-fam.