public men of Allegheny. county, I was almost alone n defending Gov. Liman. He is the represents- Eve man of the loyal sentiment of the state and there l 9 no power in Oopperheadism to defeat him Some in the west blame him for 'signing s bum in reference to the tonnage-tax. Those who are laymt, and brave, and true, will support Ourtio; and those 'wild sympathize with Jeff Davis will support Wood 'ward. By the blood that has already b..ea I proclaim this tact. One thing or the other wiil be, amid must be. Go to Ohio and Indiana; and hear what they say of ourtin there. Go down to the army, and hear What they say of him. Re ie their Governor, their benefactor. Ile has done more for the alleviation of their discomforts to-day thari'any outer in an on the continent. Who is the man, with Mood curdling In his veins, who will not support Curtin 1 Who, avain, is your candidate for supremejuthel Judge ..Agnew, of Beaver, is a man a head and shoulders above his competitor in manly principles. Thanking you for your kind and interratecl 'Wen- CM I say to you to stand in solid phalanx with .lone heart and one soul for the election of oomin and Agn ew . Stand by the integrity of the Government :and by the President as you would by, the ark of the Covenant. tie concluded by proposing three cheers for Lin Coin and tne Administration, and Governor Curtin and Judge Agnew, the no minees of the Republican party. [tiheerad The Judge then retired, and the bona in attendance dis coursed several airs ; after which the large audience dispersed. ruESCRIPTI(tN•OIr THE COLOBPA2) CAMP AT , ertild ffi %rOrt Hints—The two oerethrettinents now quartertd,at Libellen Hills, in illtintgoinery comity, about eight miles Gem the city, and snout a half mile -from the line oi the North Peuneylvania itailroad, are progrkesing. admirably. No timer spot could have been selected for the oarup. It is - situated upon a high hill and conireanoß - s Omit- 111 A•view of the sur rounding country for miles around 'ea every aide. heavy woods skirt its borders on two t0,1‘,. ,"„i cellent fields for drilling fill up the action-I'lg space. The drainage of the camp has been made uerteot, bothe attire and art uniting in the work. Toe try around is - finely cultivated and very Ipatiti... y The men are well supplied - with an excellent qn.dit of cold spring. water, which tio we inside of the o A tine creek, of six or seven feetin depth, is used tor bathing, which is very essential to soldiers at this season of the year. The men are supplied with shelter tents, twenty being allowed to a company" and two hundred to a regiment. One tint, 'whin consists of two pieces, will hold.two men. Two of: these tente .are frequently joined together, wheu four bunk in them much more convene:el-Iy, - me_ two regiments are kept entirely separated from each other, each •organization being distinct. The third - colored regiment is entirely lull, and nearly ail the officers have been appointed. The sixth reeirneut has only three companies at the camp ; A and 8 ire full to the minimum number. and 0 wants hut three men. The opinions of the officers in regard to the men are that t hey will make excellent coulters, and, with proper drill and discipline, will not cone arati abort Of the white volunteers. They. witt also be come more subject to iule and will seldom, if ever, disregard the commands of their superiors. From present indications, it is believes - that they Oda Sooner learn the drill thau,eref - white soldiers, on prm ,eost iinitabiltry. Teat they account of their a more ready state of Ma yan be Moue" -und " cipiine than_ she white volunteers is clearly ex vained. „ea many cases in the volunteer service te r, ..ers and men generally corns from the same I, llty, and in social lite are on the name footing. has often been the means of consideraole trou ble, ble and greatly affects the discipline of the army: 'With the colored troops this is different, all tneir -commiisioned Officers being white. The commander of the camp is Col. Louis Wagner, of the 88th Regiment Peunaylvania volunteers. This organization is now connected with the tat Army Corps of the Army of the Potomac, and is 'quartered Lear the Rappahannock, ou the Orange and Alexandria railroad. The colonel has Been con• anderable service, and was severely wouuded in ills leg above the ankle joint, at the last Bud Run tight, :from the effects of which he is yet obliged to use con. siderable exertion in walking. This gentleman is a citizen of Philadelphia, and with two other excem tons, is the only officer from this Commonwealth 'who is represented in the colored regiments. No better appointment could have been made by the ;President for this arduous and important duty. All the field, staff; and line officers of the colored 'regiments are appointed with great care ai to tneir fitness and ability. A rigorous examthationis given to each applicant in the following branches: history, geography, geometry, algebra, mathematics, and botany. The examination usually lasts from taree to Dix hours, and the questions propounded at times are very perplexing. The applications made for the first two regiments alone numbered eleven hundred. The. President has all the power of appointing and 'taking charge at the negro regiments, tilts authority having been vested in him by the last Ooneress Phe 'officers are considered as in the regular army, and - have nothing whatever to do with the recruiting of 'the men. A large number of the company officers have been promoted from the ranks, wnice is very Commendable' where the subject is worthy. It was expected that the regiment would be or dered to move either to-morrow or Wednesday, but this order has-"been countermanded, until all the 'Officers who have been appointed have reported to the proper authorities. It is not believed that the re-giment will move before next week, if then. - When it does so it will take the care for Pnila delplaia, and march through several of tne principal Streets. A vessel will either be chaffered here or at New York to convey them to Charleston, meat pro bably in this city. If not, the regiment will go to New York Via rail. The regiment has received its State bounty of ten dollars. The ad and eiti Merits, as previously stated, are being organized , here. The 4th Regiment of colored troops are torus. ins in Baltimore, and the sth in the State of Ohio. - Several - drills take place daily. Company and squad drill in the morning and afternoon, besides battalion drill occasionally. At six o'clock dress.. parade occurs, when all the men take a pride in pre-' seating as handsome an appearaece as pussiolm 801 l call and tatuo takes place at 9 Y. M , - cud tape at 10, when all lights are required to he extinguished. The men then retire to rest until 6 A. AL tae next Morning. On Sunday mornings the impection of arms, accoutrements, tents ' and persona or tne men occur at 13 and at 9 o'clock. Everythtug is then re quired to be . in perfect order. In examining the , bodies of the men the breast and body is requited to be thoroughly exposed to view, and if the least dirt is apparent the offender suffers the consequences. One feature in the camp of the colored troops is, that, although rail fences abound in the vicinity, not one hae been touched or moved, so great is the dis cipline. In any camp the first thing the soldier thinks of is wood to cook his rations, and in a twinkling not a fence rail. is to be seen standing. Numbers of drafted men continue to arrive from all parts of the State. They are placed in the compa nies where most needed. A squad of ten reached the camp on Saturday afternoon, having come Irom the coat mines, fifty miles above Pittsburg:. They looked well, notwithstanding their long journey. The camp is to be made a permanent one, and no doubt several other regiments will yet be quartered here. The:camp has been named ()amp William Penn. The following le a complete Udall far as appointed cof all of the officers attached to the camp and the ad Regiment U. S. Colored Troops. To prove conclu- Oively that the teen have been appointed with great care, we give the. regiments to which they were formerly attached, showingthat they have seen Bei , %dee : ' . OFFICERS OF THE POST. Post Cominandez,—Clsl. Louis Wagner, 88th Pa. _ _ Lieut. R. C. Lovridge, 3d Regiment U. S. colored troops, acting post adjutant. Lieut. James W. Johnson, 3d Regiment U. S. colored troops, acting post quartermaster. Dr. J.F. Holt, post surgeon. OPPIOZES REPORTED , FOR THE THIRD 11.1C61111INT U. S. COLORED TROOPS. Colonel—C. B. Tilghman, formerly of the 26th Pa. Major—Fred. W. Barnwell. 18th Mae& Adjutant—S, 60. N. J. Acting Quartermaster—Second Lieut. John S. McCaughan, 76th Ohio Vole. Surgeon—John W. Lyman, formerly assistant burgeon W. S. A. Ti2IN.COMMISSIDNED STAFF (COLORED). Serge Mat Major—Henry James. Quartermaster Sergeant—Ren S. Roberts Commissary Sergeant—lsaae Wilmore. LINE. OFFICERS. Company A.—Captain George D. Hart, 2d Michi gan Cavalry ; Second Lieut. Stephen L. Carney, 36th Massachusetts. Company. B.—tlaptain F. M. Cole, 13th Illinois; First Lieut. R. C. Lovridge, 19th Connecticut. Company C.—Captain Charles 111. Blake, formerly attached to Gen. Fremont's - staff; First Lieut. James W. Johnson, lath Virginia; Second Lieut. C. F. Ritchi_,e 10th Pennsylvania Reserves. Company IN—Captain Wm. H. Walrath, 10th New York; Second Lieut. J. F. W. Crane, 2d New Jer aey Vols. Company R=tecond Lieut. C. F. Rundell, 10th New York Artillery. Company F.—First Lieut, S. J. Finley, 121st Pennsylvania Vole. . Company G.—Second Lieut. George Hermach, Zouavea de Airique. Company H.—Second Lieut. B. F. Buckley, 9th New York Artillery. ' Company 1.,--First Lieut. Robert R.'Martin, 95th l'ennsylvania ; Second Lieut. F. W. Shroeder, 4th Xew Jersey Vols. Company li.—Firet Lieut. J. W. Furness, Gray Reserves; Second Lieut. J. B. Blaker, 4th Pennsyl- Vania Reserves. WEEKLY REPORT OF THE ARMY ROM ,P.4„x.s.—The following is the weekly report of the army hospitals in this city and vicinity, ending on attirtlay last : •z y 2 2'2 22 • P 1.6. o p p eg- PL. ° 411 o g. r, • •-• •• 7 I[O..PITALS• g, • .7; a ——— Hicetown. 111 1080 7 31 .. 9'o Weet Philadelphia 673 3933 5 78 6 7 3360 Christian street . 220 14 4.. 2.56 Turner's Lane 67 293 6 21 -. 2 242 ll'ilbert street.-- 183 430 102 36 . 3 247 Broad and Prime ... 181 250 .... • ••••,-. • • 67 fluramit House " 37 550 1 --, 2 2 613 'Vine-street63 203 2 6 3-. 147 Chester..— .. 44 .. .36 1189 Germantown....: . l33 685 3 24 1• • 605 Camp Whipple .. . ... . .... . . • •11 10 • • 4 Broad street 43 700 22 1.. 3 657 South street - 90 213 7 1.. 2 Islington 63 M 60 .... .• —1 B 7 ()facers' Hotpitaj 15 49 . 6 5 1 , 38 Chestnut Hi 11....... ...,—.. 858 3101 17 . 46 9 3 i 2242 MEETING oir THE GUARDIANS. OF THE Toou.—The regular stated meeting of the Guardians of the Poor was held yesterday afternoon, at the Almshouse. The report et the Board of Visitors for the month o3f August was read, and it appears therefrom, that the whole number of persons relieved has been 1,555, .64 Whom 709 were children. The House Agent re• ported the census of the house, upon the Bth inst., -ad 12 o'clock dVC., as follows : . Number in the House -Same time last;year Decrease:. During the , last two weeks there have been ad- Initted 150, born 13, died 26, discharged 107, and eloped From the emigrant tax there has been received $626, from support oases $480.50, and from house re ceipts 's26 03. The amount paid into the City Tres- Sury has been $1,391. / A. certificate was read from the Prothonotary of 'the Court of Common Pleas, giving notice ,of the affirmation of Dir. Samuel Field as a guardian, and, after transacting some unimportant business, the Aloud adjourned, MORE EFFECTS OF THE HEAT.—The bowing eases were reportedafter 3 o'clock yesterday D►fteraoon •Benjamin Francis, aged sixty years, was min istry* on Fifteenth street, near Vine. He died in a Vhort time. An unknown man, apparently forty 3rears of age, Tell in the street near Green and Third. He was taken to 'the station-house in the Eleventh ward, rwhere.he.died. An unknown man fell, about 5 o'clock yesterday 21ifternoon in Frankford road, below . Ann street. Tie expired in a few minutes. William DicAllione Wall conveyed into house No. 321 Race street, having been overcome by the heat. .age died ins abort space of time. *boat 6 , o'clock yesterday afternoon, a man, Adrivingri horse and wagon near Twentieth and Vine Fortreets,was overcome by the heat, fell, and was inonveyed, in allying condition, to the Hospital. The name of .the man who died at Twentieth and `Vine streets .was ascertained last evening to be John 311e0lain. Between 9 and to o'clock last night a man named, rifirkenbine died at 329 South. Water street, from sun .9,troke. Lawrence Dolan also died at '1333 Cherry street, TrOm the same:cause, Exacrusion— , On Thursday, the 13th in :Want, the Twelfth-street M. E. Ohurah will make .mai excursion to Atlantic City. Tickets will be sold ty Messrs. Perkenpine and Higgins, Sixth and Race, mind atthe establishment of the Methodist Tract Sc.- siety, 114 North Sixth street. This will be one of the 4niost attractive and respectable excursions of - the 'lesson. llirociarra AccIDENT.-=-Morris Lamm ) aged.twelve years, had one of his feet torn off by a •Ifreight-ear a pear Twentieth and Wallington streets, sesterday afternoon. His parents reside ,at No. 757 Wale street. The unfortunate boy was taken to the AfOlipitaL REMARKABLE PHENOMENON.—About'II o'clock. on Sunday night, a very benutiful eight pre smiled itself overhead. A belt of mist seemed to /piped itself woes the northern sky from east to west. Low down in the northern horizon was a dense hank of clouds, occasionally emitting electri cal discharges. The belt of mist, it could not he called a cloud at this time, assumed at first a reddish appearance, probably reflecting the glare of the gas- light in the city. Between this belt and the bank of clouds the sky was beautifully cleOr, and the stars se. med to be unusually brilliant. The belt appeared to tie stationary for some time, when at last it com menced moving in.a southerly direction, maintain ing its sweeping position across the etherial arch. There was not a breath of air sufficiently strong to rualle a leaf. Suddenly a cool breeze sprang up from the north, and for five minutes the people who hap pink to he in the streets were gratefully refreshed. This puff rom the good wholesome north was suc ceeded by a dead calm. The belt of mist, by the time ir had reached the southern sky, seemed to roll itself into a dense black cloud, with rounded outlines. It 14 this position until it faded away in the far dis tance. PRAISEWORTHY ORIECT.--011 the 24th' inst. the Germans Intend indulging in a mammoth .piwulc at the Washington Retreat; the proceeds of the affair are to he appropriated to the German Hospital. Already flity.two German associations have made arrangements to attend. Eleven of the societies will give a series of vocal concerts, Four banns of musicians have been engaged•far the occa sion. Early in the morning the associations will meet and 'firm a procession, and proceed. over the shortest route to the railroad ddp6t. DEATH OF A RAILROAD "'RESIDENT.— Mr- Wright, the President of the Market-street Passenger Railway Company, died on Sundae eve- nine, al,his residence! on Ninth street, above couch: Mr. W. bad been in 111 health since the year 1819, at which time five hurglers hroke into his houte. Re, in the etruggle with the invaders, was thrown over the hamster of the stairs, from the effects of Which he never fully recovered. ,IVIORE DEATHS FROM THE HEAT.--00r0- .7 t Corned wee huay from early yesterday morning in - Lalding inquests on the bodies of persona who ( " Kt Inms,the xceasive heat of the weather. Oaths rine 'runup died in Bedford street below Seven teenth. \An unknown man took a speedy departure from WF O4 :3. ano ,Walcut street to that mysterious bourne wheace no traveller returns. Thomaa _Hart died suedenlp at lit Lombard street, and a child de parted this lifetu Proaperous alley. , __N _ DEATIL Or 'H_ICOTHER OLD btoLDIER,— Dlr. William Cleme,ra a soldier of the war of 1812, (bud at his residence Luewson street, Eighteenth w " (/ ' on Saturda y eve "ne% Thus, one by one, these links, which bind the r,.. esent with the memo ries of the pest, when British "lolence received its gnietue at New Orleans, are imam s away. ... _ B.AIST(i 00T,,TILE BAITISERS._At'tbe Tenth- WM CI Union League- yesterday a btautiful banner, containing the names of Curtin ana kgnecroyas flung to the breeze. . , - IMPORTANT.-We-'respectfully refer he people of the-Fourteenth ward to a notice, as put,- fished in another column, by the officers of the draft. CITIr ivriaitze. • MEssits. I. M. SINGER Sr, Co. of New York, who have been long known as enterprising and eucoessful,manufacturers of Sewing Machines, dissolved their copartnership by mutual consent on the let instant. The company which now manufac ture the world-renowned Singer Sewing Machines are a joint-stock company, with increased facilities to conduct a mammoth business, and are known as the Singir Manufacturing Company. The new com pany have the best wishes of the. late firm, and the public need not hesitate to bestow on them their confidence, esteem, and patronage. The Singer Family Sewing Machines are fast gaining a world-wide reputation. melee A. Hopper, Hari, is the president of the new organization. Mr. Inopper is greatly esteemed in commercial circles, and out of them, as a gentle man of ability and reliability, and it is thought that under his able management the new company will have all the success that can be desired. EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY.—We in vite attention to the grand excursion to Atlantic City, under the auspices and for the benefit of the Young Men's Christian Association of this city, to take place on Tuesday, August 16th-this day week. This will be the third annual excursion of this popu lar Asaociationi and the opportunity it will afford our citizens for -making a delightful trip to the sea side, we doubt not, will be largely embraced. Tickets for the round trip may be had, in the meantime, from almost any of . the members at the Rooms, Nos. - 1009 and 1011 Chestnut street, at $1.26 each: The laSt toat will leave Vine-street wharf, on the morning of the excursion, at 6 o'clock A. M. PHOTOGRAPHS Alc D PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. —Messrs. Wenderoth & Taylor (formerly Broadbent & Co.), the celebrated Photographers, Nos. 912, 914, and 916 Chestnut street, have constantly on hand a splendid assortment of Frames of all sizes and styles, which they sell at lowest manufacturing prices. They are also executing to order, for Moms. McAllister Sr. Brother, a splendid set of card photo graphs of distinguished persons for the album. CONCENTRATED BEEF EXTRACT, AND CONCENTRATED .MlLK.—Mesern. Davis dr. Richards (successors to the late C. H. Mattson), dealers in tine Family Groceries, Arch and Tenth Streets, have just received a fiesih supply of the above articles, which are now so highly prized for hospital and army purposes. . VEIIY TRup.—The respectable ,old gen, tlemarzof sixty wants to retire from business with a snug independence of three or four hundred thou. sand, to marry his daughters._u seto _his live in the country , ; Ana then for the rest of his life he wants to be young again, and appear in neat and attractive garments, which he should by all means procure at the one-price Mammoth Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street. . 'Do NOT JEST WITH YOUR WIFE Upon a subject in which there is danger of wounding her feelings. Remember that she treasures every word yoMutter, though you never think of it again. Do not speak of some virtue in another man's wife to. remind your own of a fault. Do not reproach your wife with personal defects, for, if she has isensibili: ty, you inflict a wound difficult to heal. Do not heat your wife with inattention in company. Do' - hot upbraid her in the presence of a third, person, nor entertain her with beauty and accomplishments of other women. Appear before herbor in her com pany 'well dressed. This latter injunction can only be followed by purchasing your clothing at Charles Stokes & Co.lis one price, under the Continental. THE .HEATED TER3L—There is no use disguising the fact that the weather has been warm of late. - People have sweltered in an atmosphere somewhat akin to that which is reported to be a permanent arrangement in a certain other latitude, and to complicate matters' the ice men have suddenly suspended deliveries of the frigid. The beat sUbsti tote that we know of for ice Is the coolness of the assertion of, certain interested parties that as good,L as elegant, and as comfortable garments for gentle men and youths can be procured elsewhere as can be purchased at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Ruckhill Sr. Wilion,lsTos. 003 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. BE CAREFUL FRO3f WHOM YOU MARE PUBOHABES.--We well remember when the first sewing machine was introduced to the Philadelphia public, at an annual exhibition of the Franklin Institute. It excited very general attention. Crowds upon crowds examined 'it carefully ; cu riosity was on the tip-too of excitement; it was talked about in all circles. The reporters of the press exhausted a vocabulary of adjectives in quali fying the wonderful operation of the machine. But that instrument, useful and meritorious as itseemed to be, and claimed by the inventor as the very acme of Perfection; was nothing In point of beauty, dura bility, movement, economy,' and real use, when com pared with those of the present time as offered to the world by Messrs. Grover & Baker, at No. 730 Chetitnut street. We must confess our surprise on R6pping into this richly-carpeted store—more like a— in fact, it is a ' drawing-room—for many thousands of ladies and gentlemen are drawn within its em bellished walls to examine and purchase 'these ma- chines. We were surprised on witnessing the fine movement doing the work of intelligence and beauty with faultless nicety, in lockatitching two pieces of fabric together in such a' tight bond of Union' that time alone could not even sunder. Then, agaiii, the machines are not only useful but ornamental. No household is complete without one. It has an im portant influence on domestic comfort and social happiness. Its busy, hum is music to the ear.; it is the great assistant, as a labor-saving invention, in the destiny of woman ; its power is surprising ; its work is the theme of admiration ; it is worthy of the philosopher's calmconsideration or the poet's dream. Of all the machines of this kind, those furnished-to the people by the world-renowned firm of Grover & SE Baker, stand the highest in merit for beauty, durability, and capacity.—Sunday Transcripplay 31st. THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF Bethink Robes In the United States for ladies and gentlemen, at Jno. P. Sloan's, 806 Market street, Philadelphia. aus•3t+ ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Chestnut streets. 1W Ford Geo H Bates. New York iGeo Dart, Maryland IG Hall, New York R Biddle, New York W A Potter, Brooklyn W T C W rei ß Hall ghton& wf A Sr la, lex W II Hanover St da. Wash R P Field, Kentucky Thos A Hall, Baltimore R Wright Samuel. C West_, New York B Bradbury, York Geo GI Zimmerman, Balt D_N Jones. Indiana J B Brigham, Boston . S Lewis, Washington JE Jones, Bucks co, Pa T B Bryson, Silver Spring lI J Farber, Baltimore R Browne, Baltimore IT Denniston, Pittsburg W T Pitt, Baltimore W G Andei son, L inisville S Rogenfels. New York L 8 Ives, New York • B Strange, New York 11 K Carroll. Rome. N Y W W Ganeley, New. York P P Pearson, Baltimore Archdeacon Hunter. N B H deMora. New York Mrs C Williams, Penns Miss E r Williams. Penne. L D Williams, Penna A Dosser, Indianapolis R Sewell, Jr, Baltimore Mrs C H Thorn, Wash J B Downey, Del City J HAVilcox, New 1 ork S B Johnson. Rhode Island Mrs Jones, Penne F Dawson, St Louis LL .M. Nathan,' Cincinnati J Cox St la, Baltimore R J (lettings, Baltimore Miss L Gettings, Baltimore Jae O'Conner & wt Mast 0 Conner 3 B Knapp, Stanford, Ct S 9 Mulford, Trenton J L Dudley, New York H W Baldwin, West Point K Cooley, New York Beverly Jones M Jones Rev T Walden W R Mann K Carroll, Rome, N Y Continental—Ninth F Mercur, Penns. A B Burge, Louisville Cain Stone, U W J Taylor J Railcard, Jr, St Louis H II Potter, Troy, N Y mith & New York H S Phinney, Penna. W B Edwards, Baltimore W F Ward, Baltimore APJohnson;Mass - B Gilman,Washingt, D C V Blanchard, Wash, D C H C Baldwin, Wash, J:# C H S Lemoine, St Louis S Rosewell, St Louis Ai Goodman & la, Havana H Stewart, Havana Mai L Dietician, Clew Jersey G Copp, 8 Thoma Haverhills, New York I L Jackson, Hyde Park J P Burggold, Baltimore J Weatherly, Baltimore Dr Whelan & la, Wash J 0 Wilson, Pittsburg A Frotienfeld, Pittsburg .114 0 C Johnson, Pitteburg R T Leech, Jr, Pittsburg C M Stokes & N Jersey R Johnston, Pittsburg Mrs H C Potter, Penna J C Thompson. Quebec Dr T B Verdi & la, Wash Miss lanalian. Baltimore Miss Passau o. Baltimore Louis Amiot, Havana. M B Cozer, Bavaria Aug Dubois, Havana liowes Norris, Mass Mrs Gen Riley, New York 011 Rini , ball Brooklyn John H 13h1, New York W Sweeney, New York C Brown, ziow l lock 9 . 0 Ober. St Louis W Conk, 'St Louis A Cook. Chicago W 31 li-13 Winton Sr mo. 0 )3 Beall, wf da, Waeh Joke Hyatt & wi, Wash Mrs 31Stewart, Parma Mrs aregg, Penna. W Hoyt, New York N Doench, Louis C K Dickson, St Louie Waltfrr Stanten7ffew Yew H n °loges, Chicago S Field & lef t Ne rans B Watson. New York M B Baldwin, West Point Commercial — Sixth Mcaperren Lancaster co H &abbe, York co W Tayloric wt, Del co Mrs Anderson Cant 4 Torbert, •N Jersey S A George & 'A Smedley la. Chester co Wm Beane, Cheater co J Mintzer. PottstoWn rest, above Chestnut. A K Hanna 0 sfallace, Cleveland J Van Born. DoVlestocvn 0 Nyee. Springfield, Pa E C 'Heiman. West Chester Nvrth, Oxford Pa II Sirens. CaPßMay W Levis. West Chester J Devoe, Wed Chester tre.t, below Ninth. TVS Ratrd Grams Bay Qeo B P.el. Roxbury Sattll'a Todd, Koxhnr3r Mrs ir I'o4, .11..x"nry Gino d—Cheatnut C Josvron. Penns C Hoffman; eillnnehOta. Chg....We - cher, ffiinneeota .T c Vtodone W F. Tallinn. lows • R.,itow, New. York Cleo T, 1 , got 1\ • 1,1• Toyk N Jo. Cock)ng. Pkognivrille 11 A Albertson, r.) inuath J P Coibett,ll 3 N Pael'ett & wf. Ohl. B I E'er' Cameron co . • P Fli'crwood. New York 3 Braylem Eew ork 0 F.. Rob-brook. wa.-11 ntr.:l4lcConuick. Wash O Metcalf, Ha Itimoro PP. rty. hoqon .1 rev, Boston .T MeLorighlin, 'velem]. el Malone I.oheeeter- John A, Wi nioonrt Sethi lloodo'er; rd - Gen Elljos,Petorshurg Pan'l S htePr W F Zeigler, New Sork Mortimer Kellocz. U F N CheeA Henry, Ohio A 41 tqine. AMR! v Wesbineton P NAIIIIII'S, Now " York Lt Col Geo Neonlan L6ricrcintid, Mao C G Print+, E 1 Jersey 0 Payne, Eris • f: Hon P ConTbill N Y it vend, J... Ili. A S BlllcLear. Delawarn Mat Podd, Roxbury W P.rdron: W N Wilson, Delaware' 114 W RroWn, Portland. F A Hill. Mew Fart' T G S .1 M Gideon & f, Wssi tuition S GaT den, St Tanis rf 11 • W ag011;r. New Jersey Mr....Tamen & 3 eh, N Jersey Tavl or. Delaw.rFr W A Pinkerton, Dela Ware P Devage, Matanzas 1 Gilt ti,ist. Scranton Mrs & Mies !Wavle Rielita'd S Garret..on & e St Pala Mr & .cre Ardielt Olxicago N Welts Carlisle I A Nicholson, Dover. Del Mrs A N Nicholson. Del Ms 5,1 J R Nicholson, Del Mrs A e Ripple. Del mine A FE bton . Del Washington • TFLS S W Nod ward, t .fArsoy Gaut Sohn'tz, Fiwhkill B Asmrnett. tl.w York J, - buston, Mar.rland L P • Wurbiugton K Spam; rellllB, g(111 o. Strouse, Putt..villa W Kogland w Nee. Pitt-burg Rey R P Rrown at wt. WW4I:I fare W S Mcllhonny &'2 ch crcharits'—Fourth C Law. Pittston, Pa Dr J B Wiliiems, Blonong'a TO3 I,r W 11130310, DI,'W York IVAPR N Ervin, Pa H A 1 min & la. Pa 1 P Douubten. Washington Ti Pittiin, Alt-xtto iria 1) Wo, habitual, Harrisburg Ro , horough, Illinois ". Hush B Ft. Louis • • C F rat,. St Louis 1) H Lent:llan, St Louis Pr 1103 n- a 10,r1a.r3er's Fer Sent So, m, B,uli, Pa 1. 6.trslo,s, Pagorstown PF Slot-Sen. Allegheny • A Moore • yonroe, PotPtown .CFogoly. roll-town - S Rein , numb, lvAtv York .5 E 31«redi , h, Kittanning J Fraley. Easton • 03101, Reston j B Loaell,Wtuthington W Patton, Columbis. Pa ret isa A Patton, Columbia, Pa It 0 Einstein, Pstrisburg 1R Wi'son, Csrboncials Dr 1' nteut, ko , lestown L F 13,,wlend.Willittnisport 131 Fe , inar• , n,Williamsport W A zielo9ol3B. A Benner , . llenovel Le 0,3.811. Now ITotto . .J V Bennt,tt, Dials Hope .1 Roney, NeW Hope . _ S, Mulch. Chinitgo P !Ain Yitrk, Pa F spangle'. & la, Vork.Pa !Jo. F WeNe Perry co Tones . , Wayneaburz Prank Werricic.Selinsgrove W Riliet.. Northumberland J A Harm -4.y. Halttm•ira Armstrong Nivers, Philada & wf Ilarliate HaAt Hoffman, Carlisle Mies Mellhenn Y. Carlisle Maj Penna. Lint NI Bohan. N siljt Nelsen. Penne John Griffon.- New Yark Dr J Mellaater, W 4 N' Calvert. MeHaster,Pittslerg Mrs W Sit - aye° &;E oh. Pa Mrs P M Carnegui Pittsburg Misc Mi'l.r, Pittsburg 1 3. Ward. Penns Son i P.icker a wf, Palma Nitre 11 Paolrev. M Chnuk J , Ihnoic R R Sayre .2. wt. Si ileoak J..uee. Now York J smith Wilhe,barre Hon I- Brodhead, Easton: P Brunner. Penna. R Sruuner, Peana _ _ , P G Bellefonte I Carson. Indiana co, Pa R Twggart, Del co, Pa Oboroorlf, York co, Pa OR Dermey. 0 aio street, above Fifth. b ball. Salem' American—Chestnut Pereeitue, N 'York 11 G i Ilet, Cleveland JBYoung . N y OTIC G C Ltrywoo4, Itockeder et-ratec . !Wile . R C .1“1,01-00. WAshingter4 Cent G B Cadwatttder, Pa , N Bergman. Baltiniure J N York J P ah.. 11, Havana 11 Rumple, , lolumbia, Pa R Columbia, Pa John K Reilly & lady G C Se onnek, N Tors John Id NOWIIRAS, St Louie , 4 7 ,a l7n:!l,,T.,rsey , City T r,,, ey Jae N Ser.eY F Boencer. Cleveland, 0 A N York J Donaldson I a,Tamagna west Do.aldmm, Tamaqua Mrs Eit. od.A 9 n, Palma ~ W K Jones, Tamaqua A H Carmanv & la, Penn* DiekAna. Georg9tews,DC H W Wilson. DI Jeri: 9 y Hrs White. N Jernev 1 II Jefferson,'Delawale 41 Bowman, eenna . G F'Colradt, Baltimore' W Stollen, Virginia , M Healey J El Aeh. Pennsylvania GEO F. Wheeler. Penna. - - - T E Buckeubach. Bethlehem A lifcvermick, oxford, Pa 'me& M Duval, (txtoid, Pa WIFE. M LI W M Sbakei•phear son,Del .T clern,r, Delaware C F Gros:aux . Atlantic City D L Dakar, DI York tan., Lochley & dam. Wash W:11 Markt, Wilkesbarre J A Berry, 13 C McCazil. y, New Jersey N'FAller. Few Yam. J Wett. DelaWdre St. Louts—Chestnut E Maddox. Baltimore Daniel Rodney. Delaware Ben Cohen, Baltimore NV B Rosenbaum. N Jersey R. A Rosenbaum. N Jersey Joel Piney & ifs. Idd Jos W Crataitl & wife, Md Mies Snllie Grandel,. bid screet t above Tlitra 'has & Lewis, Cincinnati Henry K King, Pittsburg C C Deaver a wE Indiana Richard Yonny. - New York Wm C Hay, Winslow, N J Jos Bedloe, sitrantic City Philip Sayler, Jr, Reading W P Nnnocer, Baltiniere The- Witteri. Ba;timore 'F W Boyer. Pottsville Chas Stryett. Baltimore Jesse Armeger, Baltimore J Kone Baltimore , „ . • • W Warrick, GlashorO. N David Potter, Now Jersey F F Patterson, New Jersey So mile] Pedriok Lane, Jr, Boston Mrs Woodward, N Jersey John C Beylroan & wf, Va Miss Mary A Jost, Va Geo Colton, Baltimore W Shultz, Baltimore Bald Eagle—Third A Richards, Pennsylvania, John Geller, Pennsylvania M Brown, Pennsylvania L P Christman, Peons. C G Milford, Pa J F Miller, Milford, Pa J Bartholomew, Penna H Bartholonn w, Penna F hoping. Milford, Pa S B Stour. Milford. Pa W Stoudcr. Milford. Pa 1 B Lcux, Milforo, Pa P, fenstemecher, Atient'wn G Roberts, Penns W-Clark, Rucks co . 11 Y Kern, Bucks co 1r Eberhard. Sellersville R P.lnglvman Dr A ~,Inuesch,Bethlehem David Williams. Parma PC Huber, All , nrown B Bodes.-, Penna John S Bayer, Penna Thou Drumbore, Penna Jacob Sunman., Penn a t.; above Vailowhill. Wm Habitat. Penua lEaac B Wolf, Penns W 8 Funk. Sprin,.field John S Funk, Springfield 61C Berger. Quakertown Levi Ritter, Bucks co Miss Rater, Bucks co Silas Beidler, Bucks co g G Antrim, Penna - Capt Hither, Backs - co flurtie Huber, 13114:1313 CO 1 W El Landis; Bricks co Ulivar D Fretz, Pecan Jacob 13'51vers, Peons, H R Trumbower, Penns, H 61 Suiith;Penna I G Johnson & son Backs co s lien . H Heist, .Bneks co P Pfeifft-T r D K Reinhart, Backs co Eli Singmaater, Bucks co semi rombower, B acks co Isaac Scheetz, Bucks co Dr S Funk, Becks co John Ball, Qoakerto wn. The Union—Arch s Dr Ems. Baker, Illinois Geo B Atlee J A Downey, Ohio 13-Whitfield, St Glair Mrs Whitfield, Pottsville Mist Whitfield, Pottsville Henry Everett, Pittsburg C Bengehausen, Pittsburg JCDande W Met [burr & la, 'Pettsv'e Benßtn, ZartesviPe, 0 S B Cleever. , Port Penn.Dnl E J Hyde, Delavrwre— r-akr,irn N R IRq eerton, W Cla ester J M RAinson & la. Fa Miss Fox, New York . F CIMISO Ira Day. Mechanicabarg States Union—Mark 'James Colin, Pitt birarg 'A 'With; PPM& W Oerninin„Tr, Delaware J II Harly, Penna Joe S ttalitn, Downingtown 'J Conrad, Warbington t street, above Sixth. DT McDowell & la, Wash T Torr, Lancaster Brookhani, _Clunrchtown Brickham.- lburchtown B Camp, Penns Williams. liew York J Horner & wf, Baltimore L F Davir, Media W B Farra, Media S T Smith, Media . Thos 61 Ogle, Delaware J B Rogers, Delaware R H Wells. Downingtown S P Miller. Downingtown Jos Bocheock, Delaware Madison—Second s Stonier, Wayne co, Pa John Marche, Boston. . F PEamuton, Illinois snit a Potts, YardlFyville S L South: 'Yardleyvtlle Isaac W South, Yardleyv reet, above Market. Win El Candy, Lambertville E Swift. Maryland J L Janney. Jr. CI S A Hosea Eastburn. Solebury C H. Whitaker, Hancock, NY National—Race et P B Birney, Penna G Hirt: Lancarter. R Gilbert, Millersburg E Blab e F Ti Weidner, Allentown John P Diller, Milton rect a above Third. J Overholzer,Zelaware S C Barnes, Wilkesbarre C J Miller Win M Ent. Light Stresta'a Miss Fist, Easton nd St. below - Vine. Sohn Mathews. Maryland- Mrs Mathews. Maryland S Holcomb. Mt Airy,Sl J Manua Schloss, Trenton Barley Sheaf—Seco — Joseph Bice, Trenton A Moore, Washington J B Roberts, New - town J Johnston, Newtown W Coleman, Wayne co Bloch Bear—Third bt.., above Callowhill. John Erdmann • 0 sehierer, Allentown D E Pigb, Bucks co C Schnmaker, Allentown 0 W Faust, Foglesvillo Peter Seip, Allentown. 4, Jacob K Hill, Penna. SPECIAL NOTICES. SURGEON GENERAL'S UFFICE WAstrixorox CI • TY, August 7th, 1863. W ANTE D.—Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons for Al plicants for appointment must hepiaduates of Medi cine, and of such physical ability as will enable them to endure hard field service.- They will be examined pre plena to appointment by a Medical Board. ApplicatiOns for permission to appear before an Examining Board must be sent to the Surgeon General. No expenses al lowed previous to appoiErment. Pay a Aesistant Sur geon, $112 . 83, pay of Surgeons, $163 . HAIR DYRI HAIR Di l i II BATCHELOR'S/celebrated HAIR DYE is the Beet in the World. The only Harinleee,. True and Re/fable Dye known. This splendid X air Dye le Perfect- —changes Red. Rusty, or Gray Hair, Instantly to a .9 loesy Black or Natural Broton; without Injuring the Hair or Stain' lug the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; Im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the effects of Bad Dyes.. The Genuine is Signed WiiLIAM A. BATairELOR, all others are mere imitations, and eb mild be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &c; FACTORY-81 BARCLALY Street, New York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing the - je23-1y ONE-PRICE CLOTHING OF THE LATEST . eTYLES, made in the Beet Manner, expressly for RETAIL ®ALES. LOWEST- Selling Prices. marked inFlaln Fi gures. All Goods made to Order warranted eatiefactorY. Our OBIS-PRIOR SYSTEM 15 strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES & CO.. 604 MARKET Street. FULLERTON HAS REMOVED TO 609 CHEST NUT Street, under Granville Stokes', where he will be much pleased to meet his old friends. His NEW ALE VAULTS is to be known- In future- as the "NEW IDEA." • any-St• . DrrEE bWEET'EI INFALLIBLE LINIALENT Is truly a friend in need," and every family shordd haTe It at hand. 3ML.4!!LTLI:LIIEII:).. WINTERS—STUTLER.—On the 9th day of August, 1863, by Rev. F. 0. Pearson, Mr. Bethuel R..Winteri to Miss Emily B. Stutter. [New York papers please cop y.l SMITH—CLARK.—On the 9th instant, by the Rev. S. W. Thomas, John W. Smith. of Baltimore, to Miss Mary E. Clark, of this city. [Baltimore and Washington papers please copy ] *- HOWARD--WILLIAMS.—On the ,Bth instant, by the Rev. Henry F. Lee, IVIr. George W. Howard to Mrs. Lizzie F. Williams, both of this city. * D=ED_ SCHA.EFFER.—On the 9th inst., Charles Schaef fer, in the 70th year of his age. .. The relatives and friends of ; also, Pu rity- Lodge, No. 825, I. O. of 0. F., Excelsior Divi sion, S. of T., and the Old Soldiers of 1812, are re; epectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, S. E. corner of Fourth and Brown streets, on Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock, without fur ther notice' ** NICHOLSON.—On the evening of the Bth inst., Maly Ella, daughter of Wm: H. and S. W. Nichol son, aged ,2 years and 2 days. The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from then esidence of her father, near Had donfield, N. J. on Third day afternoon, the .11th inst.. at 4 o'clock. * RANDALL—On the Bth inst., James H. Randall, son of the late Hon. Archibald Randall, in the .36th year of hie age. The male relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 142 North Twelfth street, this ' (Tuesday) afternoon, 11th inat., at-3 o'clock. without further notice. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. Funeral service at St- John's Church, Thirteenth street,' above Chestnut. _ . . HAIVIEB.—On, the Bth inst., Mary, relict of Jacob Hamer, in her 133 d year. Her relatives and friends.are invited to attend the • funeral, from her late residence, No. 1633 Summer street, on Third day afternoon, the lithe-inst., at 4 o'clock. without further notice. * GB ISCOM.—At Burlington, N. J., on First day," the Bth instant„ Mary Hoe ins, daughter of the late ' , Prof. John Griscom ' aged 61 years. The relatives andfriends areinvited to attend the. funeral, from her late residence, on Third-day, the 11th inst.. at 3% &clock P. * RISTINE.—fIn' the Bth hut, Chas. E. Ristine,• in the 27th year of his age. ' The relatives and friends of the family, Melits Lodge, No. 295, Excelsior Mark Lodge No. 216, A. Y. M Green Hill Lodge; No. 159, I. 0. of 0. F., and the National Literary /issociation, are respect., fully invited - to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 1226 Stiles street, on Thursday af. terDoon, lath 'lnstant, at '3 Ce9l9Q/S. To socepd to Monument Cemetery. 444 TILE PRESS.- PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1863. strret, below Arch Snmtr•sot c Merriman, U s S R Brittuea. New York J Pitt fietd. New York J K Pretinghuysen, N J C More & lady, Nem+ York reet; above Third. Wei ZifcCanna, Chester co Thompson Geo OercitoiL, Terra Haute Si ale Daniels. Malta 0 John Danner, Canton, 0 VR Myers, Lancaster co 0-Dicfiwino, Lancaster co D girallace & la, Lane co H C Shrevan, New York tits Daffy, /New York MSS A Dixon. Zanaaval--- - 1ai...--ol,raiano Cape Siwy Aan3l..l3nek, Pennsylvania tars E M Glair. Pa ' chaffer & xvf,Lafayette Dentinger, Tamaqua Levt Bennet. Easton vV J Micke. Easton I Lane, Delaware W. A. • HAAIMODTD, Surgeon General ROBERTS.—Os the 9th Instant, Catherine den, wile of Thomas a Bober* skid 'daughter' of George A. and the lattehslihnrinns 1. Leinau, id the 26th year of her age. ' • Her relatives and fried& sae respectfUlly invited to attend the; funeral, from the resilience of her hus band; Thirty. third and Hesitilltdia., streets, .Mantua, on. Wedmoday morning, 12tlithrt ,at .9'o'cleek. KILIRTZ.—On Sunday evenktig, at Lebanon,. Pa., hl ci IC Wesley, youngest eon oirWilliam Wesley and Annie Kurtz, aged I: year, 3 itimithe r and s'dayo. Funerarto proceed from the resetionee of thefsther, 1937 Vine etleet i to Woodland Oeisseresy, at 4'o'cloclS this (Tueeilisi ):afieracion, without further notice. o ' HEN DriltSo.l4.- 4 ;04.1 the 9th inst.Tatt, after a short but severe illness. Thomas D., eon of George and. 11l gat eitaaeuilernon, in the 29th year of 'hie age. Funeral from bin* late residence, bl`ni 323' North Eleventh streer,.en Wednesday mornin6l2th inst., ar. , 9 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel WATERS.—Oh the , evening of the Bein instant, at .his 1 esidcr, ce Baltimore county, Mac land; Andrew Waters, sondn-lawofgeorge F. Womrath, of this city, in the 34th yeisr of Me age. 3ONES.—On the Ministrant, Edward R, aped 49 yea; e. BROOKS.—On thelth instant, at Monet Erislly, Stilutrainti Brooke, in her46th year. OAHILL =On the 9th instant; .litlarY, dmigliraer of the late Daniel and Ellen Dahill in the year of her aee. OA MP BELL —On the 9th inetint, MiLry, wife'nt Thomas, Campt,el). ugeil 32 Neara. LA.UK .119 •hi U HERNANI.B.-JUST - 5 - 1 ' opened, a case of' LUPIN'S }WOGS HERNA.NIB. Lu in's Black Crape Maras. Do. do. .ramartinect Do. do. Bei ages. Do. do. Summer Bombazines. Do. do. Cbally T anises. Do. do. F tripod and Check Bareges. Do. do. floust , eline de Lollies. Do. " do. Bombazines, Shaark, &c. • DEMON & Sc Ikl's Mourning' Store. } P IS 9152 CITES - MUT Area. "IRYI4E dt LANDN)LL, kI'OURTII AND ARCH Streete, always keep a lull stock of STaRLE DRY GOODS.- - Good Black Silks. , • - - Good Plain Silks. - Yine Table Linens. Linens and Muslins by the Piece. Good Glotbs and Cassimeres JY% Good assortment of Household Goods. VYRE & LANDELL FOURTH AND ALILCH, are closing oat s.ll their SUbledEß GOODS LOW. Sea-share Shawls. . Lawns and Organdies. Grenadines, Tisanes. &c. Black Thin Goods. low 3525 HO C/ si LC,' ljh LEA GUE PAILATORLPHIA. August 1,1863, ' JAMES E. lil ORDOCII, Eaq , Gear Sir—Ohservingby nirme roue notices in Western papers, that you have been de lighting our fellow citizens there with your pitrlotic address "On our National Responsibility in the present Crisis, and onr duties as American Citizens,-' we desire to state that a large circle of your friende would be grati fied if you would make it convenient to deliver the same here, on any evening son may name. - Looking for a favorable response, we are, very respect fully, - William 151. Meredith, Horace Binney, Jr:, Wm. B, Ashhurst, John B Payers, Adolph F. Borie, lfs erten 1110dichttel,, Benj. Gerhard, Ji.mes L. Claghorn, Charles Gibbons, George H. Bolter. Joseph B Townsend, George Whitney, John B 'Kenney, J.mes.Pollock, Thomas Brainerd, Daniel Dougherty, George B. t.roeman, Charles Gilpin, John Rice, " Oilwort Peacock, George Cadwalader, Benj. H. Brewster. Bucknell, Thos. Robins, Sohn Welsh, Edwin treble. Ferd. J. 'llreer, Jmes H. Orne, Louis A. G , day. James E- Caldwell. Daniel Smith, Jr., W. D. Kelley, W. R. White, J. R. FIT. leiterlei Norris. e. D. Jessup, I iTorace Everott, Es an Rand, Iph, nns. 'Webeter. 0. W. D Apia . - Lindley Smyth, Cadwalader. Biddle Geo. O. EVatts".: Elletslie Wallace, Charles Wheeler, W: J. Horatman, B. R. Moore. . S T. altemus, John Haseltine, Wm. Cox, . Ellis Yamall, Bath. West, - E. M. Lewis, C. J. Macaeuen, R P. King. Thos. W. Sweeney, W. J. Wainwright, Francis Wells, James Trani:L.l.m' W. S. Russell. Chas. S Smith. Fred Graff, E. A. Solider. Geo. J. Gross, Chas. H. Graff, E 0 Knight. G Blight Browne, Fleury C. Townsend, PHILADELPHIA, Allgi:let, 3, 1863. GENTLEMEN: In reply to yours of the lot inst.. I- beg. leave to assure you of my great gratification in receiving yourinvitathin, and of the pleasure it will afford me to' assent to your regumt to address the citizens of Phila delphia On the sulnect referred to. • My arrangements with the Union State tt ommittee, and the Sanitary Commission of Ohio, are such that I cannot be absent from that State after the 15th. inst . and as I am about visyine. the East, cannot name an earlier date than the evening of Thursday., the 13th inst.; on which occa sion I shall be very happy to meet my old friends and fellow-citizens in my native city. Please ...cept my thanks for this additional mark of your confidence and esteem, and believe me, 'Very truly, your obedient servant, JaMES E. MURDOCH.• To Hon. Wm. M. Meredith, Horace Binney, Jr., Esq., Morton McMichael, Esq., James H. Om% Esti , Rev, Dr. Brainerd, and others aug7-tf AMERICAN ACADEMY OF' MUSIC. PATRIOTIC ADDRESS JAMES E. MURDOCH. THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 13th. At the request of members of :he lINION - t,gh:GuE For the Benefit of Biek end 'iTilunded"Soldiere, and thelr Families • Subject—The Duties of the emerica.n Citizen, ana our National .Responsibilities in the Present Crisis. Tickets 25 cents. t‘ecured seats. t seats. To be had at J. R. Gould's, SEV &R 9 H and GELSSVNUr Streets, and at the Academy, on the day and evening of the ad dress. aud-5t NINTH WARD NATIONAL UNION ASSOCIATION regular stat , =d meeting of the I.,LaTH WARr NATIONAL UNION ASSOCIATION dill be held THIS (Tuesday) EVENI - eiG,ngtist,4l/1, at the Hall, TWELFTH and FILBERT streets. 445. i Prkiaident. . • Jxi). L. HILL, See'y IM\noluricv 1.7 1 0.11.A.L. MALL, SOUTH-, veht corner of iiliOAD and WALNUT M-ntlily display- of , Fruite._Flanr......--getablas : s MTHE TWELFT.H....STRE.ET DI. E. OM RCH will make an Excursion to ATLANTIC CITYq- on' THURSDAY, 18th instant. Tickets—Adults $1 . 50; Children 75 cents, For Bale at Yerkenrine and Hig gins, 56 North - FOURTH street; , Blethodigt, Tract DODO sitory, tl9 North S]XTH .syetl,. or at the Wharf on the morning of theßscursion. The last-Boat - leaves Vine strsefWharf at 6 o'clock A. U. aull 21,*.j OTICE. TO PERSONS CLAIMING BXEMPTION FROM THE • IHAFT IN THE OUR'I BENTE NY AIID-AUCiIIBT 10. IS6 _ _ . . • The Board of Enrolment of the Fourth distriethsreby give notice to all persons drafted in the Fourteenth ward, 'whose cases nave not been heard, that they must report themselves at BeadOoarteke. corner of R ROAD and SPED 0 AIiDEN htreets, ON °Er-BEFORE S ATITh- Del NEXT. August 15th, otherwise they will be con sidered and treated as deserters. • D L A NE, ProvostrilarshaL; ,, _ • _ ORARLEg B BARRETT, Oomnitssinifer of , Boaid.! J. RALSTON WELLS, Stirgeontr Board. • MOFFICE O.F' ASSISTANT TRES,. EURER UNITED STATES, PHILADELPHIA. August4,•lB63. By d'rection of the Secretary of the Treamry. I hereby give notice to all parties holding CERTIFItI &TES FOR TEMPORARY LOAN OF THE UNITED STATES NOTES. the Interest upon which has hitherto been paid in Gold Coin, at the expiration of each period of six- months from the date thereof, that after the expiration of the severel periods of six months. now current, such Into• rest will no longer be payable in Gold Coin, but in United States Legal-Tender 'Votes. • AROH'D 151bINTYRE: 'Assistant Treasurer United States.- M. -AVIS AUX ELEGANTS.-111. JO. Sant ZACKEY, de Paris, Gerant de la ritaison GRANDVILLE STOKES, Marchand Tailleur, No. 609 t;HFSTNIIT Street, Philadelphia, a libenneur d'. aviser des nombreux amis et connaissances"ftelque l'hono rable public) gni Pon deja favorise de - aleur, clientele, gu 11 vient de resevoir de Paris et Londrea s les modes les plus recentes et les mieux porteee pour la saison d'ete. M. GRANDVILLE STOKES a mis a sa disposition les eteoffes les plus belles at les meilleures qualites, des pre mieres manufactures d'Europe. Lee oflicieree et eoldate de tont grades y trotivront les meilleures qualites d'etoffes, a des prix tree modems L'elegance de sa coupe, aias'gue le cachet de distinction que la caracterise, eat deja trop connn du public pour en renonveler leers merites. jy2B-2m Me INSURANCE COMPANY: - OF - -TILE STATE OF - PENNSYLVANIA, August 3.1563. The Directors have this day declared a DIVIDEND OF SIX PAR CENT., or TWELVE DOLLARS PER SHARE, clear of all Taxes. payable to the Stockholders or their legal Representatives, on demand. WILLI A M ARPER, Secretary. MILITARY 'NOTICES. I CORPS. OF HONOR, U. S. A. HEADQUARTERS RECRUITING SERVICE; INVALID CORPS FOR PHILADELPHIA:,._ ... 5143 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLDIERS honorably discharged on account of die ability will apply for information or enlistment - in the -INVALID CORPS • Lieut. HUBER BASTIAN. InValid. Corps; 243 S. Third street. Philadelphia, Lieut. J. W. DEAN. Invalid Corps, 511 Brown street: and N. E. corner Broad and Spring'Clarden sts , Phila. Pay and allowances, excepting bounty and -pension, same as in 11. S. Inf,,ntry..eaTlLßWS. Illaj orphia. Ist Pa. Art. and Supt. Invalid Corps for Philadansel tf ,TT R ADQUARTERS OF PROVOST Pißsr DISTRICT, PA., 215 South THIRD Street.. PHILADELPHIA, August 6. 1863. This Office will be open daily, from 6 A. M. to 2 P. IL except Saturdays, when the office will close at 1 P.' M. Until further ordered, the .Board of Enrolment will continue to bear cases of exemption and substitutes, and receive drafted men; from any part of the District, at the rate of fifty per day"; whether they have received notjee, or not. • The drafted men of •the First Sub. district (hi ing the Second Ward) will be heard first and in of der. All persons in that ward who haver reueived , :notices to report (not numbered) will be heard speciallron August 13th and 14th, but they can appear, sooner: - - All drafted men in the Second' Ward. ,with' notices . numbered from-four hundred: tollveltundred InclusiVe;• will be beard on Saturday, August 15th.- - • This arrangement is , for the accommodation of the drafted men, and does not re_ieve them from - reporting as required bylaw. Provost Marshal and President of the Board. • CHARLES MURPHY, Commissioner of the Board.. H. IL MARSELIS, Surgeon of the Board.. "[Li' DQU A RTERS OF COMMISSION FOR U. S. COLORED TROOPS, IIo.IAIO CHEST NUT Street, Philadelphia. The following is the ohlcial order authorizing the re uniting of Colored Troops: HEADQUARTERS OF TER ARMY, AD.T'T ORNERAVE OFFLOR, WASHLNGTON, June.l7, 1863. GENERAL ORDERS No. 178., - - - - - - - . Major GEORGE L. STEARNS, Assistant Adjutant General United States Volunteers, is hereby announced as Recruiting Ormmissioner for theUnitedStates Colored Troops, subject to such tinstructions as he may from time to time receive from the Secretary of War. By order, of the Secretary of War: • - - (Signed,) E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. To Major GEo. L. STEARNS, Ass't Adj't General - S. Volunteers. The undersigned is prepared to lasue.the proper. an thoriztition to colored men to enlist recruits for the Armies' of the United States. He will receive applies dons from those desirous of being made- commissioned officers. and:transmit the same to the Board of Inspee tion at Washington, and will -be glad to give fall in formation on all matters connected with this branch of the service to those who may seek it. - - - The undersigned has the co-operation. of a Committee of sixty-citizens of Philadelphia. The Agent of the said committee is R. R. CORSON, who is likewise the Agent of the undersigned.. CAMP WILLIAM PENN, - at Ohelton Hills, has been selected as the camp for instruction, and Lieut. Colonel smite will placed in command of it. - Al smite will be mustered in by. companies .of. eighty men and by squads, and immediately uniformed, equipped and sent to the camp. Squads of men will be subsisted until companies are completed by the committee of citizens, at such localities as their agent may designate. Papers in the interior of the State will copy this ad vertisement one time and send the paper containing same. With bill, to these Headquarters. - Communications by letter will be promptly answered. GEORGE LSTEARNS, Major and A. A. G., Recruiting Commissioner for 11. S. Colored Volunteers. HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR PRAT:. THIRD DISTRICT. PENNSYLVANIA. The BOARD OF ENROLMENT of the Third Congc. 4 Mortal District of Pennsylvania hereby give notive', they will not hear cases of Exemption, or accept Sub's I-, bites from any ward except the Thirteenth, until far ther notice; and all drafted persons of. said ward failing - to report on or before the 15th day of August. inst., will be liable to be arrested. as deserters. . JACOB S. STRETCH, Captain and Provost Marshal. FRANKLIN D. STERNER Comudesioner. aulL It ALEXANDER C. HART; Surgeon. BATTLRATTLE -FIELDS AT GETTYSBURG. E Picturn attic, Battle-Fields at Gettya• burg. Price 3Scents each=.iust received. _MeALLISTIM & VtB CFIESTNUP Street. MOSQUITO NETS--ALL COLORS,. styloss. RIO prices. MASONIC 731.9. CHESTNUT St.. CARRIIk REIMER'S IVORYTYPES ARE PIO-. TUBES ofsimgele truth. and bainty. nattlral and In..pcaition and coloring, and taleaaa by their fieslinese. bECOND street, above Green. , • A_NACCURATE, DURABLE; AND cheap picture, - only 84. ' retEpa Colored' Pho— tograaths. still - in the zent h otthelrpopularity, though for .years established favoritta. 6)0w:1p atTest, gbove. Orem • - She sate of Cse Piantaticfa Bitters is v!tifotft precadent in the lifatati of Am' World. There - is no secret ire die matisr. They Treat once the afloat speeflY. iftidogthan lag lifittitti - -restWer evgr difseoverod. It ratintres but a single mai to nialstatand tfite. pnriti - eau? al viitys be relied' noon. They ari , oomtweed of the serebrated Callsaya Ciastaille Dark, Dandelion, CDficonnele Fliers, LaVenderVlotfeirs, Vltintetrreon, Amiga; Ma: , ver-buds, Oraage , reer. enake-root, CaramqtY, Ortak , der, Btirdock, a—T.-4:860—X. &a. They are especirrlWrecommended to clenrymen, pnb— licnyeakers, and persona of literary habits and sedan tau life. requirt free' digestion; a 'ranch 'for food. and clear mental faculties. Delicate - fen:bales' and'wkatk porton% are certain to find in these Bitters what May . hAve so long looked for: . They War*, strengthen. and Invigorate. They create a healthy aPPetite. They are an antidote to change of 'water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind: They previ nt miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach: They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Dlarrbrea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbae. They cure Liver Complaint and Haryana Headache. They are the best Bitters in' the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great re storer: ' • The following startling and emphatic statements can be seen atom office ;, Letter of Rey. E E CRANE, Chaplain of the 107th New York Reprhasent. NEAR ACCHYTA CRETE', MAX& 4NI. 1.881 Owing to the great exposure and terrible decomposition after the battle of•Antiehan, I was utterly prostrated and very sick. My stomach would not retain medicine. An article called Plantation Bitters, prepared by Dr. Drake of New York, was prescribed to give me strength and an appetite. To my great surprise they gave me immediate relief. Two bottles almost allowed me to join my regi ment. ± « * ' I have since seen them need in many cases, and am free to say, for hospital or private purposes I know of nothing like 'them. REV. B. F. CRANE, Chaplata.• Letter from the Rev. N. R. GELDS, St. Clairsville, Pa:: GENTLEMEN : Yon were kind enough, on a former oc casion, to send me a half dozen bottles of 'Plantation Bitters for $3.60. Ely wife having derived so much bene fit from the use of these Bitters. I desire her to continue them. and you will please send n 5 six bottles more for the money inclosed. - I Sm, very truly. yours. . N. E. GILDS. Pastor Ger. Ref. Church. SOLDIERS" HOME, 11UPERINTENDNNT 7 13 OFFICE, 1, • CINCINNATI, OHIO,' Jan. 15th, 1863 have given your Plantation Bitters to hundreds of one noble soldiers who stop here, more or lees disabled coin various causes, and the effect is marvellous and gratifying. Such a preparation as this is I heartily _ wish la ever, Sillily, hospital, and at hand on every battle field. G. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent Dr. W. A. CHILDS, Surgeon of the Tenth Vermont Regiment. Writes'"": "I wish every soldier had a bottle of Plantation Bitters. They are the most effective, per fect, and harmless tonic I ever need." WILLARD'S HOTEL. WASHINGTON, 1). C., MAY 22,1. 1863. • GENTLE/TEN; We require another supply . of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity of which daily in creases With the guests of our house. " Respectfully, SYKE9, CHADWICK,. & CO. 4c., &c., Be sure that every bottle bears the fae-simile of oar signature on a steel-plate label, with orir private stamp Over: th, cork. - P. H. DR.A.HE. & CO.; 202 BROADWAY, N. Y; Sold= by all respectable Druggists. Physicians, Gro cers, Hotels, Saloons, and country dealers. SEWING MACHINES: 1) :UR LETTER "A" FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, With alLthe new improvements, is the best and cheapest, and most beautiful Sewing Machine in the world. No other Sewing Machine haa so 'much capacity for a great range of work, including the delicate and ingenious Pro cesses of Hemming, Braiding. -Binding J.Feilinr..2gnekine.. - coiaiug;"liathering, &c. , &c. 7 — The Branch Offices are well supplied with Silk Twist, 'Mead, Needles, Oil, &c , of the very 'erg quality. Send for a pamphlet. ' THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 458 Broadway New York. Philadelphia Office, 81.0 CHB tTNI;IT St' -tsels COPARTNERSHIPS. THE INTEREST OF MB. AUGUSTUS -a- D: CLIINET, in the firm of R. A. PALMER dt..00.. ceases from this date. The business will be continued as heretofore; at the old stand, Nos. H and 13 Sontu WATER Street, under the same style of. E A. PALMER & .CO. Pumanrcruts..:August 10th'. 1863. aull•3t' THE . COPARTNERSHIP HERETO -Li fore -existing between the undersigned,. under the name of NORTH, CHASE, dc .NORTB is this day dis solved by.fautnal consent, -GIBSON NORTH.-retiring. The business of the Arm will be. settled, by the remain ing partners. GIBSON0)1711 General Partnere. PLINY E. CHASE. EDGAR L.THO &MN. rBILADELPH SpeclA, ial 11 Tidy Partn , er . _,S EDW. THOMSON COPARTNERSHIP.- THE TlNDER signed Mtge tnis day formed a limited partner ship under the name and style of CHASE, SHARPE, & THOMSON, for the•purpose of continuing the IROIII FOUP , DRY business at the old stand, No. 209 North SECOND Street. • {PLINY B. CHASE,. . General T'artners, CHARLES SHARrE, EDGAR L. THOMSON. SpeolalPaTtner, J. EDGAR THOMSON. rameninrak.A. Ju1Y11.1863. auls RETAIL DRY GOODS. -r AWNS LAWNS, LAWNS.- -I- 4 Fine Brown "Lawn% 'with small figures,- at 25c. Fine Blown Lawns, with small,2sc. Fine Brown Lawns, with small figures, at 25c. Cheap, scarce, and desirable,. Cheap, scarce, and desirable. Cheap, scarce,- and d. iprable. JOHN H. STrIKES , , 702 -ARCH Street. 25. 25: 25. We have reduced the entire balance of onr stick of FRENCH-LAWNS and. ORGANDIES to 25 cents, em• bracing the most desirable and .costly fabrics of this season. JAMES A. CAMPBELL & CO., aulo IR7 CHESTNUT Street, EA TVY MUSLIN. T ' Full yard.iiiila'Bleitehed at 25 cents. - Bleached 9-4.'10-4 ; and 12-4 Sheetings.- Power-loom Table Damasks. Cheap Towels and•Towelings.' Diapers. Napkins. Tiekings, dcc. Fine and-low-priced Flannels. • Bates' 11-4 White Counterpanes, cheap., • COOPER & CONA/CD, &rift S. E. sorner worm and MARKET Streets LAWNS REDUCED, Morambig.ues reduced in price. Black Bareges reduced in price. DeMines and• Plaids reduced in.price, Good black•and-white Checks, 25 cents.. CHEAPER Than they were, are our Mantles, Cloaks, Summer Shawls, and Laces. Also, our summer stock of BOYS' CLOTHING Also, Summer Cassimeres. Cloths, Drills, dm COOPE RD, anl3 8. B. corner NINTH andMAßKETbtreeta. -N. B.—Remnants, Dress Goode, Rm., about half price SHARPLESS BROTHERS-ARE STILL Their Immense stock at Prices ranch Less Than the Cost of Importation, Consisting of Lawns, Silks, Challis, Coatings. Cassimeres. Vestings, Bareges, Shawls, Celsius% Chintzes.Pol3lineJte. au/5 - CHESTNUT and SICtICrEt Streets. SUMMER SHAWLS. Grenadine Sbawls.s4 and $4 50. Plaid Spun Silk Shawls, $3.75. Lace Pointe, $6 50, $lO, &c. Crepe de Paris Shawls, $6. ; — .:Clotti.Cloalts, Silk Mantles, &c. Also, a Large assOrtment of Summer Dress Goods selling out very low prices. ',SHARPLESS BROTHERS, and .OHESTNIFT and RIGFITH Streets 1024 CHESTNUT STREW E. M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALE. At prices generally below present 'coat of impoi: . tenon, WHITE GOODS, all descriptions. EMBROIDERIES, do do LACES. do do LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. do VEILS, &C. And respectfully invite e s a n inspection of his 10214 CHESTNUT STREET. TOWELLING-TOWELLIN.G.-- One bale Russia Crash at 13c. One bale Russia Crash'atl4c. One.bale Russia Crash at Lio. One bale Russia Crash at 160. One lot of American Crash at 14c. One lot of American Crash at 17c. One lot of. Unbleached Etnekaback, the nteeet in the market. heavy, fine, and wide at JOHN H. STOKES', 702 ARCH Street. STILL FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN the Prices of all our • SIIMME S ..DRESS-GOODS. To close out, we have redused our stock of Black and Gray-ground Silk Grenadines to 71c. They cost from $1.15 to $l6O. All our 50c French Baregea to 25e. All our Wand Ede French Organdies to MO. All our French Lawns to less than cost. All ours American Lawns as low as the lowest. let/pieces Choice Styles Chintzeg_tol6c. and.Wcansutta 'Muslim, 35c. • Best English Cotton Dannel, at .4744 c. • H. STERL tlt SON, I'o6 No. 713 and 7d,s,North TENTH Stmt. VDWH•I- HALL & CO., 26 SCUM B.S. CORD Street. are now offerin ' BLACKSILRJ'3 AT REDUCED PRICES. Black Silks at $1,1.1234, and $1.26. Summer Silks at reduced prices. Foulard Silks at reduced prices. Silk Grenadines at zednced Mims. • Fite Organdies at reduced prices. Fine Dress Goode; all reduced. * ' Fine Modes. Blues, and Pearl Baregza. Plain Blues, Buff, and Pink Percalas. or French Chintzes, ;Art received. N. B.—Just received one case of superior qualltpPlain Silks. The colors are Browns, ,Bluns. Modes. Purple, and Green; price, $1.3736: , been selling at $1 76. .IM-tf AMERICAN WATCHES IN 2, •4, aid /3 na. SILVER CASES Man 11LI.F. nre;• L a_ol l erTaVaL. ; NO. iss 8, Firla Btretrh u bacwoext Chestnut. and Market. I)l3:tliftitiart, 186 , 3 FALL IMPORTATION. 1863 EDMUND YARD & CO.; IMORTERS AND JOBBERS, SILKS AND FANCY DRY MIK 611 CHESTNUT and 431.* JAYNE Strget, Have i nvw opened their Fall importation: of Drees Goode, , paRGINOS 100.1}41EG-S, in REPS, . ALFA:(7 AS, FPEL&I:RIRS, _ FLAIR` AWE) ST RIPED PQPLINSe FANOY A. 14.1) BLACK WAS. Also, A large amortinent of SHAWLS, BALI4O.II , ,tt , SICFETS' warrg.. GOObS, E BRbIIDERIES, &o;-, which they offer to the rtnde at the LOWEST MAR'R'ET PRICES_ • nol , - , SIMETART OW TUE TREASONS TO' C0NT114,1114 MY AL-GENCY Ailed: IMMO. Aurthar notice, I•shall continuo 10 'receive Szilbsariptlons to 'thy L N A•T IPAHI AND AT TIOITIIFFSERITT BUB,AGENOIII3 Throughout the.r.oyal suites. 'CHECKS - FOR STATE- INTEREST, COUPONS, 19TH AUGUST, 7 3-10 W ANTED. Q. HARVEY' THOMAS, • STOCK AND BILL BROKER, 3)21 WALNUT Street. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commission at the-BOARD OF BROKERS. Subscriptions to the 6-20 year six per cent. LOAN still received at par. No charge for Commission. 373.3 m COLLECTION OF 11. 8. OERTIFI cATBS Of. INDRETBDr(BSS.—The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect at the . Treasary,Department. Washindon, with despatch, and 'at reasonable rates, the One rear Certificates of In debtedness of the United States now dna or shortly =- Terms made known and receipts liven at the ones, Ito 220 OVIESNUT Street. . mYS-tt i923-thstnif2m R-E 0V A • T_; A.. 13. FRANCISCITS, _ _NsurorEsAmv YARNS, BATTS, WADDINOS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW FOLIBB - S. LOOKING GLASSES, CLOCKS, FANCY BASKETS O &O.; kg DI 0 V E-D From 433 HARICHT and 5 North FIFTH Streets TO 513 MARKET end 510 COMMERCE Sts. anl.3m 1)11 E Ivl,o V A L.- JOHN C. BAKER, V Wholesale Druggist, hd's removed to 715 MARKET Ftreet. Particular attention is asked to JOHN . C. BAKER At. CO.'S COD-LIVER AIL. Having increased facilities -in this new-establishment fer manufacturing and bottling, and the avails of fifteen years' expericnce in the business, this brand of Oil has advantages over all others,- and recommends itself. Constant supplies are obtained from- the-fisheries, fresh, pure. and sweet, and receive the most careful personal-attention of the original pi omietor. The increasing demand and wide spread market for it make its figures low, and afford great advantages for those buying fn large quail 'titles. au4-dtf W4t TVG 0- UN RE MOVE D:—PHILIP-A-, WILSON & CO., Mannfaetnre re-au Llmporters of - Guns` Guns' Pistols, Rifles. Fishing Tackle moved to 409 CHESTNUT Street, where their' h Street,-whereenn e olg s and friends will be supplied With everything' in the sporting line. . iy3o-lm DR. SWAYNE'S BOWEL CORDIALS sure remedy • ' • for Asiatic Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dyientery, Diarrhcea. Cholera Infantum, or Summer Complaint, pains in the Stomach and Bowels, Sick Stomach, Vomiting, and all Ai relaxed condition of . the Rowels. Let . no family be without. this medicine, it will. give mediate relief. 'TO OUR A B CA VE ULA D LERBEN EHATBEEN. OF WIVES, MOTHERS. AND SISTERS, Whose Husbands,.Sons, and. Brothers are serving in the army; cannot send them a more necessary article thaa "Dr. Stoagne'e Bowe/ Cordial." It has saved many a valuable life. CHOLERA INFANTIIM, or SiniffElt COMPLAINT.— This disease is very prevalent with young children during the warm season. SAVE THE LIVES OF YOITA CHILDREN from the too often fataleffects of &IMMO,. Complaint by using SWAYNE'S BOWEL CORDIAL.' It is always _reliable. .CRAMPS OR SPASMS are instantly relieved by its net CHANGE OF WATER is very apt taproduce disturb. ance in the bowels. The " BOWEL CORDIAL" miss all pain and looseness. No traveller should leave how* without it. • DIARREHEA AND DYSENTBEY•r-The "BOWEL CORDIAL" will be found the most pleasant and sure . cure. In inflammation of the stomach or bowels, and in the inflammatory stages of Dysentery, when there is tenesmus or much pain, with frequent desire to evacuate the bowels without the power to effect..-much discharge, blood frequently passing, as there is in all marked cases of Dysentery take two or three teaspoonfuls of the Cor dial, with a little castor oil, every two hours until the pain is subsided. Thia valuable medicine will give relief in the moat. Wolent case:. Price only 26 cants a bottle; five bottles for gl Prepared ybv Dr. SWATHE & SON, No. 330 North SIXTH Str eet. above Vine, Philadelphia. OVER TH IRTY YEARS HAVE DR. SWAYNWS MI. DICINES been ID constant use in all parts of the world, and their increasing- popularity is certainly convincins - proof - of their wonderful efficacy. Dr. SWAYBE'S Principal Offira,No. 330 North sun Street. above Vine. CHAS. MAG-ARGrE & CO_ WHOLESALE. DEALERS IN, PAPER. WAREHOUSE, NO. 80 SOUTH. SIXTH ST , .. PHILADELPHIA, . Offer to the Trade a FRESH SIIPPLY OF PAPERS, received direct from the Mills. since the fire on the 6th July, last (their damaged stock .being mostly disposed of), and san supply all the varieties of WRITING PA PERS at the lowest mill• prices; also, Printing, Plate, Map. Colored, Tissue, Hardware, and Manilla Papers; Binders', Trunk. and Press Boards; Alum. Bleaching Powders. Hifiamarine, Feltings, Twine, dic &c. • . A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING CIIRTALN AMENDMENTS TO: THE CONSTITU TION: Be it resolved by the. Senate mut Housepf Renresenta, fives of the Coninionwealth,a 'Pennsylvania in Gene ral Assembly met. That the foltowing amendments be proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof: There shall be an add itional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designated as section font*, as follows - • • • SECTION 4. Whenever any of, the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall bOin any Retrial military ser vice. under a requisition from the President of the Uni ted States, or by the authority of this Commontrealth, such electors may exercise_ the right of suffrage, in all elections by the citizens. under. such regulations as are, or shall be, prescribed by,law. as if they were present at their usual place of election. . There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated as sections eight and nine as follows: •. SECTION S. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature, containing more than one enbient.whioh shall be clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation bills. SECTION 9. No bill shall be oaesed• by the Legislature -- &Tan i 1 1 ,f441. 1 1; grant t o :n i ch i Vo leß A s 4 O i r a giv c ii s e e ie l l h a r s e w been, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the arts of this Commonwealth. . , . .Ie4IN CESSNA, Sneaker of the No use of N Repreientatives. EY J•ORN R. PEN, Speaker of the Senate. OFFIOB OF THE SECRETAKE OF THE COH3iONWE..iLTEL. HAnxisnunG, 31• 1 1 Y L 1863 ' PENNSYLVANIA, SS,' I do hereby certify that the foregalag, and annexed 1.1111. full, true. and correct Copy of I the original Joint Resolution of the general IL. S. Assembly, entitled' ." A Joint Rssolution • proposing amendments to theCoa sts"-, stitntion, , 'as the same remains on m e I n this office. ' • In witness sossieof, I have herennto set my hand. and conetid the seal of the Secretary's office taiga &Mixed, the dtiy and year above written. ELI' BLI eza: 377. tnl4t Secretary of tlle (16namonwealtb. A , LL AGREE AS TO' :E — ATERITs °TIMMER'S superb Portraits. IllsStle Photographs In oil colors; their excellence is pategio pi, observers. E tol3oo/0 atreet, gbove ling. It* DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. N7NANLIAb. HAT AUTHORIZES,- M FOE A BRIEF . PERIOD. 6-20 A BIT OFFICE: !TAY COOKE, 1317BSCRIPTION AGENT. No. 114 South Third Street, PHIL•ADELPHL4' FIRST AUGUST 0:0 DREXEL & REMOVALS. MEDICAL: AUCTION SALES. JAMES A. FRITEN AN. AIIOTIOWSES, .0.6% 4-o9 wale -y.l. Street, above Fourth. SALE OF, AREGov vgt) AND UNCLAIMED GOODS. The following Merchandise remaining in Warehouse unclaimed beyond the Hoe allowed by law. will be sold at public rah; attire k.r.pra;eer's Stores, Northeast corner of FRONT and' LoMBARD Strsets, Philadelphia, ' ON TUESDAY 1140ENING. August llth, at ip O'clock. WAREHOUSED GOODS- P n al e pipe Gin, imported per Wt ammo, at New York, from Rotterdam, efo, IS50; re*Are.'4oused at Philadel phia by MiddletenA Co. L. a Y. fi OP. 1 TO 12: Twelve qr casks Palo SliarlY. Noe 14 to 17. • Pour quarter casks FertWhra. No. E. One bhd Madeira. Witte! inipor . rod par Vict , glt, at Nazi York, from Lon( on. Mirth .10; MVO, rewarzlibaaed at I Philadrlnhia by Lawson arerlreo. G. A. 140. 12. One bbd Rom, imported per Aer so•-watt. at Next York. from Demerara, April 30. ISiti; risor arethoneed at Yhdla delphlahy George Atkins. P. No. B. One Otte of Quills. DrOF. P, 10. Two boles of Quills, imported tateßiteppe•rd Knapp, 11.4 New I ork, from Hamburg, MOB; reWarel• ? housed of Philadelphia by C. Vedir•k GENERAL ORDER SOODS, One package addressed "..Tarob Green," - Per HOrten. Me. from Liverpool, Sept. 20, 1861. One• S. 4341 case 13Voks. per "Zone," from Deg' ho r n lent. 27, 188 L E. T. S. One bre - Coffee; Per "Elf." from Rio dhlanelr2l. Sena , ary 7., 1862, AGY'r 1 unite or SALE—Cash on delivery. Catalogues will he ready three days wool:due CO , the mile: and the goods win be open Inc svamination tliZealaV previous tn, and early on the menet. , eale • By order of WIT Tt THOM ' , s;.‘lellset76l-. JAMES A. F RIM): AbT;. jy27 mtuth tenll Amaineeer. NEW PUBLICATIONS. 'MEW BOOKS, Just received by 3. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., VI 5 and 717 M ARKRT Street. 110MOLA, By Werner Eliot. author of,Adam Beds S AIToTIN BLI,ToTT. A. Now Novel, by HedrY•Kings . - lend, author or" Rayensb no," die HOSPITAL TRANSPORTS. A Memoir of the Embark.; ation of the Fick and Wounded from the BEAT CONFID FRED AS A MODS of MOTION. BY" John Tyndall. P. R S • I'UPPLFTWEN r TO URE'S DICTIONARY OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES. &NO MINES. Edited Rant, LIGHT By Helen vtadet. BART AND, CR , FS ' A Tale. by Mr's. '0 'pliant. * MANITAL OF DEVOTIONS. By Bishop Trffnld.' ?HE: WAR IN- THE UNITED STATEi. Ey F Le conepte A Report to rho Swiss Military Onnwtm.nt. WRBB'S ARMY PAY LIST Al\ D REGIMENTAL PAY 'TABLE VALLANDIO FJA MN TRIAL. and Habeas Cn'rpng UNITED STATESIPHARM.ACOPCRIA. Fontilidecannial revision. anll' SEW MUSIC. -- JUST PUBLISHED. A 131) SIVIN T S I. Wel Sorg: ON TEI B 4TTLE FIELD." by ROBERT MORRIe, Ego. - ' 'Price 26 cents. Sent by mail upon receipt of the marked price. ig& SE WALKER, Publishers, No. 724, GILES - TIN UT 4t.7 REASLEVS DRUG6ISTS'RECEIPT BO( K. - THE FOURTH EDITION NOW READY. The DRTJGGISI 8' GENERAL RECEIPT BOOK. con taining a complete Veterinary. Formulary, numerdas lecipes in Patent and Proprietary Medicines, Druggists' Noptrums. Perfnmery and Cosmetic.; Beverages, Dietetic. Articles and Condiments, Trade. Chemicals. Fcieritific Processes, and an appendix of useful Tables. By Henry - Beasley. Fourth American Edition. In one volume. Price 81.75. LIAIDRAY & BLA.KTSTON. Publishers. . anB R 5 Forth SIXTH above, CHESTOUT, MAP OF CHARLESTON HARBOR AND ITS APPROACHE4. !From the United States Coast Survey; showing the Position of the Rebel Batteries and the IV ational Battaiies, and' ales of the Army and Fleet. Price 26 cents HISTORICAL SKETCH OF . THE REBELLION'. Froin the United States Coast Survey; showing the Limits of. the Loyal States in 1861, and th. , Limits occupied by the United States Forces, July 20, 1863 Price 25 mete, For s ale . by WM. S. A.T.FRED NICIT.I%fi; au3 606 CEIK;TNUF Street.' NEW 1300 E S I NEW - BOOKS HOSPITAL TRANSPORTS ; alkfernOir of the Em barka ion of the Sick and Wounded from thd Peninsidd of Virginia in the summer of 1862: 75 cents. AUSTIN ELLIOT C. by Kingsley. 81 25. THE IT ON FURNACE, or SLAVERY AND SECES SION : by Rev. John H. Anshey. 81. SUBSTANCE AND SHADOW. or MORALITY AND RELIGION IN 'THEIR RELATION TO LIFE: an Es say on the Physics of C) cation. By-Henry James. $1 50.. THE. EXCISE TAX LAW approved 'July 15t.1862; with all the amendments. by C. F. Estee. Esq.. 81 50. AMERICAN:, IN ROME. B 3 H. P. Leland. 11 25. . LILLIAN. K. JOURNAL OF & RESIDENCE ON A GEORGIA PLAN TATION. By Frances Anne Remble. A M ERIC A. A Dramatic .Poem. 756Antg. . . THE LOB . . WRITINGS, AND CHARAUTER Or ED ' ARD ROBINSON. By floury D. Smith; D D 50 de; For sale by WAS. S. & ALFRED Me.RTIEN, and 808 CHESTNUT Street. 6- TIEBT AND RESOURCES 0F• THE UNITED STATES, and the Effect of Secession upon the Trade and Industry of the,Loyal States," by Dr. WILLIAM ELDER. This is a 32 pp. Pamphlet. The subjects treated of are: The PreSent National Debt; The Receipts and Expenditures of the Two Past Years; Rebellion Expenses, Proper; The Loans and Expendi tures of the Rebellion Period commared with those of England during her war with the French Republic and Bonaparte; The - Growth of Extraordinary Revenue; The Relative Rate of Growth of the British and Ameri can Debt; The' Burden of Our Debt ;Its Comparative Cost; The Credit of the Government; The Prospective Discharge of the Debt ; -United States Notes and Bank. Notes Cornpared• with the Currency of Great Britain in 1812-15 Discount upon Paper. and Premium upon Gold, in the two Countries, in Critical Periods. and the Mar ket Price of their stocks; The Effects of Secession upon our Exports - of Domestic Goods—upon the Productive Industry of the Current Year; Prospective Resources of the Nation; The Territories—Their Mineral. Agricultu ral.-and Pastoral Wealth; with half a dozen Tabular m St e a n te t m . ents presenting statistics concerned In the emu - . Th °Washington Mroniele says: "So far as our knowledge extends, it is the most com pike exposition of the character of our national debt, the ablest vindication of the system of finance to which .the American nation is now committed for many years to come, and the most thorough nud satisfactory de monstration of our power andresources that we have ever seen in print .. The analog'le,s - of history teach us much, and the clear and comprehensive reports of the Secretary of the Treasury and . ,..the -Secretary of the-In terior have informed ns very fully on these subjews ; but in this pamphlet we have all the points collected together and arrayed before our eyes with a succinct-. pees and masterly force that sets at rest forever the ques tion of our capacity to become the greatest nation on the face of the 'earth." - Price of gingle Copies, ten cents, on receipt of which sum it will be sent by mail to any portion .of the loyal States. A liberal discount to the Trade. Publish , d by BING-WAIT & BROWN, . aultfd&W' 111. and 113 South FOURTH' street. EDUCATIONAL.. FRIENDS' SCHOOLS FOR BOYS and Girle, SPRING GARDEN . INSTITUTE, re open. 9th month (September).l. anll-tpths2m* E. M. HUNTINGTON. Prin. FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE OR TO LET.-LTHE L &ROE foror-story STORE, with marble front, No. GO% CHES'INUT street, about 34 feet_frout by %s.feet deep, to George street—being the central store of the Burd Block. As no effort has been spared to make these stores unsur passed by any in the country for beauty and complete ness, an opportunity is now afforded to anylarge busi ness house to secure the most eligible location in the City, For sale on easy terms of payment, or to be let by the year, or fora term of pram Apply to - BUM PRIM& Sit Arch St , J. B. TOWNSEND. 813 Arch St. Ex'rs of E. S. Bard, dee'd. ARMY CLOTHING, .Sc. 4" ARMY AND NAVY CLOTH 3EIOTSSIO, Nos. 31 SOUTH SECOND and 23 BTB&WBEBBY Bta. INDIGO-BLUE CLOTHS, from $3.00 to $7.00. " CASSIMERES, from $1 25 to $3.00, • • .• BBAvsm, from $3. Hto $6.60. 6-4 MIDDLESEX %BESETS, ;from $3.60 to $3.76. 6-4 " FLANNELS, very supbrior. A' INDIGO FLANNELS, at 88c. 6-4 LIGHT BLUE (Invalid Corps Relief) Full Stock CLOTHS. CASSIMERR3, land VESTING& " TRIMMINGS, &c., Arc. Special attention to LADIES' CLOTHS. , WM• T. -SNOD GR ASS, 34 South. SECOND and 23 STRAWBERRY eta i923-1m AI3,MY. GOQDS. DARE-BLUE .COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. - SKI-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS. STANDARD WEIGHS!. le-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS. STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHESTINGS LID MUM LNG& For male by' . ..- FROTHINGIEWLE & WELLS. CEMENT. G&BAT D1000,7-BRY USEFUL, VALUABLE DISCOVERY! HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT! Is of more general practical utility than any before the public It has been thoroughly test ed daring Ihe last .two years by Practical men, and pronounced by all to be Ipplicable to the • useful Arta. SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known. HILTON'S .INSOLHBLS CEISINNT • :new thint. Is a new thing, and 'the result of Years of stadir'f its combination Is on SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. And under no circumstances or change of .temperature, will it be come corrupt or emit any offensive Itt Combinatlon.l BOOT. AND SHOE Manufacturers, using Machines, will find it the beat article known for. Cementing the Channels, as it y_orke Without delay, is not affected by any change of temperatufe. Boot said Shoe manufacturers.' Jewslort. JEWELERS Will End it sufficiently adhorlysloi their use, as has been proved'. IT IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO LEATHER.- !smut«. And we claim as an especial merit. that it .sticks Patches , an 4 Linings to Boots and Shoes snAlcientlir strong without stitching, IT IS THEONAY LIQUID CEMENT , Extant, that menis a dbm sure thing for • /t iKa Liquid. yugNITURE. aftociaißy. • TOTS 86113 IVbET, • And articles of Household use. REMEMBER, Hilton's Insoluble Cement is in a liquid ham, and as easily applied as paste. issamber. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is Insoluble in water or oil. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT ' Adheres oily substances. Surovlied in Family or Manttfactn rare Packages from 2 ounces to ioci IDs. lILTON BROS. & CO., Agents in-Philadelp4ia-- LAING 4b MotOTRINTRI. fa-tn DRAEE'S PLANTATION -BITTERS. —lOO cases Drake's "Plantation Bittersjet re. Sidved and NI Sitift b RHODES & WILLIAM& • "i74-ti IO bonthWATlli Streak • NEW CHESTNVT-ST. THgATR,F I I.--: Lea3 , ?e and Manturpr.... —Mr W%l . WIEWFLEIt. TUESDAY P.VENING. August The celebmtal MAIITII4.I2TTI FAMILY exm .MARZETT . I. Who will give an entertainment in the style of Mr Balers; FeNNTOMIM BALLET, ANT) SPECTaILII. TI a grand Fairy Pantomime. in 12 pcanc4. with .11 The original effects as produced at Niblo's Garden, N. Y.. entitled ,THE GREEN MONET= and the WIPE KNIGHT. The grand Ballet entitled lsa SYLPHIDE. and exereisoa on the TIGEP) ROPE, BY anal THE PYRAMID BY THE lIARTINETTIS. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 01 TF E VINE ARTS,. 10F715 cmurnarr STREW!: OPEN DAILY (ttuidays excepted) from 8 A. EL (Di BP. M. .Adin.egion 2)1 vitae Children half price. jesw-ti - - PRMESTANT 0-fir, • • whocan doalt idmis ofboriNtwork; y gmall7. - DO little Chfldren. "Waetl_ a gb-ed upon,- prtimPar App , y i61).2 FILRER7 strs.t. suit-2e W AN T ED— WITH BOA.HD, .AL Second toy Front RePom. folnished or near nisbed, for xentl,man and vtiro , Address, startax,itna tion and forms, 97, box I,oo;rnst Ofiltz; anti Stfr NIVANTF.D-AS ASSISTANT ENTRY T CLERK in a wholesale T,T . ;mode conni.elow7 house. a TM:MG &FON of otood'eliaract. - :: quick correct. _address F. T., in handafriVng of app loam, 8A this office: WA NTED —A S A.1..E8 IlLtiN IN" A' with ti?'°,2.22: 11s 2 3 dl r . cs, YO F : One icimainted. ees Box 2r4.7N. Y. P. 0 • WANTIDIMII:IDIATELV:--A GOOD Ty Candy Nan to .rorri on Gain Droplorad. erork Steady PM ploy and bet wages paid. Addrosa AF. SAFRetfalr, Cnicagn. Illinois. anB-17e - MAN 'FE TY- $l5 PEII. DAy:_w:g Y want relinbli. energetic canvaeaer• and agents to every county.. fora genteel bnei nem ate gotanneeion of from *5 to gsl.s per day. No humbug. ilaperionsod caxicaesers preferrea r but room for all. Addreea . . . ----- C. M. DUNN & Co.. Palltshers, At' either Cincinnati, Ohio; Chicago, or 185 . RUkDE Street. Newyork. iT,150-3m" _ 8 600 $6.500, $5,4)00. AND ,Y7,00(i. • ". 1 1 , * --Tbesk , amounts WANTED ca" Fins Improved FARMS, ClAlienient to the City. Also. $20.- 000 to Loan is City Mortgagee. Apply to. B PErtl7, jy3l _ . 309 WA.LNOT Street. 875 P MONTH (;U RAID Testimonial. of Clergymen and selentiffe men sent free. ISAAC HALE, Sr., & CO.. liewbn ie24-2raW it 76. A MONTH 1-I WANT TO HIREqv • •-• AGENTS in every county at $75 a month, go, wises „s void, to Nell my new cheap Family Sewing Me, hines. Address S. MADISON, MYSISmd&W Alfred, Maine... Sga A MONTEU-WE WANT AGENTS at $BO a month. erommes paid _to 561.1 our Ever tastfult Peneibt. Orienta l Burners, sad 13 Ott= DAM articles. 15 circulars/rm. SHAW & CLARK. forB-3mdtlEW Biddeford. Mall'. 810' 0 -THIS AMOUNT TO 00• • 9 • loan on a C i ty Mortgage or Gvotuid Will be divided. Apply to R PRTTIT, 309 WALNUT Strimlll PEP lITY QUART - EI:MAST:HE Jemilille. GENERAL'S OFFICE.—FIirLADELParA, Feb, a. . . 7 ViSBELB WANTED immediately to *arty COAL ttt the followin' trpointa: Tortnaaa. Key Weat, Fia. - Port Morava. Va.l . Alexandria, Va. liewbern. A. C. 'Port 'Royal, 8. C. A. BOYD; fell'Af Captain and Atudat. Onartormaster: VERST•CLASS BOARD, HANDSOME; COMlginnleating anti single rooms; psyate table if desired, No. 1315 vir A LAMT street. ie262mii IVATIONAL HOTEL, WASHINGTON. D. G. H. S. BENSON, PROPRIETOR., - Formerly of the ,Wdand House, Philadelphia. He is determined to merit. turd hopes to recer.e. a fan share of public patronage. ie1.9744". METROPOLITAN - HOTEL, . (LATE BROWN ' S.) PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE." Between Sixth and Seventh streets; • WASHENGTON CITY. E. POTTS, Propriotor. sav22-6m CAPE MAY TWICE DAILY, BY RAILROAD, from foot of WALNUT Street. - - - - At 9 A. M . Due at Cape May at 23; P. M. At 4 P. M Doe at o a , e Way at 94' P. B.f. Tickets must be procured at the Office, foot of Wharf. PLEB THROUGH Bagguge checked through, and . accompanied by a Bag gage Master. Baggage delivered at - Reasonable Raton within ONE HOUR after arrival at Cape May- The Etage distance is being rapidly shortened, and it is hoped a few days will suffice to get the Track Maid thb entire distance_ EXCIIRSION EVERY S kTITRTJAY, at 4 P.sf. Tickets good to return nn following Leave Cape May at 31. M. Dne in N=ZUMM;=g . . (Mee for Information and. forwarding of Expr , ss mat te* at No. 5 WALNUT Street, Philadelobi , . LUDLOW FLEMING, Bgent Offic. at the Washington Home. Cape Island, JAMES LEAMING, agent. . . _ . auS•lm awi s, SHORE ! SHIM= ARRANGEMENT. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, Jima 16th, ISM, trains for Atc lantic City will leave Vine-street Fen; as follows: Mail train leaves . 7.30 A. 7M, Express train leaves 3.46 P. Freight train, with passenger car attached... 9.00 A. M. • Returning, leaves Atlantic City : Mail train 4.36 P. Mt. Express train 6. (Xi A. N. Freight train . 72,. 06 P. IL Fare to Atlantic, Round. Trip Tickets.. good far the day and train only, or down on Saturday and up 41a Monday morning, $3. An. Accommodation Train to R. and D. B. R. B. Jun♦ lion will leave Vine street at 6.15 P. : returning u _ morning at 63.5. EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave Vine street at 10.16 A. M. and 1.45 P. M. Leave Haddonfield at 72.15 P. ff. and 3P. M jel3-tf Jleo. G. BRYANT. Aunt: OPENING OF THE .V,LTINEORE AND OHIO • R&M wpers and shippers are respectfully notified that the BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAMBO AD having been fully repaired, is now open for the transportation. of freight to and from all points in the West - and South west. Freight guarantied against loss or damage from mili tary seizure whilst in transit over this road,'and special attention given to careful handling, and prompt de spatch. - -For farther information, apply to COLITIIM & COWTON, • General Freight agents, BROAD street. above (Merry. SOHN S. WILSON . , Agent, SIXTH Street, Above Chestnut. 'PHILADELPHIA, August 10th, 1863. • aulll3t 17 1, E . RwE717 • PHILADELPHIA Yit CAMDEN AND ATEANA N C D AN I DISBI T ErTh LAWABE BAY RAILROAD. On and after Monday, Jund 15th. and until farther nos tics passenger.trains will leave Tine-street Ferry at Kit . A. M.. arriving at Long Branch at 1110 A. M. • Returning, leaves Long Branch at 3.35 P. M., arriving at Philadelphia at 7.46 P. M. Passengers landed close to the Hotels. N. B.—Excursion parties will be carried' on libutilt terms. Apply to - L. B. COL=: Agent at the Depot. Cooper's Point; BENJ. STRONG,' Assistant Superintendent. REOPENING -01 5 9 TBi BALTIMOBB AND OHM RAILRO AD. —This road, being fully REPAIRED aM effectually GUARDED. is now open for the tra rind, tion of passengers and freight to allpoints in the G WEST. For through tickets and all other inform= apply _at the Dompany'a Office, corner of BROAD and WASHINGTON Avenue. EL H. FELTON, • apstr President P. W.-and B. B. B. 08. . WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA. RAILROAD; VIA MEDIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MOSDAY. DINE 1. 1863, the trains win leave Philadelphia, from the depot, Northeast corner el 'Eighteenth and. Market streets, at 7.60 and 10.30 A. M., and. at 2, 4.30, and 6 . 55 P. M. On TUESD eTS and FRIDAYS a train will leave 'MUD CHESTER at 6.50 P. M. Returning. leaVe Philadelphia at 9.16 P. M. Trains leave the corner of Thirty first and Market streets. (West Philadelphia) 17 min - ates after the stadia:A time from Eighteenth and Market. On SUNDAYS leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and I P. M. Leave West Chester at 7.50 A. M. and 6P. M. P. The traineleaving Philadelphia at 7.60 A. M. and A.D. P. M. connect at Pennelton with trains on the P. and B. C. R. it: for Concord. Emmett, Oxford. &c. -iel-tf _ HENRY WOOD. Superintendent - PRESS COMPANY, office 21114 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Efoe. shandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its MlS lines or in connection with other Bapress Comperlot, , to all the principal Towns and Cities in the Unita States. - E. S. SANDFORD, , few General Superintendent. mr6,4=% DAILY LINE TO CAPE MAY. —On and after WEDNES D ALT August 6, the steamer MANHATTAN Captain Robert Kirby, will leave Arch street wharf at S. o'clock A. M. every TUFSDAY, - THURSDAY, and SATURDAY. for C APR MAY. and the steamer WILSON SMALL. Captain M. SMITH. BRIGHT, every MOND A.Y„_W SDNESDA.y. a n d FRIDAY. Returning, will leave. Cane May at 133‘ o'clock, stopping at. New Castle, connecting with OM Baltimore Imes dailY. going and rettgaliig. Fare, from Philadelphia, *2 50. ' New. Castle. 2.00:. Carriage hire included; Meals =bra. Children arid Servants half price. Carriage hire- ibr Servants extra. No freight received after eight o'clock. ans-tt FM INSURAN -a- 406 CHESTNUT Stree Francis N. Buck, f - - Chas. Richardson, Henry Lewis. Jr.. John W. Everinan. Phili S. Justice. Davies 'ltaliClS N. CHABLIS El WILLIAM I. BLA.NO THE UNDERSIGNED, AGENT FOR FISHER'S PATENT LAMP HEATING AP,PARA.TI7B. coxstsnxi. OF NURSERY AND SICK ROOM LAMP, - AND FAMILY COOKING 'APPARATUS. ARRANGED,FOR EITHER FEROEENB OR OAS. Will have samples of - the various styles on exhibition at the office of WM. GILCHRIST. 101 North THIRD Street. on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. Angnstatth - and 13th. and will be present to give any informationin Connection therewith which maybe desired. All persons desiring to economize.their honiehold,ex penses Will do well to examine these articles. WM. D. RUSSELL.. Agent. 200 PEARL Street. NOW York.: N.B.—An illustrited descriptive Pampitlet..w.ith..urice list, furnished gratis. all7-6k. SPANISH BATUING,RUM. 25 PTINCHECWS.IN,BQN* To FAMILIES BEBrDING: IN MEM , . RURAL DISTRICTS. • We are prepared. aa 4eratotoaao theip oupatry Residencia with ' ' Proprietors, PROVIDENCE. B. L MET. DESQWTIQA FINE ,C . FECICEIVIES, C..1311 1 401.0i' , inktt JDEJIR =VIM AP 'r sys- ADIUSEMk.INTS. VirAN'T'S. BOARDING. HOTELS. THE SEA SHORE. MMMI= . J. VA - 11 RENSSIM &RR, Sant. West Jersey Railroad. RAILROAD LINES. EXPRESS CONIP4tNipS. R1:mr.;=,. 2 . - Al V: _e M COMPANY, NO4 .t. _ MPHIL ND nirszrapros. , 'BEL II: D. Woodruff., Geo. A. Wad, John Kessler. Jr.. Chas. Stokes, A. H. Rosenheitt, . Joseph D. EMS. BUCK, 'President CHORDSON;VicePresidaat I . Secretor/. Cials-11# FIBS .AND INLA t: For stile by A. WRING, • 140 Sontigi:936,NT Streak