THEGITT. The Fourth Ward Draft. The draft of the Fourth ward took place yester day morning. The committee invited to be present were Messrs. Joseph K. Lyndall, Thomas R. Irvin, and Benjamin Allen, Alderman MeMullin, Alder man Moore and Mr. M. J. Dougherty. Number of names in the wheel 1,196, number (drawn 639. HAMBS OP THE DRAFTED. -James Biddle iTohnCurry. .Fat Holaban 7 Peter Eider Robt Miller K Christy James Cuddy James‘Weldon Wm Grant , John Mellon Isaao Grant ■Thomas Webster John Baney John Wesley Michael J Dougherty Peter L Matthews Jacob Haines Wm Murphy Dennis -Bradley Terrence White Charles Couoh John Morgan Henry Young James Dougherty Josepli HiU Jacob Weener # James Begley Edward Brittofr Charles Ger- John Death Jacob peter Tinker . r Pat McGill „ . Joseph Huddell Fred Duiinger John AuguataggjP^ S 1 -jgfinspirW aldron gfOßtrSiinpeon *Wm Smith Chas B Notson -Daniel Kolerman Chas Baxter Lewis Genaughy Cochran Moore Thos McCarty Jdhn W Morris Joseph Hammond John Keller RobtMcFarland Reuben Boatelze Thos McQuaide John Moran Theo Tilton Daniel McAleer Jacob Kercher Bichard Murphy Henry Green John Coffin Alex Phillips v Joseph McFaet Adolph Hatzell Geo Simons Jas McCullen Chas Booth Edmund A Morgan Elias Baerwood Henry Horton Hugh Donohue Nathan Nathans Passmore Henry Henry Helmbold Peter Scott Michael Gorman Lewis Laporte Michael Katz - James Shay Wm Collet Jas MoGonigle Samuel Hart Stephen Thurber Francis Dugan Robert Morris Isaac Davis Andrew Coogen Mm Taylor Jas Fisher Wm Allen Jas Caldwell Alfred McGurk Wiiman Whilldln George Bader Bernard Boyer John Moore Warren Moore Zeb Bowers. Wright Mansfield John Hazeet Dennis Lynch Bernard Callahan Job Brant Chas Young John Stinson Robt McDonald Robt Kelly “ John McCullen Peter Devine Francis Coyle Henry Shoemaker Matthias Wisener John Clayton Raphael Abrams Martin Purson Ludowik Tuborsky Herman Lersy Herman Minka Wm Fitzgerald Dennis McCarty Thos Alltrap Jas Dougherty Geo Foster Augustus Stein Chaß.Roae Thos Monahan Yalentine Vienoee Henry Hooblitz Chas H Adams Wm Dorsey Neil Mcßride Chas Smith Matthew Waliwork Chas Dobbin Jeremiah Carman Jas F Weasels Nathaniel B Taylor John Bolbnern Robt Smith Richard Scott John Kent Moses Wheeler Wm H Stevenson GeoHennr Michael Sweeny John Donagby Jacob M Lawson. Augustus Dumolden John Carnes John Lamb Chas Tetter Henry Vaughan Francis Gallagher Geo Thoroughgood Jas Mernton, Jas Dennison John Finnegan Wm Landers Henry Olay Snyder John Carr Hugh Gallagher Anthony Dorp Isaao Hall Chas Hodges JosFreno Luke Smith Tobias Durney, Jr Jeremiah Finnegan Constant Marks Alex Edgar Geo Fulton Chas Brown John Forrister Alfred Henderson Constant Mies Sami Murphy Henry Broilen Jacob Sheetz Pat Moore Thos Ashton Jas Daily Corneal Burr Chaß Ernest James Taylor Edward Riley John Lonedown Jas Morrisey Pat Lahey Geo Neman Wesley Wright Michael Sweeny James Burns Gotlieb Bomeisler Daniel Reed Jas Clayton Allen Ricketts Charles C Williams Robert Attox Wm W Lancaster Hugh McAleer Dennis Callahan Benjamin Butcher Michael Mortaman John Brady William A Dodson John Agea Clement Steophel Adam Comons Henry Waters Samuel Kilpatrick JolmJoneß Charleß Francis Wilson B Smith John Clifford John Holland Frederick Cronehail Thomas Hazlett Joseph Philber William Celtere James Dougherty 'John Mollnone John Knox Thomas Roach Samuel S Teart James M Leech Henry A Hasgas Jos Kilduff Michael McAndney Augustus Baton John McCann WmKerson. ‘Beverly Jackson Edward McCrystal John Howard Mark McGuegen John Green George Phillips John Donavan John Jackson Edward Alday 'Robert HSiles John Yingad Henry Bercher Wm Yeager Augustus Speeks Hugh Donahue Robert Kane John Dillon John Bilks John Tobin Joseph Yersley Charles Revina 'America Underdon WUiiam Hirst John McKeoun Henry Wetter Robert Mitchell - WUiiam HamUton 'Fred’k K&Ber Robert Welch George Boekius Michl Moran Henry Carey Joseph Ball Coleman Levy Patrick Patrol George W Snyder .Thomas Clark Thomas McCullen Ed w McKendrick James Atkina Butcher Thaddeus Owen McManus Henry J Hammell David Leiby Thomas Turner John Robinson John Redslington James McDonald Joseph Burr Henry Knight Robert Wilkins .nlth , lle&ton m Hemphill John Swain John Hauptman James Murphy Wm A Oam obeli Reuben Cuff Bernard Tierney, Lewis Aaailing Theo Meade David Brady Patrick Gorman Isaac Izardr Pat Hare Wm Oaler Thos H Taylor Robt Parker David Bmliok Marcus Michael Lewis Benhardt John ClufT Ohas F Gillies Henrv Gaffney Wm Bailey Pat Bradley Ohas Ecktermyer Henry Grtck Wm J Brown John Logan John RoblnsQfi Lecransa George John Collins Henry Burk Thos Whitcloth Thos Lemon Myers Slurzer Francis Glozer Alfred Powers David Hemphill G Albert Kedler Abraham D Ancona Ed ward., Williams Henry Master Ohas Reilly Cteßar Evans Chas Green Wm McAllister Ohas Hahea John Miller' Thoß Moran Hugh Cull Perry Wallis Mathias Tigot Richard Bennett Robert Garnett John McOubris Jas Jones Jas Doyle Antoine Wittwook Jas Smith Thos Lusenberry Aaron Pierson Chas Wagner Wm Barnes Sami Gray Pat Galvin Pat McDermott Jas Perry Wm Challacumb Theo Fisher Jos Smith EdwAgnew John Hitchens Wm T Kelly John Knee Pat McGulgan Jacob Goldstone Carlon • ThosßLubera Andw A Croflbrd Geo Breul . Thos Brown Alex Evans Geo W Lees Mchl Connagh&n Wm Wake Geo Spiers Martin Ball John Ettris Geo W Potter Bernard McElroy Thos Cavanaugh Philip Weiser Wm Woodson Jeremiah Mahoney John Sails Mchl Kiehl Elias Hall Mchl Wall Thos McClain John C George Andrew Callahan Wm Johnson Wm Campbell Wm J MacMullan- Chas Murphy James Brady Wm Curran Wm Wharton Sami Russell OhasSchaal • Bernard Carlin Thaddeua Manning Francis Ryan Robt Culbertson Jacob Woesner James Green - John Laughlln Henry B Gardner John Ragan Geo Goodin Rodger Cassidy Henry C Seymour Wmßuhler Jacob Bui-ten Thos J Sharp Edward James Leonard Holmes John Murphy John McAnally John Thorp Wm Dumbieton Washington Jones Richd H Weeks JamesKenney Thos L Wayne Robt Jemison Philip Langen Joseph Jackson Robt Rose . Gideon McCall Stephen Dunn Alex MeKnight Wm O’Brien John Donnelly WmKristbum Alex Barr John Kain ObasGibherd Patrick Rice Edward Powers John Flynne Francis Johnson Jas McClellan Sami Lemekey Moaes B Ancona John Murphy Joseph Rush John Burke John O’Brien William Shimp Francis P Steel Robert Marshal Alex Stephenson John Shupeuhiser Daniel McCarty Charles Mifflin Peter Kelly Abraham Wright Edward Boyle Andrew Hamilton. _ Richard Mcivatnee John Robertson Robert Ohesm James Williams Leopold Livelly Dennis Cochran "William J Skelly Alfred H Tucker Thomas H Sinington Isaac Hilyard John Palmer John Johnson Patrick-Donahue Harvey J Ebertson John Sohively , John Sherry John Earlem Geo Warwick Wm H Ouwas Patrick McCloakey Samuel Richards James White Wm Brown Wm Gorman John Flynn Henry Bredger Chas Young Henry Leidenburg Lambert R Walker John Gilbrath Wm Lynch James O’Brien Nathan Ellis Simon Rockalf key S Marks Swap ; John O Robins Jos Holley —X, John Winter Thomas Murphy John O’Connell Sheppard Young Paul Preno James Wetherill John Cain Bepj Farrell John Hollowood John Tracey Albert Lusenberg George Hake John Cochran George W Powell John Leetrange J Wilson Burke Abraham Richards Edward Rodman Joseph Baymore Morris Reed Augustus Marks Charles McDonough Robert Seltreely Frederick Burns Francis Gray Philip Kroch John Devlin Patrick Q,uinn Michael Claiborne v William T Heiaer X Charles Skill. William Stack John Shorter Patrick Murp hey George L Magill John Thompson Ohas Oiegy Stalwart Jameson John Galagan Starr s Battery.-—-This military com pany, which left the city with the Gray Reserve Re giment, arrived home on Monday evening, but too late to participate in the reception which was ten dered to the returning regiments. On leaving Camp 'Provost, opposite Harrißburg, the battery was de tached from the regiment, ana was detained at Fort 'Washington, where they were kept: on duty. The men were exceedingly anxious to be sent to the front. with the balance of our Philadelphia troops, 'hut they were disappointed. The authorities deemed their services necessary at the fort, and they had to perform the first duty of the good soldier, and- obey •orders. On arriving at West Philadelphia, the;bat »ery was met by a few friepds and escorted- home ward. A fine collation was participated in by the hattery and its friends during the evening, and a ■good time prevailed. Deaths in the Military Hospitals on Monday.— Chestnut Hiil—David Jacoby, Company C,_l7th Penna. Cavalry. Filbert-street—Sylvanue Hook, Company F, l4th Vermont.; Allen Thomas, Company K, L7iatP. V. Broad and Cherry—Thomas P. James, Company G. 149th Penna. ,* Andrew J* Male, Company H, 7th Virginia. . West Philadelphia—John Sheppard, Company A, 18th Massachusetts. V . Chestnut Hill.—The express train now .tin. at regular Interval, daily to Ghctnut Hill—an improvement in travelling, decidedly. Tks Gatling Battery.formida ble engine of warfare ha« aix barrel* arranged on a revolving principle. The one of which we are about to«pe*k ß i« called the tested atthe Oity Armory on Monday afternoon, in the presence of several of the city au J^"rJ“ e “ a number of other distinguished genUemen One horse or a couple men can easily run with the m»- chine It is not liable to get out of order, thou, h it, cSn lie made more ineffective, in a few momenta, SSn rimply « spiking” a gun. Jhe trial of its power eighth-inch iron, makin| t^i«a faot that bole. The rapidLty. with whlo^f ff per mlmite . be fired may seem, or B j x hundred two hundred balls. to go through Each ball the fourth might fall yards, wou Government ammunition the bodies fEnffiftUhongh the battery may he used 'woungjtfgi&the barrels never get, warm. For de- itis invaluable. The Philadelphia, rtCUimßgton.and Baltimore Railroad Company, have jonh of these batteries, with which they can most effectively defend any of their bridges. The cartridges are arranged in steel chambers, and then placed in a hopper. The motive power consists of turning a crank, and the number of discharges depends upon the activity of the. man at the-orauk. We should think that a single man could control the battery. In a woid, its power for destruction is im mense. - It haß already received the.sanction of a number of high military gentlemen, who think that for field service it would be excellent. Requisitions have already been made upon the Department at Washington, from generals in the field, for a supply of these batteries. The praotioe on Monday gave great satisfaction. Arrival or a Battery.— Captain E. Spencer Miller’s battery, that waß the first to be sworn in for.the recent emergency, arrived at West Philadelphia last evening, at six o’clock, on the re turn home. They were greatly cheered by the peo ple on their arrival The company started from Philadelphia on June 16th, and on arrival at the State capital weie at once sworn into the-service' of • the United States Government. They are now mus tered out of service. They have been paid up fully for the time employed. At Carlisle, when the rebel horde forced a retreat, the battery was supported by the New .York Bthftnd7ißt ) and in the retreat formed the line of battle five time*; At Oyster Point the rebels shell*'’ cnem fiercely, but the battery replied Vigorously and did Borne execution. The members of the Miller Battery have won a name they may justly feel proud of. ■ Rebel Burgeons.—Nine surgeons of Morgans’gang of raiders arrived in Philadelphia yesterday morning en route to Fort Delaware. They were recently taken prisoners when the whole gangwaß captured. Tbe surgeons were in charge of Major J. L. Van Buren, of Major General Bum side’s staff. The prisoners were escorted to the Continental Hotel, where they partook of the luxu rious necessaries which are served uo at that pala tial buitding. The party registered their names as X. B. Kay, B. T. Marshall, B. B. Scott. B. M. Long, J. Payne Campbell, S Van Morgan, N. E. Mitchell, G. W. Webb, and Alex. McOown. They added to their names the letters C. S. A., meaning perhaps 11 confounded stupid asses.” They appeared to be, however, intelligent men, and some one, who pro bably thought the initials might be considered a misnomer, erased them and inserted the abbrevia tion Ky., for Kentucky, the State which the priso ners belong to. Chelton Hill Flag-raising.—The rai sing of the.national ensign will formally take place this afternoon at the encamptment of the colored regiment, at Chelton Hill. A number of-distin guished gentlemen will be present to deliver ad dresses. The regiment is full, the discipline is per fect, and the soldiers are ready to cheerfully and bravely respond to the order, “ Mark time, for ward!” v - Contracts Awarded.—T. M. Hither, 26,500 yards % inch yellow worsted lace, at $1.55. Horstmann Bros., about 60.000 yards % inch yellow worsted lace, at $1.56. H. Wilson, 24 boxes colored crayons and 6 boxes white crayons, at 30 cents per box of 55 pieces. J. G. Fenner, 500 pounds No. 70 machine thread, 2 oz., at $2.37)£ per pound. Second District Draft.—The draft in the Second Congressional District will commence on Friday morning fnext, at the provost marshal's headquarters, Twelfth and, Locust streets. The First ward (considered the garden of Eden of Phila delphia), will then be drafted. Launch.—A revenue cutter will be launched at high water, between 12 and l o’clook, to*day, from the yard of Mr. John W. Lynn, on Reed-street wharf. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. United Stutes Circuit Court—Judge Cadwa THE EXTRADITION CASE. The case of J. L. Soenger, the alleged fugitive from the Kingdom of Saxony, who is claimed under the Extradition Treaty, was again before Judge Oad walader yesterday. After further argument by Lew is O. Cassidy, Esq., for the defendant, the case was postponed until the last Monday of August, when Messrs. George M. Wharton and Frederick Heyer, who represent the Saxon authorities, will reply, and the case then left for the decision of the court. None of the othercourts were in session. THE POLI O E * [Before Mr. Alderman Beitler. ] Discharged* . The young man named Welsh, who was arraigned on Saturday last, at the Central Station, on the sus picion of having stolen some money and a watch, the property of Mrs. Margaret Boyle, had a final hear ing at the_Central Station, and was honorably dis charged from custody. Mrs. McOrystal, who had mentioned something about the place where Mrß. B. keptthe key of the bureau, stated that on the morn ing after the robbery the accused called, and in a conversation she said that some one must have known where the key was kept. This statement was goaaipped. amoDg the neighbors, and it was re tailed out by Mrs. McC. to the prisoner after the robbery had been committed. [Before Mr. Alderman Shoemaker.] Disorderly Houses. Sarah Cole and John Fisher were arraigned on the charge of maintaining a disorderly house at St. John and George street, and Mary Henzelman and Elizabeth Green on the charge of keeping the Bame kind of a place at Germantown road and St. John street, in the vicinity. Complaints have been fre quently made of both places, and the parties were taken into custody by Officer "Maguire. They were held to bail to answer at court. [Before Mr. Alderman Devlin..] Assaulting an Officer. A man giving -the name of Robert Colg&r was ar raigned yesterday on the charge of committing an aßsault and battery upon officer Williamson. It seems that Colgar and another man indulged in a fight on Race-street wharf, Schuylkill. They were separated by the officer, who felt disposed to let the men go, upon condition of keeping the public peace. His kindness was not appreciated. The belligerents renewed the fight, and while pummelling each other’s devoted heads, the officer again interfered; but the “ crowd ” rushed in upon him and rescued the prison ers. Mr. Williamson was knocked down and bru tally kicked, one of his legs being badly injured. He, however, subsequently secured Colgar. After a heating, the alderman required the defendant to enter bail in the sum of ssoo to answer at court. A Pliiladelpliian Shot. A young man named John Q,uinn, who resided on Christian street, near Fifth, was Bhot and instantly killed, at Florence, N. X, on Monday afternoon. From all that can be learned of the affair, it seems that the deceased had accompanied the excursion of the Ingomar and Monumental Association to that place. .Nothing happened to disturb the pleasures of the gay and festive scene until towards the close of the day, when a thunder storm passed over that section. Most of the excursion party hastened to the steamboat landing for shelter from the rain. While here an angry diecussion ensued, and a large cjowd gathered, in front of the office of Justice of the Peace J. B. Stewart. Mr. Quinn proceeded to see what the disturbance was about, and he soon became involved in an angry dispute with Stewart. It is stated that Stewart seized a guo and Bhot him through the head. Considerable delay ensued in holding an inquest, because of the distance of the residence of the coroner. ; omier Wanted. A lot of recently-washed wearing apparel, Btill wet, was picked up early yesterday morning in the vicinity of Oallowhill street and Delaware avenue. It is evident that somebody’s clothes-line had been stripped. The articles await an owner at the police station-house, Seventh district. Death* A woman of intemperate habits, named Elizabeth Harvey, was arrested on Monday night and taken to the Second-district station-house. She waß found dead in the cell. Station-litmse. The apartment for prisoners at the Southwark Hall is in a very bad and unhealthy condition. The stench arising from the cells and their surroundings is sickening to the residents of the neighborhood. The person having charge of the property-has had his attention called to it several times within the past few monthß, but the place has never been properly attended to. . . . - . PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. JAMES R. CAMPBELL,) 3. W. DK COURSEY, - •/ CoafHiTTEB of the Month. JAMES C.-HANP. - - A ■ LETTER BAGS AT THE MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. Ship Saranak, Rowland .Liverpool, July 25 Bark Baltasara, Robertson.. Liverpool, soon Bark Sea Eagle, Howes . Fort Spain, soon Baik Eliza White, Varney, .i.......Curacoa, soon Brig ST Merrick, Norden..Havana fc Cardenas, soon Brig J W Harris, Rathbun. .Barbadoea, soon Brig Keoka, Burns. St. Domingo City, soon Brig Kodiak, Peterson St Thomas, July 25 MARINE INTELLIGENCE* PORT OF PHILAPELPHIA) July 29,1803. StTK-K15E5........4 56-SUN SETS 717 1 10 T, ,T. ARRIVED. • Barkliinda, Hew ; itt v i 6 days from Cardenas, with Jr. Ap, to Geo O OariQu & 00. Sailed in company With bng Scotch, for Greenock. Deft ship Sunny- Blde; Birbrldge, for Philadelphia, ldg; barks Eliza Damper, waiting orders; Brother!, for New 1 York, ldg; brige Scio, Wooster, do do; Fanny, do do, and a British cruieer. Off Cape San Antonio passed an other British cruiser, both Barkentine rigged, like the British pirate steamer Alabama. This similarity of rig, flag, and crew, has no doubt led to many mis takes, the difference in all respects being so slight. ISth, off Carysfort Reef, was passed by a screw steamer having in tow a paddle steamer, burning ■oft coal, bound north; also a large screw transport bound north; bark Waltham, of Richmond, passed south, and brig Castilian, of Portland, in company, bound north. Brig Eudorus, Adams, 16 days from Trinidad, Cuba, with sugar and molasses to S & W Welsh. ; Schr David Smith, Williams, from Boston, in bal last to captain. . Schr M van Dusen, Garrison, from Boston, in bal last to captain. - Schr S J Bright, Shaw, from Wilmington, in bal last to captain. Steamer Monitor, Williams, 34 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Steamer Alida, Benny, 24 hours from New York, With mdse to W F Clyde. Steamer Novelty, Shaw, 24 hours from NYork, with mdse to Wm M Baird & Co. ■ CLEAEED. fachr Kate Stewart, Teagne, Key West, EA' Sou dcr &:Co. Schr John A Griffin, Foster, Boßton, I) Cooper. Schr Ben, Fulford, Port Royal, D S Stetson & Co. Schr Gov Burton, Hutchinson, Newburyport, L Audenried & Co. . Schr Mary Haley, Haley, Boston, W H Johnß. Schr Mary Ella, Talpey, Portsmouth, C A Heck «eher it Co. Schr W H Dennis, Lake, New York, do , Schr Althea, Corton, Boston, do Schr Clara Merrick, Montgomery, Salem, Ham mett, Yan Dusen & Lochman. Sohr Ann Edwards, Somers, Salem, Mass, do Sohr NBBoardman, Sears, Providence, ap Schr Cordelia, Adams, Boston, L Audenried EtCo. . Schr FNeleon, Conn, Elktoa, Md, do Schr AT Bowland, Newton,-N Bedford, do ' ■ Schr Alex Young, Brown, Providence, do Schr Jos Maxdeld, May, Cambridge, Slnnickson AGlover. Schr, Henry Wolfe, Atkins, Milton, Del, T W Parker, Schr Z Stration, Stevens, Baker’. Landing. HI, J Mllnes & Co. Schr Sea Gull, Bogers, Providence, captain. Str New York, Fultz, New York, W P Clyde. Str B Willing, Dade, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of ThePresß.) BEADING, July 27., The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day,’bound to'Phila delphia, laden and consigned as follows: Anderson, lumber to Samuel Bolton; Concord, lumber to Taylor k Go; Oonrow & B»f b ®J>jsAng*r; tereon k Ltppincott; Anna, grain to l-0,.*% righ t . PEPfoute, do to Humphreys, to Taylor Pilot} bark to paptato; Concord^' 81 ° o ’ ; Preen.) I ' (CorrespofiASE DE QKACE, July 2?. here this morning with The Bteamajrfata in tow, vizi „ the follosaSSfriae, lumber to J LyDD? Ne Pint Ul“ aalvin; Butler Woodward, do trtSflwioDe & Trainer? England & Brown and Sierra jggffa: do to New York} Fourth of July. coal to Car ter; Sallie, oata to Baker &. Hoflse*; Mary MLiUer, light} from Baltimore, r V t MEMORANDA. Ship Stadacona. (Br) -‘Stuart, hence for London derry, was «een 10th in«t,lat 49 40, long 40 20. . Bark Starlight, Berry, hence, at Beaton 2Tth mat. Bark E A Sorider, (Br) Dennis, sailed from Ply mouth, E, 16th inst. for Yarmouth, NS. ' Brig Philip Larrabeei'Young, sailed from Oarde- DSB 18th inst. for Philadelphia. Schrs A Garwood, Godfrey, and Minnesota, Smith, hence, at Boston 21th inst. . .... . Schr HenryP Simmons, Hand, cleared at Boston 27th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr H Curtis, Brown, honce, at Salem 25th inst. Schr Helen Mar, 'Wines, hence, at New Bedford 26thinst. , ■■ ‘ . Sclir Ered’k Hail, Ingraham, henoe, at New Bed ford:26fch inst. •■••• Schr Minerva, Jefferson, sailed from Somerset 25th inst. for Philadelphia. . . Sohrs H W Morse, Benton, and Enoch Pratt, Ba ker, sailed from Dighton 25th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr John Compton, Smith, sailed from Newport 24th inst. to; Philadelphia. Sobr Wilson Crawford, Munson, from Hillsboro, NB, for Philadelphia, at Newport 25th inst. Schr H A Brown, Pierce, hence, at Providence 25th inst. _ _ _ . Schrs Mary Miller, Dayton, anil Bourne, hoace, at Providence 26th iMt, INSURANCE COMPANIES* tSe lA W ARE MUTUAL safety INBTTBAHCB CIQMPAMT- - . CORPORATE!) BY TH*JBfeISL«D®I Of p* _ i - trvxYAHririssß. OWlOB.B.B.oofgtram,,**- wAunmsTß,. OR VSBBKLS,) --SORAROI, FSEH&T. the world. _ " IHXAJTD ItrsUBAHCBB 1 Om Good*, tir River. Canal, Lik* and Laid Curls** t, allparts o t the union* tw» Vii ri£S W STOA »O*B On Merchandise generally. On Stores, DwelhngHouses.A*. . t A2HBTS OF. THE COMPANY. NOV. L MM. $lOO,OOO Uniioi States Five per cent. Loan.,.. $93,000 oo . 20,000 United States Sin per cent. Loan.**** 20,760 00 >3,000 United. States Six per cent. Treasury Notes.... 41,910 00 16,000 United States Seven . and Three* tenths per cent. Treasury Notes... 26.000 00 100,000 State of Penna. Fire per cent. Loan.. 96,890 00 64,000 do. do. Six do. do.*~ 67, 150 00 128,060 Phila. City Six per cent. Loan. •...*.. 126,063 00 80,000 state of Tennessee Fire per cent. L0an................;.... 12,006 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad lßt Mortgage Six per. cent Bonds... RBOO 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad 2d Mortgage Six per cent. Bonds *.**♦ 68L576 00 1,000 Penna. R. R. Go. 200 Shares Stock..-.-.. MOO 00 16,000 Germantown Gas Co., 900 Share* Stock, Principal and Interest gua rantied by the City of Phils... 26,800 00 118.700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply _ IWW4iHHH i .MI.H4,imH.Hm: 313,70038 SMBJSOPar Cost $683,749 61 Mki val. $663,178 00 Seal Estates******** *.*.**,,.*♦.»****. 61.363 36 Sills Receivable for Insurances made..... ***** 9L232 U Balances due at Agencies—Premiums onMa- ** rine Policies, accmed Interest, and other debts doe the C0mpany............ K&VL K Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $10,803. estimated value...***.... ifld « Cash on deposit with United States . Government, subject to-ten days ca 11.... ... v $BO,OOO 00 Cash on deposit—in Banks***.,.-****** 29,727 94 Oj&shinDrawsr******.**************** 280 74 109,008 81 „ DIBHWOHS. Hand, Spencer MellTaln*; John O-Davie, Charles Kelly, 3d round A. Sqnder, Samuel B.Stokes, Joseph-H.‘ Seal,- Henry Sloan,. Eobert Burton* Jr.* James Traauair, John E. Penrose, William Eyre. Jr,: George G. Leiper» J. P. Peniston, Edward Darlington,: Jacob P. Jones H. Jones-Brooke, William C.Ln.dwif, Joehua P. Byte, James B, McFarland; James C. Hand, ; 'William G. Bonlton, TheophCnsPanldlnf. HenxyO. DallettJr.. Dr. B. M. Huston, Jolia B. Semple, Plttebor* HnihGralf, A. B. Berner, Plttsbur*. 7MAB G. HAND,'President,' C. DAVIS, Vice'President. • larr. deMf JOHN HENET LYLBUBN. Secret THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM PAHY Of PHILADELPHIA, Off 101 NO. 306 WALNUT STRUT. Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on House*. Stores, and other Buildings; limited or perpetual; and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, in Town or Country. . GASH CAFITII. «»OO,OpO-ASSETS «3T7,4iry«. . ■ Invested in the following Securities, vii: First Mortgage on City Property, well secured. $125,400 00 Ground rents.. ***** 2,000 00 United States Government Loans.. .... ..♦***. ***** 60,000 00 City of Philadelphia, 6 per cent.Loans.**.. ***** 60,000 00 Pennsylvania, $3,000,000 6 percent. Loan.***., 15,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Company’s Stock.. *•** 4,000 oo Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds Ist and 2d -Mortgages .. 85,000 00 Allegheny county 6 per cent. Penn. S. Loan**** -10,000 00 Gamaen and Amboy Railroad Company’s 6 per cent. Loan 6,000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company’s 6per cent. Loan6,ooo 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent, mort gage Bonds..*.~*,* * 4,660 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s Stook. ***** 1,060 00 Mechanics’ BankStook.*...... **-,.**-,..**** 6,000 00 Commercial Bank of Penna Stock.....****.***** 10,600 09 Union M. Insuranoe Company’s Scrip. 32S 70 Loans on Collaterals, well secured ....**.*****. 2,600 00 Bills Receivable 697 03 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia’s . Stoek..... 9,760 00 Accrued Interest *♦***. *****, 6.829 41 Cash in bank and on hand.*** ...*,. 24,796 66 __ ■ $477,410 70 Worth at present market Talue. $398,348 50 DIRECTORS. - Ciena Tineley, Solbert Toland, William B. Thompson* William Stevenson, Samuel Bispham, Hampton L. Carson, Robert Steen, Marenall Hill, William-Musaer, J. Johnson Brown, Charles Leland, ■ John Bißaell, Pitt shura. Benj.W. Tinsley, ’ - T . CLEM TI2TGLEY, President THOS. 0. HILL, Secretar Philamiphia, March 1, li A M ERIC AN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1810, CHABTBRPR* FETUAL, He. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Pi ladelphia. •, Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus li> Tested in sound and available Securities, continues to insure on Dwellings, Stores,' 1 Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses promptly adjusted. Yhemas E. Maris, James B. Campbell, John "Welsh. • Edmund G. Dutilh, Samuel C. Morton, Charles W. Ponltney, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris. John T. Lewis, THOMAS R. MARIS, President Albert C. L. CnAwyoßP. Secretary. fe22-tf T?IRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY; -The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. Incorporated 1826. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independence TMs Company, favorably known to the community for nearly /ortyyears, continues to insure against Lose or Damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildings, either Sermanently or for a limited time. Also, on furniture. locks of Goods, or Merchandise cenerally, on liberal terms. ' ' Their Capital, together with a large Burpfas Fund l is Invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the Insured an undoubted security in the ease of loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, Alexander Benson, Daniel Smith, Jr.« William Montelius, John Devereux, Isaac Haslehurst, Thomas Smith. . Henry Lewis. . - JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. WilmamG. Cbowsll.,Secretary. apS INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA —OFFICE Nos. 4 and B EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WALNUT Street, between DOCK and THIRD Street., Philadelphia. UrCORPORATBD in 1794-CHARTER PBRBPSTUAL. CAPITAL *200,000. PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1,18(1, *438.616.18. MARINB. FIBS, AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Bherrerd, Tobias Warner, Charles Macalester, Thomas B. Wattsoni William S. Smith, Henry G. Freeman* William B. White, Charles 8. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George 0, Carson, Samuel Grant, Jr., Edward C. Knight,' John B. Austin. . . HENRY D. SHEKRERD, President. WiLiUk Hanrax, Secretary. molB-tl fJ’HE ENTERPRISE DTBUBANOB COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE BXOLUSIYKLY.) COMPANY’S BUILDING, 8. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS. ' F. Ratehford Starr, George H. Stuart, William McKee, John H. Brown, : Nalbro Frazier, J. L. Erringer. John M. Atwood, . Geo. W. Fahneßtoek; . Beni. T. Tredick, James L. Claghoru, stordecii L. Dawson. William G. Boulton. „ „„ F. RATCHFOBD STARR, President, . THOS. H. MONTGOMERY, Secretary. fell A NTHRACITE INSURANCE COM PANT—Authonred Capital *4OO,OOO—CHABTMI PERPETUAL. _ Office Ne. 311 WALNUy Street, between Third Md Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Balldinye, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. - , Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. „„ - ' DIRECTORS. •••••-, William Esher, Darla Pearson. D. Lather, Peter Seiger, Lewis Audenried. J. B. Baum, John R. Blackiston. Wm. F. Dean, Joseph MaxJield, ■ John Ketcham. WILLIAM ESHER, President WM.F. DEAN, VUe President. ' W. M. Suite, Secretary. apS-tf EDUCATION. THE MISSES CHAPMANS BOARD- J- ING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES will reopen SEPT. 1. Circulars maybe obtained of Mr- HILL, 304 Walnut st.; of Messrs. LINDSAY & BLiCK. ISTON, 25 South Sixth st. s or hr application to the Prin cipais at Holmesburg. Fa. .. jyl3mwf3m* < CHARON FEMALE SEMINARY— For the ensuing acHpol-year, will open for reception of Pupils on the 2lßt of Hints MONTH (SEPTEMBER) next For Circulars containing torma, &c.. address, JOSIAH WILSON. DABBY, Pa. I jy2B-lm* TTIIjJjAQB green seminary—a ▼ SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA,; PA. —Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics, Eng-’ lish Branches, Natural Sciences, Ac. Military Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keeping, Surveying, and Civil Engineering. Pupils taken of all ages. School opens September Ist. Boarding, per week, f 2.25. Tuition, per quarter, $6. For catalogues, or information, address Rev. J. HERVEY BARTON. TILLAGE GREEN, Pa. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN- X STITUTE for Young; Ladies, 1530 ARCH Street. Key. CHARLES A. SMITH,\D. PrinoipaL The ninth Academic Year will begin on MONDAY, September 14ttu For circulars, and other, information, address Box 2,611 P. O. je2s-3m* TJBISTOL BOA RDING SCHOOL FOB JJ GIRLS, will re-open «n the 7th of Ninth month. For Circulars, apply to EDTH ANNA FBIBCE, Bristol, Bocksco:.;Pa. ; ■ - jel73m*: ■VfISS MARY E.THROPP WILL RE AI-L open her English and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles, at 18*1 CHESTNUT Street, on the 14th of September. For circulars, until Septem ber Ist, apply at the Sunday-school Times. I*B South FOURTH street, Phila., or address Miss Thropp at Val ley Forge, Penna. .X * ; . ; - ' ‘ J , u myls-4m* ; ■RBAUTT.—IF YOU WISH TO HAVB D .s, fine,; clear use HUNT’S WHITE LIQUID ENAMBL. It will make you as fair as a lily. Price, 26 cents. -• If you are troubled with Tan or Freckles, use HUMTtI BRITISH BALSAM. It is warranted to remove them. Price,-25 cents. ■“ ' If you want a Color, use HUNT'S BLOOM OF BOSES. ■ It will not wash off, nor Injure the skin, and cannot ba delected. Price, 25 cents and $l. : _ HUNT'S COURT TOILET POWDER is the b Faee Powder in use. price. 12Jtf, 26, and 50 cents. Sold at HUNT & CO; % Perfumers, *1 South EIGHTH Btreet, two doors above Chestnut, and 131 South SE VENTH. above Walp-nt, myfi-Sne Mackerel, herring, shad, 4c., Ac. 2.600 bbla Mui. Nob. 1, g, and S Mackerel, late can,hi ht *eh, ill assorted package.. . 2.000 bbla. New'BtMtpori, Fortune Bay, aud Halifax Herring, 2.600 boxes Lubec, Sealed, and No. 1 Herring. 160 bbls.newMess Shad. \ ■ 260 boxes Herkimer County Cheese, &c.'. * Iq store aud for sale by MURPHY ft KOONB. UVI-tf Ho. I*6 North WHARVES. THE WEPNESIMJ, JIFLY 29, 1863. RAILROAD LINES. 1863. NKw^YouSf^^- 1863. mn PHILADBIgHIA AND TBBNTON KAILBOAD COMPANY’S tINKB.FBOM PHILADELPHIA TO NBW YOBK AND WAY PLACBB. W “ f 0L?0W8-V«"’ lA. M., Tl. n.mdtn and Amboy. 6. nIA4» 50mra0d5t10n—............ *Vi,*r~'/w*‘V "i*. * At 6A. M., Tl. Camden nnd J»rs»y OUy. (M. J. ,A» ■ . AtAAlL. ''?*w * * JtftX?* Camden and Jersey City, 3d ClaM At 11AM., yla KenslMton and Jersey City. Bx-. --gg. •' ..... ...» 4AM lIHIIO IW At IS £!! yin Camden and Amboy, O. And A.. , Aeeommodatlon...••*•• • ••■ 1“: ’il-jj ■ ""V’ V ' ,l' * ■ AtSP. M.,yla Camden and Amboy. C. and AM- • A? and Jersey City, Waeh. __ and New York Expre55.......... * 00 At si P. M., yla Kensington and. Jersey City, By*- nlnr > TO At UX P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, South* • ernMaUa»f»«»»« Iw At (NlrKt). via Kejydngten and Jersey City, SoutternExpress..*••.• v.Va ® w , It 6P. M., vis Camden and Amboy, Aec^^-modn* tion. (FrelghtandPassengeri-'lst Cias* A_-get~~ X Do ." ‘ 2d Claes do.****** J to Tbe 6.15 5?.' M. Kyenlng Mall, and 1.30 (Nlgbt) SontW. Kxpreu will nn daily; all others Sunday s_exc«p»££_ - “or Water Cap. Strondabarg Beriaton. Wake»- ■ _ Montrose. Great tend. &e„ at 7,10 A. M.fror- .Mm. yu DeUware. La«lca«iu.e _ M j SStfe^ o ?TbeT* ruifUfft: m: fr\o 3 IrnlF p-oCy, Bwansyille, and PMdbWton,at 3 A. 7'.'eehold, at 8 A. M. and 3 P. M. ’ ’.Sind 11 A M. and « P. P. M. from Walnnt-elreet - doTmeabnrg, Tacony. Wissondinlne, Bridesbarg, and Franfcfort; at 9 A.M. , 2,6, 5.45.. and BF. M., from .Kensington Depot, . _ . For Palmyra, Riverton, Delaneo, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown. Ac.,at 6 IM., 12 M., 1, 3.30, 4K. and 6P. M. The 3.50 and 4K P. M. lines ran direct through to Trenton. ... ■ Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate stations. at 2)4 P. M. from Walnut street wharf. 99r For New York and Way Lines leavinc Kenslttl lon Depot, take the ears on Fifth street, above Walnnt, half an hour before departure. The ears run into the, Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Slfty Pounds of Baggage only allowed e&eh Paisenter. Passengers areprohibited* from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra.' The Company limit tneir responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 9100, exeept by special contract. ••••/ June 29th. 1863. WM. H. GAT2MBE, Agent. LINKS FROM NEW YORK FOB PHILADELPHIA, • WILL LBAVB, PEOK ?OOT 07 OORTIiASTT STBBEr,- ? At 12 M„ and 4 P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7and 10A. M., 6,7X»and 11*P. M. via Jersey City and Kensington. From foot of Barelay street at 6 A. M. and 2 IP. H» via Amboy and Camden. . . • . From Pier No. 1 North river,wt 1 and Sp. M. .(freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. . gyj PENNSYLVANIA gg 00.0 ENTBAL BAILBOAD.g§ «hb GJ*,BAT DOUBLE-TRACK short route to yu “ WEST, NORTHWEST, AHB SOUTHWBST. BCmipmenU and facilities for the safe, speedy, aid comfortable transportation of passengers unsurpassed by any route i«i the country. Trains leave the Depot at Eleventh and Market streets, as follows: Mail Train. at, »*«w«>♦«< mm 7.90 A. M> East Line at..« •*« ►.■ .«.««<.«.« ««,,,»»■..11.30 A. EL Through Express at.*, F. M. West Cheater Accommodation, No. * 8.45 A. M, 44 44 No, 2 P. M. Harrisburg Aoeommodation Train at,♦*„+**... ISO F.M, Lancaster Train at ... AOO F. M, Farkesburg Train (from West Philadelphia).. 5.50 P. M. Thronyh passenyers,'by tbe Fast Line, reach Altoona for supper, where will be found excellent accommoda tions for the night, at the Logan House, and may take either the Philadelphia or -Baltimore Express, each ot. which make* connection at' Pittsburg for all points. A daylight new la thus afforded of the entire lino and it* magnificent scenery. .Tie Throtfgh Express^train runs daily-all the oihtf trains daily, except Sunday. .... FOR PITTSBURG AND THE WEST. - The Hail Train, Fast Line, and Through Express con nect at Pittsburg with through trains on all the diverg ing roads from that point, North to the Lakes, West to the Mississippi and’Missouri rivers, and South and southwest to all points accessible by Railroad. Thronyh Tickets to Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, St. Paul, Colum bus, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Leavenworth, Kansas, Wheeling, Dayton, Cincinnati,' LouisviUe, Cairo, and all other principal points, and baggage checked through, * - • : INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD The Through Express, leaving at 10.90 P. M., connects, « flairaviUe Intersection, with a train on this road for Blairsville, Indiana. Ac. EBENSBURG & CRESSON BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leaving at 10.30 P.M., connects at Cresson. at 8.40 A. M., with a train on this road for Ebenßbury. A train also leaves Cresson for Xbensburg at 8 P. M. S976,SUM —arffk, _ HOLLIDAYSBUBG BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Train, at 7.30 A: M., and Through Expreu, At 10.30 P. ,M. .connect at Altoona with train* for Holliday** bnrg at 71fl_P. M.iandJJt._M._ - : - Tyrone & clearfield branch railroad. The Through Express Train, leaving at 10.30 P. M.. connects at Tyrone •with-ai train for Bandy Ridge and Fhilipsbur*. And by Bald Eagle Valley R. R. for Port Matilda, Milesbnrg. and Bellefonte. _ HUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leaving at 10.30 P, M. ? connects at Huntingdon with a train for Hopewell at 6.22 A. M. NORTHERN CENTRAL AND PHILADELPHIA &SBH , RAILROADS. Ton Sukbvkt, Williamsport, Look Hatrf, Elmira, Rochester, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls. Passengers taking the Mail Train, at. 7.30 A. M.. and the Through Express, at 10.30 P. M., go directly through without change of cars between Philadelphia and Williamsport. For YORK, HANOVER, and GETTYSBURG, the trains leaving at 7.30 A. M. and 2.30 P. M. connect at Columbia With trains on the Northern Central R. S. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. The Mail Train, at 7.30 A. M.. and Through Express, at 10.30 P. M., connect at Harrisburg with trains for Carlisle, Chamberaburg, and Hagerstown. _ WAYNESBTJBG BRANCH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 7.30 A. M. and 4.00 P. M. connect at Downlngtown with trains' on this road for Waynes bnrg and all intermediate stations. FOR WEST CHESTER. . Passengers for West Chester taking the trains leaving at 8.45 A. M. and 12.30 and 4.00 P. M. go directly through without change of cars. COMMUTATION TICKETS. For 1,3,6,9, or 12 months, at very.low rates, for the ac« commodatlon of persons living out of town, or located on or near the line of the road. • ; • COUPON TICKETS. For 26 trips, between any two points, at about two cents per mile. These tickets are intended for the use of families travelling frequently.and are of great advantage to persons making occaetonwtrijw^^ For 1 or 8 months, for the use of scholars attending School in the eitv. : For farther information apply at the Passenger Station, g. E. corner of ELEVENTH ana MARKET Streets. JAMES COWDBN. Ticket Agent, WESTERN EMIGRATION. . . An Emigrant-Accommodation Train leaves No. IST Dock street dally (Sundays excepted), at 4 o’clock P.M., offering a comfortable mode oft ravel to families going West, at one-half the usual rates of fare. Particular at tention is paid to Baggage, for which checks are given, and baggage forwarded by same train with the passen •ger.. For full information apply to . ... FRANCIS FUNK, Emigrant Agent, 131 DOCK Street MANN’S BAGGAGE EXPRESS. An agent of this reliable Express Company will pace through each train before reaching the depot, and take np checks and deliver Baggage to any part of the city. Baggage will be called forpromptly when orders are left at the Passenger Depot,-Eleventh and Market streets. The travelling public are assured that it U entire responsible. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct , or to any port on the navigable rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the West, by the Pennsyl vania'Central Railroad, are, at all times, as favorable as are charged by other Railroad-Compa nies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their freight to this Company can rely with eonfl dence on its speedy transit.' For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to Of address the'Agents of the Company: B. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. • CLARKE & Co., Chicago, V« LEECH & Co., No. 1 Astor House, or No. I South Wil liam street. New York. ‘ LEECH & C0..-No. 77 Washington street, Bostoa. - - WM. BROWN,-No. 80 North street, Baltimore, Agent ■orthem Central Sailway. H H HOTJBTOK , G m r el,M^ent.P H UlaMphl t Ji2-tf General Superintendent, Altoona, Fa. BgM— NORTH PENNSYL eSWiiI W VANIA RAILROAD—For BETH LEHEM. DOYLESTOWHV MATJCH CHUNK, HAZLE TON, EASTON, WILKEBBABBB, WILLIAMSPOBT. >K ' SUMMER! aheangement. Pawenger Trains leave the new Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: ■ . At 7 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, M&uth Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, Ac. At 3.16 P. ; M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, As. At 6.16 P. M. for Bethlehem; Allentown, Mauch Chunk. For Doylestown at 9.16 A. M- and 4.lfi P. M. ■ For Fok Washington at 10.36 A. M. and 6.30 P. M. White cars of the Second and Third-streets like City Passenger run directly to the new Depot. . TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem at 6.45 A. M.. 9.30 A. M., and 6.09 F. M. Leave Doylefifcown at 7.35 A. M. and 4P. M. • Leave Fort Washington at 6.40 A. M. and. 2P. M. «.. . .V ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A- M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at3P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7A. M. . Bethlehem for Philadelphia P. M. __ • • . ~ ap2o ’ • : BLLIS CLARK, Agent, WEST CHESTER & PHILADELPHIA, - VTA TUB PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. _ . . . Passengers for West Chester leave the depot, s2,nje*of ®®y®|rth and Market streets, and go through WITHOUT CHANGE OI pHILADELpHIA Leave at 8.45 A. M .Arrive West Chester 10.30 A. M. 4 ‘12.50P. M. " 2.30P.M. 41 4,00 P. Mi 6.00P.M. PROM WEST CHESTER. Le&Yeat 6.20 A. M Arrive West Phila... 8.00 A. H. .*« *'lO.6OA. M. “ *' 12.25 P. M. *• " 3.45 P. M. " *' 6.00 P. M. Passenger* for Western points from West Chester con nect'at the Intersection with the Mall Train at 8.45 A. M., the Harrisburg -Accommodation at 3.46 P. M., and. the Lancaster Train at 6.26 P. M. . • Freight delivered at the depot, comer of Thirteenth and Market streets, previous to 12 M.-will ho forwarded by the Accommodation Train, and reach West Chester. Tor tickets and further information, apply to xorucxew ana JAMEg CO WDBN, Ticket Agent Ja2-tf : ELEVENTH and MARKET Street*. Sg»a—3 PHILADELPHIA BLMIBA B. B. LIMB 186S SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. _. 1861 For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all points in tlie W. and N.. W. Passenger Trains lea., Penot of Philadelphia and Beading Railroad, eorn.r Broad and Callowhlll street*, at 8.10 A. M. and 3.SOr. to point. In Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western N.W York, &c., Ac. Baggage checked throng), to Buffalo. Niagara Falls, or Intermediate Point,. General Agent, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL. and office of How ard’s Express Company. OPT CHESTNUT St. ja3l-tr 1863.fliE——B 1863. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and andNorthweßt counties of the city of It has been - leased by the PMSSTLTASII RAIL ROAD COMPANY, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout it s entire length., , , > It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to Driftwood, second fork, <177 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Brie* (71 BaileB) on the Western Division. TIKE OF FABSBKOBR TRAINS AT PHILADELPHIA. Leave Westward. „ - v „ Mall Train.*... 7.30 A.M. Express Train. 10.30 P.M. Cars run through without change both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Look Haven, and b# 1 tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. _ , .. - Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Traiua both way* between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. * . , , For information respecting Passenger business apply at the Southeast corner Eleventh and Market Streets. And for. Freight business ofthe Company’s Agents:! S. B. KINGSTON. Jr.. comer Thirteenth and Market, streets. Philadelphia. J S’ - B. 8.. Baltimore , . UNIU.. Agen H H HOUSTON. Gen.ralFr^WA^PhlU.delpU^ general Ticket Agent. Philadelphia. JOS. D. POTT& mh6*tf General Manager, Williamsport. .fgge—BM3. THE PHILADELPHIA eastern transportation COMPANY is now prepared to forward FREIGHT from Philadelphia to New York, via Camden and Port Moi> '^Theattenttonof Shippers«a>Merchantsdirectedtc .expeditious RAILROAD ROUTE, and a portion of ,their patronage respectfully solicited. received at third wharf above Arch streak W. F. GRIFFITTS, Jn..GeneralM&nager, ' ' JOHNBUCfe, Freigh) Agent, . - gIS-t( Piar No. «8 NORTH RIVER. Hew York. FREIGHTS. SHERIFF'S SALES, CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRV p E 0P , kJ writ of Alian I>er»rl I\»oia», tome beexorscd to public sale or venduo. (m y id a, Angnst 3. 1833. at 4 o’clock, at*any it, n tt ‘ All those two certain msssnagesor t s ‘teot Hall, contignous lots or pieces of Kronad HI ,Ul ' six west corner of Y ork and William str '■’ ’ l_ ;i! SoQtn of Hamilton, in tho county of Phils U, 11 W the city of Philadelphia, marked ' la ’ n ”f P* T t gather ja frreadtb on Yorkst?*' ‘ t Tmi w il f! »« drew: street respectively, tbry j Aa * tending in tengttTor depth fro rj 5m said Walnut or Andrew stone',; .qiAnV 8 street, two hundred and tv eAv fe* ward by lot No 31; souttow, a‘-I street, eastward by -V Walnut or Andrew York street aforesaid. [B'jf .treat, and northward by Nathaniel B, Browne. hr tbe premises which. 2fich day of May, anno indenture bearing date the ; Deed Book A. D. B » If' Domini 1808. and recorded, in conveyed fintor alia)- - o 16, page 2cD, &c-. granted.and Armand John DeP onto the Raid John Potts Brown, and William Her* .ofiset, Jr., Robert Frar-ktin Brown, the firm of Bre* -ry Wiggins, copartners in trade, under under and an* h& Be Rosset their heirs and assigns, tain mortg* .oject nevertheless to the payment of a cer ' dollars, r - ffe debt or. principal »am of five, thonshnd saxe r* ecured thereon by a certain indenture of mort- Amer .‘Ven aud execatcd by Thomas Allibone, to, the c f p - »can Fire Insurance Company, dated the 21st- day « May, A, D. .1841, and. recorded in Mortgage Book 12, page 606, Ac » and which said mortgage debt it is intended forthwith to pay off. discharge, and satisfy of record.] " N. B.—The buildings erected on the ab.ove-described Jot are a large double‘three-story rouvh-cast dwetlin <, fronting on William street, n.^W"called Thirty-ninth ' street, with back building* a tV?P*story rough-cast stable on the rear the lot [D C.,.646; 1863 . relit, *19,236, Garlikta. ]- _Taken in exc' alion and to be Bold as tUe property of John Potts.. Brown and others. - ’ .. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 18, 1863, . _ je2)*St ' SHERIFF’S SALE.-Ry VIRTUE OF A. writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will beoxpoaed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, August 3, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at sansom-street Hall. All that certain four-story brick messuage or tsnemant and lot or piece uf ground, situate on. the southwest cor ‘ Of and Twenty-third (lately called Ashton) • streets. In the City 61 Philadelphia aforesaid- contaiilmg in frontfer breadth on said Lombard street, twenty feet, andin length or detith on paid Twenty-third, street se venty feet to a seven-feet-wide atley, laid out by Janies Kerr.- Bounded on the north by Lombard street, on the east by Twenty-third street, on the south bv the afore said f even-ftet-wide alley, and on the west by ground now or late oftbe said James Kerr CBeing the same messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, which. Jason L. Fennimore and wife, by indenture dated the day of July, A: D. 184 S, recorded in Deed Book A, W. M.; No. 76, page 139, &c. ‘, granted and con- Seyed unto the said Abigail B. Tarr in fee, as in and by le recited indenture, reference being thereunto had, will more fully and at large appear.] CD. C., 659; JuueT. ’63. Debt, $3,500. GW. Biddle.]- Taken in execution and to be sold as- the property of Abigail B. T»rr, Ac. ' JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. .Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, July 18. 1863. :* jy2o-3t (SHERIFF’S SALE.—-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas,to me directed,will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing. August 3.1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Thirteenth street, at the distance of one hun dred and twelve feet southward from the south side of Columbia avenue, in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Thirteenth street sixteen feet, and extending eastward in length.or depth of that width, parallel with said Co lumbia avenue, one hundred and sixteen feet to a thirty two-feet-wide street. Bounded northward by ground granted to —— Keeley, southward by other ground this ay granted to the said Benjamin Wilson, eastward by the said thirty-two-feet wide street, and westward by Thirteenth street aforesaid. CSeingpart of a large lot of. ground which M. Carey Lea and wife, by indenture dated the 16fch day of February, A. D. 1854, recorded in Deed Book T.H., No. US. page 564, &c., granted and conveyed unto William M. Parham in fee.] Together with the free use and privilege of the said thmy-two feet-wide street as and for a passage-way and water course at all.times hereafter forever. N. B.~On the said premises is erected a three-story .brick dwelling-house. To be sold subject to a yearly ground rent of one hun dred and six dollars. CD. C.,550; Jure Term, ’63. Debt, $lll 31. Baird.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Beniamin Wilson. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. July 18 1863. jy2o-3t .SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue,'on MONDAY Eve ning, August 3, 1863. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the -north side of Walnut street, at the distance of two hun dred and seventy feat eastward from the east side of Thirtv.sixth street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city or Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Walnut street thirty feet, and in length or depth of that width northward at right angles with the said. Walnut street one hundred, and twenty-four feet. Bounded on the South by the said Walnut street, on the east : by lot marked the £Caorfil piah or tne v tl lage of Hamilton No 111, on the north by ground of William Jones, and on the west by other ground in tended to be this day granted to the said James D- Shaw. CWhick lot of ground the said Annesley R. Govetfc and Elizabeth J., his wife, by indenture bearing even date with this recited indenture of mortgage, to wit: the 21st day of April, A, D. IS6O, and executed immediately : before the same, and intended , to be recorded, for the consideration money therein mentioned, granted and conveyed unto the said James D. Shaw in fee; of which said consideration money the principal moneys hereby secured, are part, the residue thereof being the sum to be advanced by the said mortgagee to the said mortgagor toward s the construction of a messuage or tenement on tk e the hereby-granted lot, agreeably to the terms of certain articles of agreement in writing between the said parties, bearing date the day before the date of this recited in denture of mortgage, which said recited indenture of mortgage is dated the 21st day of April, A. D. 1860, and which said articles are intended to be recorded ] N. B. —On this lot is erected a three-story rough-cast brick messuage, with two-story brick back buildings, With porch in front-; said messuage being built in cot tage style; [D. C.. 561; June T., ’63. Debt, $3,200. G. W. Biddle. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James D. Shaw. . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff/ Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, July 18, 1663. jy2o-3t SHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Le vari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, August 3, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All tb&t certain four- story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of Lombard street, at the distance of twenty feet westward from the west side of Twenty-third street, (late Ashton street,) in the said city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the . said Lombard street thirty-six feet, and extending in length or depth southward of that width sever ty, feet. Bounded northward by the said Lombard street: southward by ground now or late of Augustus De. Kalb Tarr et al.; eastward by ground formerly of James Kerr, now or late of Abigail B. Tarr, and westward by ground now or late of James Kerr. (Being the samelof or piece of ground which James Kerr, by indenture dated the Ist day of. November, A. D. iSSS, and recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 41, pace 512,: Ac.‘/granted and conveyed unto the said Augustus De ! Kalb Tarr in fee, reserving thereout a yearly ground rent or, sum of three hundred dollars, in equal' half yoarly as therein expressed; and which said vearly ground rent or sum of three hundred dollars Martha Bowman, in whom the same was then vested, in fee, by deed poll endorsed, dated the 16th day of June, A. v D 1857, and recorded in Deed Bookß. I). W.» No. 133, page 296, &c., granted, released, “god forever extin guished unto the said Augustus De Kalb Tarr, his heirs and assigns forever, as therein expressed. ] : CD. C., 568; JuneT V’63. Debt, $3,600. G. W. Biddle.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of ’Augustus De Kalb Tarr. - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 18.1863. jy2Q-3t CHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF L? a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 3,1863. at 4 o’clock, at Sau6om-street Hall, A certain lot or piece of ground, with three brick mes suages or tenements thereon erected, situate- in- the Northern Liberties and county of Philadelphia, on the west side of Orchard between Brown street and Poplar lane; containing m front or breadth on said Orchard street seventeen feet, and in length extending westward fifty feet. [Being: the same lot or piece of ground which William A. Porter. Esq., High Sheriff of an'd for the city and county of Philadelphia, by deed poll dated-the twenty-fourth day of Jane, anno Do mini one thousand eight hundred : and forty-three, ac knowledged in open District Court, held at Philadel phia, for the city and county of Philadelphia, and en tered among.the records thereof, in Book O. page 252, and, by virtue of acertain writ of venditioni exponis. therein recited, grant and convey unto the said Abel M. Jameß in fee; subject to the payment of a- certain yearly ground rent or sum of seventeen dollars, which yearly ground rent William Macferran and wife, bv deed poll bearing even date herewith, endorsed on the original ground-rent deed, and intended, forthwith to be record-. ed, granted, assigned, and conveyed unto the said Abel M. James, his heirs and assigns, whereby the same cessed, merged, and became forever extingui-hed.J [D. C., 667; June T., ’63.. Debt, $605.50, McAllister.] Taken in execution and to be sold - as the property of Abel M. James. . JOHN THOMPSOJ^Sheriff. -Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 18,1863. jy2o-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF N-* a. writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,August3,lB63. at 4 o’ Sansom-street Hall; . All that certain lot or piece of ground situate upon the south side of Christian street, in the late district of Moy amensing, now the city of Philadelphia, commencing at the distanee.of seventy-three feet eastward from the east Bide of Eleventh street; containing in front orbreadth on said Christian street sixteen feet, and extending in length’or depth southwardly, between parallel lines, on. the east side thereof, eighty-seven feet six inches, and on the west side thereof eighty-four feet six inches! more or less, to a proposed twelve-feet-wide alley lead ing into Tenth street, as laid out by a.certain writ of partition issued out. of the District Court for the city and county, of Philadelphia, as of December Term, 1843, No. 391, and extended by the said Henry G. - Freeman about sixteen feet further west. Bounded north by the said Christian street, east by grounds granted to C. Comegys, on the south by the said: twelve-feet-wide alley, and on west partly by other ground of the said H. G.- Freeman and partly by a three-feet-wide alley, fifty-one feet in length, running into Christian street aforesaid. (Being the same premises , which the said Henry G. Freeman and v ife,by indenture bearing even date herewith, duly executed and acknowledged prior to the execution hereof and intended to be recorded, for tie coisideration money thei’ein mentioned, grant ed and conveyed unto the said John H. Taggirt, in fee/] N. B.—The above described lot has athree-storybrick dwelling house, with two-story brick back buildings thereon erected .'CD. C., 547; JuneT., ’63. .Debts6so. Stover.] Taken- in extcution and to be sold as the property of John H. Taggart. . JOHN THOSIPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. July 18,1863, jy2o-3t SHERIFF’S SALE —BY VIRTUE OF M a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve* ning, August 3.1863. at 4 o’clock, at Sausom-street Hail, - Air that certain triangular lot or piece of ground situ ate at the northeasterly corner of Chestnut street and the Chestnut-hillßailroad, in Germantown, intbe Twenty second ward of ihe city of Philadelphia, beginning on the northwesterly! side of said Chestnut street, at ths dis tance of one hundred and eighty feet southwesterly from •the corner of .Henry Cope’s land; thence‘extending northwesterly on a hceparallel to said Cope’s ground to the said Chestnut-hill- Railroad; thence southwesterly along said railroad to the ; said. Chestnut street, and thence northeastwardly along the northwesterly side of said Chestnut street one hundred feet to the place of be ginning- [Being the same premises which. Charles H. •Shoemaker, by indenture dated the twetieth day of Oc tober, A. D. 1856, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. *2, page 477. &c., granted and conveyed unto William Nuttall; subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent of eighty dollars; payable semi-annually to harles H. Shoemaker, his-heirs or assigns, for the arrearages of which sbid ground rent the above lot is sold.j [D.C.', r SS7; JuneT.,’63. Debt.*572.88. O- W. Davis. 1 : Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Nuttall. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 18.1853. jy2o 3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ ofAlias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,August3,lB63. atto’clock, at Sansom-streetHall, J All'that certain lot or piece of ground sitnate in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia, at the intersection of Tenth street with Patsyunk road: commencing at the point of intersection; thence extending southward, along the easterly side of said Pa*syunk road, one hundred and eleven feet one half inch; thence southeastwardly in a line at right angles with said Passyunk road, about thirty-five feet, to a point; thence eastward, on a line at right angles with Tenth street, about thirty-five feet, to the. west side of said Tenth street: thence northward, along,said Tenth street, one hundred and -ten feet three inches, to the place of beginning. Bounded eastwardly by Tenth street, northward and westward by Passyunk road, and southward by ground of - > . [Being the same lot of ground which George W. Norris and wife, by deed dated June 23d: 1851, and recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 20, page. 339, &c., granted unto John Fitz patrick in fee; reserving a ground rent of one hundred dollars. ] • ■' •'[D. C., 640; JuneT. ’63.,-Debt *388.92. Pile.l Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jolin.Fitzpatrick. • JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 18. 1863. jy2o*St CHKRIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF k? a writ of Alias Levari Facias; to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 3,1863, at 4 o’clock,, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain three-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Clinton street.'attbe distance of one hundred and ninety feet nine and three-suarter inches southward from the southeast -corner of the said Clinton street and Phoenix street;- in that .part of the said city of Philadelphia lately called Kensington; containing In front or breadth on the >aid Clinton street twelve feet, and extending in length or. depth eastward between parallel lines at right angles with the said Clinton street, on the north line thereof, about sixty feet three inches and a half, and on the south line thereof fifty-nine feet ten inches andahalf, he the same more or less, in depth to the centre of-a certain brick culvert laid out and constructed by Oliver Parry and Nathaniel Kandolph (former owners of a larger lot 1 of ground of which the premises hereby granted are part), midway between the said Clinton aud Howard streets, for' the use of all the lots communicating there-, with, and leadinefrom the distance of about fifty feat 'southward from-Phamix street to the extent of about one hundred and sixty-oight r feet, where it turns and; -leads westwardly into the said Clinton street. [Being the same premises which the said Hiram Miller^ by in-; . denture bearing even date with this recited indenture of mortgage, to wit: tlie twenty-second day of August, ■A. D. 1856, but executed immediately before the same.* for .the consideration therein mentioned, part of which* was thereby secured, granted and conveyed;unto the, said-James it; Bowles, in fee, subject to the express re striction that the yards of the houses to be erected upon. 'the said lot should not at any time be filled up to a level higher than six feet below the curbstone in thestreets opposite the respective buildings.] Together with-ihe> free and uninterrupted use, right, liberty, and privilege: of the said brick culvert, as and for a water-course and. drain,‘in common with the owners and; tenants and oc- k copiers of-other lots oi- ground communicating there-, with, at all’times, hereafter forever. Subject toapro portlonate part of the expense of cleanßlng.and keeping tbe same in goddvOrder and repair. .. . . • [D..C. 660;. June T.. 03. n Debt, *6OO. G. W. Biddle 1 Taken in execution and to be sold as tbe property of James R. Bowles. > JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s office, uly 16,1563. jy2o-3fc SHERIFF’S SALES. CHE RIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF V l> writ of Alla. Levari Facias, to me directed will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evea ,at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or plecoof ground situate on the : north sido of Walnut street, at the distance of .two hun dred and forty feet eastward, from the ea*t sido of Thirty* tixtk street, in the.Tw.Bßty.fonrth ward of the city of l'mjadelpbla; containing in front or breadth on the said Walnut street thirty feet, and in length or depth, of that width,, northward, at right angles with the said Wal nut street, one hundred and twenty-four feet. Bounded ' on the south by the said Walnut street, on the east and west by other ground intended to he this day' *he earn James D Shaw, and ou the-north by ground of i • ,J a S? Jones. [Which lot of ground the said Annes ley R. .Govett and Elizabeth J. , hra wife, by indenture bearing even date with this recited indenture of mort gage. to wit.-the 21st day of "April; A. D. 1860. and exe cuted immediately: before the same, and intended to * recorded.’for-the tonsideratifin money therein-' • 00 tioned' f< granted and conveyed unto the said - r Sbaw in fee, of which said . consideration «ames D. principal moneys hereby secured are p>* . money _ the thereof bein* the sum to be advanced ~ gagee to the.said mortgagor towards th* V™f£««*-' aor K a messuage or tenement on agreeable to the terms of certain KrtiSfJc i O - fc * writing between the said PAricm* bA«rf«» la before..the date of this reeled day which said recited °? sut'davof Auril A D ■*” -ire of mortgage is dated the : WMCU Said articlo3 are hrklk B mess- lot -A 8 sfected a three-story ronah-cast with W ,"*.»*»• with two-story brick back buildiDgs, p *, cll ha-front, said mesßuago being built in cot s yle. CD.C. ,562; June T.,’63. Debt, *53,200. G. W. Biddle.] Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of James D. Shaw. JOHN THOMP“ n v Shtriff _P_blladelphia, SheriFs J nly fg-' TyW-li S h E?.IfF’S sale.—by VIRTUE or 1 : ;WI }“: of Xevaii Facias, to me directed, will be CKPOSCU to PR U 1C sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Augusts, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certainlot or piece of ground, with the double three-story d welling house with the other buildings and improvements, thereon erected, situate on the south- L. Jr °: Trenton avenue and northeasterly side - ai S el liT. Btr s et ’ the , htto district of Richmond, now in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia! containuiß in front or breadth on said Clearfield street one hundred and.thirty-seyen feet ten and a half inches, and extending m length or depth northeastwardly ninety feet. Bounded northeastwardly by ground now §* *0 : E. Spangler, .southeaatwardly-by Witte street, northwefttwardly by Trenton avenue, and southwestwardly by Clearfield street aforesaid [Being the same premises which Amanda E. Cofllu, by inden ture dated tbe2Sth day of June, A. D, 1862, and intended to be recorded, granted, and conveyed unto, the said H olmes B. Kelley, m fee. under and subject to the pay ment of a yearly ground rent or sum of two hundred and two dollars and twenty-three cents, payable half-yearly on the first day of March and September in every year, free of taxes, as therein expressed. And which said, yearly ground rent or sum of two hundred and two dol lars and twenty-three cents John S. Morton and wife, bTiindentured dated the Bth day of September, A D. 1862, and intended to be forthwith recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said Holmes B. Kelley, in fee, whereupon .-the same ceased, merged, and becamofor* ever extinguished, as therein expressed.] . [D C:, 657; June T., ’63. • Debt, $2,600. G. W. Biddle ] lakeniu execution and to besold as the property of Holmes B. Kelley. ; JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office. .Tnly 18. 1863. jy2o-3t QHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF , • a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, august 3, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southeasterly side of East Washington street, late in the borough of Germantown, now in : the Twenty-second ward .of the city of Philadelphia: beginning at a'stako set for a corner by the side of the said East Washington street (as widened), being twenty-five feet' from the centre thereof, at the distance of two hundred and sixty five feet three inches southwesterly from the centre of the Bristol; township-line road; thence extending along the said side of East Washington street (as .widened) sonth forty-two degrees and twenty-five minutes, west one hundred and twenty feet, and extending in length or depth of that width, between parallel lines at right angles therewith, southeastwardly two hundred and twenty-five feet to the side of a new street forty teit wide, to be laid out and opened by Charles Harlan, pa rallel with Bast Washington street, called “Mary street,” [Being the same premises which John F. Brin-' ton, by indenture, bearing date the 6th day of June. A, D, 1856, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 81, page 435, &c., granted and- conveyed unto Tem perance Ann Brown, wife of the said JamesD. Brown, in fee simple; and the said. Temperance Ann Brown being so thereof seized of the said premises, departed this life, having first toade and published her last will . ana testament in writing, hearing date the 20th day of February, A. D. 1357. since her decease dulyproved and remaining on file in the Register’s office at Philadelphia, wherein and whereby she did give and bequeath the said premises unto her husband, the said James, D. Brown, as in and by the said rec'ted last will and testa ment EDd indenture, reference being had unto them re spectively v will more fully and at large appaar ] To gether with the free and common use and privilege of the said Mary street, with and without horses, cattle and carriages, at all times hereafter forever. UJ.a, 532iJahQ T., ’63.: Debt, 91 f 25& A* Thompson, J Taken in execution and to be sola as ’thS property Of Mary J. Brown, administratrix, &c.. of James 0. Brown, deceased. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July IS, 1563.: jy2o-3t , SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF ; a writ of Pluries Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, T will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY • Evening, August 3.1863. at4o’clock,at Sansom-street Hall, ;. AH that stone messuage, barn, Ac.,-- and two contiguous lots of land, situate in; ne Twenty-second ward of the : city of Philadelphia, the first being described as follows; No. I. : Begmningatastone set for a corner at the north westwardly side of the. Old York road; thenco by laud of ' -Benjamin Armitage, north eighty-three degrees twenty minutes west, thirty perche3and three-tenths of a perch, to a stone; thence north five degrees ten minutes east, thirty-five and a half perches, to a stone; thence by land of damuel Harper, south eighty-two degrees fifty five minutes east, twenty-six perches, to a cornerstone; thence by land of Joseph Engle, south nine degrees west, two perches and eighty rfive hundredths of a pe*ch, toa stone; thence south sixty-nine degrees east, sixteen perches and eighty-five hundredths of a perch, to a post on the side of said Old York road; thence by said road, south, twenty-eight degrees forty-five minutes west, thirty perches and thirty-five hundredths, to the place of beginning: containing, seven acres, one hundred perches,and a half a perch of laud. (Being the same pre mises which Joseph Healy and wife, by indenture bear ing date the sixteenth day of November, 1844, recorded in ’Deed Book R, L. L., No. 31, page 187, &c., granted and conveyed to the said Joseph T. Wears, in fee. 3 No 2. The other, of said tracts beginning at a corner now or late of Silas'Wilson, and being on the line of the above-described lot of land; thence by the same, north four degrees twenty-nine minutes east, eight perches aud thirty-fourhundredths of a perch, to a corner of lot now or. late of Jacob Miller; thence by same, north eighty four degrees west, tbirtv-eight perches, twenty-nine hundredths of a perch, to a stone at- corner of said Mil ler’s lot, and in line of Nathan Sperings’ land; thence by same, south six degrees and a half west, eight perches and thirty-four, hundredths, to a corner of said Wilsoa’s lot; thence by same, south eighty-four degrees east, thirty-eightperches and sixty-two hundredths, to the place of beginning; containing two acres, more or less. CBting the same tract of land which Henry Lelar, Esq., sheriff of the county of. Philadelphia, by deed poll, dated the thirteenth day of June, 1849,and entereaamong the records of the # District Court for the city &Dd county of Philadelphia, in Bo >k V, page 610, &c.,. granted and conveyed to the said Joseph T. Wears, in fee.]' [D. C., 538; JuneT., ’63. Debt,52,105.53. Abbott.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph T. Wears. ] JOHN THDSfPSON. Sheriff. . . Philadelphia,Sheriff’s Office, July 24,1863. . jy2o-3t GHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIR’IUE OF . a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 3,1863, at 4 o clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or. piece of ground, situate on the northerly, side of Sergeant street, at the distance of : eighteen feet westward from the westerly side of Coral street, in the Nineteenth, ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Sergeant street fifteen feet eight inches, and extending of that width in length or depth north ward seventy three feet seven inches to a three feet wide alley, leading into and from said Coral street, and laid out and opened for the mutual use and accom modation of the owners and occupiers of the premises bounded thereby. Bounded on the east and west by other ground of the said; Holmes B. Kelley, on the north by said alley, and on the south by Sergeant street aforesaid. C Being part of a larger lot of ground which the said Alexander E. Saterbridge and wife, by inden ture bearing even date herewith, but executed aud de livered prior to the execution of these pießents. and in tended to, be herewith recorded, for the consideration money therein mentioned, part whereof is hereby se cured, granted and conveyed unto the said Holmes B. Kelley in fee.] Together with the free and common use, right, liberty and privilege of said alley,at all times hereafter forever. * ; m [D.C., 554; JuneT.,’63. 'Debt.*l,oo2 62. Ernst.] Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of Holmeß B. Kelley. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. July 18,1863. jy2o-3t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Augui 13,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southwestwardlv side of Huntingdon street, at the dis tance of one hundred and forty-three feet six inches northwestwardly from the northwestwardly side of Emerald street, in Kensington aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on the said Huntingdon street fifty three feet six inches, and extending that breadth in length or depth southwestwardly 146 feet inches, to Hazzard street. Bounded sontlieasfcwardly and north westwardly by other ground of the said George DeHaven and Christian Scheetz, of which this was part, sonth- Westwardly by the said Hazzard street, aud northeast wardly by Huntingdon street aforesaid. (Being the same piemiseß which George DeHaven and wife,’by in denture dated the 2d day of December, A. D. 1852, re corded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book-R. D. W., No. 49. page 322, &c., granted and conveyed unto the: said Adam Hnfnel, in fee; reserving fcliereont a yearly ground rent of $69.55 ] CD. C.,668; JuneT., ’63. Debt, $3ll 96. McAllister.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Adam Hufhel. - ' JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July IS, 1563. jy2o-3t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY YIRTUE OF a writ of Alias VenditioniExponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue,on MONDAY Even ing, August 3, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate ou the east side of Thirteenth street, at the distance of ninety six feet southward from the sonth side of Columbia ave nue; in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on said Thir teenth street sixteen feet, and exending in length or depth eastward, keeping the same breadth parallel to said Columbia avenue, one hundred and sixteen feet to a thirty-two-feet-wide street; : Bounded northward and southward by other ground granted to the said Benia min Wilson, eastward by the said thirty-two-feet-wide street, and westward by Thirteenth street aforesaid. [Being part of a larger lot of ground which William BL Parham and wife, oy indenture dated the 18th day of August, A-D.. 1556; and inteaded. to be forthwith re corded, granted and conveyed unto the said Nelson J. Nickerson in fee. ] Together with the free use aud privi lege of the said 'thirty-two-feet- wide street at all times hereafter forever; an d the same pieinises granted by N. J. Nickerson to Benjamin Wilsouj subject to a yearly ground rent of one nnndred and twelve dollars, by deed recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., No; 92, page 129, &c. N. B.—On said premises is erected a three-story gbrick d welling-h on Fe i CD. C., 552; June T,, ’63. Debt, $115.36. Baird.l Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Benjamin Wilson. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 18,186;]. jj2o-3fc CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OE a; writ of Alias Venditioni Exoonas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Augusts. 1863,at4o’clock, at Sahsom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Thirteenth street, at the distance of SO feet southward from the south side of Columbia avenue, in. the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front or breadth on the said Thirteenth street sixteen feet and extending in length or depth eastward keeping the same breadth parallel to said. Colombia avenue 116 feet to a 32? feet-wide street; Bounded north ward by ground now or late of the estate of William M. Camac, ,deceased, southward by ground this day grant ed to the said Benjamin Wilson, eastward by the said 32- feet-wide. street, and westward by -Thirteenth street aforesaid. [Being a part of a larger lot of ground which: Wm. M. Parham and wife, by indenture dated August 18,1856, and intended to hdlforthwith recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said Nelson J. Nickerson in fee. ]- Together with the free use aud privilege of the said 32- fpet-wide street at airtimes.hereafter; forever, and the same premises granted byN. J. Nickerson to Benjamin Wilson, subject to a yearly ground rent of $ll2, by deed recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 93, page 133. &o. N. B.—On saidlpremises is erected a three-story brick dweDing house. _ : [D. C., 551; JuneTi,’63. Debt, 9115.36. Baird.] Taken in execution and to be sold’ as the property, of Benjamin Wilson.- - JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 18,1863.jy20-8t CHERIFE’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF . a writ ofVenditiohi Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale dr vendue, on MONDA Y Evening, August 3, 1863. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hull. - All that certain lot or piece oj ground with the build ings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the west side of Duponceau street, at a distance of fifey-two feet south of Locust street, iu the. city of, Philadelphia; containing in front on said Dupoceau’street forty-five feet, and extending in.length or depth twenty feet. Bounded on the east by said Duponceau street, on the south by a certain, tlree-feet-wide alley, on the west by ground now or late'of Charlotte Rapp, and on the north by ground granted'or intended to have been; granted to Richard McLain. .. . . rp. C. 563; June IV, ’63. Debt $5OO/ J. G. Lougatreth.] Taken in execution- and to be sold as the property of John G.'Kelley. • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff 'Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, JulylB,lS63. jy2o-3t - SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 3,1863, atdo’clock, at Sansom-streetHall, All that certain: lot or piece of ground situate in the Nineteenth ward, city of Philadelphia, on tbe north west corner of Sergeant and Sapyiva streets; containing in front on Sergeant street fifty-six feet, and extending of that width in depth along Sepviva streefconehun di*ed and thirty-eight feet one and one-eighth inches to Fox street,. [Recital —Dead W. F. Eralen and J."D. Sergeant, trustees, et ft]-.-to Isaac Thompson in fee; dated April 9, 1550; recorded in Deed Book R-D. W., No. 6, page 521,' reserving a ground rent of $7O 3 ' - - [D. C;vs4l; JuneT.,’63 ; . Debt, 9595.43. Pile.] • Taken: in execution and to be sold as the property of- Isaac Thompson. JOHN THOMPSON,- Sheriff. : Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 18, -1863. -j r y2o-3t CJTERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF *3 a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or. vendue, on MONDAY E vehiiig, August3,lS63, at4o’clock, at Sansom-streetHall, All those two brick buildings and lot or piece of grounl situate on the, south;side of Locust street, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets.iuthe city of Philadelphia; commencics: fifteen feet six inches east of Mercer street. . and containing in front Locust strent fifte3u feet, an din.depth of that width, .seventy.feat, with the use of a three- f eet alley imo Mercer street. . ' ;: - . ' : V Vo[D. C.v 648; JuneT., ’63. Debt, $412 Stover.] Taken iu execution and to be sold as the property of Anthony Terradoll and Massey, his wife ' JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. • Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July IS, 1363. = jy2C*3t SHERIFF’S SAT.W.ft r SHERIFF’S. SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas t-o. me directed, will bf exposed to public sale or ven&up* on MONDAY Eve m? T Si f aB V? fc *l* at * o’clock, Sansom-sireet Hall. a, l '. 0 .-, 1 * All that certain lot piece of ground, with Sfrfif e ?v : f t 0 br ick. «icsaua*o-or tenement thereon .P n nosth bide of Christian fn™^«SS n Ff R Vil 8 ,jlsi &sce of two hundred and * lor tyl SSFif i ?.--oa« rtreftrinthe Third n JZ h'4^'1 8 toJ "swU Eobb »n^™Vbw.l? ! ? ra n5 y - Y 8 lot hareioafrer de w- b ■ H Christian straat aforasaid. i r .i °* 2- Allthat certain lot or piece of ground, with the .thn-e-storv brick messuage or tenement thereon arectefl, situate on the south side of Kates streot, commencing dk the distaz ce of two hundred and forty feet east o; Broad street, tn the jhlrd ward of the cUy of PhUadelphia: containing In front or breadth on said Kates street «»c- J?®“ extending ■in Length or depth southward of that width forty-seven feet six inches, Bounded west ward by ground now or Lite of John R. Dougherty eastward by ground granted to Joseph Robb on ground “ 5 1 ~ , ufc j ar & V- 1 he a lot hereinbefore described, and northward by Kates street aforesaid [Boing the same -lot or Piece .of ground which Michael Kates, by inden ture bearing-date the 17th day of September, A. D 18.59 .thecounterpart whereof recorded in Deed Book G. W. Tao£lSc ■» *vV a^ e &c. ..granted and conveyed unto Joseph Robb in fee; reserving thereout a yearly ground rent or sum of sixty-eight dollars, payable in equal half yearly payments on the first day of the months of Janu ary and July in every year.T a u uu CD. C.;. 593; JuneT.. ’63.' Debt, *108:61. A. Miller 1 Taken m execution and to be sold aa the property of Joseph itobb. JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff . rhilada., Sheriffs Office, July 21,18637 ’ jyßlt CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF P> writ of Ali»; L?y~;~ ac : 3Bi io me directed, *»{ 'be exposed to pllFic gale or veil cue. on MONDAY Sva-- nine, August 3, 1863, at 4 o Sansom-street Hall, _,AII that certain lot or piece of grouSu situate in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, late the district of Richmond, on the northwesterly side of Eieli mond istreet, at the distance of two hundred and thirty six feet eight and flve-eighkhß inches northeastwardly from Ann street, composed of two contiguous lots or Sieces of ground, marked, in the plan of the village of lchmond, Nos. 499 and 500; containing in, front or breadth on said Richmond street twenty feet, and ex tending that width in length or depth nor di west ward ly, at right angles wi h Bald Richmond street, two hundred feet,, to, Salmon street. Bounded northeastwardly by ground of Charles Ca*r, south west wardly by ground' late of Sarah; McCall, northwesterly by Salmon street, southeastwardly by Richmond street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Peter McCall and Jane B„ bis wife, and the said Peter McCall as trustee by in denture dated tbe 13th day of September, A. D 1858, in tended recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said Daniel McMonagle in fee; r.nder ana subject to a ground rent of sixty dollars per. annum, to be paid half yearly, on the first days of March and September. ] N B.—On the above-describedpreraises thtre is erected a three-story brick house, with, two-story brick back buildings. . CD. C., 570; JuneT., ’63. Debtsl,42.3 40. S. P HallJ Taken m execution and -o be sold as tbe property of Daniel McMonagle. JOHif THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 21, 1863. jy2l-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF . a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, An gust 3,1863, at 4o ‘clock, at Hansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground in the Twenty fourth ward of tbe city of Philadelphia, situate on the noith side of Bridge street, commencing at the distance of two hundred and fifty feet eastward from the east side of Thirty-ninth street; thence running northwardly on a line parallel with Thirty-ninth street one hundred and sixty feet to Garden street; thence running east wards along the south line of said Garden street fifty eighl feet seven inches; thence running southwardly on. am oblique line to a point on the north line of said Bridge street distant forty-two feet six inches from the place of beginning: thence westwardly along the said north line of said Bridge street forty-two feet six inches to the place of beginning. Bounded on the north by Garden street, on the south by Bridge street, on the east ,by ground formerly of John Dickson, now de ceased, on the west by ground now or late of John R. Gheen, the said lot being No. 1 in tbe plan of the said Johnß. Gheen’s ground as surveyed by Joseph Fox in 1854.. [Being the same premises which John R. Gheen and wife,, by indenture dated May twenty-first. A. D 1858, and recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 46, page 41, &c.‘, granted and conveyed unto the said Albert J. Askmead, bis heirs and assigns, yielding and payin'* therefor and tbereont, unto the said Johnß. Gheen, his heirs and assigns, the yearly rent or sum of one hundred and twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents, payable in equal half-yearly payments on tbe first day of the -months of January and Jnly in each and every year for ever, without deduction for taxes, &c., as by reference unto the said recited indenture will fully appear. ] [D. C. ,581; June T., ? 63. Debt, $132.16. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as tbe property of Albert J. Aehmead. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 21, 1863. jy2l-3t CHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Pluries Venditioni Exponas, to me direct ed, will be, exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON HAi Evening, August 3, 1563, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate at the soutiweSt ?? rner of Front and Diamond streets lathe Twenty-third ward or* ue mtj Cf extending southward along the west side of said Front street two bund red and ninety-one feet fonr and a quar ter inches to other ground, now or late of said Freeman Scott, and thence westward on a line-parallel with the said Diamond street and at rizht angles with.-the said Front street one hundred and ten feet to the east side of Hope street, and thence northward along the eist sideof the said Hope street and on a line parallel with said Front street and at right angles with the said Diamond street two hundred and ninety-one feet four and a quarter inches to the south side of said Diamond street, and thence along the south side of the said Diamond street - one hundred and ten feetto theplace of beginning [Be ing the same premises which Henry Bonsallby indenture dated the 6th of August, A. D. 1859, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., Ho. 73 page 476. &c , granted and con veyed unto the'said Freeman Scott in fee; reserving thereout the yearly rent or sum of three hundred ana seventy* six dollars and eight cents, payable in equal •half-yearly payments on the first day of the months of February and Augustin every year thereafter forever, without any deduction, &c 3- ' CD. C., 569; June T., ’63. Debt, $19537. McAllister.} Taken, in execution and to he sold as the property of Freeman Scott. JOHN THOMPSON - , Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, July 21,1863. jy2l3t CHERIFF ! S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, August 3,1863. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of grouud, with the two three-story brick messuages or tenements thereon erected, situate on the -east side of Lewis street at the distance of. three hundred and fifty-two feet one inch aEd five-eighths of an inch north ward from the north side of Poplar street, in that part of the city of Philadelphia lately called the district of Penn; containing in front or breadth on said Lewis street sixteen feet, and extending in length or deoth eastward, between parallel lines at right angles w'lth said lewis street, ninety-one feet to the west side of Alder street. Hounded northward by ground conveyed to James Wilson on .ground rent, southward bv other ground of the said James Wilson of which this was part, eastward by the said Aider street, and westward by Lewis street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which George Magee, Esq., High Sheriff of the city and county of Philadelphia, on due and legal process issued out of the District Court for the city and county of Phila delphia, in execution, and sold as the pro perty of John M. Wilson, and by his deed poll bearing even date with this recited indenture of mortgage, to wit.; the 13th day of September, 1856, und entered among the records of said court in Book J.Q.,page 453, &c , Santed and conveyed unto the said Elizabeth Wilson in *3 ■ ■ - .■ CD. C., 565; JuneT., f 63. Debt. $1,031.16. Gerhard.] Taken in execution and to be soldasthe property of Jacob C. Schuler, Administrator. &c., of Elizabeth Kranz, &c., deceased. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jnly 21.1863. . jy2l-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, August 3, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All teat certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west side of Delaware Eighth street, at the distance of one hundred and five feet south from the south side 6f - Fitzwater street, in that part of the consolidated city of Philadelphia formerly the township of Moyaraensing;’ containing in front on said Eighth street thirty-five feet, and in length or depth w-estwardly that width,- at rieht angles with said Eighth street, sixty-six feet, to a three feet-widtfaUey to be left open forever. Bounded on the north by ground granted by Elizabeth B. Biddle liam H. Hartnet, on the east by said Eighth street,' on-- the south by ground now or late of Reese ,W. FJower, ’ and on the west by the said three-feet-wide alley. [Being the same premises which Elizabeth B. Biddle, by indenture dated the 30th day of March, A. D. 1857, recorded»at Philadelphia, in Deed Book'R. D. W., No. 119, page 506, granted and conveyed to John Devenny; reserving an annual ground rent of ninety dollars, payable half-yearly on the first day of the months of April and October, without any deduction for taxes. 3 N B.—A frame stable, with brick office, lias baen erected on the premises. [D. C., 556; JuneT., ’63. Debt, $293.85. C. J. Biddle. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Devenny. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 21, 1563./ jy2l*3t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A & writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, August 3.1563, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings and improveipents thareonerected, situated on the south side of Master street, at the distance of thirty six feet westward from the west side.of Cadwalader street, in the late district of Kensington, now in the city of Philadelphia;'containing in front or breadth on the said Masterstreet twenty-two feet, and extending thence' southward in length or, depth, between lines parallel .with the said Cadwalader street, sixty feet. Bounded northward by the said Master street, eastward by ground granted on ground rent to Patrick Quinn, John Quinn, and James Quinn, the last herein described lot, south ward by ground late of Mary Penn, and westward by the next doscribed lot. [Being the same premises which James Dugan and wife, by indenture bearing date the first dayjof December, A. D.lBs3,recorded in Deed Book T' H., No. 124. page 12. &c , granted and conveyed unto the said Patrick Quinn in fee, subject to a payment of ascer tain yearly ground rent of forty-four dollars, as therein mentioned] Po. 2 Also, all that certain lotorpiece of ground, with, the buildings and improvements thereon erected, -situate on the south side of Master street, at the distance of fifty eight feet westward from, the southwest corner, of the said Master street and Cadwalader street, in that part of the city of Philadelphia formerly called Kensington; containing in front orbreadth on the said Master street thirty- four feet, and extending that breadth in length or depth southward, between parallel lines, at right angles with the said Master street, sixty feet: Bounded east ward by the last described lot, southward by ground for merly of Mary Penn, westward br ground now or late of Joseph Ripka, and northward by Master street afore said. [Being the same premises which Charles Clark and George W: Burr, executors, by indenture bearing .date the 30th day of May, A. D. 1856, recorded in Deed Book B. D. W. , No. 80, page 456, granted and conveyed unto the said Patrick' Quinn in fee, subject to- the pay ment of a certain yearly ground rent of sixty-eight dol lars, as therein mentioned.] : No, 3. And also, all the one full equal undivided third part of him, the said Patrick Qainn, of, in, and to all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the baildiugs andimprovements thereon erected, situate on the south . side of Master street and west side of Cadwalader street, in the late district of Kensington, now in the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in breadth on the said Master street thirty-six feet, and in length on thesaid Cadwa lader street sixty feet. Bounded northward by the said .Master street, east ward by the said Cadwalader street, sontl ward by ground late of Mary Penn, and westward by the first above described lot. [Being the same premises which Joseph Kipka and wife, by indenture bearing date the 15th day of April, A. D. 1547, recorded in Deed. Book ' A.-W; M., No, 27, page 455, g;anted and conveyed unto the said Patrick Quinn, John Quinn, and James Quinn, their-heirs and assigns, reserving thereout a certain yearly ground, rent of ninety-nine dollars, as therein mentioned ] N. B.—The buildings and improvements referred to as being erected oh the lot above described as No. 1 consist of a three-story brick dwelling, and also of a two-story brick dwelling on the rear end of said lot. On lot No. 2 are erected a small frame building, and also a three story brick building. On' lot No. 3 are erected three three-story brick buildiugs, the one on the corner being occupied as a store and dwelling, the other two as d well in only [if. C., 574; Jane T.. : 63. Debt, *5,653. W.M. Smith’ .-Taken in execution and to be sold thepK»perty of Patrick Quinn. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. July2i. 1563. it2--3s . CHERIFE’S SALE.—BY YIRTtTE OF AD a writ of Alias Levari Facias. to me directed ..will be' exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve-; August 3,1563, at 4 o’clock at Sans om-street Hall, All chat certain lot or piece of ground, with, the two story stone hotel building thereon erected, beginning at a point in the east.line, of Fortieth street, at the dis tance of one hundred and , eventy; feet southward from the south side of Montgomery avenue, in the Twenty fourth ward of the city oi Philadelphia aforesaid; thence extending north, eighty-three degrees forty-one minutes east, forty-three fret; thence north thirty-one degrees four minutes east, eighty feet nine inches; thence south, fifty-eight degrees fifty-six minutes east, crossing Bridgewater street, three hundred and forty-five feet,: more or less, to the river Schuylkill; thence down-said river two im>dred and thirty feetto a point, thence norths sixty-two degrees twenty minutes west, crossing said Bridgewater street, one hundred and thirty feet, more or less, to a stake; thence south eighty-three tier grees forty-one minutes west, one hundred and twenty seven feet nine inches to the east"'side of Fortieth street aforesaid; and thence along the east side of said For tieth street, north six degrees nineteen minutes west; two hundred and ieixty feet to. the place of beginning: [Being the; same premises which William H. Phelan, et ah, by indenture bearing date June 17,1562,. recorded in Mortgage Book A. C. H , No. 37, page 536, granted and conveved unto the said George Cubbler in fee, part of the consideration money whereof as therein mentioned is intended to be secured by the mortgage on which this judgment was obtained. , A .[D C., 605; .TuneT., ’63. Debt, $5,73S 33. Heyer.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Cubbler. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office, July 21,1863. jy22-3fr SHERIFF’S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ O of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public saleor vendue, onMONDiY - Evening.August3,lB63,at4 o’clock, at Sanhom-streetHall, All that certain messuage or tenement, and lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging,-situate on the northeastwardly- side of Shackamaxon street, in the Nineteenth ward, 1 city of Philadelphia, beginning at tho distance of; fifty-four feet northwestwardly from Allen street;-'thence extending northwestwardly along the said Shackamaxon street sixteen feet to ground of George W. Vaughan;>thence: extending, along the same on. a line nearly parallelrWith the said Allen street fifteen feet seven inches to ground of John Atheriy; thence by the same soutbeastwardly four feet; thence further, along the same and partly along a three-ieet-wioe alley northeastwardly thirty-one feet ten and one-half inches, more or less, to Brusstars’ alley, andUmence.along the same soutbeastwardly twelve foot; thence southwest wardly - along a : line nearly parallel-with'said Allen street forty-six' feet ten and one-half: inches, :inore or less, to Shackamaxon street, the place of beginning. Subject to a rent of forty- eight dollars, and a building association mortgage of eight hundred dollars, upon which there is due a balance of six hundred dol lars, or thereabouts. • , A; ' a .> N B —There is erected on the above lot ,a double three-story brick dwelling-house, with back buildings. ■ ee ™ [D. C„ 585; June T., ’63. . Debt. $800.; Pile. 3 Taken in execution and to be so’d as tho property of ' Samuel Smoeton. . JOHN THOMPSON,. Sheriff. Philadelphia,sheriff's Office, JulySO, 18&L. jy*2l-3t JOHN B. MYEBS & CO., AUCTION EYES', Bos, 333 and 5»3* MARKET Street fiiT.Y OF DRY GOODS. ON THURSDAY MORNING, August -—at 10 o'clock, will be sold by catalogue, oa four months’ credit— Aa assortment's staple ana fancy dry „ F’RST PALI, SiLEj'IP BOOTS AND SHOES POE 1889. we will hold oar flrst fall sale of Bn»t««n< | ehoes. .' ’ ’ ,"okri^Bi)iYWßNlHOr' August 4tb, at 10 o’clock, bv catalogue,on four months' credit, embracing abont 1,300 packages of prime and fre.«b goods, of Eastern and City manufacture, which, wttl be found worthy the attention of the trade, as ther will be sold without reserve. 49* Samples, with catalogues,may be examined oaitr on the morning of sale. PURNESS, BRIN LEY, & 00., 4- No. -129 MARKET STREET; M THOMAS & SON'S, • Nc3. 139 and 14:1 South FOURTH Street PUBLIC SALES STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE, EYBH _ TUESDAY during the business season; la the months of July and August only occasional sales. A tl „ FURNITURE SALES at the Auction Store every Thursday. Sale p.t ISQ «ud 141 Sonth Fourth street. SUPER FURNITURE. PIANO FORTS. CHINA AND GLASS WARES. FIFE CARPETS, &c. . ' ON THURSDAY hfOKKim At nine o clock, at the Auction Store, the super fur niture, piano, carpets, bedding. &c. Also. 2 marbls *na root Konea. or sil°- a . A a?gA and super eUctylcal rg&ahine, made to - •^ p °« 900 feet guttapercha hose. T>AN CO AST & WABNOCK, AUO- X TIOKEEBB, No. aia MARKET Street %^ f s« c l^l%^o p d TI?. d £! Wo^. --THIS.-MORNING, July 2fltb, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. LINEN CAMSBIO HANDKERCHIEFS, , , T. Hfs morning. ■wAii i J ,n i 0f , ,a1^,e 5 , %• and gents’ X linen cambric littkfe, from low to flne numbers. • BLACK SILK: VELVET RTBBONB. Also 200■ cartons super quality all-silk black velvet ribbons, Nos. I. 8. a 9, a full line. “ . , HOOP SKIRTS. NOTIONS. &c. Also 300 dozen ladies’, misses’, and children’s woven tape ana fancy cord hoop skirts Also notion tooth bribes, head nets, stock goods, dtc. GILLETTE every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY MORN INGS, at 10 o'clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend these sales. Consignments respectfully solicited from Manufactu rers, Importers, Commission, Wholesale, and Jobbing Houses, and Retailers of all and every description o? Merchandise. COTTON HOSIERY, SKIRT. DRY GOODS. Sio. THIS MORNING. . ’ ‘ July 29th, at 10 o’clock, will be sold white cotton hosa and half hose, wide tape and cord skirts, dress and do mestic goods, handkerchiefs, veils lace points, embroi deries, trimminfiß. purses, feather dusters, tobacco t. pouches, pipes, balmorals, shoes, &c. Also, ceaa made clothing, cloths, eassimeres sattinets, suspo whits and fancy muslin shuts, merino shirts, &c PHILIP FORD & GO., AUCTIONEERS, - 1 - 535 MARKET and 533 COMMERCE Streets. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES. „ . • ON THURSDAY MORNING. July 30th, we will hold our first sale of Boots and Bhoas for the Fall of 1863, when will be sold for cash, by catalogue. Commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, about 1.600 casta prime boots, shoes, brogans, cavalry boots and balmo rals, just received, from first-class City and Eastern manufacture, to which we invite the early attention of buvers A/TOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONBJsa, "A lontbeact torner of SIXTH j,nd BAGS StrMU. MONEY TO LOAN, - In large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands? for any length of time agreed on,on diamonds, watchsc, jewelry, gold and silver plate, pianos, mirrors, fani« ture, dry goods, groceries, hardware, eutlery, clothing, cigars, fowling pieces, fancy articles, merchandise cans* rally and of every description, on better terms than ll any other establishment in this city, AT PRIVATE SALa, FOR LESS THAN fftr.T THI USUAL SELLING PRICBS. * Pine gold and silver English, American, and Swiss BA* tentlever watches, extra full jewelled and plain, of ih« most approved and best makers, in heavy hunting* cases, double cases, magic cases, double bottom Ml open-face; fine gold chronometers, in heavy hunting* cases; fine gold and silver lepine watches, in hunting* cases and open face; silver quartier watches; double* case English silver watches, and others. Diamond** fine gold vest, neck, guard, and chatalien chains; goM pencil cases and pens, sliver do.; setts of fine gold jewel ry, medallions, gold and silver specks, bracelets, English, plated vest chains; double and single-barrel fowling pieces, some of them very superior; revolving field* glagceH. fee. - , M N4TRAWU. MEDICAL. A YER’S COMPOUND EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA.—No one remedy is more needed in this country than a reliable Alterative, but the sick have been so outrageously cheated by the worthless pre parations of Sarsaparilla abroad that they are disgusted • oven with the name. Yet the drug cannot be blamed for the impositions from which they have suffer* d. Most of theso-called Sarsaparillas in the market contain little of the virtues of Sarsaparilla or anything else. They are mere slops—inert and worthless, while a concen trated extract of the active variety of Sarsaparilla com* pounded with Dock, StiDingia, lodine, etc., is. as it ever will be, a powerful alterative and an effectual remedy. Such is Ayer’s Extract of Sarsaparilla, as its truly won derful cures of the great variety of complaints wh*oh re quire an alterative medicine have abundantly shown. Do not, therefore, discard this invaluable medicine, be cause you have bean imposed upon by something pre tending to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not. When von haveused Ayer’s—then, and nottij.l then, willyouknow the virtues of Sarsaparilla. For minute particulars of the diseases it cures, we refer you to Ayer’s American Almanac, which the agent below named will furnish gratia to all who call for it. AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS, for the cure of Costive* ness* Jaundice* Byxpepsia.. Indigestion* Dysentery. Foul Stomach, Headache Piles. Sheumatism . Heart burn arising from Disordered Stomach* Pain* or J forbid Inaction of the Bowls* Flatulency* Loss of Appetite, Liver Complaint, Dropsy* Worms, Gout, Neuralgia* and for a Dinner Pill. . Thev are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best Aperient In the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Prion 25 cents per box: five boxes for $l. Do not be pat off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations which they make more profit on. Demand AYER’S, and.take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. Prepared:by.Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, M&M.. and sold by J. M. MARRIS S CO., at wholesale, and by FREDERICK BROWN. je22-mwf2m TUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF V DOCK. As a safe-and effectual remedy for Cough, Pain In the Breast. Spitting Blood, Scrofula, and in all eased • where a Blood Purifier is requisite, it is the Medi- - cine above all others. Try it. Sold by Proprietor. • . - F. JUMELLR, 1535 MARKET Street. And all Druggists. r jylO-teei pUBE GEORGIA ARROW ROOT. . The special attention of physicians and families is ; called to the superiority or this article. It is rapidly -supplantingall other kinds, aid all those who have : used it give it the most decided preference. The fol lowing extracts from certificates in the hands of the manufacturer, “ Col Haxlowes, ” will show the high, estimation in which-the Georgia Arrow Root - is held by those gentlemen of the medical profession who have fully examined it. jfi®»One pound, 62& cents, or two pounds for $L Complete instructions accompany each package, shofir nigliow make the most delicious articles for the table. FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, FEED’K BROWN’S DRUG axb CHEMICAL BTORE, N. E. COR, of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, PHILADELPHIA. I have examined and prepared some Arrow Boot* manufactured by Col. Hallowes, of St. Mary’s, Geor fla. It has the best quality of that variety of fsecnla I ave met with, "being superior- to any Bermuda, or other Arrow Boot I have seen. “SAMUEL JACKSON - ,M. D., “University of Pennsylvania. ’* jy4-w&sSt* WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH! M GOOD NEWS FOB THE SICK AND WOUNDED. Messrs. J. GBIM and T. AXLEN. MEDICAL ELEC TRICIANS, (formerly associated witli Profs. Bollea and Galloway;) having removed to No. T*3 North TENTH street* between Coates and Brown streets, are now pre pared to treat and cure all Curable Diseases, whether acute or chronic, pulmonary or paralytic, without ft shock or any inconvenience . Poor Soldiers will be treated gratuitously. The Ladle* will be treated by ft lady.. Among the diseasesfor which we will give a spa* cialguarantee.when desired, we mention the following : ConBnmption,lst &3d stage* hemorrhage. Paralysis,- General Debility, Neuralgia. - Diseases of the Liver or Asthma, : • Kidneys, Diabetes, Prolapsus Uteri, (Falling Womb,) Prolapsus Ani, or Pile* Nocturnal Emission, fte. «*» m. Office hours: 9 AM. to ieS-ftm Fever and Ague,'' •• Dyspepsia, Rneumatism, Bronchitis,.. . No charge for consultation 6P. M. | TO THE DISEASED OF ALL}! « CLASSES,—AII acute and chronic diseases cured, w[ 3by special guarantee, at 1230 WALNUT Street, ft 1 Philadelphia, when desired; and, ha case of ft ftO-* £ ure,nochargeis made. ■] y Extensive and commodious arrangements have Vi \ been recently made for boarding patients from ft £ § distance at reasonable prices. w‘ g PVof. C. H. BOLLEB, the founder of this Mew mi a practice, has associated with Mm Dr. M. J. GAIiLO- A) J WAT. A pamphlet containing & multitude of cer- w' atifcates of those cured: also, letters and complLS ¥ mentary resolutions from medical men and others,“ /will be given to any person free. . V a N. B. —Medical men and others who desire ft V; % knowledge of my discovery can enter for ft fall § course of lectures ftt any time. A t C ° MttlUtl ' >nI I«g. BOEI.IB A aALLOWAT. 1' I Art ; i»»» WAurcrr stmt J COAX.. eo A L.—SUGAR LOAF, BBAVBB Meadow, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, sad best Locust Mountain from .Schuylkill; prepared ex pressly for family use. Depot,' N. W. corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office, No. 11* South SECOND Street. : CapJ-lyl . J- WALTON AtOO. SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PHELADEL- FHIA STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from «w& port' on SATURDAYS, from first Wharf above T2H3K Street. Philadelphia, and Long Wharf. Boston.- ;; The steamer NORMAN, Captain Baker, wHJ tail from Philadelphia for Boston, en SATURDAY. July. August l.t, 'at 10 o’clock A. M. ; and steamer SAXON. Cantata Matthews from Boston, on the SAME DAY, at 4F. M. These new and substantial steamships form a racuttff line, sailing from eaoh port punctually on Saturday* : Insurances effested at one-half the premium thamd iT eail vessels. ' * -, Freight* takes at fair rate*. Shippers are requested to send Slip Seeelpts audMUfl Lading with their goods- ' ; mhfl >W South DELAWARE Area—» STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVEB- SmKfi POOL, touching at Queenstown, JCork HhJ* bor.) Th 6 well-known Steamers of the York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company 3a» Intend ed to sail as follows: '.'f- CITY OF LONDON. -Saturday,/August L CITY OF NEW TORN Saturday- Sago