THE P-O LIOB. I! Before Mr. TT. S. Commissioner A. H. Smith.] Cnnaolracy-Hchfl Correspondcnce"- • * ' Treason. John L. O’Neal, John Benedict, and John Moore, alias Jaoob Hyland, were arraigned on Saturday aiternoon before the United States Commissioner, in the court-room, post office building, on the charge of conspiracy, corresponding with rebels, and high treason. Messrs. Coffey and Ashton, appeared on behalf of the Government} Mr. James O. Vandyke for the defence. ■ The prisoners were arrested by United States De tectives Sherman and Lower, and Deputy United 'States Marshal John Sharkey. They were taken into custody, one at Brooklyn and the other two on hoard a ferryboat at Jersey City. The parties, in stead of being handed over at once to the military authorities, were brought to Philadelphia for a hearing, because some of the parties engaged in the affair live in Philadelphia, aa well as in New York. The ball was put in motion first in the city of Phila delphia. - * Mr. Vandyke desired to know the nature of the charges against the prisoners. Mr.- Coffey replied, “There are three charges, They are charged with conspiracy against the Government under toe act of Congress passed Au gust, 6th, 1861. Second. Ooirespondiag with rebels, contrary to the act of Congress passed February sth, 4863. Third. High treason.” ; The following evidence was elicited: Abram Lower, Jr., sworn—l am acquainted with the parties present; I became acquainted with Mr. Moore at Brooklyn, New -York; he gave me his name as Jacob Hyland; I became acquainted with O’Neal and Benedict in New York; Benedict told me. that he lived at Easton, Pa.; Moore made a Statement as though at one time he had been in thq army. Question, by Mr. Van Dyke. When did you get acquainted with them 1 Answer. I have stated the time in my affidavit. Q. Try and recollect, now, without reference to your affidavit. - A. ;I“think it was on the evening of the 25th of June, and the mornings of the 26th and 27th follow ing.''"' t Question by Mr. Coffey.—Now, Mr. Lower, just State in your own way what was said, what took place, and as near the time as you can remember. Witness continued.—On the 25th of June myself and Mr. Sherman went to the store of Charles Van sant, Jr., No. 160 Broadway, New York; I intro-' duoed myself, and ascertained that Mr. Vansant was not in ; I left our nameß on the slate as Spalding and Dotßon, and that we would stop Again ; in the' even ing we called and saw Mr. Vansant; I introduced myself to him as Mr. Spalding, of St. Marv*s county, Maryland, and Mr. Sherman as Mr. Dorson, of Wil mington, North Carolina; I made inquiry of Mr. Vansant, and he finally gave a note to Dorson. (it was written cn the back of a business card) by which we could obtain an interview with Mr. Moore; after this Vansant changed this plan, and we stopped there until later in the evening, when he accom panied us to Mr. Moore and introduced us to him. THE PRIVATE CARD. The witness here produced the private card which Vansant handed to Dorson. Itreadßthus: “ The bearer I want you to see to have a chat on business.: ~" 6 VANSANT.” FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS, We were introduced by Mr. Vansant to Mr. Moore under our assumed names, and Dorson had a private talk aside with him; 1 don’t know what was said hetwagmthem; we made an agreement to meet HoMwiVstore of Messrs. Fisher, Rickards, & merchants, No. 84 Wall street, N. Y.; when we went there we saw Mr. Rickards, and we there became acquainted with Mr. O’Neal; we had so many conversations that I can hardly tell at what particular time or times they took place ; we had conversations about the advance of the rebel army, and we all congratulated each other; we also had some talk about the feasibility of landing Dorson on the coast of Virginia. Question. Where was this? Answer. This occurred at the store of Fisher, Rickards, & Co.; Moore replied that he could not accommodate Dorson, but he knew a friend who could; he said it was his intention to send out some goods on the vessel of his friend, and he thought an arrangement could be made to . take Dorson bn hoard. Q,. Did he mention the name of his friend! A. No sir. £fter this. Mooie said he expected two vessels, and that by getting a permit out at New York for Washington or Baltimore, the vessel could land on the' coast of Virginia, between the Wjantuok and Cone river. Dorson said he would like to go, and would give $l,OOO for a passage. I heard Moore say he was very well acquainted With General Johnson, as he had been in a cam paign with him for fourteen months. ' I may state here that I made an* agreement with' Sherman that as I Was some expense to him, I should make arrangements to go home. This was Understood. Well, in another conversation with the. parties, X made a proposition to go to my home in £3t.'Mary’s county, Maryland; then it was that Mr. YAnsant asked me to take a letter from him fora party in Richmond, Virginia. Mr. Yansant gave me the name of Emanuel Miller, written on a private card; he then wrote a letter in my presence and directed it. I then left Yansant ana proceeded to nee Mr. Moore; this man, I should have said before, desired-me to take a letter to a party, requesting in formation asto a draftof twelve hundred dollars on THB SHERIFF OF OEOIL COUNTY, MARYLAND. Mr. Moore ,said that he had to leave the South Suddenly, and that he 'had left the amount named with the sheriff, subject to his order, and that he has never heard anything about it since; it was on this nubjeot that be wanted to write, and me to convey Ihe letter. Mr. Moore said he was sorry that t was going away so soon, as he had several friends whom he knew would like to write; he then went to a doc tor’s, inßrooklyn—don’t know his name—and Moore mentioned the fact that I was going South and would take a letter for the Doctor; the Doctor re* ?lied, he was-sorry, but he had none written; Moore old him to have one written by Saturday. Moore and the Doctor congratulated each other on the sucoessof the South; the doctor asked my opinion of the advance into Pennsylvania; I took the Southern view of it, of course; on the next day I saw Mr. O’Neal, and he said he had a package of letters to send, but I advised him to keep them until Mr. Moore came. I also remember in a conversa tion with Moore, that if I found the coast of Vir ginia clear of United States troops, I was to write him a letter in these words: , “John Moore: Your sister is well; she will iueet you in New York.” Having received all the letters, Moore told me how I could get South, without going through Phil adelphia, it was thought that martial law was pro claimed in that city; Mr. O’ Neal said that there was no martial law proclaimed ; that it would be safe to go through Philadelphia; then I could take the steamer Reybold and proceed, to Delaware Oity, from which place I would have to work myway ; through; Mr. O’Neal gave me a letter of introduc tion to , /" ' CArTAIN WESTKNDORF, OF THE BERMUDA, S whose headquarters were at No. 807 Sansom street. 1 Mr. O’Neal Bald he always stopped here when in Philadelphia. The letter of introduction reads as / follows: a -1 “July Ist, 1863. “ Westbndorf : The bearer is Mr,: Spalding. Take good care.of him. He has all the letters. Yours, O’NEAXi.” ./ Mr. O’Neal assured me that I need not be afraid'; he spoke, highly of Captain Weatendorf, and. felt pertain that I would be well taken care of; when I was about to take my departure I had some con versation with Oaptain Benedict (one of the priso ners), with whom I became acquainted at the store of Messrs. Fisher & Richards ; he said that he had purchased a nice little schooner at Washington; everything was new above deck; he had left the vessel in care of Qaptain McNally, and was anxious to hear whether he had yet passed through the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal; he wanted me, when 1 arrived at Delaware Cfty, to ascertain if the vessel had passed through, and if so to telegraph to him: I told him I would do so; this vessel was the one intended to go to Richmond; Captain Benedict spoke highly of the qualities of the vessel; said she was a fast Bailer, and that if he could get the right kind of a crew he could run out at kight and BURN HALF A DOZEN MERCHANTMEN, and then get back under cover. Dorson BAid that he thought he could get a crew that would suit for this work. Q,. Where did this conversation occur! A. In the store of Mr. V ansant. Q,. Did he mention the name of the vessel ! A. Yes, Bir ; she was called the Lady’s Delight; she was to clear from New York to-Baltimore: Benedict, Moore, O’Neal, and Dorson were to go in this vessel; Mr. Rickards had some goods to go on board. Q. Just state, if you please, who proposed to burn vessels. A. (Promptly.) Captain Benedict. Q,. Did he say was to be done! A. He was to run out in the Potomac river and fire them. ■' - Q. Did any others of The party assent to the burn ing of the vessels! A. Well, I oan’t say that they did; they were merely in the bloekaderunning business. Ct- Do you know whether Mr. Fisher or Mr. Yan sant intended to send any goods in the vessel 1 A. No, sir. Q. How often did you meet with the parties! A. Ten o’clock every morning; generally in a room in Fisher, Rickards, & Co.’s store; this place was private from intrusion. Our conversation often referred to what was thought to be rebel successes; we always congratulated each other. Q,. Did you go on your journey! If so, detail in your own way/what occured. A. I reached Delaware city on July 2d; X ascer tained that the schooner Lady’s Delight, under the command of Oapt. McNally, had gone through the canal on the night before. I telegraphed to this ef fect to New York, and also wrote a letter to Messrs. Moore and Rickards. IDENTIFICATION OF LETTBRB. Thewitnesß now made a minute examination of the packages of letters that had been handed him by O’Neal, Rickards, Moore, and others. The witness said, among these letters is one written by me, at the request of Sherman, in the name of John Dob son, and directed to Major General Whiting, of the rebel army; it was in the paokage handed to me by O’Neal. Q. What did you do with these letters! A. I gave them all ,to Mr. Sherman; I never opened any of them;l am not acquainted with their contents.. * Question by Mr. Coffey. No w I am going to ask ?ou an important question. you propose to ake letters for the parties, or did they mention the subject to you first ? A. They broached the subject to me first; they made the request, and after some time I com plied. - The evidence here closed. The investigation will be resumed at half past ten o’clock this morning. THE LETTERS. District Attorney Coffey, during the above pro eeedings, stated that one oi the letters was written by Mr, jp. Thayer, of the State of Alabama, who recently addressed the Fernando Wood peace meet ing in the city of New York. This letter was ad dressed to a prominent traitor in South Carolina. Mr. Thayer was the law partner of the rebel Yancey. There are alaolquite a number of letters from promi in Philadelphia who cry peace, peace. Ode of these men occupies a high position as a medical man, being attached to one of the medical colleges. Another Philadelphia letter writer save: « The cry in the streets of the fall of Vicksburg.iskiuinq me by inches The publication of these letters 1b withheld for the present. It is stated that O’Neal, one of the prisoners, was formerly in the drug busi ness in Philadelphia. Chief Franklin has had him under surveillance for a year or more. The evi dence yet to come is even more convincing than any of the above. CBefore Mr. Alderman Ogle. 3 .. Tlie Mysterious Stranger. The individual who gave the name of J. P. Singer,' whose arrest under suspicious circumstances has been quite elaborately alluded to in thesecolumns, came up for another hearing at the Central Station, on Saturday. Mr. O’Brien, District Attorney pro tem, said that though he had agreed on the day before to abandon peremptorily if the official documents war ranting the detention of the prisoner did not arrive, yet he was constrained to say that he abandoned that position, although the proper official papers had not come/ This" change of base of operations was in duced because of the receipt. of three several des patches from the Prussian Ambassador at Washing ton, ordering the detention of the prisoner. Mr. Remak (with much warmth) said, while we were fooling our time yesterday, an affidavit was made before Judge Oadwalader for the arrest of the prisoner in case he should be discharged from the present healing. '• Mr. Hyer, counsel for the Prussian consul, ex plained this was a mistake. The affidavit was not made before judge Oadwalader until affcjer the re ceipt of the telegrams'from the ambassador at Washington, and the last one was not received until eleven o’clock last night. Mr. Cassidy protested againßt the whole proceed? iDgs, because his client had been deprived of his Tights. Such treatment is highly diacorteous. We have no affidavit warranting the detention of the prisoner, nor do we know that even the telegrams aire genuine.- What are we to do 1 Must we have one half the prisoner before your honor and the other half be/ore Judge Cad walader? What does the Dis trict Attorney want ? Mr. O’Brien, District Attorney. I Bhall look for tiiß whole body here at 12 o’clock on Monday. .Mr. Remak (with indignation). Such conduct is very reprehensible. Here we have an officer of the Dnlted,States ready to pounce, upon our client, in case he iB discharged by you, sir. I repeat over, and over, and over again; that such conduct is highly discourteous and every way reprehensible. The case was continued. ' The prisoner was taken into custody by United States Deputy Marshal Sharkey. The ease was brought to the notice of Judge Cadwalader, bu| this high functionary refused to interfere at present, as the investigation was before another tribunal. He did not deßire to have a conflict of authorities, The case here ended for the present. ■ [Before Mr. Alderman Ogle. ] * Alleged Burglar. ; On Saturday afternoon a young man named Ed win Grier e/tas May, was arraigned at the Central Station by Detective S. Henderson, charging him with being implicated in the robbery of the shoe atoreof Mr. Hibbitt, North Ninth street. He is al leged to be one of the gang of which the two Giles And Lowrie are members. .'They,were arrested a few days since, and committed to await a further hearing, to take place on the 16th instant. The de fendant was also committed to appear at the same time. : He waß arreßted by Mr. Henderson while inarching on Walnut street, in, the ranks of the regiment under command of Colonel Gray. ! THE NlLE.—Captain Speke writes the follow ing decisive letter to the London Times : u I beg you to at once set at rest those' continued objections raised against my having discovered ‘ the source of the Nile.’ Twice,have I plodded through Africa to satisfy the public in regard to the origin of this ?:reat river, and, in doing so, have determined that he Victoria lake is the great ‘ reservoir ’ of the Nile, while its source emanates from the clouds. The Kttan gule river is, doubtless, a very considerable affluent to the lake, but I have seen that, above the ferry where I Grossed, it originates not in one lake, but In a number of small ones, lying in valleys se parated one from the other by spurs of the-Moun tains of the Moon. A look at the map, published by Mr, Stanford for the Royal Geographical So ciety, will show you what I mean. Should anybody, after this notice, wish to agitate the question, I would advise him to wait until suoh time as Mr. Blaekwood will be able to publish my nine years’ (on and off) travels in Africa, ending in the ‘settle ment’of the Nile.” HUGO TO LAMARTINE.—The following let ter was lately sent by Victor Hugo to Lamartine: “ Dear Lamartine: A great affliction has strioken you. I wish to place my heart near yours • I reve renced her whom you loved. Your elevated spirit sees beyond the horizon; you perceive distinctly the life to come. It is not to you that It is neoessary to say‘Hope.’ You are of those who know, and who wait; she is still your companion, invisible but pre sent. T ou have lost the wife but not «the soul. Dear friend, let us live in the dead. Yours, PHILADELPHIA BOARD OR TRADE. JAMES R. CAMPBELL,) ' S. W. DE COURSEY, > Committee of the Month. JAMES C. HAND, S LETTER BAGS AT THE MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA- ShipSaranak. Rowland.... ....Liverpool. July 25 Bark Percy, Ironkin .London, soon Barkßaltasara,Robeitson ........Liverpool, soon Brig Keoka, Burns t ..... St. Domingo City, soon Brig Thomas Young, Young..... ...Demerara. soon Brig Breeze. (Br) McD0uga11....... Barbadoes, soon Brig Mira W Holt. Blanchard r....... Havana, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, July 13,1863, SDK R18E5~..~~.~.~4 42-SUN SETS. ~~.~™-7 28 HIGH WATER 12 39 ARRIVED. Bark Old Hickory. Meade, 40 days from Belfast, Ire land, in ballast and 2SO passengers to Thomas Richardson & Co. Schr Geo J Weaver, Funnell, 2 days from Indian Ri ver, with corn to J W Bacon. Schr Leopard, Turner, S days from Lubec, with fish to EASouderACo. Schr S E Jones, Baker, 4 days from Providence, in bal last to captain- Schr E Beldir, Street, from Alexandria, in ballast to captain, ■ Sebr Hannah Warwick, Shropshire, from Alexandria, in ballast to captain. Schr Mary Anna Quroline, Adams, from Alexandria, in ballast to captain. Schr L P.Pfiaro, Collins, from Boston, In ballast to captain. , . . Schr Richard Hill, Smith, from Boston, in ballast to captain. Schr C S Edwards, Gandy, from Boston, in ballast to captain. JSchr Joanna, Hand, from Westchester. Scbr Tangier, Sawyer, from Fall River. Steamer Buffalo, Mooney, 24 hours from New York, With mdse to W P Clyde. Steamer Bristol, Charles, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde.. *■ CLEARED. Steamship Saxon, Matthews, Boston, H Winsor & Co. Ship Village Belle. James, Londonderry, B Taylor A Co. Bchr Ceres, Meredith. Lynn. C A Heckscher A Co. Schr E P Newcomb, Kent, Boston, L Audeoried A Co. Scbr J D McCarthy, Young, Boston, R H Powell. Schr Joanna,Hand,.Westchester, Blakieton.GraJfACo. . Schr Tangier, Sawyer. Bath; Geo Stockham. Schr E A Anderson, .Cranmer, Providence, - John R White -: > v- Schr Okolona, Wheeler, New Orleans, Com H A Adams. ' - ; SchrFNewton, Coombs, Port Royal, J E BazleyA Co. Schr Volant, Alexander, Baltimoie, Powers A Weight man. Schr F Herbert, Parker,’ Boston, Hammett, Van Du sen St Locliman. Schr C W Bentley, Chase, Providence,. Sinnickson Sc Glover.' Schr Caroline, Oilpatrick, Providence. Repplier St Bro. Schr Caroline, Jackson, Washington, captain. St’rß Willing, Bade, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of The Press.) -*■ „ -READING; July 9. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: - • Lebanon Valley, flour to Humphreys. Hoffman & Wright; America, charcoal to-captain; Young Henry, lumber to H Croskey & Co; H B Heabner, cord wood to Efliester. MEMSRANDA. Bark St Janies, Warne. cleared at New Orleans lat inst for Philadelphia. _ Bark Dorcas C Yeaton, Pote, cleared at Matanza* 99 th ult for Philadelphia. Brig Meteor, Wyman, hence, at Matanzas Ist inst. ' Brig A G G.Cattell, Watson, cleared at Matanzas 28th ult. for Philadelphia. Brig JobnChrystal, Yeacock, cleared at Matanzas 2tth ult for Philadelphia. Brig Velina, Stanwood. cleared at Matanzas 25th ult. for Philadelphia. Brig Julia, Bartholic, eleared at New Orleans 2d inst.' for Philadelphia. Brig Crocus, Lannekin, cleared at New Orleans 2d inst for Boston. ; - ; : Schr Wm "Wilson, Ryan, cleared at *New Orleans 2d inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Eveline,^aughlin,-hence, was below New Or leans 2d inst. Scbr Secietary, Menton, hence, at Matanzas 55th ult- SHERIFF’S SALES, SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to. me directed, will be exposed, to public sale'or vendue, on M ’NDAY Eve ning, August 3, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Ball, No. 1. All that .certain lot or piece.of ground, situate on the north, side of Lombard street, one hundred and thirty-four feet nine inches west from the west side of Nineteenth (late Schuylkill Fourth) street, in .the city of Philadelphia, containing in-front or breadth on said. Lombard street seventeen feet nine inches, and in length or depth northward between parallel -lines, at right an gles therewith, seventy-five feet. Boundtd'on the south by Lombard street, on the north by a three-feet-wide alley running west to the line of Elm street, on the east by ground granted by Carter and Scattergood on ground rent to Edward R. He.mbold, on the west by other ground of said. Carter and Scattergood ptogether with the rich t, use,.and privilege of said three- teat- wid 3 al ley. ; [Being the same premises which John Carter and wife} and Joseph Scattergood and wife, by indenture dated the Ist day of April, A. D. 1863, recorded in Deed Bookß. D. V.. No. 31, page 397vAc , gran.ted~and con veyed unto Edward R Helmbold, in fee; reserving thereout the yearly rent or sum of eighty-nine dollars and twenty-five ceits, payable in equal half yearly pay ments, on the first day of the months of January, aud July in every year forever. deductionfor taxes. Ac., as by reference thereto being had will more fully and at large appear. ] N. B. —There is a three story brick dwelling-house on the above-describ* d lot. 'No 2. Albo, all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on tbe north side of Lombard hundred and fifty-two feet six inches west from the west side of Nineteenth Mate Schuylkill Fourth) street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Lombard street teventeen feet nine inches,and in length or depth northward, between parallel lines at right an gles therewith, seventy-five feet* Bounded on tbe south by Lombard street, on tbe north by a three-feet wide al ley running westwardly to the line of Elm street, on the eißt by ground - granted by Carter and Scattergood, on f round rent, to-.Fdward R. Helmbold, and on the west y other ground of said Carter-and Scattergood. To gether with the right, and privilege of said three feet-jvide alley. (Being the same premises which Johd' Carter and wife, and Joseph Scattergood and wifi, by indenture dated the Ist day of April, a: D. 1853,recorded in Deed Book R- D. W., No. 31, page 408, Ac., granted and conveyed unto Edward R. Helmbold, in fee; reserv ing thereout the yearly rent or sum of eighty-nine dol lars and twenty-five cents, payable in equal half-yearly payments on the first day of the months of January and July in every year forever, without any deduction for taxes, Ac., as by. reference thereto being had will more fully and at large appear.) N. B. —There is a three-story brick dwelling-house on the above-described lot. . No. 3. Also, all that certain lot or piece of -ground situate on tbe north side of Lombard street', one hundred and seventy feet three inches west from the west side, of Nineteenth (late Schuylkill Fourth) street, in the citvjjf. Philadeli hia; containing in front or breadth on LombdHll street seventeen feet nine inches, and in length or depin’ northward, between parallel lines at right angles there with, seventy- five feet. Bounded on the south by Lom bard Btreet, on the north by a three-feet-wide alley run ning west to the line of Elm street, on theeastby ground granted on ground rent, by Carter and Scattergood, to Edward R Helmbold; on the west by other ground of said Carter and Scattergood. [Being the same premises which''John Carter and wife, .and-Joseph Scattergood and wife, by indenture dated the lßt day of. April, A. D, 1853, recorded in Deed Book R. :D. W., No. 31, page 404, Ac., granted and conveyed unto Edward R. Helmbold, in fee; reserving thereout the yearly rent or sum of eighty-one dollars and twenty-five cents, in equal half yearly payments, on the first day of the months of January and July in every year forever, without any deductionfor taxes, Ac., as by reference thereto being had will more fully and at large appear. ] N. B. —There is a three-story brunt dwelling-house on the above-described lot. C& P., 327; June Term, r 63. Debt, $274.20. Erety] Taken in execution-and to be sold as the property of Edward R. Helmbold JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, July 11,1863. jy!3 3t SHERIFFS SALE— BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, August 3,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-streefc Hall, No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on tbe north side of Lombard 1 street, ninety-nine feet west fromlthe west side of Nineteenth4late Schuylkill Fourth) street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Lombard street eighteen feet, and in length or depth between parallel lines at right angles therewith, seventy-eight feet. Bounded cn the south by aaid Lombard street; on the north by ground sold by the Inspectors of the Prison, and now or late of the heirs of George - Lybrand; on the east by ground sold by Henry Leiar, bherifi, to John A. .Vaughan, and on the west by , other ground now or,.late of Carter and Seattergood. Together with the right, use, and privilege of a three feet-wide alley/eadir g westward into. Elm street. CBeing the same premises which John Carter and wife and'Jo seph gcattergood and wife, by indenture dated the first day of April, A. D. 1853, recorded in Deed Book R. D. W. No. 31, page 393, Si c , granted and conveyed unto Edward R. Helmbold in fee; reserving thereout the yearly rent or sum of ninety dollars, payable in equal halfyearly payments on the first day of the months of January and July in every year forever, without anydeduction for taxes, Ac., as by leference therewith wiUmorefully and at large appear, i N. B. —There Is a three-story brick dwelling house lon tbe above-described lot. ?v ; No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on ihe north side of Lombard street, one hundred and seventeen feet westward from the west side of Nine teenth (late Schuylkill Fourth) street in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Lom bard street seventeen feet nine inches, and in length or depth northward, between parallel lines at right angles therewith, seventy-five feet. Bounded on the south by said Lombard street; on the north by a three-feet-wide alley running westward to the line of Elm street, and on the east by ground granted'by Carter and Seattergood on ground rent to Edward R. Helmbold, and on the webfc by ot /I? r x? rox i ls , ?&* le J^n ving thereout the yearly rent or sum ofeighty- Wf'i?i aTBand cents, payable in iqual' Jsnuarv a f 011 thefirat day of the months of * ly in , ever 7 J ear forever, without any ?W?fJJL f X n B ’ & [C. P. ,808; JuneT., ’63. Debt, $55 57. Marcer ] Taken in execution and to be sold as tho property of JameeH. Montgomery. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Office: Julyll, 1863. jyl3-3t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be' exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening August 3,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-streo't Hall, * All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of Wood street, in that part of the city of Phila delphia lately called the district of Spring Garden, be ginning at the distance of eighty feet nine inches east ward fromtheeast side of Eighteenth street, (late Schuyl kill-Fifth street.) and thence extending nor thward by ground granted or intended to have been granted to said John Gatchell on ground rent, forty-one fett three inches to a two-feet- nine-inches- wide alley, leading westward into another two-feet-hine-inches-wtde alley leading southward into said Wood street; thence east ward by the south line of said alley three feet to the east ern extremity of said alley; thence northward along the head of the said two-feet-nine-inches-wide alley two feet nine inches to ground granted to Lewis P. Gebhard on ground rent; thence eastward along the same nine feet; to ground of ; thence southward along the same forty-four feet to the north line of said Wood street, and thence westward along the same twelve feet to the place of beginning. [Being the same premises which Morgan Hinchman and wife, by indenture dated the tenth day of June, A, D. 1841, recorded in Deed Book G.:S.« No. 28, .pages 223 and 229, Ac., granted and con veyed unto said* John Gatchell. Reserving thereout a yearly ground rent or ram of fifty-four dollars, for ar rears of which the premises are to be sold. ] N.' B.—The improvements are a‘ thfee-story 'brick house. , [C. P., 331; JuneT., ’63. Debt, $27.62. Potts. J Taken in execution and to be sold as'the property of John Gatchell. * JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 11, 1863. jyi3-3c {SHERIFF'S SALE,—BY VIRTUE OF a'writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue,-on MOND AY Evening, august 3,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Saneom-streetaall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west side of Twelfth street, at the distance of teventeen feet southward from the south Bide of a new street thirty feet wide, laid out and opened for public use forever, be tween Prime'and Washington streets, called Francis street, in the late district of Moyamensing in the county of Philadelphia, now in the Second ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the'said* Twelfth street seventeen feet, and extending in length or depth westward, of that width, at right angles to the said Twelfth street eighty-one feet, to a three-feet-wide alley: leading northward into the said Francis street Bounded northward.and southward by other around be longing-to the estate of the said-Samuel Miller, de ceased, eastward by the said Twelfth street, and west wardby the said three-feet* wide alley. [Being the same lot of ground which Francis Peters, of the city of Philadel phia, :and Maria Louisa, his wife, executor and execu trix of the last will and testament of samnel Miller, late of the said city, deceased, by indenture dated November 22,3856,-recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 136, page 397, Ac. i granted and coaveyed unto the said James H. Montgomery, in fee, reserving thereout a yearly ground rent or sum of one hundred and six dollars and seventy five cents. 3 CC.' P.,313; J. T., ’63. Debt, $54.07. Gerhard.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James H. Montgomery. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, inly 11, 1663. jy!3-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August3,lB6S, at4o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west wardly side of Schuylkill Fourth street, (now Nineteenth street,) at the distance of sixty-three feet northward from the norihwest corner of the said Schuylkill Fourth street and Girard avenue, in the late district of Penn, county of Philadelphia aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on said Fouith street fifteen feet,'ana in length or depth westward- between-parallel lines at right angles with said Fourth street, fifty-three feet two inches; Bounded westward by ground of said Osborn Conrad; southward by ground late of Abraham Merritt, and now of Isaac H. Pennemore; northward by a fonr-feet-wide alley lead ing westward into Fourth street, and eastward by Schuyl kill Fourth street aforesaid. [Being the name premises which Osborn Conrad, by ground-rent'deed dated the third day.of July-A. D., 1848,recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. W. M., No. 76. pag« 11, Ac., granted and conveyed unto said Abraham-Merritt in fee. Re serving tbereout the 1 early ground-rent or sum of sixty dollars, payable half yearly on the first day of the months of April-and October in every year forever.) ; Bold under a judgment for arrears of ground-rent. [C.P.. 330; JuneT.,’63. -Debt $02.90. '"Potts;] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Abrabam Merritt. JOHN THOMPSON, sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 11,1563. jy!3-3t. QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, August 3, 3863, at 4 o’clock, at Sausom-street Hall, All that certain lofor piece of ground, with the brick . messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate at the northwesterly corner of Twentieth street and a twenty Jeet- wide street out at the distance of eighty one feet north of Poplar street , and ranuing westward into Corinthian avenue, in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Twentieth street fifteen feet ten and three-eighths inches, more or less, and extending westward, keeping the same width in length or depth along the said twenty feet-wide«tr€et fifty-seven feet six Inches to a two-feet slx-incbes-wide allev leading 'southward into the said twenty feet*wide street laid, out- for the use of this aud the two northern lots adjoining thereon; with thefree use and privilege of said alley and' twehty-feet-wide street as and for a passage way and water course at all times hereafter forever. * Bounded northwardly by .ground now or late of William R: Matchette, south ware ly by the said twenty-feet-wide street, eastwardly by th* said Twentieth street, and*westwardly by the said two-feet-feix-inches-wide alley, [Being the-same S remises which William R. Scott, etux., et al.byin enture dated the sixth day of August, A. D. 1854 re corded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book T. H.y No. 93, Sage Ac., granted and.conveyed unto the said Wil am'B. Matchette In fee; under and subject to the pay ment of a certain yearly ground rent or sum of sixty dol lars per annum 3 • [C.P. 305;'JuueT.’63. ; Debt,s93.9B. Waxler.3 /Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William B. Matchette. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. ghilad’a. Sheriff’s Office, July 11,1863, ‘ jy 13-3 t CHBRIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve . ning, August 3.1863, at. 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, *sAIl that certain lot or piece of ground, with the build ings and.4mprovements thereon erected, situate on the east side of Fifteenth street, at the distance of sixteen feet southward from the:south side of a twenty-five-feet wide street, called Hiir street, between Fitzwater 'and Catharine streets, in the First ward of the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on said. Fifteenth street sixteen feet, and extending in depth eastwardly between lines parallel said Hill streetßeventr-ninefeet to a three-feet-wide alley leading into and from the said Hill street. Bounded north by ground of Edward Laf ferty, eastby the said three-feet-wide alley, south by ground of Rosanna McVey, and west by Fifteentli street aforesaid; together with the free use and privilege of the said three-feet-wide alley. [Being the same premises which Samuel Lindsay and wife, by deed dated March 21th, 1860, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 140, page 14, granted-and conveyed unto, the said Michael Filoa intbe. 3 Togetherwith all anid singular, &c.. &c [C.P.,328; June T.,’63. Debt, |ff1.6.63. Sharpless.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of M. Fllon. _ - • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office. July 11,1863. .j»l3-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be ! exposed to public sale or vendue, on MOND AY Evening, Ausust.3, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-sti’eet Hall. All that certain lot or piece of gronnd tituateon tlie west side of Ninth.street beginning at the distance of-' sixteen feet north of Reed street; containing la front or breadth on the said Ninth; street sixteen feet, asdin. length or depthweatwaid parallel with the said Reed street fifty-seven feet.. Bounded on the east by the’ said Ninth street, on the south by around granted to George Litringer on ground rent, on tlie west by a. three-feet- . wide alley leading southward into and from said Reed street, and on .the north , by ground intended to have been granted to David kberle.’ (Under and subject to a yearly ground rent of twenty-eight dollars.) CC. P. 320; June T.,’63.: DebtsB4. McCrea;] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas H. Rockwell;' JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff ’s Officd, July 11. . jy 13-3 t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF w-n of Sd Pluries Venditioni Exponas, to ine directed, ■ 6 exposed to: public sale or vendue, on>MONDAY at at Sausom-streci Hal!. or piece of-ground, with the two-' „ r l c ii*v^ fia . aseo F,* enenjen *'ihereon. erected, situate corner of. Richmond street or avenue and William Btreet, in the Nineteenth (now the Twenty-fifth) ward of the city of Philadelphia; contain ing Jn on the said Richmond r ßtreet or avenue sixty feet, and extending in length or depth, be tween lines at nght angles therewith, two hundred feet to Salmon street same premises which Jacob M. Douglaßfl ana Wire, indenture bearing date the 2Cth day of s^n2^* Sra-ated andconveyed unto Rtohard Coe in fee, under and subject to a mortgage •: —The improvements on the above lot are a two*" story brick dwelling honaei anda one-etorvframe shoov' CS. C.i 28; July T., fe. Debt, $l,OOO. B. Taken 1n execution and .to be sold as the proneriv At ’■ Richard Coe. ' JOHN THOMPSOl^ShlSfcjr Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 11,1363. : I TUB PRESS.—PHTLADEmiIA, MONDAY. JULY 13. 1863. SHERIFF’S SALES, SHERIFF’S 9AXES, dIiKRIFF’S SALE —BY VIRTUE OF of M'? 8 Venditioni Exponas, to ms directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. August 3,1833, at 4 o'clock,at Sansom-street Hall. °. r P\em of ground situate on tue west side ot Twelfth street and on the south side of a new street, thirty, feet wide, laid out and opened for public use forever, between Prime and Washington stieets, called Francis street, in the late district of Moy amending, m the county of Philadelphia, now in the Second ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing In front or breadth on the said Twelfth street seventeen ftet, and sxtendmg. in length- or depth westward of that width at right angles to the said Twelfth street eighty " E* l , to * three-feet-wide alley leading northward into Uio said Francis street. Bounded northward bv the said Francis street, southward-by other-ground belong mg to the estate of the said Sa-mnel Miller, decla“el eastward by the wd Twelfth street, and westward by the said alley. [Being the same- lot of ground which Francis Peters, of the city of Philadelphia, Maria Louisa, his wife, executor and executrix of the last will and testament of Samuel Miller, late of the city of Phi ladelphia, deceased, by indenture dated 22d of Novem ber, A. D. 1886, and recorded in the office for recording deeds, &c.. in and for the city and county of Philadel phia, in Deed Book R. D. W:, No. 13«. page 402 granted and conveyed unto James E. Neall in foe • re serving thereout a yearly ground rent or sum of’one hundred and six dollars and seventy-Sve cents 1 _ p : • 312; T., ’63 Debt. *53 83. Herhard ] _ Taken m execution and tube sold as the property of James E. Neall. JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff Phliada., Sheriff’s Office, July 11,1863 iyl3-:k SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY. VIRTUE OF "T,, a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas,, to me directed, -will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eveninff, Augusts, 1e63,at4 o'clock, atSansom-atreet HaLl, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the factory building, shedding, and other, messuages thereon erect ed. eitnate on the-westwardly side of tke Aramingo ca nal, in the Nineteenth wardof the city of Philadelphia commencing at its tntersection.with Cumberland street thence extending westwardly along the southerly side of said Cumberland Btreet one hundred and eighty-one feet five and a half inches to the easterly side of a certain fortyrfeet-wide street called Commerce street, thence southwardly along the same two hundred and twentv eight feet five and a quarter inches toa-poiut, theuce eastward by ground of Thomas Biddle, twenty-two feet eightand five-eighth inchestoa. point,- thence farther eastward along the same one hundred’ and thirtv-four Jeet one-eighth inch to tbo westerly side of Aramlngo caual,, thence northward along tne same one hun dred and fifty; five feet ten and three-eighths inches to the southerly side of Cumberland stroet aforesaid and placeof beginning. [Being the same lot of ground which William F. Emlen and J.- Dickinson Sergeant, trustaas et al., by deed dated October 24, 1856, rocorded in Deed loo \ Page. 239, &c., grdutod unto Gove Mitchell and Jeremiah trading, &c ‘in fee; reserving n ground rent of %780.0 ’’ , CC.-P.. 318, June T., '63. Debt, $4BO. Pile'] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Gove Mitchell and Jeremiah Croasdale, trading, &c JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philada. . Sheriff’s Office, July 11. 1863. c ' j y 13-3 t CHEKIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF k-J a writ of Ailias Venditioni Exponas, to me;directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Augusts, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or. piece of ground, with the two two-story brick messuages or tenements thereon erected, situate on the feast Bide of Fisher street.' at the distance of two hundred and eighty feet nine inches eastward from the east side of Seventh street, in the First ward of the said city (Philadelphia); containing in front or breadth ou the said Fisher street twenty-five feet nine inches, and extending of that width in length or depth southward, between Tines parallel with the said Seventh street, flity feet, including therein on the east side thereof the westernmost moiety or-half part of an alley two feet in width and fifty feet in depth, leading Into and from the taid Fisher street, laid out and opened as a pas sage way and water-course, for the use of this and the adjoining ground to the east, with the right to introduce water pipes under the same, and to build over the west 'half tbereof.leaving a headway of eight feet in the clear. [Being the same premises which Luther C. Edmonds and wife, by deed dated the 27th day of April. 1860, and re corded in Deed Book A.-D. 8.. No 125, page 20. granted and conveyed unto Samuel McC. Foster, his heirs and assigns; subject to a yearly ground rent or sum of thirty six dollars, payable half-yearly on the first days of May and November. . CC. P., 326; June T.,’63. Debt, $75 52.. Ernst ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel McClung Foster. ’ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 11, 1863. jy!3-3t • SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF M a writ of Alias Venditioni 5 -Exponas, to me directed,* will be exposed to public sale or vendue,on MONDAY Evening, August 3.lB63.at4o’clock,at Sansom-street Hall. ' All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on *,the west side of Twelfth streefc,.at the distance o&eighteen feet two inches northward from the north sideofanew street thirty feet wide, laid out and opened for public use forever, between Washington and Prime streets, called Peters street, in toe late district of Moy amending, in the county of Philadelphia, now in the Second ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Twelfth street seventeen feet, and extending in length or depth westward of that width at right angles tothejsaid Twelfth street eighty-one feet to athree-feet wide alley leading southward into the said Peters street Bounded northward and southward by ground belonging to the estate of the said Samuel Miller, deceased, east ward by said Twelfth street, and westward by the said three-feet-wide alley. '[Being the same lot of ground which Francis Peters, of the city of Philadelphia, and Maria Louisa, his wife, executor and executrix of the last willand testament of Samuel Miller, late of the said city, deceased, by indenture dated the 22d day*of No vember, A. D. 1856. and recorded in the office for record ing deeds; &c.,in and for the city and county of Philadel phia, in Deed Book R. D. W., No 136, page 406, Scc.l granted and conveyed to James E. Neall in fee; reserving thereout a yearly ground rent or sum of one hundred and six dolJarsand^eventy-fivecents.] [C. P. , 31); June T.;,’63. Debt, $53.83. Gerhard. ] /- Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James E. Neall. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. ' Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. July 11, 1868. j y 13-31; ■ SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE, OF a writ of Alias /Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening.rAagutt 3,1863, at 4 o’ Sansom-street Hall, if A certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of a thirty-feet-wide street called Woodbine‘street. at the distance of two hundred and eighty-eight feet southward from tbe south side of Federal street, in the latedhtrict of Southwark, now in the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front or breadth on the said Woodbine street thir ty-nine feet six inches, and extending in length ordepth eastward of that breadth forty feet. Bounded north ward „by ground granted to Anther C. Edmunds on ground rent, eastward by ground of Robert Clark and William Clark, southward by ground now or late of William Wharton, and westward by Woodbine street aforesaid CBeing the same premises which Robert Clark and Mary A.,.his wife, and William Clark and Eliza A., his wife, by indenture dated the tenth'day of May, A. D. 1851, recorded in Deed Book T. H. , No 17, page 03, &c., granted and conveyed unto said'Luther C. Edmunds in. fee; reserving thareout a certain yearly ground rent or sum of forty-four dollars and forty-four cents in equal lialfryearly payments on the first day of the months of January and July. J ltt N. B.—The judgment upon which the above pro ceedings were had, was obtained for arrearages of the said ground rent. ' - 2d N. B.—There is erected upon the above-described lot three two-story brick houses; fronting on the said Wood bine Btreet. . . r CC. P. 320; JuneT., ’63. Debt, $46.43. A. Thompson ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Ln» her C Edmunds. JOHN THOMPSON,-Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. July H, 1863. jyl3-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF. a writ of Alias Venditioni'Exponas, to me directed, - will be exposed to public sale or,vendue, on MONDAY Evening,-Aug. 3,11863, at 4 o'clock.-at Sansom-street Hall. No. 1. All that certain ldt^ofcgronnd, l two story frame shed thereon erected, beginning at theßouth-., east corner of Master street and Thirty-first street, in the* Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia; thence ex tending southward'along the east side of said-TMrty first sireet two hundred and thirty five feet five and a half inches, to a point in groundreputed to belong to v M. s Newkirk; thence, by the same, north tffcy degrees thir ty-five minutes east, one hundred and sixty-seven feet and one and seven-eighths inches, to. an angle} thence, by the same, north eighty-five degrees fifty minutes east, ninety-seven feet ten and three-eighths inches ;%thence northward, by other ground of the said Eli KA Price, parallel with said Thirty-first street, seventy-nine feat ten and a quarter inches, to said Master street; thence westward, along the south side thereof, two hundred feet, to the place of beginning. ■ r No.-2. All tbatcertain lot or piece of ground, with the buck-beer vaults thereon erectedi'sitoate on the south west corner of Master and Thirty-first streets, ia the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on said Thirty-first street fifty feet, and extending in depth westward, keep ing ihesame width along said ;Master street, two hun dred feet. Bounded northward by said Master street, . eastward by said Thirty-first street, southward by ground granted to Zimmerman, and westward by ground granted to Charles W. Bergner. . [B. C., 27; July T., ’63. Debt. $1,35830. Heyer.] Taken in execution and to be sold aa»the property, of Christian Schnitzel. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Jnly 11,1863. iy!3-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed ■"• to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Augusf3,lB63. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All tbatcertain lot or piece of ground situate on the northwest corner of Girard avenue and Seventh streets in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Girard avenue eighteen feet, and in length or depth extending thence northward on the west side thereof, at right-angles with the said Girard avenue, one hundred and two feet five inches and one half of an inch, and on the east Bide thereof along the west side of said Seventh street one hundred feet. Bounded northward and westward by ground now or late of Pollard McCormick; eastward by said Seventh street, and southward-by Girard avenue. [Being the same lot of ground which Pollard McCormick et ux., by Henry M: : watts, their attorney, by indenture dated the 10th day of December, 1857, recorded in Deed Book A, D. B. , No. 91, page 1, &e. , granted and conveyed unto the said Mark Devine in fee; reserving a yearly ground rent of ninety dollars, payable semi-annually on the first day of the months of January and July in every year. 3 , N. B —Mark Devine has parted with his interest in the above lot. ~CC. P., 303; June r », ’63. Debt. $45.45.- Black. 3 : - Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Mark Devine. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. July 11,1863. •• jy!3-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF awrit of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed to-public sale or vendue, ou MONDAY Evening, August 3,1863, at 4o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certainlot or. piece of ground, with the brick messuages or tenements: thereon erected, situate on the east side of Tenth street, at the distance of thirty-four feet southward from, the south* side of Christian street, in the late -township of Moyamensing. and county of Philadelphia, now in the: city of Phila delphia; containing in frent or breadth* on the vsaid Tenth street sixteen feet, and extending eastward of that width in length or depth, between lines parallel with Christian street, seventy feet, to a certaiufcwenty feet-wide street called Steward street. Bounded north ward by ground granted to Neil Breson on ground rent, eastward by said' Steward street, southward-by ground now or late of Coleman Fisher, and'westward y Tenth street aforesaid. [Being the same lot of ground which Coleman Fisher and wife, by indenture'bearing date tbe 15th' day of June, A. D. 1846, recorded in Deed Book A. W. M.,No. 9, page 559, Ac., granted and con veyed unto James HcQuillext in fee; reserving thereout & certain yearly rent or sum of thirty-six dollars.] N.B.—Onthe above-described premises are erected two dwelling houses, one a four-story brick house and store .fronting on Tenth? street,-the other a three-story brick house fronting on said Steward street. * [C. P;, 307; JuneT. r ie63.-Debt, $37.32. Littleton.] : Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James McQmllen. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, July 11, 1863. ; jy!3-3t CTI ERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTU Fj OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed.'will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 8.1863, at-4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, . All that certain lot.or piece of ground, with the two story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected .situ ate in the late district of Southwark, now lathe First ward of the city of Philadelphia; beginning at:the south west corner of-Fourth street and Morris street, thence* extending, southwardly in front on said Fourth street seventeen feet; and of that width extending westwardly in length or debth sixty-one feet eight inches to a certain , three-feet-wide alley; Bounded north by said Morris street, east Fourth street, south by other ground granted; to Charles Goepp, and west by the said alley. [Being the *ame lot of ground which Philip H. Goepp and wife, by indenture dated the thirteenth day of October, A. D. 1861, recorded in Deed Book G W. C., No. 108, page 471, granted unto the said Charles Goepp in fee;, reserving thereout the yearly ground rent of thirty-six' dollars, payable Quarterly, on; the Ist day'of January, April, July, and October, inevery year; for arrears of which ground rent the judgment upon which this writ . is ist ued was ob ained. 3 [C. : P., 106; JuneTr, ’63. :• Debt, $lB. Wheeler.] - Taken in" execution and to be sold as r the property of Charles Goepp. y JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 11; 1863. j y!3-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF : a writ of Alias Venditioni Expoua^ 1 , to me directed, willbe exposed, to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening Augusts. 1863.at4o’clock, at Sansom-sti'eet Hail, k- All that certain lot or piece of gr- und, with the three stoiy brick messuage or tenement thereon erec'ed, situ ate on the southeast corner of Eighth and Grape streets, in the Twenty-fourth"ward.offthe city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Eighth street eighteen feet and four inches, and extending of that width eastward parallel with Grape street in.leng.h or depth seventy-two feet. , Bounded eastward and southward by ground intended to be granted to the said Robert-Glaesey on ground rent, northward by said Grape street, and westward by Eighth street aforesaid. [Beingpart of a larger lot of ground which Howard Hinchman and wife, by indenture dated the first day of June,-A.:D. 1853, recoided in Deed BookT; H , No. 156, page2l4,‘, granted and conveyed unto the said Ro bert Glassey in fee; reserving acertain 3’early rent charge of forty-eight dollar*.] = CC. P.,324; JuneT., '63. Debtsl44. H. C. Thompson.] ; Taken in, execution and to he sold as the property of Robert Glassey, JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. July 11,1865.. jyl3-3t " CHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni' Exponas, tpixne directed, will be public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening," August3,lB63, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground. with a three story brick dwelling house thereon, ai Hated on the south • side of .Catharine street, commencing at the distance of one hundred and forty-eight feet east of Broad street, in', the city of Philadelphia: containing in'front or breadth on said Catharine street: sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth southward of that width-ninety-seven feet six inches certain thirty-feet-wide street called Kates street, including one-half of a thirty-ioches- wide alley, to-be left open on said thirty-feetjwide street to the depth of forty-five feet from the north side thereof. [Being the same premises which Michael .Kates. bv in denture dated September .21,1848, and recorded in Deed . Book G. W. C., No. f 9, page 387, granted and conveyed unto George W. McDonald in fee, reserving a ground rent of sixty* four dollars per annum, payable on the first days of May and November in every year thereafter for ever, subject nevertheless to the following restrictions, • viz;, that no building shall ever.thereafter be erected 'uppathe same, or any part, to be used and occupied as a njanufictory of any kind or for any purpose other than ragenteeiUwelling house.]. : l ■ _ • [C:iP„[SO9: JnneT. .’63. Debt-§102.08. Britton.] ? Taken in execution and to ha «J?Jd as the properly of Freeman Scott. • JOHN THOMPSON, Sooiiff. y . Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office. July XU 1863* SHERIFF’S SAXES. SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF 'a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, tome directed, will be exposed to public sale or yendue. on MONDAY Evening,August 3,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All the right, title, and interest of Robert Galbraith in and to.all those six lots or pieces of ground, and the iru- Srovements thereon erected, situate in the city of Phila elphla.aa follows: No. 1. Situate on the.njorth side of Summer street, oie hundred and ninety-seven feet one inch and a half west ward from the weac side of (late) SchnylkULThirdstreet; front on Summpr street seventeen feet six inches; depth, northwardly, fifty-two feet ten and one-half inches. ■ Nc. 2- Situate on the south side of George street, one liundred and ninety-five feet ten inches eastward from the east side of (late) Schuylkill Second street; front on Genrgo street fifteen feet; depth, southward, fifty feet. No. 3. Situate on the we*t side of (late) Schuylkill Fr-urth street, seventeen feet northward from Pi ue street; front on bchuylkill -Fourth street sixteen feet; depth, fifty-four feet. No 4. Situate on the west side of (late) Schuylkill Fourth street, thirty*three feet north from PLuestreet* front on said (Late) Schuylkill Fourth street sixteen feet; depth, westward, fifty feet. No. 6. Situate on the north side of R ummer street, one hundred and thirty-two feet one and a half inches west from (Ute) Schuylkill Third street; front on Hummer street seventeen feet; depth, northwardly, fifty-four feet six inches. No. 6. Situate bn the south side of Winter street, one hundred and thirty-two feetone a halfinches west of (late) Bchuylkill Third etreet; front on Winter street seventeen feet; depth, southwardly, fifty-four feet six inches. - . ... Also, a certain lot and buildings situate on the south side of Lombard street, one hundred foot west of Fifteenth street; front on Lombard street eighteen feet; depth, southward, seventy-eight feet CC. P., 32i; June Term,’o3. Debt, T. J. Clayton. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Robert Galbraith. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, i Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Oflie,. July 11, 1863. jy!3-3t SHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF .a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to publicsaio or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 8,1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain Pot or piece of ground, with the three story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected; situ ate on the east side of Eighth street, at the distance of eighteen feet and four inches southward ftom the south east corner of Grape street and Eighth street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the oity of Philadelphia; con taining in front or breadth on the said Eighth, street eighteen :feet' and four inches, and extending of that width eastward, parallel with, (and at the distance of eighteen feet and four inches southward from) the said Grape street in length or'depth seventy-two feet. Bound ed northward, southward; and eastward by other ground intended to be grafted to the said Robert Gl&sseyon ground jent, and westward by Eighth street aforesaid. ("Being part'of a' larger lot of ground which Howard Hinchman and wife,, by indenture dated the first day of June A. 1853, recorded in Deed Book T. H . No. 106, Sage 23- &c ,'«Tantedand conveyodunto the said Robert lar-s** in fee; reserving a yearly rent charge of thirty six dollars. f[C P., 322; -JuneT. ’63. Debt $m H.C. Thompson. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as tbe property of RobertGlasf.ey. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. : Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office,'July 11,1863. ...iy!3-3t ; FOR SAT.E AND TO KBT. ®FOR SALE—THE DWELLING S. W.i corner FRANKLIN and GREEN Streets, with sldeyard.- Apply to CHARLES RHOAD3, .. -No; 4:36 WALFfJT Street. MTO LET—A. NEAT, NEW COT. TAGB. oh CAPE ISLAND, N. J. Inquire of JOHN P. SLOAN, 806 MARKET St.. Philadelphia. jyll-3t* FOR SALE—VALUABLE IM PROVED Grain and Grazing FARM, 147 laores, seven miles from the city. Chester county farm; 80 . acres, convenient to railroad station. Also. Penn Manor farm, 106 acres, near the Delaware river, Bucks county. Call and examine Register of Farms. Apply to jy7 ; E. PETTIT. 309 WALNUT St. "POR SALE—DESIRABLE COUNTRY A PLACE,.threeacres of'ground,situate 1 mile from Church-Lane Station, Germantown Railroad. Also, several desirable Residences in West Philadelphia.Chest* nut Hill, &c. Applyto: E. PETTIT. jy7 - . 309 WALNUT Street. ®FARM OF 62 1-2 ACRES OF VERY productive LAND, on the Bristol turnpike,' at ■ "Andalusia, a Quarter of a mile from Cornwell’s Station. ,■ on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad; well watered by running streams, good farm buildings, fruit and. shade trees, with several desirable" Lots for the location of country, seats, within view .of the river . Delaware- For sale byl.C. PRICE, corner SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH ‘ " je29lm M VALUABLE IRON PROPERTY FOB SALE—MATILDA FURNACES AND 081 BANES.—This property , is. situated on the J uniat* river, in'Mifflin and Huntingdon counties, Pa., within one mile of Mount Union Station, on Pennsylvania Bail road. ‘ The Juniata Canal. and Pennsylvania • Railroad pass throngh the property. It embraces about twenty - seven hundred acres of land, about three hundred acres of which is good farmland, in a high state of cultiva tion; the balance is good timber land, would supply suffleient charcoal for the furnaces. The improvement! are a good substantial furnace, stack, steam engine, iron blowing cylinders, Ac., with all the necessary buildings. There is on this property, an extensive bed of Iron Ore, being identical, in the geological series, with that at Danville and Bloomsburg. This ore can be mined and delivered at the furnace* for about one dollar per ton.. Limestone in abundant, of good quality, on this property. The extensive coal fields of the Broad Topand Alleghenies are from forty to fifty miles distant, by Pennsylvania Railroad or canal, and the canal run ning through the property makes it one of the best loca tions for the manufacture of iron, either with coke or anthracite. In addition to the. charcoal, the building* for the furnace and farm are ample, substantial, and in good repair. The property will be sold a bargain, and on easy terms... For further particulars address WASHINGTON BIGHTEB, COLUMBIA, Lancaster county. Pa. P. 8. —For quantity and quality of the ore, see Prof.' Lesslie’s — ap2B-3m* rn FOR SALE—A YERY DESIRABLE •H. Country RESIDENCE In the borough of Downing {own, Chester County, with 18 acres of land attached, within 10 minutes’ walk of the Pennsylvania. Rail road and the Chester Valley Railroad Stations. Ths Dwelling is very conveniently, and. substantially built, with Spring-house, Barn, and all necessary outbuild ings; a great abundance of shrubbery, fruit and shade trees. Apply to ABM. S. ASHBRIDGE. mylS-2m* . . Downingtown. Pa. M DELAWARE COUNTY COTTON FACTORIES FOBS ALE.—The valuable Cotton Fac tories, known as AVONDALE and STRATH AVEN, si tuated on Onun Creek, Delaware County, one mile from Weßtdale Station,, west Chester Railroad, two miles from Leiperville, and three from Chester, now occupied by Simeon Lord, are offered for sale; ‘‘Avondale” in cludes a stone mill 82 by 47 feet, 3K stories high, with dry house, picker house, twenty* two stone tenements, ana ? about 9 acres of land, in Springfield and Nether Providence townships. . * * Btrathaven” includes a frame canton Aill, 82by Sofeet, 2>£*stories high, with picker house,-five frame and stone' tenements, and about 24’acresof land, in Nether Providence. The propertied Will be shown by Mr.'Lbrd, on the premises. Early pos session can be given. For terms inquire of - • SAMUEL FIELD, N.. W. corner of FRONT and WALNUT Streets, mr3otf • : Philadelphia. M to let. to let. LARGE STORE. BROAD Street, below Walnut. FIVE-STORY* STORE, 25: by 110 feet. No. WAL NUT Street.' E&eh .ro.osn will_ be rented -separately, or all together. V Large FOUR- STOBT BUILDING, ADELPHI Street, above Fifth (rear of 624 Walnut street),.suitable for a factory... Apply to je22-18t* J. H. EDWARDS, 830 South FOURTH Street. MFOR SALE—a BARGAIN—FOUR Houses on Swain street; also a new Farm near Pottstown, Montgomery co. t 67X acres,_good soil.and good buildings, fruit, &c. Several fine Cottageß, and a variety of City Properties. Farms,Jand Building Lots. B. F. GLENN, je2o ... - 133 South FOURTH Street Ht COUNTRY SEAT ON THE RIVER -3- Delaware, near Torresdale, beautifully located, with wharf on the'river, containing 52 acres of. excellent farming.,Land, well supplied with fruit, shade trees, Ac.; communicating with the city in less than one hour’s time by steamboat or railroad. For sale by I. C. PRICE, cor. SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Sts. je29-lm m FARM.—A VERY DESIRABLE FARM, of 130 acres of excellent LAND, under good fence and well cultivated; -watered by two running streams; situate at the forks of the Bethlehem and Sum ney town turnpike Toads, one mile from Penlynn Station, Nojrth Pennsylvania Railroad, and 15 mileß from the saie by I. C. PRICE, cor. SPRING GARDEN ana THIRTEENTH Streets. je29-lm * JB| FARM FOR SALE—IN CHESTER •—County, 4 miles northwest from Downingtown, on pike leading from thence to Ephrata Springs, containing about. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT ACRES, best duality of land, well watered and divided in fields; sufficient wood, plenty of Fruit Trees, iu prime of bear ing; Buildings tteto and good, large Barn and other buildings; house has nine rooms, spring water at the door. vSituation high and commanding, lawn in front, ornamented with shade trees and evergreens.' A most beautiful place; it will not suffer in comparison with any within thirty miles of the city. Apply to D. FURMAN, 104 NorthSIXTH Street, my 14-2m* Or to O. PAXSON, on the premises. m TO LET—A COMMODIOUS •■■DWELLING, No. 139 North FRONT Street, Rent moderate. Apply to WETHERILL & BRO., 0c27-tf - 4T and 40 North SECOND Street. LEGAL. TESTATE OF RUTH ANNA COG- GlNS.—Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of RUTH ANNA COGGINS, .deceased, late of Philadelphia, bavin been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to the said Estate will make payment, and those having claims will present them to W. D. HESTON, jeB-m6t* Hesfconville, 24th Ward. XTOTiCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i.l *• THE BANK OF GERMANTOWN M intend to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at their next session, for a renewal of their Charter. Said Bank is located in Germantown,. Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia, with an authorized capital of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS; a renewal of which will be asked for, with the - usual banking privileges. . . By order of the. Board. - CHARLES W. OTTO, Cashier. Germantown, June 22,1863. je22-m6m* •pSTATE OF MRS. MARGARET V. BENT.—Letters Testamentary on the last will and testament of Mrs. MARGARET V. BENT, deceased, widow of the late EDWIN J. BENT, of St. Louis, Mo., having been granted to the undersigned by the Register ■of Wills for the city and county of Philadelphia, all per sons indebted to the said estate will make payment, and those having claims against the same'are required to present them without delay, to WARD B. HASELTINE. Executor, ue29-m6t* . 18*5 WALNUT Street. r* THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estates of CAROLINE C. and ALICE AKBN. The Auditor , appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of CHARLES HARLAN, guar dian of Caroline C. and Alice Aken, filed by 314 KY ROBERTS, executrix of the last will and tee lament of, saidiCharles Harlan, deceased, and to report distribu tten of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his ap £ ointment, on TUESDAY, July 14,1863, at 11 o’clock A r., at his office, N 0.142 South EIGHTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. JOHN B. COLAHAN, jy3-fmwst . . Auditor. . Fr THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR COUNTY OF LANCASTER, PENN*A. Estate of AARON QUIMBY, deceased, late of Fulton - * Township, said county. The undersigned auditor,. appointed oy the said court, 1 ‘ to make distribution of the balance in the hands of C. B. Cutlor, surviving Executor of the last Will of said deceased, to and amongßt those. legally" entitled to the same,” hereby gives notice that he will meet all par ties interested, for the purpose 8 of his'appointment; at the COURT HOUSE (Library Room), in the City of Lan caster, county aforesaid, on THURSDAY, the 6th day of August, A. D.-1863, at 2 o’clock, P. M.. or said day.- : __ - D. W. PATTERSON, Auditor. June 24, 1863. • : je2s*tjy3l T OST CERTIFICATES.—NOTICE IS AJ hereby given that application hat been made to the Auditor General of the State of Pennsylvania for the issue of duplicates of the following-described CERTIFI CATES of Five per Cent Stocks of said State, created by the Act of 21st March, 1831, issued by the Bank of Penn sylvania, (acting as Transfer Agent of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania,) In the joint names of George Higgins, of Furaival’s Inn, London, :Rsq.Richard Hichens. of St Ives, Cornwall, Esq. ; . and - Charles Henry Rhodes, of Denmark Hill, Burry, ? gentleman; with benefit of survivorship, which Certificates have been lost, viz; . Mo. 1,400, dated Nov. 4, 1839, for 4,000 dollars. M 1,401. " ** 6,000 9,000 dollars. And all persons are hereby called dpon to show cause to the Transfer Clerk, at the Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, in the city of Philadelphia, why such duplicate Certificates should not he issued. > THOS. BIDBLE ft GO., ap!B-3m Mo. BM6 WALNUT St Philadelphia.' COAIi. GO A L.—SUGAR LOAF, BE AVEB Meadow, and Sprint Mountain Lehigh Goal, ani but liOcuat Mountain from Schuylkill; prepared e* Pretely for family ns* Depot, N. W. comer of EIwJTh and WILLOW Street,. Ofloe, 80. 11‘A SonthJSECONI Street. . » Cap*-ly] ' J. WALTDW A CO. Kb EVANS & WATSON’S ■P SALAMANDER BA7J ; IS SOUTH loUB&H STREET. A large SAFES alwaye oi hand.' ~' :. . ■ pOTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS of all numberaaud brands. , ~ Haven's Duck Awning TwUls, of all description), for Tents, Awnings, Trunk, and Wagon Coyer,. , Also, PaperManufacturers’ Drier Felts, from 1 to 6 feet wide. Tarpaulin, 4C0 .. mylitf , > . ' 108 JONBS’Alioy. SB EBBY WINB.— IOO QUARTER Cork, jut received per «Mp "Lanri.” for eel*’ la bond, by VSAI 8. * JAB. fJAHSTAIBS. «9M . 1M WALNUT and HI (UUMITI StlMtl, KAII.ROAD LINES. 1863. 1863. m CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY’S LINES. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. VAOII WALITTTT-9TBBBT WHARF AND XB9BIXGTOV DIPOY. WILL LKAVS AS FOLLOWS—VIE: - fill,. At 0 A M., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A A«- : If At 6 A M., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J. An* •ommoution). 11 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning „ Ma 11............................... At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Glass Ticket i 91 AtIIAM., via Kensington and Jersey City, 3k* frees.*. fl 00 13 M., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A Accommodation J H At3P. M.,vfi Camden and Amboy, C. and A Ex press.... I 00 At 3PM., via Kensington and Jersey City, Wash. _ and New York Express I 00 At 6X P- M.* via Kensington and Jersey City, Bve* ning Mail g 00 At 11m P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Sonth »emMail g 00 At 1% (Night), via Kensington and Jersey City, 4 Southern Express g 00 At OP. M., vta Camden, and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket.*** ISI _ Do. do. 2d Class d0...1 *0 _Jb« P- M. Evening Mail and L3O (Night) Southern **:P re "*.will nin daily; all others Suudays excepted. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg Soranton, Wllkesharre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac., at 7.10 AM. from Kensing ton Depot, via Delawaro, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. . ’ For Manch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem. Belrldere, laston, LamberhrUle, Flemlneton, at 7 10 A. M- . from Kenßlnirtoii-Depot, and 3.80 P. M. from Walnnt .treet Wharf. _ (The 7,10 A. M. line oonnecte with the train leaving Eaeton for Manch Chunk at 3.20 P. M.) ; For Mount Holly, Evansville, and Pemberton, at 6 A M.,2and4KP. M. For Freehold, at 6 and SP. M. . WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 7.10 and 11 AM. and SF. M.. from Kensington, and 2H P. M. from Walnut-street wharf.- For Holmesburg. Tacony. Wiaaonomtng, Bridesbarg, and Frankfort, at 9 A.M ,2,5, 5.45, and 8 P. M;. from . Kensington Depot. AFor Palmyra, Riverton, Delaneo, Beverly. Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, Ac., at 6 A. M., 12 M.» L 3.30, and 6 P. M. The 3. 30 and 4% P. M. lines run direct through to Trenton. . Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate stations, at 2& P. M. from Walnut street wharf JOT* For New York and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hoar before departure. The cars ran into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train ran from the iftfty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited l from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lO9, exeept by - special contract. June 29th. 1863. ' WM. H. GAT2MKB, Agent. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA WILL LEAVE, FROM FOOT 07 GORTLAHDT STREET, a A* 12 M,. and 4 P. M., via Jersey OltV and Camden. At 7 and 10 A M., 6,73tf. and UJtf P. M. via Jersey City and Kensington. From foot of Barclay street at 6 A M. and 9 !P. M-, via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1 North river.'at l andfiP. M. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. ia!s-tf PENNSYLVANIA aOENT bal ballbo a D. g 5 CSbfiSHHiHPIH * fH* °J®AT DOTTBLiTKAOK SHORT KQPTg TO THB . .WEST, NORTHWEST, A»D SOUTHWEST. Bahlpinents and focilities for the safe; speedy* and comfortable transportation of passengers uivurpaued by any route to the country. -■ vains leave the Depot at Eleventh and Market atresia, M follows: Mall Train at.*~~.~.«*. 7.30 A H. J^stLine at.....A M. Through Express at.. ..** .*~. P. M .Westchester Accommodation, No. 1 8.45 A M. •'‘l*. No, 2 ~..;i2.SO P.M. Harrlaburr Accommodation Train at.-~***♦*... 2.30 P. M. Lancaster Train at... «;...**.***.. 4.00 P. M. Parkesburg Train (from West Philadelphia).. 5.50 P. M. Through passengers, by the Fast Line, reach Altoona for supper, where will be found excellent aceommoda* tions for the night, at the. Logan House, and may take either the Philadelphia or Baltimore Express, each of which makes connection at'Pittsburg for all points. A daylight view is thus afforded of the entire line and Its magnificent scenery. The Through Express train runs daily—all the other trains daily, except Sunday. * ' FOR PITTSBURG AND THE WEST. The Mail ;Train. Fast Line, and Through Express com pact at Pittsburg with through trains on all the diverc ih* roads from that point, North to the Lakes, West to the and Missouri rivers, and South and Southwest toalj points accessible by Railroad. Through Tickets to . Cleveland. Detroit, Chicago, St. Paul, Colum bus, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Leavenworth, Wheeling, Dayton, Cincinnati, Louisville, Cairo, and au other princijpal^^ checked through. ; The Through Express, leayln, at 10.30 P. M-, eoimerfs, at Klain-ville Intersection, with a train on this road for BlairsvllJe. Indiana. &e- EBENSBTOO S CRESSON BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leayin* at 10.30 P.M., nnneots at Cresson. at 8.40 A. M„ with a train on this road tor Ebensbnrg. A train also leaves Cresson for Ebonstrar. at 8 P.-M -_ HOLLIDAYBBUEQ BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Train, at 7.30 A. M., and Through Express, at 10.30 P. M., connect at Altoona with trains for Hollidays hurg at 7.15 P. M. and 8 A. M. TYRONE A CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leaving at 10.90 P. M., connects at Tyrone with a train for Sandy Ridge and Phllipsburg. And by Bald' Eagle Valley R.R. for Port Matilda, Mu esburg, and Bellefonte. . HUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leaving at 10.30 P, St, connects at Huntingdon with a train for Hopewell at O.aa A; M* • NORTHERN CENTRAL AND PHILADELPHIA &BRH RAILROADS. Fox Bpnbuxt,' Williamsport, Look Hatbn, Rochester, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls, Passengers taking the Mail;7.3o;A M..and the Through Express, 10.90 P. M., go directly through without change of cars between Philadelphia and Williamsport. . For YORK, HANOVER, and GETTYSBURG, the trains leaving at- 7.30 A M. and 2.30 P, M.- connect at Columbia With trainson the Northern Centralß. R. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. The Hail Train, at 7.30 A. M., and Through Express, at 10.30 P. M., connect at Harrisburg with trains forCarliile, Chambersburg.'and Hagerstown. WAYNESBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. .The trains leaving at 7.50 A M. and4.OOP.M. connect at Downingtown with trains bn this road for Waynes burg and au intermediate stations. \ „ -FOR WEST CHESTER Tassengers for West Chester taking the trains leaving *t ,8.4 fl A M. and'l2.3o and 100 P. M. go directly through without change of cars. COMMUTATION TICKETS. For 1,8,5,9, or 12 monthß, at very low rates, for the as eommodation.of persons living out of town, or located on or near the line of the road. - COUPON TICKETB. For 26 tripe, between any two points, at about two sente per mile. .These tickets are intended for the use of families travelling frequently.and are of great advantage to persons making occasional trips. r J * SCHOOL TICKETS. For 1 or S months, for the use of scholars attending School in the city. For further information apply at the Passenger Station, 8. B. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. ; JAMES COWPBN. Ticket Agent • .. . WESTERN EMIGRATION. .An Emigrant Accommodation Train leaves No. IST Dock street daily (Sundays' excepted), at 4 o’clock P.M., offering a comfortable mode oft ravel to families going West, at one-half the usual rates of fare. Particular at tention is paid to Baggage, for which checks are given, and baggage forwarded of same train with the passen ger. For full Information apply to ' • FRANCIS FUNK, Emigrant Agent, _ . 13T DOCK Street a MANN’S BAGGAGE EXPRESS. ..An agent of this reliable Express Company will pass through each, train before reaching the depot, and take up checks and deliver Baggage to any part of the city. Baggage will be called forpromptly when orders are loft at the Passenger Depot, Eleventh and Market streets. The travelling publie are assured that ft i# entirely reafxmaibU. • ■ FREIGHTS •• By this routo fteights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio. Kentucky, Indiana,•lllinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by rafZrooa direct , or to any port on the navigable rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point In the Wert, by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, are, at all times, as favorable as are charged by other Railroad Compa nies. .merchants and shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their freight to this Company can rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. • Tor freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or address the Agents of the Company; SB KINGSTON. Jr-, Philadelphia. D. A ST JS VV ART, Pittsburg. • CLARKE A Co., Chicago, • LEECH fit Co., No. l Astor House, or No. 1 South Wil liam street. New York. * . LEECH jg Co., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. WM. BROWN, No. 80 North street, Baltimore, Agent Northern Central Railway. r - _ H.H. HOUSTON, General FrelghtAgfent, Philadelphia. General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. , ... ' - , „ ENOCH LEWIS, Ja2-tf General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. NORTH FENNSYL „ J* L JVANIA. RAILROAD—For BETH LEHEM, DOYLESTOWN. MAUOH CHUNK, HAZLB TOJf, EASTON, -WILKEBBAEEB, WILLIAMSPORT, * -SUMMER. ARRANGEMENT. PAMengerTrains leaystlieMw Depot, THIRD Street, wore Thompson street, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: _i' ~ At 7 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown. Mauch Chunk. Hasleton. Wilkesbarre, &c. - niOWH » ***** At 3.15 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, Ac. At 5.15 P.M. for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chunk. A..M. and ™ For Fort Washington at 10.35 A. M. and 6.30 P. M. White cars of the Second and Third-streets line City Passenger run directly to the new Depot.. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem at 5.45 AM., 9.30 AM., and 6.07P.M. Leave Doylestown at 7.35 AM. and 4P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.40 AH. and 2P. M. , vs , SUNDAYS. - Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A- M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at S P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M/ Beftlehem foy Philadelphia P.M. . ap2o . IST.LIS CT.A-Rg. Agent, WEST CHESTER & PTfTTvA UF.T.PTTT A VIA TUB PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. _PMMn*er, for West Chester leave the depot, corner of and Market Btreet,.' anduothroturh WITHOUT “ ¥ W» PHILADELPHIA. :. Leave at 8.46 A. M.. Arrive West Chester 10. SO A. M. “ 11 12.30 P. M. * k . “ 2.30P.M. “ #l 4,00 P. M.- - *• “ “ 6.00 P. M. FROM-WEST CHESTER. - Leave at 6.20 A. M Arrive West Phila... 8.00 A. M. •V *‘10.60 A.M. “• 12.25P.M. “ ** 3.46 P. Mk “ “ 6.00P.M. Passengers for Western points from West Chester con nect at the Intersection with the Mail Train at 8.46 A. H., the Harrisburg Accommodation at *3.46 F. M., and the Lancaster Tram at 5.25 P.M. ' Freight delivered at the depot, comer of Thirteenth ’ and Market streets, previous to 12 M., will be forwarded by the Accommodation’Train, and reach West Chester at2.3OP. M. ••'*•*. . V - - - For tickets and further information, apply to JAMES COWPEN, Ticket Agent, Ja2-tf ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. figMCWMBaP PHIIiADELPHIA tlfiirii»Ayp ELMIRA R. B/LINM ■ 1803 .SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1863 For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all Soints in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains' leav* iepot of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, comai Broad and CallowniU streets, atB.l6A. H. anaS.9OF. M., daily, Sundays excepted. . . , , . QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York; &0., &c. Baggage checked-through; .to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate Points. For further 0e l u THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL. and office of How ard’s Express Company. 60T CHESTNUT St. jaSl-tf 1863. fin— W 1863, PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD. —This great line traverse, the Northern and and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of b/ ‘he PENNSYLVANIA HAIL ROAD COMPANY, aud under their auspices Is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. . It is now in use. for -Passenger and Freight business • from Harrisburg to Driftwood, second fork, (177'miles) on the Eastern Division, and frem Sheffield to Erie, (7s - miles) on the Western Division. .j TTMS OF PASSEXGEB TRAINS AT PHUJkDBLPHIA. Leave Westward. Mail Train* 7.30 AM. KapreseTrain.... ......10,30 P.M.- , through without change both ways on these' trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the Southea st comer Eleventh and Market Streets. And.for Freight business ofthe Company’s Agents 8. B; KINGSTON, Jr. . comer Thirteenth ana Market streets; Philadelphia. _ . J. W. REYNOLDS, Brie. ■ ■ „ _ J. M. DEILL. N. a Gcu.’AliFr^htAg^^FWUadelphU. ahg-tf General Manager, wiUla.Tn«port. THE PHILADELPHIA eastben tsanspostation COMFANYIb uo-wpiepared to forward FKBIQHT fro» nkUad;lpbj«. to Nsw.Tozb .yU.Gamdu and Port Kcn- Tb« attention Of Shlppon and Hwrcbants Is directed te and expeditious RAILROAD ROUTE, and e portion of their pntronaKe respootfnlly soßoited. . Freight reeeiyed at third vrharf abora Arch .treat. For further particulars apply to OEO. B. McODLLOH. Freight Agent. _ t - gUB Noitb^rfQlTXL •TS-tf. Vler K«. M N6KTH Rim, W To* insurance companies. TJELAWABE MUTUAL SAFETY « hm* omos, B. X. CORNEIT WALnrr STS., PHILADELPHIA. 05T 3! B8 B L8,i MABIlfBI1 ' 8raAa01 - KBiakT, S To 611 1® 1 ** of the world. IffLABD INSDKAHCBB Oi Goods, by Biver, 'Canal, Lake, and t.— 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for nearlyfortyyears, continues to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture. Stocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund* la invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the ease of loss. DIRECTORS. * Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, Alexander Benson, Daniel Smith, Jr., , William Hontelius, John Devereux, Isaac Hazlehurst, . Thomas Smith. Henry Lewis. ■ JONATHAN PATTERSON, President William O. Crowell. Secretary. , . , and THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM- A PANT OP PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE NO. 308 WALNUT STREET. Insures against lobs or damage by FIRS, on Houses. Stores, and other Buildings ; limited or perpetual; and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, in Town or Country. GASH CAPITAL §3OO,OOO—ASSETS 9377,410 79. Invested In the following Securities, vis: Pint Mortgage on City Property, well secured 9135,400 00 Groundrents .*.*.,. 3,000 00 United States Government Loans. • ***** 60,000 00 City of Philadelphia, 6 per eent.Loans...*. —— 60,000 00 Pennsylvania, $3,000,000 6 per cent. Loan.***.. 15,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Company’s Stock. ..*** 4,000 00 Pennsylvania Eailroad Bonds Ist and 2d Mortgages u. 56,000 00 Allegheny connty 6 per cent. Pen. l !. R. Loan**** 10,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company’s Spot cent. Loan 6,000 00 Philadelphia and Beading Eailroad Company’s 6per cent. Loan 6,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent, mort gage 80nd5....—*... 4,660 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock. .-**** 1,060 00 Mechanics’ Bank 8t0ck.... 6,000 00 Commercial Bank of Penna Btock ***,,♦*** 10,600 06 Union M. Insurance Company’sHScrip.. .******** 328 70 Loans on Collaterals/ well secured ..».**. ***** 3,600 00 Bills Receivable 607 03 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia’s ' Stock, 9,760 00 Accrued Interest. *►*.***. ***♦*. 5,829 41 Cash in bank and on hand******.*—. 24,796 66 «* t , $377,410 70 ‘ Worth at present market value. *****. ***** $398,348 50 DIRECTORS. Robert Toland, William Stevenson, Hampton L. Carson, -Marshall Hill, J. Johnson Brown, John Bissell, Pittsburg. GIW TINGLEY, President. Clem Tingley, William R. Thompson* Samuel Bispham, Robert Steen, William Musser, Xharles island, Benj. W. Tingley, TEOS. 0. HILL, Secretary. Philadelphia. March 1.1883. MEDICAL. TUMELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP V BOCK As a safe and effectual remedy for Cough, Pain in the Breast. Spitting Blood, Scrofula, and in all-cases ■where a Blood Purifier is requisite, it is the Medi cine above all others. Try it. Bold by Proprietor. . ; E. JUMELLE, 15»5 fIAEKET Street, And all Druggists. . jylQiset A YER’S COMPOUND EXTRACT ■KSAPARILLA.-'N’o one remedy is more needed in *kfc iountry than a reliable Alterative, hut the sick hawajpen so outrageously cheated by the worthlesspre par&lfkns of Barsaparilla abroad that they are disgusted even with the name. Tet the drug cannot be.blamed for the impositions from which they have suffered. Most of the so-called Sarsaparillas in the market contain little of the: virtues of Sarsaparilla or anything else. They are mere slops—inert and worthless, while a concen trated extract of the active variety of Sarsaparilla com pounded with Bock, Stillingia, lodine, etc., is, as it ever will be, a powerful alterative and an effectual remedy. Such is Ayer’s Extract of Sarsaparilla, as its truly won derful cures of the great variety of complaints which re quire an alterative medicine have abundantly shown. Bo not, therefore, discard this invaluable medicine, be cause you have been imposed upon by something pre tending to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not. When yon have used Ayer’s—then, and nottill then, will you know the virtues-of Sarsaparilla. For minute particulars of the diseases-it cures, ,we refer you to Ayer’s American Almanac, which the agent below named will furnish gratis to all who call for it. AYER’S OATHARTIC PILLS, for the cure of Costive new, Jaundice , Dyspepsia* Indigestion, Dysentery. Foul Stomach, Headache "Piles, Rheumatism Heart hum arising from Disordered-*Stomach, Pain , or Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Worms , Gout, neuralgia, and for a Dinner Pill. Thev are sugar-coated,-so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best Aperient in the world for all the.purpoees of a family physic. Price 25 cents per box; five boxes for £l. . - Bo not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations which they make more profit on. Demand AYER’S, and take no others. The-sick want the beat aid there is for them, and they should have it. .. ■ Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., and sold by J. M. MARBIS Je CO., cat wholesale, and by FREDERICK BROWN. . je22-mwf2m TJITHATIS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH! 1* good NEWB FOB THE SICK AND WOUNDED. Messrs. J. GRIM and T. ALLEN, (formerly associated with Profe. Bolles and Galloway,) having remOved to No. 733 NORTH TENTH street, between Coates and Brown streets, are now- prepared to treat and core all (taxable Diseases, whether acute or chronic, pulmonary or paralytic, without a shock or any inconvenience. Poor Soldiers will be treated gratuitously. The Ladles will be treated by a lady. Among the diseases for which . we will give a special guarantee, when desired* we men* tion the following: Consumption,lst&2d&iage» Hemorrhage, Paralysis, General Debility, Neuralgia. Diseases of the Liver or Asthma,™- Kidneys, Fever and* Ague, Diabetes, Congestion, Prolapsus Uteri, (Falling Dyspepsia, Womb,) Rheumatism, Prolapsus Ani, or Piles Bronchitis, Emission, &e. As. No charge for consultation. Office hours: 9A.M. to 6P.M. - >.. ' ieB-6m OTHCK sales, SMALL PROFITS ! ’ot At DEAN’S CIGAR STORE. 333 CHESTNUT St., you can buy FINE-CUT CHEWING TOBACCO 25 per cent, less than anywhere else. ; " Anderson’s Solace, Hoyt’s Sunnyside, Lilienthal’s Standard, Old Continental, Young America/and Good win’s N. X. Patent Pressed, for eight cents each. Plantation, Cornish’s Virgin Lear. Yellow Bank, Honey Dew* Amulet, National, Heart’s Delight,’ Savory; Medal lion. Nonpareil, and Mrs. Miller’s Fine-cut Chewing To bacco, for four cents each. FINE CUT IN YELLOW PAPERS. - Lilienthal’s, ''Backus & Campbell’s, Yellow Bank, Grape, for [three 4 C6 fINE-CUT CHEWING TOBACCO IN BULK. —Ander son’s Solace, Hoyt’s Sunnyside, Dean’s Golden Prize,* Dean’s Philadelphia Fine Out, Honey Dew, Michigan, and Pride of Kentucky;.for six cents per ounce. Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco by the pound; 45, 60, 75, 90 cents, and $l. •*- IMPORTED HAVANA AND YARA CIGARS, and do mestic Cigars of all kinds, 25 per cent, less than others ;Sel), at wholesale or retail, at " . .. DEAN’S CIGAR STORE, - 335 CHBbTNUT Street. Wilmington and Newark Corporation Notes taken at • parr -v jy3-tf TO THE 'DISEASED OF ALL CLABSKB.—AH as toe ml .ehroni* dleeesss sored, iSr special guarantee, at ia£r WAUIUT Street, . Philadelphia, when desired. and. in ease of a faU are. no chain la made.' Extensive and commoiHou* arrangements have been recently made lor boarding patients from a distance at reasonable prices. V ' Frol 0. H. the/Minder JfJ*** item prartiM,has aesoSlatedwlthhimDr.K. J GAELO WAX.A pamphlet eontaWingnmultltade of eer tUcates of those eared; also, letters'and aomvll- v mentary resolutione from medical men end others, 1 will be «lT«n to aransnon .free. I IT.’ B.—Medic el' men and others srho desire a GALLOWAY. IBM VAUTEV Street. fIABDj*NDF&NGY JOB PRINTING, vAt S9QWALT A BROWS. UIS. YOUBTK *k! AUCTION T3AI/BS. JOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTION v SEBB. Hoe. >33 and 33* MABKBT Street. /ZJJILETTE & SCOTT, ’ _ AHCTroNEEES, Jayne's Marble Building.' 619 CHESTNUT Street, and 016 JAYNE Street. ._ i Philadelphia. : FURNESS, BRINLEY, & 00., , A - No. *39 MARKET BTBlEff. M THOMAS & SONS, • Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street. PUBLIC. SALES STOCKS AND BEAL ESTATE. EVHRT • • • . TUESDAY - ; during the business season; in the months of July and August only occasional sales. FURNITURE SALES at the Auction Store every Thursday. . STOCKS AND BEAL EfeTATS 14ra JULY, by order of Orphans* Court, Executors, and others. Executors Peremptory sale by postponement. BUILDIag LOT—Franklin street, north of Jetfee&OM street. . no v _B\NK STOCKS, LOANS, Ac. la snares Bank of North America.- 1 36sbares Western Bank. I In lote t» soft shares Mechanics' Bank. l purchasers. 50 shares Girard Bank (old stock). J 82.0C0 a even per cent. Coupon Bonds Philadelphia and Smsbury Railroad Co -5 shares West Chester & Philadelphia Railroad Co. ■ 4 shares Cleveland & Pittebara Railroad Co. 1 share Point Breeze Park Association 500 shares Penn Mining Co., of Michigan. ' Aleo, without reserve, : for account of whom it may concern.— _4Bfirst mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds. 8500 each. <*£ Keokuk, filount Pleasant, and Muscatine Railroad Co., if os. E 9 to 119 inclusive, coupons attached of and from Dt March, 1881. principal payable Ist September, 1898, at Continental Hotel 27 bonds, of 81.000 each, of Henry county. lowa, cou pons aitached from Ist January, 1853. interest 8 pm cent, peratnum, payable semi-annually; bonds Nos. 38 to 45 and 79 to 95,-January, 1857, payable 20 years after date., . Handbills part ready. Sale No. 125 South Thirteenth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, CHANDELIER, BRUSSBU CABPETS, &c. *978,213 U • THIS MORNING, July 13th, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at No. 125 soutti Thirteenth street, above Walnut etreet, the superior parlor, dining-room, and chamber furniture, gas chan delier, fine Brussels carpets, Ac. Al> o, a quantity of muslin and linen, Ac. ~ 49* May be examinedat 8 o’clock on the morning of the Bale. . PANCOABT & WARNOOK, AUC —- TIONEEBS, Ho. >l3 MABKET Stmt SALE OF AMEBIC AH AND IMPOBTED DBY OOODH, HOOP SKIKTS, STOCK OF GOODS, NOTIONS, *(L, by .catalogue: ■ .■ T , ON WEDNESDAY MOBNING. July 15th, commencing at 10 o’clock Precisely. “PY HENRY P. WOLBERT, „ _ . AUCTIONEEB, Ho. >O3 MABKET Street, South aide, above Second Bt. Begnlar Salee of Dry Goods, Trimmiuge, Notioue, Ac., ojrajy MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FBIDAY MORN INGS, at 10 o clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend these sales. Consignments respectfully solicited from Manufactu rers, Importers, Commission, Wholesale, and Jobbing Houses.and Retailers of all.and every Merchandise. CASSIMERB PANTS, COATS CLOTHS. SATINETS. Ac v , THIS MORNING, m July 13th, at 10 o’clock, will be sola, fine olaik and fancy cassimere pants, summer coats, black cloths, cloak ings, melton ana fancy cassimeres, satinets, suspenders* felt hats. Ac PRINTS.GINGHAMS.SKIRTS. COTTON HOSIERY*AO Albo, prints, ginghams, delaines, ladies’ and misses* skirls, cotton hose and half hose, gloves, handkerchief, necklies, ladies* collars and setts, laces, sewing silk, ruffling. Swiss colleret, tiimmings, shoes, straw hate* 4 M OSEB NATHANS, AUCTIONEER V- 1 - southeast corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. , , V MONEY TO LOAN, m large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousand* for any length of time agreed on,on diamonds, watches, jewelry, gold and silver plate, pianos, mirrors, font tore, dry goods, groceries, hardware, cutlery, clothing, cigars, fowling pieces, fancy articles, merchandise rr~r rally and of every description, on better terms than at any other establishment in this city. , AT PRIVATE SALE, FOR LESS THAR HALF THE USUAL &ELLISU PRICES. Fine gold and silver English. American, and Swiss De tect lever watches, extra fall jewelled aod plain, of th* most approved and beßt makers, in heavy hunting oases. double cases, magic cases, double bottom and open-face; fine gold chronometers, in heavy huntiag caseß; fine gold and silver lepine watches, in hunting cases and open face; silver quartier watches; donbU ca&e English silver watches, and others. Diamond*! fine gold vest, neck, guard, and chatalien chains: gold pencil cases and pens, silver do.; setts of fine gold jewel ry, medallions, gold and silver specks, bracelets, EngMA plated vest chains; double ana single-barrel fowling pieces, some of them very superior; revolving Srfj. glasses. Ac. M. NATHANS. BOSTON AND PHTLADKL- MmmmE phta steamship line, wh port on SATURDAYS, from first Wharf above TTMM Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston.- The steamer NORMAN. Captain Baker, will wll fnai Philadelphia for Boston, on SATURDAY, July 18th, eg 10 o clock A. M.; and steamer SAXON, Captain Matthew, from Boston, on the SAME DAY. at 4P. M. These new and substantial steamships form a nnltt line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. ’ \ Insurances effected at one-half the premium charged lv nail vessels. Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts and BOSE Lading with their goods. „p^o rBilM mh& ISC South DELAWARE Avenue STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVER POOL, touching at Queenstown, (Cork Har bor. ) Thb well-known Steamers of the r Liverpool, New York,' and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intend ed to sail as follows: CITY OF BALTIMORE-. ......Saturday, Julyli r CITY OF. WASHINGTON. ; -Saturday, July ». EDINBURGH - .....Saturday, July2s, And every succeeding Saturday at noon, from Pier Me. 44, North River. - BATES OF PASSAGE - ' Payable in Gold, or its equivalent in Currency. FIRST CABIN, 980 001 STEERAGE. $32 S$ Do. to London, 85 00; Do. to London 35 S 9 Do. to Paris, 95 00 Do. to Paris. 40 00 Do. to Hamburg, 90 00| Do. to Hamburg, 8$ fig Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen* Rotter dam, Antwerp, Ac., at equally low rates. Faresfrom Llverpool or- Queenstown: Ist Cabin,97s, $B6, $105.. Steerage from Liverpool $4O. From Queens town, $3O. ■ Those who wish to send, for their* friends can buy their tickets here at these rates. For .further information, apply at the Company's JOHN G. DALE, fe2B 13X WALNUT Btreet, Philadelphia. FOB NEW YORK—NEW LINE-VIA DELAWARE AMR RARITAN CANAL. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Com pany receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., deliver ing their cargoes in New York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WH ARVEB, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND; Agent, anl-tf Piers 14 and 15 BA 8T RIVER, New York. EXPRESS COMPAKIEB, Tk.■mmc THE ADAMS EX. MM 4Wlg> PRESS COMPANY, office 3M CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Met* chandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or in connection with other Express CompanhMb to all the principal Towns and Cities in the Unite* States. E. S. SANDFORD, fe26 General Superintendent. * MACHINERY AND IRON. pENN’A WORKS, On the Delaware Hirer, below Fhllaielvhla. OHBSTBE, DELAWAEE CO„ PENNBTLVAJH4. ' KEANET, SOM, * ARCHBOLD, Engineer, and Iron Ship Bnllders, lirmoriFiin or iLi mu o, OOMDEHBIIfO AND HOH-COHDEHSINa Dllim bon Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Propellers, tie., tu. nos. UAIBT W. B. RBAR3T, J AAOZBOU, Late of Reaney, Neafie, - respeets to any of the most-approved makers, and Is sold at folly one-third leee.prira f . I also am receiving;daily In exchange for. Lillie's Wrought and Chilled Iron Safes other Safes; and keep constantly on hand a general assortment of HERRING’S, EVANS & WATSON’S, and other makers; many of them almost new* which I offex at, aid even below, auction P All parties interested are particularly requested to ex amine the Safesabove described at my depot M. C. SADLER. Agent. Je2-tf No. ai South SEVENTH Street A LMONDS.— 3 sBAI.ES PRINCESS Paper Shell Almonds; 5 cerbons Lisboa Buns Shell Almond,, for eri. jr4-tf ■ IQT South WATER Street TTBAKE’S PLANTATION BITTERS. L- _ioo Mwi Drake’, Plantation Bittern, nut re eelved end for Brie by ■ RHODES A wILLtAMg. . ijl-tf 10T SouthWATSS Street. SHIPPING. JAOOB C. BRAKE. f.- • - JOffITP.iLEVT. H BEACH andjPALMBB street,. ?