TH£ CITY. (VOR ADDITIONAL CITY NEWS BKB YOUKTH PACU,] High Scuooii Examination.— The fol lowing exercise in parsing was given by Professor Ithoadß, yesterday: Pabsiko.—Parse the words underscored and numbered in the following lines. Such Words as should be joined in parsing you will join accord ingly s ' lf the immortal gods have so decreed That this' affliction you should undergo, It is your duty patiently to bear it; Which, if you do, the trouble will be lighter. When at your home, you, I presume, are free; But since captivity is now your lot. Submission would become you. Should a master -Commii unworthy actions, yet his slaves Mußt think them worthy, ones . The following are the questions in the examina tion in Constitution, given by Prof. Rand: 1. How far is the right of trial by jury preserved in suits at common law, and with what provision! . 2. What is necessary to render an amendment to the Constitution valid 1 3. Whatproofß are necessary to convict:a person •Of treason, and why 1 4. What three methods of trial are provided for by the Constitution? 6. Define Bill of Rights, Bill'of Attainder, and Patent Right. 6. To what department of Government is given the power of receiving ambißsadors, aud to what danger is the exercise of this power liable? - ... 7. When, and how often, does Uoagresa assemble, and what power has the Executive over the assem bling and adjournment of Congress? 8. 'For what purposes may Congress provide for calling out the militia? 9. Repeat the clause of the Constitution which renders the power of coinage and borrowing money more efficient. 10. What powers have less than a quorum in Con gress ? The Sanitary Commission and the Wounded.—'The United States Sanitary Oommis- Bion, ab usual, has been very active in forwarding and distributing supplies, and assisting in fitting up hospitals for the wounded of the great battles near Gettysburg. T-heir supplies of stimulants, food, and hospital stores were close at hand while the battle wasgoingon, and were made available immediately. On Monday last the Pennsylvania branch of the Commission (Depository No; 1307 Chestnut street) forwarded a large car containing 131 packages, con sisting of barrels of dried fruit, Ac., boxes of cloth ing, bandages, condensed milk, soupß.Scn. The same day they forwarded by the “Arctic par Express ” (a sort of gigantic refrigerator), very large quantities of fresh meats, poultry, butter, milk, eggs, These cars were switched oif at Baltimore and sent immediately through to Gettysburg. Their contents were invaluable. On Tuesday a car load of 119 packages was sent, and yesterday another of about equal amount. The greatest energy has been exhi bited, and stores sent forward as fast as possible. The advantages of organization were never more apparent than during the past week. The supplies of the Sanitary Commission are within leach before as well as during the time a baltle is. in and, at the battle of Antietam, were two days in adVAhoe even of the Government medical supplies. Most of the surgeons and nurses of the Commission have had two years 1 active experience in the field, and are more useful than five times their number of inexperienced and temporary as sistants. Contributions of. supplies should be sent to the depository, 1307 Chestnut street, and donations of money are needed, and may be sent to Caleb Cope, Ebo., treasurer, corner of Sixth and Minor streets, or to Robert M. Lewis, Esq., general superintend ent, No. 1307 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. A Regiment for Three Years’ Ser vice.—The butchers and drovers, together with the meat packers, have taken the field .in support of the Union, and have. resolved to put a regiment in the field, whioh shall vie in heroism and appointments with the best now in service. Oapt. Philip Lowry, of West Philadelphia, has accepted the post of Lieutenant Oolonel of this regiment, and Is ably se conded by. many of the most prominent and influen tial butchers of the city* Col. Small, of the 26th Regiment, who have done so much-good service in the invincible Third Army Corps, has been selected as Colonel. *■ The company officers are equally me ritorious and /trustworthy. x Only two companies remain unfilled, and as there is a call by the Presi dent Tor three hundred thousand mea under the conscription, these will be made up in a day or two. Committees have been appointed to solicit sub scriptions in aid of the regiment, and as they are all men of well-known character and influence,, a large fund offered in bounties to the men will no doubt be promptly raised. As fast as received, 4he money will be paid over to the .Treasurer for this purpose. Henry Boraef, Chairman ; Peter Widner, Secretary.; A. R. Paul, Treasurer. The .First National Bank of Phila- XUfLPniA open for the transaction of business, to-morrow, at.the S. E. corner of Third and Chestnut streets. Its capital is $150,000, which will be paid up In full, with the privilege ot an increase to $1,000,000. This, DAnk has been organized under the act of Congress, known as the “National Currency Act,” and is entitled by the provisions of that act to all the lights and privileges of a chartered State bank. The First -National.Blink will transact business upon the same terms as the other chartered banks of this cityi and will offer the same facility and accommodation to depositors and correspondents. The circulating notes of the National Bank, which, by the provisions of the act, are to be furnished by the United States Treasury, are now preparing and Will be ready in a few months. Until they are re ceived, legal-tender notes of the United States will be used in the transaction of our business. : O. Wil son Davis, Esq., is president of the bank, and Mr. Morton McMichael, Jr., cashier. The stockholders are a large number of our wealthiest and most re spectable citizens. / Found Drowned,—The body of Grace Devine, a young woman, was found in the Delaware at Market-street wharf yesterday afternoon. She had fallen overboard from a ferryboat on Tuesday night.. The Coroner held an inquest, but the body Was still remaining in the water until after 9 o’clock last ereniog. The mother of the unfortunate crea ture Was almost distracted in consequence. Accident.—Henry Clymer was badly injured yesterday,; at the Tioga railroad sta tion* He was leading a horse and cart from the track, to make room for the approaching loco motive.; The engine struck the tail of the cart, knocked the horse downy and Mr. Oiymerfell under the animal. Foreign Exports and Imports.-—Tlie following'are some of the principal articles ex ported from, this port to foreign ports for the week ending July 8,1863: . ' ; ENGLAND. Bacon, 1be....17,806 $1,400 Petroleum R’d - * Bark, htuls.... 106 . 3,060 gals 30,233 $9; 151 Beeswax, ibs.‘. ..954 434 Petrol’m crude, . 8eef,bh15........100 ; 2,024 ga15........108,920 31,353 Plour. bb15....5,852 40,950 Tallow, f1>4..26»,218-'27,803- yurhiinte........ - 400 Wheat, bu5h,.38,310 65,502 Bard, 1be....147,295 13*657 Bundles— .... 1,070 Bard Oil, ga1..3,956 . 4,170 . “ *: IREL. Candles^lb?.. .1,044 $3071 Tobacco.faa. ~4,600 1.4201 BRITISH NOR'. -'.Sll 1.866! 879...2.5061 jANDr • IWh oat, tm sh.. 7,252 $11,912 Coal* tons.. Flour,'bbls Goal* tons west i Ale, Ralls ..360 *lOB Beef, bl>ls 66 670 Beer, ga115........640 162 Boots and Shoes, .pairs....... .....140 346 Bread, bids ...... 60 250 Butter, Kxu....10,375 . 1;867 Gandies, 1b5....0,900. .1,446 Coal, ton 8,057 jDruga.. 75 Fish, v picic.7 bbis. 2 20 Flour, bbls 2,483 16,923 Hams, lbs. .'.....7,137 688 In. Corn, bu5h.2.600 2,687 In. Mea1,bb1a...1.751 6,255 NDIES. - I Lard, tb5......11,285 $1,275 Lard Oil, gaits. ..500 . 495 Alfa. of G1a55........ 378 ftlfs. of Brass..... .. 158 Mfs. ol Wood.. 25 OIL Cake ......... .. 844 Pork. bb1a........201 2,603 Rye:...;*.- ..' •• 280 Staves. M. 5 210 Snuff, tb5........2,180 861 Soap, tb-«..........600 . 125 Tobacco Leaf, hhds 10 2,650 Vinegar, gallH. .3,425 322 Wine, galls ..240 157 IBA. ■ • Butter, tbs.... 3,577 $690 Furniture...., .... 92 Hams. 1b5.....'3,945 473 Iron. bdJe .... 124 1ard,'1b5......93,989 10,825 liUmber. M..., 15 1,000 Man. of glass 532 Man. of wood. .... 2.679 - * BHA Blacking...... .... $2S9{ Flour,bbla.*•• 6,613 51,6541 ; - belo Petroleum, re- I . fined, 5a15...63,941 $27,724) The following are tome of the principal article* imported into thiß port, for the week ending July. 3, 1863: . - - -FOR CONSPMPTIdJT: SodaAsb,cks.... 253. $6,722 Wine, 0a5e5....1,176- .... Bleach’g Powders, ' ** casks 41 6,328 casks 218 1.835 Worcester Sauce Iron, t0n5....'....4634 2,117 cases... 24 550 Xarthware.cks.. 335 10,290 W001,ba1e5...... 167 8,670 Zinc,cases 50 .... Cotfcoa, bai88.... 17 3,912 •* casks 115 5,672 “ bales.... 4 656 Blaster, tons.... 225 169 Wool Bags 16 337 H'dware.cks.... 3 300 Clocks, cask 1 6S Balt. ton?. 260 1,837 Garden Seeds, pk. 1 29 Coal, ton* 193 345 P apple-vd0z..4,133 433 Grindstones 2u5 872 Tamarinds, bxs. <26 48 China Clay, oka. 458 1,806 Tuttle 5he11..... 1 19 Afaganeee, cks... 7 157 Spiced, b0x...... 1 149 Mineral-water. • .. j .... Oats, buhb 17,071 9,237 < “ cases. 25 69 Logwood, tons.. 145 1,547 Cologne, nkgs... 2 71 Ba,gs,bales.Bo 300 Prunes, pkgs..,. 5 49 WARES Sugar, hbds .569 •••* • •* . bb15...... 236 . “ tierces... 66 81,497 Molasses, bb15..1,511 .... “ 78. f •* tee 49 19,529 Soda Aeli,cks.... 371 10,702 FINANCIAL AND COMMISRCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET . Philadelphia, July 9, 1863. There was quite an active time on Third street to-day. The gold market was tlrnrand money very plenty, not afew houses refusing to take it at five per ciyit. . Gold opened at 131 and continued withoutfluctuation all day. The state of affairs on the Potomac, and the probabili ties of a speedy end of the war, are creating a variety of theories as to the .effect of a peace on commercial and financial matters. Many argue that, as soon as a settle ment is effected, a great collapse in prices and a monetary ciHsis .will occur, owing to the inflation of the currency. This idea of an inflated currency will answer very well the pun>ose of ft clique of speculators, who make it a bugbear to influence prices, hut to a plain, common which can appreciate the new sources of wealth and, the extensive manufactures which the war has created, our currency appears to he a necessary accom paniment to our increased industry, and without which many of our Jargest manufacturing processes and dis tricts, and the great;grain trade of the West, would Inevitably sink into decay and ruin. It is the ideas of politic men that are inflated/and not the hone and sinew of our prosperity! Government securities were'on the advance, a considerable inquiry being made forlBBls stud the new certificates. The stock market was active and fluctuating, some pariies, fearing a collapse in stock prices, being anxious to sell. State fives were steady at p*r;4iew City sixes at 108, the old atlo4& Beading sixes, 1870, sold at 106; Gamden and Amboy sixes, 1567, at 104, the mortgages at 308; Philadelphia acd Brie sixes at 104. 92% was bid for ~*North Pennsylvania sixes; 100% for Pennsylvania Bai2- yoad second mortgages, being lower on account of the pttuation In Maryland, by some considered as doubtful: Union Canal sixes.sold at 25; 83 bid for Schuylkill Navi gation 1882 a. . .Pennsylvania Bailroad Bold at 63%, an advance of%; Catawlssa preferred at. 22%®%; Beading was freely takenat an advance of %®1 at the first board, advancing in addition before the close—s 2% bid, North Pennsyl vania opened at 16, sold down to 10, but recovered to % before the close. Camden and Amboy sold at 170; Phila delphia and Brie at 21%. 37 was b-d for Long Island, 35 for Elmira, 49 for Little Schuylkill,79 for Lehigh Valley, --aTfor Norristown. ;'ln Passenger Bail ways the only bnsiness done was inßace and Vine, at 11. • - Schuylkill Navigation sold at 12%, the preferred at 24; Susquehanna cloeed at 13; Union at 3%; Hazleton Coal •at 60; Delaware Mutual Insurance at 33; . Mechanic's 8ank.26%;. The market closed firm-*66,00Q in bonds and 8,300 shares changing hands. % ! Drexel & Co. quote Government securities, Am., as follows: 1 United States Bonds, 1M.~.* ■*•—**•.~-106%@iw Certificates of Indebtedness.* 100%®iui^ •-UnitedStates7 3-10 Notes..-h)6%©107 Huartermaetera'Vouchers *» * 1 Orders for Certificates of Indebtedness...%@l d. H01d,.;.;..... , -....131 >@131% demand Notes,**, @131% " Certificates of Indebtedness, new. sterling Exchange.. .......141 @ll5 Jay Cooke & Go. quote Government securities, Jkj., as follows: United States Sixes, IMt United States 7 3-10 Notes *« Certificates of Indebtedness......... *• «' New-... fiiuartermaßtera’ Vouchers. Demand Notes****..*, H01d... The Bank of Commerce, at Cleveland, Ohio, lias reor- ganized under Hr. Chase's act, as the Second National Bank, of Cleveland, with a capital of $600,000. The First national Bank of New York has completed its or ganisation, with a capital of $2QO!0OO, aud haa deposited tTH AMERICA. 1 Steam Engine $12,000 .......2,400 $12,200 flails, kegs*-*.* 51 . $262 Paint.. 97 Paper .... 445 Pork, bb'f}..... 15 307 Shooks, M..., - . 60 7,100 Steel, fcs 150 37 Boap, !bs .10,005 650 Sundries .... 121 LZTL.' Ilnd.Meal.bbls. 10 $43 (Paper..... .... . 250 HUM. IPetrl’m.crnde, 1 ga110n5......10,640. $1,315 Bleach’g Powder’. catsks.. 50 ' 866 Gin, pipes decks. ItO 4,613 Cotton Thread,cs 54-19.034 Blankets... ~ '656 losK®lo6* ~..fuo «WU7 ...iook©ioik .ssxa ml , 98$® 99£ .131 §132 231 §132 Its securities with the Comptroller of the Currency at Washington. This institution will open for business at its new office in Wall street early next week. The Northern Bank of Kentucky has declared a divi dend of threader cent, payable to Philadelphia stock holders at the Bank of North America, on the 16th Inst. The following are the receipts of coal by the Lehigh. Canal from the opening of Avigatlon to the 34 inat.: For the Week. Total. Toils. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. .11,764 17 148.360 18 1,804 05 17.867 13 1,026 07 . 6,839 01 From March Chunk. Summit Mines * Room Bun Mines... E, Lobieh Mines.. East Mauch Chunk. Spring Mountain Coleraine Mines. Smith's Spring M0unt...... K. Spring Mountain Mines. 8. Spring Mountain P. and i»u>.t (JoaL.. Counoil Ridge..,,... Hazleton Mine 5............. Jedd o Mines Pulton Mines.... Harleigrh Mines Milnesville Mines B4ft 06 : 8,871 13 93S 07 8,467 14 .. 15ft 08 I,OOL 10 .. 249 16 4,18109 ». 1,778 01 29,873 04 460 11 5.551 15 246 16 5,512 01 155 68 487 18 Total ..19,113 08 245.966 98 Tbo following is a comparative statement of the earn frigs of the Morris Canal Company for tlie present season and week and the same periodslast year: Total to June 27, 1863. ■Weekending July 4,i3G3. .Total to June 28, 1862 Week ending July 5,1362. Increase in 1863 . ........$34,427 66 4 The following shows the amount of coal transported oyer the Lehigh Valley Railroad, for the week ending July 4,1863 : . Week. Previously. Total. MINES. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. Hazleton...... 1,98* 02 140.936 00 147.968 02 East Sugar Loaf. L&07OI ,78.765 11 83,572 12 Council Ridge £§6 00 . 56,481 01 57,467 01 •Mount Pleasant. 670 01; '15,245 17 '15,916 04 Spring Mountain.* . 6*2.824 12 62,824 12 Coleraine .. 1,071 09 27,250 18 29,322 02 Beaver Mead0w........ :76 01 2.661 05 : 2,637 03 Smith’s 5pring.......... 674 02 20,628 03 51,'20009 K. Spring Mountain.... 2,593 12 68,036 19 70.630 11 Jedd 0........ ...’1,821 07 67,080 03 63.401 16 Haiieigh....... German Penna. Ebervalei Milnesyllle.... i Other Shippers. 645 03 29,787 15 30,432 03 57S 18 33,303 01 33.851 19 40311 26,932 15 26,341 06 584 05 22,166 09 22,750 02 22.657 00 22,657 02 Total .........13,209 03 '-074,607 11 657,906 14 Corresponding week last 'year i Increase . ...13,299 03 - 302,005 01/ 305,980 00 The NQVT'YoT)t Evening Post of to-day says : The following table shows the principal movements of the market as compared with the latest quotations of yesterday evening: Th,. Wed Adv. '-Dee. U;S. 6s,*-™~1«% 103 X % 0.8.6e;i881, c0n.105 105% .7 . % U. S. seven-thirties.... 106% 106 % U.S. lyearCertif gold..looX 100% % U. 8.1 yr. Cert, cnrr’ncy 95% 88% f : . .. American g01d..••*..*..131% 130% % Tennessee 05............ 64% 64 % Mi5e0nrie5.......70% „ 70% % Pacific Mail— —185% 181 4% N.T. Centrals....—.-118% 117% 1 Erie . 84% 92 % 1 % Erie preferred*—.lo2% 102 % Hudson River**.. ...***.l79 174 5 Harlem.*..>loo% 96% 4 .. Harlem preferred. 98 97 1 Reading.......;.... 10IX 103 IX Micb. Centra1.......—308% 107% ,1% Mich. Southern.**.*....,79% 77 2% .. Mich. So. guar 114% 114 % Illinois Central. 106% 106 - % . ~ Pittsburg.' ........ 84% 83 IX Galena.... ......... 92 92 T01ed0..... .........107% 107 % Rock Island 94 93 1 Fort Wayne 66% 6.1% 1 Canton.. 27% 27%- Prairie du Gbion 55 62 3 Chic, and N. Western-. 28% 29% PhUada* Stfck £xci [Reported by B.E. Slaymaski before; i 200 N Penna R e6O. 16 100 Reading K......... 51 Si FIRST E 4COO Penna Coupss.... 105 X SPenna R .<.. 63 32 d 0.............; 63% 200 PMlflt Erieß..... 24% 26000 Gam & Am mtg 55.108 IOCO Fhil& Arie6s..-...10»% 13CP0 do ...104 50 Union CanaL Pref. .3% , 200 do.. 3% 200 Sch’l NtivPref.... 23 % . 100 do 24 5 Cam & Ami) R.... 170 20 Susq Canal 12% 1 2000 Pa 6b C& P....b6.100" -688.88 do C&P.... 100 : SALEB AFTER |ICO Union Canal Pref • 1% lOOßeading R......... 52% 60 d0........2dy5. 52M 100 d0...........830. 5% 50 d 0...... 2 dys- 52% ICO/ do. ...b5. 62% 500 d 0.... ...b5,52% 100 d0......'. TO BECOND 10 Hazleton C0a1..... 60 ICO Uu’el Canal Pref... 3% 55 d 0...... 3% 24flfechs Bank 26% 100 Beading R 52% 100 d0*...... sSOwn.' 52% 100 do ......s5. 52% 100 d 0... .....v.sSO. 62% ICO Schnyl Nav Pref. •. 24% AFTER B 10C0PennaosC &P.... 100 ‘ CLOSING PR Sid. Asked. US 6a ’51.... 105% 106 U B 7-30 Notes... .106 American Gold. .131 131 Si Phila 6s int off.. .104 104% Do new intoff.loB 108 . AllecoSsß*. Pennafis... 99% 100 Reading R> 52% 52% Do 6a‘89’43.108 Do bds’7o..lC6' 107 Dobds’B6conv.loo 106 Penna R div off. 63% 63% Do Ist m6s. .. 11l ' Do' 2d m65..1C6% 108% Little Schnyl R.. 49 60 Horris C’l consol 71% 72% ;Do prfd 136 - 140 . Do ; os ’76...« ». • .. Do 2d mtf.... - Susq Canal.... Do 6s ... .. SchuylNav 12% 13 Do prfd 24% 24% Do 6b’82.... 83 84% Elmira R 25 Do pifd..... 50 Do 7s’7B. ... .. HO Do 105...... L Island R ex-dv 87 89 Do bd5...... .. Pbila Gerdt Nor .. Lehigh Valß.... .- Do bda^... iang« Sales, July 9* Philadelphia Bxchang*. J BOARDS. _ 100 sL4tf 100 d0........b5wn. SLjK BOARD. 20 Race AVineß 11 6JHPennaR.. 15 K 100 do. ......slOwa. 16 1000 Cam & Am 6s 1867. .104 4000 do .1839.104 400 Beading R . .cash. 513 f 200 - do 61* 275 do 62 50 . do.. .sSwn&iat. 62 50 do.. cash. 52 100 d 0....:. b 3. 62 500 US 6s 1881 105« 7000 Union Canal 6a.... 25 1000Reading6s 1870.... 108 . 500C«ty 65.... ....10I& FIRBT BOARD. 400 Reading R..-.. 560.. 62?-;* 400 do 52X 200 do 100 d 0.... .....s4O. 100 do -..510. 52M 100 do.. .sswn. 52*4 160 d 0............... 52% 50 Sus£; extra family at $6.50@7, : an d fancy brands at from $7 sC®3.per bbl, according to , quality. ‘ Rye’ Flour continues dull at $4 7o per bbl. Corn Meal there is very little demand; Brandywine is held at $4.25, and Pennsylvania at $4 per bbl. . GRAIN.— I There, is very little demand for Wheat, and the market is dull. Small sales of Pennsylvania reds are reported at $1.48, and white at $1.64© bushel. Rye —There is very little doing. Pennsylvania is worth $1,05 % bushel. Corn—The receipts are "light, and the demand moderate. Small lots of prime yellow are re ported at 87c. © bushel. Oats—There is very, little de mand. Small sales of Pennsylvania hare been made at 76®77c. © bushel. .= BAKK.—First No. 1 Quercitron is dull, and offered at $32 ©ton. COTTON.—Prices have declined 4@sc© lb, and the market . is very dull, holders not being disposed to ope rate. quote middlings at 58@60c © lb, cash •■= GROCERIES.—There is very little doinar in either Su gar or Coffee; the former is polling at 10Ji@10&c© lb for üba, and Rio Coffee at 31c ©lb PROVISIONS. —There is very little doing in. meat. Pork—small sales are reported at $14@14.50 © bbl. Ba con and green meats are held firmly; a sale of balk hboulders was made at s}£c© lb. Lard is held at lOJ^o S ib for bbls and tierces. Butter is dull at 14®20c© , the latter f«>r prime. WHISKY,—There is very little demand; small- sales of barrels are making at 47>4@4S cents, and dradge at 46c© gallon. The following are the receipts of Flour.and Grain at this port to day: Flour... ............... 1,000 bhls. Wheat.... 4,ooobus. Corn.., 1,860 bus Oats ►. 9,703 bus. Philadelphia Boot and Shoe Marhet, The Shoe and Leather Reporter, July 9th, save: Amid the intense excitement and alarm of the past week very little attention has been paid to trade. A continued series of battles within the Slate, and it can be truth fully said, for the possession of this city, has absorbed 'the attention of buyer and seller, merchant and me chanic. The alarm has been.very gTeat, and bur mer chants have boldly met the emergency by closing their stores and manufactories and going forward with their employees to drill or enlist in State de fence. The imminent danger seems to have passed by, yet the shoe-trade has hardly shown signs of life. A few orders from the north, part of the Slate, alpo from few Jersey and tfarylaAa,|have been received by jobbers. Western buyers are Talso looking through the market. Manufacturers have'gene raily very little stock to offer, and are very cautious iu receiving orders at prices'which are now considered reasonabie^baving;in view the unsettled condition of tiade, the future rates at which leather will be sold, and the number of iourneymtn that can be employed to ad vantage. In tne course of two or three .weeks, how ever, manufacturers will probably be fully engaged on fall orders. The United States arsenal in this city has now nearly 300,000 pairs of boots and bootees on hand, and ihe majority of large contracts given out in April have been filled. The bids opened this week are for large sizes which range much higher than any previous bids offered in this department. »• Market* Tie' Shoe and Leather Reporter, July 9, says: ,The leather market has been inactive during the week. The' arming of our citizens in State defence, and the absorb ing interest felt in the conflict of armies, so near onr homes, has nearly silenced tbe noise of traffic. The re ceipts Of continue very - partly- be cause the railroads are otherwise.employed, but mainly, because the tanners* between the call to wav and t,h.e de mands of the harvest field.- have fewmen left to werrk the yards. The receipts from country yards are. however, generally light daring the month of July. We have hut few accounts from the numerous tauyards in the coun ties invaded by the rebels. :ln. one instance, the soldiers made a tanner take leather from the 'vats in sufficient quantity to meet their wants, but offered no farther vio lence to his property. . : Philadelphia Hide Market. The Shoe and. Leather-Reporter 3v\y 9. says: The hide market has been inactive. The decline in gold has reduced the price of dry hides, while very few tanners have been willing to purchase at any figure. In green salted stock there has been no material.chauge ; tne re ceipts from butchers have been: light, and the saleefrom s<ers’ hands have been made at former quotations. New York Markets* July 9« Ashes are . nominal at $8 for pots, and $9 62& for Breadstuffs.—The market , for State and Western Flour is dull, Irregular, and unsettled. The sales are: 7,000 bbls at $4.30@4.75 for superfine State; $5.35@5;‘50f0r extra ditto; 84 20@i 70 for superfine Michigan, Indiana, lowa, Ohio, Ac.; $5.10@5 SO for ex tra ditto, including shipping brands of round hoop Ohio at %5.75<&a 90. and trade brands at $6@7.50. : Southern Flour-is dull and drooping; sales 600 bbls at>s6.lC@6.7o for superfine Baltimore* and $6 76@9 for extra ditto. - ... - v Canadian flour is dull and unsettled; sales 450 bbls, at $5.45@5. 80 for common, and $5.70@7.25 for good to choice extra.. Corn Meal is quiet. We quote Jersey at $4; Brandy wine $4 40@4 45; puncheons ®22. ‘ - , Wheat is more active, but the market ia somewhat un- Sales 300.000 bushels, at £l. 12©1, 25 for Chicago Spring; $1.15@1.31 for Milwaukee Club; $1 32©1.i5 for amber Iowa; $1.36(8)1.40 for winter Ted Western; 81 41@ 1.45 for amber Michigan, and $1 65 for white Western. -Bye is duilat9S@Bl for. Western And State. : Barley is dull and nominal. Oats are quiet at 72@77c for Canada, Western, and State. ■ . - Corn ia rather more steady, with a fair demand; sales 9,0(0 bushels at 66>i@67c for shipping, and 6SJi69c for •Jap-tern.''. 't; . "■> -v" • - Hat.—North River baled is dull, and prices favor the buyer; sales are making at oo@Soc for shipping, and 90 @9sc for retail lots. Hops remain dull, with small sales at 16@21c. ' . Tallow Is heavy, and lower; sales S 3 hhds prime city atiQxi{®ioMc- . . , ' Whisky.—The market is quiet, and unchanged; sales - ' ISPbovisioxb.—The Pork market is again firmer, with a fair demand; sales. 900 bbls rat,.ssl3.So@l3 S7J£ for new meps;ta.76©ll: f r old mess; Beef is quiet and un changed.' Prime Beef and Beef Hams are nominal. ' Cut meat-* are firm and in fair demand; sales 375 pkgs at 4# <4)sc for Shoulders ; 8% for Hams, and 10@llc fior bagged Hams. Bacon Is quiet, with sales of 30 boxes short 3] ear at 3c. T.erd is quiet : and unchanged; sales 250 bbls and .tee at 9?4@10c. Cheese is heavy and lower. CITY ITEMS. Every man is—or, if lie isn’t, lie ought to be—fond of being well dressed, and dealroua of looking .at all times and aeaaona aa well as Nature will allow him to look! In order to attain this end. at the lowest possible coat, he should leave his order with Granville .Stokes, the Fashionable Clothier and Merohant Tailor, No.--GO 9 Chestnut street, where a choice aeleetion of summer goods ia now on hand, Lee Gone to Leeward.—To use a sailor’s phraae, has gone to leeward, and Meade has taken all the wind-out of his sails. The rebel army of the Potomac Is on a lee-shore, and the pro babilities are that he will be roughly handled all round. The remnants of the ragged rebs are fioun. dering about in the mud near Williamsport, instead of coming triumphantly North (as they fondly hoped to) and supplying themselves, mil will ye, with new outfits at the Brown-Stone Clothing pf Rook. - 210 07 273 19 8.631 04 ' 36111 .f»l2l a AB3 . 10,616 56-$132.199 80 $93,621 U 4,151 09—597,772 23 872,602 10 . 381,923 14 100 Schuyl Nay Pref... 2V4 16 Del Mu' ual Ins hill St Wilson, Nob. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, Above Sixth, It would be sufficiently bad to have had to submit to the disgrace of being overrun by a rebel horde; but it would have been atrooious for the garments made for loyal men to have been seized and donned by Secesh thieves. > A Pirate in the Delaware.— There has been a great deal of excitement in the city for some hours past, owing to the rumor of a strange craft cruising in the Jersey channel, beyond Smith’s Island. The State of Oamden and Amboy is thoroughly aroused, and things wear a Jersey-blue aspect. A. boy was caught in the bathing tub on Smith’s Island last evening, and was brought before General Dana and questioned closely, when informa tion waß elicited from him that induced the au thorities to believe that the vessel was making for Bock-street wharf, and in a short time an in telligent contraband arrived, and said he thought the crew intended to she! the/city, as-there waß over three baskets full of Bhells already on the wharf. The General, on receiving this information, ordered alt of the sign-boards of Charles Stokes & Co., the eminent Clothiers, in front of the city, to be blown up or down, ab they might interfere with the range of his guns.' Fine Quality Liquors for Medicinal PunrosEß.—The proprietor, of the popular old gro eery establishment of the late C. H. Mattson, Arch and Tenth streets, in keeping with its time-honored usage, continue to keep constantly on hand, for the accommodation of their customers, the finest liquors, imported expressly for medicinal purposes, suoh as rare old Port, Sherry, and Madeira Wines, old Brandy, Whisky, Ac, Take Notice.—A magnificent 7-octave Piano for sale at a great sacrifice; superbly finished case, carved legs, grand action, Ac.; made by one of the best makers in this country. Cost $6OO. Will be soJd for Jess than half cost, as the family are de clining housekeeping. To be seen at residence, No. 1418 Lombard street, few doors above Broad. jylo-3t* ' . ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 19 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. f Glnrd-Cheatimt II DHChnse. Loginsport LVent 8 .T Fletcher. Maas W W Fletcher. Prov, R I Opt Ives, USA Lieut Campbell, USA A WeilW & family Lieut W Taylor, U BA Opt C R Johnson, Mass Jas 3 WoodAvard. N J David Judeori, New Jesey Sami Judeon, New Jersey D S Macmto, Pittsburg John Purcell. Penna itreet, below lVlntlt* ETRandall & lady M Owens, New Orleans Mrs Caulfield, New Orleans M W Beveridge, Wash, D C Mrs Miller, Adams co WH Dickinson, Mass/ Jas Seedensi Boston - Harvey Taylor, Bull’s Tsl’d llugh Foulk, Jr. New York G W Damson, New Tork Col Swansey, Penna D Sherman Rev W M Wingfeld, N Y John Fulton, New- Orleans JTRedfield, Mew York SS Potte, New York. R T Pearson, Mass . Alex Field & wf, Boston Andrew Browc, New York Geo R White; : Brookiyn . Mrs T .Richards, Delaware J M Ens, Delaware (. apt H Wheeler, New York papt Kirby, New York Jas Adams', Georget’n, D C RS Jaekson, New York Mrs Churchill, New York Robe fifeech, New Yorki J J Smith, Rhode Inland Button Evans, Fdiffha L Ball' Philadelphia A L Alste&d,’ BaTiisbarg Chas Weston, Burlington J D Spotts & fam, N z R T Speed, New York • J R Mclnnis, Pittsburg, R 6 Markley. Brooklyn MT Marsh. Brooklyn Mrs J Tr» dd, Boston B C Smith, New Carlisle,O D J Griffith, Richmond,Va J Rvon, Potts ville Mr & Mrs A P Hoover,Wash Edw P Pearfiou: Reading Mies Pearson & sis, Reading Mr.Whisley & wf. ErieV P* Jas Junkins. Baltimore Sami Kanaga, Lane'co Sndrew el,’Harrisburg WH Roberts, Mauch Chunk Bald Eagle-Tlilrd S Miss Dimmigh,’y co JFBrehm, Dauphin co Cant L Q Stoat, Penna. Lieut W Simmer*. Penna A 8 Christine, Bucks co Jacob Born, North’ptonco Black Bear—Third St. s above Callowhlll. A N Bright&s,Bernville ] Tamaqua Chas Levan, Pricetown . M Heberly & la, Lehigh co Josiahßugbee. New Jersey! •, BPEOIAL NOTICES. Lyon’s Magnetic Insect Powder. Sloths in furs, bugs in beds, Roaches crawling on your floor; Rats and mice in barns and sheds—. These shall never plague you more. Lyon, with his.Powdor, slays All the insects that annoy ; And his Pills, beyond all praise, - Every rat and mouse destroy, Lyon's Powder is harmless to mankind, but will kill aJI house insects, garden worms, vine-bugs, See. Lyon's Magnetic Fills, are sure death to‘rats and mice. Bold everywhere. > DEMAS S. BARNES, jy4-12t ■ ■ New York. One-Prick Clothing, of the Latest Stales, made in the Best-Manner, expressly for RETAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plain Fi gures. All Ooodsmade to Order warranted ‘satisfactory. Our One-Price Strtrm is strictly adhered to, .All are thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES £ CO.. 604 MARKET Street. First Premium Grover & Baker’s Sew- ING MACHINES, with latest improvements. Offices, 730 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia; MAIN Street, at Toll Gate, Germantown. . jelDfmw-lOt Bair Dye! Hair Dye!! BATCHELORS celebrated HAIR DYE tithe Best in the World, -The only Harmless, Tnie and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changes Red.;Rusty or Gray Hair, instantly to a Qlossy Black or Natural : Br6wn, wlfchoutln joring the Hair or Stain* big the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; im parts fresh vitality, frequently 'restoring its pristine color, and rectifies .the ill effects of Bad. Dyes. The Genuine is signed WiLiiiAX A. Batchelor, allothers are mere Imitations, and should be avoided. Bold by all Druggists, Ac, FACTORY-Bl BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor's New Toilet'Cream for Dressing the Hair. je23*ly Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment is thr beit-frnown remedy, for Spraina and Brnfaea. fIOTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS V/, of all numbers and brands. . i Raven’s Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions, fof Tents. Awnings, Trunk, and wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manu&etorero* Drier Felts,from 1 to B feet 1 Wid. _ am ,'iMJoaaa’lutr. ! THE PRESS:-PTTTr,AT)RLPHIA:; FRIDAY.. ffTLY 10, t 18g3. J Livingston. Carlisle. Pa G A Barthollck, New York J H Boo'd fcla; TrentonlN J N D CaTtrightr M Chunk WF Roberts, Luzerne co_ B D Towntend,-New York Capt J Cassels, Pittsburg . itrccti above Flftk* W H Reddon, Illinois Licnt W Dendreli • Jas T Borhek, Bethlehem 2 Ct Borhek, Bethlehem Caleb Yohe, Bethlehem C U Knanss,'Bethlehem Lient Prayu. Wi-sconsiu S A Beers, Brooklyn Robt Carter, Tamaqua C F Shoener. Tamaqua J Winters, Schl Haven H French, Schl Hiven H C Colleson, Delaware Miss Carroll, Maryland Sami Burk, Boston C A Hey worth, York itmtj above Third, T H Davis, N J c F George, Mass G H Sleeper, Boston Geo J Mingnis. N Y G-W, Bussing, Wheeling,Va Miss W T Russing, Bremen Jacob F Valentine, N Y WFMayhon, Brooklyn 8 A Pugh, Wash, D C Jas Davis, Chadd's Ford J Distarnell, N Y J Lather, Mass reel, above Third, 3heih Spigclmyer, Pa Miss 6pigelmyer Hartleton J George, Lebanon Jos J Green. Doylestown H Moxon, Wash, D C W H Goodyear, Lebanon Conrad Hippie, Wilkesbarr Mrs Hippie, Wilkesbarre J H Hood & la, Baltimore and Market streets, H Crissman, Indiana, Pa JSage. Creencaetle. Ind J T Whitson, Lane co J L Jacobs, New Y ork L H Kinnard, Harrisburg D Neff, Harrisburg A Foltz, Harrisburg Miss K M Woodring, Pa BF Mead. New York E E Bouton*; New York trMt ( al>OT« Chestnmt: M.J Davis, Penna . Jos Mintzer, Pottatown J Devoe, West Chester £ C Hackman, West Chester J H Hale, Doyleetown, Pa I it., above Callowhill. VV Reagle, Northampton co J R«agle, Northampton co Job Bache, Northampton: co H J Dreher, Potts riUe Jas Pittenger, Easton, Pa :ba:.A.H.XHEX>. LAMBERT!-POOEE —At BrooklTD, .on ■Wednesday.- o h luerant, by the Rev. T. S. Da Hass, John Iv Lara; nerti, of Philadelphia, to MUs Poole, ot Brooklyn *: , COMFORT-WETHRRTLL.-On Thursday. July 9th, by the Rev. Benjamin Wntson. Aaron Ivins Co»n£*rt M D., toP. A. Wetherill, both of this city.. CNocafdO BORSTMaN— the 3*'th ult.. by the Rev Father Grundner, Mr John FTflorstman to Miss Josephine Schulte, both of this city. * CBESTON—LAW.—OntIie 7th inst., by the Rev. Geo. W. Musgrave, D. D,, LL. D., Dr Elijah Chestonto Miss C. Louisa, daughter of Smith Law, Esq., of this city. * UIBD. GOXE. —On Wednesday, July Blh,. Fanny Tr&vis,. wife of Ferdinand Ooxe. * ADAMS.—On the.7th instant, Mr. Thomas Adams, In the G4th > ear of hU ave. ANDREWS.—On the sth. instant, Samuel Andrews, Esq., of Camden, N. J,. : „* AUNER —Killed in action, at the battle of Gettysburg,! .Tot eph Gosner Auner, of Company A, 724 Regiment P. V.. aged 23 years. * BRADY.—On the fithinst., Matthew Brady, Sr., aged 63 years. . ... * T>FSSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, u No. 9W CHE3TSTTT Street. .iv-t pLAIN -WHITE CRAPE SHAWLS. A White Barege Shawls; Light Lama fc-'hawls; Bummer Shawla, wholesale; Black Lace Points. " EYRE & I.ANDELL, FOURTH & ARUH Stmoi*. CUMMER SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. Foulards reduced; Neat Plaid and Stripe Silks; Dark Lawns, Mosamblques. &c. jeSO - ~ ’ EYRE & LINPELL. CITIZENS’ BOUNTY FUND COM MITTEE. —At a meeting of this Committee held this da?, the following preamble and resolution .were unanimously adopted; • ‘Whereas, Tbe-emergency of the present crisis is likely to exhaust the funds In hand ofthis Committee, belt Resolved, That the public are hereby invited to sand in further contributions to the Treasurer, S. A. Mercer, at the Farmers’and Mechanics’Bank. .. Attention is called to the following resolution passed June 16, and to the advertisement of WM. YEITCBf, Pay master; r ' - Resolved, That the sum of TEN DOLLARS, in addi tion to the pay from the Government, be and the same is hereby appropriated to each officer and private of every military companythat is now or maybe organized in Philadelphia. and received into the service of the State, ortheTTnited States, for the length of time they mav be required for the present emergency: Provided, That the said nmount hereby appropriated shall not exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. • Resolved.' That the sum of TWENTY DOLLARS be; and the same is hereby appropriated to each military oothpany of notices than sixty-two men from Philadel phia-received into the service of the State or of the United-. States for the present emergency, for the payment of ad-j» .vertising and other incidental company expenses. ~ d TROS, WEBSTER, Vice Chairman:, J Lorin Blodget, Secretary. jeSO-12t‘ fwrp&p PROP. SCHAEFFER WILL IN lot* STRUCT TN GERMAN, St 7; 8, and 10 A. M.,at No. ICS N TESTH Streei. — Keu> Series. iyfl-St EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC OIT^ (Providencepermitting). JulylGth. THURSDAY,... under the auspices and for the benefit of HEDDING-Mj* B. CH UFO H -Tickets, $1 25, at Tract Rooms, 119 North SIXTH Street. -• • v It* TO MEW OF COLOR.-FREDERICHk DOUGLAS*, and other distinguished speaker!,. Will addrefß MEN OF COLOR on their duty to.volun- •. teerinthe service of the United States for three years,, on MONDAY, July 13th. at 8 o’clock, atCbester.D’ela-’ warecouaty, and on TUESDAY, July 14, atSo’clock. at. Westchester, Chester county. ’ ; - .jvlo-4t • THE LADIES CONNECTED WITH fcCr* the Union M. E/Church, FOURTH atreat, .below Arch, will meet from day to day, Irom 9 A. M. -umil tf P, M , oii'r noble soldiers, wounded and suf fering in the recent Battles-in Pennsylvania.. Dona tions in Muslin, Drilling, Flannel. Half How. Shirts, Draw ers, Handkerchiefs, and all k inds of Hospital Stores, may be sent to the Church, and they are much needed Cash donations may be sent to THOMAS T. MASON,' 4EB MARKET Street- . jy9-3t notice -all persons having against any of. the Committees on the Grand National Celebration” of the Union League, axe requested to send them to JAR L.CLAGHORN.Esq.., Treasurer, at LEAGUE HOUSE. lllS. CHESTNUT Street, as soon as possible. jy9-3t OFFICE OF THE FBAWKFORD ECS* AND SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPANY, BERKS ' Street, r below Fourth; . _ , pHiLADKLPjHrA, July 2, 1863 > -7he Board of Directors bave THIS DAY declared a DIVIDEND of THREE PER CENT, upon tbe Capital Stock of the Company, out of the Earninrs of. the past six months, payable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives on and after the 15tb inet The Transfer Books will be closed untlllSth inst. .iyT-dtlfi CHAS. R. ABBOTT. Secretary. »» NOTICE.-THE EIGHTH Kfr MENT on the Stock of the HR3TONVTLLE, MANTUA, & FAIRMOUNT PASSENGER RAILWAY CO. , will be due and payable JULY 16th. 186;?, at the Office of the Treasurer,'J9HN O’BYRNE, No. 110 South SIXTH Street. ‘ jy24hftjnwf&m6t* OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA. city passenger railway company, no. 2100 CHESTNOT Street, . _ - Philadelphia, July 6th, 1863. - At a meeting of the Board of Director?, held this day, a dividend of TWO DOLLARS per.share wub declared, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representa tives, on and after tbe 16th inst. The transfer books will be cloppd until »he 16tb in«t > WM. W. CO LKETV Treasurer. ' OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, 400 WALNUT St,: . .. ; Philadelphia, Julv6. 1863 Tlie Directrre have this day declared a-DIVCDEND OF THREE PER CENT- , on the Capital Stock of the Company, for the last six months, payable on demand,’ free of all taxes. THOS. H. MONTGOMERY. ,iy7-6t ‘ : - Secretary. OF THE FAIUCE INSU RANGE COMPANY, No; 406 CHESTNUT Philadelphia. July 6.1563. ■«. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fame In surance Company, held this day, a DIVIDEND OF THREE FIR CENT, was declared, payable on demand, clear cf all taxes. W. I. BLaNCHARD, ,iy7 6t . . Secretary- SSTMUT STRB3BT— VISORY COMMITTEE FOR LEGTMENTS. r: iave been appointed ACem-** 3 AMP, WM. PENN, atChel- L. Montgomery Bond, T. J ;Borie, ' E.W.. Clark, Abraham Barker. Samuel S.. White, Dr George J. Ziegler, Wm. Sellers, Rev. L. J. Parvin. . A. <3. Roberts, James A. Wright. IVo. 1310 CHI OFFICE OK SUPER RECRUITING COLORED:! The following gentlemen 1 mittee to visit and inspect-* ton Hills.:" Win, H. Ashurst, ' Thomas Mot>, Morris L. Hallowell, Rev. Phillips Brooks, Horace Binney, Sr., ' Henry Samuel, J. Miller McKJm, George H. Bolter, Wm Meredith. 1 Atherton Blight, B. P. Hunt, jjl-Gt TO THE CAPTAIN OF COMPA- K2* NIES OF-VOLUNTEERS RECRUITING- FOR TH F. PRESENT EMERGENCY: - —Having btffea appointed PAYMASTER l>y the dtHbursing. agency of the CITI ZENS’ BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE of the TEN DOL LARS for each officor and private from Philadelphia, Sou will please famish me with a certified, copy of the Taster Roll of yobr company as early as possible, so' that arrangements may be made to pay the said sum to each man volunteering. WILLIAM VEITCH, je3o-12t No. 3 WILLING’* Alley. PROTECTIVE WAR. CLUW \GEIf &CP*> CY OF THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION;— At this office, established with the approval of the De partments at Washington, all claims of soldiers and their relatives for BOUNTY, BACK. PAY, AND PEN SION, are prepared FREE OF CHARGE W. N. ASHMAN, Solicitor. 1307 CIIESTNUT Street. . MILITARY NOTICES. SECOND COAL REGIMENT, CAMP ANT HR ACITE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. COMPANIES belonging to this Regiment wj|l report punctually, TO-DAY, at 8 A. M.,*afc Camp, to receive from the Committee the BOUNTY, previous to starting for Harrisburg. MEN wishing their families to receive their BOUNTY canjiave it delivered by leaving it with the Committee* or by having some one with them to tako charge of it* ais no soldier will be allowed to leave Camp. OLIVER HOPKINSON, COLONEL COMMANDING. DANIEL K. McEXjROY, ADJUTANT, u BEADQUARTEBS OF COMMIS ■ SION POR U. 6. COLORED TROOPS, No. 1210 \|l CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia.—All colored -men wishing to enlist in the U. S. Army are requested to present themselves at Headquarters, daily, before 2 PM. jjB-12t ; B. R CORSON, Agent. ’J'flE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. &150.100, TO BE PAID UP IN FULL, WITH AUTHORITY-TO INCREASE TO 51,000,000. This Bank will be opened on SATURDAY, July 11th, at 10 A. M., at-the southeast corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT. Streets. ILbas been organized and-will be conducted under the Act of Congress, known as iheNATIONAL CURRENCY ACT.;.The'Certificate or-Letter Patent is dated June 20th, and was the first issued by the Comptroller of the Currency. * r.The Bank will be managed in the same way, and in the transaction Of its. will be'governed by the same rules and regulations as the Banhs chartered by the Legislature of the State. Deposit? will be received and Checks paid from 10 A:- M. until 3 P. M. of each business day. • Tuesdays and Fridays of each week will be Die const Bays. Collections will be made on all accessible points! Check Books and Deposit Tickets will he furnished on application at the Banking House. The Directors solicit accounts from the business com munity.' 0. W. DAVIS, PRESIDENT. MORTON McMICIIAEL, Jr., CASHIER. jylo-6t * July 9th, 1863. o o l . 30,OOOpoundslightselected Ohio Fleece. ■ . , Full Blood. * WOOIiEN YARNS. 80*000 pounds, 20 to 30 cuts, fine, Well-known makes.- • COTTON YARN. -80,000 pounds Nos. 6to 20’s, / . of first-class makes. In Warp* Bundle and Cop. If. B/ All numbers and descriptions procured at once. * on orders. . . . “v ALEX. WHILLDIN & SONS, jel9-fmAwtf 18 Worth FRONT Street. JJOYS’ CLOTHING. BOYS’ CLOTHING. COOPSB S CONARD, j?8-I2t S. E. comer KIRTH and , MARKET. TVOBYTYPES.— SEARCH THE CITY A and you will notflnd any Iyorytypes to pleam yon Ilka BfiIMER'S; simple in atyle. natural, an 4 life-ilk, coloring. 6BCOHD mrwt, atwva Qr«»u. it* R. T. FRAILEY, • Secretary. iS WEBSTER; Chairman, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. PfOS. 1 AND 3 N. SIXTH STREET, PHIIADEIiPHIAd J 9. IN 0. A RBI SOI, (YO&HWtY J. BURR MOORS.) IHPORTEB AND DEADER IN aENTLEMEITB FURNISHING GOODS, HANUFACTUBEB OF THE IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT, NKAPPEBg, COLLARS, SATISFACTION GUARANTIED. 606. AROH STKBET - 606. FINE SHIRT AND WRAPPER DEPOT. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GENTS' FIfRNISniNG GOODS, ■ AT MODERATE PRICES. POUR PREMIUMS AWARDED FOR SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, AND STOCKS. G. A. AIOFFMANN, . Successor to W. W. KJriOHr, jy9.thstu3m : • 606 ARCH STREET. GOB. QJFORGF GRA.NT, , No. 610 -CHESTNUT .STREET, Ha« now ready A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Of bis own! importation and mannfaeturo. ; ■ His celebrated “PRIZE MEDAL SHIRTS,’’ Manufactured under the superintendence of. \ . JOHN F. TAGGERT, (Formerly of Oldenberg & Taggert,) \ Are the* most perfect-fitting Shirts of the age. ’ Orders promptly attended to. ' " ji9-thsttt-6ni QLD ESTABLISHED SHIRT, STOCK, AND COLLAR EMPORIUM, NO. 146 NORTH FOURTH STREET. CHARLES. L. ORUM & 00. ire prepared to execute all orders for their celebrated make of Shirts* on ' Bhort notice, in the most satisfactory' manner. These Shirts are cut by measurement, on sci •ntifle principles, and; flurpassany other Shirt for neat* ness of Jit on" the Breast* comfort in the Ifeck. and ease on the Shoulder. . aplB-stiith6ib ' RINK SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, IFhJeb be makes a specialty in his business, -Also, «oi> itsntly receiving, NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE. . No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET. . Ja.2fl-tf .• • Four doors below the Continental. COPARTNERSHIPS. T HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED with me J. M. CARSON, under the firm-name of ROGERS & CARSON, abd will continue to transact the IMPORTING AND JOBBING OF CLOTHS, CASSt- MERIS, &c., at the old stand, No. 43 South FOURTH Street. DAVID ROGERS. Philadelphia, July 1, 1803. _ .iylO-6t*. pOPAKTNEKSHIP.—THE UNDER. SIGNED have associated themselves together, un der the firm of MUSSELMAN & KIRK, for the transac tion of the Cotton and Woolen Ware Business HENRT MUSSELMAN. (Late of the firm of FoelkeT & Musselmau,) • ; JABIES V. KIRK, No. 13 North FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, July l, 1863. jyD-St* Dissolution.— the firm of HALLY & KTRK is dissolved by mutual consent—J. V. KIRK-wUhdrawitig. PETER HALLY. • July 1, 1663. j?l0-3t* ... JAMES V.- ECIRK. PROPOSAL A RIMY CLOTBING AND BQUCFAGB OFFICE, TWELFTH aud GIRARD Streets ' PhiladkiiPßEA. Jnly9, 1853. BE&DED PROPOSALS are invited ah this Office until -12 o’clock M.y on MONDAY, the 13th instant, to-furnish. promptly at the SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL, viz: Pickaxes. .• - • 500 poundß Beeswax. > • Bidders will state intheir proposals the price, quanti ty Md for. and time of delivery. The ability,of the bidder to nil the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signa tures must be appended to the guarantee, and said gua rantee must accompany the bid. No bid will be con sidered that does not comply fully with the above re^ q k seared sample of tbe Pickaxes can be seen at this Office, and bidders are invited to be preeent at the open ing of the bids. . ; Proposals must be endorsed “Proposals for Army Sup plies, ” stating the particular article bid (or - " - G -ft. CROSMAN* jylP-3t - •* Assistant Quartermaster General U.,6. A. MIUTARY GW)»|* ■p L a g p 't'7 BUNTING SILK And muslin FLA G S OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. W. H. HORSTMANN & SONS, .FIFTH & CHERRY Streets. T. SNODGRASS’ ARMY AND NAVY cloth: hoxt s e , 34 South SECOND* and 33 STRAWBERRY Streets. FRESH AND FULL STOCK, OF ALL SHADES AND GRADES, Adapted to every position in the NAVY AND A It M Y. Tho trade and citizens can have i heir wants faithfully supplied at my store. No. 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET. 3e26-l«t 1776: 1853. r, lags::: siLß~m«sn BUNTING ¥IAG SI BURGEES. -PLANTS, UNION JACKS. STREAMERS: B U IST T I N GI RED, WHITE, AND BLUE. EVANS * HASSALLJ MILITARY FURNISHERS, jelS-lm Wo. «R .ARCH STREET. Philadelphia. ARMY GOODS. m ABMY CAPS AND NAVY GAPS. 'GEO. HOFF & CO., No. GiTNorth FOURTH Street, . * . Philadelphia, Manufacturers Qf all kinds of Indigo Blue Army and Navy Ceps and Silk Covers, jy3-lm* Orders promptly filled.' HATS, ARMY HATS. ADOLPH & KEEN, Nn.Oa Korth SECOND Stroot. Philadelphia, Manufacturers of all kinks of . FELT HATS, have on hand a large aasortment of all the various and most approved styles of AR MY H ATS. Orders by mail fnm . sutlers or jobbers, will be promptly filled at the lowest rates. je3o-3m - GOODS. ~~ DARK-BLTJI GOAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUR CAP CLOTHS. BBT -BLOB CLOTHS FOB OR7TOKRS. ABUT BLANKETS, STANDARD WBIOHT. 10-OUITC* DUCK. DBILLB. STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN BRILLS ABB DUCK. BROWN AND BLBACHBD SHEETINGS AND SHIRT IKOB. Tor Bale by FBOTHINGHAM k WELLS. MS-lftf ' . - Q W. SIMONS A BROTHER# IAWBOM-BTRMT HALL, PHILADELPHIA. • MANUFACTURERS OT JEWELRY, FINE SWORDS, . AJTP ..... MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERT VARIETY !als-lffim 'TAKEN UP—A BAY HORSE WITH A long tail and blind in both oyes. The owner is re quested to call and prove property, or it will bo sold on SATURDAY, July 11th, at 10 o’clock, at the stable, MOUNT VERNON Street, below Thirteenth. ■ v'V.h, ; . LIEUT. -WHITE, ' : -It* ' -.Eighth District Police Stations 4 cents; SUMMER SHAWLS; GRENADINE and BAREGE BHAWLS; WHITE and BLACK BAREGE SHAWLS; SILK MANTLES and SACQUES;. WHITE BAREGE CIRCULARS; WHITE and BLACK SHAWL BAREGE; by the yard. N. B.—A large stock of superior qualities of BLACK SILKS, FOR MANTLES AND DRESSES. jy€-mws3t . fOHN H. STOKEB, 702 ARCH St.. u . OFFERS Black and White Plaid Marseilles. Black and White and Brown and Whlto Linen Check. French Nankinetts—plaid and plain. Nankin—nice quality. . s.- Linen Stripes,.dark ground, good. ■->- Merino Cassimeres—excellent quality. Plain. Mixed, and Plaid Cassimeres. Silk Cloths and Caseimereß. : Ladies’Cloaking Cloths. Double-width Plaid Flahnels fcr Shirking. je27 CUMMER GOODS. Summer Dress Goods. Summer Linens and-Cottons. Summer Coatings and Caßßimeres. Summer Shawls and Cloaks. Summer Parasols and Umbrellas. Summer - Flannels and Shirtings bHaRPLESS BrStHERS. jy9 . CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. Oil ARTLESS BROTHERS CONTINUE to offer their-larue stock of Goods at reduced Prices. Lawns. Challies. Brilliants; Silks, Poplins, Bareses: Delaines, Chintzes, Organdies; Grisailles, Mohairs, Alpacas. jy9 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streete. Tj'ANGY CASSIMERES. A- Snmiaer-Coatings. Black Clothß and Cassimeres. Men’s Clothing made to order. \ 000PEK & CONARD, jy9 S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. Ty/TANIILLAS. Silk Mantlesbelow cost. Tiik Mantles and Waterproofs. • Summer Mantles and Shawls, cheap'. Odds-and-ends Lace Goods, cheap. COOPER s CONaRD, jy9 S. S. corner NINTH, and MARKET Street*. TVRESS STUFFS. Black-Delaines, Alpacas, Bareges, Silks, &c. ■ Moeambiqueß, Lenos. Cbildren’s Plaids, &c. i Drab Alpacas, Drab Delaines, Drab Mozambique*. ; Closing sales Lawns, prices low. : •*' 1 • DOMESTIC GOODS. Of eyery kind, at lowest matrices. jyQ SlB: corner NINTH and MARKET btreets. TYjiESS GOODS AT REDUCED A'j l PRICES.—H. STEEL & SON, ' No 713 and 715 North TENTH Street, * ' are now closing out the balance of their stock of Poil de Chevres, all Wool Delainea, Poplins, Ghallies, Delaines, Mozambiques* Taffete d’Etds, FrenchXawns, French, English* and American Chintzes, < Bareges, Silk Tissues, Silk Grenadines,' Taney Silks* and all kinds of Summer Dress Goods, at extremely low price*. SUMMER SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS. CHOICE STYLES PACIFIC LAWNS atlSSfc. 1 lot 2 yards square Table Cloths, Snow Drop .and Damask,-aE£ Xfnen, at 81.50. jeo Flnla. RETAIE DRY GOODS, CLOSING our AT Closing out Summer stock FOUBTH AND ARCH. FINE ORGANDY LAWNS. SPANISH LINENS FOR SUITS, SEA-SHORE SHAWLS. BLACK LACE POINTS. TOURIST DRESS GOODS, BATHING DRESS GOODS. SUPER MOHAIR MITTS. MODE GRENADINE VEILS. BLACK DRESS GRENADINE. STEEL SKIRTS, BEST ONLY. SUMMER SILKS LOW. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. je4-tbstu tf 10SI4: CHESTNUT STREET. E. M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALE, At prices generally below present cost of Impor tation, ' - WHITE GOODS, all descriptions. EMBROIDERIES, do DACES, do do LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, do VEILS, &c„ Ac. And respectfully invites an Inspection of Ms stock. 10»4: CHESTNUT STREET. -CmWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH SB. ■Li COND Street* would call the attention of the Ladle* toi their stock of. . >■ Superior Black Silks. . Wide Mantle Silks. - Black Corded Silks, Black Gros de Rhine Black Silks, from $1 to $4. N. B.—Merchants in want of Black Silk* are Invited to examine our stock and prices je!3-tf COLDIERS’ SHIRTING FLANNELS M . 6-4 Shirtings, allyrool. 3-4 and 6-4 Fancy Shirtings. Soldiers 1 Gray Blankets. Red, White, and Bine De Lames for Flags, jy4 ' EYRE & LANDELL. FOURTH and ARCH Streets. CEMENT. Great DiscovbryJ USEFUL AND VALUABLE - DISCOVERY! HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT! Is of more general practical utility than any invention now before the public It has been thoroughly test ed daring the last two years by practical men, and pronounced by. all to be Applicable to the useful Arts. SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known. HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT A new thing. Is a new thing, and the result of years of study; its combination is on SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. And under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it ; be come corrupt or emit any offensive Bmell. . itta Combination.! BOOT AND SHOE Manufacturers, using Machines, will find it the best article known for Cementing the Channels, asit works withoutdel&y, is not&ffected by any change of temperature. Boot and Shoe manufacturers. Jewelers. JEWELERS Will find it sufficiently adhesive for their use, as has been proved. IT IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO LEATHER, Families. And we claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches and Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong without stitching. IT IB THE ONLY LIQUID CEMENT Extant, that is a sure thing for mending FURNITURE. CROCKERY, TOYS, b6ne. IVORY, And articles of Household use* REMEMBER, IHltoii’s Insoluble Cement Is in a liquid form, and as‘ easily applied as paste. I( is'a Liquid. Remember. HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is insoluble in water or oil. HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Adheres oily substances. Supplied in Family or Manufactu rers’ Packages from 2 ounces to 100 lbs. IILTON BROS* & Co., je9-tuthsly t PHILADELPHIA PHRENOLOGI CAL CABINET AND BOOS STORE.—Examhui* tions, with written or verbal descriptions of Cha*- vacter, Social Disposition, Professional Business Qualification, Ae., made .day; and evening- All the publications or Fowler . A Welle, wholesale and JOHN L. CAPENv . ap7tutheSmlf * 35 South TENTH Street BAZAAR—NINTH AND SAN- Jk 60m streets. AUCTION SAXiI OF JROKSES, CABKIAQBS. HAS- ness. ais.. ON SATURDAY HORNING, at M o'clock, rociprii.uK abo ji OET y goaggg. Fall description in catalogues. ALSO. a „ A large collection of new and second-liana Larnagesv Wasronß, Dearborns, &c. . _ Also, Single and Doable Harness, Saddles, Ac. A®“ I*o postponement on account of the weather, 4&* SPECIAL SALE SIXTY HOHSFS, July 15th. , jyo-2tif ALFRED M. HERKNERS. Anctiopoer. _ WANTED—A LAD IN A BOOK * * STORK; one whohas been In tli9 business before preferred. Address,-in.hand writing of applicant, Box 2193 P. 0. , , , It*- toJFx PEE MONTH GUARANTEED. tlp.l u Testimonial■> of Clergymen and scientific men sent free. ISAAC HALE, Jr.-, & CO., • Newburyport, Mass. .ia24-2md&W «»7R A MONTH!—I WANT TO HI BE sP " AGENTS in every county at $75 a month, ex penses paid, to sell m 7 new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address 8; MADISON. mv6-3md&W Alfred, Maine- itfiO A MONTH!—WE WANT sPOv/ AGENTS at $6O a month, expenses paid, to sell our Ewrlastino Pencils* Oriental Burners, and 13otter new articles. 16 circulars free. BH AW & CLARK, myfl-3md&W ' Bid deford. Maine. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER SSkmt GENERAL'S OFFICE. — Phidadedphia, Feb. 9, 1063 VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the followng points: Tortugas, Key West, "Fla. Port Monroe, Va, Alexandria. Va. ' Newhern, N. C. Port Royal, 8. C. A. BOYD, felO-tf and Aanist. Qnartermaster. - MTO LET—THE VERY DESIRA hie Store, No. 4X5 CHESTNUT street (nearly oppo site the new Post Office. 1 Tie good will for sale low. Thlp is a good location for Insurance or Telegraph Office, Inquire at the Store. ,iy9-3fc FOR S ABE—V ALUABBE IM PROVED Grain and Grazing, FARM, 147- acres, seven miles from the city. Chester oounty farm, 80 acres, convenient to railroad station Also. Penn Manor farm. 196 acres, near the Delaware river, Bucks county. Call and examine Register of-Farmsi Apply to jy7 E. PETTIT. 309 WALNUT St. T?OR SABE—DESIRABLE COUNTRY A PLACE, three acres of gronnd. situate! mile from Church Lana Station, Germantown Railroad. Also, several desirable ’Residences in West Phila dolnEia.Chest nut Hill, &C. Apply to E. PETTIT, : jv7 ROD WALNUT Street. ipOUNTRY BOARDING—TWO FA MILTER can be Accommodated'with Board at a FARM Hr USE, if applied for immediately/ For parti cular? address jylO 2t* WM WILSON, Valley Forge, Pa. BOARD, HANDSOME A communicating and single rooms; private table if desired. No. 1315 WALNUT street. ie2s lm* CERTIFICATES QUARTERMASTERS’ JyT-lM rp H E SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TO CONTINUE MY AGENCY And, until further I ghall continue AND AT THE DIFFERENT SUB-AGENCIES £JAIJFORNIA AM) SAN FRANCISCO CITYCOUPONS BOUGHT AND COLLECTED BY AUGUST BELMONT A CO., ON LONDON AND PARIS . FOR EITHER GOLD OR CURRENCY. jeS-ftalOt C HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND'BILL BROKER, - No. 312 WALNUT Street. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commission at the BOARD OP BROKERS. Subscriptions to the 5-20 year six per cent. LOAN still received at par. • No charge for Commission. ; . jy3-3m COLLECTION OF U. S. CEBTIFI- CATES 0 r INDEBTEDNESS. -The ADAMS’ EX PRESS'.COMPANY are now prepared to collect at the Treasury Department, Washington; with'despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One Year Certificates of In debtedness of the United States now dne or shortly ma turing. Terms made known and receipts given .at the oflee. No .390 OBEBNUT Street. mvfi-tf PAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. A 400 CHESTNUT Street. Francis N. Back, Chas. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., Jobs W. Everman, Philip S. Justice, 0. W. Davis. - FRANCIS N. ' CB ARLES EK WII.LTAM I. BLANCHAR] TTMELLE’S COMPOUND SYBUP OF v DOCK. As a safe, and effectual remedy for Cough, Pain in the .Breast. Spitting Blood, Scrofula, &ud in all •where a.Blood Purifier is requisite, it is tho Medi cine above all others. Try it, Sold by Proprietor. - F. JWMSLLE, 15»5 MARKET Street. And all Druggists. ' jyll) ise4 J)B. SWAYNE’S ' ■■■ ■ • f ,> ■ sure remedy for Asiatic Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Diarrhoea. Cholera Infafitum, or Summer Complaint, pains in the Stomach andßowels, Sick Stomach; Vomiting, and all relaxed .condition of theßowels ./Let no family be without this medicine, it will give im mediate relief. TO OUR REAVE SOLDIERS !T HAS BEEN OF TNCAtCriLABLE BENEFIT. WIVEB, MOTHERS. AND SISTERS. Whose Husbands. Bone, and Brothers are serving in the army, cannot send them a more neceseaiy article than ** DrXSvjayne's Botoel Cordial lt has saved many a . valnablelife _ - CHOLERA INFANTUM, or SUMMER COMPLAINT.- This disease is very prevalent with young children during the warm season. SAVE THE LIVES OF YOUR CHILDREN from the too-ofian fetal effect* of Summer Complaint by using 8 WAYNE’S BOWEL CORDIAL* It is alwayireUable, C BA MPS OB SPASMS are instantly relieved by its use. CHANGE OF: WATER is very apt to produce disturb ance in the bowels. The * * BOWEL CORDIAL” cures all pain and looseness. No traveller should leave home Without it.: :• DIARBHCEA AND DYSENTERY.—The “BOWEL CORDIAL” willj» found the most pleasant and sure cure. In inflammation of the stomach or bowels, and : inthe inflammatory stages of Dysentery, when there is. ten«*nras or much pain, with frequent desire to evacuate the bowels without the power to effect much discharge, blood frequently passing, as there is in all' marked cases of Dysentery, take two or three teaspocnfuls of the cor dial, with a little castor oil, every two hours until the pain is subsided. .. , This valuable medicine willffiw relief the most Iy^S^AYNSiSON.No.33O North S OVERTHH£t®?tSaRS 'HAVE vS. SWAVNE’S mb- DICSNES fceenl, constant use in all part, ol the world, -and their Increasing popularityjb certainlyconvincing El igs f gvj- A YP ?8 Mncip&lOffice', No. 330 North SIXTH Street.' above Vine: ■ - jy2- BJSIMB B’S LIPBSIZR PHOTO GRAPHS, 7 in oil colors, you must see: to have an adequate idea of their worth, Skilful execution and ar tistic coloring characterize these portraits. SECOND Street, abo re Green, It* T>AN AWAY FROM THE SUBSCRJ XV SEB, THOMAS DUNCALFE, in indentured; ap prentice to the trade of Bzleklaylng. All persons are hereby cautioned against harboringortrusting him on my*account, as I will not pay any debts contracted by him i 5 “-St* adat *' i : ROBERT STiaALB. Proprietors, PROVIDENCE, K. L TIBAKE’S PLANTATION BITTERS. -M —lOO mwob Brake’, Plantjtioni.WtMs. jnat r«. AUCTION, SALE, WANTS. FOR SALE AND TO LET. SUMMER BOAROING. - BOARDING. - FINANCIAIi. INI) E BTE I) N ESS WANTED. DREXKIi & GO. VOUCHERS WANTED. DREXEL & CD. HAS AUTHORIZED MB FOR A. BRIEF PERIOD. to receive Subscriptions to the 5-20 LOAN AT P AR 9 AT Hr OFFICE. Throughout the Loyal States. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, Mo, 114 South Third Street, O WALL STREET, BOUGHT AMD SOLD, DREXEL & CO., INSURANCE COMPANIES. PHILADELPHIA. FIBS AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. r" E. D. Woodruff, " Geo; A. West, John Kessler, Jr., . Chas. Stokes. A. H; Rosenheim. Joseph D. BUis. BUCK. President. [OHARDSON,Vice>roBidenl LD, Secretary. Cialfl-iftf MEDICAI. BOWEL CORDIAL, CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE.— Lease#send Immense auccoss of the engagement of „ Mrs. D. P. BOWERS, Aha of the great Irish Drama, the ' • - PEEPO'DAV, . THIS (PRIDAY) EVENING. July lOth. 196& PEEP- CP DAT. m , . . PEEP O’ DAT. - . The scene beins.laid in Ireland durinirthe '< GfREAT REBELLION / ‘ . , rj w.-many of the incidents and patriotic speeches uav© at the present time a.n-iucrp*Bod significance. wma ' MEG 3». P. BOWSES J}j7 : a p Pt rP as . ,v ...... Hath leen Ea Tan&gh* Sri *iv■vJp.arrett will appear as Harry Kavanach.. 2}5 ;V* Sio a K wtllabpearafl.... BlacitMiipina. Mr. j. j» Onvioug-h will appeir ai*..;...BfaTi7i*n ParseU. /r pioture of AN IRISH PAIR. ' r BLAOJE VALLEY pr? WD t” dt 9 the Pu&“r f * hß 8Bn ““ oa ScM9a Curtpip n«ea at , -' ' Jf-I XON ’ 8 CEE' M O BTIJ COMBINATION Cir.TJtTB will exhiMSin t GERMANTOWN, WEDNF*T)AT...T Q Iv&II. FKaHXFOPD. THURSHAV, Jttty MaNaYUNK. FRIDAY. July iftth B*.T.EM. SATURDAY, .Tnlv m,h ’ CAMDEN, MONDAY, Jnly YSth. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF A TFE FINS ARTS, : ; . 10»5 CHESTNUT BTBjSRT. - OPEN DAILY (Mrndays excepted) from £A. M. fcilf 6P. M. AdrD ? BBion_2s cents._ CMldreu balf price. *\TEW BOOKS. Just Published br . J. B. LIPPIftCOTT & CO. TIB and TIT MARKET Street A TREATISE OK HYGIENE, -with Special Reference to the Military Service. By W. A. Hammond, Surge#*. • General. LOST AND SAVED. By the Hon. Mrs. Norton; au thor “ Ptoart of Dunleith. ” : AT ODDS. By the Baroness Tautphoeus, anthor of “Quits,’’&c. HISTORY OF T3E SUPERSTITION, in All Ages and 1 Countrips By William Hewitt.. SPHERICAL AND PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY. By William Cbauvenet 2'»ols . THE ARMY CHAPLAIN’S MANUAL. By Rev. J. Mnknev Hammond. TRIAL OF THE CONSTITUTION. By Sidney 0. Fisher, - . . TJBE COMPANY CLE SK. Showimr how and when, to make out retnrns, Ac. ByCapt A.V.Kaatz. jyl# A N IMPORTANT BOOK" FOR ~ /A VOLUNTEER COMPANY. OFFICERS. ■ ■ / ' sjroTrrjm How and when to make out all the Returns, Reports, Rolls, and other papers, and what to do with them; how to keep all the Books, Records, and Accounts, required in the administration of aComaany, Troop, or Battery, in the Army of the United State*.' By Captain August V. Kautz. 6th IT 8 Cavalry, Colonel 2d Ohio Volunteer Cavalry-. l’2mo. Cloth. $1; leather flexible, fel 25. “ The attention of Company .Officers is called io a work lately published by J B. Lippincott & Co., #f Philadelphia, ent’tled “ THE COMPANY CLERK, &c.. “This work can bo .purchased at the bookstores fn Columbus, Cairo, St. Louis, &c., and all officer in Ifc# Volunteer servic* are recommended to acquaint thp*- selves with .ite v» rv valuable and necessary inform *!.:#*. “By order of Brigadier General Asboth. “T. H. HARRIS, Asst. Adj. Genera I ,^ work may be purchased of booksellers • rally, or will be forwarded by mall, post paid, eft'rfr’ ceipt of the price, by the publishers. - . J. B. LTPPrNCOT.T & CO «. Tl 5 and 717 MARKET Sti*»t. ' Phi lade ipiila. • XTEW MAPS—NEW BOOKS. COAST SURVEY MAP OF VIRGINIA, showing tbe present movements of the Army. 50 cents. NEW COUNTY MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA. 50cents. JOURNAL OF aHESTDENOBON A GEORGIA PLAN TATION in 3838 and 1839. By'Trances Anne Kemble. 25 - - H aRPER’S HAND BOOK, for Travellers in Europe and the East. By W. P. Fetridge. Morocco, Tuck, s3.csj. Cloth, *2 76 SKIRMISHING. By the author of **Consia Btei~ la” $l. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF THE LATE HON. THEO. FREEING HUYSBN, L. L. D By T. W. Chambers. $1.25. For sale by WJL S. & ALFRED MVRTIKN, jy4 * 606 CHESTNUT Street' O'R CTS!—2S CTS!—2S OTS'.H— PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, holding 12 PICTURES, bound in Moslin, gilt ed ee. ' PITCHER’S ALBUM DEPOT, 80S CHESTNUT Street 4M /snt— I.SOH—PffOTO- I t/vJi GRAPH ALBUMS, holding. TW'BNTT* FOUR PICTURES. Bonnd in BEST TURKEY MO- dfcin TO S4S.—IMPERIAL QUARTO VP**' PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM 3, holding Expand 40» PICTURES, elegantly bound in TURKEY MOROCCO and RICH VELVET, with Ornamente. PITCHER’S ALBUM DEPOT, SOS CHESTNUT Street. Q nOfif— 3 >oool! —OYER 3,000 DlF ferent card pictures fob PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, at * PITCHER’S ALBUM DEPOT, 80S Street ■VTEW BOOKS. JO LFIBIG’B NATURAL LAWS OP HUSBANDRY. WEAK LUNGS AND HOW TO STRENGTHEN. Br .Djo Lewis. M. D. WHAT TO EAT, AND HdWTO COOK IT. Br Pierr* Blot. A CRITICAL HISTORY OF FREE THOUGHT. 4. T. Farrar, HI. A., &c. __ - . - ALL HEW BOOKS Of a standard character for sale as soon as published, bf LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. Publishers and Booksellers. SOUTH SIXTH street, above CHESTNUT je27 • »J gAZARD’B BOOKSTORE. All Books nasally to be had ina FIRST-GLASS BOOKSTORE* Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES. V-sft-t.f : • • • • - ..... . FOR CAPE MAY.—TOT safe and commodions Bay Steamer MAN HATTAN. Captain Kirby, will leave ARCH BTRHFT WHARF for CAPE MAT every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at halfpa-st nine o’clock. A.M., conuneno- ' lng on THURSDAY, July 2d. Returning, will leave Cape May every--Monday, -Wednesday, and Friday at eight o'clock;.stopping at New Castle to connect with thy Baltimore lines •; The MANHATTAN is the largest and most conveaieaA boat that ever-run to Cape May, having about fifty state ■ rooms and every, accommodation, that passengers can da-" sire. Fare' including carriage hire. Meals extra. Children and servants half orice. Freight at moderate rates*: No freight received after 8 o'clock. -je?2 fiw A. REYBOtD. . PHILADELPHIA. fIRAWn PLEASURE EX JIIBSHBaLi CTOSIOHTO LAKE SUPERIOR. The staunch, elegant steamers NORTHERN LIGHT and CITT OF CLEVELAND, will each give five plea sure Excursions to Lake? Superior, leaving the date below named, and visiting all points of interest on the route The ‘ 4 round trip ” compdaea the distance of 2,000 miles, and is not 'surpassed' by any other on tty - continent for variety of scenery and objects of interest. It embraces in transit the waters of Lakes Erie, St. Clair. Huron, and- Superior,.and. the beautiful rivers of De troit, St Clair,.andSauit Ste Marie, (with its thousand Isles), affording passengers an opportunity of visiting' the SaiiHßapids " and "Ship Canal,” the far-famed 11 Pictured Rocks/’ the Iron Mountain of Marquette, and extensive Copper Mines at various points. To invalids it offers the moet pure and invigorating atmosphere ob the globe, which ever brings health.and strength; to thf sportsman the enticing inducementof most splendid fishing; and tie whole country abounds in mineral wealth which cannot fail to attract the attention of thy speculator and man'of science. Besides. it is fast becom ing the favorite Summer trip, and its social pleasures axe of the highest order, Good Hotels at all points. For further particulars apply to SORT. HANNA A CO„ Cleveland, Ohio. TUCK TABLE, FROM CLEVELAND.. •'Northern Light;" "City of Cleveland,” Capt Spaulding, Capt. B. Wilkihs. July 6. July 10. July 17. July 22. July 29. * Aug 4. ! Aug. U. Aug. 17. Aug. 24. —' Aug. 28. Passengers taking the boat at Cleveland will have first selection of rooms. . je2o-20tif HEW YORK. fSjBEBSm F O ’ R! NE WP O RT, TT'A' * NfcW YORK ANT) NBW HAYB» SHORT? LIN* RAILROADS, - On and after MON DAY* Yjtatte 29. 2S°3, one Daily Train •will leave New Toth, frcm'3eixit corner Twenty-seventh, street and Fourth avenue, at 12.10 PM . p issing through Pew London; and Stouinuton. to £&*£ Greenwich; R. T.; where the hteamer WATER LILY, will be m waiting, on arrival of the train; for New-. pori, affording a sail down the Narragansetfc Bnv, arriving at A.°OP. M>'- - . Tickets sold and baggage checked throuch.: •TaS H HOYT, Supt. N. Y. &N;H.R. R. J. E. FOSTFR, General Agent • -N. Y. it Boston Shore Line R R. SMUBH PHILADELPHIA AND LOflg branch via CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC AND RARITAN AND DE LAWARE BAY RAILROAD On and after Monday, June 16th. and until farther no tice, passenger trains will leave Vine-street Ferry at 7. SB A. M . arriving at Long Branch'at 1110 A. M. Returning, leaves Lon g Branch at 3.35 P, M., arriving at Philadelphia at 7.45 P. M. landed close to the Hotels. - < Excursion parties will be carried on liberal terms, Apply to L. B. COLK, ; AgeatattheDepot Coopts Point ; BENJ. STRONG; Assistant Superintendent; j. eBOHE BEOPENING OF - THB BALTIMORBaND OHIO RAILROAD.—This road, betngfolly REPAIRED an# + effectually GUARDED, ie now open for the transport*- don of pesseneers and freight to all points in the GRBAI WEST. Vor through tickets and all other information > apply at the Company’s Office, corner of BROAD. StoNt and WASHINGTON Avenue. S. M. FELTON, • ap3-tf v President F. W. ud B. B. R Co. a»P— WEST CHESTER ANI> < tfWBSM* PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD,' VIA MEDIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, JUNE 1,1863, the trains will leave Philadelphia, from the. depot, Northeast corner 6t .< Eighteenth and Market streets, at'7.soand 10.30 A. It, and at 2,430, and 6 55 P. M. - . • On TTTESD vTS and FRIDAYB a train will leave WEST - CHESTER at 6.50 T. M. Returning. J*ive Philadelphia at 9.15 P. M. Trains leave the comer of Thirty first and streets {West Philadelphia) 17 minutes after the starting * time from Eighteenth and Market. , „ On SUNDAYS leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. an«** ? P. M. -Leave West Chester at 7 50 A M. and fi P. M.* The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.50 A; M. and 4.36 P. Bff connect at Pennelton with trains on the P. ul p- p -R r. for Concord. Kennett, Oxford, &c. - jel-tf ’ HENRY WOOD, Superintendent. oa p e mjL y,v Opjice Cape May asp Mhaviuiß R. R.- Co., 409 Walnut Street, June 12* 1863; .• PURTHBR OPENING. On and after MONDAY, the 22d of June, the cars will * run upon this road to theDennisviUe Station, leaving. Walnut-street ferry at 9 o’clock A. M., in the West Jen* sey cars. The cars will run from Cape May- Coart Horn**. to Cap* May, reducing the diitance bv stage to nine mllefe. jelfT-tf C. B. DUN&AN, President S&mKzmsGasm F ORT HE. &E*A>_ HBInBe SHORE n - ; SUMMER ARRANGEMENT* - CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD, . On and after MONDAY, June 15th,-1863, trains-ter. Ait lantic'City will leave Vine-street ferry as folh»w&:. ■Maili train leaves. ••••*•*•• ♦•. •»• •• • • • •.«»>•. A. If. Expresstrain leaves...,3.4iP v K. Sfiwght train, with passenger.»r.&ttached. 9. 00 Ax M, Refnrning, leaves. Atlantie.Sifcy.:, : Mall traini.»**i 4.35-R. 1A ; Express train fi.oo.A*-HA '•Freight train.. <...-w....... LUOM? M. Fare. to. Atlantic, $2. Ronnd,Trip. Tickets; ftr the day and train only, or.dawn on Monday morning. SSL_ . ■ 1 • . : An Accommbd»tiott>Train to R- ani D. B. R.B. Jane* tion will leave Vine-street'at 5,15 R M*; returning ml morning at 6.15. • > ' — . EXTRAHADDONPIRLD TR AINS Leave Vine etreeiat 10; 16 A. M.- and 1.45 P. K. LeaveHaddonfieldaUa.loP. Uf.and3P.M_ . • jel3-tf JXO. G. BRYANT. Agent. XTKESH 'LEAVES OP THE BENNE A PUNT, for Bnmiaer Complaint of OWldFen.ploked fresh ovary day, and £ Mr g|jJo\yK’B ■ - drug and chbxioat. stgrb, ■ • N.'K. eornorof FIFTH andCHJJJTNIIT ■ MHiADBiPinA. ' . iyt-10t* AHVSEMBNTS, NEW PUBLICATION, “WBATTO DO ANT> HOW TO DO IT.” THE COMPANY CLERK ; Just Published, ' - He ATM} CARTERS DrSTRICT OF COLCMBCS, 6th 2>rrrsrox, 16th armt Corps. Colcmbits, K y. , June 2d, 1865. CIRCULAR. PITCHER’S ALBUM DEPOT. 808 CHEBTHUT Street. T>« cHßSTjrnr street. ' Between Seventh. and Eighth Street the-sea shore. EXCURSIONS. RAIX.ROAD USES.