FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. the money market '■ Philadelphia, July 6:1868. The street was in a high state of excitement over the War nows thi.s morning, and the favorable result of the •late battles caused a heavy decline in gold, which opened at I£9>4» with large amounts freely offered. The market gave way very Boon, and a further decline place, untU eales vi cre made at 137, when a Aimer feeling was manifested, as the **shorts’* came into the market to Snake up, and under their domands ihe price rose to 139, falling off to 133#, at about which figure it closes. The day was remarkable from th e fac; tlias not a siugle ad verse rumor was afloat to mar the general exaltation or to affect prices. Government stcirities wore stronger, 1881 s selling at seven-thirrios atlpcy,*ncw •certificates at.98)4@99; the old were offored at 101)4. Thero was also more inquiry for quartermaster’s voucheri -at IJ4®l>£ discount. The position of ttie-money market remains about the same as last week, speculation being •dull, and consequently there is no extravagant demand for money. Jty Cooke,, general subscription agent, reports the •Bale of $582,200 five-twenties Julv3, and the news this •morning had quite an encouraging effect upon sales,- Which will probably reach one million dollars to-day. Operations at Stock Board were resumed in'the regular ■Way, and with considerable Ylgor, prices generally ral lying back to the figures which ruled previous to the -great invasion. The share list w*a the more active, North Pennsylvania, selling 'Up to 15)4, an advance of 1)4; Pennsylvania up to 65, an advance of. 4; Reading up lo 00#, an advance of 2; Catawissa pie fen ed up to -an advance of 2;Long Island sold at £8; 483 f was bid for Xittle SchuyJkil’, an advance of ljf; 34 for Elmira; 165 for Camden and Amboy; 63 for Minehill; >obnylkill Navigation preferred was in demand at 25. an advance of 1)4; the conrTTOa sold at 13. Morris Canal advanced'to “72)4; Schuylkill Navigation sixes, 1832, sold at 833 f; Pennsylvania Railroad first mortgages at 112; 108 bid for the second. New City sixes sold at 10S; the old at 104)4, Par was bid for State fives; 108 was bid for Reading 183)j; 100 for ’7os; 103 for the convertibles. 11l for Elmira Sevens; 92 for North Pennsylvania sixes; 108 for 3unbary und Erie sevens. In passenger railways there was no-, thing done. 27 wae bil for .Girard College; 13 for seven teenth and Nineteenth; 28 for Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 46for Green and Coates; 16& for Spruce and Pine; 11 for, Race and fine, the market closing steady. Drexel &Co.iaote: United StalSs Bonds. 1881..... r ~ ■ ■ 106>I ®lO7 United States Oertiflcate. of Indebtedness,~.lGL @lOl United States 7 S-IO Notes .-.106 ©lo6>£ Quartermasters’ Vouchers. 1 isj©2 it is. Orders for Certificates of Indebtedness..*£@ldis, Gold .......138 2 B'B¥ss¥ss^^g¥iB'Bs:^B p Is o> fi J&pbcno 1 §0 OCO UH O Ct>. CS Ol® Otn-U o §gga?gs3ii§gB§g§;saB sgSsssgSSSlgglSiilll §§g§"lsg§lgggil§§l§ a^sgssSssSassssglli §iia§gl§i§M'i§iiig§i k 3 MM MMl—‘h-i—iCdL-aSo gsiissMssliWiiim lsl§¥r&§isE§l'§ii§§i b 9 Mtcra ta - m i——cn*M«ob?cnjuoicni—‘cdOjotm ~ca E5JSxi. f 4 j—bi o» «e 50# SECOND 200 Schuyl Kav Pref. -'25, I 250 Reading R hs&int.. 50# I 60 d 0..... -2dys. 50# 100 North ba Rtswn--. 15# 1 3 d 0.......... * 15# CLOSING PAH Bid. Asked. V S 6®’81........*106 107# ST S 7-30 Rotes... .106 .. American Gold.-138 139 JPhilaeaiat off.-.104# 105 • Do new intoff.loB 108# Alleco teR....-- •• • Benna 6s••»••«» • .100 101 Beading R.......60# 60# Do 6a '43-108 Do' hds'7o..lC6 Dobda’36coov.lo3 . fennaß aiv off. 64# 65 Do Ist in fo.lil# 112 Do- 2d di 63-108 -"1C0* Eiittle Schuyl R.. 48# 50 tforris C*l consol *72 , 73 Do prfdi....*.. Do 6b ’7B Do 2d mtg.. .. Susa Canal .. Do 6b . Schuyl Nay 12 12# Do prfd 25 25#' Do fe ’82.... 82# 88 Elmira R....... • 34 36# Do' prfd-.... 50 ' • 53# Do 7a 7 73.<..1U 112 ' Do' 10s L Island Rex-dy 37 38 i Do bds FUlaQgr* Nor .. £»ehigaValß . •• S>o bds..-. • •• 100 NorthPa,R sswa..lof£ 18 Long Island - 33 500Schuy!Nav 6s’B2. 83X 18 Penna R- - 35 7500 ÜB7-30TNEndF& A.105M bussrEAbY. rt>j , TJ I Bid. Ashed N Penna B— 15>* 15% Do 65—.... 92 93X DO' 10s Catawissa R Con 7& 8. Do prfd-ii. 22K 23 Beaver Mead B-- Minehill R-- Harrisburg R.— Philadelphia Market! • Holders of Flour are firm in their views* but the snarket is dull; about 900.bbls sold at $B. 60@6 75 for •common to good Ohio .extra family. The retailers and bakers are baying moderately, at from $5.75@8 for ftuperfine, $6.25@6.50 for extras, Vs6 76@7.50 for extra &mily» and bbl for fancy brands, accord ing to quality. Bye Flour is dull at $4.75 $ bbL Corn Steal is steady at $4 25 for Brandy wine,-’: and $4 for Penna, meal,' ; ! GRAIN —The demand for Wheat in moderate; sales comprise about 9, COO bus, mostly at 160 c y* bu for Penn sylvania red, afloat, and white at Is in demand; Pennsylvania 1b worth 105®106c Corn is without change; about 3.000 bus prime yellow, sold at 87c afloat. Oats are in fair demand; about 3,700 bus sold at 76c weight. ... .. BABK.—First No. 1 Quercitron is dull at ton. SOTTON. —The market is very dull and unsettled and ceshave declined. GROCERIES.—The market Is firm, but we hear of no Bales worthy of notice. " PROVISIONS. —Bacon and Gr«en Meats are in demand, but mostly held above the views of buyers. 20,000 tbs Bams, in salt, Bold at 8c lb. Lard is dull • tb for bbls and tcs. "WHISKY. —The demand is limited; bhls are soiling at and drudge at 45@46c gallon. - ; Philadelphia Cattle Market, ’ July 0, 1863. The arrivals and Bales of Beef Cattle at Phillips’ Ave aue Prove Yard are large this week, reaching about3,soo head. 1,700 head sold to the Government on private terms, andl.Boo were disposed of to the trade as usual; 300 of this lot were shipped to Baltimore. The priees to-day have declined 60c the 100 lbs, and the market Is very dull in consequence of the large receipts; first qua lity Western and Pennsylvania steers selling at 11}£@ 12c; second do 10@llc, and common at from 7@9c, ac cording to quality. - Cows are scarce, and prices are better-; about 90 head Sold at from $25®45 per head. Sheep.— There is a moderate demand, and prices re main about as last quoted;.B,6oo head sold alS@&%c Per TOgross. ’ Boos.—The arrivals are‘ large this week, reaching About 4,000 headrand selling at from %7@B 25 per 100 lbs net. . , The cattle on saleto-day.are from the following States: • 2,C00 head from Pennsylvania. • -900 head from Illinois. ‘ 600 head from Ohio. i The following are the particulars of the sales: •p.' McFUlen, 139 Western Steers, selling at from 9@llc for fair to good quality. P. Hathaway, 02 Western Steers, Belling at from o©iic for fiiir to good, • * • Ullman & Bochmhn, 155 Illinois Steers, selling at from SU®U,GO forfftir, to extra qnalltr. ' . Martin fit Fuller, 131 .’Western Steers, selling at from $1C@11,,76 for goodto extra quality. ”2 5 2, £3 VS *1,43154 s $2,008,564 59 lows the condition of th% lous timea during 1862 and 21,596,014 24,358,289' 24,597,596 25,419,340 28,938,714 26,635,225 28,429,189 29,231,753 30,178,518 30,679,259 ■■iU,549,587 30,106,135 29,171,285 29,531,559 50,117,527 51,059,644 n,021,799 0,859,831 30,949,721 3L,892,308 32,455,153 31,855,765. 31,549,339 31,549,339 31,293,8:3'.) 3U66.254 .48504,544 Tons. Cwt. - 15,909 13 - 937 00 - 14.346 01 .. 2.030: 17' .. 6,376 16 ...40,336 17 .1,636,413 01 .1.676,749 18 1,051,'6f8 12 Tons. Cwt. 6,648 00 ... 1.793 00 ... 12,699 00 ... 495 00 . 21,145 09 .311,473 00 332.613 00 363.12 S 16 Wilmington R Lehigh Nav. - - Do Bhares - 68. ,Do , scrip-- 43 45 Cam fit Amb R-. '♦ • j•, Phila fit Erie 6’s— «. Sun St Brie 7a .. - . DelawarevDLv—. Do bda... ... Spruce-street R.. 15# 16# Arch-streetß 26 Race-strettE..- 11 12 Tenth-street B—-• •* Thirteenth-st R. 28 35 W Philaß.. - 70, Do bonds-* - Green-street R— 46 49 Do bonds.- - Chestnut-st - 55 57 Second-Htreeb R. SO Do vbonds... - Fifth-street R.... 60 ' 61 Do bonds Girard College R 27 28hi Seventeenth-stR 13 13^ July 6—Evening. Jones WcCleae, 16 Chester county Steers, selling at from s9@lo.Sofor common to good. > A. Kennedy, 34 Chester county Steers, selling at from $9-6C@ll fur Mr tnextTa. „ • 4 . J. Seldonrldge, 107 Illinois Steers, selling at from $ll @l2 for good to extra. . J. Chain, 63 Ohio Steers, selling at from s3@ll for common to good. _ Frank a siiamberg, 99 Illinois Steers, selling at from $lO@U for fair to good. B. C. Baldwin, 46 Chester county Steers, selling at from s9@ll for common to good. ' -John Kirwin, 44 Western Steers, selling at from sll@ 12 for fair to extra quality. . ~ COWS:AND CALVES. The arrivals and sales of Cows are small this week, only reaching shout 90 head. is a good demand and price? are better: Springers soiling at.from s2s@ 35, and Cow and Cal Fat from $35@45 head, as to quality,. Old lean Cows are selling at head. , •i Calvkb.—About ‘26 head arrived and sold to-day at from s@sJs'c for Ist quality,* and 4@4Kc lb for 2d do., as to weight and condition. THE SHEEP MARKET. •• The arrivals and sales of Sheep at the Avenue Drove Yard continue large, reaching about 5,500 bead this week, and selling at from 6@6&c lb gross, for clipped; there is a fair demand at these pricey Lambs continue prurcp 5 sales are reported at from head, as to quality. THE HOG MARKET. The arrivals and sues of. Hogs at the Uoion and Avenue Drove Yards are large, reaching about 4,000 head, eo'd s t from S7(«VS 25 ’EM 00 lbs net. 2.RS9hepdeold at Henry Glass’Union Drove from S7.SC@S. tbs net.- • ~ „ . ' 1.140 head sold'by John Crouse & Coat the Avenue Drove Yard at from $7@8.25 100 lbs net. CITY ITEMS. 'Beautiful Bubal Photographs.—We have already referred to the fact that Messrs. Wen deroth & Taylor, /"formerly Broadbsnt Sc C 0.,) Nos. 912, 914, and 916 Chestnut street, are now prepared to execute, at short notice, photographic piotures of nil kinds of rural ; scenery, residences, cattle, &c,,.in the highest style of the art. We have examined a number of their specimens in thiß new and elegant branch, and find them so perfect and truthful that we are not surprised to find their orders for this class of pictures increasing rapidly from day to day. Popular Cartes re Yisite.—Mr. F. Gutekunst, the eminent photographer, Nos. 704 and 706 Arch street, has just issued five Saiiesdc Visits pf the Rev. Dr. Blackwood, Rev. Mi G-. Conkling, how paßtor of the Arch*Btreet Presbyterian Church, and the Rev. Abel O. Thomas, Universalist, of all of which duplicates can be had by applying at his counters. Mr. Gutekunst’s splendid card pioture of General Dana is aIBO having a very extensive sale. Superior Quality Green and Black Teas.—Messrs! Davis & Richards (successors to the lateC.H. Mattson), dealers-in fine family groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, have now in store a su perior invoice of air the finest and most popular Green and Black Teas—Oolong, Imperial, Young Hyson, Ohulan, and others—to which we invite the attention of our readers. * War Correspondence—From the As sociated Prees—l2 M.—-The Rebels have gone to Pot. 1 P.'M-I have just learned that the telegraph now works, and my last telegram should read “Pottsville.” 2P. M.—The 29th New Jersey are safe. They calculateto escape the draft.. ■ <.. 2.40 F. M.—Gen. Dee superintends the raid in per son, 100,000 strong. Don’t believe any rumors as to' the force of the Rebels'' ' ' \ “ 3. P. M.—The Governor has called on the Presi dent for more troopß. '4 P.M.—lt is doubted whether there is a raid or not. A highly intelligent contraband informs He that he don’t know. 4 30 P. M.—The President has called on the Go vernor for more troops, ' 6 P. M.—Troops are arriving. I don’t'know whether they are our own or the Rebels. 6 P. M.—There are no Rebels in sight of Charles Stokes & Co.’s Clothing store, under the “ Conti nental.” 7 P. M,—Fourth of July has been postponed by order of Gen. Halleck, Tkowskbs and Petticoats. —Who» men wore tight psntaloooß women wore skimpy petti coats. If w»i atthig time that the French Lord Ogleby, in a farce, giving his tailor an order for pan taloons to fit closer than his skin, ends with this warning': “ Mind, that if lean get them on, I shall not take them.” The French fie volution shook,. with all other things, the empire of dress. It gave liberty to the limbs of men. It emancipated them from tight clothing, hair powder, and pig-tails; it banished breeoheß and buckleß, and introduced trowsers. But it was left for the present age and generation to develop the perfection of male attire. This fact is demonstrated daily at the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of RookhiU & ‘Wilson, Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth. The War'.News.—The city is jubilant over the enccess of the Union arms. The invader has been driven from our soil, and to Lee the inva sion has proved a most costly experiment. Jeff .ItewV telegraphs to Lee to come home, but the latter replies::‘*Tlfty won’t let me;” and it is a grave doubt irf the minds of many whether he ever re-' crSejea the Potomac again. From papers found In of a rebel bearer of despatches, we liSrn that "it was Lee’s intention to come to Phila delphia, for the purpose of securing all the ready made clothing, a handsome assortment of whichiis in store at Granville Stokes’ Emporium of Fashion, No. Go’9 Chestnut street. ' Buck Beer.—This delightful will be on draught at the splendid and respectably managed place of report known as Library-street Hall, on Wednesday and Thursday, the Bth and 9fch inat. Laßt spring, this brewingvwaa especially made for this new establishment, in order to give every body an opportunity of trying it.' Do not forget to call and Bee us, - G-ustaytts Bbbgner, . OiIItISTIATT .MUkULKOTC, ARRIVALS- AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIOHT. Girard—Chestnut street, below Nlntß. ■ RE Thompson, Wash’gtMi B D March, New York Hon T J Yolks, N J Jos D Mnrphy James Miles John B Wills, New York R R Price & wf, Pittsburg Mw Richardson W G Nixon, New Jersey M W Beveridge, Waeh’gton AH Schultz, Fiahkill CaptJ M Robinson, Wash P J Moore, Carlisle John. Locke, Washington w.C McCali, UH a 5 Ji. PoseVv. Baltimore Warren LazeU,New York R Tinker, Ballimore ? John B Morean, New York A K Johnston, New . Jersey Miss Annie Moreau, N Y Capt AJF Smith, Del co, Pa Miss Fanny Morean, N Y Harry Duffield.-Penna Jas Carson,Lake Bnperior Penna Chas Hewett, Pottsville WSTBeetern, Carlisle ET Warner. Delaware TL plarte- Q W Richards, Newark,N J WmPShlnn, Pittsburg S H Newhonse - J H Parsons, ot Louis S P Sterrett, Marietta. Pa Thos Alien, New Yoik J H Smith, Newark, O ThoeHormr T'Marlin St wf, Washington Chas C Cresson Miss Martin, Washington Mrs A Brown. Illinois TPHoweU. Newark, N J T K Conrad, New York J H Sharp, Newark, N J, Gnieft, 1/ ft A , L T npencer. New Jersey »T Cad ’?? , Mrs Cooke, New Jersey IP Parker, New York J) W GemmiH, Jn Bela Continental—Ninth a C Murcns, Alexandria, Va Col H L Brown, Erie Lt J fl Hamlin, ’Warren., J W Reynolds, Erie A S Hul.cPortage, Wis Mrt* Ty nchner,Madison,Wis H B Converse, Wisconsin G B Palmer - met Chestnut streets, J 8 Sleight, New York G B Edwards, New Jersey Gen BPStockton, Jr, fit la,N J Miss Potter, New Jersey Miss M Stockton, N Jersey L Lincoln, Boston S McCabe. Chicago Mr& Mm B’McLanghlia.NJ Miss H McLanghlin, N J J H Griffith & fa. Detroit T Baxter & la, Detroit W H Brown, fr S A L Bcndder & Ja, New York A Woodruff-fit la, N York ERSeccomb, Boston B Dyer, New York Mrs J GBrf nton fii ch, Wash A LiUy fit dan, Baltimore G K Van Pelt, New York Mrs C Benedict,Ne wOrleans Miss Grady, Carbondale, Pa XcH T McPherson fit wf, Balt W 8 Balcom, Claremont, NH M T Autram, Cincinnati. W W Johnstomlndianapl’s B B Grabl»ißarlington, N J James Hoy, New York P Darfeoida, NewTTork W P Sherman fit wf, Wash. E Johnson, New York Jno H Burtis. New York A Bradford, St Louis L D Walker, Canada W Wail, New York J L Morris, Washington A K Potts, Washington Capt Dodge. Massachusetts Mrs J B McCreary, Penna lilies McGresy, M Caunk Capt W T Hart, Wash MrsHammill - Sliss HammUl fit bister Col John Ely A Goverman, Jr, Baltimore J T D&nn, Cincinnati B JLossing, New York A Eickhofl'fir la. New York A H Holgßte.'U S A J B McCreary, M‘ Chunk Oil Fuller J J Van Nest, New York , M&teenhock, New York- Jno B Robinson, New York J W Simon, Baltiraoi’e • - J T Kingsbury*' Wash, D C Mrs Cooke, Baltimore J> S Zook TS Zook J M Favill, Gettysburg C H H Broom, Gettysburg Rev 8 A Ty ng, Jr, N York E E Lewis, Washington, D C MSMepham. fct Lou's A-Welcn, New Jersey W W. Davis, Boston J A Davis, Boston Jos P Cooke, New Haven Jas R Leach & w, Wash,DC O Green, Washington, DC Jno £ McWliarter, N.York Miss McWharter,New.York Dr J P Mann, New York W A Newell fit s.N Jersey J D Van Boren, New York LW Bnrt, New York ,T M Adams, New York J N Gregory, Montreal J A Green, Boston C Robinson, New York G Bevins, New York _ J Partridge. New York W M Giles & la, New York B F Parlett, Baltimore 8 Goff, New York - Mr fit Mss Cowan, Washt’n G T Cobb, New Jersey CW Elliott, New York Col P Salm Salm. Harrisbg Capt Braielo, Harrisburg Col W R Brown, New York Hon M P Odell, Brooklyn W W Armstrong, N York J S Avery, Clinton, N Y H Cooper, Louisville, Ky LF Judd, Connecticut C H Palmer fit la, Michigan J A Lawson. Troy, N Y Mr St Mrs E 3 Dodge. N York Chas Silver, Pottsville Levi Mattson, Port Carbon Harris Wilson, Wrights ville Rev R H Wallace, U S A Mrs Ewing, New York N 8 Peterson J E Reeside. Washington Capt F S Wallace, Ohio Capt W E Jackson, N York Chas T Forrest. New York Mrs W Wells, Wash. D C J K Lookman, New York Geo Hutchins Concord Jas C Davis, Boston L Robeson, Cambridge W H Bnrrall. Conn. J W Gray; New York G A Crosby, Manchester A B Holt, Concord, N H F Smyth, Mancbes er. N H GeoC Barrett, New York W S Benedict, New Orleans i itreetibelow Arch. Dr Haller & w, Bethlehem R G Hetzel, Lewisbuvg r- R T Fountain, Delaware A Wolle, Penna G P Sargent, 1 J A J Buchanan. Waynesh’g A Armstrong, Ashlar d Sirs Gen Hays, Pittsburg G HBennelt, Baltimore Captain Bitteraly, G R Fuller . Wm Williams S F Wilson, Xenia, O PhOB White,Pork Sami Arnold, Carlisle Patrick Mahu Albert Williams .New York A M White, Baltimore P Meninger k la,Tyrone.Pa . M Herman, Wheeling, Va : : Geo Sturt, Kent co, Md : Capt A Bondmen, New York Merchant*’—Fourth C M athers; Montgomery co J Engel, Louisville W Burns New Castle C Hirsh, Lancaster J W Muj ford &w, Pel “ W A Atkinson, Delaware W C Fountain, Delaware JP Doughten;Delaware , H C Wright, Delaware . Goyfraulshury, Delaware Mrs V K Keesy & 3 ch. Pa Henry Decarrell H S Ogborn. Belvedere, N J E B Wingerß, Pennsylvania W Bleakly. Wellsville C J Spofford, Pennsylvania Miss J P Spofford, Penna H C Brown, Penna Mrs 8 C Egieston, Penna Geo W Stein, Easton Mrs J Leisenring, M Chunk Mrs Daniel Bercb, MChunk Mrs S B Price, 31 Chunk St* Louit-ChHt&ut A Stibbins, Dubuque W A Wilson k wf, Albany ,T;W Crandall & wf, Albany Mi»»H J Craudftll. Albany /M Wyatt, Harrisburg ;M Shelborn & sou, England L fl Jarrard. N Jersey K G Miller, N Jersey R W Collen, Baltimore Capt Bowen k la, Virginia Miss Mitchell, Maryland Joel Pusey .Maryland A Monroe, u.S A Chas Michener, 3lontgco J T Harris, If Jersey v Geo Patterson, Pottsville G S Patterson, Norristown The Union—Arch H Geo Draper. Miss J C Bradford, U 8 N F L’Manson, U 8 N Chas Sailor. Pottsville Col R-Ratcliff,- Tamaqui Samuel Ratcliff, Tamaqua R'Batcliff, ; Tamaqua r Z Ratcliff, Tamaqua Jobnßalston. Tamaqua W R Allenr Tamaqua- National—Race iti wc Fuller. Munch Chunk John fl Bhugsrdt 31 Chunk Chailes Smith, Reading C H Grubb. * ' Mr Brakeley. Phillipsburg John p Sellers, Baston- Abraham Bherk, Lebanon J Yordy,"Lebanon , '. G G Knecht f C W Miller, Bloomshurg Commercial-sixth an Pearce, New Jersey 'J ,T = Taylor, New Jersey B Ingraham, New York •EH Simpson, New Jersey *8 Blair, Milton* ?.**■■■■ ; [i J Kirk: Lancaster co Chas Buffington, Chester co E Potts. Bridgeton Rev H C Btowell, New York Barley Sheaf-Secoi Capt J B Sinn, USA Jos Rico; Trenton R D Lamond, Newark Cha« Seymour,'Newark A H Trego, Fredericksburg Thosßoss, Dqylestown John Ross, Doylesfown Thos Mo iris, Quakertown R Van Dyke, Maryland 8 L KimbAll, Pehn ' . ss A 2 « », CAUSES OP DEATH. 2 . CAUSES OF DEATH. g ”5 4. : ■ ' v ' « Id "cess.. 4 “ Typhoid...,. 8 3 Asphyxia...*-...-'.... % ‘V-. Spotted....-- 1 Angina Pectoris. 1 Falling from a tree • 1 Apoplexy. 1 • Gangrene... - j Aphtha... 1 Haemorrhage of the Burns and Scalds.... 1 1 Lung5....:..,.... 1 Cancer . * 1 Inflammation Brain. 16 “ Rectum.—-.-. 1 11 Bronchi--.. 2 “ Uterus 1 “ Liver....... X “ Stomach...... 1 ** ..Lang§.,;.V.. 3 10 not. de- -Peritoneum 8 .1 fined...*.*'.... 1 , - '* 2 4 Cr0up................ 4 , ’“-;.:?5pifie....... 1 1 Congestion....* I Inauition.vrf. 12 “ Brain.. .. 1 6 luinryof Bpine I • “ • Lungs..,. S Mauia-a-Potu --5 Cholera**.*.*.-*..*.. 1 Malformation.*.....'. I Cholera Infantum... 10 l5 : **. Morbus...... 1 Metritis..—.l . Chicken-P0x........... 1 jOld.Age 2 Consumption,Lungs. 29 5 Pa15y................. 2 Convulsions... 8 Pyemia•..• • ...■•• ■ 1 Diptberiav;.......... i 5 Rheumatism.. 1 DiaiThoeal 1 Run over by wagon, l 1 Dr0p5y....:... 4 1 Scrofula'.—.: 1 * r 8rain........ 4 Softening of Brain... 3 Disease of Heart.-• 2 1 Small Pox...— 5 . u Kidneys...' 1 . Still-born—...— 14 Liver 1 Syncope. I 44 Stomach .. 1 Tabes afeaenterica... 1 ‘‘■-Lungs,...— 2 Tumors.. —2 Dysentery.l 2 Tetanas-- Debility 5 3 Taxajmia 1 Drowned 1 4 Unknown—:;:.. 1 Effusion on Lungs. 1 Uialmia. . 1 Erysipelas 2 Wounds—Gunshot... 3 1 Fever, Rheumatic.. 1 ' •-, ' “ Scarlet,. ! 5 Total-....—11l 149 OF THE ABOVE THEBE WERB— !. Under I year.. —-. -75 From 40 to 50.——. —.•/» 14 From Ito 2--.---.- 20 “ 50 to 60..- 10 “ 2to 5 18 “ 60 t070..-< 16 “ 6to lOv 16 “ 70 to 80.---. 12 “ 10 to 15..—8 “ 80 to 90..---...- 3 “ 15 to 20 12 “ 20 to 30. 27 Total—.—. 260 “ SO to 40--—. 29 /’ ' WARD 3, WAEBtS. WAKDS. First.. - 15 Tenth...*-—'—— 7 Nineteenth—.—.l9 Second...ll Eleventh.-..-. 9 Twentieth 16 Third..* —.ll Twelfth.;,.——• 8. Twenty-first 2 Fourth 11 Thirteenth 10 Twenty-second..ll Fifth Fourteenth..-- 9 Twenty-third-.. 1 Sixth.—— 6 Fifteenth....'——ll Twenty-fourth—3l; Seventh..—. 15 Sixteenth...—V— 8 Twenty-fifth —..10 Eighth. 5 Seventeenth.-.. 9 Unknown 7. Ninth-... 2 Eighteenth-.-. S "... . ■• • .•■• r -- s=> * .Total: * 260 Deduct deaths from the country. —— —.— —. .-7 itrnti above Third, J H Corl, Chicago D W Whitney, New York - W F Shattuck, Ne w York Jas R Mayer • * C Pomroy. Poi tsville. Lieut J H Tallon. Trenton; Jordan Wilkes, Delaware G R Smith, U 8 N ' 8 A Pugh. Washington • Thos Maguire. Boston Jos A Yates, New York - Solomon C McElvoy.'N Y ■ Jas B Yard, Freehold, N J John Reed,''Felton, Del John M Reed, Del F. Vincent, Wilm, Del A Garvrick, Harrisburg treet, above Third, E H Stokes, Trenton, N J C H Kimble, Trenton, N. J R C Ivory, Trenton, N J Geo W Brown. Conn J R.Gardner, .Tamaqua F J Smith, Providence.B L G Ziegler. Greeneburg Mrs J H Whitaker, NX G W Search, Pa Virgil Hallger, Jersey City reet, above Third* W Eyer, C«tawissa ' ' D Oliver, Tremont L D Lutz, Pennsylvania Sam’l Niebel, Ohio AhKerkeslager, Schlk Have ,T Goldnumer, Loulav’e, Ky J McPherson, Michigan ■■ John Ruch, Berwick J O.T Harvey, Wiikabarre tmti abort Cheitnut. T J Baldwln. WUm, Del B Bwiler, Wilm, Pel , _ Robt.lrwin, Jr, Oxford, Pa W P Right. Maryland,,. J Devoe, West Chester, . EC Hickman, West Chester > Edwin Carswell,Wilm,.Do} W Beggs, Wilmington, Del t L 8 Hoopes, Wilm, Del ■ i "'"■"''y"-. id St« t below Vine, Geo Sharp, Stockton P K Fretz, Bucks o<> Geo Wallace, hew Jersey HiLowry, Gwyued C LPreetou, Gwvnefl Walter Paxson, Backs co J R Bailey, Bucks co B fihaw. Washington S P tee, Washington , . J Smith, Doylcstown It,, above Callowblll# . S fl Durling. Jacob Ramble, Penna Daniel Do'ttrich,. Penna S O Kitchen, Easton GeoSchimcl, Easton Black Bear—Third S 1 A S Showers, Williamsport Chas Leffertß, Penna*,, Wm Trexlor, Allentown Geo Garner. Doylestown Jacob K Hall, Karlyille American —Gheitnut ■treet, above Fifth, Dr II Smith, New York • F R Falconer, New York John L Moore, Maryland Jas Brown, Delaware James Baynes,- Baltimore 0 H Hatch, flow Jersey D Bates & wf, flew York ■ Bald Eagle-Third St*, above Callowhftll. W Phillips, Eafiton 11 B-Linton, Bucks county Nathan Bierv, Peuna J D, Raubenold, Allentown Butztown, Pa Wm Whoterhold, Orfleld AFLeidy, Milton, Ra " Madison—Second »ti Joel Frisbrouth treet 9 above Market* f H BrodhBad, Pikeco Wilson D Large Hutchinson Taylor . A Clark, Pa l 8 H Potts, Yardleyville Dr L Williams, New York ; .Tos B Andrews & wf. N J, Bartsville 8 C Bradshaw,Qnakertowh Jervis Gordon, Monroe co z States Union—Sixth and Marfcet streets* John Lynch,Elizabethtown E T Chase, Wilm, Del J G Larimer John Allen. Wilm, Del F Beatty, Altoona J Jeaues, Wilmington, Del E L Thompson, Delaware' T Holton, Hayesville, Fa SPECIAL NOTICES. Short’s Patent Knapsacks. A supply just received by- the agont, E. HOLDEN, * _ No! 708 MARKET Street. Lyon’s Magnetic Insect Powder. /■*“" Moth? in furs, bugs in beds, Roackes'crawling on your floor; , Eatsandmiceinbarnsaadßheds These shall never plague you more. Lyon, with his Powder, slays ' . . AU the insects that annoy ; And his Pills, beyond all praise, . . Every rat and mouse destroy. Lyon’s Powder is harmless to mankind, but will kill all house insects, garden worms, vine-bugs,&c. Lyon’s Magnetic Pills are sure death to rats and mice.. Sold DEMAS S. BARNES, . New;York. ‘everywhere. jy4-12t One of the Largest Assortments of BATHING-DRESSES in.the United States.for Ladies,. Gentlemen and Children, for sale at JOHN P. SLOAN’S, 606 MARKET Street, Philadelphia.- Aneat new Cottage to rent on Cape Island, N. J. Ap“ ply to John P. Sloan, 806 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. - jy4-3t* - . ' - One-Price Clothing, of the Latest Styles, made in the Best Maimer, expressly for RETAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked inPlain Fi gures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. OnrOxE-Paics Sybtbk is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. de!2-ly . JONES A CO., OQ4I MARKET Street. Bair Dye! Bair Dye!l ■ BATCHELOR’S celebrated HAIR DYE is the Best in the World. The only Harmless, True and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect —changes Red. Rusty or Gray Hair, instantly to Glossy Bldelt or Natural Broum, without Injuring the Hair or Stain ing the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects 'of Bad Dyes. The Gennine is signed William A. Batohblor, all others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, ic. FACTORY—BI BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor’s New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. y .' . je23’ly First Premium Grover & Baker’s Sew- ING MACHINES, with latest improvements. Offices, T3O CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia; MAIN Street, at Toll Gate, Germantown. jel9fmw-10t Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment cures Burns Scalds immediately. , MABBIHD. ELLIOTT—WILSON.—On Tuesday morning, June 30, 3863, by Eev. A. .Wilson, at the United Presbyterian Chureb, Cadiz, Ohio, Mr. James a. Elliott, of Phitadel pbia, to Miss Eliza J. Wilson, of the former place. No cards. . , SaNFORD —BOND. —On the 4th of~Jaly» by the Street Clark, Mr. Samuel S. Sanford to Miss Appoliae M, Bond, bothoMhis city. * BOLEnTRIDGE—HUBBB —On the 27th of June, at Blochley avenue, near Paddington, by Rev. T. B. Mil ler. Mr. Edwin H. Bolestridge to Miss Maria L. Hnhba, all of Philadelphia. * ■ * ■ 13IEP. FALLBN.—On the morning of July 6, at Runnimede, Delaware county, Christopher Fallen, aged 55 years. The relatives and friends are invited to attend the fu neral, from nis late residence, on Wednesday afternoon, July Bth, at 4 o’clock, - 1 -' ** ■ ELLIS. —Killed a t the battle of Gettyeburg, Thursday, July 2d, Colonel Augustus Van Horne Ellis, 124th New" York Volunteers, eldest son of Dr. Samuel C. Ellis, of New York city—aged 36 years. ** ANDREWS. —On Sunday, July stli, after a short ill ness, Samuel Andrews, Esq.., of Camdeii, N. J. , The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral, from his late resi dence, Cooper Btreot, Camden, N. J., on Thursday: afternoon, 9th instant, at o’clock, without further notice. ***, BATCHELOR.—On-Saturday, July 4th,’ Wm. Batche lor, in the 55th year of his. age. • His relatives and friends, also Eagle Council No II O. U.'A. M.« are respectfully invited to attend his fu neral, from his late residence, N0..337 North Third street, on Wednesday afternoon, the Bth inst., at 3 : o’clock. To proceed to-Mechanics’Cemetery. *** BABBIT,—On the4th.inst., Rebecca T.y wife' of Wm.v W. Babbit, - Tlie relatives and friends of the family arerepect fully invited to atiend the funeral, from the resilience of her husband. No. 246 Madison street, on this (Tuesday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. ** FETTEKS.—On Friday morning, 34 last-, Richard Fetters, Esq., in the 73d.year of his age. The relatives and friends of the- family, the members of Camden Lodge *No; 15, A. Y Bf.,and the order gen erally, are respectfully invited- to- attend the tnueral," from his late residence. No. 218‘ Mai ket street, Camden, ' N. J., this (Tuesday Jaftemcon, 7th inst., at 3- o'clock, without further notice. Interment at Evergreen Ceme tery- " *#" BOWLER.—On the 4thinstant, Elizaßowler, daughter of Alice and the late Robert Lees,- of Manayunk, in the 33d year of her age. > v - -. . .* CARVER.—On the 3d JThomas J: the 25th year of his age... , CASSIDY,—On the 6th instant..:Michael Cassidy; aged 28 aears, first lieutenant Compaji-y B, 69th Regiment' Pennsylvania Volunteers. . CHAPMAN.—On the sth- instant,’ Mr:^Samuel Chap man, aged 46 years. - . * DOYLE:—On the 4th instant,. Mrs. Catharine Doylc, wife of Patrick Doyle, in the €6th year of her age. * GARNER.—On Friday,, the 3d instant, Katy Bennet, daughter of Jacob G. and Catharine Garner. * ASH.—At St. Paul, Minnesota, on the 3dmst. r Thomas Cecil Ash,' aged 19 years, formerly of this city. **' HUMPHREY.—Mrs. Eleanor'C. Humphrey, eldest daughter of Mr, John Wilson;-Sem,- of Philadelphia, died of consumption, at Keokuk, lowa," on Monday, June 29th, nltimo. , * • Weekly Report of Interments. Health Office, July 4; 1863. Deaths and Interments in the City of Philadelphia . ■”? fromthe^UKof June tojhe ttkof July<}26S. Net deaths in the city —....—........... —— -. *253 Nativity—United States, 194; Foreign, 4S; Unknown, 18. From the Almshouse, 17; People of Color, 14; from the sountry* 7. ' The number of deaths, compared with the correspond ing weeks 0f1862 and of last week, was as follows : week ending. July 5,1862, was 247. . Week ending June 27, Y 863, was 201. ■ Males, 161; Females, 109; Boys, 85; Girls, M. - Deaths and interments of soldiers in the city, 12. By order of the Board of Health. WILLIAM READ, Health Officer. "DESSON'& SON, MOURNING STORE, JJ No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. ~ jy4 PLAIN WHITE CRAPE SHAWLS. JL White Barege Shawls; v Light Lama Shawls ;u--> Summer Shawls, wholesale; , Black Lace Points. EYRE ft LANDELL, FOURTH ft ARCH Streets. CUMMEE'SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. O Foulards.reduced; 1 ! .•> Neat Plaid and Stripe Silkß; ■ Dark Lawns, Mosamhioues, &c. {*2o - EYRE .& LANDELL. : CITIZENS’ BOUNTY FUND.-THE Paymaster of the Citizens’ Bounty Fund has paid the following amounts to the'various Captains of Companies named /below, under: the resolutions of .the Committee of said Fund, of 16th of June, 1883: * „ Captain Wi#iam B.'Gray, City Guards ......$1,030 “ . William Babe, Ist Colored Troop... 950 “ Joseph Horn, Ist Regiment Infantry --900 “ A. D. Levering, Ist Regiment infantry.... 910 44 J. B. German, Co. Iv, 4th Regiment...;.,.. 800 44 B. F. Harvey, Co. G,2dßegiment.... 820 44 C. D. Kenworthy, Co. A. Coal Regiment.. 990 41 .Toeeph Adamson. Co. Coal Regiment.. 840 “ William Blackburn, Ihdependent Troop.. 890 “ Clagg. Co.-K, Slst Regiment...... ■ 920 William M. Main, Coalßegiment.'.*....... 1»^J0 ** Wm. G. Parker, Co. F, Merchants’ Reg t..' 920 • 4 D. W. C Moore, Coalßegiment...... 1,000. 44 Aaron McCormick, Pennsylvania Militia. 760 William F. Rich,Pennsylvania Militia ■*** 1,030 “ Charles C. Phillips, Coalßegiment........ 1,080 44 Tlieo. L. Lockermau, Co. A, Ist Regiment 940 “ Wm. H. Woodward, Light fiattery........ - 770 4 4 Louis H. Plum, Co. C, Corn Exchange... • 860 “ Wm Babe, Co. C, Merchants’ Regiment.. 860 , 4 * J Wm.F. Robinson, Penn’a Militiafieg’t... : . - 760 44 . HoraceC. Peck, Co. E, Corn Exchange... '940 Philadelphia, July 6,1663. PROTECTIVE WAR CI*AIML AGKN CY OP THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION.— At this office, established /with the approvalof the De partments at Washington, all claims of soldiers and their relatives- for BOUNTY, B ACK'PAY, AND PEN SION, are prepared FREE OP CHARGE W. N. ASHMAN, Solicitor, laor CHESTNUT Streep DIABIOND COAIi COMPAMY-NO TICE.—At a meeting of the Directors of tliia com banyj-held on tlielat last., a dlvldend-of-THREE PER CBNT. was “declared, payable at their office, No; 713 MARKET Street, on and after the llth. mst,- • jy4-fit* S. ALTER, Secretary, • OFFIGBOF THBIiITTLB SGHV Yb-1 Kl> KILL NAVIGATION RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY . , • NO. 410 WAtNCT STRKET;PHILAPHLPHIA % -j;uly ; «,lSß9. ' The Board of Managers have this day declared a Divl- i desdof 3)4 per cent., dear of State and National taxes* payable on and after dfriday, the 10th last, Thetaana-t far books wIU to dwwrfro»att4,«*s>o;day until Fri«/ day,thelQtfc last. • : •' 'TPKCHUS.«ART, f irt'ft* m .\- Twtwww* ; THE PIJESS.—PHILADELPHIA,' TUESDAY, JULY 7. 1863. EIGHTY' SEVENTH ANNIVER SARY OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE.—The STATE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI OF PENN SYLVANIA,—The annual stated meeting of “The State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvani*’ 1 was held at the La Pierre Hou*e, on-Broad street, below Chestnut, on the 4th day of July, A. D,'1863, pursuant to notice, Jind the usual business transacted. The Officers and Standin* Committee of the Society for the ensuing year are as follows: PRESIDENT, JOHN R. LATIMER. VIOB PRESIDENT, ' . THOMAB McEUEN. 5 ' . secretary, HARRIS L. SPROAT. ASSISTANT SECRET ART, GEORGE W. HARRIS. . r TRBABURBR, ■■« ROBERT ADaMS. ASSISTANT TStBASURKR, ' . WILLIAM G. CALDWELL. STANDING COMMITTEE, - ' James Schott, [ JosiahW. Harmar, Pelegßall. r James Glentworth, William Wayne, I Saniael B. Boado, Thomas Robinson.* jy7-3t H L. SPROAT, Secretary, TIIE ANfIiVAZi COMMENCEMENT at B AVERFOR DCOLLEGE will i ake place JULY Bth, 1863. The Order of Exercises by the Graduating Claes willise as follows: - .• An English Oration—“ Labor and Rest.” Thomas Jesse Battey, Burrillville, R. I, „ •• An English Oration— 4 * Cicero at his Toshulan Villa. William Morrhon Coates, Philadelphia, Pa, . An English Oration— * ■ The Uncertainty of the Fu ture," George Morrison Coates, Philadelphia, Pa. • An English Oration—“ The Poetry of Tennyson. Richard Thomas Jones, Philadelphia, Pa. . An English Oration — 4 4 The Droids, ” William Henry Morris. Philadelphia, Pa. An English Oration— 4 'Reason and Faith. " Joseph Gumey Pinkbam-Manchester, Maine. The Exercises will commence at 9X o’clock A. M. • Traits for the College will leave 'Eleventh and Market streets at 7.30 and 8.45*A. M.\ - ~ je7-2t\ OFFICE OF THE FRINEFORD AND SODTHWABK PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPANY, BERKS'Street, below. Fourth. The Board of Directors have THIS’DAY declared a DIVIDEND of THREE ,PER CENT, upon the Capital Stock .of the Company, out of the Earuiags of the pa e ,t six months,-payable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives on and after the 15th inst. The Transfer Books will bo closed until 15th inst. jy7-dt!sv CHAS. R. ABBOTT, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE PaLLADGLPRIA city passenger railway company, no. »100 CHESTNUT street, T ' Philadelphia, July 6th, 1553. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this dasi a dividend of TWO DOLLARS per share was declared, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representa tives, on and after the 16th inst. The transfer books will be closed until the 16th inst jy7-lQt - -- WM. W. COLKET, Treasurer.. OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, 401) WALNUT St, PhiladkijPHia, Julv 6, 1363 The Directors have this day declared a DIVIDEND OF TBREE PER CENT., on the Capital Stock of the Company, for the last six months, payable on demand, free of all taxes./;-’ TEO6. H. MONTGOMERY, , jy7-6t . Secretary. STATE MEDICAL BOARD.—THIS Board is still in sessio'n for the examination of applicants for appointment as Medical Officers for the State troops Loyal physicians of the State recommended for their good habits are invited to attei d. JAMBS KING, jy43fc ~ . Surgeon General. FOR THE WOUNDED HE* ROES."—The Ladies who were connected with Vhe HOSPITAL at SIXTH and MASTER, askthe friends of our brave soldiers to send contributions to the fallow ing members of the Committee: % - Mrß, J. V. WEST. No. 908 Clinton street. Mrs. ,T. M. RILEY, No. 938 Franklin street. Mrs.- D. H. C MOORE, No., 804 N. Eighth street; - - Mrs. J. A. NEWMaN, No 433 Green street. jy7-3t* MERCANTILE LIBRARY.-THE ACS* MERCANTILE LIBRARY AND READING ROOM, having been temporarily closed-in compliance With the proclamation of the Mayor, is now open as . usual, .... • It TO MANUFACTURERS, —AN AD **s* JOURNED Meeting of Manufacturers will be held at the Hall of the FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, on WEDNESDAY Morning, July B,at 10*6 o’clock General attendance is requested. J. H. TOWNE, Chairman. J. V. Mbrricic, Secretary, ' jy7-2t* HELP THE SICK AND WOUNDED. —The Ladies of yie First Baptist Church and Congregation are affectionately invited to meet THIS (Tuesday) MORNING, at 9 o’clock, at their meeting house, corner of Broad and Arch streets, for the purpose of enlarging and rendering more effective the exertions already made in administering to the coinforts of oar sick and wounded soldiers. The attendance of all is earnestly requested; and let us show to our wounded countrymen that they, are neither forgotten cor neglected by the ladies.By order of the It - COMMITTEE. OF THE FAME INSU- KaNCE COMPANY. no. *O6 CHSBTNUT St.. Philadelphia, July 6, 1863. At.a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Faroe In* Suranee Company, held this day, a DIVIDSNB OF THREE PER CENT, was declared, payable on demand, clear of all taxes. VLJ. BLaNCSARD, jy7»6t ' ' \ • • Secretary. EIGHTEENTH WARD RBLIEF K? 56 FUND.—An adjourned meeting of the Contributors to.tbefuud for the relief of the families of the Volunteers residing in the Eighteenth ward, will be held on-WED NESDAY EVENING, July Bth, at 8 o’clock, in tbe' Hall of the Kensington Engine Company, RICHMOND Street, above Marlborough, at which. time those Who have not previously paid will come forward and pay. JOHN BOBBINS, President, Charles H. Cramp, Secretary. . ..Charles M. Lukexs. Treasurer. , jy7-2t* : fSf* THE PENNSVLVAISIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCE ON LIVBI AND GRANTING ANN UITIES.h ave this day oealared a Dividend on their Capital Stock.of Four per cent., for tfee last six months, which will be paid to the Stockholders, ortheir legal re preientatives.on demand; WM. B. HILL, Actuary.,.' Ju)y6, 1863 • jy7-3t* OFFICE OF THE GIRARD LIFE *C?=» INSURANCE ANNUITY AND TRUST COM- Philadelphia, June 30, 1863. ' The Managers have this day declared a Dividend of . FOUR PER CENT. -. • . - . - on the Capital Stock for the last six months, payable to the Stockholders, clear'of the State and Government taxes, on demand. JNO. F. JaMSSS, jyl*4t* Actuary. OFFICE BEAVER MEADOW RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY—No. Aid WALNUT Sliest. > Philadelphia, July 1, 1863. A semi-annual Dividend of FIVE PER CENT!* has been declared this-day, cleai-of State and United States taxes, payable on and after Friday, Jnly 10th. L. CHAMBERLAIN, jy2-th f m tu w st* ' . Treasurer; . OFFICE OF THE SCHUYLKILL ECS* HAVEN AND LEHIGH RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY.—Philadelphia, Sixth Month 24th, 1863. -NOPlCE.—lnterest-uponail payments made-on nub*- scriptions to the Capital Stock of this Company, prior to* the first day * f JULY next, will be paid at the Office oft he-' MINEHILL AND SCHUYLKILL HaVEN RAILROAD COMPANY, No. 15 South. SEVENTH Street, on and after the 6th proximo.: ' • ; By order of the Board of-Directors. JOSHUA W. ASH, Treasurer. N. B.—The Transfer. Books of the Compiny will he doted from the Ist to the'l4thoP JULY, je2&thsta6b* PENN RELIEF ASSOOIATION SPECIAL NOTICE;—-The-room® of this, Asso ciation, N. E. corner BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will be open 1 from S' A. M!. during .this week. Members and others are urged to come, your services are greatly needed; Old- muslin for bandages, stimu lants, etc., are wanted in large quantities. We appeal to the citizens for their assistance. The wounded of the Battleß of Gettysburg must receive aid 1 . , iy6-3t* ANNA P. EITTLEk Secretary, SECOND COAX* RE(HMEMT.-THE • Coal Miners and Shippers having completed the first Coal-Regiment, which is now in* Harrisburg and rtady fdr.the field, the second is beintprapidly filled up, and is expected to be ready for active duty on Ttaesday. This Regiment is being raised 'under the same* system of Bounty as thefiret Regiment, namely; $25 to each man, payable out of the Coal Trade Fhna% Captains are requested to report promptly, on-Monday, at 10 o’clock, to Col. Oliver flopkinson; Headquarters, Wo. »03 WALNUT Street. DAVIS PE IBSO CT, Chairman, WM. G. AUDENREID;. «,-■ WM. HUNTER, Jr;, JOHN STREET. GEO. V. TYLER. _ , JOS. H. HUDDELL,. R. N. RATBBERNv- W. P. GORDON, GtantnittefeV THE WOUNDED AT GETTYS. |C£* BURG.—The FIFTH BAPTIST CHURCH, corner. of EIGHTEENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, de voted yesterday (Sabbath. July sth.) to-workforthe wounded in the recent battles. Several hundred dol lars were subscribed by the members and* others, and many busy handstand five or six sewingmachines, wrought vigorously. The Chapel of this Church- will be open from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M . during; the present crisis, to receive the offeringa'of the people. We have muslins on hand,'-and all who can bbw or roll bandages, are invited to come to the Chapel daily. Send- clothing,. preserves, pickeis, cordials, stimulants, - old'muslins, linens, and other necessaries. •' ; ■ ; jy6v2t*-- • No. 1310 CHI ic2U OFFICE OF SUPER'' RECRUITING COLORED E The following gentlemen mittee to visit and inspect ton Hills: Wm. H; Ashurst, . Thomas Mott. Morris L; Hallowell, Rev. Phillips Brooks, Horace Binney, Sr., Henry Samuel, J. Miller McKim, ; George H. baker, . Wm. Meredith. Atherton Blight, B. P. Hunt, ’ jy4-6fc THOM, CITIZENS’ BOUNTY FUND COM MITTEE.—At a meeting of this Committee held this day, the following preamble ami resolution were unanimously adopted; ' A . Whereas, The emergency, of the present crisis is likely to exhaust the funds in hand of this Committee, be H Resolved, That the public are hereby invited to send in further contributions to the Treasurer, S. A. Mercer, at the Farmers’and Mechanics’Bank. • • . : v - Attention is called to the following resolution-passed June 10, and to the advertisement of WM. VEITCH, Pay master:. . ; . Resolved, That the sum of TEN DOLLARS, in addi tion to,the pay from the Government,beand the same is hereby appropriated to each officer and private of every company that is now or may be organized in •Philadelphia, and received into the service of the State, or the United States, for the length of time they may be required for the present emergency; Provided,' That the said, amount hereby appropriated,shall not exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.. . Resolved, That the TWENTY. DOLLARS be, aiid the same is -hereby appropriated ’to company of not less than;sixty-two mea from Phila'del §bia received into the service of-the’State or of the United tales for the present emergency, for the payment of ad vertising and other incidental company expenses. • THOS, WEBSTER, Yice Chairman. Lorik Blodret, Secretary. • ' je3Q-12t »» TO THE'CAPTAINS OP COMPA ACS» NIES OF VOLUNTEERS RECRUITING FOR THE PRESENT EMERGENCY.—Having been appointed PAYMASTER by tbe disbursing agedcy of the CITI ZENS’ BOUNTY FUND COMMtTTfiE'of the TEN DOL LARS for eacb officer and private from Philadelphia, Sou ‘will please furnish: mo with, a certified copy of the taster 801 l of your company as early as possible, so that arrangements may be made the said sum to each man volunteering/ WILLIAM VEITCH, je3o-12t No. 3 WILLINQ’o Alley/ OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR |i> TIST TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, Philadel phia, October 24, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs,- should applyimmediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1009 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, . ja9-6m - v • Government Surgeon-Artist OFFICE OF UNION MUTUAL IN lOa* BURAECE COMPANY, Philadelphia, JuneS, 1863. Notice is hereby given, that subscriptions to the In creased Capital of theUnionMutuai Insurance Company, “by conversion of the Scrip into Stock,” will be receiv ed at the office of the Company, from this date to Nov. 1, 1863, in accordance with the amended charter accepted at a meeting of the Seripholders, held June 1.1863. JelO-lmif. JOHN MOSS. Secretary. custom house:, Philadelphia, 4cS* JULY 3, 1563.-TO MASTERS OF; VESSELS.— The attention of .Masters of Vessels is called'to the fol lowing Regulation, the strict observance of which is re mured i 4 • GENERAL REGULATION. Treasury Department, July!, ISB3. TO COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS.—No I other than Steamers or Packets known to be engaged-in regu lar lines,.or in the employ of the Army and Navy, will be allowed to leave port between the hours of sunset and sunrise, until further orders. •- All vtssels, on entering port, will forthwith reoort to tbe Revenue Cutter or Guard Ship, before proceeding to anchorage. 8, P. CHASE, jy3*6t Secretary orthe Treasury, H OB ERT suo:EMAKER ® Northeast Corner FOURTH and It ACE Strseta, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, FO3EIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS, WHITS LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, POTTY, Aa. FRENCH ZINC PAINTS/ Dealer and consumers supplied at • • o VERY DOW PRICES JOB CASH, - ieSfSai. Philadelphia, July 2, 1863. ESTNUT STftEET tVISORY COMMITTEE FOR REGIMENTS.' ' have been appointed a Com- CAMP WM. PENN, at Chel- L. Montgomery Bond, J. J. Borie, E. W. Clark, Abraham Barker, Samuel S, White, Dr. George J. Ziegibtf, Wm. Sellers, - Rev. Lv J. Pamn. A. C., Roberts,. JamessA. Wright. ,S WEBSTER, Chairman. DRUGS. PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS MAKcrACTOBaaa or AOEKTB Pon THE OBBBBRATBD 1 miutary notices. - "JJNION LEAGUE REGIMENT. AT A MEETING OF THE UNION liEAOUE, HELD ON THE 27TH INSTANT. '* Thei 'Undersigned were "appointed a Committee to Or ganize a ' • REGIMENT. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE LEAGUE. Til© Regiment will be mustered into service foe THREE M ONT HS, Under the Governor’s Proclamation. VOLUNTEERS FOB IT ARE REQUESTED TO REPORT IMMEDIATELY TO THE COMMITTEE, AT THE QUaStTEBMASTER’S OFFICE, NORTHEAST CORNER OF TWELFTH AND GIRARD :v •' STREETS. ' Such necessary expenses as are not properly borne by the Government WILL BB DEFRAYED FROM A FUND RAISED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE. CLOTHING, EQUIPAGE, ARMS, and EQUIPMENTS Will be furnished as soon as the organiaztion shall be effected. ACamp will be formed immediately. In the neighborhood of the city. * - J. R. FRY, 8. M. FELTON, J. EDGAR THOMSON, 1 ELLERBLIE WALLACE, M.D., JAMES L. CL AGffORN, - HORACE BINNKY. Jr., MORTON McMICHAEL, GEO. H. CROSMAN.. j U J. I. CLARK HARK, . ; W. D. LEWIS, .GEO. WHITNEY, ANDREW WHEELER. j029-tf / . . 41 SECOND CORN EXCHANGE fiff Q G7MENT—COLONEL ALEXANDER MUR PHY. Uf Four Companies of this Regiment have received the Exchange Bounty of TWENTY-FIVE DOL LARS each, and left for Carlisle. Mustering Offices are now open at Prune Street—Captain Smith / 533 Chestnut Street—Captain Farron. Indepebdenceßquare—Captain Laird. . Corn Exchange, South Second Street—Capt.McElroy. « Berry’s Hotel, South Second Street—Capt; Albertson, The commanders of Companies mustering for this Re giment will report immediately at headquarters,'coraer of Second: and Gold Streets. All recruits joining this Regiment will receive *25 Bounty from the Corn Ex change Regimental Bounty Fund Committed, and all other nouotjes awarded by the City and Citizens 1 Bounty Fund Committees. 'lt is earnestly desired that the ba lance of the Regiment shall leave Tuesday night. By order of , aLBX.-MURPHY, It . .... . Colonel Commanding,. - S SECOND COAL REGIMENT IS being organized under the same liberal system of BOUNTIES as the first Regiment, viz.,s*s to E.\CH MAN, from the Coal Trade Fund, OVER AND ABOVE ALL OTHER BOUNTIES. A committee of the Coal organization has been appointed to secure all the other Bounties offered. _ < It is desired to place this regiment immediately in the field But TWO MORE COMPANIES are required. Captains and officers forming Companies are requested to report immediately to t Col. OLIVER HOPKINSON, No, 303 WALNUT Surest. Davis Peaeson, Chairman. R. N. BATHDuy, Secretary. It* w ARMORY E COMPANY, fi . SECOND REGIMENT G. R. MINUTE MEN; Vi - Philadelphia, July 6, 1863. Pursuant to Regimental Order, No: 1, the Company will assemble at the Armory on ' TUESDAY, 7th instant, at 3# o’clock P. M., sharp, - IN CITIZEN S’DRESS, with blue-fatigue cap, without arms. By command of J. 0. STERLING, Capfcafn. Edwin Nokman, Ist Sergeant; It* S HEADQUARTERS “UNION LEAGUEEHIGIOE."PDiLADELPHtA. July 2, IS?}.— NOTICE.-'Persons authorized to raise , men for the “Union League Brigade” will report at Headquar ters, No. - l»U* OHESTNUT-Street, MORNING, at ten o’clock, until further orders, in regard to the stat* sif their commands, By order, . jy3 Lieut. Cel- WM. D. WHIPPLE, Comdg. t HEADQUABTSHS Ist-P'ENNSYL TANIACHAbsEtmU, No. 17 South SI&TH Street, .UNION LEAGUE BRIG IDE —AH officers belonging to the Ist _PennifclV3cn:ia ‘Chasseurs will report at these headquarters every morning, at ten. o’clock, the condition of their commands-. ~ . • - T. BLLWOOD ZELL, It’**'* . Ligffk- Colonel Commanding, tB EA T> QUARTERS SECOND COAL REGIMENT,'No. 2U3 WAL NUT STRBIST Officers recruiting for this* Regiment will report promptly-at 10 A. M., TUESDAY. 7th instant; By order ' • . Colonel HO PKINSON, It* . '• ... _ , Reaiment. t ./NOTICEI-JBIBBT COAL BEGT f&IENT,—Men mustered in fortbe-PIEST COAL REGB IMENT will apply immediately a& "WALNUT cStreet iy7-2 tl>;f • ii UNION LEAGUE BRIGADE S All the MEN who" were mustered into my Company,- .VI will report THIS MORNING, atBo’ciock, in Twelfth A** Street below Chestnut, to receive their clothing, &c. It* B. Y.. HIGHBBr Captain. RETAIKi DRY GOODS. jj YRE & L ANDBL L, FOUBTH AND ARCH. . LADIES preparing for their Summer TOURS* he caSted in Dry Goods adftptod to their wants. FINE ORGANDY LAWNS. SPANISH LINENS FOR SUITS. SEA-SHORE SHAWLS. BLACK LACE POINTS. TOURIST DRESS GOODS. BATHING DRESS GOODS. SUPER MOHAIR MITTS. MODE GRENADINE- VEILS. BLACK DRESS GRENADINE. STEEL SKIRTS, BEST ONLY. BUMMER SILKS LOW. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. je4-thstntf JOHN H. STOKES, *702 ARCH St., v _ OFFERS Black and White Plaid Marseilles. Black and White and Brown and White Linen Check. French NankiDetts—plaid and plain, Nankin —nice quality. Linen Stripes, dark ground, good.- Merino Cassimeres—excellent quality.' Plain. Mixed, and Plaid Cassimeres. Silk Mixed Cloths and Casaimeres. Ladies’Cloaking.Clotlis. Double-width Plaid Flannels for Shirting. Dress go n ods at reduced prices.—h; steel & sow. No. 713 and *l5 North TENTH Street. Are now closing out the-balanoe of their stock of Poll de Chevres, all Wool Delaines, Popline, Cballies, Delaines, Tafiete d’Etes, FrenchX&wns, French.Yngliah, and American Chintz**,- Bareges, Silk Tissues. Silk Grenadines, Fai±cy Silks, ana all kinds of Summer Dress Goods; at extremely low price*. ,v SUMMER SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. - . s -BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS. • CHOICE STYLES PACIFIC LAWNS afclSXc. 1 Jot 2 yards square Table Cloths, Snow Drop and Damask; all Linen, at $L 60. _ JeB 1034 CHESTNUT STREET. » E.- M.- NEEDLE'S OFFERS FOR SALE, x- • w. At prices generally below present cost ofimpor- WHITE GOODS, all descriptions. EMBROIDERIES. do do v'LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, do . VEILS, Src„ Ac. And respectfully invites, an. inspection-01-Me stock.' 1034: CHESTNUT STREET. WHITE LINEN RUOKB. Brown and White Linen Drills. T&ncy Drill and other Sommer Wear. Alpaca and other thin Coatings. Silk mixtures, Drap d’Ete. Light fine fancy Casstmeres, I DhESS- GOODS. ' DesifabU fabrics at old prices. .Black Dress Goods at.nearly old prices. B-4 Wide Black-Barege for. Shawls. I COOPER * COIf AKD. JeSfi-tf B. B. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets, "UpWIN HALL amasks and Diapars. Fringed Towels, 16; 20, 25, SV&e. Pood Napkins, Doylies and Diapers. SHEkTINGSu • ■ Heavy 9-4,19-4. and 11-4 Bleaohed Sheetings. Shirting and Pillow, Muslins. Fine stock oMlannela.' V- _ L _ ( COOPER & CONRAD, je2o S. E. corner NSETH'and MARKET. TJ] -U NTH B ’S - JJJ • NEW STORE, • | 3* NORTH EIGHTH STREET. Th« ladle are respectfully invited vo examine thoix Wellfselected stock, of - MANTLES AND yCLSAKS, Consisting of “ I Lace Shawls a> $2,50; ; Lace Mantles. from $3.00. to $25: { Silk Sacques. from $8 to $10; , I Silk Circnlfgs from $d to $2O; . ' Cloth Circxgars from $5 to $l5. Alio, Plain and Steiped POPLINS* : manufactured of -the best materials, in. the most stylish manner, and will be » 33 STRAWBERRY Streets. FBESH AND PULL STOCK, .* OF ALL SHADES AND GRADES, Adapted to every position in the NAVY AND A K M Y. The-trade and citizens can have their wants faithfully ; supplied at my store. No, 34 SOUTH SECOHD STREET. ie26-iat . : 177& 1853. F LAG SU! SILK ~FLJIGS!! BIJiTIFG FLAGS! BURGEES. TENANTS. UNION JAOKB. STREAMERS: B TJ N T I TV GJ-I RED, WHITE, AND BI.WE. EVANS & HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS. , sclS-Im No. ,18 ARCH STREET. Philadelphia. A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING A CERTAIN AMENDMESTS TO. THE COHSTIHJ TION: ~ . „ ■ . Be it reserved by the Senate and B&nse of Representa tives of the CommonictaUkof Pennsylvania in, (gene ral Assembly met- That the following amendment* be proposed to the Constitution oftho (Jommonwehjth, in accordance with the provisions, of--the. tenth article thereof-: There shall be an additional section to the third. article of the Constitution, to. be ’designated as section, foar, as Section 4. Whenever* any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be-in any actual military ser vice, under & requisition from-the President of the ted' States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of-saflrage, in.all elections by the citizens, under snch regnjations as arer or>shall be, prescribed by law; as fully as if they were present at their.usual place of election. ' - There shall be two additional sections to, the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated as sections eight and nine, as follows: Section 8. -No hill shall be passed by the Legislature! containing more than one subject,which shall be dearly expressed in the title, except appropriation bills. Section 9. No bill shall be passed, by the Legislature granting any powers or privileges, in any case, where the grant such powers' or; privileges has bfon, or may hereafter bo, conferred upon the-oourts of this Commonwealth; ' : " ' ; ' ' : - JOHN CESSNA; -. : Speakerof tha House of Representatives. JOHN P. PENNEY, - Spatter of the Senate. Office of the Secret ary of the Commonwealth, Harrisburg, July. 1,156&> * . PENNSYLVANIA, SS: . * ’ • r * I do hereby certify that and annexed is a full, true, ahd correct copy of C ) the original Joint RcaohUioh of the General Assembly, entitled “ A Joint Resolution ( ) .proposing ceitain amendments to the Con -f: stitution,’* as tho same remains on file in . tliis offio* ■* In witness whereof, I have hereunto sot my hand,and oaueed the seal of the Secretary's otfiog; to b» afihtod, the day and yeax above written.. ELI SI.T ffiß,’ 4 y - tul4t > Secretary of the ComniouweaHh. WANTS. WA N T E D—A ; 'EB HP EOT ABLE " YO UNO MAW, from 16 to 18 years old: most write a (rood b and. Rest of references required. Apply at 37 Worth SEVENTH Street *. It* *>lfi non —'THIS AMOUNT TO tp I UiVl/U. LOAN on City dr Country Mortgagee. ’ Apply to ■ S E. PETTIT. jy2 > 309 WAT,WITT Street. ©75 PER MONTH GUARANTEED. f V Testimonial*! of men sent free, IBaAC HALE, Jr., & CO., Tlewburyport, Mass, / ' . .i«24-2md«W. ijj7R A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE hP • w- AGENTS In every county at $75 a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Eamily Sewing Ma chines. Address 8. MADISON, myfl-Smd&W , v . . Maine. ©fin A MONTH!—WE WANT AGENTS at s6oa month, expenses paid, to Bell our Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burners* and IS other new articles, 15 circulars free. 8H AW & CLARK, in yd- 3md AW _ DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFICE.-Philadblphia, Feb, 9, 1863. -" V • VESSELS WANTED Immediately to carry COAL to the followingpojntß: v Tortuga*. . Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va., . Afexandria, Va. Newbern, N. C. ‘ Port Royal, 8. X C. A. BOVD, felO-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermaster, FOR SAKB AND TO ART. fife' FOR SALE—VALUABLE IM PROVED Grain and Grazing FARM, 147 acre=, seven miles from the city. Chester, county farm, SO acres, convenient to railroad station. Also, Penn Manor form, 196 acres, near the Delaware river. Bucks county. Call and examine Register of Farms. A poly to ■iy7 E. PETTIT, 309 WALNUT St. M FOR SALE—a DESIRABLE COT TAGE ANB LOT IW THE TWENTY-FOURTH WARD. For sale, the neat two-story COTTAGE, with large Garden; size of the Lot 100 by 125 feet, with frame stable, situated at the northwest corner of SENECA and MAR-. KOE Streets, Twenty-fourth ward, onlv three squares from the Callowhill and Hestonville Railroad. „ The house contains a large Parlor and Sitiing-ronm and Jutcben on the first floor; the second story contains four (.bambers and Piazza back, and two garret : bed-rooms. The house is in good repair. For terms annlv to _ _ , - THOMAS MARTIN,. __ _ • Roal Estate Agent and Collector, N. W. cor. of FOURTH and PINE Sts.. PhiladelDhia. ; N*.Houses and Lots for sale, and Houses to-rent, In different parts ofthecitv. . ie3o 7tif* “POR SALE—DESIRABLE COUNTRY TT PLACE, threeacres of ground, situate 1 mile from Church Lane Station, Germantown Railroad. Al«o; several deeirableßesidences in West nut Hill, &c. Apply to E PETTIT jy? ‘ 309 WALNUT Street. EXCURSIONS. “h GRAND PLEASURE EX CUHSIOJT TO LAKE SUPERIOR. The staunch, elegantsfceamers NORTHERN LIGHT and CITTOF CLEVELAND, wUleach give five grand plea- Excursions to Lake Superior, leaving Cleveland on the date below named, and visiting all points of interest on the route. The 1 * round trip ” comprises the distance of 2,000 miles, and is not sm passed by any other onUhe continent for variety of Bcenery and objects of interest. It embraces in transit the waters of Lakes Erie, St. Clair, Horon. and Superior, and the beautiful rivers of De troit, St Clair, and Sanlt Ste Marie, (with" its thousand, isles), affording papsengers an opportunity of visiting the “ Sault Rapids ” and “ Ship Canal, ” the far-famed ’ ‘Pictured Rocks,” the Iron Mountain of Marquette, and extensive Copper Mines at various points. To invalids it offers the most pure and invigorating atmosphere on the globe, which ever brings health and strength; to the sportsman the 'enticiag inducement of most splendid jishinp; and tie whole country abounds in mineral weahh which cannot fail to attract the attention of the speculator and man.of science. Besides, it is fast bacom ingthe favorite Summer trip, and its social pleasures are of the highest order, Good Hotels at all points. For farther particulars apply to . ROBT. HANNA & CO., Cleveland, Ohio. TIME TABLE, FROM CLEVELAND. “Northern Light,” “ City ©f Cleveland,” Capt. Spaulding. Capt. B. Wilkins. July 6. July 10. July 17. July 22. July 29. Aug. 4. Aug. 11. Ang. 17. Aug. 24. Aug. 28. Passengers taking the boat at Cleveland will have first selection of rooms.. je2o-20tif FINANCIAL. 0 EETIF 10 A TES INDEBTEDNESS WANTED, QUARTERMASTERS’ VO U C H B R S WANTED, SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY HAS AUTHORIZED MB TO CONTINUE MY AGENCY FOR A BRIEF PERIOD, Ancl< until further notice) ! shall continue. too receive SubrtcriptSoafi tO'tHe &-20 LO AN A T P AR, AT MY OFFICE, AND AT THE DIFFERENT SHS-AGHNCIfiS Throughout tKe loyal Statfa* JAtT COOKE,. SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, So.- IIA Soutli Third Street, QALIFOENIA * AO SAN FRANCISCO CITY COUPONS BOUGHT AND COLLECTED -BT AUGUST BELMONT & CO, BO WALL BTEEET, jed-lm NEWTOKK SUBSCRIPTIONS AT PAR FOR THE 5-20 SIX PER GENT. IT. S; LOAN -will bo recolved during July, and no logger, urflesa tho timebeagain extendecTby the Secretary of ihe Treasury. - ARCHIBALD Mclff TYRE, Assistant Treasurer United States. COLLECTION OP V. S. OEBTIPI CATBS Of INDEBTEDNESS. —The AMAHS’ EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared' to collect at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and .at reasonable rates, the. One rear Certificates of In debtedness of the United State* now due or shortly ma turing. Terms made known: and receipts given at the office. No 320 CBEBNUT Street. . myfi-tf PHOTOGRAPHS, "V/F AJOB GENERAL. MEADE.—A JJA very fine Card Photograph of Major Genera} MEADE. MCAM.ISTEKSS.BBO-, jy4-3t 7S»B CHEbragT Street. "MAJOR GENERAL REYNOLDS.—A Very fine-Card-Photograph of the late Mai. Geh. REYNOLDS. - Mo-aLLTSTER & BRI}., j»4-at •■■ ... 738 CHESTNUT Sirset, MEDIC Ali. J)R. SWAYNES * BOWEL GORBIAIi, ■ A-.-'v' • sure remedy - for Asiatic. Cholera, Cholera Morbus,-Dysentery,: , Diarrhoea. Cholera" Infantum, or ! -: - Snaomer-Complflint, pains in tbe Stomaoh. ; and Bowels, Sica 6tomach, Vomiting* and? all relaxed condition of =the Bowels - Lot no family be. without this . . \ . medfeine, it will give im mediate relief. TO. OUR BRAVE SOLDIERS tT HIS. BEEN OP INCALCULABLE BENEFIT: .... WIVES, MOTHERS. AND SISTERS, Whose Husbands. Sons, and Brothers are. serving in the axn>7, cannot send them a. mbre necessary article than “jUr. Bowel Cordial” Ithas-gaved many a valnablelife • CHOLERA iNFANTUM, or SUMMER. COMPLAINT,- This disease-is very prevalent with young children danng.tbe tsarm season. SAVE THE DIVES OF-Y.OUR ■ GHILDRENifrom the too of*en fatal effects of Summer using SWAYNE’S BOWEL CORDIAL. It CRAMPS-QR SPASMS are instantly relieved by its use. CHANGE OF-WATER ia very ant. to produce-disturb ance in Hie bowels. The “BOWEL CORDlAL’.’cares all pain and looseness. No traveller should leave home yjlhoulit. 7 • DIARRHCEA AND DYS3NTERY.—The “BOWEL CORDIAL,” will be found the most-pleasant and sure cure. In .inflammation oStbe stomach or bowels, and in ths inflammatory stages of Dysentery, when there 1b feneHrms'or much pain, wiih frequent desire to evacuate the bowels without the-power to effect much discharge, blood frequenßy paßsiag.Rs there is in all marked cases of Dysentery, take twoor-three taaspoonfuls of the Oor dUl.-With a little castor- oil, every two hours until the tain is subsided. - valuable medicine te£lloive.relief-in the most violent cases. - • •••' , - . Price oaly 54 cents a bobtlea for-*l. Prepared only by Dr. SW A YNE & SON, No, 330 North SIXTH Street, above ViueJFhilad.elpMft. OVE£ TBn?0?r YEARS DJtT SWAYNE’S ME DICINES been in constant use in all parts of the world, andjheir increasing popularity i& certainly convincing proof of their-wonderful efficacy. " ‘ „ ■ - - Dr. SWAYN E’S Prinaipal Office. No. 330 North SIXTH Street, above Vine. • jy2 . THRESH LEA YES OF THE BENNE PLANT, for Complaint of Children, picked fresh every day, and for sale at„ : ,„. ’ , v BROWN’S DRUG AND* CHEMICAL STORE, ' N. E. corner of riFOTand CHESTNUT Streets, ' . . PHILADELPHIA.’ : )y4-Iot* ‘ "DROWN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GIN ■ -13. QETL - Manufactured only -at FRED’KBROWN’S AND CHEMICAL. STORE. • northeast.corner FIFTH wd CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. ■ AttenHon is called, to -this valuable remedy which should he in every family, and for the Army and Navy is indispensable, curing affections of the stomach’ and bowels, and a sure preventive of the effects of bad water. - CAUTION-—To, -prevent this valuable Essence from bein g cous ierfoited, a new Steel Bngravi ag, executed at great cost,'will be found on the cratside of the wrappap. in order to guard the purchaser against being imposed upon by worthless imitations. Sold by all respectable druggists in the United States. . W-f-strdh'lftt* § PHILADELPHIA PHRBKOLOGI CAL CABINET AND BOOK STORE.—Examina tions, with writte.ii or verbal descriptions of Cha racter. Social Disposition, Professional Talent Business QusAlftcation, Aw-* are. made .our and wiling. All tb-* publication, oYvwlai ■ * WaUfc wholesale and ratal] . JOHBT L.jOAPWt apT tut Mljpiif , 3$ South. TBSTSSttWt. CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE— Leeeee'and Manager... .Hr. W. WHEATLEY, “ Immense eacc-se of the engagement of Mrs. ». P. BOWERS, Ani of the great Irish Omnia, the _ PEEP ft’ PAY, THIS CTDESBAY) EVENING, Jttly 7th, 1868, PEEP O' DAY; . Tii. . . . PBKE O’ BAY. e scene being laid in Ireland during the 1 Of ’oft GREAT rebellion tl n-.. y °f the incidents and patriotic speeche* tiave at cne hm, ap significance. Will nonpar sr hRS B. P. BOWERB M. f P P RarSit‘ ......Kathleen Kavanagh. Mr -P Whpat?cigh il i“i? ,>Ba ’ 1, M -f Harry Kavanagh. mI - t MrfhflloJSh alpe3 - T Blaca Mailing. Mr. J. M . r Gnllonßh wl li aplMir a „ dtonh-n Pnrwil. prl 8 e e C n O Hto ed the pnh™c° f thBbBBt ““>«« S^ BB ' Cnrtain"rip»»s at eight i?V!lofk.- POSITIYELY THE Last DAY AND NIGHT! - NIX O N’S PA yiLlOjr, LOCUBT Street, adjoining th* Academy of Music. JULY 6th and 7th, AFTERNOON AND .EVENING. ' , GERMANTOWN, Julv Bth. ' FRANKFORD. Jn»y"9th. NIXON’S CREMORNE, MAD A M E A M A C AR T E ’ S EUROPEAN CIRCUSES. ■ : A Nil SYRO-ARaBIC thoupb OF MALE ANB FEMALE PERFORMERS. '• TALENTEB COMBINATION. STAB EQUESTRIANS. „ MADAME MiCAETE Each evening as t DICK TURPIN, THE BOLD rfIGHWAYMAN, Introducißgthe mare. • • BLACK SWAN, From Aftley’s Amphitheatre, London, whose extraor dinary training and docility has .created the greatest senpation throughout Europe. Mr. BATON STONE, the daring B ARB*BACKTtIDER, on hie wild prairie steed, without t addle or bridle. M’LLE CARROLL, Tlie graceful „ ■ T COLUMBINE OF THE ARENA.. *“?’ v y. wonderful Contortionist, know*, as the India Rubber nr Boneless Man. TBE STRO-ARXBIC TROUPE ; - OF MALE AND FEMALE PERFORMERS. Being the first Female Acrobats who hays ever visited this country. - JIM COOK, the Baalish Hnsaorist. knrtwa as the meet brilliant wit in England, an! familiarly styled the Comic Mufe. JIMMY REYNOLDS- the YANKEE CLOWN. : HIRAM .CARROLL, in bis famed double act. HORaCE.NICHOLS, AND A POST OF OTHERS. .AFTERNOON AND EVENING, A varied am* pleasing entertainment Admission 25 cp? tft Reserved. 50 cents. jyß-4t CPEOIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. 1 ,, w To toe Citizens of GERMANTOWN AND FRANKFOBD. The GREAT EX.fTIBITIOTf. .. . .0 SKAT EX H I BI.TION. NIXON’S CEEMORNE CIRCU3I KIXON’S CEBJIOSJIS CIRCUS! PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF A TEE FINE ARTS, - . ' • ■ 1035 CHESTNUT BTREBT. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. tilt 6 P. M; ... Adm-seion 25 cents- Children half price. je29-tf ' FEEIGHT station PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CORNER THIRTEENTH AND MARKET STS., IS NOW RECEIVING AND .SHIPPING GOOD* TO ALL POINTS IN THE WEST. 1 DRKIEL & CO. ISEfI&KSiiEL OPENING OF BED. FORD RATLRO AT) -The ingdon and Broad Top Railroad Company'have com menced to -ran' trains over the Bedford Bloody Run within, seven miles of Bedford. Visitors to the Springs leaving. Philadelphia,at 7££ A. flf will arrive early in tlmevening. Those leaving at 11.30 AM lie over nightat Huntingdon. and will, with passengers by the .10.30 P. M. tram, rea«h Bedford early next day*., having but seven miles by stage over an excellent turnpike. _ DREIBI & CO. Excursion tickets for Bedford and Broad Top c&ub* had at Pennsylvania D§pdt, ELEVENTH aad MARKET. • « « ,r « r. - JAMES LEWIS, jy2-6t Sup t. Huntingdon and Broad Top B R. Co nSrntzmmsmi. Philadelphia IffitJiLflf"' Wte AND long branch via CAMDEN AND ATL ANTIC AND RARITAN AND DSk LAWARE BAT RAILROAD. On and after Mondays June 15th, and until further no tice, passenger trains will leave Vine-street Ferry at 7 SI A. M.. arriving at Long Branch at 11.10 A. M ~ r : Returning, leaves Long Branch at 3.3-5 P, M., arriving,' at Philadelphia at 7.45 P. M. • Passengers landed close to tHe Hotels, r N. B.—Excursion, parties will be carried, onlibeml terms. Apply to L. B. OOLs* Agent at tbe Depot. Cooper’s Point BENJ. STRONG, Assistant Superintendent. Bmhbb BEOPENING OF the Baltimore and qhio RAILRO AD. —This .road, being folly REPAIRED and effectually GUARDED, is now open for the transport*-' tion of passengers and freight to allpoints in the GREAT WEST. For through ticket® and all other information applyjit the Company's Office, corner ofBROAD Streak and WASHINGTON Avenue. 8. M. FELTON, • an3-tf , President P. W. and B: R. R. Go. frnf I —llHllf WEST CHESTER AND' PHILADELPHIA KAILEOAD, VIA MEDIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. . On and after MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1863, the trains will leave Philadelphia,'from the depot, Northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.50 and M . and at 2, 4. SO, and 6 66 P. M. On TPEBP aYP and FRIDAYS a train will leave WMWt CHESTER at 6.50 P. M. Returning, leave Philadelphia at 9.15 P. M. Trains leave the corner of Thirty first and H&rfcefr streets ( West Philadelphia) 17 minutes after the starting time from Eighteenth and Market. On SUNDAYS leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. awfl f P.M. Leave West Chester at 750 A. Mrand 5 P BC. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.50 A. M. and 4.99 P. M. connect at Pennelton with trains on the P B. C. R. R. for Concord. Kennett, Okfordt &c. , jel'tf HENRY WOOD; Superintendent. FOR CAPE MAY.—THB safe and commodious Bay Steamer MAN HATTAN, Captain Kirby, will leave ARCH-STRBET WHARF foT CAPE MAY every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at half-past.nine o’clock A; M., comtnene ing on THURSDAY, July 2d‘ Returning, will leavn' Cape May every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at eight o’clock, stopping at Newcastle to connect with the Baltimore lines, also touching at • Chester and Delaware City. . - The MANHATTAN is the largest and most convenient, boat that ever run to Cape May, having aboutftfty state rooms and every accommodation that passengers can de sire. Fare 62.50, including carriage hire. Meals extra. Children and servants half price. Freight .at moderate rates. Cie226w] A.-REYBOLD. 0A- P E M) AT. Oppice Caps Matajw Millville R R Co.* ■ : 409 Walnut Street, June 12, 1863 L FURTHER OPENING. > On and after-MONDAY. the 22dof June, the cars will run upon this ,road to the Dennisville Station, leaving* Walnut-street ferry at 9 o>clock A. M: , in the West Jer* sey cars. _ The cars will run from Cape May CourtHonsw to Cape May, reducingthe dk tance by stage to ninemilec* jelj-tf , C. B. DUNGAN, President • PHILADELPHIA; RET—nniiiii'ETO FOE-THE SEA BHORE 1 ! SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC*RAILROAD. On and after.MONDAY, June 15fch, 1863,- trains for It* lanticCity will;leave Vlne-street-Ferry as-fellows: * Mail train leaves. . . 7T30 A 1L Express train 1eave5........ S.4S P. SC, Freight train, with passenger car attached*... %00 A, I L. ' Returning; leaves- Atlantic City.: : Mail train... 435 P: SC. Express train. - fi-OQ A. St.- Freight train.... ..........22.05 P. M, .Fare to Atlantic, _s2. Roand-Trm Tickets, good for the day and train only, or down on. Saturday and. up os! Monday moroing, s3:' An Accommodation Train to R. audD. Be H; R: Junc tion will leave Vrnestreet at-5,15 F; M<; returning next morning at-6.25‘ EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave .Vine street at 10.15 A. M; anal 45 P: M. Leave Haddonfleld at 12.15 P. M. and’S P. M jelS-tf v JNO. G. BRYANT, Agent, n FOR HARTFORD; DIRECT; Raritan Canal— Steamer WARS, NTCHOIiS, Master, now loading at* Webster's wharf, Ist *bove MARKET: Street. Freight delivered, by this, line in lees time than by any other rente. Apply on-board; or to \. WIL M. BAIRD & CO . Agents. 133 SOUTH WHARVES. Xj'AME INSUBANCE NO* A 406 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA: FIRE AND IKLAKU IHSURAHCB. •" DIRECTORS. . E. I), 'Woodruff, Geo. A. West, JohaKeesler, Jr., Chas. Stokes, A. H. Rosenheim, Joseph D. Ellis. BtfCKT President. (CHAEDSOXf, Pice Preside*! >D, Secretary. CialS-iftf r Francis N.Buck, Chaa. Richardson, Henry lewis, Jr., John W. Everman, Philip S, Justice, 0. W. Davis,_ fcBANCIS S. CBABLESEIt WILLIAM r. BLAMCHABI THE KING AND THE PAGES; OK, T»K " .. a V. IKOW BRILLIANT. ■ , "With all feb.® Corrftspoßideiic#, Contracts,. &0.. &c. t ' ; ‘‘ and* Caricattiresin Blawk/by Carious H. OIL* Esq.'; Ia call**? the atUotioa ofthepubl ic tojtida affaii-n BLACK" PARAFFINE VAOISH, thesubscrihers have only time to say thht'ifc. is- xery In -teresting to those infcerested.and unworthy the attention of any body else, farther than ifcberng-the refutation or a lie oyer thosi«aatnre of George.S. Page A&ml, Gas tern -Tarnish Peddlers;.simply,, because, they ofejeot to one xesnafoctasing and seeing a Varn£ Philadelphia,in, every way superior, for-one-half the moaeyfcban their so-called Patent Paraffine Tarnish. Any- one preferring Pages’" to ours can hnyit of njs, with and-half dozen other parties in town; wit&mFmittinff ot to cents alderman fees. - •' Asthefcrade of Philadelphia," whahaye so liberally patronized us since January losty hare been thoroughly aware ofwhat they were haying, itlanot.eappoeedthwS - they will he "led by “Page’s Appeal to. pay extra, price, extra height, extra' cartage, extea package »K>ney, foran article in Hew York, whan they eanbay the €L-P. IRON BRILLIANT at home, at less purchase Money, without tbsee charges. & berber quaHty, . any fc-moze than a.painter-would p3y for sit Its pee sent price, when answers his purpose.; Persons--, wanting Page’s-.-Tarnish. -residins in. distant portions of the "city, can Ve the names of parties: sellingifcinfcbfcir locally rteee'bf ch«rg6,-byapbiyiajc--- by noteito.this ““‘JrKrsfqMtrLi»TN & Co., - * Manufacturers and. > "Dealers dn/Kkaek: and Bright lash, Tar, Pitch, Ro&ln, -Benzine. Naptha. &s . sc., jeMm ;• ' "'l3l Street^ fi ACTION.™JHK SUBSCRIBE!!HAP bis POCKET-BOOK stolen’ from him on .Saturday. 27tlf instant, coßtainiag about ONE HONORED AND SBT&N DOLLARS in-Bank Notes.-and-a Draft-drawiL. tor the Cashier oftheMechanics’Bank' of Burlington, 3. J., numbered--fiS.and.dated June 27, tha- Bank of North- America, Philadelphia.- fo.n- J * r **X , » P»y-» • able to the order ofGEO." B. ROGERS^ 1 ! not endorsed. “JQI persons are-hereby cantioned^‘*“? B‘’ 8 ‘’ re ? eIy “ 1 ? negotiatiig said draft, payme»*Daving been stopped.^ Burlington. June 29.1563.T_~ jyl-wtbsm&taSt* -i’lie Philadelphia 100 aw EX Offl» FrFTHJSTBEST. ■ liow TWO“DATLT v , > .... CITT AND DONG BRANCH. Packages, baxgago^dttflight ' called for. and forwtogedat resSonable • Baggags checked thxottgh, froin yqa, to Ate; Latte WSURt ' .vK-^iW AMUBEH^HTB, GERMANTOWN, WEDNESDAY, .Inly Bth. GERMANTOWN, WEDNESDAY, Jalyßth. AND AT FRANKFORD.THCRSDAY, Jaly 9th, FRANKOFRD, THURSDAY, Jaly 9th. _■ RAII.ROAI). LINES, COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, JULY 8, ISSJ. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY S. Be KINGSTON, JR., the: ska shore:. insurance: companies. VAKJUSHIiS. . . - r-\: ■■■ .. - • , ROMANCE : ' ' , Witkoutawr “Jbiwwr,** Specially wrlttao by JOH2? BASARFIKB. Osiris.. Fov^thfl'benefit of the FAIOT, OIL, JkKD SHIP CHANDLBST TRADE, FREIGHT AGENT