IBBIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 (PODOOK LAST. MIGHT. ContlttenUl-Nlnth a Hon Wm Kellogg, Illinois David Scull. Jr ChasFLorlng- Boston V? P Dole, Washington H Wilkinson, Minnesota Baron Fglofbitedn, Wash,DC EC Dillingham, New York SKVnnPflt Cliuton Van Pelt John D Fitsworth CHPyatt Mr &MrsH Robinson, Del Miss M H Robinsou, Dei Josiah Caldwell, Boston W L Beal, Boston H C Hutchins, Boston H B Cozer, Kew York Aug Dubois, New York . Henry T Blow, St Louis Wiutfirop Butter, U SN Jas P Robertson, U S 'N John Fiuwater, r orristown MFredenwall, Bt Louis 3? Emmel, lit Louis W H Collins, Pittsburg Mrs Collins, Pittsburg S G DaiJey, Nebraska Tims P Book, Boston C Washburn. Boston t! F Low H N Spangler, York. Pa AC Stanton & son, NYork Hon P ■Bound, Harrisburg JP Jones, Harrisburg W II Brown Col Lawieuce, Washington Mr Whitney John sherry, New York 35 R Soceomb, Bostou AJ MorrUou ML Conger, Waterloo,N.Y Bey S M Isaacs, Now York Jacob S Ifaacp, Ki-w York "W T Smith, New York. H N Gainbrill, Baltimore A 8 Clark. Albany Hon A H Reeder, Eastou Howard SnelUng, Boston L Wheeler, i ew York itreet. below Ninth* .lER Taggart, Delaware co !C L Smith, USA i W H Paul New York Girard—Chestnut 91 lileut ,T S Woodward, USA! 35 Richardson ' M WWilsou Now York j Dr E N Robestoa & la, NY. A McElroy Wm J Wainwrigh t D Hoyt .Tas C Fernald, Cambridge B G Powell Dr S C King, St Louis Robt Lawson, New Yb*k O B Latham, Washington Mrs Bras6o& cb,' Michigan Dr Segur & wf, Washington. Miss Seguiv Washington J M.Lohg, Lancaster R SMadisou,.Blass Morton T Brown, Mass DSSkvler, Brooklyn, Mrs D Skyler & 2 ch, N T-" H 8 Seymour DrWVindsly, TT S A Tkeo.B Sams, Washington Am eric an—C h eitnut itreet, above Fifth* S ABarton & son, Delco; J N Bartlett, Now York Miss L Clark. Betnlehem G Ormrod, Tamaqua ' S B Tyler; Binghamton Q L l Painter, Muncy SH Bays, Binghamton : v. W Eichelberger, Hanover T Barton, Baltimoio T Fflorrey & la, Canada JH Ellis,* HarrUburg . - C T-lvoontz it la, Canada T Wallace, Delaware CaptEP Doherty, Virginia 35 E Jackson, Maryland Ctipt Montgomery, Virginia P Barnes. Maryland J.W. Barton, Harrisburg Ghas Sclilesinger & la A Durfee,. New York Ii Blumenthal O .T Sullivan, Trenton Baml Dicki y, Oxford ;Wm Sharp, Delaware J C Matthews, Delaware Tlios F Hamersiey, Del J Dubois, N Jersey • JR Calderwood, New York Henry Sides, Ohio II W McCoseey, Delaware John Grove. Hanover 0 A Keywortb. York John Woidman, US N H S Mevers, Hanover D W Mon’ison & la, Chester Sami Woodbury, Prov, RI St* Louii-Cheatuut. street* above Third* John Smith & wf, Lancastor-E F Prendergast, Peuoa Thos W Hatcher, Han isb*g> John Smith, Carbondalo Mrs Dr Weet & en,Bainh’ge W A Morton, Lancaster Miss Breneim u.Baiubridge! James Nokes & la, NJ T 0 Van Allen, Danville •] M Dickerson, Troy, N Y Chas H Graves. Baltimore ' E Leeds, New Jersey Geo Dowling. Baltimore B Wecksler. New York A Garverick, Harrisburg K WBurk, Providence. R I JosD Jones, Washhi, T» C Conn. Steubenville, 0 J N Lightnor, Bnltimore J Parker, New-York - , E TParrott, Nf-w York . Mrs Lewis, New Jersey Airs A T Grey & da. Lane B e*.edge, New York W B Kayara, New York S Mendelson, New York S W Crosfley, New Jersey James L Wilson, N J H Birnbaume, Lancaster TH Merrill, Portland, Me Samuel E Fit'/. Mass 8 F Williams, Mass Walter Rico, Mass M Berliner, New York A Banker, Atkinson, Me Kercliitnts*—Fourtli street' below Arcl*. D Brown. Now York -Henry Moxon, Washington TSinclair, New York .. iJohnCHahn S Little &familj,Baltimore' f Ballara, Shelton MissE'K EIU At, Baltimore J (.5 Pierce, Valparaiso - P G Smith, BaH;moie EKilborn, Washington,D C P Leach, Lew York Jas.Bradford&la, Delaware Rev D S Gregory, Galena, 111 Wiss.K Hitler, Wilm. Del J W Meier, St Louis Miss C Reilly. Wllm, Del J BPuhl. Pittsburg Miss N Eyres. Wilra, Del J) M Bferbour, Baltimore Miss L Murrey, WUin, Del C Williams, USa .1 PLoughton, Delaware JKBurnett Fulton, Del 0 L Bertrand,:Baltimore !F V BonuftlFon I W E Ford, Hew York O C Brown :LG Bowlly, Kew Jersey G A Mundorff, Pittsburg jt> D Downs. Now Jersey A Greenlees, Circinnat i ! A Davis, Easton GeoMEiddle, Philada Geo Scott, Catawissa Thoa S Doeblor. U S A Jas Wootlburn, Franklin. Wm & Fisher, Wm’sport a J Boynton & wf,Clearfield JShisler, Harrisburg J H Johnson, Boston leyi Merkel, Mecliauicsbg . ■ Tlio Union-Arch street, above Third, H R Robi-ton. Now York J Pratt & wf, New York APFowler. Espy, Pa G Fisher,New Haven J HBostorn, New York D A Bnehler,Gettysburg CLucke* New York P J Tate, Gettysburg C M Squire, New York W Wallace, Charabersburg DrSColleivCew York PL Raphael G Hobart,“Jr, Virginia J Stevens & wife Capt T W Davis Kew York B B Martin,Lancaster 3) Ricliwino. Lancaster G Brown, Tamacj.ua B Marley, New York Bald Eaglc-Thlid St., above Callowhlll. W Philips, Easton SB Fishburn, Derry, Pa S Ziegenlus,Bethlehem W Bilderson, Bucks co HE Btrger, Bethlehem S Kiptler.Tanntrsville P Fishbnrn, Derry, Pa JH Gemert, Lebanon co CXXY -r.X'SSMS. Lee’s Designs upon Philadelphia.— Thousands of hearts have been in great trepidation tidying the last few days on account of the rebel General Lee’s supposed designs,upon Philadelphia, Arif some, with more’ prurience than patriotism, hare even gone so far as to remove their stocks of gods and other/valuables out of the city. Some peaons even imagined that the immense train of CO&wagofiß that were seen to emerge from W. W. AJ&’s celebrated Coal Yard, Ninth street, above Pcftiar, all day yesterday, was engaged in a similar tfnoval. But this was a mistake. The coal sent out V&m delivered to our citizens who have the sagacity Ec fey their coal from Alter now?, rather than wait, awbuy at much higher prices. Magnificent Stock of Sttmmek Cloth- Rd Selling off Oh eai\— Messrs. C. Somers & Jon, No. 625 Chestnut street, under Jayne’s Hall, jre now selling off’ their immense stock of fashion tble Summer Clothing, at remarkably low prices, in tiew of the advancing season. The character of the dothing made up by this Arm is unexceptionable, Jeing superb in the best workmanship, and hade'from the choicest and most desirable fabrics. *Ve advise ouneaders tocall and examine this stock: IPithout delay. . Fine.,Quality Liquors for Medicinal Purposes.— The proprietors of the popular old gro cery establishment of the late O. H. Mattson, Arch and Tenth streets, in keeping with its time-honored usage, coxjtimic- to keep constantly on hand, for‘the accommodation of their customers, the finest liquors, Imported expressly for medicinal purposes, such as rare old Fort, Sherry, and Madeira Wines, old Brandy, "Whisky, &c. Messes. Chaei.es Oakfoed & Sons, un derthe Continental Hotel, are now selling elegant Straw Hats and Caps, for children and youths, at And below their cost of manufacture or importation. Mr. George Grant, manufacturer of, And dealer in, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, No* •610 Chestnut Btreet, has deservedly the reputation of making the most comfortable, elegantly fitting, and heat Shirt pf the age. ’ A Fike.Stock of Military Goods, suit- Able for all grades of Army and Navy,Officers, will be found at"'the old stand of Oakford &. Sons, under the Continental Hotel. No Rebels Can Stay in Haebisburg. that ; the residents of Harrisburg make it Almost intolerable for the Union troops, by charging twenty-five cents for a cup of coffee and ten cents p6r glass for water, we don’t see how the rebels can fttand'it, -because we should think that the patriotic residents of that city ought to oharge the rebels a email advance on these prices they charge their friends, and then again, they should not take Con federate.money except at a large disoount. The Tebs will be completely nonplussed, and if not dead, •oertainly “dead broke” before they have been there long. If the originator of that plan of charging the ,Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment is a ffirtala remedv for Neuralgia. md Cheatnut itmti, ,T W Johnson n W Davis & wf, Baltimore J V Blown, St Louis Capt B C Duryer . Geo N&uman, Lancaster C 8 Mitchell, New York Geo Small, Baltimore E Ladd, Washington, D C H B Thompson, Suffolk, Va Mrs Titus, Baltimore Miss H&ucks, Baltimore ' J A Smith, Indiana J T Bankard, Baltimore Mrs Bankard, Baltimore Miss S B Turner, Baltimore H Winsor, Jr J W Tailor, Baltimore John O’Conuor, Baltimore Mrs S McKim, Baltimore J H McKim. Baltimore 11 Kilboum, Wash, DC •J J 1 Oliphau*', Wash, D C R W Stlres, Wash, D C Louis ICrohn, New York . \V Toorance, Throe Rivers MissToorauce.Three Rivers Mies J A Toorance, T Rivers Miss G ranby, New York D A Peirce, Prov, RI JohnHoope & wife, N York P L Robinson, Vermont F N spofford, New York U B Davies, Now York W Magee, New York M Mack, Cincinnati A L Curtis, New York Geo Deal,.England A C Spring, Boston J Made LHotchkiss, New York Dr A Clark, New York IBP Randall, New York HSMcComb, Delaware H Lockwood, Baltimore Wm Monrae, Prov, RI- C F Estel, New York J Morgan & wife, Chicago F A Hill, New York ; C H Booth, Now York ,L Wnchenbeim, New York Mrs A & Warner, Maryland Mrs A Lyman, Maryland II D Warner, Maryland Col T B Hay man, USA D R King. Roxboro Jas W Smith, Newark, 0 Ad.j Jas Heurjr. New York Jas C Marshall, Erie T M DeViOr, Fenna Chas W Deyier, Penna' H E Spra-gue, Boston - H L’ Cake, renna- J H Criswell, Shipbensb’g II S Watson, New York W R Dyer, Maryland .T Mahon & wf, Baltimore Mrs M Mahon, Baltimore , A B Warner, Maryland Bair Dye! Hair DykH BATCHELOR’S celebrated HAIR DYE is the Beet in the World. The only Haimless* True and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changes Red. Rusty or Gray Hair, instantly to a Olossu Black or natural Brown, without Injuring the Hair or Stain* irg tlic Skin, leaving tho Hair Soft and Beautiful; im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies tho ill effects of Bad-Dyes. The Genuine is signed William A. Batcitklor, all others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &c. FACTORY-81 BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor’s New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair* . • ■ j023-ly One-Price Clothing, of the Latest Styles, made in the Best Mauner, expressly for RETAIL SALES, LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fi lures. All Goods made toOrder warranted satisfactory. Onr One-Price System is strictlr.adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES & CO., 604:-MARKET Stroot. First Premium Grover & Baker's Sew ing MACHINES, with latest improvements. Offices, 730 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia; MAIN Street, at Toll Gate.-Germuntown. .iel9fmw-10t MAKEIBD. KING—FLORY.—On the 2.lth .Tune, by the Kav. Mr/ Canton, Francis B. King to Mrs. Lizzie Flory. ail of this cifv WALKER—BIRCH.—On the 20th of Juno, by the Rev, Joseph H. Kennard, Mr. Thomas R. Walker, ot Phila delphia, to Miss Maggie Birch, of Bucks count*. * CARMAN—SOLLY.—On the 14th ultimo, by the Rev. ,T. H. Kennard, Mr. Thomas J. Carman, of Newcastle, Delaware, to Miss Kate N. Solly, of Holmesburg, Pa. * - XJXED. ' BROWNELL.-Ou the .27th uH„ ;Mr. Oliver Brow nell, in the 61st year of his age. ' The relatives and friends of the family, tho members of Tacony Lodge, No. 238, I. 0. of 0. F., aro respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence. Garden street, below Church, Bridesburg, this (Wed nesday) afternoon, at 2 0 clock. Intorment at Cedar Hill Cemetery. * NICHOLSON.—At Cooper’s Point, New Jersey, on Tuesday, June 30, Harrison Wright, son of Samuel T. and Frances Nicholson, in the 12fch year of his age. Funeral on Thursday, Juir 2, at 2 o’clock P. M., from the residence of his parents. The friends of the family are invited to attend. • ** 'ATKINSON;—On the 28th iilt., Mrs Anna T„ wife of Tbps. H. Atkinson, in the 31th year of her age. * ■. .F AIR BURST.—On the 26th nit., at the Armory HoS ■piial, WiDiam Fairhurst, aged 38 yeais and 3 months, from wounds received at the battle of Chancellorville, member of the 26tli Regiment, Company I, Pa. Vols. * KfeßN.—On Sunday, the 28th ulfc.v Wilson M., only son of Enos and Mary A. Kern, in the 16ih year of his ‘ago' ' ' ' :• • KURTZ—On the 28th ulf., George Walton Kurtz, son of J. H. and. Catharine Kurtz, aged 23 years. , * ULACK NORWICH CBAPES—JUST received, Norwich Crapes at 37>aC. a yard. Black all-wool, double-width Delaines, S7K, 95, $l, ire. Black Mousseline de Laine Shawls. Black Camel’s Hair Barege Long Shawls, (two Shawls sufficient to make a dress.) Black Silk Ch ally. Black and White Mohair Plaids, 20 and 28 cents. Black Gros de Rhine, §5l. s>l.T2>a, &c. Black Poult de Sole, or Mourning Silk. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, je!6 No. 91.8 CHESTNUT Street. PLAIN WHITE CRAPE SHAWLS. J- White Barege Shawls; Light Lama bhawls; Summer Shawls, wholesale; Black Lace Points. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH & ARCH Streets. QUMMER SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. Foulards reduced; Neat Plaid and Stripe Silks; Dark Lawns, Mosambiqnes, &c. je2o EYRE & LANDELL. PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE, lO=* June 27, 18fc3—NOTICE.—The attention of the Sublic is requested, to the following extracta from the ew Post Office Law, which will be in operation on and after Wednesday next, Jnlyl, 1863: No letter, newspaper, pamphlet, or any package what ever, can be delivered until the whole postage due there*, on has been paid. The Carriers will not be permitted to make any charge or receive any compensation from the public for the de livery of letters or papers received in the mail. J. eUers deposited in the office without the postage being prepaid will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. *J he fee for registering a letter is 20 cents, in addition to the regular postage, and no registered letter will be delivered until the person authorized to receive it shall have signed Unnecessary receipts therefor. All mail matter not sent at letter rates must he so enve loped that the contents can be readily examined, other wise it will he charged at letter postage. The rate of domestic letter postage is fixed at 3 cents for each half ounce or fraction of a half ounce., The Pa cific rate of 10 cents is abolished. The rale of postage on LOCAL OR CITY DROP LET TERS is 2 cents per halfounce or fraction ofahalf ounce. The Postmaster is authorized to contract, subject to the approval of the Postmaster General, with publishers, firms, or institutions having large numbers of circulars or other printed matter to distribute through the city, to deliver such matter at a fixed rate RATE OF POSTAGE ON TRANSIENT PRINTED MATTER, EXCEPT CIRCULARS AND BOOKS, Ore. package to one address, not exceeding 4 ouncesin weight .... 2cents. And for each 4 ounces or fraction thereof an ad ditional rate of. 2cents. Not exceeding 4 ounces in weight 4 cents, And for each 4 ounces or fraction thereof an ad ditional rate 0f.... 4 " ■ • UNSEALED'CIRCULARS, Not exceeding 3 in number, to one address...... 2 cents, Over 3 and not exceed ing 6. to one address 4 * ‘ And an additional rate of 2 cents for each three, or fractional part thereof, circulars.sent to one address. The above postage must, in all cases, be prepaid by postage stamps bffixed to such printed matte*, and in no case will any marks or signs be permitted on printed matter without subjecting in to letter postage. QUARTERLY rates of postage, when paid quarterly or yearly in advance on newspapers, &c., published once a .week, or more frequently, and sent from the publication office to actual bona fide subscribers: Newspaper or periodical not ex ceeding 4 ounces in weight, sent to any part of United States 5 Over 4 but not exceeding 8 ounces 10 And an additional rate foreach4 ounces or fractional part thereof. . QUARTERLY rates of postage, when paid in advance on newspapers, &c., published less frequently than once a week, and sent to subscribers as above: - Not. exceeding 4 ounces in weight, and sent to any part of United States.—...... -6 8 1 .Over4andnot exceedingSounces 12 6 2 Publications issued "without disclosing the office of publication, or containing a lictitious statement thereof, cannot be forwarded unless prepaid at transient rates as above. je27-smwSfc C. A. WALBOBN, Postmaster; GIRAUO COZXEGE.—AT A ATAD- .TOUHNED stated meeting of the BOARD OF DI RECTORS-OF GIRARD COLLEGE, held June 29,'1863, tlie following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Resolved* That the eminent and valuable- services of HENRY W. AREY,-Esquire, as acting President of this College, dining the last sis months, fully deserve and hereby-receive the highest commendation and most heartfelt thanks of this Board. / Resolved* Thatin the discharge of the manifold and arduous duties connected with the position of first execu tive officer of this Institution HENRY-W. AREY, Esq., has displayed high intelligence, great administrative ability,andfirmness, coupled with gentleness of man ner, such as have won for him the highest regard of every member of this Board. Resolved, Thatwhilst bestowing hie urn-emitted pa rental careon the physical and moral wants of a larger number of pupilß than had ever before been harbored in this Institution, Mr. Arey has, in the admission, classi fication and equipment of an additional number of One Hundred pnpils, manifested a conscientious desire to husband the public funds, aud, by his prudent economy, has successfully aided the Board in its efforts to save tlie expenditure of large amounts of money. Resolved, That these resolutions, properly engrossed and signed by all the members of this Board, be pre sented to Henry W Arey, Esq. Resolved , That these resolutions be published in all the daily papers of Philadelphia. On behalf of the Board of Directors. FIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE UVSU RANCE AGENCIES.—Notice is hereby given that the offices of the undersigned Agents will be open only between the hours of 10 and 12 o’clock A. M., daily, until further notice. . ' • ' ■ WILLIAM J. SHERRERD, Agent of Home and Hartford Insurance Company, 222 Walnut street. WILLIAM GETTY, Agent Continental, Arctic, and Niagara Insurance Com panies, NbW.York,’ 425 Chestnut street. • . • : . BOSWELL.& WILSON, Agents iEtna Insurance Company.of Hartford, 400 Chestnut street. LANCASTER & GASKILL, Agents I orillard, FuUon. Itosolute, Security, Germania, and New York Life Insurance Companies, 40r Walnut street. K. O. LOWRY. Agent Republic and New. World, Agents of Insurance Offices, . • 147 South Fourth Btreet, . W ■ o. W. WOOD. Agent Royal Insurance Company. o. bardenwerper, Agent of United. States and Atlantic and Kew Amster dam Fire Insurance Companies, ' It 422 Walnut street. AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF TBE “MINUTE MEN” of the SEVENTH and EIGHTH WARDS will be held at the Police Station, on FIFTEENTH Street, above Locust, THIS MORNING at 9 o’clock, for the purpose of effecting a thorough, organi zation and enrolling the names of able-bodied men who will aid in the defence of our city, Every patriotic citizen who feels a common interest in sustaining the authorities in the present emergency is > requested'to attend. ED WIN GREBLE, Chairman. WM. BMYTH, Secretary. . • . . , it* CITIZENS’ BOUNTY FUND.) ICr* NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS. • 'Jhe Treasurer acknowledges thefollowing; L - . A Godcy $lOO M. B. Mahony&Co 250 Philadelphia Bank 1,000 Charles Schaffer 100 A, D. Cash.. 25 Delaware Mutual Insurance Company...... 500 |»S3?r UNION LEAGUE HOUSE!. IlCS“ 1118 CHESTNUT STREET, ’ FinLADELniA, June 29, ISS3. Whereas, The Governor of the Commonwealth has called for the enlistment of sixty thousand militia to protect the State from further invasion, and to drive from our border.the enemy now approaching and menacing the capital of the State: therefore, Resolved) That to enable, the members of the Union League,'and the ctizens generally, to respond to the call of the Governor, we dispense with the entire programme for the celebration of our National Independence, except tn e early m ornin g religious service ahead y recommended for that day. Resolved, That the money already collected to defray cne expenses of the proposed celebrati »u, after deducting KuriL^f^lu K >, ill n C * 3 C in< ? ari ' e i l » be returned-to the sub scribers with the thanks of this committee for their whliftiib?mvmmSd' 1 r Br i , W y ’ ani wit,t tlle assurance wnicn this committee feel that the lovaltv and nafHrtf “ Which prompted the orderiug ofVpropar of out National Birthday at Independence Hall the place of its birth, gives eatistactory hnd most CTati'frlng promise of the deep regard with which the prffiplS at Wople UVer ” mC “ t aF9 ch6naied la “>e hearts onheV , Resolved, That the foregoing preamble and resolutions be signed by the ollicers of thiß committee, and published in the daily papers, and that a copy be sent to each of O'" invited guests.. CHAS. GIBBONS, Chairman. Geo. H. Bokeu, Secretary.. je3o-2t ftSSp- TO THE CLERGY OF THE CITY. •VP*, —At an adjourned meeting of the Clergy of Phi ladelphia and vicinity, held this morning, lit the Lec ture Room of the Church of the Epiphany, the follow ing persons were appointed a committee to confer with the Mayor, and to communicate with the Clergy in refe rence to the tender of their services during the present emergency:. Rev. R Newton, D.D., Rev. I. S. Willis, Rev. G F Krute). Rev. .T. fl. Castle, Rev. I. W. Dulles, Rev A G. McGanlej, Rev. A. Nevin. The place of meeting of the committee is-the office of the Presbyterian Standard, 108 South Fourth street, third story. * Clergymen not having had any notice of the meeting, and therefore not having enrolled their names, wiil find the book for this purpose at the office named Reports from . Clergymen as to the number in their congregations willing to engage with them in for tifying the city, will aIBO be received at the same place. The committee will make their announcements through the public papers. Office open until 9 o’clock P. M,,aad at 8 o’clock in the morning. - ‘ „ RICHARD NEWTON, Chairman. Ali’kbd Nevin, Secretary. It* UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYXdVA iIOa NIA—DEPARTMENT OF . ARTS.—The Annual t.oinmenC' ment. for. conferring Degrees in the Arts, will he held on FRIDAY, the 3d instant, in the MUSICAL FUND HALL. .The Procession will leave the College Hall at 10 o’clock A. M The Reverend Clergy, Judges ofthe United States and State Courts, the Mayor of.the pits, Select and Common Councils, the Board of Direc tors and President of the Girard College, the Prlucipal ol the Ceniral High School, the candidates.for thaJDe gieerif Master of Arts, and other Graduates of theUni y®rsity, are invited to attend. GBORGE ALLEN, •iTl'ct Secretary of the Faculty of Arts.' twelfth ward. CITIKENB, AROUSE! . , An adjourned meeting of the Citizens of the Twelfth Waid wi 1 he held w . , TT THIS EVENING, July Ist, at Nippes’ Hall, N. E. corner of FOURTH and GREEN Streets, at 7 o clock, for the purpose of organization for :the immediate defence of the city. The Citizens Am earnestly requested to attend. ■ „ „ TIIOSIAS K. FINLETTEB, Chairman. Joiin H. Farkuk, Beccetary. *it* CITIZENS' BOUNTY FUND CO5l - At a meeting or this Committee held this day, the following preamble and resolution wore unanimously ad opted; Whereas, Theemergency of the present crisis is likely to exhaust the fnndsin hand ofthis Committee, beu Resolved, That thepublicare hereby invited to send in further contributions to tire Treasurer, 8. A. Mercer, at the Fanners’ and Mechanics’ Bank. Attention is called to the following rosoliitiou pasaed June 16, and to the advertisement of WM. VEITCH, Pay master: Resolved; That the eum.of TEN DOLLARS, in. addi tion to the pay from the Government,-bo and the same is hereby appropriated to each officer and private of every military company that is nowot maybe organized in Philadelphia, and received into the service of the State, or the United States, for the loogth of time they "may bo required for the present emergency; Provided, That the eaid amount hereby appropriated shall not exceed thB sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars . Resolved, That the sum of TWENTY DOLLAR* be, and the same is hereby appropriated to each military, company of not less than sixty-two men from Philadel phia received into the service of the State or of tho United States forthe preFent emergency, for the payment of ad vertising and other incidental company expenses. THOS, WEBSTER,'Vice Chairman. Lortn Bt.odgkt, Secretary. .jo3o-12t ■ysto THE EIGHTY-SEVENTH ANNI YERSAKY OF AMBItrCAN independence. “THE STATE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATIOF PENNSYLVANIA.” The Annual Elated Meeting of THE STATE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI OF PENNSYLVANIA” wilLbe held at “THE LA PiIi R KE DOU4E,” on Broad Street, helow Cheßtnut, on SATURDAY, the FOURTH DAY OF JULY, A. D. 1863, at 10 o’clock A.' M. iyl-gt . , H. L. BPRO AT, Secretary, notick—Ninth and tjentic WARDS —The undersigned will receive Contri butions from the Citizens of the Ninth and Teuth wards, to be expended for the military organizations of said wards, for the defence of the State ami city, i OFFICE ©F THE GIRARD BIFE RC*-* INSURANCE ANNUITY AND TRUST COM PANY, Pnii.ADKLrHiA, June3o,lS63. The Managers have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock for the lastSnx months, payable to the Stockholders, clear of the State and Government taxes, on demand. JNO. F. JAMES, jyl-4t* Actuary. SHERRERDS INSURANCE ROOMS, 3aa WALNUT Street.-Our custom-, ers are particularly requested to attend to their Renew als, and send in their orders for Insurance, between the hours of 10 and 12 o’clock. .-A*. WILLIAM D. SHEERERD, Agent for the “Home,” “Hartford,” and of o tiler 111- snrance Companies. . , ,iyl-tf A MEETING OF THE MALE MEM BERS of the Congregations of the REFORMED DUTCH CHURCHES..: and all others, wishing to join with us, wiUbeheld'ih the LECTURE-ROOBt.cnrner of SEVENTH and SPRING • GA RDEN Streets, IPHIS AF TERNOON, at 4 o’clock, for the purpose of organizing a Companv for City Defence. By order of felt* * THE COMMETTSE. FREDERICK DOUGIASS-NEVV TOWN.—A MEETING TO PROMOTE THE EN LISTMENT OF COLORED U. S. TROOPS will be held at 2 o’clock TO-MORROW (Thursday), at the Exhibi tion Grounds, at NEWTOWN. FREDLRICK DOUGLASS and ROBERTPURVIS wilj address the assembly. It A MEETING OF THE HALEMEMS BERS, and those of the Congregation, of the SPRUCE-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH, will be held in the Lecture Room on WEDNESDAY EVENING, at 8 o’clock. Joseph j. read, 11* - WM. .M. WILSON. TO THE CAPTAINS OF COMPA NIES OF- VOLUNTEERS .RECRUITING FOR THE PRESENT EMERGENCY. r-Having been appointed PAYMASTER by the disbursing agency of the CITI ZENS’BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE ofthe TEN DOL LARS for each officer and private-from Philadelphia, Sou will please furnish me with a certified copy of the [uster Roll of your company as early as possible, so that arrangements may,be made to pay the said sum to each men volunteering. WILLIAM VEITCH. je3o-12t ■ /■ No. 3 WJLLING’etAIIey. UNIVERSITYOF PENNSYLVANIA ’ ■O* DEPARTMENT OF aHTS r-The examination of candidates for admission will be held at the University, on THURSDAY, the 2d day of July, at 10 o’clock A. M. Students can apply for admission, to pursue the full course degree of Bachelor of Arts, or only that portion of it for which the degree of Bachelor of Science is given, or any such portion as the Faculty may sane „ GEORGE ALLEN, jec.o-3t Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL KS 56 ROAD company. « T : PhilapelphiaV Jnne29, 1863. Notice is herebj'given that during tlie present emer gency the General Office of this Company will be closed every day, at 12 o’clock, to enable the officers and cLsrks to DRILL, in accordance with the recommendation of the military authorities. By order of the President. ie3o-3t , ‘ EDMUND SMITH, Secretary, ROOMS OF THE CORN EX CHANGE ASSOCIATION. ‘ , ' Jii.vr. fflth, IS5:1. At a Meeting oftko Association, held THIS DAY.it was unanimously resolved that we close our places of business daily at 2 o'clock, until further notice. GEORGE COOKMAN, 3030-2 t . Secretary. I*s3**’ KOTICE. —THE SIX PER CENT. •CSS* Coupons, and the interest on the Scrip of the NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, due July 1, 3863. will he paid at the Office of the Company, No. 407 WALNUT Street. WILLIAM WISTER, jf>29-4t . ' •. Treasurer. OFFICE OF UNION MUTUAL IN 4oh> SURANCE COMPANY, „ ; . Philadelphia, June 8,1863. Notice is hereby given, that subscriptions to the In creased Capital of the Union Mutual Insurance Company, * by conversion of the Scrip into Stock, ” will be receiv ed at the office of the Company, from this date to Nov. 1, 1863, in accordance with the amended charter accepted at a meeting of the Scripholders, held June 1, 1863. jelQ-lmif JOHN MOSS. Secretary. I*2* OFFICE OF THE HARRISBURG, I*2* PORTSMOUTH, JOY AND LANCAS TER RAILROAD COMPANY. Philadelphia, June 29, 1563 A semi-annual dividend of THREE AND A HALF PEE CENT, on the capital stock of this Company will be paid to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on and alter the. 10th day of JULY next, at the corner of Tnird Street, and Willing’*alley. GEORGE-TABER, je29-3l* ' Treasurer. HEADQUARTERS, PHILADEh- K>* PHIa; Par. June 23,1363. SPECIAL ORDER. No. 2 —VHI. The following places of rendezvous are designated for the enrolment and en listment of men for service for three months, unless sooner-discharged: 4 Commissioners’Hall, Spring Garden and Thirteenth streets. Lieutenant Colonel E. E. Wallace, late 91st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, in charge. City Armory. Broad street, below Race, Captain Isaac C. Price in charge. Market House, Spring Garden and Twenty-second streets, Capt. Joseph Adamson in charge. Girard avenue and Sixth street, Captain Charles C. ,3?hillips in charge. When a fall company, consisting of. 64 privates, 5 sergeants, 8 corporals, 2 musicians, and 1 wagoner is organized, they will be immediately mosterea into service with afult complement of officers, armed, equip ped ar d moved into camp for instruction. But after an organization is commenced a smaller number of men without officers may .be mustered into service and attached to other Companies: if it is desired. A-Half Company of Forty Men may be mustered in with a First Lieutenant. . 1 ' ■!« £~t s s ■A-f ■§ 1 l§ I I g !§l S By command of Major General Dana. CYRU6 S. HALDEMAN, jeS9-3t Assistant Adjutant General. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR »C3» TIST TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, Philadel phia, October 24, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, . Government Surgeon- Ar M " k .. • PROTECTIVE WAR CLAIM AGEN |C?=» CY OF TBE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION.— At this office, established with the approval of the De partments at Washington, all claims of soldiers and their relatives for BOUNTY, BACK PAY, AND PEN SION, are prepared FREE OF CHARGE > W«-N. ASHMAN, Solicitor. je23-lm . 130 T CHESTNUT Street. IV?- OFFICE OF THE WESTMORE LAND COAL COMPANY, No. »30 South THIRD Street, corner of .Willing’s alley. phia, June. 17th, IS63.—At a. meeting of the Directors, held this day, a Dividend of FIFTY CENTS PER SHARE on the Capital Stock was declared out of the profits of the past six months, payable on and after July Ist, 1863. ~The Transfer Books will he closed • until July 3d next. jelS-tJI F. H. JACKSON, Treasurer. UNION LEAGUE. RICHARD VAUX, President. AT A MEETING .OF. THE <* E N E RA X, M E E T I NOt 408 Walnut street. SABINE. & BUY, WILL BE HELD AT FOUR O’CLOCK. PRECISELY, IMMEDIATE'AND, EFFICIENT CO-OPERATION IN It is expected, as a duty to the cause of the Union, for which the League was founded, that every member will be present. UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT. The Undersigned were appointed a Committee to Or ganize a The Regiment will be mustered into service for ' ARE REQUESTED TO REPORT IMMEDIATELY TO THE COMMITTEE, A.T THE QUARTER MASTER’S OFFICE, NORTHEAST CORNER OF TWELFTH AND GIRARD STREETS. ' . Snch necessary expenses as are not properly, borne by the Government WILL B 1 DEFRAYED FROM A FUND RAISED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE. CLOTHING, EQUIPAGE, ARMS, and EQUIPMENTS will be furnished as soon as the organiaztion shall be ■ effected. A Camp will be formed' immediately. in the neighborhood of the city. D C McOAMMON, 34:8 WEST LOGAN SQOARE, CHARLES E. LEX, 51 North SIXTH htreet, or, 1108 ARCH Street. MILITARY NOTICES. LEAGUE, HELD LAST EVENING, IT WAS RESOLVED, •THAT A MEMBERS THIS (WEDNESDAY) AFTERNOON, FOB THE PURPOSE! OP THE PRESENT CRISIS. WILLIAM D. LEWIS, 'chairman. AT A MEETING OF THE UNION XjEA.GXJE> HELD ON THE 27TH INSTANT, regiment; UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE LEAGUE. THR EE MO N T H S , Under the Governor’s Proclamation, VOLUNTEE K S -F O E I T J. R. FRY, S. M. FELTON. J. EDGAR THOMSON, 9 SLLERSLIE WALLACE, M. D., JAMES L. CLAGHOKN, HORACE BINNEY, Jr., MORTON MoMICHAEL. GEO.-H. CROSMAN. J. I. CLARE HARE, W. D. LEWIS. GEO WHITNEY. ALEX. WHEELER. THE PBESS.—PHILADELP fQRAY RESERVES. RECRUITS FOR THIS REGIMENT, (Now near Harrisburg.) FOR STATE SERVICE FOR NINETY DAYS, Unless sooner discharged. APPLY AT HEADQUARTERS, No. 810 MARKET STREET. THIRD STORY. THOMAS SPARKS, je3o-6t Third Lieutenant and Recruiting Officer. t UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT. THREE-MON THS SERVIOE. CAPTAIN T. L. LOCKERMAN, IOfTH REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEER?, wlio participated in evoty Battle of the Peninsula, is Apply immediately. Recruiting Station at A EMORY KEYSTONE ARTILLERY •“i COMPANY, CITY ARSENAL, RACE, below Broad street. v • - «■ ORDER No. 1. TII6 Company will assemble at their Armory THIS (Wednesday) MORNING, at baU-past 8 o clnck, for tlie purpose of being mustered in under llio immediate command of Major- General Dana. By order of Capt. SAMUEL G. THOMPSON. John Cultn. Orderly Sergeant. jyl-It* TTEAHQUAHTEES OP COMMISSION J ~- L - PORU. S. COLORED TROOPS,.No. 1310 CIIEST NUT Street, Philadelphia. • The following is the official order authorizing the re cruiting of Colored Troops: Headquarters op the army - , Adj’t Office J line 17, 1863. Major GEORGE L. STEARNS, Assistant Adjutant General United States Volunteers, is hereby announced as Recruiting Crmmissioner for the United S'ates Colored Troops, subject to such instructions'as he may from time to time receive from the Secretary of War. By order of the Secretary of War: (Signed,) E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. • To Major Geo. L. Stearns, Ass’t Adj’t General U. S. Volunteers. The undersigned is prepared'to issue Hie proper au thorisation to colored men 10 enlist recruits for the Armies of the United States. He will receive applica tions from those desirous of being made commissioned .officers, and transmit the same to the Board of Inspec tion at "Washington, and will be glad to give full in fojma tion on all matters connected with this branch of the service to those who may seek it. The undersigned has the co-operation of a Committee of sixty citizens of Philadelphia. The Agent of the said committee is E. K CORSON, who is likewise the Agent of the undersigned. CAMP WILLIAM PENN, at Chelton Hilts, has been selected as the camp Tor instruction, and Lieut. Colonel LEWIS WAGNER placed in command of it. All re cruits will he mustered in by companies of eighty men, and immcdiartely uniformed, equipped and sent to the camp. . Squads of men will he subsisted until companies are completed by the committee of citizens, at such localities as their agent may designate. Papers in the interior of the State will copy this ad vertisement one time, and send a paper containing same, with bill, to these Headquarters. Communications by letter will be promptly answered. GEORGE L.STEAKN6, Major and A. A. G., . Recruiting Commissioner for U. S. Colored Volunteers jc2Q-tf t HONORABLY. DISCHARGED EOLDIERS! —You who have proved yourattachment and devotion to your country’s institutions, its laws and Government, are once more appealed to by your comrades to take up arms to drive the invader away from the Old Keystone State. Now, or never, is the time - to prove the patriot’s attachment to his home and State. Assemble in your thousands, TO- DAY, at 10 o’clock, £™£OENTY COURT HOUSE, corner of SIXTH and CHEfeTNUT Streets ■ The following officers have been elected for first com pany: Captain, ANTHONY A. LAWS, Ist Lieut. JAMES SEDdINGER, M Lieut.-W.-J. KNIPE. $ JOHN M. LEACH.: ) ED. P, LODGHERY, ?■ Committee on Organization. A. J BOWEN,. V - , It SGBAY RESERVES.—ATTENTION! F COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT INFANTRY, RE SERVE BRIGADE.—A few good men wanted'imme diately, to fill up this Company, now on duty at Har risburg, in State service, for not exceeding three months! Uniforms, equipments, and transportation furnished, Apply at the Company Armory, N, E. corner of EIGHTH and CALLOWHILL Streets. H. C. KENNEDY, Captain. George Kecjc, ) , * A. H. Fuller, > Recruiting Committee. . J. S. Stajks, N. B-—Members of the Company.who have uniforms or equipments, will at once deliver them at the Armory, unless they are ready to join the Company, at Harris burg. •• • • . . ' . , it; ii FIRST PENNSYLVANIA CHAS ES SEUES, . (SHARPSHOOTERS,) Are NOW IN CAMP, at Broad street and German town Railroad.. Men joining this Regiment will be MUSTERED IN,’ CLOTHED, and SUBSISTED, at once. This Regimeni will form part of the UNION LEAGUE BRIGaDE. Apply to CIIAS. LESPES, Colonel, 403 EANBTEAD PLACE, Fourth street, above Chestnut. Orto . T. ELLWOOD ZSLL. Lieut. Col., Xl' South SIXTH Street. Officers bringing-men will receive positions and be mustered in at once. ■ , jyl-2t w FOR CITY DEFENCE—F COM ©PANY, GRAY RESERYES.-This Company is now RECRUITING, at the Armory, EIGHTH and CAL- Streets. The old Members, Associate and Contributing, and all those wishing to join in the defence of Philadelphia, are requested to come forward and enroll. Squad Drill at 3P. 51. Company Business Meeting at 8 P. M. A. H. FULLER, ) GEORGE KECK, > Committee. It* , JOHN- S. STAIRS, ) tABMORY CO. A, Ist ARTILLERY H. G., June 30, 1863. > ORDER NO. I.—The NEW COMPANY", organized for tbe immediate defence of the city of Philadel phia, will assemble at the Armory, No. 173 S MARKET Street, on WEDNESDAY.'JuIy Ist, at 9 o’clock A. M., forthe purpose of being mustered into the service of the said city, for such duty as may be designated by Major General Dana; . By command of Captain Wilcox. - It* ROBERT BURTON, First Sergeant. - M WANTED—FOR THE KEYSTONE © ARTILLERY, 32 DRIVERS. J*-' 6 ARTIFICERS, 2 BUGLERS. 2 GOOD COLORED COOKS. Apply immediately, at the CITY ARSENAL, RAOE.-heTow Broad street. By order of Capt. SAMUEL J. THOMPSON. John Cplik, Orderly Sergeant. l jyl-lt* § ATTENTION, TWENTY-FOURTH WARD !—A Special Meeting of the .NATIONAL GUARD - Will, he held THIS EVENING, for the purpose of or ganizing a Company for State Defence. Members are alto informed that a Subscription will be opened for the relief of the families of those that vol unteer. It*. F. A. MILLIMAN, Secretary. . u -WASHIN GTON GRAYS, .ATTEN © TJON!—The companies of- the WASHINGTON \\) GRAYS’ REGIMENT ure fast filling up. Some of them •“have been mustered in. and will leave for camp TO MORROW. There is still a chance for recruits under well-known officers, at the Armory. Franklin Hall, SIXTH Street; below Arch. F. W; RALSTON, It* _ • Lieutenant. . J UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT.— Good, sober MEN WANTED at once to fill a picked Company for th e-defence of the Old Keystone. Ser vice not to exceed three months. All the Bounties paid. Apply immediately at .- No. 13S South FOURTH Street, „ below Chestnut. Capt. G. W. APPLETON. - It* S RECRUITS WANTED FOR COM PANY ‘ ‘ H.” UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT, for three months'State defence.' All the Bounties given Clothed and subsisted at once. For further information apply at Headquarters, IN-" DEPENDBNCESQUA3iE,to . * i V It ’ JOHN COTTERELL, Captain Co. H. w MERCHANTS' REGIMENT. fi COLONEL E. WOODWARD, \\} ‘Lb te of Colonel Baker’s California Regiment: : Headquarters. No. 513 MARKET Street. In addition to all other bounties by City and State, $25 extra bounty -will |be paid upon the mustering in oi the men, ; . •- . • f COAL REGIMENT,—CAPTAINS recruiting Companies for the.COAL REGIMENT will report at Head quarters, 303 W ALNUT Street, TH IS MORNING, (July Ist,) at 10 o’clock. - It* - . ALFRED PAY, Colonel. §, COMPANY I, OBEY RESERVES, ■Armory southwest corner NINTH and-WALNUT. Defence. Drills AFTERNOON II TO ARMS! TO ARMS! UNION pi ARTILLERY GUARD.—The second Company is now I f forming, for service, under the call of the Governor, as an Artillery Corpß. Armory, BROAD and PINE, now open for Recruits. . J. T. BRADSHAW, B. H. MOORE, je3o-3t* - . EVAN RANDOLPH. XX EAD QUARTERS Ist REGIMENT INFANTRY, P. H. . . Captain. EDWIN OSBORNE. Of the Gymnast Zouaves. First Lieutenaut. WM. BLANCH, Late of the 23d Regiment. Pa. Vols. fA T TENT I O NT— RECRUITS wanted for Co. I, UNION LE A.G UE REGIMENT, V?M, D. WHIPPLE, Colonel Commandimr. Capt. R. F. ANDERSON. First Lieut A. W; McILROY. fFBEDRICIC ZARKAOHiSB, LATE Captain of 29tli Regiment P. Y., has opened a Re cruiting Station, for the purpose of raising a Com pany for Three dr Six Months, at the Odd Fellows’ HalJ, S. W. corner TENTH and SOUTH Streets. Tie distracted condition of our once glorious Union requires that every heart that holds t one drop of patriotic blood within it should, at this'crisis, come forth and enroll their names and enter the field of battle 'with officers who hare been weU tried in the service. Let us meet the enemy and release our brothers, who have long toiled for your rights, at the earliest possible moment. . : je29-3t* “RECRUITS WANTED. RALLY, OF PHILADELPHIA, AND DEFEND YOUR CITY AND STATE. Men Wanted foraCompany in the New Coal Regiment, under the auspices of the Coal Merchants. ; ' $35 BOUNTY Thirty-five Dollars Bounty.in addition to regular pay given to every recruit. This Regiment is for Three Months' service under the call of the Governor for State Defence. Roll Book at No. 108 WALNUT Street. THEO. BURKHART.i^apt REUBEN ROTHERMEL, Lieut. j e 30 2t* nOMPANY A, Ist REGIMENT GRAY V RESERVES MINUTE MEN! . . Armory, No. BXO MARKET Street. , Drills of the Company will be held daily at SP. M. and 8 P. M. Roll call at 9 A. M. and 8 P. M. By order of the Captain: ,io3o-3t W. D. HASTINGS, Orderly Sergeant. II HEADQUARTERS RESERVE BRI ER GADE, FIRST DIVISION, P. M. ' !|J Philadelphia, June 27, 1863. GENERAL OKDERB No. 16. Commanders of Regiments and Compauies of the Reserve Brigade will .immediately proceed to fill up their commands and report for duty at these Headquar ters. The Headquarters of the Brieade is at the Board of Trade Room. No.- 505 CHESTNUT Street. By order of ; Col. C. M. EAKIN, Commander of Reserve Brigade. Joiry E. Addtcks, Acting A. A. General. j029-3t NgA DANA TROOP.-A TROOP jffggJY of CAVALRY of the above name, composed *r**t9' of the late members of the Anderson Cavalry “ ” and their friends, is now recruiting: at No. 3030 .CHESTNUT Street. A few respectable young men wanted to fi'Jl the Company. Horse 3 and eauipmenis furnished by private subscription. J. L. ANDERSON, 1 R. W. HAMMELL, 1 Committee P C. BABB, £ on J-TYNDALE, . I Organization. H. W. ARNOLD. J RJETAIX. DRY GOODS. REDUCTION IN PRICES OF RICH PARIS MANTILLAS. ALSO, 0? . Lid HT ZEPHYR CLOTH CLOAKS,' j SUITABLE FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER. J. W. PROCTOR &• CO;, ieS-lm if No. 03G CHESTNUT STREET, TOHN H. STOKES. . -v OFFERS Black and White Plaid Marseilles. Black and White and Brown and White Linen Check, French Nankinetts—plaid and plain. Nankin—nice quality. Linen Stripes, darlt ground, good. Merino Cassimeres—excellent quality. Plain. Mixed,-and Plaid Cassimeres. Silk Mix*»d Cloths and Oaeeimeres. . Ladies’Cloaking Cloths. Double-width Piaid Flannels for Shirting. je27 Dress goods at reduced PRICES-H.'STEEL * SON, No 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. ' are now.closing out the balance of their stock of Poir deCheyres, all Wool Delaines, Poplins, Challies, Delaines, Mozambique*, Taffete d’Etes, FrenchiLawns, French, English, and American Chintzes, Bareges, Silk Tissues, Silk Grenadines, Fancy Silks, ana all kinds of Summer Dress Goods, at extremely lowprices. SUMMER SHAWLS A.T REDUCED PRICES. BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS. CHOICE STYLES PACIFIC LAWNB at 18&c. l.lot 2 yards square Table Cloths, Snow Drop and Damask, all Linen, atsLso. je6 1024:. CHESTNUT STREET. E. M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALE, At prices generally below present cost ofimpor- WHITE GOODS, all descriptions. EMBROIDERIES. do LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, do VEILS, &c„ &c. And respectfully invites an inspection of Ms 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. WHITE LINEN DUCKS. »»- Brown and White Linen Drills. Fancy Drill and other Summer Wear. Alpaca and other thin Coatings. Silk mixtures, Drap d’Ete. Light fine fancy Cassimeres. DIESS GOODS. Desirable fabrics at old prices. Black Dress Goods at nearly old prices, 8-4 Wide Black Barege for ; Shawls. COOPER & CONARD, Je2G-tf S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Street!. ■DARGAINS PROM AUCTION. •I' One lot of Black and White Plaids at 25 cents, worth 37X—a decided bargain. One lot of large-figure Grenadines at 45 cents, worth 62H cents. One lot of Lawns, fest colors, 18X. One lot of Bleached Muslins at 18^. One lot of Gingham Lawns at 37K; worth 44. OPEN THIS MORNING, at . JOHN H. STOKES’, jo6 TO5» ARCH. Street. 1 'C’D WIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH SE- A-J COND Street, would call the attention of the Ladies to their stock of Superior Black Silks. Wide Mantle Silks. Black Corded Silks, . Black Gros de Rhine- Black Bilks, from $1 to $4. : N. B.—Merchants in want of Black Bilks are invited to examine onr stock and prices: jel3-tf STABLE DAMASKS. A- Power-Loom Damask's and Diapers. ; ■ Fringed Towelß, 16,'20, 25, 31, &c. ■ ry, Good Napkins, Doylies and Diapers. SHEhTINGS. .Heavy 9-4, 10-4, and 11*4 Bleached Sheetings. -Shirting and Pillow-Muslins. ' Fine stock of Flannels. COOPER & CONRAD, . je2s . S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. Hun t e r ’ s NEW STORE, , ■ " 37 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. The ladle are respectfully invited to examine their well-selected stock of MANTLES AND CLOAKS, Consisting of Lace Shawls at $2.50; Lace Mantles from $3.50 to $25; SilkSacques from $8 to $10; Silk Circulars from $6 to $2O; Cloth Circulars from $5 to $l5. Also, Plain and Striped POPLINS, manufactured of the best materials, in the most stylish manner, and will be sole cheaper than - . • _ ■ CAN BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. N. B.—Daily receiving the most fashionable Dress Goods, at [ie9-lm] 3f NORTH EIGHTH STREET. IVI OSQUITO NETTINGS, XTA Three yards wide.l Q Seven yards in a piece. Blue and White. Price $1.66 a piece. Also, Blue Tarlctons, And Bobbiuots, in colors, For Coverings. - , SHARPLESS BROTHERS, Are Selling Out - THEIR LARGE STOCK Of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, At REDUCED PRICES. Preparatory to Receiving " THEIK FALL IMPORTATIONS. t je29 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. JCEI ICEI ICE 1 ICE] IOE! IOE! COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY, Families, Offices, Hotels, Shipping, Ice-Cream Saloons, Ac., Ac., supplied daily .witha pure artiole of BOSTON lOE, at the very lowest .market t&ice.JJealers and large consumer* supplied at wholesale prices. Wagons rnn in all paved limits of the Consolidated city* Wd-in ft. Tw.ntT-fOT.rth CAHILL> f 335 WALNUT Street. , ) North Penna. R. & Master street. Offices. < i ioinl)ard Twenty-fifth streets. apS-Smif* IPine-street wharf, Schuylkill. INSURANCE COMPANIES, T7AMB INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. A 405 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. EIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. , ; DIRECTORS. _ , , - E. D. Woodruff. Geo. A. West, John Kessler, Jr., Chas. Stokes, A. H. Rosenheim* Joseph D. Bills. BUCK. President. [CHASDSON, Vice President ID, Secretary. [jals-iftf Frauds N. Back, Chaß. Eichardaon, Henry Lewis, Jr, , John W. Everman, Philip S, Justice, ; O. • DaYlB, pRAKcIB N. CHARLES Rl< WILLIAM I. BLARCHAR] T AKE SUPERIOR INGOT COPPER, from the Amygdaloid Mine, in store and for sale in quantities to suit, at ie2o-6m* 415 ARCH Street, THREE CAPITAL BOOKS. TSHm READY TO-DAY. A bright, sparkling, and genial book of residence, travel, and adventure in the west Indies, with alluring, and picturesque sketches of Tropical Life, luxuriant gardens, orange and lime groves, magnificent gaava and cocoanut trees, &c. Edited by Richard B. Kimball, author of “Undercurrents of Wall Street,” “Bt. Leger,” Ac. One elegantly printed and bound 12mo. Price $1.25. ir. Rockford. A capital new “Society Novel,” by Mrs. Lillie Deve reuxUmsted, author of “South wold.” A spirited fic tion, full of incident and vigorous character-painting. Ono handsome 12mo-, cloth bound; price $l. The new and intensely interesting novel, by the au thor of “Rutledge. ” The sale of this superb fiction is rapidly increasing; nearly 6.000. copies are already swept off, and tho demand is unceasing. One large 12m0., cloth bound; i>rice $1 50. *#* These books are sold by all booksellers, and sent by mail, free, on receipt of price, by CARLETON, publisher. No. 413 BROADWAY, New York, je2o-g&wtf Corner of Lispenard street. MILITARY BOOKS.— ' Published by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 715 and 717 MARKET Street. CAMPAIGNS OF 1862 and 18G3. Illustrating the Prin ciples of Strategy. By Emil Scha!k. SUMMARY OF THE ART OF WAR. Written, expressly for and dedicated to the U. S. Volunteer Army, By Emil Schalk. U. S. INFANTRY TACTICS. Prepared by direction of the War Department- CAVALIIY;TaCTICS. Published by order of the War Department. 3 volumes. COOKE’S U. S. CAVALRY TACTICS. 2vols. U. S. ARMY REGULATIONS. Last revised edition. ORDNANCE MANUAL. Prepared by order of the War Department. INSTRUCTIONS IN FIELD ARTILLERY. COPPEE’SMANUAL OF BATTALION DRILL. COPPEE’S MANUAL OF EVOLUTIONS OF THE LINE. jyl Together with maay other books of Interest aud nee. 'DOOKS FOR THE EMERGENCY. Baxter's Volunteers'Manual, 25 cents. Gosline’s Light Infantry Tactics, 25 cents. De Witt’s Zouave Drill Book, 25 cents. jyl-6fc KING & BAIRD, 607 SANSOM Street, Oft GTS! —25 : GTS!—25' GTS!!— PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, holding 12 PICTURES, bound in Muslin, gilt edge. PITCHER’S ALBUM DEPOT, .ie27-tf 808 CHESTNUT Street. €>l $1.50'! §1.50!! —PHOTO- Wi'VV, GRAPH ALBUMS, holding TWENTY FOUR PICTURES. Bound in BEST TURKEY MO ROCCO. PITCHER’S ALBUM DEPOT, je27-tf 808 CHESTNUT Street. By Henry P. Leland. $1.25. TALES AND SKETCHES BY HUGH MILLER. SL2S. AMERfCA; A Dramatic Poem. 75 cents. THE LIFE. WRITINGS, AND CHARACTER OF ED WARD ROBINSON, D. JBD., L. L. D. 60 cents. THE SON OF CONSOLATION; A Sketch of the Cha racter and Ministry of Rev. B. C. Cutler, D. D. 50c. NONE LIKE CHRIST. By O. Winslow, D. D. 40c. GO AND TELL JESUS. By O. Winslow, D. D. .from seventy-fifth fingll&h edition. 40 cents- For sale by WM. S. & ALFRED MiRTIEN, je26 . GOG CHESTNUT Street. jg O O K S New Books received as soon as out. Any Book not on our shelves will be obtained at the shortest notice. - PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, from all the principal manu facturers, at the lowest prices. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOK SOCIETY, ,1224 CHESTNUT Street. je!o-tjy3 gAZARD’S BOOKSTORE* All Books usually to be had la a FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST BRICES. fefl-tf . . . _ ’ 1 : . ■■ ■ 'DISSOLUTION.—THE FUtM! OP -L' ifBNRY BOHLEN k CO., composed of . the late Brig. General WILLIAM HENRY CHARLES BOHLEN and the undersigned, wa6 dissolved on the 22d of AU GUbT, 1862, hy the death af the former. GEORGE K. ZIEGLER. Philadelphia. July Ist, 1863. nOEAETNEBSHIP.—THE UNDER- V.srGifiD h ave associated themselves together under the .firm of HENRYBOHLEN & CO., for the transac tion of the, same Mercantile Business carried on by the previous firm of that name. -GEORGE K. ZIEGLER, S. E. BOHLEN. Philadelphia, July Ist, 1863. * j y 1-lm 702 ARCH St, "PHILADELPHIA, Gth Month 30,1863. —The Copartnership heretofore existing between N.-H. TAYLOR and GEORGE K. TAYLOR, under the name of N. H; TAYLOR * SON, is this day dissolved by mutuaPconsent; The business of the firm will be settled I>3' GEORGE K. TAYLOR, at N> W. corner DILLWYN and WILLOW Streets, N. ;H. TAYLOR,- __ GEO. K. TAYLOR, The business will be continued as heretofore at the old stand by . [.jyi-st* GSO. K. TAYLOR. ■ THE FIRM OF YARD, GILLMORE, & ■*- CO., is dissolved by the death of JAMES C. GILL MORB. . The business will be continued by the surviving part ners, undertbe firm of EDMUND *i ARD & CO. EDMUND YARD, JAMES S. FENTON. LUCIUS P. THOMPSON. • June 30. 1863. - ■ - jyi-tf ; gPEOIAL NOTICE. UNITED STATES SIX PER CENT, OYER TWO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Is rapidly approaching, when the public will no longer have the right to Subscribe at Par for this desirable Loan, the principal and interest of which is payable IN COLD. All parties contemplating investing in'these Six per cent. Bonds,' should at once forward their money through any of the local agencies, or direct to jell-tjyl 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILA. QALIFORNIA AND SAX FRANCISCO CITY COUPONS BOUGHT AND COLLECTED BY AUGUST BELMONT & 00, JjD WARD M. DAVIS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 39 South THIRD Street, (up stairs,) Philadelphia. A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING BUSI NESS TRANSACTED. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. Loans and-Business Paper Negotiated. Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and Remitted. Exchange on Europe Sold. Special Collections made. Coin and Cur rency Bought. Interest Allowed onPeposlte. apl-Sm g HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, Ho. 31» WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and BONDflSmd all kinds of U. 8. GOVERN HKIx'T SECURITIESMRigIit and sold on Commission. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at rates UNITED STATES 8-20 YEAR SIX per cent BONDS, furnished at PAR in sums to suit, without any charge for commission. . Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to . : Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co. • Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., John B. Myers A Cos, Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., Pnmess,Brinley,4CrO., John Thomas, Esq.. 1 apl-gm If SUBSCRIPTIONS AT PAR FOR THE & 5-20 SIX PER CENT. U. S. LOAN will be received during July, and no longer, unless the time be again extended by the Secretary of the Treasury. ARCHIBALD MCINTYRE, • ,iyl-6t . Assistant Treasurer United States. COLLECTION OF U S. OERTIFI- CATES or INDEBTEDNESS.-The ADAMS’ EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect at the ». Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch; and at reasonable rates, the One Year Certificates of In debtedness of the United States now due or shortly ma turing. Terms made known and receipts given at the office. No 330 CBESNUT Street. myS-tf . T OST—CERTIFICATE No. G,923 AJ READING RAILROAD STOCK. Application is made for renewal. je2l-w3t? . NEW PUBLICATIONS. IN THE TROPICS. 111. FRANK WARRINGTON. FOR CLERGYMEN, ' FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS, FOR FAMILIES. AND FOR THE PEOPLE. 724 CHESTNUT' STREET. Between Seventh and Eighth Street*. COPARTNERSHIPS. FINANCIAL. THE SALES OF THE LOAN, GALLED 6 - £5 o*B, Have amounted for many weeks past to DAILY. THE FIRST OF JULY JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. 50 WALL STREET. „„„„„„„ NEW YORK. AUCTION SALE. , '/WvW>.^A.\,WWwwvA^.V\.'\A' , iAVv'VW^VV Wh~ BAZAAR— NINTH AND SAN ■IOT 3 ? SOM STREETS. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, CARRIAGES, Sic., SPECIAL NOTICE -SATURDAY next being the Fouith oi July, onr usual sale of Horses, Sec. , will be held t __ , , , ON FRIDAY MORNING, 3cl inst., at 10 o’clock, Comprising about FORTY HORSES. Including a pair elegant matched Horses, the property of a gentleman going to Europe. Full description in catalogues, _ ALSO, . New and second-hand Carriages, single and aouWe Harness, Ac., with which the sale will commence. No postponement on account of the weather. jyl*2tif ALFRED M. HERKNE6S. Auctioneer. WANTS. WANTS D—A SITUATION IN- A first class DRY GOODS HOUSE, by an expe rienced. Salesman, that can influence a large cash and 1 short ;tlme city and near country trade. Addrew Box 872, Post Office. ,je27-st* WANTED —AN ACTIVE YOUNG * * MAN, seventeen-to twenty years of age, one ac quainted with the city retailers, to sell Goods by sample; a good opportunity is offered. Address Box 1121 Post Office. je24-Bt* PER MONTH GUARANTEED. * v Testimonials of Clergymen and scientific men sent free. ISAAC lIALE, Jr., & C 0.,. Newburyport, Ma ss. ja2l-2md&W A MONTH I—l WANT TO HIRE hP • AGENTS in evory county at $75 a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address S. MADISON. nry6-3md&W - •' ' Alfred, Maine. A MONTHI—WE WANT HPUV/ AGENTS at $6O a month, expenses paid, to sell our Everlasting Pencils , Oriental Burners, and 13 other new articles. 16 circulars free. SHAW & CLARK, my6-3md&W Biddoford, Maine. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFlCE.—Philadelphia, Feb. 9, 1863. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the followinßpoints: ~ Tortueras. ' Eey West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Vft. Alexandria, Va, Newbern, N. C. Port Royal, 8. C. A. BOYD, , felO-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. fOR SAME AN D TO BEST. ® T 0 BENT— A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, pleasantly situated. at No 1712 LO CDST Street. Apply to ROBERT MACGREGOR, It . 233 South THIRD Street. . MFOR SALE—a DESIRABLE COT tage and lot in the twenty-fourth WARD. For sale, the neat two-story COTTAGE, with, large Garden; size of the Lot 100 by 125 feet, withframe Stable, situated at tlio northwest corner of SENECA and MAR KOE Streets, Twenty-fourth ward, only three squares from the, Callowhili and Hestonville Railroad. The house contains a large Parlor and Sitting-room and Kitchen on fche firet flo«r: the second story contains four Chajnbers and Piazza hack, and two garret bed-rooms. The house is in good repair. For terms apply to THOMAS MARTIN, Real Estate Agent and Collector, - N. W. cor. of FOURTH and PINE Sts.. Philadelphia: N.B.—Houses and Lots for sale, and Houses to rent, in different parts of the cit*-. ,ie3o-7tif* SUMMER BOARDING. CUMMER BOARDING AT GLEN- WOOD, near the Delaware Water Gap. The loca • ion is one of the finest in the neighborhood. Rooms large and airy. For terms, &c., apply to SAMUEL ALSOP. je 23-12 t Delaware Water Gap, Monroe co., Pa. BOARDING. THIRST-CLASS BOARD, HANDSOME communicating and single rooms; private table if desired. No. 1315 WAXNDT street. je2s lm* "ROARD AND BOOM AGENCY, OF " FICE No. T«3 CHESTNUT Street.—Persons want ing Boarders or having Rooms to Let in any part of the city or vicinity are invited to call at Office, or send their address, and receive circular. je29 6t* MEDICAL. JJEALTH AND STRENGTH TO THE SUFFERING, DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF W I L D ■ O KERRY Has proved to be the most efficacious remedy yet disco vered for all pulmonary complaints, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hce • moptysis (Spitting Blood), Short Breath, Croup, Wasting Flesh, Pains and Soreness. Weak Breast, Tickling Irritation, or rising in the Throat, Broken Constitution, from the abuses of calomel and other causes, all Throat Breast, and Lung .Complaints. Let no : disease, however bad it may be. or length of time it may have existed, discourage you until you have tried thi3 great Medicamentum. Wonderful cares have taken place, •when, to all h iiman probability, it could not" _ be possible. The popu lar impression, strength-' \ ' ened. by some scientific opinions, that Consumption cannot be cured, has no doubt hastened tlis death of many . an invalid, by depriving them .of the consolation of hope. Per sons afflicted with Pectoral disease should he supported by every assur ranee of a cure, not alarmed by the gloomy, foreboding countenances of those around. For onr part, we do not be lieve that Consumption is incurable; and let physicians theorize as they will, we have a mass of evidence to prove that person* havinff all tLe. symptoms of Consumption, cough, deep bloojdy expectoration, pains and oppression, sore throat, diarrhoea, night sweats, burning fever, &c., have beenpermanently cured by “ DR. S WAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP "WILD CHERRY.” A good ap petite,complete digestion, strength, and a disposition, for active exercise, is sure to follow its use. Thirty years’ experience in this and foreign countries is convincing proof. Beware of all preparations purporting to contain wild Cherry,except thatprepared by Dr. Swayne & Son, the original and only genuine. ■ . Dr. SWAYNE’S Principal Office, 330 North SIXTH Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists and Dealers. jel9 HOTELS. RATIONAL HOTEL, -L* WASHINGTON. X>. C. H. S. BENSON, PROPRIETOR, \ Formerly of the Ashland Bouse, Philadelphia. He is determined to merit, and hopes to receive, a full share of public patronage. jel9-6m TV/TETROPOLITAN HOTEL, , "A (LATE BROWN’S.) PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Between Sixth and Seventh streets, , WASHINGTON CITY. A. R. POTTS, my22-6m Proprietor. ARMY GOODS. HATS, ARMY HATS. AD O L P H & KEEN,. No. 63 NortK SECOND Street, . Philadelphia, Manufacturers of all kinks of FELT HATS, have on hand a lar.ce assortment of all the various and most approved styles of ARMY HATS. Orders by mail from sutlers. or jobbers, -will be promptly filled at the lowest rates; . je3o-3m_. GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKI -BLUE CLOTHS FOE OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCB DUCK. DRILLS. STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. Fortalebr FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. wa-iitf Q W. SIMONS db BROTHERj SANSOM-BTREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OF JEWILHT. FINE SWORDS, ATO MILITARY GOODS, IJT EVERT VARIETY. latß-ifSm LEGAL. TN OBEDIENCE TO A WRIT OF sale issued out of-the Circuit Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to me directed, I will sell at Cook’s Auction .Store,-No, South CFRONT Street, on THURSDAY July 16,1853, at 12 o’clock, M;. six "boxes of merchandize, containing needles, spectacles, buttons, handkerchiefs, and a va riety of other articles. Catalogues will be issued prior to the day of sale. WILLIAM MILL WARD, • • U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, June 29,1583. je3o 6t TESTATE ANGELINA 0. BEEVES, Deceased. -Letters of Administration upon the Estate of said de cedent having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said Estate will please make payment, and those baying claims against the same present them, without delay, to . . THOMAS A REEVES. No. 33 bouth FRONT Street, 1 - Administrator. Or to hie Attorney, • NATHAN H. BHARPLBSS, je24-w6l* NO.SB North SEVENTH Street. DRUGS.’ SHOEMAKER* 00.. Northeast Corner FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS FOREIGN AMD DOMESTIC WINDOWAND PLATE GLASS, MANUFACTURERS OF WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, Ac. AOKKTB FOR THE CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS.' Dealer and conshmers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES EOR CASH. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE A RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared.- as heretofore, to supply Families at their Country Residences wltji EVERY DESCRIPTION 07 FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, diO. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, my2l-tf CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STS. pAUTION —THE SUBSCRIBER HAD Jfi his POCKET-BOOK stolen from him on Saturday. 27th instant; containing. about ONE -HUNDRED AND SBVEN DOLLARS in Bank Notes, and a Draft drawn by the Cashier of the Mechanics’Bank of Burlington. N. J., numbered 443, and dated June 27, 1563, on the Bank of North America, Philadelphia, for 51,300, pay able to the order of GEO. BhROGERs, but not endorsed- AII persona are hereby cautioned against receiving or negotiating said draft, payment having been stopped. Burlington, June 29.18C3. jyl-wthsm&tast* MARSHAL’S SALK.—BY VIRTUE IjX 0 f a writ of pale, by the Hon, JOHN CADWALA DER, Judge ofthe District Court of the United States in and forthe Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at MICHENER’B fc tore. No. 142 North FRONT Street, on MONDAY, July 13, 1863, at 11 o’clock A. H„ the cargo Qf the Steamer CALYPPO, consisting of coffee, pepper, tea, sugar, mache l el, m bbls. and half bbls , salmon, sweet oil, soda ash, paper burlaps, boots and shoes, tin, in bars and sheets, fancy soap, perfumery,'dry goods, shoe thread, alcohol, whißky, iron, and a variety of other articles of merchandise. Catalogues will he issued prior to the day of sale. - _ WILLIAM MILLWARD, TJ. S. Marshal S. I), of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, July 29, 1863. je3o-6fc AMUSEJHEUT9* IVEW CHESTNUT-STREET THEA- A ' TEE. _ Lessee and Manager.• oo.tfr. W. v/iiitATL’ET. Genuine and Unexampled Success* of PEEP O’ DAY. this (Wednesday) EVENING, July ft- Edmund Falconer’s great Irish Drama, entitled*' tl a* T PEEP O' DAY, In which. t . • MRS D. P. BOWERS wm sustain he? original character of Ac Q t 3 „ , KATHLEEN, Tbf^tfro ?7 ter 400 consecutive nights at tbo* Messrs? Royal London, England', eupporiecrby* L. P. BARRETT. towS L S S wheatleigh, jom MCCULLOUGH. ptoduced frolJ i original models procured’ in uring e piece, and DiNC6¥ er ’ SPel ' Je ' 1 Will be presented a c