TI-130 PIRESSI, PUBLISHED DAILY (SUNDAYS EXOEPTED). BY JOHN W. FORNEY. OPTION. Nu. 11.1. SOUTH FOURTH STEER. TIM DAILY PRESS, FIFTEEN °Erre PER WEER, payable to the Carrion ••Nailed to linbecribere ont of the City at Smrsx DOLLARS 'PHIL ANNUM. THREE DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS FOR SIR MONTHS, ONE DOLLAR AIAD SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS FOR 'THREE MONTHS Invariably in advance for the time or dered. air Advertisements inserted at the usual rates. Biz w lines eoru3titnte a square. THE TRI-WEEKLY PRESS, Nailed to subsuriboro out of the City at FOUR DOLLARS FrBR ARNIM. 10 advance. COMMISSION MOUSES. IpHILADELPHIA f B A (3." MANUFACTORY. BURLAP BAGS OF ALL SIZES, proß CORN, OATS, COFFEE, BONE DUST, &a SEAMLESS BAGS; -Of standard makes, ALL SIZES, for sale cheap, for ne •sash on deliverr% GEO. GRIGG.; apls-9m No 219 and Rin CHURCH alley. lv - Er,EM.lck, COFFIN, & ANO CHESTNUT STREET, Have for sale by the Package a good assortment of Staple iIkINTS. LAWNS. BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLIMS. COTTONADES, PRINTED LININGS, SILESIAS, NANKEENS, CORSET JEANS. ALSO. 5-4 BLACK AND MIXED BROADCLOTHS, UNION CASSIMERES, EXTRA, MEDIIIAL AND LOW QUALITY SATINETS. - NEGRO RERUNS, PLAID LINSEYS. ARMY GOODS, &0., &O. apBl•tuths3m STAIPLEY, HAZARD`. da lIIUTCHINSONI No: 112 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELyIIIA-MADE GOODS: ixibM-6m „OHN 1 1”. BAILEY it CO- BAGS A:'ND BAGGING ' OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, NO. 118 NORTH FRONT STREET, WOOL BAGS FOR SALE. 10341a' WATCHES AND JEWELRY. i t WATCHES 1 WATCHES 1 " 1 ' 411 " AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY' GOLD AND. SILVER WATCHES. COMPANY'S SALESROOM EGUTHEAST CORNER EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT. ST. B. MARTER, AGENT. These watches have now been in use over twelve years, tad, for ACCURACY, DURABILITY, AND RELIABILITY, In every conceivable manner,- have, proved themselves to be the most satisfactory time-pieces ever offered to the Dublin, • This result has been brought about by a strict appli eation of mechanical science to the construction of the Watch from its very inception, rendering it, when Mated. MATHEMATICALLY CORRECT in all its proportions, and necessarily as perfect a time keeper as it is possible to make. The Company have tested their Watches, in many in stances, by actual daily noting, and the- result of this test has been that they have exhibited a rate equal in regularity to the best marine chronometer. We invite attention to the LADIES' WATCHES, elaborately finished, and thinner than any 'We have heretofore produced, 'with several 'improvements calcu lated to secure the greatest a ccnrady of performance.and to prevent the usual accidents and derangements to which foreign watches are liable. • mylls-1m WATOITBS, .1176TREaElTED PER STEAMER EUROPE. GOLD WATCHES, Lams , SIZES, OP NEW STYLES. SILVER ANORES AND CYLINDRES. GILT AIiCENB AND C:IYLINDRES. PLATED ANGERS AND CYLINDERS, For Sale at Low Bates to the Trade, by D. T. PRATT; 607 CHESTNPT STREET- - •F IN E WATCH REPAIRING Mr attended to, by the most experienced workmen, and.every wateh warranted for one year. G. RUSSELL. RINI North SIXTH Street. VULCANITE JEWELRY.—JUST aH- V calved, a handsome assortment of Chatelaln and Vest Chains, Ptns. Penaile, &c., and for saleat very low toricem. G IaNSELL, 5p9.541 `32 North Street. J. O. FULLER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer :FINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY, NO. 712 CHESTNUT Street, Gip-stairs, opposite Masonic Temple,) Rea now open a LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK, BAIBRAOIND ROWARD & 'S AMERICAN GOLD CHAINS, CO. GOLD'FINE SPECTACLES, TRIMBLE%WATERS, AND FINE JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 1n3 , 27-ten22 310. FULLER'S'' tlf • FINE GOLD . PENS, THE BEET PEN IN ÜBE, FOR SALE IN ALL SIZES. myE-Sm FINE GILT COMBS IN EVERY VARIETY IMITATIONS OF PEARL AND OORAL. J. FULLER. No. 712 CHESTNUT Street ury22-3m VULCANITE RINGS -• full assortment, all sizes and styles. J. C. ,FULLER, No. 714 CHEST (UT Street. m312-3m MUSICAL BOXES. TN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD CASES, playing from 1 to 12 Pines, cboice Opera and A mer ! . fan Melodies . FARR & BROTHER, Importers. ap4 324 CHESTNUT Stpet. Iminw Vonyttt. CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS. OIL - CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES_ OAREIAGE I TABLE, STAIR, AND FLOOR OIL, CLOTHS, IN COTTON AND LINEN FABRICS, QUALITY_ AND STYLE UNStIIPASSED. WINDOW SIIIDES • COMPRISING EVERY VARIETY OP NEW AND ORD. GMAT. DESIGNS. PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL,. These goods will be sold to Dealers and Manufacturers atveleati much, below the present price of stock. THOMAS POTTER; WIAIWFAOTCYRER OF OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SIIADES, , 999 ARCH Street, Philadelphia, and 49 MITUR and 95 LIBERTY Streets. New York imy7l-2,m BEM() VALI J. T. DELAOROIXi kM removed hloi STOCK OF, CARPETING-a, *OM ET South rowan Street. to hie - NEW STORE. N 0.37 SOUTH SECOND. STREET, Where he offers to hie old enatontess, ourohaaars Beaerally. a LARGE AND DESLRABLPETOOK OY • CIARPETINGS; at all trades, and best known makes. OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, AND WINDOW SHAMA WHOLESALE" AND RETAIL. AT THE LOWEST PRICES. J. T. DELACROIX;. Itre NT SOUTH SECOND STREET, abeve Chestnut: add...4° U. 9. INTERN Ald REVENUE. -v. . rvENO3 FOR TRE SALE OF tiN E 47 9 STATES TAX 6' - TAMPS, No. 57 South THIRI Street, liret door above Chestnut ): fall supply Of all it, 'ids of TAX STAMPS constant") , A untities to snit. o, A h u a t n e d ral . an t d ia fooorusnalt I on amounts of $6O and up- Wards. !Dillon by Mail promptly attm. "lama to. 0200 Hours from 9 A. M. to 6 P. JACOB E. RIEk - ' ..v " den-tie 10 Nn. 57 south THIRD Street SEWING MACHIN SMITING MACHINES THE 46 BLOAT " 117.A.OHINE,* 'PITH cuss PRESSER POOP, STEW STYLE llENfitalt, BRAIDEB. and other valuable Inorovements. !JOETA.GGART & FARR MACIRINEB. 4/ww/40113*ESTNUT Street. - whg.tt - I lc • - _ err li/ /El ; ~- - ... _ ~...c.,__ 4 ..c.v.:..t..._ \ ..7_,_l-____ ii.........,....„. 7 41 Izt, - - - - „ ~ , ~t , , ~. „,,, t , i nn imp ~ • OP, -• , ‘.,. _ _-_ _ ; ft!! I)arati *lO ---- : • r \ s- _ .- ----5 - - - - ----:; , ,,c; ' i , : -'!V;''',: i 2 :,.,=,' 7' . ., _ '2' l' is L!ft ''' , .--:1, ••:-7- -- - •` ----,--=: -: ' ril l ' ' ...- l -1 ,-----„/.._ - , 4444 , 1 - '- - -'• •' - -.............._ =_., _- ''J -&. 1 • -1 1 . 1- .'" -_— ..._..-.-___-- ,-- -&-.-____-,1- . -- "'--4,,,,,,--:..- ..- ..., \' _ ..iii.-'7". --- *7l' .---:---- .-- ... ‘ ,.iii -- --. " 110 -__ ---- r" - _,_:•l2.' - (._ /*/ -*ergo 1 rtl4 „ VOL. 6.-NO. 264 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. F RY k WOOD iq ear)o SMITH, HOLESALE DEALERS IN AND WILLOW WARE, 31 NORTH uURTH STREET,- r opposite the Merchants' Hotel, PHILADELPHIA' Where they have just opened with a large and entire new stock of goods in their line, consistin, in part, of Brooms, Oil Cloths, Children's Gigs - , Buckets, Floor Cloths, Toy Wagons and Tube, Window Shades, Carts, • - .. Churns.- Curtain Fixtures, llobby Horses, . , Baskets. . Mats, Velocopedes, , Brushes, - - Clocks. Fly Nets. • • - Wash Boards, Bird Cages, Wrapping Paper,' Clothes Pins, sieves, Paper Bags," Measures, Tie Yarn, Blacking, .-.. . - • - Cordage. Wick. Matches, &c., &c. , &c. . We also keep 'an assortment of REFRIGERATORS,— WATER COOLERS, and PROVISION SAFES, all of which we offer at the lowest market prices. jel4m* GLOTREm' WRINGERS. CLOTHES WRINGERS I CLOTHES WRINGERS !! The undersigned haye been appointed sole' agents for the sale of the "EMPIRE CLOTHES -WRINGER, ". the latest improved; cheapest, and mast durable Wringer made; warrented in all cases. An examination will con vince any person of their superiority over all others. Price $5 and $6. Persons living at a distance can have them-forwarded"by Express or otherwise, by -remitting -the price of-the size they want. - Sir A liberal:discount made to Agents and those who purchase to sell again. _ _ - • FRY & ` SMIT H 31 NORTH POURT STHRRT. Philadelphia GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. NOP. 1 AND `3 N. SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN 0. ARRISONg (FORAfEHLT J. BURR . MORE,) ESIPQRTER AND• DEALER IA GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, MANUFACTURER OF THE IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT. WRAPPERS, coLLIRs, BATIST4CTEON OtrAROITIED. GEORGE GRANT, • NO. 610 CHESTNUT STREET; Has now ready A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF GENTS' FURNISHING - GOODS, of hie own Importation and manufacture. His celebrated "PRIZE MEDAL SHIRTS," manufactired under the superintendence of - JOHN F. TAGGERT, (FORMERLY OF OLDEREERG d: TA GMERTO are the most perfect-fitting Shirts of the age. SZ- Orders promptly attended to. ralt26-thsto3M OLD ESTABLISHED SHIRT, STOCK, AND COLLAR ` EMPORIUM, O. 146 NORTH FOURTH STREET CHARLES L. ORUM & CO. Are prepared to execute all orders for their celebrated make of ShirtB, on short notice, in the most satisfactory manner. These Shirts are cut by measurement, on sci entific principles, and surpass any other Shirt for neat -11636 offit on the Bread, comfort in the Neck, and ease on the Shoulder. aplB-stuth6m VINE SHIRE MANUFACTORY.. The sub:Z . :Aber would. 'invite attention to his " IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Whien he makes a specialty in his business. Also, con- ZIOMTIES FOR GEIMEMEN'S WEAR. J. W..SCOTT GENTLEMEN'S YURNISHING'STORE. - No. 614 CHESTNUT STREET, • la2o-tf Tour doors below the Continentil FURNITURE, &c. F U R NITUR, 7 A LARGE ASSORTMTINT, W. & AIALEN& mviackm-tv.R._ nAt9-SM 1%09 CHESTNUT. STREET CABINET FURNITURE AND BIIt LIARD TABLES.- MOORE dB OAIVIPION so. sea South SECOND Street, In connection with their extensive Cabinet business, Sr. sow manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES .i.nd have now on hand full supply, flnished„yri.th •the MOORS. 8: CAMPION'S EMOTED CIISHIII.NS, which are pronounced by ail who have used them to' be warier to all others. • _ • Tor .the Uualtty and dutch of these Tables, the manu facturers refer to their nnmerone patrons throughout the Union. who axe familiar with the character of their work. • tah9-8m CLOTHING. JOHN KELLY, JR., TAILOR; HAS REMOVED FROM 1022 CRRSTRUT STRUT: EDWARD P. KELLY'S, MI South THIRD Street. Where he presents to former patrons and the public the advantages of a STOCK OF GOODS, equal if not-su perior, to any in the city—the skill and taste of himself and EDWARD P. KELLY, the two best Tailors of the eity—at prices much lower than any other first -glass esta blishment of the city. aPI-tf Fine Clothing, FOR "Spring and Summer. AVAIIIMARER & BROWN cor. 6th 8g Market. Medium and Common • GRADES, Cut a»d Made In Fault:to - nab)le Style SOLD AT LOW -PRICES BLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.50, - At 704 MAR ST Strad. BLACK CASS. PANTS, .60, At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, . . 60, At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, p .60. At 704 MARKET Street. BLACK CASS. PANTS, 5.60. At 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG &&- VAN GUNTEN'S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GIINTEN'S, No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIGG & VAN GIINTEN'S, No. 704 MARKET Street. G GRI G GG & VA A R N G GU IIN NT R N N'S,. N No. 7 0 04 M MAR RK KE T T S St t r r e e et t. mli22-6m .. GAS FIXTURES, Arc. to n ARCH STREET. 0_ A_ VANKIRK & 004 XARMLOTITHERIS CHANDELIERS! AND OTHER • GAS FIXTURES. Also,Franah Bronze Pitons and Ornamenta. /*ambits and Mei Shades: and a variety of FANCY GOODS] WHOLESALE ANDT'EETAI/G. Meese gall and examine roods. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER ati CO.i Northeast Goriter FOURTH and RACE Strode. PHILADELPHIA. WIEOLESALE DRUGGIST% IMPORTERS 42iD DEALERS PODIMGM ADD DOMESTIO WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS WiIfO7ACTILEBEf OP WEITZ LEAD AND ZING ri4wra, PUTTY, 40.1 /AVM 301 TIEN OBLIBRATRD VRENCH ZINO . i'AINTEL pol io and sonannann AMPDIIBa at TARY LOW PRIM lOU UASL abl2-ha LADIES preparing for their Bummer TOURS cau be Suited in Dry Goods adapted to their wants.' 7'Br.,A.q.K LACE POINTS.- TdRIST DRESS GOODS. BATHING DRESS-GOODS R e pwiN HALL dr CO., 404 NO. 26 S. SECOND STREET, ' Would call the attention of the LADIES to their stock of • .FINE DRESS GOODS, -4 : WIDE MANTLE SILKS, ORGANDIES AND JACONETS, , GRENADINES AND BAREGES, BLACK HERNANI, BLACK GRENADINE BAREGES, SUMMER SILKS, FOULARD SILKS, BLACK CORDED SILKS, PLAIN POULT DE SOIES, MODES AND BLUES TAMARTINES, MODES AND BLUES BAREGES, PLAIN PINK AND BLUE LAWNS, SILK CIRCULARS, WHITE BAREGE CIRCULARS, WHITE I3AREGE SHAWLS, SUMMER SHAWLS. N. B.—A large lot of White and Black Shawl Barege by the yard. " jeS-4t B.LAOR SILK' MANTLES_ UNDERCLOTHING. &c KOMMER SHAWLS. MOZAMBIQUE& BLACK DRESS GOODS. FANCY CASSIMERES. FINS CLOTHS, BOYS' WEAR. - DOMESTIC GOODS. BOYS' CLOTHING. COOPER & CONARD_ je6•tl6 S. E. corner NINTH AND MARKET Ste RAPSON'S, CORNER OF EIGHTH . . ONE LOT ALPACA BRAIDS, plain colon ONE LOT ALL-SLta BELTING% BUGLE BUTTONS, BUGLE GIMPS, BRARRipAg i vo, -- xAPSON'S -TRIMMING STORE my27-12t Corner of EIGHTH_ and CHERRK Sts. PARIS CLOAK. AND MAN 'TILLA STORE. Northeast corner of EIGHTH and. WALNUT, have opened with a - LARGE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS. MOST FASHIONABLE MAKS, and respectfully ask the early attention of lathes wishing' to purchase. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. '-' IVENS & co., No. 23 - Smith NINTH Street, have now on hand an extensive assortment of of the Attest enalitiee, at the 80-178% MISSES', AND CHILDREN'S, CLOTHING, CLOAKS, ate. IN ENDLESS VARIETY, AT LOW PRICES, No. 137 South EIGHTH Street, Three doom above Walnut. B ARGAINS FROM AUOTION:q. , x, One lot 01 Black and White Plaids at 26 centS:worth 373;=a decided bargain. One lot of large-lignre - Grenndines at 46 cents. worth 6234 cents: .. One lot of Lawns, fast colors, 1831- One lot of Bleached Muslins at IS3.i • One lot of Gin sham Lawns at STX. worth 43. OPEN THIS MORNING, at JOHN B. je6 TO% KROH Street. DRESS