‘Whereto But Tour Summer Hat.— At Oharleß Oakfordfit Sons*, under the Continental Hotel, of course. Their assortment is the beat in the city, and their prices reasonable. Knows Nothing About It.— Tlio “Lo cal" of the Columbus (Ohio) Fact, notifies “all Whom it may concern," who atop him on the street to inquire about the war, that he knows nothing about it, not beipg on the lookout for the taking of Biohmond or " any other man." Just like our local editor, who says he is willing to leave the taking of the rebel capital to Halleck, Hooker, & Co., while lie devotes his energies to the getting up firet-clasß notices of the elegant spring and summer garments for gentlemen and youths, that are made at the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhili & Wilson, 603 and 606 Cheßtnut street, above Sixth. Groyer & Baker’s Sewing Machines. —We have frequently and strongly recommended these useful articles to our subscribers? we have done bo because we know and have tested them, both in our homes and elsewhere. There are two necessary things for housekeepers—one of Grover £c Baker’s Sewing Machines, and Godey’s Lady’s Book. It is not housekeeping without them. Send to them for one of their catalogues, No. 730 Chest nut street, Philadelphia, and see to what various uses in sewing they can be applied. The very finest *nd the coarseet sewing may be done on them. We have to chronicld a matter connected with this firm Which shows their generosity. They have lately presented to the “Fotiter Home," in this city, an en tirely new sewing machine, and mended their old dne, which has been used in that establishment for 3nany years without having had the slightest repair Until now. "When we consider that in an establish anent where there are so many children, their clotheß, •and the repairs had to be done on this instrument, we think we can pay no higher compliment than to i@ay that it'lias lasted through auch au immense -Amount of work without getting out of order.— .Godey’s liady's Book for June, Diseases that wile Exempt from the ‘'■Conscription.—First t short-sight; no draft at any time 1b regarded if the sight be too short, three.days -At least shall be allowed. Also, if the sight is im paired by habitually looking through the bottom of Ha tumbler, or in fact if the man is a confirmed turn’. •Her himself. Second: deafness , but acting dummy •‘Won’t’ do; as a man must prove that he has never -heard anything, that he don’t know what the war is about; but thinks that “TJncle Abe" is a kind of a St. Patrick, trying to rid the land of “ Copperheads” and . bother reptiles. Third: weakness of intellect , as 'the habit of buying the cloth and getting his clothes made; instead of buying them Ready-made for the price that cloth costs him, at Charles Stokes & one.price, under the Continental. Any of the .complaints fully established will exempt. Curtain Materials and Curtains on ■.Bale at W. H. Carryl’a, Masonio Hall, 719 Chestnut ..Street, Green French Plush. Wide Moquette. * Maroon French Flush. Hrocatellee. Crimson Plush. Satin de Dairies. Woi.'sted Damasks. Union Reps. Pekin Cloths. ‘ . Gothic Tapestry. Union Damasks. Worsted Terry. Gilt Cornices. ' - Curtain Gimps. - f ‘ Worsted Fringes. Furniture Gimps. Taseelß and Loops. Lace Curtains, $7 pAir. Lace Curtainß, $8 pair. • Lace Curtains, $l2 pair. LacetOurtains, $l6 pair. Lace Curtains, $2O pair. Lace Curtains,'s3o pair, ( ■- Lace Curtains, $35 pair. j- Piano covers, embroidered cloth, Of new and rich designs. Crimson Piano Covers. Emerald Piano Covers. Burgundy Piano Covers. From $l6 to $2B each. ", * Window Shades, For Parlors. For Sleeping Rooms. For Dining Rooms. For Libraries.’ *■ Gold-bordered Shades made to order, any style or nize. Curtain#" and Curtain Material, of every de> qeriptioiij at the lowest price for a good article. MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT Street. W. H. CAKEYL. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTfiLS, UP TO U O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. ai R Burd,.New Jersey X. Davidson, ..Tr, Phila J AMcCbol, :U- A S Philip Johnson, Eastou W H Sfcran, Baltimore* D B McGinley, Washington John D-Sfciles, Allentown Mrs H 'A Thompson, Wash A Mosely, Hew York BHUyer,-New York „ Job. Campbell & son, Penna Oco H GUiis. HE W H Eberly & la, Penna MP Boyei'.& wf, Heading 6 Harbaugh-, Pittsburg O Rundlett, Maine P A Sprigmar. Cincinnati T W Brown, N J .Mrs M Norman, Baltimore *W T Wells & : la, Wash’ton lilies Wtllsv-Washington B Seed, Hoboken Mrs w Teal, Bi-bton tP Walter,' Wt oming iss Walter, Wyoming lss Jaineßf PbiiadelpYiia Mrs Boyer, Norristown Continental—Ninth a C E Hovey) Bloomington, 111 A M Wilkinson, Cincinnati Z Ward," Kentucky S Stevenson, Kentucky E B SB fiume. Eastport Mrs W H My ony & ch, 111 fi H Rogers, lowa ! Mrs Bcott, Pennsylvania i E A Pierce; Chicago Mrs S Small E M Bowman, Kentucky JfWCunuiDghajn, N Castle . J? Knowland & wf.irittsburg Mrs F G Porter, Naßhville ■ Miss Eakeu, Nashville Miss A- Eaben, Nashville . Miss Harding, Nashville .Master P Porter, Nashville • J Kirkman, Nashville . B Buckner Si la, Nashville '"iF-Goodmatrik dau, Ciun ■C F-Blake,(.Boston YV T Beal; Boston E'J Whiton, Boston W A Simpson, Lock Haven i-DlLTodd, Pittsburg " --And H Blair, Carlisle t Mrs A H Blair, Carlisle St. Louifi-Chestmit - Jas B Dow, Jr, Boston ‘John R Douty, bhamokin «John G Butler,'Buffalo D W Moore & wf. N J Mr &-Mrs Edwards, N J ..J Q-A Bachelder, Mass . •G B Robinson, Burlington W R Harrison, Fhila T Vincent . 2 M Aulet A son, Ifew York - Amerlcan-rChcstnut 8 H Heberton Now Jersey J L Hawkins, New Jersey Lieut Hampton . { . F M Ketchum, Baltimore J BBos8; Falmouth, Va . , H C Sparks,New York W F Martin, USA : . J Rutter, West Chester A Y Dudley. Delaware ' W E Camp & la, Waßh. CaptCF Salkeld, N J . . • D B Greenbeck, New Jersey : S Lawrence, US N , Commercial—Sixth iti B H Taylor, West Cheated 5) WNields, West Chester CaptW Penna CM Dyer, Doyleatown * S H Dickey, Chester co ; JC Norik. Oxford Thos’Walter, Chester co - J Tyson," Chester co H Kent, ReedeviUe 4Jos?Horton * Jos S Marsh, Chester co, Pa N UWhitestde, Oxford-: . The Union.—Arch el J Weisser, Pittsburg / Mrs-C Weiseer, Pittsburg WiKGrier Lt Col J Dachrod&sn.Eaet’n Lt ColC HRepfuas, Easton X Q Stout, Easton Capt O Rice, Nazareth. Pa W/B Shaffer, Pittsburg WurHomer, New York J C FuLer, New York £ Innes, Easton R H Jack, Pittsburgh States Union—Sixth J Young & ladr. New York George W Kelly, Penna G L Plitt, Pittsburg oamH Patterson, Lancaster H K.Klllian Notional—Race sti t Pickard, ARentowu J A Bock, Penna J L-Gray, Ohio U* 1( Moore, Penna T L Worth ■& tvf," Lebanon C C Rlino, Conn- Chester Bush,’ Wia • • Black Bear—Third Si Casper Roads, Somerton Bdw Roads,'Somerton Chas Morrison, Rockville I S Trexler, Yardleyville J R Haldeman, Doyieatown Albert DenkleyyPenna W TompEon, Jehkintown . Bald Ragle—Third SI J Wintennute, M Chunk A Murkle, Friedeusvllle Wm Ort, Frledensville • Barclay Brown, Byberry Ztt Rufe, Doyleatown B W"Smith, Backs ao_^ Madison—Second ati JHHaull, Georgetown, Del Mrs Le Courts,-Delaware , John C Sage. New York ■ J Kelsey, Yardleyville J W HewlWigs. New Jersey (rest, below NTftnth* Miss Norman, Baltimore Miss S Norman, Baltimore JWFletchor, Chambersb’g James Boswell, Delaware : Mrs Boswell, Delaware Master Boswell, Delaware John L Peters, Virginia WB Dot ng, Brooklyn W H Lawson, Montgomery A McD Lynn, USA M PLowry, USA _ ; * F G Murray. Washington J W Chandler & wf, N Y Mrs Chandler, New York Miss Chandler Si sister, N Y C JR Thorpe, Baltimore Jos M Bowen, Baltimore A Ross, New York 0 W Brown, New York W McLellan, Chambersb’g W O Case, Columbia, Pa J R Ely, Harrisburg M.Bushneli.Ohio in \j £Snnr.:Reir York G H Clark, New Bruns w’k W M Day, New York ,T A Bradshaw, New Jersey Hon E G Comstock, Wash’n md Chestnut streets, S C Ware ‘ WATSON.—On the 20th inst, George W. - , twin son of A. M. F. and Jane E. Watson, in the 3d year of his Age!' The relatives and friends of the family are invited to fttend the funeral from tbe resiiencoof his parents," Pulaski avenue, Wayne, station, Philadelphia and'Ger man town Railroad, this (Saturday) afternoon at 2 0 clock. * wounds received at the battle of Chau cel'orville, May 3d, Wm. H. Baltz, son bf Daniel D. Baltz. in the 21st year, of his age, of Co. 33, 9uih- Regi ment. P. Y. * T3LA.OK AND PURPDB JACONETS.^- Rich striped, Black, and Purple French LAWKS. ,25 cen-s. BESSON tk SON, Mourning Store,- my 6 ■ No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. DLACK AND WHITE GRENADINE T-* Baregts lS&e. j Black and white Moliair Plaids, 18% to 2So. Black and white Scotch Baregos, 12%c. Black and white Lawns and Chintzes 18^c. j . Grey Chene Modebas, 12&c, • ' Black Balzorinee, 15c. ' • Black Silk and Avool Bareges, 22c. Black EnslishtGrcnadine Bareges, 25c. ■ Black Paris Corded Organdies, 25c. . Whiteandblack MozamhiiiueB,2oc. BESSON & SON* Mournlog Store, . my2l , r .No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. TJLACK GRENADINE BAREGE: , 4-4 Black Satin Stripe Barege. - *-i : 8-4 Black Shawl Barege. . / : AIL Wool Barege Long Shawls. ; ■ r ' Btack Shawls, fall assortment. ' _ EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH. MAN.TLB SILKS OF GOOD Xl± - QUALITY. Good-Black Dress Silks. ■, Summer Foulards. Neat Check’Silks., - - EYRE & LANDELL, . h*y23 FOURTH ft Streots. EIGHTTTHIRD SOLDIERS* MEETING, oIiheAKMYCOMMUTES, V. M. C. ASSOCIATION, connected with the Christian Commis -8)on, will be held on To-AIORRO W EVENING, in the Nazareth M. E. Church, THIRTEENTH Street, below Vine, at 6 o’clock. Kev.“Cihax. Hill. Pastor. Come and contribute to the spiritual and temporal ne cessities of onr brave defenders. Thousands have bean inade to rejoice already by your donations, aud many luoreare in need. Addre«>ees from Rev. W. E. Board mao, Secretary of Chrittiau Commission, and T. 0. Cra»vJb'd, £t o’clock. It* THE BOOK ABOVE ALL !—*EKIES continued t’O-AIORHoW Eveumg, at7# o’clock, at lleventh and Wood streets, by T. H. Sl’O-rivl' )N. In the Morning, atß 10K o’clock. Chaplain (a* Cantata) GEER, of ihe Ohio Conference M. P. 0., recently released fiom Southern imprisonment, is to preach. Free Seats. All invited" - . It* W HITS U-M TI O E.—DISCOURSE lOb. ON S.TBE MIRACULOUS GU/PoURiNGS OF THE HOLY GHOST ON'THE APOSTLES, in ht. Mat thew’s LutheranChuich, NEW street,b>-iow Fourth, fly the Pastor. Itev. K. W. HOTTER, TO-MORROW EVE NING, quarter before eight. Morning service-) c»»m- Ttiriv’e' half past 10. it - ST. CLEMENT’S CHURCH. T WEN |C> TiETH.aM) CHERRY STREEPS.—To morrow being the fuurtli Sunday in the month the afternoon ser vice will be ommitted. Evening service at 1% o'clock. It*' ’ REV. GEORGE W. SMILEY WILL preachTO-MoRROW at \ok A. M., and 1% fc\ at on the “ Baptism by Fire on the Day of PrUtecost. Church in Handel and Haydn Hall, corner EIGH I’ll and GREEN Streets it* CHUCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, ifcCS :a SPRING QAKDES- Street,, below Broad —Rev. Dr. CARDEN will preach tne flrst of a senes of live discourses on “ The Christian Church,"-TU-MOKROW. CSuuday) EVENING, at 8 o’eiock. 11‘he discourses wiU be delivered on each following SUNDAY EVENiNG. Strangers will be accommodated with seats. It* TRINITY M. E. CHURCH, EIGHTH KS* Street, above RACE, Rev. ANDREW LONGA URE will preach (D. V.) at IQ>£ A. M..and in the evening, strangers and the public invitod. Seats provided , • ' . . It* FIRST CO W GREGATIOYAL I CHURCH, THOMPSON Street, below Front Preaching by Rev. D. L. GEAR, SUNDAY, 10,J£A. M. ; subject, “ reier s Wife’s Mother," and at ?M P. M.; sub.iect, “ Acquaintance with God." • It first baptist church op PHILADELPHIA, Broad and Arch streets. —The Rev. JAMfcS DIXON, D..D., of Chicago, will preach on SABBATH next; morning at 10% o’clock, and evening at quarter before 8, The evening sermon to the young. All are invited. : : . - ' li* YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSO OIATION.—The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Young Men 7 s Chrittian Association will be held in the ARCIi-STREET M. E. • CHURCH; northeast. corner BROAD and ARCH Street, (Rev. A. Rittenhouse,) on MONDAY Eveuing, May 25:h, at 8 o’clock. Rev. Franx lin Moore will deliver a Lecture entitled ,4 VVotk, the Law of Life." The public, and young men particularly, are cordially be pi eseut. An election of Dele-- gates to the Nationyfl Convention will he held. ihy23-2t* THE FIFTY-FIFTH ANsriVER. SARY. of the PENNSYLVANIA BIBLE SOCI ETY will beheld at the Church, cornet of FIFTEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, next THURSDAY EVENiNG, 2Sth inst., commencing at 8 o’clock. Addresses will be made by several clergymen. The public are cordially invited to attend. It* “HOMER." AN ORATION, IN FOUR LECTURES; or, DID HOMER VENTURE ON PAINTING IN POETRY AND INTRODUCING A FIGHTING ACHILLES? An origiual discourse and discovery, on the original form and conception in the Poet’s mind of the plot of the Iliad; by Prof. C. C. Shaef fer, ai Borticultural Hall, S. W. corner BROAD and WALNUT Streets, on MONDAYS and THU RS l> A YS, May 25th and2Sth, and June Ist and 4th, atSo’clockP. M. Tickets at Bookstores and Hall. No Single Ticaetß. First Lecture free. my 23 3t. |VS»* SPIRITUALISM— mas. BLISS, OF Massaeluisetis, a Medium, will lecture at BAN SOtf-STREET HALL, on SUNDAY, at 1Q& A. M., and SP. M., on subjectf proposed by tlie audience. Admittance 5 cents. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF fcC?** TRADE.—A Stated Meeting of the Members of the Board of Trade will he held at the Rooms, 505 CHEST NUT Street, ou MONDAY EVEN CNG, May 25th, at B o’clock. LORIN BLODGET, my23-2t Secretary. 1*535* ■•MA.NAYUSKf MAY 33, 1863. —NA !<£*> TIONAL UNION LEAGUE.—'The-loyal citizens of the TWENTY-FIRST WARD, without distinction of party, who desire to sustain the Government in its efforts to crush the rebellion and maintain the integrity of our Union, are requested to meet at the Masonic Hall, MAIN Street, Manayunk, on MONDAY EVENING next, May 25th, at S o’clock. G. T. Jones, Saxon Warren, T. C. Andrews, G. A. Smith, James B. Winpemiy, B. A. Mitchell, D. Rodney King, W. J. P. White, Y. J. Merrick, Oliver Whitaker, James Shaw, , William Hutton,' And many others: my23-2t* PHRENOhOOICALCABINET)RE EC?* moved from No, 922 Chestnut street, to No. 33 SOUTH TENTH Street. Examinations Gaily, by my23-7t J, L. CAPEN. ART.—A SUMBBROP ARTISTS IN this city. New York, and other places, have contributed Pictures to he sold, to aid in sending to their homes our incurably SICK AND WOUNDED VOLUN TEERS. The collects n can be seen for a few days at the Rooms of Jame 3 8. Earle & Son, 810 CHESTNUT Street, who have kindly volunteered to‘attend to their sale, my23-Iot MISS ANNA B. DICKINSON WILL deliver an Address in aid of the WEST PHILADELPHIA HOME FOR FRIENDLESS CHILDREN, AT THE ACADEMY OP MUSIC, ON TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 26, 1863. At‘B o’clock. Subject, “How Providence is Teaching the Nation.” Admission to all parts of the house....cents. Reserved seats. . .50 cents. To be obtained at the Academy of Musie, and at Gould’s Music Store, Seventh and Chestnut streets, on and afierthe l&thinst. To prevent a crowd at the door, it is desirable that tick ets should bo purchased beforehand. Dootr open at 7M o’clock. >s?* OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLERS OF-PUBLIC .SCHOOLS, First District of Penn sylvania, Southeast corner SIXTH and Adelphi Streets, Philadelphia, May 16. 1863. An examination of candidates for ASSISTANT TEACH ERS in the Grammar,'Secondary, and Primary Schools of this District will "be held at the School House, North east corner of TWELFTH and Locust Streets, commenc ing FRIDAY, May 29. 1563, at two o’clock P, At , and continue the 30th inst., at nine o!clock A. M. Candidates-will be examined upon the following sub jects: “E'ymology and Definitions,” “Mensuration, > ‘‘ Grammar and Parsing,’’ “ Geography.’' ‘‘ History,” “Constitution of the United'States,” ‘‘Arithmetic,” “ Orthography and Penmanship. ” By order of-the Committee on-Qualifications of Teach _er.s., _ .... - . r : JAS; i>. CAMPBELL, rAy2O-wfs3t‘ fSS? 1 THEAMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION.—The Annual Sermon in behalf *of-the- American Sunday-school Union-willbe preached bv the Eev. CHAS. S. KOBINSON. of Brooklyn, New York, on LOBO’S-DAY EVENING, May 24th, in'Calvary Church, LOCUST Street, near Fifteenth, at a quarter before 8 o’clock. . • The Services connected with the Thirty-nintli Anni versary of the Society, will be held at. Musical Fuad Hall, LOCUST Street, below Ninth, on TUESDAY EVEN ING, May 26th, at a quarter before 8. . Tickets of admission may be obtained gratuitously, ou application at the Depository,. No. iiaa CHESTNUT Street,. . AMBROSE WHITE, "X B LONGACRE, ALEX. BROWN. JOS. PATTERSON, L. KNOWLES, Committee of Arrangement.. UNIVERSITY OF PENSBYLYA NIA, (DEPARTMENT-OF ARTS. V The final examination of the Senior Class will be held* in the following order, beginning each day at 4 o’clock •WEDNESDAY; 20th.;. By the Provost, (Butler’s Analogy.)- THURSDAY, 21st. By the Provost, {Political Eco nomy.) . - | FRIDAY, 22d. By. Professor Frazer, (Physical Ge ography.)' MONDAY, 25th. By Professor Allen, (the : Orestes of Euripides.) ? TUESDAY, 26th. By Professor Coppee, (International Law.) ' _ WEDNESDAY, 27ch. By Professor Kentrall. {lntegral Calculus J}vjritten. THURSDAY, 2Sth. By Professor Xackson, (Cicero de Amicitia) GEORGE ALLEN, ‘ my2o-8t Secretary of the Faculty of Art#.; GIRARD F, & M. INSURANCE COMPANY-Office, No. 415 WaLNUL' Street. Philadelphia, May li, 1863.. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of FOUR PER CENT., and. an Extra Dividend of THERE PER CENT, out of the earnings of the last six months, clear of National and State Taxes, payable on demand. ALFRED S. GIL ECTE, my!2-tnths9t Treasurer. FAITH AN ELEMENT OF THE HEROlC.—Apopular LECTURE ou this theme, applicable to the present struggle for the- UnioD, will be delivered in the Mechanics’ Hall,' FOURTH and GEORGE Streets,, on WEDNESDAY EYENING;. May 27th, by Rev. FRANKLIN MOORE. Proceeds to aidin' making repairs to Front-street M. IS. Church. i016 : 23-27* OFFICE UNION MUTUAL INSU KANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia, May 11.1863. , The Board ofDirectors of .this Company hereby give notice that a meeting of the Scripholders will beheld at their Office, N. E. corner ofWALNUT and THIRD Sts., MONDAY, at 12 o’clock M., Juue 1, 1833, to act on an amendment to the Charter of 4he Company for convert ing the Scrip into Stock. JOHN MOSS, t myl3-tjel Secretary, MANDAN MINING COMPANY, O-F fcCr* LAKE SUPERIOR.—The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Mandan Mining Company will be hold at their Office, No. 3/54 WALNUT Street, on THURSDAY, the 28th inst.,at 11 o’clock A. M , for the election of Directors, and the transaction of other busi ness. B. A. HOJPES, Secretary. •Philadelphia, May 11/1863. NOTICE.— THE ANNUAL MEET ING of the Stockholders of the Germantown Pas senger Railway Company will he .beld-at the- office of the Company, corner of SIXTH and DIAMOND Streets, on TUESDAY,'June 2, 1863, at 12 M., at which time and place an election will be held for President and Trea surer, and three .Managers, agreeably to an act of the Legislature, passed the 8d day of April, 1863. . mylSttjeS i JOSEPH SINGERLY, Secretary. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA. RAIL ROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 15, 1863. The Board of Directors have'this day declared a semi annual dividend of FOUR PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State and National taxes, payable oh and after May 15, 1863. : Powers of Attorney for Collections of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company, No. 338 South THIRD Street. - . mhl6-tjel THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer; ' THE UNION'CANAL COMPANY, Philadelphia, May 18, 1 1863. . N OTICE TO BONDHOLDERS!—The; Bondholders of the UNION CANAL COMPANY are hereby requested to call at the.office-of the Compapy.No. 838 WALNUT Street, and surrender-tne-Coupons, as agreed upon in . accordance with the act of Assembly of ; ApriUOth, 1862. mvlB‘6fc OSCAR THOMPSONT Treasurer. HOMOEOPATHIC* HOSPITAL, lUB CUTHBERT Street.—This.institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in- the most, comfortable manner, free of charge. B. F. GLENN, n022-tf Secretary of; Board of; Managers. t ' DISABLED SOLDIERS —OFFICE No. 1011 CHESTNUT Street, from 9 to 12 o.’clock, under the auspices of the. 1 * Union League,?’- to register, the names and qualities of disabled sol diers ana sailors honorably discharged, and to'aid them in procuringcmployment. All persons able*,to furnish employment will please apply, in person or bytletter, to . > * ' ABRAHAM Superintendent, . my23-2t* ... •^ t . . 1011 CgBSTNUT Street, “ jfclOn B O UN T Y:—ALL SOLDIERS DISCHARGED onTSurgeon’s Certificate ofDis ability, without regard to hb e length of service/wiil please call at the XL S. ARMY-. AN D^NAVY AGENCY OFFICE, S. E.' corner «f- - i 9f|n SEWARD.—LOST OR, STO Y/,-LEN, May 16, 1863, in removing froni-.a dwel ling houfa on Tnlpehocken street, Germantown* $1,200 in United States 7-30 Treasury Notes of the following de nominations, Viz: One of sl*ooo, No. 824, payable April and October; also, four-of $5O each. Nos. 50,429,"50i440j 60.'441, 59,442, payable April and October. ; Brokers and others are cautioned against purchasing notes of this de scription . from any person. .' The ahove'Reward will be paid upon return of the notes to - ( ■' - CHARLES M. SCHOTT, No. 319 WALNUT street. my23-2t* S&1 non K EWARD.—STOLEN-ON JU,VUv the nirfit of April 13th, 1863, from tha Fireproof of the'Reading Railroad Company, at their upper Freight Depot,; at: Reading, a Package of Money, containing TBN THOUSAND AND NINfeTY-SSVEN DOLLARS. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD will be paid for the recoveiy of said money, or the same pro portion for any part thereof; and a further;sum of Five Bundrea Dollars for such information as may lead to the apprehension and conviction of the-thief or’tuieves. t*i.„ , , , ; W. H. WEBB, Secretary, and Readingßailroad Company, ; - my!4-12t 33T: South FOURTH St., Phihvdari' & CO.’S NEWLY INVENTED ” METALLIC REFKI&ER ATOH. sold liy WALCOTT At BDIINHAM, Tai CHESTHIcrT, Street,! Is tha most beautiful, and economical Refrigerator ever presented to the.piihl.c. This.ls a combination of Kefriirarator and Water Cooler, and roauires very little mura tce for both than is generally used foi ft? Cooler albaaj myl4 6^tf THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. MAY 23, 1863. TN MAN; ILLA BOOM. Fine Black Taffeta Mantles. Low priced and elegaut Garments. Sacques of American Cloths. BaciiutB of French Cloths, imbroideml Clcdh and Silk Cloaks. Braided Cloth Cloaks. _ BLaOK THIBET SHAWLS. Square, at $3,'54.25, $5, SS.GO, and 456. Broclie Bordered Shawls from $3 to st.6o. French Lace Points from $4 to $l3. BLACK DRESS GOODS, . . Lupin’s Black Wool Delaines, 50. 65, and 6a cents. Lupin*s6-4 do. do., $l. $1.19, $1.25, and $1.31. Black Summer Bombhzlue, $1.25, Black alpacas, auction lots, SI and3Bcts. Fxtiivfine qualities, 40, 50, 62&, and 75 cts. Black Dress and Mantilla Silks. Exiia heavy lieh flossy Silks, for Mantillas, Ponsou s and Bonnet’s make. Extra cheap Blaci Tamartines. Black Bareges, at lower than market prices. FANCY DRKSH GOODi.' t Fine Moliait Black and White Plaids, 31 cts. Extra-fine Plaids, Browns, Purple, Blues, &c., 38cts. One lot Mode Colors Delaines. 25 cts. Mode Color Alpacas, b7>£ to 6214 cts. Double-fold French Mozambique*, 37>£ cts. Mozambiqups, in Plaids, Stripes, &c. Lenos, a new iliiu materia), 31 cts. Second Mourning Mozambique*, 31 cts. , New Chailics ol every pattern, 25 and 28 cts. CLO’JHS AND CAS3IMERES. Ladies 1 Cloakings, $1.50, s‘2, &c. 6- ShirtingStnpcd Funnels, $1.50. „ Black Broadcloths. 81.G2,-*S.2i. $2.50. *3.'&c. Black Cassimere*-, from $1.25 up. - Black DrapD’tte; several auctionlots. ; Fancy Cai-simeres, for Summer Suits. Nobby styles, for young men. Ligbi Mixtures and Diaganols. $1 extra-good Meltons, worth $1 25. Boys’Cassiineres. in groat variety. • . MUtiLIKS aT KIDUCED PRICES. 7- Bleached Muslin at 16,18. and 20 cts. 4-4. extra-heavy Muslin, at 25 cts. Beet qualily 4-4 Muslins. 28 to Slots. Wamsutla* and Williamsvilles, 35 cts. • . Heavy 4-4 Brown Muslins, 25. SS, and 31 cts. Bleached blicetings, Pillow Muslins, Ac. LINEN DIAPERS AND DaMASKS.. Table Dinpere, Nursery Diapeis. Table Damasks, Ciotlis, and Napkins. COOPER A CONARD. It R. E. corner NINTH nod MARKET Streets.- TAGS & BROTHER, CORNER J- 'TENTH and PTNE. open from French Sale— -1 loi very, fine plaid Jaconets, 37>£«- : 1 lot % and 4-4 black Grenadines, 31 and 50c, 1 Jot black and white Lawns, 25c. Hot, 70;p8. India'Mull Mull, Muslins, Mushns, 25 to 50c. .. . 1 lot fine plaid Nainsook Muslins. 62Jfc. 1 lot fine Cambric Muslins, 40, 50, and 75c. 1 lotfine furniture I-imiiy, 25c. 2 lots Ladies' corded border linen Hadkfs., 16 ana 22c. 1 lot Ladies’ 1 % in hem, hemstitch Hdkfa, 25c.1 2 lots Ladies’ 2in hem, hemstitch, Htlkfs, S7>* and 56c. 1 lot Gents’hen med linen fldfs, 31c. 10 lots Hlk and Cotton Sun Umbrellas, all prices. 1 lot Linen Crash, 13c 1 lot very finefcwhite Brilliants. 31c. 1 lot milled French Chemises, $2. ' 1 lot % Snowdrop Damask Napkins, $2.75 per dozen, 1 lot black Linen Fans, 25 and 40c. 1 lot white Linen Fans, 31c. . Several lots Notions, Gimps, Ribbons, Veils, Stock ings, Gouze, Merino Vests, Stationery, Extracts, Trim mings, &c , &c., at • n , TAGG A BROTHER, Auction Store,. It*" S. E. .corner TRNTH and PINE:- The NEW STORE, .r~ 818 ■ ' -• ARCH STREET, Have now opened a handsome assortment of Ladies’ and Children’s „ . ■ ■ Silk, Lace, and Cloth- MANTILLAS AND CLOAKS. *■ Also, - •'••■■■■ my2l-6fc. LADIES’WRAPPERS. ‘ N EW ' SIL K CLOAKS NEW SILK CLOAKS NEW SILK CLOAKS Of Spring Cloaks, made in Light Zephyr Cloths, suitable for all summer, now closing out at J. W* PROCTOR & CO.; mylB-16t. 9510 CHESTNUT STREET. SUPERIOR WIDE BLACK TAFFE- TA S iLKS for Mantles, from $L 62>£ to $4 per yard. Heavy Black Corded Silks. Check Silks in great vai’iety from 87& cents up to $1.25. Two lots ot neat Stripes very glossy and rich at $1.25. One lotol Plaid Foulard Silks at 75. Two lots ofßlack Figured Silks, $1.25. One lot of Bines, Browns, and Mode Silks. Fancy Silks at reduced prices. EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 556 South SECOND Street. N. B.—Silks, Mantles, and Cloaks of the newest' shapes. my!4 TjVLNEST STOCK OF Fancy Cassimeres in town. .Nobby Styles for young Gents. " Cadet Cassimeres, the right Shade. $1 Meltons and Tweeds. 6-4 Meltons, good mixtures, low prices. Black Cloths and Cassimeres. RICH MANTILLA SILKS. - High cost and low price Black Silks. : Prices range from $1.25 to $3.25. . Black Wool Delaines, 55 and 65 cts. Lupin’s Wide Black do., $1 to $1.31. - Black Tamartines, a bargain at 38 cts. . CHEAP BLACK ALPACAS.' . " " ' Best-goods-in town for 31 and 38 cts. Finer grades, 40, 50. 62, and 75 cts. . . ' Mode Alpacas from 25 to 623-£ cts'. Some Light Colors, Choice Shades, at 55 cteK Thin Dress Goods at nearly old prices. * COOPER & COWARD, my2l-tf S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Street*. CHARPLESS BROTHERS Offer new styles English Cassimeres for Men. and . oys Silk-mixed Coatings—Blacks, Blues, and Browns. French Catsimeret>, neat styles, very thin for warm eather. . a goodajssortmenk- Aleo, Summer Cloths, l>rap d-’Efces, Grass Cloths, and Kftnlrftfltift * S . .•/' . OHESTITOaWdBtGHTAi^tLv '* * '*W. SUMMER CLO-AKlEfCtfS.*':* ' ‘T"' W y‘- v . Just received &• few 'Light-colored Middlesex Cloak ings, choice colors: my2o-tf Secretary. CPE C I AL NOTICE.—MOZAM *3 BIQUES—One lot at 37# cts. ■ Foil De Clievres —beautiful'assortiaent, Lupin’s 6-4 Black Wool Delaine. >, . . Reduced Silk and Wool Plaids. Ghalli Delaines,; all styles, at 25 cts. - . Plain Brown Foulard Silk. - - Brown Lawns, neat figures. Choice Summer Dress Goods. Also, for Men and Boys— Large stock Cloths and Cassimeres, \ \ Dark Marseilles Testings, ■ -Cottonades. Linen Checks, Drilling, ■ . Patteens, and-other wa6h goods. Barege and Barege Anglais Shawls. Williamsville, Wamsutta 1 Muslins, always on hand, at JOHN H. STOKES’, my2l ; TO» ARCH Street. C TILL MORE' NEW GOODS, AND STILL GREATER BARGAINS, AT BAMBERGER BROS’. ,105. North EIGHTH Street. . SOO doz. Linen.Handkercliiefs, splendid quality, at 10, 12,'and IS.cts.,.worth, fully Iff and- 18 cts.; extra fine at 15 and 18 cts., worth 2£ cts. Men’s Linen Handkerchiefs, very fine, at 25 cts., worth 38- by the-dozen- Ladies’ Broad Hem Hem-etiched Handkerchiefs, from 31 cts. up, extra cheep SUN UMBRELLAS, SDN UMBRELLAS The cheapest and best Sun Umbrellas in the city; all sizes, colors, and quality. • MITTS. MITTS.- MITTS. The cheapest Mitts in the city; a very large .ment of long and short M»ttsjnst receivedv . • : HOSIERY, HOSIERY. ; HOSIERY., Positively the cheapest Hosiery in the city. Just re ceived, an immense stock of every description at much reduced prices. Splendid Ladies’Stockings, at IS, 20, and 25 cts..; best full regular made at only 28 to 31 cents, worth 40cts. Men’s best Half Hose at 18 and 20-cts.; best full regular made only 28-cts., worth 38 cts.; a very largo assortment of Children’s Stockings, very cheap. ' La'dit s’.Men’s, and Children’s tiaoze, Merino and Lisle Thread-Tests, very cheap. GLOVES. GLOVSSS. An immense assortment of Lisle Thread, stitched backs, and silk- kid finish Gloves, very cheap r Corsets at reduced prices... - > Grenadine Veils, all colors. Invisible Hair Nets, Linea Bosoms, Morocco Satchels, &c.» all much lower, than they can be bought for in any other store in the : city. ’ HOOP SKIRTS. HOOP SKIRTS. ’.i The best make of trail and other kinds of Skirts, very*? low ; warranted to give satisfaction. Alpaca Braids, ‘all ’ widths, at 3 and 4 cts. a yard,black and colored. Best : black Italian Sewing. Sifks t ‘7s :cents,'an ounce, worth. $1.12. Best Needles and Pins, only 4 cts. paper. Best Pearl Buttons, 3 *and 4 cents a dozen. . Hair Brushes, best goods up. Tooth Brushes,-best at 6, 8, and 10c. Skirts Braids, finest and widest, full 5 yards, only 9 cts. Spool Cotton, Cotton Cord, Hooks and Eyes,' Tape?, Combs, Steel, Gilt, and Jet Buttons,’ &c., &c., all much lower than in anv other store in the city.'at BAMBERGER BROS., 105 North EIGHTH Street, third store above Arch. ' .inyl9-tf myl2to2B M. NEEDLES, * 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, ’ IS IN RECEIPT OP THE FOLLOWING NEW 66bps NEW STYLE ©REJTAMJfE VEILS. NEW BLACK THREAD EDGINGS ANDLACES. NEW VaLENCJENNE EDGINGS AND.LACES. • NE W VaLENCIENNE AND POINTE LACE COLLARS AND SETTS. NEWfEMBROIDERED AND HEM-STITCHED HAND KERCHIEFS. a bargain. ? NEW MUSLINS, various styles, for Waists and Bo dies. .. NEW:-NAINSOOK, SWISS, PLAID, FIGURED MUS LINS. - •- • .* NEW CAMBRIC. JACONET, STRIPED MUSLINS. ' NEW.PRINTED LINEN CAMBRIC DRESSES at re duced prices: , NEW PIQUES, FOR CHILDREN'S WEAR, at ro il need prices. w NEW-HANDKERCHIEFS., all kinds i-NEW VEILS, NEW. BAUBES, HEW COLLARS, nlw SLEEVES, HEW EDGINGS AND INSEBTINGS,. NEW FLOUNC ING S AND BAUDS, HEW ROBES AND WAISTS FOR INFANTS. ‘ i • New Goods in great variety-; inmany instances will be-. -. OFFERED AT- OLD PRICES: ; ’ ■ of the Ladies is respectfully asked.’ ■ ; - ' ■ * 'BVM-. NEEDX. E S, ' ioyl4-t2sthrby 1034 CHESTNUT STREET,’ , THE. PARIS QIiOAK AND MAN • TILLA STORE, Northeast corner of-EIGHTH and WALNUT, have opened with a. v - : ‘ ■ LARGE -STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, of the. MOST FASHIONABLE MAKE, ' and-respectfuily ask the early attention of ladies wishing to purchase. ......... - nLOAKSANI>..MA:NTILLAS. V: 1 iVSNS A COj, Nos »3 South .NINTH Street, have :now.onliaud an extensive'assortmeut of * - - ' r - SPRING-STYLES, : of the finest atthe» LOWEST PRICES. Ladies, faU-to give u^-acall; ' . • ■DOTS’, MISSES? AIto'CHILDREN'S, ".CLOTHING, CLOAKS, ike.. IN ENDLESS VABIETT,' 1 AT LOW PRICES, No. 137 SouttfEiQHTH Street, AP2S-2m Three dodrs above Walnut. nHEAP . DRY GOODS," CARPETS, V; 'Mattiig-s, Oil Cloths, and Window.Sbadea;-rV. E. 4. E U“. AMBAI,I,r . northeast c6rne'r''EEEVENTH and; MARKET Streets, will open THIS MORNING, from Auc tion. Ingrain Carpets at 45, 50. 62, 75; B7c, and #l. Entry and Stair Carpats 25 to 87c. White and red check Mat- Hag Sland 370 Hag, Hemp, and Yarn Carpets SI ta.fOo. Floor Oil Cloths 45 to 75c. Window Shades, Gold, and Velvet Borders, 75c to $2. Buff and Green window Hol land 31 to 50c. :■ - • ' CHEAP DRY GOODS. „New York City Mills Long Cloth Muslin at 25c, t Pine • Shirting, Mashas 12!4 16, 18, and 20c. ■ Now Spring Chintzes 18-and 200. ■ Spnng-De Lainea 25c. light Al pacas 31 to 62c. Stella Shawls $2 to slo.' Cloth Sanaa, $5 to $B. :, pp'2s-lm LI GUT' SUII ER SHAWLS— IN!‘ : Mozambique, Challi, Grenadine, and Barege. FRENCH-PLAID CASHMERE, SHAWLS AT %50n ~ These Shawls:coßi $8.60 to infflorL . v ■ Every vaiiety ofThin and. Thick Shawls for ..... SPRING'AND summer. - ■ • Light Clotli Shawl-MahtiaaandCireulars. • Black Silk Mantles and Sacquas. THIN DRESS GOODS OFtEYSRY -VARIETY, Plain Blue Lawna, Buff Linens. - A great variety, of Main Goods for Suits. ' A great variety of &ew Dross Goods at low prices. H. STEEL ARON, my 9 Nos. 113 and 715 North TENTH Street. . SALE—A PART OF A VAlfofc A bIe,PATENT RIGHT. Apply to. or address JOHN A-. HtntSQKv*s4l&l9 Wj 'mjtyqr- RETAIL, DRY GOODS. MANTILLAS. AND MANTILLAS; AND MANTILLAS, OPENING EVERY MORNING. OPENING EVERY MORNING. THE BALANCE REDUCED PRICES. V. - SHARPLESS BROTHERS,. > CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets, CARPETS, MATTING, &c. A R P E T S , OIL CLOTHS- M AT TINGS, IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES. NEW STORE, No. 807 CHESTNUT STREET. R. L. KNIGHT & S© N . jyjATTINGS I MATTINGS !! M A T T IN G S!!! 3-4, 7-8. 4-4, 5-4. 6-4 WniTE AND CHECK MATTINGS. EEEYE L: KNIGHT * SON, 807 CHESTNUT STREET. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 1 AND 3' N. SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA.. - JOHN 0. A SB I SO It, (FORMERLY I. BOSK MOORK,) IMPORTER AND DEALER' I S GENTLEMEN’S EURNIShING GOODS, ALSO, MANUFACTURER OF THE IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT, WRAPPERS. COLLARS, SATISFACTION GUARANTIED. my22-tocl Q.EORGE GRANT, ■NO. 610 CHESTNUT STREET. Has now. ready A. LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK .GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, of hisoWTi importation and manufacture. His celebrated “PRIZE. MEDAD SHIRTS,” manufactured under the superintendence of JOHN F. TAGGERT, (FORMERLY of OLDENBERQ & TAGGERT,) are the most perfect-fitting Shirts of the age. . JV3* Orders promptly attended to. mh26-thßtu3m QLD ESTABLISHED SHIRT, STOCK, AND COLLAR EMPORIUM, NO. 146 NORTH FOURTH STREET. CHARLES L. ORUM & CO. Are prepared to execute all orders fortbeir celebrated make of Shirts, on short notice, in the most satisfactory manner.: These Shirts, are cut by measurement, on sci entific'principles, and surpass any other Shirt for neat ness of.tf£ on the comfort in the Neck, and ease on the Shoulder. - aplB-6tu.th.6m 606. AECH street. 6 qo # FINE SHIRT AND WRAPPER DEPOT. AS ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GENTS’ TUBNISHING GOOBSj AT MODERATE PRICES. FOUR PREMIUMS AWARDED FOR SHIRTS, AND STOCKS. ' G. A. HOFFMANN, } / Successor to W. W. KNIGHT. : ap6-mws3m 606 ARCH STREET. 606, T?INE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. A The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty in his business. Also, con stantly receiving, . NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. . J. W. SOOTT, .■ -' GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORED i ‘ #o. BL4 CHESTNUT STREET, Ja2o-tf * Four doors belowthe. Continental. ■ V ■ "’r" ' rINANCIAX,. gTERLING EXCHANGE, i EXCHANGE ON PARIS, BOUGHT AND SOLD, DREXEL & CO. ‘mylS-lm DWA R D M. DAVI S , STOCK AND EXOHANOE BROKERj No. 39 South THIRD Street, (up stairs,) Philadelphia. A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING BUSI NESS TRANSACTED. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. Loans and Business Paper Negotiated. Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and Remitted. Exchange on Europe Sold: Special Collections made. v Coin and Cur rency Bought. Interest Allowed on Deposits.' apl-Sm g. HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 313 WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN KENT SECURITIES, bought and sold on Commission. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at lowest rates. -UNITED STATES 5-20 YEAR SIX per cent. BONDS, furnished at PAR in sums to suit, without any cnarge for Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., v. John B. Myers & Co,, Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., Furness,Brinley,&Co.,. John Thomas, Esq. . apl-Sm if JOHN o. CAPP &SON, STOCK AN D NO TE B BOY E B S , No. 33 South THIRD Street, Directly opposite the Mechanics’ Bank. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS. MO N E -ST IN V GSTED NO’TeS and loans negotiated mh!2-Sia ON THE BEST TERMS. /COLLECTION OP TL S., CERTIPI CA-fES -Of INDEBTEDNESS.—The. ADAMS’ EX ' PRESS-COMPANY are-now prepared to collect at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch? and *at reasonable rates, the One rear Certificates of In .debtedness of 'the United States now due or shortly ma- UuringA:' v Term's made known and receipts given at the offioe. |¥o. 330 CB ESNUT Street. - . myS-tf •fIEPIOB Pi'NNS YLYANIA , BAIL* IROAD COMPANY* . v!, ; I ‘ Philadelphia, May 22, 1863. - Tlie|TiiidGrsigned has been m to offer Jbr sale at parithe First Mortgage Six Perl Cent. STEUBENVILLE - BRIDGE BONDS of the Holliday’s Cove Railroad Com pany, amounting to Three Hundred Thousand? Dollars, ($300,000, )> issued to J. Edgar Thomson, Trustee, under *, an Act.of Assembly of the. State of Virginia, authorizing the construction of a Railroad -Bridge across the Ohio river, at Steubenville, confirmed by an act of Congress, approved July:*l4,-18®. -. These bonds are for one thousand dollars (*1,000) each, - .secured by a mortgage on tne'property and franchises of the Company, and redeemable on the first day- of Febra : ary, ISOSr'vThe coupons attached are payable on the . first,day olFebruary -and of August in’ each and every year,'at the office of the'Pennsylvania Railroad Compa ny, in the city, of'Philadelphia, and. the principal there .of at the Farmers and Mecnanics' Bank m the said city* 'at maturity. : • r'' This Railroadßridge is now being constructed in the .bestjnanneivwith stone piers and abutments,, and iron Superstructure, after a plan prepared by J. H. Linville, jwiyil -engineer.and approved by J. Edgar Thomson, iPresiden.t.of.thePennsylvaxia. Railroad Company. ’ : This bridgei completed, will form, part of a • through-line froxm Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, under - one management? twenty-nine miles shorter than any'other V.route; andvfifty-eifeht miles shorter than, the present ~.route; via Crestline. 1 It is expected that the line will be i ready , for business throughout its whole extent by July 1, ,1864. and it-must eventually become the great through .route for both passengers and freight,to andfromtne South . . The Tolla-.that will. be charged, by the said company . undor.its charter, fori' the use of this bridge, are specitt . calj,y pledged=to the payment of the interest on the bonds, ; aryl twenty percent, ‘per annum of the earnings, after ,pa>ymint of interest, and such expenses as may boneces-. sary to a sinking fund fQTrthe redemption oftheprinoi :pal ofthe bonds at maturity. - .The - aiupunirof traffic passing, over this bridge will :■ yield, under a a fund' amply sufficient to provide Ibr.thb intewst and. the necessary accumula tion. for a t.iukingfund,-to provide l for ths principal of the they mature., The bonds are, there fore. recommended as a first-class security. '. . v Any further inforjcation desired will be given by the •lied*wifch>the necessary article: '5 '-fit is the cheapest artiole in the market, jit does not spoil in the wai’mest weather. *■**.. , 1 It is.more healfliy than Fresh Meiits-. »- For the best and cheapest inf he market . Gallon v W; H.VYANAMAMER, Vr’).; -, -f No. 1519 MARKET Street. < A very prime j) cents par-pound. ' -It* : RETURNED VOLUNTEERS AND ■ 'muam others wiU’'flhd a 'splendid assortment of'Gold HuaTSilver WATCHES and JEWELRY &£: moderate '"pricks. " LOUISLADOMUS * CO., 803 CHESTNUT Street. ' ' - ‘ • ' t my23-2t PATENT El\ r KT-BAOK GRASS SCYTHES? Grrigs-hobkei. GraBS:edginjr knives and ■Shears at H. Ar DREER’S'Seed Warohause, *~"-r SAY CHESTNUT Street TtfORYTYPES ABE StADE AT BEI- Ameß’S GaUeryof fipfa quality; Consummate skill is ■mantfoßt in'the admirable manageroeot of light aud.co lor; popular style; pictures, : SECOND Street, above Crj»a. " It CENTS! NEW CARD PHOTO •w GRAPHS! 15 CENTS. Mrs. Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, on single card. Gen. “ “ “ Mr. and Mrs. “ one Over twenty different styles, from new-negatives, made May 19,1863. PITCHER’S store, my23-?t 808 CHESTNUT St. fJTHB COMMERCIAL LIST: WILLBE PUBLISHED,SATURDAY, U May 23d, CHRISTOPHER NORTH, A memoir of the late Professor JOHN WILSON, *' Clirisiopher North” of Blackwood. Noutes Ambrosianac, etc., Compiled from family papers and other sources, BY HIS DAUGHTER, MRS. GORDON, with an inlroduction by R. SHELTON MACKENZIE, D. C. L., Handsomely printed, on laid tinted paper, with gra phic Illustrations in wood, and a new steel portrait. One volume crown Bvo. Price $2. W. J. WLDDLETON. Publisher, 17 MERCER Street, New York. J, B. LiPPINCOTI’ & CO., my22-3t Philadelphia. TSJEW BOOKS. T J Just Itecoived by J. B LIPPINCOTT&CO., 715 and 711 MARKET Street. CHAPLAIN FULLER—Being a life sketch of a New England Army Chaplain. By Richard F. Fuller. CD M MING’S NEW BO'OK- MOSES RIGHT AND BISHOP COLENSO WRONG. By Rev. J. Cuinming. THE GENTLEMAN, By George H. Calvert. BEECHER’S LECTURES TO YOUNG MEN. New edition. AT ODDS.. By the Baroness Tautrhmus. ' COPPEE’S NEW WORKS ON COURTS MARTIAL. SCHALK’S CAMPAIGNS OF 1862 and 1863. THE ARMY CHAPLAIN’S MANUAL. By Rev. J. P. Hammond. , DIARY OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. From newspapers and original documents. By Frank Moore. 2 vols., Bvo. HaEPER’S MAGAZINE for .Tune. ATLANTIC MONTHLY for June. my2r TWO CAPITAL Mui# SEW BOOKS, READY TO-DAY. Marian Grey.— A charming new tale, hy Mrs. Mart J. Holmes, author of ** Lena Rivers,” ‘ 4 Meadow Brook, ” &c. One elegant 12mo. volume, cloth bound. Price $1.25 *** Mrs. Holmes is a peculiarly pleasant and fascina ting writer. Her books are always entertaining, from their fresh and vivid portrayal of character and man ners, their ready appreciation of the ludicrous and hap py adaptation of .circumstances. She has a rare faculty of enlisting the sympathies and affections of her readers, and of holding their attention to her pages, with deep and absorbirg interest. Her new book, “Marian Grey, will undoubtedly meet with a large sale. Drifting About; or What, K Jccms Pipes, of Pipes'ville, ,> Saw and Did.—A humorous auto biography, by Stephen Massett. Illustrated with comic wood-cuts, by Mullen. ’ , .*** One of the most comic, exciting, witty, miraculous, anecdotical, amusing, entertaining, remark able books ever published. It will produce a great sen sation everywhere, so look out for fun and amusement, as “Jeems Pipes” is now ready with his book. Price, cloth bound, 12m0.» $1.25. JQ§T These books are sold by all booksellers, and are sent by mail, free, on receipt of price, by CARLE TON, publisher, No: 4r13 BROADWAY, New York, corner of Lispenard street. my23-w&stf UNDERCLOTHING, Sic. A PPLETON’S NEW AMERICAN JA- CYCLOPEDIA. HOW COMPLETE IN SIXTEEN VOLUMES. - Cloth, per vol. .$3.50 j Half M0r0cc0......... .$4.50 Sheep.... 4.00 I Half Russia 5.00 Sold to subscribers complete, or in instalments of one or two volumes per month. Can any intelligent American deny himself this great American digest of all human knowledge, universally pronounced the best Cyclopedia and the most valuable work ever published ? OFFICE OF THE . AMERICAN AND ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA, 33 SOUTH SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. ~ ' . ALSO, Putnam’s Rebellion Record, Irving’s Works, fife., &c. • • • . " . : fe2B-stuth3m TT. S. HEAVY ARTILLERY TAC • TICS. Published this day: INSTRUCTIONS FOR HEAVY ARTILLERY ; pre pared by a hoard of officers, for the use of the army of the United States. 12mo. cloth bound. MILITARY AND NAVAL SCIENCE. A large assortment of books on military and naval sci ence, including all the recent publications, for Rale by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, rnyl9 35 SOUTH SIXTH Btreet above CHESTNUT. MEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! • Triumphs of the Bible, by Rev. Henry Talledge, A. M., $1.50. Mrs. Browning's Essays on the Poets, The Gentleman, by George Hi Calvert, 75 cts. The Story of the Guard, Knapsack Edition, cloth, 75 cts. ; paper, fiO cts. Moses Right and Bishop Colenso Wrong. By Rev. John Cumming, D. D.. $l. For sale by W. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, m7lB 60G CHESTNUT Street. gAZARD’S BOOKSTORE, 734: CHESTNUT STREET. All Books usually to be bad in a FIRST-GLASS BOOKSTORE, 9f|| CENTS!! HARPER FOR JUNE 20 Cents !! -. PFTCHKHM. my2l-3t . . SOS CHESTNUT Street. ■JJNI T E D ST AT ES FLAGS. SILK AND BUNTING, QOVERNMENT GOODS. Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duet. Indigo Blue Flannels. Mixed Twilled Flannels. . Sky Blue Kerseys. FARNHAM. KIEKHAM, <6 00., No. 330 CHESTNUT STREET. mh24-3m GOODS. " DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY -BLUE CLOTHS FOR OPPICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. ' 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. Por Kale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. Kfi-iftf Q W. SIMONS A BROTHER, yj ARD WARE. CLOSING OUT AT OLD PRIO ES, The Stock of a WHOLESALE HOUSE, comprising a LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS. 437 MARKET and 416 COMMERCE Streets. my2o-lm yy ORMAN & ELY, Manufacturers of PATENT CAST-STEEL TABLE CUTLERY AND COMBINATION CAMP KNIVES, FORKS. AND SPOONS, No. 130 PEG STREET, mh23-stuth2m . f Philadelphia. J C. FULLER’S JUNE GILT COMBS •yULCANITE RINGS. gWEET POTATO PLAN TS. qX) FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE A RURAL DISTRICTS. We are 'prepared. as heretofore, to supply Families at their Country Residences with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, t&C. ALBERT 0. ROBERTS, my2l-tf CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE,STS. OOWEN- &. co/s uthographio A> ESTABLISHMENT, iouthwesi Corner of ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sti.. • AND: ■ NO. 615 MINOR STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Every description of LITHOGRAPHY, PLATE PRINTING, and COLORING EXECUTED in THE MOST SUPERIOR HASIU. DO YOU KNOW, READER, THE - true worth of EEIMER’S COLORED PHOTO GRAPHS? See them, anid you will acknowledge thelv fine qualities, accuracy, taste, and beauty. One Dollar. SECOND Street, above Green. : It nr ALL pictures offered to v - Ibepubiic, REAMER'S COLORED/PHOTOGRAPHS are ihe most popular, natural, and of rare artistic merit, auioalyW. SECOND Street, above Oreou. It NEW PUBLICATIONS. AND LETTER-SHEET PRICE CURRENT, ARE PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY. BY STEPHEN N. WINSLOW, At GOLD STREET, H* ' PHILADELPHIA. Between Seventh and Eighth Streets. Will always be found on onr shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES. fe6-tf MILITARY GOODS. ALL SIZES. EVANS & HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, my’2-1 ni SANSOM-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OP JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, ABB MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY. UlSMfb'm HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. FINBLGOLD PENS. THE BEST PEN IN USE, FOR SALE IN ALL SIZES; myK-3m IN EVERY VARIETY. IMITATIONS OF PEARL AND CORAL. J. C. FULLER. No. Via CHESTNUT Street. jny22-3m A full assortment, all sizes and styles, 3. O. FULLER, Ko. 'na CHESTSUT Street. my22-3m 6,C00 of the above for *H»& SOItALt MORKIS , AKrleulturalffd^^dWarej.ouse.^ Q.REAT SALE OF CHICAGO CITY PROPERTY, AT AUCTION, The undersized will offer for sale at Auction, in the CITY OF CHICAGO, oa THURSDAY, the 4th day of June, 1863, At 10 o’clock A* M., Some eighteen hundred Lots in the ORIGINAL TOWN, AND IN WIGHT’S, ELSTON'S, AND SHEFFIELD’S ADDI TION TO CHICAGO, Embracing several thousand feet of very desirable water frcnt, well adapted to manufacturing purposes. Terms of Sale : One-fourth cash, and the balance in three (3) annual payments, with interest at SIX FEE CENT. MAHLON D. OGDEN, myl6-12t Trustee of Chicago Land Co. WANTED—A SITUATION BY A , - T Young Man, 20 years of-age, in a Dry-Goods House, to act as talesman, or Clerk. Small salary accepted. Best reference given. Addres Box 1675 F. 0. It* WANTED— A WAREHOUSE, suitable for doing a Forwarding and Business, on MARKET or BROAD Street, with a track running in; possession to be given first of July, or soon after. Address *\W. E. Camp," American Hwtel. rny23-3t* SALESMAN WANTED INAVPHOLE- SALE 'MANUFACTURING HOUSE. To one ac quainted with the Western, and City Jobbers, a liberal salary will be given. Address, with reference, box 2732, Poet Office. my22-3t* WA N TED—SEVERAL ACTIVE AND ** induetriouspersons to solicit business for'a Life Insurance Company. Address box 377 Philadelphia Post Office. . . " my2%Si* A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE W AGENTS in every county at $75 a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address S. MADISON,- my6-3md&W Alfred, Maine* A MONTH!—WE WANT AGENTS at $6O a month, expenses paid, to sell onr Everlasting Pencils , Oriental Burners, and 13 other new articles. 15 circulars/ree. SHAW & CLARK, my6-3md&W Biddeford, Maine. jfck DEPUTY QUARTERMASTEB •V?*- GENERAL'S OFFICE. — Philadelphia, Feb. S. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the following points: Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort MonroOjYa, Alexandria, Ya, Newborn, N.C. Fort Royal, B.C. A. BOYD, felO-tf ' Captain and Assist Quartermaster; OEA-SIDB HOUSE FOOT OP PENN- SYLVANIA Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. A pri vate boarding-house is now open for the reception of guests. DAYID SCATTERGOOD. Fifth Month, 1363. myl2-12t* Board.— handsome COMMUNI CATING Eoonft at No. 1315 'WALNUT Street. ap3fl-12**if . - MTO -BlSflT —A LARGE FOUR story. well-built FACTORY BUILDING, with Steam Engine, corner of TWENTY-SECOND and WOOD Streets, inquire of ISAAC PUGH, No. 407 WALNUT Street, or WILLIAM CURRY, TWENTY-SECOND and CALLOWBILL Streets. my23-12t* £B TO LET—IN OOMTLETE ORDER, •ffialtlie-modern nine-roomed RESIDENCE, No. 1015 MELON Street, • •• • It* M GERM ANT OWN.—TO RENT, A furnished House, for the summer, desirably situ ate, with, or without stable. Inquire of A. P .&J. H. MORRIS, 916 ARCH Street. my22-3t* FIFTEEN FARMS , FOR SALE— -3C In Chester, Montgomery, and Bnckß counties, from 50 to 205 acres, from $6O to §l5O per acre, to hours’ ride from the city. Also, S Dwellings in the city. A good chance to invest greenbacks, Sale positive; price low. Pull particulars by roy2l-6t* ©TORE FRONTS FOR SALE—ALSO, all tlie Doors, Windows, Tin. Roofing, &c., in Western Exchange Hotel and five houses adjoining. MARKET, above Fifteenth street, or at Depot, SEVENTH, above Thompson, street, my23-6i* <|l ruin —FOE SALE—TWELVE • contiguous improved Ground‘ Rents, of 860 per annum; perpetual insurance of foGO each. Stable improved Ground Bents from 8600’to $2,000 each. Also. $3,£00, $5,000, $lO,OOO, to loan on mortgages. Apply to my 23 E PETTIT, 309 WALNUT Street. TAB. BEAUMONT REMOVED TO 809 AJ ARCH St., nearly opposite his old place. [mvl4-12t* TJAME INSUKANC A 406 CHESTNUT Street. peilad: t FIRE AND DTLA DIRBC Francis N. Buck, Chas. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., John w. Everman* Philip S. Justice, O, W. Davis, r ’ • FRANCIS N. BUI CHARLES RICH. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHA PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE A INSURANCE COMPANY. ' CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA This Company ia now prepared to make insurance against LOSS BY 8188 on the most favorable terms. " Their losses will be promptly Bettled. and that-those for the year 1862 were so* they refer to the following re cipients : • Mrs. Jane Feme.... L. G. Mytinger & Co Beverly R. Keim.... William E. Taber* • - John Candy P.'P. M0rri5......... W. V. Petit L. G. Mytinger & Co R. E. Sellers Other small losses 418 ARCH STREET. The assets of the Company are now Mortgages and ground rents. .« Beal escate (taken for debts) c05t...... Stocks and bonds.. Bills receivab1e........................ Due from individuals......... Cask in Bank.... Stock notes DIRECTORS. B. P. King, President, . M. W. Baldwin, Yice Pre- Charles P. Hayes, eident, ' John Clayton, P. B. Savery, Ed. Wiler, Alexander Murphy, T. K. Collins, H. C. Howell, J. M. Cowell, John Killgore, S. J. Megargee. sah2B-stuth3m*if F. BLACKBURNE, Secretary. FURNACES AND COOKING RANGES* J> TJ SI N ESSGHA N G- B. WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE AND ENAMELLED SLATE MANTLE MANDFACTOBY, 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. Tlie firm of ARNOLD & WILSON, having been dis solved, the remaining partner, W- A.' ARNOLD, will continue the business in all its branches at tlie-old stand. He is manufacturing, and will keep constantly on hand, for sale at wholesale or retail, CHILSON’S PATENT CONE AND VENTILATING FURNACES, CHILSON’S PATENT DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGES, LOW-DOWN AND COMMON PARLOR GRATES, EMERSON’S PATENT VENTILATORS, HOT-AIR REGISTERS AflD VENTILATORS, And a large assortment of ENAMELLED SLITE MANTELS. Particular attention paid, to warming and venti lating public or private buildings. W. A ARNOLD, ap2s-s&wtmy3oif •- 1010. CHESTNUT Street. JJLIN D S AND SHADES. VENETIAN BLINDS The Largest and Finest Assortment in the city, at the Lowest Prices. Blinds Painted and Trimmed equal to new. Store Shades Made and Lettered. ' ap6-2m WBROTHERHEAD’S CIRCULA • TING LIBRARY. —All the NEW English and American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is tLe ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLIsH BOOKS that are not -RE PRINTED here. . , . IV M • Terms $6 per year ; six months $3; three months SI. 60 ; one month 76'cents, or 3 cents per day, 5118 South EIGHTH Street. v mh7-3m : rrHE SUBSCRIBERS WILL CONTI- A Kins the DRUG BUSINESS, M heretofore, et.the Old Stand, Mo. 734 MARKET Street. WM. BLLIS & CO., Drujtf »ta, j«l4f T)»* MAEKEP Street HAIR RESTORED. W , . BALDNESS PREVENTED. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTOKEK AND DRESSING. : The . ;i'.: ‘ most safe . and reliable ar- : 'tieleever discovered ■ for- the growth and pre- - • . servation of the humanhair< preventing gray hair, and re'Bio *" ring its pristine beauty and color. Also, removing-'anv eruptive diseases; Itching, Scurf, Dandruff, &c. Many who were bald and gray have had their hair restored by the use of the T ‘ LondoitHair Color Restorer.” Its extraordinary influence-in restoring gray hair to its original • life-like apj>earauce is.truly wonder ful. It does not required any preparation be fore or after its use, keeps the hair soft, . smooth and-flexible, and is certainly < an indispensable article in every toilet/ All who wish to have a. > beautiful and head of hair, in ' luxurious 'growth-to the latest period of life, . . - must use \ V • the LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER. i> -As-abeautifler it is unsurpassed. .*? LONDON HAIR COLOR RES TORER, /. Will make the hair grow on bald headsr . LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER * : .‘Will fasten it. and stop its *• LONDON HAIR'COLOR i?t> GiveK'the hair a. rich and glossy apr'‘ ■ LONDON HAIR'COLOR'RES’F Aukr 11 ? 8 * :0 !»^ Hie'lMifrtn will absolutely mtota p 'olor and beauty .causing It to ap3o-tflf No. N SIXTH St.? aboveVine^Phlia. ?.JLD, SILVER, AND LIGHT BLOK STBBL cSWr/V SPECTACLES, to salt all ages, cheap, corT SECOND e ad NW Streets. J. HRIES. “wffl-la” CHICAGO AUCTION SALE. WAIT’S. BOARDING. FOK SALE AND TO LET, lIARVET & OLIVER, lift SOUTH SIXTH St., 2d story front. NATHAN W. ELLIS. REMOVALS. INSURAJM'CE COMPANIES, IE COMPANY, N© ►ELPHIA. AND INSURANCE. 3TORS. JB. D. Woodru^, Geo. A. West, John Kessler, Jr., Chas. Stokes, A. H.: Rosenheim, - Josep D. Ellis, CK, President. JIBDSON, Vice President l£D, Secretary. . [jalS-ira OFFICE, No. 433 CHESTNUT STREET. This Company have no unsettled losses. BLINDS AND SHADES. B . J. WILL lAM 8;, NO, 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, HPANUFACT tJBER OP WINDOW SHADES. CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. COPARTNERSHIPS. ATEW CHESTNUT-STREET THE!A. YRE.—Leasee and - vv WHisATi.ay POSITIVE SUCCESS Of the New Fairy Spectacle, mgiuty reived with refined and Crowded Houneß. NEW AND SPLENDID SCENERY, . By J. E. Hayes and X H. Selwyn. New N n, ' : -m-.v MAGNIFICENT COSTUMES TWELFTH APPEARANCE Of the Charming, Talented, and Beautiful MRS. JOHN WOOD, The Queen of Comedy. Burlesque, and Song. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, May 23d. 1863, ! The Fairy Extravaganza, THIS o.Nt WITH THE GOLDEN LOCKS. QUEEN LUCIDuKE, ) i MB3. JOHN WOOD. ORIGINAL JACOBS, S ••MOW. AKi, YOU. GREENBACKS." encored as sung by Mrs. John Wood. V bMCHSSLb. ’ MR. C. HENRr. K A CHdPUAN, MR. J. SEYMOUR. MR. W. DAY j non, MU.' r HENRI, and THE BELGIAN GIANT, ■p„, T , „„ . ~ , Will appear. Previous to which, Com «. , , SARAH’S youkg man. ifc™. eleaf Mr. D. Setchell. Jnftrij , ■»[,. [► 'p 'P S ,) j[jj Music under the direction of Mr. Mari Has, ler. rv hcale OJ Ppul-tr Prices of Admission: Press Circle and Paiquette ffleent*. Oichestra Seats.. 75 t* Family Circle ....’.*.’,".*..**25 •• No extra charge for Reserved Seats. Curtain ri*es at 6 o’clock. WALNUT-STEEET THEATRE. ** Sole Lessee Mrs. M. A. GARRgTTSOH Business Agent.... Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. Twefth and positively the last aopearance of MISS LAURA KEENE. Whpn appear in three characters. “MISS XXX. ,f “ LOUISE D-i LASCOURS.” and OGARITA." THE WILD FLOWER OF MEXICO. After which the beautiful Comedietta of , NATURE AND ART. With the whole New York Company in the cast. LAST NIGHT of the Dramatic Romance of the SEA OF ICE; OR, A MOTHER'S PRAYER. Louise oe Lascours (the Wife)...,.,) r «. OrgaritaftheWild Flower of Mexico) j ISB Laura Keene Q O N CEB T UAL L. SATURDAY, MAT 23d. POSITIVELY. THE LAST DAY GEN. TOM THUMB AND WIFE, AMI COM. NUTT AND MISS MINNIE WARREN. THE GREATEST WONDERS IN THE vY IJiLD. A married couple, a bachelor and belle. ALL FOUR WEIGHING BUT 100 POUNDS. THREE GRAND LEVEES EACH DAY. IMPERSONATIONS. TABLEAUX, SONGS, AND Dances * MRS. LAVIBIA WARREN STRATTON, Will avail herEeit ot her Mimpiaoua and costly ward* robe to appear at achlevee in THREE DIFFERENT DRESSES, and at each morning leyee the General and his lady will wear the __ IDENTICAL WEDDING COSTUMES they were married in at Grace Church. THE BRIDAL PRESENTS will be on exhibition at each Levee. THREE LEVEES EACH DAY. From 11 A. M. to 12K P. M., 3to 4% and Bto9HP. K, Doors open half an hour in advance Admission, 25 cents. Children under ten, 15 centa. myl2-tf ORCHESTRA—PUBLIC y" rehearsals every Saturday afternoon. c) ock. attthß MUSICAL FUND HiLL. CARII SENTZ, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of five tickets SI. To be had of Andre & Co., No. 110 i Chestnut atieet: J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chcatnut. and at the •Hall door. NOTICE—The last three Public Rehearsals of the sea son will take place on the 30th. of May, and 6th and 13th of . my2l-tf ■VTATATOBJUM. . SWIMMISG-SCHOOL CHILDEEST, LA.- ' . GEt#LBMBN. Dr. JANSEN respectfully informs those young ladies and gentlemen who anticipate leaving the city, retir ing to the seashore, or the watering-places, that his ex tensive Swimming Bath has begun operation under very favorable circumstances, and he invites them to avau themselves of the advantages that his Institute offers to them. Bis system of instruction is pleasant and origi nal. He warrants to every pupil to learn the art of swimming in one month at the farthest. Some have learned in Bor 10 lessons. The water is kept at an even temperature (80° Fahrenheit, for females, and 75° Fah renheit, for male cla-sses), and every comfort and atten tion will be furnished to combine amusement with the most useful and healthful exercise. my!9-5t PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF J- TIE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET. THE FORTIETH ANNUAL EXHIBITION IS NOW OPEN, From 9A. M. till 7P. M., and from 8 till 10 P. BL Admission, 25 cents. : Season Tickets, 60 cents. Annual Tickets, One Dollar. Stockholders. Artists, and Contributors will receive their Tickets at the Office. myB-tf HASSLEE’S obohestba NEW OFFICB, Sl4 South EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. delO-Ss OTEBEOSCOPTICONS FOR PUBLIC LJ EXHIBITIONS, in large or small halls, with views, scenes, ana representations of fine Statuary, both of Europe and America, incidents, places, and battles of the present Rebellion, Made and for sale by ' JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., Manufacturing Opticians, 924 CHESTNUT Street; Philadelphia. Full priced and illustrated Catalogue* sent by mail free. ap3o-lm JCE! ICE! ICE I ICE! ICE! ICE! COED SPRING ICE COMPANY. Families, Offices,Hotels, Shipping, Ice-Cream Saloons. . Ac., Ac., .supplied daily with a pure article of BOsTON ICE, at the. very lowest market rates. Dealers and large consigners supplied at' wholesale prices. Wagons run in ail paved limits of the Consolidated city, and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. THOS. E CAHILL, {325 WALNUT Street North Penna. R. & Master street Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets. Schuylkill. PO A L.—SUGAR LOA v K -BEAVER and Spring Mountain Lefifgh Goal, and best Locust Mountain from SchuvlkillrpSieparod ex pressly for family use. Depot, N. W. corner onBIGHTBT and WILLOW Streets. Office, No. 113 South Street. Cap2-Iy] J. WALTON & CO KAIIjROAD I.ISKS. •BEhHWaBB THE PHILADELPHIA ~ "AND EASTERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY is now-prepared to forward FREIGHT from Philadelphia to Now York, via Camden and Port Mon mouth. ■ > .Tljfi attention of Shippers and Merchants is cJiracted to this'new and expeditious RAILROAD- ROUTE, and a portion of their patronage respectfully solicited. Freight received at third whai f above Arch- street. For further particulars apply to GEO. B. McCuLLOH, Freight Agent, 128 North .WHARVES, W. F. GBIFFITTS, Jr., General Manager, JOHN BUCK, Freight Agent, my22-tf Pier Ne>, »8 NORTHRIVEB, New York. 918 92 4,846 67 4,894 19 121 87 2,000 00 N OTIC E. —OFFICE AP E MA Y AND- MILLVILLE RAILROAD COMPANY, 409-WALNUT Street, S&iyWth. 1533 —On aßd • after WiiDNESD AY, 20th inst., the 'Cars will run regularly upon this road to PORT ELIZABETH, leaving WALNUS-StreetWharf at 9-o'clock A. M.. daily. my!6-tf C. K DTJNGAN, President. ..$50,116 48 .. 19,370 00 .. 21,509 91 .. 9,942 91 .. 7,37447 fffsy TOflwvrTsfeg and PHILADELPHIA RAIL* ROAD, VIA MEDIA. - SUMMER BOARDERS Will find pleasant and ample accommodations at the fol lowing places on or near the Railroad: Trains to and from the city five times each way daily. COUPON AN D SEASON-TICKETS AT LOW RATES: Near Wallingford Station. Mr. C. W. Thomas, IN MEDIA, THE CHESTNUT GROVE'HOUSE. TUI CHARTER HOUSE. . 1,082 87 . 70,265 00 $179,662 64 Near Media, Mr. Peter Worral, Mrs M. A. Worrell. Mrs. Wm. Brooke, Mits Passmore, Gideon Malin, Tho mas Malin, J. Edwards. . For further information iuqnire of ALEXANDER HENDEF.SON, at the DEPOT IN MEDIA NearLenai, H Fields ; near Glen Riddle, S Levis. Near Pennolton, Levi Jobson; near Darlington, Joel Sharp’ess; near Glen Mills, J. Matin, B - . Green; near Cheyney’s Shops, Job Scott, J. Preston Thomas. There are many others near the above-and cypher sta tions who will take boarders. Baggage, he. , collected and delivered by H. ALEX ANDER. Express Agent, in the DEPOT?, northeast corner of EIGHTEENTH and'MARKET Streets. ap2S-56t 'wimmsm philai>: gpyifirWff**™ ELMIRA R. R. LINE. 1863 WINTER ARRANGEMENT*. 1863 For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leave Depot of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, corner Broad and Callowbill streets, at 3. ±5 A. M. and 3 30 P. M., daily, Sundays excepted. QUICKEST ROUTB from Philadelphia to. points In Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, &c., he. Baggage checked through to Buffelo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate Points. Through Express Freight Train for all- points above, leaves daily at€-P. M For further infonfiatiou apply to : JOHN S. HILLBS, General Agent, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILZs and N. W coma* SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. ja3l-fct STEAM PROPELIiOR LINE ■Hn i'i lli‘giW YOE HAKTPOBD. Conn. - The steamer SARAH. Jones, master, is now If uding at Second wharf above Market »treet. For freisfut. apply to W. M. BAIRD & Co., B2SOUTH WHARYESj or on the* wharf. ■■■■•.. . • mylS fob NEW YORK hill" IIW n'.TIA- DELAWARE AND RAJ lit AS OA NAL. BESPATCH AND SWIJTBUBB LIN as • Thesteamere of this line are leaving dally/ at 12 SP. M. from third pier above WALNUT Scr eet Bor freight, which will be taken on ao ;ommodaßMr terms.appiyto WM. M. BATED &CO . mMS-a 133 South DEL AW a? if Avenue. rii1 I SrK : FOR NEW YOI iX—NEW KARITAN^CDN^ 1 . Lll^-^IA «* Philadelphia and New York Express/ steamboat Can* pany receive freight and leave daily at 2. p m , delivaria their cargoes in New York the followin' r day freights taken at reasonable rates, i - WM. P. CLT fDE, Agent. , . No. 14 SOUTH WHARVB s.-phifaYelphU. JAMES HAJ jA Agent. xul-tf Piers 14 and 15 EAST RJ .VEETNew York. Lease of turnpike , bo ad rbom: PHILADELPHIA TO GERMA/ NTOWN. —Proposals Will be received for one month by/ the Central Passenger Railway Company, at their Office aO9 South FIFTH Street for leasing their Plank/ 1 road, commencing at Broad street and Lamb-Tavern r o ad; thence extending along Lamb-Tavern road to Save ; nteenth street ; thence along said street and m a no; thwesterly direction to Germantown, with right to exb jn d along the Township linQ road to the Wissahickon tj road- my9-s4t* CJHERIFF’S, SALE./ —BY YIRTUE OF ■M a writ of Alias Vendition* lExnonas. to medirAPted wUI be exposed to public sal 8 or vendue, on MONDAY .‘U Sevehth street,) in the Fif ‘Philadelphia,(formerly in.the P containisgin front or breadth, o 1 *? f » l oVl^q Iftffourteen fset,- and in length or depth of that breadth sr /nth. forty-aiua feet seven inches ground W or iatebf Llojd ?? ? -thward by. said Carlton, street, ground 1 a t e 0 f Hi\gh jlonaldson, southward by fftwindnow or lat q ofLlojd. Chase, and westward bar pound now or late c .f Martin Ssher&ierd. tßeingthe same lot of ground whir ;h:Hugh; Doafddson and:Mary, hie e % r i n g datoJjaae I.lB3s,.recordedin Deed Book G. S. J io. 2, pp.gc-CQD. &c., granted and con veyed unto the afud Lvd JeJiarshstrong in fee. reserving thereout unto lui/i, the aa Hugh Donaldson, his heira .andassigns, r h^qrsumof $23. inhalf-.yearty payments on the hrat £a *- 0 f- the months of- June and m irr iorever, without deduction for i d qgll Donaldson and wife, by indentui'ebeaaing.ds ;tfe JIIDO 17, mh recorded in l^eed ifvhi tMwldmr r &c., granted and con 'S tary Bw/ett fee'T" 1 (ialor ‘'' rtainaso tha &- ’* B -' •i Debt •»» w - : 3 c -1««-3 - ‘ biiadelp-hia. gieri ft - s oflk-c. liny 30, ISei. my23-3t | M/USIGAL BOXES. "N S'xieLL AND ROSEWOOD CASES, Pj Ay leg from 1 to 12 tunes, c* oice Opera and Amert* can 5/oiodiee. "• FA7IK 4 BROTHER, - Importers, _aP/ 384 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. PHILADELPHIA: PHBENOLOGI- CABINET AND BOOK STORE. —Examiaa f yU to- with-written or verba! descriptions of Cha rfoshJS raoter * Social Disposition, Professional Talent, Business ;«naUficatian, &c., are made day and* evening. All the publications of Fowler & Wella. wholesale and retaiL ' • JOHNX. CAPEN. ap7tnthß3mlf- ; . 23. South TENTH Street. UEGpND-HAND BULKS AND OTHEii Doors, Bash, Store Fixtures, fllarbla Mantels and Silla* &c., for sale at the Depot, SEVENTH above Thompson Street. Cash paid for all such article*. ap23rlm* : NATHAN W. ELLIS. *ffigr CLAM SOUP WILL BE SERVED up daily, Sundays excepted, by JAMES PROS SER, No. 808. MARKET Street.- - myo-iftf Brick pbes-seSi drain tile, and Clay Teihperrag Machines, and Brick makora Tools. P. MILLER, , Jiayl3-lja . ~ / • aOQ Somh. ; FIFTH Street. AMTJSEMEMTB. CO AD. V WEST