ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, trr TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Girard—Chestnut ir It Teller, New York I Walton, New York T Croft,New York irwOulborman,New York W Patrick, Atheus,l'a Phalan, New York Hotland:Washington Fogrly.Bbautokin I4lout W l' Wright, N Y A Disainser,Penna J NlBell,l C II SA, Harrisburg J F McClellan, Harrisburg J Clidwell.Lanciwter II C Illokok & w, 1V Chostor S Lawell, Easton T ?driller. Harrisburg Dr S ll Well , USN JO Seltzer, Beading B F neer, Baltlmo re Z. 0 Erb. Laportluctfana lent E A Plutlen.hlass E IKI 4 .,11n) ave . C:: tbllir e il.-.?„ T 1 73:,,1 . lion 0 WiNyrlght,Wiral WISII WlCTlllatiO liikrthatri; Dowton.Wiisb. D C i II Bland, Wash, D C itreet, below Ninth. W P Smull,Penna D Mamma, Jr, Garrlsharg R Dioily Penna. bliss Al Bronnor,Penne Mies E Melly, Penne :Ai J R Emery, New Jersog R Armatrong, jr, lowa J P Wilson, WWI II W 13rInton,Doktwaro co T DI Rogers A Torrence Miss Rlchardson,Doston AIM, Dodge, BO 4 t o Herd, Lancaster J Hoetetter, Lancaster T T Wlorman. Harrisburg A R Scholtz,New York A Robertson, New York W Blanchard, new York E Dnff,Pittsbarg D Artrpltronzlltbibarg mix; G wSpar,Penne i IllmingoVpw_TV. uo A F w 7. u . tn a , üb V n e. 0 D L Brow naon,Now York. 1 E A Packer, New York Continental—Ninth H B Day, Dover, )o1 W P M S Limn, Peru torrs, Utica Chestseset atareeth Me Banks. Reading Mi Si' Banks, Reading .T Ault, Marlon, 0 . .1 IS Butler, Vrmt Mrs Harward, e Mew York S Van Boakerck, N York Win Stimson, D N York JF Jenkins, Wash. D Mimi L Gilson, Boston 11 Keen, Now York Dr V Danforth, Now York Mrs Danforth, New York GOO 11 Walter, New York .1 H Dort's, New York W Backhas, New York J Ely, Lancaster no C Tnrett, Washington IL W Daniel, Washington II rook, New Haven I) MoMurtric, U S N A Milliken, Boston Mrs Goddard dc son, Wash MM. Goddard, Washington McP L Morris, Montreal C Dinsmore, New York Jlr Wetherell Jr,Ballimore Mr:Fulmer,Now York Mr lJmot, New York 4 J F. Rock tre:l, Ernokiyal A Thacker, Jr, Washington C II Wham Sc wt. Lowell E I) Hall, Now Haven J W Clark J B morroy, WashingtonF sellers Sc fam. Fittabarif 13 U UoV, Osvolo i N_Y , I .1 1 1 2 . tit Oen 11 Logers, tioston C E Morris, New York J 0 Collins,New York IFTY Daily Sc son, Halt A TZ Byington,Conneoticnt S Ritchie, Boston T Boston Jas A. Boyd & lady C W Scofield &lady, N Y ei NtVe r gw v l P A amJwhite. L,KY W A Allen, Dolawaro J Butterfield. Jr. Utica Alex iTollind, Li York TB Holland. LI York C li Swain N York C W Felt, Boston W H Rockfel low &.wr,NY Mrs W White. Lox, Nv Chem Hood & la, New York W W Neill & ra. NOW York T hidings, San Francisco Dr W S Norwood, Maryland y.ll Greene. New York Y C Torpor, U 8 A Dr Gunnell, S A 3 Adler, Georgetown, DC T J Fisher, Wnehtngton Tucker, Boston C Smallwood, Jr Md Bromett, Frederick re Etlmoston, Baltimore 1 F Halsted W li.Lou 2ilin Tremont J Walsh. Pottsville . • .1 Scanlan, Iteekschorville Mrs H B Wright F 0 Shaw, New York 0 6 Halsted, Jr, H JersoY B Housman, New Jersey 16 F Quimby, U S Navy Baird, New York L ticrxinold. Now York. DadlOY, Now York '!ITI," 0 nos - Va11i,7711,,:a" J tialbman, Feu rts B D KonOnll,Clevelasl F Taylor • West Chester W J. Gila nibers Clismbersb Noses Taylor, liew York B canehatt.Bridsseport, 0 7 A Dan er,New 1 ork Wm F Nix New York F 11 Orris & wife Vermont I W Coffin & wife.l3oston Si A Wheelwriht,Bokon E 6 Tyler, Hartford. os. Emor y Itlder,Tlenv York T hi Boyle a wi•e,lllinois Merchants'—Fourth El Strickland, Beading W Stafford, New lark B R Solianney, U 8 A Gottlieb Fling • . &aril D Tilton, Washington L Wilwartb, Pittsburg J F Illchlullln , Baltimore pand Garman, Bellefonte H Brown, lending Elisha Packer, Carbon co igamt Knowles, Boston W Id Watson, Warfolk t.,lther Sturtoman, Bait w Connelly, Pottsville auto Coleman, New York Baml. G rotten, Pittsburg W H Davis, Easton 0130.14 Packer, al Chunk 7.K Bowen Diary's till 35 Boyer, Mechanicabnrg street. below Arch. David Eberly, bfechauicab' F R Wotrlog, Wash, Pa 8 E Miller, Cumberland co TR Cover. Adams co .Tas le sley, Denglasvllle E M Pellook, Harrisburg' Jan B Orr, Orretewu ifon B. Brodhead, Pa Joint Kick, Easton Oeo H Coif & ta, New York Joe H Mchee, Hazleton Sarni Koons, Easton 1,10m;(;li n, Easton Copt D H heat, _ Chas T Butler, Marietta, 0 Sirs Y E Cravrford, Ohio I Cant J P Jones, New York .7 S Front, Lock Haven W E Moyle, Milton T Swank, Milton American—Chestnut P J Painter. II S N N Colon', A A E Chi:mold, New York A EGrinvold, New York B hinrlaugh, Pennsylvania J W Carpenter, Salem, N J John T Wilson. Delaware ki 3 Lemnos. )1r Cheater T.lll Smith, 311114Flichu. etts , 1 8 Smith, Btammehtmeti. IJ—II„. J., VIII/ 1iW1111111A; ll 11 it HMI . (mein. hot. t, any ~, 6re.i Pena Il Saddere, New York J II Richards. New York street, above Filth. A it Crocker, New York J Riede, New York • Edw LarnroydNew York Ft Thane, Now York John Lambe, Lycoming J Retley R N Johnson, \Ugh, D Anderson, IYash, D C ' C 0 Temple, Delftware Joe P Rofteeker. Delaware MAI IALMAkIII,OII I J glOlllOlll Ting 110111115biltilli am T WI M Vni•eryik fork Ronal JII Wood, Jr. New Jersey fitt.Louls—Chestwitt street. Above Third. John Nugent, Newark, NJ BB Wilcox, New Haven A Vreeland, Newark, N I W Slater. New York J McSfannus, Newark, N J 1 teary Hooper, New York Fellkeimor,Now York 11 Sent & Wife, Conn River, New York E Wingert Fort Monroe Crang. Citntou,lll Joh u Q Eltimborg. N York oodridgo, Chicago Wm Mardook.New York Df Nenktle,Chlctigo A Kuntz, U S K re J D Arnett, Baltimore ACI Snyder, Paterson, N J aster Joe Arnest. Bolt L Krocianer, Paterson, N J .7 C Jones, Norfolk, Vit, The Tinton—Arch street. above Third. Ales Wont & yr, Wnahing'n E E Miller, Galena, MA Jon Farsuer, Wasitinlztoa Solomon Chroaestar, Pa A.l Shively k in, N John S Walince, Lauo'r oo I Hueluiessen, Penns F Filbert, Waynesboro John Dietolf, Allegh'y City A W Raiumoro Jarnots Brown, Salem, N J M Detrich,Wiish'n co, bid J B Brandt, Mechanicsburg EL Sylvester, Hanover, Ms I' A Burgh, blechanlcsbnrg National—Race street, above Third. A T. Cook, lowa S J Lauber, Lanc co, Pa D D Elder, Peulisy Ivania W B Anderson, Lebanon Sergi J Wicter, Rending,Pa H Mclntosh, 'Bak co. Pa Bergs R B Thompson E Waited, Millersville Meat B 1? 'lean, Virginia J Katirman, Pennsylvania Limit AR Kugn, Virginia Isaac Plank. Pennsylvania B V Butcher. Philadelphia Mien Byes, Middletown L B Ruler, S Bertoletilii Reading I, Vow ' iii}riiminpton Simon Cirr, Miner Uninnel H B lilillQr. Nulls BltThorulol, Conna • Jll. MePli ems-, Now York B Dunbar. Harrisburg E. I, Holden, Blairsville David 51oore, Blairsville A lum G M ood, ilers vil'o Henry B °maple, Ponca B B Gordon, Mansliehl, D Hawley, Ashton', 0 111111 HUHN 111111111 i 11"t11011T00; Dftlll/1181 0 11Y U. French, Waimasboro TJ Henderson, W Chester John Va y nuort, Port Deposit .1 NV EbDelo leapt .111 'New Car t° 2, Bristol B A Yarnell, Chester co .1' NV Shriner, Lewisburg Jos R Metzler, Lanc'r co W A Speakman, Caester co (Sommer°lel—Sixth et B F Shantz & In, Cli. etrr co Chun Dingra, NV estatove,De o P‘n ran . . it Potts. Dritigepo t A Fatheraill & In, Del JSlinllaace, Maryland. reef., above Chestnut. L Horning, Ofwiasbitry, Win H Cleadea, Salem, NS Peivid" Joshua Connor, Delaware t. t above Callowhlll. Anderson Calvin, Easton David Huff, Lehigh Co. Ea Jacob Lope. Lanosdale, Pit] G L Baringer. Quakertown Bald Eagle—Third a Dr S Rosenberger, Wnsbn Dr (3 A Blanch & {vire, Pa Airs A Word A F Bertolel, Reading I P Reese, Jr. New Jei,ey t., above A C Vanartadalen. Pa. Black Bertr—Thtrd C A Gerneid, Troxiertown C W Wleand, Zionsville B Woodrulf, alttrara, Del T Pickering, DoYfestowri . t., above Market. A H Treeo, NOW Jersey Chas A Keasbey, Maryland Maillson—Scoond A Dewald, Pennxylvalis Ono W Knight. Boston J Dennixon, Warron co, 0 NATIONAL • 17N ioN CLUB' Tile Committee writ sit jaily iu the Rooms of the NA TIONAL ONION EXECUTIVE COBI3IITTEE, 0011MORWEALTIi Att,96 1 PN1PP. ROA Rua It lot ailllllPli n. IL: anti. Born Mon to nib &Welt P. 11., to olltiblf.i oil PBIAOEO 107111 to Um Union to sign tho Constitution, and become members. ALOE,RBOiI S. ROBERTS, President. S. SNYDER LEIDY. Secrobily. mh.lo-64. NINTH WAHD NATIONAL UNION ASSOCIATION.—a meeting of the above Am bo hold TIIIS (Toe!..lay) EVENING. March 10th, at 9 o'clock. at the Hall, Twsn-rn and FILBERT amts. Business of Importance. JOHN L. HILL, li• See'y Pro tern. HORTIVITLTURALL HALL, BottOtweet . Corner BROAD and WALNUT Ste.— TRIBEMitIy displa NING.y •of Fruits, Flowers, and Vegetables EVE FESPIO.ITunLism.-31ISS Eirinit& ARDINGE will Lecture, at SA tiSOM-ST/tBEY on SUNDAY NEXT, at 1034 A. M. and 7si Aduiltt , II anco 6 cents. mlllO-lutin-3e • EtOMCEOPATIFIO HOSPITAL, 11118 CUTHBERT street—This inetitution Is now ono or the reception of sick and wonnded &Idles% who wM• received and provided for in the most comfortable Manner, nee of charge. B. F. GUINN, no2Prtf Secretary of Board of Managers. MNOTICE IS GIVEN THAT APPLI CATION hss been made to the Spring Garden ee Company for the re•issno of Perpetual Policy, Into. 1,802, for 80,IXI0, premium VA upon promisee 13th street, 10 feet 0 Inches; north of Jefferson street, oast ride. The same lire been Met or mislaid. (e 24 to 5v 81`. GEO. IL. BOND. To ALL WllO DAVE FRIENDS IN THE Alt SIY. —Soldiers' Aid Societies, en, elergym editors, and others are respectfully Requested in to aid disseminating theihllowing notice, .which is octet inter to all who have friend" in the army, DIRECTORY OF THE HOSPITALS. The Sanitary COMlllih.tloll have made arrangements Tor stqwlyini information gratuitously with . 4.11..gra aL A tha 1001011110 DEO (01110111 if RV 119Whil 41 _04. .q41,/bry, TVakhinaton, .D. a" w ngtou i Point Lookout, Oenorrtowo, Annapolis, Alexandria. Baltimore. Frederick City. • WEATKRN DRI'ARTMENT7, —For information Varese Wee Sanitary (Smunission. Louisville, ' Danville, hew Albany, Perryville. Louisville, Bowling Green, Covington, Gallatin, Lexington, Information will, c.mlor ordinary circumstances. be given to any one applying for it, In answer to any or all of the following inquiries. If the application is by letter, the answer will ho sent by return malt; it In por tion, It will be answered at once: 1, _... r ff iyin g a,.nsaand serrimentl at. present in, the hospitals of —? 2. If so, Wh':' ja kin nr'iPer jairer , s f 3. What is the name of the eargeoahr chaplaid the .boapital? 4. If not in hospital tt present, bee he recently been 111 bet/Mild? 6. If so. did be die In hoepltal, and at what dale? S. If recently discharged from hospital, WAS he die eliarged from service? 7, it not, what were his orders on leaving? More specific Information as to the condition of any patient in the District of Columbia hospitals will he far mished within twesty•feur hours after a request to do so is received at the Wityl, button office. The oßice of the Directory will be open daily from 8 o'clock A. id. to 8 o'clock I'. M., and in urgent cases ap- Pilliante ringing the door-bell. will be received at any /tour of the night. _Much inconvenience in conducting the business of the Directory having arisen to here visitors have been given direct access to the record bootie themselves, Ode prac tice will hereafter he discontinued; nor can Bets of pounded le heepitals by States, COTtUtitri. regiments, or Otherwise, be hereafter furnished from these records. The Sanitary Commiseion, under special authority from the President of din United Slates, maintains an ex tensive system of agencies for »souring the safe con Vey %Luce to And distribution of goods put to its charge for the iibli find if URN Bp mod fed tjYrit eV' r 9' , ltrli gas tivotep t(0 1 L Aida si Nasbe/114-1111,11.1rilmilons Labia. AVAMIAd bff comparison of the wants of the patlens in all cues. To asoertsln the relative clittiarter of these wants in a trust- Worthy manner, nut' to secure an equitable distribution and honest We of the goods distributed, besides the npaid services of the members of the Commission, 'Srenty physicians of high professional anti moral ohs- Teeter, cud mere then fifty lapageute, are employed, under pecuniary seenrltee, for responible and efficient service. The cort of these arrangements ;has thus far been about three per maim of the value nf the goods distributed. The Commission has not been able to obtain authentic evidence nr ionies, miscarriage, or misappro whitlow., to the value of one dollar in ten thousand, of geode which MINT been once received at its shipping di gihts. The folletriou ere the names of these dhpote, to Which auxiliary societies and all diaposed to aid the sick and wounded. with niit reference to States or localities, but simply to their relative necessity for assistance, are Invited to send their offerings: Sanitary 011=1s-don. Branch Supply Office, 22 Sum gaer street Boston. Stec,. Sanitary Branch Supply Office, 10 Third avenue, New York. Sanitary Cornmlselon, Branch Supply Office, 27 South Sixth street, Philtuleiplibi, Pa. Sanitary Cummiseion. Branch Supply Office, Bank Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office. Chicago, Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office, Louis ville, ICentlicky. The Commission receives no pecuniary aid whatever from the Government, and le wholly dependent on the voluntary contrlbutlone of the public for the moans of sustaining its offers (tans Contributions to its.Treasitry are solicited, and may be transmitted to °SOROS T. sießoNo, Bsq„ Treasurer, IS Wall Street b New York. The names of the ("Dewing:gentlemen,Commissioners of the President of the United States, are pledged to the emblie for the econniny, integrity, and efficiency with :wh i p whatever is entrusted to the Sanitary Commission kvil be administered : W But.r.orrA . , D . ilonAcnßitrlinT, Jr. jk,g } :Dc!!! .. ; l ;iv il Ai Pe 1141 in Inn:.i irrffin Wor.cer;flimn;, ' af: D. Pri;L lici ‘ o7B7. • 0. Hog's, lii. D. lion. Scirurom COLFAX. tN. AnitiCW, M. D. FICK°. LAW OLMATV.T) FIARItie, N. D. J. S. finWnEttar, Oso. 't ST/10Mb Piig• Central Office of Steltery 944 F Street, ri/POttrr 7, /553' Commisalon, WASHINGTON. D. C. teM•thAulOt m , GRAND RALLY FOR TAE UNION ! INAUGURATION OF TAR NATIONAL UNION CLUB. A meeting of the unconditional friends of the Union, and all in favor of sustaining the General Government in suPPressing the present unholy Rebellion, will be held at MtSICAL FUND HALL. ON WEDNESDAY EVEN In, llth instaut. to celebrate the Inauguration of the NATIONAL UNION CLUB. His Excellency Governor CURTIN will preside, and add ressos will be made by lIIs Excellency Gov. ANDREW JOHNSON, of Tenn. Ix-Gov. WRIGHT, of Indiana. Hon. JOSEPH P. DOOLITTLE, of Wisconsin. Ron. S.C. POMEROY, of Kansas. Don. HENRY WILSON, of Masoachusetto. Ex-Gov. HICKS, of Maryland. has. 112101HOR it 11112101/1 1 . of PSDAPFIVIL/1)1. Mon. BENJAMIN F. WADE, of Ohio, BENJAMIN H. BREWSTER, Esq., DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Esq., and other distinguished Meeker& Let the loyal men rally in their strength, and evidence to tlae Traitors in the North, as well as in the South, their determination that THE UNION MUST AND SHALL BE PRESERVED ! By order of the Executive Committee of the NATIONAL UNION CLUB, • JOHN 11. DIEHL. Chairman. S. Smosit Lemy, Secretary. mh9 /Mew COMMENCEMENT.—THE ANNUAL, btu Commencement of the PHILADELPHIA 001.- -LEOR OF PHARMACY - will ho held on THURSDAY EVENING next, the 12th Inst.. in the Musical Fund ball, at 8 o'clock P. M. The Valedictory Address will he delivered by Prof. R. P. 711031A5. The public is re speolfollT invited to attend. me Germania Orchestra will be in attendance. mhlo-31" IIM• OFFICE OF THE FRANKFORD AND SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPANY, BERKS STREET. BELOW FOURTH. MAI/M.l'llf A, March 6,1563. A special meeting of tho Stockholders of this Company will be held at their office, on SATURDAY. March 21st, at 11 o'clock A. M., to take action upon the Supplement to the Charter, approved March 4, 1 1.163. By order of the Board of Directors• mt•6-12t CHARLES R. ABBOTT, Secretary. • NOTICE.—AN EXAMINATION IFOrt. Ki PRINCIPAL TEACHER in tho Mount Vornon grammar School for 01r1§.ivAl be htd at the Mount v . AL, .I . ln s itklyrtaeLtl4lllefi i lßititft o lic i ßilY P,. M. end wil l be CORLinnoli on TrinirrolfTgl'tily.lak.. menclug at 0 o'clock A. M. -- By order of the Board of Directors of •Third Eielfou: EDMUND POLLITT, WILLI A i l V. lIIcIi:EAN, WILLIAM STEDSIAN. n)10-6t Committee on Qmilification of Teachers. .1t..7011N B. GOUGH WILL DELIVER. A ElV&KritilSMErdi-I'INZN-4§92L:SOCIAL RE inat., in the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Tickets E cents. ste: served seats, with coupons. A) cents, to be had only at MARTIENT,GOSCHESTNUT Street, and at the door of the Academy on Tuesday evening. Doom open at 7 o'clock. Lectors) at R. A large part of the proceeds ie for the benefit of our Drava soldiers, many of whom will be present. . • ,••• ,nll7-30 THE ANNUALMEETING OF THE APPRENTICES' LIBRARY COAIPANY will be held at - the LIBRARY, 13. W. corner Pim and ARCH Streets, on TB IRD-DAY (Tneeday) EVENING next, the 10th instant, at 0 o 'clock. . . . The Annual Report of the Managers read, and an Election of Officers held, M. THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE SIN. SORANCE COMPANY. March 2, —The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIF TEEN DOLLARS PER SHARE on the stock of the Com pany for the last Mx months. which will bo paid to the Stockholders, or their legal reprosentatives, after the 9th instant. WILLIAM G. CROWELL. ml3-tl3 Secretary.. MANDAN MINING COMPANY OF LAKE SUPERIOR. —The 'First Meeting of tho Mandan Mining Company of Lake Snperlor," under Ito articles of assoCiation. will be held on the tenth day of March, ISail, at 11 o'clocklA. M.. at No. 14 Farquhar Bonding, WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. B. A. HOOPES EV ES, fe2.l-14t* Two of the Asaociatee W oYaa . R. la Corporation ‘.. ,/f• - c• - - CITY COMMISSIONERS , coIPEPICIC. PFILADICIPITIA, February 21, 1983. 611011, (111111TOTli HIM lOU mime tiinu Ina stuart, - Applicants for LICENSE will apply at T - 14 - 1§ as provided by net of Assembly, approved .AprilM, 1859, on the following days, viz.; WARDS. First Monday, March ....... ................. ..........., . Third and Fourth Wednesday, " 4, Fifth Thursday,• " 6, • ' Sixth Friday, t• 5. .. Seventh and Eighth Monday, " 9, " Ninth and Tenth Tuesday, " 10, Eleventh. Wednesday, " 11, Twelfth and Thirteenth Thursday, " 12, ' • Fourteentlond Fifteenth Friday, " 13, Sixteenth Monday, " 16, Seventeenth Tuesday, " 17, " Eighteenth and Nlnoteenth...Wednesday, " is. " Twentieth Thursday, " ' 19, ' ' Twenty-first and Twenty second ' Friday, G. 93. ~ Twenty-third and Twenty fourtli Monday. " 23, " Twenty-fifth Tuesday, " 24, " te27-to mh2s . JAMES SHAW, Clerk. Mi• OFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVA NIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.—A special 'nestle go! the stockholders of the Pennsylvania Firo In serance nomPany will be hold 'at their office, No. 510 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY next, the lith inst.. at 12 o'clock, noon. to take into consideration the expe diency of increasing the capital stock of the company to the amount authorized by the charter. WILLIAM G. CROWELL, mbt-St Secretary. OFFICE OF TINE SURGEON4LRe. fwd TO THE ASHY AND HAW, rarrasmx.- T -11 / 1 1 .1 4 M • Vitit,2“ j "" IRlfitild ghould apply Immediately ai t (MR of the StiTgeon•Artiet t 0 he Ciovernment, No. iOO9 OHESTNI7T Street. B. FRANK PALMSB. ism • Government Snreoon-Artiet. HOTELS. 6 6 THE UNION," ARCH STREET, -a- between THIRD and FOURTH, Philadelphia. Theunderaigned.. baying renewed the eme of the above popular tote! fora series of years, would respect fully' 0.61U.0 ,sztentinn nf.thst /la CPllfral locality either for businass or pleasure. The house will be entirely renovated and refurnished, and kept in such a manner as to merit, as heretofore, a liberal share of Public Patronage. With many thanks to former Friends and the Travel ling Public, a e trust we may have the pleasure of wait ing n l the i nt ß, again rro o p a rieta vis l t s ti . ne this city. THOMAS S. WEBB & SON. re 3 mhlo-tuthslua F. R WABB, • PRANDRETIC HOUSE, - 1 -• Co' ner of BROADWAY, CANAL. and LISPENARD STREETS. THE YORK. CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. • The silo. o Hotel is located in the most antral part of Broadway, and can be reached b* omnibus °roily cars, from all the steamboat landings and railroed depots. The rooms are elegantly furnished. Many of them are constructed In suite of communicatingparlors and cham bers, suitable for families and parties travelling to gether. Meals served at all hours. Single Rooms from 60 cents to $t per day. . Double Rooms from $1 to $2.60 per day._ del-6m JOS..CURTIS & CO. TUE UNDERSIGNED HAVE TAKEN Ihß largo and elcgait aleiblo (Ara Proof? POdinic, AO! 'O . lll unuriTinrE axteoni J-r/ 1 E 6trcor, ona Vreet in widtb, ) for the ',erre.° or xerriruur on the AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Our regular days of sale will be TUESDAYS and FRI DAYS of each week. for all descriptions of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. In soliciting favors we would call attention to the su perior advantages we possess in having one of the largest and finest rooms in the city for showing Goods to the best advantage. We have also ample room for the safe storage of goods. We shall be obliged for consignments, and any business that may be entrusted to us shall receive prompt attention. Liberal advances male on consignments for onr rept hr or special sales, and prompt settlements in all oases. GILLETTE 81 SCOTT. ROWEN & CO.'S LITHOGRA.PHIO -a-" ESTABLISHMENT, Southwest Corner of ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT ike.; AND NO, 515 MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Every description of LITHOGRAPHY, PLATE PRINTING, and COLORING EXECUTED IN THE 'ROWE SUPERIOR MANSER. mlflo-tf EAGLES IVOOD MILITARY AOA.DE MY-17..Writ ASIBOY, N. J.—Three hours from Philadelphia, by Camilsn and Amboy line 0 A. M., fare 91.21. Pupils may ester at any time. Paying from date of entrance. Prospectuses, with catalogues, at No. 903 CLINTON Street, 'Philadelphia. Philadelphia references—Prof. Henry Coppee, : Pliny S. Chase. tablO tin IN TAE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TH r i qr.orp GOITUTT O i I t riIILADELPHIA. 3 ? .........,.:...-"cralitt.P.g L MIL h.a..; - ,.;.1. IPkg ityltriinffinnt uIIIIOP lio Ilatlatil Of - um 101 Or April 34, gm, horlnc poen %Igi iu thtn rustler, nonce io hereby giveu that EL' Z 0 BET SSI Yr tt. tho widow of the mid CHARLES M. SMITH. claims to retain the personal pronerty referred to thereto of the value of MC', end will apply to the Orphane' Court for approval of the Field appraitement, on 11111)Ail April S, MI, at 10 o'clock A. 31. C. GUILLOU, Attorney for the Widow, 010 WALNUT Street THE CENTRAL EATING HOUSE, No. 4:11, Chestnut street, opt:smite Post Office, WILL OPEN March 10th, MK This Meese will be conducted wholly on the European plan, and the choicest viands which, the market can produce will be famished to all who in , iy!,..e , rased to atll, and at moderate prices. The a nal arrangements of this gOlll5O are not Lobe excelled be any in this city. Mr. C. D. PARTRIDGE, the proprietor'. solicits the patronage of all them in search of a Limb Chase Restau rant. 120' ORY TYPEa_Truis STYLE 01' Llltenemi as exm:sated hy; en, itralnCee tho htoh est ord* of merit. The admirable 2illitl 4 llgement of light end color Riakes them tuapresalve pidOrtlO, SECOND Stri et, abnili &Mee. It INTERESTING TO THE LADIES OBORCIE'S P. TENT RAM CRIMPERS. We take plea.sure taforzning tbe Ladies who were disappointed last week in securing one of GEORGE'S PATENT HAIR. CRIMPERS, That by calling Immediately at the following places they can supply themselves. On account of the trreatdemand in New York for the Crimper, only a limited supply has been sent to this city. Hirst come first served. Over 10,030 have been Hold in Now York fn lees than a month. For eale, relail by K. STEWART. 132 CHESTNUT Street. M. L. BAKER, 909 CHESTNUT Street. JOHN MUSTIN, Jr., SOO CHESTNUT Strut. and cor ner or SSVRIVIII and ARCH Streets. • A. S L. MYERS 126 SIGJITH Street. illitalesals Ire JIMMY HAM_ Nix 11 North ff Of pm avvrrr, eau. scree.. ma. • WALL PAPERS- WiLL PAPERS. Attention to Invited to our now etock of Wall Pa pers now bolos daily recoirml from factory; all new de alms for ortnef. which will be cold at right prices. JOAN H. LONOSTRETH, red by No. 12 North THIRD Street. oome are ein Mont workmen fe2B-Im' D U°L -.10 AND 110 Z. DUOK, SUIT . 'ABLE for Teats; also COTTON TWINE, Bailable for Sallmakam Fojuski_bY • • ,D2CO u Ansi. HAMILTON, Sc EVANS, rn t,6:6 - • . 33 LETITIA Street. lIMBRELLAB.-7-THE BEST. 'ARE rris nentest'sold.*VrENTll and MARKET: • mll9.OL* ' : BLEHPSICS.. : FAMILY DYE COLORS LIST OF COLORS: BLACK, SALMO N DARK BROWN SCARLET, SNUFF BROWtt DARK DRAB, LIGHT BROWN, L I GHT DRAB, DARK BLUE YELLOW, _ LIGHT BLUE,LIGHT YELLOW. DARK OHB ORANGE, LIGHT GREEN. MAGENTA, PINK, SO rs ERINO, PURPLE, FRENCH BLUE. _ SLATE, ROYAL PURPLE CRIMSON. VIOLET. FAMILY DYE COLORS, For dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goode, Shawls. Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons Gloves, Bonnets, Hate, Feather, Rid Cloves, Children',, Clothing. sad all, kinds of Wear tsa Apfthrtia, with ishrfect fast hotOSIG Theme .F.ll. wru mtwoQ In Llto lain a ra p,loreoolMCOU krainr). are thoronavil- teldial. and pa up In naafi Amok. ages. For twenty-Ave cents you can color as many good, as would otbUTYYlef) cOnt Dye ti/nO7, tbal 411711, Tbo pro ver. in niznp! , i, and any ono can nue the Dyes with petted Antenna Llimettonn 'amide. Manufactured by HOWE & STEVENS. 25E1 BROADWAY, Boston. For sale by DEllggiatB 4114 Dealers In every City and Town. de33-tutha3m if TABLE LINENS. Powsa Looirs.—We have about 175 pieces of those celebrated Tablings, ranging in price from 70 cents Co 51. Vi per yard, lie pieces of these are of the same extra heavy make which WO recently introduced, and vllich ".. o 00 . vor.vlaora. •t. Femu 2.1% 011ikblaily to oq ord ' er, and are not to be OUMI at any other stem in the r CRY. Damasics. —We have still on hand a lot of Taylor & CO. 's extra-wide real Barnsley Double Da old P7tees9,MAlling Aukse_alvery _Little advance on TABLE CL071113 Arn NAru.oa._n_...._. • .. n et:e t k ye e t f t t e lt e os n e o g b n i r ged ew to hi lin ch w w r e t - a n t f i t y , r - Jcu t ui .hl E , U l -.E „parem :..—‘e g. - - - - y4 costs. Our customers will, therefore, - B:iRGAKV r - - Purchasing from u 5..., .WLe,L . n . nia pk ai PRINTED LINEN CAMBRIC DHLSSES. We have a full Hue of these desirable goods, very neat Wi ch l o ir e the fr erty. t . he designs. We call this lot a bargain, as we are selling them at old priers—viz: 46, 50. 62, and 75 cents per 311. rd. Ladles who prefer a Linen Cambric to a Cotton Lawn will call and examine the goods. TOWF.LING 9.• Russia Crash, Scotch Crash, American Crash, Twilled Crash, Bleached Crash, Brown Huck, Loom or half bleached Huck, Washed Hock, Double-thread Hock, Birdeye Diaper, Nursery Diaper, Basket Diaper. Double eye Diaper , Glass Toweling, Roller Toweling. &c..&c. Towne in great variety of border, in Diaper. uck, and Damask; Brown Bath. Loom Bath, Bleached Chamber Towels, Chess Towels, &c. LINEN SHEETINGS AND PILLOW CASINGS. . We have still some cheap goods in Linen Shootings and Pillow Casings. Wo have all the widths wanted. Also, heavy and wide Linen for Market Frocks at 58 and 6231, cents per yard. S. MILLINER & CO., importers And Dealers in Linen Goods only, 828 ARCH Street and 32 South SECOND Street. mblo-8t THOMAS RIDGWAY. Secretary EDWEsT HALL & CO. 26 South SECOND Street, open. this day Now styles of Fancy Silks. Cuir or Leather-colored SUks, dg'd and plain.. Nest styles of Cbeck Silks. Shepherd's Plaid Silks. Leather colors, Modes, Greens, Brown, and Blue Silks Black and colored Corded Silks. mhlo r,DwiN HALL .4% 00., -=-4 SW Smith. SECOND Street, will open this day some vi kg.notat 11P44 11 0 1. 4 1 2. tNI! 41 441 xsaza§tz cluxrits Ever offered in ibis city. Also, new style - Printed Permits Robes. Buff and Pink Personas. Bnltagd White Pique or Marseilles. Irile!, - diy. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, AND TOWELS. —I have now one of the largest and best assortments of Linen Goode in the city which I am sell ing very much less than they can be Imported for now. One lot Union Table Damask, at Mc. One lot all linen. in spot and damask. at 75c. Ono lot much heavier and wider, all linen, at snic. One lot, two yards wide, do., some line and aOMO very heavy. One lot heavy Barnsly, some beautiful patterns, at el 12g. • One lot finer do. nt 14.20. Several pieces do. of extra fine double Satin Damasks, $1.50, 8170, and .6".. These Goods are very superior, and not much above former prices. A good collection of those heavy hand-wove Goods. Drown .Damasks, all Unen, at 69.ife and 75c. One lot very heavy Damask Napkins at SA. One lot, both Damask and Snow Drops, at $2.50. One lot Barnsly do., very fine and beautiful patterns, e3 one lot Spot and Damask Doylies, all linen, at 81 per doren. Ono lot do., much finer and larger, at $1.25 per dozen. Colored bordered and colored Doylies, for fruit, from 81.50 no. One lot all-linen Towels, good else,' at $3. One lot do., border all mend, nt $2.60, as well as every variety of Towels in the market, some of them v fine, neNOPL I M I N VIMr ar 41 / 11 1° 1 1 1 1 11 .4 1 , 100 eye L inen,i for prom 0,6 aIJ Bum% °run at 14, 11), 16, ifin, and to vents. Gimes Roll, for glass towels, in different widths. One lot Handkerchiefs, all limn. at $l.OO. Finer de. at $1.71 • One lot Fronting Linens at AV, by the piece. One lot do., finer , at rio36, by the piece. These are a great bargain, being about old prices, and aot mach above the present price of muslin.. Also, a geed lot of liner Linene at 623, and one lot at t 5 Oat is very fine. There are some real barga ins among th ese Goods. RANI," fax. R. BArmss; TAIUUT Street, shore Tenth. IZEMII R. CASSELBERRY, 45 NORTH T , • EIGHTH Street,Thelow ARCH, will open on MON DAY MORNING numerous iota of SPRING AND SUM- MeR DRESS GOODS; also, MODE AND DRAB AL PACAS, bought at the auction store in New York on Wednesday last, it being the closing out of a jobber's stook by Wilmarding & Mount. All who will anticipate their wants will find the following goods well worthy their nttention, and at not much more than half the price as if they had been Purchased from importers at the present rat es: 100 PCS. best qualify new Detain,' at 30 cents. 60 pee. French Brocha Plaid Ginghams. 33 cents. 50 pas. Shepherds' Plaid Cashmeres, 33 cents 1 case superior quality Plaid alominbiques, 31Ya cents. 1 case good quality Spring Dress Goods, 20 cents. 3 CHIN superior quality DRAB ALPAGAS, cheap. The above goods comprise all the new shades. Several lots rich Figured Ranges, Grenadines, &c., at from 31, 37, 00, and 02, somo of which cost over $1 to im port last reason. 1 case Plaid Valentine at 20 cents. 1 case Satin-striped Mozambiques at 2.5 cents. 1 case all-wool, double width. Shepherds' Stella and new S wing Plaid Shawls. 70 dozen 'MIN'S system RID GLOVES, Black, em broidered with White and Colors. St per pair. A Ittrge stock of Ma Glover, all bought at old prices. 2 Brocatelles. 6-4 wide, all colors, Dlaekop. EAIICT sake tuOltaa E5ta , 44.1 ,- .3r otd_rticas. loupes. rich White French Brilliants at 37,5 i. The above goods have never been sold loss than .above price. 100pns. superiorquallty White Plaid Mullins, 25 cents. White Jaconet and Cambric Musltna, cheap. 10-4 SheetinLinens, good quality, $1.13.34. 5 7-4 and -4 Table Linens, cheap. 100 Table Napkins at 61.15. Rich Piano Covers at old prices. MUSLJNS I MUSLIMS! Williamsville, Wamsutta, Bay Mills, Media, and all the le, ding makes, from W. cents up. 10-4 Waltham and Pepperell Sheeting by the yard, piece, or case. J. R. CASSELBERRY'S Mammoth Dry Goods lions°. mbb-21 45 North EtOIITH Street, below ANON. • MARSEILLES CO lINTERPAN ES.- flaying doted out an old stook, 'that was imported three years ago, I will offer them at very nearly the price they were sold at then. One lot 11-4 size that 'immures yards fall, at VI. Ono lot 12-4 size that measures 3 yards full, at SLOO. One 1.0t12-4 size that measures 3) yards full, at $lO. The 16 ones could not be imported now for less than .$O. and are better than the kind that Ls selling at They are all very heavy, and some are b autifat pat terns. . . Llor ey-comb Quilts, Allendales , all sizes. Lancaster Quilts, all sizes. These Counterpanes are extra cheap • • . : (MANVILLE N. HAINES, mbo-3t 1013 MARKhT Street, above Tenth: T STEEL & SON, Nos. 713 AND 715 • North TENTH Street, above Coates. Have now [open all their stock of LIGHT DRESS GOODS, carried over from last Summer, which they are selling at very low prices. • We have now open a choice assortment of Spring and Summer Dress Goods bf this season's importation, wluch we bought early in January; consequently we are able to sell them much lower than the present retail or whole sale prices. SILKS SILKS, SILKS, AT LESS THAN , COST OF IMPORTATION. Fancy Silks, at last season's prices. Fancy Silks, at last season's prices. • Also, a hk.rge eioortment of - - ^ BLACK 14/Lics. • Neat Figured Black Medium Figured Black Silks. Large Figured Black Silks. Figured Black Corded Silks. A large assortment of PLAIN BLACK SIENA, • • AT PRICES THAT CAN'T BE MATCHED. • 56-inch Gros de Lyons, very rich. • 54-inch Gros de Lyons, very rich. • Heavy Black Ottoman Silks. • ••• Plain Black Corded Silks. Heavy Mo.nrning Silks. Heavy Bliikk Taffeta Silks • Heavy Black Gros de Rhinos. . Rich Black Moire Antiques. Heavy Black Moire Armure Silks. One of the best assortments of fancy colored plain silks In this city. • Plain Blue Corded Silks, small figure. Plain Green Corded Silks, small figure. . • . Plain Purple Corded Silks, email figure. • Plain Brown Corded ASS.SiIk. malre. • PLAIN POIT SOITS. 0 .11181/r andßlth Wilda . • „ r p BR 9, ,TRE1 l Hp Ting! 9 alr 9 %nr 4 . 11 e OeLl DYMrM - These are all choice and clearable colors. • Just open, a choice assortment of • NEW AND RICH STYLES OF SILK GRENADINES. Of this season's Importation. Persons wishing Silks, this season, will do Well to ax. amine our stock, as wehave ono of the beet assortments in the city, and wears selling them far below .THE PRESENT COST OF IMPORTATION. mb.6-tf THE `` SLOAT" MACHINE, WITM'OLASS PRESSER FOOT, NEW STYLE HEMMER, BRAIDER. and other valuable improvements. ALSO, THE TAGGART & FARR MACHINES. Agency—N. B. corner NINTH and CHERRY Streets. IMIPS-tr Lper cent . Philadelphia county Loan, under an net. our—A bsh TiVtd.A.Vt. O F THE of Assembly dated the 10th day of April.loB4. for Elehtr seven Dollars, payable to Richard *Nadine. executor 'of Francis Kroeson, deceased, or his heirs or assigns. The Ander will be rewarded by retorning it to • BENJAMIN H. TURNER, deltkn3in• • No. 1074 DANA Street. RETAIL DRY GOODS. ccAT RETAIL." JAMES B. OAMPBELL dk CO., 727 ORESTNUT STREET, OFFER AT MODERATE PRICES IN THEIR RETAIL DEPARTMENT, Black and Fancy Silks Black and Colored AIP&- • ens Popli , ns Fantasia, Taffeta d'Anueesey. French Lawns and Organ dies, French Chintzes and Per cales, BriManta and Plane.. Spring Shawls. new color- Dlacic s Tiatuet mad Ditilly Blillare and Lollll6bMvls. And a general assortment atylos and qualifies. - Minna Bindings and Shill ings, Damasitti, Napkins, and Doylies. Table Clothe and Towel trigs, Counterpanes and Furniture Dimities. WiliTE GOODS. hamlets. and Cambries, Soft Cambric. and Hata. soaks. TELIIIBLIIP ANA etoltui Irani_ f 5547 illiiilllo iISII glisivigoi L 0. Handkerchief.. Gloves. Hosiery. of DRY GOODS in desirable mhiS-2ta . . . cc NEW MOURNING STORE." Now opening. a largo and WELL-SELECTED STOCK • . SPRING AND SUMMER MORNING.. GOODS, •.• . every description; also, pORAIMI OF THE LATEST STYLES. H. & A. MYERS & CO., 926 CHESTNUT &root. te2Bstath-lm LARGEST STOOK OF LINENS IN -■-• TDB .CHT. • AT S. MILLIKEN & CO.'S LINEN STORES, S2B - ARCM Street and 32 South SECOND Street. 1,000 PIECES IRISH SHIRTING LINEN: Imperial Irish Linen. Heavy Housewife Irish Linen. Golden-Flax Irish Linen. Stout medium Irish Linen. Medium Irish Linen. Light Irish Linen. • Printed Linens, very nent styles. An— As Linens are now vary little higher than Mon line. those who study true economy are buying Linens instead of Musiins. • • VYRE & LANDELL, FOURTErAND .A- 1 ARCH, have their usuai assortment of Fine Black Cloths for Gents' Dress Coats, Fine Brown Cloths for Friends' Coats, Spring Cnssimeres for Suits, Tweeds and .AfettonA for Boys Clothes. mlt7 EIR c E , If a LANDELL, FOURTH AND ifp.ipanitlailaillßEDl2EliabsiTitinl4NlAs4lBE; 174 1 ,Y1 E & LANDELL, FOUIITII A 111) ARCH, fire DOW offering New Spring Dress Goods, comprising all the novelties of the ,settaon; also the Rock Spun Silk Shawls, also the Lama Shawls. mh7 SEWING MACHINES. SWING MACHINES. COPARTNEIISHIP. PiImiDELFRIA, Harsh 91h.—The undersigned have this daT en tered into It Copartnership. nyder the Finn of DA \ IS 1 RICHARDS, for the purpose of coed acting a Retail Gre gory Business. JOHN DAVIS,_ ' 0, RWHARDS.II3 40 BBS: LUBRICATING OIL, 20 bble Mecca Oil, in More and for ealob/ THOMAS CaltiON. Agent. tohlo-2t* 134 South SECOND Street. ()LITE OIL.--AN . wvoiciE JUST. uI *L.. I •Z . LILLE/ THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA. ARMY GOODS. DARK-ELITE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS.. SE.I-BLUF, CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY . BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. ,HEATI LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INO.S. For sale by FROTHINGH.A.M. & WELLS. sd-if t.f • G . W. SIMONS & BAOTIIER, 1110101141=11 'ant. PHILIDDLPIIII. MAllHritlittattl 8P JIM!I7. FINE SWORDS, MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARESTY. 58S-If6m DRILRE , S PLANTATION BITTERS. Thus purify, strengthen, and invigorate They create a bealthy appetite They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of diasipation and late hour; They strengthen the system and enliven the mind.• They prevent miasmatic and intermittent raven. They purify the breath and 'acidity of the stomach They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation, , . They cure Dian'hcen, Cholera, and Cholera Iforbus, They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Reattach°. Thav are Elie beaE Miters in the world. Thor main ILA ti•cAlz restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Calleaya Bark, Cancarilla Bark, Dandelion, Chamomile Mowers. Lavender Flowara,lV;itt'="a,, ae - ck - ","fi,--T,-1860--X.,&c. The following is a sample of the testimony daily re ceived: , SOLDIERS' MIME, CINCINNATI, 0., Jan. 15, 1553, Messrs. P. IL Drake & Co. : GENTLEMEN: This institution has received and ex tended aid to over 14,003 sick and disabled soldiers. I have of late administered the Plantation Bitters in numerous cases of exhaustion, fevers, want of appetite; &c„ with the most remarkable and gratifying results. It creates appetite; strength, and cheerfainess, and has given many a poor fellow his usual health. I wish this preparation was in every family, in every hospital. and on every battle-lleld. With respect, your servant, Da. 4. W. ANDREWS, Supl. WILL&ED'S ROTEL, WASEINOTON, D. C.,..Jan. 22, 1863. GENTLEMEN: We require another supply of your Plan tation Bitters, the popularity of which daily increases with the guests of oar house. Respectfully; SYKES, CKADWICK, & * * * I had been so ill with Liver Com plaint and Dyspepsia that I was compelled to abandon my business. I used three bottles of the Plantation Bitters, and, to my astonishment, am entirely cured, They are the Wei 111NiVili9 ; 91 - 91 119941 MA 1414V11 947 11.EITVEu'""` tralY, la".' B. EIIfGSLBY. Da. W. £ CHILDS, Surgeon of the 10th Vermont Re giment, writes: I Irish every soldier hada bottle of Plantation Bitters. They are the most effective, per fect, and harmless tonic I over used." GALS HOLM, LOUISVILLE. Ky., Dec. 21, 1261. 2fenra. P. H. Drake & Co. : We are compelled to order twelve dozen Plantation Bitters to supply friends who have no other way of pro- curing ibis admirable article. . Respectfully yours, ' SILAS F. MILLER & CO., Proprietors. The Plantation Bitters have cured me of the worst kind of dyspepsia, of near four years' standing. I have recommended them to others, and, as far as I know, with signal success. I am, dm.. Asty. J. S. CATHORN. 'reser*. Drake et Co.: • The Plantation Bitters appear to be very Pennies her, Send vs twenty eases more, and oblige a 0/UNI3IIIN h 611 Delicate females requiring a gentle stimulant, and clergymen, lawyers, and students exhausted by men- al labor, will find the Plantation Bitters a most bene- tidal tonic Every bottle Lai the lac simile of our signatire on s. steal-plate.. snarsx.l orit is .11 n ; Sold by all Druggists, Grocers. and Country Stores. f416-tbstd-taplif HEALTH AND STRENGTH Has proved to be the most efficacious remedy yet disco vered for all pulmonary complaints, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ha wct (Spitting Sore assn, Weak Breast,Tiekling Irritation, 9r Agin- in the Throat. Broken .of Kuoill i nt i f i na ROT RUM Pnno.b and • Lung Complaints. Let no disease, however bad it may he, or length of time it may have existed. discourage you until you have • tried this great Medieamentum. Wonderful cures have taken 'place. when, to all human probability it could not be possible. 7 h impression, strengthened popular • strengthened hy some scientific opinions, that. Consumption cannot be cured, has no doubt hastened' the death of many au invalid, by depriving them of the consolation of hope. Persons afflicted with Pectoral disease should be supported by every assurance of a cure, not alarmed by the gloomy, forebodin countenances of those around. For our part, we do not g believe that Con sumption is incurable; and let Physicians theorise as they will, we haves mass of evidence to prove that per sons having all the symptoms of Consumption, cough deep, bloody expectoration, pains, and oppression, sore throat, diarrhea, night sweats, burning fever, &c.,. have been permanently cured by ' Dr. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY." A good appetite, complete digestion, strength, and a disposition for active exercise is sure to follow its use. Thirty years' experience in this and foreign countries Is con vincing proof. Beware of all preparations purporting to contain Wild Cherry, except that prepared by Dr. Swayne & Son, the original and only genuine. • Dr. SWAYNB'S Principal Office, 330 North SIXTH Street,. above Vine, Philadelphia. Bold by Druggists and Dealers.- mh7-11 tf EYEAND EAR.—PROF. J. ISAACS, ocaunt and Aurist, front Leyden, Holland. Is per manently located at N 0.611 PINE Street, wbere he treats all diseases of the Eye or Ear scientifically, and ourse— lf curable. Artificial 'Eyes inserted without Palm N. B.—No charges made for examination. Office home from Ste 11 o'clock A. M. and 2 to 7 P. M.. la3-3m. Are, & .OPPEINIELEAL Ih . • _ o. I.' clams Mley. Plavkaphla, o:mud:mon AND atimorAOTOEFS or ARMY CLOTHING Of Every Deny Won. ALSO. HAVIRSACHEI, • PONCHOS, • CAMP BLANKETS. ..ArSACITS. and 888 T/O K/ N aB .!." - oR HOSPITALS. ILATITTAit ROI:TORT FOR CONTRACTORS. Aid c 0044 made will be guarantied regulation in Wire. N. B. Orders of any else tilled with despatch: ja7-3m CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS. R'EMO VAL Tr, b ,ELACROIX, has removed his f STOCK: OF .. CAtiI i ET.INES, From 47 South FOURTH Street, to his NEW STORE, galgrAll ansaiin Wititlloll r Mere he offerel his 0.11 eueioraer.e, arel l ihirettlol4 generally, a LARGE AND DESIRABLE sTocX OF .CA•RPETINGS, of all grades, and beat 'mown. makes. OIL CLOTHS, RIATTINGS, AND WINDOW SHADES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,— ,AT THE LOWEST PRICES. J. T. DEL,ACROIX, No. 37 SOUTH SECOND STREET, above Chestnut . nil/7-3m r E ARDWARE. CLOSING OUT, AT OLD PRICES, [ it The stock of a. WHOLESALE HOUSE, comprising 421 MARKET and 416 COMMERCE :Streets S TLY 1131111 CALIFORNIA HOCK, ANGELICA, MUSCATEL, 'CI AP 15 /1 Allll I . ni lls.l2 t i f SOLE "EET. SWEQuat fa . = btxtot LADIES' HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, Curls, Frizettes, Gassanier; Ventilated Wigs, Ven tilated Scalps of superior manufacture. Prices are lower than those of any, other. establiahment; - BAKER'S, feSt-lm* No, 909 CHESTNUT Street,' COMMISSION HOUSES. MILITARY GOODS. .... MEDICAL. S.-T,=lB6o__g CtsviziAßD, Dec. 3, M. nOCTIEZTER. N. T., Detl 21, 1861. BURNETT HOUST, CINCINNATI, Ohio, December 20, 1862. P: H. DRAKE Sr. CO., BM BROADWAY, New York TO THE SUFFERING. DR. SWAYNE.'S cordrouND SYMII' or WILD•OHERR.Y A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS. PORT, A.Y. MARCH M. 1863 ODS JOBBERS. CAMPBELL & CO., ETERS, JOBBERS, AND RETAILERS OF DRY GOODS. 727 CHESTNUT STREET Re the attention of Cash Buyers to their, AND COMPLETE STOCK, 'Embracing the most desirable styles of KS AND DRESS GOODS, It• AIM RADIUM. I MODERA.TE PRICES. ap26 SitING STOOK SIB AND FANCY DRESS GOODS I 1 A. W. LITTLE & CO., I rtblm No. 325 MARKET STREET. SPRING. 1 863. 1813 lEGEI4 WIEST, & ERVIN, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, ilTo. 4'7 XORTII TUTRD STREET, hterchants visiting this city to purchase Dux Gonna will find our Stock large and admirably assorted, and at Low FIGURSS. In certain classes of Goods we offer inducements to rirehasers unequalled by any other house in Philadelphia. felsan TAMES, KENT, i , SANTEE, ea CO.; IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF4 ' ' DRY GOODS, us. m 39 and .241 N. THIRD STREET, ABOVE RACE, I PHILADELPHIA. lave now open their naval 1 LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK l al OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. ong which will be found a more than usually attrae tive variety of . i LADIES' DRESS GOOD S : ra$NZ ags awn uoc ague /.21,Isrrs, \ and i PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. VrarlS-bieh they invite the special attention ofcasli buyers. 2.m SPRING, 1863. • MARD, GILLMORE, & CO., . Importers and Jobbers of SILKS I • FANCY DRY GOODS, NOS. 617 CHESTNUT AND' 814 JAYNE STS., Hare now open, of TEM OWN IMPORTATION. a LARGE AND 11.ANDSOME STOOK OP SPRING GOODS, COMPRISING DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, &c. Also, shell assortment of GOODS, LINENS, FURNISHING GOODS. sm . .nl5 per .year ; six months s3i three months 4:Ldo ; one month IA cents, or 3 cents per dui 218 South EIGHTH. Street. • ti omiqkv i? MiriZ4nlfoll. Photosrapha of over LOCO different fancy subioeto. taken from life and from the finest engravings. Por traits of Generals, of both armies, Statesmen, Poet and Other eminent men. Single copies 13 cents. or $1. 50 per dozen. Orders by mail promptly attended to on re ceipt of money. SCHOLZ, & JANRNTZTCY, 3= South EIGHTH Street. lir•We also sell prepared colors for coloring Photo graphs taken on Albumen Paper. Price 83.25 a box. with reducing liquid. fe26-lm if z.E___PITOTO gRAPHS, in 011 Colors, the finest and most Life ake rortreits now executed, can be obtained at reduced prices at SECOND Street, above Green. I It • JUST OPENED, A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. No. 908 ARCH STREET. Where th FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, FROM TAE CARTE DE VISITS TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE, Are produced by the most EXTERIRDICP.D ARTISTS. Those wishing first-ohms pictures are invited to call and examine specimens. A choice selection of Albums, eases, and tramp; on band. F. A. 0. KNIFE. del7:3m THE SI, FOR REIMER'S CO LORED PHOTOGRAPHS eve you no idea of their worth. As pictures merely, they are fine and tastefully Safehed. but as likenesses they are excellent. SECO2W Street, above Green. It PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS-A A- large rangy for saly= i v VW& Co:, NM' 9H =WM 44,14, 1.1a4404.T.314 e r&IPB S. ELIO & SON, IMPORTERS Lib MAMIIPACTURERS OF LOOKING GLASSES. '~~.l\F.i 1.~i.+ OIL PAINTINGS, • . ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT, • PICTURE, and - PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. IKTENSIVB LOOKING GLASS WAREROOMS AND GALLERY OF PAINTINGS, deal-tf MB CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. WATCHES, JEWELRY, fie.: AA FRESH ASSORTMENT, AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICES.'. •• . FARR .3c BROTRIIi, Itibirrters, rnh3 if 324 CIIESTMET Stmt. below: Fourth. J. 0. FULLER, . Iseporter and Wholesale Dealer % TOE WATCHES AXD JEWELRY. • No. 73A cnßsTAirr Street, anclart AItP 00DirLETZ woos, AMERICAN AND siggs WATCHES, MOWARD Ac CO.'S FINE AMERICAN WATCHES, GOLD (MAWS, GOLD SPECTACLES, TUMBLES, JnrELRY 01 , 14,13 Y DESCRIPTION. fen-sm D. T. PRATT, . (SUCCESOIt ao7 ECHESTNTIT ._STRE Is constantly In receipt of ENGLISH, SWISS, AND AMERICAW'WATCHES • . Of desirable styles and qualities, to milt all classes of buyers. -• fel4-3mif IbPINE WATCIE REPAIRING attended to, by the moat experienced. workman. and every watch warranted for one year. - . O. RUSSELL, Ja23Cm 22 North SIXTH Street &Po. ELI HOLDEN., legia __ Dealer in flue ABSERICAN AND IMPORTED WANCJIES, JEWELRY, 0e31,5m* AIW I C CIONAKET Street. J . O. FULLERS rnaß GOLD PEN R_ 'ME 'APR ( TIDIT u uan, 'OR SALE IX ALL SIZES.`- ELI HOLDEN, Dealer inflee AWN ANY.RICAN AND IMPORTED WATCARE, JEWELRY, AND CLOCKS. 0e3145m* 708 MARKET Street. V u LCANITE RINGS A full assortment, all sizes and styles. J. C. FULLER, No, 713 CHESTNUT Street. fell -am ROGERS & BROTHER'S FINE PLATED WARE, SPOONS. FORKS, LADLES, KNIVES. Sco. j., O. FULLER, fell-Sra NO. 11.5 CHESTNUT Street U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE. AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF UNITED STATES TAX STAMPS, No. 57 South THIRD Street first door above Chestnut. A till supply of all kinds of TAX STAMPS constantly on hand, and for sale In (Illatttitieg to suit. A liberal discount allowed on amounts of $6O and 11P. Wards. Orders by Mall promptly attomled. to. - I'IU S 7 Bontlz TATISD Mreet, JAMES M. SOOVEL, ATTORNEY AT LACua W, • . - Master and Examiner in ltraiT; 2ml" 113 TLITII Street: Oman, IL I WANTS. SITUATION . WANTED IN A Whoaisle Clothing bowie. by an experienced Fore arm. . Adana G.V. 8., 'Post Office. WANTED - ONE OR TWO GEN MUREX AS BOARDERS in a private family. Addreen "A. 1..," office of The Peen. mit9-20 WANTED.--SECOND HAND PLATE HUSS: that 'which basibeen. M Bulk Window►a wlll aneter. Apply to JOHN F. CARR. 16 South FOURTH Street. mlt7-3t NTING: MATERILLS.WANTED. pEI •■• —Eecond.-hand Petelleg Materishp—not tor. wanted. Address. irranealeSe l 7. :M.." rm. Woe. • reh74o . • A PHYSICIAN WANTED TO TAKE a practice that bo a s been established for more than abni Yearn. - • Located within three hours' Ode at Oda alit • ' Per further information inquire of JAMBS M. ROYAL, N: W. corner PitONT and GREEK Strada. Pfilie-Sts WIWI __ _IN A - WI:IOU/5MA BUZ. TlOUtifi Iwo 110 t 5 W N sis hO M trim -'l4,i WANTED—TO FUROR A 8 E, intll for Cash. a DWELLING noun, with modern im provements ; bide yard preferred, located north of Market street, Rllll east of Broad street. Address Loyalty," stating locality and price, at Press office. mhlo-Bt. - • sWANTED TO PURCH ASH - A moderate sized three-story Brick 110135 P., in a cen tral location. Must bavo all the modern improvements. Address • House," at this once. stating price. terms, and location. la3l-tr WANTED TO RENT, FROM. THE first of Moil next, a moderate-elted three-otory BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, in a central lootlity. It e fte t nt l at tbailelottliZratenr2ll7afirt9vMepne.A.itlfT,7 DEPUTY QUARTERNIA.STER GENERAL'S OFFICE.—Fart.A:DELPATA. Feb. 9, 1863. • VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the following points Tortugas. Key Went, Fla. • • • Fort Monroe,_Va. - Alexandria, Va. Newbern, N.C. Port Royal. 8.13. e. BOYD, • fel6-tf Caplaio and Amid. Quartermaster. BOARDING. Fotrli. RESPECTABLE. MECHANICS CtiO ro - O.CCCittimoduted with BOARD at 416 GREEN Witt; • • . Intao-9t' TT INDS() 11 F) tiaitauriluATlllV - 1 - 1 - ROOMS. tozether or separate; • with nrst-onss board. 9 1 ;9 WALNUT Street. • • It ----- GEN TLEDIAN ENGAGED IN MEE • ,•—••••••••.... s•- 11 ....3.3ai c 15a t i . _nn J-7411..t....9- 2t• °cation central. riexcentrauab e reference given find required.- Address " Miele." Press °aloe. nxll6-31. • FOE SALE' AND TO LET. COAL •••YAR.D • FOR • SALE. -THE best filied•up Yard in the city. Capnetty for doing any amount of business. Inquire on the premises, No.- 957 North NINTH St., below Girard avenue. m129-st. 01, FOR SALE.-TWO DESIRABLE .aPRIVASTE RESIDENCES. having all modern Im provements: One, SPRTNG GARDEN Street, ettat of Broad street:; tho other, WALLACE St•eet. east of Seventeenth street. Also, several valuable Germantown Properties. Apply to S. TAMAR. mhlO-St No. ]4l North SIXTH Street. 40, FOR SALE-THE BELL TAVERN nod FIVE ACRES OF LAND, situate on the Phila delphia nod Darby Railroad, 4% MHOS from Market kreet Bridge. This property has been known as the Dell Tavern" for more than 100 years, and has always commanded a flrst•class business. No public lonise in the State has greater advantages for a large and lucra tive trade. Apply to It. S. PASCHALL, nthlo-Gto 715 WALNUT Street. sitl FOR SALE LOW—A LARGE JauaBRICK. BUILDING, suitable for Manufacturiug pur poses, in rear of No. ISI Arch street. mh7 B. F. GLENN, 323 South FOURTH Street. trt FOR SALE, NEAR HOLMESBURG and a Railroad Station,ten miles frouVarket street, a NEW STONE COTTAGE, with Stable and Coach House attached. A :TOPE NANSJON HIMISE, nearly new, with stablai TootaUlo (Antal 491 r9r full tv_rirgim —l7) Rd KEIJI 10 Int Vogl Sb L A moderato size Stone HOUSE, on RITTENHOUSE Street. Parlor, dining-room and kitchen on first door; alx chambers, bath-room, 111;a, water. &c., all in com plete order. Apply to W FOURTHCO, mll6-61 • RS North Street. FARM FOR SALE.= TRREE-STORT SQUARE MANSION ...A- AND EIGHTY ACRES, IN A HIGH STATE OF CULTIVA TION, situate In Cumberland county, New Jersey. two hours' ride from Philadelphia, llve minutes' 'walk from railroad depot, half milefrom town of Bridgeton. The buildings and about eight acres will be sold separately, if desired. embracing Apple Orchard, Pear Orchard. of finest standard and dwarf fruits. two acres of Strawber ries, 2.000 Lawton Blackberry Bushes, MO Grape Vines, large Granary, &c. For further particulars apply to F. B. BEEVES, 45 N. WATER. Street, Phila. fs2S,stuth6t 1114. FOR SALE, OR WOULD BE EX CHANGED FOR CITY PROPERTY, A DESIRA BLE SMALL FARM, situate in New Britain Township. Bucks county, Pa., three miles from Doylestown, and one and a half from New Britsin Station, on the Doylestown Railroad. containing ed acre+, six of which is woodland, and five meadow, divided Into convenient Reads, well watered, good building, fruit. &c. Inquire at 104 North SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. mlt7-110 VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.— Tbe subscriber offers at private sale a valuable FARM, situate in .New Britain township, Bucks county, - within half a mile of the Lead Mines, containing -00 K; 41 1 , r° ?I' ood 18P I 111 1 1110 faitiVille! 111111 T we 111111NIS lilllllll3 p ro p r ny, 9r m ono •rr :Wren, c ne t. 16111 r W. T 1101.112. PUR9ONAX,.,-_ SIOO BOUNTY. - ALL SOLDIERS diseharged for disabilityare novereetitled to $lOO BOUNTY, -without regard to the tote& (*gerptee. Apply irnmetliatelk. in person or by letter, to t e United States Army and Navy Agency, S. E. corner TWELFTH and MARKIIIT Streets, Philadelphia. • - • • LAUGHLIN & MADDOX, . . . In order to accommodate persona who cannot come during the day, the race will he kept open THIS (TUES DAY) M7-1);11 , 1 0 watil 7.0 o'clock. it* - pENsi ON S.-$lOO BOUNTY AND P ENSIONS.-6100 Pay procured and collected for soldier!, sailors, and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon, by JAMES FULTON. Solicitor for Claimants, 42 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. Particular attention . given to parties living at a dis tance. oc 18-tf PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR HAY, OATS, AND CIIIEF QtrARTEIt3fASTICR't OFFICE, DITPOT or WAMMCaTOX, Corner Eighteenth and G streets. Washington, D. C., March 7, 1567. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until FRIDAY, the 20th day of March, at 12 K. for fur nishing the Government with (3.000) three thousand tons of HAY, 000,200) three hundred thousand bushels of OATS, and (100,000) one hundred thousand bushels of old shelled CORN. . . in he DAM jingginta,Vo Tinuparsit nn in 1111188. illirllslllll'ii 317 :f; to Ladi, of amttrallanin nneh. Oats will be received by weight, at (32) thirty-two pounds to tho bushel. Sarks tOl;cfurnished without extra charge to the Go erumeut. The Corn to be of a good mercbantable quality, pot UP n bags of about two bushels each. Corn will be received by weight, at (56) lltty-six .ounda to the bushel. Sacks to be famished. without extra charge to the Go vernment. Delivery to be made in the city of Wnshingtonwithin (25) twenty- 8-c days from the date of the contract. PROPOSALS. Proposals will be received far (100) dye hundred - tons of Hay and upwards, and. for (50,000). fifty thousand bushels of Oats and upwards, and for (10,00 D) fifty thon 7 . sand bushels of Corn and u wards. . The propositions for the • ay, Oats, and , Corn mustbe. on separate papers, and entirely distinct from.and rode-. Pendent of each other. The full name and post office address of the bidder must appear in the proposal. If the bid is made in the name of a firm ' the names". of all the parties must appear, or the. bid will be con sidered as the individual proposal of the pasties sign, 3. fir i o t pos . al s from disloyal parties will not be contidered . , and AZ: OATII OF A.I.L.EGIARCE 31C5.1! APCOMPANY EACH: 11101.0.41TF0N. . . Propotala mug be addreseA to Colonel D. H. Rocker, Quarterrnaeler C. S. mi Army, W • ashington, D. C., and.' ld be . plainly „ 'marked .'•Proposals for Any."' • ' Cate," or Corn, as the enuo.nlaY no. 0 UA MANNER. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, alionld it be awarded to him, must be guaranteed by two respon sible persons, whose signatures must be appended to the guarantee. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official eertflicate of the clerk of the nearest District Caurt, or of the United States. District Attorney. Bidders must be present inperson when the bidS P' opened. or their proposals will not be considered. .re Bonds equal in amount to half the sum to be re • -- tl.s tilityad by tho enutraotOra 2111Yail bra narnvora l yftfr —r-yr lyren sign sq.-. •• yours-sac A. th. bond must nutunDauY MO". necessary for the ladders to have their . rot, tt will be them, or to have bonds signed in anti.- oondsmen with signed. to➢be produced when the contract IP .ipation and ready Blanks for bonds can be prom being made at this office, either • •red upon application by telegraph, . Personally, by letter, or Arm of r.,ua r ante& We, ,of the couaty of and Sta do hereby ofthe county and State of to or—. and guarantee that—is once with the terms of li proposition, and t in accord he accented. he will at that, shon id Once enter into a CO Should the contract be UirialiiiiiaidinkilictWina hip, wo Aro prepare 4 an ar to become h1unrene1 ...e „,..... ,.. . ~.. ~.. _,_ i co .li it i_. aVe g iingßud,) , .. _ _ ___:_7-2'"'!"-c'a 111gi'idlibiti. DELIVERY, &c. All Hay, Oats, and Corn contracted for under this ad vertisement will be rigidly inspected, and such as does not prove of a good sound merchantable quality wilt be rejected. Payment to be made urion the com_pletion of each con tract, or so soon thereafter as the Chief Quartermaster shall be In funds, Any informality in the bid, or non-conformance with the terms of thiefailvertisement, will insure the rejection of the proposal. Delivery to be made at the Railroad Depot, or at one of the Government wharves in the city of Washington. The Chief Quartermaster reserves to himself the right to reject any or all bide That he may deem too high. D. RUCKER, - _ . Colonel and Chief Qaartermn+ter, mhlOdOt. • . Depot of Washington INSURANCE COMPANIES. GIRARI) FIRE AND MABINB INSURANCE COMPANY nowt_ 411 wtuarr STRUT: PNILIDITIIITI vdrrrey VIV9)V9c.I Thte CoMPILAY roottimes to take risk!' oh the safe 'Mesas of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and AMBIT to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the bench of the public. during the last nine years, exceed 500,000 DOLLARS and we respectfully solicit its favor In the future. DIRECTORS. CRAB. I. DUPONT, JERRY WA.I:: JOHN W. CLAGHORE, JOHN THOHNLEY, C. R HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD, Ja., PETER S. HOE of H. TA WM. M. SWAM', FURMAN SHP,PA.RD, JOSEPH KLAPP. M. D.. N. S LAWRENCE, THOMAS DRAKE, JOHN STIPPLES. THOMAS CRAVEN. President. A. S. OILLA'TT, Vice PrerAdeot. • JAS. B. A.LVORD, Secretary. se7A-Itlf INSUBANt FEE 406 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTO RS. E. D. Woodret, Ceo. A. West, Jobe Kessler. Jr.. Chas. Stokes, A. H. Rosonhelst, Joeep D. Ellis. rex, President !ARDSON, Vita Predite_4l ' , ID. Secretary. [Alb= Francis N. Buck. Chas. Richardson. Henry Lewis, Jr., John W. Evermau. Philip S. Justice, 0. W. Davis, FRANCIS N. VI CH ARRICH WILLIAMS I. BLANCH . STRAWBERRY WINE, EQUAL TO MALMSEY MADEIRA. Just received_ . -AIMERM 0_ ROBERTS' • DIA/IMII warm. fe26 CORNER ELEVENTH and TIME & OPERA. N..." GUAM roe ma.iu ms w. ommtr 00.. 9SPI Cft:STNST Street. r777r1l WASHINGTON AUCTION ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, corner 0 and TWENTY-SECOND Streete. WAsirtunfon_,D.C,,March 6, MM WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC ADCTION, on the grounds.' on F Street.between Twenty-Arst acid Twenty second Streets, ON WE DNESDAY March 18th, about EIGHTY (80) TONS G. OF . SCRAP IRON AND LEATHER, belonging to the Qnartermaster's Department. The Iron to he sold in lota of not less than one thousand (1,0(X)) pounds, and the Leather not less than Ave hundred (:M) ponds, w ith the privilege of tha whole. The property to be taken away within siZ dais after the sale. Terms cash, in Government funds. Sale to commence at ID o'clock A. M. CHARLESIL TOMP .U.S.KINS, Captain, A. Q. A. J. C. McG MRS & Co.. mb9,9t Auctioneers. AbIERIOAN ACADEMY OF Lessee and Director C ANSCHITTZ. Runhuoti AffontillllllllllllltlM4D9lV BIBGRELD WEDNESDAY EVENING. March 11,1 M POURTR. SUBSCRIPTION NIGHT TiH. SEASON . . FIGARO'S MARRIAGE. Grand Comic Opera by Mozart. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Pasertra. Seats in Parquet, Parquet Circle. or Bal- - cony .SI 00 Family Circle ' 50 cents. Amptheatre ni cents. Do hi ors open at ?o'clock; Operecornmences at 8. It • AMERIC.A2i. ACADEMY OF IitiIISIO. The undersigned Gcrmalttqe. have the pleasure to an nounce that PROFESSORAIASA McCOY. or Washington City (late Frofessor of Rhetoric and Ora tory in the Ballston and Albany Law Schools). will re- Peat his great Patriotic Oration, THE LONDON TIMES Oli TILE REBELLION.i AND TES WAR AGAINST TIIE NATIONAL CONSTITUTION, in the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, THURSDAY EVENING. March 12th, 1863, Ills Excellency, Governor Carlin, Will preside, and introduce the Orator. Proceeds for the Benefit of the nosriaals for the Sick and Wounded Soldiers. The above is the celebrated Oration which *ii.S origin ally delivered in the Capitol, at Washington, before the President and hfs Cabinet, and which has bean repeated fifty-four times in the State of Pennsylvania. John B. Myers, i A MOH Briggs. Jay Cook Henry C. Carey, William D. Thomas. e, James J. Duncan. W. H. Ashhurst, John M. Claghore, James L. Clagbern.l Andrew M. Jones. Evans Rogers. S. B. Fates, Poorne Trott. WM. B. Cresson, k 1151161 1 IM MO, unnei IT. Perkins, B,..lollialsnk, W. E. Whitman. F James C. Hand, jghriatnAsulet...bDoridesr, - _DODYS_OPER.AS 7 o'clock. Beats in Parqtrala. — PaViii`e cents. Tickets for sale at t the Soldiers' Hospitals. sad Holders of the ?5-cent Tickets for 25 cents extra. at Got and Chestnut striete, on a; Efarcb. NEW 0 . 0 HESTNUTZTBEET MEL + U. Lowe T and Manater Mr. W wingrrratr POSITIVELY THY: LAST NIGHT THE BROKER OFBOGOTA! • TAR 10 ..___ THIS (1 esday) V BVENING. March ~ •1883. In consequence orthe numerous' applications at the Box Office tar seats to witness In his Grand 1m titonation of EBRO, THE BROKER. Dr. Bird's Splendid Drama will again' be produced. and for the last time, with ITS UNRIVALLED CAST. ANTONIO DE CABARERO W. WHEATLEY. The Play will also be anpnorted by brassy'. J. 'McCul lough, G. Becks. W. H. Leak, J. W. Collier. J. G. Burnett, J. Canoll, C. rangeland, Madame Pon's!. and Mrs. 3. B. Allen. Orchestral Conductor Mr. MARE' HASSLER WEDNESDAY EVENING , FIFTH APPEARANCE OF . _ _ LUCILLE WESTERN,_ a s tha ERRING AND PENITENT WIFE, in the moral. thrilling, and passinoate Drama of 'EAST LYNNE." MACBETH is in active preparation. PRICES OF ADMISSION. —Family Circle, 25 cents; Dress Circle, 30 cents,. Parquet and Secured Seats la Dress Circle, 75 cents; Seats in Private Boxes. each SL Doors open at 7: Cazirdn rises precisely at 7K o'clock. Mlleh . llolM.Dliaill arxialT - PAT Tmm VA. %. !FEMME ITC_ T D HOGitiEl. G T. IW LIVES BOOTH. 7 6 7 0TN ATi N fcsr. iri . TONIGHT (Tuesday). March In, 1933. MONEY. 30131 f WILKES BOOTH as ALFRED EVELYN. Mr. Albaugh as • Lord Gloscmure. Mrs. Joha Brew as • • • Clara Douglass. To conclude with the Musical Farce of THE SWISS SWAINS. :Freak Drew. 'Mrs. C. Henri. ANT' Prices RS usual. Seate ae ea without extra charge. Curtain rises at 73-4 o'clock._ 'WALNUT-STREET THEA.TRE. 7% . Sole Leseee Ma. M. A. GAMMON. Business Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONINELLT. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK OF Mr. E-kEDDY. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING. March ICE'IBB3. Will be presented the new Irish Drama of COLLEEN DAWN; Or. THE BRIDES OF GARRYONVENI Idyles-na-Coppaleen Mr. Eddy: Bertie O'afoore Mr. Baker. Elly O'Connor Anna Cowell. Anna Chute ntiss Viola Crocker. To conclude nub the laughable Farce of SKETCHES IN INDIA: . Tom Tape ' ilempi .Doors open at 7 g Curtain trM rise at 734. L. CARPENTER'S • . . . NIONTEMTE ANNUAL FLORAL BALL, at the.AMERICAN AC_ATEM`r OF MUSIC, TUESDAY •• . EvEnNo, April 14th. • Family or Gentlemen Tieketr. 62. hid Of 910 1111ilfignisi JohnifhornlCTl IA Stra.k. _ • Zindr-10 ABBEAFBLY . COANER of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets- • TENTH WEEK. WOODROFFE'd • BOHEMIAN TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS. EVERY EVENING- AND ON WEDNESDAY AND Si. - • TURDAY AFTERNOONS. .•__The celebrated low-pres.surn Glass Steam-Engine" MO NITOR," Made ;entirely of giant,, will be in full opera tion. All the magnificent werke of art manufactured by the Company will be distributed gratuitously to the visitors. On Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon every Child will receives GIFT: On FRIDAY - EVENING. March 13th. TOURNAMENT OF WIT. a SPLENDID CASE OF WORK will be given lode author of the worst Conundrum on any anhieet. The first nrewit, each evening, will be a SPLENDID CASE OP GLASS WORK. cts.. No half price. Exhibition com mences in the evening at S o'clock; afternoon at 3. m9-6t.' A N EVENING- WITH. SHAII.- SPEARS. —SELECT READINGS and RECITA, TIONS from SHAKSPEARE. at ASSE:WELY INGS, TENTH and CHESTNFIT.'on TUESDAY Evenicg, March 10th, by PHILIP LAWRENCE, n which occasion be will be nssicted by his favorite PUPIIS, amongq whom will be fonnd the Three Champion Readers of Philaiel phila Ticket. Ti cents, at (Wald's, &stench and Chest nut atreetg. Commence at S. mhS-e.t. MUSICAL FUND HA.LL.. MASTER T. RICE, Pupil of CARL WOLTSOHN,. respectfully Infernos his Mends and the pubilp that he will give a GRAND VOCAL AND TNSPRITMENTAI. CeINCERT,, _ TUESDAY. EVENING, Moult .10, Ms at the MUSICAL PCtith HAIL. HA will be tv.isted by E.PPMJ,jMt.V.grd_. dllft Lohiumu c t HAVIR, _ 3-• ReEt.• TICKETS FIFTY CENTS, to be bad at J. E. Gonld'a and Andre's Music Stores, and on tbsi erentug at the. door. Doors open at Vo'elock. Conceit to commence ah o'clock. mhlt-Stk EN - SPIT T for the S. C. and -D Statistical A CON ssoc ClW iation. ok - ek..;;:r . People of Penn.sylvanta. at ,lured SAIfSOIII-STREBT WALD, On NVEDNEND A Y:EVETIVG, / 1 11.rokU when they orilPs on their an , RO riglF of • 1£113,, HOME PhtlltlOTlElf, CMOS, ANA DMISkIOIc, 25 - Cents; CMldrea, nide ft.SEDOM! 15 Cents. twelve years. • T D ic ors owy t h e ; h t a o tt e a m tt a h ien e e r ar 3: C. Wears, W. Still; C. War Stephen Smith. M. Wheelen„.llfer, H. Cordon, Dr. J: 14. It:4w Price. m THE H.A_NAEI AND `RAYON Will give the SOCIETY On Tur Rickets 30 PENNSYLVANIA. - 4 - THE FM ARTS. .1095 crissnirr pram, Ad iiis i vi d a ya accepted) from 9 A. AL till 6 P. X Shares e 3ll • . . _ .ire E COMPANY, NO. IgINTREAL -.CLOTHES-WRINGER, ves its value in wear of clothes every six months. l No. 7, Large Family Wringer $lO. With cogs. No. 2. Mr dium Family'tVringer.... 7. Warranted. No. 23f, Stadium Family Wringer—SS. Without cogs, No. S. Small Family Wringer S. Not warranted. No Wringer can be durable without cog-wheels. WALCOTT & BURNHAM, .721 CIMTNUT St. , Exclusive Agents for Eastern Pennsylvania. rnll4-itim• AMUSEMENTS. ORRAIAI OPER /ration to begin at 8. ettli^Mercj.C.C.ntg• Ita y se eve the Music Stores, — ltutels, at I at the Academy of Music. is can secure Reserved Seats uld`s Music Store, Seventh ted after Tuesday. 10th of .mh7-5t GRV.ATEST WRITTEN. ED WIN FORREST THE HUTCHINSON EABEIL,y, OF•A8-X". Will give a ERT THIS SEASON. Ran= FUND HALL, .S.D.AY SYBNI 10, March 5, 1963. eents. felkbetn A S". s• .ffiTI3LY BUILDINGS•-- TENTH A CHESTNUT. AMUSEMENTS FOR (ILD AND YOUNG. SIGNOR BLITZ, great MAGTCIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with and LEAV.NED CANARY BIRDS. wil. give his new and Popular entertainments EVERY EVENING during_ the week ennimencina at 73( o'clock. and WEDNESDAY 'andSATURDAY AFTERNOONS at S The attraction.; IVIII beADMlnut ,priorititottJA wail/40411 itil maini vousT JMrall 7 Admis9ton 25 eats: Children 13 alit& GY'RmAIN I LA. ORCHEBTRA-PUBLIO EIVE.hItSALS every SATURDAY AFTBRNOM at S 3 o'clock, at tbe MUSICAL FUND BALL, CARL BENTZ, conductor. Tickets SS cents. Packages of Ilya lickota*l. To be had of AndrtS & Co.. No. UN Chestnut street: J. B. Gould, Seventh and . Chestnut, anti at the TTal) door. • n 027. tt kg SLE R'S Oi . CHESTRA. NEW OFFICE. 214 South EIGHTH Street. below Wait : de104331 NOTICE. sada THE STEAMERS OF PHILADELPHIA .O.ID NEW YORE' EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY Will resume their regular daily trips between PHILA DELPHIA AND NEW YORK, ON TUESDAY, REARM 10, 1963 FREIGHT taken on reasonable terms, and through from either city in TWENTT-FOUR HOURS. For further information apply to the Agents : wir.a.rAra P. CLYDE, n""" -- • 317 WALL Street, Neu , York. WEST C H ESTER sa - ZlaleM AID PHILADELPHIA BAIL• VIA MEDIA. SPRUNG ARRANGEMENT. On sell after Monday. March 9th, 1663, _the Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the Depot, N. E. corner of FIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 7.65 and 10.30 A. N., and at 2, .416. and 6.30 P. M., and will leave the corner of Thirty-first and Market streets (West Phila delphia) 17 mmutoa after the starting time from High teenth' and lidarket , atreets. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 6 A. If. and 2 P. M. Leave WEST CHESTER at S A. AL and 4.30 P. M. The Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.65 A. N. and 4.15 P. ht. connect at Pennelton with trains on the Phila delphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord. Kennett, Oxford, Sm. HENRY WOOD, mb7 Superintendent. THE PHRENOLOGICAL CARL a T fogi n e B aale O ngean is Me n ntrpr y 714117: : logy. Hygiene, Phonography and for rnreaologi . ' cal eicanminationa. Orders hy g mail ahoold be addressed Ia Im. 241 f 9 MAW Street. Phlk IT_ltrint DM IRV.% ST_ AUER 11;;.1101iI Mr flu e ttlf Glilk X. lArk OARSTAIAN LT a, Vitk wramTrs, aim vl CaLSIVITZ btreotb. . 2060-ti MICROSCOPES, SPECTACLISB, AND grf•GLASSES, tor Drert&s lol v t . rtlfal N frillcaesuirrr strik del3-30111 Jock. Ad of the Committee: e o Sr.. 11. B. Vidal, J. C. Gibbs, F. Turner, R. Jones, and W. P. ACADEMY OF